Agenda and Reports - Chesham Town Council
Agenda and Reports - Chesham Town Council
Chesham Town Council Bill Richards Town Clerk Tel: 01494 774842 Fax: 01494 582908 Email: 5th September 2014 Dear Councillor I hereby give you notice that a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE will be held in the Council Chamber, The Town Hall, Chesham, on MONDAY 15th SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 7.30 PM when the business set out below is proposed to be transacted: A GENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Apologies for absence. Declarations of Interest. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 18th August 2014. To receive and consider planning applications received from the Chiltern District Council since the last meeting of the Committee and any planning applications and comments delegated to the Ward Members and Chairman of the Committee. Plans are available for inspection on Chiltern District Council’s website If Members wish to view the applications on the evening, please notify the Town Hall by the Thursday prior to the Committee meeting. To receive and consider decision notices received from Chiltern District Council since the last meeting of the Committee. To receive and consider the Minutes of the Chesham and Chiltern Villages Local Area Forum. Appeal – 16 Chessmount Rise, Planning Application CH/2013/1709/FA. Street naming of new development - 36 -40 Addison Road. Information Items. Yours sincerely, Bill Richards Town Clerk To All Members of the Development Control Committee th Publication Date: 5 September 2014. Chesham Town Council, Town Hall, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1DS Twinned with Friedrichsdorf Germany; Houilles France; Archena Spain CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 1) CH/2014/0581/AV Description: 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) Tesco Stores Ltd NEWTOWN HILLTOP Land Adjoining The Backs 7 91-103 High St. Chesham ST. MARY'S Three freestanding signs at entrance to station car park and five lamppost banner signs in and around the car park (all nonilluminated) advertising Tesco Click and Collect operation. The Barn Pednormead End Chesham ST. MARY'S Application for a certificate of lawfulness for proposed temporary part removal of boundary wall with No. 113 Church Street. 30 Botley Road Chesham TOWNSEND Part first floor, part two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and conversion of garage. CH/2014/1401/FA Description: Brae House Cameron Road Chesham Dormer structure on rear elevation to facilitate habitable accommodation in loft (retrospective). CH/2014/1396/FA Description: NEWTOWN 7 The Spinney Chesham CH/2014/1379/SA Description: Ashley Hall Farm Ashley Green Road Chesham Change of use from offices (Use Class B1) to Cultural, Education and Community use (Use Class D1). Demolition of rear garage for associated parking. CH/2014/1367/AV Description: 6) Rawdhah Academy CH/2014/1359/FA Description: TOWNSEND Change of use of land to facilitate proposed manege with assoicated perimeter fencing. CH/2014/1292/FA Description: Chess Chambers 1 - 2 Broadway Court 80 - 82 The Broadway Non-illuminated front fascia sign. CH/2014/1054/FA Description: 3) Lennons Solicitors Ltd Single storey rear extension. 73 Fullers Hill Chesham ST. MARY'S CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 9) CH/2014/1403/FA Description: 10) 12) 14) 15) J Sainsbury Plc 144 High Street Chesham ST. MARY'S The Wild Rover Public House Amersham Road Chesham ST. MARY'S Change of use from public house (use class A4) to car sales area (use class sui generis) and associated parking. 91 Vale Road Chesham VALE Detached garage and new access served from Abbots Vale. CH/2014/1493/FA Description: HILLTOP Replacement signage scheme incorporating five internally illuminated building signs, four non-illuminating vinyl signs and one nonilluminated projecting sign. CH/2014/1484/FA Description: 31 Codmore Crescent Chesham Rear conservatory extension. CH/2014/1483/FA Description: LOWNDES Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new storage barn. CH/2014/1476/AV Description: 13) Long Grove Wood Farm 234 Chartridge Lane Chesham CH/2014/1440/FA Description: HILLTOP Erection of garden structure on raised platform (retrospective). CH/2014/1414/FA Description: 11) 9 The Braid Chesham Single storey front extension. 54 West View Chesham HILLTOP CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 16) CH/2014/1510/FA Description: 17) WATERSIDE Garage conversion to habitable accommodation, detached garage and additional parking space. CH/2014/1520/HB Description: 1 Milk Hall Barns Latimer Road Chesham 73 Fullers Hill Chesham Single storey rear extension and associated internal alterations. ST. MARY'S CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING DECISIONS 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 1) CH/2014/0980/FA Description: Comments: Decision: 2) Decision: 3) Comments: Decision: 4) Comments: Decision: 6) 68 Gladstone Road Chesham Comments: Decision: TOWNSEND Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed operation relating to the insertion of a dormer structure to facilitate habitable accommodation within the roof space. The Committee has no comments to make in respect to this application. Cert of Law issued. 68 Gladstone Road Chesham TOWNSEND Single storey rear extension, fenestration alterations. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1095/AV Description: RIDGEWAY Variation of conditions 2, 9 and 10 of planning permission CH/2012/1050/FA so as to allow conservatories to all four plots, sun pipes to plots 2 and 3 and side windows to plot 4. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1092/FA Description: Comments: Decision: 23 Little Hivings Chesham Residential Prop Development & Marketing Ltd 40 Addison Rd & Ld To Rear of 28-34 Addison Rd VALE CH/2014/1091/SA Description: 5) Pertprojectdesign Single storey front extension and single storey rear extension. The Committee raises its concern that the development is out of keeping with the existing street scene and may set a precedent for other such developments within the road. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1081/VRC Description: Land To Rear Of 16-24 Lowndes Ave & 106-142 Bellingdon Road LOWNDES Redevelopment of site to provide fourteen dwellings served by shared vehicular access from Lindo Close. The Committee raises concern over adequate access to the site. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1073/FA Description: Comments: Greensands Estates Ltd Petrogas Group UK Ltd Ashley Green Service Station Ashley Green Road NEWTOWN Replacement signage scheme incorporating four non-illuminated fascia signs, two internally illuminated fascia signs, one internally illuminated pole sign and window vinyls. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING DECISIONS 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 7) CH/2014/1160/FA Description: Comments: Decision: 8) 9) 10) Comments: Decision: 11) 12) Comments: Decision: ST. MARY'S Chiltern Food Bank Bookthrift Ltd 71 The Broadway Chesham ST. MARY'S Chiltern Food Bank Bookthrift Ltd 71 The Broadway Chesham ST. MARY'S WR Homes Ltd Former Site Of Pond Park House Pond Park Road Chesham VALE Variation of conditions 8 and 12 of planning permission CH/2012/1832/FA so as to allow an altered access to plot 1. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application, subject to the vision splay being maintained. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1196/HB Description: The Thorns Mineral Lane Chesham Internal alterations to facilitate change of use of ground floor from retail (A1) to food bank (Sui Generis) for a temporary period of five years. The Committee WELCOMES this application. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1191/VRC Description: Comments: Decision: LBG International Change of use of ground floor from retail (A1) to food bank (Sui Generis) for a temporary period of five years. The Committee WELCOMES this application. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1184/HB Description: ASHERIDGE VALE Replacement front porch. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application subject to the materials being appropriate to the existing street scene. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1181/FA Description: Comments: Decision: Unit 6 Esprit 17 Asheridge Road Chesham Ground floor office extension, insertion of ground floor flank window and creation of additional parking space. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1170/FA Description: Comments: Decision: Visao Ltd 1 Chartridge Lane Chesham LOWNDES Redevelopment of site comprising change of use from light industrial (Use Class B1) to residential (Use Class C3), conversion of existing barns to form residential dwelling including side/rear extension, erection of detached dwelling, formation of new vehicular access from Chartridge Lane with associated alterations to hardstanding. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL PLANNING DECISIONS 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 13) CH/2014/1206/FA Description: Comments: Decision: 14) 15) 16) RIDGEWAY 10 Tylers Hill Road Chesham TOWNSEND Two storey side extension, two storey front extension, front roof extension and two replacement rear dormer windows. The Committee raises its concern over the scale of the development and its possible detrimental effect on no. 12 Tyler Hill Road. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1271/FA Description: Comments: Decision: 90 Upper Belmont Road Chesham Single storey side extension and replacement single storey rear extension. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1224/FA Description: Comments: Decision: WATERSIDE Rear conservatory. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. CH/2014/1213/FA Description: Comments: Decision: 27 Chessmount Rise Chesham 52 White Hill Chesham Single storey rear extension and extension to existing patio. The Committee raises NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Conditional Permission. TOWNSEND Report of the Officers to a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Committee on Monday 15th September 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO 5: – CHESHAM AND CHILTERN VILLAGES LOCAL AREA FORUM Reporting Officer: Bill Richards (01494 583824) Summary 1. To receive the Local Area Forum Minutes of 25th June 2014. Background Information 2. It was agreed at the Development Control Committee meeting of the 13th September 2010 (Min no. 39), that Local Area Forum minutes would be brought to future Development Control Committee Meetings. Financial Implications 3. None pertaining to this report. Strategic Objectives 4. Accords with the Council’s strategic objective 4b – ‘Consult with and respond to District Council, County Council and other Authorities on current services and planned changes, to ensure continuing improvement in services consistent with local needs.’ Equality Act Implications 5. Non applicable. Detailed Consideration 6. Minutes of 25th June 2014 meeting are attached for Members’ consideration and observations. Recommendation That the Minutes be noted. ACTION NOTES MEETING: DATE: LOCATION Present: In Attendance: Apologies: Chesham and Chiltern Villages Local Area Forum 25 June 2014 7.34 pm to 9.10 pm Lowndes Room, Chesham Town Council, HP5 1DS Alan Bacon (Chiltern District Council - Asheridge Vale & Lowndes), Chris Brown (Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish Council), Noel Brown (Buckinghamshire County Council) (Chairman), Alison Pirouet (Chiltern District Council - Vale), Keith Platt (Latimer and Ley Hill Parish Council), Elizabeth Stacey (The Lee Parish Council), Rod Tucker (Ashley Green Parish Council) and Fred Wilson (Chiltern District Council - Hilltop and Townsend) Zoe Dixon, David Le Neve Foster, David Gardner, Paul Jennings, Rebecca Kaya, Saiqa Khan, Janet Newell, Martin Parkes, Jan Ship, Paul Snell and Helen Wailling Patricia Birchley, John Ford, Peter Hudson, Joan Lherbier and Mark Shaw Item 1 ISSUES RAISED CONFIRMATION OF CHAIRMAN Noel Brown (Buckinghamshire County Council) was confirmed as the Chairman of the Chesham and Chiltern Villages Local Area Forum for the ensuing year. 2 APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Fred Wilson (Chiltern District Council) was appointed as Vice-Chairman of the Chesham and Chiltern Villages Local Area Forum for the ensuing year. 3 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE See above. 