Added - Chapman Family Association
Added - Chapman Family Association
CHAPMAN CHATTER PUBLISHED QUARTERLY May~ August & November) FDR THOSE INTERESTED IN CHAPMAN GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH By Mary and G. K. Alford, Jr. 1403 Kingsford Driv. Florissant, HQ 63031 NUlber I f12.00 PER YEAR August I, lq83 (February, CONTENTS CO""ENIS FRO" YOUR EDITOR. • • • • • • • . • • • . • 2 800K REY/EN••••••••.•••••••••••• 3 CHAP"AN EXCHANGE . • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • 4 NILLIA" CHAP"AN (16571 FA"ILY •.•••••••••• 8 LINEAGE TA8LE, CHAP"AN DIRECT ANCESTORS••••••• 10 EDNARD CHAP"AN fCAI6401 FA"ILY ••••••••••• 16 CONNECTING CHAP"AN COUSINS ••.••.••••••• 18 CHAP"AN DATA BANK, A-F1 LE. • • • . • • • • • • • • .20 CHAP"AN INYENTORY, 1850••••••••.•••••• 24 CO"PUTING CO""ENTS ••.•••••.•••••••• 26 WELCOME TO Comments CHAPMAN from your CHATTER editors Ch ap man is the fourth surnalE on Mhich Me have undertaken extensive data colle'tion and inlor.,tion e,change .,th people such as you allover the nation. It represents our third ne.sletter endeavor. We are learning early In our program that the Chap.ans drastIcally outnu.ber the Newk irks Al fords and Newsoms on .hich .e are also .orking. HavIng established t.o ,ay co••unicat,on, .,th over 150 01 you, it beca.e apparent that there .as a very defirllte need for 3 IIlJans of COlIll.lnlCatlQn beheen all of you Mho are interested in Ch apman. We expect you to conslder this your publIcation. ~e need you to tell us "hat you like and Mhat you don t like. We need e,en .ore lor you to 'end u, lnlor.ation that you .ant to ,hare .ith others .ho have that [Ol~on Chapllan Interest. There ~re a feM thjngs that Me need to get on record in thIS first issue. First, Me are not gene31ogists. We became lnterested in our ancestors Iud too late in life, and began just last year. Second, Me are not journalists Dr publ1shers. Until we hecate involved Mith our falily neMsletters, the closest experience Me had Mas Morking on the hIgh 5~hool paper over forty years ago. Third, Me are not Infallible. So.e 'Ight even say .e are error prone. We .ill do our ut.ost to keep errors In the neMsletters to a 11nilul. Dealing Mlth such a volule of proper nales and dates, lakes proof-reading very dilli,ult. We have no .ay 01 authenticating the inlor.atlon ,ent by you and your asso,iates. II you indicate that so.ething is not proven or is q'Jestlonable, .e .ill try to qualily it in publication .ith G??. If you find that we. or our contributors, have lade an error, please let us knoM so that Me can publish a correction in a later issue. Fourth,.e are not independently .ealthy nor are .e .orking as part 01 a lunded loundatlon. When.e started our ne..letters last year, they .ere short and our reade" 'ere Ie., therelore they .ere 'irculated Iree. The page" and the readers increased, and the costs increased drastically. We could not afford to continue on our retlre.ent inco.e, thus the subscriptlon charge. Fifth,.e need all the inlor.ation you can send us. We .ould ask that il you send inlor.ation that i' copyright prote,ted that you tell us so that the copyright .ill not be violated. The ne..letters are not copyrighted and you .ay use the .aterial or oake copies. We .ould appreciate credit .here appropriate. If others .i,h to have ,opies, .e can provide originals lor just about your costs in .aking ,opies. We .ill try to .aintain a lile 01 back-issue, lor those occasions .hen you or others .ant an e, tra copy. We need a na.e lor all 01 you colle,tively. lou .ill see on pages 10 to 15 that .ost 01 you are not Chap.ans per se. It .ould not be lair to call you and it gets to be a proble. calling you contacts or correspondents. We have chosen the na.e Chapp i e as a na'e lor those .ho are involved .ith us in this effort. If you have a better na.e that is short, descriptive, and all enco.passing .e .ould like to hear fro. you. The ne.,letter .ill contain inlor.ation Iro. and about .any Chappies Mho are not subscriber •• Subscribers .ill be given priority and prelerence in ne.sletter coverage. Our percentage 01 subscribers vs contacts is .uch les' .ith than .ith our other lines. Unless.e have a signilicant in,rease in this first year, it is possible that .e .ill not try to continue into the second year. If you kno. 01 others .ho .ight be interested, and il you think the publication is .orth.hile, please tell th.. about us. We are e,tending the UO introductory offer until our advertise.ent is published in TNf 6EHEALO.leAL l HHPfR. The E"hange on pages 4 to 7 .,11 run lour pages or .ore until .e can catch up .ith the backlog that .as a,cu.ulated before.e started publi,ation. As you read the inquiries on the.e pages, don't overlook our ,o••ents at the top 01 page 4. The lineage table on pages 10 to 15 is a one-ti.e leature. It per.its you to see the direct ancestry 01 al.ost all 01 the current Chappies. As ne. Chappies are added to our nu.ber .e .ill give their lineage in the e>change. The 01 the lineage table beginning on page 10 is sell-e,planatory, but if you have trouble, find your na.e or that 01 your spouse in the left colu.n. Notice the headings a,ro.s the top identilying the ancestral relationship. On your line .ill be sho.n the lirst na.e 01 your an,estor and belo. their na.e, the year and place 01 birth, il kno.n. Once you understand your line, the others are si.ilar. 2 At hast ho fa.i Iy lines .i II be featured in each i..ue. See pages 8 • 9 and 16 • 17. Because of the fa.ily size, and the Ii.ited space available, these .ill be run in series and continued over several or .any issues, The charts on the left page and the fa.ily group records or genealogies on the right page .ill usually not cover the sa.e seg.ents of the fa.ily in the sa.e issue, The coverage in the charts on the left are governed by techincal charting considerations, The fa.ily group records .ill run in sequence by generation, Huch of the infor.ation in these pages fro. very old records 100 years old in these particular cases), If you have correcting or supple.entary infor.ation .e .ould appreciate your sending it in so that it can be shared .ith others, In addition to infor.ation about our Chapoan ancestors, .e .ould like to include interesting current Chapoan infor.ation. One such ite••ould deal .ith Chapoan fa.ily reunions. Me .ould like to print announce.ents in advance of the reunion, and then .ith the help of one or .ore of the participants, publish reports of the reunions. Me know about t.o reunions that .ere held recently. The descendants of Wi 11 i am W. Chapman .et June 25 at Ephesus Pri.itive Church in Worth County, GA, There .as another reunion Julv 24th at Three Forks Baptist Church in Alexander (previously Wilkes) County. North Carolina. ThIS group is probably identified as the dlScendants of John Chapman of that county. ~on't you tell us about your current events so.e can pa.. the. on to others. You .ay e,pect so.e delayed reaction on any of your co••ents in the ne.sletter. Copies are .ade available to the Library of Congress, other libraries, and genealogical socities. As these copies go into their reference collection. they .ay be read years in the future by so.eone .ho .ill contact you. If you have a library or society to .hich you .ould reco••end .e send co.pli.entary copies, give us their na.e and address, and tell us .hy you think .e should .ake such a contribution. Me .ill try to .ail the ne.sletter to subscribers during the first .eek of February, Hay, August and Nove.ber. There .ill be occasions .here events beyond our control cause so.e delay, but you can expect they .ill al.ays be .ailed so.eti.e during the .onth .entioned. Give particular attention to the inventory described on page 24. This progra. which .ill cul.inate in a co.puter fIle (and printouts) of every in the 1850 census is likely to be one of the oost useful tools you and future generation researchers have available. It .ill succeed only to the extent that you help us. Motice that .e have data on only 15 of the possible 40 states invol.ed and already have 1796 fa.ilies identified. If.e can expect the per state ratio to continue .e can project the total IB50 fa.ilies to be about 4777. Me are probably looking at so.ething over 30,000 Chap.ans .ho .ere living in IB50. If.e live long enough, and get enough of your help, .e .ill eventually have the. all on our consolidated record. ----------*****--------- JOHN CHAPMAN OF SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY, YIR6INIA THOMAS POWE OF CHERAW, SOUTH CAROLINA and RELATED FAHILIES Co.piled by Elsie Chapman Edmonds Published 1971 (R BOOK REfJIEtO This .ell docu.ented account of one of our distinguished lines begins .ith John .ho died in Spotsylvania County, Virginia in Deceober 1775. It continues through se.eral branches of the fa.ily do.n to the current period. Host of the book is devoted to the descendants of Thrashley (Streshleyl, Hrs. Ed.onds ancestor, and a son of John by his second .ife, Hary Allen. The book contains .uch source .aterial and is not li.ited to just the vital statistics 01 the .any fa.ilies listed. There are nu.erous photographs. The fa.ilies are arranged by fa.ily, rather than by generation, using a nu.bering syste••ith arabic nu.bers denoting the generations and the la.ilies .ithin the generation, and case arabic nu.bers to denote the issue of each fa.ily. There are 389 pages of text, and an extensive list 01 sources. The index, .ith about 6000 entries runs for 30 pages and has three pages of Chap.ans .ith about 800 The 6 x 9 x I inch book is bound in a beautilul red hard back and is printed on the linest slick paper that Elsie could lind. It is available for SI7 fro. Hrs. N. N. Ed.onds, 4060 North East Drive, Jackson, HS 39211. 3 CHAPMAN EXCHANGE Each l5sue oj the ne.sletter .111 cont'ln the EXCHANGE. It .111 be the section in .hich inqUIrIes ,re usually print~d. In ~uture !S5U~5 It Mill aJ~o be used to describe the dIrect lineage of those Chapples .ho have re,entl, Joined our qroup. These line'ges .il1 supple.ent the ch.rts printed on P'ges 10 to 15. 14 YOU can help an.