Quick summary
Quick summary
Quick summary 12 0 2 H FS nd a s t c Fa s l i a t e D Quick summary created on the 21st of August, which should be handled as preleminary information. The details of the event Sponsors, supporters, partners The 3rd Formula Student Hungary 2012 was organized, by the xmeditor trade communication company on the assignment of the rights holder Engineers for Hungarian Automotive Higher Education Association. The sponsors of FSH significantly contributed to the success of the event, including the old and new partners of xmeditor, altogether 20 of them. Contractors Other than the 36 members of xmeditor trade communication company, 760 employee from 32 contractors, and 96 volunteers helped the 4 day event of the 3rd FSH in 2012. Teams 12 countries` (Austria, Germany, Finland, Czech Republic, France, Italy, United Kingdom, India, Poland, Estonia, and Hungary) 41 teams with almost 900 participants registered to this year’s third FSH, from these, 38 teams were able to compete with their cars at the race. Most of the teams came from Germany this year: 17. Hungary was represented by 3 teams (Budapest University of Technology and Economics 1-1, Kecskemét College), the registered team of University of Szeged could not finish their car in time. Results The detailed results list can be found on the homepage of the race. http://fshungary.hu/final-results-2012 Engineering Design Report: High-Octane Motorsport (Germany) Cost and Sustainability Report: TUW Racing (Austria) Business Plan Presentation: FS Team Tallinn (Estonia) Acceleration: BME Formula Racing Team (Hugary) Autocross: BME Formula Racing Team (Hungary) Skid Pad: SquadraCorse (Italy) Fuel efficiency: Racetech Racing Team TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) Endurance: CTU CarTech Combustion (Czech Republic) Summarized ranking list Static Overall: FS Team Tallinn (Estonia) Dynamic Overall CTU CarTech Combustion (Czech Republic) Formula Student Hungary 2012 Champion: FS Team Tallinn (Estonia) Formula Student Hungary 2012 second place: KA-RacIng Electric (Germany) Formula Student Hungary 2012 third place: CTU CarTech Combustion (Czech Republic) Visitors To the great meeting of the automotive industry and higher education more than 2800 participants from 17 countries, which significantly exceeded the expectations. Besides the participating teams’ countries, visitors arrived from Canada, India, Pakistan, Greece, Slovakia, and Croatia. From the participants 1980 were preregistered university students (738 Hungarian) 477 preregistered visitors entered the event site with a purchased ticket, about 100 of them with a 4 day entry card. The 350 invited professionals working in the Hungarian, Slovakian, Romanian, and German automotive industry (engineers, professors, financial and tax advisers) visited the event. The rest are those who took part on the 4 day as contributors (judges, organizers of professional and visitor programs, stand crews) The number of one time, unregistered paying visitors during the 4 day was 1221, this way altogether on the race day of the 19th and the 20th we had 4028 visitors, the average number of daily visitors was more than 1000. Publicity Press appearances until 20th of August 2012 (preliminary link collection) It shows only the preliminary and mainly the pre-event press activities. It does not include the TV2 and MTVA group, HírTV, and Magyar Radio, Kossuth Radio’s reports, and other national media coverages. (Pdf file attached) Press accreditation 72 journalists accredited themselves to the event; additionally 14 more journalist teams arrived to Gönyű and registered on the event site (~+30 press correspondents). Appearing and corresponding medium MTVA (including: MTI, MTV1, DunaTV, Kossuth Radio, Magyar Radio 6 (Local radio of Győr); Oxygen Media (TV, radio, net); GyőrPlusz (weekly periodical and net), Népszabadság (daily paper and news portal), Kisalföld (daily paper and news portal) Motorsport Channel, F1 Magazin, vezess.hu portal, Auto2; Smith&Marton Sajtó-és Fotóügynökség; Hírcity Videoportal; Kultúrkalandor Magazine, Revita TV; Kék Duna Radio; Magyar Hírlap; Képes Autósport (MNASZ); Autopro.hu Portal; Telesport Boxutca Magazin; FSTotal. The main topic of the TV2’s Autoguru program, except the car test, will be FSH. Online live streaming (live stream) By the media server’s log, there were 3500 viewers on Sunday (19th of August), with the average view time of 9,4 minutes (in the TV statistics viewers are only counted if they watched the channel for 5 minutes, users spending less time on the site are not counted). Monday (20th of August) 5370 viewers with the average of 13,1 minutes watched the live stream. The views of the award ceremony are not included; we did not register the viewer data on that online stream. The