No. 86 House Magazine – also distributed to customers


No. 86 House Magazine – also distributed to customers
No. 86
House Magazine – also distributed to customers and business relations
December 2007
Inauguration of Blue Water Odense’s
New Facilities in Tietgenbyen
On Friday 2.11, a reception was
held at Blue Water Odense to cele­
brate the inauguration of our new
facilities in Tietgenbyen.
The house was filled with happy
guests, the sun was shining from
a cloudless sky and the official
speeches of Søren Nielsen, Kurt
Skov and Per Offersen (representing
the staff) were delivered outdoors.
The presents from the staff club
were beautiful bowls of boxtrees
which now adorn both main and
staff entrances.
The annual customer party was held
in the evening in the VIP lounges
of the new Arena Fyn. The programme included a brief introduction of the new Arena Fyn and its
countless prospects followed by a
delicious autumn dinner and excellent entertainment from Teamsinging followed by the eighties band,
Planet Pop.
The evening’s guests at the welcoming ceremony at Arena Fyn.
Søren Nielsen, General Manager
of Blue Water Odense, delivering
his speech of welcome.
Silver Jubilee at
Blue Water France
On 6.9., Blue Water in France ce­
lebrated the silver anniversary of its
French offices. 25 years ago, the office in Brest was established, mainly
to act as general agent for Lauritzen
Reefers in connection with their
shipments of frozen poultry to the
Red Sea and the Gulf. Today Blue
Water France operates three offices
- one in Brest and one in Lorient,
involved in all-round shipping, and
an airfreight office in Vatry.
In honour of the occasion, French
and international clients were invited on a dinner cruise.
It was a fantastic evening with
beautiful weather, offering plenty
of opportunity to enjoy the beauti-
ful coastal scenery around Brest.
Chance had it that Mogens Nielsen,
who is in charge of our French activities for the last 20 years, coincidentally could celebrate his silver
anniversary with the Blue Water
Group. He was therefore honoured
on the occasion by his colleagues in
the evening.
Per Offersen was teasing and dropping many fine hints in his speech
on behalf of the Odense staff.
New Assignment to “Maersk
Explorer” in the Caspian Sea
Blue Water Baku was awarded
the contract as sub-contractor for
Maersk Contractors Caspian Sea
A/S for ship’s agency, customs
clearance and consultancy in connecion with the mobilisation of
their semi-submersible drilling
rig “Maersk Explorer”. The rig
was towed from Azerbaijan to
the Russian part of the Caspian
Sea, the Centralnaya-1 field in
the ­ Makhachkala sector, by 4 tug
boats; “Andoga”, “Aura”, “Vadim
Seydov” and “Jura”.
The drillings are performed by
“Maersk Explorer” for the Russian company, CenterCaspneftegas, and started on 12.11. The
operation will take 180 days and
covers all connected jobs such as
mobilisation of the rig, the actual
drilling, test of oil well, shutdown
and demobilisation of the rig.
Blue Water’s team took care of
the customs formalities of the
platform itself, tug boats and subcontractors’ equipment on board
the rig. The customs officers were,
together with Blue Water’s team,
taken offshore to the rig by helicopter to perform the formalities
on board and release “Maersk
Explorer Lider” for navigation in
Russian waters.
Energy Trophy 08
Blue Water Brazil was invited to
a “Real Danish Ballet” sponsored by Maersk Line among
others. In the picture you can
see Fabiana Martins/Blue Water
Sao Paulo and Roberta Becker/
Maersk Line.
Our Quality and Environmental
Manager, Kim Beier, is aiming
high. Based on the certification of
our head office in Esbjerg, we now
participate in a competition - financed by the EU, for the reduction
of energy consumption in the offices - called Energy Trophy.
Blue Water Esbjerg has taken many
energy saving initiatives in everyday working life. Whether we will
win the first prize - EUR 3000 - is,
however, doubtful, according to
New Big Contract for Trans­
port of Special Tanker (FSO)
from Singapore to Baku
Blue Water has just made a contract with Keppel Singmarine in
Singapore for transport of a so-called FSO from Singapore to Baku
at the Caspian Sea.
FSO stands for Floating, Storage,
Offloading. The FSO is a sort of
tank vessel, which moors at the oil
well to pump oil up into its storage,
and is capable of pumping this oil
into minor tank vessels which then
carry the oil ashore.
This special vessel, with a capacity of approx. 28,000 tons oil, is
being built at Keppel Singmarine
Shipyard in Singapore. Blue Water
will arrange transport from Singapore via the Indian Ocean, the Red
Sea, through the Suez Canal to
the Mediterranean, the Black Sea
- and further on through the Russian Don-Volga river system to the
Caspian Sea.
The width of the smallest lock
in the Russian river system is 17
metres, the maximum draught
3.20 metres and the height 14.00
metres, due to bridges and cables,
making certain demands on the
vessel’s construction. Therefore it
has to be built in two hull strips of
the following dimensions: length
132.8 metres, width 15.65 metres,
height 17.2 metres and a draught
of 3.00 metres - two large selffloating hull strips weighing 4,000
tons each.
In addition some equipment and
accomodation blocks for the FSO
- 2,000 tons/15,000 cbm in total need to be transported into Baku.
The hull modules and blocks will
be loaded on board two special
heavy lift vessels in Singapore.
Transshipment will take place in
the Black Sea, where the self-floating strips will be tugged through
the river system by tug boats. The
other parts and equipment will be
loaded on to river vessels and barges and transported through the
river system from Azov to Astrakhan and the last section through
the Caspian Sea to the oil city
Baku in Azerbaijan. Here welding
of the 2 hull strips will take place
before delivery to the client, LukOil - Nizhnevolzhskneft (LukOil
NVN), a subsidiary of the Russian
oil company LukOil.
Loading will be performed in Singapore in July/August 2008 and
delivery must take place in October at the latest as the river system
will freeze up in November.
Semco Maritime builds Power Plants
in Central America
Blue Water won the Transport Contract
Semco Maritime is a construction
and engineering firm involved
in the worldwide marine, oil and
energy industry - both offshore and
The global activities as well as
Semco’s branches in Europe, Asia,
USA and Central America are controlled from the headquarters in
Semco Maritime has won a number
of very large contracts - in the billion class category - in connection
with power plant constructions in
El Salvador and Guatemala. In addition to the actual construction of
the power plants, the orders cover
operation and maintenance for a
10-year period.
The free trade agreement (Cafta)
between USA and Central America
has resulted in a considerable business development and consequently increasing energy demands.
For this reason Semco Maritime
sees interesting prospects in power
plant construction in Central America.
An agreement was made between
Semco Maritime and Blue Water
for transport of the large projects to
Guatemala and El Salvador. It is a
very interesting job which increases
Blue Water’s activities in Central
America. The job includes shipment of large engines (up to 350
tons per engine), transformers and
other equipment from Europe and
the Far East to Central America.
Shipment of various parts in containers are already taking place, and
Blue Water has chartered special
heavy lift vessels, with high lifting
capacity, for the large units. First
shipment will leave Rotterdam,
Holland and St. Nazaire, France
to Puerto Quetzal in Guatemale in
Blue Water is responsible for delivery of the projects to final construction sites in Guatemala and
El Salvador respectively. As it is a
very special and complicated job,
Blue Water has entered into co-operation with DacoTrans/Daco Heavy
Lift, with offices in Guatemala and
El Salvador and its own specialized
transport equipment.
