Volume 1 - Knights of Columbus Council #6332
Volume 1 - Knights of Columbus Council #6332
Volume 3 Issue 8 The Knightly News James Francis Cardinal McIntyre Council 6332 Newsletter Council Membership Division 5 September 3, 2014 BIRTH OF THE VIRGIN MARY September 8, 2014 September 1, 2014 Inside This Issue 1 Labor Day 1 Birth of the Virgin Mary 2 Grand Knight Message 2 District Deputy Message 3 Membership Director’s Message 3 Program Director’s Message 4 Field Agent’s Message 4 Orange County Chapter’s Happenings 5 Calendar of Activities 6 Officers List 6 Brothers’ Recognition 7 Bulletin Board 7 Knights In Action - Recycle News 7 Church Activities 7 Thank You Letter 8 Emilio B. Moure Museum 9 Emilio B. Moure Museum Appeal 10 Parking Lot Schedule 10 Our Lady of Czestochowa The source for the story of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Gospel of James (5:2), an apocryphal gospel written about A.D. 150. From it, we learn the names of Mary's parents, Joachim and Anna, as well as the tradition that the couple was childless until an angel appeared to Anna and told her that she would conceive. The traditional date of the feast, September 8, falls exactly nine months after the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Perhaps because of its close proximity to the feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is not celebrated today with the same solemnity as the Immaculate Conception. It is, nonetheless, a very important feast, because it prepares the way for the birth of Christ. Notes from the Top A Message from our Grand Knight District Deputy Message Fellow Knights, Dear Brother Knights, Well it looks like summer is coming to a close and I have a feeling that our activities will pick up as we head into fall. In addition to the upcoming Octoberfest, we will be sponsoring 3rd degree ceremonies at our parish for all candidates in the month of January. This will be a great opportunity for any of our Knights wanting to complete this milestone, to attend the ceremony right here at our Parish. It has been some time since we had one of these events at our location. It is hard to believe that the first day of autumn is later this month. The year is flying by. Many councils lower their activities during the summer months as we take family vacations. Summer is almost over and we need to ramp-up our membership activities. Don’t forget that this month, the first in a series of Masses for the Unborn will be celebrated. The first mass will be at St. Nicholas Church on September 5 at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Dominic Luong will preside and representatives from both Birth Choice clinics and the Diocesan Office of Respect life will have tables. These masses will be held every other month and are being coordinated by local Knight of Columbus councils in South Orange County. Our KOC council will coordinate the mass to be held at St. Kilian’s in March of next year. Now is the time for any of our new members to look around and get involved in any of the ongoing activities that our council sponsors. These include but are not limited to our Rose and Rosary Program, Blood Drive, Recycling, 1st Friday adoration, parking lot attendants, pancake breakfasts, Welcome Ministry donuts, ID drive (Intellectually Disadvantaged fund raiser), Birth choice prayer groups, Christmas party and Cards sale, New Year’s Eve family fun nights, Valentine’s Day Dance in February, Knights of Columbus outreach to our Knights, and our membership drives, just to name a few. Ask any committee member regarding any particular interest and get involved. Your best source of information is always to attend the monthly general business meetings held the first Wednesday of every month. Beginning in September, Potluck dinners will once again be held on the fourth Thursday of the month. These ‘pot luck get-togethers’ are excellent venues to meet other Knights and find out about council activities. Don’t forget to bring the rest of the family too! As of today, the District is negative 40 in membership growth. One way to reverse this trend is to participate in the three State Council supported membership blitzes, the first of which is Columbus Day weekend, October 11th and 12th. Our two largest Councils owe their growth to blitzes. There is much support provided by the State Council including flyers and other media. Talk to your Pastor now and see if you can hold a blitz that weekend or if not available, another time near that date. Last Saturday we held our final Officers Installation at St. Nicholas. This was my first “go-around” and must confess it was a work in progress. My Warden, Mike Sofka, and I tried different formats and we learned what works best so I am looking forward to next year. One final request is for your support of the Mass for the Unborn that will be held by all four of our Councils plus two others in South Orange County. The first