RIVNEWSFEB2014 - Recreation Integration Victoria


RIVNEWSFEB2014 - Recreation Integration Victoria
February 2014
Recreation Integration
Victoria is an
inter-municipally funded
service in partnership
with the Victoria
Integration Society and
the Disabled Sailing
Assoc. of BC, Victoria
Financial Barriers to Participation
A Few Strategies to Overcome Them
For many people with disabilities a major barrier to accessing leisure and
recreation opportunities is the expense of admission or participation fees. If you
are faced with a financial barrier to participation there are some programs to help
you overcome this barrier.
Did you know that Coast Capital Savings sponsors a free swim every week at one
of the recreation Centres in the region? Go to http://www.fitinfitness.ca/
shared_freeswim.html for information on when and where these swims take place.
On the same page there are 3 dates for free skates. You can also use your
previous month expired bus pass for a free admission at any of the Regional
Recreation Centres and the Downtown YMCA-YWCA and get rolling! There are
250 477-6314 phone
also Loonie, Twoonie or $3.00 drop-in times for swims and fitness studios at each
250 477-6046 fax
of the recreation centres. More information at: http://www.fitinfitness.ca/
Buying a ten times, monthly or annual pass will also reduce your cost if you want to
be active on a regular basis. Many of the recreation centres will let you make a
Website: rivonline.org
monthly payment towards the cost of an annual pass so you don’t have to come up
with the total amount for one payment.
4135 Lambrick Way,
Many individuals who can afford the admission fee for themselves, cannot afford a
Victoria, BC
second admission fee for the assistant they require in order for them to participate.
V8N 5R3
It is this additional fee that makes the activity unaffordable to them. Twenty-six
years ago the two organizations that formed Recreation Integration Victoria (RIV),
developed the Leisure Assistant’s Pass in conjunction with the municipal Parks
and Recreation Departments. The pass is only issued to people with disabilities
that require one to one assistance in order to participate. It is not a discount pass
for the person with a disability, it is a pass that on presentation will have the
individual’s assistant’s admission waived. The people who are issued the pass are
people who require their assistant to be proximate enough to them to respond to
their assistance needs. Over the years the Leisure Assistance Pass’ acceptance
has grown beyond the the Parks and Recreation system and is now accepted at a
host of other leisure and tourist venues locally. For more information about the
pass call RIV at 250-477-6314.
Our local Recreation Departments also issue the Leisure Involvement for
Everyone (L.I.F.E.) Pass for individuals and families with limited income. L.I.F.E. is
Find us on FaceBook
available at all Greater Victoria Recreational Facilities (Esquimalt, Juan de Fuca,
Oak Bay, Panorama Recreation, Saanich, Sooke and Victoria).
To apply for L.I.F.E simply fill out an application at any recreation centre in your
Municipality of residence. Take proof of residency and a BC Care Card for every
member of your family. If you qualify you will receive a L.I.F.E. drop-in card for
every family member (except Preschoolers 5 years and under which are free of
charge). This drop in card will give you 52 free drop-in admissions at any of the
Regional Facilities.
There are also program discounts or credits available that are specific to the
municipality that you reside in, and allow you to register for programs at reduced
rates. For specifics on the LIFE program, please contact your local recreation
page 8 The Access 2 Entertainment card, administered by Easter Seals Canada allows
persons with a disability to receive either free admission or a significant discount
• A Call for Help
for their support person at member movie theatres and attractions across
• variety® the children’s charity Canada.program is administered by Easter Seals.
