J - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
J - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
! '• :: :: HflS THE LARGEST '* ' :•: VOL. XXIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, BAKE, OLD AND RELIABLE! JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1894. A N T OTHER PAPER :•: NO. 29 COXaON OOTFHOIIi SDOOASUWA, STATE BOSFXTAI* Tfi- LIBEBTY Ulaaee Burd and Bright, of Uurdtown, B. B, O. UOIDAT, 3nw 11,139*. weretliegueBtaofB, J. DeCamp on Hoada-y [Euodvea too luU for publloaUon Uut woekj. TIM Comnua Ooaaail met fa rwilu- M •Ion thl« svMiIiig In Oouodl room *t 8 o'clock. On BattiftUy. June Sod, tba Liberty B. B laat. P f t B t - H v o r McCr^kwi, Reoorder Ba*ch, C-, of Rooksw«y TlalMl the H. J. BUte A. O. BkeUenger bai moved in tbe Jaboton tU Aldmnw B*kar tuid MuUlgQi, u l Common H ^ t i a b MOKEIBIOW*. U.•'•!; Ulaa Nellie HlghUr h u returned from CouodlmsQ Cook, Vrwlud, BlobaHb, Bptrgo la e frlendlj game of ball. Bo easy w u tbe Itockawsy Valley to her borne in this place MOOHVOKA.VKD lULmca M . Mift d Young. totlc the Liberty* beliered tbey bad betore for ber aummer vacation, rlBLISOKKS JLTO PBOTMETOBS. tbem that It waa onljr a qurrtioo of bow bed- Ulma Chamborlola and DougUv, of Ironl*, Tba tuluataoC th» pre»tou» nwttng Pnaitat-BUIBT * . M1LLIR. rtMd tuid avail tpprand, " " litcam, Tb«y were tha giuaU <jf W. E. Conmn on Buoday VtotPt-Umt-ADMUCS B. HBIi. lut. O # « <») ZMaciraS Sfrfxs* «ac< door iwnki7 u d Tnwu»-4i. I . HULL. Mtnhti H*f»n»« report for. mantba of arrfvadla goad trim about 8 P. K Dr. H. 0. Wiggins Ia greatly Improving April and M*y, ibowiof oumbw of t m U that anon they would depart with victory to * National Union Bank. ' audf 17*iidflnMliDpot«i to the ttnoaot c( perched upon their banner. I b e game be- hla realdenoa by the addition « ( a new porcu aad extantloaa of the bay window to the t*y H«tTO,Hto.J, r , |3fl, w u novlTtd tud ordwed pl*o*d on file, gan promptl/ with tbe Hospital nine at the AOI»11OJB. Hull,. folio* JuttK Oaf*1! report for moDtb or U t and the Rockaway'a phenomena,! left ond story. MVABI. Buipl0B0.1Unk, Veil I what you Uoka about dat t they niUJLBte FlIto U b t S t o t t t9 bander In tt» pttoWa box, Donobue taoftd bare began tbe work of macadamizing oar AXLC III 1 S V U 0 1 . 1 reealred and ptaori 00 file, and mooer or- him: tha beautiful white aphen cane over strata at lutathiaia a Brand it art In the D fhbqr, OnYiu tjoo tha beat; there waa athwack cauaed by theright direction at laat. Keep It up. dared paid to the Tmatirar. SIXYOSTM 100 collision otaih wood and leather and a ole*n George Crater, of Dover, waa the guest of Upon tUreoommMdnion ot toe Oblet Ei TBanlbnmit .>.' . .. 00 w u U» raeult. Seesftn then Uaa Llerie Corwlo on Bunday Itat. gltuir tbe fgllowlnc aotkmj were oooflroud I wonder what waa tbe matter wJth that —tin Motptiuioeof tbenefgottfoiuof Simne grMped tbe «Uck aad away went uothi ball club from the Lake Bud who. tried to "afngle" over the head of the short atop and Jamjar? M , UN. »l,a3B,!Sl«O J beeiitv aod George BIWITDI the election of play ball with our boys Iait Monday. They Joto F Taylor, K- S. F«Wra and George F. into tbe arid. H*flf«rt7 then made e aaorl- could not play a little bit. Boon 17 to 0 la t UABlLtTOB, floe bit, mahldg flrtt bo«e, but Ka«na.n w u P#er. and the relnatateifiecitcf Afwlo U nor of tfao boms team. hf RnslM Ootnpanj Ho. 1, and the accept naught at third. The next man at the bat Children'! Day was obanred by the pounded the leather for teotptuceof Tealsuttoa of H. L Dunham w u Klaaler, who charcbes on Sunday last Tbe churches 1 "dngle* By tbU tita» the leftbf the Board of Fit* Wudeu. were \ery pntty aoA taatofoUy deboraial handed phenomenon ^*u badljr rattled and Commualcfttknw from Ucatn. G. B. Biker before Cavanaugb had a obanoe to kngok out withflower*and greens. Mlaa LUlls BookOTen apant Buodsy with aod P. C. Biw* rrqaesUos pennleelou to bagtpr he w u obliged to take his trieodi la MorrUtown. 5 Bedroom Suits, with mattress and spring Only Si 500 bafla. Halalnger next atepped up to Harry Alward, of Brooklyn, was [ntowo 35 Bectroom^ulut,'v/ith tntittrus utut spring'. • >>• * lOnlyJaooo •peotlve driv«w«r* wa« n b m d to tbe Street th* plate and seat up aflywhich WM grace- >n Sunday l u t reaewlng old acquaintances, 15 Bedroom SLJIU, \fljh mattress and spring.', Only $2$ 00 Cooamladooana,(thpoirw. ful.* fielded b j centre fielder, who, ID hie One of our boji waa out oalllng juit below .•-BPACB. , Icnrnobkarttcai from T. RtDwrrnqveBt eager btita to afant out another run, threw tba river en Saturday evening. When b » . permlHlon to dote up tfce tfaaroogbfar* Ute ball wjld.wlth the reeult of bailing It cams oat b» <oand tbat some one bad out the 1KH6«O|»1O<SO reetHdeof Hadeou ftreet brides wure- part 3rd twae and Into th* crowd of onlookera tire of hla wheel I D U give Frauk plenty of wewdnj wslklnf. Boya don't you know •ed to tbe Street Oonunlttee with power. rho, onfMrtnitately ware allowed ta . Only $30 35 Parlor Suits In Damask, Including Moquette Rii Erom Gaarlei H- Kunaon rhera they had nw buitneM to be. Andthat this Is dangwouabatiMrtt which is very 25 Parlor Sulu Hush, including: Moquette Rug .-. .Only $30 ooodderabls trouble. I would loo to remove a tree lu here, alaa, is where tbe game* ended. Too apttooaass y $40.00 25 Parlor SmU tn Rug Covering, including MoqueUe Rug. OnW" , COMJJUf, advlaeyou to a-tila with Frank for the damfront Ht hla proptrtr, ootner of Warreo and umpire declared' a blocked ball, the baee run- age you here already dona which will no 4S0O BlMkmU itreet, « M nfmeA to V* Street ner* ran the baaea, and two were pat oat at doubt be the end of it, otherwise It may coat _ - . . . . asm OonimIttMwith|>otrer. tbeplat'bytbepltooarwho, fa hU eatbiui- you ooniSatrablB more. l»Wl MOO|U0« CotamunlctUon rigaed by tmntf'tbree asra, entirely overlooked the fact that' no Hlea Gltu* Voorfaeee, of Newark. U spend£4 35 pieces of Tapestry Brussels C&rpet. Including making and laying t uaittHB men of DoTer,nqu«atlagtaeOouaoll baae ranner could be put out until tlio ball ing a few days with E, U. Corwin. ifteu n o k p w line. with paper, per yard », « . OntyGocis I yaia an ordtoaaat prahtbtUng penotw waa held by tha pltuher while standing R o n BOB. 35 pieces or Tapestry Druucls Carpet, including making and.laying lirinc oubUe the oorpomte Unite from re- fn the pltoher'e box. Every Hockaway MORRIS COONTY WUh paper, per yard».,, Only 75 cb P< ktUlnc meite, (mite aad rwetablM to the Tlaltor declared It waa not a blocked aBBKAK TAZILJBT. •rjt 35 pieces of Velvet Carpet, Including making and laying with paper, city, except the; tak« qut a Uotnn for a ball; "that Carter got the bill flnV Uiaa Sftdtv Aihtojd, ot HeWark, la making per yard . ,. ' Only Si t$ period of at leaatilx montha, wai on motion matter how far they were away, while ahort visit at tha boms of Mrs. Will Apgw. lt~l KaMa •Dl I d n n u n Afant 2$ pieces of Body Brunels Carpet, Including making and laying with Jonathan Hartley, of Uotnstowa, waa In referred to tbe Uoenae Oommlttea, wltb ID- arery Hospital ijmpatbUer declared th« paper, per yard , Only $1.10 ilWwbion tbe tuoUon the umptrt to be la tba right Carter town a ahort time l u t Wednesday. pfflc. DTW Ttae Q«o Blcoorda Oo.* Scoria pieces or Alt-Wool Ingrain Carpet, including making and la)ing waa amended aa bllawat That tt be laid on raid "be muat have.the declefon nrtfied . Mr*. Jobn Lake, of Ghent, IT. 7 . , la vUltS VOMPBSBBOBB, of Ugh- 3S with ivg relaUvee in thU village, paptr, ycr yard , * Only 70 eia the table, and followtflt the amendment waa or be would not play.11 Tbe umpire refused 35 plr« of Low Pnececl Ingratn Carpet^ Including making ind laying DOVER,'K. J ateffldaqiMr. and lira. John Wise; of Uorrlstowa, Ithdnwu •'••;•. , to reverae tbe deolaloo., but In order that the with paper, n t r y a r d , , . , . , Only45cts, paid their many friends in oar locality ashort game might -go oa offered to «Utali»te the HOISTING ENGINES, duplex timat heerfully given for fitting up Summer Resorts, Hotels anil Hoarding CommacIeatloQ trom Pint* Tribe, Ho. 103, play and begin orer again at that stage of aUlartwotk. ' Tj>UUEK& I. COOtKB, Jlousiis—Cash or Credit—at short notice. Hrs.FJaber.ofSomtrWllv, has been viiltmi nvenaik. I 0 of B. M., rrquaettot (he Croundl tfl tba game before, the wild throw was made, In town. _ , . ATTORNEY AT LAW Am grant tbem tbe prirllice of baring the Thla would bate left tha g*mft at followa 1 % PVMPINO ENGINES, itrtmg Hr. Asrou Kiers, of Buffalo, nod Kiss U N o t Vroapaot atceet.ta.ttie. fireti brMf» ona ran (n, two out and two men onfaaaaa.In Beasts Willet, or this place, were very quietly •ASTBRUDBOIIICITOKINCHAHCEBY tbe Rock*war vtver t& atUaUa favor ot the Hoapftat, But no, 00 ctunpro- married on Bunday af ternotm at the residence Offlo. In th. Ton. BulUInf, aporta,racin«,eto.no Juljr 4ta, natweeo the rnlaa wai wanted. It was either " my way or of the bride by her pastor, Ktv. W. B. Drip. PVXP8, drnlic or boon ot 18 noon and 4 F.u,,or tbereabODtt; * with Mr. Carter, and musequtstly the Owing to the recent death of the late D-. H. OvwJ.A Lnon'anon, DOVER, N J limgb. and a l « axtondtnc . u Iniitatloo to tb» wero deprived of tbe pleaiure of wlt- O, WilieT, there was no one preeeot except OouncU to atUnd the parade laftbod/, In * what bade fair to be a good fair game the family. Tb«j\ left on the C41 tr«int en OBABINd and PVLLSYB, hrgt ooufarjAOM to «be proTlded for tarn, and ot haw ball betwtea two atrong teama. We route for Buffalo, where they will realde. It T A K E S o coariR, 1 " oNfmaK, •butoUpraeeot on U» apaaker ! platform hope tha gams will etlll be played out on itsis said Hr. H i m bad bis home, already furGood Fancy Matting, per roll.. .Only $3,40 Everything guaranteed or your money returned. ComDOVER, It J. durlas the onOona, waa reoelTed, and on mo- merits/with • neutral umpire and may tke olBhrd waiting for his bride. We with to return tfaanka to the brUe for our ahuv of the t d O W pare these price* with those you are paying. tion thta rtqutat wai reternd to the Blnet htm&Bwtn.., wadding oake. Weeitend oar hearty e w - . Oonunlttee wllh paver, tod Invitation uoanlgratuUtloot to tbe bride and groom, aud hops they may lire to see many happy, Joy- • Very teat Hour, per Lsrre],. . . l<so i n n Iwn R yp ' m l prtott. itayeAra. -' • AT RLDUCED PRICES Good Upright Hardwood Refrigerator . .Only $700 " •old oo Coamlaaa. CommualsaUoa for an aleotrlo light to bo From Uw way thln& locked laat Ektorday buttargfc or Mb. lor Children's Carriages in great vanety at reduced prices J— Mn, John H. Todd entertained « number i, rturedH&in plaotd al ttu corner of HWJBOO and Row tbe Bwdttwey nine will baro all they cam ol friends on Tueaday, and. amotur them were e o v a a . » . J. j«l Bboulilen atrate, ullfc ilx etfuan. aad oat for two handle wheo Uwy defeat tbe Uoipltal team, ime from Jacksonville, Ili. ' , wtTorE... . : :;, (or, from an nspirtltl standpoint, we .noUne OCMUMS.K D, l U tc o B B k U CJI. Samuel H. Starr Pmt, ot thta place, , t« the belief that tba latter fa tha atrooger attended tha funeral of th*fr broUwr, Clark 3ne«f«aft ltaoafi " " ,.", to bt placed midway between oonvr leidlox 0ESSBA1 FKACTITIQNBK, HofarlDthehlitoryof baas ball at Wright, on Monday at Jfaurtgut We feel " " " And Herring. . . . Wliyv It 1 known alLover the Stale on.acccount of ]ts good quaUlies Easy terms to Mr. B. V. 'tfraw* mMonoe and Jeakioi i i a •FKULUT a m n u t ^ m r of aawvery proud of this post, aod they make no •for*, and the other oa owner «t BammU Ulhe BMtBterch . .';' . _ „ _ _ and let us hope thai thtre will not Mao appearance whim gotng out, . llbe.ttolledO.tl M'aad Blaekwall rtmt, with twenty, CondnitNdllUk ttcwwfor . Tbe baM of all KOO4 thlnga that oould hapjb. B o U t W i . r . «a repsUUott of Jt, . \ • \: X, f b m kJcnen; both ot whioh wan eecurtd, QoM Diut WMhlOB Powder. . pen In German Valley.ls the anaounoamsnt 1 •boat W) <*M wart <* W « m MrM, HUT jm ! Corn BUICJI . . . . Oc and on no lion refaned to the Tire aod Lxmpt .HJc MTAMHOPM. :.. l j :'. that \* The Owls" of Dover will give us one of. imported tftmronl, pukagv ,13o, QottnilUee, withlnetraetlana to report at t^eat •-. . • • sovM, jr.». their grand mualeeles end enter'aiatuents In For Furniture 88 Bank street is the number. For cleanliness and low ratis it 7o The weather Is delightful at pwtent; ; Tee do*', H W haU M Thureday eianlnc, June can notjic surpassed All locked rooms. Furniture moved wllh vans . te. Swdn SampwIUa or Aj»ra' B»r*«p»riU400c Ooounaiik«Uc» from Slljah O. Biiratlt n . •Aceotall nature looka (^y, The real warm 31. WehopeeTirybodywillaTailtbemaslres >Q.WROB W Bo 1 wave eeema to-have paaaadoTer. ,Th«th*•rib) Ubbltt *, Octafoo, B«e or Ostn* 8oaj> I .#. "0 HMUiif th. CDUMI to t n a i t o : tfe. tilooii of the opportunity to bear this troops, as uometor atood at S7 degree* above aero In ABCH1TVDT, per pouud. . aadttl bUlUrtl»idpoonlc«o«liil<l ttiii place in tbs etude on Monday of tbla Uwy are eKOsltant, and we OOBSMW it a grett U r p bottle *maaom*v 7c i^tforiwyalleypeopU Uteverybodyg PT alatoIkooa. O. Cur WM ranlral u d - r e i k . • . .. " •• .•" • - , ••"... '•'••" both young and old. i t will Intereat f ou all. VOBRISIOWH, a. i. t i U> tt. OrftaK.C«»mltU.. » l t l There was quite a Urgs altendaooa at the Ioe ereaoi will be on eale on Saturday afterloM to pragftr. •» otdlnao. steex Csunty Btble Soeiaty fron tbia plafe 000 aad •feeing In Kioe'a UalL aoti Byram towuabip la general, held at AnO i m P A W PI^OB, Ooa.kUasM8v I«dla' Bhlrt WatoU, obMf l«l t » o , only » o Baeofdtr Beach itaktd UMt Petw Fr/ber- dorer.oQ We'neatey, June 5th lost. Bam •* « « " 4Jtn. " U3o lbSriatolQmiahgliaiii»ul8Hru o k n ' e n S o ytrd.nmronlr . <Ko U d W Bhlrt Wabta, « i t n ana qiijltr •ar ttqowtod pemlaaioQ to trim .treH on tyil T. Smith, at Waterloo, repnaeatBd BjQOTO s : la tbe Bosrd U, lf«ni.(e», and W. I. David Sbarp loit a valuable hone oa jafetcrtared (*!"».. , \ .hjfii la wblu, « u »IUi tolond odUii Fknapeo* Btreet[ raftnwd to Btrert Uooimlt- r*m Roil oo the Audmmi and ?lnaaoe Commit- Wednaday; : • . . ,'> • udouff^ wtra SI 49, II Ttlaadll W .*•. -. • •;..•• ... ,*-,•; • toe, Her. A. H. Tuttle, ot BOMTIU?, wbo Mr. *od Mr*. Peter Salmoo, of Buontun, are KAKOUBK ft BOBEraOfl lAKIgY yda at Uw Be. win 10a ouaUtrJ atfe • «ca. jourclioic««t 960 leewit*power. Ouuaf Vlnnektoclawoa*.*. • . fljia k d l a Ribbed VJ.UOQIJ . . . . 6 0 Apf4lMtli» o* U LeJamaa & Oo. f or wbole- preachsd the annual svnnob, seemed to praach vlaltlng In end around tiila place. All oor bartSrajaOligbuu mm axe aaUliqawHeenaewM neelred and raferr d totiw edlfleatlonol aAl preatnt. Itwaaagrand The Heater faetory U nnnitg. The comto tbe IJ«n*e Oommlttoa, and that ofWm, mrmaa all tbronjrh. All pressot were llbON pany will tarn oat toe flirt floor tbl. week. BMtlndJaoBlii.faaltcM.aair'. '.'. irfc s v a a i x trtBUT, < • Mr. Glllen !• dolag the moulding, be li an exDoaddMD lor.ft bter MIOODlloeoM wa| oa " buck, eJnbUek a i l perienced man, Ida home la .in Hew York I G u r u BaioMtJ ( Dovaa, If. J. [NTi, bfecGkllcoonUi. owtton laU oa the *bl* anttl wslm»Kli«.. tier to tht Bpworth Lugos ballot totbesa- ~ t a > t e / - •_• -• : • . ' , • - ; : • . : . plldUoo of I* Lebman ft Oo. retunwd, tafuluawV.H.Churobediace. OhUdran% Day waa wall obatrred la toe Dont forget tbe aooW to be bald at tbe real? T O E S ERUlOiKB'B '< _. betngafixvnd by only two nMrnben oi Btanbopa PmbyterUn and U. B. Ohorobss denoe ot David Sharp on Taeeder, June lOtb, tke UcMMOommHta*,a. moMon waa made ooSiiDdaylart.thelDtttlnsb.botb nornlsg you young fblka, I mean. loo ereaoi, etrawa AID HAIB corona auooit, aadaeooBdadtbat ft be laid oa tba tefale un- aodeTaml^g. TkwpMtor, alWr admioUUr- berriee, cake aod turit wiU be o w e d jurt aa ': til U W M I I BMtlog; 4Md tkeayataad nayi fng baptl«m to eeTaml Infanta, preaobed air ou went them. being MUed,tbe motton ( w u o m W by a appropriate sermon.: Ia the svsnlng tas Tbe hand be' aooepted a call to pley et COB Buonrai.A*iki0iniHr0nnr, Kanhope <m Uie ith of J o ! 7 . young people and children performed moet of Next to ; ; < Mr. and Mr* T. P. WllJet antertalned senlont " b ' c b « • • doo* to the foil aatle* 1. • ' l * Tke ioltowtog bUk ware refemd to , tbe tbe triendi from Wejhlngton on Sunday. faatloD of tba large congregation preaeot. - ) B D I TH1<Post Office Flnanoe OoaualUte, appnnd by tbem. vad ,'Aa era writ* a. great many p*opl« are ge.th- Cbllirm'e Day exerdiaa jMsaed eff «=ry otdefed p*U.:' Dover Water,.Company, e>yjnff n^ thft rwlfltiWr*ftf'm i t R^^% O« titaclE* ttwl/, The L'tUe.'wae did credit tolhent« O ' t J b H3i85J noVM, ot tnU place, M wedding goeeta to wH- eMrea by both ipeeklntf aortalng-ii*. Bnme baliwJ to make ssa *^, ua/riage eeramoitay between her gentlemen from Slarrlabiini tie 0*v nwitMiberK!.; . od J,janBalaB,o*.K*aft|,'' .- '' ' Anumberol 8laahot*p*y^il»irQ! cAiMi 'A-H.ltUHtofaoSwiJiL-i.rBS.wJuh WagB,«S443,'eiKi a'^A;-Barry Uardwara the opening services of tbe 0. C. ZnaUtuta of . P(T-hold*r W. Hartley It filling up aove of b e old mud Vrldgea with Iron pf pe.. HeckBttatowaonThunidayof tfaUwed;.' ; of i&cjC*t iorat pitas ~ • Harry BUeell advertlaes by porter tttat he FetarOoxU patting up eon* new fence, wlU open • f uroishlng- store in tha Parker that la right P^ter. ^ pnmd, «aa on motion not onlemd paW. OIL STOVKAlfD.OILaAS STOVES. • "l Jacob Vnttar, the praotloal oarpet weaver, tnlldmg, abcut tbe SDIh lost. UUme^rd E. L. Dnnbam prajspW Ua bond uioolr •looa UUman * liohloatala b * « Mm< ' b u woTMt a U r n qoanity of oaroat «tnoa the i K o r l a U e t u n ot $10,000, wlUi H li. Dao- their branch store. V flni of April. Bebaeneedoverthreehnndnd '' BKnUffEKATOSS, OBEAJC nuntSMB. ~ i Every man hcrt-ftbonls who has been In the habit of paying $14 or bem, Andrew k . B * W vA aiexaodtr Kan- Sntra ewmi to be • m a t attraction for paundaotitarp, XTow U a live Round handle $15 Jor anew suit one of ours at $10 or Sia. | owe aa nirtete, aid being approved by the JOM ot the Stanhopei youths at BuddLske. of warp will mare « yarda ot oarptt be baa JOBHSOSfcOOOl-BR,' >_ Flaasoa Comadtter,^ iirae Meepted aodor- Tbey aecni to want to go It while very young. woren 9,40p yarde, how la that for Jake.: -The suits that we sliow at these prices this season are equal in, MOTRAl DmiOTORB, deredplteai In tt* haad* of th* H»yw,, Tb*e will t» another phonograph exhibi'' I dull MU U» every respect to those we sold at from $2 to $4 higher in former years. Attar aome illeraieeliin In regart to U , tion In Stanhope tbla week. The one last aad the:ooodWoa of the flnenoe* clearly winter for attendance was nearly • failure. Toe crops a n doing nicely now that the* 'We have a very large assortment Tram which to matte selections j It OMtft*d better patronect; • •. . . ; ttOll warm weather has reached ax p y Tha Oornet Band festlralVaa quite lenely below Uwaoboul house tu< had and present them with a pride in ibeir style and quality and a confi- j roltt«, It wia mfffdaad •eooaded t o to-atModed.and we have heard ne ted about •toTbetefcfg* idling lowvnd art p*tated,fmprovL«iti dence fn the service they will rentier, fa Cheviots alone we made a | creaaeUetaiof laft ytiriaodtlwaywud IICW. There w u a largo lot of. aolt drinks appssmoce^wry inucb, .. wfaiahhu given the l»ai Mttetutfoa. On* of iheM in nee t h jreeua, •:• > • ' - . . . . •- . :. -"• - '•-- • attya bri^oaU^.U^motfoo WM oerited b r i a f t i ) « r . l T A B I H Lt/THXB O0X. , splendid shawm?. • One id our loca* attonmya brooghtln a floe a our road, aud Is rounding It up wall. oofting our/ 75 onto lor npain. - 1 The following,motlnae. were nnanlmotuly lot of treat which he captured by the rod and We are looking forward to a fertiwl In the iconnTTBurjuuifTxnDSEiv1 cewrM, Muntlyi Itart •S.aoO be appropriated Una lut Saturday. \ o> rrauo SCHOOL^ _ futon. Our friend Owton Smith now -wears • ear for ekeWe Ughtat that W.90O be n b e d by Children1! Day exerders will be bold in the mile. It It an 8-pound boy that oame Burdtown - Wiiaia3tWirj.Br., SOVIB, if. V o o v BOWUB A#P mongiaoir a n Plumbing, Tinning, S l u m Heating o i HotiWator Betting tax for tbe porpoae of detrajtog tin .:«- broad H. E. Cnorch, on Bundaf evening t h m this week. We heartily congratulate neKt Prapara'Jent h*/,* been mnda for a of the poblto witwr tuppijianJ that , d o M l n t h t b e t t m u n s r . Honu: g A. M. «> la X. mtj i i our neighbor on bUgwd look. . :. p!«mnt time s u l tkc*& preawat will uoduubt b t i b i r ' ' f ' 'AMBWDITB." •RABUBHID 1«W. be well repaid {or their attendance. ls£<ba«lp«m<«ttawbllsrtiotrioiljhli. Mr. William Herrltt purchased a flue hone . QLIVXB 8. FBXMAJI, r ; k*. Two bidlnum^ o t f ooatttitiat thetrani. 0 B 0 B 6 E JE. YOOHilEES, in Hew Tork State. B e la a veritable tnon far of E. O. BunxttV lloena l a T h m u 0. The newUetbodlit Cbepd IJ about com- sterof •faorwHeab, weighing. w« undentaod, BLACK CHEVIOTS, Ca]r,Nd Ui»alWpn]!ldlt«lortWr.l.lm pleted, and will doubUeaa prove % great eon- somawbat over eighteen bundnd pouada. ' HOHHIBTOWM IT. X, • ' • • \ ;CLAY WEAVE CHEVIOTS, And although to heavy be ia finely proporormoo.jforui™for ta w H I (»hia c ti n . " The Pretbyteriatia are raldnjc money for tioned and a beauty, Mr. MerHU brought wll b . Toina oaVaiiotlur' pi*e) w m FANCV CHEVIOTS. ami tor ' lirorouUoD, rad. ,(k« :noonl ttpaln on thdr chuwb,» hich are ve*y much him here and Mr. Thomas Cooman baa charge nteded- ' - ' " . of him. In new styles of single and double-breasted sacks and cutaways tima Ibr wftiwu, \M-,on,no(toa plwMd The new Lodge. K. L. of the Q. 0., m m i A man piased through our tows tha other n p a i t M r n i » l p . B . m nUon naulM In to b« growing In namben and popularity. Plenty of other tilh in various felines, both higher and lower In day'aad very careltwtly dbpUyed a large roll tbeadopuosof MChbyainuiilininii TOM of ' Memorial eervbee were held ID tbe Presby- cf bill* Infitrea, tana, ate. It wuagnod thing prtcc. We enn please you and fit jou In any style of suit you nuy IHTHX BXW JKRSKV IKOHJUniHU 0 0 . IRON M E R C H A N T , terian Church tbe Ba^bath preosdiogOeodm- he waa among honest people or we would ond.: . . desire. Dut sec these three lines JHeeorter..".Bewh etatedi, that. Andrew Ugn Day, wblcb *tn attended by * very have bad to record • robbery. AfiMCULTUNL IMPLEMENTS RDdorar bad rane wttate dirt and would o u t large ooagngatloD. the'auditorium being We may aid that onr.poogle bs.ve good 'DBaiRABIJS VARHINO ANDJIMBKE Buy & suit and compare aferwarcJs, if you can do better your It into WlUam atr*ekat«>e«nt>t|«rload;r»- wril filled. aomeOlueaortweDtyaarvlvlng .nalltlM, honeaty being one or them ; -LAUDS 18 MORRIS OOUSTIT, •eteratiB from Euocaianna and tbla pleoe *Ooi dogs stem to ruo arouad juet &i happy money 1 here wllh a string to It, you can have it back with pleasure ferrad to the Strent Comutttaa wttH power. SKEDB (nd wsre pment, and MpreesrtJ Ibenwelwa w Street Comnuttae reoomoeodtd tba put- wdl pleaead wllb Fitter Bmtth'a p*.trtoUo u If the new lav wai not meant for them. ting ID of two croadog«on Alobardearenoe; aermon. evea stgolfylag a desire to have It refenvd to Btweii CommttfeM with power. printed. The alnglog was of the hlgtmt orJ. W.Farrow.of Brooklyn,i«apeQdIng Oa motion, tbe Clerk waa directed to notlf; der, auid all tbe eerTto«a were worthy ot tbe bisMr. vacatlira among m. property ownero oa Blcbarda arcaustoput ocoasioa. The andleaoa room of thli beautl- MtaJezailaTtioniwreoeaUyinadB & bitel ijTHOS. JOBKBON,^ 1 ul ebureh waa taiWully deoprated with Qiga Ctrpnttrt M < Builders, in tfaalr ourbtbg lamedUtely. : triptoNeiraric and appropriate mottoi. ' Fire and Lampi Committee raoommeaded ttn. Thomai Poretelgnls vUlHna with ber CbUdira'a Day wna obevrred by both of our parents • ,• Dover: W. J. at PhiUiptburg. Uu obuglnk of light on t i e Hadnnitreet MO1HJM»<TS,HEAI)8TOSBS, KAKTSLB WASXBOOKB: urchea and thalr H*bUlt SobooU l « t Sunand Hyrtle arenas; referred to tb» T i n and day, - At tbe afternoon and evening servioea The trtuteesor the. Presbyterian Church aodallwarklnlbiUiudOniill^ AUmck Anaotmcea."itoawberryandloB Laapa Committee with powtr. They al*o tleohnrche*wCT« oroned., Tbeexerclaea by toclal" at thsbomeofHr.DjTidcnamlami of tlM bMt olda^«nd arlAM rMi anablt. Sharp, on noomneniled,ttw porobaee of 000 feet of tbe ohlldren and young people were appropriBI^OKWBU. Bnn>r t ,. 1WVSR, V J H l t e d Cfoeerabberflrehoee, wheraapgn tbe ate and Intereatiog, treHeotiot credit Upon the D«xt Tuesday areoJnir, June ID The faospl' 'jobWu PromptH xtwidM toor tbla home U wsUkuown, also tbs exfollowing motto* w u ananimouily carried: parlidpanta and tboee having tbem incharge. taUty ceilost cnlluarj ekUl of the women ot thla That we porobue 500 feet of lUltesa Croa AtthePreebyUrlan Church loUra»tinK and ohurcb; so let tiare be A large attendAnco 8 L A . n R0OFS.-W. Csnkk B n h d u l ""TIT*. H- BRASOLKH, J«-,_ b U l t U a h b r l o o d BMlaiita rnbbar Br* boee from tba Gntta Percbaaod fnitroctlve addreaaea were made by Ueaan. .Tbe obapsl ot the M ItChttKhwas thrown Alto dealer In Small Kniloal inrtrumtnU of all kinds, Trim' FLORIST. " *i Robbtr lUnutaotartiiff Oompaay at | 1 per Qeetge E. Vootbees and W. P, Hoebn, of open to the publlo on l u t Friday evening, Horriatown. Mr. Unrtln, of Uorrlatown, B U d 1 1 BL Offloo and « n oa BUokmtl 8L, a n t to foot, providing tbe company give ui 3 otnta and BOLD STBEKT, DOVKK, H I ) JOBBERS AND DEALERS W < ming! and Bnppliei, Bhoet kiudo and liniie Books. Mr. W". B. Salmon, of tbia place, tang Urn oooaatoa being a 'Strawberry aud Ice per pound for old faoee, and eubitttuU ne aolw, while the obolr did emeient eervloft In ogafUnB* far, old ones, or give na #2.50 per l d l Miaa Lottie Tembey, of Dover, spsat Sanrictrcri rramw on ly-vT •-* *•—*' *" * ^ J - Onbn Uk«i for C»r*> u d Oil Fortnlla. I th l l ' If B. m m , A 8 Biur eanbr tomt, aa the CammltUe iniy Abolda. day with bar aunt, lira. John Doering Tbe Enlgbta iud Udlea of tbo Oulden Star TherollMOommltteerepirted u foUows: entertained Urga delegationi from Dover and BpwUl.Acwi!. fiMVinfiUll-MMTln Ob.* RA1TCS AND VAULT WO1UL xoaats neoommuidlDg new door framea for look up. Succuunoa Ladg«a on Tuesday evening. ptecdrrf uukte for lostWMira Iasue.1 repelrt to 6<toe ot poUea rt»Ucm, new lock for Rev. Samuel P, Lacy aod Mrs. Slckford wero , Stippllai ot K I W I DMCrtptlon tor Tba Sacrament of the: Lord*i Supper was proeeat, ami the £r&t social affair of the /OLD KBUABLB HOUSE Mohdoorindwhlte-waaUng; at taelaak-ap. ;>. , j ' AJTORKRY-AT-HW, - SimpU, BtaMtifti, Gooi— laat Sunday morning, at wblob • u s M t i n n , KichMsb, Slew Filters, Raitroads, Kills, Conlraclgn, Office Build- Tbey aba recommended the pureheee of ti admlolttared these words mean much, but l o tlmeeeven pereona united with thechurcb, pair chain nlpptf*, o u pair bandoufty ilx ie by oanf«aalon ot -faith, and alz by latter. freshiUBnti of c»ke and let crean were served. ace "The Koctwna" mil iinptai p l o a d a t i , two olaba and ont belt; o n u o bis, Public IDIIIIDIIODS, Lain Hours, Water Nose and lomntr speciallies. Moat, II not all, ot the Y. V. S. 0. E, were There wen about BBTenty present. , the truth more forcibly. Its tnarUan the repu-t wasreaslveJ.aocspted awl rt- taken by ntrprba when a atoga load of V. P. " veloui l.ghc la purer and bngktcr . 3sr. a o o «•» s o n XOtTKX 7&&BD02C. ftrred to tbe Fotloa Oommlttaa with power. 8 O EL1* from FardtTpany oama In. How__thao gas Jight, softer than electric ever the meeting wat greitlr enjoyed, the . i held lDth«PnebjteC d l d i d light, and more cheerfttl than cither. The Chaicb oa Buaday tnomlng and w u JOSEPU V. BAKBR, ClaV, only troubl* was the time betag too abort, Jt«v. Mr. Bollard, of Purtippaoy aaalitid largely Attended, They are practicing for choicest bnc-a-brac m the palace of a Van 1 our (MUtor in the aveatngtervloe Saaaay. Children * Day, whlcn will be bald la thV i t . derbiltrevealsnothing«ner. Wehave»,7oo i .1 1 Oolldren'a Day will be obierred next San- "EL Church, Btmday 17th, aervIoM to begtn'\ He ia Oaptsln B x U l Mow. artUlie varieties, In brass, bronie, silver and black iron. f of 'WllUam Bxall^a frlenda fn TJtaTer day atteraoon at 3 o'elocV. All are cordially 7;30 r. «. iharp. There will be singing, vpeak- l»lk. oluii nk> u rTaon'xnw ita lute wbolo.lt boas asl bar «J Invited to ettend. There wUlbenooroachlose, etc, ao come on* mud all, .. ~ . will be glad to "wad the. fafowing, wfatd entbMda. nerwlllU«lm9al<ar»»Oll.larze«UUi.».rM) loglntheeTBnlng. . Mn. A. O. Orr hw returned has returned kkeJrom.tbs Menaik Boaday Call; HdeaVanatuia reooTering from the at•PERFECT" and "PROVIDENT" RANQES Hamburgh much Improved In beeltb. •'William Exall, of No. I Truck Company. Uek of •carlotina* which oaued auch a aoare from lira. William lUttok and daughter, of •.t.BnSB.* t b >•» captain ol that company. Be waa ou tbe Plain*. It wai * very light case, and FlaodBn, spent Tuesday with tbetr neice, promoted on Thnreday In piaoa of William E at »U preca-utLmi, are n»ed to prevent tbe Mre.J. O.Wright -. , . Drake, who resigned. Captain Exalt studs •proadfng of ft, all feara are allayed. a»»'' Miaa Anna CO*rk, la epaodlag a few weeks Mn. Nehemlab Jobnaon expecti to lenre I Brooklyn, TudUag frienda. tbe Flalne next we«k ta *peod tbe, ntmcier Hr. William Fool, wbo had the tnlafortuoe haa been In tha department alwat elgk to-Bumjntr Cooking OurUneof years,endhliBbUityua flrstolase firemio wllh her daughter, Mr*. Jame-, of New York. to break Us leg while loading, logs, U a W y . . • . • . .. has often been taaW. He Is known to fin Tbe road ecraper naa boon at work Ibla ' aproving. wertt getting tberoada in good condition, . Mr. AmmexiDfta, at ttorrla Plains, hulor 1 flgbtar»»UOTer the wintry, and bis promoOtetraoto lor a l kbda cc work Wan u o HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING GOODS Fifty dollitn was reallnd from tbs enter- ratedbomand will opena faotohersbop. It tion haabrongbt him any number ot tiocaw tUntnent tfven t y the 7 . P. B. 0. E W U is something bug needed and we wish him coiipatalatlcLne. tbeoeittblogontboprosrammel Aetrawr, deUmwl on tba IlnM berry feativtU of a trajy tnpparf SHXLAX. Votrnga Ia atlll. oonOnod to ber „ jnnaaLaTTeatBmB.B.a room very 111, u Ia «lao Mn. Hume Cnlaholm, BAKTTA11Y PLXJKBOSQ i N D TlTWINQ A flPKCLLLTY FrtiinHcrH cioertully fumiahtd. TemUaj Basket*. CtetnHL&.otHewJerMr ACAnm Kaliomutb. wbo ia a great luffor from. oontompUoa.a,law prtee> tx a GIOBGK PHiW. Bupt, White aodeU Tint* at KtUmineftt KUIHim Pbaibe Aann, of Horriitown,tpnit J. T . KERR, Opp. fill Salt), IltttfltU II., Dover, N. J. pnVi Dru| Btote, Qnntey with her pareat*. IUO Bow. THE THE MOHEIfl OOTOTY SAYINGS 34 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. Is headquarters for all binds of Rnssett VAN Shoes. Abnagniffcent assortment of Ties 73 Market St., Near Plane St. GREflT IHDUGEITIEMT SRLE uvnvruuro urn. MY STORE for Ladies We also a special feature. Ton can save lots of money by giving me your trade in footwear and have the best as- Plittns. m Bit Spun Met wilt Eviq M m Suit Gill. sortment in this County to select from. If onr store in Boonton is more convenient Uqi Hnitirm fltm will Emj Firm Sill Soli MINING MACHINERY yon can get the same treatment. Carpits jfltli i n UM will Pipit Wltyit GMW. P. O. HEAGAN, MACHINE & IRON Co p. D. L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N.J. L. LEHMAN & CO. Dover's Bargain Store. Note Its Nan tfOS Mori PRICES TALK. Two Hundred Hard and Soft Wood Refrigerators PORTLAND RANGES. NEW STORAGE BUILDING. SSO I 73 Market street, All Dry Goods at Cost! J Near Plane 8t~, -' ECONOMY! NEWARK, N.J. COMFORT! SAFETY! L. LEHMAN <& Co.. QD1CK :• IE&L v BASOLHE >:- STOTES. WE OUGHT :Boiler_ Works, O 3EI NEW DEERINQ MOWER,, ». 