NEW WYPDES PERMIT APPLICATION GREYBULL OIL FIELD PROJECT BIGHORN RIVER BASIN, OPTION 2 Bighorn County, Wyoming SECTION 16, T52N, R93W Prepared for: ROCK WELL PETROLEUM (US), INC. Prepared by: P.O. Box 2775, Casper, WY 82602 Tel. 307-265-9199 December 27, 2007 1 1 1 West Second Street, Suite #400 P.O. Box 2775 Casper, WY 82602 Phone: 307-265-9199 Fax: 307-473-7138 www.gga-inc.com December 27, 2007 Mr. Roland Peterson, Environmental Analyst WYPDES Permits Section Water Quality Division / Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality 122 West 25th Street, Herschler Building 4W Cheyenne, WY 82002 RE: Greybull Oil Field Project New WYPDES Permit Application (12/27/07) Bighorn River Basin: Option 2 Rock Well Petroleum (US), Inc. Dear Mr. Peterson: On behalf of Rock Well Petroleum (US), Inc. (Rock Well), we are enclosing one (1) paper copy and one CD with the electronic files of the Greybull Oil Field Project WYPDES permit application for your review and approval. This application includes a table of contents, the WYPDES Application for Permit to Surface Discharge Produced Water…New Discharges form (4/25/07 version), and attached supporting map, tables, and appendices. Please contact me at the above address or telephone number, or at e-mail address jlawlor@gga-inc.com if you have questions concerning this permit application. Sincerely, Gene R. George & Associates, Inc. Jean F. Lawlor, PG Hydrogeologist Enclosures cc: S. Monninger / Rock Well file JFL;jfl jean C:\GGA Projects\Rock Well\Greybull\WYPDES applics\xmt applic cover ltr.doc OVER 35 YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Applic Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS WYPDES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO SURFACE DISCHARGE PRODUCED WATER FROM COAL BED METHANE--NEW DISCHARGES, RENEWALS, OR MAJOR MODIFICATIONS [4/25/07 vers]............................................................................. 1 MAPS (following application form) MAP 1 Greybull Project Proposed WYPDES Discharge (scale 1” = 945 feet) TABLES (following maps) TABLE 1 Outfalls and Water Quality, Containment Unit, & Flow Monitoring Stations TABLE 2 Producing Well Information TABLE 3 Produced and Tunnel Water (Effluent) Quality TABLE 4 Bighorn River Water Quality TABLE 5 Estimated Resultant Water Quality Mixture: Effluent (Tunnel Water + Produced Water) + River Water APPENDICES (following tables) APPENDIX A Effluent Water Analysis Laboratory Reports APPENDIX B Bighorn River Water Analysis Laboratory Reports i vers: 12/27/07 Jean C:\GGA Projects\Rock Well\Greybull\WYPDES applics\Greybull oil field new WYPDES Tbl Contents.doc For Agency Use Only Application Number SUBMIT ONE HARD COPY AND ONE ELECTRONIC COPY WYOMING POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO SURFACE DISCHARGE PRODUCED WATER FROM COAL BED METHANE NEW DISCHARGES, RENEWALS, OR MAJOR MODIFICATIONS WY00_______________ Date Received: __________________ (mo/day/yr) Revised: 06-22-06 Revised form last updated: 04-25-07 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE (Submission of illegible materials will result in return of the application to the applicant) 1. Check the box corresponding to the type of application being applied for: New non-CBM permit CBM permit renewal Permit number ____________ Expiration Date: ________ CBM permit major modification Permit number _____________ Expiration Date: ________________ 2. Identify the river basin in which the discharge will occur: Belle Fourche Cheyenne Powder Little Powder Tongue Other (identify) __Bighorn River_______________________________________ 3. Select permit option(s): if more than one option is selected, the applicant must describe which option applies to which outfall. Option 1A – Discharge is contained within a class 4 water body: Containment within an off-channel pit (class 4C) OR containment within a headwater reservoir situated within a class 4 channel and capable of containing all effluent plus up to a 50-year / 24-hour storm event. Option 1B – Discharge is contained within a class 3 water body: Containment within a natural closed basin or playa lake (class 3A) OR containment within a headwater reservoir situated within a class 3 channel and capable of containing all effluent plus up to a 50-year / 24-hour storm event. Option 2 – This option includes any on-channel discharge (including discharge into an on-channel reservoir) that does not meet the impoundment requirements specified in options 1A or 1B above. If applying for outfalls under Option 2, will discharges from the facility proposed in this application require the use of assimilative capacity credits for salt and sodium in the Powder River? Not applicable □ Yes □ No 4. General Facility Location: Township(s)__T52N_______________ Range(s) R93W_______________ Immediate Receiving Stream(s) Bighorn River___________ 5. Name of the facility producing the discharge (this is the facility name that will appear on the WYPDES permit) Greybull Oil Field ______________________________________________________________ 6. Company, Contact Name, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the individual or company which owns the facility producing the discharge, and the person (consultant) responsible for permit submission. WYPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Produced Water: Application for Coal Bed Methane New Discharges, Renewals, or Major Modifications, revised 04-25-07 ROCK WELL PETROLEUM, INC: 2007-12-27 / 10080010 / NEW NON-CBM: GREYBULL OIL FIELD Page 1 of 8 (06-554.DOC) Company Contact Name Stephen Monninger Consultant Contact Name Jean Lawlor Company Name Rock Well Petroleum (US), Inc. Mailing Address 7000 W. Yellowstone Hwy. City, State, and Zip Code Casper, WY 82604 Telephone Number 307-266-1825 E-Mail Address smonninger@rockwellpetroleum.com Company Name Gene R. George & Assoc., Inc. Mailing Address P.O. Box 2775 City, State, and Zip Code Casper, WY 82602 Telephone Number 307-265-9199 E-Mail Address jlawlor@gga-inc.com 7. If submitting a major modification or permit renewal, please describe all requested permit modifications (i.e. add 2 outfalls, add 23 wells, move outfall 001 500 feet…): 1. __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________ (add additional lines as necessary) *NOTE: Major modification applications requesting to increase the permitted flow for a facility will be processed as RENEWALS. Major modification applications for permits within six months of their expiration date will also be processed as RENEWALS. 8. Name(s) and mailing address(es) of owner(s) of the surface rights on whose land the discharge occurs (in cases where the land is owned by the state or federal government but surface rights are leased to a private individual, provide lessee’s name and address) Landowner #1 Name Town of Greybull Public Works Dept., Randy Rumpler, Tel. 307-765-2682 Mailing Address P.O. Box 271 City, State, and Zip Code Greybull, WY 82426 (additional spaces may be added as necessary) Landowner #2 Name Mailing Address City, State, and Zip Code 9. For all facilities relying on reservoirs of any type as part of their water management plan, complete the attached Table 5a (for option 1A or 1B facilities) and/or Table 5b (for option 2 facilities). The water budget should demonstrate, considering total projected discharge inflows, natural precipitation, evaporation and infiltration, the amount of the discharge that will be contained within the reservoirs, and the circumstances and volume of effluent that could potentially be discharged. If applying for an Option 1A or 1B permit, the water balance must demonstrate that the containment unit will be adequately sized to contain all projected discharge and storm water runoff from a 50 year, 24 hour storm event. not applicable 10. For Option 2 facilities with planned reservoir releases to the Powder River, include analyses of expected water quality within the reservoirs. Reservoir water quality analyses must include all constituents, with the appropriate detection limits and units, listed in the table included with question #19 of this application. n/a WYPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Produced Water: Application for Coal Bed Methane New Discharges, Renewals, or Major Modifications, revised 04-25-07 ROCK WELL PETROLEUM, INC: 2007-12-27 / 10080010 / NEW NON-CBM: GREYBULL OIL FIELD Page 2 of 8 (06-554.DOC) 11. Attach a description and a clear, legible, detailed topographic map of the discharging facility. Include the following: see attached Map 1 a. A legend Map 1 b. Well locations Map 1: underground directional, access via portal tunnel c. Ponds Map 1: storage / aeration / evaporation pond d. Reservoirs n/a e. Stock tanks n/a f. Discharge points (outfalls) Map 1 g. Immediate receiving streams Map 1 h. Water quality monitoring stations n/a i. Irrigation compliance points n/a j. Location of nearest downstream irrigator. nearest downstream irrigation right sourced from Bighorn River: Sect. 5-T52N-R93W (Rogers / Sherard canal) k. Section, Township, and Range information l. If proposing to use class 4C off-channel pits, include footprint outline of the proposed pits. To denote setback distance, include a distance marker from closest side of pit to the nearest water feature, floodplain, or stream alluvium. Identify latitude and longitude in decimal degrees (using a minimum of 6 decimal places) for each end point of the setback distance marker. n/a If any of the above are not applicable please indicate in the description and include a brief explanation as to why the item is not