Pages 101 to 150 - Camden Catholic High School Class of 1976


Pages 101 to 150 - Camden Catholic High School Class of 1976
Give Me An I -
l£\ CHEERLEADERS: Left to Right, FIRST ROW: co-captains,
JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS: Left to Right , Betty McLeod, cap-
Za nonni; SECOND ROW: Elena Vaccaro, Theresa
Celeste Aristone , Mary Pat Olsen , Karen Swartman; THIRD
?O · :>onna Delaney , Cindy Pilla, Marie Rozelle , Linda Martino.
tain Nancy Palumbo , Chris Testa , Sharon Fox , Rose Marini , Denise Pund,
Betsy Coyle, Amy Willson.
\ ":\RSITY CHEERLEADERS: Left to Right, Betsy Stewart , Mary McCar. - y. Rochelle Gizinski, Jody McCracken, co-captain Nancy Ragone , co-
captain Joyce DiBartolomeo, Rosemary Karbach , Rosanna Scicchitano,
Rose Cona, Kathy Cornely, Teresa Manetta .
::i. •-
Porn Porn Parade
Flippen , Karen Hunter, Linda August, Mary Martin, Pat DeVlieger, Kim
Frank, Pat Massimini , Carol D'Aversa, Lori Guidara, Kathy Fogarty, Margie Esola, Donna Monforto , Sheila Becker; SECOND ROW: Diane Hoover ,
Roe \ilassimini , Denise Brady , Brenda Beverly , Mary Pfau , Sue McFar-
land, Anne Hunt, Lisa Nelson, Lynne Kunder , Chris Schmidt. Caroli;:;.e
May, Jackie Walker, Pat Hallion; FOURTH ROW : Lauri Homa. \lary Co;bett , Debbie Leach , Linda Atkisson , Mary jaron . Terry \\'ojiechows
Janet Brutschea , Maryann Richard s, Debbie Dunner. Ann DiCecco
Genise Delmastro, Mary Jane Hogan. Beth Tirrell.
- ~,
Green And White Forever
COLOR GUARD CAPTAINS: Left to Right, Eileen Moffett , Sandy Intel-
lica o .
Bastidas , Rose Messina, Kathy Sullivan.
COLOR GUA RD: Left to Right , FIRST ROW: Denise
He\dtson , Eileen Mills, Kim Corda, Sue Slattery ,
Sand y Slattery , Val erie Hallowell , Monica Cellucci ,
Dolores Leusner , Edie Buckley , Cindy Slattery ,
_ lichelle Tocco; SECOND ROW: Bridgette Wolick ,
Ro anna Garistina , Jo Siciliano , Cathy Pasquale,
Terry Devaney, Cindy Baylor, Donna Vidas , Karen
Teufel , Dominica Cirasella, Kathy Stehm ; THIRD
ROW: Terry Hambleton , Linda Gross, Vicki Lynch ,
Patti Dunn , Cindy Magni , Carol Brown , Evie Anastasia , Donna White, Gina Rebelis , Denise Grazioli.
Girls ' Field Hockey is a fast- mo,·ing
action-packed sport which is rap idl:;
growing in popularity, not only among
participants, but with followers as well The
Irish girls dazzled their spectators \\i "
their ability with stick and ball. Under ibe
direction of Mrs . Jymme Szurek and ~!rs
Pat Stratton, and on-the-field leadership o
Nancy Stilley (team captain) , Jane Kline
Joanne Burke , Sue Schneid er, and Di
Pund , the Irish team did indeed dazzle
crowd as they battled for th eir first w ·
season with a record of 6-5-1.
VARSITY HOCKEY TEAM: Left to Right, FIRST ROW: Paula Krebs , Sue
Schnei der; SECOND ROW : Margi e Krebs , Diane Pund , Joann e Schultz ,
Nausheen Saigol; THIRD ROW: Mrs. Yanzing , Donna Taormina, Lisa
Whittington , Nancy O'Brien , Jane Kline , Nancy Stilley, Joanne
Coll ee n Read y, Diane Messina , Mrs. Szurek .
