committed to research and innovation


committed to research and innovation
IIB Sant Pau,
to research
and innovation
Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute
The Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute (IIB Sant Pau)
conducts high-level basic, clinical and epidemiological
and healthcare research aimed at improving the quality
of life of patients.
IIB Sant Pau aims to become an international centre of
excellence in translational research and innovation. In terms
of its potential to do so, solid foundations have already been
laid, as the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (HSCSP) is the
fifth hospital in Spain in terms of scientific productivity, with
notable achievements in terms of prestigious publications
and international cooperation agreements.
© Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute
Edition and design
Corporate Communications and Public Relations Department
of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
v2 - January 2012
IIB Sant Pau was founded in 2009 as an association
between ten healthcare bodies carrying out their own
research. Three of these bodies correspond to the HSCSP,
namely, the HSCSP Healthcare Management Foundation,
the HSCSP Private Foundation and the Research Institute.
The other seven entities are the Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences (ICCC), the Puigvert Foundation, the
Blood and Tissue Bank, the Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre, the Ageing Institute of the Autonomous University of
Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona-Sardenya Primary Care Centre
and the Public Health Agency of Barcelona.
In 2010, IIB Sant Pau was formally accredited as an approved healthcare research body by the Spanish Ministry of
Science and Innovation. This approval, representing external recognition of research excellence, means that IIB Sant
Pau is included in a network of research institutes within
the Spanish national healthcare system.
HSCSP Healthcare Management Foundation:
Manages the care, teaching and research
activities of the HSCSP.
Research Institute:
Publicises and promotes HSCSP research.
Institut de Recerca
HSCSP Private Foundation:
Owns and safeguards the HSCSP historical
and other premises and buildings.
Ageing Institute-UAB:
Generates and manages knowledge aimed at
improving the quality of life of the elderly. The
institute is attached to the UAB, a vanguard
biomedical teaching and research university.
Catalan Institute of Cardiovascular
Sciences (ICCC):
Conducts basic and clinical research into cardiovascular diseases.
Puigvert Foundation:
Conducts studies and generates knowledge
regarding urinary and male reproductive system
disorders and dysfunctions and their treatment.
Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre:
Promotes medical practice based on the best
scientific evidence available.
Barcelona-Sardenya Primary Care Centre:
Conducts research into clinical trials and epidemiology studies as part of the Spanish national
healthcare system.
Public Health Agency of Barcelona (ASPB):
Conducts health status and policy analysis
studies for the population in its catchment area.
Blood and Tissue Bank:
Specialises in transfusion medicine
and tissue storage.
IIB Sant Pau’s mission is to manage, promote, undertake and publicise research in the health sciences by:
• Promoting knowledge exchange between researchers.
• Publishing scientific advances and breakthroughs.
• Transferring technology to the productive sector.
• Providing ongoing training to researchers.
• Participating in Catalan biomedical research coordination policies.
• Participating in national and international research
projects and networks of excellence.
• Conducting translational research with repercussions
for clinical activities.
• Offering high-level scientific and technological equipment and infrastructure.
The strategic objectives of IIB Sant Pau cover quality
biomedical research, collaboration with public and
private healthcare actors, innovation and internationalisation. Furthermore, IIB Sant Pau is committed to:
• Cooperation with leading international research
groups conducting research in socially relevant specialty areas and treatments.
• Development of state-of-the-art infrastructure, services and technologies aimed at achieving high-valueadded outcomes.
• Provision of modern, well-equipped premises to
foster the creation of an ecosystem of synergies between IIB Sant Pau and other research centres, technology centres and private sector enterprises, with the
ultimate aim of fostering public-private partnerships.
• Development of research projects with social and
economic repercussions and that foster the use of
innovative technologies.
groups accredited by
the IIB Sant Pau External
Scientific Committee
productive groups
active research projects
400 462
platforms supporting
high-level research
Molecular, Genomic,
Cellular and KineticDynamic Bases for
Diseases and their
accredited group
publications with an
impact factor
Public Health
and Healthcare
thematic areas
mean accumulated
and Mental
Metabolic and
impact factor
Clinical Research Ethics
clinical trials with drugs
€m (approximately)
in revenues from
Data of 2010
IIB Sant Pau makes a wide range of scientific and technological services available to the scientific and business
communities, as follows:
• The Centre for Drug Research (CIM Sant Pau) , which
has 600 m2 of premises available for initial phase I and
II clinical trials, is included in the Spanish Network of
Clinical Research Infrastructures (CAIBER) composed of
40 hospitals (including the HSCSP). Around 15 clinical
trials are conducted each year on behalf of national and
international pharmaceutical companies.