·~· (If these persons, you may contact the. direct or send us the inforlation. If you deal with the person directly, III!:! Mould appreCIate copies of any neM inforlation generated. We need It to update Our files. In a few cases Me have inforlation to help, which we have sl!nt. but are printIng their inQuir~ anyway so as not to deprive you of the thrill of helping so.eone else. 1-1 Mrs. Ralph R. (Cheryl) Young 26325 sE 158th Street, Iss.qu.h WA 98027, MARY CHAPMAN born circ' 1828 in Ohio I.rried Robert Jackson 6lLLAND, .nd loved to W.pello County, 10•• circa 1845. Children John P.; Charles P.; Louis.; Josephine! Franklin P.; laur ai K.rry; TOI; .nd n,nerv,. n,ry eVIdently de.d by 1880 census. 2911 Kirc.ldy 1-2 Mrs. Marshel W. ( B i l l i e Dixon) Hardy Court, Arlington, Tl 16015: Would like to conlact .ny descend.nts of WILL I AM CHAPMAN, JR born n.y 1819 in Kentucky, .."ied Eliza Mary OWENS .nd died prob.bly in 51. County, nissouri. Also need l.rri'ge pl.ce .nd d.te of his d.ughter M.ry Ann to J.les H.rris. 1-3 DAN I EL Bi 11 i e Hardy Isee .bovel: Would like to cont.ct .nyone oith inforl.tion on CHAPMAN, JR. born before 1875 in Virginia .nd .ho larried (ll Jenny WINsCOTT .nd (2) R,chel BLACK. Where and .hen did he die' Were there children by R.chel' 1-4 Mrs. G. C. (Dorothy Chapman) Cornwel I Ill-A sh.dy, Box B8 C.C.M., Eustis, FL 32726, GEORGE CHAPMAN born J.nuary 12 1804 Colulbi.n. County, Ohio (I,ter St.rk Countyl. died 4 1884 in Ple.s.nt Toonship, Allen County, Indi.n •• n.rried Joh.nn. (H.nn.h) ABER June ~ 1825 in Stark Count y, Ohi o. Need gi ven n.le of hi 5 father .nd lathe" her I.iden n••e ",y have been WOODS. His parents li9rated fro. Me. Jersey. Need to know .hen .nd n.le of County. H.d 12 chi ldren, 11 born in Harrison To,",ship, Stark County, Ohio. nigrated to Ple.sant Toonship, Allen County, Indi.n ••bout 1843. Also need to knoo n••es of .ny brothers .nd sisters. 1-5 Mrs. James H. (Thelma Moon) Goodlet 951 East 37 Street, Hi.le.h, FL 33013: Seeking inloro.!ion on EBBA (EBB IE) LOU CHAPMAN .ho .arried John D.niel nOOM on Movelber 29 1888 In AUlau9' County, AI.b•••• Parents are said to be ELBERT UNDERWOOD CHAPMAN and nargaret STUCKEY. Elbert's .other I.rried Itrst.n Under.ood, and second THOMAS CHAPMAN .ho gave his n.le to the Unde..ood children - so far no leg.1 record has been found on this transaction. Ebb. Lou Ch,pI.n died in, or E110re County, Al.b.I' bet.een IB98-1900 le.vin9 four sons, four step-d.ughters, .nd husb.nd John O.niel noon. Expenses incurred in laking inforl.tion oill be rei.bursed. 1-6 Mrs. Harlan W. (Linda Morehouse) Kepler 1808WestF Street, Marth Platte, NE 69101: ASAHEL "ASA" CHAPMAN born 1804 in Me. York or Neo H,"pshire I.rried fir.t .ho' n.rried second in M.ncy Sophia HASER. Ke re.ided in Ne. York, Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois,, 100••nd died in Ott ••• , l.s.lle County, Illinois July 27 1893, Who .ere his parents?? Could his father have been ANSEL CHAPMAN born East H.ddal Connecticut, prob.bly died in County, Me. York' 1-7 Wi 11 i am G. Luce 2B17 W. 17th Avenue, stilh.ter, OK 74074: .eeks infor•• tion on ELL I S CHAPMAN born October 24 1798, I.rried Septe.ber 14 1820 Nancy SOUTHARD, dIed Septe.ber I 1867 in Ohio County, Kentucky. 4 1-6 Walter R. WinansRoutel,Bo,123,Ca"sYille,YA23315,"y problel is CHAPMAN, supposedly born at Sltaron, locating the parents of Iy great-grandfather, I RA Connecticut October 22 1827, larried Urania BARTRA" at Sharon August 13 1849, and died at Pittsfield, Massachusetts February 25 1913. I haye the cOlplete "e,ican and Ciyil War records, but cannot lind the record of his birth. "y lother's aunt inDo deceased) researched the lineage, and says his father oas GEORGE PRENT I S CHAPMAN of Neo London, and a Ian in Utah told Ie the saoe. Hooeyer, the Prentis Genealogy says that George Prentis died single, and neither of the aboYe persons kneo the nale of George Prentis's oife. This is ohere I need help badly. His death certificate, prepared by his daughter's husband, says hIS father's nale oas GEORGE; oother's nale ·unknoon.' 1-9 Mrs. Diane (Butler) Gunderson 12521 Crestline Ayenue N. Eo, Albuquerque, N" 87112: Looking for parents of ANN CHAPMAN born January 29 1790 near KnoXYille, Kno' County, Tennessee. Harried John HODGINS on August 21 IB06 in Kno' County, Tennessee. He ooned or .anaged a large plantation in that area until 1820's. Knoon chUdren are: "arcus O. Hodgins born Septelber 10 1811 near Kno'Yille, Tennessee; Allira SUlleryille Hodgins born Decelber 24 1819 near Kno'Yille, Tennessee; Elily A. Hodgins born July 22 1822 near Kno'Yille, Tennessee and Abner Frank Hodgins born "ay 1825/26 near Kno'Yille, Tennessee; and Nary Hodgins birth date unknoon. The 1830 census shoos th. falily liYing in Sangalon County, Illinois and they settled in Galena, Jo Oayiess County, Illinois by 1835. Any inforlation appreciated. I - 1 0 M iss Ber n i e Dean Wol f e 305 Eo Park, Jefferson, looa 50129: Wish inforlation of the Chaplan falily- MINERVA CHAPMAN born AprU 191830 Chautauqua County, Neo York, died "arch 31 1912 in Rushville, Illinois. LiYed in Gallia County, Ohio. Harried Allen MURPHY January 15 1850 in Vinton County, Ohio. Father is belieYed to be DAV I D CHAPMAN. Brother of "inerYa is GEORGE CHAPMAN oho droye a circus oagon in the Barnul and 8ailey Circus. Visited the St. Louis Missouri area in early 1900's. 1-11 Mrs. Terry N. (Susan Fiscus) McArthur Route I, Bo, 22-C, Oakdale, WA 99158: Need parents of EDWARD CHAPMAN born Belfast Ireland. Wife's nale? Also .."iage record for Eliajah SWEET born April 7 1820, died "arch 26 1899 and JANE CHAPMAN born January 16 1823 and died February 18 1908. Both born sOleohere in Canada, probably Ontario proYince. 80th died in Sa uk County, Wisconsin. 1-12 Mrs. Lyle (Mary Chapman) Watson P. O. Bo' 22, Westphalia, IN 47596, Wish infor ..tion on NICHOLAS CHAPMAN, born 175B in 8altilore or Carrol County, "aryland. BelieYe parents to be ROBERT CHAPMAN and Elizabeth TAYLOR. No dates for thel. Children of Nicholas: GEORGE CHAPMAN, JAMES CHAPMAN, ROBERT CHAPMAN, born 1782 in North Carolina, JOSHUA CHAPMAN, JOHN CHAPMAN and MARY CHAPMAN .."ied Hoil. 1-13 Frederick J. Henderson 1402 Francis Ayenue, Upland, CA 91781.: Seeking inforlation on OT I S ASHLEY CHAPMAN believed to be the son of LYMAN CHAPMAN Mho oas born January 2 180B in Neo London, Connecticut. Ly..n the son of IRA CHAPMAN. Otis born AprU 12 1839 in "edina County, Ohio, and .."ied Jerusha HARYEY.' 1-14 Al thea Eg Ie 29306 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, "I 4B081: Seeking inforlation on great grandfather WILLIAM CHAPMAN born Nay 71787 died October 10 IB21. near Old Toon, "aryl and, Harried Elizabeth "CLAUGHLIN February 16 lB12. Especially interested in his parents oho lay haye been in "aryl and, PennsylYania or West Virginia. 1-1 S Leona Hei t sch 307 Arbor Lane, Webster GroYes,"O 1.3119: is looking for infor..tion on the parents of JESSE CHAPMAN born 1800 sOleplace in Yeroont. She suspects he is of Connecticut stock. Jesse larried Catherine CAR"AN and oent through upstate Weo York. Jesse finally settled in Waterford, Oalland County, Michigan. 5 1-16 Mrs. Walter D. (Mary Elizabeth Chapman) Bag .. ell 221B Hesse Road, Red Bluff, CA 9bOBO: Needs inforlation on JOHN CHAPMAN and his parents. John .as born January 23 lB40, possIbly In Ne. York. He died February IB 1907 in Lo.ell, Hashington. He larrled Hannah "arle VAN HORN "arch 2 IBbb or b7 (Courthouse and records burned In "acoob, "ichigan. John .as in the Civil War. Of the six children, it is knoMn that the fourth TIMOTHY RANDALL born in Genesse County, "ichigan in lB79. 1-17 Rev. Wallace WillisI13HestfieldRoad,Leesburg, BA 317b3: seeks inforlation on falil', of HENRY CHAPMAN .hose .ill .as filed in IB22 at Oarlington, South C"ollOa. First ALLEN; second Sarah BEE. Sons WILLIAM, ABNER, and AMBROSE ca•• to Georgia and settled in "anon County prior to IB30. Postage and cost glady reubu"ed. 1-18 Mrs. Patrick Wm. (Esther Jean Wells) Beckham 5122A Goethe, st. Louis, "0 b3109: seeks inforlation on JOHN CHAPMAN born 1775 and died lB39. He larried Elizabeth JONES October 19 179b in Orange County, North Carolina. JtRN IS RHRRt OF TNt INFORRRTION IN [lSI[ tDRONDS BOOK. 1-19 Mrs. Jean Beckham (see abovel: Her husband also has a Chaplan ancestor. All they kno. about hlO is fro. a book by J. Bilbert Lay: 'BOONE CHAPMAN larried Anna RAINEY. Children: JONES; DABNEY larried "ary FREE"AN; JOHN and WILLIAM unlarried. EARL .arried Florence HA""ONSj and DOE CHAPMAN oarried 6race HA""ON.' 1-20 Lena E. S .. eet 4559 Oarbey Road, R 2, Saranac, "I 4BB91: needs inforlation on father of PETER CHAPMAN. We kno. he .as JOHN R. CHAPMAN born about 1797 in Ne. York. His lothers first nale .as Charlotte. Peter, .ho lived and died in Ne. York, larried Oinah BARRETT. 1-21 MS. Roberta M. Chapman 495 Yeagy Road, Breen.ood, IN 4b142: is looking for inforlation on the too sisters of her great grandfather ROBERT COVERLE I GH CHAPMAN .ho .as born January 15 \B48 in Blasco., Scotland. He larried "ary B. PHILLIPPI January 4 19B3 in Piqua, Ohio, and he resided in "arion, Indiana. His father .as CHARLES CHAPMAN born about IBll or 12 in 6lasco., Scotland, he died January IB IB59 in East Hartford, Connecticut. He la'ried Alison LAING .ho also .as born in Blasco.. The sisters about .hol inforlation is sought are AGG I E CHAPMAN KEENY and MARY CHAPMAN GR I SWOLD .ho .ere Jos! in Connecticut and Pennsylvania in the 1990's. 1-22, Mrs, Si dney S. (Moll yl ou Ball) Stoddard 22915 75th Ave. H., Edlonds, HA 99020: needs inforlation on CL I NTON CHAPMAN and his parents. Clinton .as born IB20 in Ne. York. He larried Felicia S. HARD in Indiana, probably about 1947. Clinton's son BURT HARD CHAPMAN (Iaybe Alburtus), loved .est, larrying in Utah and residing in Idaho. 1-23 Dr. Er v inN. Ch apman 3bOl Oavis Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 desires inforlation on GEORGE WASH I NGTON CHAPMAN born Septelber 29 1903 in Bill, Halpshire, "assachusetts. He died Decelber 23 1983 in "ilford To.nship, Defiance, Ohio. He larried Narcissa HOPKINS Oecelber 31 IB22. 1-24 Mrs. George A. (Betty Jeane Jones) Snell Route I, Box 4744, Wheatland HY 32201: needs help .ith MARTHA CHAPMAN born Oecelber 12 1779 and died January IS IBbl in Ne. CUlberland, Nest Virginia. She larried John YAN SHEARIN6EN. Her father lay have been GEORGE CHAPMAN .ho ..rried Johanna LEMASTERS. Any inforlation on "artha and her failly .ould be appreciated. 6 1-25 M.. s. Ha .. old G. (Da .. la D. Vogel) Davis 1 Marbler Lane, Hilton Head Plantation, Hilton Head Island, SC 2992B: lould like inforoation on the parents of JOHN C. CHAPMAN born April lB20 in Tennessee and died Nove.ber 13 1902 in North County, Nissour;, He .arried ORPHA RIGGS CHAPMAN August 20 lB43. David L. Skinne .. 