mark pozlep-hisk presentation 2009 - Otto-prod
mark pozlep-hisk presentation 2009 - Otto-prod
MARK POŽLEP SELECTED WORKS 2006-2009 PROJECTS Artist Statement My work until now contains research in the field of painting, drawing, video, space installations and performance. During the last two years, as seen in the pdf. presentation 2006-2009, I was trying to build an unique three-dimensional spaces- so called playground/movie/urban scenograpy, with the intention of place the viewer into new situations, altering his position, from the viewer into the position of the participant. The new space that opens inside such an installation is aspiring to be a space of special social realm that questions the position of an individual, freedom, art and possibilities of expression in the time of post-capitalistic/consumption driven era. The materials used in my work, usually derelict, waste materials, sometimes taken from different framework, are being transformed during the creation process, thus gaining new correlations and being placed into a completely new sphere. The process of work is important for me; moreover it’s an adventure, during which unexpected things can happen. Some of most recent performance-sound-installations were done outside the galleries, using abandoned shops and streets as an open platform for different intervention ( Fingerstick Radio). This kind of artistic work allowed us to establish a close contact with the public by temporally inserting them into the unfamiliar, though real situations, barraging them with “pure and sick” entertainment; sometimes upsetting, provoking them, all in order to shatter the apparent calmness of everyday life, giving an unanticipated sample of living differently and present that difference in a form of a real, hands-on experience. In my opinion the collaboration is of a particular importance for projects themselves, for they are subjected to constant scrutiny, revisions and debate, consequentially denouncing the image of an exposed, lonely artist/genius and drawing the attention to the importance of the community and multiple-voice work. “To be modern is to find ourselves in an environment that promises us adventure, power, joy, growth, transformation of ourselves and the world- and, at the same time, that threatens to destroy everything we have, everything we know, everything we are.” (Marshall Berman, All that is solit Melts into Air, New York 1981) CITTIES CITIES, Multimedia installation, 2005 Moderna Gallery Ljubljana, SLO Exhebition View CITIES I imagined paintings like none ( fisicly ) moving screens – that is why I used the same base - twelve thirty years old small school tables. All of them already had their own stories. These stories I used sometimes just like artistic feature in my own story and sometimes I was just upgrading them. I used all kinds of materials: acrylic, spray cans, writing pens, markers, I glued some plastic materials on them… At the end I put all of these 12 paintings together, a total expression of small and big ideas, stories, worlds and as-so worlds. These twelve paintings I connected with three videos. The shots for the videos were also made on the road and then at home upgraded and finalized. I had no script for the shooting, so these were real time expressions that I got from the city. This material was again a base, on which I created my own story, impressed by the things that happened to me during the traveling. Cities, Multimedia Installation, 2005 Exhebition Detail Cities, Multimedia Installation, 2005 Video Stills LAST SUPPER OF SUPERHEROES LAST SUPPER OF SUPERHEROES, Multimedia Installation, 2006 U3- Fifth Triennial of Slovenian Contemporary Art, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, 2006 LAST SUPPER OF SUPERHEROES A replique of Leonardos Last Supper only with Superheroes instead of Apostoles. In The position of Juda is my own Antihero-Crni Seshir, Superman presents Jezus. During the filmed performance the Superheroes and an Antihero are building a new world out of their own material taken from thirtheen same size boxes. LAST SUPPER OF SUPERHEROES, Multimedia Installation, 2006 U3- Fifth Triennial of Slovenian Contemporary Art, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, 2006 Video stills LAST SUPPER OF SUPERHEROES, Multimedia Installation,Three chanel video,Prints, Paper object, plastic mass object 2006 U3- Fifth Triennial of Slovenian Contemporary Art, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, 2006 Exhebition view LAST SUPPER OF SUPERHEROES, Multimedia