November 2008 - B`nai Abraham Museum and Cultural Center


November 2008 - B`nai Abraham Museum and Cultural Center
B’nai Abraham, built in 1909, is the last remaining synagogue on the Minnesota Iron Range and is listed
on the National Register of Historic Places. It had not functioned as a working synagogue since the late
1990s and had undergone significant deterioration. In 2005, the Friends of B’nai Abraham (FBA) was
organized as a non-profit 501(c)3 with the mission of restoring and preserving the building so that it can
function as a community cultural center for all the people of Virginia and the surrounding communities as
well as a small museum space to tell the story of the Jewish presence and contributions on the Iron
Range. Together with our partner, The Virginia Area Historical Society (VAHS), we look forward to
seeing the building used for many cultural and educational programs for the community.
Making great progress, but we need your help!!!!
We have been very fortunate to be awarded a terrific
$48,500 grant by the Minnesota Historical Society
thanks to untiring work by members of our board.
we will lose all the unmatched money.
The money will be used to restore our gorgeous
windows, truly the Jewels of B’nai Abraham, which
are 100 years old and like everything else, suffering
from age. According to an evaluation done by an
expert in stained glass, many of the windows are in
imminent danger of completely collapsing. The
grant will also fund repair of deteriorating external
brick and restoration of the front entrance.
Every dollar you give is worth two – but please act
quickly before the match expires next February.
Urgent - we need to stop and repair
window bowing, cracks, air leaks, color
damage, glass loss and prevent complete
collapse of these lovely treasures.
Board of Directors of the Friends of Bʼnai Abraham
Marjorie Ostrov, President
Ann Shanedling Phillips, Vice President of Administration
Charles Ostrov, MD,Treasurer
Dianne Siegel, Recording Secretary
Larry Chiat, Legal Counsel
Michael Blehert, Engineering Consultant
Friends of B’nai Abraham
Alan Milavetz, Legal Counsel
Marilyn Chiat, PhD, Architectural
Leighton Siegel, MD,
Judy Karon
volume 2 No. 2 – November. 2008
Elayne Deutsch Chiat
Audra Keller
James Rubenstein
Katherine Tane, Executive Director
of the Jewish Historical Society of
the Upper Midwest
Mike Blehert, Project Manager
During the winter and spring of 2008, as reported in the last newsletter, a number of major projects were initiated. These
included gutting the entire lower level social hall, installing new wiring, plumbing and heating systems and completing an
addition to the building containing a handicapped lift with ground level access to both floors. This tremendous progress
enabled us to open the building to visitors this past summer.
Tasks now being completed before winter include:
1. Installation of drain tile along the west wall to connect with that already installed along the south and east walls.
Drain tile on the north wall will be completed when the entrance is updated. This should correct past wet basement
problems typical after spring storms.
2. As reported in the last newsletter, five of the stained glass windows did not have Plexiglas shields, so storm windows
were purchased for them. Installation will be completed this fall.
3. The furnace is functional, and thermostats and vent grills have been installed so that temperature can be controlled at
just above freezing at minimal cost.
4. The sanctuary ceiling fan control switches will be installed so rising warm air can be directed down into the sanctuary.
5. A roof ridge vent will be installed to properly vent the space above the sanctuary ceiling.
In spite of the dire economic times, we’re optimistic that funds, with your help, will be available this winter and spring to
continue finishing the lower level social hall and restore several of the stained glass windows with severely deteriorated
lead caning. Thank you for all of your support to help complete the restoration.
The Virginia Community Foundation organized a
terrific, activity-filled, All Class/All Community
Reunion during the first week of July. Virginia was
filled with dozens of classes, neighborhood picnics
and friends meeting and re-meeting.
B’nai Abraham was one of the stars of the open
houses. More than 350 people from all over the
country, as well as locals, visited the building and
were astonished and impressed with the beauty of the
sanctuary/assembly hall. The display cabinets were
filled with artifacts and religious objects, and
attractive and informative posters told the story of
B’nai Abraham, then and now.
