2014 Fall Newsletter - Fresno High School Senate
2014 Fall Newsletter - Fresno High School Senate
The Fresno High School Senate Alumni Association Volume 24, Number 1 Senate Report POTUS Kyra Orgill The Senate this has 7 new members this fall, so far, with currently several prospectives, a total body of 30, with 7 boys and 23 girls. Political parties: 4 republican, 13 democrat, 9 independent, and one communist. Our financial situation is good, and the spirit and energy level is excellent! Most Senators are in the International Baccalaureate (IB - honors) Program. Activities include drama, water polo, and tennis. Again this year the Senate held its Winter Formal, and served as docents for the FHS area Historic Home Tour. Financially we’ve greatly improved since the formal was opened to all students. The Senate this fall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ th 125 Update Herb Boro, ’65 - Alumni Chair Happy greetings to the FHS Senate Alumni! Your Alumni Board is working steadily to throw a fabulous 125th Anniversary Banquet March 28, 2015 at Pardini’s in Fresno. Please make attendance a high priority with your spouse or guest. Details and RSVP function are on the Senate Website. Website information: ü www.Fresnohighsenate.com ü username: fhssenate ü password: fhssenate October, 2014 SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 2015 !!! The Big 125th Annual Senate Banquet Tour the New Senate Chambers and Buildings Spouses & “Spices” enthusiastically invited !!! A $100.00 check gets you into the “100+ Club,” with recognition. Your participation will really help us to put on a great Show! A Senate President’s gavel will be kept forever in the Senate Chambers Senate display case. Please call me at 559 999-5130 or send an Email to herbertboro@yahoo.com if you would like to donate your past President gavel to the Senate Chambers permanent display case. Connect with your graduating class Captain to coordinate a team attendance at the 125th! Contact me to assist with Banquet planning: herbertboro@yahoo.com Be Safe and Keep Well. The World and the Senate Alumni need you!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh Captain, My (Class) Captain! Bob Boro, ‘67 Many of us have treasured the Senate and kept it alive through the Alumni Board for the past 25 years. This is the moment when you can express your appreciation as an honorary senator by joining us for the 125th anniversary banquet. I am recruiting class captains to rally the troops. Each captain will be responsible to encourage a good turnout for his/her class. You can email me if you would like to be a captain or a co-captain at robertboro@comcast.net. Please plan to attend the 125th on March 28, 2015. We will have tours of the two new high school buildings on Echo, and the new world class Senate Chambers! Financing the 125th … 100-Plus Club Update – John Moffat, ’69, Treasurer The board is pleased and gratified at your response to our “call for support” via the “100-Plus Club.” Members before the last issue: Herb Boro ’65, Bob Boro ’67, David Duke ’70, John Horstman,’53, Claude Laval III ’53, James Leach ’47, Bes Lewis Jr. ’59, Tom Marsella ’58, Russell Mitchell ’52, Richard Silton ’66, Tom Soule’ ’67, Martin Temple ’52, Sprios Tom Tsaris’73, and Debby McCann, POTUS Emerita. New members since last spring: Stanley Steinberg, MD, ’41, Donald Webster, ’42, Col. James W. Gentry USA Ret, Bob Keldgord, ’48, Alan T. Sortor, MD, ’49, Col. Thomas A. Shekoyan, DDS, Ret., ’60, Mark Scott, ’67, Greg Simpson, ’69, Brent Lindquist, PhD, ’71. A very special thanks to a very generous Dr. Marc Feldman, ’65. Many Thanks to you all! And keep those cards and letters and checks coming!!! (Treasurers note: We don’t expect recent graduates – mid 1990’s or later- to lend much support financially, WE DO expect you to send us news…. and come to the banquet.