vario-flow gap 2013


vario-flow gap 2013
we guarantee the
safety at your lab!
Vario-Flow GAP 2013
The system
To capture the emission
Amphia Hospital Breda
Vario-Flow GAP
VARIO-Flow Technology
Eurofins Laboratory Rotterdam
‘On the road’
University of Antwerp
The theory
Pathology Laboratory
Eastern Netherlands
VARIO-Flow in the lab
Cytology and Pathology
The modular system
Laboratory Leiden
96 standard dimensions
Types and accessories
Laboratory Services
The extraction and installation
Service and maintenance
Sustainable investment
International Rotterdam
Canberra Industries Benelux
MNO Vervat
The Zadkine College Schoonhoven 42
Ask for a
demo at your
own work area
DENIOS International
The Martini Hospital Groningen
Hospital group Twente
Extraction technology
To capture the emission
by air-containment
An optimum safety policy with regard to working with substances hazardous to health
starts with the safety of your employees. The relevant legislation is clear: employers
are responsible and must have a policy to avoid the risks that imperil the safety and
health of employees as much as possible. When the source of the emission cannot be
removed, then extraction technology should offer an effective solution for the correct
protection of the person and the work area. Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs)
may only be applied when it is insufficiently possible to capture the emission.
The Total-containment concept
solutions, DENIOS applies four safety levels.
DENIOS has specialist knowledge in this
The desired safety level is determined by
area and offers an extensive program of
the risk and is therefore dependent of
extraction systems. The specialists of
the emission level and the work method.
DENIOS provide advice based on the total-
The different safety levels are clarified by
containment-concept. This means that the
protection factors.
solution that DENIOS offers is optimized for
your safety; you can always be sure that the
advised measurements fits your company’s
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
specific situation. Total-containment
conventional extraction technology
ejector technology,
laminair-down flow
therefore stands for an efficient investment
Level 1 is based on conventional extraction
the VARIO-Flow GAP system
The custom-made laminar-down flow booth
to control exposure, to protect health and
and is used in work situations whereby
The VARIO-Flow GAP modular system of
units offer the best safety level possible
to improve the work area.
the extraction point can be placed within
DENIOS offers an optimal protection due
based on extraction technology. Work is
a limited distance of the emission point.
to the clean-air curtain provided by an
done in an open space, giving the employee
DENIOS supplies complete installations
air-injectionsystem at the top and bottom
optimum freedom of movement and
Safety levels
of extraction arms which can be used in
of the work opening. The system has a
enabling them to work efficiently without
In the development of extraction technology
laboratories and industrial settings.
fully open front, thus creating a safe and
comfortable work space for your staff.
an efficient
in the safety
of your
Level 4:
inclose the process, separate
the person from the emission
At level 4, the emission point is separated
from the user, by which the highest
level of protection is reached. This does
have effects on the level of freedom of
movement and of the workers productivity.
An example of a level 4-provision is a glove
box our a laboratory fume cupboard.
Personal safety and optimum
freedom of movement
An optimum safety policy for working
based on a protection level witch fits the
based on ejector technology. The VARIO-
with hazardous substances starts with
risk essessment. DENIOS always strives
Flow GAP-series is a bench module offering
the safety of the employees. The relevant
to achieve the maximum freedom of
protection safety level 2. The clean-air
legislation is clear: employers are
movement for the user, which means the
curtain moves the emission away from the
responsible and must have a policy to
facility has no or little negative effects on
user to the point where the extraction is
avoid the risks that imperil the safety and
productivity. DENIOS not only supplies the
highly effective.
health of employees as much as possible.
facility, but can also arrange the complete
extraction installation. Expert project
Best thing to do is to eliminate the
advisors determine the desired extraction
The VARIO-Flow GAP workspace consists
use of a harmful product and use a
capacity; our engineering department
of four standardised components: an under
safer alternative. If that’s not possible
designs the installations which are then
frame for sitting or standing work, an
you can either enclose the process or
expertly realized by our engineers. The
integrated safetycabinet, a work top and a
use extraction technology to capture
operation and control of the facilities build
VARIO-Flow GAP module. These elements
the dangerous emission. DENIOS has
by DENIOS are checked during a Factory
together form a complete work space,
specialized knowledge and offers an
Acceptance Test (FAT) and the complete
but are perfectly suitable for operating
extensive program of extraction systems.
extraction installation will be approved by a
independently. The various parts of the
Site Acceptance Test (SAT).
VARIO-Flow GAP workspace are available in
various sizes. The system is also available
Total solution
DENIOS bases its advice on the total
a VARIO-Flow GAP workspace is a
as EX-type for explosion hazardous
containment concept: the optimum
standardised system based on
protection and control of exposure of
ejector technology
substances hazardous to health using
Besides custom made solutions, DENIOS
“Local Exhaust Ventilation” systems
designed a modular standardized solution
Continuous supervision
A VARIO-Flow GAP unit has a permanent
working safety system where the air
supply and the extraction capacity
are checked continuously. Due to the
integrated emergency power battery the
“Ventilation technology
is the basis for effective
guard unit will remain operational even
in the event of a power failure. VARIO-
The VARIO-Flow benefits with regard
Flow GAP workspaces have been tested in
to fume cupboards:
method, to be used for fume cupboards
1. More freedom of movement
The VARIO-Flow GAP-Series is build
whereby the window must be largely
By applying the ejector technology, a high
out of 4 standardized components,
closed. If necessary, DENIOS can carry out
safety level is combined with a fully open
together the form an independent
a Site Acceptance Test in order to provide
front side. This offers more freedom of
workstation. The benchtop is the
you with optimum certainty on whether the
movement, making it easier for the user
VARIO-Flow GAP module which
installation operates correctly.
and achieving a higher level of productivity.
is available in 96 measurements.
accordance with the EN14175 part 3 test
The 4 components are easily to install,
VARIO-Flow benchunits: custom made
A fume cupboard offers the same safety
to move or to adjust. Appropriate
based on ejector technology
only if the sliding window is largely closed.
decision arguments fitting to a
If the standardized VARIO-Flow GAP-
In practise however, the window is often
sustainable investment strategy.
Series does not meet your company’s
open, which means that the desired safety
specific requirements, then DENIOS
level is not achieved. The VARIO-Flow
offers you a custom made design of the
system can also be equipped with a sliding
VARIO-Flow technology and built based
window, which could be necessary if work
on your individual requirements (see
is carried out with a hazardous substance
pages 48-50). This could offer the best
that could splash.
capacity than a traditional fume cupboard.
solution for certain cases. The standard
VARIO-Flow GAP-Series is so versatile in
2. Lower power usage
Using the air-ejectors to move the emission
its use and available in 96 sizes, that a
Despite the fully open front and the high
to the extraction opening costs really low
standard solution will be available for most
quality of capturing the emission a VARIO-
energy and saves approximately 30%
situations, and certainly in laboratories.
Flow system requires less extraction
extraction capacity.
Pursuant to European and National health and safety legislation, the employer must
conduct a policy that limits the health and safety risks as much as possible.
Unhealthy and unsafe working conditions
Removing the source:
will result in more sick employees and
When the cause of the risk can be removed,
damage the employee’s health. As an
this will always be the preferred option.
employer you are responsible. It is your aim
A familiar example is replacing paint
to run a business and to make a profit. You
containing solvents by water-based paint.
know your processes, you know you tasks,
you know the short cuts. Ensuring your
Capture the emissions by using
workers remain healthy will lead to healthy
ventilation technology
profits, investing in good labour conditions
When the source cannot be eliminated,
is well spent money and provides good
there are different ventilation technologies
that offer a good solution for the correct
protection of the employee against the risks.
