Winter 2011 Newsletter


Winter 2011 Newsletter
An Evening of Summer Dreams
Give the Gift of Camp this Holiday Season
Share the magic of Camp Oochigeas and give the gift of “Ooch” this holiday season. Fill out the donation card below or visit today.
When you make your symbolic gift, you have the option to send a thank you card or an e-card to someone letting them know you’ve made
a donation on their behalf.
April 19, 2012
Sheraton Hotel - 123 Queen Street West
Send a Kid to Camp
Whether it’s up in Muskoka, at SickKids Hospital, or at Ooch
Downtown, Camp Oochigeas is the one place a kid affected
by cancer gets to be just a kid. This spring, join us for our
biennial fundraising gala at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel.
It’s the one night we come together to ensure every child
affected by childhood cancer gets to share in the Ooch
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O O O
We’ve done everything from
sushi to gnocchi. Help stock
our fridge for one of our
Ooch Downtown cooking
$3,500 - 2 Weeks
$1,750 - 1 Week
$250 - 1 Day
$125 - 1/2 Day
$1,000 Equipment for Media
Call us today to reserve your seat or for more information
on sponsorship opportunities. Please contact Aaron Wheat at
(416) 961-6624 x 209.
$150 Cooking Supplies
$100 8B Craft Bag
Arts and crafts supply bags
for 10 kids who are on 8B,
the bone marrow transplant
ward at SickKids Hospital.
Computers, cameras and audio
recording equipment for the new
Media Room at Ooch Downtown.
$750 Bus Transportation
The Sporting Life 10K: Team up for Ooch
Transportation for our campers
from the Ottawa region to and from
residential camp in Muskoka.
May 13th, 2012 : SAVE THE DATE!
In 2011 we asked you to dream big and you answered the call. With your help we raised over $1.3 million,
enough to fund our entire summer residential program! The Sporting Life 10K typically contributes a third of
our operating budget and with the multitude of year-round programming offered by Ooch, we need your
help. This year we invite you to TEAM UP and make the 2012 Sporting Life 10K our biggest and best ever.
$300 Adventure Equipment
Join the Ooch Dream Team
Take your fundraising to the next level and commit to raising
$3,500 – enough to send a child to camp for 2 weeks.
We’ll take care of your registration and help you out with
fundraising ideas along the way.
Donation Card
Get involved through your school
Teachers and students can team up to raise funds as a school
and show the GTA their school spirit.
If you go to camp, you understand the magic and positive
impact it has on the life of a child. Run or walk with your camp
and help send deserving children to Camp Ooch.
Yes, I will give the gift of camp.
Enclosed is my donation for the following gifts of camp:
Companies participate in a friendly fundraising challenge against
other companies within their industry. Let the rivalry begin!
Run or walk with your camp
This includes new safety equipment
for the adventure courses at
residental camp and Ooch
Downtown, including helmets,
harnesses, carabiners and ropes.
This gift is in honour of someone
Name: _________________________________
$1,750 $300
$_________ Other
$_________ A monthly gift to
be charged to my credit card
Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Volume 13
Winter 2011
More Ooch than Ever Before
What a summer! This year we welcomed a record 337 Ooch campers to our residential site
in Muskoka, 61 to one of our summer day camps and 743 to our In-City programming. In
addition we met with patients over 5,000 times through the In-Hospital Program at SickKids
Hospital. And we aren’t stopping there. To follow up our biggest summer ever, we’ve also
had our busiest fall, with over 52 days of programming. Here’s a quick look at just a few of the
things we’ve been up to.
Police Marine Unit Day
Chef’s Day O
Province: ________ Postal Code:___________
Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ Province: _____________________ Postal Code: ___________________
Phone Number: (_____)_________________________ Email:________________________________________
Name of Card Holder: ________________________________________________________________________
Legacy Giving (Check here to receive information about leaving a gift to Camp Oochigeas in your will)
More Ooch than Ever Before
20 Year Volunteer - Mell Evans
Dream Team Member - Dave
An Evening of Summer Dreams
Sporting Life 10K
Letters from Parents
Founding Friends Profile:
their signature
Teens work on
och Downtown
dishes in the O
Teaching Kitche
Family Night
Campers join us at the Toronto
Our In-Hospita
l team discover
Harbour for an afternoon of fun some superpow
ers in the halls
on the water.
SickKids Hospita
Weekends at Camp
Young Adult
us For the first time, we offered five
eir families join
Campers and th
g fall Weekends At Camp at our
own for an ev
residential site in Muskoka.
at Ooch Downt
of sports and a
Give the Gift of Camp
In-City event attendance
Weekend At Camp (WAC) attendance
New campers attending Ooch programming outside the hospital
Residental Camp attendance
Day Camp attendance
Please make cheques
payable to:
Camp Oochigeas
464 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
T: 416.961.6624
F: 416.961.2267
Charitable Business #
13111 6022 RR0001
* All donations made through the symbolic giving program are a contribution to our operating fund, not a donation to a specific item.
Your donation will be used where it is needed most, to help send kids to camp.
A weekend for
young adult
survivors of ch
ildhood cancer
ages 19-25.
We’d like to extend a big thanks to our volunteer and donor community who make our ongoing
programming possible. Thanks to you, there is more Ooch than ever before.
City: _______________________
Other _____________
Superhero D
In This Issue
Sunscreen and
2 bottles of sunscreen and 2
bottles of bugspray to help
keep our campers protected
from the sun and bugs!
Visa/MC/Amex #:______________________________________________________ Expiry Date: ___________
For race details, fundraising options and more ways to team up with
Ooch this spring, check out our website:
Guitar Strings
and Picks
$3,500 *Tax receipts will be provided for donations over $25
General supplies including
hand sanitizer, Band-Aids,
gloves & syringes to keep on
hand in the Med Shed.
