the festival catalog in pdf format
the festival catalog in pdf format
ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! Dear friends! ŒÚ ËÏÂÌË ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚‡ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë Ï‡ÒÒÓ‚˚ı On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Mass ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰‡ˆËË Ò‰˜ÌÓ Communications of the Russian Federation ÔË‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ÌÚÓ‚ Ë „ÓÒÚÂÈ XVII I warmly welcome the competitors and visitors of ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ the 17th Open Russian Film Festival ìKinotavrî. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª! For the seventeenth time a creative competition ¬ ÒÂÏ̇‰ˆ‡Ú˚È ‡Á ‚ „ÓӉ —Ó˜Ë ÒÓÒÚÓËÚÒˇ will be held in Sochi, a competition among the Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ ÒÓÒÚˇÁ‡ÌË ÎÛ˜¯Ëı Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ strongest representatives of Russian cinema, ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓÏ Ì‡ where award-winning and established directors ‡‚Ì˚ı ·Û‰ÛÚ Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ Í‡Í ÔËÁ̇ÌÌ˚Â, will compete on a par with debutants. They are ÚËÚÛÎÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚, Ú‡Í Ë ‰Â·˛Ú‡ÌÚ˚. united by their love of cinema, their talent and ¬ÒÂı Ëı Ó·˙‰ËÌˇÂÚ Î˛·Ó‚¸ Í ÍËÌÓ, ڇ·ÌÚ Ë their desire to share this with the audience. Ê·ÌË ÔÓ‰ÂÎËÚ¸Òˇ ˝ÚËÏ ÒÓ ÁËÚÂΡÏË. It is in many respects thanks to ìKinotavrî that ¬Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚Ûª ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÈ Russian cinema continues to be full of creativity, ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ÊËÚ¸ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓÈ to develop, and to discover new names. I am Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓÈ ÊËÁ̸˛, ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸Òˇ Ë ÓÚÍ˚‚‡Ú¸ confident that this year, too, there will be many ÌÓ‚˚ ËÏÂ̇. ”‚ÂÂÌ, ˜ÚÓ Ë ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û Ú‡ÍËı such discoveries, and the festival will once again ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÈ ·Û‰ÂÚ ÌÂχÎÓ, Ë ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‚ meet the expectations of the film fans! Ә‰ÌÓÈ ‡Á Ì ӷχÌÂÚ ÓÊˉ‡ÌËÈ ‚ÒÂı β·ËÚÂÎÂÈ ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡! Wishing you great inspiration and success, Minister of Culture and Mass Communications — ÔÓÊ·ÌˡÏË Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ„Ó of the Russian Federation ‚‰ÓıÌÓ‚ÂÌËˇË Û‰‡˜Ë, A. S. Sokolov ÏËÌËÒÚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ Ë Ï‡ÒÒÓ‚˚ı ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÈ ‘‰‡ˆËË ¿. —. —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚ ŒÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ‰Û¯Ë ÔÓÁ‰‡‚Ρ˛ ‚ÒÂı Ò ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÂÏ I congratulate everybody wholeheartedly on the XVII ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª. «‡ ‰Ó΄Ë „Ó‰˚ opening of the 17th ìKinotavrî festival. For the Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ìˡ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª Á‡‚Ó‚‡Î many years of its existence ìKinotavrî has ÒÚ‡ÚÛÒ „·‚ÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ achieved the status of the countryís main ÒÚ‡Ì˚ Ë ÔÓ˜Ì˚È ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂÚ ‚ ÏËÓ‚ÓÏ national film festival and gained a strong ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚Â. ¬Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ position in the community of world cinema. In ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î˛ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ÁËÚÂÎË many respects it is thanks to the festival that ËÏÂ˛Ú ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓÁ̇ÍÓÏËÚ¸Òˇ Ò Ò‡Ï˚ÏË Russian audiences have an opportunity to get ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ÏË ÍËÌÓÌÓ‚ËÌ͇ÏË. ¬ ÔÓ¯ÎÓÏ „Ó‰Û acquainted with the most interesting new films. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ÔÂÂÊËÎ ‚ÚÓÓ ÓʉÂÌËÂ Ë Last year the festival underwent a phase of ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸Òˇ ‚ ‚˚·‡ÌÌÓÏ regeneration and now continues to develop in its ̇ԇ‚ÎÂÌËË. ”‚ÂÂÌ, ˜ÚÓ Ë ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û chosen direction. I am confident that the Ó·ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌÌ˚È ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÓ‡‰ÛÂÚ Ò‚ÓËı updated ìKinotavrî this year will impress its „ÓÒÚÂÈ ÌÓ‚˚ÏË ÓÚÍ˚ÚˡÏË, ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚˚ÏË visitors with new discoveries, talented films and ͇ÚË̇ÏË Ë ÌÂËÁÏÂÌÌ˚Ï Ô‡Á‰Ì˘Ì˚Ï a celebratory atmosphere. I sincerely wish all ̇ÒÚÓÂÌËÂÏ. »ÒÍÂÌÌ Ê·˛ ‚ÒÂÏ participants of ìKinotavrî that they enjoy Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó productive, creative and professional dialogues; Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ë ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó Ó·˘ÂÌˡ, ‡ may the festival have grateful spectators and a Ò‡ÏÓÏÛ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î˛ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡Ì˚ı ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ Ë long life full of interesting events. ‰Ó΄Ëı ÎÂÚ ÊËÁÌË, ̇ÔÓÎÌÂÌÌ˚ı ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ı ÒÓ·˚ÚËÈ. M. E. Shvydkoi Head of the Federal Agency for Culture and Ã. ≈. ÿ‚˚‰ÍÓÈ –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Cinematography 1 2 ƒÓÓ„Ë ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ! ”‚‡Ê‡ÂÏ˚ ۘ‡ÒÚÌËÍË Ë „ÓÒÚË ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ! ≈Ê„ӉÌÓ Ò Ë˛Ìˇ ÔÓ ÌÓˇ·¸ ̇¯ Í‡È ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÂÚ ‚ÌËχÌË ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇ÎÓ‚ Ë Î˛·ËÚÂÎÂÈ ÍËÌÓ. üÛ·‡Ì¸, ÊËÚÌˈ‡ Ë Á‰‡‚Ìˈ‡ –ÓÒÒËË, Òڇ· Â˘Â Ë ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓÈ. –‡‰, ˜ÚÓ Ô‡Á‰ÌËÍ ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ ÒÌÓ‚‡ Ô˯ÂÎ Í Ì‡Ï. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, ÒÓÎ̘Ì˚È „ÓÒÚÂÔËËÏÌ˚È —Ó˜Ë Ë ÚÂÔÎÓ ÏÓ ‚ Ә‰ÌÓÈ ‡Á ÒÓ·‡ÎË ÚÂı, ÍÚÓ Ô˘‡ÒÚÂÌ Í ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˲ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ. » ÚÂı, ÍÚÓ ÔË‰Ë˜Ë‚Ó ÓˆÂÌË‚‡ÂÚ Ëı Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó ó ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ. üÛ·‡Ìˆ˚ β·ˇÚ ÍËÌÓ Ë Ê‰ÛÚ, ˜ÚÓ Ì‡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ÔÓ ÒÎÓÊË‚¯ÂÈÒˇ Ú‡‰ËˆËË Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ·Û‰ÛÚ ·ÎËÒÚ‡Ú¸ ÎÛ˜¯Ë Á‚ÂÁ‰˚ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡, ÌÓ Ë Á‡Ê„ÛÚÒˇ ÌÓ‚˚Â. —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ¯Ì ̇¯Â ÍËÌÓ ‰ÓÒÚÓÈÌÓ ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ÎÛ˜¯Ë ڇ‰ËˆËË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó, ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡. ´¬ÂÎËÍÓÎÂÔ̇ˇ ËÎβÁˡª ÔÓ-ÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ ÔÓÏÓ„‡ÂÚ Ì‡Ï Î˛·ËÚ¸, ÒÓ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸, ÒÓÔÂÂÊË‚‡Ú¸. ¬ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ÙËθÏ˚ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡˛ÚÒˇ ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌÓÒÚ¸, ̇‚ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚ¸ Ë ÓÔÚËÏËÁÏ, ÔÓÚ¡ÌÌ˚ ‚ „Ó‰˚ ÔÂÂÏÂÌ. ¬Â˛, ˜ÚÓ Ì˚̯ÌËÈ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÓÒÎÛÊËÚ ÔÂ͇ÒÌ˚Ï ÔÓ‚Ó‰ÓÏ ‰Îˇ ‡Ò¯ËÂÌˡ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍËı ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚, ‡ ‚ÂÏˇ, Ôӂ‰ÂÌÌÓ ̇ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ÚÌÓÈ ÍÛ·‡ÌÒÍÓÈ ÁÂÏÎÂ, Á‡ÔÓÏÌËÚÒˇ ̇¯ËÏ „ÓÒÚˇÏ Ì‡‰Ó΄Ó. ŒÚ ‚ÒÂÈ ‰Û¯Ë Ê·˛ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï XVII ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÎÓ‰ÓÚ‚ÓÌÓÈ ‡·ÓÚ˚, ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ı Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍËı ‚ÒÚ˜ Ë ÔˡÚÌÓ„Ó ÓÚ‰˚ı‡! ¬ ‰Ó·˚È ÔÛÚ¸, ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸! Dear friends! Dear participants and visitors of the festival! Every year from June until November our region draws the attention of film professionals and fans. The Kuban region, Russiaís granary and health resort, becomes even more festive. I am glad that the holiday of cinema is with us once again. ìKinotavrî, the sunny and hospitable Sochi, and the warm sea have once again attracted those involved in modern national cinema, as well as those who loyally esteem its output: the spectators. The people from Kuban love cinema and expect the festival, according to tradition, not only to show them the stars of national cinema but also light up new stars. Our contemporary cinema continues the best traditions of Russian and Soviet cinema. ìThe Great Illusionî still helps us to love, to sympathize, and to empathize. Values of spirituality, morality and optimism, which were lost in the period of transition, now return to Russian cinema. I believe that this ìKinotavrî will serve as a fine occasion for the expansion of creative contacts. Our visitors will remember the time spent on the fertile Kuban land for a long time. From the bottom of my heart I wish the participants of the 17th Open Russian festival ìKinotavrî fruitful business, interesting meetings and a pleasant stay! Have a good journey, dear festival! ¿.Õ. “͇˜Â‚ A. N.Tkachiov √·‚‡ ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË Head of the Krasnodar Regional Administration ü‡ÒÌÓ‰‡ÒÍÓ„Ó Í‡ˇ ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ– –ŒƒÕflÕ—ü»… ALEXANDER RODNYANSKY œÂÁˉÂÌÚ ıÓΉËÌ„‡ ´—“— ɡª œÂ‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ ÔÓÔ˜ËÚÂθÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓ‚ÂÚ‡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª: President of the Media Holding CTC Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Festival ìKinotavrî: ´...œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ·ÓΠ100 ÙËθÏÓ‚ ‚ 2005 „Ó‰Û ‰Îˇ ÍËÌÓÚ‡ڇθÌÓ„Ó ÔÓ͇ڇ. ”‚Â΢ÂÌË ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚‡ ÍËÌÓÚ‡ÚÓ‚, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÒÍËı ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÈ, ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚˚ı ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓÓ‚, ËÌÚÂÂÒÛ˛˘ËıÒˇ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙÓÏ Í‡Í ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÚÂθÌÓÈ ÁÓÌÓÈ ÔÓÚÂ̈ˇθÌÓ„Ó ÓÒÚ‡. üβ˜Â‚‡ˇ Óθ ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌ˚ı ͇̇ÎÓ‚ ‚ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Â Ë ÔÓ‰‚ËÊÂÌËË ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚. ¬Ò ˝ÚÓ ÔÓÁ‚ÓΡÂÚ „Ó‚ÓËÚ¸ Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ ‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ÒÚÛÔËÎË ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ ‚ÂÏÂ̇. œÓÚÓÏÛ, ̇ ÏÓÈ ‚Á„Ρ‰, Ú‡Í ‚‡ÊÂÌ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, ÔÓÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ „·‚ÌÓ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓ ÒÓ·˚ÚË ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡. ›ÚËÏË ÔÂÂÏÂ̇ÏË Ë ÓÔ‰ÂΡÂÚÒˇ „·‚̇ˇ Á‡‰‡˜‡ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª ó Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ÒÂÏ ·ÂÁ ËÒÍβ˜ÂÌˡ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ‡Ï ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÔÓˆÂÒÒ‡ ÔÓÒÏÓÚÂÚ¸ ̇ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ´ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚË‚Ì˚È ÔÓÚÂÚª, Ó·ÂÒÔ˜˂ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰ÍÛ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒËË. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÂÌ ÓÚÂÙÎÂÍÚËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÒÚÓθ ÏÌÓ„Óӷ¢‡˛˘ËÂ, ÌÓ Ë Ú‚Óʇ˘Ë ÏÌÓ„Ëı ÚẨÂ̈ËË ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ÍËÌÓË̉ÛÒÚËË. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ÔÓÏÓÊÂÚ ‚˚‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸ ÒËÒÚÂÏÛ ÍÓÓ‰ËÌ‡Ú Ë ÍËÚÂË‚, ÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘Ëı ÌÓ‚˚Ï ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍËÏ ÍÓÌÚÂÍÒÚ‡Ï. ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª Ó·‡ÚËÚ ‚ÌËχÌË ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ Ì‡ ‡ÁÌÓÓ·‡ÁÌ˚Â Ë ‡ÁÌÓʇÌÓ‚˚ ÙËθÏ˚. —Ó‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ÙËθÏ˚ª. ´...The production of over 100 films in 2005 for theatrical release; an increase in the number of cinemas, production companies, and investors with an interest in a cinema as an attractive area with potential for growth; the key role of television channels in the production and promotion of Russian films ñ all this makes it possible to say that interesting times have begun for Russian cinema. In my opinion, therefore, ìKinotavrî ñ as the main festival event of national cinema ñ is so important. The above changes also define the main task of ìKinotavrî: to offer all participants of Russian cinema, without exception, an opportunity to look at their own collective self-portrait by providing a platform for professional discussion. ìKinotavrî can reflect both promising developments and trends that give rise to concern. ìKinotavrî will help develop a system of coordinates and criteria that correspond to the new historical context. ìKinotavrî will turn the attention of Russian audiences to a variety of genres, to modern Russian filmsª. »√Œ–‹ “ŒÀ—“”ÕŒ¬ IGOR TOLSTUNOV √Â̇θÌ˚È ÔÓ‰˛Ò ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ General Producer ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª: of the ´Kinotavrª Festival: ´«‡ Ôӯ‰¯ËÈ „Ó‰ ̇ÏË ÏÌÓ„Ó Ò‰Â·ÌÓ ‰Îˇ ÚÓ- ´Over the last year we have accomplished a „Ó, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÚÂθÌÓ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ËÚ¸ ÒÂÏ̇‰ˆ‡- great deal to prepare thoroughly for the Ú˚È ŒÚÍ˚Ú˚È ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÈ ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ seventeenth Open Russian Film Festival ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª. ›ÚËÏ ÎÂÚÓÏ ÓÌ Ô‰ÒÚ‡ÌÂÚ ÔÓÎÌÓ- ìKinotavrî. This summer it will be completely ÒÚ¸˛ Ó·ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌÌ˚Ï: ËÁÏÂÌËÎÒˇ ÙËÏÂÌÌ˚È refreshed: the house style of the festival has ÒÚËθ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ, Ë̇˜Â ·Û‰ÛÚ ‚˚„Ρ‰ÂÚ¸ Â„Ó changed, its logo and the prizes will look ÎÓ„ÓÚËÔ Ë ÔËÁ˚. Ã˚ ÙÓÏËÛÂÏ ÌÓ‚Ó ÊËÁÌÂÌ- differently. We are creating a new living space ÌÓ ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ, ÍÓÚÓÓ ӷ˙‰Ë- for the festival, which will unite all its ÌËÚ ‚ÒÂı Â„Ó Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚ Ë „ÓÒÚÂÈ. ÕÓ‚˚È ÎÓ„Ó- participants and visitors. Our designers have ÚËÔ Ë ÌÓ‚˚È ÔËÁ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˚ ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË͇ÏË-‰ËÁ‡È- created the new logo and the new prize in such a ̇ÏË Ú‡ÍËÏ Ó·‡ÁÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ËÏÂÚ¸ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊ- way that the entire festival space can be ÌÓÒÚ¸ ̇ Ëı ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÓÙÓÏËÚ¸ ‚Ò ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓ organized accordingly: the coast, the beach, the ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó: ·Â„ ÏÓˇ, ÔΡÊ, „ÓÒÚËÌËˆÛ Ë Â hotel and its premises, the ìWinter Theatreî, ÚÂËÚÓ˲, «ËÏÌËÈ Ú‡Ú, ÔÎÓ˘‡‰¸ Ô‰ and the area in front of it. The designers have ÌËÏ. Õ‡¯Ë ‰ËÁ‡ÈÌÂ˚ ÔˉÛχÎË Ë ‚ÓÔÎÓÚËÎË developed and implemented a whole host of ideas ‚ ÊËÁ̸ χÒÒÛ Ë‰ÂÈ ‰Îˇ ÒÓÁ‰‡Ìˡ Ô‡Á‰Ì˘ÌÓ„Ó to create a celebratory atmosphere. We want to ̇ÒÚÓÂÌˡ. Ã˚ ıÓÚËÏ Ô‚‡ÚËÚ¸ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ transform the festival into a field of constant ‚ ÔÓΠÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ„Ó Ó·˘ÂÌˡ ÒÓ ÁËÚÂÎÂÏ. dialogue with the audience. œÂ‰ÏÂÚÓÏ Ì‡¯ÂÈ ÓÒÓ·ÓÈ „Ó‰ÓÒÚË ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ We are especially proud of the complete technical ÔÓÎÌÓ ÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍÓ ÔÂÂÓÒ̇˘ÂÌË «ËÏÌÂ„Ó refurbishment of the Winter Theatre. Through Ú‡ڇ. —Ó‚ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ÏË ÛÒËÎˡÏË ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ joint efforts between the festival and the city Ë ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË „ÓÓ‰‡ —Ó˜Ë ‚ Á‡Î «ËÏÌÂ„Ó administration of Sochi the auditorium in the Ú‡ڇ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌÓ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ ÍËÌÓÔÓÂÍ- Winter Theatre has been fitted with modern film ˆËÓÌÌÓ ӷÓÛ‰Ó‚‡ÌË ó ÎÛ˜¯Â ‚ —Ó˜Ë Ì‡ ÒÂ- projection equipment, making it the best in Sochi „Ó‰Ìˇ, ˜ÚÓ ÔÓÁ‚ÓΡÂÚ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ «ËÏÌËÈ ‚ today and allowing the Winter Theatre to be Ó‰ËÌ ˇ‰ Ò ÎÛ˜¯ËÏË ÍËÌÓÚ‡ڇÏË ÒÚ‡Ì˚. ranked alongside the top cinemas of the country. Õ‡˜Ë̇ˇ Ò ˝ÚÓ„Ó „Ó‰‡, ‚Ò ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌˡ, Ô‰- From this year onwards all films submitted to ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌÌ˚ ̇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, ·Û‰ÛÚ ÔÓ͇Á‡Ì˚ ìKinotavrî will be screened adequately in their ‡‰ÂÍ‚‡ÚÌÓ, ‚ ÚÓÏ ÓË„Ë̇θÌÓÏ ‚ˉÂ, ‚ ÍÓÚÓ- original format. ÓÏ ÓÌË ·˚ÎË ËÒÔÓÎÌÂÌ˚. The year 2006 can certainly be called the year 2006 „Ó‰ ÏÓÊÌÓ ÒÏÂÎÓ Ì‡Á‚‡Ú¸ „Ó‰ÓÏ ÔÂϸ of premieres for ìKinotavrî in every respect. The ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, Ô˘ÂÏ ‚Ó ‚ÒÂı ÓÚÌÓ- festivalís competition programme consists ¯ÂÌˡı. üÓÌÍÛÒ̇ˇ ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ practically entirely of films unknown to ·Û‰ÂÚ Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ÔÓÎÌÓÒÚ¸˛ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÚ¸ ËÁ audiences and critics. Premieres of debut films ÙËθÏÓ‚, ÌÂÁ̇ÍÓÏ˚ı ÁËÚÂÎˇÏ Ë ÍËÚË͇Ï. will be screened in competition alongside films by ¬ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ‚Ó¯ÎË ÔÂϸÂ˚ ͇ÚËÌ, ÒÌˇÚ˚ı recognised and established masters. During the Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ÏË-‰Â·˛Ú‡ÌÚ‡ÏË, ÌÓ Ë formation of the competition programme we also ÔËÁ̇ÌÌ˚ÏË ËÏÂÌËÚ˚ÏË Ï‡ÒÚ‡ÏË. ¬ ÔÓ- managed to observe a balance between ˆÂÒÒ ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÍÓÌÍÛÒÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ mainstream and auteur cinema. Ì‡Ï Û‰‡ÎÓÒ¸ ÒӷβÒÚË ·‡Î‡ÌÒ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÏÂÈÌ- The business programme of the festival continues ÒÚËÏÓÏ Ë ‡‚ÚÓÒÍËÏ ÍËÌÓ. to develop energetically. Besides the traditional œÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‡Á‚Ë‚‡Ú¸Òˇ Ë ‰ÂÎÓ‚‡ˇ round tables, screenings, master classes and ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ. œÓÏËÏÓ Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ìfilm-ringsî, a session of the Club of European ÍÛ„Î˚ı ÒÚÓÎÓ‚, ÒÍËÌËÌ„Ó‚, χÒÚÂ-Í·ÒÒÓ‚ Ë Producers will be held in the context of ´ÍËÌÓËÌ„Ó‚ª, ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª ÒÓÒÚÓËÚ- ìKinotavrî. We have invited 15 European Òˇ Á‡Ò‰‡ÌË üÎÛ·‡ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËı ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÓ‚. Ã˚ producers to the festival, who are directly Ô˄·ÒËÎË Ì‡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ 15 ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËı ÔÓ‰˛- oriented towards cooperation with Russian ÒÂÓ‚, ÌÂÔÓÒ‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÓËÂÌÚËÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı ̇ ÒÓ- cinematographers. The interest shown by western ÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó Ò ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏË ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒ- colleagues in ìKinotavrî is quite logical. For Ú‡ÏË. »ÌÚÂÂÒ, ÔÓˇ‚ÎÂÌÌ˚È Á‡Ô‡‰Ì˚ÏË ÍÓÎÎÂ- many reasons the Russian film-market has not „‡ÏË Í ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚Ûª, ‡·ÒÓβÚÌÓ Á‡ÍÓÌÓÏÂÂÌ. been of particular interest to our European œÓ ÏÌÓ„ËÏ Ô˘ËÌ‡Ï ‰Ó‚ÓθÌÓ ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊËÚÂθ- colleagues for a rather long time. But today, ÌÓ ‚ÂÏˇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÍËÌÓ˚ÌÓÍ ·˚Î ÌÂËÌ- with the national cinema revived, the Club of ÚÂÂÒÂÌ Ì‡¯ËÏ Â‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËÏ ÍÓÎ΄‡Ï. ¿ Ò„Ӊ- European Producers perceives Russia as a zone Ìˇ, ÍÓ„‰‡ ‚ÓÁÓʉ‡ÂÚÒˇ ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚È ÍËÌÂχ- of special interest, with ìKinotavrî as the ÚÓ„‡Ù, –ÓÒÒˡ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ‰Îˇ üÎÛ·‡ ‚ÓÔÂÈ- countryís main national film festivalª. 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Firstly, one thing is obvious today: the festivalís merit lies in its ability to organize a competition of films, not budgets, marketing strategies and resources of television channels, a competition among talents rather than ambitions. It is obvious that the artistic significance and success in distribution are not always synonymous. Secondly, the festival was, is and will be a key platform for contacts, interactions, partnership and rivalries; and this is very important, bearing in mind the obvious dissociation of the Russian film community. Thirdly, as any competition, ìKinotavrî remains an area for victories and defeats, for joy and disappointment. And finally, any festival has four basic components: the programme, the press, the business section, and high life. Their harmonious combination is our purpose. For the whole of last year we have diligently worked on the promotion of Russian cinema, both within Russia and abroad. Last autumn screenings of the winners of ìKinotavrî took place in the most prestigious cinemas of Ekaterinburg, Kiev, Saint Petersburg, Perm, Samara and Tomsk. They were a success with the audiences. We convinced ourselves that there is a ìnon-commercialî spectator in the country who needs our films. The number of days for the competition screenings at this yearís festival has been reduced to seven. Yet the number of programmes has increased to twelve. Seven programmes concern our ìtodayî and ìtomorrowî; five concern our ìyesterdayî. ìKinotavrî will screen a total of 120 films on three festival arenas. The number of applications for participation has increased noticeably: approximately 70 feature films were submitted to the competition programme, and 130 shorts for the programme ìKinotavr. Shortsî (this is an indicator of the availability of money in cinema and the fast development of film technologies). About 1500 visitors are expected at the festival, mostly cinematographers; about 250 representatives of mass-media (15 television channels and 200 periodicals will be accredited); and twice as many filmtourists than usual. For the second year running ìKinotavrî conducts a showcase of screenings of Russian films for foreign visitors: directors and festivals selectors, distributors, journalists of the worldís largest film publications. A result of this innovation introduced last year, the share of Russian cinema at various international film festivals increased. We may note among our modest victories the heightened interest of the western film press in the festival. Moreover, art-house distributors from Europe, America and Asia are making enquiries. It is splendid that we possess the organizational and financial resources to continue this work: this year more than 100 people will be arriving for the showcase. But most importantly the festival has stop to keep itself to itself: it is beginning to work with perspective and is doing everything to strengthen the position of modern Russian cinema on the international scene, as this happened in its time for China, Iran and South Korea. ìKinotavrî will continue to co-operate with the 67th Russian film-market, where 300 films will be presented: 30% foreign, 30% Russian, 10% from the CIS and the Baltic States, and about 20% co-production. The exhibition of the film-market, consisting of 50 stands, will be visited by over 600 participants. At present the database of ìKinotavrî contains 340 films at different production stages. Whilst fully understanding the virtual character of this information, the figure is impressive. The year 2005 became a genuine commercial breakthrough for Russian cinema: the total box office grossing reached $327 million, of which $101 million were achieved by the 63 Russian films, among them two absolute champions. The distribution is, no doubt, assisted by the vigorous development of the cinema networks: today Russia has 1036 cinemas. The rise of the box office in Russian cinema testifies to our market appeal, the solvency of the Russian audience, the dynamic development of the film industry, its huge potential and self-sufficiency, as well as the prospect of entering the world market. It is the obvious victory of Russian cinema over American cinema in our territories. But we must not forget that we are not the first: South Korea has outstripped us, and Argentina runs in parallel with us. FESTIVAL SOCIOLOGY The year 2006 has shown that the time of euphoria has gone. The two main film festivals of the world, Berlin and Cannes, have not selected any Russian films among the twenty competition films; once again they have let us know that we are non-competitive on an artistic level. In the opinion of the selection commissions of these festivals, we do not have an auteur cinema that corresponds to their demands. Our directors, arguing about todayís condition of the world, its past or future, are not capable of speaking freely the language of modern cinema. Such a position seems strange, because right now there is a choice in Russian cinema: there are films that are visually effective, topical in content, internationally oriented. But they have not been valued Ö Today this is an acute issue for Russian cinematographers. In this connection ìKinotavrî, together with the magazine ìKino-Processî, has carried out a survey: ìwhat is lacking in Russian cinema?î Ten producers, ten directors, ten distributors, ten film critics and scholars have taken part in this survey. Survey Results: What is lacking in national cinema from the point of view of: PRODUCERS 1. New cinemas, affordable tickets, solvent spectators 2. Bold creativity, original and new ideas 3. New directors who are perceptive to audience demand and know the current trends of world cinema DIRECTORS 1. Bold creativity, original and new ideas 2. Genre and theme variety in the repertoire, ìhuman storiesî 3. Far-sighted, solvent producers CRITICS AND FILM HISTORIANS 1. Bold creativity, original and new ideas 2. New directors who are perceptive to audience demand and know the current trends of world cinema 3. Following the best traditions of Russian film DISTRIBUTORS 1. Money, including money spent on advertising 2. New directors who are perceptive to audience demand and know the current trends of world cinema 3. Bold creativity, original and new ideas ALL SURVEY PARTICIPANTS 1. Bold creativity, original and new ideas 2. New directors who are perceptive to audience demand and know the current trends of world cinema 3. New cinemas, affordable tickets, solvent spectators The full results of the survey will be published in the next issues of the magazine ìKino-Processî. Sitora Alieva Programme Director 5 6 œŒœ≈◊»“≈À‹—ü»… —Œ¬≈“ ‘≈—“»¬¿Àfl TUTORIAL COUNCIL OF THE FESTIVAL ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ– –ŒƒÕflÕ—ü»… ALEXANDER RODNYANSKY œÂÁˉÂÌÚ ıÓΉËÌ„‡ ´—“— ɡª President of the Media Holding CTC œÂ‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ ÔÓÔ˜ËÚÂθÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓ‚ÂÚ‡ Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª Kinotavr Festival œ≈“– ¿¬≈Õ PETER AVEN œÂÁˉÂÌÚ Œ¿Œ ´¿Î¸Ù‡-¡‡Ìͪ President of ìAlpha Bankî ŒÀ≈√ ƒ≈–»œ¿—ü¿ OLEG DERIPASKA √Â̇θÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ Œ¿Œ ´–ÛÒÒÍËÈ ‡Î˛ÏËÌËȪ General Director of ìRussian Aluminiumî ¬»“¿À»… »√Õ¿“≈ÕüŒ VITALY IGNATENKO √Â̇θÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ´»“¿–-“¿——ª General Director of ìITAR-TASSî ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ– “ü¿◊≈¬ ALEXANDER TKACHIOV √·‚‡ ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË ü‡ÒÌÓ‰‡ÒÍÓ„Ó Í‡ˇ Governor of the Krasnodar Region û’¿»À ÿ¬¤ƒüŒ… MIKHAIL SHVYDKOI –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ¿„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ Head of the Federal Agency for Culture and ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Cinematography üŒÕ—“¿Õ“»Õ ›–Õ—“ KONSTANTIN ERNST √Â̇θÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ Œ¿Œ ´œÂ‚˚È Í‡Ì‡Îª General Director of ìFirst Channelî ƒ»–≈ü÷»fl ‘≈—“»¬¿Àfl FESTIVAL DIRECTORATE »√Œ–‹ “ŒÀ—“”ÕŒ¬ √Â̇θÌ˚È ÔÓ‰˛Ò IGOR TOLSTUNOV General producer —»“Œ–¿ ¿À»≈¬¿ œÓ„‡ÏÏÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ SITORA ALIEVA Programme Director ≈À≈Õ¿ À¿œ»Õ¿ »ÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ELENA LAPINA Executive Director œŒÀ»Õ¿ «”≈¬¿ üÓÏϘÂÒÍËÈ ‰ËÂÍÚÓ POLINA ZUEVA Commercial Director Àfi¡Œ¬‹ œ¿—“”’Œ¬¿ ‘Ë̇ÌÒÓ‚˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ LIUBOV PASTUKHOVA Financial Director ¿Õ¿—“¿—»fl ¡”À√¿üŒ¬¿ –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ Óډ· promotion ANASTASIA BULGAKOVA Head of Promotion ≈À≈Õ¿ ü”œ–»flÕŒ¬¿ –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ PR-Óډ· ELENA KUPRIYANOVA Head of PR Õ¿“¿À‹fl flü”ÿü»Õ¿ –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÒÎÛÊ·˚ ÔÓÚÓÍÓ· NATALIA YAKUSHKINA Head of Protocol 8 10 42 Œ“ü–¤“»≈ OPENING GALA üŒÕü”–— COMPETITION ü»ÕŒ“¿¬–. üŒ–Œ“ü»… Ã≈“– KINOTAVR. SHORTS ÒÓ‰ÂʇÌË contents 76 91 113 125 136 148 152 170 181 182 183 –”——ü¿fl ›…‘Œ–»fl RUSSIAN EUPHORIA ü»ÕŒ Õ¿ œÀŒŸ¿ƒ» CINEMA ON THE SQUARE —œ≈÷»¿À‹Õ¤… œŒü¿« SPECIAL SCREENING ¬ «≈–ü¿À≈ ƒŒü”Ã≈Õ“¿ IN THE MIRROR OF THE DOCUMENT 90-Â. ü»ÕŒ, üŒ“Œ–Œ≈ ä œŒ“≈–flÀ» 1990s. THE CINEMA THAT WE LOST Õ¿◊¿À¿. À≈Õ»Õ√–¿ƒ—ü¿fl ÿüŒÀ¿ THE BEGINNINGS. THE LENINGRAD SCHOOL ‘≈—“»¬¿À‹Õ¤≈ À¿”–≈¿“¤ FESTIVAL WINNERS 9 œ¿À‹Ã 9 PALMS »Ì‰ÂÍÒ ÙËθÏÓ‚ Index of films »Ì‰ÂÍÒ ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ Index of directors Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË/ üÓÌÚ‡ÍÚ˚ Companies/ Contacts 7 ÓÚÍ˚ÚË opening gala Œ—“–Œ¬ THE ISLAND 8 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 112 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 112 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ œ‡‚ÂÎ ÀÛÌ„ËÌ Director Pavel Lounguine ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÏËÚËÈ —Ó·Ó΂ Scriptwriter Dmitry Sobolev ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ∆„‡ÎÓ‚ Camera Andrey Zhegalov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË »„Ó¸ üÓˆ‡Â‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “ÓÎ͇˜Â‚ Art Director Igor Kotsarev, Alexander Tolkachiov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ƒ˚ÏËÌÒ͇ˇ Costumes Ekaterina Dyminskaya üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË Ã‡Ú˚ÌÓ‚ Composer Vladimir Martynov «‚ÛÍ —ÚÂÙ‡Ì ¿Î¸·ËÌÂ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ÀËÚÓ‚ÌËÍ Sound Stephane Albinet, Vladimir Litrovnik ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ¿Î¸·Ë̇ ¿ÌÚËÔÂÌÍÓ Editor Albina Antipenko ¬ ÓΡı: œÂÚ Ã‡ÏÓÌÓ‚, ƒÏËÚËÈ ƒ˛Ê‚, Cast: Pyotr Mamonov, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Victor Sukhorukov, ¬ËÍÚÓ —ÛıÓÛÍÓ‚, ÕË̇ ”Ò‡ÚÓ‚‡, ¬ËÍÚÓˡ »Ò‡ÍÓ‚‡, Nina Usatova, Victoria Isakova, Yuri Kuznetsov fiËÈ üÛÁ̈ӂ Producers Sergei Shumakov, Pavel Lounguine, Olga Vasilieva œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ —„ÂÈ ÿÛχÍÓ‚, œ‡‚ÂÎ ÀÛÌ„ËÌ, ŒÎ¸„‡ ¬‡ÒË肇 œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´—ÚÛ‰Ëˇ œ‡‚· ÀÛÌ„Ë̇ª Production Pavel Lounguine Studio ÓÚÍ˚ÚË opening gala œ‡‚ÂÎ ÀÛÌ„ËÌ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë„Ó‚Ó„Ó Ë ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ. œËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 12 ˲Ρ 1949 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌË χÚÂχÚ˘ÂÒÍÓÈ Ë ÔËÍ·‰ÌÓÈ ÎËÌ„‚ËÒÚËÍË ÙËÎÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ‡ Ã√” (1971), ¬˚үˠÍÛÒ˚ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ (1980, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ √.Õ.ƒ‡ÌÂÎËË, Ã.√.À¸‚Ó‚ÒÍÓ„Ó). ¬ ÍËÌÓ ‰Â·˛ÚËÓ‚‡Î Í‡Í ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ ‚ 1976 „Ó‰Û (´¬Ò ‰ÂÎÓ ‚ ·‡Úª, ÂÊ. ¬‡ÎÂÌÚËÌ √ÓÎÓ‚). œÓÁÊ ÔÓ Â„Ó ÒˆÂÌ‡ËˇÏ ·˚ÎË ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ ÙËθÏ˚ ´üÓ̈ ËÏÔ‡ÚÓ‡ ڇȄ˪, ´ü‡Ù‰‡ª, ´ÕÂÔӷ‰ËÏ˚Ȫ Ë ‰Û„ËÂ. œÂ‚˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ÂÊËÒÒ‡ ñ ´“‡ÍÒË-·Î˛Áª (ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔËÁ Á‡ ÂÊËÒÒÛÛ Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı) ó ÒڇΠÍÛθÚÓ‚˚Ï ÙËθÏÓÏ. — ̇˜‡Î‡ 90-ı „Ó‰Ó‚ ÂÊËÒÒ ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚Ó ‘‡ÌˆËË, ÒÌËχÂÚ ÙËθÏ˚ ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Ù‡ÌˆÛÁÒÍËı ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÓ‚, ÌÓ ÔÓ-ÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ ó ‚ –ÓÒÒËË Ë Ó –ÓÒÒËË. 9 ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ (Ë„Ó‚Ó ÍËÌÓ): 1990 ....“‡ÍÒË-·Î˛Á 1992 ....ÀÛ̇-Ô‡Í 1996 ....ÀËÌˡ ÊËÁÌË 2000 ....—‚‡‰¸·‡ 2002 ....ŒÎË„‡ı 2005 ....¡Â‰Ì˚ ӉÒÚ‚ÂÌÌËÍË 2005 ....ƒÂÎÓ Ó ´ÃÂÚ‚˚ı ‰Û¯‡ıª (Ò¡Î) 2006 ....ŒÒÚÓ‚ Pavel Lounguine Director of feature and documentary films, script-writer, producer. Award winner of numerous international and Russian film festivals. Born on 12 July 1949 in Moscow. Graduated from the Department of Mathematical and Applied Linguistics of Moscow State University (MGU, 1971), the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (1980, class of Georgi Daneliya and Mikhail Lvovsky). Debut as scriptwriter in 1976 (ìBlame your brotherî, dir. Valentin Gorlov). Later he scripted such films as ìThe End of the Taigaís Emperorî, ìThe Departmentî, ìInvincibleî and others. Directorial debut with ìTaxi Bluesî (Special Award for Best Director, Cannes IFF), which became a cult film. Since the early 1990s lives in France; makes films with participation of French producers, but always filmed in Russia, and about Russia. ƒ‡Ï‡. ¬ÚÓ‡ˇ ÏËÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÓÈ̇. ¡‡ÊÛ, ̇ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ Ë Â„Ó ÒÚ‡¯ËÈ ÚÓ‚‡Ë˘ “ËıÓÌ Ô‚ÓÁˇÚ Û„Óθ, Á‡ı‚‡Ú˚‚‡ÂÚ ÌÂψÍËÈ ÒÚÓÓÊ‚ÓÈ ÍÓ‡·Î¸. ¬˚χÎË‚‡ˇ ÔÓ˘‡‰Û Û ÌÂψ‚, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ Òӂ¯‡ÂÚ Ô‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó ñ ‡ÒÒÚÂÎË‚‡ÂÚ “ËıÓ̇. ÕÂψ˚ ÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛Ú ÚÛÒ‡ ̇ Á‡ÏËÌËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓÈ ·‡ÊÂ, ÌÓ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë ÏÓ̇ıÓ‚, ÔÓÊË‚‡˛˘Ëı ‚ ÓÒÚÓ‚ÌÓÏ ÏÓ̇ÒÚ˚Â, ÂÏÛ Û‰‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚˚ÊËÚ¸... œÓıÓ‰ˇÚ „Ó‰˚. Õ‡ ÓÒÚÓ‚Â ÒÚ‡ˆ‡ ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎˡ ÔÓ˜ËÚ‡˛Ú Á‡ Ô‡‚‰ÌÛ˛ ÊËÁ̸ Ë ÔÓËÒÚËÌ ˜Û‰ÂÒÌÛ˛ ÔÓÏÓ˘¸, ÍÓÚÓÛ˛ ÓÌ Ó͇Á˚‚‡ÂÚ ÔËÂı‡‚¯ËÏ Ò˛‰‡ β‰ˇÏ. Œ‰Ì‡ÍÓ ÒÚ‡¯Ì˚È „Âı Û·ËÈÒÚ‚‡, Òӂ¯ÂÌÌ˚È ËÏ ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ‚ÓÈÌ˚, Ì ‰‡ÂÚ ÂÏÛ ÔÓÍÓˇ. ◊Û‚ÒÚ‚Ûˇ ÔË·ÎËÊÂÌË ҂ÓÂÈ ÍÓ̘ËÌ˚, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ „ÓÚÓ‚ËÚÒˇ Í ÒÏÂÚË Ë ÔÓ͇ Ì Á̇ÂÚ, ˜ÚÓ ÒÍÓÓ ·Û‰ÂÚ ÔÓ˘ÂÌÖ Drama. WWII. The barge, on which Anatoly and his senior comrade Tikhon transport coal, is seized by a German patrol ship. Anatoly begs the Germans for mercy, and in an act of disloyalty he shoots his captain. The Germans leave Directorís filmography (features) 1990 ....Taxi Blues 1992 ....Luna Park 1996 ....Line of Life 2000 ....The Wedding 2002 ....The Tycoon 2005 ....Roots 2005 ....Gogolís Dead Souls (serial) 2006 ....The Island the coward on the mined barge, but thanks to the help of the monks from a nearby monastery on an island, Anatoly survives... Years go by. The Elder Anatoly is respected for his just life and the really wonderful help which he gives to the islandís visitors. However, the terrible sin of the murder he committed during the war does not give him peace. When he feels his death approach, Anatoly does not know yet that he will be soon forgiven Ö 10 ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ∆fi–» / JURY –ÛÒÚ‡Ï »·‡„ËÏ·ÂÍÓ‚ ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„ Ú‡ڇ Ë ÍËÌÓ, ÔËÒ‡ÚÂθ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÔÓ‰˛Ò ñ Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ Ê˛Ë Rustam Ibragimbekov scriptwriter, playwright, writer, film director, producer ñ jury chairman »„Ó¸ ü‡ÎÂÌÓ‚ ÔÓ‰˛Ò ŒÎ„ ÀÛ͢‚ ÍËÌÓÓÔ‡ÚÓ Igor Kalionov producer Oleg Lukichiov cinematographer ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œÓ¯ÍËÌ ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Alexander Proshkin film director, scriptwriter À‡ËÒ‡ —‡‰ËÎÓ‚‡ ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ‡ÍÚËÒ‡ Larissa Sadilova film director, scriptwriter, producer, actress ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “Ó¯ËÌ ÍËÌӂ‰ ŒÍ҇̇ ‘‡Ì‰Â‡ ‡ÍÚËÒ‡ Alexander Troshin film historian Oksana Fandera actress ‚ÓθÌ˚È Ô‚Ӊ FREE TRANSLATION „‡‰ÍË ÎÂ·Â‰Ë THE UGLY SWANS ÊË‚ÓÈ ALIVE Á‡ˇˆ ̇‰ ·ÂÁÌÓÈ RABBIT OVER THE VOID ËÁÓ·‡Ê‡ˇ ÊÂÚ‚Û PLAYING THE VICTIM ÏÌ Ì ·ÓθÌÓ IT DOESNíT HURT ̇ÌÍËÌÒÍËÈ ÔÂÈÁ‡Ê NANKIN LANDSCAPE Ô‡Í ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÂËÓ‰‡ SOVIET PARK Ô„ÓÌ TRANSIT Ò‚Ó·Ó‰ÌÓ Ô·‚‡ÌË FREE FLOATING Ò‚ˇÁ¸ RELATIONS ÒÚ‡ÌÌËÍ THE WANDERER ÚӘ͇ THE SPOT ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ·ÂÁ‚ÓÁ‚‡ÚÌ˚È THE MAN OF NO RETURN ˝ÈÙÓˡ EUPHORIA 11 ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ¬ŒÀ‹Õ¤… œ≈–≈¬Œƒ FREE TRANSLATION 12 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ/ ÿ‚ÂȈ‡Ëˇ, 105 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby SRD 2005, Russia/ Switzerland, 105 min, colour, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ≈ÎÂ̇ ’‡Á‡ÌÓ‚‡ Director Elena Khazanova ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ≈ÎÂ̇ ’‡Á‡ÌÓ‚‡, √‡Èˇ √Û‡ÒÚË, Scriptwriters Elena Khazanova, Gaia Guasti, ÃËı‡ËÎ ¡‡¯ËÌÒÍËÈ Mikhail Brashinsky ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »„Ó¸ üÓÊ‚ÌËÍÓ‚ Camera Igor Kozhevnikov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË Ã‡Ëˇ ÿÏˉÚ, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ «‡ÎÂڇ‚‡ Art Director Maria Shmidt, Ekaterina Zaletaeva üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ÕËÍÓθ ‘Â‡Ë Costumes Nicole Ferrari üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ √‡Î¸ÔÂËÌ Composer Evgeny Galperin ¿‚ÚÓ ÔÂÒÌË ƒË‡Ì‡ ¿·ÂÌË̇ Song by Diana Arbenina ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê Ã‡Ë̇ ¬‡ÒË肇 Editing Marina Vasilieva ¬ ÓΡı: fiÎˡ ¡‡ÚËÌÓ‚‡, —„ÂÈ √‡Ï‡¯, Cast: Yulia Batinova, Sergei Garmash, Alexander Baluev, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡‡ÎÛ‚, ¡ÛÌÓ “Ó‰ÂÒÍËÌË, ≈ÎÂ̇ —‡ÙÓÌÓ‚‡, Bruno Todescini, Elena Safonova, Nina Ruslanova ÕË̇ –ÛÒ·ÌÓ‚‡ Producers Elena Yatsura, Elda Guidinetti, Andres Pfaffli œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ≈ÎÂ̇ flˆÛ‡, ›Î¸‰‡ √ÛˉËÌÂÚÚË, Production Filmokom (Russia), Ventura Film S.A. ¿Ì‰ÂÒ œÙ‡ÈÙÎË (Switzerland) —ÓÔÓ‰˛Ò —„ÂÈ ÃÂθÍÛÏÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´‘ËθÏÓÍÓϪ, Ventura Film S.A. (ÿ‚ÂȈ‡Ëˇ) ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ≈ÎÂ̇ ’‡Á‡ÌÓ‚‡ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ. –Ӊ˷Ҹ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â 1 Ë˛Ìˇ 1977 „Ó‰‡. ¬ 12-ÎÂÚÌÂÏ ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ ÔÂÂÂı‡Î‡ Ò ÒÂϸÂÈ ‚ ∆ÂÌÂ‚Û (ÿ‚ÂȈ‡Ëˇ). »„‡Î‡ ‚ Ì·Óθ¯ÓÈ Ú‡ڇθÌÓÈ ÚÛÔÔÂ, Á‡ÚÂÏ Û˜Ë·Ҹ ‚ ÍËÌÓ¯ÍÓ·ı ‘‡ÌˆËË Ë —ÿ¿ (ÍÛÒ˚ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë Í‡ÒÚËÌ„‰ËÂÍÚÓÓ‚ ‚ Ã˝ÌÂ). ¿‚ÚÓ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍËı ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚ı Ë ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı 13 ÙËθÏÓ‚. ¬ 2004 „Ó‰Û ÒÌˇÎ‡ Ô‚˚È ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ñ ÍÓω˲ ´À˛·Ó‚Ì˚È ˝ÍÒÔÂÒÒª/ Love Express (ÿ‚ÂȈ‡Ëˇ). ´¬ÓθÌ˚È Ô‚Ӊª ó ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ÂÊËÒÒ‡. Elena Khazanova Director and script-writer. Born in Moscow on 1 June 1977. Moved with her family to Geneva (Switzerland) at the age of twelve. Acted in a small theatre company, then studied at film schools in France and the US (courses for script-writers and casting directors in Maine). Author of several short üËÏË̇θ̇ˇ ÏÂÎÓ‰‡Ï‡. √·‚̇ˇ „ÂÓËÌˇ, ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ‰Â‚ۯ͇ »Ë̇, ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚ ∆ÂÌ‚Â, ÍÛ‰‡ Ó̇ ˝ÏË„ËÓ‚‡Î‡ ‚ ÒÂÏËÎÂÚÌÂÏ ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ ‚ÏÂÒÚ ÒÓ Ò‚ÓÂÈ Ï‡Ú¸˛, ÇËÌÓÈ. —Ú‡ËÌÌ˚È ÔˡÚÂθ ÇËÌ˚ Ô‰·„‡ÂÚ »Â ÔÓ‰‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸ Ô‚Ӊ˜ËˆÂÈ Û Ì‡ıÓ‰ˇ˘Â„ÓÒˇ ‚ Ú˛¸Ï »‚‡Ì‡ “‡¯ÍÓ‚‡. œÓ ‚ÂÒËË ¯‚ÂȈ‡ÒÍËı ‚·ÒÚÂÈ, “‡¯ÍÓ‚ ñ ÍËÏË̇θÌ˚È ‡‚ÚÓËÚÂÚ, ÌÓ ÓÌ Ò·ˇ Ú‡ÍÓ‚˚Ï Ì ҘËÚ‡ÂÚÖ and documentary films. In 2004 made her first feature film, the comedy ìLove Expressî (Switzerland). ìFree Translationî is her second feature film. Criminal melodrama. The heroine, the Russian girl Irina, lives in Geneva since emigrating at the age of seven with her mother, Marina. Marinaís old friend suggests that Irina could earn some extra money by translating for the prisoner Ivan Tashkov. According to the Swiss authorities Tashkov is a criminal authority, but he is of a different opinion Ö ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition √¿ƒü»≈ À≈¡≈ƒ» THE UGLY SWANS 14 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ/ ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 105 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital S EX 2006, Russia/ France, 105 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital S EX –ÂÊËÒÒ üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ÀÓÔÛ¯‡ÌÒÍËÈ Director Konstantin Lopushansky ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ÀÓÔÛ¯‡ÌÒÍËÈ, Scriptwriters Konstantin Lopushansky, Viacheslav Rybakov ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ –˚·‡ÍÓ‚, Story by Brothers Strugatsky œÓ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚË ·‡Ú¸Â‚ —ÚÛ„‡ˆÍËı Camera Vladislav Gurchin ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÒ·‚ √Û˜ËÌ Art Director Konstantin Pakhotin ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ œ‡ıÓÚËÌ, with participation of Victor Ivanov ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ¬ËÍÚÓ‡ »‚‡ÌÓ‚‡ Costumes Tamara Seferian üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ “‡Ï‡‡ —ÂÙÂˇÌ Composer Andrei Sigle üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —˄ΠSound Leonid Gavrichenko «‚ÛÍ ÀÂÓÌˉ √‡‚˘ÂÌÍÓ Editing Alexander Zaretsky, Maxim Kholodiuk, ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ «‡ÂˆÍËÈ, ÇÍÒËÏ ’ÓÎÓ‰˛Í, Sergei Obukhov —„ÂÈ Œ·ÛıÓ‚ Cast: Gregory Hlady, Leonid Mozgovoy, Alexei Kortnev, ¬ ÓΡı: √Ë„ÓËÈ √·‰ËÈ, ÀÂÓÌˉ ÃÓÁ„Ó‚ÓÈ, Rimma Sarkisian, Laura Pitskhelauri, Sergei Barkovsky, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ üÓÚÌ‚, –ËÏχ —‡ÍËÒˇÌ, À‡Û‡ œËˆı·ÛË, Dima Ispolatov, Olga Samoshina, Alexei Ingelevich, —„ÂÈ ¡‡ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ƒËχ »ÒÔÓ·ÚÓ‚, ŒÎ¸„‡ —‡ÏÓ¯Ë̇, Victor Mikhailov ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ »Ì„Â΂˘, ¬ËÍÚÓ ÃËı‡ÈÎÓ‚ Producer Andrei Sigle œÓ‰˛Ò ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —˄ΠCo-Producer Catherine Dussart —ÓÔÓ‰˛Ò ü‡ÚËÌ ƒ˛ÒÒ‡ Production Proline-film, CDP with participation of the œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Proline-film, CDP, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, CNC, ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË, CNC, Gorbachev Foundation, International Green Cross √Ó·‡˜Â‚-‘Ó̉‡, ÃÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓ„Ó «ÂÎÂÌÓ„Ó üÂÒÚ‡ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ÀÓÔÛ¯‡ÌÒÍËÈ üËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ. «‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚È ‰ÂˇÚÂθ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, ·ÛÂ‡Ú √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÂÏËË ËÏÂÌË ¡‡Ú¸Â‚ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˚ı Ë ÔÂÏËË ‘»œ–≈——», ÔËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 12 Ë˛Ìˇ 1947 ‚ „ÓӉ ƒÌÂÔÓÔÂÚÓ‚ÒÍÂ, ”͇Ë̇. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ü‡Á‡ÌÒÍÛ˛ ÍÓÌÒ‚‡ÚÓ˲ ÔÓ Í·ÒÒÛ ÒÍËÔÍË, ‡ÒÔˇÌÚÛÛ ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÓÈ ÍÓÌÒ‚‡ÚÓËË (Í‡Í ËÒÍÛÒÒڂӂ‰), ¬ü—– (1978, ÂÊËÒÒÂÒ͇ˇ χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ›ÏËΡ ÀÓÚˇÌÛ). ¬ ÔÂËÓ‰ Ó·Û˜ÂÌˡ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÎ Ô‡ÍÚËÍÛ Û ¿Ì‰Âˇ “‡ÍÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó Ì‡ ÙËθÏ ´—Ú‡Îͪ, Ò 1980 ñ ÂÊËÒÒÂ-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘ËÍ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ. ¬ 1991-1996 ‚ÓÁ„·‚ΡΠ’ËÒÚˇÌÒÍÛ˛ ÍËÌÓ‡ÒÒӈˇˆË˛ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ‡. œÂ‰‡„Ó„ —‡ÌÍÚœÂÚ·ۄÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ ñ —œ·√”üË“. 15 ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1980 ....—ÓÎÓ (Í/Ï, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ) 1986 ....œËҸχ ÏÂÚ‚Ó„Ó ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ 1989 ....œÓÒÂÚËÚÂθ ÏÛÁ¡ 1994 ....–ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ÒËÏÙÓÌˡ 2001 ....üÓ̈ ‚Â͇ 2006 ....