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carol Mills, Esq. Principal John Forbes, Ed.D. & POTUS Kyra Orgill at the FHS 125th Fresno High’s 125th The whole FHS Student Body and a few towns people celebrated FHS’s 125th Anniversary on September 16 in Warrior Park (the newly landscaped area between Royce Hall and Echo Avenue). Local dignitaries included our Mayor, city councilman, assemblyman and Carol Mills, Esq., FUSD Board Member for the FHS Area, and our greatest Senate supporter “downtown.” Principal Dr. John Forbes, noted that “as we enter the 125th anniversary year for Fresno High, it is time to celebrate our great history and tradition.” And a quote from the “Warrior Echo,” newsletter from the FHS Alumni Association… “As principal, my responsibility is to help connect our current student body with the legacy of being a Fresno High Warrior. One way we do this is through sharing the stories of Fresno High alumni who have gone on to do great things in our community, state, and nation. If you have time to share a story, please email me at john.forbes@fresnounified.org.” Ed. Note: We mentioned this request several issues ago. If you haven’t sent in a story of yourself or another Senator, please take the time now… it can be of you, a FHS family member, someone from the past, or anyone you remember from FHS, and of course the Senate. IN MEMORIAM We Received a note from Patty Ward of Sunnyvale, notifying us that her husband, Charles R. Ward, ‘45, died February 4, 2014. It is with great regret we note the passing of Bobbye Sisk Temple, Martin Temple, ‘52’s wife, on June 16, 2014, here in Fresno. A successful Journalist and professor (Fresno Bee and CSUF’s Journalism Department), wife, mother, and grandmother. Bobbye’s health had been weakening for several months, and she underwent successful heart surgery June 5, but her fragile body was overwhelmed with the trauma. The Fresno Bee published a wonderful obituary on June 22, when the family had a private “garden party,” with many family and friends gathered in their beautiful backyard, to remember and honor her life. Bobbye will be remembered for her spirit, her keen mind, her strong politics, and her friendly relationships with so many of us. John C. Hammel, Jr., ‘44, died September 11, 2014. John was active with the Senate Alumni beginning with the planning of the 100th Banquet, until age and ill health overtook him last spring. All who knew John respected his calm, pleasant, and supportive manner. He will be missed by his family and many friends. By the Decades Ed. Note: we received a nice note from M. Nelson ENMARK, Esq., with the addresses of his children, Senators Elissa, Rebecca, Neil, and Matthew. (we already had Maureen’s address.) Thanks so much, Dad! 1040’s ----------------------------------------------------------Both John Hammel, ’44, and Charles Ward, ’45, died within the last year; Stanley Steinberg, MD, ’41, (still alive and well in San Francisco, sends best wishes to my friends and I shared my thoughts with him. Thanks to you and the others for what you do for the Senate Alumni Group! Alan T. Sortor, MD, ’49, (100+) After 42 years in our present home, Pegi and I moved to smaller quarters on June 26, 2014, our new address is: 5533 N. Fresno St., # 210. 1950’s ---------------------------------------------------T. Russell Mitchell, EdD, ’52, retired last spring from the Fresno Choral Artists, as a singer, but remains on the board, after the BIG 125th I plan to retire from retirement and have more time with my very good wife, Betsy; J. Martin Temple, ’52, enjoyed the company of granddaughter Kate for the summer, she returns to UCLA this fall for her junior year; Chris s(Kit) Maher, ‘59, I still use Roberts Rules of Order to run meetings as a non-profit board member, thanks to the Senate for that. 1960’s -------------------------------------------------Col (Ret) Tom A. Shekoyan, ’60, DDS, (+) I’m planning to attend the 125th Annual Banquet… although the 150th might be a little difficult as I’ll be 96; Mark Scott, ’67, CUT AND MAIL TO: Herb Boro, MD, 1772 W. Dovewood, Fresno, CA 93711-2319 Name _____________________________________Year ______ $ ___________ Amount Enclosed Address (if different than mailing label) ___________________________________________________ City ______________________________________________State ________ ZIP __________________ ****Please update your E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________**** ____ I’ll be a “Contact Captain” to locate members my class with _____________________________ ____ I’ll work with the program planning committee for the 125th (best if you live near Fresno/Clovis) ____ Here’s my history note for the Senate and/or FHS: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ fellow senators! (Ed Note: Thanks, Stanley, you’ve been one of the Senate’s best supporters the last 25 years.