A new technology for the combined production of charcoal and
A new technology for the combined production of charcoal and
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect http://www.elsevier.com/locate/biombioe A new technology for the combined production of charcoal and electricity through cogeneration Adriana de Oliveira Vilela a,*,1, Electo Silva Lora b, ^nio Vicintin a,1, Quelbis Roman Quintero b, Ricardo Anto Thalis Pacceli da Silva e Souza a,1 rio, km 4,5, Rima Industrial S/A, Departamento de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, Anel Rodovia Belo Horizonte 30622-910, MG, Brazil b ~ o Termeletrica e Distribuı́da, Instituto de Engenharia Meca ^nica, NEST e Núcleo de Excel^encia em Geraça , Av. BPS 1303, CP 50, Itajuba 37500-083, MG, Brazil Universidade Federal de Itajuba a article info abstract Article history: This paper presents an historical approach on the development of the existing biomass Received 17 February 2014 carbonization technologies in industrial operation in Brazil, the biggest charcoal producing Received in revised form country in the world. The gravimetric yield of charcoal from wood does not usually surpass 16 June 2014 25%; the time of each operation cycle is more than seven days; and less than 50% of the Accepted 27 June 2014 energy contained in the feedstock is transformed into charcoal e the rest is discharged into Available online the environment. The electricity generation associated with charcoal production is nowadays inexistent in Brazil. This paper presents the development of an industrial Keywords: technology of semi-continuous pyrolysis process, characterized by using metallic kilns Charcoal with forced exhaust system: the Rima Container Kiln (RCK). The results of the test runs are Pyrolysis gas related to 5 m3 and 40 m3 kilns, with a thermal power of 200 kW (pilot scale: 5 m3) and Cogeneration 3000 kW (industrial scale: 40 m3). The low heating value of the pyrolysis gases is 670 and Electricity 1470 kJ/m3, respectively. Biomass energy The main results are: a 3 h carbonization time; an average productivity per kiln of 1 ton of charcoal per hour; and a gravimetric yield of 35%. In this paper, four scenarios for the conversion of exhaust gases and tar into electricity were evaluated: the Conventional Rankine Cycle (CRC) and the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), each one with and without forest residues utilization. It is shown that the best economic indicators correspond to the scenario where ORC technology is used. The electricity generation cost is around U$30/ MWhe for ORC and US$40/MWhe for CRC. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ55 31 3329 4483. E-mail addresses: adn@rima.com.br (A. de Oliveira Vilela), electo@unifei.edu.br (E.S. Lora). 1 Tel.: þ55 31 3329 4000. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.06.019 0961-9534/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 223 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 1. Introduction 1.1. The relevance of charcoal production in brazil Some reports indicate that around the year 500 A.C. the Macedonians used wood to produce charcoal and tar. Even before that, the carbonization of wood was already known and utilized by the Egyptians, the Persians and the Chinese. The process used by these ancient civilizations remains almost unchanged today, especially from the energy loss point of view, which can reach more than 50% of the biomass energy content. Fig. 1 shows the share of the total energy produced from charcoal and the respective energy loss in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil from 1978 to 2010 [1]. Energy losses reduction, as observed in recent years, was only possible through process improvement, leading to increase in charcoal yield and more efficient forest handling. According to the National Energy Balance [2], Brazil has 44% of its energy matrix supplied by renewable sources. From this total, around 10% correspond to wood and charcoal, 15% to hydraulic electric generation, 16% to sugarcane, and 3% corresponds to wind and solar energy based generation. Around 4% of the total installed capacity for electricity generation in Brazil corresponds to thermal power stations, which burn coal, gas, oil and biomass (such as bagasse and wood dust). Nevertheless, there is not a single thermal power installation that uses exhaust energy from carbonization processes. 1.2. Wood carbonization Wood carbonization involves a complex phenomenon that allows the generation of a wide range of chemical compounds, which can be grouped as: charcoal, tar, pyroligneous acid and gases [3]. Table 1, adapted from Refs. [4] and [5], shows the mass fraction content, dry basis, of the main products derived from wood pyrolysis. These results were obtained at laboratory scale without oxygen supply and by using external heating. Fig. 1 e Share of the total energy produced from charcoal in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil from 1978 to 2010, as granulated charcoal, other products (dust, tar and losses (smoke). Table 1 e Products of carbonization. Products of carbonization % Dry base Charcoal (80% fixed carbon) Pyroligneous acid (Acetic acid) (Methanol) (Soluble tar) (Water and others) Insoluble tar Non condensable gases (NCG) (Hydrogen e 0.63%) (CO e 34%) (CO2 e 62%) (Methane e 2.43%) (Ethane e 0.13%) (Others e 0.81%) Total 33.0 35.5 (0.5) (0.2) (5.0) (23.5) 6.5 25.0 (0.16) (8.5) (15.5) (0.61) (0.03) (0.20) 100 The phenomena that occur during carbonization are grouped differently depending on the author. For example, Refs. [3] and [6], divide them in four stages as follows: A: Up to 200 C, there is production of gases, such as water vapor, CO2, formic and acetic acid. B: from 200 to 280 C, the same gases from zone A are released; but the emission of CO begins and there is a substantial decrease in water vapor emission. The reactions in this zone are endothermic. C: from 280 to 500 C. Carbonization occurs through exothermic reactions. The products obtained in this stage are influenced by secondary reactions, including formation of fuel gases, tar, CO and CH4. D: over 500 C. All wood has been converted into charcoal. Various secondary reactions take place, catalyzed by the carbonization layer. According to Ref. [7], sugarcane bagasse and wood pyrolysis can be divided by stages