Cornerstone May 2010


Cornerstone May 2010
The Cornerstone
Township Of O’Connor
Country Living At Its Best
Office Closed
The Office will be closed at noon on Monday, May 3rd and all day on
Tuesday, May 4th and Wednesday May 5th to permit staff to attend the
AMCTO Annual Meeting and Conference. The office will also be closed
on May 24th for the Victoria Day weekend.
Please note that the second interim tax installment is due on Friday, April 30th.
Payments can still be dropped off through the mail slot at the entrance of the
Community Centre, mailed or paid through telephone or internet banking.
MAY 2010
Emergency Contacts:
Medical Emergencies: 911
Fire: 911
Police: 911
Municipal Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday,
9:00 am to Noon
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Fridays: 9:00 am to Noon
Office Phone: 476-1451
Community Hall: 476-1452
Garage: 476-1453
Council & Budget Meetings
The next regular meetings of Council will be held on Monday, May 10th and
Tuesday, May 25th at 7:00 pm. and a budget meeting has been scheduled for
Tuesday, May 11th at 7:00 pm. All meetings will be held in the new Municipal
Office’s council chambers located at 330 Hwy 595. If you are planning to attend
any of these meetings please use the entrance in the back of the building. A
Township Inspection has also been scheduled for Friday, May 28th at 8:30 a.m.
Disposal Site Hours
Draft agendas are posted on the Township website by 5:00 pm on Friday prior to
the Monday meeting and final agendas are posted by 5:00 pm the day of the
meeting. Council welcome your involvement and interest in Council meetings and
municipal issues.
Mayor Ron Nelson - 475-9213
Councillors: Gwen Garbutt – 473-9038
Bishop Racicot - 577-2215
Lee Ann Nygard – 475-8966
Jim Vezina – 577-6735
Summer Hours: Apr 1st to Aug 31st
Tuesday—6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Saturday—10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Winter Hours: Sept 1st to Mar 31st
Tuesday—3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday—10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Disposal Site Fees:
Fridge or Freezer Disposal
Semi-trailer or tractor
Passenger/Medium Truck
$ 7.00
$ 5.00
Building Permits:
Looking For a Compliance Audit Committee
Council must appoint a Compliance Audit Committee in preparation for the
upcoming 2010 Municipal Elections. For more information on the responsibility of
the this committee please refer to page two of this issue of the Cornerstone.
Restricted Fire Zone
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
has declared a Restricted Fire Zone (RFZ) in
Ontario’s West Fire Region (WFR) extending
from the Manitoba border eastward to the
shores of Lake Nipigon and the Nipigon
River, and south from the 11th Base Line
(including Red Lake, Pickle Lake) to the US
border - not including Quetico or Wabikimi
Provincial Parks. For more detailed information on the boundaries, please contact your
local Ministry of Natural Resources office.
The RFZ is being implemented to reduce the
risk of human-caused wildfires.
The RFZ is implemented in Zones 2, 3, 6, 7,
9, 10, 11 of the WFR and is in place for the
period from one minute after midnight on Friday morning, April 23, 2010 until such time
that conditions improve across the WFR and
the RFZ is officially removed.
Please check the Township of O’Connor’s
website or contact the municipal office
By-law 2006-14, being a by-law
respecting Construction, Demolition,
Inspections, and to set out the rates for
permits within the Corporation of the
Township of O’Connor states that
building permits will be required for the
construction, erection, alteration, repair,
removal, relocation and change of use
of all buildings or structures within the
Township of O’Connor.
If you are building anything larger than
108 square feet, you must apply for a
building permit. For more information
please call the Township Office.
Oliver Paipoonge Library Hours:
Use of both branches is free for
O’Connor Residents
Murillo Branch (935-2729)
Tuesday 6 - 8 pm
Wednesday 10– 5 pm & 6 – 8 pm
Thursday 6 - 8 pm
Friday 1 - 5 pm
Saturday - 1 - 3:00 pm
for updates regarding the Restricted
Fire Zone. Any Fire Permits and/or
Incinerator Permits that have been
issued are not valid while the RFZ is
in effect.
Rosslyn Branch (939-2312)
Tuesday 1 - 5 pm & 6 - 8 pm
Thursday 1 - 5 pm & 6 - 8 pm
Saturday - 10 - 12 pm
Fire Department News
Since the last issue of the Cornerstone the First
Response team has responded to four medical related
calls and the Fire Department has responded to two fire
related calls.