Cheque Presentation
The Access 2 Entertainment Card is accepted at 95% of all movie theatres across
Canada, including Cineplex Entertainment, Empire Theatres, Landmark Cinemas
and AMC Theatres. The card is also accepted at select local: museums, science
centres, theme parks, recreational facilities and more, across Canada. For more
information go to: www.access2card.ca . Persons with a
(continued on page 2…)
Funding provided by the Municipalities of Greater Victoria, the Peninsula Recreation Commission,
West Shore Parks and Recreation Society, Community Living British Columbia,
the Ministry of Children and Family Development, the Province of British Columbia, and Service Canada
RIVNEWS February 2014
Volunteer Profile:
Alisha Clark
Alisha Clark has been volunteering with Recreation Integration Victoria
as a Leisure Assistant for just over a year. Originally from Campbell
River, BC, Alisha has lived in Victoria since 2009. She is currently a
University of Victoria student in her third year of the nursing program. !
Alisha became involved in the Leisure Assistance Program after hearing
about it from a friend who was also volunteering. She was hoping to
broaden her field of knowledge, was looking for volunteer positions to
supplement her education, and wanted to give back to her community.
“I liked that this position could be flexible to fit my school and work
schedule, even during busy weeks- I can spare an hour to volunteer”.
For Alisha, the best part about being a Leisure Assistant is the
relationship that has formed between her and the individual she is paired
with. “We have become friends, and we have a lot of fun together. After
volunteering, I always feel very happy.” Activities that the two take part in
include: going swimming, exploring local parks, riding the bus to different
areas of town, and sipping warm drinks at nearby coffee shops. The pair
spends at least a couple hours together each week.
While volunteering, Alisha feels that her communication skills are
constantly expanding and evolving. She also finds that volunteering
helps to inspire creativity. “We have been able to learn from each other.
Spending time with my matched participant has greatly improved my communication skills and inspired me to
find creative ways to communicate with others.” Additionally, Alisha feels that the program has enhanced her
education. She has learned more about the health care sector and she feels that the experience she has
gained volunteering will contribute to her future nursing goals.
Upon graduating from the nursing program at the University of Victoria, Alisha would like to work at the BC
Children’s Hospital. In the meantime, she will continue with her studies, work, and volunteer activities. She
also loves getting out in the community and spending time in nature.
RIV’s Leisure Assistants need to be creative, patient, encouraging, and enthusiastic about their role
supporting an individual to take part in recreational activity. Alisha certainly encompasses all of these traits
and many more. The individual she is matched with sums it up, saying: “we could not have asked for a more
wonderful volunteer if we tried.”
Volunteering with the Leisure Assistance Program has been a positive experience for Alisha. When asked to
summarize her experience volunteering in one word, she simply said “fun.” Her advice to future volunteers?
“The program has been wonderful, if you want to volunteer or get involved in the community - this is an
awesome way to do it!”
Recreation Integration Victoria would like to thank Alisha for her commitment to the Leisure Assistance
Program. She has been an outstanding volunteer.
For more information about becoming involved in the Leisure Assistance Program, please contact the Leisure
Assistance Coordinator, Katelyn Kennedy at 250-477-6314 ext. 205 or by email at
(… continued from page 1)
permanent disability who require a support person when attending a movie or other attraction are eligible to apply
for the card. There are no age restrictions. The applicant (or guardian) must agree to follow the terms and
conditions (which can be found on the application form) when using the card. There is a $20 fee for the card which
is Valid for 5 years.
In closing, we are fortunate to live in a beautiful region with many parks and trails. There is no charge to access
these outdoor environments. If you have mobility, agility or stamina issues pick-up a copy of the User Friendly Trail
Guide or go online to: http://www.westshorerecreation.ca/wp-content/uploads/pdf/UserFriendlyTrails_WEB.pdf. You
can “get beyond the parking lot”. The guide features trails throughout the region that have less than 6% grades,
minimal cross slope, and firm surfaces. The guide also includes a description of the trail/park, accessible
amenities, a trail profile, and the bus routes that you can take to get to the trail. We hope that with this information
you can incorporate physical activity into your lifestyle despite the financial challenges you might face. Get out and
get active, you’ll improve your quality of life and feel happier!
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OK, It’s winter. Bite the bullet, don a coat, grab
an umbrella and open the front door wide.
