Page 1 84 Approved and ordered this ltt4413, 0f Jarmry , A.D. 49 At
Page 1 84 Approved and ordered this ltt4413, 0f Jarmry , A.D. 49 At
84 Approved and ordered this ltt4413, 0f Jarmry , A.D. 49 At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Liadenent-Covanser. PRESENT: The Honourable in the Chair. Mn Tolmie Mn Pooley Mr. Howe Mn Shelly Mn Burden Mr. McKenzie Mr. Mr. To His Honour The LieutenantGovernor In Coundl: The undersigned has the honour to recommend that, under the provisions of section 11 of the "Provincial Elections Act," the persons whose names appear hereunder be appointed, without salary, Provincial Elections Commissioners for the purposes of the said section 11 for the Electoral Districts in which they reside respectively, as follows :— • aLic-roam. DISTRICT. Atlin k0 \.% ■.. :, . . 014K t,.. 1 4 Y1 etiZ ° C Neville, Capt.C.V.A. Atlin Hall, D. " Little, F.E. " Hiuins, Reuben Fredrick telegraph Creek MacDonald, Simon F. Premier 4231 Dundas St., Vancouver , Fisher, J.L. 4055 Cambridge " Palmer, Vincent John 4127 Dundas St., " .Bishop, Gilbert Edmund Hutchinson, Henry Langstaff 4233 Union St., n Campbell, Albert Edward 4120 Eton St., " 4135 Pandora St.," Derrick, Alfred Lett Flanders, Cyrus Minchler 4116 Georgia E., " 3814 Oxford St. if _ McDonald, Angus 3756 McGill St., " Nuttall, Geo. Chilliwack , Gledhill, Alfred Edward . Nicholas, David G. Blackie, Bertram Brown, Henry Reuben . Burns, Edward . Crawford, William • Gilfillian, James Gilbert ' Gray, William James Hudson, William H. Hulton-Harrop, Arthur . Kitchen, William George Lait, Herbert John A. Pratt, George Foster . Rudge, Glendon Otis Shore, Mrs. Edith Mary Shore, 9aitland Moodie . ' Sumner, Mrs. Corinna A. , Trethewey, Joseph E. , Weir, Claude Franklin Aceir, Ray Harcourt weir, Eric Templeton .Wilson, Mrs. Lottie May IM • , 0. '., ' ' ' ADDRKSS. Burnaby • • cr. Z NAYS. s Aldergrove, B. C. " Abbotsford " " w " if " " " " " " " " " n n n n " -2Chilliwack Pg Hutchinson, James H. Lehman, Victor Loach, George Purver, Richard G. Purvis, Alec • -Urvis, Mrs. Elizabeth O. -Timmell, Mrs. Prudence E. *Timmell, Reginald Leopold 'Bolster, George Brian 'Crouter, Allen Edward 'Dawson, Perry Holland -Murphy, Michael 'IcGillivray, Malcom D. 'McLean, James I. 'Plaxton, Edwin Sinclair 'York, Thomas Fraser .Graham, Mathew :Marsh, Clarence Wm. Marsh, George Leslie • Baynes, William Edmund Beaton, Roderick Blackadder, Thomas John . Farr, Claude . Gurney, William Inglis, James Leslie - Myhre, Henry G. Steel, David 'Westlin, Johannus W. , Israel, John Eureven .Lehman, Tnomas Henry ,Merryfield, William , Ferguson, Gordon M. .Ferguson, Victor 'Evans, Frederick Cecil Newman, August 'Paton, John Muir 'Peardon, Gordon J. Peardon, Herbert Staples ,Cook, James -Kennedy, Miss Grace Louise .Kennedy, John Walter .7acKinnon, Alexander, Jr. .Seraphim, Andrew Joseph 4Blatchford, Oliver JBlinch, William Cliff J Lamson, Charles Arthur Lamson, Oswell Luther Payton, William Christian .Porter, William York, Thomas, Barber, H.J., M.P. Davidson, E.S. 4Carson, S.M. 