3. Identification and Characterisation of Exposure Groups and
3. Identification and Characterisation of Exposure Groups and
This page is left blank intentionally. NNL 8856 Issue 3 LLWR Lifetime Project: Data for Exposure Groups and for Future Human Actions and Disruptive Events MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 A Report to the National Nuclear Laboratory from Mike Thorne and Associates Limited Abbotsleigh Kebroyd Mount Ripponden Halifax West Yorkshire HX6 3JA July 2009 MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 ii NNL 8856 Issue 3 Executive Summary This report relates to the identification, selection and characterisation of exposure groups for the operational period and Potentially Exposed Groups (PEGs) for the post-closure period relevant to radiological impact assessments of the Low-Level Waste Repository (LLWR) near the village of Drigg, Cumbria under both present and potential future climate and landscape conditions. Based on previous work, a well-defined methodology for the identification and characterisation of exposure groups and PEGs has been developed. This comprises the following steps: 1) Define the context in which the exposure groups or PEGs are present and provide outline descriptions of them; 2) Identify the pathways of exposure relevant to each exposure group or PEG; 3) Define the exposure groups or PEGs in terms of present-day population groups; 4) Select point estimate reference parameter values and uncertainty ranges for adult members of each exposure group or PEG to achieve relative homogeneity of characteristics; 5) Select point estimate reference parameter values and uncertainty ranges for children and infants associated with each exposure group or PEG; 6) Audit local resource use and range of uncertainty for each PEG. Application of this methodology resulted in a set of nine groups relevant to the groundwater, gas and facility degradation pathways from closure through to the end of termination due to the effects of coastal processes. The nine groups of relevance were identified as: • Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Casual and recreational users of the facility cap area; • Agricultural smallholders making use of the cap area; • Users of water abstracted from a well downstream of the facility; • Users of the East-West and Drigg streams and of the Site South area; • Users of the estuary and lagoon; • Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay; • Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay. Agricultural smallholders making use of the cap area are also identified as the likely users of water abstracted from a well downstream of the facility. Such an agricultural smallholder group was discussed in the context of inadvertent human intrusion in the 2002 PCSC. As the approach adopted then for inadvertent human intrusion remains applicable, the smallholder PEG is discussed in the human intrusion context. For each of the remaining seven groups, the following general pathways were considered: • External exposures to contaminated soils, sediments and water bodies; MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 iv NNL 8856 Issue 3 • Ingestion of contaminated soils and sediments, water, plant products and animal products; • Inhalation of contaminated soils and sediments and radioactive gases (including radon, thoron and their progeny). The groups identified have some similarities with the Analogue PEGs adopted in the 2002 PCSC, but also some substantial differences. These differences reflect the shorter timescale now considered and the greater emphasis that is placed on the potential disruption of the facility by coastal processes. A further difference from the 2002 PCSC arises in the specification of parameter values for each exposure group or PEG. In the 2002 PCSC, point estimates only were given. However, in this analysis, both reference point estimates and reasonable ranges are provided to facilitate the undertaking of sensitivity studies. Also, although the principal assessment calculations are still to be undertaken for adults, reference parameter values and ranges are also given for 10-year-old children and 1-year-old infants in all appropriate cases to facilitate comparisons between age groups. In defining ranges for exposure group or PEG characteristics, correlations between those characteristics have been recognised. Therefore, rather than specifying ranges of values for all of the parameters directly, in some cases, formulae have been developed to represent the relationships between parameters and ranges have been specified for secondary parameters used in those formulae. In respect of inadvertent human intrusion, a stylised approach was adopted in the 2002 PCSC and no good reason was identified for adopting a different approach. In suitably generalised terms, three modes of intrusion are distinguished: • Small: Representative of the type of disturbance that might be caused by the drilling of boreholes during site investigation; • Medium: Representative of the type of disturbance that might be caused by impact from an aircraft crash, a trial pit excavated on the site of the disposal facility, or a limited bulk excavation, e.g. associated with the construction of an isolated dwelling; • Large: Representative of large-scale excavations associated with major construction projects or, potentially, archaeological investigations at the site. PEGs have been identified for each of these modes of intrusion. In each case, identification of the appropriate PEG had to take into account two main categories of exposure: • Type A: Individuals involved directly or indirectly in the activity giving rise to the intrusion; • Type B: Site inhabitants exposed to wastes dispersed on the site as a consequence of the intrusion. In principle, there will be only a single most-exposed PEG for each mode of intrusion. However, in practice, without undertaking specific calculations, it is not always possible to determine whether the most exposed PEG will be the intruder, an associate or a site inhabitant. For this reason, potential PEGs for each type of exposure were defined for generalised large intrusions. For generalised small and medium MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 v NNL 8856 Issue 3 intrusions, it was clear that Type A dominates so only this type of exposure has been addressed. The characteristics of the site inhabitant PEG were also considered appropriate to an agricultural smallholder making use of the cap area. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 vi NNL 8856 Issue 3 Contents Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................iv 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Scope and Structure of the Report.............................................................................................. 2 2. Methodology for the Identification and Characterisation of Exposure Groups................................. 5 2.1 The Methodology Adopted in the 2002 Operational Environmental Safety Case ..................... 5 2.2 The Methodology Adopted in the 2002 Post-closure Safety Case ........................................... 10 2.3 Climate and Landscape Evolution Scenarios ........................................................................... 15 2.3.1 The Storm Beach and Intertidal Zone............................................................................. 16 2.3.2 The Cliff ......................................................................................................................... 16 2.3.3 Carl Crag Bay ................................................................................................................. 17 2.3.4 Barn Scar Headland ........................................................................................................ 17 2.3.5 Drigg Dunes and Drigg Point ......................................................................................... 17 2.3.6 Area 1 ............................................................................................................................. 17 2.3.7 Site North........................................................................................................................ 18 2.3.8 Site South........................................................................................................................ 18 2.3.9 The Irt Estuary ................................................................................................................ 19 2.3.10 The Barrier Lagoon......................................................................................................... 19 2.3.11 Ravenglass Bay............................................................................................................... 19 2.3.12 Timescales ...................................................................................................................... 20 2.4 Identification of Exposure Groups and PEGs .......................................................................... 21 2.4.1 Exposure Groups for the Operational Phase ................................................................... 21 2.4.2 PEGs for the Post-closure Phase..................................................................................... 23 2.5 Methodologies Adopted for PEG Identification and Characterisation for Future Environmental Safety Cases ............................................................................................................................. 24 2.5.1 Defining the Context in which PEGs are Present ........................................................... 25 2.5.2 Representation of All Relevant Pathways....................................................................... 25 2.5.3 Identification of PEGs .................................................................................................... 26 2.5.4 Relative Homogeneity .................................................................................................... 27 2.5.5 Residence in, and Utilisation of Materials from, the Contaminated Area ...................... 27 2.5.6 Age Groups..................................................................................................................... 28 2.5.7 Use of Standard Data ...................................................................................................... 28 2.5.8 Use of Point Values ........................................................................................................ 28 2.5.9 Other Considerations ...................................................................................................... 28 2.5.10 Steps of the Methodology ............................................................................................... 28 3. Identification and Characterisation of Exposure Groups and Potentially Exposed Groups ............ 30 3.1 From the Present Day through to and During Facility Disruption ........................................... 30 3.1.1 Identification of Pathways of Exposure.......................................................................... 30 3.1.2 Definition of Exposure Groups and PEGs as Population Groups................................... 34 Analogue PEGs in the 2002 PCSC ....................................................................... 34 Exposure Groups and PEGs defined in this Study ................................................ 37 3.1.3 Selection of Point Estimate Parameter Values and Ranges for the Characterisation of Members of Exposure Groups and PEGs ....................................................................................... 38 External Exposure to Soil and Sediment ............................................................... 39 External Exposure to Water Bodies ...................................................................... 41 Ingestion of Soil and Sediment ............................................................................. 42 Ingestion of Water................................................................................................. 43 Ingestion of Plant Products ................................................................................... 44 Ingestion of Animal Products................................................................................ 46 Inhalation of Soil and Sediment ............................................................................ 47 Inhalation of Radioactive Gases............................................................................ 48 Compilation of Reference Values ......................................................................... 48 3.1.4 Local Resource Use and Ranges of Uncertainty............................................................. 50 3.2 For Inadvertent Human Intrusion over the Period from Closure to Facility Disruption........... 52 3.2.1 Approach Adopted in the 2002 PCSC ............................................................................ 52 3.2.2 Characteristics of PEGs for Inadvertent Human Intrusion ............................................. 55 3.3 Smallholder PEGs located on the Cap ..................................................................................... 60 4. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 61 5. References ....................................................................................................................................... 63 MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 vii NNL 8856 Issue 3 1. Introduction This report has been prepared by Mike Thorne and Associates Ltd for Nexia Solutions Ltd. It relates to the identification, selection and characterisation of Exposure Groups relevant to radiological impact assessments of the Low-Level Waste Repository (LLWR) near the village of Drigg, Cumbria under both present and potential future climate and landscape conditions. The Exposure Groups apply to the operational phase of the LLWR which covers the period from the present day, through closure of the site (planned for 2050AD) to 2150 AD, following an assumed period of 100 y over which knowledge of the site is retained. After 2150 AD, knowledge of the site is assumed to be lost and beyond this time, the post-closure phase is considered to persist, during which Potentially Exposed Groups (PEGs) are used to assess any subsequent risks to humans. PEGs are used instead of Exposure Groups because the habits of the human receptors are less well established and hypothetical population groups are envisaged in the context of climatic and landscape changes for site and its environs recently developed by Thorne and Kane (2007). The report also provides data for future human actions and disruptive events based on the methodology of the 2002 PCSC superimposed on the new climate and landscape change scenarios that have been developed in recent work (Thorne and Kane, 2007). The timing and characteristics of these actions and events is considered in the context of the post-closure phase. 1.1 Background The Environment Agency (EA) has issued a new Authorisation for operations at the Low-Level Waste Repository (LLWR) which has an effective date of 1st May 2006 (Defra, 2006; Environment Agency, 2006). The authorisation followed a review of the previous authorisations for the site and was informed by, but not limited to, a review of the 2002 Operational and Post-closure Environmental Safety Cases submitted by BNFL (BNFL, 2002a; 2002b). The outcome was a single new authorisation encompassing all aspects regulated by the EA under the Radioactive Substances Act 1993. One of the key schedules within the Authorisation, Schedule 9, is a list of improvement and additional information requirements placed on the operator. To satisfy the Schedule 9 requirements, the LLWR Site Licence Company (SLC) has initiated a significant programme of work, called the Lifetime Project, in support of the Lifetime Plan of the LLWR (Randall et al., 2006). This report concerns a study undertaken within the R&D component of the Lifetime Project, relating to the identification of exposure groups under potential patterns of future climate change and consequent landscape change at the LLWR site. The work is intended to inform various aspects of the Lifetime Project, including: • Optimisation studies; • Radiological capacity studies; • Evaluation of radiological impacts on humans; • Evaluation of non-radiological impacts on humans. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 1 NNL 8856 Issue 3 This work does not inform ecological assessments of non-human biota which have been undertaken recently (Eden and Barber, 2007). In the context of optimisation studies, it is noted that by 1 May 2008, the LLWR Site Licence Company (SLC) is required to provide the EA with a full report of a comprehensive review of national and international developments on best practice for minimising the impacts from all waste disposals on the site. This is to include a comprehensive review of options for reducing the peak risks from deposition of solid wastes on the site, where those risks arise from potential site termination events and potential future human actions. By 2011, the LLWR SLC is required to update the Environmental Safety Cases for the site covering the period up to withdrawal of control and thereafter. In undertaking this updating, radiological safety assessment studies covering the operational and post-closure phases are essential inputs. These studies will need to incorporate new or revised information from a number of areas (such as the information on exposure groups provided in this report) and assess the implications of this information for radiological safety. 1.2 Scope and Structure of the Report This report relates to the identification, selection and characterisation of exposure groups for use in the operational and post-closure radiological impact assessment described in Section 1. The identified and characterised exposure groups are those that are relevant to all climate and landscape combinations that are applicable in the various assessment scenarios from the present day operational phase and throughout the post-closure phase. The combinations of climatic and landscape characteristics to be addressed mainly in assessments of the post-closure phase are provided by Thorne and Kane (2007). Unlike the 2002 Operational Environmental Safety Case (OESC) and Post Closure Safety Case (PCSC) which were considered separately, subsequent Environmental Safety Cases for the LLWR will consider these aspects together to ensure consistency and, in part, address issues previously raised by the Environment Agency (EA). Thus, for the climate and landscape change scenarios provided by Thorne and Kane (2007) and bearing in mind issues raised by the EA, there is a requirement to: • Define and apply the methodology for the selection of exposure groups for the operational phase and PEGs for the post-closure phase; • Define the habits of the exposure groups and PEGs, covering occupancy and ingestion/inhalation exposure pathways, and associated parameter values. The exposure groups and PEGs apply for releases of radionuclides in groundwater and gaseous form. However, it was recognised that the LLWR facility could be disrupted by either natural events or by inadvertent human intrusion, which is assumed to be prevented from taking place until the post-closure phase. Therefore, the requirement was augmented to include the provision of data for future human actions and disruptive events based on the methodology of the 2002 PCSC superimposed on the new climate and landscape change scenarios. In practice, the MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 2 NNL 8856 Issue 3 PEGs for natural disruptive events relate closely to those for the groundwater and gas pathways, and are considered together with them in this report. In identifying and selecting the PEGs, and in defining the habits of those exposure groups in quantitative terms, extensive reference is made to earlier work by Thorne and Kane (2006) for UK Nirex Ltd and to the recommendations of Smith and Jones (2003). The application of these publications to the LLWR was briefly considered in Thorne (2007). Thus, the main work involved in this study has been the adaptation of that information to the climatic and landscape situations identified by Thorne and Kane (2007) as being of relevance. The work on future human actions and disruptive events is primarily an adaptation of existing information from the 2002 PCSC (Halcrow, 1998; Thorne and Halcrow, 2003) to the same set of climate and landscape situations. The use of this information in the 2002 PCSC is discussed in Egan (2003), Penfold (2003), and Penfold and Cooper (2003), with a follow-up study on alternative assumptions in Penfold (2004). In Section 2, the methodology adopted for the selection and characterisation of exposure groups and PEGs is described. In Sections 2.1 and 2.2, the methodologies adopted for the 2002 OESC and PCSC respectively are summarised and pertinent issues raised by the EA are considered. Application of these methodologies requires an understanding of the climatic and landscape characteristics applicable at the LLWR site at various times from the present day onwards until termination processes affect the facility and truncate the period over which quantitative assessments are undertaken. This information is provided in Thorne and Kane (2007), and is summarised in Sections 2.3 and 2.4. The information provided in Sections 2.1 to 2.4 provide the basis for describing how the methodology has been updated and adapted for application in the forthcoming assessments described in Section 1.1. This updating and adaptation is described in Section 2.5. The methodology set out in Section 2.5 is applied in Section 3, particularly in terms of the identification and characterisation of PEGs. A major difference between the analysis described here and that reported in support of the 2002 PCSC is that a much greater emphasis is placed on the first few thousand years after repository closure. This is because it is projected that, in the absence of protective measures, the site will be destroyed by coastal processes on a timescale of a few thousand years. In turn, this means that PEGs associated with termination events are characterised in more detail than was considered appropriate in the 2002 PCSC, as these events are now given greater emphasis as a key aspect of the site evolution scenario. It must be emphasised that part of the basis of the assessment is that no specific actions are taken to prevent coastal erosion and inundation of the LLWR site. This allows a baseline evaluation of the implications of such a policy. In practice, such actions could be taken and optimisation studies are likely to be undertaken to evaluate the benefits and detriments of various approaches to intervention. For such studies, it seems likely that some adaptation of the PEG characteristics given in this report will be required. Sufficient background is given on the basis for PEG identification and characterisation to facilitate such adaptation, as required. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 3 NNL 8856 Issue 3 In Section 3.1, exposure groups and PEGs appropriate to the gradual evolution of the site between closure and its destruction by coastal processes are identified and characterised. Here and subsequently, identification is the process of defining the group in descriptive terms. In contrast, characterisation is the process of defining their habits and behaviour in quantitative terms, i.e. through the specification of consumption rates of environmental materials such as drinking water, food, soil and sediment, inhalation characteristics, and occupancy of contaminated areas. Next, in Section 3.2, the additional PEGs associated with inadvertent human intrusion into the facility or its immediate environment in the period before its destruction by coastal processes are identified and characterised. Whereas inadvertent intrusion during the period over which the facility is intact is regarded as a low probability event and the scenario is imposed on the normal evolution scenario at different possible times of occurrence, inadvertent intrusion during facility destruction is regarded as an integral part of the overall scenario and occurs over the specific time interval during which the destruction occurs. Indeed, rather than being considered as inadvertent intrusion, it is treated as access to waste debris and particulates degraded from such debris during the termination process. In Section 3.3, a brief account is given of a smallholder PEG that is relevant in the context of ‘bath-tubbing’ of the facility or in the case of abstraction of water from a well or borehole located in a plume of contaminated groundwater. Finally, Section 4 provides conclusions in terms of a summary of the types of exposure groups and PEGs that should be included in the forthcoming assessments. In addition, brief comments are provided on distinctions between the approach that has been used to define PEGs in this report and that adopted in the 2002 PCSC. Bibliographic details of references cited in the report are given in Section 5. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 4 NNL 8856 Issue 3 2. Methodology for the Identification and Characterisation of Exposure Groups In this Section, the methodology for identifying exposure groups for the 2002 OESC and PEGs for the 2002 PCSC are described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2, respectively. These sections also describe key issues raised by the EA in relation to these methodologies which required addressing in taking this work forward. A number of these issues could be dealt with by considering the exposure groups associated with the operational and post-closure phases in sequence. To achieve this requires a description of the changing environment that these exposure groups will interact with, and so, in Section 2.3, there is reference to a number of recent climate and landscape change scenarios for the LLWR and its environs from Thorne and Kane (2007). As all of the scenarios lead to a termination of the existence of LLWR site at various times, through coastal erosion, the spatial components of each scenario on which the exposure groups are based tend to be consistent across all scenarios and are explicitly described in Section 2.3. At the end of Section 2.3, there is a discussion of timescales for the onset and completion of site termination for reference in relating to the definition of exposure groups and habits for the operational assessment of the site in Section 2.4.1 and the definition of PEGs and habits for the post-closure phase of the assessment in Section 2.4.2. 2.1 The Methodology Adopted in the 2002 Operational Environmental Safety Case In the 2002 Operational Environmental Safety Case (OESC) (BNFL, 2002a), the assessment was based mainly on key exposure pathways for aerial and liquid discharges from the LLWR site rather than on exposure groups. The 2002 OESC was undertaken independently from the 2002 PCSC using separate models, though the groundwater network model for the 2002 PCSC was adapted for use in assessing groundwater discharges as part of the OESC. The 2002 OESC covered the period up to 2149 AD, i.e. until just before the end of management control. Three key time points were considered within that interval: • 2005 AD: Vault 8 full; • 2050 AD: Disposals complete; • 2100 AD: Post-closure engineering features complete. The OESC was based on authorised aerial and liquid effluent discharges from the LLWR site, comprising: • Aerial discharges (from trenches 1 to 7, Vault 8 and the Drigg Grouting Facility (DGF)); • Liquid discharges (by marine pipeline to the Irish Sea). For aerial discharges, assessments using atmospheric Gaussian plume modelling were undertaken. Exposure groups were considered to be located at two properties (1 and MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 5 NNL 8856 Issue 3 2) close to the site, a nearby farm (property 3) and a coal yard at the distances shown in Table 1. Source DGF Effective height (m) Exposure Group Property 1 Property 2 Property 3 Food Production Coal Yard High Volume Air Sampler Source Effective height (m) Exposure Group Property 1 Property 2 Property 3 Trench Trench 1 2 <5m <5m <5m Distance from source (m) 351 365 580 949 570 233 718 532 504 718 532 504 1017 614 295 718 1054 1294 Future Vaults 1 <5m Distance from source (m) 750 500 675 Trench 3 <5m Trench 4 <5m Vault 8.1 <5m Vault 8.2 <5m 451 328 411 411 425 1166 256 576 435 435 665 948 706 269 649 649 191 1440 754 340 722 722 202 1462 Future Vaults 2 <5m Future Vaults 3 <5m 750 650 700 750 800 750 Table 1: Exposure Group Distances used in the 2002 OESC To characterise the behaviour of the exposure group, inhabitants were assumed to consume food produced from the fields of property 3 and spent all their time at their location. For discharges during 2005, the food consumption rates were taken from the MAFF/NRPB advice of the time considering the two most likely foods that will be consumed and produced locally (milk and root vegetables including potatoes) at 97.5th percentile rates (Byrom et al., 1995). Also, other foodstuffs, as listed in Table 2, were taken to be consumed at mean rates (Byrom et al., 1995). Food Milk Beef Mutton Liver Green vegetables Root vegetables Fruit Poultry Eggs Adult 240 15 8 5.5 35 130 20 10 8.5 Consumption Rate (kg a-1) Child 240 15 4 3 15 95 15 5.5 6.5 Infant 320 3 0.8 1 5 45 9 2 5 Table 2: Consumption Rates used in the Discharge Assessment for 2005 For future discharges, consumption rates were adopted that were consistent with the 2002 PCSC and are shown in Table 3. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 6 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Food Milk Beef Mutton Liver Green vegetables Root vegetables Fruit Poultry Eggs Adult 600 15 8 5.5 35 130 20 16 8.5 Consumption Rate (kg a-1) Child 510 15 4 3 15 95 15 9.5 6.5 Infant 590 3 0.8 1 5 45 9 2 5 Table 3: Consumption rates used in an Assessment of Projected Discharges over the Period 2050- 2149 Occupancy and breathing rates associated with the exposure groups are shown in Table 4 for both 2005 and the period 2050-2149. These are consistent with the 2002 PCSC. Quantity Occupancy Fraction of time indoors Breathing rate (m3 d-1) Fractional occupancy indoors at home Fractional occupancy of beach Residual fractional outdoor occupancy Indoor breathing rate (m3 d-1) Outdoor breathing rate (m3 d-1) Adult Data for 2005 1 0.5 19.9 Data for PCSC 0.5 0.14 0.4 10.32 28.8 Child Infant 1 0.5 15.6 1 0.9 5.18 0.8 0.14 0.1 8.4 24 0.94 0.06 0.04 5.28 5.28 Table 4: Occupancy, Fraction of Time Spent Indoors and Breathing Rates1 For liquid discharges to the Irish Sea, assessments using a compartment-based model were used. These simulated the long-term dispersion of radionuclides in the Irish Sea by annually averaged advection and dispersion. Doses were calculated to a critical group of West Cumbria seafood consumers on the basis of ingestion of marine biota taken from specific regions of the model. This critical group was determined by habit surveys to be adults that live along the western coast of Cumbria and consume seafood collected along the Cumbrian coastline between Whitehaven and Ravenglass. The consumption rate values used for 2005 were averaged from habit data given by MAFF/FSA and SEPA between 1996 and 2000 to provide a longer-term average (Table 5). External exposure over contaminated sediments was also averaged in the same manner. 1 Fractional occupancies sum to 1.04. This is as reported and probably arises because occupancy of the cap has been incorrectly added to residual fractional outdoor occupancy in each case. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 7 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Pathway Fish consumption Crab consumption Lobster consumption Winkle consumption Mussel consumption External exposure 1996 25 7.2 4.8 7.2 4.8 420 1997 37 8.5 6.8 1.68 2.52 1000 1998 45 23.8 4.2 4.5 10.5 1100 1999 43 19.2 4.8 12.5 12.5 1000 2000 31 8 8 8.5 8.5 1000 Average 36.2 13.3 5.7 6.9 7.8 904 Table 5: Habit Data for the West Cumbrian Critical Group (kg a-1 or h a-1). (Data taken from the RIFE series of reports, see, e.g. RIFE-4, RIFE-5 and references therein.) For 2050 and 2100 AD, the estimated consumption rates from the 2002 PCSC were adopted, as shown in Table 6. This critical group made use of a wider range of pathways than those considered for the West Cumbria seafood-consuming group. These extra pathways were seaweed consumption and inadvertent ingestion of sediment. Rates (kg a-1 or h a-1) 60 10 10 5 5 50 0.0365 880 Pathway Fish consumption Crab consumption Lobster consumption Winkle consumption Mussel consumption Seaweed consumption Sediment ingestion External exposure Table 6: Habit Data for the West Cumbrian Critical Group for 2050 Onward Besides assessing authorised effluent discharges, the 2002 OESC also assessed: • The impact from the Drigg stream; • The impact from Drigg groundwater; • The impact of direct radiation exposure (shine) from the site; • The impact on Drigg biota. In the context of this report, the impact from the Drigg stream was based on monitored radionuclide concentrations there and a side calculation of exposure from consuming water directly from the stream and milk from cows that were taken to drink stream water. The impact from groundwater was based on predicted radionuclide concentrations at a number of abstraction points. Direct shine was estimated based on Thermo-Luminescent Dosimeter (TLD) measurements at locations close to the site. The impact on Drigg biota is outside the remit of this report and is not discussed further. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 8 NNL 8856 Issue 3 The Environment Agency in their assessment of the 2002 OESC raised a number of issues2, of which the following are pertinent to the context of defining exposure groups: OESC_003 Definition of Exposed Groups; OESC_004 Scope, Purpose and Objectives of the OESC; OESC_010 Management of Uncertainty; OESC_012 Assessment of Prospective Public Doses. The issue OESC_003 relates to the fact that the 2002 OESC was mainly based on key exposure pathways rather than identifiable exposure groups. To address this issue, it is required that exposure groups should be specifically defined for the operational phase of forthcoming assessments, particularly for aerial effluent discharges and the Drigg stream assessment. For the aerial discharges, the EA requested that more exposure pathways for locally grown fruit and vegetables at each of the properties be considered. For the Drigg stream assessment, the EA specified that exposure pathways in addition to drinking water and cow’s milk need to be considered. Issue OESC_004 relates to the fact that the scope and purpose of the 2002 OESC were not clearly defined. In future assessments, the EA expected BNFL to address: • The questions that the OESC is attempting to answer; • How and where the Principles and Requirements set out in Environment Agency et al. (1997) are addressed; • The broad methodological approach adopted for the dose assessments; • Whether the empirical data are of sufficient quality to justify the modelling approach; • Bias, uncertainty and variability in the choice of assumptions and data; • How the OESC output influences site strategy and operations. This report addresses issues relating to the broad methodological approach adopted in dose assessments. In particular, consistency and continuity between the pre-closure and post-closure assessments is achieved. The adequacy of available data on human habits and behaviour are assessed, and bias, uncertainty and variability in the underlying assumptions and data are evaluated. Issue OESC_010 recognises that uncertainty was not systematically addressed in the 2002 OESC, though this was done for the 2002 PCSC. This was largely due to the fact that, in most cases, the doses obtained from the 2002 OESC tended to be lower than the dose constraint. The exception was the groundwater pathway (drinking water), which was re-assessed as being below the dose constraint by Willans et al. (2003). Nevertheless, future operational assessments need to consider such uncertainties, e.g. in respect of styles and rates of coastal erosion and the nature and characteristics of the local hydrogeological system. 2 These issues are set out in the Environment Agency Report ‘Review of the 2002 Environmental Safety Cases for the LLW Repository at Drigg: Issue Assessment Forms’. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 9 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Issue OESC_12 mentions that prospective public doses were not assessed in the 2002 OESC and considers that these need to be considered in future assessments covering the operational period. This matter is relevant here to the extent that exposure groups need to be defined for the whole of the operational period. 2.2 The Methodology Adopted in the 2002 Post-closure Safety Case In Thorne et al. (2003), it was emphasised that PEGs can be defined that make maximum reasonable use of local contaminated resources or that are considered particularly appropriate to the environs of the site under both present-day and future climatic conditions. Both types of PEG were addressed in Thorne and Kane (2003). These two types of PEGs were termed Local Resource Dominated and Analogue PEGs, respectively. Local Resource Dominated PEGs were identified and characterised in order to give a cautious over-estimate of radiation exposure and risk. Analogue PEGs were those considered particularly appropriate to the environs of the site under both present-day and future climatic conditions. However, they were also cautious in terms of assessed radiation exposure and risk, in that they were defined to be located in the most highly contaminated area and to make substantial use of local resources. Following comment from the EA, it seems that emphasis should be placed on Analogue PEGs in future assessments (see below). This is reflected in the emphasis given to Analogue PEGs in the present report. The principles by which PEGs were defined in the 2002 PCSC were set out in Table 2.1 of Thorne and Kane (2003). This information is reproduced here as Table 7. These principles remain valid and are adopted as a basis for the methodology used in this study. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 10 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Item a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Principle The Reference Biospheres concept and methodology will be used in the 2002 Drigg PCRSA. PEGs will be selected in the context of such Reference Biospheres. The characteristics of the PEGs selected in the context of Reference Biospheres will be such that all potentially relevant pathways of exposure will be represented. However, PEGs will not be characterised to the same degree of detail as would typically be employed in characterising present-day critical groups in the context of radioactive waste discharges. One or more PEGs will be selected for each Reference Biosphere and scoping calculations will be used to identify which of these should be taken forward for detailed analysis on the basis of the highest calculated radiological risk. For the 2002 Drigg PCRSA, PEGs will be defined such that they are relatively homogeneous with respect to radiation exposure. At annual individual risks of the order of, or less than, the risk target, up to a factor of ten heterogeneity of exposure is acceptable within a PEG. At substantially larger annual individual risks, the degree of heterogeneity should be less.3 Reasonable homogeneity of exposure does not necessarily imply that the representative member of a PEG is restricted to residence in, and utilisation of materials from, the area in which environmental concentrations of radionuclides are highest. However, the degree of utilisation of contaminated local resources will be estimated. In addition, an estimate will be made of the number of individuals comprising each PEG. The quantity to be compared with the risk target is the annual risk to an adult individual in any one year. The diet and lifestyle of PEGs will be based on observed past and present behaviour, either in the region where the repository is to be located or in analogue regions appropriate to different future environmental conditions. In defining PEGs, human actions that imply knowledge of the presence of a radioactive waste repository will be excluded from consideration. PEGs will be defined in terms of broad characteristics likely to substantially affect radiation exposure. These broad characteristics will be based on existing UK, overseas and international experience relating to both solid radioactive waste disposal and discharges of radioactive effluents to the environment. Assessment calculations will compute annual individual risk to the representative member of a PEG summed over all situations that could give rise to exposure to that PEG. The major contributions to total risk will be clearly displayed. The annual individual risks to be summed are those arising at specified times post-closure and not the peak risk from each situation irrespective of its time of occurrence. Assessment calculations for each situation will be for defined Reference Biosphere/PEG combinations characterised by single (point) values of the associated uncertain biosphere /PEG parameters. The robustness of these calculations will be examined in sensitivity studies in which values of the key biosphere and PEG parameters will be systematically varied. Due to the uncertainties associated with potential future human actions, it is not considered appropriate to attempt to calculate risks by sampling from distributions of values for biosphere and PEG parameters. Results will be presented for each PEG separately. It is not appropriate to combine risks associated with different PEGs, as PEGs are defined with sufficiently broad characteristics (see (j) above) that any given individual can be considered to be a member of a single PEG only. In general, when selecting parameter values to characterise representative members of PEGs, typical occupancies and consumption rates will be used. However, consideration will be given to the size of the group or community from which the PEG is drawn. If the group or community is sufficiently large that high occupancy or consumption rate individuals are likely to be present at any one time, above-average occupancy or consumption rate data will be used. Table 7: Principles for the Definition of Potential Exposure Groups for use in the 2002 PCSC (from Thorne and Kane, 2003) These various principles were based on a set developed previously for application in safety assessments undertaken by UK Nirex Ltd (Thorne, 2000). In Thorne and Kane (2003) additional commentary was included on the application of the principles in Table 7 to the LLWR. This additional commentary is reproduced in Table 8. It is included mainly for reference in subsequent sections of this report and does not need to be studied in detail for an appreciation of the following discussion. The EA in their assessment of the previous 2002 PCSC raised a number of issues of which the following is pertinent in the context of defining PEGs: BIO_006: Selection and characterisation of exposed groups. 3 The risk target is the value of one per million per year proposed in the guidance on requirements for authorisation issued by the environment agencies (Environment Agency et al., 1997). MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 11 NNL 8856 Issue 3 In issue BIO_006, there is specific reference to the Guidance on Requirements for Authorisation (GRA; Environment Agency et al., 1997) paragraphs 6.5 to 6.8 and 6.19 to 6.20 that describe the requirement that the assessment of radiological dose or risk to members of the public is approached by identifying exposure groups. The EA recommended in future, that BNFL (or any subsequent Assessor) should: 1. Account explicitly for uncertainties in the properties and characteristics of transport pathways (e.g. using probabilistic techniques) in order to calculate the expectation values of dose and risk to PEGs for comparison with the design target. 2. Calculate doses to PEGs exposed to individual pathways, to clarify the key routes for radionuclides to reach the accessible environment and give rise to doses. 3. Use the same assumptions as to the habits and characteristics of PEGs in calculations of doses arising from both the groundwater and gas pathways. 4. Base its safety case on calculated risks to reasonable PEGs and not on arguments concerning inappropriate and undemonstrated conservatisms. Taking each issue in turn, the climate and landscape change scenarios to be used as a framework to address uncertainties are described in Section 2.3. These scenarios provide for ranges of sea level and coastal erosion rates that directly affect the characteristics and evolution of the transport pathways for the radionuclides. Mapping the envisaged habits of the PEGs to landscape regions associated with these pathways will provide a range of dose and risk estimates for the PEGs for comparison with the relevant dose or risk criteria. In addition to expressing doses and risks summed over a number of exposure pathways that characterise the exposure group, a range of doses and risks will be provided for individual exposure pathways for the climate and landscape change sceanrios described. This will allow a study of the contributions of individual exposure pathways to the overall dose or risk for particular assumptions as to habits and behaviour. This requirement does not impact strongly on the characterisation of exposure groups, as this characterisation is necessarily undertaken for each pathway of exposure. Rather, it is a matter relating to the manipulation and presentation of results obtained in assessment studies. In the 2002 PCSC, the habits and characteristics of the PEGs were not entirely consistent when combined in joint consideration of the groundwater and gas pathways. This was because greater emphasis was placed on the habits of the PEGs associated with the groundwater pathway to the point that additional habits associated the gas pathway could not be precisely reconciled when they were considered at a later time. This issue is now resolved by considering groundwater and gas pathways together in the definition of PEGs. The last issue relates to the unease felt by the EA in respect of the use of Local Resource Dominated PEGs in the 2002 PCSC, as these made maximal use of the contaminated resources and received the largest risks. These were considered to represent an unduly cautious basis for assessment. Local Resource Dominated PEGs are not considered further in this study and only Analogue PEGs are taken forward for future use. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 12 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Item a b Principle The use of scenarios and prescribed landscape descriptions in the 2002 PCSC is very much in the spirit of defining Reference Biospheres. The simplifications inherent in such landscape descriptions represent a balance between the perceived need to take potential environmental changes into account and the recognition that it is not currently possible to generate a justified mechanistic description of landscape evolution. PEGs can be defined in the context of such landscapes and can be characterised by their degree of utilisation of the contaminated environmental media located therein. This approach is endorsed, for example, by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s BIOMASS Theme 1 Reference Biospheres Methodology and illustrated in Example Reference Biosphere 2 (BIOMASS, 2003). Potentially significant pathways of exposure have been identified in a succession of assessments over the last two decades. In addition, a formal exploration of potential routes of exposure has been undertaken in BIOMASS (2003). A key point is that PEGs should not be characterised in great detail, e.g. in respect of consumption of specific foodstuffs. (For comparison, in the definition of critical groups used in retrospective assessments of the radiological impacts from liquid and atmospheric discharges of radioactive wastes, specific foodstuffs, e.g. winkles, are often represented explicitly.) This suggests that exposures can be characterised at the following simplified level: • • • External exposures to contaminated soils, sediments and water bodies; Ingestion of contaminated soils and sediments, water, plant products and animal products; Inhalation of contaminated soils and sediments and radioactive gases (including radon, thoron and their progeny). Ingestion of plant products needs only to consider terrestrial and freshwater plants. Terrestrial plants should only be distinguished into broad classes. Cereals, fruit, green vegetables and root vegetables would seem to be sufficient, with other foods aggregated into these classes. Similarly, for animal products, a broad division into milk, meat and offal would seem adequate. Distinctions between animal types are of limited importance, with distinctions in transfer factors typically substantially offset by differences in consumption of contaminated materials. Marine foodstuffs include the range of seafoods currently or recently obtained in the area. c d e It is noted that for Local Resource Dominated PEGs the aim is to ensure that maximum reasonable use is made of all potentially contaminated local resources by all relevant pathways, as there is a need to ensure that possible contributions to dose are not neglected. (This can mean that consumption rates of some types of foodstuff are not as high as for Analogue PEGs with a more restricted diet.) For Analogue PEGs, it is generally appropriate to consider only a more limited set of relevant pathways. Indeed, one consideration in the definition of Analogue PEGs is to make as great a distinction as possible between the different PEGs relevant to a specific context. If this is done, it is more readily determined, from inspection of the results obtained, what the radiological impact would be on alternative PEGs with intermediate or mixed characteristics. As described above, both Local Resource Dominated PEGs and Analogue PEGs are characterised and several may be carried forward to define the range of radiological risks that may arise, subject to some cautious constraints on location and utilisation of local resources. In the context of Local Resource Dominated PEGs, in some situations it will not be immediately clear what characteristics of the PEG will dominate in determining the radiation dose received by a representative member of that PEG. Therefore, more than one potential Local Resource Dominated PEG may have to be studied in preliminary scoping calculations in order to determine which should be adopted. This is a standard component of the BNFL approach and is taken into account when defining the size of the group, so that all members of the group can make intensive use of local resources (see also item (f)). The variety of resources utilised and the degree of intensity of use will be determined by whether a Local Resource Dominated or Analogue PEG is under consideration. Relatively high conditional individual risks may arise for releases from the LLWR, so the lower degree of heterogeneity may be appropriate. However, following ICRP, the minimum degree of heterogeneity that should be used is a factor of three, i.e. a factor of about 1.7 in either direction from the representative value. Table 8: Additional Comments on the Definition of Potential Exposure Groups for use in the 2002 PCSC. This table is based on Thorne and Kane (2003), but deleting some text and updating references. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 13 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Item f Principle This principle applies both to Local Resource Dominated and Analogue PEGs. For Local Resource Dominated PEGs, a prescription consistent with this principle and also with the requirement to make maximum reasonable use of the most contaminated resources is as follows. • • Define the utilisation Uj of each environmental medium j, where utilisation is either mass per unit time (kg y-1) for ingestion or fractional occupancy for inhalation and external exposure. Calculate the annual effective dose, E (Sv), using: E= SkfijUjCijk where • fij is the fraction of the utilisation of environmental medium j from compartment i; Sk is a conversion factor with units of Sv Bq-1 for ingestion and Sv y-1 per Bq kg-1 for inhalation and external exposure; Cijk (Bq kg-1) is the concentration of radionuclide k in medium j in compartment i; and the summation is over radionuclides (k), compartments (i) and media (j). Maximise E by adjusting the values of fij subject to the constraint that NfijUj is less than the total amount of medium j available from compartment i and N is the number of people in the PEG. Where Sk is for inhalation, it is defined as the product of the volume of air breathed per year (m3 y-1), the load of the environmental medium in air (kg m-3) and the intake to effective dose factor by inhalation (Sv Bq-1). This approach ensures that maximal use is made of local resources, in the sense that the effective dose is maximised. By summing over radionuclides, it recognises that the worst case for one radionuclide is not necessarily the worst case for another. It is emphasised that the above prescription is a statement of what the assessment is aiming to achieve. In practice, values of fij will be selected prior to the calculation of annual effective doses. However, the results obtained using such prior assignment will then be examined to determine whether changes to the values would more closely approximate the above optimum. This is reasonably straightforward, as the fundamental equation can be rewritten as: E= SkfijUjCijk = Hij = SkUjCijk fijHij where g h i j k Values of Hij can be obtained from the exposure equations employed in the various assessment models used, the definition of the PEG in terms of overall utilisation of environmental media and the computations of concentrations. Therefore, no new transport calculations are required to adjust values of fij to maximise E. This principle applies both to Local Resource Dominated and Analogue PEGs. Although adult individuals are adopted as a basis for such comparisons, sensitivity studies for other age groups may also be informative. For this reason, representative children and infants are defined for each Local Resource Dominated PEG. Only adults are defined for Analogue PEGs, but the data for children and infants given for Local Resource Dominated PEGs can be used to generate corresponding data for Analogue PEGs, as required. For the 2002 PCSC, present behaviour was studied for the area in the immediate vicinity of the site and for the climatic analogue regions that were used in developing the landscape models for the various states. In addition, recent past behaviour in the immediate vicinity of the site and in analogue regions was studied by reference to documentary records. This principle applies to both Local Resource Dominated and Analogue PEGs. For Local Resource Dominated PEGs, the emphasis is on maximising exposure by considering extremes of plausible behaviour, whereas for Analogue PEGs, the emphasis is on using the observed information more directly, but with a desire to maximise the contrasts between the groups. This does not preclude consideration of actions that arise from knowledge of the presence of a human artefact (the engineered facility). It is only the knowledge that radioactive materials are present that results in an action being excluded from consideration. The principle is not intended to address response to the identification of radioactive materials, e.g. through institution of long-term controls on access to the site, if such materials are discovered subsequent the post-closure management period. For the purpose of the 2002 PCSC, no account was taken of such responses in the quantitative evaluation of the radiological performance of the facility. However, the potential for such response was considered when addressing the issue of provision of sub-surface markers describing the nature of the facility. To a large extent, this point has already been addressed. The main additional matter is that it implies that characteristics can be based on syntheses of information from a variety of sources, such as BIOMASS (2003). The main issue is the definition of situations. It seems reasonable to take each state in each scenario as a different situation. Furthermore, it is also appropriate to take the scenarios to be mutually exclusive and not to define PEGs that are common to more than one scenario. This precludes aggregating risks across scenarios or having to assign probabilities of occurrence to the different scenarios. Special considerations apply in defining situations for intrusion [see Appendix C of Thorne (2000) for discussion of this point]. Note that a PEG may be exposed by more than one pathway, e.g. release of radionuclides in both gas and groundwater. In these circumstances, risks from the different pathways should be summed. Summation over co-existing pathways of exposure is a distinct issue from summing over alternative, mutually exclusive situations. Table 8 Continued MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 14 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Item l m n Principle The use of point values for parameters was endorsed in the BIOMASS programme (BIOMASS, 2003). This point is relatively self-evident and does not require elaboration. However, it is noted that Analogue PEGs are defined to be as distinct from each other as possible. Therefore, other Analogue PEGs can be defined that are intermediate between, or have characteristics of more than one of, the Analogue PEGs studied. However, these further PEGs are distinct groups and calculations of risk for these groups is not the combination of risks for the different PEGs, even though the numerical computations are similar. This comment applies to Local Resource Dominated and Analogue PEGs. Table 8 Continued The application of these principles to future assessment calculations is addressed in Sections 2.4 and 2.5, in the context of the climate and landscape evolution scenarios described in Section 2.3. 2.3 Climate and Landscape Evolution Scenarios In Thorne and Kane (2007), eight evolution pathways are identified and described. These relate the three sea-level change scenarios. The A4a evolution pathways relate to a continuation of climatic conditions similar to those at the present day. The B3/B4V1 evolution pathways relate to a greenhouse-warmed world, but with increases in global sea-level close to the minimum that is projected to occur. The B3/B4V2 evolution pathways, in contrast, relate to a greenhouse-warmed world in which increases in global sea-level are close to the maximum that may occur. Further distinctions between the evolution pathways are made in terms of the overall sediment budget of the system. Details of the eight evolution pathways are provided in Table 9. Evolution Pathway A4aHc A4aOc B3/B4V1si B3/B4V1sc B3/B4V1ud B3/B4V2si B3/B4V2sc B3/B4V2ud Description Continuation of the present-day coastal process system without additional forcing. No rise in sea level and no change in hydrologically effective rainfall. Continuation of the present-day coastal process system without additional forcing, but with Barn Scar ceasing to act as a headland. No rise in sea level and no change in hydrologically effective rainfall. Lowest rate of sea-level rise, self-regulating coastline, positive sediment budget. Major change in geography, with the Ravenglass estuary being replaced by a barrier-lagoon complex. Lowest rate of sea-level rise, self-regulating coastline, balanced sediment budget. Essentially an accelerated version of A4aOc with an increased rate of cliff recession. Lowest rate of sea-level rise, negative feedbacks not evident, negative sediment budget results in rapid erosion. Highest rate of sea-level rise, self-regulating coastline, positive sediment budget. An accelerated version of B3/B4V1si. Major change in geography, with the Ravenglass estuary being replaced by a barrier-lagoon complex. Highest rate of sea-level rise, self-regulating coastline, balanced sediment budget. An accelerated version of B3/B4V1sc. Highest rate of sea-level rise, negative feedbacks not evident, negative sediment budget results in rapid erosion. An accelerated version of B3/B4V1ud. Table 9: The Eight Evolution Pathways addressed As discussed by Thorne and Kane (2007), for each of these evolution pathways, there are a limited number of components of the landscape in which a substantial amount of MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 15 NNL 8856 Issue 3 radioactive contamination can occur either directly or indirectly. These landscape components comprise: • An intertidal zone; • The storm beach; • The cliff; • Carl Crag bay; • Barn Scar headland; • Drigg Dunes; • Drigg Point; • Area 1 (the tract of land between Carl Crag and the site boundary); • Site North; • Site South; • The Irt Estuary; • A Barrier Lagoon • Ravenglass Bay. Thorne and Kane (2007) describe each of these landscape elements in turn from the point of view of PEG identification. That discussion is reproduced below. Note that it does not distinguish between the various scenarios for landscape evolution. This is because those scenarios are primarily distinguished by differences in rates and patterns of transport of water, sediments and radionuclides, rather than by differences between the types of community and individual that would occupy, or make use of, the contaminated environmental media. In the discussion below, there is reference to PEGs as opposed to exposure groups because the landscape changes as described are more aligned to the timescales of the post-closure phase. Landscape changes over the short term (up to 2150 AD) are addressed in Section 2.4.1, in considering exposure groups for the operational phase. 2.3.1 The Storm Beach and Intertidal Zone It is appropriate to combine the storm beach with the intertidal zone, as there is no strong demarcation between them and individuals involved in leisure and occupational activities would be expected to utilise both areas. The intertidal zone will clearly become contaminated during termination events, and it may become contaminated at an earlier stage, as the receding cliff line encounters plumes of radioactivity developing from the disposed wastes. Therefore, a relevant PEG is one that makes use of the intertidal zone for recreational or occupational purposes. Although the extent to which the area is used, e.g. for the launch of boats, will depend somewhat on whether a bay is present (see Section 2.2.3), making distinctions between PEG characteristics depending upon evolution scenario is thought to be an over-refinement of the analysis and it seems reasonable to develop a single set of PEGs, including both recreational and occupational groups, characteristic of a reasonably open, west-facing, accessible, rural area of coastline. 2.3.2 The Cliff Although the cliff may not erode exactly on the same line in each of the evolution pathways and its detailed pattern of recession will be affected by the relative MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 16 NNL 8856 Issue 3 resistance of the environmental media, engineered structures and wastes through which it passes, it seems a reasonable approximation for assessment modelling to take it to retreat parallel to the site boundary and at a constant rate during the period over which site termination occurs. This simplification does not pretend to a greater understanding of the variable resistance of the environmental media than exists at the present day, and provides a baseline against which studies of alternatives for protecting the site from erosion can be assessed. No PEGs are associated specifically with the cliff, but PEGs that use the intertidal zone would be expected also to access the cliff face. 2.3.3 Carl Crag Bay Carl Crag bay only exists in A4aHc. In the other evolution pathways, it is replaced by a stretch of open coastline. However, whether the local coastline is open or constitutes a bay, it is the PEG defined for the intertidal zone that will make use of the area. 2.3.4 Barn Scar Headland The Barn Scar headland is of importance as a control on landscape evolution and not as a location at which a PEG would be located. 2.3.5 Drigg Dunes and Drigg Point Although the Drigg Dunes exert an important control on the landscape through their till core and as a source of blown sand, they are not associated with contaminant transport pathways in their own right. Their degree of contamination during termination will be small compared with the intertidal zone, so there is no specific requirement to identify PEGs that make use of the dune area. If there were a need to make calculations to illustrate the magnitude of radiological impacts from occupancy of this area, Thorne and Kane (2007) suggested that it will be sufficient to partition the occupancies developed for the intertidal zone PEGs between the intertidal area and the Drigg Dunes. 2.3.6 Area 1 Area 1 comprises the region between Carl Crag and the site boundary. It is of relevance because flow and transport pathways run beneath this area. Although discharges to this area are not confirmed at the present day, the potential for discharges in evolving future conditions is a matter that has to be explored through hydrogeological modelling under the changed boundary conditions that will exist, notably the altered geometry of the area and the modified position of the saline interface zone. In A4aHc, A4aOc, B3/B4V1sc, B3/B4V1ud and B3/B4V2sc, the area reduces to a small triangle of dune and heath by the time of onset of termination. In B3/B4V1si and B3/B4V2si, the evolution of the area is much the same, but there is also much MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 17 NNL 8856 Issue 3 blown sand present and extensive dune development. In B3/B4V2ud, Area 1 is entirely eroded away prior to termination. Area 1 is of limited interest with respect to occupancy over the period through to termination and it is not clear that any significant degree of contamination of the area would be expected over that period. Thorne and Kane (2007) comment that if it were necessary to consider a PEG present in that area, the same approach as recommended for the Drigg Dunes could be adopted, i.e. the occupancies developed for the intertidal zone PEGs could be partitioned between the intertidal area and Area 1. 2.3.7 Site North Site North comprises the cap which can be covered in blown sand and is associated with dune and heath vegetation that advances across the site. It is entirely eroded away during termination. The amount of blown sand varies from high (e.g. B3/B4V1si) to low (e.g. B3/B4V1ud). The Site North area is identified as a potential location of gaseous discharges and of wastes exhumed due to human intrusion. Potential ‘bath-tubbing’ pathways would also involve Area 1 and Site South. In the absence of intrusion, utilisation of this area would be expected to be limited to casual recreational activities. However, it is feasible that a smallholding might be developed in this area and that a domestic dwelling associated with such a smallholding could abstract water from a well or borehole downstream of the facility. 2.3.8 Site South In A4aHc, A4aOc, B3/B4V1ud and B3/B4V2ud, this area is characterised as heath and salt marsh subject to inundation. There is overgrown wetland along the line of the Drigg Stream and the area is entirely eroded away during termination. In B3/B4V1ud, part of the area becomes included within the estuary prior to termination and becomes part of Ravenglass Bay during termination. In B3/B4V2ud, early formation of Ravenglass Bay intrudes across the area prior to termination. In B3/B4V1si, Site South is dominated by blown sand. It is initially subject to inundation with overgrown wetland along the line of the Drigg Stream. Around 1000 a AP, a lagoon occupies part of the area extending up along the line of the Drigg Stream. Before 2000 a AP, the roll back of the Drigg Dunes infills the lagoon, and dune and heath vegetation is present. The area is entirely eroded out during termination as Ravenglass Bay forms. In B3/B4V2si, the evolution is similar, but with lagoon occupancy occurring at 200 - 500 a AP and roll back of the Drigg Dunes occurring before 1000 a AP. In B3/B4V1sc and B3/B4V2sc, recession of the Drigg Dunes buries the Drigg Stream and raises the level of the ground surface. Dune and heath vegetation is present. No inundation of the area occurs, because the River Irt is diverted further inland and eastward. The area is entirely eroded away during termination as Ravenglass Bay forms. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 18 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Site South is associated with a transport pathway, primarily via the Drigg and E-W Streams, but also via near-surface groundwater pathways. Such pathways may be engineered out and stream pathways will cease following roll over of the Drigg Dunes in those evolution pathways for which this occurs. Discharges could occur to an estuary (B3/B4V1ud), a lagoon (B3/B4V1si and B3/B4V2si) or to Ravenglass Bay (e.g. B3/B4V2ud, B3B4V1sc, B3B4V2sc). PEGs are required relating to use of the streams, use of areas of land potentially contaminated by groundwater pathways and use of the estuary, lagoon or Ravenglass Bay. 2.3.9 The Irt Estuary In A4aHc, A4aOc, B3/B4V1sc and B3/B4V2sc, the Irt estuary has a changed geometry, but the same ecology as at present. During termination, the River Irt realigns to pass directly south-east of the site to the sea. The existing estuary area is converted to a full maritime bay. By the end of termination, the bay extends well inland. In B3/B4V1si, the Irt estuary ceases to exist before 1000 a AP and is replaced by a barrier lagoon (see below). In B3/B4V2si, the evolution is similar, but more rapid, with replacement by a barrier lagoon occurring at 200 - 500 a AP. In B3/B4V1ud and B3/B4V2ud, rapid erosion of the spit causes realignment of the Irt estuary and early formation of Ravenglass Bay prior to termination. Transport pathways will exist to the Irt Estuary via the Drigg Stream. Furthermore, the estuary may accumulate debris or particles derived from debris during and after termination. Therefore, PEGs are required that specifically make use of the estuarine environment. The estuary can be converted to a lagoon or bay in some evolution pathways and radionuclides retained in the estuary can be transferred to these alternative environments, which also need to have PEGs associated with them. 2.3.10 The Barrier Lagoon The barrier lagoon only forms in B3/B4V1si and B3/B4V2si. It forms after the barrier across the estuary is complete and may be either brackish or freshwater. Water ponds behind the barrier and seeps through, occasionally washing over. Periodic breaks in the barrier are sealed by storm action bringing sediment ashore. Sedimentation occurs in the lagoon and marshy areas develop. Contamination of the lagoon occurs via Site South. Contaminants will mix in the lagoon and seep through the barrier to the sea. The barrier lagoon is likely to evolve rapidly during termination and may break down before termination is complete. As noted in Section 2.3.9, the barrier lagoon should have PEGs specifically associated with it. 2.3.11 Ravenglass Bay In A4aHc, A4aOc, B3/B4V1sc and B3/B4V2sc, Ravenglass Bay is likely to form at a late stage during termination. Debris from the site is washed out to sea by the River MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 19 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Irt at the mouth of its estuary, by now located immediately south-east of the site. Debris may return to accumulate in the bay. In B3/B4V1si and B3/B4V2si, Ravenglass Bay will form eventually after the barrierlagoon system fails after recession of the barrier as far as physically possible. However, bay formation is not expected before termination is complete or largely complete. In B3/B4V1ud, Ravenglass Bay forms prior to termination. Debris from the site may accumulate in the bay. Bay formation is relatively rapid, with less sediment, less extensive drying areas and deeper waters than in other B3/B4V1 evolution pathways. A similar evolutionary pathway is followed in B3/B4V2ud. Again bay formation is relatively rapid, with less sediment, less extensive drying areas and deeper waters than in other B3/B4V2 evolution pathways. As noted in Section 2.2.9, Ravenglass Bay should have PEGs specifically associated with it. 2.3.12 Timescales In giving consideration to the characteristics of the exposure groups and PEGs to be defined, it is important to emphasise the relatively short timescales involved. This is illustrated in Table 10, taken from Thorne and Kane (2007). This shows the time at which cliff retreat and inundation first breach the site boundary (T1), the time at which the site has been completely destroyed (T2), and the period over which the majority of bulk erosion of the vaults and trenches occurs. It is emphasised that these timescales are indicative, as there are considerable uncertainties in the amount, timing and rate of sea-level rise, and in the resistance of the coast to erosion under any particular pattern of sea-level rise. Evolution Pathway A4aHc A4aOc B3/B4V1si B3/B4V1sc B3/B4V1ud B3/B4V2si B3/B4V2sc B3/B4V2ud T1 (Years AP) Beginning of Bulk Erosion (Years AP) End of Bulk Erosion (Years AP) T2 (Years AP) 1500 2500 2000 1500 1000 1000 900 750 1500 2500 2000 1500 1000 1000 900 750 4500 3500 3000 2400 1800 1400 1200 1000 4500 5000 3000 2400 1800 1400 1200 1000 Period of Bulk Erosion (Years) 3000 1000 1000 900 800 400 300 250 Table 10: Period and Duration of Bulk Erosion for Each Evolution Pathway The interval of bulk erosion is only significantly shorter than the period of bulk erosion for the A4aHc evolution pathway. This arises from the substantial change in the shape of the cliffline for this pathway. The period of bulk erosion is similar for the A4aOc evolution pathway, which does not take account of sea-level rise, and the B3/B4V1 pathways, which have a lower-bound estimate of sea-level rise for the greenhouse-warming scenarios. However, for B3/B4V2 evolution pathways, the period of bulk erosion is reduced from ~ 1000 years to 250 to 400 years. It is emphasised that the amount and pattern of sea-level rise is substantially uncertain, so MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 20 NNL 8856 Issue 3 intermediate scenarios can be envisaged in which the period of bulk erosion commences between 750 and 2500 years AP and takes between 250 and 3000 years. Overall, PEGs need to be defined for a period of between 750 and 2500 years covering the period up to the start of bulk erosion and also for a period of between 250 and 3000 years over which bulk erosion takes place. 2.4 Identification of Exposure Groups and PEGs 2.4.1 Exposure Groups for the Operational Phase Considering the previous landscape change information for the short term up to 2150 AD, exposure groups are identified in Table 11. Missing from the table are the Barrier Lagoon and Ravenglass Bay areas, which will not apply during this period. Over this interval, varying degrees of coastal erosion as exemplified by the various landscape change scenarios of the site will have occurred, but termination of the site is still in the future. This identification has been informed by a consideration of the exposure pathways identified in the 2002 OESC and issues raised by the EA, in particular OESC_003 and OESC_004 (as described in Section 2.1). Also implicitly taken into account are the climate change scenarios A4a and B3/B4 occurring over the next few decades and the effect climate may play on the habits of the present-day exposure groups. From Thorne and Kane (2007), for the A4a scenario, a temperate climate with similar temperature and precipitation will prevail for the next 150 years, whereas for the B3/B4 scenario (with global warming) the mean annual temperature may increase by up to 3 °C. As regards mean annual precipitation for the B3/B4 scenario, relative to the present day value or around 1000 mm a-1, the rate could either increase to around 1200 mm a-1 or decrease to around 850 mm a-1. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 21 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Area Storm beach and intertidal zone Cliff Exposure Groups Recreational and occupational. None, but Exposure Groups defined for the storm beach and intertidal zone would be expected to access the cliff face. None, but Exposure Groups defined for the storm beach and intertidal zone would be expected to make use of this area. None, but Exposure Groups defined for the storm beach and intertidal zone might make use of this area. If so, it will be sufficient to partition the occupancies developed for the intertidal zone PEGs between the intertidal area and the Drigg Dunes. Exposure Group potentially for aerial discharges from current and future operations. No Exposure Groups on site itself, though Exposure Groups (around perimeter of Site North) for aerial discharges from current and future operations need to be considered. It can be assumed that this region will be unaffected by liquid discharges. No Exposure Group on site itself, though Exposure Groups (around perimeter of Site South) for aerial discharges need to be considered. For the public assuming that near-surface discharges to the Drigg stream and surrounding water courses are engineered out, there will only be residual levels from previous operations. Exposure Groups may be applicable to the Irt Estuary due to envisaged groundwater discharges to the coastal region and resulting tidal actions. Carl Crag bay or corresponding length of open coastline Drigg Dunes and Drigg Point Area 1 Site North Site South/ Irt Estuary Table 11: Identification of Required Exposure Groups Thus the various Exposure Groups that require characterisation are: • Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Users of the East-West and Drigg streams and of the Site South area; • Users of the Irt Estuary. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 22 NNL 8856 Issue 3 2.4.2 PEGs for the Post-closure Phase From the summary presented in Sections 2.3.1 to 2.3.11, the PEGs listed in Table 12 are identified as being required. Area Storm beach and intertidal zone Cliff PEGs Recreational and occupational. None, but PEGs defined for the storm beach and intertidal zone would be expected to access the cliff face. None, but PEGs defined for the storm beach and intertidal zone would be expected to make use of this area. None, but PEGs defined for the storm beach and intertidal zone might make use of this area. If so, it will be sufficient to partition the occupancies developed for the intertidal zone PEGs between the intertidal area and the Drigg Dunes. None, but if it were necessary to consider a PEG present in this area, the same approach as recommended for the Drigg Dunes could be adopted, i.e. the occupancies developed for the intertidal zone PEGs could be partitioned between the intertidal area and Area 1. This would only arise if the degree of contamination of Area 1 was greater than that of the intertidal zone, and this is considered to be highly unlikely. PEGs are required for casual and recreational activities, and for inadvertent human intrusion. Also, a smallholding could be developed on the cap area and a well could be sunk close to the facility and intercept contaminated groundwater. PEGs are required relating to use of the streams, use of areas of land potentially contaminated by groundwater pathways and use of the estuary, lagoon or Ravenglass Bay. Carl Crag bay or corresponding length of open coastline Drigg Dunes and Drigg Point Area 1 Site North Site South/Irt estuary/Barrier-lagoon/Ravenglass Bay Table 12: Identification of Required PEGs Thus, the various PEGs that are required are: • Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Casual and recreational users of the facility cap area; • Agricultural smallholders making use of the cap area; • Users of water abstracted from a well downstream of the facility; • Inadvertent intruders into the facility; • Individuals making use of the cap area subsequent to inadvertent intrusion; • Users of the East-West and Drigg streams and of the Site South area; • Users of the estuary and lagoon; • Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay; • Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 23 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Users of the estuary and lagoon have been placed together, noting that these are both fresh to brackish water bodies of substantial spatial extent. It seems likely that the main distinctions that will arise will relate to radionuclide transport in these two different types of water body rather than in the habits and behaviour of individuals making extensive use of them. Although users of Ravenglass Bay have been explicitly listed, their habits and behaviour should be similar to users of the storm beach and intertidal zone, as both sets of individuals access a broadly similar environment. As the storm beach and intertidal zone is likely to be the more highly contaminated of the two environments, it seems appropriate to give the PEGs associated with that region priority in definition, and to define those associated with Ravenglass Bay identically, so that comparisons can be made between radiological impacts in the two areas without introducing differences between PEG characteristics as a confounding factor. It is noted that PEGs present on the cap could be exposed due to releases of radioactive gases or as a result of build-up of water in the facility (‘bath-tubbing’) giving rise to contamination of the overlying soil. In this context, it is emphasised that the potential for bath-tubbing may be limited through engineering measures, so this route of exposure may, in practice, be of little radiological significance. A PEG associated with abstraction of water from a well has been included. Although this has been associated with Site North in Table 12, in practice it might be constructed anywhere downstream of the repository where it could intersect a plume of contaminated groundwater. The probability of such a well existing within the plume area at any time will depend on the spatial extent of the plume and the potential requirement for water use. It will also depend on the quality of the water that can be abstracted. The limited area between the facility and the coast, and the poor quality of the land both imply that well construction and use will be less likely than in good quality agricultural areas, notably in the drier parts of the UK. Nevertheless, the presence of such a well cannot be excluded from consideration. The most likely intensive use of water from such a well is by a smallholder and their family. Thus, a smallholder PEG is required both for residence on the cap and for utilisation of well water. It is emphasised that this report does not address the likelihood of a well being present within the contaminant plume. This is more appropriately addressed in the context of the assessment calculations when information is available on the potential spatial and temporal development of a plume of contaminated groundwater. 2.5 Methodologies Adopted for PEG Identification and Characterisation for Future Environmental Safety Cases The following subsections cover formal methodologies for identifying, in a more quantitative manner, PEGs and their characteristics or habits for assessment studies of the LLWR site, particularly during the post-closure phase when all prior knowledge of the site has been lost. These methodologies are framed using the principles for the definition of PEGs for use in the 2002 PCSC (Table 1) and output from BIOMASS (2003) and BIOCLIM (2004). MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 24 NNL 8856 Issue 3 2.5.1 Defining the Context in which PEGs are Present By defining a limited set of landscape evolution pathways (Section 2.3), a reference biosphere concept is adopted, in the sense that the small number of pathways selected are intended to span the range of potential patterns of evolution and provide wellcharacterised landscape contexts within which radiological impact assessment calculations can be undertaken. The main distinction from the BIOMASS (2003) methodology is that termination is seen as a continuous transitional process rather than a biosphere state. In this sense, the methodology more closely relates to the states and transitions approach adopted in BIOCLIM (2004). In this case, there is only a single climatic state prior to the termination transition. Following the BIOMASS or BIOCLIM methodologies, biosphere characteristics and changes in those characteristics would be systematically identified and described by distinguishing the biosphere into major components, and by using interaction matrices and transition diagrams to characterise the relationships between those various components. However, this type of analysis is primarily relevant to the identification and characterisation of radionuclide transport pathways. For the purpose of PEG identification and characterisation, the main consideration is to disaggregate the environment into spatial components and to identify which of those components could become contaminated to a significant degree. PEGs can then be defined that make reasonable, maximal use of those components. The disaggregation of the biosphere into components has been addressed in Section 2.3. The main impact of climate change in defining the landscapes in which the PEGs will be present comes indirectly through changes in sea level. In the A4a landscape evolution pathways, climatic conditions are identical to those at the present day throughout. In the B3/B4 landscape evolution pathways, the climate is considerably warmer than at the present day. However, the warming is considered to take place mainly over the next 100 to 200 years, so by the time that post-closure institutional control is assumed to be lost, the climate will have achieved much of its projected warming. As greenhouse-induced warming is expected to persist for many millennia (Thorne and Kane, 2007), it is appropriate to consider that the greenhouse-warmed climate persists almost unchanged throughout the pre-termination and termination periods. Overall, the principle of adopting the Reference Biospheres concept (Table 7, item a) has been fully achieved. The comment made in Table 8, relating to the 2002 PCSC, remains applicable, i.e. the use of scenarios and prescribed landscape evolution descriptions is very much in the spirit of defining Reference Biospheres. As the identification and characterisation of the context in which the PEGs are present has been completed in Section 2.3, this matter does not need to be addressed further in the application of the methodology set out in Section 3. 2.5.2 Representation of All Relevant Pathways Item b of Table 7 calls for all potentially relevant pathways of exposure to be represented, but not to the same degree of detail as would typically be employed in characterising present-day critical groups in the context of radioactive waste MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 25 NNL 8856 Issue 3 discharges. Item b of Table 8 proposes that exposure pathways can be suitably characterised as: • External exposures to contaminated soils, sediments and water bodies; • Ingestion of contaminated soils and sediments, water, plant products and animal products; • Inhalation of contaminated soils and sediments and radioactive gases (including radon, thoron and their progeny). The proposed distinction of plant and animal products uses a simple, generalised classification scheme distinguishing only between: • Freshwater plants: • Freshwater fish: • Terrestrial plants: cereals, fruit, green vegetables, root vegetables and tubers; • Terrestrial animal products: milk, meat and offal; • Estuarine and lagoon fish, crustaceans and molluscs; • Marine fish, crustaceans and molluscs. With respect to animal products, distinctions between animal types are neglected (see Table 8). For assessment modelling purposes, it is considered appropriate to take total milk, meat and offal consumption as if all the food products were obtained from cattle. This arises because the higher transfer factors observed for smaller animals are compensated for by their smaller intakes of food and hence their smaller intakes of radionuclides in a landscape contaminated at a particular level. In applying the methodology, a matrix is drawn up of the various PEGs along one axis and the various exposure pathways along the other. Pathways that are included or excluded for each PEG are indicated in the matrix, and a brief justification for each decision is provided (see Section 3.1). 2.5.3 Identification of PEGs Item c of Table 7 identifies the need to select one or more PEGs for each Reference Biosphere and to undertake scoping calculations to identify which of these should be taken forward for detailed analysis. Table 8 identifies that in the 2002 PCSC both Local Resource Dominated and Analogue PEGs were characterised. In view of the relatively short period of a few thousand years that will be covered in future assessments, it is assumed that there will not be a reversion to primitive conditions over the period of interest. Therefore, the emphasis is placed on defining Analogue PEGs based on present-day habits and behaviour, either local to the facility for present-day climatic conditions, or at analogue locations for greenhouse-warmed conditions. This is in line with the EA view that Local Resource Dominated PEGs incorporate unduly pessimistic assumptions concerning potential exposures. Thus, in Section 3, the various PEGs described in outline in Section 2.2 are defined more closely in terms of present-day population groups. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 26 NNL 8856 Issue 3 2.5.4 Relative Homogeneity In item d of Table 7, it was required that PEGs should be identified such that they were relatively homogeneous with respect to radiation exposure. It was further noted that (item e), at individual risks of the order of, or less than, the risk target of 1 10-6 per year, up to a factor of ten inhomogeneity of exposure is acceptable, but that, at substantially larger individual risks, the degree of inhomogeneity should be less. In Table 8, it was clarified that the minimum degree of heterogeneity that should be used is a factor of three, i.e. a factor of about 1.7 in either direction from the representative value. In practice, relative homogeneity of radiation exposure cannot be determined without spatially distributed estimates of radionuclide concentrations in environmental media and it may not be appropriate to attempt to estimate such spatially distributed concentrations over an extended post-closure period. Therefore, relative homogeneity of habits and behaviour relating to the occupancy of the most contaminated areas and consumption of the most contaminated food and water has been adopted instead. Relative homogeneity of habits and behaviour is achieved through the selection of appropriate parameter values to represent the habits and behaviour of representative members of PEGs, as described in Section 3. In defining those habits and behaviour, item h from Table 7 is taken into account, i.e. the diet and lifestyle of the PEG is based on observed past and present behaviour, either in the region of the LLWR or in an analogue region appropriate to future environmental conditions. 2.5.5 Residence in, and Utilisation of Materials from, the Contaminated Area Item f of Table 7 points out that reasonable homogeneity of exposure does not necessarily require that the representative member of a PEG is restricted to residence in and utilisation of materials from, the area in which environmental concentrations of radionuclides are highest. However, it does require that the degree of residence or utilisation should be estimated. In this analysis, an emphasis is placed on Analogue PEGs and it is important to evaluate their use of local resources. This is done in Section 3, where an audit of local resource use relative to total use is presented for each PEG. In this context, it is noted that the selection of parameter values for characterising representative members of PEGs will take into account the requirement in item n of Table 7 that, in general, typical occupancies and consumption rates should be used. However, again following the recommendation in item n, if the group or community is sufficiently large that high occupancy or consumption rate individuals are likely to be present at any one time, above-average occupancy or consumption rates will be used. Special considerations apply to the smallholder PEG, as noted in Section 3. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 27 NNL 8856 Issue 3 2.5.6 Age Groups In item g of Table 7, it is stated that the annual risk to be compared with the risk target is that to an adult individual in any one year. Table 7 further comments that although adult individuals are adopted as a basis for such comparisons, sensitivity studies for other age groups may also be informative. For this reason, representative children and infants are characterised as well as representative adults. It is noted that exposure of the embryo, foetus and breast-fed infant may also require consideration. In this context the primary requirements are details of the diet and occupancy of the pregnant woman or nursing mother. As a basis for comparison, these are taken as identical to those of the reference adult, i.e. changes in behaviour during pregnancy and breast feeding are neglected. 2.5.7 Use of Standard Data Item j of Table 7 requires that PEGs should be defined in terms of broad characteristics likely to substantially affect radiation exposure. This is largely addressed in Section 2.5.2. However, item j also requires that those broad characteristics should be based on existing UK, overseas and international experience relating to both solid radioactive waste disposal and discharges of radioactive effluents to the environment. This requirement is implemented by relying, as far as possible, on values recommended by authoritative bodies, such as HPA-RPD, unless there are specific reasons arising from the landscape description to adopt alternative values. 2.5.8 Use of Point Values Item l of Table 7 requires assessment calculations to be undertaken using single (point) values of PEG characteristics. Thus, point values of PEG characteristics are recommended in Section 3. However, item l of Table 7 also requires that the robustness of the calculations shall be examined in sensitivity studies. To facilitate this, recommendations are provided in Section 3 as to ranges over which PEG parameters should be systematically varied. Provision of these ranges also helps to explicitly address issues relating to the relative homogeneity of the PEG (Section 2.3.4). 2.5.9 Other Considerations Other principles set out in Table 7 and commented upon in Table 8 relate to the assessment calculations undertaken for representative members of PEGs. They do not impinge on the identification and characterisation of PEGs. Therefore, they are not considered further herein. 2.5.10 Steps of the Methodology Based on the above discussion, the following methodological steps are identified: 1) Define the context in which the exposure groups or PEGs are present and provide outline descriptions of them (addressed in Section 2.3); MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 28 NNL 8856 Issue 3 2) Identify the pathways of exposure relevant to each exposure group or PEG; 3) Define the exposure groups or PEGs in terms of present-day population groups; 4) Select point estimate reference parameter values and uncertainty ranges for adult members of each exposure group or PEG to achieve relative homogeneity of characteristics; 5) Select point estimate reference parameter values and uncertainty ranges for children and infants associated with each exposure group or PEG; 6) Audit local resource use and range of uncertainty for each exposure group or PEG. In undertaking these six steps, the various detailed considerations set out in Sections 2.5.1 to 2.5.8 are required to be taken into account. This methodology is applied explicitly in Section 3.1, which relates to exposure groups or PEGs defined for groundwater-mediated and gas pathways prior to termination and during the termination process, and also to PEGs exposed to debris and particulate contaminated material as a result of the termination process. Thus, consistency between pathways, and between the operational and post-closure phases, is achieved, as required by the EA. The principles set out in Tables 7 and 8 were also applied in relation to inadvertent human intrusion in the 2002 PCSC. The PEGs identified there did not require modification, so the text describing them is largely taken from the 2002 PCSC and is provided in Section 3.2. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 29 NNL 8856 Issue 3 3. Identification and Characterisation of Exposure Groups and Potentially Exposed Groups 3.1 From the Present Day through to and During Facility Disruption 3.1.1 Identification of Pathways of Exposure Excluding PEGs associated with inadvertent human intrusion, the exposure groups and PEGs identified in Sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 comprise: • Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Casual and recreational users of the facility cap area; • Agricultural smallholders making use of the cap area; • Users of water abstracted from a well downstream of the facility; • Users of the East-West and Drigg streams and of the Site South area; • Users of the estuary and lagoon; • Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay; • Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay. It should be noted that the exposure groups identified for the operational phase are a subset of the PEGs identified for the post-closure phase. The differences between these periods reside in the projected concentrations of radionuclides in environmental media, arising from the different routes of release of relevance, rather than in the habits and behaviour of the exposed groups and PEGs. Thus, by defining identical habits and behaviour, consistency between the operational and post-closure safety assessment calculations is achieved. In this context, it is noted that many of the parameter values and ranges recommended later in this section were developed for use in discharge assessments and have been adapted to the post-closure context. Thus, again, consistency between the two periods is achieved. Agricultural smallholders making use of the cap area are also identified as the likely users of water abstracted from a well downstream of the facility. Such an agricultural smallholder group was discussed in the context of inadvertent human intrusion in the 2002 PCSC. As the approach adopted for inadvertent human intrusion remains applicable, the smallholder PEG is discussed in the human intrusion context (Section 3.2.2). For each of the remaining seven groups, the following general pathways have to be considered: • External exposures to contaminated soils, sediments and water bodies; • Ingestion of contaminated soils and sediments, water, plant products and animal products; • Inhalation of contaminated soils and sediments and radioactive gases (including radon, thoron and their progeny). MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 30 NNL 8856 Issue 3 An audit of the potential significance of each pathway for each group is presented in Table 13. Note that comments on individual entries are given in footnotes below the table. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 31 NNL 8856 Issue 3 PEG Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Casual and recreational users of the facility cap area Users of the East-West and Drigg streams and of the Site South area Users of the estuary and lagoon Users of Ravenglass Bay Pathway External to soil and sediment External to water bodies Ingestion of soil and sediment Ingestion of water Ingestion of plant products Ingestion of animal products Inhalation of soil and sediment Inhalation of radioactive gases External to soil and sediment External to water bodies Ingestion of soil and sediment Ingestion of water Ingestion of plant products Ingestion of animal products Inhalation of soil and sediment Inhalation of radioactive gases External to soil and sediment External to water bodies Ingestion of soil and sediment Ingestion of water Ingestion of plant products Ingestion of animal products Inhalation of soil and sediment Inhalation of radioactive gases External to soil and sediment External to water bodies Ingestion of soil and sediment Ingestion of water Ingestion of plant products Ingestion of animal products Inhalation of soil and sediment Inhalation of radioactive gases External to soil and sediment External to water bodies Ingestion of soil and sediment Ingestion of water Ingestion of plant products Ingestion of animal products Inhalation of soil and sediment Inhalation of radioactive gases External to soil and sediment External to water bodies Ingestion of soil and sediment Ingestion of water Ingestion of plant products Ingestion of animal products Inhalation of soil and sediment Inhalation of radioactive gases Included Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y N Y N N N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Comment a b c d e f g h a b c d e i g h j k l m n n o p q r s t u v w x y z s aa ab ac w x ad ae s d e af g ag Table 13: Identification of Pathways associated with Exposure Groups and PEGs (Footnotes to Table 13 are given on the following page.) MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 32 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Identifier a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag Comment Waste debris and particles incorporated in the storm beach and intertidal area. Wastes exposed at the cliff face. From swimming, boating and exposure close to the shoreline. Likely to be of less radiological significance that external exposure to materials in the cliff and beach. Inadvertent ingestion of particulate material mainly from the intertidal area. Inadvertent ingestion of small quantities of seawater mainly when swimming. Negligible development of edible vegetation in the area. Assume no collection of edible macrophytic algae (seaweed) from the shoreline, but this could be included as a variant, unusual pathway calculation. Occupational group, so consumption of locally caught fish and shellfish is included. Resuspension of small particles from the beach. Possibility of radon and thoron exhaled from wastes, but gas pathways are of limited significance even for individuals exposed on the cap area. Recreational users, assumed not to be involved in harvesting fish and shellfish, as this pathway is addressed through the occupational users. Cap materials could become contaminated, e.g. in bath-tubbing scenarios. No substantial water bodies present in the area. Inadvertent ingestion of contaminated cap materials. Water for drinking is not anticipated to be obtained from the local area of the facility. Cap area not suitable for agricultural activities and becomes less so as the cliff line moves toward the site. Due to resuspension of contaminated cap materials. Pathway of specific interest, as evolved bulk and trace radioactive gases may be released through the cap structure. General area may become contaminated through groundwater discharge and overbank flooding. Streams are not spatially extensive, so external exposure will be dominated by that due to soils and sediments. Inadvertent ingestion. Limited casual use of the streams, e.g. by campers. Area is associated with salt marsh, heath vegetation or blown sand. It is not used for agriculture, except possibly some cattle and sheep grazing. Only for those evolution pathways for which salt marsh may be present. Due to resuspension of contaminated soil and sediment. Very limited gas release from uranium and thorium series radionuclides migrating in groundwater and surface water. General from sediments in the vicinity of the estuary or lagoon. From swimming, boating and exposure close to the shoreline. Swimming is likely to be of less significance than in the open ocean, but boating may be more intensively pursued in the enclosed waters of a lagoon. Estuary or lagoon water is not likely to be of suitable quality for drinking, but inadvertent ingestion may occur during recreational activities. Not an agricultural area. Freshwater plants and macrophytic algae not assumed to be taken from the estuary or lagoon for food consumption. This pathway could be explored as a variant, as required. Fish, molluscs and crustaceans taken from the estuary or lagoon. Mainly from intertidal sediments. From swimming, boating and exposure close to the shoreline. Consumption of locally caught fish and shellfish is included. Very limited gas release from uranium and thorium series radionuclides migrating as debris, particulate material or dissolved in seawater. Footnotes to Table 13 MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 33 NNL 8856 Issue 3 3.1.2 Definition of Exposure Groups and PEGs as Population Groups Having identified the exposure pathways that need to be considered for each exposure group and PEG, the next requirement is to characterise each such group in terms of present-day population groups. It is at this stage that a link can be made with the data used in the 2002 PCSC (Thorne and Kane, 2003) and with exposure group information that has been used previously or has been recommended for use elsewhere. Analogue PEGs in the 2002 PCSC For the 2002 PCSC, Analogue PEGs were defined through to the far future. Given the shorter-term assessment now being developed, not all of these Analogue PEGs are appropriate. However, those defined for the period at, or soon after, closure of the facility remain potentially relevant. These comprise: • In-shore fishermen; • Coastal livestock farmers; • Estuary livestock farmers; • Coastal horticulturists; • Irt Estuary houseboat dwellers; • Drigg villagers; • Coastal villagers. The general characteristics of the area relevant to conditions at closure for which these Analogue PEGs were defined were described by Thorne and Kane (2003). Fishing and livestock farming were taken to be the main rural, food producing activities compatible with the present day environment in coastal West Cumbria. The agro-climatic analogue for West Cumbria during the at-closure state was taken to be coastal land in the vicinity of Plymouth, Devon (reflecting a limited amount of anthropogenic climate warming by the time of closure). The agricultural statistics reveal a more diversified agricultural economy than that of West Cumbria. Specifically, cereals, pigs and poultry are present, but are not recorded for West Cumbria today. Also, there is a reduced emphasis on livestock in general, and an increased emphasis on horticulture and mixed farming. However, whilst this pattern was anticipated to become characteristic of much of the coastal plain, it was thought that the area most affected by sea-to-land transfer would probably be largely unaffected. The essential characteristics of this area were taken to be attributable to coastal processes and features that limit the potential for agricultural activity. These processes and features were considered characteristic of the geographical and landscape setting and not particularly sensitive to changes in climate. Cereals for human consumption were not expected to be grown in the area most affected by sea-to-land transfer and this land was taken to continue to be used mostly as rough summer grazing. Water supplies were taken to be uncontaminated, although it was noted that surface waters may be affected by sea-to-land transfers. It was noted that there is little if any commercial horticultural or fruit production at present in the MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 34 NNL 8856 Issue 3 area most affected by sea-to-land transfer, but there is no reason why such production should not occur on a small scale. Characteristics of the individual Analogue PEGs, as provided by Thorne and Kane (2003) are set out below. In-shore Fishermen The in-shore fishermen PEG was deemed to be based at Seascale, although Ravenglass is an alternative, and perhaps more likely, location. Seascale was chosen as the location because it is most exposed to sea spray. The fishing boats are shorelaunched and their range is limited. The group derives a living by a combination of netting, shore-based line fishing and from harvesting crabs and lobsters, winkles and mussels. The group members consume seaweed in the form of laverbread. Group members were deemed to spend their time at sea, on the foreshore or within the area most affected by sea-to-land transfers. Apart from marine foods that they were taken to consume at a high level, all their other foods were deemed to be uncontaminated, so as to achieve maximum distinction between groups. Their drinking water was also deemed to be uncontaminated. In practice, in-shore fishermen could well consume contaminated terrestrial foodstuffs. However, an uncontaminated source was assumed to maximise distinctions between the Analogue PEGs. Coastal Livestock Farmers The coastal livestock farmers PEG was deemed to be located between the site and coast because this is the zone most likely to be affected by sea-to-land transfer. They were taken to spend some 20 hours a day on an annual basis in this area. This takes account of holidays, trading away from the site and other off-model activities. The area of livestock grazing includes the area between the site and Seascale. Lowland cattle and sheep best describes the most likely livestock enterprise at Drigg, but it was assumed cautiously that dairy cows are also grazed on potentially contaminated land. It was also cautiously assumed that the livestock obtain all their dietary intake requirements throughout the year from grazing coastal grasslands. In practice, they would spend only part of the year by the coast and would spend much of their time grazing further inland. A proportion of their diet would also take the form of concentrates and silage, especially over winter. It was cautiously assumed that the livestock obtain all their water from sources contaminated by sea-to-land transfer. The farmers were assumed to consume at a high rate the full range of dairy, beef and sheep products. To make the greatest possible distinction from the in-shore fishermen PEG, fish consumption rates were set to zero. Estuary Livestock Farmers The estuary livestock farmers were deemed to live at Saltcoats and were cautiously assumed to spend 20 hours per day on an annual basis on and around the salt marsh and tide-washed pasture. This included 4 hours per day off-model. The livestock graze the salt marsh and tide-washed pasture for half of the year. This is assumed to correspond to the highest level of access to these lands. Soil consumption by animals whilst grazing the salt marsh is high. The animals drink from local streams and MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 35 NNL 8856 Issue 3 drainage ditches at Drigg Stream levels of radionuclide concentration. Other assumptions regarding the livestock were the same as for coastal livestock farmers and the same conservatisms applied. Inadvertent sediment consumption by humans was taken to be from salt-marsh soils. To make the greatest possible distinction from the in-shore fishermen PEG, fish consumption rates were set to zero. Coastal Horticulturists Coastal horticulturists were deemed to be located between the site and the coast, because this is the zone most likely to be affected by sea-to-land transfer. They spend some 20 hours per day on an annual basis in this area. It was assumed that the soils have been improved for the purposes of horticulture and that sufficient inputs are available to produce good and consistent yields of salad crops, fruit and vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants. Greenhouse cultivation might be expected as part of the enterprise, but this assumption would strongly offset the impact of sea-to-land transfer – the only contamination pathway considered during the at closure state. Irrigation would also be an expected practice and the most likely reliable source during the summer would be a public water supply. However, well waters might be used. The PEG has a high rate of consumption of its own produce. Irt Estuary Houseboat Dwellers The Irt Estuary houseboat dwellers PEG was deemed to live on the mudflats in the vicinity of Saltcoats. They spend some 20 hours each day on an annual basis in the vicinity of the estuary and foreshore. They are not employed within the potentially contaminated area and include a number of elderly, but active individuals. They do not consume locally produced foods other than marine fish, shellfish and seaweed. They do not consume contaminated waters. They do inadvertently consume sediment from the mudflats and foreshore in the course of their domestic and recreational activities. Drigg Villagers As the title suggests, the PEG is deemed to live in Drigg village, away from the area most affected by sea-to-land transfer. They are rural, agricultural workers who are largely self-sufficient in terms of locally produced foodstuffs, part of which derives from contaminated land. As such, the socio-economic context for this group is historical. They consume mean levels of fish all of which comes from local coastal waters and mean levels of vegetables and selected animal products, half of which comes from areas affected by sea-to-land transfer. They use the foreshore recreationally. The village has a public drinking water supply. Coastal Villagers As the title suggests, the coastal villagers PEG was deemed to live in Seascale village where they are close to the shoreline and in the area most affected by sea-to-land transfer. They are rural, agricultural workers who are largely self-sufficient in terms of locally produced foodstuffs. As such, the socio-economic context for this group is historical. They consume mean levels of fish, all of which comes from Irish Sea waters and mean levels of vegetables and selected animal products, all of which MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 36 NNL 8856 Issue 3 comes from areas affected by sea-to-land transfer. They use the foreshore recreationally. The village has a public drinking water supply. Exposure Groups and PEGs defined in this Study Although the various PEGs identified by Thorne and Kane (2003) do not bear a oneto-one correspondence with the exposure groups and PEGs identified in this report, some of the assumptions and data remain of relevance. The relationships between the Analogue PEGs used previously and the PEGs defined in this study are set out below. Occupational Users of the Storm Beach and Intertidal Zone This group is closely related to the In-shore Fishermen PEG described previously. That group was taken to derive a living by a combination of netting, shore-based line fishing and from harvesting crabs and lobsters, winkles and mussels. The group members consume seaweed in the form of laverbread. Group members were deemed to spend their time at sea, on the foreshore or within the area most affected by sea-toland transfers. Apart from marine foods that they were taken to consume at a high level, all their other foods were deemed to be uncontaminated. The main distinction is that laverbread consumption is now treated as a variant on the characteristics of the group, rather than as an intrinsic part of its behaviour.4 Recreational Users of the Storm Beach and Intertidal Zone This group does not bear a close relationship to any of the Analogue PEGs considered previously. It includes individuals who make extensive use of the beach for activities such as dog walking, swimming, surfing and sun-bathing. Casual and Recreational Users of the Facility Cap Area None of the Analogue PEGs included in the 2002 PCSC was assumed to make use of the cap area. However, the Local Resource Dominated PEGs were assumed to access the cap for one hour per day, through use of a permissive footpath for dog walking. Bearing in mind that the Site North area is associated with dunes, blown sand and heath vegetation, this remains a reasonable assumption for the likely degree of access to the area, though dog walking may not be the only reason, e.g. sun-bathing may also occur as Site North becomes an integral part of the beach and cliff regime. Smallholders located on the Facility Cap Area None of the Analogue PEGs included in the 2002 PCSC was assumed to make use of the cap area. However, use of the cap area by smallholders was included in the assessment of inadvertent human intrusion (see Section 3.2.2). Also, abstraction of well water was included in the assessment. 