Summer 2013 Newsletter - Regis Catholic Schools


Summer 2013 Newsletter - Regis Catholic Schools
RCS Newsletter
Summer 2013
C ntents
Anna Sizer, Communications Director
Shannon Rahkola, Graphic Designer and Photographer
Spencer Eklund, Sharp Photo & Portrait, Photographer
RCS Administration
Letter from Howard Ludwigson
Faculty Appreciation & Changes
Father Konopa, RCS Pastoral Dean
Mark Gobler, President
Denise Boos, RCS Controller
Howard Ludwigson, Regis Principal
Renee Cassidy, Immaculate Conception Principal
Kelly Bowe, St. James and St. Mary’s Principal
Gayle Flaig, Director of Child Development Centers
Faculty Awards & Anniversaries
Alumni Relations
Pastor Changes
RCS Foundation
Strategic Plan Overview
Bill Uelmen, Advancement Director
Mandy Mann, Administrative Assistant
Investment Updates
RCS Foundation Board Members
Curriculum Updates
Welcome Mark Gobler
Scholarships & Awards
Regis Graduates
Donations Received
16-17 Hall of Fame
Alumni Updates
Planned Giving
Alumni Directory
Jim Gobler, Special Events
Dr. Todd Hehli, Chairman
John Sackett, Vice Chairman
Bernie Hull, Treasurer
Dr. Rob Ridenour, Secretary
Mark Beckfield
Earl Benning
Dr. Rick Daniels
Ron Farley
John Folstad
Mona Mathews
Dr. Andrew Pankratz
Mark Seyer
Supporting Parishes
Immaculate Conception - Eau Claire
Newman at UWEC - Eau Claire
Sacred Heart of Jesus/St. Patrick - Eau Claire
St. James the Greater - Eau Claire
St. Mary’s - Altoona
St. Olaf - Eau Claire
Join Us on Facebook
Regis Catholic Schools
Regis High School
Regis Sports
Contact Information
Publication Questions:
Anna Sizer,, 715-830-2273 ext 6
Donation Questions:
Bill Uelmen,, 715-830-2273 ext 7
Mailing List Update:
Mandy Mann,
Alumni Updates:, 715-830-2271 ext 1019
On the cover, Regis graduates celebrate
after the ceremony.
From Howard Ludwigson It was an honor last spring when the pastors of our Deanery asked me to be the Interim President of Regis Catholic Schools. This
is truly one of the best educational systems in Wisconsin, and to help shape its future was an awesome task. We have great employees,
parents, and students that continue to contribute to our success. The support from everyone made my job easier.
When I started, there were many great puzzle pieces in place for growth and improvements, but RCS needed a clear direction for its
future structure. Bishop Callahan listened to our requests, which were supported by research and demographic studies, and agreed to allow
RCS to continue forward with the structure it has today. Today, we are on track to meet all of our academic, financial, and enrollment goals.
With the help of the RCS supporting parishes, the Education Commission, the Finance Council, the RCS Foundation, the RCS
leadership team and many others we have accomplished many great goals and achievements:
• We are on track to reach and exceed our enrollment goal of 839 next year, up from 820 this year. RCS will have the largest kindergarten
class it has had in many years.
“I am so grateful
to be a part of Regis
Catholic Schools
and all we have
• Our fourth grade students tested into the top 1% in the nation on the Iowa Test
of Basic Skills.
• Out of 54 graduating seniors the average GPA was 3.495. Fifty-three AP tests
were taken by 33 seniors. The estimated ACT composite score for just the
seniors is 24.5, with 48 taking the ACT exam.
• We continued implementation of the updated Math curriculum, began
writing a new Language Arts curriculum, and next school year we will
start writing the new Science and Social Studies curriculum.
• We added three new sections of 4K (4-Year old Kindergarten) – two at St.
Mary’s and one at Genesis Child Development Center, for a total of seven
4K programs and four preschool programs throughout our system.
• Contributions from our stakeholders have enabled us to make important
repairs at Regis. These include replacing crumbling or broken exterior bricks,
tuck pointing, fix the leaking roof, fix the broken fence, modernize the restrooms,
and renovate the library.
• Contributions from our stakeholders have enabled us to meet several needs for our
elementary buildings, provide iPads and iPad training for all faculty, and provide iPads
for incoming 6th grade students for the 2013-2014 school year.
• We improved security measures and equipment in all buildings for the greater safety
of our students and staff.
• Finally, we drafted and started implementing our 5-Year strategic plan. More will be
published about this in the future.
As I look back on this blessed year, I am so grateful to be a part of Regis Catholic Schools and all we
have accomplished. It is gratifying to move forward to continue my service as the new Regis Middle
School and High School principal next year, and I ask you to join me in welcoming Mark Gobler ’73
as our new president. I love our students and the entire Regis family, and I love working towards
continuous improvement.
Have a blessed Rambler day,
Howard Ludwigson
2012-2013 Interim President
Incoming Regis Middle & High School Principal
Faculty & Staff
Appreciation & Updates
Thank You for Your Service
Not Returning
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following
Faculty and Staff who will not be with us next school year. They
have served us well by caring so deeply for our students and
school system.
Josh Ausman, an alumnus of Regis, has instilled a love and
appreciation for art in his students at Regis Middle and High
School for the past five years. Josh and his wife Erin recently
had a baby, Luke Frederick Ausman, and Josh is leaving RCS
to care for Luke and spend more time with his family.
These Faculty and Staff members are taking on new roles
and responsibilities within RCS. We are grateful that they will
continue working with us in a new capacity.
John Cook is the RCS Technology Coordinator and has
taught Regis computer classes since 1999. John will be in
the buildings more often to support our students, faculty,
and staff with their technology needs. We are very grateful
to have John’s talents and his patience as our support
needs continuously change.
Todd Fischer has been the Regis Middle and High School
Principal for the past two school years. We thank him for his
service to Regis. Todd was dedicated to the new curriculum
changes and worked hard to make improvements to the
Religious Communities at Regis. RCS wishes Mr. Fischer
well in his future endeavors.
Teresa Derleth has been the IC food service cook since
1992. Next year, in addition to being the head IC cook,
Teresa will be the RCS Food Service Director and will
oversee all RCS food services. Teresa loves to interact with
the kids and is looking forward to this new challenge.
Andrea Howell has been involved with our food service
program for the past four years. Her love and enthusiasm for
the St. Mary’s families was evident in the service she provided.
