The lower Lesser Himalayan sequence
The lower Lesser Himalayan sequence
The lower Lesser Himalayan sequence: A Paleoproterozoic arc on the northern margin of the Indian plate Matthew J. Kohn1, Sudip K. Paul2, and Stacey L. Corrie1 Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho 83725, USA Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra Dun, India 1 2 ABSTRACT The lower Lesser Himalayan sequence marks the northern extremity of the exposed Indian plate, and is generally interpreted as a passive margin. Five lines of evidence, however, collectively suggest a continental arc setting: (1) igneous intrusions and volcanic rocks occur at this stratigraphic level across the length of the Himalaya, (2) ages of intrusive and metavolcanic (?) rocks cluster at 1780–1880 Ma but also indicate a long-lived igneous process, (3) detrital zircon ages in clastic rocks cluster at 1800–1900 Ma, with a unimodal age distribution in some rocks, (4) the mineralogy and chemistry of metasedimentary rocks differ from typical shales and suggest a volcanogenic source, (5) traceelement chemistries of orthogneisses and metabasalts are more consistent with either an arc or a collisional setting. Intercalation of volcanic rocks with clastic sediments and a general absence of Proterozoic metamorphic ages do not support a collisional origin. An arc model further underscores the profound unconformity separating lower-upper Lesser Himalayan rocks, indicating that a Paleoproterozoic arc may have formed the stratigraphic base of the northern Indian margin. This, in turn, may indicate disposition of the Indian plate adjacent to North America in the ca. 1800 Ma supercontinent Columbia. Felsic orthogneisses (“Ulleri”) likely represent shallow intrusions, not Indian basement. INTRODUCTION Understanding the origins and predeformed geometry of the northern exposed edge of the Indian plate is crucial for unraveling the deformation history attending collision of India with Asia, and hence for reconstructing India’s position in former supercontinents (e.g., see reE-mail: † views of Gansser, 1964; Le Fort, 1975, 1996; Yin, 2006). The Lesser Himalayan sequence plays a central role in both endeavors. It is directly involved in several major Himalayan thrusts, most significantly the Main Central and Munsiari (or Ramgarh) thrusts. Interpretation of the genesis of Lesser Himalayan rocks also figures prominently in the placement of India in the hypothesized, ca. 1800 Ma supercontinent Columbia. Columbia, in turn, is important for understanding the supercontinent cycle: did supercontinents form in the Paleoproterozoic and Archean, and if so what influence did they play in surface processes (e.g., Reddy et al., 2009)? Metasedimentary rocks are reported to constitute the lower portion (≥~4 km) of the Lesser Himalayan sequence (total thickness ≥~8 km; e.g., Stöcklin, 1980; Valdiya, 1980; Schelling, 1992; DeCelles et al., 2001; McQuarrie et al., 2008), and are generally interpreted as the passive margin sedimentary cover to the Indian craton (e.g., Brookfield, 1993; Upreti, 1999; Myrow et al., 2003; Gehrels et al., 2006). Yet, in contrast to the passive margin paradigm, igneous events are also recorded within the lower Lesser Himalayan sequence. Wellconstrained radiometric ages are sparse, but zircon U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages for intercalated orthogneisses and metabasalts, and detrital zircon grains from the entire breadth of the Himalaya indicate a common Paleoproterozoic age of 1800–1900 Ma (Fig. 1, Table 1). This age span is not consistent with zircon ages from the Indian shield (Parrish and Hodges, 1996; this study), so a fresh interpretation is warranted. In NW India, plume or rift magmatism is commonly invoked (e.g., Bhat et al., 1998; Ahmad et al., 1999; Ahmad, 2008). In this paper, we present and discuss several lines of evidence to argue that the Paleoproterozoic assemblage at the base of Lesser Himalayan sequence represents a continental arc, rather than a passive margin, a collisional belt, or a plume- or rift-related environment. We interpret these rocks to consist predominantly of reworked volcanogenic sediments interspersed with intrusive, volcanic, and volcaniclastic rocks. Supportive data include new field observations in NW India and central Nepal, previously published field descriptions across the Himalaya, new and previously published chronologic results (Table 1), and new and previously published whole-rock, major- and trace-element chemistries (Tables A1 and A2). This active margin sequence has not been identified previously as such but is laterally traceable as a ~2500 km long persistent horizon, albeit in detached outcrops, right from the NW Himalayan sector, through Nepal and Bhutan, into NE India (Fig. 1). We discuss implications of our interpretation for correlating Himalayan stratigraphy, and also for interpreting possible geodynamic scenarios related to the ca. 1800 Ma Columbia supercontinent. GEOLOGIC SETTING AND STRATIGRAPHY Richards et al. (2005), Robinson et al. (2006), Upreti (1999), and McQuarrie et al. (2008) provide recent accounts and reviews of the Lesser Himalayan lithologies and radiometric ages from northwestern India, western Nepal, central Nepal, and Bhutan, respectively (Fig. 2). The following stratigraphic descriptions are based on their discussion and references therein (especially Stöcklin, 1980; Valdiya, 1980; Gansser, 1983; Bhargava, 1995; Colchen et al., 1986; Schelling, 1992; DeCelles et al., 2001). In India, lower Lesser Himalayan rocks are variously referred to as the Jutogh metasediments, Munsiari Formation or Group, Jaunsar and Damtha Group, and Rampur Formation or Group (within the Rampur window). In this paper, we correlate all these rocks based on lithology and age, and generically refer to them as “Munsiari.” In Nepal, this interval corresponds with the lower Nawakot Group, which is further subdivided, most notably into the Kushma and GSA Bulletin; March/April 2010; v. 122; no. 3/4; p. 323–335; doi: 10.1130/B26587.1; 9 figures; 3 tables; Data Repository item 2009191. For permission to copy, contact © 2009 Geological Society of America 323 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 11 STDS MCT 90 ° ? 