Local Procedures - 17th FAI European Gliding Championships


Local Procedures - 17th FAI European Gliding Championships
17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
Local Procedures
rev 3
Local Procedures
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
I. Name of the Event
17 FAI European Gliding Championships in Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
II. Location of the Event
a. Airfield name
Ostrów Wielkopolski – Michałków (EPOM)
b. Radio frequency
122,20 MHz
c. Reserve frequency
122,40 MHz
d. Latitude
e. Longitude
017°51’03’’ E
f. Elevation
142 m AMSL (QNH)
Time Schedule
 Final entries due
 Deadline for approval of new GNSS FRs 5.4a
 Airfield closed for training flights
 Registration period 3.5.1/ 3.5.2
 Scrutineering 4.1.2
 Unofficial training
before 03.07.2013
 Official training 1.2.3
 Configuration change closes 4.1.2b
05.07.2013, 4 PM
 First official Team Captains briefing
03.07.2013, 8 PM
 Pilot safety briefing (mandatory for all pilots)
04.07.2013, 10 AM
 Opening Ceremony 1.2.3
05.07.2013, 6 PM
 Contest flying 1.2.3
 Farewell party 1.2.3
20.07.2013, 9 PM
 Closing Ceremony and Prizegiving 1.2.3
20.07.2013, 8 PM
Competition Management and Officials
Director of the Championships (CD)
Maciej Całka
Deputy Director / Task Setter
Artur Rutkowski
Administration Manager
Tadeusz Malarczyk
Chief Scorer
Paweł Kaczmarek
Deputy Chief Scorer
Wojciech Batog
Financial Director
Agnieszka Zembska
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
IT and website
Marek Naskręt
Filip Borowski
Marcin Kasprowiak
Paweł Rakus
Social media / Administration
Bogusława Wolniewicz
Graphic Support
Paweł Wolniewicz
International Jury
Bruno Ramseyer (IRL)
Jury member
Waldemar Ratajczak (POL)
Jury member (remote)
Tadeas Wala (SVK)
Chief Steward
Jaroslav Vach (CZE)
Hans Obermayer (GER)
V. Addresses for Correspondence and Entries
Phone number / fax:
+48 62 73 52 023
Aeroklub Ostrowski
Lotnisko Michałków
P. O. BOX 126
63-400 Ostrów Wielkopolski
Bank account information
Name of the Bank:
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
I Oddział w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim
Beneficiary Name:
Aeroklub Ostrowski
Beneficiary address:
Lotnisko Michalkow
63-400 Ostrow Wielkopolski
Euro (EUR) IBAN account:
Swift Code:
Account number:
PL 10 1090 1160 0000 0001 1773 9001
Polish Zloty (PLN) account:
02 1090 1160 0000 0000 1600 9522
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
Additional objectives of the Championships
 Additional objectives of this Championships are to:
a. promote sport of soaring in Poland;
b. widen the reach of our annual Ostrow Glide competition to the international pilot community;
c. promote the region as a tourist desitination.
II. Championship classes
a. Championships will be held in following classes:
i. Standard
ii. Club
iii. World
iv. 20m Multi-Seat
b. Minimum number of participants
 If there is less than 10 competitors from at least four countries in any of the classes contest will take place but no
Champion will be declared.
III. Additional safety rules
a. Direction of circling in thermals is determined by the first glider, which started circling in the thermal.
b. Vehicles speed on the competition site is limited to 25 km/h, except when safety would be
c. All vehicles entering landing area of the airfield should bear identification marks consisting of glider
Competition Number, shown in a visible way. Pilots have to brief their crew about all rules while
maneuvering on the airfield.
d. Judgments affecting flight safety are the sole responsibility of the pilot in command. This includes
(though is not limited to) any decision to fly into weather, over rough terrain or hazardous areas, and the
evaluation of the safety of any potential landing site.
e. Sailplanes and trailers must be tied down when unattended in the parking area.
f. Safety comments are welcome: Comments are welcome at any time from any contest participant –
pilots, crews and others. They can be directed to the Safety Committee, Championships Director, or any
competition official. Anonymous written comments can be placed in the Safety Box, located in the
Administration Office.
