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Leading Ahead
a periodical publication for the employees of the NBG Group
ISSUE NO. 14 - July 2009
12 - 13
Our News
14 - 16
Main Article
10 - 11
17 - 19
Our Group
Printed on non-chlorinated paper
Leading Ahead
Title of the Greek edition: Πρώτοι Εμείς
a periodical publication for the employees of the NBG Group
ISSUE NO. 14 - July 2009
Internal Communication Team,
Nikos Kanelopoulos, Evi Totoni, Fotini Skarlatou, Sofia Karakasi
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“This latest share capital increase gives us the strategic flexibility to maintain
uninterrupted funding for the growth of the Group and, moreover, enhances
further the Bank's role as the key source of financing for the Greek economy.”
Without doubt, NBG already ranked among the strongest European Banks in terms of capital before going ahead with its latest rights issue.
Clearly, in taking the decision to increase our share capital we were not motivated by any deterioration in the Group's economic fundamentals. In fact,
thanks to prudent risk management NBG not only managed to avert any damage to its capital adequacy, but rather maintained its funding to Greek
businesses and households unabated, exploiting its considerable competitive advantages to the benefit of the Greek economy.
Accordingly, it was from a position of strength that we carried out our recent share capital increase, aiming to achieve reinforce our competitive edge on a
number of levels.
First, in the aftermath of the recent crisis in the banking sector, we have strong reason to believe that both investors and the regulatory authorities
responsible for monitoring the capital strength of banks will become increasingly demanding. As the sector prepares for developments in the supervisory
framework, we anticipate that in the coming months many European banks will turn to the global markets to raise funds. We deemed it prudent for the Bank
to make this move ahead of the rush.
Second, raising new capital will further enhance healthy growth in the Group's assets, laying the foundations that will bolster our future profitability, in
anticipation of the global economic upturn that is likely to occur in the second half of 2009. We thereby prepare the Bank in a timely manner, securing
steady growth for the Group and reinforcing its role as the key source of funding for the Greek economy.
Third, while the rights issue is not directly related to funding a major acquisition, it nevertheless does provide us with the necessary financial leeway to
pursue measured actions in seeking out desirable acquisitions, within the limits we see fit, in areas that are of strategic importance to the Group. We shall
continue to pursue prudent actions in this sphere, as in the past, leveraging in the best possible way the capital of our shareholders.
By strengthening our capital base we shall add new dynamic to the Group's presence in SE Europe and open up new horizons for the future. Accordingly,
this increase in share capital brings us closer to our goals.
Best wishes,
Anthimos Thomopoulos
Chief Financial and Chief Operations Officer
Our news
Conference in Patras:
“Small Businesses – Big Opportunities in Times of Crisis”
activity. The well-established relationships that NBG
enjoys in these dynamic business sectors of the Greek
economy remain at the core of its interests. In 2009, the
Bank has already approved, in the Prefecture of Patras
alone, loans amounting to €65 million to 600 businesses
via the TEMPME funding programme in its first and
second phases.
These results, combined with other approvals of loans by
NBG to businesses in the Prefecture, which exceeded
€25 million, confirm once again the substantial support
that is being provided to boost business liquidity.
On Wednesday 17 June 2009, an educational conference
for professionals and small and medium enterprises was
carried out at the Politia multi-purpose art & cultural
centre in Patras. The conference, which was hailed as a
great success, was organized by the Branch Network V
Division with the assistance of the Strategic Marketing
and Communication Division and the local NBG Credit
Mr. G. Zografakis; the Regional Manager for Patras, Mr.
Ch. Christou; the Manager of the B3 Business Loans
Centre, Mr. H. Papakostas; staff of the Retail Banking
Division, and the Group Marketing and Communications
Strategy Unit. The opening address was given by the
President of the Achaia Chamber of Commerce, Mr. K.
NBG was represented by its General Manager for Retail
Banking, Mr. M. Moisis; the Manager for the Western
Greece Branch Network Division,
The event was attended by a large number of individuals
from our branches in Patras, Aigio, Achaia and
Nafpaktos. The participants enjoyed the presentation by
the keynote speaker Mr. Andreas Athanassopoulos,
Assistant General Manager for Retail Banking, on Small
Businesses – Big Opportunities in Times of Crisis,
which as many pointed out went straight to the heart of
the matter. Mr. Athanassopoulos emphasized to the
entrepreneurs of Patras the importance of new ideas,
choices and practices that can offer a way out of the
crisis through targeted liquidity and which have in recent
times concerned businesses. He also spoke of the wide
range of cutting-edge financing tools that the Bank offers
to businesses.