Installation,Three chanel video,Prints, Paper object, plastic mass object 2006 U3- Fifth Triennial of Slovenian Contemporary Art, Moderna galerija Ljubljana, 2006 Exhebition view BREAKTHROUGH (crni seshir) BREAK THROUGH, multimedia installation, 2007 Essl Award Winners, Essl Colection, Wien/Klosterneuburg, A, 2007 Exibition view CRNI SESHIR In the project Crni Seshir ( Repair quick or die, Last supper of superheroes, Breakthrough of Crni Seshir, Last Battle) I was developing my own Antihero. Trough his adventures and acting in the art sistem, absolute fight against establishment, birocracy and everyday problems at the end he tragicly falls for his antiideals. Cri Seshir,a hero born as an antihero, a hero with no superpowers, using only a superhero dress as a recognition symbol, born to fight human problems such as bureaucracy, establishement, money problems... With his motorbike, a superhero transporter, puch 49 ccm, year 1969, not registrated, he first appeared in collaboration with Mark Požleps work Repair Quick or die. In that time still pure and clean, with his only direction - to fight for his ideals. Workin more with Mark ( Last supper of Superheroes, Crni Seshir street performance, Interview with Crni Seshir, Breakthrough) and being more and more involved into an art system, he started to change. Used as an art object he began to like the fame, the air in the white room, good wine at the fancy oppenings, his superhero dress was not good enough anymore, he also wanted to buy a new motorbike. He did not know any more what to fight for, what to identify with, a totally split personality. For the last time he was seen at the Contemporary Art Museum in Rijeka, at the Last Batle sceene. BREAK THROUGH, multimedia installation, 2007 Essl Award Winners, Essl Colection, Wien/Klosterneuburg, A, 2007 Exibition view BREAK THROUGH, multimedia installation, 2007 Essl Award Winners, Essl Colection, Wien/Klosterneuburg, A, 2007 Video still LAST BATTLE LAST BATTLE, Multimedia Installation, 2007 BQ_2, Biennial of Qudrelaterial, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Rijeka, CRO, 2007 Exhebition view LAST BATTLE, Multimedia Installation, 2007 BQ_2, Biennial of Qudrelaterial, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Rijeka, CRO, 2007 Exhebition view MONSTERS MONSTERS, Multimedia installation, 2007 Ganes Pratt, Ljubljana, SLO Exhebition view MONSTERS ěPosition of the individual in the place where is no more idols and where all avandgarde historical figures are just a tool of capitalismus.î I used a gallery space for a helicopter crash sceene. Cocpit is empty and in the back of a helicopter a child figure is traped behind a window glas, surrounded with pop icons. Propeler still works and is rotating so fast that is unabling the viewer to step near the helicopter. The back projection on the comic thought bubble repetitively shows us a narrative animation of the actual happening. MONSTERS, Multimedia installation, 2007 Ganes Pratt, Ljubljana, SLO Exhebition view JURGEN Jurgen, Multimedia installation, 2007 By Viktor Bernik, Jaša, Meta Grgurevic, Simone Settimo, Žiga Kariž, Jasmina Cibic, Urša Vidic, Mark Požlep, Sašo Vrabic Exhebition View Jurgen, Multimedia installation, 2007 By Viktor Bernik, Jađa, Meta GrgureviË, Simone Settimo, Ţiga Kariţ, Jasmina CibiË, Urđa Vidic, Mark Poţlep, Sađo VrabiË Photo Documentation of Work in Progress URBAN SAVAGE (Against the History for a bit of Good Old Love) URBAN SAVAGE, Multimedia installation, performans, 2008 AGAINST THE HISTORY FOR A BIT OF GOOD OLD LOVE, Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje, SLO, 2008 Exebition view URBAN SAVAGE According to Slovenia law, a living space, positioned on the ground only on four points should need no legal permisionss. I have built a living space minimum size that still has the posibility for all the living needs; a bed, a sink, place to cook and place for fun and entertayment. A house is 2x2x2M big and positioned on a metal construction 1,5M high. House and all its equipement is bult out of trash and found materials. During the oppening a performer lived inside the house. He was traped inside time and space, doing his everiday needs; cooking, reading, listening to the radio... The viewer could come to visit him but at the same time he/she became a part of the performance. Three static cameras were recording the performance and projecting the picture on three TV screens at the base of the house. After the performance the recordings became constant part of the