mass will be September 5th at St. Nicholas at 7:00 PM and the principle celebrant will be Bishop Luong. More information on the following masses will be forthcoming. All Councils attending are asked to bring their banner to place in front of the Church. Mass will be followed by a reception hosted by St. Nicholas and Birth Choice. There will be a collection to benefit this fine organization which is credited with saving thousands of children from abortion. Please bring your family and friends. Vivat Jesus, May God continue to bless and guide our Church and our Council in all that we do! John Piccolo, DD-113 Art Vigil, GK 6332 Page 2 Membership Director’s Message Brothers, Do you know someone who wants to be a Knight or maybe someone you think should be a Knight? Well good news we will be having a our Fall Membership Drive this fall, Details will be announced soon. I would also like to thank Brothers Mike Ensley and Ryan Flynn for joining the Membership Committee. If you would also like to join the Committee please just let us know we would love to have you with us. Fraternally. - Mark Dano The 3 Easy Step To Be A Champions as a recruiter for our wonderful Council. Step 1: Let all eligible men know who we are. Step 2: Let them know what we do. Step 3: Ask them to join us in serving our God, our Church, Our Priests and Our fellow man. Let's all do our part to grow our Order. Fraternally. - Mark Dano - Membership Chairman Brothers, The Degrees of our Order are significant , meaningful, and beautiful. If you have not completed at least your first three Degrees please consider contacting me and I will assist you on getting scheduled for one that works for you. Also Brothers please consider re-attending any Degree that you have attended previously to revisit the important message of that Degree and to support our Brothers on their journey Fraternally. Mark Dano 949 525-0946 Programs Director’s Message by DGK Tony Levatino RECYCLING DRIVE: Our Recycling Drive is held the 3rd Saturday of the month from 6:30 am – 12pm. We collect newspaper, plastic bottles and aluminum cans only. Drop-off is in the lower lot, and sign-up are available at the regular monthly Business Meeting or by calling Brother Bob Knoke at (949) 472-1249. Brother Knoke reported our last Recycling Drive was held on August 16 and netted $242.53 which was lower than usual. We were to have our E-Waste Drive this September, however, the recycling company had logistical problems and could not meet our needs. We are working to schedule a future E-Waste Drive date. ROSE & ROSARY PROGRAM: Our Council distributes Knights of Columbus rosaries at the baptisms held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. A rose, message and a rosary is given to each family and it is a beautiful and meaningful part of the ceremony. We are always interested in more Knights and their wives participating, and you can contact Brother Mike Ensley at (949) 367-1427 for further details. Brother Ensley reported that we handed 9 rosaries this month. The program went very well and our efforts were appreciated by those in attendance. COFFEE & DONUTS PROGAM: The Knights assist the Welcome Ministry with coffee and donuts in the parish hall after Sunday masses, and the 2nd Sunday of the month the Knights are the host ministry. We are responsible for picking up the donuts and bagels on Saturday evening as well as setting the table up in the hall. Sign-up sheets are available at the regular monthly Business Meeting and you can contact Brother Al Rizzo at (661) 714-0203 for further details. This program needs YOUR help! This is an extremely important event which was specifically requested by Father Bruce and the Knights are the priest’s Strong Right Hand. MEMBERSHIP/RECRUITMENT: Membership and recruitment are a never-ending process. All brothers should be actively promoting membership in the Knights. When you recruit other members you help us sustain and grow our ability to help others. 1st Degree Knights who recruit at least one person during their first year of service are eligible for the Shining Armor Award. For further details contact Brother Mark Dano at (949) 525-0946. The 2nd Sunday of the month, we staff our recruitment table. Sign-up sheets are available at the monthly business meeting. The Degrees of our Order are significant, meaningful, and beautiful. If you have not completed at least your first three Degrees please consider contacting Brother Dano who will assist you on getting scheduled for one that works for you. Also Brothers please consider re-attending any Degree that you have attended previously to revisit the important message of that Degree and to support our Brothers on their journey. PANCAKE COMMITTEE: Pancake breakfasts are our most significant fund raiser and are held approximately 4 times per year. It is expected that all Knights make an effort to attend and assist with duties as assigned. For further details, please contact Brother Ron Gryzanoski at (949) 584-9063. Brother Gryzanoski reported that preparations for the breakfast to be held in conjunction with Oktoberfest on October 12, 2014 are moving along. This time we will be featuring a breakfast burrito as a menu option. Breakfast times will be from 7:00am-11:00am. Make sure you sign-up for a shift at the business meeting. 