IV. Control Point file format
 The official format for control point data shall be the See You .cup format. The official control points, including the
current revision number and date, are available via a link on the contest website.
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
I. Fees
 All payments, including camping and accommodation fees (if applicable), have to be done by Friday 5 of July 2013, 9
PM and before the start of first training flight at the latest.
a. Entry fee: 699 EUR.
b. Launching and landing fees:
i. aero-tow: 48 EUR;
ii. landing fee for self-launching motor gliders: 10 EUR;
iii. payment for 10 tows/landing fees per competitor is required at the time of on site registration;
iv. aero-tow/landing fees if unused will be refunded in full at the end of the Championships at the
II. Number of allowable entries per NAC
a. Two competitors/crews in standard, club, 20 m multi-seat classes;
b. Three competitors in world class.
III. Total number of allowable entries and number of entries per class
 Overall number of competitors is limited to 120. Number of competitors in each class is limited to 50.
 Current European Champions are excluded from these limits.
 After closure of the entry list, any vacancies may be offered to competitors outside of Europe. They will compete as
guests and their scores will not be counted in the Championships.
IV. 3.5.4 a. Additional documentation required
a. As stated by FAI:
i. For all Team Members:
Documentary proof of personal insurance (in English or Polish languages), or medical insurance
Citizens of the countries for which visas are required to enter Poland must obtain them by their
own in due time. If invitations are needed, organizers will provide such documents;
For team members (including helpers) younger than 18 years: legal guardian’s approval to
attend the glider championships and indication of an adult team member responsible for the
ii. For the pilot:
Proof of nationality or certificate of residence (FAI General Section 3.7);
Valid Pilot License or equivalent document valid for the country in which the pilot’s glider is
registered and proof of qualification regarding hours and badges;
Local Procedures
Valid aeromedical certificate;
FAI Sporting License valid for the year of the event;
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) (if applicable).
iii. For the sailplane:
Valid Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly;
Third party insurance certificate for the sailplane;
Valid and updated weight and balance record with instrumentation as installed for EGC.
iv. Flight Recorders: (Annex A, 5.4):
A valid calibration certificate (calibrated within the previous 5 years) must be provided for each
b. Additional:
i. Contest area map (will be provided by Organisers).
ii. Pilot is responsible for carrying on board any documents required by the law of glider’s country of
registration or by Chicago convention whichever is more demanding. The organiser will require
following documents to be carried on board the sailplane:
Pilot licence or equivalent document;
Pilot personal ID or passport;
Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly;
Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC);
Aircraft Radio License;
Registration Certificate;
Glider flight manual;
Third Party Insurance (C/VI);
Any other document required by law of glider’s country of registration or by aircraft operator.
V. Third party insurance cover
a. For the glider:
i. Third party insurance, covering the whole contest area, with no exclusion clause for competitions, is
the responsibility of the pilot;
ii. Proof of insurance shall be provided to the Organisers in Polish or English;
iii. Third party insurance has to be to the amount listed below, with respect to maximum take off mass
less than 500 kg – minimum 750.000 SDR;
500 kg to 1000 kg – minimum 1.500.000 SDR.
* Note: SDR means “Special Drawing Right” as defined by the International Monetary Fund. To
view the current conversion rates from SDR’s to other currencies see: www.imf.org .
Documentary proof of insurance shall be made available to the Organizer in Polish or English
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
b. Personal Medical insurance:
i. Personal medical insurance is required for all pilots and crews, covering accidents and sickness,
including any costs of hospitalization and transport back to the team member’s home country.
Pilots should ensure in particular that their insurance covers accidents and injuries sustained whilst
gliding and in competition.
I. Mandatory additional equipment
a. Glider tie-down equipment (only if glider will be tied-down);
b. Audio variometer in glider;
c. PC connection cables and software for own GNSS flight recorders;
d. Team Captain’s and Pilot cellular phone (GSM900/1800 standard) capable of receiving text messages
(Polish SIM-card required) is mandatory.
 GNSS FR and other electronic equipment should be fixed to glider’s structure. Devices should be mounted in the
instrument panel, instrument panel cover or canopy in the way not obscuring outside view;
 The installation and use of a proximity anti-collision warning device (FLARM or equivalent) is strongly recommended.