Sandy Kaufman Harris giving a tour.
Margie Ostrov, Charlie Ostrov, Sandy Harris, Elayne Deutsch Chiat and Ann Shanedling Phillips served as guides,
greeted the enthusiastic visitors and provided tours and information.
Jewish Famili es on the Ir on Rang e: a request for information
As we continue to create educational pieces for our museum, we have been asked to identify Iron Range Jewish
residents’ names, photographs and information about them and their families, their homes, life cycle events and
businesses starting before1900 through the early 1940s. We would love names, addresses, pictures and stories
for this project. Contact Charlie Ostrov, or Leighton Siegel
Friends of B’nai Abraham
volume 2 No. 2 – November. 2008
From the B’nai Abraham museum and memorabilia collection
All of the artifacts on display are labeled and explained.
A corner of our beautiful new museum
The inside cover of an old B’nai
Abraham prayer book.
Torah covers, and tallit (prayer shawl) on display
OPEN HOUSE – June, 2008
The restored B’nai Abraham sanctuary looked
wonderful for our open house on June 17, 2008.
Invited guests included representatives of the many
organizations and agencies that have provided grants
for the restoration, friends and neighbors, members of
the press and many Friends’ board members and
representatives of our partner agency, the Virginia Area
Historical Society.
A string ensemble from the
Virginia Junior High School, led by Sheila Wilcox,
provided lovely background music. There was a great
deal of interest in our displays, educational materials,
and names of former members of B’nai Abraham on
the memorial plaques.
Sanctuary during the open house
Janet Greenberg Vukson
donated the Ketubah
pictured here and which
is on display in the
synagogue. The Ketubah
is from the marriage of
her aunt and uncle, H. A.
Harominus who were
married in 1917 in
Superior, WI. but lived in
Eveleth all of their
married lives.
welcome the contribution
of other historic materials
or pictures that would be
relevant to life on the
Iron Range and/or B’nai
Friends of B’nai Abraham
We are most appreciative of Chuck Selcer of
Schechter, Dokken and Kanter, accounting
firm, for his professional services in
completing the necessary required Federal
and Minnesota forms to maintain our status
as a 501©3 nonprofit organization.
B’nai Abraham will be 100 years old in
2009, and we are planning a birthday party
and rededication for late next summer. We
need volunteers to suggest program ideas,
activities, speakers, food and hands-on help.
Will you please join others and volunteer for
this once in a century event? We can’t do it
without your help.
Please contact Ann Phillips at 612-377-5075
or by E-mail .
And say “YES, COUNT ON ME!”
volume 2 No. 2 – November. 2008
The memorial tablets have been reinstalled in the synagogue and
there are a modest number of empty places.
We have been asked if new plaques can be added to memorialize
past members of B’nai Abraham. The answer is yes, while space
lasts. We will not be able to illuminate any for a yahrzeit, but
they will be there as a remembrance of loved ones who have
passed away and for whom B’nai Abraham was an important part
of their lives. The cost of adding a plaque is being researched.
If you are interested, please contact Jim Rubenstein. He will need
both the person’s name and date of death. Phone: 612-926-4383
Teacher’s Workshop At B’nai Abraham
Marilyn Chiat, Ph.D. presenter
On June 25 and again on July 30th, about forty teachers from all
over the nation gathered at B’nai Abraham Synagogue to
participate in the “Building America: Minnesota’s Iron Range,
U.S. Industrialization, and the Creation of a World Power”
workshop. The Minnesota Humanities Center sponsored the
program with a grant from the National Endowment for the
Humanities. Marilyn Chiat, a board member, was invited to
present a lecture “Jewish Life on the Iron Range and a History of
B’nai Abraham Synagogue.” Most were absolutely amazed that
the Iron Range had such a vibrant Jewish community that was so
well integrated into the larger community and had made so many
important contributions to life on the Range. They were
impressed by the synagogue and effort being made to restore and
reuse it and took time to look at the displays and posters.
