Report to the Community 2013 - Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Report to the Community 2013 - Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
Research Saves Lives Report to the Community 2013 We have living proof. Inside this report A message from our CEO: Opening doors to promising discoveries 4 A message from our Ontario Region Board Chair: Creating a bright future together 4 A message from our National Chair 5 Research 6 Taking the lead to prevent breast cancer 7 Making strides towards earlier detection 9 Working to improve diagnosis 12 Saving lives through better treatment 15 Improving life beyond breast cancer 18 Fellowships 20 Building research capacity through fellowships 20 Knowledge sharing 23 The Pink Tour: Getting on board for breast health 24 Taking steps to reduce risk 25 Improving women’s health through informed decisions 26 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run For the Cure 27 Our donors 28 Financial summary 45 Get involved 47 Board of directors In memory of Betty-Jane 48 Our vision 49 Contact info 50 3 A message from our OntarioRegion Board Chair 4 Creating a bright future together Over the past 25 years, breast cancer mortality rates have dropped by more than 40 per cent. That’s great news A message from our CEO because it means our research, education and advocacy efforts are having an impact. But with one in nine Canadian women still vulnerable to a breast cancer diagnosis in her lifetime, there is still much work to be done. We are working towards a future where no women or men are affected by this illness. Opening doors to promising discoveries Advancing innovative research A breast cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. This year our investments in research are shedding new light on how to prevent, detect, diagnose and treat breast cancer, and how to further enhance the quality of life for those who have been affected by this disease. In 2013, we awarded $8.4 million in grants to support 17 breast cancer research projects and 17 training fellowships in Ontario. It is thanks in large part to the work of dedicated breast cancer scientists and clinicians that we are seeing more targeted and less invasive treatments, fewer side effects, and better outcomes. Research is saving lives. As you will see in this report, CBCF-funded researchers are hard at work exploring ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, treat, and improve the quality of life for women and their families affected by breast cancer. We build on their success by translating their work into meaningful education and advocacy initiatives that empower women to make informed decisions about their health. As a scientist, I feel privileged to be working with researchers who are among the brightest in Canada and who are at the forefront in advancing what we know about breast cancer. In 2013, researchers are working on more than 180 CBCF-funded research projects. Championing the role of volunteers Thanks to the generous support of CIBC and Shoppers Drug Mart we visited 124 Ontario communities this year, providing valuable information about the benefits of breast cancer screening. We also intensified our efforts to reduce the incidence of breast cancer by offering women evidence-based information and practical steps to help them improve their health and reduce their breast cancer risk. In the 27 years the Foundation has been supporting women with breast cancer, we have remained a community-driven organization. People get involved supporting the breast cancer cause in so many ways and if it weren’t for the thousands of supporters and participants who take part in community events across the province, our work wouldn’t be possible. Through this year’s report you will read stories of individuals who, in their own special way, are making a difference. In my first year as Board Chair, I am humbled by this overwhelming, and much needed, support. Be proud of the great strides you are helping us make towards realizing a brighter future for our friends, colleagues, and family members affected by breast cancer. Together with your continued support, we will create a future without breast cancer. Sandra Palmaro CEO, Ontario Region Dr. Gurmit Singh Chair, Ontario Region Board of Directors From our National Chair The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation transforms the passion and commitment of our community into meaningful change. We’re proud to be the largest nongovernment funder of breast cancer research, thanks to your support. We hope you share that pride. Our research grants fund high impact research at both the national and regional level. In 2012, the Foundation provided $3.2 million in national grant funding to eight innovative projects focused on advancing new technologies for detecting cancer at its earliest stages – everything from exploring the potential of 3D digital tomosynthesis as a more precise screening tool, to examining “spintronic” microwave image sensing as a comfortable, safe, portable and cost effective imaging technique. On these pages, you can also see highlights of recent regional research grants. Together, through the funding of research projects at both the national and regional level, we are able to support the best and brightest researchers from across the country. We also fund health education and advocacy programs at the community level to meet the distinct needs of the diverse country we serve. As you can see from these stories, your support is bringing us closer to realizing our vision of creating a future without breast cancer. Deborah Dubenofsky Chair, National Board of Directors 5 Here is a sample of research we funded: page 11 Somatostatin receptor antagonists for early detection of breast cancer with positron emission mammography – BC/Yukon region page Using DNA repair genes to discover new ways of predicting survival in breast cancer – Prairies/Northwest Territories region 14 page New therapy for locally-advanced breast cancer using gold nanobombs – Ontario region page Cellular and molecular effects of the dietary photochemical piperine on triple-negative breast cancer cells – Atlantic region 17 17 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is: funded research Taking the lead prevent to breast cancer p7 Making strides towards earlier detection p9 Working to improve diagnosis p12 Saving lives through better treatment p15 Improving life beyond breast cancer p18 6 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Al Greene Father and warm-up leader, Toronto, Ontario As a personal trainer, Al is passionate about healthy living and encourages women to reduce their risk of breast cancer through exercise. “Everyone I know is somehow affected by this disease and it’s important for me to contribute.” Each year for the past 22 years, except for the morning his daughter Kennedy was born, Al has prepared the runners and walkers in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, getting them energized to get started. “Hopefully with all this work we do we can get rid of breast cancer. I don’t want Kennedy to have to worry.” Linking workplace environment with prevention Studying the cognitive impact of preventative ovarian removal Making dietary choices to reduce risk Reducing breast cancer risk in high risk women 7 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Linking workplace environment with prevention Dr. James Brophy and Dr. Margaret Keith Windsor, Ontario – $196,078 This landmark study, which gained international attention, provides new evidence to help inform discussions with governments, industry, health care providers and stakeholders about the serious effects that occupational risk factors can have on the development of breast cancer. The lead researchers, Dr. Brophy and Dr. Keith, along with an international team of co-investigators, found an average increase in breast cancer risk of 42 per cent among women who work for a 10-year period in environments with high-risk exposure to carcinogens and hormone-disrupting chemicals. Their work has created the first research database in Canada that links work history and chemical and other risk exposures to health outcomes. The findings are leading to tangible actions we can take to prevent the disease. Making dietary choices to reduce risk Dr. Michelle Cotterchio Toronto, Ontario– $371,897 Previous research studies have suggested that eating foods with phytoestrogens – substances which mimic estrogen and can be found in plants such as soy and flaxseed – may help reduce the risk of breast cancer. This study found a link between women who consumed a greater amount of phytoestrogens when they were adolescents and a lower risk of breast cancer. Recent research by this group suggests that these findings may be most relevant for postmenopausal breast cancer, and particular tumour subgroups such as estrogen receptor-positive breast tumours. If this is confirmed by future research, this could lead to new strategies for prevention and allow young women to make dietary choices that may reduce their risk of developing breast cancer. co-funded by the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance Reducing breast cancer risk in high risk women Studying the cognitive impact of preventative ovarian removal Dr. Gillian Einstein Toronto, Ontario – $371,897 Women who carry breast cancer gene mutations, BRCA1 or BRCA2, are routinely counselled to have their ovaries removed to reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. However, the resulting loss of estrogen production premenopause may have negative effects on other body systems, particularly the brain, placing women at risk for dementia. This study is looking at the cognitive impacts on women who have had their ovaries removed as a preventive measure. The results will help women at high risk for breast cancer, who are considering this procedure, to better understand its risks and benefits. Dr. Joanne Kotsopoulos Toronto, Ontario– $371,897 Less than 10 per cent of women diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of the disease. There is, however, no scientific evidence on how various risk factors (i.e. hormonal contraceptives, diet or lifestyle) might influence breast cancer development in women without a genetic mutation but with a strong family history of breast cancer. There are also no guidelines in place to instruct the counselling and care of women from high-risk families who don’t have the breast cancer gene mutation, BRCA. This study explores the role of genetic and non-genetic factors to determine best practices in the care of these vulnerable women, including targeted prevention and screening options to help reduce their risk. 8 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Brenda Stover Mother, singer and awareness advocate, Tillsonburg, Ontario When Brenda walked into her local CIBC branch last year, little did she know that it would lead to a breast cancer diagnosis. The bank teller suggested she visit CBCF’s Pink Tour bus stationed in the parking lot to book her first mammogram. At the age of 50, with no family history of breast cancer, Brenda was shocked when she later learned she had a lump. Brenda’s story is a testament to the importance of early detection, and she encourages other women to get screened regularly. Improving screening rates among under-screened women Conveying the importance of screening guidelines to women at risk Improving earlier detection of cancer spread Somatostatin receptor antagonists for early detection of breast cancer with positron emission mammography 9 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Improving screening rates among under-screened women Ms. Victoria Nadalin Conveying the importance of screening guidelines to women at risk Toronto, Ontario– $299,078 Dr. Paul Ritvo and Dr. Anna Chiarelli Despite the existence of Ontario’s universally funded breast cancer screening program, there are groups of women in the province who are either not screened as often as is recommended, or are not being screened at all - including women who are elderly, new Canadians, and women who live in rural and underserviced areas. This community-based research study involving Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Women’s Health Network sought to assess why under-and never-screened women eligible for the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) are not accessing the service. Peer-led focus groups were held in Timmins, Toronto, and Peel Region. Barriers to screening reported by the women included that most were not aware they could access the OBSP without a referral, while others were unaware as to what a mammogram was, and some were concerned about possibly having a male technician perform their exam. These results highlight areas where improved information (such as the ability to request a female technician) could lead to enhanced screening amongst under-and never-screened women. For better detection rates and the improved chance of diagnosing small tumours, it is recommended that women with a family history of breast cancer receive breast cancer screenings at an earlier age and with more frequency. Dr. Ritvo and Dr. Chiarelli’s study looked at screening behaviour and its relation to perceived risk of breast cancer in a group of women with a family history of the illness in order to better understand barriers to screening for women in this group. Results indicate that women with a family history of breast cancer are more likely to screen at the recommended time intervals when they believe those intervals are appropriate. Screening frequency was not associated with women’s beliefs about their own risk factors, which suggests that more emphasis on screening frequently is needed for women who may be at higher risk of developing breast cancer. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation-funded fellow Meghan Walker, who is supervised by Dr. Chiarelli, is conducting research to better understand adherence to screening among high-risk women, which will inform the development of more effective strategies for promoting screening in this group. Toronto, Ontario–$657,028 co-funded by the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance 10 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Improving earlier detection of cancer spread Dr. Vasiliki Economopolous London, Ontario–$75,000 The spread of cancer (metastasis) is the main cause of cancer-related death. Cancer cells spread by traveling through either the lymphatic system or blood vessels. The goal of this study was to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to detect and track small numbers of cancer cells through the lymphatic system by using a targeted imaging approach. The research demonstrated the existence of very slow growing cancer cells that could be responsible for metastasis. These cells would not be targeted by traditional cancer treatments, which target rapidly dividing cells, and could hide for up to several years before starting to grow more rapidly. This research highlights a method for identifying these cells before they establish new tumours, providing an opportunity to develop treatments that would target them and prevent metastasis. Somatostatin receptor antagonists for early detection of breast cancer with positron emission mammography Dr. François Bénard Vancouver, British Columbia–$356,000 Dr. Bénard’s research has been instrumental in applying a new process of making radioactive medicine without using aged nuclear reactors. For Canadian scientists, this development could go a long way toward solving the world’s shortage of medical isotopes, as it uses hospital cyclotrons to make the compounds and bypasses the need for reactors. Dr. Bénard’s research focuses on studying a new generation of radiotracers that target somatostatin receptors, molecules that are present in almost all breast cancers. Positron emission mammography (PEM) is a promising technology for detecting smaller breast cancers at an early stage, but is limited by the imaging markers, or radiotracers, which currently miss up to 20 per cent of tumours. This research holds promise for improving the early detection of breast cancer in women who are at high personal risk. 11 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Poonam Batra Medical student and top fundraiser, Burlington, Ontario As a medical student and breast cancer survivor, Poonam is a strong advocate for early breast cancer detection. In her second year of medical school she discovered a lump in her breast. “It was really eye opening to me that it doesn’t necessarily matter whether there’s a family history, what your age is, or how healthy you are. It can happen to anyone.” The 26 year-old was celebrated as the top Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure fundraiser in the Post-Secondary Challenge. She plans to become a family doctor and heavily incorporate breast cancer awareness into her practice and work. Using optical imaging to advance surgical practice Increasing coordination of diagnostic care Enhancing the sensitivity of imaging for breast cancer detection Improving imaging and screening to detect tumours Using DNA repair genes to discover new ways of predicting survival in breast cancer 12 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Using optical imaging to advance surgical practice Increasing coordination of diagnostic care Dr. Ralph DaCosta Dr. Anna Gagliardi Toronto, Ontario–$436,106 Toronto, Ontario– $431,306 Tremendous advances have been made in imaging technology over the past 10 to 15 years, including the emergence of optical imaging techniques. This research has the potential to improve how breast cancer is diagnosed and treated by addressing two unmet needs. One being new diagnostic tools that are non-invasive and don’t use radioactive chemicals. Another being a new way to ensure the complete removal of every tumour cell during the initial surgery. “We believe the combination of non-invasive fluorescence and photoacoustics imaging techniques can be used effectively to guide both diagnosis and treatment, reducing the need for additional surgeries and minimizing the possibility of recurrence.” Dr. DaCosta and his team are already working with Health Canada to ensure that their work can quickly transition from research in the lab to where it is directly helping patients. People with cancer receive better care when health care professionals work together to coordinate services and make decisions. Several Diagnostic Assessment Programs (DAPs) have been established in hospitals in Ontario to coordinate diagnostic tests to improve the quality of care delivered to women and men being tested for breast and lung cancer. This study analyzes information collected from DAPs to evaluate the inter-professional collaborative care being provided and to determine the quality of diagnostic services. The results will be used to improve coordination of care within existing and new DAPs during what is a very stressful time for individuals who are awaiting their results. 13 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Enhancing the sensitivity of imaging for breast cancer detection Eva Razumienko Toronto, Ontario–$112,500 This project focused on the development of innovative agents (chemicals) to enhance the detection of breast cancer using imaging technology. The research established an agent with the ability to detect HER2-positive breast cancer. The results of this research will help develop methods for detecting specific characteristics of tumours throughout the body, identifying appropriate treatments, and monitoring patient response to treatment. Improving imaging and screening to detect tumours Dr. Martin Yaffe Toronto, Ontario–$302,503 Conventional techniques for examining breast cancer and surrounding tissues removed during a lumpectomy are limited because they only allow for examination of a small two-dimensional portion of the tissue. This study seeks to use three-dimensional (3D) pathology to better assess whether tissue removed through lumpectomy has clean margins (i.e. no cancer in the tissue surrounding the tumour). Given the positive results of this study, pathologists at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre who specialize in breast care are incorporating 3D pathology as part of their routine clinical practice. co-funded by the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance Using DNA repair genes to discover new ways of predicting survival in breast cancer Dr. Sambasivarao Damaraju Edmonton, Alberta – $199,184 Discovering a genetic marker for breast cancer recurrence could renew hope for patients and families. You’ve survived breast cancer only to have it come back, and now the disease is more aggressive and may be resistant to treatment. Numerous women face this frightening scenario, but the discovery of a genetic marker that predicts the risk of recurrence is a beacon of hope for the future. Dr. Damaraju, a professor with the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta and the Cross Cancer Institute, and his team tested the DNA of 369 women in Alberta diagnosed with good prognosis breast cancer (called Luminal A) and discovered the marker. Because women with Luminal A breast cancers tend to have a good survival rate, they are not treated with the aggressive treatments used for other types of breast cancer. For 15-20 per cent of women, however, the cancer recurs and is usually fatal. A marker that predicts the risk of recurrence could identify which women would benefit from a more aggressive form of cancer therapy. 14 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Irene Chevalier Survivor and RE/MAX employee, Welland, Ontario After watching her sister battle the disease, Irene knew what to expect when in 2011 she was told that she had stage III breast cancer. Irene is thankful for the treatment she received and grateful to her employer, RE/MAX, for its ongoing support of CBCF’s investment in breast cancer research. “The care, research, knowledge, and everything was huge. Because of them I’m here. I’m alive.” Studying cancer stem cells to better understand and prevent metastasis Predicting outcome and efficacy of treatment at diagnosis Monitoring tumour response to treatment non-invasively Understanding how cancer-killing viruses work New therapy for locally-advanced breast cancer using gold nanobombs Cellular and molecular effects of the dietary photochemical piperine on triple-negative breast cancer cells 15 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Predicting outcome and efficacy of treatment at diagnosis Studying cancer stem cells to better understand and prevent metastasis Dr. Alison Allan London, Ontario–$449,733 While most women survive breast cancer, once the disease spreads, or metastasises beyond the breast, survival rates decline. For reasons that are not well understood, breast cancer cells, if they spread, are predisposed to target the lymph nodes, bones, brain, lungs and liver. This research focuses on studying the interactions between cancer stem cells, which are responsible for metastasis, and these sites to better understand why breast cancer spreads to certain organs in the body first. “Cancer cells are like chameleons. They adapt to changes in their environment and figure out the best way to survive, so we need to figure out what factors are helping those cancer stem cells grow and design treatments that can interfere with that relationship.” The study has already identified some specific factors produced by the lungs that may lead to aggressive metastatic tumours there. These exciting results could lay the groundwork for developing treatments targeting these factors. Dr. Anita Bane Hamilton, Ontario –$380,918 Dr. Bane’s team previously developed a test (using a gene signature) that can accurately predict the outcome at diagnosis for women with basal-like breast cancer, a type of breast cancer that has poor outcomes for 30-40 per cent of women. Dr. Bane’s current research aims to simplify this test, which is too complex to be used in standard practice, so that health professionals could easily use it on samples that are routinely collected. If successful, this project could enable some patients with basal-like breast cancer to avoid toxic chemotherapy, improving their quality of life. Monitoring tumour response to treatment non-invasively Dr. Greg Czarnota Toronto, Ontario–$428,016 Up to one-fifth of new breast cancer diagnoses are locally advanced (i.e. spread beyond the breast tissue), with a five-year survival rate of approximately 55 per cent. Ensuring that treatment is effective is crucial to long-term survival. Current methods of assessing patients’ responses to a specific treatment are based on physical measurements of tumour size, which can take several months to become visible. Dr. Czarnota and his team investigated whether conventional, non-invasive ultrasound could be used to monitor treatment response in patients with locally advanced breast cancer receiving chemotherapy prior to surgery. This study established, for the first time, the feasibility of using this type of ultrasound to detect response to treatment within weeks of starting chemotherapy (rather than months), creating a new tool with which to more accurately personalize cancer treatment for women with breast cancer. 16 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Understanding how cancer-killing viruses work Dr. Karen Mossman Hamilton, Ontario–$748,560 Metastatic breast tumours, tumours that have spread to other organs or parts of the body, do not respond well to standard treatments and thus new treatment options are needed. A promising new approach involves the use of viruses that kill cancer cells but not healthy cells. This study aims to understand how a herpes simplex virus could be tailored to kill cancer functions, and will determine if it can target cancer stem cells, which cause metastasis. The research will also investigate how a herpes simplex virus manipulates the immune system to attack existing tumour cells. The results of this study could have a significant impact on the treatment available for metastatic breast cancer. co-funded by the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance Cellular and molecular effects of the dietary photochemical piperine on triple-negative breast cancer cells Dr. David Hoskin Halifax, Nova Scotia–$100,000 Dr. Hoskin, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Atlantic Region Endowed Chair in Breast Cancer Research, based at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, recently discovered that piperine – from the spice black pepper – is able to trigger cell death in breast cancer cells, while not harming healthy cells. Together with his team, Dr. Hoskin is now working to determine how piperine kills triple-negative breast cancer cells and prevents their spread. Triple-negative breast cancers are an aggressive and difficult-to-treat form of the disease. Ultimately, Dr. Hoskin’s work will provide a basis for the possible use of piperine in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer caused by triple-negative breast cancer cells. New therapy for locally-advanced breast cancer using gold nanobombs Dr. Raymond Reilly Toronto, Ontario–$444,456 Dr. Reilly’s research aims to develop a new radiation treatment for patients whose breast cancer is locally advanced and has spread from the breast to nearby tissue or lymph nodes, also known as stage III breast cancer. Women with stage III breast cancer have a lower survival rate (60-70 per cent) than the 90 per cent of women who survive when diagnosed before the cancer has spread. Currently, most stage III breast cancer patients receive chemotherapy to reduce the tumour size, followed by surgery, radiation and additional treatments. Dr. Reilly is collaborating with Dr. Jean-Philippe Pignol, a radiation oncologist at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Their goal is to develop a better method for post-surgery radiation using “gold nanobombs” – small particles of gold that target the tumour in three different ways, through antibodies, radiation treatment and chemotherapy – which would be injected at the surgery site to target and eradicate any residual cancer cells. If successful, this new radiation treatment could be a highly effective option, having little or no impact on healthy tissues, resulting in fewer side effects. 