II. Glider maintenance recommendations
 It is suggested to have at least 50 hours remaining to next glider maintenance.
III. Instruments that must be removed from the sailplane
a. Instruments permitting flight without reference to the ground are not permitted, including but not
limited to:
i. Bohli, Schanz, KT1, or other gimbaled compasses;
ii. Turn indicator;
i. Artificial horizon (only if is an integral part of instrument may be approved if deactivation is
available and activation is recorded on IGC file (LX9000,8000,8080, Zeus) – will be specified at the 1
iii. Any other utility instruments (for example, iPhone, Garmin 396) or software that enables cloud flying
must be turned off during flight. Using any instrument during flight to enable cloud flying will be
considered cheating, with the penalty of disqualification.
IV. High visibility marking requirements
 High visibility marking are not required but highly recommended
V. Carriage of GNSS data transmitters for public displays
 Carriage of GNSS data transmitters for public displays may be required.
VI. Carriage of mini video recorders for documentation purposes
 Carriage of up to two mini video recorders for documentation purposes may be required. Place of installation will be
consulted with the pilot so the cameras would not cause any inconvenience.
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
Procedures for checking aircraft mass
a. Scrutineering (initial weighing and glider/equipment check) will take place at an announced time and
b. Scales for daily weighing will be located as shown on the Weighing Location Diagram published on
official board and on the website.
c. Each glider must be weighed on the way to the grid each day: the glider in its official flight configuration
is rolled across an official scale and the weight on the main wheel is checked to ensure it is within limits
as determined during pre-contest scrutineering. Overweight gliders must drop ballast to achieve
compliance and will not incur penalties.
d. In any case ballast can not be added to a glider that has passed the scales. A glider can be returned to
the parking area, ballasted, then towed across the scales again.
I. Units of measurement
 Unless stated otherwise:
a. distances will be expressed in kilometers,
b. heights in meters Above Ground Level (AGL),
c. altitudes in meters Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL),
d. speed in kilometers per hour (km/h),
e. vertical speed in meters per second (m/s),
f. mass in kilograms (kg);
g. headings or radials in degree true north.
h. time will be described as a Local time (LT) - UTC + 2 hours.
II. Radio communication required for contact with Air Traffic Services
 Usually not appilcable. If so would be stated at daily briefing. A standard 720 channel airband radio is required (no
8,33 kHz channel spacing required).
III. Radio frequencies to be used during the Championships
For the championships, the following frequencies will be used:
a. 122.20 MHz - Main Contest frequency - Call sign “Ostrów Radio” - Main frequency for ALL CLASSES
b. 122.40 MHz - Alternate frequency
c. TEAM Frequencies – frequencies for all team communication related to the contest.
6.1 Types of tasks that will be set
The following tasks will be set during the Championships:
Racing Task
Speed Task – Assigned Areas
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
I. The Launch Grid
The Grid order will be specified at the 1st Briefing
II. Requirements for discharging water ballast on the grid
 No restrictions
III. Contest site boundaries
Contest site boundaries are airfield boundaries and are defined in Annex 2 of Local Procedures.
IV. Launch procedures for motor gliders
 All gliders equipped with MoP (engine) shall comply with all the requirements for gliders and carry FR's which have an
IGC-approved MoP function (ENL or other). Self launching motor gliders shall follow the same climb-out path as the
aero-towed gliders in their class and shall shut down their MoP in the designated release area at or below the
maximum release height. The engine of self launching motor gliders must be started and run for a maximum two
minutes before the launch. See new procedure in Annex A. They are only required to do this in the practice period or
on the first day. Aero-towing motor gliders having a MoP capable of being started in flight (including sustain MoP)
have to start and run the engine for at least 30 seconds and at most for 2 minutes, either before the launch or within 5
minutes after release. Motor gliders requiring a second (or even third) launch must land before the new launch. The
new launch has to be approved by the organizers on the frequency 122,20 MHz and it shall be conducted reflecting
the sequence of landing times of other gliders in the same class.
V. Inflight procedures for motor gliders
 In the event that a motor glider cannot remain airborne after a launch or self-launch, pilots may land at the home
airfield without the use of power and then re-launch in the sequence of the CD's auxiliary relight list.
