Understanding Serious Violence in Oakland: A Problem And
Understanding Serious Violence in Oakland: A Problem And
Understanding Serious Violence in Oakland: A Problem And Opportunity Analysis Daniela Gilbert Vaughn Crandall Stewart Wakeling January 2014 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 1 Contents 1. Problem Analysis: IntroducHon, Purpose, Methodology, 3 – 6 ObjecHves, AcHviHes 2. Context and Trend Data 7 – 12 3. Demographics, Criminal History and Criminal JusHce System Involvement 13 – 23 4. Homicide Incident Reviews 24 – 32 5. Citywide Group Dynamic and Violence Analysis 33 – 45 6. ShooHng Density Analysis 46 – 49 7. Discussion of Findings and General Conclusions 50 – 55 8. Acknowledgements, Sources, and Bibliography 56 – 58 9. Appendix 59 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 2 Problem Analysis (1): IntroducHon and Purpose • A “problem analysis” is a set of data collecHon & analysis exercises designed to support the implementaHon of partnership-‐based violence reducHon strategies, including Ceasefire. • This analysis establishes a common understanding of the local violence problem that guides and informs the work of civic, community, and criminal jusHce leaders to reduce violence. • The problem analysis idenHfies the groups and individuals within a community who are at greatest risk of violence, and helps tailor an intervenHon to reduce that risk. • The problem analysis method has been developed and refined over the past 20 years, as Ceasefire intervenHons have been tested in numerous ciHes across the U.S. and internaHonally. For more informaHon on problem analyses, see slide 60. • Though its methodology is informed by research, the analysis is primarily a pracHce document with implicaHons for local policy. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 3 Problem Analysis (2): Methodology • The problem analysis produces a comprehensive and detailed understanding of local violence by focusing on a parHcular aspect of that problem, in this case homicide. • The problem analysis examines homicide incidents rather than nonfatal incidents because homicide invesHgaHons offer a more detailed, in-‐depth, and reliable pool of informaHon from which to draw. • The analysis looks at this problem from two important angles: a. QuanHtaHve and qualitaHve data from public agency records b. The experHse of staff from agencies and organizaHons with working knowledge of homicide incidents, and the individuals and groups involved in the incidents FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 4 Problem Analysis (3): ObjecHves 1. Provide a detailed understanding of local serious violence during a specific period of Hme: January 2012 – June 2013. 2. Understand the demographics of who is at highest risk of violence and their jusHce system involvement. 3. Understand the near-‐term drivers of violence, including circumstances and the role of groups and networks (for example, sets, teams, cliques and gangs) in violence. 4. IdenHfy paferns of violence, and the geographic and social concentraHon of violence within groups and networks. 5. Build capacity for Oakland partners to conduct real-‐Hme analysis of violence dynamics on a regular basis. These ongoing analyHc exercises are key to successful implementaHon of the partnership-‐ based violence reducHon strategy. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 5 Problem Analysis (4): AcHviHes 1. Analyze basic contextual and trend data regarding violence in Oakland. 2. Review and analyze suspect and vicHm demographics and criminal histories to understand how they are coming to the afenHon of the criminal jusHce system. 3. In-‐depth review of each homicide incident – who was involved, what happened, circumstances and moHve, role of group membership and relaHonships. 4. Analysis of group dynamics including relaHonships within and across groups, involvement in violence, other acHviHes, and any turf associaHons. 5. Map homicides and shooHngs. 6. Synthesize this informaHon into a unified document that idenHfies the highest risk populaHon & guides the Ceasefire partnership’s work. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 6 Contents 1. Problem Analysis: IntroducHon, Purpose, Methodology, 3 – 6 ObjecHves, AcHviHes 2. Context and Trend Data 7 – 12 3. Demographics, Criminal History and Criminal JusHce System Involvement 13 – 23 4. Homicide Incident Reviews 24 – 32 5. Citywide Group Dynamic and Violence Analysis 33 – 45 6. ShooHng Density Analysis 46 – 49 7. Discussion of Findings and General Conclusions 50 – 55 8. Acknowledgements, Sources, and Bibliography 56 – 58 9. Appendix 59 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 7 Summary of Contextual and Trend Data • Oakland’s violence problem has been stable over the last 44 years. MulH-‐year annual homicide averages (3-‐, 5-‐, 10-‐, 44-‐year) all hover around 107-‐109 homicides. • In recent years: Oakland’s violent crime rate has been 3x – 4x the state rate Oakland’s homicide rate has been 3x – 6x the state rate Oakland’s violent crime rates tend to resist state and naHonal downward trends FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 8 Trend Data: Oakland Homicides 44-‐year = 107.04 Homicide Averages: 10-‐year = 108.9 5-‐year = 107.8 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 3-‐year = 106.67 9 Violent Crime Rate per 100,000: Oakland v. California FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 10 Homicide Rate per 100,000: Oakland v. California FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 11 Trend Data Comparison: Violent Crime Rate, 2000-‐2012 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 12 Contents 1. Problem Analysis: IntroducHon, Purpose, Methodology, 3 – 6 ObjecHves, AcHviHes 2. Context and Trend Data 7 – 12 3. Demographics, Criminal History and Criminal Jus@ce System Involvement 13 – 23 4. Homicide Incident Reviews 24 – 32 5. Citywide Group Dynamic and Violence Analysis 33 – 45 6. ShooHng Density Analysis 46 – 49 7. Discussion of Findings and General Conclusions 50 – 55 8. Acknowledgements, Sources, and Bibliography 56 – 58 9. Appendix 59 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 13 Summary of Basic Demographic Data of Those Involved in Homicides • 84% of vicHms and 94% of suspects are male • While only 28% of Oakland’s populaHon, approximately 80% of vicHms and suspects are Black • Highest concentraHon among ages 18-‐34 67% of all individuals involved in homicide (both vicHms and suspects) 66% of all vicHms 69% of known suspects 76.25% of vicHms known to be group involved FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 14 Basic VicHm and Suspect Info, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 VicHms N = 171 Suspects N = 67 Oakland PopulaHon, 2010 Census Male 84% 94% 49.5% Female 16% 6% 51.5% Asian and Pacific Islander 8%* 6% 17.4% Black 78% 82% 28% Hispanic 9% 10.5% 25.4% White 5% 1.5% 34.5% Sex Race * Oikos University killing of 7 people (4%) contributes to an uncharacterisHcally high percentage of Asian vicHmizaHon during the review period. Without this mass shooHng, the percentage of Black and Hispanic vicHms would likely be higher. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 15 Age, VicHms and Suspects, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 VicHms N = 171 Known Suspects N = 67 17 and under 8% 15% 18 -‐ 24 36% 36% 25 -‐ 34 30% 33% 35 -‐ 44 12% 9% 45 and older 14% 7% 30.25 26.36 Age DistribuHon Mean Age FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 16 Age, All Known Individuals Involved in Homicide, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 17 Age, All VicHms and Known Suspects, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 18 Age, VicHms Known to be Group Involved, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 VicHms Known to be Group Involved, N = 80 Age DistribuHon 17 and under 12.5% 18 -‐ 24 48.75% 25 -‐ 34 27.5% 35 -‐ 44 7.5% 45 and older 3.75% Mean Age 24.59 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 19 Age, VicHms Known to be Group Involved, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 20 Criminal Histories of VicHms and Suspects, 2012 VicHms Suspects Known to the CJ system prior to the incident 69.84% 90.38% Of those known to the CJ system N = 88 N = 47 Average age 30.90 28.64 Average # of prior arrests 11.65 9.40 Average # of felony arrests 7.99 6.64 Prior probaHon 79.55% 76.60% AcHve probaHon at Hme of incident 19.32% 36.17% Prior parole 31.82% 25.53% Prior IncarceraHon 84.10% 82.98% Convicted of Felony 73.86% 72.34% FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 21 Criminal JusHce System Involvement of Homicide VicHms and Suspects, 2012 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 22 Criminal Histories of VicHms and Suspects, 2012 VicHms Suspects N = 88 N = 47 Violent offenses (without firearm) 1.68 1.85 Violent offenses with firearm 0.65 1.47 Nonviolent firearm offenses 0.68 1.09 Drug 3.30 2.62 Property 2.70 2.30 Disorderly 1.93 1.98 Sex Industry 0.06 .04 Fraud 0.34 0.38 Other 2.82 1.75 Of those known to the system prior to the homicide, average # of arrests for: FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 23 Contents 1. Problem Analysis: IntroducHon, Purpose, Methodology, 3 – 6 ObjecHves, AcHviHes 2. Context and Trend Data 7 – 12 3. Demographics, Criminal History and Criminal JusHce System Involvement 13 – 23 4. Homicide Incident Reviews 24 – 32 5. Citywide Group Dynamic and Violence Analysis 33 – 45 6. ShooHng Density Analysis 46 – 49 7. Discussion of Findings and General Conclusions 50 – 55 8. Acknowledgements, Sources, and Bibliography 56 – 58 9. Appendix 59 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 24 Group Member Involvement, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 N = 43 N = 27 N = 101 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 25 Homicide Circumstances and Group Membership (1), January 2012 – June 2013, Total N = 171 Number Percentage Group Member Involved 101 59% Ongoing Conflict Between Groups 30 17.5% Dispute Internal to Group (general, respect, money, loyalty) 12 7% Ongoing Conflict Between a Group and an Individual 2 1.1% Personal Dispute 26 15.2% Drug Business (includes drug robbery, drug turf disputes) 9 5.3% Other/Non-‐drug Business (includes sex industry, money owed, sales) 8 4.6% Instant Dispute 5 2.9% Robbery 4 2.3% MoHve Unknown 4 2.3% DomesHc 1 0.5% FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 26 Homicide Circumstances and Group Membership (2), January 2012 – June 2013, Total N = 171 Number Percentage 43 25.1% Personal Dispute 10 5.8% Robbery (includes residenHal robbery) 11 6.4% Drug Business (includes drug robbery) 11 6.4% MoHve Unknown 5 2.9% Instant Dispute 4 2.3% DomesHc 1 0.5% Witness InHmidaHon 1 0.5% Group Member Involvement Unknown or Not Confirmed FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 27 Homicide Circumstances and Group Membership (3), January 2012 – June 2013, Total N = 171 Number Percentage Not Group-‐member Involved 27 15.7% DomesHc 6 3.5% Instant Dispute 5 2.9% Personal 4 2.3% ResidenHal Robbery 2 1.1% Drug Business 2 1.1% MoHve Unknown 1 0.5% Other* (Oikos ShooHng) 7 4% FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 28 Homicide Circumstances: As Percentage of Homicides Citywide and Percentage Group Member Involvement (GMI) Across Each Circumstance Category Circumstance Total % of Homicides % GMI % GMI Unknown/ Not Confirmed % No GMI Ongoing Conflict Between Groups 17.5% 100% 0% 0% Personal Dispute 23% 65% 25% 10% Robbery (includes residenHal robbery) 10% 23% 65% 12% Drug Business 13% 41% 50% 9% Instant Dispute 8% 36% 28% 36% MoHve Unknown 6% 40% 50% 10% DomesHc 5% 12.5% 12.5% 75% 4.6% 100% 0% 0% Other Business (Non-‐drug) FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 29 Summary Highlights: Homicide Circumstances • 59% (N = 101) of all homicides involve group members as vicHms, suspects or both. Most, 40% (N = 70), are running group feuds, personal disputes between group members or internal group disputes. The balance, 19% (N = 31), are instances where group members use violence to resolve other kinds of disputes. • Another 25% (N = 43) may involve group members as suspects and/or vicHms. • Disputes over drugs, drug turf or drug business are relaHvely rare: 13% (N = 22) of all homicide. • Risk of involvement in homicide is concentrated within and among groups and their networks. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 30 Group Involvement Comparison for VicHms and Suspects, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013, (1) • While 59% -‐ 84% of incidents involve a vicHm and/or a suspect who is group involved, there are variaHons between vicHm group involvement and suspect group involvement in homicides. • DisaggregaHng group involvement of vicHms and suspects demonstrates the following differences between their group involvement: Just under half, 47% (N = 80), of vicHms are group involved Just over half, 53% (N = 90), of suspects are group involved Group involvement is unknown/not confirmed for 9% (N = 16) of vicHms Group involvement is unknown/not confirmed for 27% (N = 47) of suspects FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 31 Group Involvement Comparison for VicHms and Suspects, Citywide Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013, (2) VicHms N = 16 N = 75 N = 80 Vic@ms who are not group involved include vic@ms of: • Incidents that had no group member involvement • Incidents in which the vic@m was caught in crossfire • Incidents in which suspects are unknown, or are group involved but vic@ms are not Suspects Suspects who are not group involved include individuals who perpetrated: • Incidents that had no group member involvement • Incidents in which the vic@m was group involved but the suspect was not N = 34 N = 47 N = 90 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 32 Contents 1. Problem Analysis: IntroducHon, Purpose, Methodology, 3 – 6 ObjecHves, AcHviHes 2. Context and Trend Data 7 – 12 3. Demographics, Criminal History and Criminal JusHce System Involvement 13 – 23 4. Homicide Incident Reviews 24 – 32 5. Citywide Group Dynamic and Violence Analysis 33 – 45 6. ShooHng Density Analysis 46 – 49 7. Discussion of Findings and General Conclusions 50 – 55 8. Acknowledgements, Sources, and Bibliography 56 – 58 9. Appendix 59 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 33 Framing ObservaHons (1): Oakland Group Dynamics • Groups are involved in 59% -‐ 84% of homicides in Oakland. Therefore, a more detailed understanding of group dynamics in Oakland is needed. • The following observaHons are drawn from interviews and research regarding groups involved in violence over the review period. 34 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 Framing ObservaHons (2): Oakland Group Dynamics Among groups that are primarily black: • Group affiliaHon can change over Hme depending on age and residence; it can also change very quickly. Group names can also change over Hme, or very quickly. • Personal relaHonships osen determine if groups get along, commit crimes together, or feud. • There are a number of groups with longstanding, group-‐wide feuds or alliances. • While groups osen include individuals who have more influence than others, they osen lack a formal hierarchy or structure. • Individuals may idenHfy with mulHple groups and/or mulHple groups in an area, and/or may just idenHfy with the area overall. • Personal connecHons made in custody can affect the street dynamic of groups. 35 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 Framing ObservaHons (3): Oakland Group Dynamics Among groups that are primarily LaHno: • Primarily LaHno groups in Oakland fall under one of three general groups: Norteño, Border Brother, or Sureño. These three groups do not get along. • As a Norteño, Border Brother, or Sureño, individuals must be part of a specific group; there are no “general” Norteños, Sureños, etc. • Within each of these general groups, specific groups of Norteños, Border Brothers, and Sureños in Oakland primarily operate in isolaHon of one another. When groups work together, it is because of personal relaHonships and/or proximity, rather than a formal alliance. • While there are certain individuals of influence in each group who may work to shape the acHviHes of the group, the groups for the most part lack a regimented hierarchy or structure. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 36 Framing ObservaHons (4): Oakland Group Dynamics General Dynamics Driving Feuds • Causal factors involved in long-‐standing group feuds, personal disputes, or instant disputes include the following dynamics: Familial relaHonships AssociaHve relaHonships (i.e. not blood relaHons but individuals with long-‐standing relaHonships) ConnecHons to neighborhoods or areas • Defining “teams”: when individuals are killed, they are osen memorialized by friends, associates, and other group members who form a “team” and take it upon themselves to avenge the death of their deceased loved one or associate. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 37 Framing ObservaHons (5): Oakland Group Dynamics Differences Across City Areas • Group affiliaHons and risk of violence are more stable in West and North Oakland than in East Oakland; the violence dynamic in East Oakland is more complicated and fluid. Summary • Though relaHonships within and across groups are complex, risk of violence is concentrated among these groups and the networks they consist of, which reflect a very small number of people. Focusing on these networks is key to reducing violence in Oakland. While group characterisHcs may vary, the concentraHon of violence in Oakland among groups and their networks is not significantly different from other ciHes. 38 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 West and North Oakland Groups, Primarily Black AssociaHons change frequently; Updated December 2013 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 39 Central and East Oakland Groups, Primarily Black AssociaHons change frequently; Updated December 2013 40 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 Central and East Oakland Groups, Primarily LaHno Updated December 2013 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 41 Group Member Involved Homicides, Citywide, Groups with 3 or More Incidents, Jan 2012 – June 2013 *When specific Norteño or Border Brother set is known, those incidents are counted twice—within “all 42 sets”, and separately by set FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 Group Member Involved Homicides, Citywide, Groups with 2 or Fewer Incidents, Jan 2012 – June 2013 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 43 West and North Oakland Groups, HighlighHng Groups Involved in 3 + Homicides January 2012–June 2013 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 44 Central and East Oakland Groups, HighlighHng Groups Involved in 3 + Homicides January 2012–June 2013 45 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 Contents 1. Problem Analysis: IntroducHon, Purpose, Methodology, 3 – 6 ObjecHves, AcHviHes 2. Context and Trend Data 7 – 12 3. Demographics, Criminal History and Criminal JusHce System Involvement 13 – 23 4. Homicide Incident Reviews 24 – 32 5. Citywide Group Dynamic and Violence Analysis 33 – 45 6. Shoo@ng Density Analysis 46 – 49 7. Discussion of Findings and General Conclusions 50 – 55 8. Acknowledgements, Sources, and Bibliography 56 – 58 9. Appendix 59 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 46 2009-2013 Shootings and Homicides by Beat R ST YL GA OXFO RD ST ARE CK SQU SHATTU SHATTUCK AV CEDA RD CH R AN H TE R D WA R GRAN D AV AV E D R S SH EP L CO LIN 14TH AV LEY AV AR D E AV AV FRU ITVA