OFFICERS’ MEETING AGENDA April 28, 2015, Start Time: 6:00PM Call to Order – Gwyn Harshaw, President - 6:00PM – Open Forum Meeting starts at 6:00pm. The first 15 minutes may be used for an open forum for members who wish to comment on issues of concern or describe union victories in their workplace (maximum of 2 minutes addressing items not on the agenda except under special circumstances). Meeting will start when all speakers are completed or at 6:15 whichever comes sooner. If members arrive before 6:15 and the general meeting has begun, it will be suspended for the members’ comments. If Board action is requested, the Board may place the matter on a future agenda. All statements that require a response will be referred to staff for reply in writing. Responses to Last Officers’ Meeting Open Forum Issues 1. None Roll Call – 6:15PM quorum determined - (Karen Nakatani) Announcements: 1. Swearing in any unsworn delegates/trustees - (last sheet in the packet) 2. Executive Session at end of meeting – CWA Bargaining REPORT CONSENT AGENDA: If there is anything you wish to discuss prior to approval of Motion A, please pull the item from the Agenda for discussion. What is not pulled from the Consent Agenda is considered approved without discussion when Motion A is passed. Motion A – Report Consent Agenda Approval - (pages 3-4) 1. Approval of Officers’ Meeting Minutes – February 24, 2015 - (pages 5-8) 2. Budget & Finance Committee Reports – April 15, 2015 - (pages 9-32) 3. Good & Welfare Committee Expenditures Report – April 2015 – none Any Requests for Assistance – please send them to both RoseAnn Dominguez at and Karen Summers at RoseAnn Dominguez, Treasurer – Report on the SEIU Finance Conference. Written Reports & Correspondence Requiring no Action by the Officers – They may be pulled for discussion if desired. 1. Officers’ Reports 1st Vice President Report - (none) Education and Training Report - (none) Organizing Report - pages 33-34) Communications Report - (none) IT Report - (pages 35-36) Admin/Building Report - (none) PAC/PAC Totals Report - (pages 37-38) Trustee Report - (none) Caucus Reports - (none) Industry and Committee Reports Nurse Alliance Report - (none) Correspondence - (none) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 of 53 Motion B – Political Consent Agenda – B/1-B/2 - (pages 39-44) Thank you from April Verrett on behalf of Jesus “Chuy” Garcia Mayoral Candidate for Chicago (pages 45-46) Items Pulled from the Consent Agenda or the Report Consent Agenda Pulled Items from the Consent Agenda 2. Pulled Items from the Report Consent Agenda 3. Other Oral Reports 1. President’s Report: President Gwyn Harshaw 1. Oral Report on the AFRAM Conference Chief Elected Officer Report: Luisa Blue 1. Any Updates - (oral) a. Immigration Reform Update b. IHSS – Homecare Update c. Fresno County d. Fight for $15 - (pages 47-50) e. SEIU Racial Justice Task Force f. SEIU AAPI Leadership Summit - (pages 51-52) New Business 1. Unfinished Business 1. none Informational Items 1. The MBCLC has informed its delegates about its finances as of the April 1, 2015 meeting and per capita payments are again being mailed to the MBCLC. Adjournment LB: kns SEIU 521 CTW/CLC 2 of 53 SEIU Local 521 Officers’ Motion * Motion Letter: A Date: April 28, 2015 Motion Title: Report Consent Agenda The Following Reports have been placed on the REPORT CONSENT AGENDA for approval/confirmation without discussion. If you wish discussion pull the report from the REPORT CONSENT AGENDA – NO Motion is required to remove a report from the Report Consent Agenda. Committee Reports Requiring Approval/Confirmation: (as noted below) 1. Approval of the Minutes for the Officers’ Meeting of February 24, 2015 (pages 5-8) 2. Budget & Finance Committee Report – RoseAnn Dominguez, Local 521 Treasurer April 15, 2015 Meeting – 2015 Approved General Fund and Organizing Budgets - (page 9-14); The Committee reviewed the February, 2015 Financials (page 15-30). They asked a few questions. B&F Item 1 – Approved - the February 2015 Financials as presented - (page 31-32) 3. Good and Welfare Committee Report – donations in April 2015 none. Please submit all Good & Welfare requests to both RoseAnn Dominguez and Karen Summers. * Motion A: To approve/confirm as presented ALL Reports on the Report Consent Agenda EXCEPT those pulled and listed below which will be held for discussion: Follow Up: LB:kns SEIU 521 CTW/CLC 3 of 53 Moved by:__________________________ __ Second :____________________________ Pulled:______________________________________________________________ Votes in Favor:____________ Votes Opposed:___________ Abstentions:_____________ Motion: Carries Fails: Tabled Until: Date:_________ Signatures ____________________________________________ LB:kns SEIU 521 CTW/CLC 4 of 53 Minutes February 24, 2015 – Officers’ Meeting Call to Order: by President Gwyn Harshaw at 6:05pm. Officers Roll Call in Attendance on Video Conference or Teleconference: Muriel Frederick Region 1 VP Gwyn Harshaw President Matt Nathanson Region 2 VP RoseAnn Dominguez Treasurer Alysia Bonner Region 4 Vice Pres Karen Nakatani Secretary Tonya York Region 6 Vice Pres Luisa Blue CEO Officers Absent: John Gutierrez First VP Executive Board also in attendance on Video Conference or Teleconference: Rudy Plaza Bakersfield Javier Sanchez Salinas Myrna Bravo Phone Jennifer Jensen Fresno Via Cooper-Whigham Fresno Local 521 Trustees on Video Conference or Teleconference: Connie Chew San Jose Local 521 Staff on Video Conference or Teleconference: Karen Summers San Jose Pam Rodgers Kelly Ferguson San Jose Andrea Hightower San Jose San Jose Local 521 Members in Attendance: None Guests: None Open Forum for Member Presentations:. None. Responses to Last Month’s Open Forum Issues: None. Roll Call and Quorum Determination: A quorum of Officers was confirmed as present at 6:05pm. Announcements: 1. There were no new Delegates or Trustees to be sworn into office. 2. After the meeting there will be Executive Session for the Officers on a Confidential Lawsuit filed against the Local and a staff issue. Report Consent Agenda: Motion A – Report Consent Agenda Approval/Confirmation. Motion: To approve as presented without discussion the following items listed on the Report Consent Agenda. 5 of 53 1. Minutes of the January 27, 2015 Officers’ Meeting 2. Budget & Finance Committee Report from the February 18, 2015, Budget and Finance meeting - Treasurer RoseAnn Dominguez. The Committee reviewed the December, 2014, financials. Questions were asked. There was discussion as to whether or not more current financials can be provided for the Budget & Finance Meetings. B&F Item 1 – Approved – the December 2014 Financials as presented. B&F Item 2 – Approved – 20 iPad Minis and 1 MAC Probook for general fund staff and campaigns at approximately $10,200, and 5 iPad Minis for organizing budget staff at approximately $2,000. 3. The Good and Welfare Committee Report – donations for February 2015. None Note: Any requests for assistance should be emailed to both RoseAnn Dominguez at and Karen Summers at karen.summers Moved; seconded; passed as presented. Written Reports & Correspondence Requiring no Action by the Officers Officers’ Reports 1st Vice President Report – none. Education and Training Report - none Organizing Report – in packet. Communications Report – none IT Report –in packet Admin/Building Report – none PAC/PACE Totals Report – in packet Trustee Report – none. Caucus Reports – none Industry and Committee Reports – Nurse Alliance Report – in packet Correspondence – none Political Consent Agenda Approval/Confirmation All Political Motions were approved as presented without discussion on the Motion B Political Consent Agenda. No motions were pulled. Motion B – Political Consent Agenda Approval/Confirmation Motion: To approve/confirm as presented without discussion the following Motions: Motions B - B/3 Moved; seconded; passed as presented. Motion B/1 – Contribute to the Tim Orozco San Jose City Council Campaign. Motion: To Contribute $500 to Tim Orozco’s Campaign from the Candidates Account. Moved; seconded; passed as presented. Motion B/2 – Contribute to Jefferson/Jackson Dinner (Santa Clara Democratic Party COPE Fundraiser). 