Transportation Master Plan - Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
Transportation Master Plan - Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WOOD BUFFALO Transportation Master Plan - Stage 2 Report March 2011 R M W B P r o je c t T e a m P r o je c t T e a m Ja m e s M c Ilv D a w n y G e o E m d a d H a q M a su r A sk a e e r g u e r , n , e , , M P .E R .E .T . P .E n g ., P M P .E n g ., P .E n g . n g ., P T O E H D R | iT R A N S P r o je c t T e a m P r o je c t M a n a g e r Ja y M a g u s , P .E n g . T e c h n ic a l T e a m A llis o n C la v e lle , P .E n g . E liz a b e t h S z y m a n s k i, C .E .T . R h y s W o lff, P .E n g . D o m in ic C h e n g , P .E n g . R o n W h it e lo c k M u h a m m a d A m e r , P .E n g . M e g a n F e r n a n d e s , P .E n g . Ja m e s H u d y m a Jo r d a n S t e w a r t , E IT Jo h n H u b b e ll Q u a lit y C o n t r o l S a s h a N a y lo r , P .E n g . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 Study Background 1.2 Definition of a Transportation Master Plan 1.3 Background Documents 1.3.1 RMWB Municipal Development Plan 1.3.2 CRISP AOSA 1.3.3 Fringe Area Development Assessment 1.3.4 Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan 1.3.5 Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan (UDP) 1.3.6 Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (LTS ARP) 1.3.7 Commercial and Industrial Land Use Study (CILUS) 1.3.8 Highway 63 Functional Planning Study 1.3.9 RMWB Transit Master Plan 1.3.10 Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures 1.3.11 Land Use Bylaw 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Report Format 1.6 Chapter Descriptions 1-1 1-1 1-4 1-6 1-6 1-7 1-7 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-14 1-14 1-14 1-15 1-15 2. Sustainable Transportation 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Existing Context 2.2.1 Community-Wide Policies 2.2.2 Typical Cross-Sections 2.2.3 Land Use Plans 2.2.4 Existing Network 2.3 Principles of Sustainability 2.4 Sustainable Transportation Best Practices 2.4.1 Setting Priorities 2.4.2 Transportation and Land-Use 2.4.3 Transportation Demand Management and Policy 2.4.4 Transportation Infrastructure 2.4.5 Performance Measurement and Financing 2.5 RMWB Staff Workshop Outcomes 2.6 Sustainable Transportation Guidelines 2.6.1 Goals 2.6.2 Sustainable Transportation Strategies 2.6.3 Design Principles 2.7 Conclusion 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-5 2-7 2-15 2-19 2-21 2-21 2-25 2-26 2-31 2-39 2-41 2-43 2-43 2-44 2-49 2-52 3. Active Transportation on Trails 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Inventory of Existing Facilities 3.2.1 Trail Classifications 3.2.2 Official Trails 3.2.3 Unofficial Trails 3.2.4 Site Visit 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-3 3-7 3-7 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Review of Planned Improvements and Proposed Development 3.3.1 Planned Improvements 3.3.2 Proposed Developments Challenges and Opportunities 3.4.1 Types of Network Gaps 3.4.2 Challenge and Opportunity Locations Proposed Trail Network 3.5.1 Active Transportation Modes and Activity Centres 3.5.2 Standard Cross-sections 3.5.3 Proposed Trail System 3.5.4 Trail Network Strategies 3.5.5 Trail Features by Class 3.5.6 Adaptations to Planned Trail Networks Recommended Implementation Priorities Conclusions 3-27 3-27 3-28 3-31 3-31 3-32 3-39 3-39 3-42 3-44 3-49 3-51 3-53 3-57 3-61 4. Pedestrian Crossing Control Guidelines 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Methodology 4.3 Literature Review 4.3.1 Approach 4.3.2 References 4.3.3 Comparison 4.3.4 Main Findings 4.4 Municipality Surveys 4.4.1 Approach 4.4.2 Municipalities Surveyed 4.4.3 Survey Questions and Responses 4.5 Review of Current Guidelines 4.5.1 Written Guidelines 4.5.2 Unwritten Guidelines 4.6 Comparison of Policies 4.7 Potential Policy Improvements 4.7.1 Technical Warrants 4.7.2 Non-Technical Warrants 4.7.3 School Zones 4.7.4 Pedestrians Characteristics 4.7.5 Midblock Crossings 4.8 Conclusions 4.9 Recommendations and Next Steps 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-6 4-9 4-9 4-9 4-9 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-16 4-18 4-18 4-18 4-18 4-19 4-19 4-20 4-21 5. Transit to Airport Feasibility Assessment 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Transit Trip Projections 5.3 Transit System Capacity 5.4 Evaluation of System Options 5.4.1 Bus System 5.4.2 Rail System 5.5 System Phasing 5.6 Transit Master Plan 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-6 5-9 5-9 5.7 5.8 Conclusions Recommendations 5-9 5-10 6. Residential and On-Street Parking 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Previous Parking Studies Reviewed 6.3 Parking Requirements by Land Use 6.3.1 Residential 6.3.2 Accommodation / Food Establishments 6.3.3 Businesses 6.3.4 Education / Government / Health Services 6.3.5 Retail 6.3.6 Social / Recreational Services 6.4 On–Street Parking 6.5 Conclusions 6.6 Recommendations 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-5 6-7 6-8 7. Traffic Signal Management - Systems Review 7.1 Acknowledgment 7.1.1 Background 7.1.2 Vision 7.1.3 Overview 7.2 Overview of Traffic Management Systems 7.2.1 Traffic Management Software 7.2.2 Traffic Signal Pre-emption / Priority 7.2.3 Variable Message Signs 7.2.4 Count Stations 7.2.5 Video Surveillance Cameras 7.2.6 Roadway Weather Information Systems 7.3 Review of Existing Conditions 7.3.1 Review and Inventory of Traffic Management Software 7.3.2 Review and Inventory of Local Intersection Equipment 7.3.3 Communication Networks 7.3.4 Review of Traffic Management Practices 7.4 Operational Requirements 7.4.1 Management 7.4.2 Roads Maintenance 7.4.3 Transit 7.4.4 Fire Department 7.4.5 Other 7.5 Summary and Recommendations 7.5.1 General 7.5.2 Traffic Management 7.5.3 Communications Network 7.5.4 Local Intersection Control 7.5.5 Other ITS Devices 7.5.6 Staffing and Training Considerations 7.5.7 Five-Year Timeline and Cost Estimates 7.5.8 Next Steps 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-5 7-7 7-10 7-12 7-13 7-13 7-14 7-14 7-15 7-15 7-16 7-17 7-18 7-18 7-18 7-19 7-19 7-19 7-19 7-20 7-21 7-22 7-22 7-24 7-25 7-27 8. Road Cross-Sections 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Proposed Road Classification Categories 8.3 Cross-Section Components 8.4 Recommended Cross-Sections 8.4.1 Urban Arterial Divided 8.4.2 Urban Arterial Undivided 8.4.3 Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) 8.4.4 Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) 8.4.5 Urban Collector – Residential 8.4.6 Urban Collector – Commercial 8.4.7 Urban Collector- Industrial 8.4.8 Urban Local - Residential 8.4.9 Urban Local – Industrial 8.4.10 Summary 8.5 Recommendations 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-3 8-5 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 8-13 8-14 8-15 8-17 9. Traffic Data Collection 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Traffic Count Program 9.2.1 Existing Traffic Counts 9.2.2 Approach to Traffic Counts 9.2.3 Approach to Traffic Counts 9.2.4 Recommended Traffic Count Program 9.3 Traffic Model Maintenance Plan 9.3.1 Current Approaches to Model Maintenance 9.3.2 Model Maintenance Methods 9.3.3 Recommended Model Maintenance Program 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-2 9-5 9-5 9-10 9-11 9-11 9-12 9-13 10. Traffic Model Expansion 10.1 Introduction 10.1.1 Model Development Overview 10.1.2 Modelling Software 10.1.3 Model Structure 10.1.4 Road Network and Analysis Zone Development 10.2 Data Sources 10.3 Base Year Model Development 10.4 Model Coverage and the Study Area 10.5 Model Structure 10.5.1 Zone System 10.5.2 Zone Boundaries 10.5.3 Survey Districts 10.5.4 Centroids 10.5.5 Trip Definitions 10.5.6 Trip Generation 10.5.7 Trip Distribution 10.5.8 Trip Assignment 10.5.9 Road Network 10.6 Model Calibration 10.6.1 GEH Statistic 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-11 10-13 10-14 10-14 10-15 10-20 10-21 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.6.2 RMSE Value Base Year Travel 10.7.1 Base Year Travel Conditions 10.7.2 Base Year Travel Demand Model Operation 10.8.1 Input Data 10.8.2 Model Definition 10.8.3 Model Runs 10.8.4 Working With Assignment Results Recommendations for Future Model Maintenance 10-21 10-26 10-26 10-28 10-33 10-33 10-33 10-34 10-35 10-35 11. Modelled Network Scenarios 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Background 11.2.1 Study Area 11.2.2 Relevant Studies and Documents 11.3 Future Conditions 11.3.1 Expected Network Modifications 11.3.2 Future Land Use and Traffic Zones 11.3.3 Future Travel Demand 11.4 Model Analysis Results 11.4.1 Analysis Methodology 11.4.2 2015 Horizon 11.4.3 2020 Horizon 11.4.4 2028 Horizon 11.4.5 Summary Analysis 11.5 Recommendations 11-1 11-1 11-2 11-2 11-3 11-8 11-8 11-22 11-26 11-27 11-28 11-29 11-33 11-37 11-41 11-44 12. Functional Assessment and Plan 12.1 Introduction 12.2 2028 Model Results 12.3 Network Improvements and Analysis 12.4 Analysis Summary 12.5 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes 12.6 Transit Priority Infrastructure 12.7 West Fort McMurray Ring Road 12.8 Dangerous Goods Movement 12.9 Bylaw 83/10 Update 12.10 Recommendations 12.10.1 Strategic Recommendations 12.10.2 Infrastructure Recommendations 12-1 12-1 12-1 12-2 12-22 12-24 12-25 12-25 12-25 12-25 12-26 12-26 12-27 13. Transportation Plan and Strategy 13.1 Introduction 13.1.1 Definition of a Transportation Master Plan 13.1.2 The TMP Strategy Development Process 13.1.3 Municipal Development Plan Update 13.2 Addressing Transportation Challenges 13.3 RMWB Sustainable Transportation Goals 13.4 Strategies 13-1 13-1 13-2 13-2 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.4.1 Setting Priorities 13.4.2 Transportation and Land Use 13.4.3 Transportation Demand Management and Policy 13.4.4 Transportation Infrastructure 13.4.5 Financing and Measurement Recommendations 13.5.1 Do 13.5.2 Build 13.5.3 Studies Implementation Plan Monitoring and Plan Maintenance 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-7 13-9 13-10 13-10 13-15 13-21 13-23 13-27 Appendices Appendix 4-A: Warrant Comparison Analysis Appendix 7-A: Intersection Inventory Appendix 7-B: Existing Traffic Control Devices Appendix 7-C:Existing Communications Infrastructure Appendix 7-D:Proposed Communications Infrastructure Appendix 7-E: Concept of a Traffic Management Centre Appendix 7-F: AT’s Video Traffic Monitoring Architecture Appendix 7-G:AT’s Traffic Signal Communication Schema Appendix 7-H:Traffic Signal Operation Report Card Appendix 8-A: RMWB Standards Table 4-1 Update Appendix 11-A: Background Information Appendix 12-A: Bylaw 83/10 Update Tables Table 2-1: RMWB Engineering Standards Typical Cross-Sections Table 2-2: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Commercial with Ground Floor Retail Table 2-3: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Residential Table 2-4: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Commercial with Ground Floor Retail Table 2-5: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Residential 2-6 2-33 2-33 2-49 2-49 Table 3-1: Typical Canadian Standards for Trail Cross-Section Widths Table 3-2: Trail Cross-Section and Features by Class 3-42 3-52 Table 4-1: Category Definitions Table 4-2: Comparison of Guidelines Table 4-3: List of Municipalities Surveyed and Responded Table 4-4: Warrant Comparison Using the Pedestrian Peak Hour 4-4 4-5 4-9 4-16 Table 5-1: Future Passenger Projections 5-1 Table 6-1: Residential Land Use Parking Requirements Review Table 6-2: On-Street Parking / Road Classification Review Table 6-3: On-Street Parking Requirement by Road Classification 6-3 6-6 6-8 Table 7-1: Proposed Implementation Time Line 7-26 Table 8-1: Cross-section Elements Table 8-2: Proposed Major Changes to RMWB Standards Table 8-3: Cross-section Element Widths Table 8-4: Recommended Revisions to RMWB Standards 8-4 8-15 8-16 8-17 Table 10-1: Road Type Definitions Table 10-2: Trip Generation Rate Coefficients Table 10-3: Calibration Screenlines Table 10-4: Model Calibration Results Across Screenlines Table 10-5: Level of Screenline Calibration Table 10-6: Model Calibration Results at Key Locations Table 10-7: Level of Station Calibration Table 10-8: Base Year Network Congestion Measures Table 10-9: Base Year Network Performance Statistics 10-16 10-20 10-21 10-22 10-22 10-23 10-24 10-26 10-27 Table 11-1: 2000 TMP Study Recommendations Table 11-2: Potential Network Improvements (part 1) Table 11-3: Potential Network Improvements (part 2) Table 11-4: Potential Network Improvements (part 3) Table 11-5: Future Population and Employment Numbers Table 11-6: 2015 Scenario Performance Statistics (2007 and 2015 networks) Table 11-7: 2020 Scenario Performance Statistics (2015 and 2020 networks) Table 11-8: 2028 Scenario Performance Statistics (2020 and 2028 networks) Table 11-9: Network Performance Statistics Summary, 2007 to 2028, PM peak hour Table 11-10: Recommended Phasing 11-4 11-9 11-10 11-11 11-23 11-29 11-33 11-37 11-42 11-45 Table 12-1: Review of Network Performance Statistics Table 12-2: Additional Improvements Impact Table 12-3: Network Performance Statistics Summary, 2007 to 2028, PM peak hour Table 12-4: Recommended Phasing 12-1 12-22 12-23 12-28 Table 13-1: Recommended Revisions to RMWB Standards Table 13-2: On-Street Parking Requirement by Road Classification Table 13-3: Recommended Road Network Improvements Table 13-4: Implementation Plan Table 13-5: Performance Monitoring Plan 13-13 13-13 13-16 13-24 13-27 Exhibits Exhibit 1-1: Location of RMWB Exhibit 1-2: Fort McMurray Exhibit 1-3: Road Network Exhibit 1-4: Relationships between Long-Range Plans Exhibit 1-5: Growth Node Locations Exhibit 1-6: Map 13 Staging Plan Exhibit 1-7: Parsons Creek Transportation Network Exhibit 1-8: Proposed Route Network Concept 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-5 1-8 1-10 1-11 1-13 Exhibit 2-1: Proposed Parsons Creek Development Exhibit 2-2: Proposed Saline Creek Plateau Development Exhibit 2-3: LTS ARP Proposed Land Use Exhibit 2-4: LTS ARP Proposed Transportation Network Exhibit 2-5: LTS ARP Proposed Parks and Green Structure Exhibit 2-6: LTS ASP Street Sections Exhibit 2-7: Fort McMurray Road Network Exhibit 2-8: Transit Network Exhibit 2-9: Sustainable Transportation Hierarchy Exhibit 2-10: Context Zones for Pedestrian Design Guidelines Exhibit 2-11: Roadside Zones Exhibit 2-12: Pedestrian Mall in Calgary, Alberta Exhibit 2-13: Transit Signal Priority System Exhibit 2-14: Bus Queue Jump and Bypass Lane Illustrations Exhibit 2-15: Steps of a Monitoring and Evaluation Program 2-8 2-9 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-16 2-18 2-22 2-32 2-32 2-34 2-37 2-37 2-39 Exhibit 3-1: Trail Network Northwest Exhibit 3-2: Trail Network Southeast Exhibit 3-3: Timberland Trail Exhibit 3-4: Separated Sidewalks with Street Lights Opposite Exhibit 3-5: Timberlea Neighbourhood Trail Accesses Exhibit 3-6: Neighbourhood Trail Access – Cartier Drive Exhibit 3-7: Neighbourhood Park Trails Exhibit 3-8: Birchwood Trail Accesses – South Timberlea Exhibit 3-9: Real Martin Drive Trail / Separated Sidewalk Exhibit 3-10: Curb Sidewalk Exhibit 3-11: Northwest Athabasca River Crossing Trail Exhibit 3-12: Southeast Athabasca River Crossing Approach Exhibit 3-13: Snye Channel Crossing Trail (looking south) Exhibit 3-14: Morimoto Drive Trail Exhibit 3-15: Riedel Street Trail Access Exhibit 3-16: Franklin Avenue Exhibit 3-17: Prairie Loop Boulevard Trail Exhibit 3-18: Prairie Loop Boulevard Construction Exhibit 3-19: Abasand Heights Connector (1) Exhibit 3-20: Abasand Heights Connector (2) Exhibit 3-21: Parkview Drive / Tolen Drive Exhibit 3-22: Trail Access Along Parkview Drive Exhibit 3-23: Mills Avenue Trail 3-5 3-6 3-8 3-9 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-24 Exhibit 3-24: Beacon Hill Trail Access Exhibit 3-25: Beacon Hill Exhibit 3-26: Proposed Parsons Creek Development Exhibit 3-27: Proposed Saline Creek Pathway Network Exhibit 3-28: Proposed Lower Townsite Bike and Pedestrian Network Exhibit 3-29: Challenges and Opportunities Northwest Exhibit 3-30: Challenges and Opportunities Southeast Exhibit 3-31: Shared Pedestrian & Bicycle Route with Painted Separation Exhibit 3-32: Proposed Trail Network Northwest Exhibit 3-33: Proposed Trail Network Southeast 3-25 3-25 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-33 3-34 3-43 3-47 3-48 Exhibit 5-1: Average Travel Speed and Capacity by Technology Exhibit 5-2: Average Travel Speed and Capacity by Technology Exhibit 5-3: Existing Route 10 Exhibit 5-4: Potential Bus Routes Exhibit 5-5: Potential Route for a Rail Service Exhibit 5-6: Potential Routes Issues for a Streetcar Service along River 5-2 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 Exhibit 7-1: Basic Traffic Management System Exhibit 7-2: IR System Block Diagram Exhibit 7-3: GPS / Wireless System Block Diagram 7-4 7-10 7-10 Exhibit 8-1: Urban Arterial Divided Exhibit 8-2: Urban Arterial Undivided Exhibit 8-3: Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) Exhibit 8-4: Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) Exhibit 8-5: Urban Collector – Residential Exhibit 8-6: Urban Collector – Commercial Exhibit 8-7: Urban Collector – Industrial Exhibit 8-8: Urban Local – Residential Exhibit 8-9: Urban Local – Industrial 8-6 8-7 8-8 8-9 8-10 8-11 8-12 8-13 8-14 Exhibit 9-1: 2007 and 2009 Traffic Count Locations North Exhibit 9-2: 2007 and 2009 Traffic Count Locations South Exhibit 9-3: Proposed Traffic Count Locations North Exhibit 9-4: Proposed Traffic Count Locations South Exhibit 9-5: Proposed Traffic Count Locations Airport 9-3 9-4 9-7 9-8 9-9 Exhibit 10-1: Base Year Model Study Area Exhibit 10-2: RMWB Base Year Active Traffic Zones Exhibit 10-3: RMWB Base Year Active Traffic Zones (Lower Townsite Focus) Exhibit 10-4: Survey Districts Exhibit 10-5: Centroid Connectors (North) Exhibit 10-6: Centroid Connectors (Central) Exhibit 10-7: Centroid Connectors (South) Exhibit 10-8: Roads by Number of Lanes Exhibit 10-9: Roads by Lane Capacity Exhibit 10-10: Roads by Speed Exhibit 10-11: Observed-Modelled Correlation at Count Stations Exhibit 10-12: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (North) 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-9 10-10 10-11 10-17 10-18 10-19 10-25 10-29 Exhibit 10-13: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (Lower Townsite North) Exhibit 10-14: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (Lower Townsite South) Exhibit 10-15: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (South) Exhibit 10-16: VISUM Procedures Menu 10-30 10-31 10-32 10-34 Exhibit 11-1: 2028 Horizon Study Area Exhibit 11-2: Number of Lanes (2015) Exhibit 11-3: Number of Lanes (2020) Exhibit 11-4: Number of Lanes (2028) Exhibit 11-5: Link Speeds (2015) Exhibit 11-6: Link Speeds (2020) Exhibit 11-7: Link Speeds (2028) Exhibit 11-8: Lane Capacities (2015) Exhibit 11-9: Lane Capacities (2020) Exhibit 11-10: Lane Capacities (2028) Exhibit 11-11: Traffic Zones in 2015, 2020, and 2028 Exhibit 11-12: v/c Ratios, 2015 Land Use on 2007 Network Exhibit 11-13: v/c Ratios, 2015 Land Use on 2015 Network Exhibit 11-14: v/c Ratios, 2020 Land Use on 2015 Network Exhibit 11-15: v/c Ratios, 2020 Land Use on 2020 Network Exhibit 11-16: v/c Ratios, 2028 Land Use on 2020 Network Exhibit 11-17: v/c Ratios, 2028 Land Use on 2028 Network Exhibit 11-18: Recommended Phasing 11-2 11-13 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 11-21 11-25 11-30 11-31 11-34 11-35 11-39 11-40 11-46 Exhibit 12-1: Number of Lanes (2015) Exhibit 12-2: Number of Lanes (2020) Exhibit 12-3: Number of Lanes (2028) Exhibit 12-4: Link Speeds (2015) Exhibit 12-5: Link Speeds (2020) Exhibit 12-6: Link Speeds (2028) Exhibit 12-7: v/c Ratios North (2015) Exhibit 12-8: v/c Ratios North Lower Townsite (2015) Exhibit 12-9: v/c Ratios South Lower Townsite (2015) Exhibit 12-10: v/c Ratios South (2015) Exhibit 12-11: v/c Ratios North (2020) Exhibit 12-12: v/c Ratios North Lower Townsite (2020) Exhibit 12-13: v/c Ratios South Lower Townsite (2020) Exhibit 12-14: v/c Ratios South (2020) Exhibit 12-15: v/c Ratios North (2028) Exhibit 12-16: v/c Ratios North Lower Townsite (2028) Exhibit 12-17: v/c Ratios South Lower Townsite (2028) Exhibit 12-18: v/c Ratios South (2028) Exhibit 12-19: Recommended Phasing 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-8 12-10 12-11 12-12 12-13 12-14 12-15 12-16 12-17 12-18 12-19 12-20 12-21 12-29 Exhibit 13-1: Proposed Road Classifications Exhibit 13-2: Recommended Long-Term Road Network Improvements by 2028 Exhibit 13-3: Trails network 1 Exhibit 13-4: Trails network 2 13-14 13-18 13-19 13-20 1. INTRODUCTION The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) is a culturally diverse home for over 104,000 residents and is known worldwide for the oils sands that exist throughout the area. The RMWB is located in the northeast corner of the province of Alberta, as shown in Exhibit 1-1. The oils sands operations have fuelled population growth in Fort McMurray, the Urban Services Area within the region. In an ongoing effort to plan for growth, and to ensure that Fort McMurray remains a vibrant and energetic place to live and work, the RMWB Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is being updated to identify and plan for a multimodal transportation network that safely accommodates single-occupancy vehicles, Exhibit 1-1: Location of RMWB trucks, transit, pedestrians, and cyclists. This plan will also develop the planning guidelines that promote and protect the transportation network as growth occurs. The objective of the Transportation Master Plan Stage 2 is to provide guidance to the RMWB, including staff and residents that will enable Fort McMurray to continue to grow in a predictable, safe, and coordinated matter, while protecting for future transportation corridors for all modes of travel. 1.1 Study Background The RMWB is the largest municipality in Canada, covering over 63,000 km2. In 2006, Statistics Canada estimated the population to be about 52,000. The population is rapidly increasing, and in 2009, Alberta Municipal Affairs estimated that around 90,000 people lived in the RMWB. This includes approximately 23,000 non-permanent residents, who are largely employed by the oil industry. A large majority of the population live in the urban area of Fort McMurray. Fort McMurray is located in south-central Wood Buffalo and the regional airport is located on the southern edge of the urban area. The urban area features a number of residential neighbourhoods, an industrial area, and a central business district called the Lower Townsite. Exhibit 1-2 is a map of Fort McMurray. The Athabasca River and Clearwater 1-1 River border the Lower Townsite. These rivers and a number of smaller waterways, as well as the hilly terrain, have influenced the shape of urban development. Exhibit 1-2: Fort McMurray 1-2 The road network in Fort McMurray includes the following classifications of roadway: highway, municipal highway, arterial, collector, and local. There are also a number of private roads. The Province of Alberta is responsible for Highway 63, the north-south highway through Fort McMurray; this highway connects to Edmonton to the south and to the oil sands and Fort McKay to the north. Highway 63 is the only crossing of the Athabasca River in Fort McMurray. The road network in Fort McMurray is shown in Exhibit 1-3. Exhibit 1-3: Road Network 1-3 In 2006 the RMWB initiated the TMP study process, which was organized into three stages, with each stage focusing on a different geographical area: 1. The completed Stage 1 focused on the Lower Townsite. 2. This second stage focuses on the Urban Services Area of the region, which is Fort McMurray. 3. It is expected Stage 3 will expand on the Urban Service Area to include the entire region and other communities such as Fort McKay. Stage 1 of the TMP update was completed in 2008 by iTRANS Consulting (iTRANS). The primary deliverable for this phase was a transportation model for Fort McMurray with a focus on the Lower Townsite using a software package called VISUM. The model was developed for the existing (2007) population horizon and three future planning horizons. Other components of Stage 1 included functional planning of Franklin Avenue, evaluation of connections between Highway 63 and the Lower Townsite, an evaluation of potential West Loop Road connections, a review of parking in the downtown area of the Lower Townsite, and undertaking a sign inventory. This study will focus on Stage 2 of the update and the objectives are discussed in more detail in Section 1.2. It is expected that Stage 3 of the TMP will encompass the whole region and provide RMWB with recommendations that address the future transportation requirements throughout the region. 1.2 Definition of a Transportation Master Plan A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a long-range transportation planning tool that defines the overall vision for the transportation system, identifies strategies to attain that vision, and creates the framework for transportation decision making and investment. TMPs have the following important objectives: Define long-range transportation goals Set policy and define priorities Determine infrastructure, programme, and service needs Guide capital budget planning Refine land-use and municipal plans Recommend other studies and plans The TMP assesses the need for transportation infrastructure and policies over ten or more years and identifies the priority of these needs. It may include guidance for capital budgeting programs or development cost studies and it may identify a need for other plans or studies. Future land-use plans, as defined by local, regional, or provincial governments are used as an input to assess future needs. Previously planned investments are also considered. The 1-4 relationship between different types of long-range plans is illustrated in Exhibit 1-4. As shown here, the relationship between the plans is iterative: i.e. the land-use defined in the Municipal Development Plan is an input to the Transportation Master Plan, however, the Transportation Master Plan, in return, influences the next revision of the Municipal Development Plan. Municipal Development Plan Transportation Master Plan Exhibit 1-4: Relationships between Long-Range Plans1 iTRANS Consulting Inc., Best Practices for Technical Delivery of Long-Term Transportation Planning Studies in Canada – Final Report, Transportation Association of Canada (2008). 1 1-5 1.3 Background Documents In addition to the Stage 1 TMP study, completed by iTRANS, the following documents were referenced as part of this study: RMWB Municipal Development Plan (2000) DRAFT Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan (CRISP) for the Athabasca Oil Sands Area (2010) Fringe Area Development Assessment – Urban Service Area (2007) Lower Townsite Redevelopment Plan (2009) Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan (2007) Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan (2010) Commercial and Industrial Land Use Study (CILUS) (2010) Highway 63 Functional Planning Study Fort McMurray, King Street to Confederation Way Draft (2006) RMWB Engineering Servicing Standards (2009) RMWB Transit Master Plan (2007) RMWB Transit Schedule (2010) RMWB Land-Use and Zoning Bylaws Each of these studies is discussed in more detail in the following sections. 1.3.1 RMWB Municipal Development Plan The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) was completed in February of 2000 with the purpose of setting out a clear, collective vision for the Region that would be responsive to change and growth. The main questions the Region wished to address were: how did we get here; where are we now; where are we going over the next several years; where do we want to be; and how do we get from here to there? The largest portion of the MDP includes goals and specific directions in five areas of municipal responsibility. These directions are intended to address issues and concerns in RMWB as the region changes and grows. The five areas are: economic development, growth management, services to the community, municipal infrastructure, and environmental management. Some of the major recommendations of the MDP are: To adopt statutory plans, such as a number of area structures plans and area redevelopment plans To adopt non-statutory plans, such as the Urban Parks Master Plan, Parks Development Standards, Engineering Standards, Memorial Drive Functional Planning Study, Regional Transportation Master Plan and the Environmental Strategic Plan. To prepare and adopt development regulations within the Land Use Bylaw, subdivision approvals, development approvals, development agreements, municipal operations and programs, municipal operations and programs, municipal department business plans and the municipal corporate business plan. To review the MDP in five years to determine if objectives are being achieved and to review a number of other documents on a regular basis to ensure progress. The RMWB have commenced a review and update of the Municipal Development Plan. 1-6 1.3.2 CRISP AOSA The Government of Alberta is preparing a Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan (CRISP) for the Athabasca Oil Sands Area (AOSA). This plan will address growth and identify a strategic plan for the area. The CRISP identifies the required infrastructure (transportation, water and wastewater servicing, schools and health care facilities) to serve potential population and employment growth in the AOSA. 1.3.3 Fringe Area Development Assessment This study updated the original 1986 Fort McMurray Area Planning Study that identified areas suitable for future urban expansion. This updated study confirmed suitable areas for expansion and established a logical sequence for development. The location of the areas for expansion is shown in Exhibit 1-5. The study focused on the following potential growth nodes and recommended they develop in the following order: 1. Parsons Creek 2. Saline Creek Plateau 3. West Growth Area (immediately west of Timberlea) 4. Between the Hangingstone & Horse Rivers 5. Forest Heights 6. North of the Horse River 1-7 Exhibit 1-5: Growth Node Locations Other recommendations relating to the transportation network included: Initiate area structure plans (ASP) for Parsons Creek, Between the Hangingstone and Horse Rivers, North of Horse River and West Growth Areas; this would include traffic impact assessments. As part of the Regional Transportation Master Plan, confirm the optimal roadway network that will accommodate the generated traffic from the future growth areas. Initiate the Highway 69 Transportation Corridor Study to secure right-of-way. Protect land for future interchanges along Highways 63 and 69. That Alberta Transportation reassess the impacts which the projected population of 200,000 will have on the Highway 63 corridor improvements proposed in the 2006 Highway 63 Planning Study. That Alberta Transportation consider developing a regional ring road that would benefit not only the future growth of the Urban Services Area but also provide better access to the oil and gas industry and other northern communities, reduce bottleneck pressure on the existing Athabasca River Crossing, and provide an alternative north-south route in emergency situations. 1-8 1.3.4 Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan The Saline Creek ASP is a high level planning document that addresses land uses, densities, transportation networks, infrastructure, parks, school sites and greenways within the study area. This study also investigated opportunities to develop a sustainable community through promoting higher density development, complementary land uses to reduce trips, and plan for alternative modes of transportation. The community was consulted many times during the study through stakeholder/public notifications, a design charette, two open houses and a public hearing. Recommendations from this study include: Amend the MDP Bylaw and Highway 69/Clearwater River Valley ASP to include the Saline Creek area in the Urban Service Area. Establish a development staging plan as per the suggested phasing illustrated in Map 13 (Exhibit 1-6). Complete outline plans for each proposed neighbourhood and village centre. These plans should address a number of topics, specifically a detailed land use plan, locations of all parks and pathways and their integration into the Fort McMurray’s regional pathway network, a detailed transportation impact assessment, proposed transit routes, how sustainable practices and designs have been used to reduce consumption of water, energy and materials, and develop a detailed staging plan. A functional planning study for the Clearwater Parkway. 1-9 Exhibit 1-6: Map 13 Staging Plan 1.3.5 Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan (UDP) The Parsons Creek UDP study was completed to provided community vision and a design brief to be used as a guiding document for the development of Parsons Creek. The original study was completed in 2009; however, due to a number of design assumption changes, this study was updated in 2010. One of the more significant changes is the assumed alignment of the future regional ring road which was originally envisioned to be located closer to Parsons Creek and the West Growth Area. With the ring road alignment now being located further west, consideration for site access must be reevaluated (Exhibit 1-7). 1-10 The study investigated and made recommendations on site development potential, sustainable practices, community design, transit network, open space network and road network. Exhibit 1-7: Parsons Creek Transportation Network 1.3.6 Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (LTS ARP) The Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (LTS-ARP) provides a comprehensive land use and development strategy intended to guide future redevelopment in the Lower Townsite area until 2030. Sustainability, intensification, land use integration and compatibility, transportation and connectivity, infrastructure and servicing, flood abatement are all addressed in the Plan. 1-11 1.3.7 Commercial and Industrial Land Use Study (CILUS) This study was initiated to investigate opportunities for commercial and industrial uses that are required to support the large influx in population. Currently, operating costs and lack of land is resulting in pressure on existing business owners and restricting future economic growth. Some of the objectives of this study include: Quantify demand for commercial and industrial land for both the existing and future conditions. Provide policy recommendations to promote and identify future growth areas. Forecast employment growth. Examine current available land and identify where new commercial / industrial developments are needed and provide recommendations on land use mix in both rural and urban areas. Recommend modifications to existing policies to support growth. Develop three employment scenarios. To meet the objectives of this study, detailed recommendations were made at both a regional and site specific level which apply to the Government of Alberta, the RMWB and future developers. The recommendations identify future growth areas and rank them from priority one down to priority four. 1.3.8 Highway 63 Functional Planning Study Sections of the Highway 63 Functional Planning Study Draft Report were provided by Alberta Transportation. Section 3, titled “Project Appraisal” reviews the existing highway, existing traffic volumes, historical traffic growth, bus service, and a regional growth forecast. Three population and employment horizons were considered, existing (2005 – population of approximately 61,000), and the 118,000 and 160,000 population horizons. Also considered in this section was forecasting reliability, traffic characteristics such as trip generation and distribution, modal split and assignment, and finally a summary of the Open House and Presentation was included. Section 8, titled “Traffic Analysis” was also forwarded and re-visited the trip generation, trip distribution, development phasing, basic laning on the highway, intersection performance, improvement staging sequence, Franklin Avenue Roundabout, and a merging, diverging, and weaving analysis. The McElhanney report was completed in November 2008, however, the RMWB did not receive a copy of this report until January 2011. As such, that report was not utilized in this Transportation Master Plan Stage 2. 1.3.9 RMWB Transit Master Plan The RMWB Transit Master Plan was completed by iTRANS in 2007. The objective of this study was to undertake a comprehensive service review as a basis to develop a plan while successfully responding to community expectations in a fiscally responsible manner. Therefore, the emphasis was to minimize fiscal burden of expanding services while at the 1-12 same time attracting more transit customers. To meet this objective a detailed review was conducted of the existing conventional and specialized transit services in both the urban and rural areas of the RMWB. Input from stakeholders was crucial for this study with input sought from RMWB staff, transit and non-transit customers, the rural, business and medical communities, the school board, seniors, and transit operators, drivers and management, Study recommendations were broken down into three categories: 5-year transit service plan and budget 5-year THE BUS (specialized transit) service plan and budget 20-year asset management plan These recommendations addressed concerns such as route reconfiguration (Exhibit 1-8), changes to customer service, service hours, fare increases, improvements to fleet and facilities, and staffing. Exhibit 1-8: Proposed Route Network Concept 1-13 1.3.10 Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures The most recent Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures report was issued in December 2009. This document specifies minimum acceptable standards for engineering and construction activities taking place in the RMWB. These standards provide a platform for developers and other parties to use in order to guide municipal design in the region. The standards provide developers with the freedom to explore alternative designs while ensuring that the finished product is functional and economical to maintain and operate by the RMWB. The relevant sections of this document pertaining to transportation include standards for roadway design and trail development. 1.3.11 Land Use Bylaw The current Land Use Bylaw, issued in March 2009, regulates the use and development of land and buildings in the RMWB. This document includes a description of the various land use districts with the RMWB including those related to residential, commercial, parks and recreation, industrial, environmental preservation, and public service land uses. Each land use description includes information on permitted uses, discretionary uses that may be approved, site provisions such as lot areas and density requirements, landscaping, as well as other requirements. This document also specifies requirements for on-site parking facilities including the location, size, and number of stalls for various land use types. 1.4 Study Objectives The specific study objectives for Stage 2 of the TMP are as follows: 1. Update the VISUM model to reflect updated population and employment data for the 2015, 2020, and 2028 population horizons. 2. Expand the Stage 1 RMWB traffic model to include future growth areas of: Saline Creek Plateau Parsons Creek 3. Identify the future transportation network requirements for each time horizon. 4. Identify the feasibility of public transit between the Lower Townsite and the Fort McMurray Airport. 5. Develop a long term transportation data collection program. 6. Ensure the road classifications included in the RMWB engineering standards are functional, and identify improvements where necessary. 7. Develop sustainable transportation guidelines for Fort McMurray. 8. Identify improvements to residential parking guidelines and by-laws. 9. Improve trail connections to increase pedestrian and cyclist activity. 10. Research pedestrian crossing policy and identify improvements to the existing crossing policy. 11. Develop an implementation strategy and timing to install the transportation network improvements required to facilitate the movement of people and goods through Fort McMurray. 12. Prepare a Transportation Master Plan Stage 2 that encompasses Fort McMurray. 1-14 1.5 Report Format The reporting for this project has been separated into stand alone chapters which were individually submitted to the RMWB. These chapter reports, along with this Introductory Report, will then form the final report. The following chapters will form the final TMP study for Stage 2: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Sustainable Transportation Chapter 3: Active Transportation on Trails Chapter 4: Pedestrian Crossing Control Guidelines Chapter 5: Transit to Airport Feasibility Assessment Chapter 6: Residential and On-Street Parking Chapter 7: Traffic Signal Management – Systems Review Chapter 8: Road Cross-Sections Chapter 9: Traffic Data Collection Chapter 10: Traffic Model Expansion Chapter 11: Modelled Network Scenarios Chapter 12: Functional Assessment and Plan Chapter 13: Recommended Transportation Plan and Strategy 1.6 Chapter Descriptions The following sections provide an overview of each chapter as listed in Section 1.5. For detailed methodologies, analysis, conclusions and recommendations please see the appropriate chapter document. Chapter 1: Introduction – This Chapter provides an overview of the TMP Stage 2 study. Chapter 2: Sustainable Transportation – Sustainable transportation is an emerging best practice in transportation planning. To engage in sustainable transportation planning is to consider the “triple bottom line” of each project, evaluating based on economic, social, and environmental indicators. This chapter examines the existing context of sustainable transportation in the RMWB; outlines the principles of sustainable transportation and identifies key best practices; discusses how sustainable transportation applies to the larger context of the RMWB TMP; and presents the recommended sustainable transportation practices for RMWB. Chapter 3: Active Transportation on Trails - Parks and trails provide important transportation and recreational connections for all members of the community. This chapter reviewed the existing and planned park and trail linkages in the RMWB, identifies a proposed network, and provides recommendations on network improvements. 1-15 Chapter 4: Pedestrian Crossing Control Guidelines – The main objective of this Chapter was to assist the RMWB in reviewing and developing the Pedestrian Crossing Control Guidelines. Several key steps were undertaken: Reviewed the existing RMWB guidelines Surveyed similar municipalities regarding their guidelines and experiences Compared the RMWB guidelines and experiences to the surveyed municipalities Identified similar practices and commonalities Identified possible improvements to the existing RMWB guidelines This pedestrian crossing control review updates the RMWB pedestrian crossing warrant process based on national standards and, where appropriate, to consider integration of elements related to local conditions. Chapter 5: Transit to Airport Feasibility Assessment – This chapter reviewed the feasibility of a higher order public transportation connection to the Fort McMurray Airport from the Lower Townsite. The feasibility of a rail based or rubber tire system was evaluated and compared to identify the appropriate system. The evaluation was based on: Annual and projected airport statistics to identify daily passenger volumes. Routing criteria, such as right-of way, land requirements, speed, importance on accessing communities, and route directness. System capital and operating costs. The recommended system, based on the criteria summarized above, is provided along with proposed routing, order of magnitude of capital and operating costs. Chapter 6: Residential and On-Street Parking – This Chapter reviewed the existing parking guidelines in the context of similar municipal guidelines within the Province of Alberta, concentrating on the on-street parking as linked to road classification. To complement this work, a review of current residential parking guidelines and confirmation of the number of parking stalls required for different residential land uses was undertaken. Chapter 7: Traffic Signal Management – Systems Review – This Chapter was completed as a stand-alone study and included in the TMP due to its relevant content. The Chapter provides a framework for the RMWB to adopt in order to manage growing issues with traffic control and management. Chapter 8: Road Cross-Sections –This Chapter addresses a review of the Engineering Services Standards with the objective of ensuring the compatibility of the standard road cross-section with current planning principles. Current practices introduced in other municipalities are discussed. Recommendations are made regarding modifications of the functional classification and cross-sections currently within the RMWB Engineering Servicing Standards. 1-16 Chapter 9: Traffic Data Collection – This Chapter addresses the requirements to develop a robust database that will enable the RMWB to maintain the traffic model. Specific recommendations are made regarding developing a long term program that identifies locations for permanent and manual data collection stations. Also addressed is a traffic model maintenance plan, including a discussion on model update methodology, either inhouse or outsourced. Chapter 10: Traffic Model Expansion – This Chapter describes the methodology used to expand the Stage 1 traffic model to simulate the entire Urban Service Area (Fort McMurray). A traffic model review conducted by the RMWB led to a shift in model development for Stage 2. The main objective was to use the four-step traffic modelling capabilities of the VISUM software: trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, and trip assignment. In Stage 1, the model had been developed with the first three steps completed in Excel, in the effort to provide a more user friendly application for RMWB staff without formal training in VISUM. Expansion of the RMWB traffic model required the following steps: Expansion and revision of the traffic analysis zones. Expansion of the future road network. Review and confirmation of updated land use (population and employment) data. Calibration of the expanded model to existing traffic counts. Validation of the forecast horizon years. Continuous feedback from the RMWB. Chapter 11: Modelled Network Scenarios – This Chapter includes the model analysis results for the three modelled horizons; 2015, 2020, and 2028. The analysis was iterative with the 2015 traffic placed on the existing road network, identifying the road network improvements required, and further analysed to identify capacity issues. Then the 2020 traffic is placed on the 2015 required transportation network, identifying the road network improvements required, and so on. Chapter 12: Functional Assessment and Plan – This Chapter addresses the assumed network improvements in terms of location and configuration. A review of the feasibility of the proposed network improvements was carried out and a high level staging review undertaken. Chapter 13: Recommended Transportation Plan and Strategy – This Chapter provides RMWB staff with a summary of the recommendations from each Chapter and also provides an implementation strategy. This strategy prioritizes recommendations and provides suggested timelines for improvements. 1-17 2. SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION 2.1 Introduction This Chapter provides guidelines for a sustainable transportation network. A sustainable transportation system provides for the mobility of residents, businesses, and visitors within a community in a socially equitable and environmentally responsible way that can be maintained over the long-term. The Chapter reviews existing conditions, plans, and policies and their effects on sustainable transportation, outlines the principles of sustainable transportation, and summarizes key best practices. The sustainable transportation guidelines use the best practices as a base and adopt the strategies that are most applicable to Fort McMurray. This Chapter summarizes the following activities: Desktop review of existing road, transit, and active transportation network features. Review of existing plans and policies with sustainable transportation components or effects on the sustainable transportation network. Review of existing urban and rural cross-sections as detailed in the Engineering Service Standards. Literature review of best practices. Development of sustainable transportation guidelines, including strategies and design principles. 2.2 Existing Context There are a number of existing policies and reports that reflect RMWB’s approach to sustainability. They include more general land-use, sustainability, and municipal policies as well as transportation specific policies. Some affect the community as a whole, while others are targeted at specific neighbourhoods. The following section is a summary of the existing policies and guidelines pertaining to sustainable transportation in RMWB. 2.2.1 Community-Wide Policies Municipal Development Plan The RMWB Municipal Development Plan (MDP) was completed in 2005 and sets out a vision for the RMWB as the population continues to expand. The MDP was developed with input from decision-makers, planners, and the public. It identifies goals and issues, and then strategies to address ‘Our Directions’. The MDP includes a number of directions and principles that speak directly to sustainable transportation. 2-1 Throughout the MDP, the ‘Our Directions’ support environmentally friendly development patterns, mixed-use and higher density development, and accommodations for pedestrians, transit, and other sustainable modes of transportation. The MDP supports fully utilizing existing infrastructure to support new subdivisions and pursuing in-fill development in existing subdivisions. The plan calls for downtown revitalization including implementing urban design standards. Other directions support providing commercial opportunities within walking distance of residential areas, as well as providing sustainable transportation linkages between residential and commercial centres. The MDP stresses the importance of links from residential areas to the parks and trails network. The Environmental Leadership section states that the RMWB should work with industry and government to minimize the effect of road infrastructure on the environment. In Fort McMurray, the MDP supports evaluating a number of options, including Park and Ride service, a Hazardous Goods Route, an over-dimensional load corridor, and a loop road. The MDP supports improving public parking and traffic congestion in the downtown core, as well as improved landscaping on arterial roads. Another objective of the MDP is a safe, economical, and efficient transit system. As the TMP Stage 2 was being produced, the RMWB began the process of updating the 2005 MDP. It is anticipated that the 2011 MDP will incorporate input from the TMP Stage 2. Envision Wood Buffalo In March of 2010, the Planning and Development group within RMWB completed Phases 1 and 2 of Envision Wood Buffalo (Envision) (2010). Envision is an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP) and is intended to direct the community moving forward. Envision includes a Statement of Sustainability for Wood Buffalo, along with 12 overall recommendations for successful implementation. It also includes 16 sustainability principles built around 12 theme areas. Statement of Sustainability for Wood Buffalo1 We value living in a region that is safe, healthy, inclusive of all residents and provides local opportunities. We have a strong economy, healthy environment, a rich culture and an abundance of social capital that together form the pillars of sustainability and contribute to quality of life and wellbeing. We strive to find balance in our economic, environmental, cultural and social systems and to live within their natural limits. We make decisions that reflect an understanding of the interdependence of these systems and consider residents long-term needs to ensure the resources of today are sustainable into the future. 1 Dillon Consulting. Envision Wood Buffalo. Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo: 2010. 2-2 Of the 16 principles identified by Envision, one falls into the Transportation theme areas; it and nine others are directly applicable to the TMP. The applicable principles are listed below, with the transportation theme principle shown in bold: 2. Economic strategies shall encourage the efficient use of resources and promote sustainable production and consumption through use of environmentally friendly technologies. 4. Active and healthy year-round lifestyles shall be supported by a diversity of parks and open spaces, recreation facilities and programs, cultural and social events and public gathering places. 7. Provide a mix of housing types, densities, and sizes that accommodates different incomes, family sizes, and abilities. 8. Use green building concepts in the design and construction of housing. 9. Residents and visitors shall feel safe, and have equal access to local and regional health services. 10. Partnerships shall be encouraged, respected, and built on collaboration, coordination, and accountability to make our region a sustainable place where people live, work, and play. 11. Living within the limits and reducing the ecological footprint of the region shall be a priority. Both long-term and day-to-day decisions shall reflect the understanding that economic, cultural, and social systems are dependent on the environment. 14. The use of non-renewable resources shall be kept to a minimum and shall be recycled, reused and, wherever possible, replaced with renewable resources. 15. A diverse and thriving economy depends on a transportation system that is wellplanned, strategic, and multi-modal. This system shall reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase physical activity and wellness, reduce transportation costs, provide access to employment, and increase quality of life. 16. Municipal developments shall minimize impacts on the environment. Ensuring clean air, clean water and pristine natural areas, and a reduction in Municipal contributions to greenhouse gas emissions shall be supported. Transit Master Plan RMWB council approved the Transit Master Plan on November 27, 2007. The plan includes five-year service plans and budgets for conventional and specialized transit service, as well as a 20-year asset management plan. The five-year service plans show an expansion in service hours per capita to meet industry standards. The asset management plan outlines the bus replacement and expansion strategy until 2017. The transit network is discussed further in a later section. 2-3 Municipal Bylaws Land-use policies have a significant affect on transportation. Mixed-use development and higher densities are especially important to the sustainable transportation network. The RMWB Land Use Bylaw 99 / 059 features two mixed-use, land-use classifications. R5-MU Apartment and Commercial Mixed Use District (Bylaw No. 06 / 017) permits a shortlist of commercial and residential uses, including apartment buildings with density of up to 80 units per hectare. The number of commercial units is limited to health service facilities (ground floor), office (ground floor), and convenience retail store. More commercial uses and apartment buildings with density greater than 80 units per hectare are allowed at the discretion of the development officer. C5 Central Business District permits a wide range of uses, including commercial and community land-uses. Dwelling units above ground floor commercial are listed as a discretionary uses for zone CD. No other type of residential is permitted. R4 High Density Residential District permits apartment buildings with densities of less than 60 units per hectare, as well as offices, and other selected uses. Apartment buildings with density greater than 60 units per hectare are permitted under the discretion of the development officer. R5 Apartment Density Residential District (Bylaw No. 06 / 017) allows up to 80 units per acre and permits over 81 units per acre at the discretion of a development officer. RMWB also has a DC Direct Control District land-use to provide for special cases. The Roads and Transportation Bylaw (Bylaw No 02 / 079) also has sustainable transportation implications. The bylaw permits cycling on the roadway, as well as on sidewalks, footpaths and walkways, provided that the cyclist does not interfere with pedestrians and obeys traffic control devices. The Roads and Transportation Bylaw also provides guidelines for snow removal on sidewalks. It requires owners of commercial land to clear sidewalks bordering their property within 48 hours of snow fall. Owners of other types of property must remove snow within 48 hours of being notified by the RMWB to remove the snow. This bylaw is currently not enforced. Further to the bylaw, it is RMWB policy to adhere to the following five snow ploughing priorities: 1. Primary routes 2. Secondary routes and high-volume intersections 3. First 15 m from all stop and yield signs 4. Snow accumulation of 4 cm or greater from designated trails, sidewalks, parking lots, stairs, and boardwalks within 48 hours 5. Residential streets as warranted 2-4 2.2.2 Typical Cross-Sections Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures The RMWB Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures (Engineering Standards) (2009) specify that design standards for streets must meet Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) standards, as well as any applicable standards within the Alberta Transportation, Highway Geometric Design Guides. The Engineering Standards also include typical cross-sections, which are presented in Table 2-1. The Engineering Standards typical cross-sections specify conditions that affect sustainable transportation. Parking is prohibited on Urban Arterials, but permitted on Urban Collectors and Local roads. Travelled lanes are typically 3.7 m and parking lanes are typically 2.4 m, with wider, 3.0 m parking lanes on industrial and commercial collectors. Bus service is restricted on Arterials; bus bay pullouts are required on Arterials and along Local roadways adjacent to schools. Bus service is permitted on Collector roadways and prohibited on Urban Local roads. All Urban roadway types have sidewalks on both sides; the Engineering Standards specify 3.0 m separated sidewalks for Urban Arterials and 1.5 m separate or monolithic sidewalks for Urban Collectors and Local Roads. Sidewalks are only required on one side of cul-de-sacs. The text requires 1.5 m bike lanes on all arterial roadways; this is included as a consideration in the table (see note 8). 2-5 Table 2-1: RMWB Engineering Standards Typical Cross-Sections Source: Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures (2009) 2-6 2.2.3 Land Use Plans The RMWB identified and assessed fringe areas of Fort McMurray that are suitable for future development in the Fringe Area Development Assessment – Urban Services Area (March 2007). This report ranked six areas that are being considered for development: Saline Creek Plateau; Parsons Creek; between the Hangingstone & Horse Rivers; North of Horse River; West Growth Area; and Forest Heights. Parsons Creek and Saline Creek Plateau were identified as priority areas for development. The Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan (April 2010) outlined a plan for that community, while the Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan (Saline Creek ASP) (June 2007) forms the basis for development in Saline Creek. Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan The Parsons Creek neighbourhood is planned for the area north of Timberlea; it is envisioned as a community of transit-oriented neighbourhoods with a range of housing types and retail, recreational, and community land-use opportunities. It is intended to be known for “its environmental quality, commitments to sustainable practices and the vibrancy of its public spaces”.2 The land use plans are based on a nodal development strategy, with four key neighbourhood nodes. The nodes will be transportation centres with commercial mixed-use land and services. Most residents would be within 800 m of a node. The intention of the design is to create pedestrian friendly, transit-supportive neighbourhoods to optimize infrastructure. Exhibit 2-1 is the concept plan for Parsons Creek which includes a network of pedestrian trails to parks, schools, commercial areas, and residential neighbourhoods. Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan The proposed Saline Creek neighbourhood will be located between MacKenzie Park and the Airport. It is intended to be a sustainable, complete, mixed-use community. The ASP for Saline Creek identifies a mixed use Village Centre with office, commercial, community, and residential land-uses. Three neighbourhoods surround the village centre and include residential, commercial, and public land-uses. These neighbourhoods are joined to the Village Centre via a fused grid road network with active and vehicle connections. The concept plan for Saline Creek Plateau is shown in Exhibit 2-2. 2 Stantec Consulting, Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, May 2010. 2-7 Exhibit 2-1: Proposed Parsons Creek Development Source: Regional Municipality of Wood buffalo – Parson Creek Urban Design Plan (2010) 2-8 Exhibit 2-2: Proposed Saline Creek Plateau Development Source: Regional Municipality of Wood buffalo – Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan (2007) 2-9 Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan RMWB has also released an Area Redevelopment Plan for the Lower Townsite. The RMWB Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (LTS ARP) was adopted as a bylaw by council on May 29, 2009 and guides development in the Lower Townsite until 2030. The Vision for the Lower Townsite is as follows: The Lower Townsite will be the focal point for a prosperous Northern Region. As the central downtown core for Fort McMurray, the Lower Townsite will be a quality urban environment offering opportunities to work and live in the same area. It will include a diversity of commercial, residential and recreational uses centred around the natural beauty of the Athabasca and Clearwater Rivers. The Lower Townsite will be inclusive and accessible to all and will celebrate the area’s history and community spirit. The main goals of the LTS ARP are to allow intensification of the Lower Townsite to further develop it as a mixed-use and mixed-density core with a wide range of commercial and retail facilities. By 2030, the Lower Townsite is expected to be home to approximately 12,000 more people and 9,000 more jobs over 2009 levels. The LTS ARP also has two transportation systems goals: to improve the multi-modal transportation network to accommodate the desired growth in a sustainable way, and to address the risk of dangerous goods transported along Highway 63. The proposed land use for the Lower Townsite creates a dense, mixed use area with a commercial focus in the northwest corner of the area. The northwest corner will feature medium-high density residential to take advantage of the Snye Channel waterfront. There will also be medium density mixed use focused around Franklin Avenue. The full land-use plan is shown in Exhibit 2-3. The corresponding proposed transportation network, which is shown in Exhibit 2-4, upgrades a number of existing Local roads to Collector roadways. It also calls for new collectors to connect discontinuous parts of the network. The LTS ARP also calls for improvements to the urban landscape, and new bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The proposed bicycle and pedestrian routes are discussed in more detail in Chapter 3 of the TMP. The parks and green structure, which shows the proposed focus of streetscaping efforts, is illustrated in Exhibit 2-5. The LTS ARP layered all elements of the proposed transportation network to create the cross-sections in Exhibit 2-6. These sections provide space for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. All of the cross-sections separate pedestrians from traffic using buffer zones. This will also provide an area to pile snow. The crosssections also show summer and winter active transportation uses for Lower Townsite laneways. Much of the Lower Townsite features well connected rear lanes. 2-10 Exhibit 2-3: LTS ARP Proposed Land Use Source: Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (2009) 2-11 Exhibit 2-4: LTS ARP Proposed Transportation Network Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (2009) 2-12 Exhibit 2-5: LTS ARP Proposed Parks and Green Structure Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (2009) 2-13 Exhibit 2-6: LTS ASP Street Sections Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (2009) 2-14 2.2.4 Existing Network The existing transportation network in Fort McMurray facilitates travel by automobile, transit, cycling, and walking. Most trips are by private vehicles. Statistics Canada 2006 Travel to Work data shows that in RMWB 52% of trips to work are driving trips. This is low compared to other, similar municipalities in Canada (e.g. Prince George, BC 80%; Grande Prairie, AB 81%; North Bay, ON 70%). An additional 14% of trips to work are as a passenger in a car, truck, or van and 15% of trips are by public transit. The ‘other modes’ category, which is normally very low, has 14% of trips in the RMWB. This reflects employees who take private transit to work (i.e. company buses). A number of oil sands businesses provide bus transportation for employees travelling from Fort McMurray to the oil sands sites. A comparison of the Statistics Canada data for transit trips to work and the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) ridership statistics indicates that there is an over-reporting of conventional transit use and an under-reporting of private / oil sands transit use in the ‘other modes’ category. Finally, 5% of trips to work are by walking or cycling. The Fort McMurray road network is shown in Exhibit 2-7. The spine of the road network through Fort McMurray and RMWB is Highway 63. The Lower Townsite is the core of Fort McMurray with the majority of commercial development. North of the Athabasca River are the newer neighbourhoods of Timberlea and Thickwood Heights; these neighbourhoods are connected by Confederation Way / Thickwood Boulevard, which is a major arterial that meets Highway 63 at two locations. Timberlea and Thickwood Heights are largely residential neighbourhoods with schools and some commercial development. Beacon Hill and Abasands are residential neighbourhoods west of Highway 63 and south of the Athabasca River. These are each joined to Highway 63 by one connection. Waterways is a residential neighbourhood south of the Lower Townsite. Gregoire residential neighbourhood and MacKenzie Industrial park are the southernmost communities and have direct connections to Highway 63. Highway 69 is an east-west highway south of Fort McMurray; it terminates at Highway 63 and serves the Airport, Saprea Creek, and MacKenzie Industrial Park. Goods movement in Fort McMurray is primarily by the road network. Highway 63 through Fort McMurray connects the oil sands industry to destinations south and is the major access for goods movement. The RMWB Roads and Transportation Bylaw identifies truck routes, including Confederation Drive, Thickwood Drive, Manning Avenue, Franklin Drive, MacKenzie Boulevard and a number of other Arterial and Collector roadways. Both oversize loads and dangerous goods are moved into Fort McMurray using Highway 63. Oversize loads are not permitted on municipal roads unless approved by the RMWB. The RMWB has identified a dangerous goods route, which includes Tolen Drive from the traffic circle to King Street and King Street from Highway 63 to Clearwater River. No vehicle containing dangerous goods is permitted outside of that route, except when the vehicle is accessing a location for loading or unloading. The RMWB is currently reviewing its dangerous goods route policy. 