We are still short of our goal.
One of several
memorial plaques
We are most appreciative of
Superintendent Phil Johnson
and the Virginia Public
Schools for their generous
gift of a fine piano. The
music dept, headed by Sheila
Wilcox, plans to use B’nai
Abraham as a practice and
recital venue.
Harry Lamppa and Marilyn Chiat
at the Teachers Workshop
All donations are fully tax deductible.
Please send your donation to:
Friends of B’nai Abraham
c/o Charles Ostrov, treasurer
1788 Maryland Ave. North
Golden Valley, MN 55427
City, State, Zip:
To contribute stock contact: Recom Securities at 612-339-5566:
Account #300-42525-10 and -or-
❑ Memory of: ❑ Honor of:
Send acknowledgement card to: Name:
City, State, Zip:
Friends of B’nai Abraham
volume 2 No. 2 – November. 2008
A special thanks to our supporters
Grants awarded to the Friends of B’nai Abraham
Matching grant from the State Historic Preservation Office of the Minnesota Historical Society - $5,000
Matching grant from the Iron Range Resources - $15,000
Minnesota Center on Energy and the Environment - $10,000
Virginia Community Foundation - $2,500
Matching grant - Minnesota Historical Society Grant in Aid - $10,000
Matching grant - Minnesota Historical Society - $48,500
Beverly Foundation - $50,000
Matching grant from Iron Range Resources - $75,000
Matching grant from St. Louis County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - $75,000
Individual Contributions: January - October 2008
Mildred Brehmer
Wayne and Bernadine Christiansen
Charles Cohen and Christine Schlinder
Jeanne and Burt Corwin
Tom Falkowski
Bob and Sylvia Fine
Beverly and Dick Fink
Jim and Renee Gainsley
Mimi and Sherry Gleekel
Trudy and Alan Goldberg
Judy and Herb Goldenberg
Peggie and Herb Greuling
Judy and Jon Harris
Lynn and Charles Hiti
Merton and Patricia Horne
Larry Karkela
Sidney Kaufman
Jon and Linda Ketokski
Laurie and Joel Kramer
Judith and Harold Kuller
Harry and Joan Lamppa
Gerald and Dina Leener
Linda and Gary Mason
Rosalyn Meyers
Joanne and Thomas Musich
Virginia Nelson
Fr. Michael J. O’Connell
Eric and Heidemarie Olson
Charles and Marjorie Ostrov
Eric and JoAnn Pasternack
Diane Phillips and Peter Magyar
Edward and Leslye Phillips Family
Felix and Ann Phillips
Michael Phillips and Julia Bucknall
Nancy Powell
Bill and Bea Siegel
Dianne and Leighton Siegel
Margot Siegel
A. Silberman
Mort and Artie Silverman
Howard and Nancy Strauss
Carolyn and Timothy Sundquist
Judi and Buddy Tennebaum
Wells Fargo Bank - Virginia
Special Contributions: January - October 2008
In memory of Harvey Chiat
Mike and Sue Blehart
Sandy and Allan Harris Shirley Haskovitz
Noyme and Arno Blum
Susan Myles Hoseman and Daniel Hoseman
Joan and Jay Binder
Rosann Kahner
Sherill and Irving Borkon
Judy Karon
Pam Brunfelt
Audra Keller
Jill and Bob Edelstein
Harry and Joan Lamppa
Barbar Eiger
Alan and Bonnie Milavetz
David G. Fine
Margie and Charlie Ostrov
Beverly and Dick Fink
Ann and Felix Phillips
Marian and Harold Greenberg
Mel and Jean Peterson
Mort and Sandy Greenberg
In honor of Marjorie's birthday and Charlie Ostrov’s good health
Marshall and Bebe Berkoff
Martin and Susan Kanter
Bobby and Elliot Cohen
Judy Karon
Roberta and Hal Delevie
