Annual Report 2011 - The Scott Mission


Annual Report 2011 - The Scott Mission
Celebrating 70 years of
mercy love
in action!
Our Mission
“Through Christ’s love, we care. We reach out to
those who have been passed by. We restore hope.
We build community.”
Our Values
Dependence on God, Faithfulness,
Generosity, Grace, Hospitality, Integrity,
Love and Mercy, Respect
Board Members
Joe Nemni, Chair
Jonathan Wilson, Vice-Chair
Kathleen Butterfield
Glenn Mallory
Eva Wong Scanlan
Trevor Serebro
Jason Storsley
Maureen Topp
Join the Celebration!
Your invitation to our 70th
Anniversary Celebration is
A legacy of love . . . a future of hope!
In 1941, Morris and Annie Zeidman started The Scott Mission with one purpose — to serve the poor and lost in their community. Seventy years later that
singular focus continues because of the faithful prayers, support, and volunteer hours of friends like you.
Thank you for putting your compassion into action to help the poor and homeless in Toronto!
For 70 years, we have kept the lights on and hot meals ready for our neighbours in need through your support. Today, more people than ever are looking
to The Scott Mission as a beacon of hope.
Lives have been changed this year, and it has also been an exciting time of renewal for The Mission — reaching more people with more services than ever
before. We built a new computer centre to help our Men’s Ministry clients write résumés, learn computer skills, and more. And our new hearing clinic is
already making a significant difference.
We are also pleased to share a very special announcement with you. For many years we have dreamed of growing our
ministry to the East end of Toronto — especially for the many clients who already travel quite a distance for food and
clothing. Today, because of your ongoing support, our dream is beginning to take shape and we have purchased a
building in East Toronto to serve even more people in need in our city. We will be sharing more about this exciting
endeavour with you in the months to come!
You’ve helped make a big difference for so many this year. In this report, meet some of the people you touched and find
out how your gifts are changing lives. Please take a moment to read through it. I know you will be blessed!
Thank you again for helping The Scott Mission serve our neighbours in need.
Peter Duraisami
CEO, The Scott Mission
The Scott Mission
“I know God is the one who can help me!”
Jeremiah came to The Scott Mission looking for a meal. But what he found
satisfied an even greater hunger.
From a small province in the Philippines, Jeremiah moved to Canada
with his wife and son. The struggle to find work and separation from his
extended family caused Jeremiah to descend into depression.
“I felt lonely, dismayed, depressed. I couldn’t relate to anyone. We have
no one here,” Jeremiah says.
The staff from
The Scott Mission
were delighted to
attend Jeremiah’s
Canadian citizenship
ceremony recently.
Emotional and
spiritual support is
just as important
as physical help to
Mission staff. It’s
about relationship!
But when he arrived at The Mission for a meal, he also found men he could
talk to — our Men’s Ministry staff and volunteers. “Before, I didn’t talk to
anyone. Now I have someone I can connect with,” Jeremiah says.
Staff members are also encouraging Jeremiah to deepen his relationship
with God. “I’m starting to go to Bible study,” he says. “I know God is the
one who can help me!”
Jeremiah and other men who come through our doors need nourishing
meals, safe shelter, clothing, and other physical essentials to survive. But
what can help them thrive are relationships, mentoring, counseling, and
education. They find all of these tools through our Men’s Ministry.
Last year we saw programs like our Bible studies, outings, art program,
and more spark new life in many men just like Jeremiah. Your support
makes it happen!
You made a big difference in 2011!
Last year, we served the men in our
community through:
• 18,200 hot meals and bag lunches
• Clothing for 4,988
• Warm beds, showers, and laundry
facilities for 16,288
• Winter coats, boots, gloves,
and accessories
• Help for more than 1,000 through
counseling, the Hearing Clinic,
advocacy, moving, and more
Our many ministry and recreational
activities over the past year for our
men included: discipleship group,
meditative prayer, Spanish Bible
study, a summer corn roast, a day
at the apple orchard, and a
Christmas party.
“The seed of a loving God
was planted by my family,
watered by camp, and
grown by God.”
For Veshone, the best thing about summer camp is the chance to
grow closer to God . . . a chance he almost missed five years ago.
At 12 years old then, Veshone packed his bags and came to camp.
Although he wasn’t sure there would be space, staff members found
room for him and that is when his life began to change.
You see, camp is a rare luxury for many kids of low income families in
Toronto. This is why The Scott Mission Camp is so important. These
children need the chance to just be kids, and to grow closer to God.
And it is only because of the support of friends like you that we have
room for boys and girls like Veshone. One week of camp in the
summer can be life-changing.
“The feeling at camp is different, it is so much easier to grow your
relationship with God,” Veshone says. “I feel like the seed of a loving
God was planted by my family, watered by camp, and grown by God.”
The Scott Mission
Today, Veshone is a completely different young man — looking
forward to his future. After he graduates, he says that he wants to go
to college. “I’m trusting God will lead me.”
