DVD`s continued - Hoosier Trapper Supply
DVD`s continued - Hoosier Trapper Supply
Greenwood, IN 317.881.3075 Fall & Winter 2010 - 2011 Our 34th Year! HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Complete Trapline Outfitter Since 1976 Dustin Burkman After a morning of everything going wrong and ready to call it quits – Dustin noticed this buck following the trail of HTS Doe in Heat that he had put out. The buck came in on a string! The buck came to within 8 yards. Dustin says Superior Products do Superior Things! Jesse Melton, Indiana Jesse, the president of Chapter 7-B Fur Takers likes to Deer Hunt too. This awesome deer couldn’t resist HTS Doe in Heat - proving once again the importance of a good quality Deer Scent! Tyler Harris (15 years old) and Bobby Holiday, Tennessee This is Tyler’s 2nd year trapping and he has the bug! They particularly like Leatherwood Beaver Call #503, Predator Magnet #406 and Finicky Feline #801. 3 Bucks all Shot with a Bow! Ryan, Matthew and Nathan Yoder These bucks couldn’t resist Lip Licker Deer Lure. To have this kind of success you need a good location, time to spend in the stand and the added edge of a good attractant. Lip Licker Deer Lure provides that added edge! E-mail - Info@HoosierTrapperSupply.com • Visit our website at http://www.HoosierTrapperSupply.com FELLOW TRAPPERS AND HUNTERS, Another big thank-you to all of you that have placed orders or stopped by our store, not only in the past year but over the past 34 years. I also want to thank all of you for the phone calls, letters, e-mails and photos, telling of your successes using Leatherwood Creek Trapping Scents and HTS Deer Scents. It is very gratifying. Don’t forget to mark your calendars; September 25, 2010 Fur Takers Chapter 7-B will hold its annual Fall Rendezvous at Hoosier Trapper Supply. Clint Locklear will head up our top notch demo lineup. We will have a hog roast along with Jim Mahoney’s and Elliott Murdock’s famous rendezvous stew. We will have kids games, skinning demos, fur market updates, etc.. This is the largest single day trapper’s event in the country. You won’t want to miss this one! The fur market regained some very positive ground in the last 12 months. Muskrats topped the chart with many trappers receiving $10.00 averages. Raccoons have seen some improvement as well. The fur market and the world economy are not out of the woods yet, however things seem to be moving in the right direction. I am really excited about our website! We are constantly working to make it better, more informative and more entertaining. We have added a video section which we will update on a regular basis. We will also have an active blog page. Be sure to check us out on line at www.hoosiertrappersupply.com. As many of you will notice, Jake, my son is now taller than the old man. Jake has been tagging along with me since he was 3, he is 14 now and even though he traps on his own he still likes to run a line with Dad. I can’t tell you how important it is to take a young person hunting, trapping or fishing. Time spent in the outdoors with a young person is very rewarding. Sharing the knowledge, experiences and abilities that you have is invaluable. Their observations will shed a light on things that maybe you haven’t seen or thought of since you were their age. It is a win win situation for both of you. If you are in the area, stop by our store and showroom. Map and store hours are on the back cover. Have a great season! Make some memories and share your knowledge, experiences and time with a young person. Charlie Masheck HTS LIP LICKER DEER LURE Take the guess work out of deer scent. Never again wonder if you are using the correct scent for the time of season you are hunting. Lip Licker uses Tonquin, a known deer attractant along with several other ingredients to make this a new and unique scent that is effective all season. Works on Bucks and Does - in and out of the rut. Lip Licker has a shelf life, if you have some left over - it is just as good next season. Pricing page 3. HTS WHITETAIL DOE URINE Good all around attractant and cover scent. Primarily used before and after the rut. Doe urine acts as a fear eliminator. It gives deer a calming effect, making them think other deer have been around. Works great as a cover scent. Pricing page 3. HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 2 HTS WHITETAIL DOE IN HEAT Our biggest seller for hunting the rut. Use in pre-rut through post rut. Generally, when scrapes are starting to show up - that is a good indicator when to start using HTS Whitetail Doe in Heat. We have been told many times that bucks have literally come in down wind to investigate HTS Whitetail Doe in Heat. Pricing page 3. HTS DOMINANT BUCK URINE WITH TARSAL Great to use when hunting the dominant buck in the area. Use in mock scrapes or existing scrapes as a territorial infringement lure. Warning! Only use if your goal is to hunt the dominant buck - HTS Dominant Buck Urine with Tarsal can spook smaller bucks. Pricing page 3. HTS WHITETAIL BUCK URINE Use in mock scrapes or existing scrapes. Good general attractant - shouldn’t scare or alert bucks. Will cause them to investigate scrapes. Pricing page 3. HTS WHITETAIL GLAND LURE Something new! Made like a trapping lure would be made. Works any time of the season on both bucks and does. Because of the popularity and requests, we are offering HTS Whitetail Gland Lure in larger quantities. Pricing page 3. LEATHERWOOD BEAR LURE Designed for bear hunting over bait. This anise enhanced lure can be used in combination with bait or by itself. Squirt liberally on trees and bait to give the area an enticing smell no bear can resist. Comes in a handy squirt bottle for easy application. Pricing page 3. Also available, Sow Bear in Heat Urine page 3. This is Jake and I on a January 2010 trapping trip in the mountains of Western Arkansas. Great time, beautiful country, time spent with my son - What more could you ask for? The bobcat was trapped, Jake is showiing off his Christmas .22 rifle. SKUNK MUSK Great as a cover scent for deer and big game hunting. Works well as an attractant for predator trapping in cold weather. Good Strong Stuff! $4.50 per 1 oz. $14.00 per 4 oz. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Fur Takers of America Chapter 7 - B Fall Convention Held at: Hoosier Trapper Supply, September 25, 2010 Demonstrations by Top Name Trappers Hog Roast and Jim Mahoney’s famous stew for lunch Kids games and Trappers Calcutta Everyone Welcome! HUNTERS — WHY PAY MORE! 100% PURE ANIMAL URINE In the 30 plus years that I have been in business there have been a lot of deer scent companies come and go. Most of the time what was in the bottle was ok, there just wasn’t enough in the bottle to make a difference. Generally most deer scents/urines are packaged in 1 or 2 oz. bottles at a fairly high price. Economically it is too costly to use sufficient amounts to really make a difference. Hoosier Trapper Supply makes it possible to buy quantities of urine at an affordable price. Increase your success with Hoosier Trapper A TTRACTANTS See Descriptions on Page 2 8 oz. 16 oz. 32 oz. 1/2 Gal. Gallon Lip Licker Deer Lure $14.95 $26.95 $48.95 $87.95 $157.95 $283.95 Whitetail Doe Urine $5.95 $8.95 $14.95 $27.95 $46.95 $85.00 Whitetail Doe in Heat $9.95 $13.95 $25.95 $43.95 $73.95 $129.95 Dominant Buck Urine w/ Tarsal $7.95 $11.95 $19.95 $34.95 $59.95 $105.00 Buck Urine $6.95 $9.95 $16.95 $30.95 $50.95 $90.00 $12.00 $21.95 $38.95 $69.95 $125.00 $225.00 N/A N/A $9.95 $13.95 $18.95 $37.95 Red Fox Urine - Cover Scent $2.95 $3.95 $6.95 $10.95 $17.95 $25.95 Raccoon Urine - Cover Scent $3.95 $5.95 $9.95 $17.95 $28.95 $48.00 Fresh Earth Cover Scent $3.95 $6.95 $12.95 $22.95 $41.95 $74.95 Wild Apple Cover/Food Scent $3.95 $6.95 $12.95 $22.95 $41.95 $74.95 Persimmon Cover/Food Scent $3.95 $6.95 $12.95 $22.95 $41.95 $74.95 Acorn Cover/Food Scent $3.95 $6.95 $12.95 $22.95 $41.95 $74.95 Pine Cover/Food Scent $3.95 $6.95 $12.95 $22.95 $41.95 $74.95 Sweet Corn Cover/Food Scent $3.95 $6.95 $12.95 $22.95 $41.95 $74.95 Whitetail Gland Lure Sow Bear in Heat Urine ACCESSORIES & SCENT DISPENSERS Scent Killer Soap - Liquid 8 oz. ................$5.95 Scent Killer Wash - Powder 16 oz. ...........$5.95 Heavy Duty Boot Scent Pads (Pair) ...........$3.95 Ultimate Scrape Dripper........................$10.95 Super Wick ..........................................$3.95 Key Wick ..............................................$3.95 Clean Empty Bottles on page 7 $29.00 $50.00 $70.00 $119.90 $210.00 LIP LICKER DEER LURE Take the guess work out of deer scent. Never again wonder if you are using the correct scent for the time of season you are hunting. Lip Licker uses Tonquin, a known deer attractant along with several other ingredients to make this a new and unique scent that is effective all season. Works on Bucks and Does - in and out of the rut. Lip Licker has a shelf life, if you have some left over - it is just as good next season. 4 oz. $14.95, 8 oz. $26.95, 16 oz. $48.95, 32 oz. $87.95, 1/2 gal. $157.95, gallon $283.95 3 Fall/Winter 2010 Scent Killer Spray - 8 oz. ........................$5.95 New $18.95 HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. 4 oz. Leatherwood Bear Lure C OVER S CENTS Supply 100% deer urines. Why pay more? Satisfaction Guaranteed! Thousands of repeat customers. Hoosier Trapper Supply deer urines and scents just make good common sense. Charlie Masheck BOBCAT R NS ENDATIO ECOMM tor #402 son Preda Early Sea tor #403 a d e Pr nce 6 Long Dista t agne #40 Predator M 1 0 8 # e lin Finicky Fe Leatherwood Creek Trapping Scents made by Charlie Masheck have become the first choice and in many cases the only lure choice of successful trappers. L EATHERWOOD C REEK C OYOTE G LAND L URE #202—We have developed this lure over the past several years and the results have been excellent. A gland based lure that will hold the coyotes attention and cause him to work your set. L EATHERWOOD C REEK P REDATOR S EDUCER #404—A complicated lure that has proven hard to resist by any passing fox or coyote. Passion ingredients along with careful aging make this lure a must. Works well all season & holds up to cold weather. LEATHERWOOD CREEK FOX GLAND LURE #302— No serious fox trapper can be with-out this lure. Works well anytime of the season. Heavy based red fox gland lure. Foxes can’t resist. Works on grey foxes also. LEATHERWOOD COYOTE CARNAGE #405—An all season predator call lure. A lure that has the ability to keep a predators interest at a maximum and one that they can’t pass up. Works well on foxes also. Sure to become a first choice lure. NEW - LEATHERWOOD CREEK VIXEN ELIXIR #400—Vixen Elixir has been in the works and testing stage for a number of years. It is a very complex lure that is attractive to all canines. Very attractive to Bobcats too. Top quality ingredients, with proper proportions and aging make this a lure that you cannot be without. HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 4 L EATHERWOOD C REEK A LL C ALL P REDATOR #401—The name says it! Excellent all season predator Lure, concocted with fox & coyote in mind. Extremely enticing, no canine can pass it up. Not just another option, but an important lure on any fox & coyote line. LEATHERWOOD CREEK EARLY SEASON PREDATOR #402—An excellent early season, warm weather lure for foxes & coyotes. Good for States with October or early November seasons. A relatively sweet smelling lure that won’t cause canines to roll on your set. Can be used alone or with a mild smelling bait. Many trappers have reported great success with this lure all season long. Even in very cold temperatures. A lure that no one can be without! LEATHERWOOD CREEK LONG DISTANCE PREDATOR #403—Good for both foxes & coyotes! This is a great lure to use 10-15 feet away from your set in mild weather. In cold weather use directly at your set. Just enough skunk to make this a truly great long distance lure. No passing fox or coyote can pass this up. Can also be used in combination with gland lure. LEATHERWOOD PREDATOR MAGNET #406— Another all season predator call lure. Not only a change up lure but a first choice lure as well. When setting numerous sets in an area a wide variety of smells, are important to catch trap shy animals. This lure is a complicated blend of ingredients aged to perfection. Sure to become a favorite. LEATHERWOOD CREEK COON LURE #101—This lure is extra sweet and has a lasting scent that remains at the set. Will cause coon to investigate and work your set. L EATHERWOOD C REEK B EAVER G LAND L URE #502—An excellent castor lure. With the price of beaver you can’t afford to be without this lure. Will work anywhere beaver lure is needed—works great on castor mound sets. L EATHERWOOD C REEK B EAVER C ALL L URE #503—Still contains castor but has several added ingredients. This gives the beaver trapper an alternative and an added advantage to entice Mr. Chiseltooth. LEATHERWOOD CREEK MUSKRAT LURE #603— An extra sweet muskrat lure that really calls the ‘rats in. A good muskrat lure that speeds up time spent at a location—helps the rat trapper to be more efficient. Works good on coon also. LEATHERWOOD MINK GLAND #703—Serious gland lure for the serious mink trapper. Made from top quality mink glands, sure to produce mink and keep the stretchers in use. NEW - LEATHERWOOD CREEK FINICKY FELINE #801—This lure was concocted with only Bobcats in mind. Although predators will check it out, Bobcats are the reason for this lure. Catnip along with several proven Bobcat attractants make this a lure that no Bobcat trapper can be without. Finicky Feline #801 along with Long Distance Predator #403 is a combination that can not be resisted by any passing Bobcat. NEW LIP LICKER PREDATOR BAIT— Lip Licker is basically a lure with a bait base - This is one great predator bait! No passing fox, coyote or cat can pass this up. Good anytime of the season. For a different set up or change up, use Lip Licker Predator Bait with Bobcat Urine. A lot of times this combination works when nothing else will. 8 oz. $6.50, or 2 8 oz. jars for $12.00 LEATHERWOOD CREEK COON BAIT— Sweet coon bait that will get and keep the attention of any passing raccoon. 