s tj. citra bina sdn. bhd.
s tj. citra bina sdn. bhd.
S a TJ. CITRA BINA SDN. BHD. ru I (COMPANY NO. : 562217-D) NO. 3-61, 3RD. FLOOR, MEGAMAL PINANG, N BARU, BANDAR PERAI JAYA, 13600 PULA TEL I FAX : 04-397 3095 CERiIFIED To ISO s00i:?006 CERiIFICATE IdO :3355f , Your Ref, * SUCBI KSB/2ndBridge3D/173 0ur Ref.: 4 Mo1 roo Date: - 4 uAY Jambatan Kedua Sdn. Bhd. .n 3C,G1&2 Persiaran Bayan lndah Bayan Bay, 11900 Sg. Nibong Pulau Pinang Attn ?012 KEssit*D - Fax.: 04-640 1133 En. HamizolNgah Construction Director Dear Sir, THE sEcoND PENANG BRIDGE. PACKAGE 3D: AND RELATED WORKS TOtt PLAZA, ADMINISTRATION BUITDING Re: Monthly RePort APril2012 The above matter is referred. We are pleased to submit to you our monthly report April 2012 as per belows 1. Monthly Progress Report - 12 hard copy + soft copy (1CD) 2. AA/AC Report - 12 hard copy + soft copv (1CD) 3. HSE Report - 5 hard coPY 4. Environmental Report - 5 hard copy Your kind attention is very much appreciated. Jambatan KeC,ia $dn tshrj CD Yours sincerely S.U. Citra BinaSdn. Bhd. Mohd ua Ma Abdul Rahman r 'q'e& tL W* C.c. 1. MD, Dato' Prof. lr. Dr. lsmail B. Mohamed Taib JambatanKeduaSdn. Bhd' (Kuala Lumpur) Tel': 03-2084 5000 Fax.:03-2084 5L03 T t No. 01 : T KERAJAAN MALAYSIA T SYARIKAT KONSESI : T LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MALAYSIA T -L JAMBATAN KEDUA SDN BHD : PROJEK PENSWASTAAN JAMBATAN KEDUA PUTAU PINANG T T T T MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO 01 T T T DISEDIAKAN OLEH: m S. U. CITRA BINA SDN. BHD. No. 3€1, 3rd. Floor Megamalpinang 2828 Jalan Bandar Baru prai Jaya, 1 3600 Perai,Pulau pinang. TARIKH LAPORAN 30 APRIL 2012 LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MALAYSIA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY *z_ CONTENT 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY l.L 2.O SAFETY AND HEALTH POTICY 2.t 2.2 3.0 Safety And Health policy Safety And Health Objective ORGANIZATION CHART 3.1 3.7 4.O Executive Summary Overall Organization Chart Hse Committee Meeting Chart Summary Of Report 4.L Health and Safety 4.L.t 4.L.2 Manpower Machineries And Equipment Records 4.L.z.L Machineries And Equipment List 4.L.2.2 List Of Certificates Of Fitness (pMA AND pMT) 4.L.3 Schedule Waste Disposal 4.1.3.L List Of Schedule Disposal Record 4.t.4 Staff List 4.t.4.L LocalStaff Foreign Staff Summary of man working hours Accidentsreports Stop work orders 4.1.5 4.L.6 4.L.7 4.1.8 Visits by External 4.2 Agencies Environmental 4.2.L Summary of Environmental Monitoring Report 4.2.L.L Water euality Monitoring Result 4.2.L.L.L Water euality Monitoring Location on April 2012 4.2.I.7.2 Water euality Monitoring Result for April 2012 4.2.L.2 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Result Ambient Air euality Monitoring Location 4.2.t.2.2 Ambient Air euality Monitoring Result for April2OL2 4.2.L.2.3 Ambient Air euality Monitoring Discussion MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u ctTRA atno so*.rro ft A' SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY -z_ 4.2.L.3 Noise Levels Measurement Result Noise Levels Measurement Location Noise Levels Measurement Result for April2OL2 Silt Trap Maintenance Report Status of Dumpsites 4.2.2 Summary of Environment Issue Visits by External Agencies 4.2.3 4.3 / Complaints Audit 4.3.L Audit Schedule Audit Done Against Schedule Health and Safety Audit Report 4.3.1..3 Environmental Report Non-conformance Reports Health, Safety and Environmental 4.4 5.0 HSE Meetings 4.4.L Meeting Schedule 4.4.2 4.4.L.L Meeting Done Against Schedule Minutes of Meeting Training and Education 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 First Aider List Safety lnduction and Toolbox Fire Drill Suggestion Box 6.0 lmprovements and I nnovations 7.O HSE Photographs MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u ctTRA t,*O Srrrt.rro tL ii tl lr l SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY APPENDICES Appendix 1 HSE Policy and Objective i i Appendix 2 Organisation Chart Appendix 3 HSE Committee Chart Appendix 4 copy of certificate PMA/PMT Appendix 5 List of Local Staff Appendix 6 List of Foreign Staff Appendix 7 Health and Safety Audit Report Appendix 8 Environmental Audit Report Appendix 9 HSE Minute Meeting MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u ctTRA t'no srru.aro ft LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY 1.0 *7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Executive Summary This monthly HSE report is prepared in accordance with HSE activities being done the month of April 2012. The scope of this HSE report is to specify the HSE requirement for each job, checklist and procedures to be followed in meeting requirement and the manner in which compliance with sucB safety Management Plan and Environmental Management plan. 2.O SAFETYAND HEATTH POTICY 2.7 Safety And Health policy 2.2 Safety And Health Objective (ReferAppendix L) 3.0 ORGANTSATION CHART 3.1 3.2 4.O Overall Organization Chart (Refer Appendix 2) HSE Committee Chart (Refer Appendix 3) SUMMARY OF REPORT 4.1 Safety and Health 4.1.L Manpower records 4.L.2 Machineries and Equipment records Machineries and Equipment List No 1. 2 Type Back Hoe Excavator 4 Back Pusher Dum Truck 5 Water 6 PVD Machine 7 Stone Column Machine Sl Machine 3 8 Location Quantity PB2X/PLU5 2 MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u ctTRA t'*OSr".rru tL SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY '7 PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY 9 10 TL L2 L3 t4 15 L6 77 18 Genset Bulldozer Compactor Piling Machine Crawler Crane Vibro Machine Water Browser Air Compressor Site Office 1 Mobile Crane WheelLoader 4.L.2.2. List of Certificates of Fitness (PMA and PMT) refer Appendix 4 No PMA/PMT No Validity 1 Nil Nil 4.1.3 Remark Schedule Water Disposal 4.L.3.7 List of Schedule Disposal Record -Nil4.L.4 Workers List 4.L.4.L Local Workers (refer Appendix 5) Foreign Workers (refer Appendix 5) 4.1.5 Summary of Man Working Hours (refer Appendix 5) 4.1.5 Accident Reports No 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Accident/ lncident Fatality lnjuries Occupational Disease Machinery lncident Damage/ Loss of Property Near Miss Others This Month -Nit- Brief of lncident -Nil-Nil-Nil-Nil-Nil-Nil- 4.1.7 Stop Work Orderc - Nil MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO.01. s.ucrTRAunosoru.erc tL LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MALAYSIA .N SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY 4.1.8 4.2 Visits by ExternalAgencies (tf any) _ Nit Environmental 4.2.1 Summary Monthly "Environment Monitoring plan, Report Water Quality Monitoring Results Water quality sampling was conducted on 4 April 2OL2 to gauge the existing water quality surrounding the both project sites which are at Toll Plaza PB2X and Toll plaza plus project site. The effluent discharge quality sampling also has been conducted at site office area. 4.2.t.1.1Water Quality Monitoring Locations for Aprit 2012 Table 4.l sampling Location and coordinates for water euality Monitoring point Sampling Location description and justification GPS TollPlozo PB2X N 050 L3', 44.6', lnside the side drain flowing parallel the southern boundary of the Project site. The E 1000 26', 1.4.9" Coordinate Point Point WQl sampling point is established at approximately chainage 18300. Point WQ2 Toll Plozo Plus N 05014', In the irrigation earth channel at the E 02.5" 100'27'09.3" northern boundary ofthe Project site. The sampling point is established at approximately chainage 2027 5. 