Signing of the contract: Left to right Villy Mortensen, Hans Henrik Andersen, Kurt Skov and Flemming Daugaard
Freight negotiation in Singapore - left to right: Chief Engineer
Yoong Hoong Lee/Keppel Singmarine, Kurt Skov, Commercial Director Ko Lin Toh/Keppel Singmarine and Jason Goh/Blue Water
Left to right. Thomas Bek / Blue Water, Frank Domar Holm, Susanne Ladefoged, Per Atterman / Semco and Frank Madsen (stan­
ding) / Blue Water
New Smyril Blue Water Blue Water sharehol­
Depot in Gothenburg
der in Smyril Line P/F
Delivery address in Sweden:
Importgatan 26
SE-422 46 Hisings Backa
As a natural consequence of increasing quantities of goods from
Sweden to the Faroes and Iceland,
we have on 1 November 2007
opened a depot in Hisings Backa,
Gothenburg. The depot is operated
by Blue Water’s office in Skandiahamnen, Gothenburg where Janne
Ekholm and Björn Jensen are hand­
ling collections to the depot and
customs clearance of shipments to
the North Atlantic.
Trailers are packed on Thursday
afternoon at the depot and shipped
on board m/s “Norröna” leaving
Hanstholm on Saturday arriving
Torshavn Monday and Seydisfjordur Tuesday.
Booking to:
Blue Water Shipping
Sydatlanten 6
SE-40336 Gothenburg
Tel: +46 31 76 44 880
+46 31 53 30 50
Att.: Janne Ekholm /
Björn Jensen
Booking deadline:
Wednesdays 12.00 noon
Final delivery to depot: Thursdays 12.00 noon
Customer Seminar on the Faroe Islands
Jørn Bøllund/Blue Water Esbjerg
has during the summer visited
our Danish offices, offering client
seminars including subjects and
concepts such as Incoterms, responsibility rules of the transport
industry, insurance and “what to
do in case of damage”.
After the Danish tour, Torshavn
was next on the list. Around 50
local clients showed up for an
Blue Water repre­
sents TNT Express in
Blue Water Greenland A/S has
with effect as from 1.8. entered
into contract with the worldwide
courier company TNT Express.
Therefore you can now contact
your Blue Water office and book
your TNT Express shipments both
to and from Greenland.
interes­ting evening at the Føroya
Hotel. In the afternoon of the same
day, Smyril Blue Water’s team in
Torshavn was given a lecture in
professional handling of claims.
Even though we use the best ferries and airlines, the goods may
now and then be damaged on their
way across the rough Atlantic
Contact Details:
The Faroese shipowners, Smyril
Line, have for many years been
involved in passenger and freight
service on the North Atlantic - between the Faroe Islands, Iceland,
Norway and Denmark. Since 2003,
the new modern passenger and
freight ferry m/f ”Norröna”, with
a capacity of 1500 passengers and
130 trailers, has served this liner
service with weekly departures.
1 April 2005, Smyril Line and Blue
Water established a joint venture
Smyril Blue Water - a transport and
freight forwarding company with
offices on the Faroe Islands, Iceland and in Denmark - in order to
make use of the common synergies
between Smyril Line’s superferry
m/f ”Norröna” and BlueWater’s
well-organised transport system
with a comprehensive terminal network in Denmark and more than
600 trucks and trailers on the European highways.
All kinds of goods are transported;
fresh and frozen fish, salmon, tem-
perature controlled cargo, consu­
mer goods, building materials etc.
Furthermore Smyril Blue Water offers airfreight and container
transport to and from overseas
destinations via Blue Water’s global network of agents and branch
Smyril Blue Water provides the
best transport service in the North
Atlantic, based on a unique ro-ro
service and door/door concept with
short transit times.
The Smyril activity is important
for the Blue Water Group and Blue
Water has therefore strengthened
its commitment to Smyril Line and
entered as shareholder in the shipping line - when a new refinancing
of Smyril Line was completed on
Other major shareholders include
the Faroese companies Frantak and
TF Holding and Shetland Development Trust, the Shetlands as well as
Ausfar, Iceland.
US Television visits
NBC News has visited Greenland,
spending time in both Ilulissat in
the north and the capital Nuuk. A lot
of focus is put on Greenland these
days - especially due to the climate
changes. The ice cap is melting
much faster than researchers predicted just a few years ago. NBC
News painted a really nice picture
of Greenland – the culture and not
least the beautiful nature.
NBC News had chosen Blue Water
to handle and ship its equipment.
To shoot the documentary, a con-
siderable amount of equipment
was needed by NBC’s delegation
of journalists and technicians – 22
pallets of air freight with a total volume of approx. 32 m3.
The assignment was carried out in
smooth co-operation between Blue
Water’s offices in Nuuk, Ilulissat
and Copenhagen. For our newly
opened office in Ilulissat, it was the
largest and most interesting assignment to date, says Kenneth Birk
Jorgensen/ Blue Water Ilulissat.
Inge Lennert
E-mail: inle@bws.d
Ttel: +299 325410
Kenneth ruby Sørensen
Tel: +299 866365
Kenneth Birk Jørgensen
Ttel: +299 942210
The Nipe Choir, in their beautiful and colourful national costumes, filmed
during NBC’s tour of Greenland.
Another In-house Customer at
Blue Water Aalborg
As from November 2007, the
company, Deres Auto in Nuuk,
has chosen to have a logistician
working in-house at Blue Water
Aalborg. The concept is similar to
our existing agreement with Inu:IT
Kontorhuset, who has made use of
the arrangement since the spring
of 2006.
The two companies use our Aalborg terminal as hub for their shipments to Greenland, which are sent
consolidated by either sea or air.
At the same time, the logisticians
optimize the cargo flow from the
suppliers (e.g. making them keep
the agreed delivery deadlines and
use the agreed packing materials)
and consequently ensure a high
degree of consistency of supply
in connection with the suppliers’
total deliveries to the individual
We do not receive the shipments
from Inu:IT Kontorhuset and Deres Auto until they have been marked to the correct destination and
consignee - by either sea or air.
This solution has proved to be a big
advantage for Inu:IT Kontorhuset,
as quite a lot of inappropriate consignments from the suppliers will
be rejected even before they leave
Denmark. As freight to Greenland
is rather expensive, correction of
mistakes, if any, before departure
will save a lot of money.
We are, to a great extent, our
Greenland customers’ auxillary
arm in Denmark. It is, however, not
possible for us to check whether all
the ordered articles are contained
in the shipment - as we cannot and
may not open the consignments and whether they are marked with
the correct consignee.
Projects in Iceland and Greenland
During his stay in Iceland, Ole
Bøgh Ulriksen visited some inte­
resting potential clients.
Istak, which is 90% owned by Pihl
& Søn in Denmark, has through
its parent company big interests in
Greenland where they participate
in several projects. Blue Water assists with airfreight from Iceland
via Denmark to Greenland in cooperation with IceTransport.
Ole Bøgh Ulriksen and Peter Ravn
from the project department in Esbjerg had set up a meeting with the
logistics managers of the Alcoa
group from USA, with aluminum
factories around the world, who
were visiting the melting factory in
the eastern part of Iceland.