Members of the Bank's senior management expressed
their optimism regarding the business dynamic that the
Region displays and which historically has been
characterized by intensive commercial and industrial
the off-site
ATM Network
Following the installation of 23 ATMs in 23
Attiko Metro stations (with another 5 to be
added soon) carried out by the Network
Operations Division with the assistance of Ebusiness and Alternative Channels, Corporate
Finance and Corporate Key Account Services,
the Bank concluded agreements with the ALDI
and the Galaxias supermarket
chains to install 100 and 22 ATMs respectively
in their supermarkets. In addition, negotiations
are currently in progress regarding the
expansion of the Bank's network to include
other large chain stores.
The Group Internal Audit-Inspection Division responds
to the challenges of the day
On Friday 26 June 2006, a conference titled “Our
Response to the Challenges of the Day”, which was
organized by the Group Internal Audit-Inspection
Division was held in the Karatzas Building
Invited to the conference were the Chairman and
CEO of the Group Mr. Takis Arapoglou and the
Head of Human Resources and Group Internal
Communications Mr. S. Gatopoulos. After opening
the proceedings Mr. Arapoglou answered questions
from the audience covering a wide range of
subjects, such as the current economic crisis,
strategy issues for the Bank, and so on.
Mr. Gatopoulos spoke of the strong cooperation
between the Directorates under his supervision and
the Group Internal Audit-Inspection Division. He
presented interesting facts regarding the expertise
of the internal auditors throughout the ranks and
underlined the importance that the Bank attaches to
the ongoing training of its personnel.
Group Chief Audit Executive Mr. G. Paschas
provided a brief overview of the activities of the
Division over the years 2006-2009, the successful
integration of the auditing services of the Internal
Audit units and the restructuring of the Division's
personnel by strengthening its ranks with top-class
officers from both NBG and other organizations in
the banking sector. He also discussed briefly the
global financial crisis and the impact that the crisis
is having on internal audit priorities on the
international level, as well as the new challenges
that internal audit units globally are being called
upon to meet.
With regard to the NBG Group, Mr. Paschas
presented the Division's new organizational
structure, which provides for the strengthening of
the responsibilities of the audit departments, as well
as the centralized planning function and the
monitoring of controls on the Group level with the
launch of a new department. He also presented the
new EGRC software that will assist the audit teams.
This new software uses the integrated auditing
methodology that is applied by all of the Group's
Internal Audit Units.
Finally, he spoke about the new method for
evaluating the productivity of the division's
personnel using an internal evaluation programme
that was developed to provide effective personnel
management, establishing incentives as well as
training needs and in general contributing to the
ongoing improvement of the work carried out by this
crucial division of the NBG Group.
Protecting ourselves against the new flu virus
Following the increasing number of individuals infected by
the new influenza virus A(H1N1), we would like to once
again remind you of the measures recommended by the
Hellenic Centre for the Control of Infectious Diseases
(KEEL) to protect ourselves and those around us from the
spread of germs.
Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or
Immediately dispose of the tissue used in a waste
If you do not have a tissue handy then you should
sneeze into your sleeve rather than on your
Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing with
ordinary soap and water or clean using an
antiseptic wipe.
Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly.
Refrain from touching your eyes, nose or mouth,
especially with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact when greeting people.
If you exhibit any flu symptoms you should stay at
home and request immediate medical assistance.
The telephone number of the Hellenic Centre for the
Control of Infectious Diseases (KEELPNO) is 210 521
2054 and 522 2339.
Symptoms of the new flu
The symptoms of the new flu are similar to those of the
regular seasonal flu and may include sudden increase in
body temperature, symptoms related to the respiratory
system (e.g. coughing, runny nose, sore throat, aching
muscles, headache, breathing difficulties). Other
symptoms could also include shivering, a general feeling
of exhaustion, diarrhoea and vomiting.
How the flu virus is transmitted from person
to person
The viruses that cause influenza or the common cold can
survive for up to 72 hours on surfaces. They are
transmitted by the tiny droplets that are spread from the
mouth of an individual who is suffering from the virus, by:
speaking (the virus can be spread a distance of 1.5
– 3 meters),
coughing and sneezing (approximately 100,000
viruses can be propelled a distance of 9 meters
from the mouth and nose every time someone
sneezes at average force), and
infected hands (from mugs, door handles,
telephones, tables, computer keyboards and mice,
etc.) that come into contact with the eyes, nose,
and mouth.