4.2.L.1.2 Water Quality Monitoring Result for April 2012 For water quality monitoring on April 2012, result are shown as table below:- MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. O1. s.u crrRA r,*o sr*.r*, s LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MALAYSlA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY -z_ PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Table 4.2 Comparison of Water Quality Monitoring Results with Baseline Levels wQ2 wQ1 Test Parameter Units 1d monitoring Baseline 1"t Baseline monitoilng Date of Collection pH (on-site) femperature (on- oc site) 4t04t12 7to3t12 4t04t12 7to3l't2 7.5 6.4 3.1 3.3 31.6 26.7 32.6 28.9 Dissolved Orygen, DO (on-site) mg/l 7.3 5.1 5.0 4.1 Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD mg/l 64 25 37 28 mg/l 4 3 2 ND<2 Total Suspended Solids, TSS mg/l 5 30 14 84 Oil& Grease mg/l ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 ND<2 Ammoniacal Nitrogen as NH3-N mg/l 14.78 13.80 3.38 5.34 MPN/'100m1 4 <2 <2 <2 NTU 280 20 250 100 Biochemical Oxygen Demand @ 20oC for 5 days, BODS Esheichia coli Iurbidity Note: Bold mean exceeded baseline level Review and Discussion The result indicates that all the parameter monitored were within the baseline levels except for BOD, NH3-N and E-coli at WQ1 and COD and Turbidity at both WQ1 and WQ2.The increase of COD concentration in both WQ1 and WQ2 indicated the increased in loading of nonbiodegradable matter in the water. The increases of COD could be associated with the loading of nonorganic matter from the construction site during the storm. Slight increase in BOD, NH3-N and E-coli was observed at WQ1. The increased in BOD is typically associated with the decomposition of organic compound in the water. And hence the increase in BOD could be associated with the increased of NH3-N and E-coli in the water. MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u ctTRABINASrn.e*, ft LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MAIAYSIA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D: BATU KAWAN Z_ EXPRESSWAY The sources of NH3-N and Ecoli in the drain could be contributed by the application of organic fertiliser at surrounding agriculture landuse as no human induced sewage discharge into this drain is observed. ln terms of turbidity, significant increase of turbidity level was observed at both of the sampling points. The increase of turbidity indicated the decrease of clarity in the water. changes in turbidity could be due to natural phenomena or human induced activity. with the decrease of TSS recorded in these sampling stations, change of turbdity in both of the sampling station is not like due to runoff from the construction site. The above provided some of the potential sources for the parameters which detected exceeded the baseline levels. However it should be noted that no activity has been started onsite except land survey during the monitoring session therefore is not anticipated to be from the pB2X and pLUS project sites. Sewase/Seotic Tan k Discharee Generally there was no discharge to the environment during the sampling session. A sample was collected in a sump collecting the surface runoff and septic tank discharge within the site boundary. The effluent quality collected for the sump in comparison to the compliance limits is presented in Table 4.3able 4.3. Table 4.3 : Septic Tank Discharge Quality and comparision with compliance Limit Analysis Result Test Parameter Units s1* Date of Collection Chemical Oxygen 2nd 040412 pH (on-site) Temperature (on-site) EQ{Sewage} Regulation 2OO9 schedule 8.1 5.5-9.0 30.5 40 mgll 119 200 msll 77 50 oc Demand, COD Biochemical Oxygen Demand @ 20oC for 5 MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 S.U CITRA BINA SDN.BHD rL LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MALAYSIA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY *? PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY days, BOD5 Total Suspended mgll 20 100 Oil & Grease msll ND<2.0 10 Ammoniacal Nitrogen as mgll 54.99 5.0 Nitrate mell 3.43 1_0 Phosphorous mell Not monitored 10 Solids, TSS NH3-N Review and Discussion Generally all the parameters monitored were detected within the limits except NH3-N. Nevertheless there was not discharge to the environment during the sampling session. 4.2.1,.2 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Result A 24-hour ambient air quality monitoring exercise was conducted from 7th to 8th March 2012. Baseline air quality was monitored at two locations; one each at the Toll Plaza PB2X and Toll Plaza Plus Project sites. The aim of the monitoring exercise was to gauge the existing ambient air quality at the Project area before commencement of the physical construction activity onsite. The existing air quality was measured for Total Suspended Particulate, TSP levels. 4.2.2.L Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Locations Table 4.4: Ambient Air Quality Sampling Location on April 2012 STATIONS A1_ COORD!NATE N 05o 13' 44.1" E 100026', 12.3" DESCRIPTION OF TOCATIONS TollPlaza PB2X At the northern boundary of the PB2X building platform. This point is established to capture existing ambient air quality within the Project site, including potential dust churned up from the vehicle movement along the existing site haul MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u crTRA r,*o ror.r*o tL LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY '7 PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY road which is passing through the Proiect Site. A2 4.2.L.2.2 N 05o 13' 57.7" E 100o27'9.0" TollPlaza Plus Towards the northern portion of the Plus building platform. This point is established to capture existing ambient air quality within the Project site including potential dust churn up from the vehicle movement along the existing site haul road passing through the Project site. It also established to monitor potential dust contribution from the neighbouring development by Honda Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results for April 2012 -Nil- 4.2.L.2.? Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Discussion -Nil- 4.2.1..3 Noise Levels Measurement Results A 24 hour noise monitoring was conducted from 7 to 8 March }OLZ at two locations; one each at the Toll Plaza PB2X and Toll Plaza Plus Project sites. The aim for the noise monitoring is to gauge the existing noise level at the Project area. The readings were taken within an interval of 1 minute during the monitoring period. The parameters measured were Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (La"o), Statistical lndices (11p, 166 and Loso), Maximum Noise Level (1m",)and Minimum Noise Level(LA-,.). MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. O]. s.u ctrRABrNAso*.,*o ft LEMBAGA LEBUHR.AYA MALAYSIA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY '7 PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Noise Levels Measurement locations Table 4.4: Ambient Air Quality Sampling location on April 2012 STATIONS N1 COORDINATE N 05013'43.8" E 100o26'13.8' DESCRIPTION OF LOCATIONS TollPlaza PB2X At the south eastern boundary of the PB2X building platform. This point is established to capture existing noise level at the boundary of the Project site towards the direction of Project site office. N2 N 05o 13' 57.7' E 100027', 10.0" Toll Plaza Plus Towards the southern portion of the Plus building platform. This point is established to capture existing noise levels within the Project site including potential noise from vehicle movement along the site haul road and potential noise from the neighbouring development 4.2.L.3.2 Noise Levels Measurement Result -Nil- 4.2.L.4 Silt Trap Maintenance Report -Nil- Status Of Dumpsites -Nil- 4.2.2 Summary - Nil Of Environment lssues/ Complaints MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. Ol s.uctTRABINASDN.BHD t SECOND PENANG BR]DGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY 4.3 -L 4.2.3 Visit by ExternalAgencies. - NiL Audit 4.3.1 Audit Schedule Audit carried out on every Friday the 4'h of every month before the Committee Meeting. HSE HSE 4.3,2 HSE Audit was carried out on 27th April2OL2. Health and Safety Audit Report Refer Appendix 7 4.3.3 Environmental Audit Report Refer Appendix 8 4.3.4 HSE Non - conformance Report -Nil- 4.4 HSE Meeting HSE Committee Meeting will be carried out on every Friday the 4thweek of every month HSE Committee Meeting no 2 has conducted on27 April2OLZ HSE Committee Minute Meeting No 2. (Refer Appendix 7) MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01. s.u cTTRABTNASDN.BHD t LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY -1 PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY 5.0 Training and Education 5.1 First Aider List -Nil- 5.2 No Training Frequency HSE Activitie Parties Date lnvolved Conducted Allsub con 2 April2Ol2 Topic/lssues highlighted/Finding s 1 HSE For new lnduction Worker Quarterly Weeklylnew task 2 Fire Drill 3 Toolbox All sub con Site Rules and Regulation All sub con 2,16,& 30 Conducted by sub con April2012 supervisor witness by SUCB HSE Personnel 6.0 lmprovements and lnnovations - Nil- MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u crrnA s,r*e sor.ano S SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY *z_ PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY 7.0 HSE Photograph Monthly Environmental Monitoring Station Location h f ^ 11- *i[- Sampling activities r?