applicable) 12. Describe the control measures that will be implemented to prevent significant damage to or erosion of the receiving water channel at the point of discharge. The effluent water will be piped from Rock Well’s production field east to the proposed outfall at the Bighorn River (Map 1). The town of Greybull has given permission to Rock Well to tie their discharge pipeline into the town’s storm sewer line. The effluent will flow to the river under low-flow gravity drainage only (no pumps). This storm sewer is piped and discharges to the west side of the Bighorn River; the last ~40 feet above the river outfall is a rock-lined open channel that reduces discharge flow velocity and erosive energy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Describe the control measures that will be implemented to achieve water quality standards and effluent limits. If proposing to utilize a treatment process, provide a description of the treatment process. Oilfield produced water will be treated at the production field prior to discharge by passing it through typical oil skim tanks or pits to which Champion “Cleartron ZB-216” de-emulsifier has been added to reduce oil and grease concentrations to the 10 mg/L limit. After the skim tank treatment, water will be stored in a 10,000-barrel storage tank and aeration/evaporation pond (Map 1) and to further reduce volatile organic compound concentrations prior to discharge. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Outfall locations must be established as part of a preliminary field reconnaissance survey using GPS or conventional survey equipment and documented in Table 1. Please document the type of equipment used, the expected accuracy of your measurements, and a brief rationale for locating the outfalls at the requested sites below. The outfall listed on Table 1 and shown on Map 1 was located in the field using a Trimble brand Geo XH model GPS unit using a wide-angle augmentation system with an approximate accuracy of 50 feet. The Town of Greybull has given permission to Rock Well to tie their pipeline into this storm sewer, installed by the Town, to convey their discharge water the remaining distance to the river. This will make use of an already existing pipeline, saving the disturbance, time, and expense of installing a new WYPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Produced Water: Application for Coal Bed Methane New Discharges, Renewals, or Major Modifications, revised 04-25-07 ROCK WELL PETROLEUM, INC: 2007-12-27 / 10080010 / NEW NON-CBM: GREYBULL OIL FIELD Page 3 of 8 (06-554.DOC) pipeline the entire distance to the river. Engineering estimates indicate that this 18” – 30” diameter pipeline has sufficient capacity to convey both Rock Well’s effluent plus storm water. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Complete the attached Table 1. Provide all the information requested in the table for each proposed discharge point or monitoring point. If proposing changes (a major modification) to an existing facility, clearly indicate the desired changes on the table. Additional tables may be attached. Use the format provided. Option 2 permits, except those located in the Belle Fourche or Cheyenne River Basins, must include water quality monitoring station locations. Option 1B headwater reservoir discharges (reservoirs other than playa lakes capable of 50 year, 24 hour stormwater runoff containment) must include flow monitoring station locations. Option 1A and 1B permits must include containment unit monitoring station locations. Information related to reservoirs is only required if the facility’s water management plan includes reservoir containment. See attached Table 1 – “Outfalls and Water Quality , Containment Unit, and Flow Monitoring Stations” 16. Complete the attached Table 2. Provide all the information requested in the table for each well associated with this proposed discharge authorization. If proposing changes (a major modification) to an existing facility, clearly indicate the desired changes on the table. Additional tables may be attached. Use the format provided. See attached Table 2 – “Well Information” 17. Complete the attached Table 3. Provide all the information requested in the table for each reservoir proposed for containment of CBM produced water. Specified locations refer to the approximate center of the reservoir. If proposing changes (a major modification) to an existing facility, clearly indicate the desired changes on the table. Additional tables may be attached. Use the format provided. Information related to reservoirs is only required if the facility’s water management plan includes reservoir containment. n/a 18. Complete the attached Table 4. Provide all information requested in the table related to reservoir bonding