B un..=
nu:sH ME\1 HOCKEY TEAM: Left to
:::: _o _-annette DeRenzi, Ruth Rodier ,
-:: Oouse r, Theresa Centanzo; SEC- -!J RO\ ': Miria m Montes, Barbara
~o:::e _
usa n McDonald, Nancy
_· c· e . Gwe n Bergbauer, Joanne
- - ield : THIRD ROW: Mary Bilodeau ,
_e . !essina, Ci ndy Hackney , Kathy
• f u a. Lisa Ha nson.
JUNIOR VARSITY HOCKEY: Left to Right , FIRST ROW: Terry Piper ,
Denise McDermitt, Juli e Bilod eau, Ja cki e Campbell; SECOND ROW: Col lette Newell, Pat Sammeth, Ellen Albrecht , Eileen Slattery, Andy Di-
Fiore ; THIRD ROW : Mrs. Stratton , Eileen Griffiths , Ann ette Spediczi
Barb Ri cha rd s , Liz Bertolino , Nancy Burd enski, Noreen Saigol.
Fancy Footwork
The 1975-76 soccer team under the able coaching
of Bill Winegardner, completed its second season in
interscholastic competition with a 5-7-4 record.
Outstanding performances were turned in by
goalie Chris Vaccaro and John Martines who were
named to the second team of the S.J. All-Star Soccer
Squad. Seniors Art Quaranta , Joe Falcone and Ron
Sammeth also gained recognition during the season.
At the beginning of the season the Irish were
rated in the top 20. The team faced some of the top
tea ms in South Jersey, such as Pennsauken , Cherry
Hill West and East and played well, coming out
wi th either a tie or a heartbreaking loss. Next year
should be a rebuilding one for the Irish with many
potentially good players who will form a good
foun dation for a solid team.
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VARSITY SOCCER: Left to Right , FIRST ROW: John Richards , Len Cambell, Bob Anderson, Eric Ril ey, John Martines , Chris Vaccaro , Art
Quaranta , Renny Guida, Thad Whyte, Bob Navins , Dan Navarra; SEC-
OND ROW: Mr. Rudderow, Mr. Winegardner, Fran McCall, Brian Prendergast , Ron Sammeth, Joe Nardi, Joe Falcone, Bob Pm\i
McLaughlin , Mr. McCally , Fath er Mannion .
JUNIOR VARSITY SOCCER: Left to Right, FIRST ROW: Father Mannion,
Ed Watson, Lenny Nicholetti, George Krebs, Rich Wallace, Mark Fillari,
Jim Belz, Tony Guerriero, Bruce Ferri; SECOND ROW: Mr. McCally, Paul
Mullin, John Myers, James Cann , Rich Sorbi cki , Chris Piccini
Rozinski, Pat Miller, Milton Birdsall , Chip Cray , Faustino Feb
vereaux, Joe Andris, Mr. Ruderow.
COUNTRY TEAM: Left to Right , FIRST ROW: Joe Mangano,
my Ga lvin, George Parsons , Kurt Schneider, Steve Sharpe , Joe Burns,
3ill Jenki ns , Jim Ettore, Fred Schmidt, Bill Andris , Carl Pulaski, Alice
-~- . .\Ir. Tassone; SECOND ROW: Therese DiNunzio, Anne Guida,
John .Sappio, Joe Trout , Ed Hickey, Maurice Defeo , Jim Jenkins , Lisa Carroll, Julio Perez; THIRD ROW : Mike Burns, Tom Casey, Jim Lewellyn,
Randy Garcia, Paul Walker, Charles Guida, Monica Devereaux , Kenneth
Take Your Mark!
The 19 75 version of Camden Catholic's cross country team
pro,·ided a first for the school. For the first time in the history
o - the runners the long distance group gave CCHS its first
·. inning seas on (7-6). Among the highlights included a stunning upset by both the varsity and junior varsity teams of pre,·iou ly undefeated Cherry Hill West, conference champions
-or the pas t two years. Another first occurred when the team
:rcn-elled to Fairmont Park in Philadelphia and captured third
place in the Class C division of Catholic War Veterans Memo·ai Run. giving Camden Catholic its first cross country trophy
fo th e school's trophy case.
In all it was a good year, brought about by the efforts of all
i.he individuals on the team.