in a similar way based on thermal analysis results. Stage B corresponds to hemicelluloses destruction and stage C to cellulose and lignin conversion into charcoal. Table 2, shows the main products generated in each stage of carbonization, according to the temperature evolution of the process. The values found in Table 2 correspond to tests performed at laboratory scale as show in Ref. [8]. Fig. 2 presents the photos of wood pieces at different carbonization stages as previously described. From left to right: in the first stage, the wood is dried and the released gases contain only water vapor. In the second stage, the product is a partially carbonized wood, or toasted wood. This toasted wood has the highest energy content per weight and also a great content of volatile matters. In the third stage, hydrocarbons start to be released and carbonization pushes forward to the center of the wood piece, reducing its volume in the radial direction. Finally, in the last stage, when the temperature reaches 500 C in the center of the wood piece, carbonization may be interrupted. The charcoal at this final temperature has a fixed carbon content of around 75%. Above 500 C, the charcoal structure and composition continues changing and the fixed carbon content can reach more than 90%. 224 Very small Small Important Important 0.5 9.7 80.9 8.9 13.23 Low condensation 12.2 24.6 42.7 20.5 15.20 Tar 31.5 12.3 7.5 48.7 20.01 Lots of heavy tar Amount of gas Very small 66.5 30.0 0.2 3.3 5.07 Water vapor and acetic acid Small 68.0 30.0 0.0 2.0 4.61 Water vapor 35.5 20.5 6.5 37.5 16.41 Acetic acid methyl alcohol 700e900 91 500e700 89 380e500 84 200e280 68 280e380 78 1.3. 150e200 60 Temperature [ C] Carbon content (% of the charcoal) Non condensable gases (%) CO2 CO H2 Hydrocarbons Heating value [kJ/m3] Condensable constituents in the gas Oxygenated gases production Water removal Carbonization stage Table 2 e Evolution of carbonization as a function of temperature. Beginning of hydrocarbons release Hydrocarbons release CnHm Dissociation of charcoal Hydrogen phase b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Traditional wood carbonization technologies The “Hot Tail” kilns are the most widespread kilns within Brazil, due to its simplicity and low cost, especially for small producers. They are recommended for flat sites and, in general, are built with baked bricks, clay and sand mortar. Normally, more than one kiln is used and they are disposed as batteries or tandems. The operation of the kiln starts with the firewood loading, followed by carbonization and unloading of charcoal. The use of dry firewood is essential for good carbonization, because the firewood moisture directly influences the yield of the kiln as show in Ref. [9]. There is an ideal temperature, around 60 C, for unloading the kiln because the contact of air and charcoal at superior temperatures can lead to fires. A standard kiln operation consists of three to six days for carbonization, five days for cooling and one day to unload/load the kiln [9]. In addition to the “Hot Tail” kiln there are other carbonization technologies in Brazil, with similar productivity, gravimetric yield and energy efficiency, such as: slope kiln, surface kiln, rectangular kiln, beehive kiln, JG kiln, all made of hewn stone and without forced exhaust system. The names presented on this paragraph are a free translation from Portuguese to English. Table 3 and Table 4 present the results of studies [10] about charcoal production from the main types of kilns in Brazil. To ensure the economic and operational viability of the mechanized charcoaling process, it was necessary to build rectangular kilns, which can reach a production capacity equivalent to five (5) surface kilns [11]. Today it is possible to find rectangular kilns in operation with and without external combustion. Their firewood capacity is higher than 700 m3 and they possess equipment for tar recovering, which is usually released into the atmosphere in conventional hewing stone kilns [12]. Table 5 presents the main charcoal production technologies, now in operation in the world, visited in 2007, with the indication of capacity. Vital et al. [13], made a comparative analysis of the presently used carbonization technologies. The results are presented in Table 6. There is a technology, under development at laboratory scale, based on the conversion of wood into charcoal by microwaves. According to Ref. [14], it is possible to attain a high productivity conversion, with a specific energy consumption of around 1000 kWh/(ton of wood). The constraints of the traditional technologies for charcoal production include: Difficulty in the mechanization of firewood loading and charcoal unloading. Fragmentation of charcoal during unloading. Difficulty in automation due to the lack of instrumentation, in particular: weight, flow rates and temperature monitoring. Impossibility to use wood chips, which favors the gravimetric yield and productivity e an exception is the continuous retort. 225 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Fig. 2 e Wood pieces at different stages of the carbonization process. Source: Author. Table 3 e Performance of the carbonization kilns in Brazil. Type of construction Operation cycle (hours) Hewing stone with internal heat source Slope Hot tail JG surface Rectangular V&M Rectangular ACESITA Metallic with internal heat source Semi-continuous JG Metallic with external heat source DPC semi-continuous Capacity Volumetric yield (st/CMC) Firewood (st) Charcoal (CMC) 240 144e168 144 264e312 264 20 20 10e11 180e240 110 8.7 8.0 4e5 95e130 65 2.3 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.8 NA NA NA NA 72 80 53.3 1.5 NA ¼ Not available. st ¼ cubic meter of stacked wood. CMC ¼ cubic meters of charcoal. High heterogeneity in the drying, pre-pyrolysis and the pyrolysis profiles inside the kiln. High rate of partially carbonized wood formation due to heterogeneous thermal distribution in the kiln. Large operation time, with low productivity. Difficulty in gas collection and in sealing the kiln. 1.4. Constraints of by-products utilization for cogeneration in conventional carbonization kilns According to Ref. [15], companies that produce charcoal have been developing alternatives to use the energy from gases generated during the carbonization process. Some