requirements for each reservoir proposed for the containment of CBM produced water. If proposing any changes (a major modification) to an existing facility, clearly indicate the desired changes on the table. Additional tables may be attached. Use the format provided. Information related to reservoirs is only required if the facility’s water management plan includes reservoir containment. n/a 19. Provide the results of water analyses for a sample collected from a location representative of the quality of the water being proposed for discharge for all of the chemical parameters listed in the table below. The sample must be collected from well(s) or outfall(s) within a twenty mile radius of the proposed facility’s location, and from the same coal formation(s) and the same approximate depth(s) as proposed in this application. If filing an application for a permit renewal or modification, the representative sample must be collected from the facility being proposed for renewal or modification. Explain why this sample is representative of the produced water to be discharged. See attached summary Table 3 and corresponding detailed analytical laboratory reports in Appendix A. The effluent water quality samples presented were collected from the Greybull Field production water (from oil-producing formation) and tunnel water (shallow groundwater seeps into portal access tunnel). Samples from co-mingled coal seams are acceptable as long as the sample(s) meet the following criteria: A. all of the coal seams being proposed for development are represented in the co-mingled sample, with no contribution from coal seams not being proposed for development at the new facility. B. the ratio of each coal seam’s contribution is approximately the same in the sample and the proposed development, C. documentation is provided to verify the criteria listed in A. and B. The analyses must be conducted in accordance with approved EPA test procedures (40 CFR Part 136). Include a signed copy of your lab report that includes the following: See Appendix A WYPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Produced Water: Application for Coal Bed Methane New Discharges, Renewals, or Major Modifications, revised 04-25-07 ROCK WELL PETROLEUM, INC: 2007-12-27 / 10080010 / NEW NON-CBM: GREYBULL OIL FIELD Page 4 of 8 (06-554.DOC) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. detection limits results of each of the chemical parameters at the chemical state given below quarter/quarter, section, township and range of the sample collection location Time and date of sample collection Time and date of analysis for each parameter Analyst’s initials for each parameter Detection limit for each parameter as achieved by the laboratory WYPDES permit number and outfall number, where the sample was collected. Origin of produced water (coal seam and legal location of sample collection location) If more than one coal seam is being proposed for development, the permittee must submit a lab analysis and complete information characterizing water quality from each coal seam being proposed for development. If the permittee is proposing to include discharges from a coal seam not previously developed at this facility, the permittee must submit a lab analysis and complete information characterizing water quality from the new coal seam being proposed for development. A mixing analysis may be required if the representative water quality analysis from the new coal seam indicates that the inclusion of the new effluent source may result in degradation of existing effluent quality. Analyses must be provided in the units listed below. See attached Table 3 and Appendix A. Parameter* (See notes following the table on chemical states) Required Detection Limits and Required Units Alkalinity, Total Aluminum, Dissolved Arsenic, Total Recoverable Barium, Total Recoverable Bicarbonate Cadmium, Dissolved Calcium, Dissolved Chlorides Copper, Dissolved Dissolved Solids, Total Fluoride, Dissolved Hardness, Total Iron, Dissolved Lead, Dissolved Magnesium, Dissolved Manganese, Dissolved Mercury, Dissolved pH Radium 226, Total Recoverable 1 mg/l as CaCO3 Radium 228, Total Recoverable** Selenium, Total Recoverable Sodium Adsorption Ratio Sodium, Dissolved Specific Conductance Sulfates 50 μg/l 1 μg/l 100 μg/l 10 mg/l 5 μg/l 50 μg/l, report as mg/l 5 mg/l 10 μg/l 5 mg/l 100 µg/l 10 mg/l as CaCO3 50 μg/l 2 μg/l 100 μg/l, report as mg/l 50 μg/l 1 μg/l to 0.1 pH unit 0.2 pCi/l 0.2 pCi/l 5 μg/l Calculated as unadjusted ratio 100 μg/l, report as mg/l 5 micromhos/cm 10 mg/l WYPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Produced Water: Application for Coal Bed Methane New Discharges, Renewals, or Major Modifications, revised 04-25-07 ROCK WELL PETROLEUM, INC: 2007-12-27 / 10080010 / NEW NON-CBM: GREYBULL OIL FIELD Page 5 of 8 (06-554.DOC) Required Detection Limits and Required Units Parameter* (See notes following the table on chemical states) Zinc, Dissolved 50 μg/l *Discharges into drainages other than the Powder River geologic basin may require analysis of additional parameters, please contact the WDEQ for a separate list. **This parameter is only required for those discharges located within one stream mile of a class 2 water. 