De wetgever
We formally refer to this as:
Choosing the right measures in order of
‘Risk management by technical measures’.
Separating people from the source
Use of personal protection aids
A:Removing the cause (the source)
When ventilation extraction systems
The use of personal protective equipment
B:Capture the emissions by using
insufficiently reduce the exposure to the
is currently always the most obvious one.
hazardous substance, then the employee
Contrary to what is currently the case in
C:Separating people from the source
must be shielded from the risk source.
practice, personal protective equipment is
D:Use of personal protective
This can be a glove box, a traditional fume
only permitted when the abovementioned
cupboard or having work performed by
measures cannot be applied or offer
machines or robots.
insufficient protection.
ventilation technology
equipment (PPE)
the use of
is always
the first
priority to
reduce risks
oPen front
area due
to a stable
shield by
Single-pass system
Recirculation system
Offers protection on safety level 2. Hazardous substances
are captured by a clean-airflow curtain created by airejectors on the top and the bottom of the front side.
Since the emission is brought to the extraction opening
at the back of the unit, considerably lower extraction
capacity is necessary.
Offers protection on safety level 3. The ultra-cleaned and
controlled laminair downflow air guaranties a high
protection level and safest work environment possible
by using only extraction and ventilation technology. Still
offering the advantage of maximum freedom to work areas
without barriers, without negative effects on productivity.
Laminair down-flow technology
Affectivity of an extraction system
Protective factors extraction equipment
Conventional systems lose effectiveness
Safety level
immediately after the passage of the
Level 0:
suctionduct. At a distance equal to
• No measurements1
the diameter of the suctionduct,
Level 1:
95% of the capacity is lost. Air
extraction costs lots of energy, to
blow air costs very little energy
Protective factor
• Vertical wall suction15
• Extraction arms (2x)
Level 2:
and is very effective. Therefore
• Ejector extraction technology
the VARIO-Flow technology is
Level 3:
based on blowing air controlled by
• Laminair down-flow
• Laminair down-flow
with barrier
• Laminair down-flow
with bench
a ejector-system which brings the
emission to the point where the extraction
is highly effective.
8.000 - 34.000
Level 4:
• Isolator, glove box
in the laboratory
a sliding window placed on a VARIO-Flow
GAP. The benefit of the air curtain remains
in place when a sliding window is installed,
whereby the sliding window is only used
in those cases where there is a risk of
Extraction benches based on ejector
Risk of splashing?
splashing. Contrary to the traditional fume
technology, whereby an air curtain the
If the user must not only be protected
cupboard, the sliding window is not part of
user protects against the source of the
against released vapours or dust particles,
the VARIO-Flow GAP. It is a double sliding
hazard, were, until recently, mainly used
but also against the risk of splashing, the
window frame with safety glass, whose fully
for industrial applications. Laboratories
air curtain does not provide the required
stainless steel construction has been installed
still mainly work with the traditional
safety level. The traditional fume cupboard,
on a stainless steel under frame. The modular
fume cupboard.
with a closed sliding window, does offer
system remains in place; the sliding window
that protection. It is also possible to have
can easily be placed and removed.
A fume cupboard can only be safely used
if the sliding window is mainly closed. As
this is not easy to work with and has been
shown to be contra productive, this sliding
window of the fume cupboard is often
opened during the activities. The fume
cupboard, in itself a fine safety provision,
does not function with an opened window
and the user will be exposed to the vapour
or dust particles caused by the hazardous
substances. The most important benefit the
VARIO-Flow GAP system offers as regards
to safety, is safety protectionlevel 2 with a
fully open front. A VARIO-Flow GAP offers
Work tops are available with raised
the desired protection level without having
edges or flat. Accessories such as sinks
to compromise on work confort, efficieny
and taps are integrated if so required.
and productivity.
The standard materials available are
Corian®, Caeserstone®, stainless steel,
glass, ceramic and Trespa®.
How does VARIO-Flow work
The VARIO-Flow system offers:
on your workplace?
• A clean-air curtain created
• The System Design Qualification is tested
To capture the emission of dangerous
substances on a high efficient way the
system creates a clean-airflow curtain
through air-ejectors on the top and the
bottom of the front side. Through the
combination of the curtain that protects
the worker and the surrounding work area,
the airspeed to transport the emission
to the back away from the worker at a
by a unique air-ejector system
• The curtain is built with conditioned
air from the room
• The aluminium frame construction with
special corner connecters is used as
ductwork for the incoming airflow
• The air pressure in the frame
is realised by an independent fan
• The emission of hazardous substances
level where the extraction is effective,
will be transported to the back,
VARIO-Flow offers a perfect combination
away from the worker
of efficiency and protection. This push and
pull system has to be adjusted perfectly.
• The minimum extraction capacity
necessary to function optimal is
What the system pushes must be captured
significantly lower compare to
and we don’t want to extract too much
conventional systems
since extraction capacity is very expensive.
• The VARIO-Flow GAP is tested in
accordance with EN 14175 part 3
in accordance with EN 14175 part 3
• Individual FAT test connected on exhaust
air system at a minimum capacity
• Practical SAT test at the individual
process and set values are perfected.
the source
• The integrated optical and acoustic alarm
system is continuously monitoring the air
input and output
• Alarm settings at plus and minus 10% of
the set-value
• Volt-free signal to building monitoring
• Optical alarm will continue till the
original values are reset
The specific features of the VARIO-Flow
GAP-Series are:
a) The clean-air curtain created by
(ejector technology)
The VARIO-Flow GAP offers a stable and
a unique air-ejector system in
save workplace, mainly because there are
To control the source of exposure by “Local
combination with a low extraction
no barriers to work with. As far as there is
Exhaust Ventilation” (LEV) on the wright
capacity offers a high level of
now splash-risk the clean-air curtain offers
safety protection level it is possible to
b) The open front without barriers
a better protection compare to the window
create a workplace without barriers. The
of the fume cupboard which is used in
highly efficient VARIO-Flow technology
motivates workers to use the offered
most laboratories and is perceived as an
motivates workers to use the offered safety
safety equipment
obstacle, not friendly to work with.
equipment since there are no obstacles to
deal with.
c) The integrated monitoring system
controls your save workspace
WITH EN 14175 PART 3
1) VARIO-Flow GAP bench whereby a test
gas is released during the test
2)Measurement surface with 9 sensors
that determine the egress
3)Movement simulation during the test
The VARIO-Flow GAP-Series based on
1) The top is the basic GAP
top which will be integrated in the frame
4 standardized components. Together
This is the VARIO-Flow GAP-Series and is
of the VARIO-Flow GAP module and a table
they form an compete individual
available in 96 different measurements.
top with raised edges, which will be placed
workstation. However they may be used
If you have a good worktable and a good top
between the frame construction and the
separately as individual components.
which is resident to the chemicals you are
VARIO-Flow GAP module. Accessories
Since the system is build out of individual
going to use, than use is! We will install the top
such as sinks, eyeshowers and taps are
components it is very easy to install, to
module on the existing table and you don’t
integrated into the table tops.
replace or to adjust.
have to spend more money than necessary.
The VARIO-Flow GAP is also available for in
3) The underbench frame construction
an explosion proof version.
Available in stainless steel or epoxy coated
steel (RAL 7035). For activities to be
2) The table top
performed sitting (height 685 mm) or
Available in 8 material options:
standing (height 885 mm). 96 different
• Furniture plate with a melamine top layer
standardized measurements, matching the
•TRESPA® Topcore® or Labcore®
dimensions of the top module.