Sink It!
The 1975-7 6 basketball season dribbled by with the
ual share of ups and downs. The varsity squad had
hoped to accomplish much more, but continuous proble ms plagu ed them throughout the season. The junior club
had ome tight ball games down to the wire that typified
eir tyle of play, but the record dipped below the 500
:.nar . How ever, under the coaching direction of Jack
Bloomingda le , the freshman squad made a very good
O\\ing this year with an impressive 16-6, led by first
·ear dribblers Bob Brutschea, Kevin Callaghan and Bob
\'arsity players Art Quaranta, Jack Mahoney, Jim
_ fcDevitt and Dennis Zannoni, along with junior guard
Torn " the dove" Love and Dennis Morgan, paved the way
o first y ear coach Father Bob McDermott and his charges .
Capturing the Christmas Tournament Title early in the
:eason. the varsity team went on to finish with a 9-18 reco d and a strong showing in the state tournament.
The juni or varsity mainstays, under the direction of Mr.
:ayne Ki ng , were junior Paul Miles and sophomores
Perry Gambino, Craig Coskey, Pete Mussa and Dave Peta.
This year also saw the beginning of the Irish basketball
club. a group organized to support the teams in various
rn,- both in and out of school.
. !organ, Joe McDermott , Dennis Zannoni, Art Quaranta, Mike Vassey,
Dave Petitta , Jim McDevitt; SECOND ROW: Fr. McDermott, Renny Guida,
Rick Sciarra, Tom Love , Duane Myers , Paul Miles, Jack Mahoney, Joe
Devereaux .
Perry Ga mbino , Wenell Johnson , Greg Stepney, Pete Mussa ; SECOND
ROW: Mike Meade, Mike Ferozzi, Jim Robinson, Don Rodriguez, Frank
Brutshea , Bill Schaffer, Rocco Gentile , Joe Murtin , Dan Ward , John Ryan;
SECOND ROW : Kevin Karba ch , Jeffrey Koels ch , Kevin Callahan. Cameron Flippen , Ben Reeves, John Robinson , Mr. Bloomingdale.
~ '\tW
Klagholtz, Dot Gartland, Linda Copolla, Jane Kline, Nancy Stilley, Joanne
Burke, Coleen Ready, Mrs. Stratton; ROW TWO: Eileen Slattery. Pa
McCann, Dianne Pund, Chris Duffy, Carleen Bierschenk.
Martin , Antle Difiore , Lisa Whittington , Jackie Campbell. Julie
Bilodeau, Ellen Albrecht; ROW TWO: Diane Messina , Barbara DohE:":y
Chris Frank, Nanette DiRenzi, Mary Bilodeau.
This could have been the year of the Irish in girls'
bas etball, were it not for a few losses in key games.
However , this season produced the finest girls' team
in years at CCHS, and the record shows it. The Irish
finis hed 20-5, losing only to top-ranked teams and the
conference champion. The team brought their first
ophy home to Camden Catholic when they beat
Group 3 champion Edgewood to capture first place in
· e Edgewood Holiday Tournament. The coaching
earn of Stratton, Stratton and Minnick carried the
ohting colleens through the season. It was an "all in
e famil y" effort with Mrs. Pat Stratton head coach,
as isted by her husband Dick and her father Bob Minni
pecial commendation goes to junior Joanne Burke,
,-ho became Camden Catholic's first female thousand
point scorer during this year's state tournament. All
· gs considered, CCHS had a great year in girls'
etball , and the team's efforts are certainly to be
admired .
Stars and Strikes
The bowling team , under coach "Pancho·· ystrom , started off th e season well
\\ith the girls ' varsity team taking a first
place trophy in the Christmas Tournament. The junior varsity bowlers garnered
a third place trophy and the number was
increas ed to three when captain Kathy
Flynn meri ted a "high series."
tatistically, captain Tom Stamatelos
and Brian Wilson acquired the two top averaaes on the boys' varsity team. Brian
hot a 567 and Tom , a 521. Brian also
finished sixth in the league with a 170 average. As for the girls' varsity team, Sue
quibb rolled a 546 with a super high
aame of 236 over Pennsauken. Terrie DeRoberts bowled a 204 against Deptford ,
\·hich gave the girls a 710 series, but unnately lost a rough match by only six
. Lin da Morrone with a 451 and Kathy
-1 ~-nn wi th a 462 crushed Camden High
Due to inexperience, the junior varsity
bowlers had only a fair season. The hight eries , a 505, was rolled by Mark Teesdale. Chuck Bearint had a 199 high game
while Bob Beideman maintained a high
a\·erage of 151.