20. For new facilities, provide the expected (estimated) flow volume from each well in gallons per day, and provide the rationale behind the flow volume estimate. For existing facilities, provide actual flow data from all wells within the last six months. Based on Rock Well’s site water production measurements, total (all wells) maximum daily flow is estimated at 3500 barrels per day (= 102 gpm) produced water + 7 gpm tunnel water = 109 gpm total effluent = 157,080 gallons per day = 0.157 MGD = 0.243 cubic feet per second. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 21. For applications for new facilities, are any of the required chemical constituents in the laboratory analysis present in concentrations above Wyoming Water Quality Standards? YES NO If the answer to question # 21 is yes, answer 21.a. – 21.b below. If no, proceed to question 23. a. Which constituents? Oil & grease b. Has this constituent been addressed in the response to question 13? Yes Excepting oil & grease, several produced and tunnel water quality samples collected from the Greybull Field (Table 3) indicate that the proposed discharge water quality can be expected to meet typical permitted effluent water quality limits without treatment prior to discharge. Rock Well has conducted Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) tests, both acute and chronic on Ceriodaphnia and fathead minnow, using Greybull Field effluent (produced + tunnel water) in Bighorn River water. Results are available upon request. 22. For applications for existing facilities, has the facility ever exceeded permit limits or water quality standards? n/a YES NO If the answer to question 22 is yes, answer 22.a. – 22.c. If no, proceed to question 23. a. Which constituents? b. Has the exceedance been addressed? c. Describe how the exceedance was addressed. 23. Is there active irrigation in the drainage downstream of the discharge? (Please note that this response includes both artificially and naturally irrigated bottomlands as defined in the Draft Agricultural Use Protection Policy for the interpretation and implementation of Chapter 1, Section 20 of the Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations ). YES NO WYPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Produced Water: Application for Coal Bed Methane New Discharges, Renewals, or Major Modifications, revised 04-25-07 ROCK WELL PETROLEUM, INC: 2007-12-27 / 10080010 / NEW NON-CBM: GREYBULL OIL FIELD Page 6 of 8 (06-554.DOC) Irrigation rights to use Bighorn River water downstream of the proposed outfall have been identified from a search of WSEO water rights database and are available upon request. If yes, at a minimum, the WYPDES Program requires submission of the following information: 1. Location(s) of irrigation diversions and/or sub-irrigated acreage; 2. Type(s) of Crops grown under irrigation; 3. Description of Irrigation Practices 4. A topographic map showing irrigated acreage, any structures, ownership of irrigated acreage. In addition to the minimum information described above, the WYPDES Program may require additional information should the permittee request site-specific effluent limits protective of irrigation uses. Contact the WYPDES Program for more information regarding requirements for site-specific SAR, TDS, and EC limits. 24. Provide name(s) and address(es) for all downstream irrigators between the outfalls and the mainstem. Irrigator #1 Name Irrigator #2 Name Mailing Address Mailing Address City, State, and Zip Code City, State, and Zip Code (additional spaces may be added as necessary) Only very limited historical river water quality data could be located for typical oil production water constituents for comparison to Rock Well’s effluent. To date, Rock Well has collected 2 Bighorn River water quality samples: 1 depth- and width-integrated composite sample collected from the Rt. #14 bridge downstream of the proposed discharge point, and 1 grab sample collected the same day at the proposed discharge point at the west bank of the river for comparison to the composite (Table 4 and Appendix B). The predicted resultant water quality mixture of effluent plus Bighorn River water is nearly the same quality as current Bighorn River water quality – see river water quality (Table 4) and mixing analysis (Table 5). This mixing estimate conservatively assumes the maximum concentrations from the produced water and tunnel water database (Table 3) and the minimum concentrations from the river water database beginning with 2007 samples (Table 4). The river flow rate assumed (163,385 gpm) is equivalent to the river low flow 7Q10 value (364 cfs) referenced from the Town of Greybull’s WYPDES permit No. WY0020583 already discharging to the Bighorn River downstream (north) of Rock Well’s proposed outfall. 