4 oz. $4.50 LEATHERWOOD CREEK FOX AND COYOTE PASTE BAIT—Excellent predator bait to use in the dirt hole. Will add another dimension of attraction to any set. 8 oz. $4.50 LEATHERWOOD CREEK LIQUID FOX & COYOTE BAIT—Excellent all season bait. Very loud smelling to reach out in cold weather. Take advantage of this bait when natural food is scarce. Pour directly in dirt hole. 4 oz. $4.50 8 oz. $8.00, 16 oz. $15.00 LEATHERWOOD CREEK TRAPPING SCENTS 1 oz. Bottle—$4.00 ea. 4 oz. Bottle—$12.00 ea. 8 oz. Bottle—$22.00 ea. 16 oz. Bottle—$40.00 ea. RACCOON TRAPPERS TRAILING SCENTS FOR COON Use trailing scents along creekbanks, trails, etc. to attract coons to your set. Increase your odds by leading coons right to your trap. The sweet and fishy type may be used together to add extra enticement. Boost the profitability of your trapline. Trailing scents are used starting 10-20 feet from your set. Just make a trail with the scent to your set. Trailing scents come in handy flip-top squirt bottles. Why Pay More? No other lure needs LEATHERWOOD CREEK COON TRAILING SCENT #1 LEATHERWOOD CREEK COON TRAILING SCENT #2 Strong, sweet smell. Good enticing, fishy smell. to be used along with trailing scents. However, bait placed at the set will add interest. Basically, you get 16 oz. of trailing scent for the price of 3 oz. of lure. LEATHERWOOD CREEK COON TRAILING SCENT #1 & #2 PRICING $9.95 per 16 oz., $18.95 for 2 - 16 oz., $29.00 per 1/2 gal., $50.00 per gal. LEATHERWOOD CREEK SUN RENDERED FISH JUICE (OIL) This stuff is very loud rotted down fish. Some have called it fish juice others fish oil. It can be used by itself or mixed with LEATHERWOOD CREEK PROCESSED FISH OIL other ingredients. This is as good as it gets! $2.95 per 4 Mild fish odor—can be used by itself or as a lure or bait oz., $3.95 per 8 oz., $6.95 per 16 oz., $10.95 per 32 oz., ingredient. $2.95 per 4 oz., $3.95 per 8 oz., $6.95 per $17.95 per 1/2 gal., $25.95 per gal. 16 oz., $10.95 per 32 oz., $17.95 per 1/2 gal., $25.95 per gal. LEATHERWOOD CREEK SHELLFISH OIL LEATHERWOOD CREEK SALMON OIL One of the all-time favorites. Use by itself of mix with any Mild smelling salmon oil—can be used by itself or as a of the other fish oils. $3.00 per 1 oz., $6.00 per 4 oz., bait or lure ingredient. $3.95 per 4 oz., $4.95 per 8 oz., $10.00 per 8 oz., $18.00 per 16 oz., $34.00 per 32 oz., $7.95 per 16 oz., $11.95 per 32 oz., $18.95 per 1/2 $59.00 per 1/2 gal. gal., $27.95 per gal. LEATHERWOOD CREEK CLAM ESSENCE LEATHERWOOD CREEK CRAYFISH ESSENCE HOOSIER TRAPPER’S LEATHERWOOD CREEK ANIMAL URINES Red Fox Good quality urine, collected from meat fed animals. Our bobcat urine may cost a little more, the quality is 2nd to none. Coyote Mink Bobcat 4 oz. $2.95 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 8 oz. $3.95 $3.95 $5.95 $6.95 16 oz. $6.95 $6.95 $9.95 $9.95 32 oz. $10.95 $10.95 $17.95 $15.95 1/2 gal. $17.95 $17.95 $28.95 $24.95 gallon $25.95 $25.95 $48.00 $34.95 GLYCERINE PROPYLENE GLYCOL Bait and lure makers compound, powder form - used in preserving lures and baits. $5.95 per lb., $20.00 per 5 lbs. High grade, used as a preservative, anti-freeze liquid or as a lure base. $6.95 16 oz., $11.95 32 oz., $19.95 1/2 gal., $34.95 per gal. High grade, used as a preservative, anti-freeze liquid or as a lure base. Thinner in consistency than glycerin. $5.95 16 oz., $10.00 32 oz., $17.95 1/2 gal., $26.95 per gal. AL CI E SP FFER O Be sure to check out books by Wyshinski on lure and bait making. Also, Video by Johnny Thorpe on lure making. PICTURES WANTED Send us a picture or pictures of your successful hunt or trapline catch. If we use your photo in our next catalog we will send you a $25.00 gift certificate. Photographs become the property of HTS. Fall/Winter 2010 SODIUM BENZOATE 5 HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Great Coon attractant!! Strong smell no coon can pass up! Great for mink, coon and otter! $3.00 per 1 oz., $6.00 per 4 oz., $10.00 per 8 oz., $18.00 per 16 oz., $34.00 $3.00 per 1 oz., $6.00 per 4 oz., $10.00 per 8 oz., $18.00 per 16 oz., $34.00 per 32 oz., $59.00 per 1/2 gal. per 32 oz., $59.00 per 1/2 gal. Hoosier Trapper’s Leatherwood Creek Lure Ingredients - Glands, Musks, Tinctures & Essential Oils These are the same ingredients that we use for our lure making. Top quality ingredients for making fur producing lures. ALMOND OIL – Great for Coon, Bear and Muskrats 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. - $42.00 BERGAMOT OIL – Good addition to a Beaver lure. AMBERGRIS OIL – Appeals to coon, mink and all BIRCH OIL – Good alone or as an addition to Bea- predators 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 AMBER OIL – Will enhance any predator lure. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 AMBRETTE MUSK – One of the best ingredients of all. Great for predator lures. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 ANISE OIL – Great for coon, muskrats, beaver, bear, even deer. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 APPLE ESSENCE – Great for Muskrats, Beaver, Coon and Deer 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 ASAFOETIDA POWDER – Excellent attractant for HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 6 Coyote, Wolf, Bobcat and Fox 1 oz. $6.00, 4 oz. $20.00, 8 oz. $35.00, 16 oz. $60.00 ASAFOETIDA TINCTURE – Liquid form of above 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 BEAVER CASTOR GROUND – Beaver castor ground 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 ver lure. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 BLACKBERRY ESSENCE – Grey Fox, Coon & Bear can’t resist. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 CARAMEL ESSENCE – Bear, Muskrat and Coon 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 CARROT SEED OIL – No Muskrat can resist. 1 oz. $6.00, 4 oz. $18.00, 8 oz. $32.00, 16 oz. $55.00 CATNIP OIL – Grey Fox, Coon and Bobcats 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 CHEESE ESSENCE – Good food attractant for canines. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 CHERRY – Muskrat, Coon and Beaver 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 CIVET MUSK – Attractive to most furbearers. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 with glycerin. Attracts all furbearers including deer. 1 oz. $5.00, 4 oz. $18.00, 8 oz. $32.00, 16 oz. $52.00 FENNEL OIL – Muskrat, Coon and Beaver 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 BEAVER CASTORIUM – Liquid Beaver Castor – This HONEY ESSENCE – Excellent ingredient for Coon, stuff is liquid gold. Can be used by itself or mixed with other ingredients. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 BEAVER OIL SACS GROUND – Ground with salt and oil. Can be used for beaver or as an ingredient in predator lures. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 Bear, Fox and Beaver Lures 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 LOGANBERRY ESSENCE – Coon, Bear and Grey Fox 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 LOVAGE OIL – Fox, Coyote and Wolf – Passion Ingredient. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 MUSCARO MUSK – Good all around attractant SHRIMP OIL – Coon cannot resist this oil. MUSKRAT MUSK IMITATION – Great substitute for SKUNK ESSENCE TINCTURE – Very Strong. 1 oz. PENNYROYAL OIL – Raccoon, Muskrats, Beaver and SPEARMINT OIL – Muskrat, Grey Fox, Coon 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 1 oz. $5.00, 4 oz. $16.00, 8 oz. $29.00, 16 oz. $48.00 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 muskrat glands. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 Nutria. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 PEPPERMINT OIL – Raccoon and Muskrat $6.50, 4 oz. $22.00, 8 oz. $36.00, 16 oz. $65.00 SWEET FLAG OIL – Coon, Beaver, Muskrats 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 PHENYL ACETIC ACID – Honey type smell, good for bear and coon. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 TONQUIN MUSK – Great addition to Canine Lures. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 POPLAR BUD OIL – Attractive to Beaver VALERIAN – Canine and Bobcat Lures 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 RHODIUM OIL – Coon, Muskrats, Beaver WHITE MUSK – (Xylol Musk) One of the best Predator Lure ingredients! 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 S.F.E. SYNTHETIC FERMENTED EGG – Great for WINTERGREEN OIL – Coon, Beaver, Muskrats 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 predator lures. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00, 8 oz. $26.00, 16 oz. $42.00 7 Justin Jett with a bobcat that fell for Leatherwood Long Distance #403 and Finicky Feline #801 BOTTLES AND JARS New Empty, Clean Bottles and Jars ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. 4 oz. Plastic Squirt Bottle.......................... 75¢ ea. 4 oz. Plastic Pump Spray Bottle .............. $1.50 ea. 8 oz. Plastic Squirt Bottle.......................... 85¢ ea. 8 oz. Plastic Pump Spray Bottle .............. $1.75 ea. 16 oz. Plastic Squirt Bottle........................ 95¢ ea. 16 oz. Plastic Trigger Spray Bottle.......... $1.95 ea. Trigger Spray only, fits 16 oz. Plastic Bottle $1.25 ea. Fall/Winter 2010 1 oz. Glass Lure Bottle w/metal Cap ......... 65¢ 1 oz. Glass Lure Bottle Wide Mouth w/metal Cap ......................... 85¢ 1 oz. Glass Lure bottle w/dropper Cap ..... 95¢ 4 oz. Glass Lure Bottle w/metal Cap ......... 90¢ 4 oz. Glass Lure Bottle w/dropper Cap .. $1.25 Dropper Caps for 1 oz. Bottles ................. 40¢ Dropper Caps for 4 oz. Bottles ................. 65¢ HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Photo courtesy of Shawn Ross CARMAN’S ANIMAL LURES HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 8 HAWBAKER ANIMAL LURES 1 oz. lures - $4.50 ea., 6 or more 1 oz. lures - $4.00 ea. 1 oz. bottle - $4.50 ea., 6 or more bottles - $4.00 ea. TRIPLE THREAT—A deadly lure for red and grey fox, coyote and bobcat. SILENT PARTNER—Heavy oil type lure that will catch the attention of any passing predator. PRO’S CHOICE—One of the most famous lures ever offered! Good for coyote, fox and bobcats. MAGNA GLAN—Deadly multi-purpose lure attractive to all canines, bobcat and coon. CANINE CALL—Excellent cold weather lure—Works on all canines, bobcats, fisher and marten. MEGA MUSK—Great for all canines—Creates an aggressive reaction from predators. TRAILS END—A thick, heavy, powerful long lasting lure—attractive to canines and bobcats. RED FOX GLAND LURE—An excellent gland lure— attractive to all canines. COYOTE GLAND LURE—Not only attractive to coyotes, will attract fox and bobcats. BOBCAT GLAND LURE—A deadly fur taker— excellent for bobcats, coyotes and fox. DEEP CREEK MINK—An excellent Mink Gland Lure. THREE RIVERS MINK—A pleasant musk odor that no mink can pass up. HUDSON SEAL MUSKRAT—Good anytime of the season. Muskrats can’t resist this lure. STILL WATER MUSKRAT LURE—A thick, heavy lure. Very attractive to muskrats. RACCOON #1—A sweet coon lure—a must on the coon line. RACCOON #2—A gland type coon lure—something different. BEAVER #1—A natural odor that will cause beaver to investigate. WIND RIVER BEAVER LURE—A great change up lure for the serious beaver trapper. RED FOX GLAND LURE 100—A true matrix lure. CARMAN’S BUSHWACKER FOX AND COYOTE BAIT Attractive to canines by both hunger and curiosity. $5.00 per 8 oz. jar CARMAN’S RACCOON BAIT Use with coon lure for a deadly combination. $5.00 per 4 oz. jar Made from good clean glands. A thick, heavy based gland lure. RED AND GREY FOX LURE 200—Great for both reds and greys—will cause fox to investigate your set whether hungry or not. WILEY RED LURE 500—One of Hawbaker’s most famous lures. Good all season. Works on greys and coyotes as well. LONG DISTANCE CALL LURE 600—Ideal long distance call lure. Great for winter or cold weather trapping. RED REYNARD LURE 700—An early season call lure. Very effective in mild weather. WIDOW MAKER 800—Great all around call lure for fox, coyote and raccoon. COYOTE AND WOLF GLAND LURE 100—Good heavy based coyote gland lure. Will last at the set. COYOTE FOOD LURE 400—Good all around food lure for canines. Good change up lure. COYOTE LURE 500—This one is preferred by the professionals. Best seller! MINK LURE #1—This long lasting lure will help to entice those trap shy mink. MINK LURE #2—Great 2nd choice or change up mink lure. MUSKRAT LURE #1—Muskrats cannot resist this lure. Contains catnip. MUSKRAT LURE #2—Not just a 2nd choice—but an excellent change up lure. RACCOON LURE—A powerful sweet scent that is very alluring to raccoons. BIG 3—For Mink, Muskrats and Raccoons— Contains imported musks and alluring oils. BEAVER LURE—Ideal open water beaver lure. No passing beaver can resist this lure. HAWBAKER FOX AND COYOTE BAIT Good paste bait to use in a dirt hole. $5.00 per 8 oz. jar HAWBAKER RACCOON BAIT Hard for coon to resist. With the price of raccoons you can’t afford to be without this bait. $4.50 per 4 oz. jar SILENT STALKER – No cat can pass up this lure, also deadly on fox, coyote and fisher. BROWN SUGAR - A top quality mink lure that will call even the slippery bucks. Excellent otter lure and as a change up on canines. FLATTAIL FRENZY – This is a liquid beaver lure designed to increase your success rate. PRIMETIME COON – Mark’s top selling coon lure. MARK JUNE LURE PRICES Food based plus shellfish essence as a kicker. 1 oz. $4.00, 4 oz. $14.00 RIDGERUNNER COON- Super sweet coon lure a never goes out of style. One of Mark’s best sellers. FOX FRENZY – Deadly on fox, coyotes and cats. The most popular lure in the Mark June line. SONGDOG SUPREME – A coyote gland lure that coyotes won’t pass up. WINDWALKER – A predator food lure with a pinch of pure skunk. CANINE CANDY NEW FOR 2007 – A deadly Photo courtesy of Justin Jett change up lure that will work all season. Deadly on all cat species as well. MARK JUNE BAIT PRICES 1 pint - $10.00, 2 pints - $18.00 WIDOWMAKER - PREDATOR PASTE BAIT – One of the biggest selling bobcat meat based baits in America. Works great with all lures. RINGTAIL COCKTAIL COON BAIT – Mark’s #1 selling coon bait. Works all season. Smoked fish plus calling ingredients and weather proofed make this coon bait hard to beat. CRAWFISH BAIT – Ground up crawdads for coon, otter and mink. They smell it, they see it ….. you got ‘em. RK’S PREDATOR BAIT PLUS Made by Rich Kaspar, based on the world famous “Nelson Bait Formula”. Rich has improved on the original with a few extra additives. This bait is made with aged bobcat meat, mink musk, synthetic muskrat musk, beaver castor and all the other goodies that make this bait even better than the original. Top quality predator bait. Great for fox, coyotes and bobcats. $12.00 per 16 oz. 9 Fall/Winter 2010 CHERRY RED – This is a pure fox gland lure that good partner to Primetime Coon. HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. PREDATOR FRENZY – Canine and Bobcat Gland Lure. This lure can be used as a first choice or as a change up lure. FOR FASTEST SERVICE: Call or fax your order! Phone Orders: 1-317-881-3075 • Fax Orders: 1-317-881-3325 Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or C.O.D. LOGWOOD TRAP DYE Made from logwood extract—This is a red powder that turns black in water. Dyes traps a deep blue black color. Use 1 lb. per 5 gallons of water, boil traps for about an hour. 1 lb. will dye approximately 2-3 dozen traps. $3.50 per bag, $15.00 per 5 bags, $29.00 per 10 bags BLACK LOGWOOD CRYSTALS A natural crystal from wood dye that turns trap a dark black color. Sealed 14 oz. bags. Treats 3-6 dozen traps. Mix with 5 gallons of water and boil traps for about an hour. $5.95 per bag, $17.00 for 3 bags ANDY STOE’S SPEED DIP The original cold dip. Penetrates steel and protects traps, speeds the action. Speed Dip is mixed with 3-4 parts of unleaded gasoline. Dip traps and allow to dry. Available in Black or Brown. $8.95 per quart, $26.95 per gallon TRAP WAX Special non-cracking odorless trap wax. Helps prevent rust, seals in the smell of the trap, and speeds up the action of the trap. Melt wax alone (no water) dip traps into wax and allow to dry. $3.50 per lb., $15.00 per 5 lbs., $29.00 per 10 lbs. BLACK TRAP WAX HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 10 Special odorless black trap wax. Melt wax alone (no water) dip traps into wax and allow to dry. $3.95 per lb., $16.95 per 5 lb. UNIVERSAL SWIVELS Used as an in-line swivel, on the end of the chain as a stake swivel, or as a drowner lock. $0.45 ea., $4.50 per dozen, $32.95 per 100 FLAT REBAR STAKE SWIVEL Used on the end of