2-15 Exhibit 2-7: Fort McMurray Road Network 2-16 RMWB completed a Transit Master Plan in 2007. The plan includes a number of service and performance goals for the transit system. The service goals are: Improve the quality of life of residents who do not have access to an automobile. Improve pedestrian access to transit service. Meet the travel demand generated by various target markets in the employment, academic, commercial, medical, and service industries. Recognize that transit is an integral component of urban growth. The performance goals set targets for 2012 and are as follows: Increase per capita transit use by 50% from 16 in 2005 to 24 trips per capita. Attain service utilization comparable to the median per group value of 25 passengers per hour of service. To increase the revenue to cost ratio from 33% to 40%. The plan also identifies minimum transit service requirements. The minimum standards for service coverage stipulate that all medium and high density residential should be within 300 m walk distance of a bus route, while 90% of low –density residential should be within a 450 m walk of a bus route. New conventional service should be introduced to new subdivisions with 400 households or 1,000 residents, with alternative service delivery for developments with fewer households. The transit master plan also identifies land use design guidelines to support transit development. RMWB transit currently has ten regular bus routes within the Fort McMurray urban area, plus two industrial specials and additional school service. The transit network is shown in Exhibit 2-8. 2-17 Exhibit 2-8: Transit Network 2-18 There is an existing paved and unpaved trail network for walking and cycling. Cycling is permitted on Municipal roadways and sidewalks. Other modes of active transportation (rollerblades, skateboards, etc.) are permitted on sidewalks, but prohibited on roadways, except for the purpose of crossing. The pedestrian network, focusing on parks and trails, is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3. Parking requirements can also affect travel behaviour and sustainability. There are two general types of parking: on-street and off-street. Off-street parking can be further divided into stand-alone parking lots / structures and parking incorporated as part of a development. Parking requirements for developments in Wood Buffalo are dictated by Land Use Bylaw 99 / 059 Part 7 Parking and Loading Requirements. The bylaw provides minimum parking requirements for various land-use types. Examples include: 1 stall per 3.5 m2 of public floor area in a major restaurant; 2.8 stalls per 100 m2 of floor area in an office; 2 stalls per single detached dwelling unit; 1 on-site parking stall for each bedroom in a basement suite to a maximum of two stalls, in addition to the parking requirement for the primary dwelling type. 2.3 Principles of Sustainability Before developing a sustainable transportation plan, it is essential to define sustainable transportation. There is no single definition of sustainable transportation used across the industry; however, the definition posed by the Centre for Sustainable Transportation is the most generally accepted definition in Canada. The definition is provided in the box below. What is sustainable transportation?3 A sustainable transportation system is one that: Allows the basic access needs of individuals and societies to be met safely and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and with equity within and between generations. Is affordable, operates efficiently, offers choice of transport mode and supports a vibrant economy. Limits emissions and waste within the planet's ability to absorb them, minimizes consumption of non-renewable resources, limits consumption of renewable resources to the sustainable yield level, reuses and recycles its components, and minimizes the use of land and the production of noise. 3 Centre for Sustainable Transportation, “What is Sustainable Transportation”, University of Winnipeg. Accessed December 29, 2010. 2-19 In 2007, Transport Canada and the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) developed twelve principles for sustainable transportation planning, which are outlined in Strategies for Sustainable Transportation Planning: A Review of Practices and Options (2007). These principles can be applied by municipalities to incorporate sustainable transportation planning into their communities. These principles were integrated into TAC’s Best Practices for the Technical Delivery of Long-Term Planning Studies in Canada (2008) and represent current Canadian best practice in Sustainable Transportation Planning. Sustainable Communities & Transportation Systems Integration with land use planning Principle 1: Environmental health Principle 2: Economic and social objectives Principle 3: Modal sustainability Principle 4: Transportation demand management Principle 5: Transportation supply management Principle 6: Sustainable & Effective Transportation Planning Principle 7: Strategic approach Principle 8: Implementation guidance Principle 9: Financial guidance Principle 10: Performance measurement Principle 11: Public involvement Principle 12: Plan maintenance Strategies for Sustainable Transportation Planning uses the same definition of sustainability as the Centre for Sustainable Transportation (quoted above), but applies the definition in the context of transportation planning. As shown, the twelve principles are divided into two groups. The Sustainable Communities and Transportation Systems group of principles focus on building a sustainable community using transportation, while the Sustainable and Effective Transportation Planning group of principles addresses making transportation itself more sustainable. In other words, the first group is the ‘what’ of sustainable transportation planning, while the second group is the ‘how’. The definition and principles above highlight that sustainable transportation is intended to accomplish multiple goals. It requires numerous initiatives and programs and is a interactive process. The overall intent of sustainable transportation planning is to make more efficient use of infrastructure and to strive to provide better access to more people using fewer resources. Every community must approach sustainable transportation planning in their unique way based on the local environmental, social, and economic context. The following section showcases a collection of best practices that are applicable to RMWB. 2-20 2.4 Sustainable Transportation Best Practices This section describes best practices and accepted standards in sustainable transportation planning from Canada and around the world. Many of the guidelines and examples showcased here have been applied in small and medium-sized cities and cities that experience winter conditions. Others are from cities on the leading-edge of sustainable transportation planning. Some best practices are from accepted national and international sustainable transportation planning guides and standards. The best practices have been chosen because they are applicable to the local context in the RMWB. For ease of use, the best practices are divided into five groups. The first group addresses setting transportation priorities. The second group presents best practices relating to transportation and land-use, including type and density of land-use and transit oriented development. The third group addresses transportation demand management and includes practices intended to change the demand for transportation infrastructure. The fourth group discusses sustainable transportation infrastructure; it includes information on a variety of modes and how those modes may be accommodated in the transportation network. The final group presents best practices in financing and progress measurement. 2.4.1 Setting Priorities Municipalities and other levels of government work with limited resources to provide the transportation services. Resources include funding, as well as road space, public land, traffic management and other factors. Limited resources must be allocated to competing priorities. It is a sustainable transportation best practice to develop an overall strategy to assign resources in accordance with the needs and vision of the community. Transportation prioritization is not a single rule (e.g. more funding should go to pedestrian than autos), but a thoughtful approach that informs a policy and planning (i.e. have the appropriate modes been provided for as efficiently as possible?). For example, on an arterial road through a commercial corridor, the competing needs may be travel lanes for auto, parking, loading zones, boulevards, sidewalks, street furniture, building access, cycling lanes, and rapid transit lanes. If the community’s overall priorities and the needs and function of the corridor show that some traffic congestion is acceptable, a traffic lane may be removed to accommodate other modes. Similarly, cycling may be accommodated on a nearby greenway or on a parallel street to free room for autos and pedestrians. The following sections present examples of two structures for setting priorities. The first introduces the concept of transportation hierarchies and includes examples of how other municipalities have adopted a transportation hierarchy to set priorities. The second section presents best practices for setting guiding principles and goals. 2-21 Transportation Hierarchies One of the most common principles in sustainable transportation planning is the sustainable or ‘green’ transportation hierarchy. The Victoria Transport Policy Institute (VTPI) notes that [C]urrent planning practices often allocate [resources such as money, road space, parking spaces, and priority in traffic] inefficiently, such as devoting a relatively small portion of transportation funds to nonmotorized modes, allocating parking on a first-come basis, and giving no priority to spaceefficient modes (carpools, vanpools and buses) in congested traffic. VTPI goes on to recommend that resources be allocated to favour higher value, lower cost modes over lower value, higher cost modes. One way of doing this is by adopting a green transportation hierarchy. A typical Sustainable Transportation Hierarchy is illustrated in Exhibit 2-9. Exhibit 2-9: Sustainable Transportation Hierarchy The green transportation hierarchy has been applied in different contexts by cities in Canada and around the world. This section describes how some of these cities apply the green transportation hierarchy (and similar principles). 2-22 The City of Vancouver lists the following priorities on its website and in transportation documents: walking, cycling, transit, goods movement, single occupancy vehicles. These priorities are reflected in the way that the Vancouver sets transportation policy, provides infrastructure, and measures progress. For example, Vancouver’s Transportation Plan (1997) included policy that limited overall road capacity to the 1997 level, provided for cyclists and pedestrians, increased transit use, encouraged traffic calming, and maintained efficient goods movement, including access to the Port of Vancouver. Vancouver has measured progress, in part, by tracking changes in mode split over time. Increases in the number of trips by walking, biking, and transit, and decreases in the number of vehicle trips entering Vancouver and downtown were both considered positive. The City of San Jose introduced a new transportation impact policy that formalizes the importance of alternative modes in planning documents provided to developers. It defines “unacceptable” mitigation measures as those that have negative impacts to pedestrian, bicycle and transit facilities and allows exceptions to the minimum level service for autos along major transit corridors, rail transit station areas, etc. San Jose also allows developers to construct “offsetting improvements” including pedestrians and transit enhancements. These types of policies prioritize sustainable modes. The City of Sydney, Australia, has included the transportation hierarchy as one of the key recommendations in its integrated transport plan. The Integrated Transport for a Connected City section of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 plan identifies sustainable modes as the priority and outlines four actions to achieve the City’s goals. Among these actions are the following: widen footpaths and increase road space for cycling, reduce speed limits, and reallocate priority at traffic signals to pedestrians, transit, and cyclists. The plan also calls for Sydney to increase the amount of street space dedicated to sustainable transport modes and urban space and to investigate transport pricing. The District of West Vancouver Strategic Transportation Plan (2010) included a modified sustainable transportation hierarchy. The West Vancouver Transportation Hierarchy was developed by a Working Group of West Vancouver residents and varies from the standard hierarchy by placing bicycles and public transit at the same level. The Working Group agreed that based on the topography, demographics, and commuting patterns in West Vancouver, public transit should be equal in priority to bicycles. Bicycles were not lowered on the hierarchy because of their low environmental impact, accessibility, and the lower capital and maintenance costs for a cycling network. The four examples provided above show that there is more than one way to apply the green and sustainable transportation hierarchy. The hierarchy is a tool that can guide Council and Staff in making transportation planning decisions. How it is applied is subject to public consultation and consensus around the objectives of sustainable transportation. 2-23 Guiding Principles and Goals Guiding principles and goals set the tone of the transportation plan and give municipal government and staff a framework in which to make decisions. Many municipalities have adopted guiding principles and / or goals as part of transportation master plans, neighbourhood plans, and other long-range plans. Goals provide the definition of success and set the framework for choosing strategies and making budgeting decisions. This section provides two examples of guiding principles and goals. The City of Denver, Colorado identified six goals to guide transportation decisions in the downtown core. These goals were outlined in the City’s Downtown Multimodal Access Plan (DMAP) (2005) and are as follows: 1. The system should provide connectivity between subareas within downtown and surrounding neighbourhoods. 2. The system should service pedestrian generators and destinations and complement current and emerging development patterns. 3. The system should complement and serve appropriate institutional, cultural and recreational assets. 4. The system should benefit both pedestrians and transit users and provide “seamless” connectivity between transportation modes. 5. The system should incorporate existing corridors that have been enhanced for pedestrians. 6. Urban Design: The system should reinforce the unique features of the urban landscape such as the pattern of streets, parks, plazas, and corridor views. Many of these principles complement land-use guidelines used to support transit oriented developments. Common themes include creating and servicing pedestrian friendly environments that support a mix of land uses and connect to various transportation modes in an integrated way. The City of Calgary also included transportation goals in the Calgary Transportation Plan (2009). These goals were intended to provide direction to transportation within Calgary and provided more detailed guidance than the overall transportation goal stated in Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan. The transportation goal in the Municipal Development Plan is: To develop an integrated, multi-modal transportation system that supports land use, provides increased mobility choices for citizens, promotes vibrant, connected communities, protects the natural environment, and supports a prosperous and competitive economy. 2-24 The seven additional goals in the Calgary Transportation Plan are: 1. Align transportation planning and infrastructure investment with city and regional landuse directions and implementation strategies. 2. Promote safety for all transportation system users. 3. Provide affordable mobility and universal access for all. 4. Enable public transit, walking and cycling as the preferred mobility choices for more people. 5. Promote economic development by ensuring the efficient movement of workers and goods. 6. Advance environmental sustainability. 7. Ensure transportation infrastructure is well managed. 2.4.2 Transportation and Land-Use Transportation patterns are intrinsically tied to land-use. Trip generation and mode split are jointly determined by the type and quality of transportation infrastructure, and the density and mix of land-use. The relationship between land use and transportation system development is mutually dependent. Land use policies reinforce transportation system development and the transportation network must be designed to serve planned land-use. To achieve a sustainable transportation system, both sides of the relationship must be addressed. This section provides best practices that connect transportation and land-use. Density and Land-Use Mix Travel patterns are largely shaped by land-use characteristics, including the number, density, and type of households and jobs. The form of development can also effect how people choose to travel and if transportation patterns are sustainable in the long-term. Land-use planning typically determines the density of people and jobs and the mix of residential, commercial, industrial, and community land-uses. Higher density and with a variety of land-uses increases the number of potential destinations located close together. This results in shorter average trips; residents can access more jobs and services closer to their homes. This also applies for other non-home based trips. Shorter trips are more likely to be made by active modes, especially by walking. It is also more efficient to provide high quality transit to denser communities, since the transit service can reach more people in a shorter distance. Mixed-use neighbourhoods can provide more services for transit users, since these same businesses also serve residents, pedestrians, and cyclists. Increased density can also have a negative effect on traffic speed and congestion with more people using the same infrastructure. The slowing of traffic and increased congestion can encourage more people to use transit or active modes. 2-25 Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development (TOD) typically describes neighbourhoods designed to encourage transit use and minimize traffic through higher-density development with a mix of commercial, residential, and transportation choices. The City of Calgary’s Transit Oriented Development: Best Practices Handbook (2004)highlights the following key features of transit oriented developments which can be used to establish effective land use policies that support sustainable transportation systems: 1. Mixed-Use Development: Encouraging a mix of office, residential, and commercial landuses reduces the need for personal automobile use by locating a variety of services people need within walking distance of transit stations. 2. High Density Development: Higher density developments make offering efficient transit service more economically feasible since they locate a greater number of trip generating land uses in close proximity to transit stations, which increases the convenience and potential market for transit service. 3. Efficient Pedestrian Connectivity: Pedestrian connections should be short, direct, continuous, and separated from vehicle corridors. These features create an environment more conducive to walking thereby reducing the need for personal automobile use. 4. High Quality Urban Design: Streets should be well-lit, landscaped, and signed. These features also help foster a pedestrian friendly environment, which increases the likelihood of people walking relative to personal automobile use. 5. Compact Development Patterns: Compact street networks increase the efficiency of transit and pedestrian circulation. Buildings arranged in clusters allow for “one-stop” shopping opportunities reducing the number of trips needed and making access by walking more feasible. 6. Limited Parking: Transit oriented developments reduce the need for parking since they make travelling by sustainable modes increasingly feasible and convenient. By setting both maximum and minimum parking space standards, communities can reduce the utility of personal automobile travel and optimize transit ridership. The above transit-oriented development principles highlight the important link between land use practices and the sustainable transportation development. These guidelines represent effective ways of encouraging communities to make a shift toward sustainable transportation modes. 2.4.3 Transportation Demand Management and Policy Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and Policy initiatives can support sustainability goals by changing travel behaviour. TDM strategies establish policies and programs designed to reduce the demand for transportation infrastructure. TDM initiatives fall into two main categories: education, promotion, and outreach intended to change attitudes and awareness; and travel incentives and disincentives that change the attractiveness of a travel option. This section provides a review of TDM Best Practices and how these strategies are being implemented in communities across Canada. 2-26 There are numerous TDM techniques that have been developed to manage the demand side of the transportation equation. Some of the more practical measures include policies and programs designed to encourage active transportation, ride sharing, public transit use, and to manage parking. Categories of TDM initiatives that have been identified by Transport Canada are listed below: Education, promotion, and outreach: Branding and positioning (shape perceptions and remove biases against more sustainable choices) Information and education (enhance understanding of different travel choices) Targeted marketing (e.g. individualized marketing programs) Special events (e.g. commuter challenges, transportation fairs, bike-to work weeks, or two-for-one transit fare days) Recognition and rewards (encourage use of sustainable modes through rewards for participation or behaviour changes) Travel incentives and disincentives: Ridematching Guaranteed ride home Traveller information services Road or motor vehicle use pricing (e.g. parking levies, road tolls, mileage-based auto registration fees, pay-as-you-go auto insurance) Transit pricing (e.g. discounted monthly passes, time-based transfers, free transit in downtown core) Workplace-based (e.g. payroll-deduction transit passes, preferential carpool parking, flexible working hours, telework) School-based (e.g. universal transit passes for post-secondary students, school travel plans, active and safe routes to school programs, walking school buses) Site-specific TDM supportive facilities (e.g. preferential carpool parking, bicycle parking, trip end facilities, enhanced transit shelters at a workplace, signage, information kiosks) Most TDM programs include a group of initiatives that may come from more than one of these categories. Best practices are provided below for programs that address specific shifts in transportation demand. Active Transportation Programs Active transportation programs seek to encourage community residents to adopt selfpropelled means of transportation such as walking, cycling, running, in-line skating, crosscountry skiing, etc. These programs have the benefit of integrating personal health and fitness with environmentally sustainable transportation modes.4 4 Transportation Demand Management: A Small and Mid-Size Communities Toolkit 2-27 Numerous communities, large and small, are prioritizing active transportation as a means of achieving sustainable transportation goals. For example, the City of Vancouver’s Greenest City Plan (2009) sets out a policy aimed at developing the city’s transportation network to emphasize—in order of priority—walking, cycling, and public transit, which conforms to the Sustainable Transportation Hierarchy. As part of the plan, The City of Vancouver has a goal of 25% of trips by walking and cycling and at least 25% of trips on public transit by 2020. The City of Whitehorse, Yukon has established social marketing campaigns to encourage residents’ to adopt active transportation. Flowing from the City’s 2002 Official Community Plan (2002) and 2002 City-wide Transportation Plan (2002), the City developed the Wheel 2 Work Whitehorse initiative, a social marketing campaign designed to encourage residents to bike to work during the summer season. As part of the program, residents had the opportunity to track the number of kilometres they rode over a five month period to compete for prizes. The City also offered bicycle maintenance workshops. Participants logged almost 40,000 km of cycle travel in the summer of 2006. The program is estimated to have reduced approximately 4.5 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. (“Wheel 2 Work” in Whitehorse, Transport Canada). Ride Sharing Ride sharing programs include carpooling and vanpooling as a means of reducing the number of single occupancy vehicles on the road. Some programs are funded through a large employer or group of employers, while others are organized at the municipal or regional level. The City of Kamloops, British Columbia, successfully implemented a ride share program in 2005. The City partnered with Trans Canada Carpool and the BC Climate Change Exchange to develop, which is now a national web-based ridematching service offered to employers and residents. Initially, 24 Kamloops users registered for the service in May 2005. Usage quickly grew to 100 people six months later and to 350 registered users after three years. The program includes major employers in the region such as Thomson Rivers University, Convergys, City of Kamloops, Sun Peaks, Weyerhaeuser, Royal Inland Hospital as well as many smaller employers (Transportation Demand Management: A Small and Mid-Size Communities Toolkit, pg.30). Public Transit Encouraging residents to use public transport also represents an effective means of managing demand by reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions. Public transit in this context is used to describe both conventional transit serving the general population (e.g. buses, Light Rail Transit) as well as specialized public transportation services geared toward seniors, school children, residents with disabilities, etc. 2-28 One common method to encourage residents to adopt public transit is by offering fare programs for regular users, such as discounted yearly passes, community bus passes, student semester passes or universal pass (U-Pass) programs. Student U-pass programs, for instance, are being offered by Universities and Colleges in association with the local transit authority in small to mid-size communities in BC, such as Cranbrook, Kelowna, and Prince George. These passes provide benefits to all parties involved as they give exceptional value for students, help institutions reduce parking requirements, and offer transit authorities a guaranteed revenue source.5 The passes also foster a culture of transit ridership, making it a viable option as students graduate and move on to other opportunities. Parking Management Parking Management refers to parking policies and programs designed to shift transportation demand from single occupancy vehicles to carshare, transit, or active modes of transportation. Parking pricing policies are an important TDM tool to create a disincentive for single occupancy vehicles relative to more sustainable transportation modes. Free parking transfers the actual cost of providing and maintaining the parking space to the municipality or land owner. One TDM parking policy strategy is to set the cost of parking greater than the cost of transit. This strategy has been implemented by communities such as the City of Kelowna to successfully reduce parking demand. Parking policy also extends to municipal parking bylaws. Constraining parking supply encourages alternative modes of travel and frees valuable land for other uses. Municipalities can reduce minimum parking bylaws, allow fewer parking spaces in shared lots, and / or include parking space maximums in land-use bylaws. On-street parking policy and parking bylaws are discussed further in Chapter 6. Another common parking policy technique includes designating high-profile parking spots for bicycles and carpool vehicles. This technique provides an incentive for residents to adopt more sustainable modes of transportation by allocating the better parking spots to these sustainable transportation modes.6 5 Noxon Associates. Improving Travel Options in Small and Rural Communities. Transport Canada (2009). Fraser Basin Council.Transportation Demand Management: A Small and Mid-Size Communities Toolkit. (2009) 6 2-29 Anti-Idling Policy Idling contributes to air pollution, increased Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, fuel waste, and noise pollution. Municipalities have implemented anti-idling campaigns and bylaws to limit pollution, emissions, and fuel use by municipal fleet vehicles, by the public, and by transit fleet vehicles. National Resources Canada provides a summary of existing idling control bylaws in Canada. It notes that idling is generally restricted to a three or five minute limit. This guide notes that common exemptions include emergency vehicles, vehicles stuck in traffic, hot (+27 ˚C) or cold (-5 ˚C) weather conditions, and transit vehicles.7 The City of Hamilton implemented an Anti-Idling Awareness Campaign and an Idling Control Bylaw in 2006 and 2007. The initial anti-idling campaign used a range of initiatives, including anti-idling signs, posters, school information campaigns, private fleet outreach, public service announcements, and volunteer clean air ambassadors. The initial bylaw limited idling for City fleet vehicles to set an example for the public. In 2007, an updated anti-idling Bylaw restricted idling to three minutes in a 60-minute period and engaged a bylaw officer to enforce the anti-idling requirements. Contravening the bylaw is an offence with a fine of not more than $5,000. There are a number of exemptions to the bylaw, including vehicles that are stuck in traffic. Hamilton Street Railway (HSR), the primary transit agency in Hamilton, was originally exempt from the bylaw. HSR implemented “shut off engine” notices to reduce idling by HSR fleet vehicles. Although short time idling of less than three minutes was not considered a problem, idling longer was considered a major source of fuel waste and a significant noise generator. The simple and pragmatic solutions to idling reduction implemented by the HSR included increased system efficiency by reducing layover time and communicating to drivers the need to shut down engines by issuing “shut off engine” notices. The “shut off engine” notices require operators to turn off engines at specific layover locations, and during recovery periods greater than three minutes between April and October. The City of Edmonton is considering a bylaw that would restrict idling near schools, hospitals, seniors’ centres, and other key locations. Idling would be restricted to less than three minutes when the temperature is above -10 ˚C.8 The methods described above provide examples of how policy and social marketing tools can be used to reduce transportation demand on road networks while simultaneously achieving sustainable transportation goals such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and encouraging personal health within communities. 7 Clean Air Parnership, “Cracking Down on Idling: A Primer for Canadian Municipalities on Developing and Enforcing Idling” National Resources Canada, September 2005, , Accessed March, 2011. 8 Kent, Gordon, “Edmonton takes first steps towards anti-idling bylaw”, Edmonton Journal, January 25, 2011, l , Accessed March, 2011. 2-30 2.4.4 Transportation Infrastructure Transportation infrastructure is the built environment that accommodates the different modes of transportation. A wide variety of modes are used around the world, including active modes (e.g. walking, cycling, skateboarding, cross-country skiing) public transportation, and private autos. Transportation modes may also include long-distance vehicles, such as airplanes or heavy rail. In addition to the movement of people, transportation infrastructure also provides for the movement of goods. Goods movement modes include truck, plane, boat, rail, or pipeline. Most municipalities are primarily concerned with pedestrians and cyclists, public transportation, and road transportation for private autos and goods. These modes can be accommodated together on a single right-ofway or separately within their own space. How a municipality provides for all these modes depends on the available resources (especially right-of-way and funding), the community’s overall transportation priorities, and the transportation priorities for the specific neighbourhood or corridor. This is an application of transportation priorities, as discussed in an earlier section. This section presents best practices on providing infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists, transit, and private automobiles in the road right-of-way and on alternate corridors. Pedestrians in the Road Right-of-Way Walking is the most common and accessible mode of transportation. Trips that are primarily by another mode (car as driver, transit), normally include some walking – i.e. between the destination and the primary mode of transportation. Walking can also be a recreational activity, or it can join a series of trips into one trip (i.e. shopping and walking between stores). Good pedestrian infrastructure supports vibrant and safe communities. ITE Context Sensitive Solutions (2006)provides roadside design guidelines for walkable communities along different types of urban thoroughfares. Thoroughfares are divided into eight roadway types in six context zones. Each combination calls for a different roadside design. The Context Zones describe the type of land-use conditions surrounding the corridor, as illustrated in Exhibit 2-10. The guidelines address Context Zones three through six. 2-31 Exhibit 2-10: Context Zones for Pedestrian Design Guidelines9 Roadside design guidelines are based on recommended widths and facilities in four roadside zones. These are shown in Exhibit 2-11. The following sections provide the ideal and minimum required widths for each of these roadside zones. Exhibit 2-11: Roadside Zones10 9 Source: Context Sensitive Solutions Source: Context Sensitive Solutions 10 2-32 The minimum roadside requirements for all types of roadways in constrained conditions are presented below. Minimum requirements for commercial development with Ground Floor Retail are shown in Table 2-2 and minimum requirements for residential land are shown in Table 2-3. Table 2-2: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Commercial with Ground Floor Retail Edge With Parking Furnishings Without Parking Minimum Width Total 1.2 m (combined edge and furnishings) 3.6 m minimum width Roadside Zone Throughway 1.8 m Frontage 0.6 m Table 2-3: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Residential Minimum Width Total 0.9 m (combined edge and furnishings) 2.7 m minimum width Roadside Zone Edge With Parking Furnishings Without Parking Throughway 1.5 m Frontage 0.3 m 2-33 Pedestrian Malls Pedestrian malls are areas closed off to motorised traffic and reserved exclusively for pedestrians. Sometimes cyclists are also permitted in these areas. They often take the form of streets or blocks that have been closed off to vehicular traffic. This closure can be on a temporary or permanent basis. For temporary closures, pedestrian malls may be implemented on weekends, evenings, or during a particular part of the year. Pedestrian malls are typically located in dense, central areas with a high number of shops and services to serve as destinations. Pedestrian malls can be combined as a number of streets and / or squares, in which case the area may be known as a pedestrian zone. Pedestrian malls have been implemented in many jurisdictions in North America and across the world. An example of a pedestrian mall in Calgary, AB is shown in Exhibit 2-12. Source: Cappis, K, “Stephen Avenue Mall in Calgary”, Flikr (August, 2008) Exhibit 2-12: Pedestrian Mall in Calgary, Alberta 2-34 Cycling in the Road Right-of-Way Cycling for transportation purposes is less common than walking; however, in many Canadian cities, cycling is the fastest growing mode of transportation. Cycling can be accommodated on-street or in a separate right-of-way. There are a number of different on-street configurations used to accommodate cyclists. The best practices below are derived from the Transportation Association of Canada’s Bikeway Traffic Control Guidelines for Canada (1998) and have been supplemented with best practices from the City of Vancouver. The configurations are: Local roads: Low volume Local roads may be able to accommodate cyclists with no additional infrastructure needed. These roads are typically used for cyclists to reach their final destinations. If a Local road is part of the larger cycling network, it should be identified as a bicycle route using one of the methods described below. Shared bicycle routes: Shared bike routes are streets where cyclists share the roadway with other vehicles. Marking can range from directional signage along the route to painted markings on the roadway (see “Sharrows”). Shared-use lanes (Sharrows): Shared-use lanes are lanes which are shared between cyclists and other motorists. They are marked with “Sharrows”, which are painted markings on the roadway surface meant to guide cyclists to the correct position on the road relative to other vehicles. Sharrows also remind motorists of the expected presence of cyclists on the road, and their right to a portion of roadway space. Sharrows can be implemented on shared bike routes. They are not effective in winter months when the Sharrow is covered in snow. Marked bicycle lanes: Bicycle lanes are roadway lanes reserved exclusively for bicycle traffic, typically marked with painted lines on the roadway surface (similar to the markings for other traffic lanes). Bicycle lanes are generally at least 1.5 m wide. While not usable all year round due to snow cover, they are still valuable infrastructure for cyclist during the cycling season when snow is not covering the painted lines. In key locations, overhead signage can be used to identify laning in combination with other pole uses (e.g., signal poles). Separated bicycle lanes / cycle tracks: Cycle tracks are bicycle lanes which are physically separated from other traffic. Physical separation techniques can include barriers, curbs, bollards, and other similar features. Cycle tracks are often located between the sidewalk and the roadway, or between the sidewalk and parking, if on-street parking is present. Off-Street Cycling and Pedestrian Facilities Typically, off-street cycling and pedestrian facilities take the form of trails. Trails can be accommodated in the road right-of-way, or in completely separate right-of-ways. Trails are often provided through public parks and other publicly owned spaces. Trail planning is addressed in Chapter 3. 2-35 Public Transit Transit infrastructure investments should strive to increase flow and improve the consistency of transit service on a corridor. There are many strategies and technologies that can be applied to improve transit efficiency and increase ridership; it is essential to relate the system to the demand and make the flow of passengers as fast, consistent, and efficient as possible. This section presents transit technology strategies that, when applied in the appropriate corridor, can be best practices for improving efficiency. It is important to conduct feasibility studies for transit routes to determine what technology and alignment will be the best fit for local conditions. Higher Order Transit (HOT) are public transportation modes that provide fast, direct, efficient service using a bus or rail vehicle. HOT lines typically feature enhanced stations, improved or exclusive lanes, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) features, special amenities, and / or specialized marketing schemes. HOT can be implemented on corridors where there is a strong anchor (such as a downtown) or multiple anchors and a large tributary area. It should provide service of at least ten minute frequency during peak periods and at least 15 minute frequency during off-peak periods. A key principle of planning successful HOT service is ensuring service is rapid. Whenever possible, it should operate in an exclusive right-of-way, or in a combined High Occupancy Vehicle lane. With bus transit, bypass lanes can increase speed and reliability where an exclusive lane is not possible. Transit signal priority will improve efficiency at signals. Stations should be widely spaced outside of the downtown core and may provide special amenities, such as real-time vehicle arrival information and special shelters.11 Another best practice that can improve schedule adherence and passenger travel time is transit priority. Transit priority includes transit signal priority and transit bypass lanes. These measures are especially useful where congestion is an issue. Transit signal priority provides additional green time as a transit vehicle approaches a signal, as illustrated in Exhibit 2-13. A more complete explanation of signal priority is included in Chapter 8. Transit bypass lanes allow buses to bypass traffic by providing a bus-only lane on the approach to a congested location, such as an intersection or a bridge. The bus moves to the front of the queue by using the reserved lane. Transit bypass lanes may work together with transit signal priority to give the bus-only lane an exclusive signal to move ahead of traffic lanes. Two illustrations of how transit bypass lanes may operate together with transit signal priority and bus stop locations are shown in Exhibit 2-14. Transit priority measures motivate drivers to shift modes to transit because it shortens transit travel times, providing transit an advantage over the single occupancy vehicles. Transit priority can be effectively combined with HOV lanes, as described later. 11 Kittelson & Associates Inc., TCRP Report 118: Bus Rapid Transit Practitioner’s Guide 2-36 Exhibit 2-13: Transit Signal Priority System12,13 Exhibit 2-14: Bus Queue Jump and Bypass Lane Illustrations14 12 iTRANS Consulting Inc. and UrbanTrans Consultants, Best Practices to Support Transportation Demand Management Durham Region Transit (May 2009) 13 Note that the RMWB no longer uses optical detectors. 14 iTRANS Consulting Inc. and UrbanTrans Consultants, Best Practices to Support Transportation Demand Management Durham Region Transit (May 2009) 2-37 Auto The sustainability of private auto transportation can be improved by increasing the number of people that can be moved, maximizing the use of infrastructure and energy and minimizing right-of-way requirements. This can be accomplished by reducing congestion and idling times, reducing the required pavement space, and increasing the number of passengers per vehicle. Special measures to slow traffic around schools and in important pedestrian corridors improve safety and increase accessibility. This section provides examples of strategies that can improve the efficiency of auto transportation in the road network. High occupancy vehicle lanes encourage carpooling by providing a less congested lane for vehicles with one or more passenger in addition to the driver, including carpools, vanpools, and public and private transit vehicles. HOV lanes increase the average number of passengers per vehicle, which makes the roadway more efficient. It also enhances bus operations by improving schedule adherence. HOV lanes can be implemented as an alternative to bus-only lanes in a BRT corridor. There are a number of different ways to provide HOV lanes and other HOV facilities, including: Exclusive HOV lanes constructed in a separate HOV / transit only right-of-way Exclusive HOV lanes are separated from general purpose lanes in a shared right-of-way Concurrent flow HOV lanes are separated from general purpose lanes by paint and marked with signage Contraflow HOV lanes separate median lanes from general purposes lanes using a changeable treatment, such as movable concrete barriers or signals. The lane serves HOVs in the peak period in the peak direction and reverts back to normal use in other periods. Ramp Meter Bypasses and other HOV Access treatments operated like bus queue jumpers. They allow HOV traffic to move around the traffic queue to access a freeway, bridge, or other roadways.15 Signal coordination along significant arterial roads is an effective method of minimizing delays for vehicles driving through a corridor. Minimizing the delay, in turn, maximizes the usage of transportation infrastructure and the flow of traffic through a corridor. Reducing delay also reduces idling time and GHG emissions. Traffic Calming can be used to reduce the volume and speed of traffic on Local roads. It is often applied around schools and other sensitive areas. Some of the most common traffic calming measures include speed humps, speed tables, and raised cross-walks, road narrowing, on-street parking, curb extensions, and traffic circles. 15 TCRP Report 95: Chapter 2 – HOV Facilities: Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes 2-38 2.4.5 Performance Measurement and Financing To develop a sustainable transportation plan, it is essential to set goals, measure progress towards those goals, and to have sustainable financing to meet those goals. This section presents best practices for monitoring and evaluation and financing. Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and performance measurement allow municipalities to report on progress towards goal achievement, as well as to provide guidance on future investments and next steps. To effectively monitor performance, a municipality should have a monitoring and evaluation plan that chooses performance indicators based on the community’s goals, sets targets for those initiatives, and sets aside funding to collect data to measure progress against targets. A good monitoring and evaluation plan will help the municipality prepare business cases for future funding and forecast the impacts of future initiatives. The Canadian Guidelines for the Measurement of TDM Initiatives (2008) includes a nine step program to develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation program. It was designed for TDM initiatives, but can also be applied to all types of transportation investments. The nine steps are illustrated in Exhibit 2-15. Performance indicators are a key component of a monitoring and evaluation program. They describe an attribute of the performance of a transportation system. Municipalities should choose indicators that can be measured, that reflect the community’s size, goals, resources, and that are applicable to the long-range transportation planning strategy. There are a wide variety of indicators that are used across Canada. Some typical performance indicators include mode split (for the transportation network, along a cordon, or for a specific development), vehicle kilometres traveled, level of service, volume / capacity ratio, economic cost of collisions, GHG emissions, and Exhibit 2-15: Steps of a Monitoring and collisions per year.16 Evaluation Program 16 iTRANS Consulting, Best Practices for the Technical Delivery of Long-Term Planning Studies in Canada, Transportation Association of Canada (2008) 2-39 The capital and operating investments made by a municipality can also be used as a performance indicator. Examples include hours of transit service provided and kilometres of sidewalk built. Budget Planning / Management Budget planning is a powerful tool that can be used by municipalities to achieve transportation goals. Municipalities have finite budgets with which to fund transportation capital and operating costs. The challenges of budget planning clarify the importance of setting priorities, as discussed earlier. Capital and operating funds can be allocated in appropriate amounts to achieve the desired transportation system outcomes. Budgets may be themed by mode or service type (i.e. active transportation, roads, public transportation, goods movement corridors, life cycle maintenance, etc.). Funding for each area can be allocated in accordance to the transportation plan goals and priorities. Small shifts in investments can achieve significant changes in transportation system performance. Many Canadian cities include line items in their budgets to invest in active transportation infrastructure and maintenance. The City of Prince George has a maintenance budget of around $200 per kilometre to maintain existing trails. The City of Prince George’s 20112014 Capital Plan includes $500,000 annually for ten years (excluding grant funding) to be invested in the active transportation network. The City of Whitehorse’s 2011 – 2014 Capital Expenditure Program assigns $115,000 to trail development in 2011, followed by $85,000 budgeted annually from 2012 to 2014. 2-40 2.5 RMWB Staff Workshop Outcomes After the initial analysis and reviews were completed as part of the TMP Stage 2, there was a need to work with a broader group of RMWB senior management and representatives from other departments to continue consensus building on the long-term vision for transportation in Fort McMurray. In order to determine the RMWB’s transportation challenges, opportunities, and goals, HDR | iTRANS and RMWB staff met for a Workshop on March 1, 2011. This section describes the results of the Workshop, which were used as input for the development of the Sustainable Transportation Guidelines. RMWB Staff were asked five questions about the transportation network, the results of which are summarized here. What is transportation’s role in the community? There was agreement that transportation has four overall roles in the community. First, it provides mobility for people and goods. Second it provides accessibility and options for travellers. Transportation must be safe and provide for the community’s safety, including emergency evacuation. Finally, transportation supports the economy. What is the most important transportation issue to your department? The two most common themes were the efficient movement of traffic and coordination: coordination with Alberta Transportation, with regional planning documents, and with the transportation needs of the oil sands industry. Another important issue was safety. Connectivity and the availability of evacuation routes were raised as issues. Active transportation and bus signal priority needs were also noted. One participant noted that cost effective and timely construction is an issue and another noted development pressures and access management as issues. Parking was identified as an issue. Participants noted that the RMWB has a high number of residents per household, leading to a high number of vehicles per household. Insufficient parking is an issue. Other parking issues include a need for park and rides, parking structures, and an approach to public parking fees. What is the biggest barrier to improving transportation in the community? A wide range of barriers were identified by participants. The most common was geography, including geographic constraints, rivers, and lack of land. The linear form of the community was identified as a barrier, as was Highway 63. A number of barriers addressed traveller choices, including increased vehicle usage, high vehicle ownership per dwelling unit, high numbers of single passenger vehicles, and large personal vehicles. Rapid growth, increased densities, and community demands were identified as barriers, along with economic uncertainty. Construction issues were also raised as a barrier. Many participants identified lack of coordination as an issue: this included coordination with Alberta Transportation, with oil sands operators, and between municipal departments. 2-41 Other participants noted that Alberta Transportation has conflicting priorities and rigid rules over which the municipality has no control. Some participants identified planning barriers, including lack of dynamic planning to respond to the rapid changes in the RMWB. Others identified past planning practices as a barrier. What is the definition of success? Many participants defined success as increased mobility. Some responses focused specifically on improved motorist conditions as the definition of success, including decreased congestion and smooth traffic flow. Some participants identified specific traffic measures of effectiveness as signs of success. Improved safety was also identified as success. Some participants defined success as sustainability, multi-modal mobility, and mode choice as a sign of success. One respondent noted that success is when 20% of people’s needs are met 80% of the time. Improved coordination among all levels of government and the oil sands industry would be success, as would integrating land use and transportation planning. Some participants responded with specific improvements that would signal success. These included a second crossing of the Athabasca River as an alternative to Highway 63, providing park-and-ride facilities, and implementing rapid transit. One respondent noted that success would be creating a model that can be updated regularly to plan for improvements. How do we align the RMWB, MDP, and Transportation Plans? There were many responses focused on coordination, collaboration, team work, and mutual respect. Some participants suggested establishing formal coordination mechanisms, such as forming an overall steering committee, aligning assumptions, and including transportation in the MDP. Flexibility and an iterative process were suggested as tools for aligning the plans. One participant noted that full alignment would only happen with unlimited resources. Fort McMurray is a rapidly growing area and RMWB staff are working to balance conflicting priorities and needs. Traffic congestion is a major concern and the transportation network must move people quickly, safely, and efficiently. Because of rapid growth, uncertainty, and dependence on the plans of other organizations, the RMWB must be flexible in its approach to planning and work effectively with internal and external stakeholders. The following overall transportation themes summarize the outcomes of the Workshop: 1. To reduce traffic congestion and increase resident satisfaction with the transportation system by providing safe and efficient transportation alternatives to all residents. 2. To implement a cohesive transportation and land-use planning process that is flexible and responsive to the changing conditions in the RMWB. 3. To coordinate transportation plans at the municipal and provincial levels and to increase transportation efficiency through collaboration with Alberta Transportation and the oil sands industry. 2-42 2.6 Sustainable Transportation Guidelines The Sustainable Transportation Guidelines will provide direction to RMWB staff in making transportation planning decisions and guide the development of the transportation network in the future. There are three parts to the guidelines: goals, strategies, and design principles. 2.6.1 Goals In order to move towards a more sustainable transportation network, the RMWB should adopt an overall statement defining sustainable transportation. The Centre for Sustainable Transportation definition is the most accepted Canadian definition and should be adopted by the RMWB. What is sustainable transportation?17 A sustainable transportation system is one that: Allows the basic access needs of individuals and societies to be met safely and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and with equity within and between generations. Is affordable, operates efficiently, offers choice of transport mode and supports a vibrant economy. Limits emissions and waste within the planet's ability to absorb them, minimizes consumption of non-renewable resources, limits consumption of renewable resources to the sustainable yield level, reuses and recycles its components, and minimizes the use of land and the production of noise. Second, transportation priorities should be governed by the Statement of Sustainability for Wood Buffalo, as outlined in Envision Wood Buffalo and repeated below. Statement of Sustainability for Wood Buffalo18 We value living in a region that is safe, healthy, inclusive of all residents and provides local opportunities. We have a strong economy, healthy environment, a rich culture and an abundance of social capital that together form the pillars of sustainability and contribute to quality of life and wellbeing. We strive to find balance in our economic, environmental, cultural and social systems and to live within their natural limits. We make decisions that reflect an understanding of the interdependence of these systems and consider residents long-term needs to ensure the resources of today are sustainable into the future. 17 Centre for Sustainable Transportation, “What is Sustainable Transportation”, University of Winnipeg. Accessed December 29, 2010. 18 Dillon Consulting. Envision Wood Buffalo. Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo: 2010. 2-43 Finally, the TMP should include sustainable transportation goals that set the community’s transportation priorities. The goals recommended below were developed based on research in sustainable transportation planning, the goals and principles identified by the community in other planning documents, and the feedback from the RWMB Staff Workshop. Envision Wood Buffalo included an overall transportation goal, which should guide the sustainable transportation goals. It is: A diverse and thriving economy depends on a transportation system that is wellplanned, strategic and multi-modal. This system shall reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase physical activity and wellness, reduce transportation costs, provide access to employment, and increase quality of life. Following are six sustainable transportation goals for the RMWB: 1. Align transportation and land-use planning processes to create healthy, balanced, complete communities where homes, jobs, and services are accessible to all. 2. Provide multi-modal transportation connectivity to increase the range of transportation choices available and to make walking, cycling, and public transit the preferred modes. 3. Reduce GHG emissions and transportation costs by increasing transportation system efficiency. 4. Invest wisely in road infrastructure to provide the best service with the least environmental impact. 5. Promote physical activity and wellness and provide an active transportation network that is safe, comfortable, and provides transportation and recreation opportunities yearround. 6. Engage the community to help make informed transportation choices. These goals guide the sustainable transportation strategies and design principles that comprise the remainder of this section. 2.6.2 Sustainable Transportation Strategies Understanding the existing context in Fort McMurray, specific strategies are needed to move the RMWB towards the sustainable transportation goals. This section uses the best practices described earlier to identify recommended strategies in five overall areas: setting priorities, transportation and land-use, transportation demand management and policy, transportation infrastructure, and financing and measurement. Setting Priorities The sustainable transportation goals outline the overall priorities for the community. These priorities should be considered, along with the specific function of transportation corridors, to guide transportation decisions. 2-44 Transportation and Land Use Aligning transportation and land-use is the first of the six transportation goals and essential for a sustainable transportation network. The following strategies will help the RMWB attain that goal: Increase communication between the engineering and planning departments within the RMWB and work together to develop mixed-use, transit friendly and walkable neighbourhoods that meet land-use goals and use the transportation infrastructure strategies outlined later in this report. Identify future TOD nodes to be redeveloped in the existing built area and require TOD nodes in future neighbourhoods. Work with the planning department to insure that the TOD includes high quality retail, office, and residential land uses Work with the operations departments to provide high quality transit service. Work with the planning department to update bylaw parking requirements in commercial zones. Include maximum parking rates, update minimum parking requirements, and set minimum bicycle parking and carpool parking rates. Consider setting minimum building heights and maximum set-backs to improve the pedestrian environment in important commercial areas. Continue to update the transportation model as land use expectations change and to reassess land-use and adjust transportation plans accordingly. Transportation Demand Management and Policy TDM can be an effective tool to introduce residents to different transportation modes and to make more efficient travel choices. The recommended strategies are: Work with the RMWB school districts to implement an annual walk & ride to school program for elementary schools. The program will educate children about the benefits of walking and riding their bikes to school, the negative effects of idling, and teach them safe walking and cycling practices. The program should identify safe routes to school for the surrounding community and distribute materials encouraging parents to allow their children to walk or cycle to school. Work with the RMWB school districts and Keyano College to explore the feasibility of a Universal Transit Pass for youth in high school and college. Work with local employers to create employer-based TDM programs. Two categories of programs are recommended: Oil sands employers: work with industry to improve the efficiency of the private transit system. Explore ways to reduce employee driving through carpool initiatives, travel marketing campaigns, and parking pricing. Lower Townsite employers: create an employer-driven travel marketing program with a carpool component. Work with businesses to implement work-from-home and flex-time programs that reduce commuting and create peak-spreading. Sponsor an annual local commuter challenge and / or bike-to-work week. These events encourage residents to try an alternative mode for one week. Conduct a study examining the feasibility of introducing parking pricing and residential parking passes in the Lower Townsite. Adopt an anti-idling policy that restricts idling to less than three minutes when the temperature is above -10 ˚C. Enforce Roads and Transportation Bylaw sidewalk snow clearance provisions. 2-45 Transportation Infrastructure Investment in transportation infrastructure is key to improving connectivity and accessibility for all modes. Investment in a quality active transportation network will improve safety, provide opportunities for physical activity, and increase the attractiveness of walking and cycling as a valid mode of transportation. Transit improvements will increase the efficiency of the transit system, improving the value of service for the investment and encouraging more people to choose transit. The recommended transportation infrastructure strategies are: Make pedestrians a priority in the Lower Townsite and widen sidewalks and furnished boulevards as the area redevelops. Create a temporary pedestrian mall on a Local road in the Lower Townsite in conjunction with a summer special event. Construct the Class 1 and Class 2 trail networks as recommended in Chapter 3. Require developers to provide the minimum requirements outlined in Chapter 3 as part of functional designs in new and redeveloping neighbourhoods. Provide on-street cycling facilities where cyclists are not accommodated by the trail network. Continue to invest in transit, making sure all new neighbourhoods meet transit accessibility standards. Improve return on investment in transit: Make schedule adherence a priority for transit. Assess the on-time performance of transit routes regularly and adjust routes and layover times to improve performance as required. Investigate the feasibility of transit priority on Franklin Avenue, Thickwood Boulevard, and Confederation Boulevard. Work with Alberta Transportation to investigate the feasibility of transit bypass lanes on the Highway 63 approaches to the Athabasca River Bridge. Also investigate the feasibility of transit signal priority on congested interchanges and at-grade intersections on Highway 63. Increase comfort at transit stops by providing adequate lighting and shelter. Increase transit frequency on major corridors. Move towards 15 minute or better service on Franklin Avenue, Thickwood Boulevard, and Confederation Boulevard. Investigate HOT alternatives. Work with Alberta Transportation to investigate the feasibility of a HOV / transit lane on Highway 63. Apply road cross-sections that have adequate room for snow storage without negatively affecting the pedestrian network. This will improve pedestrian access, as well as safety for all modes in winter conditions. Review the performance of signal timings on an annual basis. Update signal timings and coordination as required to decrease congestion and improve efficiency. Many of the strategies above directly influence the design of cross-section elements in the road right away. More recommendations on design principles are included in the Design Principles section. 