However, it was a year of fine accomplishment for the Fighting Irish bowlino team.
BOYS' BOWLING TEAM: Left to Right , FIRST ROW: Bob Shaw, Dean Fillari, Chuck Bearint , Barry Wilson, Brian Wilson; ROW TWO: Robert
Clark, Ronald Hodesheff, Mark Teesdale , George Parsons, Anthony Weir.
- ~----
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GIRLS BOWLING TEAM: Left to Right , FIRST ROW: Linda Marone, Theresa DeRoberts , Carol Nacelli ; ROW TWO: Susan Squibb .
Signorello, Brenda Beverly, Jean Natale, Joan Wiedenmann.
In reviewing th e various seasons of Camden Catholic
athletics , there is always one sport that stands out with
a consis tent standard of excellence year after year. This
anda rd , whi ch wrestling has achieved, is due largely
o the efforts of coach Warren Bowne , who has been
ead coach for nine years and has an overall record of
98 -21-3.
Thi year , th e varsity squad was nam ed South Jersey
Conference North and Overbrook Christmas Tournament Champs. Captains Jay O'Donnell and Brian Ahern
led the team to a 13-2-0 duel meet record , with losses
onl ) to Haddonfield and Shawnee.
Throug h a program that demands extreme dedicaion. agi lity, and endurance , Camden Catholic has again
produced a winning wrestling team this year.
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VA RSITY WRESTLING: Left to Right, FIRST ROW: Jay O'Donnell , Terry
Ahern , Brian Ahern , Fred Schmidt, Mark Onofrio, Al Hallowell; SEC-
OND ROW: Joe Mazzochette , Ephraim Toy , Joe Tursi. Tom Ward <:!:2:.
Welsh , Gerry Davies .
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Em mel, Bob DiStanislao , Bob Marini , Domenic Argentere , Tom
Klauder , Frank D'Ambrosia , Jim Morrison, Tim Klauder; SECOND
ROW: Ron Petrillo, Mike Gosnear, Mario Carnovale, Ed Bianco,
To m Gallo, Mike Marco , Greg Besheto , Dave Clements; THIRD
ROW: Tom Dooley, Joe Domanski , Herb Hector, Shawn Garrity,
Sal Messina, Karl Schneider, Mike Sapia, Pat Ward; FOURTH
ROW: John McCloskey, Sam Falcone , Leon Makas , Pete
Wristbridge, Pat Meeke, Jim Willis .
rison , Mike McGory, John DiCarlo, Keith Cunningham, Karl
Saltzseider, Dom Petitta , Tom Corbett, Larry Tursi , Gerald Errigo,
Joe Sinclair; THIRD ROW: Bill Hallion, Milton Burdsall, Mike
Watson, Jeff Kelley, John Perkins, Frank Cornely , Joe Paolini.
Stamato, Ross Beurer, Kirk Hallowell , Pat Dolan, Chris McNeil ,
Tony Pingelli, Frank Schmidt; SECOND ROW: Craig Heston, Greg
Skomsky , Paul Walker, Frank DeLorenzo , Gene Polansky, Joe Mor-
"Batter Up!"
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\ "ARSITY: Left to Right , First Row: Carl Naurath , Dave Clements, John
erhut , Mike Beurer, Scott Perterno , Mike Gibson, Al Hess , Jim Slatery . Eph Toy; Second Row: Mr. Galliera , Mike Zipple, Ron Sammeth ,
Mike Gale, Mike Bordonowski , Pat O'Brien, Bill Bowler, Chris Vaccaro,
Mr. Eustler , Eric Frisbie.