4) Underbench safety cabinets
The VARIO-Flow GAP-Series is perfectly
• Stainless steel
combinable with Asecos underbench safety
• HDPE (polyethylene)
cabinets for the storage of flammable
hazardous liquids, acids, toxics, etc. Next to
the fire resistant cabinets there are under­
48 different standardized measurements,
bench cabinets available for corrosives or
matching the dimensions of the top module.
epoxy coated steel underbench cabinets when
There are two types available. A flat table
the is no necessity for special protection.
The basic-top module is available in
96 standard dimensions:
2 types available
Available in 8 material options furniture
• A flat tabletop integrated in
plate with a melamine top layer, TRESPA®
16 widths from 900 mm in steps of 300 mm
upto 5.400 mm
the frame of the VARIO-Flow GAP
• A tabletop with raised edges placed on
the underbench frame construction.
Topcore or Labcore, Caesarstone®, ceramics,
Corian®, stainless steel, HDPE (polyethylene)
or glass.
3 depts (external / internal)
600 / 470 mm, 750 / 610 mm en 850 / 710 mm
2 heights (excl. the underframe)
VARIO-Flow GAP 95 > height 1,100mm
• 1.100 mm offering an internal height
of 685 mm
• 1.400 mm offering an internal height
of 985 mm
600 mm
750 mm
850 mm
Width (mm)
600 mm
750 mm
850 mm
Order No.
Order No.
Order No.
Order No.
Order No.
Order No.
900 mm
900 mm
1200 mm
1200 mm
1500 mm
1500 mm
1800 mm
1800 mm
2100 mm
2100 mm
• Two standardized heights 685 mm
2400 mm
2400 mm
and 885 mm
2700 mm
2700 mm
• Two standardized materials, stainless
steel or epoxy coated steel
Width (mm)
VARIO-Flow GAP 125 > height 1,400 mm
3000 mm
3000 mm
3300 mm
3300 mm
3600 mm
3600 mm
3900 mm
3900 mm
4200 mm
4200 mm
4500 mm
4500 mm
4800 mm
4800 mm
5100 mm
5100 mm
5400 mm
5400 mm
F90 fire resistant underbench cabinets
The top module of a VARIO-Flow workstation
up to a width of 1.800 mm is supplied as one
part and is ready for immediate use after
connected on the extraction. The VARIOFlow top module can be placed on an existing
work top. Combinations with an under frame,
an underbench safety cabinet, a work top
and possible taps or other accessories will
be expertly installed by DENIOS mechanics.
The modular construction method means
that it is always easy to change, move or
replace. The workstation of more than 1.800
mm width will be supplied in easy to install
parts. DENIOS takes care of the installation
on site. Our VCA certified mechanics are
highly qualified and bring you a service level
according to the DENIOS Concept.
1) Monitoring the air exhaust:
2) Anti blinding lighting:
3) Side panels made of safety glass:
• With optical and acoustic alarm
• Energy saving lighting
• Optimum light in the work space
• Volt-free signal to building monitoring system
with removable cover plate
• Also available with closed panels
• Integrated ON/OFF switch and light switch
• Light strength approx. 1000 lux.
• Also available with glass back panel
• Easy access for changing the
fluorescent tube
4) Aluminium
5) Earthed wall sockets:
6) Combinable with Asecos under-
frame construction:
• Splash water resistant IP54
bench safety cabinets for the storage
• Robust, torsion free construction
• Standard integrated in the resource
of flammable hazardous liquids, acids,
• Low weight, little pressure for the surface
channel on the back wall
toxids, etc.
• Anodized surface, high chemical resistance
• Additional sockets on request
• Applicable in combination with
• Great flexibility due to large choice of
• If required, wall sockets can be integrated
various under frames
models (16 widths, 2 heights, 3 depths)
in the under frame structure
• Fitting cover plates for a uniform look
7) back panel:
• Easy foldable for optimum cleaning
• Easy cleaning of the full interior
• Back panel is also available as transparent
panel, ideal for location in the middle of a
work area
8) Taps:
It is possible for taps to be integrated into
the back panel, the under frame structure
10) sinks and oTher Top accessories:
or on the work top. We supply all types of
• Sinks are available in a several standard
Broen or Far taps.
dimensions integrated in the worktop
made of the materials Corian®, stainless
9) work Tops:
steel or ceramics. Funnels, waste
If you have a good worktable and a good top
collection systems or liquid pumps can
which is resident to the chemicals you are
also be integrated in the work tops of the
going to use, then the VARIO-Flow GAP module
VARIO-Flow GAP workstation.
can simply be placed on your current work top,
preventing any unnecessary investments.
11) underbench Frames
If you do not have a suitable work top, then
• For activities to be performed sitting or
we can supply an integrated work top or an
standing (height 685 or 865 mm), they
individual separate work top with liquid tight
are available in stainless steel or epoxy
raised edges on top of which the VARIO-Flow
coated steel (RAL 7035)
GAP module is placed. The work tops can be
made of:
• Furniture plate with a melamine top layer
• TRESPA® Topcore or Labcore
• Caesarstone®
• Ceramics
• Corian®
• Stainless steel
• HDPE (polyethylene)
• Glass
Installation and
extraction facilities
Extraction installation with a back up
facility based on safety level 3 pursuant
to the EN-IEC 60079-10-1.
Extraction facilities and installation
Whether it is a local extractor, a VARIOFlow GAP workstation or a laminar-down
flow system, all air technology facilities
must be connected to an extraction system.
This can be a simple fan or a recirculation
system, but can also be a more complex air
management system for several facilities
or rooms.
Our specialists calculate the required
capacities and our engineers design your
extraction installation. Installation on
location by highly qualified mechanics
When investments are made to improve
and to check if the way of working is still in
the safety level within the organisation it
accordance to the work instructions.
is not just an investment exercise It is a
poor practice just to spend money. Involve
European and national legislation requires
those who are working with hazardous
installation and inspection protocols for
substances, they know the process that
safety facilities. In short, this concerns
requires continuous attention.
four framework guidelines in European
rules and legislation. They demand that
certain measures are taken to ensure that
Before the system can be used it needs
the safety and health of the employees at
to be set and calibrated. Thereby taking
work is improved, indicate the minimum
into consideration the influences of
requirements and stipulate when the
the way the process is running. A good
inspection and maintenance must be
operation can only be guaranteed after
carried out. The employer has a duty
having instructions, information and
of care and must create the conditions
training. Worker involvement is the key
whereby the employee is able to work
to motivate them to work safely and to
under safe conditions.
use the equipment at the appropriate
safe mode. Therefore we offer you the
So control measures are always a mixture
DENIOS concept. When you buy a VARIO-
of equipment and ways of working to
Flow workstation, we take care of the
reduce exposure. The right combination is
installation, calibration and training of the
crucial. No measures, however practical,
operators to encourage the way they carry
can work unless they are used properly.
out their work safely.
The standard operating procedure is based
on risk assessment, right equipment, as
Once you are in control you need to keep
less barriers as possible and clear work
it that way. Checking and maintaining
instructions. Maintenance and controlling is
of the safety facilities are an important
necessary continue the safety level.
aspect to continue and guarantee the
The purpose of this is to maintain, improve
safety process. Next to that it is also
and control the labour conditions within
important for the sustainability of the
the organisation to make sure you can
investment. Reason enough to carry out
offer a workenvironment that meets the
periodical maintenance to safety facilities
latest requirements.
ple, pla
Laboratories use, on average, seven times
The VARIO-Flow GAP system of DENIOS
A significantly lower environmental impact
as much energy as office environments.
supplies such an alternative. Significant
through reduction of the extraction volume.