Regardless of the chilly weather, Victoria holds
much to do, people to connect with, and
adventure small or large to experience. Maybe
something here will spark your interest or
simply get the gears going, motivating you out
the door and into this beautiful city.
Feb 23: Victoria Comic Book Expo. Comic
Books. LOTS of them. Too many to count!
1000's will be on display with many available to
buy, sell and trade from the hottest books of
the day to the rare and hard-to-find treasures of
the past. Add to the mix lots of toys, nonsports cards and other collectables and you've
got yourself a really cool place to hang out for
the day. Held at the Comfort Inn at 3020
Blanshard Street from 11am-4pm, you may
even get lucky and scoop up a free comic book
while supplies last. Admission is free, have
fun! For more info check out
March 9: A Spring Flair. The Royal Canadian
Legion invites you to visit them at 761 Station
Avenue from 10am-2pm, where you can check
for the perfect craft item or maybe find
something on one of the many garage tables.
Try your luck at the meat draw or at the silent
auction table. Maybe sit awhile and have your
Tarot Cards read or stop for a light snack. You
never know what you might find at the Spring
Flair. For more call 250-478-5484.
March 15: Grow a Native Plant Garden. 2 of
the most popular leisure activities in Victoria
are gardening and bird watching. With that in
mind, you're invited to participate in a free
workshop held from 9:30am-12:30pm on
gardening with drought-resistant native plants,
with instruction on native plant identification,
their benefits and how to use them. An
overview of CRD water conservation programs
will be incorporated and participants will tour a
native plant garden. Spring is just around the
corner and this may just be the morning to give
you a boost of inspiration for your own projects
- and motivate a few feathered friends to visit
your yard too! Held at Swan Lake Nature
House (3873 Swan Lake Road), preregistration is required. Call 250-479-0211 for
more info and to reserve your spot.
March 29: Earth Hour. Watch the clock and at
8:30 pm (local time) join the hundreds of
millions of people around the world who will
turn off their lights for an hour to foster action
on climate change. Consider something fun to
do during this “lights out hour“ such as building
a fort with pillows and blankets to read books
under cover with a flashlight, have an evening
picnic on your living room floor, do yoga, take
an evening stroll along the Inner Harbour or the
Gorge or your own neighborhood to watch the
skyline and see who else has switched off, set
up a small tent in your basement or family
room and tell ghost stories or simply sit in the
dark with someone you think is great and talk.
Come to think of it, these are all fun things to
do anytime!!!! Check out www.earthhour.org to
snoop out more about this single largest mass
participation event in the world and other
initiatives leading up to the hour.
April 6-12: National Volunteer Week. Each
and every day RIV is impacted by the
contributions of our dedicated and enthusiastic
volunteers. The National Volunteer Week
website at volunteer.ca/nvw2014 said it best:
“Volunteering is part of our identity as
Canadians – we value civic participation and
embrace a spirit of community. The
tremendous efforts of our 12.5 million
volunteers help make Canada a vibrant, safe
place to call home. Across the country,
Canadians are getting involved and leading
positive change in a variety of ways, all of them
vital – from quick bursts of mobile microvolunteering on smartphones to front-line
disaster relief efforts overseas. The work of
volunteers is essential to maintaining healthy,
dynamic communities at home and around the
world. National Volunteer Week is all about
taking time to recognize the incredible
contributions of Canada’s volunteers and
letting them know how much their efforts are
appreciated.” Our gratitude is immense, on
behalf of everyone here at RIV, we sincerely
say THANK YOU to all our volunteers!