9 10 88 ° 7 8 86 ° DS 82 ° ST 6 28° 80° 5 EG Si S.I. 75°E M AD D Ba B India 90°E Bangladesh 15°N 72 ° SP 30°N Nepal n ta ak is P 324 Thrust Fault Normal Fault 78 ° 76 ° 74 ° 32° A 34° 1 G MC T 4 S P 30° M 2 38° MBT 84 ° Proterozoic-Paleozoic Greater Himalayan Sequence Proterozoic - Phanerozoic Lesser Himalayan Sequence Lesser Himalayan Sequence 3 Early Proterozoic dates, 3 BT M Figure 1. Geographic and generalized geologic map of the Himalaya showing distribution of Precambrian cratons, major rock types, and structures (after Stein et al., 2004; Yin, 2006; French et al., 2008). Abbreviations for Indian cratons are: AD—Aravalli-Delhi belt, B— Bundelkhand craton, Ba—Bastar craton, D—Dharwar craton, EG—Eastern Ghats belt, M—Marwar craton, Si—Singbhum craton, S.I.—South Indian cratons (Madras, Madurai, Nilgiri, and Trivandrum blocks), SP—Shillong Plateau and Mikir Hills. Dated rocks that we interpret as components of a ca. 1830 Ma arc include: 1—Besham gneiss, Shang orthogneiss, Kotla Complex; 2—Iskere gneiss; 3—Rampur Complex; 4—Munsiari gneisses and Wangtu gneiss; 5—Amritpur Complex; 6—Kuncha Formation “metasediments”; 7—Ulleri augen gneiss; 8—Kuncha Formation “metasediments”; 9—“Ulleri gneiss”; 10—Granitic orthogneiss; 11—felsic gneiss and Daling Formation “metasediments”; 12—Bomdila gneiss; S—Sutlej, India; P—Pabar Valley region, India; M—Mori, India; G— Garhwal region, India. Chronologic details and references are provided in Table 1. STDS—South Tibetan Detachment System; MCT— Main Central Thrust; MBT—Main Boundary Thrust. Quotes indicate ambiguity in the rock designation. 12 96 ° 92 ° 94 ° Proterozoic Mesozoic Tethyan Tertiary Siwaliks Neogene and Quaternary Cenozoic arcs and Tibetan terranes 98 ° Kohn et al. Ranimata Formations in the west, the Kuncha Formation in central Nepal, and the Tumlingtar Group in the east. The Kushma Formation is a nearly pure quartzite, stratigraphically below the Ranimata Formation, and not obviously associated with igneous rocks. The Kuncha and Ranimata Formations are dominated by clastic material but contain minor amphibolites and a felsic orthogneiss that is usually correlated with the Ulleri augen gneiss, although neither the Ulleri nor other felsic orthogneisses ubiquitously bear augen structure. In Bhutan, basal quartzite (Shumar Formation) is overlain by chloritic phyllite and quartzite (Daling Formation), which additionally contains sheared orthogneiss. The Shumar, Daling, Kuncha, Kushma, Ranimata, Tumlingtar, and Munsiari units are all part of the lower Lesser Himalayan sequence. The boundary between “upper” and “lower” Lesser Himalayan rocks is not agreed upon but is usually placed below units that exhibit significant carbonate components (Fig. 2). The Munsiari has been described as containing garnet-staurolite-mica schist, quartzite, marble, calc-silicate, mafic amphibolite and graphitic schist, with occasional quartzofeldspathic gneiss (Richards et al., 2005). The Ranimata, Kuncha, and Daling Formations are generally described as chloritic phyllite with scattered quartzite, and either sparse dioritic intrusions (Ranimata Formation: Robinson et al., 2006; Kuncha Formation: Stöcklin, 1980), or mylonitized orthogneiss (Daling Formation: McQuarrie et al., 2008). We found at least one felsic metavolcanic rock in the Kuncha Formation (Fig. 3), and Richards et al. (2006) interpreted a rock from the Daling Formation as a metarhyolite. Because many sections are dominated by clastic material, previous work has emphasized sedimentary, not igneous origins, essentially describing the units as dominated by metashale, metasandstone, or metacarbonates, with intercalated but uncommon igneous bodies of unspecified origins. For example, rocks in NW India are sometimes referred to as the Jutogh metasediments, and clastic sedimentary protoliths are always listed first among rock types in formation descriptions. Whereas previous workers did faithfully record the occurrence of igneous rocks, and many Indian geoscientists proposed various tectonic scenarios based on igneous geochemistry (e.g., Bhat et al., 1998; Ahmad et al., 1999; Ahmad, 2008), such rocks have been largely ignored in interpretations of the configuration of the northern Indian margin. Although not a focus of this study, carbonateand graphite-rich units of the upper Lesser Himalayan sequence are worth discussing for stratigraphic and tectonic context. In Nepal, these rocks are commonly considered early Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 A Lesser Himalayan arc to middle Proterozoic in age, and unconformably overlain by upper Paleozoic to Cenozoic rocks of Gondwanan affinity (e.g., Upreti, 1999; DeCelles et al., 2001). In contrast, upper Lesser Himalayan rocks including carbonates and associated quartzites are reported to contain ~500–600 Ma fossils in NW and NE India (Tewari, 2001; Azmi and Paul, 2004; Hughes et al., 2005), and lower Paleozoic zircons and isotopic signatures in Bhutan (Long et al., 2008; McQuarrie et al., 2008). When correlated into Nepal, these observations imply that the upper Nawakot is more likely late Proterozoic to lower Paleozoic, and that a major hiatus or highly condensed section occurs somewhere within the Nawakot Group (Azmi and Paul, 2004; Hughes et al., 2005). Such a break would separate early Proterozoic, ca. 1830 Ma rocks (at least Shumar, Daling, Kuncha, Ulleri, Kushma, Ranimata, and Munsiari units), from ~500–600 Ma rocks that are dominated by graphitic slate and carbonate. Definitive ages have not been recovered from upper Lesser Himalayan rocks in Nepal; therefore, the correlation remains tentative. Note that Myrow et al. (2003) proposed contemporaneous deposition of Lesser Himalayan, Greater Himalayan, and lower Tethyan rocks, and if correct, their model applies only to the upper section of the Lesser Himalayan sequence (Richards et al., 2005). The exact location of the inferred ca. 1 Ga unconformity or condensed section remains unknown because several unconformities have been proposed above and below the level of the Galyang, Nourpul, and Blaini Formations (Fig. 2). Azmi and Paul (2004) proposed that the Blaini Formation is of Vendian age (ca. 600 Ma) because it is associated with the overlying 10 Latest Proterozoic– Early to middle lower Paleozoic Proterozoic (?) (India, Bhutan) (Nepal) ? 