the neW Music - New Music Seminar
the neW Music - New Music Seminar
the neW Music business guidebook nmS13 $ HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA NMS13 WelcoMe to the 2013 neW Music seMinar The definition of a miracle is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine, or… a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development or accomplishment. I have been blessed with miracles like Afrika Bambaataa’s “Planet Rock,” De La Soul, Queen Latifah, Naughty by Nature, House of Pain, Digital Underground, Coolio and Everlast, to name a few. The divine whoosh of a natural hit record is the most amazing feeling you can imagine. It was always my hope that Internet technology would increase the number of music business miracles, but this has not been the case. The 12-year decline in recorded-music revenue has created an industry hamstrung by fear and conservatism— hardly the right setting for magic and miracles. By Tom Silverman Executive Director New Music Seminar Founder/CEO Tommy Boy Can you feel the excitement in the air? The business is reinventing itself and the future is bright again. I have a science background. I like new technology, especially when it changes our possibilities. I have always loved data. I love to look at objective data and try to find anomalous outliers that might be the key to an important insight. But what really drives me is magic and miracles: a hit record coming from left field, an unlikely new superstar, an odds-beating record breaker. The magic of the unknown keeps the music business the most exciting industry in the world. Finally, technologies are coming of age. The machine is being lubricated to allow the passage of more miracles. Music technologies are getting easier to use, becoming more ubiquitous and expanding to new territories. iTunes has expanded into 56 new countries and now is in a total of 119 countries, Deezer is in 182 nations, YouTube is localized in 53 countries, and Spotify is in 20. The explosion of smartphones and 4G broadband-width service around the globe is fueling more music access and the growth of music services. Although the United States was flat in 2012, wholesale revenues were up in some interesting territories. Leading the charge was Sweden, home to Spotify, with an 18.7% increase in music business revenues (so much for the concern of cannibalization). Sweden was among the markets most ravaged by piracy and the home of Pirate Bay. Norway, home to subscription service WIMP, was up 6.7%. Australia grew 6.8%, Canada was up 5.8% and Japan, where physical still accounts for 80% of revenue and CDs sell for up to $30, was up 4%. Even more exciting is the growth in developing nations, where piracy was king and music never generated meaningful revenues. Brazil is up 8.9%, Mexico is up 8.2%, India is up 21% and NMS13 China is up 9%. Watch for the developing world to be a major player in the charge toward the $100 billion music business. The 2012 New Music Seminar paid homage to the music miracles of Mac Miller’s No. 1 album, Hoodie Allen’s top 10 album debut (without a label) and Amanda Palmers $1.2 million crowd-funding success. This year we acknowledge the miracles of Psy, the Korean breakthrough; Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis, who gave us the first independent No. 1 sales single of the year on their own indie label; and Bauer, whose “Harlem Shake” broke via user-generated videos. I look at statistics and embrace technology only to improve the environment for music miracles. But I have to keep reminding myself that it is the music and the artists that are the miracles, not the media that delivers them. I helped with the launch of SoundScan, a revolutionary concept in 1991 that brought objective point-of-sale-sourced, weekly, record sales data to the music business for the first time. It allowed us to see what was really happening and where, not just charts made of hyped sales reports that were collected and tallied each week. This year-to-date SoundScan data has exposed only one big statistical turning point: After growing 4.8% last year, digital single unit sales are down year-to-date 3% over last year. It’s no real surprise that CD units are down 14%. After all, they have been falling since 2000. But to see digital tracks peaking after only nine years of growth is disappointing. Digital albums are up 8% this year to date, but ended last year up 12%. So the obvious extrapolation is that we are seeing the peaking of the digital sales market. iTunes, Amazon and the others seem to have saturated those willing to purchase music digitally in America. The move from music acquisition to access is officially on. Here’s my prediction about where the U.S. market for music sales will go through 2020, if another successful digital sales format does not emerge by 2014. Luckily, the music industry has broken free of the prison of music sales as revenue drivers. In 2012, revenues from non unit-sales exceeded 15% of all retail revenues and more important, 25% of all net revenues. The big winners were sub- US albUm and Single SaleS projected to 2020 DigiTal aND phySiCal COMBiNED uNiT SalES (NiElSEN SOuNDSCaN) 1 600 000 albUmS SingleS 1 400 000 1 200 000 1 000 000 800 000 600 000 400 000 200 000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 NMS13 scription and advertising revenues, SoundExchange performance revenues and music synch licensing revenues. Look for subscription-based and SoundExchange revenues to double in three years. This will probably be the last unit-based chart you will see from me because net revenue will become the new standard of measure that allows the industry to compare apples to apples. Look for Nielsen, the RIAA and IFPI to begin changing their reporting standard to adjusted net revenue so that results can be directly compared from country to country and revenue source to revenue source in a meaningful way. YouTube, Vevo, music subscription services and digital radio will allow hits to emerge from around the world, from independent and major labels and from the artists directly—and spread globally. Connected devices, including but not limited to mobile phones, televisions and automobiles and the ser- SUPPORTING NEW MUSIC NAVIGATING THE NEW BUSINESS SESAC•NewMusicSeminar ad.indd 1 vices that connect them, will increasingly become integrated with all of the world’s music. The technology trend that we will see next will improve the user experience, reducing clicks, making the enjoyment of music frictionless and effortless. New ways to discover and share music will increase the frequency of miracles and help them spread faster and further. These services and device-integrated technologies will monetize the passive audience that does not buy music with leanback, feels-like-free experiences. Music services will master solutions for the world’s predominant pay-as-you-go mobile service providers and they will activate music in the developing world. Welcome to the New Music Seminar. We believe in music, magic and miracles. Welcome to the place where you can share your dreams, plant your seeds and watch them grow. What’s the most important thing a new songwriter/musician needs to know about the music business? HOW TO GET PAID! SESAC introduces monthly royalty payments for radio airplay and continues to lead the way, paying for live performances, from stadiums to your local club. As a full-service PRO, SESAC collects on ALL public performances – including live, radio and TV. And when your music is performed outside of the U.S., SESAC’s got you covered with reciprocal agreements with 80+ foreign societies around the world. YOUR MUSIC, YOUR RIGHTS, YOUR MONEY FOR YOUR PERFORMING RIGHTS NASHvIllE I lOS ANGElES I NEW YORk I ATlANTA I MIAMI I lONDON I WWW.SESAC.COM 3/30/12 5:24:38 PM new mUSic Seminar | 2013 n m S day S new mUSic Seminar | JUNE 9-11,13 contents 5 nmS execUtive director’S letter part 1: nmS dayS 13 NMS13 Schedule 22 Conductors & players part 2: nmS nightS: new york mUSic FeStival 58 The Map 59 The Venues 61 2013 NMS artist On The Verge Top 100 69 The performers nmS etiqUette part 3: the new rUleS oF engagement 74 Radio isn’t Just a Dial and Transmitter anymore 76 give it away... But get in Return 80 Reintroducing SoundExchange 82 Can’t Buy Me love 86 your Website & harnessing The power Of you 88 Four “Normal” Challenges To Building a Strong Online Brand 90 getting The goal Right 94 The Evolution of “Direct to Fan” 96 Thumbs: Expert advice from the NMS Community part 4: reSoUrceS 110 Essential Music Business Websites 130 Essential Music Business News & information Sites and Blogs 139 Essential Music Business Organizations part 5: SUpporting the new mUSic bUSineSS 144 NMS 13 partners 156 NMS 13 Staff 157 Thanks 158 postscript: The legend Of NMS this Is how we do It distributing materials will be allowed only with permission granted in writing by the directors. Please silence all cellphones and devices. your NMS badge must be worn at all times at the seminar, after-show party and sponsored events. Lost badges incur a $100 replacement fee. Lending or selling a badge to anyone not registered for NMS is forbidden. nmS in real time #nms2013 n m S day S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar 1 part 1: NMS DayS 12 NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S new mUSic Seminar SchedUle | JUNE 10, 2013 monday 9: 30 10: 30 - 11: 45 13 Opening Remarks Tom Silverman (Executive Director New Music Seminar & Founder/CEO Tommy Boy), Michael J. huppe (president/CEO SoundExchange) grand Ballroom State oF the indUStry keynoteS: leaders in industry Sectors share the state of the industry and a glimpse into the future. condUctor: Tom Silverman keynoteS: Frank Cooper (global CMO Consumer Engagement, pepsiCo), John Sykes (president, Clear Channel), Rio Caraeff (CEO, Vevo) gramercy park beyond crowdFUnding: Campaigns to tap into the lost $2.5 billion condUctor: glenn peoples (Senior Editorial analyst, Billboard) playerS: Martin atkins (Educator/author/Drummer), Jeremy gruber (Director of Business Development, Concord Music group), Benji Rogers (CEO, pledgeMusic), Mike Doughty (Songwriter/performer), Vlad Vukicevic (Co-founder/CTO, Rockethub) gramercy park mUSic xray preSentS: a&R Music Critiques - get your music into the hands of the people that matter; top industry players critique your work on the spot. Music powered by B&O. condUctor: Mike McCready (CEO, Music Xray) Zeke Silvera (island), patch Culbertson (Republic), Carson Donnelly (Columbia), Chloe Weise (RCa), Stephanie Karten (Robbins), Josh Tanenbaum (president/CEO, lOCal ViBES ) 11: 45 SoUndexchange artiSt / label workShop herald Square SoundExchange will explain what it is, why it pays, and how to get your share. 12: 30 nmS intensive: henrik lorensen (Corporate Vp, B&O play) 12: 45 bmi preSentS the SongwriterS movement: Songwriters discuss their Crystal Ballroom mUSic SUbScription: getting to a billion subscribers condUctor: Stephen Bryan (EVp, Digital Strategy and Business Development, Warner Music group) playerS: Jim Cady (president/CEO, Slacker), Jon irwin (president, Rhapsody), andy Chen (CEO, WiMp), Mark piibe (EVp, global Business Development and Digital Strategy, Sony Music Entertainment), Steve Blatter (SVp/gM, Music programming & Digital Music, SiriusXM), Sachin Doshi (head of Development & analysis, Spotify) grand Ballroom grand Ballroom Sutton place process and share magical stories of penning their most popular songs. condUctor: peter asher playerS: angela hunte, itaal Shur, Jared Cotter, Sam hollander, adam Schlesinger, Jerry “Wonder” Duplessis, and more TBa. n m S day S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar JUNE 10, 2013 Sutton place the new deal: artist/label Business Models in the New Era. condUctor: Monika Tashman (partner, Fox Rothschild llp) playerS: Rosie lopez (president, Tommy Boy), adam Ritholz (Managing partner, Ritholz levy Sanders Chidekel & Fields llp), Elliot Resnik (attorney at law, Shukat arrow hafer Weber & herbsman llp), Danny goldberg (president, goldVE), Ed Vetri (CEO/president, Wind-up) 14 2: 45 nmS intensive: Tom Jackson: “Doing well by doing good.” Crystal Ballroom nmS intensive: Ted Cohen Speaks 3: 00 - 4: 15 the managerS movement: The evolving role of Managers in the new music grand Ballroom business. condUctor: Steve Rennie (Founder, Renman Music & Business) playerS: Blue Williams (president, Family Tree Entertainment), Jake gold (president & CEO, The Management Trust), lee Trink (president, Dare Mighty Entertainment), Robert Fernandez (CEO, Famous artist Music & Management), Dean Raise (artist Manager, C3 Management), Jason Foster (Owner, We are Free) Crystal Ballroom yoUtUbe: Changing the Music game condUctor: Vivien lewit (Director, Content partnerships, Music, youTube), Brian hennigan (Nextlab Operations Manager, youTube) playerS: Brandon Martinez (CEO, iNDMuSiC), Max gredinger (Foundation artists Management) Sutton place the digital radio exploSion: The Fuse is lit - how advertisers are adapting to 5: 00 nmS intensive: Mark Tindle, (SVp Sales & Business Development, Musicmetric) Music Trend Report. 5: 15 the prodUcerS movement: Finding artists, making hits and becoming a bigger power in the new music business. condUctor: Robert Stevenson (EVp of a&R, Republic Records) playerS: gregg Wattenberg (Co-owner/CCO, Wind-up Records), anthony preston ( music), Dan Omelio, amanda ghost, David Kahne (Owner, SeeSquare Music) ...and more TBa. Crystal Ballroom the great debate: Singles vs. albums Sutton place digital mUSic SaleS: how big can this market grow? grand Ballroom grand Ballroom grand Ballroom NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 online radio. condUctor: andrew hampp (Billboard, Senior Correspondent, Branding) playerS: Kurt hanson (CEO, accuradio), Brian Benedik (head of u.S. ad Sales, Spotify), Rick Song (EVp of Digital Sales, Clear Channel), alex White (CEO, Next Big Sound), John Rosso (president, Market Development, Triton), Steven Kritzman (SVp advertising Sales, pandora) condUctor: Bill Werde (Editorial Director, Billboard) playerS: Jay Frank (CEO, DigSin), Robert Christgau (Dean of american Rock Critics), Niles hollowell-Dhar (Cataracs), anand Wilder (yeasayer) condUctor: Mike Jbara (president & CEO, WEa Corp.) playerS: Vickie Nauman (president, 7digital), Norman Chesky (president, hDTracks), Matt adell (CEO, Beatport), Brad Soroca (COO/CMO, eMusic) N M S DAY S NMS13 nmS 13 conFerence aUdio gracioUSly provided by gibSon 15 /gibson n m S day S @gibsonguitar 2013 | new mUSic Seminar new mUSic Seminar SchedUle | JUNE 11, 2013 16 tUeSday 10: 30 bUilding the $100 billion mUSic bUSineSS: Monetizing Music in the New Era condUctor: Ralph Simon (CEO/Founder, Mobilum global, Founder of the Mobile Entertainment Forum Mobile - americas) playerS: axel Dauchez (CEO, Deezer), Jeff Toig (SVp, Muve Music), Ron Wilcox (Executive Counsel, WMg), Michael abbattista (global head of Telecom/iSp partnerships, Spotify) Mike Catalano (Managing Director, pMTamericas), Michael Reinert (partner, Fox Rothschild) Crystal Ballroom direct to Fan: Best practices to maximize fan revenues condUctor: Bryan Calhoun (Digital Strategy, Blueprint) playerS: David Dufresne (CEO, Bandzoogle), J Sider (Founder/CEO, Bandpage), liz leahy (CEO, Section 101), Stanislas hintzy (Director Strategy & Business Development, Moozar), parker Todd Brooks (Vp, Creative Services & artist Relations, Topspin) gramercy park mUSic xray preSentS: a&R Music Critiques - get your music into the hands of the people that matter; top industry players critique your work on the spot condUctor: Mike McCready (CEO, Music Xray) andrew Fetcher (atlantic), Rob inadomi (RCa), Taylor Testa (Virgin), Jeff lanier (label Recruit), Sean glass (WiN), Dylan Chenfeld (Razor & Tie) 11: 45 Sx digital radio workShop 12: 45 the a&r movement: The young guns of a&R chart the future of music.This Move- grand Ballroom herald Square grand Ballroom This workshop will cover “licensing 101,” what digital radio is paying and why. We will address the most common problems digital radio providers encounter and provide suggestions for correcting these difficulties. This workshop will be 25% presentation and 75% interactive. Bring your questions and notebooks. ment will also review the Top 3 artists from the NMS “artist on the Verge project,” where the winner, as voted upon by the delegates attending NMS, will win $150,000+ in marketing, promotion, musical equipment and services. condUctor: Ron Fair (COO, Virgin Records) playerS: andrew Fechter (atlantic), patch Culbertson (universal Republic), Zeke Silvera (island), Carson Donnelly (Columbia), Rob inadomi (RCa), Taylor Testa (Virgin), Sean glass (WIN), Dylan Chenfield (Razor & Tie) Crystal Ballroom the independent label movement: growing in market share. growing in power. Sutton place SoUndexchange preSentS: Radio on the Edge - Meet the next generation condUctor: Charles Caldas (CEO, Merlin Network) playerS: laurence Bell (Founder, Domino), patrick Moxey (president & CEO, ultra), Michael goldstone (Founder, Mom + pop), Josh Deutsch (Chairman & CEO, Downtown), Kenny gates (Founder, piaS), David airaudi (Founder & CEO, 3qtr), Scott Robinson (Co-founder, Dualtone) of digital radio services. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 n m S day S JUNE 11, 2013 condUctor: Corey Denis (Vp Digital Strategy and Marketing, Toolshed) playerS: Elias Roman (Co-founder/CEO, Songza), Stephen Valenta (Reporting/Finance/ ad Ops, 8Tracks), Mike Dougherty (CEO, Jelli Radio), Kevin King (, paul Campbell (CEO, amazing Radio) 17 2: 30 Crystal Ballroom Music Quality: how a generation got its ears back. interview with David Chesky (Co-Founder/CEO, hDtracks) and Craig Kallman (Chairman & CEO, atlantic Records), conducted by Steve guttenburg CNET's audiophiliac 2: 45 NMS Intensive: Martin atkins - Welcome to the Music Business: you’re Fucked. 3: 00 booking agentS; breaking new artiStS, teSting new waterS: as labels have become more conservative about signing artists, booking agents are taking a chance on unsigned artists and helping them establish a fan base. Some agents have even become labels or managers. As the line blurs, how will agents be redefined? condUctor: allen Kovac (CEO, 10th Street Ent./Eleven Seven Music), Sean agnew (Founder, R5 productions) playerS: Tom Windish (Founder & president, The Windish agency), Marty Diamond (paradigm Talent agency), Matt galle (Founder, photo Finish Records), David galea (agent, The agency group), heath Miller (president of Excess dB Entertainment &Vp, Webster hall), lee anderson (agent, aM Only), ardie Farhadieh (Marketing and Media Manager, Billions) Crystal Ballroom mUSic pUbliShing: The role of the publisher in the new era. Sutton place rethinking yoUr international Strategy grand Ballroom grand Ballroom 4:30 condUctor: allen Kovac (10th Street Ent./Eleven Seven Music), Sean agnew (Founder, R5 productions) playerS: Tom Windish (Founder & president, The Windish agency), Marty Diamond (head East Coast Music, paradigm Talent agency), Matt galle (Founder, photo Finish Records), David galea (agent, The agency group), heath Miller (president of Excess dB Entertainment &Vp, Webster hall), lee anderson (agent, aM Only), ardie Farhadieh (Marketing and Media Manager, Billions) condUctor: Daniel glass (CEO, glassnote Records) playerS: Bruno Crolot (Director, MiDEM), Mark Richardson (Editor-in-Chief, pitchfork), Katerina Markov (head of global innovation, atom Factory), Steve Rennie (Founder, Renman Music & Business), ian James (Managing Director, Mushroom publishing group) grand Ballroom bmi live: Write, perform, Report, get paid: Journalist Susan Butler interviews songwriter Vanessa Bley of Beast patrol. 5:00 nmS intensive: adam Shore (Owner, The Daily Swarm): Music and Brands Crystal Ballroom N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR JUNE 11, 2013 5: 15 reaSonS to be cheerFUl, part iii: Music label leaders plot the course for a better music industry. condUctor: Ralph Simon (CEO/Founder, Mobilum global, Founder of the Mobile Entertainment Forum Mobile - americas) playerS: Craig Kallman (Chairman/CEO, atlantic), Tom Corson (president/COO, RCa), Monte lipman (Founder, Chairman & CEO, Republic), avery lipman (president & Co-founder, Republic), allen Kovac (CEO, Tenth Street Entertainment/Eleven Seven Music/Five Seven Music), Darius Van arman (CEO, Secretly Canadian/Jag Jaguwar) Crystal Ballroom mUSic in tv, Film and advertiSing. grand Ballroom 18 condUctor: Josh Rabinowitz (SVp/Director of Music, grey) playerS: Steve greenberg (Founder/CEO, S-Curve), lori Feldman (SVp Brand partnerships & Music licensing, WMg), Keith D’arcy (Creative licensing & Catalog acquisition, Songs Music publishing), Sanne hagelsten (Founder, Zync) Sutton place SoUndexchange expert SeSSion: artist/label Strategies for Music on Digital Radio. condUctor: Dick huey (CEO, Toolshed) playerS: Jack isquith (SVp Strategic Development & Content programming, Slacker), Matt Ostrower (Director artist partnerships & programming, pandora), adam Farrell (gM, loma Vista Recordings), Jason lekberg (Vp Digital and Marketing, Eleven Seven Music), Damon Williams (Vp programming, Music Choice), Owen grover (SVp of Content partnerships, Clear Channel), Jeff Regan (Director Music programming, SiriusXM), Sean glover (Director, SoundExchange) 5: 15 artiSt on the verge award 7: 00 cloSing remarkS grand Ballroom grand Ballroom Tom Silverman (Executive Director New Music Seminar & Founder/CEO Tommy Boy) For expanded details on the nmS program Schedule, please go to NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S 19 N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR SENSORY SPACES - a sound experience by B&O PLAY and MEW. Meet B&O PLAY at The New Yorker Hotel 2nd floor mezzanine. 20 Bang & Olufsen is an international icon of sound performance and design excellence. With B&O PLAY by Bang & Olufsen, generations of craftsmanship and expertise meet the needs of digital world and a life on the move. Experience Bang & Olufsen virtues wherever you go with B&O PLAY. H3 new mUSic Seminar | 2013 H6 n m S day S BEOPLAY.COM NMS13 NMS: ThE lEgEND CONTiNuES 21 n m S day S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar conductors 22 & Players Michael abbattista global head of Telecom/iSp partnerships, Spotify Michael abbattista is a proven digital media executive with 15+ years of senior management experience in the entertainment and technology industries. he currently serves as Spotify’s global head of Telecom/iSp partnerships, after working as Vp of New Channel Development for EMi Music. abbattista has also been Vp of Content & label Relations with liquid Digital Media/anderson Merchandisers (formerly liquid audio), where he oversaw contract negotiation and business model creation for Walmart digital music initiatives. he has also worked at Velvel Music group and EMi Music. he earned his B.a. in Economics from Northwestern university. MattheW adell CEO, Beatport as CEO of Beatport, Matthew adell is responsible for the company’s strategic direction, operation effectiveness and growth of the brand and its core business. he joined the company as COO in 2009, and assumed the CEO role in 2010. Since, traffic has more than quadrupled, sales have doubled and the Denver-based company has opened offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco. In 2013, adell also led the successful merger of Beatport with SFX Entertainment. he previously served as Vp of Music Services for Napster and, held senior positions at amazon and Motorola’s, and was Vp of Wax Trax! Records, where he signed The KlF and KMFDM. adell’s career began as a teen working in a suburban Chicago record store. Since Adell joined Beatport in 2009,’s traffic has more than quadrupled, sales have doubled and the denver-based company has opened offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco. In 2013, he also led the successful merger of beatport with SFx entertainment. david airaudi Founder/CEO, 3qtr Before founding pioneering new music company 3qtr—which partners with artists to build businesses in music and beyond—alongside discovering and co-managing hip-hop collective Odd Future (OFWgKTa), David airaudi spent seven years running strategy and business development with Jimmy iovine at iga (interscope, geffen, a&M) Records. his focus there evolved from traditional record deals, artist joint ventures and 360s to investing and launching music-related consumer products and tech companies. airaudi joined iga from universal Music group, where we oversaw Finance and Business Development for North america. he earned his MBa from Vanderbilt university. lee anderson agent, aM Only lee anderson has nearly a decade of experience working in the live music industry as both a Buyer and agent. after spending almost six years promoting shows in the Northeast, he joined Brooklyn-based aM Only four years ago as an agent. anderson’s current clients include Skrillex, Wolfgang gartner and SBTRKT. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 Peter asher producer/Songwriter Renowned industry veteran peter asher found his start in the music biz in 1964, as half of hitmaking duo peter & gordon, which scored nine top 20 records. in 1968, he became head of a&R for The Beatles’ record company, apple Records, where he found, signed and produced James Taylor. Three years later, asher founded peter asher Management, representing Taylor, linda Ronstadt, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Randy Newman and more. in all, he has produced 12 grammy-winning recordings, and in 1977 and 1989 earned producer of the year grammys. he also served as Vp of Sony Music for eight years and remains active as an independent producer and consultant for Songmasters, Dreamworks, Walt Disney, hans Zimmer and The academy awards. Recent projects include guitar duo Rodrigo y gabriela, Buddy holly tribute “listen to Me” and music production for “pirates of the Caribbean 4,” “Sherlock holmes 2” and “Madagascar 3.” asher is also working on a project with Elton John in which contemporary acts re-record “yellow Brick Road” as part of its 40th anniversary rerelease. he is a member of Mensa, Sag-aFTRa and the aFM, and a trustee of the Recording academy. Martin atkins Educator/author/Drummer Over the course of more than three decades in the music business, Martin atkins spans genres, borders and industries—personifying the very definition of a cultural arts entrepreneur. He was a member of public image ltd. and Killing Joke; founded industrial super-group pigface, The Damage Manual and Murder inc.; has contributed to Nine inch Nails and Ministry; and commandeered invisible Records and Mattress Factory Recording Studios (established in 1988). his acclaimed 2007 book “Tour:Smart” is a distillation of 30 years in the biz, with a candid discussion of mistakes and failures, strategies to sustain and much more. in addition, atkins is a producer, drummer, documentary filmmaker, DJ, syndicated blogger and instructor at Madison Media Institute. laurence bell Founder, Domino Records laurence Bell is Founder, Owner and head of a&R for his made-from-scratch label Domino Records. Founded in 1993, the label’s first release was Sebadoh’s EP “Rocking the Forest,” licensed from Sub pop records for release in the u.K. Many of its early releases were from american artists signed in the u.S. to Drag City (Smog, Will Oldham, Royal Trux), a relationship that continues today. Recent releases from Franz Ferdinand, arctic Monkeys and The Kills have added to its success as one of the longest running and most successful independent record labels in the u.K. in 2011, it launched book-publishing division The Domino press. brian benedik Vp North america ad Sales, Spotify Brian Benedik, currently Vp of North america ad Sales for Spotify, is an ad sales veteran and recognized leader in the u.S. audio industry. he recently served as Chair of the iaB audio Committee and president of Katz360, a division of Clear Channel Communications. Benedik spent a good deal of his career within the Clear Channel Radio family on the radio station & media representation sides. While in his role at Katz360, he built the largest online audio sales network, consisting of numerous premium audio publishers, and helped create its emerging Digital audio ad marketplace. steven blatter SVp/gM, Music programming & Digital Music, SiriusXM Radio Steven Blatter is a 13-year veteran of the media industry who was named one of the Top 15 majormarket radio programmers in america by Radio ink magazine. Currently Senior Vice president and general Manager of Music programming & Digital Music for SiriusXM Radio, he previously served as Vice president of programming for Big City Radio, responsible for formatting and branding the company’s radio properties in New york, los angeles and Chicago. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 23 NMS13 stePhen bryan EVp, Digital Strategy and Business Development, Warner Music group as Warner Music group’s Executive Vice president for Digital Strategy & Business Development, Stephen Bryan is responsible for overseeing WMg’s worldwide digital strategy, forging new business models and building strategic relationships with emerging and established players. as a seasoned executive, who joined WMg in 1997, he has been at the forefront of each iteration of the industry’s digital evolution. Bryan’s career includes involvement in such landmark deals as YouTube’s first agreement with a music major, and licenses for the first subscription services, including Spotify and Rhapsody. 24 JiM cady president/CEO, Slacker Since joining Slacker as president & CEO in 2006, Jim Cady has been instrumental in driving the company’s internal team while securing numerous core strategic relationships. he previously commandeered established publicly held companies, as well as two startups—including the president post at digital music industry pioneer Rio Digital audio, whose core technology was deemed among the “100 Most important Developments” by the Consumer Electronics assn. There, he grew sales to $150+ million over a three-year period, before the company was sold to SONiCblue. Cady’s accolades include a Silver anvil award from the public Relations Society of america and more than 150 Best product awards globally. charles caldas CEO, Merlin Since 2007, Charles Caldas has been CEO of global rights agency Merlin, which represents many of the world’s most prominent independent music entities. In 2012, the firm was voted No. 5 in Fast Company’s list of most influential music companies. As an experienced media professional, Caldas is passionate about harnessing his skills and knowledge to help other companies thrive amid the ever-changing world of digital media distribution and consumption. he believes the creation of Merlin represents a landmark moment in the industry and offers an efficient solution for its members and the services that use their music. in March 2013, Caldas was presented the iMpala Outstanding Contribution award, which recognizes his work launching and growing Merlin into the virtual fourth major in the digital space. bryan calhoun Digital Strategy, The Blueprint group For more than 20 years, Bryan Calhoun has worked within numerous music industry capacities, including a&R, marketing, digital licensing, radio promotions, business development and concert promotions. he has held roles at Relativity Records, RED Distribution, Warlock Records, Serchlite Music, as COO of Kanye West’s gOOD Music and most recently, as Vp of New Media and External affairs for SoundExchange. he now provides digital strategy and business development for artist management company The Blueprint group, representing lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, T.i., lil Twist, hit Boy and others. in 2003, Calhoun founded label Management Systems to help indie record labels succeed, where he developed business solutions to achieve that goal, including the Music Business Toolbox (, released in 2008 and being updated for re-release in 2013. professional consulting clients include Kanye West, MSN Entertainment, ludacris, Monster Cable and SoundExchange. Calhoun has a BBa in Finance from the university of georgia. he is a voting member of the Recording academy and on the Board of Directors for the Future of Music Coalition. For more than 20 years, calhoun has worked within numerous music industry capacities, including a&r, marketing, digital licensing, radio promotions, business development and concert promotions. he now provides digital strategy and business development for the blueprint group, representing lil wayne, nicki minaj, t.i., lil twist, hit boy and others. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 n m S day S NMS13 rio caraeff president/CEO, VEVO Rio Caraeff has served as president & CEO of music video and entertainment platform VEVO since the company’s 2009 launch. previously, he worked in new technologies across entertainment arenas— including film, TV, music and games—for Universal Music Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Fabric (a firm he co-founded), Sony 550 Digital Media Ventures, Sony Music Entertainment and Capitol Records group. Caraeff has been featured in Vanity Fair’s “The Next Establishment” (2012, 2010), Billboard’s “power 100” (2013, 2012) and “40 under 40” (2012), hollywood Reporter’s “Digital power 50” (2012), Fortune’s “40 under 40” (2011, 2010, 2009), Fast Company’s “100 Most Creative people in Business” (2011) and Evening Standard London’s “Most Influential” (2011). He was also named a “Top Digital Executive To Watch” in 2010 by both the los angeles Times and Digital Media Wire. andy chen CEO, WiMp Music andy Chen is responsible for leading and overseeing all aspects of WiMp Music’s company strategy, development and operations. previously, he was CEO of preview Networks, a leading venture-backed video content syndication and advertising platform in Europe, with seven offices in 10 markets (acquired in February 2013). Before that, Chen was Vp for MTV Networks Europe and Viacom international, responsible for digital sales, strategy and the creation of digital commercial ventures. he also spent many years with aegis Media, as global Director of Digital Strategy for Carat, and with isobar global Management in london and San Francisco. Chen began his career during the dotcom 1990s in San Francisco with universal Music, interscope Records, McCann-Erickson Worldwide and Tonic360/J. Walter Thompson. he has a triple B.a. degree in architecture, City planning and Scandinavian Cultures from university of California, Berkeley in the u.S., and an MBa from Stockholm university, Sweden. he speaks English, Mandarin Chinese and Swedish. dylan chenfeld a&R, Razor & Tie Dylan Chenfeld is an a&R executive at Razor & Tie, where has been instrumental in creating joint venture artery Recordings, between Razor & Tie and The artery Foundation. The partnership has led to sales of 200,000+ units and the signings of promising bands attila and Chelsea grin. Chenfeld also signed american Christian metalcore band For Today, whose “immortal” entered the Billboard 200’s top 15 and reached No. 3 on the independent music chart in 2012. Chenfeld’s most recent signing, indie rock band Born Cages, will release its debut Ep in Summer 2013. Chenfeld is also owner of RooftopsNyC, which recently launched a successful T-shirt line. david chesky Co-Founder/CEO, hDtracks David Chesky is Co-Founder & CEO of, an online download service that delivers high-quality sound via AIFF, FLAC, WAV and ALAC, in up to 192kHz/24bit high-resolution files—as a successful rejoinder to the ubiquitous low-quality proliferation of Mp3s. hDtracks offers masterquality music from all major labels and hundreds of indies. in line, Chesky is a global leader in the advancement of research for high-resolution recording techniques: He was the first to create 128X oversampled CDs and 96/24 DVD audio and a pioneer of SaCD. Some 25 years ago, he founded Chesky Records with brother Norman Chesky, which has earned countless accolades and remains a quintessential audiophile label. as part of the Chesky label, he has produced and recorded hundreds of jazz and classical artists in hi-res audio, including peggy lee, astor piazzolla, John pizzarelli, Chuck Mangione, The Royal philharmonic and classical pianist Earl Wild. Chesky is also a composerin-residence for the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, while his operas, ballets and orchestral works have been performed worldwide. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 25 NMS13 norMan chesky president, Chesky Records Norman Chesky is president of Chesky Records, the renowned music label aimed at audiophiles. The majority of its output comprises the jazz, latin jazz, classical and adult contemporary genres, in addition to its role as a high-end audio equipment manufacturer. Norman Chesky and his composer brother David Chesky founded the label. The pair also launched audiophile website hD Tracks, which allows customers to purchase high-resolution versions of albums in numerous formats. 26 ted cohen Managing partner, Tag Strategic Ted Cohen stands at the crossroads of the music, entertainment and technology industries, bridging the gap between time-honored practices and emerging digital technologies. he is now Managing partner of digital entertainment consultancy Tag Strategic, launched in 2006 with clients gibson Guitar, Muze, Limewire and Participant Media. With offices in L.A., N.Y., Miami, London and Mumbai, Tag has serviced such corporate giants as Coca-Cola and Verizon Communications, along with startups hello Music, Evntlive, West 10 Entertainment, Telesystems, Clip interactive and urturn. Cohen began his label career at Columbia Records, later joining Warner Bros. Records, working with alice Cooper, Doobie Brothers, Fleetwood Mac, The Who, Van halen, prince, Talking heads, Robert palmer, Sex pistols, pretenders, Ramones and Roxy Music. he has also held senior management positions at Westwood One Radio Networks, Sandy gallin, Jim Morey & associates, philips Media and Webnoize. Cohen also formed two new media consulting operations: DMN Consulting and Consulting adults. With EMi Recorded Music, he served as SVp of global Digital, and was instrumental in crafting licensing agreements upon which the iTunes Music Store and Rhapsody subscription services were built. Cohen has served on the l.a. chapter of the grammy Board of governors and its national Trustee Board. he is on the Board of Directors for the Neil Bogart Memorial Fund and, and served as Chairman of the Mobile Entertainment Forum americas. Most recently, he was selected to receive NaRM’s 2013 presidential award for Sustained industry achievement. richard conlon SVp Corporate Strategy, Communications & New, Media, BMi as Senior Vice president of Corporate Strategy, Communications & New Media for BMi, Richard Conlon heads up corporate strategy, marketing, advertising and media relations. in addition, he is charged with its New Media Development group, which manages the development of revenue streams for BMi’s songwriters and music publishers in the digital world across all new media applications. Conlon’s team spearheads analysis, planning and strategic development for BMi’s enterprise-wide future directions in the media and entertainment worlds. frank cooPer, iii Global Chief Marketing Office/Consumer Engagement, PepsiCo, Inc. acknowledged by Fast Company magazine as one of the “Top 100 Most Creative people in Business” and Billboard magazine’s music’s “power 100,” Frank Cooper, iii, is recognized as a leading progressive brand marketer. his career includes senior executive roles at Motown, Def Jam and Tommy Boy; as well as entrepreneurial and executive positions in the digital space. he is currently CMO at pepsiCo, overseeing global Consumer Engagement for its beverage sector, where he has developed breakthrough branded entertainment platforms (including “The X Factor”), co-led pepsi’s 10-year NFl deal and launched innovation consumer co-creation platforms (Mountain Dew’s “DEWmocracy”). Cooper is a graduate of the harvard law School and served as Chairman of the american advertising Federation from 2009-2011. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 n m S day S E w 27 ENTER YOUR BAND NOW Get your band in front of 3000+ industry insiders and 600+ media reps from Canada & all over the world. plus… ConneCt with international talent buyers, musiC publishers & supervisors, bookinG aGents, promoters and a&r reps. MAY 6-10, 2014 n m S day S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar NMS13 toM corson president/COO, RCa Records as president & COO for RCa Records, Tom Corson is responsible for overseeing promotion, marketing, publicity, digital, sales, international, video and operations for the iconic label. previously, Corson held the role of Executive Vp/gM for RCa Music group, where he oversaw operations for RCa, J and arista Records. he held that position since J’s inception in 2000. For RCa, Corson has played a pivotal role in the success of Kings of leon, Rod Stewart, Ke$ha, Foo Fighters, Kelly Clarkson, alicia Keys, pitbull and Jennifer hudson. he has also held executive titles with iRS, Capitol and Columbia Records, helping commandeer the careers of R.E.M, Radiohead, System of a Down, Train and Ricky Martin. Over the course of his career, Corson has worked alongside such industry royalty as Clive Davis, Barry Weiss, herb alpert & Jerry Moss, gil Friesen and Miles Copeland. 28 as president & coo for rca records, corson has played a pivotal role in the success of kings of leon, rod Stewart, ke$ha, Foo Fighters, kelly clarkson, alicia keys, pitbull and jennifer hudson. with irS, capitol and columbia records, he helped commandeer the careers of r.e.m, radiohead, System of a down, train and ricky martin. bruno crolot Director Midem & Music Markets, Reed Midem Bruno Crolot is Music Markets Director for Reed Midem, in charge of the leading annual international music market held in Cannes, France. Midem brings together leading professionals and decisionmakers from the new music ecosystem, from the traditional music industry to new technologies, brands and artists, with more than 75 countries represented. in addition, Crolot oversees Reed Midem’s contribution to the Rethink Music initiative, a partnership with Berklee College of Music. as an 18-year veteran in the music and digital media sectors, he joined Reed Midem in 2010, following positions as Vp of Digital Sales & Business Development at Sony Music Entertainment France, and various management posts in business development, marketing and strategy with Orange/France Telecom, Noos and universal Music France. Crolot holds a diploma in Business Management from the university of paris iX Dauphine. Patch culbertson a&R Manager, Republic Records patch Culbertson joined the a&R team at Republic Records in 2009 as a Coordinator under president avery lipman. in the position, he has delivered projects from godsmack, Mat Kearney, guster, Colbie Caillat, Dev, Owl City, Dispatch and The lonely island. he has alkso assisted in the development & delivery of multiple TV and film soundtracks, including “Ted,” “Jersey Shore,” “Take Me Home Tonight,” “Safe haven,” “Snow White & The huntsman” and “MTV unplugged presents Florence & The Machine.” his contributions to Republic’s active roster—Florida georgia line, The Naked & Famous, The last Bison and TJR—have sold 800,000+ albums and 6,000,000+ singles in the u.S. axel dauchez CEO, Deezer after training at the polytechnic and proctor & gamble, alex Dauchez worked in the media and burgeoning internet industries. in 1995, he became Director of Consumer Marketing for CoktelSierra-Blizzard, a leader in computer edutainment games and software; and in 1996, launched the company’s first paying online service. He was appointed President of French web agency BDDP & Tequila interactive in 1998, and in 2002 became CEO of Moonscoop group, an audio-visual animation production leader. There he oversaw u.S. implementation and created several trans-media storytelling platforms (Kabilion in the u.S., Taffy Kids in asia and allofamille with allocine in Europe). Dauchez joined Deezer as CEO in 2010. