Bobby-soxers to rock stars invited to DPL`s Lip Sync Battle on the


Bobby-soxers to rock stars invited to DPL`s Lip Sync Battle on the
This newsletter is sponsored by Beltone Hearing Aid Service.
Volume 20 Issue 2
From the
Director’s Desk…
want to extend an enthusiastic
welcome to Melody Ehrlich, the
new Executive Director of the Danville
Library Foundation. Having served on
the Foundation Board in the past,
she’s well-versed on the Foundation’s
mission and activities. And she’s
eager to begin: by the end of her first
day, she’d drafted three press
Former Executive Director
Cathy Reardon, who relocated to Florida, expanded the Foundation’s support both from the community and for
the library’s programs and services.
She left a legacy that Melody and her
Board can build upon. Our Board and
staff look forward to working with
Melody as partners in making our
library the best it can be!
Vonna Bley, Director of Children’s Services, retired in June, after
28 years of caring and compassionate
service to the families of Danville.
Under her guidance, our library was
able to offer its first public access
computers for children. She led the
“Great Wagon Train Book Move” as
families helped move children’s books
from the old library to the new one.
She instituted a weekly program
where children could read to a therapy dog to gain confidence in reading
aloud. And she encouraged her staff
to present exciting and educational
programs both for children and teens.
Vonna’s contributions to the
library and the community are many,
and we wish her all the best in this
new chapter of her life!
Barbara J. Nolan, Library Director
Summer 2015
Bobby-soxers to rock stars invited to DPL’s Lip
Sync Battle on the new Hegeler Stage
Start practicing for the
Library’s first-ever Lip Sync Battle to
be held on Saturday, July 11, from
10—11 AM on the Hegeler Stage!
Reno Torres, one of our talented
assistants in the Outreach & Community Engagement Department,
has set the rules and prepared a
registration form, available at the
The battle will consist of each contestant lip
syncing a song. The songs
may be from any era, any
genre, must be in good taste,
and the contestant must be
able to provide the audio. Acts may
be a solo or group performance.
Contestants may compete
in one of four age categories:
Grades 3—5, Grades 6—8, High
School, and Adult.
Each contestant should
have a lip sync performance for at
least 3 minutes for each act.
Submit your songs to the
Outreach & Community Engagement Department via email to:
For more information, call the Outreach & Community Engagement
Department at (217) 477-5227.
Registration forms and music
must be submitted by Friday, July 3.
And, most importantly, you
need to keep your song choices
secret. That way, no one will know
what’s coming next. That’s part of
the fun!
So, sign up to bring
your boom box and your CD
and take to the stage, or, if
you’re more comfortable in
the audience, bring your lawn
chair or a blanket, buy a midmorning snack from the Farmers’
Market, and enjoy the entertainment.
The Hegeler Stage is located
on the west lawn of the Danville Public Library. The stage was made possible through a generous gift from
the Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation in
memory of Mr. Hegeler’s wife,
Bobette Steely Hegeler. Among her
many civic contributions, Mrs. Hegeler was a valued member of the
Library Board from 1967 to 1971.
What’s Inside
Spotlight On WOWbrary—Plus
“Read to the Rhythm”
Danville Library Foundation News
Upcoming Library Events
Farmers’ Market + kids’
programs make
Wednesdays, Saturdays
fun and tasty at DPL!
The Downtown Danville
Farmers’ Market is well underway
and bustling with activity as well as
locally grown, hand-made, or home
-made produce and merchandise.
Every Wednesday and Saturday,
from 8 AM until 1 PM, vendors set
up their booths, ready to share gardening tips, craft ideas, and friendship with their customers.
To complement the Market, the Outreach and Children’s
departments conduct programs to
educate and delight. On Wednesdays, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM, children can participate in gardening,
yoga, and story time. A non-profit
group is scheduled each day to
inform the public about their services.
On Saturdays, from 9 AM
to 1 PM, the Hegeler Stage features
local musicians and singers, and the
lawn offers a hands-on introduction
to a musical instrument (as part of
this summer’s “Read to the
Rhythm” summer reading program), and information from at
least one non-profit organization.