√‡‰ÍË ÎÂ·Â‰Ë Konstantin Lopushansky Filmmaker, scriptwriter. Honored artist of Russia, winner of the Vasiliev Brothers' State Prize and a FIPRESCI award, prize-winner of international and national film festivals. Born on 12 June 1947 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Graduated from Kazan Conservatory in violin, followed by postgraduate study at the Leningrad Conservatory (as critic), Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (1978, directors' workshop of Emil Lotianu). During his studies he gained some work experience with Andrei Tarkovsky on the film "Stalker"; since 1980 director at Lenfilm studio. From 19911996 headed the Christian Film Association in Saint Petersburg. Teaches at St.Petersburg University of Cinema and Television (SPbGUKiT). ‘ËÎÓÒÓÙÒ͇ˇ ÔËÚ˜‡/ ÃËÒÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÚËÎÎÂ. ¬ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ´√‡‰ÍËı η‰ÂȪ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ¸ Ó „ÓÓ‰Â-ÔËÁ‡ÍÂ Ò ËÌÚÂ̇ÚÓÏ ‰Îˇ Ó‰‡ÂÌÌ˚ı ‰ÂÚÂÈ. “‡Ï ÔÓ‰‡ÒÚ‡ÂÚ ÔÎÂÏˇ ÏÓÎÓ‰ÓÂ Ë ÔÛ„‡˛˘Â ÒÚ‡ÌÌÓÂ, ˜¸ËÏË Û˜ËÚÂΡÏË ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ´ÏÓ͈˚ª ó ÚÓ ÎË ÏÛÚ‡ÌÚ˚, ÚÓ ÎË Ô˯Âθˆ˚. ¬ „ÓӉ ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ËÚ ·ÂÒÔ˘ËÌÌÓ ËÁÏÂÌÂÌË ÍÎËχڇ, ̇ÔÓÏË̇˛˘Â ¬ÒÂÎÂÌÒÍËÈ ÔÓÚÓÔ. ›ÚÛ ‡ÌÓχÎ˲ ËÁÛ˜‡˛Ú ·ÂÒÍÓ̘Ì˚ ÍÓÏËÒÒËË, ‡ÒÒÎÂ‰Û˛Ú ÒÔˆÒÎÛÊ·˚ Ë ÒÔˆ‡„ÂÌÚ˚. √ÂÓÈ ÙËθχ, ÔËÒ‡ÚÂθ ¬ËÍÚÓ ¡‡Ì‚, ‚˚ÌÛʉÂÌ ‚ÂÒÚË ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ‡ÒÒΉӂ‡ÌË ˝ÚÓÈ ÒËÚÛ‡ˆËË, Ú‡Í Í‡Í ÒÂ‰Ë ‰ÂÚÂÈ ËÌÚÂ̇ڇ ̇ıÓ‰ËÚÒˇ Â„Ó ‰Ó˜¸. ŒÌ ‚Íβ˜‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ·Ó¸·Û Ì ÚÓθÍÓ Á‡ ÒÛ‰¸·Û ‰ÂÚÂÈ, ÌÓ Ë Á‡ ÚÛ ÙÓÏÛ ¡Û‰Û˘Â„Ó, ÍÓÚÓÓ ‚˚·ÂÂÚ ˜ÂÎӂ˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó. Filmography: 1980 ....Solo Philosophical Parable. Mystical Thriller. 1986 ....Letters of Dead Man A story about a ghost town with a boarding school for gifted children lies at 1989 ....A Museum Visitor the basis of the script for ìUgly Swansî. The young people who grow up there 1994 ....The Russia Symphony are frightfully strange, taught by creatures called ìmokretsyî ñ mutants of 2001 ....The Turn of the Century humans, the ìugly swansî of the title. In the city the climate changes without 2006 ....The Ugly Swans any obvious reason and reminds of the deluge. Infinite commissions, special services and agents investigate this anomaly. The filmís hero, the writer Victor Banev, is compelled to conduct his own investigation of the situation, because his daughter is among the children of the boarding school. He participates in the struggle not only because of the childrenís fate, but also because mankind will choose the form of the Future. ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ∆»¬Œ… ALIVE 16 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 98 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, ÓÔÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÏÓÌÓ 2006, Russia, 98 min, colour, 1:1.85, optical mono –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬ÂΉËÌÒÍËÈ Director Alexander Veledinsky ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ »„Ó¸ œÓ۷΂, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬ÂΉËÌÒÍËÈ Scriptwriters Igor Porubliov, Alexander Veledinsky ŒÔ‡ÚÓ œ‡‚ÂÎ »„̇ÚÓ‚ Camera Pavel Ignatov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË ›‰Û‡‰ √‡ÎÍËÌ, —„ÂÈ “˚ËÌ Art Directors Eduard Galkin, Sergei Tyrin üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ›‰Û‡‰ √‡ÎÍËÌ Costumes Eduard Galkin üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ œ.«Û·‡Â‚ Composer Alexei P.Zubarev «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ’Û‰ˇÍÓ‚ Sound Andrey Khudiakov ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ◊‡‰Ó‚, ÇÍÒËÏ À‡„‡¯ÍËÌ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË Cast: Andrey Chadov, Maxim Lagashkin, Vladimir Epifantsev, ≈ÔËه̈‚, ŒÎ¸„‡ ¿ÌÚ„Óθˆ, ¬ËÍÚÓˡ —ÏËÌÓ‚‡, Olga Arntgolts, Victoria Smirnova, Alexei Chadov, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ◊‡‰Ó‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –Ó·‡Í, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ¬ÓÎÍÓ‚‡ Alexander Robak, Ekaterina Volkova œÓ‰˛Ò —„ÂÈ ◊ÎËˇÌˆ Producer Sergei Chliyants —ÓÔÓ‰˛Ò ¬‡‰ËÏ √ÓˇËÌÓ‚ Co-producer Vadim Goriainov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´œË„χÎËÓÌ œÓ‰‡Í¯Ìª, Production Pygmalion Film Company with participation of the ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛ Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË, ÍËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ´ü¬»ƒª KVID Film Company ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬ÂΉËÌÒÍËÈ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 27 ˲Ρ 1959 „Ó‰‡, „. √Ó¸ÍËÈ (ÕËÊÌËÈ ÕÓ‚„ÓÓ‰). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ √Ó¸ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ÔÓÎËÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ (1981), ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌË ¬ü—– (1995, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¿.¿.œÓ¯ÍË̇ Ë ¬.Ã. œËÂÏ˚ıÓ‚‡), ‰ËÔÎÓÏ Á‡˘ËÚËÎ ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚Ï ÙËθÏÓÏ ´“˚ ‰‡ ˇ, ‰‡ Ï˚ Ò ÚÓ·ÓȪ (2001) ñ Û˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ 17 ´ŒÒÓ·˚È ‚Á„Ρ‰ª Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, ÔËÁ˚ Ãü‘ Ë –ü‘. —Ó‡‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇Ë‚ Ó‰ÌËı ËÁ Ò‡Ï˚ı ÂÈÚËÌ„Ó‚˚ı Ò¡ÎÓ‚: ´ƒ‡Î¸ÌÓ·ÓÈ˘ËÍË, ´¡Ë„‡‰‡ª, ´«‡ÍÓ̪. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1994 ....¿ÌÙ‡Ì “Â˷θ E.T. (Í/Ï, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ) 2001 ....“˚ ‰‡ ˇ, ‰‡ Ï˚ Ò ÚÓ·ÓÈ (Í/Ï, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ) 2002 ....«‡ÍÓÌ (Ò¡Î) 2004 ....–ÛÒÒÍÓ 2006 ....∆Ë‚ÓÈ Alexander Veledinsky Director and script-writer. Born on 27 July 1959, Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Graduated from the Gorky Polytechnic (1981), and the Directorsí section of the Higher Courses for Script-writers and Directors (1995, course of Alexander Proshkin and Valery Priyomykhov); diploma work ìJust the Two of Usî (short, 2001) participated in the programme ìA Certain Viewî (Un Certain üË, Ó·˚ÍÌÓ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÏÓÎÓ‰ÓÈ Ô‡Â̸, ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡ÂÚÒˇ Í ÌÓχθÌÓÈ ÊËÁÌË ÔÓÒΠ‡ÌÂÌˡ ‚ ◊˜ÌÂ. ƒÓχ Â„Ó Ê‰ÂÚ Regard) at the IFF in Cannes, and received χχ Ë ‰Â‚ۯ͇, ‡‰Ë Ò‚‡‰¸·˚ Ò ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ÓÌ Ë ÓÚÔ‡‚ËÎÒˇ prizes at international and national film ÒÎÛÊËÚ¸ ÔÓ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÛ. Œ‰Ì‡ÍÓ ÊËÁ̸ ̇ „‡Ê‰‡ÌÍ festivals. Co-author of the script of some of ‰‡ÎÂ͇ ÓÚ Ë‰Â‡ÎÓ‚ ÒÔ‡‚‰ÎË‚ÓÒÚË. üË Òӂ¯‡ÂÚ the most popular television serials, ìThe Truckersî, ìThe Brigadeî, ìThe Lawî. ‚ÓÓ‚ÒÚ‚Ó, Á‡ÚÂÏ ñ Ô‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚Ó. » Ӊ̇ʉ˚ ÓÌ ÔÓÈÏÂÚ, ˜ÚÓ Á‡ÔÛÚ‡ÎÒˇ. ¬ ˝ÚÓÚ ÏÓÏÂÌÚ ‚ Â„Ó ÊËÁÌË ÔÓˇ‚ˇÚÒˇ Filmography (as director): 1994 ....Enfant Terrible (short, course work) 2001 ....Just the Two of Us (short, diploma) 2002 ....Law (serial) ÔËÁ‡ÍË ‰‚Ûı ·Ó‚˚ı ÚÓ‚‡Ë˘ÂÈ, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ·Û‰ÛÚ ıÓ‰ËÚ¸ Á‡ ÌËÏ ÔÓ ÔˇÚ‡Ï. ¡‡Î‡ÌÒËÛˇ ̇ „‡ÌË ÊËÁÌË Ë ÒÏÂÚË, ÓÌ ·Û‰ÂÚ ËÒ͇ڸ ÓÚ‚ÂÚ˚ Ë ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓÒÚËÚ¸ Ò·ˇ. 2004 ....Russkoe (Russian) 2006 ....Alive Kir is an ordinary young guy, who returns to normal life after an injury in Chechnya. At home he is awaited by his mum and by his girlfriend: in order to pay for the wedding he had signed a contract to fight in Chechnya. However, civil life is far from his ideals of justice. Kir steals, then betrays. One day he understands that he got muddled, and at this moment the phantoms of two fighting comrades appear in his life and follow him on every step. On the verge of life and death, Kir searches for answers and for an opportunity to redeem himself. ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition «¿fl÷ Õ¿ƒ ¡≈«ÕŒ… RABBIT OVER THE VOID 18 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 90 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Dolby Stereo 5.1+7.8 Prologic 2006, Russia, 90 min, colour, Dolby Stereo 5.1+7.8 Prologic –ÂÊËÒÒ “Ë„‡Ì üÂÓÒ‡ˇÌ Director Tigran Keosaian ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÏËÚËÈ »‚‡ÌÓ‚ Scriptwriter Dmitry Ivanov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »„Ó¸ üη‡ÌÓ‚ Camera Igor Klebanov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È “ÂÂıÓ‚ Art Director Nikolai Terekhov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ Շڇθˇ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ‡ Costumes Natalia Alexandrova üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ –˚·ÌËÍÓ‚ Composer Alexei Rybnikov «‚ÛÍ –Ó·̉ ü‡Á‡ˇÌ Sound Roland Kazarian ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »„Ó¸ ŒÚ‰ÂθÌÓ‚ Editor Igor Otdelnov ¬ „Î. ÓΡı: ¡Ó„‰‡Ì —ÚÛÔ͇, —„ÂÈ √‡Á‡Ó‚, ¬‡Ú‡Ì Principal Cast: Bogdan Stupka, Sergei Gazarov, Vartan ƒ‡‡Í˜ˇÌ, ¬‡ÎÂˡ À‡ÌÒ͇ˇ, fiËÈ —ÚÓˇÌÓ‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË Darakchian, Valeria Lanskaya, Yury Stoyanov, Vladimir Ilyin, »Î¸ËÌ, ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚, »„Ó¸ «ÓÎÓÚӂˈÍËÈ, Mikhail Efremov, Igor Zolotovitsky, Elena Safonova ≈ÎÂ̇ —‡ÙÓÌÓ‚‡ Producer Ruben Dishdishian œÓ‰˛Ò –Û·ÂÌ ƒË¯‰Ë¯ˇÌ Production Central Partnership, 2V Studio with participation œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´2¬ª ÔÓ Á‡Í‡ÁÛ ´÷ÂÌڇΠof the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography œ‡Ú̯ËÔª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ Distribution Central Partnership ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË œÓÍ‡Ú ´÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔª ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition “Ë„‡Ì üÂÓÒ‡ˇÌ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ÔËÁ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â (04.01.1966). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡. ƒÓ΄Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ‡·ÓڇΠ‚ ¯ÓÛ-·ËÁÌÂÒÂ. ¬ ÍËÌÓ ‰Â·˛ÚËÓ‚‡Î ‚ 1992 „Ó‰Û, ‡ÍÚË‚ÌÓ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ ‰Îˇ ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ. 19 ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1992 ....ü‡Ú¸Í‡ Ë ÿËÁ 1996 ....ƒÂ· ÒϯÌ˚Â, ‰Â· ÒÂÏÂÈÌ˚ (Ò¡Î) 1997 ....¡Â‰Ì‡ˇ —‡¯‡ 1999 ....œÂÁˉÂÌÚ Ë Â„Ó ‚Ì͇ۘ 2000 ....À‡Ì‰˚¯ Ò·ËÒÚ˚È 2001 ....ÃÛÊÒ͇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ (Ò¡Î) 2002 ....ÃÛÊÒ͇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ñ 2 (Ò¡Î) 2004 ....À‡Ì‰˚¯ Ò·ËÒÚ˚È (Ò¡Î) 2006 ....«‡ˇˆ ̇‰ ·ÂÁ‰ÌÓÈ Tigran Keosaian Director and producer, prize winner of national festivals. Born in Moscow (04.01.1966). Graduated from the Directorsí Faculty at the Film Institute VGIK. For a long time worked in show business. His debut in cinema came in 1992; he also works for television. Directorís Filmography: 1992 ....Katka and Shiz 1996 ....Funny Matters, Family Matters ÀˢÂÒ͇ˇ ÍÓωˡ. »ÌÓ„‰‡ Ë Ò ‚ÂÎËÍËÏË Ïˇ ÒÂ„Ó ÔËÍβ˜‡˛ÚÒˇ ÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ ‚¢Ë. œÓÂı‡Î Ӊ̇ʉ˚ ıÓÁˇËÌ ‚ÒÂÈ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓÈ ÁÂÏÎË, ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ‚Òˇ Òڇ̇ Ë̇˜Â Í‡Í ´Ì‡¯ ‰ÓÓ„ÓÈ ÀÂÓÌˉ »Î¸Ë˜ª Ë Ì ̇Á˚‚‡Î‡, Ò ‚ËÁËÚÓÏ ‚ ÃÓΉ‡‚˲, Ó‰ÌÛ ËÁ Ò‚ÓËı β·ËÏ˚ı ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍ. » Ò‡ÁÛ ÔÓÒΠÓÙˈˇθÌÓ„Ó ÔËÂχ ËÒ˜ÂÁ. ¿ ˜ÂÂÁ ÚË ‰Ìˇ ̇¯ÂÎÒˇ Ë ÛÎÂÚÂÎ Ò ‚ËÁËÚÓÏ ‚ »Ì‰Ë˛. ¿ Í‡Í ÔÓ‚ÂÎ ‚ÂÎËÍËÈ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ˝ÚË ÚË ‰Ìˇ ‚‰‡ÎË ÓÚ Î˘ÌÓÈ Óı‡Ì˚, ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌËÍÓ‚ ÍÓÏÔÂÚÂÌÚÌ˚ı Ó„‡ÌÓ‚ Ë ÏÌÓ„Ó˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÒÂÍÂÚ‡ÂÈ, ÂÒÚ¸ ‡ÁÌ˚ ‚ÂÒËË. Õ‡ÔËÏÂ, ˜ÚÓ Ì‡¯ ‰ÓÓ„ÓÈ ÀÂÓÌˉ »Î¸Ë˜ Ó͇Á‡ÎÒˇ ‚ „ÓÒÚˇı Û Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ˆ˚„‡ÌÒÍÓ„Ó ·‡Ó̇, ÒڇΠ҂‡ÚÓÏ Ì‡ ‚ÂÒÂÎÓÈ Ò‚‡‰¸·Â, ˜ÛÚ¸ ·˚ÎÓ Ì ÔÂÂÒÂÎËÎ ˆÂÎ˚È Ì‡Ó‰ ‚ —˷˸ Ë ÒÏÓ„ ÔËÁÌ‡Ú¸Òˇ ‚ β·‚Ë Ò‡ÏÓÈ ‰ÓÓ„ÓÈ, ÌÓ Ì‰ÓÒÚËÊËÏÓÈ ‰‡Ê ‰Îˇ ÌÂ„Ó ÊÂÌ˘ËÌÂÖ (serial) 1997 ....Poor Sasha 1999 ....The President and His Granddaughter 2000 ....The Silvery Lily of the Valley 2001 ....Menís Work (serial) 2002 ....Menís Work 2 (serial) 2004 ....The Silvery Lily of the Valley (serial) 2006 ....Rabbit over the Void Lyrical comedy. Sometimes strange things happen even the great people of this world. Once the ruler of all Soviet lands, whom all the people used to call only ìour dear Leonid Ilyichî (Brezhnev), went on a visit to Moldovia, one of his favourite republics. Immediately after the formal reception he disappeared. Three days later he was found, only to leave for a visit to India. But how did the great man spend these three days, far away from his bodyguards, from civil servants and numerous secretaries? There are different versions. For example, that ìour dear Leonid Ilyichî found himself the guest of a gipsy baron, and was best man at a merry wedding, almost moved the entire population to Siberia and declared his love to the nicest, but even for him unattainable, womanÖ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition »«Œ¡–¿∆¿fl ∆≈–“¬” PLAYING THE VICTIM 20 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 100 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, Dolby SRD 2006, Russia, 100 min, colour, 1:1.66, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ üËËÎÎ —·ÂÌÌËÍÓ‚ Director Kirill Serebrennikov ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ·‡Ú¸ˇ œÂÒÌˇÍÓ‚˚ Scriptwriters Presnyakov Brothers ŒÔ‡ÚÓ —„ÂÈ ÃÓÍˈÍËÈ Camera Sergei Mokritsky ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ¿ıËÔÓ‚ Art Director Valery Arkhipov ¿ÌËχˆËˇ –ÓÏ‡Ì —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚ Animator Roman Sokolov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÇÌÓˆÍÓ‚ Composer Alexander Manotskov «‚ÛÍ ƒ‡Î ’‡Ò‡ÌÓ‚ Sound Daler Khasanov ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ŒÎ¸„‡ √Ë̯ÔÛÌ Editing Olga Grinshpun ¬ ÓΡı: fiËÈ ◊ÛÒËÌ, ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ ’‡Â‚, ¿Ì̇ ÃËı‡ÎÍÓ‚‡, Cast: Yuri Chursin, Vitaly Khaev, Anna Mikhalkova, Àˡ ¿ı‰ʇÍÓ‚‡, Ç‡Ú ¡‡¯‡Ó‚, ÇË̇ √ÓÎÛ·, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ Lia Akhedzhakova, Marat Basharov, Marina Golub, Andrey ‘ÓÏËÌ, ÇÍÒËÏ üÓÌÓ‚‡ÎÓ‚, »„Ó¸ √‡ÒÔ‡ˇÌ, ≈ÎÂ̇ Fomin, Maxim Konovalov, Igor Gasparian, Elena Morozova, ÃÓÓÁÓ‚‡, ‘Â‰Ó ƒÓ·Ó̇‚Ó‚ Fyodor Dobronravov œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ Շڇθˇ ÃÓÍˈ͇ˇ, ”θˇÌ‡ —‡‚Â肇, Producers Natalia Mokritskaya, Uliana Savelieva, ÀÂÓÌˉ «‡„‡Î¸ÒÍËÈ Leonid Zagalsky œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´ÕÓ‚˚ β‰Ëª, ´¬Â„‡ œÓ‰‡Í¯Ìª, Production ìNovye Lyudiî, ìVega Productionî with ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë participation of the Federal Agency for Culture and ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Cinematography œÓÍ‡Ú üÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´¬ÂÒÚª Distribution West Company ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition üËËÎÎ —·ÂÌÌËÍÓ‚ –ÂÊËÒÒ Ú‡ڇ Ë ÍËÌÓ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú Ò‡Ï˚ı ÔÂÒÚËÊÌ˚ı Ú‡ڇθÌ˚ı ÔÂÏËÈ Ë ÔÂÏËË “›‘» (1999, Á‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´“‡ÈÌ˚ „ÓÁ˚ª). –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ –ÓÒÚÓ‚Â-̇-ƒÓÌÛ (1969). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÙËÁËÍÓ-χÚÂχÚ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ –ÓÒÚÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡. —Ú‡‚ËÎ ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ÍÎË ‚ –ÓÒÚÓ‚Â-̇-ƒÓÌÛ, ÒÌˇÎ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÚÂÎÂÙËθÏÓ‚ ‰Îˇ „ËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó 21 ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ, ‡·ÓڇΠ‚ ÂÍ·ÏÌÓÏ ·ËÁÌÂÒÂ. — 1998 ÊË‚ÂÚ Ë ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â, ÒÚ‡‚ËÚ ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ÍÎË Ì‡ ÒˆÂ̇ı Ã’“ ËÏÂÌË ◊ÂıÓ‚‡, “‡ڇ ËÏÂÌË œÛ¯ÍË̇, Ú‡ڇ ´—Ó‚ÂÏÂÌÌËͪ Ë ‰Û„Ëı ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Í‡ı. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1998 ....“‡ÈÌ˚ „ÓÁ˚ (‰ÓÍ.) 1998 ....–‡Á‰ÂÚ˚ 2000 ....–ÓÒÚÓ‚-Ô‡Ô‡ (Ò¡Î) 2002 ....ƒÌ‚ÌËÍ Û·ËȈ˚ (Ò¡Î) 2003 .... œÓÒÚÂθÌ˚ ҈ÂÌ˚ (ÙËÎ¸Ï ‡Î¸Ï‡Ì‡ı‡ ´—ÔËÒÓÍ ‚β·ÎÂÌÌ˚ı –‘ª) 2004 ....–‡„ËÌ 2006 ....»ÁÓ·‡Ê‡ˇ ÊÂÚ‚Û Kirill Serebrennikov Director of theatre and cinema, winner of the most prestigious theatre awards and the TEFI television award (1999, for the documentary film ìSecrets of a Thunderstormî). Born in ◊Â̇ˇ ÍÓωˡ, ˝Í‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÈ Ô¸ÂÒ˚ ·‡Ú¸Â‚ œÂÒÌˇÍÓ‚˚ı. Rostov-on-Don (1969). Graduated from the ¬˚ÔÛÒÍÌËÍ ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡ ¬‡Îˇ ÛÒڇ˂‡ÂÚÒˇ ‡‰Ë Á‡‡·ÓÚ͇ ‚ ÏËÎËˆË˛, „‰Â ‚Ó Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of ‚ÂÏˇ ÒΉÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌÚÓ‚ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ËÁÓ·‡Ê‡Ú¸ ÊÂÚ‚ ÔÂÒÚÛÔÎÂÌËÈ. Rostov University. Staged productions in —ΉÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ „ÛÔÔ‡ ‚ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ ı‡ËÁχÚ˘ÌÓ„Ó Í‡ÔËڇ̇, ‚ÓÓÛÊÂÌÌÓÈ Rostov, made several television films for ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂÓÈ Ô‡ÔÓ˘Ëˆ˚ À˛‰˚ Ë ÚÛÔÓ‚‡ÚÓ„Ó ÒÂʇÌÚ‡ Âʉ̂ÌÓ ‚˚‚ÓÁËÚ regional television, worked in advertising. ÔÓ‰ÒÛ‰ËÏ˚ı ̇ ÏÂÒÚ‡ ÔÂÒÚÛÔÎÂÌËÈ, „‰Â ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌÓ ‚ÓÒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸ ͇ÚËÌÛ Since 1998 lives and works in Moscow, staged Ú‡„‰ËË. ƒÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓ ÒÛχүÂÒÚ‚Ë ‚ ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ˇ˘Â ÔË‚ÌÓÒˇÚ Ò‡ÏË performances at the Chekhov Moscow Arts ÔÂÒÚÛÔÌËÍË: Ó‰ËÌ ‚˚·ÓÒËÎ ËÁ ÓÍ̇ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ ÊÂÌÛ, ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÛÚÓÔËÎ Theatre, the Pushkin Theatre, the β·ËÏÛ˛ ‰Â‚Û¯ÍÛ ‚ ·‡ÒÒÂÈÌÂ, ÚÂÚËÈ ÌË Ò ÚÓ„Ó, ÌË Ò ÒÂ„Ó ‚ ˇÔÓÌÒÍÓÏ Sovremennik Theatre and other theatres. ÂÒÚӇ̠´ÔÛθÌÛÎ ËÁ ÔËÒÚÓÎÂÚ‡ª ‚ Ó‰ÌÓÍ·ÒÒÌË͇... œÓÌˇÚÌÓ ‰ÂÎÓ, ‚Ò ˝ÚË ´‡ÒÒΉӂ‡Ìˡª ÔÓ‚Ó‰ˇÚÒˇ ‰Îˇ „‡ÎÓ˜ÍË (ËÒıÓ‰ ‰Â· Ô‰¯ÂÌ, ÔÂÒÚÛÔÌËÍ Filmography (as director): ·Û‰ÂÚ ÓÒÛʉÂÌ), ˜ÚÓ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÂÚ ÙÓÌ Î„ÍÓ„Ó ‡·ÒÛ‰‡. 1998 ....Secrets of a Thunderstorm (doc). 1998 ....Naked A black comedy, screen version of the play of the same title by the Presnyakov 2000 ....Rostov-Papa (serial) Brothers 2002 ....Diary of a Murderer (serial) In order to earn money, the university graduate Valia takes up a job with the 2003 ....Bad Bed Scenes (film in the almanac police, where he plays crime victims in reconstructions of events for the ìList of those in Love in the Russian investigation. Every day the team of investigators, including the charismatic Federationî) captain, the officer Liuda who is armed with a video-camera, and a dumb 2004 ....Ragin sergeant, take defendants to crime scenes and reconstruct the tragedy that 2006 ....Playing the Victim occurred. In each event additional madness comes into play from the criminals: one has thrown his wife out of a window, the second has drowned his beloved in a pool, the third ñ for no reason whatsoever ñ shot at his former schoolmate in a Japanese restaurant... Clearly, all these ìinvestigationsî are carried out only to adhere to the procedures, because the outcome of each case is well known in advance: the criminal will be convicted. This premise creates a slight absurdity. ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ÃÕ≈ Õ≈ ¡ŒÀ‹ÕŒ IT DOESNíT HURT 22 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 104 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 104 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¡‡Î‡·‡ÌÓ‚ Director Alexei Balabanov ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ Ã̇ˆ‡Í‡ÌÓ‚ Scriptwriter Valery Mnatsakanov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ —„ÂÈ ¿ÒÚ‡ıÓ‚ Camera Sergei Astakhov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ œ‡‚ÂÎ œ‡ıÓÏÂÌÍÓ Art Director Pavel Parkhomenko üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ œ‡Ú‡ı‡Î¸ˆÂ‚‡ Costumes Tatiana Patrakhaltseva üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬‡‰ËÏ —‡ÏÓÈÎÓ‚ Composer Vadim Samoylov «‚ÛÍ ÃËı‡ËÎ ÕËÍÓ·‚ Sound Mikhail Nikolaev ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ üÛÁ¸Ï˘‚‡ Editing Tatiana Kuzmichiova ¬ ÓΡı: –Â̇ڇ ÀËÚ‚ËÌÓ‚‡, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ flˆÂÌÍÓ, Cast: Renata Litvinova, Alexander Yatsenko, Dmitry Dyuzhev, ƒÏËÚËÈ ƒ˛Ê‚, ÕËÍËÚ‡ ÃËı‡ÎÍÓ‚, »Ì„‡ Œ·ÓΉË̇, Nikita Mikhalkov, Inga Oboldina, Valentin Kuznetsov, ¬‡ÎÂÌÚËÌ üÛÁ̈ӂ, —„ÂÈ Ã‡ÍӂˆÍËÈ, Ã‡Í –Û‰Ë̯ÚÂÈÌ Sergei Makovetsky, Mark Rudinshtein œÓ‰˛Ò —„ÂÈ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚ Producer Sergei Selyanov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —“¬ Production CTB Film Company œÓÍ‡Ú ´Õ‡¯Â ÍËÌÓª, ´ü‡ÓÔÓ͇ڪ Distribution Nashe Kino, Karoprokat;; ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¡‡Î‡·‡ÌÓ‚ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ. œËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÔÂÏËÈ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ —‚‰ÎÓ‚ÒÍ 25 Ù‚‡Îˇ 1959„Ó‰‡. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ Ô‚Ӊ˜ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ √Ó¸ÍÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó Ô‰‡„ӄ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ (1981), ¬ü—– ó ¬˚үˠÍÛÒ˚ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ (1990, 23 ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ÍÛÒ ´¿‚ÚÓÒÍÓ ÍËÌÓª). ¬ 1992 „Ó‰Û ‚ÏÂÒÚÂ Ò —„ÂÂÏ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚˚Ï Ë ¬‡ÒËÎËÂÏ √˄Ӹ‚˚Ï ÓÒÌÓ‚‡Î üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡Ì˲ —“¬, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ÓÌ ‚ ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓÏ Ë ÒÌËχÂÚ Ò‚ÓË ÙËθÏ˚. »Á·‡Ì̇ˇ ÙËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1991 ....—˜‡ÒÚÎË‚˚ ‰ÌË 1994 ....«‡ÏÓÍ 1995 ....“ÓÙËÏ˙ (Í/Ï, ‡Î¸Ï‡Ì‡ı ´œË·˚ÚË ÔÓÂÁ‰‡ª) 1997 ....¡‡Ú 1998 ....œÓ ÛÓ‰Ó‚ Ë Î˛‰ÂÈ 2000 ....¡‡Ú-2 2000 ....–Â͇ 2002 ....¬ÓÈ̇ 2005 ....∆ÏÛÍË Alexei Balabanov Director, scriptwriter, producer. Prize-winner of international and national film festivals, ÃÂÎÓ‰‡Ï‡. winner of professional film awards. Born 25 “Ó ‰ÛÁÂÈ ÒÚÓˇÚ Ì‡ ÔÓÓ„Â ¯Ë͇ÌÓ„Ó ‰Óχ ‚ ˆÂÌÚ ·Óθ¯Ó„Ó „ÓÓ‰‡. February 1959 in Sverdlovsk. Graduated from ŒÌË ÏÓÎÓ‰˚, ÔÓÎÌ˚ ˝Ì„ËË, Û ÌËı ÂÒÚ¸ ڇ·ÌÚ, ÒÌÓӂ͇, ʇʉ‡ ÊËÁÌËÖ the Translation Department of Gorky ¬ Ó·˘ÂÏ, Û ÌËı ÂÒÚ¸ ‚ÒÂ, ÍÓÏ ‰ÂÌ„. «‡ ˝ÚËÏ ÓÌË Ò˛‰‡ Ë Ô˯ÎË ñ Pedagogical Institute (1981), and from the Ô‰ÎÓÊËÚ¸ ÛÒÎÛ„Ë ‰ËÁ‡È̇ ıÓÁˇÈÍ ‰Óχ. Õ‡Ú˝Î· ¿ÌÚÓÌӂ̇ ÚÓÊ Higher Courses for Directors and ÏÓÎÓ‰‡, ÌÓ Í‡ÊÂÚÒˇ, ÊËÁ̸ ÂÈ ÛÊ ÛÒÔ· ̇ÒÍÛ˜ËÚ¸. œÓ ͇ÈÌÂÈ ÏÂÂ Ú‡Í Scriptwriters at the Film Institute (1990, ·˚ÎÓ ‰Ó ‚ÒÚÂ˜Ë Ò Ã˯ÂÈ. ŒÌ ÔÓÏÓ„ ÂÈ ÒÌÓ‚‡ ‚β·ËÚ¸Òˇ ‚ ÊËÁ̸, ‡ Ó̇ experimental course of ëdirectorís cinemaí). In ̇¯Î‡ ÂÏÛ Ë Â„Ó ‰ÛÁ¸ˇÏ ËÌÚÂÂÒÌÛ˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ. 1992 he founded, together with Sergei ¡Ó„‡Ú˚ ÍÎËÂÌÚ˚, ‰ÓÓ„Ë ӷ‰˚, Ó„ÓÏÌ˚ „ÓÌÓ‡˚ ñ ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ Ó· ˝ÚÓÏ Ë Ì Selianov and Vasily Grigoriev, the film ϘڇÎË. » Ò‡ÏÓ „·‚ÌÓ ñ Ó̇ β·ËÚ Â„Ó! ÕÓ ÔË ˝ÚÓÏ ÒÍ˚‚‡ÂÚ ˜ÚÓ-ÚÓ company —“¬, with whose participation he Ó˜Â̸ ‚‡ÊÌÓÂ, ˜ÚÓ ÌÂËÁ·ÂÊÌÓ ÔÓ‚ÎˡÂÚ Ì‡ Ëı ·Û‰Û˘ÂÂÖ subsequently made all his films. Melodrama. Selected Directorís Filmography: Three friends stand on the threshold to a posh house in the center of a big 1991 ....Happy Days city. They are young and full of energy; they have talent, skills, and a thirst 1994 ....The Castle of life Ö broadly speaking they have everything, except for money. And for 1995 ....Trofim that they have come here: to offer their services as designers to the landlady. (short, almanac ìArrival of a trainî) Natella Antonovna is also young, but her life seems to have turned into 1997 ....Brother boredom already. At least this was the case until she met Misha. He helped her 1998 ....Of Freaks and Men love her life once again; she found him and his friends an interesting job. Rich 2000 ....Brother 2 clients, expensive dinners, and huge fees: our friends could not have dreamt of 2001 ....The River that. And, most important, she loves him! But she hides something crucial, and 2002 ....War this will inevitably affect their futureÖ 2005 ....Dead Manís Bluff ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition Õ¿Õü»Õ—ü»… œ≈…«¿∆ NANKIN LANDSCAPE 24 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 101 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2005, Russia, 101 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ –Û·Ë̘ËÍ Director Valery Rubinchik ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¡˚˜ÍÓ‚ Scriptwriter Andrey Bychkov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¬ËÍÚÓ ÿÂÒÚÓÔÂÓ‚ Camera Victor Shestopiorov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ »Ë̇ ¿ÎÂÍÒ‚‡ Art Director Irina Alexeeva üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ƒÏËÚËÈ ¿Ì‰Â‚ Costumes Dmitry Andreev ÃÛÁ˚͇ À˛‰‚Ë„ ¬‡Ì ¡ÂÚıÓ‚ÂÌ, ¡ẨʇÏËÌ ¡‡¯‡È Music Ludwig van Beethoven, Benjamin Barshai «‚ÛÍ »„Ó¸ ”‚‡ÌˆÂ‚ Sound Igor Urvantsev ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »Ë̇ üÓÊÂÏˇÍË̇ Editing Irina Kozhemyakina ¬ „·‚Ì˚ı ÓΡı: ƒ‡¸ˇ ÃÓÓÁ, üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ À‡‚ÓÌÂÌÍÓ, Principal Cast: Daria Moroz, Konstantin Lavronenko, ≈„Ó ¡‡ËÌÓ‚ Egor Barinov œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œÓÚÂÏÍËÌ Producer Alexander Potyomkin œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´¿–ü-ÙËθϪ, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Production ARK-film, with participation of the Federal ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Agency for Culture and Cinematography ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ¬‡ÎÂËÈ –Û·Ë̘ËÍ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ. «‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚È ‰ÂˇÚÂθ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, ÔËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ ÃËÌÒÍ 17 ‡ÔÂΡ 1940 „Ó‰‡. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¡ÂÎÓÛÒÒÍÓ„Ó Ú‡ڇθÌÓ„Ó ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ (1962), ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (1969, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ fl.¿.—„ÂΡ). 25 Õ‡˜Ë̇Π̇ ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´¡Â·ÛÒ¸ÙËθϪ. — 1988 „Ó‰‡ ÊË‚ÂÚ Ë ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓÈ Ï‡ÒÚÂÒÍÓÈ ¬√»ü‡ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓÈ Ï‡ÒÚÂÒÍÓÈ »ÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ (Ë„Ó‚Ó ÍËÌÓ): 1969 ......ü‡ÒÌ˚È ‡„ËÚ‡ÚÓ “ÓÙËÏ √ÎÛ¯ÍÓ‚ (Ú‚) 1971 ....ÃÓ„Ë· 肇 1974 ....œÓÒΉÌ ÎÂÚÓ ‰ÂÚÒÚ‚‡ (Ú‚) 1975 ....√‡ÏÎÂÚ ŸË„Ó‚ÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÂÁ‰‡ (Ú‚) 1976 ....¬ÂÌÓÍ ÒÓÌÂÚÓ‚ 1979 ....ƒË͇ˇ ÓıÓÚ‡ ÍÓÓΡ —Ú‡ı‡ 1982 ....üÛθÚÔÓıÓ‰ ‚ ÚÂ‡Ú 1983 ....üÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Î˛·Ó‚ÌËÍ, ËÎË À˛·Ó‚Ì˚ Á‡ÚÂË Ò˝‡ ƒÊÓ̇ ‘‡Î¸ÒÚ‡Ù‡ (Ú‚) 1988 ....ŒÚÒÚÛÔÌËÍ 1989 ....üÓωˡ Ó ÀËÒËÒÚ‡Ú 1991 ....ÕÂβ·Ó‚¸ 1995 ....œÂÈÁ‡Ê Ò ÚÂÏˇ ÍÛԇθ˘Ëˆ‡ÏË 2002 ....üËÌÓ ÔÓ ÍËÌÓ Valery Rubinchik Director and scriptwriter. Honored Artist of Russia, prize-winner of international and national film festivals. Born in Minsk on 17 ÃÂÎÓ‰‡Ï‡. April 1940. Graduated from the Directorsí œËÚ˜‡ Ó· ‡Ï·Ë‚‡ÎÂÌÚÌÓÒÚË Ë ‡ÁÛ¯‡˛˘ÂÈ ‰‚ÓÈÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÒÚË ñ Faculty of the Belarus Theatre Institute (1962), the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute ·‡Î·‰‡ Ó· Ó‰ËÌÓ˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ÍÓ„‰‡-ÚÓ Ô‰‡Î VGIK (1969, class of Ya. Segel). Began at the Ò‚Ó˛ β·Ó‚¸. studio Belarusfilm. Since 1988 lives and works in Moscow. Head of a Directorsí Course at the Film Institute VGIK and a Directorsí Workshop at the Institute of Contemporary Art. Melodrama. A parable about the ambivalence and destructive duplicity; Filmography as director 1969......The Red Agitator Trofim Glushkov (TV) 1971 ....The Lionís Grave 1974 ....Last Summer of Childhood (TV) 1975 ....Hamlet of the Shchigrov County (TV) 1976 ....A Wreath of Sonnets 1979 ....Savage Hunt of King Stakh 1982 ....Cultural Venture to the Theatre 1983 ....Comic Lover, or Love Escapades of Sir John Falstaff (TV) 1988 ....The Apostate 1989 ....Comedy about Lysistrata 1991 ....No Love 1995 ....Landscape with Three Bathers 2002 ....Cinema about Cinema a ballad about the loneliness of a man, who sometime betrayed his real love. ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition œ¿–ü —Œ¬≈“—üŒ√Œ œ≈–»Œƒ¿ SOVIET PARK 26 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 124 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital S EX 2006, Russia, 124 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital S EX –ÂÊËÒÒ fiÎËÈ √ÛÒÏ‡Ì Director Yuli Gusman ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ›‰Û‡‰ ¿ÍÓÔÓ‚, fiÎËÈ √ÛÒÏ‡Ì Scriptwriters Eduard Akopov, Yuli Gusman ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »„Ó¸ üη‡ÌÓ‚ Camera Igor Klebanov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ŒÎ¸„‡ ü‡‚˜ÂÌˇ Art Director Olga Kravchenia üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ Õ‡Ú‡Îˡ —Ú˚ˆ˛Í Costumes Natalia Stytsiuk üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ƒÛ̇‚ÒÍËÈ Composer Maxim Dunaevsky üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ƒÛ̇‚ÒÍËÈ Sound Oleg Tsygankov «‚ÛÍ ŒÎ„ ÷˚„‡ÌÍÓ‚ Editor Irina Kozhemiakina ÃÓÌڇʠ»Ë̇ üÓÊÂÏˇÍË̇ Cast: Alexander Lazarev-younger, Elizaveta Boiarskaya, ¬ ÓΡı: ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ À‡Á‡Â‚-ÏÎ., ≈ÎËÁ‡‚ÂÚ‡ ¡ÓˇÒ͇ˇ, Mikhail Efremov, Vladimir Dolinsky, Alexander Dziuba, ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ƒÓÎËÌÒÍËÈ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ƒÁ˛·‡, Alexander Pashutin, Sergei Nikonenko, Alexei Buldakov, Nina ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œ‡¯ÛÚËÌ, —„ÂÈ ÕËÍÓÌÂÌÍÓ, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¡ÛΉ‡ÍÓ‚, Usatova, Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Valery Barinov, Rafael ÕË̇ ”Ò‡ÚÓ‚‡, Àˉˡ ‘‰ÓÒ‚‡-ÿÛͯË̇, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ Mukaev, Polina Lazareva, Vladimir Zeldin ¡‡ËÌÓ‚, –‡Ù‡˝Î¸ ÃÛ͇‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË «Âθ‰ËÌ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ —„ÂÈ ÃÂθÍÛÏÓ‚, ¿Í‡‰ËÈ √‡È‰‡Ï‡Í, Producers Sergei Melkumov, Arkadi Gaydamak, Yuli Gusman, fiÎËÈ √ÛÒχÌ, “ËÏÛ ¬‡È̯ÚÂÈÌ Timur Vainshtein Production Slovo Production Company, YuG-TV, A.G. œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó œü ´—ÎÓ‚Óª, fi√-“¬, ´¿.