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here - Miamisburg City Schools
The Viking Voice
Miamisburg High School graduates earned over 6.2 million
dollars in scholarships this year and officially received their
diplomas on May 21st at the Ervin J. Nutter Center.
Valedictorian Brayden Osborne plans to attend the University
of Cincinnati and major in Engineering. Brayden was a National
Honor Society member. He was also a Boy Scouts of America
Eagle Scout where he was a member of the Order of the Arrow
(an honor society for Boy Scouts). Salutatorian Sierra Bennett
plans to attend The Ohio State University. She will major in
Biology/Pathology. Sierra was also a National Honor Society
member where she served as Treasurer. As a member of the
Fall and Winter Color Guard, Sierra was chosen to perform in
the 2016 U.S. All American Marching Band/Color Guard at the
All-American Bowl in San Antonio, Texas. College bound
students and/or scholarship winners and the colleges or
universities that they plan to attend (in parentheses) include:
Amani Abushamma (Wright State University) - Dave Wood
Scholarship, Miamisburg Rotary Club H.V. Bear Memorial
Scholarship, Wright State University Martin Luther King
Brayden Osborne
Sierra Bennett
Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Believe In
Ohio Award; Rouba Al-Khasawneh (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship, Daniel Allen (Hobart Welding School);
Brittany Allen (Sinclair Community College); Roberto Alomar (University of Dayton) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, University of Dayton Father
Chaminade Scholarship; Danielle Banks (Sinclair Community College); Shannon Barr - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Sarah Basinger
(The Ohio State University) - St. Jacob's Lutheran Church Senior Achievement Award, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Sinclair
Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Lauren Bates (Ohio University) - Lisa Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Pathway Award,
Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Christopher Beard (United States Navy); Noah Belcher (Sinclair
Community College); Erica Bell (Taylor University) - Mark Twain Elementary School PTA Scholarship, Robert E. and Audrey E. Stachler Scholarship, MHS
Visual Arts Scholarship, Miamisburg Classroom Teachers Association Scholarship, Taylor University President's Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County
Scholarship; Valerie Bell (Miami University of Middletown) - College Promise Scholarship; Sierra Bennett (The Ohio State University) - Ruth Conner Memorial
Scholarship, National Honor Society Scholarship, Eldora Joseph Scholarship, Believe In Ohio Award, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship; Alycia Berry
(Kent State University) - Kent State University Trustee Scholarship, Oscar Ritchie Memorial Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Aashish
Bharadwaj (Wright State University) - Wright State University Scholarship, University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature
Awards Program Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Chandler Blum (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County
Scholarship; Theresa Bodkin (Sinclair Community College); Jada Bolden (Sinclair Community College); Alyssa Bowles (The Ohio State University) - The Ohio
State University Scarlet and Gray Scholarship, The Ohio State University President's Grant, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Hunter Boyce (Hocking
College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Michael Boyer (The Ohio State University) - Helen Reed Memorial Scholarship, Jenna Parlette Track and
Field Scholarship, The Ohio State University Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Tori Bramble
(Sinclair Community College); Olivia Brewer (Sinclair Community College); Savannah Brumley (Sinclair Community
Inside this Summer 2016 issue:
College); Gavin Brusca (Wright State University) - Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship; Jordyn
 Graduates
Capell (Bowling Green State University) - Jane Chance Elementary School Staff and PTO Scholarship, National Honor
Society Scholarship, Miamisburg Rotary Club Dr. Glenn C. Brandon Memorial Scholarship, Bowling Green State
University Freshman Academic Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Taylor Carter (Sinclair Communi-  Letter from Superintendent 6
 Students & Staff In the News
ty College); Cheyenne Chapman (Kettering College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Stephen Chee-Wah
 Money Matters
(Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Brook Chrisman (Sinclair Community College)  Social Worker of the Year
- Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Kennedy Clawson (Sinclair Community College); Trisha Coleman (Wright
State University); Donald Conley (Muskingum University) - Muskingum University Commitment Award, Muskingum
University Grant, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Alissa Cook (Miami University) - Medlar View
Elementary School PTO Scholarship, MHS Visual Arts Scholarship, Dr. Ray Terrell Scholarship, University of Cincinnati
Century Scholarship, University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship, University of Tennessee Volunteer Scholarship,
Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Madeline Cope (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County
Scholarship; Elizabeth Cooper (Sinclair Community College); Brian Corbett (Lawrence Technological University) - Alex 
Holtzman Memorial Scholarship, Jansen Myers Athletic Scholarship, The Dennis "HUD" Critzer Memorial Scholarship,
Lawrence Technological University Academic Scholarship, Trine University Academic Scholarship, Indiana Tech
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The Viking Voice
Academic Scholarship, The Ohio State University Scholarship, University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship, Sinclair
Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Tess Corley (Northern Illinois University) - Class of 1951 Waldo Matthews and
Lester Heistand Scholarship, Northern Illinois Athletic Scholarship, Northern Illinois Academic Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Taylor Couch (Sinclair Community College); Nicholas
Crone (Capital University); Keeleigh Cummings (Barton College) - Barton University Athletic Scholarship, John Hopkins
Scholarship; Cameron Cunningham (Sullivan University) - Sullivan University Academic Scholarship, Sinclair Community
College Tech Prep Scholarship; Leisha Dehart (Bowling Green State University) - Bowling Green State University Scholarship,
Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Antione Dickerson (University of Akron); Sarah Dickson (Sinclair Community
College); Erin Diehl (Lake Erie College); Taleah Dismuke (Wright State University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship;