VI. Release Areas and Release Heights
 Tows will be done to 600 m (2000 ft) AGL, to the area designated by the CD and described at the daily briefing.
 Towplanes will monitor the official contest frequency (122.20 MHz). Radio calls should not normally be necessary, and
unnecessary calls should be avoided; should you need to call your towplane, be sure to use its individual call sign
(which will be visible to a glider pilot on tow). Tow Speed will be 130 kph (80 mph). At glider release, the towplane
should turn left and the glider should turn right.
Areas where continuous circling is prohibited
Circling in release area below altitude 850m AMSL (QNH) until the end of the launch period is prohibited.
Start Option to be used and Start geometry
 Start Line – straight 10 km line (with start point in the middle), perpendicular to the first leg (line between the Start
Point and the Turning Point or the Center of the First Assigned Area).
IX. Radio procedures for announcing the start
 Opening of the start line will be announced by radio on 122,200 MHz
a. As soon as possible after launch of the last glider in the class,
 Start line for ....... class will be open in ..... minutes at ....... .
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
b. 5 minutes before the opening of the start line for the class.
 Start line for ....... class will be open in 5 ..... minutes at ....... .
c. Just after the opening of the start line for the class.
 Start line for ....... class is open now, at ....... .
 In case of any difficulties with the transmission of announcements (e.g. frequency jam) any particular announcement
may be repeated and time remaining should be adjusted to reflect actual time.
X. Altitude procedures for the starts
 A Maximum Start Height may be specified.
If non-standard development of weather conditions is expected (especially if wave flying is possible), Organisers may
announce maximum altitude before the Start. The altitude will be announced with the first start line opening
announcement and repeated with following start line announcements. If maximum altitude before start is announced,
pilot shall register at least one fix at or below this altitude between Start Line opening and pilot's actual Start Time.
XI. Instructions pertaining to real outlandings
 In case of outlanding the pilot shall - without unnecessary delay - complete the “Outlanding Report” (delivered to the
pilots during opening briefing) and pass all the information from this form to the Outlanding Office (OO). The
“Outlanding Report” information may be relayed through ground crew but in such a case ground crew shall pass this
information to OO before leaving the airfield.
Provision of and requirements for aero tow retrieves
 Return on tow is possible from airports and airfields only. After returning pilot should file filled „Outlanding Report” to
Outlanding Office. Only towplanes affiliated with the contest may perform such retrieves. Aero retrieves are available
by arrangement with the Outlanding Office and are provided on first-come, first-serve basis. Priority is based on the
time the Outlanding Office is notified. There must be ample time to complete the retrieve prior to sunset. Cost will be
based on a published charge that depends on tach time. Tow pilots have the right to refuse a retrieve. A pilot who
supplies incorrect information is responsible for any extra flying that becomes necessary. The pilot should have his
glider in place and ready for launch when the towplane arrives. The pilot is responsible for arranging a wing runner if
Finish Option to be used
a. Finish Ring (3km radius from Finish Point).
Minimum height and maximum altitude for the finish ring
 Minimum altitude for crossing the finish ring is 192m AMSL. Maximum altitude for finish ring is 1000 m QNH.
Crossing the Finish Ring below this limit shall be penalised according to Annex A par. 8.7 List of Approved penalties,
Incorrect Finish. During final approach and/or before crossing the Finish, pilots shall maintain a descending flight
profile and cross the airfield boundary at a height which cannot endanger persons (seen or unseen), vessels, vehicles
or structures. Hazardous final approaches and manoeuvres when approaching and after crossing the Finish shall be
Finish procedures
a. Competitor shall announce his arrival 10km before the center of the Finish Ring on 122.200 MHz. It
won’t be acknowledged by Ostrów Radio.
b. Pilots crossing Finish Ring shall execute landing procedure described at the briefing.
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
 Note: An exception from the required procedures may be approved by the Flight Director. Crossing
of the finish ring will be confirmed by means of GNSS. The finish time will be interpolated to the nearest second
between the last fix before crossing and the first after crossing.
 The pilot who will not finish before the finish closing time will be scored for the distance.