The reason for the meeting was the
fact that Alcoa plan to build a factory in Greenland, starting in 2009. At
the meeting we learned that a new
factory on the north-east coast of
Iceland may be even further ahead
in their plans than the one in Greenland. We will be invited to submit
tenders for the building projects.
When production is up and running, quantities will reach approx.1
million tons a year. For the project
in Eastern Iceland, a 73 kilometre
water tunnel - with a diametre of 7
metres, supplying 6 generator units
with a maximum of 144 cbm water
per second - was built.
Ole and Peter also paid a visit to
Landsvirkjun, the Iceland energy
company which delivered the hydroelectric plant to the Iceland
factory, and who may also deliver
the plant to the second factory in
Iceland as well as to the Greenland
Large parts of the hydroelectric
plant are imported from other countries and for this purpose Blue Water’s expertise may also be useful.
New extended Freight Contract with Pilersuisoq
Blue Water Aalborg has made a
new 3-year agreement with Pilersuisoq covering airfreight to
Greenland and sea freight of 810,000 cbm retail goods, which up
to now have been shipped through
Pilersuisoq’s own central storage
in Aalborg. This storage will be
closed at the turn of the year and
we are going to take over the sup-
ply of both sea and airfreight to
Pilersuisoq’s branches in every
town and settlement in Greenland.
We hope to be able to provide
such an excellent service that we
can extend the co-operation on sea
freight which in total amounts to
approx. 40,000 cbm per year, says
Ole Bøgh Ulriksen from Blue Water Aalborg.
New Contract with IceTransport
In October, Ole Bøgh Ulriksen/
Blue Water Aalborg was in Reykjavik to renew the agency agree­ment
with our partner IceTransport. The
agreement has been extended by
two years and runs until the end of
2009. The co-operation has during
recent years developed in a very
positive way, and combined with
the general industrial progress in
Iceland, we see great prospects of
the future - both on sea and airfreight between the two countries.
Iceland is working on a global basis and the agreement therefore implies that our many offices around
the world may be useful for traffic
needs beyond the Danish border.
Lunch on the way to the airport,
together with the IceTransport
team, Börkur Holmgeirsson and
Bjarni Bjarnason, at the Blue Lagoon with the hot springs.
In the picture you can see Börkur
Holmgeirsson and Ole Bøgh Ulriksen.
General Manager of IceTransport,
Jon Olafur Bergporsson and Ole
Bøgh Ulriksen, Blue Water Aalborg are signing the contract.
Goods in Transit Insu­
rance to the North Atlantic
We often experience that our clients expect that we automatically
take out Goods in Transit Insurance for their shipments to the North
Atlantic. Unfortunately they do
not find out that this is not the case
until the damage is done.
If no insurance is taken out, cover
is limited to the law governing the
respective type of transport; Haque
Rules, Warsaw Convention, CMR
Convention etc. Compensation in
case of damage or loss will therefore be limited.
For this reason, Blue Water has de-
cided to take out Goods in Transit
Insurance on all shipments to the
North Atlantic as from 1.10.2007,
unless our clients inform us that
they are not interested in such insurance. This way we ensure that
a decision to insure or not is made
for every shipment.
We regard this initiative as an extra focus on the quality assurance
of our clients’ shipments, and hope
that this will create greater satisfaction in respect of any claims for
Blue Water Milan takes over Role
as Agent from Armando Vidale
Blue Water established an office
in Milan in 2006 with the aim to
strengthen its many activities and
relations within the Italian market.
Our office is ideally situated close
to the intermodal terminal in Busto
Arsizio by Milan, the main centre
for combined transport (road/rail).
The Milan office is managed by
Henrik Sidding Nielsen, a Dane
stationed in Italy for several ­years.
Our staff is both Danish and Italian which strengthens the daily
communication with Italian suppliers and optimizes the information flow back to our clients in
As a natural consequence of our
establishment in Italy, we have
decided to discontinue the partnership with our present agent,
Armando Vidale, with effect from
Details of Blue Water
Blue Water Shipping Italia SRL.
Via Dogana 2
21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)
Tel: +39 0331 682834
Fax: +39 0331 695008
In October, Søren Nielsen/Blue
Water Odense, who is overall responsible for Italy, and Carsten
Eskildsen/Blue Water Esbjerg paid
a visit to our branch office in Milan, Italy.
Left to right: Gigi Brunelli (warehouseman), Gianni Crippa, Laura
Franchi, Henrik Sidding Nielsen,
Søren Nielsen and Salvator Montesani (warehouseman). Carsten
Eskildsen was photographer.
M/S “Disney Magics’” last call
at Barcelona this season. Left to
right: Amadeu Outeiro/Blue Water Barcelona together with Goofy
and (from the lost property team)
Aleksandra Kurek and Arantiza
Blue Water’s Project Department in Spain
We currently receive reports from
our project team in Barcelona, telling about their first interesting year
as an independent department, arranging specialised transport on
the Iberian Peninsula.
With Jørn Scharck at the helm,
greatly assisted by his Danish
colleague, Søren Gammelgaard
Nielsen, and Aleksandra Kurek
from Poland, the department has
acted as port agent for 32 ships
alone with windmills. Ships chartered for the specific jobs by the
colleagues in the chartering department in Esbjerg.
For our team in Spain, the job starts
when the ships come alongside for
discharging and further transpor-
tation of windmill sections to the
final destination.
Planning is an important element
in the job, including discharge
inspection and protection against
damages. In this respect, Søren
Gammelgaard has travelled far
and wide this year - to Pasajes
(San Sebastian), Santander, El
Ferril, La Coruna, Villagarcia de
Arosa, Marin, Vigo, Cadiz, Algeciras, Valencia and Sagunto. Ports
all over the country with different
terms/ conditions and equipment,
which require comprehensive preparatory work to ensure the best
possible achievement.
Furthermore we have been involved in a large project for the
Spanish oil company, Repsol.
The project will be launched in
the spring of 2008 and includes
16 sections - the biggest weighing
78 tons - coming from Thessalo-
niki in Greece to be transported to
Tarragona in Spain, explains Jørn
Scharck from Barcelona.
Blue Water’s Project Team in Barcelona - Left to right: Søren Gammelgaard Nielsen, Jørn Scharck, Aleksandra Kurek and the General Manager of Blue Water España, Amadeu Outeiro,
New Transport Partner in Spain
As from November 2007, Blue
Water Shipping A/S and Rhenus
Logistics have entered into cooperation on road traffic between
Spain and Denmark.
Rhenus Logistics is today one of
few freight forwarders in Spain
with its fine-meshed network of
41 small, local hubs throughout
One of its major strengths, is the
fact that several of Rhenus’ hubs
are open 24 hours six days a week,
enabling guaranteed delivery
throughout Spain within maxi-
mum 72 hours from arrival at the
terminal in Spain. Terminal vicinities, however, are guaranteed delivery within 24-48 hours.
In Spain, Rhenus Logistics is currently represented in Barcelona
(headquarters), Irun, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, Allicante, Tarragona, Zaragoza, Vigo, Bilbao and
Gijon - employing a total of 623
The company’s annual turnover in
Spain is EUR 800 million, making
Rhenus Logistics one of Spain’s
leading freight forwarders within
road, sea, rail and air transport.
Today, Blue Water handles heavy
traffic to/from Spain. With the
change to Rhenus Logistics, we
expect an increase in traffic on this
market and not least enhanced and
strengthened service. We have for
instance installed computer monitoring in almost all trailers to
be able to notify the customers of
delays, if any, in due time.