8. ALLEN, VoVer, S. J. MATCHLESS VALUES AT . THESE PRICES 1112 HARDWARE WILCOZ& BEBRT MCGREGOR & Co. 8 9 0 a 8 9 2 Broad S t . NEWARK, N. J. Cor. Blacbwell '.and Morris Sts., Dover, ,/. ,/?• DALRYMPLE, Manager, HARDWARE, IRON j STEEL PIPE, •'.Seeing is Believing. TO BEGINNERS 8MITU & FASSINO, Masons and Builders, , / - . oovra. ».'J. Rochesteh CRUSHED STONE. a AS O LIKE AND KEROSENE OIL STOVES DON'T BELIEVE IT. POET MOERIS. BO0KAWATThe funeral ot George Heiat, who wai tolt*tjor Albright, of Uadiion, and Hon. F. «raph operator h»ra for OTOT tea or twelve D. Smith, ol Dover, ipoke In Roberto* Opera yean, w u held in our little chape] on Wed- Bouse last night and explained irhy RockaTHE DOVER PRINTING COMPANY tuwUy ftlUraooD of l u t wnek. Her, Button, tray ihould be Incorporated, and the benefit* the pastor, preached tbe penuon from a text It would raoelve, aod tbe taprovementi that iJ(p PBOIWITORA found In one of tbe ptalnu; "Teach tie t i to wonld take place, tbe aame a i ft hid dooa for Dtuattw our 4ay» tbat we may apply our other Pisces, hearu onto wisdam." Needless to say, tbe George Mattox foil from, a lixtMutoot sermon * u excellent. Intarmrnt In Stanhope Unioa Cemetery, To what wai Guorje Col. Henry TVatWraon, of tt/j J-oularille H. Uelie'e life but a "fitful fever," and now Courier Journal, way down It oil Kentucky, th*tf«-him.tliover"baBle*pethweJL" How bruised very badly around tbe head and isgetticgtiredofelecUana Heiayn: •'Noth- much oonsolatloa in hi* affllctioi) miut bare back. Do not forget to vote for incorporating on ing ti more dtiguslfng ttiMi curylcg thing* been the assurance tbat life's battle end over "ha giveU. hli beloveth Monday. Sixty d«ys In the town will entitle too IBT—CUT; Ing fcUctlotu MpedaUy. There worrfmtnt When a man tells you lie will give you $8.00 worth {or one, •leep." WhUe we regret the manner of hi* w e tbanuDdi and tbociuds of folki in thi* death, yet lo him the dark angel wae • mm- yon to a vote. L u t Uonday afternoon while Un, Willit'a false. Soma people may ol&ini to do ao, lint if they do country wboirejmt tired out at tbe mere •enger of p«to« to «utnmon htm to h{|iam On»le*d w u away tram born*, U n . Erthought of election!. Bay, what'* the good •'Father's houM on blgb. in which then* art) ennon add her aoa broke lato the baust and they certainly mast have been high prioed, and they ore of election! anyhowI Th*y alnt «o man; mansion*—a houw not made with etole clothing, eatablet aad annmberof other still. fonsycu aoma ijiota soem lo think," Tboae baude, eternal In tbe Ueareaa." I have knot thtup. Constable Paofol Uorgan Bearcbed are the 18tH reflectlcina of- one of tfte loudest him for olithe yean be basgone In and out their house and found enough proof to conhowler* for Free Trade and Tariff 107 Ilevem among u> and t w u wilting Uatlmony Ui his vict them. only In 1«Q. He wu one of the fellows who worth ai a good cltliw, a good operator, an Ttie Union Fonndr; and HacUlnt Bhopsavt macbinljt, and a loyal friend, l i e turningoutooeoftbalargestrods that they told til we were going to lire In "clover" U Isgenlui has gone to hit reward. Tbe Matter, who •HB elects the fhmon-atic ticket In V ' permitted bis alMotion, will judge him forever mode. Tba people believed him and elected tbe the deeds done In the body, AI no other judge • H. It. Pohbint, traveling solesaun for C. Prior, of UUdletoiro. » . Y., w u bome en ticket Tlio Republicans were tent up Bait could. I cannot leave thli aubject without I. Bunds*. Elver, hone, foot and dragoon*, nnd Instead Hylcg tbat be bad lived sixteen rears in tbe Uarguerlte, the ycrangatt daughter of John of clover they he.ve been (wwHog u» w houMwttk Ur.and U n . Joe Bailey. They Rlggott, met with a vary had accident lait poor quality of bog boy,to which the bord-Uck knew tbat be wai liable to drop at any mo- Thundar while »Undlng on a fence watching and salt bcrae Uncle Ham furulahftl aome of ment, day or night; knew that be m i u a shooting matcb. Toe fence rail broke, uiftom 1601 lo mtt w u iniloltel/ preferabln. liable to fall with * lighted h a p ID bti band throwing ber to the ground, making a very I'erhapi Uietogbay f« aome better thin the M toy other way. Tho good neighbor* esld: bad out above tier eye. Dr. Flagge w u called "Un. Kalley, 1 would not have that mat. and dreaaed the wound, putting two atitebee food tbe prodigal eon w u cornjeflri to II< ahout tbe nouae. Bom* night be will uptet en for» spell, but what have we done th the lamp and bum your houw, and not only In tbe cut, Dr. Kaufman aaristing. Ur. Robert Kelloy i* working at Eatton, •mt) should be mentioned to the tame day wi your bouse, but the boi»ea ot tomo of tbe re*t P*., as conductor on a trolly car. the hlitoricprodigal «ont of u#." But UJB, Bailey took tbe chaaces and Ur. Jowpb Waster, of Ken York City We n i l the Best $8.00, All Wool Butt in Morris County. The refused to turn the hovmlem stronger from vlriled friendi at tfaU place Sunday, Fcrhar* the Colonel b u jiut kurd from Her door. "Wboaotver gtveib a cup of cold Best 91.00 Child's. Suit from 4 to 14 years in the State. A. ft. Taylor's factor/ b u closed for Uu> Oregon where two yean »go they elected u water to tho least of these little ones be shall pnwmt time. fopulEit-JJeuiscratlc Governor by over 6.000 bar* hi* reward," All other goods in Proportion. No use tiring your brain An attempt wai nude lait Saturday nlgbt majority aiiU at ths election j u t wwk the Brakemea •Jooenb Dunn «,nd Jacob Hard- to fire tho outbuilding and oU-noost at the with prioos, oome see for yourself. Don't believe false llepuhlicaoi elected Ur. Lord Governor b / man hare gone to try tho realties of Hoboken. bicycle fvotory. Parts of ladles' clothing otar 17,000 majority. So much for J bope tbe Hoboken mtwiultoei won't bother were saturated with oil and then placed near advertisers, but call on the wood and lighted. It had Just nfoely Democratic promise* No wonder Colonel tliem. Engineer George Bhioldi 1* ipeedfug a trot aUrted wben It was dboomed by the watch Wattomoo tuka, "What Is th« uw of ter now when noiocfcti engine, George 1* num. who eoilly eztlngulihid It. qtilt« a boneaan. K W. Dtekeraon baa moved hi* pbotograpb They promised us a tariff for revenue only Engineer Oaaper E(ll, who must be pretty gallery to Boon ton, where he tnteadi to rewhich would startup nil tbaIUHI*and minea In rell-knowa to Kxae of your Jtover people, li main for tbe luinmer season,' full blast and give employment to every idle aiming the "Newark way" now, I remem Children'* Day waa obeerved at tbe U. E, man who wnnU to work. They promlied to ber when he first went to Oring, Bo much Oburcb lost Sunday. give tu tbe market* of tbe world. Wbatlure for honesty, industry and eobtiaty A. R. Tujloi bas a peUUootoi t be Is gettheygirenunr latbewayortanffforrevenue John Coaoy, who we* one of tbe old-time ting ilgnera for to sena to Congress, It ti to notblus fexcept what goee Into tits jiockata oi brakemen and never got over It, was here put them In mind that tbe Wittm Income Tariff bill will tax aU bemvoitot order*. about i l l weeks lately. Tbe water at Hotbe Sugar Trust Aliouttha marketa o( thi world we think tbe muketa of tho world may token proved too much for him and ho Is not Thl« inould be signed by all peopl*. bore any more. I reckon he bai f oimi out Un. Janes Bolltbo la just recoTering from coma and Uks pcsMaaion of tbe United State* mat things are not like they tusdtobeaome a serloiu illae*. twenty odd years ago. H. I, and J. P. Tuttle have mads their apTliey have lucceeded In making tbe laborer Irving LewU, aaa of Ur. George L^wls, of peararjce with a fine new delivery wagon dlBoonunted with hi* wages while their ahllly Stanhope,and Richard Trethoway spent Hun- manufactured l>y the fieaoh Carriage Manuday in that town. Irving I* a Now York boy faoturinj Company, of thia phuw. nh*.Uy policy b u threatened todepriro thi WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, • UUa Addle Kalley, of Bayous, H. J,, l» vif employer of the power to pay M good wages now, Rev. Morgan, of Uandbam, aesiitod by Itiog her parents at thi* place. as iliey have bwn payjpg. D1AUR IK Rev. Dr. Btoddard, ot Suocasunna, made Win. Burd his a haDdiome oakfinishedorThey have given u> strlkM and riot* fn Him Ella O. Stackhouie, of Stanhope, the gan on exhibition at hts atore, which he In Fenueylvanla, UUnohi, Ohio, unii tha Slat* of wire of Mr, John D. Hulae, of Eearille, to the tend* to give away, Oovsrnor Walte. We bid me the poor coal praeeacQ of «cuue ninety In tiled f rleitda at Uie Mr Samuel Carter vUlted bis friends at mioera for not baring bettor sense, but whs residence of ber brother, Prank, In the former Brooklyn on Sunday. eli6.ll f i t my <t( theperty vhore hrokeii prom town, 1 am not »rry that Mi*a Ella li mar- Ur. Albert Van .Busklrk, of Patenon, w u JKS urged tbe Ignorant miners on to deedi o ried, but I am very eorry that ebe t* going to In town on Tuesday u.d Wedneedsy. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, UiBE HAE.L TOPICS. violence! Mr. Senator Morrlll tried to ae tnovs away from Stanbopo. tihe has moved Btnutor Vest, ot MUaoiiri, to tell bin theIn and out among the people ever since ibe The Green Point A. C.,of Green Pali a child. Sociable with everybody ahe Long Inland, will play here to-morrow (Satother day why collar* aad cuff* khouldbe was knew, kind and gentle always, a dutiful and urday) and a good game U expected. Oai protuctcd 100 per eeat while wool aod lum affeottonats daughter. Ihave no fear but that l>er are .allowed to come in freef Mr, Vea she will make a noble wife, but tbe Stanhope called at 3:30 v. u., without fail, If elaar. out for the obamplon oitlond team, refuted to Ull him, but, BB 11 to prote tba people will mbe ber. The Presbyterian Bun- tht>Look Cuban OlaoU, nect Bitnrdey, Jane the "fooli bounce lo where augeli fear to tread,1 day-Khflol, of which ahe wai treasurer for 1S33. tbe bumptious Btnabor Mill* from far-away aotne time, alto organ it t and teacher, One of A icrotcli team from thtapIacewUlplay the flrat members of tbe Y . P^B, of O. £., tba Mt. Bope Dufftrs tomorrow |8aturday), TBi*i~Bnsrrerod: "lo order lo prevent other barons engaged In pluudertag toe peo- and, I think, lU first president. Foramaat to Charles Heifer, our Ont baseman, formerly waa ibe. Tbeplayed with the Orwn PolntA. O.( tindhe ple of thu United Utatci about 1300,000,000 every good word and work 1 year ou woolen goods aod 1125,000 000 a year Kemllle folks will bave t' take goodctrepf says that tbB Liberty A. C. will bava to husor I will probably bear of It and let them Ue to scon. a» cotton gowli, and- in order to lrduoe tbe her know, or. rattier I will be apt to find out Uie EEPAIBIK0 OF FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY, plunder on woolen goods (150,000,000 & year rtoaoD why. Ur. Hul» will accept my LEDOJBW00D A N D VIOINITYand tbe plunder on cotton gooda, well—not so heart; congratulations on capturing one of much—». very little. "We bad to itand a little the bent girls In tbe BMtos. Siege of Peter Davls'a Hog- Pen. rise on collari and CUCTB, eetl" t b e Tt\i Children's Day wai ohurved beie and In Lsst Saturday, about C:30 A . H , Mr*. Davis might Lara added la order to induce Benator tbe chuirbee In this vicinity last Buoday. was aroused by htarlng some one Uklng asd Murphy,«[ Troy, V. Y., to vote for the in-The florren la tbe Preibytorian Cburcb at pounding tbe door. Thinking it was nor come tax, Ttblch we are bound to carry 11 ihbjK were very beautiful and ware very grandson, Alvln Hagan, tha a a vised tbe feshave to bribe e « r y Southern Senator with uubfl^illy arranged, and reflect greet credit tive Alvio to go hemo aud stay there. Bat sugar or collars and cufTf to dolt. Every on, tbe flower committee (it tbey have one) or tbe kicking and pounding conUauad. Viuslly eomebody BIM If tbey have not. The chil- •be unfuteiiMl th« door, and before she could Derooermlo Northern Senator w» mead: dren oocupled part of the evening and Rev. wlak, in ruibed ths wildest and dirtiest spec"J-'ur ways that are d w k Alexander Bttler the balance. I b e topio ot imen or « man that could be fotmdanywhere, And tricks tbat are Tain tbe evening aotmed to be character building, who damwded to be put to bed aod made a The Tariff Reform li peculiar. ainearaa 1 could get at It. Tbo youngtters ru»h for the stain, Mrs. Davli thsn aroused WbUh the saute we don't try to dons thiiir part very well, and reflected great her husband, Peter, (Peter, by thfl way, beoxplalii." credit on themselves and tbelr teacUon and ing a sound ileeyer, tbe rackot (tiled to arouse trainer also. It would take up too muob of him), Peter grabbed his shooting Iran and your opace to mention eoob pirticular child ha would pump the Intruder tnil of The SunBBJB s "The Democrttta party ii who Rang or apoke, so I will content myself vowed 1 lead. After threatening awhile, mingled not for gale at *ny price, (Bee Benator Altlli' this time with giving everybody a certificate •Itb a few klcki, he got the Invader ant of reply to Bonator Jloar about o 'liars and cuffs of good character and mentioning nobody In doorsHe then retired to the hog pen and the other day.) Wool enough to cover tbe particular. drew a rawr and vowed he'd sltoe tat) flnt globs would not bribe the Democratic party Arthur Chappsll of thin town, keeps the cuss that drew n**r. PtJierwailngmtfeer Ladies'and Children's Capes, Jackets and Ready-made Dresses to dUcttrd its principles, flaunt It* own faouor- Inori ERA and Employee for sals, and any- leat eome harm should befal bt* sboate. Bis Also Uie largest stock of able blttory lu the- face; trample upon Its body wishing either of them and ordering of good wife then aroused Alrla Hagan) wbo him can have ulther (or G cents a copy. lives near, to go alter Constable Hart Well o«m record and commit the unpardonable A young man, who ha« been living at Con- tocuta long atory short ba dufQtgatMr.Hart. of deliberately betraying those irbo bad ductor Theo. Holbroak's, died ot consumption The nswi spread, aud after a mob had col* triiBted it luto the hands of their cnem-la*. So long a i tha Income tax it left in tha tariff bill on Tuesday or. iredneeday ot tats week. I lected and ths aelgo bad lasted alinourv, not learn his name, cut I believe be was Cbarley DaKer arrived on the scene. Charley tin) Democratic party b bound to refute all did o. relation to U n . Holbrook, and bis remains succeeded ID setting the rasor away from ths denting) with fta advocates and to stand Im- are to be taken to Connecticut for interment. bedeiKW, Hhe then came forth and Charley in the Stale. CALL AND SEE US. ntfrtkbli iu the determination that Iti own Paymaster Strong made ui hit uiuol month- sent him to Suooaiunna with two boys, and honor and tbe.ez[>cctaUous and Interest ot Lta ly visit on. Friday (thUmorolug), as Squire Fancier waa not at home, no warfriend* cannot be bought. Tbe tlmo for thi There are 19,585 ordinary polloemon on tbe rant could be had, and his honor was sent on n l e ol an entlro political orgaoicatloa has not force In London and theowtoi maintaining with tba warning tbat he would fate hard Jf come yot," this force, Its oDlcen, atatlons, e t c , In about • showed up again. B e gav» his name as two million pobndi a year. They are called tarney MoWlggin, of Jtnef, Tbe amount Brave wordi, Ur. Dona, but tomBbody Ii ooDit&blts, being only one grade below that of It was that bis honor, Barney, bad an a*tryluirhard tocomummatetliBMle. Bee ths of sergeant. The pay of a constable is from Uwk of the Jim-Jaws. ' o.tttmpttog«tK*nator Murphy, otTroy, twenty-four shillings a week to £98,19s. lid. Zi&at Tuesday evening a free fight started V., by glviDg lilni 160 per coot protection on a, year. There It some dlJTetenoe between i the German colony a t Shlpptnport. - A oollars nod cult, while wool Is on the free list. tba pound mark and the dollar mark, tell big German boarder started tbe {raoaaby your proofreader. There were but year on smashing the landlady fn the ribs with a beer When t i e funt* over « e will fee. Tbe Deniocrac? of to-d*y buttatenen.ttd into the ordinary police force ot London 1,099 bottle, and her butband •tarted I n f o r . n receiving twenty-four shillings a week, verge, aided by another boarder, and (or % "A nun which calls, wben filled her featal men which l i scarce 96 ot American money—one while tbe air waa ailed frith German howli dollar a day, net counting Uundajt-uid vet ihrlelu and oursee. After the attrstsor w i t A nation1* glory and her ehatue, we waste btisheli of pity on tbe jraor Italian vanquished one of tbe rloton started for In alleot Badneb up." ' laborer who warkt on tbe track or builds rail- 'Squire Fanober'i to get the big brnte ar- HOOD'S S A B S A P A B I L L J L . 67ot8. roads, or work) around tha mines for 11 cr rested. It Is preeomed he got tbe warrant, BOOUtON. $1.10 ft day. I think I would rather be an for his nose was peeled from end to end, and SSota. Our public tcbools olwe on Friday of next American ItV L\a than & London policeman that ought to have been enough. Jimmy, the PAINE-S CBLEBT OOMPO0HD week. TbB commencement exercisei will be if I had to wovk for the same wages. The gatamsnlwht>; boards a t the colony, said "b* 8COITS EMtTLSION 63ota. beld In tbe Opera House, Thursday sventB, •ergeonti pay li £99 to £16t a year and there gob, I won't go borne till moroln' for 2 don* Hay HUt Toe grnduttos this year are: are 1,770 of them. There ar« 6il (tupoctara wsm't me b u d busted/1 OBEEK'8 NERTTJBA • 87otfl. KdwudQrMD, Herbert Kinnland, William and they ore rated o i first, tecond and third Master Oaorge Horraaa, of ahtntytown, llcEiraj), Daisy JiJiuItli, Afarda UfiHalr, filaatw Tbey receive paj according to rank ear tho SOUIB burg, met with a serious. aoct< Marlon ifcNalr, Xlztla Brown and Lunn and Isngth of eervlce, varying from £flS to dent hut Monday afternoon. Ha fotind a filowim. •ttHP a year. .Ranklug the Inspeotoni ore gfaat cap, and placing It on bis knee, he Mr. and Mr*. Pienwn W. Bmlth will attend thirty aupBt-intoBdenti. One ol them re- lighted a matcD and atnek It into It. Bera!t thu commenoemoat exerclioa at the North- ceives £tT8 a year, two receive £425 it year Is tbat George was cut TBTV bftdly on hta leg, field (Maw.) • Bomtoory next -peek, their each, and eleven of them get 4M0O a jeer. face and body, while part of fwo fmffers aod datigbter. Itobel, is to »Taduata at tbot Urns. Superintendents a n allowed from £11 to £16 a thumb were blown uC hia right hiad, whlls B«T. Mr. Apjjleton, s former reotar at HL • year for ualformi. AC tbe bead of tbe dif- It li feared ha will lose the sight of ooa aye. John's Cburcb, occutiled that pulpit on. Ban- ferent districts are five cblsf constables. He. was removed to the All Souls1 Hospital on day laat in uxolmngg with Rev. Mr. JFenn. Three of then get £7Tn a year and two £«7S. Tuesday morning. H i s very strange that hl« rtwmw Canttok, one of tbe Junior mem- Tbe bead of the wbols department Is a chief parents oould not put inch dangerous things bcTB of the Brm of John Copstlck ft Dona, comraUticmer, whose salary la £l,80O a year, out of reach of tbelr children. owners o l Uie Columbia print works at Hont- and associated with him in the government Children's Day w u celebrated at the Bap Tllle, met with a wrtoua oeddeat while fttaud- are three awbtant communion en, who re- tlst Church by recitations and slncing. lag in tbe mill on Thursday afternoon lost ceive £800 a year eaah and £30O a year for Thanks are duo Hlas Kose for her able manOue ol tbe ilz incu rubber beltings attached hooae rent, and £101 divided among them for agement end Ur. Byenoa for his •taglaa;, to the ibaf ting some twenty feet above the •tabling. Tbe Mlorlea and allowances of tbe Mrs. Hughes, of Patwwn, was In town last ' floor, broke while going at temme rata, the eommMoner's -office MtwunU t o about Saturday. WA end linking Mi. C«p»Uok aertw his forehead a.year. How would tbe poll and left eye,.cuttinghls forehead Jn ssreral aewYoiklLkatoUveonthit kind ot wage* 1 places and Injuring bis eye so badly It la feared According to aome witnesaei before tbe \ y E TAKE THE RISK, and lie will l o M the uw ot It. Dr. Ayenon, of Ois Lexow Committee their chief btuineM la lo FOLLOWING IS THE PEOORiit ABBAHGED BY PIUTB place, * M luramoned, and al*o a Dr. Job: levy blackmail on the keepers of d^orderly * • don't ask any one to take •ton, an eye epeclaluK of PatersOD. boQH* In addition to their regular salary. our word for it thai - • tUiE, No 132, IMPEOVED OBDEB OF BED HEN, FOB THE Friday, June is, 1B94. THE GEO. RICHARDSCO. Oil Spill Tallies in M following seasonable tods: Low Prices HONEST DEALING IS OUR MOHO Dress Goods. Ladies' Wrappers, Fine, all Wool Dress Goods In BUck, Brown, NftYy. MyrUo, Grey>nd Grey and Brown Mixtures. 42 Inch wide.... .....39c.yd, AUWool Cashmeres In the FathlonaMe Shades, 40 Inch wide 47o.yd. ei.OO each. Special in Dress Ginghains, New goods In the latest styles and coloring, the kind always sold heretofore at 18 1-2 now.... 7c, yd. TAYLOR BROS* Sussex»., Horn's Popular (Mips. Alaska Refrigerators, Gem and Lightning Freezers, Ladies'Duck Suits, lever, I.J. Made in the latmt Styles J. Hairhouse, $3.00 each 2jt.Sqt4jt.ftqt. Sjt. $145 Sl-80 82W) $2.S0 $3.00 Infants' Lace Caps, Furniture. At 10c., 19c, 25c. 35c. and 50c. each 7 piece Antique Chamber Sulla with Bevel Plate Glass 22x28 $17.00 In a variety of Styles and Colors, Laundered and Cn-8 feet Oak Extension Tables. $6.50 laandred at 40c., 50c., 75c, 90c., S1.00 andKitchen Tables, extra large. ,.. $1.90 «1.25 each. • Dining Chairs, High Back, Solid Oak $1.00 All kinds of Watches, Clooks and Jewelry Antique Oak O n t r e Table. , $2.25 Cleaned, Bepaired, Bopolishod and otherSplint Brokers 69c. wise Honovated ai Bequired. Lounges, Large Assortment, Commencing at $7.50 $1.25 and $1.50. Hattrasses, Full Size, Soft Top ', 92.85 M oveu Wire Springs, Full Size. , $3.75 CREDIT GIVEN TO ALL Window Shades, Curtains, Poles and Fixtures, 6paane .Shades Mounted o i FprlngBoller* Complete. 25c 40c. each. Ladies'Shirt Waists, Diamonds, Watches, Clock Men's Colored Laundered Shirts Boys' Waists DIE M « OUTFiniKB 3 Brick Block, Blackwell St., Dover, N. J. flEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, CARPETS THE GEO.RICHARDS COMPANY, DOVER, NEW JERSEY. —;—"»> J AN ORDINANCE. DENTISTRY. CRESCENT DRUG STORES 637-629 Broad St., Newark EVERYTHIHB HTTHE LOWEST PRICES. LI6EST STUCK ^ LOWtb'l PRICES IN THE STATE Prompt attention to mail orders. CRESCENT DRUG STORES 4ID OF JULY IH DOVER. CELEBRATION OF THE FOTJETH OF JDL? IN DOTEB. lost e^tiirdny and were defeated by the Fort Onus (ewn, Tbli week Saturday tbey pliy XO&filS PLAINS. tho O. If. T,<s oo tao Athletics grounds. Ur. S. Arthur Johnson, or EJkhart, III., la The annual eoarenlr coaoert of tbe school for voice culture will be held In lbs Opera at home on bis vacation. Hits Licda HeddeD, oi Dover. U vUlUcg »1 Hunt* on Holiday erentng, Junfl ^Sth. cure dyspepsia, indigestion, habitual Children"* Day exercise* were held fn oar THE PABADE WII<I< EOBM AT 10 A. M. AS FOLLOWS H r . ' v . ' c . Freemasis visiting relaUves la constipation, and sich headache. We various churches ou tiuniay l u t , want to send you a free sample. Then COMPANY G, N. O. N. J., F1BB DEPAEXMENT, BEOEET DanvlUe. Fa. The serenteenth aanlvensry meetlog of the you can tell whether you want to buy Morris Uonniy Bible Society convened In the Ulss Maggie Donaban and Ur. P*t«r OlSOCIETIES, INDUSTBIAIi EXHIBITION OK FLOATS AND Presbyterian Church on Tuesday last. The singer waramarrhd in theCatboUo Church them or not. Address CR. J. ^ DEANS CO.. FIFTY CAVALBYMEN. •erviees began a t 10 jL u. and not »t3A.M. as on Tuesday evening. Tbey expect to take a Klngaton, New York. . my Item read last week. Atnoonalunobeon trip up the Hudson. ibn ut lot HU ti *a d There li a new butcher and a now farmer WBI aerr»d in the basement of tbe church by tbo ladies of tbe congregation. By tbe way, In town and Mr. Towel! and Mr. Croubey tfas lecture roam attkeeitaTOcbarobbasbeen both wear » broad unlle, thoroughly react voted, a room bos been fixed Ur. A. IV. Swift bo* been visiting earns AN ORDINANCE. lorkkltcbea wlthststoTaond cookinguten- hie old f rieada around here. A SPLENDID PEO0RA.M OF ATHLET±C 8POBTS HAS aU*) and barestter tbe fain, rapport »od fe»- Ur. Dave Gronstoy bat retained to Brook- FrorUioK tor the raising ot money by tax for lie BEEN ABBANOED FOB THE AFTEEKOON, CONSISTING OF UTAIS will be held aero lostead of In U s lyn, wher.i be expects to resume work, He It onWD<*l by the Hvor, Recorder, Hlai Bessie Hay b u returned from a visit and Common Couicumeaof jioverr~ ' ' rnrooklva. B«tt ]—That In addition to tha than . el fr towtuMp of R* Randolph for U . M I N B HILL. Mr. O. B. Parsoni and family spent Sunday ?« r«!. »'n the tcmuUp ll be omeesed and leTted hr U fht, -mum weaiher has made tbe gnus ta Orange. _ the Town ot _. Dorer Dorar for forthecui* UM CU Mr. W. A. Bsrtron and family spent Bun- rent yMirtliBpimol ol fife fif ttbonajuid b d (ACOO) (»5,«IO>doll«i-i dll grow and the Hardens a n looking fin*. aud flftcen per centum upon and on and at There wasahaUftameln tbe orchard lost dayatBaddilAke, tnld mm ol tore thoiuuio. (fS.DCfl) douors. An excursion went through here on Thurs- the Saturday, Port Orwn ntaeand the boys of HID, l-TlintlnaiiaJLIoDtoUieBiiioiintortaxproibinplact. The game was fn favor of Fort day. It was lbs first of the season. jrlntboflntMctloaortlAaordtoanoel The Children's Day exercises passed off IMU lie mammal and levied a tAi of one and ooeOr*m. ' ' b&lf (ftJHIJ dolbuft UQOUthC O¥MT Ot CTOT d & » . Harir I«KEO 1* »Wtlt* her o i l i»tgb- verynloaly. The church waa trimmed ytry *IUuni Uie corporaUs llmlia of Dover for 1 each J bora and frfcpds whom she t u b u Dot seen prettily and a large number were present to iwned by blmfhet or Uiem, nod Urn f~ - - — , . for taut} yea». Tbey are all (lad to seeenjoy tbe exerclsee. puiport of sucli tuilloD. A strawberry and lea cream festival n u theStc. her. fl-^batlnaddlUoBtotnataxeaprovldedror Them will be a Btrawberry and lee cnam held In the church on Thursday and Friday la Uie forcpoiM eertions there alull pa assessed uid i>x lax, (or tbo purpou of lietrajtag tbe ex* tettlnl tn the church on Stttiiday, All are evenings for the purpose ot raising enough ifTicd IKUMM of the public triiur supplr pa provldad. tn Invited, Proceed* for the benefit of tbetaomj to finish getting a carpet for thethe contract now In fame between tbeTAwn and NOTHING WILL BE LEFT OUT THAT GOES TO MAKE cbnrcn and having toe church cleaned. - cburea. UP A GOOD OELEBBATION. GOOD OBATOBS WILL BE IN FKLU. W m Cornow, while warldDK l a tbe Hard mlae.ipnlnedhui foot. A t t U t writbc It ATTENDASOE. A GOOD STBING BAND WILL F0BNI8H BUODABDNNAii improving. : Tba Saccaiunna Lull club went to Cluster .— oroinuce then MOSIO FOB DANOKtG IN THE ABMOBX OF COMPANT O, W n . Thamn and family spent Sunday „« .„ by tax on account of on Decoration Cay and beat tbe club of that Ucfr»ylaittiw«p<si*w£rfU«puUic6lBrtiiclWitB wi(b bis pamitJ here. AFTERNOON AND EVENING. M provided In lha tonlmrt. now in tout* hetfnen . JntMt Cbunn and Riehartl Blchsids a w place a gam* o( baQ 28 to 1 In six Innlngi Tba famous I^ke End base ball d u o who ix Town and the. Dover ~ — •— home from Fennijrlraola. VJOLXT. a n camping at TAke Hopatcong, wended HtixB per cmttuin upon arid on tutd'abovctbe MA tbelr way to our quiet UtUflTtltage on Mon- -umotnfUrti tuudrtd (tlfiOin tJoIIara. Bods. Water day afternoon of this wf ek to play a gams of Bra. 5-TTiat tlie Anwar of Um Town ot Povw The beat Sod* Water In all Qvtan *t Kill- ball with tbe Bnccamnna boys. But they halWIUiin leo uarsaft«rreoeJrtiiic notice from . IK THE EVENING. tie flat oT tba Common OouncU of Dorerv pro. jpt*«a Drag Store. were not "In It" at any stage of ttu atmt eed to torr ami —CM UN> tain provided for by and they want borne wftti nine nice white rvt, tblntlad fcurth ae«tU>ai of thk " ^ 1 ^ . , ^ the property nt the lnhalilUnta acu. realdenl goose «gst to tbdr credit, turn and Hldwr tpoti NOTICE. nld [own, In the nine manner and upooii bads oa unnuhip and county taxes are- ti Tbe largest stock and the lowest price* yon wen the battery for U e Like End club and nine Tbfl Poor HOUM OoumllUw wUI Duet ftttlu Ifior they played a very good f u m . Valentino i * uuwuei). and alao upou all pnmertr andeoUti HottKon , TO will always find at Plekenou1*, Dorer, r««t uid jierioiuU, wlUila \ha litoite of Dora &ad Thomas did tbe battery woik for tin both whfcti may twknw to non-(*ald*au, In the Mm Soccasonaa club and they played tne guns ; - • Broshea. • ' . : wjlhoutaa error. U. Valmtina at first, A. vtor; a •I 10 o-clock A. v , U> MID litili tar Uw main b«Jld Point, VarauOi, Kalwtnfo* and aU Haus of Fffjcber at tecsnd, and C. Holmes at third y and M Ulf Brushes at KlllgorVa Dang Store. baa**, filled these places to perfection, Jo* lrorthsiViwnfltD Hftirlt at lhort played tutuual, a Brit-dan - Cortex* I Ooraatal before tie entoiupon fame; O. Sklnaor fa left, a Bteelmkn In «d (ubneribe an oath or centre and Jen Jlaktu In rlgfat field took •eraon.duIjauUioriMil tt rios o f a T n l i l l ! | 1 hooks, BaKtUrprl«75 cent**, will seH tar a erirytUng tbat came their way. The Lake althfuilr oau Ia)p*rU*Jiy End boys tried hard to •core one run but Bw. T—That the Aneaaor shall matin as oompen. ihort time at 47 oesls at DOTBT 8 M Hin. wen left on third base thne times.. V. Val- ttioa for hi> aorrioM tbe mim of tcaQO) oenUper entine struck out 17 men end C. Lwn ttrnck •ii» ol «»dj lazaUeperwni otmUltMd In UM .lujili• ThrMBptMUlValnM eofa^*ae«aan>eiit.aiHiyigaiUBraumofi1Ve la I«oe Curtain* al SO c , 09c nud f 1 W a out 11. Tbe following Is tbs score by In. outi for C«KbtegvnpLrif [ a x e a t r j u % ^ p*lr, *Jl DSW p*t-en» Uilt MUIDL Twenty- l M 3H 0 f 80 (In per otat. under rejruUr prise. Don't sna .3 0 0 8 4 4 0 6 a—17 ntMthem At tba Deter Sanr of J H Lake KwL ,0 O C 0 O O O O O - O JLIJIAN, Orlsn. j Dr. Deane's Dyspepsia Pills auj« ATHXIKM io i m ntamta; It KWM n» p b u s n to Mquint my Meadf witk &»ttat tint Ovn e u hire «««th «b»tod without n i a br ttn as* ot Di. J«Map'i LooJ AnjNth«6o at the ofioe ot Dr. I h a i a , Donr. REHOVED. DH. OBO. W. McDAVTT Hat, ftvaaaa Pikjm, Bo«k«w.yN.J, April 8th, 1888. "loo*! Anmtiutb »t Dr, EVessum't l i a i tO iN ta ai t d l U i i l a lot it. MM. H. EennoK, Seteosg, S. J , Aptrl 81st, 18SS. I ma chcorfsiij :t*uuiauma in* " Loesl thotio" (or estncti&g t**U>. MM. TKOUI Knau, For $1.69 P _ II nnn-rm NOTICa r DlKTul for store and pri- rUOIJIL vaU>hovaM, WILLIAM S. COLURD. ' J "• j " . Bnull gardeo. huk. loott. foot, Hft, Baa* la am daw Qoadttton Mala nonpar* M. wniaoii BUBDIO, Donr.X >. NEDERLAND DR. FBEBMAHhM iha a u b s i n right t o n » '' O>. Jasaop'a l o c a l AsMalheUo. ..."