May 1 - 31: Regional May Pass. $25 will
secure your one-month pass in May to 15
centres in the Greater Victoria area. The pass
gives you unlimited use to the weight room,
pool and any drop-in sessions at all of the
following recreation facilities throughout the
city: Esquimalt's Archie Browning Sports
Centre and Rec Centre, Cedar Hill Rec Centre,
Juan de Fuca Rec Centre, Sooke Seaparc
Leisure Complex, Crystal Pool, Gordon Head
Rec Centre, Oak Bay Rec Centre, Henderson
Centre, Commonwealth Place, YM-YWCA
downtown, Pearkes Rec Centre, Panorama
Rec Centre, Pacific Institute for Sport
Excellence, and Greenglade Community
Centre! You can skate, swim, do aerobics,
weight train, etc to your hearts content - every
day if you wish and at more than one place.
This is an absolutely tremendous opportunity to
try new facilities and compare which ones best
suit your individual needs for facility layout,
specific equipment offered, change room
features, and overall accessibility. Passes will
be available April 1st at any of these recreation
May 3: 5th Annual Family Sport &
Recreation Festival. The Pacific Institute of
Sport Excellence (PISE) is pleased to present
this celebration of physical literacy fun for the
family, held between 11am-3pm at their facility Page 3 of 6
RIVNEWS February 2014
RIVNEWS February 2014
at 4371 Interurban Road. Active living is the
name of the game and it is hoped this event
will inspire families to be more active, get
involved in sports and recreation activities and
gives opportunity for the introduction to new
programs and getting our bodies moving.
Children and parents can participate in a wide
variety of sports, obstacle courses, zip-lining,
rock wall climbing and much more. Whew!
Sounds like fun doesn't it? Ready, set, GO!!
Our Leisure Assistant Coordinator, Katelyn
Kennedy is excited to be attending to share
info about RIV and lend a helping hand. For
more info call or check out 250-220-2510 or
May 24 & 25: Vancouver Island Pet Expo.
This is the only show of it's kind on the Island,
designed to educate and entertain the public
about the wonderful world of pets! This family
oriented show gives you the chance to see
many things furry, with fins, that take flight and
much more up close and personal, and gives
you opportunity to learn much and celebrate
everything about your best friends. You will find
hundreds of pets, pet products, service
providers, clubs and organizations that cater to
pets and unique entertainment. Held at the
Pearkes Recreation Centre from 10am-5pm,
they ask that you bring your friends, bring your
family but please, for the safety of animals and
everyone else, leave your own pets at home.
Partial proceeds from the event go to Greater
Victoria Animal Crusaders. Call 778-433-5201
or visit www.vancouverislandpetexpo.com for
more details.
May 31-June 1: Victoria International Kite
Festival. Head to Clover Point for this new
festival presenting professional kite enthusiasts
from Canada and the US. Saturday will be a
bit less structured with "total free fly" and
Sunday will have activities and demos
scheduled. A special zone will help keep
children busy with a variety of activities
including the obvious -- kite making! The
public is welcome to come and fly their own
kite and the festival will feature one or two
extraordinary large kites, and quad teams
where kites are flown in unison to music.
C•O•O•L! Keep checking your local newspaper
and radio for more details closer to the event.
• Saanich Commonwealth Place (SCP) sells
durable, reusable swimming trucks for
individuals of all ages with bowel or bladder
concerns. Coming in sizes for children, youth
and adults, you can choose from a pull-on or
velcro closure style for your comfort. These
discreet trucks are machine washable, long
lasting and very affordable. Prices range from
approximatley $12-$20 depending on size
and style. Please call SCP at 250-475-7611
for more info and to confirm current stock
availability (they carry a limited supply at all
times, if they don’t have the size you are
seeking they can quickly and easily get them
for you).
• Libraries offer many interesting, ongoing and
free events for community members of all
ages. One example is "Chess at the
Library". This recurring event happens
weekly from 1-3pm on Mondays at the
Esquimalt Branch of the Greater Victoria
Library. This is a drop-in activity and chess
sets will be available - or feel free to bring
your own. Hone your skills, network on
strategy and just have some fun. No
registration is required. Other event
examples at your local library include
Latin classes for teens, drop-in family
story time, mini workshops (such as an
introduction to computers or the internet),
talks with guest presenters and a craft
circle on the last Thursday of each month.