Linda and Bill Lapp
Bonnie and Gary Goldish
Esther and Gerry Neuwirth
Francine and Brian Gunderson
David, Susie, Philip and Ethan Ostrov
In honor of special birthday of Felix Phillips and anniversary of Ann and Felix Phillips
Carolyn Abramson
Dr. Stanley and Luella Goldberg
Betty and Marvin Borman
Helene and Sheldon Kaplan
Helen Brooks
Audra Keller
Beverly and Dick Fink
Dr. Stan and Sue Leonard
Sandra and Paul Friedman
Susan Lieberman
In honor of Audra Keller’s special birthday
Paula and Don Bernstein
Marilyn Marker
Judith and Rodney Cooperman
Terry Nolan and Carl Markus
Karen and Morris Davidman
Ann and Felix Phillips
Margie and Donny Frishberg
Renee Ribnick
Sue-Ann and Gary Garvis
Phyllis and LloydRobinson
Diane and Neil Hoffman
Friends of B’nai Abraham
volume 2 No. 2 – November. 2008
Sharon and Donald Pine
Nancy Powell
Bettimae Richman
Bob Roscoe
Pearly Rudin
Richard and Sonya Salzer
Dianne and Leighton Siegel
Delores and Mel Sigel
Art and Jan Warner
Susan and Jerry Wasserman
Jeanne and Steve Prawer
Muffy and Larry Rudnick
Artis Silverman
Dianne and Leighton Siegel
Marilyn Marker
Diana Shanedling Phillips
Bud and Dory Rose
Libby and Richard Siegel
Marsha and Gary Tankenoff
Stephanie and Marv Segal
Liba and Tommy Stillman
Amy Susman-Stillman, Marty, Jacob, Ruby and
Zachary Stillman
Marty and Marilyn Weisberg
Other Special Contributions: January - October 2008
Carol Antonow: In memory of Arthur M. Antonow, M.D.
Allan Apter: In memory of the Gordon family
Michael and Judy Sagen Atherton and family: In memory of Betty Laskin
Trudy Bers: In loving memory of Pearl Sakol and Saragrace Haffron
Marc Blehert: In honor of father, Mike Blehert
Myron Bright: In memory of parents Morris and Lena Bright, siblings and spouses Joseph and Rochelle Bright, Mabel (Bright) and Harry
Mansfield, Leo and Billie Jean Bright
Bernard A. Cannon and Lorraine Cannon: In memory of Mary and Norman Cannon
Marilyn and Harvey Chiat: In honor of the birth of Dianne and Leighton Siegel's new grandson, Ezra James; honor of Noyme Blum's 80th
Birthday; honor of Etta Fay Orkin's 75th Birthday; wishing Dr. Mel Sigel a speedy recovery; honor of Harold and Micky Smith's 65th
Anniversary; In honor of Harold Smith's 90th birthday; In honor of Corrine Feinberg's 75th Birthday; In honor of Dr. Melvin Sigel's retirement
Marilyn Chiat: In honor of 50 anniversary of Sandy and Mort Greenberg;In memory of Arnold Soskin
Sheldon and Carol Damberg: In honor of Ann Shanedling Phillips and Rosalyn Sher Meyers
Nomi and Marty Dworkin: In honor of Ann Phillips’ birthday
Pearl Favin: In memory of parents Anne and Fred Siegel
Dinah Bright Golding and Chris Golding: In honor of Judge Myron H. Bright, 40 years as a Federal Judge
John Goodman: In memory of mother, Georgine Shanedling Goodman
Sidney Goodman: In memory of wife, Georgine Shanedling Goodman
Howard and Barbara Gordon: In memory of Gail Rothman
Phyllis and Herman Gordon: In memory of Dr. John and Jane Siegel
Miriam Shanedling Groman: In memory of Donald Shanedling
Samuel Gruber, Ph.D., International Survey of Jewish Monuments:In honor of Marilyn Chiat
Barbara Halper: In memory of Dr. Bernard Halper
Gerre and Morrie Hoffman: In honor of Marilyn and Harvey Chiat