4 ? Rautgara/Berinag/Sangram/Fagfog Lower Nawakot Jaunsar/Damtha 2 Blaini/Galyang/Nourpul Upper LHS 6 Dominantly Calcic and graphitic lithologies Ranimata - Kuncha Munsiari - Daling (ca. 1830 Ma) Ulleri Lower LHS 8 Upper Nawakot Mussoorie/Tejam Gondwanan and other Cenozoic rocks Stratigraphic thickness (km) TABLE 1. AGE CONSTRAINTS FROM LOWER LESSER HIMALAYAN ROCKS Area Age (Ma) Rock Reference 1880 ± 24* 1 Besham gneiss Treloar and Rex (1990) 1864 ± 4* Shang orthogneiss DiPietro and Isachsen (2001) 1836 ± 1* Kotla Complex DiPietro and Isachsen (2001) 1850 ± 14* 2 Iskere gneiss Zeitler et al. (1989) 1904 ± 70†,# Rampur Complex Frank et al. (1977) 3 1860 ± 60† Rampur Complex Trivedi et al. (1985) 1840 ± 16* Rampur Window orthogneiss Miller et al. (2000) 1820 ± 19*,** Rampur Window metabasalts Miller et al. (2000) 1866 ± 10* Wangtu orthogneiss Singh et al. (1994) 1866 ± 64† Wangtu orthogneiss Rao et al. (1995) 1866 ± 6* Wangtu orthogneiss Richards et al. (2005) 1797 ± 19* Jutogh leucogranites Chambers et al. (2008) † 1907 ± 91 4 Ramgarh basalts Ahmad et al. (1999) 1870 ± 7* Ramgarh Complex Celerier et al. (2008) 1865 ± 3* Ramgarh Complex Celerier et al. (2008) 1856 ± 10* Ramgarh Complex Celerier et al. (2008) † 1865 ± 60 Amritpur Complex Trivedi et al. (1984) 5 § 1880 ± 40 Amritpur Complex Varadarajan (1978) 6 1850–1875* Detrital Zrc from Kuncha Fm. DeCelles et al. (2000) ,†† 1840 ± 30* “ Ulleri” augen gneiss DeCelles et al. (2000) 1840 ± 40* “ Ulleri” augen gneiss 7 Celerier et al. (2008) Ulleri augen gneiss Deniel (1985) 1700–1800 1780 ± 23* Ulleri augen gneiss This study 8 ca. 1870* Detrital Zrc from Kuncha Fm. Parrish and Hodges (1996) 1878 ± 11* “ Ulleri” augen gneiss This study 1877 ± 11* Lower LHS metatuff This study 1780 ± 23* 9 Granitic orthogneiss This study 1791 ± 12* Granitic orthogneiss This study 1832 ± 23* Granitic orthogneiss This study 1795 ± 8* Detrital zrc from pelitic schist This study 1812 ± 3* GHS (?) orthogneiss Liao et al. (2008) “ Ulleri” augen gneiss 10 >1600 Upreti et al. (2003) 1760 ± 70* 11 Felsic gneiss Daniel et al. (2003) 1790 ± 30* Metarhyolite Richards et al. (2006) 1750–1850* Detrital zrc from Daling Fm. Richards et al. (2006) 1896 ± 16* Orthogneiss, Daling Fm. Long et al. (2008) 1743 ± 4* 12 Bomdila augen gneiss Yin et al. (2009) 1747 ± 7* Augen gneiss Yin et al. (2009) 1800–1900† Bomdila augen gneiss Bhalla and Bishui (1989), Dikshitulu et al. (1996), Rao (1998) *Zircon U-Pb or Pb-Pb age. † Rb-Sr whole-rock age. § K-Ar age. # Recalculated for λ(87Rb) = 1.42 × 10– 11 a– 1. **Recalculated from raw data reported in Miller et al. (2000): age is weighted mean; uncertainty is weighted scatter of data about the mean. †† Recalculated from raw data reported in DeCelles et al. (2000). Abbreviations: Fm.—Formation; GHS—Greater Himalayan sequence; LHS—Lesser Himalayan sequence; Zrc—zircon. Kushma-Shumar 0 Figure 2. Simplified stratigraphic column of Lesser Himalayan sequence (LHS; Upreti, 1999; DeCelles et al., 2001; Azmi and Paul, 2004), illustrating proposed correspondence with a continental arc (indicated by patterns) and ca. 1 Ga unconformity between lower and upper Lesser Himalayan rocks. Question marks indicate that assignment of the Nourpul, Galyang, and Blaini Formations to either ca. 1800 Ma versus 600 Ma ages is uncertain. Note that Stöcklin (1980) places the upper-lower Nawakot boundary stratigraphically higher within calcareous rocks. Precambrian–Cambrian Krol Formation in the Tejam Group. The Blaini has been similarly correlated with Neoproterozoic (ca. 650 Ma) rocks in China (Jiang et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2008). Azmi and Paul (2004) further correlated the Blaini and Nourpul Formations based on general lithostratigraphy. But according to DeCelles (2008, personal commun.), the Nourpul Formation contains ca. 1770 Ma mafic rocks, implying that the Nourpul should be grouped with lower Nawakot rocks, and that any major unconformity must occur at higher stratigraphic levels. EVIDENCE FOR AN ARC ORIGIN Field and Textural Observations Field relationships and microscopic textures of many Munsiari rocks in NW India indicate igneous origins, both intrusive and extrusive. For example, granite porphyries crop out in the Pabar region (Figs. 3A and 3B), as well as coarse-grained felsic gneiss that we interpret as deformed granite (Fig. 3C). Rocks that resemble (meta)sandstones in hand-sample have typical igneous whole-rock compositions (Table A1) and reveal textures that are equally consistent Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 325 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 Kohn et al. A B 10 cm Finegrained 10 cm C 10 cm Porphyritic D 2 cm 5 cm E Quartz phenocrysts? F Metapumice fragment? 1 mm G Schist H Metavolcanic 10 cm 2 cm Figure 3. Field and thin-section photographs of felsic rocks from Munsiari rocks, northwestern India (A–F) and from Kuncha Formation, central Nepal (G and H). (A–C) Granites and granitic gneiss in Pabar region, India. (D–F) Hand sample and photomicrographs in plane-polarized light and cross-polars of fine-grained “sandstone,” here interpreted as a metamorphosed altered tuff that originally contained quartz phenocrysts (knots in inset of D; coarse quartz in E and F), and pumice fragments (light streaks in D; compositionally distinct domains in E and F). (G) Felsic metavolcanic rock associated with chlorite-rich schist, Kuncha Formation, Langtang region, Nepal. Zircon rims from this sample give an age of ca. 1880 Ma. (H) Augen gneiss in Langtang region, Nepal that is correlated with Ulleri augen gneiss. Zircon rims from this sample give an age of ca. 1880 Ma. 326 with a tuff protolith, originally containing quartz phenocrysts and stretched and flattened pumice fragments (Figs. 3D–3F). Some Lesser Himalayan rocks from central Nepal retain feldsparrich metaigneous chemistries, mineralogies, and textures, and reflect both volcanic and intrusive felsic phases (Figs. 3G and 3H). Mafic igneous rocks also occur in the lower Lesser Himalayan sequence, commonly as isolated strata that may be intercalated with metasedimentary rocks such as quartz arenites, but they are also associated with felsic metaigneous rocks. One key observation is that minor but widespread chlorite schist in NW India exhibits textures consistent with a mafic volcanic or sill protolith that has been hydrated and metamorphosed. In rare instances, chlorite schist is localized at the margins of mafic amphibolites (Fig. 4A). We interpret this schist as the tops of flows, altered and hydrated either soon after deposition or during metamorphism as a result of enhanced fluid flow along lithologic boundaries. In other instances, mmdiameter white spheroids are hosted in a mafic matrix (Fig. 4B). In thin section, the spheroids are dominated by plagioclase with subordinate quartz, carbonates, and chlorite (Figs. 4C and 4D). The matrix contains abundant coarsegrained plagioclase. We interpret the spheroids as metamorphosed amygdules and the matrix as metamorphosed porphyritic basalt. More generally, we find a progression of variably hydrated mafic assemblages from chlorite-rich through amphibole-rich schist, with