Check out the programs and events calendar
at www.gvpl.ca
• Thrifty Foods proudly supports many
community groups through their Smile Card
Program. The Disabled Sailing Association
of BC’s Victoria Branch is very appreciative to
be one of them!! If you already have a Smile
Card issued through DSABC Victoria Branch,
thank you so much for continuing to use it.
Each time you load your smile card with funds
for grocery purchases, Thrifty Foods donates
5% value of those funds to us. If you don’t
have a smile card, it’s easy to get one – just
email us at fcawsey@rivonline.org or call our
office at 250-477-6314 to request it!
• "Musical Potluck" is held each Tuesday in
February and March from 1-2:30pm at James
Bay New Horizons (234 Menzies) and is
described as a weekly sharing of enjoyable
singing, playing and listening for adults and
seniors. Group facilitators are musicians
Patrick Smith (guitar, mandolin, whistles) and
Alison Vardy (harp, hammered dulcimer,
accordion) of Ptarmigan Music and Theatre
Society. There's no cost and all are welcome
to attend. Musical experience highly valued
but not necessary. Please call Alison Vardy at
250-598-6679 for more info or email her at
•Greater Victoria recreation centres may just
be the ideal place to find the perfect gift for
someone. A monthly pass for the weight
room or swimming, t-shirts, water bottles,
swim goggles or a gift certificate for a sports
program or special interest course are
wonderful ways to motivate and support a
person’s social interaction and active lifestyle.
• Each Thursday evening from 6-7:30pm the Victoria
Brain Injury Society offers a group called Youth
Supporting Youth. This is an open space for youth
18-25 years old who have an acquired brain injury to
share their experiences and insight with others their
age. Held in their offices at 830 Pembroke Street, you
can contact them at 250-598-9339 or visit wwwvbis.ca
for more info.
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The following are only Samples of the many Spring
Break Programs offered at your Municipal Recreation
Centres, March 10th to 21st. Please refer to your
Municipal Leisure Guides or call your local recreation
centre for full details for ALL their Spring Break
Programs being offered.
City of Victoria
Spring Break Adventure Camp (6-12 yrs)
Join our energetic staff for two weeks of fun and
adventure and tons of swimming. This camp does not
stay put for long. Our trips to the IMAX, Playzone,
Ocean Discovery Centre, and the Beacon Hill Petting
Zoo are included. Did we mention as much swimming
at the Crystal Pool as you can handle? Great value!
Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre
Ocean Discovery, Mineral World, & Laser Tag
Mar 10-14, 9:00am-4:00pm
Playzone, Bead World, & Petting Zoo
Mar 17-21, 9:00am-4:00pm
Cost: 5 days/ $135
Esquimalt Recreation
Acting Out Camp (6-12 yrs)
Join in the theatrical fun this spring break! Actors will
explore drama through improvisation, drama, games,
script work and character development while preparing
a play to present to family and friends!
L’Ecole Brodeur School
Date: Mar 10-21 or Mar 17-21
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Cost: 5 days/ $179, 10 days/ $315
Recreation Oak Bay
Minion Mania Spring Break (6-12 yrs)
New! Join Gru and his Minions as they embark on a
week long adventure of exploration, mystery solving
and science experiments. Margo, Edith and Agnes will
share in the fun as this camp includes active games,
story time, freeze ray and pink unicorn crafts and much
more! Minions and friends will also venture to nearby
parks (weather permitting) and to the Oak Bay
Recreation pool. This camp is eligible for Pizza lunch.
Windsor Pavilion
Date: Mar 17-21
Time: 8:30am-5:00pm
Cost: 5 days/ $155
Saanich Recreation
Archery Camp (8-12 yrs)
Learn basic archery techniques, taught by a Level III
certified coach. Shoot balloons, learn different styles of
shooting and play games to win prizes. In the afternoon
session, finish off the day with a fun swim! All
equipment provided.
