Family and MWR baumholder - wird total


Family and MWR baumholder - wird total
2014 Edition
Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams
Family and MWR
Army Community Service | Child, Youth and School Services |
Community Recreation |
Non-appropriated Support | Business Operations
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Table of contents
Message from the Director, Family and MWR
USAG Rheinland-Pfalz�����������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Message from the Manager, Family and
MWR Baumholder USAG Rheinland-Pfalz�����������������������������������������3
Family and MWR �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Army Community Service (ACS) ��������������������������������������������������������7
Child,Youth & School Services����������������������������������������������������������� 10
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) ������������������������� 16
Warrior Zone���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Arts and Crafts Center����������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
Hilltop Theater�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Automotive Skills Center�������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Automotive Parts Yard������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
Outdoor Recreation���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Rod and Gun Pro Shop������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26
Army Lodging����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
Baumholder Army Golf Course ������������������������������������������������������� 28
Rheinlander Community Club����������������������������������������������������������� 28
Hall of Champions & Mountaineer Fitness Centers��������������������� 30
Indoor Swimming Pool ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
Baumholder Library ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Tax Relief Office������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 37
One-Stop Shop ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
Strikers Bowling Center���������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
Java Caf������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
Rolling Hills Spa & Wellness Center������������������������������������������������� 42
Need a job? Family and MWR could be the place for you���������� 43
Financial Management-Private Organizations and Unit Funds���� 43
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Message from the Director,
Family and MWR
USAG Rheinland-Pfalz
As the Director of Family
and Morale, Welfare and
Recreation for the U.S. Army
Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz, I
welcome you to Baumholder.
Family & MWR offers a variety
of programs and is your
provider of Quality of Life
Services. Each program exists
to serve our Soldiers, Civilians,
Retirees and their Families
to its utmost ability. We
concentrate our efforts on not
only providing incomparable
options, but also the very
best in customer service and
This magazine serves as a
guide to assist you in finding
important information
regarding Family & MWR‘s
quality programs, services,
and the many facilities here
in USAG Rheinland-Pfalz. Let
us help you save money by
providing you with low cost
services or family oriented
events. Not sure where to
host your events? Take a look
at our many clubs and facilities
that also provide food and
beverage or catering services.
Our goal is to be your first
choice for you or your family‘s
needs, and we would like you
to take the opportunity to
experience all of the great
programs we have available.
The events, services, and
programs established today
will serve our Soldiers and
their Families for years to
come, or work as platforms to
launch new and better services
and products.
As you become more
acquainted with USAG
Rheinland-Pfalz during your
tour here in Europe, please let
me know if there is anything
we can improve upon.
My Family and MWR priorities
1. Customer Satisfaction
2. Customer Participation
3. Business Results
4. Innovation and Improvement
5. Teamwork and Leadership
Steven L. Pelletier
Director, Family and MWR
USAG Rheinland-Pfalz
Message from the Manager,
Family and MWR Baumholder
USAG Rheinland-Pfalz
Welcome to Your New Home!
The Baumholder military
community is affectionately
known as, ‘The Rock”
throughout IMCOM-Europe
with good reason; not only
are we (literally) located on
mountains of rock in the
Rheinland-Pfalz state of
Germany, we are a close­knit,
rock-solid military community
which embodies the Army
values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect,
Selfless Service, Honor,
Integrity and Personal Courage
from Command all the way to
the folks serving the best pizza
and hamburgers on post at
our wonderful Strikers Bowling
Center snack bar.
In short, you have just become
part of the “Best Kept Secret
in IMCOM-E”, and
we are thrilled to welcome
you! Our goal is to be your
first choice. Family & MWR
operates 21 front door
facilities, with an additional 14
‘behind the scene’ programs
and offices in Baumholder.
From the largest paintball
field in IMCOM-Europe at
our Outdoor Recreation area,
to the award-winning LIVE
theater performance program
at Hilltop Theater, Family &
MWR’s mission is to bring you
‘a little piece of home’ during
your overseas tour. To that end,
we strive to deliver world class
customer service and unique,
innovative programming
designed specifically for
the Baumholder military
This magazine has been
designed to give you a brief
overview of what Family &
MWR in Baumholder has to
offer during your overseas
tour at this installation. Special
Events, such as Baumholder
Idol and Community Wide
events like our Independence
Day Celebration, are just a few
of the myriad opportunities for
you to get out, get moving, and
make lasting memories here
on “The Rock”.
Again, welcome to your new
home! If there is anything we
can help you with, or if you
have ideas for events you’d like
to see here in Baumholder,
please don’t hesitate to
contact any member of our
Family & MWR staff.
Ingrid Osewalt
Manager, Family and
MWR Baumholder
USAG Rheinland-Pfalz
Dear Reader:
Family and Morale, Welfare
and Recreation (Family and
MWR) invites corporate
and individual businesses to
support our community by
taking part in the Corporate
Sponsorship and Advertising
Program. Family and MWR
values brand loyalty and
provides direct interaction
with the Military market.
To begin, Family and MWR
is a network of support and
leisure services designed to
serve the needs, interests
and responsibilities of
each individual in the Army
community, as well as enhance
the quality of their lives.
From family, child and youth
programs to recreation, sports,
entertainment, travel and
leisure activities—Family and
MWR employees worldwide
strive to deliver the highest
quality programs and services
at each installation. Family
and MWR helps ensure Army
readiness by caring for the
people who serve and stand
ready to defend the nation.
The Baumholder community
consists of approximately
2,250 Military personnel,
Family members, Retirees,
and Civilian employees. Family
and MWR believe your
participation in sponsorship
can provide heightened
visibility and positive publicity
that will continuously promote
and benefit your company for
years to come.
Sponsorship is an exchange
of goods and/or services in
return for public recognition,
advertising and promotional
benefits of an equivalent
value. It is neither a gift
nor a donation—it is a
smart business decision that
increases the visibility of the
company’s products and/or
services that can be a most
effective marketing tool.
Sponsorship also establishes
a deeper association and
integration between markets
and can prove to be a valued
part of your company’s
marketing and advertising plan.
The opportunity to support
the events and/or programs
provides measurable response
within the military community.
The sponsorship program
offers your company an
effective way to access a wide
range of audiences while being
able to gauge your customer’s
response to your products/
services. The benefits are
endless and it provides great
means of broadening your
competitive edge. Sponsorship
acts as a faster growing form
of advertisement and your
company’s image, prestige and
credibility can improve greatly.
Whether you live within
the military community or
support those who do, your
participation will be notable
and recognizable; Family and
MWR would appreciate your
partnership to show those in
the community that together
we are here to support. It is
our goal to give back to the
military community and do
all we can to enhance their
Again, we would like to invite
you and your business to
participate in the sponsorship
and advertising program.
Please contact us to find
out more about the benefits
of corporate and individual
sponsorship and/or advertising
at 0631-3406-4049.
Kind regards,
JR Orlando
Sponsorship and Advertising
USAG Rheinland-Pfalz
Family and Morale, Welfare
and Recreation, Marketing
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Family and MWR Program
Introduction to Family and MWR
Family and MWR Bringing you a little piece of home,
wherever you are stationed!
Each branch of the United
States Armed Forces has
a branch of MWR. MWR
provides free and discounted
recreation to military
personnel and their families.
Although the facilities provided
vary from base to base, the
types of services, facilities
and programs provided can
include fitness centers, pools,
marinas, bowling centers,
golf courses, restaurants,
conference centers, catering,
and programs for single sailors
providing special events, access
to internet, movies and video
games. As of 2009, MWR is
known as Family and MWR
- Family and Morale, Welfare
and Recreation. Family and
MWR also offers accredited
child care and youth and
school aged centers at many
Family and MWR programs,
services and activities
offer Soldiers and Families
opportunities to enrich their
lives culturally and creatively.
Our programs relieve stress,
build strength and resilience,
and help the Army Family
stay physically, mentally, and
financially fit.