Basic supplies for our stock
of new guitars at residential
camp, SickKids Hospital and
Ooch Downtown.
It’s true, sometimes campers (and
counsellors) forget their rain gear at
Here’s how you can get involved:
Be a part of an Industry Challenge team
$500 Rain Gear for our
Tripping Center
First Aid Supplies
Issue 3
Campers from centers other than SickKids**
*2011 figures include projected attendance for November and December. **Childrens Hospital of Eastern
Ontario, McMaster Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre.
Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer based organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by
childhood cancer with a unique opportunity for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences.
Camp Oochigeas
464 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
T: 416.961.6624
Charitable Business #
13111 6022 RR0001
Mailing Options
To receive our newsletter
electronically or to be taken
off of our mailing list, please
contact or
© Copyright 2011 Camp Oochigeas
Kind Words from Our Community
20 Year Volunteer - Mell Evans
Congratulations to our newest 20 year volunteer, Mell Evans! We had a chance to catch up with Mell and ask a few
questions about her time with Ooch.
When did you first volunteer with Camp Ooch?
My first summer was in July of 1992.
How did you get involved?
My family supported Hugh Rennie in getting the camp up and running – taking care of
accounting and charitable organization registration. So, by proxy, Ooch has been part of
my life since its beginning. I used to stuff and label envelopes and lick stamps. As soon as
I was old enough, I applied to be a counsellor.
Do you have a favourite Ooch memory?
Supporting an Intermediate Boy camper with a recent leg amputation attain his personal
goal of diving off the diving board. The memory still brings tears of pride to my eyes.
Favourite Ooch Song?
“On the Loose.”
Favourite Camp Meal?
Breakfast - hot cereal with brown sugar and milk. Mmmm.
Polar Bear Dip or Polar Bear Hike?
DIP!!! And when I’m not at camp, I polar bear dip at the cottage every morning, May to September.
Which programs were you involved with in 2011?
New Volunteer Training in the spring, Intermediate Boys counsellor this summer at Teomul (our residential camp for
bereaved siblings), a Weekend At Camp in the fall, and the Reunion (coming up on December 3rd).
How has Ooch changed since you first started volunteering?
Ooch puts everything into perspective; I stop sweating the small stuff, I celebrate the small victories, I work hard to “spot
it, label it and reward it” and I take time to reflect on my roses and thorns.
Why do you keep coming back?
Every year I challenge myself to give as much as I can to the campers of Ooch, and every year the campers give me more.
How can you walk away from such a healthy, symbiotic relationship?
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O
In 2008 Camp Oochigeas received a phone call from Stephen Turvey,
the General Manager of PlayStation Canada and a former Ooch
volunteer, who wanted to give Camp Ooch a corporate gift of $20,000.
Ooch at SickKids
“Camp Oochigeas works hard to provide kids with cancer an unforgettable camping
experience. They believe that every child with cancer deserves to experience the
wonder of camp, united by the common bond of cancer, all the while building lasting
memories and friendships. We here at Sony Computer Entertainment Canada couldn’t
agree more,” said Stephen.
When the psychology doctors visited Julie the following day they confirmed
the improvement in her mood and told me that this type of programming can
be just as effective as anti-depression medication. The Ooch team recognized
that what my daughter needed most was a way to smile and move her body. On behalf of Julie and my entire
family we would like to express our deep appreciation to Camp Oochigeas and the dedicated In-Hospital Team.
Best regards,
Ari Xenarios and Stephen Turvey
Ooch in Muskoka* Dear Ooch,
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
THANK YOU for the wonderful weekend Kumar had up at camp. I credit the
amazing Ooch gang with the self-confidence Kumar possesses. I believe that it’s
because of Ooch that he feels more confident to try new things and is becoming
more comfortable with his cancer outside of camp. At school, he tried out for the
play and was one of a small number of students who was given a part. One of the
kids at school who was just moved into his class noticed his scars and began asking
questions. One of Kumar’s classmates who already knew the reason piped up and told
the new student that Kumar is a 3-time cancer survivor. The new boy said, “Awesome!”
The Ooch Dream Team is a group of individuals that each commit to raising enough money to send at least one deserving
child to camp for a full two-week summer session. We sat down with Dave Jones to talk about his Dream Team experience
last year in the Sporting Life 10K.
For more information on the Ooch Dream Team, visit
Dear Ooch,
Our daughter Julie has been in the isolation room at SickKids Hospital for nearly a
month. The doctors and nurses do their best to cheer her up, but she is experiencing
a tough time and, understandably, is in a very bad mood. The other day I asked
one of the Ooch In-Hospital Co-ordinators to spend some time with her. After only
one hour, they were playing guitar and singing Julie’s favorite camp songs while she
laughed and danced on her bed. It was magic. I saw the smile and happiness on my
daughter’s face that had been missing for weeks.
Dream Team Member - Dave Jones
How many years have you done the Sporting Life 10K?
I ran my first Sporting Life 10K 14 years ago and then I took a 10 year break, so 2011 was like a
new beginning.
Why did you get involved in the Ooch Dream Team?
A fellow counsellor told me about the Dream Team and asked me to sponsor her. I thought, “I
should do this too. I have supportive friends and it would be fun to put on the running shoes
Would you call yourself a serious runner? Tell us about your training schedule.
No, I am definitely not a serious runner. I have done my share of 10Ks and a few marathons but
that was many pounds ago. I did, however, spend quite a few years carb loading in anticipation of
this race. I am pretty active with hockey, biking, and fitboxing so the downhill run was pretty easy.