376N Central CHAPMAN born "ay 3 IB25 infor.ation on DANIEL about lB60. He .arried Lydia BLACK June lB lB4B. Dave believes Thooas MADE of Cha.paign County, Ohio. It is possible CHAPMAN Iho .arried a Nary. 1-26 Avenue, Oviedo, FL 32765 desires probably in Ver.ont. Dave thinks he died Lydia, after Daniel's death, .arried that Daniel las the son of SIMON 1-27 M.. s. Ha .... y N. (GI adys Al ta Chapman) Deyo BOB Church Street, Ply.outh, "I 4B170: needs infor.ation on JOHN CHAPMAN born about 1750 Iho .arried Nargaret T. John had a son RANDALL CHAPMAN born 17BB in Ontario County, Nel York and died in Oakland County, Nichigan. Ralph H. Ping .. ee 1037 N. Ja.estoln Road, Apt B, Decatur, GA 30033: seeks infor.ation on HANNAH CHAPMAN died Septeober 2 1776 in ROlley, Nassachusetts. She .arried Thooas PINGREE Dece.ber 13 1766. She .ay have been the sister of MARY CHAPMAN Iho .arried Aaron PINGREE Narch 14 1767. 1-28 Dav i d A . Po .. t wood 1104 Ousley Place, Nacon GA infor.ation on ELI ZABETH CHAPMAN Iho .arried John HILL. 31210: NOuld like She las born August 16 IB16 in Marren County, Georgia, died April 29 190B in Narren County, and .arried Hill there January 14 lB4B. 1-29 1-30 Ea .. 1 L. Duvall 2345 Fay Drive, Atlater, CA 95301: lants to knol .ore about WILL I AM G. CHAPMAN born Oece.ber 13 lB29 in that part of Virginia that later beca.e Mest Virginia. He died in June 1903 and is buried in Bible Grove "issouri. He .arried Nary Jane JOHNSON April 20 IB52 in "ason County, Mest Virginia. 1-31 M.. s. Jay G. (Ma .. y Jacobsen) Mi I te .. 4012 Holly Hill Road, Lake Charles, LA 70605 desires infor.ation on JOHN CHAPMAN born IBOO in Kentucky. He .arried Helene NARNACK February 17 IBI9 in Knoxville, Tennessee. He las residing in Lafayette Parish, Loui.iana at ti.e of IB50 census. 1-32 M.. s. A .. thu.. Ph i l l ips 623B Lupton, Dallas, O. (Ma .. y Kathleen TX 75225: need. inforoation on THOMAS Je .... ue) CHAPMAN born Nove.ber 3 IB03 in Orange County, North Carolina. He died Narch 20 IB72 in Narion County, Illinois. He .arried Rachel GARRISON. Their son, JOHN W. CHAPMAN las born October 23 IB37 in Robertson County, Tennessee. Delo .. es McDonald 5975B Harrell PI, Ft. Polk, LA 71459, lould like inloroation on WI LEY CHAPMAN and his father JOHN CHAPMAN. Miley las born about 1795 in South Carolina. He died Oece.ber IB34 in Rankin County, Nississippi. He .arried Elizabaeth NILLIANS Nove.ber 27 IBIS in St. Ta••any Parish, Louisiana. 1-33 M.. s. Leona .. d A <Dolo .. es Sullivan) Gano 413 Cross Nazareth, PA lB064 says: 'I could not put in the date or place 01 birth of our S I LAS P. CHAPMAN, but did put it in lith question larks, as ""at I have I a' not sure of. Also I have not been able to find his date or place 01 death, but it see.. to have been in Clayton County, lOla. I do hope so.eone lill have inlor.ation on hIS life, Naria Antoinette SHOENAKER, oritten as Antoinette Naria, and her date and place 01 birth,' She thinks Silas las born in Nel York. He .arried Antoinette Narch 13 IB49 in Nedina County, Ohio. She las probably born August I IB3B in Pennsylvania and died August 14 1906, buried in Arlington, IDOl. She shols the father of 5i las to be LUMAN 1-34 Hill Road, CHAPMAN. 7 NILl!AII CHAP"AN lbS7 1 - nee 18 1699 Y Y V-----------------------V-----------------------V-----------------------V-----------------------V-----------------------y-----------------------y v v JmlN CHAP"AN cl&53 SARAH y y y y SARAH CHAP"AN v v REBECCAH CHAP"AN HA!lllAH LESTER Con't on Chart Nl-iC Y 00 Con't on Chart NJ.-BC v SAlWEL CHAPIlAN -Nov 2 1758 BETIlIAH y JOSEPH CHAPIIAII 1667- Jun 10 172~ JERE"IAH CHAPIIAN 1&70 HANNAII IIAR~Y -Jun 3 1725 lurned ta 1&90) Con't on Chart NX-AC Con't on Chart N1-AC Con't on Chilrt NX-AE y V-----------------------V-------- --------------V--------- -------------V V V V V N1LllAII CHAPIIAIl JONATHAN ~IlAPIlAN SCLOIION CHAPIIMI "ARY CHAPIIAN 1691 "ERCV STODDARD 'I y-----------------------y------ ----------------V------ ----------------V----- -----------------V-------- --------------V V Y V V V V JDHN CHAPIII>N 'TLlIA" CHAP"AlI DBADIAH CHAP"A" SAllIIEL CHAP"AN DA.IEL CHAPlUlN ICHABDD CHAP"AN -11b1 CATHARINE .ENT.DIUH SARAH CARYER ABIGAIL CLOTHER (ur'"1!d Sell 7 17071 y v NILLIA" CHAPIl,,", JR. ~ (umed lIiIF 22 17131 lurried Jul 172'3) Con't on Chart NX-iD Con't on C,",i1rt NX-BE (urrielf lim Con't on Chart NX-Bf Con't on Chart NX-BH Y V-----------------------Y-----------------------Y-----------------------Y----------------------V-----------------------V-----------------------V-----------------------V-----------------------V Y V Y Y Ij Y V V Y JANE CHAP"A' SARAH CHAP"A' JD.. CHAP"AIl JASDN CHAP"AN JAI1[S CHAF"AN ABNER CHAP"AN HPPDRAH CHRP"RN GIDEON CHAP"AN DHl6HT CHAP"AN Oct 15 1708Apr '5 1710Jan 10 1714115 Dec 7 171&Jan 31 1719/29 "ar 5 1722Apr 22 172~Jul 16 172&Oct 16 1728 DtNA~ BUTL£~ BETHIAH CHAP"AII LUCRETIA CHAftlAN -Dec. 10 1780 (IiIrri,d liar 10 11m {Iarried Apr 10 1740i y V y Can't on Chart W~-CF Ij-----------------------V-----------------------y-----------------------Y----------------------V----------- ------------V V Y Y Y V V BETHIAII CHAPMN Feb 27 1744- SARAH CHAPIIAN ft.i1V 1'3 1745- THE BDOK ENDS THIS BRANCH (JOHN ~ JOHII CHAP"1Ul Apr & 1147- B£THIAH'Si NITH TilTS 6EMERATJOM. TNOIIAS CNAP"AN (bin) F'b 20 17~9- JASON CHAP",," it,inl Feb 20 1749- Con't on Chilrt N~-CH Wr L L I A P1 CHAP P1A N Early Settler of (1 b 5 7) F AM I L Y New London Connecticut ROSNELL CHAP"AN Chart WX-AA "a'l' 27 1751- CAN YDU ADD TO AMY OF THE IVIlE "EIIBERS OF THIS LAST 6ENERAT1l1tt'l?'l'l AllQll!it 1983 Pleas!! s!!nd ~orrl!c.tions and i1ddltiofl\ to: Gilbert K. Alford, Jr. 14~3 Klng!iford Drlvl! F:onssanl, liD 63~:1 ~at~ TH[ 'er thIS chart lias fdracted trol: ·~NRP,'/IH FtI~.~~: )' the Bv Rev. F. N. ~tsalldi~i,s ~f R,be~t Cha~un. 185' CilaUdn Second Generation Genealogical Notes of WILLIAM CHAPMAN One of the Early Settlers of New London, Fr~,·m (UP.~M F~.ILY, rv~lt.tld Connecti~ut Deri ved frail CU· 1854. BY Rev F• •• Ch.,un. 11tll d.ta subJlt(ed b, firiolH ~ ••• (~."it$ 1~ Ai. the cOllenctl.nt of these researches it lias supposed tha~ IlIliial Cllapun, of Nell london, light be a near relativ. of Robert Chaplan of Say-Brook, but on further investigation, no evidence has been found that they lIere I'lnSlen. It IS not k.nolln frol whenu ~iHull cale. He apptars first \In the Nell London records, in 1657. In th. book o~ tOln grants, apptars the Illolling: "Willial Chapun hath qiven hil thirty ukers of upland bounded tOllards the sOl!th 11th IIr. Douglas hIS land, and lOllards the east IIlth the slall broot. that leads to Jordan River, and tOilards the north IIlth Arkaubuhe lIeadol, and tOllards the Ift'st lIith a ledge of roell's alld a tree urked on lour SIdes." The abovr grant lias ude at a leeting In IH3. At a tOlln-leetinq, August 15, 1691, It las "Voated that IIhereas ~illial Chapun had torlerlv allo"ed hll by the tOlln three pounds for his S1!.ton's place by the yeare, they no" add forty shillings lore and order hi. five pounds per year for sweelling the leeting IIouse and galleries and ringing the bell." He died the 18th of Decelber, 1699. The follolinq IS a copy of his llill presentl!d in the court of probate 500n after his decease. It furnlsheds the only tlue to the nailS 01 hIS children, as they are not recorded In the tOlln recordo;: "The last Will and Teo;talent o~ Willi .. Chaplin, o~ N,1I London. "I lIillial Chaplan of Nell London o;enior, being sic~ and lIeak of bodY, but thrttl the goodness of God, In perfect lelory and 1I00d understanding, do uke this Iy last ~Ill ind 1I!stalent revoking and lahng void all others: first I rnine up Iy sale to Sod IIho gave it and Iy body to the ground to be buried decently and handsolely, and IIhat of the thingo; of this 1I0rld 60d hath grasassly given Ie I dupose of as lolilleth, first J 1I111 that all IV just debts be honestly dio;charged and payd, and as to Iy ~uneral charl~e5 I IIi II that they be discharged ne~t. "!tel, I give unto Iy eldest san John Chap lan, a double portion of Iy estate. "!te., I give unto IY son Wllliaa hIS equal proportioll Ilith his brothers alloling John his double portion as afore of IV estate, "rtel, r give unto Iy son Saauel his equal proportion of IV estate lith his brothers allo.iog his eldest brother John as aboveo;ud. "ltel, I gi~e to Iy son Jerellah Chaplan hiS equal proportion of .y estate lIith his brothers allolling John as abovesaid. "!tel, I giv. to Iy son Joseph Chaplan an equal proporl1on of Iy estate IIlth his brothl!ro; his eldest brother as aboyeuid. "!tel, I give unlo Iy ho daughters, Sarah and Rebl'ccah, itll the utensils and loyeable household sluff, lithin or that belongs to ye house, lD be equally divided beheen thel; ne~t I .ill that Iy son Jereliah, if he please l have Iy house and hale lot, paying oot to his brothers the ieyeral legasys I have given thrt bv this IV last ~ill and Testa.ent. I appoint IY o;on Jere.iah Chaplin to be the ~~!Cutor of this Iy last ~ill and Testalent, in .itness .hereof r have here set to IV hand and seal this first day of Apri I 1669. his '111llAII W CKAP"AII lirk IIi tneius, John Plllttl Sreene PIUlb," Frol the records of lhe court of probate, it appearl that he Ii y~ oyer thirty years alter liking his Iill, The inventory of his estate 'Us exhibited in court, (the appraisal bearing date January 2, 1669-70,) atounting to L2U O~. 6d. According to the lill, he had seven children. .9 John Chaplan, born Ilovtlber 165'3, lirried Sarah ----, i. 5ix sonsi '3 ii. Willial Chaplin Jr .. (If uti"te blrtll to be J65')1 larried Hanl'lah Lester aboot 16~(l, four childrtnl iii. Saluel Chaplan, born i655, died Noveaber 2 1758 agH 93, 4 larried ~et~iah • eight children; 5 H. Joseph, born 1667, died Junl! IQ 1125. larried "arey JUlie 10 1725, I!lght children; 6 v. Jt'l'fliah Chaplan, born 1670, died Se,tflbtr 1755, larried Hannah ~, eight children; VI. Sarah Chiiplanl vi i. Rebeccah Chaplan. It is not knolln tht Sarah and Reb.ccah Chaplin lere tarried. "John Lellis and Sarah ChAplan IIl!re presented to the court in 1670, for sitting together on the lord's day, IInder the apple tree in 600daan Ctlaplan's orchard. " Third Generation JOHN CHAPMAN 2~ John, o;on of lIilli .. Chaplan, the settler, .ao; born Novl!lber 165'3 and lie died after lIay 1748. He larrled a lady IIhot;l! Chno;tian nile us Sarah. It!! reloved to Colcheo;ter, probablv In the year 1706. Ke deeded property, April J5 1106 in the tOlln of Colchester to his broth!r llilHal of Hell London. »e lIao; liVing at Colchester in lIay 174~ Ihen it obwrved that he 1I0uid be 95 years old nnt Novelber. Of course, he lias born in 1I0veiber 165'3. There are deeds of lands on Colchester records to si. 50110;, and IIhether he had daughters, does not appear. 