Clio Museletter - The Alpha Clionian Sorority
Clio Museletter - The Alpha Clionian Sorority
Clio Museletter News and Information for sisters of Alpha Clio at SUNY Geneseo Welcome! Welcome all active and alumni Clio’s to the semi-‐annual Museletter! The Museletter is a great place to find out what exciting things are happening with the actives, to increase networking opportunities, learn ways to get involved as actives and alumni, to hear about various events, and to see what the corporation has been working on! We have made great progress with the website and are trying to increase alumni and active correspondence. We have also had changes in our corporation officers! Our President Kristen Felicione has stepped down and Brooke Adams has been nominated as our new president. Jill Scalzo has also taken on the new role as Vice President. We currently have two open positions; Treasurer and Alumni Corresponding Secretary. If you are interested in any of these positions, please reach out to any of our corporation officers. You can access all emails on our website. The website can be accessed either through our new domain name: or through the school’s assigned address: Alumni weekend is Friday May 1st and Saturday May 2! Heard it Through the Gold Vine… If you have any updates on Clio’s getting jobs, promotions, relocated, married, pregnant, etc. please email Kait at with the exciting news! We will make sure it is included in the next Museletter! Please be sure to include first and last name and graduating year. Spring 2015 1 ΦΚΠ Clio Corporation Officers President Brooke Adams ‘10 Vice President Jill Scalzo ‘12 Secretary Alyssa Jordan ‘11 Treasurer TBA* Museletter Chairperson Kait Burns, ‘11 House Chairperson Jen Curci, ‘05 Database Chairperson Abbey Clark ‘05 Website Chairperson Sabrina Amin ‘12 Fundraising Chairperson Jacqueline Thompson ‘12 Alumni Corresponding Secretary TBA Sorority Alumni Liason Sara Scholomiti Rook, ‘95 Senior Corporation Representative Lauren Furcinito, 2015 Junior Corporation Representative Taylor Campanelli, 2016 Soph. Corporation Representative Megan Leicht, 2017 2 Letter from our President Happy Spring to my Alumni Sisters, Spring is a time for new beginnings! With that in mind, the Clio Corporation has a big change coming! I am sad to announce I will be stepping down as President of the Clio Corporation; but I am so pleased to announce that my pledge sister and best friend Brooke Adams has taken over this role! It has been my pleasure to serve you all as President for the past four years, especially during our 140th anniversary celebration! There have been some great changes to the Corporation during my tenure, including the addition of the Sorority Alumni Liaison position to the Clio Corporation which has improved our relationship with the actives, “The Stage” feature in the Museletter to encourage networking among alumni, and our new Clio website! I would like to thank all of the members of the Corporation who have served with me, both past and present, who dedicated lots of time and effort to accomplish these goals! It was so lovely getting to know all of you and I appreciate all your work! When I started as Clio Corporation President, I was living alone in Auburn, NY, serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA for a year, and had a lot of time on my hands to dedicate to the Corporation. Now, four years later, my job and personal life have become much more time consuming than I ever planned! Many of you know I will be getting married in October and planning for a wedding in New York while living in Virginia has proven to take more time than I thought. I know the next few months of my life are going to be hectic, and I do not have time to dedicate to my role and to all of you. I feel it is only fair to resign and give the position to someone has the drive and motivation to make big things happen for us! Luckily, that person is lined up and ready to start today! Brooke has been serving as Vice President for a few years, and is ready to kick it up to high gear as President. She has tons of great ideas and I’m excited to see what she has in store. Additionally, I'm happy to announce Jill Scalzo will be taking over the Vice President role! Jill has been serving as our Treasurer and is excited to step into a new role and utilize her leadership skills. Those of you who know Brooke and Jill know they are two highly motivated women who aren't afraid of a little hard work if it means big achievements! Luckily, this isn’t good bye! I will always be tied to all of my sisters by daisies, gold and white! Wishing you all the best! Love-‐in-‐Clio, Kristen Felicione '10 The Stage 3 For the Spring Museletter, our new president Brooke Adams was interviewed! When did you pledge Clio and when did you graduate? I pledged Clio in Spring 2007 and graduated Geneseo May 2010. What do you want to accomplish in the next year as President? So many things! Having served on the board as Vice President for a while I know the corporation is made of a group of woman who want to do whatever they can to better Clio. This next year my focus will be on a couple areas: the website, Clio artifacts, and the relationship between alumni and actives. For the website I'd like to (hopefully!) get the family line project done and published. As far as the "artifacts" the goal will be to get a storage unit for all of the composites, memorabilia, etc. that we have to preserve them for the future. (I know a sorority house isn't the most ideal place to keep them.) In reference to bettering the alumni/active relationship I'd like to get some sort of mentoring/networking program going on so that actives can reach out to alumni in the respective fields they're considering after Geneseo. Networking is one of the major benefits of a national sorority but with Clio's legacy there’s no reason we can't do this as well. How can others give back as an alumni? Great question! I've gone through the phase where I thought the only way to give back to Clio was money, and serving on the Corporation I know that couldn't be