April 15, 2015 - Ojai Valley News


April 15, 2015 - Ojai Valley News
Donna Sallen
RE / MAX Gold Coast Realtors
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124th Year, No. 59 • Wednesday, April 15, 2015 • Newsracks, 75¢, retail stores, 70¢ plus tax • Yearly subscription, $52
‘We disagree,’ court tells Golden State Water
Tim Dewar
Keywords: F.L.O.W., GSWC, Casitas, water
“Monopolists have long been
unpopular in this country. When King
George III's chokehold on government
led to intolerable levels of taxation, he
was forced to divest his holdings.” That
is how the Second District Court of
Appeals started its ruling that struck
down the appeal of the Golden State
Water Company (GSWC) lawsuit
against Casitas Municipal Water
District (CMWD), Ojai Friends of
Locally Owned Water (F.L.O.W.) and its
Ojai service area water customers.
“Nothing is more necessary to life
than water. Residents of Ojai, fed up
with sky-high water bills, voted to oust
appellant Golden State Water
Company, the private utility that
monopolizes water service to their
city, and replace it with respondent
Casitas Municipal Water District, a
municipal utility that they hope will be
more responsive to their concerns,” extract monopoly rents from the
the three-judge panel wrote in an people of Ojai,” the decision
unanimous decision. “They plan to continued. “This is neither sound
finance this transaction by selling policy nor supportable by the statubonds pursuant to the Mello-Roos tory text. Like the trial court, we will
Community Facilities Act of 1982. not set the will of the voters aside.”
Golden State is unwilling to
“We are disapsell its business. Casitas
pointed by this
therefore plans to acquire
outcome and are
“Like the trial
the assets by eminent
domain. Golden State
court, we will not
contends that the Melloreviewing
set the will of the
Roos Act cannot be used to
court’s written
voters aside.”
finance eminent domain
decision in an
actions or to acquire intaneffort to fully
— Three-judge panel, understand its
in unanimous decision r e a s o n i n g , "
The panel consisted of
Presiding Justice Arthur
Soneff, GSWC's
Gilbert, Associate Justice
attorney from
Kenneth R. Yegan and Associate Justice Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. "The
Steven Z. Perren.
opinion indicates that the court’s deci“Appellant advocates for a rule that sion was influenced by mischaracteriwould shift the bargaining power deci- zations about the functioning of regusively in its favor, allowing it to hold lated utilities, and by the outcome of
out for a sale price far above the the popular vote in Ojai. No decisions
market rate while it continues to have been made as to future legal
actions, if any, to be taken in response
to the decision.”
“I think it is a wonderfully written
decision,” explained Jeffrey Oderman
Tuesday after the release of the decision. Oderman is an attorney from
Rutan & Tucker who represented
CMWD throughout the lawsuit. “The
legal analysis is pretty much what the
water district has been saying; also the
tone of the decision is very respectful
of the community, the democratic
process and the motivations that
caused community to do what it has
GSWC has one more opportunity to
derail the plans legally. It has 40 days
from Tuesday to appeal the decision to
the California Supreme Court. The
court then has 60 days in which to
decide whether it will hear the case.
“Unlike the appeal of the decision
we are now getting, they had a right to
a hearing, not so with state court,”
Oderman offered. “They (the State
See Lawsuit, Page A3
return to
Bill Warner
Keywords: Lake Casitas, fishing, DFW
Ojai Valley News photo by Ashley Wilson
Dark Star lights up Libbey Bowl
The Grateful Dead rose again last Saturday as cover band Dark Star Orchestra kicked off Ojai’s festival season at Libbey
Bowl. Tunes flew through the air — as did bubbles, tie-dye and hula hoops like the one above manned by Joe Flynes. The
event marked the first time the promotion company Nederlander Concerts has ever presented a concert at the Bowl.
Lake Casitas is a little fishier than it
was a week ago, thanks to the April 10
arrival of approximately 2,800 trout.
The fish were delivered to their new
residence by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). It
was the state's first fish planting in
Lake Casitas since January 2010.
"We had no idea when it was going
to happen," said Ron Merckling,
water conservation and public affairs
manager for the Casitas Municipal
Water District, "but we're happy it
finally did happen."
Merckling said another planting
would probably take place soon,
while the water temperature in
Casitas was optimum. The DFW
usually does not publicize plantings
in advance, he said, in order to
preclude crowds of anglers waiting to
pounce on the fish as they come out
of the chute. The lake's popular Kids'
Fishing Day is the one exception to
See Trout, Page A3
Murder charges reduced
in Highway 33 accident
Bill Warner
Keywords: Highway 33, accident
One man is dead and
following a fiery car crash
Thursday on Highway 33,
south of Casitas Springs.
According to a CHP
report, a 2008 Honda was
merging onto southbound Highway 33 from
Casitas Vista Road when it
left the road, collided with
a palm tree and caught
fire. The Ventura County
Fire Department, Ventura
City Fire Department and
approximately 11:35 p.m.
Pronounced dead at the
scene was Bryan Florer,
28, of Ventura, who was
the lone passenger in the
vehicle, according to the
CHP incident report.
The driver, 32-year-old
Ventura, was arrested at
the scene on suspicion of
murder and driving under
the influence of alcohol,
according to CHP Officer
Patrick Mooney. He was
booked into the Ventura
County Main Jail, and his
bail was set at $550,000.
By Tuesday, his charges
were changed to gross
vehicular manslaughter
while intoxicated.
Virgilio's next court
date is scheduled for 1:30
Ventura County Superior
According to Ventura
County Superior Court
records, Virgilio was
convicted of driving
under the influence of
alcohol in September
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Panel discusses immigration
Kimberly Rivers
Ojai Valley News correspondent
Keywords: Immigration, Chautauqua
Immigrants, illegal aliens,
undocumented workers — no
matter the term, the topic of
immigration in the United
States is “complex and hard to
get at,” asserts Thomas
Krause. “Why do people
About 130 area residents
gathered on Sunday to listen
to a panel discuss the topic of
immigration in-depth at the
first Ojai Chautauqua event of
2015. “We are not trying to
convince you about any
particular point of view,”
emphasized Krause, who
serves as chairman of Ojai
Chautauqua. “We are not
trying to get you to take political action of some kind. We
are simply trying to open up,
illuminate the issue.”
The “Panel on Immigration:
American Dream or American
Nightmare?” and was held at
the Ojai Valley Community
Herbert E. Gooch, a Cal
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Lutheran University political
science professor, the panel
represented varied experiences, expertise and perspectives. Panelists included:
former U.S. Representative
Elton Gallegly; UCLA law
professor and scholar-author
on immigration issues Hiroshi
Motomura; Santa Barbara
immigration attorney Abbé
Kingston; executive director
of the Mixteco Indigena
Project Arsenio Lopez; and
writer and former executive
director of Californians for
Population Stabilization Ric
The Chautauqua movement
started in 1874, on the banks
of Lake Chautauqua in New
York. The goals of the public
lectures were to create an
adult education program and
help establish public confidence in a formal education
system. The lectures and
events were held nationwide,
often in tents, and included
popular names of the time
such as Mark Twain.
Speaking Sunday in Ojai,
Motomura said he felt immi-
gration policy should be
looking at how to help immigrants to become Americans.
“Why do we have 12 million
undocumented people in the
country? It is very much a
logical consequence, at some
level, of intentionality of
Congresses over time.” He
added that non-implementation of various immigration
laws created a de-facto
government policy of looking
the other way, allowing immigrants to come, stay and work
in the United States.
“It is clear that affluent
Americans prosper from
immigration; poor Americans
suffer,” said Oberlink. “Unlimited supply (of workers) leads
to wage stagnation … if there
is a labor shortage, wages go
up.” He also pointed to the
issue of resources and
wondered, “How many immigrants we can absorb.” But not
all impacts are economic,
Oberlink went on. California
has lost coastal redwood
habitat at high rates due to
population growth, he said,
See Chautauqua, Page A3
A2 Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Earth Day celebration
returns Saturday
In celebration of sustainable living, global
awareness, and the joy
of nature, Food for
Thought, Oak Grove
School, Ojai Valley
Green Coalition, and
the Ojai Valley Land
Conservancy are teaming up again to host
this once-a-year community event to honor
Earth Day.
“Earth Day 2015 —
It's Our Turn to Lead”
will be held Saturday
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
at Oak Grove School,
220 W. Lomita Ave., in
Meiners Oaks.
The day will include
the involvement of
local school children
through activities and
projects, environmental exhibits, arts and
outdoor activities for
all ages, live entertain-
ment, many different
kinds of world foods
and more.
Admission is free.
Visitors will also have
ample opportunities to
find ways to live
greener and appreciate
the natural wonders we
all share.
Earth Day 2015 will
be filled with color and
creativity. Exhibitors
will share their earthfriendly products and
and present informational and interactive
Bring your refillable
please leave your dogs
at home.
For more details, visit
or call 646-8236, Ext.
Robert L. Davis
Allen Roy Quigg
Allen Roy Quigg, owner,
Woodcrafter Signs, died
peacefully in his sleep on
March 23, 2015, one day
prior to an angioplasty
scheduled at West LA VA
Medical Center. Allen was
born in Chicago on February
13, 1943 to Floyd and Mary
Quigg and moved to Ventura when he was 8.
Allen was always an artist, from the interiors he
created for John’s at the Beach in Ventura, to the
hundreds of signs, monuments, public displays,
and public art projects throughout Ventura, Ojai,
Santa Barbara, Santa Paula, Camarillo, and
Thousand Oaks. He fabricated the first porcelain
signs for the Ventura Pier. Allen was a proud
Vietnam-era veteran and donated signage and
whatever he could do for the American Legion in
Ventura. He also donated window lettering and
sandblasted signs to Ventura PD for the
downtown storefront and midtown community
center. He loved his hometown of Ventura and has
many signs still hanging throughout the
downtown area. He fought many battles with the
city of Ventura regarding their sign ordinances
and finally gave up on them when they codified
signs to the point of being “plain brown wrapper
signs in a box.”
Ojai totally embraced Allen as an artist and a
craftsman, and he contributed greatly to the
artistic ambience of that town by decorating the
Arcade area with his sandblasted redwood signs,
hand-laid gold leaf and redwood street signs, a
public art redevelopment sandblasted tile project
in the rear of the Arcade, sandblasted gold leaf
signs and sandblasted boulder at Cluff Vista Park,
and many homes, organizations and businesses
throughout Ojai. Allen won many sign design
awards from the cities of Ventura, Camarillo, and
Allen had an open heart and embraced all he
encountered with unconditional love and a
sincere desire to help in any way he could.
He is survived by his only son, Jeremy Quigg;
Denise Coin, his sweetheart of 28 years; sisters
Ruth Pedersen and Gail Hillis; brother Stephen
Quigg; nephew Dan Quigg Jr.; numerous nieces
and nephews and many dear friends. The family
would like to thank the Steve Robbins family for
their love and many kindnesses during his life as
they truly were his family.
Al has been entrusted to Joseph P. Reardon
Mortuary in Ventura. His celebration of life will be
on April 24, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers a
donation may be made in his memory to his
favorite charities, Project Understanding Ventura
CA or Food Share Inc. Ventura County.
Robert L. Davis, born on
April 29, 1939 in Natchez,
Miss., passed away on April
7, 2015 at the age of 75 after
a long battle with prostate
disease (COPD).
He served in the U.S. Navy from 1958 to 1962
where he was stationed on the U.S.S. Hancock as
a radio repairman. After attending community
college in the Bay Area he became an
independent insurance agent-broker in Ventura
County and ran his own business for many years.
Later in life he moved to Ensenada, Mexico where
he lived for more than a decade. He loved going
for walks, playing poker and following the stock
He is survived by his former spouse and the
mother of his three daughters, Roberta Davis;
daughters Lori Davis Wyatt, Lynn Gardner (Chris),
and Leslie Davis (Kenley Neufeld); grandchildren
Lauren Wyatt Priestley (Eric), Garrett Wyatt, Dylan
Jones, Alexandra Jones, Jasper Neufeld and Mazzy
Neufeld; and by his son, Kelly Davis, from his
former spouse, Ruth Funk.
