Openhouse March 2016 Newsletter


Openhouse March 2016 Newsletter
We’ve Moved!
See page 3 for key to locations
541 Castro Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
March 2016
Health & Wellness
pg. 4
pgs. 6-7
pg. 10
Please mark your calendars for an Openhouse special event...
Women and the AIDS Crisis
LGBT Senior
Stories from the Sheroes on the Front Lines
Thursday, March 24th from 4-6PM
Openhouse needs your help to get out the word about 55 Laguna to other LGBT older
adults! We’re looking for volunteers who enjoy being on the phone to speak with community members about 55 Laguna. We’re also seeking volunteers who want to be out in the
community to table with us in the Castro, at the library, and other community locations.
Interested? Contact Abby at 415-702-3537 or to sign up.
Looking for Housing? Interested in 55 Laguna?
Openhouse offers housing workshops for older adults seeking resources
and information including information on how to get into the housing
lottery for senior housing at 55 Laguna
Workshops are held three times a month at 12pm and provide information
about senior affordable housing, applications, waitlists, and more. RSVPs are
required. Please call Abby at (415) 702-3537 or email her at two days in advance of the workshop if you
wish to attend. You will be asked to complete a brief intake.
To request an intake by mail, call Openhouse at 415-296-8995 or email
For the month of February, you can access housing resource information on our website at under “Housing Resources.”
The Openhouse newsletter is produced by Fairley Parson and Ariel Mellinger with contributions and editorial support from Emerald O’Leary, Kevin Fox, Openhouse staff and volunteers. These programs are made possible through generous support from the San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services, Wells
Fargo, The San Francisco Foundation, Horizons Foundation, Genentech, Corporate Sponsors, and individual donors.
The San Francisco Women’s Building
3543 18th St. (Audre Lorde Room)
In honor of Women’s History Month, Openhouse will
host a forum on the role of San Francisco’s women’s
community during the AIDS Crisis.
Please join us in celebrating the courage and compassion of the women who worked in hospitals, homes,
board rooms and in the streets to advocate and care for
victims of the epidemic. Let’s honor our history with the
women who in the words of writer Louisse Pennington,
“walked directly into the fire even though they
did not have to.”
The panel will include diverse local women and an
opportunity for attendees to share their stories. Panelists will include Donna Canali, RN, who worked at the
Kaiser HIV-AIDS Ward from 1987-1996 and Valerie Robb,
RN, Clinical Nurse at UCSF.
The event is free and refreshments will be provided.
Please bring a friend, an ally, or just yourself for this
powerful afternoon of collective storytelling.
For more information please contact Armando Paone at: or by phone at
(415) 728-0194
and Fabu
People are people.
We just want to be
Sylvia Rivera
Trans Thrive and Openhouse are joining
forces to offer a new trans drop-in support group,
“Fifty+ and Fabulous!” This facilitated support
group welcomes trans folks in their golden years
(50 and above). Topics include relationships,
health and wellness, benefits, creating
community, and more. Group is free and food
will be served.
Join us every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
from 6-7:30PM at Trans Thrive Drop-in Center at
730 Polk Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco.
For more info please go to: or call (415)292-3420
Ext 348.
The GLBT Historical Society is documenting the
living history of legendary Polk District tavern,
The Gangway, before it closes in the coming weeks.
Openhouse is proud to be a community
In 2011,
A gay bar since the early 1960s, The Gangway is a storied space that should not be forgotten. We are looking
for people with Gangway memories to share as well as
Gangway-related ephemera, photos, and video. Want
to share your story? We’d love to hear it!
Jose Antonio Vargas
as an unouted himself
in an essay
published in
the New York
Times Magazine. DOCUMENTED
chronicles his
journey to
Alex isfrom
a 15 year-old with a secret. Whatthe
shePhiliphides is
as a child;
his driven
as an
that has
family toAmerica
the windswept
and his journey
outer reaches of
the Urguayan
Her father,
he hasn’t
what is best
yet believes
in go
in over
20 she
on living
the life
she seen
Alex is intersex, yet all she wants is to be left alone, to be
at 2PM
Before long,
an old friend,
is also a plastic
surgeon, is invited to stay at their isolated cabin, along
225 30th St. SF, 3rd floor
with his teenage son, Álvaro. As Alex realizes the disturbing ramifications of the visit, she develops a relationship
with Álvaro that is far from conventional.