trap chain to run a stake through. $0.50 ea., $4.95 per dozen, $33.95 per 100 MB CRUNCH PROOF SWIVELS Heavy duty in-line swivel, stake swivel or drowner lock. $0.55 ea., $5.45 per dozen, $42.95 per 100 DOUBLE STAKE SWIVEL Great for coyote trapping—Keeps hard to hold coyotes from pulling stakes. $0.70 ea., $6.95 per dozen, $47.95 per 100 HEAVY DUTY PRE-BENT RIVETS Also known as J-hooks. $1.75 per dozen, $12.00 per 100 S-HOOKS Small size for mink or muskrats. $1.25 per dozen, $8.50 per 100 Medium size for fox or coon. $1.50 per dozen, $10.00 per 100 Large size for coyote or beaver $2.50 per dozen, $18.00 per 100 S-HOOK TOOL Excellent tool for opening and closing S-Hooks and rivets. A handy tool for any trapline. $12.95 ea. STERLING ST500 SWIVEL The ST500 swivel is the best all around universal 4-way swivel. Each ST500 swivel comes complete with 2 HD rivets. Made in the USA. $5.95 per dozen, $42.95 per 100 DROWNER LOCKS Use on the end of a trap chain as a drowner slide. $0.30 ea., $2.95 per dozen QUICK TIE OFFS Use as a tie off or as a heavy duty drowner lock. $2.95 per dozen, $19.00 per 100 LAP LINKS Use at the end of a trap chain—fits 1/2” stake. $0.50 ea., $4.95 per dozen SPLIT RINGS Can be added to stake end of trap or snare with no tools or welding. Works like a key ring. Great for attaching disposable stakes and drags. Most efficient connecting link anywhere. $0.50 ea., $4.95 per dozen, $34.95 per 100 QUICK LINKS Another quick link option. $0.55 ea., $5.50 per dozen, $36.95 per 100 DOUBLE LOOP CHAIN BERKSHIRE DISPOSABLE STAKES Size 2/0 - $0.40 per ft., $18.00 per 50 ft. $29.95 per 100 ft. Size 3/0 - $0.50 per ft., $23.00 per 50 ft. $37.95 per 100 ft. This is the greatest thing to come along in a long time. Holds great, no weight to carry around. A split ring on the end of your trap chain makes it very easy to attach or remove disposable stake. The split ring gives you the ability to add another disposable stake if double staking is needed. Many trappers pry stakes from the ground with a crow bar and reuse. STRAIGHT LINK MACHINE CHAIN Great chain, very strong! #2 - $0.70 per ft., $35.00 per 50 ft., $58.95 per 100 ft. #3 - $0.80 per ft., $40.00 per 50 ft., $63.95 per 100 ft. HEAVY DUTY TRAP DRAGS Use split rings, s-hooks, quick links or lap links to attach to trap chain. Fox & Coon Drags - 1/4” 2 prong - $1.65 ea., $16.95 dozen Bobcat & Coyote Drags - 3/8” 2 prong - $2.75 ea., $26.95 dozen MB TRAILBLAZER DRAGS This is one heavy duty drag. made from 1/2” rebar. $4.50 ea., $49.50 dozen REBAR TRAP STAKES 15” 18” 24” 15” 18” 24” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Trap Stakes Stakes Stakes Stakes Stakes Stakes $1.50 $1.70 $2.25 $1.80 $2.00 $2.50 ea., ea., ea., ea., ea., ea., $14.95 $16.95 $22.00 $17.95 $19.95 $24.95 dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen dozen STANDARD DISPOSABLE STAKE 3/4” X 2 1/2” Stakes only $4.50 dozen, $35.00 per 100 Stakes with 15” cable attached $12.95 dozen HEAVY DUTY DISPOSABLE STAKE 7/8” X 3” Great in frozen ground, or hard dry ground. Stakes only $6.75 dozen, $49.00 per 100 Stakes with 15” cable attached $14.95 dozen SOFT GROUND DISPOSABLE STAKE 1 1/8” X 4” Excellent choice for the water trapper. Stakes only $9.95 dozen, $69.00 per 100 Stakes with 30” cable attached $21.95 dozen STANDARD STAKE DRIVERS (for disposable stakes) $5.50 ea. HEAVY DUTY STAKE DRIVERS (for standard and heavy duty disposable stakes) $13.95 ea. T-BAR TRAP STAKES Great for water trapping. made from 3/8” rebar. 15” T-Bar Stake - $2.00 ea., 19.95 dozen 24” T-Bar Stake - $2.50 ea., $22.95 dozen TRAPPER TIE WIRE TIE WIRE REEL Tough, durable Lexan. Stronger and lighter than aluminum. Fits most belts. Holds 16 or 14 gauge. Wire rolls $23.95 ea. 11 Are you still packin’ rebar? You can fit 100 coyote stakes in your pocket! A fast, simple, lightweight anchoring system designed by Iowa trapper Dan “Pogo” Reich. 3 Drivers to Choose From: 34” Standard Longliner Driver - $24.95 ea. 24” Heavy Duty Predator Driver - $28.95 ea. Tough enough to hold any coyote. 1 piece cast aluminum, 1 oz. anchor weight, 2 3/4” anchor length, quick and easy. Anchors only - $1.00 ea., $11.50 dozen, $89.95 per 100 Stakes with 15” cable attached - $1.90 ea., $19.00 dozen Drivers - 24” long - $9.00 34” Heavy Duty Longliner Driver - $31.95 ea. 2” Anchor washer for soft ground - $21.00 per 100 1 1/2” Anchor washer - good all around size $17.00 per 100 1 1/4” Anchor washer - good for clay - $12.00 per 100 Fall/Winter 2010 DUCKBILL EARTH ANCHORS HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. 16 gauge wire - Mink and Muskrat, $5.35 per roll, $19.80 per 4 rolls 14 gauge wire - Raccoon, $5.45 per roll, $19.80 per 4 rolls 11 gauge wire - Beaver, $6.95 per roll, $26.00 per 4 rolls 9 gauge wire - used for snare support wire, $8.95 per 3 1/2 lb. roll, $20.95 per 10 lb. roll BODY GRIP STABILIZERS Holds Body Grip Traps in place — prevents animal from knocking the trap over or out of the way. #120 Size ....................$2.10 ea., $11.50 for 6, $20.95 Doz. #160 Size ....................$2.40 ea., $13.00 for 6, $23.95 Doz. #220 Size ....................$2.75 ea., $15.00 for 6, $26.95 Doz. #280 Size ....................$3.00 ea., $16.50 for 6, $28.95 Doz. #330 Size ....................$3.25 ea., $17.50 for 6, $30.95 Doz. TALL BODY GRIP STABILIZERS Allows you place trap in deep water runs. #110 Size, 38” Long—$4.25 ea., $17.00 for 6, $29.95 Doz #330 Size, 46” Long—$8.00 ea., $37.00 for 6, $59.95 Doz BERKSHIRE 110 STABILIZER STAKES Permanently attaches to size 110 traps for easy handling. Prevents animals from knocking the trap over. Speeds setting time. Easy to conceal. Perfect for deep channels and dens. $1.50 ea., $13.95 Doz. KILLER KLIPS Holds body grip traps in position. Will nail directly into wood. Small, convenient supporting clip for body grip traps. Used to make conventional and uniquely innovative sets. Fits 110 thru size 220 Body Grip Traps $0.65 ea., $7.20 Doz., $59.00 per 100 KB STABILIZERS Used for culverts, running poles, log crossings— use anywhere a stake won’t hold a body grip trap. Fits all sizes and all brands of body grip traps. $3.00 ea., $17.50 per 6, $29.95 Doz. TAOS LIGHTENING SPRING KITS Made by J.C. Conner. Double torsion springs are wound from music wire. The spring pin is made from high tensile strength steel and won’t bend. A sturdy spring lock with nut and bolt are included to prevent spring loss. Each kit is made for a specific trap(s). Please order by JC# JC#1 - Fits #1 ½ & 1 ¾ Sleepy Creek, #1.65 Bridger, #1.75 Victor, #1 ½ & #1 ¾ Northwoods JC#2 – Fits #3 Victor (round or square jaw), #3 Victor Softcatch, #4 Victor, #3 Duke, 2 7/8” spring pin JC#3 - #1 ½ Victor, #1 ½ Victor Softcatch, #1 ½ Duke, #1 ½ Bridger, #1 ½ Blake & Lamb JC#4 - #1.75 Victor Prof., #2 Victor, #1 ¾ , #2 Duke JC#5 - #2 Square Jaw Victor JC#6 - #3 Low Lever Square Jaw Victor, 3 ½” spring pin JC#7 - #2 Northwood, #1 ¾ & #2 Bridger, 2 ½” spring pin JC#8 - #3 Northwood, #3 Bridger, 3” spring pin JC#9 – #1 ½ Montgomery, Round & Square Jaw JC#10 – #2 Montgomery, Round & Square Jaw, 2 5/8” Spring pin JC#11 – #2 Montgomery Round Jaw, Old #2 Bridgers, 2 7/8” Spring pin JC#12 - #3 Montgomery, #3 Montana, 2 ½” spring pin JC#13 - #4 Montgomery, #3 Herter, #4 Sleepy Creek JC#14 - #3 Bridger, 3 ½” spring pin Taos Lightning Springs - $2.85 per kit, $26.95 Dozen For #160, #220 and # 280 size body grip traps. The best #220 body grip stand for dry land trail sets. Stake and stabilizer all rolled into one. 3/8” rebar, 18” long $2.75 ea., $15.00 per 6, $26.95 Doz. SCREW IN STAND HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 Same as above, except with a 4” lag bolt for situations where you need to position your body grippers on wood. 12 $2.10 ea., $11.50 per 6, $21.00 Doz. Photo courtesy of Tom Parr STAKE N’ STAND THE GOOD OL’ DAYS BEEFER SPRINGS KITS...THE WORLD’S BEST! No need to disassemble any portion of your traps! Kit #1 $1.99 ea. KIT #2 KIT #3 $1.99 ea $1.99 ea. KIT #4 KIT #5 KIT #6 $2.09 ea. $2.25 ea. $2.20 ea. KIT #7 KIT #8 KIT #9 KIT #10 KIT #11 KIT #12 $1.99 ea. $1.99 ea. $2.25 ea. $1.99 ea. $2.25 ea. $2.25 ea. Northwood 2 & 3, Pioneer 2, Montgomery Dog-on 3 & 4, Bridger 3 Pioneer & Northwood 11/2 & 13/4, Bridger 1.65 Victor 11/2, Blake & Lamb 11/2, Victor Soft-Catch 11/2, Montgomery Dog-on 11/2, Big Bear 11/2 & 13/4, Duke 11/2,13/4 & 2 Old Victor 3 (low levers), Pioneer 3 & 4 Montgomery Step-in 2, 3 & 4, Montgomery Dog-on 2 Montgomery Step-in 11/2, Montgomery Round Jaw 2, Herters 2 & 3, Gibbs & Sons 2 Northwood 1 Victor and Blake & Lamb 13/4 & 2, Bridger 2 Herters 4 New Victor 3 & 4 (high levers), Victor Soft Catch 3, Duke 3 Sleepy Creek 11/2 & 13/4 Sleepy Creek 3 & 4 $4.00 ea. $6.95 ea. Spring Installation Tool (for easy installation of springs) Level Set Tool (helps to lower the loose jaw) PAWS-I-TRIP TENSION KITS Paws-I-Trip II pan tension kits attach easily to conventional traps to provide automatic tension. Audible set point, minimal pan creep, and no pan wobble. Tension can be easily adjusted by bending the special dog up or down. Simple to install, no special tools or welding, instructions included. #PIT-01 - Fits most #3 and #4 DLS traps including 3N Victor DLS (medium pan). $4.25 ea., $42.95 doz. #PIT-07 - #5 Bridger DLS traps, #44 B&L DLS traps (large pan). $4.25 ea., $42.95 doz. #PIT-09 - #2 Bridger & NW coils. $3.25 ea., $32.95 doz. #PIT-11 - #3 Soft-Catch coils. $3.25 ea., $32.95 doz. #PIT-13 - #3 Victor Coilsprings. $3.25 ea., $32.95 doz. BASE PLATES Base plates keep the trap’s frame from bending (bowing) when using strong springs of 4 coils. Also, keeps hard fighting animals from bending the frame. 3/16” thick. Centered D-ring for attaching in-line swivel and chain. Welding required. SULLIVAN CIRCLE TRIGGERS These triggers help reduce trigger avoidance commonly encountered with standard V-wire triggers. Convert your #110’s into real mink taking machines. The #220 model helps center coons and other large animals in your 220’s for a quick dispatch. Quick and easy to install—just bolts on. #110 Size - $1.25 ea., $12.50 doz. #220 Size - $1.50 ea., $15.00 doz. BOLT ON BODY GRIP TRIGGERS SULLIVAN’S TRAP TESTER Measures the pan tension on leghold traps. Graduated in 1 to 4 pound increments. Easy to use. $12.95 ea. AUXILIARY SPRINGS—LIGHTNING SPRINGS Made for Long Spring traps only. Will fit sizes #1, #11, #1 1/2 and #2. Makes old weak springs like new. Easy to use. $1.10 ea., $10.95 doz. MONTGOMERY MUSIC WIRE COIL SPRINGS Excellent quality, very strong replacement coil springs. #1 1/2 Springs - $1.10 per pair #2 Springs - $1.25 per pair #3 Springs - $1.50 per pair #4 Springs - $1.50 per pair BRIDGER 4-COIL SPRINGS Coil spring to use when 4 coiling Bridger Traps—no bracket required. #1.65 & #2 - $1.20 per pair, #3 - $1.35 per pair STOP SHOCK SPRING The spring takes away the direct pull of the animal pulling or jumping. Will fit any size trap. $1.00 ea., $9.95 doz. J.C. CONNER’S T-BAR SHOCK SPRING Die Cut 3/16” thick T-bars are 100% coyote proof. Supplied with split washers. Minor grinding and counter sinking allows for direct hookup of inline swivels. $2.75 ea., $26.95 doz. FOR FASTEST SERVICE: Call or fax your order! Phone Orders: 1-317-881-3075 Fax Orders: 1-317-881-3325 Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or C.O.D. 13 Fall/Winter 2010 Fits all makes of traps. Won’t fall off like the crimp on type. Also, much easier to use than the rivet type trigger. Easy to install—comes complete with nuts and bolts, brackets and trigger wire. #110 Bolt on Trigger - $0.95 ea. #220 Bolt on Trigger - $1.05 ea. #330 Bolt on Trigger - $1.25 ea. Top Dog trap dogs are heavy duty replacement trap dogs that are coyote and beaver resistant. They will help eliminate bent or lost dogs. #1 Dog - Universal Size - Trim to fit. $0.95 ea., $9.50 doz. #2 Dog - Offset Jaw Type - Universal Size - Trim to fit. $1.00 ea., $11.00 doz. #3 Dog - #3 Coil, #3 & #4 Long Spring, Paws-I-Trip pan. $1.00 ea., $11.00 doz. #4 Dog - CDR , #5 Long Spring, Paws-I-Trip pan. $1.20 ea., $12.00 doz. HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Base Plate #1 For #1 1/2 Montgomery, #1 1/2 Northwood, #1 1/2 Victor, #1 1/2 Duke, #1 1/2 and #1.65 Bridger and #1 3/4 Northwood. $1.25 ea., $12.60 doz. Base Plate #2 For #2 Victor, #2 Bridger with 3/4” base plate, #2 Duke, and #1.75 Victor old style. $1.30 ea., $13.25 doz. Base Plate #3 For #2 Montgomery, #2 Northwood, #2 Bridger with 1” base plate, and #5 Bridger. $1.35 ea., $13.80 doz. Base Plate #4 For #3 and #4 Coilspring Trap. $1.35 ea., $13.95 doz. Base Plate #5 For #3 Longspring Traps. $1.50 ea., $15.00 doz. Base Plate #6 For #4 Longspring Traps. $1.55 ea., $15.60 doz. D-Rings only 3/4” D-Rings $3.00 doz., $22.00 per 100 1” D-Rings $3.50 doz., $25.00 per 100 TOP DOG—REPLACEMENT TRAP DOGS STANDARD TRAPPERS TROWEL WOODEN DIRT SIFTERS Good all around trowel—water and land trapping. 2 7/8” wide steel blade, straight handle, 22” long. $8.95 ea. Sifts dirt finely keeping small stones and debris from fouling up trap action. A must for all canine and bobcat trapping. Measures 11” x 9 1/2” and 2 3/4” deep. Very well constructed. $7.95 ea. STANDARD TRAPPERS TROWEL WITH D-HANDLE Same as above with a D-handle. $13.95 ea. NARROW TRAPPERS TROWEL GALVANIZED METAL SIFTERS Lightweight, will not rust, measures 10 1/2” x 7” and 2 3/4” deep. $14.95 ea. Good for making smaller mouse size dirt holes. 1 3/4” wide steel blade, straight handle, 22” long. $8.95 ea. HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM SIFTERS NARROW TRAPPERS TROWEL WITH D-HANDLE SOD BUSTER Same as above with a D-handle. $13.95 ea. WATER TRAPPERS TROWEL Great to use for digging pocket sets, etc.—long enough to use as a walking stick. 3 1/2” x 5 1/2” blade, 38” long with D-handle. $19.95 ea. TRAPPERS HOE Good for digging trap beds, etc. $12.95 ea. TRAPPER’S 3 IN 1 TOOL Very well constructed, durable, lightweight sifter. Will not rust. 8 1/4” x 9 3/4” and 2 1/2” deep. $34.95 ea. This is one handy tool. Dig trap beds and drive stakes. Fiberglass handle. Heavy Duty! Great for frozen ground. $19.95 ea. FIBERGLASS PAN COVERS Clean fiberglass pan covers, free of odors and easy to use. Carefully shaped. No rattle, droop or buckle. 24 pan covers per package. Sizes available: #1 1/2 fits round jaw traps - $2.95 #1.75 fits round jaw #1.75 and #2 traps - $2.95 #2 fits square jaw #2 traps - $2.95 #3 oval shape, works on round and square #3 jaw traps - $3.25 Very handy! Trowel, hammer and hoe. Fall/Winter 2010 19.95 ea. THE BADGER - MADE BY J.C. CONNER HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. 14 JIM DIGGER - MADE BY J.C. CONNER Two diggers in one: hoe and shovel. Heavy 1/2” steel shank, 1/8” steel blade. Reinforced shovel and hoe shank. 27” long. The strongest trapping tool made. $41.95 ea. Trappers trowel measuring 23” long. Metal grip handle, 1/2” steel shank, 1/8” steel blade, reinforced shovel shank. 3” blade. $20.95 ea. SOD DEVIL - MADE BY J.C. CONNER Trappers hoe measuring 19” long. Metal grip handle. Heavy 1/2” steel shank. Reinforced hoe shank. 1/8” steel blade. $20.95 ea. UNDERALLS Odorless foam pads that fit under the traps pan to keep dirt and sand out. No need for a pan cover. 