•-_,_ HKMHT K. QBXBIOaAaa, BAROAJN »TO«B. % •CHWARZ SLOCK. 'OOWW. N. J . | p«'»»•???;•<*' .' ifJS c. p. 112few!St., Iniit, I. J., Agents Wanted, White Bed Spreads, 69c. each?' • \89c~cach •WINDOW SHADM, < A1.E NKW SHADES . t 39 cts. and 39 cts. Baflwotnnjrls tba oadi trmds 010*-." For $1.50, $1.75, • . $a.oo, $3.50 and $3.00 3 v n. IITIQI w. . Oioo ud taUteu oa'Horrii Sir, a u Ooor Baola of Bridt BI00L OITIOB HOURS] A. K. KINNEY, -lasasste me for an expert to esll «nd tell yon tfieprioe and«tylo«off»b- Paraisols! FOR SALE i yean axpatiwm, haTisg » «aH knows repnUtion for otnetbig taathTbaa aosaptad s p&HonwithDr. Fnaasa. ^ ^ ^ \ .• FIREMEN'S HOSE CONTEST, BICYCLE RACES, RUNNING RACES; SACK, PW, TUB and WHEELBARROW RACES. . DR.6eO, W. MCPAVIT GOLD CROWNS A SPECIALTY. DR. R. O. VREELA.ND, ATHLETIC SPORTS. Monday, June 18th, DONT POROET THE PLACE. HOTJaB AND t O T P « i Onm, April Mth, 1898. DM. h m u um V s n u r a : , D i n 8ns:—I un so watt glassed with thi UM * oftheloMlAiiMibtiioiii hating teeth otruUil that yon b i n my paimiMiw to uss my naas say " » 7 you plaus as nisnaM. GRAND PARADE. GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS hu rmwTed hla nodal Pvhn to flu>>aonw 6*t* HIHMUM* jBWtbratore, «ndtafnpMi to do •11 Itou K lanal wot* k H M •j ~; India Dimities, Colored *X Painter «•* Decorator Printed Figured Swisses, Batiste Bril-* 1 Price, *x*j. AHI ouchIiio-l.\i;ii iaUof dsiis«4 if •]» t&e tat PECK « SACUE'S SHOWS, Circus, Museum, wild West • Exhibitions - -1 •< ' - . , • lantec Erench Sotincs, Drag do •Pampas, Pme Trench Organdies,*"s Domestic1 and Scotch Ginghams, j , lnsh Lawns, Cnmelln Otg(BidieB,Y',nincsc teba and ttaft"bflat ot BUUatya forShirred Ginghams, &epe CloihsAl Shirting Combrtcs andPercalesj*! Ho. 6, BEIOK BLOCK. " WALCPAPER , -1 .nuim, Dover. H.J. THE PRICES R O N FROM"*? 16 cts. to 40 cts. per yard, rf Aod O » t n a <* TBAIOTD BOSSSB. SENlJ FOR SAMPLES ' rUESDAY^ JUNE . 23,^1894; TIIB ONLY O B U L T BS OBST BBOW. Funeral Directors. J and Embalmers. ' * AH oalla rjqanaal lo 0 « nr >U l o u n ot O t W|at ' ^•^TrTiwg^swipwis^^ -" ' ' " PBBSOHAI. A Tan. Waddlntr. BOASO A w r p f v t t j Jimewedditij; took p Tbe Jane tneettng of the B«aH \rea held on U n . H . a Havene fi <p*adlng a week la v tha Pint ILAGuilrohwii Newark. aarndtiCblidraa^Pajr. Tha MnimliiiaC Tbare wart epeclal unrdaM both morning UM honw ot Hr. Frtnk & BCaokboBM at Wedneiday. All the membcra were pceasat 'Walter Knight and family are occupying Btuhotia OD WedMHU/ of Ihli weak at bi.h A oommunloatlon waa read trout CharlM thtohnnh wai a»nalhh(lhu neaollnlr and anning, the morning program being lionJej. their oottajB. newandadmlndbjmoitaUaB ttapnttleit "The rutun Cbnrcb,' which with a abort noon, « h « Iflai K1U O.HtaekhouHtudJoIu H. Rry, of Dover, ttating that ha had met Friday, June 15,1894. atO. Barer* fcai pnttfciiei a tudKma that blearer been In tha drarah. It wae a addnaabrtliauiBtor.raoiutlona and muiln BoddBulM wvifi BBlMd fa (OARiftC*, Tbawith an aootdeot at Ntnkle pond, owing to 8. 8. Berg-ant and family a n occupying oett (nan Joba Tone. oanuoBjr WM pnrfoim«4 by tha B«T. Mr, UU bone tooomlog fxlgbte&ed and beohfeg tbelr cottagemodal ohiircb, made of wood, JourMen Hat nuda a ptaaalnc aarnoa. Uorgui wUatfUd bj tbt Usr. Dr. SloddurJ, of over an osguarded wall, and hla bom aod President CUreland drew the line between Sotertd »t Iha Fust Onto at Uorar, H. J. Dootlorjelttelilf Hmeln Dorar on July wlda,twiln faathlni aodeiifct feat deep, Tha anbjeat t± the erentig exercuea capital mid labor. He U Raping hfa reward XTarybodyeome. — and oaa plaoel on a pb«ona that ran awoa "Onr tba Odda" and wii neat iblr oerrierl auoauuiin-., aad Mr. BiUr, c( Prlnwtca. Tfai wagon wen •erlcnialy Injured. Ue asked for The Kenmora Cottagt, tlw home of i, KDOX •S WSOl4-qUH Bitter. tfaa wbolafrOBtofUiadiaroh and w i l l U out, giwrt credit being due Kr. Btaifc end bridawaaatttnA la baupOlw $Uk, trimmed an l&reatigattaii to decide what damage. fhUiipa, of South Omase, If 09ea tor toe tbft•Ulna; u |«id In all Uia lataa awl atnoua t with Dut&MM tan UMI pearti. Ttaa were due blm. Befen-ed to CommltUe on ovartarohandndohUdtaa. TbbtfihurohiiaB Wist, auoi en iDUmit laadtr onlT laecani la Ink aiTAion at intent * XiOCCeVXl K T E T W a . w. wan Wx. D»TU MlMl, of Hew York, *ad H>, Dwooa J. H. Cramer tuu pret>mt«l H» fallKaeiwrBUiij•.««••>» baa been erv on the top a white do™, with lta wlnfa could be the neult of effort Tba ohuroh Cbarlt* Budd, of Bndd Lake, Hla Oartbat Tt« Finance and Audit Committee reported Cheeter Congregatlonsl Church with a »w apcead,mdrtofir. Blgkt aaoarHaratha m a tutaruUr daoornted with lowara, groan! olaUdiKotar/Pallid SUwkhonw, • iitwM of tht brldo, n i mold ol reodptt, Including, baiaaM from leit mnntlt wordi, "Tha Cniiroh ol the T«l«i»," and and potted planter Tbore were remarkr br lTin.PoJl.nl otpanmoMia fifmlmi ot tbanoxut att oolumnj, and at the top ol Hr. amltb, paator ot tbe rrebrterlin Cbnrcb. honor. U M briil* WH gl»sn «wav hj liar ot tlSfi6i.ll, dlabiiraemeiit. of H0,iM0.&5, bdl. Fbyilcal Initriuitor HertDan. of tbe MorWater Wllai a n out brotber, Fnuk XL HMckbouw, After the IMTlux a balance on band of (3,418.70. . tie Dorer poat ofnoe oa lOj Brat. thamareiniufone. Onlheilnt ooaantwo nuEgarTBRiAH onuacn rlieawn Y. H. O. A., h u been gnated % Bummer if bare to ataj. oenmaaj a mort bountiful mtdding break- reported bill, amoonling to ti.iW.S2, which month1! Tacatloa, nun. OiurliM booths the afllom D M ' I U I haartit oa tha Moood an two asw, with the Xrprgromi and bright, ernet June nowara fait WM nrv«d ny th» Honiitowa oaterw, Tto M M I X oloaadjant 101b, bj Ojab Burnett, on Bnan etrert. warn ordered paid. haaolgocroeied on the tUid an tag awonk, UUae Alice Hagan is TMting ^er abter, aranananM with can u d taete In tbaTbt HIT bride andEToom will take anexSlaokwell itreae la bab( Iiad up Eootowv poojto will duial wbeua* tbey npne»Uai "SooklBeformil" OMhe fourth Pnebrterian ehnrnh, awaking tbouf hta o( taadad toor In ti* South, and after their r * Tlie Court Home and Jail Commtttw re- Um Qeo. Heddea, la a ol^el^ wbl* ii "Chilackn Bqoalltrf on potiad In jail at lart report 25, fuknUled 41, Dr.LUiftberry.ot Prinoelon, U l , I* TltlVTba railing mill willrannut wnk will looonionto or net noits MMlar. nor end bringing tha mind and tear, turn will redd* In £ w v a The praeota ware dlBBharged 43, remaining S3. Alao reported tha OHh b a ekr, maenlaf " l o o n Paoplai" ; frlwda In Dover and Tlclolty. Htm laUm la Imunnina at lake Bopat. finanrati OMmoll* flo/al Araauun),' of •rlorauna and to nature1! Ood, and la bothiwitun»iaaiidoEa1tiy, About one buaAred btlli for oontmt exp«uca ttOa.80, wUch were iogE.old the I'lth it two tramyatt, oraead, whlih k J. Bchwaw and wife, ot Eftrt StroudiHorriabnvn, nowflumboraMJD maiDlian. worii wen present atttwcmnmoaj «nd iBc!ud»xl now "loipMw I^adara." Atlht halt of thaae the golden l u u U u , with Uia cbeorlng burn, Pa., ip-at Sunday with Mr. and Un. < AfooJdoote-TOoMpkknp a largepnooolonm>ara Ua worda, "Ohrlet,Oar IWn- andhrmni of pnlie praolalmlng thli k tha {oUowlng: H>. and Mrt. John D. Bodd, The Poor Houw OomtsIUee reported In L. D. Babwars, of Btueex ttrt*t, Mr, and Un, Dt.CU. Aldan, lir. apd Knu UslllawjrenddnniiUe mlat) la VadJaoa, dilioo." The <hanh wia painted t o n p n CtOef Enjtoear Vreelftnd'bi learning to ride Houae at but report 74, admitted 1, dla- • bicycle,ao *t to be abl*to gtieanexhibinomeolllil oonntrroadaualnnr/nid tant oarbU anl on aash tnd «l It kaa| a Uid 'Bring Oowen, brifbt Oowera to tba npuat U. B. Hauoer. .Mr, A. B, Oupv and wife, Ux, AU tba men at the earafaopa wara pat t HanrrQulmbj tod wife, Kr. J t S g tion on tbe Fourth, Knrarar, oasa with two Terr neat aingUeJ Urda, oooditlon oa aoocont ot the reoent ba tall time yrirardar. Thanwanalbe lo» of boonuata, and thar Tier lta nature* oOoruu;, thou- plioe la and wlfa. OharlM A.-fiaker and wife, John K. la OUldna't Horn* at tut report 88, ad- Robert Don!ap b u -w* PI uU Tribe, H( aim. About 910 dop ban nean raflewnd In Pipor, wltt aad famUr, Urs, Frtak E. Stack- mitted 8, diachtirged tiro, nnudnlug 60. Aba 1W, I. 0. K. M., an order for ona of bla beet waraanaoged aroanl .Ike ofaurck.ua Tarj there." OunkanthieraaanarriandagllD, A l OOIUB, Xn. ph*be A. Btaokbouw attd Hra, llorriatown eofar. n t t j pwrmtT. Tbe apaolei aiardaaa br the acbooli wara Ua«kctt, Haam, Jardloe u d lUtar, lir. tad r*|Kir(«IblIU tvaKnuUng to |1,21O.W. wtlcb eilk hftte for the TaX K n . nue, July 4. wen ordsMd pold. Hla. Nellie Hopler, of Baltimore, U ipeadTb'a Cue wttlnw will U U Hopalooni aad Uriog oa H t Bopa aranon bad itreral bald In tbe aftaruoon, aid ohonh and atoUn laat weak, In the momlm Bar, Pr. Oalkwaj preached henalwaaOIUdtr a large oocgngaUoi. J. J. Rbaw and the VLmn. Bl « l TufiphyilflUn rtported mti.tau? condJUon jt'fc ooapto ot weeki with her parenta in this 0 t k t i of tli* houw and UM gcuenl ho-Jth ot tU ID- plaoa. 'nieBalUera" wu the program nad, toA number of Indian nllca ara bainj foqad Taa Swell* lAtheram hire broken Vaster J«meaa. Kirk, of Roeendele, V. at the oomar of In Iha iflamyv toe aurohwa began with gather with reoUnuona, minio tbe prtntrr mala* w T « 7 good, *ad oae imih bid ooIn nod near Newton. V , ta Tkltuig blagrandpannta, Mr. and Hra. baptulagalilittlo oblMian bl ton Ear. Br. anrdaea "IJttl. Bnlld.rt,».to BkokwaU « d atonfr a m * . EllaB Hanoi, Pannle Boberta, ..._ _ , eurnd from old -fa, Tb. Odd Fillowe will n a n Inelr HeU day Ju. A. Qoodals. Oallewaj. Primarr dtpnrknenl tooknbarga. UUUa A. Wblta. HatUe E. Btacihoutt, Iiula Tha MlnelkDMtii Account Commlttoa ro 7 | Hr. aod Hra. Richard Cogaii are oxnipjlog at Aitmrj Part <w September 8. Tbelr flnrt aong wai ''Jiweb,11 racitatioa, by Hr. Wm. r, Soabo, Dial Ben. ot tba T A. Woodruff and Addle Baker ported bUla unoantlug to •1,933 83; which their new and attracav« cottage on tba like Water la belm pnl In Loenet BUI (lenwtarr aolpsld to Ua aatfre MtManHan tbnni|b two UHlo glrlamd lea bore, enUUed 'Tba H. 0, * , at Korrlttoan, gave a bright, tren onJUwtrf ptrid. abora, oa tha weatero bank of tha Btrar •feaafaar « Homo L. fiooltim. MIDDLEWEI3HTS UtUarolkaand theObiuobol tbaFuture," briitmidpncUaaladdreae, rlratug the at<orttekeneSt ot tba plot bolden. Paatb of Olark A, Wnvht. Lntiaoj Committee rtpartad quarterly visit Btjx. ' TO til. Uttl. children, 1 molt aolalMtia,»o SO,if. u d A. H , will aqcg, "A ehdUr In lie Tuna of. Btonn'," represent a full front, but we are showing rt Full line or seasonable clothing for midHr. Clark A. Wright, ol Uannin Vallar Forty-ma prlaanam wara eooflnal in tba Mr. David Cartwrtght and wife, a noted dle-weights imk Ifca antar«d •ppiaotioa dagra* opqu dtaUan, bj (nor glrlii ihiglnl,"LM Vi dlmoolt Ihlng to do on n hot ifttrooon, nnl died al bla bomi laat Irldir rrornlng at 1J to the State Ho-plUl *od all )om-t« found nUUeiiatra and all weights as well, at prices too small to need any anti-fat proof BoaaviUa, axe tbe gueataor Connlr Jell during tea nuntb of May. In 4u ooratortabU aondltloii *• poedbte. TltarQ hoUlog lta Indlrldai atlautlon ot bla beaiara. cess. Weight and form offer no difficulties that we can't meet with a suit cut two nmffliiilaipol ffaliiaMa l Crown Htm," ndtatfeo, "Okwj of s OUli,' o'clock He bad long been a niffanr from are 07 female, and i$ tnalaa tban u wvnty Ber, Vf, B. GaJUway, D. D., putor of tbe Kr and Un. J a P a t U m of Waaalar " dTaglrla. Taanllar.Sr. DilUenTmade Kr Hoehn la a moat graoafol, oarnaet apeak- drapepua nud about aDoontbefcobeiraaat. p»Uaot«. rbeqaartetlr tUlof thtUotptul, Pint H E- Ohurob of DoTer, Hr. Cart-away to the figure and measure for measure. You'll smile at your shape and you Uo, intnt rjunoej wlln I. P. Molar at Bun H a Danv Bad l t a an allll • r i s d o v t a l n t o d o i g m t work ia.i greet won t want lo change it, either, when attired in one of our very handsome mits, wilgbt aod fatally wUlvtert oa June 80 for tacUd with n complication ot diaeaaa. narjoantgrarnarka andtbaaBlHOlwaaalaamoDntlng to 14,700.81, wu pre«ntad_ tmd bopa V which are made in all the current and correct styles. Nine is the highest figure enoagkhamaj be ken,on tba ITnirln of mleeea aflar banadlntian b» tha Bar. Bobart IBM, an extend™ trip in Europe. Dropar wai tba direct OWM of death Ur. ordmdpald. ' Tn* price of milk In eome point* of fiaaaea* IsrltaUona are out for tbt wadding of HIM and means "way up;" that describes the material, style and fit of our clothing'. Jmklia. TUa deparwneat baa on lie roll 1 » Hr. Oagrge B. Voorhaeo, a weU known Wright w u bora In Handera, Ibia oouotr, bUla to tbo amount of *1,1W.TO Elsie Bay. daughter of Hr.'and Hn. Wm. Our name is "Mountain and Valley," that is, High Clothing and Low Figures. baa bean redacea to ana ana tkna-qurlar Okrittlan worker, ilao ol HonMown, apoki ouJnnaStb, 18*). Wbea Ib. civil wir br ke B% parade, etbletle aport. aad rondag old ebndren and whaa Iha/aat nnlne platfgriii H. Peer, of Donvllla. to Hr. Edwin Clareooa cats, ' ' M children Yerrlntamtlogiy. Hr Voor- out ha tainted lo Companr A, llirrli Uibt wcr« kiio cnUnd paid. tlma,antk aaftnar aloaa Mowi now to It mad. aipranj aafchl a i a n j aje would Tbt htidft . t HUlltwbui.lD pM-#Jc,liad Saunter, of Jeraay City, at the rt*Idenoe of the haee lire time eapwi.no* la Sabbath Tbie ie toe k'nd of weather / o o ' n baan Irr, of New York B l aerrad until 18|W tea ooabMtod f or—lloirli Coonty1! ihu« brlde'e parental at 7 o'clock on Wedaeaday •.onlkaroarln. Coma along and bring wkhtolookon. aohool work and rentirki br blm oould ba kloitol (or, Bow don't kick bomrjai Ira1™ i be waat badlr woaoded eod raaolred la Ibe evening th. progranune waa pre- nothing but antertalnbig and halplul. evening, June 20th. belug kbout (U3.60, wbicli wa. cnlwed n t lot It honorable dutbarp. H« dranaeinall paa- nlda. Among tbe Hewarkere regtetored at the Tba T . V. B. 0, *. of tba Flnt treaty. pared br Bar. a B P«ar, U.D, t U B . It Cnatlat H CaufterHla, ot Soles'! runt, Inrlu Carina:, rfKnrrMown. will nave an orjnaMtdotBirlplnral reading br tnapaaUr Hr B D Martin, rtacentor In the Tint aton. After ba nooremd from tla wound* be Alto uked for oommlttet) on bridge at Mount Arlington Hotel la*t weak were H. a PraabiterianCbnnhataloiTMoni, kladl; tooli up farming for a abort ttma but flndhig Btaea, B. 8. Sargouit, 8 . S. Bargnnt Hr. baa been" ippolnted Slate Steamboat In- enarltoa to lake Honatooa* on luaadef, andaohool and apaaobea. Tba drat wai an •Idadla aiaklng tbe airroleae plraaingauo hla baallb woiM not etand it n. *old bb (arm FlaaMaat FliUiuto ooat about «t)M. O l d u u - Lydeoker, Q. Clifford SoUea anl H, Volkao' •patter. lawoduoloar a/tdreae br Ohirlai • . CkrjMl, prodtiblabr raodtrlag a Total aolo. Hr, mittM appointed. berg, The nuaftstr. Freak ScbaSer, aiwaya engaged tn mining and proapeotliig fur In wblob ba tboaed Ital Ua rowntvaopkan "" TUa ntmaafa and rTeloona people era la an enapHonallr Ini Tooaliet ore In the mountliju of Horrli and Buiaex Ua bridfa at BnUar, ooat 11,000, Cook, haa a hearty walecma for hla Newark frtenda. . . I d twUad rope, tbe ara. Than oune talUaiot bailni Ua two fawns Inoorpar- handiwork nf Wo. Hillnao, la oa ezUUtion to ba Ike otoroh ol the tatara. k a ran thing to near. Hr. WJI ooustlH for the Glendon aod Tbomaa Iron Bmltlt, Qrlmef, HIDadfa, edmmlttn. • htba Bathaaan, ourylng a atar wllk the An Xxplanatlon. ited Oa bridge at Hootvllle, coat 91,300, UU1B Salmon aleo randeml a aokj ffitb Oompanie* ootil about tan reara ago wben be In the window ul 0. U. BenaaU'e newi alora woroV'ChriallrLorr,''which weaphoadon The UbertyAthUtla Club, of Btekaway ohomtbrtbaoholr. Tna biook m m ] attuona at Kut Donr and eoluod oa Btbookja Hounialn, He wia • ^e.OrlujM.Co-J.. Oa brWgM io Morrla O'owtuUp, Malley, ipectod to glre a good exhibition of ball Canter JUBCUOU a n rapldlj aaarlnf torn- Tnanwmbenotllaaohu Book and tad- a ot the adnnma ol Ike oharob, attar wUr* ThaoSarlnga were (or the eitonalon ol meabar ct the Qnnd Armr roat at BasketU a made eome ramarkt inramaoHonwith II. Biasing lut Biturdaff. They adnrtiMd Vbat which turned out with tbe German Giirnai, Kutahw. Lorn and Gonthu. dar Oo,, of MorrWowa, ban ileoUed lo take maaaarar and Ifomtjoj bad thenait abv, Babbath asbool work In oir own broad Uod, town, dab oompoeed of playare from tha eld r On bride- betwean BBOOMUOIW and Irani*, il]ar Foat to per their hut tribe of nepvt Mreral nlaaUa ; hu h u pahoned pah : • on Ike Mb Ua*, Tbev wlUto with word. "Aonialre Work." aUtalbart a uioet needful object HetrspoUtaoa would «on.e to Bocbawey. on at hla funeral whlob w u bald at rTaUfhrlgbt ooat |2W, QillTO. CtnUsle tod OuDttw. l l balontliw tto William Cuban, of •If pranntei the etar wltb wort. "Booul gtate Teaober'a AaaoolaUon On brldga Dear Berkshire, ooit #600, old that day, and » number of people turned cut on htondar. Be leave* a wife and bra chilUiakMaa OraTaar-old oau|ktar ol Tboa. Reform.,"in which aewant on toWlkoato see tha game. Toe borne team and tha Tna fortieth annul mealing ol tha State tommitte*. All U» ojtoeriot tba BlatlBoenlMl U FlW<araU;olatiallaoa,aUaaiptaatooroaiU>i nformi ooold ba brooinl about Mkaat Teacher! Aaeo-jatioa will bo bsld In Bduoe- dren, eerm eoni and three dioghuratomonrn The Mmmlttea on Bwgen atmet, Dorer, people were botn disappointed. Tha follow* Horrti Plain and Trenton were reajniotaled Oaoaaabaad of a amla kat Mdar m o d a l . Mtjer lad Pool preeeoted Iha atar with Ike UooalBall,Aehirr?irk, un Hoalij, ;ulj nportcd that the otwmlttee reoouawnded log loiter will explaia Itself: Baa ma atnok br tka anHaa and kUlad. an Wadncaiv. word! •'Chrletlau EquaUtr." attar. King, ih rolioainalatlienroirami de^lnga, and a napwted UMntiar of Uiaan Iron bridge with two SOfeet roadtrajs and ' Hivr TOHK, June 11,13H. Lultorm Cborct, u( Garmtn Valbr/. Tba tit-oSfMti kldewttlki, at a ooat of 11,000 for Mr. A.B. Dououry. S.H.Bamrll(ob(to naodal kk kouat JDalrrmnla,n>Ior aadDlckenon pnaaual Tin i r n u o o R wuioir fruura] eermoo wai preached br Bar. W, H the iron work, lbs Ud of tbe Canton Iron DEAB SIB—I truet that yon will kindly Btbool, at Honwtown, wera bald oa k i t oatKmkalnataad put In all modem Im- two elan alth worda "Voung raonle"and aoO.Prajw.lliuJo, TneMeofa Addraee, ».lp, wbo took bieteit from tke WU> Pealm, Bridge Oo., aod tba rawou wort would coat OTerlook Jbe faat of tbe Met* not oomlngoD Tweler munlnf pronaiaaM. I. J. Tnalaad baa taa ooo- "InapWag Isadora." AllollaaeaelarBw«e Appointment ol Commltteee. . pkoal on tha oolnonaof tba oburob and alter Hr. UeoneE Vaoraata, J r , ol Mono- traotind Ol Bottfckar, of Bawark k tbaalnitng and tha Uklag or of tka otUeotk* 0 JO, Report ol Committal on Educational lSth rerae; "Bo teach ua to aumbrr our about #800, The amount, wtr* ordered Mt Saturday, for I aaanre you U wai no fault ot oar* that wa mar tPPlr our haute onto wu ride. l Wa were all at tba depot tod about to town, who ipent tba wlntar la CiUfbrala, media*, Iktaervloea wara Jlemkaed b j the Baaadlo- Pn«rrew,brChalnnuNlohoeuHurrr Bnt•fhe Milton brUce bad beau ooatnoted tor take the trmlo, wbtn the naoagfr of the IkaCUldniiofllairwUl bold a ebawler, Fh. D . , Dlisoaaloa npon we aboro rebu returned boma. —the Iron work f8W, btdde tlw mawa work. £nglewood FhId Club appeared and offend port. Join B. Olbeoa, of- Newark, arldraajan a arrjaodlta creaaitaaHfal In u . HVj"a "And the Bind Flared." were varr huge three ol my nua (80 to play with hta team maating in Newton laet niratoa tneMbJar* aaw ball, Dorer, to-aKtraw—Bahirdar— aUUr.tndaajaaUlrlalkaannUc. Than S15, Addnae-''Barna Social Factor. In Tba open nlr'ooncart (tbo Urat ot tbe eea- Mr. Ualltr offered a mohitlaa that tht> agalut tba Orange A. 0. Ae I had no means aranlaf Oood ranalg will be turakkad:ior AmarirnnUuciUon.'Prof B A. BJnidali, •on) wae given but ToaadarereBioaj on tba Comml.teaonro-dJ be anthorlced to Mcure of town wmar-w9raa A wore anaibaniotpeople wko ooudnotgatiB aUcblganUalTanUr. ot holding Vht playen. they aecaptad, of lot adjoining the Elliott aatateand Dr.Cooki Borne Ne«erk.r*ee<*ii»ilOI«e» at Qre«tkaobnnkitall. Mum, Thla left me with ala: pUyen, and Sao,naportoftbaOonuiiiHMoa Keorolo- raallanoe, propartr OWUHI br H Ifuneon roada ai follows; randhi."O»k»»llliira a wood lake one dirlutwaak. Among them union unman. atUm to I4orrii0wo, Morrlitown to Un mlputw to oatbb tbe train. ,loouldba*e gr, far Chalrmao Bav P. R. Brace. taal la Heat aaw hall, Bearing. A Urge 10 a U bind *tand waa waa a tin-pound beaa. OUIdnni Dar m a obetrtad In Qraoe 4 00, Baaloaaa; ' Karorta of Ofnoere, Ragot three men bur enoogb, but, aa I told yen HtDdbUn, Uend&am to Cheitor, Cheater to Oanan VaJUj.oa tao eraahtj of tha »Ut aracted and a flttj oandle powet light made ~ ld aaod JOU a Brat elaaa team, I thought Cloearri of donr hong in a man and kit kat. UamaaVaUajpaoplawUlba waU n- Ckt rth oa Sandar. Thepaetorgma *er/ portigtCctnnittaaa Slaollon d Onoara. Hackaltatown. . night g i n wajtot.lllgbt lataraattagaddiwnloth. Joung peopla and , to orr, will claw a none, ol alee oaleker tana noklltraoJaw, VuDoreni. MU1 to Horrlstown, MorrlV it better not to oomeet all than Impoaenpon nvajriNQ a And theoobaart « u eiBellant, and tba Bo- town to Bookaway, Roekaway to D o w , « U a . • - , onlUranolntrnxnuit. Tka aatrnmtnt of any amount of Aj paper ' 8^0, ioirea-"CltjB«fcool BraVtmi," b j , i, baadaoM allnr oan trfama and liarl haptanforlalanwwvaJaunlntararl at tat lerprfao Hand la a endlt to Dover, making Dover lo Woodport. Nothing Uke that oan occur again, u I Tie firm a! Wm Ti>lor £ Son, carpenter, wllk|iildkwSbe(I>aaldtaawiBaerot the JoaaaA.B, Dnper. Ibadtrtbapoaeannruf twobanda taat are Dover to SUntop*. Btanbope to H.cketta- hare the following team compoasd of old and bulUen, of Horrktowa, baa aeon db- aoea noe oa tea Tnuth.: It hvnoir m tsU- opnuacytaaBabbaaa aokod la tka alter >«0, Baporl of Onuimlttaa on Baume. bandt, nnd of muafc too Tba program oon noon. Taa erasing aarrloae wara ooadnotad aoe n e oa t a n u . : vn Met* under contract, and will be able now to >rm. • ' ': '. i b Taa OoaooU al Bducilion will bold lie auudated ot twilva ohaln aelasUom-gatta In ~ ~ BEkoolMwkltktUnttht proUdon Im XXajowa wtatow and will ba tiowo Korrlitown to WhJpptny, Wbtppany to ktep all en|eceiaenti; ihuneBlvar-to which w u added two olb.n, Rothfuai, c; Bnyder.p; Baker, lb; Jack jomhoftatwupjra" waa rra- Jtaw Jaraar, (or tbe drat time in more than (or good maaaara, bnddea two euloa, ooa br Troy. ' • - ' . , / , • |a»H fanUdot atoca In tba Isrkar aaildderal Arnodtl obnrohhad bain knUt'aad iwaatrrean, lo honored by baring the Jfe- ipedalrequnt (Sweat Haria)ltd cm anenMorrliPI.lu. to Faralppaiir, Panlppanr ayee.ebiJ'ackNeliOD, • ; Al. NloboIa.Sb; liil In tkat plaoa lost waak. Ton O'Rwka, U; Peter Baker, cf;Paa1»r, placed lo U»nr«aa behind Ike pulpit, bearto Booatoo, Boootoa to M«iDUia Vkw, tlcaal Aanolation to meet within Ua borden. rara Annla I^nria k prad oil erlth <>JohnlegaL . . „** not lega Tna OwuBaooatnant Marolm ol Urn BojfaT rf i Bfterbrook. extra. The Wlard Bulky Hay Bake, U aa ing Iha lajorteHoi, "Tea Cbnnk ol tkaIn rlaw ottlla hot, tka BnooUra Oommlt- nl. go get roar gun, eboot," br Signer Sd Mountain View to Pompun. [It to taa rMoaa pneUoa, Bltb Bokool frill bo bald la Hot Bofcor O|iom Klidly let nw btejrfromyou,—Tour* truly, Beat Bake oa the Market. p, ••Chrktour Foundation' taa o( Ika He w Jarear Btata Taaaher'e Amcol ward lUaaldl, tbo celebrated olarionetul of A U pnned In a oonit of JaafcKa Future" at Ibe top, Boun » s t TtUmj anwlo|. -. H. CuiTia 'npraaaatina atloa, deoUol to hold Ibe annual Btata neat- New York Tbt adorta of tba Bigaor and of laga to Whli« Bridge. Spring Tooth Cultivator*. , aad tba p althabaae, onatifanailt war konaof the Bumrnar kokl-kaapm wko prvj> «t all hara liadlwnttrOnen VUIaie. Green Vlllefe Iha d Iterant eaaraolara of the proems on Ing at Aitmrr Vert, OM da] p m l o u to the Iha otbar monoleni were epplandad fra Syraoow Cultivators, $4 26. WOaUaT anpirBArjw, I V MBW bM> pnytai (o> • -warm aoaC » d UXr late Gas. Jadaoa CUnttrlot; and nmana to the enpjHrtlof eolatane. , mealing ol tbe Nitlonil AaadaUoo, thenbr quaatlr. The etraata wlra throsrad wllb to New Vernoa. that Ike pnpnrtr of dan. • Bkaawall" Jaok. Screen Doom Complete, $LOO. • • n u n . < j l l l eoa,«Moa nwaaarlel dej, on atena a a i • Tkeokirok wai biaaUhUr darmtad ajilk glfrngtotketaaobiraolNev Jaraar oppor- paopla who wiibed lo enjor a trait, hi which Moqiitaln joadtoMeirVernon, N#w V«rLightning Ice Cream Freeze™, $L45 up. Taanumeleoniaatloa ol tie Mate lire- Madlaoa, wkera kakad baaa qaartand for a rlowanaadleraailrlaf >ta luellrioittmdUiaia^oneot both aanola tier wera not dleappDiatal. Thai the dtl- DOUtoEulobWa wtriier. Kutdi«> oorper to Crdef Inettoa Baaatay'a o&i&len Seta a t V Lawn Mowers, 93.35; all Blzei. mat. • , fwuaftloValler. .' moo'. Aanciallon will be bald i t AUaaao oaaiaua. of Dorar and vlclnitj anjor good mnalo Dot AboUah it nt Bahool Xaetlnm. Finhing Tackle, Boat Oars and Hammocks. Citr on rMptambar 8Q and 87. Threanew Bnhrdnate.oaneatad to a new Theaieranwiooaahwjd of aiaflol, raau- TaaaondillonoKba Aaaodiuoo. nnanim WM provan b j the itvmduo. loon thto LoDcHlUroad to Chat-am, Crow Roada Remington Blorolea, 86 1-2 lbs., $135.00. to Valley Ilotd. Tha Kr. Cetefaot Hnrrlatown, Booatoi, aU-baoh water aawa, ban haaa eraetad and lloaa.anddlalo.im. Thoa who took part hjeaahthet tha unal maabanblp (ea wlU Tbareowtdediloa of Chief Jutioe BeuFaaaaioVallajroad. . - ' lej In Uia Bergeu coont/ nad oaa, tint Zfewton end Hover will aot at Jedgae at aba wen nkvMlaaairlot kat weak pr IkeMor- uthaaaarakaparforaaad their parti with aotbaeobollod tbkrair. At the eame ttma Galen' Safety, $70.00 ' MorrlftowB to Mount Pmdoni, Ifetidbam rletowa Aoarfad CoBnurlatke rWnltr of arat4oaUttolh»analteaaanwapeUe>a, lo ItlmrgtcupoaUietaeoheraor tka Bute to Soonton ra. port Oram. nan hare no right to rota in Haw Jaraer, ranta In inner on tba Swank. thaemadcUoaofallpraBat. enroll tnonealree ea mamheni of the national On Saturday Laai the Boootun AthlaUaa to Dover,. Cneeter to Fwpack, • BUmuAtnaantfaoriUailnaTenl ichool Boys' Safety, Pneumatic Tire, $26,00. Aooordlng u a droWonof Ctlal Aellce Ike ah. of lea naentan w>lok.4iatnjad<ke We mait not fall to note tha laanrarwawnra Otrmu VeJlej to Mt Arlliifton. Aaueialian, and Iberabr ikow their ippnol tlataadwhskaBolal ekklea < mat the Fort Onm Club on Uu latUr'i in wUch bo»«a hara bam napd br Iietilai.i>cinfiianinttanUllaito vote aval : . -AT— htAObuKhaadr^araowaK, Taapaelor atloa d b n h g In Sew tear the marUiag ol ground Inf-returo eaotect baa. UU. 1'grt lladtaon to RamTer, "WWppamy to Hta- .ithurltj ol aiitrlst nuatlon at wblcb (or ickool trnakala New Jener of the ronag man k m »n*ed and IhUgreuorgulaiUoo. Onmbattbtlr flrat gam* to IJoonton by a over, Fkratppuy to Floe Brook, RocUway women rotri. Blat. Bohool Supariataiilant TViHorrlanaUraubdehaMlhatrocteooVMtbegroaiioa aorroaadlni aha ebuob clow ttcce-» to &-i&d felt Uke aranlng to HltMntle^ requnock V-llej roadi. Folanrt raaBlred a r u a l nqlMata for infortjn tUittdn^kataavbnwag gHaantel T, at. 0. A. HCTBg. k gl b i lawn. Other topre™. nattere with them, aad .they did., It waa m Tlw map* to be presented at the p n t mwt- mation U lo tba iSiot Ik. rkdaion would anarbaarreral . ^ Tiara waa ao hoi'eiimaUiia. laal atandal, well-i-taj*. game, eacti aide doti« Bnt^ctaw ll rlatown,« tialaraav, br a man nt 5 to 4. bireoamohbonaa. .Tneaa were, referred to ooaatT,bn« tka aalr oaawa kaow wo,uHe menk a n toon to follow. r ^xWrgatarpean now ba augkt la nrloia acateaa wnhlUawerld aad lehnohnrrr , Kk»er7gtaui,h«tothai»oi4iot Oraoa or WUI there ba antU September ^ Tkl work, 1HJ, at Pauraoo/ oebupied tha box Ur, X^eaaekadwhat wonld be th« effect Attomer-Gtnera] Btooktoa, wbo on Wcdnea. Oanatokaoa that Ifcar ban eo aaaHlaH mart meeting waa beM la our taUdloglatt lor Boootoo u d did vary well, but tba hlta upon tteapttUoattoiii More Uw Board, and d r asbmllfad an opinion in wnloh ha boldt • ganex ooontj etreemi. tat tbelr Introdaa. ekanalt. , St u b d what Mr, HoLean tfcouibt of i t That tluttbi Chief Jaatue'l opinion oanant be Ajoaac eokael boratoto ableraWrrom npnatoraaMr fraauanrari-nttoatran as- Saadar. after abeaaoeof foar mootaa, aal U A I \ ^ O d k f paalor Int in n n e e t daapitatbaaieiindiraadtkieitncklldnn'a trlok and luan did tjba •wlrllng for Fort geDUenwi eaOd that all that FequaDiiMk ilerpntad to dear woman tbe rltbl to rot. i .