trials, at the beginning of the 80's decade of the 20th century, allowed obtaining tar, which was successfully used as fuel in Table 4 e Constructive and operational characteristics of the hewing stone kilns. Kilns Slope (3 m) Hot tail (3 m) Beehive (5 m) JG (3 m) Diameter [m] Maximum height [m] Loaded firewood Charcoal [m3/months] Cycle [days] Useful life [years] 3.0e4.0 2.5e2.8 2.9e3.8 2.3 max. 3.0e8.0 3.2e5.0 3.0 2.3 max. 20.0 st 24.0 8 st 16.0e20.0 5.0e200.0 t 50.0e60.0 14 st 22 7e8 3 5e7 2e3 8e9 3e5 5e6 2e3 substitution of oil. Recently, there has been an evident increase of interest in the use of gases from charcoal production in burners and kilns, thus reducing gas emissions and possibly obtaining thermal energy in a first stage (gases burners) and electricity in a more advanced phase of development. According to Ref. [15], it is also important to mention the technological barriers linked to the quality of the gases, whose composition and heating values are not homogeneous throughout the phases of the carbonization process. Such barriers are present in the highly variable heating values of the gases; especially in the initial phase of wood drying, when the produced gases are difficult to combust, due to their high water vapor content. Among the main barriers that limit the use of gases and tar from charcoal production for thermal power generation are: a) Low heating value of the gases. b) Variable composition and temperature of the gases in different carbonization stages. c) Variable moisture content of the tar generated during the carbonization process. d) Difficulties in developing a project of an adequate burner for the combustion of the pyrolysis gases with high and variable content of particulates, moisture and condensables, which would require the installation of pre-filters. e) The dilution and partial burning of the gases due to admission of undesired air. 226 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Table 5 e Characteristics of the conventional carbonization kilns. Technologies Photos Characteristics Hot tail kiln Kilns with a maximum diameter of 3.8 m and 2.3 m high, producing no more than 4 m3 of charcoal per load. It presents low yield; control is done by the color of the smoke. There are smoke and tar emissions. The process lasts from 10 to 12 days. Surface kilns Kilns with 5.0 m diameter, producing a maximum of 20 m3 of charcoal per cycle from 36 st of firewood; the process lasts from 10 to 12 days. Rectangular kilns 13 m long, 4 m wide and 3.5 m high, with a capacity to process 200 e700 m3 of firewood in stalks; operation cycles of 15 days and a capacity of 2000 t of charcoal/year. Slope kilns Widely used in the State of Minas Gerais because of their low cost and operation very similar to the “Hot tail” kilns, with yields that do not surpass 25%. DPC process The stalks of firewood are dried, then carbonized and the charcoal is cooled inside cages that are inserted in the kilns. In this technology, the gas flow is modified according to the stages of the carbonization process. The gas from the carbonization is used as thermal fluid. The cycles last 60 h. 227 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Table 5 e (continued ) Technologies Photos Characteristics CML France Batteries of 12 fixed kilns; a charcoal production of 2500 t/year, with a yield of 20e25%. Each load of 5th residual firewood produces 2 m3 of charcoal per cycle. The cycle lasts 24 h. Continuous retort The carbonization is carried out by the hot gases from the combustion, and part of the gases from the pyrolysis. The firewood is fed, in pieces, with 20% humidity, at the top of the retort, the cold charcoal is discharged at the bottom, with tar recovering. The capacity of the equipment is from 2000 to 10,000 t/year. It should be emphasized that there is an emission of 50 kg of methane for each ton of produced charcoal. This is the main environmental impact of the charcoal industry: it is well known that methane has 25 times more global warming potential than CO2 in a 100 years timeframe [16]. As methane is not captured during photosynthesis, it is necessary to find a way to mitigate its emissions. A possible alternative is the combustion of the gases generated during the carbonization process for heat recovery and electricity production. Other possibility is to increase the gravimetric yield of charcoal, because it would imply in less gas emissions. This article intends to present a technology that can solve the above listed challenges, providing a possible true fruitful association between the charcoal production and the electricity cogeneration through by-products utilization, reducing altogether the environmental impact of wood carbonization. 2. Material and methods 2.1. Materials In this work, three reactors with different design, sizes and operation, were tested and used to improve the industrial container reactor project, or Rima Container Kiln (RCK). In order to combine the slow pyrolysis furnace with electric power generation, the following reactors or kilns were used: laboratory scale reactor (5 L) pilot scale reactor (5 m3) industrial scale reactor (40 m3) All of those reactors were designed, manufactured, tested and evaluated during this study. The lab scale reactor, with Table 6 e Comparison of the performance of the kilns at use today in Brazil. Kiln Capacity per kiln Investment Gravimetric yield Bio-mass based carbochemicals production Hot Tail Circular Rectangular Continuous Retort DPC 5 ton per month 8 ton per month 42 ton per month 450 ton per month 57 ton per month R$14/ton.year R$27/ton.year R$237/ton.year R$648/ton.year R$250/ton.year 25% 25% 30% 33% 35% Very low Low 70e120 kg/t of charcoal 250 kg/t of charcoal 250 kg/t of charcoal 228 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Fig. 3 e Scheme of gases analyzer and thermocouples in RCK. electrical heating, was used to obtain the reference results. Next, the project, construction and operation of the pilot container were the basis for the definition of drying, carbonization and cooling behaviors. Finally, the industrial reactor was projected maintaining the same structural proportions from the pilot kiln, but with structural, mechanical and operational improvements. For modeling and geometric definition of the pyrolysis reactors (pilot and industrial ones), a finite volume software was used (Ansys CFX, R.13). Pressure gauge, flow meter, thermocouples, infra-red temperature sensor, gas analyzer, wind speed meter, precise weighbridge scales, weighing load cell system and anemometer were used as instrumentation. Fig. 3 is a scheme of the rig and its instrumentation. The wood used in the experiment was urograndis, a hybrid between eucalyptus grandis and eucalyptus urophylla. The wood pieces tested in the experiments had the following dimensions: (100 ± 20) cm in length; (60 ± 20) cm in width and (40 ± 10) cm in thickness. 