The Bank in cooperation with the relevant authorities and
the NBG Staff Health Fund will take every measure to
protect its personnel and keep them informed of
Main article
NBG's Share Capital Increase
In mid June, NBG's management decided on a
By choosing to act at this particular point in time,
see that banks maintain higher levels of capital
rights issue to raise NBG's share capital by €1.25
NBG has gained a significant competitive
adequacy than was previously the case, as stricter
billion. The share capital increase took place at a
advantage given that it approached the capital
regulations and stricter banking supervision comes
good moment, in anticipation of developments in the
markets in a timely manner before other European
into effect on a European level. It is therefore
sector. The increase in share capital enables us to
credit institutions begin a round of similar increases.
crucially important for NBG to be amongst the first
to achieve the strategic flexibility necessary for the
The share capital increase at this specific point in
banks to meet the demands of investors for stronger
further expansion of our Group's business activities,
time has also provided us with a competitive
capital structure of banks across Europe, although it
whether organically or through targeted acquisitions
strength since it is expected that not only the
should be pointed out that NBG is already
in the wider region of SE Europe.
regulatory authorities but also investors will want to
acknowledged as being one of the best capitalized
banks in Europe.
The additional funds raised will finance credit
expansion and reinforce core income, which
comprise the base of the Bank's profitability.
Accordingly, on the one hand, the Bank will be able
to sustain growth of its key financials and thereby
support the Group's current growth curve and, on
the other, it will be possible to guarantee an
uninterrupted flow of financing, which will have a
positive impact on borrowers, customers, our
employees, our shareholders and the Greek
economy in general.
In addition, the Group will acquire extra strategic
flexibility to carry out targeted acquisitions, of a
scale deemed prudent, if and when enticing
opportunities arise, especially in the region of SE
Europe. NBG has maintained a very disciplined and
prudent attitude as far as acquisitions are
concerned, and of course there is no question of it
changing this approach.
Finally, the level of funds raised is sufficient to
to participate in the over-subscription process for
ensure that for a long time the Bank does not need
unsubscribed shares, the Bank's personnel and its
to resort to the capital markets in order to obtain
retired employees were also able to take part in the
extra cash. Clearly, in taking the decision to
rights issue.
increase our share capital we were not motivated by
any deterioration in the Group's economic
fundamentals. As the publication of financial results
for the first quarter of 2009 recently confirmed,
despite the challenges posed by the current
economic climate NBG was able to continue its
record of robust financial performance.
In any event, the timely and decisive reinforcement
of the Bank's funds was a prudent choice in the
event that the adverse global financial climate
continues much longer.
The successful performance of the Group is the
product of rational growth and prudent strategic
decisions. The current economic situation
demonstrates the benefits of effective liquidity
management and a conservative risk appetite. The
strengthening of our capital base will in the long
term also strengthen the leading presence of the
Group in SE Europe and allow it to achieve its
strategic vision as the economic environment
The €1.25 billion rights issue was carried out
through payment in cash and preemptive rights in
favour of old shareholders at a rate of 2 new shares
for every 9 old shares, at an offer price of €11.30
per share.
Besides the existing shareholders who participated
in the share capital increase and who were entitled
308... in action!
The employment of 308 young people selected within the framework of NBG's
Employment Programme for Unemployed Young People commenced on 15 June
The Employment Programme for Unemployed
Young People has been designed for the purpose of
helping young people acquire knowledge, training,
experience and expertise related to their academic
studies, so that they may be better equipped to
enter the job market.
The profile of participants
The Bank received more than 3,000 applications
from all over the country for the 300 positions that
had been announced. The 308 young people (we
ended up with more since there were several
individuals who ranked equally) selected by the
relevant Committee came primarily from the
following universities: the University of Macedonia,
the Business University of Athens, the University of
Piraeus and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
They achieved an average grade of 7.8 and, what is
more, 50% of them also hold a postgrad degree.
The “Gaining Experience in NBG” Seminar
The placement of the 308 young people into the
NBG workplace got off to a strong start with an
induction seminar held on 15 and 16 June 2009
in the Karatzas Building at the Bank's Athens
headquarters. The seminar was attended by the
programme's participants from all over Greece.
The goal of the Gaining Experience in NBG seminar
was to make participants aware of the various
activities of the Group and the basic products and
services that it offers. It also sought to impart basic
banking knowledge and familiarize participants with
the principles of Quality Customer Service so as to
facilitate their entry into the workplace environment
of the Bank.
The participants have the opportunity during their
six month employment period at a Bank branch to
familiarize themselves with a wide range of banking
services. During their time there special emphasis
will be placed on their interaction with the Bank's
customers rather than on just teaching them various
A few words about the Programme
NBG announced its Employment Programme for Unemployed Young
People on 17 March 2009.