6 of 53 Motion: To Contribute $500 to from the Candidates Account to attend the Annual Jefferson/Jackson Dinner on Friday May 11, 2015. Moved; seconded; passed as presented. Motion B/3 – Confirmation of San Mateo Delegate Seat at the San Mateo County Labor Council. Motion: To confirm the appointment of Jeff Weaver as delegate to the San Mateo County Labor Council. The Labor Council shall be notified of this decision. Moved; seconded; passed as presented. Items Pulled from the Consent Agendas for Discussion - none and other oral reports: Motion E – Monterey Bay Central Labor Council has not presented a budget or financial reports to its delegated for the past year. (Reported by Matt Nathanson) Motion: For SEIU Local 521 to hold off sending more per capita payments until the MBCLC produces an approved budget for 2015 and how expenditures (a financial report) were made in 2014. Moved; seconded; passed as presented. President’s Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. Matt and Gwyn have been attending Cost Containment Meetings for quite some time with staff. There should be a report at the March Executive Board Meeting. State Council Vision 20/20. There have been regular meetings pushing Vision 20/20 forward. IHSS – the workers are being moved to a Statewide Local in the near future. Gwyn has been working to keep all the fires that pop up in the local at bay. Chief Elected Officer’s Report: Luisa Blue Immigration Reform Update: Luisa reported that on February 17th there were protests for Immigration Reform throughout the Country and that the one held in Bakersfield/Kern County was one of the most effective where Kevin McCarthy was again pressured. She said that in 2016 the Latino and API vote will make a significant difference in the election and that Mi Familia Vota is working hard even now to accomplish this end goal. iAmerica is working to create inroads into the API immigrant communities – Las Vegas, Bakersfield, Fresno and maybe Virginia and Florida are targeted areas to develop and bring out the vote. Riko talked about the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Plan and the Statewide organizing plan around four planks: 1. Ensure success of the roll out of administrative relief – roll out of the Affordable Care Act in public forums. 2. Driving State and Local immigration policy victories – help pass laws to help immigrants - e.g. Federal AB60 to give immigrants driver’s licenses. 3. Make the threat real about electoral power of the Latinos and secondarily the API vote. 4. Leading within youth empowerment. How can SEIU Local 521, as a public sector and non-profit union, help support these planks of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Plan: Items 3 and 4 above – we can help by supporting the campaigns in any way we can. 7 of 53 Item 2 above – we can engage and participate. Item 1 above – since many of our members work for counties administering the various aspects of the Act, we can share best practices and help everyone do things better, easier and faster. IHSS - Homecare: Meetings of the 10 representatives from each of the SEIU homecare locals have begun. Our position has been that homecare workers and nursing home workers are united and should speak with one voice especially at a Statewide table. If consensus is not reached by the affected SEIU homecare locals by June 1, Mary Kay will implement the decision made in 2007 to have one long term care union and one acute care union. The Laborers Union tries to Raid Us: An overzealous Laborers Representative effectively tried to raid our members by aggressively pursuing an area of members in the City of Bakersfield. He and his local were told to back off. Hopefully, this situation is now resolved. City of Hanford Decert: An attempt was made and beaten back to decert the City of Hanford. The employer was involved in the election – a no no. However, we still won the election. There were 107 ballots cast – 4 were disqualified, 67 were for SEIU, and 34 were for the Association. Unfortunately, this may happen again because the EROs of the City of Hanford allow for decerts each year not just when a contract is open/up for renewal. State Council Organizing Work Group met in LA: The 20/20 Vision by 2020 work group met. The goal is a million SEIU members in California by 2020. There is an organizing plan to organize 400,000 new members in the private sector – SEIU is looking at private sector and non-profit clinics among other targets. New Business: Motion C – Purchase a total of 25 iPad Minis and 1 Probook MAC for approximately $10,200 from the General Fund Budget and $2,000 from the Organizing Budget. Motion: To authorize the purchase of a total of 20 iPad Minis and 1Probook MAC from the Capital Fund Savings Account in the General Fund Budget for approximately $10,200, and 5 iPad Minis from the Organizing Budget for approximately $2,000. Moved; seconded; passed as presented. Unfinished Business: none Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:14pm. The Officers immediately went into Executive Session with final adjournment at 8:27pm. One Confidential Motion, Motion D was passed in Executive Session. LB: kns SEIU 521 CTW/CLC 8 of 53 APPROVED SEIU Local 521 - 2015 General Fund Budget A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 62 63 64 65 1 of 4 B version 1.1 P W X 2014 - 12 months Budget 2.2 30,439,600 2015 - 12 months Budget 1.1 30,878,626 NOTES Headcount TOTAL DUES RECEIPTS 52,941 OTHER INCOME Interest & Dividends 3,600 SMIHSS Administrative Reimbursement Sublease Rent 67,000 B Misc. Income - SEIU Int'l subsidy A Misc. items spend from saving accounts Total Misc. Income 70,600 TOTAL GENERAL FUND INCOME 30,510,200 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES ORGANIZING OFFSET 4,025,172 SALARIES 5 Administrative 479,480 6 Admin Support 459,143 14 Directors 1,234,802 60 Internal Organizers/Research,CED,CESA,Pol 4,363,184 20 Clerical 1,090,419 2 Facilities 97,057 6 Data Base 301,619 A Special project - pay by other funding Temp. Internal Organizers/Research 75,000 Temp. Clerical/Support 20,000 Vacation Liability Cash Out 400,000 Total Salaries 8,520,705 113 PAYROLL RELATED EXPENSES Pension 1,444,627 Payroll Taxes Expenses 963,085 Consultant - Trainer, NEG 30,000 Travel Staff-Admin 50,000 Travel Staff- Internal Organizers 120,000 Mileage/Ins. Reimb.-Admin & Director 13,656 Mileage/Ins. Reimb.-Internal Organizers 135,641 Telephone Reimbursement 90,000 13 Retiree Health Exp 108,930 Retire Benefit Trust Fund 12 3,110,943 Benefits(Health, Dental, Vision,life,401K,Flex Plan matching) Workers Comp Insurance 280,900 Recruiting exp 8,000 Total Payroll Related Expenses 6,355,792 Total Salaries & Payroll Expenses 14,876,497 MISCELLANEOUS Agency Fee/Assoc. Exp. 504,000 Capital Fund Expense 12,000 Admin exp share w. chapter 12,000 4,000 Free Life insurance to members (SCR, MRY & BFL) Retired Chapter Fund Reimbursement Dodge Scholarship 15,000 Computer Database UnionWare 82,175 Accounting Software Gp 12,000 MRC - IHSS - 4 months only Total Miscellaneous 641,175 A ARBITRATIONS & LEGAL Arbitrations Fees & legal fees - representation 150,000 Retainer 258,000 81,575 52,941 Automatic Legal Defense Fund ($0.12 per member per month) Total Arbitrations & Legal 489,575 FACILITIES 1,515 75,259 76,773 30,955,399 4,199,761 479,480 414,562 1,255,641 4,452,371 1,053,009 93,775 328,091 all positions filled all positions filled all positions filled all positions filled all positions filled all positions filled all positions filled 75,000 20,000 119,756 cash out only 8,291,685 1,615,386 increase to 20% for 2015 969,232 44,761 189,440 membership drive 5,549 163,257 membership drive 77,057 112,658 12 3,125,759 health benefit at new rate 2015 242,308 8,000 6,553,419 14,845,104 720,000 12,000 12,000 4,665 14,465 15,000 73,841 12,000 same as 2014 same as 2014 same as 2014 same as 2014 same as 2014 863,972 191,814 increase 258,000 same as 2014 76,235 same rate as 2014 526,049 9 of 53 N:\Finance\Budgets\2015\2015budget1.1 GF1.1 111814 1/26/2015 7:45 AM APPROVED SEIU Local 521 - 2015 General Fund Budget A 1 version 1.1 2 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 0 119 120 43,305 121 122 123 124 125 126 B P 2014 - 12 months Budget 2.2 Rent-SJC 450,000 Rent-RWC 58,000 47,000 Rent-Santa Cruz, Watsonville & Hollister & parking Rent-Visalia & Hanford 20,400 Utilities 165,000 Kitchen Sundries 50,000 Gen. Liab. Ins. & Property Tax 170,000 Building Maintenance/Security/Janitorial 180,000 Total Admin - Facilities 1,140,400 W X 2015 - 12 months Budget 1.1 450,000 48,000 39,900 6,000 186,116 48,260 163,885 202,571 1,138,309 NOTES new lease at RWC increase same same increase HVAC & building maint. ADMINISTRATIVE - OFFICES Audit/Acct. Fees Subscriptions Office Sundries Office Equipment Leases Equipment Maintenance & Repair Contracts Contributions Research Material & Data Miscellaneous, off set by ORG Total Admin - Offices 460,095 110,000 2,597 90,524 177,514 59,220 5,067 27,985 472,907 COMMUNICATIONS Printing Paper Website/Station/communication Telephone & Internet & Tele conference Postage Professional Fees/Translations Total Communications 42,000 20,000 20,000 211,473 60,000 5,000 358,473 28,729 31,108 20,284 217,180 112,381 rate increse in 2014 3,372 413,055 110,000 4,000 70,000 192,000 70,095 3,000 11,000 CONFERENCES/MILEAGE Staff-Misc. Conf/Seminar Exec. Board-Conferences & Training Misc. Members-Reimbursed Total Conferences/Mileage 3,500 30,000 33,500 STAFF MEETING & TRAINING Staff / Director Training Staff - representation & political & communication Clerical Staff Executive Staff Tuition Reim.