variable retention of original porphyritic textures (Figs. 4E and 4F). The stratigraphic and structural relationships of felsic and mafic rocks with surrounding metasedimentary rocks help constrain possible genetic and tectonic interpretations. Felsic plutonic bodies (Ulleri gneisses) in Nepal are intercalated with “tuffaceous” metasedimentary rocks (Le Fort, 1975; Le Fort and Raï, 1999). The Ulleri and surrounding schists share fabrics, so must have been codeformed, presumably during the late Cenozoic (Le Fort, 1975). Contacts have been described both as gradational with adjacent schists and quartzites (Le Fort, 1975; Le Fort and Raï, 1999) and as obliterated by later deformation (Yin et al., 2009). So, whereas some have proposed that the lower contacts are thrust faults and that the Ulleri represents Indian basement (Gansser, 1964; Yin, 2006; Yin et al., 2009), others interpret the felsic gneisses to reflect either syngenetic porphyritic extrusive rocks (Le Fort, 1975; Le Fort and Raï, 1999), or intrusions into a dominantly sedimentary sequence (e.g., DeCelles et al., 2000), with transformation to gneisses during later deformation. Along-strike variations are evident in the abundances of igneous components in the lower Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 A Lesser Himalayan arc 0.5m A Lesser Himalayan sequence. For example, plutonic rocks are relatively common in the Munsiari of NW India but are relatively rare in the Kuncha and Ranimata Formations of Nepal, which are instead dominated by chlorite- and feldspar-rich schist. Thus, any putative arc in Nepal must be either largely buried under overlying thrusts (e.g., the Main Central Thrust), or dominated instead by volcanic rocks or volcanogenic sediments whose postdeformational and postmetamorphic physical appearance now masquerades as deformed and metamorphosed passive margin sediments. B Chlorite schist Amphibolite Amphibolite Amphibolite 5 cm C Plagioclase phenocrysts Major- and Trace-Element Geochemistry and Zr-Saturation Temperatures D Metamorphosed amygdules 1 mm E F Plagioclase phenocrysts 1 mm 1 mm Figure 4. Field and thin-section photographs of mafic rocks from Munsiari rocks, northwestern India. These observations suggest that widespread chlorite schist that we observed in the field was, in fact, sourced by basaltic material. (A) Multiple amphibolites with chlorite schist at top, interpreted as possible basalt flows. Mori region, NW India. (B) Metamorphosed amygdaloidal basalt. Most white spheroids are plagioclase, but some also contain carbonate, quartz, or chlorite. These are interpreted as metamorphosed zeolitic infillings. Pabar region, NW India. (C–F) Photomicrographs of greenschist- and amphibolite-facies metabasalt from the Pabar region, NW India, illustrating relict igneous textures and progressive development of chlorite schist from a basaltic precursor. (C and D) Metamorphosed amygdaloidal basalt in plane polarized light and in crossed polars. Amygdules in this rock are now dominated by plagioclase, which probably represents the metamorphosed equivalent of original infilling zeolites. Amygdules in other rocks contain carbonate + plagioclase ± chlorite, or quartz. Matrix silicate assemblage is plagioclase + hornblende + chlorite + biotite + epidote + quartz. (E) More deformed and hydrated amygdaloidal metabasalt, showing sheared relict amygdule and relict porphyritic feldspar texture. Matrix silicate assemblage is plagioclase + chlorite + biotite + epidote + titanite + quartz. (F) Chlorite schist, retaining a few relict porphyritic feldspars. Silicate assemblage is plagioclase + chlorite + biotite + titanite + quartz. The overall mineralogy and major-element chemistry of some lower Lesser Himalayan “sediments” in NW India and Nepal is consistent with a volcanogenic or even volcanic origin. In Nepal, lower Lesser Himalayan schist is generally graphite-poor, uniformly feldspar-rich, and contains low-Al assemblages (Catlos et al., 2001; Kohn, 2008). Some samples from the Munsiari in NW India that were identified as metasedimentary rocks have compositions similar to felsic volcanic rocks (Table A1), specifically exhibiting much lower Fe contents (<5.5 wt% Fe2O3) and K/Na ratios (<1.7) than average pelites (>5.7 wt% Fe2O3 and >2.0). In fact, these compositions closely match those of dacite and rhyolite. Trace-element geochemistry further supports either an arc or collisional setting. Mafic rocks have been variously interpreted as arc, rift, or flood basalt magmas (Bhat et al., 1998; Ahmad et al., 1999; Miller et al., 2000; Ahmad, 2008). However, high large ion lithophile elements (LILE), low TiO2, and negative Ta and Nb anomalies are more consistent with an arc (Miller et al., 2000). Discrimination diagrams (Pearce et al., 1984) were considered for Y, Nb, and Rb in felsic rocks because data for these elements are available for many samples. For Nb versus Y, data plot within the volcanic arc and syncollisional fields, implying that within-plate plume or ridge settings are unlikely (Fig. 5A). For Rb versus Nb + Y, data plot near the triple point of the fields for within-plate, volcanic arc, and collisional granites (Miller et al., 2000; Fig. 5B). These interpretations should be viewed with caution because Nd-model ages (Miller et al., 2000; Richards et al., 2005) exceed crystallization ages, perhaps indicating crustal contamination that would bias trace-element compositions, particularly for Rb, which is generally viewed as more mobile than Y and Nb. Nonetheless, Zr-saturation thermometry (Watson and Harrison, 1983) for felsic gneiss and some possible volcanic rocks indicates magmatic temperatures Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 327 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 Kohn et al. 15 100 Zr-saturation temperatures Leucogranites A Within plate 12 Volcanic (?) Nb (ppm) Volcanic arc and syn-collisional Number Shang MJ156 HF102/90 10 0 600 1 10 Rb (ppm) Y (ppm) B 100 1000 AR01-10c Shang Metavolcanic (?) rocks 100 Volcanic arc Within plate Ocean ridge 10 1 10 Y+Nb (ppm) 100 1000 Figure 5. Trace-element data (Rb, Y, Nb) for Lesser Himalayan felsic igneous and metavolcanic (?) rocks plotted on discrimination diagrams (Pearce et al., 1984), showing best agreement with either volcanic arc or syncollisional origin. Compositions of Langtang (LT) samples, leucogranites from the Sutlej Valley, and possible metavolcanic rocks are slightly more consistent with an arc. Some specific outliers are identified. of 800 ± 50 °C (Table A2; Fig. 6), again consistent with relatively wet melting at low temperature in an arc or collisional setting rather than the higher temperatures anticipated for a flood basalt or rift setting. Chambers et al. (2008) identified even lower temperatures for ca. 1810 Ma leucogranites in northwestern India, and ascribed these to wet crustal melting. Correction of Zr contents for any zircon inheritance would lower calculated temperatures, further underscoring low magmatic temperatures. 