25. Provide a listing of all active permits or construction approvals received or applied for by the applicant for the site described in this permit application in accordance with Chapter 2, Section 5.T. of the Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations. WDEQ Permit No. 06-659: land application of blended tunnel water WOGCC Permit: on-lease lined aeration & evaporation pond WOGCC Permit: on-lease road application of waste water I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting WYPDES Application for Permit to Discharge Produced Water: Application for Coal Bed Methane New Discharges, Renewals, or Major Modifications, revised 04-25-07 ROCK WELL PETROLEUM, INC: 2007-12-27 / 10080010 / NEW NON-CBM: GREYBULL OIL FIELD Page 7 of 8 (06-554.DOC) Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Applic Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. MAP CEMETERY MAP 1 Greybull Project Proposed WYPDES Discharge Greybull, Wyoming Legend er Proposed WYPDES Pipeline Portal Big Ho rn R iv Aeration/Evaporation Pond Tie-In Outfall Aerated Treatment Pond 10,000 Barrel Storage Tank 5th St. RWP Property Boundary PORTAL Proposed WYPDES Pipelin e 5th Ave Storm Water Tie-In BALLPARK WYPDES Outfall 600 0 600 Feet CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY PROPERTY of Rock Well Petroleum (U.S.), Inc. © 2007 Unauthorized Copying Prohibited Return to Rock Well Petroleum (U.S.), Inc. File: Greybull-H2O-Treat.mxd Date: 19-Dec-2007 Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Applic Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. TABLES TABLE 1 OUTFALLS and WATER QUALITY, CONTAINMENT UNIT, & FLOW MONITORING STATIONS Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Permit Application Rock Well Petroleum (US), Inc. LOCATION Discharge (Outfall) Point # 001 Immediate Receiving Stream Bighorn River Mainstem (closest Dist. fr. Outfall perennial to Mainstem, water) Stream Miles QQ SECT Bighorn River 0.0 NWNW 16 STATION DESCRIPTION na UWQMS DWQMS na TRIB na CU1 na FM1 na IMP na vers: 12/18/2007 C:\GGA Projects\Rock Well\Greybull\WYPDES applics\ Greybull Field New WYPDES Data Tbls\1 -OUTFALL pts TWNSP N RNG W 52 93 LAT N, LONG W, degrees degrees (NAD27) (NAD27) 44.483861 -108.048611 County Big Horn Receiving Containment Unit Name n/a NOTES -- -- -- -- ---- Gene R. George + Assoc., Inc. Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 PRODUCING WELL INFORMATION Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Permit Application Rock Well Petroleum (US), Inc. WELL LOCATIONS API No. Producing Fm Well I.D. DRILL STATION No. 1 321579 PEAY SANDSTONE DRILL STATION No. 2 DRILL STATION No. 3 DRILL STATION No. 4 DRILL STATION No. 5 321580 PEAY SANDSTONE 321583 PEAY SANDSTONE 321586 PEAY SANDSTONE 321587 PEAY SANDSTONE QTY = Well Depth feet bgs QQ SECT TWNSP N RNG W Discharges to Outfall # (see Table 1) directional NWNE 17 52 93 001 " " NWNE 17 52 93 001 " " NENW 17 52 93 001 " " NENW 17 52 93 001 " " NENW 17 52 93 001 5 vers: 12/20/2007 C:\GGA Projects\Rock Well\Greybull\WYPDES applics\ Greybull Field New WYPDES Data Tbls\2 - Wells Page 1 of 1 Gene R. George + Assoc., Inc. TABLE 3 PRODUCED AND TUNNEL WATER (EFFLUENT) QUALITY Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Permit Application Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. PARAMETERS Alkalinity , total UNITS SURFACE WATER AQUATIC LIFE EFFLUENT CHRONIC LIMITS1 VALUE2 AT E.O.P., May mix inNO MIXING stream to post discharge achieve PRODUCED WATER 10/27/05 mg/L as CaCO3 5/2/07 5/8/07 3,000 3,040 8/23/07 TUNNEL WATER 10/16/07 11/26/07 2/7/06 4/13/06 1310 1400 <0.002 <0.002 <0.1 <0.1 4/26/06 6/15/06 5/22/07 Aluminum, dissolved Aluminum, total mg/L Arsenic , total mg/L arsenic, dissolved mg/L Barium , total mg/L Bicarbonate as HCO3 mg/L cadmium, dissolved* mg/L Calcium mg/L Chlorides mg/L chromium III mg/L 0.003 0.005 0.15 0.6 4,140 3,700 15.3 18.7 19 19 196 321 109 222 250 195 261 224 312 237 0.02 0.0022 2,000 230 0.0741 <0.05 <0.01 chromium VI (hexavalent) mg/L 0.011 Copper, dissolved mg/L 0.0090 Fluoride 0.3 0.087 mg/L Hardness 1.1 87.2 mg/l as CaCO3 Iron , dissolved mg/L 0.0025 Lead, dissolved* mg/L 0.0025 0.1 0.8 84 79 0.29 1050 0.24 mg/L manganese, dissolved* mg/L 1.462 0.03 mercury, dissolved mg/L 0.00077 <0.001 pH 9.7 Radium 226 , total 9.9 9 7 6.5 - 8.5 6.5-9 <0.03 145 296 165 <0.05 