Environmental Product Declarations - Effective Tool to Demonstrate


Environmental Product Declarations - Effective Tool to Demonstrate
Environmental Product Declarations Effective Tool to Demonstrate
Sustainability and Ecological Benefits of
Wood-based Panels Industry.
Dina Melgalve,
Latvijas Finieris Standardization and Certification Expert
Riga, 04 June 2015
Latvijas Finieris Manufacturing, Sales and
Product Development Network with
Global Presence:
Headquarter office in Riga, Latvia
Sales to 60 countries worldwide
11 dedicated sales offices abroad
Factories in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia,
Wood resources only from the Baltic
Also active in forestry, chemicals and
Selected KPI’s of 2014: 194,1million
EUR in sales, 2500 employees
Latvijas Finieris Experts
as an Active Members of CEN TCs
CEN TC 112 Wood based panels
WG 2 Plywood
since 2001
WG 4 Test methods
WG 13 Mandate
Basic Requirements for Construction Works.
EU CPR Nr.305/2011 Annex 1
• Hygiene, health and the environment (Para 3 )
The construction works must be designed and built in such a way that they
will, throughout their life cycle, not be a threat to the hygiene or health and
safety of workers, occupants or neighbours, nor have an exceedingly high
impact, over their entire life cycle, on the environmental quality or on the
climate during their construction, use and demolition,
• Sustainable use of natural resources (Para 7)
The construction works must be designed, built and demolished in such a
way that the use of natural resources is sustainable
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
Definitions. Content
Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) –
- product related information expressed by standardised
approach and terms,
- a standardized way of quantifying the environmental
impact of a product or system.
EPD include information on:
- environmental impact of raw material,
- energy use end efficiency,
- content of materials and chemical substances,
- emissions to air, soil and water
- waste generation.
Product and company information is also included.
EPD Standards
• EN ISO 14025:2010 Environmental labels and declarations. Type III
environmental declarations. Principles and procedures
• EN ISO 14040:2006 Environmental management. Life cycle
assessment. Principles and farmework
• EN ISO 14044: 2006 Environmental management. Life cycle
assessment. Requirements and guidelines
• EN 15804 + A1:2014 Sustainability of construction works.
Environmental product declarations. Core rules for the product category of
construction product
EPD Softwares and Data Basis
• SimaPro7, GaBi5, Umberto, Quantis Suite 2.0,
EarthSmart, Sustainable Minds, OpenLCA,
• Ecoinvent, ELCD
EPD Types
Gate to gate (A3)
Cradle to manufacturer’s gate (A1 - A3)
Cradle to users’s gate (A1 to A4)
Cradle to grave (A1 to C4)
EN 15804 :2014, Fig.1
«cradle to gate»
instead of
«cradle to grave»
is preferable for wood-based panels LCA
Wide Range of Application
From traffic sign to LNG tanker
What are
the main reasons to say :
«EPD - tool to demonstrate
ecological benefits
of wood-based panels industry»
Positive CO2 Lifecycle Balance.
CO2 Saving by Using Wood
Picture CEI-Bois
Latvijas Finieris. Changes in Energy
Consumption by Type (per Unit of
Plywood Produced, MWh/m3):
Market Demands for Product Performance
and Environmental Documentation (1)
How often manufacturers are asked for the
documentation relating complience to EPD
standards from the market – endfurther
processing enterprices, end-users and market
surveillance authorities
Actual situation
Market Demands for Product Performance
and Environmental Documentation (2)
Flexible approach to the EPD content – Life Cycle
Assessment supplemented with wood chain, ecological
and emissions certificates.
E.g., FSC, PEFC, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001,
E1, E1+, F4, CARB Phase2, M1, French, AgBB
Construction products manufacturers are asked for EPDs or similar ecological
documentation with increasing tendency. It is mainly caused by the
implementation of EU CPR Nr.305/2011 requirements .
There are available EN standards for uniform calculation and declaration of
product related environmental data and information. Standartised methods are
quite complicate for users with insignificant experience.
Softwares and Data Basis are available to simplify EPD’s process
There is a risk EPD datas for similar products could significantly differ due to
application of over-detailed assumptions or over-simplification.
Procedures for EPD 3rd party verification should be introduced
EPD can be used as tool to demonstrate ecological benefits of wood based
products due to positive CO2 lifecycle balance and implementation of energy
saving technologies
Winners will be industries who will be first with their EPD offers to the Market
Post Scriptum
Latvijas Finieris Customer’s Satisfaction Surway Results.
If questions
Please contact :
Dina Melgalve,
AS Latvijas Finieris
Standardisation and Certification Expert
Phone 00371 67 06 5969