4TH DEGREE LIAISON: The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, Santiago de Compostela Assembly #2305 meets the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Conference Center. For further details, contact Brother Tom Drennen at (949) 581-0728. Brother Drennen reported that the End of Summer BBQ will be held at Sir Knight Mike Farrell’s house in San Jan Capistrano on September 6, 2014 at 3:00pm. For further details, contact SK Farrell at (949) 3709668. Page 3 Field Agent’s Message Ask Eligible Men to Join Today, I want to address the growth of the Order. Membership growth is the fuel that keeps this great fraternal engine running. All of our charitable works at the council, state, national and international level are thanks to our hard-working members. And more members equals more charity. We know that the membership blitz is a tried and true way for councils to get more men to join. We see these pushes often in March, in celebration of Founder’s Day, and again in October. These drives are successful because brother Knights have increased visibility speaking or presenting during and after Masses and at special events. We must remember that we have a duty to ask each and every Catholic gentleman to join our ranks for the good of the Church, the community and the Order. During the rest of the year, we often “forget” to ask men to join and to bring their families into the Knights of Columbus family. You probably know an eligible Catholic man you could ask today. What if the only reason he hasn’t joined is because no one has asked him yet? When telling a prospect about the strengths of the Order, don’t forget our greatest fraternal benefit: our insurance program. This is often a “selling point” to a potential member who is on the fence. Many members become Knights simply to be able to buy coverage to protect their family. Soon after, they realize the good our charitable works do for their community, and they are proud to be members. As your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, I look forward to helping us grow in fraternity in any way that I can. Knights of Columbus Orange County Chapter Happenings As a fundraiser for Southern California Special Olympics, the OC Knights have a contest to see what team of 25 can pull an Airbus passenger jet the fastest. Event takes place at Long Beach Airport on Saturday, August 23 at 10:00 am. Our team is full, and we have surpassed the minimum donation of $2500. All are invited to come out and cheer our team on to beat the LAPD, the LA County Sheriffs, and other K of C teams from Southern California. If you would like to contribute to this fund raiser, see our blog for the link and more information. Our regular Chapter meeting is on Thursday, August 28, at St. Joachim’s in Costa Mesa. Doors open at 6:30 for a light dinner and fellowship before our meeting starts at 7:30. Any First Degree member is invited. September is shaping up as a very active month for Orange County Knights. The first South Orange County mass for the unborn will be at St. Nicholas Council on September 5th at 7 PM. Mass will be said by Bishop Luong and followed by a reception hosted by the Council and Birth Choice. All Council Financial Secretaries are encouraged to take part in training hosted by our State Council on Thursday, September 18 th, at the Brothers of St. Patrick in Midway City. The class will demonstrate how Member Management can help you more effectively manage your Councils books and paperwork. On September 20th, our Worthy State Deputy Abe Doliente and his staff join us at Blessed Sacrament Parish for his annual information session. Council Officers, Membership, and Retention Directors, are asked to attend this Saturday morning meeting. Thursday, September 25th has been set as the date for the Orange County Catholic Prayer Breakfast at Christ Cathedral. Cost is $40.00 per person. Bishop Vann will be showcasing the final design plans for the interior renovation of the Cathedral’s main church at this breakfast. If you would like to attend, please send me an email or give me a call so that we can make a reservation as a united group. Is your Council planning a Membership Drive or participation in a Parish Ministry event where you would like some added visibility for the Knights? The State Council has given each Chapter a K of C canopy that Councils may reserve and use for such events. More information on the mechanics of using this resource will be discussed at the August Chapter Meeting. My Brothers, As