Telling the Story of the Ministry and Mission
Telling the Story of the Ministry and Mission
First Presbyterian Church of Sun City, Arizona Volume 45, November 2013 Telling the Story of the Ministry and Mission The next in the series of articles celebrating the 50th Anniversary of our church The year 2004 began with Holy Communion served in the Chapel at the 8:00 am service. The Presbyterian Women’s eight circles, led by Nita Cinquina, proudly donated $400 to the church’s general fund. The Men’s Fellowship invited the women to their second annual Valentine’s Day Breakfast on February 2nd. Bobbi Hoover was encouraging the beginning of a Stephen Ministers group and the FPC Travelers enjoyed “Show Boat” at the Broadway Palms. On March 7, twenty-five young string musicians performed at the 10:00 am service and on April 2,the African Children’s Choir gave a 7:00 pm performance following a catered dinner. April also saw the “Singles Fellowship” meet on the 19th and the FPC Travelers visit several Native American Reservations. The June Fellowship Dinner was a Pizza Party. Carol and Larry Arseth were honored by Grand Canyon Presbytery for their “church dedication and work!” In August, Presbyterian Women collected school supplies for the Glendale Family Development Center at their Taco Salad Luncheon. A Grandparent’s Day Picnic with treats and activities for kids followed the services on September 12. Rev. Gary Kush resigned on September 26. In October, the long-awaited Heavenly Helpings cookbooks went on sale at $12.95 each. A fashion show entertained diners at the November Fellowship Dinner on the 17th and PW held a food drive for Agua Fria. December 11 introduced the first of many delightful PW Christmas High Teas. Men’s Fellowship invited the women to their Christmas Program and Breakfast on the 14th, while those attending the Potluck on the 15th were serenaded by our choir singing Christmas carols. Bible Study continued in the Annex at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings during 2005 and the Intercessory Prayer group faithfully met every Tuesday in the Fireside Room. University of Life would study the “Parables of the Good Samaritan” on video. Nancy and Harry Wilson presented $100 to Ronald McDonald House from their collecting of empty soda cans. First Presbyterian gave, from the Endowment Fund, $25,000 for Presbyterian churches damaged during Florida’s hurricane, and $25,000 for medications to the Tsunami Relief. In March, the FPC Travelers enjoyed “Guys and Dolls” at the Broadway Palms and Swain Hall received a new roof. During the summer, PW collected $300 worth of cleaning supplies for the New Life Center in Goodyear, $400 in school supplies for the Glendale Family Development Center, 250 jars of peanut butter for Agua Fria, and $2000 of slightly used clothing for Hope’s Closet. The October Fellowship Dinner featured the trio of Tina and Chris Vasiliow and Selma Stoorman as evening entertainment. (continued on page 8) INSIDE THIS ISSUE: A Message from Our Pastor ................................. 2 The Season of Celebration ................................... 3 The Season of Celebration Continues! Ongoing Activities ............................................... 4 See page 3 for more on our 50th anniversary activities! Celebrations and Updates .................................. 11 Spreading the Word .......................................... 10 This Month’s Calendar .................................. insert 12225 N. 103rd Ave., Sun City, AZ 85351 Phone 623.974.3605 Fax 623.974.4893 Dial-A-Prayer 623.977.9211 Email Blog YouTube Website Facebook The SPIRE A Message from Our Pastor The Memorial Carillon This month’s newsletter features articles and information related to the fiftieth anniversary of First Presbyterian Church. One of the newest additions to the campus will help raise awareness about our church while adding a distinctive note to the neighborhood. The memorial carillon is a gift made possible by the generosity of several “saints” who just wanted to hear the sound of a carillon. Pat Stokley and Leona Yousling first proposed a carillon for the church and then good friends like Donna Roth took up the project as a memorial to Pat and Leona. The families of both women made generous contributions and finally, because the budget for the anniversary was opened to the congregation, many members of the church made gifts that assured we’d have a beautiful way to glorify God and enhance our presence in the community. Thank you everyone who made the carillon a