'Smith, G.A. ,UcCammon, T.T. .Heal, S.M. .Green, Geo. .Thompson, Jos. ,Murray, J.D. ,Frannick, Clark Bradner Clayburn " Huntingdon " if 11 Glen Valley, Via Mt. Lehman R. R. No. 1 Mt. Lehman Matsqui R.R. No. 1 Matsqui. latsqui Dennison Mt. Lehman R.R. No. 1 Mt. Lehman Mt. Lehman. Abbotsford R.R. No. Abbotsford. R.R. No. 1, " Kilgard R.R. No. 2 Abbotsford. West Ave., Chilliwack P.O. Drawer 150 " 1st Ave., Chilliwack P.O. Box 179 " Chilliwack Rosedale Sardis Atchelitz R.R. 1, Chilliwack. Fort George. Dayton, Martin Grand Forks^-reenwood • Clark, C.W. "bailey, Edgar Campbell, J.D. Kerman, H.C. Dome Creek. Grand Forks. - 3 Grand-Forks Greenwood 'Love, T.A. .Kingston, Dr. C. M. Atwood, Mr. C.A.S. 'Mattioda, Mr. P. Dinsmore, S. Crawford, I.A. , Crowe, A.F. 'ftmbellini, 0. , Fleming, W.B. , Morrison, A.J. .Williamson, Mrs. R. , Lee, Robert White, F.J. Ludlow, M.W. Roberts, Frank Zurfluh, John .Bruce, J.H. Brew, Capt. S.A.H. , Richter, Edward • Harpur, Gerald P. , Johnston, R.C. Brown, H. Mellor, Arthur ,Tanner, Harold A. Clark, Mrs. Jean McKenzie, R.D. 1Crowe, T.E. .McIntosh, Duncan ,'Barwick, A.R. • Blythe, David J Brown, W.A. J Ronald, welter Lautour, E.V. de Nichols, Chas. rachain, J.P. 'Merry, D.B. ,Boltz, J.C. Kamloops. Grand Forks Cascade Grand Forks Fife Greenwood Eholt Midway Kettle Valley Rock Creek Vest bridge Beaverdell Bridesville Grand Forks Greenwood Carmi Paulson Boundary Falls Beresford, Kamloops P.O. 4Adamson, George Wilson Pirch Island JAlexander, Robert , McCracken, Thomas John Black Pines ,Lodwick, Geoffrey Heffley Creek 'McKnight, David George Cherry Creek, Kamloops P.O. Cornwall, Henry A.G. Chu Chua 'Skoning, Henry Savona Threlkeld, Charles Rayleigh Mount. 'McCulley, John Radcliffe 'McCulley, Mrs. Adele Heffley Creek 'Shaw, William W. Kamloops 'Barnhart, Peter Ashton " JBateson, John Thompson Bayley, Herbert Bayntun, Richard Brett, Robert Henry Burton, Sidney Charles Buswell, Philip Redcliffe " Clements, James Henry Clements, Mrs. Mary Margaret" Dayton, Joseph Henry Duck, Albert William Duck, Mrs. Edith Dunbar, Clyde Harvey Gordon, Joseph Lynn Hall, James Wesley Hall, Mrs. Janet Winifred Harkness, Percy Howard Johnston, William Henry 4 Kamloops ,e1 Meighen, Arthur Edwin Moffatt, William James .Morant, Francis George Macdonald, Franklyn R. .Mackenzie, Edward Hilton .Pinchbeck, Robert George ,Scanlan, Charles Edward Simpson, Mrs. Kate Phelps Sjoquist, Mrs. Alice Skzaing, Arthur Clifton • •Smith, John Freemont Turner, Harry , Tyrrell, Arthur Marten •Tyrrell, Mrs. Mary Mabel raggett, Mrs. Bertha Waggett, Charlten Minto •Westaway, Cyril 'Whitmore, Mrs. Maud Alice • Demmon, Mrs. "fora Kate Longridge, Robert Ber,bie ' ' Jackson, William , Manning, Andrew Kingsley .Vowles, Edmund Gilbert 1 Adler, Mrs. Winifred Gladys ' Gardiner, Herbert ' Harper, Noel George Brookfield, Theodore Fehr, Albert Welland, Thomas Edgar •Chester, Bertrand Phillips, Leonard, Victor 'Trevors, John Quaite, William Simpson . 1 Morrison, John Stuart Kamloops 11 11 fl vt Knutsford Brigade Lake " Louis Creek McLure Kamloops (North) n n Raft River Savona Copper Creek, Savona P.O. n " Canough Creek, R.R. 2 Heffley Creek. Tranquille n Stump Lake, Brigade Lake P.0 North Okanagan 'Thornton, George (Phillips, Thomas ,Phillips, Alexander ,Cook, William S. AcKechnie, William Boyd -Tyler, Leonard Baxter, Henry DeWitt 'Stainer, Paul 'pence, Andrew McGuire, Michael Vincent .Kidston, John Coombs, Horace Percy Laidman, William Frederick Bailey, John Suttie Gibson, George Middleton Thorlackson, Benedick Gosnell, Wilfred Bertram Johnston, Andrew Edward Beddington, George Elliott, Thomas Haf:sard, Frank Johnson, Frederick A. McMahon, George Ernest Walker, Henry Milton Coltart, Richard John Muirhead, James B Colrluhoun, W.L. Lawrence, R. Peter Ewing, Robert Leckie Armstrong Enderby Coldstream Ranch, Vernon R. R. 2, Vernon Vernon. R.R. 1, Vernon Okanagan Centre Vernon Enderby Ewings Landing 5 North Okanagan 09 I‘ q 4 Crandlemire, F. Grindrod )Handcock, Claude Stratford " ,Rothwell, John Richard ,Twigg, Herbert Thomas R. R. 1, Enderby. ,Craig, Wm. Lumby .Beavin, Melville H.C. R.R. 1, Lumby. .Game, George Wm. Armstrong , Hilliard, l'ilmot Brock R.R. 1, Enderby .Kass, Joseph Hupel .Hitchcock, H.E. Vernon Gillespie, Robert Vernon 'Hickman, Walter H. Lavington Ricardo, W.C. R.R. 2, Vernon 'Locke, P.J. Springfield Ranch, Lavington 'Sigalet, William A. Lumby .Butters, Thomas .Christian, Frank E. JDerry, Samuel ft 4Pierce, Mrs. Mae C. Copeland, Sigalet, Andrew A. Mabel Lake Massey, Levi Benson Mara Bennett, Ernest Gray, William Gordon Armstrong Mellish, Thomas R.R. 3, Armstrong. Van Antwerp, James T. Okanagan Landing ft Curtis, Richard Finlayson, N. tt 'Johnson, Byron 4Quine, John D. Oyama Butterworth, Mrs. V.C. " .Schunter, Ernest Lumby Saunders, Donald E. 2inity Valley Vernon Kennedy, W.F. JOgston, Miss Millicent ,Hamilton, Mrs. Sarah /Hyland, Thomas Wm. )Acres, Mrs. Laurie N. " ,Armstrong, Mrs. Jane C. " .Kelly, Mrs. Anna Shatford, Shelborne A. " Morris, Osborne ,Wilde, Charles A. ,Macfarland, Mrs. Maude " ,Duncan, Mrs. Margaret " H ,McRae, Norman 11 'Douglas, Richard D. Galbraith, Horace W. Reggie, George 'MacDonald, Robert .McGregor, Archie Wilkinson, Frank F. 