{** rt:tu [ 7 I 7'' a ffi r L v l ''! WQI : Sampling location established in the side drain at the southern boundary of PB?X buildlng platform. ,i' ..' L. f \ *.. T H rl fr i .i 7 WQ2 : Sampling locatlon etabliehed at the irrlgation earth channel at the northern boundary of Plus project site. MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u crrRAB.NAson.e*o ft SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY -L PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY \ Final discharge point t-' r ) i 1, gEU 51 : Sampling point at the final discharge to the environment during sampling session. Soil lnvestigation Work l-*, -- UTT I L, rT H J^ #' Bi * rl fi IHt!{r Tool Box Meeting MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u crrRA BINA sDN.BHD lL .N LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA NilALAYS!A SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY '7 PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY .B 't L I d t t E-'5 fr d ) ,-. rt I S,.t I - Emergency Route r-=i I Hazard Signage At Generator Storage Area ,r-E-- I ti I ktd MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 5.U CITRA BINA SDN.BHD t SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY -;2 (___ Appendix 1 HSE Policy and Objective MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.uclTRAunosrn.r*, tL SECOND PENANG BRIDGE PACKAGE S.U CITRA BINA - 3D. TOLL PLAZA, ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS & RELATED WORKS PageNo.:8OF Doc. Ref.: SUCB-OHS-11-P3D Standard : OHSAS 18001:2A07 Revision : 00 Issued : 15 November 2011 SAFETY MANAGEMENT PLAN S. U. CITRA BINA SDN. BHD. 2.0 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFEW POLICY STATEMENT a- b. Providing the employees with a safe and healthy place to work. Emphasis on the preventive approaches on all safety, health and environmental regulation. c. Minimizing the risk of accidents, injuries and legal liability for the employees. d. Minimizing the risk of impacting the community and the environment. e. f. Complying with the localenvironment, health and safety law and standards. Developing cost effective measures to achieve the environmental health and safety goals. 4b"1,,/ Ir,bla DIRECTOR lr J-Ol-l DATE SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Appendix 2 Organtzation Ghart MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 S.UCITRABINA"N."' ft SEG(IIIIO PEI{.oI*(} aRrI}GE LAI*D EXFR.ESgtttIilff! p*ciltfi(iE AD SITE ORGANIZATION GHART lIANAGING DIRECTOR ABDUL JAMAL ISMAIL 012-233 8003 PRO]ECT COORDII{ATOR EMILIA ROSEMERA UZIR 0!2- 205 7546 PROJEC' DITECTON ABDUT JABBAR ISMAIL 012-454 8002 PROJEC? }iANACEN. 019 - 480 00271 SYAHNAZ ABDULLAH 012-295 3840 SURVEY DEPARTI'IENT SURVEYOR OOI THIAN LAI 019 480 0283 COMI.IERCIAL DEPARTMENT PLAI{NIT{G DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTTON DEPAN,TMENT cor*TRAct ilAItTAG€R VICHEET / QAQC, SAFETY & HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ET{GINEETT 812-2139150 CONSULTANTS .TEE HUIYONG LAilD ST'NVEYOI LAM YUEI MENG 019 - 4800 045 A5ISTANCE QS PLAI{NER 017-433 56s0 QA/QCMAXAGER SITI SYAFIQAH 010 - 404 9021 ENVI, OFFICER ASISTAT{T QAlQr KHAIRUNNISA 077-496 7A70 CIIAIT{ MAN STTE CLERK MOHD AZWAN MOI.ID AZHAR NUR AIMUNI NUR HIDAYU SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR MOHD SHABANT 019 - 4800 221 MUMMAD FADZRIL 019 - 506 7273 SAFETY SUPTRVISOR HASHIM HAMZAH MOHD ASRUL 017-433 5650 SUPERVISOR Q,c/ac MOHO KAMARUN 019-456 5500 LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY '7 PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Appendix 3 HSE Committee Chart MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01. S.U CITRA BINA S''U.A" tL SECOND PENANG BRIDGE - PACKAGE 3D - TOLL PLITZA, S.U CITRA BINA ADMINISTRATION BUITDINGS & RELATED WORKS Page No. : 11 OF Doc. Ref.: SUCB-OHS-11-P3D Standard : OHSAS 18001:2AO7 Revision : 00 Issued : 15 November 2011 SAFETY MANAGEMENT PIAN S. U. CITRA BINA SDN. BHD. 3.2.b. OHS Committee Members (at Site) CHAIRMAN Mohd Azuan Abd Rahman PROJECT MANAGER SECRETARY AbdulKarim Mohamad SAFEW OFFICER SITE ENGINEER MEMBERS MEMBERS Syahnaz Abdullah CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SUBCONT. REPRESENTATIVE Mission Construction Muhammad Fadzril Mohamad Mat Nayan SITE SUPERVISOR COORDINATOR SITE SUPERVISOR SAFEry SUPERVISOR M&E WORKER REPRESENTATIVE WORKER REPRESENTATIVE PENANG SECOND BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY : PACKAGE 3D 7' Envlronmental Committee Members (at Site) Chairman Mohd Azuan Bin Abd Rahman (019-480 0271) Vlce Chairman Syahnaz Bin Abdullah (012-2es 3840) Secretary Mohd Asrul Bin Jamalani (017-433s6s0) Slte Safety (Offlcer) Abdul Karlm Bln Slte Englneer Sltl Syaflqah Blntl Muhammad Murnl (016.430 2s00) (010-404 9021) Stte Safety (Supervlsor) Hashlm Bln Hamzeh CIA/QC Englneer Foreman Slte Supervlsor Mohd Shabanl Bin Mohammad Pzll Mohd Fadzrll Haflz Bln Ahmad (019.480 0221) (019-505 7273) (019-s62 3648) Management Group Workers Representatlve Workers Leader PENANG SECOND BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY: PACKAGE 3D Emergency Response Team Organization Chart lncident Manager {Project Manager) {En. Mohd Azuan Abd Rahman) o19 - 480 0271 / lncident Commander (Construction Manager) (En. Syahnaz Abdullah) 0L2 - 295 3840 Resources / Medical Representative (Safety & Heafth Officer) (En. Karim Bn Mohamad) 016 - 430 2500 S & H Supervisor (En. Hashim Bin Hamzah) o19 - 562 3648 Supervisor PBzX (Mohd Shabani Bin Mohammad Pzil) o$- 48AO22L Environmental Control Representative (Environmental Officer) (En. Mohd Asrul Bin Jamalani) 017 - 433 5650 E.O. Assistant (Khairunnisa Binti Hussien) 017 - 4967870 Supervisor PLUS Mohd Fadzril Hafiz Bin Ahmad 079- 5067273 {* LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MALAYSIA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY ,2 PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Appendix 4 Gopy of Certificate PMA/PMT MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u ctTRA r,*o so*.rm tL LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Appendix 5 List of Loca! Workers MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01. s.u ctrRA BINA son.rro tL S.I WORKERS LIST rc NAMA NO / PA,SSP0RT 1 LOW KIM TECK 660916-02-5405 2 LWE LAWK 5E A 450142 3 HLU LAUK HON ;ffi PERf\4lT MALAYSIA 7-l'lay-l-2 -IvTrEfrMlI_ rt I ---A Nft.- COUNTRY 450139 7-May-12 IVIYANMAR A 450138 7-lr4ay-12 MYANMAR FER.SO:\i E]- i{AD P EJ'iDAFTAF.{N : 65091&02-5405 : MALAYSiA Sah Sehingga : 09/04i20i4 ;:[fl ?"U,1;'o9' f :T:1T,:#'#t'J,Tj['J::rTT:ff ",*. oan lo @ 'n:illt*m3ffirygg91,4,****:r"'Li"3?* ca"ar Tl"*o , *, on berumurL P6mgoan! Nc K,P.lPasspoft 'trir99o Warganegara d i B€rdaftar untuk Menjalankan Treci: pEmDrr Daq kemahtrarJkEkonFEienan Liasumal Tred : X-XXC TataP kemari€n/xekmPeLenan Jonis Treo Tar0 Fmo^on oe um slI: IIWSrll]ilroN !:D! gEM BB tsIND'A col&rcF ccf! ?c;Q CNgNI!3-JC:lE8Y .+ L- r 5 Baq :fi,#fi":::i[X,::",,?fr5;:.,*, ralaL 1 oan k; ab!: peT"li:;1;;;;;;.;"anar nB,utr,a *oakng Eraguan' hubung urL ,.-[ rx ffi $*t6"rPEd fAL}YSIA DSLISS tS9rslbll E;NAAN ffi I ffi\ \K/ '.**a, L- LOW K]H TECK PEKERJA MAHIR BINAAN 53000 Kuala '"umpur' hXp:,l,rws'.ci0b gov.my NoG KAD PENDAFTARAN PERSO INEL BINAAN . Kad ini oikeluarkafi oleh Lembaga Pembangunan lnoostn Pe6oi^&n Malaysia (CICB). 