328 700 750 800 850 900 Figure 6. Zirconium saturation temperatures from Paleoproterozoic felsic gneisses, showing typical (maximum) temperatures of ~800 °C. Data from Le Fort and Raï (1999), Richards et al. (2005), Miller et al. (2000), Chambers et al. (2008), Sharma and Rashid (2001), and this study. MJ156 HF102/90 LT & Leuco 650 Temperature (°C) Multiple sources Sharma and Rashid (2001) Syn-collisional 6 3 Ocean ridge 1000 9 Metavolcanic (?) rocks LT & Leuco 1 Gneisses Geochronology Published dates for mafic rocks, orthogneiss, and crosscutting leucogranite generally fall between 1810 and 1870 Ma (Table 1). These ages are distributed across the length of the Himalaya, and their relatively limited age range and common geochemical characteristics imply a single coeval origin for these igneous rocks. The curvilinear distribution of these coeval rocks may reflect their original orientation, al- though later Cenozoic deformation could have changed their distribution. New data from Arunachal from felsic gneisses appear younger (ca. 1745 Ma; Yin et al., 2009) than most other lower Lesser Himalayan ages. These ages could represent a younger phase of the same magmatic event we propose across the Himalaya. Alternatively ages of plutonic rocks in Bangladesh are as old as 1720–1730 Ma (Ameen et al., 2007; Hossain et al., 2007), and a discrete younger magmatic event may be regionally significant. It is important to note that Sharma and Rashid (2001) recognized the common ages for some of these rocks along the Himalaya and argued for formation in some consistent tectonomagmatic setting. However, they did not propose a geodynamic setting for these rocks, or otherwise offer any other genetic explanation. New zircon geochronologic data (Table 1; Fig. 7; see GSA Data Repository1) further support the occurrence of a Paleoproterozoic arc in Nepal but expand the possible age range to 1780–1880 Ma. Sampling and analytical methods are described in the Appendix, and results are shown on standard Concordia diagrams (Fig. 7). These zircons are interpreted as igneous, rather than metamorphic, based on high Th/U ratios (see data repository; Hoskin and 1 GSA Data Repository item 2009191, Zircon U-Pb isotopic data and XRF whole-rock data from possible igneous rocks from India and Nepal, compilation of zircon U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages from the Indian craton, and locations of samples from Nepal, is available at or by request to Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.86 1.88 M 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 207Pb/235U 0.0 207Pb/235U 24±44 M D SW –8±48 –8±59 1000 600 = = 8 1. 600 D SW 14 0. 1400 2.0 D SW M 1884±18 = 0. 1.0 3.7±1.3 17 D SW M 600 AS01-5 0.0 1400 1777±13 1800 1780±23 0.1 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.78 1.80 AS01-5 1.0 0. 21 1.88 1.87 LT01-44a 1.87 LT01-102 1.0 D = 1800 1000 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 M –15±36 SW 2±11 0. 600 M D = 38 SW 600 1000 1400 Cores not used in regression = 3 4 0. 1000 1800 0.0 1800 74±89 = 2600 0. 18 1000 1800 8.0 42 rims 3 cores 1877±11 2200 1878±11 1400 1800 1±59 D SW M 600 LT01-102 0.0 1400 1791±12 16.0 0 1600 5 10 15 20 25 3000 LT01-44a 4.0 1.80 1.78 1.87 2.00 AR01-4c 24.0 2400 3200 Age(Ma) 1.79 1.76 6.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.79 2.23 1.81 AR01-4c 1.80 1.78 1.79 Cores Rims 3400 1.79 1.81 1.77 AR01-40b 1795±8 1.80 AR01-15 1800 ~1880±10 1.79 1.80 207Pb/235U 2.0 1400 1832±23 AR01-10c Relative Probabiliy Figure 7. New U-Pb zircon ages from Lesser Himalayan rocks from central and eastern Nepal, showing inferred crystallization ages ranging from ~1780 to ~1880 Ma. Note that sample AS01-5 is from type Ulleri augen gneiss, and gives a significantly younger age than other felsic intrusions (e.g., LT01-102) that are correlated with it. 206Pb/238U Data not used in regression MS 206Pb/238U AR01-15 4 AR01-40b 0.3 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 WD = Data used in regression Number 0.4 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 A Lesser Himalayan arc 329 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 Kohn et al. DISCUSSION Most Evidence Points to an Arc Several lines of evidence support an arc interpretation for the origin of many lower Lesser Himalayan rocks. Field observations reveal a widespread felsic igneous component within the Ranimata, Kuncha, and Daling Formations across 330 20 18 LHS 16 Indian Craton LHS arc Zircon ages 14 12 Number Schaltegger, 2003) and elongate morphologies (Fig. 7; Corfu et al., 2003). Many zircons show evidence for major recent Pb loss that is either modern or Himalayan (<~40 Ma) or both. Yet considering analytical errors and the antiquity of these rocks, young Pb loss does not significantly obscure crystallization ages. For samples from the Arun Valley in eastern Nepal, zircon ages range between 1780 and 1830 Ma, overlapping but somewhat younger than most published ages of other igneous rocks across the orogen (Table 1). Type Ulleri augen gneiss from Ulleri, Nepal (AS01-5), gives a similarly young, preferred crystallization age of ca. 1780 Ma, but with a likely inherited component of ca. 1880 Ma. Sample LT01-102, from Langtang, Nepal, is correlated with Ulleri augen gneiss, yet gives an age of ca. 1880 Ma—clearly older than type Ulleri, but indistinguishable from the age we infer for a felsic metavolcanic rock intercalated with Kuncha schist (LT01-44a). Note that we focused on analyzing zircon rims, as determined from cathodoluminescence images, but in LT01-44A we also analyzed numerous, presumably inherited cores. Core analyses show a radically different pattern compared to rim analyses: whereas rims strongly cluster at ca. 1880 Ma, cores range widely from 1880 to 3300 Ma. Putatively detrital zircons in the lower Lesser Himalayan sequence across Nepal show a preponderance of 1800–1900 Ma ages, implying abundant primary magmatic material of that age (e.g., DeCelles et al., 2000, 2004). In at least two instances, metasedimentary rocks yielded a single zircon age peak in that range (DeCelles et al., 2000, 2004). Similarly, we found a pronounced age peak in pelitic schist from Arun (AR01-4), although our analyses are strongly biased toward rims. Possibly some of these sedimentary rocks are of volcanic origin or have a major volcanogenic component, with zircons derived from local contemporaneous sources. These zircons probably did not derive from cratonal India, which exhibits a distinct age gap between 1750 and 2450 Ma (Parrish and Hodges, 1996; Fig. 8). The only ages from the Indian craton that overlap the age distribution of Lesser Himalayan rocks are for a pluton in the AravalliDelhi belt, and for a suite of mafic dikes in the Bastar craton (Figs. 1 and 8). 