...a Bond you can trust!
...a Bond you can trust!
...a Bond you can trust! www.bijlard.com Contents Contact Adhesives & Equipment page 3 Wood glues & Equipment page 4 MS Polymers page 6 P olyurethane Adhesives & Construction Adhesives page 7 Ankerweld page 8 Hotmelt & Specials page 10 Manual equipment page 12 Abrasive Technology page 13 Vacuum Technology & Tapes page 14 Imprint page 15 ABOUT US AND OUR ADHESIVES Bijlard International is an organization dedicated to the development, production and distribution of adhesives for the professional market. Since its founding in 1956, a loyal clientele was established. Many customers from the very beginning are still using our products to their full satisfaction. We only provide professional adhesives, tailored to the needs of the customer. We provide free advice on the floor and put forward possibilities to make production cheaper and /or more efficient. ANDRÉ VAN NOBELEN EASYPERS BV HAARLEM Dertig jaar geleden ben ik met de zaak begonnen. Op een dag stond Bijlard senior voor de deur, met een potje lijm. Of ik het wilde proberen. Natuurlijk wilde ik dat. Sindsdien werken we er mee. Het is gewoon goed spul, en ze bieden een geweldige service. Wij zetten hier per maand zo’n kubieke meter lijm om. Wij zijn de beste en de snelste loonplakkerij van Nederland. Betrouwbaarheid is dus essentieel. Hebben we technische vragen, bellen we met Bijlard, probleem opgelost. Daar hoef je bij die prijsstunters niet mee aan te komen. Dat zijn blikkenschuivers. Die weten nergens van. En weet je wat het is? Het zijn ook nog eens aardige mensen. En dat vind ik persoonlijk heel belangrijk. Wie ons bedrijf kent weet dat. Wie hier langskomt schuift altijd even aan, hier aan tafel. We schenken een goede koffie, mensen eten een hapje mee. De jongens van Bijlard ook. Alleen blijven die soms wat te lang plakken. ‘Als ikI think aanabout Bijlard ‘When Bijlard, ik is that Idenk, alwaysdenk think: here altijd: heb je die bevlogen Hague again!’ Hagenees weer!’ inspiring guy from The Customer-oriented, fast delivery and excellent service are in addition to quality and environmental requirements the main pillars of our company. Therefore, our assortment includes a range of environmentally friendly, unfilled, free from aromatic hydrocarbons and easy- to -use adhesives and sealants of exceptional quality. Bijlard International ontwikkelt en produceert lijmen voor de professionele markt. T +31 (0)79 3437538 info @ bijlard.com www.bijlard.com opzet Adv-EASYPERS.indd 1 27-07-2009 16:37:20 Bijlard develops and produces adhesives for the professional market. Contact Adhesives & Equipment CONTACT KIT High quality universal liquid contact glue, free from aromatic hydrocarbons. Heat-resistant to +70°C. Apply with a brush or comb. Based on neoprene rubber. CONTACT TIX A high quality universal thixotropic contact glue, free from aromatic hydrocarbons. The glue does not drip. Very suitable for vertical application. Priming is unnecessary. Heat-resistant to +70°C. Based on neoprene rubber. SPUITLIJM ROOD & TRANSPARANT A high quality universal sprayable, transparant/red contact adhesive, free from aromatic hydrocarbons. Heat resistant to +180°C. High initial tack and final bond strength. Sprayed with gravity cup gun, pressure tank or sprayer. Based on neoprene rubber. VERDUNNER Professional thinner and cleaner. For diluting neoprene contact glue, cleaning surfaces and removing adhesive surplus and cleaning tools. Go to www.bijlard.com for demonstration movies DIAPHRAGM PUMP FOR GLUE SPRAY On a tripod for spraying contact adhesive (glue spray) from 25L cans or 200L barrel. PRESSURE VESSEL ON WHEELS FOR GLUE SPRAY Pneumatic pressure vessel on wheels for spraying contact adhesive (glue spray). GUN WITH UPPER