Registration Guide 2015.indd


Registration Guide 2015.indd
Registration Guide
Dear Student,
Welcome to Abertay University for session 2015/16. This leaflet guides you through the
registration process for session 2015/16.
At the beginning of each academic year you must enrol on your programme of study and
register for your modules. Only when you are registered can you be allowed to access
University facilities and have your work awarded academic credit.
This leaflet has five sections, namely
A Checklist for New Students
The Registration Process for All Students
The Online Registration “Task”
Student IT Account
Student ID Card
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Opening hours are Monday to
Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm. Contact details are
01382 308042
Best wishes for your studies at Abertay.
1. A Checklist for New Students
Below is a checklist of the things you need to do, keep a note of, bring with you to your
scheduled Registration Event.
Upload a coloured passport sized photo via OASIS, which meets the photo
guidelines detailed on the photo upload page. Student cards take 2-4 weeks to be
for student ID produced so it is very important that you upload your photo as soon as possible to
ensure that your card is ready for collection when you arrive for your Registration
ID number
Please keep a note of this number which will identify you uniquely for the duration
of your studies. It appears in your orientation pack letter and in any email/letter
communication that we send you.
Your username and password give you access to OASIS to complete the
Online Registration Task. They are emailed to you with the link to the
student portal when you first applied to the university. If you opt to
change your password please ensure you keep a note of your new
and password
password. You will not have full access to the University’s IT facilities until
you have completed registration and attended your Registration Event.
Your student IT access will be enabled during the Registration event.
You must inform us at Registration who will pay to the University your
annual tuition fees. Full-time Scottish students and other non-UK EU
students who are studying for one year or longer must apply each year
to SAAS (Students award Agency for Scotland) to have their tuition fees
paid. Students from England, Wales or Northern Ireland can apply for
tuition fee support from SLC (Student Finance England/Wales/Northern
Ireland). We strongly advise you to apply to your sponsor before you arrive at
university in order to minimise any uncertainty about who will be paying your
tuition fees.
Address and telephone number of someone you nominate to be contacted in
case of an emergency.
Your payment details in order for us to receive money for your tuition fees or
university accommodation (either card details for an online card payment or, if
(if applicable) applicable, UK bank account details to set up a direct debit arrangement).
Proof of
You will need to bring an official document containing a recent photo of yourself
(e.g. passport/driving licence/NEC card) to your Registration Event as you cannot
complete Registration until your Identity has been visually confirmed.
You will need to produce your previous qualifications if they have not yet been
verified. If you are unsure whether your qualifications have been verified please
bring them along to your Registration Event.
2. The Registration Process
for All Students
You complete most of the Registration process by an Online Registration task in OASIS.
If you are a new student you should use the username and password (or your new
password if you have changed it) issued to you when you first applied to the university.
If you are a returning student, you should use your existing username and password. You
will be invited by email in August to log into OASIS and complete the Online Registration
task when it is open at the link: If
you are a new student, it is important that you complete the online registration task
before you arrive as this ensures that your Registration is finalised quickly and easily at
your scheduled Registration Event in the University Library. The date and time of your
scheduled Registration Event can be found on the published Orientation timetable at:
Below is an outline of how Registration is structured:
New Students issued with
Username and Password to
access OASIS
Usernames and passwords are
issued when students first apply
to the University
Logon to OASIS to register
online. Click on the ‘Click here
to Register Online’ tab
From August students are
emailed when the Online
Registration is open
Complete Online Registration
Must be completed before the
start of teaching on 7 September
New Students attend a
Scheduled Registration event
in the University Library
Pick up Student ID card
At the Registration Event
Complete the IT and
Library Orientation
At the last station of the
Registration Event
During Orientation week (from
Monday 31 August 2015). Please
see the Orientation timetable for
the exact day and time.
Registration Events for New Students
These take place in the Library during the times shown below but you must attend only
at the specific time and day which is shown on the Orientation timetable (If you cannot
attend at this precise time, contact Registry immediately).
The Orientation timetable will advise New
students of the time to attend on one of
the following days. You must attend at the
allocated time.
Tuesday 1st Sept 2015
Wednesday 2nd Sept 2015
What happens at your
Registration Event?