10 8 6 Bastar Craton mafic dikes Aravalli 4 2 0 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 Age (Ma) Figure 8. Compilation of zircon U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages of igneous rocks from the Indian craton (black bars), showing pronounced peaks at ca. 2500 and ca. 1700 Ma, but paucity of ages at ca. 1800 Ma. Zircon ages from Table 1 shown as white bars. Age of proposed arc overlaps with ages of only two cratonal rocks: a ca. 1885 Ma mafic dike complex in the Bastar craton and a ca. 1850 Ma intrusion in the Aravalli belt. Relatively young ages of Lesser Himalayan igneous rocks in Arunachal (ca. 1745 Ma; Yin et al., 2009) overlap with tail of a ca. 1700 Ma peak (e.g., data from Bangladesh and the Aravalli belt). The Arunachal gneisses may represent rocks formed in a different setting, or continuation of arc activity to ca. 1750 Ma. the ca. 1000 km breadth of the Nepal (Le Fort and Raï, 1999) and Bhutan sectors (Gansser, 1983). Metamafic rocks are even more widespread (Stöcklin, 1980; Valdiya, 1980; Gansser, 1983; DeCelles et al., 2001; Robinson et al., 2006; McQuarrie et al., 2008), both as amphibolite and as mafic chlorite schist (Fig. 4). These observations and interpretations differ markedly from previous studies in northwest India (e.g., Vannay and Grasemann, 1998; Richards et al., 2005) but agree better with reports from western Nepal (e.g., DeCelles et al., 2001; Robinson et al., 2006). Although some sections do contain abundant schists of sedimentary origin, we found abundant intrusive and volcanic rocks in the Munsiari of NW India, especially in the Pabar region (Figs. 3 and 4). The occurrence of these geographically widespread igneous rocks along a curvilinear belt further favors an active, rather than passive margin interpretation. Finally, distributed igneous rocks could also form in a rift environment, but the low Zr-saturation temperatures in felsic rocks (Chambers et al., 2008; this study), the trace-element geochemistry of mafic and felsic rocks (Miller et al., 2000; this study), and the protracted (ca. 100 Ma) magma- tism are more consistent with either an arc or a collisional origin. An arc may also explain some lithologic changes along strike. In northwest India, felsic intrusive and felsic to mafic volcanic rocks can dominate the Munsiari, for example in the Pabar region (Figs. 1, 3, and 4), whereas in Nepal such obvious igneous rocks are relatively rare at the same stratigraphic level. Instead, we hypothesize that the abundant schist in Nepal and Bhutan has a major volcanic or volcaniclastic component, based on low-Al, feldsparrich mineral assemblages and mesoscopic and microscopic textures (Figs. 3 and 4). These differences along strike could simply reflect geographic variations in magmatic intensity, differences in exposure through the arc sequence, or both. In India and Bhutan, a thick, lower Lesser Himalayan sequence of ca. 1830 Ma arcrelated rocks overlain by a thick, upper Lesser Himalayan sequence of post–ca. 600 Ma rocks further underscores the fundamental stratigraphic disparity highlighted by Azmi and Paul (2004) and Hughes et al. (2005). Altogether our model implies that a Paleoproterozoic arc forms the stratigraphic base to the northern edge of the Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 A Lesser Himalayan arc A 1780–1880 Ma arc along the northern margin of India may help resolve debate about the configuration of the ca. 1800 Ma supercontinent Columbia. Three basic models have been proposed for the relative placements of India, North America, and East Antarctica (Fig. 9). Rogers and Santosh (2002) and Zhao et al. (2004) sandwich East Antarctica between India and North America, leaving the northern edge of India as a passive margin, in agreement with many views of the origins of the Lesser Himalayan sequence. In contrast, Hou et al. (2008) place India directly adjacent to North America, with a continuous subduction zone that includes the northern edge of India and parts of East Antarctica. Although some models could perhaps be modified to include subduction along the northern edge of “Detrital” Zircon Analysis If correct, our model has additional implications for the collection and interpretation of detrital zircon ages. Many laser ablation– inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) studies of presumed detrital zircons focus on analyzing cores. This approach can minimize potential Pb-loss problems that we clearly encountered in several of our analyses. It further assumes that the resulting age spectrum is diagnostic of the source material and, for the youngest retrieved ages, limits the maximum depositional age (e.g., DeCelles et al., 2001). While we fully endorse detrital zircon dating in such endeavors, we do note that the data distribution for LT01-44A is highly skewed for cores compared to rims. For rims, 44 of 54 analyses yielded indistinguishable ca. 1880 Ma ages that we interpret as a crystallization age. In contrast, only four core analyses indicated this age, whereas the remaining 16 core analyses ranged between ~2100 and 3300 Ma. Had we analyzed only cores, as is A B C EA v v v NC NA vvvv EA NC NA vv v vv Several studies have interpreted the orthogneisses in the lower Lesser Himalayan sequence (e.g., “Ulleri”) to represent Indian cratonal basement (e.g., Gansser, 1964; Ray et al., 1989; Richards et al., 2005; Yin, 2006; Yin et al., 2009). In this model lower Lesser Himalayan sediments were either deformed and metamorphosed during the early Proterozoic, or deposited unconformably on crystalline plutonic rocks and gneisses. In principle, the crystalline rocks could represent new crustal additions at ca. 1830 Ma, i.e., the roots of a Proterozoic arc, or alternatively recrystallized Archean material, i.e., older plutons and sediments that were deformed and metamorphosed during a ca. 1830 Ma collisional event (e.g., see Fig. 9 of Richards et al., 2006). Such a model