There will not be a public memorial service. In
lieu of flowers please send donations to the
Ventura VA Home where he resided during the last
year of his life: Veterans Home of CA, Ventura,
Attn: Donation Fund, 10900 Telephone Rd.,
Ventura, CA 93004.
Tri-tip sales yield
$5,000 for Nordhoff
Photo submitted
The Optimist Club of Ojai presented a
$5,000 check to Nordhoff High School
at a recent meeting. The check represented 50 percent of the proceeds of
the Optimist tri-tip sandwich sales during the 2014 NHS home football games.
The Optimist Club’s portion of the proceeds will be used to fund youth programs in our public schools. Pictured
with the check are NHS athletic director
Dave Monson (from left), Optimist Club
President Debi Cloud, Nordhoff Parent
Association President Nicole Botti, Optimist Club Secretary Dawn Shook and
former Optimist President Jill Swann.
Obituary Notices
For obituary inquiries, call Linda Griffin at 646-1476, Ext. 227, or e-mail
linda@ojaivalleynews.com. Cost will depend upon how much space the obituary will require, and payment is required in advance of publication. Very brief
free death notices are also available. Deadlines are Monday by noon for the
Wednesday paper and Wednesday by noon for the Friday paper.
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Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015 A3
Court of Appeals) can
choose whether they
think the issue is important enough for them to
weigh in on.”
He said if there is no
appeal or if the second
appeal is denied, the acquisition process would
begin. This would start
with the completion of
an appraisal to determine a fair market value
of the water system. That
process, he explained,
would likely take several
Ojai F.L.O.W. attorney
Ryan Blatz said he too
was elated by the decision.
“They started by calling them (GSCW) monopolists,”
exclaimed. “They didn’t
give them traction on any
of their arguments.”
Unlike CMWD, Blatz
said F.L.O.W. will not only
have to wait until the
final appeal question is
settled, but even longer
before it can undertake
its next course of action.
“We believe we are
going to have to wait
until the end of eminent
domain action before we
can attempt to recover
damages,” he said.
F.L.O.W. petitioned to
have its officers and all of
the ratepayers in the Ojai
service area named as a
class of defendants in the
suit hoping that when
the case is resolved they
will be able to sue Golden
State for damages. It contends that Ojai ratepayers have lost $9,315 a day
since the Aug. 27, 2013
CMWD to use MelloRoos to raise money for
the purchase. That is the
difference, they say, in
the rates customers
would pay CMWD and
what they are currently
paying GSWC.
As of Tuesday, that
amount had reached
more than $5,538,400.
“I am proud of F.L.O.W.
and I am proud of the citizens of Ojai who came
out and proved that this
is the right thing to do,”
explained F.L.O.W. President Pat McPherson. “We
have always wished they
(GSWC) would say, ‘You
are too small for us to
bother with’ and just sit
down at the table and
bargain with us.”
and added that he looks
at the issue of immigration “from a population
and environmental experience. The most
pressing environmental
problem is population
Oberlink then cited
statistics showing that,
since the 1970s, births
have leveled off at about
two per woman for California residents. “The
population would have
stabilized if not for immigration.” He suggested looking at the
issue from the perspective of “limits on resources, see how many
people we can absorb.
There is no way to discourage illegal behavior
by rewarding illegal behavior.” He was referring
to granting a legal pathway to those who have
entered the country illegally.
“Many view them as
lawbreakers,” countered
Motomura, “and feel they
deserve to be punished.
But there is another view.
They came here under
this de-facto government
policy to acquiesce. It
makes sense to provide a
pathway to legal status.”
“Spanish is not my first
language,” said Lopez
during his response to a
question about what got
the panelists interested in
immigration. He immigrated to the U.S. in 2003
after years of his father
working to bring all of his
sons to the country. His
native language is Mixteco — a language native
to Mexico, and not a
Spanish dialect. “There
are 20,000 indigenous
Continued from Page A1
Continued from Page A1
Comment on these
reports — send a letter
to the editor! E-mail
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County. There is a
Mesoamerican culture in
our backyards. There are
68 different indigenous
nations in Mexico. How
many native groups in
this country?” Lopez
spoke about the contributions of these and
other immigrants from
Central and South America to the U.S. economy
and the way of life here in
Ventura County.
“Very few people don’t
believe we are a country
of immigrants,” said Gallegly. “But we are also a
nation of laws. Without
laws, you can’t have organized and fair immigration. We allow more to
immigrate here than any
other country in the
world, and I whole-heartedly support that but we
need to find a solution …
(and) legitimate comprehensive reform.”
While Gallegly supports the comprehensive
reform approach —
something akin to a complete
Kingston pointed out the
U.S. might not be in the
best position for that kind
of approach, and that
doing things one piece at
a time might work. He
pointed to various programs currently in place
that could be adjusted,
which, with better enforcement, might provide
some solutions. “My job
is to immigrate people
and prevent people from
being removed from the
U.S.,” said Gallegly. “This
is not just a problem for
Central America, or Mexico; the problem addresses all (immigrants)
from all countries.” He
asserted that most would
Photo by Andy Gilman
Panelists present their thoughts on immigration Sunday at the Ojai Chautauqua.
also agree in the “rule of
law,” but that an executive action, when implemented, “is the rule of
“I don’t think the solution is to deport,” responded Lopez. “Obama
has deported great numbers. Deal with the solution here. It’s the right
thing to do, pass something that is realistic to
make these people have
their documents, contribute to this economy
in a greater way. They already pay their taxes.”
The lure of immigration to the U.S. can break
families apart due to the
country’s policies Lopez,
said. He then asked,
“What is the cause of the
root of these problems?”
Immigrants desire opportunities — like education — to make a
better life for their children,” he stated. “These
are important American
values. I think if you follow those values … there
will be (a way) for them
to live out of the shadows. They are already a
part of this country.”
Previous panels are
available to watch online
at www.OjaiChatauqua
.org, and have discussed
water issues, hydraulic
fracturing and genetically modified organisms
The next panel discussion, on income inequality, is set for June 12.
Continued from Page A1
this rule, Merckling
In 2010, the DFW
had imposed a moratorium on trout plants at
Casitas and several
other California lakes,
including Piru, Skinner
and Cachuma. The
moratorium resulted
from a lawsuit contending the agency had
never properly evaluated the effects of such
species, steelhead trout
in particular.
One concern was
that planted species
could mate with the
steelhead population,
thereby altering the genetic integrity of the
rarer gamefish. Since
2012, however, the
DFW has used only
triploid, or sterile, trout
in its stocking programs, thereby rendering the likelihood of
such interactions distinctly remote.
Merckling said the
fishing at Lake Casitas
should be particularly
good this month, and
not only for trout — the
bass are biting, as well.
"We still have a fishing
lake here," he said.
A4 Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
arou valley
Wednesday, April 15
LOSSES” — Brock Travis,
Ph.D., will give a free talk
on “Peace Beyond Losses,”
today from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
at Livingston Memorial
Visiting Nurse Association
office, 202-A Cañada St.,
Ojai. Learn spiritual and
psychological strategies
for serenity amidst bereavement and other lifechanging losses. Call
SCREENING — In commemoration of Yom
HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Jewish Community of Ojai,
530 W. El Roblar Drive, will
show the film “Degenerate
Art,” today at 7 p.m., followed by discussion with
Pat Allen, local artist and
professor of art therapy.
This film explores how the
Nazis defamed and vilified
avant-garde artists in Germany during the 1930s.
This is open to the community with donations
gratefully accepted. See
next CERT training meeting will be held today from
7 to 8:30 p.m. in the clubhouse at Ojai Villa Mobile
Estates, 70 Baldwin Road.
The public is always welcome. The program, “Our
Water Status in a Disaster
and Now,” will be presented by Steve Wickstrum, general manager of
Casitas Municipal Water
Friday, April 17
Gallery 525, 525 W. El Roblar Drive, will host “Flutes
to the Philipines 2015,”
Friday at 5 p.m., hosted by
Michael McCarthy. This
fundraising event will feature a short presentation
and performance of exotic
world flutes by John Zeretzke, founder and artistic
director of Flutes Across
the World. RSVP to
EVENT — OVA arts, 108 N.
Signal St., will host its free
3rd Friday event, Friday
from 6 to 8 p.m., featuring
light refreshments and
music by Cindy Kalmenson and The Lucky Ducks.
Call 646-5682.
The Ojai Art Center Theater, 113 S. Montgomery
This Week
house concert at the home
of Paula Spellman on
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets by phone at 646-8907,
seating is limited. Billy’s
talents are limitless. (A17)
St., will host performances
of “As You Like It,” through
this weekend, with shows
Friday and Saturday at 8
p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m.
This is Shakespeare’s most
optimistic, musical, magical and accessible comedy,
directed by Laurie Walters
Slade. Cost is $18 general,
$15 for seniors and Art
Center members, $8 for
students. Go to www.ojai
act.org or call 640-8797 for
Down the Road
Saturday, April 18
CLEANUP — Volunteers
are invited to a familyfriendly cleanup event Saturday from 8 to 10 a.m. at
the Lake Casitas Recreation Area, 11311 Santa
Ana Road. There is no entrance fee and all cleanup
materials will be provided.
Meet at Picnic Area 1. Contact kate@pasopacifico.org
for information.
MEETING — The Ojai Valley Amateur Radio Club
will meet Saturday at 8
a.m. in the Arc Center, 210
Cañada St., Ojai. All amateurs and non-radio operators are welcome.
CLASS — Casitas Municiipal Water District will
sponsor a free landscape
class on “Native Gardens
and their Pollinators,” Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon
at Oak View Park & Resource Center, 555 Mahoney Ave. How do birds,
bees and butterflies benefit from native gardens?
Learn how to create a
friendly landscape that
will help contribute to
your surrounding ecosystem. RSVP early at rmerck
ling@casitaswater.com or
649-2251, Ext. 118.
Ojai Peddlers’ Fair will feature antiques, collectibles,
crafts and clothing, Saturday and Sunday from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m., at Chaparral Auditorium, 414 E. Ojai
Ave., rain or shine. Proceeds will benefit Mira
Monte Elementary School
Ojai Valley Land Conservancy will host a sale of
native plants at its Ojai
Meadows nursery, Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon.
Park on Besant Road. Call
649-6852, Ext. 2, for more
AT MOUNT — Meditation
Mount, 10340 Reeves
Road, will host the Rev.
Photo submitted
Female surfers featured in documentary
When six women head to India, cameras — and revelations on yoga, ecology, hope
and surfing — follow. The Ojai Art Center will host a screening of the resulting
film, “Beyond the Surface,” April 25 at 7 p.m. A reception with the filmmakers
Crystal Thornburg-Homcy and Dave Homcy will follow the film, as will a screening
of the short film “Sea Fever” by Tim Davies. Tickets are $10 at the door.
Karen S. Wylie’s monthly
devotional retreat on Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. The topic will
be “Meditation as a Path to
Self-Awareness.” Open to
people of all faiths. Suggested donation: $10 (no
one will be turned away).
Call (310) 968-8928.
WALKING TOURS — Saturdays at 10:30 a.m., Ojai
Historical Walking Tours
depart from the Ojai Valley
Museum, 130 W. Ojai Ave.
(approximately one-hour
tours of downtown historical and cultural attractions). Docent Rose Boggs
will lead the April 18 tour.
Cost is $7 or $15 per family. Drop-ins are welcome.
For reservations or tours
during the week, call 6401390.
EARTH DAY CELEBRATION — A free familyfriendly event to celebrate
Earth Day, “It’s Our Turn
to Lead,” will be held Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. at Oak Grove School,
220 W. Lomita Ave., Ojai.
Come for food, play, new
ideas, music and much
more. Go to
www.ojaiearthday.org for
more details.
Sunday, April 19
“THAT ‘70S SHOW” —
Nordhoff High School and
the parent group, Maestro,
will host a fundraising
concert for the music department titled “That ‘70s
Show,” Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
at Matilija Auditorium, 703
El Paseo Road, Ojai. The
concert will feature The
Household Gods, James
Antunez, Jimmy Calire, Patricia Cardinali, Thomas
Frederickson, Jeff Joad,
Cindy Kalmenson, Bill
Wagner, Julija Zonic and
the Nordhoff Chamber
Choir. Tickets: $20, at the
door, or nhsmusic.com or
640-4343, Ext. 1861.