New this year is a Customer
e-Newsletter giving a heads-up on
the seasonal produce you’ll find at
the Market, a specific schedule of
free library activities, and coupons
and specials offering exclusive deals
from the Farmers’ Market vendors.
If you want to receive the
Farmers’ Market Customer eNewsletter, send an e-mail to
2 Danville Public Library News
Library Offers 9 Million Tracks of Online Music
Freegal is our new online
collection of over 9 million songs -including today’s top hits -- all free
to DPL cardholders for downloading
and streaming. Freegal carries both
contemporary and vintage music in
a wide variety of genres from 28,000
music labels and 101 different countries.
Freegal can be used
on computers, smart phones,
and other devices. On computers, Freegal works with all
major browsers. On smart phones
or other portable devices, use the
free mobile app available at the
Apple App Store or Google Play.
To log in, click the Freegal
button on our homepage
click "Login," then enter your library
card number and PIN (usually the
last four digits of your phone number). For licensing reasons, Freegal
is available only to Danville Public
Library card holders.
Freegal users can:
 Download 3 music files per
week. Files are in MP3 format and
are yours to keep forever. The
weekly allotment of 3 tracks per
user begins every Monday at 12:01
 Stream music for up to
3 hours per day. A timer in
the upper right corner of the
Freegal display shows your
remaining time. Browsing the
Freegal site does not use your minutes; only listening to tracks
 Build Playlists to instantly
return to favorite music.
For more information, see
the FAQ at http://
questions, or contact the Audiovisual Department at (217) 477-5224.
Spotlight on:
If you’ve already signed up
for our free weekly WOWbrary enewsletter, you’ve been able to find
out about many of the new books,
movies, and CDs we’ve purchased
almost as soon as they’re placed on
our shelves. Every Wednesday you
receive brief descriptions of each
title and a link to that title’s entry in
our computerized card catalog,
SHARE. Plus, we include news items
about upcoming library programs to
give you more current information
than what you find in our quarterly
And while we’re helping you
keep informed about the library, you
can help raise a little money for us
at no cost to you: We receive back
a percentage of your purchase
price whenever you begin your shopping by clicking
on the red-lettered message in the
upper right-hand corner of the
WOWbrary e-newsletter, just
below the date.
We benefit from Amazon
not only when you buy books, but
also movies, CDs, electronics, appliances, printer supplies, gifts, and
If you haven’t signed up
yet, what are you waiting for? Go
to today!
Children’s, Teen, and Outreach departments encourage kids to
“Read to the Rhythm” for this year’s Summer Reading Program
Children’s Department
Teen Space
Outreach Department
From June 1 through August
8, children who read 5 books or 200
pages will receive prizes each time
they reach another reading milestone.
In addition to reading books
and earning weekly prizes, special
weekly programs include:
In the Teen Space, teens can
read through four levels, earning
tempting prizes at each level.
Here’s how it works:
1. Read books!
2. Report pages read to Teen Space
staff and answer questions
about pages read.
3. If teens pass the questions, they
will be given a voucher for their
prize level that they may
redeem for the prize of their
choice from that prize level.
Prizes include food coupons
for local eateries; passes for bowling, swimming pool, and movies;
books; and headphones. Monthly
special prizes will be drawn from
those who read the required number of pages. The Grand Prize is a
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4®. Reading
1500 pages will earn an entry into
the drawing.
To help readers increase
their chances, the Teen Space staff
have prepared a list of 10 recommended music-themed novels that
will earn the teens double points.
NEW! Teen Cicada Club
Attention aspiring teen writers and comics creators: The Teen
Space will hold its first Teen Cicada
Club meeting on Tuesday, July 7,
from 4—5 PM. Cicada is a YA
literature and comics magazine
( that accepts
submissions from teens ages 14 and
Teens will learn how to
sharpen their writing and prepare
their works for submission. To sign
up for the club—or any of the other
activities (DIY, Pages to Pictures,
Teen Book Club and more!)—visit
the Teen Space on the second floor.