1) You will be asked to provide photographic
proof of your Identity e.g. passport/driving
licence/NEC card.
2) You must produce the qualifications that
enable you to enrol on your programme
(if not already verified by UCAS etc).
3) You will pick up your Student ID card.
4) You will attend a short IT and Library
Orientation session where
your University IT account will
be fully enabled and you will find
out how to access your email,
timetable and personal records.
3. The Online Registration Task
All students complete the Online Registration Task in OASIS but New Students are not
fully registered until they have also attended their allotted Registration Event in the
You must apply to your sponsor i.e. SAAS/Student Finance England/Wales/Northern
Ireland every year for funding of tuition fee payments. All students (New and Returning)
are encouraged to apply from April for funding for the next academic session i.e. before
exam results (school or college or university) are known. Please note that the Online
Registration Task will ask you who is paying your tuition fees – if no sponsor undertakes
to pay, then you are personally responsible for payment.
The Online Registration Task as it appears on OASIS is displayed below.
The Online Registration Task will ask you to confirm/amend your Personal, Programme
and Finance details, as follows:
1 Personal details – You must check or update your home address, term-time
address (i.e. the local address where you will be living during the academic
session) and emergency contact details. You must check other details e.g.
nationality, disclosed disability etc. There is an opportunity to amend details or
email Registry throughout. Please follow the instructions given.
2 Programme and Modules – this is a check of your study details and there is again an
opportunity to email Registry if any details are incorrect.
Finance and Tuition Fees Payment – the online registration task will calculate
and display the tuition fees for your course for session 2015/16. Please check
this amount as this is the amount you or your Sponsor (SAAS. SFE etc) will
need to pay to the University. When you have confirmed the tuition fee rate,
you will then be allowed to select which Sponsor is paying your tuition fees
(SAAS, SFE etc) from a drop down list. If you are paying your tuition fees yourself,
please select “Self-Funded” and there will be an opportunity to make an online
payment. If applicable, you may be able to choose a payment plan. If you require
more details about payment please contact the University Finance Division at tel: 01382 308963
You will receive a confirmation email on successful completion of the Online Registration
4. Student IT Account
New Students
The username and password emailed to you when you first applied to the university are
temporary and only allow you access to OASIS and to complete the Online Registration
Task. You have limited access to some areas of the portal until you are fully registered. Full
IT access and University email accounts are issued only when you have completed the
Online Registration Task and attended your Registration Event in the University Library.
Returning Students
You must register for session 2015/16 via the Online Registration Task in OASIS. If your
password has expired or you have forgotten it you can use the self-service password
change facility at:, type in your student number, password then
click on ‘Enter Credentials’. Then you will be able to reset your password.
If you have difficulty registering online please do not hesitate to attend any of the
Registration Events mentioned above as soon as possible during Orientation Week or
email Registry at
5. Student ID Cards
Your student ID card is also a National Entitlement Card. It has the University brand on
one side and the NEC (National Entitlement Card) on the other, as shown in the sample
below. Your Student National Entitlement Card provides you with access to services
administered by the University and services offered by other public sector bodies. These
include other universities, colleges, and local authorities throughout Scotland. The
Student National Entitlement Card is designed to make it easier for you to access and
receive public services to which you are entitled.
New Students
You are issued with a card for the complete duration of your study at Abertay. It is
important to keep this card on your person at all times while on the campus as Security
and other staff can ask to see it at any time. If you submitted a photograph prior to your
arrival at Abertay, a card should be ready and available for collection at your scheduled
Registration Event in the Library. If the card is not ready then you will be issued with a
temporary card and an email will be sent to you when your card is ready for collection.
Returning Students
Your Student ID card remains active until you finish your programme of study. There is no
need for you to request a new card unless you lose or damage your existing card. New
cards are requested from the Enquiry Desk in the Library. There is a charge of £10 for a
replacement card. Further information on student ID cards is available on OASIS.
This guide is available electronically and
in other accessible formats on request.
Abertay University | Bell Street, Dundee | Scotland DD1 1HG
t: +44 (0)1382 308046 or +44 (0)1382 308042
switchboard: +44 (0)1382 308000
The University of Abertay Dundee is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC016040.