Blue Water offers departure from
Denmark to the North of Spain
every Monday, Tuesday and
Friday and to the southern part
every Friday - and departure from
Spain every Tuesday and Friday.
Danfish International, Aalborg
Once again, Blue Water was appointed exhibition forwarder for
Danfish International in Aalborg.
Our team of forwarders and warehouse people did a perfect job to
everybody’s satisfaction. With 400
participating companies, including 261 from Denmark, the 20th
fisheries exhibition in Aalborg was
almost fully booked and received
positive response from the exhibitors reporting sales beyond expectations. Figures of more than 150
million were rumoured, which by
far surpasses the exhibition two
years ago.
Danfish has developed over the
years, from being a display window for Danish fishermen to an
international exhibition, which due
to its success has become the biggest of its kind in Northern Europe.
Purchasers from 21 countries and
exhibitors from 23 countries - as
far away as from Argentina, Canada, China, Russia and New Zealand
- participated in this year’s exhibition.
We welcomed many interesting visitors to our stand, both present and
potential clients, reports Ole Ulriksen from the North of Jutland.
During the exhibition, a farewell
reception was held for Jan Fürst
Andersen, who had decided to retire after nearly 25 years with Dansk
Eksportforening (The Danish Exporters’ Association) where he was
in charge of the fisheries division.
Throughout the years, we have enjoyed working together with Jan
and wish him and his wife, Inge, a
long and happy retirement.
Danfish, Aalborg - left to right: Jan Fürst Andersen/Dansk Eksportfore­
ning, Ulrik Rifsing, Prince Joachim and Ernst Trillinggaard/Aalborg
Kongres & Kulturcenter.
Farewell reception for Jan Fürst Andersen. Left to right: Henrik Hansen,
the President of Dansk Eksportforening, Ulrik Rifsing and Jan Fürst Andersen (wearing a hat).
South Korea
The exhibition, Kormarine, took
place in Busan in October. Two
years ago, we were also involved
in Kormarine, which has since increased by 40% to a capacity of
340 m2 this year. Klaus Bindesbøll/exhibition department, Esbjerg
was in Busan to coordinate incoming and outgoing containers and
help Standesign build the collective
stand. After the exhibition, a large
part of the goods were forwarded to
Shanghai, to the Marintec exhibition at the end of November, where
Denmark was represented with a
big collective stand (800 m2).
Kormarine was a success and a
large number of visitors attended
the exhibition.
Anuga, Cologne
Once again, the famous food fair
in Cologne - Anuga - attracted a
lot of attention. Blue Water was,
together with Andreas Andresen,
responsible for the major part of
the transport for the Danish exhibitors. As usual, we had three
reefer trailers, loaded with food,
in Cologne, serving the various
Danish stands with new supplies
each day of the exhibition. For
this job we received assistance
from Lasse Reuss and Thomas
Torborg Jensen/Blue Water Esbjerg and Rouven Fischer/Blue
Water Padborg.
Blue Water has a strong worldwide food transport network. In
addition to the exhibition team,
several key persons from Blue
Water’s reefer offices attended
the food fair. Denmark, Holland,
France and Brazil were represen­
ted and many interesting meetings took place with present and
new clients.
Visitor from China
In October, our offices in Esbjerg,
Aarhus and Copenhagen welcomed Tina Tu who is the General
Manager of Cargo Services Ltd in
Ningbo, China. In Ningbo, a staff
of 100 people control and co-ordinate shipments mainly to Europe
and North America. Furthermore
warehouse facilities, including
pick and pack, labelling etc. are
offered and the branch also acts as
liner agent for ANL and Australian
National Line among others.
Tina Tu at Blue Water Copenhagen together with Stig Egelund,
Morten Bruun-Albrecht and Simon
Carsten Eskildsen/Blue Water Esbjerg and Peter Ankersborg/Blue
Water Kolding were in Benelux
during week 41, paying visits to
Blue Water Rotterdam and ABX
This picture was taken at Blue
Water Rotterdam’s office - left to
right: Peter Ankersborg, Hans
Poiesz and Bram de Visser.
Visiting ABX Brussels - left to
Caroline Pirquin/ABX
Brussels, Willem Laurman/ABX
Moerdijk, Peter Ankersborg and
Luc de Schrijvers/ABX Brussels.
In August, Arne Iversen/Blue Water Qingdao and Stig Egelund/Blue
Water Copenhagen paid a visit to
Cargo Services (Far East) Ltd. in
Hong Kong and Shanghai. During their stay, sales, operational
matters, IT and not least the future
were discussed.
China’s incredible development
with increasing export to Europe
continues. In order to comply with
this growth, Cargo Services have
decided to increase their present
number of offices in China from
26 to 48 by the end of 2008. Part
of these new branches will be esta­
blished far inland where increased
production and consequently increased export are expected.
Arne Iversen and Stig Egelund
seized the opportunity to pay a
visit to our long-time partner, the
shipping line MOL, in Hong Kong.
Left to right: Marcus Ma, Louis
Tang, Stig Egelund, David Prado,
Arne Iversen and Kelvin Tse.
Visiting Cargo Services in Shanghai. Left to right: Alex Chen, Arne
Iversen, Jane Sun, Joye Chen, Stig
Egelund and Lena Yeh.
Visiting Jining Salong
Mike Su and Yongqin Sun have
for many years been loyal customers of Blue Water. In fact the
contact dates back to the early nineties when all garlic from China
was loaded in bulk to Dubai and
Blue Water Brest was responsible
for chartering of tonnage, using
Lauritzen Reefers as shipping line
among others.
Nowadays, garlic is shipped in
reefer containers, and the activity
has developed enormously over
the last 20 years, during which
China has become the world’s
main garlic exporter with a world­
wide export volume exceeding one
million tons a year.
The family now runs the company,
Jining Sanlong, and is still very
much involved in garlic export,
however the product line has increased to include fruits and other
vegetables as well.
Shandong is still the biggest garlic
producing province using Qingdao as port of shipment, whereas
the Fuijan province is famous for
growing exotic fruits - especially
pomelos are popular - and uses
Xiamen as port of shipment.
Arne Iversen/Blue Water Qingdao,
who years back, as General Manager of Blue Water Dubai, was
involved in the garlic transport to
this destination, called on Jining
Salong in both Jining and Xiamen together with Carol Liu/Blue
Water Qingdao. During their stay,
Arne and Carol also visited a pomelo packing facility.
Naturally we hope that our cooperation will develop further and
look forward to a busy season with
an extensive worldwide export
of Chinese fruits and vegetables,
concludes Arne Iversen.
Yongqin Sun, Arne Iversen, Carol
Liu, Sunny Wang and Mike Su at
Jining Salong’s headquarters in
At the packing facility, pomelos
are packed for worldwide export.
Transport from Holland to Vietnam
Blue Water Rotterdam, and Fred
Kegge in particular, found the below
mentioned transport - which took
place during the autumn months,
October and November, from Hengelo in Holland - very interesting.
On 5.10, Blue Water Rotterdam loaded a second-hand beer bottling line
(with a capacity of 52,000 bottles
per hour) including a bottle washer.
The machine was formerly used by
the Grolsch Beer Brewery, Fred’s
favorite beer.