1. John Chaplan l larried Sarah Carver 5eptettler 1707, 7 nine children; 11. Willi .. Chaplin; 8 iii. Obadiah Chaptan, died 1161, four childrenl IV. Sallle1 Chapun, tllree childrenj 9 10 v. Daniel Chaplin, urried Ilentworth "arch 22 11('3\ helve childrl!flj II VI. Ichabod Chaplan, lirried Abigail Clother July 112'3, si. childrl!f\. II., WILLIAI1 CHAPI1AN :5. Willial Jr, son of lIillial Chaptan, the settler, liS born ;about 1654, probably in MtII London, Connecticut. He lirried Hannah Lester about 1690. Hannah .as the daughter of Daniel Lester. ~illiat itnd Hannith suppoo;edly settled in 6rotDn, Connecticut. Thl!ir children lIere: 12 i. llillial Chaplan, horn lIarch 1691, ..rried "ercy Stoddard In 1717, ten childrenj 1'3 ii. Jonathan Chapun, reloyed to COlchester, and is SliPPOSed had a talilV of children, but no record of thel bas btln found. Hl' appears in a deed to Ichabod Chaptan, Septl!lber 29 116'3; iii. Sololon Chapun, urried itnd had a falilV o~ tllehe children; iv, "ary Chaplan, .hrther she litrritd or not i. uncertain. SAI1UEL CHAPI1AN 4. SaIllel, son of ..illial Chaplan, the settler, .as born 1655 and he died Noyelber 2 1758 at th!! age of He lirried a lady lIhose CIIrlltian nale .Ias 8ethia~. He resided in whal is called the Cohantic District, and preYlous to hIS decease, conveyed his 1I0.estead to his his son NathitnitL He and Bethiah had the follo.inQ children: 14 i. Salue1 Chapun, born JUI\I! 27 IbB9, urried Dina Kitch f1,)rch 8 1122, eleven childrenj 15 ii. Robert Chaplin, born October 2k 1691, lirried Lucretia ______ , ho childrenl iii. Joseph Chaplan, born June 20 1694; iy. Joanna Chapun, born July 4 16911 16 Y. Peter Chaptan, born lIay 1'3 1700, eshte .as settled July 31749. ho rhildrtlll 17 vi. Thain Chaplin, born JlIne I 1702, died 1789, larri!d IIISS Steadlitn about 1728, tight children; vii. Rebecca Chall"n, born Decelber 161704; yill. Bethiah Chaplin, born April 6 171l. n. To be continued in ,) laler issue. i - ~ >l' :~ - >l' !;< i •.o ••u ~;;; +' .. . UJ ~ " · :. .J m 0 ~ +' .~ .< UJ Z Q u .' .J •< •.. ..• . to ~ ~ 'l' m m · +' u UJ ~ ~ < .· E ·· 0. • .< u ~ . i .!' " ; ~ ~ · -l ~ I1:: " " 0 . :::i 1:: ~ . ~ II ~ > i . • o ~ • ~ ~ j 0 ~ 0 g t; i. ~ ... o; · i.~~~ ~~..i~ .iii 5 ~ ~ ~ ~!: i ..· .~ ~ ~ ~ ............. . . -co: ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ·- - -~ -~ l;l "' ~ ~ - ~ ~ o· l< . :;; ~ ; ~ l< "·~~ i § ; ~ ! I!! .:: l< :. . .Ii ~ " .~~ ;; :l< ;, ~ .. . = ijl ;l1 - .= .• . ":;j~;:;::=~=i~ ;, ~~.I~;~._.:D 10 :! ~ j ~- ;l; . ~ i:< ~ ~ . "' ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ..... It':I ~~a~ ~ g .Ii :§ · "·· · · ~ I< !1I . ~ !;< ~ .. E' "~• " m - .• ~ im I~ .. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 6£II£RATlOMS 8AC~)}) I PERSON YY: ANCESTlIR} PAREMT 3 1 GRAND PARENT I SRT GRANDPARENT Robtrt Coytrlei,h' 1848 Scotland lundtr 1840 Me Itillial Welch 1869 John Itiliial En,lud Ella Juli. 1860 III LTC YIClOR E. CLARK Noh: Not sure about tht ljtneration or the rtlationlllip. 30 R08ERTA II. CHAPIIAM 25 THOMS C. CHAPIWt 26 THOIIAS R. CHAPMN 27 ItILllAII CHAPIIAII, JR. 28 ""RV LOU CHURCH Robtrt C"arlu IIl07 1M Charln IIcDoMlI 1896 CA lIilliai Erntst 1930 11'1 Itillm R. 1906 " C"arln Robert 1884 llH Rufus 181111 HC Itill i a. n i Hard 190\ (A John Iryin 1867 " " DOROTHV CORII¥£LL 1I RAlIIONO F. CRA88E n OARLA YOGEL DAYIS :)3 llarion L. 1876 Gertrude 1898 "ary Frances 1912 I' " " lIilliu Syhester 1834 011 Richard Jolin Enljland 1873 John Ptrry 186' " TKED FRAMCES DELP "IIDRENE DENNEY 35 -.. -.. SLADYS DEYlI 3b IIILlIS II. DIIIIlICI: 37 CARRIE OOl)LEY 38 EARL L. DUYAll II INEZ ERTlJII "ELSIE [OmS " Floyd IJllllIII 18'59 " " " "-the layada 1874 11 Randall 1788 " ".. Charles F. Clarenct 1878 " liAS. Y. C. ELliS 43 DORIS FOIlSYTH . ItERlE E. FOX IIl1 '5 hrtha Rob~t IIl1 186' John Orr I~ IlO Jalts EII•.,dl 1850 '5 lIillia.6. 1829 Cahin II. IIARSHALL K. 6ARD11ER " Micheln \7'58cI 7 '5 GRT GRIIMDPAREHT Eliltird Edllarlls 1812 SC Ilillill 1787 Eliiall Gtorge 1827 NY Sophia 1839 Al 10 11 B SRT GRANDPARENT John IBI3 AI. Elij.h 1779 se Giles IHB " Gi Jes 1702 John C. 1820 G. J. 185P John 1750 Chapman Direct Ancestors " htherint Chart 2 lIalph " Ib'57" IIA Au~u~t lqe~ SA " Thruhley 1712 Jtrusba 1790 Ptter IBOI CT ltyi 1740 CT ThoIas ?' l!yi "08 CT Joseph 1673 John CT 1644 CT Robtrt 1616 Enlliand John " llH John I~' " ,"'. Not C!rtalll about the rl.'latlDPship or generation. Ayis Ibl~ Eng! and Allce 1'511ca EnolaM R!ub!n CT' 1133 CT John ",ry 17B4 Lunn Siln P. DH 6RT SRANDPARENI El\qla"d lalldock (ladal DH Q LINEAGE TABLE Richtl 1787 Ellen A. 18'54 ~ 7 GRT IiRI4HDPARENT Th!lIlIS Nott: Loucinda 1834 Adelia IB30 B 6 GRT GRIIMDPIIRENT 1831 IlARGAREl FREUIl£JtIIERG IJ 6 4 SRT GRAMOPARENT " (FOI HAS litO CHAPIIAII LIMES) "LEOIlllRD A. 6ItMO 5 3 GRT GRAMDPARENT Charlts \811112 Scotland Holta Joshll' 1820 Me IB02 IIC IIi II i II Henry Austin BI! Rebecca 1824 AlTHEA E6t.E " Aaron R. 1815 Geor,e 1804 011 Richard (John) En,1 and lindsey POI! 1849 , 2 SRT SRRtlDPAREIIT " JDhn 1750 (beforel YA NY ? 6EMERATHIMS BACK }}} I PERSOII YV:AItCESTOR ,} PARENT 1 GRAND PARE NT ROBERT SOODDIIIG " SAIIUEL E. GOODENOUGH 5. THELIIA GOODLET Ebba Lou t8U 51 LYLE GOV1S Al l 1 8RT GRANDPARENT • 2 GRT GRANDPARENT Joannl! 1821 HUQh Elbl!rt IildtrllODd t Al 5 J GRT GRMlDPARENT GI!IlI"QI! Willial 1747 t124 lIo~ert Julia 1787 1757 tlorn an Undl!nlOOd l rhanqed nail! to Chaplift. " " " GUS 6RA¥ Lillian IIyrUe 1887 AA 51 57 DIAN GUSTAFSOII l>,) 59 PHYLLIS GUTOIISKI 5' LLOYD HAll !O ~l)JIn II. 1855 IIIJ IIl!lhnQton 1822 1M B 6 6RT GRANDPARENT 9 7 GRT GRANDPARENT B Gill GRANDPARENT RO~l!rt O~eiliatl John Ihlhu 1734 Saluel 1741 "81 "0 Lenard 1837 IA Thain 1795[1 " Edllard 16H IIelvin 6eorqe 1914 llilberh Ash!r 1987 ~.ilthltl IA Wie Cordl!lia 1863 "0 Edllin 1821 Carri!! 19!2 "I 1790 Reuben ~? Chart 3 1M Cyrus 1788 ROlu Sarilh linn 1847 PA IIosl!s Rush 1821 PA john 1194 PO hrOl1, Jr. 1145 IIary Alln 1844 IIIJ IIi II ii, 8ntns 1840 IIIJ lIi1lili Mashin9ton 1782!J lIil1 i II, Jr. 1819 ~ohn Ghenan 1811 John? IIi 11111 1793 Ih IIi II kY Danil!l, Jr. 1785loefortlVA C1 Plary 1782 Uriah 1731 Jonatllan 1722 " " John 18J3 '1 lutv 1800 Jessie l800 Plali Ida 18!2 IA Oh!l Ashley 18J9 OM "YI Uriah 1758 Cl " Ihllial 11 Ib82 MA ih lila. I Aaron 1718 Josl'ph CT Ib8~ Cl Jonatllan JOflilthal'l 1147 Eleilnor S. 180b SC VA SC Atl~lJs\ llj'~~ MA SU\JI!I 1654 EtI...rtl Robert CT Joseph 1624 CT John "' England ~obert 1673r~ Hlbel Al i re !IGRT GPARElll Rl'brrca lbt7 Enlliantl Altundfr 13 6SP " Lilian " Dl!nilha 1806 Jonph I77b Notl!: Not surl! about relatlonSlIl1! or ql!nl!ratlon Chapman Direct Ancestors Thotas Orville M. 1846 MI 70 11 GilT 6RANDPAIIENT LINEAGE TABLE A. 1775u Ann JOYCE JlJI\II !. PlARY JOHIlSDII GENEVIEVE JONES 71 C81111 C. KELLEY 72 Englanll 1I0h: Not sure about generatIon or relationstllp. ~olln PA? ~ Ib53 RI John l. 1~ 7 5 6RT GRANDPARENT Enoch ?? IIary BILLIE HARDY !I ZONA HARDY !2 BESSIE C. HARRINGTON J"'.5 C. !3 1850 JAcgUElINf. KARRllil6TON !I liAR 1011 C. HAYES !5 LEOlA HEITSCH !! FRED HENDERSOII !7 SUSMI JEN5EI Cl Pel"lelia 1777 52 ALICE GRADY DOROTHY GRANSEE 55 CLARICE 6R166S 56 DIANE GUNDERSOII ! 4 GRT GRANDPARENT Benjllin ')? VA 178Gea Giln 1748 VA Anna 1757 CT Gil.t!> 1102 'osl!ph 1731 England Cl IhUi •• WI! Ihllill iii IlIal: CT 1~54E CT Tho,a~ 12 SSP England 5[1I(1I11T101S II1U») 1 PERSll. VV :ACESHlR ) PMlEIT 1 GRAlD PHIIT J LIIIINI lHPER " " " " 2 GRT &aMDPAROl Elil II., 1951 Ir. A. III "AIISIlREl •• KlISH Chlrles S. 1818 lllI Itor,. IBl<! lllI 61or" D. IBOlu CHERnE LMSDII 7J III\11DI1LL LI\IISlIfI 7B BEA lOHlilAS Btl "IIILLlI1I1 G. LUCE 18ft _ w .. IIlry [lIlru) 1147 . Ill" " IIlry Eliu IBU KY Stlnn JI.I 186' 1832 " M. 17~a John 172t}ca 169bca Glln, Jr. 511" Sarah " e 6RT 6JiAliOPMEIIT " , &Ill 611ANIlPflIIEJH Jonph VA '. Irelllld " Cfllthu 1841 " Leyi L 1810u " Ellil 1198 hn. IB21 KY Ed•• rd Ittllnd JoshUI Ill" Enqhnll l.llhl 1810 Hlnill" 1181 6rlr, 18'. " 511'111 EI i nb.t~ JIN, EI.llndtr Ull1 EHard AI.lllld.r '857 'Blb I1jlllnd" 1821 " " Joltph Ell Jill Sophia Ell 184' IIII~ " " "' Fnn~ JIIn BirtH 1815 !lil.y " lI.,y IlIlrllh) Ann 18401:1 IJl 1T~<:i. Rllfn C. " 1913 IBBB T' LIII,eth Vir91nu 1831 IL lIilli •• Hlllry CT 1834 MIIY "ILTER " • I1BELLE PER51CtfTTY KI1TNLEU J. PHILLIPS Bnllt Joy 1886 FLURENCE C1WtWI Plk£ Jun Alnllldlr " " Lei II Bell ISSI CT John I. 1811 Jlln lurl'5DlI " Charltl IB48 ,... I"" 1IIIIi •• IBI3 TbOlIJ 0: Frlnci,lIariot 0: 1119 "" T. ".. IIll1i •• "1 lIalWll/l d. I11b II• SC Sttph.n " LINEAGE TABLE 171~I~.fDr.IEn,lllld Chapman Direct Ancestors Johll Ch ar t PhtH En P,.r! RALPH N. Plll6JlEE 1 IB521 Joseph Bruton 1194 U PAIlEUI IIILL£1l. ". •611T 511Al10PAIIEIIT B b Gill 6IIAIIOPARENT Lutl Jolin II. IB21cI ttllrln Chid" " " " J 5 6RT GRAIIDPAIIEIIT ClI"n,)1I " ROBERT ME11 B' 11011"" "ILLEII I • SRT GflMDPHIiT III lot tlln IbOllt th. Itlltrltloo Dr th, r.hllonllip. DELOR£S I:IlOIII1LO 85 BETTY ':5l1li1. IIIIl1lA II(RUFfELD B7 LOU Il£SSI"i S 3 BIl r 611A1DPAREIIT lillil. III " SU&I\II "CARTHlI BI PAT IICCOV B1 IIiEl IICCUlLOR Bl BErn .:1I01Al0 BI 1104 lIottl .I1R8111111 KRnl:Kl 8EJlEVil KUHII • t BIlT BIlAlDPiUlEIJ John 11 " 4 ChlrtlS AUQust Iq8J En911iid Plus. send COff'CtlOOS ind Iddllions to: 6db'ft L Allard, Jr. T' \40J. linqslord Drne Floruunl, "0 bWII D.ta for thl~ chlrt wn obtlJnld Ifoa Inlo,a~lIo~ suhltleQ hy tht Pf'"SOM llst.d. . If "~ - "a " •' z I .." - •:;; 0 i "' "'" "''" ..J "iii 0 I,. ""'z ~ ..J "• • < . ,... " " . .e " "' "' .e • .<• I !~ ! ~ eu;~ !!: ~ u ~ ' Q < •• "< .• u I,. - u U ! J :; ~ i ~ ~ i ~ . ii . , t .! - Ii • ! i ,. Is ;; .. 1I 5 e. l~ g ~ .. ; Is I - . Ii l i g. =:0: !!:: .=!:: :I I l.., ~! ~ ;S~ i Is I !i i Is I Ii to . .: ]~ ....=5 - ....i i: - - i!i --- .. '" :; " i!i ...; :::i .a= .. a;J~ .'" ~~ ;; -~ : ui : ........ $ = .... -~~=;~ ll; :; ~~ • i; • ;;: ..:z 14 ~ ~ ~ t: •.. ., -. ~ 0 1l 0 .. UJ ~ d '"" ••u d ., .,'" u ~ , .. • .. • '" · UJ UJ '" z Q ~ •• •'" i U ~ •"2 "~ '.," .