To meet with a volunteer to share and record your
story, please contact Historical Society board member
Joey Plaster at or call
(415) 644-8623.
Highly acclaimed and the subject of much debate, XXY
is the intimate coming-of-age portrayal of a teenage torn
between the love of her parents, her own personal desires,
and the daunting, inevitable path into adulthood.
If you want to participate, but don’t want to be interviewed in person or give your name you can record a
short (max. 3 minute) story on our project answering
machine at (415) 644-8623. What’s your favorite
Gangway memory?
Wed., March 9th at 2PM
225 30th St. SF, 3rd floor
Runtime 86 minutes
Film is in Spanish with English subtitles.
Discussion in English and Spanish following the film
Join the Openhouse Book Club this month to discuss...
The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
Thursday, March 24th at 1 pm
Meeting at our new Openhouse location at 541 Castro St.
The Price of Salt tells the riveting story of Therese Belivet, a stage designer trapped
in a department-store day job, whose salvation arrives one day in the form of Carol
Aird, an alluring suburban housewife in the throes of a divorce. They fall in love and
set out across the United States, pursued by a private investigator who eventually
blackmails Carol into a choice between her daughter and her lover. Originally published in 1952, The Price of Salt was heralded as “the novel of a love society forbids.”
This novel is also the inspiration for the highly acclaimed film Carol, in theaters now!
Looking for low-cost high-speed
internet at home?
Please contact Manuel Martinez at the Openhouse
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at
(415) 347-8509 to learn more.
Please note: there will be no drop-in hours during
MarchPlease make an appointment by calling
the number above.
Employment Support Online
Having difficulty with your resume?
Openhouse is glad to have Francisco Salazar as an online employee
resource coach. Francisco has an
extensive background in Human
Resources and he invites you to
send him your job search and resume questions. Write to:
More New Women’s Programming This Spring!
Doing It For Ourselves (DIFO) returns to Openhouse!
Come join a body-positive, health-oriented educational and support group for women over 50.
DIFO believes in health at any size and that community support helps
us live happier and healthier lives. In our group we will discuss stress,
body image, nutrition, physical activity, and how being lesbian,
bisexual, or queer affects our health and wellness.
DIFO will meet on Saturday mornings at the San Francisco Women’s
Buidling starting in May for 6 weeks. Most meetings will be 2 hours,
with one four-hour introductory meeting. Exact dates and times
TBD. The group is free and has been shown to increase health and wellness for participants!
Contact Facilitator Jana Rickerson at: or Mickey Eliason at:
for more info. or to signup. Don’t have email? Call Openhouse and we’ll direct you.
Women’s Writing Class with Janell Moon
Celebrated lesbian author Janell Moon has offered her expertise for a five-week
Women’s Writing Workshop! The theme will be Memoir Vignettes, and participants will
have the opportunity to strengthen their writing and learn how to employ poetic
elements in the empowering process of telling their own stories.
The Women’s Writing Workshops will take place on Tuesday afternoons and early evening
in San Franciso starting this Spring. Exact dates and location TBD. You can begin the
writing process now by sending an email to: to get on the interest list or call (415) 728-0193.
The class will be free. Donations to Openhouse are appreciated.
Enjoy Healthy Delicious Lunch
Project Open Hand invites seniors (60+) to join us for free, healthy lunch – and
great company! We serve warm, delicious lunch for seniors every day at 15
dining rooms across San Francisco. Many of our lunch sites offer activities for
seniors, movies, arts, exercise, and music. To sign up, please call 415-447-2300
one day in advance to guarantee a meal is available for you. Learn more at:
Openhouse and Project Open Hand are proud partners serving LGBT seniors in
our community.
This Is Who We Are:
Caroljean Wisnieski
by Emerald O’Leary
orn in Middletown, Connecticut into a working class Polish Catholic family, Caroljean’s
home was full of Polish songs and stories. She lived
next door to her grandmother who helped care for
her throughout her grade school years. Caroljean’s
parents, both workers at local factories, frequently
worked different shifts, so her father took over her
care in the afternoon.“He was a very gentle man.