Monday, April 20
Ojai Valley Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 11461, will
meet Monday at 7 p.m. at
the American Legion Hall,
843 E. Ojai Ave. For more
information, call Julio
Luna at 236-2691, Harry
Hunt at 640-0702 or Dave
Pressey at 646-1967.
Tuesday, April 21
GITA” — with Uma Krishnamurthy, M.D., will be
presented April 21 through
24 at Krotona School, 46
Krotona Hill, Ojai. Using
the Drama, the Bhagavad
Gita, Krishnamurthy will
introduce yoga psychology
and how to manifest one’s
soul’s calling. Tuesday
through Friday, 10 a.m. to
noon. Cost: $10 per single
session, $35 for series. Information: 646-1139,
or schoolinfo@krotona
Ojai Presbyterian Church,
304 Foothill Road at the
corner of Aliso, will host a
free meeting in its parlor
Tuesday from 2 to 3 p.m.
where the Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurses Association will give a
presentation on “Fall Prevention.” Multiple factors
contribute to fall risk. This
presentation will cover
preventable issues, consequences of falls, physical
fitness and home modifications. Call Carlene at
640-6451 for more information.
The Theosophical Society
in the Ojai Valley will meet
at Krotona School, 46 Krotona Road, Ojai, Tuesday
at 7 p.m. Bim Burckes and
Olga Shtykov Omlin will
discuss “The Theosophical
Society in Europe: Past
and Present.” Donations
are appreciated. Call 6462653.
American Vedic Association Bhagavad-Gita As It Is
Fellowship will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at 687 Villanova Road to discuss “Is
Philanthropy Spiritual?”
Many prominent spiritualists promote digging wells
and the construction of
schools and hospitals, but
is that the end-all of God’s
work? Always free. Call
Singer-songwriter and percussionist extraordinaire
Billy Jonas will perform a
Amit Goswami, Ph.D., and
Uma Krishnamurthy,
M.D., will be presented
April 24 through 26 at Krotona School, 46 Krotona
Hill, Ojai. This workshop
will explore Goswami’s
theory of planetary transformation through the
evolution of consciousness and Krishnamurthy’s
teachings of the transformation of one’s personal
consciousness. Friday, 7:30
to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.
to noon and 2 to 4 p.m.;
Sunday, 10 a.m. to noon.
Cost: $10 per single session or $35 weekend. Information: 646-1139,
or schoolinfo@krotona
FILMMAKERS COMPETITION — The Ojai Film Society is accepting
submissions for the fourth
annual Young Filmmakers
Competition. The competition is open to any Ojai
Valley residents 18 years of
age or younger. Films must
be under 15 minutes in
length and can be in any
genre. Deadline for submissions is April 24. There
will be an awards ceremony and public screening May 9 at the Ojai Art
Center. For a full list of
submission guidelines and
an application, visit
The fifth annual Ojai Word
Fest will run April 24
through 27 with events at
various Ojai Valley venues.
This literary festival will
feature books, authors, poetry, screenwriting, writing
workshops, retreats, storytelling and more. Go to
www.ojaiwordfest.com or
call 669-7373 for schedule
and more information.
Troop 504 will host its 15th
annual pancake breakfast
during the Tennis Tournament, April 25 from 7 a.m.
to noon at Chaparral Auditorium, 414 E. Ojai Ave.
Tickets at the door are $7,
or $5 in advance by calling
399-0504 or e-mailing
once-a-year Ojai Valley
Land Conservancy hike
will take place April 25
from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,
led by Rick Bisaccia, and
ending with a picnic lunch
at the top of the trail. Cost
is $15 per person. Ilvento
Preserve, located near The
Thacher School, was
OVLC’s first land acquisition in 1997, 80 acres donated by the Ilvento
family. Participation is limited to 16 hikers and reservations are required; call
City of Ojai –
Open House / Design Workshop
The City of Ojai invites you to join our consultant design workshop to develop a Complete Streets Master
Plan. These three days present a venue for you to share your ideas for a
safe and complete transportation future for Ojai, including bike and
pedestrian networks and safety, traffic calming, streetscape, and any
other ideas you feel will make our streets more complete for all users.
Our consultant’s Team of engineers and planners will be at work in
this open studio. Come at your convenience to participate, watch or
Tuesday, April 14 - 2pm to 7:00pm* w/Brief Recap at 6:00pm.
Wednesday, April 15 - 2pm to 7:00pm* w/Brief Recap at 6:00pm.
Thursday, April 16 - 2pm to 7:00pm* w/Full Recap at 6:00pm.
*A brief daily Pin-Up Presentation/recap will be presented each night at 6:00pm, with a FULL RECAP on
Thursday at 6:00pm. So if you have particular items
you’d like to discuss, come anytime between 2-7pm. If
you’d just like to see a recap, come at 6:00pm any day, or
Thursday for a full recap.
WHERE: Ojai Valley Woman’s Club clubhouse, 441 E. Ojai Ave.
(just east of Montgomery St., between Jersey Mike’s and Bliss Yogurt)
Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015 A5
arou valley
649-6852, Ext. 2, or email marti@ovlc.org. The
group will carpool to the
The County of Ventura
Pollution Prevention
Center will host a household hazardous materials
collection event April 25
for residents of the unincorporated communities
of Ventura County. Call
658-4323 for an appointment or more information. Small businesses
should call (800) 7141195.
WALKING TOURS — Saturdays at 10:30 a.m., Ojai
Historical Walking Tours
depart from the Ojai Valley Museum, 130 W. Ojai
Ave. (approximately onehour tours of downtown
historical and cultural attractions). Docents Jackie
Clark and Connie Campbell will lead the April 25
tour. Cost is $7 or $15 per
family. Drop-ins are welcome. For reservations or
tours during the week,
call 640-1390.
MOON” WORLD PREMIERE — Raymond Powers has composed the
symphony, “Valley of the
Moon,” which is a musical exploration of all that
is Ojai. Its world premiere
will be performed by the
Ojai Youth Symphony,
April 25 at 7 p.m. at Ojai
Valley Community
Church, 907 El Centro St.,
Ojai. Donations will be
appreciated. Call 6498086 or go to www.ojai
CLASS — Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association will host a free
class on type 2 diabetes
April 27 from 2 to 3 p.m.
at its Ojai office, 202-A
Cañada St. to help you
develop an individualized plan of care. Call
525, 525 W. El Roblar
Drive, Meiners Oaks, will
host a spoken word performance by Karen Banfield’s Intuitive Writing
Class, April 27 at 6:30
p.m. Donation: $5 at the
door. Call 804-7024.
Ongoing Events
TESTS AND ULTRASOUND — are offered at
Life Choices Pregnancy
Clinic, 1320-C Maricopa
Highway, Ojai. Office
hours are Mondays and
Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. and Wednesdays
from 1 to 4 p.m. Additional days and times
available by appointment. Appointments are
necessary for ultrasound.
Free referrals and resource material on pregnancy, STDs and more
are available during office hours. Email
or call the 24-hour hotline at 646-6830.
exercise class called Align
Your Body for Wellness is
held every Wednesday
from 1 to 2 p.m. (with
brief breaks between sessions) at Little House, 111
W. Santa Ana St., Ojai.
Call 646-5122 for more
Oak View Library, 555
Mahoney Ave., hosts
story time for youngsters
every Tuesday from 4 to
4:30 p.m. Call 649-1523
for details.
deserves the support of
its community when a
new baby is born. The
Nan Tolbert Nurturing
Center seeks families to
serve in their ParentCare
Home Visit Program. ParentCare serves families
who have newborns with
extra support at home
with tasks such as
preparing a snack, going
for a walk with mom and
baby, or playing with an
older sibling. To apply for
this donation-based program, call Renee Mandala at 667-2115.
parents’ group committed to helping children
with special needs, meets
twice each month: every
third Tuesday at 9 a.m.
and every fourth Tuesday
at 7 p.m. Visit
www.pauseconejo.org or
call Kim at 646-6606.
If you are thinking of buying or selling...
Please give me a call
MATILIJA FLY FISHERS — meets the first
Wednesday of each
month at 7 p.m. at Little
House, 111 W. Santa Ana
St., Ojai. The meetings
consist of informal flyfishing discussions, notice of upcoming events
of interest and fly-tying
instruction and demonstrations. Visitors are welcome. Call 646-3469.
Ojai Valley Bee Club
meets every second
Thursday of each month
at 6 p.m. in the annex at
The Farmer and The
Cook, 339 W. El Roblar
Drive in Meiners Oaks.
This beekeeping and bee
appreciation club for enthusiasts in the Ojai Valley and surrounding area
meets to share information and resources with
experts and guest speakers.
CLUB — The Ojai Valley
Gun Club offers a public
shoot day at 9 a.m. the
fourth Saturday of each
month at the Rose Valley
Range. See www.ovgc.net
or call 984-9472.
OJAI DANCE MEDICINE — is a journey into
healing held Thursdays
from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at
the Ojai Art Center, 113 S.
Montgomery St. Call 6460117.
— Group meditations are
held Wednesday through
Sunday from 8:30 to 9
a.m. at Meditation
Mount, 10340 Reeves
Road. The grounds are
open Wednesday through
Sunday from 10 a.m. to
sunset. Office business
hours are Wednesday
through Friday, 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Visit www.medita
tionmount.org or call
646-5508, Ext. 103.
Photo submitted
Matson Bailey (left) and Jonas Rutherford are working to save sea turtles.
Ojai boys raising funds to help turtles
Eight-year-olds Jonas Rutherford
and Matson Bailey of Ojai are creating an app and website to broadcast
the life cycle of sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean. They call it Turtle Friend,
and their goal is to create an education and fundraising tool for sea turtle conservation.
They launched their Kickstarter
campaign April 13 to raise $25,000 to
develop the project. Once developed, Turtle Friend will be both an
app and a website that will allow the
user to watch sea turtles, live, at various stages of their life cycle, and
track them via satellite transmitters
on their migrations throughout the
The boys, both students at Ojai’s
Oak Gove School, have partnered
with the Ventura-based Paso Pacifico
to help develop this project. Paso
Pacifico is a nonprofit organization
with more than 40 staff members on
the ground in southwestern
Nicaragua working to restore and
protect the region’s endangered
The first night of the campaign, the
boys helped to organize a launch
party at Papa Lennon’s in Meiners
Oaks. They invited friends, parents
and teachers to help market their
Turtle Friend has the potential to
protect some of the most important
sea turtle nesting beaches on the Pacific coast of Central America. Sea
turtles in Nicaragua are threatened
by poachers, pollution, and
unchecked coastal development.
Turtle Friend will help tell this story
and connect the global community
with one of the most charismatic
and iconic creatures on the planet.
For more or to donate, visit
www.kickstarter.com and search for
"Turtle Friend."
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A6 Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
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Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015 A7
Published Ojai Valley News
March 25, 2015
April 1, 8 & 15, 2015
File Number 2015031810005170-0 1/1
Ventura County Clerk and
File Date: 03/18/2015
1st Fictitious Business
Name: Lou’s Sharpening
Street Address of Principal
Place of Business (P.O. Box
or PMB are not acceptable):
950 Woodland ave #93, Ojai,
CA 93023
County of Principal Place
of Business: Ventura
Full name of 1st Registrant
ed Liability Company:
Luis R Rivera
Residence Address of 1st
Registrant (P.O. Box or PMB
are not acceptable):
950 Woodland Ave.#93, Ojai,
CA 93023
This Business is conducted
by: An Individual
The registrant commenced
to transact business under the
fictitious business name or
names listed above on N/A.
I declare that all information
in this statement is true and
(A registrant who declares
information as true any
material matter pursuant to
Section 17913 of Business
and Professions Code that
the registrant knows to be
false is guilty of a
misdemeanor punishable by
a fine not to exceed one
thousand dollars ($1,000).)
Luis R Rivera
NOTICE – In accordance
with subdivision (a) of
Section 17920, a fictitious
name statement generally
expires at the end of five
years from the date on which
it was filed in the office of
the county clerk, except, as
provided in subdivision
section 17920, where it
expires 40 days after any
change in the facts set forth
in the statement pursuant to
section 17913 other than a
change in residence address
or registered owner. A new
fictitious business name
statement must be filed
before the expiration. The
filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use
in this state of a fictitious
business name in violation of
the rights of another under
Federal, State, or Common
Law (see section 14411 ET
SEQ., Business and
Professions Code).