summer draws to a close, the Councils begin their busy season. By now our new Officers and activity Chairmen have assumed their roles. The same holds true at your Chapter as well. One of the Chapter’s primary functions is to share information that is relevant to our Order and our Diocese. In addition to our monthly meetings, we maintain a website and current bog to keep everyone up to date. If you haven’t taken a look, go to www.KofCOC.org. Our news blog is http://www.ockc.net. As your Chapter President, I would like to begin sending out a monthly update on events and issues that you will find of interest. As always, I welcome any feedback on the usefulness of this article or suggestions on how it can be improved. I look forward to seeing each of you at our next Chapter meeting and hearing about the great things that are going on in your Councils. Vivat Jesus! Yours in service, Jack Haney President, Orange County Chapter Knights of Columbus 714-746-0445 Page 4 Calendar of Activities Knights of Columbus Cardinal McIntyre Council No. 6332 Prepared by Brother Dave Edenhofer September 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 Business Meeting 7:30 p.m. 4 5 Adoration 10 p.m - 6 a.m. 6 Taste of St. Kilian 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1st Degree Fr. Kass Buena Park 7:00 pm 16 17 18 21 22 23 28 Corporate Communion 9:00 AM Mass 3rd Degree St. Joseph 12:30 29 30 Sun 19 Mon 20 Recycle 7 – 12 noon 24 Officer Meeting 7:00 p.m 25 Potluck 6:30 p.m. 26 Sun 27 Mon October 2014 Sunday 5 12 Pancake Bfst 7:00-11:00 Octoberfest 11;00-7:00P.M. Monday 6 13 Tu Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 Adoration 10 pm– 6 am 4 7 Business Meeting 7:30 p.m. 8 9 1st Degree St. Timothy 7:00 p.m. 10 Octoberfest 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. 11 Octoberfest 4:00 – 10:00 p.m 14 15 16 17 18 Recycle 7 – 12 Noon 25 Recruitment Drive after Masses Columbus Day 19 20 2nd Degree Our Lady of Fatima 7:00 p.m. 21 22 23 Potluck 6:30 p.m. 24 26 Recruitment Drive after Masses 27 28 29 Officer Meeting 7:00 p.m 30 31 Halloween Page 5 Tu "St. Kilian Council 6332 Monthly Recognition" Council Officers–CY 2014-2015 Grand Knight Br. Art Vigil 949-457-1845 arthur.vigil@y mail.com Financial Secretary Br. Dave Edenhofer 949-458-6879 ndeden@aol.com For brother knights as follows: Deputy Grand Knight Br. Tony Levatino 949-910-9363 tony.levatino @yahoo.com Chancellor Br. Dan Friedman 949-305-9770 d.friedman@ cox.net Degree Completions Recorder Br. Joseph Oliva 949-458-7460 joliva@ivc.ed u Treasurer Br. Bill Villanueva 949-770-0820 Bill.Villanuev a@cox.net Advocate Br. Jim Dorsey 949-616-4218 dorseyjim@co x.net Warden Br. Guy Wilson 949-855-8658 wilsonguy@ cox.net Inside Guard Br. Frank Bold 949-455-0772 frankbold@ cox.net Outside Guard Br. Benny Jones 949-600-5250 Benny.jones1 @cox.net One Year Trustee Br. Joe Alber 949-581-5063 joealber1@ gmail.com Two Year Trustee Br. Bert Munoz 949-586-3013 hbertbert@cox .net Compiled by Brother Dave Edenhofer None Transfers to our Council Robert Borowski Anniversary of Knights of Columbus Service Chuck McGourty September 1 28 Years John Ireland September 9 4 Years Gene Reyes September 9 5 Years Rennie Stark September 9 5 Years Derek Earley September 12 1 Year Eddie Vido September 12 1 Year Jim Dorsey September 17 3 Years Bill De Luca September 19 9 Years Father Bruce Patterson September 19 23 Years Jim Zuley September 19 1 Year Eduardo Rodriguez September 25 7 Years Birthdays in September Three Year Trustee Br. Gary Murdy 949-448-7498 garylm@cox.ne t Lecturer Br. David Duringer 949-215-9995 info@lawnews. tv Chaplain Fr. Bruce Patterson 949-586-4440 Church Dir Br. Tom Drennen 949-581-0728 tomdrennen@ cox.net Jim O'Hearn September 1 Craig Rommel September 2 John Meehan September 3 Brian O'Donnell September 4 Gregory Raths September 12 Jeffrey Reid September 13 Mario Alegre September 15 Community Director Br. Gil Correa 949-770-0710 gilnbettie@ sbcglobal.net Youth & Recycle Dir Bob Knoke 949-472-1249 happyunclebo bert@yahoo.c om Tom Mc Cabe September 15 Alan Halle September 16 Jim Lynch September 18 Dan Reed September 18 Membership Director Br. Mark Dano 949-461-0345 mark.dano@ ymail.com District Deputy Br. John Piccolo 422-3529 johnpicc@ yahoo.com David Weathers September 18 Rennie Stark September 19 Raymond Toal September 25 Jim Dorsey September 27 Insurance Agent Br. Mark Yubeta 949- 322-7266 mark.yubeta@ kofc.org Don Ross September 28 Bill Thilken September 28 Christopher O'Dea September 30 Newsletter Editor Gene Reyes 949-458-7656 reyesg@ aol.com Page 6 Council 632 Commitment to Church Activities. BULLETIN BOARD First Friday Adoration Adoration is always the First Friday of every month, Knights of Cardinal McIntyre Council have responded to the Pastor’s concern that at least one good Catholic man be in attendance during the “small hours” (10:00 PM to 6:00 AM Saturday) so that other