0.052 Standard Units 0.04 <0.05 Magnesium nickel, dissolved 949 8.06 7.85 pCi/l 8.1 8.48 0.5 0.7 8.25 0.8 3.5 <0.004 <0.004 8.4 <0.2 Radium 228, total Selenium , total mg/L Silver, dissolved mg/L Silver, total mg/L Sodium , dissolved mg/L Sodium Adsorption Ratio unitless Specific Conductance umhos/cm Sulfate mg/L sulfide (hydrogen sulfide) mg/L Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/L ND 1,530 3000 3 <0.01 1,680 2,120 2,520 69.7 79.5 28.5 24.3 37.6 5,880 6,190 5,940 10,100 12,000 10,400 3 289 185 4,480 4,960 4,610 7,970 10,300 <10 <5 208 3,910 3,970 3,980 250 10 430 mg/L 9,800 8,680 <5.0 ug/L 1.2 2380 toluene3 ug/L 1,000 1650 ethylbenzene3 ug/L 700 216 xylenes3 ug/L 10,000 906 benzene 11,000 <0.02 0.1181 mg/L 2,660 4.22 4,000 5000 <0.01 1,500 0.002 Zinc, dissolved* Oil & Grease Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) 0.006 0.005 [1] Wyoming Water Quality Rules & Regulations Chapter 7, Section 4: Effluent Limitations [for Surface Discharge of Water assoc. with the Production of Oil and Gas] [2] WY Surface Water Quality Standards, Chap. 1: Water Quality Criteria, Appendix B, Aquatic Life Chronic Value [3] -WY Surface Water Quality Standards, Chap. 1: Water Quality Criteria, Appendix B, Human Health Value, Fish & Drinking Water * - hardness-dependent Aquatic Life Chronic Value concentration EOP - end of discharge pipe vers: 12/27/2007 C:\GGA Projects\Rock Well\Greybull\WYPDES applics\Dec07 Individ applic\applic files\ Greybull Field New WYPDES Data Tbls\3_produced&tunnel wq Page 1 of 1 Rock Well GGA TABLE 4 BIGHORN RIVER WATER QUALITY Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Permit Application Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. SURFACE WATER AQUATIC LIFE CHRONIC a Parameters Date Sampled ALUMINUM, DISSOLVED ARSENIC, DISSOLVED CADMIUM, DISSOLVED* CHLORIDE CHROMIUM III CHROMIUM VI (HEXAVALENT) COPPER, DISSOLVED* HARDNESS [Ca] + [Mg] IRON, DISSOLVED LEAD, DISSOLVED* MANGANESE, DISSOLVED* MERCURY, DISSOLVED NICKEL, DISSOLVED* OIL & GREASE pH RADIUM 226 SELENIUM, TOTAL SILVER, DISSOLVED* SULFATES SULFIDE (HYDROGEN SULFIDE) TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS ZINC, DISSOLVED* b Units LIMIT mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L S.U. pCi/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.087 0.15 0.0022 230 0.0741 0.011 0.009 n/e 1 0.0025 1.462 0.00077 52 n/e 6.5-9 n/e 0.005 n/e n/e 0.002 n/e 0.1181 umhos/cm deg C n/e n/e n/e n/e n/e cfs n/e Bighorn River Composite at Rt#14 Bridge Bighorn River Grab at Storm Sewer Outfall 10/16/07 10/16/07 0.2 <0.005 <0.001 19 <0.010 <0.010 <0.01 324 0.090 <0.1 <0.010 <0.001 <0.01 <1.0 8.2 <0.2 <0.005 <0.005 311 <0.04 679 <0.010 <0.1 <0.005 <0.001 19 <0.010 <0.010 <0.01 327 <0.03 <0.1 <0.010 <0.001 <0.01 <1.0 8.2 0.4 <0.005 <0.005 311 <0.04 682 <0.010 2/26/1973 0.0042 na 14.6 na na 0 88 0.032 0.00063 0 0.696 na na 7.89 na 0.0025 na na na na 0.019 Bighorn River @ Greybull (WGF Stn #82100102: 44.48215187 N by 108.0404626 W)c 4/17/73 7/11/73 9/20/73 12/5/73 4/19/74 7/17/74 8/22/74 9/16/74 11/7/74 12/11/74 0.0042 0.0045 0.0042 <0.0042 na na na na 14.5 14.0 9.0 7.5 na na na na na na na na 0 0 0.004 0.002 106 96 78 133 0.0080 0 0.0080 0.012 0.00048 0.00032 0.00023 0.00048 0.024 0 0.006 0.012 0.00087 0.19 0.00090 0.00055 na na na na na na na na 8.30 8.50 7.89 8.30 na na na na 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 <0.0025 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 0.0069 0.0021 0.0063 0.0040 na na 11.6 na na na 102 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 11.5 na na na 92 na na na na na na 8.30 na na na na na na na na na 11.5 na na na 92 na na na na na na 8.30 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na 8.40 na na na na na na na na na 16 na na na 102 na na na na na na 8.40 na na na na na na na na na 19 na na na 110 na na na na na na 8.40 na na na na na na na FIELD MEASUREMENTS: CONDUCTIVITY D.O. mg/L Eh pH TEMPERATURE FLOW (USGS Gauging Stn No. 06274300 @ Basin, WY), approx. S.U. 861 nm nm na na na na na na na na na na na nm 9.3 na na 9.5 na na 8.1 na na na na na 9.3 na na 9.1 na na 9.1 na na 9.1 na na 9.9 na na 11.5 na na 7.63 14.6 nm 9.4 na na nm 2 11 26 16 1 13 25 na 21 8 na 544 544 na na na na na na na na na na na nm nm See Appendix C (attached) for 2007 corresponding laboratory reports * - hardness-dependent Aquatic Life Chronic Value concentration a - list received from B. DiRienzo/WDEQ (2003) b - Chap. 1, Appendix B: WY Surface Water Quality Standards, Water Quality Criteria, Aquatic Life Chronic Value c - source: archived Wyoming Game & Fish Dept. sample summary table, printed 7/23/07 from: http://charon.wrds.uwyo.edu na - not available nm -not measured n/e - not established vers: 12/27/2007 C:\GGA Projects\Rock Well\Greybull\WYPDES applics\ Greybull