Blue Water Rotterdam arranged the
transport on behalf of SME Logistics Vietnam. The machinery was
stored at Wagenborg Nedlift in Hengelo who took care of packing and
transport of the overdimensioned
parts as well as loading on to a barge
at Hengelo.
First shipment, consisting of a pasteurizer weighing 38 tons (16 x 6 x
4 metres) and 10 minor pieces, took
place on 5.10.
Second shipment, which was the
biggest, consisting of a washer weighing 102 tons (19 x 6 x 5 metres) and
12 x 40’ containers with machinery
parts, was loaded on 1.11.
The cargo was shipped by Rickmers
on board m/v “Rickmers Shanghai”
on 10.10 and m/v “Rickmers Dalian” on 6.11 respectively, ex Antwerp to Haiphong Vietnam.
End of Free Pallet Ex­
change in Switzerland
as from New Year
As from 31.12.07, Switzerland will
no longer exchange pallets automatically and free of charge.
Following in the footsteps of
France, Italy, Scandinavia and
Great Britain, members of the
Swiss organisation for passengers
and freight, ASTAG, base their
decision on the increased costs involved in obtaining, administering
and storing pallets.
In 2008, responsibility for the administration of pallets will rest with
shippers and consignees, resulting
in transport of empty pallets incurring a charge.
For further information, please
call/mail your regular Blue Water
Blue Water Bremen has changed
contact numbers as from 1.10:
+ 49 421 27 83 91 0
+ 49 421 27 83 91 29
Removal of Offshore Modules
A relatively short, but not quite
simple transport.
Our good client, Semco Maritime,
had completed construction of two
offshore modules (80 tons/dimensions: 16 x 9.3 x 5.5 metres and
25 tons/dimensions: 10 x 4.8 x 5.5
metres respectively) and needed
assistance to move these modules
from Semco’s shipyard in Skippergade to Vestkraftskaj (quay)
for installation on board the oil rig
“Energy Endeavour” (ex-”Maersk
Endeavour”) which was in Esbjerg
for an upgrading.
Semco entrusted Blue Water with
the planning of the job which included stevedoring (crane, dockers
and foremen), loading, discharging and transport of the modules
by barge/tug boat. The transport
involved one of the tug boats of
Svendborg Bugser combined with
Port of Esbjerg’s Liebher 400 crane
which, for the first time ever, was
moved to Skippergade to perform
the lift. The entire operation was
performed according to plan.
The World’s biggest Freighter twice at Billund
was loaded on to a solid platform
in front of the aircraft by mobile
crane and pulled into the freighter
by two large internal winches.
The Antonov 124 is characterized
as the world’s biggest commercial
freighter with a loading capacity
of 125-150 tons depending on destination and type of goods. The
reason for using the AN-124 for
this transport was the huge dimensions which only fit into this
specific aircraft.
Blue Water Billund has recently
seen two AN-124 freighters loading cargo for Seoul on behalf of
a Norwegian client.
The first aircraft took off in October with 87 tons cargo and during the same weekend aprrox.
15 tons were sent by “ordinary”
Our normal consolidation service
at Billund arranged arrival of both
consignments at Seoul Airport
within the same hour making it
possible to deliver in one lot.
Two weeks later, aircraft number 2 was loaded with 67 tons.
The cargo, including a hydraulic
plunger, weighing 36 tons and
measuring 17.5 x 4.6 x 2.5 metres,
Many New Colleagues attended the
Introduction Seminar in Esbjerg
We have known for a long time that
Blue Water is a growing company
with a high intake of new staff. This
was also confirmed when we, in the
summer of 2007, started making
plans for the autumn introduction
seminars for new employees.
We have, for more than 20 years,
summoned all new Danish trainees
for a week’s introduction and all
other new office staff for a 2-day introduction. As a new initiative this
year, we also had an introduction
team consisting of all new warehouse and terminal staff. A total of
92 new colleagues, fit and eager to
learn, assembled in Esbjerg from
21 August to 10 September. During
this period, our new colleagues obtained an insight in Blue Water’s
background and activities, our Best
in Town strategy, quality requirements and IT systems, and built up
a fine internal network which will
be useful in the future co-operation
between the offices.
Usually new employees from all
our Danish offices participate, but
this year, our new colleagues from
Gothenburg, Sweden and Torshavn,
the Faroe Islands were also invited.
We hope some day to be able to offer an English introduction as well,
so that our colleagues from abroad
will also get a good start to their career in Blue Water.
Sales Meeting in Odense
The entire Danish Blue Water sales team met in Odense for two
days in October. The programme
of the meeting included training
in new and old techniques and a
presentation of the clients’ view of
the future as well as expectations
to future logistics and supply chain
management. Two very interesting
days with useful information and
insight into some of the things we
may expect of the future.
Team Day at Blue Water Aarhus
Saturday 22.9 was renamed “Team
Day” at Blue Water Aarhus, starting with breakfast rolls and a
“pick-me-up”. Afterwards the staff
was divided into teams and assigned small tasks such as hanging
pictures and television set and decorating the conference facilities.
Later on, the HR department from
Esbjerg presented small exercises,
challenging the team co-operation
and communication.
After lunch, the Team Day ended
at Fort Østerlund, Silkeborg, where each team, by means of a few
beams and some rope, was charged
with the task of building a bridge
across a 10 metre wide stream. The
results varied a lot. According to the
instructor, the bridges ranged from
“a stick across some water” to a relatively stable bridge, which under
the motto “ well begun is half done”
reached halfway across the stream.
Football Event EFB-FCM
New trainees August 2007
Safety Seminar in Esbjerg - 8-9 November
In connection with Blue Water’s
worldwide activities - in particular oil, gas and windmills - the
attention is concentrated on HSE
(Health, Safety and Environment).
Blue Water have always given
high priority to these areas when
making logistic and transport solutions.
With the purpose of becoming
even more efficient and prepared
for the HSE requirements, a safety seminar was held for managers
and key persons, with Esbjerg Safety Consult as adviser and sparring partner.
It is Blue Water’s aim to be the
leading company (Best in Town)
in the shipping and freight forwarding business when it comes
to prevention of damages and accidents (“no accidents”).
The seminar therefore concentrated on evaluation and renewal
of our present Safety Management System - safety philosophy,
policy and objective.
Sunday 23.9, around 100 local
Blue Water clients were invited
to a football match at Blue Water
Arena in Esbjerg.
We met at our headquarters at
1530 hours for a briefing on the
day’s match and the line-up, by
EFB’s Sporting Director Niels
Erik Søndergaard.
Afterwards our canteen served a
light snack before departure by
bus to Blue Water Arena in bright
sunshine and a very exciting
match which ended 2-0 in EFB’s
Fishing Trip
Danish Football Awards 2007 was
held in Cirkusbygningen in Copenhagen on 12.11. The Danish National Team and a number of “old”
Danish football players among
­others participated in the event.
The DBU jury awards prizes not
only to the Player of the Year, the
Goal of the Year etc., but also to the
Referee of the Year. We are naturally proud to announce that Claus
Bo Larsen, who is in charge of our
customs department in Odense,
was the winner of this honourable
title in an often severely criticized
job. As Claus expressed it; “It is
not often I am greeted with such
an applause from so many Premier
League players”.