reality. You may be wondering, just what is a carillon and what is it for? As a musical instrument, the carillon consists of a keyboard and a footboard, various levers connected to bells typically suspended in a belfry, the church’s steeple. The carillonneur or carillonist is the title of the musician who plays the carillon. Keys on the board are struck or depressed which causes the clapper in the bell to sound, ring. The new carillon at First Presbyterian Church is an electronic chime instrument. Technically, not a carillon, but flexible enough to enable us to play “bell” music three times a day with a selection of standard Christian hymns and at the holidays, Christmas Carols and Easter Hymns. What this gift gives us is the opportunity to announce our presence in the community in a creative and innovative way. It will give us the ability to share our traditions with our neighbors and hopefully create a new connection the whole neighborhood will appreciate. Thanks again to all those who made this possible. To the saints who envisioned it to those who worked to make it possible, especially Elders, Donna Roth and Bob Johnson, Staff, Norma Mack and various church volunteers, especially Bill Wentling. The Psalmist wrote: Come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before God’s presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise to God….. For years and years to come, let the sound of the carillon remind us of our friends and may it always be a joyful sound to God. So be it! ~Harrell Sundays in November: November 3, “Gift of God” - Psalm 8; Luke 19: 1-10 November 10, “God of the Living” - Psalm 145: 1-5, 17-21; Luke 20: 27-38 November 17, “Signs” - Isaiah 65: 17-25; Luke 21: 5-19 November 24, “The Reign of Christ” - Psalm 124; Luke 23: 32-43 Tax Reminder The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) extended the qualified charitable distribution provisions for 2012 and 2013.. It is an opportunity for church members, age 70 ½ or older, who own an IRA to direct gifts up to $100,000 to the church from the IRA without reporting the transfer as income. (This contribution has to be TRANSFERRED DIRECTLY FROM THE IRA TO THE CHURCH.) As always, consult your tax advisor if you have questions. 2 Vol. 45, November 2013 The Season of Celebration Our 50th Anniversary celebrations continue: Sunday, November 3—Carillon Dedication and Veterans Day At long last our much-anticipated new digital carillon has been installed. The carillon, by the Elderhorst Bell company, will be formally dedicated at the November 3 worship service. The bells are now playing softly every day at 8:00 am, noon, and 6:00 pm. We will turn up the volume before the dedication service and play the bells for 15 minutes prior to the worship service. Don’t miss this lovely musical addition to our church campus! After worship, the veterans in our midst will be honored at Fellowship. Our early Veteran’s Day celebration will feature patriotic music, readings, and homemade baked goods. If you or one of your loved ones served in the Armed Forces, send us an in-uniform (or on leave) photo from that time and we will include it in our display. (Be sure to label the picture so we can return it safely to you.) Plan to dress in red, white, and blue! This will also be your last chance to honor the people who have inspired you and served as your spiritual mentors. Post-its will be available in Swain Hall so you can record their names. Sunday, November 10–Honoring Former Leaders and Neighborhood Ice Cream Social Two messages that came through loud and clear at the “Appreciating Our Anniversary” planning session were that we should honor our former leaders, and also include the neighbors in our celebration. This is the day we do both! The worship service will feature special music, including but not limited to the debut performance by our new handbell choir. Former pastors who are able to attend will take part in the worship service, and they and their wives will be available after worship is over so that you may greet them and thank them for their service at First Presbyterian. The Post-its honoring others who have acted as spiritual mentors will also be on display. The meet-and-greet will take place in the church courtyard, at a free ice cream social to which we’re inviting the neighbors. We will be using press releases, online media, direct mail and door hangers to ask as many of them as possible to join us. The Sanctuary will remain open for those who would like to see it, and entertainment will be provided by four