4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 5 NOTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 12 FEBRUARY 2014 The notes of the meeting held on 12 February 2014 were agreed and signed as a correct record. Matters arising Page 4 – locations of grit heaps – the list of these had not been circulated – Action: SK Page 4 – failed road surface signs on White Hill - patching would take place in the school holidays, along with Eskdale Avenue and Botley Lane – Paul Snell said he would check this – Action: PS 6 QUESTION TIME There were no questions. 7 PETITIONS Petition that the early bus (9.00am) Amersham/Pheasant Rise/Chesham Broadway be reinstated A response would be obtained for the next meeting. A member asked if there was any influence over buses that crossed County borders, as they had a member of staff that lived in Berkhamsted. Si Khan said that if the bus was subsidised by the Council, they had some influence. A member asked if they could find out which buses were subsidised. Action: Si Khan [post meeting note – Andrew Clarke, Contract Manager, TfB, said that: “Service 55 runs Mondays to Fridays from Chesham Broadway to Stoke Mandeville Hospital (& Aylesbury) with departures at 0730, 0945, 1145, 1345, 1800 & 2100. Returns from SM Hospital at 0822, 1033, 1233, 1433, 1641, 1848 and 2147. This route is subsidised by the NHS Trust rather than TfB, timetable attached. Best option at the weekend is to catch Service 1 to High Wycombe and then Service 300 from HW bus station direct to SM Hospital. In the Chesham area the following routes are fully subsidised: 71,73, 77, 78 149,177,149,190, 194 354 (by Herfordshire CC) Partly subsidised: 1 (later evening journeys to Pond Park) 336 (jointly with Herfordshire CC) 730 (jointly with Herfordshire CC) There are also various community transport options for those unable to access public buses – contact the Community Transport Information Hub for details (see attachment) Full details are on the website: The MTP contains £348,000 of cuts to the bus subsidy budget over the next 2 years so scope for additional subsidised routes is very limited.”] The Chairman said that there had been further complaints in the last few weeks about access to hospitals, and noted that a journey to Stoke Mandeville Hospital from Chesham could take a large amount of time. He said that he understood that a taxi could cost £40 return. A member of Chiltern District Council said that the route to Stoke Mandeville Hospital was an important route, and that BCC needed to take some responsibility for that. More and more people who lived in Chesham now needed to go to Stoke Mandeville Hospital for treatment. Si Khan noted that commercial companies would only run a bus route if it was viable. 8 INFORMATION SLOT / GUEST SPEAKERS Pollution of River Chess David Le Neve Foster and Paul Jennings, both from The River Chess Association, were welcomed to the meeting. Paul Jennings said that: • There had been a number of ups and downs for the River Chess, including pollution and water being taken out of the aquifer. • The Thames Water water treatment works in Chesham had been unable to cope with the amount of ground water getting into the sewer pipes, following the heavy rains of last winter and early spring. • A meeting had been held with Thames Water, through which better understanding of the issue had been obtained, but no solution to the problem. • 25-80 litres of untreated sewage per second had been released into the River Chess over four months. This amounted to the same volume of oil spilled by BP in the Gulf of Mexico. • Storage of the extra water had not been an option, as it would have filled a space similar to Rickmansworth Aquadrome, which is impractical. • Thames Water had now undertaken to submit a plan to the Environment Agency on increasing treatment capacity. The River Chess Association had applied pressure to the Environment Agency and had asked all Councils to do the same. The pollution was an illegal discharge in the eyes of the River Chess Association and the Environment Agency. Thames Water had stated that it was storm water discharge. • It was the responsibility of the District Council to notify about pollution incidents, but there was no protocol in place for Thames Water to inform the District Council. A meeting would be held the following week with District Councils, the Environment Agency and Thames Water to put together a protocol. • People who used the River Chess for paddling or dog swimming were especially aggravated that they had not been informed about the pollution in the River. • Thames Water had stated that the pollution had been due to exceptional weather. However The River Chess Association did not agree and felt that this type of weather would become more common in the future. A member said that the water table for the River Chess was higher than for the River Misbourne. Paul Jennings said that the water table for the River Chess in Chesham Vale was not high, and that flooding there had been caused by surface water flooding. A member referred to Chartridge Bore Hole. Paul Jennings said that the Chartridge Bore Hole pumps had been shut down for several months due to there being high nitrate levels in the water. Rebecca Kaya (Trading Standards) referred to contamination of agricultural land, and research which had been carried out by Professor Macklin from Aberystwyth University. This could also be an issue for land around the River Misbourne, and Trading Standards was looking into taking samples of soil and pasture. Awareness needed to be increased. Paul Jennings said that sheep had been kept off the grass in the Chess Valley in recent months due to the sewage pollution. Watercress beds in Sarratt had also been shut for three to four weeks due to contamination. They were now open again and the water was clear. The Chairman said that there had not been any flooding in Chesham town that year due to the gullies having been emptied. The Chairman said that Chiltern District Council had asked Thames Water if they needed extra land for the sewage works and Thames Water had said no. Paul Jennings said that Thames Water had said that they had enough room to expand on the existing site. The site needed tidying up too, and this had now been started. A member of Chiltern District Council said