- otharlali. theerilar d Wlimm Cugklani rwia-oe, In calkntnriankaraad I dar eaaroaaa, tba room, wan ailed wltb ana pnini, and boU did wall, OoaooUeiaiht " Hhlp wanted waa to bar* the road torthetame ot'eAooL'noada and on otcar la aflra-biiiliw(uaa at Morria FUaj kal Horriatown, one narht lajl weak.' Ha wia and noalva 'worfter la ararrtdepartojant of to hear Kev. A. M Bar' ~ ~ Barrhj, of Fort 0mm, two nke fUn In right, And Glaeim at abort built and If t u t wu done tber were Mtiafled. quaniou oataide oftbialcctionof omoara. EUmdailballtaoMaltaaaiwIpadthaaiitb armtedlaatlMaar ak>t. Tkawkeek waa akinh work. Ba k, thnrarh kk araln wko dalltand a tailing Ilingaddtan M l a X t u played a. atiff geme. Il wae a wj quiet gune Kr. ICoOtt* aln auke faToriblj In tbe nwt- Haaagrail»tli.t it la tinatloaabli 11 tne mtb l l o Ftatwood kaat.tl Raw Tork, foewa trader hie balaad dKflreat pkoaj d work.hk warn frtadeUp, and hk axial gearing aaag "BeenlUol Had of Bealih' and tha cnxkmwi* l o ' m tliew two ttama ler Countellor Quayle aaictd If th* petl- offloerailactadationoolnKetlnta are within manaan, faat tananag wry pepa'ar, not tn. owsraa wan aeonaal In the nan In Sia»10 oalr with hkoaapnpea bat wllk tkom out- end otker aalaoikaw In bar naaal good war tarn agaja, pallowiac tt tba.aoow byto- tionen would agree to atop prooeedlnfa If tbe clan ooaumplatad b j ibe ooaalltatioiial . ,• n>rawmbabnaaUa(latta Una aMk wblrkka worked.' . the Board wouU take actioo :nnder tbe L i okanh. Tto eoagngalloaa h a , . The T. a\ 0. A. Ornhaatn (nrnlitad tke l proTWonquoladbr. tie Chin Jarttoe. The cdUCbiiriaiii>it8abbalk,atlOJIlA Kaad n r a t H . S aarwk^Praaoktag nest Son. tendoobkdui fmleqtlU.UQliiu.eaId.that th* peopl, latter dtaa not io espreai tsrma mj that inab. dar nioralag and anaanf, brake putor, of Fnqnaniook wontd'. agree If work wai woman euuotTole at ejupl nmtiap, and HaalleuafoetlngbiAiUraOpanHouei S 0 0 1 1 0 6 Dr.anlkmr, Brmlngantti Ion. 5-27, anM&oed to a n u o u b U time, to rtop pro1 3 1 8 0 x-B m t 3anlar,itrour oUock. SovarBand, tie Attan»;.aeneral bolda that nader 4be Maaiewrallr Uteatmtad, tneerlad aad fol- (batng of hk lawianT wortT cwdlnii cow pwdlng. Hr. :Qiu 7 le. ex- oonaUttitioul anlhorinitlon to tne LajlakUmpIr-.-tPUrtrlow.* br abort, IkoroagUr pniauad ne- Oood aerrtoa nan Bandar. All ara nil Y. U D . A. Orcneamaul other mnUc A Uudthtopantioui rf toe law, a o i tbetura to provide for the "menaKenient nad dlqaltkar on tie Horrk aad trealapaatar, Rev. A. Pfloiul.olKawTort, Tbnaof lam*. 1 boar end 40 mloutea draraaa,#o he IVlrffred b j WilUaai Oarard Tka Port Onuo Hcb play th.o Uorrlf pj-ic- cthod o f [dfocoodare..'• '.';.'••- " •" «.. b.« app p l . u a aoarlah will ba prajant Bar WllUan Bbawgar will aupportof b n pibllo aiboola," end to pro. Ilav Mr Putaan,inoHd~Btptkt dlrlne. p Mtu Jutw £3, M AforrH FlaliiB; WtUltlngtan. Uoobatjialajol - . ' .-• Lodga Ho. US, Enigkaot Pjlalea,o< D n w . wlIhiUailonBwTknalathaarax K, E. irtu.l|MU, VOQ oughtto*gor Form«»w\lr. FiiM 80, Alerl^ of rbllUiiibuv, at Fort Tb. roll w u oatttd and All the memben Tide for "tbe malstanuoeind rapport of n T^tediDfaroToftbireeuliitloa. . • Uoroaih and effident ajitam of tree pnblio h 4 B U '< ^ 4Bar. Potoan, ot Ifwr York, wDl bold will mart* In a fcodr toGneeM. E CbunJ, h.ir4,Bnmarnai>Uji. [nil 4, and R o e k m j Jaly T. Xaem. Smith aod Cock ware added to tie ecbcola," tke Lefldatira rai the powerto WairalndtlitadtotkaBnbbatn Sckool ol ''PcnWpkitkManoald "Union aartlooa lo (bo Prabtri C bvnanlaa. taaa Mtk,andl>nen to VonlngaiblMi g p »M toad Oommlttee. • . . • -.' • . . ' . astairrla woman to TOtant eofcool DaUlnff. ihaFtaabTlerlanChurahror85 old and a r l l C ritk C d " , Bandar momlog,aad In Ike Once at. M, Bbr BtT.W.H Trnmbowar, putor rlalanillne Clriatka CondaM." tlowai Stadaata at Xawaik. enl new booka lor Ubrnrj of our tailor DaTlMaaUiroftUolerkof tlw Orand Jutj -Bun.' Clank. Sordaj nanjnw, Bun' V lacktrga. A»brothenolanaerloagi»ara We JU-a rabeired a pragram of tba aradu- wtw fncrwurxl tmtn 1100to«ICO per je»r on nent. Tbankel r-*Hanr Inpnmnwnta ban beaa ande.tUi eardlaBr Inrttrf to attend Heat at Boratb« nerokmof tbalfew Janey Hualflara tDOtJonofHr.lUller. * KlokMl About ODlti Tw. tUi eprlng at tba ttoaat ArUaglaa Howl rjM^rJallatlOi at. Tna PneVrMien Oharoh naraf looted . KauroM nab ooamnMonar. Ooll»g«,of Hew»wk,-waWi takw plaoa thU Aj will be MAS, the roada nwnttoMd oom- WlwaltyMr-oU'Jnuan K m n v w o i i t o - Kadlag, wtonaaniiUonkMbaaa bnilt and »tana of brnne from »«mnock Tlioa, prettier than It dU va Boadajlaet; tUnm -FOBAank W a n , tUb Oommhaioner—All Ind t ttFridktaiChht prlw tb* prlndpal amngbfa-ea of. the bit horn*, oa' Sprloi •favet, HoniitowD. for nwbeUlathwereeUea. IapUO,BIL, look tha trail (or Hotkawar, u d wild aad cnltamd Oowara ailed the (real qatrlMlnregerd to tltnaandUudotllahlng Newark Tb* program la an iDtareatliit me, cguntf, wllh nooMBvy Croem roadi', about L8Q tapper lut Bkturdtr night hit •tfpmotlwr B. I. Srnnt, ol Ornkre O n n aufkt a ab Thnndar aajkl, wleia Ihej patWpalad In tka of mackarea, not kkHng, bat taming In a cheariittyaaawowl". Thk k law noad'we but tb«inoBtinl««iiii>ti part ts DoT*rpwpla tnllMlnalL Itli eaUmited that the roadi•sve blm Koap of oold Um. H . protMtad pmnJ,lera«M«wl ana. la (tonga, pond Meal IK of a aaw tribe. Vrampu wea of pMnra ul haantr-the palptt. Dr. Ballo- aw oa a i l bulletin hoard kit Saturday at (uvtlwnaiMiof tlw -efcolan trom thla MO u d uvnMd b«r in, SU wtMd U o , Mt4 ftfM than, and tha Hot K a a ma oh- waranoke to a krg.andkajo oa Wetneahjr iranla*. I I w e a t l K M n rkeD,L:atW.O>|»t On inquiring of Nal- tiao,wtw wilt gradnaU from the different mile. ter poanUnc him on ttebMd irtlh • rton* ^TAianoteof the taut and Ike ao- lng,flntglelag*ll?a>auaalt • blaaglk. He aad Un hart. ., , , aaa and Bopler, II wea foaarl that Mr; Peten dvrputBuat*. They evt w follow-: School IUtw,fl&a(Jud tbfjob br ttmwlaf mb*rj ahlldrwion''Ohadian<n,i>aadineaoaat>> tke had hem ippolntad Flab Cnmmiaalnmr ae a uC BDSIIMM, millatn J. Bamtt, Ulu» HUI, dlA •* him, ,Ht»r aim w«tro«>. Thspltwo Ikornta r. JoUaon, tka D m ail HI I At Hialllok Lodgeeihhaontke "Th.Qhildraarnblaaa," (roei reward for hla (allhtol "nrloa In keeping Rc«oc4c<Blwitlian^ iflMKUiabatti A Ur»i ol erockwjr trtmok tlw boy Inttw>tm» u d > culler, hae Jnv) arntod n aandaoaaa lattagi Mr. xnA Hra. John K. Roidon eabbratei. tbatextFroT.SaA. Si tka alkrraoon a apenamraant ol Sena •ranwa on ana tajaUr maaHa.B»nkinl k L t C h u * wOltrta oUlearrkuwiaMdW aba Bandar BobooL panda poawd a to whan to Ikh u d who U Dover, and Mia Mimta Oibome, ot Port tbelr tin wedding by anUrteiiilng frlenda and brokf* 1O M of ttMrteurpptaioflai tMavriy MVeindj ala»onBaadar.JaaaNtkb>w. Anaubar i\finattwei(>ad AdtftOMd Tfaeory, Him nletlraa •> their home. Among tboee preer Uistor !&oM from Ua taoe. Hdthbon ware weal Ming. To tart thaaaw cieamkaloaar'a pU o( J. IL DaaTaqb alt ML Inatnav bo ~ a f f n . a i anakaaha<aheaa hnltet tapar- Tka ilbnnl aaarlr tllai tan hod>otlhi _jiell DUar, Do»^(8!iortt-iadTlieory, ant-were Hr. Jarnm 8treh»n, from Albany. ftttnatM to tha boom by tha eriet of tti* IXJJ kaowkdge of fnhlog and Iha kwa ralaling Mara-Fardoata-llaTorlMttk and Hr. ebiroa.wklaparaaaiana' frkwaa SAME AS THIS OUT K SIBIPE8 at pnadthe tiaNto, Bekan aikad him whan tka law aaa Oacu Fear. Utneff. A.nu*ber ot l)3Twboy» Mid lntwfend. 8om«on« mat for • police aftanlUUat- 1 aiiaaal Taa»ar.mr.Al«laaon,i(oniiar galkriaa. Tbaenrcbaa oranknedog Mnglag off munnrohaba. and If'tbara-waa anr and tiria iMre imdaAted from thfaachoo], K.T.iMi-iB, Wallaoe, Newark, N. J.; UUa num ind ottwn mauDOiwd Dr. Clottorbnok, ' , OUUo, daaUaralebai BUen £ . HUee, H I N PhcBba B. Baniford, Vttit, raceallr epnt a dajwIttBai. W. a or, baa baa anMea to preach tha b*j and raajkawira raUlnv. Harkn BWarrh, m» <n rad-leggadUnd tnrliao, end ha ooojd wbo wwad yoani Ifurrv'a DOM Uok lo 1 Hr.tudMra. W.H.LItell.Hr.aod Hra. K. Otlknr.atatofotwainntll.E.Ohnck, not tail without looking la kk book,: Hopler AKD DOTS, TtTXEDO BLAZER Hatton, Hr. r d H t t H . Berry, Hr, HUon, pl*e*; Ai Mxn u U n , Hnrrv lwurd tha r.Tha law yori aataorttiae an altar Ike addraae wea br efr B. 9 . Gaga, ani wai on* waaaoiurorwad thai na navir lelLotf hit Muw Hinnle Bdwardt, Hr. anil MM. Robert poJlm oornlag Am rmn Into her iMdroom u d >a»dj ran wbo adl ttandj okoaolole Grope Thar dote onekaHe, and onoWrolldlM ttUdre*. A nrxdaUght. akalr. W h a aakad what tha Iroahk waj, he HUad Their S K I , Gordon, Hr. ami Hra, Ksvedft Ooaivw. Hra. • tteokoolcklkML InonapnaadciClkaaMni n uaafuntarptk-faoad, folpinoflteaerik»wiitaabintl«nornt. aMaatawajhtthe^.naw aoattnhaWier ought p y two huidaoma ipanlel OoNwW,Hra.Oonlon>Diother; Hr. aad Hra.' JACKET, WITH FULL SLEEVES, - 'omplalaaol el >ID (nine ol alookol i •aaklr neater<f tauten. BaeakbuiaaT little oklUraa , Bxaa wane ruatribaaed to Ua totnow anoaneunpk thing, and if ha had g wanUtaeitbyttolittledogofW. Vager, Hr. WUUam raaelwr u d ma.sy otb> manirere oompelled tcdraa* bar, She w u Mood. >. known twat.hawoakl hare to refer to bk Strnpfi'i •aort ttna ago, began to act awhoarnak,ala-, hal Iliaebaanar aad aaalar aahoolallhaokae. H l b f l d d b H 8 ~ taken before Tolloe Jo-tloe Btillwell, oharf-d book for aaauaii to lMla talnga like lhat, be qdatrlrtba other day, tad Kr. KaUy eoa toHtraaranatawntoblji health,oreular trith atrocloia aaeanlt upon her atepaon, and r Throw* Ma imutinB of e a m t a IJAEGE BEVEEES AND BIPPLE Kent aad Decker forthoaa who eo Jojed dano«m. atejda tka jabUo t n n leetnea, taa pabllo aaWaai a n llkaij to do ram i l M beta Toted for klo for rial flMdtbamln a peaivawalt d^valointaota. lag,: Lan€hwaaasrTadatl2^0(ett«r which In default of bat-y beil waa oommltted to the Tka ptopk ol Donr wara akooked on Bonlalkawvolebaokkajlkelr aaaaaap- Mae rtjkk that aaaet be napaoted. After being looked up for » day they ahowed dwdng waa ttgftin reaoiDatl nnUl the "wee County ^ 1 to await UM Mtton ot tha Qnod of tha eaadea •Inrj. , ' 11 nmptoiiu at byiropbobla, u d to be on tba .' tionbyaanon tain the Blata kwana kaaa TheD, U * W . K B . O o . n a l a a a a o r i e n WadnaakTitenlagtohani TgkLB am*'hour of the morn. All report having * BAOK, PEEFECT FIXTINCr AND at Port 0mm. BattaaMMaranoiokool ttokwa will ha h >J bbd atfe ride he bad Karehal Byrwu kill them. g o s d t l m e . '• . - • • ". :• ' . •';" •. , aUttoan. Tear Down Old Bcuatee. o> John kLBalol, who baab i to a v okatan enact theee taklnl death nK>alnlnapirkf«n otraanpan. Taa rott Onm AtaletloAaKClatlon b i n Hr. Bobart PJebatda aiad Hr. P. O. Reagan Belt k aom. 'aad dear at Lja» Bopataoaa. Warreo Serf, who reetdea at MyenrUle lo Jdar aianrei arnool or aailaail. ooona. Whahbaaraa Wafnawkw aornhnj na a n . Mldad not to allow wja darto pu* orar T.-J«b*dU»lrprt<ic^ killed, aa they To val a amd, tor Vo<nimUoo Ba» Captat. ' Wanted kOO. ao( $& Fuaalo toimalilp, Hcrrii ooonty, w u nMntljr WELL MADE. plalaeddfaolkalolearaadkle ahtkar trM wllhontaolebntloa. Tberprceglaatobin ware lo the fatblt of ptajing with Hr. Kelly1! £TonU.oIlaaAnrioiaSoeaa.a>ta n P«awjfura.ay.ilII laH•«•'••"•' to boja tonaraaadeklmta aar konw for tke dor A young man named Wllltama brbnght n i t engaged by a farmer named Lorea to tear a tetter gaU d<r than no bafore,u>l ertfrtllnmhefa trade, bamaaa or pnfea" agatnetTliomaa Iiewrcnoe In Jnttlce of the dawn an old deeerttd bonea. It lareported ntlrtkiaa mitea. Brook bait k katd to (el aVa. II wm DowbaauinirrloraraKlara but he Ihoujht ha wonld hw all rlglt after ke who kaow thla organliatloi know that lhar dogt. W»feeanUyconmeod tbiwJttV*; mea for their prompt, action In thla PeaoeCUftla court in Honietown laetlliunnaartkaUka., , , that Bergv white at work a ooaplo ot daya to aaaan a earlhtak akaad b» tha toioher waaoutaejhlk. Ea ouna down town nod are the onaa for i good tlmi. Tbarhavaan- kbdwonldKdiiaa e l l W e.tU«ne to loUow daytorecoTer»Wdanugee, I*-f«noe own* a|O, unearlbed an old box whlcb, upon b t c Tba k» hoatneei of Baldwin Una., oj Kadl- or prtaotpal before a tbket la iaaed. opened Iha eten Aboat « oUoek Joan (aged the Eibarpriee Band of Itonr and Ibet their example ID tba oaaa of any doge »iu~ •olo daiioaotkt, Big. BJnaldl. peotad ol turlog bean bitten br rabid aoddri-oaartaMefrom the MorrUlown rail- opened, wttfoaod to ooBtala a oould«rt.bU ««, kaa baaa boajU oat bTBbalkj Braa, IoTnch happmaJ to go u> anf, fgand him xcad depottotbe Haadon Bonea. Recently amount of money. Report* differ m* to the of HonMowa, wkowlllraa tkebaahanala tnngdon. BatoaplUnadol feanag bad Thar will enllrm tba town all der toUitoS witfa WUuamt,whowae riding * euut 10m, but 11 la aaUt t!» find eweeda %&JKO. Thar aipeot I. H. Tomer.ol ' Doaneotlon wtttT taapr utlaaU lea plant at and Lrnoh took bla to kit baaa 'on Sold blc-ble,andUie wheel WM wrecked. A jury Berg had sogBfed toruethe bunding withDeer one nantrad aannban ol Bandolpa abort Iha wagon. Doetarawara arnmonea Weeklegnn,O O.todallvartbeoraUonand Oard ofTbaiUa. gtntlta pU!nU5*Terfirt, Oxlng tha damBar. A. aLSarrlatoiarfat, Tber-will bail I«da»,iro UD.I.O O. r.aattaltkah-lodge t r t t l b b d Tt h l ,d t U l •ndllaranant that a Uood <taael had Tba Vorria and Bean dMeloa gf taaO., tut) uid niwloomiiaf iweOn I with is return thankitothe HetropoUUn & V \ \ ; • - aad the qneetton la now raleed whlohof the D.and1T, B.B.taa ordnad Mane* rail- rtioalo.Boa«iatrntlt»o'olo<*l«tTn». tot T»»lo»bU prlMt, iawD| tlwni btln,t • ill T.lfe roattraaoa Company for prompt payear alarmon, and handed br tka Bitarprlea BoHookmtkaarteraooawbaakadied. two tnea can claim the mooej. * •.bnlowlnnotka-a rnaa. of myeklm at tbadMtbof nybnaTe 'STeaura a Pnaeher. It hJIWi.tkar will badala;«d la p « k c bam), mirakid to law dnTareatraiiXwIai and Mr Beinl w » wdl known nan, baring w witch fur the bloynk.mot Tbqrwlll band. X ifjalved thrcugb tbelr BanerlnUod- ' TeaetMra KacacedTtft B«T. Dr. Robert AlktMD will preach awjomkrl 1W graraa ot tWr daoaaaid brotb- llTadnaSoaarnaarirallhtenb. H i w w i » lka«L , r TbeBoardofTruiteeeof the Dover Publlo eat^W. itinabar.lWOlaftill.and waa pat bla htatorical dleconne on tha ootnplotlon of ,n. Taaadar waa tha'dar aal apart br the d «« tt aa i bail and Part Onm clnbi Tba iwvde la to no' trouble, and would Koomioaod tfa« hb tweoty-Attb ytar ot bit putorato In Hadl- Boboolt baie n w f f n e d all bat three ol the At Wxakaa Amarioan Hoaea, aalfa Omnd Hra aa Odd ftllowi' aeaaorU Dar, r a ' a f nUe d^ f, ql p BlUab«a1f<»nt AiVqnVn, near Kawark and Haadolph Lodge oarrM oMiaaprogran andhanadebkratannlllr. Ba waa 170001 i Ifatropolltao *o ell a y frlesdi eon OD the S4th in**., la the mornlDg, et the teachers who are cow In the aofaooli, end are era nlraadf bookad for tka awaoa. Tba totkelawar. AltaraMoratJng tna grana nun of good onuaoter aad kla panata, [&•• totlraland lUno* In th» gror- aad Flnt Preebjterlwi Coorch._ In tbe erealng" theee In Tin Mlwra Shoole, Alpangh end lisa, WM. BHiT>vntix, ai>a tnearmpiUir of tka flnwwfci will main .up • Brett •JUtj" of ttjojboatog fuUliaa at tkk of theeame Sunday a public aerWoem con- Feck-taTedeclliiedtoaetTeneztyeer. Ulae Oe-nuaBt., ther anwcwid neak to taa ledge room, whldi brolhara and awhira 1 '" Ike haet on taa late aaoraa with tbe cloae ol Dr. Aikman'i pa»- Bhoala t u aeonred a position atfaerhome In Dmr.S.J. weithrown open to tha arrraMlW.ind attar aaHneomnnnltr; Twafananlaarrioajwlll be bald at tba rahknoa ol hhi father, Andrew l p torata will be belri. Clergymen, and laymen Bturber, N. Y., and Ulatet Alpaogh and a pmrrr tj Bar. W. S. Oamwij, ol the Writ from Hadl-on and elee_-/bere. will partlelpate. Itekwill not teaoh the oomlngje«r. Mr. R. A K arrowdub will tile plua loaanmiw. ,Tba etab a , » Ck«n*,taablldr«>WraaaoaieprettJ Balnl, OB Gold itraetat 9A0 oVIoek h>niorrbw MM t«r|tblllj which tfa- S R I will print V. Everett, wbo baa been principal ot the White flmrga fleeree, an employ ee of the now nimnanini kuij end 175 geallaaara aalaealene Hr. John Tor read the Hat ot Lower Hlbernla School, and Mist Ztd .OardofTbanka. mamban. A SeoUi gollantatar, win turn Ihoaa arao had died enioe tha lodge wai laall Eteotrlo Llgfat Compaoj, waa upon a pole on Tbock-lBj tzeixfaMof the DjT-r Thar Srank JTrorn tka Baaa Oantaen, Hra. Wllllun BhadweU wlahea to return Porter, of Detroit, Hloh., have been on«ftged Ladles' Oalioo WatBtB, Light Colors IbeiuaatoUallnrietonUaa.-' ,'. talod on' Beptambar 8,1M6, and Bar. Dr. Hoomouth areaae on Tuesday afternoon, tha • $ .29 DO TImrKUjDuring tha kta d t » war Chirke BopUna, iiiUtakaplM p j ttod Krtd-r r ol ttfapam000ofbliiponbroke, and befell thaaka to tha metnbereof the Dorer Band, by the tnuteee. Oallawar maia i to'appropriate remark!, W.Vam a l l t n g n t t t a t a i a i BalatJ. k At tiro t ' l k onTThundaf h d liiiilin.al-1 A! j^aDntoo. u d John Laltaa, of nextt week. o'clock the Fire Depnrtmenfe, the Emploreet' Hatoal Blckarrk, fomerlr of thk plMn, •ho haa attor wkk* tba awathig w u dlemlaaei. Fort wbaeentnaa dorlog •ftwnocntiMgTwlDalaMl*rom tlw Or-ranur to the iroond. Be w u rendered tneonicurat Bfl&tQtAasoctatloDOfthaHorTli aod Smx ' " « • " " 38 " Oram, " . . tba . pu . t rear . ft tl d t f tl G . SelUiiff the Sener SeUte. Iwoittudli«eeaoo1 at Port Edward, It. Y., The aamea of uWOW Vellowa hnried In wai added to Sandolph Towaahi|>'i Boll of Dep'l. wiU|lT»«D«iteH»ltmentln the At- by the .'•ll Oa axamfutloa It wai foand Divlaton; and her neighbor-' and frlenda for Tbe Qeors« I. Benaf eitate at Benurdilea down alalra n few daia ago and had Ifca Loonnt I l l i n u follow,, /ohn Oabona, Moor, aamd la the famoaa ht Haw J«aaj •amblr room ot Uu Rortb aids BaUdlas, i t that be WM caattdcrati.y brnlMd, but we ara their klndneai during her recent affliction, flle lua hettn boogbt by a land eyodJoete, Percale " speoial value 60 glad to aaytbat no boars are broken, end Jamaa CaagwaUaa, Bobarl Banooor, /oarpn Baliment InonaoltbabattiaiCaarlarwaa aad it ta to be aold to "plots to suit." woonlad iol John a r i d hla Ufa hr earning twit to Uw tndaftta from thh tjspurtmsnt twpa he wtU aoQEL be to work agafs. ~'ARiavr/:Oenoral Bloektoa"wu~n«ndad a Klag, m u i u i t Alkn The agents edvertlee Bar,dardi*ilts at the Take Him TTp, Somebody. ' ' " " Blues and Finks 76 Orchard S m t Oaraaarrj-Jan» J. WmhLnforalongdklanoaoohia baok. m r tlMlr otiiOemUt el jwomotlijo to tlw hif b tbatpraana Doarda olTriiaraaanaednotapEd, Totten, of thu plaoa, wcighe SIS poundf, most trUtoeraao ot H*w Jertey rteorU," Pit* Gut Out of the Brush. and be extendY a challenge to any fat man and aay that no prsTlaas opportunity to bay [wTOTft^ a U O p t 01* p B T Q U n w l Iwa^eHOwOrSliwa €af iama, /oka Bmll, Jamae Tn«.nae, Joan Ed- ware both p r a a m at om' time awl oanSaad •eta*. TtHttttlndiin wnll-llj larlUil ' " " Blues, Pinka and Heliotropea... .88 otbar t u t book* Ha baa alio dackbd that warda, Daniel Ultujokn, Jim* Hkb, J u in tint fearful prian ptn at AndarioorlUa, Tbi Ugh -cbool oMnmeacnjictit wlU tftks Boms uien employed by the flim of DJcker- walthlng SSO poundi or aver, to ran a bubeeBgl.ea. It Ii not likely that ctber Heoaaflaebeolmattera.-. > O ^ W m . Baal, John Hillar, Biatolea Fraed, Georgia. : Tana Charley, waa akanaltth and p\iMinBtvkHrOjicrtvBaaMat riffat o'clock •dn&QUlirsra engaged In boning brart at Imadred yard daeh on the Pourtb of July. reildent* who hire) been attracted to Ber' " " Blues and Pinks Laundered...^ .88 nerdavlU* by tbe axoludnDeai ot the pl*oe a ot tjpioid farer baTa nan John Wfcto, Jama gaandr/, Benrr Bkbop, Johnnanedhijnwilh'gnatcireaadat the Frid»y*Ttml*B A<lml«l<n t>j ticket Br, Piooatlnny on Monday. Tba Ore got away The yrfaa to be one ot Dttnlay'e allk hats. wUlnllifathttpriMpeot of a large Influx of reported to tie Boardol Bealta taKorrli. FaQlp Btrphene, tv*m, Dotur, Hem7 Jimce, «,» ol UaUte procure* him Uettarloodtqatt, J. H. Qncn, prLoclf*! ol Um BUt* Nomul from them and huroed auout |30D worth of ourd wool, and bat for the timely tu» of aomplete Aaaortment Kair York tpaoniatora. ' White Lawn Waists. 75 to 1.50 towi.- CTerr panon found to be afflloted Uutal Hollar, Baorr Dblman, Wm. J. Flrrt- whfcb Wipe) to natora him to health again. Bchoo] will premt tha dlplatuu. thrw llnextlngabberebeloDglag to the nanu of Infanttand Children^ taca Capea; Lawn Tberrtnnad home ind dnrLogJohnldltaa wUbtnedieiaaalaraasorod totbiegntiglona depot It It likely that 11.000 wcrtfa of waod Hata, short sad long; White Dnait, long , which tenalaatad nk Ufa, Charley warAa connected with tbalfemoelllHoKnlral. Brotaara wba biTi died tad beaa bnrM In • WhitoAprona. 25,. SO, .35, .60 •. : Tbar Swerve Promotion' him and attmoVd bia fuaarnl.' On A Imafty p,titton-*ittk»d t j rruui- i-MMenta would nave been deetroyat). and ebort; Cloak, at prioea to mil, the timei other p i n e . OU.« Crane, Onogi, Boberl p Ur. W. H. Bailey, formerly beccacemuter ettUeOoferBexarof J. S . Qrlmro,' , J Doogn. Oalllomlai Tbomai Wilton, Chilli Kernorial Day Johh'awtlor racatrad bj az- of Boclumj, aaklag JiOgt Collertogrant on Condnotor Dargtml'a tmln h u been pro- Speoial sale of Children's White and Drab Undsrwaiata, kaUaalocnatookaaat an orter for a tpooU tiactloD to bo hall at The> Flrat-Olaae Botela p n a • b n oontalalq; n k n a and banilrol uVdochaearj night, and all bakwarakopa JoanIkiwia\ranaarlranlailbrUn Hajbrl, moted to a pa-wager otnAactor, u d Ur, A. PourtU of Jxxif. . lend loe daalera>etoree 'to b e p then-llorai Sanaa, Wm.P|eroa,wI,raanerlnnli| Jaa. wnalh of lowara, which Charter tad ami that ptaca for tha porpoM ot giving tht rotwa n New Tor. dty uw Kdmnoda' Kanoy frint sizes alto 28 inoh .39 0. ttlxon, rnur brakviitan on tbe Horrdtown • o opportnoltjf' to roU tar nr •g*[nrt Inoor'- ; Ooerf on Bu drv. tka hUler ner-deUnr M. rowdl, rannr/lnnle.i Weefcr SomMm, from Bpaoglar. the lloaiift to hero placed In poratlDg n'ootowiy aa * borough, hair been Batter., Oalt and g i n It a jrtaX Twenty- Pmrdar and reralvenat remarkably low Expran tnln bmi bean pnimotad to bacmc*Ore oenta per, pound at the BoVeralgoa' Co^rioea' at Berry Hardware Go's. Boyt, prclorlng renienihranoa upon the glare of hla ."• thalrgoodiaarlr In tba morning.s-dkuid. It. 11 Wm. Jankloa, Korrla .60 muter on Dr. D«rg«f«]*• train fn pWse ol Our new spring Corset the " PERFECTION "... nodndwidtlwrcquirt i p t d T b l op«r«Ure Btoro, Donr. faithful old ocoirada, wboa manorr ha lorea pare,loins,k«atiolael' J. J.Vnoland, Jr., eanght a munbar of PlalaKTnoj . . >;TM. Brlgnti. UrtBtUley. Time* m*a a n deeerrtaj o{ pro-, tJon will ba bald June 16th. laeailaU^»eik,nUin^fbrDedtbon,andnr- Bright, Woodportj Joarji H Niobnla, WooJmotion, u t&oy ara steady and upright yoa&f Bponna. We are aelUng Jaa. 1'jlft rearllne, the beat Don't buy your Satiuea or Lawns until you see ours. ; 1 nngtalbameoa>to<onntbingnna~UM' < pgri.BdwardSniunitt, KlntnckT; Bdwird mea, and hub st&oy fticatla tnio&B th» j*t> WMblng Coir pound In America. I r BpoogM and Ohamolt, all dtot aM priaee. 1 Around tba «turoe ba arranged n border of Lake, floaool.j'e ML, Wnt. B. Ourell, Oellran of tha rmltrokd ai mil aa *tM*here. P redarsed to lOnenta, Tha George at KUlgora -Druit Slore, CoaxamdnsBmbuXdmT morning, Maj SOtb, loauU,i»Ji»lti«wbol.ln.fmn».,' I l k loralas Samntl Joan, OalKomlai m n u m 8 that Baonelt, the 8iuau' atraat Xfeimleliar, EUcbardeOo. ; Look IWlar, K. T.I bit the flnait lot of nreworka eror ta-ooght Bd, I. 4 F, H- DIciasnoD will dlspoM «f on uUliltlonlnJClllton'awlodow. Palnta. Lb*Ir antlra, btbuoa of Ladjn, Wmt* u d 'n>auawbat7j and kaoaam faaUTali Henrr V, WUIaaw, - Our Entire Stock U»TO your-jettaxunlaed and QUanc made, All tt.t> t w ttarandaot Falnta end On at 6hIldWDf Bprtug Mut Bammn Coata, Jackets, otWlair QoodawIU baaold i t a ncrifloe; rl" ba Held in « e haannent-of tha Wan I - ThatolbwinttnanilianofoUierlodgiiaio bj A. Jay Croea fB. QJ,JB W, -3d Bt. H. Y. Klllrcw-'i Dtug StaTB.. CtefaandBoltaafc oca* priooa, Wbenmaaj Dorar fiat Hire. barua to Onhard Blnet Oanmarj; L B. ChoiebtMnorroF {Satoroaj) aranlnx,i vsastlj u t a . Ua gooda oort tt> V Tor Firework* ' U T O lQ t Jolkr. Philp CUmploo, Ootondo Loll.; wbas >on want to boj-Uol«rw«r. 1'or coct m> tataa w> w i d d l ri I ill to tma thit *iTif* *i r*r*a B U b f r go to Bennett, the Soaaex atreet newt dealer. Heetbettaok aud get tba prioei from a B, J h Jb B h ' " k 9 d i Hr Yonrf at Bennttt1*, Bnaeex afreet. Uo baa tht fituet Haa fa thU aeoUoo. Berry H i r d m n Co., DQTU. THE PIERSON & CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, OPP. THE BANE. DOVER, N. J. THEY ALWAYS LEAD. The Adriance Buckeye Mowers, Reapers and Binders. S.H.BERRY HARDWARE COS : . •••SPECIAL • • • • • • • - : . • - A . T -• : . • • - ' DICKERSON'S, Ladies' Duck Outing STJITS $1.89 ; LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS ; New and Improved styles not shown by any other house. Correct in fit and shape. A large line to select from and every one good value for the money. WM.H. BAKER STORE GO. DOVER, N. J. SOOKAWAT. (Hayor Albright, ol Uadunn, and Boo. P. D. Bmlth, of Dover, spoke In Roberts' Opera House hut night and explained why RockaTHE way should be incorporated, and tbe benefits It would receive, and tbe Improvements that would ttke place, tbe sama as It bsd done for otber planes. George Mattox fell from a sl slxtosn-foi Friday, June 15, 1894. •oaffold at ML Tabor last •oaffod lat T Thursd h ursday. d T The hope Union Cematorr. To what wa* George boards d tippod up, throwing him him io~£K Col, Henry TV»ttaraon, c( ttu H. Uelse's Ufa but a "Btfal fever," and uow ground, whore he landed <m bis back, getting Courier-Journal, way down la old thatforhlmitUover "besloapetn well." Uow bruloul very badly around the bead and i« gettingUredot elections. Heuya; "Sott- much oonsoUtiou In hit atSicUon miut bave ack. ing la moro difguatlng than carry lug tilings been tbe sssuraooe that life's battle and Do not forget to vote for Incorporating on Monday. Sixty dayi in tbe town will entitle too t*r—c*STjtng election! Biped&Uj, There worrlmant over "he glvetb his belo' When a man tells yon lie will give you $8.00 worth for one. are thousands and tliouundi of folks ID this deep." WhUe we regret the mknaer of hi* rou to a vote. yet to blm the dark angnl was a mca- Lwt Monday afternoo it's false. Some people may claim to do so, bat if they do country who are juit tired out at the mare death, senger of peace to summoD him to bisiam Onitoad wss away from bams, Mrs. B v thought of elections. Bay.wbat'i ths good •'Father's Loose on high, in which than are union and her sou broke Into tba bouse and they certainly muBt have been high priced, and they are ol election! anyhow! They slot so all-flrad many mansions—a house stole clothing, eatablai and a number of Other funny ai same ijioU Boem to think," Tbot* hands,eteraal In the Heavens." I have still. thlngi. Constable Daniel Morgan searched art tUelBWreflocUona of-oneof the loudat him for all the years he has gone in and out their bouse and found enough prooftocontaowlen for Free Trade and Tariff for Revenue among us and b u r willing testimony to bis rict them. The Union Foundry and Maebius Sbopsare only ID 18V.'. He wai ooe of the fellowi who worth as a good cltlzin, a good operator, ai told ut we were going to lire In "clcreer"lf Ingentus machinist, and a loyal frlsnd. Hi tumlDgoatoneof tbs largest rods that the rer made. wa fleeted the Democratic ticket ID 1603. has gone to bis reward. Tbe Master, wh The people believed iilin and elected the permitted his ailMctlou, will judge him for H. U. Dobbins, traveling salesman for C, the deeds done in b oeeaa aqua ta the u » body, uuuj, as u no no otber OUST judge juagt I. Prior, of HMttletowu, N. Y., ticket. Tba Republican* were «ont up Bolt mo "undsy. Hirer, horse, foot and dragoons, and Instead could. I cannot leavs thla aubject without Marguerite, the youngest daoghtor of Joh of clover they have been feeding u» on a Tery atylng t U t he had Ur«d alxtceD yeari in tbe Rlggott, met with a very bod acddentlast 91.00 each. Fine, »U Wool Bre» Goods In BUck, Brown, NaYY, poorqu&Ui; ol bog hay, to which toebanl-tack house with Mr. and Hra. Joe Bellej. The; Thursday wblle stsmulng on a fence watching knew tba* be « u liable to drop at any moMyrtle, Groyje ad flrey and Brown Mixtures. 42 and Hit horn Uncle Ram furnished ment, day or night; knew that be w a i u a shooting match. Tha tenoo rail broke, us from 1801 to 1S»5 was laGultely preferable. liable to fall with * lighted lamp la bla band throwing her to tbe ground, making a very Inch wide....,/ ...;.......39c.ya, I'erhajw the bog Lay ii eome better than the a* any Otber way. TUegood neighbors Mid; bad cut above her eye. Dr. Flagge was called food tb« prodigal son was com polled to 11' "Ura. Hallo/, I would not have Uwt man and dressed tbe wound, putting tiro stitches All Wool Cashmere 1 In the Fashionable Shades, 40 In the cut, Dr. Kaufman assisting. on for a spell, but whnt bare we doue that about tbe house. Borne night be will upaet Inch w l d e . . . i :... . r .47c.yd. Mr, Robert Kellftj la working at Barton, wt should 1M mentioned In the utne day with tbe lamp and burn your house, and, not only your bouae, but tbe bouses of tome of the m l Pa., as conductor on a trolly oar. the historic prodigal BOD I Mr. Joseph Minster, of New York City, We sell the Best J8.00. All Wool Suit in Morris County. The of us," But Mrs. Balky took tb» chances and Perhaps the Colonel has jiut heard from ntused to turn tbs hotuwlw •troogw from visited friends at this place Sunday. Beat f 1.00 Child's. Suit from 4 to 14 years in the State, ber door. " Whoaoever glvetb a cup of oold A. R. Taylor's factory has closed for the Oregon where two years ago they elected From $0.25 up. present time. Fapullit-Deinocratlo Governor by over 5,000 water to the least ol these little ooet be stiall All other goods in Proportion. No use tiring your brain An attempt was mads iMt Saturday night reward," majority and at tb» election »*rt wtoV the •re-hli to fire tba outbuilding and oil-house at tha Bratemen Joeepb Dunn and Jaoob with prioes, come see for yourself. Don't believe falae Republicans elootcd Mr. Lord d o w n man have gone to try tbe real UM of Cobohen. bicycle ftotory. Farts of ladles' clothing New goods In the liiost styles and coloring, the kind over 17,000 majority. Sorauobfor broken I hope tbe Hobokeo .mosqui toei won't bottor were saturated with oil and then placed I advertisers, but call on DemocraUo promises. No wonder Colonel them. tbe wood and lighted. It bsd Just nioely always sold heretofore at li 1-2 now.... 7c. yd. Watterwn cults, "What Is tie use of election Engineer George Blileldi la speeding a trot- itarted when It was discovered by tbe watchman, who easily extinguished It. auyhowf1 ter now when DOrODbli engine. George F. W. Dlckenon ba* moved hie photograph They promised us a tariff for revenue only quite a bonetnao. Engineer Gsipol* Hill, who moat bepntty gallery to Boooton, where heJ Intend* to rewhich would startup all the mills and mines In rell-kaown to tome of your porer people, 1B main for tbe summer season. f u)l blast and give employment to every Idl running thi "Newark way" DOIT. 1 remem- Children's Day wai obsarved at tlie M. E man wlio wonts to work. They prom i red to ber when be first went to arinff. So Cborcn lait Sunday. 