Scientific-technical platforms , with their own management and fee structures, offering confocal and fluorescence microscopy, genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, cytometry, immunohistochemistry, biobank and
in vivo experimental services.
• An imaging platform, the result of a scientific alliance
with Philips Healthcare, making available the latest nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear medicine technology for patient care and research purposes.
• A neurophysiology platform, permitting in-depth
exploration of spontaneous and evoked neurophysiological activity, neurophysiological reactivity and sleepwake disorders.
Shortly to come online is a clean room for the Sant Pau IIB
scientific community, designed for use in advanced cell
therapy trials and gene therapy.
IIB Sant Pau has recently established its own innovation
unit to facilitate technology transfer and promote cooperation with industry.
Sant Pau
HSCSP was selected by the Ministry of Science and
Innovation in 2009 as one of 14 hospitals to be included
in the ITEMAS innovation network, aimed at promoting a
more market-driven biomedical research model that focuses on added-value healthcare products and services.
In 2010, IIB Sant Pau, along with the i2Cat Foundation,
launched i2 Health Sant Pau (
as an open innovation centre for information technologies applied to health and dependency. This project
is funded by Plan Avanza and the Spanish Ministry of
Industry, Tourism and Trade. i2 Health Sant Pau, which
uses the Living Lab methodology, has 400 m2 of space
available to accommodate development projects for
marketable products and services, supported by ad hoc
teams of doctors, engineers, patients and others, and
funded through public calls or through cooperation
with the private sector or healthcare authorities.
In addition, i2Health Sant Pau intends to award innovation grants of its own, open to the entire scientific
community for projects to be selected on the basis of
evaluation by an advisory committee.
IIB Sant Pau currently has licensing agreements for
patents with four biotech companies (Genetrix, Athena
Diagnostics, Digna Biotech and Nanotargets SL), is processing a further four patent applications for 2011 and
has launched the first spinoff backed by HSCSP researchers (Argon Pharma SL).
In 2011, the architects Buxadé-Margarit-Ferrando
(2BMF) and Pich-Aguilera and the engineers JG Associats were awarded the construction project for the
new IIB Sant Pau research, development and innovation
This project, which will enable the concentration and
rationalisation of research resources, will be implemented
in two phases. Phase 1 will include most of the IR-1 building (15,500 m2) to be located on the corner of C/Cartagena and C/Mas Casanovas, and also the IR-2 building
(2,100 m2), to be located on C/Sant Quintí and to include
underground parking for 260 vehicles. Phase 2 will see
construction of the remaining part of IR-1 (6,000 m2), the
entire IR-3 building (4,500 m2) and an extension to IR-2.
The HSCSP Private Foundation will be in charge of financing this project. Work on phase 1, which will begin in
the last quarter of 2012, will be mainly financed through
a loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank.
With its new premises and facilities, IIB Sant Pau will be
able to increase its research activity, gain critical mass,
attract talent and strengthen its leading position as a
producer of quality science. The new premises will also
foster the development of more translational, innovative and collaborative research and, in particular, research
that is more attractive to different public and private
actors involved in biomedical research.
The new premises will also enable IIB Sant Pau to further
develop the portfolio of services it currently offers. The
CIM Sant Pau, for example, will have its own clinical trials
consultation area and will be able to diversify in the oncology and biotech areas along the entire value chain.
In the light of its commitment to innovation, IIB Sant Pau is
especially interested in attracting technology companies.
While the new buildings are being prepared, the HSCSP
premises will be adapted to accommodate new projects in
the research, development and innovation areas.
Sant Pau
Biomedical Resarch Institute
Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167
08025 Barcelona
Institut de Recerca