• ~ ; 3 ~ ~ "~ ~ e~ ~ • ! .0 d j;; • "• ~ 0 ;; ~ 0: .0 U j · .e u "l' . ;;; j- ~ "l' . .;: ! i i:O~ liC . '." j ~ . j; •- . -- ~ -~ -~ ~ ~ t 1Ii ii '" ~ jj", ~~ r >; e .~ Ii o· o· Ii! Ii! ~ ..; .~ lC "~~ c ~~ ~~! ~ o· o· l '" =~ .t- .j 8 I g.~ jW Ii . ;Ii _. .ii:ii . ... - .... - ~ . .~ ~ . ..!!!:.... .=!!!: -i j l< =' roil .1;- .~ i. w ~ ~~ i~ JI'" 15 " I to •. 1Ii i c j~ i~ .~ ~ i;i~ i ~ Ii! :Ii '" ;3 ~. ,:; [IIIIAR\l CHAPMIl -"'r 18 !ll78 II IlARY SYOIIIi -dun 10 lUi (urritd 111421 21 DOROHIY .111 y v---------------------~V-----------------------y----------------------'1---------------------'1 'I 'I lil"ON tSVIIONUSJ CltAPIIN MATIVilJEl CIIAPMII a4Hutj 2~ ms -Jill 2 1~91 "MY BRllfl II.Y IIIlBIIR. 'I MAy QVlPMII 'I SMIIEl CMAPIIAII a~Hlft U 1122 RU'N 11I6AL.5 JH BARRY ~231124 IlII {ur"td Jill 24 16161 Cllart ES-AA Ililrritd lliy 20 16181 y y y Chart ES-AD Clilrrild SIp 30 !ll7SI fUJi;vd 1983 to"t'd on l;IIart EHE y-----------------------V-----------------------v-----------------------'1-----------------------'1----------V 'I 'I SAl'IIIEl CIlAPMIl, JR, JOHN CIIAPfWI JOSEPH CIlAPMII htl 121m,., 21 1742 -(kt 17 1105 "'r 6 1685-II.r 1150 PHEB£ BALCH DORann CIl6SE IIfturritd Illfrlld "ar 11 1702) y ... 0 , EDWARD CHAP~AN (CA1640) FA"ILY Of IPSM1Ch, "assachusetts -~nl~ Iltlrried DIe 30 16m Cont'li 'I dOIlll CHAPMIl -1671 REIECCA 511fTlt 'I RUTH CWIIM Jan 10 1~1- EAT. Plus! ------------y---------~-------------y-----------------------'1 'I 'I Y E_O CHAPflI'lA IIARY CHAPMiN . JOB CIlAPIlAlt -lid 17 Ib88 J,n 'l "'I-Nlf 13 1740 [16'3-1165 IJumied II "AllY CHASE c16'3-Apr 5 1m htd ttlr tillS b30~1 ~~.~t .1.$ ll'~trl(hd IrDil CmUM, 0' IPSIU.t, uss.musms. 1M 1641 By A'~_. Jacob Clupun a~d Dr. II, 8, llpllll, 1878 2) AAtIlEl 60SS COfit'd on £6-18 y lurn~d I1VI Cont'd on Ch.lrl £S-86 'I y-----------------------V-----------------------y-----------------------y------~----------------y----------- V 'I Y PAUL tMAPMIl SMUl ctIAPMII .., 4 1704~Oct IB 1154 DIe 7 110l-cm6 liMY ilEUS II ~ YIIII -tl762 'I 'I MAIHA CltAP9lAI II.y 28 1111 Unlilrrild D/I Chart Es--tB CMll• • It flm IIlfE: ------------'1-----------------------'1-----------------------y--------------------~--y~---------------------~y V 'I PE.UEl CMI\PMiIi Jlln 10 1113SAUl! LEIBEl lOSEPH CHAPIIAII Bo1jl 1713 Y B£IIJAIIIII CHAPMII hp 1m • Coot'd • lItI Cllirt ES-CB V '# MAY CHAPIWI IIlr B Im 'I CHilD BY SEC(MD 11111:: HAMWt OIAPIIM Dl'lIIlHli 'I 51'11RJEl CMAPIAII B£fl,JMI. C1IAPMIl' 1734-"'r' ISO' lin 41131 !WIY IARBER SRtltlET Fib 4 1729-DIe 30 1816 Curritd ~, 4 1154) tont'. on Ch.lrt E'i-DC RUm (HAPPIAN Y ABIGAIL CHAPII"" 1121-0tt 13 1754 Blp 1m Coot'd on ES-CB y-------~--------------V----------------------y----------------------v-----------------------y-----------------------'1------------- V y Y JONATHAN CKAPIIAN B.lp 171~ liMY lurri.d 174JI Y COlIt'd JOIIl l'JIAPlIM Jill 51730" Fltlrl!im\l., 110 mm llarried III' 16 1105) • P+I£B£ CKAPIWI tK 29 1702ROBERT Hl.SOII -17""{ y EUIIUItD CttAPIIAN [lt1H-hb 201m lnd addltJOnl to: GIlbert r. Alford. Jr. 141'}1 rlllqsford DrlYI! ~I!nd (orrl!(tltln~ ClIllt'd an !).a,t £S-DO V V PllEll CHAPIlltN [DIIUIlD CHAP.AII JUII 10 171'-ftay 14 115(1 hb 18 1141 ... -------'1------------------.----y--------------_··------y-----------------------tJ·--------~----.--------y 'I V V IIOAH CHAPIIAII ELlliUETH CHAPIIAII IIARTHA CHM'PlAN II.Ir 24 114J-Au9 8175' hn 14 I14S-lhy 30 UbI) Au, II lm y '# H tPHAl CHAPIIAN DAVID CHAPIIAII "u 7 17':ill-JiI'I 20 1814 lilt 7 1752 1J Ell Z~£TH CLARk 2) HAIIMtl JAC!.IIA. Jul 'I' l15J-D.c 15 IBn ~llrrJ.d A>l.q 12 1172J COllt'd 00 Chut [S-DJ COllt'd on ClI.lrI E5-D~. <jlscontent. lake trouble ~bout this 1'1' Ilill, thitt thrn thrv sh~ll forfeltt ano:! loose IIhat I have herein bequeath~d unto thel or hll, unto thel that ~t.all be so lolested by thel. [1'1 Iitneu that tJ~ 151'1 last lid I ~nd ~estalent, ! IIHe hear'! unto put Iy han~ itnd seale, t~l~ 9th of Aprl1, IbIS. EDtjARO CIlAP~AN, urI:. and seale. Sv~'!d and sealed alld publlShl!d b~ EdwlIrd Chapun, to be his last lilli, III prE-sell(f' ~f us, ~05'S Plngry, Sen'r, Robert lord, Stn'r. Proved Aprtl W. 1678. THE FAMILY OF EDWARD CHAPMAN" A Gralltee of IIlSllIlCh, 115 .. III IbU. \DerIvl!d frol the 1878 bool by Re. Jacob Chaplill ~ Dr W. 8. laphal l F1rst Generation 1" Edllard anO' ~ary (SYlond5~ Chapun. of Ip511Hh, Ill. [n hll lut days, Edurd Chapl<ln had sOle trouble lIith hiS son, Natltanl~1. "ark SVIOIlllS, hiS father-In-Iall, hid left lIith hll, in trust, urtaln lands, Ihah It~t to bl! gIven to Ilu children Ilhen the" bee ale of aQe. fn Stilt., 1677, aUH he had given John sOle reat estate. Nathaniel sued hIS father for hiS share of th, Ittacy left by his grandfather 5Ylonds. 9~ lulu~l consent, 'Dea, "05es PIllgry and Sylon Stacy of IpSIlICh, and Erekltl\ Northeand, of ROIII'!y,' lIere chosen to dl~lde that land Into five tqual parts, nd lIathanlel liaS to choose "his share, accordlll~ to his birth.' SOle of the other children left th!.'lr sharts In poStsllon of tllelr father ttll hu deat~. IIhen he lade his 1111, April 9, 107B, he gave NathanIel another equal sharr, and alldtd, ""I' lIil) is that all 1'1 clllldren be satlshed 11th that [ have done for tht•. And if any of thel 5hall, t~rough discontent, like trDublt .bout tllis, IY 1111 15 that they 5hall forfeit and lose Ilhat I have htuin btqllllthed to hll or thel." They had: 2 I. Sllon (or 5ylondsl Ch,plan t born Ib43, died AUQ 25 1735, aarried l1ary BrueTj 01. Natllinlel Chaplan, larrud Decelbrr 30 1674 liar '1 Wilborn. called thl! dall9hter of Andre. Pettfs. Mathanal laS a carpenter, and is said to han di'd Jul" 2 1691; Ill.' lIity Chaplan, lartled January 24 1676 John Barrv; IV, SUllel Chaplin, born 1654, died January 26 1722, urried "ay ·16 161B Ruth !n,a1s1 4 v. John Chaplan, died 1677, IitrlM Septtlbtr 30 1675 Rebecca 51Hrr. EDWARD CHAPMAN Edllard C~,jpr1all, liller, of [1l51l1Ch, IS said to have COle frol tht Ilorthel!st of Ellgland, /lot far IrOI lIull, III Yorkshlrl!. The probability of thIs tradition I~ s~pported bv the facts tlla!. others frol the sale nClnlty of the nile. rh~Ptan, ar" rl!corded, n reeollended by their parISh prIests to be Il!lbers et: th! Episcopal Ct\t'~Ch, and 50 lIere perlltted by '.he authOrities to lphe the country, Edllard Chaplin and the P~rltans of that perIod could not e~pl!et such peral5Slon. Ht 15 said to h,lYe landed In Boston. In 1042 he urntd fIrst. l1arl', daughter IJf ""r~ SYlonds, the lot her Of his tHI! chlUren. 5he died JUIl 1(1, 1658, and hI! larrled second, Dorothy, daughter of Aahard Slain, and III do. of Thola~ Abhott of R!!lllev, lIlho survIved hll. He died April 18, 1676. He sel!ls to have been an IndustriOUS, energetlc, chrlstun un, Ilhtl acciJlulated 50ae property, and preferred to keep It in hl~ olin hands till he sail hOIl his children 1I0uid ta~e care 0; thl!Jr olin earnings. lie lias cautious, flrl olnd deCided In hIS opInIons. WILL OF EDWARD CHAPMAN, Fr. SEN~ ~ecofdJ of Deed' Ioc •. EHI!I Co" laB •• ) Ip.llllc~ Series. c. 4, p. 169 ) In the nale 0; God, Ann, [t Edlurd Chapaan of Ip5l1ich, In the county of Essel, beIng .eake 01 liDdy, but through the leTCy of 60d, InlOying 1'1 understanding and lIelory, do like and ordain this 1'1 last lIill and testuenL Ilpril15. I call1tt 1'1 soule Into the hands of Jnu! Chrlst. II' ble5!i1!d SavjOllr and Redult!r, in hope of a joyful resurrtrhon IInta life, at tilt last dil, IY body to deunt buriall. And for 1'1 OIlt.,r!! Ktate, God Ilath graciously ll!nt unto Ie, I dispose as follolleth; viz. III' brlovrd lill!, there bl!lng a covenant and contract beheen us, upon larriaql!, Iy 11111 15 that it bl! hlthfully fUlfilled, henty pOUllds of that contllned in the covenant, to tlr In such hou5ehold goods as she shall dui". jllsa 1'1' IIlll 15 that IV beloved Ilife Dorothy Chaplin shall have the uSt of thr parlour end of the hause, both upper and 10ller roolt!s, .\th the little cellar that hath lo~~ and key to it, lllth free liberty of the ovtn, alld lIell of Ilater, Ilith ten good bearing frilit tren near that end of thl! hOllse Mch. 5he 15 to like use of, to havl! thr fruit off thel, aho the garden plot fenet in h"loll the orchard, and onl! guarter of the barne, at thl! farther end frol the ltou5e, also to h"vr tile ljoelng of one COil In the pasture, and all during tht tilt! 5he doth Ttlilne 1'1 IIlddoll. [Dorot~v Chaplin J. Jj Nev •• 1678, flrchelaIJ5 loedun Di Nl'Ilbar,l Ittl. III' son SYlon, havlnq alreadye don, for hil beyond IV other Children, II' 11111 is that ht shall have thirty pounds payed hi I, by 1'1 executor, as follolflth, vi!., to bt p.ld five pound a year, to begin the first fivr pounds three years after II' dec ene, and five every yeare, nnt ~ftrr. aM this to be his full portion. And for four 'OIlllds that IS cOleing to hll of hIS 6randhther SylQnd5' gift, Ihleh is yet behynd, IV lill i5 th~t It shall be payed unto hil, out of that Sil aue lott lrelng at Mattells neck, weh. lias his grandfather's, as It sh.H br prurd by Indifferent len. Itu. 1 giye and bequeath unto 1'1 son Mathanlel Cllaplan, thirty poond5, to be payed unto hia by 1'1 e.ecutor, by h ve pOllnd a year, the first five pounds to be Piled three years after II' d,cease, and the relt by fIve pound a year, the ne~t follolling years; and that to bt hIS full portion, Itel. I give and beglluth to Ir dallQllttf, l1arv, the IIlfe of John Barry, the SUI at thirty pounds, to be payed unto her, by five pounds a ~nd year, the first five pOllnds to be payed three years after II' dKease, 50 every year aHer, five pOllllds a year, unhll Jt be all payed. All the afofeuyd Legacies to be payed In current coon try Pil, unto sd. children. Also I give unto II' saVd daughter liarI', one coverlett that IS black and yell c.I. Itel. I appo~nt IV 50n, Salu,l. to be II' sale elKutor, of thIS IV last Iii I and ttstutnt, and do qlve unto hll all II' house and lands jnd chattels, he paying and ;Jerforllng .;.)1 II' lilli, unto 1'1 IltTe. and btlrthefs and suter d above uprest, and ~15o all 1'1 debts and tuneral (lIar~es, I S~y \ qive 'Jnto hU, I~ son Salu,,1 Chaplan. all the rest oi IV estate, both reall and pe~~onall, 11'111111 further IS that all IV (hlldr"r, slult rest satish"d IIlth Ilhat 1 !'Ia'!e done for thel, and" anv nl t~~1 shall throuQh G Second Generation SIMON CHAPMAN 2" Sllon (or SYloods), son of EdllTd .nd "an ISYlondsl Chaplan, Ilat born 1641. He lias a carp,nttr and IIrrird lIary, daughter of John Bruer, Sen., of IpSIlHh, and had tllO children naled Ihl!n her father lade hls lill in 16B4, She died February 23 1724; he dil!d AIIgu5t 25 1735, aged over 93; the oldnt "tOlin-born child Ihtn lit ditd.' Thrir Childrenl 5 I, .....