CUP FOR SPRAYABLE GLUE Walther Pilot III F gun with gravity cup for spraying contact adhesive (glue spray) Bijlard International 3 Wood glues & Equipment Houtlijm 1kd2 A high quality white wood glue D2 for indoor use. Dries transparently. Unfilled. Based on PVAc. Open time: ± 8 minutes. Pressure time: 1-2 hours. Houtlijm 1kd2 snel A fast drying white wood glue D2 for indoor use. Dries transparently. Unfilled. Based on PVAc. * Open time: ± 5 minutes. Pressure time: 5-10 minutes. Houtlijm 1kd3 A professional water-resistant white wood glue. Waterresistant conform EN-norm 204 D3 (DIN 68602 B3). Fast drying Dries transparently. Unfilled. Based on PVAc. * Open time: ± 8 minutes. Pressure time: 30-60 minutes. Houtlijm 1kd3 SPRAY A professional sprayable water-resistant white wood glue. To be processed with Bijlard vessel A12. Waterresistant conform ENnorm 204 D3 (DIN 68602 B3). Dries transparently. Unfilled. Based on PVAc. * Open time: ± 10 minutes. Pressure time: 20 minutes. Go to www.bijlard.com for demonstration movies PRESSURE GLUE FEEDER A8 WOOD GLUE Pneumatic pressure vessel 8 liters for the application of white PVAc wood glue with universal gun. Accessories include flat, swish, punch, groove, pin and hole, Lamello and spring bonding. Suitable for Wood Glue 1KD2, 1KD2 Fast, 1KD3 and 1KD4. PRESSURE GLUE FEEDER A12 WOOD GLUE SPRAY Pneumatic pressure vessel 12 liters for spraying white PVAc wood glue with Walther Pilot 90 gun. Especially suitable for spraying Wood Glue 1KD3 Spray and Wood glue V7. 4 Laat je nooit meer los Bijlard International Wood glues Houtlijm 1kd4 A single component weather and seawater proof white wood glue (D4) on a PVAc base. Dries transparently. Unfilled. It satisfies the following standards NEN EN 204 D4 and WATT 91 and is completed with the KOMOcertificate, ‘adhesives for non supporting applications’. Nr. 32936. * Open time: ± 8 minutes. Pressure time: 30-60 minutes. Houtlijm v7 A professional water-resistant stabilizing wood glue (D3). To be processed with a Bijlard pressure vessel A12. With a fast bonding time, guaranteeing an excellent form stability thanks to its hardness. With additive that prevents telegraphing. Based on PVAc. * Open time: ± 10 minutes. Pressure time: 20 minutes. RS 80 Classic Very high quality 2-component wood glue. For bonding structures and connections of many species which set very high demands. Based on resorcinol and paraformaldehyde * Open time: ± 10 minutes. Pressure time: 5 hours. RS 90 Liquid Extremely high quality 2-component thermosetting wood glue. Both resin and hardener are liquid and therefore easy to mix. Long open time. For bonding structures and connections of many species (including teak and iroco) that make very high demands. * Open time: ± 1,5 hours. Pressure time: 5 hours. CEES GOEDKOOP HOUTHANDEL GOEDKOOP DUIVENDRECHT De verklaring is simpel: mijn opa deed al zaken met Bijlard toen ik nog een jongetje was. Kwam Bijlard sr. op de zaak, nam hij steevast boterbabbelaars mee. Voor de jongens. Dus als mijn opa met die snoepjes aankwam, wisten wij dat meneer Bijlard op de zaak was geweest. Zoiets vergeet je niet. Onze onderneming, inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een allround regionale groothandel, is de oudste relatie van Bijlard. Mijn opa deed er zaken mee, vervolgens mijn vader, en nu wij. Maar die traditie alleen is natuurlijk niet genoeg. De producten van Bijlard zijn top, de kennis is enorm, de prijs is goed, de service perfect. Daar gaat het primair om. En om loyaliteit, de relatie die je hebt opgebouwd en het simpele feit dat je elkaar iets gunt. Die totale mix is bepalend. Zo draag je ook bij aan elkaars succes. En dat doen we wederzijds overigens met buitengewoon veel plezier. ‘Butter sweets’’. That is the ‘Boterbabbelaars. first what comes into Datthing is het eerste watifinyou mij mind sayopkomt Bijlard “ als je Bijlard zegt.’ Bijlard International ontwikkelt en produceert lijmen voor de professionele markt. T +31 (0)79 3437538 info @ bijlard.com www.bijlard.com opzet Adv-Goedkoop.indd 1 26-01-2010 13:43:31 UF53 a powder resin with harder based on low fuming urea formaldehyde (UF) resin, soluble in water. Used for coating of particleboards, MDF and laminated wood with veneers and films. For open time and pressure times see documentation sheet * Open time and Pressure time depend on the amount of glue used, wood moisture content, temperature, as well as structure and the porosity of the material. At your service for advice. ction Constru Sealer MS Polymers Construction sealer 40 transparant A professional clear, elastic, paintable adhesive based on MS-Polymer. For bonding and sealing of almost all industrial building materials and (even humid) substrates. Construction sealer 60 A professional elastic paintable adhesive based on MS-Polymer. For bonding, mounting and sealing of almost all industrial building materials and (even humid) substrates. cs high tack fast A professional, paintable, elastic construction adhesive based on MSPolymer with extremely high initial tack. For structural bonding and sealing of almost all industrial building materials and (even humid) substrates. Primer CS 60 Professional single component polyurethane liquid hardening primer. Specially suitable for the pre-treatment of wooden battens and for substrates, such as wood, stone and concrete. construction sealer floor Professional, elastic, single component, solvent-free floor and parquet adhesive based on MS polymer. For gluing parquet and/or carpet (not PVC) onto porous and non-porous substrates such as concrete, cement, anhydrite, wood, chipboard, board, HPL, metals etc. PATRICK LEERING Eigenlijk mag je zoiets natuurlijk niet zeggen, maar dat is wel het eerste wat in mij opkomt als ik aan Bijlard denk. Wil je een puur zakelijke mening, dan is Bijlard voor ons HET lijmproduct voor de interieurbouw. Baars & Bloemhoff heeft vijf vestigingen in Nederland en is totaalleverancier voor interieurbouwend Nederland. De keuze voor Bijlard ligt voor ons voor de hand. Het is een innovatieve onderneming, ze hebben een geweldig assortiment en gaan door met productontwikkeling waar anderen stoppen. Dat is wat onze klanten vragen. Bijlard is de absolute expert. En altijd toegankelijk. Dat is essentieel. Ze weten precies waar ze het over hebben. Denken echt met je mee. Dat maakt het verschil. Baars & Bloemhoff voert als slogan ‘inspirerend partner in plaatmateriaal’. We werken dus niet voor niets graag samen met inspirerende mensen en bedrijven. ‘ If you say Bijlard, I think ‘Als jeglue Bijlard zegt about with an identi- denk ik aan lijm met ty, fun and sociability from een gezicht, lol en The Hague’ Haagse gezelligheid’ Bijlard International ontwikkelt en produceert lijmen voor de professionele markt. T +31 (0)79 3437538 info @ bijlard.com www.bijlard.com opzet Adv-Baars-BloemhoffDEF.indd 1 6 Bijlard International 22-02-2010 14:10:04 Cleaner CS 60 Professional cleaning with excellent cleaning and degreasing properties based on pure propanone. Cleaner CS 60 is ideal for removing both wet and many dried glue residues Polyurethane Adhesives & Construction Adhesives PU-bond Professional, filling, watertight (D4) construction glue based upon polyurethane. (Sea) watertight conform NENEN 204 (DIN 68601 B4). Thanks to the enormous internal strength and minimum change of volume it gives an extremely strong result even without the use of clamps. Chargeable up to 140 kg / cm2. PU-Classic Professional, liquid, (sea)watertight, single component wood