Fearnfile 356 November 14th


Fearnfile 356 November 14th
Fearnhill School, Maths and Computing College
Fearnhill School Newsletter
14th November 2008
No. 356
Headteacher’s Message
Fearnhill School was created out of the reorganisation of secondary education in
Letchworth during the early 1970s and was formed due to the relocation of
Letchworth Grammar School from the centre of town to our present site here.
We are proud of this tradition and reminders of our past can be seen all around the
school. We even have staff here who went to the grammar school!
This history of our school is brought into sharp focus at this time of year as we focus
our attention on Remembrance Day. All students are made aware of our Roll of
Honour Book which commemorates the old boys of the grammar school, who
tragically lost their lives during the Second World War. The book is on permanent
display in our Trophy Cabinet.
We commemorated Remembrance in a variety of ways during the last week. It is
fitting that we take this opportunity to think of all those who have been and are
affected by all types of conflict.
Please find below our recognition of those young men from Letchworth Grammar
School who made the ultimate sacrifice :
Letchworth Grammar School Roll of Honour 1939-1945
Albert Ashby
William Barron
Douglas Beale
Francis Bryant
Gerald Cox
Ronald Flesch
David Fry
Frank Law
Peter Lofts
Ronald Nineham
Robert Owen
Daniel Parker
Guy Peglar
Donald Stewart
Lest we forget.
Yours sincerely
Jed Whelan
1st Prize
Jessica-Jane Maddams 11K £25.00 W H Smith Voucher
2nd Prize
Ross Maddox 7G
£15.00 Canteen Voucher
3rd Prize
Katie Trigg 8G
£10.00 Next Voucher
4th Prize
Michael Prutton 10I
£5.00 W H Smith Voucher
Plus 4 House Mugs
Rosie Woolnough 10K
Jason Presland 9N
Chloe Tuck 8P
Jonathon Deane 11I
1st Prize
Alice Dixon 10K
£25.00 W H Smith Voucher
2nd Prize
Liam Gilbert 9I
£15.00 Canteen Voucher
3rd Prize
Alex Dowen 11N
£10.00 Next Voucher
4th Prize
Adam Morris 8G
£5.00 W H Smith Voucher
Plus 3 House Mugs
Callum Gormill 11G
Sarah Hallissey 8H
Jordan Pope 9L
S. Brennan, Deputy Headteacher
Maths Assessment Dates
Parents/Carers: For your information
Year 10
Monday 17 November (not sets 1 & 2 as
they will be doing a Statistics mock with
Year 11 during 8-18 December)
Year 7
Monday 24 November
The Story of Maths
Recently there was a four-part TV series by Marcus du Sautoy about the history of mathematics, The
Story of Maths. You may be aware that the programmes were made in conjunction with the Open
University and the Open University is running a stand-alone course to accompany the series.
Participants are only required to have GCSE level maths and I think there may also be a discount for
You can find further details here:
Mrs Watson
Now the cold weather is coming, why not have some filling,
wholesome food.
Get a main and a pudding for as little as £1.90
Keep warm with us this winter!
Attention all Parents!!
Parent & Community Group—Why not join us and make a difference?
The next meeting of this group is due to take place on
Refreshments will be provided
During this meeting a special presentation will be made by Victoria Gilham on behalf of
Cancer Research UK. Next summer we at Fearnhill have been invited to organise a Relay
For Life and we are looking to enter as many teams as possible!
Do not worry you do not have to be a runner we just need people to
become involved!
To find out more about this special event please take a look at their
In addition, the group spends time discussing a variety of policies
that impact on our community and when appropriate make
recommendations to the Headteacher. Please feel free to come along and join us for this
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at school either by
telephone - 0462 621200 or e-mail - colette.murphy10@fearnhill.school.herts.uk.
Colette Murphy, Assistant Headteacher
Very early on the morning of the 23rd of October, 15 excited students + Mr and Mrs
Tarrega assembled in the departure lounge of Luton airport to travel to Barcelona.
Having arrived at our destination on time, we settled in to our luxury chalets and began our 5 days of
non-stop fun and excitement.
Over the five days we visited many different places
including: Torres Vineyard- where we tasted some of its
finest non-alcoholic grape juice!! The Ramblas- where we
encountered many of Barcelona’s delights, ranging from
real life statues to small stands selling traditional Spanish
items. Villanova- where we all shopped to heart’s content;
speaking Spanish where we could. We had first class
entertainment every night including water aerobics,
swimming and a disco every evening with a “very nice”
We also visited the FC Barcelona and Olympic
stadiums, Montserrat, the Picasso museum,
Sagrada Familia, Pueblo Espanol and the
ceramics factory. One of the highlights of the trip
was spending the whole of Sunday afternoon on
the beach, where we all relaxed, played volleyball
and soaked up the sun. The weather was excellent
with temperatures reaching 27 degrees, and we all
managed to get a tan!