- £dllard Chaplin, born lIay II 1669 in 1I011ey, tarried liar I' il. Iii, IV. Suon Chaplan, born and ditd July 2 1674; John Chaplinj liar '1 Chaplin, born March 12 1617 Born in IpSllich: 6 'I. . Salue) Chaplan, born October 28 1680. IIrried Februaty 2 1701-4 Estrr Hirrlsj VI. • Joseph Chaplin, born "arch 16B2, IiHled Frbruarv ~ 1707 ______ Winlorth of ROllley; VII. Stephen Chaplin, born Octoller 10 16B~. , A; SAMUEL CHAPMAN Saluel, 50n 01 Edurd and liar I' ISYlondsi Chaplan, ..~ born 1654 and lias a llhHhriQht and h,.tf. He larned lIay 20 1678 RlIth, daughttr of Saluel Inoals. On the death of his father, Apnl IB, 167B, he liS appointed, by thl! lill, "solr rueuttl' of the 1I111." He took the hOlestead, and us allOlled thrrt yrars to settle the estate, and then sil years to pay the other hl!irs, in si_ innllil instaillents. lie then beeile residuary legatee. flis SalueI las a Ian of pittv and InBu,nce In the cOllunity, lIife, Rllth, dud in IP5llich, June 22 1700, and he soon reloved Illth his children to North Mill in Halllton, and 5I!ttled on a place called Brulble Mill, on the north side of the road to Strathal, Ihere he dled January 26 1722. Continued on page 19 17 CONNECTZN8 CHAPMAN COUSZNS With yDur cDDperatiDn, Ie hope tD have thiS feature In each Issoe Df the nelshtter. It is here that Ie ta,e pieces frD' several Chapples and/ar fro. Dther sDorces and prepare a co.posite sketch Dr"sDn Df infDrution. In .any ,nstances there Illl prDbably be SD.e dilleronces. We dD nDt intend to Cf!ate any controversy, and Me .JII norlally gi~e no opinion as to the acclrat, version. Inforution fDr the fDIIDling sketch fro. three Chapples. If you can add tD Dr CDrrect any errDneous infDr.ation let us hear fro. vou. Likelise if you knD. of a published account Df this line, please send us the reference, or better yet, let us borrow the publication if yDo have a CDPY. The three contributors to this shtch are: Di an Gustaf son, .635 9uchngha. DrIVe, GladstDne OR 97027 Dixie Riley, 1308 West A, Joplin, ~004801 Mar j or i e Russell, 1445 Queen So••it Drive, West CDvina, CA 91790 REUBEN CHAPMAN, son of JOHNATHAN C. CHAPMAN and DDrcas CHUBB las bDrn 1761 in AshfDrd, CDnnecticut and he died 1845 in Lcdi, OhiD. He .arried RhDda Pecl. TID Df their children .ere: A. LEV I CHAPMAN bDrn 1784 in AshfDrd, Connecticut and died in Ohio. He .arried Lucinda TURNER; B. CYRUS CHAPMAN born Decuber 15 1788 in, Mindsor, Ver'Dnt. He died October 3 18.5 and is buried in West UniDn, Fayette, lOla. He .arried Jerusha Denison HOSNER October I 1819 in Seville, "edina, Ohio. She las the daughter of Willia. HOS~ER and Elizabeth BARKER and las born Narch 8 1801 in South.ick, Ha.pden, ~assachusetts. TlO of their children lere: I. DEWITT CLINTON CHAPMAN born Febroary 12 1826 in Harrisville, "edina, Ohio, died ~arch 12 1912 in Ottertail County, ~innesota, buried Prj.ghar, lOla. ~arried Elilabeth ~ary KENNEDY January 1 1852 in Winslol, Stephenson CDunty, lllinDis. 2. ORVILLE W. CHAPMAN born August 10184. in Sharon, WahDrth, Misconsin, died February 16 1890 at Lake , lOla. He .arried Nargaret Ann SlftlNGTON August 1 1880; lnfor.ation for the co.parisDn on the facing page ca.e fro. too Chappies and tID pUblished The tlO Chapples lere: Jean Snow BD' 507, Port Jellerson, NY 11777 Juani ta Hall Rural Route," Colu.bia City, IN 46725 sources. The tlO published sources lere: IB! DESCENDANIS Of ROBERI 'NAPIAI OR II! "APIA. IAIIlY written by Rev. F. M. and published in 1854. EIIARI CIAPIA', Of IPS.I", 'ASSACIUSEIIS, I' 1.44 Iritten by Rev. Jacob and Dr. N. B. lapha. and published in 1878. The Dnly probable Callan ancestor in all four accounts is JOSEPH CHAPMAN, ~ut study the. closely and you lill see several contradictions. He lould like your opiniDn as tD the cDrrect version, .ell docu.ented or course. YOUR CHAPMAN COUSINS NEED IF YOU HAVE PLEASE, CHAP~AN SEND HELP DATA YOU HAVE NOT SENT TO US, YOUR 18 DATA AT ONCE JEAN SNON ACCOUNT THE NElklRK FANILY lOOK 1854 JUANITA HALL ACCOUNT WV WV WV EOHARO CHAPNAN, ETC BOOk 1878 WV R08ERT CHAPNAN Ocl 1.24 EDHARD ,HAPNAN \I NARY (Iarried Apr 29 1642\ SYNONDS (urried 1&42) V m U AN ,HAPNAN lILLIAN CHAPNAN -~" 18 II" -D!t tS 1699 ~ 'J JOSEPH CHAPNAN JOSE" CHAPNAN 16&7-JIJr) I'l 172S Ib67- Jun 10 17:5 NERCY NAm llarrled AARON 17(16) V Cd V SANUEL CHAPNAN Nov 1.54 RUTH [NBALLS SANUEL ,HAPNAN 115Han 2. 1722 RUTH INBALS lurried "ar 20 1678) V l.arried "ay 20 1678) JOSEPH CHAPNAN Apr I 1'8~-Jun 10 NARV llNEIffiR1H JOSEPH CHAPNAN Apr 1185 'Iarried Feb 2 V I72~ V KEZIAH ROAO AARON CHAPNAN, SR. JuI 12 1718 KE2IAH ROOO (urrled Jul 24 17391 V (urrled Jul 24 1139) V (iarried Jul 24 17Jql Jul 12 li18 I. EZEKiEL CHAPNAN Ocl 2. 174I-Au9 27 1821 JERUSHA LEE I. Died unlarned 17~71 AARON CHAPNAN JuI 12 1718 KEZIAH ROOO ,~APNAN V V ElEK IEL Ocl 21 1741 AARON CHAPNAN. JR. Apr II 1745 SUSANNAH RUSH (no lore on hil) Connecting O Chapman Cousins See prevIOUS paQe iurrled Det 14 17681 2. AARON CHAPNAN. JR. Apr 11 I745 2. AARON CHAPftAN Apr II 1745 Continued, EDWARD CHAPMAN FAMILY Second Generation SAMUEL CHAPMAN, Continued. In "ay 1719 he presented to the [oun~il of Me. Hllpshire, ! petition fro. the North Hill people for a leetlng-house, ett" In tneir part of the to-no The select.en of Ha.pton Mere present to oppos' hili but the petition was granted. Owing, however, to so.e difficulties, the separate organization was not cOlpleted till their .eetlng-house was built, and a church for.ed, on the 17th of Move.ber 173B, 50 he did not live to see hIS hopes acco.pli5hed. The ston, ov,r his grave says, ·Sa.uel, died Jan.20,1 122, in ye bBth year of his age." The town of Nort~ Ha.pton was incorporated Mobe.ber 2b 1742. The pastor settled over thiS colony was Rev, Nathaniel Gookin, son of the forler pastor of the old church in Hupton. They had: ~) i, Sa.uel ChapIan Jr, born February 12 1679 Ipswich, .arried "arch 11 1702 Phebe Balch, died April 21 1742; B ii. John, born in Ip~wich, .arried "arch 10 1705 Dorothy, dauqbt,r of and Elisabeth Chase, died October t7 1705; iii Joseph, born IpsMich April 6 1685 died un.arried in HalPton "arch 1750, He left lands, etc" and his brother Job ad'10l5tered on the estate; iv, Ruth, born Ipswich January 10 loB7, .arried Eaton, and in 1750 receivld her share of her brother Joseph's estate; v, Edward, born in Ipuich died there October 17 1688: vi, l"Iary, born lpsMich January 2 1691 dIed "arch 13 1740 in HalPton un.arried at the age of 49; 9 vii. Job Chaplin, born Ipswich about 1093 ..rried (11 ftary Chne and (21 Rachel Soss, dud l?b~j viii. Ed.und Chaplan born Ipswiell about IbcH, He was a farler, in co.pany Mith his brother Joseph, [I have a deed of .arsh land sold the. in 1725, bv Christopher Page, It was inherited by Job, their nephew, __ J.C,l He died un.arried in Ha.pton, Februarv 20 1739, aqed 41, JOHN CHAPMAN John, son of Edwalld and l"Iary 15y.onds), larried 5eph.ber 30 Ib7~. Rebecca S'Ith and died Ib77, Septelber 1 1671, hIS father gave hi. a house and lands, as h, said, lin consideration of his dutifulness to It and living with It to the day of date," &c" "dureing the terll of his naturall lift, ~nd to his son John, after hi •• if he liveth to the age of 21 years," Two .onths after thiS his son John died, and th~ property fell. by the de,d. into th, hands of the MidoM, Rebecca, till the child beeafle of age. TheIr son was~ 4" 10 I. Jo~n, borD Jul~ 7 Ib76 • • arrled October 1B 1702 Elizabeth Davis. To be contInued· In a later Issue. 19 CHAPMAN DATA BANK In each Issue oe oill publIsh one or lore pages frol our Chaplan data bank. Since oe are continually adding to, and uking changes in, the dah bank, it oill never be cOlplete. We oill publish the file in it's cOlposition as of the til. o. are preparing for publication. In the listing that begins on the facing pa,e, oe have loaded lost of the pedigree sheets and falily group sheets that you have sent us. N. have loaded SOl. of the additional data you sent but have loaded f.o of the larger falily ltnes In total. We have not loaded, into this file, the oealth of inforlation furnIshed available in the sev.ral books oe noo have, The Inforlatlon just is not 100% accurate. Although oe have tried to k.ep our portion error free, Of are bound to lake'listakes oith this luch data ohich is very difficult to proof-read. We knoo that sOle of your source dah oas questionabl. and ohere it OaS obvious oe have tried to shoo it oith a "', If you d.sire IDre inforlatlon Dn anv of the .ntries, or you oould like to knoo our source, just drop us a line or give us a call. This current listing is our 'A-file' and oe need to explain the colulns, Keep this handy for future issues for oe oill not repeat this •• planation in subsequent issues, CHAPP1AN NAP1E: This is the first and liddle nal! and/or initials of the principal person ohose last nale is aloays CHAP"AM, The list is sequenced first by this coluln going alphabetical bythefirst five characters or spaces. "iddle nal!S or initials have no real bearing on the sequence. Mictoales and ilternative spellings are shoon in (I, If titles such as REV or DR oere furnished, and if space perlitted they oere included. BORN YP1D, P1ARD YP1D " DIED YP1D: These date colulns are essentially the sale shooing dates of birth, larriag. and death. All are e.pressed by year then lonth and then day, In a feo instances a Born date lay be a date of baptisl, but there is no oay to distinguish these. If you provided a circa or about date then it is shoon oith a CA. If a date ..s expressed as 'before' it is shoon oith a '(' follooin, the date and if it 0. . 