members of The Sun City Stomperz, a “traditional Dixieland jazz band.” Shade and seating will be available and a great time should be had by all! (For more about the band, check out Wednesday, November 13–The Anniversary Gala You wanted a very special anniversary dinner, and this is it. The catered anniversary gala will be an intimate, elegant evening for church members and special friends. We’re not selling tickets; the cost of this event will be covered by donations. We can’t say too much here without spoiling the planned surprises, but we will tell you this much: A professional photographer will be recording the evening’s festivities, so be sure to wear your Sunday best! Due to fire department regulations, we can seat only 180 people in Swain Hall, so you must make a reservation if you want to be one of them. Call the church office or sign up in Swain Hall after worship. First come, first served! Sunday, November 17–New Member Meeting and November Birthdays No, we haven’t forgotten those of you with birthdays in November! After worship our November birthday folks will be honored in Swain Hall. Visitors who are interested in becoming full or affiliate members will meet with Rev. Davis. Saturday, November 30—Decorating the Church for the Christmas Season 3 The SPIRE November at University of Life First Presbyterian University of Life is open to church members and guests alike. Our Friday meetings begin at 8:30AM in Swain Hall with orange juice, donuts and coffee. The class begins promptly at 9:00AM for a short hour. University of Life is non-denominational and open to all Christians living in today’s world. Everyone is welcome. November 1: University of Life introduces historian Shirley Fackelman relaying the difficulties and gutsy perseverance of those involved in saving our English Bible. November 8: Louie Giglio presents How Great is Our God. Louie Giglio is an exuberant evangelist whose vibrant presentation will make you sit up and take notice. His is a passion to God we rarely see, with discussion time. November 15: This Friday brings to University of Life our own Beth Mabee talking about the possibilities of “Appreciative Inquiry” and what it could do for us as individuals and for our church. November 22: University of Life presents a gentle lovely film titled The Potter. Retired Pastor and Artisan David Blakeslee equates his work with clay to God’s creation of us. His insightful understanding of life is a joy to witness. With discussion time. November 29: The day after Thanksgiving…no University of Life. Session Recap Recap of the Session Meeting of October 17, 2013 The opening prayer was given by Ruth Pruett. The September 19, 2013 Session minutes were approved as distributed. The transfer for Michael E. Schenk to First Presbyterian Church, Goshen, IN, was approved. Membership this date is Active 178 and Affiliate 34. Communion was served in the Sanctuary to 110 on October 6, 2013. Home communion was served to seventeen (17) communicants at Sun Valley Lodge on September 25th. One (1) communicant, Norma Denham, was served communion at Royal Oaks Care Center on October 7th by Carol Arseth and Frances Gehm. Reverend Davis gave an update on the 50th Anniversary Celebration. For November 10th, invitations will be sent community-wide and to previous pastors to attend the ice cream social, to be held in the courtyard following the worship service. November 13th will be the “Gala” sit-down dinner to be held in Swain Hall. Invitations will be sent to the entire congregation; RSVP will be required. Church Treasurer, Norma Mack, reviewed the Financial Statement ending September 30, 2013. It was noted only $69,000 had been drawn from the Foundation; $87,000 was budgeted for the nine months. Motions were made and approved for the following: $11,638 for the two new A/C be drawn from the Foundation Fund $500 (approximately) costs to repair the Swain Hall roof by Gabe Conwell $921.24 to replace three thermostats Annual Maintenance contract for $3366 to service 13 A/C and replace filters The meeting adjourned with prayer given Reverend Harrell Davis. ~Norma 4 Mack Vol. 45, November 2013 Minute for Mission Excerpts from Marge Hagerman’s Minutes of the Meeting of October 14, 2013 The meeting was opened with prayer by Chairman Gene Downing. Minutes of the meeting of September 10, 2013, were approved with one correction: As to the 25% portion of the Peacemaking Offering retained by the Congregation, the Committee had designated that it be given only to Agua Fria Food & Clothing Bank. Thanksgiving