•Armed Forces Recreation
•MWR Recreation Delivery
to theater operations
•Additionally, the Family
and MWR Academy
provides outstanding
professional development
training and support
to MWR personnel in
the management and
administration of MWR
programs, people, and
•Child,Youth & School
•Army Family Programs
•Soldier Programs &
Community Recreation
•Family and MWR Business
The Army’s investment in
delivering the highest quality
programs and services—
from Family, child and youth
programs to recreation, sports,
and entertainment, travel and
leisure activities—reflects
its commitment to the Army
Family Covenant.
MWR Philosophy
Soldiers are entitled to the
same quality of life as is
afforded the society they are
pledged to defend. Keeping an
Army ready to fight and win
takes more than hard work
and training. Soldiers need a
balance of work and play. The
FMWRC mission is to create
and maintain “First Choice”
MWR products and services
for America’s Army, essential to
a ready, self-reliant force.
Army Community Service
Army Community Service (ACS)
Serves as the Commander’s primary resource for
developing, coordinating and delivering Soldier and
Family social support services that contribute to the overall
morale and welfare in our community.
Many classes are available, including guidance on
Army life, settling into a new community, finding a job,
finding volunteer opportunities, caring for an exceptional
Family member and much more.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Army Community Service (ACS)
Real Life Solutions for Successful Army Living
ACS is your place to find all
kinds of information about
your new Military Home.
Service members and their
Families rely on ACS for
programs and classes in a
wide variety of fields, including
German language lessons,
financial management and
many others. Service members
can also stop by to make use
of fantastic services such as
the lending closet for items
they need. If you do not know
where to find services of any
sort, ACS can help!
ACS also assists Commanders
in maintaining readiness
of Soldiers, Families and
Civilians in America’s Army
by developing, coordinating
and delivering services
which promote self-reliance,
resilience and stability during
war and peace. Family
Readiness Group Training is
one of the programs ACS
Relocation Readiness and
Lending Closet provides
community orientation,
German Cultural orientation,
German Language classes and
more! You can also borrow
basic household goods such
as: pots and pans, dishes, high
chairs and car safety seats,
porta-cribs, etc. Contact
Relocation Readiness when
you are ready to PCS to
CONUS—they can help with
information, contacts and
Irm’s open fire p
l ac
Employment Readiness
Program (ERP),
provided through ACS in
Kaiserslautern, provides
information and referral
services on employment,
education, training, transition
and volunteer opportunities
to give Family members the
competitive edge needed
to secure meaningful
employment. ERP offers up-todate information on available
employment opportunities,
market and job trends,
education and volunteer
resources to help individuals
make informed decisions when
seeking employment. Services
offered by the ERP include
classes and seminars related to
employment. Check the ACS
calendar for class dates.
Financial Readiness teaches
Soldiers, Family members and
Civilians in both classroom
and individual sessions, how to
save and invest their money,
establish savings goals, learn
debt elimination strategies
and saving strategies for
Army Volunteer Corps
can link volunteers with local
volunteering opportunities.
This program is managed
through ACS in Kaiserslautern.
Volunteers serve in units,
sports and other community
organizations. Contact the
agency you wish to volunteer
with for details and position
descriptions. Gain a sense of
satisfaction and achievement
by meeting challenges, learn
Barbecue Restaurant & Hotel
Nice and well kept rooms with private bathroom.
Specials: steaks and BBQ-ribs from the open fire
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Sunday closed
Do you like good food?
Do you sometimes need a comfy bed and a
nice breakfast?
Then come and enjoy a wide variety of delicious meals in
our restaurant. Bountiful Salads, great Schnitzels, handmade Pizzas and traditional German cuisine await you.
Or stay awhile in our
clean rooms with private
baths and free Wi-Fi
Poststraße 12 · 55774 Baumholder
55774 Baumholder
Phone: 06783/5872
with your friends
tune in to your favorites
• premium USA ne
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gue spor ts
• college & major lea
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• your favorite serie
about the Army and its
sister services, learn about
the community, acquire new
skills and or expand old ones,
obtain work experience,
build new friendship and
become a cohesive part of the
Exceptional Family
Member Program (EFMP)
provides an all-inclusive
approach for community,
educational, medical, housing
and personnel services for
Families with special needs.
The Exceptional Family
Member Program (EFMP)
works with military Families
to address their unique needs
throughout the assignment
process and after Families
have settled into their new
Survivor Outreach
Services Program
managed through ACS
in Kaiserslautern. Many
times, after the loss of a
Soldier, unresolved issues or
questions come up long after
the Casualty Assistance Officer
(CAO) has concluded his or
her duties. In addition to the
grief the Family will suffer, they
may also be faced with issues
and questions built around the
life of an Army Family.
The Soldier and Family
Assistance Center (SFAC)
is managed through ACS in
Kaiserslautern, and is a onestop location for Warriors in
Transition and their Families to
get information and assistance.
The Family Advocacy Program
(FAP) promotes individual
and Family strengths during
challenging times to reduce
the risk of violence. Classes
in stress management, anger
management, parenting classes
and more are offered through
New Parent Support
Program (NPSP) Programs
provide pre- and post-natal
support with parenting skills,
lactation skills and good ‘what
to expect’ training.
Child, Youth and School Services
Enroll your child in some of the fine programs at Child, Youth and School Services!
Enjoy programs such as EDGE!, SkiesUnlimited, Youth Sports and Fitness, Hired! and much more.
Parent Central Services
School Age Center
Enroll in:
- EDGE! Program
- SKIESUnlimited
- Youth Sports and Fitness
- Family Child Care (FCC)
Activities for youth, grades 1-6.
Child Development Centers
Care for infants and children,
ages 6 months through pre-school.
Teen Center
Activities for youth, grades 7-12.
School Liaison Officer
Helps families communicate with schools
regarding issues and provides support.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Quality, Availability, Affordability
Child,Youth & School
Where You Belong
Child,Youth & School Services
(CYS Services) provides
programs and services for
children of eligible military
and Civilian Families. Within
CYS Services you will find
something to meet your
children’s needs, regarding:
•Full time, part time or
hourly child care
• Before/after school care
•Recreation activities for
your middle school and
teen youth
• Instructional classes
•Workforce preparation
•Sports and fitness activities
Today’s CYS Services
programs, deemed a “model
for the nation” by Presidential
acclaim, continue to operate
on these cornerstones:
• Quality – Child care
is DoD-certified and
nationally accredited
• Availability – Child care
is available on- and off-post
• Affordability – Fees
for various programs are
competitively priced and
affordable regardless of
sponsor’s income
The mission of CYS Services
is to enhance the readiness
and well-being of Families by
providing affordable, quality
programs and services for
children and youth 4 weeks to
18 years of age.
CYS Services operates Child
Development Centers, School
Age and Youth Centers, Parent
Central Services,Youth Sports
& Fitness, SKIESUnlimited
instructional classes, and the
CYSS administrative offices –
all located on Wetzel Kaserne.
CYS Services programs are
staffed with early childhood
and youth professionals
committed to providing quality
programming and maintaining
the highest of standards. All
Baumholder Child and Youth
programs are certified by
the Department of Defense,
and are accredited by the
National Association for the
Education of Young Children
(NAEYC) and the Council on
Accreditation (COA).
New and currently enrolled
patrons must complete and
update registration annually
through the Parent Central
Services office on Wetzel
Photos courtesy Child, Youth and School Services and Baumholder Public Affairs Office.
EDGE! Experience, Develop, Grow and Excel
EDGE! (Experience, Develop, Grow and Excel) Out-of-School Learning Opportunities
Ages 6-18
Promotes learning-by-doing and focuses on the development of lifetime skills through exposure
to the arts. Art EDGE! activities increase creative development while building self-esteem
Educates and encourages our children and youth to incorporate a healthier lifestyle through
physical activity and nutritional awareness programs
Life EDGE!
Imparts upon children and youth the skills necessary for life-long growth, as well as the
exploration of future career fields
Adventure EDGE!