24 pads per pack. “A” Fits most round pan #1 1/2 Coilsprings $5.45 pkg. “B” Fits #1.75 and #2 Victor Style Coilsprings pans $5.45 pkg. “C” Made for Square Pan Traps $5.45 pkg. TRAPPER’S CAP Land trappers—set your traps faster and better than ever before. Eliminates the use of pan covers. Place Trapper’s Cap over trap pan, sift dirt, remove Trapper’s Cap, smooth out dirt over trap pan—you’re good to go. Model A—For Victor #1 1/2 Coils, Blake & Lamb #1 1/2 and #2 Coils. $6.95 ea. Model B—For Victor #1.75 and #2 Coils. $7.95 ea. Model C—For Victor #3 and #4 Long Springs, Victor #3 Round Jaw Coils (or traps with same size pan). $7.50 ea. PACK BASKETS SCREAMER EXTREME TRAPPER AND DSE TRAP BAIT Very well constructed hardwood veneer pack basket. Double wooden bottom, heavy top bands, web handle. Built to last. Adjustable harness included. Inches refer to the height of the basket. 10” Pack Basket ................................................ $24.00 16” Pack Basket ..............................................$34.95 18” Pack Basket ..............................................$45.95 20” Pack Basket ..............................................$48.95 22” Pack Basket ..............................................$49.95 24” Pack Basket ..............................................$51.95 New compact electronic call to place near your trap to actually call predators to your set location. Works off of 4 AA Batteries. Will run over a month on 1 set of batteries. SCREAMER EXTREME—Rabbit Distress Sounds, $24.95 ea., 6 or more $23.95 ea. DSE TRAP BAIT—Rodent distress call, very effective on bobcats. $21.00 ea., 6 or more $18.99 ea. NYLON POUCHES Made to fit on the top strap of your pack basket. Very convenient, keeps lure and bait away from traps and other equipment. Lure Pouch — Holds 5 1 oz. bottles - $5.95 ea. Bait Pouch — Holds 2 jars of bait - $5.75 ea. Urine Pouch — Holds 16 oz. bottle - $2.95 ea. Set of all three — $13.95 FIBERTUFF PACK BASKETS This is a new improved, heavy duty pack basket. Made from a fiber reinforced resin, it is big enough and tough enough to carry 330 Body Grip traps. 18” tall, 14” wide at the bottom. Comes complete with adjustable harness. Regular Fibertuff Pack Basket — $59.95 ea. Fibertuff Basket with Lure Compartment —$68.95 ea. ANDY STOE’S COVER HULLS FLAKE WAX Make your own freeze proof, water proof dirt. Flake wax is ready to mix with your dirt, can be done by the sun, oven or heat lamp. One pound of Flake wax will do 2-3 gallons of dirt depending on soil type. 10 lbs. Flake Wax — $22.95 SCENT EGG BEMAC INSULATED FULL LENGTH SHOULDER GLOVES—31” Insulated hand portion of full shoulder gloves. Great for cold weather trapping. Elastic strap to go behind your neck to keep gloves up and in place. $26.95 pair ELBOW GLOVES 18” elbow gloves — great for muskrat and mink trapping when full length shoulder glove is not needed. $8.95 pair 12” FOX AND COYOTE GLOVES Great for land trapping — keeps human scent, etc. from coming in contact with traps and equipment. $3.95 pair ANIMAL RELEASE POLES Release unwanted catches from your traps. 22” Hog snare type - Heavy Duty - $23.95 ea. 36” Steel Release Pole - $21.95 ea. 48” Steel Release Pole - $24.95 ea. RUBBER CRAWDADS Clip on pan of trap —great for mink and coon. $6.95 doz. 15 Fall/Winter 2010 Excellent visual attractant for dryland predator trapping. Each Scent Egg has a hole in the top to hold your favorite lure. Place Scent Egg at dirt holes, flat sets, etc. With the sight-appeal and the smell of the lure, no predator can pass this up. $1.50 ea. or $11.50 per doz. Non-insulated full shoulder gloves, unlined, grommets on the tops of gloves for strap or rope. (strap not included) $23.95 pair HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Worlds best trap cover. Use instead of dirt to cover land traps. Great for cold weather winter trapping or very wet conditions. Will not freeze, even if damp. 23 lb. bag — $27.95 JOMAC FULL LENGTH SHOULDER GLOVES—31” SNARES ADJUSTABLE LOOP END SNARES This snare has an adjustable tie off end instead of a swivel. The adjustable loop end quickly attaches to stakes, fence lines, brush or tie with wire. Has a smooth sliding penny diameter lock, 5 foot of 7 x 7 3/32” cable, and a support collar. Good for: fox, coon, coyote, bobcats and beaver. Optional deer stop available — no extra cost. $12.95 per dozen, or $59.00 per 5 dozen ADJUSTABLE LOOP END SNARE WITH SURE LOCK Same as above snare except with a non-relaxing Sure Lock. Optional deer stop available — no extra cost. $12.95 per dozen, or $59.00 per 5 dozen SWIVELED 5’ SNARE Features small penny diameter lock that closes extremely smooth. Support collar for fast solid support. Heaviest 9 gauge swivel on the market that fits a 1/2” rebar stake. Solid steel ends. 7 x 7 3/32 preformed cable. Good for fox, coon, bobcats, coyote and beaver. Optional deer stop available — no extra charge. $14.95 per dozen, or $64.00 per 5 dozen COYOTE CATCHER SNARES HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 16 Deluxe snare! Features an aggressive Cam Lock on seven feet of 7 x 7 3/32 preformed cable. Snare has a support collar and a tough 9 gauge swivel, deer stop. $18.50 per dozen, or $87.00 per 5 dozen PROFESSIONAL LIVE CATCH COYOTE SNARE The ultimate snare for serious live coyote collectors. Loop end is 7 x7 strand 7/64” cable with a new twist on support collar, heavy duty lock and live catch stop set at 11 1/2”. Loop opens to a 14” maximum diameter. A rugged 9 gauge in-line swivel is on the snare and the tie down end has a convenient adjustable loop made from durable 1/8” cable. Snare is 7 foot long. $18.95 per dozen, or $89.95 per 5 dozen MINK SNARES 30” of 3/64” 7 x 7 cable, BMI mini lock, swiveled end. Make this an excellent snare for mink. $12.95 per dozen, or $59.00 per 5 dozen CABLE RESTRAINT DEVICE Meets land snaring regulations for MO, WI and PA. Built with 180 degree bend relaxing type lock on 5 feet of 7 x 7 7/32” cable. Snare has a heavy 9 gauge anchor swivel. A commercially manufactured break away J-Hook (rated at 285 lbs.) and a deer stop that prevents the loop from closing to less than 2 1/2” diameter. A support collar for quick set up and solid support is also on the device. Meets the requirements in other states as well — check your regulations. $18.95 per dozen, or $89.95 per 5 dozen 42” LONG 5/64” SNARE Equipped with the smooth action penny diameter lock. Swiveled end, 42” of 7 x 7 5/64” cable. Deer stop available upon request — no extra charge. $14.95 per dozen, or $64.00 per 5 dozen TRAPPERS PLIERS A good set of pliers is a necessity on the trapline. Very handy on the water line or snare line. Trappers Pliers $6.95 each Leather Sheath $6.95 each Pliers and Leather Sheath $10.95 PIG TAIL SUPPORTS Specially designed and made to support your snare loop in the desired position. Place the straight end into the support collar to hold the snare loop in place, the Pigtail end is designed to slip on the rebar stake. (Can be spot welded) Designed to work with support collar (wammy) or twist on support collar. Can be bent to any shape or figure. $1.00 ea., or $7.95 per dozen TOP QUALITY CABLE CUTTER This tool will cut cable clean and easy — no frayed edge. Makes quick work of cutting cable. Great for those of you that make your own snares or drowners. $26.95 ea. Cable Cutter Leather Sheath $7.95 TRAPPERS KNEELING PAD Helps keep human scent off predator sets and keeps your knees from getting wet and sore. Lightweight $6.95 each or 2 for $12.00 SNARE BUILDING SUPPLIES BULK GALVANIZED AIRCRAFT CABLE 1/16” 7x7 - 50’ – $4.25, 100’-$7.50, 500’ – $28.95, 1000’ – $48.95 5/64” 7x7 - 50’ – $4.75, 100’-$8.50, 500’ – $29.95, 1000’ – $49.95 3/32” 7x7 - 50’ – $4.75, 100’-$8.50, 500’ – $25.00, 1000’ – $48.00 ALUMINUM SINGLE STOPS Specify size: 1/16”, 5/64” or 3/32” $0.07 ea. or $6.50 per 100 KAATZ BROTHERS—RELAX-A-LOCK Very small, durable relaxing snare lock.. $3.50 per dozen or $24.95 per 100 REICHART’S SLAMMER LOCK Best on 5/64” or 3/32” cable—Excellent quality relaxing washer type lock. $3.75 per dozen or $25.00 per 100 9 GAUGE SNARE SWIVEL Specify size: 1/16”, 5/64” or 3/32” $0.07 ea. or $6.50 per 100 Strongest snare swivel made, easily fits on 1/2” stake. Made with stiff 9 gauge galvanized wire. Designed to improve swivel action. $2.40 per dozen or $18.00 per 100 STEEL NUT CABLE ENDS SNARE SWIVEL WASHERS One size fits all - economical and strong cable end $0.50 doz. or $4.50 per 100 $0.50 per dozen or $2.75 per 100 ALUMINUM DOUBLE STOPS SNARE LOCKS & COMPONENTS SURE LOCKS CAM LOCKS WASHER LOCK MINI DEER STOPS Small cylinder shape for 3/32” and smaller cable. $1.50 per dozen or $9.00 per 100 STANDARD DEER STOPS HEAVY DUTY RELAXING WASHER LOCK Best if used on 5/64” or 3/32” cable - can be reused many times. $2.50 per dozen or $16.00 per 100 SURE LOCKS CAM LOCK Specify size needed: 1/16”, 5/64” or 3/32”. Aggressive non-relaxing snare lock - Reusable. $4.80 per dozen or $39.00 per 100 SMALL WASHER LOCK—PENNY SIZE Specify size needed: 1/16”, 5/64” or 3/32”. Smooth sliding, relaxing washer locks. $2.40 per dozen or $15.00 per 100 Specify size needed: 1/16”, 5/64” or 3/32”. Very small, durable relaxing snare lock. $2.50 per dozen or $18.00 per 100 For adding on to completed snares. One size. $1.00 per dozen or $6.00 per 100 TWIST ON SUPPORT COLLARS Universal fit support collar, made with high quality spring steel. Will fit 1/16” thru 1/8” cable using 16 guage thru 9 gauge support wire. Eliminates specific sizes. Jet black in color. $2.00 per dozen or $10.00 per 100 BREAK-A-WAY J-HOOKS 285 lb/ breaking point. $3.90 per dozen or $29.00 per 100 UNIVERSAL DISPATCH SPRINGS This spring has been tested to kill over 93% of neck snared coyotes. $2.50 per dozen or $12.00 per 100 QUICK TIE-OFF $2.95 per dozen or $19.00 per 100 17 Fall/Winter 2010 NEW—MICRO SNARE LOCK SQUEEZE ON DEER STOPS HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Specify size needed: 1/16”, 5/64” or 3/32”. Good quality, lightweight non-relaxing snare lock. $3.00 per dozen or $22.00 per 100 Specify cable size when ordering: 1/16”, 5/64” or 3/32”. $0.65 per dozen or $4.90 per 100 BRIDGER TRAPS Bridger Coilspring Traps BRIDGER COILSPRING #1 Coilspring 3 3/4” Jaw Spread $7.25 ea., $72.00 Doz. #1.5 Coil 5” Jaw Spread ............ $7.40 ea., $74.00 Doz. #1.5 Coil Offset ........................ $7.50 ea., $75.00 Doz. #1.65 Coilspring 5” Jaw Spread . $9.50 ea., $95.00 Doz. #1.65 Coilspring offset ............... $9.60 ea., $96.00 Doz. #1.65 Coil offset 4-coil ............... $11.70 ea., $ 117.00 Doz. #1.65 Coil offset modified .......... $17.40 ea., $174.00 Doz. #2 Coilspring 5 3/4” Jaw Spread $12.25 ea., $121.00 Doz. #2 Coilspring offset .................... $12.50 ea., $122.00 Doz. #2 Coil offset 4-coil .................... $14.30 ea., $143.00 Doz. #2 Coil offset modified ............... $19.20 ea., $192.00 Doz. #3 Coilspring 6” Jaw Spread ...... $14.40 ea., $144.00 Doz. #3 Coilspring offset .................... $14.50 ea., $145.00 Doz. #3 Coil offset 4-coil .................... $16.70 ea., $167.00 Doz. #3 Coil offset modified ............... $21.00 ea., $209.00 Doz. #5 Coilspring 7 1/2” Jaw Spread $26.00 ea., $259.00 Doz. Bridger Body Grip Traps #110 #120 #160 #220 #330 #4 Longspring 6” Jaw Spread ..... $18.50 ea., $183.00 Doz. #5 Longspring 7 1/2” Jaw Spread $27.50 ea., $275.00 Doz. BELISLE TRAPS Fall/Winter 2010 The Belisle body traps have a new special rounded jaw that makes a magnum style trap with complete jaw closure. The Belisle also has a special security safety hook standard on all springs for easier setting. All traps are Double Spring. 18 #160 6” x 6” Jaw Spread .......... $14.00 ea., $140.00 Doz. #220 7” x 7” Jaw Spread .......... $15.90 ea., $159.00 Doz. #330 10” x 10” Jaw Spread ...... $27.50 ea., $279.00 Doz. HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. The 660 Super Bear is a 330 body trap modified to a 26” width using a solid 1/2” steel rod welded to a regular 330 frame. The dog is modified to fit the 1/2” frame, the factory trigger is beefed up. The 660 allows fencing of wide gaps quickly and easily without spooking beaver. $42.00 ea. MITLYNG’S TRAPBEDDERS A fast, safe, and easy way to bed a foothod trap. When the trapbedder is in place, it makes the trap impossible to fire when making a set. Works great when making land or water sets. Great for beginners. BRIDGER BODY GRIP 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread .....$4.00 ea., $39.95 Doz. 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread .....$6.80 ea., $68.00 Doz. 6” x 6” Jaw Spread .......... $9.80 ea., $98.00 Doz. 7” x 7” Jaw Spread .......... $12.00 ea., $119.00 Doz. 10” x 10” Jaw Spread ...... $21.50 ea., $75.00 Box of 4, $214.00 Doz. Bridger Longsprings MONTANA SPECIAL TRAPS Montana Traps feature the following: Rolled edge jaws, #3 music wire springs, welded pan assembly, jaw tips bubbled, dogless design, high levers, extra heavy bases, heavy duty spring pin, extended spring pin, easy 4 coiling, #3 straight link machine chain. MONTANA SPECIAL TRAPS #1 #3 #1 #3 #3 660 SUPER BEAR 1/2 coil features round jaws coil models feature square jaws with 6” jaw spread 1/2 coil $10.00 ea., $54.95 per 6, $99.95 per dozen Regular Jaw $15.50 ea., $84.95 per 6, $154.95 per dozen Offset Jaw 3/16” gap $16.00 ea., $87.95 per 6, $159.95 per dozen #3 Modified Offset, baseplate with D-Ring, 4 coiled, lamination. $21.00 ea., $114.95 per 6, $209.95 per dozen Model 1 Trapbedder - for 1 1/2 through 3 longsprings; 1 1/2 & 1 3/4 coilsprings $6.95 Model 2 Trapbedder - for 4 longsprings; 2 & 3 coilsprings $6.95 Model 3 Trapbedder - for BMI coilsprings except cushion catch $6.95 A WORD ABOUT TRAPS: A frequent question is “What is the best trap?” It certainly depends on what you are trapping and the laws in your state. My recommendation is to buy the best trap that you can afford. This is particularly true when coyotes are the target animal. Coyotes are hard on traps. Heavy duty equipment will hold up better and helps eliminate headaches later. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ARE: Mink and Muskrat—#110 Body Trap, #1 L.S., #11 L.S., #1 Coil Raccoon—#11 L.S., #1 1/2 Coil, 220 Body Trap Red & Grey Fox—#1 1/2 Coil, #1.75 Coil Offset Jaw Coyotes—#1.75, #2, #3 Coil with Offset Jaws, MB650 Bobcats—#2 Coil and #3 Coils with Offset Jaws Beaver—#330 or #660 Body Traps, #3 Coil minimum Size #5 Coils and Longsprings are your best bet for footholds. These are guidelines—time of year, geographic location, size of animals in your area (example southern states have smaller raccoons than northern states) etc. all can effect the size of the trap needed. * Please Note - To figure 1/2 Dozen price on traps divide Dozen price by 2 & add 5.00. For example, traps that cost $150.00 per Dozen would cost $80.00 per 1/2 Dozen. SLEEPY CREEK TRAPS Sleepy Creek Longspring LONGSPRING TRAPS #1 & #11 DUKE TRAPS continued #3 - 6” Jaw Spread ..........................$12.50 ea., $124.95 Doz. #4 - 6 1/2” Jaw Spread ...................$15.50 ea., $155.00 Doz. Duke Long Springs #1 - 4” Jaw Spread ............................$6.30 ea., $62.95 Doz. #11 - 4” Jaw Spread ..........................$7.00 ea., $69.95 Doz. #11 Double Jaw - 4” Jaw Spread.........$7.30 ea., $72.95 Doz. #1 Guard Trap (Stoploss) 4”................$7.70 ea., $76.95 Doz. # 5 Longspring w/ Paws-I-Trip system ...$27.00 ea., $269.95 Doz. #1 Longspring 4” Jaw Spread .................$8.90 ea., $49.50/6, $89.95 Doz. #11 Longspring 4” Jaw Spread ...............$10.50 ea., $57.50/6, $104.95 Doz. #11 Longspring Double Jaw ....................