2 qt. Hire us the markets of the world. What bare for honesty, Industry and sobriety A. It. Taylor has a petition thtt he Is gettheyglventut Iatb«wayo(tartSforreveai John Casey, who i r u one of tt»old-tim« Ung signers for to senatoCongreai, H i s to hver.l.j. Made In t h e Latest S t y l e s ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 3 . 0 0 e a c h _ nothing except what goes Into the pooketa o brakemen and neter got over it, was lien put them In mind that the Wilson Income IOSSM St., $145 the Sugar Trust About the markets of the about six week! lately. Tba water at Ho- Tariff bill will tax all beaevolsnt orden. token proTed too much for bira and ha la not This should be signed by all people. 92 00 V2.80 «3.60 world we thlak tfaemarkeUof the world oomo and tabs rouesilon of the United States hero any more. I reckon be bti found out Mr*. James Bolitho Is Just recovering from that thlogi are not like they used to be some a serious Illness. any day. twenty odd y e a n ago. H. I. and J . P. Tuttle turn Bmda tbtlr apThey have succeeded In miking the laborer Irving Lewis, Mm of Hr, Qeorge Lawti, o! pearance with a floe new delivery Wagon, discontented with bi« wages wblta their (bill Stanhope, and Richard Tretboway spent Bun- manufactured by toe Beach Carriage Manusbally policy lias threatened to deprive th dajfntbattoiro, Irrlng U a N e w York boj facturing, Company, of this place, At 10c., 19c, 25c, 35c. and 6Oo, each WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, HIM Annie Kelley, of Bayou, H. JT., U visemployer of the power to pay as good wages Rev, Morgan, of fttendbam, assisted iting her parents at this plnoe. as they bare beon paylDg, DEALER 1« 'J Bar, Dr. Stoddard, of Suooaiunna, made Win. Burd bos a handsome oakfinishedorThey have given us strike* and riot* In HIM Ella 0 . BtackhouH, of Btanhope, the gan on exhibition at bis store, which he InFetintiykaQU, Illinois, Ohio, odd the State 7 piece Antique Chamber Salts with Bevel Plate wife or Mr. John B. HUIM, of Kenvllle. in the tendstogive away. Governor Walte, TV© blame the poor coal presence of some ninety Inrlted friend* at the Mr Samuel Carter visited bis frltndi at miners for not baring bettor MDH, but what raidesoe of ber brother, Frank, In tba former Brooklyn on Bunday, Glass 22x28 $17.00 slia.Il we tay of the parly whose broken prom- town. I am not sorry that Miis Ella li mar- Mr. Albert Van Busklrk, of Fateraon, was iKi urged the Ignorant miners on to deeds of ried, but I am vtry sorry that sbe Is KOIDJE to In town on Tuesday and Wednesday. In a variety of Styles and Colon, Laundered and Un- 8 feet Oak Extension Tables :«5.50 JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, . ' 11ASE RILL TOPICS. \iclfmcol Mr. BmatOT Morrlll tried to get move ttway from Btanbope. She baa moved lanndred at 4Oc., 5 0 c , 75c, 0 0 c , 91.00 and Kitchen Tables, extra large Beuator V » t ( of Hiswmrl, to toll him the Is and out among the people ever slnoe she The Green Polot A. O.,of Qreen Folnl «1.90 BtLVER VOVEIr.TUfS, OITIOAL GOODS, « a I would remind mr ctutouur. • other day wby collars and cuITs should b was a child. Socfablo with everybody ibe Long Island, will pUyhere to-morrow (Satthopubll. • • l u n coDHluitW replejiliihlDjr mr .took In all U* deputmeou • «l;85each. • knew, kind and gentls always, t dutiful and urday) and a good game is expsoted. Game nnd meItleatpatternsADdBtJlM, , . protected ISO per cent, while wool and lum- affectionate Uiejr will daughter, I bare no fear but that Dining Chairs, Ulgh Back, Solid Oak $1.00 ber are .allowed to come In freer Mr. Vest •he will make * noble wife, but the Stanhope sailed at 8:90 >•. u., without faii, If clear. refuiod to tell him, but, as If to prove tha people will mist her. Tha Presbyterian. Sun- Look out for tbe champion oolored tea thBCubanOianU, next Hatnrday, June I All kinds of Watohes, Olooks and Jewelry iniiqne Oak Centre Table ..$2.25 "fools bounce In where angels fear to tread,' d&y>Khnol, of which sbe waa treasurer for 23d. the bumptious Senator Mllli from fi some time, alio organlitand teacher. One Cleaned, Repaired, Repolished and otherA toratoh team from this place will pla; Splint Hockers 69c. Texafanswerod: 'Unorder to prevent some the n n t members of tbe Y. VJB. of C. E. tbe Mt. Hope Duffers to-morrow (Saturday). wise Eenovated as Bequlred. other barons engaged In plundering the pea- and, I think, tU first president Foremost ' Charles Heifer, our first baseman, formerly pleof the United Stab* about «00,000,K» every good word and work was abe. T Lounges, Large Assortment, Commencing at 97.50 played with the Oreen Point A. C-, and be year on woolQQ goods tmd f 125,000 000 a year Kenvllle folks will have tttake good care •ays that tkq Liberty A. G. will hava to husor I will probably bear of It and let them tletosoon. ' on cotton goods, and* In order to reduce the her Hattrasses, Full Size, Soft Top '. $2.85 FINE WATCHB8 A SPK0IALTY. know, or, rather I will ba apt to find out theplunder on woolen goods •150,000,000 a year rcaaon why. Mr. Huts* will accept XJtDOBWCOD A N P VIOINITYand the plunder on cotton goods, well—not so hearty oc&tratulatlruu on capturing om N'oreu Wire Springs, Foil Size .$2.75 much-a very little. We had to stand m little the bert girls In the State*. Bleee of Fetar Savla's Hos; Pen, rlao on collars anil cufTs, seef" The Texan Children's Day wai observed here and In Last Saturday, about 6:80 A. u ^Mrs, DavU Window Shades. Curtains, Poles ana Fixtures, Opaque might bare added In order to Induce Senator the churcbea in this vicinity l u t Sunday. was aroused by hearing some one klking and Murphy, of Troy, N. Y., to vote for the In- The flowdn In the Preibytarian Cburob at pounding tbe door. Thinking It was her .Shades Mounted o« fprlnn Rollers Complete, 25c 40o. etch. come tax, which we are bound to carry If Btanbope wort very beautiful and were very grondnu, Alvui Hagan, she advised tbe fethave to bribe every Southern Senator wit tastefully arrangod, and reflect great credit Uve Alvlntogo borne and stay there, Bnt sugar or collars sod eufTi to do It. Every on, the flower committee (if they liave one) oi tbe kicking and pounding continued. Finally somebody ebe If they have not. Thi she unfastened tas door, and before in* could Democratic Northern Senator we mean; dren occupied part ot the evening and Bev. wlik, In rushed the wildest and dirtiest spec"For ways that are d»rk Alexander EiUer tbe balance. The topic ol imen of a man that could be found anywhere, the evening owmed to be character building, wbo demanded to be put to bed and made a And tricks tiat art rftln 3 Brick Block, Blackwell St., Dover, N. J. aa near as I could get at It. The youngsters n»h for ths stairs. Mrs. Davis then aroused l i e Tariff Kefonn Is peculiar, done their part very well, and reflected great her fauiband, Peter, (Peter, by tha way, beWhich tbe u n e we dont try to crtdit on themwlres and their teachers and ing a sound sleeper, toenoketfailedtoarouw explain." trainer also. It would taks up too much of blm). Peter grabbed his snooting Iron and your space to mention each particular child vowed be would pump the Intruder fall of Ths Sun says: " Tbe Democratic party la wbo sang or spoke, so I will content myaolf lead. After threatening awhile, mingled not for sale at any pflco. (See Senator Mllli' this time with giving everybody a certificate with a few kioks, he got the invader out or reply to Benator Hoar about o <llars and of good character and mentioning nobody In doors. He then retired to the bog pen and ths other day.) Wool enough to cover tbe particular, d n w a rator and vowed be'd silos tn* first globe would not bribe the Democratic party Arthur Obappell of tbla town, kesps th cuss that draw uear, Peter was In great fear Ladies'and Children's Capes, Jackets and Ready-made Dresses to discord Its principles, Daunt Its own honor- Inoit EKA and Employee for tale, and any- laat some b u m should bsfal bis sfaotta. Hit able history In tbe face; trample upon Its body wishing either of them and ordering of good wife then aroused Alvln Hagan, wbo Also the largest stock -of lives near, to go after Constable Hart Wall own record and commit the unpardonable sin him can have either (orfioenta a copy. to cut a long story short he dld'nt get Hr. Hart. of deliberately betraying those who bad A young man, who hat been living at'Con- Tbe nows spread, Bud after a mob bad col" trusted it Into tbe hands of tbelr enemies. So ductor Tbeo. Holbrooke, died of oonaumptloo lected and the lelge bad lasted dx boon, long as the Income tax It left in the tariff bill on Tuesday or. Wednesday of this week, I Charley Baker arrived on the scene. Charley tb» Democratic party ti bound to refuse all did not learn bis name, but 1 believe ba wai succeeded In getting thi rawr away from tbe to Ura. Holbrook, and hla ratnalua dealings with its advocates and to stand In- aa nrelation to bo taken to Connecticut for Interment. besieiger. Bha than omme forth and Oharley KOTICB. AN ORDINANCE. movable in the determination that Its own Faymuur Strong mad* ui hia usual month- sent blm to BuoauuDna with two boys, and In iKc Stale. CALL AND SEC US. u 'Squire Fanchar w u not at home, no warhonor and tbe expectations and Interest of Its ly vlilt on Friday {this morning). rant could be had, and bfs honor was n o t on friend! cannot be bought. The Uma for the. Tbere are 13,685 ordinary policemen on the tale ot t o entire poiltlc&l organization has not foroa In Lowlon and the coat of maintaining with thewarnlng that ne would far* bard If _ _ come yet. r tbla force, Its officers, stations, etc., Is about is showed up again. He gave his name as H0ODdhud.no two million pobnds a year. They are called Barney HoWlcgtn, of Jersey. The amount Brave words, Mr. Dana, but somebody Is constables, being only one grade below that of It was tost his honor, Barney, had an •' trying bard to connnumate the sale. Bre the of sergeant The pay of a constable la from tack of the jlm-jams. o u a i m m H m mIOIAOWIHQ : attempt to get Senator Murphy, of Troy, N. iwanty-four ablUlnga a week to £88,12.. lid. Lost Tuesday evening a free fight started Y-, by giving htm IN) per cent protection on a year. There, If aonie difference between L the German colony »t Bbippanport. A to uqudnt my (rinds . It alma m» p collars and cuff, while wool it on tba free list. tbe pound mark and tha dollar mark, tell big German boarder started the) fracas by with tt. i u ( tk»» tk»»t H I hmT* «Mth e your proofreader. There were but year on smashing tbe landlady In the ribs with a beer When the fun Is over * e will see. witlmt br Uw ust of Dr. Jeoop's J ' Inrnl I l i t l t pain i b the ordinary police force of London 1,009 • • **»*»• Map AWU *• UIOI n o n i l A n p , bottle, and her husband' itarted In far.roDE. GEO. W. MoDAVIT dlnto Aa«aUMCks>t tha offu ol Dr. Freeman, Dorar. men receiving twenty-four ahillinga a week. he Democracy of to-day h u degenerated It vsngs, aided by another boarder, and for a ** tvatuiMl lita Dental Parlors U> tbe'twiroi cmr " Acup, msn which calls, when filled her festAl fet which la scarce #6 of American tnooeywhile tbe air was filled with German howls Has. WIHUII* PALHM, dollar a day, not counting Hundayi—and _. ahrielcs and curses. After the afgnssar wa bdrbouM'* Jvwttrj aUn, and la prepared to do A nation's glory and her shame. Boekmny H. J , April 8th, 1893. we waste buibela of pity on tbe poor Italian ilabed one of tun victors started for HOOD'S SABSAPARILLA... 870&L In tdlent ssdneit up." ' •J] klndi ofdeDUl work .in tha b a t twiner laborer who works on the track or botlds railFaocbflr's to get the big bmta arTry tha - Inoal ABMthaUe at Dr. Frwnun'a rmlMi (UrilMtiM tuwd In •««ttnwOnj teeth roads, or works around the mines for I I or rested. It Is presumed ha got the warrant, ........eSoU. BOOM TON, offi»»BdUe<mTinoriUi«titii»UtJi»ii«ol«iBied ' •1.10 a day. I think I would rather be an for hlanOMwaapeeleii from snd to end, awl PAINES OELEEY COMrOUHD.......: Our public schools close on Fridiy or next American Italian than a London policeman that ought to have been enough. Jimmy, the DONT FORGET THE PLACE. luctt. Hw. B. XSTWIOS, SCOTTS EMUUION 63otS. week. Tbe commencement exercises will be If I had to wurk for the same wagaa. The gafaunan, wko; boards at tbe colony, ttld "be j two arikle, la tba cabwor/ ot vrj Satoong, N. 3., April Slat, IMS. held la the Open House, Thursday evening, MittA&ta I * T It £B3to£151 a year and there gab, 1 won't s o home till mornln* for I riant t will ba la anal dotnamfdurtDC Uw thlaimnlb *%iaflnt,Piau«u If Hoy Slav Tbe graduates toil year o r e : a n 1,779 of them. There a n Oil Inspectors wan'i me bead busted." GREEN'S NERVURA...: 87cts. uunaDuaa raauo.. Kooulat'u I c » olianftiDy racomnwa the "Local AaaaEdward Green, Herbert Klngsltud, William and they are rated as first, second and third Master Oeorge Herman, of Bhantytown thatia" for «tr»otiiig Ualb. WeEwan, Daliy Smith, Marci« Motfalr, class. They receive pay according to rank aar the same burg, met with a serious acciMarlon MoNair, Xlezle Brown tod Ltura and length of aervlce, varying from £SS to dent last Monday afternoon. Ha found «. Blowers, £3!ig a year. .Ranking the inspectors ara giant can, and placing It 'on his kosa,l» HOUSE AMD LOT Port Onmi April Mth, 16*3. Mr. and Mrs, FieiDoo W. Smith wUI attend thirty aunvrlntaalaatt. - On* of th«m » • lighted a match ana stuck it into U. f U n l t the commencement exercises at the Horth- celves £175 • year, two receive £425 a year Is that George was cut very btdly on bis lag, FOR SALE Das. h a u l AID V m U D : field (Usss.)eemluarr next week, their each, and eleven of them get £400 a year. faoe and body, while part of <wo fingers and Oa hrk Aw., Mar Morrisfit,nlaa RNXIU, with daughter. Mabel, Is to graduate at that time. Superintendents art) allowed from £11 to £!S a thumb were blown off bis right head, while DiiiSns:—Ianaowallpbaaaawith thaow* Rev. Mr. Appleuin, a rormer rector at 8t» a year for uniforms. At tbe head of the dif- It Is feared hs will lost the sight of one eye. •U modeni impronKomU, Lot and oula water, Prompt attention to mall orders. ol Uw Ioaal AMMStkatb in having teeth aitraoUd For $i.«9 , - i,\K , John's Cmircb, occupied that pulpit on Bon- ferent district* a n five chief comtablM. He was removedtothe AU Souls' Hospital <m •MXdtT.taaL.talt.cle. 10 mttoUa nUt Iran t k t h T p i « i o n t m j a « a a » B j tk*tTonh»TamTpenai«in Three of these get £775 a year and two £675. Tuesday morning. It ttvtiy (triage that fch day last In exchange with Iter. Mr, Fenn. I 1 I . I W . E E 4 W . Illtbtroux wayjogplaaaaas n l m a . . Tbomai CftwUok, one ol the junior mem- Tbe head of tbe whnla department la a chief -•rental could not put such dangerous things Anall rardw. FVuit. lOOft. froat, SOI ben of the arm of John Capstlck Sf Bon*, oomminloner, whoaa saIaryU£l,B0O ayear, ut of reach of their ohildnn. Mi. Liwia WHTM. , owners ol tbe Columbia print works at Mont- and BModatad with him in tha government CbUdiw'i Day was celebrated at the BspSouaa la One Uaai tnodltion DMda no iq . Btanbope, M. J , M»j, ut, lStii vllle, met with a serious accident while shad- are thne asdstaot commtsdonsra, who re* Ust Church by recitations and ttn«tng. prb, uama, « c , addnaa Die i m , For $1.69 ' a £000 m year each and £300 a year for Thanks are due Miss Kaae for her able mi Ing in the mill on Thursday aftemoco last. M rent, and £101 divided among tbem for agement etui Mr. Byenon for bis stngliMg. One ot tb» six Inch robber beltings attached M. WjniWH SEABTAO, to the shafting some twenty feet abort the stabling. The Nuaries and allowance, of the Mrs. Hughes, of Peterson, was in town lost XUnr,X. J ' floor, broke while going at terrifflo rate, the commlidonei's "ofQc* amount* to about end striking Mr. Capstlck across hit forehead £25.416' a year. Uow would tha polloo of And left eye, .cutting his forehead la several New Ycrk like to live on that kind oTwageal witnesses before'the , cluesandinjarlnghlseyssobadlyltlsfeared For $2.35 'attar tan y a m wparisaca, hniig a wall known E TAKE THE RISK, and be will lose the use of I t Dr. Byerson, of thin .aelr chief business Is to IS THE MOGEiM A.RBAKGED BY PICTE nmtafcion tor adnaUBg taathTtau aesaptad a place, was summoned, and also » Dr. John- levy blackmail on ths keepers of disorderly don't ask any one to take stun, an eye specialist of Patersoo. faonaea in addition to their ngiuar MUary. our word for it that pnitioB with Dr. Iraamta. TRIBE, No. 192, IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN, FOB THE Tbe Boonton Athletics went to Fort Onus UEIMIflEWr|IT,(L'l.) CELEBRATION OF THE FOURTH OF JULY IN DOVER last Saturday and w e n defeated by the Fort D& FBHWAjrhaa Uw auluita right to wa O w n team. This week Saturday they play Dr. Jeawpa Local AnaarthaUb. For $3.50 _.-' ' f v , " "J XOBKXS F L A 1 S 8 , the O. N. T.'s on the Athletics grounds. Mr. S. Arthur Johnson, of Elkhart, III., la The annual souvenir concert of the school BaUaDeCblao raraaok.ii lor voice culture will bs hell la tbe Opera at home <JO bis vacation. HXMBT K GRKBTORA88, Hiss IJwle Hedde n, of Dover, is visiting House on Morttay evening, June 18th. cure dyspepsia, indigestion, habitual aiKEKAL Admr. ^ : Children's Day exercises w e n held In our Mr. J. H. Wetaa-a. THE PARADE WILL FORM AT 10 A M. AB FOLLOWS BAIMAIN STORE. constipation, and sick headache. We Vr. V. a Freeman is visiting relatives in various churches on Sunday last. 812 BroiJ St., h u r k , N. J. want to send you a Tree sample. Then COMPANY Q, N. Q. N. J., FIRE DEPARTMENT, SECRET For 6«c. and upward ' ' -I The seventeenth anniversary meeting of tin.Danville. Fa. tCHWARZ ILOCK. . DOVER. N. J. Harris County fiibls Society convened In the Hiss Haggle Bonahan and Ur. Peter OI- you can tell whether you want to liuv SOCIETIES, INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION ON FLOATS AND .nr^ ^ fnubyterUut Caurcb, on Tuesday but. Th» singer were married in the Catholic Church Uicmornot. Address DR. J. A, DEAHE CO., FIFTY CAVALRYMEN; services began at 10 A. H. and not at 2 A^M. as on Taetday evening. They expect to take a White Bed Spreads, Kinitton, New Vork. ., mr item read list week. At noon a lnncheon trip op the Hudson. n f e l H There It a new batcher and a new farmer was served In tbe basement of tba chnrch by the ladiea of tha congregation. . By tha way, in town and Mr. Towell and Mr. Cronsbey 11*4 c ix-4 tbe ltctnn room of the above church has been both wear a broad smile. For J1.50, $1.73, \> <.":ru 1 thoroughly renovated, m room has been Bxed Hr. A. W. Bwttthaa basn visiting some 69c. each: AN ORDINANCE. 89c/ each, A SPLENDID PROGRAM CF ATHLETIC SPORTS HAS for a kitchen with a stovQ and cooking uten- bis old friends around here, $3.00, $3.50 and $3.00, -jL''' sils, and bereaitar the fairs, suppers and fes- Mr. Dave Cronshey has returned to BrookWIHDOW 8HASKB, BEEN AEBANOED FOR THE AFTERNOON; CONSISTING OF tivals will be held here instead of In the lyn, where he expecta to resume work. chapel. •• - : • • Kiss Bessie Bay has returned from a visit Bo» u l n b n l i a , fan ' * ' "' • '• ALL NEW SHADK8 to ben* sister In Brooklyn. FIREMEN'S HOSE CONTEST, jwnahlp of Randolph for Uw> Mr. Q. B. Parsons and family spent Sunday 01M tod saldem oi iNriiSW be aiaaawd and levied by Ux . Tbs warm wsathsr has made the gnus In Orange. lor the eipenMoiUM Town of Dover for the mr. Hr. W. A. Bartron and family spent Bun- rant jear the nun offire,thousand (tAOOO) dollara grow and the gardens a n looking line, BICYCLE RACES, flaa door niith of Brick Slock. and fifteen per centum uwm and on and abnra Thar* was a ball flame In tbe orchard Iant day at Bndds Like. sabt nun of Die thousand (i5,000) dollars. An excursion went througnfc-~on Thurs- the Saturday.' Port Orom nine and tbe boys of BBO. S—THatlnaddluontotheamountoitaxpTORUNNINO RACES; Jded fortotbeflnrtsection of this ordinance t&ere this place, l i e game was In favor of Port day. Itwastfaennt oEtbessu .. . BccpeotAiUy submitted to bn umwrA and lerisd a tax of one and cwTha Children's Day y exerdsei .>used off ahill Dram. wit < ooth« ote e ry yl lyl . Tb hu c h h was w ut-_ d rttry wltt Tba church U n . Harry LrgEti b vUUng ber old aelgh verynlealy. SACK, PIC1, TUB and the oaah trade only: mus of lor an tfae bartwrin ttil and da llarge number b br him, ber or Uuun, and ftrt B ofa present to bors and blends whom aba has has not aeon prettily doga »*all be evidence of th« ownariiup for enjoy the exercises. 'formany years. They are all slid to oee —iae of such taxation. WHEELBARROW RACES. A strawberry and ice cream festival . her, • -TWi In addition to tbo taxm provided for - -. egotaft aectlona there shall bt aateavd and There will be a strawberry and Ice cream held In the chnrch on Thursday and Friday by UiX, For the purpose of dafnyti>cUi« ex festival in the church on Saturday. A l t a r s evenings for tha purpose of raising enough Model 34 - -' "-i publln watwimpplr ai proTMed In NOTHING WILL DE LEFT OTIT THAT GOES TO MAKE "A. K. K I N N E Y V > 'Invited. Proceeds for tha benefit o l themoney to finish getting a, carpet for ths — now in force brtnen UMTOWH aa church and having tbe church cleaned. tbe Dover Walec Company, tba sum of two tbuuchurch. • • •* UP A GOOD CELEBRATION. GOOD ORATORS WILL BE IN Faux, ~ ffm Cornow, while working in the Hard Printed India, bimiacs,' Colbred'-^l ATTENDANCE. A GOOD STRING' BAND r WILL F0ENI8H mW, sprsloed bis foot. A t thl» writing i t 8TJO0ASUHHA-Is improvlDgi. ' . . ' -. MUSIC FOR DAN0ING IN THE ARMORY OF COMPANY G, : v lantee, French 'Satines, Drop de Wro, Thomas and family spent Sunday Tho Bnccasunna ball dub went to Chester Price, i Decoration Day and beat tha elub ot that AFIEBWOON AND EVENING. with his p\rent» here. - Pampas. Fine-French Orgmiits, j* ; Jumcs Cburrn and Richard BIchards mn plat* a game ot ball 28 to 1 In six Innings. No. 6, BBIOK BLOCK. A M» mukhe l« mn* ItnMtml - DrmuMtjeand Scotch Gingham!.; —. Tbe famous Lake Sad bow ball CIUD W L home from Pcon»yl*anla. VIOLET. polnli of dclra «nil uabaalni. nlaiii, Irish Lawns, CfUnella OrffandieS.i'-'" ara camping at L*k* Hopateong, wended GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS ' lMttbtrmi>tttt>r(milull(bl dabovci A1LIKD BBOWS,' " ' their way to our quiet Ilttla village on MonShlrrea Ginghams, Crepe Cloths1"* < nmblu. ItlinsuWyfitoiwilliw '-':••' Boda Water day afternoon of this wtak to play a game of iiTiiaiiiin'iiT.'rtin Town of Dorer ""•-"~ ".imiiri!.; and Percales! easily deUeiiahle fnmt Miccl ttfaite, nit. , Tb« beat Soda Water ID all flaTon a i EDI- ban with ths Buccasunna. boys. But they • IN THE EVENING. trap pedala. and cither «!ngle etmahk Circus, Museum, Wild-West a anracUO go'p's Drug Storm. - wen not "In It" s.t any staga ol lba gatna WALL PAPER tiriaioriind. Wclihl, 30 pWiidJ with, and they want boms with nine nice whlta TIIE PRICES RUN FROJ! ' -j Exhibitions . . 99 wlUunt brake Tnir dSiptlon in goon eggstotbeircradlt Loin and Filcber Alwaranbaial. V - Ttunu tare and Carpet** NOTICE. CbUmbk caUlogM, irhlck ia r£ualud wen the battery for tba Lvka Rod club and Jse UomtnlUee will 11 Tbo largest stock and tbe lowest prices yon FBCa "" ^ *• 10 cts. to 40 cts. per yard, 'if And Oooiraa oC TEAIFKD BOIsas. ' plfyad a very good game. Valentine •eon , will alwaysfindat Dlckenon's, Dorsr. To me for an exThomas did tha battery work for tbe miS. EXHIBIT AT ltOoV, " Monday, June 18th, Bnccasunna dab and th*y played ttio gain* SEND FOR SAMPLES .. . . BnUhss. ; pert to call and without an error. H. Valentine at first. A. DoVar, V. J. -. ralnt, Varnlsb, Kalsomuw sod all kinds of Faocher at second, and C. Holme* at third UESDAY^ J U N E . i s , 1894, tell yon tfia price Bnubet at KlUgon** Paag 8tor*. hues, Oiled these plaoas to perfection. Jo* Harris at abort played us mail, a flrstelass OnOMCirflaa arotral TwoParlormaiicaE, and styles of fibC r l , ; O. Skinner la left, O. Bteelman tn ' Funeral Directors : Tsilar mule, glova fitting, all bone and flva mtra ana Joe Baldns In tight Said took rios of awnings EM4O.ltllMt4Ut.lKX. and Embalmers. • took*. Begnlar prk«TOeents, iHU seO for a everything that eotae their way. Tba Lake THE ONLY OREAT 9S CKUT BHOW. End boys tried bard to score one run but . abort time at <7«ymt. at DorerBes Hlva. for store and prt en left on third basaOno tunes. F. ValNOTICE. itlce otruek out 17 men sod C Lum struck • •.'..'••--•.. TlmaBpeidalTaltie* AU alia raponlad to dar or all hoar, of tb, nljtiit vBte houses. Is I4C9 Curtains at B0 c , We. and 11.60 a it II. Tbe following Is the Jcora by Inpair* all now patterns this soaton. .Twenly>r>hall,onorbefon Orm psr cent- undar roffulai price. Dont ., , JeJiTw to UM Ooltoc. . 3 0 0 3 4 4 0 5 x—17 BJI1OUT, J a): Mr. i*n of rtnrnr UM d ijJical* ot tha a* nlastWn at the Borer Banr of J. IT ,,.0 G O O 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 OUoftjMrt. G«OMlM0C B ta QrUoau ronno. Attest Woo. V, m m , Werk. NEWABK.N.J. PORT UOBKIS. Tb» funeral ol Oeotg* Uebo, who w u teli atrapb operator here tar orar tea or t«el» f « n , * u hald in our little chapel on WedDOVER PRINTING COMPANY DMda; afternoon of l u t waek. Ker. So UM partor, pre*ched the aeraioo from a found in on* of the ptalmt: "Teach ua t i so number our days that we m a j apply our DON'T BELIEVE IT. THE GEO. RICHARDS CO. Low Prices Offer Special Tames inU Following Stasiit Boons: Ladies' Wrappers, Dress Goods. HONEST DEALING IS OUR MOTTO Alaska Befrigerators Special iri Dress Ginghams, TAYLOR BEOS. Gem and Lightning Freezers, Ladies'Duck Suits J. Hair house, Infants' Lace Caps, Diauioi*, WatcbBS, Clocks, Ladies'Shirt Waists, Furniture. Men's Colored Laundered Shirts tt.25and«1.5O. CREDIT GIVEN TO ALL Boys' Waists THE SH1PH OUTRTTO HEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHINQ, THE GEO. RICHARDS COMPANY, DOVER, NEW JERSEY. CARPSTS DENTISTRY. CRESCENT DRUG ST0RE5 627-629 Broad St., Newark REflOVED. EVEFYTHIM& HT THE LOWEST PRICES W.J.OTE8JM. DR, GEO, W, MCPAYIT ^ ^ - L O W E S T PIES Parasols! IN THE STATE CRESCENT DRUG STORES 4ih OF JULY IN DOVER. GOLD CR0WH5 A SPECIALTY. DR. B . O. VBEELAND, ' NEDERLAND W Dr. Deane's Dyspepsia Pills GRAND PARADE. C.C. HOHROW t ATHLETIC SPORTS. 39cts. and 39 cts. Columbia, - &Sr»r.^ Fainter «* Decorator PECK * SACUE'S «. l.tattitinti., nun II POSTflL I. T. Solar i !»."•; 3SSS /Ol, 703 k 705 BROflD SI. WILLIAM S. COLLARD. €sr: f- PBKSOHAL. A June Weoolni. B 0 A S D OF FXBXH0LDEX8. CHCIICH KOTBS. 0BH-DBSIT8 DAT AT P t A S D I B g . A very pretty June wedding took plaoeat SuadBTat t b e n n t l L C. Ohircbwaaob The June meeUng of the Beard w u bald on lfra.M.0. Harttna li •ptodiag a week 1& XXTIIOUUT CBUBCH. Newark. arvadaaCblldrenellay. The Irbunlng of T h e r . w u e e p s c U e i . n l e a both momlng the home ot Mr. Freak B, Btackhonao el Vrednoeday. All the membere w e n pn Tba Ikarnwimtii <tr«c* the onurob was rnwrttrfB ***•• wai - oommunloation w u read from Charlee Walter Knight and family are ooonprtng and evening, the rooming program being Btanhopo on WednMdey ofthliweekathlgh Honlar. tbair oottag«. nwsadadmlridbTiuxtaUas thtpretUvn utora Church,11 wblcb wltb a abort 0000, when kUa BUe O. Btaekhoua ana Jobn M. Bty, ot Dorer, ataUog Uiat ba bad mat aLaHerani baa purduwd e tandaome that tea l i « bemm t i e ohnroh. II waa e a i u n a by tbe pastor, ndtattani Bad mnda Budd Hula were united ta marriage. -The with an accident et Ninkie pond, owing to S. S. Bargeaot and lAJnlly are occopjiog ceremony waa performed by the Bev. Mr. bla bora becoming frightened end Dealing their eottage. onUtnaaJsiiaForoa. modal church, mad. of wood, fourteen feel made a phautag a w i c e Frwddent Clevclaad drew the line between atetereo at Ike Poet Offloe at Dover, » . 1. Boat (onat tho U | tima Is Dorar oo J0I7 wide, twelve faathlgn endelgbt feet deep, The sobjest cf tbe evening nardese was Korgan Banted by the Kar. Dr. Slodderd, of over en unguarded wall, and hla bora and aad wee placed oa a platform that ran aeroa "Over the fleldi" and wea moat ably oarrlad Suoaaaunna, end Hr.Eiler, of Princeton. The wagon wan aarioudr Injured. He aaked for capital and labor, l i efareaping hb reward. > b d > aaeaondnleatnatear. The Kenmore Cottage, the home of J. Knox Vasnng Ugood In all the lakes end etreame lbowbnl.frouloftbechnn<i,Bnd wUllold ont, greet credit being dae Mr. Btout, end bride wea attired lo bengellna a!lk, trimmed en lnvMtlgation to dedde what damage. f UUlpa, ol Booth Orange, ii open lor tbe •eaovarlwohondredobUdraB. Tola cbnrohbai with anob an efOolant leader only succea with Dueuee. boa and peerb. The uaber. 1 due him. Beferred to Committee utbaavnltoatiraaBt. ' rn. wan Ur. Devld Miael, of Ho* York, and Hr. OB tta top a wblta dova, with Ita wluga Deacon J. H. Oranttr hoc preeeoted the JeU Keeper Bldney Hanaon baa bawl ap- •pread ready to flj. Blgbt onder It are tba oould Da tbe result of effort. Tbe onuroh Cbarla Budd, of Bcdd Lake, Hba Clarabcl wai tasteful!/ decorate! aitb flowers, greens Charter Congregational Chord, wltb a new pointed a HotaiT Fnbllo. Btackbooa, a nbca of tba bride, waa meld of word), "The Oburch of tha FnUire,r reodptf, lnoladlng, btlmot from faut mootb bell. end potted pUnU. There ware remarks by » « . TUIerd eipaota to take i m ' I ot then comei abt oolumni, and et tba top of Hr. Smith, paator of tbaFrebytarUnChurcb honor. Tba bride waa given away by her of *1H,OW.1I, (tUijunementj of «10,SW.8B, Fhyalcal butrootor Harmon, of tbe MarWater U U a e i » ont. brother, frank U. BUckhoiue. After the iHivlaS & b t l u c e oa lumd ol l3.4ttt.T0. Abo eretmblamj. Oatbennt coearetwo tie Dover p a t offlea oa July UM. rbtown Y. M. O. A., bat been granted a BuRunartahere to atay. ceremony a moat bountiful wedding breekThoaOerrbai bought thaaalooo now run baarta, oulbaevoond ere twoeua, wltb the wportAi bllli unoonUDg to «4,400.S3, which ionth'1 vacation. Kvergreeu and brlgbt, iwert June flowera fait w u aarvod ny the aforrbtowo oatorer. keadlaoroaad, on tb. third are two aworda, Tim ilinl BIIIIIIII nliawrt Tuna 1flHi by Bljab Bomett, on 9o»ex atreet. MbaAlloe Hagan la vbltiog ber airier, rapiveeatlng'SoinalBaforms/'oo the fourth wereamnged with care and tests la tbaTbe new bride andgroom will take an ex- wnnxxAeni p»Od. Blaokwall alreat'la being giea up. ' BOOBBWV people wlU dadde whatbar t t i r ii a circle, whlob b "CarlatlaB EqueUlJ." a Presbyterian ehureh, awaking thoughts of tended tour In thi South, and after their re* TbiCourt BOOM «vdJ-il CommlUw r+ Hn. Qeo. Heddeo. Dr. Ltnaberry. of Frinoeton, 111., b -toilwm iBAorporaa or oot next atonday. Tbe rolling mill willranna«t w e * . the fifth lieiler. meaning "Yoong People,' summer and bringing the mlod end heart turn will realda InKaavU. Tbapraentawen portwl la j&U M latt report 25, Admitted 41, Baa Hating le Improving el Leke Bopat. Iflentaka Ooondl, Boral Aroannm, of liee"** It two troinpete, crooad, wbloli la nMTer to lafnr. «od to nature'a Qod, and la bothnDmerouaendeortly. About one hundred dlnbuitd 48, nmilDlug S3. Alto reported ing old friend* in Dover and vicinity, B. J.Bcbwan and wife, of Eart Btroudaliorrlatowa, now Bomban MO manbera. njnaplrlng Leaden.11 Mine bee* of tkae tbe golden auaahloe, with the cheering word. w e n preautt at the eenmony end Included bill, for current expeiiM. 