The main cause of this is ventilation and
savings can be achieved in the extraction
By adjusting the work method, the
extraction. Each cubic meter of extracted
capacity in comparison to a traditional
productivity improves and a significant
air must also be argued and conditioned.
fume cupboard.
saving is realised in energy costs.
heating or humidity control is expensive
Sustainable investment in GAP workstations
No idealistic bureaucratic measures, but
and environmentally unfriendly. Each
suits a corporate social responsibility policy
innovative reality, which can also be used in
cubic meter of extracted air costs EUR
that finds the balance between environmental
your organisation.
1.50 annually and has an average CO2
aspects, social aspects and profitability.
The energy is used for ventilation, cooling,
burden of approx. 10 kg. American research
DENIOS analyses your work area or
has shown that two thirds of the total
The employee is provided a work
laboratory and calculates your benefit,
energy used at a laboratory is caused by
environment that offers a high protection
our report is also supported by a risk
ventilation and conditioning.
against exposure to hazardous substances.
Approximately 20% is due to ventilation/
extraction, approximately 20% is
due to cooling/ humidity control and
approximately 25% is due to heating.
Also a large part of the conditioning costs
are directly influenced by the level of
ventilation. It therefore makes sense to
carefully look at the extraction facilities at
the laboratory and to research more costeffective alternatives.
1 m3 extracted air =
€ 1,50 annually
1 m3 extracted air =
10 kg CO2-burden annually
Working safely
Amphia Hospital
Working without the obstruction of
The Amphia Hospital has three locations in
the sliding window is made possible by
Breda and Oosterhout and cares strongly
the VARIO-Flow GAP applied ejector
on the high quality of care it provides.
technology. The employees of the pathology
The safety of the patients and employees
department of the Amphia hospital first
is always paramount. The Amphia Hospital
heard of this system at the trade fair
is member of the Society of United Top
‘HET Instrument’ in 2008. Before choosing
Clinical Training Hospitals (“STZ”), a quality
to work with the VARIO-Flow GAP technology,
label whereby a safe and healthy working
they had a test period, after which they
environment forms the basis for training
were fully convinced of its safe operation.
and scientific research at top level.
Both units are 75 cm deep. One is 1.2 meters
wide, the other is 3 meters wide. Two sinks
have been integrated in the ceramic work
top of the widest workbench. Experience
has taught us that it is far easier to work
To capture the emission of dangerous
with a fully open front than from behind
substances on a high efficient way the
the window of a fume cupboard.
system creates a clean-airflow curtain
through air-ejectors on the top and the
bottom of the front side.
Type 90 test
and approv ed
according ed
Daily used chemicals are stored in the 90 minute fire resistant
underbench cabinets. This means the work tops can remain empty,
making it safe to work in, but also neat and efficient.
Eurofins Food Testing has
again chosen VARIO-Flow GAP
work spaces of DENIOS
pharmaceutical, environmental and water
research. The company has 12.500 employees
worldwide and owes its success to the high
level of knowledge and expertise. Eurofins
is well represented in the Netherlands
with its locations in Breda, Barneveld,
Heerenveen and Barendrecht. The location
Eurofins Food Testing Rotterdam has been
one has been purchased in April 2012 as the
modern laboratory organisation.
in Heerenveen started using 10 VARIO-
a customer of DENIOS since 2008. The
laboratory is expanding. Eurofins was
The company operates in 33 countries
Flow GAP benches in 2005. The unique
laboratory in Barendrecht now has five
incorporated 25 years ago in Nantes, France,
worldwide, with a full spectrum of bio
way the VARIO-Flow GAP system works is
VARIO-Flow GAP-workstations and a sixth
and has grown into an international and ultra
analytical services in the field of food,
something that is well known at Eurofins.
VARIO-Flow GAP workstation:
comfortable and effective
VARIO-Flow GAP work spaces offer
independently, and can be easily moved or
protection against emission of substances
hazardous to health using ejector
technology (clean air vents) and have an
All parts are available in different dimensions
complete open front. This significantly
and materials. The smallest VARIO-Flow GAP
increases the user’s comfort in comparison
module is 90 cm wide. The system is fully
to the traditional fume cupboard.
standardised and can be widened in steps of
30 cm up to a maximum width of 5.4 meters.
The work spaces have a modular set-up
The depth of the top module is 60, 75 or
and consist of the VARIO-Flow GAP module,
85 cm. A height is available for 1.10 for
a work top, an underframe construction
sitting work and 1.40 cm for standing work.
and an underbench cabinet.
This means that VARIO-Flow GAP module is
These components can also be operated
available in 96 standard dimensions.
Through the combination of the clean-air
Mr Wilbert Duits has work experiance in
The VARIO-Flow GAP workstations for
curtain that protects the worker and the
laboratories and in the food industry. This
Eurofins are equipped with stainless steel
surrounding work area, the airspeed takes
was the first time Wilbert Duits worked
worktops, cold water taps, wall sockets
care of the transport of the emission to the
with the VARIO-Flow GAP workstation
and fire resistant underbench cabinets.
back, away from the operator. VARIO-Flow
of DENIOS. He says: “Eurofins works as
The most striking thing about the units
offers a perfect combination of efficiency
much as possible with the VARIO-Flow
is their width. Laboratories and hospitals
and protection. The VARIO-Flow GAP
GAP module. It is an excellent solution. The
usually work with tables of 1.20 up to 1.80
offers a stable and save workplace, mainly
VARIO-Flow GAP technology protects the
meters wide. Eurofins specifically ordered
because there are no barriers to work with.
laboratory worker and provides freedom of
2.4 meter wide workstations. Not because
movement. Eurofins is extremely satisfied
of the nature of the activities they are
and we never thought of
used for, but for a very simple reason says
looking at alternative options.”
Wilbert Duits: “The wide workstations
Eurofins’s request was based on
add comfort. The space was available and
the specifications of the VARIO-
we have made optimum use of it. It also
Flow GAP workstations provided
makes it possible for two people to work
by DENIOS 6 years earlier.
along side each other.” Wilbert Duits is also
This older type is no longer
positive about the progress of the project:
Eurofins Food Testing Rotterdam (location
manufactured and has been re-
“It was realised quickly and expertly,
Barendrecht) has a contaminants
designed and improved.
without causing a lot of disruption.” Quick
laboratory specifically for goods from the
delivery was also of major importance for
Rotterdam harbour. The new laboratory
Danny Immenga, advisor at
will mainly focus on analyzing for the fruit
DENIOS, says: “The models in
auction in Barendrecht. In Heerenveen,
the previous series contained
Eurofins Food Testing has a laboratory for
appendage channels. However,
nutritional and microbiological analysis.
nowadays the piping is
the last assignment.
integrated in the back panel or
in the work top. This prevents
disruptions to the air flow,
resulting in an even more
effective protection from the
After the great successes achieved in Germany and The Netherlands, VARIO-Flow
technology is increasingly known in the Belgian laboratories. Recently a VARIO-Flow
GAP was installed at the Biology department of the Antwerp University to protect
researchers during their environmental research in the area of water and animal life.