Encourages children and youth to embrace the outdoors and nature, while being exposed to
activities that stimulate both physical exertion and relaxation responses
create, learn, play, build, bond
Photos courtesy Child, Youth and School Services
Child and Youth School Services continued
Extracurricular Instructional Classes
SKIESUnlimited stands for “School of Knowledge, Inspiration,
Exploration and Skills” with the word “Unlimited” for the
unlimited possibilities that this program provides children and
• All participants must be registered with CYS Services
• New students must wait for open enrollment
•Current SKIES students may enroll during the priority
enrollment week at Parent Central Services to retain their
• Classes will be filled on a first come, first served basis
A variety of courses are offered within the School of Arts,
School of Sports, School of Life Skills and School of Academics.
Students may register for any SKIESUnlimited class at Parent
Central Services. Children and Youth that are currently
registered in CYS Services can be enrolled for SKIESUnlimited
using WebTrac.
HIRED! - Workforce
Preparation Program
Ages 15 to 18
HIRED! helps teens explore career opportunities and prepare to
enter the workforce.Youth apprentices experience working in a
paid position and participate in workforce-preparation and postsecondary education exploration classes.
•An apprenticeship term is 12 weeks and the apprentice must
commit to 15 hours within a seven-day period
•Apprentices obtain a cash award at the end of the
apprenticeship period and a certificate from Kansas State
• Registration for HIRED! is through the Youth Program
Access to child and youth programs
School Liaison Officer
CYSS Parent Central Services
The School Liaison Officer’s purpose is to provide support
to Home School groups, assistance with school related issues,
transitions and youth sponsorship.
Parent Central Services is your one-stop shop for access to all
child and youth programs on post. This is where our friendly,
helpful staff will assist you with enrollment forms and all the
information you need to enroll your children with the various
programs CYSS has to offer:
School Liaison Services is designed to:
•Help ease the education transitions experienced by military
children and youth by addressing barriers and education
concerns resulting from the military lifestyle
•Facilitate the delivery of quality school transition and
education support services
•Assist parents with easing the impact of the mobile military
lifestyle on the academic success of military children
School Liaison Services offers assistance to Families with their
educational needs educates parents on programs available to
youth in the community and helps build a connection between
Families, schools and communities.
•Childcare: Child Development Center (CDC), Family Child
Care (FCC), School-Age Center (SAC)
•Youth Program (Middle School and Teens)
•SKIESUnlimited Instructional Classes (ages 18 months-18
•EDGE! Activities
•Parent Education
•Sports and Fitness, Team Sports and Classes
Youth Sports & Fitness
Summer to fall… winter to
spring… Baumholder Youth
Sports & Fitness program
has something to offer
all interested community
members between the ages of
3-18. There is something for
everyone, with a great line-up
of different sports guaranteed
to help build strong minds and
promote healthy bodies.
Team Sports include:
• Flag Football
• Tackle Football
Consultant General Practitioner
Environment Campus Birkenfeld
Building 9927, Room 0.10
55768 Neubruecke/Nahe
Phone (+49) 6782 172722 · Fax (+49) 6782 172896
Team and individual sports
Individual Sports include:
• Wall Climbing
• Inline Skating
Health & Fitness and
Outreach programs
• Healthy Habits
• Fitness Authority
• “Get Fit Be Strong”
• Start Smart Programs
• Skill Building Clinics
• Special Events
BOSS & Warrior Zone
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers
The BOSS program represents the
voice of the single Soldier. BOSS
Soldiers coordinate and participate in
community service projects, organize
recreational and leisure activities, and
actively support the quality of life needs
of single Soldiers. BOSS membership
offers the opportunity for leadership
and project management roles.
Warrior Zone
The Warrior Zone provides Service
members and their guests (ages 18
and older) a place to relax, play video
games, watch TV, hang out with battle
buddies, and more. Free wireless
internet access is available and daily
movies are played through a home
theater set up. The Warrior Zone
includes gaming consoles such as Wii,
X-box, a PS3, a pool table, and an air
hockey table.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers
The voice of the single Soldier
The BOSS program represents
the voice of the single Soldier.
BOSS members advocate for
single Soldiers by addressing
quality of life issues on the
installation, and in the barracks,
to senior leaders on post and
throughout the Army.
BOSS program is based on
three pillars:
• Quality of Life
• Community Service
• Recreation and Leisure
As a member of BOSS,
you have voice in how you
live, how you spend your
leisure time and how you
support the community
around you. BOSS Soldiers
supporting the quality of life
coordinate and participate in
community service projects,
organize recreation and
leisure activities, and actively
support the quality of life
needs of single Soldiers. BOSS
membership, along with the
program’s available leadership
and project management roles,
also enhance your promotion
Learn more about BOSS and
how to become a member at
Warrior Zone
Where warriors come
to unwind.
Warrior Zones are
recreational facilities designed
to be used exclusively by
Soldiers and their guests
over the age of 18, as a place
for them to hang-out and
have a good time in a safe
environment. Technology
oriented and appealing to
the ‘new generation’, it is
within walking distance from
several barracks, providing
entertainment even to those
with no transportation. The
Warrior Zone serves as a
commitment to support
and maintain the resiliency
of our Soldiers with quality
entertainment programming.
Exclusively for soldiers and their guests
Introducing the latest in video
gaming technology, this facility
has lounge seating and is
free of charge for authorized
members.Various features
include reclining gaming chairs
with integrated sound and
massage capabilities, high-tech
headphones, and the allimportant wireless connection
to enhance your gaming
experience. Along with gaming
stations, patrons will also find
computer work stations to
surf the web and flat screen
televisions to relax and watch
DVDs on. We also have a
library of the most popular
games and movies available for
you to sign out, or you are free
to bring your own.
Hotel-Restaurant „Zum Stern“
Cosmetics · Manicure · Massage · Pedicure
naturally beautiful
Sophie Flohr – Cosmetics
Kuseler Strasse 19–21
55774 Baumholder
In the Industrial Area
Phone (+49) 06783 980518
HH superior
Inh. Michael Rech
Owned by the Rech family since 1954 the
hospitality provided here, the pleasant atmosphere and the range of leisure time options
make it an unforgettable stay for you. We
are happy to spoil you in our restaurant (100
seats) with regional and seasonal specialities.
Our extensive buffet offer for groups awaits
you. Comfortable hotel rooms with a private
bath and free internet access ensure you will
have a pleasant stay.
Quick lunch from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm
dinner from 17:00 - 21:30
We are open all day on Sunday.
Ausweilerstraße 2 • 55774 Baumholder • Tel. 06783/5877
Fax 06783/5055 • •
Arts and Crafts Center
Explore your creative side
Baumholder Arts and Crafts
Center offers diverse
programs designed to enhance
your educational, cultural,
social and intellectual wellbeing. Through participation
in both directed and selfdirected activities, the process
of creative problem solving
develops mental agility, manual
dexterity and self-confidence.
The center offers modern
equipment, supplies for
purchase and monthly
workshops and classes in a
variety of subjects such as
scrapbooking, knitting, cake
decorating and much more!
We also boast an IMCOM-E
renowned framing service,
where both custom and
do-it-yourself options are
offered. The product range is
always growing, and is filled
with numerous crafting and
scrapbooking supplies. If we do
not have what you are looking
for, we know where to get it.
Open to all Soldiers, Families,
Retirees and Army Civilians,
the Arts and Crafts Center in
Baumholder offers activities
for people of all skill levels.
Our friendly, knowledgeable
staff is ready to help bring your
creative ideas to life!
understand ...
Im Rheinberger • Fröhnstraße 8 • 66954 Pirmasens • Phone: 06331 23943-0
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Saturday · Sunday · Holiday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Dynamikum Science Center Pirmasens
Who doesn’t know the type of museum in which you have to walk through the exhibition
quietly and in which you can only look at everything from afar? Things are very different
in the Dynamikum Pirmasens! As a “join in“ museum it invites visitors of all ages to explore
various natural and technical phenomena on 160 interactive experimenting stations,
which are spread over 4,000 sqm, and to therefore quench their inquisitiveness in a playful
manner. The theme is “movement” – be it in the sense of “moving
something” or „to move“. In addition, the Dynamikum is suitable for
kids birthday parties as well as corporate events and offers rooms
that can be used for lectures and educational lessons. Furthermore,
a disc golf course including 12 courses is located in the Country Park
Strecktal, adjacent to the Dynamikum.