1403.89, which oong. born. Fa., apeot Sunday wltb Mr. and H i t ardend p-Jd. Agoaadnotoroonldploknp B large prao- Ajaouimi4alooriaj«ai»u«> nolumna ere Iba words, "Oirlst, Our Fona- and hymns of pralae proouumlag "Uib u the following: Mr. end I n , Jobn D. Budd, The Poor HOUM Conunlttoe reported In h, D. Bobwan, of 8 U M X •treet. happy CaUdreDB Pay." Hr. and are. Dr. C. B. flaldeu, Kr. and Kra, detloo." Tbaohurcb waa paloled tonprettaelnSiarta . ' BolltararjuiadrailiaUo ajototj In ICadlaoo. Chlel Engloeer Vmtand'li learn Ing to ride aant martle aad OB each end of It bang a bird 'Srlngdoweri, brlgbt fowsn to the tome o . B. Hanrey, Kr, A, A Uope and wife, Hr. Hovue tit l u t report T4, -^nUtted 1, dli-a bicycle,ft>aa to be able to give an nbibli at tbeoarBkopa warepntoa Boataof Iba omolarroada aralaTarjr bad Dan wltb two very await alnglag birds. otpraynr, Harry qttlmby a o l wile, Hr. Jobn BlBght DH on tha Fourth. ooadltloa oa acaonst of Ika reoant bearf Hare were a fine lot ot bouqnets, and they fuUtlmajeatardar. and wife. CbaraaA.Bakerandwlfe, JobnK. In Children'. Home at l u t report 68, *AThey are neture's offering, tkolr plue b Robert Dunlap has itntPlute Tribe, No. nae, Piper, wife and family, Hra. Frank S. Stack, roltt-d 8, dleohtuBed two, nmtUalDg 00. Alw 199,1. O.K. M., no order for onecf hb beat nrranged around the church In a nrj About m toga have been regleand la then" Cklokan teletei a n arwnd anlo. A todr bouie, lira. Pbabe A. Btackbooea and lira. Hftrristownaofar Tto apeolat eierdas by ths achools wsre JXackatt, Heeara. Jardlne and .later, Hr, and reported bllli AmounUac to 11,310.60, wbleh •Jlk bate for the ?at Men'a noe, July 4. Urlnf oa ML Hopa aTanna bad anwal WHttordsrei) paid. HelUe Hopter. of Baltimore, la upend Tblada. held la the afternoon, and church aud atolan laat weak. IatheniorulngRev.Dr GeUawey preached ebapal wan Oiled by a large oeogngstloo, J. J. Shew end tba K e e n . Elmer tring, Tbe phyilntan reported MUtltur oondlttop tax a oouplo of weeka with bar parente In thb Sudd Late Bwadlak XAttaanaa .baTa brokan a varyflMiarmontoalaiw.ooogreiateon. "Dike Bolldere" was tha program uaad, to- JohuB UlaoUouaaaiidttaKlanBedgmen, ol tbe bouw uii tl» gtnana twlth of the la-plaos, A nurqliir of Indlaa relics ere baleg fonad loranawcasioa. a l U » conaar of Iolb>aKerao»nike nerotatabejen with gether with recitations, uualo tto prftnary Blla B. Heooa, Fannie Roberla, HoraWllla, nutM ai verr cood, u d on* death bad o » Maater Janua O, Kirk, of Ilotendale, N. loan) near Mewka LetlUa A. Wnlte.NeUIaE. Btackhouu, Lltile curnd from old kge. "., b vtatUng hb grandparents, Mr. and Mn. bapUafog: dx little ooUdren by the Bev. Dr. «o«rcta."IJUl.BuUdm,".to A. Woodrulf end Addle Baker. » e Odd Pellowa wai lave ttalr faU aav Jaa. A. Qoodale. Tbe lUeralUneoiu Acoount Committee re- Mr, and Mra, Richard Cogan are oooapylng • X. Pottar»loabjarahaa<iaaaadJ>atad Oallewev. Primary departnant look charge. Kr Wm. ». Ucekn, Chnl, S e c ot U e Y. at Aatmrj rare, on September ». ported bllli •moa&tuii ta 11,033 87, which thalrntwaodattraotlTeoottagt on tbe lake aad paid to a a entire aallataoilon Ououfb Their nrataoagwaa 'Jewels;" neUalloai, by H. O A., at atorrletown, gava a brlgbl Water ii being pnttaLonuet HU1 Oanearjr laaafaaiTOtBoraiali. Eonlem. two little girlaand ten bore, entitled "The were ordered paid. anon, on the weatern bank of the Hirer UttlertoUaand taeOhurobof theVntar.," brief and practloal aditrea, rlretlog thi atfortbebeatlUof tke plot holders. Daeth of Olaxk A . W n c h t . Lunacy Committee reported quuttrly Tldi Box. tention ot even the Uttla ehUdrsn, a most aolaUidca.No SO, >. and A. H., w i seasona are showing"" full line of seasonable clothing for midKortyone priaooart wen ooalaal la tha work tba aatarad appfaoltoa dapna apon •oog, "A Bhelmr In Hie Tuna of. Blum'," re- dimouUthlngtodoona l o t afternoon and Mr. Clerk A, Wright, of Oeruisa Valley toUwStotoHotplUl u d AUtunatu found Mr. David Cariirright and wife, a Doled present a full front, hut we are ataUot, bl four girli; singing,''Let Us died atbbhomji laet >rldsy morning at iJ iiiMcomfort-vbleooiidlUonUpo«dbla. Thus Countr jell during the moath of U a j . millionaire of Roeavllb, ara tbe gueatoof dle-weights and all weights as well, at prices too small to need any anti-fat probokUngtba Indlrlded attention of bbhearen two oodkUau nan Wedaaada; anelol. Kr and Hra. I. B. Davkkoa ot WaaVlar TkaltererlledlleBarealllloonapgndlnt drown Him," nottaUon, "Glory of a CUM,' Hr Hoehn lee most graceful, earnest apeak o'clock Be l a d long been eiuffarar from are 07 itemalM and 48 malw than at oountr Rev. W. B. QaUaway, P. D.. pattor of the cess. . Weight and form offer no difficulties that we can't meet with a suit cut bynvegtrls. Then Itov. Dr. Oellawsy made away lo the figure and measure for measure. Youil smile at your shape and you dyspepsia snd about a month sgo be was at- IMUratfl. Tbequarterljblllof the hotplt«l, Slrrt M, E. Ohuroh of Donr. Mr. Cartton, ipmt Sundaj with t I. stiller at Btaa. wllk Ckne/aad II be ktepi oe tka treat l o w dosing remark, aidtbaanacol waadla. wand certain to do.great work In.e great tacked with a oomplloatlon of duaajea. •moiwtiBg to |1,1W.81, waa presented, aad wrlght and famUy will itart on June 80 for won't want to change it, either, when attired in one of our very handsome suits, hope. - V which are made in at. the current and correct styles. Nine is the highest figure a H m k e e n a j b e k e n . o a Ika Itautb ot mJead after bnndlctleu by tUIUv. Hohert cause an ukenatve trip ID Europe. Dropay wss the direct eauie of deeth. Mr. ordend jwld. Tba pries ol mllktaaamepobni of Jankine. Tola department bee oa lie roll HO Kr George B. Toorbeos, a well known Wright w u horn In Vlanden, thb county, Invitation* ere out for the wedding of Mluand means " way up;" that describes the material, style and fit of our clothing. Bridge' bllla to tbe amuunt ot I1.1M.73 Hbb Hay, daughter of Mr. and H n Wm.Our name fa "Mountain and Valley," that is, High Clothing and Low Figures. baa b a a ndacad to.one endttree^oerter CArlatlan worker, also of Morrbtown, spose June nth, 1U0. Whoa tto civil war br ke w»r# abo ordered paid. Bkperadt,atklalloailoHaandroalol old ohlldren aad when tteyaat oatha pjetforni tutl»ohlld>envaryuteresUngly. atr.Voorcauls. H. Peer, of Denvllle, to Mr. Edwin Claraooe out be enlleted lu Comp.ny A, Harrb Light tlme,eack aa Donr akaa bnowa bow to IImade aipretty alight aseay eye would The bridge at Mllliogtot, In Futalo, had Baunler, of J twiey Cl ty, at tbe reeideoo* of tbe haaa life Ume aiperlanoe lo Kabhath Cavalry, of New T o n . Ha ssrysd until 1SW Tan la tke kind nl weather yon're b a a UTa,oota«roarlo. oomaaWof end taiif wlaltolookoB. eohool work and samarke by him oonld be whan to wss badly wounded Bnd rooelred an been contracted for—Hbrrii Count}'! than brldo'i pannta at 7 o'clock on Wedneaday IbJilm for. Doe- dent kit* becauaa joo've jporfrlaaoa. In the evening the programme was pre-nothleg but oartarhUnlag exd helpful. •veotDg) June SOU). got It bonweblB dlscbarge. Ha drew a smsll pen- bdns aboot H93.5O, -miAch w u ordered M t Among tbe Newarken regbtend at tho TkaT P. a 0 • . o t t h a Flrat Pneb;- pared or Lev 0 H Fayee, D.D , L.L.D. It aside. " Kr, B C afarlln, pnoeulor In the Pint sion. Aflar to racomred from hla wound, he Ctaileatt Chamberlain, of Noaaa Fobit, rianCeon*, ofatonutoWiJ. will bare an oor^eMcfBcrlptarel reading by Ihepeator Atoo atlwd for oommlMaM oo bridg- at Mount Arlington Hotel last weak ware H. O. haa ban appointed Slate Steamboat l a . eioaraloa to lake Hopatoaai on TuaalaT, endaobool aad apeecaee. Tea Bra) waa anrnsbylsrien Cnurcp, e l MorrlatoWB, Undly took up farming for a abort time but llndlng Floaa«titPWnetoaoHtaboa.9%». Oldootn- Baaeb, R 8 . Sargeant, E . B. flanrant Mr. I^deolur, a. Clifford Bailee an! R. Volken< intndiinloryaidnaabyChBraaiB Ckryatal, ailed In making the e n r a a s pliasmg end hb health would act stand It to Bold hie fli m mlttee appototed. proflttbkbr nndsrlng a vocal aolo. Kr. end engaged In Dining end proopeoUng for berg. The manager, Prank Bohaffar, alwaya Tt>4 BUDhola aid Henoag paofle i n Apnar/tabkinada o( twlatal npa, tba lo wbloh hi abowad that tberoang pBopla Oa brtdce at Batter, oort •1,000, Cook, haa a hearty wdiMinaforhUKawatkfrUnd*. tobtUtehuRh ot Iba titan. Then came Kartltt la an sxaeptlonally Una vocellit orelntba mountains of klorrls ami BIUBBX Smith, QrimM, HiUedge, oofflmlttre. • UlUa(0( haling U» two town iagoreor- baaUwnk d Wm. Hlltous, la oa aAIUH whomltlaarere thing to beer Kr WJI oounUa far the Ulendou and Thomas Iran •aba Buobaaan, carrylnf a atar with tha . a»* BxDlaUiatioiii On brldte at HootTllle, oort »l,a», MilltatkawMoirotC,H.BaaaaU^iliawa atora word."CnriatlyLon,"which waaplaoedon llea B Salmon eleo nadered e eelo with OOmpenlas until abool ten yean ago _ when . : Tbe IJb-rtyAthUUn Glub, of Rookaway The block elgael eatkaa at Beet Borer aad afkaaaiatnat Mttled oa Sohoolsy's Mountain. Ba washa a cdfe, Qrimei, Cook. oneof Iheeolomaa of the okank, after wbloh cborosbylbiobolr Cheater JanoUon are repfdlr aeartag earn. TaananibaraofBaaaata Hook aod »Borne remerke lu iwaiiwntloH with. It. l i e offerum. ware for tto esleaelua of member of tto Qrend Army Poet etHeskette ' Oa bridge. In Horrb Tomuhlp, Ualley, expeoted to give a good exhlUUon of ball playing laat (Saturday. They advertleed that darOo.,o< Umbtoani, karadaoUad to t a b lUeweZ^andHountJoy had tkancat atar, Babtatth sobcol work In our own broad land, town, which tuned out with t t o German Orimw, Kutoher, Lum and GUHUKM-. On brtdg- between 6'IOOUUEI* and IreaJa, olub ooopoaed ot plajen trom t t * bid Valley Poet to pay their hat tribe of respect Thar wllljo with worda "Aggraalva Work." Bthelbart a moat needful object. _ f Hamebodv haa poannad Bsventl valaablB adajkoaalaiiniaVaflUilnat at hb funeral which was bald at Nnugnright oort tSOD, OHlen. Carliile and Quntlur. MetropoUtnoa would oonw to Bockaway. on UyprMBM tie Mar with words "Boeial pug dege belonging to William OogUai ' n BUM Teacber'a Aasodauon on Monday. He b a v a a wlfeand tsnchll- On bridge near Berkshire, port tSOO.oM that day, and a number of people turned out BefOfnsl, li> wbloh be went oa'to fall how Mnrrlelowu. UeHe.tbe Ovejaar-oU daughter of Tto. Tba fortieth annual maellng of the Stele dnn, seven sans sad tans daughtan to mourn committee. to see the game. The borne team and the AUtba ofnoers of tea State UcapUela at FltagaraU, of lladlsoB, ettoopteo to oroa taa nfomu couU ba brought about. Klaeea Teacher. Aao<latioa will to held In Kduoa. billons. HswMhonert aud upright In all bla Tbe oomtnEUm on Barges itrrct, Dover, people wen beta dlatppolnUd. Tbe followHojerandrVnl preantel tba etar with the MorrkFJalBaud Trenton were neppotnad tllla-nemi nfi lialn Iril i t t l a j imamlnaj worda "Cerletlan Kqoeiltr." Haaca King, Uonal Hall, Aabary Park, on Monday, July dealings, end a respected member of thereported that tbe oommltteo recommended letter will explain ttaelf i See wae alnok by Ike angina and killed. Lutheran Cburoh, of German Valby. The an iron bridge with two 20feet roadway, u d oaWedaeadar. ' Naw TCHK, June 11, 1894 Delrymple,Taylor mdDlckenon praaaM Wu. Vollowinfl la the program t funeral sermon w u preached by Her. W, B.two 8 feet aldewalkt, at a oort of 11,090 for ' Tk.oja»n«ieem«.l««o»eoflUaDaaa.'a & If. Barry la going lo remodel hie aoua two .tan with word. * Young Flopta" end 3-00, Pnyer; MoHo; FraaVUnl's Addna; Dclp, who took ble t u t from the SOtfa Faelni, tba Iron work, the bid of tlu Canton Iron DEAB Bra—I trurt tbat yon will Undly Sohool, at HorrMown, were held on laaon Monti Btreateaa pat la el) modem to- 'Inspiring Leaden." AU of thaa Hi 13tb vsrss: "Bo teach us to number our Bridge Co., and t i e muoa work would oo*t overlook ibe foot of thtMetanot oomlDgoQ proveBMattf. J. J. Vnaland haa the ooa.placid on IbeooluBuaot UaoburohaBd alter Appointmant ol Oommlttaa. Xueadsr morning. tnntaad Q Bottloew, of Hnark k ths •laglng aad the taking up of tke oolatotloB 3^0, Rqjorl of Oommlttee on gdncetional days that w* may apply our hearts unto wis- about $800. Tbe amounta were ordertsrl « t Saturdiy, for I aanre you It w u no fault of Mr. Oeotga E VoorBess, It, of Horns. a*U B . • • tr^avrioawBreffiemkaaAbyaha Benealo- Prognea, by Chairman Nlehoba llurrr But- dom." town,'who apaot the vriukr In Callforaia, tbe train, wbeo tbe manager of tbe Tbe Milton bridge had beea oontraote. for ler, Pa. D . , Duouaalon upon the above reTheChildreBotllarywfU hold a otrawbaa reWmtcl home. - t h e Iron wof* •300, btslde tbe muou work. Englewood Field Olab appeared and offered port berryaBllce oreaai festival In Bt Mary's on " And the Bend Flayed." John B. Olbloa, of. *Mar>, eddreaa Tto crowd, lo ettendeaoe ware very lerge 9 U, Addraa-"Banaa Social Feotors In of my men «80 to play wltb h b team BIW hall, D o w , , to-aonow-aaturday— Mr. M-Jl.j offered a neolDtlon that tha The open elr'onaoert (the flret of the eeemMIng in Newton hat night *B theajbjeot avaaeg. Ggodataio will be hrnJekeJ for allowiandeepenlallylatbeevaaung. Then American •luesUon," Prof B.A. Hlnalall, agaioat the Orange A. O. An I had no meani aon) wea given lest Tuesday evealsg on ths Cciimltueoarcadi beaathorlnd to •eoure of holding the playen, they aooipted, of Bumban of people wbo oouldBotgeflB KlobllenVoIvenlty. > of town weter-worka lot adjoining tke Slllott erlate aud Dr. Coca's thB mrtoN of an ecgloeer to prepare map. itf ooane, Tbb k i t me with d s p U j m , and IbaobnrobataU. ' 3iS,BapoitolthBCotnmlUaetiai Hecrnlo- residence, propertr owned by K. Xunson TOnUaaloUowa: . • aad UaV0wW>,wlU lira a wocd lake one dej hat week, Among Item Chatham . to Morriitowo, Horriitown to ten mlnnte. to catch the train. I amid have gy, by Chairman Bev * B. Braoe. I la Kkai bearing. A large l o i l t band stand was got three men eaaj enough, bnt, aa I told jrtn Ohlldrani Dey wea observed la Ones 1,00, Baslnea, Ksperls of Offloani R. id and a Uty candle powel light made MiHihiYii, Menrtham to Chatter, Cheeter to dnelenofelovarbniig In a roam aad left Oecmen Valley, OB the avaalog of Ibe »MCkurob oa Sunday.' Tbe pastor gave a vary ports of Couimllteoa BlenUon of Offlcers. would eend yon a tint OIAM team, I tfaotight Haokettetown. taat. GarmeaTelley people wlU be weU renight give wsy to twilight. to drj, wlU elear a heaa of Blaa qaioker C IctereeUageJdreee In the yoong people ead VanDonn^ Mill to MoiTi-town, MQJTH- » better not to come at all than lmpoaeupon BVBaina SBSSIOR, * eeidforgotag. And tto ococart wes sicellant, and tto Enany anwual of &J paper. 8-00, Aaldrea-"aty School Syltsms," by terpria Band Is .credit to Dover, making )ws to Roetawar,. Rookaway to DOTCT, jrou.. A kaadoaa direr oap traunal and Uaad children la the morning., I t s 8aoran>~t of Wotblng like that oaa occur again, aa I Ike I n a ot THa, Taylor at Boa, oavpawan with gold fa I ) be glvea Id the wbaer of the teptamforlBfBBbjwaa Ulialiiaaaul at the Judge A. B. Drapar. tto city tto poaeeeorcf twobauus that are Dover to Woodport, and balliers, of Morraaown, baa l a m «%• htaeieoeoatkerbatta. Itavaowon e*U opniniottaeBebbaUi akool la tka after Dover to Bttuitiopa,BtMi&ope to Hioketti- bave tbe following team oompoaed of old BflO, Report of Committee oo Heanme bsnds, sad of mono too Tto program oun MeU under oontraot, and will be able now to . anlved n» mutaal ooaaant. billon to Smgoree wladoir aaal will be eaowa noon. Tbe evening an-vioa wera ooaduolad Tto Council of Hducstlon will hold Ita ami slsbd of Iwslve obolc. Belaotlene-gsms In town. . by IheHundeyahoolal whleh time the pro. Motrititown to Whlppatir, Wblppan; to keep all engagement.. HanyDlaaeU, of Naaaops la goingtoopen alBooatoa,aor thaoselvaa-U which wss added two others, giam, "The Chanhot tbe Wuhan" wsa ran inuel meeting Bl 4 M o'clock. RothfuM, o; Bnyder, p; Baker, lb; Jack Hew Jersey, for Ue tret time In D o n then for good msasun, banda two solos, one by Troy. a |mt'i f oraUhlng etore la Ua Paraet amllodered. A modtl churob had bean bolll end HorrlB a?l»4ivt. to Fanlppany. Paralppanj Hayee, 3b; Jack Hebon, «•, AL KltA.ob, «>, twenty yean, labooond by having t t o Haspsdal nqusst (Sweat Maris) abd on* ansnlng ta that plan a n t weak. plajBdlolhencaabaalad Ha polpil, Tom O'Roarke, U; Feter Baker, cf; ranker. i Boonbm, Boontoo to Hoanlain View, tionel Asaocation to meet within Ita borders. eon Aanb LaoHs I ppsd off with ••JohnThe Oobmenoament enrdese af Ika Defer Ing the iBacriDtloo, VTae CEnroh of Ike rf i Eatwbrook, extra, Monntaln View to Pomptco. Blah Sobool wlU be beld la tka Bahav O Fotnre" at Iba top, "Cbrlatour Ponodatloo" In vbw of tbb fact, t u BsccuUve Oommlt- nie go get your gun, shoot," by Blgnor EdKladly let ma hear froth you,—Toon truly, MorTlitowntoGretjo VllUge. Green VIlHonea nest Frkay evening. at tha hue, aad tba amblaaa 'repraantlng tee of tto New Jeney EUte Tncker-e Aaod ward luneldl, the oel.bntod clarlonotbt of • ' _ H.CPETM. if e to White Bridge. atlon, deelde) to hold the annual State meat, Sew York. The efforte of tbe Blgnor aod of ttedfowentohsnetara of Ike program on Bummer hotel leepare who pray at aU have Madleon to Oraea Village, Qnen Village lagalA4>urrPark,onadayprOTlouato t t o U s other mueWini w e n anolauded fretaaeuEFOtttng nlaana. WOKAH BUBlf-VAOB I H lffBW been praybig for a warm Ball Bad thfllr . mealing of tie National Aaodatloo, thinby quently, Tto streets w e n thronged with )Hew Vernoo. taat the properly of<Ma. "SlonewaU"<ack J B B S S T . prayen have bien aaewered TbeohurekWMtJOauUbUraVoorated with glrbnitolkaUsotorBofHsw Jerasy oppor- people who wishedtoenjoy e trest, in which M<s«ntaliiroadto2rewVernon, New Vereoa,gMaa maaoral day, oaafamiBaei ' Tee aangal ooareulloa of Ibe raate Flre- H a d l n , where he had been qaarlend for a InwaraeadfaraaglvlBilta very allraeslve tiuulytoaHsndtbsaNlonsof both aasoda. they w e n not duappalntad That tto dU- ooa to Kutober1! ooriwr, Eutcber'i oorner ta Ohlef Joatioe Beaator'a Opinion Doea one. . . :•.'•.,..• ...... metfs laaielatloa will be beld at Ataaele 'aaaieate. icf Dovw and vldnlty enjoy good mualo "aiaito Valley. ' Hot Aboliah It at Sohool MeeUnca. - CliyoBSspUaanerlMaedST, Loog BUI road to Chattuun, Croes Roadi Three aew Bratvdreate,eaaaaatad to a Dew TaaalinaaaoiBXUBd of aingtog, nolaa- The condition of the AeaxbUoa'a flnanoa waa proven by tto eltendaso. upon thb to Valley Boad. '• • Tea lire CUeteof Jfarletown, Benakm, eU teak aaaarmaBi, have beea n a d a a l ttoes,sad dklosiee. Those who took p u t beech taat the uaual meesbsrehlp f e . vilu Tbereoeut deebicm of Chief 'jnaUee Beaabiltoasamlea prrforael their parts with Paaaato Valley road. ' notb.Bnllclt>dlhbyB.r. A l tto same time Newlon end Dover will et* aa Jaegee et the were paced la aarvloa laat weak by IkeXorleyln tbe fiergen ootuity road oaW, that MotrUto-m to Mount VWecdom, Mwdham women have DO right to Tote in New Jeney, rlaowa AaeeawtCoapeny talkevMnity of gmlivedlltothamselvaaad we believe, l o It b urged upon the teaohen ot tto Blaa Boonton ve. Port Oraan, ,, nteea la Hover on tha Starts. enroll ttoaaslva aa members of tha national Baturday feet tbe Boonloa Athletloa to D o w , Cheeter to FMpaok. has alarmed tbeanthortUei lu Mveral icbool > According to a eVcUoaof Ohlef Jeeatoe tea attt ot taa recall Hra which. oMroyed fko tke leJWeetioa of all present. 1 W. aaat not faU to Beta the uepronej aermaa Vallej to Ht, Arlington. AaoctaUon, and thereby show tbalr appRdU a l a H a t a Hotel atubaa, met tba.Fort Oram Club on the Itttir'a dbtrioti lo which bon>Ta have been lamed by Btatbrhwcmea are att aatliha lo vote area Madleoo to JBanovar, WWppany to Han- antborltr ot dbtrict meetlnn at wltloh Tbe Baaan BegWer aaya thai Iraderlnt about lee cturck end peiaiaagi. Thtpastor atton of having In Daw Jaraey Ika meeting of groundlBantaragenieot baea ball, fort fer taboos taiiatiita Mew JeTerr. uvteimMotttoToojaaaahangndedBad abgraalorganlaatlon rer, Fwalppany to Floe Brook, Rookaway women voted. State Sohool SoperintWUnt Oram loatlhelr tret gama to Koonton by a r i a l i l l , of moral. COBBve tvM ttooamlt r • TWaloarlafleUaBbdeffatidta. Brooksodded tto grounds anmeadlag tka okank doea Boore-0:to friend felt like evening ta Hlbernla, pMHuinoitk Valley roads, Poland reoelred aeveral reqatets for iofori baFolTtedulce1batea4nBleggaaeBllIor' BBliU.le J e n e r O t t y o Ike « • laat There meting . . e e a d e o n . l e w . Other ImproveT . K . 0. A . VOTB9. next meet- mationaa to the tff.ct the decbton would matten wltb them, aad they dld.Vlt w u a Tba inapa to be preaaotod al the BBVaanafBlpvranBaof t M BaaaalaaUa : rlatowa, m Betaraaj, by a aaare of 5 to e. Taanwasnoboyv."l>a*etln( hut Sunday, well-plered game, each able dotos flntrobu oftb*Bo»rrl. .'• -..:. ';• •....'• "• • ' have on n»cb bonds, ..Tbwe wert.nfemd to aoaaty,but a a oalT oaawi kaowaitdta m n t s ere ecoc to follow 1 laiwoarpaaa Bow t a oaaghl le varkjaa epaaal wit. tha world aad a a ao hair/ U b very Beatifying to t t o people ol Orane nor will there to <uttl September 9 Tto work. Day, of retenon,/oticupbd tha box Mr: Lyra e^«d what would be tbe effect AttoruyCreneral Btsoktoa, wh9 on Wtdneaffaiara coonly etteemt, M l laelr BHrotae- to leave ». Oharok to kaow leal t a n have so exosileut aaaatmaetliawesheUla our liglUlcg leal forBoontoa end duvary well, but tba U U upon U»eapjiitoattoM UTom the Board, « u i day mfamHUd an cpinlMi In wtlob be bold, Uon la rrgretad, ta (key eMtrcT Ike egga of Ajnvag enlorat boyelola ahanaa from peawaealr.TnuaboweriaolorJyau e » Saaday, afar abeeeceot tour months, aad which Port Oram made were aaleooea. Kat- aaked what Mr. MoLean thought ot i t That that tbe Oalet JI-IUW'B opinion cannot be other Den. • . la»eriaBre«WllllemOogalaaw mill e, In ceUestprvecharaad paalor but ai. aaraaal dsepia tto warm day and ikesxtneklMrea's trlok and Jamu did V>a twirling tor Port gnUaraan Mid that all that r-qnaonook inteirawted to deny woaMB the right to vote la a Ive laatag gaae at aiorra Plaaa laat laorrhaowa, oaa night laat weak; Be andaoUveworbar ta every departneal ot gay elenaas, the rooms w a n Ulled wilt nan Oram, and both did w d l Oaaooll caught TcwwWp wanted wai to bare tba road forUieiBTMM otacbool bonda and on'otber • •• •• ' - A T " . • ' In hear Rev. A, K Harris, of Port Orem, wo alee like la right, and Obokea e t abort built aod U that was dona they wert aatiifled. qnedloaa oataiie of thi election of ofBotn. • Saturday tke Hnpial traa wiped Ike earth aitwaaifcetfraay Bight Thewbeale wea church work Ba Is, Ihroagk hla aotlve I aader ha badeod ailanat pkoa of wort, ale waran frleaoaklp, aad hta anelel iho delivered e telllag aMraas. K l a Ktta played a BUS game. It waa a very qulelgeme Ifr. WoCue abo tpotu fa?orably in tbe nut; HeMyt alao that It b qneetlonable If tae with Ibe m u r a g e b a a , cf Hew .York. yea inii'Mai wareaMreM ta tha b a n at aaanaere, feet Iteywahag Tory pope'er, act earing aaaj "BeaaUtul t*ad of swalah" and the onakawk. to eve than two teama tar. ConateUor Qnayle adud U the potl- uffloOT'ebotedataolwl mwUngi are witbin wonld agree to atop proceeding! it only wllk ale own people Mil wkk tkoa out- aad other aeleotlons In bar unal good way. meet again. Following, the.exec by laoiaa.oooUrapi.Ud by tbe oottftatlonal , ' IkaraiiillbapnaoUailalaa »raa IbU- which be worked. t W B u a n l w w W U i . acUon and-r tbe gen- provbioo quoted by toe Chief fotfce, Tbe eue taa chunk. Tto ooagreseUoas teva Tto T . K. O. A. Orokcstra farnlstod tka " cdUCbueha«nfW>bala,alWJ»A Kaad Blnl at E. Onrah.-Prea9Ui« Bait Bun- beeodonbledlnnambars of a«endeaos aad laats. H i . UOLWD M U that thi people Utter do« not in eipnae ternu aay that 1 1 I U I ! I I ' tralaob da/ aoaraag^aal avaalag, byaaapeflor, oTFeqaatiBoek weald agree If work waf p milUpUadlntrratleaTlooadalnoa tbe lav Men's I b a Meeting In Baker's Opue HOUM in oanaot vote at aebool maatlagi, and Dr.Oalkway •vaalagteati Bnh.f-»7 l ea. 0 1 0 a 0 0 1 1 0-0commenced Ii a raaiouble time, to atop pro* tlw:,*.ttorn«y-Oi»a«r«l " X. AJUralOTlWJ. neit Sunday, al four o'clock. Dover Bend. holds tbat under «tb» lili-ealnlly Ulaelreted, pmedel and fol gtadngof hla mslora! work rortOnun.;....o 1 0 1 n 1 8 (I x-8 now pending Mr Quayb ex- oonatltuttonal aotbocltttton to tho Lt«iaU' Janai aL baltjmpla. taa •alMaom tain l o n d by Btort, thoroughly prepared adOooaeervica aess BonoWy, All are - . Y 1 ! C .'. ?(«<UMin» ami jtfaor nnaie A XTunnlv,«. ilerir. plained the operations ol the law, and UM , dbpitchiroiiUieKnrlaaiiil& dlb a^Mtajeakee, Bev. A. Putztam, ot Kew York, to provide for 0>e <'inaiiagemant u d '' dmBa, to ba daUreral ry WUll»m fjfnrd we. Tina of game, 1 boor and ttmlmitae. tMtaodofproeedtire. haa been appoints* ssfstOaOaa of will to present. Her. William Shawger win ortof ffMpnWIc aotmoJi," and to proThv, Mr rulmsn, a acted BiptW divine, The Port Oratn Olnbpay.the Morrb Pblne block a%aala;ataai. • ' The roll waa oalkd and all tbe ueuiben Tld*for"thamalntantiibeaiid tupport of a Ua%affam,XiagBna of fttmlu,ot Dover, wUlkoUenloaeervloalnlhe Qraoe M, E partldpate. You ought to go. For men only. tntm Juno 33, at 2£5rri£ Kahu) VTaBuiualuu, Short serruse. thorooth and efflcieotiyitem of free pnbllo voted In favor of thi reeolarJon. Bar. Futoaoi, o< ICaw Tort, mm bold 01 narah b a body to Orala M. R ohnrch Ckurct, Bondv avanlaa June 80, Abrle, ot Phllllpiburg, at Pert M e m . Bmlib and g « * w m added lo tbe achcol>,» the Ltgblatore haa the power to tfnktt avtkaa In taa riaMijUlaa Okank > Baaaay aearalag, Jena Mta, aad Uaaa to Morning aubboti "Frkw/pla that ehoeld WetnindsUaltoltoBBbtatli School ol Mr 4, BndBookawerJBly7. aatfaorite women to vote at, eAool TWrtittg*. floadOonunlttee. ttoPrasbyteranOhunhlorSSoU a n d a v (budaj montei,aad h Ika Oiaea'lf. *. a anaoa by Bev. V.'B. Trmnbowav, peelor Btarmlne Ohriatka OoadaoL'' Dover Btttdanti a t aTawark. TheaabrvofUiedarkof tbe Grand Jury oral new books for library of our Junior D*. Chank Baadv araalai. iBObarga. All broaai ot ahaar loaga ere v7a have nealvad a Drogram of the gradu* WMbmaaedfromllOUto»15l>per year on Thaakel \ luv'lmpnrapaalakinbaaiaada.tbai cordially Inrned lo attend. Mat at SOTHag exeroletiol tka Haw JarayBnabaa motion of Mr Mailer. Xiok»d About OoW T-*. ' . tklaapttaiat Ua Moaat Artagtoa BoW arajaiBaU at 10A.M. Tto 1-rabyterlan fAtroh never tooted VMre.of Hawerk, walek leke. place thb aallnaol Hah Oommlaalcnar. WbtnlK-jau^U ivam M a r n j m a . to Aa will be Net., tbe roadi ueotioned oom laoola,, nttn a taTiHoa kal baaa baltt aad Ahead of brava fnaa Boaauuck Tltbt, prettier than It dU oa BBwlaylaat. Palme Frank P«e™, Pah Oo«untak««-All In- avenlag at the Peddle Kemorbl Caunb,' at prbe tbe priadpal UwnragWa-w of tbefati home, on Sprinc tbvst, HOITMOWD, tot aaa balMi>a->oaaai aaVUL lapMO H a l , took t i e Iran for Rocaeway, and wM and cnltsrsd l i s a i ailed tto front imrba la regard to time end bind of tubing Newark. The progntn k) an InleveeUng one, ' BF.Brjaat,ofOaaanaronoaatktaaU Tkaredej night, where they petMoahd In lh» cf Be church, no) hiding, but framing In a utiaiWUyaaewend." ,ran b the notice we Iml Ilia Una.! liilaaawtliBB |ai 11 1 Dover peopkt oountr, with nttmmrj oroa roads, about 1B0 tapper Urt Sitnrdar nljht hli rt-praoil-w ruiaalaa ota aew tribe. Wampua waa of ptetnn of beantj-tto palatt. Dr. Hallo- a w oa the buIMIn board laa BaUrday at a n the name, of the aoaolara from thla aav milMlnalL Itif ettimitad that the roadi |RTa htm « cop ot oold tM. H« protMtwl pound, iarnxnoalk kaai In be tntvl* *t e» arengt oort of »,000 per s ^ d l u r l 8b.-ei.-d him, » a d - i gnat aare, and the Bet Itooa n , ob- wayapoka to a large aadasaela tto aom- theD.,I»atW.depot. Ontoqolrlatiof Nalrho .will gradflatefrom thediflanot "'op Wataaatar araatat UwaanifJaaM \i] sea ami*a la* the faaBaadtaeBD- bag.Braglvugngvaealaaai aranu to tbe ann end Boplar, It w u fouad taat Hr. PMan dapertmenb. They e n u followai School mile. lahoda. B . o » d lira bait oMIdna on "Obedience," lad taaa oaeW Ika had beat appointed Fleh OomirdeBoaar u a of Bnalneaa, Willbm J. Baaitt, Mini HOI; litter, Onlahed the Job by throwing abaftvy 1 Tacaaaa I . Jakaaaa, tka S o n r At Xinlsink JHaralm waa true. Thapteee IWeanlJawAaahlcehhrettaloftaefoilod- adilaoBtbe '•TtoOtlldrenry»blea,' frt<. rewarllor hb faithful u r v b u la keeplBg Bcbeol of Bhorlhand, KiaiEllsabeth A. O n y , oatlar, baa Jaat aractadakaadaoaa ootaaja Kr.and Hnelohn B. Gordon oebbnUd i M o f a e W B a l i J . M-K Okarch wlU take IhewxtFrov.aSrf Iesto aftwaooB a aje- people pooled aa to when to fbh end whoof Dover, and Mb. Hamle Oabome, cf Port lelr tin wedllof by MUrtalnlng friend, aod o( crockery rtmok the boy In the f a » and . a m u a a t of Barra (raaHt oa tka tajafll - ~ -" a*. Aaaaber oal oarvloa waa held tor tto Seaday SchooL went Ming. TotaatthanawooaaikBioner'. Oram, B e a n o , and Advanced Theory, H l a toUfM at tbalr hoaw. Arnotvg tboae p n * broke.' 