$10.90 ea., $59.50/6, $108.95 Doz. #1 1/2 Longspring 4 3/4” Jaw Spread ...$11.00 ea., $60.00/6, $109.95 Doz. #2 Longspring 4 15/16” Jaw Spread ......$13.00 ea., $70.00/6, $129.95 Doz. #3 Longspring 5 13/16” Jaw Spread ......$19.00 ea., $100.00/6, $189.95 Doz. #3 Longspring offset ...............................$20.00 ea., 105.00/6, $199.95 Doz. #4 Longspring 6 5/16” Jaw Spread ........$21.00 ea., $109.50/6, $209.00 Doz. MINNESOTA TRAP #750 MINNESOTA #4 Longspring offset ...............................$22.00 ea., 115.00/6, $220.00 Doz. #4 1/2 Longspring 7 1/2” Jaw Spread ...$35.00 ea., $179.50/6, $349.00 Doz. BRAND TRAPS MINNESOTA TRAP #4 1/2 Longspring offset ........................$36.00 ea., $181.00/6, $352.00 Doz. MB-450 - FH - #1 1/2 size trap, but will hold the meanest, baddest #5 Longspring ........................................$110.00 ea. coyote. 5” Outside Jaw Spread $17.00 ea., $95.00 per 6, $179.95 Doz. COILSPRING TRAPS MB-550 - RC - Coyote, Bobcat & Fox Trap - 5 1/2” Jaw Spread Sleepy Creek #1 1/2 & #1 3/4 $19.00 ea., $104.50 per 6, $198.95 Doz. Coilspring Traps MB-550 - RC - 4 coiled - Coyote, Bobcat & Fox Trap - 5 1/2” Jaw Spread $20.00 ea., $110.00 per 6, $209.95 Doz. #1 Coilspring 4” Jaw Spread ..................$9.30 ea., $51.50/6, $92.95 Doz. MB-650 Offset - Coyote & Bobcat Trap - 1/4” offset gap - 6 1/8” #1 Coilspring Double Jaw .......................$9.95 ea., $54.75/6, $99.50 Doz. Jaw Spread $21.00 ea., $111.00 per 6, $205.00 Doz. #1 1/2 Coilspring 4 3/4” Jaw Spread ....$10.45 ea., $57.50/6, $104.95 Doz. MB-650 O.S. Laminated - Coyote & Bobcat Trap #1 1/2 Coilspring offset .........................$12.00 ea., $65.00/6, $119.95 Doz. $23.00 ea., $120.00 per 6, $230.00 Doz. #1 1/2 Coilspring Double Jaw ...............$12.70 ea., $68.50/6, $126.95 Doz. MB-750 Regular Jaw - Beaver Trap - 7 1/4” Jaw Spread #1 3/4 Coilspring 5 3/8” Jaw Spread ....$13.20 ea., $ 71.00/6, $131.95 Doz. $26.50 ea., $142.00 per 6, $265.00 Doz. #1 3/4 Coilspring offset .........................$14.00 ea., $75.00/6, $139.95 Doz. MB-750-L Laminated - Beaver Trap 7 1/4” Jaw Spread #3 Coilspring 5 13/16” Jaw Spread .......$16.00 ea., $85.00/6, $159.95 Doz. $29.50 ea., $160.00 per 6, $295.00 Doz. #3 Coilspring offset ................................$17.30 ea., $91.50/6, $173.00 Doz. #4 Coilspring 6 3/8” Jaw Spread ...........$17.70 ea., $93.50/6, $177.00 Doz. #4 Coilspring offset ................................$18.70 ea., $98.50/6, $187.00 Doz. MUSKRAT COLONY TRAPS Sleepy Creek Body Traps #700 BODY TRAP #450 (110) 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread.. $6.00 ea., $35.00/6, $59.95 Doz. #455 (120) 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread.. $8.30 ea., $46.50/6, $82.95 Doz. #600 (160) 6” x 6” Jaw Spread................ $13.40 ea., $72.00/6, $133.95 Doz. #700 (220) 7” x 7” Jaw Spread................ $13.50 ea., $72.50/6, $134.95 Doz. #1000 (330) 10’ x 10” Jaw Spread .......... $25.00 ea., $89.00 Box of 4, $249.95 Doz. DUKE TRAPS Doz. SAFEGUARD BOX TRAPS Excellent quality, single door all wire live traps. #50450 #50063 #51690 #51700 18”x5”x5” chipmunk size $24.95 ea. 24”x8”x7” rabbits, squirrels, etc. $29.95 ea. 30”x11”x12” raccoons, opossum $45.00 ea. 36”x11”x12” extra large raccoons, etc.$48.00 ea. DUKE BEAR TRAPS Duke #6 Bear Trap - this is a new bear trap produced by the Duke Trap Co. The pan says Duke Trap - #6 Bear and it has heavy cast jaws with teeth. This Trap is 45” long and comes with the heavy chain and ring. $295.00 ea. Duke #16 Offset - just like the #6, except this trap has a gap in jaws so that the teeth are better exposed. $299.00 ea. FOR FASTEST SERVICE: Call or fax your order! Phone Orders: 1-317-881-3075 Fax Orders: 1-317-881-3325 Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or C.O.D. * Please Note - To figure 1/2 Dozen price on traps divide Dozen price by 2 & add 5.00. For example, traps that cost $150.00 per Dozen would cost $80.00 per 1/2 Dozen. Fall/Winter 2010 Duke #15 Bear Trap - A smaller version of the Duke #6. The pan says Duke Trap Co. #15 Bear. It is 36” long, weighs 22 lbs. and has a jaw spread of 12”. This trap is a beautiful replica with teeth and full strength springs. $175.00 ea. 19 HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Duke Body Traps #110 - 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread .$3.70 ea., $36.95 Doz. #120 - 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread .$6.30 ea., $62.95 Doz. #160 - 6” x 6” Jaw Spread ...............$7.70 ea., $76.95 Doz. #220 - 7” x 7” Jaw Spread ...............$9.50 ea., $94.95 Doz. #280 - 8” x 8” Jaw Spread ...............$13.00 ea., $130.00 Doz. #330 - 10” x 10” Jaw Spread ...........$16.50 ea., $162.95 Doz. Duke Coilspring Traps #1- 4” Jaw Spread ............................$5.60 ea., $55.95 Doz. #1 Double Jaw .................................$6.70 ea., $65.95 Doz. #1 1/2- 4 3/4” Jaw Spread ..............$5.85 ea., $57.95 Doz. #1 1/2 Laminated Jaws ....................$8.00 ea., $79.95 Doz. #1 1/2 Double Jaw ..........................$7.00 ea., $69.95 Doz. #1 3/4 - 5 1/4” Jaw Spread ............$7.30 ea., $72.95 Doz. #1 3/4 (4 coiled) .............................$9.50 ea., $94.95 Doz. #1 3/4 offset ...................................$7.70 ea., $76.95 Doz. #1 3/4 offset (4 coiled) ....................$10.00 ea., $98.95 Doz. #2 - 5 1/2” Jaw Spread ....................$8.00 ea., $80.00 Doz. #2 offset ..........................................$8.70 ea., $86.95 Doz. #3 - 6” Jaw Spread ...........................$10.00 ea., $100.00 Doz. #3 offset ..........................................$10.70 ea., $106.95 Doz. #4 (4 coiled) 6 1/2” Jaw Spread ......$12.25 ea., $121.95 Doz. #4 (4 coiled) 6 1/2” Jaw Spread Offset.$12.50 ea., $123.95 Doz. Duke Rubber Jaw Traps #1 1/2 - 4 3/4” Jaw Spread ............$10.00 ea., $98.95 Doz. Catch several muskrats nightly. 5” X 5” X 24” $6.95 ea., $78.00 MB TRAP SETTERS VICTOR TRAPS Victor Conibear VICTOR SOFT CATCH 1 1/2 VICTOR COIL SPRING 1 1/2 VICTOR CONIBEAR 330 #110-2 - 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread .. $6.40 ea., $37.00/6, $63.95 Doz. #120-2 - 4 1/2” x 4 1/2” Jaw Spread .. $10.50 ea., $57.50/6, $104.95 Doz. #160-2 - 6” x 6” Jaw Spread ................ $15.50 ea., $82.50/6, $154.95 Doz. #220-2 - 7” x 7” Jaw Spread ................ $16.50 ea., $87.50/6, $164.95 Doz. #280-2 - 8” x 8” Jaw Spread ................ $19.00 ea., $100.00/6, $190.00 Doz. #330-2 - 10” x 10” Jaw Spread ............ $26.00 ea., $96.00 Box of 4, $258.95 Doz. Victor Coilspring Traps #1 - 4” Jaw Spread .............................. $8.50 ea., $47.50/6, $84.95 Doz. #1 Double Jaw ..................................... $8.80 ea., $49.000/6, $87.95 Doz. #1 1/2 - 4 7/8” Jaw Spread ................ $9.70 ea., $53.50/6, $96.95 Doz. #1.75 - 5 3/8” Jaw Spread .................. $12.50 ea., $61.50/6, $124.95 Doz. #1.75 offset ......................................... $12.90 ea., $69.50/6, $128.95 Doz. #1.75 offset forged jaw ........................ $13.70 ea., $73.50/6, $137.00 Doz. #1.75 4x4 (4 coiled) ............................ $15.90 ea., $84.50/6, $158.95 Doz. #1.75 4x4 offset forged jaw ................. $17.30 ea., $91.50/6, $172.95 Doz. #2 - 5 1/2” Jaw Spread ....................... $11.00 ea., $60.00/6, $109.95 Doz. #2 cast steel offset ................................ $12.90 ea., $69.50/6, $128.95 Doz. #3 - 5 13/16” Jaw Spread ................... $14.50 ea., $77.50/6, $144.95 Doz. #3 offset .............................................. $14.90 ea., $79.50/6, $148.95 Doz. #3 Coil 4x4 ......................................... $19.90 ea., $104.50/6, $198.95 Doz. #3 Coil 4x4 offset ................................ $20.00 ea., $105.00/6, $202.95 Doz. #4 - 6 1/4” Jaw Spread ....................... $16.00 ea., $85.00/6, $159.95 Doz. #4 Offset ............................................. $16.50 ea., $87.50/6, $164.95 Doz. #4 Coil 4x4 ......................................... $21.50 ea., $112.50/6, $215.00 Doz. #4 Coil 4x4 offset ................................ $21.90 ea., $114.50/6, $219.00 Doz. Victor Soft Catch #1 1/2 - 4 3/16” Jaw Spread .............. $15.50 ea., $82.50/6, $154.95 Doz. #1 3/4 - 4 3/16” Jaw Spread .............. $18.00 ea., $95.00/6, $180.00 Doz. #1 3/4 4x4 - 4 3/16” Jaw Spread........ $23.25 ea., $121.00/6, $232.00 Doz. #3 - 5 15/16” Jaw Spread ................... $20.00 ea., $105.00/6, $199.95 Doz. #3 4x4 (4 coiled) ................................. $26.00 ea., $135.000/6, $260.00 Doz. STERLING MJ500 FOX AND COYOTE TRAP Features: Made in the USA, malleable cast jaws 1/4” offset gap, inside jaw spread 5 7/16”. double jaw hold down (no loose jaw), pan tension adjustable with gun notch trigger, welded machine chain with Sterling ST-500 Swivel. $33.00 ea., $184.00 per 6, $338.00 per doz. LIL’ GRIZ GET’RZ Professionally built, high performance dog-proof coon trap. Small, compact, lightweight, heavy-duty components. No holes to dig when setting this dogproof trap. Twistloc Anchor System. $24.00 ea., $138.00 1/2 Dozen, $239.00 Dozen COON CUFFS The newest and most innovative raccoon trap on the market today. Simple to use. When set properly, will only catch raccoon. Sets easily by hand. Will not catch mink or muskrat and is dog-proof. All coon are caught by front foot. $17.95 ea., 6 or more $15.95 ea., $179.95 Doz. HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 20 COON CUFF AUGER $19.95 ea. SLEEPY CREEK—COIL SPRING TRAP SETTERS Make easy work of setting coil spring traps—particularly the beefed up 4 coils. $9.95 pair Setters that make it easy to set those very strong Minnesota Brand traps. State size: MB 650 or MB 750. $9.95 pair BRIDGER LONG SPRING TRAP SETTER Will help set #3, #4 and #5 Longspring Traps. $15.95 ea. BODY GRIP SETTING TONGS SUPER HEAVY DUTY For 220 or 330 size traps. $10.95 ea. BODY GRIP SETTER Features: one hand operation, strong and durable, operates on spring eyes, non-slip action. $46.95 ea. SLEEPY CREEK TRAP SETTERS Model 3 Trap Setter - A new 14” aluminum trap setter weighing only 10 oz. This setter was designed for the junior trapper and adults with hand problems. It will set 110, 120, 160 body grippers plus #11 through #2 long springs. $11.95 ea. Model 4 Trap Setter - A new 24” aluminum trap setter, can be used to set body grippers up through the 330 size, and long springs up through the #5 size. The Model 4 has 2 U-clips, one for the smaller long springs and one for the #4 and #5 long springs. Weighs 24 oz. $21.95 ea. VICTOR CONNIBEAR SAFETY GRIPPER Make sets safely - even underwater sets. Safety gripper holds the traps jaws if triggered. $5.95 ea. ZINC TRAP TAGS—WRITE YOUR OWN Simply use a lead pencil to write the information you need on the tag. Will never come off and becomes plainer with age. $2.95 per package of 25 tags COPPER TRAP TAGS Tags are machine stamped on good, heavy copper. We can print up to 3 lines, using whatever information you are required in your state. Limited to 18 characters per line. Blank spaces count as a character. Each quantity of tags must have the same stamping information. Please clearly print all orders. No C.O.D. orders on tags. Prepaid or charge card orders only. PLEASE ALLOW 2-3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY OF TAGS. 50 Tags - $12.50 100 Tags - $18.50 150 Tags - $23.50 200 Tags - $26.50 300 Tags - $30.00 500 Tags - $39.00 1000 Tags - $65.00 TRAPMASTERS New Raccoon Padded Foot Trap Dog proof and livestock safe. 15.90 ea., $84.95 per 6, $159.95 per doz. FUR PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Disposable Latex Skinning Gloves .....................................$9.95 per 100 Metal Tail Strippers.................................................................$3.50 ea. Plastic Tail Strippers ................................................................$2.50 ea. Tail Slitting Guide ...................................................................$2.95 ea. One Handle Fleshing Tool .......................................................$6.95 ea. Tail Splitter ......................................................$3.95 ea.,....2 for $7.50 12” 2-handle Fleshing Knife ..................................................$16.95 ea. Necker Fleshing Knife ...........................................................$62.95 ea. Sheffield Fleshing Knife 16” Made in England .......................$128.95 ea. Winkler’s Skinning Gambrel ..................................................$10.95 ea. Fur Combs - Metal ................................................................$10.95 ea. Deluxe Skinning Apron .......................................................... $9.95 ea. Pushpins - Box of 100 ............................................................ $5.95 ea. Beaver Skinning Knife .......................................................... $12.95 ea. 2256 Kutmaster Skinning Knife - 2 blades ...............................$21.95 ea. Sterling Table Mount Knife Sharpener .....................................$12.95 ea. Fur Hangers ..........................................................................$2.95 ea. Dexter Russell 3 3/4” Blade Pelting Knife - This is a good one! ..$10.95 ea. Dexter Russell 5” Blade Pelting Knife ......................................$13.95 ea. Cam-Nu Sharpener- Simple to use knife sharpener .....................$9.95 ea. Hardwood Fleshing Beams 8” x 60” ......................................$44.95 ea. Tail Stripper ONE HANDLE FLESHING TOOL TAIL SPLITTER 2-HANDLE FLESHING KNIFE NECKER FLESHING KNIFE WINKLER’S SKINNING GAMBREL DEXTER RUSSELL PELTING KNIFE WIRE FUR STRETCHERS #1 Muskrat ...................... $9.00 per 3,.....$16.95 per 6,....$28.95 Doz. #1 1/2 Mink ................. $13.00 per 3,.....$24.00 per 6,....$42.95 Doz. #4 Standard Raccoon & Fox ..$25.00 per 3,.....$42.95 per 6,....$74.95 Doz. #5 XL Raccoon & Bobcat . $31.00 per 3,.....$46.95 per 6,....$82.95 Doz. #6 Coyote ..................... $36.00 per 3,.....$54.95 per 6,....$89.95 Doz. Beaver Hoops ................ $34.95 per 3,.....$48.95 per 6,.....$88.95 Doz. WIRE FUR STRETCHER BEAVER HOOP WOODEN STRETCHERS BOARDS 21 FLESHING BEAMS FUR COMBS SHEFFIELD FLESHING KNIVES Highest quality fleshing knife. Has improved handles that can be tightened with a nut and bolt. The blade is 16” long and is stamped J. Adams, Sheffield England. Blade width 3” overall length 29”. This is the same knife Matt Jones uses in his fur handling video. Top of blade sharp for shaving coon necks and beaver fleshing - bottom edge for scraping. $128.95 ea. A high quality fleshing knife. The Necker has both a sharp edge and a dull edge. Overall length 23 1/2”. Rubber handles that won’t crack or break off. $62.95 ea. Easy home tanning of all fur skins, deer and other big game hides, Premixed and ready to use. Produces a soft supple Indian-style tan in 5-7 days. One 8 oz. bottle will tan two medium size fur skins or one deer hide. Elk, moose, caribou and bear require 3-6 bottles. Complete instructions included. $9.95 Fall/Winter 2010 NECKER #600 FLESHING KNIFE TRAPPER’S HIDE TANNING FORMULA HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Coon Boards - 7 1/4” x 48”.....$28.00 per 3,.....$44.95 per 6,.....$79.95 Doz. Red Fox Boards - 6 3/4”x48” (makes an excellent muskrat fleshing board) ....................................... $28.00 per 3,.....$44.95 per 6,.....$79.95 Doz. Coyote Boards - 9”x72”.........