installation. URBAN SAVAGE, Multimedia installation, performans, 2008 AGAINST THE HISTORY FOR A BIT OF GOOD OLD LOVE, Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje, SLO, 2008 Exebition view Against the history for a bit of good old love-Urban Savage, multimedijska instalacija, 2008 Galery of Contemporary Art Celje Exhebition View THE LAKE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS, oil on canvas, 360x240 cm, neon underconstruction, 2008 AGAINST THE HISTORY FOR A BIT OF GOOD OLD LOVE, Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje, SLO, 2008 Exebition view THE LAKE OF FORGOTTEN DREAMS, FROM PINOCCHIOS DIARY: ěIF YOU TOUCH MY CAR, I KILL YOU TWO TIMESî. The second room in the project Against the History For a Bit of Good Old Love contained two large paintings. The paintings had a wooden underconstruction filled with neon lights. The dark grey colour of the wall, directly pointed reflectors and glow of a back neon lights made them look like giant bilboards. They create a world which is on the edge bethween reality and fiction. In this world, persons and elements from our everiday life take place, but are acting different roles,different relations and different situations as ěnormallyî and with that they brake the reality borders. FROM PINOCCHIOS DIARYîIF YOU TOUC MY CAR I KILL YOU TWO TIMES î oil on canvas,360x240cm, neon underconstruction 2008 AGAINST THE HISTORY FOR A BIT OF GOOD OLD LOVE, Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje, SLO, 2008 Exebition view FIREPLACE, AXE AND A BANANA-PEEL FIREPLACE, AXE AND A BANANA-PEEL, multimedia installation, 2008 Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery, Celje, SLO, 2008 Exhebition view FIRE PLACE, AXE AND A BANANA-PEEL The project started as an answer to the brutal reaction on my artwork presented in the Gallery in Ribnica. An unknown night visitor broke into the gallery and cut of the heads of plastic mass superheroes with an axe. He/she run away and left the axe behind. In the underground of the gallery i built a wooden, Slovenian hunting room looking habitat of three superheroes. Egocentric Batman, fulfilled with his own fame, fanaticly religious Superman who thinks that he is Jezus and schizophrenic, cartoonie liked Bananaman with big sexual problem. The room itself served as a platform for performance. During the performance the superheroes die because of their ideals, the last one is bananaman, falling on an axe. During the corridor that I have buil in first floor the visitor comes to the elevator which is the only way in and out of an underground crime sceene. FIREPLACE, AXE AND A BANANA-PEEL, multimedia installation, 2008 Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery, Celje, SLO, 2008 Exhebition view FIREPLACE, AXE AND A BANANA-PEEL, multimedia installation, 2008 Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery, Celje, SLO, 2008 Video Still FIREPLACE, AXE AND A BANANA-PEEL, multimedia installation, 2009 Universal Cube, Leipzig, D, 2009 Exhebition view FIREPLACE, AXE AND A BANANA-PEEL, multimedia installation, 2009 Universal Cube, Leipzig, D, 2009 Exhebition view FINGERSTICK RADIO brought to you by AHH-button team VISUALS: Jasa, Mark Pozlep MUSIC: Gasper Piano, Jasa PERFORMANCE: Jasa, Mark Pozlep, Gasper Piano In our first experiment we used an abounded shop in the center of Celje. Using found, trash and pre-made objects, materials and images we have made a site-specific installation, turning an abounded shop in kind of a pink-hell post-consumerism public space, which served as a platform for the 10 non-stop audience-specific performance (12am – 10pm). Using the installation as an open stage for differently tuned, contrasted or simply overlaid situations, combining live music, mixing or playing, and performing elements. The main goal was to directly interfere with the by-passers and turning them into the temporally public and optional participators. The second part was developed directly on the streets using the basic installation (the shop) as the sound core and visual support for the urban interventions. Each of the artists used and developed his pre-created charters in which we lived the whole performance. This kind of artistic action permitted us to establish contact with the public by throwing them into different temporal but real situations; sometimes upsetting, provoking or with hints of pure and sick entertainment. All in order to stretch the apparent calmness of everydayness, or with actions and created situations giving an unexpected example of living and present difference in a form of a real one-to-one experience. *If my life is just waiting, even watching kills. Knowing all, in advance, kills. Be your dream. Maybe it is the last thing living in your bedroom.