1One of the tbarp pieces nearly aevand plol ot i, M. DalrpapH at m . *l liluai boy * noaa from hb faee. Kelgbbon were otfujaer iBwtenaeve beeai avHed to par- The Bohonl aserly died the body ot she knowledge ol fkblag aad Ika lew. nbulng Kagtle K. Baker, Dorer; BbDrthand Tneory,• HaTt»Pnrdt>a,t«-aIajorOrt»ta aad aW. t a a a k B i a r v a a , ead ara aspaotad to ckBrob,whueparealaand frVaaa atlled tto thereto, Hehmaake) him when, tea law we. OeowPeer,Dover. AntuabtrofDoverboya an* ware llr. Jemn Btrahao, from Albany/ SAME AS THIS OUT IN STRIPES •Illaa, Mathnalaliil > U M f r o . funiaa-' bapnawaa. Tke BeT.atr. Atilaaa, a former galkaia. Ttoaserolaa miiaililot aaglug. oil niumnjchuba. and It then waa anyand glrb have graduate! from tblaiohool, K. T . ; W a ft. Waileofl, Newark, N. J.; UIM latarto*d. Bomeone went Air a police BUen E, Milw, Slto Pbcabe i L Henlford, buri, neaaUj-apmt a dajirllkHaT.W. a paalor, baa baa Uvttad to pmcb tba tag aadreapooelveradlBga. aarlau aintaraj, On. oa red-legged land turllaa, ead ha couM and Principal Millar may waU faal prowl of Mr. aad H n . W- M. t l t a l t l l r . aad; Mn. B. man and otfaan mmmoned Dr. Oluttwbock, byreqnaa,nolhd"Tt»C»an*Beb7.» Tba act tall vdtkont kcalagIn hb book,: 'Hopbr OaHawaj.paalarotlkaltatll S.Okana. wbo tewed young Hurray* BOH back In a, Mr. aVd Xtv. M. Berry. Mr. Wl.un, AND DOTS, TUXEDO BLAZEB a waa by Hi. B. B. Oage. aad was one ran eurprlaad that ha aoirly ML off hb Aa e r a H H n . Murray beard the • Iba Mav York aalkorHlaa ara altar tka Taaaaoavlrweaa ii,|iniBHof Brae trirnW M MlBBla Edward*, Kr. and Hra. Robart " , When aaked what the tnChlawu, ha .aaalraamwlio ajl hraadf akiaalaaa dropa aagaia wiaaaa. Tkay dole onahaae. aad cf latmettotka cklldrea. A rerrdeligatGordon, Mr. and Mix N.rada Ooeaw, Mn. poJIceooming ibe ran Into ber bedroom and Killed Xkelr Deere.' dimftwd.. Stonaiateaanwt and tba poUmtoaiaoolaUiaraa. boaapoaadottkadnfa a-tvaraaoa IVere anioaaaypakvfacel. ful perl of tto esrrioa was the bspUea of 0>e Bald ha tkoaght the .new wmmhatonir ought Bx-ltaraaall Kallay a two handaome Bpanbl OOMW, Hra. Qordori. mtrthw; Mr. and H n . JACKET, WITH FULL SLEEVES, •ooapUnad af S10 fraaa ot akakd mm weakly aemliaot tketax., DenehlaiJ^y UttloohlldreB Bamweredavklbwledlotto tokaow e a * a aUnpU thing, and it ba baddog*; whht wen Wttm by tbi uttbdoj 01 w i V-ger, Mr. William Pavnoher end many HJi. menwere compelled todrex bw. Bhe waa ennooletltocloaB, '. f , known that hi woold lava to rota to kla tand. . " M s eainaw, H a . tat It la okaaper aad east* en. Ho-lo was fnralebed by Heetn. Beareb; taken before Police Juttee StOlwoli, oUrfM with atrocloaaaa-ault upoo her atepaon. and hook for aaawara > little Ikfaga Ilka that, be Bhopee'a abort lima ago, began to act b b e v s a r p e a Item to bay heala.oraoller and eOeofcer for thorn who eojoyed danonraatk tka tormatta'of aatl-okanata XiABGffl BEVEBES AND BIPPLE would never have voted for Urn for Fiah caerrlrtba other day, and Hr. Kelly con- g Lunoh WM eeiTad at 12:140, after wblob In default of heavy ball wai committed to the ABDBnnDBATK. kamaa, tka publo aaVnb i n Ilkatr to do ~ n a H i m IT baaUas taa pnbUo bare fined them In a pvn' to await developmeate. County Jail to await tha action ol tha Grand Ths people of Dover were ahookid on Tiilnlbiuaj if ntiialatlbali maaaai|i anerWktitkalaaatkBiiapioM. After bemg looked np for a day ther ehowed dandng w u again raaumed nntU tba " Jury. ^ _'.J •ma' hour" ot tbe morn. All report having a ' Uoobjotaon <autkaBMaWw>aa>aaa TkaS.U » W - * . KOo.aBBlaBe»orden WanaaaaTavanbgiOBlar of the snoaaa .jnjptomaofhjdroctoMe, end to be on the BACK, PEKFEOT FITTING AND baatlatas feUre ao anksol Uehea wOl be deathof JokaK Relal,erhcaaakaplaclger The fourth at Port O n a . safe aide he bad Marebal B j n m klUlhem. Koadtlme. . i abhlodo. * ~ , Tear Dawn Old Hooaea. to any OBtarea asoapt Ihoa takfag BhMeuthsparkforaaaaherof years pest. The Port Onm AthktloAaodatlonhave BaltlaasrotaaddaaralLiaa Wan?n Berg, who reatdea at MyeravtUa In a rrgear otwaaow. a a n l or asBaaato oouree. When be aroa Wednedv aeoralagtooom-.daoUed not to ellowihla day to paa over Kr. Robert iUcbarda and Mr. 1.0. Heagan ToiWaaBpplTteOaualtaDv Wanted 460. (tot $S. . aavalo townihlp, Horrb county, wai recently BretororeeAocI lliitiiBjiaisaasd to boys palneiioffealhBvdlBayaadbfa aotber trbd wltbont a ocktbntlon. 'They promlatob a n have al«> bad tbalr pit dog. killed, at they WELL MADE. w e n la the habit of paying with Kr.KeUr> Enratt, of taa Anariaaa Hoaaa. aaat toTsrsaafls hla as stay kome for tke day batter y e a day than ever before, and all dogs. W B bearUir oommand U u a ganUa- A young man nanuid WlUUme brought nilt engaged by a farmer named Lone to tear IR74l>raai>>lUa Brook bait la bard to art bnt to thought be would to ellrightattar ka who kaow that orgaabatkm know that may meu for their prompt action la thle metier, K-inrtTbomai L i w r a m in Jtuitce of the down an old •keerted boot*. It b reported a . II vhH D D W ha Bsoaarr for atkoan /aaar tka laka. that Btrg, w&ileat work a couple of daya aearea eartUoata ahjaed b/tka taokar wasoulawklla. Ha oeraadowa town and anthaonaaforagood tuna. They have en- and would edviea ell oaf dtlaena to follow '-•c.CllT.'iooortlaMorrlftown iMtT opened tto atora. Abcat » o'clock John gaged the Entarprba Bend of Dover and that their example In the o u e of any doge eua- day to rfeorer f50dimag«a. Lawjenoe owni ago, unearthed an old box which, upon being TbatabaaMofBeUaiaZna.oflfatl- orprlaevpalbatareaUBketalanaa. Lyaoh happenad to go ta ead foand him great aalo derloaotbt, Big Blnaldl peotad of baring been ratten by rabid aod drirea artage)from tho Horrfstown rail- opened, wai found to contain a oonatderable . n c . baa baaa konkt oat bySktlav Braa, amouut of money. Report, differ at to the Wag down. Beooespkalaed ol faeHag had They will eaUven the town eU dayenbna'a. read depot to tbe Mandon Houee. Bectntly tt Horrkanra, wkowlUraa " • • Ii ODD n t V L O m , OKAVaO UMBoonnaotloa wWl Ikalr artlokd laa paatat \ OBATBD. ^ aadlqookviokajm to k a bnaa on Odd h viulo, They expect J. H. Tomer, ot haoalltdeill wltb. WlHKm*, - . t o wasriding%exart mm, bnt It U eaU the flnd exceed) 13,000. Over an. hundred aimliMi of Randolph strait l a * wagon. Doctonwan aimmftaBi Waahlogtoa, D. 0., to oeltrer the onUoa and blojole,andth*wh«elwaiwreokMl. Ajury Berg had engaged torautba baHdlti|, withCard otThanka. . UtB plalntlSaTerdlct, fixing tbedara- out ooet to tbe owner beyond tha old ma trial, .The Harm end Kama dttMoagf IkaU., aage,iro.W,LO O. r.aarlattberrlodge aad It e i s found that a blood v n a l bad BaT.A.K.Harrbtoaaaat. They wUl have I wlah to return thanks lotto Hatropolitaa and the qnaationb now rated which of the '' ^' " ' ' ' ;D.andW. K B . t e a ordered t a new FaU- pom on Saaan atreet at % oMook Iset Te»- bnrskdlaUahaad. He entered tain nboot bicycle, footi tack, lub end Iwlomlng recee Life Ioaurenos Ootnjjacy for prompt peytwo men can claim tbe money. • S oVlook la tto alaranon whan to dkd. dayBfarniooa,aadba«ladajtt» Entarprisa valnabla prlata,among thim beJngaall oucan.bntowlmtotheBtrlkaalPuIliaaa « i i m i t i niiTB--i l n - - * Mr Belnl wae wan known ken, hevtng var watch lor the Ucycla. race. They will ment of mydalm at thadeetiiof my bos- V Twentr«S1ya T s t u t a It lejlselv tear w m b . d j . y e d la getting iii.ii. bend IreoehedturMigu their BapBriaWudThe Bar. Dr. Kotert Alkman will preach deooreteaUiBgrevaoi their aaoaaeal broth- uvadtaDoearaaerly-aUhlalUe. H a w M » have a ban ball game between the Phlillpa. laaaout _, . , ent, W. K. Fkber, V>» lu full, and waa put The Board of Truiteea ot the Dor-r Fublio bbhlitorfcal dboonne oo ths oocnpleUoni of era.'Tnaadv wan tke day set apart by tke At a n . IiJteV jUnerioan House, half a Oread BL-a aa Odd »elk>we> Maaoral Day, veuofenaaanerrlB^of.quMdavaatVn burg and Port Orem dub.: The parade In to no trouble, and woold recommend the Ua tmmtr-HEth year of his pattonte In Madl- Bcbooli bave reengaged all but tfcree of Ibe tbe morning will be a fntun..- In the evan- MfttropoUtuidto AU HT fridodcL to nad. triads ie<sdly. Hewaeeyc mill e o n s Miaul Arllagtoa, meay Hewark aid sVea«UpbIi4n<anM out Ike program teacnen wbo are now In tba achooli, and •on on the 24th ln-t, in tha mornliiff, at the era ara already booked for the eaeoa., The U tha Mtar. Afar deoaralfag Ike graves nan of good <awraotar and bla psnata, lag a.futlrai 'and.daace lo the grova and HOH-Wlf BBAQWZUa, Flirt PrMbyterlin Cbttroh. In tha afenlng' th«B t0rw-Mi-»9e Shoali, Alpaugh and brother! and listen bava thasympsth; of tke Bnworba will, oaka up a great day of tojoyboating fanlllaea at aVb kadtag ara a a Peck-lave declined to aerve next year. Ml* of tbe mme Bunday a public eerrloe In Of.tM.i8t, IIIJ a i l l . i l TurMi 1*-| 1 - j " - ^ entire oomnndty TtofuaarelsBrrioee will eat. tk.bmtnUaUe.Vwen. •> Sboab hat aeonred a poeltlon at ber home In Motion with the does of Dr. AilmWap Dot.r.N.J. was thrown open to ike uatnlttaaed, end after tola^atthareeUancaofhaireltor, Andrew 1 Mr farther perlloobn watch tbe Klu and toratewlll bo held. Clergymen, and laymen Bherber, IT. T., and Hboes Alpangh and Tliaftavalopealni'ofllillonaaVreiiCloif aprayrrbyBav.W.a.Oallaway l oftkB'lrst BeU],onGoUatrcetat»«eUook!o-morjow tvehrge'bllb which the B»e wlU print from Madlaon and elMwhera will participate. Peck wUl not teach tie oomlng jeer. Mr. R. Olnb will tale plaoa toaarrow." Tba dab H KCanraw tto band renderedionepreUr iflerDooo ' , " A. Harrow Bampe. ' M. Everett, wbo haa been principal of tbe . aow uDmnatr a » a d y sag m gaatleaia iilmll While Qiorge Reevee, an employeeof the Mr. Jean Toy read tha llet ot Olbelnr Xxendaee. r Hlberma School, and Mlra Zadolm .CardofTnanki, t aaanban' A Bnotah BolfraHtBr wm leaeB tkae who aad oad ataee tbe lodge waa laatlTher Drank Irons the g a a e Tliaoloalngexanaoa'of the Dover eohoob Electric LtgbtCompany,wu upon a pole on Hn. -William Bfaadwtll wlihea U> return Porter, ot Detroit, Ulch., have beea engaged teted on Saptambar B, 1808, aad Bev, Sr. D u b * tbe. late otvtl war Oharka Honklna, wultehaplesa on Tbnraday aad Friday ol HoBmonth evenue 00 Tneeday afternoon, tbe thaoki to tbe mamben of tbe Dorar Band, byttwtnateea, ,Wa laam.wltk n p a t teat alka Badla J. OaDsway aade a tew appropriate remarks, postaau*sr_BIB.9onloa, and John Lefts*, of next weak. YAt two b'olook'on Thundar rtrape 00 one ol nb ipan broke,' and befell tba Fire Department, the Employ*-*' Mntael ' " ." •• " .38 Bttarda, fomailr of tlih phoa, wao baa Bltai alia h lla aawlin BBBiHamlaal Port Oiam, wboa name during tbe pest year aftantoc n tha graduatet from the tirammar totbegroand. .Hewunnderedoncouciou. B«iwet .A-od-tioa of the Morris «nd E m BelUnaT the Seney Batata. ' r»ananairthnacaoiilatfortMwild,lT.Y.. Tha aemee of tka OH Fallows burial In was sddsd to Bandolpk Towuablpe Boll of Dip'twIUglvaBUintarlBlciiienlln the Aa- br tbe tell. On examloetlou' It w u found nelghbon and Mends (or The George t Seiwy eaUto at Bemardafall'aan atalnafew deji a|oaad bad tka aeaviEftt are as follows: John Oaborne, Honor, served la tto famous lat Saw Jeravr amblp rcomot the north Bide Building, at that :be wai conddoTably brulaid, but WB a n l l t f n i U l i l b baa been bcugfct by aland lyndioate, ^aaaOkaywIdlaB, Bobert Esnoook, Joana ' mktortaaatofnelnrakirfaMcap. which County Snparlntehdent Cox WlU pre- gbd to Bay that no; bonn a n . brokao, and nent. In one ot tto tottba CherUy and U b t o be aoU la "plota to suit." hope he will toon ba to work again. C E b g , WOllaa L Allrn. wosnoed and John saved ale Ufa by carrying unt to the graduate; from thb i department Tkke Him TTlH Semebodr* . Tbe agent, advertbe Bur .danbrillB aa tbe ,' ^tbatpraanl Boarda otTn>laeiaaailaota|i- OnheidStrMOeoaeery—J.nee J Wm- blmforalongcUetanc.onhl.beok. Ikey tbalr oertlflcatu of promotion to tbe high Ed. Tto;Un, of Um plaoe, w-lBlu3TSpoijndi, moat irlitoeratld of New Jeney retort*," V l n Oot Ont of tha Braah. prora, adopt or lajntaaa pajalolo|laa or ama, Joba awaal), Juaaa Tnejenw^ J o t . Ed warelwthpneufiarBetoDB time end oooSaad achooL Their frienda a n cordlellr: Invld: andbanlBnde a challenge) to any fat man and aay tbat no previous opportunity to bay Borne men employed by the firm of DlckerThe blgb aohool oommenevment will take wards, OanM Ulliejoan, Jeaua Bkka, Jes. In that fearful prison pan el AndenoovUe, . olW tatt booka'Ha baa alao o**l«l taat walgblng 860 pounda or over, to nia a * ten glvea It l i not likely that other Oata,Wm. Paul, John Killer, Kloholaa Freed, Oeorgla. n i c n Charlsy wee tskan sick and Iilaoe 10 Baker Opera Hotue at eight o'clock ni 8s GUI w e n ecgagad In burning bnuh at hundnd yard daah on tfaa Fourth ot July, U ntMante who hare beat, attracted to Bar, • Bnaralcaas of typhrld fever bava b a a JohnWtcka, Jamas Bsondry, Henry BUhop, John nursed Um with great c a n and at the Friday OTtoIng;. Admltdoobr ticket Dr. piooallnuy on Honday. Tbe On got away The prliu l o ba one ol Duolap't allk hatn. naRbvllle by tbe ewslurireaeat of tbe plasa from uemand bamat about tajo wcrtb ot J . K Oran, principal ot the Btate Normal RuUp Blrpbsnr, Wm. Doney, Hairy Itatt, risk of hla Ufa procured him batter food to eat, . reported to lee Board of Heallk ta Horrlawill relleb tbe proapect of a large influx of oprd wood, and bnt for tho timely UM ot Oomtleta -fcaeortmont •. towa.' Kvar/ peraoa fonad to ba afflicted lanlel Holler, Henry Dbkaan, Wa. J. First- wbleb helped to restore bun to health again. Ffchbol will pneant tha dlplomaa. • three lira extlDgutsbera btlooging to tbe naval oflnfmnt.andChltdran'.lAoe OpM; U w nHew York •pecubton. hroot' ' . - ' They returned bom* end during John Leltnrt * iilililh.iire.aa I I I M il In Iti 1 fepctltla Ilkalrthat tl.000 worth bf.weod •What Will Thar Do. , abort and long; Whits Draeetw, long . warda conaented wlak ttalfamoalel Boepltal. Brothers who have died ead been buried In Ulnea, wblcb terminated hb life, Charley TheyDoMTTB Promotion. would hevo been deetroyed. ' J A lemtnr petition algnad by many retldanta vhaled him and attendid hb funeral. On aad ahort i Gloake at pttetm to volt tho time. ' ^rnaBchlaeiwOooa>oaO<aa<UlwpaaBd IkerpUoa - Oliver Creae, Orong., Hebert llr. W. H. Balky, formerly b a n v t m a s U r ol aoekawe;, aaklng Judge Cutler to grant t ' f c D B f T. B. Qrlmm. ndga, California, Thouee Wilton, CUU, humorlal Day John* widow noavreu by v a raoloUcnaooipelllBcaniBVjaaatooloaial on Conductor Daiitm.'. train h u been proTbe vuefrjlaee Botela a box ccnlalnlEgaUrgeendDanUful aeorder-for a ipeeUl election to be held et 10 o'olock every nlghc, end all betcbar abopl John Downs, rvunrylvaaUl Martin Hsybra, 1 moted by a p^MMngw1 otndnotor, and Mr, A . • 'and Ice oaalenratoraa to keep toelr itoraa Hsvada;Wa. Oeroe, Ski, Feenejlvanla; Jei, wreath of Bowers, which Charley bad a n t that place for the pnrpon of giving the votera n Hew York dty nae Etlmnnda tonoj Tilnt •- ' V r o o n h of July. an opportunity tovotafuror agalavt Incor1 low 0. Hlro-Jt, n a r brakeman on tba llorrlatoivn Vtfnaef on Bn day. Tha latter Bar deliver BlToweU, raunsylrana. WeeaT Norman, Spenaler. tto Oolite to bava placed In porating B'cckawar a. a borough, haa bom Butter. Call and g i n It a frlal. Twenty- Powder and nrolreraet remarkably 1 VB eenta par pound at tba Bovaralgui* Co- price* at Btxrj Hardware Co *. Boye, pre- Expreti train haa beea promoted to bagcag Nnrfou-dleod, H. J ; Wm Jenkins, Morrla loving nrMmbranra upon the grevs of hla ^ their goodi early In the morning. on Mr, DirgiTel'a tr-in In pUoa of n o d n d a n d t h e nqueri granted. Theeleo operatlTO Store, Dover. pAre.tomafceanolael . ' . , J J.Vreebad*, Jr., eaeght a aaaber n< Plalna; Tkoe ' Bright, Woodport; 'Laonoard faithful old comrade, whoea memory he loves Uon will ba bald June 18UL Hr.Balley. Taeaanjvaarttl-atiiTfngofproWocdpartiJoaenhB Hlcnole, -WooJ- locbsruh. .' l«>aiatbUw«a>^aiiirnfoneauaaa,ai>daF moUon, u tbey are ttteady and nnriiht yotwg We e n eglllhg J U P y l a i Paulina, the beat ' . • • ' . ' • • • . . ' B p o n g w . • " • dward Pummels, genbeart Xdwerd ^ , raDgm them ao aa to form Ibe flgurea » MM men, and bare many frlnidi among the pat> Weahlng Oovpound In America, i g BpongM and Chamoii, all titm and pr (paolelSale! x»ntVora-et iato, Bobnoky^ BU., Wm. B. Oarren, Oallnmi of tha railroad aa wall aa altenVben. CommandDg Bebirday morning, v a y Oath, Pectarna reduced to 10 oenta. The George at Klllgon'a Dnig Stora. lotinat^aadBsttbewbiilalBafraea. It la fornia, Baanal JOBS, OslironJa; •mniam S that Bennett, the Susan street newsdealer, IUcbarda Co. Sd. L. It F, H. Dlcterebn will dlipoai ot - - - • -ii Louis Feeder, M. T.;ba* the Unas lot ot Ftnworka ever brought ' . Palnba. thlir entire" balance ot l a d l n , U l a a . a n d Into the town. / ^»rawberry and foiereani festival will Our K n t l n Stack HavBTonreytW.tixanJnacl and aiajeca made Ohlldronl Bpring and Bommer Uoate, Jecketx, of Winter Gooda will be Bold a t e Baerino£ by A. Jay Crow (H. P.), 18 W. 23d BL H. T . AU tbe beat brand* ot ISdnt* and Oil at jVbe held Jn Oa baarmeafof tha Mine Hill nafnSowliigtiiambenot other lodga e n Killcon'i Drug Btore.. ' ' Cap! and Bolta at coatpricoa,. Wbaa we a y B o a t Torgat DoverBaeHlve. ,. ^ I'Chtrti tomorrow (Selnrday) evaalng. d o burial In Orchard Street Oimatarji L B. oort wa mean exactly wbtt the good, ooet ua '• ' L Por Vlreworka iBdnenE-Booil tune. . l i e Owl Quartette, JeOey, PtOlp Cbunpion, Oouredo Lodge: when yea want to buy Underwear, Before.Bnyine a Bloyclo . from the mennfacturan. Boma big bergalna nreworka goods and low prloes yon to John Sva, Boabvry ledge; Hr, Tonog, good good, gotoBeiioett t tlio8tta>ezitre.t be wa dealer. BMtbeatockuidg-t the price* from 0. H aTDoverSmibetbnreaiid reader prloea It will pay pey you to » BtBennatt'BgBuaasitnat. BreoUja Iadge, ' Di b u the fin**, line lu UiLi MQUQD. vlalt tat Dover Baair of J. E, Orlmm. | will ke otfend. Ikrry U o i l m n Ok, Dor«r> THE Tartardajvufjilder Friday, June 15,1894. MIDDLEWEIQHT8 PIERSON «& CO. ONE: PRICE CLOTHIERS, OFP. THE BANE. DOVER, N. J . THEY ALWAYS LEAD. The Adriance Buckeye Mowers, Reapers p and Binders. Tba Wlud Bake, l d Sulky S l k Hay H B k Bnt Rika on the Market Spring Tooth Cultivators. Syraonse Cultivators, $1.35. Soreen Doon Complete, $1.00. Fishing Taokle, Boat Oara and Hatnmooks. Bemington Biovotei, 28 1-2 lbs., fiafi.OO. HaieBtfoIiiKhtBoadBter, 185.00. OaloB' Safety, 170.00 Boy«' Safety, Fneumatio Tire, $26.00. S.H.BERRY HARDWARE COS SPECIAL DICKERSON'S, Ladies' Duck Outing SUITS -K)B- $1.89 LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS New and Improved styles not shown by any other house. Correct in fit and shape. A large line to select from arid every one good value for the money. Ladles' Calico Waists, Light Colors .$ .29 • • ' ' ' Percale " speoial value. 50 " " Bluos aud Pinks... 75 " " Bines, Pinks and Heliotropes.^ .88 " " BIUOB and Pinks Laundered....* .88 White Lawn Waists 75toL50 White Apr on8......... 35, .30, .35, .50 Spooial Bale of Children's White and Drab Underwaists, sizes 21 to 28 lnoh 30 Our new spring Corset the "PERFECTION" .SO Don't bay your Satines or Lawns until yon see oara. WM.H.BAKER STORE CO. DOVER, N. J. OLD JONES, PLOWMAN. ACTCM th*. oomfleld marolied old JQDOS, And, u the ploujh cut through th* lum Ha H U E » hymn ID dulcet tone* Tb*t MDt the chipmunk to bii burrow. "Ul-laei 'Q did my Sa-vyer bli. Dand Id tnj auv-reu dl-ee, Woo de devote tbat mend b - wtioal" The solemn crow flew o'er the field, Hor pauaed to hear tbe language apokan But glad sunlight tbe c«a»e revealed— Upon a ruut tbe plough bad broken. Another "point" ii Mt In place. And once again tweet hope is ipringlug— Old Deacon Junta, tbe soul Ot grace, The solemn itava ooco more Is tlugiug: tl Wah lit fur crlmw thatihave done, lie groaned upon tb&t tree-ee. Um-iaD.-i.aK pit-toe era sun none, An dlire beyoa d ." Tbe blueja; Bcraeuni his wild delight, The block snake bldmi nmid theTxramb.es, By that tierce language put to flight The (rraj* squirrel u p the clieiutut ac bite. . For sin li lurking Iu the patb, AaruuUbei)Lt.th Uie furrow biding, EVr ready to distort Tilth wrath A f«UU> Uie Sramt, most abiding. Bo mag old Jonea—and ID may ne Go aTngina; down life's yielding meadows, Our (alili turn skyward, just an be— Nor fear the touch or sinful nbadowi. BKAL EBTATK TRANSFERS. Following are tbe latest transfers iu Mi Francis E. Wade and Tbeodocla H. Wi his wife, to Chorlet N. Wade, Ia Wasblngb Township, f 1. Jacob Vf. Welib and wife and Matthias Welsh and wife to Ellas C. Dralct, In Cl Township, (75. Emma Hodifkuu. and others, belrs of Uar Graham, deceased, to Margaret K Dav port, la Uoonton Taimablp, |8S0. Lewis a. Balmon and others to the ft Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentratli Works, ID Mount CUve Township, $3,500. Kdmuud A. Backer, Bberiff, to Mary Pkreon, executrix of PliUander B. Flenoi deceased, Iu Prquanuuck Township, £100. Mary T. Turner and William J. Turner lines J. furnor, in Dover, 11,100. Joilah A. Francisco snd wife to Mt Qutnne, ID Chatham Township, MM. larlea A. Qlllen.Bdmlnlstrator of Ltwli W. 11111M, deceased, to Pudgon Franob In Boouton township, *7Hl. Edmund A. Backer, Bherill, to Dauiel Best, In IDibury Totmthlp, UW. Babert llunlap and Amelia H.Dunlap Francis U. Ulu*pler,ln Roxbury .Townshl VTOWKS 0A1TT TOTS. Chief tTnitlos Btosle^ gars on opinion di Dialing It Illegal for women to rote la Ha' H-O is not a Jersey. Tbe opinion Is tbe outcome of a quo iramnto b j Owen Allison against toe Head PARTLV COOKED Commissioner of Borgen County, whose thst offloeticontested. B e wss elected oatmeal. the First District of Bnglawood, nndar s o It i s TWICE of 1803, proriding for buUdiog and impror< ment of totnuhlp roads. COOKED—once by Tbs contort If made became at the gBaerml town meeting It was ruled that under tbe direct applicastatute all persona of full egs who reside i own property tn sold dlitrlat shosld be ] tion of steam, then mltted to vote. This was takentomean t women's tote* would count, and Blake, by roasting for 3 Head Commissioner, was elected'bj the fair hours with superIX TAB Ubler Justice sajs tbe question blng< heated air. This on whether the Legislature bad the power raise in A special class of persons the rlgtbt makes the indiBiting offices which whloh the majority oonccrosd. Tbe Btate Constitution p.-ovld gestible digestible. "tbat ererj male citizen of tbe United States of ths age of t«entj-oae, who has been a dent of thli Bute one year and of toe county In which ha claims hla vote five moatbi next before elective, shall be entitled to rote for all officers that may hereafter be elected (he people."The Chief Justice holds thst thorelsnogc Ing back of that language, and that all pt •uns who are within the OUBI designated I this clause of tbe fJonititutlon «re eoUUed rote for all offloers elected by tbe peop wh.ether ths offloea to be HUed are (reated by the GonrtitutioD or by tha Legislature Such class of Toters cannot be diminished Urged bjthe Legislature or any statutor, act. CooMiiucnUy, DO statute can oonflae t right to vote for Road Comalssto&era tol Freeholder! of tbs district nor extend it femslMor to non-residents of tbe district Under the Interpretation of the oonatthiUuool right ot men and the non-const! tul local y/hy uut^lmve your claUi«a innde up ia on right of wonun to tote, tbe eisotlons for tractive and artlHtia manner by competent cutters School Truttees and In other uit.ulc.pal and eipeiiunced workmen I (en which l u m bean held from Umetotlmi The.tlui!Ht c|tuUlt]' of work at reasonable prices. ID various parts of New J-r«y a n unconsllkl iiiklnces Sulla, from English checks VI-| I O C ft tuUonsl Thenstvsliioof this ruling of tbe cutuutonl CtuOimemi wW Chief Justloe ii that "women cannot Tota («« not lo gloss any thing ia Ksw Jersey, whether it apperEBKIUII TmUHerings, maJfl nhnla vaM.f|7 tains to local or State government, and hanila W> * If too busy, Mtml poetal anil our represented' Legislature uuder the present. Constltutlui cannot enact any laws of any kind that wll will coll on you. lire women tfaa right of autTnge," J. BARTER «< C O 167 BROADWAY B LODO! They have not been wanting of late Indl tlonsof Browing Irritation with England IU dog In tba mucger silver pel ley. Go] mono&ietaUism is convulsing two continent and gravely compromising the future of poorer States In Europe. This .eellns beta voiced In America by Senator Lodge, whose proposal virtually to shot oat British goodi from tbe United States until wit should assent to a -MmetaUIo convention, though ei tretne and absurd, Indicates ths trend •wtinmnt on the other ilde of tbe Atlantis. Senator Lodge ia not K silver nan In U> usual sense, Lalng opposed out and out free coinage In U e United States under . Irtlng conditions, and therefore his vlewi though tinged wltb strong feeling, may tract more attention here than those of tt Of ths pronounced ailvarltes. Mr. Lodge U very bitter about the failure of the Brussels conferenoe of lost year, where the attitude of the Britten offloial delegates wu "sc*ro*]y less than discourteous" to the United Btatss and be believes tbat nlns-teothi of the Amer lean people regard It In that Ifght. PZ8HIHO I N n W JBESET Bssausbiagltnow in M I foros lakes of upper New Jsnsy. Tha opened, as usual, on Deooratioo Say. Tbi gjn^]j hotels around Trff^f flopatcong Greenwood Lake, that open early in •pring, were crowded ou that day and ' beenwelifllled with anglers and ever since. More visitors from Bear Y< and FnUadelpfa a are bare titan bavs bare for years at this period of the year. Then was some disappointment la Uisspcrt last week, owing to the very heavy which canscd tfae eoptoua streams that in the lakestoswell, and great quoatltlaa food were washed la. Ths food was eaten t u s bass until. tbey ware glutted pad would not bite. Hat this week tot sport bai been Una, The anglers *t Lake Hopatoong, wbo only averagod one fish to a boatload an '' holiday, have been rewarded with big oatohi during tbe postfew days. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Mothers (SUCCUMBTO A. WiasTOJtj ' ; / KAHUPAOIDBEB AMD DHAiEB XS lufftring with wMknon and emaciation, who ftr« little no {Aitfcnolt. oojl owl EAlfQU, TBAiXB I.BATE DOVEB AS P0L10WSI [ . For New York, NewariftodEliiaboth,at6;4C, A. K.; 3^8,5^8 p. H. Tin, Copper and Sheet tro: S m i D i l S , 6 : 6 3 r . « • ' ; • . : . • : ' ' • . Booflng, Zinc, Sheet Lead, F«r Fiuladelpbla. at 6.46, A. 11: 838,5|631. u. •; :;:•];^j-:%;u^% Lead Pipe, Pumps, bo. " Far long Branch, Ooean Grow, THEGOETON Aabnry Park and points on Now tha Crwun ot Cod-llT«r Oil end hypophoaphltra. It will MOUBE-WATINO 8TJSAM York and Long Branch Bailroad, at6f!6,i. K.; SSSr.tt, % ; , ;. ' aSNEBATOB glvo them strength and make For all stations to their babtea fat. fh)iidaiu, tb.«v world over, endorse It. Scott's Emulsion : Among some of the good catches 10 for corded tbb mooth art the fallowings ~ L. Wilson, of Fatanon, caught nineteen lareemoatii basi lo a few hours a t Lake. Up at Bunker Fond, naar Swart' DM'I h amlii..(Sisiltlitii! wood, Henry 0 . Kleom, of Newark, cangh » eighteen bass.. He used abrimpa for bait. L Hs«m made a big haul Is one day A feeling of tbls kind Is not to be lightly Snartswoox Ei-Benator Origgs,'oC Fat Ignored. We have frequent diplomatic dif- son, secured nineteen ban In Ey-Miing In. ferences with tho United Stales, but ai a morning at Green Fond. Tha two largest 1 rule than la seldom associated with Uese tha catch weighed three and a half pouni any senna of animus between the people •aoh and ths others avaragvd < the tiro ojuutrie*. But now we are en' pounda. Mr. Kellog, of KUsobtth, and osuraglng the growth of a feeling tbat oa efriend, also atQreea Fond, took in twenty question which afreet* the prosperity one bass, averaging A pound and a half each: millions of Individual Americans England they Bshed entirely with artificiulflit*.Tbi Inollned to entertain views onfrtevdly to bus do not bite at worms very readily United States. We know, of course, tbat ysar. the unriiendlinesi b occidental, and that oar GUI nets will not be used to any extent monetary policy li controllrd by partly salBib considerations—as purely selfish that we season in the fresh water* of New Jei owingtothe activity of the authorities, do not m!od seeing India suffering from c anglers wbo have failedtoget any sport hereaction much more than America does. 1 tofore on this account used have no fears. mi are suOlcdenUy old fashioned believe that It Is the part of a friend to sbi Tb» ooDvtotioQ of Daf Id and Oidton Stcrmi, two well-known guide* at Greenwood Likf, himself friendly, and wben tbj« country tarru a deaf Mr to tbe plaint of half the world, in recently for uaJcg nets has, hod a good affect eluding all tha New World, • thsy not un they were Sued #20 each, and are not apt t •y»again. . . • Look through m y poem turally take It unkindly. The Legislature made 00 change la theH It is not for us to MJ whether the feell ing laws this year. Brook trout oan still you. may possibly conof Irritation Ii wholly Justified or not; caught until the middle ol July, and. MI eitits, end that la the main point. More- good sport has been had la the varioo over, It !• taking a shape that may entail atieania In northern Kew Jersey thli sou clude its the way to obvery awkwaid oonatqiitncM on us. The by erglers, who consider there is no fun cqi cent propotal to coin Meiiean dollars in I to It ' • . tain valuo when wanting For sick headacha and all Franc! 