FRESHMEN: Left to Right, First Row: Joe Sinclair, Jim Contento , Tony
Pingelli, Jeff Johnson, T.F. McCallum; Second Row: Patti Schmitz , Dave
Saxon, Larry Tursi, Joe Murtin, Steve Stamato, Mr. Bob Cumming
Row: John Valeriano, Kevin Karbach, Bob Lender, Joe Janton, Joe
JUNIOR VARSITY: Left to Righ t, First Row: Brian Barnabie , Ron Petrillo,
Rick Ciarrochi, Thad Whyte, Joe Devereaux, Pat Ward , Dave Saxon; Sec-
and Row: Kevin Karbach , Ray Londa to, Tom Nassuti , ~like Coc±...-:c
Steve Hurst. ~like Mc.\fahon, Joe Idel, Joe Valeriano, ~ir. Wayne ...
It was a slow start for the girls ' softball team this year, but
with their spirit, drive , and enthusiasm , they finished with
a winning season, 9 - 7. The highlight of the softball season came in the middle of the season with a smashing victory over undefeated Pennsauken with a score of 4 - 2.
From there on out it was "all go" for the girls. They
finished their season in a tournament game with North Burlington . The score was 2 - 3, which shows what a wellplayed game it was - an excellent finish for a team who
deserved it!
VARSITY: Left to Right , First Row: Coleen Ready, Kathy Steh m , Jean
Fingerhut, Joanne Schultz , Paula Krebs , Patti McCann , Andi Difiore ,
Jean Schmitz; Second Row: Mr. G. Endlein , Claudia Rotoli, Joanne
Burke, Ja ne Kline , Chris Duffy , Eileen Slattery , Kathy
Gartland , Mrs . Stratton .
JUNIOR VARSITY: Left to Right, First Row: Lisa Hanson,
Nanette DiRenzi. Mary Bilodeau; Second Row: Gina Rebilas , Donna Tambussi , Jackie Campbell , Ellen Albrecht ,
Donna Delaney; Third Row: Joe Nardi, Chris Frank, Lisa
Wittington, Diane Messina , Joanne Janton, Dale Painter,
Paula DiAntonio , Tim Kelly.
"On Your Mark .
Get Set ... Go!"
• •
Led by Head Coach Mr. J. Klauder, the track team
made its way through a tough, competitive season.
Ou tanding records were attained by Joe Burns, one
o= the best milers in South Jersey, Joe Domanski, who
ed the school record in the hurdles, and by Ed Hende on and Jim McDevitt.
_ lary Button set the school record for the mile and
Cind y Hackney for her two mile runs on the girls'
-earn. For both boys and girls this year, it was a comendable track season.
Boy · Track Team: Left to Right , First Row: Aaron Holden, Randy Garcia ,
_-\n dris, Barry Wilson, Claude DeShields , Brian Wilson, Reggie Haw·n . Ja mes Conn, Dave Oka , John Richards, Chico Febus, Kurt
Schneider, Tim Klauder; Second Row: Jim Ettore, Mark Henderson , Julio
?erez. Eric Riley, Ed Bianco , John Conte, Joe Morrison, Mike Burns;
Third Row: Mr. Klauder, Eric Frisbie, Jeff Williams , Joe Trout, Joe
Domanski , Jim Jenkins , Steve Sharp , Bill Jenkins, Chris Peticchini , Ed
Henderson, John Dymond, John Mccloskey , Mike Feriozzi , Maurice Defeo, Joe Burns, Ed Hickey, Curt Fisher, Mr. Tassone.
GIRLS' TRACK TEAM: First Row: Donna Wimberly , Shelley Veasey , Eilee n Button, Debbie Brooks, Mary Button, Ann Guida, Kathy Galvin; Second Row: Karen Swartman, Gwen Bergbauer , Barb Doherty , Terry
wartman, Tracey Dunham, Yvonne Elsey , Monica Devereaux, Terry Na,;ns, Kaye Corda . Sue McDonald. Nancy Nichter: Third Row: Mr.
Coleman, Mary McCarthy, Jody McCracken . Cathy ~ Hazg2
Holden, Ginell Williams, Julia Bilodeau, Sue Slattery. Sanriy
Laurie Homa. Cindy Hackney. Joanne Shields . Rita Bums