2-46 Financing and Measurement The sustainable transportation goals will help the RMWB set priorities for funding purposes. Because transportation operating and capital spending in Fort McMurray are split among multiple departments, it is important to work together to make sure that budgets operate holistically to align with goals. The following budget management strategies are recommended: Align capital budgets with desired transportation outcomes. Create a GIS-based project location tracking system that will allow departments to see planned projects in other departments. This will allow the RMWB to make more efficient use of funds by combining capital projects along the same right-of-way. For example, if a water main replacement is required on a street that has been identified as a part of the trail network, the two projects should be combined to make more efficient use of funds. Conduct inter-departmental pre-budget meetings with representatives from engineering, operations, and parks to identify synergies and determine if the total package of funding is aligned with goals. Increase investment in active transportation to fill gaps in the network. Dedicate a small percentage of funds annually to transit priority measures at congested locations to improve schedule adherence and reduce passenger travel times. Create operating budgets for TDM and Policy initiatives, such as anti-idling enforcement, walk / ride to school programs, and special events. Require developers to provide transportation improvements for all modes. Transportation Impact Assessments that are associated with new developments should include sections on sustainable transportation. 2-47 A strong measurement program will help the RMWB gauge progress against goals, explain funding decisions, and refine programs to get the best return on investment. Data gathered through the measurement program will also be essential to future improvements to the travel forecasting model and revisions to the TMP. The following strategies are recommended: Follow the recommendations of Chapter 9. Collect pedestrian and cyclist data when conducting traffic counts. Conduct a full household origin-destination survey every five years. This data will provide detailed information about travel patterns, including travel distance, mode choice, and trips per household. This information can be used to update the travel demand model and to calculate a number of other indicators, changes in including Greenhouse Gas emissions and minutes of active transportation per person. Using GPS, assess transit schedule adherence for every route at least once per year. Collect transit ridership data annually according to CUTA best practices. Create an asset management system that can be used to track the condition and amount of infrastructure. Use the system to plan maintenance and track the total amount of different types of infrastructure, such as kilometres of roads, kilometres of trails, kilometres of sidewalks, and number of bus stops. Choose indicators that allow the RMWB to measure progress against goals. Set targets for each indicator and measure progress against those targets on an annual basis. 2-48 2.6.3 Design Principles The design principles below should guide cross-section development for road improvements and new road construction within the RMWB. These design principles were used to develop the road cross-sections recommended in Chapter 8. General Principles Roads should be designed to provide safe travel space for all modes of transportation within the environmental conditions in the RMWB. Special considerations include snow storage, the average size of passenger vehicles, and the number of large commercial and transit vehicles. The principles should also reflect the sustainable transportation goals. In general, all roads should be designed based on the following recommendations: All sidewalks should be separate from the street to provide space for snow storage. Mono-sidewalks should be removed from the typical cross-sections and discouraged unless the right-of-way is seriously constrained. Right-of-way widths should be as narrow as possible to reduce land requirements. The width of paved areas should also be as narrow as possible to reduce drainage requirements. Where the right-of-way is constrained, provide a minimum of 3.6 m of roadside space in commercial developments with ground floor retail, and a minimum of 2.7 m in residential developments. This will allow sufficient space for snow storage, street furniture, and landscaping, while providing a safe and comfortable pedestrian environment. The minimum roadside dimensions are detailed in Table 2-4 and Table 2-5. Table 2-4: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Commercial with Ground Floor Retail Roadside Zone Minimum Width Edge Furnishings Without Parking 1.2 m (combined edge and furnishings) Throughway 1.8 m Frontage 0.6 m 3.6 m minimum width With Parking Total Table 2-5: Minimum Roadside Dimensions for Residential Edge With Parking Furnishings Without Parking Minimum Width Total 0.9 m (combined edge and furnishings) 2.7 m minimum width Roadside Zone Throughway 1.5 m Frontage 0.3 m 2-49 Arterial Roads The main function of an arterial road is to provide of the flow of people and goods. Arterials typically have access control with uninterrupted flow except at signals and crosswalks. Arterials are also major connectors for transit and active modes. The following design principles are recommended for arterials: Consider potential for rapid transit, conventional transit, and HOV lanes on arterials. Transit and HOV lanes can be added to the typical cross-section within roadway or in an exclusive alignment. Exclusive transit and HOV lanes can be placed in the median. In some cases, it is appropriate to replace one of two (per direction) general purpose lanes with an HOV or transit lane. In other cases, a third lane may be added, either on the curb side or the median side. The specific function and local conditions on each corridor must be studied to determine the appropriate lane type, technology, and alignment. To create a safe, comfortable pedestrian environment, provide 2.5 m sidewalks with 3.5 m boulevards. Maintain 1 m of clear space from the edge of pavement to street furniture and other obstructions to allow for snow storage. Sidewalks may be wider in commercial zones, especially where there is street-facing commercial. Provide street furnishings, including benches and pedestrian-level lighting. Where the arterial has also been designated as a link in the trail network, provide trail network signage, and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as recommended in Chapter 3. Sidewalks should be maintained on both sides of the road. Bicycles should be accommodated through one of these three strategies: a) Within the right-of-way, but off-street, on paved trails. b) Within the right-of-way on-street on bicycle lanes and cycle tracks. c) On a parallel Local road route Allow transit stops without bus bays on the far side of signals. This has been shown to greatly improve average speed and schedule adherence for buses that do not have to merge back into traffic after the bus stop. Provide sufficient width to safely accommodate buses and heavy vehicles. Do not permit parking. Consider a median for higher speeds and volumes. 2-50 Collector Roads Collector roads have two equally important roles: to provide for the flow of people and goods and to provide access to adjoining land uses. Traffic volumes are typically lower and flow is interrupted by accesses. Pedestrian facilities are especially important on Collector roadways, and collectors through commercial zones should provide an optimized pedestrian environment. The following design principles are recommended for arterials: In commercial areas, collectors should provide a safe, comfortable pedestrian environment with sufficient space to casually shop, stop to talk, and push a stroller. Pedestrian areas should have clearly delineated thoroughfares of at 2.5 m, as well as wide furnished areas where benches, tables, bicycle parking, and other amenities can be located. Boulevards should have hard surfaces and be 3.5 m wide with 1.0 m of clear space for snow storage. In some, special zones with street-facing commercial, wider sidewalks and boulevards may be desirable. On collectors through residential areas, sidewalks should be 2.0 m wide and boulevards should be 2.75 m with 1.0 m of clear space. In industrial areas, sidewalks should be 1.5 m wide and boulevards may be 1.0 m. Where the Collector road has also been designated as a link in the trail network, provide trail network signage, and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as recommended in Chapter 3. Sidewalks should be maintained on both sides of the road. Where a Collector road is part of the formal bicycle route network as identified through Chapter 3, the preferred accommodation for cyclists is in bicycle lanes. Drivers may not expect high speed cyclists to approach intersections from multi-use pathways along Collector roadways. This can result in decreased safety at unsignalized intersections. Where an off-street multi-use path or cycle path is used, special precautions may be needed to increase driver awareness of cyclists. Provide sufficient width to safely accommodate buses. Consider roundabouts pending study conditions specific to the corridor. Roundabouts must be large enough to accommodate buses. Parking may be permitted along collectors. Local Roads The primary purpose of Local roads is to provide access to surrounding land-uses. Local roads have many accesses, including residential driveways. Cyclists may prefer Local roads because they have low traffic volumes. The following design principles are recommended for arterials: Provide a minimum of 1.5 m sidewalks with 1.5 m boulevards in residential and commercial areas and 1.0 m boulevards in industrial areas. Where the Local road has also been designated as a link in the trail network, provide trail network signage, and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure as recommended in Chapter 3. Sidewalks should be maintained on both sides of the road. Where a Local road is part of the formal bicycle route network as identified through Chapter 3 or through further study, the route should be signed and painted as a bicycle route, with wide shared curb lanes. Traffic calming may be applied to Local roads. Consider traffic circles, especially on cycle routes. 2-51 2.7 Conclusion Sustainable transportation supports the economic, social, and environmental goals of the community by creating an efficient transportation network. The RMWB has a number of existing policies and programs in place that contribute to sustainable transportation, including the existing active transportation infrastructure and transit service. The transportation network can be made more sustainable by taking strategies that have been successful in other communities and tailoring them to the local context in the RMWB. Sustainable transportation goals define success and provide priorities to guide investment in the transportation network. The overall goal for the transportation system was defined in Envision Wood Buffalo and should be adopted as part of the TMP Stage 2. It is: A diverse and thriving economy depends on a transportation system that is wellplanned, strategic and multi-modal. This system shall reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase physical activity and wellness, reduce transportation costs, provide access to employment, and increase quality of life. This overall goal leads to the following, more specific, sustainable transportation goals: 1. Align transportation and land-use planning processes to create healthy, balanced, complete communities where homes, jobs, and services are accessible to all. 2. Provide multi-modal transportation connectivity to increase the range of transportation choices available and to make walking, cycling, and public transit the preferred modes. 3. Reduce GHG emissions and transportation costs by increasing transportation system efficiency. 4. Invest wisely in road infrastructure to provide the best service with the least environmental impact. 5. Promote physical activity and wellness and provide an active transportation network that is safe, comfortable, and provides transportation and recreation opportunities yearround. 6. Engage the community to help make informed transportation choices. A program of sustainable transportation strategies were created based on the goals. The strategies are divided into the following categories: Setting Priorities Transportation and Land Use Transportation Demand Management and Policy Transportation Infrastructure Financing and Management Applying the strategies, along with design principles that promote multi-modal safety and improve the overall quality of the travel environment, will result in a more sustainable transportation network. 2-52 3. ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ON TRAILS 3.1 Introduction This Chapter provides a high level overview of the provisions for active transportation on trails. It includes an overview of the existing park and trail network, challenges and opportunities, and proposed improvements. Trails are an essential component of the active transportation network, supporting other active transportation infrastructure, such as sidewalks and on-street cycle routes. This Chapter concentrates on the trail network as it pertains to walking and cycling. This Chapter summarizes the following activities: Review of existing and planned trail documents Winter site visit with review of existing facilities, including multi-purpose trails, bicycle facilities, and essential sidewalk connections Identification of existing network gaps Development of revised trail classification system Design of long-term trail network, including links with existing facilities Development of recommended implementation priority plan What is Active Transportation? Active transportation includes all modes of human-powered transportation, like walking, cycling, skateboarding, and cross-country skiing. A safe, continuous, well designed and maintained trail network provides residents and visitors with recreational and transportation opportunities. Both recreation and active transportation increase physical activity, promote a healthy lifestyle, and build an engaged, active community. Regular physical activity is an important factor in health and has been shown to prevent a variety of illnesses, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes, as well as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.1 The trail network provides transportation choice. Building communities where residents can safely and comfortably walk or cycle to their destination reduces the number of people who are captive to the road network. This provides transportation alternatives for residents who can not, or choose not, to drive. 1 Allis, J.F., Frank, L.D., Slaelens, B.E., & Kraft, M.K., Active transportation and physical activity: Opportunities for collaboration on transportation and public health research. Transportation Research Part A, 38(4) (2004) 3-1 3.2 Inventory of Existing Facilities 3.2.1 Trail Classifications The RWMB Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures (Standards) (2009), Chapter 10: Landscape and Park Development Standards contains guidelines for trails in new neighbourhoods. The Standards define three classes of trails used to guide trail development. A brief description of these classes is provided below. Class 1 trails are designed to function as the spine of the overall trail system with uninterrupted access along the length of the trail. Class 1 trails are defined as multi-use trails providing two-way traffic for users, including full disabled access during the summer. The Standards state that Class 1 trails should be located on all primary pedestrian routes, as well as on Municipal Reserves and Public Utility Lots. They should not be located in areas that are environmentally sensitive. It is the responsibility of the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Branch (PRC) to determine primary pedestrian routes. The trail surface of Class 1 trails is to be asphalt, concrete, paving stones, or another approved material with a minimum width of 3 m; where required by topography or possible conflicts, the width should be expanded to 3.5 m. Benches should be provided every 500 m. Trail start locations and intersections along Class 1 trails should be lit. Where a Class 1 trail crosses a road, a pedestrian crossing is required. Class 2 trails are intended to augment the main trail with ancillary loops along secondary pedestrian routes. They provide more contact to the natural environment than Class 1 trails. Like Class 1 trails, Class 2 trails are also to be located on Municipal Reserves and Public Utility Lots and should not be located in areas that are environmentally sensitive. They may be less linear than Class 1 trails. The surface of Class 2 trails must be asphalt, concrete, paving stones, or a similar approved material. They are a minimum of 2.5 m wide, and may be required to be up to 3.5 m wide to accommodate special topography or busy areas. Benches should be provided every 500 m. Class 3 trails are intended to be located in environmentally sensitive areas. Their focus is contact with nature and they are not intended to be transportation connections. Approved materials are natural: gravel, wood chip mulch, or similar materials are acceptable. The minimum width for these trails is 2.5 m with extension to 3.5 m in specified locations. 3-2 3.2.2 Official Trails The trail network in the RMWB includes paved and unpaved trails designed to connect major residential, commercial, and recreational areas. The major trails, which serve as the spine of active transportation network, are supported by neighbourhood and park trails and an essential sidewalk network that provides linkages within each neighbourhood. This section reviews the existing trail network within Fort McMurray. Northwest of Athabasca River The spine of the active transportation network northwest of the Athabasca River includes the Timberland Trail along Confederation Way, as well as trail segments along Real Martin Drive, Brett Drive, and along the southern edge of Birchwood Park running adjacent to Thickwood Boulevard. These major paved trails are marked in red in Exhibit 3-1 and function as the backbone of the trail network northwest of the Athabasca River. Supporting the major trails are a number of unpaved recreational trails in Birchwood Trails Park, which is bounded by Confederation Heights, Thickwood Heights, and Highway 63. These multi-use trails are primarily geared toward recreation but, due to their central location, they also support connectivity between the Timberlea, Dickinsfield, Wood Buffalo, and Thickwood Heights neighbourhoods. These trails are marked in blue in Exhibit 3-1. There are recreational trails south of the Thickwood Heights, Wood Buffalo, and Dickinsfield areas that connect to the trail leading to the Athabasca River crossing and offer access to the Lower Townsite. The Athabasca River Crossing is not within the RMWB jurisdiction. Southeast of Athabasca River The spine of trail network through The Lower Townsite is along the Snye Channel and Clearwater River, as shown in Exhibit 3-2. This trail is a combination of paved and unpaved segments. The trail along the riverside provides access to C.A Knight Recreation Centre, Borealis Park, Snye Park, Heritage Park, as well connections to the commercial corridor along Franklin Avenue via the sidewalk network. At the southern boundary of the Lower Townsite, the trail links to the Abasand Heights neighbourhood via an underpass of Highway 63. It also links to the Waterways neighbourhood south of the Lower Townsite via pedestrian bridges. The Waterways neighbourhood is linked to the Beacon Hill Trail via the northern portion of Tolen Drive. The Beacon Hill Trail is the main link to the Beacon Hill neighbourhood and MacKenzie Industrial Park; the latter access is provided via the Gregoire Drive sidewalk network. Some existing trails, including the Beacon Hill Trail and the connector to Abasand Heights, have changes in elevation that result in more challenging conditions for walking and cycling. 3-3 Exhibit 3-1:Trail Network Northwest Exhibit 3-2:Trail Network Southeast 3.2.3 Unofficial Trails In addition to the main trail network discussed above, there are existing trails that provide useful connections along the main network, but are not defined on existing trail maps provided on the RMWB’s website. These trails are highlighted in beige in both Exhibit 3-1 and Exhibit 3-2. An example of these trails is the section along Highway 63 between Thickwood Drive and the Athabasca Bridge crossing, which facilitates active transportation between areas on opposite sides of the Athabasca River. Furthermore, within each neighbourhood are trails that provide local recreational opportunities for residents, as well as connections to the main trail network described earlier. Many of these trails use open park spaces and alleys to connect cul-de-sacs and residential areas. There are also a number of trails that have been built along with the development of new neighbourhoods, such as Eagle Ridge and Stone Creek. The trails in these neighbourhoods are not included on the mapping. 3.2.4 Site Visit HDR | iTRANS staff conducted a site visit on January 19 and January 20, 2011 to review the trail network presented in Exhibit 3-1 and Exhibit 3-2. The timing of the site visit allowed HDR | iTRANS staff to assess the condition of the trail network in winter conditions, when snow can effect mobility. It was noted how the trail network interfaces with the essential sidewalk network and road network. The essential sidewalk network is defined as sidewalk connections that provide the critical link between the backbone of the trail network and the neighbourhood / park based trails to form continuous active transportation routes. Sidewalks do not provide quality connections for cyclists. The focus of the site visit was on the existing, mapped trail network and the connectivity of that network. The site visit included new neighbourhoods, but trail networks in those areas were not reviewed in detail. This section summarizes the findings from the site visit. 3-6 Timberlea Timberland Trail, which runs beside Confederation Way, forms the backbone of the active transportation network in the Timberlea area (see Exhibit 3-1). Key connections include the collector roads that branch from Confederation Way, such as Millennium Drive, Paquette Drive, Prospect Drive, and Brett Drive. These collector roads form part of an essential sidewalk network providing the link between secondary neighbourhood and park trails and the backbone Timberland Trail. An example of a typical connection between the essential sidewalk network and Timberland Trail is shown in Exhibit 3-3. Timberland Trail looking west Timberland Trail connection looking north toward the commercial zone in between Millennium Drive and Paquette Drive. Exhibit 3-3: Timberland Trail Timberland Trail is paved and separated from Confederation Way by trees in a boulevard as pictured. Street furniture is provided along the trail at regular intervals. Timberland Trail is connected to the commercial area to the north between Paquette Drive and Millennium Drive by a sidewalk; this connection is shown in Exhibit 3-3. The sidewalks running adjacent to collector roads connecting with Timberland Trail are mostly separated from the roadways by a boulevard. Exhibit 3-4 shows two examples of such sidewalks. The photos show that snow has been cleared at some point, but that there is an accumulation of snow on the sidewalk. This is common at many other locations. Brett Drive in south Timberlea Paquette Drive at Confederation Way. Exhibit 3-4: Separated Sidewalks with Street Lights Opposite 3-7 Along Brett Drive, street lighting is provided on the opposite side of the street relative to the ploughed trail / sidewalk. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the street along Paquette Drive, with street lighting on one side only. Connected to the essential sidewalk network are a series of trails and pathways that facilitate active transportation within each neighbourhood. Typical neighbourhood trail connections in Timberlea are presented in Exhibit 3-5 and Exhibit 3-6. The trail entrance along Cartier Drive pictured in Exhibit 3-6 features a pedestrian gate. Neighbourhood trail access between Langevin Road Trail link near Powder Drive in Timberlea and Diefenbaker Drive Exhibit 3-5: Timberlea Neighbourhood Trail Accesses Trail access off of Cartier Drive between Harpe Way and Dominion Street Looking north along sidewalk on Cartier Drive Exhibit 3-6: Neighbourhood Trail Access – Cartier Drive 3-8 Examples of typical trail connections between residential blocks in Timberlea are presented in Exhibit 3-5. Bollards ollards restricting vehicle access at the entrance of the trail link are typically located at these connections connections. In many cases, these connections link to neighbourhood parks that provide recreational creational opportunities and facilitate direct rroutes outes within each neighbourhood. Examples xamples of neighbourhood park connections are shown in Exhibit 3-7. Near ear St. Martha’s school off of Parson Creek Drive in north Timberlea Neighbourhood park entrance at the corner of Sandpiper Road and Swallow Way in south Timberlea Exhibit 3-7: Neighbourhood Park Trails In many cases, the neighbourhood park trails are paved and feature streett furniture and direct lighting,, an example being the neighbourhood park near St. Martha’s school. Some parks do not have lighting, such as the neighbourhood park pictured at thee corner of Sandpiper Road and nd Swallow Way in south Timberlea. 3-9 Both signed and unsigned connections to the Birchwood Trails are provided from the street network in south Timberlea, examples of which are shown in Exhibit 3-8. The signed entrances feature a map of the network, intended use of the trails, and the current location of the trail user. Exhibit 3-8: Birchwood Trail Accesses – South Timberlea. Street furniture and trail entrance markers are provided at all these trail entrances; however, no lighting is featured along these unpaved trails likely due to their outdoor recreation focus. In addition to the recreation opportunities these trails provide for local residents, the Birchwood Trails also provide connections to the Dickinsfield and Thickwood Heights neighbourhoods. The Birchwood Trails are groomed for cross-country skiing. 3-10 Thickwood Heights and Dickinsfield The backbone of the trail network through Thickwood Heights and Dickinsfield are the trails along the southern boundary of the Birchwood Park trail network (see Exhibit 3-1). Complementing these trails are the sidewalks running along Thickwood Boulevard. These sidewalks are part of the essential sidewalk network because they provide a direct route to commercial zones, schools, and residential areas in Dickinsfield and Thickwood Heights. Trails link to sidewalks to provide direct access for pedestrians to homes and businesses. The essential sidewalk network branching from Thickwood Boulevard includes collector roads, such as Real Martin Drive, Cornwall Drive, Tundra Drive, Signal Road, Timberline Drive, and Ross Haven Drive. This essential sidewalk network provides connections to residential neighbourhoods and schools in the area, in addition to the Birchwood Trails network described above. The site visit identified a mix of separated sidewalks / trails and curb sidewalks along these branch routes. For example, along Real Martin Drive there is a separated trail / sidewalk, as shown in Exhibit 3-9. Looking north along posted trail segment on Real Martin Drive at Wilson Drive Separated sidewalk along Real Martin Drive north of Wood Buffalo Way Exhibit 3-9: Real Martin Drive Trail / Separated Sidewalk 3-11 Street lighting along Real Martin Drive is on the same side of the trail / sidewalk for certain segments and on the opposite side of the trail for other segments, as pictured in Exhibit 3-9. Other collector roads, such as Signal Road, Cornwall Drive, Tundra Drive, Woodland Drive, and Timberline Drive, feature sidewalk curb configurations similar to the examples Exhibit 3-10. Curb sidewalk along Signal Road Curb sidewalk along Tundra Drive Exhibit 3-10: Curb Sidewalk There are small park areas and pathways through residential developments in Thickwood Heights; these link to the essential sidewalk network that provides the link to the backbone of trail network. These trails are marked in beige in Exhibit 3-1. 3-12 Northwest Athabasca Bridge Crossing Access Due to bridge construction, there are currently temporary trail connections to maintain active transportation opportunities between northwest and southeast Fort McMurray. The northwest access off of Silin Forest Road along the west side of Highway 63 is shown in Exhibit 3-11. This separated trail leads to an underpass on the northwest side of the bridge approach and subsequently links to the existing sidewalk along the north bridge crossing. This crossing leads to the Lower Townsite as shown in Exhibit 3-1 and Exhibit 3-2. As noted, this areas is currently under construction and is expected to change in the future. Trail leading to the Athabasca River crossing on the west side of Highway 63 Exhibit 3-11: Northwest Athabasca River Crossing Trail 3-13 Southeast Bridge Crossing Access Temporary measures are also in place for the southeast access to the Athabasca River Crossing. This access is currently located at the west end of Franklin Avenue as pictured in Exhibit 3-12. Southeast trail access approach Trail along the north bridge crossing looking west Exhibit 3-12: Southeast Athabasca River Crossing Approach The trail / sidewalk along the north bridge crossing is the sole link between the northwest and southeast areas of Fort McMurray. Therefore, it forms part of the backbone of the active transportation trail network. The Lower Townsite The backbone of the trail network through the Lower Townsite is the system of trails along the Snye Channel and Clearwater River, which offer walking and cycling opportunities around the north boundary of the Lower Townsite. At the north side of the Snye Channel is the C.A Knight Recreation Centre, which is connected to the Lower Townsite by a trail crossing at the west end of the Snye Channel as illustrated in Exhibit 3-2. This trail crossing is pictured in Exhibit 3-13. The trail lies at the foot of the fill section for MacDonald Drive bridge. On the south side of the Snye Channel, this trail connects with a separated sidewalk providing a link to Franklin Avenue. The trail continues along the south side of the Snye Channel and Clearwater River as shown in Exhibit 3-2. A paved segment of this trail along Morimoto Drive is pictured in Exhibit 3-14. Street furniture is featured along this segment of the trail. 3-14 Exhibit 3-13: Snye Channel Crossing Trail (looking south) Exhibit 3-14: Morimoto Drive ive Trail 3-15 The Snye Channel and Clearwater River trail system provides connections to the Lower Townsite via the sidewalk network at several locations, such as at Borealis Park at the intersection of Morrison Street and Morimoto Drive; Snye Park at the intersection of Hardin Street and Morimoto Drive; and the north end of Riedel Street. The access at Reidel Street is pictured in Exhibit 3-15. Exhibit 3-15: Riedel Street Trail Access There is no continuous connection between the segment of the trail west of Riedel Street and the segment continuing east of Hospital Street. At the time of the site visit, a sign indicated the rerouting; however, the sign was out of date. 3-16 Franklin Avenue Franklin Avenue is a significant corridor for commercial land-use in Fort McMurray, and therefore is an important pedestrian and transit corridor. Because Franklin Avenue provides a direct route to these services, it should be viewed as part of the backbone of the pedestrian network; however, it is not part of the trail network because it is intended as an urban arterial. Franklin Avenue currently features a mix of curb sidewalks and separated sidewalks. Typical cross sections are presented in Exhibit 3-16. Separated sidewalk along Franklin Avenue at King Street looking east Curb sidewalk segment along Franklin Avenue at King Street looking west Exhibit 3-16: Franklin Avenue 3-17 At the southeast end of Franklin Ave Avenue,, a connection to the trail network is provided at the intersection with Prairie Loop Boulevard Boulevard, as illustrated in Exhibit 3-2. At the north side of this intersection, the paved trail is separated from the roadway with street furniture provided. This segment is pictured in Exhibit 3-17. Terminus of paved segment of trail at the intersection of Prairie Loop Boulevard and Franklin Avenue looking north. Exhibit 3-17: Prairie Loop Boulevard Trail At the time of the site visit, construction was observed along the southeast side of Prairie Loop Boulevard. There is no trail between Franklin Avenue and Mills Avenue nue adjacent to Prairie Loop Boulevard Street reet due to the construction, as pictured in Exhibit 3-18. Construction area adjacent to Prairie Loop Boulvevard viewed from the end of Mills Avenue looking north. Exhibit 3-18: Prairie Loop Boulevard Construction 3-18 Abasand Heights As noted in the Franklin Avenue section, the Abasand Heights development is connected to the trail system from the Lower Townsite by an underpass crossing Highway 63. The entrance to this underpass is accessed from Gilbert Place and is pictured in Exhibit 3-19. Between the underpass connection and the Abasand Heights neighbourhood there is a change in elevation. Access to Highway 63 underpass connection from the west side in Abasand Heights at Gilbert Place Looking north at the underpass Exhibit 3-19: Abasand Heights Connector (1) Underpass from the Abasand Heights side Entrance to the underpass from the Lower Townsite side looking north toward King Street Exhibit 3-20: Abasand Heights Connector (2) 3-19 Waterways There are two trail accesses to the Lower Townsite from the northwest edge of the Waterways neighbourhood; both are along Parkview Drive as shown in Exhibit 3-2. The first access is located at the intersection of Parkview Dr Drive and Tolen Drive ive and is pictured in Exhibit 3-21. This trail entrance features lighting and guide posts at the entrance. Parkview Drive / Tolen Drive looking northwest toward the Lower Townsite. Exhibit 3-21: Parkview Drive / Tolen Drive The second direct trail access to the Lower Townsite is located further along Parkview Drive. The trail entrance at this location is bblocked by a concrete barrier due to construction, as pictured in Exhibit 3-22. A segment of this trail was washed away by river erosion and is blocked to public access. Immediately beyond the barricade, the trail leads to a pedestrian bridge that eventually links with the trail segment near Mills Avenue Avenu at the southern boundary of the Lower Townsite. Exhibit 3-22: Trail Access Along long Parkview Drive. 3-20 As mentioned earlier, the trail segment near Mills Avenue was removed during construction and has not been re-established. Tracks from a small amount of foot traffic are visible along this route, as pictured at the Waterways end of this link in Exhibit 3-23. Looking northwest toward along the pedestrian bridge toward the southern boundary of the Lower Townsite Exhibit 3-23: Mills Avenue Trail In addition to the Lower Townsite links summarized above, the Waterways neighbourhood also features an access point to Beacon Hill Trail. Beacon Hill Trail runs alongside Highway 63 and provides the main paved route to the Beacon Hill neighbourhood, Gregoire Drive, and MacKenzie Industrial Park. This important trail segment, which forms part of the backbone of the trail network, is illustrated in Exhibit 3-2. The access point to Beacon Hill Trail from Waterways is pictured in Exhibit 3-24, and is located along Tolen Drive directly opposite to J. Howard Pew Memorial Park. Beacon Hill Trail access from Waterways along Tolen Drive. Exhibit 3-24: Beacon Hill Trail Access 3-21 The Beacon Hill Trail access features posts to mark the trail entrance as well as signs indicating the intended trail uses. A trail map and washroom facilities are provided in J. Pew Memorial Park. The washrooms are available seasonally in J. Pew Memorial Park and in many other parks. Beacon Hill As mentioned in the discussion of the Waterways neighbourhood, the Beacon Hill neighbourhood is connected to the larger Fort McMurray trail network via the Beacon Hill Trail. The Beacon Hill Trail terminates at the intersection of Beacon Hill Drive and Highway 63. A separated sidewalk is provided alongside Beacon Hill Drive to connect with Beacon Hill Trail. Two pictures of this key sidewalk connection are pictured in Exhibit 3-25. Separated sidewalk connecting Beacon Hill neighbourhood to Beacon Hill Trail. Exhibit 3-25: Beacon Hill This sidewalk connects to an unpaved trail surrounding the perimeter of the Beacon Hill development, as illustrated in Exhibit 3-2. This perimeter trail provides residents with active transportation routes throughout the Beacon Hill development. 3-22 3.3 Review of Planned Improvements and Proposed Development This section summarizes the review of existing documents that included planned trails and trails policy. The RMWB Landscape and Park Development Standards contain guidelines for trails in new neighbourhoods. New trails are planned as part of the two new developments in Fort McMurray: Saline Creek and Parsons Creek. The planned redevelopment of the Lower Townsite also includes upgrades to the trail network. This section includes a review of the general trail development guidelines, as well as the planned trail networks for Saline Creek, Parsons Creek, and the Lower Townsite. 3.3.1 Planned Improvements Discussions with RMWB staff indicated that there are many ongoing or future trail network improvements. The three most significant improvements are the Abasand / Waterways / Longboat Landing Trail Connectors, a trail connection in the Wood Buffalo and Dickensfield neighbourhoods, and the Prairie Creek Trail Connector. In addition to these trails, there are other, smaller maintenance and improvement projects that support the trail network, but are not discussed in this Chapter. Further to the planned infrastructure and maintenance projects, the Community Services Department of the RMWB has also developed a wayfinding standard, which has not yet been installed on the trail network. 3-23 3.3.2 Proposed Developments Parsons Creek Development The Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan (April 2010) (Parsons Creek Plan) proposed land use, transportation, and general urban form principles for a new development north of Timberlea. The proposed Parson Creek community incorporates a mix of land uses intended to provide residents with a variety of services within close proximity of each other and home. A review of the overall concept plan presented in Exhibit 3-26 shows a well connected pedestrian network with access to parks, schools, commercial areas, and residential neighbourhoods within the Parson Creek development. Exhibit 3-26: Proposed Parsons Creek Development Source: Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – Parson Creek, Urban Design Plan (2010) Surrounding Parsons Creek is a 3 m asphalt trail. This perimeter trail is supported by a trail network through open park areas and a sidewalk network along roadways. The plan does not include any reference to bicycle facilities outside of the perimeter network and open areas. The Parsons Creek Plan in Exhibit 3-26 does not show a north-south connection over the east-west major arterial that divides Parsons Creek; this connection is part of Alberta Transportation plans. 3-24 Saline Creek Development The Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan (June 2007) (Saline Creek ASP) is a planning framework for the proposed new development area east of Gregoire Drive and MacKenzie Park. The Saline Creek ASP incorporates sustainable development principles including a mixed-use village center connected to three neighbourhoods with schools, recreation, and commercial opportunities. The Saline Creek ASP includes multi-use pathways within the community as well as connections to the surrounding commercial and industrial areas as shown in Exhibit 3-27. Exhibit 3-27. Proposed Saline Creek Pathway Network Source: Map 8: Open Space System, Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan (2007) This network will provide connection to a variety of areas within the community as well as connections to adjacent areas such as MacKenzie Park, Waterways, and Gregiore Park. 3-25 Lower Townsite The RMWB Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (May 2009) (LTS ARP) includes plans for redevelopment and intensification of the Lower Townsite Area. The proposed bicycle and pedestrian network, shown in Exhibit 3-28, includes improvements to the trail network for cyclists and pedestrians along the Snye and Clearwater Rivers, as well as improvements to the bicycle and pedestrian environment on the road network as the Lower Townsite becomes more urbanized. The plan indicates that existing alleys should be converted to lit pedestrian trails in the summer and cross country ski trails in the winter. Exhibit 3-28: Proposed Lower Townsite Bike and Pedestrian Network Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (2009) 3-26 3.4 Challenges and Opportunities The review of the mapped trail network, together with the site visit, revealed some challenges and opportunities in the existing network. There are a number of locations that were noted as being key junctions or links in the existing trail network that impact the feasibility of active transportation between various neighbourhoods within Fort McMurray. Good active transportation facilities are extremely important at these locations. They are challenges on the existing trail network and opportunities to improve connectivity across Fort McMurray. This section identifies the locations of these challenges and opportunities. 3.4.1 Types of Network Gaps There are several types of gaps that may be present on a trail network. The types of gaps identified in the assessment of the existing Fort McMurray trail network are the following: 1. Physical gaps: This form of gap exists when there is a physical break in the trail network such that trail users are unable to travel from one segment to the next safely and efficiently. Some sidewalk connections between the trail segments may be present but there is not a direct route to connect to the next trail segment. 2. Wayfinding gaps: This form of gap exists when trail users arrive at a junction in the network, such as an intersection, and cannot clearly determine the direction needed to continue along the trail system. 3. Cycling gaps: This refers to locations where cycling access along the trail terminates and users must ride in a restricted way on the sidewalk network, walk the trail network, sidewalk network, or cycle on the roadway without a marked cycle route. Cycling is permitted on sidewalks as long as it does not interfere with pedestrians. In urban environments, especially on collector and local roadways, on-street cycling facilities, such as cycle lanes and marked wide shared lanes, are preferable to off-street multi-use trails. Where a separated trail transitions to a sidewalk, the cycling route should be continued on-street. In the locations identified as having cycling gaps, the pedestrian network is connected as a continuous sidewalk, but there is no route identified for cyclists. 4. Lighting gaps: This refers to important junctions in the trail network where lighting is insufficient to guide trail users along the path or where there is special need for lighting to improve safety and security. In addition to the types of gaps mentioned above, boundaries for the mobility impaired also affect the accessibility of active transportation opportunities along a trail network; these types of gaps were not reviewed. A full review of accessibility for the mobility impaired on the trail and sidewalk networks should be completed in the future. 3.4.2 Challenge and Opportunity Locations The review of the existing trail map and the site visit identified a number locations with challenges and opportunities along the main spine of the trail network. These locations have one or more of the network gaps described above and are circled and marked with a letter in Exhibit 3-29 and Exhibit 3-30. The letters correspond with the descriptions below. 3-27 C.. C B.. B A. Key Locations Exhibit 3-29: Challenges and Opportunities F. E. G. H. I. D. Key Locations Exhibit 3-30: Challenges and Opportunities A. Real Martin Drive As pictured in Exhibit 3-9, Real Martin Drive features a transition from a designated trail along the southern section to a separated sidewalk along the northern section. Along this sidewalk segment, there are lighting, cycling, and wayfinding gaps. Lighting could be improved along this segment for trail users. Cycling is provided for on the southern trail section, however, cyclists must dismount, ride on the sidewalk, or ride along the roadside when they reach the sidewalk segment. There are no maps indicating where trail users are on the larger network, and as such there is no way to locate the path to the next trail head through the sidewalk network. Planned active transportation infrastructure improvements in the Wood Buffalo and Dickensfield neighbourhoods will create more opportunities for active transportation in this area. B. Timberline and Ross Haven Drive at Thickwood Boulevard There is a physical and wayfinding gap in the trail network at the break of the paved trail network marked as location B in Exhibit 3-29. North of Thickwood Boulevard, the existing connection to the paved trail segment at the southern boundary of Thickwood Trails park requires users to follow an indirect route along the sidewalks of Timberline Drive and Gladstone Street. It would be preferable if a direct trail link were provided from Thickwood Boulevard through to the north leg of Timberline Drive in order to meet with this paved trail. South of Thickwood Boulevard, there is not a clearly marked trail link through the school yards of St. Pauls and Thickwood Heights schools. Signs and maps should guide users from the intersection of Thickwood Boulevard and Timberline Drive through the school yards to meet with the existing trail at the intersection of Silin Forest Road and Thicket Drive. C. Athabasca River Crossing The Athabasca River Crossing is currently under construction. This area is under the jurisdiction of Alberta Transportation, however, it is an extremely important active transportation link for the RMWB. The construction of the new bridge with the associated staging areas for equipment and materials has temporarily resulted in a wayfinding gap along this section of the trail network. After the new bridge is constructed, there is an opportunity to create clear connections to the existing trail network on both the east and west sides. A clearly marked, direct route for all trail users should be re-established. The RMWB has planned improvements to the trail along Silin Forest Road, which is an opportunity to further improve the connection. The connection adjacent to MacDonald Drive across the Snye Channel trail should also be clearly marked and paved. The connection along MacDonald Drive is marked location D in Exhibit 3-30 and is discussed below. 3-30 D. MacDonald Drive Existing RMWB trail maps do not show a formal trail link between the southeast Athabasca River crossing access and the main trail along the Snye Channel. A connection between the two trail segments along the southeast side of MacDonald Drive does exist, but is not signed. There is also a lighting gap along the Snye Channel trail crossing as pictured in Exhibit 3-13. Because the C.A. Knight Recreation Centre is on the northern side of the Snye Channel, lighting is important. E. Access at the end of Riedel Street As mentioned in the discussion of the Lower Townsite, there is currently a physical gap in the trail network along the Clearwater River between Riedel Street and Hospital Street. Trail users must currently reroute via Manning Avenue to bridge the gap between the two trail segments. There is an opportunity to improve this connection as Clearwater Drive and the riverfront are redeveloped. In the interim, the signs and mapping should be updated using the new wayfinding standard. The interim signs should be replaced when the final configuration is in place. F. Mills Avenue There is currently construction taking place in the area southeast of Prairie Loop Boulevard between Franklin Avenue and Mills Avenue (see Exhibit 3-18). This is an important trail link in the trail network, especially for cyclists. There is an opportunity to provide a paved multipurpose trail in this area following construction. The trail will link with the improvements being made through the Abasand / Waterways / Longboat Landing Trail Connectors project and connect the Lower Townsite with Waterways and Abasand Heights. This will provide an uninterrupted trail for all users travelling to these areas. G. Tolen Drive As mentioned in the discussion of the Waterways neighborhood, there is a key access point to the Beacon Hill Trail located along Tolen Drive directly opposite J. Howard Memorial Park in Waterways. Currently, all active transportation traffic from Abasand Heights, the Lower Townsite, and Waterways must go through this access point. At present, the trail access is visible as a trail entrance and there is a connection to the J. Howard Memorial Park trails across the Tolen Drive. However, there is not a map indicating the location of the trail user relative to the larger network (see Exhibit 3-24) and there is no notification that this is the entrance. There is an opportunity to improve wayfinding and clearly connect the trail segments. There is currently no direct connection from the Beacon Hill Trail access to the paved trail segment located at the intersection of Tolen Drive and Parkview Drive. Including a link along Tolen Drive between these locations can close the present gap along Tolen Drive. This link can supplement the present link to the trails from J. Howard Memorial Park. 3-31 H. Highway 63 underpass to Abasand Heights The underpass to the Lower Townsite from Abasand Heights provides an important active transportation link between these two neighbourhoods. As pictured in Exhibit 3-20, there are challenges for pedestrians and cyclists at these locations. The Abasand / Waterways / Longboat Landing Trail Connectors project will address challenges at this location. Signs and maps in this area will provide direction to trail users and identify the underpass as the link between the Lower Townsite and Abasand Heights. Lighting would improve safety and security at this location, particularly since the bridge creates shadows and dark space. I. Beacon Hill Drive The link to the Beacon Hill neighbourhood from Beacon Hill Trail is presently a separated sidewalk. Wayfinding could be improved at this important connection with trail markers to let trail users know that they must cross Highway 63 to connect from Beacon Hill trail to the trail network surrounding the Beacon Hill neighbourhood. While this is a relatively short stretch of sidewalk, cyclist access could be improved by providing a formal multi-use trail along the east side of Beacon Hill Drive. 3-32 3.5 Proposed Trail Network 3.5.1 Active Transportation Modes and Activity Centres Active transportation encompasses trips by walking, cycling, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, skateboarding, inline-skating, or any other mode that is human-powered. Wheelchair users and others with mobility assistance devices are also included in active transportation. Active modes are used for transportation purposes (i.e. to walk to the corner store), but also for recreational and fitness purposes (i.e. to walk through the park for exercise). Generally, the same network provides for both uses; however, routes intended primarily for transportation should be more direct, while routes intended primarily for recreation can be more scenic. Walk trips are the most common type of active transportation trip. Trips that are primarily by another mode (car as driver, transit), normally include a pedestrian component; the driver must walk from their car, and a transit user from their bus stop, to reach their destinations. Because of this, a safe, efficient pedestrian network is extremely important. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) conducted a survey of pedestrian and cyclist behaviours in June through August of 2002. The resulting National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclists Attitudes and Behaviours – Highlights Report (Attitudes and Behaviours Report) (2002) states that the average walk trip was 1.2 miles, or approximately 1.9 kilometres. At an average walking speed of 1.2 metres per second, this is a 26 minute walk. This would be the equivalent of walking from Clearwater Crescent to Keyano College in the Lower Townsite, or from the northern edge of Timberlea to Confederation Way along Paquette Drive. Cycling trips for transportation purposes can be longer than walk trips. Typically, fewer people cycle, as it requires more equipment and knowledge. The Attitudes and Behaviours Report lists not having access to a bicycle as the most common reason for not riding at 26%. Other reasons not to ride include being too busy / not having an opportunity, being unable to ride, bad weather, not wanting to ride, age, not having a safe place to ride, not knowing how to ride, and preferring to walk or run. Many of these barriers can be overcome with education and by providing good bicycle facilities; for the RMWB, however, weather will always be a major impediment to cycling. Transportation for cycling purposes can cover longer distances. In the summer months, Fort McMurray is an ideal location to cycle for transportation, since major activity nodes are reasonably close together. The Attitudes and Behaviours Survey found that the average cycling trip is 3.9 miles, or 6.3 kilometres. That is the distance between the Thickwood Area and the residential neighbourhood at Alberta Drive in the Lower Townsite, and between Waterways and MacDonald Island. 3-33 The study shows the average distance for active transportation trips in a mix of summer conditions. Based on this knowledge, major activity centres for walking and cycling are as follows: Walking: Where residential neighbourhoods are within 2 kilometres of employment locations or schools. This makes walking especially important in mixed-use and higher density communities. Around transit transfer locations and major bus stops. Within 2 kilometres of locally-focused commercial areas, especially convenience stores, local services, coffee shops, and restaurants. Near schools. Near parks and recreational sites. Cycling (primarily in the summer months): Employment areas, especially where end-of-trip bicycle facilities (showers, bike lockers) are provided. Around schools. In residential neighbourhoods within 6 kilometres of locally and regionally focused commercial areas, especially where bicycle parking is provided. Near parks and recreational sites. On bridges and trails connecting locations within the average cycling distance. A third mode of active transportation has potential throughout the RMWB and should be considered for trail planning. Cross-county skiing is primarily a recreational activity, but it is used for transportation in other winter cities. Fort McMurray has the advantage of being able to use the trail network as a selling feature for lifestyle and tourism, as well as for transportation. Fort McMurray is a winter community with a strong connection to nature; strong pedestrian, cycling, and crosscountry skiing networks will attract people who enjoy outdoor activities. These same people are the most likely to choose the trail network as part of their regular travel patterns. Walking is possible all year and is part of many trips by other modes. The average pedestrian trip is around 2 kilometres, meaning that the urban sidewalk network is the most important network for pedestrians. The trail network is important for pedestrians because it provides recreational opportunities, it allows for safe travel and enables people to choose walking for longer trips, and it provides direct, pedestrian-oriented linkages between activity centres that are within 2 kilometres. 3-34 3.5.2 Standard Cross-sections Trail cross-sections must be designed based on the intent of the trail and with consideration for all users. The ranges of recommended trail cross-section widths in Table 3-1 were derived using the Transportation Association of Canada Design Guide for Canadian Roads (1999) and the City of Calgary Pedestrian Policy and Design Report (2008). These were used as a basis for developing the minimum and preferred widths for each Class of trail, which are detailed in a later section. Table 3-1: Typical Canadian Standards for Trail Cross-Section Widths Modes Classification Recommended Path Width (m) Pedestrian (exclusive) Two-way 2.02 Bicycle (exclusive) One-way 1.5 - 2.03 Bicycle (exclusive) Two-way 2.5 - 3.5 Bicycle, pedestrian (shared) One-way 1.5 - 2.0 Bicycle, pedestrian (shared) Two-way 2.5 - 3.5 The RMWB Standards require a minimum trail width of 3.0 m for Class 1 trails and 2.5 m for Class 2 and Class 3 trails. These meet the minimum requirements for two-way, shared bicycle and pedestrian trails. Advanced and commuter cyclists generally prefer separate facilities over trails shared with pedestrians because of the speed differential between these two groups. This is especially important in the Class 1 network, which is intended to accommodate commuting and other cycle trips in the summer months. Separate bicycle and pedestrian facilities increase comfort for both cyclists and pedestrians. Separated pathways can take two forms: divided and segregated. Divided pathways are two pathways (one for bicycles and one for pedestrians) with a physical separation between each facility. Segregated paths are a single facility with operating spaces for bicycles (and other higher speed active modes) separated from pedestrians by paint, texture, or a slight change in elevation. A segregated trail is shown in Exhibit 3-31. Where multiple users are combined onto a shared trail, the width must be great enough that users can safely pass. Segregated paths are recommended for Class 1 trails wherever the right of way is available. Divided pathways may also be provided if indicated by local conditions and the local landscaping vision; however these require additional right-of-way and may increase capital cost. 2 3 Based on design envelope for person walking and person in a wheelchair passing each other, City of Calgary, Pedestrian Policy and Design Report (2008). Bicycle path widths based on recommended Bike Path Lane Widths, TAC, Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (1999). 3-35 Exhibit 3-31: Shared Pedestrian & Bicycle Route with Painted Separation 3-36 3.5.3 Proposed Trail System As discussed previously, Fort McMurray has an existing trail classification system that is intended to be applied to new developments. Existing trail mapping does not follow this system, but identifies trails as either paved or unpaved. It is recommended that the RMWB adopt a unified system for trail classification internally, for developers, and for the public. The proposed trail system will apply one set of classifications to existing and new trails, and provides these classifications to the public for trip planning and recreation. The proposed trail classification system is an adaptation of the existing trail system. The proposed system recommends some modifications and additions to the requirements for Class 1 and Class 2 trails. No changes are proposed to the existing requirements for Class 3 trails. A new class of trail, Class 4, is proposed. The proposed classifications are: Class 1: Primary Trail Network – These trails will provide the spine of the network, connecting important destinations within communities in the most direct way possible. It will feature wide trails with separate facilities for cycling and / or cross-country skiing, where appropriate. It will be well defined, marked, and lit to provide a safe, secure, and easy to navigate system. The Class 1 network should feature rest spots with benches and garbage cans where possible. The direction of travel to reach major destinations and services, such as public restrooms, should be clearly marked. Maintenance of Class 1 trails is important, especially in locations that are susceptible to flooding. Class 2: Secondary Trail Network – These trails support the Class 1 network and provide linkages to local destinations. The Class 2 network is less direct than the Class 1 network. The direction of travel to reach the Class 1 network, major destinations, and services, such as public restrooms, should be clearly marked. Class 3: Nature Trails – These trails primarily provide access to natural areas, should not be paved, and provide minimal disruption to the natural environment. Trail heads and intersections should be well marked and feature maps showing the current location of the trail network. These trails are important, but they are not the focus of this Chapter. No changes are proposed to the requirements for Class 3 Trails. Class 4: Local Trails – This is a system of local trails that link to the Class 1 and Class 2 trails through parks, lanes, between developments, and allow travel from residential neighbourhoods to schools and commercial areas. These trails may also provide short linkages between sidewalks, especially through cul-de-sacs. Lighting may be important for safety in dark or isolated locations, or where children will use the trail to walk to school. Otherwise, these trails require minimum infrastructure. Class 4 trails, like sidewalks and Class 3 trails, are not the focus of this Chapter. This network can be thought of like a leaf, with a main spine (Class 1), branches (Class 2), and a web of small connectors (Class 4) that connect to every part of the leaf. 3-37 The proposed trail network uses the existing trails as a base for the future, enhanced network. The network shown is conceptual and intended to identify general locations where a connection should be provided. Routes have not been reviewed for feasibility. Where the sidewalk network and on-street cycling facilities provide a reasonable alternative, new construction is not recommended; however, markers, maps, and other wayfinding tools should identify the sidewalk and road system as part of the trails network. In urban areas, trails may transition to sidewalks and on-street cycle routes. While this plan does not address these facilities in detail, good urban walking and cycling infrastructure is an essential supplement to the trail network. A Cycling Master Plan and a Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program are recommended to support the Active Transportation on Trails Chapter of the TMP. The proposed network is intended to be developed over the long-term. The final section of this Chapter presents an implementation plan for the trail network. The proposed trail network is shown in Exhibit 3-32 and Exhibit 3-33. 3-38 Class 1 (New) Class 1 (Improve Existing) Class 2 (New) Class 2 (Improve Existing) Exhibit 3-32: Proposed Trail Network Northwest Class 1 (New) Class 1 (Improve Existing) Class 2 (New) Class 2 (Improve Existing) Class 1 (Possible Long-Term Connection) Exhibit 3-33: Proposed Trail Network Southeast 3.5.4 Trail Network Strategies The following five strategies will provide for development of a successful and well-used trail network: 1. Develop and install a consistent and easy-to-understand wayfinding system. Wayfinding systems include measures to help people orient themselves and navigate from place to place. Wayfinding includes signage, mapping, sign posts and poles, sidewalk and pavement markings, and any other tools provided by the municipality to help travellers find their way. Trails should be fully marked with signage including the direction and distance to trail connections and major destinations. Trail heads should be clearly marked and lit. Because RMWB experiences winter conditions with snowfall for a large portion of the year, bollards and markers should be used to identify the trail path when it is hidden by snow. Trail network maps should be posted at trail heads and at trail intersections. Where routes continue along the sidewalk and road network, these should be clearly identified as a link in the trail system. An inventory of services, such as washrooms, may be required to provide up-to-date information on mapping. 2. Install lighting at trail heads, trail intersections, and where safety and security are compromised by dim lighting. Lighting is important for wayfinding, as well as to improve safety and security on the trail network. Pedestrian-level lighting improves trail user’s level of comfort. This is especially important in winter months when the sun sets before the end of the work or school day. 3. Connect to new areas as they are built. Require developers to clearly identify the trails within their planned community, as well as how and where those trails will connect to the existing network. Class 1 trails should always connect to the Class 1 trails network. Class 2 trails may connect to other Class 2 trails, or they may link to the Class 1 network within the planned community. 4. Provide for ‘shortest’ path pedestrian connections. Class 2 and Class 4 trails at the rear face of cult-de-sacs should be provided to facilitate connections to the larger trail network. These are especially important near schools, where children may walk through a park and school yard, but may not walk the additional distance to go around one or more blocks to reach the school. 5. Keep trails accessible for as many users and modes as possible. Make the trail network open to additional uses such as cycling and cross-country skiing. Ensure that new developers are providing for multiple modes, and not restricting the trail network to pedestrians. Because cycling opportunities are limited in the winter, snow-covered cycling trails may be available for cross-country skiing in the winter months. By establishing infrastructure for multiple active transportation opportunities, the RMWB can provide active transportation and recreation opportunities, promote an active lifestyle, reduce auto travel, and attract new residents. 3-41 3.5.5 Trail Features by Class Recommended trail widths and trail features for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 4 trails are provided in Table 3-2. Class 3 trails should be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Standards. For each Class, preferred and minimum values are given. It is understood that the available width for the trail will vary depending on right-of-way and topography constraints. Where there are no constraints, the preferred cross-section should be provided. Where there are constraints, the trail may be narrowed to the minimum width. RMWB should update their Standards to include theses requirements. The table does not address design requirements, such as drainage, grade, and pavement markings, which should be examined during functional design. In the winter months, cross-country skiing could be accommodated on the separated cycling paths. To minimize environmental impact, the functional design of the trail could consider specifying materials that have minimal environmental impacts. 