L 23 RD 35T HA V T ND S SE M I 14 TH 14TH AV PA R KB LV E R SH O AK R ST HA R BR O N AV WE BS TE FRA RT N UB KLIN PO E ST SE Y TU BE 8TH ST RY AV NA 28X ST H G HI 29X ST IN E TE RN BANCROFT AV AT IO TH GR A 12 ST NA L BL VD M SE IN Y AR 27Y OA K RD 73 AL AV AV TH 77 AV 30Y AV 35Y LV D AV B E SID N FE R KS LIN O R Y NLE STA 33X 32X 32Y FOOT H IL L VD BL AV AV TH V TA EDE SA V 98 F RO NC BA V TA OF CR ISLA N D DR RD 34X N BA HEGENB ERGER RD HEGENBERGER RD ST Y RD 35X F D TH 77 AV GO L N A LE 26Y AV AN LL EG E AV S CO TH 77 FT RO 26X NC BA DR 31Y 31X OL IT 35Y D ESTU 14 TH ST DR IS S DAV DR TL E E Legend Count as a Percent of Total AIR PO ON AV ST DO DUTT PA RK 31Z 31X A IR P O 0.596375% - 1.312023% ER 30X MECART NE 0.023855% - 0.596374% K EL L MA CA RT HU R AV VD BL OT IS S WEBSTER ST R RD T 2T H 25Y UR BLV D 27X ST EN C IN ILLE AR TH VD BL S E1 RD 24X 23X 2T H TH ST CENTRAL AV 24Y L E1 E7 25X AV IL TH 20X E 7THST D C MA TH 35 ST O FO BU EN AV LIN IST CO AA LN V AV ST 21Y DA VIS ST E1 2T 12 H S TH T ST E 11 TH ST RE DW OO KY LIN SK E YL BL VD IN E BL VD ST E 20 TH 22Y DE LA WA RE S VI DA E NM UI 21X 18X AV Q AV N ST TH 18Y E 2 E 1S T 20 S TH T ST ST ST 6TH ST 22X E TH 11 14 E 12 TH S T D A JO V HA 14T TH 20 E ST 19X 17X E TH 15 01X U H T E E 7T H ST T ST H S T H 0T 20 E 2 ST 03X 17Y E ST BL VD ST R R TH 20 D VD BL RK 16Y PA E ST A AV GRAP H TELE WEB STER ST KING JR AD WA Y D AV L 16X MA CA R T RS TE BS WE MAIN ST FIS NNEL RD ST INE ADE L INE ST ADEL WY ADEL INE LUTH ER ST ST MART IN WG RAN KE LA HO ES 15X LKM1 D AV AR W LA DE FR A W NKL HA EBST IN S T RR E M ISO R S OA ADIS NS T KS ON T T ST V BL ST SKY LI KET D MAR V M AN D EL M AN A PKWY DELA PKW Y PDT2 NE 14Y LV D N NYO CA BL 14X GRAND AV KE SI RD HE IN TA UN B MO O 13Z AV E AV RD KE GA T NA GA AV RA MO LA B M N O MO RA V DA TIM B A RIS Y R O AN HL HIG AR I PE RD EN M LY RD EL B D PIE TH 12 8T H F I SH R N N TU N TU 12 TH 11T ST HS T 03Y G AV H E 02Y 04X ST 7T H ST LVD 13Y DWAY OA TE R 09X 40T R RTHU CA MA 02X EL 12X TH 14 IDE LAKE S RD 20T HS T 6TH AK TU 13X R OR 8T H ST 7T H ST T ES DL E H AR B IM RIT MID MA RD ST D DE ST BR B ER AY T DW OA 08X D AV 05X 51 ST ST 7T H ST 11TH 12TH ST ST ST WG RAN 13Y RA NC H Z AV PL BAY PL Y BA 7TH ST 7TH ST 7TH ST 11 TH AV WY 12 TH ND BEL ROSE JR 05Y GR A COLLEGE AV IN G 10Y 06X IZ A VIST 12Y AV W AV N 11X SHAT TUCK AV BLO GR AN D AV AV NT MO RE ST PA SAN W CL A U 51ST ST 40TH 07X 12Y HER K IN LUT MART T ST MARKE T IS S HOLL AV RD FO PIEDMONT AV AV BLO POWELL ST AN ST AV ASHBY AZ ALCATR 10X ELL ST POW PIEDMONT AV Y AV PA SAN ER AV FOLG FT WY BANCRO RANT AV AV DU DURANT WARRING ST PARK ST 8T H ST ASHB R D ST IR R KING JR WY MART IN LUTHE SACRAMENTO HT C AV BLO 7T H ST PA SAN DW IG Y E 8T H ST 6T H ST ITY AV UNIVERS ONT AV PIED M Choropleth Density of Homicides and Nonfatal ShooHngs, 2009 – November 20, 2013 ST DEL AWARE TY AV ERSI UNIV TY AV ERSI UNIV ILL O AV T RT 31Z R T DR 1.312024% - 2.051527% 2.051528% - 3.053435% 3.053436% - 6.05916% City of Oakland 0 0.7 1.4 Miles FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 47 2012-2013 Shootings and Homicides by Beat Y R D 8T H ST 6T H ST R KING JR WY MART IN LUTHE ITY AV UNIVERS E E ST DEL AWAR PIED MONT AV R ST YL GA OXFO RD ST ARE CK SQU SHATTU SHATTUCK AV CEDA FT WY BANCRO RANT AV AV DU DURANT RD CH R AN H TE R D WA R GRAN D AV AV E E AV 35T HA V T ND S RY AV NA SE M I FRU ITVA L ST H G HI SH EP 27X 29X ST IN E TE RN BANCROFT AV AT IO TH GR A 12 ST NA L BL VD M SE IN Y AR 27Y OA K RD 73 AL AV AV TH 77 AV 30Y AV 35Y LV D AV B E SID N FE R O R Y NLE STA 33X 32X 32Y FOOT H IL L VD BL AV AV TH AV EDE SA V 98 FT RO NC BA V TA OF CR ISLA N D DR RD 34X N BA HEGENB ERGER RD HEGENBERGER RD ST Y RD 35X KS LIN AV F D TH 77 GO L N A LE 26Y AV AN LL EG E AV S CO TH 77 FT RO 26X NC BA DR 31Y 31X OL IT 35Y D ESTU 14 TH ST E TL E Legend DR IS S DAV DR Shootings and Homicides by Beat 2012-2013 Count as a Percent of Total AIR PO ON AV ST DO DUTT PA RK 31Z 31X A IR P O 0.788531% - 1.792115% ER 30X MECART NE 0.071685% - 0.78853% K EL L MA CA RT HU R AV VD BL OT IS D R S L CO LIN 14TH AV LEY AV AR D 14 TH 14TH AV AV 23 RD AV PA R KB LV E R SH O AK R ST N HA R BR O FR AN WE BS TE FRA RT N UB KLIN PO E ST SE Y TU BE 8TH ST T 2T H S WEBSTER ST R RD S E1 25Y UR BLV D 28X ST EN C IN ILLE AR TH VD BL TH ST RD 24X 23X 2T H E7 24Y L E1 CENTRAL AV 25X AV IL TH 20X E 7THST D C MA TH 35 ST ST O FO BU EN AV LIN IST CO AA LN V AV ST 21Y DA VIS E1 2T 12 H S TH T ST E 11 TH ST RE DW OO KY LIN SK E YL BL VD IN E BL VD ST E 20 TH 22Y DE LA WA RE S VI DA E AV NM UI 21X 18X N ST TH E 2 E 1S T 20 S TH T ST ST ST 6TH ST 22X 16Y Q AV VD BL E TH 20 TH 11 14 18Y E E ST 17X E 12 TH S T D A JO U H T T ST H S T 20 TH 15 19X V HA 14T E E E 7T H ST TH 20 ST 03X 01X BL VD 17Y E ST ST R RK PA R TH 20 D A AV GRAP H TELE WEB STER ST KING JR AD WA Y D AV L 16X MA CA R T RS TE BS WE MAIN ST FIS NNEL RD ST INE ADE L INE ST ADEL WY INE ADE L MART IN WG RAN KE LA HO ES E ST D AV AR W LA DE KL W HA EBST IN S T RR E M ISO R S OA ADIS NS T KS ON T T ST V BL ST SKY LI KET D MAR V M AN D EL M AN A PKWY DELA PKW Y BL LUTH ER ST ST E TIM PDT2 15X LKM1 N NYO CA IN TA UN GRAND AV KE SI RD HE NE 14Y LV D MO B 14X AV O RD KE 13Z GA N O AV NA GA AV RA MO AR I B LA B M TH 12 8T H PE M LY D PIE T MO RA V DA H E 03Y F I SH R A 40T RIS Y R O AN HL HIG 12 TH 11T ST HS T ST 7T H ST G EN 04X 6TH RD RD B 02X 02Y 20T HS T TH 14 E LAKE SID RD EL DWAY OA TE R 09X R OR T ES DL E H AR B 8T H ST 7T H ST LVD 13Y 12X R RTHU CA MA MA IM RIT MID EL 13X D DE ST BR B ER AY T DW OA 08X D AV 05X AK ST ST 7T H ST 11TH 12TH ST ST ST WG RAN 51 ST PL BAY PL Y BA 7TH ST 7TH ST 7TH ST 11 TH AV WY 12 TH ND N N N TU JR 05Y GR A RD TU TU IN G 10Y 06X 13Y RA NC H Z AV 12Y AV W AV IZ A VIST 11X SHAT TUCK AV BLO GR AN D N ST PA SAN W AV HER K IN LUT MART T ST MARKE T IS S HOLL 07X AV AV NT MO RE U 51ST ST 40TH BEL ROSE AV BLO AV RD FO WARRING ST PA SAN ELL ST POW POWELL ST 12Y AZ ALCATR 10X AN ST AV ASHBY CL A COLLEGE AV Y AV PIEDMONT AV PARK ST 8T H ST ASHB ER AV FOLG PIEDMONT AV IR ST HT C AV BLO 7T H ST PA SAN DW IG SACRAMENTO Choropleth Density of Homicides and Nonfatal ShooHngs During Review Period, January 2012 – June 2013 TY AV ERSI UNIV TY AV ERSI UNIV ILL O AV T RT 31Z R T DR 1.792116% - 2.580645% 2.580646% - 3.44086% 3.440861% - 6.308244% FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 City of Oakland 0 0.7 1.4 Miles 48 BE LROSE AV AV CL O EM AR NT AN C AV AM ENTO LY FISH R IZZ R G DU RA NT WARR ING ST PIEDMONT AV PIED MON T AV SACR PAR K ST ST 8T H 7T H PAB LO SA N T KING MAR TIN LUT HER ST WY DWIG HT SHATTUCK AV AV 6T H S Y RS