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 corey denis Vp Digital Music Strategies & Marketing, Toolshed Corey Denis has been pioneering digital music marketing for 15 years, utilizing everything from early ListServs & phpbb forums to social networks and MMORPGs. Her first job in the music industry was with What are Records?, where she built and leveraged online street teams and podcasts to increase sales and connect with fan bases for Frank Black, Figurine, Stephen lynch, Maceo parker, The Samples, innocence Mission, glenn Tilbrook, Tim Finn, Tony Furtado and March Records. By 2003, Denis was Director of Online Marketing and A&R at the label, facilitating one of the first five direct deals between apple iTunes and an indie label. in 2005, she worked with iODa, helping create and market promonet, a promotional distribution platform allowing its member base of thousands of blogs, podcasts and online media outlets to access pre-cleared Mp3s and marketing assets. In addition, she produced the non-profit Musician & Promoter Workshop Series in San Francisco, assisting local musicians with digital transitions. in 2009, Denis founded Not Shocking, a San Francisco digital music strategy firm, serving such clients as SoundExchange, Michael Tilson Thomas, Ning, Rdio, Medium and Vertebrae productions. By 2012, she aligned with Dick huey and Toolshed to create and manage Toolshed’s Social Media Strategy department, overseeing digital music strategy & marketing for such indie artists as MNDR, Kate Bush, Cat power, Mother Mother, ani DiFranco, Melissa Ferrick, John Wesley harding, Martin Sexton, Redd Kross, Big Scary and Wax Tailor. Josh deutsch Chairman/CEO, Downtown Records Downtown Records Chairman & CEO Josh Deutsch is founder of the company’s collective Downtown Records, Downtown Music publishing, Downtown Music Services (DMS), Songtrust and online music discovery site he previously served as SVp/a&R for Virgin Records, EVp at Elektra Entertainment and Vp/a&R at Capital Records. Over the course of his career, Deutsch is responsible for sales of more than 25 million albums, discovering and overseeing the careers of gnarls Barkley, Cold War Kids, Jason Mraz, Justice, Santigold, Jet, lenny Kravitz, Third Eye Blind and Miike Snow. in a&R and marketing roles, he has worked with a wide range of popular and critically acclaimed artists, including Metallica, Mos Def, a perfect Circle and David gray. Deutsch graduated from Brown university and attended New york university’s Stern School of Business. he is also an adjunct professor at The Clive Davis institute of Recorded Music Marty diaMond head of East Coast Music, paradigm Talent agency Marty Diamond is the East Coast head of the paradigm Talent agency’s Music Division. he was previously president of little Big Man Booking, a boutique music agency acquired by paradigm in 2006. Diamond founded little Big Man in 1994 after stints at arista Records, Bill graham Management and Manhattan music venue The Ritz. he oversaw little Big Man’s growth from a two-person operation to the leading small agency in North america, with a roster including Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Sigur Ros, David gray, Blur, Emeli Sandé, interpol, Franz Ferdinand, Metric and Sara Bareilles. under Diamond’s leadership, little Big Man won the pollstar award for Small/Boutique Booking agency 10 out of 11 consecutive years, from 1996-2000 and 2002-2006. Diamond also won pollstar’s highest individual honor, 1997’s agent of the year. Since its founding in 1992, paradigm has established itself as a leading entertainment talent agency, guiding its client roster through motion picture, TV, music, comedy and personal appearances, theater, books, new media, commercial and physical production. carson donnelly a&R, Columbia Records Carson Donnelly has been working in the a&R department with Columbia Records since 2009. a transplant from portland, Oregon, Carson Donnelly graduated from the gallatin school at Nyu in 2009 with a degree in songwriting. Shortly thereafter she joined the a&R ranks at Columbia Records, working with a myriad of artists over the years including MgMT, Foster the people, passion pit, Krewella, Chairlift and The Neighbourhood. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 29 NMS13 Mike dougherty CEO, Jelli With 20+ years of experience in startup growth, operations, strategy & business development and fundraising/M&a, Mike Dougherty has a proven track record of growing emerging technology opportunities, setting vision and strategy, building teams and developing new business models. he is the co-creator and CEO of San Mateo start-up Jelli, an interactive radio broadcasting service launched in 2009. using the concept of crowdsourcing, Jelli is a modernized version of “all-request” radio, billed as a “multiplayer video game on a radio station.” 30 Mike doughty Musician, Snack Bar Mike Doughty led the band Soul Coughing in the 1990s, and is now a solo artist. in all, his accomplishments include singer, songwriter, guitar player, poet, author, playwright, blogger, photographer—and Most Improved Camper, West Point Youth Camp, 1982. He has released five solo albums, a number of Eps, live albums, numerous EDM tracks and remixes, a poetry book and his memoir “The Drug years,” about his rough and tumble years in Soul Coughing. in fall 2012, Doughty released an album of covers, paying homage to songs by John Denver, Cheap Trick and Stephen Sondheim. david dufresne CEO, Bandzoogle David Dufresne is CEO of Bandzoogle, a powerful platform for musicians to build their websites, engage fans and sell their music and merch directly. Bandzoogle works with thousands of bands and musicians to help them create a strong base for their online strategies. Dufresne is a reformed venture capitalist, having spent eight years placing bets on software, web and video game start-ups. he is an obsessive music fan and apparently a wonderful DJ. he’s also a daddy and he plays soccer and hockey, both very defensively. ron fair CCO, Virgin Records Veteran a&R executive, record producer, arranger, recording engineer and songwriter Ron Fair’s career has spanned 30+ years at major record labels, where he has produced and arranged numerous hits, while turning unknown artists into superstars. among them: Christina aguilera, Vanessa Carlton, Keyshia Cole, pussycat Dolls, Black Eyed peas and Fergie. Currently CCO for Virgin Records, Fair’s previous roles include geffen Records Chairman, a&M Records president as well as senior a&R positions at RCa, Chrysalis, EMi and island london. Over his career, the grammy winner has produced such No. 1 singles as “lady Marmalade” (aguilera, pink, Mýa, lil’ Kim), “Be Without you” (Mary J. Blige), “One” (Blige & u2), “Big yellow Taxi” (Counting Crows), “a Thousand Miles” (Vanessa Carlton) and “Where is the love?” (Black Eyed peas). ardie farhadieh Marketing and Media Manager, The Billions Corp. ardie Farhadieh is The Billions Corporation’s Marketing and Media Manager, overseeing marketing, media and sponsorships for a roster of 200+ artists. he came to Billions from Rethink Music in Boston, a solutions-focused music conference hosted by Berklee College of Music and Midem, where he spent eight months as project manager, overseeing programming, booking, marketing and production of all aspects of the conference. previously, Farhadieh was an agency associate at The Windish agency. he is a music business graduate, summa cum laude, from Berklee College of Music, and serves as a junior board member for Rock For Kids in Chicago. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 adaM farrell general Manager, loma Vista Recordings adam Farrell is general Manager and Creative Director of loma Vista Recording—an imprint of Republic Records—whose artist roster includes Cillie Barnes, Cut Copy, Damian Markey, ghost, little Dragon, Rhye, Soundgarden and the “Django unchained” soundtrack. Farrell has also been Vice president of Marketing and Creative Operations at New york’s Matador Records; and previously worked as Vp of Creative & Marketing for Beggars group (4aD, Matador Records, Rough Trade, Xl Recordings), at indie Badman Recording Co., and with San Francisco ad agency arc. andreW fechter urban a&R Coordinator, atlantic Records Andrew Fechter began his music career at age 16 with his first deal as an in-house producer and songwriter for newly formed indie label liTO Music group, based in his hometown of philadelphia. Primarily working in hip-hop and R&B, he continued with LITO during his first two years at Temple university, before transferring to Full Sail university in Orlando, to further his recording skills and business expertise. upon graduation—following an internship in the Executive department at atlantic Records—Fechter was hired in January 2012 to work within the label’s urban a&R department. Since, he has aligned with artists lupe Fiasco, Jaheim, TgT and Sevyn & Kendall. robert fernandez CEO, Famous artist Music & Management Record executive Robert Fernandez offers broad experience in the development, marketing, promotion and management of artists. as CEO of Famous artist Music & Management, he is responsible for the successful development of international multi-platinum artist pitbull. he has also held lofty executive positions as a label and marketing consultant. Jay frank Owner/CEO, DigSin Jay Frank is Owner and CEO of DigSin, a singles-focused music company that allows subscribing fans to obtain music for free. DigSin signs new artists to deals that leverage new platforms, social networks and analytics to expose music to a wider audience, building popularity outside of traditional methods. Frank is also the author of two books. “Futurehit.DNa” is a No. 1 Songwriting book on amazon and part of the curriculum at a number of colleges and universities. it explores how digital technology has changed the way people discover music and examines what an artist needs to make their songs more hit-worthy in the digital age. his second book, “hack your hit” is a how-to guide for musicians filled with free and cheap marketing tips. Frank was previously SVP of Music Strategy for MTV Network’s CMT, bringing music video ratings to an all-time high, thanks to an aggressive multiplatform promotional strategy. as Vp of Music programming and label Relations for yahoo! Music, he was responsible for music programming, and instrumental in bringing audience growth to 25 million/ month. he was also Senior Music Director at The Box Music Network, worked in marketing and a&R for ignition Records, managed a live music venue, programmed broadcast radio stations and created two local music video shows. david galea agent, The agency group as an agent with The agency group, David galea represents the traveling interests of some 35 major and independent acts, including paramore, Relient K, Dredg and Brooke Waggoner. it is his job to make the most of his artists’ time onstage, show after show. previously, galea was a client of the agency, as a trumpet player in ska band Edna’s Goldfish. Before being managed, he commandeered the group’s booking. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 31 NMS13 Matt galle Founder, photo Finish Records Matt Galle founded Photo Finish Records in 2006, which, for five years was under the Atlantic Records’ umbrella, where it scored platinum success with 3Oh!3. in 2012, the label aligned with island Def Jam. he also serves as an agent with paradigm Talent agency, where clients include My Chemical Romance, Fun. and Mike posner. in addition, galle co-founded the acclaimed Bamboozle Festival; and played a pivotal role in discovering superstar multi-platinum artists Bruno Mars and Ke$ha. he is also partnered to provide exclusive senior-level a&R services for island Records under industry legend Barry Weiss. 32 kenny gates Founder/CEO, [piaS] in 1983, at age 20, Kenny gates co-founded [piaS] (play it again Sam) with Michel lambot . Thirty years later, [piaS] has become a leader in the European independent record industry, with 150+ employees and offices in every major European market, the USA and Australia. The company focuses on three main divisions: Recordings, artist and label Services and Co-Op. its own labels play it again Sam and Different have helped develop careers for such trendsetting artists as Front 242, agnes Obel, 2ManyDJ’s/Soulwax, Mogwai, Sigur Ros, laurent garnier, Vitalic and Editors. in 2008, gates— who serves as president—and lambot received the insignia of Chevalier dans l’ordre des arts et des lettres in France for their success in the European independent record industry. daniel glass CEO, glassnote Records Daniel glass is Founder & president of full-service indie music company glassnote Entertainment group. Since launching in 2007, glassnote has served as home to grammy-winning acts Mumford & Sons and phoenix, as well as The Temper Trap, Two Door Cinema Club, giVERS, Childish gambino, Oberhofer, Daughter, little green Cars, Robert Delong, half Moon Run, ChVRChES, Justin Nozuka and Foy Vance. in 2011, Rolling Stone Magazine deemed glassnote “Best indie label.” glass’ musical career began as a DJ at the famed Regine’s Discotheque in New york City. he then held positions at SaM Records, Chrysalis and SBK Records, before being named president/CEO of EMi Records group N.a., a founding president of universal and president of artemis Records, before starting glassnote. in May 2013, glass was the recipient of SESaC’s “Visionary award.” sean glass “Bossman,” WiN Music Sean glass, a.k.a. Sg, is charged with running the revived WiN Records. Originally founded in the 1970s as a disco label, it now focuses on artist development and promotion of undiscovered dance artists. Its first stateside release is U.K. No. 1 Duke Dumont’s “Need U (100%).” Glass also works in A&R and marketing for glassnote Records (founded by his dad Daniel glass), where he signed artists Robert Delong and Flight Facilities. By night, he is a DJ, hosting events at such clubs as Soho house and le Baron and warehouse parties in Bushwick, Brooklyn. glass has also DJ’d festivals Coachella and the governor’s Ball, and worked with lCD Soundsystem, Diplo and lady gaga. saM hollander Songwriter/producer Sam hollander has written and/or produced 19 u.S. top 40 hits and numerous global smashes. in 2008, Rolling Stone honored him with its “hot list producer of the year” award. hollander recently served as music producer for the second season of NBC musical series “Smash.” among his hit artists: Train, One Direction, gym Class heroes, good Charlotte, Carole King, Katy perry, Neon Trees, Cobra Starship, 3Oh!3, O.a.R., uncle Kracker, Sugar Ray, Matisyahu, Blues Traveler, Tom Jones, Chiddy Bang and Kelly Rowland. hollander has upcoming releases from Daughtry, Karmin, Matt Nathanson, Michael Franti, Emblem 3, Mowglis, Clinton Sparks f/Macklemore and 2 Chainz. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 Jake gold president/CEO, The Management Trust Jake gold is one of Canada’s most successful artist managers and has been an active force in the music industry there for 30 years. in 1986, gold launched artist management company The Management Trust ltd. and transformed The Tragically hip into national stardom. For three years, gold has been recognized by the Canadian Music industry awards as “Manager of the year.” in 2009, he was elected to the board of CiMa and recently elevated to Vice Chairman. he is a board member for the Music Managers Forum and is 2013’s MMF honour Roll award recipient. gold also manages the careers of adam Cohen, Crash Karma and Scarlett Jane as well as music producers me&john, Moe Berg, Russell Broom, Terry Brown and laurence Currie. Martin goldschMidt Chairman, Cooking Vinyl group Cooking Vinyl has developed a reputation as one of Europe’s prime artist-focused independent labels, offering services-only deals that claim no stake in artist copyrights. The broader Cooking Vinyl group comprises Cooking Vinyl Records, distributor & marketing services provider Essential Music & Marketing, and publishing company Cooking Vinyl Music. The label was set up by former manager and booking agent Martin goldschmidt and distribution manager pete lawrence, who initially ran the business as a part-time venture out of a spare room in goldschmidt’s council house in Stockwell, South london. in 1986, Cooking Vinyl recorded an impromptu live performance at a folk festival by singer Michelle Shocked, around a campfire on a portable cassette machine with fading batteries. The subsequent release “The Campfire Tapes” sold 250,000 copies worldwide. Cooking Vinyl’s current roster includes The prodigy, Marilyn Manson, Billy Bragg, The Cult, alison Moyet, Madness, amanda palmer, The Cranberries, Counting Crows and The View. Michael goldstone Founder , Mom + pop Records Michael goldstone launched Mom+pop in New york City with partners peter Mensch and Cliff Burnstein. The independent label is distributed through RED, and home to such artists as Sleigh Bells, andrew Bird, Metric, polica and Neon indian. From 2001 to 2006, goldstone was president of Sire Records. During his tenure, the label signed Tegan and Sara, against Me, hiM, Jacks Mannequin and the Veronicas. steve greenberg Founder/CEO, S-Curve Music Steve greenberg is Founder and CEO of S-Curve Records, whose artists have included andy grammer, Joss Stone, We The Kings, Diane Birch, Duran Duran and Tom Jones. The grammy-winning record producer was formerly president of Columbia Records. Over his many years in the industry, the celebrated executive has been integrally involved in numerous tech startups, including interlude, hyperactivate and Selectable Media. scott greenstein president & CCO, SiriusXM Radio Scott Greenstein is President and Chief Content Officer for SiriusXM Radio, overseeing programming, marketing and corporate marketing activities. With extensive entertainment industry experience, he also served as a SiriusXM consultant, forging strategic agreements with the NFl and penske. previously, greenstein was Chairman of motion picture production, marketing and distribution company USA Films, managing film activities and supervising its home entertainment division. Under his purview, USA Films released Steven Soderbergh’s “Traffic” as its first in-house supervised production, which won four academy awards and two golden globes. greenstein also served as Copresident of October Films, Miramax Films’ SVp of Motion pictures, Music, New Media & publishing, and in senior management at Viacom international. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 33 NMS13 JereMy gruber Director Business Development, Concord Music group as Director of Business Development for Concord Music group, Jeremy gruber seeks new opportunities for Concord’s roster of artists to reach fans around the world. he also helps guide the company’s digital strategies and leads direct-to-fan marketing initiatives, working with such artists s paul McCartney, paul Simon, Chick Corea, george Benson and gregg allman. previously, gruber worked in new media at 10th Street Entertainment and Eleven Seven Music, as well as web development for a non-profit, and for Sabre Entertainment helping develop the Mick Fleetwood Private Cellar wine label. 34 steve guttenberg Freelance audio/Music Writer, “The audiophiliac,” CNET CNET Blog Network writer Steve guttenberg authors “The audiophiliac” for the well-respected audio/electronics website. in addition, he serves as a freelance audio and music writer for inner Fidelity, home Theater magazine and Stereophile. he has also worked as a high-end audio salesman, and as a producer for Chesky Records. andreW haMPP Senior Correspondent, Billboard andrew hampp is Billboard magazine’s senior branding correspondent. previously, he was a media reporter and los angeles Bureau chief for advertising age. haampp has also contributed to Crain’s New york Business, The Columbus Dispatch and The hollywood Reporter. kurt hanson CEO accuRadio , publisher, RaiN Kurt hanson is publisher of daily web-based newsletter “RaiN: Radio and internet Newsletter” and a leading expert in the field of new delivery mechanisms for Internet radio, satellite radio, HD radio and podcasting. he is also CEO of independent, multichannel internet radio property accuRadio, which reaches nearly 1 million unique listeners each month with 300+ channels of rock, pop, jazz, classical, country, Broadway, Celtic and more. Hanson was Founder & CEO of market research firm Strategic Media Research (SMR), which he built into a $10 million business; and previously worked at WOKy Milwaukee and Chicago outlets WlS, WDai and Wlup. hanson is publisher of daily web-based newsletter rain and ceo of independent, multichannel internet radio property accuradio, which reaches nearly 1 million unique listeners each month with 300+ channels of rock, pop, jazz, classical, country, broadway, celtic and more. brian hennigan Nextlab Operations Manager, youTube Brian hennigan focuses on accelerating growth and innovation for youTube as part of its Nextlab, a global team focused on discovering, implementing and evangelizing youTube best practices to drive success across the platform. he previously spent 18 months in Japan, building google’s Creative Services organization for the Asia Pacific region. That team’s responsibilities included providing thought leadership on the future of digital marketing and creating programmatic opportunities for advertisers to better engage with users. his google global hopscotch also included three years in london overseeing advertiser solutions and programs across EMEa, while helping extend youTube’s footprint in new markets. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 n m S day S 35 n m S day S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar NMS13 stanislas hintzy Director Strategy & Business Development, Moozar Stanislas hintzy has 20 years of international experience as an internet and mobile executive with labels, music trade press and strategy consulting. in 2001, he joined OD2—peter gabriel’s digital distribution platform—as Continental Europe Director—and took part in raising the company to European leadership. upon its acquisition by Nokia in 2006, hintzy moved to that company’s headquarters in Finland as global Digital Music Retail Director, deploying Nokia Music in 35 countries in less than two years. In 2011, he created “Hinterlocal,” a firm supporting Internet companies and start-ups through their internationalization and localization process. he joined Moozar in 2012. hintzy has an MBa from u.S. Case Western Reserve university, served as Vp European TechTour France & Benelux 2012, and is a professor of Digital Distribution for French universities. 36 laurent hubert COO, BMg Laurent Hubert is BMG Rights Management’s Chief Operating Officer of North America, with 20+ years of international corporate expertise, including 11 years in senior management roles in the music publishing industry. Since the re-launch of BMg in 2009, hubert has played a central role in re-establishing the company in the u.S. via numerous signings, catalog acquisitions and company purchases. dick huey Founder, Toolshed Toolshed, founded in New york by Dick huey in 2001, is a digital consultancy that advises major consumer brands, media, tech and entertainment companies on digital strategy, social media marketing and rights acquisition and usage. Its San Francisco office provides social media grassroots marketing, direct-to-fan campaign design and digital publicity. Toolshed clients include Beggars Group, Merge Records, Spotify and Red Bull. The firm has orchestrated 350+ digital PR and social media growth campaigns for such artists as The Civil Wars, MNDR, ani DiFranco, Sufjan Stevens, The arcade Fire and aimee Mann. previously, from 1997 to 2001, huey launched and led the New Media department at Beggars group (Xl Recordings, 4aD, Matador Records, Rough Trade), licensing its digital catalog and establishing digital direction. he is a founding new media committee member of a2iM, a past board member representing Matador Records at SoundExchange, and an advisory board member at CaSh Music, Tunecore and RoyaltyShare. Michael huPPe president/CEO, SoundExchange as president and CEO of SoundExchange, Michael huppe is responsible for the organization’s strategic direction, which collects performance royalties from digital radio and distributes them to recording artists and record labels for creative content use. in the role since 2011, he is charged with SoundExchange’s mission to “support, protect and propel the recorded music industry forward”— which helped deem it among Forbes Magazine’s “Top Names you Need to Know for 2011.” huppe previously served as SVp and deputy counsel for the Recording industry association of america. he earned a Bachelor’s degree from the university of Virginia, a law degree from harvard law School, and is an adjunct professor at the georgetown university law Center. rob inadoMi a&R Director, RCa/Sony Music Rob inadomi serves RCa/Sony Music in New york as Director of a&R. in addition, he oversees the studio recording process for the label’s robust roster of artists. While a student at prep school harvard-Westlake School in los angeles, he played in several bands, with an eye on working in the music industry. inadomi is a graduate of the inaugural class of the Clive Davis Department of Recorded Music at Nyu, where he honed his skills in production and music business practice. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 Jon irWin CEO/president, Rhapsody international Jon Irwin joined Rhapsody America in 2009, as the venture’s Chief Operating Officer and Chief Of Staff, before overseeing its spinoff into a standalone company and later, its acquisition of Napster. Today, he is CEO & president of Rhapsody international. Over his career, irwin has focused on building robust subscription businesses, including a variety of senior positions with telecommunications market companies, including Boingo Wireless, Earthlink, infoNet Services Corporation and WorldCom. he earned an MBa from the anderson School of Management at the university of California los angeles, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s in Systems Engineering from the university of California San Diego. Jack isquith SVp, Strategic Development and Content programming, Slacker Jack isquith, Slacker’s Senior Vice president of Strategic Development and Content programming, is a veteran of both the digital and traditional music industries. he has previously served in leadership positions at aOl, Warner Bros Records and CDNOW. toM Jackson Owner, Tom Jackson’s Onstage Success live music producer and author Tom Jackson helps artists develop their live performances into “unique memorable moments,” with the belief that a live music producer does onstage what a record producer does in the studio. as author of book “Tom Jackson’s live Music Method” and DVD series “all Roads lead to the Stage,” he has worked with thousands of artists in numerous genres—rock, pop, country, folk, jazz, blues, gospel, world and more. Jackson’s clients include Taylor Swift, Jars of Clay, Jordin Sparks, The Band perry, James Bryan, Casting Crowns, Francesca Battistelli and gloriana. Mike Jbara president & CEO, WEa Mike Jbara is President/Chief Executive Officer for Warner Elektra Atlantic Corp. (WEA), responsible for the company’s strategic direction and day-to-day operations, including retail sales, direct-toconsumer sales and operations, merchandise sales, retail marketing, production and distribution. he previously served as WEa’s EVp & COO, and before that, Vp of production & Media Operations, where he oversaw u.S. production and global digital operations. Over this time, WEa has evolved from WMg’s traditional manufacturing and distribution division to manage the digital mastering, storage and delivery of digital music files to such retailers as Amazon, iTunes and Spotify, while providing digital content to mobile operators and other service providers. in 2001, Jbara served as Vp of Operations & Studio Services, instrumental in the creation of WEa’s online music and in-house studio operations. he joined the company in 1996 as Vp of production Operations, leading production operations on behalf of WMg’s label family. previously, he was a Senior Manager for New york-based media & entertainment practice andersen Consulting, where he launched client projects across consumer and industrial product industries. Justin kalifoWitz president, DMp group Justin Kalifowitz launched Downtown Music publishing in 2007, which is home to the song catalogs of such diverse artists as John lennon & yoko Ono, Motley Crue, hans Zimmer, Ellie goulding and Neon Trees. Downtown now manages 40,000+ titles spanning 70 years of popular music. Before his role as president of Downtown, Kalifowitz spent six years as head of a&R at Spirit Music group, where he was named one of Billboard magazine’s “30 under 30” Top Executives. he previously held a&R and Marketing positions with Virgin Records and RCa Music group. as an advocate for songwriters and music publishers, Kalifowitz frequently contributes to industry publications, has spoken at such conferences as MiDEM, SXSW and the World Copyright Forum, and serves on the Board of association of independent Music publishers. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 37 NMS13 craig kallMan Chairman/CEO, atlantic Records Craig Kallman joined atlantic Records in 1991, when the company acquired his independent Big Beat Records. advancing through the executive ranks, he was named Chairman/CEO of atlantic Records group in 2005. There, Kallman not only heads the legendary atlantic label as it enters its seventh decade, but oversees a diverse collection of entrepreneurial imprints under the atlantic group umbrella, including Bad Boy, Downtown, Fueled By Ramen and Roadrunner. under his leadership, atlantic’s market share has risen steadily: The company climbed from the No. 6-ranked industry label in 2004 to No. 2 in 2007. By spring 2008 atlantic was the No. 1 label. 38 kevin king Strategic advisor, Kevin King advises and consults numerous artists and companies in the social music space, most notably, a recently launched social and mobile internet radio platform from the same team as he also advises such Canadian artists as The Tragically hip, Matthew good and arkelles in the social/mobile spaces. King was integral in creating the Sessions and helped execute 20+ sessions with acts plain White T’s, gomez, good Old War, One Eskimo and The Temper Trap. For Mobbase, Kevin brought on 600+ artists that utilize the platform to build and distribute mobile apps. previously, he was CEO for, a technology, social music and fan engagement platform that rewards fans for promoting, listening, generating content and spending cash on bands they love. he has been in the music business for more than a decade, working with a number of major labels. allen kovac CEO , 10th Street Entertainment/Eleven Seven Music group What others say isn’t possible, Tenth Street Entertainment/Eleven Seven Music/Five Seven Music founder/CEO allen Kovac turns into reality. From resurrecting and expanding the careers of luther Vandross, the Bee gees, Duran Duran, Motley Crue and Blondie, Kovac remains on the cutting edge by learning and bending the rules—while pushing the envelope to create new, forward-thinking marketing concepts. Kovac remains current by working with up-and-coming acts like The Dirty heads, Nico Vega and Shiny Toy guns; and constantly evolving seasoned acts like papa Roach and Escape The Fate. his mantra: “Create the message, control the content,” using the artist’s assets to open the doors. steven kritzMan SVp Sales, pandora Steven Kritzman is Senior Vp of advertising Sales for pandora, responsible for setting and executing the u.S. sales strategy for its digital, network radio and spot radio businesses, as well as managing pandora’s growing national advertising sales team. he began his career with pandora in 2009 as Director of Sales for the New york and mid-atlantic regions. among previous sales positions, he served as Director of Sales for Clear Channel Radio, overseeing all aspects of the sales operation and $200+ million in revenue; as well as CC’s WKTu-FM and WlTW-FM New york, and Eastman Radio. Jason lekberg Vp Digital Strategy and Marketing, Eleven Seven Music as Vp of Digital Strategy and Marketing for the Eleven Seven Music group, Jason lekberg is responsible for digital strategy for the company’s 22 artists, along with marketing and product management for five of them. Label artists include Motley Crue, Blondie, Papa Roach, HELLYEAH and Escape the Fate. previously, he was a product manager at Epic Records and oversaw marketing and digital strategy for such artists as Ozzy Osbourne, incubus, Mudvayne and lamb of god. lekberg began his music career managing a marketing team of 100+ at a first-to-market start-up that helped define the convergence of celebrity and social media. There, he oversaw the marketing and launch of more than 120 technologies, such as ReverbNation, Eventful and Ning. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 vivien leWit Director, Content partnerships/Music, youTube Vivien lewit is Director of Music Content partnerships at youTube, spearheading artist and label relations, original music content programming and global live music initiatives. She is also an accomplished entertainment attorney who has represented musicians, indie labels, producers, production companies and songwriters across a range of genres and stages of career development. She has structured and negotiated multi-million dollar sponsorship, endorsement, branding and live performance agreements with Fortune 500 companies and global media outlets. lewit, who holds both a BBA in finance and a law degree from Brooklyn Law School, launched her career as an associate at entertainment law firm Rudolph & Beer. She subsequently served as partner at Davis, Shapiro, Lewit & hayes, specializing in music, digital rights and branded entertainment. additionally she serves as a board member with the non-profit Playwrights Horizon Theater, is a theater instructor at NYU’s Tisch School of the arts, and a passionate supporter of children’s charities. in 2013, Variety’s “gotham 50” recognized her as one of New york’s “Content power players.” avery liPMan president/Co-Founder, Republic Records avery lipman, president & Co-Founder of Republic Records, stands apart as a visionary industry executive, who teamed with brother Monte lipman in 1995 to launch Republic Records. in 2000, universal Music group acquired the imprint as a fully owned subsidiary. The label evolved into a powerhouse, with a roster including Black Sabbath, amy Winehouse, Florence + the Machine and The Weeknd. Republic renewed its universal partnership in 2012, and lipman was named president/ Co-Founder of Republic. his foray in the music business was as an assistant for Clive Davis at arista Records. in 1991, he joined Sony Records, rising through the ranks of its Business administration department. he and his brother were both 2007 honorees for the TJ Martell Family Day. Monte liPMan Founder, Chairman & CEO, Republic Records Monte lipman is Founder, Chairman & CEO of Republic Records. The powerhouse label, launched as an independent venture with his brother avery in 1995, has become a leading division within universal Music Group. Republic’s recent successes includes partnerships with American Recordings, Brushfire, Casablanca, Cash Money, lava, loma Vista, School Boy, XO Records and Big Machine Records, leading to the creation of Republic Nashville. lipman’s career began at arista Records in 1986, followed by executive positions at SBK, EMi and atlantic. lipman and his brother launched Republic Records as an independent imprint, which became universal Republic in 2006—and reverted back to its current identity Republic Records in 2012. under lipman’s leadership, Republic has captured the industry’s No. 1 market share, based on Nielsen SoundScan’s sales chart. The label has been recognized by Billboard’s annual power 100 list since its inception. rosie loPez president, Tommy Boy Rosie lopez is president of Tommy Boy, following her previous role as the company’s head Of international Marketing. Born in Cuba, she ran the u.S. arm of u.K. label Big life Records from 1990-1994 and served as Managing Director of the u.S. operation of u.K.-based DMC, which produces renowned DJ competitions and publishes top dance music magazines MixMag, update and DJ Mag. From 2000-2003, she ran MaW Records, the seminal house label from louie Vega and Kenny Dope Masters at Work. in the late 90s, lopez launched Street Couture, which created fashion solutions for artists, music labels and brands such as Rachel Zoe, Sprite, Revlon, hBO, Reebok, BMg, atlantic, Sony, Bad Boy, Tommy Boy and many others. lopez began her career in the late 80s as a DJ, spinning around the world. n m S day S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar 39 NMS13 tiM MandelbauM partner, Fox Rothschild llp Tim Mandelbaum provides strategic career and business guidance to a variety of talent and corporate clients in film, television, new media, literature and sports, serving in all legal-related facets of their careers and businesses. as an experienced intellectual property and entertainment attorney, he negotiates contracts and handles intellectual property matters regarding copyrights, trademarks and other branding tools. he is a frequent lecturer on issues pertaining to changes confronting the entertainment industry. as a member of the Entertainment law initiative of NaRaS and the alliance of artists and Recording Companies (aaRC), Mandelbaum is deeply involved in the ever-changing, fast-paced industry in which his clients thrive. 40 katerina Markov head of global innovation, atom Factory as head of global innovation at atom Factory, Katerina Markov leads digital strategy & high-level technology partnerships for such atom Factory artists as lady gaga and John legend, along with associated brands and investment portfolio companies. She previously served as global lead of Digital innovation at universal Music group; and before that, was Senior Business Development advisor to the company’s Chairman & CEO. Markov has also worked as an advisor to the CEO of Shine america (owner of Reveille Studios), where she developed strategies to build digital brands for TV properties (“The Office,” “The Biggest Loser,” “MasterChef”). She has also held a business strategy & operation role at FOX audience Network (FaN), worked as an investment Banker at lehman Brothers, and as a Strategic advisor in the global gaming & lodging Business. Markov earned a degree from Brown university in applied Mathematics/Economics. larry Mestel Founder & CEO, primary Wave Music publishing lawrence Mestel brings 20 years of entertainment industry experience as Founder and CEO of primary Wave Music publishing, comprising a catalog of iconic and developing artists and songwriters, including Kurt Cobain, Steven Tyler, John lennon, Def leppard, hall & Oates, Chicago, Maurice White, Steve Earle, graham parker, holly Knight, Steven Curtis Chapman and lamont Dozier. in addition, primary Wave offers a talent management division and an intellectual property creation arm. previously, Mestel was COO/gM with Virgin Records, responsible for marketing, sales and business-related aspects, where he worked with Rolling Stones, Janet Jackson, Jermaine Dupri and lenny Kravitz; and EVp/gM at arista, managing sales, international and strategic marketing, A&R and marketing administration, finance and business affairs. he also worked in management for island Entertainment group. heath Miller Vice president, Webster hall & Excess dB Entertainment heath Miller is president & Founder of concert production & promotion company Excess dB Entertainment, as well as Vp of Concerts at New york’s Webster hall. Excess dB was founded while heath was still in high school, and has gone on to produce thousands of concerts, events and festivals. in 2011, Miller became the exclusive talent buyer for The Studio at Webster hall, overseeing the relaunch and expansion of what has become one of NyC’s premier intimate venues. he also produces events and concerts nonexclusively in its other performance spaces, including the recently remodeled and updated Marlin Room. Excess dB is the exclusive outsider promoter for Mexicali live in Teaneck, N.J., and at venues Santos party house, highline Ballroom, Maxwells and The Wall. Patrick Moxey president, ultra Music patrick Moxey is not just a music executive: he’s a man behind a movement. The president and Founder of ultra Records, ultra Music and ultra international Music publishing is a visionary pioneer who has pushed past barriers to bring hip-hop and electronic dance music into mainstream america. as Executive producer of three grammy-winning records, Moxey is now focused on the electronic dance music scene. Most recently, ultra created a strategic alliance with Sony Music, where tracks from its dance music catalogues are included on ultra’s successful compilation series. a new role was established in Sony Music specifically for Moxey, as President of Electronic Music for Sony Music Entertainment Worldwide. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 vicki nauMan president, 7Digital as president-North america for innovative london-based music platform 7digital, Vickie Nauman specializes in music, technology and international business development. Via the company’s api, 7digital delivers 17+ million licensed tracks from all major/indie labels via and for 300 global partners, including T-Mobile uSa, BlackBerry, hp, Samsung, Shazam and numerous start-ups for integrated downloads and streaming. Before joining 7digital, Nauman held executive roles with Sonos, Seattle radio station KEXp-FM, RealNetworks, National public Radio, procter & gamble, and ran consultancy CrossBorderWorks with clients in China and Europe. She earned a 2006 MBa from the london School of Economics, Nyu and hEC-paris. Matt ostroWer Senior Director, artist partnerships, pandora as Senior Director of artist partnerships for pandora, Matt Ostrower is instrumental in creating programs that enhance the listening experience and promote artist development. he currently leads the team that creates custom programs to drive success across multiple elements of artist development, branded content, marketing and strategy. By building and leveraging strategic partnerships, Ostrower’s creative solutions increase engagement and ultimately connect artists, fans and brands. Recent artist programs include “pandora premiers,” which enables listeners to have a first listen to favorite artists’ new releases; “Sessions,” highlighting emerging talent; and “Pandora Discovery Den” at SXSW, which featured 47 performances on two stages. he has also held positions at NpR, pBS, NBC, (New york Times Digital), geffen Records and Creative image associates (Stevie Wonder, Train, harry Connick, Jr.). glenn PeoPles Senior Editorial analyst, Billboard glenn peoples is the Senior Editorial analyst for Billboard magazine, responsible for reporting industry news, trends and artists, while overseeing all content before being submitted. Mark Piibe EVp, global Business Development & Digital Strategy, Sony Music Entertainment as Executive Vp of global Business Development and Digital Strategy for Sony Music in New york, Mark piibe heads global business development and digital strategy. he previously served in a similar capacity with EMi Music, as well as SVp of Business affairs for the label. Before that, piibe performed business development and business affairs functions at EMi, Musicgremlin and the original Napster. he also worked as an attorney in private practice at arnold & porter in New york and at Kugler Kandestin in Montreal. piibe obtained an MBa at iNSEaD in Fontainebleau, France, and civil and common-law degrees at Mcgill university in Montreal. anthony Preston a&R, producer, Songwriter, Creative, music, llC Fueled by his passion for music, anthony preston has become a “triple threat” as songwriter, producer and music executive, with credits that include, David guetta, lil’ Wayne, Jennifer hudson, Nicole Scherzinger, pitbull, Eros Ramazotti and afrojack. When his business sense and talent for combining electric melodies with lyrics caught the attention of mogul, he was tapped to join music and began leading such projects as Scherzinger’s u.K. hit “Boomerang.” preston is now writing and producing for burgeoning act Cody Wise ( music/interscope). N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 41 NMS13 Josh rabinoWitz Senior Vice president/Director of Music, grey Josh Rabinowitz has produced several thousand tracks globally for commercials, film, albums and TV, including high-profile initiatives to integrate music with advertising. Acts include Black Eyed Peas, Run DMC (their last known recording together), ll Cool J, Smokey Robinson, anastacia, Natasha Bedingfield and Rihanna. He has been called a “New Music Mogul” by Fast Company, “Beethoven’s greatest Fan” by NpR and “The Voice” in the music-branding scene. Rabinowitz has moderated at all major music conferences worldwide, including Midem, SXSW and Billboard Film & TV. in 2007, he created the grey Cannes lions Music Seminar, presenting yoko Ono, patti Smith, Tony Bennett and Debbie harry at the palais des Festivals in Cannes. he has been an adjunct at Nyu and the New School, a columnist for Billboard’s “With the Brand” and a bandleader and trombonist in New york. 42 dean raise artist Manager, C3 Management Dean Raise is an artist manager at C3 presents, an independent concert promotion, event production and artist management company in austin. as well as managing 30 artists—including Bassnectar, Toro y Moi, Thievery Corporation, Rebelution, Blues Traveler and Delta Spirit—C3 produces such live events as the lollapalooza Festival, austin City limits, Big Day Out and the Wanderlust Festival. previously, Raise founded Raise up Entertainment in 2006, incorporating media strategies, artist management, marketing, promotion, talent booking and a music label. Jeff regan Director Music programming/alt Nation, SiriusXM Radio Since 2002, Jeff Regan has been program Director for SiriusXM Radio’s alt Nation Channel, and regarded as one of the nation’s most influential and innovative rock programmers. His golden ear has played a critical role in the rise of alt-rock success for Foster the people, grouplove, atlas genius, Blondfire and Capital Cities. In the role, he also is on the air at Alt Nation, weekdays from 6 a.m. to noon. previously, Regan was Marketing Manager for Clear Channel’s WhTZ-FM (Z100) New york. Michael reinert partner, Fox Rothschild, llp as a seasoned entertainment executive, Michael Reinert has worked with numerous platinum-selling artists while serving as legal counsel to legendary recording companies. His clients benefit from his experience in drafting and negotiating contracts, which has earned him professorship roles across the country. Reinert’s numerous memberships and associations within the industry aid his ability to provide clients with strategic guidance and create brand longevity. he recently served for three years as Chairman of the Entertainment law initiative of the grammy Foundation, a division of NaRaS that focuses on legal education programs for aspiring entertainment attorneys. he remains a member of its Board. steve rennie president, REN Management Corp. Steve Rennie has been the personal manager for multi-platinum rock band incubus for the past 17 years. he is Founder of Renman Music & Business, a website that helps aspiring artists and music industry pros navigate today’s music business; and hosts web show “Renman live” Monday, Wednesday and Friday on he has a broad range of experience as a concert promoter, record executive, internet entrepreneur and artist manager. Rennie was a founding member of early internet music startup artist Direct, and has served as SVp/gM of Epic Records, working with Korn, Rage against the Machine and incubus. Before joining Sony, he managed primal Scream, The The, Dramarama, The Wonder Stuff and Ned’s atomic Dustbin. From 1982-1990 new mUSic Seminar | 2013 n m S day S NMS13 elliot a. resnik attorney at law, Shukat arrow hafer Weber & herbsman llp admitted to the New york Bar in 2001, Elliot a. Resnik’s general entertainment practice focuses on music industry transactions, including artist, writer and producer representation for recording and publishing agreements, licensing, trademark, joint ventures, digital distribution and content, record label and publishing business affairs. he represents numerous grammy-winning and platinum-selling artists, producers and companies in a range of genres. Resnik is also experienced in transactions for film, TV, the video game industry, publishing, new technology and the Internet. He is a frequent lecturer and panelist on music industry issues, and has spoken at CMJ, Copyright Society of the united States, New york Bar association, City Bar association, New Music Seminar and law schools. Before joining the firm in 2009, Resnik was a member of the legal and business affairs team at independent TVT Records, and principal at The Law Offices of Elliot A. Resnik from 2003-2009. He received a BA degree in philosophy from Mcgill university and his Juris Doctorate from New york law School, where he served as president of the Media, Entertainment & Sports law association. Mark richardson Editor-in-Chief, pitchfork Mark Richardson, Editor-in-Chief for pitchfork, has been writing for the Chicago-based online music magazine since 1998. pitchfork, launched in 1995, is devoted to music criticism, commentary, music news and artist interviews, with a primary focus on indie music. Richardson’s column “Resonant Frequency” has appeared on the site since 2001. he is also author of “Zaireeka,” about the Flaming lips album of the same name. Born and raised Mid-Michigan, he now lives in Brooklyn. adaM ritholz, esq. Founding partner, Ritholz levy Sanders Chidekel & Fields, llp adam Ritholz, Esq. is a founding partner with Ritholz levy Sanders Chidekel & Fields llp, established in 1995. a main focus of his practice is start-up and entrepreneurial entertainment and technology companies, for which the firm provides development of business model strategies, financing documents, revenue modeling, corporate set up and documentation, trademark, employment, talent and ip acquisition, digital platform licensing, as well as joint venture and acquisition transactions and distribution agreements. Ritholz has remained at the forefront of new approaches for infrastructure and revenue models of new and developing entertainment companies amid the challenges presented by the eroding viability of conventional entertainment business models. scott robinson Co-Founder/CEO, Dualtone Music group, inc. Scott Robinson is CEO & Co-Founder of Nashville-based indie label Dualtone Music group. its current roster includes multi-platinum The lumineers and up-and-coming Charleston act Shovels & Rope, alongside a mix of eclectic and mainstream artists from singer/songwriters, indie rock and roots music. Over the past 13 years, Dualtone has been part of 17 grammy–nominated projects, with three wins. Robinson previously worked at arista Nashville, and before working on the label side, was a partner with Robinson-Wood Management in Dallas. benJi rogers Founder & CEO, pledgeMusic Benji Rogers is an independent musician from london, who has been making his own records since 1999. He has lived in New York, Los Angeles and Boston and also worked in TV and film as a camera operator and audio engineer. On one stop in his varied career, he even ran a bar in New york. as a musician, Rogers has been on tour with his band and as a solo artist in the u.S. and Europe with few breaks since 2001. Through PledgeMusic, Rogers funded and released his fifth independent record under the name Marwood. Coming from a music business family—with his mother, father and stepfather all having been managers, label owners, publishers and musicians—he was literally born into it. in 2009, Rogers founded pledgeMusic, the global direct-to-fan funding platform for musicians to record and tour, which helps artists engage with fans, fund their music, keep their rights and raise money for charity. he doesn’t get out much these days and has grown a beard. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 43 NMS13 John rosso president of Market Development, Triton Digital Since joining Triton Digital in 2012 as president of Market Development, John Rosso is responsible for all agency and advertiser-facing activity, including sales, ad agency systems integration and online audience measurement. he previously served as president of Citadel Media Networks, helping the commercial radio networks reach 110+ million weekly listeners. as a recognized internet radio leader, Rosso served as SVp of Digital at Citadel Broadcasting, following Citadel’s purchase of aBC Radio from Walt Disney Co., where he held a similar post. As ABC Radio Networks’ SVP of Affiliate Relations, he directed all worldwide distribution activities for its products and services. 44 J sider Founder/CEO, Bandpage J Sider is Founder & CEO of Bandpage, a leading service for musicians to engage fans across the web. he has been named to Billboard’s and Forbes’ “30 under 30” lists for the past three years in a row. Sider is a veteran in the business of managing bands and venues around the country, and says that working day-to-day in the music business “opened his eyes to practical needs of the music community in the digital era.” With that in mind, he founded Bandpage to provide “simple and honest solutions” for musicians he has worked with, which broadly applies for all musicians. Sider’s mantra: “Technology is an art, not just a product.” zeke silvera a&R Representative/Coordinator, island Records after graduating from Syracuse university’s Bandier program for the Music industry in 2011, Zeke Silvera began working in a&R for atlantic Records’ pop/rock department. he recently joined island Records as an a&R Representative and Coordinator. ralPh siMon CEO/Founder Mobilum global, Founder of the Mobile Entertainment Forum Mobile - americas (and co-founder of Zomba group) Ralph Simon is one of the founders of the modern global mobile entertainment and content industry. as a prominent international mobile visionary, trailblazer and innovator, he has shaped mobile entertainment, playing a central role in the u.S. and around the world, popularly known as the “father of the ringtone,” after co-founding the first U.S. (and U.K.) ringtone company, Yourmobile/Moviso (now infoSpace Mobile). pre-mobile, Simon co-founded Zomba and Jive Records, and has served as Executive Vice president of Capitol and Blue Note, where he founded EMi’s New Technology & New Media division. he is also president and CEO of The Mobilium group. rob stevenson Executive Vp of a&R, Republic Records Rob Stevenson became part of Republic Records’ team in 2011 as Executive Vp of a&R. he is responsible for signing gotye, whose grammy-winning “Somebody That i used to Know” was the best-selling song of 2012. he has also spearheaded label efforts to bring iceland’s Of Monsters and Men, Canada’s The Weeknd and youngblood hawke to the label’s roster. in addition, Stevenson is overseeing the resurrection of Casablanca Records, with a roster that includes avicii, alesso, C2C, Kavinsky, The presets, Tiesto and Bingo players. previous stops include the corporate advertising world as an account manager at Ogilvy & Mather, advanced alternative Media as head of College Marketing, and nine years in a&R at island Def Jam Music group, signing the likes of The Killers, Fall Out Boy and Sum 41. he also orchestrated the label’s partnership with Sony pictures for 2002’s “Spiderman” soundtrack. New york Magazine awarded Stevenson “The industry award” in its 2005 pop Culture awards issue. he has also held executive positions at Virgin Records america, working on Katy Perry’s blockbuster multi-platinum “Teenage Dream” and Beastie Boys’ final studio effort “Hot Sauce Committee parts 1 & 2.” NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S 45 What about their purchases and loyalty? Come learn why dozens of leading banks, retailers, brands and hospitality organizations use our transaction and reward tools. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 danny strick Co-president, Sony/aTV Music publishing Danny Strick is Co-president u.S. for Sony/aTV Music publishing, responsible for East Coast a&R as well as its Nashville and latin american divisions. under his leadership, major artist signings include a$ap Rocky, Sara Bareilles, Beck, Fall Out Boy, Flo-Rida, hot Chelle Rae, Jonas Brothers, Of Monsters and Men, OneRepublic, passion pit, pitbull, Rise against, Elliott yamin and Rick Ross. Key producer signings include RedOne, JR Rotem, Boi1da and giorgio Tuinfort. prior to Sony/aTV, Strick worked in a&R for Maverick Records, where he signed Michelle Branch, whose albums have sold 4+ million units and generated five top 10 pop singles. From 1996 to 2000, Strick was President of BMG Songs, the u.S. division of BMg Music publishing, where signings included ace Of Base, Erykah Badu, John hiatt, Beck, Cypress hill, house Of pain, Nelly, Duncan Sheik and Wu-Tang Clan. prior to BMg, he worked at Jobete Music, CBS Songs and MCa Music publishing. 46 John sykes president, Entertainment Enterprises, Clear Channel John Sykes is president of Entertainment Enterprises at Clear Channel, overseeing business and content partnerships across TV, digital, live events and more. he also guides its relationship with Ryan Seacrest productions on programming creation and distribution. he co-produces CC’s industry-leading music events, including the iheartRadio Music Festival and iheartRadio album Release party with Justin Timberlake; and co-produced “12-12-12,” a Concert for Sandy Relief, along with the group that co-produced the historic 9/11 “The Concert for New York City” benefit. Sykes has operated several leading entertainment brands and is a co-founder of MTV and Vh1. During 21 years with MTV Networks and Viacom, he served as president of Vh1, president of Network Development for MTV and Chairman/ CEO of Infinity Broadcasting (now CBS Radio.) In 2008, Sykes joined private equity and venture firm pilot group, where he worked on restructuring MgM studios and digital properties including Shazam Mobile, where he sits on the board. Sykes, president, entertainment enterprises for clear channel, has operated several leading entertainment brands and is a co-founder of mtv and vh1. during 21 years with mtv networks and viacom, he served as president of vh1, president of Network Development for MTV and Chairman/CEO of Infinity broadcasting (now cbS radio). Joshua-Marc tanenbauM president & CEO, lOCal ViBES Joshua-Marc Tanenbaum is president & CEO of lOCal ViBES, which stemmed from his knack for helping bands boost their fan bases, while developing innovative methods of fan engagement, building bands into businesses and networking them with industry members. Tanenbaum studied at george Washington university, university College london and university of Melbourne, and then worked in a variety of fields—entertainment, finance, marketing, non-profit and public policy—including Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley and Third Way. he currently heads the young leadership Committee at the Tanenbaum Center for interreligious understanding, and is a young Fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh international award Foundation. Tanenbaum is a bassist and drummer, and previously a gigging musician. Monika tashMan partner, Fox Rothschild, llp Monika Tashman counsels multi-platform talent, child entertainers and dynamic entrepreneurs in legal and contractual issues, as well as in business and career development, with a focus on strategic career longevity. Working across a variety of media, she deals with the complex relationships between client’s artistic endeavors and business transactions. Tashman has also been successful in monetizing neglected catalogs and handling copyright termination matters. Clients include actors, authors, musical artists, producers, directors, writers, entrepreneurs, industry executives and others in the literary, music, theatrical, film and new media industries. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 taylor testa a&R Manager, Virgin Records los angeles native Taylor Testa graduated from the Music industry program at uSC and began her a&R career at Epic Records in 2011. She joined Sony/aTV Music publishing to assist Senior Directors Jennifer Knoepfle and Amanda Berman, with a variety of songwriters, producers and artists, including fun., Greg Kurstin and Clams Casino, while also shepherding new talent. her passion for music caught the eye of Virgin Records’ Chief Creative Officer/Executive VP Ron Fair, and as a result, Testa was the first A&R hire to help oversee the new Virgin Records label under Capitol Music group/universal. Based in the historic Capitol Tower in hollywood, Testa is now a&R Manager, working across all genres, from EDM to R&B. Jeff toig Senior Vice president, Muve Music as SVp of Muve Music for Cricket Communications, inc., Jeff Toig is responsible for managing the company’s Muve Music service. he has more than a decade’s experience in wireless and digital media and an in-depth background in product development, marketing strategy, business development and mobile content. Toig joined the company in 2008 as Vp of product Management. previously, he was a Partner with strategy consulting firm CSMG, which specializes in the telecom and media industries. Toig also worked as a member of the founding team for Virgin Mobile uSa, running its messaging and mobile content, building the company’s retail distribution footprint and overseeing its channel marketing organization. Toig has an undergraduate degree from Northwestern university and an MBa from harvard Business School. lee trink president, Dare Mighty Entertainment as president and Founder of Dare Mighty Entertainment, lee Trink focuses on artist management and other entertainment properties. Trink’s current roster includes multi-platinum recording artists Kid Rock and uncle Kracker. Within his wide range of projects, he helped to create and release a tribute album for the King of Thailand and co-produced the Denzel Washington film “Unstoppable.” Before founding Dare Mighty, Trink was president of EMi’s Capital Music group, breaking numerous artists, including 30 Seconds To Mars and Katy perry, while working directly with the Rolling Stones, Coldplay and lenny Kravitz. he previously held gM and EVp positions with lava/atlantic Records, overseeing all aspects of its operations. While at lava, Trink was credited with breaking Kid Rock, Simple plan and uncle Kracker, as well as launching campaigns for multi-platinum acts matchbox20, Sugar Ray and Trans-Siberian Orchestra. stePhen valenta Finance & advertising, 8tracks Stephen Valenta has lived in Maryland, Nashville, Berlin and now, San Francisco. his background is in accounting, but since joining 8tracks in its Finance and advertising departments, he has focused largely on ad sales. Valenta long boards to work when the fog isn’t too bad. darius van arMan Co-Owner, Jagjaguwar, Dead Oceans and Secretly Canadian Darius Van arman is co-owner of three independent record labels: Dead Oceans, Jagjaguwar and Secretly Canadian. The three sister companies share offices and staff in Bloomington, Indiana, however, each maintains distinct and separate aesthetic visions. Van arman also commandeers music distribution company SC Distribution; artist management company Fort William artist Management; and music publishing company Secretly Canadian publishing. Van arman has also served on the a2iM presidential advisory Committee and its Board of Directors. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 47 NMS13 gregg Wattenberg Chief Creative Officer & Co-Chairman , Wind-up Entertainment Grammy-nominated songwriter and music producer Gregg Wattenberg is Chief Creative Officer of Windup Records, one of the largest independently owned record companies. his career in the industry spans 20+ years, starting as a performer and transitioning to music producer, songwriter and record company executive. in 2007, he co-wrote Daughtry’s “it’s Not Over,” the biggest-selling u.S. song and one of the top 5 most-played at radio. it earned Wattenberg a grammy nomination and won the aSCap award for Song of the year. in 2008, he co-wrote O.a.R.’s “Shattered,” a No. 1 hot aC song and the most successful hit in the band’s career, earning them a platinum certification. In 2009, Wattenberg co-produced Train’s multi-platinum “Soul Sister,” the band’s biggest hit and the top-selling song of 2010. in 2012, he produced “american idol’s” phil phillips’ “The World From the Side of the Moon,” and co-wrote top 10 “gone, gone, gone.” Wattenberg attended Tufts university. 48 bill Werde Editorial Director, Billboard as Billboard’s Editorial Director, Bill Werde’s responsibilities include the weekly publication, websites and, and other digital content offerings, as well as industry-leading conferences and events. Werde joined Billboard in 2005 as Senior News Editor and has steadily climbed the ranks of the organization, promoted to Deputy Editor and later Executive Editor. Before Billboard, Werde was an editor for Rolling Stone, and a writer on matters of culture, politics and technology for The New york Times, Washington post, Village Voice and Wired Magazine. alex White CEO & Co-Founder, Next Big Sound alex White co-founded Next Big Sound in 2008, during his last semester at Northwestern university. The service measures daily music consumption and purchase decisions around the globe. From Facebook fans to sales, Next Big Sound combines artist activity with context to help the modern music industry make informed decisions. During college, White spent two summers at universal Records, and ran its college concert board. Now, he and his Next Big Sound co-founders have been featured in Billboard (“10 Best Music Companies”) New york Times, CNN, Forbes (“30 under 30”), Techcrunch and BusinessWeek (“25 under 25”), while the start-up company works with thousands of customers, from individual artists to major labels, and licenses two charts to Billboard. in 2012, it announced a $6.5 million Series a financing from IA Ventures, Foundry Group, SofttechVC and other notable angel investors. next big Sound ceo & co-Founder white co-founded the company in 2008, during his last semester at northwestern University. he and his co-founders have been featured in billboard (“10 best music companies”) new york times, cnn, Forbes (“30 under 30”), techcrunch and businessweek (“25 under 25”). ron Wilcox Executive Counsel, Business affairs, Strategic & Digital initiatives, Warner Music group as Executive Counsel, Business affairs, Strategic and Digital initiatives for Warner Music group, Ron Wilcox advises WMg’s Digital Business Development and Digital legal affairs Departments regarding business affairs for global digital strategy and business development. Before joining WMg, he served as EVp of Business affairs & New Technology for Sony Music Entertainment, and then as EVp, Chief Business & Legal Affairs Officer. In addition, Wilcox is involved in such prominent industry trade organizations as the Riaa and Sound Exchange, serving on multiple committees for each. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 daMon WilliaMs Vp of programming & Content Development, Music Choice Damon Williams is Vice president of programming & Content Development for Music Choice, the multi-platform video/music network that reaches millions of consumers nationwide. in the role, he helps conceptualize and manage product development, including newest network SWRV—the first 24/7 interactive music video network—and Music Choice On Demand. Williams also oversees direction and strategy for Music Choice video and music programming, including content development. in addition to supervising music programmers responsible for programming 50+ music channels, he has guided the development and launch of MC original shows “artist of the Month,” featuring Beyonce and avril lavigne, “Fresh Crops,” featuring Ne-yo and Taylor Swift, “Tha Corner” and “Rock u.” in addition, Williams oversaw the launch of its first interactive show, “Certified,” the network’s most-viewed original show, which earned MC its first award for interactive music programming, from Billboard. he was also a member of the team that developed and launched its broadband music site and music service for mobile phone subscribers. Williams joined Music Choice in 1998 as lead programmer for urban music channels. he has 20+ years of broadcast experience, including pD of Radio One’s WKyS Washington, D.C., CBS/Infinity’s WPGC-AM Washington, Willis Broadcasting’s 92.1Kiss-FM Norfolk, Va., and Power 94-FM Virginia Beach, Va. Williams serves as Chairman of the Board of the non-profit Rhythm & Blues Foundation. Michael blue WilliaMs CEO, Family Tree Entertainment With a career in entertainment spanning more than 15 years, long-time music manager Michael “Blue” Williams has managed the careers of some of hip-hop and R&B’s most prolific artists. His roster has included world-renowned acts Cee-lo green, Outkast and Nick Cannon, while most recently, Blue is steering the careers of Big Boi, ginuwine, lyfe Jennings and Case, as well as new artists Smokey Jones, alabama Capital and District 3. toM Windish president, The Windish agency as an independent booking agency devoted to the development and artistic vision of its roster of musicians, bands and DJs, The Windish agency aims to build an innovative foundation for the sustainable long-term success of clients and the promoters and venues that produce their concerts. Tom Windish, a music aficionado and entrepreneur, has been booking bands since age 17, recognizing that agents play a central role in every musician’s career. he started his agency in 2004 from his Chicago apartment with two employees, 50 bands and a bold idea. Today, the company has 50 staffers with outposts in Chicago, New york, Toronto and l.a.; and books nightclubs, theaters, festivals and arena tours throughout North america, Central and South america, australia, asia, Europe and africa. Clients include animal Collective, Crystal Castles, Matt and Kim, Dirty projectors, Fever Ray, girl Talk, hot Chip, The Manhattan Transfer, Justice, lykke li, lindsey Buckingham, pink Martini, The xx, Yeasayer—and one of his first clients, Low. vlad vukicevic Co-Founder/CTO, Rockethub Founder & CTO of Rockethub—one of the world’s largest online crowdfunding platforms—Vlad Vukicevic is regarded as an entrepreneur and established “thought leader” in the world of social media and innovation. he has taught numerous Fortune 500 companies to apply innovative technology, “combined culture” with management theory on his blog, and is co-author of “The Crowdfunding Manifesto,” a renowned resource for artists and entrepreneurs. Vukicevic and the Rockethub team share the vision that “crowdfunding is the new path to creative, entrepreneurial and academic empowerment.” N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 49 NMS13 conductors & Players 50 latebreakers Paul caMPbell CEO, amazing Media paul Campbell is Founder & CEO of u.K.-based new music discovery business amazing Media, which has been deemed “the next Virgin,” “a revolution” and “poised to lead the next British music invasion.” The business extends from terrestrial radio to mobile to live gigs and sessions, and includes Sting and a former EMi CEO among its shareholders. Campbell began his media career at BBC, before founding London-based production company Bell Television in 1989. In 2002, he co-founded TV production firm liberty Bell productions, before launching amazing in 2003. Campbell is an Oxford-educated serial entrepreneur, former BBC producer and lifelong professional musician. in 2011, he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Business administration by Sunderland university. sachin doshi head of Development & analysis, Spotify as head of Spotify’s Development & analysis, Sachin Doshi wears many hats, working across business development, licensing and artist & label relations. his role includes securing rights to operate and evolve the service; technology partnerships to enhance the Spotify user experience and grow distribution channels; and heading up the team responsible for analyzing Spotify’s impact on partners that make the business of music possible. Sachin was previously Director of Business Development at universal Music group, and before that, worked at lucent Technologies on the Bell labs Business Modeling team, measuring the potential value of emerging wireless network technologies. he graduated from Rutgers with degrees in Computer Science and Economics. he fancies himself a musician—but appears to be alone in this respect. danny goldberg president, goldve Entertainment Danny goldberg is president of management company goldve Entertainment, whose clients include Steve Earle, The hives, peaches, Ben lee, Tom Morello, Blitzen Trapper, Spirit Family Reunion, Ronnie Spector and Martha Wainwright. in the 1990s, he was president of atlantic Records, Chairman of Warner Brothers Records and Chairman of Mercury Records group; and later created & ran artemis Records. previously goldberg helmed gold Mountain Entertainment, which manages Nirvana, Sonic youth and Bonnie Raitt. he began his career as a rock journalist, later did pR for led Zeppelin and is author of the book “Bumping into geniuses.” Max gredinger Manager, Foundation artist Management/hold My Coat as Manager for New york-based Foundations artist Management/hold My Coat, llC, Max gredinger has commandeered marketing, strategy and consulting work for Mike posner on his “a Matter of Time,” “One Foot Out The Door” and “The lay Over.” he has done similar work for Big Sean’s mixtape “uNKOWBigSEaN Vol. 2.” gredinger manages the band aer and led the marketing campaign for its hot 100 album, which reached No. 1 on iTunes’ album chart. previous gigs include island Def Jam and highline Ballroom. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 n m S day S NMS13 oWen grover SVp, Content partnerships, Clear Channel Owen grover is Senior Vice president of Content partnerships for Clear Channel Entertainment Enterprises, charged with developing new content programs that drive audience and revenue growth across CC’s media platforms. Since joining the company in 2005, grover has also served as SVp of the iheartRadio Network and as Vp of programming & Marketing, overseeing digital marketing and content strategy. he was also closely involved in the conception, development and launch of iheartRadio. grover has been actively involved in media & entertainment for 15+ years, previously as Vp of Business Development at Telescope, FremantleMedia’s in-house mobile agency. grover was also Director of Business Development at Bertelsmann, with a focus on music and technology. saM hollander Songwriter/producer Sam hollander has written and/or produced 19 u.S. top 40 hits and numerous global smashes. in 2008, Rolling Stone honored him with its “hot list producer of the year” award. hollander recently served as music producer for the second season of NBC musical series “Smash.” among his hit artists: Train, One Direction, gym Class heroes, good Charlotte, Carole King, Katy perry, Neon Trees, Cobra Starship, 3Oh!3, O.a.R., uncle Kracker, Sugar Ray, Matisyahu, Blues Traveler, Tom Jones, Chiddy Bang and Kelly Rowland. hollander has upcoming releases from Daughtry, Karmin, Matt Nathanson, Michael Franti, Emblem 3, Mowglis, Clinton Sparks f/Macklemore and 2 Chainz. ian JaMes Managing Director, Mushroom publishing group Managing Director ian James has been with Mushroom Music publishing for more than 20 years. Over his entire career, he has held only two jobs in the industry: first as Licensing Manager and head of the Southern Region for apRa (australasian performing Right association). James holds board positions with australia’s two major music rights societies; is Deputy Chairman of apRa (the music industry’s royalty collection agency); and Chairman of aMCOS (The australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society). in 2008, he was awarded a Midem Masters. stePhanie karten Manager of a&R and New Media, Robbins Entertainment Stephanie Karten is Manager of a&R and New Media at Robbins Entertainment, the u.S. home of international artists Cascada, DJ Sammy and September, as well as afrojack f/Eva Simons’ smash “Take Over Control.” in addition to a&R, she supervises and manages digital content, including social media maintenance and marketing across multiple platforms. Karten has more than a decade’s experience discovering and developing new talent, working with artists, writers, producers and remixers in multiple capacities. She has also produced, co-produced and mixed 20+ compilations, including the best-selling “Dance party” and “Best Of” series. Jeff lanier Founder/a&R, label Recruit Jeff lanier has served as an a&R Consultant for RoadRunner Records and icon Music group, where at least eight of the artists he scouted and submitted have gone on to sign a label contract. at philadelphia’s MaD Dragon Records, he was both head of publicity and a member of the a&R team. That label won the independent Music awards’ College Record label of the year award twice during his tenure and the organization’s Record of the year for hoots & hellmouth in 2007. lanier now owns and operates a&R consulting company label Recruit, which strives to put burgeoning acts in front of new fans and the industry. he also works as Career Services Coordinator for the SaE institute in New york, helping foster next-generation record producers, recording engineers, live sound technicians and postproduction engineers. n m S day S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar 51 NMS13 liz leahy CEO & Founder, Section 101 liz leahy is Founder and CEO of Section 101, a New york-based company that delivers web-based solutions for music and entertainment brands to manage and maximize online presence. her platform enables clients to create personalized websites that are easy to use, with a suite of integrated tools designed to organize and leverage fan bases across online and social channels. artists and brands Duran Duran, Kina grannis, Bush, Diane Birch, Rachael yamagata, Marc Cohn, Corey Taylor (Slipknot), Junip, Early Winters, hesta prynn, Radio Woodstock, and the Rube goldberg Estate has relied on Section 101 technology to power their digital presence. As a founding principal of Bigfoot Interactive—one of the first web and email companies—leahy worked to bring brands like Disney, New line Cinema and aT&T into the online world. She also mentors Columbia Business School students. 52 henrik lorensen Corporate Vice president, B&O play henrik Taudorf lorensen is Corporate Vp for B&O play, a member of the Bang & Olufsen family that delivers stand-alone products with clear and simple operations, with a line of high-tech audio equipment that is portable, intuitive and easy to integrate. its products combine exceptional craftsmanship and audio-visual technology with the world of digital entertainment. lorensen has also served in a similar role with parent Bang & Olufsen, as well as Vp of Digital at lEgO, a manager at McKinsey & Co., and Researcher at the Joint institute of laboratory astrophysics. billy Mann Songwriter, Chairman/CEO green & Bloom Entertainment, Chairman/ Manncom Cree-8-iV Billy Mann is an acclaimed songwriter, record producer, creative executive, music publisher and founder/CEO of independent music publishing company green & Bloom/Topline, in partnership with BMG Chrysalis; as well as Chairman of management firm Manncom Cree-8-iV. Over a 20-year period, Mann has built his career from street musician to recording artist to entrepreneur and music industry executive. he has written/co-produced hits for p!nk, John legend, Celine Dion, Take That, Martina McBride, Backstreet Boys, Cher, David guetta, Kelly Rowland, Jessica Simpson, Ricky Martin, anastacia, art garfunkel, Sting, Joss Stone, Robyn, grover Washington, Jr., hall & Oates, Carole King, Deana Carter, Brenda K. Starr, Chaka Khan, Boyzone and paula abdul. Mann’s cumulative album sales top 110 million. brandon Martinez CEO, iNDMuSiC as Co-Founder and CEO of iNDMuSiC, Brandon Martinez oversees youTube’s largest music network, which helps bands, artists, labels, blogs and other content creators better optimize and monetize their videos. he also works with such labels as Decon, Mad Decent, okayplayer, iaMSOuND, Cantora, Temporary Residence, Firetalk and Terrible, as well as sites The Wild honey pie, potholes in my Blog and Fake Shore Drive. iNDMuSiC also assists independent artists Troy ave, Brendan Benson, Solid gold, Thurz and Soul Khan. Martinez began his career as a digital talent agent, working with writers, directors and producers; and representing talent on youTube—helping launch them on Machinima, one of the site’s first networks. That led to the idea of iNDMuSiC, launched in 2011 with support from Machinima CEO allen Debevoise and guy Oseary, former CEO of Maverick Records and Madonna’s longtime manager. dan oMelio Songwriter/producer Dan Omelio, a.k.a. Robopop, is a multiplatinum songwriter and producer. His first No. 1 was Gym Class heroes’ “Stereo hearts,” featuring adam levine —co-produced with Benny Blanco and co-written with Ammar Malik—which sold 4+ million copies and was the first in a string of hits for the trio. Robopop’s next production was lana Del Rey's breakout “Video games,” which reached the top 5 in 10+ countries and catapulted album “Born To Die” to No. 2 on the Billboard 200. Trio Robopop, Blanco and Malik scored their biggest hit with Maroon 5’s “payphone,” co-written with levine, and co-produced by Shellback, whose first week sales reached nearly 500,000, setting a record. Since, it has sold 9+ million copies around the world. Robocop is now working with gavin Degraw and James Blunt. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S NMS13 elias roMan CEO, Songza Elias Roman is a Co-Founder and CEO of Songza Media, inc., a free music streaming and recommendation service that recommends playlists based on time of day and mood or activity. in 2006, he co-founded media company amie Street, which launched—as well as, a music service allowing independent artists to network and sell to their fans. The latter company was purchased in 2010 by amazon. Before interning for both goldman Sachs and Merrill lynch, Roman earned an a.B in Business Economics from Brown university. adaM schlesinger Songwriter/producer New york-based songwriter and producer adam Schlesinger is a founding member of Fountains Of Wayne, with whom he has recorded and performed since 1996. he is also a member of bands ivy and Tinted Windows; and has worked extensively in film, TV and theater, with an emphasis on musical comedy. Schlesinger has won Emmy and grammy awards and been nominated for Tony and academy awards. Credits include “That Thing You Do” (from the Tom Hanks-directed film of the same name); “Stacy’s Mom” by Fountains Of Wayne; “Broadway is Not Just For gays anymore” (performed by Neil patrick harris at the Tonys); “Master Of The Seas” (performed by Jennifer lopez, peter Dinklage and others in “ice age 4”), and Stephen Colbert’s musical special “a Colbert Christmas: The greatest gift Of all.” new york-based songwriter and producer Schlesinger is a founding member of Fountains of wayne. he has won emmy and grammy awards and been nominated for tony and academy awards. itaal shur itaalavision Composer, producer and musician itaal Shur is best known for writing Rob Thomas’ “Smooth,” with Santana, which earned the grammy for “Best Song” in 1999 and sold 25+ million copies. Shur was also nominated for “Best Song” at the latin grammys for Robi Rosa’s 1994 “Mas y Mas.” he has also written songs for Maxwell, Jewel, Santana, Ricky Martin, Cyndi lauper and lucy Woodward. Shur was a founding member of the groove Collective and has put out solo projects under such names as Milk and honey and Big Muff. He recently composed the soundtrack for upcoming film “Alive Inside.” brad soroca COO/CMO, eMusic Brad Soroca is Chief Operating Officer and Chief Marketing Officer for Inc. He previously served as Senior Vice president of Marketing at NBC local Media, responsible for establishing the division’s overall brand strategy and consumer communication. Soroca has more than a decade’s experience in the digital entertainment industry and has led marketing for consumer brands ESpN, golf Digest Companies and NBC local Media. ed vetri CEO/president, Wind-up Entertainment Edward Vetri is CEO and president of Wind-up Entertainment, a post he has held since 2003. under his leadership, Vetri has guided the growth of Wind-up Records, its sister publishing companies, merchandising arm pronto Merch, Wind-up artist Dev. Co. and numerous other businesses it has launched. he also developed and implemented Wind-up’s cutting-edge 360-deal structure. previously, Vetri was gM/COO of Wind-up Entertainment, responsible for overseeing promotion, sales and marketing, finance & operations and business developments & strategies. He has also worked as Chief Administrative Officer and CFO for investment banking firm Cowen and Co., and at Price Waterhouse. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 53 NMS13 54 chloe Weise a&R, RCa Chloe Weiss works in a&R for RCa Records. The division of Sony Music Entertainment includes a diverse roster of internationally renowned artists, including Justin Timberlake, p!nk, alicia Keys, Britney Spears, Foo Fighters, Kelly Clarkson, usher, Kings Of leon, Chris Brown, Christina aguilera, Dave Matthews Band, Miley Cyrus, pitbull, Ke$ha, R. Kelly, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer hudson, D’angelo, Fantasia, Monica, Buddy guy, Brandy, The Strokes, Daughtry, Three Days grace, Dido, Tool, Santana, Kirk Franklin, Fred hammond and Whitney houston. Mike catalano advisor, Simpa Networks Michael Catalono is an advisor to Simpa Networks, a new venture delivering prepaid off-grid solar lighting solutions in india with mobile phone-based payments integration. he has also recently joined the advisory Board at inVenture, an alternative credit scoring company focusing on consumer prepaid segments in the u.S., india and South africa. Catalono has 25+ years of wireless application and service deployment experience. he was a founder and principal at OpenRevolution which raised $8.5M in private equity capital for the launch of Mobipay in Eastern Europe; and he has worked at Booz allen hamilton; Openet Telecom; and as an advisor to mobile network operators, financial institutions and their implementing partners. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S 55 New sounds never get old. 125 years on the cutting edge. N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR R & PRESENTS 2AM CLUB THE NEW SINGLE “N “NOT OT YOUR BOYFRIEND” BOYFRIEND” AVAILABLE NOW PERFORMING AT THIS YEARS NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 2AMCLUBMUSIC.COM TWITTER.COM/2AMCLUB FACEBOOK.COM/2AMCLUB RCA NEW MUSIC SEMINAR AD R.indd 1 R 5/21/13 5:49 PM 9 PM 2 part 2: NMS NighTS: NEW yORK MuSiC FESTiVal NMS13 the MaP 58 VeNueS FoR the 2013 New MuSIc SeMINaR aRe PINNed beLow FoR youR coNVeNIeNce. The Fiery Sensations/NMS 2012ns new mUSic Seminar | 2013 nmS nightS: new york mUSic FeStival NMS13 the venues NMS 2013 aRtIStS wILL be ShaRINg theIR waReS at a NuMbeR oF coNSuMMate hauNtS aNd hoLeS thoughout the LoweR eaSt SIde oF MaNhattaN 1. webSter hall 125 E 11th St, New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212.353.1600 Subways: 4,5,6,N,Q,R,L 6. tammany hall main 152 Orchard St, New York, NY 10002 Phone: (917) 279-7427 Subways: F, V, J, M, Z 7. the delancey 168 Delancey St, New York, NY 10002 Phone: (212) 254-9920 Subways: F, V, J, M, Z 2. cake Shop 152 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002 Phone: (212) 253-0036 Subways: F, V, J, M, Z 3. pianoS 158 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002 Phone: (212) 505-3773 Subways: F, V, J, M, Z 4. the living room 154 Ludlow St, New York, NY 10002 Phone: (212) 533-7235 Subways: F, V, J, M, Z 5.rockwood mUSic hall 196 Allen St, New York, NY 10002 Phone: 413.522.0326 Subways: F, V, J, M, Z The Fiery pierces/NMS 2012ns NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 59 DISTRIBUTION DONE RIGHT. 60 WWW.THEORCHARD.COM new mUSic Seminar | 2013 nmS nightS: new york mUSic FeStival NMS13 the new music Seminar (nmS) congratulates those acts listed among the artist on the verge top 100 “class of 2013.” this roster is a testament to the hard work and talent it takes to rise above the noise and gain our attention, thus meriting a position on this prestigious chart. you should be proud of this accomplishment. NMS wishes you continued success and hopes that your placement within the top 100 will assist you with more notoriety as you move forward to cement your success. “Artist on the Verge” is designed to expose the Top 100 selected artists to influential media, tech and music industry executives at the New Music Seminar. These 100 promising artists, selected from more than 1,000 nominees, be given the opportunity to showcase their talent at the NMS New York Music Festival. The list was assembled by NMS to promote artists that are already picking up steam. Our goal is to support these acts in breaking through the deluge of singers, songwriters and musicians—and help them receive the national recognition they deserve. Three lucky finalists will be selected to perform at the AOV Showcase, where they will be critiqued by a panel of industry experts, with the opportunity to win more than $150,000 in marketing, promotion, music equipment and consultations from some of the top industry leaders in their respective fields. The winner from among those three finalists is chosen by NMS delegates through live SMS voting on the final day of the conference and awarded the Grand Prize package and the coveted NMS Reflection Award. Last year, Maren Morris was honored with the 2012 NMS Reflection Award, while other notable past AOV Top 100 finalists went to break through, including: Macklemore, Joey BadA$$, Action Bronson, Porter Robinson, Ali Isabella and Dead Sara. The 2013 Artist on the Verge Project would not be possible without the countless hours of searching, scrubbing, listening and placing the thousands of artists from our dedicated NMS A&R Committee: Trisha Evans, Fred Hanba, Chloe Raynes, Erikka Rainey, Kirstyn Myers, Barbara Nelson, Chloe Weise, Liv Buli, Jeff Lanier, Alex Kapelman, Kristin Genovese and Stephanie Karten. the NMS a&R committee selects artists on the following criteria: • Never been signed to a major or major independent label • Reside within the United States • Quality and uniqueness of • Music • Production and recording • Live performance • Image, concept and platform • Career momentum • Social media and activity on other music and fan sites NMS compiles information using a qualitative and quantitative analysis to compile the “Artist On The Verge – Top 100 Chart” in which artists are displayed with no relation to order or genre. The AOV project is a closed-door process and solicitations are never accepted or considered from artists themselves. NMS would also like to thank all of our Partners and tastemakers who assisted in bringing these artists to our attention, as well as Next Big Sound and Musicmetric in helping with analytics to finalize the chart. BREAKING NEWS: May 24, 2013 – AOV “Class of 2013” artist Cold Fronts has been signed to Warner/ Sire Records. Congratulations to the band. We look forward to your long and successful career! nmS nightS: new york mUSic FeStival 2013 | new mUSic Seminar 61 62 NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL toP 100 the 2013 artist on the verge claSS oF 2013 artiSt name genre webSite Air Traffic Controller | Alternative Rock | Alex G | Singer-Songwriter | n/a American Royalty | Rock | Apple Juice Kid | EDM/DJ/Producer/Drummer/ Electronic/Hip Hop | arms | Indie | Audien | Progressive House /Trance | n/a ava luna | Alt./Rock | Bad Rabbits | R&B | banks | Singer/Songwriter | Blind Benny | R&B/Alt. | Blonds | Rock | n/a bosnian rainbows | Alt. / Rock | brenmar | Club/Bass/HipHop/R&B | brick + Mortar | Alt./Rock | Buffalo Clover | Southern Soul/Rock&Roll | cambatta | Hip Hop | catey shaw | Singer/Songwriter | Chancellor Warhol | Hip Hop | Cold Fronts | Rock | Conner Youngblood | Indie/Singer Songwriter | cuckoo chaos | Indie | Cultfever | Indie House, Electro, Dubstep, Hip | David Heartbreak | Hop, Trance | Denitia and Sene | Pop/Rock/Soul | dinosaur feathers | Indie Pop/Rock | dizzy Wright | Hip Hop | downbeat keys | Hip Hop | NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 63 NMS13 E-dubble | hip-hop/Rap | Ex Cops | alt./Rock | fikus | Electro/Funkadelic Hip/Rock | fort lean | Alternative Rock | fortebowie | Hip Hop | french horn Rebellion | Electronic | 64 Gabriel Stark | Hip Hop | Gavlyn | Hip Hop | n/a Goldroom | EDM | griz | Electronic | hippie sabotage | EDM | hits | Rock | n/a incan abraham | Dream/world/pop/hypnotica | Jamaican queens | Pop | John Hamilton | EDM | Johnnyswim | Soul/Folk/Pop | Julia Easterlin | Alternative/Indie Pop | k theory | Melodic Electronic | Kap Slap | EDM | Kingsfoil | Indie Pop Rock | krissy krissy | Pop/Rock | la font | Alt./Rock | le youth | Electronic/Pop | Lily and the Parlour Tricks | Americana/Rock | Lushlife | Hip Hop | Madilyn Bailey | Pop/Rock | n/a Manicanparty | Alternative/Pop | Melo-x | Hip Hop | www. Mike Will Made It ! | Hip Hop / Producer | n/a Modern Rivals | Indie/Pop | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL NMS13 Nickelus F | Hip Hop | noosa | Rock/Pop | o.c.a.d. | R&B / Hip Hop / Pop | Oddisee | Hip Hop | on an on | Alternative | Pants Velour | Hip-Hop/Pop/Rock/Soul | Papa | Indie | Parquet courts | Indie Rock | Phony Ppl | Hip Hop | Pierce Fulton | Dance/Producer | Poolside | Daytime Disco | PyyraMids | Rock | Rachel Miller | Rock/Alternative | run river north | Alternative Rock | ryshon Jones | Hip Hop | sam lachow | Hip-Hop/Pop | santah | Alt./Rock | Savoir Adore | Pop | savoy | Electro/House | sizzy rocket | Indie/Pop | Ski Lodge | Pop | sl Jones | Hip Hop | snowmine | Ambient Psych Pop | n/a Steven A. Clark | R&B | Sunglasses | Electro/Rock | n/a Swear and Shake | Folk/Indie | Tess Henley | Soul/R&B Singer/Songwriter | hhtp:// The Crystal Ark | EDM | n/a The Grizzled Mighty | Alt./Rock | n/a the Jane doze | Electronic/Pop/Hip Hop | The Lighthouse And The Whaler | Indie/Pop Post-Grunge | The Nearly Deads | Punk Punch, Polished Grunge | the Pro letarians | Rap/Hip-Hop | The Vegabonds | Southern Rock | NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 65 NMS13 Thelonious Martin | Hip Hop | them lost boys | Dance/DJ | This Good Robot | Rock | Trails and Ways | Bossa Nova/Pop | turbo fruits | Rock | Wildcat Wildcat | Indie | WordSpit | Hip Hop | 66 Won’t | Alt./Rock | young Prince | Hip Hop | n/a NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL 67 N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 68 welcome visionaries, leaders & music mavens We look forward to engaging discussions with you at this year’s New Music Seminar. As pioneers in the subscription music business, we are music enthusiasts at heart . We invent , we entertain and we bring a superior music experience to our most important fans: our customers. From our latest mobile apps to our groundbreaking strategic partnerships, we are marching toward an exciting future of global expansion and innovation.. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 N M S DAY S Rhapsody logo 03/13 NMS13 the PerforMers Below are the artists and musicians scheduled to play during the NMS Music Festival. please see separate Map and Venue information in the 2013 guidebook. artiSt name genre webSite 2am Club | Pop/Rock/Hip Hop | ahmir | R&B | Air Traffic Controller* | Alternative Rock | Amy Allen | Singer/Songwriter | avan lava | Super-Pop | baby bee | Rock&Roll |!All Blind Benny* | R&B/ Alt. | Blow up hollywood | Rock | Brittany Campbell | Pop/Hip Hop | Buffalo Clover* | Southern Soul/Rock&Roll | bury Me a lion | Rock | Cambatta* | Hip Hop | carMen Paris | Singer/Songwriter | Catey Shaw* | Singer/Songwriter | Chancellor Warhol* | Hip Hop | chris Merrit | Rock/Alternative | chateau Marmont | Alternative Rock | Cold Fronts* | Rock | Conor Maynard | Pop | coque Malla | Rock | Cultfever* | Electronic | Denitia and sene.* | Pop/Rock/Soul | dePedro | Alternative / Folk Rock / Latin | Double King | Rock | NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 69 NMS13 DownBeat Keys* | Hip Hop | drigo | R&B | doesn't have a website Emily King | Singer/Songwriter | Friend Roulette | Pop | Full Of Keys | Electronic Pop/Rock | Ghost Pal | Alt. Rock/Pop | Guy Fox | Alt. Rock | 70 hess is More | Electronic | Holistic | Hip Hop | Jason castro | Rock/Pop | Jesse Andrews | Rock/Pop/Singer/Song Writer | None Jesse Clegg | Rock | Jimmy law | Rock/Pop | Jodi Good | Pop | keaton simons | Jazz | Krissy Krissy* | Pop/Rock | Lexxi Saal | Pop | life size Maps | Pop | Lily & The Parlour Tricks* | Americana/Rock | Manicanparty* | Alternative/Pop | Mariko | Pop/Rock/Folk | Modern Rivals* | Indie/Po | Mr. Gargoyle | Rap | nick tangorra | Pop | O.C.A.D.* | R&B/Hip Hop/Pop | Pearl & The Beard | Rock/Pop | Pretty & nice | Rock/Pop | raccoon fighter | Garage Rock | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL NMS13 Rachel Miller* | Rock/Alternative | ryan cabrera | Rock/Pop | Ryshon Jones* | Hip Hop | Sam Lachow* | Hip Hop/Pop | Satellite | Alt./Rock | Soul Rebels | Rock/Pop | state of grace | Rock/Pop | swaai boys surf | Rock | team ghost | Rock | The Doorbells | Alternative | the drums | Rock/Pop | The Grizzled Mighty* | Alt./Rock | The Postelles | Alt./Rock | the suzan | Pop | This Good Robot* | Rock | Time Travelers | Indie Pop/Rock | Tommy Cantillon | Rock | twin Wave | Alt. Rock | xenia rubinos | Pop | yves Jean | Alternative/Pop-Rock | *denotes NMS artist on the Verge NMS NIGHTS: NEW YORK MUSIC FESTIVAL 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 71 3 part 3: ThE NEW RulES OF ENgagEMENT 74 radio isn’t Just a dial and transMitter anyMore: the eVoLutIoN oF RadIo aNd ItS RoLe IN MuSIc dIScoVeRy From iheartRadio, clear channel communications m edia is constantly evolving, and consumers’ choices for content have significantly increased with the advent of digital devices and platforms. So how is it that a supposedly “old medium” like radio continues to thrive as one of the “big three” media (along with television and the Internet) in a progressively digital environment? The answer is simple: Radio is still as beloved as it always has been, an even more valuable part of the everyday lives of consumers. And now it’s available in as many places as listeners are. Radio reaches a wider audience than ever, and continues to connect listeners to the DJs and brands they love and trust. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 Whether it’s online, on a smartphone or tablet, or on an AM/FM station, radio remains an integral part of consumers’ daily lives. They listen to find out what’s going on in the world and keep track of things that are important to them—from favorite artists to new artists, to gossip, news, weather and traffic. But it doesn’t end there. Radio is also the No. 1 medium that introduces listeners to new songs and it serves as the single most important platform for listeners to discover the music of up-and-coming artists. When you think about it, radio was really the first form of social media. From its earliest days it has been a way for listeners to bond with their community through shared interests. And with the growth of digital platforms, radio’s popularity thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 has ballooned. Listeners can now tune in to any radio station in the country, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However they choose to stay connected to radio, it’s always there no matter where they are. Radio also offers something that most customizable digital playlist services lack: live, human DJs who give listeners the content and human connection that they want. Radio personalities are listeners’ trusted friends, with whom they engage over the airwaves, via phoneins, social media and hosted live events. Sure, it’s easy for popular artists to get their music on the radio. But how do up-and-coming acts get their big break? It’s difficult to get someone to listen to new music—sometimes even when you go to a concert by your favorite singer or band, you don’t want to hear their new music; you only want to hear what’s familiar. But when your friend or your favorite DJ, whom you consider a trusted friend, start to talk about new artists that excite them, you get excited, too. There are several ways to hear new music by unknown artists, but it’s not easy to find music you like, given the millions of choices online. Nielsen, the global leader in measurement and information, determined that radio continues to be the leading source through which listeners 75 discover new music. So when an established radio brand such as New York’s Z100 or Los Angeles’ KIIS gets behind an artist, it gives that artist more credibility than if you found them on YouTube. Listeners pay attention when new artists and their music are featured on the radio. One major way DJs introduce listeners to new artists is through programs like Clear Channel’s Artist Integration Program, which increases audience awareness of up-and-coming artists through on-air and online promotional campaigns. This initiative may include on-air artist profile spots that get more in-depth about the actual artist or project, video streams, custom artist pages, banner ads and online promotions, with direct links to iTunes. Radio continues to be the go-to place for today’s savvy listeners to be exposed to new talent. And as long as radio keeps up with today’s changing media landscape, it will continue to be way music legends are made. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 give it aWay… but get in return t here’s been a lot of scuttlebutt throughout the DIY music scene on whether or not you are supposed to give away your music. Does it add value or does it make your music worthless? Does it build a fan base? Encourage piracy? I have a simple statement on what you’re supposed to do with free downloads: Give your music away... but never give it away. It’s basically a simple way of saying something obvious. Yes, you should give away your music for free. However, as in any transaction, it should not be given away unless you get something in return. It may not be a lot, but that something should have meaning and value to you. 76 To quantify, let’s determine what the value is. If you’re like most of us in the music business, you’re presuming the value is 99 cents. Therefore, it’s tough to stomach the notion of giving away a bunch of downloads, because each time you do, a buck is taken from your pocket. Let’s deflate that fantasy bubble. First, you would have to assume that whoever is getting the free download would have purchased it instead. The truth is, of course, that the overwhelming percentage would not. Money you were never going to get is not money lost. Second, you have to think about what people are going to do with the download. What do you do with the free downloads you get? How many do you listen to once and then forget? Maybe you leave them on your hard drive or you delete them. The reality is that the vast majority of free downloads will only be listened to once. Now that we’ve established that most downloads net one listen, how do we appraise the value of that one spin? Pandora, Spotify and YouTube have wellestablished rates regarding how much they pay for an individual play: a fraction of a penny. For the sake of discussion, we’ll call it a quarter of a cent, unless you’re well established with a lot of leverage. So NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 by Jay Frank owner/ceo digSin, author basically, your free download is worth $0.0025. However, when you view it this way, it’s easy to give up that quarter-cent. How many times do you pass over a penny on the street? That’s essentially like giving away four downloads of your song. No big deal. While only a handful of people may listen to a song more than once, their value is much greater—because that means they like it. And that usually means they’re telling someone about it, which may well lead to a new fan who might pay 99 cents. Here comes the best part: Even though we’ve placed an outrageously low value on the download, we still want to get something back. And that usually takes the form of information, which can have far greater value than a quarter-cent. This can be viewed by its potential use for future income or simply what you would get if buying a targeted contact list on the open market. Either way, you will definitely get more in return than you gave out for your song. The easiest, most obvious piece of information to get is a person’s email address. To prevent appearing as spam, you should send a link to the download in the form of an email. Topspin has a fantastic widget that facilitates this for you. You will get few dummy emails, and you will build a list of people you know have received your music. It’s easy, it’s the preferred method of most musicians, and it’s effective. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can also ask recipients general questions. How old are you? What’s your zip code? How many Mötley Crüe concerts have you been to? Be forewarned, though. For every additional question you ask, you also reduce the number who will respond. The more work fans perceive they have to put in, the fewer will participate. These downloads can also be given away in exchange for a “like” on a social network. There are numerous sites out there such as Rootmusic, offering free widgets that unlock the download in exchange for signing up to a page. Multiple social networks thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 77 thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 should offer different downloads to encourage signups on each one. Remember, you’re still playing a numbers game for your hack. You don’t want to seem too outlandish, but without a healthy number of social followers, your music won’t appear to have gained traction with either the industry or potential fans. Grow it every way you can, and that includes encouraging people to vote more than once. acquired a fan’s email and they’ve signed up to your social networks, give away something in exchange for an action. Promojam is a unique platform that unlocks content after someone has written a tweet promoting you. You could also just set up a tweet and monitor it. Set up a search on Twitter to look for your exact phrasing, and then send a link to the free download either on Twitter or Facebook. Ask for mobile numbers so you can text them when you’re in town. (Reassure them that this is why you want it.) Or better, do it in concert. When you’re at a gig, ask people to text you, and you’ll text them back with a free download link. Perhaps you could even send them a track from that night’s show, right from the mixing board. See how easy this is? That’s a lot of valuable stuff that’s worth way more than a micropayment. Each effort is important in its own right, but space them out so you’re giving yourself enough time to create a lot of content to give away. You also don’t want people to fulfill all of your requested actions right away and then have to monitor everything all at once. Take your time—but never stop building your fan base. When you get all those numbers, make sure you tag them to the town you played. And next time, you’ll have a group of fans to text with a reminder about where you’re playing. Or you can hit them up to do things like watching a YouTube video. 78 Hit them up strategically. The best way is to ask for an action that will promote you. If you have already Jay Frank is Owner/CEO of DigSin, a singles-focused music company that allows subscribing fans to obtain music for free. He has also authored two books: “Futurehit.DNA” is a No. 1 Songwriting book on Amazon and part of the curriculum at a number of colleges and universities. “Hack Your Hit” is a how-to guide for musicians filled with free and cheap marketing tips. • Hundreds of Videos Free On Demand • 46 Commercial-Free Music Channels • First 24/7 Interactive Music Video Network NEW©MUSIC SEMINAR 2013 2013 Music Choice. All |Rights Reserved. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt You ain’t seen nothing Yet. ADA-NewMusicSem-Ad-final.indd 1 5/8/13 5:59 PM NMS13 reintroducing soundexchange by Michael huppe President/ceo, Soundexchange S 80 oUndexchange is the industry-wide organization selected under federal law to oversee the statutory license used by such digital radio services as Pandora, iHeartRadio and SiriusXM Radio. In other words, we enable the “digital radio” space occupied by some of the world’s most popular music services— as well as 2,000+ smaller services. SoundExchange collects performance royalties from these digital services for the use of sound recordings, along with immense amounts of usage data, and distributes royalties quarterly to our 70,000 performer accounts and 24,000 rights owner accounts. SoundExchange is constantly advocating on behalf of artists and labels and working to educate musicians and music lovers on upcoming issues that will affect them. Last fall the organization reached out to the creative community when the Internet Radio Fairness Act (IRFA) was initially introduced in Congress. More than 130 artists, including Billy Joel, Britney Spears, Maroon 5 and Rihanna voiced their concern in an open letter we co-sponsored with musicFIRST in Billboard magazine protesting IRFA’s attempt to reduce royalties that thousands of artists rely on. I also testified before Congress in direct opposition to this bill, and emphasized that any conversation referencing “fair” must include a discussion about terrestrial radio’s failure to pay anything to recording artists and labels. At the end of the day, it’s SoundExchange’s key focus to ensure that music creators are paid fairly, efficiently and transparently. SoundExchange is uniquely driven by a diverse set of the music industry’s interests: Our board of directors consists of 18 members representing recording artists (large and small), record labels (major and indie), unions, background vocalists and musicians, managers and lawyers, among others. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 SoundExchange’s constituents cover the entire spectrum of the recorded music industry, and the organization operates as a non-profit organization, allowing for the maximization of benefits to our payees. Meanwhile, the staff consists of passionate music lovers, musicians and technology enthusiasts alike. Above all, the entire organization stands behind the single purpose of working to support, protect and propel the music industry forward. At the same time, SoundExchange and the statutory license also help digital radio services to launch and thrive. Digital radio growth in the U.S. has been staggering, with more than 2,000 digital radio services in existence. SoundExchange’s annual distributions have tripled in the last three years, and in 2012, the organization distributed $462 million. That’s more money in the hands of artists and labels. As SoundExchange approaches its 10-year anniversary, the organization has distributed more than $1.5 billion, and that’s just the beginning. SoundExchange is also an increasingly meaningful source of revenue to the great “middle class” of recording artists. More than 16,000 checks were distributed to artists in Q1 2013 and nearly 90% of those payments were for $5,000 or less. SoundExchange is also forging new ground in the relationship between artists and royalties. Under the statutory license, half of the performance royalties are distributed directly to artists, whether or not they work with a label. This artist benefit reflects Congress’ intention that artists participate directly and immediately in this new revenue stream. In addition to helping artists directly, SoundExchange royalties are a substantial new and growing revenue stream, reflecting a trend across the entire industry in which creators rely upon many more (and varied) revenue streams than ever before. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 metadata, and working toward the development of a global repertoire database in cooperation with its international partners. $20 $33 As SoundExchange evolves, it will always be a platform for the clearance of rights and the compensation of artists and rights owners—a resource for those who make music and use it, and most important, a tireless advocate for the creative community. $36 $100 $148 $252 $292 $462 aNNuaL PayMeNtS (IN MILLIoNS) SoundExchange has recently taken a deep look at our core technology platform and we are making necessary investments to uphold standards of accuracy and transparency, while scaling for growth. We are currently working on a new distribution platform and improving data foundations to enhance our operations and improve service to artists and labels. In particular, SoundExchange is tackling the massive, industry-wide problem of poor 45 % directly FEaTuRES aRTiST 5 % TO BaCKup aND MuSiCiaNS aNS SESSiON playERS As President and CEO of SoundExchange, Michael Huppe is responsible for the organization’s strategic direction. In the role since 2011, he is charged with SoundExchange’s mission to “support, protect and propel the recorded music industry forward.” 81 50 % TO COpyRighT OWNER OF MaSTER INdePeNdeNt/uNSIgNed MuSIcIaNS keeP 95% thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 can’t buy Me love by MaRtIN buck hegaaRd ceo, VoLuMe Music holds the key to legions of consumers and is a path toward sustainable marketing. What brands lack, though, is the ability to carefully engage with music fans and create loyalty. Stop trying to buy your way into target groups and begin working below the line and provide meaningful content. Music truly is in a content state of mind these years. We see artists testing forms of communication, inventing new business models and establishing new ways to build fan bases. All of this makes bands and artists highly interesting collaborators in content strategies. 82 You don’t find any other form of content that customers are as passionate about as music. An entire industry was brought to its knees because customers wanted it that way. No other type of content has pushed the technological development as violently forward. Fans use all means possible to discover and share—and music travels between devices and user scenarios without hesitation. Value is king And in marketing content is king. Or is it context? Or did it go back to being content again? I think it did, but the question is, do customers care? No. For consumers there is no difference between content and context. There is only the experience and the decoding of values. And that should be the focal point for content marketers. If a brand makes an interesting collaboration with an artist, the consumer’s question is: What is it? If the result is average, the following question is: How much were they paid? It is really that simple. The fan demands genuine value from their idols, but they are willing to consider brands that will engage with their idol. In social media terms: If the content is poor, it can create a shit-storm. If the content is okay, it fades away. If it is good, it is shared. If it is remarkable, it is respected and shared with passion. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 With music, values are constantly expressed: all aspects of fear, love and freedom. And the shared values between artists and fans result in an unparalleled loyalty between the two. So why is it that partnerships between artists and brands so rarely activate this loyalty in the campaigns? The imposterous takeover The reason is that marketing strategies are extremely conservative and created by professionals who have little or no relation to the music scene. For instance, in Denmark, the launch of a soft drink was targeting men between 18 and 30 with music as a passion point. The brand chose to build a new music competition based on rock n’roll clichés imposing their brand on the music ecology. The target group shook their heads. The total cost of the commercial equaled the cost of running all rehearsal studios in the country. This blindness toward the reality of creative hubs, fans and artists leads to attempts from brands to buy their way to ownership over subcultures. You simply cannot buy your way into a target group. You need to earn your way—and that is the path toward both ownership and a sustainable use of the marketing budget. Additionally, communication between brands and fans has long been suppressed by a regime of pricefocused marketing. Discount is not a value that results in loyalty. Loyalty is created by providing people with thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 83 N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 increased closeness to what they love, giving them remarkable content to share and making them feel exclusive. But in a global media environment where sharing is the key to success, exclusivity seems a paradox. How can we produce something exclusive when everything is shared? Exclusivity lies in the personal experience: in the ability to make the consumer feel understood in his or her place in a system of values. That is what we at VOLUME hold sacred and nourish, and it is at the core of a campaign we have developed that brings together Mew and B&O PLAY. Handing a powerful engine Mew is an act with an astonishing discography, a strongly defined visual identity and a delicate expression. The band has some of the most dedicated and quality-conscious fans on Earth, exactly because it is a guardian for artistic integrity. Thus, Mew and its following add up to a powerful engine… but an engine that has to be handled gently. 84 Consequently, you cannot reach these fans and potential costumers through a one-dimensional endorsement campaign. Instead, VOLUME, Mew and B&O PLAY decided to create something that is true to both Mew and B&O PLAY—and true to the abstract value “exploration of sound.” We have come up with a user engaging sound universe based on specific shared values between band, brand, fans and consumers. The concept crosses web, mobile, tablets, concerts, special events and in-store to meet all KPI’s of traditional marketing and maybe more. During the process, we have made a “below the line” strategy to brief and engage fans. And the fans are thrilled, both because something groundbreaking is coming, and because they have been included from the very beginning. By earning ownership like this, brands spark a loyalty that makes the talk of prices irrelevant. Instead of classical advertising, they gain access to a highly valuable network of below the line communication in terms of fan communities and music ecology partnerships. In terms of creating value-based dialogue, it is hard to overestimate the power of music if activated the right way. Music may not be a Life Straw. It is not the Atom Bomb. It is not objectively good or bad. But music is one of few things truly and deeply cherished by every human being. Music carries NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 people through the dullness of everyday life, through crisis and love affairs. So in some respect music is both the life straw and the Atom Bomb. And in the long run it is far more important than both. Therefore, brands working with music and expressing their values with it and through it are remembered. Others are, at best, forgotten. boxeS: who is VoLuMe? We are a Danish agency that works independently in the field between brands and bands. We do not represent certain bands, as do traditional music agencies. We provide music solutions and counseling for our clients. In order to provide the best solution, we cannot limit ourselves to a selection of artists. When the client is a band, it would also be illogical for us to only address a certain amount of brands. VOLUME works out of Copenhagen and was founded in 2012 by CEO Martin Buck Hegaard and CCO Johannes Dybkjær Andersson. Our Chairman of the Board is New York-based Jens Lernø Storm, COO at Vertic. how does VoLuMe work? When creating a match between an artist and a brand, we define shared values and build the entire collaboration around these values. We develop an asset that is common for all involved and execute this asset in terms of PR. At the same time, we work as interpreters in an odd place. The artist and brand often have the same goals, but they do not speak each other’s language. Additionally there are the languages of advertising agencies, fans and traditional media. We have put together a team that can speak and translate all of these languages. That enables us to work both above and below the line and translate music into content that reaches market KPIs (key performance indicators). thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 your Website & harnessing the PoWer of you by LIZ Leahy, ceo, SectIoN 101 People interested in making their mark in the music business are always looking for that “one thing” that will take them to the next level. Whether you’re a songwriter, singer, producer, promoter or manager, there is no quick fix to send you to the top. 86 Sometimes, if you’re in the right place at the right time, and you have the talent, you may get there quicker than others… but while you’re traveling on that road to rock n’roll glory, here are some tips that can help you boost your all-important website and put you on the path to having amazing online presence. (Section 101 will be at the 2013 New Music Seminar and would love to discuss Your Website & Harnessing the Power of You.) 1. Anyone who wants to make a good online impression needs a core home on the web that truly represents who you are. It’s important to take the time to make sure that the design represents you entirely. A good example of an artist website that does this is Sam Phillips at http:// The art and aesthetic is a complete representation of Sam and her musical ethos. When she began working with Section 101, she had a plan in place, from the homepage to the tour page. Make sure your visual representation is current and remember to extend that throughout all the pages on your site. You’d be surprised how many people update just the homepage. If you tweet, have the feed run on your homepage. If you have a Facebook page, make sure you enable “Events” and then have the Facebook RSVPs incorporated onto the tour page on your own website. Afterward, make sure to thank fans for coming to a show, or for buying your music, or post a fun video or photos they won’t see anywhere else. In other words, make sure they want to spend more time in your online world. 2. think of your brand as a relationship that needs to be nurtured, just like one you’d have with a friend. You make it easy for your friends to find you, so you should make it easy for your fans to do the same, while giving them the ability to tell their friends all about NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 the new artist or brand they’ve come across. There is nothing worse than a Wikipedia page being “the official” representation of you online. The band Bush had a lot of success with #BUSHphotofriday, where they encouraged fans to send in photos taken at their shows. Every Friday, while on tour, the guys would choose one of their faves to spotlight on one of Bush’s social networks. Additionally, they put all the entries into a special Gallery on their website, which excited and encouraged fans to participate. This highlighted how the band values its fan base, and it resonated with their followers. 3. Make sure you coMMunicate. It’s very important to have a dialogue with your base. You must make time to acknowledge their feedback on things you do, and engage them whenever you can. A little recognition (or tweet back!) can go a long way. Make sure you capture email addresses on your site so you can send your fans updates on what’s going on, or a link to a song you’re working on. Don’t make the mistake of just posting news and updates when you have something to sell: Remember you’re asking an audience to engage with you, so it’s important to think about how you can reciprocate. A great example is one of our Do-It-Yourself (DIY) clients Greg Holden. Among his many credits is co-writer of the four-times platinum song “Home,” sung by “American Idol’s” Phillip Phillips. Not only does his site represent him, right down to the look and feel of it, but he also uses all the assets available to him, such as email integration, sending “blasts” to his fans when he wants to share something exciting or to just thank them for their support. You can visit Greg’s site at http://gregholdenonline. com/. 4. be real. Technology has made quick, high-quality interaction possible for all. It’s a simple thought, but not always easy to execute. You need to try new things to stand out in a crowded field. A great example is Jonathan thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 Brooke, whose blogs are like pieces of her heart. You can read them on her site: continuing to be interested in everything she does. Our client Jenn Bostic spends a lot of time talking to her audience via Twitter, keeping them updated on what’s going on with both her life and career. She shares her adventures firsthand with her fan base. A great example is the video for her song “Let’s Get Ahead of Ourselves,” which she filmed on an iPhone4S using the Video Star app. She posted the lyrics on her YouTube page as well, and let her fans know about it. Not only could they watch the video, they could learn the lyrics, making them part of the process. You can watch it on her website: http:// Likewise, artist Pentatonix knows that fans visit their site at to catch their amazing renditions of songs you couldn’t imagine being performed as just a vocal. Wisely, the group incorporated its YouTube channel onto its website’s homepage, and showcases performances of both current and classic songs. This encourages a lot of sharing among those who follow the group—and their YouTube numbers are huge. 5. be consistent. Two Section 101 artists that do this very well are singer/songwriter Kina Grannis, who communicates actively with her base and consistently shares intimate stories with them. She tweets, uses Facebook and YouTube, and gives a free download to anyone who signs up for her mailing list. She keeps fans involved and they reward her by Everything you need to create an amazing website and harness the power of you is at your fingertips, literally. Our Section 101 platform enables you to easily build out a beautiful, effective and cost-efficient website that stands out from the crowd, and then incorporating these best practices is easy to do in your everyday online presence. In most cases, it’s just one extra step that can take you to the next level. email liz leahy at Nirvana • The Eagles • Fleetwood Mac • U2 • BEYONCE ® The Rolling Stones • Eric Clapton • John Coltrane Stevie Wonder • John Lee Hooker • LED ZEPPELIN MUMFORD & SONS • Creedence Clearwater Revival • kATE BUSH • Glenn Gould • Johnny Cash • Paul McCartney How do YOU listen?