Diapositiva 1
Diapositiva 1
Telecommunications are strategic for the Enterprise’s Core Business records analyzes alerts you Habble: who we are In a global market it is necessary to have intuitive instruments to promptly support Companies in making strategic decisions and maximizing communication processes. The Habble team is dynamic, passionate and believes in innovation and new technologies. Our mission is to help companies to better understand the key ways to stay ahead in a fastgrowing market and to allow Companies to respond to the market changes. “The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage” Arie de Geus records analyzes alerts you Habble: our solution Habble is a cloud and web service which looks at the usage patterns of phone calls, over fixed, mobile and presents meaningful reports for the Management. Real Time User friendly records analyzes alerts you All in one Software as a service Cross-platform Cross-carrier Cloud and web Habble: the architecture CLOUD AND OVER THE WEB ▪ SAFE CONNECTIONS MOBILITY TELEPHONE EXCHANGES ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Alcatel Avaya Cisco Selta Nortel Philips VoiSmart VOIspeed Innovaphone Other IP-PABX ▪ iOS ▪ Android ▪ BlackBerry OS OFFICE OTHER COUNTRIES OFFICE CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS OFFICES records analyzes alerts you CALL CENTER With you in mind? The service measures the Enterprise’s TLC traffic (Fixed, Mobile, Data) providing summary and structured data and stores data in a manageable way. Each service can be bought individually or as a package : ❖ Habble Voice: landline ❖ Habble Mobile: smartphone and tablet ❖ Habble Data: Web The commercial offer is based on an annual fee and it is calculated on: • Habble Voice: number of the landlines • Habble Mobile: number of smartphones • Data: number of sites and size of web traffic records analyzes alerts you Our Clients’ experience records analyzes alerts you A solution tailor-made for the Management CEOs ❖ ❖ Respect of the security policy: “With Habble I can now insure that all phone calls are made for work and not for personal reasons” “With Habble I receive a notification when a limit has been exceeded“ ❖ Cost saving : “Thanks to Habble I’ve already saved the 30% of telecommunications budget“ ❖ Managing relation: “With Habble I can know how long I stay with my clients on phone” ❖ Budget Control: “With Habble I can compare cost trends with the Budget” records analyzes alerts you A solution tailor-made for the Management Sales&Marketing Manager ❖ The Sales force: “Thanks to Habble I was able to increase sales” “With Habble my sales force is more efficient“ ❖ Managing relations: “With Habble I know how long I’m on the phone with a client” ❖ Clients Geolocation: “With Habble I’m able to locate on a map the areas in which to invest more” ”Thanks to Habble I know how to geolocate my advertising campaigns” ❖ Anlysis of services renderid: “With Habble I know how much time I’ve dedicated to clients” memorizza analizza ti avverte A solution tailor-made for the Management Purchasing Manager ❖ ❖ Cost Control: “Thanks to Habble I’ve saved the 40% of my telecommunication fixed costs” “With Habble I now select the best phone price plan” ❖ Business Management: “With Habble I can now determine automatically which are the fixed and variable costs for each department” “With Habble I now cut the roaming extra-costs” ❖ Evaluation of new tariffs: “Habble and I can easily control if a phone invoice tariff is right” memorizza analizza ti avverte A solution tailor-made for the Management IT Manager ❖ ❖ Optimization of the telecommunications infrastructure: “Thanks to Habble I’ve already saved the 40% of Tlc infrastractural costs, dimensioning it correctly” “Thank to Habble I manage the connection in a way that could garantee the efficiency of the business applications” ❖ Real time alerts: “Habble alerts you at any time limits have been exceed” ❖ Zero impact along the time: “Habble is the first solution for your business which manage all communications data in a single platform without investing money at the first fase: a cross-technology and cross-carrier service which is adaptable to any technology’s changes.” memorizza analizza ti avverte www.habble.eu records analyzes alerts you