2. P.megang kad Derumurdari 16 ningga 65 Ehun dllindlng dl bawah Skim Takaill BerkeFmpoii CIDB mengikut tempoh sh kad. 3. Kad tidak nelambaogkan Dsmegangnya sob€gai pegawai koEjaan / Staf CIDB. 4. Nombor dise@kan beEama led menunlukkan 'Iahap KekomPeenan dicpai dan dadaftar '1 baqi kemahiran/kekomDetenai pemlrinaan yang dibniukan CIDB: MaklumatT6d : XXXO + T€nao (emanlrallksxmPet6na' Jenis -Tred A450142 Senrngga I OTloSlZoLT Berdartar untuk Menjalankan rph, B :trq fl4@{ ril{ ttiLJ l,-, : Sah @ffi Tahap q pemohon belum dipecKlkan kemahi€nnQmpaisnsi Tahap 1 daf, ks alasi pemohon diperakukan kemahiEn/kodpetensi Bagl sebaEng keraguan, hubungi CIDB untuk peogesahan maklumat- 5. No K.P./Passport q-B 6*flSli U A c AY S lA CEIEN COUSTAUdION Tred: : EOWB /!-u > \-qz/ KETUA EKSEKUTIF Sesiapa yang meniuspai kad if,i hendaklah mengembalibnnya kepada : lbu Pejabal CiOB, liogkat 7, G€Dd Seasons Avenue, No. 72' Jalan FaMn! 53000 Kuala 1 hft p://\!W.cidb.gotrmy rtl:03-26 1 70208/Fax:034043080 Llmpur 1. L ': Jgois Tred NA Tahap 0i omohon belum diDerakukan kBmah,ran/komoetensi Tanao 1 oan de aEs: oemomn otDeEkuxar kemanrEn,xmpeensi Bagr sebaGng ksragJan. ouo"ng,ClDB un(uk oof,Stranan maruJmal. ). M A LAYSlA EKUTIF Sesiapa yanq mentumpa! kad ini hendakiah men9embalikannya kepada lb! Pejabal CIDB IngMl 7, G€no S€asons Avenue. No. 72. Jalan htp/l1m.cidb_ gormy 70200/Fax:03{043080i Tet:C3-2S1 t,:..ovloslzolz Bardaftar untulr Menjaiant<an Tred: EdEW CdSTeIOX HOWR ffi fltr rhm :e@ I i,"/ I*9 ) KET Sah Sehinqga I Kuala L!mpur Nota 1. 2. 3 4. Kad inidnGtualkan oleh Pemegang lcd betuftur dari di 1 Berkelompok C,DB rengikut tsmpoh sah KaC lidak mslambangkan Fmegangnya NomDor disebkan bersama bgd bagl kemahicilkekompeenan -fred Makllmar : XXXO yss baMh Skim Takatul / shf clDB. Kakmpetenan cllEpai dan didaflar vL+ No K.P,/Passport fahap 5 KAD dilenlukan CIDB: 0: pemohon Tahap 1 dan k€ : 4450138 : MYANMAR Sah Sehingga : 07 105/7017 Warganegara dipBmkrkan kemahimn/kompeBnsl komahiran/kompetensr untuk pengesahan maklumal. Eagr sebarang ^,i: Berdaftar untuk Menialankan Tred: cm slp,Hffi KETUA EKS [ad ]nr heodaklah menoemoairkannya kepada Ingkat 7, Grand Seasons Avenue. No. 72. Jalan Panana. http://\M.cidb.gov.my Te :C3-26 cEsEru coxslrcsloN PoreB 1 70200i Faxi03-4C4308C j 53OJO Kuata Lumoor |: N SON : SECOND PENANG BRIDGE IAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Appendix 6 List of Foreign Workers MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u clTRA uno rr*.rm tL f$D PENBATTARAN ?{c {,P,/Passpor : \',/irgaa?gaia : Sah 4Rt193231 1l'iD3ii55;A Sehingga i t0l'5l2br3 B:roafi:r untut tJenj3ldxiian Tred gttrJ str;re ccxslaior*i mRE! s uRuE y5R" : P ERSONEL BI!*IAAN E trel '-/ * VISA j vo\ VO a d a -: c) -r'l \q Ll) -f a .,f :l '3 il o '- -t 5 : ?19 a i'i;li: u , +*\ o o a E VO c v ar. v.cf l f, .l a ,\ls I ! f I I ? z a , 5 z { ?. r T ?.. 9 q I TT I vc) vcf 1 I o a a a 2! !r c, V.f Vz v .a) :$i,.: i::i: ::',Ji' :trs :fv 5de :f, FO >- e\ =l F< oo o!. \r c0 .V A lrr, ii\ lsY!9lWt YCtnr{ InsNo){ ?EEN=XIS aL nia u56 \.$.1 'i') ',& i-rJ 7li:1.i.')liit Iiten j--! it:at).i'7.,,,'ruf C -"'1.;d=): N'y V\O z a itatj:n/ iulntsl I uElijEnl3Eu.u E!p Ltzlzlaq va !i r'\ VN va Y\t I I I ii.i i'f'] i '1t ,.$, I :f,H i Y} V,11 vni q O-:1 S.I WORKERS LIST NAMA NO rc / PASSPoRT PERMIT COUNTRY MALAYSIA 660916-02-5405 1 LOW KIM TECK 2 LWE LAWK SE A450142 7-May-L2 MYANMAR 3 HLU LAUK HON A 450139 7-May-12 MYANMAR 4 HLU PHAN SON A 450138 7-May-!Z MYANMAR KAD PENDAFTARAN PERSONEL BI}IAAN j:X1:Xfm'n:fl ffi ,I,"#?,?*'^TJ#*'Jl.Tffi ;tilllavs(crDB) mengikut lemp-ohnsahkd ae*e;mioi croe I 660916-02-5405 : MALAYSIA Sah Sehingga i 09l14lz0t4 No K.P,lPassport Warganegara ke€iaan / stsf clDB. pemegansnva w:ai].:':;:;;"-:';":o Kad iidak merambanglan drcpar o- didaflar Tahap Kekomp-eunan dicoaidan ar pegawar 3. ms;njukbn i.' i.rli* Jr".,1"" 6Bama rsdpembinaan yang U"'o' il.-rni"n'*u*ompetenan MaklumatTred : )(XXO Tah ap diEnlukan CIDB Berdaftar untuk Men.ialankan Tred: SIDO SItg IMSTIqTION DMEING ASSIS1NT N AEXDER Erc ccro ccNGmo& rC'O CNEITSR.JOINE&I kemahiEn'kekompelenan 't"niti*b kemahiran'4(ompeENi _ Tanap 0: p€mohd belum diperakukn kemah[adkompelssl Tanao 1 dan ke aEs: pem@on dipe€(ukan "*i'""*iin'io"gic'oB Pengesahan maklumal ' u t* **tt ,I'"Y"\- "Jil'.in CIMB S IA M A L AI LOIiI KIM TECK PEKER'A MAHIR BINAAN 53000 Kuala LumPur. Nota 1. Kad ini dikBluarkan oleh Lembaga Pembangunan lndustri Pombinaao Malaysia (CIDB). Pemegang kad berumur dari 16 hingga 65 Ehun dllindung di bawah Skim Takaful Be.keiompok CIDB msnqikut lempoh mh kad. Kad tidak melambaogkas pemegagnya $bagai pogawai koEjaan / Staf CIDBNombo.disertakan beMma tEd menunjukkan Tahap Kekompetenan di€pai dan didaftar bagi kemahiranlk€kompstenan pembinaan yang ditentukan ClDE: No K.P./Passport 3. 4. : XXXO v L-) Jenrs Tred 5. .Warganegara Sah, Tahao kemahiran/kekomstBnan ,1., ,..: KAD 2. tvlakiumatT€d Sehinggi Berdaftar untuk Menjalanl(an.Tred: GM GeSEN CONStAgerO{ tORreR Tahap O; pemohon belum dipeckukan komahiran/komp€toEi Tahap 1 dan ko alas; pmohon diperakukan kemahiEn/kompetensi Bagi sebarang keraguan, hubungi CIDB untuk pengesahan maklumat" Sesiapa yang meniumpar kad ini hendaklah frenqembalikannya kapada : lbu Pajabat CIDB, Tingkat 7. G€nd Seasons Avenue, No. 72, Jalan Pahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur hfr p://M.cidb. gov.my Tel:03-26 1 70200/Fax:034043080 1 1. z 3. 4. .-- -Y_ Jents trSd L+ T"nap tumaniE dkekompetonan ]alap I omofron Uetum dio€rakukan ksmaniran/kompetBns d"n ka aEs: p€mohon oiperakukan kemanjEn/kompebnsi 0: _]:h"o o. tragt ssoaeng " .-_, keragua^. hubungi CIDB untu* p"nq.."n"n _urur;.i - :m I .,tlr- ' ffiflry.ryffi -l- K ETUA EKSEKUTIF S69apa yang menjumpai kad ini hsnclaklah mengembatikannya lbu Pejabal CIDB, lingkat 7, G6nd Seasons Avmue, http://@.cidb.90wy I kepada : ruo. ZZ.'.latan panang, 53000 Kuata Tel:03-261 702OO/FarO34O43OBO1 Lumpur .,,,S....-.1 ., Nota 1- KadlnidlkaluarlcnolehLembagaFombmlunanlf,dustd.pembiffit,tofnf=i"(CIOS):-:li-:a,-, 2. Pemegang,kad berumur dari 16 hingga 65 Ahuo ditindung di bawah Sf,iri"Gtrf Be.ketompok CIOB mngikuttgmDoh sh kad. 3. 4. Kad [dak mqilbanqkan pemegangnya *bagai p€gawai kerajdn / Staf CIDB. Nombor diseftkan bersama hd henunjukk"n fjnai X"t o.p.t*ao Oiepai Oan airlaftar bagi k€mahiEdkekompeboan pembinaan yang ditentukan CiDB: KAD Maktumat TrBd : XXXO _l,Lr ,__ I rad Jents tatap iamahiradk€kompetsan No K.P./Passport Tahap 0; perchon bslum dlBEkukan kemahiBnlkomoetonsi Tahap 1 dan \s atas; pemonon dioerakuran kEmahran/kompet€nsr Eagr s€baEng keraguan, hubungi Ct0B untuk pengesahan raktumal J- _ f' KETUA EKSEKUTIF Warganegara : : MYANMAR Sah Sehingga 07105/2ALZ Berdaftar untuk Menjalankan Tred: @ GENE& CONSIMEION tsOreR ffi3m iilA ffi LAVSIA Ses€pa yang msniumpai kad rni hendakiah mengembatikannya lepada : lbuPejabatClDB TingkatT,GrandSeasonsAvsue,No.T2,Jatanpahang,S3O0OKualaLumpur hltpJ/M.cidb.gov.my Tet:03-26.1 70200/Fax:0340430801 ! i' o. ,tI !, 5. : /f) >t, arl z f 3- iZ-1 ._ i-<" ;-6 4" f l 'i '8 I J l ir o<: !_ az E- ) O .ex .^FZ 2 tso B iH- f C 5 3 d) o g >tJ) o 4 o u a q t'j ,5 o v a o' o 3- t 3 ,AJ i- 3 6 !e & ri c L5 o =o "'aJ ,6 , o 'a.t a o 0r 3 o o 6 C ) .d3 !{o \ o 7 6 o i c E'BZ 5 e4. "Hcoe- r "aJ 3 .4 L .--=\- \t @ cf] U =LL o rf, ,-H- e o a o-: L*o 6!a rl ,\, oF -f ..c : -U E= t-) $ <C s -f LO a "8D 8f ii.l o l* UI o e o d-) {Y) /1 (r) o ,.i','',:,':': ! /', vc) 1 - - i^ ! :t I i.l a.J ar.j .!j i :i{ n r> 7 { a! ,lz ::i 1< a l) iJ Zi :>. :a i a, :' 1 I Nz a a- 2 .) -..: j; ; .: :: 1:: a ., a2,a: i) .-! vF* VO vo V F.. VN vc) v(f VE V\O V(\ VO oo Iiq vcO f,E I l l ffi -d J.o ! =V 0\ , 1 -l :tr \ I r.t a l =n F$ F.< I I i !.4iii d*> I I I I a 7- i vr = l;ii:'\N I I l ,a '; I I rl :Cr ->- "t<l i>; I iq {= o AaP:.- Z I ?1,: JI{ Vc] V r/l :lii vo!l vNIi, vv r.- f: v n- 'Cr v o -l'. ._E ,,?: I a4 I ! !i ilF3 -"".i i=. E m, : ? -z r< \ ; ! SZ=- liq .':.t)l',ti il - ^ < i i3 vr'tri vols: -.:o !i9 v) voo -?.Qz.:a -- ?! lr I 3 N i .'-.J ii' *[i [: =; =E rl-o. vv$i $- {, =v J oo -m u) ? >o =6 F F<-r .-," h } v \cl li vo il. zrv fi oo(A [r L.) ; = -l= YH WeSi ili l.il [1 li!, ti l:i il: ' ,t ri; 11' ,;;rli voo f z a_ ,d i I L-. ': { \i -' a. F * !e 7,. I ; E "l:_:_ :..:..... .i o €N -a I \/O :-( I !l i i! *L e! a jj di ,n t4 7 I F -t z z c I ..: I I I a :!.9E ? 