But next year I need to bring that time down to 50 minutes to beat fellow volunteer Adam Potts!
What are the benefits of being on the Dream Team and how did Ooch support you?
I was surprised by the amazing support from the Ooch team. They helped me select pictures
to put on my fundraising page and were very patient getting me up and running. I was a bit
nervous at first and the Ooch support really helped.
Co-consellors Adam Potts
Do you have any fundraising tips?
and Dave Jones
First, don’t be shy asking your friends and family for support. They are all proud of the work you
do with Ooch and are delighted to help. Second, I found that a personal email to each person with a link to my fundraising
page worked really well. Third, ask someone you know will donate a fair amount first. That sets the standard on your page
when others are trying to figure out what to give. And last but not least, I was amazed at the support from people I have
done business with or worked with, like my real estate agent, lawyer, co-workers, bank manager, plumber, etc.
What advice do you have for potential Dream Team members?
Go for it! The Dream Team is like Ooch: Once you try it you will be hooked and it’s hard to imagine it until you try. The
support from my friends really made me feel special and that shirt that says “I sent a kid to camp”… I feel amazing every
time I put it on.
PlayStation: One of Our Founding Friends
Every year, PlayStation takes part in various fundraising efforts benefitting Camp Ooch. They are a sponsor of the biennial
Oochigeas fundraising gala – An Evening of Summer Dreams, they run the annual PlayStation Charity Golf Tournament
which contributed nearly $80,000 this year, and employees participate in the Sporting Life 10K. In 2011, PlayStation
committed $300,000 and became one of the original four Founding Friends that enabled Ooch Downtown to get off the
ground. We are extremely grateful to have such a passionate and generous partner.
For more information on how to become a Founding Friend, contact Michelle Afinec at
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
“Like” us on Facebook
Ooch Downtown
Check us out on facebook. We’re posting pictures and updates nearly every day
to keep you in the loop. Come visit us at What’s not to like?
Dear Ooch,
I wanted to thank you for giving Andrew his first opportunity to make friends
with peers his own age and to have a chance to just be a kid through your
programs in the city. At the young age of four, Andrew has spent half of
his life in the hospital, and has not had a chance to go to school and make
friends the way other kids his age would. The quiet, shy, reserved camper we
hesitantly sent on the bus up to Camp Robin Hood this summer came back
a rambunctious, excited, happy four year old. We can’t thank you enough
for giving him this chance. Andrew is constantly asking when he can see his
friends from camp, and asks to sing Black Socks and Puff the Magic Dragon
every night! Since the summer, he participated in the Superhero Day at Ooch
Downtown, and couldn’t stop talking about how cool it was to climb on a real rock wall! He is already talking about
how excited he is for his first big overnight trip in November, where he will sleep away from home for the very first
time at Ooch Downtown. As a parent of a child with cancer, it can be difficult to trust your youngest child, at the age
of four, to be cared for by others. Thank you for making us feel so comfortable and making Andrew feel so safe. It has
truly been life changing for all of us.
News and Announcements
Thank you for everything you do,
“Giving back to our community and making a difference in the lives of others
go hand-in-hand, which is why Sony Computer Entertainment Canada became
a Founding Friend of Camp Oochigeas. We are a proud advocate towards Camp
Oochigeas’ unique ability to change a child’s life for the better, and will continue to
be a supporter, believer, and Founding Friend.”
Get the latest in Ooch gear, It’a available online and at Ooch Downtown. Wear
your heart on your sleeve. Check it out at hot
right now.
Update your Ooch Profile
Have you moved or changed your email address? Let us know and we’ll make
sure you are up to date with all things Ooch. Drop us a line at
or give us a call at (416) 962-6624.
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
The printing of this newsletter was generously donated by RR Donnelley
An Evening of Summer Dreams
Give the Gift of Camp this Holiday Season
Share the magic of Camp Oochigeas and give the gift of “Ooch” this holiday season. Fill out the donation card below or visit today.
When you make your symbolic gift, you have the option to send a thank you card or an e-card to someone letting them know you’ve made
a donation on their behalf.
April 19, 2012
Sheraton Hotel - 123 Queen Street West
Send a Kid to Camp
Whether it’s up in Muskoka, at SickKids Hospital, or at Ooch
Downtown, Camp Oochigeas is the one place a kid affected
by cancer gets to be just a kid. This spring, join us for our
biennial fundraising gala at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel.
It’s the one night we come together to ensure every child
affected by childhood cancer gets to share in the Ooch
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O O O
We’ve done everything from
sushi to gnocchi. Help stock
our fridge for one of our
Ooch Downtown cooking
$3,500 - 2 Weeks
$1,750 - 1 Week
$250 - 1 Day
$125 - 1/2 Day
$1,000 Equipment for Media
Call us today to reserve your seat or for more information
on sponsorship opportunities. Please contact Aaron Wheat at
(416) 961-6624 x 209.
$150 Cooking Supplies
$100 8B Craft Bag
Arts and crafts supply bags
for 10 kids who are on 8B,
the bone marrow transplant
ward at SickKids Hospital.
Computers, cameras and audio
recording equipment for the new
Media Room at Ooch Downtown.
$750 Bus Transportation
The Sporting Life 10K: Team up for Ooch
Transportation for our campers
from the Ottawa region to and from
residential camp in Muskoka.
May 13th, 2012 : SAVE THE DATE!
In 2011 we asked you to dream big and you answered the call. With your help we raised over $1.3 million,
enough to fund our entire summer residential program! The Sporting Life 10K typically contributes a third of
our operating budget and with the multitude of year-round programming offered by Ooch, we need your
help. This year we invite you to TEAM UP and make the 2012 Sporting Life 10K our biggest and best ever.