IT 8T H E UN IV PE H RD E L RD TUN D R E SNA HE WEB S TE SHEP R ST AV D D AN JOA L NC O LI TH 35 DA VI S ST B BL VD LVD T AV ST TH ST ST ST E7 EM I S L IL 7 TH ST RY AV NA TH O FO E E 12 T H IST A A LIN CO V LN AV CENTRAL AV MA CA RT H UR AV AV D R H T 73 77 GR AN D 12 OA K ST TH AV E FE LL EG CO L GO RO ND A AV AV LE TH 77 AV FT RO N SA TH 77 NC BA AV B LVD AL RN SI DE CIN DR F LINK V BL AV FO O L HEGENBERGER RD HEGENBERGE R RD AV IL TH TH AV IS LA N D DR EY 98 D AV TON DUT PAR K TL E ST DO OL IT Legend ED E S AV FT RO NC AV BA FT RO NC BA NEY R D RD S ANL ST ST MECAR T AV K E LL E R VD BL BL VD ST H BANCROFT G IN T AV HI ER NA T IO NA AV L ST Y BL AR VD IN M SE E EN OT IS OO D S BUENA V DW VI DA 20 TH ST 12 TH 12 S TH T S 11 T TH ST 2 E RE DE LA WA RE S VAL E AV H AV 21 S E TS 20 T TH ST Q UIN M ILLER RD NE FR U IT AV ST IN ST MA T 14 H 14T E AV RD TH 12 ST ST TH H 20 20T ST E TH ST 15 TH E 11 E E E 7T H ST BL VD N I YL S K INE YL SK R VD BL AV 14 TH AV AV RK PA 14 TH AC AR TH U AR DL E Y M AV RT HU R B LV D D A 3R Y JR W ER K ING AV CL AR EM ON T NE T E 8TH ST LI BL V GR INE ST AD E L P H AV TELEG RA RI S SK Y MART IN LU TH BR OA DW AY INE ST AD E L ON NY CA VD BL MAR K ET MA ST RT WE IN B LU POS TE R F TH SE T U R A ER Y T BE NK K IN L IN UB GJ E ST RW FR Y W AN HA EB SKL IN RR TE S T IS O R S T NS M T OA AD IS KS O T NS T RD IN R E WEBSTER ST RD A AV U NT MO V DA E 6TH ST K GA D EL A PKW Y M AN D EL A PKWY RA MO M AN D BL V LAN E T A OAK ST IDE D R ES MI 8T HS 6T T H 7T S T HS T T AV N AV A AV D AN HA N O O M MORA G HL HIG ED PI K LA 6TH S R RD D D E HARB O L HS AV 20 T TA ST 40 TH C 12 T H 8T H 7T HS T ST VIS ST MA ST 20 TH ST E NA AV N TER Y DWA OA BR Y PL BA 11 TH ND AV 7T H ST 7T H ST GR A 51 ST ST PAB LO SA N W ST B K U S MARK ET T T IS S 40 TH EL D AV RD NN R AV SHATTU CK AV HOLL ST E LL POW ST E LL PO W FO AN ST ST R WEBS TE U T JR WY ST Y AV PAB LO SA N ASHB COLL EGE AV ST AV Nonfatal ShooHng Density Map with Pins of Homicides, January 2012 – June 2013 AV AS HB Y DR U ES T 2012-2013 187A LO DIL AV 0 - 40.22866516 80.45733033 - 120.6859955 120.6859956 - 160.9146606 DR 40.22866517 - 80.45733032 R PO AIR VIS DA ST T E 14 TH ST 160.9146607 - 201.1433258 City of Oakland 0 0.65 1.3 Miles FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 49 Contents 1. Problem Analysis: IntroducHon, Purpose, Methodology, 3 – 6 ObjecHves, AcHviHes 2. Context and Trend Data 7 – 12 3. Demographics, Criminal History and Criminal JusHce System Involvement 13 – 23 4. Homicide Incident Reviews 24 – 32 5. Citywide Group Dynamic and Violence Analysis 33 – 45 6. ShooHng Density Analysis 46 – 49 7. Discussion of Findings and General Conclusions 50 – 55 8. Acknowledgements, Sources, and Bibliography 56 – 58 9. Appendix 59 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 50 Summary of Findings (1): Group Violence, City Areas • Groups play a significant role in driving serious violence at the citywide level. At least 59% and up to 84% of homicides citywide are group member involved. • While approximately 1/3 of the city’s area, East Oakland—High St. to San Leandro Border—accounts for 53% of homicide over the review period. • During the review period, violence was most concentrated in Beats 26Y, 27Y, 29X, 30X, 30Y, 33X, 34X, and 35X—all of which are in East Oakland. • The remaining 47% of homicide is distributed primarily across West Oakland—bounded by the 580, 880, and 980/24 freeways— and Central Oakland—Lake Merrif to High St. • In West Oakland, as indicated on the heat maps, this occurs mostly in Beats 02Y, 02X, 04X, 05X, 06X, 07X, and 08X. In Central Oakland, this occurs mostly in 17Y, 19X, 20X, 21X, 21Y, 23X, 24X, and 24Y. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 51 Summary of Findings (2): Social ConcentraHon • There are approximately 50 violent groups in Oakland, with an esHmated acHve membership of 1000 – 1200 people. This is approximately 0.3% of the enHre city’s populaHon. • Of acHve groups in Oakland, at any one Hme, only a small subset of the groups are at highest risk of violence. During the review period, 18 groups citywide were associated with a majority of group-‐involved violence. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 52 Summary of Findings (3): Criminal JusHce System Involvement • Approximately 70% vicHms and 90% of suspects have come into contact with the criminal jusHce system prior to the homicide incident. • Homicide vicHms and suspects come into contact with the criminal jusHce system frequently and for a variety of offenses: Arrested an average of 10 Hmes prior to their homicide vicHmizaHon or perpetraHon Approximately 7 of all their arrests are felony arrests Approximately 73% have been convicted of a felony 76% -‐ 80% have been on probaHon Approximately 84% have been incarcerated Have high averages of violent offenses, and also have high averages of other offenses, parHcularly drug and property. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 53 Summary of Findings (4): Age Trends • Serious violence is most concentrated among individuals ages 18-‐34 67% of all individuals involved in homicide (both vicHms and suspects) 66% of all homicide vicHms 69% of known homicide suspects 76.25% of homicide vicHms known to be group involved The average age of an individual involved in homicide is 29.15. The average age of vicHms is 30.25 and the average age of suspects is 26.36. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 54 Summary ObservaHons The following summary observaHons are relevant to quality implementaHon of Oakland Ceasefire: 1. Risk of involvement in violence in Oakland tends to be highly concentrated among young men ages 18-‐34 that are involved in fluid and complicated but recognizable groups and networks. 2. These young men tend to come into contact with the criminal jusHce system frequently. 3. Making progress on reducing the risk these young men present to themselves and the community depends on making them a joint and sustained focus of the full range of Ceasefire partners. 4. Oakland has experienced especially high rates of violence for several decades. ConHnued progress will require intensive sustained effort. 