glue based on polyurethane. For indoor and outdoor use. For glueing wood and in combination with other materials such as metal, concrete and plastics. PU-TX Professional, thixotropic, (sea)watertight, single component wood glue based upon polyurethane. For indoor and outdoor use. The glue does not drip. For glueing wood and in combination with other materials such as metal, concrete and plastics. PU-TX Express Professional, fast, thixotropic, (sea)watertight, single component wood glue based upon polyurethane. For indoor and outdoor use. The glue does not drip. For bonding wood and in combination with other materials such as metal, concrete and plastics. Pu-2k Professional very high-quality highly viscous 2-component adhesive on the basis of polyurethane. Extremely suitable for bonding materials and / or combinations of materials which are difficult to bond; also for manufacturing compounds that need to be strong or that need to withstand extreme conditions. montagelijm classic Professional, rapidly bonding, flexible, filling construction adhesive free from aromatic hydrocarbons on the basis of neoprene rubber. Pulls no wires. High and fast bonding strength. Suitable for materials under tension. Good filling properties and elastic. Bijlard International 7 Ankerweld ® Industrial Adhesives & Aerosols Ankerweld is since 1962 well known in the global furniture and home furnishing industry. Besides aromatics and solvent free (contact) gluing the range includes some high-end adhesives for Aerospace & tunnelling. Ankerweld, get attached to it Better for the environment!! Lijmtank 803 Contact adhesive free of aromatics, based on SBRrubber packed in a ready to use glue tank. Processing without connection to a compressor with an optional hose and professional spray gun. An ideal solution for working on location and in places where no compressed air is present. The adhesive has a high initial tack and a convenient dry and open time. Go to www.ankerweld.org for demonstration movies Lijmspray 0099 Classic -Mist Spray- Contact adhesive in aerosol based on SBR-rubber both for permanent and for repositioning bonds. De glue has a broad application area and can be used especially for bonding: fabrics, carpeting, carpet tiles, underlay, foam, cardboard, paper, polystyrene, textile, felt and isolation materials in construction and indoor. Spray pattern mist. 8 Bijlard International Lijmspray 0023 High Tack -Web Spray- Contact adhesive in aerosol based on SBR-rubber with a very high initial tack. Particularly suitable for bonding many furnishing foams such as latex, polyether and polyurethane foams. And suitable for fixing underlay, many types of carpet and carpet tiles. Adjustable spray-pattern. Spray pattern web. Ankerweld is a brand from Bijlard International Contactlijm 101 Liquid contact glue free from aromatic hydrocarbons with high content solids and long open time. Spuitlijm 2514 High heat resistant sprayable contact adhesive based on neoprene rubber. Especially for surface bonding of HPL. Due to its high initial tack suitable for postforming elements. Verdunner 901 Liquid free from aromatic hydrocarbons for cleaning application equipment and tools, and the dilution of Ankerweld contact adhesives. Anti-rafelspray 5920 Spuitlijm 2344 Red and neutral Sprayable contact adhesive free from aromatic hydrocarbons for surface bonding of HPL and many other plate and building materials. Spuitlijm 0023 Spuitlijm 0099 Spuitlijm 0044 Gietlijm 2921 Spray Adhesive (contact adhesive) based on SBR rubber with high initial tack. Particularly suitable for bonding many furnishing foams such as latex, polyether and polyurethane foams. Spray adhesive based on synthetic Impregnant that prevents from rubber. The adhesive has been fraying while cutting woven carpets, developed e.g. for bonding sisal, coco, etc. foams, decorative purposes both permanent and temporary bonding of paper, cardboard, wood, textiles Tapijtlattenlijm and various types of plastic. 