These researchers are part of the research
organisation are looked into. “This makes
group Systemic Physiological & Eco
us an important research group at home
toxicological Research of the Antwerp
and abroad. The research area varies
University. They mainly study the
from molecules, cells and tissues to whole
contamination on the ecosystems in brooks,
populations and ecosystems. We endeavour
rivers, lakes and seas. Freddy Dardenne,
to bridge the whole range, also the higher
research and innovation manager: “We
levels, because you cannot see everything
research to what extent organisms react
at cell level. That is why we carry out
to stress and why. We consider that stress
research on laboratory animals. We are
has a broad definition; it can be caused by
specialised in aquatic organisms.”
the contaminating and toxic substances,
toxicants and environmental pollutants, but
also by temperature swings.”
Fire retardants, mostly bromide
combinations, cause a lot more damage to
the water eco system than was previously
The endocrine system is a very important
thought. “They do seem to have an effect,
field of research: “The hormone household
just like perfluor combinations for surface
allows our organs to cooperate and function
protection in industrial applications. We
and partly determine the reproduction.”
expose organisms to these substance types
The research group has been brought
and see what effect the toxic combination
together following a research into metal
has on the protein expression and the
toxicity. All levels of the biological
metabolism. We test at cell and tissue level,
and carry out tests on fish. We also look at
the swimming behaviour of fishes, oxygen
use and reproduction. The zebra fish is
the model fish, and we look at the effects
to on this organism throughout several
The researchers usually work with small
dosages and relatively low concentrations
of substances. Just to be on the safe side,
the choice was made to reduce the exposure
risks to an absolute minimum. That is why
DENIOS installed a VARIO-Flow GAP work
space at the research institute in May 2012.
“Considering that low concentrations are
used, there was no obligation to do so, but
It became clear that connecting it to the
we work with substances that could have
current infrastructure was not possible.
an effect even in low concentrations. Our
The capacity of the air household was
people work with mutagenic carcinogenic
insufficient for the vent cabinets. That is
substances, pesticides, mycotoxines and
why the GAP has been supplied with an
flame retardants, possible endocrine
independently operating recirculation
disruptors for years on end. The dosages
unit with HEPA filtering and continuous
are now only performed in the VARIO-Flow
control: “A perfectly operating system that
GAP to exclude even the smallest chance
we can also take with us when we move
on effects in, for example, the hormone
the renovated Drie Eiken Campus in three
household of employees.”
years time.”
In the beginning of 2010 a safe work space with a VARIO-Flow air injection air curtain was installed
on an existing cutting table at the Pathology Laboratory East Netherlands in Enschede. This has
enabled the lab to reduce the exposure to formaldehyde to the desired level.
Improved protection
against formaldehyde
rise up. However, it is still possible for
swirls of gas to rise up, certainly if a
larger quantity is used within a short
period of time. Just disposing of the
formaldehyde through the holes in
the ventilated cutting table is then no
longer sufficient. Even in combination
with additional extraction-arms, the
Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound
The past years new insights have been
permissible formaldehyde concentration.
concentration levels remained too high.
with an irritating smell. The gas can cause
made on the exposure risks. Formaldehyde
Pathological analysts use the gas to fixate
This meant an additional facility was
irritation to the eyes, nose and air ways.
is more dangerous than previously
tissues. In order to reduce the exposure
needed to remain within the maximum
The substance is carcinogenic if one is
thought. This has led to increased
risks to a minimum, they cut the tissues
permissible concentration. That is why
exposed to it for a longer period of time.
legislation, and lowering the maximum
on a special stainless steel table with
at the beginning of 2010, a VARIO-Flow
a ventilation system. The laboratory in
GAP was installed on the existing cutting
Enschede uses a height adjustable table
table. This ventilation system creates
with an integrated sump, a formaldehyde
an air curtain that ensures that the
sink and tap. The worktop is 1.900 mm wide
formaldehyde emission is moved away
and 850 mm deep and has been supplied
from the user towards the extraction in
with an extraction system that operated
the back. The VARIO-Flow technology
from in the worktop integrated sump.
disposes of the released emissions,
Even with an extraction capacity of 1.000
preventing the employees from breathing
m2 per hour the affectivity was limited.
in hazardous gasses. This, in combination
This extraction method operates well in
with the extraction of the cutting table,
principle, as the formaldehyde emission
offers more than sufficient protection
is heavier than air and therefore hardly
against unwanted exposure.
external company measures the ventilation
Analysts at the laboratory consider that
level of the tables everyone concluded that
their work situation has clearly improved
this has certainly been a real improvement.”
since their table extended with VARIO-Flow
extraction technology. “This solution
enables us to bridge the period of time
until we move”, is the response of one of
The Pathology Laboratory East Netherlands
the senior analysts. “Within the current
Foundation works for clients in Twente
location, I see no other way to reduce
and the Achterhoek (both in the east of
the exposure level. We simply don’t have
The Netherlands near the German border)
the space. After all, we will be here for
and is the largest laboratory of its kind in
just two years more years. However,
The Netherlands. It has approximately 100
we do need to comply with the stricter
employees. They are involved in cell and
rules. Too much formaldehyde emission
tissue research of biopsies, tumours, bones
was released, particularly during some
and the skeleton. All sorts of deviations
activities, such as sealing. The cutting table
and illnesses are researched and even
has been calibrated to extract a certain
includes the research carried out on
volume per hour. When the quantities
foetuses. They perform research for the
exceeded this volume, it was possible
hospitals of the ZGT group Almelo and
for formaldehyde too be released.” The
Hengelo, SKB Winterswijk, MST in Enschede
extraction is operational during the full
and general practitioners. The laboratory
working day. This is needed says the
is expected to move to a new location in
analysts: “Because this work space is used
Hengelo in 2013. The set-up there will meet
almost continually. We have been able to
the latest health and safety guidelines
minimize the excessive exposure. It is an
and the PGS15 guideline for the storage of
emergency solution, but we do meet the
hazardous substances. Until that time the
government guidelines perfectly now.” The
current laboratories are still operational
system was installed over the weekend,
and safety must be guaranteed. Sometimes
which meant work could proceed as normal
adjustments are required. That is why the
during working days. “DENIOS provided
foundation is using a DENIOS VARIO-Flow
the perfect solution. They maintain yearly
system in the cutting chamber at the
every extraction point at our laboratory
beginning of 2010 to reduce the pathological
as well as all our safety cabinets. After an
analysts’ exposure to formaldehyde.
At the beginning of 2011, the Leiden
takes ten minutes. The emission of
Cytological and Pathological Laboratory
the hazardous substance are perfectly
(LCPL) had VARIO-Flow GAP workstation
disposed off in the VARIO-Flow bench with
installed with a underbench safety cabinet.
a fully open front. The ‘wet archive’ and the
The VARIO-Flow technology protects
chemicals are also within reach and stored
employees from the release of chemical
in the underbench safety cabinet. Ideal as
emissions during gynaecology tests. In
efficiency and safety are both achieved.
the VARIO-Flow bench is the SurePath
system integrated; this is a thin layer
method for the processing of cytological
The company Klinipath BV located in
material. Hanna Breijer of the LCPL was
Duiven is the distributor of the SurePath®
closely involved discussion to invest in the
method, the liquid based cytology method
right facility. Her main focus was the safety
for use in the clinical cytology studies.
of the employees. The vaginal material
Klinipath works closely with DENIOS in the
is supplied in fixated state BoonFix. This
area of safety facilities for working with
is a formaldehyde free fixative, but has a
hazardous substances.
volatile composition and is unhealthy if
inhaled. The specimens are made using
VARIO-Flow GAP = safe working practice
the SurePath® processing method. “This
VARIO-Flow is the technology to capture
way the microscopic image shows the most
the emission of dangerous substances on
natural position of the bacteria with regard
a high efficient way by creating a clean-
The VARIO-Flow GAP bench units ensure
clean-airflow curtain that protects the
to the epithelium cells”, clarifies Hanna.
airflow curtain through air-ejectors on the
that employees are protected from contact
worker and the surrounding work area
“Sedimenting the specimens takes twenty
top and the bottom of the front side. GAP is
with hazardous substances, such as
and the airspeed to transport the emission
minutes, the colouring of the specimens
the complete standardized series offering
microscopic dust or vapours of inflammable
to the back away from the worker at a
with the May Grunwald-Giemsma method
96 different measurements.
liquids. Through the combination of the
level where the extraction is effective.