Please note that the Ministry has issued a Fire Restricted
Zone in this area. No open burning is permitted while this
restriction is in in effect. This includes fires for food and
The Fire Department Auxiliary will be hosting
our second “Beef on a Bun” dinner on
Saturday, May 8, 2010. Treat Mom to an
early Mother’s Day and bring the family out
for dinner. Please see the last page of this
issue of the Cornerstone for more
information. Please come out and support
your local volunteer fire department
The Fire Department has smoke alarms for
sale at the Township Office for $10.00
each. Please ensure that you have working
smoke alarms in all designated areas.
Alarms should be tested on a monthly basis
and the batteries changed at least once a
O’Connor History Book
New for the 2010 Municipal Election, Section 81.1 (1) of the
Municipal Elections Act states that a Council must appoint
a Compliance Audit Committee. This committee will
determine if an audit is required when the Township
receives an application from an elector who believes, on
reasonable grounds, that a candidate has contravened a
provision of the Municipal Elections Act relating to election
campaign finances. The term of this committee is the same
as the term of Council, 4 years – December 2010 to
November 2014.
The time and commitment of the
committee will depend on the number of applications
The Township’s of Conmee, Gillies and
O’Connor will be sharing a three person Compliance Audit
Committee. Any person who is not planning to be a
candidate in the upcoming municipal election, and is
interested in serving on this committee may submit their
name to the Municipal Clerk by May 19th, 2010. For more
information please contact the Township office at 4761451.
Make sure that your name is included on the 2010
Preliminary List of Electors. If you receive a 2010
Municipal Enumeration form, please review it carefully and
make corrections if needed. Please sign and return your
form to MPAC by June 1, 2010. If you have any questions
with regard to the form you may contact the Township
office at 476-1451 or MPAC at 1-866-296-6722.
The municipal enumeration process involves targeting
specific households where occupant information requires
“First Hundred Years Of
confirmation. MPAC is legislatively responsible for
Country Living At It’s Best”
collecting occupant information for municipal and school
This book makes a wonderful Mother’s Day gift for that board elections and keeping up-to-date population figures
mom who has everything. The book is available at the of every municipality in Ontario.
O’Connor Township office, at the Metropolitan Moose
Café, and at Global Flags and Banners in Kakabeka Falls.
The cost of the book is $40.00 and if you would like to ship
the book to family out of town we also have corrugated Nomination Process for the 2010 Municipal Election
boxes designed specifically for shipping or storing the book
Section 33(1) of the Municipal Elections Act provides that a
at a cost of $2.00.
person may be nominated for an office by filing a
nomination with the Returning Officer in the Clerk’s Office
in person or by an agent. The nomination shall be in the
prescribed Form 1 (Nomination Paper), signed by the
We are please to announce that Ms. Becky
person being nominated and accompanied by the
Davis has recently been hired as the new Dog
prescribed nomination filing fee. The fee is $100.00 for
Control Officer. If you are having trouble with
Councillors and $200.00 for Mayor. The fee is to be paid by
dogs, other than your own, in your yard please
certified cheque or money order. Facsimile
contact the Ms. Davis at 252-3196.
signatures are not acceptable.
Every effort is made to locate owners, however, if the
owner cannot be located the animal is brought to
The Nomination form may be filed at any time during
Thunder Bay Animal Services. In order to retrieve your regular office hours beginning January 4, 2010 up to and
dog payment must be made at the O’Connor Municipal
including Nomination Day, September 10, 2010 between
Office, 330 Hwy. 595 during regular office hours prior to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. for the following offices:
picking up your dog.
O’Connor’s History Book
Dogs Running at Large
Load Restrictions in Effect
Half Loads are still in effect on all municipal roads within
the Township of O’Connor and will continue to be in effect
during the period designated by the Township.