2.2. Local and procedures All experimental data were taken from the pilot plant in operation in the Rima Group Forest Unit, located in Buritizeiro, Minas Gerais. Rima Industrial S/A is a metallurgy enterprise founded in 1975, located in Belo Horizonte, with factories in the northern part of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The ferro-alloys, silicon and magnesium production from Rima Industrial S/A requires an average consumption of 50,000 m3 of charcoal per month. The initial input values for energetic, economic, environmental and thermodynamic calculations were taken from theoretical and real data, measured on a pilot plant. The designed system is able to provide real-time, accurate measurement of mass flow rate of the main gas stream on the furnace exhaust. This value is obtained indirectly by measuring temperature, pressure and gas content. The measurement and calculation are based on the stoichiometric definitions, given by Fig. 4. A program was specifically developed in MS Excel Solver for the calculation of physical and chemical properties. Fig. 5 provides a block diagram of this program with the specific inputs and outputs: The entries in the program are: Weight loss of loaded firewood, internal temperature of the kiln, flow rate and composition of the gases generated in carbonization. And the outputs are: Composition, temperature, volumetric and mass flow of the outlet gas Heating value of the outlet gas Thermal power of the process b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Percentage of tar, pyroligneous acid, carbonization gas and charcoal which must be burned to sustain the carbonization process. Oxygen excess content Air flow inlet Percentage or rate of complete combustion Heat losses by gases Heat loss from the kiln The MS Excel Solver provides these responses when the difference between the mass content of non-condensable gas components measured and the theoretical values derived from the reaction is less than 2%. The final results presented in the next sections are derived from the conduction of 10 tests in industrial model Rima Container Kiln (RCK). For the evaluation of the electricity generation potential, the following scenarios were considered: 1A: a CRC (conventional Rankine Cycle) using only the pyrolysis gas as fuel. 1B: an ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) using only the pyrolysis gas as fuel. 2A: a CRC using the pyrolysis gas and fines (forest residues) as fuel. 2B: an ORC using the pyrolysis gas and (fine forest residues) as fuel. General data for all the considered scenarios are as follows: 3. Gas flow from each kiln: 6500 m3/h Number of kilns: 6 Gas heating value: 1470 kJ/m3 Gas thermal power: 15.8 MW Boiler efficiency in CRC: 80% Steam turbine efficiency in CRC: 75% Boiler efficiency in ORC: 90% Turbine efficiency in ORC: 80% Pump efficiency: 75% 229 25% of non condensable gases, with a mean composition of: 8% CO2, 12% CO, 2% of CH4, 1.5% H2, 2.5% O2 e 74% N2. 35% of pyroligneous acid solution, with 88% water, 5% of acetic acid, 5% of tar and 2% of methanol. 6% of tar. The gases composition was determined by chemical analysis carried out during the monitoring of the carbonization process in the Pilot RCK. Based on the results from the pilot reactor and with the expectation of achieving better results in an industrial scale reactor, the company decided to project, install and operate an industrial unit (Industrial RCK) for the production of charcoal. A schematic picture of this technology can be seen in Fig. 7, that also shows the firewood loading, the carbonization process and the unloading of charcoal. This project started with the operation of a single kiln, with sequential test runs. The tests in this kiln (Fig. 8) supplied necessary information to evaluate the viability of energy cogeneration, based on the pyrolysis gases. The information included: Thermal and fluid dynamic simulations using a finite volume software to optimize the geometry of the industrial kiln, as well as the exhaust system and the flow of the gases during carbonization. Evaluation of the carbonization gases' circulation pattern inside the kiln, from the hottest to the coldest section, in order to homogenize temperature distribution. This would avoid firewood burning in the hot section and the formation of partially carbonized wood in the cold section, which result in a low gravimetric yield. The implementation of a continuous and on-line data attainment system. Instrumentation and automation of the process. Improvement in the utilization factor of the kilns and the increase of their productive capacity. Development of a project for energy recovery from exhausted carbonization gases for wood drying and electricity generation. RCK tests results 3.2. 3.1. Development of a semi-continuous kiln: the industrial Rima container kiln (RCK) Ferreira [5] developed a container kiln and evaluated its performance. The results indicated that the container kilns have some advantages such as a higher productivity, gravimetric yield and durability; faster cooling, loading and unloading operations, which can also be mechanized [12]. The first patent referred to this technology was granted by INPI, the agency for industrial property in Brazil, to Rima Industrial S/A in 2011. The technology developed by Rima consists in the use of firewood pieces in metallic cylindrical kilns, with lateral fissures, connected to an exhaust system, as shown in Fig. 6. The carbonization process in the Pilot RCK has the following parameters: Yield: 33% of charcoal, with 81% of fixed carbon. RCK development through modeling From the studies of existing technologies, it was possible to elaborate flow profiles, which identify the pathways of generated gases according to the process