17 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Bronwyn Best Survivor and chief cake maker, Toronto, Ontario “It’s scary when you’re told you have it,” as Bronwyn learned when she was diagnosed with breast cancer 11 years ago. Since that time, Bronwyn has perfected a white chocolate cheesecake with rhubarb swirl recipe featured at her annual Cakes for Cancer fundraiser for CBCF. “This event is as much about education as it is about raising funds for research. Many of us have been touched by breast cancer, but we’ll only know that if people talk about it.” Confirming the cognitive effects of chemotherapy Developing chronic pain interventions for older women Advancing new techniques for clinical breast reconstruction Evaluating a new program for breast cancer-related pain relief 18 prevention | detection | diagnosis | treatment | quality of life Confirming the cognitive effects of chemotherapy Dr. Barbara Collins Ottawa, Ontario–$403,606 Many patients who receive chemotherapy as a treatment for breast cancer complain of longterm problems with cognitive processes such as concentration, memory, forgetfulness, and multitasking. Until now, these symptoms have often been attributed to the depression or stress associated with breast cancer. Dr. Collins’ study looked at the cognitive impact of chemotherapy by testing women before, during and after chemotherapy treatments. Cognitive performance declined progressively with each chemotherapy treatment, providing compelling evidence for a direct link between chemotherapy and cognitive issues among women with breast cancer. “While further research is needed to better understand this phenomenon, I have already used evidence from the study in my clinical practice to convince an employer to provide special work accommodations for an employee whose cognitive issues were having an impact on her productivity.” These findings will inform the development of treatments designed to help minimize these effects. Advancing new techniques for clinical breast reconstruction Dr. John Semple Toronto, Ontario–$750,000 CBCF-Ontario Region has funded the first ever Research Chair in Breast Cancer Surgery in Canada. As the inaugural chair, Dr. Semple is focusing on three areas of breast cancer research: 1) advancing new techniques in clinical breast reconstruction following mastectomy that will provide increased options for women who aren’t normally suited to breast reconstruction; 2) investigating the effects of radiation and surgery on lymph nodes that can lead to swelling of an arm or leg (lymphedema); and 3) innovative models of patient care in ambulatory settings that highlight best practices, patient safety and quality of life. Many of the findings from Dr. Semple’s research are already in practice at Women’s College Hospital and other hospitals across the country. Developing chronic pain interventions for older women Evaluating a new program for breast cancer-related pain relief Dr. Lucia Gagliese Dr. Patricia Poulin Toronto, Ontario–$747,490 Ottawa, Ontario–$414,000 Following breast cancer surgery, many women experience moderate to severe pain, and up to 60 per cent develop chronic pain. Older women represent the largest group of breast cancer surgery patients and they may be at greater risk than younger patients for unrelieved pain, longer than normal recovery, and chronic pain. Preliminary results from this study indicate that over 50 per cent of women who have surgery as a treatment for breast cancer will develop pain that persists for at least six months. This study may help guide the development of interventions to prevent the likelihood of persistent pain. More than half of women who have had breast cancer suffer nervous systemrelated chronic pain that can be debilitating and significantly affect their quality of life. Because medical treatment alone is often not enough to relieve the pain, this study will evaluate an eight-week program that combines medical treatment and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for the relief of breast cancer-related pain. Since MBSR has proven to successfully alleviate pain for other conditions, this research will help determine whether it is also an effective treatment for women being treated for breast cancer and suffering from nervous system-related chronic pain. co-funded by the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance 19 20 Dr. Muriel Brackstone, Fellow ‘04 Through its Fellowship Awards, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation supports the training of emerging breast cancer researchers and health care providers by funding research, clinical and professional practice opportunities. Since the program was launched in 1999, more than 180 fellows have received training in the breast cancer field, demonstrating that CBCF is committed to educating promising individuals who are passionate about a career in breast cancer. Dr. Muriel Brackstone, a surgical oncologist, received a CBCF fellowship in 2004, and trained with specialists at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. Her fellowship provided her with the expertise necessary to establish a comprehensive multidisciplinary clinic at the London Regional Cancer Centre, where mammograms, biopsies, surgeries and other procedures are offered in one location, enhancing the coordination of care for women during a difficult time. In addition, Dr. Brackstone has incorporated a research component in the clinic, creating a synergy of productivity among leading researchers that is hastening new discoveries. Reflecting on her fellowship with CBCF, Dr. Brackstone said, “I will be forever grateful for that opportunity,” and has since initiated a fellowship program in London. CBCF-funded fellows: Kimberly Cullen Dr. Andrea Covelli Dr. Breanne Cuddington Dr. Jory Simpson Dr. Philip Medeiros 21 Kimberly Cullen Toronto, Ontario Enhancing quality of life through online couples-based sexual therapy – $112,500 Ms. Cullen is a promising young clinical psychologist who firmly believes that sexual health needs a strong voice within the breast cancer community. “I hope to elevate the importance of sexual health from its bottom shelf status to a key factor for consideration in the overall quality of life of women affected by breast cancer.” The prevalence of sexual dysfunction and distress among women Kimberly Cullen Dr. Andrea Covelli diagnosed with breast cancer is not well known, but is estimated to range from 21-94 per cent. Ms. Cullen is using her fellowship to examine the impact of an online, couples-based intervention designed to address sexual problems commonly encountered by breast cancer survivors and their partners. She has contributed to the work of CBCF-funded researcher Dr. Karen Fergus, whose Couplelinks project is an innovative online intervention for couples dealing with breast cancer. Ms. Cullen believes that participation in this intervention has the potential to not only alleviate sexual distress, but also to empower breast cancer survivors to openly discuss the impact of the illness on their sexual quality of life. Dr. Breanne Cuddington Dr. Jory Simpson Dr. Philip Medeiros 22 Dr. Andrea Covelli Toronto, Ontario Breanne Cuddington Hamilton, Ontario While it’s recommended that women with early breast cancer undergo breastsparing surgery (removal of tumour and some normal tissue, also known as a lumpectomy) many women over the past five years have opted for more extensive surgeries, including removal of the breast with cancer and the one without. This fellowship focuses on why women choose mastectomy over lumpectomy. Dr. Covelli holds the first ever awarded Roche-Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Ontario Region Physician Fellowship and is a promising breast surgical resident training to become a clinician scientist. Oncolytic (cancer-killing) viruses represent an exciting new therapy option because they target and eradicate cancer cells while sparing healthy cells, eliminating the toxic side effects of current chemotherapy treatments. In this fellowship, Ms. Cuddington is using bovine herpes virus (BHV-1) to treat breast cancer. Unlike current treatment strategies, BHV-1 effectively targets a wide array of breast tumour cells. The successful development of this therapeutic option could have a significant impact on the survival and quality of life of women with breast cancer. Dr. Jory Simpson Toronto, Ontario Dr. Philip Medeiros Toronto, Ontario Understanding why more women with early breast cancer are choosing mastectomy – $143,000 Embracing a novel surgical approach to managing women with breast cancer – $71,500 Following his CBCF fellowship Dr. Simpson was offered a position as a breast surgical oncologist at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. Inspired by the training he received during his fellowship, he plans to pursue research as a component of his surgical career and he is currently pursuing a Masters in Education. Actively engaged in research, teaching and other professional activities related to his work in breast cancer, Dr. Simpson is participating in a research study that involves establishing and evaluating a novel breast surgery clinic where patients see a plastic surgeon and a surgical breast oncologist together before having surgery. Kimberly Cullen Dr. Andrea Covelli Exploring bovine herpes virus as a treatment for breast cancer – $112,500 Stress receptor found to stimulate growth and migration of cancer cells – $112,500 Dr. Philip Medeiros recently completed a fellowship that provided insight into a novel link between stress and breast cancer. His research showed that a particular receptor, stimulated by stress-related nerves, causes breast cancer cells to divide more rapidly and become more active, which are important characteristics of breast cancer development. This research provides an exciting new opportunity for the development of a drug that could block these effects. Dr. Breanne Cuddington Dr. Jory Simpson Dr. Philip Medeiros Knowledge sharing The One of the most meaningful ways we can help women and their families is by making knowledge gained from research available to the public. Empowering women to make more informed decisions about their health helps to reduce the incidence of breast cancer, lowering mortality rates, and ensuring a better quality of life post treatment. Pink Tour Taking small steps to reduce risk Improving women’s health Living well helps reduce your risk. For more information about breast health, ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer or to share what you’re doing to live well: p24 p25 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Ontario Region 20 Victoria Street, 6th Floor Toronto, ON M5C 2N8 1.866.373.6313 p26 23 The Pink Tour | steps to reduce risk | women’s health 24 The Pink Tour Did you know? Based on scientific evidence and best practices, we know that empowering women to make informed choices about breast cancer screening is one of the most significant ways we can help reduce mortality rates. In 2012, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation travelled across the province with The Pink Tour, our mobile breast health program, to start a dialogue about breast health and breast cancer screening with the public. We reached 124 communities and connected with over 35,000 Ontarians, providing visitors with helpful information about the benefits of screening. The level of community engagement throughout the tour was exceptional. We met women who had personal experiences with breast cancer, women who were learning about the importance of breast health for the first time, and husbands who picked up information for their wives and daughters. We connected with public health units, primary care providers, and community-based health organizations and strengthened our relationship with representatives from all levels of government. With a goal to encourage more eligible women to participate in the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP), we were delighted that more than 400 women booked their first mammogram appointment with the OBSP while visiting the bus. Thanks to CIBC, Shoppers Drug Mart and their employees from across the province, we were able to bring breast health information to communities large and small. Their participation and support was essential to making The Pink Tour a reality. Since 1986, breast cancer mortality rates in Canada have declined by 42% as a result of increased breast cancer screening and improved treatment. Yet, the latest screening data shows that only 43% of eligible women (ages 50-74) participate in the Ontario Breast Screening Program. The Pink Tour | steps to reduce risk | women’s health 25 Taking steps to reduce risk While many women believe the risk of developing breast cancer is primarily associated with genetics and family history, evidence shows that less than 10 per cent of breast cancer cases are related to family history. The World Cancer Research Fund estimates that one-third of breast cancers are preventable through a more balanced diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, and regular physical activity. Evidence also confirms that women can reduce their risk of breast cancer by drinking less alcohol, quitting smoking, limiting use of hormone therapy during menopause, and reducing exposure to environmental carcinogens and hormone disruptors. This past year, we provided women with information and practical tips in ways that made the information approachable and easy for them to access including a dedicated website, social media channels (Facebook and Twitter), a powerful public service announcement, print ads, and a broadly distributed the health promotion brochure designed to encourage conversations about breast health between women and their health care providers. Our message is simple. Live your life and protect it on your own terms. Try one new thing that can improve your health and recognize that even small steps can help reduce your risk of breast cancer. Ultimately, we believe that by supporting women with practical information about how they can minimize their risk of breast cancer we can reduce the incidence of the disease. Getting physical at 40 The beauty of physical activity is that it’s never too late to start. Just ask Karen Speirs. The lifelong hockey fan took to the ice in her mid-40s, shortly after her husband joined a neighbourhood hockey team. Bored of sitting at home, she and the other women in the neighbourhood laced up their skates and formed their own hockey team, the Stanley Cupcakes. “We had a lot of enthusiasm, a great jersey, and a lot to learn,” says Karen. The women borrowed equipment from their children, picked up gear from a second hand sports