-Internal Organizers Tuition Reim.-OPEIU Total Staff Training 16,000 60,000 901 1,200 1,000 2,000 81,101 EDUCATION & TRAINING Steward & Chief Steward & Leader Training Executive Board Education & Training Committee Meeting & Materials Industry Training Events Total Education & Training 4,000 500 3,500 30,000 33,500 32,319 67,232 qtrly staff training 1,364 1,200 1,000 2,000 105,115 5,000 9,500 4,000 500 5,000 9,500 POLITICAL/SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT 123,657 Candidates, Issues, IE Account ($0.25 per member per month) Legal & Accounting 40,000 Committee Meetings 10,922 Conferences 1,000 Electoral Staff/ Activity 1,000 Polls & Surveys 1,000 129,915 40,000 14,951 1,993 1,000 1,000 10 of 53 2 of 4 N:\Finance\Budgets\2015\2015budget1.1 GF1.1 111814 1/26/2015 7:45 AM APPROVED SEIU Local 521 - 2015 General Fund Budget A 1 version 1.1 2 127 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 52,941 164 50,441 165 820 166 52,941 167 600 168 25,462 169 3,458 170 5,780 171 8,323 172 6,258 173 110 174 52,941 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 B Special Printing Total Political/Social Involvement P W X 2014 - 12 months Budget 2.2 100 177,879 2015 - 12 months Budget 1.1 1,000 189,859 NOTES SOCIAL & ECONOMIC JUSTICE Committee Meetings Conferences Contributions/Solidarity Caucus Activities Total Social & Economic Justice 5,000 350 4,530 80,670 90,550 MEMBER INVOLVEMENT Memorabilia/Give away Member Pride Awards/Recognition Ex Board Reimbursement Rally Rental & Bus Member Reimbursement/Lost time Transportation & Vehicle Expenses Total Member Involvement 30,000 1,000 2,000 20,000 2,500 12,000 67,500 30,000 same as 2014 1,000 2,000 40,000 IHSS, Kern & SCCO NEG Rally 5,000 22,081 membership drive 100,081 50,000 50,000 40,000 12 140,012 50,000 SCCO printed contract 80,000 IHSS State wide, Kern & SCCO 60,000 IHSS State wide, Kern & SCCO 12 190,012 30,000 3,002 1,000 40,000 25,000 1,000 100,002 13,153 3,077 1,000 15,000 2015 INTL St Louis Convt.-10p 100,000 officers election 10,000 142,231 REPRESENTATIVE DUES SEIU $7.65 ea SEIU Unity Fund $5.00ea SEIU Retirees & ChildCare $1.00ea SEIU/ State Council-$2.53ea Nurse Alliance $1.45ea So Bay CLC Jun/11$0.63,Jul/12$0.65 SMCO CLC $0.60ea Fresno CLC $0.45ea Bakersfield CLC $0.50ea, est. increase Monterey & Santa Cruz LC $0.55ea North Valley CLC CA Labor Fed 25% X .70ea, pd old rate $0.47 Building Trades-SMCO Total Representative Dues 5,200,378 3,029,220 8,952 1,719,864 12,180 174,166 24,559 32,076 49,938 41,032 1,320 16,452 3,600 10,313,738 4,859,984 3,026,460 9,844 1,607,289 10,440 198,604 24,898 31,212 49,938 41,303 1,320 14,929 3,600 9,879,820 TOTAL EXPENSES 33,005,168 33,199,825 TOTAL INCOME LESS TOTAL EXPENSES (2,494,968) (2,244,426) NEGOTIATIONS Printing Contracts - outside vendor Meetings & Supplies Strike Preparations Automatic Strike Fund Transfer - reduction to $1/mon Total Negotiations MEETINGS & EVENTS Executive Board Meetings Steward/Council meetings 521 Party & other events 2014-521 Convention/2015 INTL St. Louis Officer Election-2015 Industries & Members conference Miscellaneous Total Meetings & Events VOLUNTARY TRANSFERS Building Funds Strike Fund Total Transfers 48,000 48,000 5,000 350 4,530 80,670 90,550 remain the same as 2014 no change no change no change no change no change no change no change no change no change no change no change no change no change 48,000 48,000 11 of 53 3 of 4 N:\Finance\Budgets\2015\2015budget1.1 GF1.1 111814 1/26/2015 7:45 AM APPROVED SEIU Local 521 - 2015 General Fund Budget A 1 version 1.1 2 187 B P W X 2014 - 12 months Budget 2.2 2015 - 12 months Budget 1.1 NOTES TOTAL INCOME LESS EXPENSES & TRANSFERS(2,542,968) (2,292,426) 12 of 53 4 of 4 N:\Finance\Budgets\2015\2015budget1.1 GF1.1 111814 1/26/2015 7:45 AM SEIU Local 521 - External Org. Budget for year 2015 Version 1.1 Year 2015 APPROVED NOTES 12 months Budget Budget from SEIU Local 521 4,199,761 Expenses Legal - Organizi 28,200 Arbitration - Organizing Lost Time - Organizing / Wavers 29,072 Salaries - Organizing (23+2) 1,819,356 all position filled Workers Comp. Ins. - Org 63,677 all position filled Payroll Tax Exp - Organ. 218,323 all position filled 401K Matchering 54,581 3% matching for 12 months EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - Organizing 827,943 employer pay 100% Pension Plan Exp - Organi. 363,871 20% for 12 months Staff Recruiting Exp-Org. 10,000 Vacation Liability Cash Out - Org 34,988 all position filled=1/2 pay period Training Exp - Org. 1,379 Mileage reimb exp - Organizing 12,473 Vehicle Expenses 33,523 RENT EXPENSES - Organizing Telephone Expenses - Organizing 10,001 Utilities Expenses Office Supplies & Other Allocation - Organiz 4,280 Printing Expenses - Organizing 1,211 Postage Expenses - Organizing PT Organizing Communication Cost Expenses Referral lead/DATA - Organizing Professional Fee Expenses 1,043 Translation Expenses - Organ Equipment Leasing Exp - Organi Equip. Maint. & Repair -Organi Building Maint. & Repair -Organi Computer Database Services Subscriptions - Organizing 180 Travel Expenses - ORGANIZING 231,291 Conference - Organizing Rally / Bus Rental-Organizing 133 Memorabilia / Give Away-Org 4,116 Meeting - Organizing 10,909 Donation - Organizing 1,600 SEIU Int'l share cost 507,324 Total Expenses Net Income 4,269,473 (69,711) 13 of 53 N:\Finance\Budgets\2015\2015budget1.1 ExtOrg1.1 1/26/2015 7:46 AM THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 of 53 15 of 53 1005 1006 1006 1006 1016 1016 1017 1017 1018 1019 1011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total reserve Accured Vacation from EO to IO BUILDING FUND CAPITAL FUND GOOD & WELFARE FUND GOOD & WELFARE FUND LEGAL DEFENSE FUND LEGAL DEFENSE FUND STRIKE FUND STRIKE FUND STRIKE FUND CONTINGENCY FUND ACCOUNT NAME PAC - Issues PAC - Independent Expenditure 13 14 1002 1002 1002 1003 1003 16 17 18 19 20 AGENCY FEE AGENCY FEE ORGANIZING FUND Acc Vac ORGANIZING FUND ORGANIZING FUND ORGANIZING FUND Bank of The West #18986 Bank as of Feb. 28th , 2015 Unfunded Reserve Bank of The West - T- Bill Matures 3/26/2015 Bank of The West #18960 Bank of The West #33823 Monterey County Employee Credit Union Bank of The West - T- Bill Matures 4/15,8/25,5/21 Bank of The West #18895 US Bank - Olson US Bank - Olson US Bank - Olson Bank of The West #18820 Bank of The West # 28733 Bank of The West # 28667 Bank of The West - T- Bill Matures 5/21/2015 Bank of The West #28758 Bank of The West - T- Bill Matures 5/26/2015 Bank of The West # 28691 Bank of The West - T- Bill Matures 5/26/2015 Bank of The West - T- Bill Matures 4/14/2015 Bank of The West #18978 23 2400-00 Accured Vacation for General Fund Liabilities 22 2150-11 CLARENCE DODGE SCHOLARSHIP Unfunded Reserve 21 2150-10 RETIREE BENEFIT TRUST Unfunded Reserve and Liabilities 1002 15 MANDATORY SAVINGS PAC - Candidates 12 POLITICAL - PAC money GL# ITEMS DISCRETIONARY SAVINGS $ $ $ $ +/- reason $ 2,229,558.08 $ $ 2,194,328.30 2,166,647.26 27,131.04 550.00 5,441,348.20 N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\bANKBALBOARD2015 0215 3/13/2015 6:15 PM 2,203,128.04 adjust monthly to actual accural 25,881.04 + $1250 / mon, 549.00 + $1 / month 5,382,855.17 310,000.00 605,424.74 545,424.74 $60,000 accrual monthly 310,000.00 411,626.01 203,462.85 3,000,000.00 910,834.60 108,502.92 18,700.53 154.49 89,647.90 2,527,890.57 405,204.89 Accured time off - adjust monthly to acutal accural 203,462.85 CD with credit union, mature 8/28/2015 3,000,000.00 918,762.69 93,298.02 18,700.53 Olson Statement Reconciled as of 1/31/2015 (2,845.51) Olson Statement Reconciled as of 1/31/2015 77,443.00 Olson Statement Reconciled as of 1/31/2015 2,526,737.57 $ 57,225.33 150,330.32 76,199.93 53,225.33 Acc $4k per mon, 150,330.32 Vacation bank transfer between EO and IO 65,000.00 85,399.93 Accrued $1,000 per month 3,882.15 500,000.00 65,811.11 700,000.00 800,000.00 59,352.98 50,088.75 ENDING BALANCE as of 2/28/2015 DOCUMENT # 1 65,000.00 3,882.15 500,000.00 59,458.11 Accrued $0.12 per month per member, Lum 700,000.00 800,000.00 59,352.98 50,088.75 ENDING BALANCE as of 1/31/2015 Bank Balance on Saving and Investment accounts SEIU Local 521 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 16 of 53 DOC# 2 A B C D E F G H I SEIU LOCAL 521 Income Statement - Current and YTD For the Two Months Ending Saturday, February 28, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Jan 6 Actual Budget Actual 2,793,332 2,573,219 2,412,592 Feb Notes Y-T-D Better/(Worse) Budget Actual Better/(Worse) 5,146,438 5,205,924 7 8 TOTAL DUES RECEIPTS (160,627) 59,486 9 10 OTHER INCOME 11 Interest & Dividends 12 Sublease Rent 13 Misc. Income - SEIU Int'l Subsidy 14 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 5,806 19,600 126 182 6,272 5,479 56 (793) 253 182 (71) 