6040 Speed Filling construction adhesive based on polyurethane for bonding carpet grippers and profiles on wood, concrete, etc. Also suitable for bonding most common building materials. Latexlijm 330 60% natuurlijke latex rubberlijm voor gebruik bij hard- en zachtboard, textiel, vilt, fineer etc. Bevat geen organische oplosmiddelen. Spuitlijm 0088 Spray adhesive based on synthetic rubber. The adhesive has a wide scope and is suitable for gluing upholstery fabrics, carpets, carpet tiles, carpet underlay, foam, paper, cardboard, insulation in construction and interior etc. Universal spray glue (adhesive) based on SBR rubber. Particularly suitable for bonding fabrics, flooring, carpet tiles, carpet underlay, foam (flakes, seats, backing material, etc.) High heat resistant contact adhesive specially developed for use on a curtain coater (caster) involving very large volumes of industrial production. Verdunner 901 T Mixture of solvents specifically formulated for use in Ankerweld adhesive cast 2921. Contains toluene. Go to www.ankerweld.org for different volumes and packaging WWW.BIJLARD.COM & WWW.ANKERWELD.ORG Bijlard International 9 Hotmelt hotmelt hg 90 / hh 103 Professional hotmelt in granular form for edge-banding machines (HG 90) and in cartridge for HOLZ-HER edge-banding machines (HH 103). Based on EVA. HPL-Primer Professional HPL-Pimer for HPL-edge band. For the preparation of HPL edge band. Increases the adhesion of the hotmelt to HPL- edge band when using an edge-banding machine. AD VOGELS DIRECTEUR SRI INTERIEURBOUW HELMOND laklijm v3 ‘Ik ken Bijlard al heel lang, uit de tijd dat ik nog in de houthandel zat. Ik was vertegenwoordiger voor de interieurbouwbranche, en vond het toen al een prachtig merk. Een schot in de roos. Waarom? Een perfect product, een enorm enthousiast team en een geweldige service. Toen ik ruim 10 jaar geleden SRI Interieurbouw overnam en van mijn eigenlijke passie m’n werk maakte heb ik gezegd: van nu af aan werken we hier alleen nog met de producten van Bijlard. Het probleem is dat de meeste leveranciers amper weten wat ze verkopen. Heb je een vraag of een probleem, dan heb je er meestal he-le-maal niks aan. Bel je Bijlard, krijg je wat je nodig hebt en wat je ook verwacht. Weten ze het zelf ook niet, omdat je bijvoorbeeld met nieuw materialen werkt, gaan ze het meteen onderzoeken. En vinden ze altijd een oplossing. Dat vind ik grandioos.’ ‘Bijlard? Een perfect ‘Bijlard? A perfect product, een team aproduct, very enthusiastic enorm enthousiast and great service “ team en een geweldige service’ Bijlard International ontwikkelt en produceert lijmen voor de professionele markt. T +31 (0)79 3437538 info @ bijlard.com www.bijlard.com opzet Vogels-DEF.indd 1 10 Bijlard International 19-04-2010 09:44:16 Professional varnish glue on the basis of synthetic resin dispersions. For end-bonding plywood, pine, chipboard or MDF on a flat surface of 1 - or 2-component (s) painted wood or melamine. Dispersielijm 12c Professional adhesive on the basis of synthetic resin dispersions for indoor use. For bonding soft PVC, hard polystyrene and polyester foil onto porous materials. Specials Mix-BOND 3.4 A professional very fast and extremely strong 2-component adhesive based on Methylmethacrylate. The patented mix-system creates a unique adhesive for most demanding applications. After curing the adhesive gives a tough-strong connection that is idiot-proof. End strength up to 300 kg/cm2 . Weather-,’seawater’- and chemical resistant. Free from solvents . Gap filling up to 3 mm. Open