full detailed and audited data will be sent on request. (By the experiences and the feedbacks, the life stream was watched by those, who -primarily in Europe where they already know about FSH- are directly connected to the FS movement: team members, alumni members, representatives of sponsors. We have pre-generated users through direct mails, webpage, and on the own YouTube channel of FSH (846 views) and on the Facebook site of the race (1423 permanent likers). Currently there are 186 teams in Europe, with the average membership of 60. This is 1160 person. In comparison to this the life stream was watched by 3500 (31,36%), on Monday 5370 (48,12%), meaning that almost half of the members of FSH movement watched it.) FSH You Tube channel We created and published summary videos everyday. Until the creation of this quick report 2005 viewers clicked on the daily summary videos on YouTube (FSH TV) The links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PffFFQCyAhI&list=UUOO4F8YIjI5h8e140FMq-Jw&index=5&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDvpnMM9YfA&list=UUOO4F8YIjI5h8e140FMq-Jw&index=4&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqhmYljr1TU&list=UUOO4F8YIjI5h8e140FMq-Jw&index=3&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRbvTuCCZL4&list=UUOO4F8YIjI5h8e140FMq-Jw&index=1&feature=plcp Vimeo video-sharing site We also tried the Vimeo video sharer, obviously the videos uploaded here did not get as much views, as the ones uploaded to the older, and because of this more popular channel. The early promotion campaign, and the daily videos were watched all together by 750 people on this site. FSH webpage statistics The fully detailed and audited data will be sent on request. FSH Facebook activities The number of clicks through which the users got in touch with any information regarding the official Facebook page of FSH (Daily Total Impressions), increased from the previous daily 11-12000 , to 162 633 on the 20th (10 769 – 26 152 – 110 053 – 162 633). The number of the Daily Page Engaged Users (it includes every click and created news) grew with 10-20 The number of those who reached any page related content (Daily Total Reach), was 34 501 person during the race. FSH 2012 Reached target groups Participating journalist 7% Live stream viewer on the internet 17% FSH Facebook activity 65% FSH YouTube channel views11% FSH 2012 Reached target groups FSH Facebook activity 34501 FSH YouTube channel views 5908 Live stream viewer on the internet 8870 Participating journalist 4028 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Person 25000 30000 35000 40000 Viewer/Visitor portfolios By the processed data the size of the reached target group was altogether: 53 307 Person (This number does not include the FSH homepage, the articles appearing in the public press. The final summary will be published with these data included.) By the will of the organizers, the goal was to reach professionals, and students studying in the relating fields of the automotive industry. We are still not planning on reaching the wider, non-professional public, however with the expansion of the online appearances, we also started our career orientation, which will be expanded both geographically, and vertically, by age group. The biggest number of visitors (64%) was reached, with the currently most effective online community site. The number of the page’s committed users increased during the race from the previous daily 100-200 to 2877, the activity of the committed users is shown by the fact that they transferred information 34 501 times, in input and output sites of our Facebook community page. Our newly introduced online live stream came to second place (17%) during the two dynamic days of the event, 19th20th of August. This method of communication focuses on the 2 dynamic days of the race. The FSH YouTube channel was visited during the race by 11% of our viewers, it serves to keep up the activity and interest throughout the year. The smallest (8%) but undoubtedly the most important visitor segment, was the one that personally visited the race, from whom bigger, and bigger part are students from the automotive higher education. This year we were also able to bring university students from the neighboring countries to FSH. It is of course impossible to measure the overlapping between these groups. If we look at the biggest overlap rate, which is probably higher than the real one, we still reached 9-10 thousand such person with the activities and news of the race, who can be described as primary targets of the Hungarian automotive companies’ HR activity. This way the partners of FSH, who financially invested to the event, divide their HR and marketing costs with this 9-10 thousand for each reached person. How many can they bound to themselves