parishioners, women and children, can feel safe and confident to visit the Church at all hours. Please notify Tom Drennen at 949-581-0728 if you can participate. Corporate Communion Corporate Communion will be at the 9:00 a.m. mass at St. Kilian every quarter. The next Corporate Communion will be on September 28, 2014. Please wear your name badge and sit with fellow Knights in the reserved seats, Recycle Drive Monthly Recycle Drive held the 3rd Saturday of every month from 7 am until noon. . Next Recycle Drive – September 20, 2014 KOC Potluck Our Potluck is held on the 4th Thursday of the month. Next Potluck – September 25, 2014. Next Council Meeting Wednesday, October 1, 2014 By Brother Tom Drennen Cardinal McIntyre Council always reports at the General meeting with a review and plan for CHURCH ACTIVIES. These include five programs. Our participation in Perpetual Adoration on First Friday. At least eight Knights, and usually 12 or more, spend an hour between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM , in quiet prayer before the exposed Body of Christ. Corporate Communion. Knights and family attend Mass as a group every quarter at our Parish Church, and many then join together at breakfast, usually in a public restaurant, proudly displaying our K of C Badge. The two functions above show our devotion to the Sacrament of the Eucharist Vocations: We report current status of our support for the Sacrament of Ordination, including contributions made to Seminarians and candidates to Religous orders. Support is usually an annual cash donation. Rose and Rosary. This unique program reports the participation of the Council in honoring the Family of children receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. . Parish Support: A report about Council support to the Parish Sacristan, Parish Ministries, and Parish Staff, with physical, liturgical or financial activity at St. Kilian Church. our home parish. Knights also support the Church with our Fourth Degree Color Corps members who Escort the Bishop or Presider during Sacrament of Confirmation, at several Parishes in our area. Fourth Degree Knights also honor our deceased Sir Knights often with the donation of a Chalice, engraved with the name of the deceased Knight. Church Activities are a visual manifestation of Knights of Columbus commitment to the Catholic Church. KNIGHTS IN ACTION RECYCLE DRIVE Thank You Letter Hi Frank and Ray, Frank, my son Jonathan wanted to formally thank the Knights for the scholarship he received for St. Michael's summer camp. He made a card for the Knights, which I have attached the photos of. Please share this at the next business meeting. The note says: Dear the Knights of Columbus, Thank you for helping me to get to my summer camp at St. Michaels! Without you guys to help me, I couldn't have been there without your support. So I really appreciate it! I had an amazing time at the camp! My favorite part was the Capture the Flag game on Tuesday. I also love it because everytime I go there it brings me closer to God. I also got Theologian of the week runner up! I really appreciate you guys supporting me and Thank You Knights! Our last Recycle Drive was held on August 16 and our check came to $242.53 for our efforts. From, Jonathan Frazier Goodwin The next drive will be held on Saturday, September 20 with set up at 6:30AM and collecting from 7AM to 12 noon. Remember we take PLASTIC # 1 & 2 BOTTLES, ALUMINUM CANS and PAPER. We were also scheduled to have an E Waste Drive the same weekend - but due to conditions beyond our control that has been canceled. More on that front when I know what is going on. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this delay. Bob Knoke (949) 472-1249 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 September 2014 Parking Lot Schedule Prepared by Brother Jim Dorsey OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA The pilgrim icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa visited St. Kilian Church last August 18, 2014. Fr. Bruce, Pastor of St. Kilian Church, requested our council to provide assistance on the Mass for the visit. Council 6332 knights, in their blue shirts, carried the icon to the altar, provided the Eucharistic Ministers, did the readings and hosted a cookie and coffee reception after the Mass. The original icon of “Our Lady of Czestochowa” (“the Black Madonna”) is reputed to have been “written” on Mary’s table top from her house in Nazareth by Luke the Evangelist. She has been credited with numerous miracles and healings of both of a spiritual and physical nature. A beautiful copy of this icon has been blessed and consecrated at the monastery of Jasna Gora in Poland, where the original is kept, and entrusted to the defense of life and family. Now, after traveling 40,000 miles from Vladivostok in Russia through 24 countries in Europe, she visited St. Kilian Parish on her global pilgrimage. Page 10