3-42 Table 3-2: Trail Cross-Section and Features by Class 1 2 Minimum Cross-Section Multi-use: 3.0 m Multi-use: 3.0 m Paving Features Rest nodes with benches, garbage, every 500 m Occasional water fountains, clearly marked Pedestrian-level lighting Pedestrian crossings at intersections with roads Maps at trail heads, trail intersections, and intersections with roads Signposts with directions and distances to other trails, public washrooms, parks facilities, and major destinations Landscaping to improve experience and protect from weather in exposed locations (i.e. treed windbreaks) Bollards and markers to indicate trail location where it is unclear Snow clearing on pedestrian trails Pedestrian 2.0 m Asphalt, concrete, paving stones, or similar Bicycle 3.0 m Asphalt or concrete Multi-use: 3.5 m Asphalt or concrete Rest nodes with benches, garbage, every 500 m Pedestrian-level lighting at trail intersections and where required for safety and security Pedestrian crossings at intersections with roads Signposts with directions and distances to other trails and major destinations Bollards and markers to indicate trail location in winter Snow clearing No change from existing standards. 3 4 Preferred Cross-Section Segregated Class Multi-use: 2.5 m Multi-use: 2.5 m 3-43 Asphalt, concrete, paving stones, or similar Pedestrian-level lighting where required for safety and security 3.5.6 Adaptations to Planned Trail Networks The existing plans for Parsons Creek, Saline Creek and the Lower Townsite must be adapted to accommodate the expanded trail classification system and the proposed trail network. All three neighbourhoods have bicycle and pedestrian plans that included trails. This section provides commentary on the planned developments in the context of the trail network recommendations proposed in this Chapter. Parsons Creek Development The Parsons Creek Plan calls for a pedestrian network through a combination of greenways and on-street connections. These are supported by a trail around the perimeter of the development and connections to surrounding neighbourhoods. There is no description in the Parsons Creek Plan of different trail types, or of where pedestrians will be accommodated on the sidewalk network and where they will use trails. The Parsons Creek Plan does not describe how cyclists will be accommodated on this network. These items should be provided to the RMWB for comment in advance of construction. The Parsons Creek trail network should feature the following: Defined Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4 trails, marked and signed according to the RMWB wayfinding standards. One north / south Class 1 trail across the span of the development. The trail should be designed to the preferred Class 1 cross-section, except at the highway crossing, where it may be reduced to the minimum cross-section, if required. This north / south connection is essential to connect the residential and commercial neighbourhoods to the north with the “Main Street” area to the south. This Class 1 trail should also connect to Timberlea. Two east / west Class 1 trails across the span of the development, one north of the highway and one south of the highway. These should be designed to the preferred cross-section. The perimeter trail should be designed and identified as a Class 2 trail. Other major routes should be Class 2 trails with a supporting network of Class 4 trails in neighbourhoods and Class 3 trail through environmentally sensitive areas. Both bicycles and pedestrians should be accommodated on the trail network. Where pedestrians are accommodated by sidewalks in an urban setting, an on-street facility or alternate route should be provided for bicycles. The recommended configuration of Class 1 and Class 2 trails was illustrated in Exhibit 3-32. 3-44 Saline Creek Development The Saline Creek ASP includes a multi-use trail network connecting different land-uses in the community, and connecting the community to surrounding areas. The plan does not feature a hierarchy of trails. The Saline Creek trail network should feature the following: Defined Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4 trails, marked and signed according to RMWB wayfinding standards. One north / south Class 1 trail across the span of the development. The trail should be designed to the preferred Class 1 cross-section. Other major routes should be Class 2 trails with a supporting network of Class 4 trails in neighbourhoods and Class 3 trail through environmentally sensitive areas. As recommended in the Saline Creek ASP, both bicycles and pedestrians should be accommodated on the trail network. Where pedestrians are accommodated by sidewalks in an urban setting, an on-street facility or alternate route should be provided for bicycles. The recommended configuration of Class 1 and Class 2 trails was illustrated in Exhibit 3-33. Lower Townsite Redevelopment The Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan (LTS ARP) identified urban streetscaping improvements for pedestrians and bicycles through the Lower Townsite. Because the Lower Townsite is an urban area, most pedestrians and cyclists will be provided for on the sidewalk and road network. The LTS ARP does include trails along the Snye Channel and Clearwater River, and onto MacDonald Island. The LTS ARP also recommends converting back lanes to trails through much of the Lower Townsite The Lower Townsite trail network should feature the following: Defined Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4 trails, marked and signed according to RMWB wayfinding standards. One north / south Class 1 trail along the Snye Channel and Clearwater River that will connect the trail network north of the Athabasca to the trail network south of the Athabasca. This will be an alternate route for pedestrians and cyclists who prefer trails to the urban street network and will also provide recreational opportunities. The trail should be designed to the preferred cross-section. The Lower Townsite Class 1 trail should feature enhanced connections to the pedestrian and cyclist facilities in the road network. Provide Class 4 trails through neighbourhoods, parks, and in former lanes. Provide Class 3 trails to feature natural areas on less direct routes. As recommended in the LTS ARP, where pedestrians are accommodated by sidewalks in an urban setting, an on-street facility or alternate route should be provided for bicycles. The recommended configuration of Class 1 and Class 2 trails was illustrated in Exhibit 3-33. 3-45 3.6 Recommended Implementation Priorities The proposed trail network identified in the previous section is an aggressive plan to provide a world-class trail network in Fort McMurray. The timeline for implementation will depend on many factors, including available capital budgets, and the level of investment of alternative modes. This section outlines four levels of implementation priorities: 1. Maintain and Improve Existing Network 2. Implement New Network 3. Expand New Network 4. Develop Full Network The four levels are designed as building blocks for the complete network. The levels should be undertaken in order, because each builds on the one before; however, each stage provides significant improvements to the trail network. These implementation priorities are described in more detail below. 1. Maintain and Improve Existing Network Continue to keep the existing network in good repair. Trim vegetation, repair cracked paving material, maintain lighting and street furniture, and remove graffiti. Work with developers to ensure that new developments meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Standards. Require that new trails connect with the existing trail network at community boundaries. Undertake a full review of accessibility on the trail and sidewalk networks. Complete a cycling plan that will address on- and off-street cycling routes. Complete an inventory of services, such as washrooms, so that they can be incorporated into mapping. Implement the wayfinding system developed by the RMWB and align the system with the new trail classifications. Ensure that the system will be useful to pedestrians and cyclists on the existing and future network, and that it can be installed in a way that allows for easy updating as the network expands. The implementation of the wayfinding system is an excellent time to engage the public, share ownership of the trail system, and showcase active transportation opportunities in Fort McMurray. Address the gaps identified in this Chapter. At some of these locations, planning or construction is already under way and the existing plans address the gaps that have been identified. Where improvements require paving, trail construction, or trail reconstruction, 3.0 metre multi-use trails or larger, segregated trails, are preferred. Neighbourhood Thickwood Heights Trail Location A Real Martin Drive to Thickwood Boulevard Suggested Improvements Install mapping and signage to direct users to the Birchwood Park trail head. On the east side of Real Martin Drive, where the pavement is at least 2.5 m wide, sign to direct bicycles to share the sidewalk and the pavement is less than 2.5 m wide, consider constructing a shared trail. This location should be studied as part of the Cycling Master Plan. Install improved lighting on Real Martin Drive from Williams Drive to south of Thickwood Drive. 3-46 Neighbourhood Thickwood Heights Thickwood Heights Lower Townsite Lower Townsite Lower Townsite Waterways Abasand Heights Beacon Hill Trail Location B Thickwood Heights School to Birchwood Park C Thicket Drive / Silin Forest Road to Athabasca River Crossing D E F From Athabasca River crossing to trail along MacDonald Drive Clearwater River trail between Reidel Street and Hospital Street Southeast of Prairie Loop Boulevard between Franklin Avenue and Mills Avenue Suggested Improvements Provide clear signage marking the location of the trail from Silin Forest Road to Birchwood Park, including any section where cyclists and pedestrians will use the road and sidewalk network. Sign and mark trail crossing at intersection of Silin Forest Road, Thicket Drive. Improve trail through school property and mark the trail for winter use. Construct paved trail from trail termination on school property to the intersection of Thickwood Boulevard and Timberline Drive / Ross haven Drive. Work with property owners to identify, construct, and sign a passageway from Thickwood Boulevard to Birchwood Park. Until a direct path can be provided, sign an indirect sidewalk and road route using Timberline Drive and Gladstone Street. Add and clearly identify trail crossings at Timberline Drive and Thickwood Drive. Revisit area following bridge construction to review connection. Install trail signage and mark trail location at intersections. Install trail mapping and signage to direct trail users between river crossing and other trails. On the east side of MacDonald Drive, where the pavement is at least 2.5 m wide, sign to direct bicycles to share the sidewalk. Where pavement is less than 2.5 m wide, construct shared trail. Improve lighting from Athabasca River crossing to north of Snye Channel along MacDonald Drive. Connect the two trail heads in conjunction with the development of Clearwater Drive. Install trail network mapping at both trail heads. Rebuild trail following construction and connect to other improvements in this area.. Install trail signage and mark trail for winter use. Tolen Drive Install trail signage and markings to show route from Beacon Hill Trail to J. Howard Memorial Park Trails and to trail connecting to the Lower Townsite. Mark the entrance of the Beacon Hill Trail. Construct trail south along Tolen Drive to connect existing trail to Beacon Hill Trail. H Highway 63 Underpass Install signage and mapping to identify trail and indicate that this is the connection to Abasand Heights. Complete the Abasand / Waterways / Longboat Landing Trail Connectors project Install lighting. I Beacon Hill Trail to Beacon Hill Drive G Construct multi-use trail linking Beacon Hill Trail to neighbourhood trails in Beacon Hill. Install mapping and signage. 3-47 2. Implement New Network Create policy that defines the trail classifications as noted in the previous section. Identify existing trails that meet the minimum classifications. Apply the wayfinding system to select points on the network as a trial. Solicit public and staff feedback and plan for adjustments to the system. Work with developers to ensure that new neighbourhoods meet the new trail requirements. Connect new neighbourhoods to the Class 1 trail network. Increase the RMWB snow clearance budget to include snow clearance of Class 1 trails. Conduct a functional study to determine alternatives for a direct, Class 1 crossing of Birchwood Park. 3. Expand New Network Upgrade the existing trails on the new Class 1 network to meet the Class 1 requirements. Apply the new wayfinding standards across the Class 1 network. Complete construction of the Class 1 network. Further expand the snow clearing budget to include all new Class 1 trails. Develop education and outreach programs to encourage community members to use the trail network for transportation and recreational purposes. Implement these programs in schools. 4. Develop Full Network Complete construction of the Class 2 network. Inventory the Class 3 and Class 4 network and identify new opportunities for efficient connections and to identify maintenance and safety and security constraints. Review areas around schools and retail developments and determine if additional Class 4 ‘short cut’ trails are required. Work with the School Board and property owners to provide Class 4 trails across school grounds or private property as appropriate. Apply the new wayfinding standards to the Class 2 network. Further expand the snow clearing budget to include all new Class 2 trails. Expand the education and outreach programs to all residents. 3-48 3.7 Conclusions The RMWB has an excellent existing trail network that provides many recreational and active transportation opportunities to residents. There are existing trail standards for new developments, but no overarching classification of existing and proposed trails. Standard trail widths meet minimum national best practices, however, there is an opportunity to provide more segregated trails along the spine of the network to improve safety and promote cycling. The RMWB has an opportunity to expand the existing trail network in Fort McMurray to provide a continuous active transportation network with recreational and transportation amenities for residents and visitors. This network should be built around the following five strategies: 1. Develop and install a consistent and easy-to-understand wayfinding system. 2. Install lighting at trail heads, trail intersections, and where safety and security are compromised by dim lighting. 3. Connect to new areas as they are built. 4. Provide for ‘shortest’ path pedestrian connections. 5. Keep trails accessible for as many users and modes as possible. The RMWB has an existing trail classification system for new development that can be enhanced to provide the basis of a city-wide network for Fort McMurray. Proposed changes to the trail classification system include wider, segregated trails for Class 1 routes, and providing snow clearing on Class 1 and Class 2 trails. A new trail classification, Class 4, will allow for the identification of neighbourhood trails. Trail networks in new neighbourhoods should be developed using the new trail classification system. The trail network should be improved using a staged approach. Four overall implementation priority levels were identified in this report for use by the RMWB in developing capital plans for the trail network: 1. Maintain and Improve Existing Network 2. Implement New Network 3. Expand New Network 4. Develop Full Network This report guides the improvement of the existing trail network in the future and also gives direction for updating the Standards. 3-49 4. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING CONTROL GUIDELINES 4.1 Introduction The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) has a formal pedestrian evaluation system, the Pedestrian Crosswalk Analysis System (GCG System) (1978), which was developed by GCG Engineering Partnership. The GCG system is similar in some aspects to the standards and guidelines found in more current or industry standard pedestrian crossing literature, such as the Transportation Association of Canada Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual (TAC Manual) (1999). In fact, the TAC Manual is more commonly used by the RMWB for the warranting of crosswalks, as the GCG system is considered outdated. While nationally standardized guidelines are a good base for evaluating the need for a pedestrian crosswalk, many municipalities will customize the process to account for local conditions. The purpose of this pedestrian crossing control review is to update the RMWB pedestrian crossing warrant process based on national standards and, where appropriate, to consider integration of elements related to local conditions. 4-1 4.2 Methodology The pedestrian crossing guideline review included the following: Literature review - A review of technical sources regarding pedestrian control and warrants was undertaken to determine the appropriate definition and management of pedestrian crossing controls. The study approaches and warrant methods used by other municipalities and the traffic industry were reviewed. Municipality surveys - Seven Canadian municipalities, including the RMWB, were surveyed regarding their experiences with pedestrian crossing controls. The survey included categories such as, the number of traffic control signals, the type of crosswalk most commonly installed, and school crossing policy. The municipalities were also asked to describe the type of warrant process they followed. Review of current guideline - The current RMWB pedestrian crossing control guideline document was reviewed with two main objectives. The first was to identify the process that existed for deciding whether to implement pedestrian crossing control. The second was to determine what process exists for deciding on the type of pedestrian crossing that should be installed given the local conditions. The review also considered any unwritten guidelines. Comparison of policies – A comparison between the TAC Manual and the GCG system was undertaken. The comparison allowed the identification of commonalities and differences between the policies and these results assisted in developing recommendations for improvements to the RMWB approach to analyzing pedestrian crossings. Policy improvements - Potential areas of improvement were identified from the previous steps and discussed in the context of the existing RMWB pedestrian crossing control. Technical and non-technical warrants, school zones, pedestrian characteristics, and midblock crossings were examined. Conclusions and recommendations - Based on the issues identified in the previous step, conclusions were summarized, and recommendations provided with the intention that these recommendations would better represent an updated and complete guideline for the warranting and selection of crosswalks in the RMWB. 4.3 Literature Review 4.3.1 Approach The approach used in compiling existing information was threefold. First, documents from professional transportation engineering organizations such as the Transportation Association of Canada and Institute for Transportation Engineers were reviewed. Second, existing pedestrian control guidelines for Strathcona County, City of Edmonton, City of Saskatoon, and the Province of British Columbia were reviewed. Lastly a review of the RMWB School Safety Traffic Study (2010), completed by HDR | TRANS was undertaken. 4-2 4.3.2 References The following references were reviewed: Transportation Association of Canada, Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual (March 1998) Province of British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual for British Columbia, Second Edition (April 1994) Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers, A Technical Review of Pedestrian Signals in Canada (May 2006) Strathcona County, Installation of Traffic Signals and Pedestrian Crossings (June 2007) City of Edmonton, Warrants for Pedestrian Activated Signals (April 2002) City of Saskatoon, Traffic Control at Pedestrian Crossings (2004) The GCG Engineering Partnership, Pedestrian Crosswalk Analysis System (1978) 4.3.3 Comparison The literature review confirmed there were many common elements considered for determining the type of crosswalk installation: Collision history Pedestrian volumes Pedestrian characteristics (i.e. age, walking speed) Roadway width Vehicular traffic volume Vehicle speeds Sight distances Distance to nearby intersections or other pedestrian crossings Warrants for pedestrian crossing control were also provided in several of the reference documents. Each warrant system used some terms that were similar and some terms that were different, but many of the pedestrian crossing control elements and concepts were similar. To compare the different warrants, the elements were grouped into four categories: 1. Base condition – minimum requirements to initiate the warrant study 2. Pedestrian parameters – characteristics of pedestrians at the crossing location 3. Vehicle parameters – characteristics of vehicles at the crossing location 4. Other – site considerations at the crossing location, such as, lighting, trail linkages, proximity to school, number of traffic lanes, sight distance, grade, etc. Details on each of the four categories are summarized in Table 4-1. 4-3 Table 4-1: Category Definitions Crossing Control Element Base Condition Minimum Pedestrian Volume Pedestrian Volume Walking Speed Pedestrian Parameters Equivalent Adult Units (EAU) Road CrossSection Gap Acceptance Vehicle Parameters Vehicle Traffic Volume Vehicle Volume (AADT) Speed Sight Distance Other Traffic Arrival Pattern Distance to Alternative Crossing Size of Community Distance to Other Network Elements Definition (as per the reference documents) Minimum number of pedestrians crossing at the location within the one hour assessment period required to justify a warrant review. Volume of pedestrian traffic within the one hour assessment period crossing at the location. Walking speed of pedestrians crossing at the location (locally, 1.2 m/s is standard, with 1.5 m/s used for more vulnerable users, such as, children, seniors, etc.). Relative weighting of small children, seniors, and disabled persons to an equivalent number of adults. Width of roadway that is crossed by pedestrians; may be described as number of lanes to cross. The time required to cross the road cross-section where no vehicles occupy the crosswalk space. This is estimated as the walking speed plus the perception and reaction time of approximately three seconds. Volume of vehicular traffic within the one hour assessment period passing through the location. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) volume passing through the location. Posted or actual travel speed of the roads at the location. Length of road that is visible to drivers to enable them to come to a safe stop before reaching the crosswalk. The manner in which traffic arrives at the study location (random, platoon). Proximity of the study location to a nearby pedestrian crossing with an equivalent or higher level of pedestrian control. Pedestrian activity increases with larger communities. Proximity to an active transportation system, other trail linkages, schools, etc. In addition to the warrant process used by the different references, engineering judgement was also described in many of the guidelines as being a part of the pedestrian crossing control selection. The warrant parameters used by TAC, ITE, the Province of British Columbia, Strathcona County, City of Edmonton, and the City of Saskatoon are compared to the formal GCG system of the RMWB is illustrated in Table 4-2. 4-4 Table 4-2: Comparison of Guidelines Source Element Base Condition Minimum Pedestrian Volume Maximum Traffic Speed Volume (Peak Hour) Composition Pedestrians Parameters Vehicle Parameters Other Road CrossSection Illumination School Patrol Jaywalking Distance to Alternative Crossing Gap acceptance Volume (Peak Hour) Speed (km/h) Sight Distance Arrival Pattern Size of community TAC B.C. Strathcona County Edmonton Saskatoon RMWB (GCG) 10/hr 10/hr 20/hr 10/hr 1/hr 1/hr 60 kph 60 kph - 60 kph 60 kph 70 kph ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ○ ● ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ● considered in the warrant ○ not considered in the warrant The RMWB formal warrant process currently considers the same pedestrian crossing control elements as the municipalities studied in the literature review. However, the GCG system was developed in 1978 and while it considers similar inputs as the TAC Manual, the weighting of each element may differ from the more recent warrant guidelines. This will be explored further in Section 4.6. 4-5 4.3.4 Main Findings The main findings of the literature review are as follows: 1. The TAC warrant system is based on: a. The number of pedestrians per hour, expressed in equivalent adult units (EAU). This measure of unit (EAU) permits a calibration based on the number of children and elderly pedestrians. b. The crossing opportunities per hour. This can be determined either by an actual count at the crossing location, or via graphs where traffic volume data and traffic arrival pattern must be known. 2. British Columbia has adopted TAC’s Manual as the Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual for British Columbia. 3. ITE’s 2006 review of Intersection Pedestrian Signals indicated the following: a. Of 30 road authorities across Canada, 86% use pedestrian signals as a traffic control device. b. 58% of the surveyed pedestrian signal inventory was in British Columbia. c. 28% of the inventory was in Alberta. d. Of all reported pedestrian signals in Canada: i. 55% are installed in four-legged intersections ii. 31% at T-intersections iii. 14% at mid-block locations e. The TAC and British Columbia were the most common sources for warrant calculations for pedestrian signals, although some locally developed warrant systems were noted. 4. Strathcona County has implemented a municipal policy to govern the installation of traffic signals and pedestrian crossings. The County has included this policy in their Municipal Policy Handbook. This policy notes: Pedestrian crossing facilities may be installed or upgraded when warranted as per the “Strathcona County Pedestrian Crosswalk Implementation Warrant Table” (Attachment A). Additional guidance will be derived from the TAC “Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual”, associated ITE publications, and recommended practices. Within this policy, their Implementation Warrant Table is provided. Their warrant is based on two factors; the number of pedestrians (ped/hr) and the number of vehicles (veh/hr). These two factors are then multiplied and the cross product indicates either a Signed Crosswalk, Flashing Amber pedestrian crossing, or Red / Amber / Green pedestrian half-signal is required. Also noted in their policy is “Good engineering judgement is intended to compliment the initial warrant evaluation.” 4-6 5. The City of Saskatoon has a rigorous pedestrian warrant process. The first step includes a worksheet process that considers the facility selection between standard crosswalk, zebra crosswalk, pedestrian corridor, active pedestrian corridor, and pedestrian actuated signals. Considerations include: a. Street geometry or restricted sight distance b. Preferred crossing location, i.e. midblock versus intersection c. Pedestrian composition, i.e. school age, elderly d. Active school patrol e. Existing crosswalk treatment is not respected by motorists f. Street illumination g. Warrant calculations The active pedestrian corridor warrant includes determining the cross product of number of equivalent adult units multiplied but the number of vehicles. A warrant period is one half-hour, and if the warrant period is met for three periods, then an active pedestrian corridor should be seriously considered. The pedestrian actuated signal warrant considers the number of traffic lanes to be crossed, the presence of a physical median, the posted speed limit of the street, the distance this crossing point is to the nearest protected crossing point, and the pedestrian / vehicle volume weighted cross product. In addition, the Saskatoon warrant process notes that “the sum of the points produced by this methodology is used as a ranking measure in order to compare and prioritize locations for the installation of Pedestrian Actuated Signals.” 6. The current RMWB policy, the GCG system considers the following factors: a. The number of lanes b. Horizontal curve - where the reviewer is required to judge the severity of the curve from -0 to 10. c. Crest – where the reviewer is required to judge the severity of the curve from 0 to 30. d. Parking obstructions – where the reviewed is required to judge the severity of the impact of parking from 0 to 10. e. Obstructions – where the reviewer is required to judge the severity of the sight obstructions from 0 to 10. f. Presence of a median. g. Function of the street – either local, collector, or arterial h. Traffic volumes – expressed in Equivalent Passenger Car units (EPCU). This system equates 1 truck to 2 EPCU’s and 1 bus to 3 EPCU’s. i. Speed – posted or measured between 15 kph and 70 kph j. Pedestrian volumes – measured in EAU’s. 1 adult pedestrian equals 1 EAU, and 1 child pedestrian equals 2 EAU. No consideration for elderly pedestrians was provided. k. Distance to Protection – distance to the nearest pedestrian crossing facilities 4-7 7. There are some common elements to consider in determining the type of crosswalk treatment best suited for a specific location: Pedestrian volumes Pedestrian characteristics (i.e. age, walking speed) Roadway width Vehicular traffic volume Vehicle speeds Sight distances Distance to nearby intersections or other pedestrian crossings Road geometry Collision history The collision information available to the RMWB from the RCMP is often not specific enough for adequate analysis and use. For example, the location of the collision is often not defined enough. For example, Signal Road meets Thickwood Boulevard twice, but the collision data is not separated by individual location. 8. In addition to the warrant system used by the different municipalities, engineering judgement was also indicated in the guidelines as a part of the pedestrian control selection. While the warrant will provide the quantitative and technical evaluation for the selection of pedestrian control, there may be additional factors specific to locations that are not considered by the warrant. For example, the warrant may indicate that the sight distances are within acceptable parameters at a given location; however, real-life experience may be that snow drifts in winter are common at that location and can reduce the sight distance significantly. In such a case, engineering judgement recognizes this issue and considers it in the evaluation of the need for, and selection of, pedestrian control. 9. The RMWB School Safety Traffic Study (2010) reviewed existing schools and proposed future school sites with an emphasis on increasing all aspects of safety. A component of these school site reviews included study of pedestrian crosswalks adjacent to the institutions. 4-8 4.4 Municipality Surveys 4.4.1 Approach The survey was conducted by HDR | iTRANS from November 26, 2010 to December 10, 2010. Twelve municipalities were contacted, with seven responding, for a response rate of approximately 60%. The survey was conducted via Survey Monkey ( in the form of an electronic questionnaire. The survey questions were composed to elicit responses that would provide insight into the pedestrian crossing control experience within each municipality. 4.4.2 Municipalities Surveyed Twelve Canadian cities, including the RMWB, were contacted regarding their experience with pedestrian crossing control and seven cities responded, as summarized in Table 4-3. Table 4-3: List of Municipalities Surveyed and Responded Surveyed Responded Calgary Edmonton Grande Prairie Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Prince Albert Red Deer RMWB Saskatoon Whitehorse Yellowknife 4.4.3 Survey Questions and Responses The survey had seven categories, containing a total of 33 questions. The categories are identified below by underline and the questions and answers follow one through 33. The questions are written in bold, and the responses are italicized for each question. The response is written to capture the essence of all seven respondents as accurately as possible. 4-9 Traffic Control Signals 1. Approximately how many traffic control signals do you have under your jurisdiction? The amount ranged from 18 in Yellowknife to 910 in Calgary. 2. How many are midblock traffic signals? The amount varied from none (0) in Yellowknife and Red Deer to four (4) in the RMWB and Grande Prairie. 3. What warrant method / guideline do you follow for consideration of traffic control signals? Please specify the standard or publication that you rely on. If you have developed a warrant or policy guideline specific to your jurisdiction, please describe or attach to this survey. 6 municipalities responded they use TAC guidelines Yellowknife mentioned ‘Industry Standards’ 4. Is your jurisdiction actively implementing: a) Pedestrian countdown timers (and if so, what is the standard you follow)? 5 municipalities do not use a pedestrian countdown timer City of Calgary uses pedestrian countdown timers with standard TAC guidelines The RMWB also uses pedestrian countdown timers, no standard given b) Leading pedestrian signals (and if so, what is the standard you follow)? 5 municipalities do not use leading pedestrian signals Yellowknife and RMWB use leading pedestrian signals; no standard given c) Exclusive pedestrian phase (and if so, what is the standard you follow)? None of the municipalities surveyed use an exclusive pedestrian phase. City of Calgary did mention it has two pedestrian scramble intersections, but has no plans to add more. d) Audible pedestrian signals (and if so, what is the standard you follow)? All municipalities except for Grande Prairie use audible pedestrian signals but no standards were provided. e) Any other pedestrian aides (and if so, what is the standard you follow)? Whitehorse uses uninterruptable power supply (UPS) at the signals to help traffic and pedestrians to cross during power outages. Red Deer has developed an ‘Audible Pedestrian Indications Worksheet.’ Intersection Pedestrian Signals (IPS, Half Signals) 5. Do you currently implement Intersection Pedestrian Signals? 5 municipalities implement IPS Whitehorse and Yellowknife do not implement IPS 4-10 6. Approximately how many Intersection Pedestrian Signals (IPS or Half Signals) do you have under your jurisdiction? The amount varied from 2 in Grande Prairie to 45 in Saskatoon. 7. What warrant method do you use for consideration of IPS? Please specify the standard or publication that you rely on. If you have developed a warrant or policy guideline specific to your jurisdiction, please describe or attach to this survey. City of Calgary and Red Deer use TAC guidelines. RMWB and Saskatoon have developed ‘in-house’ warrant system. Grande Prairie’s response was ambiguous. 8. Do you have any concerns over IPS or Half Signal operation? City of Calgary and Red Deer noted motorist confusion, particularly side street motorists. In the RMWB, flashing amber signals did not produce the expected driver compliance and all except two flashing amber signals were moved to RAG signal display. Grande Prairie pointed out the need to have coordination with nearby signals. Pedestrian Crossovers (PXO) 9. Do you currently implement PXOs? 4 of the municipalities surveyed implement PXOs. RMWB, Saskatoon, and Red Deer do not implement PXOs. 10. Approximately how many Pedestrian Crossovers (PXOs) do you have under your jurisdiction? City of Calgary has 250 PXOs Whitehorse has 5 PXOs Yellowknife 2 PXOs Grande Prairie was unspecified 11. What warrant method do you use for consideration of PXO? Please specify the standard or publication that you rely on. If you have developed a warrant or policy guideline specific to your jurisdiction, please describe or attach to this survey. Yellowknife and Grande Prairie follow TAC guidelines. City of Calgary posted no response. Whitehorse has developed its own criterion. 12. Do you have any concerns over PXO operations? City of Calgary and Yellowknife have no concerns. Whitehorse posted pedestrian safety concern at crossovers across highway and other roads where drivers do not want to yield. Grande Prairie noted that PXOs should not be provided on arterial because coordination can not be provided. 4-11 Standard Pedestrian Crosswalks 13. What warrant method or guideline do you use for consideration of Standard Crosswalks with side mounted signs? City of Calgary, Yellowknife, Grande Prairie and Saskatoon follow TAC guidelines Whitehorse and RMWB do not follow ‘standard’ guidelines Red Deer follows Council Policy 14. What warrant method or guideline do you use for consideration of Standard Crosswalks with overhead mounted signs? Yellowknife and Saskatoon follow TAC guidelines. Red Deer follows council policy along with TAC guidelines. School Crossings 15. Do you currently have Crossing Guard locations? 4 municipalities responded having no Crossing Guard locations. 16. How many Crossing Guard locations are there in your jurisdiction? Whitehorse and RMWB have 1 crossing guard location each. Grande Prairie has 8 crossing guard locations. 17. Do you have signed and marked school crossings that are implemented at locations where there are no Crossing Guards? (Please describe your implementation procedures.) 4 municipalities answered ‘yes’. 18. Do you have a Crossing Guard policy? None of the municipalities responded ‘yes’. 19. What is the Crossing Guard warrant method or decision process you follow? Not applicable due to the answer in 18. 20. What are the Crossing Guard training requirements? Not applicable due to the answer in 18. 21. Do you currently have School Patroller locations? 3 municipalities have School Patroller locations. 22. How many School Patroller locations are there in your jurisdiction? City of Calgary has 192 locations. RMWB and Red Deer respondents were unsure of the numbers. 23. Do you have a School Patrollers' policy? City of Calgary and Red Deer have School Patrollers’ policy. RMWB has none. 4-12 24. What is the School Patrollers warrant method or decision process you follow? The program is managed by AMA and City Police Service in City of Calgary. AMA administers this program for Red Deer. Schools administer this program in RMWB. 25. What are the School Patrollers training requirements? In City of Calgary, AMA Coordinators provide training to the Teacher / Supervisor, police and the patrols, where necessary or required. When requested by schools, the necessary equipment, supplies, on-site evaluation, and support of patrollers is also provided. When possible, the AMA will provide crests, certificates and other incentives, and appropriate media coverage to support the School Patrol program. The AMA, through its coordinators, also provides the co-ordination and funding of regional School Patrol camps. 26. How many locations are there operated by both Crossing Guards and School Patrollers? None in all municipalities surveyed. Pedestrian Aides 27. Do you implement pedestrian refuge islands on your roadways? Please briefly describe why or why not. 3 municipalities do not implement pedestrian refuge islands on their roadways. 4 municipalities implement refuge islands on the roadways: Pedestrian refuge islands are not used in Calgary except where there is a wide median dividing the roadway due to Calgary’s poor winter conditions, pedestrians stopping in the middle of a busy roadway risk being involved in collisions Red Deer implements pedestrian refuge islands on wide roads with excessive pedestrian clearance times that can not be accommodated in the cycle length Grande Prairie implements indirectly in the form of a dividing median 28. Do you implement curb extensions to aide pedestrian crossings on your roadways? Please briefly describe why or why not. 2 municipalities do not implement curb extensions to aid pedestrian crossings on their roadways 5 municipalities implement curb extensions to aid pedestrian crossings on their roadways: Curb extensions are used as part of a comprehensive residential traffic calming strategy in Calgary. The curb extensions reduce pedestrian crossing distance, eliminate motorists passing and narrow wide streets to reduce speed In Red Deer curb extensions are used generally as a neighborhood beautification to reduce crossing distances and increase pedestrian-motorist visibility In Grande Prairie curb extensions are used as intersection bulb outs, this reduces the crossing distance and increases the visibility for drivers to see pedestrians In downtown curb extensions are used to bring pedestrian to the edge of the traffic lane in Whitehorse. They are now exploring this option on other busy roads where traffic speed is an issue 4-13 29. Other than the standard double white lines used for pedestrian delineation, what other forms of pavement marking or treatment options do you use? 4 municipalities use ‘zebra markings’ Calgary uses ‘Ladder’ crosswalks at elementary school crossings and at high speed exit ramps General Questions 30. Do you have any other forms of accommodating pedestrian crossing? Please describe. Calgary has two “Scramble Pedestrian” signals. Pedestrians have an exclusive green phase where all vehicles are stopped and pedestrians may cross the intersection in all directions. 31. Do you find the Alberta Traffic Safety Act clear and unambiguous as it relates to pedestrian right of way and crosswalk features? 3 municipalities responded ‘no’, 3 ‘don’t know’ and 1 ‘yes’. 32. Do you have any comments related to the Alberta Traffic Safety Act as it relates to pedestrian crossings? City of Calgary respondent comments that two areas need to be addressed: Need to address “scramble intersections” section 91 (2) “(2) A pedestrian shall not proceed onto a roadway or proceed along a roadway into the path of any vehicle that is so close that it is impracticable for the driver of the vehicle to yield the right of way.” The respondent states that how do children determine what “so close that it is impracticable for driver of vehicle to yield”- It should be changed to say “A pedestrian shall not proceed onto a roadway or proceed along a roadway into the path of any vehicle that is not stopped, or in the process of stopping for the pedestrian”. 33. When was the last time you reviewed your pedestrian crossing policy? Formal review of traffic signal warrant policy was completed about 5 years ago in City of Calgary and the TAC guidelines were adopted, replacing a prior procedure. Decision has recently been made to not install any additional half signals in Calgary unless mid-block or at an intersection where the side street is right in / right out only. In RMWB , 1983 formally, 2000 informally 5 years ago in Saskatoon Within the last six months in Red Deer In progress now in Grande Prairie 4-14 4.5 Review of Current Guidelines Through discussion with staff at the RMWB, it was indicated that the pedestrian crossing control guideline has not been formally reviewed since 1983. Since then, the population has grown significantly, resulting in an increased number of vehicles, pedestrians, and their interactions. From the survey responses, some cities have completed a review of their guidelines within the last five years, or are currently undertaking a review. With the constant changes in technology and pedestrian safety research, the RMWB guidelines may benefit from routine assessments every three to five years. 4.5.1 Written Guidelines The RMWB currently has a formal warrant process known as the GCG system for determining whether a pedestrian crossing is warranted and what type of installation is recommended. However, the RMWB more commonly uses the TAC Manual for both elements of the crosswalk warrant. The GCG system will be compared in more detail with the TAC Manual guidelines in Section 4.6. 4.5.2 Unwritten Guidelines The TAC Manual and the GCG system are valuable technical documents that provide a framework and rules for evaluating pedestrian crossing controls. However, the guidelines are not law and there are other factors, such as unique local conditions or a history of events, which may influence the installation of a crosswalk. In certain situations, the result of the warrant does not agree with the need or desire for a crosswalk; however, this is not uncommon and the result is to use engineering judgement. The RMWB follows this strategy and evaluates pedestrian controls based on technical elements, such as warrants, and nontechnical elements, such as location, road classification, field observations, historical experience, and community influences. One such example is the pedestrian corridors with pedestrian activated flashing amber lights. The RMWB observed that many drivers did not interpret these devices as expected, and as a result, modified the corridor to use the standard red-amber-green (RAG) signal heads. Engineering judgement is associated with all applications of pedestrian controls, it is recommended that the RMWB continue to properly document and record all information with respect to: The reason to evaluate a pedestrian crossing location Site observations at the location The warrant calculations Reasoning leading to the implementation of the selected pedestrian control 4-15 4.6 Comparison of Policies The following findings are summarized based on the comparison of the two warrant systems: The TAC Manual considers the age and ability of the pedestrians and subdivides the pedestrians into four groups (children, seniors, disabled, and adults) in order to determine equivalent adult units (EAUs). The GCG system also considers the age of the pedestrians but to a lesser degree, subdividing into only two groups: children and adults. The maximum age for children in the TAC Manual is 12 years whereas it is 14 years in the GCG system. The two year age difference between warrants is not significant; the intention of both warrants is to distinguish children from adults, or in other words distinguish between more vulnerable and less vulnerable users. The inclusion of additional “more vulnerable” road users such as seniors and disabled persons in the TAC Manual provides a more refined distribution of pedestrian types. The TAC Manual takes into account the community size and recognizes the potential community variance in pedestrian and driver expectation of acceptable delay. In contrast, the GCG system does not consider community size. The traffic arrival pattern at the crossing location is taken into account in the TAC Manual but not in the GCG system. The GCG system converts the vehicle volume into Equivalent Passenger Car Units (EPCUs), whereas the TAC Manual does not. In addition to the standard metrics, the TAC Manual suggests review of collision history at the crossing location. The collision history might present new or further justification for the installation of a PCC treatment, above and beyond the standard warrant metrics. The GCG system does not consider collision history. The TAC Manual also has additional guidelines for school crosswalks and additional information on specific school programs. For example, the School Patrol Program and Adult Crossing Guard Program. To test the compatibility of both warrants, two recent crosswalk installation locations in the RMWB were examined. The first location was at the intersection of Millenium Drive and Parsons Creek Drive and the second was located mid block on Hospital Street, to the southwest of Franklin Avenue. Many assumptions were needed to complete the warrant and the full analysis and assumptions are found in Appendix 4-A. The pedestrian volume, traffic volume, resulting crossing opportunities, and the crossing control results of the warrants at both locations are summarized in Table 4-4. Table 4-4: Warrant Comparison Using the Pedestrian Peak Hour Location Pedestrian Volume Traffic Volume Crossing Opportunities TAC Manual GCG system Millenium Drive 131/hr 486/hr 225/hr Not Warranted Full/Ped. Signal 4-16 Hospital Street 67/hr 1505/hr 5/hr Ped. Signal Full/Ped. Signal For the Millenium Drive location, the TAC Manual resulted in a technical conclusion of not warranted and the GCG system resulted in full / pedestrian signal implementation. These results are at the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of PCC installation. The TAC Manual recommends not warranted from a technical perspective; however, the analysis resulted in pedestrian volume of 131, which is very high. The PCC selection chart in the TAC Manual, which includes pedestrian volume as one axis, has a maximum of 60. This is an indication that the pedestrian volume is extremely high at this location during the peak hour. Further investigation reveals that the crossing location mainly serves pedestrian traffic from St. Martha’s School, which results in high pedestrian use at specific time intervals of the day. Given this information about the specific location and using engineering judgement, it suggests that a crosswalk should be installed. However, it may not need to be a full or pedestrian signal due to the defined time of day peaks of pedestrian volume. Perhaps the crossing control should be a marked crosswalk with a supplemental crossing guard on duty during the peak School pedestrian times. The GCG system recommends a full / pedestrian signal, which allows little room for further analysis or judgement, such as, the selection of a different crossing control type. The warrant has dictated the highest form of crossing control and if a lesser form of crossing control were to be installed, the RMWB might be liable if an accident were to occur in the future. For the Hospital Street location, both the TAC Manual and GCG system recommend the selection of a pedestrian signal as the type of crossing control. Reviewing the location in more detail, there is a 5-lane cross-section with 4 travel lanes (2 in each direction) and a left-turn lane. There is also the National Lights Regional Health Centre, Dr. KA Clark School, and Father Turcotte School located in close proximity to the midblock crossing location. While the pedestrian traffic is not at high as the Millenium Drive location, it is still a significant amount. The traffic volume is very high with 1505 vehicles per hour during the pedestrian peak period, which results in very limited crossing opportunities for pedestrians. Taking all the known location factors into consideration, the recommended crossing control of both the TAC Manual and GCG system appears to be an appropriate selection. While both warrant systems review and include some similar elements of analysis, the resulting output can be significantly different as the example of Millenium Drive illustrates. Potential concerns with the GCG system are the heavy weight the pedestrian volume has in determining the crossing control type, in relation to other factors; the point scale that determines the type of crossing control does not adequately provide reasoning and justification for the scale; and the date of when the warrant process was created. The TAC Manual has benefited from more recent and more extensive industry research and experience and offers more flexibility in making the appropriate crossing control selection for a particular location. The scaling system is a result of industry research and can be supported and justified as such. The TAC 1998 Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual is 4-17 more recent than the GCG system, and is currently being updating with publication targeted for the spring of 2011. 4.7 Potential Policy Improvements 4.7.1 Technical Warrants Technical warrants, such as the TAC Manual and the GCG system, were created for use as guidelines. These technical warrants attempt to consider all aspects of crossing control for a variety of locations. However, many jurisdictions also consider local conditions and conduct site specific field investigations to support the warrant guidelines. These local investigations also determine the effectiveness of different pedestrian crossing control types. Based on the comparison between the TAC Manual and GCG system warrants, the RMWB should officially use the TAC Manual to determine the appropriate pedestrian crossing control. When the new TAC Manual is published in 2011, this should supersede the current version. 4.7.2 Non-Technical Warrants Non-technical warrants allow for engineering judgement to be applied in addition to the quantitative warrant analysis. In fact, the TAC Manual recommends the consideration of other factors outside the numerical analysis of the technical warrant so as to account for real life crossing situations that cannot be adequately addressed by the template. Non-technical warrants, such as field observations, site investigations, and collision history can also influence the installation of pedestrian crossing controls. For example, the warrant may not technically meet the thresholds set by the warrant but there may be site specific road geometry or safety issues that cannot be quantified using only the inputs on the warrant. These might include a lack of sight distance or parked cars on the road that obstruct the driver’s sightline to pedestrians. The observation of several near-miss collisions between drivers and pedestrians during a site visit may also indicate the need for engineering judgement in addition to the warrant process. A possible issue arising from non-technical warrants is the consistency of their application. Where technical warrants provide tangible and quantitative information in a documentable procedure, non-technical warrants are less defined. However, undertaking local studies and utilizing local site specific data can enhance the TAC Manual warrant process and can assist in the implementation of proper pedestrian crossing controls. 4.7.3 School Zones HDR | iTRANS recently completed the RMWB School Safety Traffic Study (School Study) (2010). All existing schools, as well as future proposed school sites, were reviewed with an emphasis on safety. One component of the study included school site reviews of pedestrian crosswalks adjacent to or used by the educational institutions. 4-18 Results from that study indicated that some crosswalks were located on curves, which resulted in shortened sight distances. Undertaking a similar study for high pedestrian volume or incident locations may provide a suitable tool. This tool could be used to help review inuse crossing controls and recommend necessary improvements. The following nine points are a summary of recommended policy improvements from the School Study: 1. Create a warrant to determine optimal crosswalk locations in School Zones 2. Create a policy with respect to use of School Zones and Playground Zones in the RMWB 3. Create a traffic calming policy to determine acceptable traffic calming measures and implement them in School Zones to promote reduced speeds 4. Undertake a study to establish actual parking demand at existing schools in the RMWB so that future schools can be planned with sufficient parking and lay-by space 5. Review the bus flashing lights policy with respect to safety, traffic impacts, and cultural response 6. Create a crosswalk enhancement policy for the use of pylons and Cleos by crossing guards and school safety patrols 7. Encourage school staff wearing bright safety vests before and after school to promote safety 8. Develop a review checklist for future school plans to ensure pedestrian connectivity, traffic flow, and parking supply is acceptable 9. RMWB contact Alberta Transportation to ensure that the RMWB is included in any stakeholder consultation process regarding potential changes to the effective time periods for both School Zones and Playground Zones and other changes to the guidelines Another consideration is the presence of crossing guards at high pedestrian areas such as schools or the implementation of school crossing programs. The TAC Manual provides information on this subject that can be adopted for the schools in the RMWB where applicable. 4.7.4 Pedestrians Characteristics Senior citizens, disabled citizens, and young children, who are typically more vulnerable crossing the street, are considered in the TAC Manual warrant. For the purpose of evaluating a potential pedestrian crossing location, all pedestrian data collection should be classified into the categories of children, seniors, disabled, and adults, as described in the manual. 4.7.5 Midblock Crossings Midblock crossings are not very common in the municipalities surveyed. A possible reason includes poor driver response to these midblock crossings as drivers are not expecting pedestrians to cross between intersections. Midblock crossings should be used as a last resort and only when dictated by special circumstances. This could include a block with very 4-19 long distances between intersection crossing locations, or a direct origin and destination combination that exist directly across the street from each other and generate a significant amount of pedestrian traffic. Ideally, special circumstances should be limited as much as possible. This can be accomplished in the planning process by applying stronger development application conditions. 4.8 Conclusions The results of the review lead to the following conclusions: 1. The literature review of the various transportation organizations identified the following to be consistent in most of the guidelines: Consideration of vehicle speed, volumes, traffic flow, and driver sight distance Consideration of pedestrian volume, age, and ability Consideration of the road cross-section None of the reviewed organization’s guidelines consider driver compliance Engineering judgement was identified as a part of the pedestrian crossing control selection process 2. Warrant procedures used to establish PCC types are published under different covers, some by the municipalities themselves. In addition, the type or choice of warrant procedure to follow varies by PCC type: The TAC Manual, 1998 is used by the municipalities of Calgary, Red Deer, Grande Prairie, Yellowknife, and Saskatoon for some PCC types. Other municipalities have developed individual guidelines for certain PCC types, including the municipalities of Edmonton, Strathcona County, and Saskatoon. In the case of Saskatoon, they use both the TAC and their own warrant depending on the type of PCC installation. 3. The municipality survey identified: General concerns over IPS or Half Signal operation because of drivers’ confusion, particularly side street motorists Most of the municipalities use TAC Manual guidelines in the installation of intersection pedestrian signals (IPS), pedestrian crossovers (PXOs), and standard pedestrian crosswalks with side mounted or overhead mounted signs Only some of the municipalities implement Crossing Guard and School Patroller programs for school crossings. There is guidance for both in the TAC Manual Only some of the municipalities implement refuge islands and curb extensions to aid in pedestrian crossings Zebra markings or parallel double white lines were used for pedestrian delineation depending on crosswalk type and site specific conditions 4. Comparison of the warrants identified that the GCG system and the TAC Manual consider similar elements, but the result of the warrant may be different, due to variations in the definitions of the elements. For example, the TAC warrant recognizes the effect of community size and traffic arrival patterns, whereas the GCG system does not. 4-20 4.9 Recommendations and Next Steps The following actions are recommended: 1. The TAC Manual should be used for the warrant and installation of pedestrian crossing control, superseding the GCG system. 2. Amend the bylaw to reflect the decision to use the TAC Manual warrant process for the review and installation of pedestrian crossing control. 3. Continue to properly document and record all technical analysis, non-technical analysis, and data collection as required by the TAC Manual. In addition, the following should be noted for each evaluated crossing location: Reasons for the evaluation Site specific observations The warrant calculations and all assumptions Results of the warrant, subsequent reasoning and decision making, and the resulting implementation decision 4. Midblock pedestrian crossing control should be used as a last resort and only when dictated by special site specific circumstances. 5. Similar to when the RMWB is assessing crosswalk locations for implementation, potential locations for downgrade should also be considered. These locations should be reassessed on a regularly scheduled basis to determine whether they still require the type of installed crossing control. Care should be taken in the removal of any existing crossing infrastructure. Just because it does not meet the warrant criteria, the public has come to expect the crossing control at that location. Consideration should be given to the fact that the removal of the infrastructure could violate driver and pedestrian expectation and / or result in negative public reaction. While the recommendations are considered for implementation, an action plan with a list of steps is suggested for consideration by the RMWB: 1. Implement an intersection information program for unsignalized intersections. The goal of the program would be to assemble a cache of data that would help in prioritizing and analyzing future pedestrian crossing control implementation. The data to gather would include: Traffic counts Pedestrian counts Public complaints Political inquiries School Council complaints Collision history 4-21 2. Develop a priority intersection list for the undertaking of signal warrant reviews and pedestrian crossing control installations: Develop a potential list of intersections that require investigation for pedestrian crossing control warrant reviews. An appropriate target for the list development would be 2013. Undertake a site visit to each potential intersection to gather, review, and provide advice on elements to include in the non-technical analysis of the warrant. For example, the proximity of the intersection to a school, presence of vertical grades, available sight distances, etc. Undertake a TAC Manual warrant review for each of the potential intersections identified. For intersections that require the installation of pedestrian crossing control, rank the intersections in a priority installation sequence. Review the pedestrian crossing control installation priority list and provide for as many installations as are feasible in the yearly Capital Program. The lesser priority intersections remain on the list for consideration in the next budget cycle. 3. The process should be iterative as more information is gathered on intersections, more intersections are reviewed, and more pedestrian crossing controls are implemented, where warranted. 4. The pedestrian crossing control installation priority list should be completed 2 months prior to the RMWB budgeting period for ease of planning and integration into the Capital Program. The recommended process will require additional staff resources or outside assistance to undertake the creation and study of the priority intersection signal warrant reviews and installation program. Benefits of implementing the program include: A standard industry accepted method of evaluation. A standard review process that prioritizes and justifies decisions at each location. A defensible process complete with documentation. The ability to focus RMWB staff resources on community priorities. Quality information for budgeting purposes. A safer community. 4-22 5. TRANSIT TO AIRPORT FEASIBILITY ASSESSMENT 5.1 Introduction This chapter focuses on assessing the feasibility of a public transportation connection to the Fort McMurray Airport from the Lower Townsite. The chapter will identify an appropriate transit technology, route and operating strategy that will provide the required passenger carrying capacity in a cost effective and efficient manner. As a starting point, the chapter will consider current and projected airport passenger statistics to identify daily transit passenger volumes to / from the airport. The transit technology, either rail or rubber tire, will be recommended based on required passenger capacity, and capital and operating costs. Route selection will consider right-ofway availability, route directness, travel speed and community access. The recommendations in this chapter consider only the travel demand to and from the airport. Consideration of how a travel link from the airport could form or compliment part of a regional bus or rail based transit system is an important question, however, is beyond the scope of this assessment. 5.2 Transit Trip Projections In 2004, the Fort McMurray Municipal Airport Area Structure Plan (ASP) was approved by council; this study provided future projections for annual passengers and flights. This information was utilized to identify the potential number of transit trips that would be destined to and from the airport. As summarized in Table 5-1, the ASP projects the airport will grow from 223,000 annual passengers to over 1,000,000 passengers a year, with future peak hour passenger volumes averaging approximately 1,800 air travellers. From these projections the number of passengers utilizing transit can be calculated; passenger transit usage typically ranges from 15% - 30% of total air passengers. Table 5-1: Future Passenger Projections Year 2004 2009 2020 Annual Passengers 223,000 704,000 1,000,000 Peak Hour Transit Usage 30% 15% 61 122 192 385 273 546 Average Peak Hour Passengers 406 1282 1821 Based on the results summarized in Table 5-1, current transit use would range from 192 – 385 trips and future transit use may range between 273 – 546 transit riders during the peak hour. 5-1 It is important to note, these projections may require re-evaluation based on the draft 2010 Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan which identifies a new and / or expanded airport and urban growth node north of Fort McKay. This airport has the potential to attract air traffic from Fort McMurray and affect the projected growth in air passenger at the Fort McMurray airport. To be conservative, this study is evaluated based on the projections summarized in Table 5-1. 5.3 Transit System Capacity From the projected peak hour transit ridership, the appropriate airport to Lower Townsite transit technology can be identified. To do this, the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 100: Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 2nd Edition published by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) was referenced, as illustrated in Exhibit 5-1. Exhibit 5-1: Average Travel Speed and Capacity by Technology1 As illustrated in Exhibit 5-1, a single rail vehicle (streetcar or light rail transit (LRT)) or a bus system could provide the required system capacity to accommodate current and projected peak hour transit ridership of 270 to 550. 1 Exhibit 1-7,, page 1-21 5-2 For a higher order transit system such as LRT to be viable from a cost and capacity perspective well over 2,000 riders per peak hour is recommended. This exceeds the future airport to Lower Townsite ridership projections by a significant margin. 