This statement was filed
with the County Clerk of
Ventura on the date indicated
by the file stamp above.
Published Ojai Valley News
April 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2015
File Number 2015030310003928-0 1/1
Ventura County Clerk and
File Date: 03/03/2015
1st Fictitious Business
Name: Daley Landscape Inc.
2nd Fictitious Business
Name: Daley Landscaping
Street Address of Principal
Place of Business (P.O. Box
or PMB are not acceptable):
915 Bryant Place, Ojai, CA
County of Principal Place
of Business: Ventura
State of Incorporation/
Organization: C2786239 CA
Full name of 1st Registrant
ed Liability Company:
Daley Landscape Inc.
Residence Address of 1st
Registrant (P.O. Box or PMB
are not acceptable):
915 Bryant Place, Ojai, CA
This Business is conducted
by: A Corporation
The registrant commenced
to transact business under the
fictitious business name or
names listed above on
I declare that all information
in this statement is true and
(A registrant who declares
information as true any
material matter pursuant to
Section 17913 of Business
and Professions Code that
the registrant knows to be
false is guilty of a
misdemeanor punishable by
a fine not to exceed one
thousand dollars ($1,000).)
Daley Landscape Inc.
Michael F. Daley
NOTICE – In accordance
with subdivision (a) of
Section 17920, a fictitious
name statement generally
expires at the end of five
years from the date on which
it was filed in the office of
the county clerk, except, as
provided in subdivision
section 17920, where it
expires 40 days after any
change in the facts set forth
in the statement pursuant to
section 17913 other than a
change in residence address
or registered owner. A new
fictitious business name
statement must be filed
before the expiration. The
filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use
in this state of a fictitious
business name in violation of
the rights of another under
Federal, State, or Common
Law (see section 14411 ET
SEQ., Business and
Professions Code).
This statement was filed
with the County Clerk of
Ventura on the date indicated
by the file stamp above.
Published Ojai Valley News
April 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2015
File Number 2015030210003833-0 1/1
Ventura County Clerk and
File Date: 03/02/2015
1st Fictitious Business
Name: Industry Web Design
Street Address of Principal
Place of Business (P.O. Box
or PMB are not acceptable):
411 Bucknell Ave., Ventura,
CA 93003
County of Principal Place
of Business: Ventura
Full name of 1st Registrant
ed Liability Company:
Todd Barnett
Residence Address of 1st
Registrant (P.O. Box or PMB
are not acceptable):
411 Buckenll Ave., Ventura,
CA 93003
This Business is conducted
by: An Individual
The registrant commenced
to transact business under the
fictitious business name or
names listed above on
I declare that all information
in this statement is true and
(A registrant who declares
information as true any
material matter pursuant to
Section 17913 of Business
and Professions Code that
the registrant knows to be
false is guilty of a
misdemeanor punishable by
a fine not to exceed one
thousand dollars ($1,000).)
Todd Barnett
NOTICE – In accordance
with subdivision (a) of
Section 17920, a fictitious
name statement generally
expires at the end of five
years from the date on which
it was filed in the office of
the county clerk, except, as
provided in subdivision
section 17920, where it
expires 40 days after any
change in the facts set forth
in the statement pursuant to
section 17913 other than a
change in residence address
or registered owner. A new
fictitious business name
statement must be filed
before the expiration. The
filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use
in this state of a fictitious
business name in violation of
the rights of another under
Federal, State, or Common
Law (see section 14411 ET
SEQ., Business and
Professions Code).
This statement was filed
with the County Clerk of
Ventura on the date indicated
by the file stamp above.
Published Ojai Valley News
April 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2015
File Number 2015031110004524-0 1/1
Ventura County Clerk and
File Date: 03/11/2015
1st Fictitious Business
Name: Busy Babes Beauty
2nd Fictitious Business
Name: too B Beauty …
Street Address of Principal
Place of Business (P.O. Box
or PMB are not acceptable):
306 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai, Ca
County of Principal Place
of Business: Ventura
Full name of 1st Registrant
ed Liability Company:
Natasha Ann Scott
Residence Address of 1st
Registrant (P.O. Box or PMB
are not acceptable):
233 Avenida Del Recreo,
Ojai, Ca 93023
Full name of 1st Registrant
ed Liability Company:
Melisa Anna Maria Desmond
Residence Address of 1st
Registrant (P.O. Box or PMB
are not acceptable):
1871 Country Place, Ojai,
CA 93023
This Business is conducted
by: A Limited Partnership
The registrant commenced
to transact business under the
fictitious business name or
names listed above on March
15, 2015.
I declare that all information
in this statement is true and
(A registrant who declares
information as true any
material matter pursuant to
Section 17913 of Business
and Professions Code that
the registrant knows to be
false is guilty of a
misdemeanor punishable by
a fine not to exceed one
thousand dollars ($1,000).)
Natasha Ann Scott
NOTICE – In accordance
with subdivision (a) of
Section 17920, a fictitious
name statement generally
expires at the end of five
years from the date on which
it was filed in the office of
the county clerk, except, as
provided in subdivision
section 17920, where it
expires 40 days after any
change in the facts set forth
in the statement pursuant to
section 17913 other than a
change in residence address
or registered owner. A new
fictitious business name
statement must be filed
before the expiration. The
filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use
in this state of a fictitious
business name in violation of
the rights of another under
Federal, State, or Common
Law (see section 14411 ET
SEQ., Business and
Professions Code).
This statement was filed
with the County Clerk of
Ventura on the date indicated
by the file stamp above.
Published Ojai Valley News
April 15, 17, 22 & 24, 2015
The Ojai Basin
Groundwater Management
Agency will hold a Public
Hearing on:
April 30, 2015 at 5 pm at
Ojai City Council Chambers
at 401 S. Ventura Street,
Ojai, on proposed Ordinance
No. 9.
Ordinance No. 9
Published Ojai Valley News
April 15, 17, 22 & 24, 2015
The Ojai Basin
Groundwater Management
Agency will hold a Public
Hearing on:
April 30, 2015 at 5 pm at
Ojai City Council Chamber
at 401 S. Ventura Street,
Ojai, on proposed Ordinance
No. 10.
Ordinance No.10
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A8 Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Photos by Perry Van Houten
Ojai Raptor Center open house attracts a flock of raptor fans
About 2,400 people showed up to the semi-annual open house at the Ojai Raptor
Center last weekend. Visitors were introduced to a new bird, the broad-winged
hawk (above left) held by volunteer Rio Vogt, and also caught up with familiar pals
like Gavin the Peregrine falcon (right).
Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015 A9
Pluto will be retrograde for five months
Esoteric astrology as news for the week
of April 15 through 22:
As the Lyrid meteors, radiating from the
star Vega in the Harp constellation, begin
showering heaven and earth with light,
Pluto, planet of transformation (or die)
turns stationary retrograde (Thursday,
April 16), 15 degrees Capricorn. Retrogrades have purpose, allowing humanity
time to review, reassess, research and reinvent while returning to previous situations.
Retrogrades are times of inner activity,
seeds sown in bio-dynamically prepared
soil. Pluto retrograde is the most serious
and resolute of retrogrades — a pure tincture or, as in homeopathy, a “constitutional” touching the essences of all that
matters. Pluto offers deep insight into confusion or puzzlement and areas where
transformation is still incomplete.
Pluto, retrograde for five months (until
Sept. 24) offers deep earthquakes of
change, awakens humanity to the task of
building (Capricorn) the new culture and
civilization, flailing our inner world about,
deepening us until we transform and do
things differently. Pluto is an unrelenting
teacher. New moon (29 Aries) is Saturday.
Mars anchors the new creative fires of Aries
into our world. Join us everyone.
ARIES: A new and surprising state of
identity affecting everyone, especially you,
Ari, occurs this week with Pluto retrograde
and the Aries new moon. Your days and
nights are overshadowed by this regenerating energy. Use it with knowledge and care.
Act only on harmless feelings. Tend to feelings by exercising, reading and resting
more. Don’t become difficult and authoritative. Protect others through kindness.
TAURUS: While returning to a time,
friend, event, city, state, idea, etc. from the
past, you ponder on spiritual realities and
attempt to conquer tasks not quite completed. These bring forth revelations, next
steps, forgiveness and closure. You’re
called to tend others, perhaps many, in
healing crisis. Appreciate everything you’re
asked to do. These are directions for further
learning. Consider different paths forward.
GEMINI: Some things have outlived
their usefulness. Thank them, releasing
them to their next reality. Mars (action) and
Mercury (thoughts) in your 12th, ask you to
consider a place of contemplation, poise
and quiet for a month. Energies are affecting you from all directions. When challenges appear you want to step aside like a
tai-chi master letting energies flow into elements. Tai-chi, calligraphy and archery
are good disciplines for you, the brothers,
ruled by Venus.
CANCER: You attempt to remain hidden
even while in the world serving others. It’s
a paradox of Cancer that you must always
be both. In all actions there’s always the
desire to include the opposite. You have the
intention to balance inner and outer, public and private, seen and unseen (of which
you both are and are not). Don’t be confused by this. Something new occurs in
your groups.
LEO: If emotions aren’t being expressed
then something will occur (or someone
may appear) bringing them out into the
open challenging you to share how you
feel. Is a sense of abandonment being felt?
Is your present home a bit lonely and/or do
you feel a past sadness and loss? Throughout what’s occurring there’s a pendulum
swinging here, there, past and present.
Someone misses you.
VIRGO: Be extra cautious and aware.
You’re sensitive, restless and hungry. Try as
you might, it can’t be soothed by chocolate, or ice cream. Ask yourself if what you
want is a past memory, a present need or a
future reality you must create? Nurture all
plans with kindly patience. Daily life can
feel difficult, transforming, yet regenerative. Always seek forgiveness. Step away for
a while. A long trip elsewhere would be
LIBRA: As Pluto retrogrades this week,
you turn toward home seeking what needs
renovating, redecorating and reimagining.
The garden first. New vines, perhaps, especially night-blooming ones — jasmine and
moon flowers. Beauty encourages and
helps you cooperate more. You want to
harmonize the intensity. Know that the key
to successful outcomes is intention. Always ask what your intentions are. Ask others their intentions, too.
SCORPIO: You want to be sensible and
practical, forgetting all the deep stuff for a
while, applying yourself fully to daily needs
in order to feel stability. You begin to weigh
day-to-day responsibilities with thoughts
on how to include contemplation and retreat. The Forces of Restoration are out and
about this month. They will help you. Ask
them. Only to you do I reveal this.
SAGITTARIUS: You have moments of
peace and freedom. And then a new reality
emerges and feelings of freedom and fun
disappear and you assume high-maintenance exhaustive work and you ask, “Why
me, God?” and then you set about tending
to what’s at hand. And realize your life suddenly became easier through acceptance
and you feel pleasure recognizing your
skills and don’t think you’re immovable for
you’re just assessing things — in your own
CAPRICORN: You step away from the
world for moment, focus on family needs
and suddenly you have more energy facing
those you love. Tenderness sweeps through
your heart. You want to care for them in
ways great and small. However, you must
tend to self first. Have a protein-filled
breakfast. The quality of our early morning
foods equals the amount and quality of energy we have each day. We can train ourselves to eat differently. It’s simply a useful
Capricorn way toward success. “Usefulness” is a Cap word.
AQUARIUS: Be very observant of your
communication. Be aware also of those
you’re not communicating with — and
why. Offer everyone kindness and equality.
Toward those opposing you, anger may
erupt. Assess what is right relations. Don’t
allow your anger or actions to be out of
control. It could be dangerous. Feelings
may explode unexpectedly. Stand back and
observe. The energies are quite complex.
Be in charge quietly.
PISCES: Notice the energetic shift from
fire (Aries) to earth (Taurus). Call upon the
fire of spirit and the sustenance of earth to
help heal you in the coming weeks. Be
truthful in all matters. If you don’t understand, ask for clarification. Allow no one’s
reality to become greater than your reality,
including your needs. Love comes slowly
and from far away. And then, all of a sudden, it appears again! Help is close by as a
Risa D’Angeles is founder and director of
the Esoteric and Astrological Studies and
Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom
school in the ancient mysteries tradition.