does have some supporting evidence: relict zircon cores are as old as 3300 Ma, and trace-element geochemistry for many plutonic rocks is as consistent with a collisional origin as with an arc. Two key observations, however, do not favor either a wholly plutonic origin for 1800 Ma igneous rocks or collisional reworking of older materials. (1) The oldest metamorphic age (for allanite) yet recovered from Lesser Himalayan rocks is less than 500 Ma (Catlos et al., 2000). For example, garnet ages are 7–11 Ma (Vannay et al., 2004), and monazite ages are as young as ca. 3 Ma (Catlos et al., 2001, 2007; Kohn et al., Reconstruction of the Columbia (ca. 1800 Ma) Supercontinent India, Hou et al.’s model is the only one proposed so far that conforms to our interpretation of the Lesser Himalayan sequence. We emphasize that several other competing models have been proposed for the configuration of Columbia that infer quite different positions than Hou et al. (2008) for North America, Baltica, Australia, etc. (Krapez, 1999; Betts et al., 2008; Bispo-Santos et al., 2008; Payne et al., 2009). Our interpretation for India in no way validates or refutes these other models. It does, however, suggest that ≥2500 Ma Indian cratonal provinces should not be extrapolated to the north onto other continents at ca. 1800 Ma, because this margin appears to have been active at that time. A Indian “Basement” and a Paleoproterozoic Collision? 2004). Thus, there is as yet no direct metamorphic evidence for a Paleoproterozoic collision. (2) Felsic volcanic rocks are intercalated with felsic plutonic and mafic volcanic rocks and yield similar ages as the plutons (Le Fort, 1975; Le Fort and Raï, 1999; Richards et al., 2005, 2006; this study). A shallow origin for these volcanic rocks is indisputable—in addition to relict volcanic textures (Figs. 3 and 4), many are intercalated with sedimentary rocks. Thus, igneous rocks of the lower Lesser Himalayan sequence cannot represent only the crystalline roots of a volcanic arc either. The simplest interpretation is that, although some transposition of contacts and shearing must have occurred in the Cenozoic, the present intercalation is largely primary. Thus, the lower Lesser Himalayan gneisses can be neither assigned to Indian basement nor ascribed to Paleoproterozoic collision. CE exposed Indian plate, and provides a stronger basis for correlating rocks along the Himalaya and for inferring structure, particularly along the Main Central Thrust, where Greater and Lesser Himalayan rocks are juxtaposed. The arc is mostly preserved as volcanically derived sediments but with important felsic and mafic intrusive and volcanic components. Although the northern edge of the arc, including any accretionary material, is likely buried beneath the Himalaya and Tibet, some enigmatic rocks on the Indian craton could perhaps be genetically linked. Specifically, a suite of mafic dikes in the Bastar craton has recently been dated at ca. 1885 Ma (French et al., 2008), at the beginning of the time when we propose the arc was active. Possibly this dike swarm reflects thermal disturbances related to arc initiation or, alternatively, to backarc spreading. Further geochemical analysis of the dikes might help elucidate their origin(s) and links to Lesser Himalayan rocks. Note that the long hiatus between deposition of lower and upper Lesser Himalayan rocks complicates any attempts to infer postsubduction processes. NA Figure 9. Plate reconstructions for ca. 1800 Ma supercontinent Columbia showing different positions for India (shaded); v’s indicate proposed volcanic arc. (A and B) Models of Rogers and Santosh (2002) and Zhou et al. (2004) showing passive margin for northern India. (C) Model of Hou et al. (2008) showing subduction zone along northern Indian margin, exactly as we propose. NA—North America; EA—East Antarctica; CEA—Coastal East Antarctica; NC—North China craton. Note that several other models for Columbia do not attempt to reconstruct India’s position; therefore, our proposed arc does not discriminate among them. Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 331 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 Kohn et al. commonly done, we would still have identified the youngest, ca. 1880 Ma age, but we would have missed just what a vast preponderance of zircon was formed at that time. Although we presumed this rock was a metamorphosed tuff based on its mineralogy and physical appearance—an interpretation supported by its bulk chemical composition (Table A1)—not all volcanic rocks are so distinctive after metamorphism, and could be interpreted and processed as if they were metasandstones. In that regard, we cannot directly evaluate any possible bias inherent in published zircon age distributions for the Himalaya. Some workers document primary sedimentary features both in the field and petrographically, indicating substantial reworking of detrital zircons (P. DeCelles, 2009, personal commun.), but details are rarely published. Possibly some lower Lesser Himalayan rocks could be metavolcanic with inherited zircon cores, much as we interpret LT01-44A. If so, the common >1900 Ma ages obtained from “detrital” zircon cores represent inheritance, and closer consideration of magmatic rim overgrowths will reveal an even more pronounced 1830 ± 50 Ma age peak. Such refined ages might help delineate the extent of the Paleoproterozoic rocks as well as the structure of Himalayan thrusts. CONCLUSIONS We hypothesize that the basal part of the Lesser Himalayan sequence represents the edge of a 1830 ± 50 Ma continental arc, based on field and textural observations, whole-rock chemistry, and geochronology. This model explains the occurrence of so many coeval igneous rocks distributed widely along the Himalaya, the chemistry of the metasedimentary and igneous rocks, and the distribution of zircon ages. Younger, ca. 1745 Ma ages in Arunachal (Yin et al., 2009) may extend the duration of the arc by an additional ca. 30 Ma. These results distinguish among models for the placement of India in the ca. 1800 Ma supercontinent Columbia. The model of Hou et al. (2008) is consistent with an active margin for northern India. Thus, although Hou et al. (2008) wrote: “Another subduction zone may have existed…along the northern margin of the Indian Craton, but has been lost beneath the Eurasian Plate,” we find no need to hypothesize a “Lost Arc of the Continent”: a Paleoproterozoic arc is present and can be accounted for. Felsic orthogneisses (“Ulleri”) within the Lesser Himalayan sequence probably do not represent