$49.00 per 3,.....$89.95 per 6,....$149.95 Doz. KUTMASTER Bobcat Boards - 7 1/2”x66”...$49.00 per 3,.....$89.95 per 6,....$149.95 Doz. SKINNING KNIFE Otter Boards - 7 1/4”x72”......$49.00 per 3,.....$89.95 per 6,....$149.95 Doz. Mink Boards- female ............ $9.00 per 3,.....$15.95 per 6,.....$27.95 Doz. Mink Boards- standard ....... $11.00 per 3,.....$18.95 per 6,.....$31.00 Doz. Mink Boards- Jumbo...............$12.00 per 3,.....$20.95 per 6,.....$33.00 Doz. Hardwood Fleshing Beams 8”x60” ........................................... $44.95 ea. SHIP TO NAFA... it’s worth the wait! #1 in Price! NAFA gives you the best opportunity to get the right price for your fur! #1 in Supporting Trappers! NAFA continues to offer support to Trapper Associations and Trapper Education #1 in Promotion! $750,000 was invested in Wild Fur Promotion in 2007 alone! Hoosier Trapper Supply, Inc. is a receiving agent for North American Fur Auctions. Fur shipments can be sent via UPS, US Postal Service or they can be dropped off at our shop. Anyone interested, or if you have questions — please feel free to contact: Charlie Masheck, NAFA Receiving Agent. Hoosier Trapper Supply, Inc. 317-881-3075 NORTH AMERICAN F U R A U C T I O N S HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 22 Anthony Gaines, Kentucky Catch made on Christmas Eve day: 2 Red Fox and 6 Raccoons. Anthony uses the Leatherwood Line of Scent exclusively and had a seasons catch of 228 (mixed) animals. Anthony realizes the importance of top quality scent and knows that with the Leatherwood Line he can be assured that is what he is getting! Dylan Osborne A successful trapper that realizes the importance of quality lures and baits. He is sold on the Leatherwood Line of Trapping Scents. DVD’s When I first started trapping, DVD’s were unheard of. Even the selection of trapping books were minimal and a lot of them out of date. Taking advantage of the wealth of knowledge that is available saves a lot of trial and error time. There are no secrets. With modern day trapping DVD’s and books and lots of hard work you can make very respectable catches early in your trapping career. —Charlie Masheck DVD’s are listed in alphabetical order by maker. CAT TRAPPING DIXIE STYLE OPEN WATER BEAVER TRAPPING With Randy Biggerstaff This cat trapping video is designed to produce more cats for veteran trappers and put novice trappers on the road to success. The techniques in this video specifically targets trapping conditions in the East, however sets and methods will work anywhere. Approx. 100 mins. $27.95 each With Charlie Dobbins All types of water covered: streams, lakes, ponds and swamps. Footholds, Body Grippers and Snares, lure and bait usage, trap anchoring, drowners its all covered. 1hr. 50 mins. $35.00 FOX & COYOTE EXTREME - LOCATING & TRAPPING VOL. I With John Crawford Will show you how to catch fox & coyotes - This DVD contains special night vision footage. $34.95 each FOX & COYOTE EXTREME - LOCATING & TRAPPING VOL. II With John Crawford Advanced predator trapping methods with bonus footage. Approx. 90 minutes $34.95 each With John Crawford Advanced predator trapping methods contains Western and Eastern footage. Bonus footage of a mountain lion hunt. $34.95 each RACCOON TRAPPING EXTREME LOCATING & TRAPPING With John Crawford Approx. 90 minutes of fluff free raccoon trapping knowledge. $31.95 With Charlie Dobbins From pans and dogs to base plates to four coils to jaw lamination to chains and swivels, stakes and drags. Its all here. 1 hr. and 55 mins. $35.00 THE DIRT HOLE AND ITS VARIATIONS With Charlie Dobbins 50 years of experience is crammed into this DVD. It is all here to make you a better land trapper. 1 hr. 46 mins. $35.00 each THE VARIATIONS OF THE FLAT SET With Charlie Dobbins Nearly 20 different types of flat sets are shown. Proper blending and luring techniques are covered. Great for wet weather trapping. 1 hr. 57 mins. $35.00 SUMMERTIME BEAVER CONTROL With Paul Dobbins Shows productive sets and methods that produce during the summer months. 1 hr. 37 mins. $35.00 BEAVER SITES AND SETS With Paul Dobbins Sites are evaluated to determine the best sets for the site. Shows in detail set construction. Covers footholds, body grippers and snares. Proper use of lure and bait also covered. 1 hr. 49 mins. $35.00 Pro Raccoon Trapping - 65 mins. $29.95 each Pro Beaver Trapping - 82 mins. $29.95 each Pro Coyote Trapping - 80 mins. $29.95 each Pro Mink Trapping - 70 mins. $29.95 each Pro Fox Trapping - 90 mins. $29.95 each Pro Muskrat Trapping - 90 mins. $29.95 each Pro Mink & Raccoon - 78 mins. $29.95 each Pro Predator Trapping - 96 mins. $29.95 each FOX TRAPPING With John Graham Great fox trapping video for the western trapper. Sets and methods will work in the east as well. 2 hrs. $39.95 each CANINE TRAPPING, SIX DAYS WITH A LONG LINER With John Graham Covers: location, equipment, simple effective sets, remakes, reading new country, locating coyotes and other tips on understanding coyotes. 2 hrs. $39.95 each BOBCAT TRAPPING - THE ROAD TO SUCCESS With John Graham With the price of cats, this video is a must. Covers: locations, simple and effective sets, equipment and understanding bobcat habits. Bonus snaring footage. 2 hrs. $39.95 each 23 Fall/Winter 2010 TRAPS, EQUIPMENT AND MODIFICATIONS With Charlie Dobbins Covers all types of water trapping from blind sets to lured sets to cubbies. Body Grippers and Footholds, stabilizers, location, etc. 1 hr, 20 mins. $35.00 With Tom Miranda - Techniques from trapping experts: Tom Miranda, Bob Gilsvik, Jerry Herbst, Jeff Smith and Dave Heib. HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. FOX & COYOTE EXTREME - LOCATING & TRAPPING VOL III MINK, MUSKRAT & RACCOON TRAPPING ON STREAMS FUR - FISH - GAME PROFESSIONAL TRAPPING SERIES DVD’S DVD’s continued CANADIAN TRAPLINE ADVENTURE With Mike Gurski This North country video shows you techniques for catching: wolf, fisher, marten and lynx. This is a very informative video and is a great video (for us farmland trappers) just to watch for enjoyment. 1 hr. 50 mins. $34.95 FULL-TIME TRAPPING With Ron Hauser This video covers: raccoon, mink, muskrat, beaver and turtles. 30 years of experience and 8 states have gone into the making of this video. 3 hrs. 45 mins. $39.95 each LONG LINING RACCOONS & CONIBEARS With Ron Hauser Learn the easiest and deadliest methods of body trapping raccoons. Features a days catch of 73. Will help to put you in the ranks of the elite coon trapper. 3 hrs. - $39.95 each MARSHLAND MUSKRATS With Ron Hauser Join Ron as he efficiently traps muskrats from his boat, walking the shoreline and thru the ice. 2 hrs. - $34.95 each HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 24 FULL-TIME BEAVER TRAPPING With Ron Hauser Ron traps: lakes, streams, ponds, swamps and rivers in this video. He covers how to handle fluctuating water levels, deadly lured and baited sets, blind sets, etc., etc... 4.5 hrs. - $39.95 each COYOTE TRAPPING EAST OF THE BIG RIVER With Matt Jones Follow pro trapper Matt Jones through 3 Eastern States. Eastern trappers have the worst weather conditions to deal with - Matt shows you how to keep your sets working regardless of the weather. Over 70 catches shown. 90 mins. $34.95 each HARD-CORE CAT & COYOTE TRAPPING 2004 NEW IN 2007 - SUCCESSFUL BEAVER AND OTTER TRAPPING With Matt Jones and Len Williams Veteran Long line trappers, Matt & Len team up to reveal the secrets of the Eastern long line. Learn the methods these trappers use to take truck loads of bobcats, coyotes and fox. These methods will show you how to harvest the maximum number of predators from an area in a very short period of time. They not only show the locations and the set up, they also show the catch. Lots of catches - this tape is a must. 2 hrs. - $34.95 With Matt Jones The most informative up to date beaver & otter trapping methods ever shown on video. See first hand the fastest most effective methods for harvesting beaver and otter fur with the use of foothold and body grip traps. Methods that work anytime, anywhere, rock or mud, shallow or deep. Matt also explains fur marketing techniques for the new beaver and otter market. The trapping methods in this DVD are custom made for the part time trapper with limited time to trap that needs to make his beaver trapping pay. 2 hr. - $34.95 AFTER THE CATCH - PRO FUR HANDLING With Matt Jones This huge 4 hour 2 DVD set teaches you everything you need to know to handle: coyote, bobcat, red fox, grey fox, raccoon, skunk, river otter, mink, muskrat & beaver. Shows the small things that make the big difference. A fun yet extremely educational video. Has bonus on the line trapping segments and instruction. 4 hrs. $39.95 each EASTERN RACCOON TRAPPING With Matt Jones & Len Williams Professional trappers Matt Jones & Len Williams will take you throughout the river country of 3 Eastern States. They will show you proven sets and techniques that have helped them harvest thousands of coon over the years. A great video with lots of trap line footage and catches. 1 hr. 50 mins. $34.95 each NEW IN 2007 - COYOTE CHAOS, MAKE’M PAY With Matt Jones and Clint Locklear See how these professionals keep their traps and snares working in the harsh conditions that face every coyote trapper in the East. Better yet, learn how to keep your coyote line in operation, when your competition is stuck spinning their wheels in the mud. Lots of trap line footage with plenty of coyotes jumping around to boot. 2 hrs. - $39.00 each NEW IN 2008 - SUCCESSFUL LAND TRAPPING, SETS, CATCHES & REMAKES This is Matt’s newest DVD. Matt’s trapping experiences and knowledge surpass many. This new DVD follows the Matt Jones direction; extremely informative and entertaining. Approx. 2 hrs. $34.95 RAIN DOGS With Matt Jones Warning this video is hazardous to coyotes. A video for the thinking coyote trapper. For men that take their coyote trapping very serious and for a man that fully intends to catch a canine for every trap he sets. Most of all, this video is for a good dirt trapper that prays it never rains. This video will keep you catching coyotes even if it rains 2” every day. The Eastern coyote trapper faces the worst weather anywhere - this video will get you through those rough times, when your competition has quit. 2 hrs - $34.95 GET THE NET With Matt Jones An instructional video filled with surefire tips and techniques on trot line fishing for all species of catfish. Follow professional fisherman Matt Jones as he reveals his successful methods for catching: blues, channel & flat heads. This fun, educational, action packed video will guide you to filling your boat with catfish. Lots of trot line footage. 1 hr. 50 mins. - $34.95 each DVD’s continued NEW IN 2008 - COYOTE TRAPPING With Mark June Learn from one of this country’s Top Coyote Trappers! Well-known for his trapping expertise, high energy, and ability to catch large numbers of canines, Mark provides 2 hours of non-stop instructions and action packed trapline footage! - $39.95 NEW FOR 2010 - COYOTE TRAPPING VOLUME 2 With Mark June Ride along with professional trapper and biologist on his high production coyote trap line. Well known for his coyote trapping expertise, high energy and ability to catch large numbers of canines. Mark explains in great detail advanced methods that will consistently catch coyotes anywhere. 120 minutes - $39.95 TRAPPING MUSKRATS BY THE 1000’S With Rich Kaspar 1000 Muskrats in 10 days. Rich Kaspar is on a muskrat marathon chasing high dollar ‘rats. Rich uses a system that includes floats, bank sets, colony traps and conibears. Filmed in Nebraska and South Dakota on a working trapline Rich gives instruction as he piles up muskrats in huge numbers. 3 hours - $39.95 HIGH PERFORMANCE SNARING HIGH PERFORMANCE SNARING, VOL. 2 With Clint Locklear Clint goes into greater depth and deeper detail in the art of high performance snaring. Location is important with traps but twice as important with snares. Clint explains where he snares and why. Covers both land and water. 2 hrs. - $39.00 RIVER’N By Predator Control Group With Keith Harkleroad and Clint Locklear Raccoon are child’s play to catch, right? I guess that is true for ones we catch, what about the 2-8 that we don’t catch at a set. Learn a new way we should be gang setting. The old way of stringing 2-6 sets on a stretch of creek is missing the boat. See why you are killing your numbers if you drown a coon at set. The camera does not lie. Habits of the coon are not what trappers have read about all these years. If you want to take more coon, you have to understand what a coon does at a set. Understand how a coon reacts to a conibear (yes, they know it’s there). A raccoon is not a simple animal to catch. The way a raccoon uses his nose and sense of feel is nothing short of amazing. $49.95 THE ART OF PROFESSIONAL BEAVER CONTROL With Clint Locklear Pure, intense, on the line instruction from professional control trapper Clint Locklear. Trap Modification and usage, snaring, castor, food lures all covered. Beaver dams explained in detail, proper set location, etc. 4 hrs.- $45.00 each SPEED PROCESSING BEAVER With Clint Locklear Learn how to skin any beaver in 4 - 5 minutes average time. Learn how to flesh any beaver in 12 - 15 minutes start to finish. See how easy this job can be. 79 mins. - $25.00 PUTTING UP OTTER FOR THE TOP LOT With Clint Locklear This will show you the proper way to put up otter. Will show you the tricks to make your job as a fur handler easier. 80 mins. - $25.00 each YEAR LONG BLITZKREIG With Clint Locklear Follow in the footsteps of a professional trapper year round. This fast paced DVD is fun, dark, harsh and loaded with information. This DVD is real life, some of the footage is harsh and there is some language that may not be suitable for children. 4 hrs. - $45.00 each TEACHERS OF THE NIGHT - BEAVER By Predator Control Group Keith Harkleroad and Clint Locklear guide you through the REAL world of Beaver. See in clear night vision footage, over 60 Beaver to watch and learn from. Not only will you see Beaver get caught, but misses, refusals and the true Beaver habits. This for the man who seta a trap and wonders what goes on in the darkness of the night. Not only will you become a better trapper; you will be humbled, entertained, and fascinated. This DVD will change the way you trap, that is if you want to be the best trapper you can be. The teachers are the animals themselves, not a trapper. 2 hrs. $49.95 TEACHERS OF THE NIGHT - COYOTE DIRT HOLE By Clint Locklear Actions and patterns of coyotes around dirt holes. Clear night vision footage shows the trapper how a coyote will and will not work a dirt hole. See for yourself what it takes to keep a coyote at your set for several minutes to three hours. You will probably never set your trap in front of a hole again. For the first time in history, let the coyote teach you. 2 hrs. - $49.95 TEACHERS OF THE NIGHT - COYOTE FLAT SET By Clint Locklear The more a coyote trapper knows, the more coyotes he will catch. Learn how a coyote really works a set, not just a 25 theory on how. - $49.95 TEACHERS OF THE NIGHT - RED FOX By Clint Locklear Predator Control Group is proud to bring you a look into the night to help you become a better fox trapper. See several red fox working dirt holes, flat sets, and bait sets. You’ll be amazed and entertained. $49.95 BOTTOM EDGE MINK TRAPPING With Bob Noonan With this underwater bottom edge blind set traps keep functioning despite fluctuating water levels, ice and snow. Typical harsh weather conditions drive mink into the water in search of frogs and other aquatic prey- this set consistently catches mink there. Location is the heart of this set, and this DVD shows and explains in detail how to find and set up productive locations. 