$300 Adventure Equipment
Join the Ooch Dream Team
Take your fundraising to the next level and commit to raising
$3,500 – enough to send a child to camp for 2 weeks.
We’ll take care of your registration and help you out with
fundraising ideas along the way.
Donation Card
Get involved through your school
Teachers and students can team up to raise funds as a school
and show the GTA their school spirit.
If you go to camp, you understand the magic and positive
impact it has on the life of a child. Run or walk with your camp
and help send deserving children to Camp Ooch.
Yes, I will give the gift of camp.
Enclosed is my donation for the following gifts of camp:
Companies participate in a friendly fundraising challenge against
other companies within their industry. Let the rivalry begin!
Run or walk with your camp
This includes new safety equipment
for the adventure courses at
residental camp and Ooch
Downtown, including helmets,
harnesses, carabiners and ropes.
This gift is in honour of someone
Name: _________________________________
$1,750 $300
$_________ Other
$_________ A monthly gift to
be charged to my credit card
Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Volume 13
Winter 2011
More Ooch than Ever Before
What a summer! This year we welcomed a record 337 Ooch campers to our residential site
in Muskoka, 61 to one of our summer day camps and 743 to our In-City programming. In
addition we met with patients over 5,000 times through the In-Hospital Program at SickKids
Hospital. And we aren’t stopping there. To follow up our biggest summer ever, we’ve also
had our busiest fall, with over 52 days of programming. Here’s a quick look at just a few of the
things we’ve been up to.
Police Marine Unit Day
Chef’s Day O
Province: ________ Postal Code:___________
Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ Province: _____________________ Postal Code: ___________________
Phone Number: (_____)_________________________ Email:________________________________________
Name of Card Holder: ________________________________________________________________________
Legacy Giving (Check here to receive information about leaving a gift to Camp Oochigeas in your will)
More Ooch than Ever Before
20 Year Volunteer - Mell Evans
Dream Team Member - Dave
An Evening of Summer Dreams
Sporting Life 10K
Letters from Parents
Founding Friends Profile:
their signature
Teens work on
och Downtown
dishes in the O
Teaching Kitche
Family Night
Campers join us at the Toronto
Our In-Hospita
l team discover
Harbour for an afternoon of fun some superpow
ers in the halls
on the water.
SickKids Hospita
Weekends at Camp
Young Adult
us For the first time, we offered five
eir families join
Campers and th
g fall Weekends At Camp at our
own for an ev
residential site in Muskoka.
at Ooch Downt
of sports and a
Give the Gift of Camp
In-City event attendance
Weekend At Camp (WAC) attendance
New campers attending Ooch programming outside the hospital
Residental Camp attendance
Day Camp attendance
Please make cheques
payable to:
Camp Oochigeas
464 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
T: 416.961.6624
F: 416.961.2267
Charitable Business #
13111 6022 RR0001
* All donations made through the symbolic giving program are a contribution to our operating fund, not a donation to a specific item.
Your donation will be used where it is needed most, to help send kids to camp.
A weekend for
young adult
survivors of ch
ildhood cancer
ages 19-25.
We’d like to extend a big thanks to our volunteer and donor community who make our ongoing
programming possible. Thanks to you, there is more Ooch than ever before.
City: _______________________
Other _____________
Superhero D
In This Issue
Sunscreen and
2 bottles of sunscreen and 2
bottles of bugspray to help
keep our campers protected
from the sun and bugs!
Visa/MC/Amex #:______________________________________________________ Expiry Date: ___________
For race details, fundraising options and more ways to team up with
Ooch this spring, check out our website:
Guitar Strings
and Picks
$3,500 *Tax receipts will be provided for donations over $25
General supplies including
hand sanitizer, Band-Aids,
gloves & syringes to keep on
hand in the Med Shed.
Basic supplies for our stock
of new guitars at residential
camp, SickKids Hospital and
Ooch Downtown.
It’s true, sometimes campers (and
counsellors) forget their rain gear at
Here’s how you can get involved:
Be a part of an Industry Challenge team
$500 Rain Gear for our
Tripping Center
First Aid Supplies
Issue 3
Campers from centers other than SickKids**
*2011 figures include projected attendance for November and December. **Childrens Hospital of Eastern
Ontario, McMaster Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre.
Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer based organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by
childhood cancer with a unique opportunity for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences.
Camp Oochigeas
464 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
T: 416.961.6624
Charitable Business #
13111 6022 RR0001
Mailing Options
To receive our newsletter
electronically or to be taken
off of our mailing list, please
contact or
© Copyright 2011 Camp Oochigeas
Kind Words from Our Community
20 Year Volunteer - Mell Evans
Congratulations to our newest 20 year volunteer, Mell Evans! We had a chance to catch up with Mell and ask a few
questions about her time with Ooch.
When did you first volunteer with Camp Ooch?
My first summer was in July of 1992.
How did you get involved?
My family supported Hugh Rennie in getting the camp up and running – taking care of
accounting and charitable organization registration. So, by proxy, Ooch has been part of
my life since its beginning. I used to stuff and label envelopes and lick stamps. As soon as
I was old enough, I applied to be a counsellor.
Do you have a favourite Ooch memory?
Supporting an Intermediate Boy camper with a recent leg amputation attain his personal
goal of diving off the diving board. The memory still brings tears of pride to my eyes.
Favourite Ooch Song?
“On the Loose.”
Favourite Camp Meal?
Breakfast - hot cereal with brown sugar and milk. Mmmm.
Polar Bear Dip or Polar Bear Hike?