The Programme aims at contributing towards mitigating the effects of
unemployment on young people in Greece.
The programme will consist of cycles, each lasting 6 months, and provides
for the full paid employment of 300 young unemployed individuals in Bank
services in each 6-month cycle. Candidates must be under30 years old,
be graduates of Business and Management schools of Greek universities,
and be able to evidence their unemployed status.
The Bank intends to run the program initially for a period of one year, and then for as long as the current
economic crisis continues.
Diverse awards for NBG
Contact Center World is an international
organization that has monitored the Contact
Centers market since 1999. It provides
benchmarking valuation services for the market,
educational seminars and consulting services. The
organization has more than 120,000 members, 40%
of whom are members of senior management.
Once again, NBG participated this year in the
Contact Center World Conference for the region of
Europe and the East Mediterranean, competing for
the Top Performer Awards among around 1,200
companies altogether.
During the competition, material was sent in order to
The Contact Center team. Left to right: Κ. Glentzakis, support technician, Ν. Bales, customerservice sub-division, Ν. Mavrelis, telesales subdivision, Th. Patsilinakos, support technician, Ζ. Lyratzi, telesales representative, Α. Bontaiti, customer service representative,
Τ. Boti, customer service sub division, Μ. Kiriakopoulou, customer service representative and
P. Papaspiropoulos, head of the Contact Centre team,with his son Christos.
substantiate the role of the Center in supporting
Banking business, including not only customer
support but also product marketing services.
Participants in the competition aim to get the
processes that comprise quality service through
highest possible score as regards the operating
alternative banking channels, such as Best Sales
parameters of the Contact Center, its prospects,
Agent, Best Customer Service Agent, Best
and its philosophy regarding the future expansion of
Customer Service Supervisor, Best Support
its services. The companies participating represent
Professional IT, Best Innovative Technology
highly competitive market sectors such as those of:
Solution Internal, and Best Support Professional
Banking, Telecommunications, Energy, Outsourcing
Workforce Planning.
and Services.
These distinctions serve to justify NBG's strategic
Through a strictly defined competitive
decision to develop its alternative Networks as a
procedure which included a presentation,
pioneering, dynamic and productive method of
voting, interviews with a committee, and
delivering services and which will in the near future
personal interviews, NBG succeeded in gaining
be expanded to customers of the Group's subsidiary
9 distinctions in total, and in doing so won the
companies as well.
single largest number of distinctions of all of the
competing organizations.
The head of the Contact Center team, Pericles Papaspiropoulos.
It is worth noting that the categories in which NBG
distinguished itself included the full range of
Electronic Mail System: a major step forward
by Yannis Balabanis
Head of Business Processes
The advantages of the system are many:
electronic archiving of other documents
attached to emails, such as contracts,
1. Virtually no time at all is required for the
The replacement in 2003 of the printed Telephone
Directory with an electronic directory and the
implementation in that same year of the Electronic
Mail System and system for searching Circulars and
other documents brought about significant changes
in the operation of the Bank, enhancing the speed
at which employees receive and send information.
Moreover, the Bank as a part of the modernization
of its information systems, operations and
Environmental Policy placed into operation the
Electronic Mail System, which is now used by all
the Units of the Network and by the majority of
Central Services.
transmission of documents between Bank
complex search of all types of documents,
electronically indexed in the system, with the
use of a single (e.g. filing number) search item
2. The quality of in-house communication is
or combination of items,
significantly upgraded through the introduction
of uniform document models throughout the
keeping officers/ heads of departments
Bank, and in each of its Units.
updated (so long as they are in the Electronic
Telephone Directory) on the status of pending
3. It enables:
the implementation of uniform rules for the
electronic signing and sending of documents
per document type,
direct forwarding of incoming mail in
tandem with electronic signing of the mail,
selective sending or copying of documents
to groups of users,
processing of incoming and outgoing
correspondence concerning their units,
Improving the operation of Units and
identifying any possible weak spots using
statistics that can be retrieved from the system.
4. The System reduces:
substantially the need to find and maintain
physical space for filing hard copies of
the Bank's overall operating costs.
5. It helps save natural resources:
The Electronic Mail System significantly
reduces paper consumption, the use of printing
equipment and other consumables, while at the
same time it reduces the need for transportation
that would otherwise be required to move about
hard copies of correspondence. To be
environmentally friendly we should seek to limit
the amount of printing we carry out of
documents transmitted or filed through the
System, since the electronic documents can be
accessed through the System at any time.
To be environmentally friendly we should seek to
limit the amount of printing we carry out of
documents transmitted or filed through the
System, since the electronic documents can be
accessed through the System at any time.