time 3-4 minutes. HANS MOLLEN HOOFD INKOOP INTOS INTERIEURMAKERS HAARLEM citronel Professional organic cleaner based on citrus terpenes. For degreasing and cleaning of many surfaces and for removing adhesive-, ink-, oil- and grease residues. ‘Als het om het verlijmen van materialen gaat kom je in ons vak altijd weer nieuwe combinaties tegen. De vraag is dan: wat is de beste kit of lijm om een duurzaam product te maken. Dat bespreken we met de mensen van Bijlard. Zij kennen hun producten, weten precies wat de mogelijkheden zijn en denken constructief met je mee. Het zijn geen verkopers, maar mensen die net als wij houden van hun vak. Noem het een chemische reactie, de juiste klik. INTOS werkt niet voor niets al zo’n 10 jaar samen met Bijlard. Wij hebben de ambitie de beste interieurbouwers van Nederland te zijn. Wat wij maken moet functioneel, mooi én duurzaam zijn. Of het nu voor het Rijksmuseum is, voor Schiphol, voor de gezondheidszorg of de bancaire sector. De ambitie die wij hebben kun je alleen waarmaken door op alle onderdelen voor kwaliteit te kiezen en dus voor Bijlard.’ super bond Professional high-quality 2-component super glue with activator. Bonds stuck in 10 seconds. ‘Bijlard? ‘Bijlard? Call it a chemical Noem het right een click. “ reaction.The chemische reactie. De juiste klik.’ Bijlard International ontwikkelt en produceert lijmen voor de professionele markt. T +31 (0)79 3437538 info @ bijlard.com www.bijlard.com opzet Adv-Intos.indd 1 15-04-2010 12:28:43 Bijlard International 11 Manual equipment Glue klebo Glue dispenser, with applicator Glue applicator for a perfect dosage and even distribution of liquid contact adhesive. Time saving 30% and 20% less adhesive use. For evenly dosed application of many glue species including white wood glue and contact adhesives. With grey rubber or orange sponge roller. Available in 72 mm, 150 mm and 180 mm. GLUE CLAMP (PLASTIC BASIN) GLUE CLAMP (METAL BASIN) The work piece can be clamped quickly and easily with one hand and then be unplugged. Highly suitable for welding and construction. winchester chilton professionele kitspuit luchtkitspuit professional mastic gun. Suitable for 310 ml cartridges Mastic gun on air. Winchester for 310 ml cartridges and Wilton for 600 ml sausages. GLUE VALVE Ergo 30 lijmfix The lijmfix is a practical glue applicator for quick and even application of glue on lists and slats. lijmklem spannfix An amazingly versatile lightweight clamp. For right-angle connections. LijmspaarbusSen Highly functional valve for use on the 30 kilos container. Advantages: no loss of adhesive, no more lifting, easy adjustable, spill-proof, less mess. Prevents dust and shavings in the adhesive. Easy to clean. maxifix superspanner The optimum glue servant for the woodworker. Available in 3 sizes: up to 1000 mm, up to 1600 mm and up to 2200 mm. Glue comb with wooden handle With three possible toothings No.1, 2 or 3. Glue container with brush which can be closed after use. 450 ml, 900 ml, 1,5 L and 3 L. Plastic blue glue comb nr. 1 Bijlard Lamello dispenser Turnkey solution for gluing fast and clean Lamello connections. 12 Bijlard International Glue Brushes Glue spatula blue no 1 Solvent resistant glue brushes Metal flexible glue comb NO 1 Abrasive Technology Bijlard is distributor of the Italian Sait Abrasivi SpA one of the largest abrasive producers in the world. Rolls, strips, deltas, small belts, wide belts, slices and soft pads. Schuur-net Bijlard Schuur-net is a fast, efficient and cost effective revolutionary abrasive technology. With Bijlard Schuur-net products dust and the constant flooding of the sandpaper are history. The patented construction consists of a fine network of polyamide filaments where the grain is applied to it. ‘‘Bijlard