Do not touch? Not in the Dynamikum!
Theater & Arts and Crafts
Hilltop Theater
Arts and Crafts Center
Theater provides opportunities for
military and civilian community
members to develop and maintain
their skills in all aspects of the
performing arts, while providing the
community with a wide variety of high
quality live performances- mysteries,
dramas, comedies, one-act plays,
musicals, adult to all youth shows and
Offers studio space for ceramics,
scrapbooking, matting and framing,
and pottery. Supplies and equipment
are available for purchase, along with
a custom framing and plaque shop.
Take a craft class and learn a new
skill or hobby! Balloon bouquet
deliveries are available.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
, guided walking and city tours
n festival and Rallye
Welcome to Baumholder
Take you time to relax and enjoy the possibilities of our activities.
Enjoy the time in our beautiful
cityvarious events which take place all the year invite
and discover the region
you to a trip with your whole family.
Welcome to Baumholder
Take you time to relax and enjoy the possibilities of our activities.
For more information:
Many various
events which take place all the year invite
Verbandsgemeindeverwaltung Baumholder
Nordic the
Take you time to relax and enjoy
you toofaour
with your whole family.
Am Weiherdamm 1 - 55774 Baumholder
Phone: 06783-81-0 - Fax: 06783-81-60
Take you
time to
Many various
year inviteof our activities.
Hiking trails
you to
a trip
with your whole family. all the year invite
Markets, guided walking and city tours
you to a trip with your whole family.
Old town festival and Rallye
Hiking trails
Hiking trails
Nordic Walking
Enjoy the time in our beautiful city
Markets, guided walking and city tours
Nordic Walking
and discover the region
Markets, guided
walking and city tours
Enjoy the time in our beautiful city
guided walking and city tours
Old town festival
and Rallye
and discover the region
Old town festival and Rallye
Enjoy the time in our beautiful city
Enjoy the
in our beautiful city
and discover
and discover the region
Castle Hill Caves Homburg
guided tours
every hour on the hour
Advance bookings by telephone:
(+49) 06841 2064
or by fax:
(+49) 06841 9930589 · daily 9 am to 5 pm
Daily from 9 am to 5 pm
Guided tours every Sunday at 3 pm
Phone: (+49) 06848 730777, Fax: (+49) 06848 730774
Dahner Rockland
The Dahner Cliff Land belongs to the most interesting scenic regions in the Palatinate. This scenery
is characterized by bizarre rock giants and mighty rock castles.
Explore legendary castles and castle ruins in the Dahner Rockland and the adjacent Northern
Alsace. Premium hiking trails offer a special hiking adventure. “Cycling tours for people that enjoy
cycling” turn this tour into a special adventure. You should get directly in touch with nature by
visiting the barefoot path, the treetop path and the exhibition mine Eisenerzgrube. Delightfully
dive into a world of wellbeing in the Rockland’s swimming paradise with its sauna area and Finnish
sauna village.
Dahner Felsenland, Schulstraße 29, 66994 Dahn, Phone (+49) 06391 9196222,,
Hilltop Theater
Community Theater at its best!
Your source for quality entertainment
Hilltop Theater is your source
for quality entertainment
and exciting, engaging, live
theatrical productions. Each
season, we bring you the
best in community theater
productions with a stellar
variety of contemporary and
classic comedies, musicals,
dramas, revues, family and
youth shows.
While prior experience is
welcome, it is not necessary to
become an active participant
in professionally led, awardwinning theatre productions.
A creative community outlet
with a variety of volunteer
opportunities to get you
engaged and involved, each
production has open
tryouts and interviews for
volunteer actors, singers,
dancers, designers, painters,
builders and stage managers.
The theater also offers a
strong youth program with
two shows a year designed
specifically for youth actors
and stage crews under the age
of 18. We also offer the annual
two week DRAMA CAMP for
youth from ages 8 to 18, as
well as partnership programs
with both SKIES and the Teen
In addition to theatrical
productions, if singing is your
thing, a Master Music Class is
offered twice a month, focusing
on improving vocal capabilities
and enhancing music
reading skills. “RheinlandPfalz Idol” is one of the
premier talent competitions,
drawing participants from
across Europe. This 4-week
competition begins the first
Saturday in June and culminates
in the Finals, on-stage live,
at the Independence Day
Celebration. We also host the
haunted house under the
(rumored to be haunted)
Rheinlander Club for two
weeks, every year in October
(when else?), with over 30
volunteer actors and set
designers guaranteeing a
frighteningly good time for the
Productions are always very
popular, and you can check
out the Family and MWR
Baumholder website to see
what shows are coming up
Whether you are working in Germany,
a student, or stationed here with the
military, there is no need to be without
quality English-language TV.
English-language TV from the UK & USA
skyDSL highspeed Internet
Consultation, professional installation, accessories
Surfing shouldn’t be a hassle either! Get skyDSL and go
online via satellite without using a landline or mobile
network. No minimum contract duration applied!
Office: +49 6381 998 90 51 Mobile: +49 160 97 51 22 42
Mail: Web:
Automotive Skills Center
Your destination for all your motoring needs
Tools, classes...
The Automotive Skills Center
provides tools, equipment,
diagnostic assistance and
instructional advice to patrons
for use in the maintenance
and repair of their personal
USAREUR-plated motor
Promoting self-reliance
and skills development for
individuals, we also provide a
modern working environment
complete with individual
work bays, state-of-the-art
mechanical tools and a team
of qualified and trained staff
ready to help. Customers pay
nominal fees to rent work
bays, tools, machinery and
diagnostic equipment. The
Automotive Skills Program
is accessible to everyone,
regardless of skill level or
training. For those looking to
learn, there are also classes on
car maintenance hosted by the
knowledgeable staff.
The Baumholder Auto Skills
Center also offers a car
detailing service- perfect after
those long road trips with the
kids or when preparing to ship
your vehicle back to CONUS.
Detail service is available on a
first come, first served basis by
appointment only.
0 63 72/ 46 07
Kaiserstraße 79 • 66851 Hauptstuhl
-E r@t-o
• Accident Repairs
• Body Work
• Maintenance
• Warranty-Work
• Damage Estimates
• Tax Free
o -Eck
ww haus
urs –17.00
H .00
i 8 13.00
n– .00–
M at 9
Automotive Parts Yard
A fantastic resource – at unbeatable prices
The Baumholder Automotive
Parts Yard provides customers
with a place to go and procure
the myriad parts needed for
vehicle repair at unbeatable
prices! Folks looking to get rid
of their cars can either donate
or ‘junk’ them through the
Automotive Parts Yard, thereby
adhering to legal restrictions
dealing with this issue. Looking
for a new car? We can help
you with that, too—offering
affordable used cars through
a ‘sealed bid’ auto auction
process. Towing Service is
also available, if you suddenly
find yourself in need of a little
roadside assistance.
Donate or “junk” a car
Towing services
Dealership & Garage
24 hr
Two Wheel Centre, Recovery Service &
Roadside Assistance
Phone: (+49) 0 63 81/30 27/-24 06
Bahnhofstrasse 10, Altenglan • Hauptstrasse 2 (Patersbach)
Outdoor Recreation & Automotive Skills
Outdoor Recreation
Your one stop-shop for outdoor
adventure and equipment rental.
Monthly trip schedules are available.
This facility offers one of the largest
Army paintball fields in Europe.
Rod and Gun Pro Shop
Automotive Skills Center
Your resource for maintaining your
vehicle, making minor and major repairs,
or restoring that classic in your garage.
Pay nominal fees to rent work bays,
tools, machinery and diagnostic
equipment. Classes are available to
learn how to perform basic tasks.