with the help of the neutral communication platform of the Formula Student Hungary programs, that also depends on the companies’ and universities’ capabilities of incorporating the Formula Student program into their HR and PR activities, and long term strategy. Győr 23rd of August 2012. (The fully detailed data will be sent on request.) GYŐR-GÖNYŰ HARBOR17TH – 20TH AUGUST 2012 Media monitoring: Link collection 1. http://frissdiplomas.hu/index.php?s=1&f=3&hir=547 2. http://frissdiplomas.hu/index.php?s=1&f=3&hir=518 3. http://www.frissdiplomas.hu/allashirdetesek/XMeditor/Formula_Student_szurkolot_keresunk_muszakigazdasagijogi_erdeklodessel/2280 4. http://gyorplusz.hu/cikk/kreativabbak_a_formula_student_verseny_egyetemistai.html 5. http://o2gyor.hu/index.php?option=com_k2&id=12595:formula-student-a-gyr-goenyi-kikoetben&view=item&Itemid=131 6. http://www.mcsatorna.hu/hirek/2012_07_18_iden-ismet-formula-student-hungary 7. http://www.tozsdeforum.hu/szines/formula_student_hungary 8. http://www.mcsatorna.hu/hirek/2012_08_9_formula-student-harmadszor 9. http://www.mnasz.hu/letoltes/MNASZ_formula_student.pdf 10.http://www.programturizmus.hu/tdestination-formula-student-hungary.html 11.www.kefomotorsport.hu/formula-student-hungary-2012 12.http://motorsport.unibo.it/en/2012/06/season-2012-formula-student-hungary-and-formula-sae-italy/ 13.http://audi.hu/hu/karrier/allasborzek_szakmai_napok/reszletek/41_formula_student_hungary_2012/ 14.https://www.facebook.com/events/405901112782257/ 15.https://www.facebook.com/pages/Formula-Student-Hungary/116752091693382?sk=app_2373072738 16.http://vimeo.com/user12848141 17.http://www.frissdiplomas.hu/allaskeresok/kviz 18.http://frissdiplomas.hu/index.php?s=1&f=3&hir=547 19.http://www.frissdiplomas.hu/download/FSH_kviz_nyeremenyjatek_reszveteli_szabalyzat.pdf 20.http://www.kulker-online.eu/component/option,com_joomlaboard/func,view/id,62796/catid,7/limit,10/limitstart,0/ 21.http://www.frissdiplomas.hu/index.php?s=1&f=3&hir=511&szo=&honap=&lap=4 22.http://karrier.gak.hu/ajanlatok/120723/formula-student-hungary-belepok-leggyorsabb-kviz-kitoltoknek 23.http://www.gdf.hu/szervezet/diaktanacsado-es-palyakoveto-kozpont/dpk-hirei/formula-student-hungary 24.http://www.frissdiplomas.hu/allashirdetesek/XMeditor/Formula_Student_szurkolot_keresunk_muszaki__gazdasagi__jogi_erdeklodessel/2280 25.http://www.muszaki-magazin.hu/cikk/formula_student_hungary 26.http://formula.hu/search/71759/otvenket-masodperc-alatt-telt-be-iden-a-nevezesi-lista 27.http://hirek.ma/hirek/formula-student-hungary-2012-evi-verseny-gyorben 28.http://www.programturizmus.hu/tdestination-formula-student-hungary.html 29.www.programturizmus.hu/tdestination-formula-student-hungary.html 30.http://gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/karrier/hirek?news_id=206 31.https://www.facebook.com/szeformulastudent?sk=wall&filter=1 32.http://o2gyor.hu/index.php?option=com_k2&id=12595:formula-student-a-gyr-goenyi-kikoetben&view=item&Itemid=131 33.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me5DPQ8yCO0&list=PL9081893EC3760879&index=8&feature=plpp_video 34.http://www.autopro.hu/magyar-hirek/Autoversenyek-forgatagaban-interju-Gogh-Renataval/4260/ 35.http://audi.hu/hu/hirek/reszletek/294_az_audi_hungaria_ismet_fotamogatoja_a_formula_student_hungary_ve/ 36.http://gyorplusz.hu/cikk/az_audi_hungaria_ismet_fotamogatoja_a_formula_student_hungary_versenynek.html 37.http://www.formula.hu/hirek/153/400/71938/ismet-az-audi-a-fotamogatoja-a-formula-student-versenynek 38.http://www.mcsatorna.hu/hirek/2012_08_14_ismet-formula-student-verseny-a-gonyui-betonon 39.http://www.formula.hu/hirek/153/440/71929/egyetemistak-formulaja 40.http://mno.hu/tudomany/egyetemistak-versenyautoi-kavarnak-port-1098180 41.https://www.facebook.com/frtfse 42.http://www.autosvilag.com/index.php/Formula-Student-Hungary-Amator-Forma-1.html 43.http://www.autoipari-klaszter.hu/2012/07/11/augusztusban-ismet-formula-student-hungary/ 44.http://www.autopro.hu/magyar-hirek/Formula-Student-pentek-reggel-palyanyitas/4273/ 45.http://www.autopro.hu/news-in-english/ 46.http://www.autopro.hu/news-in-english/In-the-whirl-of-motorsports-interview-with-Renata-Gogh-FSH-organiser/4263/ 47.http://nol.hu/auto/magyar_kikotoben_szallnak_ringbe_az_egyetemistak 48.http://www.kisalfold.hu/gyori_hirek/formula_student_hungary_a_foszponzor_az_audi_/2293288/ 49.www.observer.hu/news/7725 50.http://infogyor.hu/hir_olvas/permalink:3-formula-student-hungary-ahol-az-ipar-es-a-felsooktatas-talalkozik-2012-08-15-222416/ 51.http://fmh.hu/loero/20120817_formula_student_hungary 52.http://richpoi.com/cikkek/auto-motor/magyar-mernoki-siker-schumacher-versenymernoke-is-igy-kezdte.html 53.http://nol.hu/lap/kerekvilag/20120704-diaktempo__3_5_masodperc_alatt_szazon (Endnotes)
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