6. Further advantages:
a) The time required for the transmission of
documents from the sender to the receiver, which
used to be 1 to 4 days at least, is now a matter
of seconds with the addition of the final electronic
signature on the document.
b) The paper required for just one document
(for example a one-page memo) used to be 7
sheets, (for drafts, copies, etc.) while now it has
been reduced to 2 sheets at most.
Conservation of Resources
Reduction in Operating Expenses for the 5-year period
By looking forward and planning
ahead, the Bank invests in its
human resources and implements
important and pioneering projects
that contribute to the modernization
of its Units and its affiliated
Data from the relevant feasibility study
(adjusted on the basis of observations made following implementation of the System)
Opening of new Branches
In Kato Achaia, Farkaina in Chios, and Iraklio, Crete.
In closing, the General Manager for Retail Banking,
Mr. M. Moissis, spoke of the core strategy of the
Bank, which “through its competitive advantages,
the experience of its people, the modern tools it has
at its disposal, and its friendly, people-focused
image, has been systematically financing and
supporting households and businesses alike with
positive consequences for our country's economic
Mr. I. Pehlivanidis, Deputy Chairman and Deputy CEO
The opening of the new branches in Kato Achaia
(29/04/09), Farkaina in Chios (10/06/09) and
Iraklio, Crete (24/06/09) was a great success. At
the opening ceremony, the Head of Branch
Network III, Mr. G. Thanos, and the Head of
Branch Network V, Mr. G. Zografakis,
highlighted the benefits of the new design
concept for the NBG branches, which aims to
enhance the quality of service to customers and
foster a closer working relationship with them.
The speakers also referred to the initiatives
taken by NBG to provide manifold support to
SMEs, private customers and farmers at this
critical juncture in time, which is marked by
unprecedented challenges facing these regions.
The opening events were organized by the Group
Strategic Marketing and Communication Division.
Kato Achaia
Farkaina, Chios
This is the first instance of implementation of
the new concept in an island of the Aegean
The Prefect, Mr. Lamprinoudis, thanked NBG
for its support for efforts to clean up the
shoreline of the Municipality saying: “NBG has
consistently, promptly and responsibly made a
decisive contribution to fostering environmental
awareness and supporting actions on the local
The opening of the Branch was well publicised,
as it marks the implementation of the new
branch concept for the first time in a Branch
Network V branch.
The Branch has found a new home since the
building where it was previously located was
destroyed in the June 2008 earthquake.
Following the earthquake the Branch was
temporarily located in the offices of Ethniki
Insurance nearby. The Branch Manager, Mr. G.
Ntinos, mentioned the difficult conditions under
which the Branch had to operate following the
devastating earthquake and also the customers'
full support, a fact that illustrates the strong ties
that link NBG to its customers.
The Mayor of Dymi, Mr. D. Gotsoulas, thanked
NBG for its support for efforts to clean up the
shoreline of the Municipality and to rebuild the
Mr. I. Pehlivanidis, presenting an honorary plaque to
the Gold Olympic Medallist Georgios Kapellakis
At the opening of the Branch in Iraklio, Crete
Representatives of local government, the Church, the business community, customers and many of the local people
attended the opening ceremonies at the Branches.
The Manager of the Farkaina Branch, Mr. D.
Varsos, thanked the customers of the Branch
for the confidence they have always shown in
NBG, even in difficult times, while he also
made special reference to the Manager of the
Chios Branch, Mr. M. Glykas, who contributed
so much to the event's success.
Iraklio, Crete
In his speech, Mr. Thanos made special reference
to the sponsorship provided by NBG in the
construction of a playground in the Municipality of
Nea Alikarnassos where the Branch is located.
In his speech, Mr. S. Petrakis, Manager of the
Iraklio (Crete) Branch said: "The new location of the
Branch enables it to offer even better quality
services to our customers, and is an investment that
aims at forging closer working relations with them,
ensuring benefits for customers, the Bank and the
community at large”.
At the opening of the Farkaina Branch, Chios
Mr. M. Moissis, General Manager of Retail Banking, at the opening
of the Farkaina Branch
2009 amounted to over €43 million. These results,
combined with other NBG loans to both businesses
and individuals, confirm the fact that the support
provided by the Bank to strengthen the liquidity of
businesses and, by extension, the country's
economy is very substantial.
In closing, the Deputy Chairman and Deputy CEO,
Mr. I. Pehlivanidis, referred to initiatives taken by
NBG to provide manifold support to businesses and
individuals, and he presented an honorary plaque
to Mr. Georgios Kapellakis, Gold Medallist at the
Beijing Paralympics.