Kevin Doherty (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Sabrina Dues (University of Cincinnati)
- University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship; Maxwell Dungan - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Blair Eberhart (Sinclair Community
College) - Larry E. O'Neil and Associates, Inc. Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Zachary Eley (Wright State University); Riley Ennis (Ohio
University) - Connie Doty Nursing Scholarship, Ohio University License Plate Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Sinclair
Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Haley Espelage (Bellarmine University) - Kinder Elementary School PTO Scholarship, Elena Perry "Grandma Alt"
Swimming Scholarship, Bellarmine University Scholarship, Ohio Achievement Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Sinclair
Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Katherine Evans (University of Rhode Island) - University of Rhode Island Centennial Scholarship, University of
Rhode Island Athletic Scholarship; Rebecca Eyre (United States Air Force Reserves) (Zanesville State College); Tareq Faroneyah (Wright State University) Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Brooklyn Feldman (Sinclair Community College); Anna Fisher (Wright State University) - Wright State University
Scholarship, Wittenberg University, University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship; Daniel Flory (Wittenberg University); Alexander Fote (Ohio University) Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Madison Frazer (Ohio University); Braxton Fritsch (Lourdes University); Alyssa Froemel (United States
Navy) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Christopher Galliher (Wright State University) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship;
Kaitlyn Gebhard (Wright State University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Alexandra Geis (Sinclair Community College); Elizabeth Gilman (Sinclair
Community College); Zachery Good (Sinclair Community College); Emily Goralski (The Ohio State University) - Joanna Weglage Scholarship, Class of 1951
Waldo Matthews and Lester Heistand Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, The Ohio State University Provost Scholarship, DaytonMontgomery County Scholarship; Emily Goulette (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Virginia McNeal Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Morgen Grafton (Sinclair Community College); Katherine Grainger (Ohio University) Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship; Erin Grant (Ohio University) - Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, DaytonMontgomery County Scholarship; Joseph Gray (University of Mount Union) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep
Scholarship; Chelsea Green (Sinclair Community College); Emma Greene (Cleveland State University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Reily Grib
(Sinclair Community College); Ethan Gridley (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep
Scholarship; Meagan Grierson (Ohio Northern University) - Bauer Elementary School PTA Scholarship, Jayne Wysong Memorial Scholarship, Ohio Northern
University Presidential Scholarship, The Ohio State University Provost Scholarship, University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship; Nicholas Grogg (Sinclair
Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Kelly Groven (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship;
Liam Gruszecki (Bowling Green State University) - Bowling Green State University Merit Scholarship; Elizabeth Ha (University of Dayton) - University of Dayton
Dean's Merit Scholarship, Miami University Merit Scholarship; Jason Hall (The Ohio State University - Lima); Joshua Hall (Baldwin Wallace University) - Baldwin
Wallace University Scholars Award, Baldwin Wallace University Alumni Scholarship, Heidelberg Scholars Award, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Travis Hall (University of Toledo) - University of Toledo Honors Scholarship, University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship; Victoria Hammel (Sinclair
Community College); Andrew Hardyman (Sinclair Community College); David Harewood (University of Akron) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Dale
Harris (Lourdes University) - Lourdes University Academic Scholarship, Lourdes University Athletic Scholarship, Lourdes University Wolf Grant; Kylie Hayes
(Kettering College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Desireé Hayton (University of Cincinnati);
Taylor Heckman (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Skylar Heizer (University of Cincinnati) - University of
Cincinnati Century Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community
College Tech Prep Scholarship; Stephanie Hidalgo (University of Toledo) - University of Toledo Merit Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship,
Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Megan Hildreth (Bowling Green State University) - Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Mikaela Hindenlang (The University of Findlay) - Viking Booster Athletic Scholarship, Joe DiMatteo Scholarship,
The University of Findlay Academic Scholarship, The University of Findlay Athletic Scholarship; Payton Hines (University of Cincinnati) - The Zinny Harding
Memorial Scholarship, Carole Grant Memorial Scholarship, Viking Athletic Booster Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship; Hunter Hitchler (Sinclair Community College); Matthew Hohenbrink (Universal Technical Institution); Emily Holtrup (University of Toledo) University of Toledo Honors Scholarship, University of Toledo OSFA Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Natalie Hornak (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Virginia McNeal Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; McKayla Humphrey (Tiffin University) - Tiffin University Scholarship, Wilmington College
Scholarship, Wilmington College Multi Cultural Scholarship; Haley Hunter (Kettering College) - Sinclair Community College Scholarship, Sinclair Community
College Tech Prep Scholarship; Dé Ja Hurt (Sinclair Community College); Karen Izor (Bowling Green State University) - Kinder Elementary School Staff Scholarship, College Prep Challenge Scholarship, Bowling Green State University Award of High Distinction, Bowling Green State University ACTION Scholarship, Capitol
University Scholarship, Franciscan University High Academics Award, Ohio Northern University Presidential Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards
Program Scholarship, University of Cincinnati University Scholarship, University of Evansville Scholarship, Walsh University Scholarship; Sierra Jack (Regency
