BCNH newsletter 01-16 - TDS-Net


BCNH newsletter 01-16 - TDS-Net
January, 2016
John Gallager’s 1964 Winchester London Taxi
Next Meetings
January 4, 7:00 pm at Moe Joe’s Family Restaurant
2175 Candia Road, Manchester, NH 03104
January 21, 7:00 pm at the Common Man in Plymouth, NH
1964 London Taxi
This London taxi is a 1964 Winchester
MkII built by the Wincanton Taxi Mfg.
Co., Surrey, UK. The body is all fiberglass construction and has a totally unique
look. It is the first full four-door London cab with a full six passenger carrying capability. There were only about
200 MkI, MkII and MkIII units built.
production ceased. There are only three
Winchesters known to have ever been
registered in all of North America, including one in Hawaii. It is estimated that
only 6 to 12 are left in the world. Production numbers were low because in
their peak, Winchester only built one taxi
standardization and availability.
Winchesters are so rare that a gentleman identifying himself as President of
the North American London Taxi Owners Club told me that in his 15 years as
an enthusiast and 13 years of attending
These three models shared the same
body. The MkI had a three cylinder diesel engine that was so weak the orders
dried up after only 50 units. The MkII
was launched with the Ford 1.7L precross flow ohv I-4 gasoline engine and
transmissions used in English Ford Transit
the world’s largest London taxi meet in
the UK, this car is the first Winchester
per week, and they just grabbed whathe has ever seen in person. Note: This
ever parts were on hand at parts stockists
Winchester has won eight awards,
making repairs difficult when needed (as
including Chairman’s Award at The
we found out when refurbishing the
British Invasion (Favorite in Show
brakes… they’re from 1950’s Jaguar
voted by roaming Concours Judges
XK120’s) Cab companies quickly
awarded once every three years).
abandoned Winchesters for more traditional brands like Austin, Morris and
Beardmore, which ALL had better parts
light trucks. The Mk III had the same
body and engine but with a new frame
vs. the original “military” unit. The 1972
MkIV had another new frame AND
body with a stronger V4 Ford engine.
However, the Winchester was STILL
coach built car with crude door latches,
and changes to meet new European vehicle safety standards proved to be too
expensive for the company to make and
continued page 11
Robert Mitchell
Visit us at
Name_______________________________ Spouse______________________
Wade dos Santos
John Giese
City____________________ State____ Zip________ Phone_______________
E-mail address____________________________________________________
Year, Make, Model of Your Auto(s)___________________________________
Name of Referring Member_________________________________________
___ Paper Newsletter* or ___ electronic copy of the Newsletter
Please send application and $30 annual dues (payable to BCNH) to:
Lou Belanger, 11 Forest Lane, Litchfield, NH 03052
*Dues for those who want a paper newsletter are $35.
If possible, please submit a photo and article of your car to be included in
The Boot, Hood & Bonnet - BCNH’s monthly newsletter.
Any photos submitted will be returned.
British Cars of New Hampshire (BCNH) is an organization devoted to the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of all British automobiles.
BCNH provides to its members and their families British auto-oriented activities
and social events throughout the year. Benefits of the club participation include
monthly meetings, rallies, tech sessions, club socials, car shows and other events.
The club publishes a monthly newsletter, The Boot, Hood & Bonnet. News of
upcoming events, club activities, car show results, technical tips and articles submitted by members are included in the newsletter. Members also receive a discount on a subscription to the British Marque, a monthly car club newspaper.
A club logo window decal is provided. Additional decals may be purchased.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at Moe Joes restaurant and
the third Thursday of the month at the common man in Plymouth unless otherwise
announced. All members are encouraged to attend and bring guests.
BCNH invites you to become a member of our active and growing club by submitting the application above.
Chuck & Diane Connors
John Giese
Owen & Virginia Christiansen
Joan Young
Norma Karle
Kate Stanley Robinson
Louis Belanger
Terry Haines
Bob Dougherty
Sue MacDuff
Bob Stanley
Mike Sweet
Contact information on page 4
Prime Minister’s
As I write this piece we are sneaking
right up on the end of 2015 and thus the
turning of the New Year to 2016. This
is typically a time of reflection on things
accomplished – and on things yet to be
2015 was certainly a great year for the
BCNH club.
