May 2016 Elementary Bulletin - Town Centre Montessori Private


May 2016 Elementary Bulletin - Town Centre Montessori Private
Main Campus Elementary Information Bulletin
Dates to Remember:
May 2016
Register for Summer Camp and the 2016-2017 School Year
May 8
Mother’s Day
May 11
Gauss Mathematics Competition
May 11 and 12
Music Night Performances
May 23
Victoria Day
May 27
Last Day of Term 3 After School
June 3
Summer Camp Day
June 7
Halpern’s Uniform Day
June 11
Open House
TCMPS Summer Camp
We are now accepting registrations for this year’s TCMPS Summer Camp which is
packed with many fun activities and exciting programs to keep all our campers happy
and busy for July and August. From the popular Computer and Sports programs to
the creative Arts and fun Science activities, we have the cure for your child’s summer
boredom! Register today!
2016-2017 School Year
The end of this school year is quickly approaching and we would like to request that
all parents re-register as soon as possible in order to reserve your child’s spot for the
upcoming school year. Please visit the Main Office if you need any assistance or if you
have any questions about the IB programme in the next school year.
Inside this issue:
Mother’s Day / Victoria Day 2
Jump and Hoops for Heart
Spring Concert
Earth Day Clean Up
Grades 7 and 8 Gauss
After School Courses
Summer Camp Day
Halpern’s Uniform
Music Nights
High School Arts Night
Grade 8 Graduation
IB Learner Profile Focus for May:
"We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our
lives - intellectual, physical, and emotional - to achieve well-being
for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence
with other people and with the world in which we live."
Keep updated with the latest TCMPS news and events! Help us grow our presence;
like us on Facebook, “The Official Town Centre Montessori Private Schools”,
and follow us on Twitter, “tcmps@tcmps”.
Montessori Pre-School, Private Elementary School, & Private High School,
Three Distinct Programs - One Unique School
Page 2
Town Centre Montessori Private Schools
Mother’s Day and Victoria Day Holiday
On behalf of the administration and staff we would like to wish all our wonderful mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day
on Sunday, May 8!
TCMPS will be closed on Monday, May 23 for the Victoria Day holiday. Classes will resume at their regularly scheduled
hours on Tuesday, May 24. We would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable long weekend!
STEM Fair 2016
On Thursday, April 21, the TCMPS STEM Fair was held in the Main
Gymnasium. There were 24 finalists from grades 6 and 8 who
enthusiastically participated in the STEM Fair. Each of the finalists
presented their projects to fellow students, parents and judges. All
the spectators were very impressed with the great presentations
and every finalist should be very proud of their accomplishment.
Thank you to all the judges and staff for a great STEM Fair and
congratulations to the grades 6 and 8 winners.
Grade 6 Winners:
1stnd Place: Daniel Esson, “Later Gator – Moisturizers Unmasked”
2 Place: Celine Chak, “Sun Powered Solution to Salty Water”
3rd Place: Deven Chakravorty, “Ahh, I’m Melting: Melting
Styrofoam with Acetone”
Grade 8 Winners:
1st Place: Gabriel Chan, “When Ferrofluids Meets Oil spills”
2nd Place: Sudarshan Seshadri, “Algal Bioremediation”
3rd Place: Michelle Zhang, “Toxic Chopsticks”
Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart
In February, the students participated in the Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart events, designed to promote
and recognize the importance of being active and at the same time promote awareness of heart disease and stroke.
Thanks to the generous donations of our students and parents, TCMPS raised $5,933 this year to help fund life saving
research into heart disease and stroke. Year after year, TCMPS continues to be one of the biggest contributors among
York Region schools. Great job, everyone!
TCMPS Elementary Yearbook
The elementary yearbook is a wonderful keepsake for your family. The yearbook captures special moments from the
2015 – 2016 school year as well as a retrospective of the end of last school year. The yearbook will be displayed in full
colour within an embossed hardcover. The yearbook will arrive early in June, in order for the students to
receive their copy before the last day of school! We are now taking orders for the yearbook which can be
purchased for $40.00 through the school’s Main Office or online at by entering “Town
Centre Montessori Elementary School”. On behalf of the yearbook committee, we hope that you and your child enjoy
this memorable book.
Montessori Pre-School, Private Elementary School, & Private High School,
Three Distinct Programs - One Unique School
Main Campus Elementary Information Bulletin
Page 3
Spring Concert “Willy Wonka Jr.”
On April 14 and 15, the grades 2 and 3 students performed in our Spring Concert “Willy Wonka Jr.” The students sang
and danced to lively songs like Oompa Loompa and Candy Man. From the stage set, to the lights and sound, and the
colourful costumes, the entire show was a big success. Thank you to our wonderful Music teacher, Ms. Shulammite
Chow who did an outstanding job. Many thanks to the enthusiastic students and the dedicated staff for their hard work!
Montessori Pre-School, Private Elementary School, & Private High School,
Three Distinct Programs - One Unique School
Page 4
Town Centre Montessori Private Schools
Earth Day Clean Up
On Friday, April 22, the members of the Student Activity Council as well as the grade 6 staff and students observed
Earth Day by cleaning up Highgate Park. Markham City Councillor, Alex Chiu, came out to greet the students and
show his appreciation. Thank you students for doing a great job cleaning up our community!