store, and booked their ice time. Karen says the women were blown away by how much fun it was. “Taking up a sport in midlife is humbling, but it’s hugely rewarding. Who knew we would be celebrating our 50th birthdays by playing hockey?” The Pink Tour | steps to reduce risk | women’s health 26 Improving women’s health through informed decisions Knowledge is power, and one of the most effective ways women can take control of their health is through access to resources that will help them make informed decisions. Available resources Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is home to the most comprehensive breast health and breast cancer information available in Canada, and every year we expand our resources based on the latest scientific evidence. A booklet designed to provide information and resources for women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Getting information into the hands of women and their families is never an easy task, which is why we rely on the support of clinics, hospitals, and doctors’ offices across the province to help put vital information about breast health and breast cancer screening at their fingertips. In 2012, we distributed over 150,000 free resources to 216 organizations and individuals and at 52 Foundation events. Tools like our new video, Do I need to be screened for breast cancer?, available online and at many Ontario breast screening clinics across the province, broaden our outreach and tap into individual preferences for accessing information. In an age of social media where information travels across online channels immediately, helping people sort through the clutter to determine what is credible and what is not has become more important than ever. Every month, more than 18,000 people visit knowing that they can source information with confidence to help inform their decision-making about reducing the risk of breast cancer, taking part in regular screenings with the Ontario Breast Screening Program, going through treatment, and getting back to a more normal life when treatment ends. Living Well Helps Reduce Your Risk Provides easy-to-read information about breast cancer risk and healthier life choices. Guiding Women Getting Back on Track A book is for women who are making the transition to life after breast cancer treatment. Screening Designed to help inform women’s decision making about breast cancer screening with information about the benefits and limitations of getting a mammogram. Be Breast Aware Informs people about how to be breast aware by becoming familiar with how the breasts normally look and feel. Do I need to be screened for breast cancer? Animated sketch video on the benefits and limitations of breast cancer screening through a conversation between a woman 50+ and her family doctor. 27 The community of support for breast cancer is multi-faceted, consisting of individuals, families, extended groups of friends and caring corporate sponsors. For the last 20 years, CIBC has been a leader in this community and represents the gold standard for corporate support and employee volunteerism. As title sponsor of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure, CIBC has been a key partner in the success of the cause. It’s a relationship that dates back to 1992, when a small group of employees participated in the Run for the Cure in support of a colleague who was experiencing breast cancer. That grassroots support led CIBC to become a national sponsor and, for the past 17 years, the title sponsor for the event. training branch employees on donation procedures and contributing to Run planning for each of the Run sites across the country. In mid-September, CIBC declares “Think Pink Week” to create that final push for employee and customer registration and fundraising. Special Think Pink events engage employees, provide a forum to share information regarding breast cancer, and celebrate the community that comes together to support those living with the disease. “Our involvement started because CIBC employees, passionate about creating a future without breast cancer, rallied our company around the cause. Their leadership has served as an inspiration to all of us,” said Christina Kramer, Executive Vice-President of CIBC. “The CIBC Run for the Cure is now an important part of the fabric of our company, with one in three employees either participating or volunteering.“ In 2012, an estimated 13,000 employees took part in the Run, along with their families and friends. This includes thousands of employees across Canada who volunteered their time to help make sure the event went off without a hitch. Team CIBC contributed more than $3 million to the cause in 2012. Since 1992, CIBC employees and volunteers have raised more than $33 million for CBCF. Team CIBC is led by a group of volunteer “Run Champions” who are responsible for team registration and fundraising promotion of the CIBC Pink CollectionTM – CIBC ‘pink products,’ “We’re very proud that CIBC employees have helped build the largest single day event dedicated to raising funds for breast cancer in Canada and providing hope and support to those living with breast cancer and their families,” said Ms. Kramer. “And, we are honoured to support the CBCF in realizing its vision of creating a future without breast cancer.” Thank you We applaud the thousands of people who come together each year to make our breast cancer research, education and advocacy work possible. Yours are the many faces behind the scenes who are volunteering, fund raising and making donations to help us realize our vision of creating a future without breast cancer. p29 Individual Donors and Corporate Partners Pink Ribbon $50,000+ Gold Ribbon $25,000 – $49,999 Silver Ribbon $10,000 – $24,999 Bronze Ribbon $5,000 – $9,999 Community Builder $2,500 – $4,999 Friends of the Foundation $1,000 – $2,499 p34 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams Pink Ribbon $50,000+ Gold Ribbon $25,000 – $49,999 Silver Ribbon $10,000 – $24,999 Bronze Ribbon $5,000 – $9,999 Community Builder $2,500 – $4,999 p43 Community Event Donors Pink Ribbon $50,000+ Gold Ribbon $25,000 – $49,999 Silver Ribbon $10,000 – $24,999 Bronze Ribbon $5,000 – $9,999 Community Builder $2,500 – $4,999 Friends of the Foundation $1,000 – $2,499 28 29 Pink Ribbon GWN DRAGON BOAT CHALLENGE AARON SOROKA BROOKFIELD JOHNSON CONTROLS GOVAN BROWN CHARITY CASINO GORD HICKS & JON TAYLOR HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY $50,000+ CIBC IDEA STUDIO KRUGER PRODUCTS NESTLE CANADA – PURINA PEPSICO CANADA RE/MAX ONTARIO–ATLANTIC CANADA INC. SAFEWAY CANADA SHOPPERS DRUG MART LIFE FOUNDATION K2 SPORTS CANADA TUBBS ROMP TO STOMP OUT BREAST CANCER WHIRLPOOL CAN LP/ KITCHENAID Gold Ribbon $25,000 - $49,999 KONICA MINOLTA MASTERCARD WORLDWIDE LILIAN TOMOVICH NEWELL RUBBERMAID PROCTER & GAMBLE RCR INTERNATIONAL REITMANS CANADA RUNNING ROOM SUPERIOR PROPANE INC. TIRECRAFT ANNUAL CHARITY BREAST CANCER GOLF CLASSIC ULTRAMAR WRIGLEY’S EXCEL GUM YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX GARDEN CITY REALTY INC. LESLIE BULLOCK Silver Ribbon ESTATE OF HAZEL MCMILLAN WALMART GARY MACDONALD ESTATE OF THELMA MARGARET SCHAPPERT WESTON BAKERIES HEAD CANADA YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX ERIE SHORES REALTY INC. SUSAN MORRIS IBM EMPLOYEES’ CHARITABLE FUND DAVID DRURY Bronze Ribbon JOHN LEDERER FLOORING CANADA JOAN WOODS* KERNELS POPCORN KOOTENAY LANDMARK GENERAL PRODUCTS LEON’S FURNITURE LTD. LEONA FIELDS* NESTLE CANADA – LEAN CUISINE NEW BALANCE O.C. TANNER RECOGNITION COMPANY LTD. ONTARIO AUTOMOTIVE RECYCLERS ASSOCIATION (CAR HEAVEN) AVENUE INVESTMENT MANAGAMENT CASEY’S CREATIVE KITCHENS CHRISTINA KRAMER CANADELLE / HANESBRANDS INC DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING (CANADA) INC. CIBC E-STATEMENT CAMPAIGN VENI IOZZO DURON PLASTICS SCOTIABANK ECO CANADA TEXTILE RECYCLING INC. SCOTT MCGILLIVRAY SYMANTEC CORPORATION ENS KRISHAN BHATIA TELUS SWING FOR A CURE GOLF TOURNAMENT KAL AMERY GOVAN BROWN & ASSOCIATES EMPLOYEE CAMPAIGN JON TAYLOR ANNEX LOFT HOMES INC. PETERBILT ONTARIO TRUCK CENTRES PINKTOBER 2012 HARD ROCK CAFÉ TORONTO EARTH CORPORATION’S 7TH ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF INVITATIONAL EARTH CORPORATION AMSTERDAM BREWING COMPANY CARL NESBITT PUBLIC SCHOOL ALLEN DENYS EAST SIDE MARIO’S ALICE LIBERTY* PAYLESS SHOESOURCE $10,000-$24,999 DOMINION BLUELINE INC ALGOMA CENTRAL CORPORATION BRANDO PARIS* 1-800-GOT-JUNK? PAUL GUY DAVID ST. JAMES DAVIS + HENDERSON LTD. GREG MCINTOSH ACCENTURE INC. JODIE WALLIS PAUL LANSBERGEN* PHILIPS LIGHTING MICHAEL GENTILE BARRY COHEN $5,000-$9,999 PLASTIFLEX CANADA INC. REVLON TETLEY CANADA THAI EXPRESS CATHERINE YANCHULA* CLAY & LINDA ULLRICH CLIFFORD & LILY FIELDING CHARITABLE FOUNDATION COLETTE DELANEY CONNIE STEFANKIEWICZ CUSTOM LEATHER LTD. JEFF WORDHAM KATHY SKRINDA* LAKESIDE LOGISTICS LEAVENS VOLKSWAGEN INC. LORRAINE RUSSELL LOVE THAT BARR SPORTS PUB & EATERY MABEL & GORDON MCMILLEN FOUNDATION MANULIFE FINANCIAL MARA SNIDER* MARLEEN VINCZE MATCH MARKETING BRETT FARREN MEDLINE CANADA CORPORATION MISSISSAUGA FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION ONE FINANCIAL ONTARIO POWER GENERATION INC. EMPLOYEES’ & PENSIONERS’ TRUST PAM HULL* PAUL PUGH DARREN WADDEN PENINSULA DUTY FREE SHOPS LTD. DEBORAH DUBENOFSKY PETER DEEB EMPIRE LIFE PIERRE BELVEDERE EYE SPY ACCESSORIES SHERRY MAY FAIRMONT ROYAL YORK SIMON WARGA GARY HAWTON* Telus * Determination Award Winner – given to the top fundraiser at each of the 22 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Sites 30 THE MCCOLL EARLY FOUNDATION BROOKFIELD PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT CORPORATION TORONTO ARGONAUTS PINK GAME TORONTO ARGONAUTS FOOTBALL CLUB CASEY GALLAGHER TRIDEL CORPORATION CIBC CREDIT PROCESSING SERVICES DEPARTMENT TRISH GAMBIER* VALERIE STEELE VENI IOZZO VIENNA HUTTON* WESTSHORE MARKETING WILLIAM L. KOCH YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX GARDEN CITY REALTY INC. PHYLLIS GLEESON YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX PREMIER INC. TONY LAICINI YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROKERAGE TERESA COMEAU YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX ROUGE RIVER FABIAN PASSMORE YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX SOLID GOLD REALTY (II) LTD., BROKERAGE BRITANIE CAMERON YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX ULTIMATE CINTIA DE SOUZA Community Builder $2,500-$4,999 4WORD MARKETING AIR LIQUIDE AMGEN CANADA INC. BENECAID HEALTH BENEFIT SOLUTIONS INC. CATHERINE MCLAUGHLIN CC SOCIAL COMMITTEE CIBC MELLON GLOBAL SECURITIES SERVICES COMPANY COBALT PHARMACEUTICALS COMPANY CUNDARI GROUP LTD. ALDO CUNDARI DANIEL GREENBERG INVENTA SALES & PROMOTIONS WILF GOODMAN JANIE MARTIN JEAN BLACKLOCK JENN BURGOYNE JIM BEQAJ WILLIAM WALKER JUDY STOREY* YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX GEORGIAN BAY REALTY LTD. KAREN CALDWELL KAREN DEMERS* LONGO BROTHERS FRUIT MARKETS INC. FOOD BASICS MUSKOKA CLASSICS COTTAGE EMPORIUM NELSON ARTHUR HYLAND FOUNDATION NICOLE POHL 2142499 ONTARIO LTD. PAUL ETHERINGTON PINKCHERRY.CA / TBMBM, INC. PUNJABI GOLFER ASSOCIATION HAMMOND POWER SOLUTIONS INC. RBC FOUNDATION HYDRO ONE EMPLOYEES’ & PENSIONERS’ CHARITY TRUST FUND Friends of the Foundation PATSY LEUNG HAMMAM SPA HELEN WAGENAAR-JONES* YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX PEMBROKE REATLY INC. IAN VINCENT PAIGE DUNNE* GODFREY FAMILY FOUNDATION HARVEY & LEAH FRUITMAN YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROCKERAGE MEGAN MCLEAN $1,000-$2,499 PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION IAFF LOCAL 2 FRANK SCARFONE THE SANCTUARY DAY SPAS JOHN BARNETT DINAH VIOLA* FIERA FOODS COMPANY ANDERSEN DYNAMICS LTD. WILLIAM LIBERTY LIZ WEBER EXCALIBUR CROSSBOW CANADA INC. THE GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY JOE DALFERRO LAURA MONEY ESTATE OF JANET BEVERLEY STEWART AMY HICKS WELLINGTON MOTORS LTD. DEBBIE MACKENZIE ELIZABETH STEPNIEWICZ AMERICAN AIRLINES THE ATHLETIC CLUB JIM MCBEAN DAVID PAULI ELEMENTARY TEACHERS’ FEDERATION OF ONTARIO SIMCOE COMFORT INN JIM BERMINGHAM LANG MARKETING CHRIS LANG DORIS JENNER AMAR TAMBER* WALTON GLOBAL INVESTMENTS LTD. DANIELLE GIORDANO DINO MELCHIOR* SHARON CROWE RICHARD & KAREN ZURAWSKI RONALD PETERSEN RUSTY’S AT BLUE SEVEN STAR EXPRESS LINE 2157808 ONTARIO INC. A.E. GROSSMAN FOUNDATION AARDVARK DRILLING INC. AARON REGENT ADAM AUGER ADDY SAEED AGNES DOYLE ANDREA HALPERN ANITA VAN ROOTSELAAR ANN BULLER ANNA DURAND ANTHONY PUPPI ANTONIO PIMENTEL ARCHITECH ARKBRO INDUSTRIES ART MCGAUGHEY AYLMER LIONS CLUB BACARDI CANADA INC. BARBARA ANN CHIDIAC BARBARA BUDARICK BARBARA DIRKS BARBARA GALBRAITH BARBARA HAYES BARBARA MENDELSOHN BARBARA NEWBEGIN BARBARA WILHELM BARD CANADA INC. BARRY YONTEF BETH EASTON BENILDA BAUTISTA BEVERLEY LOPPACHER BINNY KURIAKOSE MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION BISON TRANSPORT INC. ALAN W. BURNS BLANKENSTEIN FAMILY FOUNDATION ALEXANDER BECKS BONNIE KRENZ ALEXANDER FUNG BRENDA HOFFMAN ALEXANDRA SHAW BRENDAN CALDER * Determination Award Winner – given to the top fundraiser at each of the 22 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Sites 31 BRIAN BOUCHER BRIAN BURKE BRIAN GEERTS BRIAN YOO BRIEN BENOIT BRITTON SMITH FOUNDATION BRONWYN BEST BRUCE CHAPMAN BRUCE COLE CRAWFORD, SMITH & SWALLOW CREDIT VALLEY ORAL SURGERY CREECHURCH INTERNATIONAL UNDERWRITERS LTD. CROP FOR THE CURE CYDIA ISAAC CYNTHIA WOOD D. SAYERS ELECTRIC INC. DAN CARVISH DONALD ROUSSY DONNA WATTERUD DOUGLAS ADAMS DOUGLAS HOUSE DOV CAPITAL CORPERATION DR. GREGORY S. DUGAS DENT P.C. DRIHEM JAIN DUFFERIN CONSTRUCTION DAN DAVIS E-L FINANCIAL CORPORATION LTD. DANIEL HOY ECCO SHOES CANADA INC. DARCY NORDICK EDELMAN CAROLYN FERIC DARLENE MCDONALDCOWPLAND EDWIN LIM CARRIE JONES DAVID BAILEY CAW LOCAL 973 DAVID DRURY CAW SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND DAVID FARROW CENTENNIAL CHRYSLER DAVID GREGORIS CAMILLE QUENNEVILLE CAROL BULGER CAROL NEAL CAROL SPADONI* EIKON DEVICE INC. ELIZABETH KERNOHAN ELLIS DON ELL-ROD HOLDINGS ELMWOOD SCHOOL INC. CHRIS HELIK DAVID MCBRIDE CHRIS MERIAM DAVID MONCUR CHRIS PETERS DAVID REALE CHRIS WAKELY DAVID SCHOOLEY CHRISTOPHER GILLISS DAVIS REA LTD. CHRISTY TEASDALE DAWN KURTES CIBC WOOD GUNDY DAWNA BORG CINDY WELLS DEBORAH BENTON CLEARVIEW INSTITUTE DEBORAH BURSEY CLIVE VERONI DEBORAH GILLIS CLOUD IN THE SKY STUDIOS INC. DEBORAH WATKINS EVENT SING PROMOTIONS INC. DEBRA ARNOLD FABRIS INC. DENISE COOK FAIRVIEW LODGE CML HEALTHCARE INC. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING (LONDON) LTD. FC144 MANAGER’S PROMOTIONAL CORBY DISTILLERIES LTD. DIANE CHENIER FEDNAV LTD. COSIMO AMATO (WOLF ELECTRIC) DIANE POMORSKI FELICIANO REYES CLUB MONTE LUNGO CLV GROUP INC. DONALD & PHYLLIS COOPER EMILIO BELVEDERE EMILY AGAR EMMA PARKER ERIC SINC.LAIR ERIC TRIPP ERIN KONKLE ERNST & YOUNG LLP ESSEX KINSMEN CLUB ESTATE OF HELEN ALLEN STACEY FIDELITY INVESTMENTS CANADA FILTEC CANADA INC. FIRST ASSET FISH OUT OF WATER DESIGN INC. FLANAGAN FOODSERVICE INC. FORD MOTOR COMPANY GRYPHON INTERNATIONAL GUELPH CPA GURMIT SINGH H & R PROPERTY MANAGEMENT H & R REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST HAROLD PHILLIPS FORTIGO FREIGHT HARVEY KALLES REAL ESTATE LTD. FRANK LEO HASSAN KAPASI FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL BROKERAGE COMPANY HAY DESIGN INC. FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE FWS FUSION WELDING SERVICES LTD. G.L. SMITH PLANNING & DESIGN INC. HAYWARD SPORTSWEAR LTD. HB GROUP INSURANCE HELEN BEST HELEN JOYCE HELLYERS FOOD MARKET GABRIELA PORTILLO HIGHLAND TRANSPORT GABRIELLA BROCKIE HTG SPORTS MANAGEMENT GARY BLUESTEIN CHARITABLE FOUNDATION IAN K. WOOLFSON GEETA RAJPAL IAN R. NIVEN GEMMA BARCLAY IBM CANADA LTD.– CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP GENERAL MOTORS CANADA INGREDION CANADA INC. GEOFFREY S. BREWER INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY GEORGE GANTCHEFF ITG CANADA CORP. GEORGE’S TOOL SALES INC. JAMES BURNS GEOX CANADA INC. JAMES LOWE GET TICKETS E-SOLUTIONS INC. JAMES S. MANN GIULIO IABONI GLENDA CAMERON GLOBAL EGG CORPORATION GLOBAL REINSURANCE GORDON MORRISON GREEN SHIELD CANADA GREG KWONG * Determination Award Winner – given to the top fundraiser at each of the 22 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Sites JAMES ZIBARRAS JAMIE RAFUSE JAN SUCHARDA JASON LAO JAYSON HORNER JEAN MEADOWS JEAN-VIANNEY PAQUETTE JEFF BUTT 32 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION INC. JEFF MILLS KAMLEH NICOLA LINDY BURLINGHAM MICHAEL HAWKESWOOD JENNIFER BELL KAREN PUGH LISA BILLINGS MICHAEL MORRISON JENNIFER DICKENS KATHLEEN HUNTER LISA ROSA MICHAEL SHANNON JENNIFER NICHOL DR. KATHLEEN PRITCHARD LISA SALES FURTNEY MICHAEL SWITZER ONTARIO SHEET METAL WORKERS & ROOFERS CONFERENCE JENNIFER PYKE KATHLEEN SMYTH LOCKERBY TAXI MICHEL GIRODO ONYX MECHANICAL LTD. JENNIFER SCULLY KATHY THIRSK LONDON POLICE ASSOCIATION MICHELINE SANDS OTTAWA TREE SURGEONS JENNIFER VOPNI KELLY AUSTEN LOU CINO MICHELLE SOARES PADRAIG WARDE JERRY NIECZYPOROWSKI KELLY BATTLE LOUISE WILLIAMS MICRO CONSULTING INC. PAMELA MONK JESSICA MCINTYRE KEN BAST LUC BERTRAND MODATEK SYSTEMS JET ICE LTD. KENNETH LOO LUISA PICCIRILLI MOLLY MAID THUNDER BAY PANDORA UPPER CANADA MALL JOAN BUCKTON KENNETH SHIELDS LYNDA PRINCE MONA NOVOVESKY JOHNSON JOAN GLOVER KEVIN GLASS LYNN FEE MONIQUE GIROUX JODIE WALLIS KIM AIRD MAGNA POWERTRAIN JOE CORNACCHIA KIMBERLEY TYE JOE LUCIER KING CITY MEDICAL ASSOCIATES MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER–USA MORIN ROOFING & INSULATION JOHN & MARY CROCKER JOHN COSTABILE JOHN DE OLIVEIRA JOHN E. DEEKS JOHN GETLIFFE JOHN GLEESON JOHN LEWIS JOHN LEWKO JOHN PENNER JOHN SANDS JOHN SHANNON JONATHON DENT JOSE BAPTISTA JOSE SILVA JOSEPH N. LUCIER KORINNE COLLINS KRONES MACHINERY CO. LTD. SOLAR SERVICE MAPLE REINDERS CONSTRUCTORS LTD. MARGARET CAMPBELL MARGARET R. MCCALLUM KW RANGERS MARGARET ROBERTSON LACLIE GUARDIAN PHARMACY MARILYN EDWARDS LARRY ALDEA MARK TAMMINGA PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION LARRY MYNY LARRY TOMEI LAURA JANKE LAUREL VANDERJAGT LEANNE VAN DOMMELEN* LEONARD SCHEIN LESLIE BULLOCK LESLIE LINKLATER MOSAIC SALES SOLUTIONS CANADA OPERATING CO. MULLANI SAMEER MUNICH LIFE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION LTD. MURRAY & LEE PETERS N-ABLE TECHNOLOGIES INC. NANCY ANDREWS NANCY MAIN MARTHA BURNS NATASSA HADJIGEORGIOU MARTHA MOEN NATIONAL STEELCAR LTD. EMPLOYEES CHARITABLE DONATIONS MARTIN BUCHALTER MARTIN MCSKIMMING MARTIN ROBINSON MARY MANOCCHIO MARY ROY MEAGHAN STOLL-KIMBALL JOYCE CHU LIFEQUEST CENTRE FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE JUDE RODRIGUES LINAMAR CORPORATION MEPHISTO CANADA INC. JULIE COOPER LINDA BROUGHTON JUSTIN FRUSTAGLIO LINDA ROOS MERCK FROSST EMPLOYEES’ CHARITY TRUST FUND JYOTI TAHEEM LINDA WILLIAMSON MELISSA DOMINIC MICHAEL ATKINSON PANERA BREAD PARK PLACE FOUNDATION PARMINDER SANDHU PARTITION COMPONENTS INC. PAT HUNT PATRICK HODGSON FAMILY FOUNDATION PAUL HOGAN PAUL JANMAAT PAUL MARTIN PAUL SPAIN PAUL SWEENY PAUL VELLA SHOES LTD. PEARTREE FINANCIAL SERVICES PEGGY ANNE ENDEAN PENTTI KARKKAINEN NESIROW FINANCIAL PERRY JOHNSON NICHOLAS ODDSON PETER CORCORAN NOCO CANADA INC. PETER DUNLOP NORTHCOTT SILK INC. PETER LEVITT OAKVILLE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION PETER VALENTE OLDE WALKERVILLE VITO’S PIZZERIA ONTARIO CENTRE FOR CLASSICAL SPORT * Determination Award Winner – given to the top fundraiser at each of the 22 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Sites PHIL DI PALMA PIERRE MAJOR PLAN GROUP PREDICTIVE SUCCESS CORPORATION 33 STRATEGIC CHARITABLE GIVING FOUNDATION –LEBSACK FUND TRIMAC TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT INC. SUMAN WADEHRA UNIVERSAL WORKERS UNION SUSAN GOODMAN UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH SWAZZEE’S UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SCHOOL OF PHARMACY PRO FLEET CARE SANDRA PALMARO QUEST PLASTICS LTD. SANDRA PAYNE RAE FISCHER SANDY FORBES RAJIV RAJPAL SARAH PERCIVAL RALPH GOLDSILVER SARAH REID RANATA CRISPO SARAH SIMPSON RANDY TUCKER SARNIA FUNDRAISING RAY DEVEAU SCOTT MORRISON REEBOK CANADA (ROCKPORT) SCOTT SHELLY THE ATHLETIC CLUB (WATERLOO) INC. REGENCE INC. SEGUIN PUCK & BALL THE CASH HOUSE INC. RENATA PLECITY SHARON ZAKUTA THE DAVEDI CLUB RESOLUTE FOREST PRODUCTS CANADA SAWMILL CHARITY COMMITTEE SHAUN ROSSI THE EGAN FAMILY FOUNDATION REVA MURTHY RICHARD J. NIXON ROBERT CLOUTIER ROBERT COOK ROBERT GRAHAM ROBERT NUNN ROBERT SUTHERLAND ROGER KROPF ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. RONALD ROSENTHAL ROSALEE JACKSON ROWAN WILLIAMS DAVIES & IRWIN INC. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 60 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION L.A. BINGO SHAUNA EGEBERG SHAW TELEVISION LTD. PARTNERSHIP SHEEHAN’S TRUCK CENTRE INC. SHEET METAL WORKERS INTL. ASSOC. LOCAL UNION 47 SHIRLEY ANNE THOMPSON SHIRLEY MCCARTHY SHOCK ABSORBER CANADA SIDEL CANADA INC. TENARIS ALGEMA TUBES INC. THAMES VALLEY SOLUTIONS THE GREAT CANADIAN DISTRIBUTION COMPANY INC. THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA THE KING EDWARD HOTEL THE LEBRESLEY FAMILY FOUNDATION THE POLAR FOUNDATION THOMAS, LARGE & SINGER INC. VISAGE COSMETICS LTD. WALKING ON A CLOUD WANDA & SCOTT SALVERDA GOLF TOURNAMENT WAYNE HILL WELDED TUBE OF CANADA WENDY GARNER* WENDY GOWANS WILLIAM BALLARD WILLIAM BAMBER WILLIAM KNOWLTON WILLIAM RICHARDSON WILLIAM V. WILKINSON SPEARE SEEDS TIM HORTONS WORDHAM INTERNATIONAL INC. ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TIM LANGEVIN XSTRATA NICKEL TINA JENSEN YARD SALE FOR THE CURE 50 PRINCE ARTHUR KELLY JUHASZ STACEY & BILLY BARBOSA STEPHANE LALONDE STEPHEN CRAIG TINA ROBINET TODD GILMASTER STEVE PLUNKETT TOSKAN FOUNDATION STEVEN KERNER TOTAL FITNESS SACHA SINGH STEVENSON HUNT FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. TRACY ROBIDOUX SAM KOLIAS STIKEMAN ELLIOTT LLP SAMUEL LASBY STIRIS RESEARCH INC. SABRINA ZINGA VINEET MALHOTRA THOMPSON, MACCOLL & STACY LLP STEPHEN RIDER RUSSELL PATTI VIA RAIL GOLF TOURNAMENT VIA RAIL CANADA SIVAKUMARAN DEVARAJAN TORONTO SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CLUB RTR MEDIA INC. \VALIANT MACHINE & TOOL INC. TRANSUNION OF CANADA TRAVEL CENTRES CANADA LTD. PARTNERSHIP YARD SALE FOR THE CURE GRIP LTD. YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX A-B REALTY LTD., BROKERAGE WALTER & JENNIFER WEBB YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX COUNTRY CLASSICS LTD. VICKI PARLETTE * Determination Award Winner – given to the top fundraiser at each of the 22 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Sites YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX FINEST REALTY INC., BROKERAGE TERRA HAGGERTY YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX HALLMARK REALTY LTD. CINDY SHANKS YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX HALLMARK REALTY LTD. HEATHER SCOTT YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX HALLMARK REALTY LTD. TANYA DEEVY YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX HALLMARK REALTY LTD. THOMAS COOK YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX MIDWESTERN REALTY INC., BROKERAGE SHIRLEY SMITH YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX ORILLIA REALTY (1996) LTD. AMANADA MONGRAIN YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX REAL ESTATE CENTRE INC., BROCKERAGE JANET MCKEOWN YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX RIVIERA 2000 REALTY INC. JOANNE THIVIERGE YARD SALE FOR THE CURE RE/MAX VISION REALTY INC. SAUDIA RAFEEK YARD SALE FOR THE CURE STOUFFVILLE DENTAL CENTRE AROON BAKSH YARD SALE FOR THE CURE TERRACES OF THE OLD MILL GAIL MCNEIL ZOI OUZAS Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams Pink Ribbon ST. CLEMENT’S SCHOOL TEAM ELIZABETH ROCCHI CENTRAL UNITED MARC ROY IT’S IN OUR GENES LISA LEITH PETROV’S PEEPS SABRINA WAGNER SUN LIFE FINANCIAL K-W REBECCA (BECKY) JOHNSTON CHURCHILL CHARGERS LESLIE CHISHOLM-PAUL JULIA’S JEWELS KATIE HILL PINKALICIOUS CHRISTOPHER CASCHERA TEAM CIBC– BURLINGTON/ HAMILTON/OAKVILLE DEBBIE CUMMINS CIRCLE OF FRIENDS DENISE DEACEY KATE’S PIGEONS DON KERR PINK DIVA’S FRANCA GISMONDI TEAM CIBC– DURHAM DEBBIE PEARCE DHL FIRST CHOICE WALKERS MARLEEN VINCZE KATHY’S KAVALRY JED COSBY PINK HOOLIGANS PAM HULL TEAM CIBC – MISSISSAUGA PAMMY KAUR DREAM ANGELS JOHANNE MADDISON LAKESIDE LOGISTICS KAREN LEDREW RAE OF HOPE RAE MILBERG TEAM CIBC – OTTAWA LYNN LAIDLAW DV BOSOM BUDDIES KEN PIMENTEL LANGSTAFF BEAR BREASTS MICHELLE SHUKSTER ROSIE’S BOSOM BUDDIES ROSIE MCHUGH TEAM CIBC – YORK REGION VICKILYNN KELLY EMPIRE LIFE TRISH MACINNIS LANTERRA DEVELOPMENTS MICHELLE TEICHMAN RUNNING 4 LUISA MOLLICONE MIKE CIPOLLA $25,000-$49,999 TEAM MOSES MELISSA LIEBERMAN LOVE THOSE BOOBS JACKIE BARR RUNNING ROOM BREAST FOOT FORWARD DINAH VIOLA AMIES POUR LA VIE – FRIENDS FOR LIFE MARIE-CLAIRE IVANSKI THE ATHLETIC CLUB TEAM LEANNE RHONDA FREITER FANCY NANCY’S FAMILY & FRIENDS MARY WEBER CARIN’ FOR KAREN LAURA SANFORD Silver Ribbon $50,000+ HACKSAW’S CRUSADERS BOB WORDHAM REVLON KATHARINE LUCENTI TEAM CIBC - TORONTO PETULA CHARLES TEAM TINA AMAR TAMBER THE FAIRMONT ROYAL YORK HEATHER MCCRORY Gold Ribbon CCGIRLS AND SUE’S ANGELS SUSAN WOLOSHANSKY ELMWOOD EAGLES CATHERINE MCLAUGHLIN JAZZERCISE SALLY WALDMAN JUST DOING IT KAREN WHILLANS K.LO’S KREW JODI SNOWDON MACH 12 MIKE SWEENY PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– SATELLITE AUDREY PELLETT PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– TORONTO ALEX FUNG QUEEN’S RUGBY COLIN GREENWOOD FOGLER, RUBINOFF LLP JUSTIN JAKUBIAK FRANNTASTIC TEAM GERRY DOYON $10,000-$24,999 FRIENDS OF FOMIA SUZANNE SMITH AIR LIQUIDE ONTARIO KUSUM KALOTY GANBATTE MEGHAN INOUYE ALGOMA CARE BEARS AMANDA DYSON GM – DRIVING FOR A CURE CATHERINE CAIRNS BATTLING THE BEAST NICOLE DELALIS GUARANTEE TORONTO FRANK FAIETA BEAUTIFUL TATAS ANNETTE MACKELLAR HAKUNA MA TA TA’S ERICA LOCKING BETH’S BOSOM BUDDIES CATHY MARLOW HAKUNA MY TA TAS FOR KELLY BRIAN WADE BREAST FRIENDS FOREVER ROBYN HARRISON BREASTS IN THE NEST JEANNE BAILEY BUST OUT JULIA WHITE CASEY’S CREATIVE RUNNERS JENNIFER MCILVEEN HB GROUP INSURANCE DAVID CHARTRAND HEATHERS ALL STARRS ROZ DOCTOROW HOURGLASS WORKOUT KATHY PHILLIPS IMMACULATA SAINTS 2012 DARLENE CHARRON LUMBERING JACKS ISABELLE DESCHÊNES LYNNE’S BREAST INTENTIONS LYNNE BARONE MARSH & MCLENNAN COMPANIES ANN MARIE GRIFFITH MARVELOUS MAMMARIES GERMAINE COUCKUYT MEL’S BELLES CARA GROSSMAN MLHU – TREASURED CHESTS JOHN MILLSON MO-MENTUM MAUREEN MCGUIRE ONE MAN GANG BRANDO PARIS PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE – BURLINGTON/HAMILTON/ OAKVILLE KATIE BLAKE PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE – KITCHENER - WATERLOO SHERYL NEWSTEAD PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE –LONDON PAM MONK RUNNING ROOM NATIONAL TEAM- OTTAWA NATHALIE LAUTER SANDI’S SOLEMATES KAREN EBIDIA SAVING SECOND BASE VIENNA HUTTON SEEMA’S BREAST FRIENDS AMY PANDORI ST. BERNARD BOSOM BUDDIES RHONDA GILLAM STIKEMAN ELLIOTT–TORONTO EMMA PARKER SWEET JANE LAUREN KNOX TARA’S TROOP HEATHER WORTS TEAM BUTTERCUP ELAINE MINUTILLO TEAM CIBC– BARRIE/ORILLIA KATE GOFORTH TEAM CIBC– LONDON PATRYCJA MEDYNSKI LONGO TEAM CIBC– NIAGARA JIULIANA HAWTON 34 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams TEAM CIBC– NORTH BAY TAMMY MEGGINSON TREASURY– LIQUID ASSETS MARTIN AUS BAKER & MCKENZIE LLP STEPHANIE NELSON BYE BYE BOOBIES DR. ALEXANDRA GINTY CURLING CONNECTION DEBBIE MACKENZIE TEAM CIBC– SIMCOE JOAN YOUNG U OF T HR&E ROAD TROTTERS ALLISON BURGESS BANANAS FOR BOOBIES LOUISA SALEMI C - FABULOUS MICHELLE DE SOUSA DAM-FIN-CAM KELLY OAKLEY TEAM GOLDSILVER ERIK GOLDSILVER WALKING ON A CLOUD HOPECHESTS PAUL AIRD BARBIE’S PINK PANTHERS BOBI LAMBERT-KWARCIANY CAMP CRAZIES MARIANNE MACNEIL BARD CANADA INC. KATHY SKRINDA CAPILANO CRUISERS JUDITH NUNN DANGEROUS DIVAS & DUDES (THE TRIPLE D’S) KATE FISHER BEADS FOR BOOBIES KAREN TOGNARELLI CARMELA’S ANGELS DONNY DI ZIO BERESKIN & PARR – IP LAW MARGARET SEKO CENTENNIAL COLLEGE EMMA DUNK BIBBIDI BOBBIDI BOOB NANCY CARTER CHATELAINE JACKI SLOVITT BJ’S CUTIES BEV JACOBS CIBC MELLON CHRISTINA CHEN BLAKES - “FIRM” SUPPORT GINA LUNNEY CIBC WOOD GUNDY YORK REGION DAVE MARTINKO TEAM GOWLINGS LISA SHISKOSKI TEAM INCOME PROPERTY SCOTT MCGILLIVRAY TEAM PRIME STEPHANIE BOWLING THE ATHLETIC CLUB WATERLOO & BRANTFORD HEATHER DANYLCHUK THE BOO BEES NICOLA CORFIELD THE BREAST DRESS PROJECT TIZIANA BALICE-MALCOLM WELLINGTON MOTORS LIMITED SUZANNE CASE WHEEZY’S WARRIORS JOANNE MONCUR WOMEN OF APSLEY ALICE LIBERTY YPA JUDY KUBAN Bronze Ribbon $5,000-$9,999 THE BRIDES’ PROJECT DOROTHY WOJTAROWICZ 36 LONG CHRISTA NG THE CAREBEAR BIEBER BOOBIE BUNCH MICHELLE GREENWAY 50 SHADES OF PINK JOSÉE RACINE THE FEISTY FEWDS KATE ANDERSON THE RACK PACK HARVEY BLANKENSTEIN THE UDDER LEES TRISH LEE THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY JENNIFER ROBB THESE BOOBS ARE MADE FOR WALKING SANDRA MCANDREW THINKIN PINK SHARI STREUTKER TIM’S TA-TA’S JULIE DRAPER TORONTO HYDRO ANDREA CORKUM TREASURED CHESTS MELANIE DAMPHOUSSE BLUE FOR PINK CAROLE LACASSE BOOBETTES ELENA SAMARDZIJA CLAIRE’S ANGELS CHRISTINE SAINI COLONEL SANDERS MARIANNE RABBA ACP REHAB/ALL LACED UP LACEY SCOTT BOOTY CAMP FITNESS TORONTO LISA RICHARDS AEGIS MEDIA CANADA ABBY WORTHINGTON BRADY BREAST FRIENDS PATTI NESBITT AILEEN’S BOOMERS DEBBIE STRIK BRCA2 WARRIORS KATHLEEN ADAMS COMPETITION BUREAU CANADA / BUREAU DE LA CONCURRENCE CANADA CHRISTINE MAO SARAH GRANDINETTI DOMINY MCCLELLAN SAHRA BOONSTRA AMGEN CANADA MICHELLE IRVINE BREAST BUDDIES KAREN KUTNER CORRINE’S TEAM DEBORAH ALLISON ANDREA’S ACES ANDREA SIMMONS BREAST FRIENDS 4EVER HELEN MINTSOPOULOS COUNTRY CHICKS SHERRY MALINOSKI ANGELS OF HOPE SINA DIFIORE BREAST INTENTIONS CHRISTINA BOSCO CROSSFIT INDESTRI JENNIFER NICHOL ANNA’S ANGELS ANNA RUGO BREAST NURSES EVER KATE TAYLOR CROWE SOBERMAN FRANCES DORIA ANNA’S TEAM VICTORIA BELTRANO BREAST OF FRIENDS JANICE MOORLEY CRUSADERS FOR THE CURE DEBORAH REID ANN’S ARMY CALEY DEMING BROCK VIEW RENTALS BRYAN KEENAN CUNDARI CANCER KICKERS KRISTIN VEKTERIS ARE WE THERE YET?? BARB CATALFAMO BURLINGTON MAMAS LISA FEDOR-GOULD CURLERS4THECURE BRUCE MCARTHUR DCY COUNTING ON A CURE CAROLINE CHONG YEN DELOITTE DOTS ONTARIO LONDON JENNIFER HESTER DOMINIQUEBRIDAL.CA DOMINIQUE LEVESQUE DONNA’S ANGELS BARBARA GALBRAITH DONNA’S NIT’S (NURSES IN TRAINING) JIM BETOURNAY DUNDEE COWBOYS JOYCE SCHWARTZENTRUBER DYNAMIC DIVAS JULIE HOLLESTELLE EAZY WEAZY LINDY BURLINGHAM EGG FARMERS OF CANADA EMILY AGAR EGG FARMERS OF ONTARIO SCOTT BROOKSHAW ELLERY’S ALLIES KIMBERLY MACDONALD ELLISDON LONDON LEIGH BEAUDOIN ESM – GUELPH KIRSTIE MCKINLAY ESM – NEPEAN KELLY ANDERSON EVALUATORS FOR ALEX SHELLEY BORYS EVERY MILE COUNTS TEAM LILIBETH TICZON EXCEL-ERATE THE CURE JENNIFER DEMUNCK 35 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams FIERA’S HIGH BEAMS ELVIRA FREDA HENKAA ILEANA FUNEZ LA DÉFENSE D’ÉMILIE GENEVIÈVE CÔTÉ MOMSTOWN.CA LISA BERALDO FINAL TOUCH LADIES FITNESS HEATHER STONE HIGH ROAD COMMUNICATIONS CHRISTINA PECK LADY “A” KATY SHAW MUNICH RE TORONTO SHAWN ELLIOTT FLOWER POWER GUELPH SHERRY CARTER HILLTOP SUPPORTERS CATHY CORSETTI LAMCLAN DONNA KALICHARAN-LAM MY BIG FAT MALTESE FAMILY COURTNEY CASSAR FOR MASON’S MOMMY LINDSAY DOERR HOPEFUL HOOTERS LESLIE BAILEY LEGALLY PINK ROBERT MYSICKA NESTLE TORONTO DANIELLE GIORDANO FOR THE GIRLS! AMANDA MILLS I HEART RIBBONS LAURA WRIGHT LINDA’S LADIES MICHELLE CROGIE FRIENDS AGAINST CANCER EVERYWHERE 7 EDITH CATIBOG-ABRAHAM INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS SANDY HAMAMOTO LISA’S ANGELS!!! KAREN CROOKS NIGHT ON THE TOWN IN YOUR GOWN GIRLS MELINDA GERMON FRONIE’S HOMIES JASMINE DALE JACQUIE’S JOURNEY 4 JACQUIE MCCUTCHEON FULL SUPPORT MICHELLE MASTERS JOSEPHINE’S JOGGERS SABRINA VIEIRA GET YOUR PINK ON! JEN WARREN JOYCE’S BOSOM BUDDIES JOYCE CASSON GLUSKIN SHEFF & ASSOCIATES AMANDA VAN VEEN JOYCE’S JOYS CARRIE JONES GORDA POWER CLAUDIA STRONGMAN JUDY’S JUGS SUSAN BUDINSZKY GOWLINGS – TORONTO MARIA CRISOLAGO JUST BOOB IT MELISSA STONLEY MARCHESSEAU/BRUCE WARRIORS JESSE BRUCE GRAHAM’S BOOB TROOP HOLLY CATTEAU KATHY’S BREAST FRIENDS! ASHLEY RUNCIMAN MARLENE’S AVENGERS RITA DAVIS GRANITE SYNCHRO JENILEE KESLERING KEEPING ABREAST OF ELLEN LISA HANSEN MARLENE’S PINK WARRIORS MARLENE GARDINER GROVES ANATOMY DEANNA BURNS KEEPING PACE WITH MRS. V. HEATHER MCGOWAN MARY’S M’LORDS & M’LADIES MARGY TOUGAS HARNETT’S HOOTERS MYRNA WINSOR KELLY’S FRONT RUNNERS KELLY MCNAMARA-ROSA MCFARLANE ESTROGEN CLUB RHONDA WOODDISSE HART AND SOLES KATIE DAVIES KEWL RUNNINGS JOANNE FERNANDES MEL’S BREAST FRIENDS ANGELA SZIJARTO HAYS RECRUITERS FOR HOOTERS – TORONTO ANGELA GREENE KICKIN’ ASPHALT KATHY GRAY MEMBERS OF THE COC ORCHESTRA LIZ JOHNSTON HEARTS FULL OF GRACE SARA-JANE CARTER HENDRY WARREN RUNNING TALLIES MOLLIE PFENDT KITTY CATS CATHERINE BIRCH KNIGHTS OF THE PINK RIBBON CRAIG BARNARD KPMG LINDA CRUZ LIZ’S PINK STILETTOS JOANNA DEICHSEL LOISELLE SPORTS INC. LORRAINE BEAUDIN LONDON LIFE THINKS PINK DEE LOWE MABLE’S MILKSHAKES CHRIS KAMEKA MAESY’S DAISY’S MARION PLEVAN MICHIENZI FRENZI KATHY MICHIENZI MISBEHAVIN’ MAMMARYS NANCY PERRAS NINA’S JAVELINAS NINA LOWES NIRVANNA LISA CANZONA NURSE NINNY JILLIAN EIGELSHOVEN OHANA MAMAS ASHLEY MCKEOWN OSS BREAST FRIENDS DONNA HASKIN PAM FORCEY’S FORCES ASHLEY MITCHELL PAM’S BOOB CREW PAMELA CARVISH PANAGIA’S ANGELS OF HAMILTON ANDRIANA DRAKOS PANDORA MICHAELA SCHIBLER PAWS FOR THE CAUSE NICOLE ROBINSON PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– KINGSTON ASHLEY HILL PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– OTTAWA - GATINEAU JOHN HERON PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– OWEN SOUND SHIRLEY COOK PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– PETERBOROUGH HEATHER LACKIE PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– TIMMINS RACHEL BILODEAU PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– WINDSOR CATHY BROOKER PERKY PINK LADIES OF PEACE LORI CAMERON PINK LOVE MOLLY SCOTT PINKALICIOUS NANCY MINDEL-GORRIN PINKWRCRAWLERS PATRICIA GOODE PRETTY IN PINK ELISA RUPA PRIMERICA LISA HOGGARD QUEEN’S LAW EMILY WEIZEL QUEEN’S WOMEN’S RUGBY MARIN MACLEOD RAQUEL’S ANGELS MARIA NATALE RBC INVESTOR SERVICES JYOTI TAHEEM RE/MAX HALLMARK SCUTTLEBUTTS ADRIENNE LAKE RE/MAX MUSKOKA BOSOM BUDDIES HUGH NICHOLS RE/MAX TORONTO ELAINE PEARSON RITA’S DREAM TEAM RITA BLAIS ROCKLAND FORD SYLVAIN DUPUIS ROGERS WEEKEND BRAWLERS DANIELLE KOVAC ROSE’S CREW JOCELYNE MEINERT 36 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams ROWBUST DRAGON BOAT RACING TEAM PATTIE MCCLAIN ROWDI RUNNERS JANE TASSONE RU – RYERSON UNIVERSITY SOMMER JOHNSON-GCM RUMBA CALIENTE KARLA WELLINGTON RUN FOR THE GIRLS! MARGEAUX MANIATIS RUNNING TO REMEMBER SAMANTHA SCULLY CHRIS MILLER RX FOR HOPE APRIL KINGSLEY SANDRA’S BREAST FRIENDS SANDRA SHAPIRO SANDY’S LEGACY SANDI WRIGHT SATURDAY SURVIVORS SABRINA D’ORAZIO EGAN SAVE 2ND BASE LISHA CASH SCHULICH CHARITY ASSOCIATION (SCA) MICHAEL GOLDFARB SCHULICH MEDS RUN FOR A CURE - 2015 VANESSA BRUCKSCHWAIGER SHERRY’S WARRIORS JUDY MACKAY SILLIKER SPIRIT KAREN RUSSELL SISTERHOOD SHELLEY IRWIN SOMETHING ABOUT MARY MARY DOUGLAS SPEED READERS – U OF T ENGLISH LYNNE MAGNUSSON SPHHS TEAM RENATA VALAITIS SST WATERLOO JULIE COOK TEAM FABULOUS MEREDITH SCHREITER THE CROWN’S JEWELS KRISTA JONES WARRIORS OF HOPE LYNNE ALLARD ST. JOAN OF ARC KINGHTS ANGIE PURVIS TEAM GOWLINGS – OTTAWA ANIKA CLARK THE MUNCHIN BOOBS CRYSTAL MUNSHAW WCS RUNS FOR THE CURE ELAINE MCMEEKIN ST. PAUL PAWS FOR THE CAUSE SUE BOTTI TEAM HUG LISA NG THE NEWBIES MILLIE ARGUE WELDEDTUBE OF CANADA JOE SILVA ST. PETER KNIGHT SHEILA KERWIN TEAM JASMINE JESSICA THERIAULT THE PINK LADIES FIONA ROBINSON WENDY’S DREAM TEAM WENDY SHIRTLIFF STAPLES ADVANTAGE– OTTAWA MICHAEL DE LUCA TEAM JORDAO NANCY GALASKI THE RACK PACK ANNA WAGENAAR WILDCATS MIDGET BB ROANNE ARGYLE STAPLES MISSISSAUGA/ BRAMPTON MALYNNE MALONEY TEAM JUNIOR KIM VAREY THE RACK PACK JILL TOPHAM WINSPIRATIONS JAN FERGUSON TEAM MOSAICS CRAIG TALOSI THE SUE-VIVORS SHANNON KINGSLEY WYNFORD MOTIVATORS TREENA EVANS TEAM OLIVIA LUISA PARTIPILO THE WBT TITANS KERRY HENDERSON TEAM PINA PINA DASILVA THINK PINK AMANDA ATTERBURY TEAM PINKYSWEAR LORRAINE WALDMAN TINA’S BREAST FRIENDS TINA JENSEN ”ALL FOR BOOBIES” KAYLA DELAHUNT TEAM SUZANNE MICHAEL HAZAN TOPPITS FOODS VANESSA CARUANA “KINGS FOR A CURE” MATTHEW IANNETTA TEAM TERANET RUZA MANOJLOVIC TRENDYFIGHTERS HANNAH MCEDWARDS #TEAMYMC ERICA EHM TEAM THANGA MATHUMI NAGARAJAH TRISH’S CHEMO CRUSADERS TRISH DARMON 4 R DAUGHTERS SUSAN JACK TEAM VENTERRA NATASA HADJIGEORGIOU U OF T SPECIAL OPS ANNE MACDONALD 4EVERFRIENDS JANET EVANS TEAMSTERS WALK THE TOWCMISSI LENNA PHENIX UDDERLY POSSIBLE CRISTIE SHELLY SCHULTZ 21 AND HOLDING DEBBIE JOHNSTON U OF T KIN TEAM DOMINIQUE CARLI 108 CHLOE DANIELS UW SCHOOL OF PHARMACY JAMIE RAFUSE 407 ETR LAURA D’AGOSTINO VALE OF HOPE NOELLE SHRIVER A GLITTER OF HOPE ANNA SEARLES WALK WITH GRACE HEIDI KNAPP A NEW DAWN DAWN GOODWIN WALKERS4KNOCKERS SABRINA ZINGA A WALK WITH MY SISTER MARY-HELEN SPADAFORA WALKING ON A CLOUD HOPECHESTS KATIE DOYLE AEROPLAN CAROLINE PECKOVER STONE ROAD GRILLE PERRY JOHNSON STREET KIDS KATE TRUDEAU TA TA DIVAS STACEY OREE TATAS & TIARAS LAUREN TIGHT TEAM ALEXANDER LESLIE SUDDS TEAM BMI KELLY DEBRUYN TEAM BODY BUSTER TANYA IMOLA TEAM BONNIE ROSEMARY ANDERSON TEAM CIBC – BRAMPTON AASMA WASTI TEAM CIBC – GUELPH JENNA OLIVER TEAM CIBC – KINGSTON MARILYNNE PETRIE TEAM CIBC– PETERBOROUGH CHRISTINE WEERDENBURG TEAM CIBC – SUDBURY DIANE DYGOS TEAM DAGGER MARY MACPHEE TEAM ET CANADA CHERYL HICKEY THE BEAVER AND THE BULLDOGS JEN MCDONALD THE BOOB BRIGADE BRENDA MCINTYRE THE BOOB TUBES SARA NEALE THE BREAST FED BABIES FRANCES D’AMICO THE CHEST-NUTS LEE CURTIS Community Builder $2,500-$4,999 37 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams AJAX ANIMAL HOSPITAL– RUNNING FOR SHARON TINA BERLINGHOFF ALLISTON FAMILY HEALTH PAM/JASON BELSHAM/CARRIERE AMANDA’S ARMY HEATHER WESTON ANGIE’S ANGELS RILEY ROY ANITACURE CHRISTINA UDOH ANNA’S ROAD RUNNERS NADIA CASTRO ANNIE’S ANGELS SHIRLEY KENNEDY ANNIE’S ARMY MIKE SAUNDERS APPLE BLOSSOMS HEATHER BREMNER ASHLYN’S ANGELS JACQUELINE MISSHULA BOBBIES FOR BOOBIES LAUREN SCOTT BREAST INTENTIONS MELANIE LECLAIR BODYBACK FITNESS LISA JOHNSON BREAST PRACTICES JULIE INGOE BOLTING FOR BOLTE CAITLIN WILLCOCKS BREASTEST FRIENDS LEAH WRIGHT BONES BABES KAREN MORENCIE BREASTFRIENDS CATENA MANCO BOO BEES 4 LIFE MIRIAM STEEN BREASTFRIENDS 8) MICHELE DA COSTA-PEREIRA BOOB BRIGADE MICHELLE GLIGOR BREASTIES ON THE RUN MAY YOUSIF BOOB BUDDIES TAMARA FLYNN BREASTZ FRIENDZ DENISE BECKETT BOOBALICIOUS PAM THOMPSON BROADRIDGE BOSOM BUDDIES ANABEL LOUGHREY BOOBIE BUDDIES JANET WALICZEK BROOKFIELD RENEWABLE ENERGY RYAN CLAIRMONT BOOBS IN THE CITY MICHELLE PREAR BABES FOR BOOBS REBECCA TAYLOR BOOTY CAMP FITNESS– KITCHENER AMANDA ZETTEL BACK UP CREW MARLENE HARRIS BORN WITH BOOBIES! ERIN HICOCK BARB’S BEAUTIES LOUISE GRAY BOSOM BUDDIES LIZ WINTER BARB’S BOOBS CHRISTOPHER LUTZ BOSOM BUDDIES! ELSKE BOSMA BARRIES RIBBONS OF HOPE PAT OAKLEY BREAST FEET FORWARD TONI TIMOTHY BEETON BEAUTIES JANET HENDERSON BREAST FOOT FORWARD CATHY MALAREK-BOTTOS BESTIES FOR BREASTIES JENNIFER FORMAN BREAST FRIENDS 2012 GIUSEPPE MARTINO BIG BERTHA SHEILA AUSTIN BREAST FRIENDS FOR LIFE DANIELA CARCASOLE BIG MAMA SUPPORTERS JOANNE ANTONIAK BREAST FRIENDS FOREVER!! TIFFANY CRANE BIONIC WOMAN JENNIFER DAVID-ORTUOSTE BREAST FRIENDS WALKING FOR DENICE ALLISA LEISTNER BLUE MOUNTAIN MATT PEARSON BROOKLIN BUNCO GIRLS AND FRIENDS KIM DELINE BRUDER’S BOMBSHELLS HEATHER BRUDER BUST-A-MOVE SHANNON SENEY CAMP ELLIOTT SCOTT ELLIOTT CANADIAN PACIFIC MADDALENA DALE CANCER HATING COUGARS MICHELLE VICTORINO CAROL’S CREW GWEN BONAS CATHERINE’S QUEST WAYNE KEOUGH CATHY BATH ALLYSON NIRO ‘CAUSE I CAN! HEIDI DAUGHNEY CE PINK CAROLINE CORMIER CENTENNIAL CHRYSLER CHALLENGERS CLAIRE HUGO CURVY LADIES MICHELLE PATENAUDE CHALLENGE & CHANGE GARY CHIN SANG DANFORTH COMMUNITY FITNESS CHARLOTTE DOBO CHALLENGE ACCEPTED MARILYN STRAIN DAUGHTERS OF ISIS ANDREA CROWLEY CHANTAL’S LEGACY SYLVIE MCDERMOTT DAVES DARLIN’S EVELYN MCCULLOUGH CHERYL’S CURE KELEILA HANDELMAN-KERMAN DC-UOIT CAMPUS CREW KATHLEEN STEWART CITI CRUSADERS FOR A CURE A.D. HOLLOHAN DEE’S CUPS KIMBERLY BAIGENT CITY ALLIANCE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD., BROKERAGE MARY SBLENDORIO DEEWALKERS NANCY DACK CLAN FOR THE CURE AILSA MCFARLANE CODE PINK BEVERLY THOMSON COLLINS BARROW CRUSADERS MIRIAM NELSON COMMUNITY FIRST CREDIT UNION JESSICA HARDY COOPER’S TROOPERS JENNA COUVIER COSMOPOLITANS ELLI COURNEYA CRAZY BELLIES JANE CHONG CREDIT VALLEY FAMILY HEALTH TEAM & FRIENDS CVH RESIDENTS CROSSFIT KAWARTHA DEBBIE STARLING CRYSTAL’S CRUSADERS ROB GIEGERICH CURE BEARS LIZ MILLWARD DEFINED KAREN WILSON DEGROOTE IMPACT MCMASTER UNIVERSITY DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL CINDY MELS DELOITTE DOTS GTA TORONTO MARISSA LEWIS DENISE’S DIVA’S JOANNE KIEFER DIANNE-O-MITE ANDY HENRY DIRECT SALES PINK ELITE AMANDA FLEMING-SMIKLE DISBONE ROSEMARY LESSARD DIVISION OF PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY HEATHER BALTZER DLC BOOB SQUAD CAROL FALLE DOCIBEL SYLVIE JEAUROND CURVES BROOKLIN WANDA EMANOILIDIS DONNA’S WALKERS 4 KNOCKERS SARAH GRAVES CURVETTES JOANNE VAN DER BURGT DORA PHIL DI PALMA 38 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams FEDS ON PEDS ANNE MARIE MCGREGOR GRANITE CLUB STAFF FRANCA MCNEILL HUMAN BEANS TANYA FRYE KEEP THE FAITH JOANNE DE FRANCO FIGHT LIKE A GIRL MARY-LOU POLLON GRANT THORNTON LLP NINETTE BISHAY IGT GIVES TOGETHER DAWN EVERATT FIRST MEDICAL PHARMACY JANE KENNEY GRATITUDE LORI MCCRINDLE IKM@DFAIT MARTINE CHARLES KELLER WILLIAMS MISSISSAUGA PINK HEARTS LISA MCDONALD FISHER-DEEL-BOLYEA ASHLEY & JEFFREY DEEL GREAT SCOTTS! KARRIE KIRTON FIT CHICKS AMANDA QUINN GREEN FOR PINK KIMBERLEY TYE IMPACT MOVEMENT STUDIOS INC. ANGELA CARERE FIT TATA’S ADELINA SEVERINO GRYPHIN LONDON MAXINE SAUNDERS FLOWER POWER GILL STECKLE GUELPH FIREFIGHTERS JASON SMITH FLYGIRLZ RHONDA LEHMAN-PSHNYCHNY HAMMOND WHIPS CHERYL HAMMOND FOOT HEALTH TIMMINS SUSAN HOLOPAINEN HARD CORE BOOTCAMPS LIZ WILLIAMS FOR YOU I WILL ASHLI PINNOCK HARVEST OF HOPE ANSHU BATRA FRESHLY SQUEEZED CHRISTIE SMITH HEAD OFFICE WARRIORS NINA DJUKIC FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS LUCY LEHMAN HEALING4HEROES MICHELLE MURPHY FSS POUR FRANCE MARIANNE BEAUCHAMP HEATHER’S HERD MARIE JOSEE BARRETTE GAGA FOR TATAS SANDRA KICINKO HENRY HOWLERS AVA PATRONI GE BLUE & WHITE COBRAS DINA MELO HILL STREET CHICKS DONNA RUDNICKI GENWORTH CANADA SHERRI LECLAIR HMCS STAR BRANDON TAVARES ESM– STONEY CREEK JENNIFER ALDRIDGE GET YOUR MITTS OFF CARA’S TITTS! JESSICA HAMILTON HOLIDAY INN TORONTO YORKDALE SAMANTHA DE SOUSA FA SANDRA HUNTER GIRLIE GORDON GROUP VERONICA WONG HOLY CROSS HEARTBEATS MATTHEW BROUSSEAU FACEPLANTS DENISE BATEMAN GNO CAROLINE RUSSELL HOPE CONNECTION ROBIN DIEBOLD FAMILY BREASTIES BREANNE WOODROW GOT BOOB? MARIE NOLAN HOPE N’ ACTION DR. GURMIT SINGH FARBER’S FINEST COLLEEN FENN GOT PINK? JESSICA HUGHES HOVEY’S HEROES MELODIE FORD DOWNWARD DOG YOGA CENTER KATHRYN YOUNG DR. G. J. MACGILLIVRAY P.S. PAT ADAMS DROIT CIVIL VÉRONIQUE LALIBERTÉ EAGLES CARE ALICIA STEENHOLDT ECKLER KRISTA SACREY EGG FARMERS OF ONTARIO PAMELA PASSERINO ELAINE’S