 In case of significant changes that might affect the flight safety wind speed and direction will be announced by the
Flight Director on 122,200 MHz as well as other safety critical informations.
Landing procedures
 The landing procedure will be announced during the briefing. The frequency 122.200 MHz is mandatory for the
landing procedure.
 Pilot who hasn’t finished the task or for some other reason is planning landing should join the downwind position and
land on the active (announced on the briefing) runway unless the Flight Director orders a different procedure.
 Before entering the traffic pattern the pilot should make the following announcements:
a. Distance from the airfield
b. Entry procedure for the traffic pattern (Example: “AL five kilometers inbound, joining right downwind
runway 27 right. )
 First landing gliders should extend landing profile and keep close to the edge of the active runway and maintain the
landing direction during roll out. The glider landing at the very edge of the runway has the right to change direction
to vacate the runway. The direction can be changed only to the side and in the area of the runway which was specified
on the briefing. When feasible pilots should remove the gliders from the runway as soon as possible to make space
for the following traffic. Landing instructions for sailplanes landing from the runway circuit will be specified at the
Note: In case of group-landings the organiser will support removing gliders from active runways. In this case it’s pilot’s
responsibility to cooperate with the driver (hook up the tow rope and walk the wing) and follow the instructions to
vacate as soon as possible. The glider will be removed outside the landing area (not to the tie downs or other parking
XVII. Handling of flight documentation
 During the training period, each competitor shall submit at least one valid flight log of the primary FR to the scoring
system. For motor gliders, the flight log shall contain a valid engine run of at least 30 seconds.
 Scoring Office (SO) is located in the contest office building. Flight documentation must be submitted to the SO within
60 minutes after landing at EPOM. Flight documentation is required for every contest flight, without exception – this
includes flights that would not be eligible for a score. If your wheel leaves the ground, flight documentation must be
submitted to the SO.
a. Flight logs may be submitted
i. by hand;
ii. On-line (via email: scoring@egc2013.eu)
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
I. 8.1.1 Awarding of Team Cup
 Team cup will be awarded.
II. 8.2.4 Use of Handicap
 Handicap List will be used for the Club and 20 metre Multi-Seat Classess (Annex 4).
 Protest fee is set to 200 EUR
 Team Captains must supply two national flags with the size of 1.2m X 1.8m and a digital recording of their National
K. Competition Rules
The competition will be conducted in compliance with the FAI Sporting Code:
General Section, 2013 Edition, effective 1 March 2013
II. Section 3 – Gliding, 2012 Edition, effective 1 October 2012
III. Annex A to Section 3 – Gliding, 2012 Edition, effective 1 October 2012
I. Annex 1. Contest area
II. Annex 2. Airfield boundaries
III. Annex 3. Landing patterns
IV. Annex 4. Handicaps List
Contest Director
Maciej Całka
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
ANNEX 1. Contest area
Horizontal boundaries:
1. 52°35’30’’N 014°34’00’’E
2. 53°10’08’’N 016°42’31’’E
3. 51°15’00’’N 020°50’00’’E
4. 50°27’00’’N 020°43’00’’E
5. 51°09’00’’N 015°01’00’’E
Then forward along the Polish boundary until the point
1. 52°35’30’’N 014°34’00’’E
Vertical boundaries:
Upper boundary: FL95
Lower boundary: GND
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
ANNEX 2. Contest site boundaries
AL 142 m AMSL
AH 642m AMSL
DP 51:42:06 N
017:50:15 E
DP 51:42:21 N
017:50:15 E
DP 51:42:15 N
017:51:18 E
DP 51:42:03 N
017:51:28 E
DP 51:42:04 N
017:51:15 E
DP 51:41:44 N
017:51:16 E
DP 51:41:45 N
017:51:10 E
DP 51:41:53 N
017:51:07 E
DP 51:41:58 N
017:50:41 E
DP 51:41:53 N
017:50:40 E
DP 51:42:06 N
017:50:15 E
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
ANNEX 3. Landing patterns.
Landing procedure West
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
Landing procedure East
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
ANNEX 4. Handicap lists
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17 FAI European Gliding Championships
Standard, Club, World, 20m Multi-Seat classes
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