With the Show of Dreams (SOD) for
the second year back “down south” in
Hudson we had the largest field ever (for
us) with well over the 150 cars we had
the first year in Hudson – and this on a
day that started out “threatening rain”
which scared some people away. Bill
MacDuff only got as far a few miles from
Peterborough in his “open” MGA when
it started actively raining in Temple. He
turned around and took that car back
home (Sue MacDuff continued to the
Show with her “closed” MGB-GT).
Perhaps more important than the SOD
“going South” is that the Club “went
North.” This was our first full year with
the Lakes Region and North Council
meeting monthly at the Common Man Inn
in Plymouth. Thanks to the willingness
of Karl and Kellie Braconier to serve as
Council Minister and Council Secretary,
our Members that live in the northern half
of the State no longer have to plan on
two or more extra hours of “drive time”
every time they want to join in on the
BCNH fun.
but even at the Show of Dreams, you
could count the trailers on one hand.
We drive our cars. That and, as observed before in this column, we are a
Driver’s Club AND a Social Club AND
a Diner’s Club AND a Drinking Club.
We had 65 members at our last Regular
Meeting at Moe-Joe’s in Manchester. I
think the word has finally gotten out that
the Monthly Meetings aren’t really “business meetings” – they are really just one
more opportunity to drive our cars and
to socialize – and to eat and drink. I
It is fun to go to those meetings and sense don’t want to “cast stones” at other
the difference in “feel” from the larger clubs, but I think we have the most fun.
Manchester meetings. Although the
So that brings me to my two New Year’s
group is small, it is already bigger than
BCNH was when it was started by Mike
Sweet and about six other couples 25 1) Next year we will try to expand the
years ago back in 1991. In fact, now that opportunity for all of our members to get
Mike & Francis live in Laconia, Mike is in on the fun by setting up additional reone of the Members that attend those gional sub-groups around the State. The
meetings so he gets to be an active par- next one will probably be in the Seaticipant as the Club goes through this new coast Region; but perhaps in the Monadnock Region or in the Central Valley.
phase in its growth.
Maybe these sub-groups would encourWith 233 Members now in the Club we
age owners that never have joined
are able to schedule even more and difBCNH to join.
ferent events/outing than we have in the
past. And with Terry & Penny Haines 2) My 2nd Resolution last year was to
bringing new energy and expertise to the strengthen the Technical Tips section of
Tech Session planning – and to the Tech the newsletter. With the help of Terry &
Tips section of the Newsletter, We can Penny Haines, we are now doing that.
provide even greater substance to the Check that one off.
fact that we are a Driver’s Club.
Thanks to the many and various efforts
of our Members, we still raided enough
money to split our annual Charitable
Contribution between TWO very worthy causes – presenting $5,000 to the
High Hopes Foundation and an equal
amount to the New Hampshire Food
Bank as a vehicle (pun intended) to distribute some of our bounty to those less
continued page 6
Not that this club excludes trailered cars,
Contact information
Louis Belanger
Karl Braconier
Chuck Connors
Wade dos Santos
Bob Dougherty
John Giese
Terry Haines
Norma Karle
Sue MacDuff
Robert Mitchell
Bob Stanley
Mike Sweet
Joan Young
11 Forest Lane, Litchfield, NH 03052
295 N. Mayhew Tpk. Hebron, NH 03241
8 Mont Vernon Drive, Londonderry, NH 03053
PO Box 840, Manchester, NH 03105
28 Ledgewood Drive, Strafford, NH 03884
153 Crooked S Road, Lyndeborough, NH 03082
265 Clark Hill Road, New Boston, NH 03070
51 Durgin Road, Chichester, NH 03258
510 Sand Hill Road, Peterborough, NH 03458
PO Box 270, Stratham, NH 03885
64 North Shore Drive, Center Barnstead, NH 03225
3 Cross Street, Laconia, NH 03246
204 Concord Hill Road, Pittsfield, NH 02363
(603) 424-7835
(603) 744-8444
(603) 401-0101
(603) 361-2653
(603) 948-2078
(603) 654-2565
(603) 487-1153
(603) 437-8931
(603) 924-1066
(603) 772-1116
(603) 776-6698
(603) 527-8563
(603) 435-8660
a. But — If you’ve had an “interesting”
breakdown – or have found an “interesting fix” for a less than interesting
breakdown – please write it up and share
it with other club members that may benefit from your experience. The old saw
about not re-inventing the wheel seems
appropriate here.