He never drank, liked to help with my homework, tell stories,
and braid my hair. We spent a lot of time together. As for my
mother, she came from an alcoholic family but gave up alcohol in her middle years due
to medications she needed to
take and my father's influence.
She was really quite courageous in her work and became the
first woman diamond cutter on the factory floor.”
was so cold. My best friend in Albania was
the living image of Tina Turner so I asked
a co-worker in the US to send my Tina
Turner wig to me. We had such fun with
that wig."
1989 turned out to be a significant year
for Caroljean in foreign adventures. After nearly a year in a Southern Province
of China teaching ESL, she felt forced to
leave after the Tianamen Square massacre
erupted. “We really had no idea of what
had been happening with the students in
Beijing, there was massive censorship all
that year. Most of the foreigners left soon after June 4th,1989.
We tried to stay but it was impossible. I had to say goodbye to my best friend, whose
baby I had helped deliver and
christened. When we finally
reached Hong Kong, we were
able to read the free press and
understood the momentous event that had happened.”
I’ve always known that my life’s
work is to shed light in dark places.
At a very early age, Caroljean developed a clear sense of purpose. She had a near death experience at 18 months, which
clarified her whole working and spiritual life. “I’ve always
known that my life’s work is to shed light in dark places.”
After attending Mercy High School, Caroljean won a scholarship to attend Regis College. Within a year, she had changed
her undergraduate degree to Political Science and Sociology
and, on graduating, moved to University of North Texas for
a Master’s in Gerontology. “In Texas, I realized that I had
a great facility for languages--after all, my own family was
bilingual. I switched over to teaching ESL courses (English
as a Second Language) after many years working and teaching gerontology at universities and colleges throughout the
bay area. [My]degree in gerontology served me well over
my work years and helps me now in navigating elder-related
One of Caroljean’s first trips abroad was to India. “I was
working as an adjunct professor at SF State University and
was offered a Fulbright scholarship there. I travelled around
India, studying at two institutes with the other scholars."
One of Caroljean’s most interesting years abroad was in
Albania, shortly after the Communist government had been
uprooted. “It was really tense to observe a lawless society
without civic rules or responsibilities. To my good luck, my
luggage with all my winter clothing was delayed on a ship that
left Oakland many months previously. The local Albanian
women lent me their clothes. Since I had fair skin and blonde
hair, I looked (more) like other women from that country and
was able to walk around with much more freedom. It was
10 a great protection for me as well as a blessing because it
Some 25 years later, Caroljean met with many of her former
students in Hong Kong for a reunion. “I had never wanted children,” she said, “but I understood that I mothered
through my students. It is still such a joy to hear stories of
their successes, their families and of the lives they have built.”
Caroljean’s most recent teaching job was teaching ESL in Chinatown and in the Mission punctuated with great adventures
abroad. “I’ve worked in many places that others consider
negative like prisons or anti-rape groups. But, for me, that’s
where my creativity is, the places where I can help people
who need more than me. I believe my life is art in many
On a family visit to Poland with her parents, Caroljean heard
from an old aunt that their family had been involved in helping people during WWII. They too had used their natural
facility with languages to assist Jews and others during those
bad years. “I was excited to know that this was all in my
Currently a Deputy Marriage Commissioner at City Hall, “I
marry people in front of the bust of Harvey Milk. It brings
me a lot of joy.“ Caroljean has performed with the Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence as Pope Joan and has worked with
almost every political group in the city. She claims her
Buddhist practice of Insight meditation has helped her
diffuse her anger and taught her how to practically help as
well as serve people.
“I go on at least two silent meditations a year and attend
the Openhouse Meditation Group at the Sequoia’s every
week. Openhouse is, by far, the best elder service organization in San Francisco.”
We often get requests from friends and family asking
that we let the community know of their loved-ones
death. Openhouse wants to honor and acknowledge
the passing of our community members.