that there seemed to be a large number of private sewer mains, many of which had grills which had never been cleared. This would be a potential flooding issue. Rebecca Kaya said that if a sewer joined the network from private land, it became the responsibility of the water company from the point at which it joined. The Chairman noted that the original sewer and drainage plans for Chesham had been burnt during a fire on White Hill. Paul Jennings said that the Environment Agency and BCC were putting together an updated map of drainage in Chesham. A member of Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish Council asked if extraction of water had been increased to offset the flow of water. Paul Jennings said that this had not happened in recent months. Between 2001 and 2013 there had been a 52% increase in abstraction from Chartridge Alma Road and Hawridge. The rules of the licence had to be followed by Thames Water. There was an ‘urban myth’ that abstraction had stopped in 2000, records showed that this was not the case. A member of Latimer and Ley Hill Parish Council said that Thames Water had stated that they were not liable for the contamination under the Law. Rebecca Kaya said that Thames Water would have some civil liability but that this would be hard to establish. Paul Jennings said that anyone who did swim in a river needed to be very careful. One option was to have a river designated as an inland swimming area. A greater duty of care from water companies is needed under these circumstances. A member of Latimer and Ley Hill Parish Council said that no one was on duty from Thames Water in Chesham most of the time. Paul Jennings said that in the previous year, explosive events had always seemed to occur on a Sunday. The Thames Water Manager now in charge was responsible for 42 treatment sites, 14 of which were failing. If someone had been on duty 24/7 in the previous year, this would have prevented all the incidents. In 2013, most of the pumps and alarm systems had failed. David Le Neve Foster said that in this day and age a river should not be used for waste water. Rebecca Kaya asked if there were any Environmental Health Officers working on this. Paul Jennings said that there were, from Chiltern District Council and Three Rivers District Council. The Chairman thanked Paul Jennings and David Le Neve Foster for attending the meeting. Tackling Doorstep Crime Rebecca Kaya (Trading Standards) was welcomed to the meeting. Rebecca Kaya said the following: • Doorstep crime was a high priority both nationally and in Buckinghamshire. Doorstep crime consisted of uninvited callers contacting people with the intention of defrauding them by convincing them to pay for unnecessary work, such as roofing, guttering, gardening, driveway repairs. • The average loss was £10k per individual. One person had lost £100k. • Criminals used deception and trickery, and were very conniving and subtle. They tended to target older people, those with disabilities and those living alone. They also used scare tactics. People tended to become more trusting as they got older. Tricks included carrying out a minor job to begin with, and then claiming that further urgent work was needed, demanding an immediate decision. • Only 1 in 10 incidents of doorstep crime were currently reported. • Doorstep crime was serious, organised crime, which funded other criminal activity. • People should not feel guilty or embarrassed about being victims, as the criminals were so • • • cunning. Trading Standards produced ‘Buy with Confidence’ leaflets, which listed traders who had been vetted and CRB-checked. Traders listed had to have a minimum of 10 genuine recommendations. People were urged to report any concern about doorstep crime to Trading Standards on 01296 382649. If someone felt threatened or if someone was on their premises, they should ring 999 or the non-emergency Police number 101. Police were much more aware now of doorstep crime. A member asked if there was a one-page flyer available. Rebecca Kaya said that she would send through a report – Action: RK A member asked if doorstep crime included selling by phone. Rebecca Kaya said that it did, and that phone numbers were passed between criminals, who rang vulnerable people to prime them or to obtain information. The Telephone Preference Service could be used, but this needed to be updated regularly. There was also the ‘True Call’ Service which could be installed in the homes of people who were being targeted, to monitor calls. David Gardner said that he could send out the message on the CDC Community Team Database (to voluntary organisations). A member said that there were social media community forums, including one in Chesham, on which fake goods were posted and unlicensed waste removal was advertised. An unqualified tradesman would get someone to recommend them. Could this be highlighted via social media? A member asked if there were stickers available. Rebecca Kaya said that these were available via the Trading Standards phone number above. District Councils also kept stock of the stickers. The Chairman thanked Rebecca Kaya for attending the meeting. 9 TRANSPORT UPDATE Si Khan told members that she was now Highways Localities Manager for Buckinghamshire. Si managed a team of 18 Local Area Technicians, and Janet Newell, who was Team Leader. Si Khan had taken over from Tim Fowler. Tim’s predecessor had been Ann-Marie Davies. There was a new approach for more senior managers to attend Local Area Forums, so that they could better understand local issues. A member of the Senior Management Team would always be present at meetings. Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) had started new ways of working under the new Cabinet Member for Transportation. On the previous day the first open evening at the Amersham depot had been held. Screens in the depot linked to Griffin Lane. There were also visible maps showing outstanding works. The approach was to co-ordinate works in one area. The Chairman said that he had noticed a difference in the Service already, and said it was more responsive. Si Khan said that communications was a key focus. The communications channel should be the Local Area Technician (LAT), and LATs were very happy to meet with Councillors. LATs were encouraged to go on site visits with Local Members every six weeks. A member said that they had attended the open evening at Amersham depot, but said that there were not many planned works showing on the map. Si Khan said that any imminent safety issue, reactive work or a Category One defect would be repaired within 24 hours. The maps at the Depot showed programmed works. The Chairman said that if a road was closed for urgent work, non-urgent work would now be carried out at the same time. Si Khan said that this was the case and that they were working more in partnership with the District Councils. A member said that this had been demonstrated in Vale Road. The Chairman referred to works on Sunnyside Road and said that there had been no contact from TfB. Si Khan said that she would look into this – Action: SK A member said that parked cars in Treachers Close had been a problem when repairing the road. Better notification of road works was needed. Si Khan said that previously TfB had carried out letter drops or put letters on windscreens but that people forgot to move their cars. Parish Councils had asked that notification be given the day before works were due to start. A member of Chiltern District Council said that notification to Councillors beforehand would be helpful. Si Khan said that they were now trying to be robust and to stick to the dates on the work programmes. TfB could only carry out reactive work on up to 30 potholes per day. If more than 30 potholes were referred, they then had to use the jet-patcher allocated for programmed works. David Gardner said that the CDC Community Team could help with communications between TfB and neighbourhoods. A member asked who told Parish Councils about reactive work. Si Khan said that they were not able to communicate this type of work as they would not know about it until the day before. The Chairman said that he received local updates from the LAT, and suggested that these updates also be sent to Parish Clerks. A member of Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish Council referred to white lining on speed roundels. The roundels in question were the only speed measure in place, as there were no signs. Without roundels the Police would not carry out speed checks in the area. Si Khan noted that Police could not prosecute unless there was signage. The member said that it was a 40mph zone. BCC had encouraged them to have roundels there. The Parish Council had been asking to have the roundels replaced for 6-9 months. Si Khan said that she would check this work – Action: SK Si Khan also said that a decision had been taken to refresh the junction markings on a cyclical programme for A, B and C roads. Three weeks out of four would be programmed work, and one week would be for reactive work. Action: SK to circulate the programme A member referred to the Market Square works in Chesham, which included the Square being remodelled. A TRO had been needed for an event in the Square, and the member had written to TfB to ask if they could de-regulate part of the Square. The response was that £10k would be needed. The member suggested that a permanent TRO could be incorporated in the Parking Review to save money. The member said that nearly three years previously they had also spoken to TfB about the raised walkway on the Broadway. The width had been extended to give pedestrians better line of sight. However buses now parked closer and overhung the walkway. Si Khan said that she would speak to the member to get further details, and would pass these to her colleagues who met with bus companies. [post meeting note – response from Andrew Clarke, Contract Manager, Transport for Buckinghamshire: “We will speak to the bus operators but a solution is difficult. We try to schedule departures in such a way as to minimise the number of buses waiting at any given time and we were able to reduce the number in the Broadway last year following an agreement between Arriva and Carousel to jointly operate Service 1. Buses need some time between journeys in order to maintain reliability and there are times when not all buses can fit at the stops. We have looked for an alternative waiting area but there is nothing suitable available in town centre.”] A member referred to the roundabout on St Mary’s Way / Park Road. BCC had collected Section 106 money from the developers there. In a recent planning application BCC had asked for £21k. However the developers had queried the amount and had said that the money should be used in five years. The member asked what BCC was planning to do about this. Si Khan said that she would take this back – Action: SK 10 TOWN / PARISH COUNCIL UPDATES Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish Council The Parish Council had submitted a bid for funding for superfast broadband, and had received £250k to extend the exchange into the Parish area. Chesham Town Council The Annual Performance Plan for the Town Council was about to be published on the website. The Elgiva Theatre had a new digital projector. The open air pool was now open all year. 11 LOCAL PRIORITIES UPDATE This item was not taken at the meeting due to time restrictions. 12 LOCAL PRIORITIES BUDGET The Local Area Forum received the Report of Susie Yapp, Acting Service Director, Localities and Safer Communities. Current applications for 2014-15 were described in the Report on pages 22-23. The Chairman said that one or two schemes had been scaled back to fit the funding total. A member of Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish Council said that the MVAS funding had been set aside for Parish Councils as they had foregone the funding for MVAS in the previous year. However only two Parish Councils had come forward and shown interest. There was provision for a third Parish Council to be involved too. A member of Ashley Green Parish Council said that £15k seemed a lot of money for a review of parking TROs in Chesham, and asked if the Town Council could contribute some funding. The Chairman said that this project referred to parking on the highways, and that CDC was responsible for off-road parking. Zoe Dixon said that the £15k would be for Year 1 of the TRO Consultation funding. The Chairman said that he would like to see the breakdown of costs for a similar project which had been carried out in