DIP!!! And when I’m not at camp, I polar bear dip at the cottage every morning, May to September.
Which programs were you involved with in 2011?
New Volunteer Training in the spring, Intermediate Boys counsellor this summer at Teomul (our residential camp for
bereaved siblings), a Weekend At Camp in the fall, and the Reunion (coming up on December 3rd).
How has Ooch changed since you first started volunteering?
Ooch puts everything into perspective; I stop sweating the small stuff, I celebrate the small victories, I work hard to “spot
it, label it and reward it” and I take time to reflect on my roses and thorns.
Why do you keep coming back?
Every year I challenge myself to give as much as I can to the campers of Ooch, and every year the campers give me more.
How can you walk away from such a healthy, symbiotic relationship?
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O
In 2008 Camp Oochigeas received a phone call from Stephen Turvey,
the General Manager of PlayStation Canada and a former Ooch
volunteer, who wanted to give Camp Ooch a corporate gift of $20,000.
Ooch at SickKids
“Camp Oochigeas works hard to provide kids with cancer an unforgettable camping
experience. They believe that every child with cancer deserves to experience the
wonder of camp, united by the common bond of cancer, all the while building lasting
memories and friendships. We here at Sony Computer Entertainment Canada couldn’t
agree more,” said Stephen.
When the psychology doctors visited Julie the following day they confirmed
the improvement in her mood and told me that this type of programming can
be just as effective as anti-depression medication. The Ooch team recognized
that what my daughter needed most was a way to smile and move her body. On behalf of Julie and my entire
family we would like to express our deep appreciation to Camp Oochigeas and the dedicated In-Hospital Team.
Best regards,
Ari Xenarios and Stephen Turvey
Ooch in Muskoka* Dear Ooch,
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
THANK YOU for the wonderful weekend Kumar had up at camp. I credit the
amazing Ooch gang with the self-confidence Kumar possesses. I believe that it’s
because of Ooch that he feels more confident to try new things and is becoming
more comfortable with his cancer outside of camp. At school, he tried out for the
play and was one of a small number of students who was given a part. One of the
kids at school who was just moved into his class noticed his scars and began asking
questions. One of Kumar’s classmates who already knew the reason piped up and told
the new student that Kumar is a 3-time cancer survivor. The new boy said, “Awesome!”
The Ooch Dream Team is a group of individuals that each commit to raising enough money to send at least one deserving
child to camp for a full two-week summer session. We sat down with Dave Jones to talk about his Dream Team experience
last year in the Sporting Life 10K.
For more information on the Ooch Dream Team, visit
Dear Ooch,
Our daughter Julie has been in the isolation room at SickKids Hospital for nearly a
month. The doctors and nurses do their best to cheer her up, but she is experiencing
a tough time and, understandably, is in a very bad mood. The other day I asked
one of the Ooch In-Hospital Co-ordinators to spend some time with her. After only
one hour, they were playing guitar and singing Julie’s favorite camp songs while she
laughed and danced on her bed. It was magic. I saw the smile and happiness on my
daughter’s face that had been missing for weeks.
Dream Team Member - Dave Jones
How many years have you done the Sporting Life 10K?
I ran my first Sporting Life 10K 14 years ago and then I took a 10 year break, so 2011 was like a
new beginning.
Why did you get involved in the Ooch Dream Team?
A fellow counsellor told me about the Dream Team and asked me to sponsor her. I thought, “I
should do this too. I have supportive friends and it would be fun to put on the running shoes
Would you call yourself a serious runner? Tell us about your training schedule.
No, I am definitely not a serious runner. I have done my share of 10Ks and a few marathons but
that was many pounds ago. I did, however, spend quite a few years carb loading in anticipation of
this race. I am pretty active with hockey, biking, and fitboxing so the downhill run was pretty easy.
But next year I need to bring that time down to 50 minutes to beat fellow volunteer Adam Potts!
What are the benefits of being on the Dream Team and how did Ooch support you?
I was surprised by the amazing support from the Ooch team. They helped me select pictures
to put on my fundraising page and were very patient getting me up and running. I was a bit
nervous at first and the Ooch support really helped.
Co-consellors Adam Potts
Do you have any fundraising tips?
and Dave Jones
First, don’t be shy asking your friends and family for support. They are all proud of the work you
do with Ooch and are delighted to help. Second, I found that a personal email to each person with a link to my fundraising
page worked really well. Third, ask someone you know will donate a fair amount first. That sets the standard on your page
when others are trying to figure out what to give. And last but not least, I was amazed at the support from people I have
done business with or worked with, like my real estate agent, lawyer, co-workers, bank manager, plumber, etc.
What advice do you have for potential Dream Team members?
Go for it! The Dream Team is like Ooch: Once you try it you will be hooked and it’s hard to imagine it until you try. The
support from my friends really made me feel special and that shirt that says “I sent a kid to camp”… I feel amazing every
time I put it on.
PlayStation: One of Our Founding Friends
Every year, PlayStation takes part in various fundraising efforts benefitting Camp Ooch. They are a sponsor of the biennial
Oochigeas fundraising gala – An Evening of Summer Dreams, they run the annual PlayStation Charity Golf Tournament
which contributed nearly $80,000 this year, and employees participate in the Sporting Life 10K. In 2011, PlayStation
committed $300,000 and became one of the original four Founding Friends that enabled Ooch Downtown to get off the
ground. We are extremely grateful to have such a passionate and generous partner.
For more information on how to become a Founding Friend, contact Michelle Afinec at
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
“Like” us on Facebook
Ooch Downtown
Check us out on facebook. We’re posting pictures and updates nearly every day
to keep you in the loop. Come visit us at What’s not to like?