2 hours $39.95 Fall/Winter 2010 With Clint Locklear & Newt Sterling Join Newt Sterling and Clint Locklear on their river trap and snare line. Learn how to take red fox, coyote, bobcats, grey fox, raccoon, and beaver from boat and canoe. Explains how to run a productive predator line on the river. Approx. 2 hrs. - $39.95 each TEACHERS OF THE NIGHT - COON With Clint Locklear and Newt Sterling Shows and explains locations on mountains streams, farmland, swamps, beaver flows, coastal waterways, impoundments, ponds and fish farms. All methods of trapping otter will be covered: snares, body grip and foothold traps. 2 hrs and 44 mins. - $39.95 each HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. With Clint Locklear Snares are fast, efficient and a proven fur taker. Follow Clint on his land and water trap lines. Snaring for the beginner and experienced snare man. Several Snare systems to speed up your operation. 3 hrs. - $34.95 each OTTER’LY SIMPLE DVD’s continued FISHER TRAPPING With Bob Noonan Bob Noonan has trapped fisher for 40 years. All of his experience along with other professional trappers have gone into this video. This video contains an in-depth demonstration of equipment, bait & lure, traditional sets and new sets. Trap line footage with catches. 2 hrs. 15 mins. - $39.95 MARTEN TRAPPING With Bob Noonan This video is packed with detailed information on marten trapping from Bob’s many years of experience along with that of other professional trappers. This video covers traditional as well as new methods. Trap line footage with numerous catches. 2 hrs 15 mins. $39.95 COON TRAPPING - THE UNTOLD STORY By Mike “Red” O’Hearn Mike has trapped 12,000 raccoons in 11 years - his best season to date is 1650. Learn fast, effective techniques to maximize your raccoon catch. All aspects of footholds, body grip traps, and snares are shown in detail. 2 hrs - $29.95 each PREDATOR TRAPPING PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 With Larry “Slim” Pedersen Slim, one of the most respected predator trappers and quoted authors in print, 26 shares his knowledge with you. These methods work in the east, west, north and south. Action packed footage, dozens of coyotes, bobcats, red fox and badgers on these methods. Shot on the trap line in Georgia and Montana. Over 2 hrs. - $49.95 each PRODUCTIVE SNARING TECHNIQUES With Larry “Slim” Pedersen The A to Z’s of snaring are covered in this DVD. From snare construction to snare sets and methods and everything in between are covered in this DVD. Beginners or long time snare men can learn from this DVD. 1 hr 15 mins. - $34.95 COMPLETE BOBCAT TRAPPING With Larry “Slim” Pedersen Slim covers: new equipment, visual sets, attractors, the location of bobcat glands, bad weather, trap location and travel ways are all covered. Lots of Bobcat catches are shown in this DVD. 1 hr 15 mins. $34.95 NEW MILLENNIUM TRAPPING With Larry “Slim” Pedersen Slim’s credentials in the trapping community are second to none. Slim brings us his lifetime of experience in this DVD. Slim has trapped just about every fur bearer including mountain lions in his trapping career. 72 mins - $44.95 RED FOX FRENZY With Tom & Tera Roach Join Tom & Tera Roach on their red fox trapline set to the music of Chad Slagle. This father and daughter team combines over 50 years experience taking nearly 1,000 furbearers each season. Now you can join them on their line as they disclose their preferred equipment, lure, locations, and set construction to outwit red fox as well as grey fox, raccoons, and fisher. Entertaining and informative for beginners and trapline veterans alike. Action packed, this video is full of live trapline footage and catches. Over 40 catches shown! Video also includes bonus Maine black bear trapping footage. 1 hr. - $24.95 MEGA MINK METHODS With Gerald Schmitt Watch and learn the methods Gerald used to trap 764 mink in 7 weeks during the 1998 season and over 2000 mink within a five year period. This video will show you quick and efficient methods for trapping mink. Lots of trap line footage with catches. 1 hr. 55 mins. - $29.95 each COMBINES & COYOTES WOLFIN’ THE CORNBELT With Randy Smith Follow Randy Smith as he hammers coyotes in the cornbelt country of the MidWest. Watch and learn how Randy takes 180 coyotes in just 15 days. He shows early nice weather trapping, sloppy wet muddy trapping, and snow/frozen ground conditions. Randy’s catch is not by accident or luck, it is an all out attack that is based on years of long lining coyotes. See double after double catches and even a true four coyote catch on film. 2 hrs. - $34.95 LONG ROAD TRAPPING With Mark Steck Come along on a Dakota-line outing as premier trapper Mark Steck takes you on his road trap line. How are those huge catches of 500 + mink, 600 + fox and over 1000 coon possible? Two words - road trapping. It’s simply the most productive method of harvesting huge amounts of critters. This video will show you how it is done. 2 hrs. - $34.95 PIPE TRAPPING - THE MOTHER LOAD OF MINK AND COON With Mark Seck Come along as Dakota-Line Veteran trapper, Mark Steck runs a water line using PVC pipes. Watch as Steck nails coon after coon, mink after mink in sets that are simple, fast and go where you want them. Pipe trapping will change the way you trap. These methods are versatile and deadly. 2 hrs. - $34.95 FARMLAND SNARING - SNARING IN RURAL AMERICA With Mark Steck The farmlands of North America are where the huge catches are made. Mark Steck takes you on his snare line. He shares secrets of the craft he’s honed over years of snaring the farmland country for literally 1000’s of critters. Embark on a journey and learn effective techniques for snaring coon, beaver, mink and canines from an expert trapper. 2 hrs. - $34.95 RUNNING HARD WITH THE GRIZZ With Mark Steck Follow Pro Trapper Mark Steck on his South Dakota coon line as he nails 61 raccoons in one check using the Lil’ Grizz Get’rz. A swift moving, fast paced video that exposes the viewer to a futuristic raccoon trapping system second to none. Quick and easy without many of the physical demands of old school methods. Lots of action including night vision footage of raccoons working sets. 160 mins. - $39.95 each DRYLAND COON TRAPPING With Mark Steck Huge coon are consistently caught on dry land, and veteran trapper Mark Steck knows how to get them. Join Mark on a working coon line, as he shows you DVD’s continued how using modern methods. Pile up big coon, in large numbers - fast. Learn the secrets of a proven system that will put you far ahead of you competition. Learn proven methods from a master trapper in just 2 hours! - $34.95 each and efficiently. It goes beyond the standard fur trapping methods to demonstrate specialized techniques that are vital to the control trapper. There are increasing opportunities for skilled trappers to earn income in the field of beaver control. This DVD can help you cash in on this expanding market. 92 mins. $29.95 TURTLES BY THE TON CANINES 2000 With Newt Sterling Follow Newt Sterling and Clint Locklear on their North Carolina turtle line. Learn how they use different styles of traps and locations to catch 1,100 pounds of turtles in 4 days. Plus see how to put up your turtles for the frying pan or soup pot. Tons of turtles plus tons of turtle knowledge. DVD $39.95 MASTER RACCOON SNARING With Newt Sterling Learn in great detail how to make snares and various sets for raccoon! A great beginner video that will get you on your way to snaring much more than just raccoon. Approx. 140 minutes. $34.95 MASTER MINK & MUSKRAT SNARING With Newt Sterling Learn the art of snaring mink and rats. Covers everything you need to know to effectively use snares on these smaller animals. Cable sizes, locks, support systems, location and more! This is the only video on the market that covers snaring mink and rats exclusively. $34.95 FUR HANDLING 2000 SIXTY MINUTE SNARING BEAVER CONTROL TRAPPING With Hal Sullivan This DVD presents advanced methods with a focus on removing beaver quickly With Hal Sullivan This is a 2 hour video course on the latest techniques for open water beaver trapping. On the trap line footage demonstrates methods for taking beaver in a variety of locations. Learn the effective use of all types of beaver trapping equipment including foothold traps and body grip traps and snares. Let Beaver 2000 show you the ins and out of beaver trapping. 119 min. - $29.95 COYOTE INSTRUCTION With Johnny Thorpe Learn from one of the best trappers of all time. Shows the viewer many sets and techniques which will make you a better all-around coyote trapper. Johnny tells it like it is and you get nothing less in this video. 115 min. - $39.95 each FOX INSTRUCTION With Johnny Thorpe Johnny Thorpe, one of the most famous trappers of all time shows you the sets and techniques to make you a better fox trapper. Keeping it simple is the key. 110 mins. - $39.95 MINK INSTRUCTION With Johnny Thorpe Follow Johnny on his Adirondack Mountain mink line. Methods and techniques on this video will make you a better mink trapper and help you to put more fur on the stretchers. Many a mink is caught and many sets are explained. 60 mins. - $39.95 OTTER TRAPPING With Johnny Thorpe Johnny takes you on his line and shows you the techniques and methods that will catch otter anywhere in the world. 105 mins. - $39.95 FISHER TRAPPING With Johnny Thorpe Come along on Johnny’s Adirondack Mountain fisher line and learn from one of the most famous trappers of all time. 105 mins. - $39.95 GLAND EXTRACTION & LURE FORMULATION With Johnny Thorpe Shows you all you need to know about extracting animal glands for resale or use in your own lure formulations. Johnny shows the glad extraction of otter, mink, muskrat, beaver, fox, coyote and bobcat in this fully chaptered DVD. Valueable information on tincturing, formulating lures and a detailed synopsis of skunk essence and its value. You will not be disappointed in this DVD and you are sure to get the true value of all your animals harvested on the line. 60 mins. - $39.95 each 27 WESTERN COYOTE TRAPPING With Johnny Thorpe Follow Johnny and his trapping partner Pete Hammond on their New Mexico coyote line. See sone of the most majestic coyote territory known to man, a true coyote badland. See snare sets, badger hole sets and dirt holes just to name a few. This DVD will put you a step ahead of your competition and you are sure to put more fur in your freezer with the techniques learned by watching two of the best trappers in the west. 85 mins. - $39.95 Fall/Winter 2010 With Hal Sullivan This DVD is a basic guide to the design, use and application of the modern cable snare. Designed primarily for the beginner. Covers all aspects of using snares. 68 mins. - $24.95 each BEAVER 2000 With Johnny Thorpe Johnny takes the viewer on an in-depth discussion of the formulation of animal scents and baits. Many aspects of lure and bait making are covered - all the way from ingredients to formulas. 105 mins. - $39.95 HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. With Hal Sullivan This is your guide to modern fur handling. All aspects of fur handling are covered: skinning, fleshing to stretching and drying. Each of these topics are covered to give you a better understanding of the process. This DVD is designed to put more money in your pocket. 117 mins. - $29.95 each With Hal Sullivan All aspects of canine trapping are covered in this two hour DVD trapping course. You get an in-depth look at the two basic types of sets - the hole set and the flat set. Canines 2000 will show you how to make a variety of these sets along with special sets for taking canines. No matter what type of canine you’re after Canines 2000 can help you catch them. 117 mins. - $29.95 LURE & BAIT MAKING DVD’s continued WESTERN BOBCAT / FOX TRAPPING With Johnny Thorpe Follow Johnny and his trapping partner Pete Hammond on their New Mexico cat and fox line. Learn techniques of the west that will put more fur on your stretchers. You will see some catches, some beautiful country and some of the best sets known to man in this fully chaptered DVD. Whether you are a blind setter, a cage trapper or a dirt holer..... this DVD will help you become a better trapper than most of your counterparts. 85 mins. $39.95 BEAVER UNDER THE ICE With Johnny Thorpe Join Johnny Thorpe on his Northern Adirondack beaver line in the dead of winter. Learn the techniques that have caught thousands of beaver under the ice. See the bait set, pole set and the baited body gripper set as well as many key points that will help you in the field. 75 mins. - $39.95 EASTERN BOBCAT TRAPPING With Johnny Thorpe Join Johnny Thorpe on his Northern Adirondack bobcat line. Learn the techniques that have caught many a bobcat in the East. The tree set, dirt hole, flat set, cubby set and many other methods that will help you while you’re in the field. 70 mins. - $39.95 RACCOON TRAPPING METHODS By Johnny Thorpe Various sets that have worked on his Adirondack raccoon line for decades. See culvert sets, slick up sets, stone wall sets, and some bonus open water beaver and muskat float sets. 1 hr. - $39.95 BLACK SPOTS & SILVER BELLIES With Len Williams Professional bobcat & otter trapping. Join Len Williams and fellow trapper Kevin Walls as he reveals his methods and techniques for harvesting bobcats and otters. In this video Len has demonstrated his most productive sets for each of these fur bearers, along with tips on the types of locations to use them at. Will help beginners as well as old timers. 2 hrs. - $39.95 RACCOON TRAPPING & HANDLING FROM START TO FINISH With Keith Winkler and Tom “Humphrey” Miller Keith and Humphrey show and explain trap preparation, sets and catches on their “coon line.” Also demonstrate raccoon skinning, fleshing, and stretching. Other trappers: Gary Armstrong, Carroll Black, Gary Bonnot and Tim Reed, Russ Carman and Bill Kasten, Rick Hemsath, Mike Marysayda, Tom Parr and Doug Wilson all join in with specific coon trapping & snaring recommendations. $29.95 each BOBCATCHING With Steve Wood Nevada bobcat trapper Steve Wood covers trapping, snaring, and fur handling. A very intense instruction course detailing locations, trap and snare sets, extensive pelt preperation, and much more! 2 hrs. - $40.00 BOBCATCHING - VOL. 2 With Steve Wood More trap sets. More locations. More snaring. More cats. Coloring traps to target the cat’s foot. An improved coilspring trap cover for snowy and windy areas. Nearly 2 hrs. - $40.00 HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 28 Don’t forget to take a kid trapping or hunting - our future depends on youth involvement! Photo Courtesy of Shawn Ross Trapper’s Library Books’s are listed in alphabetical order by author. illustrations - 43 pgs - $5.50 MINK BY THE 100’S By Russ Carman The last word on mink trapping. Large format with large clear pictures and line drawings. 