Beauty Institute); Drew James (University of Cincinnati) - Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, University of Dayton Father Chaminade
Scholarship; Alexandra Jamison (Miami University of Middletown) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Danielle Jividen (Sinclair Community College) Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Cameron Johnson (Indiana Tech) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Cierra Johnson (Sinclair
Community College); Logan Johnson (Miami University of Middletown); Kurtis Jones (Sinclair Community College); Xavien Jones (Cincinnati Christian
University) - Cincinnati Christian University Athletic Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Luke Kain (The Ohio State University) - Marlene
McIntyre Scholarship, The Ohio State University Merit Scholarship, Wright State University Scholarship, Bowling Green State University Merit Scholarship,
The Viking Voice
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University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Anthony Kaplan Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Brennah Kershner (Bowling Green State University); Alexander
Khatibloo (Wright State University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Nathaniel Khatibloo (Wright State University) Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Jonathan Kilberg (University of Cincinnati) - Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards
Program Scholarship, Bowling Green State University Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Emma
Kilpatrick (Wittenberg University) - Harry Gutheil Memorial Scholarship, Easterling Studios Award, Wittenberg University
Provost Award, Wittenberg University Music Award, University of Dayton Dean's Merit Scholarship, University of Dayton Grant;
Melissa Kilpatrick (Sinclair Community College); Caleb Kimmel (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County
Scholarship; Brandon Kinner (United States Navy); Tyler Kitts (University of Cincinnati); Kendra Lakes (The Ohio State
University) - Mound School PTA Scholarship, Class of 1946 Scholarship, Robert and Jean Penny Scholarship, DaytonMontgomery County Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship; Patrick LaPrade (University of Cincinnati) - University of Cincinnati Century
Scholarship; Austin Larkin (Sinclair Community College); Andrew Layton (Miami University of Hamilton) - Wilmington College Award, University of Dayton
Dean's Merit Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Abigail Leet (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep
Scholarship; Zachary Lehman (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Alex
Lemanski (Bluffton University) - Bluffton University Trustee Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship; Nicholas Lenhoff - Indiana
University Alumni Association Charlotte Chapter Scholarship; Alexandria Lewis (Wright State University); Zachary Lin (Ohio Northern University); Hope Liptak
(The Ohio State University) - Redhawk Scholarship; Ki'Ana Looper (Clark State Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Devin Lutz
(Kettering College) - National Honor Society Scholarship, Dr. Ray Terrell Scholarship, Miami Valley Professional Firefighters Local 1832 Memorial Scholarship,
University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, PFLAG Scholarship; Emily MacDonald (The Ohio State University) - The Ohio State University Provost Scholarship,
The Ohio State University Merit Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Achievement Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Distinction Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio
Focus Award, Kent State University Trustee Scholarship, Kent State University Honors Scholarship, Kent State University Honors Residence Scholarship;
Matthew Macuski (Kent State University) - University of Dayton Father Chaminade Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Mohammad
Madmouj (Sinclair Community College); Ronald Mahan, III (Purdue University) - Let Us Never Forget Cpl. Paul W. Zanowick, II Scholarship, Viking Athletic
Booster Scholarship, Jenna Parlette Track and Field Scholarship, MHS Swimming and Diving Award, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Steven Manis
(United States Navy); Robert Marchioni (National Guard); Zane Marcott (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship;
Briana Marlow (University of Alabaman Birmingham) - Miamisburg Eagles Aerie 2306, University of Alabama Merit Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Century
Scholarship; Spencer Maxwell (University of Toledo) - University of Toledo Basic Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Eric Mays
(The Ohio State University) - Miamisburg Wee Vikes Scholarship, MCYBSA/Viking Heating & Air Scholarship, University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship,
Believe In Ohio Award; Chad McCoy (University of Cincinnati) - Mark Twain Elementary School PTA Scholarship, Class of 1945 Scholarship, University of Cincinnati University Scholarship, University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Alyssa McGuire (Sinclair Community
College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Austin McKinney (Sinclair Community College); Michael McLaughlin (Columbus State Community College); Dylan McManus (Wright State University) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Joseph Meadows (The Ohio State University) - Bear
Elementary School PTO Scholarship, Dr. Jane Chance Education Scholarship, American Legion Post 165 Scholarship; Trenton Miller (Ohio University) - DaytonMontgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Shantle Milner (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College
Tech Prep Scholarship; Chad Mize (University of Toledo) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship;
DeVaughn Monroe (Wright State University); Christopher Moore (Sinclair Community College) - West Virginia University Blue and Gold Scholarship; Chase
Mowery (Sinclair Community College); Rylie Myers (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Presidential Scholarship, National Technical
Honor Society Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Sarah Neiderman (Simmon’s College) - Simmon's College Dean's Scholarship;
Jonathan Nguyen (The Ohio State University) - University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship; Alexander O'Connor (Wittenberg University - College Prep
Challenge Scholarship, Wittenberg University Provost Award, University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship, Believe In Ohio Award; Carson Oehler (Ohio
University) - Carole Grant Memorial Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship;
Desmond Ogbebor (University of Toledo) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Zackory Oliver (Wright