• Metallica • Yes DAFT PUNK • Ry Cooder • Ani DiFranco The Carpenters • MP3 Albert King • Stevie Ray Vaughan HDtracks Alanis Morissette • Donald Fagen • PRINCE • Charlie By r d • E L I A N E E L I AS • Fou r pl ay • Ta l k i ng H ea ds Hootie & The Blowfish • Isaac Hayes • MICHAEL BUBLE BYRON JAN I S • Th e Flam i ng Li ps • Mar k K nopfle r LL COOL J • Rush • Tori Amos • Vienna Philharmonic Carlos Kleiber • Foreigner • Buena Vista Social Club MICHAEL JACKSON • Nina Simone • Paul Simon • The 96kHz/24bit & 192kHz/24bit downloads Doobie Brothers • Elton John • Chicago • Faith Hill Tom Petty and the • Louis Armstrong We have the Heartbreakers world’s largest selection of high-resolution Ella Fitzgerald • The Blues • Peter Frampton music downloads fromMoody the biggest labels & artists in the world. Steely Dan • Ray Charles • Stan Getz • João Gilberto Barenaked Ladies • Hilary Hahn • Acoustic Alchemy k.d. lang • Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra • The Who 10%Maazel OFF DISCOUNT• CODE: NMS10 ONE TIME USE GOOD THRU 6/30/2013 Lorin Jerry Lee Lewis • Billie Holiday KRAFTWERK • Derek & The Dominos • Marvin Gaye Oscar Peterson • Carly Simon • R.E.M. • Sam Cooke 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR Emmylou Harris Krauss • Robert t h E •NDiana E W R U l E Krall S o f E N g A•gAlison EMENt Plant • Pierre Boulez • Herbie Hancock • Jackson Browne • Sonny Rollins • The Allman Brothers Band EXPERIENCE HD MUSIC 87 NMS13 four ‘norMal’ challenges to building a strong online brand t 88 by JoN oStRow caMPaIgNS dIRectoR cybeR PR he key to establishing yourself online and within your niche is building a strong brand. Unfortunately, this is far easier said than done. The process of designing, building and nurturing a new brand means you have established: a unique voice, consistent compelling content and a trustworthy reputation. The problem for most comes down to the simple fact that there is no single path to achieving any one of these things. And yet, you need to achieve them all in order for your brand to blossom. What works for some, may not work for others. And what seems to be an obvious indicator of success for some, may be hidden for others. A “brand” is such an abstract, malleable concept and it may be difficult to know if you’re heading in the right direction. In fact, it can be downright frustrating. So the question becomes: What is “Normal” when it comes to building an online brand? Following are four “normalcies” of brand building that may not give you the answer to the status of your brand’s growth, but should give you the comfort of knowing that you are not alone in your frustration and process. deFining yoUr voice can take a long time Whenever branding is discussed, one of the first components to be included is the idea of establishing a “voice.” This must combine a powerful mission statement with a unique approach. It won’t work with just one or the other. This voice may not come to you right away. In fact, it is NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 normal for this to take a very long time to fully realize. As Malcolm Gladwell has said in his book “Outliers,” it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a craft. Once you do fully realize this voice, your focus and ability to create compelling content will be likely to become prolific. When I created my website MicControl, it took me over a year’s worth of daily blogging before I found my voice. I knew I wanted my mission to be to help musicians advance their careers through digital marketing. But it wasn’t until I found the right approach of creating lean, skim-able, and most importantly, actionable articles focused on social media marketing tactics, that my voice became truly defined. Once this happened, the content started pouring out of me. What once took several days of sketching, researching, drafting, re-drafting, editing and formatting, now took me only a few quick hours, at most. yoU will doUbt yoUrSelF… and then yoU’ll doUbt yoUrSelF again Doubt has to be the No. 1 killer of brands. I can say from personal experience that this was the hardest obstacle to overcome. And yet I had to work to overcome my own doubt about my brand on a weekly basis (if not more often). Because building a brand is so abstract, and can take such a long time to establish, you’ll often feel like you’re just treading water. This is normal! Because of this, it is important to find any and all successes, even if they are small, that you can not only rejoice in on a regular basis, thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 but can use to keep you motivated: • a handful of Facebook “likes” on a status update •a comment left on a blog post •a Re-Tweet or an inclusion in a #FF (Follow Friday) tweet These are all successes. Use them as indicators of your growth and realize that with each small success, you’re working toward your brand-goal of creating compelling content, a unique voice and a trustworthy reputation. there iS oFten no diScernible tipping point All of the small successes that are discussed above will, as Malcolm Gladwell once again famously outlined, help you to reach your “Tipping Point.” That is the point in which all of these small successes finally barrel over into your one major moment… In this case that would be the moment your brand becomes established. And as true as this idea is, the more realistic truth is that often there is no discernible tipping point when creating a brand. To again use my experience as an example, after a year or so of blogging on MicControl, giving guest blog posts to others, tweeting consistently and building conversations, my personal brand as a blogger had developed. But it wasn’t obvious to me at all. I still had the same lingering doubt I felt from the beginning. It wasn’t until the day when I realized I had three separate articles being published in the same day (one on my blog and two on other reputable music marketing blogs) that I realized my brand was there. This was months after my tipping point had come. and add in the fact that through social media you’re now doing this in a very public forum where anyone and everyone can judge you. If you consider this, it makes all the sense in the world why your blog posts aren’t being commented on, or your questions on Facebook aren’t being answered: People are afraid to be the first to speak up. Because of this, it is absolutely normal that your commitment to engaging your fans be far greater than their commitment to engaging with you. It is only once you establish yourself with a trustworthy reputation that any ideas, comments and responses will be heard, validated and appreciated: that your fans will start to match your commitment to engagement. As my final self-driven example, I didn’t receive my first comment on MicControl until about six months into my blogging. In each post, I would include a clear Call to Action at the end, asking people to engage, but was always left with nothing. However, once I started engaging with people through other forums (i.e. other blogs where I had guest posted with an existing, engaged reader base), by responding to all comments, joining conversations about my ideas, and simply letting others be heard, the reputation started to build. This led to the same level of engagement I was achieving elsewhere on my own blog, ultimately helping me to establish my brand as a blogger. Although the concept of “the tipping point” is certainly real, it may be more normal than you think for it to be hidden from you. yoUr commitment to engagement will be greater than that oF yoUr FanS Let’s face it: It’s human nature to avoid disrupting the status quo. Few people are willing to put themselves out on a limb, for fear of being judged. It is this simple reason that studies show people fear public speaking more than death. Now let’s take the idea of putting yourself out on a limb, thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 89 NMS13 getting the goal right: gRowINg the PoPuLatIoN who SPeNd oN MuSIc, Not gRowINg the cuRReNt MuSIc buyINg PoPuLatIoN t by wILL Page dIRectoR oF ecoNoMIcS SPotIFy homas Silverman has long made two simple and persuasive points: First, the industry is diversifying away from traditional revenue streams much faster than many observers would appreciate. Secondly, rather than focus on the current music buying population, we should instead focus on growing the population who spend money music. 90 If we go back to 2009, I made a similar argument in a paper titled “How to Dance to ARPU.” Then and now, the majority of adults in the U.K. did not buy music at all. What’s more, if the majority gives you zero, you can’t cannibalise zero. This essay revisits the ARPU (Average Revenue per User) economics with some exclusive new insights for the New Music Seminar to digest, discuss and debate June 9-11, 2013. But let’s kick off with a reminder for the delegates at New Music Seminar of what a music industry is made up of. My own work can be found in a series of papers titled “Adding Up the UK Music Industry for 2010,” which were produced in my previous role as Chief Economist of PRS for Music. This showed how the seven revenue streams—not just one—hung together to make up all the revenues that flowed into the music industry. For artists and songwriters, these revenues fall into two groups: monies that come from the consumer and monies that come from the B2B market via licensing. On the consumer side, there is live and recorded. In the U.K., the money being spent on live surpassed NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 recorded in 2008 and the gap has widened since. What’s more, the recorded industry is becoming increasingly diverse, with Billboard announcing that digital now makes up over half of the business in the U.S. Put together, that’s about three-quarters of the music industry in the U.K., and a similar story will play out elsewhere. Now, let’s come to grips with the more complex B2B market of licensing. Here, most countries will have two societies collecting on behalf of both songwriters and artists (in the U.S., there are famously three representing songwriters and publishers with ASCAP, BMI and SESAC, and one SoundExchange, representing artists and labels for digital broadcasting only). On top of that, there are licensing revenues such as sync, which record labels and music publishers collect directly. Finally there is advertising and endorsement money that artists and managers can generate. Add B2B to B2C and in the U.K. you have a pie worth $6 billion. Here’s take away No. 1: The money captured in the IFPI Record Industry in Numbers yearbook is less than a third of the total that makes up the music industry, which means there’s a lot more to calculating this complex industry than meets the eye. Now, let’s go back to Tommy’s point about the B2C market and work out who’s spending. The research team at the BPI, the U.K. recording music trade body, produces a Statistical Yearbook, thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 which is a fantastic resource for artists, students and analysts alike. A key statistic that they publish on an annual basis is the percentage of the population who buys music, and then the average spend of those who buy. In 2012, it was 47% of the adult population who bought music with the average spend being $63 per annum. We can now do some nice jigsaw economics for the New Music Seminar delegates using a combination of sources: Kantar, BPI, Spotify and the Office of National Statistics. The first chart maps the Kantar World Panel Survey across the U.K. population in blue, those who buy music (red) and then of those, digital music buyers (green). Note that the age groups are not consistent, so 20-24 should not be compared like-for-like with 25-34. But what this does show is that there are a lot of people who do not buy music at all in the U.K. Indeed, when you calculate the “lost majority” (blue minus red), you have 26 million, a third of which is under the age of 34. However, there is an important caveat to this analysis; when Kantar reported that 35% of 1319 year olds buy music, this means that around a third of teenagers purchased at least one track or album. Unfortunately, it does not tell us about who buys subscription services due to the way the survey has been constructed. This omission of subscription services in surveys like Kantar creates a point of discussion for NMS to debate in June 2013. Here’s one way of informing that discussion. The chart below presents an age breakdown of Spotify’s active U.K. users. 91 gb population , music buyers and digital music buyers (000's) source: ONS, Kantar World Panal, BPI (Note: Excludes northen ireland) gb PoPuLatIoN PoPuLatIoN who buyS MuSIc PoPuLatIoN who buyS dIgItaL MuSIc 10, 000 7, 500 5, 000 2, 500 0 13-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 55-64 65-79 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 age breakdown of Uk Spotify active Users source: Spotify 30% 27% 24% 25% 20% 20% 14% 15% 9% 10% 5% 92 4% 2% 0% 13-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 The shape of the distribution is both intuitive and fascinating. Spotify skews towards the younger age groups, with 44% of active users under the age of 24, whereas the population buying digital downloads skews toward the older age groups of 25-to-44. Now, we need to be careful interpreting these two charts. Firstly, it’s not relative as there are more people in the U.K. who buy digital music than are active on Spotify—no shit, Sherlock. Also remember Kantar ignored streaming services in their “do you buy digital music” question, so this is not a zero sum game. Many music consumers will be streaming on Spotify and downloading from digital music stores. So take away No. 2 is the shape of the distribution. Spotify skews more toward a generation that arguably may have otherwise been lost. Now let’s go back to Tom Silverman’s thesis of growing that population that spend on music, NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 45-54 55-64 65-79 as opposed to focusing on the minority of music buyers who currently spend. If we think about the U.S. market, the total music industry might be the biggest in the world, but in relative terms it actually lags far behind. Even with digital revenues, which benefited from the earlier launch of iTunes, revenues-per-capita are only three quarters of Spotify-dominated Sweden’s impressive $11 per head. Yet, what’s most striking is that it would appear that the majority of the addressable market does not spend anything on music. According to Russ Crupnick of NPD Group, a respected music consultancy, of the U.S. Internet population of 190 million, only 45% buy music of any form. What’s more notable is that the averagespend of that minority is only $55.45. So, going back to Tom Silverman’s core thesis, if over half of 190 million online Americans are not spending anything on music, shouldn’t we be focusing more on monetizing them? thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 93 dog bone the independent distribution and service solution N M S DAY S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 94 the evolution of ‘direct to fan’ by PaRkeR todd bRookS VP oF cReatIVe SeRVIceS & aRtISt ReLatIoNS toPSPIN MedIa, INc. Ever since Topspin launched five years ago, the question we still hear most is, “What is Direct to Fan?” At its simplest, direct-to-fan (or D2F) is a model for connecting artists and fans directly for marketing, sales, and distribution purposes. But exactly how that’s done has no simple answer, as it is constantly evolving. The way Topspin approached direct to fan five years ago is not the same as we are approaching it today, and five years from now it will likely be different yet again. Our first effort was to create a series of tools that allowed artists to connect with fans organically. That meant creating widgets to let artists trade free content in return for a fan’s email or social Likes/follows. It also meant creating NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 an ecommerce system so that artists could sell products directly to fans. For the most part, all of this took place on the artist’s website or web profile. That’s what we mean by “organic.” The point was to provide a path from an unaware fan, to an aware fan, to a connected fan. But creating organic awareness wasn’t enough, and from the beginning Topspin aspired to connect artists and fans on platforms beyond the artists’ website. This represents the second phase of D2F strategies, at least for Topspin: broadening artists’ reach to unaware fans by providing the ability to find fans wherever they live on the Internet, not just from their own sites. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 We created the GoDirect platform to let artists create and control their profiles, which web services could access and add to their sites if they choose. Artists can update their bios, add media like streaming audio or video, and even provide offers to fans via this profile… essentially injecting themselves into third party sites and creating shelf space that artists could control and customize— where previously they had no input. The bestknown example of this is Artists.MTV and the upcoming Beats service. We’re also in a number of discussions with similar services. We learned some fascinating thing rolling this out, not the least of which is that there’s a notable difference between the fans that bands engage organically (from their own sites) and the fans they find inorganically (from other sites). Take for instance our work with the “Bones Brigade,” a skateboarding film from filmmaker Stacy Peralta. The first stage involved trading a free download in return for an email to help Peralta build his email list, with one widget that was placed on the website, and the other on the BitTorrent peer-to-peer application. The second stage involved offering fans who had signed up from both locations the chance to pre-order the movie. The click-through rate on the email sent to the BitTorrent list was 5.7%, while the list generated 47.6%. In other words, the “organic” list delivered the hardcore fan base, while the “inorganic” list delivered the more casual fan. This information fed into the sales and merchandising strategy, where pre-order bundles were created to appeal to both hardcore and casual fans, alike. The result was a pre-order campaign that generated an average transaction of $115, allowing Peralta to turn a profit before the film even hit theaters or iTunes. And the day it landed on iTunes, the preorder campaign and social awareness it generated through fans, resulted in Bones Brigade becoming the No. 1 download of the day. (Read the full case study on the Topspin Blog.) This is just one example of how we’ve learned over the last five years that there is valuable information collected at each stage of a D2F campaign, which can make subsequent stages more effective. And this is the foundation of the next stage of D2F we’re just now starting to explore: paid distribution. This third point of distribution focuses on aggregating the collective wisdom gained through multiple artist campaigns to the benefit of any other artist using the system. Essentially, that means participating artists allow us to promote other artists to their fans, based on an “affinity relationship” engine we’ve built that recommends which fans of artist A would be of interest to fans of artist B. But here’s the interesting part. It’s not based on music style or genre. It’s based entirely on transaction data. Our algorithm pairs artists based on what their fans have bought and how they signed up to receive information based on five years of Topspin data. We know this works because we ran three groups of tests: one that paired artists on a completely random basis, one that paired artists based on artists we felt were similar (in style/genre/etc.) and one using the affinity engine. The results of the affinity engine outperformed the other two. This “Give to Get” network is currently in beta and artists can volunteer to participate as we test it further. So as we consider what D2F means, this is the path we follow. We feel D2F is about creating an integrated campaign that allows one component to inform the rollout of the others in a fashion that makes the entire effort more effective and, ultimately, more profitable by creating the largest pie possible. We believe the virtuous circle starts with turning an unaware fan into an aware fan, then connecting that fan to the artist, then converting that connection into a sale, and finally engaging that customer to promote the artist to new unaware fans and starting the cycle all over again. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 95 the artiSt gUidebook thuMbs Expert Advice From the NMS Community nmS asked the music community to provide expert advice about elements of business that artists should-and should not-abide by. herein are consummate “ ” and “ ” for the industry players. Play songs that people want to hear. You are working for the audience, not the other way around. If you play your own songs, offer the ones that people want to hear, not just your newest ones. Always be nice to everyone… not sickening brownnosing falseness. (That kind of falseness makes you an asshole). Just be authentically nice. Don’t overplay any market. The simple rule of thumb for this is to play every 9 to 12 weeks or whenever you have a new t-shirt design. Don’t ask your friends if playing every two weeks is too much. They are your friends; it’s their job to lie to you. 96 martin atkinS Educator/author/Drummer Book yourself. You can make decisions about playing the right venue for nothing, because it is a great long-term career move. It’s very difficult for your agent to do that. Buy my book “Tour:Smart.” There are 500+ pages of really great shit and it’s only $20 on Amazon. It’s full of great stuff and it’s great to hit the drummer with. Use the Internet and find out where your fans are and play there. (We like ReverbNation’s Fan 360, Google Analytics and YouTube Insight). Don’t stay in hotels. Save money and find people in each city that are nice enough to help you with a bed or a couch or a floor and a shower. You will be friends with them for life and they’ll make a difference next time around. ( is a handy tool). Objectively look at your people pulling potential (PPP) in any market. If you feel it’s low, try to open for a larger band. They might want to open for you in your hometown (that’s called Gig Swap!). Tour east of a line from Minneapolis to Texas. There are more shows in a smaller area. You’ll have more time to socialize, meet people, explore, market and make friends. Play for nothing. It makes your show immediately more attractive than many of the others that week—or it just makes you more attractive as an opener to another show. Offer more than one item of merch for sale. Two or three CDs (studio, live, remix, whatever) and two or three shirts (different designs, different styles, different colors), plus something else (a cookbook, stickers, something!) and a begging bowl with a humorous message. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 andrew beard Senior product Marketing Manager, gibson pro audio thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 Know where your local music stores are. They provide good information about the music gear you need, can help you with what is not working and can also help out in a pinch. Bring extras to a gig: cables, straps, mics, sticks, tubes, stands, etc. It is always a good idea to have a backup. Own your own PA system or a good powered speaker with a built-in mixer. You may not need it for all of your gigs, but it will give you greater flexibility to perform where you want. It can also come in handy if there are problems with the house PA. Educate yourself on the latest music technology. It is always changing and you can save money in the long run by making good purchasing decisions. Network. This business is all about relationships and your success is dependent on how many people you involve in your music business. Don’t forget to thank everyone you work with at a gig, including the sound people, door staff, etc. This goes a long way toward building a good reputation, plus people move around in this business. Don’t forget to protect your hearing. Using earplugs or investing in a good in-ear monitoring system can help avoid the high SPL’s found onstage and save your ears. baSSy bob brockmann producer, Founder, mUZappS Always be in record mode from the first take. That’s often where the best ideas come from. Don’t look at Pro Tools when you are recording. Listen! My favorite plug-in is the “listen on” that blacks the screen. Try and remove plug-ins always. You might be surprised by what you hear. Don’t criticize first. Always think before your first suggestion when a performer is recording. Start with a positive, then ease into criticism, but only if the player requests it. If not, just say, “Let’s try another one.” Comp your vocals right after recording, even if it’s late. You will save a lot of production time down the road. Always have fun in the studio. If you’re not having fun, come in another day. Fun leads to creativity and greatness. Don’t get caught up in buying the latest piece of music gear. It is better to spend more time getting acquainted with the gear you own than wasting time on something that doesn’t fit your needs. Don’t focus on your weaknesses. Figure out what you are passionate about and what you are good at then channel all of your energy into both. That will connect with fans the most. DON’T Don’t sacrifice your health. Remember to take care of your body, especially on the road, since it is your only way to connect with fans and generate an income. bryan calhoUn Vice president, New Media & EXTERNal aFFaiRS SoUndexchange Take advantage of the money you have earned through digital royalty plays. Register with SoundExchange to ensure you’re fairly compensated for your hard work. Don’t wait any longer to sign up. We have a lot of money to put into the hands of artists and we can’t keep it forever. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 97 NMS13 Spread the word about digital royalty payments to anyone you know in the music industry. Send your friends to Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions about your royalties, our organization or anything in between. Flex your creative muscle. The digital music industry is exploding and that means there are many opportunities for you to grow. Don’t ever stop following your passion. We’re all in this business because we love what we do. Keep that sentiment at the forefront of your work. Network, network, network. In this fast-paced industry, it’s good to have connections on all levels. Don’t forget to follow up with connections you’ve made, whether through social media channels, emails or a simple call. Stay connected. 98 Think about your brand. What is it that you want people to remember? Create a clear and concise message and own it. Don’t let anyone stand in between you and success. know html5 programming, build your site using those tools. Don’t spam or send boring tweets about what you had for lunch. Tweet to all of your followers about upcoming shows and tours. Encourage your fans to follow you on Twitter and if you can provide an incentive like a free mp3 song, it will increase your followers and engage them with your music. Invest in a good video camera or borrow one from a friend to record your best shows to post on YouTube. Create a YouTube Channel. Choose the best songs, not the entire show. Build a relationship with your Performing Rights Society (ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, SoundExchange) and stay in touch with your artist representative there. Reach out to your artist rep and invite them to shows. The more they see you working, the more they can and will do for you. Don’t bad-mouth other artists, fans or reply to negative comments on social media. In the digital age, scandal is everlasting and retroactive. Purchase ads on Facebook if you have a budget and use Sponsored Stories to gain friends of friends. Use Facebook Insights to target your ads. Also use it to locate where your friends and fan base are located when you tour. Target these markets where the friends are located. Send out digital press releases when you tour. Target local press in cities where you are booked to perform. Build a mailing list of press, bloggers and journalists. bill craig Senior Sales Director, gold mobile Form relationships with college radio PDs, bloggers, Podcasters and Internet DJs. Use all social media to build your brand and your fan base. If you are not up to speed in building social media campaigns, find a friend or fan of the band to help. Use social media tools to gather data, target to your fan base and grow your brand. Use hashtags, Facebook Insights and sponsored stories. If you don’t know these tools, work with someone who does. Don’t build an app. But do build a mobile optimized site using Wordpress or Tumblr. Build your mobile site with these mobile web tools to reach the most phones. If you NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 Create as many social media profiles as you can—not just Facebook and Twitter. Use Pinterest, Instagram, Vimeo and YouTube. Is MySpace relevant anymore? Don’t forget that it could take a long time and several tours to become successful. Don’t give up the band, but do keep your day job. Make the Social Media Buttons on your website thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 prominent and clearly visible on your home screen as well as other screens on your site. Update all of your social media sites on a regular basis. National Association of Record Industry Professionals, Women in Music. And of course, if you are a writer, join SESAC, ASCAP or BMI. Use SMS messages to reach your fans, but only if they are opted in and signed up to receive them. Listen to new music and pay attention to which acts are on tour or in the studio and who is seeing success. Know your competition. Keep up on new trends so you are up on who’s who. Don’t send spam SMS messages! Get as many distribution platforms as you can, not just iTunes. Don’t sign with the first person (or company) you meet. Do your research and compare. Whether you’re hiring an independent promoter, manager, producer or choosing an online distributor, recognize who will work best with (and for) you. Don’t sign on the dotted line without an experienced entertainment attorney. Unfortunately, there are many ways a bad contract can mess you up for a long time. Seek counsel! Be sure to first read the contract yourself so when you walk into an attorney’s office you’re prepared and know what questions to ask. linda lorence critelli Vp, Writer & publisher Relations, SeSac Join a PRO (Performing Rights Organization) if your original music is being performed. Keep in touch with your representative so your music is on their radar. PROs have contacts in all areas of the business and can be a great resource. And don’t forget when you do join, keep up with registering your songs with your PRO, so you are paid due royalties. Many songwriters forget this important administrative chore. Don’t spend time and money recording your music without having your songs listened to and critiqued before you head into the studio. Choose professionals in the business or ears you trust to give you honest feedback, and re-write songs if needed. Consider a collaborator for a new perspective. Songs are the core of the music business. Great songs sell great artists. Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers. Enjoy your journey and be thankful you are doing something you love. Not everyone can say that. Build a great team. Surround yourself with smart people in the business to help guide you. Befriend other bands and artists for their take on the business and who they like working with, etc. Support your fellow musicians so they will support you. Become a student of the business. This is your career. Take hold of it and learn as much as you can—and keep learning so you don’t make crucial mistakes. Read the trades and newsletters, attend seminars and go out to hear music. Join a professional organization to strengthen your network of contacts and meet others in the same business. A few good ones: The Recording Academy (NARAS), Songwriters Hall of Fame, Independent Music Managers Forum, Association of Independent Music Publishers, corey deniS Founder & Chief Executive, not Shocking Invest in a good mobile phone with a camera so you can take photos and add (and use) applications on your phone, such as Twitter and Facebook. Answer every single email. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 99 NMS13 Find a friend or hire someone who understands the Internet, can work on your website and help you with social networks. Treat that person as if they are a member of your band—because they are. Listen to them. The digital side of your career is time-consuming and this person will help you find balance and can propel your career online with digital tools aplenty. themselves to you will talk more about you if you surprise them with a sound check or a unique gift. Don’t get discouraged! Don’t spam. Ever. Not on message boards, Facebook, Twitter, not anywhere. Build your email list. Always get email addresses from anyone willing, who wants to know more about you. Make all online content shareable and use a platform that enables you to track what happens to your content once it is online. DON’T Don’t ignore digital promotions. You need this to grow. The Internet is your greatest opportunity right now. 100 Understand that “Rolling Stone” does not exist. Adjust your expectations for the phases of your career and treat podcasters, bloggers and Internet radio DJs as if they were major promotional outlets—because they are. Don’t rely on Google Ad Words to drive traffic. Don’t expect your website to be the main source of information for any potential or ongoing fans. Don’t try to keep your content in one place. Don’t turn off the embed code in any YouTube videos you post. Don’t ignore distribution opportunities. You can sell direct to fans easily now, but you still need to have your material available at the major digital retailers (iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, LaLa). Create social network profiles and put them to use. Post at least one song to each profile. Update content on your website and social network profiles regularly (newer artists should update at least once a week). david dUFreSne CEO, bandzoogle Own your own .com website and maintain it yourself. Build your mailing list and be smart about how you use it. Make your website the hub of your online strategy and create amazing content for it. Use social media to engage fans and bring them to your site. Sell music and merch directly to your fans from your website. Focus on acquiring Facebook “Likes” or YouTube “views.” Email addresses are gold. Don’t think that a blog is a website (although your website should have a blog). Don’t outsource your online presence to someone else. Don’t spam. Ever. Don’t think any of this matters if your music and performing isn’t incredibly good. Make every effort to meet your fans. Fans who expose NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 rick goetZ president, rick goetz consulting llc jay Frank Founder & CEO, digSin Remember that you were the one who decided, “I want to make noises for a living and be paid for it.” That it is usually a long and challenging road to self-sufficiency. Do try. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t be afraid to run your own business. Most of us won’t have a choice in the beginning, anyway. If you discover you really suck at some aspect of running your business and fail at it, you will at least be better able to hire the right person having tried the job yourself—or you might discover a new skill set you didn’t know you had. Do make more music. Don’t take forever making it. Do get to the point quickly. Don’t think people have the patience you do. Do realize the competition is fierce. Don’t let that discourage you. Do plan to spend every hour you can promoting your music. Don’t expect someone else to do it for you. Do at least one thing every day to move your career forward, no matter how small. Consistency is the hardest part of your gig. Don’t compare and despair. Comparing yourself to other artists accomplishes little and it’s easy to forget that most people in the public eye have been working toward their goals for a very long time… or got very lucky. Reach out to other artists. People who do what you do can be as valuable to your career (if not more so) than industry insiders. Do place your music everywhere you can. Don’t ignore any distribution platform. Listen to your audience. Don’t ignore their helpful advice. Blaze a new path. Don’t follow the scorched trail. tom jackSon president, onStage SUcceSS Don’t just wing it onstage. You practice the music, dynamics, tempo, tones, melodies and harmonies of your songs… so learn and be creative with what you do onstage, too. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 101 NMS13 Learn how to rehearse. Rehearsal involves the musical, the visual, the verbal, the rearranging of songs that were written for radio so they work live, and more. Don’t play your songs live the way you recorded them for radio (unless your song is a massive hit on radio). Your audience’s expectations are different at a club or concert hall than they are when they turn on the radio. Find the “moments” in your songs and learn how to help your audience emotionally connect with you and the song by bringing out those moments for your live show. Don’t be afraid to speak up, but also do not be afraid to listen. Many of us talk too much to fill up space. Answer succinctly and get to the point. Don’t forget to play the jukebox. Have a signature drink, a “go to” restaurant, a tailor and a shoeshine guy. Don’t insult your fans. If you don’t think a marketing idea or promotion is fun, don’t do it. Don’t let your songs all look the same. They don’t sound the same, so why should they look the same! claUde kelly Songwriter, “Studio beast” 104 michael kaUFFman SVp, Sales & Marketing, rightSFlow & limelight Only collaborate with musicians who are better than you. It’s the only way to grow, learn and get better. Don’t wait until the last minute to license. Negotiation and paperwork take time. Plan ahead. Use the Internet, iTunes and YouTube to make finding new music easy. Know old music and be on top of what’s current. Sign up with ASCAP, BMI or SESAC if you are a songwriter. And sign up for SoundExchange if you are a performer. Make your work fun and comfortable. Music should be honest. Honesty comes from being in a comfortable environment. Follow the Golden Rule of Licensing: If you don’t own or control it, chances are you need to get a license for it. Play your songs softly before you leave the studio. Everything sounds good loud. To test a song’s true quality, you need to hear it as it would play on a radio, or in an elevator or restaurant. Map out a blueprint for your success: Determine your potential revenue streams and customize your plan to create revenue. Don’t miss thought leaders in the social media, like Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, Greg Verdino, Gary Vee and Mitch Joel. Follow them on Twitter and read their blogs and books. Do your homework: Info about bloggers and media execs is readily available online. Know your target before the phone call, meeting or outreach. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 Find a good engineer—one that knows your style of writing and recording and makes your songs sound their best. This can make or break your chances. Don’t accept food, gifts or clothing as payment for your songs. The only acceptable form of payment is money. Don’t consent to releasing any music unless you stand behind it 100%. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 Don’t freely email valuable music, especially when major artists are involved. The risk of it leaking is too high. Password-protect it, use watermarked CDs or mail via delivery service. Don’t discuss matters of religion, politics or sexual orientation in the studio. These are sensitive issues. You never know whom you’ll offend. Don’t be late. Time is your most valuable asset. Don’t waste anyone’s. And don’t let anyone waste yours. liZ leahy CEO & Founder, Section 101 Think of yourself as a rock star. Capture content as if you have a huge fan base, which will not only help you grow your audience, but show people that you work hard at keeping your channels fresh. When you do become a big star, you won’t regret that you didn’t grab photos and videos while you were on the ascent. List lyrics on your website and make them searchable. People will search by lyrics even if they aren’t sure who you are. Make sure they can find you. jacqUeS kriScher CEO, kollector See the world as your potential oyster: Today everything is closer than you think. Follow up on trends and market directions: Information is power. Ask for advice: No one will blame you for connecting and reaching out. Get excited and motivated like a 21 year old. Let your e-magination go wild first, then tame it to the specs needed. Don’t get stopped by don’t. Don’t think in terms of nations and boundaries. Don’t abandon things too soon if people tell you your ideas suck: Let the thought evolve and expand. Don’t look for “no,” look for “yes.” Don’t” isn’t a deal-breaker: it just means you haven’t reached an agreement yet. Make videos for as many of your songs as you can. While fan-made videos are a great tribute, you don’t want people to search for them and think they’re the official vids. Spend time thinking about your various web channels’ creative look. Artists spend a lot of time getting their music right, so it makes sense to make sure the online vibe matches. Make sure you have a content strategy each week. It’s no harder than planning out a weekly calendar and your fans will appreciate your efforts to stay in touch. Don’t miss the opportunity to repeat both your name and website URL when you’re playing a live show. It’s a captive audience, so make sure they know who you are and where to find you. Don’t forget to update all the information on your site that may be static for a while, such as contact info (make sure it’s current) and bio. You don’t want Wikipedia to become your official source of historical information. Don’t think that cultivating an email database isn’t important. It’s an oldie, but still a good way to get people engaged and updated. And it’s the online channel through which most fans are activated to purchase tickets or merchandise. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 105 NMS13 Don’t be afraid to give away free music. People appreciate it and tend to pass it around, resulting in more people knowing and caring about what you’re doing. Don’t auto-populate all the same content. If you’re touring, it makes sense to post tour dates across the board. For the most part, however, try to do something unique for each social network. Post a set list on Facebook, run a contest on Twitter, make an acoustic video for YouTube, take a poll on your website. These are core strategies to engage fans. Respond to every single question, post and comment from every fan. Experiment with different apps and services (Hootsuite, Buffer, Echofone) to see which work best for you. Schedule time to devote solely to your social media presence. Delegate responsibility to different members of the band. This will make it easier to utilize the aforementioned tips and will take the onus off of one individual. Cross promote. Follow and interact with fans/ brands/blogs/venues that have helped you out along the way. After all, social media is all about building and maintaining relationships. by the pledgemUSic team 106 Post about non-music things on social media, and show that you have a personality. Post pics/ video of what you’re up to, not just to buy your album, tickets or merch. Don’t spread yourself too thin. Only use the social properties you have the time and resources to maintain. Spend time consuming others’ content. Build those relationships and keep up to date on what’s going on in your circles. Make it incredibly easy to stream your music, whether on your site or social media. There should be no clicking involved to get where the music is! Get fans to sign up to your email list. With the turnover in social media (and in needing to pay to reach your entire fanbase), email is still the most direct way to get a message to fans. craig Swann Co-Founder, Chief Imagination Office, clUbcreate Focus on yourself as a “brand.” Find ways to define your personal sound and style, and connect with like-minded people to form your musical tribe. Post often. Don’t go long spans of time without updating/chatting with your fans. The industry is a complicated environment, so make sure to learn as much as you can about the industry; the law, rights, as well as technology. Don’t just post links on Facebook all the time. Add pictures, since that will increase your edgerank and expand your reach. Empower your fans to become your digital street team. By including them, creatively, you encourage rich social interactions that lead to discovery. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt NMS13 Collaborate with your fans. Find creative ways to involve them in the experience. Their involvement adds an emotional value that previously did not exist. Do the right things. Get a lawyer when it matters, sign up to rights societies and register your work. Don’t sign your life away. The industry is changing and there are many ways to be successful without relying on the old system. The future is becoming and empowering DIY. Don’t be afraid to give your music away. In today’s market the real currency is attention. Don’t treat your fans as a consumer with $ attached. The value in treating them as part of a community will outweigh any intrinsic monetary value in the short-term. Don’t chase money. Do what you love and money will find you. Don’t ever give up or stop following your dreams. Embrace the power of permission marketing. While your mailing list may not be huge, those who’ve joined it are there voluntarily. This makes them incredibly valuable. Cultivate a real relationship with them. Focus on your art. It’s your core competency. All of the marketing flash in the world can’t make someone fall in love with your music. If your music touches people, the fan acquisition process becomes much easier. Don’t apologize for selling things on your website. Fans who want to buy something should be able to do so. Getting paid for your art is not selling out. Don’t drive customers away from your site by redirecting them to huge retailers. Own as much of your operation as you can. Direct-to-fan commerce is now a realistic possibility for all artists. Don’t offer too many choices. It may seem counterintuitive, but a cluttered store page with 20 items is less likely to yield conversions than a store with a handful of clear, compelling choices. Know your fans, know their tendencies and tailor your offerings to them. Don’t force the monetization of your social media presence. Facebook is great for sharing and building connections, but most people don’t go there to shop. Putting a store on your artist page is great, but it won’t automatically turn your “Likes” into dollars. dave widaman Media artist Support, topspin media Engage your fans through social media. Twitter and Facebook provide a direct line of communication with those who admire your art. Share with them, be genuine and make real connections. Don’t leave potential fans behind. If you’ve accumulated thousands of Twitter followers or Facebook “Likes,” work to convert them to your mailing list. These are long-term assets, whereas social media trends are often fleeting. If one of your social media circles were to suddenly become irrelevant, you could lose your connection with thousands of potential fans. Bottle that energy now and take it with you. Have a website and create compelling reasons to visit it. The Internet is a big, complicated place. Your site should be a simple and easy way for fans to get their daily fix of you. Invest in growing your mailing list. If you’re making connections and driving traffic to your content, create clear opportunities along the way for visitors to join your mailing list. Sweeten the deal with free downloads, giveaways, contests, etc. A strategically placed email acquisition widget can do wonders. thE NEW RUlES of ENgAgEMENt 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 107 CREATE MERCH | PROMOTE AN EVENT | MARKET YOUR BRAND PRINT YOUR HE BRT OUT WITH the BEST PRICES EVER Custom Screen Printed 500 Die Cut STICKERS $113 L FUL LOLR COIN Y V T-SHIRTS $3.52 Each 500 Circle POSTCARDS $99 2 × 2" | UV Coated, Gloss Vinyl 144 Qty | Fruit Of The Loom #3930R One Color, Standard Location Hanging Vinyl Full Color Printed Cheaper Than A Copy Shop $34.95 $99 BANNERS $32 4 × 2' | Outdoor Gloss Vinyl Grommets Included ALL-OVER TEES Each Full Bleed / Single-Sided Double-Sided Prints Available 5" Circle | 12 pt. Gloss Card 5000 FLYERS 4 × 6” | 100# Gloss Text SAVE $50 On Your Order Of $199 Or More. Use Promo Code NEWMUSIC2013. Expires 9/30/13. One-time use code. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Valid on retail pricing only. Discount does not apply to taxes or shipping charges. Call 877.246.3132 NMS JP Ad (8.5x11).indd 1 Click 6/3/13 7:01 PM 1 PM 4 part 4: RESOuRCES reSoUrceS Essential Music Business Websites a your own music (and review your own CD), make wish lists and more. And the best part: Your profile shows up high in Google. the american association of independent music (a2im) is a trade association that represents independent record labels in the United States.[1] the organization represents the independents’ interests in the marketplace, in the media, on capitol hill, and as part of the global music community ada is a distributor of independent music, partnering with labels such as cartoon network, epitaph, Secretly canadian, Fearless, Side one dummy, taseis, and Smithsonian Folkways. Aderra records live concerts to flash drives and MicroSD wristbands that are available to the audience immediately after the performance. The Agency Group is one of the world’s leading booking agencies, home to 50 agents with a combined roster of more than 1,000 artists. 110 Like the name suggests, this web- Ariel’s Cyber PR process marks the intersection of social media with engaged behavior, PR and online marketing. A service that provides artists with a branding strategy that builds on the unique attributes of every artist or band. ArtistData builds solutions to automate the monotonous updating of artist websites, social network profiles, concert databases, Twitter, official news feeds, iCal, local press, fan newsletters and even tour books. When an artist updates our site, we update all their sites. Allows you to get revenue from a jour- nalist or blogger who is writing a review on your music. They put a Xiteplayer that is a small window icon that when clicked on, is a mini music store selling your music to buy instantly. It is free for artists. Atlantic records with more than 60 years of experi- site is dedicated to jazz, both classical and contemporary. It features album reviews, interviews, jazz radio, podcast, a free daily mp3, as well as a calendar of events and a directory of musicians, venues and festivals. ence, atlantic records has become one of the preeminent companies in music history. They have a roster filled with high-profile artists such as Jason Mraz, Skrillex, Zac brown band and many more. AllMusic’s database is licensed and used Atlantic Records is an American record label best known for its many recordings of rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and jazz. in point-of-sale systems by music retailers. AllMusic also claims to have the world’s largest digital archive of music, including about six million songs fully digitized, as well as the world’s largest cover art library, with over half a million cover image scans. The Almighty Institute of Music Retail provides data and services to help record labels and music retailers promote and sell more music. Create a profile in one of the most traf- ficked and indexed sites on the net. Make lists of your favorite reads, artists and helpful products, and include NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 Use free tools to custom design your merchandise, CDs, ringtones and downloads. Post your store to any website, blog or social network. We’ll manufacture and distribute all of your products when they’re purchased! a free app with technology that is capable of recognizing images, symbols and objects in the real world and understanding them. It can then deliver relevant content in real time, including videos, animations, audio or web pages R E S o U R C E S NMS13 b with no fees and grow your fan base. BeatPort is the largest music store for DJs in the world. BeatPort offers music in premium digital formats and provides unique music discovery tools created for and by DJs. Offers a huge range of official merchandise, covering every major and some ludicrously obscure genres. Beggars Group is a British record company Originated in the Bay Area, this is an internationally known Internet radio station broadcasting 24 hours a day, with a DJ, and a live broadcast every Friday. Stream video live from your mobile to that owns or distributes other labels, including 4AD, Rough Trade Records, Matador Records and XL Recordings. Leading digital distributor of independent artists and labels in Europe. the web. b&o play is about enabling people to en- Publishing platform for musicians. Your fifth, fully geeked-out-Beatle, who keeps your website humming and lets you get back to making music. Allows you to make your own ecom- merce site, sell your downloads, create a subscription fan club and manage your email marketing campaigns. joy quality music wherever they are and building appreciation for great sound and music. A music webzine covering hundreds of music labels and offering thousands of free and legal songs for you to download. A technology-driven media bandpage is a full-featured applica- tion that delivers an elegant and effective solution for musicians to give ready access to their music, to a global community of passionate fans. Offers tour consultation and book- ing. If you are planning to get your band n the road, they will book the trip for you. They claim to have access to virtually every club, venue and concert hall on the planet. measurement company that produces timely and accurate information on consumer demand, particularly helpful in today’s music industry environment. Their Cleartune app helps tune any musical instrument using your iPhone or android’s microphone. $1.99 Get local live music and concert recommendations for your town. View any artist’s tour dates and buy tickets from the cheapest ticket seller. A URL shortener that allows you to track the links you share in real time; useful for Twitter posts and a complete history of your links with analytics are saved for you. Professional design by custom MyS- Whether it’s through editorial print cov- pace designers. A free content and media man- agement application for bands. Add news, blogs, press, tour dates, photos, videos and status updates. Automatically syncs this content with all major linked social networking sites. Helps consumers book bands for par- ties by genre; get your band listed on this site so you have a chance to be booked for a party and make money. They have no charge for basic account set up, but charge for premiere services. build a band website in minutes, no web design skills needed. Sell music and band merch erage or communicating directly on Twitter, BlastMedia is a company that exposes more customers to your message in the right place, at the right time. BMG is an international group of music companies focused on the management of music rights. BMG covers the entire range of rights administration, development and funding of new master recordings and exploitation worldwide, placing the needs of songwriters and artists at the core of its business model. (Barcelona Music & Audio Technologies) Developing technology that utilizes expertise in music and audio technology, offering solutions for music discovery, musical entertainment and music copyright detection. A low commission ticketing solution R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 111 NMS13 for any of your shows and events that donates at least 5% of their profits to charity. cesses all tracks from SoundCloud and allows you to share playlists with friends. broadcast music, inc. is one of three United States performing rights organizations. it collects license fees on behalf of songwriters, composers, and music publishers and distributes them as royalties to those members whose works have been performed. Now in its 28th year, Canadian Music Week is the single longest running and premiere conference focusing on the business of music, bringing together sound recording, new technology and broadcast. columbia records is an amer- c ican record label, owned by Sony music entertainment, operating under the columbia music group. Custom merchandise on demand. caroline distributes 90 labels including century media, arts & crafts, mute, hopeless, Season of mist and Stones throw, among others. the company is currently part of the capitol music group. capitol records is a major american record label that is a part of the capitol music group and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Universal music group. Offers a service to get your music to all top digital music stores such as iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, eMusic, Amazonmp3 and more. The cost is $25 setup fee per album and artists and labels receive 91% to 95% of the payments received from the various digital stores. They have over 4 million tracks delivered. They have thousands of artists and labels they have distributed. Runs e-stores for musicians including fulfillment, downloads, ringtones, e-list management, e-marketing and more. A member of the Amazon group of companies provides one of the easiest and most economical ways to self-distribute your music in CD and mp3 formats on and other channels. There is no membership or album set-up fee. They produce CDs when customers order them. Creative Digital Music is a music production studio in Fair Haven, N.J., owned and operated by composer/producer Jim Josselyn. Security credentials and backstage passes for music concerts, such as laminates, satin passes, luggage tags, wristbands and more. d The Cardboard Box Project: one stop merch 112 solutions from design to production to delivery. The leading digital publisher of inno- vative content and applications. CD Baby is the largest online distributor of independent music. They provide both digital and physical distribution. chime interactive Provides digital strategy services, web site technologies and design, and video and multimedia production. with 850 stations, clear channel is the largest radio station group owner in the United States, both by number of stations and by revenue. the 850 stations reach more than 110 million listeners every week, and 237 million every month. Allows artists, labels and content owners to distribute, promote and market content across digital store social sites and tastemaker blogs, then track the results. Datpiff is a site to download and upload music. A social bookmarking website that lets you store links to your favorite articles, blogs, music, reviews, recipes and more. You can access them from any computer and share what you bookmark with friends and fans. The Deli Magazine is a daily updated website covering 11 local U.S. music scenes (thus far: NYC, L.A., Seattle, Nashville, Chicago, San Francisco Bay Area, Portland, Austin, Philly through 11 dedicated, separate blogs. Web-based music player that acNEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 R E S o U R C E S NMS13 All about user-powered content. Everything is The Echo Nest is a music intelligence A full-service CD replicator, providing eMi Music EMI Music is one of the world’s leading music companies, home to some of the most successful and best known recording artists such as Coldplay and Lady Antebellum. submitted and voted on by the Digg community. Share, discover, bookmark and promote stuff that’s important to you. Show bloggers and site owners you appreciate their posts and participate by using Digg. short-run CD duplication. CD duplicators, CD printers and affordable blank CDs. Everything is done in house: from glass mastering and replication to printing, packaging and poly wrap. They also offer authoring, encoding, graphic design and menu design services. A music marketing company serving inde- pendent music artists on various marketing tools, including email marketing, social media, web design and strategy. DJ Times is a professional DJ magazine that specializes in directing DJs with their careers in fields that include nightclub work, mobile work and remixing or producing music. The site presents interviews and features on top DJs, money-making tips, application-based product stories and reviews, new product releases and information, plus DJ industry-related news. Music and sensory experiences for commer- cial environments. The first music service to license and program original artist music. DMX has rigorously researched and tested the effects of music, video, messaging and scent on human behavior. company. They develop music search, personalization and interactive applications on top of a platform that automatically reads about and listens to the entire world of music. emusic is a unique discovery-and-download destination for music enthusiasts. Epic records An American record label, owned by Sony Music Entertainment. Though it was originally conceived as a jazz imprint, it has since expanded to represent various genres with artists such as Avril Lavigne and The Fray. Epitaph is an independent Rock label. A large selection of free tracks from smaller record companies that are free to download with larger releases available for purchase. Enables its community of users to discover, promote, share and create events. Eventful’s community of users selects from nearly 4 million events taking place in local markets throughout the world. Demand artists to play in your town. Eventric is a provider of software and on- Downtown Music, LLC is an independently owned company, which operates Downtown Records, Downtown Music Publishing, Downtown Music Services (Licensing Group). line services for the professional live entertainment industry. Eventric’s solutions promote connectivity, community and competency, making the production of live events more profitable and effective. arizona beverages is a producer Offers consulting and marketing services of various flavors of iced tea, juice cocktails and energy drinks from the United States, based in woodbury, new york A leading provider of integrated down- to labels and bands in addition to teaching clients how to effectively use the Internet to their advantage. Eyes and Ears Entertainment A creative company that specializes in digital communication. f load card solutions for the entertainment industry. e Earth Birth Creative builds websites, manages online communities, releases music, launches viral marketing campaigns, etc. to support electronic artists seeking to self-publish or achieve growth in their careers. If Facebook were a country it would be the 4th largest in the world. It already has almost 300 million users (and a million more sign up each day). An artist should have a fan page as well as a personal page. Online version of New York-based music/ culture/ fashion magazine that covers hip-hop, reggae, R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 113 NMS13 independent rock, pop and dance music from around the world. book with a few clicks. Bonus: Flickr will keep photos safe from crashes. is a digital marketing company that Since 1989, Folk Alliance has served takes “digital” off of the plate of the manager and artist. An artist career development compa- ny that assists artists in exposure, education and compensation in today’s music industry. The company offers oneon-one training with coaches and competitions for artists to showcase their talent. Free email and mobile fan list management solutions designed specifically for bands and musicians. Offers a service that helps you sell your music via fans/friends who become your partner as they earn 20% commission when they sell your music – mp3s or physical CDs. Helps companies find their fans, know their fans and reach their fans with communication technologies to engage, grow and manage multiple fan bases through email, SMS and voice. They offer permission-based, direct-to-fan marketing tools, support services, proven marketing strategy and account management programs. Music and entertainment marketing company that utilizes passionate fans and the next generation of marketing tools to build your brand. A cutting edge and passion- 114 ate marketing team that artists, managers and labels can turn to support getting their music heard, in the spirit of true partnership. as the headquarters for Folk Music and Dance, with over 2,000 members worldwide and an annual conference that is one of the five largest music conferences in North America. Smithsonian Folkways is the nonprofit record label of the Smithsonian Institution. Founders Fund is a San Francisco-based venture capital investment firm. Rumblefish’s brand new music licensing store makes licensing music for any project as easy as listen, license and download. Real music that’s easy to license and 100% pre-cleared for any use. A digital strategy agency that specializes in content creation, social media and many other emerging outlets. Fox rothschild llp is a national law law firm with more than 500 attorneys practicing in 17 offices coast to coast. Lawyers at the firm provide a full range of legal services to public and private companies – from family-run businesses to multinational corporations. Fundación autor was created in 1997 to pursue social, welfare and promotional activities in divulging the repertoire of members of the general Society of authors and publishers (Sgae) throughout Spain and latin america. g Provides service in the travel industry to professional athletes, photographers, fashion icons, CEOs and the music industry. Create your own custom music cards (like credit cards) to sell to your fans to download anywhere. Costs less to make than CDs and takes up less room to bring and sell on tour. Worthwhile events happening in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and London, with more cities on the way. A wonderful online photo management and sharing application. Take photos and group them any way you want. Tag them and share on your blog and on FaceNEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 Gateway Mastering is a world-class recording studio on the coast of Maine. Founded in 1894 in Kalamazoo, Michi- gan, and headquartered in Nashville since 1984, Gibson is known worldwide for producing classic models in every major style of fretted instrument, including acoustic and electric guitars, mandolins and banjos. This site will help you book gigs locally or across the U.S. They book shows at private parties to weddings, to corporate functions. R E S o U R C E S NMS13 gold mobile provides solutions that accelerate customer engagement, drive transactions, and reward your most loyal customers. Formerly CDDB (Compact Discs Data Base), GraceNote is a company that maintains and licenses an Internet-accessible database containing information about the contents of audio compact discs and vinyl records. It provides software and metadata to businesses that enable their customers to manage and search digital media. Gray V is a boutique background music ser- vice, providing compelling background music service that has, through word of mouth, attracted some of the world’s best hotels, restaurants and retail operations. Offers great deals on guitars and other musical instruments, including bass guitars, keyboards and amplifiers. Once you’ve found your experience you can instantly reserve spots for you and your friends. All details and resources will be sent to you in advance of your experience so you’ll be ready. i iHeartRadio brings users a best-in- class customizable digital listening experience that combines the best of both worlds to deliver everything listeners want in one free, fully integrated service. Imagem Music is an independent music publishing company. IMRadio plays the music of local bands from hundreds of cities worldwide. Like a YouTube for music, IMRadio enables musicians to upload original songs for free radio airplay. Each artist/band registers a brief profile/ bio page where they can communicate with their local fans and introduce themselves to a worldwide audience. Listeners hear thousands of original songs being played in local pubs and clubs worldwide. h the leading digital music store for high-resolution audio and cd-quality downloads. Sign up for headliner, link your social networks and start reaching new fans on Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. Become a part of a community of over 25,000 artists. HEARD is a creative agency with a focus on music-related initiatives and products. Screens music from independent artists and presents the music to relevant industry channels including labels, publishers, ad agencies and music supervisors. Hip Digital is a tech company that lets users create digital media promotions and sales. Customers include Fortune 500 companies with programs that reach over 100 million consumers worldwide. Hip’s flagship technology, The Digital Music Engine (DME), is a web-based cloud service that provides customers access to Hip Digital’s catalog without the responsibility of managing such a comprehensive catalog. A new way to get personal experiences away in exotic locations. with popular celebrities in sports, music, television, film and tech. Search and discover experiences near you or far Indaba Music is an international community of musicians, music professionals and fans exploring the creative possibilities of making music with people in different places. It makes finding other people and working on recording, mixing or mastering projects easier. For fans, Indaba provides unprecedented access to artists and to the creative process. IMA honors are awarded to independent artists that broaden the definition of commercial music representing the diversity of the global indie music scene. The program creates marketing, sales and promotional opportunities to expand the fan base for artists and releases that are traditionally ignored by mainstream gatekeepers, mass media and big box retailers. A music directory that is published once a year. It has helped independent artists gain more exposure to their music and it lists thousands of services dedicated to helping you sell your music online, get your music heard on the radio and more. Indie Charts is the official music charts for indie and unsigned artists and bands. R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 115 NMS13 Offers a suite of e-commerce tools and services to make and deliver merch for indie bands. Has different member packages for artists. Upload your music to start selling. A free site that allows you to find venues to play in with all key contact information and reviews by other musicians. Streaming radio with a social networking dy- namic. Provides the option to add friends and listen to their playlists or tune into their stream whenever you like. Build a station and see who is listening in. You can pay to associate your music with others artists. Create live video and show anyone in the world what’s happening right now, using only a laptop. k Marketing resource that combines artist development with innovative effective marketing. Works primarily for rock, pop and hip hop artists and has distribution channels worldwide in over 77 countries. Contact info for 26,000 venues in the U.S. and Canada to help you find the best place to play. Indigenous works on a project basis with artists, record labels, artist managers, promoters and sometimes brands on custom publicity and marketing campaigns. Provides clients with custom- ized marketing, promotion, sync licensing and administrative support to help maximize the earnings potential of specific music and video releases or catalogues. Their Beat Maker is a high-end iPhone music app that calls itself the “music creation studio.” It provides a number of advanced tools and effects to help you create an intuitive composition. $19.99 116 Independent Online Distribution Alliance. the island def jam music group is one of four Universal music group umbrella labels in north america to market the works of primarily mainstream pop, rock, and urban performers.. J is a site dedicated to readers’ every need with an industry insider look into hip hop. A new way to fund and follow creativity. Canada-based Kill The 8 offers cutting edge online services, handling all of your e-commerce needs. Design and develop individual custom online stores based on the artist’s existing website, creating a connection to the secure store page. Kings of A&R is a music industry site where fresh new faces get discovered. Is an artist management company based in New York and Chicago that brings experience in management, booking, PR, marketing, concert promotion, sponsorship and publishing. Provides web development and design to artists and bands. An online service that allows you to track your audio works on the radio and keep track of your royalties. Produce live streaming video, recorded video jakprints is your friend in the print industry with high-quality, affordable, eco-friendly products in Full color printing; label and Sticker printing; embroidery and apparel printing; and large Format or banner printing. and pictures from any compatible camera phone with Kyte Mobile Producer. jambase is the premiere location for live music, concert tickets and concert information. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 R E S o U R C E S NMS13 l to advance your career. Connect with millions of users, spanning 200+ industries, join networks and ask and answer burning questions. U.K.-based Internet radio competitor to Pandora owned by CBS. Users can create custom radio stations and playlists from any of the audio tracks in’s music library and are able to listen to some individual tracks on-demand, or download tracks if the rights holder has previously authorized. Online legal document preparation services for estate planning, trademarks, corporations and others. Limelight is the simplest internet radio network - listen to thou- way to clear cover songs. Limelight is a one-stop, online toll to clear cover songs for digital downloads, physical albums and ringtones. Customers can create an account and finalize their mechanical licensing within minutes. Reaching 100% of the publishing market and powered by RightsFlow’s proprietary licensing, accounting and royalty payment technology platform. Limelight allows users to pay a small one-time fee rather than shelling out hundreds of dollars for expensive lawyers and costly administrator fees. A business-oriented networking site. As a professional artist you need to be making serious contacts Little Steven’s Underground Garage is a nationally syndicated Rock radio show hosted and produced by one of America’s foremost musicians and actors, Little Steven Van Zandt. Each week Little Steven takes audiences on a two-hour trip down the path of what was cool in the 50s, 60s and 70s as well as showcasing the best emerging Rock bands in the world today. sands of internet radio stations featuring online music in every style, including hip hop, jazz, new age, rock, classical, oldies, and more. local vibeS is a multi-dimensional music platform devoted to breaking down the barriers that the best up-and-coming bands face preventing them from getting to the next level of success Helps you create drag-and-drop websites, promotional custom-branded widgets with built-in shopping carts, sales players embeddable in social networks and custom-designed storefronts. 117 T he best and most database of live music and concert events NMS13 M medianet has been working for over a MakerStudio is a media company that bridges the gap between YouTube and television. Social media news blog covering cool new websites and social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace and You Tube. MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use and track your results. It’s like your own personal publishing platform. McGhee Entertainment is an independent entertainment company. Uses proprietary digital fingerprinting and watermarking technology to monitor and measure music and advertisement airplay on more than 2,500, non-commercial and commercial radio stations in over 150 U.S. markets, real time, 24/7. The ultimate music search tool because it is powered by your voice. Sing, hum or whistle to instantly find your favorite music and connect with a community that shares your musical interests. Mirror NYC is a strategic communica- tions company that offers clients a full-service experience 118 with five integrated business models: print, create, social, green and nonprofit. Its goal is to empower artists and provide them with valuable tools and resources to create meaningful, long-lasting relationships with their fans. Is an advocate for artists and labels, maximizing exposure, sales and career development. A website for the serious DJ that features current news, videos and featured artists, a DJ directory and more. Their MixMeister Scratch is an innovative DJ Scratch tool for iPhones that lets you scratch anywhere and anytime for free. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 decade with the world’s leading major labels and thousands of independent labels to give you access to some of the most extensive music catalogs covering multiple content distribution territories. A new service that artists can use to build their own iPhone and Android apps for as little as $0.50 a day. MobBase apps are completely customizable with respect to look and features and enable artists to share music, news, photos, videos, tweets, tour dates and other prized “insider” information with fans, in real time. In need of a basic app? Over 100 artist and music-related services have apps in Apple’s App Store using Mobile Roadies’s technology that charges a $500 setup fee and $29 for monthly hosting. Offers a complete set of digital strategy, marketing, distribution and production services to creative brands. Connects fans with bands, artists and per- sonalities using live video broadcasts, text messaging, video blogs, mobile updating and Twitter feeds. Modlife’s goal is to reward loyal fans and create a new revenue stream for content creators through a high level of interactivity between artist and fans. Find, play and share music from your computer or mobile device. $4.99-$9.99/month Band is an app developed to create music from scratch using virtual instruments. $3.99 moozar provides “reward” links to artists so everyone who enjoys their songs can freely “reward” to support. Build your own mobile broadcast list and send messages to your fans. helps build stronger brands by emphasizing brand strategy and tastemaker marketing, utilizing media connections, designing unique promotions, etc. The exclusive, global, community-based Top-Level Domain (TLD) name that gives music entities and the music community a unique identity online and avalidated industry standard for official music websites. A pod-safe music network where reg- R E S o U R C E S NMS13 istered podcast producers can download music to include on their shows. Create a profile and watch Podcasters as they download and add your tracks to their shows. Music Resource Group MRG creates resources, interactive tools and programs for all members of the independent music community. and venue with key contacts to use for booking gigs. The cost is $39.95. Company that insures everything music-related, including musicians, studios, special events, tours and more. we have been publishing contact directories for the music industry since 1992 – that’s all we do to make sure you have the best contact information available for the people you need to reach in the music industry. A complete guide for musicians to start their own record company or an independent music label and manage them. music choice is an american company that programs music and produces music-related content for digital cable tv, mobile phones, and cable modem subscribers in the United States. Searchable, editable and expandable collection of tunes, melodies and musical themes. Music Connection is a monthly Submit your songs to music producers, Through its extensive online presence, MusicDish provides artists with an edge over the ever-prevalent competition the music industry entails. Watch official music videos, documentaries, TV shows, interviews, behind the scenes, tutorials and loads of exclusive and rare footage. Revenue share with indie artists. US-based music-trade magazine, published since 1977.[2] It caters to career-minded musicians, songwriters, recording artists and assorted music-industry support personnel. musichelp is a service company for the music industry in Scandinavia. we have both physical distribution and digital distribution, pr, graphic design, cd printing and much more. Rick Goetz is a musician coach and consultant by way of a 15-year career as an A&R executive at Atlantic and Elektra Records, musician and music supervisor. The website provides music business guidance and artist development services to artists and executives at any stage in their careers. Music geek services An artist services company based in Chicago and Nashville. They specialize in helping artists achieve deeper connections with their fans through digital media. publishers, supervisors and managers for marketing, music licensing, label roster, publishing, distribution and more. MBV is an online music website that offers original material, including free and legal streams and downloads, videos, music-related art, music news, commentary and discussions. Offers an ever-growing catalog of freely streamable audio and video content, user-friendly e-commerce solutions, personal music players and user and artist playlists, aiming to empower artists to monetize their content through multiple revenue streams. Beta site allows creators and their representatives to register, validate and protect their work. building tools for artists to thrive, and succeed. to commercially release any and everything they create through the label - digitally and physically. to concentrate in what matters - music. gain insight into global music trends. target campaigns to territories, demographics, musical styles and more with musicmetric custom reports. Has 10,000 live music clubs R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 119 NMS13 n New music website with tour data, reviews, mp3s and music blogs. The Entertainment, Arts and Sports Law section of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) strives to meet the increasingly specialized and sophisticated membership by providing the best programs and scholarly publications, as well as by fulfilling its role as advocate for its members’ interests. o Online music analytics and insights. D2F platform that easily integrates sales, marketing and management activities in one place. Build your fan base, create compelling offers, engage your fans and sell direct through custom storefronts. An online service to create, customize and share your own social network. Founded in 2010 to provide high-caliber creative work to clients around the world, specializing in logo and brand development and design services. Do-it-yourself music company developing services to host, manage, publish, license, distribute, sell, analyze and create widgets and players for music files in the new digital ecosystem. Om is a San Francisco-based music and lifestyle company. is a premiere consulting, development and marketing agency for new media entertainment. 120 NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 R E S o U R C E S NMS13 Automates and manages your gig booking, promotional and administrative needs. Once placed in a computer, the Opendisc Fan / Fan-funded music platform (a subset of crowdfunding) utilising a threshold pledge System / provision point mechanism. CD allows you to create a unique link with your favorite artist via an interactive dialog. Turns your CD into a tool to connect with fans. Prod4ever a full-service interactive agency of designers, artists, programmers, strategic planners and musicians who collaborate and create inspirational answers. Delivers to the leading online and Building online Twitter promotions has mobile digital retailers throughout the world: over 400 and counting. They acquired TVT and now sell physical as well. OurStage is the only democratic competition where the fans decide who’s the best in emerging entertainment. Fans have the real voice because our patent-pending judging system eliminates cheaters, and there is $25,000 monthly prize money. P pandora internet radio is an automated music recommendation service and “custodian” of the music genome project. New music, movies, TV, books and more. never been easier. A full-service business management firm based in New York City, providing services to clients in the fields of music, TV & film, theater, sports, fashion, literature, the fine arts and other creative endeavors. Offers to create an artist ac- count and let you upload your music in mp3 format. This site is spidered regularly by search engines. q Works with leading media companies, artists and creative entities, carving out new digital syndication channels and providing thousands of hours of HD concert and music film programming. Will help you sell your music online in their own store. r Helps you build and share Social Me- dia Releases for free. Social Media Releases engage reader with multimedia content shared via your social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Their Chordmaster is a great app for music lovers. It presents a huge library of more than 7,800 guitar chords at your disposal. $1.99 Provides your favorite music, books, movies, apps and games all in one place that’s accessible from the Web and any Android device. Stores up to 20,000 songs from your own collection and sync them to your mobile phone and access them from your web browser. Project Playlist’s purpose is to help you find and enjoy music legally throughout the web in the same way that other search engines help you find webpages, images and other media. Allows sharing of playlists and has met some controversy. pledgemusic is an online direct-to- A revolutionary online net- work that enables record labels and DIY artists to find and commission affordable music videos from director talent worldwide. rca records is a division of Sony music entertainment. rca includes a diverse roster of internationally renowned artists representing all genres of music including justin timberlake, p!nk, alicia keys, britney Spears, Foo Fighters, kelly clarkson, Usher, kings of leon, and many more. Music site from the founders of Skype, in beta. A collection of music industry professionals dedicated to enabling rights-holders to successfully promote and distribute digital music. Helps artists cultivate their best work and reap the benefits of planting their music in the minds, desktops and listening devices of R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 121 NMS13 s the people who need to hear it. Reapandsow is the artists’ advocate in the digital space. red, an award-winning division of Sony music entertainment, headquartered in new york city, is widely recognized as the industry leader in music distribution and artist development. Modern, innovative cymbal maker with republic is home to an all-star Sandbox Development and consulting Inc. An independent development consulting company based in the Chicago area. They specialize in web development and user interface design. roster of multi-platinum, award-winning legends and superstar artists such as 3 doors down, amy winehouse, black Sabbath, colbie caillat, eddie vedder, enrique iglesias, Florence + the machine, and more. traditional roots that combine expertise and craftsmanship with creative vision to design award-winning cymbals. A digital media company that engages A complete solution for fan man- agement, promotion, distribution, direct-to-fan commerce and analytics. ReverbNation is laser-focused on the artist and it is this unique perspective that has made them successful. Some of the marketing tools that are available to every artist include: fan relationship management system, Facebook marketing, widgets and banners, electronic press kits, profile syncing, street teams, SiteBuilder, direct-to-fan commerce, digital distribution and Fan360. people with unique content creation. Section 101’s mission is to provide clients with simple and effective solutions to manage and maximize their online presence. Video widget. Once fans embed rhapsody is the number-one premium your video player, you can learn who they are and keep them engaged. With our permission-based marketing platform, you can dynamically message fans and add new content on the fly. Website for creating applications for music-cre- For more than 60 years, the name Sennheiser has been synonymous with top-quality products and tailor-made complete solutions for every aspect of the recording, transmission and reproduction of sound. subscription music service, with more than one million members, who can listen to more than 16 million tracks on more than 70 consumer electronics devices ation. RocketHub is a grassroots crowd-fund- ing community for Creatives by Creatives, supporting a DIYethos. Creatives are able to present projects and market them to fans and friends, who in turn can make donations to fund its launch. A Detroit-based marketing and creative services agency that helps B2C and B2B companies increase sales. tion, designed to represent songwriters and publishers and their right to be compensated for having their music performed in public. Provides a full range of marketing and creative services to the entertainment industry: bands, artists, managers, labels, festivals and other performing arts organizations. Music discovery engine. Hold your phone A boutique new media marketing company that specializes in interactive marketing, media planning and design services. Transcontinental Ross-Ellis is a North SeSac, inc. is a performing rights organiza- up to the speaker if you don’t know what song is playing and Shazam will tell you what it is. A software-as-a-service company American leader in producing innovative and value-added packaging solutions for the entertainment industries. Offers artist and publisher mechanical royalty services and is a worldwide leader in web-based royalty processing solutions. that creates digital marketing tools for social media websites such as videos, coupons, banner images and discounts that are meant to be passed on peer-to-peer. Creates technology to transfer content from your phone directly to as many as 30 content sharing sites, including YouTube, Facebook and Flickr. R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 123 NMS13 Sideways Media is an online marketing company that leverages web 2.0 technologies to enable artists to connect to and engage their fans. is a music subscription service available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium. A