* Chris Feelting / Urban Drama Fingerstick Radio, multimedia installation, 10 hour live performance Project by: Jaša, Gašper Piano, Mark Požlep Celje, 2009 Fingerstick Radio, multimedia installation, Celje, 2009 Installation view FINGERSTICK RADIO Fingerstick radio part two: PUSHBANG Fingerstick Radio - PusbBang, multimedia installation, performance Magdalena, Maribor, SLO, 2009 Fingerstick Radio - PusbBang, multimedia installation, performance Magdalena, Maribor, SLO, 2009 Fingerstick Radio - PusbBang, multimedia installation, performance Magdalena, Maribor, SLO, 2009 Fingerstick Radio - PusbBang, multimedia installation, performance Magdalena, Maribor, SLO, 2009 Fingerstick Radio - PusbBang, multimedia installation, performance Magdalena, Maribor, SLO, 2009 MARK POŽLEP SELECTED WORKS 2007-2009 PAINTINGS BREAKTHROUGH, oil and acrylic on canvas, 200x220cm, 2007 AND MY NEIGHBOUR SAID THAT POLICE WORK IS BORING, oil on canvas, 180x160cm,2007 ISKALCI ZLATA,oil on canvas, 180x160cm, 2007 OIL STAINS, PIG’S HEART AND A HOLE DUG, oil on canvas, 160x180cm, 2007 FROM PINOCCIOS DIARY:” IF YOU TOUCH MY CAR I KILL YOU TWO TIMES”., Oil on canvas, 320x360cm, 2008 THE LAKE OF FORGOTEN DREAMS, oil on canvas, 360x240cm, 2008 AGAINST GOOD, oil on canvas, 100x120cm, 2009 PERFECT PUPIL, oil and charchoal on canvas, 100x120 cm, 2008 STAR, oil and acrylic on canvas, 100x120cm, 2008 NOT IN MY NAME, oil and acrylic on canvas, 100x120cm, 2008 IMMORTALITY, oil on canvas, 100x120cm, 2008 REMAINS OF A STORY, oil and mixed materials on canvas, 200x440cm, 2008 RAFT OF THE MEDUSA, oil and mixed materials on canvas, 400x220cm, 2009 MARK POZLEP Mark Pozlep (1981, Celje, Slovenia) EDUCATION 2006 – 2009, Master's degree studies in Fine Arts, University of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Video (head Professor Sreco Dragan) 2001 – 2006, Bachelor's degree studies in Fine Arts, University of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Painting (head Professor Herman Gvardjancic) 2000 – 2001, Art House / College for Visual Arts, Ljubljana GROUP EXHIBITIONS & PROJECTS 2009 Splav Meduze, Contemporary Art Center - Likovni salon Celje, (SLO) (upcoming) Quoting Contemporariness, Universal Cube, Leibzig (D) PushBang, Magdalena - 11th International Festival of Creative Communication, Maribor (SLO) Risba na Slovenskem od leta 1950 dalje, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, (SLO) Finger Sticker Radio, Zavod Celeia Celje (SLO) Slovenia-Indonesia 09, Gallery of Contemporary art, Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery, Celje (SLO) 2008 Against the History for a bit of Good Old Love, Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje (SLO) VSTOP PROST / Admission free, DLUC (Drustvo likovnih umetnikov Celje), Celje (SLO) Friday Night Kicks 3, Muzej na cesti - Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) Image of a Space, Gallery of Contemporary art, Celje (SLO) Down the Rabbit Hole / Contemporary Painting in Slovenia after the Year 2000, Galerija Ganes Pratt, Ljubljana (SLO) Down the Rabbit Hole, Likovni salon, Celje (SLO) Featured Art Scene, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz (A) 2M, Galerija Miklova hiša, Ribnica, (SLO) 2007 Bad Girls Bad Boys, Mestna galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) Jurgen, "Vsak clovek je kustos / Jeder Mensch ist ein Kurator", Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) Bulgaria? ...Oh, yes, Bucurest!, Art Today Association, Plovdiv (BUL) Political, Galerija Velenje, Velenje (SLO) Cultural Hero, II Biennial of Quadrilateral/BQ_2, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rijeka (CRO) Essl Award 2007, Narodna galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) Essl Award Winners 2007, Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg/Vienna (A) International Festival of Computer Arts, Mestna galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) 2006 Junge malerei (Young Painting from Essl Collection), Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg/Vienna (A) True Love, Video festival, Cinema Metropol, Celje (SLO) International festival of computer arts, Galerija Magistrat, Ljubljana (SLO) Saturday Night Stories, Galerija Velenje, Velenje (SLO) Save us – Shrani kot, Likovni salon, Celje (SLO) U3 - Fifth Triennial of