Fuerteventura Birding trip_February 2013


Fuerteventura Birding trip_February 2013
Fuerteventura Birding trip
2nd of February 2013 until 9th of February 2013
Alain De Broyer & Arnaud Laudelout
Birding Sites :
There are many birding sites information available in books, trip reports and websites: in fact,
many places can hold good birds and it’s worth to investigate any areas of bushes, fields and
trees for passerines. Most of the island is desertic and it is more difficult to find places with
water. In February 2013 many places were completely dry. Most of the waterbirds were seen
at The Embalse de los Molinos and in Agricultural areas, notably around La Calabaza, south
of Tesejerague. Some small barrancos still held a little bit water, notably a small place south
of La Oliva where several species came to drink (GPS; 28.623, -13.986 ).
Most of the island specialities were seen, with some welcome bonus like Ring-necked Duck
and Olive-backed Pipits. Only Barbary Falcon eluded us, and no Plain Swift was sighted (they
only begin to arrive during early February). Stone-Curlew seemed also difficult to find.
A word must be said about weather; although temperature was fine (around 20°c), the wind
was quite annoying on some days with up to 6bft of NE winds. This has surely influenced the
birding and some species may be much more common than this trip report would suggest. On
one day, we also had an eastern wind from Sahara, full of sand, and this led to a visible arrival
of some particular insects (Vagrant Emperor, Painted Lady and Desert Locust).
Many birds are quite confident and can be photographed easily. On some touristic places,
birds can be tamed and approached a few meters without difficulty. The most striking was
with Raven: on one place, the birds could be approached down to one meter and didn’t
seemed to care!!!
However, when birding around little pieces of water, birds are more wary and it was difficult
to avoid flushing the birds on occasions, mostly because there’s no way to hide in a desert
habitat and in agricultural areas, waterbodies are surrounded by dikes. Our accommodation
was situated at the village of El Cotillo, NW of the Island and most desert species were
searched in this area. However, we found that the scenery around La Pared-Costa Calma on
the South of the Island is well worth a look, although there can be walkers anywhere. On
some places however it’s very quite, partly due to the bad state of some of the tracks.
Ruddy Shelduck - Tadorna ferruginea
Widespread: most common at Embalse de Los Molinos (up to 30-40), but also seen on nearly
every places containing open water.
Eurasian Wigeon - Anas Penelope
1 juvenile male at Embalse de los Molinos and an adult male at La Calabaza, south of
Northern Shoveler - Anas clypeata
1 « female type » at Embalse de los Molinos.
Common Teal - Anas crecca
Up to 14 individuals at Embalse de los Molinos and 4 individuals at La Calabaza, south of
Ring-necked Duck - Aythya collaris
1 female at Embalse de los Molinos.
Tufted Duck - Aythya fuligula
Up to 3 individuals at Embalse de los Molinos, 1 adult male at La Calabaza, south of
Barbary Partridge - Alectoris barbara
Although this species seems to be quite common, we only saw 5 ex at Vega de Rio Palmas, a
well known site for this species.
Cory’s Shearwater - Calonectris diomedea
Only 1 seen from Corralejo harbour on 08.02.
Northern Gannet - Morus bassanus
Only 3-4 adults seen from El Cotillo lighthouse.
Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
Seen at Los Molinos, La Calabaza, La Oliva (fields) and other areas; several individuals.
Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
Quite regular; seen on several places; in waterbodies but also on the coast (El Cotillo) and on
the beach (Costa Calma).
Egyptian Vulture - Neophron percnopterus ginginianus
1 at La Oliva on 2 dates, 1 at La Calabaza, 2 close to Tindaya, 2 at Las Molinos coast. All
were adults.
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo insularum
Widespread all over the island, seen on most sites. These birds show a particular plumage,
reminiscent of North-African Long-legged buzzard.
Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus dacotiae
Quite common all over the island. One bird was seen close to the road at Vega de Rio Palmas
on 04.02, running after beetles and completely uncaring about our presence, a wonderful
Eurasian Coot - Fulica atra
Common where water remain, maximum of around 240 at Embalse de los Molinos.
Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus
Regular in small numbers around waterbodies, seen on several sites, with up to 5 at Embalse
de los molinos and up to 9 at La Calabaza.
Houbara Bustard - Chlamydotis undulata fuerteventurae
Seen on several occasions between El Cotillo and Tindaya and around La Oliva. Some birds
were seen feeding regularly on yellow flowers in agricultural fields.
Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus
Common on waterbodies, up to 6 at Embalse de los Molinos and 7 at La Calabaza.
Cream-coloured Courser - Cursorius cursor
3-4 birds in the desert south of La Pared, 2 between La oliva & Tindaya and 2 birds around
Eurasian Stone-curlew - Burhinus oedicnemus insularum
Only seen from the road at Lajares were 1-2 individuals were resting on the dikes of
agricultural fields…
Common Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula
Several seen on the coast north of El Cotillo.
Little Ringed Plover - Charadrius dubius
Seen on several inland waterbodies, maximum of 8 at Embalse de los Molinos, 7 at La
Calabaza, south of Tesejerague.
Kentish Plover - Charadrius alexandrinus
Several seen on the coast around El Cotillo.
Ruddy Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
2 birds close to Corralejo harbour and 11 individuals on the coast north of El Castillo.
Sanderling - Calidris alba
Around 20-25 on the coast north of El Cotillo (lighthouse).
Green Sandpiper - Tringa ochropus
Up to 3 at Los Molinos, 1 at La Calabaza, south of Tesejerague.
Common Sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
Quite widespread on most waterbodies and also along rocky shores, around 15 individuals
Spotted Redshank - Tringa erythropus
1 at Embalse de los Molinos.
Common Greenshank - Tringa nebularia
Up to 3 at Los Molinos, 1 at La Calabaza, south of Tesejerague.
Black-tailed Godwit - Limosa limosa
1 individual at La Calabaza, south of Tesejerague.
Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus
Regular on the coast in small numbers: a group of 9 south of Costa calma, several around
Corralejo and on the coast north of El Cotillo.
Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago
Seen on 3 places: 1 at La Calabaza, south of Tesejerague., 1 at a small pool close to Tindaya
and up to 7 at Embalse de los Molinos.
Yellow-legged Gull - Larus michahellis atlantis
This dark-mantled subspecies was widespread in small numbers, but around 400 birds were
feeding at sea off Las Salinas.
Sandwich Tern - Thalasseus sandvicensis
A bird south of El Cotillo, around 20 off Las Salinas and 2 close to Corralejo harbour.
Black-bellied Sandgrouse - Pterocles orientalis
4 birds on the Tindaya Coast, 50-100 in the desert between Costa calma and La Pared, 6 south
of Tindaya, 6 south of El Cotillo and 5 at Embalse de Los Molinos.
Rock Pigeon - Columba livia canariensis
At least some individuals were seen at Vega de Rio Palmas, close to the dam, and probably
along the south coast of El Cotillo.
Eurasian Collared Dove - Streptopelia decaocto
Widespread and common.
Palm Dove – Streptopelia senegalensis
Only seen in Vega de Rio Palmas where at least 3 birds were seen, including a singing one.
Common Swift - Apus apus
On the 8th of February, around 25 ex. seen migrating.
Pallid Swift - Apus pallidus
Regularly seen on migration or along the Cliffs south of El Cotillo in small numbers.
Eurasian Hoopoe - Upupa epops
Widespread in small numbers, around 20 seen.
Lesser Short-toed Lark - Calandrella rufescens polatzeki
Common in many areas of desert, seems less frequent on hillsides. Many birds were still in
groups of several tens, but some were singing and showed territorial display.
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
Seen on migration in small numbers, around 25 individuals.
Common House Martin - Delichon urbicum
Seen on migration in small numbers, around 30 individuals seen.
Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis
1 bird seen with Berthelot’s pipits on a small waterplace between La oliva and Tindaya.
Berthelot's Pipit - Anthus berthelotii
Widespread and common nearly everywhere. Usually quite tame, particularly on touristic
areas. Birds in fresh juvenile plumage were seen, as well as feeding adults (nest).
Olive-backed Pipit- Anthus hogdsoni
One of the highlight of the trip ! The small group found wintering in the Park of Costa calma
was still there, with 3 individuals seen on the 4th and 6th of February. They kept always in
close contact and were mostly staying up in trees close to the path, unafraid of the people
walking close by.
Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea
1 individual close to the park of Costa Calma on 6th of February.