- Mayor
- Councillors – 4 to be elected
Lorna Buob, Clerk-Treasurer and Returning Officer
Murillo Branch
935 – 2729
Rosslyn Branch
939 - 2312
(next to the Municipal Office)
(Rosslyn Community Centre)
6 - 8:00
Wednesday 10 - 5:00 & 6 – 8:00
6 – 8:00
1 – 5:00
1 - 3:00
Tuesday 1 – 5:00 & 6 – 8:00
Thursday 1 – 5:00 & 6 – 8:00
Saturday 10 – 12:00
Thanks goes to the Rosslyn
Women’s Institute for their recent
donation of $200 which is
earmarked for new children’s books
for the Rosslyn Branch Library.
A donation has been made in
memory of Jim Vibert by Carole
and Bob Klapprat. A book will be
purchased and dedicated in his
The Library accepts donations of used
books & movies. If we can’t use these
items on the shelf, we add them to our
used book sale.
We are also looking for plastic shopping
bags. If you have some that you would
like to ‘recycle’, please send them our
May 2nd to 8th, 2010 is Emergency Preparedness Week 2010
Emergencies can happen at anytime and occur anywhere, sometimes without much warning. An emergency
can force you to evacuate your neighbourhood or confine you to your home or workplace. It can leave you
without basic services such as water, electricity or a working telephone. Are you PREPARED?
Although Ontario has effective emergency management legislation and programs, individuals and families play
a vital role in preparing for times of crisis when emergency services and other government resources may be
strained. It is important that individuals and families prepare to take care of themselves for at least three days.
Individuals and families are best able to cope when they have taken the time to prepare before an emergency
For Emergency Preparedness Week 2010, Emergency Management Ontario has coordinated a large-scale provincial campaign to increase Ontarians’ awareness and understanding of emergency preparedness by encouraging everyone to take the “Emergency Preparedness Challenge”. Those taking the Challenge can go to www. where they will take a short age appropriate emergency preparedness quiz. Individuals
who successfully complete the quiz will be eligible to win cool prizes. The Challenge will launch at the start of
EP Week and end May 31, and culminate with the awarding of prizes early in June.
This website has a lot of helpful information for all ages. Please check it out. If you don’t have a computer
please contact the office and we can get this information for you.
Emergencies can happen at anytime and it is important that you and your family should be ready to care for
yourselves for a minimum of 72 hours. Follow the steps below to ensure that you are ready in the event of an
Step 1: Learn about hazards in your community
Step 2: Learn how you will be informed of an emergency
Step 3: Develop a family emergency plan
Step 4: Prepare an Emergency Survival Kit
Step 5: Prepare your pets
Step 6: Practice and maintain your plan
Step 7: Learn how to evacuate
Step 8: Learn how to “Shelter-in-Place”
Step 9: Consider any Special Needs
More information is available from the Conservation
Authority website: or by calling 344-5857.
Lakehead Region
Conservation Authority
Celebrate Mother’s Day by taking your mom to Brunch at
the Hazelwood Lake Nature Centre! Enjoy a fabulous
brunch catered by the White Fox Inn. After, enjoy a
relaxing stroll along one of our trails or take a walk down to
the shore of Hazelwood Lake and listen for loons. The
price is just $25.95 for adults, $13.95 for children 12 and
under or free for children under the age of 3. Seatings are
at 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.
Call 577-3699 for
reservations and be sure to specify Hazelwood Lake
Nature Centre.
Summer is a great time to visit local Conservation Areas.
The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority has eight
areas offering a variety of recreational opportunities such
as hiking, wildlife viewing, canoeing and picnicking. Enjoy
unlimited access when you purchase a 2010 Explorer Card
for just $30.00. Pick up your Explorer Card at the Authority
office, 130 Conservation Road, Thunder Bay. You can also
order by phone and use your VISA card. Call 344-5857.
Following the overwhelming success of our pilot Private
Landowners Tree Seedling Assistance Program last year,
the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) is
again offering conifer tree seedlings to the public at a
subsidized price.
Last year, approximately 18,600 seedlings were sold to
private landowners who used them to beautify their
property, establish or expand woodlots, create wind
shelters, create wildlife corridors or to establish buffers
along streams and lakes.
Trees help to clean the air, store carbon,
habitat and reduce the risk of erosion,
contamination of local rivers and lakes by
soil, slowing down surface water runoff and
create wildlife
flooding and
stabilizing the
by filtering out
One year old seedlings are now available for half-price.