Blue Water Esbjerg’s staff club
has, after a couple of years, reassumed its fishing competition
with prizes in various categories
for both ­children and adults. Even
though the fish were not keen on
biting, all prizes were awarded at
this year’s excursion, taking place
in the ideal setting at Lake Vester
Nebel. Despite the rain, it was a
wonderful family day in the open
Staff Redeployment
EFB - Brøndby FC
As from 1.10, Torkil Petersen is
transferred from Smyril Blue Water Torshavn to Blue Water Billund
to learn more about airfreight.
As from 1.10, Mette Nielsen has
moved from Aarhus to our Dublin
office where she will see to road
traffic to/from Denmark.
At the turn of the year, Jesper Lisby will return to Copenhagen after
a couple of years in New York together with his wife, Ida, who has
been assisting with accounts matters. Ida is now going to study at
the university.
Pictures from Blue Water Denmark’s Sports Day 2007
Trine Kirkeby/accounts department, Blue Water Copenhagen
married Toke Hegnslund on 18.8.
Njogu Demba-Nyrén (also known as Demba), playing for EFB in the top
league, has started a project; a football school in his home town Bakau
in Gambia, to which sponsors have produced more than 1500 football
shirts, shorts, boots and footballs.
On 26.10, Telesikring A/S arranged a support campaign, in which Demba and several of his team mates participated, and the first shipment was
loaded on a Blue Water truck for transport to Gambia.
The picture shows Blue Water’s driver, Erik Pedersen, the Managing Director of Telesikring, Michael Jensen, Demba and his cousin Malik.
Birgitte Rosager-Lund/Blue Water Padborg married Svend Erik
Frahm at the Old Town Hall in
Bov on 21.8.
Heidi Frost Rasmussen, who is on
maternity leave from her job in our
accounts department, and her fiancè, Torben, took their guests by surprise at the christening of their little
daughter, Simone, in the Church of
Janderup as they used the occasion
to get married.
Tenna Miklasz/Blue Water Padborg and Carsten Carstensen entered into matrimony in the Church
of Bov on 1.9. On the same occasion their little daughter, Cecilie,
was christened.
10 Years
Vadim Zakharchenko started at
Blue Water Baku’s warehouse on
2.1.1998. Vadim’s flair for IT has
made him a valued colleague, and
he is now working as IT specialist
for our Baku office. Vadim is looking after our ISO data base and has
made great improvement to the system interfacing with the operation,
filing and reporting. Vadim combines this job with the supervising of
packing of household and personal
effects for the airfreight and road
traffic departments. Vadim is 36
years old and has a wife and a 4year-old son.
In 1997, Elshan Topchibashev, holding the rank of Captain, withdrew
from the army and joined Blue
Water Baku as warehouse supervisor on 2.1.1998. In 2000, Elshan
was promoted warehouse manager, controlling all incoming and
outgoing goods to/from our Baku
warehouse, which has a team of 5
warehouse people and 7 drivers.
Elshan is a very disciplined, organised and hard-working person. He is
45 ­years old, married and has a son
aged 13 and a daughter aged 12.
Vagif Kazimow has been working for Blue Water Baku since
26.2.1998. Vagif was employed
to assist the airfreight department
with customs clearance in the airport. Vagif has become a very experienced customs clearance agent,
­capable of handling even the most
stressful situations, and very loyal
and helpful. He is 45 years old,
married with two sons aged 10 and
Jeanette Kjeldgaard/Blue Water
Nuuk will celebrate her 10th anniversary with Blue Water on 1.2.
Jeanette received her training in the
Greenland sea freight department
of Blue Water Aalborg. After a
couple of years, however, she wished to change location to the other
end of the transport. Usually a stationing lasts about two years. Jea-
nette, however, happened to meet
prince Charming in Nuuk and her
period was extended.........
Jeanette is now expecting her second child (Sofie wanted so much
to become a big sister) and will go
on leave shortly after her jubilee.
We will look forward to her coming
back as General Manager, a job
she has performed since August
2005. Jeanette’s husband, Michael
Munch, is also heavily involved in
Greenland trade and industry and
we hope the couple will stay in
Greenland for a number of years.
Lakshman Murugeshan/Blue Water
Dubai has been a loyal ­ employee
since 11.2.1998. Lakshman started
as customs assistant and is today
taking care of everything in connection with customs clearance,
local authorities, visa, bankers and
the like. When he is not busy at
the office, Lakshman enjoys being
together with his family - his wife
and two sons - who are back in
Dubai after a whole year in India.
Ulla Hansen will be celebrating her
10th jubilee with Blue Water Aarhus on 1.3. Ulla started as assistant
in the Swedish department, but has
since specialised in the maritime details of sea freight. Ulla shares her
experience with the green trainees
and young forwarders and escorts
them gladly to the “forwarders’
bar” to make sure they are having a
good time and that they do not get
into trouble. In her spare time, Ulla
enjoys the company of her friends,
her two children - Paola and Alex and her mother, living on Funen.
Søren Jørgensen started as forwarder in the Scandinavian department
in Odense back in March 1998.
With his wide experience of the
Scandinavian market, Søren has
contributed greatly to the rapid
growth of the office’s Scandinavian
activities. Before Blue Water, Søren was employed with ASG and
Albert Nielsen. Today he and Pia
Skytte are in charge of the Scandinavian department with a team of
Søren and his family - his wife
Anja and daughters Nicoline and
Natascha - live in Næsbyhoved
Broby close to Odense. Søren is a
very popular person, loved for his
cheerfulness and sense of humour.
On 23.3, Henrik Madsen/Blue Water Aarhus will celebrate his 10th
jubilee. Henrik started with Blue
Water Aarhus after his, now almost
forgotten, past career in the East
Jutland education system and with
Dan Transport, Copenhagen.
Having performed the function of
forwarding assistant on Norway
and Sweden respectively, Henrik
took over the responsibility of the
Finnish traffic which he had helped
develop - from 2 ldm to more than
30 trailers on a weekly basis. If we
know Henrik well, he is not going
to stop here. Lately he has become
responsible for the local forwarding
activity of the office. On the home
front, Henrik has grown up too and
lives in his own house in Skovby
with his fiancée, Katrine, and his
son, Malthe.
25 Years
Hans Poiesz will be celebrating his
silver jubilee with Blue Water Rotterdam on 1.2. In 1983, Hans, wearing his Sunday best, his wedding
suit, was at a job interview with
Kurt Skov at the office in Sluisjesdijk. It must have worked. In any
case, the employment contract was
Hans has over the years been involved in many different activities in
addition to being General Manager
of the office. These activities include ordinary forwarding, groupage,
reefer transport, accounting - some
may think of the last mentioned in
particular as quite comprehensive plus a lot of other things.
Hans has, together with his team,
succeeded in creating an all-round
office with a continued growth. The
team now looks forward to moving
into bigger facilities - hopefully in
the autumn of 2008.
Water, Torshavn will celebrate his
combined silver jubilee on 1.4. Mr.
Smyril is a genius with figures, but
you had better not test his mental
arithmetic! Jonfinn started his career as bellboy with Skipafelag
Føroya, but changed shortly after
to Smyril Line, where he started the
Freight department. The number of
staff did not increase until 1998,
when Smyril Line introduced allyear service. The name has since
changed several times - to Smyril
Cargo Line and today Smyril Blue
Water. Things have developed since
Jonfinn was on his own. Today 42
people are working for Smyril Blue
Water. Jonfinn is a company man
through and through, whom we can
always count on - also in case of
urgent matters. He is for instance
responsible for handling of claims.