Even though she is leaving us as the St. Mary’s cook, she’ll
never be far from “home” since her children will continue to
be among the St. Mary’s school community.
Kaitlin Noll has been the elementary art teacher this year
and decided to make the move to Regis Middle and High
School. Although this is a loss for our elementary schools,
it is a gain for Regis Middle and High School. We are glad
Kaitlin is continuing within the RCS system!
Bob Lesniewski, referred to as “Mr. Bob” by Regis students
and faculty, brought strong religious beliefs to Middle and
High School Religion classes. Mr. Bob strongly encouraged
community service projects and was a positive influence for
our students. We wish him well in his retirement.
Heather Schultz has been an outstanding music teacher at IC
this past year and we were sad to hear that Heather and her
husband are moving to Milwaukee. She has worked hard with
the students to teach them the fundamentals and the joy of
music. We will miss her smiles and positive attitude!
Anne Stremcha has graced the St. James lunch room for
the past five years and has served the students and staff with
her culinary skills and daily smiles. We thank Anne for her
dedication to our school. We wish Anne all the best in future
Tricia Thatcher joined us last year as our Food & Nutrition
Director for RCS. She helped us tremendously for the past two
years to upgrade our Food & Nutrition services to meet all USDA
requirements. We are grateful for her service and for the many
improvements she has made to the RCS food service program.
Sam Vance was a welcomed addition to the RCS staff during
the past year. His cheerful attitude, willingness to help, and
technical skills were true assets and will be missed. With
close ties to his parish and Regis you are sure to see him at
future events.
Changing Roles
Carisa Smiskey has been with our Catholic Schools since
2005 when she taught 6th grade at St. Olaf Elementary and
has moved throughout our building several times. Carisa is
now returning to teach 5th grade at St. Mary’s. We are very
blessed to have such a dedicated teacher willing to help our
schools and students where ever she is needed the most.
Paul Pedersen, Middle School teacher and Dean of
Students, will take on additional responsibilities within
Regis as the Assistant to the Regis Principal. Mr. Pedersen
is in the process of working towards his Administrative
Howard Ludwigson, Interim President, will be the new
Regis Middle and High School Principal. Mr. Ludwigson
has been with RCS for 12
years as teacher, high
school Dean of Students,
and Interim President.
We look forward to his continued
leadership within Regis.
Faculty Awards
Awards & Anniversaries
Teacher of the Year
Regis Catholic Schools Teacher of the Year Awards
Regis Child Development Center
Bonita Roach has been teaching 3 year-old children at Regis Child Development Center
for 18 years. She uses creative teaching methods to keep young minds engaged and
challenged. She is also a mentor for student teachers from CVTC and has presented
at local and state early childhood conferences. Her leadership among staff and
commitment to the field makes her a top notch teacher.
Genesis Child Development Center
Rebecca Bauer has been teaching 2 year-old children at Genesis Child Development
Center for 4 years. She provides an encouraging environment that promotes children’s
growth and development and teaches with many hands-on learning experiences. She
also volunteers her time for family events and serves on an employee recognition
Immaculate Conception Elementary
Dori Fadness, 3rd grade teacher, is a veteran instructor who motivates the students
with her enthusiasm and creativity. She strives to effectively teach all learning abilities
with new and innovative strategies. She distributes her “Fadness Tip of the Week” to
the 3rd graders along with a hug or high five, volunteers for numerous activities, and is
a member of the Language Arts Committee. Her Catholic identity is known as a strong
source of inspiration for all.
St. James Elementary
Carisa Smiskey has been with Regis since 2005. She has been at St. Olaf, Regis Middle
School, St. James, and St. Mary’s. All of the places she has been playfully argue over
keeping her or wanting her to return - a compliment that is well-deserved. She is a
person who responds calmly at all times and is a wonderful addition to every place
she works.
St. Mary’s Elementary
Lynne Larabee started in Jan. of 2007 as the K-5 Spanish teacher. She travels to three
elementary buildings, always has a smile, works hard to involve each student, and is
always willing to help other faculty members with projects. She goes above and
beyond to communicate and share with others and our schools can always count on her.
Regis Middle School
Malia Clements always goes above and beyond to help students become successful
academically, socially, and emotionally. She is a professional who has a passion for
helping students and staff succeed. She will work tirelessly to create a safe and positive
environment for all students.
Regis High School
Kendra Pagel is a strong student advocate and has developed a strong relationship with
our student body. She builds her relationships on trust and empathy, and works with the
students to help them become stronger academically and emotionally.
5 Year
Bryant Brenner
Heather Culver
Kim Peck
Anne Stremcha
Beth Voermans
10 Year
Judine Brey
Anne Geraghty
Heather Mecikalski
Julie Moran-Schober
Eric Nelson
15 Year
Julie Burhop
Mary Ann Dickoff
Linda Menard
Paul Pedersen
Cindy Sarazen
Donna Simon
20 Year
Nancy Lynch
Wendy Peterson
25 Year
Cheryl Hanson
35 Year
Linda Schultz
40 Year
Terry Allen
Pastoral Changes
Farewell & Welcome
Fond Farewells
Joyful Welcome
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the priests that
have led us spiritually. We are so grateful for their guidance and
We joyfully welcome the new priests to RCS, look forward to
their leadership, and pledge our prayers for them.
Father Paul Hoffman, associate pastor at St.
James the Greater and the Regis chaplain, has
been with us for one year. This summer he has
been appointed pastor of two rural parishes north
of Highway 29: St. Anthony (Athens) and St.
Thomas (Milan). Although he has only been here for a short
period of time, we are very grateful for his participation and
leadership in staff meetings, strategic planning meetings, and
as youth ministry Chaplain of RMS and RHS. Most importantly,
we are thankful for his commitment to visit each classroom on a
weekly basis.
Father Eugene Klink has been the pastor of
Immaculate Conception parish for 29 years
(1984-2013), succeeding the founding pastor, Father
O’Reilly (1945-1984). Well-known for his succinct
and meaningful messages, few of us leave Mass
without reflecting on how we can live a more loving, forgiving
life – to live life the way Jesus taught us to live. Father Klink is
retiring at the end of June. We thank Father Klink for giving us
the majority of his 50 years of faithful priestly ministry. May God
bless him in his retirement.