Turkeys & Food Bags Project: Rod Beale is asking Men’s Breakfast Fellowship to again, for the third year, sponsor and manage this activity to provide turkeys and groceries for a complete Thanksgiving meal for 50 needy families. Agua Fria requests monetary donations to purchase frozen turkeys. The timeline for this activity is from Sunday, October 20th, to Sunday, November 17th. Justa Center Personal Items Project: On Sunday, October 20, items for the clients at Justa Center will be collected in grocery carts. Items most currently needed are: laundry soap, bathroom tissue, personal deodorant, and disposable razors. The collected items will be transported to the Center on Tuesday, October 22nd. Gene reminded the Committee of the Christmas Joy Offering to be collected in December. Promotional materials have arrived in the office. The Mission Committee budget will be determined at the December meeting. Rod Beale will contact the Presbytery of Grand Canyon’s Mission Office regarding possibilities for partnering with other congregations within the Presbytery who may have needs our congregation could help with, within the framework/ suggestions that office may have. Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 12, at 9:30 a.m. Deacons’ Corner Excerpts from Fran Gehm’s Minutes of the October 1, 2013 Meeting The meeting was called to order by Anita Downing, Moderator at 2:00 p.m. Absent: Joanne Clark Evelyn Thompson gave the opening devotion. The minutes of the September meeting were approved. The financial report was reviewed. Flower Committee - Mary Jo Conwell delivered flowers to church members with special needs each Monday in September. Health and Wellness Committee - Carol Arseth reported that the flu shot clinic will be October 10 at 9:00 am in Swain Hall by the Mollen Clinic. Dr. Wayne Moyer, Podiatrist will give a program on October 21 at 11:00 am in Swain Hall. Reception Committee - Evelyn Thompson reported the funeral of Laura Rogel was held September 14. Mary Marlett died. No information about a service. New Business - Reverend Davis reported that the 50th Anniversary Celebration will be held on November 10 and will include an open house for the community. There will be a catered dinner in Swain Hall on November 13 at 5:30 pm and many former pastors are expected to attend. The meeting was closed with the Deacons Prayer. 5 The SPIRE Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women are active and back at work doing what they do best! Circles with their Bible Studies, Gatherings and enjoying fellowship with each other. Our church hosted a very successful Presbytery Workshop on October 5th. There were over 55 ladies here. Ten ladies from our church attended. Swain Hall was decorated beautifully for the continental breakfast and the salad lunch. We started by meeting in the chapel and enjoyed singing and a 25th Birthday Skit. A highlight of the day was having five ladies from Yarnell here. They had been burned out by the fire or affected by it. A shower of kitchen and bathroom items was collected for them. A large table in Swain Hall overflowed with the donated items. It was a joy to be able to help in a small way.. After lunch we shared our Mission and Program ideas. PW Women from Valley, Faith, Yarnell. Desert Palms and Fountain Hills churches shared their ideas. Workshops were held. It was an informative fun day for all. One of our goals this year is to strengthen our Bible Studies. “An Abiding Hope, the Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy” is our study this year. Pastor Harrell Davis has offered to lead a class on teaching this study. It will be held once a month starting on Tuesday, November 5th at 10:00 am. You are encouraged to attend. Circles 1 and 2 will have rotating leaders and this is an opportunity for us all; please give it prayerful consideration! Our Action Coordinator, Fran Gehm, reminds us that if you shop at Safeway you need to sign up every year for the award money our church receives on what you buy. Two members from our church will be attending the Fall Gathering PW Synod in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on November 8-10. There will be no Coordinating Team meeting in November. Reminders: Holiday High Tea, December 14th—Volunteers Welcome Church Women United, Friday, November 1st at 9:30 am World Community Day Celebration “Walking Through the Doors of Opportunity” Location: Salvation Army Church, 17420 N Ave. of the Arts, Surprise Blessings to All. Diane Nestlebush ‘Tis the Season... begin thinking about Christmas music. Both the choir and the handbell group (newly christened “Great Bells of Fire”) just started practicing Christmas pieces, and they would welcome additional members. The choir particularly needs more tenor voices. The choir practices at 6:30 pm on Wednesday evenings in the choir (Westminster) room, and the Great Bells of Fire practice at 1:00 pm on Wednesday afternoons in Annex 1. Come lift up your voice (or a handbell) as we prepare for the joyous Christmas season! 