00 was a Ud toward giving ua on ol While tbe big lakMstaU rwnalnI the favorlts other conditions resulting j?ct lesson by casting us from our comi fisalng resoru In Nttw Jersey .'lbs misller Ing position Ia Eastern trade. any thing i n tbe form of a ' lakes In Buiwz oouoty really afford Uie live from constipation, go by th There is a plain moral in tbe remark thai liest sport Black bass were placed In nearly if tbe United States would venture to cut all these smaller bodies of water a few yean book on Beecham's pills, good shoe. It is not one herself adrift from Europe and take out- ago, and as they propogeto fait, ware lafl Book free, pills 25c. At righttoailtrer she would have alt America alone and were well pnsericd, Ttaeya.ano* jod at variance with the nrj abundant and an easy prey for the drugstores; or write to B F and Asia at her back, and would oomi ht markets cf both continent*. "Tbe bar Usher. The only trouble with tbe black Allen Co. 365 Canal st. New rler of gold would bs more fatal than onj pert first cauBo of aelooting ban oame from the charge that they 000barrier of a custom house. The bond ol snmed ttia young pldkarel and so Interfere! York. silver would ba .stronger than any bond ol with the'pickerel pwd, J.Brlttea Benderreliable goods at & prioe Free Trtde." Any Person ehot,whohas recently been appolntadL Flah that Is troubled with oomtlpatloo con get o-nbenodoubtaboutlt that it thi CotamisanTOpr of SIUMX oouutj,aud wbo is riKhUy sung to their Immediate and permanent relief hy ualng Dr. UnlUd States were to adopt a silver baeta to exceedingly d e w anjler, denies thisstoteHole's Household Tea. (Joe doss a 'day—at >rrow Drlllsa trade would be ruined befon mtnt.' H B says he axamltwd • gnat ntanj b«d time. Bo. and 60s. packages at Robart tbe year was out. Every American Indtutrj black bass, and while be foual b theli bonaflde quality. . V; KUlgors's Drug Bton, Dover. stomachs pei eh, muBsh, and the Uttis aolneri would be protected, not only at home, but never dbeoverad a pickerel. He docs not •very other market. Ot conns tbe Btatei r BTay 18th, 1884. ' . would lulTer to a certain extent tbrongt twlleve taebaas iuterfere vritb the|dokerel D R . W. E . D E R R Y , having to pay her obligations abroad in gold; l a r k a t . ' ' . •. • , - • " - ' . • ' . . . • • . • One feature that nodars UK black ba» it tbe loss on Mohange under this head wouldfc«a mere drop in tbe bucket© mpared flsblug unusually good this year In New JerDOVER, N. J. with the proBU to be reaped from* the market* sey la the eilstenoe- of tba levsntno-yaar of Boutb America and Asia, to say nothing iooujt, It is not generally. known; oxoept P H Y S I d A N A N D SURGEON of Europe. among the guides and well-known flsfcernieti. that thew loouaU furulib the most tempting DOVER, K. J. The marvel Is that the Unit**) Btatea U s Clinical Ais'L H. Y., Optb. and Aural Inst. not long ago sdied the opportunity, and but bait for blaok. bass, Tbe (Dr. Knappa). for tbe belief (bat the way of EogUnd cautious and ooniervaUn bass will forget bii Doctor's Advice Qratis. ill; the way to commercial sacot tanning when aseventsao-jearlociatls danOFFICE HOURS 1 I to !:80 and 6:80 l o i r . and proeperUT, undoubUdly It would b*' gling In his Immediate vicinity. It la t DAILY, except Uonday and Friday. en done long ago. Now Americans a ttard to catch tbo locusts. They are thlek akonlPK to the fact thst "wloog aa they the bark of oil tbe twos ia the early morning uURE Sundars, 1 to 2:» ONLY, narrow their ambitiontobecoming a larger D R EDWABD'S w, Kar.thmm** T&rostDl~»*m,ai*dalitr* England" they cannot b«at us. It has been a and ibe guides gather Uwm by Uw score. piece of luck for us that i. bos never before EVES BXAUINBD FOR QLASSB8. * Qasat Tott'ra Blitht. occurred to the Americans to scoop us out AD exokange aays that tbe Horrislown A * tbe world's markets by going on. a silver baai>. and It might serve us right If, Irritated socUUoa for PuHlo Improvetntnt came Into the conUmptnoai apathy of our Governiistoaps lost week. It la made up of mt to the gravity of the silver problem; ssotativsmen of U» town, and yM It Is prol the Americans retaliate by freesioc out gold. ably doomed to acoonplbh bat lltU#, for 4 fhOHld be classed smoi H could «adly be dooe.-The Loodou Fluau wakoftbeaseodayonwillbedlrid*HnUn Jr. J. P. BdwarUj, De-r.6lr-YMir ( dalHews. ' • '••:;•'• ' " department*, streets roods and bridge, light and water, fkailaUon, edueatitn, iscUattosi, publleatlons. addrsssM and poblhi mMtldsa!(•objects are so dlveniaad and mulUtudlHer Own Detective, oembrane* while the Anodyne relieves nvrvooa Mrs. Bamuel H, SteTens, o( Patenon, ts- noos, and tiwniara so many targets to Irritation, Urns answering the inclcations of a imedtberoleofdBtsoUve.a few days «|o, aimed at with one gan, that tha chanees.i_ cMudMe remedy for cSufiisandTla^ppt ' aiTedsoporwnt > \ that tba shots wlU cot strikslaiiy^oritb*. tarand tbe outcome k tbe iooaroeroUon of her husband and HI11 Ennta Harfnr, bU get* Bom* dtissnVaw In favor of' bonding boohkesper, In the Oounty jeil: They tbe town for aswerage, otters to bond mm oMnmlUed 00 Ttrarsday by Justice town to make good roads, OUMCS that tbe town staould bu boivM to bay U» water Beolor. Btevanais the local tuauagi Sieger Sewing Machine Compisj. About company oat, wbUe many oUtsrs a n nttatrty three)roMtthaago bo seat bis wife and two opposed to ths b ndinc of tbt d l y ; and a n In ths majority. It would bs fai UUar ohildran to Cotmoctictit for thrir health, when they returned secured a boarding piaoe foraioeUty to be firmed for ooespeeifUd for them at No. S9T Trenton avenue. Bteveos object, and then tbs people gmerallr oonld was seldom a t homo, and told his wife tbat understand Ita purpossi; but an orgad tbat t o n UM ooutran to Improve and re: lUnOHAL FATBOilAOI lisiiMss detained him. form smjUiIng will probiblj provs a sad lUawooniiiuiorBUBiiaBBrzuiinzici He Mfaged Mln Mart ur, who la • strange fftUun. . ...-..••• ;.':.'• in FatanoB, about ths time be n o t bli wife to Oonnectioat, Btevsoa r»prestntei that bs And, apsaklng of bonding, If tha county w u a tingle man, and engaged! a roan In the bonded to make tf good telfort, madira.i BOUW' where ICIas Uarfar boarded. Too tiuougb Uie county. Uis tax payers wUl osrfaaardlnghoaae keeper beard a few days ago salnlyobjsottobavlpg tbtJr tazta monasBd that Btsveaa was marrlel. The wife K M by a mty bonded dsby WTSO tt carry toBnd and noUlled. Mrs BVevsns wai per•drefonna.-/- 1 : - v ^ .-•.'.; mlttadU occupy a pl*oe la thsdlnlnf-roon ondwatefchfrbuibiDd and thebxAkwptr. In the cVenlDtT, she aiya, she saw har hue- A milstocic of Hsndanohy Garden, and AGENTS FOR THE land enter Hiss Ifarfiir'a room, acd she Lawn DraM Beads at KIDtare1* Drug Store. watebeduitU morning. Bterani befon the Tlw Florida Justice daaUd Us gSUt, bat hU wifetoldhim she bad bsen a spectator to hli doingsataveni begged his wife t« withdraw ttw aomplaliiai iiwonld rcta both of tbtn, M w e . l a » ¥ t s s Morfur, but she would not Henrietta Anderson to Catherine Job OK In Koibury Townahip, |1GO. Epbnxta 8. Milter and wife to Amos Boweo and Uary U. Uoiven, bis mite, But when the trial couwt, ab, then Boonton Township, (1,7W. ' We full, like Jones, and ratio h ruction, Edmund A. Backer, Sheriff, to Harriet ' And ravt>, nad roar, like other 111*11 WbeneVr life's plough meets on obstru Glidertleeve, In Itanila'ph Township. 925. Theodore I W. G-rnwell and Jane Con -Cleveland Plain Dealer. well, bla wlfo, to the Hoc tor Toulmlo Res Uoropnoy, In ltockatTay Township, $1. Julia r . Tbompaon and Kathsn N. TnompMENCHAN. [Crondi.il out liuit v.\vk.) boa to Mary B. Tattle, In Hanover Town' As tbe flatted bug wnaon approaches th ihip, II. celebrated "Jenwy moiqulto" li tuning ti Sarah IL Woodruff et sis to Hanntb blslyro. thesev«Dteeo-year "IO-CIIM" Is tat Trimmer, In Washington Township, tOS. Ing poBceulon of tbo garden* and sidewalks tbe cbimney-iwftfi) bin favorite retreat tn tbi WB&DZNa AT M0BBIBT0WN. smorclnn fireplace, and our "city coiiRf&i' B,re evidently fujojiog tbo pure oxygenat At half past twelve o'clock on Tuesday aitnospbcre In the latitude and altitude marrisgeof Gordon E. Bhwman.a relatl' bill top wbere tbey speed iu elbereal bliss of Senator Bherman. and UI*s HarrletU " their eventful e TOD luge wblch at tbls time Bdelton, daughter of William H. Bhf L • p o u r to net late tarly. ton, of this town, w u aoleionlud »t Bt. PeThe public tchoal ***Jl close for si ter's Episcopal Church, by the Itev. Dr. R. cation on June 2a, and tbe puplliare anxious. Uerrltt TUB bridesmaids were Wives Hel I ; waiting Ita'aUTiiai. and Louise Bbelton, Uisa Anna Btuhnell B Wehad tfaefilaiiu'oof listening to a atiUreetlcg, inttrutllwettni. practical iermo Ulss Bllubeth Milltr of Morrlstowi), A In tbi M. B. Church on Sunday evening, di UIBS Allc« Rees and Miss Hay Swords livtred by Rev. Wai. U, Morgan. TI:Newburgh. Tbe bride wore a white sal IMl'OKTINU TAJU1JI8. theme of blsdlKOUrse wan "Have a purpoi gown, with rullllngs and draperies of point lace, wreathed with orange blossoms, and i In life and lire up to your purpose." A pedobaptlitm will be held In tbe M. tulle veil. F. Tecumseb Sherman waa brai Church next Sunday morning, after tbe man. Messrs. Paul Revere, Aug. L Revei itarWlanHL, K.Y. uaual Miriloe. Tume wUbiug tbelr children Harmon F. Randolph and RlcHard B Lj "spriukled" are requested to be present, * of HorrlstowD, and Charloi Van Hennelaar Children'* Pay will be appmjirlately ob Ambrote Hrnry of Hew-York were ushers, SHERIFF'S SALE. served In our churthea next Sunday. Souii Tbe admlsifon to the church wai by excellent programs lia»e been io1ect«d, BDC the Kholtrs of tlie several Sunday school and the naw tdlBoe was thronged wltb the ) II. Adult, n . J a i m » H . CTilsltolra end MBIT era praotlciug for tbo eiardiM whloh are ubolui. F t fa. de. bo. e t t e n On Docketed ealth and fashion of the surrounding coun_—lament. iteturn&bletoOctoherTeriii,A. D. tie he lield in their respective churches. tiy. IWH, FUKD 1). SMITHJ Att'y. We understand tbtt tba Rock-a by bab] After the ceremony a reception was held Y virtue of d i e above m a t e ! wriwof flerireO railroad baB been undergoing repairs. It 1 the home of tbe bride's parent* on Mflli in my IUUKIU, I uhoii vxvoon for stvle at pub votidue, BLUIB Uuurt I louse In Morrlmown, H. JH about time, for In Ita usual condition, an] on rood. Among those present were Ur. person who l« capable of ruanljiuUting " MONDAY, Uie ed day o f JULY next, Mrs. B. McK. Twombly, Mr and Urs Richbrakes on one ol ita box oars could wltbi •..D. l a w , between the hours of 1 DM, e n d f o'clock fear ot contradiction ride a high wheel blop ard A. HcCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis 1'. II.. llint Is t o M J a t twoo'clDck In Uie afternoon ThebiuJ, Urs. Stephen Whitney and tbeof soJJ (lay, all (Jut traut o r parcel ot land and ole on a tight ropo. Istn lierelnaftw i«rUciilariy dewribed, alUiCornelius Aller, our'popular druggist, UUses Whitney, Mr, and Mrs. F. G. BurnfliifC and bdnit in the Towtublp of Randolph, bappy over the advent ot au asslttant dru| luun, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Pitney, Mr. m 1 Cmiuty of Morrb and Btate o f Kew J w « ' r : clerk In tbe personage of a bouncing girl Mrs. II. C. Pitney, J r , Mrs. Robert Q. Buih iijnliib? a t a ataho o n tho ^ u L addA c * W U o g f r m i , W a l n u t O r o . e t o IhVVIlL It may be aomo year* before eto will be able nell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Miller, Mr.aud M o n d l w m . o a t l i e l l n B o t lands boloutlnK t to "meat out" ice cream and aoda water, Mrs. Robert D. Foot*, Mrs. Gertrude H VCHUJT UorrlB and Susaa Oondlt, thence ( 1 ) : neveriaiHotB we trait aLe bai coma to stay. HIXIT^JIIB drareea and thirty w l n1 u U * Je u t Mr. and Mrs 0 . B. IVylle, Dr. 0 . C Barker, cliaTn and thirty-two links Ur ' -*-' Willie Pfenwui a boy nine ortanyears age, wbo lives with J. W. Qarrobrant, on< Dr. and Urs. V. L. Humphreys, Mrs. Ti . night laat week whflo tbe older members ol lull, Mrs. CanBeld, Mr*. H. Ward Ford, Un, B. Kiccll, Mrs. W. R. Lyon, Ure. Fan tbe family were absent concluded to test thi explosive power of gun* powder, ao be a sbawe, Mrs. T. 0. Btubnell, sud Mr. and MM, •U.U a vott, n.vssLj i n v w u a j f r i w uj uc^lliuiu cordtog touthtd it with a lighted n»tcl Maury. . buliig tbe Mme itroiwrty as dtwribed In a roor wblch aroused the dellteactmt element of con g*4to from Mary D. Chbolm and aL to Julia It. The bridal party deparUd onanatteraai luflftr, ilaled »av 10, m l , sod recorded In Book I biMtloD, mid the boy was feturely burned obuut tbe face, but thruugb tbe aklllful treat- train for an extended wedding tour, and oh , pff. 833, Ac, of mortgage for Morris Oounty. EDMUND A. BACKEB, SberlS. ibelr return will take up thetr residence at ment of Dr. Htlger he Is uow convalescing. Dated May Sfflh, ISM. tbe Sherman bomoatond, near Morrta Plains. A dwelling known as the Hull HooBio J«raeyman, Era. |7.i» S7 ti. situated OQ Main street, was utterly destroy' by lira one night last week and It Is ettl THOSE QOLD KIHBS. Notice of Settlement mated that about tea thoiiiaud- lives (not Ths Harris county gold and silver mine fauauin) were sacrificed. Tbe Ore whlcb li thought to nave b » n of Incendiary origin being actively worked, and 1.600 tons of 01 laker, deceoswl, will Iwatidltod aud ataUxl and reported for •ettlement ~ ™ was discovered by our younger undertaker, Is now lying on the nsw wharf of the com- •irroffate, Toons' Oourt of UIB Oounty of Morris, en Jlonm wbo evidoDtlr, was on ibo alei 1 for "re-lany'a reduction work, on tbe site of tba old day, - tliu *' "dayof July.neit. molDi," and before our lire engine could ue kiln at Woodslde, A wharf baa been reach tbe t<put the building wai fa ruins. illt upon tbe canal near the mine, and tbe Toll stately residence, vre beljeve, was owned ore Ii coming down | n canal boats. The by an absent colored fatally and w u not In- oountrjmenlnthe neighborhood nave been sured, Hi tbat aluminum was being extracted Car) BeckoBgel and family, or Brooklyn, from the rock, and one of tbe Morris county are occttpjlDg the Pltaey hoUM again tbli papen publfihed nearly a column of Ina' sumtuer, thus making their third oinseouti v clea about; the metal and the new mine season among ui. ExOov. rrince and family, ot Huston .tnong other things was the statement that Mait,, are occupying the Fboenir cottage In aluminum waa as tough as steel, and that cublo foot of It weighed only a pound. this place far tbe summer. Bar. Honry Haifcw, wbilo out riding In Whatever the result ol tbls ven'ure may bit "dog cart" on Tuesday afternoon met at, It U a fact that hall a doien rational wltb au accident which might bavt bwn seri- business men have spent over * 125,000 of ous hud not Mr. Kagan weeeedud In catch- their own taoutj tn buying land snd building ing the bone. It seem* tbat while driving an expensive reduction works. They have on lower Main street ttie bone became unmuiagMble and sbjlng to one tide over- not tried to enlist capital or sell stock, and, fact, there la no sunk for sale. There are turned tbe n r t and Ur. Barlow baring become entangled In tha reins was thrown out two oomponlea formed. One-tie Superior and dragged eouie distance, but fortunately Mining Compsny-h Ur. Thomas Benfleld'a •scaped with but few facial Injuries. Aown venture, in which only three others ars mull child be bad with him was uninjured. Interested. Tbe other—the EcllpeeUla Ing Mrs. T. E. Alexander, of Morrtitown, 'has been vblting her parent*. Ur. and Mrs. Bald- Company—It ouotrolled by D*vld Utermayer Bro., ot Hew York, and bss-not develop* win, of Poepect street, Mendham, during tbi Its land y e t The two oompanles own nearly patt week. C. H. BUgeraod 0. D. Furry, of Locust 1 thousand acrei of the mining land, aal Farm, has been very Buocesiful with their inlr Interest Is idsntlcal. tncabator (hla spring u they nave batched The reduction works are nearly complete 1 and raised abont one thousand chlckeni, foe huge engine Is complete, ani tbe other ducks and turkeys all of which are nowa being rapidly pub In place la the big boitdready for the "soup.11 jg under the hill, be'twesn tbs rirer and tbs J. R. Pitney, who baa been subject to fall river road. Here tbe ore will be crushed and ing health during the part year, wan taken to amalgamated by a process slmiUr bo that the Orange hospital last week wbere he bad on operation p*rformsd and ths latest report QMd In CaUtornlt, ltvtbe early diys of mining. It Is said that with this system and Ii that he ii progrculng finely. Tha boarding houses and ootUges are now this peculiar are better remits are obtained by fire ieductlon.-Sund«.y Coll. being filled with city visitors wbo dolly throng our streets, imbllo parka and other places of amusement and recreation. ZnreniDUsi Jor*ejnaen, BRICK BLOCK DOVEB. N. J. By ths way, we notice that John GJImer Patents Issued to Jeneynun, nported for Speed, the famous (!) local writer, ha« re- be EHA by Drake & Co,, salldton of patents, turned to Ibe quiet Tillage of "Near By," •.Broad and Market S t , Newark N. ~ where the farmeia w u b once a week, tbe young ladles Imitate the "city style," the 3eal. E. J. Brooka, (3 pttvnb) B u t Orange, arantry church choirs a n led hy "Gabriel's rollwsy.sw.teb, H. B Bnttel, Newark; pip*. Horn," the young men wear "cowhide booU" lolnt, N. W. Ccndict, Jersey Cttyj 001 to prayer meeting, the old men collect at the Jon for electrlo wires, 1. V. De Mutt, New; fold Than Tbat Bate corner storei and gortlp about their neigh' power-transmitting mechanism, D. 0. norm, and when the women, onoe a week, aa 'raieur, Hew Market; electric mold truck, 1 b u t 8ton It III • •' a role, ihlne op their husband'a farm boota, C. Henry, Westfltld; eleotrio-aro limp, L dnst their threadbare coata and thus Bt them [oward, Flalnfleld; Ignot-mold, J . Illlnitoattend tbe rnual Sunday service. What a wortb, Newark; lever-eontrollIng device, L. paradise of celestial bltw this "Hear By" village muit be te "His Honor" and delighted H. Johnson, Rahway; electrloarc lamp, C isom,etal. PassaioihotstlnCBOd convey tbeae degraded bclngi must be <f) t o hom apparatQs, T. 8 Mlllpr, South Orange .. tula Qreat man among them I ! All kind, of Plumbing, BtwflBff and BhMt Iroo On Saturday Isat an unknown man from nowhere atrck this place, as if by maglo. Be OTManlHotilrninaoasoIsm' '' spent the afternoon In perambulating the chine, J. H. Refnhanlt, [3. patanti) Newark ilchuU, J. Scully, Bouth Ambny;cleat, J , different street* of the town, but his piinci - pal route was la the vicinity of the hotel. aeled brick, UI»s, &a , A. U. Btrnoholm He would walk sroand in front of tbe hotel STOCK LIST, No 24i thendowo tbo street as far aa PonUon'a 'erth Amboy; device for shaping folds of NOTICE TO OWNERS OF •butchershop wbere he would cross tbe fit-Id Inen collars, A. 0, Vail.Plalnueldi steam HANDKERCHIEFS. to Joseph Babbitt's barn yard and from ttlng apparatus, E. Watts, Keemy. DOGS. tbence through John Hoffman'a garden to UIBIONS. ladjf* vhilo henutlDliea, hem. tbe street again. He kept tbls up till auout Sllverimltb's stock, 0 . L.Croirell, Jr,, (3 medand Swiss. Wren o'clock In tbe evening wben tbe men ilgns) Arlington; screw, W. B. Qulmb>, «nd boys ol tbe vicinity being attracted by Lsdin' colond Ixirferal mnbtold. : bis otroBRe actions collected In a "hollow etea. . square at Lexlagron,*1 n w the post office, LodlM' flue Uion »Ilh inlUil Badly Scared. • and held a consultation to "pull hlin In," but ladles' Jspsiese SUl In plain in the meantime Ur. George Roy, who had A practical Joke played upon a German by white. ir kite Bad colored ambroidet? driven him from his yard several times durfeJlow-worklDgmen one bay last wsek, . Ing the afternoon, bod blm orreitod on sus- r]y resulted seriously. A iwrty DI men and initials. ' . picion.' HB was captured by Constable were at wort msJdnf repairs ID Uie summer Lallsi' »hlt«»ndcolored blooded • * Scavers and taken to tbe store of E, O. Bl»-villa of Judge Olllaspls, near llorrtstOWD, Silk HudarchUti.. '" xureg'tbe aqalre, wbere we learned through t victim of ths joka bad It impressed cpoa Men's vhita hemmed and hornMr. Bettmud Cook, acting BS Interpreter, mind tbat the sting of the peveoteeu-year' tbatbewaseSwIw, had been la this country nboat Ulteen years and bad last worked Id locust was fatally poisonous. Bis hn> Uea't voren and hemstitched ool-.-' In New Zork State. He was a man of moil- aentors watched their opportonlty,snd when orea bordered. . ,* >' uml>el|.ht, middle age and was on tbe avortieraan'sback was turned onaof thsmen Men's foat oolpr Turkey red Hand- - agV good lojltlo*;. After be bad oaten a placed a loomt down bli neck. Sbeer fright kercaleft ' "- ,. •. • ' v, lunoh wblch bad bten prepared Tor him, hebrought on conrnUIcn*, and It was with AU ;. m a token to Morrlstown by Coml*Die ully that the man was revived byhb thorMen'a plain, vbit«, Initial aBd Beavers and turned orer to the proper au- mghly frightened companion*. oolond hcmstltohed japueae silk f tboiities. It was tbougbt by oil wbn n w Unnilkerchlafs, . . • •. ';.- blm that he was Insane, We have cot heard HOW'aiHIflf Ufen's white and eolond allk «ad ;.! asyet wbatbasbeeadone with blm by the) - Uw supplements to said act, and In COM then We offer Ooe Bondred Dollars nwsrd for Cashmere Mufflers. . county offlcere. • ' Is no damans, such balance to become a part erf tbe • case of Catarrh tbat cannot be cured by v- . . B v b e r Cook h u sold out tats barber bustuwral fund of such township, barouabordtj as ll's Catarrh Cure. Ladles* and Children's Col* - nw» here'to John Tnusou, of Haokettatown, F. J. CflBNEY & CO., Tolftdn. O '_ tars. Ties, etc. / sine: wll) probablf s u i t s nsir business near We, the underslKiKid have known P. J. Che?; ('! BomervUio soon. CICBBORB. ley fur tbe laitfitteen yton, and believe him . "White linen oollariand onffi.peif ecUy bonorabls in all bostnesa traotaotion J and twlond ehasusette financially able to c»xry out any obllgaU d f f is made by their firm, ;.';'.';^ There seem to be millions of the leventeui .. n's Bvntn eollats In plats ZST & THOAX, WholesaleDrogftats.Tole' year locusts above the ground now, and more 1.0., WJLDIKQ, Kiitsfjur A UAAVIK, Wbolealso in embroidsrod aeta, are Wtnlng." The'tree trunks'and brtmchea - ^-ugBtsli, Toledo, 0. Chlldien'i I.TO aeta (oollan aid ; are thickly mreredwlib them, and Iu places Catarrh Cure Ii taken Internally, V ibo grass .bends over with tbe weight of tba ictiDg •direct]? upon the blood and muconi ° VAM ailk, Rwlm u d Moll Elan - Insects clnstertd oa the blades. Uany of -faces of tbe system, Teitlmonlols lent fiobla. 1 • . >. them. It la noticed, die before getting tbe use e. Prioe73o.perbotUe. Sold by all Drug I^dlia Hull tin. In a hmdnd -:• til their wings, and this Is attributed to tbe atTlss. . ?cold wlnda and wet weather. Ladisa' Fanuol and Bab; Oairlaea BncUea'B Arnica BolTe, ,- .- Cook, the baiber, has sold oat his shop to a panuolooTan. •. • nun from Hacksturtoiro, and cxpecta to go The best salve In the world for Cabs, Bores, ShomB snd tidies in plaliii fancy .- wtat somawbere. Irnlees, Ulcers, Bolt Rheum, Fiver Bon*, and antique loot* \ . the "Yellow 7aek"hona» ( bn'tbe'Clmter Tetter, Chapped. Hands, Chilblains, Corn i.' road, was found to be on Ore at ten o'clock at nd all Bkln ErupttoDs, and podUve J earn EMBROIDERIES. ( .BigfatV ft&d although the . bucket, brigade . 4tHnch Swiss and ctunbiio h e n i^ornopaynqulred. It Is qtuuantaed I-, tnrned oat, It was'barned to the ground. 'stitched. ' give perfect satisfaction, or money r«i-',JCktrt waa no one living In it at the time. 27-inch Cambric, Bwtas, Nalcstwk J and Iruh Faint. ' . . , ., Townslilp Clerk Ganther and druggist AI- fttnded. Price twenty.Qvs eants per box. sale by Robert SiUgote, Dover, Onun, Cambric, Bwios and Nainsook All ,'<ler have suddenly beoome cronlea, anethey tee ft CX, Fort Onun, V. V. J«Unv, Overs. ' csnWseentaJldng'togBtiieraiay'tlmeofday. Harrow Edgings and Inserting* to i-Each isteHlng the btharwbat a fine baby match all fltmnringB. dg . Oomfatld, Hviaa and Kalnsook "Put Monty I n Tnr F a i w . " /, - Mr. Fairy's Bray bone ran away with Qua match seta. ' '•'•-. ^-~r?lU again lately, and smashed tbe wagon and Howl BAVS doctor's bttls. Ahr«yi keep Colored odga In Bwlaa sad C a n '£/hsrness pretty badly. hand a bottle of tbat finest of nmedlsm, brie. " : V - l l l r . u d Mrs. Sera Garabrant and Mra, . Hala's Household Cough Core to allay : ^ J^rsjth ore visiting friends on Long Island. the tint irritation earned by a cold. Don't ^•Tj£r.G«>rg«Byrsuubs»b«D on n vacation yon can Be np xmttMeg just as good 1 :v irip to the JBtrkshJre - EUls, Boston, Saratoga rheu for SSo. or EOe. you oan have tbe result ^ i d j l i t > ' ^ ::'•" No Branch Stores. •! ^ v T b a r s s n b U l a d o a t s u a u l I a K itane t yean ot pncUoe and experietwo upended making this' prepantlon obeolnUly ths }*oV tl*n*wcloek, tower on the Cromwell t For n i l at Robert KUIgon'a CoriMr place. This Mid Dx. Btopfasna* houss a n the ' caij bulUUngi, betog put up Ibis ssasgn. Dnig6tt>ri,I)oT»)r,H.J, V0LDEOF 1 p m a m ENOI.AJJD A N D BVXA10S. London's leading Tlnaaolal Taper » tba Best Interest* of America. ; 0OBB15TOWH HD5T CflBIPfllli oonrMsaKiv rr. AMD fasti, ., !- - M0BBI8T0WN, N. J. For all stationBto Edison at 0:4G; f aPITAL,$i»^oo;T SURPLUS!, *5«,a» A.M. iaop.«,:-;;-_ ',vi-Wa:h'r'. FoiEookawajatO:16,ll:»()A.M." 8:50, «30,730/i M.::;- f O T i i 4d6 : FralHlbeiuia at 9:15 A / B J 8H) T, *yV:Smn>AM,;4:16.p.jc.;?-f .A;:;'/: ForEaatoDjUlantowiiandManoh Chunk at G:46, A. at; 838, 6:68, ? » •;BTOi)kJB15j68"p;iL?;:;;:'•; •• 'biwBM"''.'!'';-:' JI.FmUeal. i.B.mjLL,VloeP™i<loit. W. W. O m U B , U Vloe FnaUat. •: GHAKLEa F.ODTTLER, Tr-asurtr.", JOHH H. B, 0OBIBJX. imLfiOL^atidAssLJ h e Sii Totk at•'. OflO, 9:10 A, »iv«)Q 4:80 P.«,: SsispATS,1.W ' ijie»ye Eookavfay a t . 6:87/ A, tV-^OO;; 818,•,6148: 6 i « > ; u, 6 4 4 ' ' " * i ! J ' Leave Port Oram at 9:10,11:41 ii~.K.;vs8:»S, 6:16, 7:15: F , C » . • OAUTIOlft HDHDilS, rFbtnyoaaskforBailaatiDe'sBiport, be ra TOO ast Ik Do not Moept any otnsr KANOUSE a MOLLER, D6VBE,ir.J. JJBU AOHN1B, B0TTUR8 Of t i l l P . K . "-•. '//':y•••:•:• ^eave High Bridge «t 810,1039 A. K.; CjlS r. u. Smipiis, 300 p. M. H. F. ilALDWIH, . •.•-•-.fl«i.Pa«.AH . (U0RRI9 AND E88BX DIVISION.) Depot in Naw York, loot or Bvplitr Sti «nd foot ol Chrirtopber 8 t ; • •••": PURE APPLE CIDER. FINE PORTER '••":' ppvEFT T I M E ; J A B L E ; % C " ' " " • • ; TIU1IIS AMKVU AflDTDKfjkBI rBQM THIS : ; • nAifon! i j p o u o w e i •ABT.BOiniD.;.' .V'XMC BuffJotipr*^- 5;88 OtwfgoMpwr ~ " *" .' 8:17 Dover u p r m , D o w npreM* ' TtlQ S«ciett*vn tip. Ti83 Wpjhiiijionidpr* 8*fl Bonrnprmt BaSaJd expnM* 8;D8 ;H'kittit'n Milr ButoaUfMca V »8;44 i' h^^"-o:^-. Dof«TM0om.-v;M)i40 Do»eri«bm. Hcnotoa czp.* Hi' ~~ ' PoTtruoom. ; H i '•> .-; - . / : - v . V - p . _ . Dovtr aaooai.'''.' 19:40 Aonmbt now f Buffalo Soda and Mineral Waters BATISKAOTIOB OnABARTKID. J, O.KAMINSKI • R Cnred Wlltal lie Knlh • ™ '•'; "'•' — B T — ' ' , ; .' KJUTHEB, K.D Skin, Cancer and Malignant Diseaai :. " . • - A SPE0IALTV, • •. OmceudRMldenoe: t » ibmUtoii AT... ' . Blrttsbt Btnwt and Kri. IVuk.) PATER8ON, H.tl. ass'ssr??iJr" Tar Uovari BaBaloi Vl^ Boootoo Braosk, J. J. CARPENTER^BUILDER lo ak am U.TS Dovsr.: •sorriatoni. Xotrlrtiin.v.Sonr. tott.sa i:..»:."jiija.;«* 12«P.«. 1,15P« l-M> V .' 8:18 " • ' IHSURANCB REAL ESTITEMGEHT, ; 0m6»Y BAKER./ BUILDIHO DOVSR. -:- Now J»r§ey ROCMWAY/N.J. 0UN.IX AUTtHATIO No matter what y<|iiiieed|| lewuk Iu Em 707 to 721 Broad St. . -i , . _• . f . i . " I'."' ria^'X:; For furnishing BUVensi; was forawrrr manager of^ the ^oaapasy cAcela thlstowo, .' . ; '•'•: Hi ;: v ' - . M W PSVSIOH WOIMB. \. Ths following new pension'rulss Inv* besD aiopud, . ; . , / • : ..V:.V-.\-. ••: -:> : .1st ^TMMnilgnontlilcatemiatbetxhlbited at tJM eucntloa of sach'.and a n t ] rottebtr,'.'-!.' ' '. ';.'.'.'•..".'• '-• ' • :'• -' S i . . TOieii the pensioner, sifts by mark, two witasssVs who can-writs are requiwd In the body of, \h» voucher, sod ooe witness wbo OMWrttomth* duplicate r e c ^ U . ,. ., 3d.' Wbm the peiulonar :wrltai falai bo wltnin to bis tigtutun is ncotsaary In U s booy of the voucher; oat bbsignatantncai ofttw.doplloate ncclpta mnstbs wltnasa by a parson who can write^hli name. ,4th..,'Tba ^ msglitrata before whom" Toocaer, Is exeeatcd It not 4' competent witIn any ease except that such msglitrate . wttamlDthBdnplicatereofiptsthe sic oatute of 'i, protioDer who write* hli ' VCurtto^Wo>^S^ r 'Q^teax«wllaf{tr ULBERR ECHANIC Hale's Hooaehold Ointment. • 6th, .Tbe pot(>oince addrets;%ol the pen- Is tbe finest n b s d y In tbs worid. I t . _ iBP most be plainly written ia the body of luWyoure* catarrh. I i Duns swurolgia iuid voucher. ' '. . - ' • • : . - ' ~ "••." rbenmatlsm. C u m piles Ills rnagto. Cures « l t rnenm l i O H nvwt sootttag G i j l gM d T d i s l i . Curae . .. poa Law Kills Anothar. :; ocnunsond colds.-. Osd be taken intamaUy. The' W. 'O. T. U.'tett book bill b a fraud A postUra spedflo for pmnnwola. Outs, upoaibeBtatt>,and'by gmeral consent and b l b b l l b l l r f l advice ot Attorney General Stockton, will be and banlons i n varsd qaiokly; 'gnoredtpr the present. ' When the Leglaia dUTarent tnxh aUelas; snpsrior to ill els* (It tore eonvnin la Ootober It will doubtless be basuoBqual/ 85o. and 80c. faozn. Large 'changed or repealed., Tbe AUorney-Oenera. dse cheapest. BoMatBobertKUlgon^Qsrsays that school boards ars not required to MTprog Store. / "m'-^'take action'prior to the let day of 'July. THere b a principle of-law Uiat.wbere tins A Quartsr OentniT Teat a not essential to the performance of an act, For a quarter of a century Dr. King's New KI where such act may aa welt bs performed Discovery has been tested, and tbe millions at another time, ii la the duty of Uw prvper who have recdved benefit from Its use te»Ufy offlwn to set) that the act Is mode operative 0 IU wonderful curativepowsn In all at nearlytotbe time stated u ii praoUcaMe. Throat; Chest and Ltmgt.. A nmadythat The law providing .for tha consolidation of ts stood the test so long and that has given ehool dlttrlcta and abolishing the pment so universal satisfaction Is no arpsrigactit. 1 ol trtutees, which ore onmntxed UchnottlalspaalUnly guaranteed to give tbe general law, on Uia SOtU of June rslief, or tiie money wfl]U refunded.: ItUad* makes Itlmpostiblefar suoh boards to oom- mlttedtobe the mart nltable for Coughs and pry w,th the law, and It will, therefore, be Colds. Trial bottles Free at BotartKUIgow^ corns tha duty ol the new boards to take inch 3over, I t F, OramftC o , Fort Oram and ?. action as trill oomply with the spirit of the N.^Jtnklns, Chester, Druji Btore, Largs site U c and 91.00. ...-...-. n a m e , - V - . ' ; ; • • • ' " . : . - " . , " , . ' r . • " . - . «:^L^^ your house, HEATH & DRAKE. , • . . ; tMorJDoA* j^ncn Tor T o o . LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIQHT, Ur, Pied Miller, of Irving, 11L, wriui that pwunpUon comes. A alleht cold, with babad a Sevan Kldur/ tronbla for many ur aystem ^In the acrofujous condition years, with sevire pains tn bii back u d i b o at^B caused by impura blood, b enough to -lira it upon jon. Consomption la Lung. that bis bladder was affeotod.: n«tri»d H B O r Scrofula. ^oucanm*vei,ti£and y o u c S so called Kidney cares but without nay good result. Abontayear ago be; began UM of Bleotrtp Bitters. and found - relief. at'- ones; EleotrioBltteis are espsdollyadapted toeura tl Kidney and Liver tronbles and ortragive - * t Instant relief. - One trail will proie stattmcat. Price only' 60c for loirs jttle. At the Dnu, Store of Bobsrt Killon, pffver, n, F Oram t Co., Pert bran " F. H Jenkins. Chester.'".% • ;.'. ,\~';. *iii^ SEEOURNEWLXMP THE MILLER THEflllS|plMiJif§g|^ g ascreirffio w i d t . l j e o n . trolled perfertly(o% p ) ; g ^ . . .'. . . ."- ~"v% " ,/LI.~ _-,. • - P _ . - *. ' T - vT^T" •••• Onrawortmenl mw% *. »*lam»lL 99: SUItaaaCI DOYHR LUMBHR 0 0 , ALL KINDS .... 5ash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c *L L ^ ^-- .• •-'.,!'': aailala.ava^B^^as-1J a.ata.' •..•la.*"..1" I'_^I^__ X : i~"' " 7 J"1'* ~ ' - ' * "- "* a laiinouannu. ittt SCBKEXnsp L - ^ a » »^i _ - _ . . - - . _ . . - • . . . I ' l V -
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