Father George Szews has been pastor of Newman
Parish on the UWEC campus for twenty-eight
years. He was ordained in 1978 and the only other
assignment he had before Newman Parish was as
Associate Pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Eau Claire
from 1978-1985. Father Szews is known and respected for his
practical and thought provoking homilies, which touch the
hearts of conflicted and imperfect souls, guiding us toward our
Lord Jesus. He has led so many on their faith journey – some
from baptism through marriage. We are grateful Father George
has made Eau Claire his home for so many years and we wish
him well as pastor of St. Joseph in Prescott.
Father Alan Guanella fulfilled his lifelong dream
of becoming a Catholic priest and was ordained
on June 22, 2013. On July 2nd, he became the
Regis Chaplain and Associate Pastor at St. James
the Greater Parish. Father Guanella, a native of
La Crosse, WI and graduate of Aquinas graduated magna cum
laude from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota in 2009 and
then went to the Pontifical North American College (NAC)
in Rome for his formal theological training. In addition to a
strong faithful family with priest role models, Father Guanella
has a saint in the family – St. Luigi Guanella (1842-1915).
The Regis Middle and High School Family is especially excited
to have Father Guanella’s youthful and deep-rooted faithful
Father Don Meuret will be the incoming Pastor
of Immaculate Conception Parish. He was born
and raised near Wausau, WI and ordained in
1984 in the Diocese of Wheeling – Charleston
in West Virginia. After ministering in West
Virginia from 1984-2002, he joined the Diocese of La Crosse
to be closer to family. He was the pastor of Our Lady of Peace
Parish in Marshfield from 2003-2012 and served as president
of Columbus Catholic Schools for two of those years. Recently,
he has been the pastor at St. Bernard - St. Hedwig parish in
Thorp. We are thrilled to have such an energetic spiritual
leader join our Regis family.
Father David Olson will be the incoming
Pastor of Newman Parish at the UWEC campus.
Ordained in 1998, he was the Chaplain at
Newman High School and Middle School from
1999-2004 in Wausau. From 2004-2007, he was
in Rome working on his doctorate in Systematic Theology.
He returned to the States in 2007 and has been the Pastor of
Blessed Sacrament Parish in La Crosse, WI for the past six
years. Father David Olson has been very active in the Aquinas
Catholic school system and we joyfully welcome him to the
Regis family.
Strategic Plan
Mission, Vision, & Goals
Strategic Planning
Goals and Outcomes
In February, with the help of Regis Alumnus Larry Doyle ’65,
Measurable goals have been identified and organized. The
RCS Leadership team will work closely with incoming
President Mark Gobler to finalize the goals and develop a
clear plan to work towards achieving the following outcomes:
a group of Faculty and Staff, Education Commission
members, Finance Committee members, and current parents
were invited to two strategic planning meetings.
In the Spring of 2013, we asked RCS current
families, faculty and staff, leadership team
members, and you to provide feedback
on our proposed vision. After receiving
excellent feedback and ideas, a third meeting
in April was held to help finalize the new
vision and prioritize the system goals.
Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow
Regis Catholic Schools is dedicated to educating
students of all faiths in a Catholic, Christ-centered
environment. We are united by our core values
of Living Faith, Accepting Responsibility,
Promoting Teamwork, Achieving Excellence,
and Inspiring Leadership.
1. Catholic Identity:
Students living our Core Values as practicing
Catholics and committed Christians, with a
vocational awareness of their role in society.
2. Academics:
Students receive strongest possible education
and tools, mind - body - soul, to proceed
in life as tomorrow’s leaders in church and
3. Financial Strength:
System is financially strong without fear of
closing buildings or reducing sections. Tuition
assistance is available when needed. Faculty
and staff are compensated fairly. Classrooms
and facilities have the updates they need.
Inspired by our Catholic tradition, Regis Catholic
Schools will provide the highest quality programs
possible from early childhood through high school
to nourish the body, mind, and soul of each student,
and help them become faithful servants of Christ
the King.
St. James second grade student is fixing grammar
mistakes in sentences with smart board technology.
Thank you for your
iPads for Middle
RCS has received about $35,000 from restricted
donations and grants for the 6th grade iPad pilot
program. We also expect about 10 students to
bring their own device, saving RCS money. RCS
middle school teachers have met with faculty
from Columbus Catholic Schools, another local
Catholic school system that implemented a 1-to-1
computer/tablet program during the year for
ideas and techniques. RCS will be tracking the
6th grade iPad program closely to make sure the
iPads are effective and making a difference in
student learning.
Regis Roof, Tuck
Pointing, and Fence
Thanks to two estates, the Lawler Estate
(received in 2011) and a new estate (details will
be published in the 2012-2013 Annual Report),
Regis will be moving forward with some
important structural updates this summer.
The Regis roof over the classroom areas is
currently over 30 years old and will be replaced
this summer. This is estimated to cost around
The bricks and walls of the Regis building also
need repair. We will be completing Tuck Pointing
around the building, which addresses the broken
bricks, joints, and cracks in the walls. This will
also cost an estimated $80,000.
This year the fence around the Regis track was
damaged in three sections. We will be putting all
new fencing sections on the Keith Street side and
patching the one section on the Hastings Way
side. This will cost approximately $7,500.
We are so very grateful for the estates we
received to be able to fully fund these important
projects. Thank you for your continued support!