'alter' a date it is follooed by a ')', Dates of birth are essential to our processing so ohen one oaS not provided, oe estilated the date of birth using other data avaihble, so use these oith extre.. caution, They are follooed by an 'P. Within each nale the list is sequenced on the year and lonth of birth so that oe Can keep the entries in appro.ilate chronological order for cOlparison and analysis, WHERE BORN, WHERE P1ARR I ED ll< CITY ICNTY are all colulns shooing places, All are shoon oith the state first follooed by the county or the city. Abbreviations and shortened spelling oere used. The first too need no e.planation, but the CitylCnty does as it is uled to identify a nUlber of places, These entries are aloays follooed by a caled letter ohich is a code to indicate the event, They should be clear, but let us knoo if you need help. They generally are b=buried Iborn is in the other coluon) d=died, o=oill, r=resided, c=census, etc, SPOUSE: This n.eds little e.phnation, you Can I.e that they are I..t na.. fiflt. If there oas lore than one spouse the nUlber of the larriage foiloos the spouse's nale and they are arranged in order, PARENTS: It doesn't say so, but it should be obvious that these Me ahays Chaplans, Th. father's nale and laybe liddle initial ar. shoon first follooed by the lother, and to the e.tent possible, her laiden nal!, In uny oe sacrificed her first nale and used an initial in order for you to see her falily nale. Ablank in this coluln strongly suggests that the per.on on the I.ft il the dead-end of sOleone'. Chaplan line, and they need your help. GIVE US ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS The listing is published to inforl you and to give you an opportunity to inforl us, and anyone else seeking Chaplan inforlation. 20 through u. AB AJ A0 ABPI!EUA A. ~. A•• DR. AARON AARON AARON JR. AARON R. AARON ABEL ABIGAIL ABIGAil S. ABIGAil S. ABNER ABNER ABNER ABNER ABNER ABNER A8NER ABNER T. ABSOlON RBSOlON ACHAZA ACHSAH ADA ORillA ADA ADA ADALINE ADAN ADDIE ADELINE ADELIA ADELIA N. ADELINE, N. NRS. AGNES J tTl AlBERRY AlBERTIE BRADFORD ALBERT ALBERTA ALBERT ALBERT lEROY ALBERTA Al8URTUS ALEX ALEXANDAR ALEXANDER ALEXANDER O. ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALEXANDER BORN YND NHERE BORN SPOUSE 1878E 1857E 1875E 1845E 1864E 1804 NH 17180712 17180712 CT 17450411 CT 18150623 NY 1839 NY 1791E NA 17b6E 1809E 18220713 1781E 1785E 17m 1801CA SC 180lCA SC 1805E 1824[1 18420624 GA 18330624 KY TRAlAN. ANNIE H. NElSH. NARY HARDY, J. N. E8NNANBER, d8SEPII CONAN, N. E. HAGER, NANCY ROAD, KEZIAH ROOD, KEZIAH RUSH, SUSANNAH SNlTH, JANE G. 18980116 18770205 18951221 18651114 18840310 ENERSON, JOHN AOANS, OAYIO HENRY T. TREYETT CHAPNAN, ELIZABETH THONPSON,ElIZABETH lUNPKIN, lUCY _______ , EllEN I SNlTH, lUCINDA 2 BARRETT, ELIZABETH HOLIDAY, NARTHA 178b1119 18291013 18410110 18010803 18010803 18170925 BRONN, NARY A. I ______ , JUDY 2 BETTIS, SANUEl FORO, GEORGE N. BUTTON, CHARLES COTTREll, T. T. 18571109 19170109 18111012 TN NilSON 18581215 Al CLARK 18330624 ~Y NORNICH NORNICH ONTARIO NED INA ?? OHIO OHIO 1791E 1838E 1858 1876E 1889E 18360315 OH STAR 1792 1875E 0-1 1830 ~EOINA 18391008 1847EI 1839 KY BARREN 18m 18690125 18b9E 18m 1880E 18881031 1910E I893E 1590E 1785E 1807E 1821CA 1821E I857E ENSlAND PA BUCKS NS NS NS NE NS NT HINDS HINDS NENTON PAS9Y8TAK PIKE s'E. 18930727 17390724 17390724 JOSEPH. NERCY JOSEPH ~ NARCY AARON ~ KEZIAH 18861030 NI OAKLAND RANDAll. ORll 18621130 NO HAGTONd JOHN C• lYDIA ANOS • ABIGAIL 18421124 ROOD RICE CROSBY BURDICK IN ORAN 19060411 PETER. HANNAH STOEll KY NARREN KY NARREN GA JASPER 18641001 GA NARION 18250209 SA PIKE 18441213 GA UPSON THONAS 18m 18m GA NARI GA NARI ~ REBECCA TODD HENRY. ELIZABETH AllEN HENRY ~ ELIZABETH AllEN A8NER EllIS EllIS 19170109 ~ ~ ~ EllEN NANCY SOUTHARD NANCY SOUTHARD AARON R• JANE GSNITH 18960115 NS HINDS STEYEN • JULIA BINNS 18510825 IN AllEN d GEORGE • JOHANNA A8ER ANOS • ABIGAIL BURDICK PERRY, RAY __ J. t.. CROSBY, EXEURY HAGEDORN, CHANCY lEA, JOSEPH N. 1849 GOBER, NARTHA NCClOUO,IYY NYRTlE GOLDEN, lOUYENIA ROSENAN, JERRY HARDNAN, NARY CARNTNE, AUDREY FISK, CLARENCE (SEE 8URT HARD) KEYS, AlNEDA 18531225 18961219 18891010 18930219 19000817 19101030 19300305 19050114 ~/ I - '1 '··.JOHN C. ~ lYDIA CROSBY PETER • HANNAH STOEll IB67022B NS JEFFERSON NIlllAN JR • EllZ B. GA KE KAlB 19430609 NS YAZOO NS lEFLORE NS YAZOO ROSCO G• AI. THA NETCAlF NS CALHOUN 19131012 NS JASPER ?? CARSON, NANCY 18050930 NADDlE, NARTHA 18270924 HANKINS, NARGARET 18450928 CLARKE, JANE A. 18410204 OTTINGER, NOlliE C 18770412 21 NilllAN B• SUSAN 81SBEE KY NC NY AL TN LOGAN GATES NE~RK CLARKE KNOX 18701113 NJ NENKARb BORN ALFRED J. ALFRED SAUNDERS ALICE ALICE SUSAN ALI CE J. ALICE ALICE B. ALICE ALICE ALICE BEATRICE ALICE ROllNA{l!NAJ ALICE ALLAN HORD ALLEN AL~A NAY AL~EDA ALTA CORDILLA ALTA CORDILLA ALTER CLYDE ALTHA ALVIN, DR ANANDA A~ANDA C. ANANDA ANANDA ANANDA J. ANANOA ANANDA ANASA L. AN BROSE ANBROSE ANBROSE ANBROSE ANBROSE MELIA B. ANELIA ANERICA A. ANOS MOS ANOS SNAN ANOS S. ANOS T. ANOS, JR. ANY BEATRICE ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDREN ANDREN 12NDl ANDREN ANDREN, JR. ANDREN ANDREN J. ANDREN JACKSON ANDREN JACKSON ANDREN J. ANDREN JACKSON ANDREN NG ANDREN HUGH Y~O NHERE BORN 16660729 TI HOPKINS IB720406 CN QUEBEC 1630E ENGLAND?? IB530103 IN ~ADI 1655E IB5B0923 NO ~ARCEL!N 16641106 IB65E 1873E 18860114 TI HOPKINS 18870506 19021229 18510330 IBI3E 19061129 or CONETA IB27E 19041127 OK CONETA 19041127 OK CONETA 18981130 19000223 1876E 1827E 1638E 1841E 1848E 1865E 1866EI 1898E 16571208 1766E 1793E lBOOE SC? 1622EI 1833EI lB20E 1661E lB74 TI HOPKINS 17630907 16090612 1B20E 16510514 CT PLAtNFLD IB56E 1764E IBB30614 1602E 1610EI 16760424 CT NENL 16661001 CT NENL 17160,19 1749E 1603 KY BARREN 1606E 18141007 TN DAVI 16m 1846EI JR 16510306 1662E 16690326 TI HOPKINS SPOUSE FLORENCE 16910129 TREGILLUS,BEATRICE 16960615 ENG 610lFORO BRONN, THO~AS LONE, JANES LOGAN 16751026 ry CASEY HALL. JOHN BENTLEY, GEORGE K. CA~PBELL. Die~ young CRANFORD, NILLIAM 16651231 TN KNOI NARD, HUGH C. 18931217 NS HINDS 19050606 DAVIS. NERVIN unurried SADLER, ELNIN SHIP, ELIZA DAVIS. ROY THO~AS REED, JOHN STRAUGHAN, N. L.I LONMAN, ROBERT 2 OVERSTREET, AL~A COOLEY, EONARD FLETCHER, L. R. DENNY, ANDREN HILL. JANES ONENS, N. E. JONES. NILLIA~ BRONN, NILLIE H.JR STONE, ELIZABETH ANDRENS, ELIZABETH GRIGGS, ELIZABETH CLEVELAND. GRACE SEYNOUR, ~ARTHA A. PUGH. ELIJAH S. SPEARS. JEFFERSON BURDICK, ABIGAIL TERREL. NARY BARGER, SUSAN DEITRICK, IDA POLLARD, E. NALKER BERNARD, NANCY PULLIAN, NARY Died YDung Died YDung SMITH, HANNAH BRONN, SUSAN MCCLURE, NARTHA BARTON, NARIE E. CHAPNAN, NARY S. FRANCES, DELILA NELCH. NARY ROBERTSON. NRS. V. BERTRAN, SUSAN A. 19350124 19591211 ISAAC N• NARTHA BARCLAY CHARLES • NARY KNILL THO~AS 19220730 NO ADAI b JACOB • ENNA POTTER 19221029 16650602 JOHN • BETTIE DODGE NILLIAN B• SUSAN BISBEE 197410 19561126 JA~ES ELIAS • E~NA VADEN ROSCO G• ALTHA ~ETCALF JOHN • ALFRETTA H. IA LISBON, JOHN S • HARRIET ONEN 1921> 18320316 NS RANKIN 19220603 19800110 CA S ROSAd LILBERN N• THURSA LONG 18470122 AL NARSHALL 19200717 LILBERN N• THURSA LONG LILBERN N&. THURSA LONG 19710531 ALFRED J • FLORENCE C. JOHN. ALFRETTA H. NILLIAN 0 • NILLIE SINS JOSHUA. ELIZABETH DANIEL 18580404 MS HINDS 18410127 AL CLARKE 18680322 GA FLOYD 18850203 NS LANRENCE 16660110 AL CULLMAN 19161225 MS NILK1NSON JOSIAH F • HARRIET HAlTON 16060113 GA UPSON IBI30527 GA BALDNIN HENRY &. ELIZABETH ALLEN 18421206 GA TALBOT IB530717 GA BIBB 16400122 At CLARKE IB611216 MS AMITE NILLIS N• HARRIET SNITH ANDREN. HANNAH SNITH 17631120 JOHN. ELIZABETH JONES JOHN • PHEOBE CSNAN 16770715 JOSIAH F • HARRIET HAlTON 16760430 lL NHlTES1DE ANOS • ABIGAIL BURDICK 19070612 ROSCO G• ALTHA NETCALF IB220309 KY GALLATIN 16300113 KY GALLATIN 16830516 JOHN. ELIZABETH BEANONT 16870623 JOHN. ELIZABETH BEANONT 17460,47 JOHN • SARAH BROMN ANOREM • HANNAHS"ITH 1866 KY BARRENd MILL IAN SR • NARY ANN B. 16260305 KY BARREN 18280217 KY LANRENtE 16340909 18710~06 RAYNOND b JOHN. ELIZABETH JONES 16540110 LA EFEL 16681004 KY PIKE .. ANDREN JACKSON. NARIA B. 16770205 NS HIND 19170304 1882 LA TANG 18981120 TI HOPKINS 1940 DK ADA d ISAAC. NARTHA BARCLAY 22 CHAPNAN NANE OORN YNO WHERE OORN ANGIE L. ANITA OEATRICE ANN ANN ANN ANN R. ANN ANN ELIZA ANN E. ANNA ANNA ANNA D. ANNA ANNA ANNA LAURA ANNA ANNE ANNETTA ANNIE OPHELIA ANNIE ANNIE ELIZA ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE JANE ANNY ANTHONY ANTHONY ARCH [ASAOELI ARCHIOALD ARCHIE ARGENT ARLENITIA ARRIA OELLE ARTHUR A. ARTHUR ORUCE ARTHUR ARTHUR O. ASA ASA ASA ASA O. ASAHIL P. ASENA ~SHER JONATHAN ASSINNOA I. AUSTIN OENJINAN AYIS 19001014 TN KNOX 1000E PRISORK, JOHN 10900000 NATSON, HAROLD 1759E PHELPS,JANES[JOS.J 17790217 NC TYRRELL 1765E HIGGIN, AARON 17050602 KY LINCOLN 17900129 TN KNOXYILLE HODGINS. JOHN 10060021 TN KNOX 10760223 179bE EOWARDS, CUPHOERTH 10160117 KY GREEN 1025E STRAOER, JERENIAH 10450130 NC CASWELL 1030E WILLIANS, THONAS R 10501015 NC CUNOERLNO 1045E WATKINS, JOHN 10651011 TN KNOX 16490900 16100912 Died young 17570213 CT NGROTON OENTLEY, EZEKIEL 17700115 10531025 1B\1\E C H ODON, AORAHAN~Il2~0215 GA JONES 1038 ....-J« NEDINA JIIUlLEerr,- SANUEL IOS3E NOORE, HENRY 18730919 NS PANOLA 18720915 NO SCOTLAND HUNPHREY, OESS 10950930 AR CARROLL 19491110 1876E OELL, J. D. 18960206 NS CHOCTAW 16041105 CT NEWL SELDEN. JOSEPH 17061219 1852 NI. 1902 1846 CONNANOER, DR.J JR 18651114 NC ~A~Q~""l003 1862E OATES, WILLIAN 18020416 NS ANITE 1920 1865EI . 19730516 10781114 LUTZ, CHARLES GOTTSCHALK, HERNAN 19341020 1880E WEAYER, LEANDER 19001226 TN KNOX 1880E 1890E 19230206 NS JASPER JOHNSTON, NILL 1903E 1784E OUTLER. JOHN 10040717 KY OARREN 18260421 GA OALOWIN HINES, ANN S. 1806E 10331205 GA PUTNAN REEYES, NALINDA 18m 1779E HART, NATTIE 17990919 TN KNOX NCGUIRE, POLLY 10230315 TN SUHNE 1803E 10930210 TN KNOX TOLIYER, ANNIE 18m 10031014 NC CRAYEN 1703E ADANS, OA~l D RILEY, DAYID T. 10501023 KY FULTON 1830E 10730927 NO STEPHENS, DANIEL 19400700 18030427 TX KAUfNAN LIGGON, AROELLA B. 19010900 TX SONERYELL 19651201 _____ , NARY 18870927 NI? 19690517 19170502 NI NONROE 19750522 18921221 NI CAPAC NH 1TE, GRACE F. 189312 TX HOPKINS 1759E cn 1778E NY? 1707E LOCKETT, CYNTHIA 10070407 GA UPSON 1808E JOHNSTON, AGNES C. 18280501 KY ADAIR 1020E HOOD, NARGARET Eo 10401203 TN KNOX 1808E WARNACK, HENRY D. 18200930 TN KWOX 10070117 IA PALO ALTO OAYEY,ADELIA EFFIE 19080214 19371010 1851/3 NO FRISOY, LAURA 1811E REED, WILLIAN ENGLAND ENGLANO 1616 - SPOUSE . AlOERT 0 ~ IYY NNCLEOD IL 6AlENAb THONAS' CT ROBERT d JOSEPH ----, 23 ANN OLISS ANNA KENDRICK ~ ~ JOHN C ~ LYDIA CROSOY IA YANBURb WILLIAN ~ NARY JOHNSON JOHN ~ ELIZABETH OEANONT JOHN ~ OETTIE DOOGE NC ELIZCTd LEONARD AND NARGARET WILLIAN RICHARO WILLIAN ~ ~ ~ ELIZA JANE OWEN ANNE NITCHELL SARAH BRITTON STEYEN ~ JULIA BINNS NO SHANONd JESSIE ~ NINERYA ASOERRY EYANDER ~ ANY LONGSTAFF JANES ~ ANNIE NCNICHOL HENRY NILLIS ~ IDA N, URIAH ~ SYOIL URIAH JR ~ REBECCA ORYILLE N~ NARGARET S NILLIAN ~ ELIZA ONENS NA NEYN, d CHAPMAN I: NVENTORV .. 