After having a great Latin American dance
workshop of which we all participated in, we
celebrated our last night with our final 3 course
dinner; consisting of traditional Spanish paella and
our final disco. The trip was a fantastic success,
and the company was so pleased with us, that we
all received a voucher towards the cost of a future
¡Muchas gracias señor y señora Tarrega para organizar
el major viaje!
By Emma Cooke 11H
Phil William’s Day
Friday 17th October 2008
Phil Williams returned to the UK in 1996 after living abroad for 17 years
where he worked in theatre and television production as producer and
director (he used to produce ‘Newsround’). For much of that time he
was in Central America where he was able to visit the rainforests of
both Central and South America.
He returned home to launch his company Plan-It Eco with the aim of promoting environmental and cultural awareness and understanding. Through that awareness he encourages people to
become more actively involved in developing a more responsible and sustainable lifestyle at home
and/or in the workplace.
He was invited to Fearnhill school to help some Year 10 students complete a ‘Sustainability and Impact Assessment’ and also to give two talks to students about the environment. In one day he spoke to
over 250 students!
Fearnhill Facts..
All together last year 1,584,900 sides of paper were photocopied
from September 07 to July 08.
Our school spent £2573.68 on water in 2007
Placing a brick or Hippo Bag in every toilet cistern could save
2592 litres a day.
41% of students travel to school by car, 12% by bus, 42% walk and
5% cycle.
Before we took part in the environmental/sustainability audit, we were sceptical towards the subject
of the future of our planet. We felt that every time someone talked to us about it, we were being lectured and we didn’t really take much interest. It made us think that we didn’t want to do anything
about it and that we are fine as we are, it felt like people were talking at us rather than to us.
However, now we have taken part in the day we have a better understanding of what we can do as
young people and we also realise how simple it can be. We feel honestly worried about the state our
planet is getting into and we now feel motivated to do something about it. We don’t understand how
people can just go about their day to day lives ignorant of the fact that they are contributing to the
destruction of the planet with their cars and lack of recycling etc. We feel that when told in the right
way, it will have a positive impact on people’s attitudes and help them have more of an open mind towards the subject of the environment/sustainability.
Following the day, many students have joined the environmental committee
and on Thursday 13th November we are presenting our findings to the senior
leadership team. We hope that we can make a difference within our school
Abigail Black
Tanya Lane
Cydney Webster
Leonie Brydon
Headteacher’s Commendation Book
The following students have been acknowledged for producing work of outstanding quality or effort, or for
their positive contribution to school life and have been recorded in the Headteacher’s
Commendation Book.
Mr Whelan,
Gemma Hunt, Year 13
For her contribution to the Community Sustainability Project
Natasha Mann, Year 13
For her contribution to the Community Sustainability Project
Carla Earle, 7H
For her effort on her family tree self study in Humanities
Bethany Kirby, 7H
For her effort on her family tree self study in Humanities
Jamie Philcox, 7G
For independent science research
Alex Blackbourne, 7L
For independent science research
Ashlee Armstrong, 7H
For independent science research
Lauren Paige, 7H
For independent science research
Hannah Mehmet, 7G
For independent science research
Alice Burnham, 7L
For independent science research
Mackayla McGee, 7L
For independent science research
Jade Turner, 7G
For independent science research
Congratulations to the current leaders of the fantasy football world.
The experience of Callum Davis is telling as he claims top spot, while
Miss Parry’s recent fortunes seem to have stopped as she now drops a
place. Alex Garbas goes up 9 into 3rd. The current Champions lie in 8th
place – and on the up!
Well done all.
The top 10 are listed below:
Callum Davis
Miss Parry
Parry's Penguins
Alex Garbas
Garbas's 11
Nick Freeman
Ikieren Rai
Wilbury Wanderes A
Mr Clark
Clarkies champs
Dean Carter
Dean FC
Mr Finch
Chairman's Champions T
andrew moir
ginger and scarface
Aaqib Ali
Royal 11
October saw numerous events occur in the PE area and there were many possible nominees for the awards.
However a few individuals have stood out and they now become automatically nominated for the overall
sports personality of the year.
KS3 award – Male –Nick Freeman: For his excellent contribution to basketball, football and Rugby. He has
also helped out at year seven football club.
KS3 award – Female – Sarah Duncan: Excellent attitude in PE and has been chosen to play in the U15
(yr10) district netball squad – even though she is in yr 9
KS4 award – Male – Craig Tuffin: All round good effort in PE – especially in rugby and GCSE fitness.