Regis Restrooms
We are pleased to announce that RCS reached its goal of $80,000 for the Regis
High School Restroom Renovation Project. On June 15th, the restroom renovations began. Renovations will include new floors, wall tile, plumbing fixtures
and other plumbing upgrades, partitions, ceilings, light fixtures and electrical
upgrades, countertops, and mirrors. All donations will be included in the 20122013 Annual Report, published this fall. Contributors to this project include:
Dr. Mahmoud & Maria Ahmed
Tom & Judi Anibas
Mark & Cathy Beckfield
Earl & Dawn Benning
Mike & Toni Buck
Dr. Scott & Mary Lou Cameron
Fr. Robert Cook
Court Family: Catherine, Tom & Kelly,
Andrew, Michael & Susan, Mary Allen,
Jennifer & Paul Steffes, Susan Haupt,
Ann Weber
Dr. Rick & Amelia Daniels
Duane & Joan Dingmann
Tracy Dingmann
Dickoff Family: Charles & Dorothy,
Steve, Mary Ann, Mike & Betsy,
Patrick Bruer & Jane Dickoff-Bruer
Dr. Joe & Karen Dolan
Paul & Maureen Doughty
Larry & Carol Doyle
Bill & Julie Eklund
Dr. Robert Fink
Fisher Family: John & Jean,
Gerald & Beth, Jerry & Cynthia,
Dennis & Janet Erickson
Laurel Gordon
Gus Macker Group
Dr. Todd & Tammie Hehli
Peter & Jill Hoeft
Duane & Bernie Hull
Kassing Family: Steve & Ann, Bryan,
Jeff, Jennifer Kassing Dykes, Ed, Patrick,
Hogenson Family
Mike Kiel
Knights of Columbus – JFK Council
Judeen Knott
Joe & Pam Kozuch
Steve & Judy Kurth
Rick & Deb Lambrecht
Chuck & Sue Larson
Howard Ludwigson
Frank & Julie Manas
Dr. Monica McDonald
Jonathan & Jody Metz
Mickelson Family: John & Nancy,
Dave & Jean, Carol & Jim Eubanks,
Ann & Craig Recob,
Mary & Randy Millis,
Elizabeth & Scott Milanowski
Mary Mulligan
Tim & Maura Nash
Dirk & Clara Nohre
Dr. Donnan & Mary O’Carroll
Tim & Denise Pabich
Richard & Mary Piltz
Jim & Kathy Pinter
Regis Booster Club
Emilio & Blyth Rinaldi
Drew & Mary Ryberg
Russ & Jean Ryan
John & Kristine Sackett
PJ & Barb Schaefer
Jerry Shea & Heidi Atkins
Virginia Sperry
Jeremy Stender
Patrick & Patricia Stoffers
Joe & Fay Theisen
Lynn Dingmann Thompto
Fred & Pat Urmann
Bill Uelmen
Thank You!
continued support!
Annual Regis Fund
Walk for Virtues
Thank you to all our alumni, parents of alumni, friends and
businesses that have supported the 2012-13 Annual Regis
Fund this year. Over $150,000 has been raised towards this
important effort. If you have not yet made your gift, please
prayerfully consider supporting our mission for next year’s
campaign - early donations are very important! The annual
fund is critical for the budgeted operation of our Regis
Catholic Schools. Please support the Regis Catholic Schools
Foundation with your gift to the Regis Fund which covers a
variety of needs, including tuition assistance.
Our three elementary schools, Immaculate Conception,
St. James, and St. Mary’s, pledged to walk one-to-three
miles around Carson Park to earn money for our Catholic
elementary schools. To prepare students for this event, we
discussed a virtue each month throughout the year and
explained the importance of each virtue. We displayed the
virtues along the route to visually reinforce our commitment
to faith-based education.
Cost of Education
Partnership (COEP)
Our current Regis Catholic Schools families are asked to
support our mission by paying the actual cost of educating
a student in our Catholic schools. Tuition only covers about
46% of the system overall expenses. RCS’s largest expense
is Faculty and Staff salaries and benefits, which makes up
about 70% of the overall system expenses. COEP helps cover
some of the revenue gap difference for the actual cost to
educate each student. It is very important that
RCS works hard to keep tuition low for
families, so that more students can
benefit from our excellent
Catholic schools. Equally
important, RCS must
continue to look
for ways to better
compensate our
Faculty and Staff
because they earn
significantly less
than their public
school peers. We are
thankful to the families that
have supported the Cost of
Education Partnership this
past year with just over
$86,000 in donations.
This year, over $54,000 in donations from the event will
go directly to the school that they were designated to.
Immaculate Conception Elementary will use the donations
for lockers. St. James Elementary will use the money
for guided reading books and supplies, technology and
classroom updates, student friendly Bibles, and additional
iPads. St. Mary’s Elementary will use the money for guided
reading books and supplies, one interactive whiteboard,
a piano cart, technology and classroom updates, student
friendly Bibles, security updates, and additional iPads.
Music Organ Donation
Mr. Kurt Wicklund, a member of St. Mary’s Parish in
Altoona, donated a mint condition Vintage Hammond
Piper II Organ to the Regis Music Department in
mid-May. It has a double keyboard, foot pedals,
and Leslie Speakers. It will be a great tool
for our award winning jazz band and a
wonderful addition to our recording studio.
Mr. Walk and
two band/
players picked
it up and it was
not light!
Thank you
Mr. Kurt Wicklund,
for your donation!
Teaching and Learning Updates
Curriculum Updates
Thanks to the generous donations to our Regis Catholic
Schools Foundation, RCS has been able to make great
strides toward curriculum improvements in the past few
years. The Teaching and Learning Initiative is a process
to continuously improve curriculum, programs, staff
development, and communications within our
K-12 system.
In the Fall of 2011, the first Teaching and Learning
Curriculum improvement group was formed to update and
streamline the RCS Math curriculum. This school year,
the Math curriculum committee has been implementing
the newly aligned curriculum and using the assessments.
Adjustments have been made and the curriculum will be
fully implemented for the 2013-2014 school year.
Language Arts
In the Fall of 2012, a Language Arts curriculum
committee was formed to update
and align Language Arts
throughout the RCS system.
Because Language Arts is
the largest core subject,
the committee will
be working for another year on the Language Arts plan.
Components of the new Language Arts curriculum will
be tested throughout the system. RCS plans to partially
implement the new curriculum starting the Fall of 2014.
The new curriculum will be phased in over a few years to
make sure there are not gaps during the implementation
In the Fall of 2013, a Science curriculum committee will be
formed to update and align the RCS Science curriculum.
Leroy Lee, a key author to the Wisconsin Science Core
Curriculum Standards, will consult with RCS to help RCS
align our Science curriculum. RCS is one of the first schools
in the state of Wisconsin to address the Science curriculum
changes because the standards were just recently published
this spring.
Social Studies
The University of Notre Dame is working with the Diocese
of La Crosse to update the Social Studies curriculum
throughout the Catholic schools in the diocese. A Social
Studies committee has been formed to receive training
from the University of Notre Dame over this 2013 summer.
Our Catholic history is rich with important Social Studies
information. We are thrilled to begin this curriculum
training earlier than initially anticipated.
Curriculum Coordinator
The RCS strategic planning team identified the strong
need for a system-wide curriculum coordinator. RCS
hopes to address this need in the 2014-2015 school
year. This person would be responsible for reinforcing
all curriculum updates, organizing faculty and staff
development opportunities, assisting with gifted and
special needs, and guiding teachers in the classrooms.
The ability to hire for this position will depend greatly
on donations to COEP, the Regis Fund, and the RCS
Foundation. We thank you for your continued support
as we pursue continuous improvement.