Field New WYPDES Data Tbls\ 4_hist BigHornR samples Page 1 of 1 Gene R. George + Assoc., Inc. TABLE 5 ESTIMATED RESULTANT WATER QUALITY MIXTURE: EFFLUENT (TUNNEL WATER + PRODUCED WATER) + RIVER WATER Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Permit Application Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. BIGHORN RIVER (Table 4) EFFLUENT (Table 3) Produced Tunnel Water Max Water Max Flow Rate (Q) 102 7 gpm Effluent [1a] Mixture 109 River Water Min 163,385 MIXTURE [1b] Mixture: Effluent + River Water 163,494 LIMITS WDEQ Stock & Wildlife Limits chlorides mg/L 261 312 264 8.2 oil & grease mg/L 430 2.5 403 0.5 pH 8.06 8.48 8.1 8.20 6.5-8.5 sulfates mg/L 289 4,960 589 311 3,000 TDS mg/L 4,000 11,000 4,449 679 5,000 Conductivity umhos/cm 6,190 12,000 5,694 861 864 Rd 226 pCi/L 0.7 3.5 0.88 0.10 0.10 Al mg/L As mg/L Cd mg/L Fe mg/L Mn mb/L 0.30 na 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.005 0.0010 0.0047 0.0025 0.0025 0.020 na 0.020 0.00050 0.00051 0.29 0.040 0.27 0.015 0.015 0.04 3.60 0.27 0.0050 0.0052 Se mg/L 0.0060 na 0.0060 0.0025 0.0025 Pb mg/L 0.00 0.090 0.0058 0.0500 0.050 benzene, ug/L 2,380 2.5 2,227 0 1.5 toluene, ug/L 1,650 na 1,650 0 1.1 Effluent must meet limits at End-ofPipe [2] 2000 10 cfs - cubic feet per second EC - electrical conductivity gpm - gallons per minute na - no data available; if no sample available for tunnel consituent, produced value assumed for effluent [1] Mixture Estimation Method (USEPA, Dec. 1996: U.S. EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Manual, EPA-833-96-003, Exhibit 6-2). [1a] - (QpCp + QtCt) / Qe = Ce [1b] - (QrCr + QeCe) / Qmix = Cmix C = concentration, mg/L Q = flow rate e = effluent (produced + tunnel water)r = river water mix = mixture (effluent + river) t = tunnel water p = produced water If concentration was less than detection limit, 1/2 detection limit was used for calculation. [2] - WY Water Quality Rules & Reg's Chapter 7, Sect 4: Effluent limits for Stock and wildlife limits [3] - WY Water Quality Rules & Reg's Chapter 11, Section 55(c)(ii): Irrigation Water Quality, Numerical water quality criteria for limited volumes. vers: 12/27/2007 C:\GGA Projects\Rock Well\Greybull\WYPDES applics\ Greybull Field New WYPDES Data Tbls\5_Mix effluent+river Page 1 of 1 Gene R. George + Assoc., Inc. Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Applic Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. APPENDIX A Effluent Water Analysis Laboratory Reports GREYBULL OIL FIELD PRODUCED WATER GREYBULL OIL FIELD PRODUCED WATER GREYBULL OIL FIELD PRODUCED WATER GREYBULL OIL FIELD PRODUCED WATER ROCK WELL'S TUNNEL / MINE WATER ROCK WELL'S TUNNEL / MINE WATER LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Rock Well Petroleum Project: Greybull Lab ID: C06041147-001 Client Sample ID: GB 42606 001-007 Report Date: 05/16/06 Collection Date: 04/26/06 10:30 Date Received: 04/26/06 Matrix: Aqueous ROCK WELL'S TUNNEL / MINE WATER Analyses Result Units Qual MCL/ RL QCL Method Analysis Date / By PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Solids, Total Dissolved TDS @ 180 C Turbidity 11000 6.00 mg/L NTU 10 0.10 A2540 C A2130 B 04/27/06 11:11 / jdh 04/27/06 10:23 / th ND pCi/L 0.2 E903.0 05/05/06 08:30 / trs ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 102 115 104 100 mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L %REC %REC %REC %REC SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B SW1311/8260B 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr 05/01/06 23:19 / jlr ND mg/L 5.0 SW1664A 05/03/06 14:53 / dj 0.10 mg Cl/L 0.10 SW9020B 05/09/06 09:16 / cjs RADIONUCLIDES - TOTAL Radium 226 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS - TCLP 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroform Ethylbenzene m+p-Xylenes Methyl ethyl ketone o-Xylene Tetrachloroethene Toluene Trichloroethene Vinyl chloride Surr: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 Surr: Dibromofluoromethane Surr: p-Bromofluorobenzene Surr: Toluene-d8 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.10 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.7 0.5 7.5 0.5 0.5 100 6 200 0.7 0.5 0.2 80-120 65-125 80-120 80-120 ORGANIC CHARACTERISTICS Non-polar Materials (SGT-HEM) TOTAL ORGANIC HALOGENS - TCLP Organic Halides, Total Report Definitions: RL - Analyte reporting limit. MCL - Maximum contaminant level. QCL - Quality control limit. ND - Not detected at the reporting limit. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com ROCK WELL'S TUNNEL / MINE WATER Greybull Oil Field New WYPDES Applic Rock Well Petroleum, Inc. APPENDIX B Bighorn River Water Analysis Laboratory Reports Bighorn River @ Hwy #14 Bridge, Greybull, WY Bighorn River @ storm water outfall (44.483861 N lat by 108.048611 W long), Greybull, WY