5.4 Evaluation of System Options Bus and rail technologies require very different right of ways and maintenance facilities to operate. Buses would be able to utilize existing road infrastructure and bus maintenance facilities. A light rail system would require construction of a new rail right-of-way linking the airport to the Lower Townsite, along with a specialized rail vehicle maintenance facility. 5.4.1 Bus System There are a number of advantages to a bus based system. Buses are readily available, easily maintained with an existing diesel mechanic skill set and can be operated on existing roadways in the community. A bus system could start by using existing streets and progress to an exclusive right-of-way as ridership develops. With new residential development in the south end of Fort McMurray and access to major highways into the Lower Townsite, either of these options could be developed: Bus in mixed traffic – existing routes in south Fort McMurray could be extended to the airport. This service would be slower than an exclusive direct route to the Lower Townsite, however, it would be more financially viable as it would benefit by carrying customers from both the airport and the adjacent residential communities, and would be the least expensive to implement. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) – initially could utilize portions of the existing Highway 69 and 63 right-of-ways to provide passengers with a higher speed express bus service to the Lower Townsite. Service could start by operating on the existing highways and evolve to an exclusive right-of-way operation as ridership develops. A new bus route from the Lower Townsite to the airport utilizing existing roads would require four to six buses ($425,000 per bus) and six to eight bus zones ($5,000 per zone). It is assumed that the buses would be stored and maintained with the existing RMWB bus fleet. Total capital costs to set up a basic bus service from the Lower Townsite to the airport would be approximately $1.7 to 2.6 million. In addition the bus system would incur approximately $1.3 to 2.0 million annual operating costs. The difference between the two bus options are travel times and number of stops. The BRT may provide faster service to the Lower Townsite; however, there would be fewer stops as the system would utilize highways. The buses in mixed traffic would provide service to residential areas and speeds would be slower; however, there would be an opportunity for higher ridership, and in turn, higher revenues. The difference in speeds and bus system technology is summarized in Exhibit 5-2. 5-3 Exhibit 5-2: Average Travel Speed and Capacity by Technology2 Both the BRT and bus in mixed traffic could be developed as appropriate solutions for the projected future airport to Lower Townsite ridership. Initially, a link from the airport to the Lower Townsite could utilize an extension of the existing Route 10 which currently services the MacKenzie Industrial Park (Exhibit 5-3). This could then be expanded to include the future Saline Creek development. This option could be initiated at a substantially reduced cost than a new route from the Lower Townsite to the airport. Potential routing options are illustrated in Exhibit 5-4. 2 Exhibit 1-7,, page 1-21 5-4 Exhibit 5-3: Existing Route 10 5-5 Exhibit 5-4: Potential Bus Routes 5.4.2 Rail System A rail-based streetcar or single LRT car on an alignment as illustrated in Exhibit 5-5 could provide a relatively direct and fast link from the airport to the Lower Townsite. This could be achieved by developing an alignment along portions of the existing Canadian National (CN) railway right-of-way, within the Highway 63 and 69 right-of-way or along MacLennan Crescent in the MacKenzie Industrial Park. 5-6 Exhibit 5-5: Potential Route for a Rail Service The CN route option would provide a direct connection, however, there are issues associated with this alignment (Exhibit 5-6): There are significant existing grades from the airport elevation down to the CN rightof-way and Lower Townsite. The track connection would have to be elongated to ensure a maximum 6% grade. The proximity of the CN right-of-way to the river is close which could be impacted by issues such as flooding. This route also passes through undeveloped land with little opportunity to provide access to adjacent residential developments and opportunities to increase ridership. There may also be significant environmental issues with this alignment. 5-7 Existing Grades – Towards Lower Townsite River Proximity River Proximity Existing Grades – Towards Airport Exhibit 5-6: Potential Routes Issues for a Streetcar Service along River The route options of paralleling Highway 63 and 69 or MacLennan Crescent would require right-of-way and major structures to minimize traffic impacts. Before further consideration of a rail option it would be prudent to review the cost effectiveness of such a service. A rail service from the Lower Townsite to the airport would require approximately 16 kilometres of track system ($10 – 15 million per kilometre), three stations ($2 – 3 million per station), four rail vehicles ($4 – 5 million per vehicle) and a storage / maintenance facility ($ 10 – 15 million). Total capital cost of a basic rail system would be approximately $190 to 280 million. In addition there would be approximately a $2.5 million per year operating cost3. Given the relatively low ridership and the required capital and operating costs it would be extremely difficult to justify proceeding with consideration of rail service between the Lower Townsite and airport at this time. Consideration of how a rail link from the airport to the Lower Townsite could form or compliment part of a regional transit system is an important question, however, is beyond the scope of this study. 3 Estimates based on unit costs from current rail projects in western Canada. 5-8 5.5 System Phasing Infrastructure requirements in the RMWB are increasing rapidly due to significant regional growth; therefore, it is prudent to ensure any system proposed to service the airport be able to adapt to change. Recommended system phasing for a bus option would include the following: 1. Mixed traffic bus – the mixed bus route would include nearby residential areas as part of the route until airport demand justifies its own direct route to the Lower Townsite. 2. Express bus – the express bus would utilize Highway 63 and Highway 69 and provide a higher speed service to the Lower Townsite. This route would also be a mixed traffic route. 3. High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes – this would be an improvement to the express bus which would see BRT operating on HOV lanes along Highway 63 and Highway 69. 5.6 Transit Master Plan The 2007 Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Transit Master Plan identified Saline Creek as a future service area. It was proposed that Route 10 (Downtown to MacDonald Island) could be extended to provide service to Saline Creek. Based on the noted conclusions summarized above there is a possibility of altering existing routes to accommodate airport passengers. Since the Saline Creek community has been identified as a future community with transit needs, a mixed traffic bus system from the airport to the Lower Townsite may be the most advantageous option. This route would not only provide transit service for the airport and Saline Creek but it would also allow Route 10 to improve level of service by going to a 15 minute service. 5.7 Conclusions Based on the above discussion the following is concluded: 1. Given the current and projected air passenger activity at the Fort McMurray airport either a bus or streetcar system could provide sufficient capacity to accommodate transit riders to / from the Lower Townsite and the airport. 2. A rail based service could not be justified from a cost effectiveness perspective. 3. A bus based service to the airport would accommodate ridership demand in a cost effective manner and could be implemented in a staged manner. 5-9 5.8 Recommendations The following is recommended: 1. A bus system providing a link from the airport to the Lower Townsite is recommended. 2. Initially, a mixed traffic bus is recommended. It is recommended the existing Route 10, currently servicing the MacKenzie Industrial Park, be extended to include the airport and eventually be phased to include the future Saline Creek development. 3. An operations study of Route 10 extension to the airport be conducted to determine items such as appropriate routing, headways, bus requirements, bus stop locations, etc. 4. If ridership from the airport to the Lower Townsite increases significantly, improvements can be made to the route to include an express route along Highways 69 and 63. 5. RMWB staff monitor the status of the draft 2010 Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan which if approved and implemented could impact the Fort McMurray airport and result in revised ridership numbers. 5-10 6. RESIDENTIAL AND ON-STREET PARKING 6.1 Introduction This Chapter reviews the existing Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) parking guidelines and compares them with the guidelines of similar municipalities within the Province. The focus of the review is on current residential parking guidelines and on-street parking requirements for different road classifications. 6.2 Previous Parking Studies Reviewed There were three previous studies undertaken for the RMWB that collected data and / or made recommendations regarding parking and that are reviewed as context for this report: 1. Associated Engineering, Residential Parking Strategy for Urban Service Area – Fort McMurray, August 2007 2. Dillon Consulting, 2000 Lower Townsite Transportation Plan, May 2001 3. iTRANS Consulting Inc, Transportation Master Plan – Stage 1, August 2008. The Residential Parking Strategy for Urban Service Area (RPS) (August 2007) was focused on the urban Fort McMurray, which is a high growth community that attracts workers from across Canada and internationally. The report undertook a parking survey to determine the extent of the parking problems. It was concluded that “Overall, the survey indicated fewer parking problems than expected”. Further detail revealed that there were some minor issues, such as, “In isolated cases, parking on both sides of the street was found to be problematic… in particular 9 metre streets with no driveways…” and during public consultation “employment creates an atmosphere where there is a high volume of vehicles… further exacerbated by the low vacancy rate… homes renting all the bedrooms… high vehicle to home ratio.” Overall, the main issues in the RPS were: Pedestrian safety associated with on-street parking Municipal operators affected by on-street parking Long term parking on residential streets / On-street parking by Non- neighbourhood residents On-street parking by neighbourhood residents The RPS recommended enforcement, parking time limits, residential parking permits, and road widening as solutions to the issues. The 2000 Lower Townsite Transportation Plan (LTTP) (May 2001) was focused specifically on the Lower Townsite area, specifically the civic core. The LTP found that there had been a decrease in the availability of on-street parking and that off-street parking space was much diminished from previous years. The LTTP recommended that the parallel parking areas be converted to angle parking areas, or eliminated altogether, to allow increased mobility and access downtown. However, this 6-1 would result in a further decrease of available parking. To combat this parking reduction, the LTP suggested the remaining off-street areas with potential for parking be protected and new areas be acquired from occupied lots. A review of the existing off-site parking levy was recommended to ensure that multi-level facilities can be created to accommodate equivalent off-site parking. Finally, it was suggested, that an off-site Parking Authority be created to provide administrative authority, raise capital, and manage the off-site levy and enforcement revenues. The Transportation Master Plan – Stage 1 (TMP1) (August 2008) was essentially used as an update to the LTTP and focused on the central business district. Following a utilization survey, which revealed a maximum utilization of 56% in the central business district, it was concluded that there is sufficient on-street parking overall. Further detailed evaluation concluded that individual parking areas fluctuated greatly. Those with time limits were less utilized than areas where free parking with no time limit existed. These areas were often over 75% utilized. There were several recommendations to help manage parking in the central business district as Fort McMurray continues to develop: travel demand management, preferential parking, programming; parking maps technology; and enforcement. It was recommended that the RMWB phase in a paid parking system. 6.3 Parking Requirements by Land Use Part 7 of the RMWB Land Use Bylaw (LUB) (March 24, 2009) establishes the minimum parking requirements for various land use types. Similar documents were reviewed for the following municipalities for comparative purposes: City of Red Deer City of Lethbridge City of Grande Prairie The Institute of Transportation Engineers: Parking Generation, 3rd Edition (ITE) (2004) was also compared and referenced where applicable in the subsequent sections. 6.3.1 Residential Table 6-1 compares the parking requirements for specific residential land use types in the RMWB with similar residential land use types from the Cities of Red Deer, Lethbridge, and Grande Prairie. ITE parking requirements are also included for comparison where applicable. 6-2 Table 6-1: Residential Land Use Parking Requirements Review Minimum Parking Requirement stall per dwelling unit (unless otherwise noted) Land Use RMWB Red Deer Lethbridge Grande Prairie ITE Single Detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex / quadruplex 2 2 1+11 2 2 Townhouse / Cluster 2+0.152 2+0.22 1.25+0.53 1.5+0.152 1.4 Residential Condominium / Townhouse -- -- -- -- 0.98 Apartment-1 Bed Room 1+0.152 1+0.22 1.25 1+0.152 Apartment-2 Bed Rooms 1.5 + 0.152 1.5+0.22 1.5 1.5+0.152 Apartment-3 or more Bed Rooms 2+0.152 2+0.22 1.5 2+0.152 Low / Mid-Rise Apartment -- -- -- -- 1.4 High-Rise Apartment -- -- -- -- 1.95 Senior Citizen Housing 0.3 0.4 0.4 -- 0.5 Mobile Home (in subdivision) 2 -- 1 2 Mobile Home park 2+0.15 Basement Suite 2 -2 -- -- 2 + 0.15 1 per bedroom 1+14 -- 1 -- Boarding House 1 per bedroom 1 per 2 persons -- -- -- Home Business 1 -- -- -- -- 1 for 2 or more dwelling units stalls per dwelling unit for visitors 3 if 2 or more bedrooms 4 if more than 2 bedrooms 2 6-3 -- The following comments stem from the information summarized in Table 6-1: The parking rate of 2 stalls per dwelling unit is consistent between all municipalities for the category of single detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex / quadruplex. The ITE parking requirement is 2 stalls per dwelling unit for a single detached home. ITE does not provide any information for the categories of semi-detached, duplex, and triplex / quadruplex. The townhouse rate is between 1.25 stalls to 2 stalls per dwelling unit for all municipalities. Most rates require additional parking for visitors. The ITE rate pertains to rental townhouses and is lower than three of the four municipalities. It also does not consider visitor parking. For the apartment land use, the parking rate is very similar for all municipalities. An additional parking rate is included for visitor parking and is similar for the municipalities that include it. ITE rates for apartments are categorized slightly differently, but the overall parking rates are similar. The City of Grande Prairie does not have a rate for senior citizen housing. The Cities of Red Deer and Lethbridge, as well as ITE have parking rates very similar to the LUB. The ITE rate is the highest, while the rate in the LUB is the lowest. The mobile home parking rate varies from 1 stall to 2 stalls per dwelling unit. ITE and the City of Red Deer do not provide a rate for this use. Basement suite / secondary suite provision is 1 stall per bedroom for those municipalities that provide a rate for this land use type. There is limited information available for comparison of boarding house and home business land uses. 6.3.2 Accommodation / Food Establishments The reviewed municipalities had parking guidelines for many different land uses including hotels, motels, drive-in restaurants, family restaurants, and fast food restaurants to name a few. These types of uses were generally measured by guest room, persons, seats, square metre of dining area, or gross floor area (GFA). Parking rates varied somewhat between the different municipalities, but the variance between required parking rates for each type of establishment was minimal. 6.3.3 Businesses The types of business parking requirements for each municipality varied widely. Some uses that were present in other municipalities bylaws but not in the LUB included mini-theatre, call centre, and animal services. Many of the municipalities provided parking rates for business categories similar to those in the LUB, such as bank, auto repair shop, industrial plants, and warehouses. Most of the uses categorized in the LUB were near or exactly 2 stalls per 100m2 of GFA. This was very similar to the municipalities reviewed. 6-4 6.3.4 Education / Government / Health Services The reviewed municipalities included many of the same land use categories and similar units of measurement as the LUB. They all included parking rates for junior and senior high schools, college and technical schools, and hospitals. Some municipalities also included nursing homes and libraries. None of the reviewed municipalities had parking rates for government services. Various parking rate measurement units were used for the facilities including the number of classrooms, students, seats, beds, and GFA. 6.3.5 Retail The reviewed municipalities had a variety of methods of categorizing retail, from specific listings such as video rental, to more general listings, such as shopping centre. The LUB contains some very specific uses and also provides for the more general uses as well. Since the RMWB retail listings in the LUB are quite comprehensive, they contained most of the land uses identified in the other municipalities’ bylaws. However, unlike other municipalities, the retail parking rates had a wide variability in the LUB. All of the retail uses were measured in stalls per 100m2. The highest parking rate was for a liquor store, with 8.5 stalls required per 100m2 and the lowest was for a furniture / carpet store, which required 1.4 stalls per 100m2. The other municipalities had a narrower range of stalls required per 100m2. For example, the City of Grand Prairie listed six types of retail land use, with a stall per 100m2 of GFA variability from 3.0 to 4.6. The City of Red Deer had less retail uses listed, which were less detailed and with a bylaw range for stalls per 93m2 between 4.4 and 5.1. 6.3.6 Social / Recreational Services The social / recreational services land use categories contained some similar uses for comparison, but also contained some individual uses more specific to the municipalities. Some land uses that were not included in the LUB included gaming or gambling establishments, cultural facilities, funeral facilities, and child care facilities. Other land uses that were common to the LUB included amusement centres, bingo halls, bowling alleys, churches, curling rinks, sports clubs, and racquet sports facilities. Parking rate units of measurement covered a variety including, persons, seats, GFA, ice sheets, staff, and alleys. The variety of land use types and the variety of parking rate measurement units makes comparison between the municipalities difficult. At a high level, there did not appear to be significant variances in parking rates for the LUB land uses. 6.4 On–Street Parking RMWB Engineering Service Standards (Standards) (2009) for the RMWB were compared with three similar municipalities: Red Deer, Lethbridge, and Grande Prairie. The TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (TAC) (1999) was also used for comparison where applicable. The focus of the comparison was about the on-street parking guidelines for each of the municipality’s road classification types. The comparison is summarized in 6-5 Table 6-2, where (X) is not permitted, (R) means restrictions apply, (P) means permitted, and (--) indicates it is not described by the municipality or technical reference. Table 6-2: On-Street Parking / Road Classification Review On-Street Parking Road Type Arterial Collector Urban Local Community Entrance Road Collector Rural Local Rural / Urban Service Road RMWB Red Deer Lethbridge Grande Prairie TAC Divided X X X X R Undivided X -- X -- R Residential P P -- -- R Industrial / Commercial P X P P R Commercial -- P -- -- R Divided -- -- X X R Undivided -- -- P P R Residential P P -- -- P Industrial / Commercial P X P -- P Residential / Divided -- -- P -- P Residential / Undivided -- -- P P P Divided -- -- -- X -- Residential X -- -- -- -- Industrial X -- P -- -- Residential X -- -- -- -- Industrial X X P -- -- Adjacent to Arterial -- -- P -- -- - Roadway is assumed undivided unless otherwise indicated 6-6 The following are observations based on the information summarized in Table 6-2: For all municipalities, parking is not permitted on divided and undivided arterial roadways. The City of Grande Prairie does not permit on-street parking for urban industrial / commercial collector roads but it does for urban commercial only collector roads. The Cities of Red Deer and Lethbridge permit parking on urban undivided collector roadways. The RMWB and Grand Prairie permit parking on urban divided collector roadways. Parking is permitted on urban local industrial / commercial road types for all municipalities, except the City of Grande Prairie. The RMWB does not permit parking on rural industrial collector roads; however, the City of Red Deer does permit it. The RMWB and the City of Grande Prairie restrict parking on local rural industrial roadways, but the City of Red Deer allows it. The City of Red Deer provides parking lanes on service roads adjacent to arterial roadways. 6.5 Conclusions The recommendations reviewed in the previous parking studies (RPS, LTP, and TMP-Stage 1) are still valid and nothing in this analysis suggests they should not be followed or explored based on the current needs of the RMWB. There is a wide variety of land use types included in each of the municipalities reviewed. While some were similar to the RMWB, others were not. There were varieties of measurement units employed by the different municipalities, such as sq.ft., units, employees, etc. The different land use types and different measurement units made for a difficult comparison between all land uses. However, the residential land uses and their units of measurement were more consistent than most. The resulting analysis concluded that the RMWB parking rates for each of the residential land uses were comparable to the municipalities reviewed. The RMWB road classification had limited commonality across all reviewed municipalities and TAC. While the classifications were different, the review attempted to compare the most similar road types between the RMWB and the municipalities. However, this made comparison of the on-street parking requirements by road class less exact than if the road classes and their naming had been more similar. Overall, the RMWB on-street parking requirements for each individual road classification type are congruent with at least one of the other municipalities. The only exception was the rural collector industrial road class, where parking is not permitted in the RMWB but is permitted in the City of Lethbridge. The Cities of Red Deer and Grande Prairie do not comment. The greatest amount of agreement was in the urban arterial road classification, where on-street parking was not permitted for any of the municipalities reviewed. 6-7 6.6 Recommendations The main recommendations of the previous parking reports that were reviewed as part of this study are: Pay parking: Time limit signage, pay parking, and enforcement should be considered as an integrated strategy to address parking congested areas in the central business district. It should be recognized that adding pay or time limit parking to one area, will directly influence adjacent areas. It is recommended that a parking management strategy study be undertaken (for downtown and residential areas). In fact, this study is being commissioned by the RMWB for April 2011. Parking authority: The traffic engineering and operations department is capable of planning and operating the parking system in the RMWB. A parking authority is not recommended. High vehicle to home ratio (residential): The high ratio is created by the unique residential housing and apartment rental market in the RMWB. Enforcement, parking time limits, residential parking permits, and road widening (as per the cross-sections) to address the parking needs. The parking rates for the land uses identified in the LUB are similar to other municipalities of comparable population size in the Province of Alberta. The land use types and residential parking rates in particular are very similar to the Cities of Lethbridge, Red Deer, and Grande Prairie. If the residential parking rate is problematic for the RMWB, a survey of that land use type within the RMWB is recommended to confirm the occupancy of per household and the number of vehicles per household in order to establish a parking standard for that specific residential land use type. On-street parking can be accommodated on almost all road classifications if necessary; however, it is better suited to lower speed roads with higher land use density. From a review of TAC and a peer review of comparable municipalities, on-street parking recommendations for the recommended road cross-sections are provided in Table 6-3. Table 6-3: On-Street Parking Requirement by Road Classification Road Classification Divided Not Permitted Undivided Not Permitted Industrial Permitted Commercial Permitted Residential Permitted Residential / Commercial Permitted Industrial Permitted Collector All Not Permitted Local All Not Permitted Arterial Urban Collector Local Rural On-Street Parking 6-8 7. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MANAGEMENT - SYSTEMS REVIEW 7.1 Acknowledgment HDR | iTRANS wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Mr. James McIlveen, RET, Senior Engineering Technologist, Engineering Department, for his assistance by providing his years of experience, relevant documentation, and background knowledge of the traffic control systems currently deployed in RMWB. We are also grateful for Mr. Arif’s insight and comments regarding this chapter. 7.1.1 Background According to FHWA1’s Traffic Control System Handbook (2005), “Traffic Signals and Traffic Management affects the life of virtually everyone every day. Even on uncongested routes, stops at traffic signals punctuate an urban or suburban area trip. Drivers confidently place their own and their passenger’s physical safety in a signal’s ability to allocate rights-of-way.” The report goes on to add that “inefficient operation annoys motorists. Inefficiencies silently steal dollars from the public in the form of increased fuel costs and longer travel times.” In 2005, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo’s (RMWB) population was approximately 61,000. The 2031 population is forecasted to reach 250,000. Vehicular traffic is growing at the rate of 10% per year. The jurisdiction is facing increasingly complex issues with respect to traffic control and traffic management. Without the safe and efficient movement of goods and services, the safety of its citizens may be compromised and the growth of the local economy may be hindered. This fact has been recognized by the municipality and there is a desire to be prepared to tackle the future. HDR | iTRANS has been enlisted to prepare a report on the current state-of-practice in the RMWB and provide a framework for the future so that the RMWB is able to effectively manage the growing issues with regard to traffic control and traffic management. Our investigation addresses the current state of traffic control and traffic management at the RMWB, and provides recommendations and a staged plan to meet the future demands. Our recommendations will also offer suggestions with regard to staffing, staff training, and infrastructure improvements. 7.1.2 Vision The Vision for the RMWB’s Traffic Signal Management is to have the ability to provide a comprehensive approach and to move towards employing control systems to managing traffic on municipal and Alberta Transportation (AT) road networks. 1 Federal Highway Administration – part of the US Department of Transportation 7-1 In order to achieve this goal, several steps are required: 1. Ensure that the appropriate policies and standards are in place to guide the process. 2. Build or update the infrastructure and systems to support the required management and control methodologies. 3. Ensure that the necessary and trained human resources required to operate and maintain the infrastructure and systems are in place. 4. Build a cooperative and sharing relationship with AT. 7.1.3 Overview Traffic Management Systems are both diverse and complex. A Traffic Management System is composed of three major subsystems that must work in harmony for the whole to be effective. The major subsystems include: Central Control and Monitoring. Communications Network(s) to allow the exchange of data. Field Equipment (mostly traffic signal controllers, but may include other Intelligent Traffic System devices such as variable message signs, transit signal priority, video monitoring, and emergency services signal pre-emption. Although each subsystem can have its own unique functions and characteristics, it must be compatible with the other subsystems. For example, a wireless communications network may solve the problem of spanning a river to get data to and from the other side, but can the radio interface with the field devices or provide data with low enough latency to be effective? This issue is typical of assembling complex systems such as traffic management systems. An open system architecture, whereby equipment from different manufacturers can in actual fact be intermixed on the same network, will ensure a long and efficient life of a traffic management solution. In many jurisdictions, traffic control devices represent an accumulation of different equipment that has been procured from multiple manufacturers over an extended time period. As a result, both the maintenance level-of-effort and the equipment’s condition may vary greatly, affecting the hardware's ability to perform its prescribed task. Also, existing equipment may not be compatible with a desired control system or strategy, precluding its continued use in a new system environment. Recent years have seen significant effort in standardizing traffic controller hardware thereby facilitating equipment interchangeability. It is this approach that will permit the RMWB to be able to expand its traffic management system; add new functions and features; and adjust to a changing environment, as time and resources permit. 7-2 7.2 Overview of Traffic Management Systems According to a recent publication2, “Traffic Signal Management is the planning, design, integration, maintenance, and proactive management of a traffic signal system in order to achieve policy based objectives to improve the efficiency, consistency, safety, and reliability of the traffic signal system. This includes the design and maintenance of timing parameters for the traffic conditions as well as the maintenance of the equipment. Traffic signal systems include a wide variety of subsystems, such as traffic signal displays, traffic signal controllers, detection systems, data-collection and archiving, surveillance and monitoring, and telecommunications.” Traffic control and traffic management has expanded greatly since its introduction in the early 1920s. It has paralleled the development of the automobile and that of electronics. More sophisticated electronics has permitted systems to be more multipurpose, easier to use for the control and monitoring of traffic. The invention of the microprocessors has not only given us HD-TV and the iPOD3 but it has increased the capabilities of both the traffic signal controllers and the traffic management systems alike. Modern traffic control and management systems offer far greater capabilities than their predecessors. In addition to traffic control, modern systems are able to control variable message signs, view and control surveillance cameras, collect and archive traffic data, provide special event management, provide authorized vehicles with special signal timings or special signal displays, and much more. Advances in communication technology, such as wireless unlicensed radio and cellular networks, have made connectivity easier and more affordable, especially for those remote areas that were ‘unreachable’ before. Data ‘pipes’ are now large enough to permit traffic control, video monitoring and many other ITS4 functions to be carried over a single network. These systems can then be monitored from almost anywhere in the world. The Traffic Control and Traffic Management Centre, more commonly called a Traffic Management Centre (TMC), manages and monitors the current operating characteristics of the traffic signal controllers, monitors the roadway conditions through the use of closed circuit television (CCTV) surveillance cameras; manages Variable Message Signs (VMS); collects and stores traffic count data and also provides a number of other reporting functions for management of the system. Exhibit 7-1 indicates a typical TMC configuration. 2 Regional Traffic Signal Operations Programs: An Overview, FHWA, October 2009 Registered Trademark of Apple Inc 4 Acronym for Intelligent Transportation Systems 3 7-3 Exhibit 7-1: Basic Traffic Management System The TMC is a tool for reducing congestion that can benefit motorists. Through the use of technology, operators have quicker access to more information about the cause of traffic situations. Faster access to more data for decision making means operators will be able to address traffic problems more quickly, take pro-active measures by adjusting traffic signals, rerouting traffic and many other mitigating measures at his or her disposal. 7-4 The TMC Control and Management functions may include any or all of the following operations: Collection of data for development of signal timing plans and other functions Development and implementation of timing plans and the repository of the traffic control system database CCTV and other information sources Implementation of motorist information by means of changeable message signs, highway advisory radio, independent service providers, media and websites Management of incidents on surface streets Applying transit signal priority Applying emergency vehicle signal pre-emption Sharing data / information with other agencies such as: Emergency Response – Fire Department, Towing Services, etc. Incident Management – RCMP, Ambulances, etc. The centralized command and control point, the TMC, is a crucial building block in an overall traffic management strategy for the RMWB. Noted in the following subsections are examples of the functions that may be included in a traffic management solution. 7.2.1 Traffic Management Software The Traffic Management Software (TMS) is the central element for traffic operations. It is the user’s access to all the functions that TMS provides so it is more effective if it has a familiar feel and presents an easy-to-manoeuvre interface to set-up, monitor, log, and change the parameters of the functions offered. 7-5 Key Features A number of key features that the TMS should include are: The TMS should have an intuitive menu structure and directory tree. The menu structure or interface should follow the common MS Windows pull-down menu format without excessive layers of embedded menus. The TMS should provide a list from which individual intersections can be selected, displayed, and field devices accessed. The TMS should provide a system map. Basic functionality should include a layer table and the ability to create layers that can be turned on and off to display data that is referenced from database tables. It should have the ability to sort, filter, and group any field in the layer table: Customizable buttons or icons should be placeable and anchored anywhere on the system map. Pop-up messages and icons should be user defined and displayed on the system map and layers of the system map: Pop-up messages should appear in real-time indicating locations of original data sources and the condition triggering the message. The data sources should include, but are not limited to the following field device systems: Traffic Signal Controller status Transit Signal Priority (TSP) requests and whether or not TSP has been granted Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption (EVP) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Status Video Detection System Output Count Station Output VMS Weather Monitoring Stations The TMS should provide polling of field devices in real-time - defined as no less than once per second to update information. The TMS should provide time synchronization to all traffic signal controllers at least once per day. The TMS should provide event tracking and logging. Users should be able to schedule events such as construction closures with beginning and ending dates and times. The TMS should be capable of communicating to field devices using the following media: Optical Fibre and Fibre Modems Wireless Wi-Fi or Broadband POTS5 and Dial-up Modems The TMS should support CCTV display and PTZ6 control through a video matrix switch Users at central and remote workstations should be able to select, control, and view PTZ camera images according to permissions as specified by the privileges set. The TMS should support display wall video. 5 6 Plain Old Telephone System Pan-Tilt-Zoom 7-6 The TMS should support remote workstations and secure remote multi-agency, multijurisdictional workstations. The TMS should support import and export of SYNCHRO7 and VISSIM8 data and signal phasing plans for coordinated and stand alone signals. The TMS should import optimized signal timing plans created by SYNCHRO and populate the appropriate fields for the signal controller interface. The TMS should provide a graphical time-space diagram based on historical signal controller data for a series of user-selected intersections. The TMS should provide a graphical real-time and historical signal phase split monitor. The TMS should provide NTCIP Centre-to-Centre access and control for traffic signal control, VMS control, and data exchange from the central database. The minimum requirement for NTCIP functionality is support for the mandatory objects. The TMS should support customizable alarm events and alarm event logging. The TMS should support customizable linking of central database entries to trigger central system events including, alarms, pages, pop-up messages, and automated field device controls. The TMS should support scheduled-event device control. The TMS should support planned-events. The TMS should support custom reports that include user-specified dates and times, userspecified database querying, and system status reporting. The TMS should provide multiple-users with definable access codes and privileges. The TMS should have the ability to acquire the system time reference from either a Global Positioning Systems (GPS) or a Network Time Protocol source. 7.2.2 Traffic Signal Pre-emption / Priority During interviews with staff, the subject of signal pre-emption for fire and signal priority for transit was discussed. Although, these applications are beyond the scope of this review, the following information is provided as background for future reference. Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption Traffic signal pre-emption began in the late 1970s as a method of providing better service to emergency vehicles, generally fire trucks, at signalized intersections and therefore resulted in improved response times. As traffic volumes increased and queuing at signals became a significant factor in delaying emergency vehicles on route to a fire or incident, signal preemption was conceived to provide right-of-way to the approaching vehicle(s). Since that time, many agencies have implemented emergency vehicle pre-emption (EVP) in an effort to improve service and reduce response times. Concept of Operations In order to implement EVP, the fire truck must acknowledge that it is approaching a signalized intersection; is requesting a priority (Code 3); is an authorized vehicle to obtain pre-emption; and is a pre-determined distance or time from the intersection. This information is then 7 8 Registered trademark of Trafficware Inc Registered trademark of PTV America 7-7 communicated to the local traffic signal controller via a number of different methods. The local intersection receives this information, validates it, and responds by providing a green signal to the approaching emergency vehicle as quickly and as safely as possible. To provide the green signal as soon as possible, the local intersection controller will perform a number of actions: Reduce or skip conflicting phases Skip or reduce conflicting pedestrian movements Reduce phase green times to a minimum The methodology and signal timings for EVP can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and from traffic signal controller manufacturer to manufacturer. Types of Systems One of the earliest forms of detection was a manual push button located in the Fire hall. Later, detection system developed to be located on the vehicle and one of the most popular on-vehicle EVP systems is 3M’s (now GTT) Opticom9. A visible light emitter on the emergency vehicle produced a high intensity strobe light which was detected by a receiver at the intersection, decoded and prompted the control system to move the local intersection controller from its current signal position to one which provides a green display for the approaching vehicle. Later, as traffic signal controllers became ‘smarter’, the device provided a signal to the local controller and the controller managed the signal change process through internal logic. In recent years, as GPS have become available, EVP systems have been moving to GPS to determine the location of the emergency vehicle as it approaches the signalized intersection, and wireless technology is employed to communicate its request for priority to the local intersection. Other features of this type of system include allowing the dispatcher or other personnel to monitor the location of the emergency vehicle; on-board devices can tell the driver if he has or will get the right-of-way as requested; or whether another approaching vehicle has priority or even a higher priority. Also, a number of performance factors, intersection delays, travel times, etc., can be logged for later analysis and consequently improve response times. Transit Signal Priority Within the past decade, TSP has gained popularity in North America. Deployed for decades in Europe, TSP is an operational strategy that facilitates the movement of in-service transit vehicles, either buses or streetcars, through traffic-signal controlled intersections. Although Signal Priority and Signal Pre-emption are often used synonymously, they are different! 9 Opticom is a registered trademark of 3M Company and GTT 7-8 TSP attempts to accommodate an approaching transit vehicle by either extending the green time to allow the vehicle to pass through the intersection, or by truncating the red time (reducing conflicting green times) so that a transit vehicle obtains a green signal sooner. The underlying principle during TSP is to make timing modifications that do not significantly impact signal coordination (that is, its timing relationship with adjacent intersections). Pre-emption, on the other hand, interrupts the signal timing at an intersection to provide a green signal display as quickly as possible for an approaching Emergency Vehicle. Maintaining co-ordination is not a consideration during pre-emption. The primary objectives of TSP are: Reduce transit vehicle travel times Reduce transit schedule variability To accomplish these objectives, an efficient TSP is required. An efficient TSP system is one that maximizes the benefits for transit while keeping the negative impacts on traffic to a minimum. These objectives are accomplished by: Accurate vehicle detection Sophisticated TSP control algorithms Effective monitoring, reporting and adjustments Concept of Operations TSP is generally accomplished by either truncating the conflicting phases green display (early return) or extending the Co-phase green (green extension) or both to permit the transit quicker passage through the intersection. The time values for the various parameters are dependant upon a number of factors: Agency policies with respect to phase and pedestrian skipping Near-side or far-side stops Controller minimum and split timing values In general, actual implementation experience has shown transit vehicle travel time improvements in the 10 - 20% range. Types of Systems Infrared Based Detection The infrared signal emitted from the approaching vehicle is detected by a receiver installed at the intersection (see Exhibit 7-2). The strength of the signal increases as the vehicle approaches the intersection and when it reaches a pre-determined threshold, the signal is picked up by the receiver. The location where the signal threshold strength has been met is equivalent to the check-in location (distance limiting adjustment). The signal is transmitted and received as long as the transit vehicle is approaching the intersection. As the transit vehicle enters the intersection the signal reception stops. This action is equivalent to the ‘check-out’ call. 7-9 Receiver IR Light Emitter Local controller Exhibit 7-2: IR System Block Diagram GPS / Wireless Based Detection The position of the vehicle is continuously monitored through GPS (see Exhibit 7-3). When the vehicle reaches a pre-defined location, a radio signal is sent to the receiver placed at the intersection. There can be pre-defined locations, for check-in, check-out, or intermediate points. GPS RF Transmitter Antenna/Receiver Local controller Exhibit 7-3: GPS / Wireless System Block Diagram 7.2.3 Variable Message Signs The main purpose of VMS on a roadway is to communicate information. The VMS is used to advise drivers about emergencies, incidents, special events, construction, etc. and is intended to improve safety and minimize the impact of congestion. 7-10 From a European study10 came the following results. “All aspects of VMS messaging were considered to be performing satisfactorily. The highest performing aspects were: The information being easy to read Safety messages about driving In general, respondents found VMS useful; 53% thought VMS enable them to choose a better route and 55% stated they help save time on a journey which is very similar to responses in the 1999 survey. 78% of respondents stated VMS help them to avoid problems and 93% thought VMS did warn of potential problems ahead. Both these results were significantly higher than in 1999. Virtually all (89%) agreed that they “usually take notice of VMS signs and take action” which is significantly higher than in 1999 (up from 82%). Only 7% agreed that they “usually notice VMS signs but ignore the advice”. A small minority 3% either “did not notice the VMS signs” or “used to take notice of VMS signs but don’t now.” VMS may be used to communicate different types of information. For example: Recurring events, such as alternate routes around bottlenecks during rush hours Non-recurring events, such as construction, lane closures or detours Roadside facilities and attractions such as parking availability and recommended routes for sporting and entertainment events Weather and other natural events such as rockslides or floods Traffic management operations such as the activation of reversible lanes Travel times along segments of a roadway. Messages can be generated from a pre-existing library or customized for the situation. The signs can be fixed or portable. Portable signs are more suitable for changing situations such as construction. Over the next few years, road construction will play a significant part in the lives of RMWB residents. In which case, VMS may be employed to assist the motoring public during periods of construction, road closures, events such as forest fires, major accidents, highway blockages, and other activities that are important to the travelling public. For example, recent work by HDR | iTRANS has shown that travel times through construction zones can be determined with a high degree of accuracy and therefore this information may be posted on a VMS so the motorist can make an informed decision about route selection. 10 Effectiveness of Variable Message Signs – a users perspective (2005). Authors: R Brannan, Scottish Executive, UK; T Edwards, P Murphy, Faber Maunsell, UK; P McGillion, National Network Control Centre, UK 7-11 7.2.4 Count Stations Count Stations provide a basic measurement required for design, planning or control of traffic. The resulting data is used for many diverse applications, among them: Planning of roads construction and / or widening Statistical analysis of road use to calculate wear and predict maintenance requirements Origin / destination matrix generation Help in designing traffic signal control timing plans Many others There are two methods which can be used to carry out traffic counts: 1. Permanent 2. Manual Permanent Count Stations Established at permanent locations, permanent counts are commonly used to carry out 24 hour counts at mid-way points between intersections. Results of those counts could provide information related to fluctuation of traffic volumes, vehicle classification, and speeds on a daily basis and are a very good source of information related to changes of traffic patterns and traffic flow structure over the longer periods of time. Video-Based Traffic Counts Video detection systems, using machine vision technology, are becoming increasing popular for a number of applications. Video cameras, and specialty computer hardware and software interact to measure traffic parameters such as: Traffic flow data per lane Traffic Flow Speed Zone Occupancy Integrated vehicle traffic data Volume (count) and Average Speed per vehicle class per lane Headway, Gap Time per length class per lane Occupancy, Density and Vehicle Length per lane Speed, Gap Time, Headway Vehicle Classification (by vehicle length) However, the accuracy of video image detection systems is dependent upon factors such as the camera height, location, and angle above the roadway. Environmental factors such as rain, sun intensity, and day / night also affect vehicle detection accuracy. Manual Traffic Counts Manual traffic counts, on the other hand, are carried out at the intersections and are intended to provide information with respect to turning movements, etc. This type of count is usually performed by observers using data recorders. 7-12 Manual counts can also be obtained through the use of Automatic Traffic Recorders (ATR). An ATR is placed at particular locations ensuring that they can detect and count passing vehicles. ATRs capture information on the direction of passing traffic, the speed at which a vehicle is travelling, the number of vehicles and their classification (cars, truck, buses etc.) based on the number of axles through the use of road tubes. 7.2.5 Video Surveillance Cameras The main purpose of Video Surveillance Cameras is to visually monitor traffic flow, road and weather conditions and to identify incidents or other traffic related slowdowns or events. It is difficult to watch video cameras on a 24 / 7 basis, so video surveillance is normally employed after a condition has been detected another application. Cameras intended for red-light running, speed enforcement, etc require different configurations and locations and not deployed for the video surveillance task. Video surveillance cameras have become commonplace in most cities. The real-time video provides an overview and quick review of traffic patterns, weather conditions permitting quick decisions or action to be taken. In the event of a regional disaster, video can be very helpful in determining a course of action to an unplanned event. Video from these cameras can be viewed on the TMC monitors, sent to the media, or forwarded to remote locations such as AT in Edmonton. Video cameras may also be used to provide many other functions such as: Stopped vehicles on roadway Drivers going the wrong way Fallen objects on the roadway Traffic congestion Levels of service 7.2.6 Roadway Weather Information Systems Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) are a combination of technologies that collects and disseminates weather and road condition information. Sensors measure a range of weather-related conditions, including pavement temperature and status (wet, dry, snow), subsurface pavement temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation (amount, occurrence, type), water level conditions, humidity, and visibility. The component of an RWIS that collects weather data is the environmental sensor station (ESS). An ESS is a suite of sensors that collects and transmits pavement and meteorological data. This data is transmitted to automated warning systems, traffic operations centers, emergency operations centers, and road maintenance facilities for decisions and actions. 7-13 7.3 Review of Existing Conditions Appendix 7-B provides an overview of the existing traffic control device within the RMWB. 7.3.1 Review and Inventory of Traffic Management Software Municipal With the help of RMWB staff, an inventory was conducted of the traffic management software owned by the municipality. The following summarizes the findings: 1. Traconex’s11 ‘Traconet’ Closed Loop Software – was purchased in the 1980s. It is used to manage the traffic signal database and timing plans for the local intersection Traconex controllers. It is typically connected to a remote arterial master via leased lines. The software may also be used to directly connect to the Traconex traffic signal controllers for database up and down loads. 2. RMWB owns two TMM-500 Area Masters which were installed at City Hall servicing the North and South of the Athabasca River. Both have been removed and are now in storage. When installed in the 1980’s, this software was very advanced for its time. However, with advancing technology, the Traconet software is to a great extent out-of-date, and the software only runs on a DOS-based computer (one laptop computer has been allocated to this task). This software has very limited capabilities and use has generally been discontinued due to the lack of trained operators. Alberta Transportation Since taking this inventory, we have learned that AT has an icons Advanced Traffic Management System (fifty intersection license) which was originally destined for Fort McMurray installation, but is currently in storage (for the past two years) at EPCOR in Edmonton. A conceptual plan was created by AT in 2005 for a Traffic Signal Communications Scheme that included Highway 63, Thickwood Boulevard, Confederation Way, Beacon Hill, Hospital Overpass, and McKenzie Boulevard as well a Traffic Operations Centre located at the Provincial Building. For the most part, the plan was not implemented except AT has adopted the controller configuration for its new installations along Highway 63 and the installation of cameras on the bridge over the Athabasca River. A copy of this plan is included in the Appendix 7-G for reference. 11 Traconex is a Traffic Signal Controller manufacturer – now part of Peek Traffic Corporation 7-14 7.3.2 Review and Inventory of Local Intersection Equipment On-Street Intersection Control Equipment An inventory was taken of the on-street traffic control devices. Each intersection / crossing was visited, basic equipment documented. The results of the survey are presented in the Appendix 7-A. Overall, given the age of the some of the equipment, it is generally in good condition. However, the intersection equipment has, for the most part, exceeded its normal life expectancy, making it difficult to obtain replacement parts, and prone to increased maintenance. Since it is does not comply with the standards of today, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to provide the monitoring and control that is expected from a modern traffic management system. Existing Permanent Count Stations Loop-based permanent count stations are located at: Thickwood Boulevard between Signal Road and Silin Forest Road Franklin Avenue between Clearwater Crescent and Father Mercredi Street Highway 63 at the top of Beacon Hill (AT) The count stations on RMWB roads are not currently working. Existing Surveillance Cameras AT has installed two Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) surveillance cameras located on Highway 63 at the Athabasca River Bridge: one to ‘look’ north; the other to ‘look’ south. Fort McMurray obtained access to the bridge camera April 2010. 7.3.3 Communication Networks Communications is the ‘heart of a traffic management and control system’. To communicate to local intersections, the intersection controller must be equipped with a device that provides the interface to the controller – that is a modem for the type appropriate for the communications method. For hard wire, it is a serial data modem; for fibre-optics, it is a fibre modem; and for wireless, it is a wireless modem. Some communication networks already exist in the RMWB connecting traffic signals to master controllers. Below is a summary of the main networks within the RMWB. Appendix 7-C provides an overall configuration of the existing networks. Thickwood Boulevard An existing telephone-style, copper-based multi-conductor cable runs from Dickens Boulevard to Timberline Drive. A fibre-optic cable has also been installed in the same area; however, it is currently not connected to any devices. 7-15 The serial interface cards for the controllers have been removed from the controllers. The master controller was never installed and is stored at the water treatment plant. We have verified the master is still in working order; however, the net result is that interconnection of these signals is disabled. A leased telephone line is available at Signal Road to City Hall for remote monitoring. The communications networks were not inspected or tested, but observations indicate the cables appear to be in good condition. A new Econolite Aries Master Controller has been installed at the Real Martin / Dickens intersection [Spring 2010]. Confederation Way Lease telephone circuits are available at Carteret Drive, Brett Drive West, Cartier Place, and Brett Drive East. It was not determined if the TELUS circuits to City Hall are still active. Again, the serial interface cards for the controllers have been removed. The result is that interconnection of these signals is disabled. A new radio interconnect communications has been installed along Confederation Way [Spring 2010]. Franklin Avenue An existing telephone-style copper-based cable runs from Highway 63 and Garrison Street along Franklin Avenue to Highway 63 and Hospital Street. A leased-line connection exists at Franklin Avenue and Hardin Street to connect the on-street master to the water treatment plant. This system is also disabled. 7.3.4 Review of Traffic Management Practices Traffic Signal Report Card In 2008, the Canadian Institute of Traffic Engineer (CITE) issued the Canadian National Traffic Signal Report Card, a follow-on to a similar study that was conducted in the USA. The purpose of the report card was to: Assess the current state of traffic signal management and operation Identify deficiencies in traffic signal systems and highlight ways to improve operation Bring attention to the current state of traffic signal systems Create awareness of the congestion-reducing benefits of good traffic signal management and operation Provide a benchmarking tool for jurisdictions to identify opportunities for improvement in traffic signal 7-16 The report is a “… self assessment consisted of 50 questions in the topic areas of management; signal operations at individual intersection and in coordinated systems; signal timing practices; traffic monitoring and data collection; and maintenance. The self assessment provided descriptive information on the activities necessary to achieve a benchmark score of “5” and the opportunity to specify if an activity was not applicable to an agency. The Canadian Traffic Signal Report Card provides a composite score and letter grade for Canada derived from the 28 agencies’ responses to the 2007 Traffic Signal Operations Self Assessment. Questions focused on outcomes of traffic signal operations and their performance measures instead of outputs. The report card uses the aggregate of the responses to determine the average national score for each section and the associated letter grade. Individual results are anonymous”. Complete details of the report may be obtained at The report card was completed for the RMWB as a comparison to the other agencies with less than 50 traffic signals with regard to current practices regarding traffic management. The intent and purpose of this report card is to create a benchmarking tool for the RMWB to identify opportunities for improvement in its traffic signal management. In summary, the report card indicates; Under management, the RMWB compared well with other reporting agencies Under signal operation – individual / coordinated, the results were slightly under the benchmark Signal timing practices came in at above the average Under traffic monitoring, again better than the benchmark Under maintenance, indications that the RMWB does it better than the average However, with an average score of 43%, improvements in all areas of signal operations are suggested. The completed results are in the Appendix 7-H. (Note: an area has been provided for updating the report card over the next few years) 7.4 Operational Requirements Interviews were conducted with key RMWB personnel to obtain an understanding of the key traffic signal management issues facing the RMWB that should be addressed in a traffic signal management strategy. Below is a summary of those discussions. 7-17 7.4.1 Management HDR | iTRANS met with Mr. Darcy Elder, Manager, Infrastructure Branch Public Works, in order to obtain his input and vision for traffic management in the RMWB. His comments were as follows: The traffic system has been deteriorating over the past three years. $300,000 has been allocated for traffic signal cabinet upgrades. Eight new cabinets and controllers will be replaced – 50% complete. $500,000 has been allocated for an LED traffic signal upgrade. 90% complete. In addition, a new radio-based interconnect was added along Confederation Way. A Traffic Operations Centre must be part of a staged plan for the future. Increased human resources are needed. For example; a planner and two technicians. Staff training is high on the priority list. Would prefer a web-based approach to a traffic management system. 7.4.2 Roads Maintenance HDR | iTRANS met with Mr. Kevin Eaton, Supervisor of Road Maintenance who expressed the following concerns: It is important that the traffic signal system provide existing timing conditions at the time of an accident – for insurance purposes. The permanent count stations to provide volume and speed data for statistical analysis. Loop detection is an issue in the RMWB because of pavement conditions. Staff training is required because of new and inexperienced personnel. 7.4.3 Transit HDR | iTRANS met with Ms. Michelle Brewer, Transit Coordinator who shared the following comments: Fort McMurray currently has thirty-three buses and will be adding twelve more in 2010. Bus service operates 5:30 AM to Midnight. Main issue is getting riders to school on time. The bus schedule is very loose to allow for expected delays in traffic, particularly when it applies to the special school buses – so they can arrive on-time for school. Also operate a Para transit service. Transit Signal priority has a high level of interest in Fort McMurray. 7-18 7.4.4 Fire Department HDR | iTRANS met with the Deputy Fire Chief Greg MacMillan, to discuss the implications for the traffic signal system and EVP requirements. The following items were discussed: Fort McMurray has three fire halls. The fire department has a fleet of 28 vehicles – 19 in-town, and 9 out-of-town. Opticom12 was partially installed in the Urban Services Area but is not working at the present time. Fort McMurray’s GIS Department is investigating / evaluating Grey Island Systems’ InterFleet13 product. InterFleet is a real-time Internet-based GPS / AVL fleet management solution for public sector fleet tracking. For EVP, fire department requested that room be made available in the cabinet for hardware and that they request that EVP to be installed at critical intersections in RMWB. Fire Hall #4 fire truck exit control system was damaged and is in the process of being replaced. 7.4.5 Other GIS Department HDR | iTRANS briefly met with Ingrid Aldridge, Manager of Geographic Information Systems, in order to establish a contact in the event that GIS data may be required for this project. Information Technology Department HDR | iTRANS briefly met with James O’Reilly, Supervisor of Systems Development and Support in order to establish a contact in the event that information technology support may be required for this project. 7.5 Summary and Recommendations 7.5.1 General There are a number of challenges for the RMWB to manage its growing population and traffic. The most challenging is that of experienced personnel who are able to take the project forward on an ongoing, consistent basis. As the population and traffic continues to grow, basic traffic operations such as coordination and signal maintenance become more acute. The infrastructure is aging and will not meet the forecasted demands of the jurisdiction. A concerted effort at this point will ‘turn the tide’ and begin building a new framework to meet the needs for the next decade or more. Below, we have addressed the major elements of the Traffic Management System architecture that require attention. 