'Bell, Norman .Ellison, Price Smith, William Henry McLellan, S.D. Oyama ,Hayward, W. Verr -n North Vancouver ,Blackadder, Henry Botham, Harry G. ,Crickmay, Alfred E. Garnett, James G. Jackson, Colin F. Johnson, Ralph T. Johnson, Richard T. 172 Carisbrooke Rd. E. N.Van. 123 - 6th St. E. 234 - 15th St. E. North Lonsdale P.O. 15th St. & St. Georges Ave. " tt Osborne Rd. E. 345 - 9th St. E. -6 North Vancouver Keene, Wm. L. 1500 St. Georges Ave. N. Van. Lawrance, Reginald C. 850 - 4th St. E. " " Osborne Rd. E. •Leesp Harold A. , Lennox, Charles J. 561 Keith Rd. E. . MacLeod, Ewan 322 - 19th St. E.," . Paine, John B. 90 Lansdale Ave., " 515 - 8th St. E., " Paul, John H. 522 - 28th St. W.," • Rammill, W. Omineca Prince Rupert Alberni Burnaby \\7°\ Burns Lake JLowe, Robert Endako Bonner, Charles Finmoore .Finlaison, Ronald K. Ft. Fraser ,Irwin, Wilbert W. Ft. St. James Kynoch, Alex Francois Lake Robbins, Jackson G. Fraser Lake Telford, Ralph Houston , Madigan, Frank ,Pebernat, Thomas Jefferson Mapes ,Poole, Everett G. Mapes Vanderhoof Ellis, James Hunter Ootsa Lake Ellison, William Palling Smith, Byron A. Telkwa Palmer, Albert Southbank Weldon, W.H. Finmoore Loper, George H. Topley Jannack, Robert J. Vanderhoof Johnston, James M. n Reid, Robert n Smedley, Ernest Wistaria Kerr, William B. Ft. Fraser White, Walter W. Burns Lake Nourse, Matthew F. •George, S.W. Breen, H,A. • Hill, George Stuart, D.C. . Clarke, George H. Blance, Robert • Matheson, A.J. • Orme, Cyril H. Thompson, James H. . Kirkpatrick, J.A. .Wearmouth, H.F. Munro, Geo. H. Reid, William .i'fright, Willard W. .Flewin, John .Mayer, Geo. Hampton, Herbert 'Sinclair, Reginald Michek, John Prince Rupert Port Simpson Port Clements Inverness Cannery. Grant Hill 5694 Hastings E. Vancouver Beaton, Daniel M. 3776 Yale St. " Algie, Mrs. Sarah 4035 Pandora Auld, John Vyllie .Carson, Miss Margaret 3728 Union 3820 P,:nder St. " .Cssidy, Mrs. Bessie 11 3727 Unio.i St. .Charpentier, Joseph 4336 Fender St. " Gooding, !qrs. Kate 'Kaighan, Herbert John 3822 Hastings E. fl • - 7 - Burnaby +Brown, R. Bryce ,Green, Frank Stanley 'Johnson, Miss E. W. .Powys, Ernest A. .-Angus, Robert ,McClement, Francis L. .Stephen, Alexander McB. ,Last, Charles Herbert jHovey, Gordon Price 127-12th Ave. New !Westminster 3107 Douglas Rd. " 1220-11th Ave. " 1264-11th Ave. " Gilfin St., Vancouver 3844 Smith Ave., " 1391 Buller Ave. " 3843 Grafton 1630 Royal Oak, Alta Vista, Vancouver. 2760 Cassie Ave. .Manuel, Mrs. Catherine 2912 Silver . Knorr, Mrs. Mary E. 2119 Dow Rd. .Moores, Edward Charles 3749 Kingsway 'George, Walter M 2912 Kingsway +McCarthy, James Ashton ,Simpson, Miss Violet R. 2770 Telford St. " Box 584, ,Stokuis, David Louis 2919 Kingsway ,MacCarthy, Dolenna J. 1391 Buller Ave. Stephen, Miss Lucinda 2730 Bonsor Ave. .Simpson, Archibald 1512 Sussex Ave. " .McBain, George N. 2925 Clinton St. Hollingworth, Mrs. G. 2460 Wellington Ave. " Wilkinson, Francis L. Paulding, John Hamilton 2418 Wellington Ave. " 5587 Kent Ave. Smith, Charles Hugh 4465 Bond St. " 4..