One year old White, Black and Blue Spruce seedlings
come in bundles of 25 seedlings for $6.75. One year old
Red Pine in bundles of 15 are available for $4.00 and
medium Jack Pine in bundles of 14 seedlings are available
for $11.50 each. Two year old White and Blue Spruce as
well as Red and White Pine are also available in bundles of
four seedlings at $8.00.
The seedlings are locally grown by Hill’s Greenhouses in
“The Authority was thrilled with the success of the pilot
program last year and is extremely pleased to be able to
offer the program again this year,” says LRCA Chairman,
Bill Bartley. “This subsidy program is easy to access and a
great opportunity for landowners who want to reforest their
The order deadline is Monday, May 10, 2010 or while
quantities last. Seedlings will be ready for pick-up the third
week of May at Hill’s Greenhouses.
A Tree Planting Workshop will be held at the
Thursday, May 6th. Learn how to assess your soil and
choose the right species; how to tend and protect your
seedlings and how to access stewardship assistance
programs. The workshop is free to attend, but seating is
limited so call 344-5857 to pre-register.
The Lakehead Conservation Foundation fundraising Garden
Party and Plant Sale will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
noon on Saturday, June 5th at the Lakehead Region
Conservation Authority office, 130 Conservation Road in
Thunder Bay. Shop for great deals on perennials, annuals,
trees and shrubs. Donations for the sale are also gratefully
accepted. Donations can be dropped off at the office during
regular office hours between May 31st and June 3rd.
Please be sure to label the plants before dropping them off.
Call 344-5857 for more information.
Celebrate Lake Superior Day on Sunday, July 18th at
Mission Island Marsh Conservation Area in Thunder Bay.
This is an opportunity to appreciate the recreational
opportunities offered by the lake as well as the other
benefits such as drinking water for many residents who live
around the lake. Watch for details next month.
The 2010 Lakehead Children’s Water Festival is in need of
volunteers to supervise Activity Centres. The Festival runs
September 21st to 23rd at the CLE Heritage Building.
Training is provided. This is a fun event that’s perfect for
retired school teachers or any adult with a day or two of
time to spare. Call 344-5857 for more information.
Kakabeka Falls & Rural District
Wed, May 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th - Bingo – Doors open at
5:00 p.m. Early Bird 6:15 pm, regular games at 7:00 pm.
Sun, May 9th - Mother’s Day Breakfast 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Great food and ambience.
Thur, May 13th - 4:00 p.m. - Executive Meeting
Sat, May 15th - Dance
Mon, May 17th - General Meeting
Sat, May 29th - 6:00 p.m. - Lobster Supper
Submitted by Dianne Durbin
O’Connor’s Women’s Institute
The Women’s Institute meetings are held the second
Monday of every month at 1:00 pm. Come and join us,
everyone is welcome.
Phone Rose at 577-7031 for more information.
Help Wanted
Lex Construction is seeking help for FT/PT in
home building and renovations work.
Experience is an asset but not required.
Ph. 577-4548
Windows – Doors – Siding
Soffit & Fascia – Decks
Roofing – Eavestrough
Renovations – Garages
Does your home need a
WETT Inspection?
We inspect all types of
wood burning systems
Electrical Water Heater
Installation & Repair
Chimney Cleaning
@ 628-9632 OR 577-6735
Please call us to set up an appointment.
Affordable Rates and Great Service
Daniel Vanlenthe Mechanical
RR#1 South Gillies, ON 939-1013
The NorWest Community Health Centre’s Mobile Unit will be
Providing healthcare services at the following community locations
In the District of Thunder Bay
Neebing Municipal Office
Murillo Hall
9:30 - 4:30 pm
1:00 - 7:00 pm
May 25, June 22
Community Hall
1:00 - 7:00 pm
May 12, June 9
May 4, June 1, June 29
Note: No Nurse Practitioner
The Canadian Red Cross Thunder Bay and
District Branch is looking for volunteers to drive
seniors to and from medical appointments. The
volunteer will use their own vehicle to pick up the
client from their home and bring them to their
appointment. The volunteer is not required to
stay with the client, but may be requested to
return to drive the client home. The volunteer will
be reimbursed per kilometer by Red Cross. For
more information contact Dave Wright at (807)
623-3073 Ext. 106.