In private life, Jonfinn is a talented
football player and cook and a very
social person.
30 Years
It is hard to believe that 30 years
have gone by since the young girl,
Annette Hansen, left the local ice
factory, Grotte Is, to join Blue Water on 20.02.78. In those days, Annette’s domain was the enormous
accounting machine (approx. 3 x
2 x 2 metres) and the large ledger
cards on the first floor of a little office building in Cort Adelersgade 1
- only 10 metres from our present
Annette is Blue Water’s walking
history book. If anybody asks how
things were done years back, she
has all the answers.
Annette uses all her energy in the
salary section of the personnel department. Her old family name,
Hansen, was long ago replaced by
Nielsen, and she spends most of her
spare time in EfB (Esbjerg Football
Club), just like her 3 boys !
For the Latest News - please visit
New Employees
On 16.8, Nichlas
W. Hansen - 22
years old - joined
our department
for North Atlantic sea freight,
where his primary field of responsibility will
include the Faroes/Iceland. Nichlas
recently completed his apprenticeship with Tomex in their shipping
department, where he was mainly
involved in container transport.
On 15.11, Mette
Trilling Lassen
- 29 years old
- returned to the
department for
Atlantic sea freight.
Mette originally served her apprenticeship with Blue Water, but during the last couple of years she has
worked for Kühne and Nagle and
Kimie Boysen
- 26 years old
- forms part of
our import/courier department
as from 1.10.
from a job with DSV, Esbjerg and
has also worked for DSV in Seattle
and Billund.
As from 1.9, we
have employed
Lis Parker - 53
years old - in the
customs department. Lis has
29 years of experience from her job with the customs service before she, in 2001,
changed to a job in the forwarding
business - first with Stewart Parker
Spedition, Padborg, then Padborg
Grænsespedition and most recently
PR Shipping, Esbjerg.
Maj-Britt Nymark
joined our customs department
on 3.9. Maj-Britt
training and education as a freight
forwarder at AB Shipping, Esbjerg
and has since been employed with
C.L.Nielsen & Søn, Taastrup, Danbor, Esbjerg and most recent 8 years
with Procurator Safety, Esbjerg.
- 35 years old
- started as foreman at Blue Water Stevedoring
on 26.10. Lars
was originally a
grocer, but has during recent years
been working at a factory warehouse.
As from 1.12,
44-year-old Poul
Henning Nielsen
forms part of our
Poul Henning is
a qualified naval
architect with experience from his
previous jobs with Knud E. Hansen
(consulting naval architects), Copenhagen, the shipping line Knud
E. Larsen, Ørskov Christensens
and, since 2000, Viking Life-Saving Equipment, Esbjerg.
As from 5.11,
we have taken
F. Hansen as
the deep sea department. Kenneth served his apprenticeship with C. Breinholt and
comes from a job with Teamfreight,
Esbjerg where he was involved in
deep sea LCL export.
37year-old Bent
Kristensen, started at Blue Water
Stevedoring on
19.11. Bent has
a military career as well as 5 years
of experience with Mærsk.
As from 1.12,
Malene Skogemann - 34 years
old - forms part
of the personnel department.
Malene comes
from a secretarial job with Sydvestjysk Sygehus (hospital) and has
previously worked in the salary and
personnel departments of Syddanske Medier and Vestfrost.
Jensen - 25
years old - is
employed as forwarder as from
completed his
apprenticeship with Smyril Blue
Water in Hanstholm, before he
changed to a forwarding job in the
Finland department of DSV Hor­
sens. In May, Karsten joined Blue
Water Aalborg, but preferred to return home to Hanstholm when the
opportunity arose.
Frodi Bis­koptø
Poulsen - 24
years old - started as trainee at
Smyril Blue Water, Hanstholm
on 1.11. Frodi,
who originally comes from the
Faroe Islands, has studied market
economy at the North Jutland Business Academy in Aalborg and has
previously worked as a truck driver
for OCD on the Faroe Islands.
37-year-old Ing­
rid Neupart Lynggaard
part of our logistics department
since 1.5. Together with the
rest of the team, she co-ordinates
jobs for our warehouse clients. Ing­
rid was previously employed with
Riis Retail, Kolding.
As from 16.7,
we have taken on Henrik
Sner­ling - 32
years old - at
our warehouse.
Henrik has, for
the recent ten years, performed the
function of logistics assistant at our
client, Procudan, however, with
a short detour to a manufacturing
Nadral - 33
years old - is employed as warehouseman at our
export terminal
as from 30.8.
On 1.9, 34year-old Ronny
Jensen joined
team as forwarder. Ronny was
for more than
ten years employed as forwarder
with Arling Transport.
Franz Josef Nisters - 61 years
old - is the newest addition at
our warehouse
as from 1.10
and is mainly
attached to the export terminal
As from 16.10,
Jette Guldberg
Jacobsen - 32
years old - is
employed as assistant in our
Benelux department. Jette’s most recent job was
with IAT, Esbjerg where she had
contact to various countries and
attended to related administrative
As from 1.11,
Tinna Arenkiel
function of forwarder in the
Benelux import
department. Tinna was previously
employed with H. Daugaard where
she, during the recent 9 years, has
been involved in import.
As from 10.9,
Allan Skouborg
- 31 years old is employed in
the continental
department to
look after traffic
to/from Germany, Benelux, France
and Austria. Allan has worked for
HCS for four years and received his
training and education at Thermo
Team and is familiar with Eastern
Europe and Benelux.
New Employees
As from 1.12,
we have taken
on 43-year-old
Morten Ploug
Christiansen as
forwarder in the
key account department. Morten is an experienced
forwarder and has for several years
been working as in-house forwarder at Tupperware among others. In
his latest job with DSV, Morten’s
sole responsibility was to provide
service to FLS.
Præstegaard - 55 years
old - started in
the Italian department
20.8. Ulrik has
a long experience as he has been in the transport
business for 36 years. Ulrik served
his apprenticeship with Sunesen &
Schoppe, Odense (shipbrokers) and
has furthermore worked for Samson
Transport and Scancon, Odense.
A new salesman
focussing on airfreight and courier, 33-year-old
Launy S. Kristensen, joined
our sales team
on 1.10. Having served his apprenticeship in the airfreight department at Blue Water Odense, Launy
changed to MSAS in Billund where
he, for a year or so, gathered experience before he returned to our
Odense office to a job as manager
of the airfreight department. During the recent 3 years, Launy has
worked for DHL in Odense.
As from 1.11,
Marianne Larsen
- 55 years old is employed as
service assistant.
Mariannne will
help out in the
kitchen, canteen as well as conference facilities.
As from 1.12,
Steffan Ploog
joined our Ita­
lian department
Steffan served
his apprenticeship with Contino in
Padborg and continued working
there as a forwarding assistant. Furthermore he has in between worked
for Freja, Hørning for a period.
We have taken
on 37-year-old
Ladefoged as warehouseman
from 1.9. Søren
comes from a
similar job with IKEA.
Torben Rasmussen - 43 years
old - joined
our Norwegian
department on
12.11. Torben’s
employments include Bay Trucking,
Jumbo and Combi Fragt.
Joey Schouren 27 years old - is
employed in the
airfreight export
department as
from 1.10. Joye
has four years
of experience from his previous job
with ITG Schiphol where he was
involved in warehousing and customs clearance as well as import
and export documents.