12 13 Registered trademark of 3M Company and GTT Registered trademark of Grey Island Systems 7-19 7.5.2 Traffic Management The Traffic Management Centre A centralize command and control point, the TMC, is a crucial building block in an overall traffic management strategy for the RMWB. A Traffic Management Centre (TMC) will provide many potential benefits to the RMWB: Provide a central point for traffic management. Provide a central point for data collection and recording. Increase traffic safety through effective incident response and clearance techniques. Provide traveler information regarding planned and unplanned events. Enhance communication in all aspects of transportation management (planning, design, implementation, operation, maintenance). Potential for the TMC to become the Emergency Command Centre for the RMWB. Until a new Public Works building is completed, it is recommended that the TMC be housed at the water treatment plant. Communications from the traffic signals can be terminated at this location, and Fort McMurray’s internal communications network is also available to provide other departments such as transit, planning etc with archival and real-time information. This building is also home to the personnel who will manage the TMC. A conceptual artist’s drawing is provided in Appendix 7-E to help visualize such a facility. Traffic Management Software The existing traffic management software is old and has very limited capabilities, therefore it should be replaced. As noted above, AT has a traffic management system, Econolite’s ‘icons’ system, in storage that was originally targeted for Fort McMurray installation. In conversation with Blair Knott, AT, he acknowledged that the software and hardware is in storage at EPCOR in Edmonton. AT is on-board with the concept of utilizing this system as a core for the RMWB Traffic Management System in its proposed Traffic Operations Centre. Unfortunately, the system has been there for some time and is now out-of-date – replaced by a more comprehensive system. It also may not include some of the features that the RMWB may need for it traffic operations in the future. 7-20 According to the supplier, Econolite Canada Ltd: The icons system contains no additional modules - such as CCTV or Synchro14. To upgrade to Centracs15, new server hardware would be required as icons and Centracs are completely different. Software upgrade costs are approximately over $120,000, and it would not include the hardware upgrades estimated to be $25,000. The icons will no longer be upgraded or added to, as all resources for development will be in Centracs. The major benefit with Centracs is its windows presentation foundation and its flexibility to add-on additional functions in the future. Also, with Centracs it is much easier to add intersections and graphics - included in the standard offering. It is recommended that discussions take place with AT on the subject of upgrading the icons software to Centracs; include the features listed above and that the RMWB assume ownership of the system. 7.5.3 Communications Network Because of the area’s topology and how the RMWB has grown over the years, the traffic signals were interconnected in subgroups or zones. The zones, Franklin, Thickwood and Confederation, operated from a zone, on-street master which in turn was connected to a monitoring system at the RMWB Hall. This architecture does not permit the direct control of each intersection, a must-have attribute for a modern Traffic Management and Control System. As noted above, work carried out by AT has resulted in the development of 5.8 GHz Broadband backbone from Beacon Hill to the water treatment plant; from north of Highway 63 at Confederation Way also to the water treatment plant. Apparently, a communications tower was planned at the water treatment plant to provide the height required to reach these distant points. Typical throughput for such a system is five megabits with transfer rates over 15 megabits possible. This data rate is more than sufficient for traffic control and management and would also allow for some video surveillance to be broadcast as well. HDR | iTRANS suggest that the RMWB enter into discussions with AT to secure utilization of this existing wireless network. Appendix 7-D outlines how such a configuration may be structured. At the same time, any new roadways or new networks should include the installation of fibreoptic cable. 14 15 Synchro is a registered trademark of Trafficware Inc Centracs is a registered trademark of Econolite Inc 7-21 Also, it is further recommended that the hard-wire interconnect along Franklin Avenue be upgraded to fibre-optic as the controllers are being upgraded. Similarly, the same process takes place along Confederation Way. In concert with Fort McMurray’s Information Systems Group, a comprehensive communications network should be developed to explore the sharing of this network with other departments and consequently reduce overall costs for the RMWB. Appendix 7-D shows a possible configuration. 7.5.4 Local Intersection Control As noted above, the local intersection equipment is aging, built to outdated specifications, and limited in its control capabilities. The intersection equipment should be upgraded to modern standards so as to build a sound foundation for moving forward with a comprehensive traffic management schema. A scheduled replacement program is recommended in the final section of this Chapter. The RMWB has begun preparation of a standard traffic signal cabinet configuration based on NEMA16 TS-2, Type 1 traffic controller specification (Std Dwg 4-2002 3/2009). HDR | iTRANS agrees with this approach and proposes that it become a formalized document for procurement purposes. It is further proposed that a testing facility be included in the TMC to allow for type-testing of traffic signal cabinets (and other traffic related devices) for compliance to the RMWB’s specifications. Also, a weighted compliance-matrix be developed to allow supplier selection based on compliance, support, and cost. 7.5.5 Other ITS Devices Permanent Count Stations Information regarding traffic characteristics along a roadway segment is critical to the decision-making process related to traffic engineering, roadway design and upgrades, planning, and air quality analysis. Traffic volume studies are conducted to determine the number, movements, and classifications of roadway vehicles at a given location. This data can help identify critical flow time periods, determine the influence of large vehicular traffic flow, or identify traffic volume trends. Automatic counts are used to gather data for determination of vehicle hourly patterns, daily or seasonal variations and growth trends, or annual traffic estimates. Automatic counts are typically collected from permanent count stations 16 National Electric Manufacturer’s Association 7-22 The existing permanent count stations should to be upgraded or replaced to provide reliable and functional permanent count stations. These count stations should be connected to a new Central Traffic Management System for logging and reporting. Additional permanent count stations are recommended at the following locations: Confederation Way / Brett Drive Thickwood Boulevard / Cornwall Drive Mackenzie Boulevard / MacDonald Crescent The Prairie / Hospital Street Video Surveillance PTZ surveillance cameras are located on Highway 63 at the Athabasca River Bridge; one to ‘look’ north; the other to ‘look’ south. The RMWB currently does not have access to the video feed. A Video Traffic Monitoring System (VTMS) Architecture (Appendix 7-F) was created by AT (through IBI group) in 2007, defining the interconnection of a proposed system. This architecture provided for a video feed to the Traffic Operations Centre at the water treatment plant. Therefore, it is proposed that a feed be made available to the proposed TMC so that the RMWB has monitoring capability of this important area. It is also proposed that additional cameras be installed at critical areas for monitoring purposes. The areas should include: Top of Beacon Hill Highway 63 / Hospital Street Highway 63 / Thickwood Boulevard Highway 63 / Confederation Way Franklin Avenue / Hospital Street Franklin Avenue / Hardin Street Thickwood Boulevard and Signal Road / Cornwall Drive Confederation Way and Louitt Road / Brett Drive All cameras located in residential areas should have pan / tilt restrictions to limit viewing only to the roadway. It is proposed that the VTMS Architecture be used as a template for the development of an area-wide surveillance strategy for the RMWB. Variable Message Signs The main purpose of VMS on the roadway is to give advance warning of problems on the road network. These may include construction, accidents, weather conditions and road closures. When the network is free running, safety messages may be displayed, to encourage good driving. 7-23 Due to the nature of the roadway network, terrain, and weather conditions in the RMWB, it is recommended that VMS be consider as part of an overall traffic safety and public confidence campaign. Proposed locations for the signs are: Top of Beacon Hill – northbound approach On Confederation Way near the approach to Highway 63 On Thickwood Boulevard near the approach to Highway 63 On or near Highway 63 south of Thickwood Boulevard – southbound approach The exact location will be dependant upon right-of-way, sight lines, and the availability if power. 7.5.6 Staffing and Training Considerations TMC Staffing The management of a traffic control system and personnel employed to operate it are an integral part of a complete system. To realize the full potential of a TMS, the following aspects should be available: Technical skills to match the equipment being employed. Management skills to ensure the entire system operated efficiently and effectively. Routine tasks and procedures be followed for effective day-to-day operation. It is recommended that the RMWB commit adequate resources to create and implement effective documentation process for the TMC. Training in operations and maintenance for all areas of the TMC special equipment is essential to effective operations. Operations Staff Training Well-trained staff is the heart of any successful operation, and their professional growth is dependent on exposure to various training opportunities, both internal and external. Training opportunities provide many benefits to the agency as well as the employee. Such benefits include: Increased efficiency and consistency Increased ability to learn and apply new technologies and methods Increased employee satisfaction and motivation Increased creativity and innovation Training is an ongoing need to insure personnel are up-to-date with the latest equipment and that design documents reflect the systems' "as-installed" configuration. Periodic scheduled update training is necessary for new and existing personnel. It is imperative that proper and adequate procedures are in place to maintain comprehensive system’s documentation as any part of the traffic management system is modified or updated. 7-24 Summary of Recommendations A Traffic Operation Centre is needed with web-based user interface features. Accurate and comprehensive data and operations record keeping for legal and operational requirements be established. Increased staff training on traffic signal design, operations and maintenance. Increase reliability of vehicle detection systems for more accurate data and improved signal operation. Improved signal timing updates to al least once every two years. Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption is required at critical intersections. 7.5.7 Five-Year Timeline and Cost Estimates Implementation Timeline and Cost Estimates Table 7-1 provides a timeline for deployment of the recommended Traffic Management Subsystems. Of course, the implementation will be dependant upon both human and financial resources. In any case, the table helps to prioritize the tasks. Cost estimates are also provided as order-of-magnitude. When using these cots, caution should be exercised. Costs for these tasks can vary greatly and it is difficult to provide more accurate estimates until more specific details are created. 7-25 Traffic Management Centre 2014 2013 2012 Sub Task 2011 Task 2010 Table 7-1: Proposed Implementation Time Line Cost Estimate Construct TMC with Video Wall, etc $125,000 Install New Traffic Management System $175,000 Install Broadband Wi-Fi Network (AT) $50,000 Install fibre optic cable – Confederation Way $125,000 Install fibre optic cable – Franklin Avenue $150,000 Connect fibre-optic network – Thickwood Avenue $40,000 Wireless network to Beacon Hill $25,000 Thickwood Boulevard (8) $200,000 Confederation Way (6) $150,000 Franklin Avenue (12) $300,000 Beacon Hill (2) $50,000 Connect to existing cameras at the bridge $10,000 Add CCTV to Confederation Way $50,000 Add CCTV to Thickwood Boulevard $50,000 Add CCTV to Franklin Avenue $50,000 Add CCTV to Beacon Hill $50,000 Upgrade existing stations (2) $20,000 Add new Count Stations (4) $50,000 Variable Message Signs Add VMS (4) $250,000 Operation and Maintenance Staff Training $50,000 Bi-annual Signal Timing Updates $50,000 Communication Network Controller Upgrades Video Surveillance Cameras Permanent Count Stations Summary by Year 2010 $670,000 2011 $250,000 2012 $675,000 2013 $175,,000 2014 $300,000 Total: $2,070,000 7-26 7.5.8 Next Steps The first and most important step is to convene a workshop of all the stakeholders to arrive at an acceptable plan for the future. After agreement, then the near-term tasks (2010 and 2011) should proceed to preliminary and final designs to insure a timely implementation. In addition, the RMWB should immediately take advantage of the existing system verbally offered by AT. Of utmost importance is the communications link for all of the subsystems. This task requires immediate attention. The key components are: Installation of the Broadband Wi-Fi Network. Connection of the Thickwood fibre-optic network. 7-27 8. ROAD CROSS-SECTIONS 8.1 Introduction This Chapter provides typical road cross-sections to be considered by the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) as a basis for updating the RMWB Engineering Service Standards (RWMB Standards) (2009). Typical cross-sections provide general guidance on the requirements for different types of roadways. They identify basic elements and show how these elements fit together within the roadway. Typical cross-sections also inform road right-of-way requirements for corridors. An analysis of transportation requirements, followed by conceptual, functional, and detailed design must be carried out for each corridor individually; typical cross-sections do not remove the need for these steps, but provide a starting point for design. The proposed typical cross-sections are recommended updates to the RMWB Standards to be consistent with the recommendations of the RMWB TMP Stage 2. The following activities were completed to support the development of this Chapter: Review of existing cross-section recommendations in the RMWB Standards. Peer review of typical cross-sections Redevelopment of functional classification system Design of proposed typical cross-sections 8.2 Proposed Road Classification Categories The general road classification system in Canada is defined by the TAC Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (TAC Design Guide) (1999). At a high level, the classification system is defined by the overarching categories of urban roads and rural roads. These categories are further subdivided into freeway, expressway, arterial, collector, and local road types. The road types are divided again by speed limit. Other factors that are considered in the road classification system include land use, service function, traffic volume, flow characteristics, speed, vehicle type, and connections. The RMWB existing road classification does have similar elements to the TAC Design Guide classification, but it does have its own individual considerations as well. The RMWB road classification begins by distinguishing between two categories of roads, urban and rural. The categories are then subdivided into arterial, collector, and local roadway types. To this point, the approach is very similar to the TAC Design Guide and is also comparable to the cities of Grande Prairie, Red Deer, and Lethbridge. Those cities were peer reviewed during the parking strategies section of this report, as they are similar in size to the RMWB and are located in the province of Alberta. However, the three peer reviewed Cities and the RMWB road classification diverges from the TAC Design Guide methodology, and from each other, from that point on. The RMWB considers land use, divided / undivided, and major / minor type designation factors to further divide the three roadway types. This results in a total of 12 individual road classes. However, many of the road classes share very similar characteristics, with only 8-1 one or two differences in their makeup. The peer reviewed Cities use their own factors, resulting in their own road classification list. The City of Grande Prairie has 6 road classes, the City of Red Deer has 12, and the City of Lethbridge has 7. The peer Cities and the RMWB have both a number of common elements and differences in their road classifications. The existing road classification system appears to serve the RMWB well and is reasonably consistent with the peer reviewed systems. However, the design principles outlined in Chapter 2 indicate that the classifications should be modified to provide for the specific needs of Collector and Local Roads in different land use areas. A reorganization of the classification system will address this need, while keeping the RMWB road classification aligned with those of the TAC Design Guide. The following road classification system is proposed: Urban Arterial (Divided and Undivided) Urban Collector (Residential, Commercial, and Industrial) Urban Local (Residential, Industrial)1 Rural Collector (Residential, Industrial) Rural Local (Residential, Industrial) The guidelines for Rural roads provided by the RMWB Standards are sufficient and no modifications are recommended. Because no changes are required, rural roads are not included in the remainder of this Chapter. Laneways and Mobile Home Park are specific roadway uses and are not carried forward in this Chapter for detailed assessment. It is recommended that the Laneway follow the TAC Design Guide and that Mobile Home Park continue to follow the existing roadway standards in the RMWB. 8.3 Cross-Section Components The road right-of-way may accommodate a broad range of uses. Each use has a unique function and space requirements. Following is a list of right-of-way uses that are of special interest to the RMWB: Multi-use Trails are shared two-way cyclist and pedestrian spaces that can be within the road right-of-way. Requirements for trails are outlined in Chapter 3. Multi-use trails should be 2.5 m to 3.5 m wide. A multi-use trail is normally only provided on one side of the roadway with a sidewalk on the opposite side. 1 The typical cross-section for Urban Local roads in commercial areas should align with Urban Local – Residential in areas where ground-floor commercial is close to the road right-of-way and in commercial / residential transition areas. For local roads near traditional ‘big box’ commercial development, the Urban Local – Industrial cross-section may be more appropriate. 8-2 Cycling Trails are exclusive two-way cyclist spaces that can be provided along the road right of way. Requirements for cycling trails are outlined in Chapter 3. Cycling trails should be 3.0 m wide and provided on one side of the road. Where a cycling trail is provided, there should be a sidewalk on both sides of the road. The cycling trail should be closer to the road, with the sidewalk closer to the edge of the right-of-way. Cycle trails should only be provided along arterial roads where there is full signal control and where cyclist signals are provided. A cyclist signal functions very much like a pedestrian push button and signal, except it is intended for the cyclists and located in a position they can access it without dismounting. Drivers do not expect cyclists to approach at high speeds from the roadside. On roads where there are uncontrolled intersections, cycle lanes are preferred. Sidewalks are space reserved for pedestrians, with cyclists are also permitted at low speeds. Sidewalks may be concrete or asphalt. The minimum clear width for a sidewalk is 1.5 m; however, sidewalks should be wider along arterials and along collectors through commercial and residential zones. Boulevards separate the sidewalk and trails from the roadway. They are typically made up of furnishing and edge zones. The furnishing zone typically features street furniture, such as benches and lighting, as well as landscaping. The edge zone is clear to improve road-side safety, to provide for snow storage, and to allow for door swing from onstreet parking. Cycle Lanes are exclusive one-way cyclist spaces provided on the roadway and delineated by pavement markings (or signs for winter use). Where a roadway transitions from cycling lanes to a cycling trail or multi-use trail, the transition should be clearly marked. This is especially important where the cycling lane is on the opposite side of the road than the trail. Wide Shared Lanes are lanes shared by cyclists and vehicles. They should be 4.3 m wide and should be marked with signage and painted Sharrows. Parking Lanes are used to provide on-street parking. General Purpose Lanes are used by passenger vehicles, transit vehicles, and goods movement vehicles. They may also be used by bicycles when no other option is available. The TAC Design Guide recommends lane widths for urban roadways between 3.5 m and 3.7 m; however, it is noted that some agencies use widths up to 3.75 m. The wider lanes result in a 7.5 m width for two general purpose lanes and allow for some narrowing due to snow. Reserved Lanes are reserved for a particular road user, including High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) or transit. Reserved lanes are typically the curb side lane on urban roads. Medians separate opposing directions of traffic and functions as a safety device, by providing space between opposing vehicles, recovery area for errant vehicles, etc. Raised median can also serve as roadway beautification tools with plant material. Curbs separate the road from the roadside on urban roads. These elements are combined with other elements, such as frontages, shoulders, and edge zones, to form the final road cross-section. The road elements that are required (R), permitted (P), and not permitted (X) in each road classification are illustrated in Table 8-1. 8-3 Sidewalk* Boulevard Cycle Lanes Wide Shared Lanes Parking Lanes General Purpose Lanes Reserved Lanes Medians Curbs Urban Arterial Divided Urban Arterial Undivided Urban Collector Residential Urban Collector Industrial Urban Collector Commercial Urban Local Residential / Commercial Urban Local Industrial Rural Collector Rural Local Cycle Trail Road Classification Multi-use Trail* Table 8-1: Cross-section Elements P P P P R R R R P P X X X X R R P P P X R R P P R R P X P R X X R P P R R X X P R X X R P P R R P X P R X X R P P R R P P P R X X R P R** P P P P R** P P R R R P P P P P P P X X R R R X X X X X X R X X *Where a multi-use trail is provided, a sidewalk is only required on the opposite side of the road. ** Required on one side only. 8.4 Recommended Cross-Sections The recommended cross-sections have been designed following the principles outlined in Chapter 2. In general: All sidewalks are separated from the roadway by a boulevard to provide for snow clearance without impeding the sidewalk, parking, or travel lanes. Where a larger boulevard is provided, at least one metre has been left clear as an ‘edge’ zone for snow storage. Sidewalks for new subdivisions should follow the recommended cross-sections. For rehabilitation construction, sidewalks should be considered on a case-by-case basis; if possible following the recommended cross-sections. Cross-section widths have been minimized as much as possible while still safely providing for all modes. In accordance with the TAC Manual, for medians of less than 2.0 m in width the surface is hard, for 2.0 m to 4.5 m in width grass is typically the surface, and for medians wider than 4.5 m the use of trees and shrubs are typical. In addition street lighting is permissible within the median. The typical cross-sections are illustrated below. Some illustrations show possible variations on the basic cross-section (i.e. basic plus cycle lanes, basic plus multi-use trail). 8-4 8.4.1 Urban Arterial Divided The basic cross-section for a four-lane Urban Arterial Divided without a cycle trail requires 34.0 m of right-of way. Where indicated by expected traffic volumes, a six-lane Urban Arterial Divided with a 41.5 m right-of-way may be appropriate. The buffer zone surface treatment is at the discretion of the designer, but should be a hard surface as the TAC Manual provides some advice by noting grass should be installed in narrow strips. The typical cross-section is illustrated in Exhibit 8-1. Exhibit 8-1: Urban Arterial Divided 8-5 8.4.2 Urban Arterial Undivided The basic cross-section for Urban Arterial Undivided without cycle lanes requires 28.0 m of right-of way. The typical cross-section is illustrated in Exhibit 8-2. Exhibit 8-2: Urban Arterial Undivided 8-6 8.4.3 Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) The basic cross-section for a four-lane Urban Arterial Divided with a berm and a cycle trail requires 58.5 m of right-of way. Where indicated by expected traffic volumes, a six-lane Urban Arterial Divided with a 65.0 m right-of-way may be appropriate. The typical cross-section is illustrated in Exhibit 8-3. Exhibit 8-3: Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) 8-7 8.4.4 Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) The basic cross-section for a four-lane Urban Arterial Undivided with a berm and a cycle trail requires 58.5 m of right-of way. Where indicated by expected traffic volumes, a six-lane Urban Arterial Divided with a 65.0 m right-of-way may be appropriate. The typical cross-section is illustrated in Exhibit 8-4. Exhibit 8-4: Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) 8-8 8.4.5 Urban Collector – Residential The typical cross-section for an Urban Collector – Residential is illustrated in Exhibit 8-5. The existing RMWB Standards include a Collector Residential Major with a 3.0 m Asphalt Trail. The proposed cross-section below does not include this trail. It has been removed as drivers do not expect cyclists to approach at high speeds from multi-purpose trails at unsignalized intersections, since the roadside is typically a pedestrian environment. This expectation can create a safety hazard. This standard cross-section has been removed to improve safety. Exhibit 8-5: Urban Collector – Residential 8-9 8.4.6 Urban Collector – Commercial The basic cross-section for Urban Collector – Commercial without cycle lanes requires 25.5 m of right-of way. The typical crosssection for Urban Collector – Commercial with cycle lane is illustrated in Exhibit 8-6. Exhibit 8-6: Urban Collector – Commercial 8-10 8.4.7 Urban Collector- Industrial The typical cross-section for an Urban Collector – Industrial is illustrated in Exhibit 8-7. The parking lanes are 3.0 m wide to safely accommodate wider industrial vehicles. Industrial roads only require a minimum width for sidewalks as a standard. Boulevards can be narrow and are intended for snow storage. Wider frontages separate pedestrians from industrial land uses. Exhibit 8-7: Urban Collector – Industrial 8-11 8.4.8 Urban Local - Residential The typical cross-section for an Urban Local – Residential is illustrated in Exhibit 8-8. The travel lanes on Urban Local – Residential are narrower at 3.50 m. Parking lanes are wider than those specified in the existing RMWB Standards to improve safety in winter conditions when snow restricts the space available for parking and travel. Exhibit 8-8: Urban Local – Residential 8-12 8.4.9 Urban Local – Industrial The typical cross-section for an Urban Local – Industrial is illustrated in Exhibit 8-9. The edge zone should be paved for easy maintenance. Exhibit 8-9: Urban Local – Industrial 8-13 8.4.10 Summary The recommended cross-sections are different than those included in the RMWB Standards. The differences in the required right-of-way and major changes to cross-section elements are summarized in Table 8-2. Table 8-2: Proposed Major Changes to RMWB Standards Existing Typical Cross-section Width Proposed Typical Cross-section Width Urban Arterial Divided 41.7 m Urban Arterial Divided 34.0 m Shoulders removed Median narrowed Boulevard narrowed 59.7 m Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) 55.0 m Berm to be added at discretion of designer Shoulders removed Boulevard narrowed Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) 54.0 m Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) 49.0 m Berm to be added at discretion of designer Shoulders removed Roadside narrowed Urban Collector Residential Major 24.0 m Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) Urban Collector Residential Minor Urban Collector Industrial / Commercial 20.0 m 24.0 m Urban Local Industrial / Commercial 22.0 m Urban Local Residential (Separate Walk) Urban Local Residential (Mono-Walk) 18.0 m n/a n/a 18.0 m Major Changes Boulevard narrowed Sidewalk widened Urban Collector Residential 23.0 m Boulevard narrowed No mono-walk option Sidewalks widened Urban Collector Commercial 25.5 m Parking narrowed Sidewalk widened Urban Collector Industrial 22.5 m Boulevard narrowed Urban Local Industrial 19.5 m Cross-section for commercial to be chosen based on local conditions. No mono-walk option Boulevard narrowed Roadway widened Urban Local Residential 20.0 m No mono-walk option Boulevard narrowed Roadway widened Urban Arterial Undivided 28.0 m New cross-section 8-14 As discussed earlier, additional cross-section elements can be included as needed for specific corridors. For example, a multi-purpose path may be added if the right-of-way has been designated as part of the trail network. Table 8-3 summarizes the basic width of each road classification, the additional width required for each cross-section element, and the new combined width. Where adding a specific cross-section element to a given road classification is not recommended, this in indicated by a ‘--‘. Table 8-3: Cross-section Element Widths Additional Cross-section Element Transit and / or HOV Lane General Purpose Lane Multipurpose or Cycle Trail Bike Lanes Wide Shared Lane* (2 sides) (2 sides) (1 side) (2 sides) (2 sides) Additional Width Required +7.5 m Road Classification Urban Arterial Divided Urban Arterial Undivided Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) Urban Collector Residential Urban Collector Commercial Urban Collector Industrial Urban Local Residential Urban Local Industrial +7.5 m +3.5 m +3.0 m + 1.1 m to +1.6 m Lanes Basic Width New Width 4 34.0 m 41.5 m 41.5 m 37.5 m 37.0 m -- 4 28.0 m 35.5 m 35.5 m 31.5 m 31.0 m -- 4 55.0 m 62.5 m 62.5 m 58.5 m 58.0 m -- 4 49.0 m 56.5 m 56.5 m 52.5 m 52.0 m -- 2 23.0 m -- 30.5 m 26.5 m 25.5 m 24.1 m 2 25.5 m -- 33.0 m 29.0 m 25.8 m 26.6 m 2 22.5 m -- 30.0 m 26.0 m -- -- 2 20.0 m -- -- 23.5 m -- 21.3 m 2 19.5 m -- -- 23.0 m -- 20.6 m * Replaces general purpose lane of 3.75 m or 3.50 m with wide shared lane at 4.3 m. 8-15 8.5 Recommendations The existing RMWB Standards include twelve road classifications, which should be updated. Proposed revisions to the cross-sections provide wider sidewalks and additional space for snow storage, while reducing the overall cross-section width wherever possible. Additional elements, such as additional general purpose lanes, HOV lanes or multi-purpose trails, can be added as required by local conditions. The summary of recommended revisions to the RMWB Standards is summarized in Table 8-4. Table 8-4: Recommended Revisions to RMWB Standards Standard Detail 4-100 4-101 4-102 Revise Standard by Removing Existing CrossSection(s) and Replace with: Existing Title Proposed Title Urban Local Residential Roadways Urban Collector Residential Roadways Urban Local and Collector Industrial / Commercial Roadways No Change Urban Local – Residential (Exhibit 8-8) No Change Urban Collector – Residential (Exhibit 8-5) Urban Collector Industrial / Commercial Roadways Urban Collector – Industrial (Exhibit 8-7) Urban Collector – Commercial (Exhibit 8-6) 4-103 Urban Arterial Roadways (Bermed) No Change Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) (Exhibit 8-3) Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) (Exhibit 8-4) 4-104 Urban Arterial Divided Urban Arterial Roadways Urban Arterial Divided (Exhibit 8-1) Urban Arterial Undivided (Exhibit 8-2) 4-106 (new) n/a Urban Local Industrial Urban Local – Industrial (Exhibit 8-9) The proposed cross-sections presented here create a basis for the future update of the RMWB Standards. RMWB Standards Table 4-1 has been updated based on the road crosssections provided in this Chapter and is attached as Appendix 8-A. Note the changes are shaded in grey. 8-16 9. TRAFFIC DATA COLLECTION 9.1 Introduction The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) Model should be updated and recalibrated every three to five years to assist the RMWB in developing and maintaining a sustainable transportation network and maintain the RMWB model’s ability to produce defendable traffic forecasts. The recalibration should be undertaken to adjust trip generation and travel distribution to new base years and take account of actual population and employment trends. Recalibration of the model to account for travel pattern changes requires up to date traffic information which has to obtained through traffic data collection Traffic data is a significant resource that will assist the RMWB in developing and maintaining its transportation network and traffic model. A traffic count program detailed in this report will provide the RMWB with specific traffic information and allow for timely updates to its traffic model. To ensure that the RMWB traffic model is kept as current as possible, included in this report are details for the traffic model maintenance. 9.2 Traffic Count Program Transportation demand models require high quality input data in order to produce quality forecasts. It is recommended that the RMWB considers data collection efforts to compile periodic: 1. Roadway travel volumes by direction of travel in 15-minutes intervals, capable of being summarized by peak hour or peak period 2. Traffic flow classification counts to distinguish between passenger car travels for personal use vs. commercial travel (light-heavy trucks, buses, school busses, taxis, etc) 3. Vehicle occupancy counts focused on recording the number of occupants in a passenger car / van, number of occupants in a bus (transit, inter-city) and number of occupants in a school bus 4. Origin-destination and household travel characteristics usually by telephone interview survey of the RMWB population 5. Employment surveys focused on travel patterns of employees and businesses. This survey could be accomplished thru census. Data items 2 to 5 above are often undertaken simultaneously by a group of municipalities or road authorities to reduce costs and achieve greatest possible coverage of the area. The valuable information collected in periodic traffic count programs or surveys have found numerous applications not only in long term transportation planning but also in short range planning, operations and maintenance (pavement management), land use planning and overall community planning. 9-1 9.2.1 Existing Traffic Counts As part of Stage 1 of the RMWB Transportation Master Plan Update (2008), a significant effort was performed to collect as much traffic data as possible to create the RMWB model, including intersectional traffic counts within the Lower Townsite and an origin-destination survey. Recently, selected intersections within Thickwood and Confederation were counted in 2009. The most recent traffic count locations are summarized in Exhibit 9-1 and Exhibit 9-2. 9-2 Exhibit 9-1: 2007 and 2009 Traffic Count Locations North Exhibit 9-2: 2007 and 2009 Traffic Count Locations South 9.2.2 Approach to Traffic Counts At present, the RMWB does not have a long term traffic count program in place which could provide ongoing up-to-date information pertaining to the current and historic traffic volumes. Access to traffic information that has been gathered over several years is critical in the planning and development of a sustainable transportation network. Such information provides insight into the traffic growth patterns and changes of the travel patterns caused by new developments and construction of new transportation facilities. Having the ability to recognize these changing patterns form a base for review of network improvement plans and allows verification of the timing of those improvements. Long term traffic count programs typically follow one of two schedules: 1. Counts are carried out at all planned locations once every year. This approach results in very good database but increases the cost, resources and time to maintain the database. 2. Counts are carried out at some locations during the year with the assumption that counts at all locations will be completed within a prescribed time period – usually two to three years. This approach lowers the cost, resources and time of the count program by limiting efforts required to carry out all counts on a one-time, annual basis. Although having same year counts is preferable, it is recommended that the RMWB considers adopting the second count program schedule that spans two year period. 9.2.3 Approach to Traffic Counts There are two methods which could be used to carry out traffic counts: 1. Automated 2. Manual Automated Traffic Counts This form of traffic counts usually reflects counts at established permanent locations. Automated counts are commonly used to carry out 24 hour counts on links. Results of those counts could provide information related to fluctuation of traffic volumes on a daily basis and are very good source of information related to changes of traffic patterns and traffic flow structure over the longer periods of time. In the past this type of counting method was used nearly exclusively on links between intersections. Introduction of camera detection systems permitted use of cameras utilized by traffic signals as permanent traffic detectors. This approach may eliminate need to maintain separate permanent counting stations on links. 9-5 Two types of permanent count devices could be employed for the proposed automated traffic count locations: 1. Permanent link stations – these locations could use loop, pneumatic, microwave or camera detectors and could be permanently installed on the key links of the network. Count stations could be connected to the traffic control centre that may eliminate need for portable recorders. 2. Camera count stations at intersections. Introduction of camera controlled signals permit capture of the real time information pertaining to traffic volumes at signalized intersections without need for installation of electromagnetic detectors. Permanent count stations should be located at key spots on the network to be effective as a source of information, usually acting as screen line points. The suggested permanent traffic count locations are illustrated on Exhibit 9-3, Exhibit 9-4, and Exhibit 9-5. The proposed 13 locations include four locations on provincial highways. Should this program be accepted, placement of the detectors in those locations should be addressed with Alberta Transportation. Should the RMWB select to employ camera controlled signal systems some of the suggested permanent count locations may be abandoned once the Central Traffic Management and Control System is fully operational. Manual Traffic Counts Manual traffic counts are carried at the intersections and are intended to provide information with respect to turning movements. This type of count is usually performed during peak hours and is intended to capture periods with the highest volumes during the day. The manual counts are usually performed between 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The timing of the count hours could be adjusted to reflect local network peaking characteristics. The suggested manual traffic locations are shown in Exhibit 9-3, Exhibit 9-4, and Exhibit 9-5 9-6 Exhibit 9-3: Proposed Traffic Count Locations North Exhibit 9-4: Proposed Traffic Count Locations South Exhibit 9-5: Proposed Traffic Count Locations Airport 9.2.4 Recommended Traffic Count Program The objective of the recommended traffic count program is to: Provide continuous update of the existing traffic information database Support periodic updates of the traffic model by providing the most recent traffic information. Support the RMWB with developing and maintaining its sustainable transportation network. To achieve this objective a traffic count program is proposed as follows: 1. Manual counts - RMWB should consider introduction of the continuous two year traffic count program. This program will obtain data at all pertinent count points over the period of two years. This approach will lower the effort required to carry out counts and provide good traffic data information base. Manual counts at the intersections marked on Exhibit 9-3 to Exhibit 9-5 should be carried out on two year basis. Exhibit 9-3 shows count locations for the year 1 of the program while Exhibit 9-4 and Exhibit 9-5 outline locations for the year 2 of the count program. Program includes 22 count locations during the first year of the program and at 31 locations during second year of the program. It should be noted that the program includes five manual and one automated count locations along the Loop Road. Manual counts should be carried out for the periods between 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM unless local conditions indicate different time spans for local peak periods. 2. Permanent count - Traffic counts should be carried out using permanent count stations which will provide 24 hour traffic counts and include also manual count locations at the selected intersections. Permanent traffic count stations should be introduced as shown on Exhibit 9-3 to Exhibit 9-5. Detectors from all locations should ideally feed data to the traffic operation centre. It is critical that data obtained during counts are processed in expedient fashion and stored in data base accessible to internal and external users. 9-10 9.3 Traffic Model Maintenance Plan 9.3.1 Current Approaches to Model Maintenance Traffic models are used to forecast future traffic volumes based on the best current information pertaining to future land use, network and trip pattern. To achieve reasonable and defendable results, periodic model updates are required in response to change in traffic patterns, land use and socio-economic conditions. The current industry practice suggests a major model review and update every five years and minor updates every two to three years, unless otherwise dictated by local conditions. Minor Updates Traffic models Minor Updates reflect modifications to the network or land use and are related to the change in planned interim and / or ultimate horizon year scenario. These updates are not very time and cost consuming and are usually carried out on the need to have basis, as part of the analysis of the currently developed land use scenario. While it is the intention to include as many planned developments and changes as possible, the model should not be updated for single, small residential developments. Minor updates should include smaller developments in groups of meaningful additions and intensifications related to expected traffic volumes generated by the development. Major Updates As is typical for all models, the base assumptions, network assumptions, and origindestination trip tables used for the creation of the model need to be reviewed and updated after approximately five years. This process redevelops the model and ensures that it continues to reflect the actual traffic conditions. Provincial Practice There are currently a number of traffic models in Alberta including those created for all major cities and some of the rural municipalities. To our knowledge, only two Cities; Edmonton and Calgary, maintain their traffic models internally. Those two largest Cities have created special sections in their organizations which are solely responsible for model maintenance and updates. Remaining jurisdictions either rely on consultants to maintain and update their models or employ consultants to carry out periodic major model updates while day to day maintenance is not necessarily being realized. This last approach does not provide full benefits stemming from model creation. 9-11 9.3.2 Model Maintenance Methods There are several methods to model maintenance. Resources of the municipality are the driving factors in developing the most efficient method and generally follow two approaches: 1. In-house 2. Outsourcing The following details of the two approaches do not consider an economic analysis or RMWB staffing policies, as that is outside the scope of this project. However, the descriptions provide an understanding of what each approach may entail. In both cases, the objective is to have appropriate resources allocated to ensure the RMWB model is properly maintained and that information from the traffic model can be properly analysed and, where applicable, distributed to other departments within the RMWB or external clients (i.e. development communities, designers, planners, and the general public). Additionally, the RMWB retains full ownership of the traffic model regardless of which approach is adopted. In-house Approach To maintain the traffic model in-house, a group of specifically trained employees is required. This group, consisting of at least two to three analysts would have to be solely dedicated to the model. These individuals would have to understand the theory used in traffic modeling, be trained in details of the model operation and interpretation of its results. Their responsibilities would extend to day-to-day model operation and providing information to others and periodic minor updates as required by internal and external users. The benefit of this approach lies in providing the RMWB full control over the model while drawbacks could be seen in the need to maintain the highly specialized group dedicated exclusively to the model. Outsourcing Approach Outsourcing would permit the RMWB to contract out the highly specialized aspect of model maintenance while maintaining full ownership and control of the model. It would require a preliminary / high level training of preferably two RMWB staff members to understand the overall model theory and requirements and be conversant in the input / output of the model. It would be beneficial to train one representative from Planning and one representative from Transportation since those two areas will be the primary users of the model. The day-to-day model operation and periodic updates, including major updates, could be performed by a consultant specializing in traffic models. 9-12 Services provided by the consultant could have different formats depending on the RMWB’s preference and the following describes two alternative formats: 1. Alternative 1 - Full services by consultant – In this alternative consulting company will provide all services exclusively to RMWB representative(s). It means that consultant is working directly with appointed municipal representative. Any requests for information pertaining to model results, model updates, modifications etc. will be directed by stakeholders to consultant via RMWB representative. Results of the consultant’s analysis will be provided back to appointed RMWB representative. This process will permit inclusion of any additional information, comments and interpretations of model results by RMWB staff in the information passed on to outside stakeholders. Invoicing for services rendered (time and expenses) could be either based on annuity or task by task estimates. 2. Alternative 2 - Partial service consultant – This alternative includes services being provided to RMWB and independent to outside stakeholders. The contact with RMWB and any work requested by RMWB representative will be provided as in Alternative 1 including minor and major updates. However, requests from outside stakeholders will be processed based on requests outside stakeholders submit directly to consultant with possible copy to RMWB representative. Outside stakeholders will be charged directly for services rendered on time and expense basis. Consultant will provide RMWB with the copy of the information forwarded to outside stakeholders. 9.3.3 Recommended Model Maintenance Program Based on the review of the outlined two maintenance alternatives and on the current needs and size of municipality; In-house Approach is not considered the best option at this time since it forces municipality to create and maintain a highly specialized group of experts who will be responsible solely and exclusively for the traffic model. This will be appropriate course of action in the future as RMWB growth justifies the required level of services. Outsourcing Approach Alternative 1 seems to be the best alternative as it provides RMWB with full control of the work carried out on their behalf as well as allows municipality full control of the cost and flow of information related to model results. Alternative 2 in comparison to Alternative 1 does not provide full control of the cost and flow of information since the requests for information, results from the model runs and invoicing are processed independently and exchanged directly between outside stakeholders and consultant. 9-13 10. TRAFFIC MODEL EXPANSION 10.1 Introduction This Chapter focuses on the methodology used to expand the Stage 1 travel demand forecasting model to simulate Fort McMurray, and the Stage 2 model calibration and base year results. The transition between Stage 1 and Stage 2 included the following aspects: Revision of the traffic analysis zone (TAZ) definitions Verification of the base year road network Review and confirmation of updated land use (population and employment) data Calibration of the expanded model to existing traffic counts The base year conditions simulated by the model reflect the 2007 trip making characteristics and 2008 population and employment. Further details regarding Stage 2 model development and application to future years are discussed in Chapter 11. The development and calibration of the base year traffic model was carried out in terms of the following: Model development and calibration Model structure Network and zoning system Base year analysis Model operation and maintenance The development of future horizon year models and networks will be discussed in Chapter 11. 10.1.1 Model Development Overview The purpose of the travel demand forecasting model is to act as a forecasting tool to support the Rural Municipality of Wood Buffalo’s (RMWB) short and long term goals, policies, and objectives, as related to the management of land use and the transportation network. The model is applicable to large-scale, inter-municipal, and municipal development plans and area structure or redevelopment plans. It is not designed to be applicable to street or block layout plans, subdivision plans, or zoning type projects. The model can perform sensitivity testing of road networks, land use, and modal split scenarios. A more detailed discussion on model development is provided in Section 10.3. 10.1.2 Modelling Software The VISUM Travel Demand Modelling software used in Stage 1 of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) (updated from version 9.5 to version 11.5) has been maintained as the modelling platform. VISUM allows private vehicles and transit vehicles to be modelled on one consistent network. For Stage 2, VISUM is used for generation, distribution, assignment, calibration, and display of results. 10-1 10.1.3 Model Structure The model follows a three-step travel demand simulation approach of 1. Simulating the trip generation of area population and employment 2. Simulating trip distribution patterns 3. Assigning trips to the road network The population and employment estimates for 2008 were provided by the RMWB, and total 70,994 residents and 24,527 employees. More detailed discussion on the model structure is provided in Section 10.5. 10.1.4 Road Network and Analysis Zone Development Links of the road network are based on the respective roadway characteristics. These include: Speed Number of lanes Lane capacity Road classification (highway, arterial, etc) The transportation road network included in the base model is derived from road network information provided by the RMWB and data collected by the consultant. Zones for the model were developed based on the Stage 1 zone system and expanded to account for the future growth areas. A detailed discussion on network and zone development is provided in Section 10.5. Details regarding the calibration of the model are provided in Section 10.6. 10.2 Data Sources The following sources of data were used to build and calibrate the Stage 2 TMP model: Stage 1 traffic counts (2007) RMWB Stage 2 traffic counts (2009) 2007 PM peak hour Origin-Destination (OD) Survey 2007 Road Network information 2008 Population and employment estimates 10-2 10.3 Base Year Model Development The PM peak traffic model is based on land use (population and employment) data. Simulated trip characteristics are calibrated to traffic counts at key locations, and adjusted to account for the presence of special generators and (for future scenarios, dealt with in the next Chapter) growth in areas presently unoccupied. Transit travel has not been addressed in the base model as a separate mode on the network. Transit is considered in the future year models only in terms of the potential impact on road congestion (by diverting trips) as bus routes can change and are not defined at this stage; this is discussed in detail in Chapter 11. Trips are generated based on PM roadside OD surveys conducted at ten key locations in April 2007: Highway 63 northbound, between Confederation Way and Tempo Road intersections (April 23, 2007) Highway 63 southbound, south of Highway 63 / Highway 69 intersection (April 18, 2007) Highway 69 eastbound, east of Highway 63 / Highway 69 intersection (April 17, 2007) Confederation Way (April 25, 2007) Thickwood Boulevard (April 27, 2007) Morrison Street (April 16, 2007) Hospital Street (April 11, 2007) King Street (April 10, 2007) Franklin Avenue (April 12, 2007) MacKenzie Boulevard (April 29, 2007) The results of these surveys were calibrated to three sets of counts, which between them cover all the calibration locations: PM peak-hour averaged classified counts along Highway 63 from Alberta Transportation; 15-minute interval classified counts (aggregated for the PM peak hour) along downtown arterials supplied by ME2 Transportation Data; Additional PM peak hour counts at key locations performed by the RMWB. Model analysis depends on the accuracy of the input data, which is a function of the methods used to collect the data. It is important to note that any results provided by the model must be interpreted by the analyst to determine if the results are acceptable. The better the data inputs, the better the model results. 10-3 10.4 Model Coverage and the Study Area The base year model covers the area of Fort McMurray along with the hamlets of Draper and Saprae Creek. It includes the areas of Timberlea, Thickwood Heights, Abasand Heights, the Lower Townsite, Beacon Hill, Waterways, Gregoire, Mackenzie Park, and the Fort McMurray Airport. A map of the study area, and how it relates to the road network, is shown in Exhibit 10-1. Exhibit 10-1: Base Year Model Study Area 10.5 Model Structure The Stage 2 Wood Buffalo transportation demand model was developed and operates entirely within VISUM 11.5. This is a change from Stage 1, where the assignment matrix was created externally and transferred to VISUM in order to run the assignment. This section details the base year model structure and method of operation. 10-4 10.5.1 Zone System This model uses land use data provided by the RMWB. The study area has been divided into 51 zones, including one for each of the hamlets of Draper and Saprae Creek. Of these zones, 40 are “active”, meaning they have land use assigned to them or a special generator function, and therefore generate base year trips assigned to the base year model. The layout of these zones is shown in Exhibit 10-2, with a close-up of the Lower Townsite in Exhibit 10-3. The base year zones are numbered from 1 to 74, with gaps in the numbering representing spaces for future zones that, as yet, have no development. Exhibit 10-2: RMWB Base Year Active Traffic Zones 10-5 Exhibit 10-3: RMWB Base Year Active Traffic Zones (Lower Townsite Focus) 10.5.2 Zone Boundaries Criteria used in determining zone boundaries include changes in land use type (e.g. from residential to industrial), land use density (spatially smaller zones to represent the Lower Townsite) and the presence of major roads or natural boundaries impeding direct travel between points (such as waterways). Two ‘special generators’ are also defined to provide additional trips not covered by land use. These are the leisure centre on MacDonald Island (defined but with zero trips in the base year, as the leisure centre was not open in 2007), and Fort McMurray Airport. Trips to and from these zones are added to zones 25 and 72, respectively. Three ‘gateway’ locations, numbered 100-102, denote the entry and exit points of the Study Area (at the north and south ends of Highway 63 and on Highway 69 east of the airport road). This assumed zone system aggregates all trips made to, from and within the area into a 43 x 43-dimensioned trip table. 10-6 10.5.3 Survey Districts Four districts are used to aggregate surveyed demand and rates for trip generation. The way in which the study area is broken down into districts is shown in Exhibit 10-4. Zones are assigned to districts as follows: District 1: (northwest of Athabasca River - Thickwood and Timberlea) zones 30-42 District 2: (east of Highway 63, north of Hangingstone River – Lower Townsite) zones 13-25 District 3: (west of Highway 63, southeast of Athabasca River – Abasand Heights and Beacon Hill) zones 7-10, 26-29 District 4: (east of Highway 63, south of Hangingstone River – Gregoire, Waterways and MacKenzie) zones 1-6, 11, 71-74 Exhibit 10-4: Survey Districts 10-7 10.5.4 Centroids Zone centroids are intended to represent the approximate demographic centre of the zone. These centroids are attached to the road network (usually to collectors) by centroid connectors, of which there may be from one to eight per zone depending on the number of routings into and out of the zone. There is no specific rule for defining number or alignment of connectors, but they are intended to mesh with the road network so as not to bypass roads and leave them with no volume. The positioning of centroid connectors is shown in Exhibit 10-5 to Exhibit 10-7. The connectors are used to provide connections from the demographic centre of each zone to the main exit points from the zone. Some zones only require one connector while others have several, based on the number of possible directions that the flow of traffic may take to and from the centroid. Lower Townsite zones, on the whole, have a higher number of connectors because of their central location and corresponding wide variety of possible directions of travel. In contrast, zones in Timberlea may have only one or two connectors as virtually all traffic flows towards Confederation Way. In general, centroids are not connected directly to highways or arterial roads. This ensures that traffic flows are reasonable and are not exaggerated or misrepresented, and allows traffic flow and predicted turning movements through arterial intersections to be observed without the complications of a connector at that point. 10-8 Exhibit 10-5: Centroid Connectors (North) 10-9 Exhibit 10-6: Centroid Connectors (Central) 10-10 Exhibit 10-7: Centroid Connectors (South) 10.5.5 Trip Definitions Transport Systems Four separate transport systems are defined: 1. Bus (public transit) 2. Car (private vehicle) 3. Commuter Bus (private bus providing transportation to and from the oil sands) 4. Walk (used to access public transit) Transit is not modelled at present, but the model is set up so that it could be easily added, with the transit mode defined, but no demand data has been provided or entered at this stage. Modes Public transit and walking are combined as part of a single public mode. There are two private modes - private car and commuter bus. 10-11 Demand Segments Demand segments are similar to modes, except that ‘internal’ and ‘external’ private vehicle trips are separated. Internal trips (segment ‘C’) are defined as those trips between two internal zones whose magnitude is determined by the population and employment of the corresponding OD TAZ. In other words, they do not include trips to or from special generators (the airport or leisure centre), or gateways, which are quantified at one end by traffic counts or number of facility users at that location. These external and special generator trips, instead, are defined as segment ‘G’. As a result of these definitions, there are three private segments for which trips need to be generated, distributed and assigned; internal car (C), external car (G) and commuter or a private bus (defined as segment ‘S’). Activity Pairs The trips made in the model are defined in terms of ten activity-pairs, segmented by origin and destination type and by direction. These pairs are: Internal trips (neither starting nor ending at a gateway or special generator) Internal to external trips (outbound through gateways) External to internal trips (inbound through gateways) External to external trips (gateway to gateway) Trips to the airport (located in zone 72) Trips from the airport Trips to the leisure centre (located in zone 25) Trips from the leisure centre Trips to the oil sands (made by the private commuter bus mode) Trips from the oil sands In the base year, external-external trips are not generated as there is no information on entry and exit gateways for through traffic—all traffic is considered to have an internal end which enables population-based growth factors to be applied—but the type is defined in case these trips should need to be explicitly considered in the future. Similarly, there is no demand to and from the leisure centre in 2007, as it did not then exist, but the generator is defined so as to be able to simulate trips in future years. Demand Strata Demand strata serve to link the activity pairs with the demand segments used to carry them out, so there are also ten of these, one for each activity-pair. Activity-pairs connect to segments as follows: Demand segment ‘C’: Internal Trips Demand segment ‘S’: Trips to and from oil sands Demand segment ‘G’: all other activity-pairs 10-12 10.5.6 Trip Generation Trip generation calculates the total number of trips that start and end in each zone based on the land use characteristics of the area, along with any special generators that may be present (in the base year, only the airport was considered in this category). This model uses population and employment data (land use data) provided by the RMWB and multiplies that data by production and attraction rates. These rates were calculated for each district based on the survey-reported distribution. The multiplied values are then calibrated to traffic counts at screenlines. Base year land use data are for 2008 (approximating the 2007 base year), corresponding to a population of 70,994 and an employment of 24,527. Airport special generator trips are added to the airport zone (72). Trips are generated for each activity-pair, meaning that there are ten trip generation models. Among these, the most complex is the internal-internal trip model, which is based on separate production and attraction rates for population and employment. (The calibrated rates are given in Section 10.6.) In general, the production and attraction equations take the form: Trip production = a.POPi + b.EMPi Trip attraction = c.POPi + d.EMPi Here, POPi and EMPi represent the population and employment for traffic zone i. The coefficients a, b, c, and d are the production and attraction rates adjustment factors and vary by district, so there are four values for each of them for a total of sixteen rates (eight for production and eight for attraction). As developing trip production and attraction totals separately almost invariably gives different overall origin and destination totals, the model is set to factor productions to equal attractions. The attraction trip end is dominated by resident population, and resident population data is usually more reliable than employment data. Trips to and from gateways are generated at a rate of one trip per resident at the internal end, and one trip per counted vehicle at the gateway. Obviously, this leads to a higher number of trips at the internal end than at the gateway, so these are rebalanced to the external end. Thus the internal trip ends remain weighted by the percentage of overall population that corresponds to each traffic zone, while adding up to the same volume of trips as measured at the gateway. Trips to and from special generators are generated in much the same way, with estimated peak-hour visits to and from the airport and leisure centre used at one end, and population to weight trips at the other. No trips are generated to the leisure centre in the base year, as it did not exist during the count year of 2007. For the airport an approximate number of 100 trips (50 in and 50 out) are assumed based on the 2007 annual passenger count (600,000)1 divided by 365 days and further divided by 18 daily hours of operation. 1 From Fort McMurray Airport website 10-13 Trips to and from the oil sands by commuter bus are based on bus counts at the northern gateway during the PM peak hour. The model assumes that there are no trips directly from one gateway or generator to another, such as directly from the airport to the northern gateway, as there is no OD data available to compute the size of any such flows. 10.5.7 Trip Distribution Trip distribution allocates productions and attractions to OD pairs based on the demand generated by the origin zone, the demand attracted by the destination zone, and the travel time between them. Each trip starts in one zone and finishes in another, starting and / or finishing at a gateway location for trips that have one end outside the study area. If more trips are generated at one end than the other end, they are balanced to the total at the attraction (presumed mainly home) end. The trip distribution component of the model converts the trip ends generated for each zone in the previous (generation) step into three full trip matrices, one for each of the C, G, and S demand segments. For internal trips (segment C), a skim matrix is used as input, to provide a measure of relative impedance for the different OD zone pairs (travel time from the last model iteration). The internal trips are then distributed according to the following equation for each OD zone pair: f(U) = e-0.2U In this equation, U is the inter-zonal travel time, with -0.2 being a calibration parameter. This parameter value was selected as it results in a very close approximation of modelled to observed trips across the Highway 63 Athabasca River Bridge. The trip matrix is balanced to the destination end, as was done to trip totals at the generation stage. The trip distribution process to form matrices for the G and S segments is simpler as it consists of adding up the trip ends for the activity-pairs involved. As for each activity-pair it is already determined what the trip flow patterns will be, no impedance matrix is required. 