Beaconsfield. A member of Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish Council said that the Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Project was to bring gentle exercise to a more rural area. The name should be changed to ‘Hill Villages’ Older People’s Project, as the current name implied that it only applied to Bellingdon. A member of The Lee Parish Council referred to the £7k proposed for The Lee village hall entrance and access repairs, and asked what would happen if the £7k was not sufficient. Zoe Dixon said that the final cost was not yet clear, and that they could speak to TfB if it turned out to be more than £7k. A member of Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish Council said that it had become very difficult to know what they were allowed to bid for. Zoe Dixon said that she would speak to Jackie Wesley about this and said that the transport schemes needed to be agreed soon. The member noted that their transport scheme agreed in the previous year had not yet been carried out. Members agreed to set aside £12,000 for the rural parishes to give more time to come up with proposals, noting the changes in the local priorities budget allocation. Members of the Chesham and Chiltern Villages Local Area Forum agreed that funding from the Local Priorities budget 2014/15 be allocated to the projects listed below: Submission Two parishes Shed at the Park Chesham Town Council Chesham Town Council The Lee Parish GLL (Chiltern District) Chesham Town Council Ahead Tuition (partnership project) Chiltern District Council Chesham Wellbeing Project Chesham Wellbeing Project Rural parishes 13 Proposal Moveable vehicle-activated signs (MVAS) access for two parishes (share) with the assumption that parishes are paying survey fees and insurances Training, hinged post and six groundscrews Summer children and young people inclusion project, particularly targeting children with disabilities Grasscreting of Blackhorse Avenue Agreed funding £2,000 Review of parking traffic regulation orders in Chesham. Informal consultation on parking schemes to include the Bank Holiday parking The Lee Village hall entrance and access repairs Bellingdon Older people’s project Health and wellbeing project for older people Funding of Chesham event to support local businesses £15,000 Chesham Ahead Summer School £3,550 Diversionary summer activities £1,400 Town Centre study £750 Unemployment project £3,550 Ring-fence funding to parishes for projects to be brought forward at a later date £12,000 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 15 October 2014, 7:30pm, venue tbc £2,500 £3,700 £7,000 £2,500 £500 £54,450 Aylesbury - Wendover - Great Missenden - Amersham - Chesham MONDAY TO FRIDAY 55 From: 2 February 2014 Notes : Aylesbury Bus Station, Bay 1 Oxford Road, Aylesbury College Southcourt, Church Square Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Main Gate Stoke Mandeville, Post Office Wendover, Clock Tower Great Missenden, Library Old Amersham, Amersham Hospital Amersham, Rail Station Chesham Broadway 06:35 | | 06:41 06:45 06:51 07:01 07:13 07:18 07:26 08:50 | | 08:57 09:01 09:07 09:17 09:27 09:32 09:40 10:50 | | 10:57 11:01 11:07 11:17 11:27 11:32 11:40 12:50 | | 12:57 13:01 13:07 13:17 13:27 13:32 13:40 15:05 | | 15:15 15:20 15:26 15:36 15:47 15:54 16:45 16:50 16:54 17:00 17:04 17:11 17:22 17:33 17:38 17:47 19:45 | | 19:52 19:56 20:02 20:12 20:22 20:27 20:34 9 Chesham - Amersham - Great Missenden - Wendover - Aylesbury MONDAY TO FRIDAY 55 From: 2 February 2014 Notes : 07:30 07:38 07:44 07:56 08:09 08:16 08:22 08:35 08:40 09:45 09:54 10:00 10:12 10:21 10:27 10:33 | 10:43 11:45 11:54 12:00 12:12 12:21 12:27 12:33 | 12:43 13:45 13:54 14:00 14:12 14:21 14:27 14:33 | 14:45 15:59 16:05 16:18 16:28 16:34 16:41 | 17:00 18:00 18:09 18:15 18:27 18:36 18:42 18:48 | 18:58 21:00 21:08 21:15 21:27 21:36 21:41 21:47 | 21:55 Minute Item 7 Chesham Broadway, Stop A Amersham, Railway Station, Stop J Old Amersham, Amersham Hospital Great Missenden ,Library Wendover, Clock Tower Stoke Mandeville, Post Office Stoke Mandeville Hospital, ASDA Store Oxford Road, Aylesbury College Aylesbury Bus Station Operated by Arriva 0844 800 4411 Minute Item 7 Appendix 1 Do you have a transport need but don't know who to ask for help? Do you know someone who is socially isolated due to a lack of transport? Funded jointly by Buckinghamshire County Council and the Buckinghamshire NHS Trust, the Community Transport Hub is a one stop shop for information, advice and guidance on community transport providers in Buckinghamshire. From Dial A Ride to community car schemes, minibuses for hire to transport schemes for young people, call the hub to find out who can help. If there are no suitable services in your immediate area at the moment we can work with the local community towards setting one up. For further information, call: 0800 085 8480 Telephone Enquiry Opening Times: 10am-2pm Monday to Friday or email: T R A N S P O R T HUB Buckinghamshire 11 Report of the Officers to a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Committee on Monday 15th September 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO: 7 – 16 CHESSMOUNT RISE, CHESHAM (PLANNING APPLICATION CH/2013/1709/FA) Reporting Officer: Bill Richards (01494 583824) Ward: Waterside Summary 1. To consider whether the Council wishes to make representations to the Secretary of State in respect of an appeal concerning 16 Chessmount Rise, Chesham, HP5 1RB. Background Information 2. 3. 4. 