Send email to risagoodwill@gmail.com, go
to nightlightnews.com or see her Facebook
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April 15, 2015
Mike Miller, editor
Highlighting prep, rec and area sports
NHS relay team wins Arcadia Invite
‘Nordhoff Express’ now looks ahead to Russell Cup, then Philadelphia Penn Relays
Mike Miller
The “Nordhoff Express” — also known as
School 4-by-800-meter
relay team — continues
to roll through the best
high school relay teams
in the nation. Varian Wilson, Elijah Balderas,
Cameron Kunde turned
in another impressive
performance last weekend when they competed in the prestigious
Arcadia Invitational and
brought home a rare
gold medal. The Ojai
team was pitted against
some of the best relay
teams in the state of California as well as six
power teams from outside the state.
Despite taking on
teams from schools
many times the size of
Nordhoff, the Ranger
foursome threw down a
season-best 7:47.50 performance. The time is far
and away the best performance in California
this season and it remains the third-fastest
time in the United States
this spring.
Given that the Arcadia
Invitational breeds su-
Photo submitted
The Nordhoff Express, consisting of (left to right) Varian Wilson, Elijah Balderas, Landis Meyer, and Cameron
Kunde won the prestigious Arcadia Invitational 4-by-800-relay event last weekend. The team will travel to the
Penn Relays April 23.
perstars, NHS middle
distance coach Ed Italo
was thrilled his team was
able to come away with
the win. “I can’t believe
we won Arcadia. This is
huge and we should all
be very proud of these
kids. I thought for sure
one of these out of state
teams would be laying
the weeds, but these
guys really competed
and came up big,” he
Italo added, “By the
time our third leg, Landis
Meyer, handed the baton
to anchor, Cameron
Kunde, the victory was
all but out of the reach of
second-place Redondo
Union, who finished
three seconds behind us
with a 7:50.58.” Wilson
led off with a split of
1:57.89 which was followed up by Balderas
who ran 1:59.42. On the
third leg, Meyer was im-
pressive with a 1:56.23
and then Kunde brought
the baton home with a
And the Nordhoff Express thinks there are
even faster times on the
horizon. “If we get one
or two guys to pop, I
think we have a lot of
room to improve,” noted
After Friday’s relay victory, Kunde returned to
Arcadia on Saturday to
compete in the Open
800-meter run, where he
replaced the existing
Nordhoff school record
of 1:54.89, set in 1998,
with a new time of
1:54.07. The NHS junior
ended up third, but
some jostling on the second lap may have prevented Kunde from
running even faster. “He
was pushed completely
off the track so I think he
could have easily run
1:53.5 or so,” said Italo.
This coming weekend,
the Rangers will compete individually at the
Russell Cup in Carpinteria before heading off to
Philadelphia on April 23
to compete in the Penn
Relays. Italo concluded
by saying, “We are remaining focused and
committed to getting
better, but I think we
could win the Penn Relays if we run like we are
capable of running. We
will play off the momentum of Arcadia and see
what happens. These
young men are capable
and ready, so we’ll see
how it goes.”
Wadsworth, Blankenburg win Soule Park event
Ted Cotti
OVN correspondent
Brian Wadsworth of
Ojai and Mark Blankenburg of Ventura teamed
to post a net 16-underpar 56 to capture the
Soule Park Men’s Golf
Club’s annual two-man
Saturday. The victory
earned them the right to
represent the club at the
annual Southern California Golf Association’s
Two-Man Best-Ball Club
Championship Tournament later this year.
“We were a perfect
team, which is ironic because we just decided to
play together a couple of
days before the tournament,” Wadsworth explained. “Mark did a
great job scoring on his
holes, and on the holes
he didn’t get a pop, I’d
drain a putt, so it just
worked out great.”
The pair came out of
the gate on fire with
birdies on two, three, five,
six, eight and nine and an
eagle on seven to make
the turn at 9-under par.
They then bookended
birds on 12, 13 and 15 on
the back with eagles on
11 and 16, to finish with a
bogey-free 56, three shots
clear of the runners-up
and a whopping six shots
ahead of the third-place
“We didn’t give any
shots back, and that was
Blankenburg, who like
Wadsworth has been a
member of the club for
four years. “I figured we’d
have to shoot at least 10under to be in contention
and thought that if we
made a couple of birdies
(at different times) we’d
have a chance, and it just
worked out.”
“I didn’t really start
with a number,” said
Wadsworth. “I just took
it hole by hole.”
Blankenburg was the
hero on seven, hitting his
4-hybrid to within 2 feet
Wadsworth lost his second shot in a tree.
Wadsworth carried the
team on 11, reaching the
par five in two with a 5wood before sinking a
12-foot putt.
“It sort of went that
way all day,” Wadsworth
said. “When one of us
went off, the other one
stepped up.”
Ojai brothers Jay and
Mark Ackerman took
second in the net competition, defeating Santa
Barbara residents Mike
Kerkering and Henry
Franco in a scorecard
playoff. Tim Silvestri and
Ben Barraza took fourth
place, aided by a net
eagle one on six.
The Soule Park Men’s
Club will also send a
twosome to represent
the club in the SCGA’s
gross competition; however, SCGA rules stipulate that both players
must play to a 6.4 handicap or less. As such, Saturday’s gross winners,
Peter Brown and Charles
Casey (who carded a 68),
and runners-up Ken
Leonard and Tom Spraggins (who carded a 71)
do not qualify.
That means third place
finishers Scott Snowbarger and John Obraza,
both scratch golfers who
teamed for a one-under
par 71, will represent
Soule Park at the SCGA
event later this summer.
Casey birdied one, five,
13 and 16 while Brown
birdied two, four and five
before finishing with an
eagle on 18 to earn the
day’s gross flight honors.
Leonard and Spraggins
won a second-place
card-off by virtue of
birds on 12, 13 and 16.
Obraza posted a 73
with birds on four, five
and 18 to pace the club
Snowbarger, still recovering from a snowboarding injury to his wrist,
fired a 77.
winners were Snowbarger on three (4 feet, 6
inches), Adrian Frape on
six (8 feet, 10 inches),
Obraza on 10 (4 feet, 5
inches) and Jay Ackerman on 16 (1 foot, 7
The club’s next tournament, the Memorial, a
game, is May 16. Club
membership applications are available in the
Soule Park Pro Shop.
Ojai Valley News photo by Ted Cotti
Brian Wadsworth (left) and Mark Blankenburg won last
weekend’s Soule Park Men’s Golf Club’s annual twoman best-ball tournament by shooting 16 under par.
Photo submitted
Sundowner golfers prepare for opening day
The nine-hole Ojai Sundowners Golf League, including star players like Victor
Logan begin play April 28 at Soule Park Golf Course. Weekly play takes place
every Tuesday afternoon throughout the summer. Limited spaces are available
in the league. Contact James Casey at 798-5252 for more information on this
golf league.
Since 1929
Photo submitted
Webster climbs to second-place finish
Oak View's Greg Webster took second place last weekend in the Carnegie Hillclimb Nitro Nationals, a hill climbing dirt bike race in Tracy, Calif. Held April 11
and 12, the event was a West Coast Hillclimb Association Series (WCHA) pro-am
hill climb/verticross. Webster and his Honda 500 took second place in the Altered
Stock 451-700cc Division.
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April 15, 2015
OSA today
“Condition Report:
The State of OSA 2015”
is the theme of the 13th
annual exhibition of
Ojai Studio Artists (OSA)
at the Ojai Valley
Museum, running from
Saturday to July 5.
The show opens
Saturday with a public
reception from 5 to
7 p.m.
“Condition Report” is
the name given to the
document completed
by museum staff upon
receipt of an artwork
noting whether the
piece is dated, signed,
showing age or damage,
and the like.
The upcoming OSA
show aims to capture
something of its own
“Condition Report” with
more than 30 years
history, 60 current
artists and members
who have come and
gone, including the
eight new members
juried in this year.
The show will demonstrate that an important
See OSA, Page B3
OVA slates
April classes
Photo by Steve Mann
Singer/songwriter Billy Jonas will appear 7 p.m. Tuesday in a Fresh Roasted concert.
Upbeat Jonas to perform
Fresh Roasted
Concerts will present
singer/songwriter Billy
Jonas in a house
concert Tuesday at 7:30
The music mixes
conventional instruments (guitar, bass,
marimba) with homemade creations (using
buckets and barrels,
keys and cans, bells
and body percussion).
Jonas tailors both his
song selection and its
presentation to suit
each audience. It’s
spirited, straightforward music that is
accessible to anyone
and everyone, regardless of age or cultural
For more than two
decades, Jonas has
shared stages with
many renowned artists,
including Alison
Krauss, Peter Yarrow,
Keb’ Mo’, Mary Chapin
Carpenter, Kathy
Mattea, Paul Winter,
Michele Shocked,
Justin Bieber, Ani
DiFranco, David
Wilcox, Richard
Thompson and Pete
Seeger. His upbeat,
engaging presence
encourages active
audience participation.
“My favorite instrument is the audience,”
Jonas explained. “I
work to ‘tribalize’ the
compositions … to
provide an immediate
opportunity for the
listener to join in.”
Tickets are available
only by calling 6468907. Seating is limited
and directions will be
given at the time of
OVA arts will offer the
following classes during
• A Wrap
Bracelet workshop,
taught by Tea Bittner,
will be held Saturday
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Cost
for the class is $70 and
participants will learn
how to make a trendy
wrap bracelet using an
array of materials and
• A Wire Wrap
Bracelet workshop, with
Tea Bittner, will be held
April 24 from 6 to 7:30
p.m. Cost for the class is
$65 and participants
will learn basic wire
wrap techniques to
complete a bracelet.
This technique is fundamental in basic jewelry
• A Mosaic Mirror
Workshop, with Sheri
Sanchez, will be offered
April 25 from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Cost for the
class is $115 and participants will choose from
three design options
and a variety of colors
and materials, to create
their own one-of-akind, mosaic mirror.
• A Mosaic “Rock of
Love” workshop, with
Sheri Sanchez, will be
offered April 26, from 11
a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost for
the class is $45 plus $5
for a center jewel if
needed. Participants
will learn the techniques, materials and
See Classes, Page B3
NHS show to include Chamber Choir
The Nordhoff High
School Chamber Choir,
will perform during the
upcoming “That ’70s
Show” Sunday at 2:30
p.m. at the Matilija
Junior High School
The show also will
feature The Household
Gods with guests James
Antunez, Jimmy Calire,
Patricia Cardinali, Jeff
Joad, Cindy Kalmenson
and Julija Zonic.
Other guests include
Nordhoff music
director Bill Wagner
and Matilija music
director Thomas
Fredrickson on horns.
All of the performers
are donating their
talent for this show,
which raises money for
the annual Spring Tour.
For this year’s tour,
students from all the
ensembles will be traveling to the Heritage
Festival in San Diego
from April 23 through
April 26.
In addition to their
adjudicated performances, the students will
attend a musical, a
baseball game, a day at
Nordhoff High
• That ’70s Show
• Matilija Junior
High School
• 703 El Paseo Rd.,
• Sunday at
2:30 p.m.
• Cost is $20 at the
• For more information, visit
SeaWorld and tour the
USS Midway. Students
pay for these travels
through fundraising,
family contributions
and with scholarships
One of the more
popular fundraisers is
Tips for Talent, which
will be held Tuesday at
Jim and Rob’s Fresh
Grill in Ojai. Students
will perform for tips
and Jim and Rob’s will
donate a portion of the
proceeds from the
evening to the department.
Another way to see
all the ensembles will
be to attend “Friday
Night in the Park,” a
free concert May 29 at
6:30 p.m. in the Libbey
Tickets for “That ’70s
Show” are $20 at the
For more information on all upcoming
events, visit
The Nordhoff
Symphonic Band
received a top rating at
the SCSBOA Festival in
Thousand Oaks March
25. The band received
a superior rating in
both performance and
group assisting with
public awareness and
fundraising for the
Nordhoff High School
Music Program in
support of Nordhoff
students who strive to
play, sing and learn
Photo submitted
Kilbie Wills and Bill Wagner are ready for “That ’70s Show.” Wills is a member of the
Gold 'n Blue Chorale and captain of the Nordhoff High School (NHS) Color Guard.