Offers a variety of hunting and sport shooting
equipment and supplies. Shotguns available
for rent for the Trap and Skeet Range. Hunting,
fishing, range safety and other classes offered
year round.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Outdoor Recreation
Explore your world and expand your horizons!
Outdoor Recreation is your
destination for outdoor
adventure and equipment
rental! In addition to great
trips, our complex has one
of the largest Army paintballs
fields in Europe. Filled with
obstacles and a challenging
terrain, it is the proverbial
paintball lover’s paradise.
Skeet and Trap, archery and
much more await you and
your Family at Baumholder
Outdoor Recreation!
Equipment Rental
This is your one-stop
rental facility for all of
your recreation needs.
The Baumholder Outdoor
Recreation Program offers
a long list of outdoor
recreation equipment for
rent at modest per-day rates,
offering a comprehensive
range of equipment rental,
sporting equipment, skis, bikes,
snowboards and much more.
Our outdoor equipment rental
shop stands ready to supply
you with gear for both winter
and summer season and
sporting needs.
Trips,Tours and More
What is the point of coming
to Europe and staying at home
all the time? We take all of
the stress out of travel—just
pay your fee, jump on the
bus and take-off for some of
the fantastic sights Europe
has to offer. Love to ski? Join
us at the Zugspitze! If scuba
and snorkeling are more to
your taste, come with us to
Croatia, Malta or any number
of beautiful European coastal
destinations. Be sure to go to
the Family and MWR website
to check out all the latest trips
and information on how to
sign up.
Restaurant auf Burg Lichtenberg
D-66871 Thallichtenberg, Burg Lichtenberg
Phone +(49) 63 81/26 33
Amidst the old and legendary castle walls lies our “Burgrestaurant”.
Head Chef and hunter Peter Emrich does not only offer you regional delights but also sophisticated fish and venison dishes.
We are widely known for our special desserts.
In summer you will find a
shady place beneath the
old and tall Linden tree.
In winter you will enjoy
the romantic snowy landscape with a punch drink
or mulled wine.
Rod and Gun Pro Shop
Special orders, custom rifles and lots more.
The Rod & Gun Club is a
multi-use facility dedicated
to small arms and weapons
qualifications. The Pro Shop
offers one of the largest
and most diverse selections
of goods in USAREUR. We
continue to be the leading
seller of custom made hunting
rifles made in Germany, and
our ‘calling card’ is special
orders—we will go out of
our way to get you the rifle
you have always wanted.
Additionally, the Pro Shop
has a variety of hunting and
sport shooting equipment and
supplies, as well as shotguns to
rent for use on the Skeet and
Trap Range.
Features include:
•Hunting and fishing classes
and more
• Skeet and Trap Range
• Archery woodland range
Open year round. Must have
Range Safety Class before use.
Classes offered at Outdoor
Recreation range.
Custom made hunting rifles
Army Lodging & The Rheinlander
Army Lodging
Rheinlander Community Club
Enjoy your stay at our Army Lodging
facility! Pets are welcome for an
additional charge. Free, in-house
laundry service for guests is available
24 hours a day. A small, well-equipped
fitness room is open daily.
This is the site of various special
events, murder mystery dinner shows,
concerts and more! With a large
Grand Ballroom, an old-fashioned
pub, conference rooms and terrace
seating, this is the place to reserve
for all of your special occasions.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Army Lodging
The Lagerhof Inn –Welcoming you in style
For most new arrivals, Army
Lodging’s Lagerhof Inn will
be your first experience—
your ‘introduction’ to the
Baumholder community. The
Lagerhof staff is well aware
of this and is most eager to
make you feel welcomed and
comfortable as you embark on
your European tour of duty.
The original three buildings
that make up the Lagerhof Inn
were constructed between
1932-1934 and operated as
a kurhotel by a private firm.
During WWII the buildings
were occupied by German
forces, with U.S. Military forces
beginning to utilize the facilities
in the early 1950’s. A complete
renovation started in 1983,
and the Lagerhof reopened in
1984. In 1999, the final building
was added to complete the
present Lagerhof Inn.
Please enjoy your stay at
our Army Lodging facility in
Baumholder! It is our pleasure
to serve you as one of our
guests, and we hope you
grow to love our military
community as much as we do.
Come out and visit the site of
various special events, murder
mystery dinner shows, concerts and
more. The Rheinlander Community
Club offers a wide variety of
rooms to reserve for all of your
special occasions. With a large
Grand Ballroom and the popular
and spacious Tavern on the Rock,
conference rooms and terrace
seating, this is the place to host all
of your events.
Baumholder Army Golf Course
The Family-friendly Golf Course
Come out, breath the fresh air, take in the amazing
view and enjoy a round of golf at the only 9-hole
Army golf course in Germany! Specifically designed
as a family-friendly course, and welcoming players of
all abilities, the golf course is idyllically nestled inside
Baumholder’s rolling countryside. Golfers can enjoy a
fantastic practice facility and driving range, as well as
a newly revamped course layout. During the summer,
players can take part in weekly scrambles and club
championship tournaments.
Baumholder Army Golf Course
Baumholder Army Golf Course
This 9-hole golf course is open March through November.
The driving range has lighting for evening use.
In addition to golf, we offer rental clubs, carts and ample parking
in a beautiful surrounding.
Our professional and caring staff will ensure your comfort so that
your experience is pleasant.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Hall of Champions &
Mountaineer Fitness Centers
World-class facilities and great service;
helping you stay Army Strong
Fitness Centers are a vital
component of staying Army
Strong and Baumholder has
two of the best. Located
centrally on Smith Barracks,
the Hall of Champions and
Mountaineer Fitness Centers
boast free weights, cardio
machines, saunas, personal
trainers, Family fitness
rooms and much, much
more. Baumholder Sports
& Fitness also hosts events
throughout the year, with
community and intramural
sports programs, to include
region-wide tournaments and
Whether you are into football
or basketball, body building
or wrestling, Family and
MWR can provide all your
fitness needs, including a wide
variety of personal training
options designed to meet
your individual fitness goals.
Appointments are scheduled
by our trainers, so please feel
free to contact them directly!
Team Sports include:
• Unit Level Basketball
•Community Level
• Flag Football
Individual Sports include:
• Track & Field
Health & Fitness and
Outreach programs
• Healthy Habits
• Fitness Authority
• “Get Fit Be Strong”
• Start Smart Programs
• Skill Building Clinics
• Special Events
•Yoga Instruction &
Individual Sessions
• Spinning classes
• Circuit Training
• Personal Training
•Meditational Fitness
Courses (WTU)
•Sports and Wellness
Massage Services
Sports and Fitness
Our Physical Fitness Centers include free weights, cardio machines, classes,
six basketball goals (full and half court play), personal trainers, TRX machines,
family fitness rooms, locker rooms, saunas, and well-balanced sports programs
with community and intramural level individual and team sports.
Hall of Champions Physical Fitness Center
Mountaineer Physical Fitness Center
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Tel. 06783/99 59-0 · Fax 0 67 83/99 59-25
Authorized Dealer for Skoda and Mazda
Cash purchase
of used cars
of varios makes
innovative • affordable • environmentally friendly
- Installation
- Servicing
- Gas Station
Kuseler Straße 26–34 · 55774 Baumholder
Leipziger Str. 1, 66606 St. Wendel
Owner Dino Cupelli
• Car Glass Service
• Windscreen Chip Repair
• Car Window Tinting
Mommstrasse 1a
66606 St Wendel
Phone: (+49) 06851 93 99 88
Mobile: (+49) 0176 21931655
• Car Valeting
Indoor Swimming Pool
Come and make waves with us!
Baumholder is home to the
Army’s only aquatics facility
in Germany. For an excellent
cardio, low impact, high
energy workout, or simply
to relax, head over to the
indoor swimming pool and get
acquainted with the staff and
facility. The helpful aquatics
professionals are more than
willing to help you with
swimming techniques and the
latest equipment available to
get you in top shape in no
Baumholder Indoor Swimming
Pool is a 25 meter, 5 lane pool
with four swimmable lanes.