Grades 7 and 8 Gauss Mathematics Contest
Each year our grades 7 and 8 students have the opportunity to participate in the Gauss Mathematics Contest which is
organized by the University of Waterloo. The contest serves as another means of enriching the Mathematics program
at TCMPS. The students and staff have been very busy preparing for the upcoming contest, which is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 11. On this day, we ask that you ensure your child arrives promptly at school as the contest
commences at 9:00 a.m. We would like to wish all of our students the best of luck in this challenging contest.
After School Courses: Observation Classes
Within the next few weeks parents who have children registered in certain After School Courses will be receiving
invitations to the After School Courses Observation Classes to view performances or a special class. Information
regarding dates and times will be provided soon. Parents are asked to note that the last day of regularly scheduled
After School Courses program for term 3 will be on Friday, May 27. Thank you to all the parents for supporting the
After School Courses.
TCMPS Summer Camp Day
The TCMPS SUMMER CAMP DAY will take place on Friday, June 3. This day is a fun filled event intended to promote
school spirit. Our grades 1 to 6 students will participate in a variety of Summer Camp activities which will take place
outdoors in our playfield. The students will also be participating in exciting class activities. Please ensure that your
child attends TCMPS Summer Camp Day prepared with running shoes and attired in the same coloured clothing as
their House League team, the Red Rockets, the Blue Bombers, the Yellow Stingers or the Green Hornets.
Montessori Pre-School, Private Elementary School, & Private High School,
Three Distinct Programs - One Unique School
Main Campus Elementary Information Bulletin
Page 5
Halpern’s Uniform Sale Day
On Tuesday, June 7, the official uniform supplier for the school, Halpern’s, will be in the Main Gymnasium from 3:00 to
6:30 p.m. to give parents an opportunity to purchase their child’s uniform for the upcoming school year. Halpern’s staff,
along with TCMPS staff, will be available to help you with your child’s measurements, sizing and purchases. Parents are
welcome to bring their children into the Main Gymnasium as this will help with accurate sizing. Our aim is to have our
students looking their best and wearing their uniform with pride.
Halpern’s New Name and New Location
Halpern’s New Name is Now “Beatties”
In 2010, three of Canada's leading uniform suppliers amalgamated to form
one company under the RHB holding name. Since then, R.J. McCarthy,
Halpern's and Beatties have continued to deliver high quality uniforms to
over 200,000 students across Canada every year. In March 2016, Halpern's
and Beatties will merge under the name Beatties. The only change to TCMPS
and TCPHS uniforms will be the clothing label. Beatties will continue their
commitment to providing high quality uniforms, best in class customer service,
and a commitment to manufacture in socially responsible ways. The Scarborough store and Web site will reflect this new branding.
New Location - 12 Trojan Gate
Effective Tuesday, April 19, Beatties, formerly Halpern's, the School's uniform supplier will be moving and
selling TCMPS and TCPHS uniforms at their Scarborough store located at 12 Trojan Gate. Parking is available
at the store and on the street.
Trojan Gate is located off Kennedy Road one set of lights north of Finch Avenue. This new location is only
3.5 km from the school. Store hours will continue to be Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Starting
in July 2016, the new location will also carry the following uniform shoes: Dr. Marten's, Geox William, Geox
Federico, and Geox Euphory. Parents are welcome to purchase the uniform shoes at this store or may
purchase them from our other shoe suppliers including Kiddie Kobbler, Olly Shoes, or Sloan's Shoes.
Music Nights
Our students and staff have been very busy preparing for the Music
Nights in May. All the students in grades 4 to 8, as well as the choir,
will be participating in this event. Each of the grade bands will perform
in the Main Gymnasium in one of the Music Nights as listed below.
Tickets are now available in the Main Office.
Wednesday, May 11: Music Night 1, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Grade 5 Band, Grade 6 Band, Grade 8 Band and Choir
Thursday, May 12: Music Night 2, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Grade 4 Band, Grade 7 Band and Choir
Montessori Pre-School, Private Elementary School, & Private High School,
Three Distinct Programs - One Unique School
Main Campus Elementary Information Bulletin
Town Centre Private High School News
Town Centre Private High School’s annual Arts Night was on Thursday, April
28 at 7:00 p.m. The school play cast performed Matthew Torti's "How To Be
Cool Without Even Trying," an original play written just for TCPHS Tiger Paw
Theatre. Beyond the play, Arts Night treated visitors to an elaborate art
display and a special performance by school band members. Arts Night
highlighted the incredible artistic talents of our students and provided us with
an opportunity to reconnect with our alumni. The play was a great hit and
the entire cast and crew gave outstanding performances! Thanks to all
students and staff who helped to put together a fantastic Arts Night!
Main Campus / Head Office
155 Clayton Drive
Markham, Ontario
L3R 7P3
Phone: 905-470-1200
Fax: 905-470-0184
Milliken Campus
3 Clayton Drive
Markham, Ontario
L3R 8N3
Phone: 905-470-8178
Fax: 905-470-0570
Amarillo Campus
76 Amarillo Avenue
Markham, Ontario
L3R 0V3
Phone: 905-474-3434
Fax: 905-474-3113
Elementary Grade 8 Graduation
Parents of our graduating grade 8 students are asked to note that the date of
the Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony has been changed from Thursday, June
23 to Friday, June 24. The ceremony will take place in our Main Gymnasium
at 9:30 a.m. More detailed information will be sent home shortly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or stop by the
Main Office anytime to speak to any one of the Vice-Principals.
Montessori Pre-School, Private Elementary School, & Private High School,
Three Distinct Programs - One Unique School