Mr. I. Pehlivanidis, Deputy Chairman and Deputy CEO, with
Mr. E. Evangelakis, Regional Manager for Crete
Mr. S. Petrakis, Manager of the Iraklio Branch
Mr. Moissis made reference to TEMPME, the
Guarantee Fund for Small Enterprises, where NBG
ranks first among Greek Banks in financing. Indeed,
total financing to over 600 enterprises in Crete in
From left: Mr. G. Zografakis, Head of Branch Network V, and,
Mr. G. Dinos, Manager of the Kato Achaia Branch.
NBG's sponsorship programme
NBG's sponsorship programme
is a key component
of the Bank's Corporate
Social Action programme.
by Alexandros Stavrou, Manager of BoD
Secretariat & Shareholder Services Division
NBG views Corporate Social
Responsibility as crucial for sustainable
development and approaches it in an
increasingly systematic manner,
integrating CSR in its strategic choices.
The ongoing social contribution made by
NBG in 2008, for yet another year,
reflects a policy that has been part of its
corporate ethos and is effected through
its “RESPONSIBILITY” CSR programme,
the main components of which are the
Community, Culture and the
NBG's Sponsorship Programme is a key
component of the Bank's Corporate
Social Action programme. In 2008 the
Programme involved funds totalling €17.6
million, 25% of which was allocated to
Community focused actions, 3% to
environmental actions, 38% to culture,
29% to fire disaster relief actions, and 5%
to various other causes.
In the first half of 2009, NBG's
Sponsorship Programme totalled €13.86
million, 20% of which was allocated to
Community oriented actions, 16% to
research, education and the
environment, 12% to sports, 43% to
culture oriented actions, and 9% to
various other actions.
NBG sponsors the THORAX Foundation, which aims to construct,
equip and run research and clinical laboratories and Intensive Care Units.
In the context of its commitment to
people and in particular to vulnerable
social groups, NBG participates in efforts
to improve health services, education,
sports, and public welfare, with a view to
enhancing the quality of life for all. NBG's
sponsorship activity includes the
The creation of 30 new operating
theatres at Evangelismos
Hospital, Athens.
Upgrading of the Intensive Care
Unit at Evangelismos Hospital,
Sponsorship for a project aimed at
improving the daily life of elderly
people and preventing accidents
in the home.
Maintenance, expansion and
purchase of equipment for the
children's summer camps of the
Municipality of Athens at Agios
Andreas and of the Diocese of
Sponsorship for the expansion of
the premises of the
Papadopouleios Nursery School
of the Diocese of Messinia.
Sponsorship for the creation of a
kindergarten in the Municipality of
Mikra, Thessaloniki.
Sponsorship for the creation of a
Model Home for the Treatment
and Rehabilitation of Neglected
and Abused Children.
Sponsorship for the running of a
Prevention and Support Centre
for children and families facing
psychosocial problems.
Sponsorship for the purchase of a specially
fitted school bus for the transport of children,
most of whom use wheel chairs, to the Special
High School – Lyceum of Athens.
Three-year sponsorship for a programme
aiming at helping children with autism to
integrate into society.
Sponsorship for the Social Solidarity Network
of the Prefecture of Xanthi to purchase a
vehicle to help people in need of first aid
NBG has also consistently supported sports
and the ideal that promotes culture and brings
people together, through a series of actions,
such as:
Projects supporting individual athletes
(Alexandros Nikolaidis, Pigi Devetzi, Ilias Iliadis
and Angeliki Exarchou) in their preparation for
the 2012 Olympics.
The financing of scholarship programmes at a
number of Greek and foreign universities.
Sponsorship for the London School of
Economics to set up a Se Europe Research
Sponsorship to international scientific meetings
and summer training seminars.
A three-year programme to digitise the material
contained in the archives of the Musical Library
of the Athens Concert Hall Organization
(OMMA), which contains works by Greek
composers and musicians.
NBG supports actions aimed at sustainable
development and the protection of the
environment, through sponsorships to third
parties acting for the public benefit.
For instance:
Sponsorship for events promoting wind
power, which is clean and renewable, on the
occasion of the Global Wind Day.
The production of a series of oceanographic
documentaries examining the marine
environment in the area of the Eastern
Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
Support for the organization of the 9
Oceanography and Fishing Conference.
Donation to the Agricultural University for the
purchase of equipment to carry out more
reliable pollution measurements, and the
protection of underground and surface
Organization and support of the activity of
Sports Federations for the participation of our
national teams in the World Championships,
the European Championships and the
Mediterranean Games (Hellenic Volleyball
Federation, Hellenic Gymnastics Federation,
Hellenic Equestrian Federation).