BREAST FRIENDS MIA MERRILL ELITE PERSONAL FITNESS MANDI TISDALE EMILIA’S ANGELS KIMBERLY TOLIBAS ÉQUIPE LYETTE LYETTE SERRURIER ERNST & YOUNG ALISHA TODD ESM – BARRIE BRYNES MELLISSA MURPHY ESM– LONDON FANSHAWE JANEY BURNS ESM– LONDON WESTWOOD LESLEY MCPHAIL ESM– OWEN SOUND SHERRY BAZINET ESM – PICKERING SHERRY NIELSEN KELLY’S ARMY KIMBERLEY CLARKE KELLY’S HEROES KELLY MAGILL INFOWAY SHANNON BYCK KELSEY’S ERIN MILLS TALIA CHAPARRO INFRASTRUCTURE ONTARIO LYNDSIE YORK KERRY’S PALS DEBBIE LYDON INVICTUS FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS LARRY POMFRET KINDRED SPIRITS ANGIE BROOKS IVEY’S BREASTS AND BRIGHTESTS NIOUSHA GHAZNI J.A.W.S. OF LIFE JOSH WILEY KINGSWAY-LAMBTON UNITED CHURCH PAT STRIZIC KISSING CANCER GOODBYE JEN HOLMES JANET’S BREAST FRIENDS JEFF DAGG KONICA MINOLTA GTA THE PINK CRUSADERS TRISHA KOSAK JANET’S CHEST FRIENDS JACLYN KELLY KPMG PEOPLE COUNT LEANN GIBSON JEANNIE’S WISHES ASHLEY BIRNIE KRUGER FOR THE KURE FRANCES MACCARONE JEN’S BOSOM BUDDIES JENNIFER DURANTE LADY TA-TA’S NATALIE CUSTODIO JOE FRESH BREAST BRIGADE CHANDRA MIELKE LAKEFIELD COLLEGE SCHOOL ALAINA ROBERTSON JOGGING FOR JENN KRISTY HARE LAURA’S TEAM DONNA WALSH JOGGING FOR JENNY JOCELYN SCHOFIELD LEGACY SHANNON YOUNG JO’S DREAM TEAM LYNNE CHARETTE LEGALLY P!NK MEGHAN FOUGERE JULIE’S ANGELS KAREY REILLY LES FLAMANTS ROSES EMILIE QUESSY JUNE’S JEWELS CHRISTY TEASDALE LES PÉTILLANTES CAROLYNE SAVAGE JUST THE TWO OF US JANICE DAWES LISA’S CONGA LINE HEATHER JORDAN 39 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams LIVE HEALTHY SUPPORTING A CURE SUSAN ROSATO LORA’S LIFESAVERS KATHY ROBERTS LORETA CUTS CANCER MARILU FRACASSI LOVING EXTRAORDINARY INSPIRATIONAL LADIES ALWAYS CATHERINE THAI LUCY LU BIANCA TRANKNER LUMINEX BRIGITTE BENETEAU LU’S BUTTERFLIES CHRISTINA ALESSANDRINI LYCEE CLAUDEL JACKY LEPEINTRE LYNNE’S TWINS LAURA SHEPPARD M.A.D.S MOTHERS AUNTS DAUGHTERS SISTERS HEIDI MCLEOD MACASSA BAY YACHT CLUB LINDA MCCORMICK-MITCHELL MACH 6 THUNDER BAY SEONAID GEROW MAMA D’S BRENDA GARDINER MAMA FICH SAMANTHA FICHTNER MAMA O’S BACKUP TRACY KLINGBYLE MANDA’S PINK PANDAS AMANDA BRENNAN MARCELA’S MUCHACHA’S MELISSA FICK MARVILLE TRAVEL MARGE FOLKES MARY’S FAB FRIENDS DONNA FLYNN MASS / C&W / MCCUAIG MALEK SMITH MUSKOKA BEAR WEAR LEE ANNE BROOKES PATTI’S PALS PATTI CREED PUMA PACK SAMANTHA SCULLY MCCAGUE BORLACK LLP LISA LA HOREY MUSKOKA PINK POSSE MICHELLE GARDINER PATTY’S POSSE ANGELA BUTLER QUEEN’S ALUMNI ALEXANDER IRVING MCCARTHY TETRAULT LLP AMBERLEA ANDERSON NANA ARE WE THERE YET NANCY ANDERSON PENNY’S PEEPS DANA ARCINAS QUEEN’S COMMERCE ROBERT MACDONALD MEENA’S BREAST FRIENDS TISHANA RAMBARRAN NBF MINING RICHARD HUANG PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– ORILLIA DEBORAH BURSEY MELONS IN MOTION TRISH SCHLIEVERT NECOLOFF/BRYDIE/MACK TEAM JOAN NECOLOFF MEL’S HOPE LYNNE KLOOSTRA NICKI’S KNOCKERS CHRISTINA MILLER PEPSI INSPIRES HOPE– SUDBURY KAREN RESTOULE QUEEN’S FACULTY OF EDUCATION ‘TEAM FANTASTIC’ ALICIA HUSSAIN MICHAEL’S FAITH SANDRA LEMIEUX NIKKI’S MONARCH’S KIMBERLEY FLEMING MILES FOR MUM-RISA SHANNON ROTHMAN NORFOLK POWER TEAM KILLA-WATT CORI MOSS MILLIKEN MEDICAL HEARTBEATS KARISHMA KAPIL PHARM AND TOX U OF T JANE MITCHELL PINK HEARTS DENISE PUPPI PINK LEGG’S FOR THE CURE SYBIL LEGGO NORTH YORK YMCA SHEILA RHODES PINK PALS FRANCINE MARCHAND MISSION POSSIBLE ANNE MACDONALD OAG / BVG MARIE-EVE VIAU PINK PANTHERS & NP DEEPA MAHAL MOM&FRIENDS REBECCA RUSSELL OLD NICK KNOCKERS KRISTINE LUKANCHOFF PINK PISTOLS PATTI LAINEY MOM’S MISSION ACCOMPLISHED TRUDY COLLINS OMAFRA JENNIFER DALE PINK POULETTES GUY-ANNE DUVAL OMBUDSMAN WATCHDOGS LINDA WILLIAMSON PINK RIBBON RACERS JENNIFER BUENAVENTURA D’AMBROGIO MOMS ON THE RUN ANN GOMEZ MOM’S-CURE-AID-ERS DEBORAH CANNIFF MONSTER’S INC. HELEN MCLELLAN MO-RE HEART @ LISGAR 2 MAUREEN NAUSE MORNING MANIACS SHARON CAVANAUGH MOTHERS, JUGGS AND SPEED JENNIFER VALENTE MUFF & TUFF TREASURE D LEDGISTER MUM RUNNERS 2012 JULIE LE ON THE FLIP SIDE MYRA VILLAFLOR OSUFORCE99 DENISE DE LAAT OTTAWA-GATINEAU RUN COMMITTEE SUSAN A. ENNS PALMIRA & OLGA’S FAMILY AND FRIENDS ASHLEY RODRIGUES PAMLAM TRACY ROBERTS PARUS MAJOR (GREAT TITS) ERYN MCFARLANE PAT MCGARRY’S TEAM GAIL TAYLOR PINK RIBBON RADIO CARLA DOAK PINK RIBBONS NATASHA CAMUSO PINK SENSATIONS DIANNE HOPEWELL PINKTACULAR TA-TA’S MICHELLE HILLIER POLITICAL IN PINK PATRICK KENNEDY PORCUPINKS LOGAN MCMEEKIN PRETTY IN PINK LAUREN GRAF QUEEN’S MIR 2013 ALEX MILLER QUEEN’S PATHOLOGY ANTHONY APOSTOLI QUEEN’S RUNNING CLUB ROSALIE BALL RACK ATTACK JANE DE CHEVERRY RACK CITY GAGAN BHULLAR RACKS ON RACKS ON RACKS OMAR KHAN RAC-RALLY AGAINST CANCER VISHAL GANGAPRASAD RAISE THE RUTH ASHLEEN HEBERT RE/MAX AFFILIATES OTTAWA BOBBIE MCGOWAN RE/MAX COLLINGWOOD JASON RUTTAN RE/MAX LEGACY JESSICA MARCHESE REBELS WITH A CAUSE JANE ARBIQUE REBIRTH WELLNESS JODI TILLER REGNERUS RACK PACK DENISE REGNERUS RENAL RUNNERS LEANNE ALLEN RESURRECTION CHRISTIAN ACADEMY SUE WARREN 40 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams RITA’S WALKERS JENNA RITA LEYLAND SAVE BOOBS <3 MOLLY K. MURISON SOUL SISTERS CRISTINA MACIEL TATA BUDDIES KENDRA MCDONALD TEAM CITATION VI MARINA ENGLESAKIS ROBERT HALF SHWETA JACOB SAVE SECOND BASE LEAH BLANCHETTE TBSC TOUGH TA TA’S MARK TINO TEAM CLAUDIA LOUISE BELLAI ROBIN’S BREAST FRIENDS LISA PEARSON SAVE SECOND BASE STEVE SMITH SOUTH CARLETON HIGH SCHOOL DREW YORKE-SLADER TCT GRACE TRANG TEAM CML FARA GOVINDJI ROKHOLM FAMILY KRISTA AIELLO SBESS – SBE CARES CALLISE FOERTER TEACHERS 4 TA-TAS LESLEY PRENTICE TEAM DARROCH JEFFREY DARROCH ROOK’S RUNNERS HEATHER ANDREW SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH – OSHAWA JEN WEIDNER ST JOSEPH JAGUARS TRACY MURRAY TEACHERS ENDING BREAST CANCER NATHALIE RIVEST TEAM DIANE FRANCE SARAZIN SHAKE YOUR TATAS!!!!!! JESSICA POLLOCK ST PAUL PAWS FOR THE CAUSE SARAH-LYNNE BEGIN TEAM ANGE KARA SPROULE SHARI AND PATRICIA CHARMAINE REYNOLDS STARBUCKS TEAM 221 ZAEEN DAMJI TEAM BARACUDA MEREDITH SCOTT SHAUNDRA’S POSSE SHAUNDRA RIDHA STAYIN’ ALIVE IN 705 JESSICA PENTERIS TEAM BEA NADIA NOSWORTHY SHAW FESTIVAL AMY JEWELL STOP THE WAR IN OUR-RACK NEHA MATHUR TEAM BELLA ISABELLA GROZDANOVSKI SHERWOOD HEIGHTS LESLIE MOSS STRENGTH IN NUMBERS JUDY DACOSTA TEAM BETTY OAKVILLE TRACI CLARK SICOTTE GUILBAULT LLP JESSICA HOULE STUDIO ONE SURVIVORS LISA FEDORUK TEAM BETTY TORONTO TARA FROTTEN SIMPLY THE BREAST MARY ANNE NEW SUE’S CREW NOELLE GEORGANAS TEAM BOOBALICIOUS LAURA WONG-RIBEIRO SISTA SOLDIERS LAURA CHAMBERS SURFACE SCIENCE WESTERN BECKY JACKLIN TEAM CATHY FLANAGAN BARBARA OULAHEN SISTERS–THE MEDICINE IN LIFE ANDREA POLLARD SURVIVOR THRIVERS FAMILY & FRIENDS PHYLLIS SLUMAN TEAM CATSA JASON TRIMBLE ROOTERS FOR HOOTERS JENN ELSEY ROSE’S RIDERS TARA FREEL RUCK CANCER! LISA DALLA ROSA RUN FOREST RUN SCOTT CARTER RUN TO 2015 JULIE BROWN RUN4CURE ROCHELLE MELVIN RUNNING AMUCK FRANKIE WOOD RUNNING FOR SAM CINDI GARDNER RUSTYS AT BLUE JACALYN PAMPALONE RUTH’S RUN LAURIE BATTERSBY S O BS (SAVE OUR BREASTS) LINDA SHARMAN SAILS & TAILS SHELLEY BENGER SANTIN CHIROPRACTIC CARLA SANTIN SARAH’S SISTAS AIMEE BRADY SAULT COLLEGE SOLE MATES JOANNA MACDOUGALL SAVE 2ND BASE VANESSA ROBIBERO SK’HYS THE LIMIT MERCEDES GORDON SMAC MAURICE GUILLEMETTE SMALL STEPS KAREN CHRISTISON SMITH-KASOUF FAMILY JENNIFER SMITH SOFTCHOICE BOOB BRIGADE ANA STEPHENSON SOLDIERS IN THE WAR AGAINST MY RACK NIKKI COLE SOUTHDOWN DENTAL MILA SMITH SPREAD POSITIVITY MARIAM BESADA SWAT CANCER JANINE SALVAS SWEET T’S RONDA LUDLOW TEAM CIBC – COLLINGWOOD JOHANNE STEWART TEAM CIBC – KITCHENER RYAN DURBIN TA TAS AND TIARAS KELSEY HARDER TEAM CIBC – SAULT STE. MARIE LORI ABBOTT TAMARA’S TEAM OF HOPE TAMARA HOLLANDER TEAM CIBC – THUNDER BAY KATHY BARR TANGLED LADIES ELIZABETH ROSS TEAM CIBC – TIMMINS ALISON ADAMS TARA’S TA TA’S TANNIS MCGINN-HULL TEAM CIBC – WINDSOR GIA ATAMAN TEAM FRANCINE NICOLAS BRUNETTE-D’SOUZA TEAM HP BRUCE PAEPCKE TEAM INSPIRE YOGA DIANA LOCKETT TEAM JOLEEN SARAH LITTLE TEAM KABIDDLES KABOODLES LORRAINE STE-MARIE TEAM KAREN KAREN EVANS TEAM LIB ELIZABETH GIRARD TEAM LIGHTHEART CHERYL LIGHTHEART TEAM LISA KATE BROMFIELD TEAM LOVE & HOPE LAURA RICHMOND GUERRIERO TEAM MERVEL CAMILLE GRAHAM TEAM MINNI MARY LOU SOARES TEAM MJ WILMA WHITE TEAM MURELLA SILVANA TAFFO TEAM NEHLEE DENISE MCCANN-LACASSE TEAM NIPPLEODEON RITA ANGELUCCI 41 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure Teams TEAM NO FRILLS PENNY MCKINLAY THE ABC+D’S BRENT SCOWEN THE PINK PUMAS HELEN SMYTH TREASURE CHEST ANNE BLOOM WALKERS FOR KNOCKERS DANIELLE CERASIA TEAM O-VATION JANIS WILLIAMS THE ATHLETIC CLUB GUELPH TEAM MICHELLE TOMPKINS THE PINK TULIPS JANET WALLACE TREASURED CHEST BRIAN PENACHO WALKERS FOR KNOCKERS JODI ORMSBY THE PINKSTERS PAULA CASSIN TREASURED CHESTS KELLY MERRITT WALKING ON A CLOUD DENISE ENGEL THE PRINCESSES ERIKA-KRISTEN STROK MCLELLAN TRISH’S TEAM TANYA RYAN WALLY’S ROAD WARRIORS ROSEMARY MCCANNY THE PROUDFOOTS AINDREA PROUDFOOT TRUEPHOTOPHOTOGRAPHY KRYSTAL SZYDLIK WARNACO OF CANADA ERWIN BANFI THINK PINK KRISTIN NEWMAN TURNING POINT LUCIE HEBERT WE ARE THE BREAST KERRI SOREL THINK PINKS FRAN STRASSBURGER U OF T MISSISSAUGA ANDREW STELMACOVICH WE RUN FOR A CURE ERICA YATES THRIVING @ U OF T MARR KELLY UNDERGRADUATE COMMERCE SOCIETY SABIHA SULTANA WE WILL “WALK” YOU JOE FERLISI TEAM PALMA AND ROSA DINA GRECO TEAM PEGGY PEGGY SKELDING TEAM PURPLE – QUEEN’S MEDICINE AND FRIENDS POONAM BATRA TEAM SUBIE NISHA KUMAR TEAM TAYLOR TAYLOR LEGERE TEAM TIGER LILY MELISSA MACCHIONE TEAM TIKVAH BARBARA HEIFETZ TEAM TKMT BRIMART SILATHONG TEAM TOGETHER FOR YOU DENISE COCHRANE TEAM TORKIN MANES LLP TANISHA TULLOCH TEAM TORNADO ANDREW BERKELEY TEAM TREASURE CHEST ANTONIA MIFSUD TEAM TRISH LAUREN HEFFERNAN TEAM TRIUMPH REEMA KANWAR TEAM USHA ELIZABETH NURSE TEAM VAVA VOOM VERONICA MONACO TERRY’S ANGELS OF HOPE TERRY ANN FAUTEUX THARE RUNNING FOR A CURE JOHN BLYTHE THE AWESAUMS HEATHER SAUM THE BEACH BABES SHARON TIMLIN THE BELIEVERS (ALISON’S TEAM) ALISON GUEVARA THE BON-BON ROCKETTE’S KAITLIN MCELROY THE CUPCAKES ANNE DOUGALL THE CURE TROTTERS DIANNE CAMPBELL THE CURRETTES OF THE LDDHS LAURA CLARKE THE CURTIS CREW COLLEEN CURTIS THE GIRLS JODY OSTASZ THE GIRLS KAITLYN BOYER THE KERMIT BRIGADE LYNDA TRUONG THE LEOPARD PACK MICHELLE BLACKBURN THE MIRACLE CURES JULIET DANIEL THE MRS J CREW GITTA JONGEDIJK THE P.J.’S KATHRYN WATSON THE PINK ALLIKATS ALISON HUZUL THE PINK ARMY VANESSA FINI THE PINK PACERS RACHEL DONNELLY TIGERT’S TA TAS AMME GRAY TIME 4 TAMMY AMANDA ABBAS TITA’S TATAS ANJELICA GUYTINGCO TITILLATING TATAS CHERYL FEQUET TITS AND GIGGLES KAREN IGNACIO TITTIE TROTTERS JENNIFER VANCE TO-MORROW’S CURE TARA MORROW TONE FOR A CURE LISA STUART TOUGH TITTIES! CHRISTIANE RAYCRAFT TRACY’S TROTTERS CULLEN PATTERSON TRAFALGAR RIDGE MONTESSORI SCHOOL SANDRINE LESCURE TRANSPORT CANADA CATHY KOZYCZ TRANSUNION STRIDE ALISON PAISLEY UNITED WE STAND SHARON COYLE UOTTAWA MED 2016 SARAH ROBICHAUD UPTOWN FARAH PIRANI URBANMOMS JASON GRAHAM UW WELL-FIT MADELEINE NOBLE VAUGHAN AZZURRI SNIPERS GIRLS 2002 SANDRA D’ELIA-CRISTINO VAUGHAN VIXENS ANGELA AIELLO VICTORIA’S VICTORY HELEN GOURGIOTIS VICTORIOUS SECRET JANET STOREY VIKINGS FRANCO-OUEST BARB HADDAD VIVIAN’S VIXENS SANDRA SAGE WALK FOR WRIGHT VIVIANA DOYLE WELLINGTON CATHOLIC SUSAN ORMESHER WILL RUN FOR CUPCAKES MELISSA CLARK WISE SUDBURY THERESA NYABEZE WOLFPACK WALKS 4 CURE KAREN SCHELL YOUNG GUNS II CYNTHIA BENCHETRIT YOU’RE BUSTED SANDRA PERKS ZUMBA ADDICTS STEPHANIE DEAN 42 Community Event Donors Pink Ribbon $50,000+ TRUCKING FOR A CURE JOANNE MILLEN-MACKENZIE Gold Ribbon $25,000 - $49,999 BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER SYNCHRO SWIM ONTARIO CARLETON HEIGHTS CURLING CLUB BONSPIEL FOR BREAST CANCER SUSAN MACLATCHY CIS SHOOT FOR THE CURE CANADIAN INTER-UNIVERSITY SPORTS / WOMEN’S BASKETBALL COACHES ASSOCIATION COLDWATER CURL FOR THE CURE AMY MILLER CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES INTERNATIONAL Silver Ribbon $10,000-$24,999 5TH ANNUAL CEREC PINK RIBBON RIDE ERIKA KLYSZEJKO BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER SUDBURY SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CLUB CAKES FOR CANCER AFTERNOON TEA BRONWYN BEST GETAWAY FOR A CURE SUN LIFE FINANCIAL GLITZ & GLAMOUR PAUL ETHERINGTON & OXFORD BEACH IIHF WORLD FEMALE HOCKEY DAY MARATHON & FUNDRAISER WATERLOO GIRLS MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION WATERLOO RAVENS KICK 4 THE CURE JACE PROHASKA NIGHT OF GRATITUDE HOUSE OF PRAISE PARTNERS IN PINK HALTON DISTRICT & HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD PRETTY IN PINK GOLF TOURNAMENT LADIES OF BRIDGEWATER COUNTRY CLUB PUMPED IN PINK HOLY NAME OF MARY CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL ST. ANDREWS VALLEY LADIES GOLF TOURNAMENT AILI WELLS THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL – BSS RUN FOR A CURE THE BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL THE PINK PARTY SAM ROBERTS CONCERT PAUL ETHERINGTON Bronze Ribbon $5,000-$9,999 9TH ANNUAL WOMEN ON COURSE FOR BREAST CANCER SANDY ARCHIBALD ARISE AND WALK SAINT MATHEW’S MAR THOMA CHURCH BBB7– BALD BANDS BREASTS ALANNA FOELL BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER BURLINGTON SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CLUB 43 CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES BURLINGTON NORTHEAST TRAIL RIDE FOR BREAST CANCER DEBRA MOORE ICED PINK GAME EAST LAMBTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION HARNESS THE HOPE – WESTERN FAIR DOOREEN JUSTIN & SHEILA JOHNS Community Builder JACK’S ANNUAL BARTENDERS COMPETITION JACK ASTORS LONDON NORTH PINK IN THE RINK HUNTSVILLE OTTERS JUNIOR C HOCKEY CLUB $2,500-$4,999 KNOCKOUT BREAST CANCER SUGARFOOT LTD. JO MCPHERSON SHAVES HIS HEAD JOSEPH G. MCPHERSON 4TH ANNUAL ANITA MAÑEBO “STRIKE OUT CANCER” 10 PIN CHARITY BOWLING TOURNAMENT MICHELLE MANGLAL-LAN LADIES VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT CHERYL DAVENPORT 4TH ANNUAL CONCERT FOR CANCER ROSE ROWSWELL LANE’S END HORSE TRIALS – RIDE FOR THE CURE LANE’S END FARM BIRDIES FOR BOOBIES MAEGAN ADAMS PARTNERS IN PINK CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL BRAVE THE SHAVE HENRY SCHEIN CANADA INC PARTNERS IN PINK IROQUOIS RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER GLOUCESTER SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CLUB PUSH FOR THE CURE CHRIS JAMES ICED PINK GAME LONDON JR. KNIGHTS MINOR BANTAM AA GREEN TEAM POMONALIFE BREAST CANCER CALENDAR ANDREA CURRIE POWDERPUFF FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT MOTHER TERESA CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL POWER OF PINK DURHAM COLLEGE / UOIT PINK IN THE RINK SOO GREYHOUNDS HOCKEY CLUB STICKING TOGETHER LINDA CORREIA TIGERTEL OAKVILLE CHARITY DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL ROTARY CLUB OF OAKVILLE TRAFALGAR TORONTO POLICE SERVICES HOMICIDE SQUAD GOLF TOURNAMENT TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER TORONTO SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CLUB CIS SHOOT FOR THE CURE MCMASTER UNIVERSITY CIS SHOOT FOR THE CURE UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH PINK GORILLA CHALLENGE CORNELL MOMS GROUP PANCAKE TUESDAY FRESH START COFFEE COMPANY PARTNERS IN PINK NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL ROCK THE COURSE GOLF TOURNAMENT JERRY GRAY & SHERI DOZOIS SISTERS 4 SISTERS AILEEN SHEPPARD SOMETHING WHITE FOR SOMETHING RIGHT MARRY ME PRODUCTIONS THE AMAZING LASER LIGHT & VARIETY SHOW CONNECT MARKETING CRUISE FOR BOOBS SOPHIE MATIS TODD POOLE’S BOSTON MARATHON FUNDRAISER TODD POOLE CUT FOR CANCER THOMPSON SISTERS VOLDEN’S PINK PARTY RAYNA VOLDEN ICED PINK GAMES DURHAM WEST GIRLS HOCKEY ASSOCIATION FEI CANADA TORONTO CHAPTER GOLF TOURNAMENT FEI CANADA TORONTO CHAPTER Community Event Donors Friends of the Foundation $1,000-$2,499 A NIGHT IN VEGAS MATHURAA SASITHARAN AJOUKA JEYAKUMAR SAJEEKA JEYAKUMAR ALL THINGS PINK CHARBEL SALON & SPA ANGUS GLEN LADIES HARVEST ANGUS GLEN GOLF CLUB LTD. ASSOCIATE CASUAL DAY INGRAM MICRO CANADA BARRIE GUN CLUB LADIES’ DAY SUSAN RATELLE BEDAZZLE YOUR HAT FOURMY, A DIVISION OF CINTAS CANADA BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER GUELPH SYNCHRONIZED SWIM CLUB BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER YORK SYNCHRONIZED SWIM CLUB BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER OLYMPIUM SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING CLUB BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER MISSISSAUGA SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING ASSOCIATION BURNING BRIGHT FOR BREAST CANCER BRANT SYNCHRONIZED SWIM CLUB CASUAL DAY DURHAM REGION, DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES CIS SHOOT FOR THE CURE UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA EUCHRE TOURNAMENT BARBARA HAYES PARTNERS IN PINK WHITE OAKS SECONDARY SCHOOL EZCAPE THE PAIN EZCAPE SPA & SALON PINK CHRISTMAS VANESSA & STEVE WALKER GIDDY UP FOR A CURE JENN BURGOYNE PINKY & THE GRAIN NIAGARA OAST HOUSE BREWERS CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES BELLEVILLE GIFTS THAT GIVE AFTERNOON TEA BASK BOUTIQUE PON BONFIRE FOR BREAST CANCER CARLETON PLUMMER CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES BRAMPTON EAST GOLF FORE THE CURE BOSTON PIZZA THE POWER OF PINK COLOUR PARADISE GREENHOUSES CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES BRAMPTON NORTH GOODLIFE FITNESS STRATHROY FUNDRAISER GOODLIFE FITNESS STRATHROY PRETTY IN PINK RUGBY GAME OTTAWA IRISH RUGBY CLUB CLAIMSECURE BREAST CANCER AWARENESS WEEK CLAIMSECURE INC. COSPLAY FOR A CURE CASEY BROWN & FRIENDS CROSSFIT FOR CANCER CROSSFIT POISE CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES CORNWALL CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES ETOBICOKE SOUTH (DUNDAS) CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES GLOUCESTER NORTHEAST (ORLEANS) CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES GRAVENHURST CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES HAWKESBURY CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES KEMPTVILLE CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES MISSISSAUGA SOUTHWEST (CLARKSON) CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES MORRISBURG CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES NORTH BAY CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES PERTH CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES SAULT STE. MARIE CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES TORONTO AVENUE ROAD CURVES FOR A CURE CURVES WOODBRIDGE JEANS DAY SPRINGS CANADA LIVE RACING THINK PINK FUNDRAISER AT KAWARTHA DOWNS KAWARTHA DOWNS LTD. MAPLE REINDERS CONSTRUCTORS STAFF BBQ MAPLE REINDERS CONSTRUCTORS LTD. MEAFORD 18-HOLE LADIES BREAST CANCER EVENT NORMA YOUNG MERRY-HILL WOMEN’S LEAGUE EVENT MERRY-HILL GOLF CLUB PAINTBALL FOR BREAST CANCER BARNESY PAINTBALL PARTNERS IN PINK ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL PARTNERS IN PINK GEORGETOWN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL PARTNERS IN PINK ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA SECONDARY SCHOOL PARTNERS IN PINK T. A. BLAKELOCK HIGH SCHOOL PROM DRESS RUGBY GAME ST. LAWRENCE COLLEGE RALLY FOR THE CURE BREAST CANCER TOURNAMENT WELLAND TENNIS CLUB BREAST CANCER HOCKEY FUNDRAISER SAM RICHARDSON & THE CALEDONIA THUNDER SAVE OUR WOMEN @ QUEEN’S QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY ICED PINK GAME SCHOMBERG COUGARS HOCKEY CLUB SPIRIT OF YOGA FERN WESTERNOFF, HEATHER SKOLL, SANDI HOFBAUER & PATSY SPANOS STREAK FOR CANCER TRICIA GRAY SUMMER FAMILY BBQ – ETOBICOKE RANGERS VS. ONTARIO PROSPECTS HELLEN THOMPSON TEAM FOISY (339) – RACE FOR A CURE JULIANNE FOISY THINK PINK PLANT SALE CANADALE NURSERIES LTD. ICED PINK GAME TORONTO LAKESHORE PATRIOTS JUNIOR ‘A’ HOCKEY CLUB 44 URGENT CARE CENTRES GET PINK’D! DEENAH RAHMAN VIA RAIL GOLF TOURNAMENT VIA RAIL CANADA WAX FOR RACKS LEAP HIGH PERFORMANCE ICED PINK GAME NORTHUMBERLAND GIRLS HOCKEY ASSOCIATION WEST TORONTO BASEBALL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS WEEK WEST TORONTO BASEBALL WOMEN’S BUSINESS LEAGUE BONSPIEL DUNDAS GRANITE CURLING CLUB YUK YUK’S COMEDY NIGHT JASBIR MANN ZUMBA FOR A CURE ROSE RODRIGUES Financial summary* 45 Year Ended March 31, 2013 2013 2012 $ $ 562,550 588,223 Corporate Partnerships 2,658,040 2,681,424 Third Party Events 1,513,722 1,639,867 Direct Mail 1,239,958 1,483,365 14,530,418 15,443,348 25,688 51,495 Investment Income 772,766 496,250 Total Revenue 21,303,142 22,383,973 Cost of raising funds 6,704,684 7,010,138 Operations 2,310,406 2,793,742 9,015,090 9,803,880 REVENUES Individual Programs CIBC Run for the Cure Other Jace’s event ›› page 46 Wendy’s run ›› page 46 Panera’s bagels ›› page 46 EXPENSES Total Expenses Net Revenue Available For The Cause 12,288,051 12,580,093 Program Activities 4,400,712 3,878,123 Grants ** 8,590,574 10,650,731 12,991,286 14,528,854 Cost of Fundraising 32.7% 32.1% Cost of Administration 10.8% 12.5% Good Works Index *** 59.0% 59.7% CAUSE RELATED WORK Total Cause Related Work *T hese statements reflect an unaudited financial summary of Ontario Region only. The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF) is audited on a national basis. For audited national financial statements please go to ** Grants are presented net of monies returned by grantees due to project cost savings. *** Good Works Index is Total Cause Related Work divided by the sum of Total Expenses plus Total Cause Related Work. How funds are spent † HEALTH PROMOTION & EDUCATION 27% VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT 3% 66+27+43z GRANT REVIEW & ADMINISTRATION 4% 66% research Grants & fellowships † Reflects funds spent on cause related work Financial summary Year Ended March 31, 2013 Teacher kicks for the cure When a friend’s mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, Jace Prohaska was inspired by her passion for soccer to create Kick 4 the Cure, a women’s soccer tournament in Scarborough. Eight years later, the event has raised more than $120,000 for CBCF and engaged a generation of young women championing the importance of exercise in breast health. Fundraising with determination The best bagel in town goes ‘pink’ Diagnosed with stage II breast cancer a decade ago, Wendy Garner has run with her colleagues in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure for the last nine years. Determined to help create a breast cancer-free future, Wendy surpassed her goal of raising $100,000 for breast cancer research and was the winner of the 2012 Determination Award as the top fundraiser at the Kitchener-Waterloo run site. She has now gone on to increase her goal to $125,000. During Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October 2012, every Panera Bread bakery cafe in the Greater Toronto Area tempted customers with a decidedly different take on their delicious bread. The Pink Ribbon Bagel not only filled people’s appetites, but has been supporting CBCF annually for three years in a row. 46 Get involved 47 We wouldn’t be where we are today without the 8,100 volunteers who donate their time, money and energy towards our vision of creating a future without breast cancer. There are lots of ways to lend your support... Donate Every dollar counts! Help fund life-changing research, education and awareness programs by making a donation today. Shop for the Cure Join the many companies who generously donate a per cent of sales of their products. Go online to see what’s in stores. Leaders for the Cure This extensive peer-to-peer program provides opportunities for Ontario’s corporate community to come together in support of CBCF. Tell your story We want to hear from you! How has breast cancer affected you? What inspired you to support CBCF? Share your story via text or video. Create an event We owe a huge thanks to our 2012 Run Directors BARRIE/ORILLIA Shannon Baker Bonnie Masson NIAGARA Len Borden Ashley Williams BRAMPTON Mina Shimkoff Emanuela Sorgo NORTH BAY Anne-Marie Desjardins Melanie Gainforth BURLINGTON/HAMILTON/ OAKVILLE Stephanie Rapko Marilyn Edwards OTTAWA Susan Enns Paul Lansbergen COLLINGWOOD Jen Nichol Jason Ruttan DURHAM Gerrie Wonnacott Robyn Stewart GUELPH Terri Millar Patty Quackenbush Harness the power of your community! You can fundraise with a yard sale, joining a dragonboat team, take part in the CIBC Run for the Cure or create any event you choose that will generate funds for research and education. KINGSTON Diane Sabourin Julie Blasko Run Directors LONDON Colin McIlveen Gillian Gallant Every year, thousands volunteer for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure. Some individuals take their dedication even further and become Run Directors, acting as Foundation representatives in the community and providing leadership to their local committees. KITCHENER-WATERLOO Debra Schmidt Nancy Hawes MISSISSAUGA Sunil Koparkar Molly Zito MUSKOKA Dana Clark PETERBOROUGH Jamie Mitchell SAULT STE. MARIE Trish Porco Karey Stewart SIMCOE Gail Catherwood Dana Booth SUDBURY Mary Katherine Coady Tracey Kinnonen THUNDER BAY Bonnie Tittaferrante TORONTO Jeffrey Nold Andrew Langtry Quin Ma Sukhjit Mand WINDSOR Shayla Barker Ingrid Kerker-Lutsch YORK REGION Zina Atkinson Julia Suppa Volunteer Learn more about current volunteer opportunities across the province: Click Email Phone 1 (866) 373-6313 The Ontario Region Board Of Directors 2012-2013* DR. GURMIT SINGH CHAIR, ONTARIO BOARD CHAIR, NATIONAL GRANTS COMMITTEE BERNADETTE DIETRICH VICE-CHAIR, ONTARIO BOARD CHAIR, GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE MEMBER, NATIONAL GRANTS COMMITTEE CHRISTY TEASDALE VICE-CHAIR, ONTARIO BOARD CHAIR, CAUSE LEADERSHIP AND BRAND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE KELLY BATTLE VICE-CHAIR, FINANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE BARBARA BUDARICK MEMBER, CAUSE LEADERSHIP AND BRAND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE DR. RALPH GEORGE, MD, FRCSC CHAIR, RESEARCH AND HEALTH CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE RALPH GOLDSILVER CHAIR, FINANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE HEATHER MCCRORY MEMBER, REVENUE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CHRISTINE (CHRISSY) PIGEON MEMBER, REVENUE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE * As of March 31, 2013 48 DR. KATHLEEN PRITCHARD MEMBER, RESEARCH AND HEALTH CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE CAMILLE QUENNEVILLE CAUSE LEADERSHIP AND BRAND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE JOSE RIBAU VICE-CHAIR, REVENUE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SARAH SIMPSON NATIONAL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE MEMBER, GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE JORDAN SOLWAY MEMBER, GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE AVA G. YASKIEL VICE CHAIR, GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE DR. CRAIG EARLE VICE-CHAIR, RESEARCH AND HEALTH CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE JENNIFER BELL CHAIR, REVENUE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DR. CHRISTOPHER MUELLER MEMBER, RESEARCH AND HEALTH CARE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER, NATIONAL GRANTS COMMITTEE HON SUSAN E. WHELAN MEMBER, CAUSE LEADERSHIP AND BRAND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Honouring a life of service Betty-Jane Hassleback, or ‘BJ’ as she was affectionately known to family and friends, had a profound impact on the breast cancer cause. In 1986, BJ joined a group of women working to launch a charity devoted exclusively to breast cancer, called Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. BJ served as a member of the first Board of Directors and as chair of the Education Committee, while her husband, Dr. Richard Hasselback, an oncologist at Princess Margaret Hospital, was appointed by the Board as Chair of its first Medical Advisory Committee. Over the years, BJ was instrumental in helping to advance breast cancer awareness, research and treatment. BJ and Richard remain a constant reminder of the powerful impact that just a few individuals can have on thousands of lives. We will all miss BJ very much – but her spirit and passion will live on in all of us as we continue to work towards a future without breast cancer. our vision: creating a future without breast cancer. 49 50 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Ontario Region 20 Victoria Street, 6th Floor Toronto, ON M5C 2N8 Visit our website: Tel (416) 815-1313 Toll Free 1 (866) 373-6313 See us on you tube: Friend us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @CBCF_Ontario Design: On the cover: Teresa Pagnutti was diagnosed with locally advanced, stage III breast cancer in 2009. Thanks to the most innovative care and treatments, Teresa is celebrating her third year of being cancer free. Research Saves Lives Report to the Community 2013