deal. He reminisced about a Morgan
he purchased only to find that its condition was substantially less than it first
Patrick’s Day theme… be determined.
Several events have been looked at for
next year’s event calendar;
Rob Medejaski, who accompanied his
Mom Joanne talked a little about his 45
years of working on British cars only and
he still has a sense of humor.
Drive to the Ice House Museum in New
London with a lunch stop.
Larry Rowe has joined the club as our
newest member, Larry hails from the
New London area.
Drive to Mount Washington Inn area –
combine the ride with a rally to make it
more sporting.
Neil Flaherty took a moment to share
details of the Rotary club’s partnering
with Patrick’s Pub in Gilford for “The
24-hour barstool challenge, which features 30 teams and 720 participants
The better they run, the more we can
switching players every hour, comes
drive them.
around for the seventh time on Dec. 11
and 12. The event raises money for the
So Saith Prime Minster Bob
Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction (branded as the NH1 Children’s
Auction), which distributes funds to local organizations that help children in
need.” BCNH members reached into
Treasurer’s Report
their wallets to help support a great local cause.
November 15 to December 15
Marty and Elliot Grover shared news of
Club account
their wins at the British Invasion in
Start Balance
Stowe. Elliot also mentioned he has a
very nice enclosed trailer for sale, comes
Alpine Web Design
with wench, pardon me, meant winch.
Norma and Rod rounded out the group
Business Card
with information about the upcoming
End Balance
BCNH Birthday party which will be in
February. Many venues were discussed
Show of Dreams account
that would offer a central location as well
Start Balance
as being able to accommodate approxiPorta-potty raffle
mately 100 to 150 very hungry and boisEnd Balance
terous BCNH members. More details
to follow.
North Council
Bob suggested the Sugar Hill Lupine ride
in June.
b. If you have developed a specific expertise with ignitions or carburetors or
brakes or steering or bodywork (there’s
a guy in the T-Party club that is “the MG
Clock Man”) I would like to see us expand our “Vendors and Services List”
with people that Club members can call
when they need advice or help.
November 19, 2015 meeting of the
Northern Council, BCNH minutes
The old hammer came down at 7:02pm
and Minister Karl started off with a short
story of how not every deal is a good
In light of the upcoming Holidays, to
which we wish you all the best of food,
friends and family to share with the
Northern Council, it was decided NOT
to meet in December or February due
to the clubs annual birthday bash. It was
decided that the Northern Council
March meeting would include a Saint
Covered Bridge tour.
A ride through the Kancamagus highway
with a stop at Hobbs Tavern in West
We ended the meeting with a reminder
that voting for members will take place
on December 7th at Moe Joe’s Restaurant. ALL members are encouraged to
attend and vote!
The meeting came to an abrupt halt
somewhere around 7:50 but the laughter and drinking continued with some
folks heading to the bar to listen to some
acoustic guitar etc., etc.
Respectfully submitted,
Kellie & Karl Braconier
The December BCNH Meeting was
called to order by Prime Minister Bob
Mitchell at 7:02 pm. We had 66 members in attendance!!! I would like to hit
70 one of these days.
I think everyone showed up because they
were afraid if they didn’t that we would
vote them into office.
New member Paul Cantin from
Chelmsford attended his first meeting.
He has a 1969 MGC GT.
continued page 6
The minutes and treasurers reports were $25 each if we order 100 or more.
accepted as published in the newsletter. We also talked about getting a microphone and speakers for our meetings.