6 Vol. 45, November 2013 Presbyterian Women's Holiday High Tea Saturday, December 14, 2013 Doors open at 1:00 pm, tea is served at 1:30 pm All ladies of the church and their friends are welcome. Come at 1:00 and view the beautiful tables our ladies have set with their special china. Enjoy tea sandwiches; cucumber canapés; scones with lemon curd, Devonshire cream and raspberry jam; delicious pastries; AND special entertainment. Tickets will be available in Swain Hall after the service on Sunday, November 24, and Sunday, December 1. They may also be purchased in the church office on Monday-Wednesday, 8:00am-4:00pm, or Thursday, 8:00am -1:00pm. Tickets are $12.00, non-refundable. Get your tickets early—they sell out quickly! In the Library On the round table in the library are several new books. I highly recommend one of them. It is A Rugged Land of Gold. The setting is in a remote section of Alaska where a man and his courageous wife are gold prospectors. When the man gets lost on an island, the wife has to carry on alone and the courage and know-how she uses is unbelievable. Despite the cold and snow and being all by herself, she shows great spunk and lots of determination. Her optimism is an everlasting quality. This is a book that is hard to put down. I read it in a day. Also, one of our volunteers has resigned—Helen Petersen. Thank you, Helen, for your time spent helping in the library. Good luck to you. If anyone is interested in learning how the library is handled and would like to volunteer, please call me, 623-974-9250. ~Muffy Keen BOOK REVIEW: That’s the Way It Used to Be by Barbara Anderson Did you know that our own Barbara Anderson lived in the Navajo Nation for 39 years, raised a family there? Fortunately for us, she has written her memoirs. They’re primarily intended for her Navajo friends and Presbyterian mission co-workers, but there is plenty in its nearly 300 pages of interest to all of us. One example: Can you imagine teaching English to Navajos, whose language is one of the three most difficult for non-native speakers to learn? She gives many examples, such as what she had to insist they learn, and what she had to let be. Loads of photos. A treasure. ~ Helen Petersen BOOK REVIEW: Faith of Our Mothers: The Stories of Presidential Mothers from Mary Washington to Barbara Bush by Harold I. Gullan Virtually every presidential mother had faith in her son and a number possessed a devout religious faith as well. The life story of each mother and son who became president is told here. ~Evelyn Haas 7 The SPIRE Telling the Story (continued from page 1) In October, the Associate Pastoral Nominating Committee nominated Rev. Deborah Kehle as Associate Pastor. The second annual Presbyterian Women’s Christmas High Tea was scheduled for the 10th of December, but sadly, the annual Christmas Eve dinners would cease due to lack of a caterer and the escalating prices. New church members in 2005 were Vernon and Elinor Bothell, Mary DeRosia, Lillie Duffy, Betty Hanneld, Walt and Mary McMartin, Tom and Marylyn Uithoven, Carolyn Bruno, Miles and Frances Gehm, and Vernon and Julie Moldenhauer. Early in 2006, 80 church members formed into nine groups for Bible Study to supplement the Sunday morning Bible class. Presbyterian Women reduced their number of circles to six. The Wilsons donated $115 to Ronald MacDonald House from the “empty can” collections. FPC Travelers visited Barleen’s Arizona Opera, a dinner theater in Apache Junction, and in February, Taliesin West, winter home of Frank Lloyd Wright. On March 2,the Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda performed. In May, the church’s “sound committee” upgraded equipment from tapes to CDs. Carol Arseth, R.N., announced in June that the Deacons were returning the new HIPAA forms quickly. PW began collecting baby items for the New Life Center in Goodyear. In July, to the delight of diners, the World Life Zoo visited the Fellowship Dinner. Session reported that, due to tree roots, the brick courtyard in the Memorial Garden was buckling and five trees