RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal
RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal
Ruma Products BV. HOLLAND Technical Product Report © RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Issued: 22 July 2015 QMS Quality Management System ISO 9001-2008 ISO 29001 ISO 14001 Summary: This report looks into the effects of RaMEX AS RX-72TL friction reducer on spectrum swelling Elastomers in two different concentrations in 2 different brine motive fluids RUMA PRODUCTS BV 2015 ©Ruma Products BV. Hoogeveen Holland. RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Content Background Information................................................................................................................... 2 What are swelling seals ............................................................................................................... 2 How swelling seals work .............................................................................................................. 2 Completion Fluids and their use in Wells ...................................................................................... 3 Friction reducers ........................................................................................................................... 3 Swelling Testing Program............................................................................................................ 3 Test Results:...................................................................................................................................... 4 Weight increase ............................................................................................................................ 4 Thickness increase Middle in mm .............................................................................................. 5 Thickness increase Edge mm ..................................................................................................... 5 Volume increase cc’s ................................................................................................................... 6 Results and conclusions: ................................................................................................................. 7 Technical Details of RX-72 TL .................................................................................................... 8 Laboratory Certification .................................................................................................................... 9 Manufacturing Contact Information.............................................................................................. 11 Commercial and Technical Sales Engineer Contact Details: .................................................. 11 This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 1 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Background Information What are swelling seals Swelling seals are seals produced from elastomer that swell when brought into contact with various motive fluids. These fluids can be almost endless in their variety, however the elastomer has to be designed to be sensitive to that fluid. They are not new and have been known about since elastomers have been used. Swelling of the elastomer was always seen as a problem and in fact often was. In industries such as drink water it is a requirement that the elastomer does not swell in contact with the water, this is as important a characteristic as that of the effects of the elastomer on the water. Manufacturers of new compounds such as ourselves go to great lengths to ensure such elastomers fulfil all these requirements to enable them to be certified as suitable for use in Potable water supplies. Oil swelling elastomers were used extensively by the military during the second world war as a self-sealing mechanism on fuel tanks built into aircraft. The use of swelling seals has found some prominence in the last 5-10 years in Oil and gas wells where it has proven useful in the creation of compartments in long open-hole liner systems as well as for fracturing formations. This use was simply the result of their being easy to use. Unlike mechanical seals used in wells there is no setting mechanism required. You run them into the well and they will swell if the fluid and the elastomer are compatible. Nothing else is needed to be done. In mechanical seals the engineering has to be done per seal type and is a considerable engineering design workload. In swelling seals the chemical engineering required to design the elastomeric compound and the bonding requirements is in its own right a considerable engineering workload, however once it has been done the rest is easy. You can alter the dimensions of the seal at will as it has little engineering impact upon the final product. How swelling seals work How do they work? Whilst there are a number of different seals they all work basically by the creation of a diffusion gradient between the elastomer and the motive fluid. This diffusion gradient effectively pulls the motive fluid INTO the elastomer. Because the elastomer is “elastic” this results in the seal swelling. It is worth noting that this diffusion gradient exists in many everyday things. Biscuits have them too, which is why they become soft and crumbly if not sealed well in a tin (They are not elastic) . If they were flexible they would swell. It is also why sweets become soft and sticky. They all have diffusion gradients and this is often towards water as the motive fluid or in the case of the last few example water vapour in the atmosphere. This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 2 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Completion Fluids and their use in Wells Outside of its primary role as a hydrostatic pressure control barrier, completion fluids have many different uses to those in drilling fluids. To achieve those requirements physical characteristics are chemically added to the completion fluids. Once of the more modern characteristics is