State University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Katelyn Ooten (University of Kentucky) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship;
Brayden Osborne (University of Cincinnati) - Ruth Conner Memorial Scholarship, Retired Miamisburg School Employees' Scholarship, Jenna Parlette Memorial
Gift, Franklin B. Walter Scholarship, University of Cincinnati University Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Provost Scholarship, University of Cincinnati CEAS
Award, Ohio Elks Association Educational Grant; Lloyd Osborne (Baldwin Wallace University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Abigail Pacovsky
(Charleston Southern University) - Charleston Southern University Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Academic Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County
Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Isabel Padovani (Otterbein University) - College Prep Challenge Scholarship, Miami University
Bridges Program for Excellence Scholarship, Miami University Redhawk Excellence Scholarship, Otterbein University President's Scholar Award, Otterbein University Ammons-Thomas Award, The University of Findlay Trustees Scholarship, Indiana University Dean's Scholarship, Indiana University HHSP Hudson Program
Scholarship, University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship; Evan Parker (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair
Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Rylie Parkhurst (University of South Carolina Upstate) - University of South Charleston Scholarship, Sinclair
Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jonathan Patton (United States Air Force); Mason Peacock (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community
College Tech Prep Scholarship; Rae’ann Percifull (Sinclair Community College); Shelbi Percifull (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College
Tech Prep Scholarship; Joshua Perdue (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jewell Pettiford (Sinclair Community
College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Elise Pevoar (Bowling Green State University) - Bowling Green State University Freshman
Academic Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Luke Phipps (Hobart Welding School); Ashley Pierce (Ohio National Guard) (Wright
State University) - Wright State University Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; John Pigg (Sinclair Community College); John
Pleasant (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jonathan Pollard (Sinclair
Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jessica Powers (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep
Scholarship; Makayla Purnell (University of Cincinnati) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jonathan
Quackenbush (Ohio University) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Mercedes Race (Sinclair Community College); Jenna Randolph
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The Viking Voice
(University of Cincinnati) - Class of 1962 Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College
Tech Prep Scholarship; Christopher Reategui (The Ohio State University) - University of Dayton Dean's Merit Scholarship,
Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Casey Reazin (Miami University) Schmidt Family Scholarship, Hieronymus Scholarship, Madolin Elizabeth and Sid Hagan Athletic Scholarship, Miami University
Academic Scholarship, Miami University Music Scholarship, University of Cincinnati University Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Music Education Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Percussion Scholarship, Indiana University Academic Scholarship,
Believe In Ohio Award; Kent Reeser (University of Indianapolis) - MCYBSA/Viking Heating & Air Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Ryley Regan (University of Cincinnati) - O'Donnel Wrestling Scholarship, Sinclair Community
College Tech Prep Scholarship; Bryan Reichel (Eastern Michigan University); Corey Reichel (University of Dayton) - University
of Dayton Dean's Merit Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jordan Reichel (Eastern Michigan University) - Eastern Michigan University Emerald Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship; Austin Reule (University of Cincinnati) - University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, University of Cincinnati CEAS Award, University of
Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Dylan Richey (United States
Army); Benjamin Ridenbaugh (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Makayla Riley (Miami University of
Middletown) - Miami University of Middletown Dr. James R. Myers Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep
Scholarship; Catherine Rion (Wright State University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Christine Rion (Wright State University) - Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship; Dorian Robison (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Celina Rodriguez (Sinclair Community
College) - Sinclair Community College College Promise Scholarship, Clay Mathille Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Patrick Rooks (Clark
State Community College); Natalie Rosado (University of Toledo) - University of Toledo Merit Scholarship; Perla Rosales (Sinclair Community College) - DaytonMontgomery County Scholarship; Nathan Rosenwald (University of Dayton) - University of Dayton Father Chaminade Scholarship, Sinclair Community College
Tech Prep Scholarship; Benjamin Roth (Miami University) - Harry Gutheil Memorial Scholarship, Miami University Redhawk Distinction Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Meaghan Saettel (St. Francis University) - MHS Swimming and Diving Scholarship, Elena Perry "Grandma Alt" Swimming
Award, St. Francis University Scholarship; Islam Saleh (Wright State University); Dylan Sampson (Sinclair Community College); Ryan Sanford (Sinclair Community College) - National Technical Honor Society Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship,
Believe In Ohio Award, MVCTC Scholarship; Mason Schacherer (University of Dayton) - University of Dayton Father Chaminade Scholarship, Sinclair Community
College Tech Prep Scholarship; Austin Schepers (Bowling Green State University) - Bowling Green State University Academic Scholarship, Bowling Green State
University Music Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Megan Schmidt (The Ohio State University) - Dempsey Award, The Ohio State
University Trustees Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jacob Schoenberger (Ohio
University) - Viking Football Alumni Association Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; James
Schuit (University of Cincinnati) - University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, University of Cincinnati CEAS Award, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship,
Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Ryan Schwabe (Wright State University) - Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship,
Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; McKenna Schwartz (Sinclair Community College) - Jenna Parlette Memorial Gift, MCYBSA/Viking Heating &
Air Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Purvi Shah (Wright State University) - Wright State
University Raider Excellence Scholarship, University of Toledo Honors Award, University of Toledo OSEA Departmental Award, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Michael Shock (Sinclair Community College); Nijmeh Shteiwi (Sinclair Community College); Tyler Sidenstick (University of Dayton) - Viking Athletic
Booster Scholarship; Courtney Smart (Sinclair Community College); Albert Smith (Sinclair Community College); Jordan Smith (Sinclair Community College);
Kaitlyn Smith (Eastern Kentucky University) - Eastern Kentucky University Trailblazer Scholarship, Eastern Kentucky University Over the River Scholarship;
Madison Smith (Sinclair Community College); Miranda Smith (Sinclair Community College); Summer Smith (Sinclair Community College); Benjamin Sorg
(Miami University) - Richard C. "Dick" Church Jr. Scholarship, Bill Toadvine Memorial Scholarship, Miami University Academic Scholarship, University of Cincinnati
University Scholarship, University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship, Hieronymus Family Fund Scholarship; Ryan Speck (Sinclair Community College);
Sabrina Spicer (Sinclair Community College); Bailey Staggs (Sinclair Community College); Logan Stamcoff (Tyler Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship; Jacob Stanley (Sinclair Community College); Jacob Stapleton (University of North Carolina Wilmington) - Dayton-Montgomery County
Scholarship; Nicholas Statzer (University of Cincinnati) - Medlar View Elementary School PTO Scholarship, Helen Reed Memorial Scholarship, University of
Cincinnati CEAS Award, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, University of Dayton President's Merit Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship,
Believe In Ohio Award; Madison Stebbins (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Haley Stunich (Eastern Kentucky University)
- Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship; Isabella Suglio (Kent State University) - Kent State University Trustee Scholarship, Kent State
University Oscar Ritchie Memorial Scholarship, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair
Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Stephen Sumner (Mt. Vernon Nazarene University) - Mt. Vernon Nazarene University Scholarship; Michael Swift
(United States Navy); Jordan Tallet (Army National Guard) (Ohio University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Michelia Tanner (Malone University) Malone University Athletic Scholarship; Miranda Tarjan (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Antoinette Taylor (Wright State
University) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Jordan Taylor (Sinclair Community College); Evan
Teaney (Sinclair Community College); Jonathan Thomas (Sinclair Community College); Paige Trentman (The Ohio State University) - Jansen Myers Memorial
Scholarship; Morgan Turner (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Sarah
Turton (University of Cincinnati); Averie Vongsy (Ohio University) - Miamisburg Middle School PTO Scholarship, Miamisburg Wee Vikes Scholarship, Ohio
University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Gabrielle Wacker (Sinclair Community College) Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Louis Wasoski (University of Dayton) - Mattelyn Magill Survivor Scholarship, Dr. Jane Chance Education Scholarship,
American Legion Post 165 Scholarship, Buff Weidner Memorial Scholarship, The Dennis "HUD" Critzer Memorial Scholarship, Billy Stevens - Big Brother Memorial
Award, Ohio University Ohio Signature Awards Program Scholarship, University of Dayton Dean's Merit Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Kaitlin Weir (University of Toledo) - Joanna Weglage Scholarship, Helen Reed Memorial Scholarship, University of Toledo Academic Scholarship, University of Cincinnati Century Scholarship, University of Dayton Trustees' Merit Scholarship; Blake Weisgarber (Sinclair Community College) - Dayton-Montgomery
County Scholarship; Alex Welch (Wright State University) - Merle Williams/Lions Club Award, Wright State University School of Music Scholarship; Devin Wells
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(Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Lindsay Welton (School of Advertising Art)
- School of Advertising Art Portfolio Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Nolan Wheeler (Muskingum
University) - Muskingum University Academic Scholarship; Allyson Whitaker (Bowling Green State University) - Bowling
Green State University Academic Scholarship; Alexus White (Creative Images); Dakota White (Sinclair Community College);
Terrence Wiley (Sinclair Community College); Jayme Williams (United States Marine Corps); Mia Williams (The Ohio State
University) - Jenna Parlette Memorial Scholarship, Pace University Scholarship, Point Park University Scholarship, Indiana
University Scholarship; Carly Williamson (University of Toledo) - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Kaitlyn Wilson
(University of Toledo) - Dr. Clifford Gebhart Scholarship, University of Toledo Honors Award, University of Toledo Scholarship,
Wright State University Academic Award, Miami University Red Hawk Excellence Award, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Ryan Wise (Wright State University) - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Megan Wittman (Miami
University of Middletown) - Miami University of Middletown Dr. James R. Myers Scholarship, Miami University TEACH Grant;
Russell Wombold (Sinclair Community College); Miranda Woods (Wright State University) - American Legion Post 165 Scholarship; Madison Worman
(University of Cincinnati); Virginia Worman (Sinclair Community College); Alixandra Wright - Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Cassandra
Wright - Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship; Sarah Wright (University of Toledo) - MCYBSA/Viking Heating & Air Scholarship, University of Toledo Merit
Scholarship, Sinclair Community College Tech Prep Scholarship; Zachary Yeazel (United States Air Force); Ryan Zech (University of Toledo) - MHS Boys' Soccer
Booster Scholarship, University of Toledo Regents Scholarship, The University of Findlay Scholarship, Wilmington College Scholarship, Bowling Green State
University Scholarship; and Aubrey Zunk-Sullivan (Sinclair Community College) - Sinclair Community College Virginia McNeal Scholarship, Sinclair Community
College Tech Prep Scholarship, Dayton-Montgomery County Scholarship.