We need consent from each community member
in order to publicize their passing in our newsletter
or online. We have added a question in our Openhouse registration asking for your consent. Please
call (415) 503-4180 to be sent a registration. In the
coming months, we are asking our group facilitators
to discuss this issue in our groups and to offer community members a brief form wherein they can indicate their consent. Some community members have
active registrations with Openhouse so we don’t
need them redo the entire registration document,
just sign the brief form.
We are also working with community
members to create a day of remembrance or
“celebration of life” for those we have lost each year.
Please let us know if you are interested in playing
a role on the planning committee for this annual
event. We want to honor you and your wishes.
Key to Locations:
Please note that new Openhouse locations
have been added to the key. Please check
the calendear closely for location details.
For drop-in groups, please call the extensions listed to confirm location or ask your
group’s facilitator.
30th Street Senior Center: 225 30th St., near
Agesong: 624 Laguna at Hayes
Castro Senior Center: 110 Diamond St, near 18th
Castro Community Meeting Room (CCMR):
501 Castro (upstairs)
Curry Senior Center: 315 Turk St. at Hyde
Laguna Honda Hospital (LH)
375 Laguna Honda Blvd
Martin Luther Tower (MLT)
1001 Franklin St. near Ellis
MHA (Mental Health Association) 870 Market
Street, Ninth Floor Room 928
Muttville: 255 Alabama (off 16th)
Openhouse “OH” New Location*:
541 Castro St.
The Sequoias: 1400 Geary Blvd, near Gough
Trans Thrive: 730 Polk St., 4th Floor
For trip planning on Muni and beyond, call 311
toll-free to talk to a person, 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week, provided by the San Francisco 311
Customer Service Center.
Clearing House *New Location*
Drop-in Clutter Support Group
870 Market St. 9th Floor, Room 928
Easily accessible by public transportation, at the corner of 5th and Market
1st & 3rd Wednesdays 12:30PM-2PM
Openhouse and the Mental Health Association of San Francisco welcome you to a support group
for all LGBT community members age 55+ who “struggle with stuff.” The group is a non-judgmental, confidential and supportive space where you can share your struggles and strategies. The group
is facilitated by Varian Pierce, a Peer Responder with MHASF’s innovative Peer Response Team.
Varian has his own experience with the challenges of clutter and collection and shares tips and
tools for dealing with the emotional and physical aspects of stuff.
For more information, please call (415) 728-0193 or email
Celebrate the Life of Nikki Starr with us!
Chaplain’s Corner
Laguna Honda Hospital and Openhouse are proud to
partner with the friends and family of Nikki Starr to honor
the life of our beloved drag legend and friend.
Celebrating Openhouse’s 16th anniversary, the
2016 Fling is a fun, high-energy, only-in-San
Francisco event.
Diana Nyad
Visit the website to buy your tickets and for
more information:
Call Joel Evans at (415) 728-0196 to discuss
becoming a Table Captain or a Sponsor. Not
only do you support LGBT older adults, your
guests and business contacts will appreciate
getting to know Openhouse.
Sunday, May 15th
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Hyatt Regency Embarcadero, SF
Photo: Julie Milligan
Diana is the first person
to complete the 110 mile
Cuba-to-Florida swim
without protection of a
shark cage!
Roger Doughty
Roger has led San Francisco’s
Horizons Foundation since
4th Fridays for LGBT Seniors Health & Wellness Series Presents...
Mental Health 101
Nikki was a force to be
reckoned with, ruling the stagefrom Marlena’s to Trannyshack.
She was said to have “taken us
to church” with her powerful
gospel-inflected drag numbers.
Please join us in the Laguna
Honda Chapel for a secular and
salacious memorial and celebration.
On Resilience
As friends have shared, even in her hospital bed, she was still styling
wigs and sharing her wisdom and love with her chosen-family. We
invite you to share a memory with us.
Wednesday, March 9th at 1:30PM
The Chapel at Laguna Honda, Old Building
with Performances by Donna Personna, Brianna Elyce
Sinclair and more
You can take muni to Forest Hill Station and walk up the hill or wait
for the Laguna Honda shuttle right outside the Forest Hill
Station. For more information please call (415) 728-0193
Funding for the Openhouse newsletter was provided by in part by
Metta Fund. Metta Fund is a philanthropic organization whose
mission is to improve health in the City of and County of San Francisco.