4,in.a ; ! -$ i= i! i9 r :3 1 vo v-O VE V\O vol vav lrJ'Q (4 r.v00 voa <El J00 ==, I ffi'# %;; vc) v(v 7. =(v J -J' 0r >-o Ern F+ F< LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA MALAYSIA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Appendix 7 Health and Safety Audit Report MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s,u ctTRA uno srn.r*, tL ELEMEN ELEMEN DALAM PEMERIKSAAN TAPAKBINA UNTUK BULAN Bil Perkara B c D E Gatatan n Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pe 1 A Dasar Keselamatan (Bertulis, Diberitahu, Dipamerkan Dan Disemak awai Keselamatan & Kesihatan a Jawatankuasa Keselamatan awab Oran Ya crane o Perancah Peraturan USECHH han T / Site Permit rUSAN P Dan Lain lain ubkontraktor Latihan Sistem 2 / t/ Rekod Jawatankuasa Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Surat Lantikan Pengerusi, Setiausaha, Ahli Jawatankuasa Berkala oleh Ahli Jawatankuasa K&K Pemeriksaan Ta Keahlian dari Wakil Subkontraktor Dan Pekerja penviasatan Terhadap Kemalangan YClg lgIgqf-Kerjasama Daripada Pengurusan Dan Tindakan Keatas Laporan, Cadangan Dan Perbuatan Merbahaya 3 V Perancah Dan Lukisan Rekabentuk Pemasangan Mengikut Spesifikasi Rekabentuk Yang 5 \_ Jentera Sah Lkan Y il Perakuan Ke Machine Guard Pemeriksaan Jentera P Jentera Selamat Sistem 4 V Pemeriksaan Dan Keadaan Fisikal Perancah Lu Kesesuaian anda Amaran Pemeriksaan Dan ada Sesuai f .I^/ 6 Lantai Terbuka Kesesuian Pemasangan Pengadang ITanda-tanda Amaran Perneriksaan Dan PenYenggaraan 7 Tem Prosidur Kerja Penyeliaan Dan Latihan Penyediaan Safety Anchorage 8 Laluan Ketempat Keria Laluan Keluar Masuk Ke TaPak Bina Laluan Ke LokasiKerja Laluan Dari Satu Aras Kesatu Aras Pemeriksaan Dan Penyenggaraan 9 V hJlLt/ Keselamatan Orang Awam Tanda-Tanda Amaran Kawalan Memasukki Kawasan KeqpYang Baik Kawalan Lalulintas Di Kawasan Tapak Cara Pengendalian Bahan Binaan Yang Selamat 10 Keselamatan Elektrik Tanda Amaran Yang Sesuai Cara Pendawaian Wayar Letrik Orang Bertanggungjawab Dan Mengadakan Pemeriksaan Beriadual 11 Kediaman Pekeria Pengasingan Daripada Kawasan Kerja Kebersihan Kawasan Alat Pencegahan Kebakaran 12 Kebersihan Dan Kekemasan Kekemasan Dan Kebersihan Termasuk Ruang Laluan Pembuangan Sisa Bahan-Bahan Binaan Pemeriksaan Tanda-Tanda Amaran 13 Penyimpanan Bahan Tempat Penyimpanan Stor Bahan-Bahan Binaan Berbahaya Cara Penyimpanan Bahan Binaan Cara Penyimpanan Bahan Berbahaya 14 Kesihatan Dan Kebajikan PetiPertolongan Cemas Dan Pegawai Kemudahan Tempat Makan, Minum, Tandas & Berehat Kawalan Bawaan Vektor a-Er /|J l /ii Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Penilaran Risiko Kesihatan Tanda-Tanda Amaran Pemeriksaan Dan Sesuai 15 Acuan Pengiraan Dan Lukisan Rekabentuk oleh Jurutera Bertauliah oleh Jurutera Pemeriksaan Dan ,enqawasan oleh Orang [9[P9!9n Pemeriksaan Dan Diluluskan oleh Formwork Keria-Kerja Penanggalan utera Bertauliah - Diri 16 D ibekalkan Dan Direkod Latihan Pematuhan Pemakaian Pemeriksaan Dan Sesuai Tranda-T anda Amaran Sh And Exeavation 17 Sesuai T;anda-Tr anda Amaran Dan Pemeriksaan Dan penyediaan oleh Orang Yang g Bertulis Engineer Struktur Lubang Direkabentuk oleh Profesional Jentera Selamat 18 Cerucuk Struktor PenYangga Bagi Menentukan Kestabilan Struktor Bersebelahan Keadaan Jentera Pemeriksaan Dan PenYeliaan oleh Orang Lain Jenis Keadah PenYelengaraan Dan PenYelian Lain P LEGEND:A:CERMELANG B:TERBAIK C:BAIK D:KURANG MEMUASKAN E:GAGAL SU CITR& tsIruA SNT* BHB WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST Date: / I 2OL2 WEEKLY GONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST Construction Site p_B'?x Brief Description of Project: 6t0tl- Name of lnspector: tflAiliru Accompanied By: I Date of lnspection: tNrrslzl iiATl 5u B- do t'') 3o ChJ il I .r_upLRvlsgR ttpktL bl o 1t9 WEEKLY CCINSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST ,,' :,:l A Access on site 1) Can everyone get io their place of work safely - and work there safely? t) Are access routes in goor! condton and cbarly s.gnposted? 3) Are eciges whth peopte couH fall from provbed with doubk guard rails or other suitabb edge protectbn? \{ V i I 4) Are hobs protecteci with ciearly mad(ed anci fixed covers to prevent falb? s) Are temporary structures stabie, adequately braced and not overlcaded? 6) Wifr permanenl structures remain stable during any refurbishment or ciemolition work? 7) ls the site tidy, anC are materiab stored safely? u,i ls hghting adequate, especblly when work b being carried after dark outsi1e or hsbe buiHings? \/ \/ on B Scaliolds 1) Are scafolds erected, ahered and dbmantled by competent peopb? 2) Are JJ Are all upr[jhts, bdgers, braces and struts 4) ls the scaffold seanred to tlre buiidino or structure in enouqh places to prewnt collapse? 5) Are there double guard raiis and toe boards, or other suiiabie protecl,on, at every edge, to prevent falling? 6) Are additbnal brick guards provided to prevent materiab falling from scafioHs? x N0 arrrR{ cN-, cilpery al1 upr-ghts prwded with base plates (ard, where necessary, timber sob piates)? h postion? 7) Are the workhg pbtforms fuliy boarded and are the boards aranged to avob tpping or trppirc? D) Are there effeclive barriers or warning noties in place to stop peoph using an hcomplete scafiold, e.g. where working platfoms are not fully boarded? o) ls the scaffold strong ernugh to carry the welght of rnaterbb stored on it and are these evenly dbtrbLrted? 10) Are scaffohs being propefu maintained? 11) Does a oompetent person insped the scaffold reguhrly, e.g. at basl once a weeL; and always after it has been altered or damaged and folbwinE e{reme weather? 12) Are the 13) Have proprietary tower scaffobs been ereded and are they being used in accordance with suppliers' instructrons? V/ / 'Nn \ l reults of hspectbns recorded? a9 WEEKLY COruSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST 11) Have the xteeb of touer scafiolds been bcked when in use and are the platfoims e!-npty r}rhen they are moved? c Ladders 1) Are ladders tle rght way to the job? Donl wcrii from a if there b a beher way. laocier Are they in good concition? a\ 4) / /,.t /\/,/ Do bdders rest aganst a sold surface ancj not on fragib or insecure materiah? Are they secured to prevert them sli:ping siCeways or otiuards? / /$',r' Do ladders rise a suffcient he$ht atove their brding pbce? lf not, are other hand-hoHs availabb? 6) Are the ladders pcsitbned so that users do not havE to overstretctr? D Roof 1) ls there edge protectbn to dop peopie or materbls falling? 2) During irdustrialroofing. have nets been proviJed to stop people fallirg from the bading edge of the roof and frorn partially fixed sheets? 3) Where nets are used, have these been hung safely? 4) Have you dentified fragib materials such as cement sheets ard roof liEhts? 5) Have you taken precautbns to stop peopie fulling through fragib mater'els on the roof e,g. by provdirg barriers, covers or workirg pHforms? 6) *ork /.,v/ ,4$,/ , Are people kept away frorn the area bebw the roof work? lf this b not possibb, have additional precautions been taken to stop debris faliing onto tlrm? E Excavatiorrs 1) ls there adeguate support for the excavation, or has it been sloped or battered back 10 a safe arEle? 2) ls there a safe method used for punhg in the support, without peopb wofting in an unsuppofted benci? 3) ls there safe acoess irto the excavation, e.g. a suffciently brg, secured ladder? 4) Are there baniers or other protection to st@ people and vehicles hlling in? t\ Are properly secured stop biocks proviled to prevent tippirE vehicles fulling in? 6) Could tie \f .; \-\.\/ / / r \r nt excavation affect the stabilky of neighboring structures or services? 7) Are materiab, spoil and plant stored away from the edge of the excavation to reduce the chanre of a ollapse? 8) ls the excavation reguiarly a compelent person? 