12,543 11,285 (1,258) - - - 19,600 19,600 25,406 6,398 5,661 (737) 12,796 - 31,067 18,271 2,818,738 2,579,617 2,418,253 (161,364) 5,159,234 5,236,991 77,757 349,980 349,980 349,980 699,960 699,960 INTL COPE Grant 15 16 TOTAL GENERAL FUND INCOME 17 18 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES 19 ORGANIZING OFFSET - - 20 21 SALARIES 22 Administrative 29,774 36,883 29,454 7,429 73,766 59,228 23 Admin Support 32,069 31,889 31,845 44 63,779 63,914 24 Directors 25 Internal Organizers/Research 26 Clerical 27 Facilities 28 Data Base Services 29 Temp. Internal Organizers/Research 14,538 Beth position fund by ext org vacant positions 9,950 1 vacant at temp position 83,187 96,588 82,627 13,961 193,176 165,814 27,362 320,083 342,490 326,751 15,739 684,980 646,834 38,146 75,834 81,001 76,217 4,784 162,001 152,051 7,441 7,213 7,314 14,427 14,755 22,667 25,238 22,401 2,837 50,476 45,068 5,408 4,156 6,250 15,803 (9,553) 12,500 19,959 (7,459) (101) (328) 30 Temp. Clerical/Support 2,385 1,667 4,381 (2,714) 3,333 6,766 (3,433) 31 Vacation & Comp Time 4,410 9,980 24,030 (14,050) 19,959 28,440 (8,481) 582,006 639,199 620,823 1,278,397 1,202,829 75,568 32 TOTAL SALARIES 18,376 GOW position funded by Ext Org temp on 1 vacant position actual cash out - 33 34 PAYROLL RELATED 35 Pension 36 Payroll Taxes 110,964 124,260 112,584 11,676 248,521 223,548 24,973 88,673 74,556 60,056 14,500 149,113 148,729 384 37 Travel Staff - Admin 1,813 4,022 1,087 2,935 8,044 2,900 5,144 38 Travel Staff - Internal Organizers 6,524 15,787 12,376 3,411 31,573 18,900 12,673 39 Mileage/Ins. Reimb.-Admin & Director 352 462 352 925 704 221 10,720 13,605 14,318 (713) 27,210 25,038 2,172 41 Telephone Reimbursement 8,044 6,421 7,041 (620) 12,843 15,085 (2,242) 42 Retiree Health 9,177 8,666 9,081 (415) 17,332 18,258 (926) 1 (1) 40 Mileage/Ins. Reimb.-Internal Organizers 43 Retire Benefit Trust Fund 44 Benefits (Health,Dental,Vision,Life,401K,Flex Plan) 45 Workers Comp Insurance 46 Recruiting 47 unfilled position (135) TOTAL PAYROLL RELATED 1 - 110 - 2 (2) 234,431 240,443 234,052 6,391 480,886 468,483 12,403 20,028 18,639 20,028 (1,389) 37,278 40,056 (2,778) (1) unfilled positions 768 667 668 1,333 1,436 491,495 507,528 471,644 35,884 1,015,058 963,139 51,919 1,073,501 1,146,727 1,092,467 54,260 2,293,455 2,165,968 127,487 60,000 60,000 60,000 - 120,000 120,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 2,000 - 365 1,000 728 272 2,000 1,093 907 unfilled positions (103) 48 49 TOTAL SALARIES & PAYROLL RELATED 50 51 MISCELLANEOUS 52 Agency Fee 53 Capital Fund 54 Admin Exp Share w/Chapters 55 Free Life Insurance to Members (SCR, MRY & BFL) - 300 389 303 86 778 603 175 56 Chapter Fund Reimbursement 1,288 1,205 968 237 2,411 2,256 155 57 Dodge Scholarship 1,250 1,250 1,250 2,500 2,500 58 Computer Database Unionware 5,583 6,153 6,060 93 12,307 11,643 664 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 69,786 70,997 70,309 688 141,996 140,095 1,901 59 - - 60 61 ARBITRATIONS & LEGAL 62 Arbitrations Fees & Legal Admin 63 Retainer 64 Automatic Legal Defense Fund ($0.25 per member per month) 65 TOTAL ARBITRATIONS & LEGAL 6,174 15,985 26,915 21,150 21,500 21,150 6,353 6,353 6,353 33,677 43,838 54,418 (10,930) 31,969 33,089 350 43,000 42,300 - 12,706 12,706 87,675 88,095 75,000 72,678 8,000 8,608 - 6,650 6,650 (50) 1,000 1,100 (10,580) (1,120) 700 - (420) 66 67 FACILITIES 68 Rent - San Jose 36,339 37,500 36,339 69 Rent - Redwood City 4,304 4,000 4,304 70 Rent - Santa Cruz & Watsonville 71 Rent - Hanford 3,325 3,325 3,325 1,161 (304) 2,322 (608) - 550 500 550 72 Utilities 73 Kitchen Sundries 10,653 15,510 11,271 4,239 31,019 21,924 3,169 4,022 5,865 (1,843) 8,043 9,034 74 General Liability Insurance & Property Tax 12,434 13,657 14,255 (598) 27,314 26,689 625 5,911 16,881 17,670 (789) 33,762 23,581 10,181 76,685 95,395 93,579 1,816 190,788 170,264 20,524 17,331 10,167 1,591 8,576 20,333 18,922 1,411 128 216 220 (4) 433 348 81 Office Sundries 10,087 7,544 7,638 (94) 15,087 17,725 (2,638) 82 Office Equipment Leases 12,354 14,793 14,780 13 29,586 27,134 2,452 3,225 4,935 4,758 177 9,870 7,983 1,887 73 422 76 346 845 149 696 199 2,332 199 2,133 4,664 398 4,266 43,397 40,409 29,262 11,147 80,818 72,659 8,159 89 Printing 1,037 2,394 1,629 765 4,788 2,666 2,122 90 Paper 2,243 2,592 1,205 1,387 5,185 3,448 1,737 75 Building Maintenance/Security/Janitorial 76 TOTAL FACILITIES (100) 9,095 (991) 77 78 ADMINISTRATIVE - OFFICES 79 Audit/Acct. Fees 80 Subscriptions 83 Equipment Maintenance & Repair Contracts 84 Contributions 85 Research Material & Data / Tele Townhall 86 TOTAL ADMIN - OFFICES 85 87 88 COMMUNICATIONS 17 of 53 N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Income Statement 02150215 1 of3 DOC# 2 A B C D E F G H I SEIU LOCAL 521 Income Statement - Current and YTD For the Two Months Ending Saturday, February 28, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Jan 6 Actual Feb Budget Notes Y-T-D Actual Better/(Worse) Budget Actual Better/(Worse) 7 91 Website/Station/Communication 2,356 1,690 - 1,690 3,381 2,356 1,025 92 Telephone & Internet 1,977 18,098 32,912 (14,814) 36,197 34,889 1,308 13,978 9,365 8,893 472 18,730 22,871 (4,141) 125 281 - 281 562 125 437 21,716 34,420 44,639 68,843 66,355 2,488 352 2,793 2,186 4,635 5,603 8,050 93 Postage 94 Professional Fees/Translations 95 TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS (10,219) IHSS postage and other first class mail 96 97 STAFF MEETING & TRAINING 98 Staff/Director Training 99 Staff - Representation & Political & Communication 607 (2,447) 100 Clerical Staff 101 Executive Staff - 114 - 114 - - - - 102 Tuition Reimbursement - CWA - 103 Tuition Reimbursement - OPEIU 83 - 83 3,049 (1,480) 227 - 227 - - - 167 - 167 292 167 333 292 41 8,760 10,236 (1,476) 17,519 15,515 2,004 107 Steward & Chief Steward Training 637 590 1,183 (593) 1,180 1,820 108 Executive Board - 42 - 42 83 TOTAL STAFF MEETING & TRAINING 167 2,538 12,685 5,279 104 - 5,587 11,205 105 106 EDUCATION & TRAINING 109 Industry Training Events 110 TOTAL EDUCATION & TRAINING (640) - 83 51 417 648 (231) 833 699 134 688 1,049 1,831 (782) 2,096 2,519 (423) 453 743 111 112 POLITICAL/SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT 113 Candidates Account ($0.25 per Member per Month) 10,537 10,826 10,373 21,653 20,910 114 Issues Account ($0.00 per Member per Month) - - - - - - 115 I.E. Account ($0.00 per Member per Month) - - - - - - - 1,520 3,333 1,531 1,802 6,667 3,051 3,616 117 Committee Meetings 446 1,246 776 470 2,492 1,222 1,270 118 Conferences - 166 - 166 332 - 119 Electoral Staff/Activity - - - - - - - 120 Polls & Surveys - 167 - 167 333 - 333 116 Legal 121 Special Printing TOTAL POLITICAL/SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT - 83 - 12,680 332 83 167 3,141 31,644 25,183 6,461 787 1,730 224 1,506 250 500 200 300 333 750 (417) (1,373) 12,503 15,821 125 Committee Meetings 146 865 126 Conferences 200 250 - 127 Contributions/Solidarity 750 167 - 167 122 - - 167 123 124 SOCIAL & ECONOMIC JUSTICE 128 Caucus Activities 129 TOTAL SOCIAL & ECONOMIC JUSTICE 78 6,151 6,264 7,750 (1,486) 12,528 13,901 7,247 7,546 7,828 (282) 15,091 15,075 16 1,489 2,500 3,372 5,000 617 4,383 83 167 - 130 131 MEMBER INVOLVEMENT 132 Memorabilia/Give Away/Member Pride (872) 133 Awards/Recognition - 134 Planning & Event Prep - - - - - - - 135 Ex Board/Advisory Board Reimbursement - 167 - 167 333 - 333 136 Rally Rental & Bus 83 40 3,333 137 Member Reimbursement/Lost time 252 417 138 Transportation & Vehicle - 139 TOTAL MEMBER INVOLEMENT 1,781 - 40 167 3,293 6,667 80 - 417 833 252 6,587 581 1,840 1,550 290 3,680 1,550 2,130 8,340 718 7,622 16,680 2,499 14,181 140 141 NEGOTIATIONS 142 Printing Contracts 143 Meetings & Supplies 144 Strike Preparations 145 Automatic Strike Fund Transfer ($0.50 per member/mom) TOTAL NEGOTIATIONS - 4,167 - 4,167 8,333 - 8,333 1,040 6,667 1,502 5,165 13,333 2,542 10,791 - 5,000 - 5,000 10,000 - 10,000 - 1 - 1 2 14,333 31,668 2,542 (484) 2,192 4,258 (2,066) (264) - 626 (626) - - - 1,667 - 1,667 1,040 15,835 1,502 149 Executive Board Meetings 2,678 1,096 1,580 150 Steward/Council Meetings 362 - 264 151 By Law Convention - 400 Members - - - - 152 Industries & Members Conference - 833 - 833 - 146 - 2 29,126 147 148 MEETINGS & EVENTS 153 Miscellaneous - - - - - - 3,040 1,929 1,844 85 3,859 4,884 (1,025) 157 SEIU $7.65 ea 396,101 404,999 388,733 16,266 809,997 784,834 25,163 158 SEIU Unity Fund $5.00ea 247,370 252,205 241,375 10,830 504,410 488,745 15,665 465 820 354 466 1,641 819 822 129,744 133,941 127,177 6,764 267,881 256,921 10,960 154 TOTAL MEETINGS & EVENTS 155 156 REPRESENTATIVE DUES 159 SEIU Retirees $1.00ea 160 SEIU State Council $2.53ea 161 Nurse Alliance $1.45ea 938 870 967 16,221 16,550 15,411 163 SMCO CLC $0.70ea 2,436 2,075 2,453 164 Fresno CLC $0.45ea 2,759 2,601 2,736 165 Bakersfield CLC $0.25ea 2,027 4,162 2,120 166 Monterey & Santa