Wagner is music director at NHS.
Students reach out with flutes
Photo submitted
Flutes from Topa Topa School students were given to
children on the Rosebud Indian Reservation.
Flutes Across The
World recently returned
from connecting
students from Ojai and
other schools in
southern California to
Native American
students and children
on the Rosebud Indian
Reservation in South
Dakota and Nebraska.
flutes from Topa Topa
School students were
given to children at He
Dog Elementary School
and Prairie Wind
Elementary School as
part of the Ojai Music
Festivals educational
programs, which is one
of Flutes Across The
World’s outreach spon-
sors in the schools.
John Zeretzke,
founder and artistic
director of the program,
accompanied the flutes
and gave music instruction and classes to the
Native American
A flutes and music
mission to the Philippines is scheduled for
May when more than
1,000 flutes will be
taken overseas for children there. Zeretzke is
planning the work with
Commander Ramon
Moreno of the Philippines Coast Guard Auxilary and flutes will go to
children in orphanages,
hospitals and schools
throughout the Philippines.
Flutes Across The
World will hold a
fundraising wine-andcheese gathering at
Gallery 525 in Meiners
Oaks Friday at 5 p.m. A
short presentation and
performance using
exotic and ancient
flutes by Zeretzke will
start at 6 p.m. Gallery
525 is at 525 El Roblar
Road in Meiners Oaks.
To RSVP for this event,
please e-mail name and
number of attendees to
.com. For information,
call 630-3133
Flutes Across The
World will also present
a family night ‘make-aflute’ fundraiser at
Meiners Oaks Elementary School April 23
from 6 to 8 p.m. All
attendees can make two
flutes – one to keep and
one to give to a child in
another part of the
world. There will be a
short performance and
travel program about
the work of the organization followed by the
West African flutemaking instruction.
This event is free to
attend but donations
are encouraged and will
go to support the work
of Flutes Across The
World music missions
and programs.
B2 Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Exhibit celebrates Ojai surrealist
Nutmeg’s Ojai House
will host a showing of
work by William Prosser
Saturday from 3 to 6
Prosser attended
Nordhoff High School
in the 1970s, and
studied Impressionism
with Ojai artist Bill
“Bill really went out of
his way to help coach
me with painting, but
the best lesson I got
from him was his attitude in celebrating life
with paint – an
emotional commitment
that shows through the
work, which I feel
helped push Bill over
the top to be recognized
as a Living Master by
folks in Santa Barbara.”
He began selling his
Impressionist landscapes through
Nutmeg’s Ojai House 14
years ago, and then
through the Around the
Corner Gallery as well.
After the Tsunami in
2004, Prosser went to Sri
Lanka for five months
as a volunteer.
Returning home with
video footage, he
produced a documentary “And The Sea Took
Us,” narrated by
Michelle Phillips, which
went on to win The
Spirit of Independents
Award at the 2006 Fort
Lauderdale International Film Festival.
He is currently
submitting his second
documentary, “The Ojai
Mardi Gras, OMG,” shot
around the Ojai Mardi
Gras in 2013, to film
Prosser painted a few
symbolic pieces
through the years, but
now his focus is entirely
devoted to the Surreal
style, rich with arche-
types and symbolism.
“I fell in love with
Surrealism, and after a
visit to the Salvador Dali
Museum in Saint
Petersburg, Florida, I
decided to take that
road,” Prosser
explained. “My work
now leans towards
inner landscapes, and
represents emotions
and thoughts of ‘who
am I?’ and ‘how do I fit
in this world?’ which I
feel are common to
everyone. If I can paint
images that reflect our
human condition in a
new and interesting
way, I have achieved the
goal in finding my own
frontier in art, and
possibly contributing
something. Painting
and filmmaking are
wonderful, creative
jobs. I feel very fortunate to live this creative
Works by artist William Prosser will be on display at Nutmeg’s Ojai House.
A collection of more
than 40 surreal and
symbolic paintings will
be on display.
Musical entertainment will be provided
by Linnea Soledad, Jim
Hanson and Jack Lelah,
playing Celtic folk
A 50 percent show
discount will be offered
on purchases made
during the reception.
Nutmeg’s Ojai
House is at 304 N.
Montgomery St.
in Ojai.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, April 15
• Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance
Day, will be commemorated by the Jewish
Community of Ojai
through a showing of
the film “Degenerate
Art” with discussion
afterwards with local
artist, Dr. Pat Allen.
The film explores how
the Nazis defamed and
vilified avant grade
artists in Germany
during the 1930s
culminating in the
infamous art show
called Degenerate
Art.The showing will
begin at 7 p.m. at 530
W. El Roblar in
Meiners Oaks.
Friday, April 17
• Enjoy live music with
Cindy Kalmenson and
the Lucky Ducks at
OVA arts 3rd Friday
Event on April 17 from
6-8. Cindy is a California native ,
returning after 14
years in Nashville
where she recorded 3
critically acclaimed
CDs. She and her
group will play many
of your favorite songs
as well as some originals. There will be
light refreshments to
enjoy, as well as
amazing art.
Also, the winner of the
Crate Decorating
Contest will be
and presented with a
gift basket from Ojai
Valley Artists. And the
winner of a Certificate
to the Oaks Spa for 2
will be drawn. To
enter this drawing,
find the pixie at OVA
arts and/or vote for
your favorite decorated crate which will
be scattered around
the store. OVA arts is
located at 108 N.
Signal and is open
daily from 10-6.
• UCSB Arts & Lectures
will present the Santa
Barbara debut of The
Mutter-BronfmanHarrell Trio at The
Granada Theatre. The
7 p.m. program will
feature works by
Beethoven and
Tchaikovsky and will
be held at The
Granada Theatre, 1214
State St. in Santa
Barbara. Visit
www.ArtsAndLectures.UCSB.edu or call
899-2222 for tickets.
Saturday, April 18
• Artist Reception and
Show Saturday April
18, 3 to 7 p.m. In the
Gallery. One of California’s Premier Landscape Painters
Richard Schloss is an
Contemporary fine art
jewelry and crafts
Unique gifts, attractive prices
108-B. N. Signal St.
Open daily 10-6 • (805) 646-5682
Susan Joan Rini
April 18th 11a.m - 5 p.m.
Mini and Full Animal Readings
Connect with your pet in a way that you
have never experienced at
Soul Centered Shop
311 N Montgomery St, Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 640-8222
amazing Painter of
Light as is evident to
any who have enjoyed
his paintings.
Gallery goers are
invited to drop by for a
glass of wine and a
chat with Richard.
There will be more
than 60 paintings on
display in the gallery.
Contact the Gallery for
more Information
805-646-0967 307 E
Ojai Ave Suite 102 .
Ojai CA info@tartagliafineart.com .
• The producers of the
Ventura Winter Wine
Walk & Holiday Street
Fair will also host
Champagne On Main,
a spring event this
year. The event will
take place in downtown Ventura from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit
www.champagneonmain.com to purchase
tickets or for more
• Bank of Books bookstore will host a day of
authors from 11 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Authors
include Fireball Tim
Lawrence, Andrew
Jimenez and Kelsey
MacConell. Bank of
Books is at 748 E. Main
St. in Ventura.
• The Ojai Library will
host a workshop entitled “Navigating your
Social Security, What
you need to know
before you collect
benefits,” from 2 to 3
p.m. The Ojai Library
is at 111 E. Ojai Ave.
For information, call
• One of the largest
Nordic festivals in the
western United States
will return to California Lutheran
University from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. The 41st
Scandinavian Festival
will celebrate the
cultures of Denmark,
Finland, Iceland,
Norway and Sweden
and the Saami people
from the Arctic regions
of Scandinavia. Cal
Lutheran is at the
corner of Olsen Road
and Mountclef Boulevard in Thousand
Oaks. Visit www. scandinavianfest.org for
tickets and event
Sunday, April 19
• Best-selling children’s
recording artist and
preschool television
favorite Laurie Berkner
will bring her You and
Me Tour to UC Santa
Barbara’s Campbell
Hall, 201 Mesa Road in
Santa Barbara at 3 p.m.
This performance is
part of the UCSB Arts
& Lectures “Family
Fun” series. Call 8933535 for tickets.
Friday, April 24
• Quattro, an ensemble
that blends Latin, pop,
jazz and classical
music, will perform at
the Scherr Forum
Theatre at 8:30 p.m.
Quattro is a 2013 Latin
Grammy nominee for
best new artist. Tickets
are available from
Ticketmaster at 800745-3000, online at
or through the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts
Plaza box office at
2100 Thousand Oaks
Saturday, April 25
• The Ventura Botanical Gardens will host
the seventh annual
Spring Garden Tour
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Legacy Legs After
Party, celebrating
renowned plant
breeder, Theodosia
Burr Shepard, will
follow the Garden
Tour. Six private
gardens in the city of
Ventura will be open to
the public for selfguided tours. Tickets
are available at
www.VenturaBotanicalGardens.com or at
Villa Tasca Gardens,
Oasis Patio & Garden,
Palermo, Danny’s Deli,
Green Thumb and
Pacific Oaks Federal
Credit Union.
Monday, April 27
• Karen Banfield’s Intuitive Writing Class will
present a spoken word
performance at Gallery
525, 525 W. El Roblar
Ave., in Meiner’s
Oaks, at 6.30 p.m. A $5
donation will be
requested at the door.
For information, call
Friday, May 1
• A day of performances, intended
primarily for students,
will kick off the 16th
Ojai Storytelling
Festival. A pre-school
show, with award
winning storyteller,
Regi Carpenter and
Diane Ferlatte is set for
at 9 a.m. the Ojai Art
Center. At 9:30 a.m.,
students from grades
kindergarten through
third will hear storytellers Donald Davis,
Andy Irwin and Clare
Murphy at Libbey
Bowl. At 11:15 a.m.
upper grade to high
school students will
hear storytellers
Donald Davis, Diane
Ferlatte, Minton
Sparks and Vijai
Nathan. For tickets
and information, call
646-8907 or visit
• Marie Bean,
Australian running and
fitness coach and
author of the two bestselling books — “Lazy
Runner” and “Lazy
Loser” — will speak at
the Ojai Library at 3
p.m. The Ojai Library
is at 111 E. Ojai Ave.
• The Ojai Storytelling
Festival will a
fundraising event
during this year’s Ojai
Storytelling Festival,
called “Meet the Tellers
Luncheon.” The lunch
will be held onstage at
the Libbey Bowl at 1
p.m. Proceeds will
support the Festival’s
outreach programs for
students. Attendees
will receive lunch and
have an opportunity to
meet the tellers from
this year’s festival.
Tickets can be
purchased at
or by calling 646-8907.
Saturday, May 2
• The Ojai Playwrights
Conference will host
its annual benefit gala
at 3 p.m. at the Matilija
Junior High School
auditorium. The event
will include a 90minute cabaret and a
post-show gathering at
Aspen Grove Ranch.
Visit www.ojaiplays.org
for tickets and information.
• The Ventura County
Pastel Artists will host
its “Annual Spring
Show” artists reception from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. at West Hills
Gallery, 1545 Cuyama
Road in Ojai. Ventura
County Pastel Artists
members will exhibit
their newest paintings
created with soft
pastels. Refreshments
will be served and
there will be pastel
throughout the day.
For additional information, call 646-6907,
701-0566 or 661-7662191.
Saturday, May 9
• The animals stay out
late and the wine will
flow during the Santa
Barbara Zoo’s inaugural “Roar & Pour”
Wine Festival, from 5
to 8 p.m. Guests can
stroll through the Zoo
and sample wines
from the Central
Coast, listen to
zookeeper talks and
dine on offerings from
food trucks or a preordered picnic basket.
ar-and-pour/ to
purchase tickets.
Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015 B3
‘Best Shakespeare experience ever’ at A.C.T.
John Hankins
“As You Like It” ends
its run this weekend at
the Ojai Art Center
Theater (A.C.T.).