At the Outreach Summer
Reading Program, kids will learn to
read music as well as words, so they
will truly “Read to the Rhythm”.
At the Boys & Girls Club,
Outreach staff will meet with
Grades 1 – 3 on Tuesdays at 10 AM,
and with Grades 4 – 7 on Thursdays
at 2 PM. Once a week, teens at the
Boys & Girls Club will be bused to
the library to spend time reading in
the Teen Space.
At Fair Oaks’ Danville Housing Authority Library, the Outreach
“Read to the Ryhthm” program will
be held on Tuesdays from 2 – 4PM.
The first hour will be with teens; the
second hour will be with younger
children. Teens will have the opportunity to mentor the younger children.
At the Green Meadows
Library, Outreach staff will bring
their programs of reading and music
to the children on Wednesdays from
1 – 3 PM.
Wednesdays on the library lawn
(rain location: inside the library)
9:30—10:30 AM: “Turnip the Beet!”
in the Children’s Wonder Garden by
tending the garden, harvesting the
crops through the summer, and
learning how to prepare meals with
the produce.
10:30—11:00 AM: ”Young Pup
Yoga” with instructor Leslie
Boedicker. Kids learn simple yoga
poses while pretending to be animals, and bugs, and birds—oh, my!
11:00—11:30 AM: “Story Time with
Tyler and Friends”. Reading and
music go hand-in-hand.
Fridays in the Children’s Department
10:30 – 11:30 AM: “The Music
Experience” Book Club. Ages 6 to 12
will enjoy crafts, books, and music.
2:00 – 3:00 PM: “Wii Love Music”.
Come sing and dance with the Wii.
Saturdays in “Cricket’s Corner”
9 AM – 5 PM: Sign up to read to
Cricket, the therapy dog.
July 18, Special Presentation
11:00 AM—Authors Cindy and Kirby
Pringle will talk about Monarch butterflies and how you can help them
Saturday, July 25
9 AM to 4:30 PM
Sponsored by Danville Library
To volunteer, sign up at the Checkout Desk. Earn one free book
(excluding collectibles) for every
hour worked! (Set-up : Friday,
July 24, 9 AM to 2 PM)
Danville Public Library News
Danville Public Library News
From the Executive
Director's Desk
My name is Melody Ehrlich
and I would like to introduce myself
as the new Executive Director of the
Danville Library Foundation. Previously, I served on the Foundation
Board for nine years and for many
years as the Chair of the Donor and
Volunteer Recognition Committee.
My previous employment
includes serving most recently as
Regional Director of Faith in Action
with Presence Health United Samaritans Medical Center. Prior to that, I
served as Director of the HALO Project and Director of Case Management. My husband Neal and I also
previously owned Bud Electronics
Supply Company, Inc.
I am a graduate of the University of Illinois with a Master’s in
Social Work and also a graduate of
Southern Illinois University at Car-
bondale where I obtained a Master’s
in Community Development and a
Bachelor’s in Social Work. My professional and civic memberships
have included Keep Vermilion
County Beautiful, City of Danville
Zoning Commission, Danville United
Way, the Danville Boys & Girls Club
and the Executive Club of Danville.
Neal and I have four beautiful daughters, two sons-in-law, and
four uniquely delightful grandsons.
We are hopeful that our family will
continue to grow.
I am very excited to serve as
the Executive Director of the Library
Foundation. I pledge to work to the
best of my ability to uphold the standards of the Danville Library Foundation in memory and honor of all previous and current donors and volunteers who have contributed and
work tirelessly to sustain the Danville Public Library, a vital institution
in our community since 1883.
I look forward to working
daily to fulfill the mission of the
Foundation which is to benefit the
community by raising, managing
and distributing funds to enhance
the services and collections of the
The Danville Library Foundation Board Officers
President.........................Tonya Hill
Vice President……....……..Carla Boyd
Secretary........................Frank Brunacci
Treasurer........................Michael Johnson
Board of Directors
Jim Anderson
Gary Resh
Amy Hoose
Tom Stone
Lois Wise
Jacqueline Lacy
Phil Black
Tammy Wilson
Patrick Bayard
Jaclyn Marganski
Fred Underhill
Mike Marron
Pete Goodwin — Representing Leadership Tomorrow
Ex-Officio Members
Maggie Hoover
Barb Nolan, Library Director
Honorary Member
Bill Satterwhite
library and to increase public support of the library needs and services.