Community Centre
9:30 - 4:30 pm
Superior Dirt Riders
May 26, June 23
Let’s Talk Health Topics:
May: Breast Health
June: Senior’s Month
Nurse Practitioner Clinic - Walk In’s Welcome
Foot Care Nurse: By availability and appointment only
For more information or to make an appointment, please
contact the Mobile Unit Coordinator at 1-866-357-5454 ext.
8474 (Toll Free) or 807-626-8474 ( Thunder Bay site)
What is The Great
Refrigerator Roundup?
The Great Refrigerator
Roundup Program offers free pick-up of old, inefficient
refrigerators and freezers that can cost up to $150 per
year in electricity to operate. The Ontario Power Authority will arrange for the disposal of the fridges/
freezers in an environmentally responsible manner.
Generally, these older secondary fridges and freezers,
located in basements or garages, are plugged in but
rarely used. These older units typically use two to three
times more electricity than new appliances.
What appliances qualify for the Roundup?
Primary appliance:
Full-size refrigerators and full-sized freezers must by:
● Between 10-27 cubic feet
● in working condition
● 10 years of age or older
For more information please contact Hydro One at:
or call
1-877-797-9473 to make an appointment.
2010 Motocross Season is about to
begin. The Kakabeka Motocross
(KBMX) track is located at 5254
Highway 11/17 approximately 3
miles west of Kakabeka Falls.
The 2010 Racing Schedule is May 8th, July 10th,
August 21st and September 18th at the KBMX
track. Practices start at 9:00 a.m. with races
starting at 11:00 a.m. For riders you can also
practice the Friday night prior to the races in
Kakabeka from 4 - 8 p.m.
Also included in the 2010 race schedule are 3
races in Atikokan, May 30th (with practice on the
29th) June 12th, August 7th (same weekend as the
mud bogs) and in EMO on August 14th (the same
weekend as the EMO Fair)
Flaggers are needed. If you might be interested
please call Lorna at 475-3537 or Bob at 628-7788
or Brian at 473-4654.
Hope to see you there!
Angels of God
God could not be everywhere and
therefore he made mothers.
Happy Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 9th
Sam Lennox
Hunting Knife (German Solinger Steel), Belt & Buckle
2’, 4’ & 8’ Fluorescent Fixtures (extra ballasts)
$5 - $10.00/ea
Assorted Rims (13”,14”, 15” 16” 16.5”)
Canvas Packsacks
Kerosene Hurricane Wall Lamps
International Pulley 1 3/8 PTO
48” Track Jack
8” Teco Table Saw with Cast Iron Top & Electric Motor
Set of 28” Sanyo Speakers (10 Ohm) & 15” x 15 Watt
Car Radios
8 Gallon Stainless Steel Milk Cans
Tire Chains for Snow Blower & 3/4 Ton Truck
$10 - $65/set
Grass Scythe and Brush Blade
10” Craftsmen Mitre Saw
HP P1130 21” Trinitron CRT Computer Monitor (Excellent for Gaming)
12’ Steel Frame Truck Deck w/Cab Shield (Needs New Decking)
36’ Toro Pull Behind (Reel Type) Golf Course Mower
1992 Dodge Dakota 1/2 Ton V8 4x4 Ext Cab in running condition (needs
work) or for parts
2 General Evertrek RT 205/70R15 Tires (used less than 3 weeks)
1 Motomaster SE P205/70R15 Tire on Steel Rim (5 stud—Subaru)
42” Swede Saw
10 Gal. Compressor Tank w/Gauges, Motor & Relief Valve (needs
Magellan GPS
Spaghetti Maker
Electric Bar-B-Que Rotisserie
10 Acre building lot on Enders Road in Conmee Township (Hydro,
Telephone, School Bus). Partly cleared w/balance treed, high ground. 400’
frontage, Dept of Health soil test certificate, up to date survey and entrance
60 Acre building lot on Enders Road in Conmee Township (Hydro,
Telephone, School Bus). Mostly treed, high ground, “L” shaped lot, Dept
of Health soil test certificate, up to date survey and entrance.
The fee structure for advertising in the Cornerstone has
been set by Council.
- Business Ad $5.00 – Full Page Ad $10.00
- Personal & Classified Ads - garage sale, for sale
item, etc. - $2.50
- Birthday, Anniversary, Baby Announcements -$1.00
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 25th of each month.