Ojai’s premier theater
patron, Kathleen Hellwitz, said: “I had the
best Shakespeare experience ever. Your
production is perfection. I’ll be back next
week,” and playwright
Richard Camp added,
with a nod to the play’s
famous speech: “all the
stage is a world of
singing, dancing, acrobatics, comedy,
romance and sheer
fun. Plus four
weddings … what’s not
to like?”
With the close of the
Ojai Shakespeare
Festival – which ran
from 1990 to 2007 – the
slack has been picked
up by “Like It’s”
director Laurie Walters
who rekindled the
Shakespeare Salon in
2004, and by Ojai
A.C.T., which featured
Shakespeare connoisseur and expert
Michael Addison
directing “Twelfth
Night” last year.
“Walters’ love of
Shakespeare is contagious,” commented coproducer Len Klaif,
who admits he wasn’t a
particular fan of the
Bard until participating
in this light-hearted
There are a lot of new
faces on the stage
blending well with
repeating actors, two of
whom, David Stewart
and Ezra Eells, treat the
audience to an array of
acrobatic moves that
had the audience break
out in spontaneous
The set, designed by
Neva Williams, goes
from the court with its
formal columns to the
Forest of Arden. The
backdrop original
incarnation was as a
sky for “Wizard of Oz.”
It was modified into a
dark-forest backdrop
for “Shrek” primarily by
Kenny Dahle. Williams
added “rocks” that had
to be light and portable
but able to withstand a
pounding as the actors
jumped or laid back on
The costumes, by
Sheryl-Jo Bedal, had to
be begged, borrowed
or sewn to evoke Colonial times in America.
Walters set Shakespeare’s play in that
period because of the
presence of an increasingly oppressive
English aristocracy
alongside the optimism of creating a new
nation: “a world remade as we might
dream it could be.”
There also is period
music. Setting the play
in the 1750’s meant
Shakespeare’s lyrics
could be sung to early
Photo by Tom Moore
Clayton McLannock and David Stewart go nose to nose in a scene in the Forest of Arden.
American tunes,
helping the play feel
home-grown. Judith
Vander, music director,
is the one to thank for
finding melodies from
the 18th century to fit
seamlessly with the
lyrics, adding a period
“hunting song” to the
fun, and composing an
original tune for “It
Was a Lover and His
Lass.” Choreographer
Anna Kotula created
the playful and spirited
“‘As You Like It’ is a
play that makes me
smile from the inside
out,” Walters said.
The final performances will be at 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday
and 2 p.m. Sunday.
The Ojai Art Center
Theater is at 113 S.
Montgomery St.
Tickets are $18
general admission, $15
for seniors and Art
Center members, and
$8 for students. Reservations are available at
www.OjaiACT.org or by
calling 640-8797.
‘Love Letters’ delivers a bit of Broadway
Academy Award
winning actress Shirley
Jones and her husband,
comedian Marty Ingels,
bring a bit of Broadway
to the Plaza Playhouse
Theater in Carpinteria
when they appear in
A.R. Gurney’s “Love
Letters” April 24
through April 26.
The play, which had a
recent run in New York,
centers on the reading
of correspondence
exchanged by two longtime friends — now into
their twilight years — as
they shared their life
experiences over the
decades from childhood
through adulthood and
Jones, honored with
an Oscar for Best
Supporting Actress for
her dramatic work in
“Elmer Gantry” with
Burt Lancaster in 1960,
co-starred in many of
the best Hollywood
musicals of the mid-‘50s
and early ‘60s including
“Oklahoma,” “Carousel”
and “The Music Man,”
but is perhaps best
known as the “mother
hen” of the “The
Partridge Family,” a
long-running 1970’s TV
series about a musical
group, which also
featured her son, David
Cassidy. It’s still seen in
Ingels is an actor,
comedian, voice-over
artist, comedy sketch
writer and longtime
theatrical agent who
began his career in the
early ‘60s, appearing in
various films and TV
shows. He co-starred
with John Astin in “I’m
Dickens, He’s Fenster”
which aired for one
season on ABC-TV in
1962. His raspy voice
and unique delivery has
been featured in
commercials and
cartoon series over the
years. In 1977 he
married Jones and in
1990 they co-authored
an autobiography
“Shirley and Marty: An
Unlikely Love Story.”
Which leads us back
to “Love Letters,” also
an unlikely love story
between two friends,
who, while they admire,
love and respect each
Weekly “Art Talks”
will be held from 11
a.m. to noon each
Saturday and will
feature three artists
each week talking about
their work.
The Ojai Valley
Museum is at 130 W.
Ojai Ave.
Hours are Tuesdays
through Saturdays from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and
Sundays from noon to
4 p.m.
Continued from Page B1
aspect of OSA’s condition is change.
Thus, the show will
feature everyone’s
newest work, previously
not shown regionally,
and potentially more
experimental than
Continued from Page B1
tools needed to make mosaics on
rocks. Participants will finish one
heart mosaic rock using glass and
beads and a center jewel piece.
Register for class by phone at 6465682, at www.ojaivalleyartists.com or
at the gallery at 108 N. Signal St. in
Ojai daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tickets on sale
April 4th at the
Art Center $75
Log on to www.ojaivalleynews.com
other, never seem to get
around to becoming
actual lovers, something, it appears over
time, they both regret.
“In this age of cell
phones, e-mail, Twitter,
texting, Facebook and
Instagram, audiences
will be treated to a time
when hand-written
letters were the norm
and primarily the only
way to stay in touch
with friends and family,
other than long distance
telephone calls, which,
back in the day, could
get very expensive,” said
Peter Bie, a board
member of the theater
and who, along with his
wife, Melinda, is
producing the play.
Performances of
“Love Letters” will be
April 24 at 8 p.m., April
25 at 8 p.m. and April 26
at 3 p.m.
Tickets are available
at www.plazatheatercarpinteria.com and
cost $45. The Plaza
Playhouse Theater is at
4916 Carpinteria Ave. in
B4 Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
• April 15: Ojai
Community Bank, 402
W. Ojai Ave., will
display “Here and
Gone,” an exhibit of
photographs by locals
David Baker and
Richard Shirley,
through May 1. An
opening reception will
be held today from
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Call
• April 15: Harbor
Village Gallery, 1591
Spinnaker Drive,
Ventura Harbor
Village, will display
works by the group
Learning To See Youth
Outreach today
through May 3. A
reception will be held
2 to 4 p.m. Saturday.
• Through April 16:
The Ojai Café Emporium, 108 S. Montgomery St., will
display “A Passion for
Pastels,” an exhibit of
works by Ojai artists
Gretchen Greenberg
and Tom Hardcastle,
through Thursday.
Call 646-2723.
• April 18: The Ojai
Valley Museum, 130
W. Ojai Ave., will
display artwork by the
Ojai Studio Artists,
Saturday through July
5, in the group’s 13th
annual show, “Condition Report: 2015.”
The show opens with
a reception Saturday
from 5 to 7 p.m. Call
• Through April 25:
The Blackboard
Gallery, 2222 Ventura
Blvd., Camarillo, will
display works by three
Brooks Institute
students through
April 25. The students
are Emmanuel
Amezcua, Dominic
Crowley and Nataly
von Pflug. Call 3831368.
• April 25: galerie 102,
102 W. Matilija St.,
Ojai, will display “No
Risk, No Reward,” an
exhibit of mixed
media by Ellwood
Risk and photography
by Sabine Pearlman,
April 25 through May
24. Call 640-0151.
• Through April 26:
The Porch Gallery, 310
E. Matilija St., will
display “10,000 Days,”
an exhibit of works by
Richard Amend and
Susan StinsmuehlenAmend.
• Through April 30:
The Santa Paula Agriculture Museum, 926
Railroad Ave., Santa
Paula, will display
Impressions, the Art
of Kate Hoffman,”
through April 30. Call
• Through May 1: The
Oaks at Ojai, 122 E.
Ojai Ave., will display
works by Richard
Franklin, figurative
artist, ceramist,
instructor and architect, through May 1.
Call 646-5573.
• May 2: West Hills
Gallery, 1545 Cuyama
Road, Ojai, will host
the annual “Spring
Show” of the Ventura
County Pastel Artists,
May 2 from 11 a.m. to
4 p.m. Call 646-6907.
• Through May 2: The
Buenaventura Gallery,
700 E. Santa Clara St.,
Ventura, will display
“Revelations,” a solo
exhibit of paintings by
Mariana Peirano
Royuela, through May
2. Call 648-1235.
• Through May 2:
Gallery 525, at 525 W.
El Roblar Drive in
Meiners Oaks, will
display “Nachtbaden
(Night Swimming),”
an exhibit of recent
monotype prints by
Oakland-based artist
Grady Gordon,
through May 2. Call
• Through May 10:
Fox Fine Jewelry, 560
E. Main St., Ventura,
will display works by
Ojai Studio Artists
Valerie Freeman and
Linda Taylor in an
exhibit titled “Al di La”
through May 10. Call
• Through May 31:
Coffee Connection,
311 E. El Roblar Drive,
Meiners Oaks, will
display “Badger Pix,”
an exhibit of prints of
Peter Bellwood’s original collage art,
through May 31. Call
• June 6: galerie 102,
102 W. Matilija St.,
Ojai, will display solo
works of photography
by Aaron Farley, June
6 through July 5. Call
• Through June 14:
The Santa Paula Art
Museum, 117 N. 10th
St., Santa Paula, will
display works by Ojai
artists Carlos Grasso
and Sylvia Raz
through June 14 in an
exhibit titled “Dos Del
Sur.” Call 525-5554.
• Through July 5: The
Santa Paula Art
Museum, 117 N. 10th
St., Santa Paula, will
display “Next Generation Revisited,” an
Photo by Gary Moss
Photographer Gary Moss will conduct a demonstration of food photography for the Ojai Photography Club.
Demo will focus on art of food
Gary Moss, advertising and
editorial photographer and
photo editor of 805 Living
Magazine, will present a realtime demonstration on the
intricacies of food photography
at the Ojai Photography Club’s
meeting Tuesday. The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. at
Help of Ojai’s Kent Hall, 111
exhibit of works by
area college students,
through July 5. Call
• July 17: The
Museum of Ventura
County, 100 E. Main
Martha Moran
Rock ojairockstacker.com
Stacker 805.279.7605
Sculptures, Fountains,
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Santa Ana St. in Ojai.
Moss will show what it takes
to achieve simple, yet stylized,
food shots using basic food
items. The demonstration will
be of interest to photographers
of all skill levels.
Moss images always have an
editorial look. He relishes the
challenges of location food
St., Ventura, will
display “Face to Face,”
an exhibit of contemporary portraiture by
Ventura County artists
ages 18 to 35, July 17
through Sept. 13. Call
photography. Visit www.garymossphotography.com to view
his portfolio of images.
Monthly presentations are
part of the Ojai Photography
Club’s community service and
education outreach. Visitors are
Visit www.ojaiphoto
club.com for more information.
653-0323, Ext. 301.
• Through Oct. 11:
The Museum of
Ventura County, 100
E. Main St., Ventura,
will display “A Worse
Place than Hell: The
Changing Face of
Abraham Lincoln,” a
new exhibit of George
Stuart Historical
Figures, through Oct.
11. Call 653-0323, Ext.
Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015 B5
Wednesday, April 15
• Steely Dan will
perform at the Santa
Barbara Bowl at 7 p.m.
Steely Dan has sold
more than 40 million
albums worldwide
and helped define the
soundtrack of the ‘70s
with hits including
“Reeling’ In The
Years,” “Rikki Don’t
Lose That Number,”
“F.M.” “Peg,” “Hey
Nineteen,” “Deacon
Blues,” and “Babylon
Sisters,” culled from
their seven platinum
albums issued
between 1972 and
1980, including 1977’s
groundbreaking “Aja.”
Visit www.sbbowl.com
or www.steelydan.com
for ticket information.
Friday, April 17
• Will The Circle Be
Unbroken: A multimedia evening of
songs and stories
featuring John
McEuen & John Carter
Cash and friends will
be presented at 8 p.m.
at the Lobero Theatre,
33 East Canon Perdido
St. in Santa Barbara.
Visit www.lobero.com
for tickets.