This free seminar will provide participants with an opportunity to learn about the intersection of LGBT senior experiences and mental health conditions through an informative presentation, short vidoes, and personal testimonies. The discussion will include
identifying symptoms and indicators of mental health conditions as well as gaining
skills for best supporting oneself, friends or family members who are living with mental
Date: Friday, March 25th
Time: 3-4:30 pm
Location: 541 Castro St.
This seminar will be led by NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated
to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental
illness. NAMI San Francisco is an affiliate of NAMI California. For more information, call Ariel at (415) 503-4180
Sometimes, when I wake up and roll out of
bed, I wonder how I will make it through
the day. Yet, there is a force that pushes
and motivates me to seek the beauty of life
and relationships, even when that beauty
seems absent. I call this force resilience.
For me, resilience is the attitude I choose.
I realize as I shave and moisturize my face
that I can choose what I see and experience:
I look in the mirror and see the wisdom
that is unique and imperishable. Resilience
is about learning what our day brings us
and how we bring ourselves to what seems
impossible. I am reminded of a quote from
Victor Frankl, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps: “What is to give life must
endure burning”. We all have our burning
moments, yet those moments are also our
light. Resilience is the grand rainbow of
who we are. While there are days I wish I
could disappear, I know I make a difference
in my wonderfully queer way. Alleluia!
With affection,
Chaplain Rick
For spirtual support, emotional support, or
courses contact
Join us for a NEW peer-driven discussion group about current events and
politics from local, national and global perspectives.
Come and share
the issues that are
important to you!
First Meeting on
March 15th!
LGBT Political Wrap Group
3rd Tuesdays/Monthly 12:30-1:30pm
Castro Senior Center– 110 Diamond St near 18th
Come and share the issues that are important to you! Drop-in Group;
no RSVP required. First meeting w ill be on Tuesday, March 15th!
Ques tions? Con tact Annette at (415) 231-5870 o r by email at
Would You Like a Visitor?
No matter our situation, we all seek connection and community. An Openhouse Friendly Visitor volunteer may be just
what you’re looking for.
Our program affirms that LGBT elders have lifetimes of experience, perspective and know-how. Friendly Visitor volunteers are honored to know you. We screen, train and support
all volunteers who spend time with community members for:
home visits, walks in the park, outings to the museum, shopping, coffee & tea meet-ups, or just to
chat and have some laughs.
Interested in learning more? Please call
Sylvia at (415) 659-8123 or email sylvia@
GBT Caring Community
Online Support Group
This group is a place for LGBT caregivers of adults with
chronic health problems to discuss caring for their partners,
friends and family members. Would you like to talk with
other caregivers? Ask for support during a difficult moment?
The group is presented in partnership with Family Caregiver
Alliance and is facilitated by Openhouse volunteer facilitator
Mark Braverman. To join or for more information please
email or call (415) 659-8123
LGBT Group for those who Care
for Someone with Dementia
Free Drop-in Support Group at Openhouse. We welcome
diverse caregivers. You may care for your friend, family,
partner, or neighbor. Our resilience and need for support
for ourselves ties us together. This group brought to you
by Openhouse and the Alzheimer’s Association.
Wednesday, March 23rd from 6-7:30 PM
New Location* 541 Castro St.
Group meets 4th Wednesday of the
month.Questions? Call Fairley Parson
(415) 728-0193 or
We Welcome YOU to the Art Group!
Every Saturday from 1-4PM
30th St. Senior Center, 3rd floor
Every 2nd Friday at
255 Alabama
(near Harrison &16th)
Muttville’s mission is
to change the way the
world treats older dogs
and to create better lives
for them through rescue, foster, and adoption.
“To practice any
art, no matter how
well or badly, is a
No experience necessary. We welcome artists of all levels and
to make your
genres. Join us each Saturday to: paint, draw, collage, and play!
soul grow.
This is a supportive group of LGBT folks who enjoy sharing in
So do it.” Kurt
the creative process. Materials are provided and feel free to bring
your own. Let us know what kind of art you want to do! We
strive to provide supplies and instruction based on your interest.