√. œË͘ÂÁª, Pictures with participation of the Federal Agency for Culture ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛ and Cinematography Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition fiÎËÈ √ÛÒÏ‡Ì –ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„, Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ÚÓ ÍËÌÓÔÓˆÂÒÒ‡, ÚÂÎÂ‚Â‰Û˘ËÈ. «‡ÒÎÛÊÂÌÌ˚È ‰ÂˇÚÂθ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, Õ‡Ó‰Ì˚È ‡ÚËÒÚ ¿Á·‡È‰Ê‡Ì‡. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ ¡‡ÍÛ 8 ‡‚„ÛÒÚ‡ 1943 „Ó‰‡. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ¡‡ÍËÌÒÍËÈ Ï‰ˈËÌÒÍËÈ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ (1966), ‡ÒÔˇÌÚÛÛ »ÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ ÛÒӂ¯ÂÌÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ìˡ ‚‡˜ÂÈ, ¬ü—– (1972). — 1964 ó ‡ÍÚË‚Ì˚È Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ ü¬Õ, ‚ 1976-84 ñ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ¡‡ÍËÌÒÍÓ„Ó Ú‡ڇ ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌÓÈ ÍÓωËË, ÂÊËÒÒ ·‡ÍËÌÒÍÓ„Ó “fi«‡, ÂÊËÒÒ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´¿Á·‡È‰Ê‡ÌÙËθϪ. –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÎ Ú‡ڇθÌ˚ÏË ÔÓÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ÏË ‚ —ÿ¿, üËÚ‡Â Ë flÔÓÌËË, ÔÂÔÓ‰‡‚‡Î ‚ —ÿ¿. ¬ 2004 ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ËΠ̇ ÒˆÂÌ ÷¿“–¿ Ï˛ÁËÍÎ ´◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ËÁ À‡Ï‡Ì˜Ëª. ¬ 1993-95 ó ‰ÂÔÛÚ‡Ú √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ‰ÛÏ˚ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÷ÂÌڇθÌÓ„Ó ‰Óχ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚. ¿‚ÚÓ Ë ÓÒÌÓ‚‡ÚÂθ œÂÏËË ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË ´ÕË͇ª, ‰Û„Ëı ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÔÂÏËÈ Ë ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. 27 ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1977 ....¬ Ó‰ËÌ ÔÂ͇ÒÌ˚È ‰Â̸ (ÌÓ‚Âη ‚ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÏ ‡Î¸Ï‡Ì‡ıÂ) 1978 ....ƒ‡˜Ì˚È ‰ÓÏËÍ ‰Îˇ Ó‰ÌÓÈ ÒÂÏ¸Ë 1981 ....Õ ·ÓÈÒˇ, ˇ Ò ÚÓ·ÓÈ! (Ú‚) 1983 ....À¸‰Ë̇ ‚ ÚÂÔÎÓÏ ÏÓ (Ú‚) 1985 ....◊ÚÓ Ú‡ÍÓ ´≈‡Î‡¯ª? (Ú‚) 2006 ....œ‡Í ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÂËÓ‰‡ Yuli Gusman Director, playwright, organizer of the cinematic process, television presenter. Honoured Artist of Russia, National Actor of Azerbaijan. Born in Baku on 8 August 1943. Graduated from Baku Medical Institute (1966), postgraduate study at the Institute of Higher Medical Qualifications, Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (1972). Since 1964 participant in KVN (Club of the Cheerful and Inventive), from 1976-84 art director of the Baku Theatre of Musical Comedy, director at Bakuís Theatre of the Young Spectator, director of the film studio ìAzerbaijanfilmî. Supervised theatre productions in the US, China and Japan, and taught in the US. In 2004 directed at the Central Russian Army Theatre the musical ìMan from LaMancheî. From 1993-95 deputy of the State Duma and art director of the Central House of Cinematographers. Author and founder of the Film Academy award NIKA, other professional and awards and festivals. Filmography as director: 1977 ....One Fine Day (short story in the almanac of the same title) 1978 ....A Small Country House for One Family 1981 ....Donít be Afraid, I am with You! (TV) 1983 ....An Ice Floe in the Warm Sea (TV) 1985 ....Whatís a Jumble? (TV) 2006 ....Soviet Park ÕË ·ÂÁ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë Á‡Ô‡‰Ì˚ı ËÌ‚ÂÒÚÓÓ‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ·ËÁÌÂÒÏÂÌ˚ ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛËÓ‚‡ÎË ´ÓÒÚÓ‚ÓÍ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓÈ ÊËÁÌ˪ Ë Ì‡Á‚‡ÎË Ò‚Ó ‰ÂÚˢ ´œ‡ÍÓÏ Ï˜Ú˚ª. » ÏÓ Á‰ÂÒ¸ ÂÒÚ¸, Ë ÔÓ˜ÚË Ì‡ÒÚÓˇ˘ËÈ üÂÏθ ˇ‰ÓÏ, Ë ÂÍË, Ë „Ó˚, Ë ÔÛÒÚ˚Ìˇ ñ ‚Ò ‚ Ó‰ÌÓÏ Ô‡ÍÂ. » ÓÍÛʇڸ „ÓÒÚÂÈ ·Û‰ÛÚ Ò‡Ï˚ ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚ β‰Ë ÚÂı ÎÂÚ: ‡ÍÚÂ˚, Ô‚ˆ˚, ¯‡ıχÚËÒÚ˚Ö œÓÔÛΡÌ˚È ÚÂÎÂÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚ ŒÎ„ «ËÏËÌ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ‰‡Ú¸ ÂÍ·ÏÛ ˝ÚÓ„Ó Ô‡Í‡ ‚ Ò‚ÓÂÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÂ, ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÒˇ Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ Ô‚˚ı Â„Ó ÔÓÒÂÚËÚÂÎÂÈ. ”ÒÚ‡‚¯ËÈ ÓÚ ÏÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍËı ÌÂÔˡÚÌÓÒÚÂÈ, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ӷۯËÎËÒ¸ ̇ ÌÂ„Ó ÒÓ ‚ÒÂı ÒÚÓÓÌ, ÓÌ Â¯‡ÂÚ Á‡Ó‰ÌÓ Ë ÓÚ‰ÓıÌÛÚ¸. —̇˜‡Î‡ ‚Ò ‚˚Á˚‚‡ÂÚ Û ŒÎ„‡ ËÒÍÂÌÌËÈ ‚ÓÒÚÓ„ Ë ‚Ò ̇ÔÓÏË̇ÂÚ Ó ˛ÌÓÒÚË. ŒÎ„ ‚β·ÎˇÂÚÒˇ ‚ ¿ÎÂÌÛ ¬ÓÎÍÓ‚Û, Ó‰ÌÛ ËÁ ÎÛ˜¯Ëı ‡·ÓÚÌˈ ԇ͇. ÕÓ ‚ÒÍÓ ÂÏÛ ‰‡˛Ú ÔÓÌˇÚ¸, ˜ÚÓ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚ˚ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌË͇ÏË Ô‡Í‡ Ë ÓÚ‰˚ı‡˛˘ËÏË Á‡Ô¢ÂÌ˚ Ë ˜ÚÓ Û ¿ÎÂÌ˚ ÂÒÚ¸ ÔÓÍÎÓÌÌËÍ ñ χÒÒÓ‚ËÍ-Á‡ÚÂÈÌËÍ –Ó·ÂÚ, Ë ˜ÚÓ ÚÓ‚‡Ë˘ –Ó·ÂÚ ó Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ „·‚Ì˚ı β‰ÂÈ ‚ ‡‰ÏËÌËÒÚ‡ˆËË Ô‡Í‡Ö Without the help of western investors, Russian businessmen have reconstructed an ìisland of Soviet lifeî and called their child ìDream Parkî. In one park they have the sea, and an almost real Kremlin, rivers, mountains and the desert. The visitors are surrounded by the most popular actors, singers, chess-players of those timesÖ The popular TV reporter Oleg Zimin, who is supposed to advertise this park on his programme, is one of the first visitors. Tired from the troubles that have descended upon him from different directions in the busy Moscow, he decides to rest at the same time as visiting the park. At first he is genuinely delighted and everything reminds him of his youth. Then Oleg falls in love with Aliona Volkova, one of the best workers in the Park. But soon he is told that contacts between employees and visitors are forbidden, and that Aliona already has an admirer: the entrepreneur Robert. And comrade Robert is one of top people in the Parkís administrationÖ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition œ≈–≈√ŒÕ TRANSIT 28 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 127 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 127 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –Ó„ÓÊÍËÌ Scriptwriter and Director Alexander Rogozhkin √·‚Ì˚È ÓÔ‡ÚÓ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ∆„‡ÎÓ‚ Camera Andrey Zhegalov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ƒˇÚÎÂÌÍÓ Art Director Vladimir Dyatlenko üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¬‡ÎÂÌÚË̇ ü‡ÏÂÌ‚‡ Costumes Valentina Kameneva üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ƒÏËÚËÈ œ‡‚ÎÓ‚ Composer Dmitry Pavlov «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ √Û‰ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ Sound Anatoly Gudkovsky ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê fiÎˡ –ÛÏˇÌˆÂ‚‡ Editor Yulia Rumyantseva ¬ ÓΡı: ƒ‡ÌËËÎ —Ú‡ıÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ —·ˇÍÓ‚, ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ Cast: Daniil Strakhov, Alexei Serebryakov, Anastasia ÕÂÏÓΡ‚‡, üËËÎÎ ”θˇÌÓ‚, —‡‡ ¡ÛÎÎË, ü˝ÚËÌ Nemolyaeva, Kirill Ulianov, Sarah Bulley, Caterina Innocente, »ÌÌÓ˜ÂÌÚÂ, —‡‡ –‡ÚÎË, ¿Ì̇-ÇË̇ ¡ÂÌÒ‡Û‰, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ Sarah Rutley, Anna Marina Bensaud, Alexei Petrov, Andrey œÂÚÓ‚, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ÿË·‡¯ËÌ, »‚‡Ì œËÎθ, ¿ÚÂÏ ¬ÓÎÓ·Û‚, Shibarshin, Ivan Prill, Artyom Volobuev, Yuri Itskov, Oleg fiËÈ »ˆÍÓ‚, ŒÎ„ ÇÎÍËÌ, ¿Ì̇ –Û‰¸, fiËÈ ŒÎÓ‚ Malkin, Anna Rudí, Yuri Orlov œÓ‰˛Ò —„ÂÈ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚ Producer Sergei Selyanov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ —“¬, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Production CTB Film Company with the participation of the ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography œÓÍ‡Ú ´Õ‡¯Â ÍËÌÓª, ´ü‡ÓÔÓ͇ڪ Distribution Nashe Kino, Karoprokat;; ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –Ó„ÓÊÍËÌ ó ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ. Õ‡Ó‰Ì˚È ‡ÚËÒÚ –ÓÒÒËË, ÔËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÔÂÏËÈ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰Â 3 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ 1949 „Ó‰‡. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ À√”, Û˜ËÎÒˇ ̇ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ-„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓÏ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÓ„Ó Ô‰‡„ӄ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ ËÏ. √ˆÂ̇. –‡·ÓڇΠıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍÓÏ Ì‡ ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÓÏ ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌËË, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍÓÏ-‰ÂÍÓ‡ÚÓÓÏ Ì‡ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ. ¬ 1981 ÓÍÓ̘ËÎ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ —.¿. √‡ÒËÏÓ‚‡) Ë ÒڇΠÂÊËÒÒÂÓÏ-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘ËÍÓÏ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ. —ÓÚÛ‰Ì˘‡ÂÚ Ò üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËÂÈ —“¬ Ë ‰Û„ËÏË ÒÚÛ‰ËˇÏË, Û˜‡ÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ ‚ ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ı, ÔÓÒΉÌËÈ ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ñ ÚÂÎÂÙËÎ¸Ï ´—‚Óˇ ˜Ûʇˇ ÊËÁ̸ª (2004). »Á·‡Ì̇ˇ ÙËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ (ÍËÌÓ): 1985 ....–‡‰Ë ÌÂÒÍÓθÍËı ÒÚÓ˜ÂÍ 1988 ....ÃËÒÒ ÏËÎÎËÓ̯‡ 1989 ....ü‡‡ÛÎ 1990 ....“ÂÚ¸ˇ Ô·ÌÂÚ‡ 1991 ....◊ÂÍËÒÚ 1993 ....¿ÍÚ; ∆ËÁ̸ Ò Ë‰ËÓÚÓÏ 1995 ....ŒÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓÒÚË Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ÓıÓÚ˚ 1996 ....ŒÔ‡ˆËˇ ´— ÕÓ‚˚Ï „Ó‰ÓϪ 1997 ....ƒ‡ (Í/Ï) 1998 ....¡ÎÓÍÔÓÒÚ 1998 ....ŒÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓÒÚË Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ˚·‡ÎÍË 1999 ....¡ÓΉËÌÒ͇ˇ ÓÒÂ̸ (Í/Ï) 2000 ....ŒÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓÒÚË Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ÓıÓÚ˚ ‚ ÁËÏÌËÈ ÔÂËÓ‰ 2002 ....üÛÍۯ͇ 29 ¬ÓÂÌ̇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡. 1942 „Ó‰, ◊ÛÍÓÚ͇, Ú‡ÌÁËÚÌ˚È ‡˝Ó‰ÓÏ. ¿ÏÂË͇̈˚ÒÓ˛ÁÌËÍË ˜ÂÂÁ ÓÍÂ‡Ì Ô„ÓÌˇ˛Ú ËÒÚ·ËÚÂÎË ´¿˝ÓÍÓ·‡ª, ‡ ̇¯Ë ÔËÎÓÚ˚ ÓÚ„ÓÌˇ˛Ú Ëı ̇ ÙÓÌÚ. –ˇ‰ÓÏ ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Ë ‰Û„ÓÈ ÏË ñ ÏË ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ı ˝ÒÍËÏÓÒÓ‚, ÊË‚Û˘Ëı ‰‡ÎÂÍÓÈ ÓÚ ‚ÓÈÌ˚ ÊËÁ̸˛. –‡ÁÏÂÂÌÌ˚È ıÓ‰ ÒÓ·˚ÚËÈ Ì‡Û¯‡ÂÚÒˇ, ÍÓ„‰‡ ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÒˇ ˇÒÌÓ, ˜ÚÓ ‡ÏÂË͇ÌÒÍË ÎÂÚ˜ËÍË Ì‡ Ò‡ÏÓÏ ‰ÂΠñ ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÚÂθÌ˚Â Ë Ó·‡ˇÚÂθÌ˚ ‰Â‚Û¯ÍË. ◊Û‚ÒÚ‚‡ ̉‡‚ÌËı χθ˜Ë¯ÂÍ, ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ Ï·‰¯Ëı ÎÂÈÚÂ̇ÌÚÓ‚, ÒÚ‡ÎÍË‚‡˛ÚÒˇ Ò ˇÁ˚ÍÓ‚˚ÏË Ë ÍÛθÚÛÌ˚ÏË ·‡¸Â‡ÏË. »Á-Á‡ ˜Â„Ó ‚ÓÁÌË͇ÂÚ ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó ÍÛ¸ÂÁÌ˚ı, ÌÂÎÂÔ˚ı Ë Ú‡„˘ÂÒÍËı ÒËÚÛ‡ˆËÈÖ Alexander Rogozhkin Director, scriptwriter, artist. Peopleís Artist of Russia, prize-winner of international and national film festivals, winner of professional awards. Born 3 October 1949 in Leningrad. In 1972 graduated from the Faculty of History of Leningrad State University, studied at the Art and Graphics Section of Leningradís Herzen Pedagogical Institute. Worked as artist at Leningrad Television, then as designer at Lenfilm Studio. In 1981 completed the Course of Directors at the Moscow Film Institute under S.A. Gerasimov. Since 1981 he has worked as director at Lenfilm; cooperated with the film company —“¬ and participated in television projects (five-part television series ìMy Own Strange Lifeî, 2004, and others). Selected Filmography: 1985 ....For the Sake of a Few Lines 1988 ....Miss Millionaire 1989 ....The Guard 1990 ....The Third Planet 1991 ....The Chekist 1993 ....The Act; Life with an Idiot 1995 ....Peculiarities of the National Hunt in Autumn 1996 ....Operation ìHappy New Year!ª 1998 ....Checkpoint 1998 ....Peculiarities of National Fishing 1999 ....Boldino Autumn (short) 2000 ....Peculiarities of the National Hunt in Winter 2002 ....The Cuckoo 2006 ....Transit Military drama. 1942, Chukotka. A transit airport. The Allied Forces, the Americans, are moving the destroyer ëAerocobraí across the ocean, while Russian pilots drive them to the front. But there is another world: the world of the local eskimos, who lead a life far away from war. The moderated course of events is broken up when it emerges that the American pilots are actually attractive and charming girls. The feelings of the recent teenagers, who are now junior lieutenants, collide with language and culture barriers. Therefore a range of funny, ridiculous and tragic situations arisesÖ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition —¬Œ¡ŒƒÕŒ≈ œÀ¿¬¿Õ»≈ FREE FLOATING 30 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 105 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.37, Dolby SRD 2006, Russia, 105 min, colour, 1:1.37, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ¡ÓËÒ ’ηÌËÍÓ‚ Director Boris Khlebnikov ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¡ÓËÒ ’ηÌËÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –Ó‰ËÓÌÓ‚ Scriptwriters Boris Khlebnikov, Alexander Rodionov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ÿ‡Ì‰Ó ¡ÂÍÂ¯Ë Camera Sandor Berkesi ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ŒÎ¸„‡ ’ηÌËÍÓ‚‡ Art Director Olga Khlebnikova üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ —‚ÂÚ·̇ ÃËı‡ÈÎÓ‚‡ Costumes Svetlana Mikhaylova «‚ÛÍ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ¡ÂÎÓ‚ÓÎÓ‚ Sound Maxim Belovolov ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »‚‡Ì À·‰‚ Editor Ivan Lebedev ¬ ÓΡı: ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ flˆÂÌÍÓ, ƒ‡¸ˇ ≈͇χÒÓ‚‡, ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ Cast: Alexander Yatsenko, Daria Ekamasova, Evgeny Syty, —˚Ú˚È, œÂÚ «‡È˜ÂÌÍÓ, ¡ÓËÒ œÂÚÓ‚, “‡„Ë –‡ıËÏÓ‚, Pyotr Zaychenko, Boris Petrov, Tagir Rakhimov, Nina ÕË̇ —ÂÏÂÌÓ‚‡, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ Œ¯ÛÍÓ‚, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ –‡ÒÒ͇ÁÓ‚‡, Semyonova, Alexei Oshurkov, Tatiana Rasskazova, Andrian ¿‰Ë‡Ì –ÓÒÚÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, —„ÂÈ œÂÒÚËÍÓ‚, —„ÂÈ Õ‡Ò‰ÍËÌ, Rostovsky, Sergei Pestrikov, Sergei Nasedkin, Vladimir ¬Î‡‰ËÏË “¢ÂÌÍÓ Tereshchenko œÓ‰˛Ò –ÓÏ‡Ì ¡ÓËÒ‚˘ Producer Roman Borisevich œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´üÓÍÚ·Âθª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Production Koktebel Film Company with participation of the ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ¡ÓËÒ ’ηÌËÍÓ‚ —ˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 28 ‡‚„ÛÒÚ‡ 1972 „Ó‰‡. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÍËÌӂ‰˜ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (1997). ¡˚Π‰‡ÍÚÓÓÏ Ì‡ ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ı ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´“Ë“˝ª. ¬ 2003 „Ó‰Û ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ Ò ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÂÏ œÓÔӄ·ÒÍËÏ ÒÌˇÎ Ô‚˚È ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È Ë„Ó‚ÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ´üÓÍÚ·Âθª, ÒÚ‡‚¯ËÈ ÒÓ·˚ÚËÂÏ 31 ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó „Ó‰‡ (—·ˇÌ˚È ´—‚ˇÚÓÈ √ÂÓ„ËȪ ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó Ãü‘, ÒÔˆ.ÔËÁ Ê˛Ë Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡ÎÓ‚˚ı ¬‡‡ı, ÒÔˆ.ÔËÁ Ê˛Ë ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ‚ ¡˛ÒÒÂÎÂ Ë ‰.). ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1994 ....ÃËÏÓıÓ‰ (‰ÓÍ., Ò ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÂÏ œÓÔӄ·ÒÍËÏ) 2001 ....’ËÚ‡ˇ Ρ„ۯ͇ (Í/Ï) 2002 ....ÃËı‡ËÎ ¡Û΄‡ÍÓ‚. ◊ÂÌ˚È ÒÌ„ (‰ÓÍ., Ò¡Î) 2003 ....üÓÍÚ·Âθ (Ò ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÂÏ œÓÔӄ·ÒÍËÏ) 2006 ....—‚Ó·Ó‰ÌÓ Ô·‚‡ÌË Boris Khlebnikov Scriptwriter and director. Born on 28 August 1972. Graduated in cinema studies from the Film Institute VGIK (1997). Editor on projects of the studio ìTriTeî. In 2003, together with Alexei Popogrebsky, he made ÇÎÂ̸ÍËÈ „ÓÓ‰ÓÍ Ì‡ ·ÂÂ„Û ¬Ó΄Ë, „‰Â ͇ʉ˚È ‰Â̸ ÌÂÓÚ΢ËÏÓ ÔÓıÓÊ Ì‡ his first full-length feature film ìKoktebelî, Ô‰˚‰Û˘ËÈ. ÕÓ ‰‚‡‰ˆ‡ÚËÎÂÚÌËÈ ÀÂÌˇ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ ÓÚÍ˚‚‡ÂÚ ‚ Ò‚ÓÂÈ ÊËÁÌË which became a major event in the film ˜ÚÓ-ÚÓ, Ó ˜ÂÏ Â˘Â Ì Á̇Π‚˜Â‡. œÓÒΠÁ‡Í˚Úˡ Á‡‚Ó‰‡, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚È ÀÂÌˇ calendar (Silver Saint George, Moscow IFF; ÚÓθÍÓ-ÚÓθÍÓ ÛÒÚÓËÎÒˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸, ÓÌ Ë‰ÂÚ ‚ ÔÓÏÓ˘ÌËÍË Í ÔÓ‰‡‚ˆÛ Ó·Û‚Ë Special Prize at the Karlovy Vary IFF; ̇ ÏÂÒÚÌ˚È ˚ÌÓÍ, ÔÓÚÓÏ Ô˚Ú‡ÂÚÒˇ ÒÚ‡Ú¸ ¯ÚÛ͇ÚÛÓÏ. » ‚ÒˇÍËÈ ‡Á ÌÓ‚‡ˇ Special Jury Prize of the Festival of ‡·ÓÚ‡ Ì ËÌÚÂÂÒÛÂÚ Â„Ó ‰Óθ¯Â Ô‡˚ ‰ÌÂÈ, ÔÓ˝ÚÓÏÛ ÓÌ ˜‡ÒÚ˚È „ÓÒÚ¸ ̇ European Cinema in Brussels, etc.). ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ ·ËÊ ÚÛ‰‡. Œ‰Ì‡Ê‰˚ ÀÂÌˇ ÔÓÔ‡‰‡ÂÚ ‚ ·Ë„‡‰Û, ÂÏÓÌÚËÛ˛˘Û˛ ‰ÓÓ„Û Ì‰‡ÎÂÍÓ ÓÚ Â„Ó ‰Óχ. ÕÓ ÓÌ ÒÎ˯ÍÓÏ ÏÓÎÓ‰, ˜ÚÓ·˚ Òӷβ‰‡Ú¸ Filmography: Á‡ÍÓÌ˚ β‰ÂÈ, Ò ÍÓÚÓ˚ÏË Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÎÒˇÖ 1994 ....Passing By (ìMimokhodî) (doc., with Alexei Popogrebsky) A small town on the Volga, where each day is like the previous one. But 2001 ....Tricky Frog (short) twenty-year-old Lionya constantly discovers something in life that he did not 2002 ....Michael Bulgakov. Black Snow know the previous day. After the closure of the factory where Lionya had only (doc., serial) 2003 ....Roads to Koktebel (with Alexei Popogrebsky) 2006 ....Free Floating just found work, he works as sales assistant for footwear on the local market; then he tries to become a plasterer. And every time the new work does not interest him for longer than a couple of days, so that he becomes a frequent visitor at the local job centre. Then Lionya joins a brigade that repairs the road near his house. But he is too young to follow the laws of the people whom he has joined Ö ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition —¬fl«‹ RELATIONS 32 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 80 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 80 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ¿‚‰ÓÚ¸ˇ —ÏËÌÓ‚‡ Director and Scriptwriter Avdotia Smirnova ŒÔ‡ÚÓ —„ÂÈ Ã‡˜ËθÒÍËÈ Camera Sergei Machilsky ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¬‡ÒËÌ Art Director Andrey Vasin üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ŒÍ҇̇ flÏÓθÌËÍ Costumes Oksana Yarmolnik ÃÛÁ˚͇ ¡ÓËÒ √·ÂÌ˘ËÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ —ڷ΂, Music Boris Grebenshchikov, Alexei Steblev, Pyotr Klimov œÂÚ üÎËÏÓ‚ Sound Lev Ezhov «‚ÛÍ À‚ ≈ÊÓ‚ Editing Elena Andreeva, Gleb Nikulsky ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ≈ÎÂ̇ ¿Ì‰Â‚‡, √η ÕËÍÛθÒÍËÈ Cast: Mikhail Porechenkov, Anna Mikhalkova, Nastia Seglia, ¬ ÓΡı: ÃËı‡ËÎ œÓ˜ÂÌÍÓ‚, ¿Ì̇ ÃËı‡ÎÍÓ‚‡, Õ‡ÒÚˇ Dmitry Shevchenko, Irina Rozanova, Musia Shapovalova, —„Ρ, ƒÏËÚËÈ ÿ‚˜ÂÌÍÓ, »Ë̇ –ÓÁ‡ÌÓ‚‡, ÃÛÒˇ Yaroslav Pershakov, Gennady Smirnov, Natalia Rudnaya, ÿ‡ÔÓ‚‡ÎÓ‚‡, flÓÒ·‚ œÂ¯‡ÍÓ‚, √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ —ÏËÌÓ‚, Leonid Yarmolnik Շڇθˇ –ۉ̇ˇ, ÀÂÓÌˉ flÏÓθÌËÍ Producer Alexei Uchitel œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ”˜ËÚÂθ Production Rock Film Studio with participation of the œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó “œŒ ´–Óͪ Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography œÓÍ‡Ú ÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔ Distribution Central Partnership ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ¿‚‰ÓÚ¸ˇ —ÏËÌÓ‚‡ üËÌÓ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„. –Ӊ˷Ҹ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â 28 Ë˛Ìˇ 1969 „Ó‰‡. ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ÙËÎÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ Ã√”. –‡·Óڇ· ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚÓÏ ‚ ´üÓÏÏÂÒ‡ÌÚª, Á‡ÚÂÏ ÍÌËÊÌ˚Ï Ó·ÓÁ‚‡ÚÂÎÂÏ ÊÛ̇· ´¿Ù˯‡ª, Ô˜‡Ú‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ÍËÌÓËÁ‰‡Ìˡı (ÊÛ̇Π´»ÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚Ó ÍËÌÓª Ë ‰.). ¬Â‰Û˘‡ˇ (Ò “‡Ú¸ˇÌÓÈ “ÓÎÒÚÓÈ) ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´ÿÍÓ· 33 ÁÎÓÒÎӂˡª (͇̇Π´üÛθÚÛ‡ª, Õ“¬). ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂ̇Ë‚ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ´¡‡ÚÚÂÙÎˇÈª, ´œÓÒΉÌËÈ „ÂÓȪ, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ˄ӂ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ´Ã‡Ìˡ ∆ËÁÂÎ˪ (1995), ´ƒÌ‚ÌËÍ Â„Ó ÊÂÌ˚ª (2000; ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÔËÁ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ÒˆÂ̇Ë‚ Hartley Merrill Prize, —ÿ¿), ´œÓ„ÛÎ͇ª (2003) ÂÊËÒÒ‡ ¿ÎÂÍÒ¡ ”˜ËÚÂΡ, Ò ÍÓÚÓ˚Ï Ó̇ ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘‡ÂÚ Ò 1995 „Ó‰‡. ´—‚ˇÁ¸ª ó ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú. Avdotia Smirnova Script writer. Born in Moscow on 28 June 1969. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. Worked as journalist for "Kommersant" newspaper, then as book reviewer for the magazine "Afisha"; writes for film journals (magazine "Film Art", etc.). Presenter (with Tatiana Tolstaya) of the programme "School of Scandal" (channel "Kultura", NTV). Author of scripts for documentary films: "Butterfly", Love story. »Î¸ˇ ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â, ÕË̇ ó ‚ œÂÚ·ۄÂ. ŒÌ ó ÛÒÔ¯Ì˚È "The Last Hero", and for fiction films: ·ËÁÌÂÒÏÂÌ, ‚·‰ÂΈ ÓıÓÚÌ˘¸Ëı χ„‡ÁËÌÓ‚. ≈„Ó ÊÂ̇ ó ͇҇‚ˈ‡, "Giselle's Mania" (1995), "His Wife's Diary" ÛÏÌˈ‡, ‚ÂÎËÍÓÎÂÔ̇ˇ ıÓÁˇÈ͇, ‰Ó˜¸ ‰‚Â̇‰ˆ‡ÚË ÎÂÚ. ÕË̇ ó ÂÍ·ÏÌ˚È (2000; second prize in the scriptwriters' ‡„ÂÌÚ. ≈ ÏÛÊ ó ËÌÚÂÎÎË„ÂÌÚÌ˚È Ë Ó˜Â̸ β·ˇ˘ËÈ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ, ‚Áˇ‚¯ËÈ Ì‡ competition of "The Harley-Merrill Ò·ˇ ‚Ò ÒÂÏÂÈÌ˚ Á‡·ÓÚ˚, Ò˚Ì ‚Ó ‚ÚÓÓÏ Í·ÒÒÂ. √‰Â-ÚÓ ÏÂÊ‰Û —‡ÌÍÚ- International Screening Competition", USA), œÂÚ·ۄÓÏ Ë ÃÓÒÍ‚ÓÈ ÓÌË ‚ÒÚÂÚËÎËÒ¸ Ë ‚β·ËÎËÒ¸. » ÔÓÚˇÌÛ·Ҹ "The Stroll" (2003) all directed by Alexei ‚ÂÂÌˈ‡ ‚ÒÚ˜ ó „ÓÒÚËÌˈ˚, Ô‡ÌÒËÓ̇Ú, ÓχÌÚ˘ÂÒÍË ÔÓ„ÛÎÍË. Uchitel, with whom she has worked since œÓÒÚÂÔÂÌÌÓ Î„ÍÓÒÚ¸ ÍÛ‰‡-ÚÓ ËÒ˜ÂÁ·, ÓÒڇ·Ҹ ˘ÂÏˇ˘‡ˇ ÔÓÚ·ÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚ˉÂÚ¸ 1995. "Relations" is her directorial debut. ‰Û„ ‰Û„‡. ¬ÁÓÒÎ˚ ÒÂÏÂÈÌ˚ β‰Ë, ÓÌË Ò Ò‡ÏÓ„Ó Ì‡˜‡Î‡ ‰Ó„Ó‚ÓËÎËÒ¸, ˜ÚÓ Ì Òӷˇ˛ÚÒˇ ÌË ‡Á‚Ó‰ËÚ¸Òˇ, ÌË Ú‚ÓÊËÚ¸ Ò‚ÓËı ÒÛÔÛ„Ó‚ ÔÓ‰ÓÁÂÌˡÏË. ÕÓ Ú‡Í, ÍÓ̘ÌÓ, Ì ÔÓÎÛ˜‡ÂÚÒˇÖ Love story. Ilya lives in Moscow, Nina in Petersburg. He is a successful businessman, owner of hunting shops. His wife is beautiful and intelligent, a good housewife, and they have a twelve-year old daughter. Nina is an advertising agent.. Her husband is intelligent and caring, having taken on all family business; their son is in the second grade at school. Somewhere between St Petersburg and Moscow they meet Ö and fall in love with each other. A series of meetings followsÖ hotels, inns, romantic walksÖ Gradually the sense of lightness disappears, but the pressing need to see each other remains. As they are grown-up family people, they had agreed from the start that they would not to divorce, nor disturb their spouses with suspicion. But this is clearly impossible Ö ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition —“–¿ÕÕ»ü THE WANDERER 34 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 90 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, Dolby SRD 2005, Russia, 90 min, colour, 1:1.66, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ —„ÂÈ ü‡‡Ì‰‡¯Ó‚ Director Sergei Karandashov ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ –ËÚ‡ Ç„Ó, ÃËı‡ËÎ üÓÌÓ‚‡Î¸˜ÛÍ, Scriptwriters Rita Margo, Mikhail Konovalchuk —„ÂÈ ü‡‡Ì‰‡¯Ó‚, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ›‰„‡ ¡‡ÚÂÌ‚‡, with participation of Edgar Bartenev, Alexei Tyurikov ¿ÎÂÍÒ¡ “˛ËÍÓ‚‡ Camera Alexander Kuznetsov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ üÛÁ̈ӂ Art Director Leonid Karpov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ÀÂÓÌˉ ü‡ÔÓ‚ Costumes Sofia Azarkhi, Tatiana Ilyina üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ —ÓÙ¸ˇ ¿Á‡ıË, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ »Î¸Ë̇ Composers Alexei P.Zubarev, Alexander Zhuravliov, üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ˚ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ œ.«Û·‡Â‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ∆Û‡‚΂, Gavriil Lubnin √‡‚ËËÎ ÀÛ·ÌËÌ Sound Alexander Dudarev, Vitaly Sorokin «‚ÛÍ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ƒÛ‰‡Â‚, ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ —ÓÓÍËÌ Editing Raisa Lisova ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê –‡ËÒ‡ ÀËÒÓ‚‡ Cast: Vitaly Pichik, Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya, Tolia Klochiev, ¬ ÓΡı: ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ œË˜ËÍ, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ √ÓÓıÓ‚Ò͇ˇ, “ÓΡ Pyotr Kozhevnikov, Anatoly Dubinkin, Maxim Krivoborodov, üÎÓ˜¸Â‚, œÂÚ üÓÊ‚ÌËÍÓ‚, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ ƒÛ·ËÌÍËÌ, ÇÍÒËÏ Alexander Yuminov, Konstantin Bykov, Anatoly Buldakov, üË‚Ó·ÓÓ‰Ó‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ fiÏËÌÓ‚, üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ¡˚ÍÓ‚, Sergei Sveshnikov, Alexander Kamyshentsev ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ ¡ÛΉ‡ÍÓ‚, —„ÂÈ —‚¯ÌËÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ü‡Ï˚¯Â̈‚ Producer Viacheslav Telnov Production SDF (Studio of Documentary Films, St. œÓ‰˛Ò ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ “ÂθÌÓ‚ Petersburg) with participation of the Federal Agency for œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ƒ‘, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ Culture and Cinematography ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition —„ÂÈ ü‡‡Ì‰‡¯Ó‚ üËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÔËÁ ÍÓÌÍÛÒÓ‚ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ 1964 „Ó‰Û ‚ „ÓӉ ◊ÂΡ·ËÌÒÍÂ. ü‡Í ‡ÍÚÂ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ‡·ÓڇΠ‚ Ò‡ÏӉ¡ÚÂθÌÓÏ Ú‡ÚÂ, ÒÌËχΠÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚ ÙËθÏ˚ ̇ ˜ÂΡ·ËÌÒÍÓÈ ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ÃÓÚË‚ª. ¬ 1988-91 Û˜ËÎÒˇ ̇ 35 ËÒÍÛÒÒڂӂ‰˜ÂÒÍÓÏ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ıËÒÚˇÌÒÍÓ„Ó „ÛχÌËÚ‡ÌÓ„Ó ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ (—œ·), Ò 1991 ó ‚ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓÈ Ï‡ÒÚÂÒÍÓÈ ¿ÎÂÍÒ¡ √Âχ̇ (—ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ÔÂ‚Ó„Ó Ë ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌÓ„Ó ÙËθχ, ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ). ÃËÒÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡/ œËÚ˜‡. üÓ„‰‡-ÚÓ ñ ˝ÚÓ ·˚ÎÓ ‰‡‚Ì˚Ï-‰‡‚ÌÓ ó ÌÂ·Ó ·˚ÎÓ ÌËÊÂ, Ë ¡Ó„ ¬ 1993-97 ó ÂÊËÒÒÂ-Òڇʠ̇ ÙËθÏ ‡Á„Ó‚‡Ë‚‡Î Ò Î˛‰¸ÏË ˇÁ˚ÍÓÏ ˜Û‰ÂÒ Ë Á̇ÏÂÌËÈ. ∆‡Ê‰‡ ´’ÛÒڇ΂, χ¯ËÌÛ!ª ¿ÎÂÍÒ¡ √Âχ̇. ˜Û‰‡ Ë ÚÂÔ¸ ÔÓ‰ÒÔÛ‰ÌÓ ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚ ͇ʉÓÏ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍÂ. √ÂÓÈ — 2000 ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Ì‡ ÏÌÓ„ÓÒÂËÈÌÓÏ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓÏ ÚÂÎÂÔÓÂÍÚ ´Œ·‡Ú̇ˇ ÙËθχ ‘∏‰Ó ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÒˇ ҂ˉÂÚÂÎÂÏ ÌÂÒ˜‡ÒÚÌÓ„Ó ÒÎÛ˜‡ˇ, ‚ ÒÚÓÓ̇ «ÂÏÎ˪ (Ô‚˚ ÙËθÏ˚: ÂÁÛθڇÚ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó „Ë·ÌÛÚ ·ÎËÁÍË ÂÏÛ Î˛‰Ë. ŒÌ ¯‡ÂÚ, ´œË·ÂÊË˘Âª ó ÔÂÏˡ ´À‡‚Ó‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª ˜ÚÓ ÒÔ‡ÒÒˇ Ì ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ, Ë ˜ÚÓ ÚÂÔ¸ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ËÁÏÂÌËÚ¸ Ò‚Ó˛ Á‡ ËÁÓ·‡ÁËÚÂθÌÓ ¯ÂÌË ÙËθχ, 2001); ÊËÁ̸. ∆Ë‚ˇ Ó‰ËÌ ‚ ÎÂÒÛ, ‚ ÓÒÚ‡‚¯ÂÏÒˇ ÓÚ ‚ÓÈÌ˚ ´œÓÔ Ë ÔËıÓ‰ª ñ 2003). ”˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ´œÂÚ·ۄ-300ª (—ƒ‘), ‚ ‡Ï͇ı ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Á‡·Ó¯ÂÌÌÓÏ ƒŒ“Â, ÓÌ Ô˚Ú‡ÂÚÒˇ ÊËÚ¸ Ú‡Í, Í‡Í ÊËÎË ÒÌˇÎ ÌÂË„Ó‚ÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ´ƒ‡ª (2002). Ô‡‚ÓÒ·‚Ì˚ ÓÚ¯ÂθÌËÍË, ËÁ‚Ó‰ˇ Ò·ˇ ÏÓÎËÚ‚‡ÏË Ë ´—Ú‡ÌÌËͪ ñ ‰Â·˛Ú ‚ Ë„Ó‚ÓÏ ÍËÌÓ.. ÔÓÒÚ‡ÏË. ¬ ˝ÚÓÏ ÌÓ‚ÓÏ ÏË ‘Â‰Ó Ì‡ıÓ‰ËÚ ÔÓ‚Ó‰ÌË͇ ñ Sergei Karandashov ÓÚˆ‡ »Î·ËÓ̇. ” ÓÚ¯ÂθÌË͇, ̇ÍÓ̈, ÔÓˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ Film director, prize-winner of documentary ̇‰Âʉ‡ ̇ ÚÓ, ˜ÚÓ ÒÍÓÓ ÓÌ ÒÚ‡ÌÂÚ Ó˜Â‚Ë‰ˆÂÏ ŒÚÍÓ‚ÂÌˡ. film competitions. Born in 1964 in ÕÓ ÓÚˆ‡ »Î·ËÓ̇ ÌÂÎÂÔÓ Ë ·ÂÒÒÏ˚ÒÎÂÌÌÓ Û·Ë‚‡˛Ú. Chelyabinsk. Acted and directed at an amateur theatre, made shorts at the œÂÂÊË‚ „ÎÛ·ÓÍÓ ÓÚ˜‡ˇÌËÂ, ‘Â‰Ó ‚ÂÌÂÚÒˇ Í Î˛‰ˇÏ, Chelyabinsk studio ìMotiveî. From 1988-91 ËÒÔ˚Ú‡ÂÚ Î˛·Ó‚¸ Ë Â‚ÌÓÒÚ¸, ÌÂ̇‚ËÒÚ¸ Ë ÒÚ‡ı. » Î˯¸ studied at the Faculty of Art History of the ‰Óȉˇ ‰Ó ͇ˇ ó ¯˂¯ËÒ¸ ̇ Û·ËÈÒÚ‚Ó ó ÒÚ‡ÌÂÚ Russian Christian Humanities Institute (St.. ҂ˉÂÚÂÎÂÏ ˜Û‰‡Ö Petersburg); from 1991 studied under Alexei German in his directorsí workshop (Studio of First Experimental Film, Lenfilm). From Mystical drama. Parable. 1993-97 trainee director on Germanís film A long time ago the heavens were lower and God spoke to the ìKhrustalev, my Car!