Thank you to all of the members who
We just need a small karaoke type of
arrived and deposited toys for the Mabox. There are not many events coming
rine Corp Toys for Tots campaign. We
up. There is the Coffee and Cars
had a big pile of toys!
monthly meeting at Historic
So it was election night. No one stepped Motorsports. The last one had about 65
forward to take on any of the positions. people.
It would really help those of us who are
In February we will have our club birthin the “monarchy” if someone volunday party. That should be solidified
teered to help out running meetings etc.
within the next couple of weeks
Please let Bob or I know.
Prime Minister – Bob Mitchell
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah
Treasurer – John Giese
and Best Wishes for the New Year
Secretary - Norma Karle
Newsletter editor – Chuck and Diane
Connors – Chuck is a volunteer from last
year and the newletter has transitioned
to him.
Regalia – Joan Young
Web Master – Kate Stanley
January Events
Membership – Lou Belanger (I think Lou
has been in this position for about 20 Our BCNH events for January are our
monthly meetings on Monday January
Tech Session Coordinator – Terry 4th at Moe Joe’s in Manchester and the
Northern Council meeting on Thursday
Haines with help from wife Penny
the 21st at The Common Man in PlyAdvertising – no one
Public Relations – no one
Interclub Coordinator – Dave LeBlanc One of our upcoming SOD meetings will
Calendar – Sue MacDuff with helper be combined with a planning session for
Denice Anderson
next year’s events. Saturday Drives are
Car Show directors – Bob & Diana typically Breakfast Drives where memStanley
bers meet for breakfast at a certain spot
In February we celebrate 25 years as a
club. That is quite a milestone starting
with about 4 couples to a current number of 233 members.
and then do the drive. Not to overwhelm
restaurants, often several are suggested.
Also, breakfast is not mandatory; some
members just meet up for the drive. Sundays are usually Dinner Drives which start
later and end at a restaurant. Some members just do the drive. This is not etched
in stone. If you plan a drive, you may do
whatever you like, breakfast on a Sunday, ice cream on a Saturday, picnic or
day at the beach. BCNH members will
enjoy whatever is planned!
We discussed car badges. Long time
members (notice I did not say old) will
remember the cloisonné badge with the
old logo on them. We discussed reordering them in either the old logo which
would be round or using the new logo
which would end up with a rectangular
badge. The members at the meeting Several members came forth with sugoverwhelmingly voted to order the old gestions at our last meeting. A few of them
style badges. These will cost us about were meeting the Northern Council
group at the Wright Museum in
Wolfeboro and a drive ending with Tea
and Scones. We need more ideas. Just
because you suggest it, you do not have
to plan it. Since BCNH is a social group,
it’s a good idea to plan a drive with stops
like covered bridges and other points of
interest. Wineries and breweries are
good as they are interesting and have
rest rooms. Drinking and driving are not
recommended but most of us have copilots who can enjoy that aspect of the
In the works is a drive to the British
Motoring Festival in Nova Scotia in July
2016. We have been to this show and
it’s a well-attended event at a beautiful
setting. Our Nova Scotia friends are a
very welcoming group. The drive may
include Arcadia and possibly a tour of
Cape Breton. Anyone interested should
Norm Michaels
The meeting was hosted by Dana Casko
& Denice Anderson at their home in
Londonderry, NH. Twenty two committee members attended including David
Townsend creator of Sports Car Art
from Rutland, VT. David Townsend
presented the club with a gift. A print of
an AH100 signed by Gerry Coker. This
print will be framed and displayed at
Historic Motorsports. (Thank you
23, 2016
Hudson School Board has approved the
BCNH application to use the Alvirne
Hills House Field. As soon as the approval has been received, the applications will be sent to the Town of Hudson
for the “Outdoor Gathering Permit” & “
Raffle Permit”.
Dana Casko, Dave LeBlanc and Bob
Mitchell are in contact with the Morgan
Club in New England. They will be contacting the Morgan Dealership located
in NY and Wayne Carrini (Chasing Classic Cars) to see if they would be interested in supporting the show with cars
on the field.
Norma Karle will be making changes to
the 2016 Registration Form in order to
consolidate the MG, Triumph & British
Classics classes and adding a line to
purchase tee shirts when you register for
the show.