The Miamisburg Secondary Academy is proud to announce the graduation of the following students: Charles Azbill; Dylan Branch; Mathew
Campbell; Daniel Collins; Kamen Firman; Cassandra Grasso (Sinclair Community College); Lea Horton (Sinclair Community College);
Fayth Hubbard (Sinclair Community College); Kara Kancevicius (Sinclair Community College); Cody Lemanski; Donavon Maynard
(Sinclair Community College); Heath McDaniel; Wyatt Mitchell (Maryland Institute College of Art); Samantha Penrod; Connor Smith;
Lyric Terbush; Steven Weigandt; and Jessica Zink.
When we started this school
year back on August 12,
2015, it seemed like it was
going to be a long year due to
the early start. Well, here we
are, closing the books on the 2015 – 2016 school
year. It turned out to be one of the better years that
we have had as a district and we are so proud of the
many accomplishments and achievements of our
students and staff members. Other than the first day
of school (one of the most exciting days of the year
in my mind), the three highlights of the senior year
are the induction of students into the National Honor
Society, the Scholarship Award Ceremony, and
Graduation. The National Honor Society inducted 92
juniors and seniors based upon their scholarship
(3.5 or better GPA), character, leadership and
service. Our seniors then went on to earn over $6
million in scholarship money for continuing their
education at the next level. Miamisburg High School
graduated 347 students with a very well run
graduation ceremony at Wright State University’s
Nutter Center. We received many compliments not
only on the ceremony itself but also about the
behavior and maturity of our students. This is a
reflection on the respect that our students and entire
school community have for the importance of
graduation. We are very proud of our graduates and
wish them well as they go into the business world, the
military, trade school, or higher education. We wish
them the very best and know that they will carry the
name of Miamisburg High School with much pride.
They will be joining the ranks of graduates before
them as Miamisburg Alumni, which has the longest
active alumni association in Ohio, if not the country.
We hope that they will become part of this association
and give back, as their predecessors have done. The
Miamisburg Alumni Association started a golf outing in
2014 to raise money to support various groups and
organizations in our schools. Among the recipients are
Destination Imagination, Teacher Mini-Grants, the
Vikings’ basketball program, and the newly resurrected drama department. Maybe you can join us this year
and continue to support these endeavors.
time to unwind and recharge, it is time to set goals
and prepare for the road ahead. Stay an active
learner by reading, attending cultural events,
traveling to new places, and trying new things. Do
not be afraid to take some risks and push yourself
– by stretching, we grow. We are looking forward
to the challenges that a new school year brings
and we are excited to see what new goals we can
As we head into summer, we should all take some
time to reflect upon all of we have done this year and
what we need to do next year to improve. After taking
Respectfully submitted,
We thank everyone for their support and continue
to strive to provide the best educational experience
for all the students entrusted in our care. I have
said before that the key to our being successful is
keeping the lines of communication open...which
works both ways. Please do not hesitate to contact
any of us with ideas, questions, or concerns. We
are truly grateful for the opportunity to work with
the young people of Miamisburg.
Have a great summer.
David S. Vail
Page 6
Viking Voice
Students and Staff In the News….
s summer begins and the
Treasurer’s Office starts the
process of closing the 2015-16
fiscal year and preparing
budgets for the next school
year, I thought it would be a good time to
discuss one of the district’s primary
revenue streams – state funding.
he Boys’ Bowling Team earned the title of District Champions and
advanced to the State Competition. This was the first time for the
Bowling Team to make a trip to State.
Three MHS athletes advanced to the State Track and Field
Championships. Jesaan Deering advanced in the 100 Hurdles, Tyrell Waters
in the 100 Meter Dash and Joey Gray in the Discus Throw.
MVCTC’s FFA Chapter selected officers for the 2016-2017 school year.
Brittany Dalton (Animal Care & Management) will serve as Secretary and
Marianna Lauofo (Veterinary Science) will serve as Student Advisor.
Miamisburg Schools had seven participants (including Assistant
Superintendent Steve Homan) compete in the annual Regional School Bus
Road-E-O. Two drivers placed in the top ten. Alisha Pugh had an 8th place
finish with 506 points out of a possible 725 points. Ryan Saettel finished in first
place with 652 point. Ryan earned the opportunity to compete in the State
MHS Tech Prep classes finished as runner-ups in three categories of the 2016
Tech Prep Showcase. “MHS - STEM Commercial” finished second in the Arts
& Communication - Media Arts 1 category; “Connect 4” tied as a runner-up In
the IT - Programming & Software Development category; and “Plaza Theatre
Website” came in second in the IT - Web Development/Interactive Media 2
The latest "Making A Difference" winners were Bill Issenmann (JCE custodian
nominated by Mark Twain staff), Jennifer Noble (Mark Twain teacher nominated by Lora Jenks), Angie Donisi (Kinder teacher nominated by Holly Deuser
and Principal Jeremy Saylor), Cathy Williams (Kinder aide nominated by Lisa
Walker and Sandy Saunders), Lisa Walker (Kinder teacher nominated by Pat
Mayhew), Austin Downing and Zack Cline (Miamisburg Middle School teachers nominated by Assistant Principal Sommer Mastronardi), Kelly Kinsey and
Michelle Leber (Miamisburg Middle School teachers nominated by Principal
Kelly Thomas), Maggie Critchfield (Miamisburg Middle School teacher
nominated by Team 8), Doug Shade (District Technology nominated by MHS
Principal Craig Morris), Tammy Lentz (Bear aide nominated by Molly
Mahoney), Gleda Byrge (Bear aide nominated by Bear staff), Debbie
Carmichael (Mound Media Paraprofessional nominated by Robyn Collins),
Dustin Wade (Central Office custodian nominated by C.O. staff), and Brenda
Hibberd (Board of Education secretary nominated by Heather Wright) .