conditions. Table 7 shows the possible configurations of the gases pathways. The ignition procedure consists in the introduction/injection of energy into the kiln through the addition of burning pieces of charcoal in the ignition valves. Next, the carbonization takes place by gradually opening and closing other valves according to local thermal needs. When the 40 m3 RCK was built and the tests were run with type A ignition, as it can be seen in Table 7, different problems aroused. Explosions were frequent due to accumulation of gases inside the kiln, and also due to formation of reflux zones and gas pockets. Different pathway effects were analyzed with the help of finite elements software, as it can be seen in Fig. 9. This study was based in the following premises: the kiln is unloaded, the valves are open, the pressure inside the kiln is 230 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Fig. 4 e Block diagram for the gas LHV calculation. b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 231 Fig. 5 e Block diagram for calculation of physical and chemical properties. equal to the atmospheric pressure and the gas flow is 6.500 m3/hr. The problems were eliminated by varying the ignition procedure and the pathway of gases. A continuous carbonization cycle was ensured, with a mean duration of 3 h, without throttling and/or internal blows or explosions. The developed RCK technology took in consideration that the best configuration for the gases flow pattern was the one with ignition at the bottom and with central and bottom forced exhaustion (type E in Table 7), keeping a continuous gas flow along the whole height of the kiln, vertically and radially, as shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. Based on the flow pathway analysis, the ignition was changed to type E, meaning a modification from top to bottom ignition. This change leads to: Homogenization of the internal temperature inside the kiln. Substitution of a linear carbonization front for a volumetric one. Fig. 6 e Top and lateral view of the Pilot RCK. Fig. 7 e Industrial RCK loading, carbonization and unloading. Top ignition, central exhaustion by the top Reduction in the theoretical carbonization time in an industrial kiln. Increase of pyroligneous vapor fraction. A partial process of gasification, with the formation of synthesis gas (Syngas) composed by CO and H2. The elimination of dead zones (gas stagnation), specially in the case of hydrogen. Safe runs, without the formation of static pockets, minimizing the possibility of combustion that induces blows and explosions. Optimization of the RCK productivity with individual capacities similar to the Continuous Retort. A charcoal gravimetric yield equals to (34 ± 1) %. This value is similar to the theoretical gravimetric yield, which was determined to be 35%. Top ignition, lateral exhaustion by the bottom Ignition at the bottom, lateral exhaustion by the bottom Ignition at the bottom, central exhaustion by the bottom By monitoring internal temperatures in the industrial 40 m3 RCK, it was possible to obtain a thermal profile of the kiln. The temperature monitoring system includes 28 points of temperature measurement near the wall of the kiln and 42 points in its internal part, as it is shown in Fig. 3. Moreover, there are 4 thermocouples located on the conical section of the kiln (at the very bottom of the kiln). As results of a series of tests with top ignition, the behavior of the mean temperatures along the height of the kiln was obtained. Fig. 12 shows the mean temperature for each height level, calculated from the values of 10 thermocouples in each level: 6 of them located in the middle of the reactor and 4 near the wall (Fig. 3). The mean temperature for the conical part of the kiln was calculated from the values obtained with the four thermocouples located in this section. The level sequence is descendent, with Level A being the top of the kiln and Level H being the bottom (conical section). Fig. 13 shows the three dimensional temperature profile of the kiln in the beginning, middle and end of carbonization. It is possible to infer that when ignition is done at the top of the kiln, there is a highly heterogeneous temperature profile during the carbonization process. At certain time intervals, if Top ignition, central exhaustion by the bottom 3.3. Temperature vs. time relationship for ignition at the top of the kiln Table 7 e Possible pathways of the gases from the carbonization. Table 8 shows the calculation of the theoretical gravimetric yield. The calculation was based on the average content of wood [17] and the conversion of each component into charcoal [18]. The sum of the individual yields leads to the estimated total gravimetric yield of carbonization. Ignition at the bottom, central exhaustion by the top Fig. 8 e Industrial RCK kiln with a capacity of 40 m3 of firewood. Ignition at the bottom, lateral exhaustion by the top b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Top ignition, lateral exhaustion by the top 232 233 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Fig. 11 e Flow of gases in a set of RCK. Fig. 9 e Gas flow simulation in the empty RCK using computational fluid dynamics program. comparing the top and the bottom of the kiln on Fig. 12, the temperature difference is as high as 500 C. A carbonization kiln with this temperature profile has a carbonization time superior to 8 h. In addition, the very humid gases generated during carbonization show a descending pattern, going from the hot region to the cold region; leading the vapors, which also contain tar and pyroligneous acid, to condensate over the non carbonized wood, significantly limiting heat transfer. Another problem with the ignition at the top is the low temperature in the bottom part of the kiln, which prevents the complete carbonization of the wood. This is also observed in Fig. 13, which shows the regions of the kiln with temperatures above 200 C. It is possible to see that the hot regions are restricted to the superior part of the kiln, moving next to the center and then returning to the top (passing briefly through the bottom). These problems are aggravated due to the low thermal conductivities of wood, partially carbonized wood and charcoal. In the individual wood pieces, as carbonization proceeds from the outside to the center (Fig. 14), the very low thermal conductivities are themselves responsible for blocking the carbonization front in the core of the piece [19], especially if this piece is impregnated with tar. By using the top ignition, there is also formation of gas pockets, corresponding to dead zones of stagnant gases and/ or reflux. Hydrogen, being lighter, concentrates in the angles and edges of the kiln, where it remains, not able to follow the turbulent flow of the gases. These regions are potentially explosive and, with favorable conditions, may cause explosions with pressure waves so powerful that could lift a 40 ton kiln. Table 8 e Calculation of theoretical gravimetric yield of carbonization. Component Cellulose Hemicelluloses Lignin Total yield Fig. 10 e Gas flow pattern in the RCK. Average content in wood Conversion of component into charcoal Final yield 50% 20% 30% 34% 10% 55% 17% 2% 16% 35% Fig. 12 e Distribution of the temperature along the RCK for top ignition procedure. 234 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Fig. 13 e Three dimensional temperature profile for ignition at the top of the kiln. 3.4. Temperature vs. time relationship for ignition at the bottom of the kiln By using 74 thermocouples, it was possible to obtain a temperature distribution along the height of the kiln for the carbonization process with ignition at the bottom. The temperature profile is shown in Fig. 15, in which the height level is descendent, with Level A representing the top of the kiln and Level H, the bottom (conical section) of the kiln. Fig. 16 shows the Three Dimensional Temperature Profile for the kiln in different moments of carbonization. When ignition of the kiln is done at the bottom, it is possible to obtain improvements in kiln's performance in comparison to top ignition. The first improvement is the homogeneity of temperature distribution, verified on Fig. 15 by temperature differences from top to bottom of the kiln not superior to 250 C. This guarantees that materials in different levels of the kiln are undergoing the same carbonization step virtually at the same time. This thermal homogeneity of the kiln also allowed reducing the carbonization time to 3 h in a kiln with 40 m3 capacity. Another advantage of this system is the temperature increase at the bottom of the kiln, which now makes possible a complete carbonization of the entire load inside the reactor. This is observable on Fig. 16, in which the regions above 200 C extend throughout the entire volume of the kiln e a clear difference from Fig. 13. 3.5. Curves of weight loss for bottom and top kiln ignition The industrial 40 m3 RCK is equipped with a weighing system, which continuously monitors the weight loss during the carbonization process. This system allowed the comparison of effects from bottom ignition and top ignition in carbonization. Fig. 17 shows the curves of average weight loss registered for carbonization with bottom and top ignition. Each curve is represented by the mean of 10 runs and the standard deviation is represented by error bars. It is possible to observe in Fig. 17 that, when carbonization is conducted with bottom ignition, the weight loss proceeds more rapidly and the end of carbonization happens 5 h earlier. 3.6. Mass and energy balance The main results obtained with carbonization in the 40 m3 RCK can be summarized as follows: Fig. 14 e Wood pyrolysis mechanism. Fig. 15 e Temperature distribution from top to bottom of the container kiln with the ignition at the bottom. 235 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Fig. 16 e Three dimensional temperature profile for ignition at the bottom of the kiln. 14000 12000 Weight [kg] 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time [min] Ignition done by the Top Ignition done by the Base Fig. 17 e Comparison of the mean weight loss curves when ignition for the cases of top and bottom ignition. Average gravimetric yield of (34 ± 1)% (the gravimetric yield is defined as the ratio between the weight of produced charcoal and the weight of dry firewood fed to the kiln). Volumetric conversion index of around 1.5 (this index is defined as the ratio between the volume of firewood loaded into the kiln and the volume of charcoal, in m3). Carbonization time: fluctuating from 3 to 5 h, depending on the moisture of the firewood and on the final properties of the charcoal i.e., the fixed carbon content, the density and the mechanical resistance. Table 9 provides information on the charcoal quality from the industrial kiln (40 m3 RCK) with ignition at the bottom. The evolution in time of heating value and total thermal power of the released gases in the 40 m3 kiln with bottom ignition are shown in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19. Each curve corresponds to one of the 10 tests done with the industrial kiln. When comparing the 10 runs, it is possible to infer that the curves show a stable behavior and a relatively low standard deviation, especially when it is considered that the tests presented variation in the initial properties. As already mentioned, the size of the wood pieces was (100 ± 20) cm in length; (60 ± 20) cm in width and (40 ± 10) cm in thickness. The humidity of these wood pieces varied in the range of (19 ± 5) %. The oscillations in Figs. 18 and 19 are the result of the process time scale. The measurement or analysis of the gas is done at 5 Hz, recording a moving mean of 10 s, which makes the sampling interval shorter than the plotting interval. The oscillations are represented as plateaus in Fig. 19 because of the reduced time scale (many points and small area). The results obtained in the industrial kiln were different from the results previously obtained in the pilot kiln, mainly the composition of the produced gas, as shown in Table 10. The mean values presented on Table 10 are the results from 3 replicates conducted with the pilot kiln and 10 replicates with the industrial one. The performance of the industrial kiln was better than the 5 m3 pilot one, considering that the released gas was less diluted. Another significant difference is that tar and pyroligneous acid remained in the gas flow of the industrial kiln, without condensation, as occurred in the pilot kiln. Table 11 shows average gas composition results of test runs carried out with the pilot and industrial kilns. Fig. 20 