Bijlard lijm . . . glue… Pressure roller 10 cm For pressing glued hpl on the substrate, in order to increase the strength of the connection at the end. Vacuum Technology & Tapes Vacuum Tables Bijlard membrane presses (vacuum tables) are also available in different sizes. Press capacity Membrane type + height pump pump BVP-100 250 x 130 cm Rubber 0 mm 250 x 130 cm PU 500 mm Pump BVP-160 310 x 130 cm Rubber 0 mm 310 x 130 cm PU 500 mm Rubber = Natural rubber membrane, PU = Polyurethane membrane Vacuum Bags All vacuum bags are made of 0.75 mm thick transparent seamless polyurethane and include a C-strip + tube closing profiles. All other necessary accessories are available separately. Vacuum bags with different sizes can be customized Vacuum Pumps BVP60 Vacuum pump 6 m3/h BVP100 Vacuum pump 10 m3/h BVP250 Vacuum pump 25 m3/h BVP400 Vacuum pump 40 m3/h Polyurethane vacuum dim. 250 x 160 cm Polyurethane vacuum dim. 310 x 160 cm Polyurethane vacuum dim. 370 x 160 cm Vacuum Film and Accessories Vacuum film 50 mµ 1500mm. x 100m1, roll of 150 m2 Foam tape Duplex Vacuum Tape 2 x 12 mm. 22,5m1 white Vacuum Tape 4 x 18 mm. 12,0m1 grey Vacuum Felt 100 x 10 mm. 15,0m1 Vacuum Valve for film / tube Vacuum Hose 10 x 16 mm. complete 3m1 14 Bijlard International 0 ,82 x 19 mm 50m1 0.82 x 1 9 mm 50m1 2.05 x 2 5 mm 25 m1 2.05 x 1 2 mm 25 m1 Mirror Black 479 type 482 type 482 Bijlard CS 60 tape 12 x 3 mtr 25 mtr black masking tape SINGLE-SIDED 19 mm x 50 mtr type 583 25 mm x 50 mtr type 583 38 mm x 50 mtr type 583 Duplex Carpet Tape 50 mm x 25 mtr type 893 Carpet Tape 12 mm x 25 mtr type 899 Colofon Dutch Quality Our complete assortment on stock! Bijlard International Postbus 398 2700 AJ Zoetermeer The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0) 79 - 343 75 38 Fax: +31 (0) 79 - 343 75 39 e-mail: info@bijlard.com www.bijlard.com & www.ankerweld.org . . . laat ...a Bond je nooit you can meer los!’ trust’ www.bijlard.com CONSTANTIJN BAARS & JAN STOOP EIGENAREN VAN KRUKKERT-ATLAS ROTTERDAM Als hij belt roept Peter Bijlard altijd: When Peter Bijlard calls, he met je enige Haagse vriend! En zo is het. always with one and Humor.says: Maar de keuzeyour voor de producten van Bijlard is natuurlijk only friend from The Hague!een dat staat los van Andkeuze so itvoor is.kwaliteit, Humor. However, het feit dat we goed met elkaar overweg thekunnen. choice the products Defor prijs is goed, de leveringof is goed is en het assortimentaischoice groot. Bijlard of course zijn gespecialiseerd for Wij quality, which hasin industriële nothing verlijmingen voor de interieurbouw en to do with the fact that get de scheepvaart. Alles wat wijwe maken along well. The is good, is maatwerk, nietsprice is standaard. Deuren voor ziekenhuizen bijvoorbeeld the delivery is outstanding die stralingswerend moeten zijn, anddeuren the range is large. We die brandwerend zijn of juist arekogelwerend. specialized Dat in steltindustrial hoge eisen aan de materialen waar we mee bonding for interior andwerken, en dat geldt dus ook voor de lijmen. shipping industry. Everything Daarom werken we met Bijlard. we Onze make is custom Haagse vriend. made , nothing is standard. Doors for example for hospitals that need to be radiation proof or doors which have to be fire proof or just bullet proof. This requires high quality of the materials we use, and that also applies to the glue. Therefore we use Bijlard adhesive . Our friend from the Hague. “ Our friend from The ‘Onze Haagse Hague, that is the first vriend… thing that crosses your dat is het eerste mind when you think waar we aan denken about Bijlard” als je Bijlard zegt’ Bijlard International ontwikkelt en produceert lijmen voor de professionele markt. T +31 (0)79 3437538 info @ bijlard.com www.bijlard.com