place where singers and producers connect. It is a powerful, custom-designed, searchable database where producers can see, hear, communicate, negotiate rates and hire singers all in one convenient place. the Songwriters hall of Fame holds workshops, showcases, and provides scholarships to promising artists to help develop new songwriting talent. new inductees are voted on annually. Allows you to organize and track your favorite bands and track concerts and dates. Get instant tour dates from your music library. Helps you share music found on the web on Twitter. how to sing made easy, Artists assign a phone number from the website that anyone with a cell phone can call, preview music and purchase that song. Find your new favorite song in less Allows you to sell your songs without vocals to songwriters all over the world who can create new songs and new royalty opportunities for you. simple, natural - Sing like you Speak(tm) voice lessons online from expert new york city vocal coach. than 5 minutes a day. Slacker Personal Radio is the easiest way to create free radio stations. Listen anywhere to free personalized Internet radio stations playing your favorite music. An easy way for songwriters to collect royalties and register songs. A financing platform for the music sony Music entertainment is a global recorded music company with a roster that includes a broad array of both local artists and international superstars. Developer behind music-creation applica- Markets music and builds artist brands by connecting them to opportunities in TV shows, movies, video games, ads and trailers. industry that enables new and established artists to raise money directly from their fans and investors. tions like “Leaf Trombone” and “Ocarina” that allow users to create their own music. Schedule your important market- 124 ing messages to go out at 12 p.m. EST so you never forget to tweet them. (Remember to include personal tweets in between; no one likes only marketing messages). Internet radio station with 20+ different stations, including Indie Pop Rocks and a station synced with NASA’s astronaut feed. Sonicbids is a website that helps bands get gigs and promoters book the right bands. Save your list of artists and find out the next time any of them come to town. Also tells you what shows your friends are going to. Song Cast is a music distribution service that delivers independent music to the world’s most popular download retailers, including iTunes, Amazon, Napster, Rhapsody, eMusic and more. Sound Around is an iPhone application developer, specifically for musicians. Plans starts at $14 per month. The easiest way to move your music around the web, including stems. SoundCtrl is a network of digital media professionals focused on advancing the music industry through the power of the social web. Soundexchange is the non-profit digital performance rights organization that represents the entire digital music industry. Soundexchange collects digital performance royalties from satellite radio, internet radio, cable tv music channels and pays that money to recording artists and master copyright owners. Provides strategic marketing and brand management services. Spinner is an AOL music property, which NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 R E S o U R C E S NMS13 bills itself “as the ultimate blog for free mp3s, free CD listening and discovering new artists.” company from the first folks to sell event tickets online. let Spotify bring you the right music for their catalog and their fans, generate demand for their music and gather insights to improve performance. every mood and moment. the perfect songs for your workout, your night in, or your journey to work. Gives artists the tools to manage Listen to online radio, find streaming music Stagebloc has built products and im- plemented services that help artists with many aspects of their careers. A game where you take the role of radio and streaming talk radio with TuneIn. This is the best guide to every type of radio. A music delivery and distribution service that gets artists’ original music and even converts versions and record label releases up for sale online. Small setup and annual fee and no distribution charges. artist or label. Upload your music and possibly get more exposure. Platform for stylists to manage and mar- Service for tracking the use of and protecting your copyright music. A unique program that enables you to effortlessly create your own online music store. This complete e-commerce solution allows you to sell music from all of Subway Records’ artists so you can immediately start earning money. Lets you share photos you take with your mobile phone and post instantly to your Twitter account. This is a great way to share photos with little effort in seconds while on the go. ket their services to clients. South by Southwest, based in Austin, Texas, since 1987, delivers conference and festival events for entertainment and related media industry professionals. A micro-blogging site that answers one simple question: What are you doing? You post your answers and share updates with followers. Think of a giant Facebook status update in the sky. Uses lists and searches Twitter. com and the lists feature connects you with others. t u Official site for the indie A digital entertainment-consulting firm providing expert strategy, market intelligence, product ideation, business modeling and business development services to multinational companies and select emerging businesses. A design and development company that handles all things creative. music mag with web-exclusive interviews, photos, reviews, mp3s, videos, music, news and more. republic records As a division of Universal Music Group, Universal Republic is home to a diverse array of superstar artists such as 3 Doors Down, Florence And The Machine and Gotye. a digital media company that sells A boutique music marketing company offering full-service publicity, non-commercial and college radio promotion, and sync licensing services. A company that specializes in helping independent artists with distribution, management, press kits and many other aspects of their career. downloadable music, video and ebooks. they also provide branded digital products for traditional media companies. Broadcast video live to the world from a computer. A next-generation ticketing and marketing R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 125 NMS13 W 126 y Free real-time web conferencing plat- Find music videos, Internet radio, Streaming music and Internet radio network. Yamaha manufactures a complete line of musical instruments, professional audio products, customer-driven support products and computer-based products for both the amateur and professional markets. form you can access form anywhere to make it seem like you’re in the same room. webster hall is north america’s premiere nightclub and live music entertainment venue. located in new york city’s famous east village, it can easily be said that Webster Hall was the first modern nightclub and event space of its kind in america. The Windish Agency is an inde- pendent booking agency. In its 26th consecutive music downloads and all the latest music news and information on Yahoo! Music. An online network where music artists, publishers, labels and other content owners conduct business directly with potential content buyers in a secure environment. The second most-trafficked search engine on the Internet lets you create your very own video. year, it is one of the most publicized annual music gatherings in the world. ary artists, warner music group is home to a collection of the best-known record labels in the music industry. z Allows you to post for free your A huge selection of custom merchandise you with its broad roster of new stars and legend- live music listing. Music fans can find your show when they type in concerts to see in their city. A great way to get exposure to new music fans. 126 One of the easiest and most cost effective ways to build and maintain a website. It’s a great bloggers platform as well. Workman Entertain- ment and Public Relations delivers creativity, client relations and consistent, impressive results. Strength lies in positioning and branding corporate/entertainment entities and individuals. NEW mUSic new MUSIC Seminar SEMINAR | 2013 can get fast and on demand. Powered by Believe Digital. Provides digital distribution services via its worldwide partners with competitive pricing, more retail outlets and a superior set of administrative tools for clients. ZMX Music provides artists and music publishers with a complete, digital direct-to-fan sheet music publishing solution. Allows you to post for free your show with a bio and link to your site. Music fans using this service can find your show when they type in shows in their area. A great way to let new music fans find you. Rn m E SS doaUy S R C E S Welcome to our showcase with new upcoming artists from Sweden. Check out the bands and venue on this site: You can also follow us on our channel at Audioboo. We report and analyze the conference, makes interviews with people from the music industry and much more... Are you interested in licensing songs from our artists, you can find them all on MusicDealers. The first cloud based record label - a b2b platform for artists, managers and labels. A unique smart layer and toolset, built on a global business and legal framework. Connecting all parts of the industry from governments to production, management to logistics, and distribution to live shows. Representing and helping musicians to retain and control their independence, rights and royalties. Empowering global collaboration to create and support their art. Revolutions don’t just happen. Revolutions are made. PUBLIC BETA - OPEN NOW The Royal Concept/NMS 2012 Aimee Mann Readymade Records Kina Grannis Diane Birch BUSH 129 res o urces 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR reSoUrceS Essential Music Business News & Information sites & blogs a b All is an online media source for all things Hop-Hop. The All Music Blog provides the latest news and information about all things music. Fiscally sponsored non-profit org that provides daily music news. Covering genres such as Rock, Hardcore, Emo, Pop-Punk, Punk, Hip Hop and many more. Also writes Album and Live Reviews & interviews. blog educating the public about the San Francisco indie music community and providing Bay Area musicians unique opportunities to receive public exposure. It also curates and promotes “The Bay Bridged Presents,” a monthly series of concerts. Music news, reviews and interviews. Completely independent. Growing fast, rocking boats, pushing envelopes. Passionate About Music, bringing breaking news and new song releases on a daily basis. Exclusive interviews, reviews and giveaways. An L.A.-based electric audio blog featuring daily music news, interviews, features, reviews, MP3 samples and podcasts. The Drunkard bridges the gap between contemporary indie with vintage garage, folk, country, New Orleans funk, R&B, soul and everything that falls in between. Disco, electronica, dance and funk blog that explores and introduces new music, whether from vintage vinyl or a new release. Alter The Press is a music blog site 130 Originated in the Bay Area, this internationally known Internet radio station broadcasts 24 hours a day, with live DJs and broadcasters. the aquarian weekly provides interviews, reviews and news coverage of national and local music acts in the new york and new jersey areas. Arjan Writes is a music blog for music news and information. Aurgasm specializes in everything not under the American rock umbrella—music such as down tempo, folk, nu jazz, chanson, Scandinavian, jazz, Cuban, Brazilian, electro, soul, jump blues, bluegrass, film score and electronica. Music review blog that features free mp3s of obscure African music. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 Bebo provides an open, engaging and fun environment that empowers a new generation to discover, connect and express themselves. Mostly music-related content but also about movies, electronics, current events, an occasional “Picture of the Day.” Free indie mp3 download website with reviews and recommendations, as well as music industry news. Now in its 115th year, Billboard is the world’s premier weekly music publication and diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform. Billboard publishes the most trusted charts and offers unrivaled reporting about the latest music, video, gaming, media, digital and mobile entertainment issues and trends. R E S o U R C E S NMS13 A 24/7 extension of Billboard magazine, delivering breaking news, insight and analysis on the music and entertainment industries, all of the articles printed in each week’s magazine, a database of Billboard chart archives. The Bluegrass Music News Network is an extension of Cybergrass. Official bluegrass music news, reviews, announcements and information are posted daily here. Country Music Tattle Tale for all that is country music: artists, photos, music, videos, lyrics, gossip and entertainment news. Folk blog introducing folk covers of familiar songs. Createquity is a blog for next-generation ideas on the role of the arts: a creative society. d BoogieFoogieFlu is a blog for record collectors. The Boot is the web’s top source for the latest in country music and bluegrass news, videos, songs, interviews and live performances from country’s biggest stars. Free music from the finest independent An NYC-centric mostly music or outof-print music, generally publishing once a week. blog that focuses on reporting international music news, live show reviews, pictures, tour dates, gossip, tips, mp3s, videos and more. Buzz Bands is a blog covering the L.A. bands. An mp3 jazz blog focusing on rare Diddywah is an mp3 blog preoccupied with rhythm & blues and rock & roll from the 50’s and 60’s. Different Kitchen was one of music scene. Buzz Grinder is an online music blog that offers music-related news and entertainment. the early pioneering sites to blog about hip-hop & culture at the advent of the mainstream blogging movement. The news and information authority for music and technology executives, attracting highly targeted decision-makers from every segment of the business. c mp3 weblog focusing on indie music with track, concert and album reviews. Contains articles, interviews, bibliography and web resources of interest to ambient and electronica music fans. Free DJ mixes, DJ livesets and DJ remixes Indie rock blog that covers new tunes reviews and live show details. One of the longest-running inde- of electronic music like techno, electro, dance, hip-hop, minimal, lounge, tech-house, deep house, progressive house and trance. Clash Music provides music features Good music for good people. Don’t worry, we’ll bet you find something you like here. Indie music reviews, concert review, album reviews, venue reviews, new artist bios. pendent music weblogs focusing on Toronto, Canada and points abroad with news, reviews, commentary and concert photography. and interviews with bands, musicians and DJs. Consequence of Sound is a Driven Far Off is a blog that offers alternative music news, reviews, photos, contests and more. worldly influenced music blog that seeks to cover the music world as it has never has been covered before. Features news, reviews, mp3s and festival outlook. R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 131 NMS13 e g Each Note Secure is a music blog that offers music-related news and information. GAC’s News & Notes blog features the latest country music news, exclusive interviews with country artists and in-depth coverage of the latest music videos. Elements of Jazz is a jazz music blog for jazz-related news and information. f Hidden Track provides a snarky look at the world of live music. has a simple mission: to bring you the best legally free music in the world. Engages consumers and inspires word of mouth communication through social media marketing, blogger outreach, digital publicity and social network property management and services. A Texas-based music blog. Once Music blog about French music, A hip-hop and rap blog featuring interviews, reviews and events calendar. FILTER Magazine provides a music website with a blog, “The Good Music Guide,” local listening parties and the influential magazine to help you discover your new favorite bands. Grimy Goods is Los Angeles’ music featuring mp3s and reviews. Eclectic French music blog covering many genres of music and regularly including mp3 downloads of remixes. called “the New Yorker of hipster blogs,” it blogs about relevant artists of the day, with no particular genre-specific focus. Newsweek deemed it “influential.” source for the true music snob. Guitar International offers an array of news and information written by our top-notch columnists from the music industry. h Fluxblog claims to be the very first MP3 132 blog. It was founded by Matthew Perpetua in 2002, and covers a wide range of musical genres. Fresh New Tracks is a site dedicated to getting the newest music in electro, hip-hop, dubstep, house, reggae, mashed and rap tracks. MP3 blog that aims to introduce and discover new artists and music. The Funky 16 Corners blog started in 2004 and focuses on funk and soul vinyl. Hard Rock Hideout is a music blog dedicated to hard rock, heavy metal and classic rock. Indie blog about discovering new music. A community of fans that wants to see the music they love reach the ears of new friends and survive. Album reviews, daily mp3 downloads and live sessions. Hip Hop Democrat, Inc. is committed to educating, informing and entertaining fans of hip-hop and its culture and exposing its influence socially and economically. HipHopDx brings you the latest in hip-hop news, album review, interviews, audio and more. Hip-hop and dance music news and review blog featuring mp3s of the latest remixes. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 R E S o U R C E S NMS13 J Hypebot provides daily news and commen- tary on the music industry and the technology and social media that drives it, for music industry professionals, DIY musicians and everyone that cares about music. Jazz Wax is a blog on jazz legends and The Hype Machine is the best place to find music on the web. Every day, thousands of people around the world write about music they love, and it all ends up here. i legendary jazz recordings. k Killed By Death Records is a blog kept An influential pop, rap and rock music gossip blog. in Sweden whose entries cover American and European punk music with candid album reviews, track listings, cover art and mp3 files. Rhode Island-based Although indie music news and mp3 blog. sometimes tangential, Keep the Coffee Coming is a great folk music blog with reviews and song streams. Electronic, pop punk and dance music blog from the record label under the same name that is dedicated to challenging the music industry standard. KEXP blog is a music blog that specializes in music news for indie/alternative rock. l I Heart Noise is an online music blog bringing you the latest in underground music: news, reviews, interviews and much more. illRoots is dedicated to hip-hop with the Features daily free and legal music downloads as well as news from the worlds of music, literature and pop culture. Delivers news and information that relates to the business of independent hip-hop. LA-Story is about Southern California and Los Angeles as a lifestyle, state of mind and style center. IRC helps promote talented artists, Highlights interesting events in latest news, reviews and interviews. bands and their labels by writing profiles, reviews and features, as well as publishing special playlists and mixes. IRC is one of the more well-known music sites where talented independent (and some mainstream) musicians and bands can get international exposure right away. This site is visited by tens of thousands of people a month from all over the world. Indie Shuffle is an indie music blog that covers indie rock, electronica, hip-hop, remixes, folk and more. Indie music blog in Italian. A site for a list of the top 50 music blogs. the Bay area (or stories around the country) to over 4 million dedicated readers. If you have a truly creative story to tell or an offbeat event, contact Laughing Squid. The Lava Lizard is a platform for R&B, hip-hop and pop performers to thrive amid the rising tide of ringtone artists who continue to clog the airwaves. Great indie music blog that features record reviews, news, gigs, interviews, features and videos. Music Everyday posts new songs every day, along with the occasional post about other things relating to music. Great site if you want something new to listen to, or if you are just interested in music. The Lonely Note is a music blog dedicated to all things rock and pop. R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 133 NMS13 M of Mark Mulligan, where you will find opinion and insight on the music industry’s often painful journey towards creating a new business around music. Blog featuring hip-hop and dance remix Music Is Art is beautifully designed visual- news, audio clips and video. Metal Injection is a heavy metal music blog. Metal music blog that combines humor with album reviews, artist news and gossip. Underground heavy metal news, reviews, interviews, photos and more. Updated daily. Mojo is a popular music magazine. Playlist audio blog that also narrates contributor’s thoughts, connections and reasons behind the selections. A wonderfully curated site that includes daily musician’s news, tips on gear, songwriting and business from around the web. MetaFilter (MeFi) Music is a site for members to upload their own songs for others to enjoy and share. Logged-in members can enjoy downloads, playlists, favorites and podcasts of tags, playlists and specific users. ly. It not only focuses on excellent music, but on art, photography and writing and how they all intersect and inform the music. MNN is a music blog that offers music industry news, new releases, concert & touring news and general rock/pop stuff. Trending news, analysis, reviews, ratings and exclusive content for music. Where the industry thinks out loud: posts from Ariel Hyatt (Ariel Publicity), Andrew Dubber (, Bob Baker (Mr Buzz Factor) and many other music industry thought leaders. Musical delights and delightful musings. Indie pop, electro pop, bubblegum pop and all that’s in between. Single, album and performance reviews kept 110% biased and always classy sassy. My Old Kentucky Blog (MOKB) is an Indianapolis-based blog, featuring mp3s, concert reviews, all with a sense of humor. n Music City Unsigned is a 134 community of emerging artists who call Nashville home. the music connection is a monthly music trade magazine publication that covers every aspect of the music industry. it has been examining and defining the realities of music-making since 1977. One of the top hip-hop blogs on the web. Celebrity Gossip on the rocks. The latest in urban entertainment and celebrity gossip showcasing the rich, the famous and the almost famous. through its extensive online presence, Mudd Up! is a blog by Jace Clayton a.k.a. DJ /rupture. Writings on music, literature, culture, technology, plus surprises. All the latest music news, reviews Shamelessly and unapologetically reporting on all things pop music with a celebrity blog twist. Music For Kids Who Can’t Read Good The Next 2 Shine is an online portal for music artists and producers that wish to release their content to visitors across the globe. musicdish provides artists with an edge over the ever-prevalent competition the music industry entails. and interviews from the under-reported world of independent and alternative music and the arts in Australia... and beyond. is an mp3 blog that describes and reviews live shows and new album releases from the wide indie music genre. This is the blog NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 New Jersey music and cultural news blog featuring release information, reviews, gossip and show alerts. R E S o U R C E S NMS13 Noise Addicts is a music and audio blog dedicated to people who are musicians, audio enthusiasts and people who love music or who love making music. A live music blog that offers a new para- digm of music distribution on the web. The recordings are offered for free on the site, as are the music posts, reviews and links to artist sites. All recordings are posted with artist permission or artists with an existing pro-taping policy. o The only trade publication covering the worldwide concert industry. Though skewed toward larger acts, Pollstar allows you to submit your upcoming concerts for potential posting on their site. They do not guarantee entry of dates submitted but will if time permits. The submission process is free. Pop Dose is a pop culture blog suffering through the worst and best of music, movies, food and books so that you don’t have to. Pop Justice is an Internet media site dedicated to everything pop music. Started by a contributor to Pop- Matters, this blog has mp3s, band features, interviews and reviews, mostly from little-known bands. Tom Jackson’s blog on making your live performance much better. PopMatters is an international magazine of cultural criticism, covering all things pop culture with in-depth articles on cultural areas such as music, television, films, books, video games, sports, visual arts, travel and technology. Pot Holes in Music is a music blog for the latest in all music news, information and entertainment. P Prefix Magazine showcases an extensive catalog of exclusive interviews, reviews, mp3s, video and photo galleries. Palms Out Sounds is a New York-based dance blog and label. Pretty Much Amazing was Pampelmoose is a music blog that started in 2007 and since has welcomed many other music geeks to spread the love and call the bullshit that is sprinkled throughout today’s music. The Panic Manual is probably the first PureVolume is a website for the discovery and promotion of new music and emerging artists. Passion of the Weiss is a blog by L.A. r covers online music distribution, technology, music reviews and includes free and legal mp3s to download. and only indie-tween-Britpop-rock, video game-movie-travelfood-gadget reviewing, Asian-centric-maritime-influenced Canadian blog on the web. writer/ critic Jeff Weiss reviewing the Southern California concert scene. Rap Radar is a hip-hop related blog for news, information and entertainment. Perfect Porridge is a music blog that covers national and international music news and information. Pigeons and Planes is a place where you can keep up with good new music, whether mainstream hip-hop, indie rock or anything in between. Chicago-based daily Internet publication devoted to music criticism and commentary, music news and artist interviews. Rap-Up is updated numerous times daily with the latest hip-hop and R&B news, new music, photos and videos. Music and mp3 blog devoted to indie pop/rock, psych, folk and all forms of independent expression through music. The latest hip-hop news, songs, pictures and videos. R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 135 NMS13 Music, artwork and Chicago blog that covers indie music. The Rest is Noise is a blog by the music critic of “The New Yorker.” L.A. music scene blog about the emerg- ing indie artist scene. Some of the first bands covered, such as the Silversun Pickups and Cold War Kids, show that this blog is a go-to for hearing about new talent. Rock the Dub is a music-related enter- tainment blog. s The website lists “charts” based on favorites in the genres of ambient, electronica, D&B, house, jazz, trip-hop, reggae and more. Features music news, bands, mp3s, trends and gossip for its online community. Here you will find rare and obscure demos, singles/EPs, out of print albums, compilations, unreleased recordings, videos and more in all kind of genres. Street Dose is a music blog that represents the current affairs of the hip-hop industry and community. Suckapants is a Brooklyn-based A daily sampler of really good songs. All tracks are said to be posted out of love. SiriusBuzz is a weblog dedicated to bringing readers in-depth coverage of Sirius XM satellite radio, its competitors and other emerging audio entertainment technology. Indiepop music blog that features reviews and mp3s. photography and music blog. The photography, taken from various music and art events, is complemented by a daily song recommendation from all genres. Super 45 is a Spanish-language site dedicated to independent music providing interviews, articles and reviews. Swedesplease was the first daily mp3 blog devoted to Swedish music, particularly indie pop, electronica and twee. t written by Billboard magazine 136 veteran & entertainment journalist Chuck Taylor, it offers “pop culture with a saucy slant.” Covers music, celebrity, TV and movies, along with New York-centric events and photography… because the world is full of “Cool Shit,”“Funny Shit” and “Dumb Shit.” The ultimate hip-hop and remix lifestyle blog that features music news and events, fashion news, and sports updates. Expansive genre music blog that covers music news, gossip, politics and a bit of everything else. Indie music blog covering mostly rock, pop and hip-hop genres. Audio blog that includes sound files. Covers a wide range of genres including hip-hop, Latin, funk and soul. Starfrosch is a user-driven mp3 blog with podcasts. Users submit mp3s or videos and vote for favorites. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 Indie dance and party jam blog featuring music videos. Regular host of events and a record label for limited edition vinyl. Fake DIY sprouted in 2004 as a bedroom-run DIY set up covering music. DIY remains one of the most visited underground music sites in the U.K., and still has a firm grip on its roots. Tokyo Hive works day and night to deliver the latest breaking news, celebrity gossip, anime and manga, and stuff that’s more than a little wacky or weird from Japan. Tone Deaf provides music fans around Australia with cutting edge, irreverent interactive music entertainment. The Big Daddy Site of the Ultimate Top 10 Lists from a variety of topics and categories. R E S o U R C E S NMS13 Track Sounds is a blog about information regarding covering movie, video game and television soundtracks. Tuneage aims to broaden your mu- sical horizons, be it new music or music that is 40 years old. Twangville is a music blog for Americana, altcountry, indie, rock, folk and blues… or just about anything that features a guitar u sey City, N.J., offers mind-blowing mp3s, video oddities, news and commentary on obscure music. Who The Bloody Hell Are They? is a music blog started by Jerry Soer and Dom Alessio in 2006 to document and archive the progress of Australian music. Wire to the Ear is a music blog that offers music-related news and information. A single-author popular, mostly indie mp3 blog. x An mp3 blog that supports and pro- motes music regardless of genres, periods and geography. Users can vote on reviews and give their own, bringing an interactive element to the blog. No Rock and Roll Fun is a popular The Urban Daily provides music news, movie reviews and exclusive celebrity interviews from a black perspective. v A multimedia project formed by a group of DJs and producers that connects image with music. Aside from the blog, the collective also produce releases and host events. The blog is in both French and English. music weblog offering commentary on current music news, upcoming major concerts and a list of sites offering mp3s for downloading. y Indie music news blog with interviews, concert listings and concert reviews Vinyl collective record forum and 137 blog. Read about upcoming vinyl records and discuss on the vinyl collective forum. W International dance music blog featuring artist interviews, live events news and new tracks reviews. Vinyl review blog that covers a wide range of genres, based on contributors’ collections. We Listen for You is a music blog. We act as a filter, listening to five new albums a day and pass onto the reader what we like… and what we don’t. Freeform radio station WFMU out of JerR E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR t s e g g Su ) $ ( d r a w e r e th n e h w d n a e r e ! wh d e y o j n e s i c i s u m r u yo … be rewarded on 138 m Share your music with your “Reward links” /Artist-name Your music deserves more than a Like NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 R E S o U R C E S d! reSoUrceS Essential Music Business organizations a owners and their teaching staffs, music publishers and instrument manufacturers and music students. American Association of Independent Music is the independent music community’s preeminent non-profit advocacy group and trade organization, representing over 225 music label members and 100 associate members. It serves a sector that comprises over 30% of the music industry’s market share in the U.S. Commonly referred to as the ACM, the Academy of Country Music is best known for throwing Country Music’s Party of the Year, the annual nationally televised Academy of Country Music Awards. The awards show honors the best in the business, combining talents from Music City to Tinseltown in one star-studded event filled with new twists and longstanding country music traditions every year. Artist House Foundation is a non-profit music company dedicated to creating educational presentations in several areas, including instruction for performers. b Collects license fees on behalf of the more than 500,000 songwriters, composers and music publishers it represents and distributes those fees as royalties to members whose works are used. c Audio Engineering Society is the leading profes- sional association worldwide for professionals and students in the audio industry. The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada is the largest organization in the world representing the interests of professional musicians. aiM The Association of Independent Music is a non-profit trade organization for independent music companies in the U.K. AIM represents 25% of the U.K. market, with over 850 members that span every musical genre. ascaP The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers is a membership association of more than 435,000 U.S. composers, songwriters, lyricists and music publishers of every kind of music. Through agreements with affiliated international societies, ASCAP also represents hundreds of thousands of music creators worldwide. ASCAP protects the rights of its members by licensing and distributing royalties for the non-dramatic public performances of their copyrighted works. The American Guild of Music is the world’s oldest international music organization. Its membership is open to independent music teachers, music store U.S. Copyright Office is an office of public record for copyright registration and deposit of copyright material. The Creative Music Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation, dedicated to the research of the power of music and sound and the elements common to all of the world’s music forms. Consumer Electronics Association Brings together 2,000 companies within the consumer technology industry. CEA produces the International CES, the world’s largest consumer technology trade show. The CEA is the industry authority on market research and forecasts, consumer surveys, legislative and regulatory news, engineering standards, training resources and more. f Future of Music Coalition National non-profit organization that works to ensure a diverse musical culture where artists flourish, are compensated fairly for their work and where fans can find the music they want. R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 139 NMS13 g The Music Publishers Association provides infor- In addition to producing the Grammy Awards, they support music industry professionals in a variety of ways, including Advocacy for the rights of music people, outreach programs and student initiatives such as the Grammy U program. They support singers, songwriters, engineers, producers, managers and a wide range of professionals working in the music industry. i mation about music publishing, copyright laws, editorial standards and the correct use of printed music. It also includes a guide to copyright searching. The College Music Society promotes music teaching and learning, musical creativity and expression, research and dialogue, and diversity and interdisciplinary interaction. n National Association of Campus Activities: one Impala The Independent Music Companies Association’s initiative grows the independent music sector, promotes cultural diversity and cultural entrepreneurship, improves political access and modernizes the perception of the music industry. It is an international non-profit organization with a scientific and artistic purpose. Impala has over 4,000 members, including top independents and national trade associations. The Indie Music Association is a resource for songwriters and musicians to educate and foster musical growth. M way to reach college talent bookers. National Association of Music Merchants’ mission is to strengthen the music products industry and promote the pleasures and benefits of making music. The National Association of Record Industry Professionals promotes education, career advancement and good will among record executives. advances the promotion, marketing, distri- bution and sale of music and entertainment by providing its members with a forum for networking opportunities, information and educational tools. National Music Publishers Association’s Media Coalition is an association 140 that defends First Amendment rights to produce and sell mission is to protect, promote and advance the interests of music’s creators. The NMPA is the voice of both small and large music publishers, the leading advocate for publishers and their songwriter partners in the nation’s capital and in every area where publishers do business P books, movies, magazines, recordings, DVD’s videotapes and video games, and defends the American public’s First Amendment right to have access to the broadest possible range of opinion and entertainment. The Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association (MEIEA) is an international organization that brings educators with music leaders to prepare students for careers in the industry. Prs Performing Right Society is the United Kingdom’s association of composers, songwriters and music publishers, administering performing rights in their music and promoting and protecting the value of copyright. r Merlin Network is a non-profit organization charged with representing independent music companies in enhancing the commercial exploitation of their copyrights on a global basis. The Music Managers Forum is a non-profit organization formed in 1993 dedicated to advancing the rights of recording artists, music producers, DJs and music managers, through education, communication and public policy work. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is a trade organization that represents recording industry distributors in the U.S. R E S o U R C E S NMS13 s SAG-AFTRA represents more than 160,000 actors, announcers, broadcasters journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, voiceover artists and other media professionals. As the fastest-growing performing rights organization in the U.S., SongsAlive! is a non-profit organization run by songwriters for songwriters, dedicated to the nurturing, support and promotion of songwriters and composers by providing opportunities for collaboration and creating awareness about original music. The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada is the Canadian copyright collective that administers the performing rights of more than 100,000 composer, author and music publisher members by licensing the use of their music in Canada. A community of Canadian songwriters helping other songwriters to network, educate and participate in member events to develop new and creative business environments. The Songwriters Hall of Fame honors those whose work represents a spectrum of the most beloved songs from the world’s popular music songbook. SoundExchange is a non-profit performance rights organization that collects statutory royalties for streaming sound recordings. The Copyright Royalty Board has entrusted SoundExchange as the sole entity in the United States to collect and distribute these digital performance royalties on behalf of artists. 141 W A dynamic group of music industry professionals working together to support, cultivate and recognize the talents of women. Through educational seminars, panels, networking events and showcases, our annual Touchstone Awards, and other gala events, they provide camaraderie and tools for advancement to hundreds of members at all stages of their careers. R E S o U R C E S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR C 2013 Universal Republic Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. 5 part 5: SuppORTiNg ThE NEW MuSiC BuSiNESS NMS13 nMs Partners prime partnerS SoUndexchange 144 SoundExchange is the non-profit digital performance rights organization that represents the entire digital music industry. SoundExchange collects digital performance royalties from satellite radio, internet radio, cable TV music channels and pays that money to recording artists and master copyright owners. With a mission to support, protect and propel the music industry forward, SoundExchange aims to preserve the long-term value of music. headquartered in Washington, D.C., the organization stands behind the creative community, and the interests of all signed and unsigned recording artists, along with the small, medium and large record companies. NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 S U p p o R t I N g Since inception, SoundExchange has paid more than $1.5 billion directly to the creators of music, who in turn fuel artistic growth and the future of digital music. With more than 2,000 digital service licenses, 24,000 plus registered copyright holders and over 70,000 registered performer accounts, SoundExchange ensures artists and copyright holders are compensated when their work is broadcast by non-interactive digital radio. SoundExchange also has global agreements with counterpart organizations in countries around the world allowing us to collect and pay artists and copyright holders’ royalties when their music is played overseas. For more information, visit t h E N E W M U S I C b U S I N E S S NMS13 jakprintS Jakprints, inc. is a creatively driven, full-service printing company specializing in offset printing, apparel screen-printing, embroidery, large format printing and sticker production. By investing in state of the art equipment, ecologically sustainable practices and an unfaltering commitment to customer service, Jakprints serves more than 90,000 customers worldwide—from musicians, artists and designers to corporations or individuals— with a wide range of projects customized to bring the best attention to your brand, company or event. 