Indian basement but rather relatively shallow intrusions in an arc edifice and associated sedimentary pile. 332 APPENDIX: SAMPLES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS Samples that we analyzed for U-Pb zircon ages were collected from the Annapurna (sample prefix AS01), Langtang (LT01), and Arun (AR01) regions of central and eastern Nepal. See the Data Repository (footnote 1) for maps showing sample locations. Arun samples were all collected from a granitic orthogneiss unit sometimes referred to as the Num orthogneiss, but they are also correlated with the Ulleri augen gneiss (e.g. Goscombe and Hand, 2000; Goscombe et al., 2006). Three Arun samples are metagranite, and one sample (AR01-4) is a pelitic schist dominated by quartz, muscovite, and biotite. Sample AS01-5 is from Ulleri augen gneiss from its type locality in the town of Ulleri, Nepal. Sample LT01-102 is granitic orthogneiss from the Munsiari thrust sheet, and is correlated with Ulleri augen gneiss based on stratigraphic position and appearance (e.g. Kohn, 2008). Because some felsic orthogneisses correlated with Ulleri augen gneiss give different ages, we refer to them as “Ulleri.” Sample LT01-44a appeared texturally to be a metamorphosed felsic tuff (Fig. 3G). Zircons were separated using standard separation techniques at Boise State University, and mounted with age standard FC-1, which has a U-Pb age of 1099 Ma (Paces and Miller, 1993). Zircons were imaged using cathodoluminescence at the Center for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis at the University of Idaho, and analyzed for U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages in the Geoanalytical Laboratory, Washington State University, using methods described by Chang et al. (2006). In brief, each sample was ablated using a 213 nm laser operating with a 30 µm diameter spot and ~10 J/cm2 fluence. Each spot was accurately plotted on a cathodoluminescence (CL) image, particularly noting whether a core versus a rim was analyzed, as determined either chemically, spatially, or both. Ablated material was carried on a He stream to the source of an Element2 ICP-MS, a single-collector, magnetic sector instrument. Lead, thorium, and uranium isotopes were measured in low-resolution mode, ratioed, and corrected for in-run drift. Mass fractionation corrections were based on bracketing analyses of FC-1. No correction for 204Pb was made because, within uncertainty, there was no 204Pb after correcting for 204Hg interference (based on measurements of 202 Hg), and because even the raw ratio of mass 206 to mass 204 typically exceeded 5000, implying a negligible common Pb correction. Ratios of Th/U were estimated for analyses at least 95% concordant for 235 U-207Pb and 238U-206Pb by assuming concordance between U-Pb and Th-Pb ages. Corrected ratios, uncertainties, and ages include a ~1%–2% standardization error based on the scatter of analyses of FC-1, i.e. the standard deviation, not standard error. As discussed elsewhere (Chang et al., 2006; Kohn and Vervoort, 2008), this error assignment accurately accounts for errors for a single analysis of an unknown, but it overestimates errors for pooled data. Consequently, the mean square of the weighted deviates (MSWD) for age regressions will be erroneously small. This is evident in our data (Fig. 6), where MSWDs are routinely less than ~0.5—mainly a result of how we choose to propagate standardiza- TABLE A1. CHEMISTRY OF METAVOLCANIC (?) ROCKS COMPARED TO GRANITE, AVERAGE SHALE, AND CA. 1830 MA HIMALAYAN FELSIC ORTHOGNEISSES Possible metavolcanic rocks Source R05 R05 C08 C08 C08 This study This study Sample W50 W54 63ii 71ii 81 SV798 LT01-44a SiO2 75.89 68.99 68.98 67.84 70.70 74.05 78.67 TiO2 0.20 0.63 0.61 0.72 0.49 0.63 0.35 13.77 14.97 15.91 15.39 14.47 11.32 11.35 Al2O3 1.44 4.25 4.86 5.47 4.74 4.35 2.05 Fe2O3 MnO 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.25 0.08 0.23 MgO 0.94 2.80 1.51 1.52 1.32 1.70 0.47 CaO 1.25 1.08 1.95 2.62 2.92 1.48 3.09 2.32 1.85 1.85 3.12 2.74 1.49 1.96 Na2O 3.36 4.71 3.73 2.54 2.24 2.99 1.21 K2O 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.17 0.11 0.10 0.10 P2O5 LOI 1.00 1.03 1.41 0.96 0.82 N.D. N.D. Sum 100.27 100.46 101.00 100.42 100.80 98.18 99.48 K/Na 0.95 1.68 1.33 0.54 0.54 1.32 0.41 Zr (ppm) 102 167 176 213 149 250 159 Reference compositions of granite, Lesser Himalayan felsic orthogneisses (M00, R05), and shales (PAAS, NASC, Archean) Granite M00 M00 R05 R05 PAAS NASC Archean Sample HF49/90 HF35/92 W60 W65 73.30 68.20 74.60 72.37 68.55 62.80 64.80 60.95 SiO2 TiO2 0.28 0.60 0.20 0.37 0.63 1.00 0.70 0.62 13.50 13.70 13.40 14.50 15.20 18.90 16.90 17.50 Al2O3 2.30 4.90 1.70 3.12 4.36 6.50 5.66 7.53 Fe2O3 MnO 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.06 n.d. MgO 0.42 0.50 0.30 0.89 0.91 2.20 2.86 3.88 CaO 1.30 2.10 1.00 0.96 1.26 1.30 3.63 0.64 3.20 2.40 2.70 1.87 2.84 1.20 1.14 0.68 Na2O 4.80 5.50 5.10 4.76 4.63 3.70 3.97 3.07 K2O P2O5 0.20 0.10 0.15 0.18 0.16 0.13 0.61 LOI 0.08 0.50 0.30 1.02 1 . 31 0.10 Sum 99.91 98.70 99.40 100.04 99.92 97.87 99.85 95.58 K/Na 0.99 1.51 1.24 1.67 1.07 2.03 2.29 2.97 Zr (ppm) 240 372 150 148 223 210 200 151 Note: PAAS from Taylor and McLennan (1985); NASC from Gromet et al. (1984); granite and Archean from Condie (1993); M00—Miller et al. (2000); R05—Richards et al. (2005); C08—Chambers et al. (2008). Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2010 Downloaded from on 22 October 2009 A Lesser Himalayan arc tion errors. Interstandard errors were not included in our age assignments, and some studies suggest these may contribute an additional 1%–2% systematic error (e.g., Chang et al., 2006). Thus, for intercomparisons of sample ages, an additional ±20–35 Ma systematic uncertainty should be considered. Two possible metavolcanic rocks that were analyzed for whole-rock chemistry (Table A1) were collected in the Pabar, India (SV798) and Langtang, Nepal (LT01-44a) regions. Whole-rock, major- and trace-element compositions were measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) at the GeoAnalytical Laboratory, Washington State University, using standard techniques. The supplemental file (see footnote 1) contains additional whole-rock compositions, including samples from the Annupurna, Langtang, and Arun areas. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS REFERENCES CITED This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants EAR-0337050, EAR-0439733, and EAR-0803549 to MJK, and by Boise State University. We thank Dr. B.R. 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