Dear Ooch,
I wanted to thank you for giving Andrew his first opportunity to make friends
with peers his own age and to have a chance to just be a kid through your
programs in the city. At the young age of four, Andrew has spent half of
his life in the hospital, and has not had a chance to go to school and make
friends the way other kids his age would. The quiet, shy, reserved camper we
hesitantly sent on the bus up to Camp Robin Hood this summer came back
a rambunctious, excited, happy four year old. We can’t thank you enough
for giving him this chance. Andrew is constantly asking when he can see his
friends from camp, and asks to sing Black Socks and Puff the Magic Dragon
every night! Since the summer, he participated in the Superhero Day at Ooch
Downtown, and couldn’t stop talking about how cool it was to climb on a real rock wall! He is already talking about
how excited he is for his first big overnight trip in November, where he will sleep away from home for the very first
time at Ooch Downtown. As a parent of a child with cancer, it can be difficult to trust your youngest child, at the age
of four, to be cared for by others. Thank you for making us feel so comfortable and making Andrew feel so safe. It has
truly been life changing for all of us.
News and Announcements
Thank you for everything you do,
“Giving back to our community and making a difference in the lives of others
go hand-in-hand, which is why Sony Computer Entertainment Canada became
a Founding Friend of Camp Oochigeas. We are a proud advocate towards Camp
Oochigeas’ unique ability to change a child’s life for the better, and will continue to
be a supporter, believer, and Founding Friend.”
Get the latest in Ooch gear, It’a available online and at Ooch Downtown. Wear
your heart on your sleeve. Check it out at hot
right now.
Update your Ooch Profile
Have you moved or changed your email address? Let us know and we’ll make
sure you are up to date with all things Ooch. Drop us a line at
or give us a call at (416) 962-6624.
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
The printing of this newsletter was generously donated by RR Donnelley
Kind Words from Our Community
20 Year Volunteer - Mell Evans
Congratulations to our newest 20 year volunteer, Mell Evans! We had a chance to catch up with Mell and ask a few
questions about her time with Ooch.
When did you first volunteer with Camp Ooch?
My first summer was in July of 1992.
How did you get involved?
My family supported Hugh Rennie in getting the camp up and running – taking care of
accounting and charitable organization registration. So, by proxy, Ooch has been part of
my life since its beginning. I used to stuff and label envelopes and lick stamps. As soon as
I was old enough, I applied to be a counsellor.
Do you have a favourite Ooch memory?
Supporting an Intermediate Boy camper with a recent leg amputation attain his personal
goal of diving off the diving board. The memory still brings tears of pride to my eyes.
Favourite Ooch Song?
“On the Loose.”
Favourite Camp Meal?
Breakfast - hot cereal with brown sugar and milk. Mmmm.
Polar Bear Dip or Polar Bear Hike?
DIP!!! And when I’m not at camp, I polar bear dip at the cottage every morning, May to September.
Which programs were you involved with in 2011?
New Volunteer Training in the spring, Intermediate Boys counsellor this summer at Teomul (our residential camp for
bereaved siblings), a Weekend At Camp in the fall, and the Reunion (coming up on December 3rd).
How has Ooch changed since you first started volunteering?
Ooch puts everything into perspective; I stop sweating the small stuff, I celebrate the small victories, I work hard to “spot
it, label it and reward it” and I take time to reflect on my roses and thorns.
Why do you keep coming back?
Every year I challenge myself to give as much as I can to the campers of Ooch, and every year the campers give me more.
How can you walk away from such a healthy, symbiotic relationship?
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O
In 2008 Camp Oochigeas received a phone call from Stephen Turvey,
the General Manager of PlayStation Canada and a former Ooch
volunteer, who wanted to give Camp Ooch a corporate gift of $20,000.
Ooch at SickKids
“Camp Oochigeas works hard to provide kids with cancer an unforgettable camping
experience. They believe that every child with cancer deserves to experience the
wonder of camp, united by the common bond of cancer, all the while building lasting
memories and friendships. We here at Sony Computer Entertainment Canada couldn’t
agree more,” said Stephen.
When the psychology doctors visited Julie the following day they confirmed
the improvement in her mood and told me that this type of programming can
be just as effective as anti-depression medication. The Ooch team recognized
that what my daughter needed most was a way to smile and move her body. On behalf of Julie and my entire
family we would like to express our deep appreciation to Camp Oochigeas and the dedicated In-Hospital Team.
Best regards,
Ari Xenarios and Stephen Turvey
Ooch in Muskoka* Dear Ooch,
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
THANK YOU for the wonderful weekend Kumar had up at camp. I credit the
amazing Ooch gang with the self-confidence Kumar possesses. I believe that it’s
because of Ooch that he feels more confident to try new things and is becoming
more comfortable with his cancer outside of camp. At school, he tried out for the
play and was one of a small number of students who was given a part. One of the
kids at school who was just moved into his class noticed his scars and began asking
questions. One of Kumar’s classmates who already knew the reason piped up and told
the new student that Kumar is a 3-time cancer survivor. The new boy said, “Awesome!”
The Ooch Dream Team is a group of individuals that each commit to raising enough money to send at least one deserving
child to camp for a full two-week summer session. We sat down with Dave Jones to talk about his Dream Team experience
last year in the Sporting Life 10K.
For more information on the Ooch Dream Team, visit
Dear Ooch,
Our daughter Julie has been in the isolation room at SickKids Hospital for nearly a
month. The doctors and nurses do their best to cheer her up, but she is experiencing
a tough time and, understandably, is in a very bad mood. The other day I asked
one of the Ooch In-Hospital Co-ordinators to spend some time with her. After only
one hour, they were playing guitar and singing Julie’s favorite camp songs while she
laughed and danced on her bed. It was magic. I saw the smile and happiness on my
daughter’s face that had been missing for weeks.