shows the energy distribution in carbonization products Table 9 e Charcoal quality. Spin testa Mean 53% a b c d e Drop testb Chemical analysisc Density Deviation Mean Deviation %H2O %VM %ash %FC Bulk (kg/m ) Truee (kg/m3) 9% 34% 10% 6% 18% 2% 81% 280 1500 Done according to ABNT MB 1375-80. Done according to ABNT 7416-84. Done according to NBR 8112 ABNT-D176264. Done according to ABNT NBR 9165. Done according to ASTM D 167-73. d 3 236 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Table 11 e Gas composition tests results e mean values (%v/v). Fig. 18 e Low heating value LHV (kJ/kg) of the gas. Gases Pilot kiln Deviation Industrial kiln Deviation CO2 CO CH4 C3H8 H2 O2 N2 Total Low heating value [kJ/m3] 7.1% 0.05% 0.99% 0.15% e 13% 77% 100% 670 0.1% 0.01% 0.05% 0.01% e 2% 2% 11.6% 11.9% 0.50% 0.30% 0.10% 4.9% 71% 100% 1470 0.2% 0.4% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.1% 2% 2% 1% Fig. 19 e Thermal power (MW) of the gas. Fig. 20 e Energy distribution of the carbonization products in the Pilot and Industrial RCK. from pilot and industrial scale. The differences are due, mainly, to design improvements in the industrial kiln and in the process of carbonization. There are higher energy density and temperature homogeneity in the industrial kiln, which lead to the production of a gas with higher heating value and higher potential for energy recovery. Fig. 21 is a chart that includes the final energy balance, as well as the energy available for cogeneration. 3.7. Electricity generation using carbonization byproducts Container kilns make it possible to keep carbonization gases composition and heating value constant. These kilns also allow an energy recovery without implementing a cluster of various kilns operating sequentially in different stages, which would be an expensive and operationally complex procedure. Based on a 6 container kiln unit, with a charcoal yield of 35% and wood with 19% initial humidity, it is possible to generate around 6.0 MWe of power from the carbonization Fig. 21 e The final energy balance for the RCK. Table 10 e Mass fractions of the byproducts from firewood carbonization (wet base). Comparative analysis Charcoal Firewood gas Tar þ pyroligneous Humidity %Mass e pilot 5 m3 Deviation %Mass -industrial 40 m3 Deviation 27.0% 37.0% 17.0% 19.0% 0.3% 0.9% 0.6% 0.4% 28% 49% 5.0% 18.0% 1% 7% 0.5% 0.4% b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Fig. 22 e Flow of the productive process and energy recovery of the Rima Container Kilns. Fig. 23 e Scheme of a conventional Rankine cycle. 237 gas. This calculation assumes that the carbonization gas has a heating value of 1470 kJ/m3 and the efficiency of the electricity generation unit is 20%. The use of tar and forest residues as complementary fuel would make energy generation increase notably. Fig. 22 shows the productive process and energy recovery of the RCK plant. The calculation of the installed power, when using commercially available generation technologies, must be preceded by its selection. For the conversion of energy from the carbonization gas into electricity, external combustion technologies were selected, as the gas contains tar, particles and other compounds that may affect the operation of internal combustion devices. External combustion technologies also allow the use of forest residues as complementary fuel. Among external combustion technologies, the only one at commercial stage is the Conventional Rankine Cycle (CRC), which uses water as working fluid. The Organic Rankine Cycle, known as ORC, which uses an organic fluid instead of water, is at the early stages of commercialization, with few hundred units in operation, mainly in Europe. One option to increase the efficiency of such systems is the use of prime movers as alternative to axial turbines systems in Conventional Rankine Cycles, such as screw expanders, steam engines and radial turbines. However, all these technologies are in developing stage and demand a high investment cost. The available power in a charcoal unit is of a few MWs e in this power range, Conventional Rankine Cycles are technically feasible, although their efficiency could be low and the investment cost high due to the low efficiency of axial turbines. ORC systems have a higher efficiency in this power range. For modeling studies, related to energy recovery in RCK, both the Conventional Rankine and ORC technologies were considered. It was also assumed that eucalyptus biomass is Fig. 24 e A CRC for pyrolysis gases modeled using cycle Tempo software. 238 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Pyrolysis gas Organic Thermal Oil Boiler Turbine Condenser Electric generator Cooling Tower Condenser Pump Pump Pump Fig. 25 e Scheme of an ORC system using pyrolysis gases. chopped in the field and fines, not feasible for charcoal production, are separately transported to the charcoal unit. The fraction of fines is considered to be 3e5% and the average transport distance 5e10 km. Schemes and results for the four (4) evaluated scenarios are presented in Figs. 23e26 and Tables 12e15. Scenario 1A: CRC using only pyrolysis gases: Scenario 1B: an ORC cycle using only the pyrolysis gas as fuel. Scenario 2A: CRC using the pyrolysis gas and fines (forest residues) as fuel. For scenarios 2A and 2B, the available fuel's thermal power must include both the pyrolysis gases from the 6 kilns and the fine forest residues, achieving a final value of 21.42 MW. Scenario 2B: Pyrolysis gases and fines utilization in an ORC system. 