New President
Welcome Mark Gobler
From Regis Student to RCS President
Incoming President
RCS is proud to announce that Mark Gobler will be the
incoming new President for Regis Catholic Schools. Mark
Gobler is a familiar name to Regis Catholic Schools. He went
to St. Patrick’s School in Eau Claire from first through eighth
grade, and then onto Regis High School where he graduated
in 1973. Throughout the past 30 years, Mark and his family
have maintained close ties to the school system, attending
events and functions.
He has extensive experience as a school leader - with over
30 years of experience in high school education as a Teacher,
Dean of Students, Athletic Director, and Principal. Most
recently he was the Principal and Athletic Director at Luck
High School in Luck, WI. He has been very active with the
WIAA, serving on the Board of Control since 2007 and as the
president from 2011-2012. Mark hopes to take his experiences
and apply them to the needs and goals addressed by the
current RCS strategic planning committee.
Equally important, Mark Gobler is an active Catholic,
urrently a member at St. Dominic’s Parish in Frederic, WI.
“Being a practicing Catholic has enhanced my role as a
school administrator. I practice servant leadership; I try to be
a role model and live the life Jesus teaches us to live. Regis
Catholic School’s commitment to serve others was ingrained
in me as a student, and I look forward to returning to lead
the Catholic school system that provided me with a solid
foundation of faith and service to others.”
Father Konopa commented, “Mark Gobler’s experience in
leadership, his stability of service within the same school
district, and his roots in our Catholic Schools excited us.
Mark Gobler is a well-respected administrator that will
bring many years of experience and a fresh perspective to
Regis. Not only are we blessed to have filled this position so
quickly, we feel doubly blessed that it is a highly-respected
administrator and a
Regis alumnus.”
“Regis Catholic
School’s commitment
to serve others was
ingrained in me as a
student, and I look
forward to returning
to lead the Catholic
school system...”
We look forward to
Mark Gobler’s leadership
and guidance as we
move forward with our
five-year strategic plan.
Over $212,000
Scholarships & Awards
Congratulations to the students and a sincere thank you for all the benefactors
who made over $212,000 in scholarships possible.
Student Name
Andre, Sarah
Art and Betty Coleman Scholarship ($250)
Bates, Sydney
Art and Betty Coleman Scholarship ($200)
Usher, Jack; Pawelski, Peter
Bob and Elsie Kappus Scholarship (2 @ $1000)
Howder, Lily; Burns, Jacob
12th, 9th
Bob Duren (Student Council) Scholarship (2 @ $250)
Burns, Joshua
Bush Memorial Scholarship ($300)
Zawacki, Alissa
Cheryl Wackwitz Memorial Scholarship ($300)
Hoffmann, Brianna
Edward A. Carlson Class of 1958 Scholarship ($500)
Atkinson, Drew
Fr. Daniel O’Reilly Scholarship ($250)
Benning, Christina; Liming, Sarah
11th, 10th
Greg Bement Scholarship (2 @ $250)
Brey, Brenna
Hrubesh Family Scholarship ($500)
Jacobson, Allison; Steinmetz, Channa
11th, 10th
James Garvey Scholarship (2 @ $1000)
Howder, Lily
Judy Henderson Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Hellman, Samuel
Mary Kay Bissell Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Byrne, Samuel
Michael J Fedie Memorial Scholarship ($500)
Peterson, Taylor
Robert Devney Memorial Scholarship ($500)
St. James PCCW (6 @ $250)
St. James Round Table Scholarship (16 @ $100)
PreK, K, & 1st
St. James the Greater Tuition Endowment Scholarship (23 @ $100)
Devyn Doughty Memorial Scholarship ($200)
Romack, Kaitlyn
Other scholarships provided to students:
Al Corneiller Memorial Scholarship (2 @ $500)
Bishop John Paul Class of ‘51 Scholarship ($500)
Bridge Club Scholarship (2 @ $300)
Class of 1980 Scholarship ($500)
Eau Claire Catholic Women’s Club (2 @ $200, 3 @ $50)
Emil & Patricia Rinaldi Memorial Scholarship (4 @ $500)
Father John Rossiter Scholarship ($500)
Francis Kurth Scholarship (2 @ $1500)
Knights of Columbus Eau Claire Scholarship (2 @ $500)
Father Wilger Scholarship (6 @ $200)
Charles and Caroline Loechler Memorial Scholarship ($1000)
Lydia Hanson Rock Memorial Scholarship ($300)
Bishop John Paul Educational Endowment Trust Scholarship (5 @ $275)
Bishop William Callahan Award (2 @ $200)
Catholic Financial Life Foundation Scholarship (2 @ $500, 2 @ $200)
Immaculata Society Scholarship (2 @ $400, 2 @ $200)
Sacred Heart of Jesus/St. Patrick’s Parish ($500)
St. Olaf PCCW & Men’s Club (5 @ $300)
St. Benedict Tuition Assistance Scholarship (Varied amounts totalling $181,000)
Regis Graduates
Fifty-four graduated
on M ay 29th, 2013!
Fifty-four Regis High School students graduated on May 29th. Father Paul Hoffman, Chaplain of
Regis, celebrated the baccalaureate Mass prior to the graduation ceremony.
for Regis Class of 2013 are Clare
Bergmann, daughter of Bruce and Kay Bergmann of
Immaculate Conception Parish; Sarah Clark, daughter of
Denny and Mary Clark of St. Olaf Parish; Jacob Larsen, son
of Mark and Peg Larsen; Rachel Liming, daughter of Darell
and Renee Liming of St. Olaf Parish; and Scott Strand, son of
Harold and Shari Strand of St. James the Greater Parish.
Jacob Larsen
Larsen will attend the University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities. He is interested in
biomedical sciences and biology.
Clare Bergmann
Rachel Liming
Sarah Clark
Scott Strand
Bergmann will attend the University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities, Carlson School of
Management. She hopes to pursue a degree
in accounting.
Clark will attend The College of St.
Benedict/St. John’s University in St. Joseph,
Minn. She will major in biochemistry
and minor in music. Sarah hopes to go to
graduate school and pursue a career in
research or go to medical school.
Liming plans to attend the University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities. She will major in
engineering with a focus on chemical and
bioproducts engineering, and has plans to
earn a master’s degree.
Strand will attend the University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities in the Carlson School
of Management to major in marketing. He
hopes to intern for a Fortune 500 Company
during his college experience.