* *Indicates new 100 Plus Member Donald Webster, ’42, sends greetings and joined the club (100+). Col. James W. Gentry, ’44, USA, Ret. (100+) ….adding “The best celebration, $1.00 for each year!” Robert E. Keldgord, “48, (100+) reports he still has his presidential gavel, $100 is a bargain for all the great things that the FHS Senate did for me during my high school days. Can’t make the 125th as travel is getting difficult for me. A few months ago, a documentary film producer was here to interview me re: California’s prison problems and the “realignment” plan. (100+) greetings to all of you from beautiful downtown Burbank; Greg Simpson, ’69, (100+) I’m looking forward to see some old friends at the 125th (63 is old??). 1970’s ---------------------------------------------------Brent Lindquist, PhD, ’71, (100+), sends greetings from Fresno’s Link Care Foundation, and volunteers his help with his class, as his work on the class reunion committee netted him email addresses for most of the class. 1980’s ---------------------------------------------------Alise Vanoyan, ’84, sends greetings and a big check from Denver, Colorado. (Ed. Note: Alise… what are you doing in Colorado? Some news, please.) Adam Hampton, ‘86, sends greetings from Etiwanda and a nice check. (Thanks, anything news worthy going on in Etiwanda??) 1990’s and 2000’s --- Is anybody home!!! Use snail mail, email, carrier pigeon… anything! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPECIAL FEATURES! The Editor asked each board member to send in a personal news item for the “By the Decades” section, as most of them haven’t recently. We received feature length articles from board members Bob Boro, ’67, and Tom Marsella, ’58, and so we will feature them here: Bob Boro ’67..…Life continues to hum along in the Fresno turns out to be a place of great opportunity and diverse arts and culture. Tom Marsella, ’58 … I am still playing hardball into my early 70s. I am fortunate to recently play on the age 50+ Fresno MSBL (Men’s Senior Baseball League) championship team on the Bullard High varsity diamond. It went 11 innings and I snagged a hit in the 6th inning to help the winning cause. At 74, I am the oldest in the league and really enjoy not acting my age. I am thrilled that my son, Cary, 50, will play on my team next year. I am at the batting range 3-4 times a week now prepping for my 17th year in the MSBL World Series this Mid-October. I was asked to play in the Senior World Series for the Giants this year. The Senior World Series is played on the professional baseball Spring Training diamonds in Phoenix, Mesa Herb Boro, MD 1772 W. Dovewood Lane Fresno, CA 93711-2319 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Fresno High School neighborhood. Yes, I am still living in our family home four blocks from Fresno High. So I get to see the amazing continuity of the Senate and how it enriches the kids to this day, 125 years later. The IB Program (International Baccalaureate) has reversed the “white flight” and encouraged transfers from out of the FHS district, so the Senate has a large pool of strong students from which to draw its perspective members. When I’m not working on Senate business, I am engaged in my 40 year old practice of landscape architecture. My two daughters live in NYC and Munich, but they love to come home to visit often. Sadly, their work does not enable them to live here. and Scottsdale, Arizona, in age brackets ranging from age 18+ to age 70+. I am nearing 74, and play in the 70+ age bracket and enjoy the fact they use wood bats. … the older we get the better we were. We’ll keep you posted. The Growing Senate Alumni Board: President: Herb Boro, ’65, Secretary: Debby McCann, Treasurer: John Moffat, 69’ POTUS Kyra Orgill, Bob Boro, ’67, Charlie Groupa, ’03, Rebecca Horwitz, ’09, Bert Levy, ‘70 Tom Marsella, ’58, Russell Mitchell, ’52, Martin Temple, ’52, and Senators Marissa Alonso, Issac Mendoza, Sam Gardea & Angela Romero.