O’Connor Hall Rental Fees:
- Social with Liquor—$150.00
- All day rental no liquor—$100.00
- 1/2 day or evening—$50.00
- Use of Kitchen—$25.00
$50.00 damage deposit may be required. Call to book
your event at 476-1451
Yes, You Can!
Mortgages for Buying, Building or Beautifying!
- Great Rates on Fixed and Variable Mortgages
- Cash Back Option
- Flexible Repayment Options
- Super Fast Mortgage Approvals
¾ Come in and ask about our special offer
¾ 5—Year closed, Variable Rate at 1.99%
EXTRA Provincial Alliance Mortgage Benefits
Performance Chequing at no charge: SAVE $144 PER YEAR
Annual Interest Dividend Rebate: SAVE ON INTEREST COSTS
Kakabeka Falls Branch:
Shirley Telephone 475 4276 or email
Slate River Branch:
Jenny Telephone 939 2666 or email
Fellowship Baptist Church
Kakabeka Falls - 473-9197
Clergue Street
10:45 am Worship & Sunday School
Youth … Adult … and Kids
Regular Sunday Service 10:00 am
Sunday School 10:00 am
Children Welcome
Sunday School Available
For the mind, the body, & the soul … Fridays
… Pls call for schedule & events
NEED A RIDE CALL - 473-9429
Wednesdays: 7:45 pm - 9:30 pm
(Pls phone for location)
Church basement available for rentals
Telephone: 473-9369
(10 Porter St., Kakabeka Falls)
Sunday Mass: 11 a.m.
Coffee, light lunch and fellowship
after Mass
Small Group Studies
~~~ Welcome ~~~
3 Holomego Road, corner of Hwy 595
Pastor: Jim Carson – 473-9362
P.O. Box 179
P0T 1W0
PASTOR Garry Heintz
Ph. 473-9164
A Taste of Africa In O’Connor Township!
O’Connor Free Methodist Church
Friday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m.
Please join the O’Connor Free Methodist Church in welcoming the Watoto Children’s Choir
from Africa to our little country church with the big heart! On Friday evening, May 21st at
7:00 p.m., our church will be bursting with the energy of the beautiful children from
Uganda as they bring their "Concert of Hope" to O’Connor Free Methodist Church in rural
Kakabeka Falls.
This unique experience will inform and delight young and old alike. With brilliant smiles and
authentic and colorful African dress, the Watoto Children’s Choir will be bringing us an
exciting evening that features exotic African rhythm and harmony, as well as inspirational
stories from the children of Watoto Children’s Villages as they share how lives have been
changed from tragedy to triumph.
The goal of their “Concert of Hope” tour as they travel across Canada is to raise awareness
to the plight of over 2 million children in Uganda who have been orphaned because of war
and disease, as well as raising awareness and support for Watoto, which means “The
Children” in Swahili. Watoto was established in 1992 and presently cares for over 2000
children, providing them a safe place to live, loving care, education and hope! And the
Watoto's Children's Choir would like to share that hope with you!
This uplifting concert is free and open to the public. A free will offering will be
Taken. Bring your family and bring your friends … you won’t want to miss the Watoto
Children’s Choir from Africa!
O’Connor Free Methodist Church is located at 293 Sitch Road (near the corner of Earl and Sitch
Roads), Kakabeka Falls, ON. If you have never been out to the church and need a map to find
us, go to our website - - and click on "How To Find Us” or you
can call us for directions at 577-2363.
Information about Watoto and sound bites of the Watoto Children's Choir can also be found at For more information you can also contact: Watoto Canada, Phone: 888.9.
WATOTO or e-mail The Public Relations Manager is Sara Price at Phone
250.920.8615 or e-mail
The O’Connor
Fire Department Auxiliary
Would like to invite you to our
Beef on a Bun
Fundraiser Dinner
To be held on
Saturday, May 8, 2010
4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
O’Connor Community Centre
(located at 330 Highway 595)
$8.00 per person
(Takeout Available)
Take this opportunity to treat Mom to an early Mother’s Day
dinner with the Family this year.
We will be serving Beef on a Bun,
Homemade French Fries, Salad, Dessert
And Beverages (Coffee, Tea and Juice)
Please come out and support your Volunteer Fire Department.
Hope to see you there!
Donations of non-perishable food items will also be accepted on behalf of the
Kakabeka Rural Food Bank