Thomas and Vicki Hurwitz: In memory of Debbie Feinwachs
Colette and Peter Johnson: In memory of Ruth Rubenstein Bearman
Harriet Joseph: In memory of Irene and David Schibel
Nancy and Elliott Karasov: In honor of Alan Milavetz's special birthday
Audra Keller: In memory of Sheldon Flom; In honor of baby Benjamin Ribnick and Benjamin's grandparents, Gail and Bill Ribnick; great
grandparents, Lynn and Howard Goldman; and Great Grandmother, Renee Ribnick; In honor of Judy Cooperman's 70th Birthday; In memory
of David Newman; In memory of Rozalyn Siegel; In honor of Marilyn and Jerry Stillman's new granddaughter; In memory of Phil Orenstein's
Audra Keller and Frank Claymon: In memory of Frank's aunt, Shirley Glasser
Gene Kishel: In memory of Paul Ostrov
Barbara and Keith Knoop: In memory of Rose and Karl Sundquist
Gary and Barbara Krupp: In honor of Mike and Susan Blehart
Bob and Judy Marans: In memory of Pia and Chaim Siegel and Anne Rose Siegel Marans
Judy, Barry and Gary Milavetz: In memory of David and Frances Milavetz
Carrie Olson: In honor of Eric Cahn
Charlie and Margie Ostrov: In honor of marriage of Jonathan Berkoff and Elissa Kravitz; In memory of Leon Bongard
Ann and Felix Phillips: In memory of Florence Kunian Schoff; IN memory of two outstanding Virginians: Saragrace Kenner Haffron and Sam
Bankman; Congratulations to Lillian Goldfine on her birthday; In memory of Pearl Bankman Sakol; In memory of Matthew Krinsky; In
memory of Roz Siegel, mother of Marilyn Marker and sister of Dory Rose
Richard and Marian Reiner: In memory of Rhoda Schuman
Mike and Toni Rosen: In honor of Dianne and Leighton Siegel
Noah Rosenbloom: In honor of Phillip Rosenbloom family of Ely
Reva Rosenbloom: In honor of the birthday of Ann Phillips
Jean and Joseph Rozinka: In memory of Carl and Marcia Kaufman
Lee and Marlene Rubenstein: Dedicated to the members of the Rubenstein family – past, present and future
Claudia Bourgin Sandonato: In memory of Frank and Dorothy Bourgin
Katie Sakol: In appreciation of those working on the restoration project
Ethel Shanedling: In memory of husband, Phil
Rollie and Stuart Shanedling: In memory of Harry and Belle Shanedling and Stanley and Dorothy Shanedling
Delores and Mel Sigel: Remembering Rose and Henry Kaner of Superior, WI, and Bess and George Sigel of Duluth, MN;
Leighton and Dianne Siegel: In memory of Saragrace Kenner Haffron; Memory of Sam Bankman; In honor of Bonnie Ziskin's special birthday; In
honor of Dr. Melvin Sigel's retirement; In honor of Edna Engelson's 99th birthday; In memory of Pearl Sakol; In memory of Sheldon Jacobs; In
memory of Jim Dinerstein and his father Robert Dinerstein; In honor of special anniversary of Dr. Charles and Marietta Pitzele
Sharron and Oren Steinfeldt: In memory of Edith Replansky Davis
John and Kathleen Timmers: In memory of Ed Siegel
Ann Shanedling Wolf and John Ribnick: In memory of Stephan Larson Wolf
If we have inadvertently missed your name in our contributors list, please let us know so that you can be included in our next newsletter.
Newsletters may be seen and downloaded from our website:
Friends of B’nai Abraham
volume 2 No. 2 – November. 2008