The unique technology provides
there is a risk of splashing, the system
for research on vaginal discomforts. For
constant protection, offers
can be supplied with a sliding window.
example yeast infections and bacterial
full freedom of movement and
This makes the VARIO-Flow GAP look like
flora which are difficult to treat. Fluoride
an optimum view on the work
a conventional fume cupboard, however,
diagnostics make it possible to provide the
innovative injection technology makes
general practitioner with a specific advice
it possible to work safely even when the
for the treatment, in order to achieve a
sliding window is open.
balanced vaginal flora. The female patients
The VARIO-Flow GAP creates
are also given lifestyle advice.
a safe work space at relatively
Leiden Cytological
low costs. That is why more and
and Pathological Laboratory
more laboratories are choosing
The Leiden Cytological and Pathological
this technology. The VARIO-Flow
Laboratory specialises in primary health
GAP is flexible and can be integrated in
care diagnostics. Certain reacting agents
new and existing laboratories. The VARIO-
are needed for this research to which
Flow GAP can, for example, be used on a
employees must be exposed as little as
pathology table to minimize the exposure
possible. For example fluoride diagnostics,
to formaldehyde. In work situations where
this is new in The Netherlands in this set-up,
“Standard fume cupboards
have a glass sliding window,
doesn’t need a front window,
and this is a major advantage.”
“That was the main reason for us to choose
This gives you full freedom of movement
the VARIO-Flow GAP for our new laboratory
without the risk of exposure to the
instead of a traditional fume cupboard”
emission. This is mainly due to the special
explains Bob van de Woerdt. He works as
air curtain that is used in this technology
a Product Development Manager at
to move the emission away from the user”
Immunologic, which is part of Klinipath in
says Bob van de Woerdt.
Duiven: “A few months ago we moved to
a new building. It was part of my job to be
involved with the interior of the laboratory,
Klinipath BV is the distributor of SurePath®,
and this includes the safe disposal of
the liquid-based cytology method, focussed
hazardous emissions. As the relationship
between Klinipath and DENIOS was already
good, we did not need much time to make
our choice for the VARIO-Flow technology.
Since DENIOS also has ideal products in its
range for handling dangerous goods with
an excellent price-quality ratio, they are
listed as preferred suppliers.”
The benefit
“The VARIO-Flow GAP works great. One
major advantage is that the standard
fume cupboards have a sliding window
which has to be mainly closed to be able to
work safely. DENIOS applies a technology
whereby a complete open front is possible.
Located in Duiven, manufacturer and
supplier of more than 15.000 products
for hospital laboratories, pharmacists,
and specialized in, pathology, histology,
on the clinical cytology discipline.
immunology and research laboratories.
Klinipath works closely with DENIOS in
The Klinipath pathology and histology
the area of safety facilities when working
products are used in a wide range of
with hazardous substances.
laboratories all over the world. The product
package consists of the most renowned
brands in the laboratory sector. Klinipath’s
“Klinipath and DENIOS work closely
goal is to steadily grow and improve by
together on advice with regard to
innovating and expand the product range.
pathological laboratories!” continues
Harold Ramman (Product Specialist
Cytology). “We have worked together
a couple of times in order to provide
knowledge and advices clients as it should
Bob van de Woerdt is
customers with advice, and we were
be done, not just as a sales story!
very pleased with the
successful. We are perfect partners. The
GAP and the cooperation
technology and the unique concept are
DENIOS not only takes care of the supply,
particularly appealing to me. Besides high
the GAP is installed and tested on location,
quality, DENIOS has the right professional
after which an SAT report is drawn up.
Fume cupboards replaced
by VARIO-Flow GAPs
For the set-up of the new LSI laboratory,
were replaced by VARIO-Flow GAPs whereby
the workplaces where work is carried out
the activities can be performed safely with a
with hazardous substances were closely
fully opened front. A GAP work station was
studied in order to make an informed choice
selected for analytical weighting activities,
between a fume cupboard and the new
due to the freedom of movement it offers as
VARIO-Flow technique from DENIOS. Finally
it has no sliding window. The discipline “Fire
existing fume cupboards were replace at
Assay” is also applied in the workplace to
workspaces where splash risk may occur.
determine the level of previous metal in ore.
The initially planned new fume cupboards
The new laboratory enables LSI to further
The use of ejector technology has
improve the service it provides and to
guaranteed the safe working conditions
offer an extensive services package.
in a VARIO-Flow GAP with a fully open
front, without sliding window.
Nine gas bottle compartments were
positioned against the outer wall, which
means no gas bottles are present in the
laboratories anymore. Not only has this
improved the safety at the company, it has
also greatly simplified the logistics involved.
The supplier can now exchange the empty
bottles for full bottles without disrupting the
activities performed at the laboratory.
LSI stands for
LSI is an independent trade laboratory for
services it offers, in particular those
substances to be
the analysis of metals, bulk goods, water
involving water analysis. When the new
carried out safely.
and waste water. In 2009, LSI moved into a
building was being set-up, DENIOS was the
beautiful new building at the Pittsburghstreet
best suited partner to supply the safety
in Rotterdam and has greatly expanded the
facilities that enable work with hazardous
Safe cleaning of semi­
conductors at Canberra
stream of clean air prevents employees
from inhaling hazardous substances.
Hazardous vapours are disposed of
through the back panel. First a VARIOFlow GAP work space was installed in Olen
where work is carried out with acetone and
iso propanol. A 90-minute fire-resistant
activities there was a fire hazard and the
enabled the employees at Canberra’s
exposure to these substances exceeded
manufacturing department in Olen (Belgium)
the legal guidelines. In order to reduce the
After a positive evaluation, the decision
to carry out work on semiconductors without
flammable hazard, the company tried to
was made to install another three VARIO-
the hindrance of splash screens or
find a way to prevent the accumulation of
Flow GAPs for the cleansing of germanium
extraction arms, whilst still being
highly flammable substances. Therefore it
crystals. Each cabinet was provided with
protected from the emission of hazardous
came to the installation of new practical
an underbench safety cabinet for the
storage cabinets for highly flammable
storage of chemicals. This improvement led
products pursuant to Belgian and Flemish
to a better and clearer supply and faster
Canberra Semiconductor develops and
guidelines. In order to reduce the exposure,
processing of waste chemicals. The nearby
manufactures silicon detectors for the
the initial thought was to extract the
located fume cupboards are used for work
detection of alpha and beta radiation and
vapours, but without compromising
carried out on strong acids. The VARIO-
manufactures germanium detectors for the
on the precise, manual work with the
Flow workstations were given transparent
detection of gamma rays.
precious and vulnerable semiconductors.
walls, making the work floor better to
Employees therefore needed full freedom
survey and therefore safer.