Salutatorian for Regis class of 2013 is Michael
Kozuch, son of Joe and Pam Kozuch of St. Olaf Parish.
He will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison
with an undeclared major. He is interested in kinesiology
and biology.
Bishop’s Medal winner is Molly Wirz, daughter of
Michael and Kelly Wirz of St. James the Greater Parish. She
will attend the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh where she
plans to major in social work with an emphasis on social
justice. She is interested in joining a service group such as
AmeriCorps after college to help others.
High School Updates
The Rambler baseball team finished 3rd in the
Cloverbelt West conference, with 10 wins and 4 losses.
The season finished with a loss to Whitehall at the
WIAA Regional Semi-Final on May 28th, at Carson
Park. Coach Andy Niese ’92 and the boys had a very
good season. Weather conditions forced
the baseball team to practice indoors a
great deal and many games were played
in less than ideal conditions
this season.
Boys Golf
The boys’ golf team had a strong
season. Longtime Coach Howard
Campbell ended up with two golfers
– Thane Berg and Ben Walker who qualified for the
WIAA Sectional
Tournament in
Cameron on
May 28th.
Coach Hoffmann
and the girls’ soccer team had a
fantastic season.
The ladies
beat Spooner
5-0 on June 6th, taking them to
the WIAA Sectional Final on June
8th against Menasha Saint Mary’s
Central where they fought hard but
were defeated 3-1. This was the
third consecutive year the
soccer team lost in the
WIAA sectional final. A
good nucleus returns
for next year.
The Lady Ramblers and Coach Mark Wirz placed
5th in the Cloverbelt West conference. The girls
made it all the way to the WIAA Regional Final on
May 24th, where they lost to Neillsville.
Boys Tennis
The boys had a great season which
led them and Coach Kyle Seyer ’10 to
the WIAA State meet for individuals
on May 30th and 31st. The Ramblers
also qualified for Team State on June
6th and 7th. Junior Victor Bourget
gave the Ramblers their only win at
No. 3 singles at State.
The track team and longtime Head
Coach John Snyder had a great season
in spite of the weather, resulting in
a trip to the WIAA State meet in La
Crosse. The boys team finished 24th
out of 60 and girls team finished 8th
out of 58. The boys 4x100 M relay
team of Khadel Akindolire, Hayden
Frey, Chris Pica-Anderson and Sean
Jordan placed 2nd and set a personal record. JoHannah
Theisen placed 2nd in the discus and 4th for girls in the shot
put, while Freshman Kayla Neff placed 3rd in the girls 400 M
dash for a personal record and a new school record. Several
other athletes and teams participated and although they did
not medal, they performed extremely well.
Academic Challenge
The Academic Challenge Team went to Nationals in St. Louis,
Missouri, May 24th - 27th led by Coach John Snyder. The
team won 3 out of 10 games against very tough competition.
Coach Snyder said it was a good experience for the team and
they had a lot of fun.
Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry has been very busy finishing up many
projects throughout RCS. On Wednesday March 20th, the
annual Stations of the Cross were presented differently
than in past years. Campus Ministry members
volunteered to recite the stations and a power point
High School Updates
was created by advisor Robert Penate as a visual aid.
“Hard as Nails Ministry” visited RHS for the freshman
and sophomore retreat. The “Hard as Nails Ministry,” led
by author Justin Fatica, originated in Syracuse New York
and travels across the nation performing their retreats and
spreading the word of God. Their theme of “I’m Amazing”
was brought to RHS Friday, April 5th. April 8th ended the
RMS retreats as the retreat team finished with the eighth
grade retreat. This year all RMS retreats followed the theme
of ‘raising your white flag’ and surrendering yourself to God.
The District Solo Ensemble was held Saturday, April 13th
at Memorial High School. Thirteen RHS students performed
solos, duets, and trios. Large Group Festival was Thursday,
April 18th at Memorial High School. It was the Choir’s
seventh year performing at this event.
Environmental Club
Several members from the Environmental Club participated
in the annual snowshoe hike at Big Falls over Spring Break.
Six students along with advisor Anne Geraghty hiked
through the snow that day. “They picked it up quickly and
did fine, even when we went off trail or had to cross creeks;
we had great weather and Big Falls was gorgeous,” said
This year the RHS Forensics team has done it again, sending
31 people to the state competition in 23 events. Forensics
is an organization made up to help students with public
speaking. The team is coached by Judine Brey and Margaret
Hart, both Regis English teachers. At the state competition,
medals are awarded based on a student’s score in a single
Bronze medal winners (20-22 out of 25) include: senior
Clare Bergmann-Oratory; senior Leilah Kidess-Solo Acting;
sophomore Emily Behling- Solo Acting; freshman Bridget
Silver medal recipients (23-24 out of 25) include: senior Meg
Sedahl- Prose; senior Kylee Haller- Prose; senior Samantha
Taleff- Farrago; junior Grace Taft- Moments in History; junior
Grace Tomasi- Moments in History; sophomore Meghan
Gobler- Farrago; freshman Julia Szepieniec- Four Minute.
Gold Medalists (25 out of 25) include: senior Jake LarsenExtemporaneous; senior Louie Gravrok- Prose; senior
Amanda Eisenhuth-Farrago; junior Rachel Ciresi- Farrago;
junior Devan Finn- Storytelling; junior Lily Howder- Special
Occasion; sophomore Aissa Kidess- Extemporaneous;
sophomore Christina Benning- Special Occasion; freshman
Mitchell Petit-Solo Acting.
All RHS groups received gold medals, including the Group
Interpretations: YOLO-juniors Alex Beckfield, Anne Dolan,
Brianna Hoffmann, Alissa Zawacki; Worst Case Scenario
Survival Handbook-sophomores Brianna Brickner, Taylor
Millington, Hannah Ottevaere, Madeline Roettger; and the
Play Acting entry Playwriting 101- juniors Paul Amann, Zack
Pickard, and freshman Isaac Wolfe.
Hall of Fame
Basketball State Hall of Fame
As part of the new Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association
“Hall of Fame” at JustAgame Fieldhouse in Wisconsin Dells, they
will be honoring players and coaches that hit landmarks during
their career.
Twelve former Regis and St. Patrick’s basketball players will be
honored in the 1000 Point Lounge to honor their achievements.