Dream Team Member - Dave Jones
How many years have you done the Sporting Life 10K?
I ran my first Sporting Life 10K 14 years ago and then I took a 10 year break, so 2011 was like a
new beginning.
Why did you get involved in the Ooch Dream Team?
A fellow counsellor told me about the Dream Team and asked me to sponsor her. I thought, “I
should do this too. I have supportive friends and it would be fun to put on the running shoes
Would you call yourself a serious runner? Tell us about your training schedule.
No, I am definitely not a serious runner. I have done my share of 10Ks and a few marathons but
that was many pounds ago. I did, however, spend quite a few years carb loading in anticipation of
this race. I am pretty active with hockey, biking, and fitboxing so the downhill run was pretty easy.
But next year I need to bring that time down to 50 minutes to beat fellow volunteer Adam Potts!
What are the benefits of being on the Dream Team and how did Ooch support you?
I was surprised by the amazing support from the Ooch team. They helped me select pictures
to put on my fundraising page and were very patient getting me up and running. I was a bit
nervous at first and the Ooch support really helped.
Co-consellors Adam Potts
Do you have any fundraising tips?
and Dave Jones
First, don’t be shy asking your friends and family for support. They are all proud of the work you
do with Ooch and are delighted to help. Second, I found that a personal email to each person with a link to my fundraising
page worked really well. Third, ask someone you know will donate a fair amount first. That sets the standard on your page
when others are trying to figure out what to give. And last but not least, I was amazed at the support from people I have
done business with or worked with, like my real estate agent, lawyer, co-workers, bank manager, plumber, etc.
What advice do you have for potential Dream Team members?
Go for it! The Dream Team is like Ooch: Once you try it you will be hooked and it’s hard to imagine it until you try. The
support from my friends really made me feel special and that shirt that says “I sent a kid to camp”… I feel amazing every
time I put it on.
PlayStation: One of Our Founding Friends
Every year, PlayStation takes part in various fundraising efforts benefitting Camp Ooch. They are a sponsor of the biennial
Oochigeas fundraising gala – An Evening of Summer Dreams, they run the annual PlayStation Charity Golf Tournament
which contributed nearly $80,000 this year, and employees participate in the Sporting Life 10K. In 2011, PlayStation
committed $300,000 and became one of the original four Founding Friends that enabled Ooch Downtown to get off the
ground. We are extremely grateful to have such a passionate and generous partner.
For more information on how to become a Founding Friend, contact Michelle Afinec at
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
“Like” us on Facebook
Ooch Downtown
Check us out on facebook. We’re posting pictures and updates nearly every day
to keep you in the loop. Come visit us at What’s not to like?
Dear Ooch,
I wanted to thank you for giving Andrew his first opportunity to make friends
with peers his own age and to have a chance to just be a kid through your
programs in the city. At the young age of four, Andrew has spent half of
his life in the hospital, and has not had a chance to go to school and make
friends the way other kids his age would. The quiet, shy, reserved camper we
hesitantly sent on the bus up to Camp Robin Hood this summer came back
a rambunctious, excited, happy four year old. We can’t thank you enough
for giving him this chance. Andrew is constantly asking when he can see his
friends from camp, and asks to sing Black Socks and Puff the Magic Dragon
every night! Since the summer, he participated in the Superhero Day at Ooch
Downtown, and couldn’t stop talking about how cool it was to climb on a real rock wall! He is already talking about
how excited he is for his first big overnight trip in November, where he will sleep away from home for the very first
time at Ooch Downtown. As a parent of a child with cancer, it can be difficult to trust your youngest child, at the age
of four, to be cared for by others. Thank you for making us feel so comfortable and making Andrew feel so safe. It has
truly been life changing for all of us.
News and Announcements
Thank you for everything you do,
“Giving back to our community and making a difference in the lives of others
go hand-in-hand, which is why Sony Computer Entertainment Canada became
a Founding Friend of Camp Oochigeas. We are a proud advocate towards Camp
Oochigeas’ unique ability to change a child’s life for the better, and will continue to
be a supporter, believer, and Founding Friend.”
Get the latest in Ooch gear, It’a available online and at Ooch Downtown. Wear
your heart on your sleeve. Check it out at hot
right now.
Update your Ooch Profile
Have you moved or changed your email address? Let us know and we’ll make
sure you are up to date with all things Ooch. Drop us a line at
or give us a call at (416) 962-6624.
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O
The printing of this newsletter was generously donated by RR Donnelley
An Evening of Summer Dreams
Give the Gift of Camp this Holiday Season
Share the magic of Camp Oochigeas and give the gift of “Ooch” this holiday season. Fill out the donation card below or visit today.
When you make your symbolic gift, you have the option to send a thank you card or an e-card to someone letting them know you’ve made
a donation on their behalf.
April 19, 2012
Sheraton Hotel - 123 Queen Street West
Send a Kid to Camp
Whether it’s up in Muskoka, at SickKids Hospital, or at Ooch
Downtown, Camp Oochigeas is the one place a kid affected
by cancer gets to be just a kid. This spring, join us for our
biennial fundraising gala at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel.
It’s the one night we come together to ensure every child
affected by childhood cancer gets to share in the Ooch
OQRSTRVvssdfsdfsdfsdfLL O O O O
We’ve done everything from
sushi to gnocchi. Help stock
our fridge for one of our
Ooch Downtown cooking
$3,500 - 2 Weeks
$1,750 - 1 Week
$250 - 1 Day
$125 - 1/2 Day
$1,000 Equipment for Media
Call us today to reserve your seat or for more information
on sponsorship opportunities. Please contact Aaron Wheat at
(416) 961-6624 x 209.