5. The appeal relates to the following development which was refused planning permission by Chiltern District Council. Planning Application Ref: CH/2013/1709/FA Proposed Development: Redevelopment of the site to provide 12 dwellings (including 3 affordable housing units) and widening of existing vehicular access. Location: 16 Chessmount Rise, Chesham. At a committee meeting of the 9th December 2013 your Committee recommended REFUSAL on the grounds of inadequate and restricted access through a single track lane; the proposed Coach House being overlooking on no. 18; overdevelopment and excessive noise due to increased vehicle movement with no space for screening/bunding. Moreover the Committee has concerns on there being adequate parking and a limited vision splay. Detailed Consideration The reasons for the District Council’s refusal of planning permission and the Appellant’s grounds of appeal are available for viewing on the following link: CH/2013/1709/FA The Secretary of State has given notice that the appeal is to be determined on the basis of a hearing. Any comments, or modification/withdrawal of previous representation must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 19th September 2014. Recommendation The Committee is invited to decide if it wishes to make any comments, or modification/withdrawal of previous representation. Report of the Officers to a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL Committee on Monday 15th September 2014 AGENDA ITEM NO: 8 – STREET NAMING OF NEW DEVELOPMENT Reporting Officer: Bill Richards (01494 583824) Ward: Vale Summary 1. To consider street naming for the housing development at 36-40 Addison Road, Chesham. Background Information 2. The delegation of street naming to Chesham Town Council was reported to the Planning and General Purposes Committee meeting held on 27 March 2000, following the County, District, Town and Parish Councils' meeting held on 8 March 2000, agenda item No. 7. 3. On the 8th July 2008, Chiltern District Council rescinded the delegation of street naming and a new street naming policy was adopted. The matters of centralizing the administrative and legislative aspects were discussed at the Town and Parish Clerks’ Meeting on the 21st April 2008 and concluded that the provision of street name suggestions to developers still resides with Town and Parish Councils provided the guidance is followed in the street naming policy attached. Detailed Consideration 4. Enclosed is a list of suggested names that the Developer is putting forward:a) Nawab Court – named after a prominent Chesham resident, now deceased and the preferred name by the Developers. Mr Nawab Ali was one of the first Pakistanis to move to Chesham in 1952. He was a former Naval Officer in both the Royal Navy and Pakistan Naval Service and was awarded the Queen’s Coronation medal. Upon arriving in the UK, he was employed by Servex Ltd, a successful local manufacturing firm since 1931 providing precision production and batch engineering to customer’s drawing specifications. The Company was initially founded to provide work for limbless and disabled ex-servicemen. b) Hillstone Court – A name that simply reflects the nature of the site which is slightly elevated. c) Stonehill Court – A name that simply reflects the nature of the site which is slightly elevated. In respect to the preferred name, the developers have confirmed they are in touch with the late Mr Nawab Ali’s descendants and have their consent (orally only at present but to be confirmed in writing). 5. The developers have also confirmed that they no longer wish to proceed with the suggested “Iqbal Court” as it is unlikely that they could trace any relatives of the deceased poet. 6. Officers at Chiltern District Council have asked that Members be reminded that the District Council is the final arbiter of street-names and that names of persons still alive would only be considered in very exceptional circumstances and deceased persons only acceptable after reasonable attempts have been made to get written consent of any living relatives. 7. At a recent Development Control meeting, it was also suggested that further consideration be given the historic field names map when suggesting a road name. Officers can confirm that, while several names have already been utilised, the nearby Nutkins Platt is a possibility to be suggested. Recommendation The views of the Committee are requested. Bill Richards Town Clerk CHESHAM TOWN COUNCIL INFORMATION SHEET FOR COUNCILLORS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL MEETING OF THE 15th SEPTEMBER 2014 List 6 of 2014/15 15. Permitted Development Application - CH/2014/1412/PNO – Blaser Mills Solicitors, 33-35 Red Lion Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1DN. Prior Notification under Class J of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as amended - Change of Use from Office (use Class B1(a)) to six residential units (Use Class C3). 16. Permitted Development Application - CH/2014/1443/PNO – 5 The Broadway Court, 80-82 The Broadway, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1EG. Prior Notification under Class J of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as amended - Change of Use from Office (use Class B1(a)) to two residential units (Use Class C3). 17. Permitted Development Application - CH/2014/1477/PNO – Ground Floor, 3 The Broadway Court, 80-82 The Broadway, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1EG. Prior Notification under Class J of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as amended - Change of Use from Office (use Class B1(a)) to one residential units (Use Class C3). 18. Permitted Development Application - CH/2014/1478/PNO – First Floor, 3 The Broadway Court, 80-82 The Broadway, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1EG. Prior Notification under Class J of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as amended - Change of Use from Office (use Class B1(a)) to one residential units (Use Class C3). Bill Richards – 583824; Steve Pearson – 583825; Adrian Bignell – 582907; Kathryn Graves – 583798; Bob Ayres – 775593 and 0797 739 8750 (mobile); Maria McGwynn - 774842 19. Permitted Development Application - CH/2014/1496/PNO – First Floor and Second Floor, Solar House, Amersham Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1NG. Prior Notification under Class J of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, as amended - Change of Use from Office (use Class B1(a)) to four residential units (Use Class C3). 20. Appeal – 43, Ashfield Road, Chesham - CH/14/0348/FA The Proposal was: Single storey side/front/rear extension with accommodation in roof space, fencing, and the widening of an existing vehicular access. The above appeal by the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol was allowed. 21. Temporary Road Closure, except for access, in Mount Nugent, Chesham. For approximately 50 meters from its junction with Little Hivings from 29 September 2014 for approximately 3 days between 7.30am to 3.30pm each day. The alternative route for vehicles affected by the closure will be via Chesham Road, Bank Green, Asheridge Road and Hivings Hill, see attached sheet. 