Cruz LC $0.55ea 167 CA Labor Fed 25% X .47ea 3,400 3,442 3,496 1,215 1,244 1,195 - 162 So Bay CLC $0.65ea 168 Building Trades-SMCO 169 North Valley CLC $.55ea 170 TOTAL REPRESENTATIVE DUES - 300 (97) 1,740 1,905 33,101 31,632 (378) 4,150 4,889 (135) 5,202 5,495 8,323 4,147 (54) 6,884 6,896 49 2,488 2,410 78 300 600 - 600 1,139 2,042 - (165) 1,469 (739) (293) 4,176 (12) 110 110 110 220 220 802,786 823,319 786,127 37,192 1,646,637 1,588,913 57,724 - 2,503,106 2,664,365 2,557,420 106,945 5,328,729 5,060,526 268,203 171 172 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENSES 173 N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Income Statement 02150215 18 of 53 2 of3 DOC# 2 A B C D E F G H I SEIU LOCAL 521 Income Statement - Current and YTD For the Two Months Ending Saturday, February 28, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Jan 6 Actual Feb Budget Notes Y-T-D Actual Better/(Worse) Budget Actual Better/(Worse) 7 174 TOTAL INCOME LESS TOTAL EXPENSES 315,632 (84,748) (139,167) (54,419) (169,495) 176,465 345,960 175 176 VOLUNTARY TRANSFERS 177 Building Funds 178 Strike Funds 179 180 181 TOTAL VOLUNTARY EXPENSES TOTAL INCOME LESS EXPENSES & TRANSFERS 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 8,000 8,000 - - - - - - - 4,000 4,000 4,000 - 8,000 8,000 - 311,632 (88,748) (143,167) (54,419) (177,495) 168,465 - 345,960 19 of 53 N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Income Statement 02150215 3 of3 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 20 of 53 DOC# 3 A B C D E F G H SEIU LOCAL 521 Organizing Income Statement For the Two Months Ending Saturday, February 28, 2015 1 2 3 4 5 Jan 6 7 Actual Feb Budget Actual Y-T-D Better/(Worse) Budget Actual Better/(Worse) 8 9 BUDGET FROM GENERAL FUND 349,980 349,980 349,980 2,350 80,924 2,817 5,805 31,462 15,753 1,760 50 800 1,275 452 434 646 1,381 354 171 16,513 5,000 21 28,504 907 68 - 2,350 139,950 2,423 4,898 16,794 63,688 27,990 4,199 833 2,691 115 1,039 2,794 833 357 101 87 15 19,274 11 343 909 133 42,277 2,350 84,723 2,546 2,817 6,454 37,832 16,704 1,953 1,781 2,549 3,816 310 486 1,455 496 87 21 19,540 3,622 242 - TOTAL ORGANIZING EXPENSES 197,447 334,104 189,784 NET INCOME 152,533 15,876 160,196 - 699,960 699,960 - 4,700 279,901 4,845 9,796 33,588 127,376 55,980 8,397 1,667 5,383 230 2,079 5,587 1,667 713 202 174 30 38,549 22 686 1,818 267 84,554 4,700 165,647 2,546 5,634 12,259 69,294 32,457 3,713 1,831 3,349 5,091 762 920 646 2,836 850 258 16,513 5,000 42 48,044 4,529 310 - 144,320 668,211 387,231 280,980 (144,320) 31,749 312,729 280,980 10 11 EXPENSES 12 Legal - Org 13 Salaries - Organizing 14 Salaries - Org / Intern / Lost Timer 15 Part Time Exp - Org 16 Workers Comp. Insurance Exp - Org 17 Payroll Tax Exp - Org 18 Employee Benefits Exp - Org 19 Pension Plan Exp - Org 20 401k Matching Exp - Org 21 Staff Recruiting Exp - Org 22 Vacation / Comp Time Exp - Org 23 Training Exp - Org 24 Mileage Reimbursement Exp - Org 25 Vehicle Exp - Org 26 Telephone Exp - Org 27 Utilities Exp - Org 28 Equipment Leasing Exp - Org 29 Equipment Maintanence & Repair Exp - Org 30 Building Maintenance & Repair Exp - Org 31 Office Supplies Exp - Org 32 Lunchroom Supplies Exp - Org 33 Printing Exp - Org 34 Postage Exp - Org 35 Communication Cost Exp - Org 36 Professional Fee Exp - Org 37 Subscriptions Exp - Org 38 Travel Exp - Org 39 Rally / Bus Rental Exp - Org 40 Memorabilia / Give Away Exp - Org 41 Meeting Exp - Org 42 Donation Exp - Org 43 SEIU Int'l Share Cost 44 45 55,227 2,423 (2,546) 2,081 10,340 25,856 11,286 2,246 833 2,691 115 (742) 245 (2,983) (310) (486) (1,455) (139) (87) 101 87 (6) (266) 11 (3,279) 667 133 42,277 114,254 4,845 (2,546) 4,162 21,329 58,082 23,523 4,684 1,667 5,383 230 248 2,238 (3,424) (762) (920) (646) (2,836) (137) (258) 202 (16,513) (5,000) 174 (12) (9,495) 22 (3,843) 1,508 267 84,554 46 47 21 of 53 N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Income Statement - ORG 02150215 27 of 53 D C M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M A M M A M A M A M M M A M A C B 12 12 12 12 12 12 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 12 12 26 26 24 24 26 26 26 26 24 24 24 26 26 12 12 12 12 12 26 12 12 12 12 E REGION 1 Achievekids Achievekids - Agency American Red Cross Blood Services Northern California Region American Red Cross Blood Services Northern California Region - Agency Campbell Union High School District Campbell Union High School District - Agency City of East Palo Alto City of East Palo Alto - Agency City of Menlo Park City of Menlo Park - Agency City of Mountain View City of Mountain View - Agency City of Palo Alto City of Palo Alto - Agency City of Redwood City City of Redwood City - Agency City of San Mateo City of San Mateo - Agency City of Sunnyvale City of Sunnyvale - Agency Community Solutions County - San Mateo County - San Mateo - Agency County - Santa Clara County - Santa Clara - Agency Court - San Mateo County Court - San Mateo County - Agency Court - Santa Clara County Court - Santa Clara County - Agency Cupertino Union School District Cupertino Union School District - Agency Gardner Family Care Corporation Gardner Family Care Corporation - Agency Hope Services Hope Services - Agency Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara Housing Authority of the County of Santa Clara - Agency Humane Society of Silicon Valley Humane Society of Silicon Valley - Agency Law Foundation of Silicon Valley Law Foundation of Silicon Valley - Agency MACSA, Inc Momentum for Mental Health Momentum for Mental Health - Agency Morgan Hill Unified School District Morgan Hill Unified School District - Agency Orchard School District Orchard School District - Agency Peninsula Jewish Community Center Rebekah Children's Services San Andreas Regional Center San Andreas Regional Center - Agency Santa Clara COE Santa Clara COE - Agency N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Per Capita Analysis 02152015 A B 1 2 County Office SCC SJC 3 SCC SJC 4 SCC SJC 5 SCC SJC 6 SCC SJC 7 SCC SJC 8 SCC RWC 9 10 SCC RWC 11 SMC RWC 12 SMC RWC 13 SCC RWC 14 SCC RWC 15 SCC RWC 16 SCC RWC 17 SMC RWC 18 SMC RWC 19 SMC RWC 20 SMC RWC 21 SCC RWC 22 SCC RWC SJC 23 SCC 24 SMC RWC 25 SMC RWC SJC 26 SCC SJC 27 SCC 28 SMC RWC 29 SMC RWC SJC 30 SCC SJC 31 SCC SJC 32 SCC SJC 33 SCC SJC 34 SCC SJC 35 SCC SJC 36 SCC SJC 37 SCC SJC 38 SCC SJC 39 SCC SJC 40 SCC SJC 41 SCC SJC 42 SCC SJC 43 SCC SJC 44 SCC SJC 45 SCC SJC 46 SCC SJC 47 SCC SJC 48 SCC SJC 49 SCC SJC 50 SCC 51 SMC RWC SJC 52 SCC SJC 53 SCC SJC 54 SCC SJC 55 SCC SJC 56 SCC 1 of 4 Jan-15 97 1 47 1 63 2 23 11 86 204 106 52 384 270 216 18 115 68 35 8 146 884 669 8,272 1,028 128 46 508 7 174 17 127 14 77 83 50 12 17 11 51 2 258 8 24 2 57 79 209 8 765 524 F Feb-15 92 2 62 2 28 6 84 194 113 47 382 271 214 20 111 67 33 8 146 832 672 8,102 1,070 127 48 497 5 177 15 132 13 80 80 49 12 15 10 52 3 249 8 24 2 80 208 11 - G SEIU Local 521 Per Capita Analysis Mar-15 H Apr-15 I May-15 J Jun-15 K Jul-15 L Aug-15 M Sep-15 N Oct-15 O Nov-15 P Dec-15 Q 3/13/2015 AVERAGE 95 2 24 1 63 2 26 9 85 199 110 50 383 271 215 19 113 68 34 8 146 858 671 8,187 1,049 128 47 503 6 176 16 130 14 79 82 50 12 16 11 52 3 254 8 24 2 29 80 209 10 383 262 R DOCUMENT # 5 28 of 53 C D E B C 26 M Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority 26 A Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority - Agency 24 M Starlight Community Services REGION 2 24 M Chamberlain's Children Center 26 M CHISPA Housing Management Inc 26 M City of Greenfield 26 A City of Greenfield - Agency 26 M City of Hollister 26 A City of Hollister - Agency 26 M City of King City 26 A City of King City - Agency 12 M City of Salinas 12 A City of Salinas - Agency 26 M City of Santa Cruz 26 A City of Santa Cruz - Agency 12 M City of Scotts Valley 12 A City of Scotts Valley - Agency 26 M City of Soledad 26 A City of Soledad - Agency 24 M City of Watsonville 24 A City of Watsonville - Agency 12 M Community Bridges 12 A Community Bridges - Agency 12 M County - Monterey 12 A County - Monterey - Agency 26 M County - San Benito 26 A County - San Benito - Agency 26 M County - Santa Cruz 26 A County - Santa Cruz - Agency 12 M Court - Monterey County 12 A Court - Monterey County - Agency 26 M Court - San Benito County 26 A Court - San Benito County - Agency 26 M Court - Santa Cruz County 26 A Court - Santa Cruz County - Agency 12 M Encompass CS 12 A Encompass CS - Agency 12 M Housing Authority of the County of Monterey 12 A Housing Authority of the County of Monterey - Agency 26 M MAOF 26 A MAOF - Agency 12 M Monarch Services 26 M Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District 26 A Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District - Agency 12 M MV Public Transportation 26 M Salud Para la Gente Inc 26 M San Benito County Water District 26 A San Benito County Water District - Agency 12 M