Support for international sporting events
(International Tennis Tournament, International
Sailing Races, the 25 Vardinoyiannia Games,
2009 Tsiklitiria Grand Prix).
In the areas of science and education, the
contribution of NBG also took many forms,
including the following:
A long-running scholarship programme in
honour of the memory of the Governor of NBG
Michalis Vranopoulos.
NBG is engaged in a long-term sponsorship programme for the Archaeological Society to carry out restoration work on two large murals
from the Akrotiri excavations on Santorini.
Offering a system of environment friendly
underground garbage containers to the
Municipality of Corfu.
Support for a programme for the collection
and care of stray animals.Educational
programmes on environmental awareness and
protection.Sponsorship for ecological,
environmental and animal welfare
At the same time, NBG's support for activities that
promote the National Heritage and Culture has
long been an integral part of NBG's social
responsibility policy, which allows for the
implementation of significant actions in all the
sectors of cultural production and each year
comprises a significant part of the sponsorship
budget to support the arts, history, customs and
our country's intellectual production in general.
Sponsored actions include the following:
The exhibition “Meeting in the Ancient Agora”
of the Foundation of the Hellenic World and a
programme of video screenings which use
interactive virtual reality technologies.
The purchase, restoration and conversion of
the house of the poet Angelos Sikelianos into
a museum on the island of Lefkas.
The upgrading and restoration of the Dionysios
Solomos Museum in Corfu.
The performances of the Birmingham
Symphonic Orchestra, the Finnish Radio
Symphony Orchestra and the BBC Orchestra
at the Athens Concert Hall.
A project concerning conservation work on two
more murals depicting spiral patterns and a
third depicting a hunting scene, at the Minoan
site of Akrotiri, Santorini
An educational programme for the operation of
Music Workshops on various islands of the
The organization of an Iberian-African Literary
The staging of Verdi's Aida by the Greek
National Opera.
The organization of the International Short Film
A project concerning the continuation of
excavation work, the performance of
conservation work and the study of findings at
the archaeological site of Zominthos in Crete.
The project is scheduled to last a number of
The organization of the Cyclades International
Classical Music Festival at Ermoupoli, Syros.
The creation of a Municipal Library in Almiros.
The organization of an exhibition on General
Makriyannis and the Iconography of the
Struggle for Independence hosted by the
annex of the National Gallery in Nafplion.
The organization of the 2 Athens Biennale.
The production and broadcasting of the series
“Great Greeks” by SKAI TV.
The preservation and enhancement of heritage
monuments (e.g. restoration of the church of
Agios Georgios at Ampelakia, Larissa; large
scale maintenance work on the roof and apse
of the church of the Dormition of the Virgin
Chrysospilaiotissa, a study for restoration
works on the Castle of Karytaina).
Sponsorship support for the restoration
of an 18th century olive press and its conversion
into a Museum and place for the study
and research of the industrial history
of the Aegean at Papados, Lesvos.
Our Group
NBG in Albania
Brief history of NBG in Albania
NBG's presence in Albania dates back to 1996.
NBG's Tirana branch opened as a branch of a
foreign bank, controlled 100% by NBG. Initial
capital was €2 million. NBG Tirana was set up as a
general commercial bank under the legal form of a
societé anonyme.
Originally operating in Tirana, the network
subsequently expanded through branches and
agencies to other key cities of the country,
including Korca, Durresi, Vlora and Gjirokastra. In
the period 2007-2008 NBG Albania opened 17
new branches, thereby bringing the total to 30
branches covering broadly the entire country.
The ongoing enhancement of the services it
already offers its customers, together with various
new services and products, is an important part of
the Bank's strategy. It aspires to provide its
customers with a wide range of innovative
products and unique services to suit all their
Today NBG has gained a substantial foothold in
the Albanian market, providing financial support to
corporations, households and individuals.
To continuously grow the product/service
portfolio and improve administrative
Competitive advantages of the Bank in the
local market and strategic targets
To strengthen and consolidate a leading
position in the market, as significant player in
the Albanian economy.
In the light of the impact that the current financial
crisis has had on the Albanian market as well as
public sentiment due to the tragic financial and
social crisis that the country experienced in 1997,
NBG can boast a number of significant competitive
advantages, including:
Security –As part of the NBG group, NBG in
Albania is a source of confidence and
security for depositors.