39 pgs - $12.00 THE DIRT HOLE SET AND ITS VARIATIONS By Charlie Dobbins This set takes all land fur bearers - see many variations. 74 pgs - $12.00 RACCOON TRAPPING METHODS ADJUSTMENT OF LEGHOLD TRAPS By Russ Carman Even an experienced coon trapper can learn from this book. Covers trapping and fur handling. 52 pgs - $5.00 By Charlie Dobbins Catch more animals and hold them with properly adjusted traps. This book shows you how. 86 pgs - $12.00 FARMLAND FUR TRAPPING WINTER FOX TRAPPING IN THE SNOW TRAP FASTENING By Bernie Barringer This book covers all aspects of farmland trapping, from trapping to marketing. 304 pgs - $14.95 FOXES BY THE 100’S By Charlie Dobbins All trap fastening is covered. With this information no animal should be lost. 107 pgs - $12.00 By Russ Carman Filled with fox taking knowledge. Preparing freeze proof dirt. 92 pgs - $12.00 LAND SETS AND TRAPPING TECHNIQUES PROFICIENT RACCOON TRAPPING By Gary Armstrong & Mik Mohr This is one of the original long line, modern day coon books. 64 pgs - $10.00 SPACE AGE COON TRAPPING By Bernie Barringer This book goes to the next level, concentrating on methods for making very large catches. 76 pgs - $12.00 SNARING IN THE SPACE AGE By Bernie Barringer Includes novel approaches to everyday problems the snare man faces. 102 pgs - $12.00 THE NUMBERS GAME BILL NELSON - OUTDOORSMAN EXTRAORDINAIRE MUSKRAT TRAPPING METHODS By Russ Carman Many years of muskrat trapping experiences have gone into this book. 54 pgs - $5.00 HAPPY TRAILS AND BUMPY ROADS MY LIFE AS A FUR TRAPPER AND LURE MAKER By Russ Carman The title says it all - 178 pgs - $14.95 THE COMPLETE BOOK OF TANNING SKINS AND FURS By James Churchhill Everything the home tanner needs to know. 197 pgs hardback - $19.95 By Sherm Blom A biography 30 years in the making - a fascinating story how this outdoorsman made a living from trapping to guiding to lure making. 187 pgs - $14.95 BEAVER AND OTTER TRAPPING SNARING COYOTES MINK TRAPPING TECHNIQUES By Charles Dobbins Beaver & Otter trapping from a - z, from a legendary trapper. 114 pgs - $12.00 By Charles Dobbins A lifetime of mink trapping is told in this book. 92 pgs - $12.00 TRAPPING & HANDLING BEAVER & OTTER By Charlie Dobbins Many sets can be made based on the flat set - Charlie shows them to you in this book. 80 pgs - $12.00 By Dennis Bushey An easy to understand book on trapping and handling beaver and otter. Good VARIATIONS OF THE FLAT SET THE GREAT TEACHERS By Charlie Dobbins The beginning of the author’s trapping career is covered in this book. 129 pgs - $12.00 ON THE LINE WITH CHARLES DOBBINS By Charlie Dobbins This book is a series of short stories taken from old trapper magazine articles that 29 Charlie Dobbins had written. 120 pgs - $12.00 TRAPPING THROUGH THE YEARS By Charlie Dobbins Found after Charlie passed away. His recorded trapping experience. 84 pgs - $12.00 EVALUATION OF LURES, BAITS AND URINES By Charlie Dobbins This book will help you understand the part lures, baits and urines play on the trapline. 120 pgs - $12.00 ALL ABOUT PROFESSIONAL FUR HANDLING By John W. Epler, Jr. Fur handling from a buyers perspective. This book will make you money. 104 pgs, 129 photos - $14.95 Fall/Winter 2010 By Boddicker & Gregerson This is a good basic book on snaring coyotes. This book will get you started on the correct path. 29 pgs - $6.95 By Charlie Dobbins Methods for trapping fox, coyote, raccoon and bobcats. A great book! 184 pgs - $12.00 HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. By Bernie Barringer If you have an open mind and desire - this book will teach you the principles and give you insight on long liner trapping. 92 pgs - $12.00 A must if you trap fox in the snow. 68 pgs - $7.50 Library continued RACCOON TRAPPING MADE SIMPLE CLASSIC TRAPPING BOOKS BY STANLEY HAWBAKER: By Kyle Kaatz Covers all aspects of being an efficient long liner 64 pgs - $10.00 RACCOON TRAPPING, DYNAMITE MINK & COON TRAPPING by Stanley Hawbaker 50 pgs - $3.50 By Tom Krause Innovative, fresh and creative methods. 64 pgs - $12.00 PROFESSIONAL MINK TRAPPING, EASTERN COYOTE TRAPPING By Austin Pasamonte An excellent book on eastern coyote trapping. 79 pgs - $12.00 HIGH VOLUME COON TRAPPING By Austin Passamonte Coon trapping in detail is in this book. Insider system. 118 pgs - $12.00 by Stanley Hawbaker 90 pgs - $3.95 DYNAMITE SNARES AND SNARING MINK & MUSKRAT TRAPPING, by Stanley Hawbaker 50 pgs - $3.50 By Tom Krause How to snare fox, coyote, coon and beaver. Full of hints and tips. 60 pgs - $12.00 RED & GREY FOX TRAPPING, by Stanley Hawbaker 45 pgs - $3.50 SUPREME FOX & COYOTE TRAPPING, by Stanley Hawbaker 40 pgs - $3.95 TRAPPING NORTH AMERICAN FURBEARERS, by Stanley Hawbaker - A classic! 381 pgs - $9.95 TAN YOUR HIDE By Phyllis Hobson Home tanning leathers and furs - special section on working with leather. 135 pgs - $11.95 DYNAMITE BOBCAT TRAPPING By Tom Krause Absolutely all you need to know to excel. Loaded with methods never before in print. 72 pgs - $20.00 SEASONAL PRO TRAPPING By Mike Lapinski Good techniques that work for the major fur species. A well written book with a wealth of knowledge. 150 pgs - $13.95 OPEN WATER BEAVER TRAPPING By Fred Lawrence One of the most complete beaver manuals in print. 52 full 8.5 x 11 pgs - $10.00 COYOTE TRAPPING - NEW FOR 2007 HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 By Mark June No nonsense straight forward coyote trapping information and methods. 28 30 86 pgs, 90 photos - $20.00 FOX TRAPPING IN AND AROUND SUBURBIA By Mark June A great book for all of us that live around a lot of people. 91 pgs, 90 photos - $10.00 OPEN WATER BEAVER TRAPPING MADE SIMPLE By Kyle Kaatz An in-depth look at beaver trapping. 56 pgs - $10.00 MINDSET OF A PROFESSIONAL By Clint Locklear If you want a guide to become a full time trapper...here it is. This book is for the person that wants to dominate the trapping game while taking large numbers and making money. 82 pgs - $30.00 COMPETITION LINE WATER TRAPPING By Tom Miranda Covers: mink, coon, muskrat, and beaver. A complete course in water trapping. 78 pgs - $9.95 COMPETITION LINE COYOTE TRAPPING By Tom Miranda Coyote trapping from a-z. 94 pgs - $11.95 COMPETITION LINE FOX TRAPPING By Tom Miranda This is the book that made Tom famous. 78 pgs - $9.95 COMPETITION LINE BOBCAT TRAPPING By Tom Miranda Bobcat trapping explained, plus a grey fox refresher course. 68 pgs - $9.95 CONIBEAR BEAVER TRAPPING IN OPEN WATER By Wesley Murphy Very comprehensive book for taking beaver in conibears in open water. 110 pgs - $11.00 HIGH VOLUME MUSKRAT & MINK TRAPPING By Austin Passamonte A great book - the insider system for trapping muskrat and mink. 116 pgs - $12.00 HIGH COMPETITION BEAVER TRAPPING By Austin Passamonte A great book for trapping a great number of beaver - features the insider system. 86 pgs - $12.00 EFFICIENT EFFECTIVE NEW SNARE METHODS By Larry “Slim” Pedersen Covers the most up to date methods and equipment available to the snare man today. 64 pgs - $15.00 COMPLETE BOBCAT TRAPPING METHODS By Larry “Slim” Pedersen The information in this book is priceless. 66 full pgs with 100 pictures - $20.00 PREDATOR TRAPPING PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS By Larry “Slim” Pedersen Full of solid information - the best information on predator trapping. 72 full size pgs - $15.00 GUIDE TO ANIMAL TRACKS By Marlin Perkins A handy field reference guide to animal tracks. - $7.95 THE MINK MANUAL By Jim Spencer A common sense approach to mink trapping. Easy to understand. 128 pgs fully illustrated - $10.00 Library continued GUIDE TO TRAPPING - NEW FOR 2007 By Jim Spencer Has a chapter on most common U.S. Furbearers. Covers everything from start to finish. 224 pgs, 120 photos - $19.95 TRAPLINE 2000 By Hal Sullivan Focuses attention on universal trapping techniques. All trappers can benefit from this book. 170 pgs - $11.95 BEAVER 2000 SNARING 2000 RAW FUR HANDLING AT ITS BEST By Hal Sullivan Written to teach you about all aspects of snares and their use. 100 pgs - $11.95 By Keith Winkler Sixteen chapters filled with information to get you the most for your furs. 76 pgs - $10.95 OTTER 2000 By Hal Sullivan This book entails the exclusive use of blind sets for otter. 100 pgs - $11.90 FUR HANDLING 2000 By Hal Sullivan This is you guide to moderrn fur handling. 152 pgs - $11.95 SUCCESSFUL CONIBEAR TRAPPING By Hal Sullivan Covers all aspects of beaver trapping. 108 pgs - $11.95 By V.E. Tingley A good basic book on conibears. 22 pgs - $4.00 CANINES 2000 COYOTES, TRAPPERS, SHEEPHERDERS & URBANITES - NEW FOR 07 By Hal Sullivan Contains the most current information on trapping canines. 112 pgs - $11.95 FORMULATING AND COMPOUNDING ANIMAL LURES AND BAITS By Nick Wyshinski Will help beginner lure makers get off to the right start. 40 pgs of good solid information. - $7.95 MAKING & USING LURES AND BAITS By Nick Wyshinski Very helpful guide for lure makers. 63 pgs - $15.00 By Frank Turkowski Memoirs of a wildlife research biologist and former government trapper. An excellent book. 400 pgs - $24.95 Lip Licker Deer Lure 31 HUNTERS — WHY PAY MORE! 100% PURE ANIMAL URINE Fall/Winter 2010 See page 3 for pricing! See page 3 for a complete list of our Lures and Attractants! HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Take the guess work out of deer scent. Never again wonder if you are using the correct scent for the time of season you are hunting. Lip Licker uses Tonquin, a known deer attractant along with several other ingredients to make this a new and unique scent that is effective all season. Works on Bucks and Does — in and out of the rut. ORDERING INFORMATION If you don’t have an order blank, just use a plain piece of paper. U.S. SHIPPING, HANDLING AND INSURANCE CHART $0.01 to $40.00 .......... $9.95 $40.01 to $60.00 ...... $12.95 $60.01 to $100.00 .... $14.95 $100.01 to $150.00 .. $19.95 $150.01 or more........ $22.95 Books & Videos only...... $5.90 FOR FASTEST SERVICE, CALL OR FAX YOUR ORDERS. Phone Orders 1-317-881-3075 Fax Orders 1-317-881-3325 Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or C.O.D. E-mail - Info@HoosierTrapperSupply.com Visit our website at www.HoosierTrapperSupply.com • Canadian orders must be sent in U.S. Funds. Canadian and Alaskan orders pay actual shipping cost. You may call us for a quote. • There will be an $10.00 charge on all C.O.D. packages. This is in addition to the shipping and handling chart. We reserve the right to refuse the acceptance of a C.O.D. order. • We ship Priority Mail & United Parcel Service (UPS). If there is a problem with UPS or mail service in your area - please specify which you prefer. Index HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 32 • When ordering by Mail, certified checks, money orders or bank drafts are preferred. If you would like to send a personal check—we reserve the right to hold it until it clears the bank. (2 to 3 weeks.) • Indiana residents must add 7% sales tax. • Traps, stretchers and rebar trap stakes require an additional $5.00 per dozen or carton to States with zip codes beginning with 7, 8, & 9 and the State of Montana. • All prices are subject to change. We are not responsible for typographical errors. Snares Parts 17 Animal Catchers / Release poles 15 Stakes & Hardware 11 Aprons 21 Stretchers 21 Base Plates 13 Swivels & Hardware 10 Beaver Hoops 21 Tail Strippers 21 Bear Lure & Urine 2-3 Tanning Supplies 21 Beefer Kits 12 Traps 18-20 Books 29-31 Trappers Cap 14 Bottles & Jars 7 Trap Tags 20 Buckwheat Hulls / Cover Hulls 15 Hoosier Trapper Supply Trap Parts - misc. 13 Chain & Hardware 11 is a receiving agent Trap Setters 20 Deer Urines & Scents 2 - 3 for North American Trowels 14 Digging Tools 14 Fur Auctions. Anyone Urines & Scents 2-9 DVD’s 23-28 interested - Please call Wax 9, 15 Dye - Logwood, Speed Dip 9 for information. Wire 11 Drags & Hardware 11 Fleshing Beams 21 Fleshing Knives 21 Fur Handling Equip. 21 Gloves 15 ARK OUR ALENDARS Knives 21 Fur Takers of America Chapter 7 - B Fall Convention Lures & Scents 2-9 Held at: Hoosier Trapper Supply, September 25, 2010 Lure Ingredients 6-7 Demonstrations by Top Name Trappers Pack Baskets 15 Hog Roast and Jim Mahoney’s famous stew for lunch Paws - I - Trip 13 Kids games and Trappers Calcutta Sifters 14 Everyone Welcome! Snares 16 M Y C ! 2010 1155 N. Mathews Road • Greenwood, IN 46143 • Phone 317-881-3075 • Fax 317-881-3325 CATALOG Date __________, 20____ Name_________________________________________________Phone (_______)_______________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box _________City ___________________________________________State_____________Zip ________ Qty. Size Articles Wanted Page # Price Total 33 List additional items on back of this order. Total Shipping and Handling Subtotal Kind of Credit Card _________________________________ Card No. __________________________________________ IN Only — 7% Sales Tax TOTAL ENCLOSED 3 Digit Security Code ________________________________ (on the back of the card) Cardholder’s Signature __________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Fall/Winter 2010 Expiration Date _____________________________________ HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. To use your VISA, Mastercard, Discover or American Express card, fill in this info below: Do you have friends that would like our catalog? Write their names and address below: 1) Name_______________________________________________ 2) Name_______________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ State_____________Zip ____________ State_____________Zip ____________ 3) Name_______________________________________________ 4) Name_______________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ State_____________Zip ____________ State_____________Zip ____________ USE THIS SPACE FOR ADDITIONAL ORDERS OR COMMENTS: HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Fall/Winter 2010 34 SHIPPING AND HANDLING Additional Shipping Required Traps, Stretchers and rebar trap stakes require an additional $5.00 per dozen or carton to states with zip codes beginning with 7, 8 or 9 and the state of Montana. U.S. Shipping, Handling and Insurance Orders of .........Postage $0.01 to $40.00 ............. $9.95 $40.01 to $60.00 ......... $12.95 $60.01 to $100.00 ....... $14.95 $100.01 to $150.00 ..... $19.95 $150.01 or more........... $22.95 Books & Videos only......... $5.90 Alaska Note: We charge actual postage on Alaskan orders. Please call us for shipping charges. If ordering books and videos ONLY, the postage is a flat $5.90 per order, regardless of how many you order — US orders only. Quality, Creative Taxidermy Hoosier Trapper Supply’s Leatherwood Wildlife Art Celebrating the Success of the Hunt and the Beauty of Nature Full Service Taxidermy • Hide and Fur Tanning Call 317-881-3075 For information or stop by our showroom Showroom Hours Weekdays 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Closed Sunday PRSRT STD US POSTAGE HOOSIER TRAPPER SUPPLY, INC. Serving Outdoorsmen Nationwide 1155 N. Mathews Road Greenwood, IN 46143 PAID INDIANAPOLIS, IN PERMIT # 6985 Return Service Requested To: If you live or are traveling through the Indianapolis area, stop by and visit our store. 317-881-3075 Indianapolis STORE HOURS Greenwood Exit 99 2.7 miles Main Street Rd. 400 E. I-65 HTS Weekdays 10:00 - 6:00 Saturday 10:00 - 3:00 Closed Sunday 1 mile Visit our website at http://www.HoosierTrapperSupply.com