There are showers available
in the men’s and women’s
locker rooms. The swimming
pool is open to all SOFA ID
cardholders and their Family
members. Children 12 and
under must be accompanied
by a parent or adult guardian.
Youth 13 and over, with
valid SOFA ID, can use the
pool unaccompanied (IAW
AR 215-1). Also, the pool
is open to local nationals,
contractors, and others with
a valid installation pass that
authorizes use of MWR
facilities. Guests with no SOFA
affiliation can use the pool as
long as they are accompanied
by a valid SOFA ID cardholder.
There is a nominal guest fee,
per guest, which will need to
be paid in advance of the guest
using the pool.
Training equipment is available
for usage for specific types
of swim training. Instructions
can be given by one of the
aquatics professionals if you
are unsure how to use a piece
of equipment. US Coast Guard
approved flotation devices are
available for use for infants,
youth, and adults. Pool toys
are also available. Please do
not bring outside pool toys or
flotation devices.
There are a variety of quality
aquatics programs offered.
Aquatics training is offered
for military units and covers
a gambit of areas from
traditional military aquatics
training to alternative PT
activities and water sports.
Qualified instructors teach
American Red Cross Learnto-Swim classes for youth
and adults. Other American
Red Cross courses such as
Lifeguard Training, Water Safety
Instructor, Lifeguard Instructor
and Junior Lifeguard are also
conducted by certified staff.
Additionally, other programs
and courses are conducted
periodically throughout the
The aquatics professionals can
provide specialized aquatics
training for Boy Scouts, Girl
Scouts, or other groups for a
small usage fee. Additionally,
there are two rooms available
for reservations. The MultiPurpose Room is a cozy
room in which to hold a
birthday party, baby shower,
get-together, etc. Also, there
is plenty of space for classes,
meetings, trainings, etc. for a
nominal rental fee.
Contact the Baumholder
Indoor Swimming Pool for
information on wave-making
programs, courses, classes,
activities, etc. (see phone
The Army’s only Aquatic facility in Germany
The Spa & Indoor Swimming Pool
Rolling Hills Spa and Wellness Center
Indoor Swimming Pool
Rejuvenate and pamper yourself
with a variety of wellness massages
designed to reduce stress and
increase strength. Also take a more
active role in your own personal health
and wellness by utilizing the Self-Circuit
Fitness Room and the Progressive
Muscle Relaxation classes.
Training equipment is available for
usage. Aquatics professionals are
ready to assist if you need guidance
using the equipment. U.S. Coast
Guard approved floatation devices
and pool toys are provided.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Audio, video, downloads, online-services, books, music, movies, and more...
Baumholder Library
Tons of great material at your
fingertips – all absolutely free!
The Baumholder Library
provides Service members
and their Families with a vast
collection of DVDs, books,
video games, music and many
other items. The inter-library
loan system allows for patrons
to place holds and check
out items from any of the
other Army Europe Libraries,
thus opening-up millions of
items for their enjoyment.
The Library regularly hosts
programs ranging from Story
Time for the little ones, to
Classic Film Clubs for adults.
A professional Librarian,
along with the Library staff, is
available to help you in your
search to find quick answers
and point you to the best
sources for in-depth research.
They can also assist in looking
for colleges online, preparing
for college entrance exams
and finding college level
material to write papers.
Perhaps the most convenient
aspect of the Army Europe
Library system is the rapidlygrowing electronic resource
catalog. The Library caters
to almost every tablet and
electronic device on the
market, allowing the patron
to do everything from the
comfort of their own home.
This proves especially handy
for those sent TDY or
downrange! Registration only
takes five minutes, so stop in
The library also offers an
online account on the U.S.
Army Europe Libraries Web
site (http://www.library.eur.
•Request and renew
materials with ‘My Account’
•Request/order hard copy
•Download eBooks,
eAudiobooks, eMusic, and
•Advance your career as a
•Bring the Library
downrange for deployed
•Jump into content for
children and teens
•Check-out books, audio
books, movies, music and
video games
•Get help with research and
VAT Office, One-Stop Shop & Library
Value Added Tax (VAT) Office
Family and MWR One-Stop Shop
VAT forms can be used by ID
cardholders to save money on
purchases made on the economy.
Visit our office to find out more.
This central location makes all of
your leisure activity planning easy.
Book Outdoor Recreation tours and
adventures, register for Hunting and
Fishing classes, purchase Hilltop
Theater tickets, sign up for Sports and
Fitness classes, register for Arts and
Crafts classes, schedule massage
therapy appointments, find out about
community events and more!
Offers areas for working or lounging,
reference help, web catalog computers,
internet computers, inter-library loan
system, a photocopier and scanner, a wide
variety of books, games, DVDs and more.
Fun monthly events and free WiFi available.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
Value-Added Tax (VAT) Relief Office
Save money while shopping in Germany!
Save money while shopping on the economy by using Value
Added Tax (VAT) forms.VAT forms permit U.S. Forces members
to save the value added tax (VAT - currently set at 19% on
goods/services and 7% on certain unprepared groceries) on
authorized purchases at participating stores in Germany.
How do you buy a VAT Form?
•Visit the VAT office and
register for tax relief.
•Determine the type of tax
relief purchase you need:
• Under 2,500 Euro
•You may acquire up to
10 forms at one time.
•The forms are valid for
2 years from issue.
•The forms may be used by
authorized Family members
• Over 2,500 Euro
•You first need to obtain a
cost estimate made out to
the VAT office and yourself,
and a certified U.S. dollar
or Euro check (depending
on the currency the vendor
accepts) made out to the
vendor and the VAT office.
•The VAT Office will process
the application and the
German tax document
•You then deliver the
payment, along with the
purchase order, to the
German company in order
to complete the purchase.
VAT Form Pricing
Be prepared and always have an extra form or two on hand.
Buy more, save more!
Price Tiers
1-5 forms (priced individually)
6 forms
7 forms
8 forms
9 forms
10 forms
Save money while shopping on the economy
Utility Tax Avoidance Program (UTAP)
Germany has a “Sales Tax”
called “Valued Added Tax”
which accounts for 19% of the
advertised price. U.S. Forces
personnel stationed in Europe
qualify for relief from this tax.
The finance ministries of the
NATO Forces established the
Utility Tax Avoidance Program
(UTAP) to allow authorized
customers tax-free utilities
with participating utility
UTAP can save you hundreds
of dollars annually off your
utilities. With UTAP you will
save the 19% value added tax
on electric and gas and 7% on
water. Additionally, you can
save up to 11% additional cost
per kWh on energy tax.
• The UTAP is a voluntary
membership-type program
open to U.S. military and
authorized Civilian members
of the U.S. Forces who occupy
economy housing in Germany,
however, it is DOD mandated
for Civilians drawing LQA
where the program is available.
To be eligible for the UTAP, the
following must be presented
to the VAT office:
•Active duty or DOD
civilian ID card
•Official orders (active duty
•Signed rental agreement
from the housing referral
office or landlord, or proof
of home ownership
•Utility company billing
information for each utility
company used by the
Service member
•A $77 registration fee. This
may be paid by cash, check,
or credit card
•Spouse’s name and social
security number (if
•UTAP registration form
filled out by the customer
•If a spouse, a Power of
Attorney with authority to
enter into contracts must
be presented
One-Stop Shop
Leisure activity planning made easy
Family and MWR’s One-Stop
Shop was created for the
purpose of making your day
just that much easier. Feel
free to stop in and find out
about community events
and activities, or take care of
almost anything related to
Family and MWR, to include
booking Outdoor Recreation
tours and adventures,
purchasing Hilltop Theater
tickets, signing up for Adult
Sports & Fitness or Arts
& Crafts classes, schedule
a relaxing massage in The
Comfort Zone… even register
for Hunting and Fishing classes
and/or licensing! Instead of
having to visit each of these
facilities individually, we are
pleased and proud to offer you
great customer service and
information all at one location.