farther from the truth. The biggest thing people can do to give back is to communicate with us. If there's an idea you have, something we're doing you don't like, something you wish we were doing more of, let us know! Feedback is a huge help and part of giving back. We're a corporation of 12 making decisions that impact thousands of alumni-‐ we need to hear from you. Monetary donations will always be helpful especially when we're trying to secure a house for the girls, but they're not the only way to contribute. I also think that in the future you'll see more and more opportunity to give back as things like the mentoring/networking idea come to fruition. Favorite daisy filled memory? This was easy. Hands down my favorite memory is the " I Can Hear You From Newton" day. It was two days before graduation and we had breakfast with DK. Almost everyone was done with finals so the house was filled with Clios of all ages. We brought back the Spring 04 pyramid on the front lawn, my pledge sister Rachel was on the news, my pledge sister Christina brought a newspaper to DK breakfast to read, there was a lot of air guitar to Steely Dan, and former corporation President Kristen came home from her last class telling us she could hear us from Newton. The day was awesome and there is a Facebook album in capturing the day that I highly recommend you check out! Thank you Brooke! 4 Lost Clio’s Last Name Ackerman Addison Alianelli Anzalone Burress (Anderson) Davis Dederick DiBlasi (Lester) Downing (Roffe) Dugas (Strnad) Espaillat Gordon (Mann) Grady Harrison (Olsen) Higgins Hoffman Horner Kingsley Merrow (Handy) Nichols Paradiso Pelton Redden Reiss Sciarrino (Marcott) Searles Slade Smith (Hulse) Smith Snyder Stuart (Paul) Taillie Thiele Varney (Martin) Velez Wagner (Morgan) Wagner (Zarnikau) Walker Watson Whitfield First Name Colleen Elizabeth Joanne Jessica Melissa Donna Lisa Sue Margaret Robyn Aida Nancy Sandra Kelly Marion Clare Kristie Joan Jill Alison Anne Polly Jo Barb Ann Anne Julia Irene Nancy Tamara Deborah Tamara Carol Jen Gina Marcia Mary Kathryn Mary Pat Year 95 75 56 98 93 81 91 51 83 95 53 63 93 34 79 93 45 96 92 83 57 81 70 67 94 37 93 69 86 50 00 94 69 59 64 Please contact or with any information you have on our Lost Clio Sisters. Letter from the Actives 5 Dear Beautiful Alumni, We are so excited to announce our newest pledge class of eleven, Spring 2015, crossed on Saturday March 28th and will be inducted as official sisters-‐in-‐Clio on Thursday April 2nd! Kate DiDonato, Rachel Coons, Jenna Mastronardo, Shannon Keane, Amanda Darling, Rachel Federman, Mazarine Desruisseaux, Meaghan Kiely, Melissa Mastoridis, Cassidy Dahl, and Olivia Sais are the most perfect baby daisies we could’ve asked for and are going to make such a wonderful addition to the sorority. This year we have eleven seniors starting the newest chapter in their lives. Catherine Heacox, Lauren Furcinito, Liesel Gutierrez, Tara Rebuck, Maureen Sallie, Cassidy Brennan, Alyssa Cole, Victoria Salazar, Songeun Shin, Lindsay Carr, and Angelica Tan will be gradating this upcoming May. They will all be deeply missed but we know they’re onto bigger and better things and will always hold Clio close to their hearts. Throughout the spring semester the sisters have been active participants in charities on and off campus. We have dedicated our time to raising money for Relay for Life, we attended Anna's ball, we participate as volunteers at the local Special Olympics, and we have signed up to be sponsors for Sister Jessica Ringler's moms ride for Roswell. We are currently in the progress of setting up a campus wide charity hosted at the Statesman and plan to participate in the Relay for Life lock in on April 11th. In addition to alumni weekend, which will be held on May 1st and 2nd, we hope to all see you at the 100th Anniversary of Greek life for Geneseo which will be held over the summer on June 5th and 6th! Clio will be hosting its own event on Saturday June 6th from 7-‐9 pm at the Clio House (20 Wadsworth Street). We have also designed Clio specific apparel that can be ordered through Geneseo’s webpage! If you have any questions regarding the event please contact Lauren Furcinito or Liesel Gutierrez. If you have an instagram be sure to follow our account: AlphaClioGeneseo! Until we meet again… Love-‐in-‐Clio, The Active Sisters of Phi Kappa Pi Sorority Alumni Liaison The house is always in need of items, so think of donating to the Clio House! Contact me at to arrange delivery to the Clio house. Thank you very much for your support as alumni! Love-‐in-‐Clio, Sara Scholomiti Rook '95 6 Donations Greetings Dearest Clios! I hope this update finds everyone well. I want to thank the generous donors who contributed to Clio via the Corporation this Fall: Bridget Kelly Bertoldo '81, Katharine Reilly Lustig '59 (in honor of her Clio roommate Martha Rusack Sandwag) and Lois Robbins Evans '50.Additionally, I would like to thank those who contributed to the Greek Challenge in the name of Clio! We certainly made our mark and showed amazing support for our actives! We want to be sure we have the funds to be able to hold Clio events, big and small, throughout the years or cover other expenses for alumni and actives in an effort to keep us all connected! And of course, donations only get us closer to our longtime dream of owning a home of our own. If you can spare anything, please think of Clio. We are so grateful for any and all donations! As a reminder, donations are being accepted year round for both the House and Memorial Funds. Currently, donations can be made through Paypal, on our new (and wonderful) website, or by sending a check to the Corporation’s address: Clio Corporation 1335 Jefferson Road PO Box 22921 Rochester, NY 14692 Checks can be made payable to Alpha Clionian, Inc. Please indicate on the memo line of your check if you would like to donate to the House Fund or a specific Memorial Fund. Current Donations Daisy: • Bridget Kelly Bertoldo ‘81 Gold: • Lois Robbins Evans ‘50 Platinum: • Katharine Reilly Lustig ‘59 Thank you for your donations!