would be removed. Stephen Ministers had grown to twelve members. A two-day trip to Agua Prieta Mission, near Douglas, was made by FPC Travelers in September. October 29 was a Sunday of “Old Time Religion” with hymns of the past. University of Life offered a series on “What does it mean to be a Presbyterian” taught by Rev. Zabriskie, Rev. Kehle and Dr. Barklind. December 2006 started with the High Tea on the 9th, and Men’s Fellowship invited all church ladies to breakfast on the 12th. December closed with a catered Fellowship Dinner held on the 20th. New members at First Presbyterian for 2006 were May Kent, Don and Evelyn Thompson, Jack and Judy Goss, Nancy Childress, and Billie Lewis. In January of 2007, Nita Cinquina began an eight-week workbook study by Marie Dunnam at the Sunday morning Bible Study. Carol Arseth, R.N., started a monthly Coffee Klatch discussing pertinent health subjects. As many as 85 were in attendance at the Men’s Breakfast. A luncheon on Valentine’s Day celebrated those who had been married 50 years or more. Rev. Wedul retired from his duties at First Presbyterian. Pairs of Deacons and Elders 8 served Communion to homebound members. In April, volunteers packed boxes of food supplies at the West Side Food Bank, and on Easter Sunday, the Deacons served breakfast to choir members. Martha and Zane Porter were honored “for their outstanding church work” by Presbytery! Guest Tom Wilson sang and sang and sang for the program at the May Tea honoring two centenarians and 30 guests over 90. “Lessons From Mayberry” became the theme for the first, very popular, Vacation Church School during June of 2007. After the Fellowship Chicken Dinner in July, diners were entertained with duets by Al and Pat Trejo, native Arizonans. The Fellowship Dinner in August featured ten members of the Shuler Family singing “down-home gospel music,” and after a Mexican dinner in September, the entertainment was provided by the “Musical Journeys” performing old-time show tunes. “Mission and Ministry” were discussed by four speakers at University of Life during October. December brought the PW High Tea on the 8th; the choir performed “Journey of Promises”, a Cantata, during a service on the 16th; and a special Christmas dinner was served on December 19th, with entertainment by the Desert Belles. A Wassail Bowl in Swain Hall greeted church attendees at 4:00 pm for the Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 pm. Among the new church members of 2007 were Norman and Joelle Keprios, Donna Roth, Gabe and Mary Jo Conwell, Lee and Juanita Devers, Arla Harvey, and Pat Wright. January 6, 2008, the Christian Education Committee made plans for six weeks of Bible Study and Prayer and a threeday study of the ancient spiritual tool of personality types known as The Enneagram. In February, the University of Life series would be “I believe in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit,” each part to be explored by Rev. Kehle, Rev. Barbara Farwell or Dr. Douglas Wright. (continued) Vol. 45, November 2013 Norma Mack resigned her position as of February 15 and Cynthia Sanders became the Administrative Assistant. Tina and Chris Vasiliow entertained with Irish Ballads after the Irish Stew Dinner the Kitchen Angels prepared for the St. Patrick’s Day celebration on March 12th. In April, Janie Williams and Claire Eliason were honored by receiving “Senior Service Awards” presented by Presbytery at the Orangewood Presbyterian Church. First Presbyterian hosted over 20 health and wellness agencies on April 4 at a Health Fair. On the 16th, court came to Swain Hall when Judges Judy, Wapner, and Brown put the Nursery Rhymes on trial. Charles Sedgwick and Claire Eliason were honored by Agua Fria for their services. The “Blood Pressure Clinics” continued in Swain Hall following the fourth Sunday Services. Shirley McVicker had started the Prayer Shawl Ministry in May and by June they had shawls ready for the ill or shut-ins. PW began collecting personal grooming items, school supplies and canned goods. July 16th was Pizza Night with card games. Irene Stephenson began work in the office as Administrative Assistant while Norma Mack continued as Financial Secretary. On August 20th we learned to play “Froggie Farkle,” ending the evening with dessert. September 2nd was a car pool to a ballgame, and on the 17th, we had a bus trip to Organ Stop Pizza. In October, Dr. John Barklind resigned as Senior Pastor. In December, the Senior Trippers went to see “Holly Jolly Christmas” at the Broadway Palms Theatre. The