Kinder Safety Patrol students who were recognized at the AAA School Safety
Patrol Awards Banquet were: Makaelyn Kreitzer, KelsAnne Lane, Karick
Moharter, Haley Mull and Ashleigh Wade.
District Students of the Month for the 2015-16 school year include Brody
Osborne (MMS), Issa McMillan (MHS), Macee Bell (Mound), Andy Turner
(Medlar View), Austin Culbertson (MMS), Halley Boeke (JCE), D.J. Eury
(Kinder), Tracy Donbar (Bauer), Shrinithi Sureshkumar (Bauer), and Brooklyn
Cotton (Mark Twain). Farmers and Merchants Bank awarded each winner a
plaque and a silver dollar.
MHS sophomore Ethan Knapp participated in the Mathematical Association of
America’s American Mathematics Competition 12. Ethan scored in the top 5%
of international test-takers for the second consecutive year on the 75-minute,
25-question, higher-level mathematics exam. Because of his high score, Ethan
was invited to take the American Invitational Mathematics Exam which is the
final step in the qualification process for the United States of America
Mathematical Olympiad.
MMS teacher Jennifer Harold, and MHS teachers Nathaniel Hatton and Sarah
Helsinger attended a day of training to learn about the DP&L Be Eᶟ Smart
Program. Each teacher received more than $500 in science equipment and
supplies for use in their classrooms.
We are beginning the second year of the
two year state biennium budget so I do not
anticipate any major changes to the funding
formula unlike previous years in which the state enacted a mid-biennium
review and changed many aspects of the formula. That certainly doesn’t
mean that it will not happen so I still have my fingers crossed. The state
funding formula is fairly complicated using factors such as student
enrollment, a 3-year average of property valuation, and median income to
calculate a state share index. This index is the measure by which many of the
components of the formula are calculated. Discussing each of these
components would be a lengthy process so I wanted to focus on the overall
results of the calculation.
Once the calculation is performed every school district in Ohio can be
described in one of three ways; a guarantee district, a formula funded district
or a capped district. A guarantee district is one that receives more funding
then calculated by the formula, the guarantee is calculated by increasing
funding to hold the district harmless so they do not receive less funding than
the previous fiscal year. A formula funded district is one that receives funding
that is equal to the formula calculation. And finally, a capped district is one in
which the funding calculation produces more funding than the district actually
receives because growth is capped at 7.5% for this year and next. Our
district is capped, which means that if the cap did not exist we would receive
an additional 3 million dollars in funding, and if all of the funding components
in place remain constant we will continue to be capped for the upcoming
school year. I wholeheartedly believe that the State’s ultimate goal is to have
all Ohio districts 100% formula funded, but this will take time to implement as
guarantees are reduced as well as the growth cap. We can only hope that
the current funding formula remains in place long enough to recognize these
Have a great summer, and please feel free to review the district’s financial
reports which are available on the website.
Social Worker of the Year
he National Association of Social Workers
Ohio Chapter recently announced the 2016
Regional Award Winners. District Social
Worker Sally Royer was named Social
Worker of the Year for Region 7 which includes Darke,
Champaign, Clark, Greene, Miami, Montgomery and
Preble Counties in Southwestern Ohio. Sally’s work in
the Miamisburg School District provides a tremendous
amount of support for our students and staff alike. She
works diligently in our community to form relationships
that help us to serve the diverse needs of our students. Community
Connections, the program she started, includes: Blessings In A Bag, the
District Student Mentoring Program, Thanksgiving and Christmas
sponsorships, Mother’s Mentoring Group, and a Clothing Closet. The
students and families in the Miamisburg School District are lucky to have
Sally as a resource in their times of need.
The Viking Voice
City Schools
received an
efficiency rebate in the
amount of $117,467.50
from Dayton Power & Light
(DP&L). The rebate is a
result of the district’s
partnership with DP&L,
Waibel Energy Systems, and the Southwestern Ohio Educational Purchasing
Council to reduce energy costs without the need for new equipment or capital
improvements using a program named On Board. The district achieved this
success by instituting energy conservation measures at the district building
level, which was monitored over a 12-month period, and through this plan the
district was successful in:
a. Reducing the district school building baseline energy cost from
$1.08 to $.92 per square foot
b. Reducing electricity consumption by 16.3 percent
c. Increasing the number of Energy Star approvable buildings from
two to seven.
The On Board program consisted of 32 school districts throughout the Miami
Valley which implemented energy saving measures such as reducing heating
and cooling based on occupancy, using energy meters to improve load
shedding during nights, weekends, holidays and inclement days such as snow
days and programming boilers more effectively. The Miamisburg City School
district was one of the largest saving districts participating in this program.