5. Maintaining progress on violence reducHon in East Oakland should be factored into any consideraHon of expanding full implementaHon of Ceasefire to other areas of Oakland 55 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 Acknowledgements Thank you to the personnel of the Oakland Police Department for dedicaHng their Hme and experHse to this process and product. Thank you to the Department of Human Services for their administraHon and management of the funding that made this product possible. Special thanks to the following people for their effort and support: Interim Chief Sean Whent Interim Assistant Chief Paul Figueroa Captain Ersie Joyner Andrea Van Peteghem Reygan Harmon Lieutenant Tony Jones Sergeant Fred Shavies Officer Gerardo Melero Julian Ware Robert Bafy FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 56 Data Sources by Slide Slides Sources Notes 9 Oakland Police Department; Bureau of Jus@ce Sta@s@cs, Uniform Crime Reports For the purposes of this analysis, we used UCR data when available. Data points 1969-‐1984 provided by OPD; Data points 1985-‐2012 are from UCR. There are slight differences in UCR vs OPD totals for certain years 1985 and later. 10-‐12 Bureau of Jus@ce Sta@s@cs, Uniform Crime Reports 14-‐20 Oakland Police Department; California Department of Jus@ce; U.S. Census Bureau 21-‐23 California Department of Jus@ce; Oakland Police Department; Parole LEADS 25-‐45 Oakland Police Department 47-‐50 Oakland Police Department; Forensic Logic; City of Oakland Office of Informa@on Technology While there are consistent categoriza@on principles that apply to criminal history coding, due to the volume of PC codes, variance among charges, and inconsistency of data entry across criminal histories, the coding process is an imperfect and subjec@ve one. That said, the local process maximized accuracy by concentra@ng coding responsibili@es within one trained analyst, and double-‐checking a random sample of both vic@m and suspect criminal histories. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 57 Bibliography: Problem Analysis Methods For more informaHon on problem analysis methods and examples, see: 1. Papachristos, A.V., Braga, A.A., Hureau, D.M. (2011). Six Degrees of Violent VicHmizaHon: Social Networks and the Risk of Gunshot Injury 2. Braga, A. A., McDevif, J., & Pierce, G. L. (2006). Understanding and PrevenHng Gang Violence: Problem Analysis and Response Development in Lowell, Massachusefs. Police Quarterly, 9 (1) 20-‐46 3. Engel, R.S., Baker, G., Skubak Tillyer, M., Dunham, J.R., Hall, D., Ozer, M., Henson, B., Godsey, T. (2009). ImplementaHon of the CincinnaH IniHaHve to Reduce Violence (CIRV): Year 2 Report. University of CincinnaH Policing InsHtute 4. Kennedy, D. M., Braga, A.A., & Piehl, A.M. (1997). The (Un)Known Universe: Mapping Gangs and Gang Violence in Boston, Crime Mapping and Crime Preven@on, ed. David L. Weisburd and J. Thomas McEwen. New York: Criminal JusHce Press FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 58 Appendix 1. AddiHonal Maps of Violence in Oakland 60 – 65 2. Further Analysis Work To Be Done 66 – 67 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 59 AV AV E L RD TUN R E SNA HE WEB S TE SHEP R ST AV D D AN JOA TH 11 ST H L NC O LI TH 35 DA VI S AV ST E7 TH ST ST ST 7 TH ST RY AV NA EM I S L IL E E 12 T H IST A A LIN CO V LN AV CENTRAL AV MA CA RT H UR AV AV RD H T 73 77 GR AN D 12 OA K ST TH AV E FE LL EG CO L GO RO ND A AV AV LE TH 77 AV FT RO N SA TH 77 NC BA AV B LVD AL DR RN SI DE CIN F LINK V BL AV FO O L HEGENBERGER RD HEGENB ERGER RD AV IL TH TH AV IS LA N D DR EY 98 D AV TON DUT PAR K TL E Legend ST DO OL IT ED E S AV FT RO NC AV BA FT RO NC BA NEY R D RD S ANL ST ST MECAR T AV K E LL E R VD BL BL VD ST H BANCROFT G IN T AV HI ER NA T IO NA AV L ST Y BL AR VD IN M SE E EN OT IS OO D T TH O FO BUENA V DW S ST B BL VD LVD VI DA 20 TH ST 12 TH 12 S TH T S 11 T TH ST 2 E RE DE LA WA RE S VAL E AV E ST AV ST TH 15 IN ST MA T 14 AV 21 S E TS 20 T TH ST Q UIN M ILLER RD NE FR U IT ST ST TH H 20 20T E E TH 12 H 14T E AV RD E E E 7T H ST BL VD N I YL S K INE YL SK R VD BL AV 14 TH AV AV PA RK 14 TH AC AR TH U AR DL E Y M AV RT HU R B LV D D A 3R Y JR W ER K ING D P H AV CL AR EM ON T NE T E 8TH ST LI BL V GR INE ST AD E L TELEG RA RI S SK Y R E WEBSTER ST ON NY CA VD BL MART IN LU TH V DA RD IN BR OA DW AY INE ST LAN RD A AV U NT MO AD E L K GA OAK ST RA MO AV A AV AV N T MORA G D AN HA N O O M C MAR K ET MA ST RT WE IN B LU POS TE R F TH SE T U R A ER Y T BE NK K IN L IN UB GJ E ST RW FR Y W AN HA EB SKL IN RR TE S T IS O R S NS T MA T OA D IS KS O T NS T VIS E 6TH ST D BL V E HL HIG D EL A PKW Y M AN D EL A PKWY A N AV M AN LY FISH R IZZ R G RD K TER IDE D R ES MI 8T HS 6T T H 7T S T HS T T H TA ED PI K LA 6TH S R RD D D E HARB O L HS 40 TH MA 20 T B Y DWA OA BR Y PL BA ST 8T H 7T HS T ST AV ST 12 T H 20 TH ST PE ST ST PAB LO AV EL NA SA N 11 TH ND 51 ST AN C U S MARK ET T T IS S 7T H ST 7T H ST GR A NN NT D HOLL W ST U O EM AR R AV AV SHATTU CK PAB LO 40 TH CL T ST SA N ST E LL POW ST E LL PO W F AN ST ST R WEBS TE V DA OR COLL EGE AV AM ENTO AV AS HB Y AV BELROSE SACR ST AV PAR K ST PAB LO ST 8T H 7T H Y AV AV WARR ING ST PIEDMONT AV T SA N ASHB DU RA NT PIED MON T AV ST WY DWIG HT KING JR WY MAR TIN LUTHER AV SHATTUCK AV Y RS IT 6T H S E UN IV 8T H Heat Map Density of Hand omicides 2009-2013 Shootings Homicides and Nonfatal ShooHngs, 2009 – November 20, 2013 DR U ES T LO DIL AV 0 - 156.1818726 312.3637452 - 468.5456177 468.5456178 - 624.7274902 DR 156.1818727 - 312.3637451 R PO AIR T VIS DA ST E 14 TH ST 624.7274903 - 780.9093628 City of Oakland 0 0.65 1.3 Miles FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 60 AV AV E L RD TUN R E SNA HE WEB S TE SHEP R ST AV D D AN JOA TH 11 ST H L NC O LI TH 35 DA VI S AV ST E7 TH ST ST ST 7 TH ST RY AV NA EM I S L IL E E 12 T H IST A A LIN CO V LN AV CENTRAL AV MA CA RT H UR AV AV RD H T 73 77 GR AN D 12 OA K ST TH AV E FE LL EG CO L GO RO ND A AV AV LE TH 77 AV FT RO N SA TH 77 NC BA AV B LVD AL DR RN SI DE CIN F LINK V BL AV FO O L HEGENBERGER RD HEGENB ERGER RD AV IL TH TH AV IS LA N D DR EY 98 D AV TON DUT PAR K TL E Legend ST DO OL IT ED E S AV FT RO NC AV BA FT RO NC BA NEY R D RD S ANL ST ST MECAR T AV K E LL E R VD BL BL VD ST H BANCROFT G IN T AV HI ER NA T IO NA AV L ST Y BL AR VD IN M SE E EN OT IS OO D T TH O FO BUENA V DW S ST B BL VD LVD VI DA 20 TH ST 12 TH 12 S TH T S 11 T TH ST 2 E RE DE LA WA RE S VAL E AV E ST AV ST TH 15 IN ST MA T 14 AV 21 S E TS 20 T TH ST Q UIN M ILLER RD NE FR U IT ST ST TH H 20 20T E E TH 12 H 14T E AV RD E E E 7T H ST BL VD N I YL S K INE YL SK R VD BL AV 14 TH AV AV PA RK 14 TH AC AR TH U AR DL E Y M AV RT HU R B LV D D A 3R Y JR W ER K ING D P H AV CL AR EM ON T NE T E 8TH ST LI BL V GR INE ST AD E L TELEG RA RI S SK Y R E WEBSTER ST ON NY CA VD BL MART IN LU TH V DA RD IN BR OA DW AY INE ST LAN RD A AV U NT MO AD E L K GA OAK ST RA MO AV A AV AV N T MORA G D AN HA N O O M C MAR K ET MA ST RT WE IN B LU POS TE R F TH SE T U R A ER Y