The former Regis players that scored more than 1000 points
during their career are as follows:
Years Played
Andy Fisher
Dan Fisher
Mike Devney
Jeff Uelmen
Connor Miller
Eli Sheets
Jim Miller
1,095 (St. Patrick’s)
Ken Hanson
Jack Eaton
Adam Ganske
Joe Winter
Carl Glocke
1,016 (St. Patrick’s)
There is also a 300 Win Club for coaches in the new WBCA Hall of Fame. Regis
Basketball Coach Bill Uelmen qualified for this achievement. His overall coaching record
is 489 wins and 282 losses. Coach Uelmen began coaching at Regis High School in
1977 and he is currently the head coach at Regis. He also coached one year at Cadott
and two years at Mondovi High School. The Regis High School Booster Club is helping sponsor the former players and coach in the WBCA Hall of Fame.
Hall of Fame
Regis High School Hall
of Fame
Eau Claire Baseball Hall
of Fame Induction
In January, the 2002 Eau Claire Regis Baseball team was inducted into
Regis High School is planning an induction of former the Eau Claire Baseball Hall of Fame. They won the 2002 WIAA State
athletes to the Regis Hall of Fame in 2013-14. The date for
Championship – the first Baseball state title for Regis. The team took the
the Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony is scheduled WIAA Division 3 crown with a 4-1 championship game victory over De
for Saturday, December 7th, at the Green Mill. The 2013-14 Soto. The Ramblers defeated St. Mary’s Central 6-1 in the semifinals.
Under Coach Mark McHorney, Regis finished the season 20-5.
inductees will be introduced at half time of the Regis
basketball game vs. La Crosse Aquinas on December 7th, at Jake Ausman
Paul Mirr
the Regis High School Gym. Both the boys and girls varsity Brad Brunner
Tim Nash
teams will be playing on that afternoon. If you would like Brennan Cassidy
Brett Olson
to nominate a person to the Regis High School Hall of Fame Ryan Corneiller
Matt Pilgrim
go online, to the Hall of
Dan Delaney
Joel Revak
Fame link and fill out the nomination form. The Hall of
Rory Geissler
Mark McHorney *C
Justin Greuel
John Nicolai *C
Fame dinner and ceremony is sponsored by the Regis Booster
Randy Brunner *C
Club and the Regis Catholic Schools Advancement Office.
Mike Hehli
Jon Hehli *C
Dave Isham
Jeff Dykes *C
James Lokken
Andy Niese *C
Tickets will be made available for the Regis Hall of Andrew
Justin Pederson *C
Fame Banquet by contacting the Regis High
Greg Brunner *C
School Office at 715-830-2271 ext 1000.
*C = Coach
Current Members of the Regis Hall of Fame
Induction Year
Induction Year
Induction Year
George Neary
Billy “Bullet” Lowe
Paul Ausman
Howard “Chick” Kolstad
Ron Flynn
Catherine “Cathy” Leser
Marty Crowe
Jon Hobbs
Mike Devney
Bishop John Paul
Pete Adler
David Wenberg
AA DeBonniville
Gene Golden
Bill Kern
Bob Duren
Tony Fiore
Renee Bourget
Jim Garvey
Bill “Bullfrog” Hobbs
Nikki Persons Colby
Bill Casey
Dr. Steve Kurth
Rich Kern
Pat O’Donahue
Dr. Monica Buckley- Spalding
Kris Ihle- Helledy
Cheryl Janowitz - Dieckman
Jeff Parris
Michelle Theisen - St. Arnault
Andy Fisher
Jennifer Kassing - Dykes
Maria Jensen - Miller
Coach Chris O’Connell
Carl Glocke
Joe Giammona
Jerry Fisher
Dennis Dvoracek
Bill Haugen
Art Fisher
George Gobler
AI Sterling
Don Pierce
Mike Ahneman
Jim Ganther
Dan Fisher
Jim Miller
Dan Pedersen
Pat Scheffler
Pete Koupal
Steve Behrendt
Jackie Ristau
Ron Buckli
Ken Hanson
Dick Roach
John Fisher
Jim Negrini, former girl’s basketball coach
at Regis was inducted into the Wisconsin
Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame.
Alumni Updates
2013 Reunions
Laura (Menard) Schuebel ‘01 and Matthew Schuebel welcomed a baby
girl Lana Lynn to their family on March 16, 2013. Baby Lana joins her
big sister Kate. They live in the Eau Claire area.
More information at
Nicole (Gunderson) Bush ‘02 and husband Andrew Bush ‘00 welcomed
a baby boy Nolan Henry Bush on April 17, 2013. He was 8 lbs. 12 oz. and
21 inches long. He joins big brother Parker. His grandparents are John
and Joan (Odegard) Gunderson ‘75 and Cyndie and Richard Bush ‘72.
Sarah McCall ‘08 was the winning female runner in the recently
completed Eau Claire Marathon with a time of 3hr 15min.
Glenn St. Arnault ‘56 has coached baseball at every level in Eau Claire,
wrote a book, “Play Ball”. The book covers 60 years of all levels of city
baseball beginning in 1954. Glenn coached the American Legion Team
and won the state championship in 1969 and 1970. In 1970 he started
the Eau Claire Cavaliers which still continues today.
Rebecca Scheuermann ‘09 was part of the UW-La Crosse’s national
championship 1,600 meter relay team and set a school record. That
earned Rebecca her first career outdoor All-American honor.
Fred Golden ‘58 was named to the Wisconsin Amateur Softball Hall of
Fame fastpitch category and will be honored in a ceremony in August
in Fond du Lac. Fred played for Peters Meats, Sammy’s Pizza, The Barr
and SheNanigan’s. He was an outfielder who came on the scene in the
early 1960s and was a feared hitter in major competition for 15 years.
Joe Niese ’95 authored a book on the life of professional baseball
player and Wisconsin native Buleigh Grimes. Grimes was the last
pitcher officially permitted to throw a spitball. He was inducted into the
Baseball Hall of Fame in 1964.
Class of 1953 - 60 Year Reunion
Sat., June 22 from 2-6pm
Pine Meadow Golf Club and Dining, 4324 Fairfax Park Drive, Eau Claire
$10 per person includes Cocktail Social (Cash Bar) and Light Appetizers
Contact: Mary Flynn, E3120 Cedar Rd, Eleva, WI 54738, 715-878-4613
Class of 1973 – 40 Year Reunion
Fri., Aug. 9 at Ray’s Place at 6:30pm
Sat., Aug. 10 at Princeton Golf. RSVP for time.