For more info call Ariel (415) 503-4180
Taller de Vivienda
We visit Muttville on the 2nd Friday of each
month at 2PM and we invite you to join us. You’ll
hang out with a handful of sweet dogs in a cozy
living-room like setting. You can also elect to
walk with the dogs.
To RSVP for Friday, March 11th call or email:
(415) 503-4180 or
Muttville also offers a Seniors for Seniors
Adoption program. If you are 62+ years of age,
Muttville will waive the $200 adoption fee and
you will receive a customized senior welcome kit!
For more information, visit:
Opera Lovers!
If you're an opera lover and want to watch an opera
DVD with other aficionados, this is the group for
you! Each month we bring our DVD's, peruse the
extensive Openhouse collection, and decide by a
vote which one to watch. If there is a rare opera
that you'd like to see, we'll try to find it for you.
Plus, those who join us for the Opera group at
Openhouse will be the first to be notified in the
event that we can secure some tix to the War Memorial Opera House for a live show. Stay tuned
and join us!
¿Le gustaría aprender más acerca de cómo encontrar Recursos de Vivienda en San Francisco?
Asista al Taller de Vivienda de Openhouse en
donde aprenderá herramientas y recursos y
apoyo que le ayudara a encontrar vivienda para
personas Mayores o Adultos con Discapacidad,
llame si usted está interesado en participar.
Por favor llama a Manuel Martinez al
(415) 347-8509 para registrarse.
Do You Know About “Shop-A-Round”?
Shop-a-Round is a shuttle that makes it easier
to go grocery shopping! The service offers seniors and people with disabilities personalized
assistance in getting to and from the grocery
store. The shuttle takes groups to grocery stores or
supermarkets in San Francisco where they want to
shop. The driver will help carry groceries on and
off the shuttle.
Registered riders must meet at least one of
these qualifications: Age 65 or older or disabled and have an RTC Discount ID Card or
Eligible for ADA Paratransit services. Applications
are available online and by
calling Manuel Martinez at
Openhouse (415) 347-8509.
Please join Openhouse and Curry Senior Center for...
LGBTQ Women’s Lunch
Who: All woman-identified community members
What: Topic-driven discussions, socialzing, lunch
($2 suggested donation), and treats!
When: Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday; 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Where: Curry Senior Center (333 Turk St)
4th Tuesdays Opera
Call X315 for March location details
Tuesday, March 22nd from 1PM-4PM
Openhouse is no
longer at the LGBT
Center! Please
note location
changes in
Prime Timers
• 2-3:30 PM
The Sequoias
1400 Geary Blvd.
Call 415-552-6641 for
See page 3
for key to
(extensions in calendar)
Always Active • 10 AM Castro
Poetry Salon • 10 AM Castro
Gay Gray Writers Group
• 5 - 6:30 PM OH: 541 Castro
Trans 50+ Drop-In Group
730 Polk Street, 4th floor
• 6-7:30PM
Lunch Bunch • 10:30AM Curry x315
New Release Movies
• 12:45 PM Castro Sr. Ctr.
Men’s Group • 2-3:30 PM
CCMR: 501 Castro (upstairs)
Always Active • 10AM Castro
Poetry Salon • 10AM Castro Sr. Centr
LGBT Women’s Lunch (New!)
•10:30 AM Curry X315
Rainbow Lunch
• 12 PM *RSVP required* X303
Film Matinee
• 2 PM, 30th St.
Men’s HIV Support • Call x309
Celebrate Nikki Star
•See page pg. 9 for details
Always Active • 10AM Castro
Always Active • 10AM Castro
Opera Group • 1PM
X315 for location details
Friendly Visitor Support Group
• 4:00-5:30 PM X303
541 Castro
Housing Resource Group
•12:30 PM • 541 Castro
New Release Movies
• 12:45 PM • Castro Sr. Ctr.