San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District 12 A San Lorenzo Valley Unified School District - Agency 26 M Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission 26 A Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission - Agency 26 M Santa Cruz Metro 26 A Santa Cruz Metro - Agency N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Per Capita Analysis 02152015 A B 2 County Office SJC 57 SCC SJC 58 SCC SJC 59 SCC 60 SNS 61 SBC SNS 62 MRY 63 MRY SNS SNS 64 MRY SNS 65 SBC SNS 66 SBC SNS 67 MRY SNS 68 MRY SNS 69 MRY SNS 70 MRY SCR 71 SCR SCR 72 SCR SCR 73 SCR SCR 74 SCR SNS 75 MRY SNS 76 MRY SCR 77 SCR SCR 78 SCR SCR 79 SCR SCR 80 SCR SNS 81 MRY SNS 82 MRY SNS 83 SBC SNS 84 SBC SCR 85 SCR SCR 86 SCR SNS 87 MRY SNS 88 MRY SNS 89 SBC SNS 90 SBC SCR 91 SCR SCR 92 SCR SCR 93 SCR SCR 94 SCR SNS 95 MRY SNS 96 MRY SNS 97 MRY SNS 98 MRY SCR 99 SCR SNS 100 MRY SNS 101 MRY SNS 102 MRY SCR 103 SCR SNS 104 SBC SNS 105 SBC SCR 106 SCR SCR 107 SCR SCR 108 SCR SCR 109 SCR SCR 110 SCR SCR 111 SCR 40 30 14 32 5 8 2 86 100 452 186 22 25 48 4 102 10 2,098 748 113 97 1,419 108 84 37 11 10 90 77 15 56 3 102 5 21 24 4 141 10 1 99 5 11 94 1 43 29 14 30 5 9 2 85 103 471 177 22 25 50 3 102 10 2,077 756 118 101 1,454 107 84 38 11 10 91 79 15 55 3 104 5 22 24 5 139 10 1 11 96 1 2 of 4 G Feb-15 247 4 53 F Jan-15 243 6 52 SEIU Local 521 Per Capita Analysis H Mar-15 I Apr-15 J May-15 K Jun-15 L Jul-15 M Aug-15 N Sep-15 O Oct-15 P Nov-15 Q Dec-15 3/13/2015 42 30 14 31 5 9 2 86 102 462 182 22 25 49 4 102 10 2,088 752 116 99 1,437 108 84 38 11 10 91 78 15 56 3 103 5 22 24 5 140 10 1 50 3 11 95 1 R AVERAGE 245 5 53 DOCUMENT # 5 29 of 53 FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT BFL BFL BFL BFL BFL BFL HJO HJO VIS BFL BFL BFL BFL BFL BFL BFL BFL HJO MAR MAR STA STA TUO MAR MAR MER MER STA STA FAT FAT FAT MAD MAD FAT FAT MAD MAD FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT KER KER KER KER KER KER KIN KIN TUL KER KER KER KER KER KER KER KER KIN 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 24 26 26 26 26 26 26 12 12 26 26 12 12 12 26 24 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 26 26 24 12 12 26 26 12 12 M A M A M A M A M M M M A M A M A M M M A M A M A M M M A M M A M M A M A M A M A M A M M A M A M A E REGION 3 County - Mariposa County - Mariposa - Agency County - Stanislaus County - Stanislaus - Agency County - Tuolumne Court - Mariposa County Court - Mariposa County - Agency Golden Valley Health Center Golden Valley Health Center - Agency Salida Union School District - Headstart Salida Union School District - Headstart - Agency REGION 4 Central California Legal Services City of Coalinga City of Coalinga - Agency Community Action Partnership of Madera Community Action Partnership of Madera - Agency County - Fresno County - Fresno - Agency County - Madera COMPA County - Madera SEMC Court - Fresno County Court - Fresno County - Agency Dental Source FASTA FASTA - Agency First Student Fresno Housing Authority Fresno Housing Authority - Agency Fresno Unified School District Fresno Unified School District - Agency Riverdale Unified School District Riverdale Unified School District - Agency REGION 5 Bear Valley Community Services District Bear Valley Community Services District - Agency City of Arvin City of Arvin - Agency City of Bakersfield City of Bakersfield - Agency City of Hanford City of Hanford - Agency City of Lindsay City of Shafter City of Taft City of Wasco City of Wasco - Agency Community Action Partnership of Kern Community Action Partnership of Kern - Agency County - Kern County - Kern - Agency County - Kings A B C D County Office B C SCC SCR 12 M Soquel Creek Water District SCR SCR 26 M YWCA of Watsonville N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Per Capita Analysis 02152015 2 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 3 of 4 22 2 19 2 509 241 105 28 7 13 13 38 9 250 39 2,812 2,111 23 43 20 8 71 49 2,719 1,207 55 19 224 34 3 321 425 204 91 26 476 87 51 8 137 81 474 50 19 8 461 15 31 3 F Jan-15 12 12 19 3 20 2 501 259 105 30 7 13 12 39 9 261 40 2,814 2,143 23 42 20 8 70 43 2,759 1,199 68 20 217 32 3 289 337 200 89 28 481 116 50 8 139 81 482 50 19 8 476 15 31 3 G Feb-15 14 11 SEIU Local 521 Per Capita Analysis H Mar-15 I Apr-15 J May-15 K Jun-15 L Jul-15 M Aug-15 N Sep-15 O Oct-15 P Nov-15 Q Dec-15 3/13/2015 21 3 20 2 505 250 105 29 7 13 13 39 9 256 40 2,813 2,127 23 43 20 8 71 46 2,739 1,203 62 20 221 33 3 305 381 202 90 27 479 102 51 8 138 81 478 50 19 8 469 15 31 3 R AVERAGE 13 12 DOCUMENT # 5 30 of 53 M A M M M M A 12 12 12 12 26 12 12 12 M 26 M 12 M D C M A M A M A M A M M A M A M M M M A M M M C B 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 12 26 26 26 26 26 24 26 26 26 12 12 12 E County - Tulare County - Tulare - Agency Court - Kern County Court - Kern County - Agency Court - Kings County Court - Kings County - Agency Court - Tulare County Court - Tulare County - Agency Edison Elementary School District Kern County Water Agency Kern County Water Agency - Agency Kern Regional Center Kern Regional Center - Agency Kings Community Action Organization Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District North Kern Cemetery District Public Cemetery District #1 Public Cemetery District #1 - Agency Standard School District Student Transportation of America Taft Union High School District REGION 6 IHSS Consortium IHSS Consortium - Agency IHSS San Mateo IHSS Santa Clara Institute on Aging/Older Adults Care Management Pathways Continuous Care Pathways Continuous Care - Agency REGION OTHER Child Care Providers United California Local 521 Staff & Officers Retired Members Chapter (521) N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0215\Per Capita Analysis 02152015 204 A B 2 County Office VIS 167 TUL VIS 168 TUL BFL 169 KER BFL 170 KER HJO 171 KIN HJO 172 KIN VIS 173 TUL VIS 174 TUL BFL 175 KER BFL 176 KER BFL 177 KER BFL 178 KER BFL 179 KER HJO 180 KIN VIS 181 TUL BFL 182 KER BFL 183 KER BFL 184 KER BFL 185 KER VIS 186 SBA BFL 187 KER 188 189 SMC RWC 190 SMC RWC 191 SMC RWC SJC 192 SCC SJC 193 SCC 194 SCC RWC 195 SCC RWC 196 SJC 197 SCC SJC 198 SCC SJC 199 SCC 200 201 202 203 Total Count Total Members Total Agency Fee Payers 4 of 4 53,710 44,023 9,687 485 33 660 23 13 2,390 10,832 151 62 71 F Jan-15 826 603 249 115 48 5 157 12 16 24 25 132 9 13 2 3 3 43 31 25 51,726 42,551 9,175 438 32 354 22 17 2,342 10,688 161 56 60 G Feb-15 886 630 271 98 48 6 156 16 18 24 26 135 9 13 2 3 43 31 24 SEIU Local 521 Per Capita Analysis - - H Mar-15 - - I Apr-15 - - J May-15 - - K Jun-15 - - L Jul-15 - - M Aug-15 - - N Sep-15 - - O Oct-15 - - P Nov-15 - - Q Dec-15 3/13/2015 52,718 43,287 9,431 462 33 507 23 15 2,366 10,760 156 59 66 R AVERAGE 856 617 260 107 48 6 157 14 17 24 26 134 9 13 2 2 3 43 31 25 DOCUMENT # 5 31 of 53 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 32 of 53 April Organizing Report By: Catherine Balbas CALIFORNIA CHILD CARE CAMPAIGN: The California Child Care team has kept busy preparing for membership blitzes and April lobby days in Sacramento at the Capitol. The statewide Childcare team will be lobbying in support of our new child care bill on April 29, 2015 in Sacramento. Additionally, to prepare for the possibility of the Bill being signed by the Governor, three blitzes have been scheduled to move and organize providers in areas where we have opportunity for growth. We have organized over 25 additional providers in March. In order to help maintain membership, 521 is working on setting up electronic dues sign ups as well. And we are looking to implement this new program in the coming weeks. Lladira Baez is the coordinator and Norma Barragan lead organizer on this campaign. Additionally, to prepare for the possibility of the Bill being signed by the Governor, three blitzes have been scheduled to move and organize providers in areas where we have opportunity for growth. We have organized over 15 additional providers in February. In order to help maintain membership, 521 is working on setting up electronic dues sign ups as well. And we are looking to implement this new program in the coming weeks. Lladira Baez is the coordinator and Norma Barragan lead organizer on this campaign. CLINICS: Local 521 Organizers and researchers are working with the California Public Organizing Project (POP) to strategize organizing clinics statewide. We are exploring methods to tie clinic organizing in with the Fight for 15 and a Union as well. The POP team has assigned a dedicated researcher to this work and are working with Locals 1021 and 721 on this project. The POP team is exploring different organizing models for this campaign with the assistance of SEIU International staff. Our clinic members are also engaging in the Fight for 15 campaign. A clinic member is speaking at our 4-15 rally in San Jose and our clinic members will be marching in the Berkeley action under a banner reading "15 