Sat., Aug. 10 at Post 305 VFW Club (Starr Avenue) at 6:30pm
$35/person for Sat. evening
RSVP: Dan Kurtz, 16705 121st Ave., Chippewa Falls, WI 54729, 715-579-0617
See registration form on the alumni website.
Class of 1983 – 30 Year Reunion
Fri., July 26 at Ray’s Place starting at 7:00 p.m.
Sat., July 27 at Princeton Golf starting at 10:30 am. RSVP to Roger
Skifstad, or 715-523-9133
Sat., July 27 at O’Leary’s Pub at 6:30 p.m. $20/person
Pay by July 19 to: Ann Gonstead-Hartle, 6171 20th Avenue, Eau Claire,
WI, 54703
RSVP to Maria Peterangelo at
St. Olaf All Class School Reunion
When: Saturday July 27 from 6 – 9 pm
Where: St. Olaf School Cafeteria
Contact: Rhonda Nispel, 715-832-2504 ext. 101
Ryan Crane received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from Indiana
University and advanced to the rank of Lieutenant in the United States
Navy on May 11, 2013.
In Memoriam:
Lindsay Bowers Punzenberger ’00 welcomed to the world Audrey
Mae, born June 12, 2013. Lindsay lives in Washington D.C. and works
for Venn Strategies.
Peter Bridges – Class of 1948
Joan M. Anderson Krippner – Class of 1948
Richard Fischer – Class of 1955
Upcoming Events:
Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
Friday, July 12 through Sunday, July 14th
See the Gus Macker link on our homepage
( for more information.
Third Annual McRegis Alumni vs. Varsity Soccer Game
Saturday, August 17th at 11am at Carson Park
There will be a Potluck to follow the game in Carson Park.
Bring a dish to pass.
Contact Pam Kozuch with questions at or
Regis Charity Auction
Saturday, November 9th at the Florian Gardens
Contact Jim Gobler for event details at: or 715-830-2271 ext 1019.
Victoria Diana Setla
Class of 2013
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the
Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans
to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Friends of Regis:
Jacqueline Kolstad, was wife of former teacher and Coach Howard
“Chick” Kolstad.
Wayne Anderson, was a long-time supporter of Regis High School.
Frank Schlumpf, was a long-time supporter of Regis and follower of the
Regis Basketball Team.
Gerome Jacques, was a long-time supporter of Regis and the Booster Club.
Planned Giving
How will you plan for your
Estate gifts to Regis Catholic Schools in the past few years
have made a significant difference in helping our Catholic
schools advance forward. The Lawler and Pavelski estate
donations helped to pay for the new Regis campus boiler, the
new Distance Learning Lab, wireless access throughout Regis,
and a portion of the funds were also used to pay down some
of the debt to the Diocese.
Will you include Regis Catholic Schools Foundation in your
estate planning?
There are a number of ways to remember the Regis Catholic
Schools Foundation in your estate plan. The Foundation is
a 501(c)(3) organization that allows you to enjoy all the
benefits afforded by the US Tax Code when making gifts to
us, either in life or on your passing.
The most common and simple way to include the Foundation
in your last wishes is to include a bequest to use in your
will or trust. There is an unlimited estate tax deduction for
amounts left to charity so including us in your estate plan
may substantially decrease the taxes owed by your loved ones
at your passing. Bequests can be made of specific property,
specific dollar amounts, a percentage of your estate, or an asset.
We are very grateful for all the support you provide our
Catholic schools.
Leaving a Legacy
How to give?
Charitable gifts should be out to the Regis Catholic
Schools Foundation and they can take many forms. Here
are some considerations:
CASH - Through checks and electronic transfers, gifts of cash
outside of an IRA have no limit and can reduce income tax
liability. IRA gifts have generous limits.
SECURITIES - Donate appreciated stocks or bonds. The
current market value is the value of your gift and you pay no
capital gains tax.
RETIREMENT PLANS - Amounts withdrawn from
retirement accounts can be taxable to you and your heirs.
Enjoy little or no tax with an offsetting charitable deduction.
LIVING WILL OR TRUST - Leave a gift of a set amount, a
percentage of your estate, property or what remains. These
gifts can reduce or eliminate estate taxes.
LIFE INSURANCE - These are gifts that can leave you or
others welcome tax savings today and significant savings in
the future.
BENEFICIARY Designations - Name Regis Catholic
Schools Foundation Inc. as the beneficiary on life insurance,
annuities IRAs and bank accounts.
FUNERAL MEMORIALS - Families of Regis Catholic Schools
supporters can designate funeral memorials to Regis Catholic
Schools Foundation Inc.
Lawrence and Dorothy Lawler
Joseph Clyde Pavelski
Regis Catholic Schools
2728 Mall Drive
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(715) 830-2273
“Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention
to climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family.”
-Pope Benedict XVI
The paper that we chose for this publication is from sustainably managed forests and uses 30% post-consumer waste,
55% recycled content and is elemental chlorine free. We are mindful of preserving God’s natural resources for the future needs
of our children. Please help us continue this stewardship by recycling this report when finished reading.
Alumni Directory
Notice to Alumni
Harris Connect will be
contacting all alumni
for the new 2014
Regis/St. Patrick’s
alumni directory to
update your current information. Your information
will not be released to any
third party. It is a great
way to stay connected to
the Regis/St. Patrick’s community.
The Tradition
Bottom to Top, Left to Right:
Michael Kozuch Pam (Dingmann)
Kozuch ’74 Mother Michael Maenner
Dave Maenner ’76 Father Amanda
Eisenhuth Lorraine (Benson) Baltes ’58
Grandmother, Mary (McCarthy) Hehli
’60, Grandmother, Dave Hehli ’60 Grandfather, Wilhelmina (Weissnegger) Hehli ’32
Great-Grandmother, Laverne Hehli ’33
Great-Grandfather Rachel Liming Renee Olson Liming ’81
Mother, Bonnie Willett Olson ’58 Grandmother Jenae Pedersen
Paul Pedersen ’89, Father, Jane (Knutson) Pederson ’69 Grandmother, Dan Pedersen ’69 Grandfather Laiken Peterson Frank
Bartosh ’49 Grandfather Lindsey Miller John Miller ’76 Father,
Leo Miller ’48 Grandfather Brianna Brown Peter Brown ’90
Father, Maria (Slathar) Brown ’90 Mother, Stu Brown ’63
Grandfather, Jeanine (Marx) Brown ’63 Grandmother, Theresa
(Whiteside) Brown ’30 Great Grandmother