Sunday, April 19
• The Nordhoff Music
Department and
MAESTRO will present
That 70’s Show, a
fundraising concert, at
2:30 p.m. in the
Matilija Junior High
School Auditorium
The event will feature
The Household Gods,
James Antunez, Jimmy
Calire, Patricia Cardinali, Thomas Frederickson, Jeff Joad,
Cindy Kalmenson, Bill
Wagner, Julija Zonic
and the Nordhoff
Chamber Choir.
Tickets are $20 online
at www.nhsmusic.com
or by calling 640-4343,
Ext. 1861.
Thursday, April 23
• English tenor Ian
Bostridge and pianist
Wenwen Du will
perform at 8 p.m. at
the Lobero Theatre.
Visit www.lobero.com
for tickets.
Friday, April 24
• California Lutheran
University’s Wind
Ensemble will present
the fifth annual PRISM
Concert at 7:30 p.m. in
Samuelson Chapel.
The program will
include Ralph
Vaughan Williams’
“English Folk Song
Suite,” Norman Dello
Joio’s “Satiric Dances”
and John Philip
Sousa’s march “High
School Cadets.”
Samuelson Chapel is
at 165 Chapel Lane on
the Thousand Oaks
Saturday, April 25
• Russian pianist
Vassily Primakov will
perform at 3 p.m. in
the First United
Methodist Church,
305 E. Anapamu St. in
Santa Barbara.Tickets
can be purchased at
the door or by calling
Sunday, April 26
• In My Life - A
Musical Theatre
Tribute to The
Beatles is the awardwinning musical biography of The Beatles
through the eyes of
manager Brian
Epstein and features
the live music of
renowned tribute
band Abbey Road.
The multi-media
musical comes to the
Lobero Theatre at 7
pm. Tickets are available at
www.lobero.com, by
calling 963-0761 or at
the box office at 33
East Canon Perdido St.
in Santa Barbara. The
show is appropriate
for all ages.
• Roberto Tapia will
perform at the Vina
Robles Amphitheatre
at 7 p.m. Tickets are
available at Ticketmaster outlets. Order
online at www.ticketmaster.com or by
phone at 800-7453000.
Friday, May 1
• Helmet will perform
at Discovery Ventura
at 8 p.m. The band will
play its 1994 Betty
album from start to
finish, followed by a
second set spanning
the entirety of
Helmet’s catalog.
Visit www.discoveryventura.com for
tickets and information. Discovery
Ventura is at 1888 E.
Thompson Blvd. in
Sunday, May 3
• Broadway star
Andrew Samonsky
(South Pacific, Scandalous and The
Mystery of Edwin
Drood), returns to his
hometown for a onenight-only, cabaret
performance to
benefit Rubicon
Theatre. The performance will begin at 8
p.m. Tickets are available at the Rubicon
Theatre Company box
office at 1006 E. Main
St. in Ventura, at
rg and by calling 6672900.
Saturday, May 16
• Tony Bennett will
perform at the Vina
Robles Amphitheatre
at 7:30 p.m. Tickets
can be purchased at
all Ticketmaster
outlets including the
Vina Robles
Amphitheatre box
office and online at
Sunday, May 17
• Central Coast
favorites Moonshiner
Elayne Boosler
May 8th - 8 p.m.
May 9th - 7&9 p.m.
May 10th - 7 p.m.
World Class Comedy
every Tuesday through Sunday
in The Comedy Club
Sports action every week
in The Green Room
Happy Hour at 4:00,
Pool Table and Food with
beautiful Harbor Views from our Patio.
Ticket Price: $20.00
Show Type: Stand Up
Restrictions: 21 & over
Two item minimum per person
Door time: 7:00 p.m. on Friday
6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday
Special Event
Telephone: (805) 644-1500
Tickets also available online
Ventura Harbor Comedy Club
1559 Spinnaker Drive, Suite 205 • Ventura, CA 93001 E-mail your regional art and entertainment events to Arts@OjaiValleyNews.com
Collective, Girls &
Boys, Captain Nasty,
Zongo All-Stars, and
The Kicks will play
the Vina Robles
Amphitheatre in celebration of
the 33rd Annual Paso
Robles Wine Festival
at 1 p.m.
Saturday, May 30
• Chromeo & The
Glitch Mob will bring
their funk grooves
and heavy electronic
beats to the Santa
Barbara Bowl at 6:30
p.m. Joining them will
be Com Truise. Tickets
are available at Ticketmaster outlets. Order
online at www.ticketmaster.com or by
phone at 800-7453000.
Sunday, May 31
• Robert Plant and the
Sensational Space
Shifters, with guest JD
McPherson, will
perform at the Santa
Barbara Bowl at 7 p.m.
Tickets are available at
Ticketmaster outlets.
Order online at
or by phone at 800745-3000.
Sunday, June 7
• Tedeschi Trucks
Band’s “Wheels of
Soul” Tour brings the
Grammy-winning, 11piece, blues-rock band
together with Sharon
Jones and the DapKings and guitarist
Doyle Bramhall II, at
the Santa Barbara
Bowl at 5:30 p.m.
Order tickets online at
or by phone at 800745-3000.
Tuesday, June 23
• Country group, Little
Big Town will perform
at the Vina Robles
Amphitheatre at 7
p.m. They will be
joined by David Nail
and Ashley Monroe.
Tickets are available at
Ticketmaster outlets.
Order tickets online at
or by phone at 800745-3000.
Saturday, June 27
• The 7th annual
Roadshow Revival
music festival will
feature popular
outlaw country, rockabilly, bluegrass and
Johnny Cash tribute
bands, plus a pin-up
girl pageant, hot rods,
custom cars and
motorcycles, food and
drink, a kids corral
and more. The event
will run from 11 a.m.
to 7 p.m. Saturday and
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday at Mission
Park, 185 E. Santa
Clara Street in
Ventura. Visit
www.roadshowrevival.com for more
Friday, July 17
• Two of alternative
rock’s defining
artists, Third Eye
Blind and Dashboard
Confessional, are
coming to the Vina
Amphitheatre at 7
p.m. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster
Wednesday, July 22
• Music legends and
Grammy Award
winning artists Willie
Nelson & Family and
Alison Krauss & Union
Station will perform
at the Santa Barbara
Bowl at 7 p.m. Tickets
are available at Ticketmaster outlets. Order
online at www.ticketmaster.com or by
phone at 800-7453000.
Thursday, Aug. 6
• The Queen of
Soul, Aretha
Franklin, will perform
at the Santa Barbara
Bowl at 7 p.m. Order
tickets online at
or by phone at 800745-3000.
Friday, Aug. 7
• Following his
historic SpanishLanguage performance on The Grammy
Awards, and topping
iTunes Latin sales
recently with his hit
single “Juntos
(Together),” Juanes,
will bring his “Loco De
Amor Tour” to the
Santa Barbara Bowl at
7 p.m. The Santa
Barbara Bowl is at
1122 N. Milpas St. in
Santa Barbara. Tickets
are available at
, all Ticketmaster
outlets including the
Arlington Theatre, the
Santa Barbara Bowl
box office and
Walmart. To charge by
phone, call 800-7453000.
Saturday, Aug. 8
• Jackson Browne will
perform at the Vina
Robles Amphitheatre
at 7:30 p.m. as part of
the first leg of his 2015
U.S. Summer Tour to
support his new
album, “Standing In
The Breach.” Tickets
are available at Ticketmaster outlets. Order
online at www.ticketmaster.com or by
calling 800-745-3000.
Sunday, Aug. 16
• Slightly Stoopid,
along with Dirty
Heads and Stick
Figure, will bring their
“Everything Is
Awesome” tour to the
Santa Barbara Bowl at
5:30 p.m. Tickets are
available at all Ticketmaster outlets
including the ArlingtonTheatre, Santa
Barbara Bowl box
office, Walmart at
or by calling 800-7453000.
B6 Ojai Valley News • Wednesday, April 15, 2015
David Gray, Amos Lee
team up for SB Bowl
Photo submitted
Veteran comic Elayne Boosler will return to Ventura for three shows in May.
Boosler on tap
for Mother’s Day
Comedian Elayne Boosler will
return to the Ventura Harbor
Comedy Club for shows on May 8,
9, 10, in time for Mother’s Day
Boosler has produced and written
five Showtime comedy specials,
written and directed two movies for
Cinemax, appeared on Comic Relief
for years, on Politically Incorrect
more than 30 times, she has
appeared on The David Letterman
Show, The Tonight show, HBO,
Showtime and others.
She has traveled the world doing
standup from Las Vegas to colleges
to the London Palladium to the
White House Press Correspondent’s
Dinner for President Clinton, to
clubs to theaters everywhere. She
has performed for the Queen of
England as well as the president
and congress at Ford’s Theater. She
moderated the Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate on CSpan for NOW, and is very active in
women’s and political issues.
She has also been involved in
hands-on animal rescue and advocacy since 1996, and in 2001
founded, and runs, her own nationwide, all-animal rescue and advocacy non-profit organization, Tails
of Joy.
The Ventura Harbor Comedy
Club is at 1559 Spinnaker Drive in
For information, call 644-1500.
David Gray and Billboard chart topper,
Amos Lee, have
announced a co-headlining summer tour that
will make a stop at the
Santa Barbara Bowl July
8 at 6 p.m.
Gray’s return to the
United States follows on
the heels of his critically
acclaimed 2014 studio
release, “Mutineers.”
Philadelphia native
Amos Lee’s latest
album, “Mountains Of
Sorrow, Rivers Of Song,”
topped the Americana
charts for two consecutive months.
Gray has established
himself as one of the
UK’s leading music
artists both at home and
overseas. Gray’s
commercial success is
also backed by a critical
consensus and
numerous accolades.
His 2009 release “Draw
The Line” was met with
critical praise and
garnered the artist a
series of high-profile
television appearances,
as well as two sold-out
tours of the US.
“Foundling,” Gray’s
ninth studio album
debuted at No. 9 on Billboard’s Top 200 Albums
chart. His 10th and
David Gray
Lee released his selftitled debut in 2004 and
followed with critically
acclaimed “Supply and
Demand” in 2006 and
“Last Days at the Lodge”
in 2008. But it was
2011’s “Mission Bell”
that brought him to
nationwide, mainstream
attention. It debuted at
No. 1 on the Billboard
200, and contained the
No. 1 Triple A radio hit
“Windows Are Rolled
Last year, Lee headlined amphitheaters
and delivered mainstage
performances at top
festivals. He recently
collaborated with
Asleep at the Wheel on
its star-studded Bob
Wills tribute CD, “Still
the King Celebrating the
Music of Bob Wills and
his Texas Playboys” and
joined the legendary
western swing band
during its Austin City
Limits taping.
Tickets range from
$40 to $80, plus applicable service charges.
The Santa Barbara
Bowl is at 1122 N.
Milpas St. in Santa
Tickets are available
at all Ticketmaster
outlets including the
Arlington Theatre and
Santa Barbara Bowl box
offices, Walmart, Boo
Boo Records at
or by calling 800-7453000.
Oak View resident to
perform with ballet
Ventura County
Ballet’s (VCB) premier
pre-professional dance
company, DAnce ART,
will feature its elite,
young, local dancers
and invited professionals to perform
alongside instrumentalist and composer
Rachel Flowers at the
historic Masonic
Center in Ventura
Check out our
April events on
BookEnds Bookstore
and other curiosities
Housed in an
enchanting old church
in Meiners Oaks
110 S. Pueblo Ave.
corner of El Roblar, Ojai
Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(closed Wednesday)
Oak View resident
Roxey Newman will be
among those
performing, including
professionals from
State Street Ballet.
Newman was recently
accepted into Department of Ballet, University of Utah, one of the
best dance programs in
the country.
Pianist, composer
and Ventura County
resident Rachel
Flowers, will accompany the dancers.
Flowers, who
performed recently in a
free concert at Libbey
Bowl, lost her eyesight
as an infant due to
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). She will
perform an original
composition, “At The
End Of The Day,” and
“Malambo” by Alberto
A reception begins at
2 p.m. and the
performance will start
at 2:30 p.m.
The Masonic Center
is at 482 E. Santa Clara
St. in Ventura.
Visit: www.venturacountyballet.com/Perfo
rmances.html for more