T BE NK K IN L IN UB GJ E ST RW FR Y W AN HA EB SKL IN RR TE S T IS O R S NS T MA T OA D IS KS O T NS T VIS E 6TH ST D BL V E HL HIG D EL A PKW Y M AN D EL A PKWY A N AV M AN LY FISH R IZZ R G RD K TER IDE D R ES MI 8T HS 6T T H 7T S T HS T T H TA ED PI K LA 6TH S R RD D D E HARB O L HS 40 TH MA 20 T B Y DWA OA BR Y PL BA ST 8T H 7T HS T ST AV ST 12 T H 20 TH ST PE ST ST PAB LO AV EL NA SA N 11 TH ND 51 ST AN C U S MARK ET T T IS S 7T H ST 7T H ST GR A NN NT D HOLL W ST U O EM AR R AV AV SHATTU CK PAB LO 40 TH CL T ST SA N ST E LL POW ST E LL PO W F AN ST ST R WEBS TE V DA OR COLL EGE AV AM ENTO AV AS HB Y AV BELROSE SACR ST AV PAR K ST PAB LO ST 8T H 7T H Y AV AV WARR ING ST PIEDMONT AV T SA N ASHB DU RA NT PIED MON T AV ST WY DWIG HT KING JR WY MAR TIN LUTHER AV SHATTUCK AV Y RS IT 6T H S E UN IV 8T H 2012-2013 and Homicides Heat Map Density of HShootings omicides and Nonfatal ShooHngs During Review Period, January 2012 – June 2013 DR U ES T LO DIL AV 0 - 58.56820679 117.1364137 - 175.7046204 175.7046205 - 234.2728271 DR 58.5682068 - 117.1364136 R PO AIR T VIS DA ST E 14 TH ST 234.2728272 - 292.8410339 City of Oakland 0 0.65 1.3 Miles FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 61 AV WARR ING ST PIEDMONT AV DU RA NT PIED MON T AV 6T H S KING JR WY MAR TIN LUTHER AV 8T H Y RS IT SHATTUCK AV 2009-2013 187A Density E UN IV AV AV CL AR EM ON T E L RD TUN D R SNA E WEB S TE HE R ST NE AV BL V D D JOA ST H 21 S E TS 20 T TH ST L NC O LI TH 35 DA VI S AV ST E7 TH ST ST ST 7 TH ST RY AV NA EM I S L IL E E 12 T H IST A A LIN CO V LN AV CENTRAL AV MA CA RT H UR AV AV RD H 3 T 7 77 GR AN D 12 OA K ST TH AV E FE LL EG CO L GO RO ND A AV AV LE TH 77 AV FT RO N SA TH 77 NC BA AV B LVD AL RN SI DE CIN DR F LINK V BL HEGENBERGER RD HEGENBERGE R RD L AV FO O IL TH AV AV IS LA N D DR EY TH D AV TON DUT PAR TL E ST 2009-2013 187A 98 K DO OL IT Legend ED E S AV FT RO NC AV BA FT RO NC BA NEY R D RD S ANL ST ST MECAR T AV K E LL E R VD BL BL VD ST H BANCROFT G IN T AV HI ER NA T IO NA AV L ST Y BL AR VD IN M SE E EN OT IS OO D T TH O FO BUENA V DW S ST B BL VD LVD VI DA 20 TH ST 12 TH 12 S TH T S 11 T TH ST 2 E DE LA WA RE S VAL E AV TH 11 IN ST MA T 14 AV E ST E AV RE NE FR U IT ST ST TH H 20 20T E ST TH 15 H 14T Q UIN M ILLER RD RD E E TH 12 E 7T H ST BL VD N AV I YL S K INE YL SK R VD BL AV 14 TH AV AV RK PA 14 TH AC AR TH U AR DL E Y M AV RT HU R B LV D D A 3R T E 8TH ST LI AN Y JR W KING SHEP SK GR INE ST P H AV TELEG RA RI S R Y MART IN LU THER BR OA DW AY INE ST ON NY CA VD BL AD E L RD IN MAR K ET MA ST RT WE IN B LU POS TE R F TH SE T U R A ER Y T BE NK K L UB IN G IN E ST JR WY FR W AN HA EB SKL IN RR TE S T IS O R S NS T M T OA AD IS KS O T NS T RD A AV U NT MO V DA E WEBSTER ST K GA LAN E 6TH ST A AV AV OAK ST RA MO AV D AN N T MORA G HL HIG D EL A PKW Y M AN D EL A PKWY D BL V VIS AV M AN A N TA HA N O O M E 8T HS 6T T H 7T S T HS T T RD K TER IDE D R ES MI R RD ED PI K LA 6TH S D D E HARB O L HS H E NA 20 T PE U ST 40 TH C 12 T H 8T H 7T HS T ST EL B Y DWA OA BR MA ST 20 TH ST AN C D AV NN NT ST Y PL BA 11 TH ND AV 7T H ST 7T H ST GR A 51 ST ST PAB LO SA N W ST U O EM AR R AV SHATTU CK S MARK ET T T IS S 40 TH CL T ST AV HOLL V DA OR COLL EGE AV AM ENTO PAB LO SA N ST E LL POW T LL S E PO W F AN ST ST R WEBS TE AD E L SACR ST PAR K ST 7T H Y AV LY FISH R IZZ R G T AV PAB LO SA N ST 8T H ASHB AV AS HB Y AV BELROSE ST Homicide Density Map with Pins of Homicides, 2009 – November 2013 WY DWIG HT DR U ES T <VALUE> LO DIL AV 0 - 18.14234009 36.28468019 - 54.42702026 54.42702027 - 72.56936035 DR 18.1423401 - 36.28468018 R PO AIR T VIS DA ST E 14 TH ST 72.56936036 - 90.71170044 City of Oakland 0 0.65 1.3 Miles FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 62 AV AV E L RD TUN R E SNA HE WEB S TE SHEP R ST AV D D AN JOA TH 11 ST H L NC O LI TH 35 DA VI S AV ST E7 TH ST ST ST 7 TH ST RY AV NA EM I S L IL E E 12 T H IST A A LIN CO V LN AV CENTRAL AV MA CA RT H UR AV AV RD H T 73 77 GR AN D 12 OA K ST TH AV E FE LL EG CO L GO RO ND A AV AV LE TH 77 AV FT RO N SA TH 77 NC BA AV B LVD AL DR RN SI DE CIN F LINK V BL HEGENBERGER RD HEGENB ERGER RD L AV FO O IL TH AV AV IS LA N D DR EY TH D AV TON DUT PAR TL E ST 2012-2013 187A 98 K DO OL IT Legend ED E S AV FT RO NC AV BA FT RO NC BA NEY R D RD S ANL ST ST MECAR T AV K E LL E R VD BL BL VD ST H BANCROFT G IN T AV HI ER NA T IO NA AV L ST Y BL AR VD IN M SE E EN OT IS OO D T TH O FO BUENA V DW S ST B BL VD LVD VI DA 20 TH ST 12 TH 12 S TH T S 11 T TH ST 2 E RE DE LA WA RE S VAL E AV E ST AV ST TH 15 IN ST MA T 14 AV 21 S E TS 20 T TH ST Q UIN M ILLER RD NE FR U IT ST ST TH H 20 20T E E TH 12 H 14T E AV RD E E E 7T H ST BL VD N I YL S K INE YL SK R VD BL AV 14 TH AV AV PA RK 14 TH AC AR TH U AR DL E Y M AV RT HU R B LV D D A 3R Y JR W ER K ING D P H AV CL AR EM ON T NE T E 8TH ST LI BL V GR INE ST AD E L TELEG RA RI S SK Y R E WEBSTER ST ON NY CA VD BL MART IN LU TH V DA RD IN BR OA DW AY INE ST LAN RD A AV U NT MO AD E L K GA OAK ST RA MO AV A AV AV N T MORA G D AN HA N O O M C MAR K ET MA ST RT WE IN B LU POS TE R F TH SE T U R A ER Y T BE NK K IN L IN UB GJ E ST RW FR Y W AN HA EB SKL IN RR TE S T IS O R S NS T MA T OA D IS KS O T NS T VIS E 6TH ST D BL V E HL HIG D EL A PKW Y M AN D EL A PKWY A N AV M AN LY FISH R IZZ R G RD K TER IDE D R ES MI 8T HS 6T T H 7T S T HS T T H TA ED PI K LA 6TH S R RD D D E HARB O L HS 40 TH MA 20 T B Y DWA OA BR Y PL BA ST 8T H 7T HS T ST AV ST 12 T H 20 TH ST PE ST ST PAB LO AV EL NA SA N 11 TH ND 51 ST AN C U S MARK ET T T IS S 7T H ST 7T H ST GR A NN NT D HOLL W ST U O EM AR R AV AV SHATTU CK PAB LO 40 TH CL T ST SA N ST E LL POW ST E LL PO W F AN ST ST R WEBS TE V DA OR COLL EGE AV AM ENTO AV AS HB Y AV BELROSE SACR ST AV PAR K ST PAB LO ST 8T H 7T H Y AV AV WARR ING ST PIEDMONT AV T SA N ASHB DU RA NT PIED MON T AV ST WY DWIG HT KING JR WY MAR TIN LUTHER AV SHATTUCK AV Y RS IT 6T H S E UN IV 8T H 2012-2013 187A Density Homicide Density Map with Pins of Incidents, Review Period, January 2012 – June 2013 DR U ES T <VALUE> LO DIL AV 0 - 7.099176025 14.19835206 - 21.29752808 21.29752809 - 28.3967041 DR 7.099176026 - 14.19835205 R PO AIR T VIS DA ST E 14 TH ST 28.39670411 - 35.49588013 City of Oakland 0 0.65 1.3 Miles 63 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 2009-2013 245A(2) Density AV AV CL AR EM ON T D R SNA HE WEB S TE ON NY CA E L RD TUN VD BL RI S V DA RD IN BR OA DW AY A AV U NT MO LAN RD SHEP R ST SK NE AV BL V D D JOA ST ST TH H 20 20T E E ST DE LA WA RE S TH 35 DA VI S B BL VD LVD T AV ST E7 TH ST ST ST 7 TH ST RY AV NA EM I S L IL E E 12 T H IST A A LIN CO V LN AV CENTRAL AV TH