David Townsend asked if we had a class
for Engine Swap Cars. He suggested
we contact to see if they
would be interested in attending the
Dave LeBlanc suggested a registration
gift be given to each Featured Marque
car owner. The club has done this for
the past few years as a “thank you”.
The committee is searching for a vendor
to print the tee shirts for the club. At this
point the committee will be contacting
two or three companies to request
4. Offer “tear down” assistance to the
vendors. The vendors may not accept
the offer but the fact the help was offered would be nice.
Ask High Hopes to bring their cold air
balloon to the show again as they have
in the past.
David Townsend will be creating the artwork for the tee shirts and advertising
as a donation to the Show of Dreams.
(Thank you David!!!).
Application for “Outdoor Gathering
Application for “Raffle Permit”
Pay the Fee to the Hudson Historical
2 ea. “CAR SHOW”(Banner Style
Reserve Restroom Trailer & Handi4 ea.”FOOD & GIFT VENDORS/
capped port-a-potty
RESTROOMS” (on metal frames)
Schedule Traffic Control Officer
Order Trophies
10AM TO 3PM” (on metal frames)
Find someone to make the wine glass
We also have the banners for registraholders
tion, Regalia, Raffle and Drop the Money
Artwork for Tee Shirts & Posters
in the Mini and the flags for each marque.
Order signage
Paul Karle has a couple of sandwich Locate a Tee Shirt Provider
boards which he will paint ready for ad- Sponsors
Norma Karle will research feather flags.
More research will be done on
Need to order trophies according to the Gofundme & Crowdrise to see if that
number of classes: As soon as the reg- would work to increase the donations
istration form is completed, we will be to the show.
able to order the Bread & Cheese
boards needed. The 2016 Show of
Dreams will be the 20th presentation of David Townsend (as a club member and
the show. To commemorate the 20th show vendor) suggested the following:
Show of Dreams, it was decided to add
1. Display one or more Featured
the date to the trophies.
Marque cars in the vendor area. This
would draw the crowds towards the
vendor area.
1ea. Best of Show Wine Carrier
2 ea. Best of Featured Marque Wine 2. Send out a roving reporter with a microphone to interview each vendor. This
will let the show participants and spec5 ea. 2nd Place Bread Boards
tators know what each vendor sells.
8 ea. 3 Place cheese Boards
22 ea. 1st Place Wine Glass Holders 3. Take a photo of the field of cars from
(all have the 1st place plaque applied)
the field across the street. The view of
72 ea. Wine Glasses
the cars from that angle is impressive.
The committee also discussed a venue
for the BCNH Birthday Party in February.
The following suggestions were made:
Puritan Backroom Manchester, SNHU
Manchester, Steele Hill Resort
Sanbornton, Christa McAuliffe-Shepherd Discovery Center Concord,
Bektash Shriners Hall Concord and the
Grapone Center Concord.
Pam Boyer and Bill Greenan are acquiring information on the Bektash Shriners
The goal is to find a venue with space
for 125 to 150 people and centrally located for all club members.
The date for the next SOD meeting was
not decided.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob & Diana Stanley
Factory Five Racing Cobra Daytona
coupe with 600 miles since completion.
347 stroker motor producing
approximately 440 hp
Five speed transmission, airconditioning,
Halibrand wheels, independent rear
Very well sorted and ready to drive.
Titled as a 1965 Ford Cobra.
Asking $55,000 Call Historic Motor
Sports at 603-587-0577
1980 MGB, $850 or B.O.
1994 Jaguar XJS Coupe’
RHD shown, Car is LHD
4L 6 cyl, injected late XJ6 engine.
Approx. 30 mpg highway !!!
Car won 96+ points at a Judged Jaguar
event this past Summer based on
its 100% originality.
Texas, rust free car.
Asking $8,500 Or Near Offer (ONO)
BCNH Member
John Gallagher
Greg Mercado,
1974 1/2 MGBGT. Daily driver, solid
car and runs good. $5,500.
Call Dave Stewart at 603-622 2145.
1967 Austin Healey 3000 BJ8
$59,900 or B.O.
Call Steve @ 603-867-6464 or email @
Located in Manchester NH.