third annual PW High Tea was on the 13th and on the 17th we were served a Christmas Dinner and entertained by the Handbell Choir. On Christmas Eve 2008 we were served punch and cookies in Swain Hall prior to the 5:00 pm service. Winter visitor Roxanne Fogarty became a church member in 2008. During January 2009, Associate Pastor Rev. Deborah Kehle was nominated to be Interim Pastor, temporarily filling the position vacated by Dr. John Barklind. February was a busy month with the Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Break-fast at Men’s Fellowship, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday services shared with Faith Presbyterian, and many of us engrossed in reading The Shack. University of Life was studying the parables of Dr. Seuss as explained by Ellen Van Arsdale. In March, Craig McCoy began the H.E.L.P. group to “help eliminate little problems,” a tremendous assist to those of us with minor home chores we couldn’t do. In June we visited “Gilligan’s Island” at Vacation Bible School and had a joyful time with Rev. Kehle and Rev. Stan Burtless. In July, Lana Goodman replaced Irene Stevenson in the office and 22 “carpoolers” enjoyed a Diamondbacks baseball game. Charles Sedgwick vigorously loaded his car, weekly, with donated items for Agua Fria Food Bank and Thrift Shop and spent the day there as a volunteer. Charles continues his dedication to Agua Fria. By October, a Pastoral Nominating Committee was established to find a new Pastor for First Presbyterian. November introduced the first combined Variety Show with Temple Beth Shalom and Unity Church to benefit Valley View Community Food Bank. We happily welcomed back our winter visitors and gladly put them to work! In December, Session voted to mail flyers to residents of Sun City and Youngtown during Advent. The Deacons donated $400 to Valley View Food Bank. The church choir boasted 27 members and performed a glorious Christmas Cantata. We joined hands saying grace before our Fellowship Christmas Feast in a beautifully decorated Swain Hall, and after sharing punch and snacks Christmas Eve, celebrated the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, in a Sanctuary festive with candles and swagged with wreaths. New members for the year 2009 were Cheryl Davis, Forrest Bartenhagen, Helen Petersen, Elizabeth Stradtner, Gene Klatte, Lucy Marsh, and Viola Patterson. ~Donna Roth The Prayer Shawl Ministry Our Prayer Shawl Ministry has twelve ladies who knit and crochet. We just sent to Luke—the Airman’s Attic—and to Hospice in Peoria a total of 159 items. Thanks to all who have helped with donations of yarn, coupons, and money to buy yarn. We have just received a nice donation outside of our church for yarn. We still need more yarn, coupons, and/or money to buy yarn and for postage. We will meet November 4th and 18th and in December we will have one gathering at Coco’s at 98th and Bell at 10:00 am on the 9th for brunch. 9 The SPIRE Spreading the Word Communicating Online One theme of the 50th Anniversary celebration has been “honoring the past and looking forward to the future.” Part of looking to the future has been evaluating and modifying the way we communicate electronically, because like it or not, the digital age is here to stay. Our first online project was redesigning our website, We moved the site to a new hosting company that costs less while giving us more content flexibility. The website now contains an archive of past copies of The SPIRE, complete recordings of many of our church services, and links to other helpful church- and community-related websites. An electronic version of our calendar of events may also be found there. The site has had over a thousand “hits” since the new design was implemented, and we’ve received many positive comments on how useful and easy to navigate it is. If you haven’t visited yet, take a look and let us know what else you think we should add. Our second online venture is the Facebook page we launched in March of this year. This is a dynamic page with daily postings featuring church events, community happenings, notable quotes, and links to readings on senior living. If you’re looking for a free concert, the Rec Center movie of the week, or a thought-provoking article to read, you’ll probably find it here. The address of the page is: https:// -of-Sun-City/103412179850579 Response to the Facebook page was so positive that in June we started a blog with our 50th Anniversary as its theme. Almost daily we post historic photos, information about the past life of the