3/9 WEEKLY COHSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST F Manrral handling 1) Are th€re heavy materiais such es roof trusses, concrete lintels, kerbstones or bagged producis which couh cause probbms if they have to be mo\red by hand? lf so, can you: choose hohter materials? use wheebarrone, hoists, tebharrdlers, ard other phnt or equpment so that manual lifiing of heavy objeds is kept to i) ii) iiD /"(t a mininum? order materbls strch as cement and aggregates in 25 kg i'Z t\{s ,\,/ bags? iv) / avob tfE repetitive layirE of heavy building blocks weghing more than 20 kg? 2) Have people been instructed and trained how to lift safely? Traffic, vetrlcles and plan'. iiD Are vehales and p€destrians kept apart? tf not, do you, separate them as much as you can and use baniers? teli peopb about the probbm, and what to do about it? display warning sSns? 2) is there acjequate clearance around sbwing vehbles? JJ Can reversing be avoiJed, e-g. bi using a one-vyay systern if not, are properly trained sQnabrs used? 4) Are vehicles and plant properiy maintained e.g. do the steering l!trhts, handbrake and foc{brake work properly? s) Have dnvers received proper training and are they cornpetent for the vehbbs or phnt they are operating? 6) Are bads proper!- secured? 7) Have you made sure that passergers are only carri# on vehicles designed to carry thern? 8) Have you made sure that plari and vehicbs are not used on dangerous slopes? H Tools and machinery 1) tue tfE right tools or machinery beirE used for the lob? 2) Are all dangerous parts guarded, e.g. gears, chains drives, proiectng engire shafts? 1) i) ii) \/ (\ Are tools ard machinery maintained in good repair and are safety devices operating correctfy? '\/,4 / \/ / { Are guards secured and in good repair? 4) 'i/',, \.y' or, an Are all operators trained and cornpetent? I Powered access equiprnent 1) Has the equipment been installed by a competent person? z) Are the operators trained and competent? 3) ls the safe working ioad cbarly marked? 4) ls the equipment inspected by a competent person? s) Does the working platform of the powered acc€ss equpment have adeguate, secure guard rails and toe boards or other / V V d { ffi vV 4t9 Yt'EEKLY CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST to p:"event 6) ani materials faliirE Have precautrons been taken io prevent peopb bei-rg struCi by: the mcving pbtfonn ; prgections from the buihing, or falling maleriais? J as the equipment been 2) Are 3) tle a competent pe operators trairied the raied competent? clearl, 4) Are the s) Does the hoist have 3 Cunent report o{thoroug and a rmord of hspection? cled by a cBrpetent examination V ls there a su base to prevent being struck by any moving part of the hoist? 7) Are the landino gates kept shut exept when the the hrding? conlrob 8) orie position only? K nes the crane 1) Has the 3) so tilat the hoist can be operatecl from is for the iob? properv crane on a base; are Are the crane ard sEna sei? trained and competent? ls the ioad secure? 6) the si2nabrislinger been tra attach bads conediy? 7) Have you rnade anangements to sur€ th€ driver can see the load or has a slnaler been proviled to help? 8) fue peopie stopped to give walkino or load? s) Does crane have a current report and regord of inspection? s! and to beneath a h exa Fires and ernergencies 1) Are there emergency procedures in case of fire, or for reScue from 2) Do people on site know- what the procedures are? ls there a means of iaising .s evacuating confined space? alarm. and ste work? 4) lstherea*ayto"ontadffi 5) Are there adequate escape routes and are these kept cbar? 6) ls the re adequate firslad V \/ { 6l tlutP0frt'{6, ;JSAR T(€A {oPW ) 5t9 WEEKLY CONSTRUCTIO}\I HEALTH AND SAFETY CHECKLIST 7) ls the quantty ol fhmmabie materiab, iiquiis and gases on site kept to a minimurn? 8) PJe ,t -t tfEy propei'ty stored? I Are sutable containers useo fo. flammaole lquiCs? 10) Are fiammable gas cylinders relumeo to a ventiiated store at the end of the shift? 11) Are smokhE and other {3nition sources banned in areas where gases orfbmmabb lQuds are stored or used? tz) fue gas cllinriers, assooatecj hoses and equioment propedy maintained and in good crnditicn? 13) When gas rylinders are not in use, are tlu- vaives fully cbsed? 14) ls flammable arfr combustible waste removed regularly and stored in suitable bins or skips? 1s) Are sutabie fire edirEuishers provhed? M Hazarcior.s substances 1) Have you dentified all harmful substances and materiab, such as asbestos, bad, sobents, paints, cement and dust? 2) Have you chedred whether a licensed contractor b needed h deal wth asbestos on site? (Most work with asbestos requires a [cense, a]though you can do some very linhed work wilh rnaterblwhbh contain asbestos without one,) 3) Have you iCentified and put into place precautbns to prevent or controi elposure to hazardous sr.bstances, by: dorng the wod< in a diflerert way, to rsnove tte rbk entire\; using a hss hazardous materbl. or using tools fitted with dust e{raction? D ii) iii) 4) 6) Have workers had hformation and trahinE so they know what the rbks are from the hazardous substances used and produced on site, and what they need to do to avoid the rbks? * X I I ixi X X X x \/ ,f /r \" ,/ Have you got procedures to prevent contad with wet cement (as thb can cause both dermatitis and cement burrs)? Have you ananged heath surveillance for people using certain hazardous suhtances (e.9. bad)? N Coflfired spaces rl Do you work rn confined spaces where there may be an inadequate supply of oxy_oen or the presence of pobonous or flammabb gas? lf so, have you taken all necessary precaut'rons? Confined spaes include tanks, sewers and manholes. they do not have to bok drty to be dangerousl 6/9 YdEEKLY CONSTRUCTION HEALTH A.ND SAFETY CHECKLIST t,-1 ol Norse I i 1) and trahing so they know what Have workers had the rbks are from nobe on ske, and \,rhat they need to do to avoid those rbks? Have you ilentified and assessed wcrkers' exposure to no'Ee? 2) v be redued by using diFferent working rnethoos Can the or sebcting qu'eter plarrt e.g- by fttting breakers and other piant or machinerY with silencers? people not 4) in tnework kept away frorn the source of the noise? 5) ls sutable hearirq protedbn provded and worn in noisy areas? 6) Have hear'tng protectsn zones been marked? 7) ave you ara hQh levels of noise? P Hardarm exposed to surveillanoe theY know- what 1) the rsks are from hand-arm vbratbn (HAV) on she, and what they need to do to avotd those rbks? workers from and H ave you 2) probnged use of vbrating toob such angb grinders or hammer drilb? ," AS concrde breakers, reduced as mudt as Possibb Has exposure to bY sebcting suitabb work methods ard piant? 4) Are s) Have 6) H ave you toois used whenever maintained? toob been people e4rosed to narqed heath surveillance hQh leveh of ha nd-arm vbratbn especblly when exposed for lorg penods? o 1) Are readily availabie are they kept cban and hot and cold (or warm) running water 2) Are there soap and toweb? 3) washbasins hrge enough to wash uP to Are are they kept cban? 4) ls there somewhere to change, dry and store cbthi ng? tlP elbow a 5) water and cups - \rorkers can m 6) ls therE a prepare food? 7) Can everyone who needs to tse thern get to the welfare facilrties easily and safelY? I X properly lit? ard x i x X V tt / tf-€RA L ATbR ilf,t6P+rrr* SllN$ orn6 Io sP€ qfi U - 7t9 WEEKLYCoNSTRUCTI0NHEALTHANDSAFETYGHECKLIST R ElaciricitY i) Have ?'i Are y0 U using olher rlecelsary Seiuces f)*n provdeo on sle servsEs work begins and ha VE you alsc dentiired exbting presenl on sile (e.g ebctrr cabies or gas mains) arl0 td.en from thern? efieclive steps, it riscessary to prevent danger J toob and equiPment e-g vokage sYstems? iow vokage of tools battery'oPerated has vc 3) e -o. 1t) equipme nt? resnJual cunent devices (RCDs) provided for users and ProPerlY daiiy RCDs 4) t\ Are cabbs and bads prc{ecteC {rom damage? 6) Are all conneclions to system ProPeriY made and are c suitable Plugs used? by users, and Are on site and regularly inspected and tested by a competent person? lines has the eledricity supp iy Where there ar€ ove such been tumed ofl, or have other precaLtbns been taken, 8) as providing '9oa1 posts'ortaped markers? n ebctrbity cables and other servces been Have nd have located {eg with bmto!