Henrique Ma­
nuel Pontes (also
called Erik) is
take care of airfreight import
as from 1.11. Erik used to work
for DHL (live animals) and KLM,
loading and unloading aircrafts.
Anna Shemetova - 27 years old
- is employed as
logistics co-ordinator since 3.9.
Anna has previously worked for
Karasu Operating Company, ACE
Forwarding and Bertling, Baku.
She has also worked for Bertling in
Aktau for a period back in 2002.
On the same day,
we welcomed
the 26-year-old
forwarder Alexandr Viktoro­
vich Medvedev.
gathered experience from his previous jobs with Aktau Brok Service,
Exim-Trans, Mobilex and Istkomtrans.
Aimash Shaumurunova
customs broker
as from 23.7.
Ai­mash has gat­
hered experience in this field from
his previous jobs with Eksim Trans
and Aktau Brok Service.
27-year-old Elnara Huseynova,
who has studied
law, joined our
team on 1.10.
Elnara’s field of
activities include
visa and registration for our clients
and she will also assist with monitoring arrangement in connection
with packing of personal effects.
André Wurmehl
- 33 years old
- has since 1.10
been in charge
of sea, air and
road traffic to
Central Europe.
André has 14 years of experience
in the forwarding business from
GeoLogistics and Kühne & Nagel
among others.
Suresh Kumar
- 46 years old started as truck
driver on 1.10.
On the same day,
driver, 48-yearold Xavier Dia,
joined the team.
On 13.12, we
welcomed Ravi
Sharma - 30
years old - as
customs assis­
tant in our airfreight department. Ravi has gathered airfreight
experienced from his previous jobs
with Freight Works and Dnata.
Gareth Sansom
- 25 years old
- started as forwarder at our
Dublin office on
13.7. In his previous job with
Speed Cargo, Dublin, Gareth was
involved in road traffic between
Denmark and Ireland, which will
also be his domain in his new job.
As from 15.11,
we have employed 51-yearold
Hertz to develop
our road forwarding activity.
Herbert comes from a similar position with Ewalds Cargo.
GomezMartinez - 23
years old - is
employed as accountant as from
13.8. Yuri’s list
of employment
includes Spring I.S.D., Haz-Mat
Packing and Wal-Mart Super Center.
Sangren - 24 years
old - started as
on 1.11. Kristian
has previously
worked for Royal Arctic Line for 3 years and as
driver for Hotel Arctic.
Sonny Jensen
has since 21.5.
formed part of
our Scandinavian department
Sonny is Danish, but has for the
recent 9 years been employed with
Ecotrans, Immingham, mainly involved in Denmark and Sweden.
As from 3.9, 35year-old Laura
Franchi is employed to look
after the Danish
traffic. Laura has
gathered experience in this specific activity from
her previous jobs with Fiege/Goth
and Armando Vidale.
New Employees
At the same day,
Gianni Crippa
- 59 years old
- joined our Milan team. Gianni was a truck
driver until he,
10 years ago, changed line of work
and became involved in the actual
forwarding process at the office. Gianni comes from a job with Norfolk
Line in Luino and Busto Arsizio.
New York
Michelle Afonso
- 26 years old is employed as
assistant dealing with export
documents as
from 29.10. In
future Michelle will also assist with
accounting matters.
As from 16.11,
Eva Zsubori is
freight forwarder, respon­sible
for export documentation. Eva was born in Hungary, but has lived in the USA since
2001. Her previous experience is
in the meat production industry as
marketing manager at Eckerle Bt,
Kiskoro, Hungary and as export
manager at Delhus Rt, Budapest.
As from 6.8,
we have taken
on Inge Lennert
- 40 years old
- as assistant in
the airfreight department. Inge
used to work for Nuuk Ugeavis and
Tele Greenland.
Madsen - 31
years old - started in our trawler
and sea freight
department on
1.11. For the last
year, Michael has worked for DSV,
Nuuk. Furthermore he has been
employed in the logistics department of Pisiffik, Sisimiut for four
years. Henrik received his training
and education as an airfreight forwarder at Mahé, Copenhagen.
Shah Jahan - 37
years old - is our
Singapore salesman as from 3.9.
Shah was part of
our operations
team from 1999
to 2001 and has in the meantime
been working for Goodway Agencies and Uti Worldwide.
Sao Paolo
Vanessa Batista
da Silva - 26
years old - has
since 21.2. performed the function of assistant
in the operations
department. Vanessa has actually
been in the business for 10 years
and is an experienced lady as she
started at the customs broker, Satel, followed by a job in the reefer
transport business.
Kristian Gustafson - 21 years
old - is our new
trainee in the airfreight department.
As from 1.11,
Debby Windrid­
ge - 32 years old
- is employed as
assistant in the
reefer department to take
care of documents and invoicing
as well as the contact to the customers. Debby was previously
employed with ECT Containerterminal, Maersk and Transfracht International/Conliner. Her latest job
was outside the business, however,
she soon wished to return to the
shipping world.
from 1.9.
1 9 - y e a r old
Mikkelsen undertakes
job as assistant
in the customs
department as
on 6.8.
Brigita Vanagel
started as assistant in the
department for
road traffic to/
from Denmark
On 14.8., Laila Poulsen/accounts
department, Esbjerg gave birth to
a little girl (2.370 kgs).
Jeppe Stæhr Lose/Blue Water Herning
became a father of a little boy, Karl
Emil (4.050 kgs/48 cm) on 24.8.
Heidi Rasmussen/accounts department, Esbjerg gave birth to a little girl,
Simone (3.880 kgs/56 cm) on 27.8.
On 30.8, Morten Olsen/Odense
Terminal and his wife, Jeanette,
increased their little family by
another boy (4.024 kgs/51 cm).
Tina Imer Jensen’s/Blue Water
Aalborg little girl, Nanna (3,420
kgs/49 cm) first saw the light of
day on 18.9.
Odense gave birth to a boy (4.422
kgs/56 cm) on 5.11.
On 13.11, the proud parents, Morten Bruun-Albrecht/Blue Water
Copenhagen and his wife Daniella, announced the birth of their
little son (3.7 kgs/52 cm).
On 9.9, Kurt Rosendahl/distribution department, Esbjerg became
a father, for the second time, of
a little girl named Sofia (2.850
kgs/48 cm).
Birthday List
Jan Lundsgaard, Esbjerg - 40 years old
Anette Bay, Odense - 40 years old
Ann Spanheden, Aalborg - 50 years old 30.1
Finn Nielsen, Esbjerg - 30 years old
Henrik Amtoft, Esbjerg -40 years old
Published by:
Blue Water
Trafikhavnskaj 11
6701 Esbjerg
Tel.: +45 79 13 41 44
Fax +45 79 13 46 77
Shiraj Khan, Jebel Ali - 30 years old
Susanne Almind Nørbygaard,
Esbjerg - 40 years old
Jacob Lützhøft, Herning - 40 years old
Stig Alminde, Esbjerg - 40 years old
Gyrithe Skov:
Jørn Bøllund, Kurt Skov
Published in: 7,600 copies
Claus Simony
Jens Christian Eldevig,
Nuuk - 40 years old
Henrik Holt Christensen,
Odense - 30 years old
Ole Holst Andersen,
Aarhus - 40 years old
Jørn Thomsen A/S
Blue Water News | Nr. 86 | December 2007
No. 86
House Magazine – also distributed to customers and business relations
December 2007