church, and notices for upcoming events. You can check out the blog at Many of the pictures we scanned for the history blog are too grainy or faded to republish in a booklet or other print vehicle, but it seemed a shame not to gather them together where they could be appreciated. That’s why we set up a Pinterest account. If you aren’t familiar with Pinterest, it’s an electronic “pinboard” for photos and other images. Our account hosts 3 boards—Our Church Campus, Church Events, and Our Church’s History—which together contain almost 100 current and historic 10 images of our church and its 50 amazing years. We are thrilled that among those “following” us on Pinterest is WJK Books in Louisville, Kentucky. “WJK” stands for “Westminster John Knox Press,” a major publisher of religious books. Because they are following us, there’s a link to our page on their Pinterest site, which should mean we’ll be getting a lot more traffic in the near future. You can visit our Pinterest page yourself at http://www.pinterest. com/1stpressuncity/ —and don’t forget to send us any pictures you’d like us to add to those already there! So, what’s next? Email. It’s almost time to reprint our church directory, and this year we’d like to include as many email addresses as possible. Our intent is not to clog your inbox with church-related trivia; we want to be able to contact as many of you as possible quickly and easily when one of our own dies, a scheduled event has to be cancelled at the last minute, or there’s no time to disseminate important new information at worship services, through The SPIRE, or by “snail mail.” Also—a professional photographer will be taking portraits and casual photos at our 50th Anniversary Gala. If we have your email address, we can send you free electronic copies of your pictures via email. If you don’t have email or absolutely can’t bring yourself to share the address you can still get your photos, but not as quickly or as cheaply. Emailing photos doesn’t require buying supplies or significant staff time; printing photos or burning them to CDs does. (Details on those logistics to follow.) So this year as you verify or modify your personal information for the church directory, please look to the future and include your email address if you have one. It’s one more way that we can spread the word to you! ~Beth Mabee Vol. 45, November 2013 Celebrations and Updates WELCOME BACK! We are thrilled that our winter visitors have started to rejoin us. Be sure to let the church office know you are back and verify that we have the correct mailing address for you. BIRTHDAYS IN NOVEMBER 1 Max McVicker 21 Sharyl Moen 2 Kay McDermott 23 Nathaniel Harvey 4 Dorothy Mills 23 Norman Keprios 10 Mary Geisbert 24 Marilyn Olney 11 Geraldine Shaw 25 John Keen 11 Walter McMartin 30 Geraldine Darr 16 Mary Jo Conwell We are celebrating you! Please join the November Birthday Celebration on Sunday, November 17, in Swain Hall after the worship service. CHANGES FOR YOUR CHURCH DIRECTORY Removed by Request: Elder Ethel D. Carey Vernon & Julie Moldenhauer OUR STAFF Pastor Rev. Harrell D. Davis Parish Nurse Carol Arseth, R.N. Associate for Congregational Life Beth Mabee Admin. Assistant, Treasurer Norma Mack Admin. Assistant, Publications Marjorie Hagerman Choir Director Dr. William (Bill) Gleason Handbell Director Sherrill Tyacke Pianist Kelsey McKee Custodian Lyle Tollefson The SPIRE is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church of Sun City, Arizona. Please call the church office at 623-974-3605 to be added to our mailing list, or see our website at to access current and back issues in pdf format. Items to be included in the December 2013 edition of The SPIRE should be submitted to Beth Mabee at the church office or by email at by Monday, November 25. (We go to press the first thing Tuesday morning.) 11 Non-Profit U.S. Postage PAID Youngtown AZ Permit No. 55 The SPIRE First Presbyterian Church 12225 N 103rd Ave Sun City AZ 85351-3501 OR CURRENT RESIDENT Sunday Schedule: 9:00 am Worship Services in the Sanctuary, Rev. Harrell D. Davis preaching 10:00 am Coffee and Fellowship in Swain Hall November Highlights: Sunday, November 3—Carillon Dedication and Veterans Day Celebration Sunday, November 10–Honoring Former Leaders & Neighborhood Ice Cream Social Wednesday, November 13—Anniversary Gala Sunday, November 17—November Birthdays Celebration Saturday, November 30—Decorating the Church for Christmas Winter Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm Thursday: 8:00 am-1:00 pm Friday: Closed