Reaching children in 2011!
This past summer your gifts helped:
• 571 children and youth attend
summer camp
7 teens participate in the
Foundations program — coming to
camp for two weeks and participating
in a year-round program of Bible
Study, mentorship, group activities,
and personal growth.
• 36 attend our Family Camp for
Mothers and Children — a respite
so desperately needed for time to
bond, relax, and reconnect.
Your influence on children through
The Scott Mission does not end with
summer camp. Because of your faithfulness, our after-school program in
Lawrence Heights offers weekly clubs
and activities for 159 kids and 57 kids
through the Summer Day Program.
“Having my son in a place I can trust means everything to me.”
Ana came to The Scott Mission with an 18-month-old son and the need for a fresh start. Here, she found the
help she needed, including a safe place for her son Arman while she works to build a new life for them both.
At The Scott Mission, Ana discovered our Childcare Centre. While Arman stays at the Childcare Centre,
Ana attends English language classes. She is from Mexico, where she was an artist and teacher and she
wants to fulfill her dream of teaching art to kids here in Toronto.
“Having my son in a place I trust means everything to me. It means I can study and he is happy. I can see
that people here love their job. They know their work is helping people,” Ana says.
She says the Childcare Centre is helping Arman grow and learn. “Arman has been learning so much. He is
trying to dress himself, eat by himself, and he dances all the time. In the morning he knows when it is time to
go to the Childcare Centre and he starts to get himself ready.”
Caring for the “least of these”
In 2011, The Scott Mission
Childcare Centre:
• Cared for 32 children between the
ages of 18 months-4 years
• Held special events throughout the
year, creating a community
environment for low-income families
“We are grateful for the support
of our volunteers, donors, and
the City of Toronto. Because
of you, we have been able to
develop age-appropriate,
creative educational programs
that include Bible stories,
Christian music, and prayer.”
—Audrey Apps, Director of Childcare
The Scott Mission
“The Mission has always been there for me.”
Seven years ago, Christian was homeless with a small child and expecting her second. At a time when she
had nowhere to turn, she found The Scott Mission.
Through the Women & Family program, Christian found food, help finding safe shelter, and clothing. She
also found a family. “The Mission has always been there for me when I’ve needed help,” Christian says.
“The staff are so loving.”
Today, as a mother of three, Christian tries to teach her children the same compassion and generosity for
those in need that she received.
Helping women and
children in need!
Through your support, in 2011 we
were able to provide:
• 16,594 bags of groceries to families
in need
“When I’m doing OK, I always make sure to give back,” she says. “Being homeless was a traumatic
experience for me and my children. It taught us we need to care for others. We need to give when we can.”
• 26,171 people with clothing
As Christian works hard to stand on her own, she occasionally needs a little help from her family at The
Scott Mission. “There is no room in my budget for extras,” she explains. “Without The Scott Mission at
Christmas, I would have to choose — presents or groceries. I’m so grateful for The Scott Mission helping
me and other single moms and newcomers to Canada.”
• 2,157 children with new toys
Through your support, the Women & Family program not only offers help with food and clothing, but also
provides Bible studies, special help at Christmas, and other support programs. Thank you!
“I just want to help my children succeed. I’m grateful for The Scott Mission helping me.”
• 2,834 Christmas grocery gift cards
2011 Financial Information
Programs and Ministry
Public Awareness
General Donations
Government Grants
The Scott Mission
Reserve Fund
For our detailed financial statements, please visit or call 416-923-8872.
The Good Samaritan Monthly Giving Circle
It is easier than ever to impact our neighbours in need! The Scott Mission offers a convenient and safe
way for you to support our ministry through pre-authorized monthly gifts. This form of giving provides
us with a steady and reliable source of funding so that we can serve the poorest people in Toronto
throughout the year. It also helps us to lower our administrative costs and put more of every dollar
received back into our programs!
For more information on our Monthly Giving Circle, please contact:
Gladys Lau, Donor Relations Officer
Tel: 416.923.8872, ext 436
The Legacy of Mercy and Love Society
You can leave a legacy of hope and continue the important work of The Scott Mission by remembering
us in your Will. Through the Legacy of Mercy and Love Society you can ensure a better tomorrow for the
homeless and needy of Toronto.
For more information on The Scott Mission’s Legacy Society, please contact:
Maria McDonald, Manager of Direct Mail and Planned Giving
Tel: 416.923.8872, ext 440
Our Monthly Giving Policy:
You can change or cancel your monthly donation
at any time by notifying The Scott Mission 15 days
in advance.
You have certain recourse rights if any debit does
not comply with this agreement. For example, you
have the right to receive reimbursement for any
debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with
this PAD agreement. To obtain more information
on your recourse rights, contact your financial
institution or visit
502 Spadina Avenue • Toronto, Ontario M5S 2H1
416.923.8872 •
The Scott Mission is a registered Canadian charity founded in 1941.
Gifts are tax receiptable. Canadian Charitable Registration No. 10796 3613 RR0001