To order your BCNH name badge
contact John Giese at:
(603) 654-2565 or
Continued on page
BCNH 2016
Calendar of Events
4th Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
Manchester, NH
January 16th Cars and Coffee followed
by the SOD meeting at Historic Motor
Sports, Candia, NH
21st Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth, NH
February 13th BCNH birthday Party,
Grappone Center, 70 Constitution
Avenue, Concord, NH 03301
7th Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
Manchester, NH
March 12th Cars and Coffee at Historic
Motor Sports, Candia, NH
17th Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth, NH
4th Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
Manchester, NH
April 16th Cars and Coffee at Historic
Motor Sports, Candia, NH
21st Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth, NH
2nd Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
Manchester, NH
14th Annual BCNH Tech Session TBD
19th Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth, NH
5th British By The Sea, Waterford, CT
6th Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
Manchester, NH
11th BCNH Drive TBD
16th Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth, NH
19th BCNH Drive TBD
Brit Bits at
McLean Enterprises Inc.
MG • Austin Healey • Triumph •Sunbeam • Jaguar • Morris Minor
Sales & Service • Parts, New & Used • Gifts • Clothing • Accessories
Sales & Service
603 436-1989
800 995-2487
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Over 30 Fine British Sports Cars in stock
14 Sagamore Road (Rte.1A) Rye. Nh
Check out our Web Site at
9th BCNH Drive TBD
11th Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
Manchester, NH
16th British Motoring Festival, Nova
17th BCNH Drive TBD
21th Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth, NH
23rd BCNH Show of Dreams
1st Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
13th BCNH Drive TBD
18th Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth
21st BCNH Drive TBD
10th BCNH Drive TBD
12th Monthly Meeting at Moe Joe’s,
Manchester, NH
15th Monthly Meeting at The Common
Man, Plymouth, NH
16th-18th British Invasion, Stowe, VT
Coffee & Cars
(What do we do when the cars are put
away for the winter?)
On December 12th my company Historic Motor Sports opened its doors
from 8:00am ‘til about 10:30 to any and
all car enthusiasts who wanted to come
in just for the chance to get together and
talk. Sure, we talked a lot about cars –
but not just about cars.
continued from page 2
Purchased in 2008; restoration took
Date: Saturday Feb 13
three years:
Time: 1-4
As found…
Where: Grappone Center, 70 Constitution Avenue, Concord, NH 03301
Menu choices & Cost will be available
Music by DJ Jim George
Door Prizes!!!
RSVP & more info:
There was no Agenda – and no Program – this was just a chance to get together with old friends – and maybe to
meet some new ones.
We had close to 100 people there and I
am almost glad to say that I didn’t recognize almost half of them. I talked to
as many as I could – and I watched
other “conversation groups” form and
reform both in and out of the building.
It was exactly what I hoped it would be.
We plan to do this once a month all winter long to give us all a chance to maintain contact with the old and new friends
that we have made over the years. We
will try to schedule the Coffee & Cars
about in the middle of the month so that
we space them between the Regular
Meetings. Check the BCNH Events
Calendar on for dates
You will, of course, not be expected to
be driving you LBCs. This is Subaru
Season, and we will expect to see a lot
of Subarus in the parking lot.
BCNH birthday party
Norma Karle 603-490-6115
After strip and disassembly…
With the exception of the Ford driveline
and 1950’s Jaguar style brakes, there is
Zero parts availability which made some
tasks difficult.
But preserving a rare piece of history
was always a motivator.
If you didn’t make it this month, I hope
you will have a chance to join us in the
future. See the pictures on facebook
Dear BCNH members,
You may remember I sent you a request for toys in early December. Your
response was incredible; more than we
expected. A HUGE pile of toys materialized at Moe Joe’s. More than the toys,
there was a nice jar of money for us to
fill in the gaps. On behalf of the Marines
who distribute toys to those who, without you, would have almost nothing under the tree, I want to thank you most
sincerely for yours generous spirit.
Santa and the Elves
Larry Rowe
1969 Jaguar XKE Coupe
New London, NH
British Cars of New Hampshire
51 Durgin Road
Chichester, NH 03258
Mini Mopar