Saanich Commonwealth Place
Archery Camp- No Swim
Mar 10-14, 2:30pm-4:00pm
Mar 17-21, 10:30am-12:00pm
Mar 17-21, 2:30pm-4:00pm
Archery & Swim Camp
Mar 10-14, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Mar 17-21, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Cost: 5 days/ $125
West Shore Parks and Recreation
Squiggles and Giggles (3-5 yrs)
Little campers come and spend your Spring Break
having tons of fun with us! Each day will have a
different theme: Nature Nuts, Bugs and Butterflies,
Dreams and Fairy Tales, Creative Cooking and Ooey
Gooey Stuff. There will be lots of crafts, games, stories,
songs, kindergym and new friends too.
Date: Mar 17-21
Time: 9:00am-11:30am or 12:30pm-3:00pm
Cost: 5 days/ $105
Summer Services Booklet
If your child has a Children and Youth with Special
Needs social worker, look for your 2014 edition of the
Summer Services for Children with Disabilities booklet
in your mail the week of March 24th. Call us after April
1st if you have not received yours.
Panorama Recreation
Swing into Spring! Recreational Gymnastics Camp
(5-14 yrs)
Our week long camp offers fun and fitness for all levels.
Participants will have the opportunity to practice
tumbling, balance beam, vaulting, trampoline, tumble
track, bars, foam pit and many more fun activities. For
half day camp, please bring a healthy snack and drink;
for full day camp, please bring two snacks, lunch and
drink. Please be aware that Falcon Gymnastics is a nut
free facility.
Falcon Gymnastics Facility
Date: Mar 17-21
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:00pm or
Cost: 5 half days/ $140, 5 full days/ $240
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RIVNEWS February 2014
Spring Break 2014
RIVNEWS February 2014
Call to our membership: We need your help!
The Board of Directors of DSABC, Victoria needs the help of the DSA membership and/or their families and
caregivers to assist the organization. For the past 22 years, the Board has worked to develop our programs and
services to best serve our members. We have done this as volunteers who are committed to giving people with
disabilities the opportunity to pursue sailing at whatever level they choose.
At present, we have a core group of individuals that have sustained DSA for the time it has existed in
Victoria. Succession planning is essential for the health of DSA and we realize that the organization is
quite vulnerable as we are not recruiting enough new members to our Board. If you recognize the value of
the program and its importance in the lives of people with disabilities in our community, we ask you to step
forward and express your interest in joining our Board or one of our committees. Our most pressing needs
are volunteers with boat maintenance skills, fundraising skills, experienced sailors for companion sailing,
and experienced power boat operators. E-mail: dsavictoria.summer@gmail.com or call 250-477-6314 to
The other point of concern for the Board is our financial situation. As a Board we have been very
successful over the years securing funds for purchasing equipment and we have also been successful
securing Direct Access to Gaming funds. Unfortunately, this still leaves us with a shortfall to cover all of our
operating costs. The Board is faced with a decision, do we raise the fees significantly so we can cover the
approximate $6,000 per year shortfall, or can we look to our members and their families or caregivers to
assist us in raising the funds. Did you know that a sailing session costs DSABC, Victoria over $40 and our
fees currently only cover less than 25% of that. Our concern with raising our fees is some current
members would no longer be able to afford sailing with us. Our preference would be to have people
associated with our program step forward and develop and implement a fundraising plan. Our initial goal of
$6,000 is not huge and it certainly is attainable. To help e-mail: dsavictoria.summer@gmail.com or call
presents a cheque to
DSABC, Victoria for
the purchase of a
new Martin 16 with
windlass, auto-helm
and sip’n puff
(from left to right) Doug Rogers (Variety Board of Directors), Emily Boardman (DSABC, Victoria), Arlene MacDonald
(Heart Fund Committee), Doug Nutting, (DSABC, Victoria) David Leigh (Commodore, DSABC Victoria)
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