4 Clyne et al. (2004) have identified two additional pathways that it may be appropriate to take into account in supplementary calculations. Four people were identified who regularly used seaweed collected from Drigg, Seamills and Seascale beaches as a fertiliser on their vegetable gardens. Also, two farmers were identified removing sand from two beaches in the survey area. One used this material to repair farm lanes and tracks as a regular activity and the other used sand from Braystones Beach to fill in walls on his farm. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 37 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Users of the East-West and Drigg Streams and of the Site South Area The primary reason for accessing this area is to use it for grazing of salt marsh for pasture or for recreational purposes. Grazing of the salt marsh was included for Estuary Livestock Farmers, but a specific recreational PEG was not defined for this area. Users of the Estuary and Lagoon In this case, there is a close relationship with the Irt Estuary houseboat dwellers PEG that was deemed to live on the mudflats in the vicinity of Saltcoats. These individuals were taken to spend some 20 hours each day on an annual basis in the vicinity of the estuary and foreshore. Also, they did not consume locally produced foods other than marine fish, shellfish and seaweed, and did not consume contaminated waters. They did inadvertently consume sediment from the mudflats and foreshore in the course of their domestic and recreational activities. Users of Ravenglass Bay These could be similar to the occupational and recreation users of the storm beach and intertidal zone. Also, the group has similarities with the Analogue PEG of Coastal Villagers. Theses were deemed to live in Seascale village where they would be close to the shoreline and in the area most affected by sea-to-land transfer. However, translocating them along the coast to a new settlement at Ravenglass Bay seems plausible. They were taken to be rural, agricultural workers who are largely selfsufficient in terms of locally produced foodstuffs. They were also taken to consume mean levels of fish, all of which comes from Irish Sea waters and mean levels of vegetables and selected animal products, all of which comes from areas affected by sea-to-land transfer. They were taken to use the foreshore recreationally. 3.1.3 Selection of Point Estimate Parameter Values and Ranges for the Characterisation of Members of Exposure Groups and PEGs Although for assessment studies, it is important to consider all the pathways by which an exposure group or PEG might be exposed (as shown in Table 13), for the purpose of estimating parameter values, it is more convenient to discuss matters on a pathwayby-pathway basis. This is because the information that is required to be reviewed and the judgements that have to be made differ considerably between the various pathways. Furthermore, although the selection of parameter values for adults on the one hand and children and infants on the other are identified as distinct steps in the methodology, in practice, the commonality of relevant considerations mean that it is convenient to discuss all age groups together. Thus, in the main part of this section, the discussion is structured on a pathway-by-pathway basis. However, the section concludes with a summary table that presents the recommended point values by exposure group or PEG and age group. As the ranges of some of the quantities are correlated with each other, they are not presented in the summary table and the reader should consult the following text to determine how self-consistent sets of values should be obtained. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 38 NNL 8856 Issue 3 It is emphasised that the inclusion of parameter value ranges does not imply that radiological impacts should be calculated sampling over uncertainties in PEG characteristics. As pointed out in item l of Table 7, an approach is adopted in which PEG characteristics are specified in terms of point estimates of the relevant parameters. The reason for inclusion of parameter value ranges is so that sensitivity calculations can be undertaken to determine the robustness of the results of the reference calculations relative to changes in the input data. External Exposure to Soil and Sediment In this case, the only quantity of relevance is the occupancy of the contaminated soils and sediments. For coastal areas, this matter has been discussed in detail by Smith and Jones (2003). Their compilation is based on site-specific habit surveys undertaken in the UK relevant to a range of substrates in beach and inter-tidal areas, and to both occupational and leisure activities. Data from their report are summarised in Table 14. Note that the data given in this report were originally developed for operational assessments. Substrate/Group Mud and sand Mud Saltmarsh Sand and rock Sand/Coal Bait Diggers Angling Maximum Occupancy (h a-1) 1,900 3,300 1,900 1,100 3,000 950 1,000 Comments Data from Rosyth Boat dwelling on the Ribble Estuary near Springfield Farmers, Rockliffe, Cumbria Fishermen, Sellafield Coal gatherers Sellafield Angling over beaches and handling sediment, Sellafield Table 14: Occupancy of Beach and Inter-tidal Areas from UK Surveys On the basis of these data, Smith and Jones (2003) recommended a generic critical group value of 2,000 h a-1. Critical group occupancies tend to result from occupational use of beach or bank areas, or from occupancy of houseboats. However, use of beaches and the foreshore may also occur to a less degree by members of the public. In this context, Smith and Jones (2003) distinguished two sub-groups. There are those who occasionally visit the beach due to its vicinity to their home or holiday locations, and those who use the beach as part of a leisure activity, such as fishing or diving. Smith and Jones (2003) estimate beach occupancies for members of the general population on two main sources of information. The first was a survey of the occupancies of residents and visitors at 19 sites on the West Cumbrian coast. The other survey was carried out to investigate the impact of Sellafield discharges on the levels of radioactivity in tide-washed land along rivers in Dumfries and Galloway. The occupancy values for residents in West Cumbria were found to range from around 12 to 300 h a-1, whereas the occupancy of inter-tidal pastures was 20 to 400 h a-1. Smith and Jones (2003) commented that a reasonable estimate of non-leisure use MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 39 NNL 8856 Issue 3 of beaches by residents of 30 h a-1 was found from the Cumbrian data. They state that this value is also appropriate for visitor occupancy that is likely to include some beach leisure activities. These data apply to adults. Although values for children and infants have to be inferred, Smith and Jones (2003) concluded that a leisure-related value of 30 h y-1 is also appropriate for children and infants. Activity Walking Wildfowling Fishing (haaf-netters) Horse riding Ornithology Gardening, cycling, sports Occupancy (h a-1) 150 200 320 240 80 150 Table 15: Recreational Use of Tidally Washed Pasture in Dumfries and Galloway The survey in West Cumbria also suggested that occupancy of 300 h a-1 is representative for a small sub-group of the resident population who participated in activities such as dog walking, jogging or cycling on beach areas. Farmers who grazed animals on tidally washed pastures accounted for the higher occupancies of 350 to 400 h a-1 in the Dumfries and Galloway survey. Smith and Jones (2003) also noted some supporting information. A survey for the Countryside Commission for Scotland on the use of two recognised coastal recreational locations at Longniddry and Gullane on the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh supported an occupancy value of 30 h a-1 for coastal usage by the general population. Also, the local Environmental Health Department made observations of the inter-tidal area between Skerton Bridge and Carlisle Bridge in 1990. People were seen in only 6 of 142 observations in this area, indicating how rarely it is occupied. In respect of the various PEGs identified in Table 13, the occupancy values shown in Table 16 are recommended for adults. Note that these occupancies include a contribution from exposure on or in the water body. A correction to take account of this is introduced in Section For children and infants, occupational activities are not appropriate. For the recreational groups, the reference value should be reduced from 300 h a-1 to 30 h a-1, as recommended by Smith and Jones (2003). In these cases, the ranges should also be reduced by a factor of ten to conform to the scaling of the reference value. For users of the estuary and lagoon, no reduction in the reference value and range should be made, as the values relate to dwelling on boats. However, it is emphasised that boats are more likely to be occupied by older people than by families. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 40 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Reference Value (h a-1) 2000 Range (h a-1) Basis 1000 to 3000 300 80 to 300 Casual and recreational use of the facility cap area Users of the Site South area 300 80 to 300 300 80 to 400 Users of the estuary and lagoon 3300 300 to 8000 Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay 2000 1000 to 3000 Reference value is the generic recommendation of Smith and Jones (2003). Range is based on rounded values from Table 14, excluding boat dwellers. Reference value is a West Cumbrian estimate for a small sub-group of the population engaged in dog-walking, jogging or cycling on beach areas. Lower bound of range is for ornithology from Table 15. As for recreational use of the storm beach and intertidal zone. This corresponds quite closely to the value of 1 h d-1 used in the 2002 PCSC. Casual and recreational use, but with the upper end of the range extended to include data for farmers grazing animals on tide washed pastures. Reference value is from boat dwellers on the Ribble Estuary. Range is from recreational use through to permanent residence on a boat with only limited time spent away from the area. As for the storm beach and intertidal zone. 300 80 to 300 Group Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Table 16: Adult Occupancies for External Exposure External Exposure to Water Bodies No detailed guidance is available on external exposure to water bodies. This category of exposure includes contributions from swimming, boating and being present adjacent to the water body. A reasonable basis is that no more than about half the time of occupational or recreational use of a beach or foreshore area is likely to be spent on or in the water. Thus, rather than specifying the period of external exposure to water bodies directly, it is defined as a fraction, f, of the overall occupancy values given in Table 16. Recommended f values and ranges are given in Table 17. These values apply to adults, children and infants. They are applied in the formulae: Os = (1 - f)Oext Ow = f Oext where Os is the external occupancy on soils and sediments; Ow is the external occupancy to water bodies; Oext is the total external occupancy, as discussed in Section MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 41 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Group Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Reference Value 0.25 Range 0.0 to 0.5 0.25 0.0 to 0.5 Casual and recreational use of the facility cap area Users of the Site South area 0.0 0.0 to 0.0 0.0 0.0 to 0.0 Users of the estuary and lagoon 0.25 0.0 to 0.5 Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay 0.25 0.0 to 0.5 0.25 0.0 to 0.5 Basis Reference value is arithmetic mean of range. Some individuals, e.g. dog walkers, will not be exposed to the water body. No relevant water bodies. Streams are not sufficiently large to be considered as water bodies in this context. Reference value is arithmetic mean of range. Range takes into account that some boats may be beached at all times, whereas others will be afloat at high tide. As for the storm beach and intertidal zone. Table 17: Partitioning of External Occupancy between Exposure to Soils and Sediments and Exposure to Water Bodies In selecting a value of f, it should be kept in mind that external exposure rates will typically be higher over soils and sediments than over (or in) water bodies, so key sensitivity studies may require f to be reduced rather than increased. Ingestion of Soil and Sediment Generic data for rates of ingestion of sand and soil are provided by Smith and Jones (2003). These data are based on a study by van Wijnen et al. (1990) on the soil ingestion habits of children aged between 6 months and 5 years. This work provides soil ingestion rates under normal and extreme (camping) conditions. Hourly ingestion rates are derived in order to estimate ingestion related to time spent in a given location. Hourly ingestion rates for small fractions of the year spent at a particular location were calculated taking account of the consideration that ingestion is likely to occur mainly outdoors. The average daily rates and hourly rates given by Smith and Jones (2003) are compiled in Table 18. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 42 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Age Group 1 year old 5 year old 10 year old 15 year old Adult Average (mg d-1) 100 50 30 20 10 Critical (mg d-1) 300 200 100 50 30 Hourly (mg h-1) 50 20 10 5 5 Table 18: Ingestion Rates of Soil and Sand estimated by Smith and Jones (2003) It is of interest to compare the rates given in Table 18 with those recommended by the US NCRP (1999), for assessments of contaminated land, based on an extensive review of the primary literature (see also Simon, 1998). These values are 50 to 100 mg d-1 for an adult and 100 to 200 mg d-1 for a child, with periods of exposure typically of 180 to 360 days per year. These values are in good agreement with the recommendations of Smith and Jones (2003). Rather than specifying ingestion rates directly, it is recommended that the values of Os (h a-1) computed using the relationship Os = (1 - f)Oext are used to estimate annual intake rates of soil and sediment by inadvertent ingestion. Thus, intake rates are given by: Is = OsR where Is (mg a-1) is the ingestion rate; and R (mg h-1) is the age-dependent hourly ingestion rate. In the assessment, the age groups considered are 1-year-old, 10-year-old and adult. Thus, the values of R adopted are 50, 10 and 5 mg h-1, respectively. This approach is modified for the estuary/lagoon group, as exposure to the water body may be from within a boat. In this case, Oext is used to estimate the sediment ingestion rate. It is emphasised that this could be an over-estimate, as the hourly rates are not intended for use with long periods of exposure. Ingestion of Water In contrast to most radiological impact assessments, a contaminated water source is not considered to be the primary source of drinking water for the PEGs of interest, except for the user of well water discussed in Section 3.3. Water is either consumed accidentally, e.g. in swimming, or through occasional use of a local stream, e.g. when camping. The occasional use of water from streams is relatively readily estimated, though very uncertain. Total fluid consumption, which is around 1.0 to 2.4 litres per day in adults (ICRP, 1975, Table 127) is not very relevant in this context. More relevant are daily rates of consumption of tap water (0.045 to 0.73 litres per day for adults, but with values within this range also recorded for children) and water-based drinks (0.32 to 1.45 litres per day for adults, but with values within this range also recorded for children) (ICRP, 1975, Table 127). Overall, it seems reasonable to suppose that about 1 litre per day might be extracted from a stream for drinking by an adult. Thus, for 10 MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 43 NNL 8856 Issue 3 days of use of the stream per year, the total intake would be 10 litres. A similar value might apply to a 10-year-old child. However, it seems unlikely that a 1-year-old would be permitted to consume stream water, even after treatment by boiling or with sterilisation tablets. Inadvertent ingestion of water during swimming does not seem to have been studied. Assuming that one or two mouthfuls (~ 0.02 litres) are swallowed on each occasion and that swimming occurs on a few tens of occasions per year, the total consumption might be up to ~ 1 litre per year. This value would apply to adults and 10-year-old children. It seems reasonable to assume that inadvertent ingestion by 1-year-old infants does not occur. Based on the above discussion, recommended water intake rates are as listed in Table 19. Group Reference Value (Litres per year) 1.0 Range (Litres per year) 0.0 to 3.0 1.0 0.0 to 3.0 Casual and recreational use of the facility cap area Users of the Site South area 0.0 0.0 to 0.0 10.0 1.0 to 20.0 Users of the estuary and lagoon Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay 1.0 0.0 to 3.0 1.0 0.0 to 3.0 1.0 0.0 to 3.0 Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Basis Reference value given in text. Inadvertent consumption rates are unlikely to range as high as deliberate consumption rates during camping. No relevant water bodies. Reference value given in text. Range based on 1 to 20 days of typical use per year. As for the storm beach and intertidal zone. Inadvertent consumption may be rather greater for swimming in the sea rather than in the lagoon or estuary, but there is not an adequate basis for making any distinction between these areas. Table 19: Water Consumption by Adults and 10-Year-Old Children (Consumption rates by 1-year-old infants are taken as zero.) Ingestion of Plant Products Ingestion of plant products is not identified as a pathway for any of the PEGs of relevance. However, it is noted that macrophytic algae (seaweed) collected from the shoreline could be considered in variant calculations and that this pathway has been included in previous operational assessments. If this was done, the relevant consumption rate for adults could be up to 50 kg a-1. This was the value used for the Local Resource Dominated PEG in the 2002 PCSC (Thorne and Kane, 2003, Table MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 44 NNL 8856 Issue 3 4.1; see also Table 6, as the same value was used for the operational assessment at 2050 AD). It was based on the laverbread consumption rate at Sellafield given in the RIFE-4 (1999) and RIFE-5 (2000) reports. For 10-year-old children, the adult rate can be scaled by a factor of 0.7 to give 35 kg a-1 (Thorne and Kane, 2003). For infants, zero consumption can be assumed (Thorne and Kane, 2003). Although not relevant to any of the exposure groups or PEGs addressed in this report, it is noted that some areas of agricultural land might be contaminated by sea-to-land transfers. If this were the case, then consumption rates of terrestrial foods would be required. Also, agricultural pathways are relevant in respect of the consumption of animal products from animals drinking contaminated stream water. Generalised values suitable for use in post-closure radiological assessments have been recommended by Thorne and Kane (2006). These values are based on observations at the present day and are equally applicable to the operational period. They are reproduced in Table 20. Although derived for an inland community, they are judged also to be appropriate to a near-coastal agricultural community affected by sea spray. Quantity Units Consumption of local foods Domestic fruit Potatoes Root vegetables Potatoes and root vegetables Green vegetables Other domestic vegetables Green and other domestic vegetables Mushrooms Honey Pig meat Cattle meat Sheep meat Offal Poultry Game Oil (non-dairy) Milk Butter Cheese Other milk products Butter, cheese and other milk products Eggs Cereals kg y-1 Adult Typical High Value Child Typical High Basis Infant Typical High 50 50 10 60 150 100 30 110 30 45 6.0 50 95 75 15 85 19 10 5.0 15 60 25 10 35 24 20 60 40 6.0 15.5 15 40 3.5 6.0 9.5 17.5 44 100 22.5 50 8.0 23.5 3.0 2.5 15 15 8.0 5.5 10 6.0 10 95 4.5 8.0 15 20 8.0 7.5 35 40 20 15 25 10 25 210 15 20 40 50 1.5 2.0 8.5 15 4.0 3.0 5.5 4.0 10 110 3.0 4.0 10 15 3.5 5.5 20 25 10 9.0 15 7.5 20 220 8.0 10 30 40 0.6 2.0 1.5 3.0 0.8 1.0 2.0 2.0 130 1.0 2.0 15 15 1.5 5.5 4.0 8.0 2.0 3.5 5.0 5.5 290 3.0 5.0 40 40 8.5 5.0 20 9.0 6.5 4.5 20 7.0 5.0 1.5 15 3.0 Takes 10% of cereals to be produced locally Note that aggregated food groups are shown in bold. Typical rates are those for mean consumers and high rates are 95th percentile values. Domestic fruit consumption rates are augmented by imported fruit consumption rates to allow for imported fruit being displaced from the diet by local fruit in a locally based economy. Similarly, other domestic vegetable consumption rates are augmented by other imported vegetable consumption rates. Table 20: Parameter Values for Crop Plants and Animal Products (Based on Table 5.3 of Thorne and Kane (2006)) MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 45 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Ingestion of Animal Products Ingestion of animal products applies only to the following four of the seven PEGs under consideration here: • Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Users of the Site South area; • Users of the estuary and lagoon; • Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay. For all of these groups, except the users of the Site South area, the foods of relevance are fish, molluscs and crustaceans caught either in local coastal waters or in the estuary or lagoon. Here, it is assumed that individuals can fully satisfy their dietary requirements from catches in these areas. This is considered to be a cautious, but reasonable assumption. Generic critical group consumption rates for marine organisms are given by Smith and Jones (2003). These are listed in Table 21. Age Group Adult 10 and 15 year old 1 and 5 year old Fish 100 20 5 Consumption Rate (kg y-1) Crustaceans 20 5 0 Molluscs 20 5 0 Table 21: Critical Group Consumption Rates for Marine Foods As a general rule, critical group consumption rates are about a factor of two to three larger than typical consumption rates (see, for example, Table 20). Bearing in mind that the total numbers of individuals in the PEGs are likely to be relatively small, the generic critical group consumption rates proposed by Smith and Jones (2003) are toward the top end of the range of uncertainty and rates a factor of three lower would be toward the bottom of the range of uncertainty. Thus, the rates set out in Table 22 are recommended for use. The ranges of values recommended encompass the values adopted in recent operational assessments (see Tables 5 and 6). Age Group Adult 10-year-old 1-year-old Reference Consumption Rate (kg y-1) - Range given in parentheses Fish Crustaceans Molluscs 50 (30 - 100) 10 (7 -20) 10 (7 -20) 10 (7 -20) 3 (1 - 5) 3 (1 - 5) 3 (1 - 5) 0 0 Table 22: Recommended Consumption Rates for Marine Foods It is noted that the lagoon may be freshwater rather than saline. From Thorne and Kane (2006), appropriate high rates of consumption of freshwater fish are 20, 5 and 1 kg a-1 for adults, children and infants, respectively. Thus, if the lagoon is a freshwater body, fish consumption rates can be reduced by approximately a factor of five relative to marine fish consumption rates. It is not clear whether freshwater crustaceans and molluscs would be available in the lagoon to be collected for food. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 46 NNL 8856 Issue 3 In the case of the Site South area, salt washed pasture may be present. Following the discussion in Section, this is taken to be grazed by cattle. Based on data in Table 20 and recalling that cattle are used as a surrogate for all animal types (Section 2.5.2), aggregate consumption rates for milk and milk products, meat and offal can be derived from Table 20. Recommended values are listed in Table 23. Note that the milk values are for liquid whole milk. Thus, the values for butter, cheese and other milk products have been scaled by a factor of six to allow for the higher solids contents in these milk products than in liquid milk (see, e.g. the comments to Table 29). In deriving these values, the reference values are taken as intermediate between the typical and high values listed, as for marine foods. Age Group Adult 10-year-old 1-year-old Reference Consumption Rate (kg y-1) - Range given in parentheses Milk and milk Meat Offal products 330 (215 - 510) 80 (54 - 130) 9 (5.5 - 15) 300 (200 - 460) 50 (37 - 78) 5 (3 - 9) 340 (220 - 530) 12 (7 - 19) 2 (1.0 - 3.5) Table 23: Recommended Consumption Rates for Terrestrial Animal Products Inhalation of Soil and Sediment Material distributed in soils and sediments may be resuspended due to wind or human actions. In some contexts, a resuspension factor is used to relate air concentrations to ground concentrations expressed on an activity per unit area basis (NCRP, 1999). However, this approach is more suited to surface deposition following a release to air than it is to contamination distributed over a substantial depth. For the latter, it seems more appropriate to adopt a mass loading in air approach. For this approach, the relevant data are the maintained mass concentration of respirable soil or sediment in air, the breathing rate and the annual occupancy. Annual intakes of soil or sediment by inhalation are the products of these three quantities. The mass concentration and breathing rate are discussed below. Annual occupancies are as for external irradiation and are listed in Table 16. A detailed comparison of different approaches to assessing the radiological impacts of resuspension has been undertaken in the context of the international BIOPROTA programme (Wasiolek et al., 2005). That report draws attention to the potential influence of factors such as the preferential resuspension of material of smaller grain size that is both more readily respirable than material of larger grain size and may exhibit a higher concentration per unit mass of particle-reactive radionuclides because of its larger specific surface area. However, the extent of information available relating to material that could be available for resuspension in the present context does not permit this degree of refinement to be incorporated in the assessment model used. The simplest mass loading model that can be adopted assumes that all dust in air at a location is derived from the contaminated area and that the activity concentration in the resuspended dust is equal to that in the contaminated source. In assessment studies, mass loadings of 1 10-7 kg m-3 are typically used, though values ranging from 5 10-9 to 5 10-5 kg m-3 were reported in the BIOPROTA study (Wasiolek et al., 2005). Annual average mass loadings associated with rural and urban environments have been reported as 2.8 10-8 and 7.5 10-8 kg m-3, respectively (NCRP, 1999), but during MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 47 NNL 8856 Issue 3 soil disturbance values can increase dramatically and values behind a tractor have been reported with a median of 1.5 10-5 kg m-3 and a range of 3 10-7 to 2 10-4 kg m-3 (NCRP, 1999). For comparison, concentrations above a value of 1.5 10-7 kg m-3 are considered to constitute a nuisance dust problem (NCRP, 1999). For individuals present in the various areas of interest, only a limited amount of human-induced disturbance of the substrate may be anticipated. Therefore, the mass loading of 1 10-7 kg m-3 typically adopted in assessments seems a cautious, but reasonable, reference basis for calculations. Values two orders of magnitude higher and lower than this could reasonably be used in sensitivity studies. Inhalation rates for individuals of different ages can be taken from ICRP Publication 66 (ICRP, 1994). Except in the case of young infants, activities undertaken in the various areas considered might be expected to be moderately energetic. Therefore, the following breathing rates are taken from Table 8 of ICRP (1994): • 1 year old: sitting awake: 0.22 m3 h-1; • 10 year old: light exercise: 1.12 m3 h-1; • Adult: light exercise: 1.375 m3 h-1. Where separate values are listed for males and females in ICRP (1994), the arithmetic average has been taken. Because these values are short-term values appropriate to moderately energetic activities (except in the case of the 1 year old), they are somewhat larger than the long-term average values given in Table 8 of Smith and Jones (2003). The value adopted for the 1 year old is identical to that adopted by Smith and Jones (2003). It is noted that these rates may also be slightly cautious for residents of houseboats on the estuary or lagoon. Inhalation of Radioactive Gases This pathway applies only to casual and recreational users of the facility cap area and to smallholders (see Section 3.2.2). As gas concentrations in air will be computed directly, the only quantities required are occupancies (given in Section and breathing rates (given in Section Compilation of Reference Values Table 24 provides a compilation of reference values for exposure group and PEG characteristics derived from the data presented in previous subsections. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 48 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Quantity Units Reference Value Adult Child Infant Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Occupancy for external exposure to sediment h a-1 1500 Occupancy for external exposure to water bodies h a-1 500 Rate of ingestion of sediment kg a-1 7.5 10-3 Rate of ingestion of water m3 a-1 1.0 10-3 50 Rate of ingestion of macrophytic algae (variant kg (f.w.) calculation only) a-1 kg (f.w.) Rate of consumption of marine fish 50 a-1 10 Rate of consumption of marine crustaceans kg (f.w.) a-1 10 Rate of consumption of marine molluscs kg (f.w.) a-1 Dust load in air kg m-3 1 10-7 3 -1 Breathing rate m a 12050 Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone Occupancy for external exposure to sediment h a-1 225 22.5 22.5 Occupancy for external exposure to water bodies h a-1 75 7.5 7.5 Rate of ingestion of sediment kg a-1 1.13 10-3 2.25 10-4 1.13 10-3 Rate of ingestion of water m3 a-1 1.0 10-3 1.0 10-3 0 -3 -7 Dust load in air kg m 1 10 1 10-7 1 10-7 Breathing rate m3 a-1 12050 9820 1930 Casual and recreational use of the facility cap area Occupancy for external exposure to soil and 300 30 30 h a-1 sediment Occupancy for external exposure to water bodies h a-1 0 0 0 Rate of ingestion of soil or sediment kg a-1 1.5 10-3 3.0 10-4 1.5 10-3 Rate of ingestion of water m3 a-1 0 0 0 Dust load in air kg m-3 1 10-7 1 10-7 1 10-7 Breathing rate m3 a-1 12050 9820 1930 Users of the Site South area Occupancy for external exposure to soil and 300 30 30 h a-1 sediment Occupancy for external exposure to water bodies h a-1 0 0 0 Rate of ingestion of soil or sediment kg a-1 1.5 10-3 3.0 10-4 1.5 10-3 Rate of ingestion of water m3 a-1 1 10-2 1 10-2 0 330 300 340 Rate of consumption of milk and milk products kg (f.w.) a-1 80 50 12 Rate of consumption of meat kg (f.w.) a-1 9 5 2 Rate of consumption of offal kg (f.w.) a-1 Dust load in air kg m-3 1 10-7 1 10-7 1 10-7 3 -1 Breathing rate m a 12050 9820 1930 Table 24: Reference Values of Exposure Group and PEG Characteristics MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 49 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Quantity Units Adult Reference Value Child Infant Users of the estuary and lagoon Occupancy for external exposure to sediment h a-1 2475 Occupancy for external exposure to water bodies h a-1 825 Rate of ingestion of sediment kg a-1 1.65 10-2 m3 a-1 1.0 10-3 Rate of ingestion of water 50 Rate of ingestion of macrophytic algae (variant kg (f.w.) calculation only) a-1 50 Rate of consumption of marine fish5 kg (f.w.) a-1 10 Rate of consumption of marine crustaceans kg (f.w.) a-1 10 Rate of consumption of marine molluscs kg (f.w.) a-1 Dust load in air kg m-3 1 10-7 3 -1 Breathing rate m a 12050 Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay Occupancy for external exposure to sediment h a-1 1500 Occupancy for external exposure to water bodies h a-1 500 Rate of ingestion of sediment kg a-1 7.5 10-3 Rate of ingestion of water m3 a-1 1 10-3 50 Rate of ingestion of macrophytic algae (variant kg (f.w.) calculation only) a-1 50 Rate of consumption of marine fish kg (f.w.) a-1 10 Rate of consumption of marine crustaceans kg (f.w.) a-1 3 Rate of consumption of marine molluscs kg (f.w.) a-1 Dust load in air kg m-3 1 10-7 3 -1 Breathing rate m a 12050 Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay Occupancy for external exposure to sediment h a-1 225 Occupancy for external exposure to water bodies h a-1 75 Rate of ingestion of sediment kg a-1 1.13 10-3 Rate of ingestion of water m3 a-1 1.0 10-3 -3 Dust load in air kg m 1 10-7 3 -1 Breathing rate m a 12050 2475 825 3.30 10-2 1.0 10-3 35 2475 825 1.65 10-1 0 0 10 3 3 0 3 0 1 10-7 9820 1 10-7 1930 22.5 7.5 2.25 10-4 1.0 10-3 1 10-7 9820 22.5 7.5 1.13 10-3 0 1 10-7 1930 Table 24 Continued It should be recalled that there is also a PEG comprising smallholders located on the cap area and, possibly, using water abstracted from a well or borehole located in the contaminant plume. That group is discussed further in Sections 3.2.2 and 3.3. 3.1.4 Local Resource Use and Ranges of Uncertainty The occupancies and rates of ingestion of sediment and water set out in Section 3.1.3 have been derived to be compatible with reasonable use of local resources. Therefore, the only consideration is whether food consumption rates can be sustained from the local area. Bearing in mind that the PEG could comprise only a few individuals, this is not seen as an issue for fish, crustaceans and molluscs taken from the lagoon, 5 Values for fish, crustaceans and molluscs are modified for a freshwater lagoon. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 50 NNL 8856 Issue 3 estuarine and marine environments. However, consideration needs to be given to whether, in practice, these organisms would be taken from the lagoon and estuary. In the case of terrestrial food products, these all derive from cattle grazed on saltwashed pasture associated with the Site South. In this case, the issue is not whether enough of the products could be produced from the area, but the likelihood that the cattle would only graze this area for part of the year and either graze uncontaminated areas at other times or be fed uncontaminated feed. These are issues to be addressed in the biosphere modelling rather than in relation to PEG characteristics. As to uncertainties, it is appropriate to compare reference with upper bound occupancies and consumption rates. For occupancies, Table 16 gives ratios of 1.5, 1.0 and 2.4 for the various groups listed. These ranges are limited, so relative homogeneity is not a major issue. As ingestion rates of soil and sediment are obtained by scaling these values by point estimates, relative homogeneity is not an issue in this context. However, it is noted that the ingestion rates are uncertain and that cautious point estimates have been adopted for assessment purposes. The rates of ingestion of water are highly uncertain, as only inadvertent and occasional uses are considered for these seven PEGs. However, this has been addressed by adopting reference values towards the top end of the reasonable range. Extreme values are assessed as being no more than a factor of two to three larger (Table 19). Ingestion of plant products is not a significant consideration in the assessment. High rates of ingestion of macrophyte algae (seaweed) are recommended for use in variant calculations, as required. If calculations for arable land contaminated by sea spray are required, typical and high consumption rates of plant and animal products are provided (Table 20). These typical and high rates generally differ by less than a factor of three. Similarly, reference and maximum rates of consumption of marine foods (Table 22) and terrestrial animal products (Table 23) differ only by factors ~ 2. In summary, either the range of variability in parameter values is small, or, where the variability is larger, cautious assumptions have been made in recommending reference values. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that a reasonably homogeneous PEG could be defined, using realistic variations to the reference parameters, that would receive a substantially higher dose than the PEG defined using the reference parameter values. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 51 NNL 8856 Issue 3 3.2 For Inadvertent Human Intrusion over the Period from Closure to Facility Disruption 3.2.1 Approach Adopted in the 2002 PCSC In the 2002 PCSC, it was assumed that inadvertent human intrusion into the LLWR site can occur at any time after control over the site is relinquished or lost. Furthermore, it was also assumed that simplified, stylised scenarios for intrusion should be adopted, following the recommendations of the ICRP (1998). The approach adopted was described in Egan (2003), Penfold (2003), and Penfold and Cooper (2003). It should be noted that consideration has also been given to the potential for disruption of the facility by other types of external events, e.g. meteorite impact and aircraft crash. These are of low cumulative probability of occurrence. Furthermore, they are judged to be of less radiological significance than disruption of the facility by largescale human intrusion (see below) or by coastal erosion (as discussed in previous sections). For these reasons, other types of disruption of the LLWR are not addressed further herein. With respect to the type of human-intrusion scenarios to be adopted, it was decided in the 2002 PCSC that these should be based on a set of characteristic ‘modes’ of intrusion, reflecting disruption of the integrity of the facility on different spatial scales and over varying lengths of time. In suitably generalised terms, three modes of intrusion were distinguished: • Small: Representative of the type of disturbance that might be caused by the drilling of boreholes during site investigation; • Medium: Representative of the type of disturbance that might be caused by impact from an aircraft crash, a trial pit excavated on the site of the disposal facility, or a limited bulk excavation, e.g. associated with the construction of an isolated dwelling; • Large: Representative of large-scale excavations associated with major construction projects or, potentially, archaeological investigations at the site. PEGs were identified for each of these modes of intrusion. In each case, identification of the appropriate PEG had to take into account two main categories of exposure: • Type A: Individuals involved directly or indirectly in the activity giving rise to the intrusion; • Type B: Site inhabitants exposed to wastes dispersed on the site as a consequence of the intrusion. In principle, there will be only a single most exposed PEG for each mode of intrusion. However, in practice, without undertaking specific calculations, it is not always possible to determine whether the most exposed PEG will be the intruder, an associate or a site inhabitant. For this reason, potential PEGs for each type of exposure were defined for generalised large intrusions. For generalised small and medium MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 52 NNL 8856 Issue 3 intrusions, it was clear that Type A dominates so only this type of exposure was addressed. As simplified, stylised scenarios were addressed for human intrusion, the concept of Analogue PEGs was considered to be of limited relevance in the 2002 PCSC. However, it was commented that it could be useful to undertake studies of some detailed scenarios of human intrusion to compare the radiological impacts with those estimated for the simplified, stylised scenarios. This is particularly relevant to exposures of site inhabitants. In the simplified, stylised scenarios, radiological impacts to site inhabitants were calculated on the assumption of dispersion of the active material into a specified volume of top soil and general utilisation of that material. However, in an assessment of a detailed scenario of a particular type of site development, it would be appropriate to consider the uses to which the excavated material would be put in a typical instance of such a development. This might be for purposes such as general landscaping or the construction of bunds. Such uses would typically be associated with only a limited number of exposure pathways, at least in the short term. Again, because simplified, stylised scenarios were adopted, it was considered appropriate to provide descriptions of them in the following very general terms. Small Investigative boreholes would typically be to prove bedrock, or to a depth of about 10 m to characterise the geotechnical properties of superficial strata. Other boreholes for pumping tests could extend up to 20 m into bedrock. Boreholes for small-scale water supply would typically extend to depths of no more than a few tens of metres. The potential use of water from such wells is discussed further in Section 3.2.2. Largescale abstraction wells that could extend to depths of 100 m or more are considered to be highly unlikely to be located in the vicinity of the facility, because of its situation close to the coast. Such wells would be expected to be located further inland. The volume of samples removed from the site during borehole investigations would typically be 0.2 to 1.2 m3, with 0.05 to 0.1 m3 of the material examined in the laboratory. Shell and auger and/or rotary drilling techniques would be used for construction, which would typically take 1 to 4 days. Boreholes would typically be backfilled with excavated material (Halcrow, 1998). Medium Trial pits would typically be constructed to a depth of 4.5 m below ground surface. Typically, only about 1 m3 of material would be removed from site in trial pit investigations, with 0.05 to 0.1 m3 examined in the laboratory (Halcrow, 1998). It is assumed that most of the material removed from trial pits would be used to backfill them on completion of the site investigation. Craters resulting from aircraft crashes are also likely to be only a few metres deep. Selected samples and items from the immediate vicinity of the crater would be investigated on site, or in a laboratory, as part of the investigation into the cause of the crash. These samples and items might originate from the disposed wastes. Individual dwellings would include trenching for services and foundations to a depth of about 2 m; such excavations would be unlikely MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 53 NNL 8856 Issue 3 to penetrate to the wastes while the cap remained substantially intact. Construction of cellars is appropriately considered in the context of large excavations (see below). Large A wide variety of large-scale excavations could be undertaken. A useful illustration that can be used as the basis of a stylised scenario is the construction of a computer and paper archive storage facility (Halcrow, 1998). For this, the key activity is basement excavation/construction. This would involve the creation of an open excavation to 5.75 m below ground surface, construction of a basement slab and retaining walls, and backfilling around the basement. A total of 15,000 m3 of material would be removed, which would be used for landscaping on site. An alternative scenario could involve the construction of a milking parlour with underground silage effluent tank, slurry reception pit and settlement tanks. Excavation would be to a maximum depth of 4.75 m below ground surface and a total of about 250 m3 of material would be removed (Halcrow, 1998). A similar volume could be associated with the construction of cellars for an isolated house. Generalising, large excavations can reasonably be taken to be to depths of 4 to 6 m, and to have excavated volumes of between 250 and 15,000 m3. A reasonable stylised reference case is a depth of 5 m and a volume of 2,000 m3. This implies an excavated area of 400 m2. It is appropriate to assume that all the excavated material is used on site for landscaping and related purposes. The EA in their assessment of human intrusion adopted in the 2002 PCSC raised an issue of relevance in DIS_002: Human intrusion assessment. There, they made particular reference to the GRA paragraphs 6.18 and 8.16. Paragraph 6.18 describes the need to consider a number of PEGs over a suitable range of circumstances in order to identify the group at highest risk. It also requires the developer to present the range of possible doses that each PEG could receive. In the context of PEG habits and behaviour, this is addressed by providing information on ranges of variability in characteristics that can be propagated through the assessment. Paragraph 8.16 also relates to the possibility that some uncertainties could be eliminated from further consideration by making simple deterministic assumptions based on reasoned arguments. It gives the specific example that to deal with future human behaviour the developer should present assessments in terms of impacts on PEGs based on observed past and present human behaviour. This approach is adopted in the development of stylised reference cases for inadvertent human intrusion, as discussed above. The general approach to defining PEGs for human intrusion adopted in the 2002 PCSC is considered to remain relevant. Therefore, the characteristics of those PEGs can be taken directly from the analysis performed at that time. Those characteristics are described in Section 3.2.2. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 54 NNL 8856 Issue 3 3.2.2 Characteristics of PEGs for Inadvertent Human Intrusion Small intrusions comprise boreholes to depths of at most a few tens of metres. Only very small amounts of active material would be distributed on site, so the PEG is taken to be individuals exposed during excavation or while examining excavated material in a laboratory. Similar remarks apply to the trial pits considered representative of medium intrusions. However, for large intrusions, it is necessary to consider both those exposed while carrying out the excavation and those exposed from occupancy of the site once intrusion has occurred. Stylised scenarios are used for intrusion. Therefore, although details of individual site uses are discussed below, this is solely for the purpose of providing a context for the simplified approaches to analysis that are adopted in practice. For small and medium intrusions, the primary pathways of exposure are identified as: • External irradiation; • Ingestion of contaminated excavated material; • Inhalation of resuspended contaminated dust; • Inhalation of radon and its short-lived progeny. The last of these pathways is more relevant to the laboratory worker, as radon will be rapidly dispersed when released to outdoor air from a small amount of excavated material. For the excavation worker and laboratory worker, the key parameters governing exposure are the time spent in the vicinity of the excavated material, the rate of ingestion of dust and breathing rate. NCRP (1999) estimated a typical rate of ingestion of soil by adults of 0.1 g d-1 and this value was used in the 2002 PCSC. For comparison, Smith and Jones (2003) gave estimates for rates of ingestion of soil and sand based on a study related to ingestion by children aged between 6 months and 5 years under normal and extreme (camping) conditions. Corresponding values for older ages were estimated assuming an exponential decrease in soil ingestion with each year of life up to the age of 18. Rates of ingestion recommended by Smith and Jones (2003) are listed in Table 25. Note that this is an expanded version of Table 18 and is provided here for convenience of discussion. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 55 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Age Group 1-year-old 5-year-old 10-year-old 15-year-old Adult mg d-1 100 50 30 20 10 Average Ingestion Rate Critical6 -1 mg d kg y-1 300 4.4 10-2 200 3.5 10-2 100 1.8 10-2 50 8.8 10-3 30 8.3 10-3 kg y-1 3.7 10-2 1.8 10-2 1.1 10-2 7.3 10-3 3.7 10-3 Hourly mg h-1 50 20 10 5 5 Table 25: Representative Soil Ingestion Rates (reproduced from Smith and Jones, 2003) The hourly values listed are for small periods of time spent outdoors in particular locations where the situation is such that ingestion of soil could occur. It seems reasonable to apply these short-term rates to excavation and laboratory workers. For an eight hour working day, this gives an ingestion rate of 0.04 g d-1, somewhat smaller than the value used in the 2002 PCSC. On the basis of the above recommendations, and bearing in mind that the NCRP (1999) value includes both occupational and non-occupational components, an ingestion rate of 0.005 g h-1 during occupational exposure is adopted here. However, it is emphasised that the rate could be close to zero in clean laboratory conditions and could be an order of magnitude higher for workers on a construction site. Smith and Jones (2003) cited ICRP (1994) in specifying inhalation rates for workers undertaking ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ work. Heavy workers are explicitly stated to include construction workers and farm workers. They also noted that the rate of breathing of 3.0 m3 h-1 for heavy exercise that is given in ICRP (1994) is appropriate for periods of no more than two hours per day for firemen, construction workers, athletes and other groups. The volumes of air inhaled at work recommended by Smith and Jones (2003) are shown in Table 26. Air Breathed (m3) Activity and Duration Light work (5.5 h light exercise + 2.5 h rest, sitting) Heavy work (7 h light exercise + 1 h heavy exercise) Light work 9.6 Heavy work - - 13.5 Table 26: Volumes of Air Inhaled at Work (from Smith and Jones, 2003) Thus, a typical inhalation rate for workers involved in light work is 1.2 m3 h-1. For heavy work, the corresponding value is 1.7 m3 h-1. The value for light work is considered appropriate for laboratory workers and those involved in supervisory activities in the field. The value for heavy work is considered appropriate to individuals undertaking field activities such as drilling. 6 Critical ingestion rates given in Smith and Jones (2003) in units of kg y-1 are inconsistent with those given in mg d-1. The mg d-1 values are taken as definitive. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 56 NNL 8856 Issue 3 Thus, it only remains to estimate exposure times. This was carried out by Halcrow (1998) for a number of site investigation scenarios. Results are set out in Tables 27 and 28. The various site developments were identified as possible in an expert elicitation study and detailed designs, e.g. for agricultural buildings and hotels, were then drawn up by Halcrow (1998) based on optimal use of the site area for these various activities. Based on these detailed designs, it was straightforward to estimate the resources required for development, as set out in Tables 27 and 28. Staff Developer Client Consulting Engineer Engineer/ Project Manager Geotechnical Engineer Ass. Geotechnical Engineer Contractor Contracts Manager Agent Drilling Manager Geologist Technician Shell Auger Driller Shell Auger: 2nd Man Rotary Driller Rotary: 2nd Man Mech. Exc. Driver Delivery Driver Total Time in Contact with Material (h) for Different Proposed Site Developments Golf Hotel Sports Light Agricultural Computer Water Course Centre Industry Centre Abstraction Marina 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 5 0 0 9 5 6 0 0 57 2 2 107 66 71 2 2 0 22 48 251 153 166 64 104 0 76 0 152 162 0 0 0 2 0 26 0 22 22 0 2 0 54 0 50 50 9 143 90 286 304 209 209 5 88 55 175 186 158 158 6 95 59 190 201 191 191 0 2 0 74 0 18 18 0 2 0 119 0 104 104 171 171 0 19 0 0 7 4 7 7 4 4 0 0 113 36 14 14 24 22 7 7 15 24 0 0 65 4 25 25 5 4 Table 27: Exposure Times for Ground Investigation Fieldwork (from Halcrow, 1998) Staff Consulting Engineer Engineer/ Project Manager Geotechnical Engineer Ass. Geotechnical Engineer Lab. Testing Contractor Laboratory Manager Laboratory Technician Skip Driver Total Time in Contact with Material (h) for Different Proposed Site Developments Water Agricultural Computer Light Hotel Sports Golf Abstraction Centre Industry Centre Course Marina 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 5 0 0 1 6 2 12 5 24 10 48 6 30 6 30 5 24 5 24 0 2 4 8 5 5 4 4 Table 28: Exposure Times for Laboratory Testing (from Halcrow, 1998) MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 57 NNL 8856 Issue 3 From these data, it seems reasonable to adopt generalised exposure times of 100 hours (range 20 to 300 hours) for contact with material during drilling and 20 hours (range 6 to 48 hours) for contact with the material in a laboratory. Note that the above exposure times and derived ingestion rates apply to the sum of small and medium intrusions, as these would almost always occur together. Table 27 shows that exposures of drillers are likely to be more prolonged than those of the drivers of mechanical excavators involved in trial pitting, and Table 28 does not distinguish examination of samples from boreholes and trial pits. The analysis presented above relates to site-investigation activities directly associated with site development. However, intrusions into the wastes may also result from archaeological activities undertaken before the potentially toxic nature of the wastes is recognised. In this case, the pathways of exposure are very similar to those for excavation workers. Therefore, consideration has to be given mainly to the duration of exposure as the amount of dust likely to be ingested is taken to be directly proportional to the exposure duration. Typically, archaeological digs involve mainly student labour and take place over the summer vacation. Considering a student who works on the dig for ten weeks at 40 hours per week, the total exposure time would be around 400 hours. This suggests that archaeological investigations can reasonably be encompassed in the excavation worker scenario by increasing the upper limit on exposure time in sensitivity studies from 300 to 400 hours. For large excavations, it is useful to note that the excavation time to produce about 250 m3 of underground space for an agricultural development was 12.25 hours, i.e. a rate of 20.4 m3 h-1. For a computer building, 15,000 m3 of underground space was estimated to be excavated and engineered in 470 hours, i.e. a rate of 31.9 m3 h-1 (Halcrow, 1998). Overall, a rate of 25 m3 h-1 seems reasonable as a generic value. For the stylised reference case of 2,000 m3, this implies an exposure time for excavation of 80 h, or 10 man days.7 Thus, for construction workers, the relevant parameters for the PEG are a time of 80 h for both external exposure and inhalation, ingestion of 0.4 g of dust (with average concentrations of radionuclides to be determined by modelling), and a breathing rate of 1.7 m3 h-1. For subsequent exposure, a simple stylised calculation mixes the 2,000 m3 of excavated material into a superficial soil layer. Heavy loading of this layer is not appropriate or soil qualities may be substantially degraded. Taking a 10% loading, a total of 20,000 m3 of contaminated soil is created. Spread at a typical plough depth of 0.3 m, this would result in a contaminated area of approximately 67,000 m2, or 6.7 hectares. This would be sufficient to support a small farm, with both livestock and a ‘kitchen garden’. It is noted that this route of contamination would be expected to result in far higher exposures than the abstraction of water from a small-scale domestic borehole and its use for drinking water and/or irrigation. However, it may 7 Note that it is not considered appropriate to make the stylised reference case a worst case in terms of volume excavated, as it is supposed to represent the whole class of large excavations, in the same sense that a reference person is taken to be representative of a critical group with diverse, but similar, characteristics. Somewhat higher exposures will occur for larger excavations, but, conversely, somewhat lower exposures will occur for small excavations. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 58 NNL 8856 Issue 3 be useful to make a calculation of exposures by this route for comparative purposes. If such an assessment were made, the rate of water consumption should be taken as around 1 litre d-1 for adults (see Section For an area of this size, four groups are identified as being of potential interest. Each is based on a single family and is defined as set out below, taking resource requirements into account: A. The smallholder with 4 to 12 hectares of land who keeps several head of cattle and uses them to provide meat and milk products.8 B. The smallholder with 1 to 3 hectares of land who keeps a single cow for milk production only.9 C. The smallholder with 0.5 to 1 hectare of land who keeps two goats for milk production only. D. The kitchen gardener who grows his own vegetables and fruit on 0.05 hectare. Consumption rates for each of these groups (identified by the area of land utilised) are set out in Table 29. Characteristic Group identifier Land Area Green and other domestic vegetable consumption Potato and root vegetable consumption Garden fruit consumption Cattle milk and milk product consumption Cattle meat consumption Cattle offal consumption Goat milk and milk product consumption Units ha kg y-1 kg y-1 kg y-1 l y-1 kg y-1 kg y-1 l y-1 A 8 44 60 50 215 62.5 5.5 0 Value for Each Group B C D 2 0.75 0.05 44 44 44 60 60 60 50 50 50 215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 0 Table 29: Characteristics of Smallholder and Kitchen Gardener PEGs relevant to Human Intrusion10 8 A dairy cow consumes ~ 100 kg d-1 of fresh forage (IAEA, 1994). Therefore, about 3 ha would be required per animal. This could be reduced somewhat by growing high yield fodder crops. However, an area of at least 1 ha is indicated. Furthermore, to maintain continuity of supply, several animals would have to be kept. 9 The animal is considered to be bought from a local farmer and is eventually disposed of without being used for meat products by the family. 10 Green vegetable, root vegetable and garden fruit consumption are the typical values for adults from Table 5.3 of Thorne and Kane (2006). Cattle milk and milk product consumption is also based on data from Table 5.3 of Thorne and Kane (2006). It again relates to typical consumption rates by adults and comprises 95 l y-1 of liquid milk plus 20 kg y-1 of milk products converted on the basis that 6 litres of milk are required to produce 1 kg of butter, cheese or other milk products. This is an approximate conversion based on milk comprising 13% milk solids and allowing for the presence of water in some milk products, such as yoghurt. Cattle meat consumption assumes that pig, sheep, goat, poultry and game meat plus egg consumption is small, but is compensated for by increased cattle meat consumption. The total consumption of these products by adult typical rate consumers is also taken from Table 5.3 of Thorne and Kane (2006), as is the consumption of offal. Goat milk and milk product consumption are taken as identical to cow milk and milk product consumption, as direct replacement is envisaged. However, consumption could be rather less because of the greater richness of goat milk. Note that relevant data from Table 5.3 of Thorne and Kane (2006) are reproduced in Table 20 of this report. Typical rates of consumption are used because this is a small group, but it is noted that the description of the group is such that its members would be expected to make at least moderately intensive use of plants that they had grown or animals that they had reared. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 59 NNL 8856 Issue 3 It is not obvious which of these groups should be taken as the most exposed PEG. Group D occupies the smallest land area, so if the radionuclides are dispersed over only a small area, it will experience the highest average concentrations. However, it is only exposed to contaminated plant-based foods. Group C is particularly interesting, as it occupies a relatively limited area and consumes the milk of goats, which is enriched in some trace elements relative to cows’ milk. Groups A and B occupy the largest areas, tending to lead to lower average concentrations of radionuclides. However, they are associated with the greatest diversity of pathways of exposure. It is emphasised that the consumption rates listed in Table 29 are for adults and are for typical rate consumers. Rates for infants, children and adults, for both typical and high rate consumers, are given in Table 5.3 of Thorne and Kane (2006), which should be consulted for further details and justification of the rates adopted. In practice, it is anticipated that most types of human intrusion will result in contaminated areas substantially smaller than the 6.7 ha estimated above. This is because the estimate of 6.7 ha is based on a relatively large volume of excavated material and because that material is assumed to be uniformly dispersed into topsoil. In practice, the material may be used for a variety of purposes, such as landscaping, that do not require such dispersion. Thus, there will be many contexts in which it will be appropriate to consider only Groups C and D (see also Thorne and Halcrow, 2003). 3.3 Smallholder PEGs located on the Cap The smallholder PEGs described in Section 3.2.2 and with the characteristics set out in Table 29 are also relevant in the context of the ‘bath-tubbing’ scenario and identical characteristics may be assumed. Also, an identical PEG can be used to assess the radiological impact of abstraction of contaminated groundwater from a well. However, whereas, the smallholder PEG in the ‘bath-tubbing’ scenario may be assumed to drink uncontaminated water, the smallholder PEG in the well scenario can be expected to drink 1 litre of contaminated water per day (see Table 24), as well as irrigating the crops on the smallholding with that water and using it as a drinking water supply for any animals that are kept. MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 60 NNL 8856 Issue 3 4. Conclusions Based on previous work, a well-defined methodology for the identification and characterisation of exposure groups and PEGs has been developed. This comprises the following steps: 1) Define the context in which the exposure groups or PEGs are present and provide outline descriptions of them; 2) Identify the pathways of exposure relevant to each exposure group or PEG; 3) Define the exposure groups or PEGs in terms of present-day population groups; 4) Select point estimate reference parameter values and uncertainty ranges for adult members of each exposure group or PEG to achieve relative homogeneity of characteristics; 5) Select point estimate reference parameter values and uncertainty ranges for children and infants associated with each exposure group or PEG; 6) Audit local resource use and range of uncertainty for each exposure group or PEG. Work on climate and landscape evolution provided much of the basis for step 1 (Section 2.3), so the analysis presented in Section 3.1 was based on steps 2 to 5 and resulted in a set of nine groups relevant to the groundwater, gas and facility degradation pathways from the present day through to the end of termination due to the effects of coastal processes. An important aspect of the analysis was the audit of exposure pathways that should be considered for each exposure group or PEG, as set out in Table 13. The nine groups of relevance were identified as: • Occupational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Recreational users of the storm beach and intertidal zone; • Casual and recreational users of the facility cap area; • Agricultural smallholder making use of the cap area; • Users of water abstracted from a well downstream of the facility; • Users of the East-West and Drigg streams and of the Site South area; • Users of the estuary and lagoon; • Occupational users of Ravenglass Bay; • Recreational users of Ravenglass Bay. Smallholders making use of the cap area are identified as the most likely intensive users of locally abstracted well waters. As the same group had to be considered in the context of human intrusion, only seven groups were addressed in the specific context of the groundwater, gas and facility degradation pathways. For each of these seven groups, the following general pathways were considered: • External exposures to contaminated soils, sediments and water bodies; • Ingestion of contaminated soils and sediments, water, plant products and animal products; • Inhalation of contaminated soils and sediments and radioactive gases (including radon, thoron and their progeny). MTA/P0022/2007-4: Issue 3 61 NNL 8856 Issue 3 The groups identified have some similarities with the Analogue PEGs adopted in the 2002 PCSC, but also some substantial differences. These differences reflect the shorter timescale now considered and the greater emphasis that is placed on the potential disruption of the facility by coastal processes. A further difference from the 2002 PCSC arises in the specification of parameter values for each exposure group or PEG. In the 2002 PCSC, point estimates only were given. However, in this analysis both reference point estimates and reasonable ranges are provided to facilitate the undertaking of sensitivity studies. Also, although the principal assessment calculations are still to be undertaken for adults, reference parameter values and ranges are also given for 10-year-old children and 1-year-old infants in all appropriate cases to facilitate comparisons between age groups. In defining ranges for exposure group or PEG characteristics, correlations between those characteristics have been recognised. Therefore, rather than specifying ranges of values for all of the parameters directly, in some cases, formulae have been developed to represent the relationships between parameters and ranges have been specified for secondary parameters used in those formulae. In respect of inadvertent human intrusion, a stylised approach was adopted in the 2002 PCSC and no good reason was identified for adopting a different approach. The stylised approach adopted is set out in Section 3.2. In suitably generalised terms, three modes of intrusion are distinguished: • Small: Representative of the type of disturbance that might be caused by the drilling of boreholes during site investigation; • Medium: Representative of the type of disturbance that might be caused by impact from an aircraft crash, a trial pit excavated on the site of the disposal facility, or a limited bulk excavation, e.g. associated with the construction of an isolated dwelling; • Large: Representative of large-scale excavations associated with major construction projects or, potentially, archaeological investigations at the site. PEGs have been identified for each of these modes of intrusion. In each case, identification of the appropriate PEG had to take into account two main categories of exposure: • Type A: Individuals involved directly or indirectly in the activity giving rise to the intrusion; • Type B: Site inhabitants exposed to wastes dispersed on the site as a consequence of the intrusion. In principle, there will be only a single most-exposed PEG for each mode of intrusion. However, in practice, without undertaking specific calculations, it is not always possible to determine whether the most exposed PEG will be the intruder, an associate or a site inhabitant. For this reason, potential PEGs for each type of exposure were defined for generalised large intrusions. For generalised small and medium intrusions, it was clear that Type A dominates so only this type of exposure has been addressed. The characteristics of the site inhabitant PEG were also considered appropriate to an agricultural smallholder making use of the cap area. 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