Drop by today!
Bars, Bowling & Coffee
Java Cafe
Strikers Bowling Center
Proudly serving Starbucks Coffee
products and offering delicious monthly
and holiday specials! Free WiFi available.
Enjoy a bowling center with state of the
art lighting and sound systems, a glow
in the dark system, a snack bar
and a game room. Caters to all ages
and continuously develops new programs
and special events such as monthly
bowling tournaments, unit bowling
parties, and specialized birthday
programs. Free WiFi available.
See Quick Reference Directory for location, hours and contact info
League play, tournaments, cosmic bowling and more
Strikers Bowling Center
Food, fun… and a whole lot more!
The Baumholder Bowling
Center caters to audiences
of all ages. We offer league
play, tournaments, lessons,
cosmic bowling, games, a
fully-operational snack bar
and much more. In addition
to being a great place to stop
by and grab a bite to eat,
the bowling center caters
to audiences of all ages.
You can host your child’s
birthday party or bring the
teenagers in for a little cosmic
bowling - a program that
incorporates state-of-the-art
technology into the bowling
experience. The bowling
Wiesemes Automobile GmbH
Kirschweiler Mühle 3, 55743 Kirschweiler
near Idar-Oberstein
Phone 06781-5697-100,
center is also home to many
community wide parties such
as New Year’s Eve and special
tournaments for Thanksgiving
and Christmas.
Lancia - Jeep Dealership • Chrysler & Dodge Service
U.S.-Warranty Repairs • Body & Accident Repairs
Genuine Spare Parts & Replacement Parts
Maintenance-Service & Tune-Ups • A/C & Tire-Service
english spoken • VAT-Forms & Credit Cards accepted
Your Fiat Specialist
Escape the craziness of your days
Car Paint Shop
• Car Glass Repair
• LPG Installation
• MOT Test Centre
• Vehicle Repairs of all kinds
• New and
used Vehicles
Repairs to all makes of vehicles
• Effect Paint & Spray
Professional Business
since 3 generations
• Chip Repair
• Car Valeting
• Collection and Delivery Service
Hoppstaedten-W., Saarstrasse 53, Phone (+49) 0 67 82 98 10-56/-57
• Car Paint &
Spray and Paint Repair
Stefan Schulz · Professional Car Painter
Bergweg 4 · 55767 Roetsweiler · Phone (+49) 06787 576 ·
Java Café
“The place-to-be” in Baumholder!
Java Café proudly serves
Starbucks coffee and is all
about convenience and quick
service. In addition to a variety
of coffee drinks, Java Café
offers fresh Danishes, pastries,
muffins, smoothies, javaccinos,
hot chocolate, tea and other
drink specialties, along with
our popular grab ‘n go lunch
boxes (with your choice
of sandwich, chips, an Otis
Spunkmeyer cookie and drink),
and other snack offerings.
Everything on the menu is
available for take-out. One
of the most popular items
is ‘Beverage on the Go’, a
carafe of coffee with eight tall
cups, sugar, cream and stirring
sticks for $15.00; perfect for
meetings and get-togethers!
Java Café is the perfect place
to escape from the craziness
of your day and relax with
a cup of delicious Starbucks
coffee, or one of our seasonal
specials. Baumholder Java Café
has a comfortable seating
area with free Wi-Fi, and also
boasts the only adjacent Family
Lounge for young ones to
enjoy during your visit to Java.
The place to have a beverage, surf the web for free and socialize
Hauptstrasse 100 • 66909 Langenbach • Phone (+49) 06384 8500
Mazda Service Partner
Servicing of aircon and auxiliary heating
Windscreen Repairs
Chip Tuning of all makes
Repairs to all makes of vehicles
Collection and delivery service
Exhaust Service
Servicing of all makes, NO loss of warranty
• Accident Repair
• Tyre Service
your center for relaxation and wellness
Rolling Hills Spa &
Wellnes Center
A new level of relaxation.
Brand new to the Baumholder
community and staffed by
professional massage therapists,
The Rolling Hills Spa &
Wellness Center is the premier
sports massage studio in our
community. Enjoy a variety
of different massages at great
prices, all of which are designed
especially to help you reduce
stress and increase stamina.
Grapeseed, Aromatherapy, Total
Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Hot
Stone and more are all on the
menu – order at will!
Need a job? Family and MWR could be the
place for you
Non-Appropriated Funds Civilian Personnel Office (NAF CPO)
Taking care of our customers
begins with taking care of
you, our employees. We are
committed to providing
a strong, supportive
environment where you can
thrive. To that end, we promise
to position you for success
•A robust orientation to
welcome you to the Family
and MWR team.
•Clear performance
standards for service
•Formal and informal
training to develop skills
•Performance support tools
to assist you on the job
•A holistic program of
recognition and incentive
to reward excellent service
•Career development
opportunities to help reach
your full potential
Family and MWR offers 401K,
annual and sick leave, NAF
retirement plan, health and
life insurance, a flex spending
account, post allowance
(COLA), living quarters
allowance, and PCS assistance
(other conditions may apply).
Visit our site and apply today!
NAF CPO looks to provide
regular and part-time positions
within the Non-Appropriated
Funds community. NAF CPO
offers a robust orientation
to welcome you to the team
and an abundance of tools
and training to help develop
your skills. Enjoy the benefits
of working for Family and
MWR and visit our website
at https://www. baumholder. to apply,
or visit the staff at Kleber
Kaserne, building 3209, room
202. For Baumholder-specific
information, please call (see
phone directory).
The insurance you need,
the service you deserve.
4 Multiple Car Discount 4 Affordable Rates
4 Free Roadside Assistance
liability insurance
Dog liability
Call or stop by for a quick quote today!
Winter Agency x Kennedy Allee 30 x D-55774 Baumholder x Phone: +49 (0) 67 83 / 20 56 x
support from Family and MWR
Financial Management-Private
Organizations and Unit Funds
Private Organizations
play an important role in
creating a positive community
environment and improving
the quality of life on Army
installations. The Baumholder
community offers an array of
private organizations within
the area.
Unit Funds: Military
personnel receive MWR
support through participation
in MWR activities at the
installation to which they
are assigned. This support
is received in the form of
Unit Funds. Unit Funds can
be used for events such as
Organizational Days and
Please contact the Family and
MWR Financial Management
Office for more information
regarding both private
organizations and Unit Funds
within the Baumholder
military community (see phone
Baumholder Family and
MWR Quick Reference Directory
Army Community Service (ACS)
Clinic Kaserne, Bldg. 8476
Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun
DSN 485-8188 | Civ. 06783-6-8188
Army Golf Course
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8888
March, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; June-August, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
April-May and September-October, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
DSN 485-7299 | Civ. 06783-6-7299
Army Lodging
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8076
Front desk:
Mon-Fri, 6:30 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sat-Sun & Federal Holidays, 7 a.m.-10 p.m.
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s
DSN 485-1700 | Civ. 06783-6-1700
Army Outdoor Recreation
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8167
Mon-Tue & Thu-Sun, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Wed
DSN 485-7182 | Civ. 06783-6-7182
Arts and Crafts Center
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8104
Tue-Wed & Fri, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Thu, 11 a.m.-8 p.m.
Sat, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Closed Sun-Mon
DSN 485-6687 | Civ. 06783-6-6687
Automotive Skills Center
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8438
DSN 485-6344 | Civ. 06783-6344
Craft Shop
Tue-Fri, 1-9 p.m.
Sat-Sun, 10 a.m-5 p.m.
Training Holidays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sun & Federal Holidays
Auto Parts Yard
Tue-Fri, 12-8 p.m.