O FO BUENA V GR AN D 12 OA K ST TH AV E FE CO AV L GO RO ND A TH 77 AV AV LE LL EG N SA TH 77 D F LINK V BL AV FO O L HEGENBERGER RD HEGENBERGE R RD AV IL TH TH AV IS LA N D DR EY 98 D AV TON DUT PAR K TL E ST DO OL IT Legend ED E S AV FT RO NC AV BA FT RO NC BA NEY R D RD S ANL ST ST MECAR T AV K E LL E R FT RO DR R 73 MA CA RT H UR AV TH 77 NC BA AV B LVD AL RN SI DE CIN AV VD BL BL VD ST H BANCROFT G IN T AV HI ER NA T IO NA AV L ST Y BL AR VD IN M E S E EN OT IS OO D S ST DW VI DA 20 TH L NC O LI AV 2 E RE NE ST 12 TH 12 S TH T S 11 T TH ST AV TH 11 H 21 S E TS 20 T TH ST D E AV TH 15 ST IN ST MA T 14 AV 3R E TH 12 E 7T H ST Q UIN M ILLER RD RD E H 14T BL VD AV I YL S K INE YL SK R K N AV R PA VD BL AR DL E Y AC AR TH U VAL E AV M FR U IT RT HU R B LV D AV 14 TH A 14 TH T E 8TH ST LI Y R AN Y E K GA AV OAK ST RA MO T AV A AV D AN N MORA G GR INE ST AD E L P H AV TELEG RA TER HL HIG JR W AV ER K ING VIS TA MART IN LU TH NA INE ST N U AD E L RD K E ST MAR K ET MA ST RT WE IN B LU POS TE R F T SE T U R A HE Y T BE NK RK L IN UB IN G E ST JR WY FR W AN HA EB SKL IN RR TE S T R IS O S NS T M T OA AD IS KS O T NS T H D BL V B E WEBSTER ST PE A EL E 6TH ST AN C D D EL A PKW Y M AN D EL A PKWY NT R M AN LY FISH R IZZ R G T HA N O O M E 8T HS 6T T H 7T S T HS T T NN IDE D R ES MI R RD ED PI K LA 6TH S D D E HARB O L HS 40 TH C 20 T U Y DWA OA BR MA ST 8T H 7T HS T ST O EM AR ST Y PL BA ST 12 T H 20 TH ST CL AV AV AV 11 TH ND 51 ST ST PAB LO SA N 7T H ST 7T H ST GR A ST BE LROSE AV SHATTU CK S MARK ET T T IS S W ST R WEBS TE AV HOLL 40 TH COLL EGE AV ST JR WY AM ENTO PAB LO SA N ST E LL POW T LL S E PO W F AN ST AV AS HB Y V DA OR WARR SACR ST PAR K ST 7T H Y AV AV ING ST PIEDMONT AV T AV PAB LO SA N ST 8T H ASHB DU RA NT PIED MON T AV ST 6T H S WY DWIG HT KING MAR TIN LUT HER AV 8T H Y RS IT SHATTUCK AV Nonfatal ShooHng Density Map with Pins of Incidents, 2009 – November 2013 E UN IV DR U ES T 2009-2013 245A(2) LO DIL AV 0 - 113.5868164 227.1736329 - 340.7604492 340.7604493 - 454.3472656 454.3472657 - 567.934082 City of Oakland 0 0.65 1.3 Miles DR 113.5868165 - 227.1736328 R PO AIR T FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 VIS DA ST E 14 TH ST 64 AV AV E L RD TUN R E SNA HE WEB S TE SHEP R ST AV D D AN JOA TH 11 ST H L NC O LI TH 35 DA VI S AV ST E7 TH ST ST ST 7 TH ST RY AV NA EM I S L IL E E 12 T H IST A A LIN CO V LN AV CENTRAL AV MA CA RT H UR AV AV RD H T 73 77 GR AN D 12 OA K ST TH AV E FE LL EG CO L GO RO ND A AV AV LE TH 77 AV FT RO N SA TH 77 NC BA AV B LVD AL DR RN SI DE CIN F LINK V BL AV FO O L HEGENBERGER RD HEGENB ERGER RD AV IL TH TH AV IS LA N D DR EY 98 D AV TON DUT PAR K TL E ST DO OL IT Legend ED E S AV FT RO NC AV BA FT RO NC BA NEY R D RD S ANL ST ST MECAR T AV K E LL E R VD BL BL VD ST H BANCROFT G IN T AV HI ER NA T IO NA AV L ST Y BL AR VD IN M SE E EN OT IS OO D T TH O FO BUENA V DW S ST B BL VD LVD VI DA 20 TH ST 12 TH 12 S TH T S 11 T TH ST 2 E RE DE LA WA RE S VAL E AV E ST AV ST TH 15 IN ST MA T 14 AV 21 S E TS 20 T TH ST Q UIN M ILLER RD NE FR U IT ST ST TH H 20 20T E E TH 12 H 14T E AV RD E E E 7T H ST BL VD N I YL S K INE YL SK R VD BL AV 14 TH AV AV PA RK 14 TH AC AR TH U AR DL E Y M AV RT HU R B LV D D A 3R Y JR W ER K ING D P H AV CL AR EM ON T NE T E 8TH ST LI BL V GR INE ST AD E L TELEG RA RI S SK Y R E WEBSTER ST ON NY CA VD BL MART IN LU TH V DA RD IN BR OA DW AY INE ST LAN RD A AV U NT MO AD E L K GA OAK ST RA MO AV A AV AV N T MORA G D AN HA N O O M C MAR K ET MA ST RT WE IN B LU POS TE R F TH SE T U R A ER Y T BE NK K IN L IN UB GJ E ST RW FR Y W AN HA EB SKL IN RR TE S T IS O R S NS T MA T OA D IS KS O T NS T VIS E 6TH ST D BL V E HL HIG D EL A PKW Y M AN D EL A PKWY A N AV M AN LY FISH R IZZ R G RD K TER IDE D R ES MI 8T HS 6T T H 7T S T HS T T H TA ED PI K LA 6TH S R RD D D E HARB O L HS 40 TH MA 20 T B Y DWA OA BR Y PL BA ST 8T H 7T HS T ST AV ST 12 T H 20 TH ST PE ST ST PAB LO AV EL NA SA N 11 TH ND 51 ST AN C U S MARK ET T T IS S 7T H ST 7T H ST GR A NN NT D HOLL W ST U O EM AR R AV AV SHATTU CK PAB LO 40 TH CL T ST SA N ST E LL POW ST E LL PO W F AN ST ST R WEBS TE V DA OR COLL EGE AV AM ENTO AV AS HB Y AV BELROSE SACR ST AV PAR K ST PAB LO ST 8T H 7T H Y AV AV WARR ING ST PIEDMONT AV T SA N ASHB DU RA NT PIED MON T AV ST WY DWIG HT KING JR WY MAR TIN LUTHER AV SHATTUCK AV Y RS IT 6T H S E UN IV 8T H 2012-2013 245A(2) M Density Nonfatal ShooHng Density ap with Pins of Incidents, Review Period, January 2012 – June 2013 DR U ES T 2012-2013 245A(2) LO DIL AV 0 - 40.22866516 80.45733033 - 120.6859955 120.6859956 - 160.9146606 DR 40.22866517 - 80.45733032 R PO AIR T VIS DA ST E 14 TH ST 160.9146607 - 201.1433258 City of Oakland 0 0.65 1.3 Miles 65 FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 Further work to be done (1) Note: the problem analysis is a living document; revisions and/or correcHons are made regularly. Please contact Reygan Harmon, Ceasefire Project Manager, RHarmon@oaklandnet.com for the most up-‐to-‐date version. 1. Enhanced analyHc capacity and rouHnizaHon of analyHc exercises are required to support intervenHons focused on violence: Regular and frequent “real-‐Hme” review of violent incidents, the individuals involved in those incidents, and the groups & networks they may be part of is necessary to ensure the analysis is accurate, comprehensive and up-‐to-‐date. “ShooHng reviews” are one key way to facilitate this. The analysis of social networks of individuals at highest risk of violence is an important complement to this problem analysis. This “Social Network Analysis”, currently facilitated by Andrew Papachristos of Yale University under the auspices of the California Partnership for Safe CommuniHes, should be completed. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 66 Further work to be done (2) 2. As Realignment progresses, individuals at very highest risk of violence are increasingly likely to be under local supervision and/ or in local custody. Both the problem analysis & shooHng reviews should focus on opportuniHes for befer understanding and reducing the risk of violence this populaHon faces. This process would be a natural extension of the partnership-‐based violence reducHon strategy work currently under way. 3. Anecdotal informaHon suggests that the involvement of street groups in human trafficking and the violence associated with it has been underesHmated. Understanding the relaHonship between human trafficking, street groups, and violence will benefit from further data collecHon and analysis. FOR PRESENTATION -‐ NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION -‐ JANUARY 2014 67