145 bmi Broadcast Music, inc. (BMi) collects license fees on behalf of the more than 500,000 songwriters, composers and music publishers it represents and distributes those fees as royalties to members whose works have been publicly performed. BMi currently represents some more than 7.5 million compositions—a number that is constantly growing. as a result, BMi has, over the years, implemented a number of technological innovations in its continuing effort to gather the most accurate information available about where, when and how its members’ compositions are played or performed, as well as ensuring that royalty payments are made in as precise and timely a manner as possible. S U p p o R t I N g t h E N E W M U S I C b U S I N E S S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 platinUm partnerS b&o play at B&O play we need great music. and we need people to experience the excitement of entering new soundscapes. Otherwise our determination to create the world’s best sounding headphones would be pointless. That’s why we have taken an active role and entered a partnership with Danish band Mew. Together we are launch a sound experiment that will reveal new dimensions of the band’s universe as well as showcase the significance of sound. iheartradio iheartRadio brings users a best-in-class customizable digital listening experience that delivers everything listeners want in one free, fully-integrated service: More than 800 of the nation’s most popular live broadcast and digital-only radio stations from 150 u.S. cities, plus user-created Custom Stations. iheartRadio features more songs, better music intelligence, more user control and deeper social media integration than many other digital services. iheartRadio is available for free on the web at, the iphone and is compatible with the ipad and ipod touch, android, Windows phone 7, automobiles and Microsoft’s Xbox 360, with more platforms coming soon. webSter hall Webster hall is North america’s premiere nightclub and live music entertainment venue. located in New york City’s famous East Village, it can easily be said that Webster Hall was the first modern nightclub and event space of its kind in america. This 40,000 square foot architectural landmark first opened its doors in 1886 and has been a gathering place for the people of New york City and the world for over 125 years. 146 new mUSic Seminar | 2013 S U p p o r t i n g t h e n e w m U S i c b U S i n e S S NMS13 Fox rothSchild, llc at Fox Rothschild, we have a long history of working with talent. We know firsthand what goes into creating and sustaining a career in the ever-evolving music industry. That’s why clients— including a number of grammy-winning and multi-platinum selling artists—look to us for counsel. From New york to la and everywhere in between, we are experienced attorneys who have handled entertainment transactions with the highest-level executives at major record companies and publishing companies. We partner with clients to achieve business objectives and anticipate challenges. active in the industry’s most prominent organizations—including the National academy of Recording arts and Sciences—we leverage our networks to make the connections that matter most for our clients. Because our entertainment lawyers are backed by the resources of a national firm with more than 550 attorneys and 18 offices nationwide, we offer complete legal resources to our clients under one roof. Our entrepreneurial approach—as a firm that works in the trenches with clients, helping them to achieve their goals— is a characteristic that differentiates us. SpotiFy Spotify is an award-winning digital music service that gives you on-demand access to over 20 million tracks. Our dream is to make all the world’s music available instantly to everyone, wherever and whenever they want it. Spotify makes it easier than ever to discover, manage and share music with your friends, while making sure that artists get a fair deal. Spotify is available in 28 markets: uSa, uK, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, France, Switzerland, germany, austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, australia, New Zealand, ireland, luxembourg, italy, portugal, Singapore, hong Kong, Malaysia, poland, Estonia, latvia, lithuania, iceland and Mexico, with more than 24 million active users, and over 6 million paying subscribers. Since its launch in Sweden in 2008, Spotify has driven more than half a billion uS dollars to rights holders, and aims to drive another half a billion uS dollars to rights holders during 2013. Spotify is already the second biggest source of digital music revenue for labels in Europe (iFpi, 2011) and the biggest and most successful music streaming service of its kind globally. 147 S U p p o R t I N g t h E N E W M U S I C b U S I N E S S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 gold partnerS warner mUSic groUp With its broad roster of new stars and legendary artists, Warner Music group is home to a collection of the best-known record labels in the music industry including asylum, atlantic, Big Beat, East West, Elektra, Fueled by Ramen, Nonesuch, Reprise, Rhino, Roadrunner, Rykodisc, Sire, Warner Bros., Warner Music Nashville, and Word, as well as Warner/Chappell Music, one of the world’s leading music publishers, with a catalog of more than one million copyrights worldwide. gold mobile 148 gold Mobile is a global Cloud (SaaS) provider of a mobile ordering, payment, and loyalty platform. The gold Mobile platform and agency enable enterprises to engage with consumers “in-the-moment” while providing personalized offers and content, real-time transactions and payments, and instant rewards. Our flagship product, goMo Rewards Wallet, is used globally as a mobile ordering storefront and payment system that accepts all types of transactions in either a prepaid or pay as you go mode and has built in interfaces to major banks, payment processors, and wireless carriers. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies who want to add mobile commerce to their enterprise client’s digital commerce and cash management deployments. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 ariZona beverageS Born in Brooklyn in 1992, ariZona Beverages is proud to celebrate its 20th anniversary this year. With a mission to create the highest quality products that are both accessible and affordable, ariZona has become the number one ready-to-drink tea in North america. The company is currently expanding internationally, but remains a privately held and family-run business based in Woodbury, New york. The company believes that everyone deserves a chance to be heard and with that, ariZona is launching the 20th anniversary contest. ariZona’s 20th anniversary contest will give its loyal fans the chance to become a part of ariZona history. Each of its 3 million Facebook followers will get to vote on the next flavor of ariZona iced Tea. ariZona will then invite artists of all kinds to submit their design for the “big can” packaging, giving them a chance to have their art displayed on shelves across the country. Taste it. Design it. Find it. For more information, please visit local vibeS lOCal ViBES is a music platform that identifies and promotes the best up-andcoming live bands around the world. Our mission is to provide these bands with meaningful exposure and break down the barriers that prevent them from reaching the next level of success. lOCal ViBES specializes in translating a band’s local buzz into a national spotlight. We personally select each band and provide it with a variety of on and offline tools to better position them to be discovered. S U p p o r t i n g t h e n e w atlantic recordS atlantic Records, which celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2008, grew from a one-room operation into one of the most preeminent and enduring companies in music history. atlantic has had a profound impact on the course of modern culture, its rich catalog including such icons as Ray Charles, aretha Franklin, John Coltrane, and led Zeppelin. The atlantic group today includes such highprofile artists as James Blunt, B.o.B, Death Cab for Cutie, lupe Fiasco, Flo Rida, Cee lo green, Kid Rock, Bruno Mars, Matchbox Twenty, Janelle Monae, Jason Mraz, paramore, Shinedown, Skrillex, Trey Songz, T.i., Zac Brown Band, and many more. SeSac SESaC is a performing rights organization, designed to represent songwriters and publishers and their right to be compensated for having their music performed in public. Founded in 1930, SESaC is the second oldest and fastest growing of the nation’s performing rights organizations. artists who have performed SESAC-affiliated compositions include Justin Timberlake, Mary J. Blige, usher, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Reba McEntire, Nelly Furtado, u2 and Christina aguilera, among many others. SESaC also represents such musical icons as Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond and RuSh. m U S i c b U S i n e S S NMS13 repUblic recordS FUndaciÓn aUtor Fundación autor was created in 1997 to pursue social, welfare and promotional activities in divulging the repertoire of members of the general Society of authors and publishers (SgaE). its main priority is to support the more than 100,000 SgaE members, initiating a strategic plan in the fields of research, training, communication and promotion. as a result, the autor Foundation has become one of the major Spanish State cultural movers, acting as reference for other latin american and European societies in choosing a model for action. The aid programs offered by the Foundation target young creators who are embarking on their professional activity, those halfway through their careers and those who have dedicated their entire lives to their work. The autor Foundation provides the following services to Composers and Stage and audiovisual creators: Notice of prizes and competitions, promotional programs in popular and classical music, film, theatre, dance, Training: courses, seminars, workshops and grants, Studies and analyses, Financial aid for cultural projects, and Welfare support (Social Welfare Mutual Society, Social Welfare for cases of extreme necessity, Segurarteaccident insurance policy). capitol mUSic groUp (cmg) The Capitol Music group (CMg) is comprised of Capitol Records, Virgin Records, Blue Note Records, astralwerks, harvest, 2101 Records, priority Records and Capitol Christian Music group, as well as Capitol Studios and the company’s independent label services and distribution division, Caroline. Capitol Music group is based in hollywood, California in the iconic Capitol Records Tower. artists that record for CMg labels includeKaty perry, 30 Seconds To Mars, The Beatles, Jennifer lopez, Norah Jones, Elton John, aaron Neville, alice in Chains, Rod Stewart, a Fine Frenzy, Ryan adams, tobyMac, amos lee, The Decemberists, Joe lavano, Rosanne Cash, Chris Tomlin, anita Baker, Van Morrison, Bob Seger, The Beach Boys and Emeli Sande (for the uS), among many others. rca recordS colUmbia recordS mUSichelp Musichelp is a service company for the music industry in Scandinavia. We have both physical distribution and digital distribution, pR, graphic design, CD printing and much more. We are also a record label, publishing company and a management. We have a long knowledge of working with brands to break music into the market. Musichelp has worked with brands like intel, Coca Cola, gap, BMW, hilton hotel, Conduit, huawei and many more. S U p p o r t i n g t h e a division of universal Music group, the world’s leading music company, Republic is home to an all-star roster of multiplatinum, award-winning legends and superstar artists such as 3 Doors Down, amy Winehouse, Black Sabbath, Colbie Caillat, Eddie Vedder, Enrique iglesias, Florence + the Machine, godsmack, Owl City, The Voice (NBC-TV), gotye, Of Monsters & Men, Mayer hawthorne, among many others. it is comprised of innovative imprints and digital business ventures including Republic Nashville (The Band perry), Cash Money (lil Wayne, Drake, Nicki Minaj), indie pop (The Cataracs), lava Records (Jessie J, Black Veil Brides), Brushfire (Jack Johnson, g. love), XO (The Weeknd), loma Vista (Soundgarden, Damian Marley) among others. One of the most respected and successful record labels in the world, Columbia Records is home to established superstars and exciting new talent. Columbia Records is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Music Entertainment. Sony Music Entertainment is a global recorded music company with a roster of current artists that includes a broad array of both local artists and international superstars. The company boasts a vast catalog that comprises some of the most important recordings in history. Sony Music Entertainment is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony Corporation of america. n e w m U S i c RCa Records is a Division of Sony Music Entertainment. RCa includes a diverse roster of internationally renowned artists representing all genres of music including Justin Timberlake, p!nk, alicia Keys, Britney Spears, Foo Fighters, Kelly Clarkson, usher, Kings Of leon, Chris Brown, Christina aguilera, Dave Matthews Band, Miley Cyrus, pitbull, Ke$ha, R. Kelly, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer hudson, D’angelo, Fantasia, Monica, Buddy guy, Brandy, The Strokes, Daughtry, Three Days grace, Dido, Tool, Santana, Kirk Franklin, Fred hammond, and Whitney houston, among others; critically acclaimed and chart topping artists including Miguel, Ray laMontagne, anthony hamilton, Jimmy Eat World, Marsha ambrosius, adam lambert, Mike posner, gavin Degraw, hot Chelle Rae, Cage The Elephant and Jordin Sparks; burgeoning artists a$ap Rocky, Mikky Ekko, Walk The Moon, Elle Varner, Tom Odell, Becky g., Sammy adams, 2aM Club, Elle King, K. Flay, Jacob latimore and many more. b U S i n e S S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar 149 NMS13 partnerS 7digital 7digital is the world’s leading open music platform, and provides open access to the broadest catalogue of fully licensed, high quality digital music. The company powers comprehensive digital music services for consumers, developers and a wide range of partners around the world. Through 7digital’s website (www.7digital. com), mobile applications and cloud locker technology, consumers can access over 23 million legal, high quality tracks and listen to their music on the device of their choosing. 7digital provides the complete music experience; discovery, organization and purchase. alternative diStribUtion alliance (ada) Formed in 1993 alternative Distribution alliance (aDa) is a New york based music & film distribution and services company working with a wide variety of genres. Building upon our 20-year history, aDa’s mission is to support the development of independent artists and labels. aDa offers physical & digital distribution services including account Management, Sales analytics, production & inventory Management along with Radio & Video promotion, publicity, Online Marketing, Synch & licensing, Strategic Marketing & Brand partnerships, Merchandise Services and College Marketing. With offices in New York, Los Angeles, london and atlanta, aDa is a global organization powered by an experienced group of employees who are exceptionally passionate about music, entertainment and independent culture. Caroline Distribution has a 30 year history as the premiere independent distribution company breaking numerous acts and developing many labels throughout its existence. Many of today’s most significant independent labels and artists have been nurtured through the Caroline system. Caroline has been re-launched and built to embrace the new and rapidly changing marketplace while retaining Caroline’s traditional approach to market that remains critical in today’s environment. At Caroline, we define the essence of the independent culture and spirit while bringing all of the leverage of a major service company to the marketplace. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 Bandzoogle is an effective platform for musicians to build their website and manage direct-to-fan marketing and sales. independent and Diy musicians can create a pro and fully functional website without having to code anything or hire expensive designers. They can add features like mailing list management and e-mail blasts, centralized Facebook/ Twitter/Myspace updates, blogging and detailed fan analytics. With Bandzoogle, artists can also quickly build an online store to sell their digital and physical goods, at no commission. Bandzoogle is free to try, and offers affordable monthly subscriptions plans, with full company support. mUSicmetric caroline diStribUtion 150 bandZoogle mUSic choice Music Choice is the No. 1 music and video on demand provider in the uS, has over 46 uninterrupted music channels, and launched the first and only 24/7 interactive video music network that fans control: SWRV! Music Choice (MC) delivers its music programming to millions of consumers nationwide through their televisions, online and mobile devices. MC programs dozens of uninterrupted music channels; produces MC Originals that feature today’s hottest established and emerging artists; and offers thousands of music videos. S U p p o r t i n g t h e n e w Musicmetric provide insights and understanding into consumer behaviour online globally for the entertainment industry. We aggregate and analyse all music related information available on the web. From websites mentioning an artist, the social networks frequented by music fans, peer-to-peer networks used to trade music and anywhere music fans leave a comment, we aim to be there and to be tracking the activity. We understand the difficulties faced in the music industry and we build the tools that labels, band managers, marketers, promoters, a&R folk need in the 21st century to take advantage of the mass of information on the internet. m U S i c b U S i n e S S NMS13 emUSic eMusic is a unique discovery-anddownload destination for music enthusiasts. its catalog includes many familiar and off-the-beaten path releases from both major and independent labels. Members sign up for a monthly subscription that allows them to discover, download and own music. in addition to providing recommendations, eMusic’s editorial staff continuously publishes original artist interviews, album reviews and curated streaming radio programs. eMusic is based in NyC with a london office and has members in over 30 countries throughout North america and Europe. The company’s influence spreads wide, but its goal is singular: to be a reliable place to discover the best music. jambaSe Established in 1998, JamBase is the premiere website for fans of live music. Originally founded by fans for fans, JamBase evolved to serve all lovers of live music while providing a platform for musicians to be discovered. Today, more than 600,000 people participate in the JamBase community every month and rely on the website to find the most accurate show listings available for 65,000+ artists across 50 genres, performing in 75,000 venues worldwide. JamBase is headquartered in San Francisco and on the Web at JamBase also provides top brands with music marketing and data syndication solutions capable of reaching live music fans anywhere. JamBase works closely with leading concert promoters and record labels like live Nation, aEg-live, Warner Brothers Records and universal Records. Music fans deserve to be connected to the music they love so that they never miss a show. Come find it at JamBase. avenUe live avenue live is live365’s new mobile music platform enables artists to start and monetize their own exclusive mobile radio stream. The geo-centric iOS and android app is scheduled for release late this summer and has patent-pending features that empower venues, event promoters, college radio, and music bloggers the ability to pull artist tracks into their own radio streams creating a complete, self sufficient eco-system of all relevant parties in the local music scene. Music fans will enjoy exclusive, curated radio streams from artists, venues, festivals, colleges, and music bloggers right in the palm of their hands. Sign-up for updates at ® mUSic kickUp medianet MediaNet is the premier one-stop solution for digital music, providing the complete spectrum of services from content hosting and delivery to licensing and rights administration. MediaNet works with a broad range of the world’s best loved digital music applications, services, and devices to design, build, launch and scale their offerings with ease, affordability and reliability. Our full-service platform delivers comprehensive music catalog, streaming and subscription services, and compulsory and voluntary mechanical license administration. MediaNet powers music delivery for brands and labels of all sizes, and our content partners include major and independent labels and publishers in the uS and around the world. S U p p o R t I N g t h E Music Kickup is an artist representative and technology company focused in building tools and services to empower musicians and the industry for global collaboration and business. Our first product is Music Kickup Records, a B2B platform for artists, managers and labels. a unique smart layer and toolset, built on a global business and legal framework, connecting all parts of the industry from governments to production, management to logistics, and distribution to live shows. Representing and helping musicians to retain and control their independence, rights and royalties. Empowering global collaboration to create and support their art. N E W M U S I C pledgemUSic By combining new social networking technology and an extremely advanced interface, pledgeMusic has become the leading direct-to-fan company. Through our hands-on approach, fans visit the pledgeMusic site to discover great music, enjoy and share unique experiences with the artists they love while actively participating in the release process. By providing their fans with a vast array of unique exclusives, our artists enable their true fans to become a critical part of the music making experience. among the artists that have worked with pledgeMusic are Ben Folds Five, Mike Doughty, the lumineers and Rachael yamagata. b U S I N E S S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 151 NMS13 mooZar Moozar is a worldwide Direct2fan service that allows people to monetarily “reward” artists by leveraging social networks. Moozar’s Reward link concept ( is automatically attached to the tracks on social networks and travels with them each time they’re shared: on youTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and even Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. The Rewards links enable fans to show their appreciation directly to artists by simply clicking on the link to “reward” ($) them. Moozar provides internet’s micro sponsoring’s infrastructure to support creation. Moozar is compatible with other business models (paid-for-downloads, subscription, ad-supported, etc). Registration is free, super easy (nothing to upload) and the service is worldwide. red RED, an award-winning division of Sony Music Entertainment, headquartered in New york City, is widely recognized as the industry leader in music distribution and artist development. RED specializes in digital and physical sales, marketing, DTC, radio promotion and product development for more than 60 independent record labels, as well as select artists from Sony owned labels. RED’s marketing outreach is unsurpassed in generating consumer awareness for artists, labels and brand partners. in 2009, RED launched ‘stache media, a full service marketing agency specialized in music. ‘stache media’s expert staff provides marketing services in online marketing & publicity, college lifestyle marketing, advertising & consumer research, brand & partnership marketing, radio, video promotion and creative production. Sony Music Entertainment’s merger/acquisition of The Orchard has expanded RED’s reach into international as well as domestic markets. digital & mUSic matterS Dubbed as “TED meets SXSW” by Jason Mraz, the award winning Digital & Music Matters is the only event in Asia Pacific that brings the entire entertainment ecosystem under one roof—three days of interactive workshops, panels and keynote sessions, a one day music academy and five days of entertainment. Digital & Music Matters is fully endorsed by the Singaporean government, and has become the industry’s yearly gathering for key global thought leaders, showcasing innovation and collaboration with new partners for new business models. canadian mUSic week Visit: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi vehicula, est adipiscing dapibus vehicula, nisi dolor lobortis sem, vel ornare magna arcu a purus. Donec cursus sollicitudin nunc nec accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec sodales pharetra quam, sit amet ornare. mUSic connection 152 Music Connection magazine is a monthly music trade publication and daily website catering to musicians, songwriters, managers, agents, producers, and assorted industry pros and support services. Music Connection exists to offer connections to the unconnected and to provide exclusive information that can help our readers take their music to the next level. MC examines and defines the realities of music making today. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 a2im Representing the needs of the independent music community, a2iM is the sector’s preeminent advocacy group and trade organization. The organization counts over 225 music label members and 100 associate members a2iM is a notfor-profit trade organization serving the Independent music community as a unified voice representing a sector that comprises over 30% of the music industry’s market share in the u.S. S U p p o r t i n g t h e n e w the aqUarian weekly The Aquarian Weekly has been the filter for original music in the tri-state area since 1969. inducted into the Rock & Roll hall Of Fame’s library and archives in april 2012, this alternative weekly has grown from a grass roots pop-culture political rant to an award winning publication. m U S i c b U S i n e S S NMS13 volUme independent Danish agency VOluME has marked itself by developing and executing strong content marketing strategies that connect brands with the world of music. and at New Music Seminar VOluME hosts the launch of a groundbreaking global campaign bringing together acclaimed band Mew and the award-winning audio brand B&O play. The key to the success of VOluME has been the ability to create new value for all partners in their projects—the brands, the artists, the consumers, and the fans. This has been possible by emphasizing the engagement of consumers and fans in projects revolving around the music—not around the product. Thus, VOluME’s methods and visions are deliberately distinguished from traditional endorsement marketing. VOluME recognizes that today’s consumers demand meaningful and dynamic content and that the heart of music fans cannot be bought. The hearts can be earned, however, if you as a brand contribute with new musical dimensions or experiences. VOluME was founded by Martin Buck hegaard and Johannes Dybkjær andersson in 2012 and in addition to B&O play and Mew, the agency can showcase a portfolio spanning from major banks, telecoms to hi-street fashion brands. Founded by David and Norman Chesky of the audiophile-record label Chesky Records, hDtracks is the world’s leading digital music store for hi-resolution and CD quality downloads. Every day at hDtracks we strive to bring the best quality music as well as offer the biggest and best artists in the most incredible sounding hi-res, Master Quality albums. Developed by musicians for musicians, hDtracks provides a listening experience with an emphasis on purity, tone and expression. hDtracks’ catalog is comprised of uncompressed CD and DVD-audio-quality recordings of worldclass musicians, vocalists and ensembles. hDtracks offers consumers a variety of file formats: AIFF, FLAC loseless files and 320 kbps files that exceed the quality of a standard MP3 file. Currently, HDtracks has available select titles in ultra-high resolution up to 192kHz/24bit FLAC files. additionally, each download includes complete pDF liner notes when available. handS that rock the mUSic bUSineSS regiStry The Music Business Registry has been publishing contact directories for the Music industry since 1992 to make sure you have the best contact information available for the people you need to reach in the Music industry. S U p p o r t i n g t h e SongwriterS hall oF Fame hdtrackS Sag-aFtra hands That Rock will be providing chair massages at the New Music Seminar for $1/minute. (extra space) Proceeds benefit little Kids Rock, an organization that provides music education to underserved children. Find out more at www. Read more about how hands That Rock raises funds for charity: http://stagehandsmassage.blogspot. com/2012/11/hands-that-rock-raisesfunds-for.html n e w m U S i c Established in 1969, the Songwriters hall of Fame honors those whose work represents a spectrum of the most beloved songs from the world’s popular music songbook. Songwriter Johnny Mercer and publishers abe Olman and howie Richmond—who founded the organization—wanted to shine the spotlight on the accomplishments of songwriters who have provided the words and music that form the soundtrack of our lives… Representing the needs of the independent music community, a2iM is the sector’s preeminent advocacy group and trade organization. The organization counts over 225 music label members and 100 associate members a2iM is a notfor-profit trade organization serving the Independent music community as a unified voice representing a sector that comprises over 30% of the music industry’s market share in the u.S. Sag-aFTRa represents more than 160,000 actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, recording artists, singers, stunt performers, voiceover artists and other media professionals. Sag-aFTRa members are the faces and voices that entertain and inform america and the world. With national offices in Los Angeles and New York and local offices nationwide, SAGaFTRa members work together to secure the strongest protections for media artists into the 21st century and beyond. Visit: b U S i n e S S 2013 | new mUSic Seminar 153 NMS13 tijUana giFt Shop warner/chappell mUSic ‘Stache media pandora mUSic xray the orchard Tijuana gift Shop is an entertainment company specializing in pR, artist Development and Creative. We raise awareness of our clients through unique press campaigns to print media, online outlets, syndicated radio and TV. TgS represents artists we’re passionate about. We don’t limit our client list to a certain genre or industry status. Each campaign is different and focused around the specific needs of the project. If you’re a developing artist, we’ll help quarterback your campaign and walk you through the important steps of putting together a team and mapping out your promotional timeline. at the end of the day, Tijuana gift Shop opens up a whole new world for the artist to share their vision, idea, sound and story. 154 pandora gives people music and comedy they love anytime, anywhere, through connected devices. personalized stations launch instantly with the input of a single “seed”—a favorite artist, song or genre. The Music genome project®, a deeply detailed hand-built musical taxonomy, powers the personalization of pandora® internet radio by using musicological “DNa” and constant listener feedback to craft personalized stations from a growing collection of more than one million tracks that include over one hundred thousand artists. pandora has over two hundred million registered users, with tens of millions of people tuning in every month to hear music they love. new mUSic Seminar | 2013 Warner/Chappell Music, the global music publishing company of Warner Music group, is home to a wide array of legendary songwriters and a rich catalog of contemporary hits and influential standards. With offices in more than 40 countries, Warner/ Chappell provides deep expertise across a range of creative services and the most innovative opportunities for songwriters and copyright holders. With a history dating back more than 200 years, Warner/Chappell currently publishes and administers music from Barry gibb, Beyoncé, Bruno Mars, Burt Bacharach, Eric Clapton, fun., gamble & huff, green Day, Jay-Z, Katy perry, led Zeppelin, Madonna, Miramax Films, Muse, Radiohead, Red hot Chili peppers, R.E.M, Roc Nation, Stephen Sondheim, T.i., Timbaland and Wayne hector, among many others as long as there are commercial opportunities for music there will be industry professionals making the decisions regarding which songs and artists are chosen. Those decision makers will use the best tools available to streamline, organize, and optimize their work while reducing the risk of making selections that don’t meet their business objectives. Music Xray creates those tools and makes them available online while simultaneously leveling the playing field for musicians, making it less about who you know and more about pure talent, skill, and market appeal. S U p p o r t i n g t h e n e w ‘stache media is a full service marketing agency specialized in music. ‘stache media launched in 2009 as a standalone agency operating out of the NyC headquarters of RED, an award-winning division of Sony Music Entertainment. ‘stache media provides services in online marketing & publicity, college lifestyle marketing, advertising, social media & consumer research, brand & partnership marketing, radio, video promotion and creative production. ‘stache media has served a multitude of artists within the RED and Sony Music Entertainment fold. Outside clients have included C3 presents (lollapalooza / Orion Festival), gatorade, gibson, Ketel One, McCann Erickson, Onkyo,, Sony Electronics, SoundCtrl (internet Week / FlashFWD awards) and Tito’s Vodka. The Orchard, a pioneering independent music and video distribution company operating in more than 25 global markets, provides an innovative and transparent sales and marketing platform for content owners. With industry-leading supply chain management, The Orchard’s creative, tailored approach streamlines its clients’ business complexity while amplifying reach and revenue across hundreds of digital, physical and mobile outlets around the world. The Orchard was founded in 1997 to foster independence and creativity in the music industry. For further information, please visit www. m U S i c b U S i n e S S NMS13 digital media wire partner billboard Billboard is the world’s most influential music media brand, reaching key executives and tastemakers in and around the music business through Billboard Magazine,, Billboard Conferences, Billboard Bulletin and other targeted newsletters, along with millions of music fans through and Billboard Events. The Billboard brand is built on its exclusive charts and unrivaled reporting on the latest news, issues and trends across all genres of music. Billboard receives hundreds of millions of brand impressions daily through strategic relationships with major companies across various industries. These relationships leverage Billboard’s brand recognition, proprietary chart data and information resources to develop products, live events and print, television, radio, digital and mobile platforms. in addition to North america, Billboard operates businesses in Brazil, greece, Japan, Korea and Russia. Billboard is owned by prometheus global Media, a diversified company with leading assets in the media and entertainment arenas, including music (Billboard and its related conferences and events, including The Billboard latin Music awards), entertainment (The hollywood Reporter, Backstage, ShowEast, Cineasia, and CineEurope) and advertising & marketing (adweek, adweek Conferences and The CliO awards). Digital Media Wire, inc. launched in early 2000 with a simple yet compelling proposition to provide busy executives with a daily briefing of the most important news stories about the business of digital media. On July 20, 2000, we published the first issue of Digital Media Wire Daily, our daily email newsletter dedicated to objective coverage of news stories about the convergence of media, entertainment and technology. Today, we are a full scale media company that owns and produces major conferences, publishes daily newsletters, and operates the popular news portal. g u i l f o r d o u n d gUilFord SoUnd Guilford Sound is an energy efficient recording facility located on 300 acres of private woodlands in Southern Vermont. Designed by Francis Manzella and featuring spacious live and control rooms, spring floated isolation booths, a 64-input api legacy console with Flying Faders and a 12-channel Neve Melbourne sidecar, as well as a long list of equipment including drawers of vintage microphones, guilford Sound is a true recording destination. housing is in a restored three-season historic 1790’s farmhouse that sleeps 6. A modern, five-bedroom, passive solar housing facility is under construction and will be ready for occupancy in Spring 2014. 155 Filter magaZine good music will prevail. These are the words that we at Filter live by. in an everevolving musical landscape, we’re here to help. Through Filter’s various outlets—our informative website, our irreverent blog, the good music guide, our local listening parties and the jewel in our music-loving crown, the magazine—we want to help you discover your new favorite band. S U p p o R t I N g t h E hypebot hypebot is Skyline Music’s music industry blog. Named to cNet’s Top Blog 100, hypebot covers the music industry and how technology is changing the way music is made, promoted and monetized. N E W M U S I C b U S I N E S S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 nMs staff FoUnder & execUtive director tom Silverman nmS regiStration aSSiStant coordinatorS traci gordon taryn brymn general manager peter Schwinge nmS Social media manager lisa marie Smith execUtive prodUcer dave lory nmS media & marketing coordinator malik bellamy aSSociate prodUcer michael Fileti nmS execUtive aSSiStant/tom Silverman Sara clarson nmS execUtive aSSiStant/peter Schwinge kadeema kasim media & commUnicationS pam workman, pamela lipshitz, elyse marrocco red carpet coordinator donna d'cruz artiSt on the verge director trisha evans artiSt on the verge aSSiStant coordinator Fred hanba artiSt on the verge a&r committee trisha evans, chloe raynes, Fred hanba, errika rainey, kirstyn meyers, barbara nelson, chloe weise, liv buli, jeff lanier, Steve matrickn alex kapelman, kristin genovese, jeff lanier, Stephanie karten marketing coordinator matt bravmann nmS SponSorShip director trisha evans nmS graphic deSignerS clarissa hamilton, alyssa colaluca nmS SponSorShip aSSiStant kirstyn meyers nmS gUidebook deSign keziah makoundou nmS SponSorShip & SaleS tracy Strann nmS ny mUSic FeStival coordinator ashley rose Shapiro nmS Speaker coordinator jillian kelleher nmS Stage managerS henry Usukumah, emily calderalo nmS Speaker coordinator aSSiStant mike bronsord nmS volUnteer coordinator max kotlovsky videographer david Smoler nmS talent booking director chloe raynes photographer matthew eisman nmS ny mUSic FeStival manager leah taylor nmS merchandiSe jakprints nmS FeStival aSSiStant Sarah kloiber nmS new mUSic bUSineSS gUidebook editor chuck taylor webSite content director lindsey lonadier nmS SecUrity rich Singer, ira maltz, cSS Security marie baker at drape kings jackie mosologo , triple a communications nmS inSUrance julie coulter nmS rockStar oFFice StaFF melissa gerlitz, carly roberg, jhwanda norris, quinn Slattery nmS regiStration director ella Silverman NEW MUSIC SEMINAR | 2013 international repreSentation jeffrey chiang a&r director chloe raynes commUnicationS oFFicer deanna adonnino 156 nmS director oF inFlUencer marketing peg Samuel S U p p o R t I N g t h E N E W M U S I C b U S I N E S S NMS13 thanks To all the Players and Conductors who volunteered their time and shared their abundance of vision and knowledge at NMS 2013. To all of the NMS New York Music festival venues: Webster Hall, Cake Shop, The Living Room, Pianos, Tammany Hall, Rockwood Music Hall and The Delancey for sharing the vision that allows our “Artists on the Verge” the opportunity to gain the additional exposure and resources they deserve. And to all of our Partners, without whose generous contribution, the New Music Seminar could not exist. Special conSideration to the Following For their conSUltation, aSSiStance & participation Our NMS 13 Title Partners: SoundExchange: Michael Huppe, Dick Huey, Maria Knowles; BMI: Del Bryant, Richard Conlon, Samantha Cox, Charlie Feldman; Jakprints: Dameon Guess, Jennifer Votruba. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the New York City Mayor's Office of Media & Entertainment, including John Battista and Jake Goldman. Eden Chen, Heath Miller, Rich Pawelczyk and the staff at Webster Hall. Phil Sarna and the staff at PSBM. The “Father of the Ring Tone” Ralph Simon. William Bornheimer and staff at the New Yorker Hotel. Bruno Crolot, Benjamin Costantini and everyone from MIDEM. Michael Reinert, Tim S U p p o R t I N g t h E N E W Mandelbaum, Monika Tashman and the other partners at Fox Rothschild, LLP. Rosie Lopez, Anthony Pinto and Linda Williams at Tommy Boy; and Donna D’Cruz and the staff at Rasa Living for their patience and support. BMI, SESAC and their wonderful songwriters and artists for supplying in-house music during NMS 13. All artists, managers, agents and record companies who had a part in setting up the performances during the New York Music Festival 2013. Many thanks to Rich Singer and Ira Maltz with CSS Securities; Marie Baker at Drape Kings; and Jackie Mosologo with Triple A Communications. To the volunteers and interns that tirelessly devoted countless hours to learn and grow in the music business. We all have been there, and cannot thank you enough for your time and dedication. To all our attendees in sharing the vision of growth in the future of the music business. And finally, all the artists, songwriters and producers in the world. If it were not for your passion and creativity, life would not matter. 157 We wish you a great Seminar! Sincerely, The New Music Seminar Team & Class of 2013 M U S I C b U S I N E S S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR NMS13 the legend of nMs in 1980, some 200 gathered at an NyC rehearsal studio to discuss and debate challenges in the music business. The event—pictured here in 1981—grew to cover growth of the music industry, including a music showcase/festival. Over its original 16-year run, the seminar annually attracted 8,000 attendees from 35 countries. in 2009, NMS was revived by Tom Silverman and Dave lory—and today, has become the ultimate destination where artists, industry players and companies are provided the knowledge, tools and connections they need to succeed and build the New Music Business. PHOTOGRAPHY BY EBET ROBERTS EBET@EBETROBERTS.COM 1 2 158 4 3 new mUSic Seminar | 2013 S U p p o r t i n g t h e n e w m U S i c b U S i n e S S NMS13 5 7 6 1. at the turntables, DJs Whiz Kid & Jeff Broitman, with Tom Silverman. 2. (l-r) Mark Josephson, NMS 1981 keynoter Dave Robinson, gary Kenton & Joel Weber. 3. among participants in panel “Video: Marketing Tool or art Form,” (l-r) Ed Steinberg, Bob pittman & Moogy Klingman. 4. artist Nona hendryx, right, with Mark Josephson & Nancy Jeffries. 5. among the dozen participants in the “Trends in New Music” panel, featuring moderator Mark Josephson, with Oedipus, Vin Scelsa, Steve Strange, Nona hendryx, Michael Zilkha & Steve Smith. 6. indie promoter Joel Webber. 7. NMS Commercial Radio panel, including moderator Joel Webber, lee abrams, Steve lees, Barry Mayo, Bonnie Simmons, Ray White & alan Wolmark. 8. “Danny” glass & lenny Chodush. 8 9. among 200+ attendees: Seymour Stein, greg Kostich & gary Kenton. 9 S U p p o R t I N g t h E N E W M U S I C b U S I N E S S 2013 | NEW MUSIC SEMINAR 159 INTERSCOPE GEFFEN A&M CONGRATULATES iga ©2013 Interscope Records. All rights reserved. New Because we’re for music. We don’t sing the songs. We don’t strum the chords. But stream by stream, we’re proud to support those who do. Here’s to music. + Join us at NewMusicSeminarAd.indd 1 5/24/13 11:53 AM Working with SoundExchange has made all the difference in the current economy. Art is taken for granted, and many companies profit from artists without giving a second thought to HOW THESE ARTISTS AND THEIR FAMILIES SURVIVE. TALIB KWELI SoundExchange goes out of their way to MAKE SURE THE ARTIST IS TAKEN CARE OF and that business is handled all around. I AM HAPPY TO BE WORKING WITH THEM. SoundExchange is working to support, protect and propel the music industry forward. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN ROYALTIES FOR DIGITAL RADIO PERFORMANCES | 202-640-5858 |