Sat & Training Holidays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sun & Federal Holidays
Better Opportunities for
Single Soldiers (BOSS)
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8106, Rm. 2A
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun & Federal/Training Holidays
DSN 485-6228 | Civ. 06783-6-6228
Child,Youth & School Services
Parent Central Services
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876
Mon-Wed & Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Thu, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., 2-5 p.m. by appointment
Closed Sat-Sun & Federal Holidays
DSN 485-7003 | Civ. 06783-6-7003
Child Development Center (CDC)
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8862
Mon-Fri, 6 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun & Federal Holidays
DSN 485-7133 | Civ. 06783-6-7133
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8099
Currently closed for renovations.
Family Child Care (FCC)
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876, Rm. 17
Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun
DSN 485-6588 | Civ. 06783-6-6588
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876, Rm. 21
Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun
DSN 485-6969 | Civ. 06783-6-6969
Teen Center
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8875
School days:
Mon-Thu, 3-7 p.m.
Fri, 3-8 p.m.
Half-day or No School Days:
Mon-Thu, 12-7 p.m.
Fri, 12-8 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun & Federal Holidays
DSN 485-6810 | Civ. 06783-6-6810
Youth Sports & Fitness
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876, Rm. 18
Tue-Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Sat-Mon
DSN 485-7210 | Civ. 06783-6-7210
School Age Center (SAC)
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8879
Mon-Fri, 6 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun
DSN 485-7475 | Civ. 06783-6-7475
School Liaison Officer
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8876, Rm. 25
Mon-Fri, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun
DSN 485-6968 | Civ. 06783-6-6968
Civilian Personnel Office
DSN 485-6566 | Civ. 06783-6-6566
Family and MWR One-Stop Shop
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8661
Tue-Sat, 12-5 p.m.
Closed Sun-Mon & Federal Holidays
DSN 485-8215 | Civ. 06783-6-8215
Financial Management Services
DSN 485-8562 | Civ. 06783-6-8562
Hilltop Theater
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8218
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
DSN 485-7244 | Civ. 06783-6-7244
Java Café
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8661
Mon-Fri, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sat, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Closed Sun & Federal Holidays
DSN 485-6533/6439 | Civ. 06783-6-6533/6439
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8332
Mon-Thu, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Fri-Sat, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Closed Sun & Federal Holidays
DSN 485-8851/1740 | Civ. 06783-6-8851/1740
Rod & Gun Pro Shop
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8167
Pro Shop
Mon-Tue & Thu-Sun, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Wed
Trap and Skeet Range
Mon-Tue & Thu-Sun, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Closed Wed
DSN 485-7182 | Civ. 06783-6-7182
Rolling Hills Spa & Wellness Center
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8895
For appointments, call the One-Stop Shop
or Mountaineer Fitness Center.
Sports & Fitness
Strikers Bowling Center
Hall of Champions Fitness Center
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8105
Mon-Fri, 5 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sat-Sun & Federal/Training Holidays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
DSN 485-6671 | Civ. 06783-6-6671
Value Added Tax Office (VAT)
Indoor Swimming Pool
Wetzel Kaserne, Bldg. 8897
Tue & Thu, 6:30-8:30 a.m. and 2:30-7 p.m.
Wed, 6:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Fri, 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun & Federal Holidays
DSN 485-7093 | Civ. 06783-6-7093
Mountaineer Fitness Center
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8220
Mon-Fri, 5 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sat, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Federal/Training Holidays, 12-8 p.m.
Closed Sun
DSN 485-7418 | Civ. 06783-6-7418
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8105
Wed-Thu, 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m.
Fri-Sat, 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m.
Sun & Federal Holidays, 1-6 p.m.
Closed Mon-Tue
DSN 485-6569 | Civ. 06783-6-6569
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8661
Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m.
Closed 12-1 p.m.
Closed Sat-Sun
DSN 485-1780 | Civ. 06783-6-1780
Warrior Zone
Smith Barracks, Bldg. 8106
Sun-Thu, 3:30-10:30 p.m.
Fri-Sat, 4:30 p.m.-12 a.m.
DSN 485-7339 | Civ. 06783-6-7339
For more information about a facility or program,
go online to Revised 5/1/2014
Dear Reader, this directory of industrial and retail companies, shops, leisure facilities,
­restaurants and other organizations is p­ rovided as a valuable aid to help you find the s­ ervices
you need. This brochure is available free of charge at all the listed l­ocations.
For more information visit
Acupuncture................................................................................................................................................ 14
Autoglas....................................................................................................................................................... 32
Beverage Center........................................................................................................................................ 32
Building Materials....................................................................................................................................... 32
Car Insurance.............................................................................................................................................. 43
Car Paint Shop............................................................................................................................................ 41
Car Purchase............................................................................................................................................... 32
Car Rental.................................................................................................................................................... 23
Castle Hill Caves Homburg..................................................................................................................... 20
Cosmetics.................................................................................................................................................... 17
Crane Service............................................................................................................................................. 32
Gel Nails...................................................................................................................................................... 17
General Medicine....................................................................................................................................... 14
Internet Service.............................................................................................................Coverpage 2, 8, 21
Kitchen Accessories....................................................................................................Coverpage 3 and 4
Manicure....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Paediatricians.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Pedicure........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Pots.................................................................................................................................Coverpage 3 and 4
Restaurants....................................................................................................................................... 7, 17, 25
Roadside Assistance................................................................................................................................... 23
Sanitary Facilities.......................................................................................................................................... 1
Satellite Television...................................................................................................................................... 21
Science Center........................................................................................................................................... 18
Telecommunications........................................................................................................... Coverpage 2, 8
Telepost Cable Service...................................................................................................... Coverpage 2, 8
Tourist Information Baumholder............................................................................................................ 20
Tourist Information Dahner Felsenland................................................................................................ 20
Traditional Chinese Medicine.................................................................................................................. 14
Warehouse.................................................................................................................................................. 32
Bahnhofstraße 56 a, 66629 Freisen
Telefon 0 68 55/1 84 03 20, Telefax 0 68 55/1 84 03 21, Mobil 01 70/2 01 86 62
Kfz-Meisterbetrieb-NW-GW aller Fabrikate
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Dr. Otto W. Drosihn
Phone: 08233 384-0
Fax: 08233 384-247
In collaboration with:
USAG Baden-Württemberg/Baumholder/Kaiserslautern
Family and MWR Marketing Chief
Im Haderwald - US Pulaski Barracks
67661 Kaiserslautern
55774167/3rd Issue/2014
Editorial Staff:
Responsible for the official part: Mrs. Marketing Chief Lisa Hartmann
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Wicher Druck
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Click on it and
experience your
in a mobile way
Fissler – company with tradition
Founded in 1845 by Carl Philipp Fissler in Idar-Oberstein,
in the Rhineland-Palatinate, the company can look back
on a success story lasting over 165 years.Today the brand
stands for cooking with pleasure and passion and is one of
the world’s leading brands for high-quality cookware. Fissler is the authority in German and international kitchens
- everyone thinks of before buying pots, pans, pressure
cookers, roasters, woks, cast iron, knives and kitchen accessories. Its products „Made in Germany“ are market in
over 70 countries around the world. Fissler is still family-
owned and employs around 780 people. Most of them are
working in the German factories in Idar-Oberstein and
Hoppstädten-Weiersbach. So the company is still a very
important employer in this region. As a special service
Fissler offers cook demonstrations and cook courses in
its visitor center in the city quater Idar. Hobby cooks can
enjoy cooking with high-quality cookware and also their
selfmade meals. In the nearby Fissler shop the wide range
of products is available and promises the right cookware
for all needs and any taste.
Fissler Shop - It pays to stop by!
Fissler has been manufacturing premium quality products – “Made in Germany” –
since 1845. Discover the whole Fissler world: pans, pots, roasters, pressure cookers,
woks, kitchen accessories and knives. With amazing prices and special offers.
Fissler. Perfect every time.
Fissler Werksverkauf • Hauptstraße 30 • 55743 Idar-Oberstein • Phone: 06781 / 403-120
Opening hours: Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sa.: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Fissler Factory Outlet • Harald-Fissler-Straße 10 • 55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach
Phone: 06781 / 403-563 • Opening hours: Mon. - Fri.: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sa.: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. /