Tradition and experience –It is a modern
bank, providing intelligent products, smart
solutions to customers' needs, and sound
Transparency – The values of honesty,
transparency and integrity underlie all the
relations of the bank with its clients and
Professional local staff – The expertise of
NBG is combined with the professionalism of
the local staff to create an integrated team
that works efficiently for its customers.
To further develop a professional team that
can respond effectively to competitive
Ability to respond swiftly to the needs of the
Uniform and standardized procedures for
developing products, irrespective of business
segment (e.g., deposits/financing), together with
the numerous parameters that play a part in the
system, enable the Management to respond
swiftly to the needs of the market and the
demands of our customers.
NBG offers a very wide range of products and
financial services in branches that operate under
the “Shop in Shop” concept. All the products are
NBG in Albania – strategic objectives
To effectively meet customer needs and
enhance shareholder value.
developed in line with the customers' needs,
thereby enabling them to select the most
appropriate solution. NBG in Albania classes its
products in two main categories:
Our Group
Values, culture, human capital
NBG's network of 30 branches covers Albania
The values and culture of NBG in Albania aim at
geographically. All branches operate with ATMs
keeping the policy and profile of the Group to the
and are linked up on-line. Through a well
highest standards. It continuously invests in its
organized promotion campaign, NBG in Albania
Consumer loans
human capital through training programmes,
holds today a considerable number of deposits.
Home equity
seminars and workshops in order to cover staff
Corporate Social Responsibility / Awards
needs via all potential resources (internal and
In the sphere of Corporate Social Responsibility,
NBG in Albania made a contribution to the
The Bank is an equal opportunity employer and
A. Retail banking:
The Bank offers very attractive deposit products,
fund transfer services etc, such as:
Current accounts
accordingly encourages its entire staff to take part
Time deposits
Fund transfer
VISA Electron Debit Card
24/7 ATM services
Credit lines for SMEs
B. Corporate banking:
Since NBG is a major business partner in the
Albanian market, it assists corporations in
in training events, so that everyone can develop
their careers effectively within the Bank,
Sponsorship for the project "Guinness World
regardless of gender, age and other issues. It
Record for creating a Mosaic with wine
prioritizes training opportunities so as to enhance
spigots" (8 Aug- 4 Sep).
the effectiveness of its programmes, and actively
Sponsorship to the Greek Embassy for
encourages staff to take part in its annual training
organising the Trojans Theatre in Butrinti,
Saranda (July 2008)
As a result of the Bank's growth, NBG has
Sponsorship to the Greek Embassy and the
increased its personnel in Albania to 340 persons.
Greek-Albanian Chamber of Commerce for
All of them (100%) are university graduates while
organizing a Concert featuring Renato Ripo
10% of them hold postgraduate degrees.
and Aris Garoufalis
Sponsorship for an outstanding student from
developing their business. Today, the Bank
collaborates successfully with local and
international companies, delivering financial
solutions and tailor-made products through its
corporate department.
Sponsorships in 2008 for Art & Education:
the Faculty of Economics to take part in the
Backed by the NBG Group vision for the
“Travelling in Europe” project.
Southeast European countries and working on a
well designed strategy and business plan, NBG
has managed to maintain a good position in the
Corporate social responsibility:
Albanian market. It has considerably increased its
market share with ongoing development of its
products and improved services.
Sponsorship to the International Social Service
for the project "Psychosocial Services to
reduce post-trauma effects among the children
The Bank holds a leading position in Retail
of Gerdec".
Sponsorship to Gjirokastra Municipality for the
Lending (mortgage market) and is the preferred
organization of "The National Days of the
banking partner for a considerable number of
Albanian Cultural Heritage". Gjirokastra has
corporate and individual clients.
been designated a UNESCO "World Heritage
Contribution to the NBG Group vision
The Bank has contributed substantially to
changing attitudes toward mortgage loans in
Albania. Our Bank was the first to provide uncollateralized consumer loans thereby
changing attitudes to consumer loans. NBG
is a very strong competitor in the mortgage
loan market with competitive prices and
playing an important role in the Albanian
banking market.
It operates in accordance with European
standards while complying strictly with the
policy and profile of the Group.
Besides contributing to the Group's targets,
the Bank is involved in a number of important
projects such as: SAP implementation
through Ethnoplan, which promotes NBG's
vision to become a leader in SE Europe by
deploying common procedures and offering
similar products as well as implementing the
same processes and IT methods. In addition,
very soon it will be ready to implement a new
service model.
Priorities in 2009
Defend asset quality.
Manage liquidity.
Enhance total clients relationship.
Optimize cost efficiency in order to raise NBG
Albania to a leading position in the market.
NBG sponsors the Shkodra Girls' Basketball Team