-Dunphy, Patrick J. 5522 Dundee St. iCampbell, Daniel A. 402 Joyce St. Fraser, Andrew W. 4 if 2552-48th Ave. E. ,Ross, Mrs. Margaret 2540-48th Ave. E. ,Pettigrew, William " JLowe, Matthew Henderson 6053 Battison St. 196 Gothard Ave. S. Vancouver. . Rumble, Frederick 5010 Robinson St. Vancouver. 'Taylor, Frederick J. 3839-14th Ave. E. 'Mitchell, John 4187 - E. 13th Ave. 1, 'Cook, Edward 4187- E. 13th Ave. " 'Conroy, Miss Grace Chilliwack .Barrow, Mrs. Emily ,Johnson, Mrs. Stella L. Kipp, Mrs. Sarah J. . , Brown, Mrs. Bertha F. •Topley, Miss Annie 0. •Eddie, Mrs. E. C. Dewdney J Henderson Ave. Chilliwack ft Mary St. Young St. Henderson Ave. u Hope River Rd. " Sardis. Cameron, Robert Allister Steelhead Fort George J Beatton, Frank Work 'Holland, Alvin 'Martin, Clayton Robinson, John A. ' JThomas„ Edward Ft. St. John. Mackenzie "Crandell, Howard Mackenzie, William J. 'Phillip, Bertram T. Wright, Charles Wright, William H. ' Ocean Falls Nanaimo Mellor, William 'McRae, Henry ' Thorpe, William Henry Frazer, Walter Dunn, James S. , Spowart, George Chambers, Ralph Henry Woodcock, Samuel C. Niven, Thomas Wagstaff, Frederick Commercial St. Nanaimo 104 Nicol 36 Strickland " " Five Acres, II 647 MacLeary " 330 Robson 294 Nicol St. " Nicol St. 707 Haliburton " 8 Nanaimo 'Hickman, Reginald Waugh, William 'Renney, James 41.)c) ; John Cr,r:+011 -Bennett, Mrs. Sadie ,Neave, Mrs. Margaret A. ,Custison, Charles ,Mulholland, Cecil R. Winfield Crescent, Nanaimo Five Acres, 736 Victoria. Rd. " Franklyn St. 285 Selby 34 Irwin St. Chase River Haliburton St. .Tomlinson, Thomas R. Skinner, Leslie G. Leake, Charles H. Tisdale, Roy Sidne:. Tosberg, Fred 'Chapman, Mrs. C. E. 'Anderson, William W. .hero, Louis .Carlsen, Charles M. Couture, John ,Moore, Roy ,Michaud, Albert Leeroch, Small, Delete Sargent, William Sidney .Senkpiel, Samuel H. .Foster, Francis V. dMayer, Sylva J. Raymond, George A. Sweeney, William J. tright, George R. Langis, Joseph D. Alapleton Archibald F.W. JKirkpatrick, Tilliam A. JEishop, Frederick C. ,Gall, James uLittle, William C. Cedarvale Copper River Dorreen. Duthie mine Evelyn Slentanna, Smithers P.O. Hazolton Kispiox Kitimat Mission Kitsumkallum, Terrace P.O. Kitwanga Little Canyon, Terrace P.O. Moricetown New Hazelton. Skeena D*Wdthis 15th divof January Smithers Swanson Bay Telkwa Terrace Usk Woodcock, Cedarvale P.O. A.D. 19 2 9 Proehedel Seenterv. Approved this 1 5 t h day of January , A.D. 19 29 CC-L. Member of the assts. Coma 6
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