Craig ran 2 miles in 12 minutes in the recent copper test we did.
KS4 award – Female – Hayley Aldridge: Excellent work in GCSE PE and being selected for the U15
Netball squad.
On Wednesday 22nd October Fearnhill Year 9 went
to Nobel school looking forward to a tough match.
In the first half it was really close, but they had a
quick little break scoring first, but we didn’t let that
get us down. About 5-10 minutes in Jagpreet had a quick and fantastic
break scoring the first try for us then Luke with the sun in his eyes scoring a
great conversion. Then they had another quick break scoring another one. We were losing by 1 in the
end of the first half. Then Mr Lawrence gave us a brilliant team talk!
Then the 2nd half started we were all hyped up hoping to win the match. They took their kick it went
straight to Josh and he ran at least 80m to score maybe the best of the year (so far). Then Dolapo
came with a brilliant break to score a great try from about 50m. Plus scoring 2 fantastic try’s in the first
2 minutes of the second half, getting off to a flying start. Then came another break scoring again there
was no one that could stop him then me and Cameron had some really good breaks, but getting so close
and getting tackled by 4 people at once. Could we score one more to finish the match we all looked to
Dolapo to do some fantastic runs again then he had his chance leaving everyone behind scoring the final
try and we won the match 35-14.
Well done to Luke Taylor for scoring all the conversions and the whole team for winning, and
congratulations to me for getting man of the match.
Pardeep Dhaliwal 9H
Congratulations to Hayley Aldridge 10H, Temi Fajobi 10G
and Sarah Duncan 9P for their success in becoming member of
the U15 North Herts Netball Squad after a very competitive trials. Good luck to the girls in their
future training sessions and upcoming tournament.
Watch this space for the results.
Miss Parry
On Tuesday 23rd of October Fearnhill Year 7 netball team played two
matches at St Christopher’s these are the results.
Our first match was against Highfield. We played fantastically and
enjoyed our first of two matches, but unfortunately we lost 3-1.
Rebecca got a well deserved player of the match for her
excellent defending.
Our second match was more challenging, but we were
up for the challenge of playing Hitchin Girls. We were unlucky again and
lost 3-1. We started with an early lead of 1-0, but Hitchin Girls came back
fighting and won. Hayley got player of the match. Her and Becky made a
very skilled pair through their teamwork. Well done to the whole team, we
did our best until the very end.
Thank you to Ms White for driving us there, and Miss Parry for all the
support she gave us.
Morgan Payne 7N
Fearnhill 22 Barnwell 40
Although the score line suggests it was a one sided affair, the Year 8 basketball side
worked very hard to produce a good display in their first game of the season. With a few
key players missing, it gave opportunities for four pupils to make their debut for the
After some good counter attacking by Kyle Males, Charlie Thake and Nick Freeman – it
was Barnwell who capitalised on some silly errors and took advantage. The squad also
found it difficult to come to terms with the size of the court in Barnwell’s gym as they
have been used to the luxury of the size of our sports hall. This must have been playing
on the mind of some – evidence of this was when Kyle Males caught an excellent
rebound and all he had to do was drop it in the empty basket. However, Kyle forgot that the teams had changed ends
and proceeded to dribble unchallenged and almost produced an excellent lay up in his own basketball. A very funny
moment indeed!
Reminder – Year 8 Basketball practice is on MONDAY LUNCHTIMES!
Fearnhill 11 Highfield 3
It seems more like a rugby scoreline but believe it or not, it was
football. In a tense local derby, Fearnhill’s passion and talent shone
through as we passed our way through the Highfield defence to gain
our biggest score tally to date.
Goals from Josh Bickerstaff and Max Howard saw us take an early lead however Highfield
deserve credit for hanging on and capitalising on defensive errors. Max Howard also produced the
penalty ever to be seen in a Fearnhill shirt. Louis Taylor decided to turn up in the second half and scored
4 goals in quick succession. Other goals came from Kalvir Chahal, Scott ‘Hit the target’ Williams and
Satj Aujla. Satj’s goal was an acrobatic volley – although rumours spread quickly through the squad that
he just happened to be stretching out his cramp when his foot came into contact with the ball.
Well played to the Year 11’s as well as they stepped up there game and didn’t look out of place. A great
performance and we look forward to the visit of Turnford School in the County Cup on Monday 24th.
Mr Finch
Fearnhill School, Mathematics and Computing College, Icknield Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 4BA
Tel: 01462 621200, Fax: 01462 621201, E-mail: admin@fearnhill.herts.sch.uk, Website: www.fearnhill.herts.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr J.C. Whelan, BA, PGCE, NPQH