Men’s Group • 2PM-3:30 PM
CCMR: 501 Castro
“Clearing House” Cluttering Support
• 12:30–2PM x304 MHA* New
Please note: We will not be visMen’s Group • 2-3:30 PM
iting Laguna Honda residents
*New Location*
for our regularly scheduled
CCMR: 501 Castro St. (upstairs)
meeting this month, instead
See Key to Locations
please join us on March 9th at
1:30 pm to celebrate the life of
Nikki Star
Men’s HIV Support • Call Greg X309
Gay Gray Writers Group
Men’s Group • 2-3:30 PM
• 5 - 6:30 PM
541 Castro
*New Location*
CCMR: 501 Castro St. (upstairs)
Trans 50+ Drop-In Group
730 Polk Street, 4th floor
• 6-7:30PM
Prime Timers
• 2-3:30 PM
The Sequoias
1400 Geary Blvd.
Call 415-552-6641 for
(415) 296-8995
New Release Movies
• 12:45 PM Castro
New Release Movies
• 12:45 PM Castro
Openhouse Main Line:
Always Active • 10AM Castro
Women’s Support• 2-3:30 PM
290 Dolores St. at 16th
Intake required X304
Connections for Healthy Aging
• 10 am - 1 pm, 541 Castro
RSVP required
Women’s Support • 2-3:30 PM
290 Dolores St. at 16th
Intake required X304
Friendly Visitor Support Group
•6:00-7:30 PM, OH X303
Connections for Healthy Aging
• 10 am - 1 pm, 541 Castro
RSVP required
Poetry Salon • 10AM Castro Sr. Centr Women’s Support • 2-3:30 PM
290 Dolores St. at 16th
Lunch Bunch • 10:30AM Curry x315
Intake required X304
Men’s HIV Support • Call x309
“Clearing House”:
Cluttering Support • 12:30–2PM x304
MHA* New Location!
Poetry Salon • 10AM Castro Sr. Centr Openhouse Book Club •1 PM
541 Castro
LGBT Women’s Lunch (New!)
Women’s Support
• 10:30 AM Curry X315
• 2-3:30 PM
Rainbow Lunch* *RSVP Required*
290 Dolores St. at 16th
X303 • 12 PM• 541 Castro
Intake required X304
Grief Group • 5:30 - 7
Special Event! See front page.
For info please call X304
Women and the AIDS Crisis
LGBT Caregivers of those with
• 4-6 PM Women’s Building
Dementia Group • 6 PM •541 Castro* 3543 18th St.
X304 for more info
Audre Lorde Room
Games • 10 AM - 1PM
OH: 541 Castro
Housing Workshop
•12-1PM RSVP required: X314
541 Castro
Art Group • 1 - 4 PM
30th St. Sr. Center
All are welcome. Call
X315 for info
• 11 AM The Sequoias
LGBT Group
•10:30-12 PM MLT X309
Housing Workshop
• 12 - 1 PM RSVP required: X314
541 Castro
Classic Movies
• 12:45 PM Castro
Outing to Muttville! • 2 pm
Call X315 to RSVP
• 11 AM The Sequoias
Housing Workshop
• 12 - 1 PM RSVP required: X314
541 Castro
Classic Movies
• 12:45 PM Castro
Grief Group • 5:30 - 7PM For info
please call X304
• 11 AM The Sequoias
Poetry Salon • 10AM Castro Sr. Centr Women’s Support
• 2-3:30 PM
Grief Group • 5:30 - 7
290 Dolores St. at 16th
For info please call X304
Intake required X304
Meditation • 11AM The Sequoias
Community Council
(closed group. For info: X315)
• 12:15-1:45PM
Games • 10 AM - 1PM
OH: 541 Castro
Art Group • 1 - 4 PM
30th St. Sr. Center
All are welcome. Call
X315 for info
Friendly Visitor Support
•10 - 11:30 AM, OH X303
Games • 10 AM - 1PM
OH: 541 Castro
Art Group • 1 - 4 PM
30th St. Sr. Center
All are welcome. Call X 315
for info
Games • 10 AM - 1PM
541 Castro
*New Location!
Art Group • 1 - 4 PM
30th St. Sr. Center
Classic Movies • 12:45 PM Castro All are welcome. Call
X315 for info
Health and Wellness Seminar:
Mental Health 101• 3 - 4:30
541 Castro
Come celebrate Openhouse’s
move! Join us for an office warming party from 1pm - 3pm.
Light refreshments will be served.