DP&L, to date, has given over nine hundred thousand dollars in energy
efficiency rebates to school districts participating in the program. Pictured
above are Waibel Energy Systems President Dave Waibel, Miamisburg
Schools Director of Business Scott Gilbert, Miamisburg Schools Maintenance
Supervisor Rich Baker, Southwestern Ohio Educational Purchasing Council
Director Ken Swink, and Dayton Power & Light Professional Engineer and
Certified Energy Manager Stefanie Campbell.
One Call Now is the parent notification
system used by the superintendent
and/or principals in case of emergency or to notify families of important
events. It is critical that phone numbers be kept current in all building
offices. The number that is called by One Call Now is the phone number that
parents/guardians provide during registration. Additional numbers can be
added through the school website, but the primary contact number must be
kept current at your school(s).
Supervision is provided for student safety and an orderly
school environment. There will be supervision in the lunchroom, halls, entering and leaving the building, loading and
unloading buses, and school activities. Students are to follow
the directions of all school personnel responsible for this
supervision, regardless of grade level or position held in the
school. NOTE: Formal supervision is provided 10 minutes
before and after school. Emergency procedures for fire,
tornado and safety drills are conducted in accordance with state regulations
and Miamisburg City School District’s Emergency Procedures.
Page 7
iamisburg High School students in the graduating classes of
2018 and 2019 participated in Ohio’s State Tests during the
months of April and May of 2016. Students performed a total of
seven (7) Ohio State Tests, also known as end-of-course
exams, earning graduation points based on their performance level on these
tests. The seven (7) required tests were Algebra I, Geometry, English I, English II, Biology, US History, and American Government. Each of these tests
were worth up to five (5) points based on the student’s performance.
Students beginning with the class of 2018 are required to earn a minimum of
eighteen (18) graduation points through their end-of-course exams. A
minimum score of four (4) in English Language Arts, four (4) in math, and six
(6) in science and social studies combined must be achieved within the total of
eighteen points.
Students are able to retake an Ohio State Test at anytime during a specified
testing window. As a District, we are recommending students scoring a one
(1) or two (2) on any test to retake it during the next testing window to attempt
a higher score. The next window for high school students to retake tests is
July 18-July 29, 2016. The District will not receive student scores from Spring
testing until June 30, 2016. Due to the lack of time between receiving scores
and the next testing window, you will receive a phone call or letter the first or
second week of July if we feel your child should participate in a retake of an
Ohio State Test during the summer testing window.
The summer Ohio State Test schedule is listed below. All test sessions will be
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon.
Monday, July 25
Monday, July 25
Tuesday, July 26
Tuesday, July 26
Wednesday, July 27
Wednesday, July 27
Thursday, July 28
English I
English II
Algebra I
American History
If you have any questions, please contact Stacie Moore at (937) 866-3381
or you can send an email to
Believe In Ohio Scholarship Winners
he Believe in Ohio program announced the list of students who were
awarded scholarships and awards at its 2nd Annual STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering & Math) Commercialization and Business
Plan Competition. There were 144 high school students from 44
Ohio high schools in 24 counties that were selected to receive $500,000 in
scholarships and cash awards from participating in the State Competition.
Scholarship awards may be used at any Ohio college or university, public or
private. As one of the goals of the Believe in Ohio program is to help address
Ohio’s “brain drain” challenge and to encourage Ohio high school students to
make their futures in Ohio, students who choose to go to college outside of
Ohio will receive a $1,000 cash award to be applied towards their education in
lieu of a larger Ohio scholarship award.
Believe in Ohio’s State Competition is the culmination of a process that began
with competitions at the local high school level qualifying students for a regional
competition. As such, the plans that were recognized at the State Competition
represented the top 2% of all student plans prepared at the local high school
level during the 2015-2016 school year.
Continued on page 8
The Viking Voice
Kathleen Bates - President
Published by
Miamisburg Public Schools
540 E. Park Avenue
Miamisburg, OH 45342
Sharon Angel - Vice President
(937) 866-3381
Christopher Amsler
Dr. David Vail,
Danielle Kuehnle
Tina K. Hageman,
Dale E. Toadvine
Continued from page 7
Believe in Ohio is a program of The Ohio Academy of Science and Entrepreneurial
Engagement Ohio that was developed and is managed collaboratively between the
two non-profit organizations. Together, these two organizations are teaching
students about the linkage between STEM and entrepreneurship, which traditionally
have been viewed as separate disciplines. These disciplines are the key elements to
foster innovation and job creation in the 21st Century. The Believe in Ohio program
was developed with the support of the
Ohio Department of Higher Education
and funded by the 130th Ohio General
Miamisburg High School had three
students who competed in the
Commercialized Plan category.
Sierra Bennett (plans to attend The
Ohio State University) earned a
$10,000 scholarship with her "Diabetic
Management Application". Junior Elijah
Borgman earned a $5,000 scholarship
with "An Algorithm to Reduce Noise
Cancellation in Visible Light
Communication" and senior Nicholas
Statzer's "Automatic Reclining Ejection
Seat" earned him a $1,000 scholarship.
Nicholas plans to attend the University
of Cincinnati.
Dates To Remember

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