18:50 On. of our oost us.ful tools 15 the federal census records. These billions and bIllions of r.cords are at th.,r best in fraglents. Usually.e .ork .ith a state lnde' for a given year, but it never gives all tho Inforutlon .e need. The inforlation on the vanous falilv lelbers luSt cOle frol the detailed schodules propared bv countv and by state. Raroly do you find a source that has all of these available at tho salo place and at the sale tile. Tho purpose of our IB~O inventory of Chaplans, 15 to bring all of this data together into one record. Although luch of the .ork '5 going to be done by us, .e need your h.lp. We .ill n••d copies or e,tracts fro. census data you have available 1n your personal files, and In sOle cases, lay need sale of you to do research In sources near you SlOe! Me do not have the resources locally in the St. Louis area. Tho b.ginning of our project is the natIonal suolary by stato sho.,ng tho nUlb.r of Chaplan falilles in oach stato in 1850, as It is refl.ctod in the lany inde'es availablo. Th. first version of that list is on the facing page. Tho various colulns are probably s.lf o,planatory. Mh.r. tho NO"s ar. sho.n in tho n•• t to last coluon .0 nood your help .lth a copy of the Chaplan portion frol an inde' of that state. We need all tho inforlation sho.n ,n the inde' such as nal., county, to.nship, and pag. nuober. This .ill be tho first part cOlpleted and should shoo us hOM lany Chaplan falilies .er. in tho United Stat.s, according to the c.nsus, in 1850. It .ill shoo tho nuob.r by state and as a national total. Th. ne.t part of the project .ill sho., by state. hOM lany Chaplan falilies .ere in oach county, and it .ill keep an account of hOM lany of thel on .hich •• have the detailed falily data. The first version, the data frol the states on .hich .e have an index .111 be In the ne,t issue. As.e obtain ne. inforlation on each state .e .ill include it in CrAPIR. C'ATTIA, but .e .111 not repeat a state for the purpose of keeping up .ith our detailed data. Mhen all the state are In the record .e .ill prepare a national inde' listing ev.ry Chaplan falily Ihead of falilyl in the 1850 census his state and to.nship and the page of the census on .hich his detail lay be found. Our inventory .ill eventually contain the falily breakout of every falily tabulated in the aforelentioned products. We .ill not publish all of this in CHAPIA. CHATTEA. This record .ill sho., by falily, each lelb.r .ith their age, year of birth Ical, se. and place of birth and county of census. For the head of the falily it .ill shoo profession and property inforoation. It .ill be Finally .e .ill prepare a laster list of every Chaplan contained in the 1850 census. alphabetical irrespective of falily state etc, but .ill shoo nale, age, year of birth !cal, se., place of birth and rounty and state of census. . We .ill publish portions of this in C'APIR. C'ATTIA, but space .ill not perlit entire product in one or even several issues. Those .ho have lade a significant our collection effort (about 5, of the input or lorel .ill receive a cOlplilentary bOOklet. Other subscribers .ill be able to purchase a copy for cost. Anyone else price .hich .ill be deterlined at the cOlpletion of the project. us to publish the contribution of data to copy of the cOlplete lay have a copy lor the Let us kno. if you .ant to actively partiCIpate In the collection of data, and give us a general idea as to the resources available to you. Your Help Needed With The 1850 Inventory! 24 CHAPMAN STATI~ Alabama Al ask" Ar-izona Ar"kansas Ca.l i.fnrnia ColOl"ado CDnnecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georqia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indi Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Mar'vl and Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New New Jersey New Me",ico New York North Carolina Nort.h Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Te,·,as Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Wisconsin Wyoming INVENTORY 1850 YEAR 1850 ESTABLISHED INDX TERR. STATE PUB. lE117 1819 Yes 1912 1959 No 1136:; 1912 No 1819 1836 Yes /:', 1850 ¥f!!t l . DO WE CHAPMAN HAVE FAMILIES INDEX"" Yes 88 NAP NAP NO' . t; '- pm't;' 1876 Yes NO' NO! 1788 Yes 1787 Yes NO! 1790 IBOO*Yes NO' 1822 1845 Yes NO! Yes 1788 Yes ~1U' 1900 1959 No NAP 186,:; 1890 ¥~,PNO!'7\lA;..: "1ItEJ"~,::> ~, 1809* 1818 Yes 1">7 Yes' 180(1 1816 Yes 213 11338 1846 Yes Yes 39 1854 1861 1855 Yes 6 1792 Yes blQ! IB05 181.2 Yes Yes 1820 Yes NO! 1788 Yes Yes 52 :348_ 1788 Yes Yes 1837 Yes Yes 1805 133 NO! 1849 1858 Yes 1817 Yes 1'798 .MS. Yes 1812 1821 Yes 1864 NAP 1889 No 1854 1867 1854 NO! 1861 NAP 1864 No \~~ 1788 Yes -1IT6 ! Yes 59 1787 Yes 1850 1912 Yes NO! ~lt').-" 1788 Yes 9f4 1789 Yes Yes 64 1861 1889 No NAP S'j0 1799 Yes .J'Iff'! ?'~ 1890 1907 No NAP 1859 Yes 1848 NO! 1787 Yes ZU+ .NO' NO ! 1790 Yes Yes B5 1788 Yes NAP 1861 1889 No 1796 Yes ~ Yes 1845 Yes 19 1850 NO! 1896 Yes 1791 Yes ~ 1788 Yes Yes 1853 1889 No NAP IQ ); 1836 1848 Yes JJJIf'/f 1868 1890 No NAP ~ .. 1861 "' \/ , ,..--/' '~ 161 " )" «'4' ~7 ~~) ~ . "':)< I i TOTAL CHAPMAN FAMILIES * Di st,' i ct of Columbia established as Seat of Government in 1800. * IllineJis was part of Amer-ican Territorv established in 1787. NAP = Not Applicable 25 /" COMPUTING COMMENTS At the ,ugge,tlon of ,everal reader' of our other nel,letter, Ie have been publl,hing thIs page about cOlputers and genealogy. You can e,pect to 'ee a 'ililar page in each issue. age lith cOllent, about coaplJting. The s,ngle 10,t ilportant ,ugge,tion I can gIve to anyone considering genealogy 11th cOlputer, i' one I have lade to lany of you personally. The ,ugge,tion is very ilportant to those Iho have not purchased the" hardlare and 'of hare ,y,tel. It is probably equally ilporlant to those Iho have oade the" purchase. The ,uqqe,t,on is thot vou subscribe ; ••edlately to 6EHERL06JeRL eOHPUTIH6. That i' a pUblication that i' likely to save you .uch lore than you lill ever pay for the subscription. Buy and study the back Issues as their content IS important and as pertinent today as ~hen the various issues ~ere publIShed. In fact. if you lust cho'e beheen year I. and the current year, get year I. Their subSCription price las Il~ a yeor for 51' ,,,ue,, but it lent up effective July I 1983 to 120. I recently sent In • ho-vear renelal. 6EHERL06ICM eOHPUT1H. i' publiShed by Data Tran,fer Associates, Ind.. 51Q2 POII~rov Dr., Fairfax, VA 22032. I have no personal interest or in'lolvelent .ith this publicatIon or the" edItors and have never been in contact 11th thel except to subscribe and to renel. In a recent issue of the publIcation they had their 1963 Reader Survey Report. "ost of the relainder of this page cOles frol that report. The editors oake an ilportant point on the front page. When you are conSIdering bUyIng a cOlputer sy,tel, don't run out and buy the one that is currently the lOSt popular one in use, Although it is not obsolete there is a later lodel available. The tiD lost popular cOlputers in use in genealogy Iby 6C's readers I is the Apple II folloled by the TRS-8Q "odell Ifolloled closely by "odel Ill). The state of the art cOlpulers to buy frol these too fali lies today lould be the Apple lie or the TRS-60 "odel ~. As you read, lany of you Mill londer Ihat systel Ie are using. It is an Atari BOO lith a single dIsk drive and an Epson "X-BOFtT graphics printer. Not of of the 'biggies.' NOl lets go ahead and look at Ihat the 6C readers have. The Apple II IS the 10,t popular lith 13B reader, reportIng having one. There are 10 Apple lle's and 7 Apple Ill's. Arecent hOle cOlputer cOlparison in IHfOHORLD sholed the basic price of the Apple lie to be 11395 Ii th blk RA". Basi c pr ices noroall y do not 1 ncl ude the cost of lany i tels of per i pheral equiplent Ihich lill be required to oake a cOlplete systel. In 6C's reader survey the average Apple lie systel in use cost the user 12933, lith the high beIng 15000 and the 101 12000. By COlparison, the Apple II, the lOSt popular systel, had an average user cost of 13542 lith a high of 17000 and a 101 of 1700 Ihe lUSt have lade 'ole kind of deall. SOle of the costs of the necessary accesories are: floppy di.I drive, 139~i 12-inch green lonitor lTV Screen}, 1249; Dot-Iatri, printer (that is Ihat I use for the nelSletterl, $695; Letter-qualilY printer, 12195. There i' probably lore softoare available for the Apple than for any other systel. Each ISsue of 6C contains a table of genealogical progral' available by cOlputer systel. There are ,i' for the Apple II. There are no systels lith lore than ,i,. In the readers survey Ie are asled to ,indicate our e,perince level as genealogists and cOlputerlsts by Novice, E,p.rienced or Professional. In the largesls group' reporting, ninety-too or 591 of the Apple users said they lere e,perlenced genealogl,ts and 7~ or 471 said they lere novice co.puterists. Let, take a cOlparable look at the TRS BO cOlputers. If you are not just a little bit cOlputer slart, then you lay not Inol that this is the cOlputer lade and distrIbuted by the Radio Shack stores. There are currently five BO lodels in use: I, 11, Ill, 16 and the color cOlputer. The nUlbers reported by 6C readers are 71, 29, 69, 7 and 16 respectively. IHfOMORLD also gave basic pric.s for tiD of these. The "odel 111 is $Q99 lith 16K of RA" e'pandable to ~8K for 1299 per 16K. The color cOlputer is $399.95 lith e,pansion sililar a, the "odel III. If you don't knol about the K's of RA", get slart becau.e it lay turn out to be your single lOSt significant con,train!. It is line. The lodel III has a built in IOnitor. The color cOlputer depends on your color TV as a lonitor,. Although disl drives are 'built-in', they are priced, 1649 for the "odel III. According to the 6C', reader survey the average systel cost for the "odel III las $3355 with a high of $6500 and 101 of $1000. For tho color cOlputer the average las $1262 with a high of $2QOO and 101 of $300. 6C's table of genealogIcal progral' available show si. for the lode1 III and too for the color cooputer. The largest group reporting on their genealogical e,perience lere tho,e Iho considered thelselves to be e,perienced and there ..r. 123 or 641 of those reporting. As [Olputerlsts, the largest grDup lere the nov;ce lith 73 or 381 of tho.e reporting. 26