The cells to detect these radiation forms
of movement. This is why a classic fume
are made of semiconductors. During their
cupboard with splash screen was not an
Quality, Safety & Environment manager
manufacturing process, employees carry
option and the company searched for an
Steven Majewski is very satisfied with how
out cleaning steps with warmed solvents.
this project went. “Both bio-monitoring and
work hygiene levels show that the level of
In three locations methanol is used for this
cabinet was integrated in the workstation.
The set-up of four special workplaces has
purpose; this is a highly flammable and
The Canberra location found the solution
exposure of the employees is well below
toxic product.
in the VARIO-Flow technology of DENIOS.
the guideline, which is 10 percent of the
A VARIO-Flow GAP workstation has a fully
limit value in Belgium. Working conditions
In other locations acetone and iso
open front, as opposed to the classic fume
have greatly improved.”
propanol is applied. During all these
cupboard with sliding window. A forced
CANBERRA develops, manufactures and
the acquisition of Packard Instruments
distributes radiation detection equipment
by CANBERRA Industries (USA),
worldwide. This equipment is used for
CANBERRA Benelux in Olen became a
environmental inspections, radio chemical
100% subsidiary of the American parent
applications, safety monitoring in nuclear
company, as well as the CANBERRA head
plants and in public areas. CANBERRA
office for the Benelux and Denmark.
Benelux started in 1977 as a department of
Their excellent service and know-how
CANBERRA Positronika B.V. It soon became
of instruments has enabled CANBERRA
a major player in the Belgian market for
Benelux to design special systems and
nuclear measurements. In 1986, after it was
split from CANBERRA Positronika B.V. and
The previous situation
In the previous situation, work was
performed with the aid of local extraction
arms. Local extraction looses power
directly at the end of the extraction
opening and therefore only works well
when the extraction opening is within close
proximity of the emission. This required
discipline of the user, and despite the best
efforts, practice has shown that it is not
realistic to expect that the position of the
arm is continuously adjusted.
The new asphalt
“The move of MNO Vervat’s asphalt lab
importantly, they have the knowledge and
was the start of a modernisation of the lab
have a comprehensive product range!”
whereby it was to be equipped with the
says Ruud van Egmond, who is responsible
latest technology. This also involves new
for new facilities of the asphalt lab.
laboratory facilities. We soon came to the
conclusion that DENIOS in Alphen aan den
Rijn offered what we were looking for.
DENIOS is not really focussed on setting
up laboratories, but they were located in
the right geographical location, and more
Choosing DENIOS
Van Egmond continues: “We started
worktables had the highest priority. We
sparring with specialists of DENIOS on
later bought several special made tables
the set-up, walk route and the optimum
and the custom-made water basin. DENIOS
extraction of hazardous substances at
provided good advice and have taken
the asphalt lab. This led to the right
measurements before delivering! They
solution and set-up of the space. Only
also gave advice on the interfaces between
then did DENIOS issue a quote that was
sections of third parties and their own
custom-made. We purchased in two
phases. The VARIO-Flow GAPs and the
Moveable work table with stainless steel frame
and Topcore® worktops at two levels.
Installation and service
“The installation has carried out exactly
moments when this is needed!” says Ruud
how we expected it to. A great advantage
van Egmond.
of DENIOS is that we were able to select a
‘custom made’ GAP with the products from
In order to carry out the life tests of the
their standard catalogue, making it possible
asphalt drill cores which must be immersed
to meet the requirements of the asphalt
under water for at least a month, DENIOS
lab of MNO Vervat. The after-sales service
supplied a special HDPE water basin with a
is good, DENIOS assists you and acts at
content of 2.000 litres, with three stories.
MNO Vervat
MNO Vervat has almost 100 years of
from tunnelling to traffic management.
experience, 1.000 employees and operates
MNO Vervat is a full service contractor
in a market of large infrastructural works
whose core activity maintains asphalt.
in the Netherlands, the Caribbean and
Since 2011, MVO is part of Koninklijke
Surinam. The company believes in offering
Boskalis Westminster N.V.
a total package: from railroad, to roads and
Ruud van Egmond is the person
responsible at MNO for the Private Sector
Safely creating
During the practical lessons for
hazardous vapours can be released as a
the creation of jewellery, chemicals
result of the substances with the metal. In
are used.
order to protect students and teachers, a
solution was chosen that offers an optimum
For example galvanic technology for the
limitation of the risks, while offering a
silver plating or copper plating and
great freedom of movement, enabling the
electrolytic treatment of aluminium and
students to creatively, but safely, work on
titanium. A colour or drawing can be
the beautification of their pieces.
applied in aluminium in the oxide layer by
way of a colour bath; colour and colour
Mr. Mathesius, one of the initiators of the
shift in titanium can be achieved by applying
project explains that he is extremely happy
different voltages. The chemical treatment
with how the VARIO-Flow GAP system
of the surface is done with sulphuric acid,
works and that the students are very happy
caustic soda and nitric acid, whereby
working with the system.
The Zadkine College offers 26 vocational
also to be a valuable member of the labour
trainings in the area of ‘greater Rotterdam’.
market and of society.
The trainings are provided in the 60 training
locations in Rotterdam, Capelle aan den
Ever since the 17th century, Schoonhoven
IJssel, Schiedam, Hoogvliet, Spijkenisse,
has been renowned for its silver. It is
Voorne-Putten, Goeree-Overflakkee and
therefore no coincidence that the Zadkine
Schoonhoven, all conveniently situated.
educations given at the location in
The motto “learning, thinking, daring, doing”
Schoonhoven are school courses for gold
is given substance by not only training
and silversmiths, jeweller, clock technology
the students to become professionals, but
and stained glass-artist.
The Martini Hospital in Groningen has
into sterile and non-sterile activities. “For
opted for three VARIO-Flow GAP facilities
the first category of preparations we use
for the new Medicine Preparation section
down flow cabinets, safety cabinets type 2b
for non-sterile medicine preparation. Tests
for the aseptic preparation of medicines.
have shown that these workstations offer
For the sterile activities with hazardous
better protection to prevent coming into
substances we use the VARIO-Flow GAP
contact with hazardous substances than
work spaces as an alternative to the classic
the ‘old’ fume cupboards.
fume cupboard.” The GAP’S are used by
pharmacy assistants to package cytostatics
By moving the preparation section of the
into unit supply packaging and for small
pharmacy of the Van Ketwich location to
scale preparations with level 2 substances.
a completely renovated wing at the van
These do not require a sterile environment.
Swieten location, the Martini Hospital has
However, the assistants do need to be well
gained a super modern pharmacy.
protected when coming into contact with
these hazardous substances says hospital
Since the end of 2010, pharmacist
pharmacist Jan Reindert Moes, who is also
assistants work in preparation areas with
responsible for the medicine preparation:
conditioned air and constant overpressure
“The VARIO-Flow GAP offers the employee
in order to work as hygienically as
sufficient protection from exposure to
possible. There are various clean room
these hazardous substances. Besides the
classifications pursuant to the GMPz –
cytostatics, these are also triclorine acidic
the guidelines for Good Manufacturing
acid and preparations containing tar.” The
Practices that apply to hospitals.
two VARIO-Flow GAP cabinets have been
equipped with HEPA filters at the top of
this custom-made part, we meet the legal
aggressive substances. Moes: “Work is
the cabinets. This is a must when working
guidelines”, says Siekman. The workspaces
done with chloride substances, such as
Project manager Herman Siekman
with cytostatics. “You cannot dispose of
have Corian work tops, This is a material
hypo chlorite solutions. We need a work top
classifies the activities in the clean rooms
the air without a HEPA filter, by adding
registered by DuPont, which can withstand
that is strong enough to withstand it.”