22. Temporary Road Closure, Various Roads in Chiltern Area. Temporary road closure for various roads in the Chiltern Area for carriageway patching and drainage works between August to October 2014, see attached sheet. Bill Richards – 583824; Steve Pearson – 583825; Adrian Bignell – 582907; Kathryn Graves – 583798; Bob Ayres – 775593 and 0797 739 8750 (mobile); Maria McGwynn - 774842 THE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (MOUNT NUGENT, CHESHAM) (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH TRAFFIC) ORDER, 2014 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL has made an Order, which will temporarily prohibit any vehicle from proceeding, except for access, in that length of Mount Nugent, Chesham, which commences approximately 50 metres from its junction with Little Hivings. The alternative route for vehicles affected by the closure will be via Chesham Road, Bank Green, Asheridge Road and Hivings Hill. The closure is required whilst carriageway patching works take place and it is anticipated that the works will commence on 29 September 2014 and will take approximately 3 days between 0730 hours and 1530 hours each day to complete. The Order will come into operation on 29 September 2014 when the appropriate signs are lawfully displayed and will continue in force for a period of 18 months or until the works have been completed, whichever is the earlier. Penalties for not observing these restrictions will be as prescribed by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Road Traffic Act 1991. Dated 18 September 2014. ANNE DAVIES Service Director: Legal Services County Hall Aylesbury Bucks HP20 1UA THE BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (VARIOUS ROADS IN THE CHILTERN AREA) (CARRIAGEWAY PATCHING AND DRAINAGE WORKS) (AUGUST TO OCTOBER 2014) (TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH TRAFFIC) ORDER, 2014 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL has made an Order, which will temporarily prohibit any vehicle from proceeding, except for access, in those lengths of various roads in the Chiltern area as specified in the Schedule below. The alternative routes for vehicles affected by the closures are specified in the Schedule below. The closures are required whilst carriageway patching and drainage works take place and it is anticipated that the works will take place on the dates and times specified in the Schedule below, The Order came into operation on 18 August 2014 and will be in operation when the appropriate signs are lawfully displayed and will continue in force for a period of 18 months or until the works have been completed, whichever is the earlier. Penalties for not observing these restrictions will be as prescribed by the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Road Traffic Act 1991. SCHEDULE – “AR” = Alternative Route. MC15 Nags Head Lane, Great Missenden from London Road to New Road. 08/09/2014 to 03/10/2014 for 2 days in this period between 0930hrs and 1630hrs each day. AR for vehicles approaching from Windsor Lane – Deep Mill Lane, A413 London Road and MC60 London Road. AR for vehicles approaching from Prestwood - MC15 Nags Head Lane, MC15 Peterley Lane, A4128 Wycombe Road, A4128 High Street, A4128 Martinsend Lane, A4128 Station Approach, MC60 High Street, A4128 Link Road, A413 Missenden Bypass, MC60 London Road and Vice Versa. U211 Hog Lane, Ashley Green from Johns Lane to A416 Chesham Road. 22/09/2014 to 10/10/2014 for 3 days in this period between 0700hrs and 1900hrs each day. AR – Johns Lane, Denny’s Lane (Herts), Shooters Way (Herts), A416 Kingshill Way (Herts), A416 Chesham Road and Vice Versa. U215 Asheridge Road, Chesham from Darvell Drive to Hazledene Farm. 22/09/2014 to 17/10/2014 for 4 days in this period between 0700hrs and 1900hrs each day. AR – Asheridge Road, Bank Green, Chesham Road, Mount Nugent, Hivings Hill, Asheridge Road and vice versa. Blackwell Hall Lane, Latimer from Latimer Road to Codmore Wood Road. 29/09/2014 to 17/10/2014 for 1 day during this period between 0700hrs and 1900hrs. AR – Codmore Wood Road, Latimer Camp Road, Village Road, Latimer, Latimer Road, Chenies, Latimer Road, Chesham and vice versa. Latimer Road, Chesham from Chessmount Rise to Hollow Way Lane. 29/08/2014 to 28/09/2014 for 6 days during this period between 0900hrs and 1700hrs each day. AR – Latimer Road to Chenies, A404 Chenies to A404 Amersham, A4154 Amersham to A416, A416 to Chesham and vice versa. MC34 Lodge Lane, Little Chalfont from Church Grove to Burtons Lane. 29/09/2014 to 24/10/2014 for 3 days during this period between 0700hrs and 1900hrs each day. AR - Church Grove, A404 Amersham Road, A404 Chalfont Station Road, Burtons Lane and vice versa. Nightingales Lane, Chalfont St Giles from Roughwood Lane to Cokes Lane. 08/09/2014 to 03/10/2014 for 6 days during this period between 0930hrs and 1630hrs each day. AR - B4442 Vache Lane, A413 Amersham Road, A413 London Road East, A404 Stanley Hill, A404 White Lion Road, B4442 Cokes Lane and vice versa. MC34 Roughwood Lane, Chalfont St Giles from Nightingales Lane to Burtons Lane. 15/09/2014 to 03/10/2014 for 4 days during this period between 0700hrs and 1900hrs each day. AR – B4442 Nightingales Lane, B4442 Cokes Lane, A404 Chalfont Station Road, MC39 Burtons Lane and vice versa. MC38 Gorelands Lane, Chalfont St Peter from Chesham Lane to Brawlings Lane. 25/08/2014 to 19/09/2014 for 3 days during this period between 0700hrs and 1900hrs each day. AR – MC38 Chesham Lane, MC31 Rickmansworth Lane, U259 Copthall Lane, A413 Amersham Road, A413 London Road, B4442 Vache Lane and vice versa. U260 West Hyde Lane, Chalfont St Peter from Roberts Lane to Denham Lane. 15/09/2014 to 03/10/2014 for 2 days during this period between 0700hrs and 1900hrs each day. AR – Roberts Lane, Rickmansworth Lane, Denham Lane and vice versa. MC22 Newbarn Lane, Seer Green from Three Households to Chalfont Road. 15/09/2014 to 03/10/2014 for 3 days during this period between 0930hrs and 1530hrs each day. AR – Chalfont Road, School Lane, Bayne Hill, Longbottom Lane, Jordans Lane Twitchells Lane and vice versa. Dated 4 September 2014. ANNE DAVIES Service Director: Legal Services County Hall Aylesbury Bucks HP20 1UA