White Wagtail - Motacilla alba
Not uncommon in small numbers, several seen on waterbodies, e.g. Embalse de los Molinos,
Las Calabazas, etc…
Canary Islands Chat - Saxicola dacotiae
This endemic bird was seen quite commonly, mostly in small barrancos and hillsides. Most
birds were unafraid of our presence, and by sitting still, some of them came a few meters from
Song Thrush - Turdus philomelos
One bird seen in the Park of Costa Calma on 04.02.
Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla
Regular in small number in the park of Costa Calma, 5-10 seen, and 1 singing.
Spectacled Warbler - Sylvia conspicillata orbitalis
Quite common on areas of small bushes, seen nearly anywhere. Some pairs were feeding
youngs at nest on the Tindaya coast on 03.02.
Sardinian Warbler - Sylvia melanocephala
Only Found at Vega de Rio Palmas where several individuals were seen on 04.02, a few of
which were singing.
Common Grasshopper warbler - Locustella naevia
An individual was found in the low bushes of a small wet barranco SW of La Oliva (GPS;
28.623, -13.986 ) The bird was flushed and seen shortly and potential vagrant asian locustellas
could be excluded.
Common Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita
Two birds seen in Vega de Rio Palmas, and around 20 in the Park of Bahia calma, including 2
or 3 singing. Some showed criterias of Canary Islands Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus canariensis.
North African Blue Tit - Cyanistes ultramarines degener
Only seen (and looked for) at Vega de Rio Palmas where around 10 birds were seen,
including some recently fledged juveniles.
Southern Grey Shrike - Lanius meridionalis koenigi
Quite common in areas with bushes and barrancos. High Densities were found in La Oliva
agricultural fields.
Common Raven - Corvus corax canariensis
The only corvid present in the island, this species is widespread and quite common. Some
tamed birds on touristic areas gave incredible moments!
Spanish Sparrow - Passer hispaniolensis
Common and widespread.
European siskin – Carduelis pinus
At least 2 (most probably 3) in the Park of Costa Calma on 04.02.
Common Chaffinch- Fringilla coelebs
At least 4 individuals in the Park of Costa Calma.
Common Linnet - Carduelis cannabina
Widespread: mostly seen in pairs or small parties of 4-5.
European Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
Widespread, but notably common in the park of Costa calma.
Trumpeter Finch - Bucanetes githagineus amantum
Seen on several places, quite common around Tindaya.
Corn Bunting - Emberiza calandra
Up to 5 individuals singing at the edge of the agricultural area of La Oliva.
European Rabbit - Oryctolagus cuniculus
Locally common.
Barbary Ground Squirrel - Atlantoxerus getulus
This introduced species is locally common and can be very tame on some touristic areas.
Algerian Hedgehog - Atelerix algirus
Only dead animals on the road.
Atlantic Lizard - Gallotia atlantica:
Seen on several places, common in the park of Costa Calma.
Stripeless tree frog - Hyla meridionalis
On 05.02, we were quite astonished to hear 2 tree frogs singing at the Barranco de Rio Palma,
as there’s supposed to be no amphibians in the Island. However, it seems that tree frogs have
been introduced in all major islands of the Canarias, see for example;
Small White - Pieris rapae
Seen on several places, with most in the long Park of Costa Calma.
Clouded Yellow - Colias crocea
A few scattered individuals seen, only males.
Geranium Bronze - Cacyreus marshalli
Locally very common, particularly in the park of Costa Calma.
Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
Common, seen on many places, particularly after the eastern winds of the 04.02.
Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
Uncommon, 2 or 3 seen.
American Monarch - Danaus plexippus
1 individual in the Park of Costa Calma.
Greenish Black-tip - Elphinstonia charlonia
At least 6 males and one female in La Oliva agricultural fields.
Vagrant Emperor- Anax ephippiger
Not seen on the first two days but on the 4th of February, an eastern wind full of sand led to
the arrival of hundreds of these dragonflies, particularly in the park of Costa Calma where
tens were seen. After that, seen nearly anywhere, also in completely dry areas.
Blue Emperor- Anax imperator
1 individual at Embalse de Los Molinos
Broad Scarlet - Crocothemis erythraea
1 female seen at Barranco de Rio Palma
Sahara Bluetail - Ischnura saharensis
20 individuals seen in the small barranco of Embalse de Los Molinos.
Desert Locust - Schistocerca gregaria
A few individuals seen in the desert interior of Costa calma on 04.02.
Spotted Sea hare - Aplysia dactylomela
1 found in a rockpool close to El Cotillo Lighthouse.
Alain De Broyer