10.5.8 Trip Assignment Trip assignment uses an iterative equilibrium assignment technique that allocates auto traffic to links in such a way that no individual trip between two specified points could be made faster by using another route. All private demand segments (C, G, and S) are assigned to the network using an equilibrium assignment. The assignment iterates until reaching a) 30 iterations, b) an absolute deviation between consecutive iterations less than 10, or c) a relative deviation between consecutive deviations less than 0.05. Commuter buses (mode S) are considered to have a passenger car equivalence of 2. 10-14 Congestion, and the consequent increase in travel time, is simulated using Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) volume delay functions on links. These functions take the form: tsimulated = ௩௨ tfreeflow * (1+ (௧௬)b) Thus, at a very low volume, simulated travel time will be nearly identical to the free flow travel time, while as volume approaches capacity, it will increase exponentially. The parameter ‘b’ is set to the power 6 for highways, and 4 for rural highways, arterials, collectors, and local roads. Centroid connectors are assumed always to operate at free flow. The results of previous assignments are not used as the starting point for a new assignment to avoid a previous run having influence over the next one. Before running the first assignment after a model change, the scenario is initialized to remove previous results, and the model is then run three times, in order to update travel time impedances (for the distribution model) iteratively. The assignment results are displayed in both graphical and tabular format, using the capabilities of VISUM (including volume and volume-to-capacity (v/c) plots) and can also be outputted to external software, which can facilitate preparation of additional comparison tables and charts. 10.5.9 Road Network The road network geometry and attributes are based on a street network data received from the RMWB and imported into VISUM. The network was modified to include a zone centroid for each traffic zone, and centroid connectors, representing local streets, to link these centroids to the network of arterial and collector roads. Local and private streets and / or those bypassed by centroid connectors were removed from the network. Roads were then coded with lane, posted speed and capacity information, as well as turn capacities at intersections. The street map contains all roads within the model area, many of which are local streets, where models often have difficulty accurately modelling traffic flow, or where the centroid connectors would bypass any flow that did get assigned. For this reason, many local streets without through routes for inter-zonal traffic were removed and replaced with centroid connectors, according to the layout described below. 10-15 Highways, arterials, and collectors were coded in VISUM based on setting their properties to resemble reality. The types of road defined in the network are listed below in Table 10-1. Table 10-1: Road Type Definitions Rank Name Number of lanes Speed (km/h) Capacity/lane/hour 1 Provincial highway 2-3 70-100 1,200 2 Highway ramp 1 60 1,200 3 Rural highway 1 70-100 1,200 3 High Capacity Arterial 1-3 50-70 800 4 Medium Capacity / Urban Arterial 2 50 700 4 Collector 1 50 700 5 Local Road 1 50 400 6 Centroid Connector - 50 9,999 (simulated free flow) In a few cases, there are specific localized exceptions to the defined attributes of a link, most commonly to follow posted speeds. For example, the speed and capacity of Highway 63 through Fort McMurray are reduced to allow for the influence of the multiple intersections and lower posted speeds. The speeds indicate how fast traffic can be expected to move in the absence of congestion (free flow). The rank indicates the choice that a driver can be expected to make when confronted with two or more alternative road types to make a trip on (the lower-numbered rank being the more popular). Graphical depictions of how the roads within the model area (except for centroid connectors) are defined are shown in Exhibit 10-8 to Exhibit 10-10. These figures include all roadway alignments analysed during this Study. On Exhibit 10-8, the number of lanes indicated is per direction. On Exhibit 10-9, the lane capacity indicated is per direction. 10-16 Exhibit 10-8: Roads by Number of Lanes 10-17 Exhibit 10-9: Roads by Lane Capacity 10-18 Exhibit 10-10: Roads by Speed 10-19 10.6 Model Calibration In order to calibrate and validate the model, a variety of counts covering the whole study area were used: OD Surveys Alberta Transportation traffic counts Intersectional traffic counts from ME2 Transportation Data RMWB traffic counts Model calibration is performed in VISUM. The final set of trip rates developed during the calibration process is shown in Table 10-2, below, with population rates calculated per resident, and employment rates calculated per job. Table 10-2: Trip Generation Rate Coefficients District Population production (a) Population attraction (c) Employment production (b) Employment attraction (d) 1 0.0370 0.1020 0.0840 0.0530 2 0.1050 0.3480 0.2070 0.2280 3 0.0410 0.1290 0.1030 0.0770 4 0.0855 0.2260 0.1920 0.0770 A number of aspects were initially considered in developing these rates, including: The number of PM peak-hour trips produced and attracted by each district, according to the 2007 OD survey; The percentage of all trips represented by the survey (sample size), identified by comparing traffic counts at or near survey locations with the number of survey responses recorded. This enabled factors to be developed to increase the survey-based numbers to approximate real peak-hour volumes; The approximate in-out split of trips for the PM peak hour; based on ITE Trip Generation Manual numbers for zone type (for example, for a residential zone has a much higher number of inbound than outbound trips per resident in the PM peak, when people are likely to be returning home). These calculations provided a set of trip rates to use as a starting point. During model calibration, the coefficients were adjusted iteratively based on examining screenline flows, ultimately taking on the values displayed in Table 10-2 above. In the Stage 1 model, which focused on the Lower Townsite, the main calibration points were, in addition to the gateways, points along Hospital Street, Hardin Street, Franklin Avenue, and MacKenzie Boulevard. In the Stage 2 model, the gateways and these streets are all featured as screenlines to preserve compatibility, but these have been supplemented with additional screenlines to calibrate the model across all of Fort McMurray. The screenlines identified for calibration are listed in Table 10-3. 10-20 Table 10-3: Calibration Screenlines Screenline Points Included on Screenline North Gateway Highway 63 N South Gateway Highway 63 S East Gateway Highway 69 E Athabasca River Bridge Highway 63 West of Highway 63 Confederation / Thickwood / S. Forest West of Hospital Street Manning to Highway 63 South of Franklin Avenue MacDonald to King East of Hardin Street Highway 63 to Fraser North of Highway 69 Highway 63 and MacKenzie East of Highway 63 Gregoire / MacKenzie / Highway 69 The model predictions were then calibrated using the Geoffrey E. Havers Statistic (GEH), and the Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE). 10.6.1 GEH Statistic Model predictions were compared to observed counts using the GEH. This statistic, where M represents modelled volume and C counted volume, blends percentage and absolute differences to establish an overall balanced measure of accuracy (that is, as opposed to using absolute differences alone or percentage differences alone). It is widely used around the world, and has become a standard in many places, such as the United Kingdom. 10.6.2 RMSE Value = ܪܧܩඨ 2( ܯ− )ܥଶ ܯ+ܥ Model predictions were also compared to observed counts using the RMSE value, which provides another common estimate of accuracy by averaging the differences between predicted and observed values. The RMSE can be large for reasonably fitting models, so it is not as useful a measure as GEH. The RMSE is not a normalized measure, so the magnitude of the RMSE will be different from one application to another. The calibration results at the calibration screenlines are shown in Table 10-4. 10-21 Table 10-4: Model Calibration Results Across Screenlines Screenline Direction Modelled Observed North Gateway South Gateway East Gateway West of Hwy 63 West of Hospital South of Franklin East of Hardin North of Hwy 69 East of Hwy 63 Hwy 63 Bridge NB SB NB SB EB WB EB WB EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB 492 1800 710 187 411 273 1530 3381 2312 2809 3173 3190 2775 2952 930 723 1223 1571 2344 1801 492 1800 710 187 378 287 1268 3129 2575 3044 2413 2750 2357 2889 1126 736 1517 1594 2606 2060 Diff % of Count Square Deviation GEH 0 100% 0 0% 0 0 100% 0 0% 0 0 100% 0 0% 0 0 100% 0 0% 0 33 109% 1089 9% 2 -14 95% 196 -5% 1 262 121% 68644 21% 7 252 108% 63504 8% 4 -263 90% 69169 -10% 5 -235 92% 55225 -8% 4 760 131% 577600 31% 14 440 116% 193600 16% 8 418 118% 174724 18% 8 63 102% 3969 2% 1 -196 83% 38416 -17% 6 -13 98% 169 -2% 0 -294 81% 86436 -19% 8 -23 99% 529 -1% 1 -262 90% 68644 -10% 5 -259 87% 67081 -13% 6 Overall, the model is calibrated across the screenlines to within a 16% RMSE average, with an R-squared correlation of 0.94 and 95% of screenlines with a GEH statistic less than 10, as shown in Table 10-5. There remain a few outliers such as an over simulation of traffic northbound approaching Franklin Avenue, likely due to inconsistencies between counts taken on different days, and a reflection of the multiple paths into and out of the traffic zones in the Lower Townsite (these could perhaps be examined by performing additional counts for confirmation), but the vast majority of screenlines show close observed and modelled values. Table 10-5: Level of Screenline Calibration Measure Performance GEH 5 or less 70% GEH 10 or less 95% RMSE 278 Pct% RMSE 16% R-squared 0.94 10-22 In Table 10-6, the results are expanded to show comparisons by individual stations within the screenlines. Here, 88% of GEH values are 10 or less, the overall RMSE percentage difference is 27%, and the R-squared statistic is 0.92. Table 10-6: Model Calibration Results at Key Locations Screenline North Gateway South Gateway East Gateway Description South of Franklin Avenue Square Deviation GEH 1800 0 100% 0 0% 0 63 North Gateway NB 492 492 0 100% 0 0% 0 63 South Gateway NB 710 710 0 100% 0 0% 0 63 South Gateway SB 187 187 0 100% 0 0% 0 69 Gateway WB 273 287 -14 95% 196 -5% 1 69 Gateway EB 411 378 33 109% 1089 9% 2 1602 228 114% 51984 14% 6 551 150 Confederation Way EB West of Hospital Street Diff % of Count 1800 Confederation Way WB West of Highway 63 Modelled Observed 63 North Gateway SB 1830 701 127% 22500 27% 6 48 103% 2304 3% 1 675 150 122% 22500 22% 5 4% 576 -96% 7 10% 1444 -90% 8 31% 32761 -69% 14 98% 9 -2% 0 Thickwood Blvd WB 1550 1502 Thickwood Blvd EB 825 Silin Forest RD WB 1 25 -24 Silin Forest RD EB 4 42 -38 263 -181 143 -3 Manning Ave WB 82 Manning Ave EB 140 Franklin Ave WB 1070 921 149 116% 22201 16% 5 Franklin Ave EB 759 903 -144 84% 20736 -16% 5 Highway 63 WB 1657 1860 -203 89% 41209 -11% 5 Highway 63 EB 1413 1529 -116 92% 13456 -8% 3 Richard St NB 8 58 -50 14% 2500 -86% 9 Richard St SB 10 55 -45 18% 2025 -82% 8 Morrison St NB 511 419 92 122% 8464 22% 4 Morrison St SB 432 487 -55 89% 3025 -11% 3 Main St NB 243 176 67 138% 4489 38% 5 Main St SB 182 261 -79 70% 6241 -30% 5 Hardin St NB 444 394 50 113% 2500 13% 2 Hardin St SB 499 485 14 103% 196 3% 1 Haineault St NB 383 278 105 138% 11025 38% 6 Haineault St SB 341 255 86 134% 7396 34% 5 Alberta St NB 147 85 62 173% 3844 73% 6 Alberta St SB 223 138 85 162% 7225 62% 6 Hospital St NB 912 642 270 142% 72900 42% 10 Hospital St SB 903 629 274 144% 75076 44% 10 King St NB 525 361 164 145% 26896 45% 8 King St SB 600 440 160 136% 25600 36% 7 10-23 Table 10-6 continued. Screenline Description East of Hardin Street North of Highway 69 East of Highway 63 Highway 63 Bridge Modelled Observed Diff % of Count Square Deviation GEH Highway 63 WB 1657 1860 -203 89% 41209 -11% 5 Highway 63 EB 1413 1529 -116 92% 13456 -8% 3 Franklin Ave WB 1070 905 165 118% 27225 18% 5 Franklin Ave EB 1070 697 373 154% 139129 54% 13 Fraser Ave WB 225 124 101 181% 10201 81% 8 Fraser Ave EB 292 131 161 223% 25921 123% 11 Highway 63 NB 885 855 30 104% 900 4% 1 Highway 63 SB 480 434 46 111% 2116 11% 2 18 Mackenzie Blvd NB 45 271 -226 17% 51076 -83% Mackenzie Blvd SB 243 302 -59 80% 3481 -20% 4 Gregoire Dr WB 415 665 -250 62% 62500 -38% 11 Gregoire Dr EB 511 717 -206 71% 42436 -29% 8 Mackenzie Blvd WB 807 702 105 115% 11025 15% 4 Mackenzie Blvd EB 244 472 -228 52% 51984 -48% 12 Highway 69 WB 349 227 122 154% 14884 54% 7 Highway 69 EB 468 328 140 143% 19600 43% 7 Highway 63 NB 2344 2606 -262 90% 68644 -10% 5 Highway 63 SB 1801 2060 -259 87% 67081 -13% 6 Table 10-7: Level of Station Calibration Measure Performance GEH 5 or less 50% GEH 10 or less 88% RMSE 150 Pct% RMSE 27% R-squared 0.92 10-24 A graphical representation of the correlation between modelled and observed values at each of these stations is shown in Exhibit 10-11,, with most points clustering close to the zero line. Exhibit 10-11: Observed-Modelled Modelled Correlation at Count Stations Overall, the model calibration falls within acceptable levels, as assessed in terms of the GEH statistic, RMSE percentage, and R R-squared squared correlation, evaluated both across screenlines and at individual stations. The level of ccalibration alibration reached enables the model to generate reasonable forecasts. 10-25 10.7 Base Year Travel The base year scenario was established using the 2008 population and employment, approximately 71,000 people and 24,500 jobs. The calibrated model simulates base year (2007) volumes. 10.7.1 Base Year Travel Conditions A series of performance measures for the network, based on assigning 2008 demand to the base road network, and aggregated by road type is shown in Table 10-8. This indicates that the main areas of congestion are the highway type roads (12%). It should be noted that only a limited selection of local roads are included in the model, so the “all roads” numbers are weighted in favour of highways, arterials and collectors. Table 10-8: Base Year Network Congestion Measures Road Type Avg free flow speed (km/h) Avg congested speed (km/h) Avg v/c ratio Congested km > 0.90 v/c (%) All roads 51 49 0.20 3% Highway 79 69 0.56 11% Ramp 61 60 0.36 0% Rural Highway 82 82 0.26 0% Arterial 53 48 0.38 1% Collector 50 48 0.18 0% Local 48 47 0.12 3% 10-26 In Table 10-9, the performance of the entire network is summarized using a variety of indicators. As a result of network congestion, the average resident of the study area will spend an extra 1.6 hours annually travelling more than 40% slower than allowed by the posted speed. This congestion also has a significant environmental effect, as they each generate on average almost half a tonne of CO2 while travelling in congested conditions. Table 10-9: Base Year Network Performance Statistics Attribute Value Modelled vehicle drive trips (PM peak hr) 18,125 Network lane-kilometres 417 Congested lane-km (v/c > 90%) 13 Overall congested percentage 3% Modelled VKT (PM peak hr) 108,575 Modelled VHT (PM peak hr) 1,999 Annual hours of congestion (thousands of hours of travel at below 60% of posted speed) 112 Annual hours of congestion per capita 1.6 Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes--based on 60% of posted speed threshold) 33,062 Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes) per capita 0.44 10-27 10.7.2 Base Year Travel Demand The model results are displayed in Exhibit 10-12 to Exhibit 10-15, in terms of v/c ratios expressed as percentages. On the v/c plots, congested segments (volume at 90% of capacity or more) are shown in red. The graphics generated for this report have been reduced in size. The v/c plots, when plotted to a larger page size, can be more easily read. The plots show that the highest demand to supply imbalance is along Highway 63 both north and south of the Lower Townsite; on sections of Franklin Avenue; and at the north end of the Lower Townsite. Volumes are high on Confederation Way; Thickwood Boulevard; Highway 63; along the edges of the section of the Lower Townsite bounded by Highway 63, Hardin Street, Hospital Street, and Franklin Avenue; and on MacKenzie Drive and Gregoire Drive approaching Highway 63. The highest overall volumes are at the points where there is no alternative possible route – on the Athabasca River Bridge (bidirectional peak hour flow of 4,100 vehicles) and on Highway 63 south of the Lower Townsite (bidirectional flow of 3,800). 10-28 Exhibit 10-12: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (North) 10-29 Exhibit 10-13: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (Lower Townsite North) 10-30 Exhibit 10-14: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (Lower Townsite South) 10-31 Exhibit 10-15: Base Year PM v/c Ratios (South) 10-32 As can be seen from the v/c plots, principal congested locations in the PM peak hour are: Highway 63 northbound between the Lower Townsite and Thickwood Boulevard Highway 63 southbound from the Athabasca River bridge to the Lower Townsite (reflecting a reduced highway capacity due to the intersections on Highway 63 through the Lower Townsite) Franklin Avenue northwest of Hardin Street (where one lane is converted to parking and capacity is correspondingly reduced) Highway 63 northbound from Gregoire Drive to the King Street / Tolen Drive exit These displays indicate the need for a widening of Highway 63, at least between Mackenzie Boulevard and Thickwood Boulevard, and a replacement of intersections with interchanges to enable average speed and capacity to be increased. This is required even without an increase in land use, and is reflected in work currently underway on the new Athabasca River Bridge, northern access to Franklin Avenue, and reconfiguration of the lanes along Highway 63. It can also be seen that Franklin Avenue (northwest of King Street) and the Confederation Way / Thickwood Boulevard loop are operating at a high v/c level (approaching or exceeding 0.70). With additional development (particularly to the southeast of the Lower Townsite and to the north of Timberlea), they are liable to become congested without road network expansions. Also, the connections between MacKenzie Park / Gregoire and the districts to the north are limited and susceptible to congestion if there is appreciable growth in Gregoire. 10.8 Model Operation The model is implemented within VISUM 11.5. Model files include a main version (.ver) file, which stores network details, modelling parameters and zone attributes; and a series of graphical parameter (.gpa) files for displaying network attributes and assignment results. 10.8.1 Input Data The initial work involves data entry into VISUM, including zone and network details, land use data, special generator numbers, and trip generation rates (which VISUM can be used to calibrate). Filters should be activated so as to turn off any parts of the network or zones not existing in the base year. 10.8.2 Model Definition Model definition includes steps such as demand segment and strata identification and linkage, and distribution model parameters and type definition. Ordinarily, the user would not make changes to these unless they wanted to change how the model operates, as opposed to the more typical investigation of the effects of varying the input assumptions. However, details of the definitions, accessed through the VISUM Demand menu, are given in Section 10.5.5. 10-33 10.8.3 Model Runs The model is run from the Procedures option of the VISUM Calculate menu, the same place where all model components are added and parameters are set. The model listing as it appears in VISUM is shown below in Exhibit 10-16. To run the full model, the user should select all model components and then click on the “Execute” button, which will run all selected procedures in the order listed below. To generate the model results presented, the model was run three times consecutively to update the distribution impedance model, after first initializing previous assignment results. Exhibit 10-16: VISUM Procedures Menu 10-34 The auto assignment is run directly in VISUM, using an equilibrium assignment method. When the runs are completed, the results are automatically available in both tabular and graphical format, and can be copied to external programs for additional analysis. No user input is required at this stage other than identifying the table for assignment and the assignment method, and then exporting the results. 10.8.4 Working With Assignment Results The user can load one of the library of graphic parameter (*.gpa) files to display results in a particular way (such as volumes, v/c ratios, or isochrones plots). VISUM also provides link volumes in a tabular format that can be directly copied to external software for comparison between forecast years and against observed totals. 10.9 Recommendations for Future Model Maintenance To maintain the ability to produce reasonable forecasts the model should be updated and recalibrated every five years. The recalibration should be undertaken to adjust trip generation and travel distribution to new base years and take account of actual population and employment changes, as well as emerging trends in mode split between auto and transit alternatives. A recalibration of the model using data from a new OD survey to be carried out in Phase 3 of the TMP would fit this timeline (2011 or 2012). Road (and transit, if transit modelling data become available) networks should be kept upto-date and frequently checked to track new infrastructure improvements planned and implemented by the RMWB and other jurisdictions. Zone centroid connectors will probably have to be added, replaced, and reconfigured to adjust to changes in land use and infrastructure. As the traffic volume increases, it may be necessary, due to modifications in connector locations, to add additional roads not significant enough for inclusion at the moment, as well as newly-constructed roads. As land use densities and distributions change, it is likely to be necessary to disaggregate or reconfigure the zone system, as was done for this model. It would help the model’s accuracy if the RMWB were to collect data (such as with surveys) with the zone system in mind, in order to cut down on the assumptions necessary, especially concerning the splitting of districts into zones. 10-35 The quality of transportation demand modelling forecasts is directly linked to the quality of the input data. It is recommended that the RMWB considers expanding its current data collection efforts to collect for: 1. Periodic roadway travel volumes by direction of travel in 15-minutes intervals, capable to be summarized by peak hour or peak period, 2. Roadway classification counts to distinguish between passenger car travel for personal use versus commercial travel (light-heavy trucks, buses, school buses, taxis, etc) undertaken prior to future model recalibration, 3. Vehicle occupancy count focused on recording number of occupants in a passenger car / van, number of occupants in a bus (transit, inter-city) and number of occupants in a school bus undertaken prior to future model recalibration, 4. OD and household travel characteristic telephone interview survey of the RMWB population undertaken prior to future model recalibration, and 5. Employment surveys focused on travel patterns of employees and businesses undertaken prior to future model recalibration. Data items 2 to 5 are often undertaken simultaneously by a group of municipalities, or jurisdictions, to reduce costs and achieve greatest possible coverage of the area. The valuable information collected in periodic traffic count programs or surveys have found numerous applications not only in long term transportation planning but also in short range planning, operations and maintenance (pavement management), land use planning and overall community planning. 10-36 11. MODELLED NETWORK SCENARIOS 11.1 Introduction This third chapter of Phase 2 of the TMP builds on the model development work discussed in Chapter 10 by applying the model to future growth scenarios. It shows the impact of community growth on the transportation network, along with the effect of network improvements on mitigating the congestion resulting from that growth. Allowance is also made for an increase in the active transportation mode share over short distances as part of the model, while transit is, conservatively, modelled as maintaining but not increasing its present mode share. Scenarios examined include the 2015, 2020 and 2028 horizon years, reaching an ultimate population of 129,000 by 2028. 11-1 11.2 Background 11.2.1 Study Area The study area encompasses the Fort McMurray within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB), as described in Chapter 10, with the addition of several other areas forecast to have growth during the modelling time frame, including Parsons Creek, Saline Creek, and the area along Highway 63 east of Timberlea. A map of the expanded study area is shown below in Exhibit 11-1. Exhibit 11-1: 2028 Horizon Study Area 11-2 11.2.2 Relevant Studies and Documents An important study component was the review and consolidation of information from existing planning documents addressing growth in the RMWB. These documents, and important findings and determinations, are detailed in the following pages. Pertinent exhibits are included in Appendix 11-A. 2000 Transportation Master Plan The 2000 Transportation Master Plan by Dillon Consulting included the following conclusions: 1. Traffic Mobility Along Franklin Avenue – Congestion along Franklin Avenue is a concern. 2. Traffic interaction between the Downtown Core and Highway 63 – Growth north of the Athabasca River was expected to place pressure on access into the Lower Townsite. 3. Traffic mobility within the midtown Commercial Area – A need to increase mobility in this area was identified. 4. Traffic mobility within the Prairie Industrial and Keyano College Districts – Improved circulation in this area was identified. The recommendations identified in 2000 Transportation Master Plan Final Report are summarized in Table 11-1. Many of these recommendations have been completed, such as extending Manning Avenue to Riedel Street, and installing traffic signals at King Street and Franklin Avenue. 11-3 Table 11-1: 2000 TMP Study Recommendations Item Road and Network Improvements Operations Further Planning Policy and Planning Page 49 of report Area Task Left turn extension program. Upgrading between Morrison and Hardin Streets converting angle parking to parallel Along Franklin Avenue parking. Hospital Street intersection upgrade to channelized facility with pedestrian refuse accommodation. Upgrade Hardin Street to 4 lanes. Upgrade Morrison Street to 4 lanes between Highway 63 and Franklin Avenue. Highway 63 and Upgrade Franklin Avenue between Morrison Downtown Core and Hardin Streets. Upgrade Hardin and Morrison Streets between Franklin and Fraser Avenue to 4 lanes. Extend Manning Avenue to Riedel Street. Upgrade Riedel Street from Manning to Franklin Midtown Commercial Avenues. Fraser / Gordon Avenue alignment between King and Riedel Streets. King Street widening from new interchange to Franklin Avenue. Prairie Industrial and Traffic signals at King Street and Franklin Keyano Districts Avenue. Hangingstone Bridge Crossing. Dedicate additional resources to enhance: Along Franklin Avenue signal coordination, signal actuation programming, access control, and consolidation. Shopping Centre Development Approvals – Along Franklin Avenue improve site layout to improve operations. Transit Services – review routes in the Lower Townsite. Dialogue with AT on the interaction with the Lower Townsite and Highway 63. Clearwater River Trail Protection – Which a portion may be needed for vehicular conveyance. The 2000 Transportation Master Plan rejected the Loop Road concept as it was not deemed required at the horizons that study addressed. The 2000 study did not indicate that a corridor should be protected along the Clearwater River, and was to include the following: Access to Highway 63 at the new interchange planned for King Street / Tolen Road; North / south corridor alignment along Penhorwood Street or the rail line including another crossing of the Hangingstone River; Connection to the Fraser Avenue / Gordon Avenue alignment. East / west corridor alignment along the Clearwater River and the Borealis Park District between Riedel and Hardin Streets. Connection to Clearwater Drive at Hardin Street and ultimate routing to Highway 63 along Hardin or Morrison Streets. 11-4 Population Horizon 40,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 80,000 80,000 Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan The Lower Townsite Area Redevelopment Plan, RMWB, adopted by Council in 2001 further discussed Clearwater Drive. The proposed transportation drawing included in the report identified a “Proposed Collector” traversing from the King Street / Highway 63 interchange to Riedel Street. Lower Townsite East End Servicing Study The Lower Townsite East End Servicing Study, Associated Engineering, March 2002 identified the transportation, sanitary sewer, and water supply requirements to support projected populations of 4,500, 7,000, 10,000, and 12,000 people within the Keyano District. The study identified that at the 7,000 population horizon the following transportation improvements are required: 1. New arterial from the Highway 63 interchange to the Prairie Industrial Area. 2. Upgrade of Franklin Avenue east of King Street. 3. Upgrade connections to the new arterial. 4. King Street would not require twinning. 5. The Highway 63 interchange overpass and roundabout would have to be upgraded to 2lanes for both the 4,500 and 7,000 population thresholds. Lower Townsite East Loop Road and Connector Roads – Clearwater Drive Predesign Report The Lower Townsite East Loop Road and Connector Roads – Clearwater Drive Predesign Report, Associated Engineering, June 2005 presented a preferred alignment of a road from the King Street / Highway 63 interchange to Riedel Street. The preferred road alignment begins at Riedel Street and is a major collector standard to King Street, then transitioning to an arterial road standard and connecting to Highway 63 via a new bridge over the Hangingstone Creek. There were two study recommendations that should be noted: 1. “That the municipality carry on with the preliminary design of the Loop Road to the West End of the Lower Townsite from Riedel Street to Morrison Street.” 2. “That the Municipality undertake a comprehensive assessment of the overall Lower Townsite transportation network as proposed in the Council adoption of the 2000 Lower Townsite transportation plan.” Highway 63 Functional Planning Study Sections of the Highway 63 Functional Planning Study Fort McMurray, King Street to Confederation Way, McElhanney Engineering, 2008 were provided by Alberta Transportation. Section 3, titled “Project Appraisal” reviews the existing highway, existing traffic volumes, historical traffic growth, bus service, and a regional growth forecast. Three population and employment horizons were considered, existing (2005 – population of approximately 61,000), and the 118,000 and 160,000 population horizons. Also considered in this section was forecasting reliability, traffic characteristics such as trip generation and distribution, model split and assignment, and finally a summary of the Open House and Presentation was included. Section 8, titled “Traffic Analysis” was also forwarded and revisited the trip generation, trip distribution, development phasing, basic laning on the 11-5 highway, intersection performance, improvement staging sequence, Franklin Avenue Roundabout, and a merging, diverging, and weaving analysis. It should be noted that this study includes Highway 63 improvement phasing in the vicinity of the Lower Townsite as follows: Phase 1 (interim stage at the 118,000 population horizon) - Intersection improvements at Thickwood Boulevard, Morrison / Hardin Streets, King Street and Beacon Hill Drive, incluing bypass of Morrison / Hardin Streets. Phase 2 (ultimate design condition at the 160,000 population horizon) - New bridge across the Athabasca River, being construction of southbound tunnel from river crossing to Franklin Avenue Phase 3 – Nothing pertinent to the Lower Townsite area Phase 4 – Six-lane Highway 63 south of river crossing to King Street; Main Street interchange; upgrade King and Hospital Street interchanges (widen structures) The Recommended Ultimate Freeway Plan, Core-C/D Concept with Franklin Ave Connection was downloaded from Alberta Transportation’s website. Fringe Area Development Assessment Urban Service Area The Fringe Area Development Assessment Urban Service Area, Armin A. Preiksaitis & Associates Ltd., Associated Engineering, and Thurber Engineering, March 22, 2007 examines future potential Urban Growth Areas. Of note to this study was the Saline Creek Plateau area which includes a future connection (Draper Road) through Waterways and with the Lower Townsite. Lower Townsite East Loop Road – Highway 63 to Franklin Avenue Traffic Impact Assessment – Draft The Lower Townsite East Loop Road – Highway 63 to Franklin Avenue Traffic Impact Assessment – Draft, Associated Engineering, April 2007 recommended the following network improvements: Highway 63 / King Street interchange. King Street and Tolen Drive can be realigned under the proposed Hangingstone Creek Bridge The proposed interchange be included in the initial stage to be in place by population horizon 105,000. On the Highway 63 east ramp, the northbound right turn should be channelized. East Loop Road from Mills Avenue to Franklin Avenue: Permit accommodation for dual left turns from the loop road to the connecting arterial roads. Mills Avenue – Draper Road Connection: Protect right of way for Mills Avenue to extend southerly Begin preliminary design for extending Mills Avenue from the Loop Road across the Hangingstone Creek through Waterways to connect to Draper Road. RMWB staff provided Synchro outputs that illustrate two interchange concepts one for each of the 85,000 and 105,000 population scenarios. 11-6 Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan The Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan, Armin A. Preiksaitis & Associates Ltd. and Associated Engineering, June 14, 2007 provides a guideline to facilitate efficient planning and development of the area. The connections between the Saline Creek Plateau Area and the Lower Townsite are relevant to this update of the transportation master plan. The Transportation Map included in the study indicates a “Possible Arterial Roadway Alignment” through the Waterways neighbourhood, and a new bridge over the Hangingstone Creek facilitating an extension to Mills Avenue. Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan The Parsons Creek Urban Design Plan, Stantec, May, 2010 was completed to provide community vision and design brief to be used as a guiding document for the development of Parsons Creek. The original study was completed in 2009; however, due to a number of design assumption changes, this study was updated in 2010. One of the more significant changes is the assumed alignment of the future regional ring road which was originally envisioned to be located closer to Parsons Creek and the West Growth Area. With the ring road alignment now being located further west, consideration for site access must be re-evaluated. Highway 686 and Parsons Creek Interchanges Highway 686 – Parsons Creek East and West Interchanges Presentation to RMWB, ISL Engineering, June 22, 2010 presents functional plans of the proposed interchanges at these locations. Transit Master Plan Final Report The Transit Master Plan Final Report, iTRANS Consulting, October 2007 provides a guideline for providing an effective, responsive, and improved transit system as the RMWB continues to grow. Specifically this report details the existing downtown bus transfer on Main Street between Franklin Avenue and MacDonald Avenue as inefficient due to the sharing of the road with vehicular traffic and the passenger boarding and waiting areas were minimal. The study further noted that the existing facility will not be able to accommodate future growth of the transit system. The study notes that the existing location best meets specific criteria, and recommends that the RMWB consider a full or partial closure of Main Street between Franklin Avenue and MacDonald Avenue to provide for an interim safe and operational transfer on-street facility. In the long-term a bus terminal building should be constructed in this location. 11-7 Transportation Master Plan – Stage 1 Technical Report #1 The Transportation Master Plan – Stage 1 Technical Report #1, iTRANS Consulting, December, 2007 summarized a review of the existing conditions, parking strategies, data collection, and traffic database development. Of importance was the parking review of Central Business District. A parking survey was undertaken on a weekday, and the resulting demand was measured against the available supply. The demand versus supply was plotted and the results indicate parking capacity within the Central Business District. This finding supports the investigation into the removal of parking along Franklin Avenue between Sutherland and Hardin Streets. Transportation Master Plan – Stage 1 Technical Report #2 The Transportation Master Plan – Stage 1 Technical Report #2, iTRANS Consulting, June, 2008 detailed the construction of the transportation model using the VISUM software package. This report summarizes the land use, population, and employment assumptions that went into building the model. In addition, proposed network changes were ‘tested’ by the transportation model. Engineering Services Standards and Development Procedures The Engineering Services Standards and Development Procedures, The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, July 2004 provides the design guidelines for roads and subdivisions and was used as a reference during this Study. TAC Geometric Design The Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads, Transportation Association of Canada (TAC), September 1999, was referenced as a supplement to the RMWB’s engineering services standards. Other RMWB staff provided additional information as follows: A detailed design of the connection between Franklin Avenue and the Highway 63 northbound on-ramp (and onto the new Athabasca River Bridge) and the Highway 63 southbound off-ramp. The Highway 686 / Highway 63 conceptual interchange layout. 11.3 Future Conditions 11.3.1 Expected Network Modifications Based on the review of the documents and studies previously discussed, the progressive modifications made to the road network for each horizon year are summarized in Table 11-2. The table indicates for which scenarios the described modification is initially included. 11-8 Table 11-2: Potential Network Improvements (part 1) Network Segment Included in Improvement 2015 Access management including new intersections, closing intersections, Franklin Avenue Corridor revising intersections, installation and removal of traffic signals, and alterations to parking Franklin Avenue between Morrison and Hardin Streets Convert angle parking to parallel parking (2011) Franklin Avenue/Hospital Street intersection Upgraded channelized with pedestrian accommodation Franklin Avenue/King Street intersection Traffic signals (2010) Franklin Avenue Lower Townsite East Loop Road 2028 Connection to Hardin Street from Clearwater Drive (2009 to 2011) Bridge over the Hangingstone River 4 lane Arterial from Highway 63 interchange to King Street Connections to Mills Avenue, Franklin Avenue, King Street, Queen Street, Hospital Street, and Riedel Street Implement ultimate layout 11-9 2000 Transportation Master Plan, Dillon Consulting, 2000 Lower Townsite East End Servicing Study, Associated Engineering, March 2002 Implement 2013 layout King Street/Tolen Drive/Highway 63 interchange Reference Upgrade east of King Street 4-lane Arterial from King Street to Riedel Street Clearwater Drive 2020 Lower Townsite East Loop Road and Connector Roads – Clearwater Drive Predesign Report, Associated Engineering, June 2005 -and- Transportation Master Plan Stage 1, iTRANS Consulting, August 2008 Lower Townsite East Loop Road – Highway 63 to Franklin Ave TIA, Associated Engineering, April 2007 Table 11-3: Potential Network Improvements (part 2) Network Segment Included in Improvement 2015 2020 King Street/Tolen Drive interchange improvements Hospital Street interchange improvements Haineault Street partial interchange Highway 63 Hardin Street interchange Athabasca River Bridge (2012) Southbound tunnel from river crossing to Franklin Ave Collector/Distribution lanes construction of Highway 63 Thickwood Boulevard Interchange (2012) Highway 63 Confederation Way Interchange (2012) Franklin Avenue Highway 63 northbound onramp/southbound offramp/Franklin Ave intersection (2012) 11-10 2028 Reference Highway 63 Functional Planning Study Fort McMurray, King street to Confederation Way, McElhanney Engineering, November 2008 Design Drawing, CH2M Hill, undated Table 11-4: Potential Network Improvements (part 3) Network Segment Included in Improvement 2015 Highway 69 Intersection (Stage 1) (2012) Airport Road Intersection (Stage 3) Saline Creek Plateau Road Network Extend Draper Road / Clearwater Parkway northerly to connect future Saline Creek Plateau Growth Area to Waterways (2013) Extend Mills Avenue southerly over the Hangingstone Creek via a new bridge Highway 686 / Parsons Creek East Interchange (No Staging) Parsons Creek Road Network Main Street between Franklin Avenue and MacDonald Avenue 2020 2028 Reference The Saline Creek Plateau Area Structure Plan, Armin A. Preiksaitis & Associates Ltd., June 2007 Highway 686 – Parsons Creek East and West Interchanges Presentation to RMWB, ISL Engineering, June 22, 2010 Highway 686 / Parsons Creek West Interchange (First stage is at-grade intersection) Major Arterial Roadway (Highway 686) / Highway 63 Interchange or Intersection (Stage 1) Service Roadway Connector (Rainbow Creek Drive Extension) to Timberlea (Stage 1) Parson Creek Urban Design Plan, RMWB, May 2010 & Parsons Creek Presentation to RMWB , Stantec, May 25, 2010; and concept drawing received from RMWB Downtown Transit Terminal Final Draft Report , HDR | iTRANS, March 2010 Temporary Bus Transfer Facility (Transit Street Only) Close to vehicular traffic 11-11 The following set of exhibits depict how these progressive modifications are applied in VISUM to generate future year networks, in terms of geometric configurations, numbers of lanes, link speeds, and lane capacities. The exhibits are presented as follows: Exhibit 11-2 to Exhibit 11-4 illustrates the number of lanes per direction at each horizon. Exhibit 11-5 to Exhibit 11-7 illustrates the speeds per direction at each horizon. Exhibit 11-8 to Exhibit 11-10 illustrates the lane capacity per direction at each horizon. 11-12 Exhibit 11-2: Number of Lanes (2015) 11-13 Exhibit 11-3: Number of Lanes (2020) 11-14 Exhibit 11-4: Number of Lanes (2028) 11-15 Exhibit 11-5: Link Speeds (2015) 11-16 Exhibit 11-6: Link Speeds (2020) 11-17 Exhibit 11-7: Link Speeds (2028) 11-18 Exhibit 11-8: Lane Capacities (2015) 11-19 Exhibit 11-9: Lane Capacities (2020) 11-20 Exhibit 11-10: Lane Capacities (2028) 11-21 11.3.2 Future Land Use and Traffic Zones Future land use was based on the forecasted population and employment numbers provided by the RMWB. The land use data provided include three horizon years (2015, 2020 and 2028) and represent study area populations of 83,000, 94,000, and 129,000, respectively. Forecasted land use data are provided in Table 11-5 for the zones previously shown in Exhibit 11-11. 11-22 Table 11-5: Future Population and Employment Numbers Zone Description 2008 Emp Pop 2015 Emp Pop 2020 Emp Pop 2028 Emp Pop 1 Gregoire 1,232 2 Gregoire - 3,693 3 Gregoire - 3,426 4 Gregoire 3,546 124 3,489 122 3,453 121 3,410 119 5 Gregoire - 818 - 818 - 818 - 818 7 Beacon Hill - 180 - 180 833 280 2,500 989 8 Gregoire - - - 460 - 460 - 460 83 1,212 83 - 4,585 - 4,685 1,200 83 1,185 4,450 - 4,545 83 6,212 - 6,283 9 Beacon Hill 2,533 299 2,491 294 2,465 291 2,435 288 11 Waterways 744 297 904 361 1,046 418 1,274 510 13 Lower Townsite 974 578 1,062 708 1,196 734 2,023 825 14 Lower Townsite 322 1,338 397 1,552 538 1,909 948 2,481 15 Lower Townsite 1,082 1,044 1,164 1,242 1,297 1,584 1,797 2,553 16 Lower Townsite 250 1,706 323 1,920 465 2,277 1,055 2,849 17 Lower Townsite 1,405 251 1,488 266 1,618 289 1,833 328 18 Lower Townsite 1,405 98 1,471 103 1,601 112 2,217 155 19 Lower Townsite 1,198 103 1,265 256 1,397 532 1,911 1,176 20 Lower Townsite 1,566 466 1,635 638 1,763 924 1,951 1,381 21 Lower Townsite 301 196 367 238 508 330 948 616 22 Lower Townsite 288 769 373 912 514 1,150 704 1,531 23 Lower Townsite 261 2,316 346 2,745 487 3,459 1,157 4,602 24 Lower Townsite 3,494 1,118 3,573 1,143 3,680 1,177 4,231 1,354 25 Lower Townsite - 26 Abasand Heights 403 39 397 38 392 38 388 37 27 Abasand Heights 3,277 180 3,222 177 3,188 175 3,149 173 28 Abasand Heights 63 191 - 191 - 191 - 191 2,111 66 2,076 65 2,054 64 2,029 30 Thickwood - 24 - 24 - 24 - 31 Thickwood 3,405 346 3,348 340 3,313 337 3,272 333 32 Thickwood 2,141 344 2,106 338 2,084 335 2,058 331 33 Thickwood 3,056 705 3,006 693 2,974 686 2,938 678 34 Thickwood 1,362 41 1,339 40 1,325 40 1,309 40 35 Thickwood 3,423 1,978 3,366 1,945 3,331 1,925 3,290 1,901 36 Thickwood 3,288 246 3,498 262 3,462 259 3,419 256 37 Thickwood 2,599 237 2,556 233 2,529 231 2,498 228 38 Timberlea 3,636 350 3,578 345 3,541 341 3,498 337 39 Timberlea 3,240 267 3,188 262 3,155 260 3,116 256 40 Timberlea 4,517 83 4,445 82 4,399 81 4,345 80 41 Timberlea 6,961 225 6,850 222 6,778 219 6,695 217 42 Timberlea 5,844 215 5,751 212 5,691 209 5,621 207 43 Timberlea - - 3,426 117 3,391 115 3,349 114 44 Timberlea - - 4,706 311 4,657 308 4,599 304 45 Timberlea - - - 775 - 950 - 950 46 Timberlea - - - 775 - 950 - 950 50 Parsons Creek - - 3,764 266 10,235 723 10,109 714 51 Parsons Creek - - - - 1,993 50 3,235 81 52 Parsons Creek - - - - - - 10,682 750 67 South of Airport - - - 105 - 333 68 Saline Creek - - - - - - 4,491 133 69 Saline Creek - - - - - - 8,473 345 70 Saline Creek - - - - - - 4,226 562 71 Draper 267 17 72 Airport - - 73 East of Airport - - 74 Saprae Creek Estates Total 864 70,994 67 24,527 267 17 - - - 109 864 83,312 11-23 67 31,324 267 17 - - - 360 864 93,685 67 35,233 - 24 1,573 367 23 - - - 1,696 1063 129,797 82 49,239 A few modifications were made to the distribution of the data provided by the RMWB, including: Splitting Zone 45 and distributing half of its employment to zone 46, to avoid having one zone cross Highway 63 at the north end of the study area, which is difficult to model. Splitting Zone 2 and adding Zone 8 to represent the new bus maintenance facility in MacKenzie Park. Redistributing 500 workers from Zone 14 to Zone 13 (the Keyano College zone) as the employment at the College appeared very low. These changes are applied to all horizon years. New zones included in horizon years that were not in the base year are 8 (split 2), 45 and 46 (along northern Highway 63), 50, 51 and 52 (Parson’s Creek), 68, 69 and 70 (Saline Creek), and 67 and 73 (along Highway 69 east of the airport road). In total, there are 48 active traffic zones in 2015 (up from 40 in the base year), 49 in 2020, and 53 in 2028. These are shown below in Exhibit 11-11, where the zones highlighted in blue are only active in 2028, and the zone in green at the northeast of Parson’s Creek is only active in 2020 and 2028. 11-24 Zone Legend Active in 2015 to 2028 Active in 2020 and 2028 Active in 2028 only Exhibit 11-11: Traffic Zones in 2015, 2020, and 2028 11-25 11.3.3 Future Travel Demand Future travel demand is generated principally from the future scenario land use figures, using the trip production and attraction rates developed during base year calibration and described in Chapter 10. For zones that were not assigned rates in the base year (as they had no existing land use), the primarily residential developments (Parson’s Creek and Saline Creek) use the rates for the Timberlea and Thickwood area, while the industrial zones (along Highway 63 and 69) use the MacKenzie Park zone rates. In the case of special generators and gateways, growth is assumed to be proportional to population increase in the study area, and therefore the overall number of trips is factored up by the ratio of horizon year population to base year population. These factors are 1.154 for 2015, 1.298 for 2020 and 1.819 for 2028. For 2028 a 4% reduction in demand is also applied to the auto assignment matrix prior to the final assignment for trips under 2 km (on the road network) in length, to simulate the impact of work to encourage active transportation. This is not applied to zone pairings on opposite sides of Highway 63, and largely affects intrazonal trips which are not, in any event, assigned to the network. 11-26 11.4 Model Analysis Results This section describes the results and gives comparative performance summaries for each scenario. The following performance attributes are used to contrast the scenarios: Modelled number of trips: the number of auto drive trips assigned, which is the same (allowing for slight rounding differences) for all network scenarios within a given horizon year; Network lane-kilometres: overall size of the modelled network in terms of vehicle lanes (so a 2.5 km, four-lane road would contribute 10 km to the total). Centroid connectors are excluded; Congested lane kilometres: number of lane-kilometres (as defined above) where the assigned volume exceeds 90% of the lane’s designated capacity; Overall congested percentage: congested lane kilometres divided by overall lane kilometres; Modelled VKT: the total number of vehicles assigned multiplied by the total length of their trips in kilometres, to assess the overall load on the network; Modelled VHT: similar to VKT, but measuring trip length in terms of travel time instead of distance; Hours of congestion: the number of hours, when all link travel times are added up, spent travelling at less than 60% of the free-flow (posted speed),i.e., severely affected by congestion; Annual hours of congestion per capita: the hours of congestion as defined above, multiplied by a peak-hour to annual conversion factor of 1500 (250 for weekday to year conversion, 3 for peak-hour to peak-period conversion, and 2 for the two daily peak periods), and divided by the population; Annual CO2 emissions: congestion hours converted to tonnes of CO2, using conversion rates from the Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model (CMEM) developed at the University of California; Annual CO2 emissions per capita: annual emissions divided by the population. In general, a higher value for each of these attributes indicates a state of greater congestion, with the exception of network-kilometres (as this affects supply rather than demand) and sometimes also modelled VKT (as the addition of bypass routes can lead to longer but faster trips). 11-27 11.4.1 Analysis Methodology Using VISUM transportation modelling software the various network options were tested at each planning scenario. Details on the development and calibration of the transportation model, and the base year (2007) results are included in Chapter 10. The methodology in undertaking the model analysis, assuming that the model development and base year run are complete is as follows: 1. Develop horizon year networks for 2015, 2020, and 2028, based on scheduled network modifications and consultation with the RMWB. 2. Perform a model run using 2015 land use and travel demand estimates on the base year network 3. Analyse level of congestion on base year network and derive performance statistics. 4. Repeat the process with the planned 2015 network to assess the improvement (impact of the network changes). 5. Repeat for 2020 growth scenario, with 2015 and 2020 networks. 6. Repeat for 2028 growth scenario, with 2020 and 2028 networks. The results of this process quantify the impact of progressive transportation network improvements for each horizon year. 11-28 11.4.2 2015 Horizon The following tables and plots show the extent of the ability of the road network improvements planned by 2015 to support growth and demand for travel. The two scenarios are: 2015 demand assigned to improved (2015) network 2015 demand assigned to 2007 (base year) network Table 11-6: 2015 Scenario Performance Statistics (2007 and 2015 networks) Network Attribute % Difference 2015 2007 21,719 21,719 0% Network lane-kilometres 570 424 34% Congested lane-km (v/c > 90%) 12 40 -70% Overall congested percentage 2% 9% -78% Modelled VKT (PM pk hr) 146,552 135,588 8% Modelled VHT (PM pk hr) 2,433 5,027 -52% Annual hours of congestion (hours of travel at below 60% of posted speed, weekdays AM and PM peak periods) 210 3,399 Annual hours of congestion per capita 2.56 41.39 40,848 47,211 0.50 0.57 Modelled vehicle drive trips (PM pk hr) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes--based on 60% of posted speed threshold; weekdays AM and PM peak periods) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes) per capita -94% -94% -13% -12% The performance statistics show the changes in network operations between the comparative horizon years. They describe the network’s ability to support travel demand, supply the necessary capacity and documents the impacts on the local economy (hours of congestion) and on the wellbeing of the community (CO2 emissions). Between 2007 and 2015 population of Fort McMurray is expected to increase by 17% (from 71,000 in 2007 to 83,300 in 2015). The 17% increase in population will be accompanied by a 34% increase in road network capacity expressed as network lane-kilometres. The increase in network capacity will be higher then the expected growth and will give the RMWB the opportunity to achieve a better balance between the supply (roads) and demand (travel) side of the transportation equation. The expected 34% increase in road infrastructure will result in a visible improvement in travel conditions and in reduction in the overall network congestion over what would be the case if the changes were not implemented. Without changes, the average annual delay due to congestion would be nearly 20 times larger (41.4 hours instead of 2.6). Better travel conditions will result in less time spent in congestion and in lower CO2 emissions. 11-29 Exhibit 11-12: v/c Ratios, 2015 Land Use on 2007 Network 11-30 Exhibit 11-13: v/c Ratios, 2015 Land Use on 2015 Network 11-31 Reviewing Exhibit 11-13, the following observations are made: There is a clear requirement for the Highway 63 interchange with Confederation Way and for the additional bridge over the Athabasca River connecting directly to Franklin Avenue, as both of these improvements remove most congestion along Highway 63 and in the northwest quadrant of the Lower Townsite. The Highway 686 interchange with Highway 63 and the new highway to service Parson’s Creek reduces traffic on Confederation Way and the roads north of it, which otherwise have a very high v/c ratio, although Exhibit 11-13 indicates that there are still problems with congestion in Timberlea (carried over from the base year) even without Parson’s Creek traffic. Congestion can also be seen on Highway 63 adjacent to the Lower Townsite, indicating a need for the collector-distributor lanes alongside the highway that are to be developed later. Additional capacity on Highway 63 north of Beacon Hill Drive / Gregoire Drive is required to eliminate northbound congestion on Highway 63 in that area. 11-32 11.4.3 2020 Horizon The following tables and plots show the extent of the ability of the road network improvements planned by 2020 to support planned growth. The two scenarios are: 2020 demand assigned to improved (2015) network 2020 demand assigned to the planned 2020 network Table 11-7: 2020 Scenario Performance Statistics (2015 and 2020 networks) Network Attribute % Difference 2020 2015 24,782 24,782 0% Network lane-kilometres 583 570 2% Congested lane-km (v/c > 90%) 15 14 7% Overall congested percentage 3% 3% 0% Modelled VKT (PM pk hr) 171,787 172,137 0% Modelled VHT (PM pk hr) 2,882 2,892 0% Annual hours of congestion in thousands (hours of travel at below 60% of posted speed, weekdays AM and PM peak periods) 267 276 Annual hours of congestion per capita 2.89 2.98 48,049 48,110 0.52 0.52 Modelled vehicle drive trips (PM pk hr) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes--based on 60% of posted speed threshold; weekdays AM and PM peak periods) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes) per capita -3% -3% 0% 0% There are a limited number of improvements scheduled to be made between 2015 and 2020 (a 2% increase in network lane-kilometres). While their implementation is very important, their benefit is mainly noticed in later years. The decrease in congestion resulting from implementing the 2020 changes is approximately 3% in terms of time spent in congested traffic. 11-33 Exhibit 11-14: v/c Ratios, 2020 Land Use on 2015 Network 11-34 Exhibit 11-15: v/c Ratios, 2020 Land Use on 2020 Network 11-35 Reviewing Exhibit 11-15 the following observations are made: The only major network change between 2015 and 2020 is the connection between Saline Creek and Waterways; however, as this is not connected directly to MacKenzie Park it does not help with the congestion further west on the Highway 63 link to the Lower Townsite. As there is no development forecast for the Saline Creek zones until after 2020 there is little use of this road in this horizon year. 11-36 11.4.4 2028 Horizon The following tables and plots show the extent of the ability of the road network improvements planned by 2020 to support growth. The two scenarios are: 2028 demand assigned to improved (2020) network 2028 demand assigned to improved 2028 network Table 11-8: 2028 Scenario Performance Statistics (2020 and 2028 networks) Network Attribute 2028 2020 % Difference 34,012 34,012 0% Network lane-kilometres 622 583 7% Congested lane-km (v/c > 90%) 34 55 -38% Overall congested percentage 5% 9% -44% Modelled VKT (PM pk hr) 247,775 246,656 0% Modelled VHT (PM pk hr) 4,667 5,154 -9% Annual hours of congestion in thousands (hours of travel at below 60% of posted speed, weekdays AM and PM peak periods) 843 1228 Annual hours of congestion per capita 6.50 9.46 71,946 75,796 0.55 0.58 Modelled vehicle drive trips (PM pk hr) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes--based on 60% of posted speed threshold; weekdays AM and PM peak periods) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes) per capita -31% -31% -5% -5% Based on the growth forecast listed in Table 3-5, population of the Urban Growth Area of Forth McMurray will increase by 39% (from 93,700 in 2020 to 130,000 in 2028). This influx of population and the travel demand it will generate is supplied by only a 7% increase in roadway infrastructure (determined by lane-kilometres) as compared to 2020. The most critical improvements scheduled for completion between 2020 and 2028 are the addition of collector / distributor lanes along Highway 63 between Clearwater Drive and Thickwood Boulevard, the conversion of the Hardin Street-Highway 63 intersection to an interchange (thus enabling Highway 63 to function as a freeway while adjacent to the Lower Townsite), and the improvement of connections to and from the Saline Creek Plateau (via Mills and Draper Avenues and Airport Road). The Highway 63 improvements largely eliminate congestion through the Lower Townsite, but the Saline Creek connectivity does not fully address the impact of adding 17,000 residents to a previously unpopulated area. 11-37 While access to surrounding areas is facilitated, congestion builds up on the roads, such as Highway 69, that link Saline Creek to employment centres. If these road network improvements do not materialize in the time specified there will be a significant increase in congestion from 5% to 9% of the road network. This corresponds to an average extra three hours a year lost to congestion for every resident, as seen from the average hours of congestion per capita. Overall, congestion is higher than in 2020, even with the network improvements. 11-38 Exhibit 11-16: v/c Ratios, 2028 Land Use on 2020 Network 11-39 Exhibit 11-17: v/c Ratios, 2028 Land Use on 2028 Network 11-40 Reviewing Exhibit 11-17 in detail, the following observations are made: Overall, the network improvements between 2020 and 2028 are insufficient to avoid an increase in overall congestion during the PM peak hour of travel forecasted by this model. The conversion of the Hardin Street intersection to an interchange (which increases the highway capacity), and development of parallel collector lanes, means that Highway 63 no longer has a v/c ratio exceeding 0.9 through the Lower Townsite. It does, however, remain congested further south where there are fewer lanes. The main growth area between 2020 and 2028 is Saline Creek. The widening of the connector to Waterways to 4 lanes helps to provide an alternative connection to the Lower Townsite, but the additional growth leads to high flows on Highway 69 and the Saline Creek West Connector Road, suggesting that widening should also be considered there. In general, in 2028 the main area of congestion is the Gregoire / MacKenzie Park / Saline Creek southern region and access routes to it. In the south, there have been fewer network improvements over time than in the Lower Townsite (with the extension of the Loop Road and highway widening) or north of the Athabasca River where Parson’s Creek is served by a five-lane highway. Constructing the Parson’s Creek access as a five-lane cross section does not appear necessary by 2028. 11.4.5 Summary Analysis The summary analysis presented in Table 11-9 illustrates changes to the population, travel magnitude, network operations, impacts of delays on travel time (cost of congestion) and air quality (CO2 emissions) as compared to the 2007 Base Year (discussed in Chapter 10) and as compared between the improved networks for the three consecutive horizon years. 11-41 Table 11-9: Network Performance Statistics Summary, 2007 to 2028, PM peak hour Base Year % Difference Relative to 2007 Base Year Improved Networks Attribute % Difference Relative to Proceeding Year 2007 2015 2020 2028 20072015 20072020 20072028 2007 to 2015 2015 to 2020 2020 to 2028 Population 71,000 83,300 93,700 130,000 17% 32% 83% 17% 12% 39% Modelled vehicle drive trips (PM pk hr) 18,125 21,719 24,782 34,012 20% 37% 88% 20% 14% 37% Network lane-kilometres 417 570 583 622 37% 40% 49% 37% 2% 7% Congested lane-km (v/c > 90%) 13 12 15 34 -8% 15% 162% -8% 25% 127% Overall congested percentage 3% 2% 3% 5% -33% 0% 67% -33% 50% 67% Modelled VKT (PM pk hr) 108,575 146,552 171,787 247,775 35% 58% 128% 35% 17% 44% Modelled VHT (PM pk hr) 1,999 2,433 2,882 4,667 22% 44% 133% 22% 18% 62% Annual hours of congestion (thousands hours of travel at below 60% of posted speed, weekdays AM and PM peak periods) 112 210 267 843 88% 138% 653% 88% 27% 216% Annual hours of congestion per capita 1.58 2.56 2.89 6.5 62% 83% 311% 62% 13% 125% 31,436 40,848 48,049 71,946 30% 53% 129% 30% 18% 50% 0.44 0.50 0.52 0.55 14% 18% 25% 14% 4% 6% Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes--based on 60% of posted speed threshold; weekdays AM and PM peak periods) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes) per capita 11-42 The key observations are: The 2007 to 2028 increase in population (83%) will result in 88% increase in travel (PM peak hour). The highest increase in population and travel is between 2020 and 2028 (by 39% and 37% respectively) and is attributed to growth in Saline Creek. The 88% increase in travel between 2007 and 2028 occurs while there is only a 49% increase in network capacity. After a significant improvement to road network capacity estimated for the period between 2007 and 2015, the lane-kilometres of roadways increase only by 2% (2015 to 2020) and by 7% (2020 to 2028). Again, this is much lower than the population increase. These two trends are conflicting and unsustainable. In 2007, 3% of the road network was congested. This 3% represented mainly the high volume, key sections of Highway 63 adjacent to the Lower Townsite and across the Athabasca River. In 2028, 5% and 33 kilometres of the network will be congested. The congestion will be predominantly in the southern sections of the network, in the area of Mackenzie / Saline Creek, and is attributed to high population and employment growth allocated to these sections of Fort McMurray. Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) is a measure of travel activity and network saturation. If the 2015 conditions represent the best case conditions, where travel demand is met with a favourable supply of infrastructure, than the 2028 statistics indicate 44% increase in network saturation. Vehicle Hours Travelled (VHT) is a cumulative measure of travel time across the network. The cumulative travel time in Fort McMurray will more than double between 2007 and 2028. Visible worsening of travel time (and the corresponding increase in delays) is expected to occur between 2020 and 2028. Transportation is vital to the local economy; cost of time spent in traffic delays has been identified as one of the key disincentives to economical growth and wellbeing. Based on the assessment the hours of congestion will increase between 2007 and 2020 (by 83%) and then escalate more steeply to 843,000 hrs or 6.5 hrs/capita by 2028. The Green House Gas / CO2 emissions have a detrimental impact on air quality within the community. By 2028 travel in the AM and PM peak periods will generate over 70, 000 tonnes of CO2, this more than doubling the tonnes of emissions generated in 2007. The CO2 emissions per capita will increase only slightly. 11-43 11.5 Recommendations Fort McMurray will continue to experience rapid growth. The road network serving the area puts heavy demand on the capacity and connectivity provided by Highway 63. This section of the reviews detailed road network improvement recommendations based on the population, employment, and future infrastructure information provided. There are still nodes and segments on the network experiencing congestion. This is addressed in Chapter 12. Based on the results of the study, we recommend the following improvements: 1. The Lower Townsite Loop Road (connecting to Hardin Street) is required. 2. The addition of collector / distributor lanes along Highway 63 and conversion of the Hardin Street intersection to an interchange leads to a significant reduction of highway congestion through the Lower Townsite. It would help reduce congestion if these could be implemented by 2020. 3. The Mills Avenue / Draper Road connection will benefit the RMWB road network. It will provide connectivity between neighbourhoods and an alternate, parallel route to Highway 63 between the Lower Townsite and the Saline Creek Plateau Growth Area, although it may not be required by 2020. This connection will require a bridge over the Hangingstone River. 4. Parking should be removed along Franklin Avenue between Sutherland and Hardin Streets to enable two lanes of traffic flow between the new bridge and Hardin Street. 5. The results of the transportation model confirm that improvements along the Franklin Avenue corridor are required in order to facilitate future traffic volumes. 