Validation measurements
was a different story with the traditional
The choice between a traditional
fume cupboard”, says Moes. End 2010, the
fume cupboard and the VARIO-Flow
pharmacy was given a GMP-z-certificate by
technology was made after DENIOS gave
the Health Care Inspection. Moes: “We have
a demonstration on location. “We were
shown the room classifications by way of
given a pilot set-up and we used smoke
three consecutive validation measurements.
tests to see the differences between the
We have been working in the Medicine
VARIO-Flow GAP and the traditional fume
Preparation Section for six months now
cupboard. This test showed that the VARIO-
and wish to repeat those measurements.
Flow GAP allows less air to escape from the
We monitor our microbiology each month.
cabinet when there is movement of air in
The validation of the VARIO-Flow GAPs
front of the cabinet. Even when someone
was done by Intermicon, which ensured the
passes by, hardly any air escapes. This
independent nature of the validation.”
Martini Hospital
The Christian deaconesses Hospital at the
attended to by the ‘Sisters of Love’. Both
care offered to patients. At the time of the
Van Ketwich Verschuurlaan and the Roman
hospitals have now become one general
merger, it was decided to offer all the care
Catholic Hospital at the Van Swietenlaan
hospital for patients of all religions at the
on one location. From that moment on,
both in Groningen, located northeast in The
new Martini Hospital.
they worked to realise a new hospital.
Netherlands, merged in 1991; this resulted
Because both hospitals realised that
This new Martini Hospital opened its
in the Martini Hospital. At the Christian
close collaboration would result in better
doors in 2007 and replaces both former
Hospital, patients were attended to by
patient care, the hospitals merged in 1991
locations. Also the renovation at the
deaconesses until the late seventies. In the
and became the Martini Hospital. This
former van Swieten location has almost
Roman Catholic Hospital the patients were
merger has improved and broadened the
been completed.
Twente Hospital Group
opts for a VARIO-Flow GAP
The Twente Hospital Group (Ziekenhuis­
liquids are added to tissues which have
groep Twente; “ZGT”) has hospitals in
been gained during treatment. In order
Almelo and Hengelo near by the German
to protect our employees from inhaling
border in the east of The Netherlands.
the released vapours they made use of an
The hospital provides care for 300.000
extraction hood that was connected to the
residents. The ZGT resulted from a merger
central extraction system. The workspace
in 1998 between the Twenteborg Hospital
with a perspex housing was too small
and the Hospital Midden-Twente. It works
for the user and it was not sufficiently
closely with general practitioners, home
effective to be able to guarantee the safety
care organisations, nursing homes in the
during the activities. The ZGT realised
region and has 3.500 employees providing
this problem and asked DENIOS to find
high-quality specialist medical diagnostics
a solution. The solution that was found
and care, whereby the care requirement of
meant that the existing work space was
the patient is paramount.
replaced by a VARIO-Flow GAP system.
As only 300 m2/h extraction capacity was
ZGT innovates and improves the total
available the choice was made to install
care it provides by continually investing
a 90 cm wide basic type so that no air
in the quality of its employees. After all,
technology adjustments were needed.
it is the employees who will provide that
care and will need to realise that quality.
Since the existing table was perfect to use
At the surgery ward at the ZGT location in
only a modest investment was needed to
Almelo, activities are performed whereby
offer the employees a guaranteed safe
hazardous substances are released.
working environment with the advantages
These are for example activities whereby
not having a window in the front.
Thanks to the high level of standardisation
and certification, you can rest assured
that you have a quality product that adds
to the level of safety while working with
hazardous substances. That applies for all
the more than 10.000 products DENIOS has
available and is also certainly true for the
VARIO-Flow system where the GAP series
is a fully standardised product, as it has
96 standard types and many standard
product variations, such as the 7 different
top materials, filter systems and underbench
facilities, and can offer a suitable solution
for practically any location.
Tailor made
However, if the standard products do not
fit, or you would like to use materials not
included in the standard packages of the
GAP series, then we will make a tailor-made
VARIO-Flow work table for you. It might
sound very special, but we have extensive
advice and arranging an advisory report,
productivity improvement opportunities.
experience with it. In laboratories, we can
an inventory and an investment overview
We do not stop working for you when we
offer solutions within the standard range
up to the finest details including a risk
deliver the products, whether you purchase
in 95% of the cases; but for industrial
assessment report.
a standard product or require a tailor-made
market the demand for “tailor-made” is in
solution, we will make sure the facility is
50% of the cases. We are therefore used
Total concept
positioned, installed and handed over to
to realising tailor-made solutions, whether
We involve your individual practical
the user. We will also instruct the users
it concerns a different material, different
situation in our advice, assess your current
with working procedures and practical
type or special dimensions. We feel right
work area based on the safety level that
safety information to provide exposure to
at home when it comes to providing
needs to be achieved, but also based on
harmful substances.
VARIO-Flow tailor-made
Both benches in the pictures above have
integrated into the workstation as requested
been designed to handle 200 or 60-litre
by the client, also the stainless steel drawer
barrels. The barrel can be positioned next to
cabinet was specially made on client request.
the worktop. The pivoted door has air ejectors
that guarantee the VARIO-Flow principle.
FAT test
The set-up area has been equipped with
Any system outside the standard is built at our
extraction at the back panel and the barrel
manufacturing location in Bad Oeynhausen
can be placed on a movable sump to avoid
and tested at the factory pursuant to the
spills. Both work tables are made of stainless
EN14175 part 3 test method. For the Factory
steel. The barrel lift (picture on the right) was
Acceptance Test is a special facility is available.
United Kingdom
United States
Dehmer Straße 58 - 66
Unit 1-3, Audley Ave. Enterprise Park 1152 Industrial Blvd.
32549 Bad Oeynhausen
TF10 7DW Newport-Shropshire
Louisville, KY 40219
+49 5731 753-123
Tel. Tel. Fax
+49 5731 753-197
+1 502 9337 272
Fax +44 1952 825687
Fax +1 502 9331 560
Czech Republic
DENIOS s.r.o.
5301 Eugendorf-Salzburg
386 01 Strakonice
27550 Nassandres
2408 AJ Alphen aan den Rijn 911 01 Trencin
553 15 Jönköping
Tel. +43 6225 20 533
Tel. +420 383 313 224-7
Tel. +33 232 437280
Tel. +31 172 506466
Tel. +46 36 395660
DENIOS Sp. z o.o.
DENIOS s.r.o.
+44 1952 811991
Tel. +421 32 7430467
2908 Zoersel
7000 Fredericia
16017 Isola del Cantone (GE) 96-100 Skierniewice
50197 Zaragoza
5430 Wettingen
Tel.+32 3 312 00 87
Tel.+45 76 24 40 80
Tel. +39 010 9636743
Tel. +34 902 884106
Tel. +41 56 4176060
Tel. +48 46 832 60 76
Experience the unique operation of the VARIO-Flow technology in your own work environment.
Vario-Flow GAP ‘On the road’
DENIOS will visit you and will take along an
You can see for yourself whether the
independently operated VARIO-Flow unit,
system meets your expectations. The
allowing you to experience the system’s
technology is explained and you will be
operation in your own work environment.
given an advice for your specific situation
The theory behind it is good supported by
by a professional.
various test reports; the demonstration
Moreover, this advice is free of charge and
shows you how it operates in practice.
without any obligation.
Ask for a demo at
your own work area
we guarantee the
safety at your lab!
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