$150 Cooking Supplies
$100 8B Craft Bag
Arts and crafts supply bags
for 10 kids who are on 8B,
the bone marrow transplant
ward at SickKids Hospital.
Computers, cameras and audio
recording equipment for the new
Media Room at Ooch Downtown.
$750 Bus Transportation
The Sporting Life 10K: Team up for Ooch
Transportation for our campers
from the Ottawa region to and from
residential camp in Muskoka.
May 13th, 2012 : SAVE THE DATE!
In 2011 we asked you to dream big and you answered the call. With your help we raised over $1.3 million,
enough to fund our entire summer residential program! The Sporting Life 10K typically contributes a third of
our operating budget and with the multitude of year-round programming offered by Ooch, we need your
help. This year we invite you to TEAM UP and make the 2012 Sporting Life 10K our biggest and best ever.
$300 Adventure Equipment
Join the Ooch Dream Team
Take your fundraising to the next level and commit to raising
$3,500 – enough to send a child to camp for 2 weeks.
We’ll take care of your registration and help you out with
fundraising ideas along the way.
Donation Card
Get involved through your school
Teachers and students can team up to raise funds as a school
and show the GTA their school spirit.
If you go to camp, you understand the magic and positive
impact it has on the life of a child. Run or walk with your camp
and help send deserving children to Camp Ooch.
Yes, I will give the gift of camp.
Enclosed is my donation for the following gifts of camp:
Companies participate in a friendly fundraising challenge against
other companies within their industry. Let the rivalry begin!
Run or walk with your camp
This includes new safety equipment
for the adventure courses at
residental camp and Ooch
Downtown, including helmets,
harnesses, carabiners and ropes.
This gift is in honour of someone
Name: _________________________________
$1,750 $300
$_________ Other
$_________ A monthly gift to
be charged to my credit card
Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Volume 13
Winter 2011
More Ooch than Ever Before
What a summer! This year we welcomed a record 337 Ooch campers to our residential site
in Muskoka, 61 to one of our summer day camps and 743 to our In-City programming. In
addition we met with patients over 5,000 times through the In-Hospital Program at SickKids
Hospital. And we aren’t stopping there. To follow up our biggest summer ever, we’ve also
had our busiest fall, with over 52 days of programming. Here’s a quick look at just a few of the
things we’ve been up to.
Police Marine Unit Day
Chef’s Day O
Province: ________ Postal Code:___________
Your Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ Province: _____________________ Postal Code: ___________________
Phone Number: (_____)_________________________ Email:________________________________________
Name of Card Holder: ________________________________________________________________________
Legacy Giving (Check here to receive information about leaving a gift to Camp Oochigeas in your will)
More Ooch than Ever Before
20 Year Volunteer - Mell Evans
Dream Team Member - Dave
An Evening of Summer Dreams
Sporting Life 10K
Letters from Parents
Founding Friends Profile:
their signature
Teens work on
och Downtown
dishes in the O
Teaching Kitche
Family Night
Campers join us at the Toronto
Our In-Hospita
l team discover
Harbour for an afternoon of fun some superpow
ers in the halls
on the water.
SickKids Hospita
Weekends at Camp
Young Adult
us For the first time, we offered five
eir families join
Campers and th
g fall Weekends At Camp at our
own for an ev
residential site in Muskoka.
at Ooch Downt
of sports and a
Give the Gift of Camp
In-City event attendance
Weekend At Camp (WAC) attendance
New campers attending Ooch programming outside the hospital
Residental Camp attendance
Day Camp attendance
Please make cheques
payable to:
Camp Oochigeas
464 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
T: 416.961.6624
F: 416.961.2267
Charitable Business #
13111 6022 RR0001
* All donations made through the symbolic giving program are a contribution to our operating fund, not a donation to a specific item.
Your donation will be used where it is needed most, to help send kids to camp.
A weekend for
young adult
survivors of ch
ildhood cancer
ages 19-25.
We’d like to extend a big thanks to our volunteer and donor community who make our ongoing
programming possible. Thanks to you, there is more Ooch than ever before.
City: _______________________
Other _____________
Superhero D
In This Issue
Sunscreen and
2 bottles of sunscreen and 2
bottles of bugspray to help
keep our campers protected
from the sun and bugs!
Visa/MC/Amex #:______________________________________________________ Expiry Date: ___________
For race details, fundraising options and more ways to team up with
Ooch this spring, check out our website:
Guitar Strings
and Picks
$3,500 *Tax receipts will be provided for donations over $25
General supplies including
hand sanitizer, Band-Aids,
gloves & syringes to keep on
hand in the Med Shed.
Basic supplies for our stock
of new guitars at residential
camp, SickKids Hospital and
Ooch Downtown.
It’s true, sometimes campers (and
counsellors) forget their rain gear at
Here’s how you can get involved:
Be a part of an Industry Challenge team
$500 Rain Gear for our
Tripping Center
First Aid Supplies
Issue 3
Campers from centers other than SickKids**
*2011 figures include projected attendance for November and December. **Childrens Hospital of Eastern
Ontario, McMaster Children’s Hospital and Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre.
Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer based organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by
childhood cancer with a unique opportunity for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences.
Camp Oochigeas
464 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
T: 416.961.6624
Charitable Business #
13111 6022 RR0001
Mailing Options
To receive our newsletter
electronically or to be taken
off of our mailing list, please
contact or
© Copyright 2011 Camp Oochigeas