6. The transportation modelling exercise indicates that a second access to MacDonald Island is not required from a traffic perspective. 7. The development of the Saline Creek plateau will lead to congestion on Highway 69. Widening of Highway 69 is recommended. 8. Provision of an interchange between Highway 63 and Highway 69 should be considered. 9. The development of the Saline Creek plateau requires Waterways and the two Saline Creek arterials be constructed to provide 4 lanes of capacity. 10. Traffic congestion at the east end of Confederation Way, identified in all horizon years, could be relieved by the application of traffic information systems and other traffic management measures. No further widening of these sections is recommended. 11. The recommendations outlined in Lower Townsite East Loop Road – Highway 63 to Franklin Avenue Traffic Impact Assessment – Draft (Associated Engineering, 2007) have been confirmed, notably: Protect right of way for Mills Avenue to extend southerly. Begin preliminary design for extending Mills Avenue from the Loop Road across the Hangingstone Creek through Waterways to connect to Draper Road. The following Table 11-10 and Exhibit 11-18 summarizes the network improvements together with the recommended timeline for their implementation. 11-44 Table 11-10: Recommended Phasing ID 1 2 From Highway 63 Highway 686 To Highway 686 Athabasca Bridge Jurisdiction AT AT Highway 63 Confederation Way AT Add interchange 4 5 6 Name Highway 63 / Highway 686 Highway 63 Highway 63 / Confederation Way Highway 63 / Thickwood Blvd Parsons Creek West Parsons Creek East Highway 63 Highway 686 Highway 686 Thickwood Blvd Collector Collector AT AT AT 7 Athabasca River Bridge Highway 63 Franklin Ave AT 8 Saline Creek West Collector Highway 69 AT 9 Saline Creek / Highway 69 Highway 69 AT Add intersection 10 11 12 13 14 15 Timberlea Sutherland St MacDonald Ave Hardin St King St Clearwater Dr RMWB RMWB RMWB RMWB RMWB RMWB Add connection to Dickins Drive Replace parking to allow 2-lane traffic Close for bus terminal 4-lane connection 4-lane connection 2-lane connection King Street Tolen Drive AT Disconnect and remove roundabout 17 18 19 West connector road Franklin Avenue Main Street Lower Townsite Loop Road Clearwater Drive Mills Ave King Street / Tolen Drive at Highway 63 interchange Highway 63 collector lanes Highway 63 / Hardin St Parsons Creek West Saline Creek Saline Creek west collector Parsons Creek Hardin St Franklin Ave King St Highway 63 Waterways Add interchange Add intersection Add interchange Add bridge and connection to Lower Townsite Construct 4-lane arterial connection Clearwater Dr Hardin St Collector AT AT AT 20 Highway 686 Thickwood Blvd Highway 63 Highway 686 Parsons Creek West Parsons Creek East AT 21 Highway 686 22 23 Highway 63 / Haineault St Mills Ave 24 Saline Creek / Airport Rd 25 Draper Road 3 16 Highway 63 Highway 63 Waterways Saline Creek east collector Saline Creek Improvement Type Add interchange Widening to 3 lanes Parsons Creek West Haineault St Clearwater Dr AT RMWB Add two collector lanes each way Convert intersection to interchange Replace intersection with interchange 2-lane highway; widening to 4 lanes might be required beyond 2028 6-lane highway; widening to 10 lanes might be required beyond 2028 Add partial interchange 4-lane connection Airport Road RMWB Add intersection Waterways RMWB Construct 4-lane arterial connection 11-45 AT Timing 2015 2020 2028 Exhibit 11-18: Recommended Phasing 11-46 12. FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT AND PLAN 12.1 Introduction This Chapter reviews the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo’s (RMWB) transportation network, specifically the segments that remain congested at the 2028 horizon, assuming all identified improvements are in place in accordance with existing planning documents. The VISUM model is a valuable planning tool to quickly determine the network impacts of adding an additional lane to a roadway, or changing population or employment assumptions. It should be noted that the results of the model assessment can not be adopted as absolute, as functional level planning exercises were not completed. Functional planning would include at vertical grades, available right-of-way, and intersection capacity analysis, etc. 12.2 2028 Model Results The 2028 model results were presented in Chapter 11. As indicated in Table 12-1 the current planned network improvements are not sufficient to reduce congestion. Table 12-1: Review of Network Performance Statistics Attribute Base Year 2028 Population Modelled vehicle drive trips (PM peak hr) Network lane-kilometres Congested lane-km (v/c > 90%) Overall congested percentage Modelled VKT (PM peak hour) Modelled VHT (PM peak hour) Annual hours of congestion (thousands hours of travel at below 60% of posted speed, weekdays AM and PM peak periods) Annual hours of congestion per capita Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes – based on 60% of posted speed threshold; weekdays AM and PM peak periods) Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes) per capita 71,000 18,125 417 13 3% 108,575 1,999 130,000 34,012 622 34 5% 247,775 4,667 % Relative Difference between Base Year and 2028 83% 88% 49% 162% 67% 128% 133% 112 843 653% 1.58 6.50 311% 31,436 71,946 129% 0.44 0.55 25% 12-1 12.3 Network Improvements and Analysis A review of the 2028 volume to capacity model results was conducted to determine the road segments experiencing congestion over 90%. The initial list was then further refined by eliminating: Local Roads experiencing congestion. Other roads where there is a viable alternate route. It is expected congested traffic would naturally smooth itself, by searching for alternate routes once spending time in congestion. The alternative would be to build additional lanes, or improve intersections, which would be costly and unnecessary. Additional model runs were then performed assuming additional network improvements not identified in any current planning documents. For example, Highway 69 was widened from a 2 lane cross-section to a 4 lane cross-section. The following set of exhibits depict how the additional improvements are applied in VISUM to generate the future year networks, in terms of geometric configuration, number of lanes, link speeds, and lane capacities. The exhibits are presented as follows: Exhibit 12-1 to Exhibit 12-3 illustrates the number of lanes per direction at each horizon. Exhibit 12-4 to Exhibit 12-6 illustrates the speeds per direction at each horizon. 12-2 Exhibit 12-1: Number of Lanes (2015) 12-3 Exhibit 12-2: Number of Lanes (2020) 12-4 Exhibit 12-3: Number of Lanes (2028) 12-5 Exhibit 12-4: Link Speeds (2015) 12-6 Exhibit 12-5: Link Speeds (2020) 12-7 Exhibit 12-6: Link Speeds (2028) 12-8 The following performance attributes are used to determine performance: Modelled number of trips: the number of auto drive trips assigned, which is the same (allowing for slight rounding differences) for all network scenarios within a given horizon year; Network lane-kilometres: overall size of the modelled network in terms of vehicle lanes (so a 2.5 km, four-lane road would contribute 10 km to the total). Centroid connectors are excluded; Congested lane kilometres: number of lane-kilometres (as defined above) where the assigned volume exceeds 90% of the lane’s designated capacity; Overall congested percentage: congested lane kilometres divided by overall lane kilometres; Modelled vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT): the total number of vehicles assigned multiplied by the total length of their trips in kilometres, to assess the overall load on the network; Modelled vehicle hours travelled (VHT): similar to VKT, but measuring trip length in terms of travel time instead of distance; Hours of congestion: the number of hours, when all link travel times are added up, spent travelling at less than 60% of the free-flow (posted speed),i.e., severely affected by congestion; Annual hours of congestion per capita: the hours of congestion as defined above, multiplied by a peak-hour to annual conversion factor of 1500 (250 for weekday to year conversion, 3 for peak-hour to peak-period conversion, and 2 for the two daily peak periods), and divided by the population; Annual CO2 emissions: congestion hours converted to tonnes of CO2, using conversion rates from the Comprehensive Modal Emissions Model (CMEM) developed at the University of California; Annual CO2 emissions per capita: annual emissions divided by the population. In general, a higher value for each of these attributes indicates a state of greater congestion, with the exception of network-kilometres (as this affects supply rather than demand) and sometimes also modelled VKT (as the addition of bypass routes can lead to longer but faster trips). Volume to capacity plots are provided as follows: Exhibit 12-7 to Exhibit 12-10 illustrates the volume to capacity ratio at the 2015 horizon. Exhibit 12-11 to Exhibit 12-14 illustrates the volume to capacity ratio at the 2020 horizon. Exhibit 12-15 to Exhibit 12-18 illustrates the volume to capacity ratio at the 2028 horizon. 12-9 Exhibit 12-7: v/c Ratios North (2015) 12-10 Exhibit 12-8: v/c Ratios North Lower Townsite (2015) 12-11 Exhibit 12-9: v/c Ratios South Lower Townsite (2015) 12-12 Exhibit 12-10: v/c Ratios South (2015) 12-13 Exhibit 12-11: v/c Ratios North (2020) 12-14 Exhibit 12-12: v/c Ratios North Lower Townsite (2020) 12-15 Exhibit 12-13: v/c Ratios South Lower Townsite (2020) 12-16 Exhibit 12-14: v/c Ratios South (2020) 12-17 Exhibit 12-15: v/c Ratios North (2028) 12-18 Exhibit 12-16: v/c Ratios North Lower Townsite (2028) 12-19 Exhibit 12-17: v/c Ratios South Lower Townsite (2028) 12-20 Exhibit 12-18: v/c Ratios South (2028) 12-21 The list of road segments initially with volume to capacity ratios in excess of 90%, the identified improvement, and the resulting volume to capacity ratio is detailed in Table 12-2. Table 12-2: Additional Improvements Impact Road Between v/c Existing / Planned* Improve ment Revised v/c 133% 2 Lanes 4 Lanes 91% 125% 2 Lanes 4 Lanes 77% 76% 2 Lanes 4 Lanes 51% Future Saline Creek Arterial Northbound Highway 69 Draper Road Highway 69 Eastbound MacKenzie Boulevard Highway 69 Eastbound Highway 63 Future Saline Creek Arterial Mackenzie Boulevard Highway 63 Northbound MacKenzie Boulevard Gregoire Drive 102% 107% 4 Lanes 6 Lanes 81% Draper Road Southbound Clearwater Drive 1st Intersection to South 96% 4 Lanes None 76% Clearwater Drive Eastbound Highway 63 Draper Road 83% 4 Lanes 6 Lanes 51% Hardin Street to Highway 63 on-ramp Hardin Street Highway 63 southbound 151% 1 Lane 1 Lane (higher capacity) 149% MacDonald Drive Northbound Highway 63 Southbound Off-Ramp Franklin Avenue Confederation Way 1st Intersection to North Thickwood Boulevard 137% 2 Lanes 4 Lanes 68% 118% - 93% 1 Lane 2 Lanes 66% Confederation Way Westbound Highway 63 1st Intersection to the West 126% Arterial Reclassify as Rural Highway 91% Highway 686 off-ramp and on-ramp at Parsons Creek West Interchange West Interchange East Interchange 130% 1 Lane 2 Lanes 62% *The lanes indicated are total lanes, except for ramp lanes. 12.4 Analysis Summary The summary analysis presented in Table 12-3 illustrates changes to the population, travel magnitude, network operations, impacts of delays on travel time (cost of congestion) and air quality (CO2 emissions) as compared to the 2007 Base Year (discussed in Chapter 10) and as compared between the improved networks for the three consecutive horizon years. The improved network reflects the additional network improvements. 12-22 Table 12-3: Network Performance Statistics Summary, 2007 to 2028, PM peak hour Attribute Base Year Improved Networks % Difference Relative to 2007 Base Year % Change over time period 2007 2015 2020 2028 20072015 20072020 20072028 2007 to 2015 2015 to 2020 2020 to 2028 Population 71,000 83,300 93,700 130,000 17% 32% 83% 17% 12% 39% Modelled vehicle drive trips (PM peak hr) 18,125 21,719 24,782 34,012 20% 37% 88% 20% 14% 37% Network lane-kilometres 417 573 586 650 37% 41% 56% 37% 2% 11% Congested lane-km (v/c > 90%) 13 8 16 27 -38% 23% 108% -38% 100% 69% Overall congested percentage 3% 1% 3% 4% -67% 0% 33% -67% 200% 33% Modelled VKT (PM peak hr) 108,575 146,593 171,822 249,069 35% 58% 129% 35% 17% 45% Modelled VHT (PM peak hr) 1,999 2,347 2,789 4,147 17% 40% 107% 17% 19% 49% Annual hours of congestion (thousands hours of travel at below 60% of posted speed, weekdays AM and PM peak periods) 112 111 158 289 -1% 41% 158% -1% 42% 83% Annual hours of congestion per capita 1.58 1.35 1.71 2.23 -15% 8% 41% -15% 27% 30% Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes--based on 60% of posted speed threshold; weekdays AM and PM peak periods) 31,436 40,065 47,137 69,396 27% 50% 121% 27% 18% 47% Annual CO2 emissions (tonnes) per capita 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 11% 16% 20% 11% 4% 4% 12-23 The key observations are: The 2007 and 2028 increase in population will result in 83% increase in travel (PM peak hour). The highest increase in population and travel is between 2020 and 2028 (by 39% and 37% respectively) and is attributed to growth in Saline Creek. The 88% increase in travel between 2007 and 2028 occurs while there is only a 56% increase in network capacity. After a significant improvement to the road network capacity estimated for the period between 2007 and 2015, the lane-kilometres of roadway increase only by 2% (2015 to 2020) and by 11% (2020 to 2028). Again, this is much lower than the population increase. These two trends are conflicting and unsustainable. In 2007, 3% of the road network was congested. These 3% represented mainly the high volume, key sections of Highway 63 adjacent to the Lower Townsite and across the Athabasca River. In 2028, 4% and 27 kilometres of the network will be congested. The congestion is spread out through Fort McMurray, and is concentrated on certain segments. It is noted that a lot of these segments have between 90% and 100% v/c ratios. VKT is a measure of travel activity and travel saturation. If he 2015 conditions represent the best case conditions, where travel demand is met with a favourable supply of infrastructure, than the 2028 statistics indicate 45% increase in network saturation. VHT is a cumulative measure of travel time across the network. The cumulative travel time in Fort McMurray will more than double between 2007 and 2028. Visible worsening of travel time (and a corresponding increase in delays) is expected to occur between 2020 and 2028. Transportation is vital to the local economy; cost of time spent in traffic delays has been identified as one of the key disincentives to economical growth and wellbeing. Based on the assessment the hours of congestion will decrease. The Green House Gas / CO2 emissions have a detrimental impact on air quality within the community. By 2028 travel in the AM and PM. peak periods will generate over 69,000 tonnes of CO2, this more than doubles the tonnes of emissions generated in 2007. The CO2 emissions per capita will increase only slightly. The initial model runs were for the most congested horizon, 2028. Additional sensitivity analysis was performed to determine at what horizon the improvements should be implemented. For example, there is congestion on Confederation Way Westbound west of Highway 63 at the 2015 horizon. Therefore, it is logical that any improvement to this road segment should be implemented by 2015 12.5 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes There are additional infrastructure measures available in addition to adding travel lanes. High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes is one tool being used widely across North America to help reduce congestion where properly implemented. Typically installed on highway or expressway type roadways where a driver has a longer trip than that taken on an arterial roadway. Unfortunately, in Fort McMurray the highway is under the jurisdiction of Alberta Transportation, who has not implemented a lot of HOV lanes in the province. Significant functional planning and study would have to occur to first determine the feasibility, and second 12-24 determine proper location for the HOV lanes. In addition, negotiations would have to occur with the Province to confirm that HOV lanes would be a practical tool. Finally reviewing the congestion levels, there are no significantly congested segments on the main lanes on Highway 63, which would be a logical place to consider HOV lanes. Potentially, on the Highway 63 southbound approach to Fort McMurray there is congestion, but the scope of this Stage of the TMP does not extend that far. Therefore, an argument that the HOV would provide benefit by reducing congestion may be premature. 12.6 Transit Priority Infrastructure As indicated in Chapter 2, there are transit signal priority and transit bypass lanes which can be implemented to improve transit service through congested areas. As congestion is spread out at various segments through Fort McMurray, it is recommended that a functional planning study by completed to determine where this type of infrastructure should be implemented. For example, intersections adjacent to Highway 63 generally have higher congestion than others. There is also current planning ongoing throughout Fort McMurray which provides an opportunity to assess the feasibility of transit bypass lanes and transit signal priority. 12.7 West Fort McMurray Ring Road Not shown in the above table, but an additional scenario was run that included a West Ring Road as indicated in the Urban Fringe Report. The West Ring Road intersected with Highway 63 south of Highway 69, circumvented Fort McMurray to the west, and connected with Highway 686 to the north. The results of the analysis indicate that this infrastructure had minimal impact in reducing congestion, therefore it is not recommended as required for the 2028 horizon based purely on traffic analysis. However, if the land use plans change, and more population and employment are planned closer to the West Ring Road, the analysis can be revisited. 12.8 Dangerous Goods Movement This Stage of the TMP does not address Dangerous Goods. The RMWB is undertaking a detailed study beginning in the summer of 2011 and expected to take one year to complete. This physical scope of this study includes assessing all highways / streets / roads, communities, industrial areas, airports, waterways, railways, and aerodromes. The study will address what types of dangerous goods are being moved through the RMWB, and the risk to the community. It is recommended that Stage 3 of the TMP identify, or confirm, Dangerous Goods Routes using this upcoming study as background material. 12.9 Bylaw 83/10 Update A review of Bylaw 83/10 was undertaken. A recommended updated Schedule “A” which illustrates the Transportation System, and Schedule “B” which lists the streets by road classification are included in Appendix 12-A. 12-25 12.10 Recommendations This section includes the recommendations grouped into two sections; infrastructure, and strategic or policy directions. 12.10.1 Strategic Recommendations The findings of both Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 indicate that congestion will not be completely eliminated. Therefore, additional measures should be developed to ease congestion. The land use information provided indicates a population forecast of 130,000 by 2028 and an increase in the lane-kilometres of the highway, arterial and collector network by 56% from 2007 to 650 kilometres. The travel demand forecasts assume the transit ridership goals set in the Transit Master Plan are met as planned and there is a gradual increase in active transportation modal share, applicable to short distance trips (e.g. school trips). Given how significantly transportation affects the quality of life, the environment, and the economic well-being of Fort McMurray, the transportation system needs to be cost-effective, timely, and multi-modal. More emphasis should be put on improving the ‘sustainability’ of transportation systems. This requires an emphasis on increased synergy between land use and transportation in terms of land use mix, location and timing of growth and transportation investments, reducing single occupant vehicle trips and shifting travel toward more sustainable modes such as public transit, shifting peak demand to shoulder hours by applying Travel Demand Management (TDM) measures, and promoting cycling, walking, and car pooling. 12-26 Building on this philosophy, the long-term transportation strategy directions are: 1. We recommend that the RMWB undertake detailed land use and transportation options sensitivity testing and an impact evaluation study to determine suitable land use mix, location, and timing of growth and needs of the transportation system. 2. Dependence on Highway 63 and limited corridor expansion options can be leveraged by increasing roadway efficiency. It is recommended that RMWB explores the opportunities of building a multi-modal network to increase roadway efficiency by discouraging single occupancy vehicle use and promoting usage of HOV and public transit. 3. Highway 63 is under the jurisdiction of Alberta Transportation, which increases complexity when planning along the highway corridor. Different standards, goals and objectives exist between the Province and the RMWB, adding time and cost when planning or constructing along the highway. It is recommended that the RMWB undertake a feasibility assessment of assuming responsibility of Highway 63 within Fort McMurray. 4. Building a sustainable transportation system cannot be achieved in isolation. To this end we recommend that the RMWB integrates its land use planning efforts with transportation and transit planning. 5. TDM can positively contribute to the reduction of peak period roadway congestion by shifting travel away to off-peak hours, reducing the overall need for travel and promoting transit, walking and cycling as alternatives to private automobile travel. The RMWB is encouraged to develop TDM programs specifically tailored to its unique community. 6. A transit priority functional study be conducted at intersections adjacent to Highway 63 and Highway 69. 12.10.2 Infrastructure Recommendations The following Table 12-4 and Exhibit 12-19 summarizes the additional network improvements together with the recommended timeline for their implementation. 12-27 Table 12-4: Recommended Phasing ID 26 Name Future Saline Creek Arterial 27 Highway 69 Eastbound From Highway 69 MacKenzie Boulevard 28 Highway 69 Westbound Highway 63 29 Highway 63 Northbound 30 Clearwater Drive Eastbound MacKenzie Boulevard Highway 63 To Draper Road Future Saline Creek Arterial Mackenzie Boulevard Jurisdiction RMWB Improvement Type 4-lane connection Timing 2028 AT 4-lane connection 2028 AT 4-lane connection 2028 Gregoire Drive AT 6-lane connection 2028 Draper Road 1 Intersection to North Thickwood Boulevard RMWB 6-lane connection 2028 RMWB 4-lane connection 2028 AT 4-lane connection 2028 East Interchange AT 2-lane connection 2028 st 31 MacDonald Drive Franklin Avenue 32 Highway 63 Southbound OffRamp Highway 686 off-ramp and on-ramp at Parsons Creek West Interchange Confederation Way 33 West Interchange 12-28 Exhibit 12-19: Recommended Phasing 12-29 13. TRANSPORTATION PLAN AND STRATEGY 13.1 Introduction The Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RWMB) is a culturally diverse home for over 104,000 residents and is known worldwide as a capital of the oil sands industry. The oil sands operations have fuelled population growth in Fort McMurray, the Urban Services Area within the region. In an ongoing effort to plan for growth, and to ensure that Fort McMurray remains a vibrant and attractive place to live and work, the RMWB has initiated the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update. The TMP will identify and plan for a multimodal transportation network that safely accommodates single-occupancy vehicles, trucks, transit, pedestrians, and cyclists. This plan will also develop planning guidelines to promote and set foundations for the sustainable growth of the community and its transportation system. The TMP is being updated in phases. Stage 1, completed in 2008, focused on the Lower Townsite. Stage 2 focuses on the Fort McMurray. This report documents work completed for Stage 2 of the TMP. The documentation of Stage 2 tasks and activities has been structured in chapters as follows: 1. Study Purpose and Scope 2. Traffic Model Expansion 3. Modelled Network Scenarios 4. Functional Assessment and Planning 5. Transit to Airport Feasibility Assessment 6. Traffic Count Program 7. Functional Road Classification 8. Sustainable Transportation 9. Parking Strategies 10. Parks and Trail Linkages 11. Pedestrian Crossing Control Guidelines 12. Traffic Signals System Review 13. Recommended Transportation Plan and Strategy This final chapter of Stage 2 of the TMP presents the recommended plan and strategy for the transportation system within the Urban Services Area of the RMWB, referred to hereafter as Fort McMurray. The plan, recommendations, and policy directions provided in this chapter are a result of technical analysis and an internal RMWB staff workshop as described in earlier chapters of the TMP document. The preceding chapters also include detailed information about each of the recommendations. 13-1 13.1.1 Definition of a Transportation Master Plan A TMP is a long-range transportation planning tool that defines the overall vision for the transportation system, identifies strategies to attain that vision, and creates the framework for transportation decision making and investment. TMPs have the following important objectives: Define long-range transportation goals Set policy and define priorities Determine infrastructure, programme, and service needs Guide capital budget planning Refine land-use and municipal plans Recommend other studies and plans The TMP builds on the approaches and ideas conveyed in the Strategies for Sustainable Transportation Planning: A Review of Practices and Options (2007) (developed by Transport Canada and the Transportation Association of Canada). This multilayered process ensures that the appropriate transportation investments, policies, and actions can be verified, proposed, accepted, and implemented both to accommodate the RMWB’s rapid growth and to support a sustainable, economically viable, and healthy community. The RWMB TMP Stage 2 process incorporated, to various degrees, the 12 key principles identified by Transport Canada for sustainable transportation planning. The strategy focuses on implementation of the transportation recommendations and will provide a framework for decisions on priorities and investments by the RMWB and other jurisdictions. The implementation strategy is based on objective analyses of transportation needs and priorities to establish priorities. 13.1.2 The TMP Strategy Development Process The strategy presented was developed over the period of four months and included, a review of background documents; development of sustainable transportation guidelines; transportation demand forecasting model (Model) development; extensive technical analyses; review of existing policies; and a workshop with RMWB senior management. Detailed information and documentation on the phases in the TMP development are provided across the report. 13.1.3 Municipal Development Plan Update As the TMP Stage 2 was being produced, the RMWB began the process of updating the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) (2005). It is anticipated that the 2011 MDP will incorporate input from this stage of the TMP. 13-2 13.2 Addressing Transportation Challenges The rapid growth of Fort McMurray imposes new and increasing demands on the Municipal and Provincial transportation infrastructure required to meet community needs. Within the last few years, the RMWB has completed a number of area structure plans and area redevelopment plans. The RMWB needs a strategy to develop its transportation system in Fort McMurray to meet the growing challenges of today and the future. The Fort McMurray transportation network requires transportation solutions to facilitate to growth of the population from 70,000 in 2008 to 130,000 in 2028. These solutions must address the challenges the RMWB faces in: Supporting planned growth Addressing outstanding transportation deficiencies Providing for enhanced connectivity and continuity of the transportation system across the Fort McMurray Providing sufficient transportation infrastructure for planned communities in Parsons Creek and Saline Creek Plateau Providing sufficient transportation infrastructure for planned redevelopment in Lower Townsite Designing multimodal transportation system to shift travel away from cars and toward transit and active transportation Limiting and mitigating impacts of transportation on the natural environment The transportation demand forecasting model findings indicate that with the expected population and employment in 2028 and planned transportation improvements, the transportation network will not be able to accommodate the increased travel demand. The consequences would be increased congestion, longer travel times, and negative impacts to the quality of life such as the economy and the environment. However, additional network improvements that reduce congestion were identified. These additional road network improvements, together with initiatives such as transit priority and signal coordination, can reduce the congestion, but not eliminate it. There is also an opportunity, and significant challenge, in beginning to build a sustainable transportation network available to all users. To this point, in addition to addressing the physical infrastructure required, the RMWB TMP Stage 2 identifies policies and actions for the RMWB to undertake developing a sustainable transportation network. The TMP also provides an implementation plan that indicates the priority of the recommendations and provides the blueprint for next steps. 13-3 13.3 RMWB Sustainable Transportation Goals The Goals are grounded in principles defined by the RMWB in other studies. The MDP sets out a vision for the RMWB as the population grows. The ‘Our Directions’ section of the MDP identifies strategies for the community, which include: Support for environmentally friendly development patterns, mixed-use and higher density development, Accommodation for pedestrians, transit, and other sustainable modes of transportation, Planning to fully utilize existing infrastructure to support new subdivisions, Pursuing in-fill development in existing subdivisions, Downtown revitalization including implementing urban design standards support for commercial opportunities within walking distance of residential areas, Providing sustainable transportation linkages between residential and commercial centres, and Cooperation with industry and government to minimize the effect of road infrastructure on the environment. In March of 2010, the Planning and Development group within RMWB completed Phases 1 and 2 of Envision Wood Buffalo (Envision). Envision is an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan and is intended to direct the community moving forward. One of the principles of Envision describes the role and function of transportation, as follows: A diverse and thriving economy depends on a transportation system that is well-planned, strategic, and multi-modal. This system shall reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase physical activity and wellness, reduce transportation costs, provide access to employment, and increase quality of life. Based on the goals and principles defined in these and other RMWB planning documents, transportation planning best practices, and feedback from a workshop with RMWB staff, six Sustainable Transportation Goals were identified. The Transportation Strategy considers a comprehensive, triple bottom line approach that includes, in addition to its transportation goals, the economic, social, and environmental objectives of the RMWB. The Sustainable Transportation Goals are stated in the box below. 13-4 RMWB Sustainable Transportation Goals 1. Align transportation and land-use planning processes to create healthy, balanced, complete communities where homes, jobs, and services are accessible to all. 2. Provide multi-modal transportation connectivity to increase the range of transportation choices available and to make walking, cycling, and public transit the preferred modes. 3. Reduce GHG emissions and transportation costs by increasing transportation system efficiency. 4. Invest wisely in road infrastructure to provide the best service with the least environmental impact. 5. Promote physical activity and wellness, and provide an active transportation network that is safe, comfortable, and provides transportation and recreation opportunities yearround. 6. Engage the community to help make informed transportation choices. 13.4 Strategies This section identifies a number of high-level strategies that will guide the RMWB in developing future transportation, land use planning, municipal policy, and capital investments. These strategies provide an overall direction, while specific recommendations follow later in this chapter. This section is divided into: setting priorities, transportation and land use, transportation demand management and policy, transportation infrastructure, and financing and measurement. 13.4.1 Setting Priorities The strategies for setting priorities are as follows: The RMWB should make safe, efficient transportation a priority based on the sustainable transportation goals. Create policy that clearly defines transportation priorities, including setting targets and benchmarks, and aligning expenditures with goals. Increase collaboration between RMWB departments to provide a more unified and effective approach to planning, building, and operating the community. Work closely with other organizations, such as Alberta Transportation (AT) and local and regional businesses to align priorities and achieve common goals. 13-5 13.4.2 Transportation and Land Use Aligning transportation and land-use is essential for building a sustainable transportation network. The following strategies will help the RMWB attain that goal: Improve communication and cooperation between the engineering and planning departments and work together to develop mixed-use, transit friendly and walkable neighbourhoods that meet land-use goals and use the transportation infrastructure strategies outlined later in this chapter. Reduce the need for travel by designing communities with a diversity of land use capable of providing convenient access to jobs, shopping, recreation, schools, and open space for residents and avoiding concentration of key attractors in one area (e.g. Lower Townsite). The land use and transportation growth scenario used in model development is well balanced by 2020, but breaks down and becomes unsustainable by 2028. Mitigating measures are recommended in the transportation infrastructure section; however, the RMWB should undertake more detailed testing of land use and transportation options to choose the most efficient combination of land use and transportation development. Identify future Transit Oriented Development (TOD) nodes to be redeveloped in the existing built area; require TOD nodes in future neighbourhoods. Work with the planning department to insure that the TOD includes high quality retail, office, and residential land uses. Work with the operations departments to provide a more effective transit service. Building a sustainable transportation system cannot be achieved in isolation. To this end, it is recommended that the RMWB integrate its land use planning efforts with transportation and transit planning. Work with the planning department to update bylaws in a way that reflect transportation goals. These updates may include parking rates, bicycle parking, carpool provisions, building heights, and set-backs. Continue to update the transportation model as land use expectations change and to reassess land-use and adjust transportation plans accordingly. 13-6 13.4.3 Transportation Demand Management and Policy High level strategies in TDM and Transportation Policy that will help the RMWB attain its transportation goals are as follows: TDM can positively contribute to the reduction of peak period roadway congestion by shifting travel to off-peak hours, reducing the overall need for travel and promoting transit, walking and cycling as alternatives to private automobile travel. The RMWB is encouraged to develop TDM programs specifically tailored to its unique community. Develop TDM programs focused on youth, to expose them to a wider variety of transportation choices and to teach safe and efficient use of multiple modes of transportation. Complete a broad review of parking polices, including parking bylaw rates and pricing, to identify where changes could be made to better manage supply and demand. Ensure developers create communities that align with the community’s needs and sustainable transportation goals. Update development standards to reflect new recommendations for road cross-sections and trails and revise transportation impact assessment guidelines to require a section on sustainable transportation measures. Create an active transportation network that is safe, efficient, and easy to navigate. Combine transportation and transit planning activities into a unified transportation and transit master plan that is updated regularly. Align population and land-use assumptions with those used in the MDP process. Conduct both ongoing maintenance, and regularly scheduled updates of the Model. 13.4.4 Transportation Infrastructure Investment in transportation infrastructure is the key to improving connectivity and accessibility for all modes. Investment in a quality active transportation network will improve safety, provide opportunities for physical activity, and increase the attractiveness of walking and cycling as a valid mode of transportation. Transit improvements will increase the efficiency of the transit system, improving the value and effectiveness of service for the investment and encourage more people to choose transit. Road network improvements allow for efficient flow of traffic, reduce congestion, and provide for transit and goods movement. 13-7 The multi-modal transportation infrastructure strategies are: Implement the capital road network improvement program with the appropriate phasing. Integrate active transportation improvements (sidewalks, cycle lanes, etc.) and transit improvements (bus stops, transit priority measures) when planning road network improvements. Work with AT to advance Highway 63 infrastructure investments. Discuss with AT an improved method of collaborating on planning and construction projects. Investigate the feasibility of transit priority at congested locations and dedicate a small percentage of the annual capital budget to transit priority measures. Plan for the safe movement of dangerous goods. Continue to invest in transit, making sure all new neighbourhoods meet transit accessibility standards. Work to improve return on investment in transit. Continue to study the feasibility and alternatives for High Order Transit (bus or rail rapid transit) within Fort McMurray and throughout the RMWB. Make pedestrians a priority in the Lower Townsite; widen sidewalks and furnish boulevards as the area redevelops. Provide for ‘shortest’ path pedestrian connections using sidewalks and trails. Keep trails accessible for as many users and modes as possible. Apply a single trail classification system to existing and planned trails, including those provided by developers and those built by the RMWB. Provide consistent, clear wayfinding that allows users to navigate and to identify the type of trail, intended use, and distances to important destinations. Require developers to provide the transportation infrastructure that meets the intent of the sustainable transportation goals and the minimum standards identified for the road and trail networks. Develop the cycling network to include both on-street cycling facilities and trails. Apply road cross-sections that have adequate room for snow storage without negatively affecting the pedestrian network. This will improve pedestrian access, as well as safety for all modes in winter conditions. Minimize cross-section widths as much as possible while still safely providing for all uses within the right-of-way. Update traffic signal systems infrastructure and hire staff to update and manage the signal system. Work towards a coordinated system with centralized control at a Traffic Management Centre. Assess the transportation network regularly to ensure that it is operating as efficiently and sustainably as possible. 13-8 13.4.5 Financing and Measurement The sustainable transportation goals will help the RMWB set priorities for funding purposes. Because transportation operating and capital spending in Fort McMurray are split among multiple departments, it is important to work together to make sure that budgets operate holistically to align with community goals. The following budget management strategies are recommended: Align capital and operating budgets with desired transportation outcomes. Increase investment in active transportation. Increase investment in transit effectiveness and transit priority measures. Create operating budgets for TDM and Policy initiatives, such as anti-idling enforcement, car pooling, walk / ride to school programs, and special events. Require developers to provide transportation improvements for all modes. Transportation Impact Assessments that are associated with new developments should include sections on sustainable transportation. A strong measurement program will help the RMWB gauge progress against goals, explain funding decisions, and refine programs to get the best return on investment. The following measurement strategies are recommended: Choose indicators and targets and then measure progress towards those targets. Expand data collection to encompass more modes and more locations. Collect household and business travel data to allow for more robust model development and for a better understanding of travel patterns. Track the condition and amount of all types of transportation infrastructure. This will allow the RMWB to understand its assets and will also assist in future model updates. 13-9 13.5 Recommendations The following section provides a list of detailed recommendations for the RMWB. Each recommendation is an action – i.e. ‘do’, ‘build, ‘study’ that will enhance the transportation network in the RMWB. Detailed information on each recommendation is provided in previous chapters. The recommendations are divided into four categories: Do – soft measures that require action by the RMWB, such as revising municipal policies or bylaws that require time and effort, but minimal physical infrastructure. Build – construction or purchase of physical infrastructure and / or equipment. Study – new studies and study updates required, as well as recommendations on how studies are structured. 13.5.1 Do The recommendations require action by the RMWB staff and supporting consultant teams. No. Recommendation Chapters Guiding Policies 1. Adopt a definition of sustainable transportation (provided by the Centre for Sustainable Transportation). Chapter 2 2. Adopt the Sustainable Transportation Goals. Chapter 2 3. Adopt targets and benchmarks from the Performance Monitoring Plan recommended later in this Chapter. Chapter 13 Coordination 4. Complete the next stage of the TMP as the MDP is updated. Chapter 13 5. Include the transit master plan update in the next stage of the TMP. Chapter 13 Update Standards / Bylaws 6. Update the Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures to require developers to follow the trail classification system indentified in Recommendation 28. Require developers to clearly identify the trails within their planned community, as well as how and where those trails will connect to the existing network. Class 1 trails should always connect to the Class 1 trails network. Class 2 trails may connect to other Class 2 trails, or they may link to the Class 1 network within the planned community. Chapter 3 7. Update the Engineering Servicing Standards and Development Procedures to reflect the new recommended cross-sections, as identified in Table 13-1. Chapter 8 8. Adopt the new road classifications shown in Exhibit 13-1 by updating bylaw 83/10. Chapter 12 13-10 No. Recommendation Chapters 9. Adopt the on-street parking recommendations provided in Table 13-2. Chapter 6 10. Adopt the TAC Manual warrant process for the review and installation of pedestrian crossing control. Chapter 4 11. Update and recalibration the Model every five years and each time the MDP is updated. Chapter 9 Chapter 10 12. Train RMWB staff on the RMWB Model. Chapter 9 Chapter 10 13. Do regular model maintenance by updating the Model frequently to track new infrastructure improvements planned and implemented by the RMWB and other jurisdictions, as well as land-use density and distribution changes. Disaggregate or reconfigure the zone system as land-use changes. Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Events 14. Sponsor an annual local commuter challenge and / or bike-to-work week. These events encourage residents to try an alternative mode for one week. Chapter 2 15. Create a temporary pedestrian mall on a Local road in the Lower Townsite in conjunction with a summer special event. Chapter 2 Data Collection 16. Expand current data collection efforts to collect for: Roadway travel volumes Roadway classification counts Vehicle occupancy counts Origin-destination and household travel characteristics Expand existing employment surveys to include travel data. Chapter 2 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 17. Design data collection programs with the zone system in mind. Chapter 10 18. Create a traffic count program that counts each of the 53 recommended intersections once every two years. Chapter 2 Chapter 9 19. Install 12 new permanent counters to capture 24 hour traffic data. Chapter 9 20. Design OD and household travel characteristics surveys to include household demographic and socio-economic data, along with travel purpose, origin, destination, and mode choice. Chapter 2 Chapter 10 13-11 No. Recommendation Chapters 21. Continue to properly document and record all technical analysis, non-technical analysis, and data collection as required by the TAC Manual. In addition, the following should be noted for each evaluated crossing location: Reasons for the evaluation Site specific observations The warrant calculations and all assumptions Results of the warrant, subsequent reasoning and decision making, and the resulting implementation decision Chapter 4 22. Consider assessing pedestrian crossings regularly to determine if they still require the installed type of crossing control. Consideration should be given to the fact that the removal of the infrastructure could violate driver and pedestrian expectation and / or result in negative public reaction. Chapter 4 Roads 23. Establish accurate and comprehensive data and operations record keeping of traffic signals for legal and operations requirements. Chapter 7 24. Update signal timings at least once every two years. Chapter 7 25. Increase staff training on traffic signal design, operations, and maintenance. Chapter 7 Transit 26. Monitor the status of the draft 2010 Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan, which, if approved and implemented, could impact the Fort McMurray airport and result in revised ridership to and from the airport. Chapter 5 27. Make schedule adherence a priority for transit. Assess the on-time performance of transit routes regularly and adjust routes and layover times to improve performance as required. Chapter 2 Active Transportation 28. Create an internal policy document defining the following trail classifications for existing and future trails: Class 1: Primary Trail Network – These trails will provide the spine of the network, connecting important destinations within communities in the most direct way possible. Class 2: Secondary Trail Network – These trails support the Class 1 network and provide linkages to local destinations. Class 3: Nature Trails – These trails primarily provide access to natural areas; should not be paved and should have minimal disruption to the natural environment. Class 4: Local Trails – This is a system of local trails that link to the Class 1 and Class 2 trails through parks, lanes, between developments, and allow travel from residential neighbourhoods to schools and commercial areas. These trails may also provide short linkages between sidewalks, especially through cul-de-sacs. 13-12 Chapter 3 No. Recommendation Chapters 29. Create an inventory of services, such as washrooms, so that they can be incorporated into mapping. Chapter 3 30. Midblock pedestrian crossing control should be used as a last resort and only when dictated by special site specific circumstances. Chapter 4 31. Enforce Roads and Transportation Bylaw sidewalk snow clearance provisions. Chapter 2 Table 13-1: Recommended Revisions to RMWB Standards Standard Detail 4-100 4-101 4-102 Revise Standard by Removing Existing CrossSection(s) and Replace with: Existing Title Proposed Title Urban Local Residential Roadways Urban Collector Residential Roadways Urban Local and Collector Industrial / Commercial Roadways No Change Urban Local – Residential (Exhibit 8-8) No Change Urban Collector – Residential (Exhibit 8-5) Urban Collector Industrial / Commercial Roadways Urban Collector – Industrial (Exhibit 8-7) Urban Collector – Commercial (Exhibit 8-6) 4-103 Urban Arterial Roadways (Bermed) No Change 4-104 Urban Arterial Divided Urban Arterial Roadways Urban Arterial Divided (Exhibit 8-1) Urban Arterial Undivided (Exhibit 8-2) 4-106 (new) n/a Urban Local Industrial Urban Local – Industrial (Exhibit 8-9) Urban Arterial Divided (Bermed) (Exhibit 8-3) Urban Arterial Undivided (Bermed) (Exhibit 8-4) Table 13-2: On-Street Parking Requirement by Road Classification Road Classification Divided Not Permitted Undivided Not Permitted Industrial Permitted Commercial Permitted Residential Permitted Residential / Commercial Permitted Industrial Permitted Collector All Not Permitted Local All Not Permitted Arterial Urban Collector Local Rural On-Street Parking 13-13 Exhibit 13-1: Proposed Road Classifications 13-14 13.5.2 Build No. Recommendation Chapters Road 32. Implement the infrastructure improvements identified in Table 13-3. The recommended road network improvements are illustrated in Exhibit 13-2. Chapter 11 Chapter 12 33. Create a Traffic Management Centre with web-based user interface features. Chapter 7 34. Increase reliability of vehicle detection systems for more accurate data and improved signal operation. Chapter 7 35. Install Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption at critical intersections. Chapter 7 Transit 36. Provide a bus link from the airport to the Lower Townsite. Initially, a mixed traffic bus is recommended as an extension of the existing Route 10. Over time, the route should be phased to include the future Saline Creek development. If ridership from the airport to the Lower Townsite increases significantly, improvements can be made to the route to include an express route along Highways 69 and 63. Chapter 5 37. Increase comfort at transit stops by providing adequate lighting and shelter. Chapter 2 38. Increase transit frequency on major corridors. Move towards 15 minute or better service on Franklin Avenue, Thickwood Boulevard, and Confederation Boulevard. Chapter 2 Active Transportation 39. Develop the proposed trail network illustrated in Exhibit 13-3 and Exhibit 13-4. The network shown is conceptual and intended to identify general locations where a connection should be provided. Routes have not been reviewed for feasibility. Where the sidewalk network and on-street cycling facilities provide a reasonable alternative, new construction is not recommended; however, markers, maps, and other wayfinding tools should identify the sidewalk and road system as part of the trails network. Where trails connect along local or collector roads, onstreet cycle facilities are preferred. Chapter 3 Chapter 2 40. Install pedestrian and cyclist wayfinding system. Chapter 3 41. Install lighting at trail heads, trail intersections, and where safety and security are compromised by dim lighting. Chapter 3 42. Connect to trails in new areas as they are built. Chapter 3 13-15 Table 13-3: Recommended Road Network Improvements ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name Highway 63 / Highway 686 Highway 63 Highway 63 / Confederation Way Highway 63 / Thickwood Blvd Parsons Creek West Parsons Creek East Athabasca River Bridge Saline Creek west collector 9 Saline Creek / Highway 69 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 West connector road Franklin Avenue Main Street Lower Townsite Loop Road Clearwater Drive Mills Ave King Street / Tolen Drive at Highway 63 interchange Highway 63 collector lanes Highway 63 / Hardin St Parsons Creek West 20 Highway 686 21 Highway 686 22 23 Highway 63 / Haineault St Mills Ave 24 Saline Creek / Airport Rd 25 Draper Road 16 From Highway 63 Highway 686 Highway 63 Highway 63 Highway 686 Highway 686 Highway 63 Saline Creek Saline Creek west collector Parsons Creek Hardin St Franklin Ave King St Highway 63 Waterways To Highway 686 Athabasca Bridge Confederation Way Thickwood Blvd Collector Collector Franklin Ave Highway 69 Jurisdiction AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT Highway 69 AT Timberlea Sutherland St MacDonald Ave Riedel St King St Clearwater Dr RMWB RMWB RMWB RMWB RMWB RMWB Add connection to Dickens Drive Replace parking to allow 2-lane traffic Close for bus terminal 4-lane connection 4-lane connection 2-lane connection King Street Tolen Drive AT Disconnect and remove roundabout Thickwood Blvd Highway 63 Highway 686 Parsons Creek West Clearwater Dr Hardin St Collector AT AT AT Parsons Creek East AT Highway 63 Highway 63 Waterways Saline Creek east collector Saline Creek Improvement Type Add interchange Widening to 3 lanes Add interchange Add interchange Add intersection Add interchange Add bridge and connection to LTS Construct 4-lane arterial connection Add intersection Parsons Creek West Haineault St Clearwater Dr RMWB RMWB Add two collector lanes each way Convert intersection to interchange Replace intersection with interchange 2-lane highway; widening to 4 lanes might be required beyond 2028 6-lane highway; widening to 10 lanes might be required beyond 2028 Add partial interchange 4-lane connection Airport Road RMWB Add intersection Waterways RMWB Construct 4-lane arterial connection AT 13-16 Timing 2015 2020 2028 Table 13-3: Recommended Road Network Improvements (Continued) ID 26 Name Future Saline Creek Arterial 27 Highway 69 Eastbound 28 Highway 69 Westbound 29 Highway 63 Northbound 30 Clearwater Drive Eastbound 31 MacDonald Drive 32 33 Highway 63 Southbound OffRamp Highway 686 Off-Ramp and On-Ramp at Parsons Creek West Interchange From Highway 69 MacKenzie Boulevard Highway 63 MacKenzie Boulevard Highway 63 Franklin Avenue Confederation Way West Interchange To Draper Road Future Saline Creek Arterial MacKenzie Boulevard Jurisdiction RMWB Improvement Type 4-lane connection AT 4-lane connection AT 4-lane connection Gregoire Drive AT 6-lane connection Draper Road 1st Intersection to the North Thickwood Boulevard RMWB 6-lane connection RMWB 4-lane connection AT 4-lane connection East Interchange AT 2-lane connection 13-17 Timing 2028 Exhibit 13-2: Recommended Long-Term Road Network Improvements by 2028 13-18 Exhibit 13-3: Trails network 1 13-19 Exhibit 13-4: Trails network 2 13-20 13.5.3 Studies No. Recommendation Chapters Multi-modal 43. Undertake detailed land use and transportation options sensitivity testing and an impact evaluation study to determine suitable land use mix, location, and timing of growth and needs of the transportation system. Chapter 12 44. Undertake the next stage of the 2012 TMP as soon as possible and be fully integrated with the ongoing MDP update. The plan should include, but not be limited to, the following activities: Public consultation Regional household origin-destination survey 2011 transportation data collection Model expansion, land use assumption update, and re-calibration Update and incorporate the Transit Master Plan Integration of the results of the dangerous goods study Expand on the Transportation Strategy to the entire RMWB and revision of key points based on new data Revision of bylaw 83/10 Chapter 13 45. Revisit Saline Creek and Parsons Creek planning activities to determine best balance of land-use and transportation and to determine the configuration of trails and cycling routes. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 46. Develop an anti-idling policy that restricts idling to less than three minutes when the temperature is above -10 ˚C. Chapter 2 Roads 47. Conduct a functional planning study of the intersection between Highway 69 and Highway 63 to determine if an interchange is required. Chapter 11 48. Undertake a feasibility assessment of assuming responsibility of Highway 63 within Fort McMurray. Chapter 12 Transit 49. Investigate Higher Order Transit alternatives. Chapter 2 50. Conduct an operations study of the proposed Route 10 extension to the airport to determine items such as appropriate routing, headways, bus requirements, bus stop locations, etc. Chapter 5 51. Investigate the feasibility of transit priority on Highway 63, Franklin Avenue, Thickwood Boulevard, and Confederation Boulevard and at other locations where traffic congestion negatively affects transit schedule adherence. Chapter 2 Chapter 12 52. Work with the RMWB school districts and Keyano College to explore the feasibility of a Universal Transit Pass for students. Chapter 2 13-21 No. Recommendation Chapters Active Transportation 53. Complete a Cycling Master Plan. Chapter 3 54. Continue to develop a Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program Chapter 3 55. Undertake a full review of accessibility on the trail and sidewalk networks. Chapter 3 Transportation Demand Management 56. Complete a walk & ride to school study that works to create a program for elementary schools. Chapter 2 57. Create an Employer TDM Strategy. Work with local employers to create employer-based TDM programs for oil sands employers and Lower Townsite employers. Chapter 2 58. Conduct a study examining the feasibility of introducing parking pricing and residential parking passes in the Lower Townsite. Chapter 2 59. Develop a full parking policy intended to balance supply and demand. The study should include a parking survey of a variety of land-uses in the RMWB. The results of the survey can be used to develop new parking rates for the land-use bylaw, including parking requirements in commercial zones. New recommendations should Include maximum parking rates, update minimum parking requirements, and set minimum bicycle parking and carpool parking rates. Chapter 2 Chapter 6 13-22 13.6 Implementation Plan In this section, the 59 recommendations are sequenced to provide a logical flow for implementation over the time horizons adopted for this plan. The optimal implementation sequence is summarized in Table 13-4. It assumes funding and capacity are available to support each recommendation. 13-23 Table 13-4: Implementation Plan Row # Rec. # Type Recommendation 1 44 Study Undertake the next stage of the 2012 TMP as soon as possible and be fully integrated with the ongoing MDP update. 2 12 Do Train RMWB staff on the RMWB Model. 3 20 Do Design OD and household travel characteristics surveys to expand the information gathered. 4 4 Do Complete the next stage of the TMP as the MDP is updated. 5 5 Do Include the transit master plan update in the next stage of the TMP 6 49 Study 7 11 Do Update and recalibrate the Model every five years and each time the MDP is updated. 8 1 Do Adopt a definition of sustainable transportation. 9 2 Do Adopt the Sustainable Transportation Goals. 10 3 Do Adopt targets and benchmarks from the Performance Monitoring Plan. 11 47 Study Conduct a functional planning study of the intersection between Highway 69 and Highway 63 to determine if an interchange is required. 12 26 Do Monitor status of the draft 2010 Comprehensive Regional Infrastructure Sustainability Plan. 13 8 Do Update bylaw 83/10. 14 6 Do Update the Engineering Services Standards and Development Procedures to require developers to follow the trail classification system. 15 7 Do Update the Engineering Services Standards and Development Procedures to reflect the new recommended cross-sections. 16 32 Build 17 10 Do 18 33 Build Create a Traffic Management Centre with web-based user interface features. 19 34 Build Increase reliability of systems for more accurate data and improved signal operation. 20 35 Build Install Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption at critical intersections. 2011 Investigate Higher Order Transit alternatives. The recommended identified required infrastructure. Adopt the TAC Manual warrant process for the review and installation of pedestrian crossing control. 13-24 2012 20132015 20162020 20202028 Table 13-4: Implementation Plan (Continued) Row # Rec. # Type Recommendation 21 37 Build 22 9 Do Increase comfort at transit stops by providing adequate lighting and shelter. Adopt the on-street parking recommendations. 23 25 Do Increase staff training on traffic signal design, operations, and maintenance. 24 16 Do Expand current data collection efforts. 25 17 Do Design data collection programs with the zone system in mind. 26 18 Do Create a traffic count program that counts each of the 53 recommended intersections once every two years. 27 19 Do Install 12 new permanent counters to capture 24 hour traffic data. 28 28 Do Create an internal policy document defining the trail classifications for existing and future trails. 29 51 Study Investigate the feasibility of transit priority on Highway 63, Franklin Avenue, Thickwood Boulevard, and Confederation Boulevard and at other locations where traffic congestion negatively affects transit schedule adherence. 30 27 Do 31 50 Study Conduct an operations study of the proposed Route 10 extension to the airport 32 52 Study Work with the RMWB school districts and Keyano College to explore the feasibility of a Universal Transit Pass for youth in high school and college. 33 46 Study Develop an anti-idling policy that restricts idling to less than three minutes when the temperature is above -10 ˚C. 34 14 Do Sponsor an annual local commuter challenge and / or bike-to-work week. 35 15 Do Create a temporary pedestrian mall on a Local road in the Lower Townsite. 36 21 Do Document and record information required for the TAC warrant process. 37 23 Do Establish data and record keeping of traffic signals. 38 22 Do Consider assessing pedestrian crossings to determine if still required. 39 54 Study 40 29 Do 2011 Make schedule adherence a priority for transit. Continue to develop a Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program. Inventory trail facilities such as washrooms. 13-25 2012 20132015 20162020 20202028 Table 13-4: Implementation Plan (Continued) Row # Rec. # Type Recommendation 41 53 Study Complete a Cycling Master Plan. 42 55 Study Review accessibility on the trail and sidewalk networks. 43 31 Do 44 45 Study Revisit Saline Creek and Parsons Creek planning activities 45 43 Study Undertake detailed land use and transportation options sensitivity testing. 46 38 Build Increase transit frequency on major corridors. 47 48 Study Undertake feasibility assessment on assuming jurisdiction of Highway 63. 48 36 Build Provide a transit link to the airport. 49 24 Do 50 39 Build Develop the proposed trail network. 51 40 Build Install pedestrian and cyclist wayfinding system. 52 41 Build 53 56 Study 54 57 Study 55 58 Study 56 57 58 59 59 42 13 30 Study Build Do Do 2011 Enforce Roads and Transportation Bylaw sidewalk snow clearance provisions. Update signal timings once every two years. Install lighting at trail heads, trail intersections, and where safety and security are compromised by dim lighting. Complete a walk & ride to school study that works to create a program for elementary schools. Create an Employer TDM Strategy. Work with local employers to create employer-based TDM programs for oil sands employers and Lower Townsite employers. Conduct a study examining the feasibility of introducing parking pricing and residential parking passes in the Lower Townsite. Develop a full parking policy intended to balance supply and demand. Connect to trails in new areas as they are built. Do regular model maintenance. Use midblock pedestrian crossing control as a last resort. 13-26 2012 20132015 20162020 20202028 13.7 Monitoring and Plan Maintenance A sustainable TMP cannot be fully successful without effective monitoring of the Plan’s progress. The growth of the RMWB is closely dependant on balanced investments in all modes of transportation including transit services at various levels, roads to serve passenger cars and goods movement, bicycle, and cycle path system services to serve active transportation. The recommended monitoring plan will rely on observed data measured against set performance targets. The TMP progress reporting schedule will include annual to 5-year reporting driven by data availability. Table 13-5 below summarises the recommended indicators, measures data for available targets, and identifies a reporting schedule. Table 13-5: Performance Monitoring Plan Indicator Transit Utilization Measure Transit ridership per capita. Walking and cycling Modal share of walking and cycling during the PM peak period. Modal share measured as % of all trips (motorised and non-motorised) Road network congestion v/c ratio on selected links, peak direction of travel during the PM peak hour. Locations to consider are: Hwy 69 east of Hwy 63 Hwy 63 north of Hospital Street Hwy 63 at the Athabasca River Hwy 63 north of Confederation Way Franklin Road west of Hospital Street Confederation Way west of Hwy 63 Data Annual transit ridership counts and total population estimates OD Survey AT / RMWB ATR counts if available Target Year 2007 2010 2015 2020 2025 2028 Target 13 16 20 24 24 24 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 <5%1 ? 5% 6% 7% 8% 2006 2011 2016 2021 2031 0.85 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.90 Reporting Schedule Three to five year schedule. Targets should be updated through the subsequent TMP studies. Five year interval to coincide with the release of Transportation Survey data. Targets should be updated in through the subsequent TMP studies. Five year interval to coincide with planned updates of the TMP. The frequency can be increased to three years depending on data availability The actual PM peak mode share for active modes is unknown in 2006 and 2011. The best available information is from Statistics Canada 2006 Census Data for Mode Share to work, at 5%. The actual mode share can be obtained from a household OD and travel survey, which should be completed in 2011 and every 5 years thereafter. The active mode share targets should be reassessed after baseline data is available. 1 13-27 In Stage 3 of the TMP, the performance indicator menu should be enhanced by measures to estimate the public’s interest and participation in active transportation and TDM. 13-28 4838 Richard Road SW WestMount Corporate Campus, Suite 140 Calgary, AB T3E 6L1 Phone: (403) 537-0250 Fax: (403) 537-0251