A former Board member
remembered: The Library and Foundation lost a good friend with the
recent passing of A. L.”Lew” Reitemeier. According to Barb Nolan,
Library Director, Lew served as the
Treasurer of the Friends of the
Library before it merged with the
Danville Library Foundation. With
the transition, he became a member
of the Foundation until he was appointed by the Mayor to serve on
the Library Board from 1999 through
2005. During this time, Lew served
as Secretary of the Board. “Lew’s
good humor was matched by his
shrewd business sense,” Barb
remembers, and continues, “With
his wife, Mimi, Lew was always a
steadfast champion of the library
and the Foundation.”
We extend our heartfelt
sympathy to Mimi and her children.
Melody Ehrlich,
Executive Director
The Library Foundation Board congratulates and welcomes Pete Goodwin to the
2015-16 Library Foundation Board. The Foundation Board has reserved a seat on their
Board since 2006, for a Leadership Tomorrow
Pete graduated from Schlarman High
School in 2007, Illinois State University in 2011
with a Bachelors Degree in Finance, and the
27th Class of Leadership Tomorrow. Pete is
employed by Country Financial as a Financial
Representative in Danville and is a Commissioner on the City of Danville Zoning Board.
We look forward to having Pete on the Foundation Board.
Danville Public Library News
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Library Hours
Monday - Thursday
9 AM - 8 PM
Friday & Saturday
9 AM - 5:30 PM
To access SHARE at home or
Farmers’ Market
(on the library lawn)
Wednesdays &
8 AM—1 PM
Danville Public Library
Board of Trustees:
Maggie Hoover, President
Tricia Teague, Vice-President
George Vrentas, Treasurer
Anne Sacheli, Secretary
Saundra Alcorn
Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat
Jim Kouzmanoff
Sybil Mervis
Kari Talbott
Danville Public Library News
Barbara J. Nolan/Editor
Mike Boedicker, Contributor
Melody Ehrlich/Editor,
Foundation pages
MORE Upcoming Library Events...
June 29: Screening and discussion of
“Vietnam Documentary”, featuring local veterans Bill McLane, Bob Gagnon, Bill Satterwhite,
Frank Brunacci, John Williams, and Al Reynolds, 6:30 PM, 1st floor Meeting Room. Produced in partnership with DACC’s Journalism
July 4: Library CLOSED for Independence Day.
July 6: “Monday Matinee Classic”, 2 PM, 1st
floor Meeting Room.
July 7: “Teen Cicada Club”, 4—5 PM. See p. 3
July 11: “Lip Sync Battle”, 10—11 AM, Hegeler
Stage, west lawn. See p. 1.
July 15: “Teen Book Club”, 4:30—5:30 PM.
July 20: “Monday Matinee”, 2 PM, 1st floor
Meeting Room.
July 21: Teen “Pages to Pictures”, 4:30—7PM,
1st floor Meeting Room.
July 25: Danville Library Foundation Summer
Used Book Sale, 9 AM – 4:30 PM, 1st floor
Meeting Room. (Sign up at the Checkout
Desk to volunteer for the set-up day, July 24,
or day of sale.)
August 3: “Monday Matinee Classic”, 2 PM,
1st floor Meeting Room.
August 17: “Monday Matinee”, 2 PM, 1st
floor Meeting Room.
September 7: Library CLOSED for Labor Day.
September 12: “From Page to Stage, Vol. V:
Underground” musical fund-raising event 6
PM CST / 7 PM EST, Beef House Restaurant.
See p. 4.
September 21: “Monday Matinee”,
2 PM, 1st floor Meeting Room.
This newsletter is sponsored by:
710 N. Vermilion St.
Danville IL 61832
(217) 443-0682
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Danville Public Library News