3.8. Investment and electricity generation costs calculations An economic evaluation of each scenario was carried out to determine the generation cost and the minimum commercialization cost. In this calculation, the life of the generation unit was assumed to be 18 years and the operation and maintenance costs assumed to be 5% of the total investment. Table 16 shows the results of the economic evaluation. The lowest generation cost corresponds to scenario 2B, which reached a value of 29.71 USD/MWh. The greatest NPV (Net Present Value) corresponds also to scenario 2A. The minimum commercialization price for attaining economic feasibility, for a corresponding IRR (internal rate of return) of 14%, was also calculated for each scenario. In Brazil, renewable energy sources represent 44% of the total energy source, while in the world this ratio is only 14% and in developed economies it is 6%. From the renewable energy sources in Brazil, 33% correspond to hydraulic energy and 58% to biomass energy. Approximately 22% of renewable energy are forest based (firewood and charcoal). When it comes to the generation of electricity, the most important energy source is hydraulic, which represents 81% of the total generation (MME, 2012). Considering an average production of charcoal in Brazil equal to 10 million ton/year, and based on the results of the present work, it is possible to generate more than 800 MWe of electric energy in the country from the use of pyrolysis gases. Nevertheless, today, this contribution is null due to the lack of consolidated technology. Therefore, the generation of energy from all charcoal units in Brazil could supply 5% of the electric demand of the country, considering altogether the use of biomass residues, generated during firewood cutting. There is great heterogeneity of costs in the electric sector, which range from R$84.58/MWh for large hydroelectric plants and R$956.70/MWh for thermoelectric plants based on diesel oil. It is then possible to infer that the estimated costs in this work for the generation of electric energy from pyrolysis gases are highly competitive, especially if considering the current stage of energy recession in Brazil, fundamentally dependent on the inconstant rainfall regime. Fig. 26 e A conventional Rankine cycle for scenario 2A, modeled using the software cycle Tempo. 239 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 Table 12 e Main results obtained from the modeling of scenario 1A. Parameters Unit Value Fuel thermal power Work fluid Net power Efficiency MW e MW % 15.8 Water 2.10 13.36 Table 13 e Main results obtained from scenario 1B. Parameters Unit Value Fuel thermal power Work fluid Thermal oil Net power Efficiency MW e e MW % 15.8 Benzene DyPhenyl C2 3.04 18.1 Table 14 e Main results obtained from scenario 2A. Parameters Unit Value Fuel thermal power Working fluid Net power Efficiency MW e MW % 21.425 Water 2.9 13.37 Table 15 e Main results obtained from scenario 2B. Parameters Unit Value Fuel thermal power Working fluid Thermal oil Net power Efficiency MW e e MW % 21.45 Benzene DyPhenyl C2 4.1 18.2 4. Conclusions There is an enormous potential in the State of Minas Gerais and in the entire Brazil for electricity generation using pyrolysis gases and other byproducts from wood carbonization. The reduction of the environmental impact related to gases released into atmosphere must be also considered. For conventional carbonization technologies, the energy recovery from exhaust gases is complex because of the variation in its composition during the different carbonization stages. Some solutions as operation in synchronized clusters of kilns and the built-up of a system of ducts is required. Another solution is the implementation of a technology of semi-continuous or continuous kilns. The project development and tests results of a continuous kiln e The Rima Container Kiln (RCM) were described and discussed. Also, a technical and economical evaluation of cogeneration options, based on a charcoal unit using RCK, was performed. The pilot RCK was improved and it resulted in an industrial unit, with an increased capacity, an instrumentation arrangement, a control system, a mechanized operation and improved thermal capacity. During the tests, the load, the gas flow, the gas composition, the pressure and temperature values, the inlet air flow, the firewood temperature in 74 points and the volume of generated pyroligneous acid were monitored parameters. All the data were continuously registered in real time. The tests lead to a stabilized operational regime with the following characteristics: volumetric yield: 1.3 st of firewood per m3 of firewood; gravimetric yield: 34%; carbonization time: 3 h; gas generation: 6500 m3/h in each kiln, with a heating value of 1470 kJ/m3; thermal power in each kiln: 3 MW; pyroligneous acid production: 150 kg in each cycle and approximately 1 ton of charcoal per hour, per kiln. The RCK semi-continuous kiln allows solving the problems present in conventional kilns for cogeneration based on pyrolysis gases and other carbonization products. The gas composition and its heating value are constant in time. The average gas composition in the industrial prototype was: CO2 11.2%, CO - 11.9%, CH4 - 0.50, C3H 8- 0.3, H2 - 0.1%, O2 -4.90, N2 70.7%. The industrial kilns present higher productivity and potential for utilization of carbonization by-products because the composition and heating value of the pyrolysis gases are constant. This avoids the necessity of building up ducts for gases transportation and synchronizing kilns operation in a pre-defined sequence. Conventional Rankine Cycle (CRC) and Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) are the most suitable technologies for cogeneration, using RCK by-products. Four scenarios were evaluated: CRC and ORC technologies with and without utilization of forest fines residues. From the point of view of the economic indicators used in the feasibility study (generation costs and NPV), the best scenarios are 1B and 2A respectively. The best result is: ORC technology, which has an electricity generation cost of 29.71 and 29.50 US$/MWh, Table 16 e Results of the economical evaluation of scenarios 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B. Parameters Fuel cost, USD$/(5e10 km) Electric power, MW Investment, USD$ Levelized cost, USD$/MWh electric Specific investment, USD$/MWe NPV, USD$ TIR, % Minimum commercialization price, USD$ MWh1 CRC e gas ORC e gas CRC e gas þ fines ORC e gas þ fines 0 2.1 5,813,234 51.65 2768.2 353115.6 14.0 108.6 0 3.0 4,602,433 29.50 1534.2 184121.7 14.0 61.2 1.36 2.9 6,214,207 39.74 2142.83 392895.9 14.0 82.5 1.36 4.1 6,288,781 29.71 1533.9 249167.9 14.0 61.4 240 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 2 e2 4 0 for the cases with and without use of the forest residues respectively. The results obtained in this study lead to the conclusion that the RCK presents not only a better carbonization performance but it may also be an efficient and easier way to use exhaust gases, tars and forest residues for electricity generation in a cogeneration arrangement. 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