- and pbns) and marked, you taken precautions for safe working? o\ tfE a the fenced 1 ls the 2) Are roadworks I tt? fallinq mater'taP Are the work has stopPed 4) secrre and removed or i) b the bourda ii) are all cannot be used? are excavat'Dns and iii) to iv) v) ;S vi) are flammabE or secure Fu day.? rurES so that covered or use? ls are away in Notes A 6l,r)l"tL 1,4A"llrnl+- ui6 I'e Bonu tlll sol l*' I 8/9 LEMBAGA LEBUHRAYA SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY Appendix 8 Environmental Audit Report tt MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.u clTRA rtno sr,rt.tro tL EBF $ite lnspedi*n $.U.Gitra Bina Sdn Brrd Se$cnd Penarg Bri*ge LaM Exp.essway, Pa:kage D lffeeldy $ite lns@tion Ch*ctilist $ite:P-BXX;fa$Jzlesa I P LUS Toll Pla.z.a PROJECT ACTHTNES '1.0 Ertrsisn end sedimentation a) Perirneter earth drain i) )ot,- t&ri l**d ltA No REhIARKS conhl Any blockage which impedes the vrate;'flow? Any part of the ea*h drain is silteC? iii) Any drainaqe bank collapsed? iv) Any sign of water overflow from the eartr drain? a./ & i. c-'-fh',-1",{ $po1 ar/ s r'rhT b [e".n^tl) Any urater being pump frorn excavation area and dischargred out of site without going through tre perimeter er$r drain? nastes in the bi Yeo ir) v) ht Date: J e,erth di.ain? Sediment pond, sitt hap i) Any gulNy fonned on the bank of the silt t-ap? ii) ls the sitt iii) Has desilting been conducted, I silted? -1" when? iv) v) (, I -i^tD \. ls the silthap filtering devbe functrons efficienfly, any water from the fiher'? t \:" .l I*')\',"" t-!,ry aU L o,.tdl) Any blockage wtthin the mnnection of earttr dr:ain and tte silt c) Slope at the platform ,) Any gully formation on the Any qQpe fpilures observed? 'i) ri ') d) ?uhr! bb Any turfing needs or re-turfing 3B noeded T ,) ,(ff *1 at l\n elposed slqpe? of the scil fronr earth\ilorU Any mil $tockptle rear lp riverArater bodies? Enviro&sain consull -s !wr! Dr ib \york ,r/ rwd@r*rrq kr.- Etu$*eui*,-,s*;tzjt-a4yJJrt_ I EifiF Slte lrrsFeCion S.U.Citra Bina $dn Bhd Secoild Penaq Bridge Lard Express'u,ay, Paslage D Yes PROJECT ACTIl'ffiES ii) Any sign of erosion (gullY) from the soil RFK{ARKS HA u/ ') need for iitl iv) No Any need to cover the stockpile witl'r heairY dutY erosion? to 2"C HAZARDEU$ ffiATERIAL STORAGE a') Fuel Drum Handling within the vvork area D ii) Any tempmary sbrage of fuel work area? drums around ls the temporary storage near to drain or water Ponding area? iii) Any mntainment p:ovided for the fueldrum iv) ls the fueldrum properly overed? v) Any sign of bakage of spillage alme b) area? Centralised hazardous malerial i) Any sign of bakage of spillage at the desQnated centralised area? iD ls tre materblproperly Placed of material? to iii) ls 0re housekm-ping at the centralised storage area in condition? iii) ls stagnant v*ater observed at fle t GET{ERAL WASTES a) Solid waste f.It tTYrrf I area? 3.0 i) I at site office Any littering around site office area? b ii) Are nrastes collected perir:dieally removed from the site oflre? ii) Any sign of open buming? Solid waste EnVifOSUStain at work area f.Onzull *s!,a'!a + Durv4^tu).*i, Er>'r'e**u"tt- Swft;*GvnE- L €klP Sile lgispe#ion S.U.Cih'a Bina Sdri Ehd SeffirlC Per*rq B**34 LaaC ExP'esmnY' Pa*.age D Yet FK.SJEGT ACTII'iTILS lic i:A REli''ARKs Litering of food Pac!''aging ueste from *rorkers at Ysork' ii ar*a? ii) ra'aste land iv) v Any wastes in the Perimeter ear|fi draln? on-site? lndiscrimrnate Pnstruction on-site? r+aste v) vi) ls Sre m:rst'ucticn waste propertY Ptaced viithin the u"ot'x area? ls there a need to remove the *estes for disPosal offsite to failitate mnsfuCion acfui$ o*site? v) e) Any srgn of oPen buming onsite Sanitation tucilitles hnk f) Any overflo*'frun septtc ai iiie site cffre 0 ls the porEbk c*remica! toilet prwided onsite in goaC conditicn and PoPertY I I I onh k'l.,.tni - -t\*u lraf' d**r, t/ 1-r'* nminbined? ii0 \^rrr"o[ htl* ls it 6nre fur tchedubd rnainbnarce or a*$oc rnainHrance needed? 4 SCHEDULED nrAsTEs fueldrums cfiemical containers used a) Atwork area i) Any tenrPu-arY storage ot sCredul'rad / Yrasts arPtrnd the work area? b) ii) ls tfie temPorarY stor4e in contact ryitft urater or near aad'r drain? iii) ls mntainment traY PrwiCed icr the iv) Any spillage or leakage if At the I air- *a ls the sc*reduled urastes EnVim$Stan gwiitaljj-*e* Cm5[rl *91'asv r DwJol**r *i' Euswsi'i' J EHPStt* lnspection S,U.Cira Bina $Cn BhC Seffifid Penarg Bridge La-td Expressway, Pad<age D Y*s PROJEf,T ACTIVITIES J plaoed urithin the containmenU flmt? ,-/ rry;astes storeC Are the ii) AJft a) Dust control lvr" ,r/ offsite? It is tinre for ,d / Any sign of oil spilUleakage observed? 5.0 $1 of uestes? to iii) REI1fiARts'S NA No Any sign of dusl generation i) surfae? from Arry need fur water sP:aYing iD onsite? iiD Any slgn of excessive black srnoke ernlssion frorn consfirction Note: l{A: NotApplicable Rernarks: trcation / bstles/ dion action talen Other Updates/ ComrTrenU Clarifrcation, if anv ln*pecbd end Pmpared / etc : bY EO: dY NATNC : Date EnVkOSU$ain Name Date I'IOHD. ASRUL BIFJ JAMALANI ENVIRONMEI,]'TAi , S..U. CITRA BINA A lL l.tmr> CmSdilt -9 y.to+ i X D RAilT$I "i:F]CER SDN. BHD. ud@u+ n'4" En' ;*nsqtat' su;*talrJt*1- 4 I SECOND PENANG BRIDGE LAND EXPRESSWAY PACKAGE 3D : BATU KAWAN EXPRESSWAY 2 Appendix 9 HSE Minute Meeting MONTHLY HSE REPORT NO. 01 s.uctTRAunoso*.rm tL SU. CITRA BINA SDN BHD. F MEETING Meeting No :OO2/L2 Date :27 April2OL2 Venue : Site Office Site Manaeer(Chairmanl : Mohd Azuan Bim Abd Rahman SHOI Secretarv : Abd Karim Bin Mohamad : Hashim Bin Hamzah Site Eneineer : Siti Syafiqah Binti Mohd Muzni Construction Manager : Syahnaz Bin Abdullah Site Environmetal : Mohd Asrul Bin Jamalani Site Planner : Kharunnisa Binti Hussein Site Supervisor : Mohd Shahbani Bin Pzil : Muhamad Fadzril Hafiz Bin Jamalani i ITEM NO L 1.1 DESCRIPTION ACTION BY DATE IINE lntroduction Mr. Chairman informed that safety is everybody concerned and responsibility lnfo all 2 2.L Last minute meeting was approved lnfo 3 3.1 Renewal of CIDB card was carried out for those whose expired their CIDB Card s.H.o On going 3.2 Application of new CIDB Card still carry on for new workers and staffs s.H.o On going Evacuation plan is already issued and stick on lnfo all On going 4 4,L safety corner board 4.2 staff is to follow the procedures as per evacuation plan Allstaff lncrcase of emergencies the persons to be lnfo all I 5 5.1 inform as per chart on safety corner board 5.2 6 6.1 personals is advise to record down all the numbers given as per on board Genset Room Generator set room is only for authorised personal only Allstaff Person lncharge 6.2 Fire extinguisher is 6.3 to be place all the time there signage of " NO SMOKING " " HIGH VOLTAGE Person lncharge ", " FLAMABLE LlQUlD " and " AUTHORISED PERSONAL ONLY " to be stick there 7 7.1 lnfo all coplied with P.P.E when work on site area 8 lnfo all nce no other matter to discussed meeting was call adjourned, next meeting will notify TBN REMARK 4 ry Name Position Date I , : ltAotiltkl f/W)^// 6..f -f ,. ,21fufw, Chairman Name n Bin Abd Rahman Position f Date l Lolu PROJECT I : THE SECOND PENANG BRIDGE 3D : TOLL PLAZA, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND RELATED WORK. - PACKAGE TITLE : SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEETING DATE : 27th VENUE : SITE OFFICE APR]L2OI} I ATTENDENCE LIST NO NAME POSITION 1, Mohd Azuan Bin Abd Rahman Projeck Manager 2 Syahnaz Bin Abdullah Construction Manager 3 Abdul Karim Bin Muhammad Mohd Asrul Bin Jamalani Safety and Health Officer 4 5 SitiSyafiqah Binti Mohd Muzni QA/AC 6 Hashim Bin Hamzah Safety and Health Supervisor 7 Mohd Shahbani Bin Mohammad Pzil Muhamad Fadzril Hafiz Bin Ahmad Site Supervisor 8 Environmental Officer Site Supervisor SU. CITRA BINA SDN. BHD. ENVIRONMENT AL ISSUE MEETING Meeting No o02lLz Date 27 AprilZ}L2 Venue Site Office Site Manaeer {Chairman} Mohd Azuan Bin Abd Rahman Construction Manaser (Vice-chairmanl Syahnaz Bin Abdullah E.O/ Secretarv Mohd Asrul Bin Jamalani Site Safew Abdul Karim Bin Muhammad Hashim Bin Hamzah Qualitv Assurance/QualiW Control Siti Syafiqah Binti Mohd Muzni Site Supervisor Mohd Shahbani Bin Mohammad Pzil Muhamad Fadzril Hafiz Bin Ahmad Think Green Go Green... Monthly Meeting No 2 For Environmental lssue ITEM NO ACTION BY DESCRIPTION DATE IINE REMARK 1 1.7 Mr. Chairman speech lnfo to all 2 2.1 Environmental Committee Members has been proposed by Environmental Proposed Names Completed 19th March 2012 by E.O Officer. All the attended personnel agreed the selection. 