added to completion brines used on long extended reach horizontal wells. This is that of being able to reduce the interaction of the friction in the wells on long horizontal liner systems reducing the drag considerably while running long liner and screen sections as well as reducing pumping loads. Friction reducers Because these are chemical additions to the brine there is a very real possibility that the chemicals themselves can attack the elastomers used and directly affect the reliability and longevity of the elastomer body mechanically. A second affect is that of being able to alter the diffusion gradient between the fluid and the swelling elastomers. By altering this gradient it is possible to alter the degree of swell occurring. This can be either in a positive or a negative sense, this is doubly important on long horizontal laterals where considerable time can be involved with the running of the liners and screens. With all of this in mind a series of tests were conducted with RaMEX to confirm and quantify any or all the effects of the contact between the Oblique Spectrum elastomers and the commonly used RX-72TL friction reducers supplied by RaMEX. Swelling Testing Program To test the effects of friction reducer on the swelling characteristics a series of button discs were immersed in fluid samples. One set was immersed in two different brine concentrations of 5% and 20% to create the reference curve. The second set in a similar brine concentration of 5% and 20% but then containing a standard 3% concentration of RX-72TL. The results of immersion over a period of time were them measured and recorded for comparison. The temperature samples were tested at was 80 Celsius. The measurements conducted were: Change in weight versus time Change in edge thickness versus time Change in centre thickness versus time Change in volume versus time. Chemical Effect on the Elastomer By measuring all of these aspects you can discern what would be seen as normal measuring error discrepancies as there would likely be only one error. If they all show increases then it is an across the board reading. This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 3 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Test Results: Weight increase Weight Increase (g) 30 1552-75 5% NaCl 1552-75 20% NaCl 25 1552-75 5% NaCl+3% RX-72TL 1552-75 20% NaCl+3% RX-72TL g 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 Time (days) 20 25 30 In the above there is a slight difference between the reference sample curve in Blue and the Red curve where it was tested with RX-72-TL however the difference which can be seen in all measurements whether its mm, grams or cc’s is all within the limits of experimental accuracy. This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 4 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Thickness increase Middle in mm Thickness Increase Middle (mm) 9 1552-75 5% NaCl 8 1552-75 20% NaCl 1552-75 5% NaCl +RX-72 7 1552-75 20% NaCl+RX-72 6 (mm) 5 4 3 2 1 0 -4 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 time (days) Thickness increase Edge mm Thickness Increase Edge (mm) 10 1552-75 5% NaCl 9 1552-75 20% NaCl 1552-75 5% NaCl +RX-72 8 1552-75 20% NaCl+RX-72 7 (mm) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 Time (days) 20 25 30 This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 5 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Volume increase cc’s Volume Increase (%) 600 1552-75 5% NaCl 1552-75 20% NaCl 500 1552-75 5% NaCl+3% RX-72TL 400 % 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 tijd (dgn) 20 25 30 Volume Change (cm3) 30 1552-75 5% NaCl 1552-75 20% NaCl 25 1552-75 5% NaCl+3% RX-72TL 1552-75 20% NaCl+3% RX72TL cm3 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 tijd (dgn) 20 25 30 This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 6 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Results and conclusions: All of the above graphs clearly show that the swelling of the elastomer has not been affected by the presence of the friction reducer. In the samples measured in the 20% brine there are dimensional anomalies at the first measurements but as the swell at that point is very small errors can be created. However when measured for the volume and weight of both with a simple and very accurate measurements there are clearly no differences to be seen in swelling performance. The samples submerged with 5% salinity show a consistent difference in the intermediate measurements, this tends to indicate that these results were measured without anomalies however in real terms the difference is very minimal and as it starts the same and finished with the same swell with or without the friction reducer. It can be concluded that the swell is not affected by the addition of RaMEX RX-72TL friction reducer . That RaMEX RX-72TL does not affect the base elastomer This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 7 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Technical Details of RX-72 TL This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 8 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Laboratory Certification This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 9 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 10 of 11 RaMEX RX-72TL Friction Reducer and Spectrum Swelling Seal Elastomers Manufacturing Contact Information. Ruma Products B.V. Zeppelinstraat 5 7903 BR Hoogeveen The Netherlands Commercial and Technical Sales Engineer Contact Details: Tel. +31 (0) 528 260 160 Contact: Mr. Reinard Alkema E-mail: sales@oblique.eu E-Mail: r.alkema@oblique.eu www.oblique.eu VAT Reg. No. Bank account: IBAN: NL851073219B01 ING NL16INGB0658146866 This document including any attached files, contain confidential and privileged information for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any review, use, distribution, or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. All information and contents remain the property of Ruma Products B.V. RUMA PRODUCTS BV. HOLLAND Page 11 of 11