for better health. External Organizer Cesar Mata is assigned to this project along with Pearson Woods as the coordinator. Research Director Albert Carlson and Researcher Caitlin Grandison are also working on this project. FIGHT for 15 and a Union (FF15): The FF15 campaign is planning major actions at key locations throughout the country on April 15, 2015. On April 15th we will have an action with fast food workers in San Jose and in Fresno which will feed into the bigger action in Berkeley later that afternoon. There 33 of 53 will be buses coming from Fresno and San Jose to the Berkeley action. We encourage all members to participate. Stay tuned for more details as they become available. External Organizer Greg Batiste is assigned to this project and Pearson Woods as the coordinator. Member organizing staff Jenny Garibay and Member organizing chair Jennifer Jensen are assisting with turnout. Political Organizers Brian O'Neill and Mai Thao are also working on this project. STAFF RECRUITMENT: The Local 521 external organizing team will have four new Organizers in Training (OIT) starting in the coming weeks. This new OITs passed the screening that was held in San Jose. Applicants for external organizing positions were screened by the international and offered positions. Those that pass the background checks will be hired by the international and assigned to our Local for possible future recruitments. Coordinator Pearson Woods is responsible for staff recruitment. MEMBER ORGANIZING PROJECT: Member Organizing Chair Jennifer Jensen and dedicated Member Organizing staff Jenny Garibay have focused on the Fight for 15 action in April 15 and the Child Care lobby day on April 29 this past month. They have assisted with planning and have had key roles in turnout for both of these important events. 34 of 53 March 2015 Information Technology Report By: Don Brown, Information Technology Director 1. Video conference report: After the switch was replaced for video conference equipment in the Fresno we have seen very minimal packet loss and the VC equipment for Fresno has been providing a reliable connection between offices. SEIU and the rest of the VC community are still experiencing spammers dialing into random VC sites. The “Do Not Disturb” function that I.T. has placed on the VC equipment’s home page is still a viable solution that stops the equipment that the Spammers use to auto dial VC sites from interrupting our meetings. I also provided this solution with our brother/sister union SEIU local 1021 to assist Local 1021 in having interruption free VC meetings as well. 2. Virus break out: SEIU Locals 521 I.T. department has been successful in stopping and removing spread of viruses that have been infecting the www. Internet and the networks attached. I.T. remains diligent on making sure SEIU Local 521 remains virus free. 3. Help Desk: In the month of March the Information Technology Department successfully closed 407 Information Technology Trouble requests from all L521 staff. 4. Server updates and network security Patches: All the servers and network have been updated with all the latest security updates and patches and are monitored and configured for health and the security of our data / network. 5. Backups: Monitored and configured all the servers’ backups to be performed and monitored for disaster recovery on one central system. Our servers hold mass amounts of data over long periods of time that is irreplaceable. I.T. is managing and making sure a disaster recovery program is in place and up to date. 6. Network printer installed: I.T. Set up a new network copier / printer in the Fresno office. 35 of 53 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 36 of 53 SEIU Local 521 PACE and PAC as of March 31, 2015 Issues Bank Balance as of 2/28/15 $ Outstanding Deposits: Mar 5,764.94 10,618.00 Outstanding Motions: Membership at Kern Medical Center 12.7.13-B3 5,158.39 Available Funds - PACE Available Funds - PAC 452.06 10,772.49 0.00 Candidates Bank Balance as of 2/28/15 $ 105,702.76 Outstanding Deposits: Feb, Mar 21,655.00 Outstanding Motions: Kevin Mullin Rich Gordon Bob Wieckowski Paul Fong Mark Stone Luis Alejo Jerry Hill Bill Monning Carol Groom for Supervisor 2014 Toni Atkins for State Assembly 2014 Evan Low for Assembly 2014 Kansen Chu for Assembly 2014 Tim Orozco for SJC Council District 4 2015 Santa Clara Democratic Party (Jefferson/Jackson) MBCLC COPE Awards Dinner Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Mayor of Chicago Neighbors for Tim Orozco for SJC Council District 4 12.7.13-B2 12.7.13-B2 12.7.13-B2 12.7.13-B2 12.7.13-B2 12.7.13-B2 12.7.13-B2 12.7.13-B2 4.22.14-B2 7.22.14-B2 10.28.14-B3 10.28.14-B5 2.24.15-B1 2.24.15-B2 3.28.15-B3 3.28.15-B4 3.28.15-B5 750.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 1,250.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 500.00 Available Funds - PACE Available Funds - PAC Available Funds - RETIREE 240.86 94,765.90 7,851.00 0.00 Independent Expenditures Bank Balance as of 2/28/15 $ Outstanding Deposits: None 33,682.57 - Outstanding Motions: Ed Mitchell for Supervisor Polling for Monterey County BOS District 2 Committee fo Elect Ed Mitchell for Supervisor 2014 Reimbursement to GF - Ed Mitchell In-Kind Available Funds - PACE Available Funds - PAC 3.22.14-B6 3.22.14-B8 8.26.14-B8 3.28.15-B6 603.90 10,000.00 4,203.14 7,185.12 175.00 11,515.41 0.00 37 of 53 N:\Finance\Monthend\2015\0315\PAC & PACE 0315Mar 1 of 1 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 38 of 53 SEIU Local 521 Officers’ Meeting Motion * Motion Letter: B Date: April 28, 2015 Motion Title: Political Consent Agenda - (pages 39-40) The Following Items have been placed on the CONSENT AGENDA for approval without discussion. If you wish discussion pull the item from the CONSENT AGENDA – NO Motion is required to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. Political Motions: B/1 – Contribution to Jefferson/Jackson Dinner for Retirees - $625 – Candidates’ Account - (pages 41-42) B/2 – Contribution to Jim Beall for Senate 2016 - $2,000 – Candidates’ Account (pages 43-44) * Motion B: To approve as presented ALL Motions on the Political Consent Agenda EXCEPT those pulled and listed below which will be held for discussion and approval or denial: Follow Up: Moved by:__________________________ __ Second :____________________________ Pulled:______________________________________________________________ Votes in Favor:____________ Votes Opposed:____________ Abstentions:_____________ Motion: Carries Fails: Tabled Until: Date:_________ Signatures ____________________________________________ LB:kns SEIU 521 CTW/CLC 39 of 53 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 40 of 53 SEIU Local 521 Officers’ Motion Motion Number: B/1 Date: April 28, 2015 Motion Title: Contribute to Jefferson/Jackson Dinner (Santa Clara Democratic Party COPE Fundraiser) Recommended By: Santa Clara Retiree Chapter Background: This year the Santa Clara County Democratic Party will hold their 22nd Annual Jefferson Jackson Dinner. The dinner will be held on Friday, April 24th, 2015 at the San Jose Fairmont Hotel. The guest speaker is to be announced. The contributions are to be used for Democratic endorsed candidates. UDC State Account (FPPC ID #871053) to be used in connection with nonfederal elections. .Motion: To contribute $625 from the Retirees’ candidates account for 5 retiree seats to attend the Annual Jefferson/Jackson Dinner on Friday April 24th, 2015. Make the check payable to UDC FPPC ID #871053 Address: Santa Clara County United Democratic Campaign, 2901 Moorpark Drive, Suite 110, San Jose, CA 95128 Follow Up: Moved by:___________________________ __ Second :___________________________ Amendment:______________________________________________________________ Amended By:______________________________________________________________ Votes in Favor:__________ Votes Opposed:_______ Motion: Carries Fails: Abstentions:_______ Tabled Until: Date:_________ Signatures ____________________________________________ LB:kns SEIU 521 CTW/CLC 41 of 53 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 42 of 53 SEIU Local 521 Officers’ Motion Motion Number: B/2 Date: April 28, 2015 Motion Title: Contribute to Jim Beall for Senate for 2016 - $2,000 from the Candidate PAC Recommended By: Santa Clara San Benito COPE Committee Background: Jim Beall is a long-time champion for working families, people with disabilities, foster care children and adults, and numerous other causes that SEIU 521 supports. Santa Clara County has known Senator Beall since his days a San Jose City councilmember, and after being term out County supervisor. When Senator Beall was termed out as a Supervisor, he ran and won a seat on the Assembly and in 2012 won the redistricted seat for California Senate. In every office that he served, he has always supported SEIU 521 and is known as a champion of ours. His first term as Senator is up in 2016 and he’s doing a fundraiser for his next campaign. Senator Beall has been that ally that we can count on for his entire term as senator. Motion: 2016. To contribute from the Candidates Account $2,000 to Jim Beall for Senate Make the check payable to: Jim Beall for Senate for 2016 Address: 15th Senate District, 1127 11th Street, Suite 331, Sacramento, CA 95814 Follow Up: Moved by:___________________________ __ Second :___________________________ Amendment:______________________________________________________________ Amended By:______________________________________________________________ Votes in Favor:__________ Votes Opposed:_______ Motion: Carries Fails: Abstentions:_______ Tabled Until: Date:_________ Signatures ____________________________________________ LB:kns SEIU 521 CTW/CLC 43 of 53 THIS SHEET IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 44 of 53 Karen Summers From: Sent: To: Subject: Luisa Blue Thursday, April 09, 2015 1:17 PM Karen Summers Fwd: Thank You for Your Support Please print April Verrett's email for the officers' packet. Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: April Verrett <> Date: April 9, 2015 at 3:31:10 PM EDT To: Keith Kelleher <> Subject: Thank You for Your Support Sisters and brothers Keith and I are writing you today not just to thank you for the generosity you've shown to the people of Chicago and our members - but to thank you for being partners in a union that is helping to build a real movement for justice not just in our city but in cities across the country. On October 27th, 2014, Jesus "Chuy" Garcia announced his candidacy for Mayor of Chicago. It's hard for us to remember that far back - these past five months have been a blur, of staying on phones and knocking on doors, of rallying our members and our partners in this movement, of crossing the city from 130th Street to Howard Street, from Lake Michigan to Harlem Avenue. In October, no one thought we would be where we are today - and that's a testament to the kind of support we've been so touched to receive from our SEIU family across the country. We have been building this movement, and were able to create a kind of hope that Chicago hasn't seen in decades - and you helped us do that. We want to make sure you know that while Chuy lost the mayor's race Tuesday night, Chicago's movement for justice is in a stronger place today than it was two days ago - thanks to you. All seven of our City Council Progressive Caucus champions have won re-election, and are being joined by at least three new colleagues - real leaders in our communities, fighting on our issues, accountable to our members. Rahm built a war chest of over thirty million dollars - dollars he was forced to use to reinvent himself and to tear down Chuy, dollars he was not able to use to reshape city council in his own image. Our side is growing stronger, and our city will be a better place for that. You helped us do that. And United Working Families, a new independent political organization founded by a coalition of progressive labor and community groups, is in a position to create more change in our city and state in the future. There's more to come, and UWF is growing - you helped us do that. We are so grateful to know that solidarity in SEIU is what binds us together - and know that the members, leaders and staff of HCII stand ready to help in the fights that your locals face across the country. We are stronger together, and together we will win. In Unity, April and Keith 1 45 of 53 PS - Here are a couple if articles from the Nation that does the campaign justice. Day after from John Nichols: Day before from Micah Uetricht: _______________ _____________________________ April D. Verrett SEIU Healthcare Illinois and Indiana Executive Vice President 2229 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois 60608 Direct line - 312.980.9042 \ Switchboard - 312.980.9000 \ Fax - 312.784.3176 " Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 2 46 of 53 April 15, 2015 Nationwide Fight for $15 Clips “In the Fight for $15, unions are helping to organize on a community basis, a group of workers who are on the fringe of the economy. It’s not about union members protecting themselves. It’s about moving other people up. This is the whole civil rights movement all over again.” ‐‐Clark University Professor Gary Chaison in the Guardian 1 47 of 53 Top Clips PoliticalImpact In Test for Unions and Politicians, a Nationwide Protest On Pay The New York Times Noam Scheiber 15 April 2015 Wage Effort Poses Test for Clinton Campaign The New York Times Noam Scheiber 13 April 2015 The Push for Higher Wages is Starting to Look Like a Real Movement The Washington Post Paul Waldman 15 April 2015 Low Wage Workers Are Storming the Barricades TIME Rana Foroohar 15 April 2015 Low‐Wage Workers’ Massive Show of Strength MSNBC Zachary Roth 15 April 2015 Top Strike‐Day News Stories Pay Fight: Workers Take to The Streets to Demand $15 Minimum Wage Nightly News Lester Holt 15 April 2015 Lead‐in: “Another issue that’s already making its way into the presidential campaign: high wages for hourly employees.” Fast‐Food Strikes Widen Into Social‐Justice Movement USA Today Bruce Horovitz 15 April 2015 Fight for $15 Swells Into Largest Protest by Low‐Wage Workers in US History The Guardian Steven Greenhouse and Jana Kasperkevic 15 April 2015 2 48 of 53 Campaign to Begin For A $15 Minimum Wage In D.C. The Washington Post Aaron C. Davis 15 April 2015 Fast‐Food Workers: Why More Strikes Over $15 Minimum Wage AP Candice Choi 15 April 2015 Fast‐Food Workers Rally in 230 Cities Seeking Higher Pay Bloomberg Business Craig Giammona and Leslie Patton 15 April 2015 Top Public Assistance Clips Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway The New York Times Patricia Cohen 12 April 2015 Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One The Wall Street Journal Eric Morath 13 April 2015 Low‐Wage Workers Annually Cost Taxpayers $153 Billion in Public Assistance, New Report Says Kansas City Star Lewis Diuguid 15 April 2015 Top Op‐Eds Why the Home Care Wage Fight Matters CNN Mary Kay Henry 15 April 2015 Here's What the Fight for $15 Strikers Have in Common With You Huffington Post Mary Kay Henry 15 April 2015 Americans Are Spending $153 Billion a Year to Subsidize McDonald’s and Wal‐Mart’s Low Wage Workers Washington Post Ken Jacobs 3 49 of 53 15 April 2015 “It’s killing me to ask my mom for help”: The heartbreaking cost of a life at McDonald’s Salon Anthony Fambrough 15 April 2015 How Tasharro Harris, a Child‐Care Worker Who Can’t Afford Her Own Child Care, Does It The New York Times Tasharro Harris and Kj Dell'antonia 15 April 2015 What It's Really Like To Support Yourself on McDonald's Pay Refinery29 Adriana Alvarez 15 April 2015 Top Local Clips Workers to Rally for $15 an Hour — and Even $15K The Kansas City Star Diane Stafford 15 April 2015 San Jose and Oakland Fast‐Food Workers Join Protest for $15‐An‐Hour Wages Contra Costa Times Mark Gomez 15 April 2015 Minimum Wage Workers Take to Streets to 'Fight for $15' The Los Angeles Times David Kelly 15 April 2015 'Fight for $15' Movement Takes To the Streets on Tax Day, Calling For Better Pay The New York Daily News Caitlin Nolan and Thomas Tracy 15 April 2015 Students, Adjunct Professors Rally for Higher Wages The Chicago Tribune Alejandra Cancino 15 April 2015 4 50 of 53 51 of 53 52 of 53 Officers’ Installation Obligation “I, (name) ___________________, accept my responsibility as an elected officer of the Service Employees International Union, and I pledge that I will faithfully observe the Constitution and Bylaws of the Service Employees International Union. “I pledge that I will provide ethical, responsible leadership, representing our members, and organizing new workers to build power to win for all. “I pledge to make the growing gap between the rich and everyone else the problem of our time, to inspire and support workers everywhere who are ready to take collective action to lift wages and create family-sustaining jobs, to elect political leaders on the side of the 99% and to hold them accountable when they support politics that benefit the 1%. “I agree to defend the principles of trade unionism. “I will not knowingly wrong a member or see a member wronged if it is in my power to prevent it. “I pledge to exercise leadership based on the SEIU standards of: Shared unity of purpose; Openness to questions and willingness to learn; Acting with the courage of our convictions; Working together with accountability; and Commitment to inclusion. “I believe in and will fight for the SEIU vision of a just society where all workers are valued and people respected, where all families and communities thrive, and where we leave a better and more equal world for generations to come.” 53 of 53