2.2 lected person in the Environmental mittee Members will be nominated an Emergency Response Team 3 3.1 4 4.1 lnduction has been given to Sub-contractor and workers for Soil lnvestigation Work. Tool box meetins Tool box meeting has been carried out by environmental officer for Soil lnvestigation Work. 2nd April 2012 S.H.O Sub-con and pleted Workers 2nd, 16th and 30th April 2012 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 Containment for spillage have been issued generator storage area and raw material storage area; Perimeter bund for both storage area for generator 5.2 accident spill kit; Contractor/ E.O Contractor/ E.O Completed Completed 19th March 201-2 19th March 2012 Contractor/ E.O Completed 5th April 2012 According to (b) a) sand b) spill buckets 3 units c) close containers 2 units d) scoops e) safety gloves 2 units 1 unit 5.3 Containment for raw material storage area and schedule waste storage area onsite Contractor/ E.O 5.4 lnspection is to be done from time to time, E.O On going Sub-Con/ Subpersonnel On going Workers On going going 6 6.1 office and site area have to be keep all the time 6.2 keeping will be done immediately ln consideration Think Green Go Green... 6.3 after work daily Domestic and construction waste collection. Sub-con 6.4 Sewerage waste collection IWK Seberang On going When necessary (see Annex B) n going When necessary (see Annex C) Perai 7 7.1 Responsibility on cleanliness. n going 8 8.1 Hazard signage at generator storage area E.O pleted 14th April 2012 E.O Completed 16th April 2012 E.O Ongoing a) "Diesel Storage" b) "lnflammable Liquid" 8.2 Updating hazard signage at generator area "Danger High Voltage" "No Smoking" 8.3 Scheduled waste storage area 8.4 Temporary storage at site office a)"Temporary Construction Material Storage" b)"Temporary Barricading Material Storage" 9 9.1 Next meeting will be notified and any All rise matter will be discussed. Chairman Name Position Mohd Asrul Bin Jamalani Environmental Officer Date 27th April2Ot2 Date Name Position Moh Azuan Bin Abd Rahman Manager \ ?4J lr- Think Green Go Green... ANNEX B : DOMESTIC AND CONSTRUCTION WASTE COLLECTION Matter 1) Personnel responsible 2)Collection schedule Description Man, 017 - 4169120 Twice a week 3)Payment Monthly RM 150 ANNEX C : SEWERAGE WASTE COLLTCTION Matter 1) Company responsible Description lndah Water Konsortium Seberang Perai No. 30, 2nd Floor, Jalan Todak 4, Pusat Bandar Seberang Jaya, 13700 Seberang Jaya, Perai. Fax: 04 - 397 7924 Email: anwarm@iwk.com.my 2) Collection schedule Once requested 3) Payment schedule a) RM 400 for I trip (small truck) a) RM 700 for I trip (large truck) I tpe $.*%+&. re'+ S.U CITRA Bll''lA SD}"I BHD Document Nc. Stanciarci. Document TYPe 92 of Title : SAFETY MANAGEI'JiENT I ! SUCE-OHS-11.P3D OHSAS IBSCi:2007 PLAN L 1C0 Revistcn 0 Date, 151111?011 LIST DAiLY TOOL BOX TALK ATTENDAI'ICE pgfiQt{ sn/v' 0/p Contractor Supervisot- Subject. S/NO l lolJ kttl 7ae/< SI I T ime. l NO oToo NS Q5, I/C/ CIDB NAI\NE I o/L Date 02- , SI REI\NARKS NATURE n i KS€ -t I l A r'7 'l ].lL l- (/ l Verified bY ETY IV]ANGER'OFFICER DA Ir' 0 L l .'it>f-f , '?"i.' ?-r-i:t1l.. il,.-llf{ c_r,{;,,.}i,',, s; '.ix 'i. ,r': .t Document Type: Standard: Document No: PLAH 0HSAS 18001;?.047 SUCB-OHS-11-P3D Title : i,n SAFETY MANAGEMENT S.U CITRA BINA SDN. Page 18 of 100 Revision 0 Date 15!1112011 TOOL BOX MEETING DATE : ,.!.2/.#T.?,0/} roPrc,.../N-#.J.e aF rrME !.*.8.:o.l.A.2ro NO 1 7 I 1 .f + 5 6 7 a 9 FiR{ .rtrr 6l'itrfraAH AWI (ffi\ ru-l N't;,k fi&ott0 Mr,t2Nl, Kt)N&UNt'b A r*t'ft HltSSetN NuR- D.lfl ftI,N i 0 rN7i tS0D. UlLflag U,* hd-l t.lur f-.liazrr.f u b*-[r" p1.lrd A.kub. trnoLIA' SglfuxHl 0" mo|llrrl\rrrM P'zrth4lrll,\lu/A.A 5:6p2$;tL d/1riv A, AtltWLD 6 tl\tll,Jltl ' otf.t grAtru-U.l {Vtt} tAA L3hlrt 0iil I -Ttra",J uM* J/h ^fu TN!\AD,LE,Jl I At\ Lt'nn 10 11 12 13 1.4 1"5 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /lw GIVEN BY: .... SIGNATURE : .. REMARK SIGNATURF\ NAME POST 3,5 .s Document No, Dccumenl TYPe Stanclarci. PLAI,I OHSAS 18001:20S7 SUCE-CtTS-11 -F3D D I I S U CITR,A. BiI{A SDN Bi-1D Title, SAFETY MANAGET'"tENT i 92 of 100 Reviston. 0 fr^l- 1511112a11 DAILY TOOL BOX. TAI-K ATTENDANCE LIST 4rn*ek spN, Blb. tcM k//t) 7€aL Supervisor. q SF Subjeci. NAT,l]E S/NO /. t Lw6 1M ksr u <oN L,L,I /< Hd rJ lo N k//11_ 'lu- Date f,coE Contractor Time qza 7/ooLr , C IiCl CIDB NO SIGNATURE REMARKS h 4€c/4L x+E"/36^@ - ,l I al- \{erified by SAFETY MANGER/ OFFI F R i 1 r*ffi&;r, I tsrE;a;. I Documenl l l i Standaro: OHSAS 180i,1:2007 TStPe PLAN Document Nc: I SUCB-CHS.11-P3D I I I H- S U CITRA BI I'JA Title. SAFETY IiIiANAGEMENT anl.l trLtn JU I\. UL IU Page 92 of Reviston 0 I 100 i udttr. I l 1511112C11 I DAILY TOOL BOX TALK ATTENDANCE LIST L i 'ooc RshbqK t^N' EqD Contractor C Supervisor ua k/rt4 T6d< I Subject. lsa5* LoLt/ Rt M NA[4E lseil* '- tJ t-la Z Date. 3C ' Time. Offio o82o )t I S/NO t.. I I I/C/ CIDB NO [,La?/t-oaa '5@S o 5 SIGNATURE t REI\4ARKS L 3O. Verified b'y ETY MANGER/ OFFICER {q/N,- PROJECT THE SECOND PENANG BRIDGE - PACKACE 3D : TOLL YLAZA, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND RELATED WORK. TITLE : SOIL INVESTIGATION TOOL BOX TOPIC : PERSONAL ETHIC DATE : 2'd TIME : 9.20 AM AND HOUSEKEEPING APRIL 2012 - 9.30 AM ATTENDENCE LIST NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 NAME Mohd. Asrul Bin Jamalani Low Kim Teck Lwe Lawk Se Hlu Lauk Hon Hlu Phan Son POSITION Environmental Officer Sutr-contractor Worker Worker Worker NO I MATTERS Personnel ethics at site: i) ii) 2 ACTION Responsibility on cleanliness. Personnelbehavior. Sub-con Sub-con Housekeeping: i) Good housekeeping practice during and after work Sub-con DATELINE Soil Investigation Worker List NO I 1 3 4 NAME LOW KIM TECK LWE LAWK SE HLU LAUK HON HLU PHAN SON Tool Box Meetins Date :2"d April2012 Time : 9.20 am - 9.30 am PERMIT COUNTRY MAY 2012 7tn MAY 2012 7't MAY 2012 MALAYSlA MYANMAR ]\{YANMAR N{YANMAR IC / PASSPORT 660916-02-5405 A 450142 A 450139 A 450138 7th THE SECOND PENANG BzuDGE - PACKAGE 3D : TOLL PLAZA, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND RELATED WORK. PROJECT : TITLE : SOIL INVESTIGATION TOOL BOX TOPIC : PERSONAL DATE : 16s aPRIL2ol2 TIME : 9.25 ETHIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT AM TO 9.35 AM ATTENDENCE LIST NO I ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NAME Mohd. Asrul Bin Jamalani Low Kim Teck Lwe Lawk Se Hlu Lauk Hon Hlu Phan Son POSITION Environmental Officer Sub-contractor Worker Worker Worker NO 1 MATTERS ACTION DATELINE Personnel ethics at site: i) Responsibility on cleanliness. Sub-con Sub-con 2 Environmental aspect: i) ii) iii) Avoid spillage. Prohibiting open burning Primary containment of spillage on machinery Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con ASAP 'fool Box Meeting Date 16tl'April2012 Time 9"25 am - 9.35 am PACKAGE 3D : TOLL PLAZA. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND RELATED WORK. PROJECT : THE SECOND PENANG BRIDGE TITLE : SOIL INVESTIGATION TOOL BOX TOPIC : PERSONAL ETHIC DATE : TlME : 8.30 - AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT 3od'APRiLzol2 AM TO 8.40 AM ATTENDENCE LIST NO 1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 l4 t5 t6 t7 18 t9 z0 NAI\{E Mohd. Asrul Bin Jamalani Low Kim Teck Lwe Lawk Se HIU Lauk Hon Hlu Phan Son POSITION Environmental Officer Sutr-contractor representative Worker Worker Worker NO 1 MATTERS Personnel ethics at site: i) 2 i) ii I I Responsibility on cleanliness. Sub-con Sub-con Environmental aspect: ii) I ACTION i) Avoiding spillage. Prohibiting open burning Primary containment of spillage on machinery Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con DATELINE Tool Box Meeting Date Time I I i : 30th April 2012 8.30 am - 8.40 am