Slovenian Contemporary Art, Moderna galerija,Ljubljana (SLO) VSTOP PROST / Admission Free, Likovni salon, Celje (SLO) 2005 Essl Award 2005, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) Essl Award Winners 2005, Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg/Vienna (A) Real Presence - Floating Sites, Collateral Events, Venice Biennial, Venice (ITA) Big Paintings, Galerija druzbeno varstvenega centra, Ljubljana (SLO) VSTOP PROST / Admission free, Galerija ZDSLU, Ljubljana (SLO) Floating Sites, Finzgarjeva Galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) 2004 Grafitarji, MGLC - International Graphic Art Centre, Ljubljana (SLO) Narave, Bezigrajska galerija 2, Ljubljana (SLO) International festival of computer arts, Maribor (SLO) Art Stays, Miheliceva galerija, Ptuj (SLO) AL-U3, (galerija S), Ljubljana (SLO) Velika razstava studentov ALUO, Galerija Insula, Portoroz & Pretorska palaca, Koper (SLO) The Voice of the Balkans, Mixartmyris, Toulouse (FR) SOLO EXHIBITIONS & PROJECTS 2009 Galerija Ganes Pratt, Ljubljana, Slovenia (upcoming) 2008 Fireplace, Axe and a Banana-peel, Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery, Celje (SLO) 2007 Monsters, Galerija Ganes Pratt, Ljubljana (SLO) 2006 Purple Volvo Valentine, Likovni salon, Celje (SLO) 2005 Purple Volvo Valentine, Catalyst Arts, Belfast, Northern Ireland 2004 Galerija Dvorni Trg, Ljubljana (SLO) Tamo daleko, City Hall Gallery, Ptuj (SLO) 2003 Stories, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje (SLO) PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS 2009 Slovenia-Indonesia, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje (SLO) and Design, Ljubljana (SLO) 2008 Plevnik-Kronkowska Gallery, Celje (SLO) 2007 Contemporary Art Week, Art Today Association, Plovdiv (BUL) 2006 U3 - Fifth Triennial of Slovenian Contemporary Art, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (SLO) 2005 Videofokus, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje (SLO) Catalyst Arts, Belfast, Northern Ireland Der Künstler auf der Straße, Kulturradiosender Österreich 1 ( GRANTS & AWARDS 2009 Liberal Academy Slovenia – Golden bird for visual art La Vitrine, Artist-in-Residence, Marseille, France 2007 Ministry of Culture – Republic of Slovenia, High Education Grant Essl Award for Central and East Europe, Special Invitation for Slovenia (Sammlung Essl Privatstiftung, Klosterneuburg/ Vienna, Austria) 2006 and Design, Annual University Excellence Award Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, Artist-in-Residence, Paris, France 2005 Essl Award for Central and East Europe, Second Prize for Slovenia (Sammlung Essl Privatstiftung, Klosterneuburg/ Vienna, Austria) and Design, Velenje Art Colony Award Flaxart Studios, Artist-in-Residence, Belfast, Northern Ireland COLLECTIONS Essl Museum, Sammlung Essl Privatstiftung, Klosterneuburg/ Vienna, Austria Media Rocks! MedienGmbh, Wien, Austria Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje Collection, Celje, Slovenia Private Collections BIBLIOGRAPHY (selected) - Sarival Sosič, “ Drawing in Slovenia II. 1940-2009, Muzeji in galerije mesta Ljubljana, Mestna galerija, Ljubljana, 2009 - Matija Plevnik, »The superheroes Last Supper - With great power there must also come great responsibility«, U3 - Fifth Triennial of Slovenian Contemporary Art, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, 2006, unpublished (upcoming 2009) - Matjaz Brulc, »2x2 Dialog zameta in kovine, cez pa se kancek dobre stare ljubezni«, Polet, Ljubljana, 28.6. 2008 - Petra Kaps, »Podoba prostora, Situacija sirsega celjskega prostora, Relacije med kolektivnim in posameznim«, Galerija sodobne umetnosti Celje, 2008 - Irena Cercnik, »Against good«, ATHFABOGOL, Galerija sodobne umetnosti Celje, 2008 - Nadja Zgonik, »Multi, inter, neo, trans«, exh. cat., Galerija Miklova hisa, Ribnica, 2008 - Anne Katrin Fessler, »Superhelden unter Erfolgsdruck«, Der Standard. AT, 14.1. 2008 - Nevenka Sivavec, »Culture hero«, Biennial of Quadrilateral 2, Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, Rijeka, 2007 - Alenka Trebusnjak, »Politicno«, Politicno, Galerija Velenje, Velenje, 2007 - Petja Grafenauer Krnc, »Monsters«, 1.3 festival videa in novih medijev, Ljubljana, 2007 - Yana Kostova, »Bulgaria?.... Oh yeah, Bucharest!«, Art Today Association, Plovdiv, 2007 - Polona Tratnik, »Heroji ali posasti«, Delo, Ljubljana, 3.11. 2007 - Boris Gorupic, »Slika kot road movie«, Delo, Ljubljana, 20.2.2006 CONTACT Mark Pozlep Zofke Kvedrove 16 3000 Celje Slovenia +386 41 61 23 48