î. Since 2000 works on the multi-serial documentary television people through miracles and signs. The thirst for a miracle project ìThe Other Side of the Earthî (first remains latent in every man. The filmís hero Fiodor witnesses films: ìShelterî, Laurel Award for graphic an accident, as a result of which those close to him perish. design, 2001; ìThe Priest and the Parishî, 2003). Participated in the project ìPetersburg ñ He decides that he was saved for a reason and that he must 300î (SDF) where he made the documentary now change his life. Living alone in the forest, in a deserted film ìThe Giftî (2002). ìThe Wandererî is pill-box from the war, he tries to live in the manner of his debut in fiction feature films. orthodox eremites, exhausting himself in prayers and fasting, without experiencing a revelation. At last Fiodor finds a companion in this new world: father Illarion. The eremite finds hope. But father Illarion is killed in a ridiculous and senseless way. After deep despair Fiodor returns to the world and experiences love and jealousy, hatred and fear. Only when he goes right to the brink of the abyss, deciding to kill himself, he witnesses a miracleÖ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition “Œ◊ü¿ THE SPOT 36 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 85 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 85 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ fiËÈ ÃÓÓÁ Director Yuri Moroz ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ √Ë„ÓËÈ –ˇÊÒÍËÈ, fiËÈ ÃÓÓÁ Scriptwriters Grigory Ryazhsky, Yuri Moroz œÓ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚË √Ë„Óˡ –ˇÊÒÍÓ„Ó Novel by Grigory Ryazhsky ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È »‚‡ÒË‚ Camera Nikolai Ivasiv ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ≈͇ÚÂË̇ üÓÊ‚ÌËÍÓ‚‡ Art Director Ekaterina Kozhevnikova üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ƒ‡ËÌ —˚ÒÓ‚ Composer Darin Sysoev üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ŒÒËÔÓ‚ Costumes Alexander Osipov «‚ÛÍ Ã‡Ë̇ Õ˄χÚÛÎË̇ Sound Marina Nigmatulina ¬ ÓΡı: ƒ‡¸ˇ ÃÓÓÁ, ¬ËÍÚÓˡ »Ò‡ÍÓ‚‡, ¿Ì̇ ”ÍÓÎÓ‚‡, Cast: Darya Moroz, Victoria Isakova, Anna Ukolova, Elena ≈ÎÂ̇ flÍӂ΂‡, ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚, ÃËı‡ËÎ √Ó‚ÓÈ Yakovleva, Mikhail Efremov, Mikhail Gorevoy œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´üÓÎ˷˪ ÔÓ Á‡Í‡ÁÛ ´÷ÂÌڇΠProduction Central Partnership, Colibri Studio with the œ‡Ú̯ËÔª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ¿„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ participation of the Federal Agency for Culture and ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Cinematography œÓÍ‡Ú ´÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔª Distribution Central Partnership ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition fiËÈ ÃÓÓÁ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ‡ÍÚÂ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ ü‡ÒÌÓ‰ÓÌ (29.09.1956). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÿÍÓÎÛÒÚÛ‰Ë˛ Ã’¿“ (1979, ÍÛÒ ¬.ü. ÃÓÌ˛ÍÓ‚‡), ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (1988, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ —.¿. √‡ÒËÏÓ‚‡ Ë “.‘. Ç͇ӂÓÈ). ¬ 1979-87 ñ ‡ÍÚ Ú‡ڇ ËÏÂÌË ÀÂÌËÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÍÓÏÒÓÏÓ·. ¬ ÍËÌÓ ‰Â·˛ÚËÓ‚‡Î Í‡Í ‡ÍÚ ‚ 1980 „Ó‰Û. ¬ 37 ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ñ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ÒÚÛÍÚÛ˚ üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ´÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔª. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1990 ....œÓ‰ÁÂÏÂθ ‚‰¸Ï 1992 ....◊ÂÌ˚È Í‚‡‰‡Ú 2000 ....ü‡ÏÂÌÒ͇ˇ (Ò¡Î) 2002 ....ü‡ÏÂÌÒ͇ˇ ñ 2 (Ò¡Î) 2003 ....ü‡ÏÂÌÒ͇ˇ ñ 3 (Ò¡Î) 2004 ....∆ÂÌ˘Ë̇ ‚ Ë„Â ·ÂÁ Ô‡‚ËÎ (Ò¡Î) 2005 ....ƒÂÚË ¬‡Ì˛ıË̇ (Ò¡Î) 2006 ....“Ә͇ Yuri Moroz Director, producer, and actor. Born in Krasnodon (29.09.1956). Graduated from the Moscow Art Theatre Studio School (1979, course of V. Monyukov), and from the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (1988, class of S. Gerasimov and T. Makarova). From 1979-87 actor at the ƒ‡Ï‡Ú˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı ‰Â‚Û¯ÂÍ, ‡·ÓÚ‡˛˘Ëı ̇ Lenkom Theatre, Moscow. His debut as film actor was in 1980. At present he is art ´ÚӘͪ. ü‡Ê‰‡ˇ ËÁ „ÂÓË̸ ÓÚ˜‡ˇÌÌÓ ˆÂÔΡÂÚÒˇ Á‡ director in the production department of the ̇‰ÂÊ‰Û Ì‡ ´ÌÓχθÌÛ˛ª ÊËÁ̸. ÕÓ ÂÒÎË ÍÓÏÛ-ÚÓ Û‰‡ÒÚÒˇ film company ìCentral Partnershipî. ‚˚‚‡Ú¸Òˇ ËÁ ÔÓÓ˜ÌÓ„Ó ÍÛ„‡, ÚÓ ÍÚÓ-ÚÓ Ó·Â˜ÂÌ ÓÒÚ‡Ú¸Òˇ ‚ Directorís Filmography: ÌÂÏ Ì‡‚Ò„‰‡Ö 1990 ....The Underworld of Witches 1992 ....Black Square 2000 ....Kamenskaya (serial) The dramatic story of young girls working on the ëspotí. The 2002 ....Kamenskaya 2 (serial) 2003 ....Kamenskaya 3 (serial) girls desperately cling to the hope for a ënormalí life. But 2004 ....A Woman in a Game without Rules while some manage to escape from the vicious circle, others (serial) 2005 ....Vaniukhinís Children (serial) 2006 ....The Spot are doomed to remain trapped forever Ö ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ◊≈ÀŒ¬≈ü ¡≈«¬Œ«¬–¿“Õ¤… THE MAN OF NO RETURN 38 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 104 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1: 1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 104 min, colour, 1: 1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ ≈͇ÚÂË̇ √ÓıÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Director Ekaterina Grokhovskaia ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ œÂÚ —ÚÂÔËÌ Scriptwriter Pyotr Styopin ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¿Ì‰Ë‡ÌÓ‚ Camera Alexei Andrianov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿ÌÚÓÌË̇ Ç‚Ë̇ Art Director Antonina Mavrina üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ √‡Î¸ÔÂËÌ Composer Evgeny Galperin «‚ÛÍ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ œÛÁËÍÓ‚ Sound Alexei Puzikov –ÂÊËÒÒ ÏÓÌڇʇ ≈͇ÚÂË̇ √ÓıÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Directorís Cut Ekaterina Grokhovskaia ¬ ÓΡı: √‡ÎË̇ …ӂӂ˘ (ÀÓ„ËÌÓ‚‡), ≈͇ÚÂË̇ –‰ÌËÍÓ‚‡, Cast: Galina Jovovich (Loginova), Ekaterina Rednikova, Sergei —„ÂÈ ü‡ÔË‚‡, ¿Ì̇ ◊ÛË̇, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ≈„ÓÓ‚, ¿ÎÂ̇ Krapiva, Anna Churina, Andrey Egorov, Alyona Yakovleva, flÍӂ΂‡, —„ÂÈ ◊ÓÌ˯‚ËÎË, ¿Ì̇ ’ËθÍ‚˘, ≈ÎÂ̇ Sergei Chonishvili, Anna Khilkevich, Elena Valyushkina, ¬‡Î˛¯ÍË̇, ÃËı‡ËÎ –ÂÏËÁÓ‚, ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ √Ó„ÛÌÒÍËÈ, ŒÎ¸„‡ Mikhail Remizov, Vitaly Gogunsky, Olga Zaitseva «‡ÈˆÂ‚‡ Producers Igor Zadorin, Dmitry Rubin œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ »„Ó¸ «‡‰ÓËÌ, ƒÏËÚËÈ –Û·ËÌ Production and Sales ZGfilm, Cineline Studio œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Ë Ô‡‚‡ ZGfilm, Cineline Studio ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ≈͇ÚÂË̇ √ÓıÓ‚Ò͇ˇ - ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ. –Ӊ˷Ҹ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ñ ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ͇ ÔÓÒΉÌÂ„Ó ÍÛÒ‡ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ‡ ¬√»ü‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ≈.».“‡¯ÍÓ‚‡). ƒÓ ÔÓÒÚÛÔÎÂÌˡ ‚Ó ¬√»ü Ë ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ۘ·˚ ÒÌËχ· ÍÎËÔ˚ Ë ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ ÍÓÓÚÍË ÙËθÏ˚. ”˜Â·Ì‡ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ñ ´ƒ‚Óª - Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î‡ ̇ ÏÌÓ„Ëı ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ÒÚÛ‰Â̘ÂÒÍËı 39 ÙÓÛχı, ÔÓÎۘ˷ „·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ´ƒÂ·˛Ú-üËÌÓÚ‡‚. üÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚª Œ–ü‘ ‚ —Ó˜Ë, 2005. ´◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ·ÂÁ‚ÓÁ‚‡ÚÌ˚Ȫ - Ô‚‡ˇ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡Ê̇ˇ ͇ÚË̇. Ekaterina Grokhovskaia Director and scriptwriter. Born in Moscow. Currently graduating from the Directorsí Faculty at the Film Institute VGIK (class of Evgeny Tashkov). Before and during her study, she made clips and experimental short films. Her course work ìTwoî took part in many international student forums and received the main prize of the programme ìKinotavr Debuts: Shortsî at the Film Festival in Sochi in 2005. ìThe Man of No Returnî is her first full-length feature film. ƒ‡Ï‡. —Û‰¸·˚ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍËı ÒÂÏÂÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚÌÓ„Ó ÔË‚ÓÎÊÒÍÓ„Ó „ÓÓ‰‡, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÌÂÁ̇ÍÓÏ˚ ‰Û„ Ò ‰Û„ÓÏ, ÌÓ Ëı ÊËÁÌË Ó͇Á˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ̇Á˚‚ÌÓ Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÌ˚ÏË Ë ‚Á‡ËÏÓÁ‡‚ËÒËÏ˚ÏË. ƒ‚Â̇‰ˆ‡Ú¸ „·‚Ì˚ı „ÂÓ‚, Ë Í‡Ê‰˚È ·ÓÂÚÒˇ ÒÓ Ò‚ÓËÏË ‰ÂÏÓ̇ÏË ÔÓ-Ò‚ÓÂÏÛ. » Î˯¸ Ó‰ÌÓ Ëı Ó·˙‰ËÌˇÂÚ ñ β·Ó‚¸ Í Ò‚ÓÂÏÛ „ÓÓ‰Û, ÒÚÂÏÎÂÌËÂ Í Ò˜‡ÒÚ¸˛, β·‚Ë Ë ÔÓÍÓ˛. Drama. The destinies of several families from a provincial town on the Volga, who do not know each other, but whose lives seem to be inextricably linked and mutually dependent on each other. Twelve protagonists, who all struggle with their inner devils in their own way. Only one thing bonds them: the love for their town, the aspiration for happiness, love and peace. ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition ›…‘Œ–»fl EUPHORIA 40 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 74 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 74 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ »‚‡Ì ¬˚˚ԇ‚ Scriptwriter and Director Ivan Vyrypaev ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ Õ‡È‰ÂÌÓ‚ Camera Andrey Naydionov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ (ÔÓÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ Ë ÍÓÒÚ˛Ï˚) fiËÈ ’‡ËÍÓ‚ Art Director, Costum Designer Yuri Kharikov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿È‰‡ √‡ÈÌÛÎÎËÌ Composer Aydar Gaynullin «‚ÛÍ üËËÎÎ ¬‡ÒËÎÂÌÍÓ Sound Kirill Vasilenko ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »„Ó¸ Ç·ıÓ‚ Editor Igor Malakhov ¬ ÓΡı: œÓÎË̇ ¿„Û‚‡, ÇÍÒËÏ ”¯‡ÍÓ‚, ÃËı‡ËÎ Cast: Polina Agureeva, Maxim Ushakov, Mikhail Okunev, ŒÍÛÌ‚, ljÎÂÌ ƒÊ‡·‡ËÎÓ‚‡, ÇÍÒËÏ ÀËÚÓ‚˜ÂÌÍÓ, Madlen Dzhabrailova, Maxim Litovchenko, Evgenia Dmitrieva, ≈‚„ÂÌˡ ƒÏËÚË‚‡, ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ üÓÍÓËÌ, «Óˇ «‡‰ÓÓÊ̇ˇ Viacheslav Kokorin, Zoia Zadorozhnaia œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÿÂÈÌ, √ÂÓ„ËÈ ÀÓ‰ÍËÔ‡ÌˉÁ Producers Alexander Shein, Georgy Lordkipanidze œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´œÂ‚Ó üËÌÓÔ‡ÚÌÂÒÚ‚Óª, ´2 ÔÎ‡Ì 2ª Production Pervoe Kinopartnerstvo, 2 plan 2 ÍÓÌÍÛÒ competition »‚‡Ì ¬˚˚ԇ‚ ƒ‡Ï‡ÚÛ„, ‡ÍÚÂ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ. À‡ÛÂ‡Ú Ò‡Ï˚ı ÔÂÒÚËÊÌ˚ı Ú‡ڇθÌ˚ı ÔÂÏËÈ Ë ÔÂÏËË œÂÁˉÂÌÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓ‚ÂÚ‡ ´«‡ ‚Í·‰ ‚ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ ÎËÚ‡ÚÛÛª. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 3 ‡‚„ÛÒÚ‡ 1974 „Ó‰‡. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ »ÍÛÚÒÍÓ Ú‡ڇθÌÓ ۘËÎˢ (1995). ¿‚ÚÓ ÍËÌÓÒˆÂ̇Ë‚: ´ƒÛ„ÓÈ ‡ÈÓ̪, ´¡ÛÌͪ, ´¿ÌÚÓÌË̇ ӄΡÌÛ·Ҹª, 41 ´¡Ûı‡ÂÒÚ 68ª, ´¡ÛÏÂ-2ª (ÒÓ‡‚ÚÓ). ¿‚ÚÓ Ô¸ÂÒ: ´»˛Î¸ª, ´¡˚ÚË π 2ª, ´üËÒÎÓÓ‰ª, ´¬‡ÎÂÌÚËÌÓ‚ ‰Â̸ª, ´√ÓÓ‰, „‰Â ˇª, ´—Ì˚ª. œÓ Ô¸ÂÒ‡Ï »‚‡Ì‡ ¬˚˚ԇ‚‡ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ Love story/ ƒ‡Ï‡. ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ÍÎË ‚Ó ÏÌÓ„Ëı Ú‡ڇı Ïˇ. ¿‚ÚÓ »ÒÚÓˡ β·‚Ë ÏÛʘËÌ˚ Ë ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ˚ ó ÌÂʉ‡ÌÌÓÈ, ÍÌË„Ë ´13 ÚÂÍÒÚÓ‚, ̇ÔËÒ‡ÌÌ˚ı ÓÒÂ̸˛ª ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÈ, ·ÂÒÔÓ˘‡‰ÌÓÈ. ›Ú‡ ËÒÚÓˡ Ó ÚÓ„‡ÚÂθÌ˚ı Ë (ËÁ‰-‚Ó ´¬ÂÏˇª, 2005). ´›ÈÙÓˡª ñ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú ‚ ÍËÌÓ. Ivan Vyrypaev ÊÂÒÚÓÍËı β‰ˇı, Ë ·ÂÁÏÓ΂ÌÓÏ Ò‚Ë‰ÂÚÂΠËı ÒÚ‡ÒÚÂÈ ñ –ÂÍÂ, ‚Â΢ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÌÂÒÛ˘ÂÈ Ò‚ÓË ‚Ó‰˚ ˜ÂÂÁ ‚Â͇. Õ Playwright, actor, director. Winner of the ̇ۘÂÌÌ˚ β·ËÚ¸ Ë ·˚Ú¸ β·ËÏ˚ÏË, ÓÌË, Í‡Í ‰ÂÚË, Ì most prestigious theatre awards and the prize ÏÓ„ÛÚ ÒÔ‡‚ËÚ¸Òˇ Ò Óı‚‡ÚË‚¯ÂÈ Ëı ˝ÈÙÓËÂÈ. Õ‡ ÙÓÌ of the Presidential Council "For the Contribution to Russian Literature". ‰ËÍÓÈ ÔËÓ‰˚ ÓÌË Î˯¸ χÎÂ̸ÍË ·ÂÒÔÓÏÓ˘Ì˚ Born on 3 August 1974. Graduated from ÙË„ÛÍË, ̇ıÓ‰ˇ˘ËÂÒˇ ÔÓ‰ ‚·ÒÚ¸˛ ƒÛı‡ ÒÚÂÔË ó Irkutsk Theatre School (1995). Writer of film scripts: "Another District", "Bunker", ÒÚ‡¯ÌÓ„Ó Ë ÔÂ͇ÒÌÓ„ÓÖ "Antonina Looks Back", "Bucharest 68", "Bimmer 2" (co-author). Author of plays: "July", "Genesis No. 2", Love story/ Drama. "Oxygen", "Valentine's Day", "The City, where The love story of a man and a woman; a story of unexpected, I am", "Dreams". Ivan Vyrypaev's plays have true, and ruthless love. This story is about moving and harsh been staged at many theatres worldwide. He is the author of the book "Thirteen Texts people, and the silent witness of their passion: the River that Written in the Autumn" (published by majestically carries its waters through centuries. Without "Vremya", 2005). "Euphoria" is his directorial debut. having learnt to love and to be loved, they are like children; they cannot cope with the euphoria that has taken hold of them. Against the backdrop of untamed nature, they are just small and helpless figures, standing under the power of the terrible and beautiful Spirit of the steppeÖ 42 ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚ ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr shorts ∆fi–» / JURY ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ Ã‡ÌÒÍËÈ ÂÊËÒÒÂ-‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎËÒÚ, ÔÓ‰˛Ò ñ Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ Ê˛Ë Vitaly Mansky director of documentary cinema, producer ñ jury chairman «‡‡ ¿·‰Û炇 ÍËÚËÍ, ‚Â‰Û˘‡ˇ ´üËÌÓÓ·ÓÁÂÌˡª ̇ ‡‰ËÓ ´üÛθÚÛ‡ª Zara Abdullaeva critic, presenter of the programme ìCinema Surveyî on radio ìKulturaî ≈„Ó ¿Ì‡¯ÍËÌ ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÒ Egor Anashkin film director ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ’‡ÎÔ‡ı˜Ë „Â̇θÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ Ãü‘ ´ÃÓÎÓ‰ÓÒÚ¸ª, ‡Ú-‰ËÂÍÚÓ Ãü‘ ´üÓÌÚ‡ÍÚª, üË‚, ”͇Ë̇ Andrei Khalpakhchi general director of the IFF ìMolodistî, artdirector of the IFF ìContactî, Kiev, Ukraine 1919 hard ‡ÙË͇ÌÒ͇ˇ ÍÓÎ˚·Âθ̇ˇ ·ÂÒ·Ì. ҂ˉÂÚÂÎË ‚ ÒÎÓχÌÌ˚È ÏËÍÓÒÍÓÔ Ï˚ ۂˉËÏ Í‡Á‡Ì¸ ‚ÓÓÌ-Ó·Ï‡Ì˘ËÍ ‚˚‰Óı „‡‰˛¯ÓÌÓÍ „‰Â Á‡ı‡? ‰Â‚Ó˜ÍË ÊÂÒÚ˚Ö ÔËÏËÂÌË ÁËÏÌË ͇ÌËÍÛÎ˚ ÁÎ˚‰ÌË Í‡Úӯ͇ ̇ ҇ΠÎËÏ‡Ì ÎÛ̇ÚÌ˚ ۯ‡ÒÚËÍË Ï‡ÒÂθÂÁ‡ ÏÓÈ ÍÂÒ΂ÒÍËÈ ÏÓÂÖ Í‡ÏÌËÖ Ë Î˛·Ó‚¸ ̇‚‡Ê‰ÂÌË Á‡Ô‡ı‡ ÌÂÔˡÚ̇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ ÔÓ͇ ÓÌ ÎÂڇΠÔÓ·ÛʉÂÌË Óχ¯ÍË Ò‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÚ‚Ó Ò‚ÓÈ, ˜ÛÊÓÈ ÒÂÌÚÂ̈ËË Ô‡ÌÚÂΡ ͇χÌÓ‚‡ ÒÓÒ‰͇ ‚‡ÈÒχ̇ ÒÔ‡ÒË·Ó Á‡ ˚·Û ÒÚ‡‡ˇ ‰‡˜‡ ÚÓÔÓˢ ڇ„ËÚÛ„Ëˇ 1919 HARD AN AFRICAN LULLABY BESLAN. WITNESSES WE WILL SEE KAZAN IN THE BROKEN MICROSCOPE THE RAVEN CHEAT EXHALE GADYUSHONOK [NASTY BOY] WHERE IS ZAKHAR? GIRLS GESTURESÖ RECONCILIATION THE WINTER VACATION WICKED CREATURES FRIED POTATOES ESTUARY BIG-EARED SLEEPWALKERS MARSEILLAISE MY KIESLOWSKI SEAÖ STONESÖ AND LOVE SCENT OBSESSION UNPLEASANT STORY WHILE HE WAS FLYING AWAKENING CAMOMILES COURTSHIP OURS, THEIRS THE MAXIMS OF PANTELEI KARMANOV WEISSMANíS NEIGHBOUR THANKS FOR THE FISH THE OLD DACHA THE AXE HELVE TRAGITURGIA 43 ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts 1919 44 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 14 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 35 ÏÏ 2005, Russia, 14 min, colour, 35 mm –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÔÓ‰˛Ò Director and Producer Leila Nedorosleva ÀÂÈ· Õ‰ÓÓÒ΂‡ Camera Denis Alarcon Ramires ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ƒÂÌËÒ ¿Î‡ÍÓÌ –‡ÏËÂÒ Production HCSF ñ High Courses of œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬ü—– ñ ¬˚үˠÍÛÒ˚ Scriptwriters and Film Directors ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ (Moscow) ÀÂÈ· Õ‰ÓÓÒ΂‡ –Ӊ˷Ҹ ‚ ¡‡Ì‡ÛÎÂ. »ÏÂÂÚ ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌÓ ӷ‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌË (ÙÓÚÂÔˇÌÓ). –‡·Óڇ· ÍÓ̈ÂÚÏÂÈÒÚÂÓÏ Ë ‰ËËÊÂÓÏ ÓÍÂÒÚ‡. ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ¿ÎÚ‡ÈÒÍËÈ ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ ÔÓ ÒÔˆˇθÌÓÒÚË ´ÍÛθÚÛÌÓÔÓÒ‚ÂÚËÚÂθÒ͇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ª, Ò 1999 „Ó‰‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ ‚ ‘Ó̉ ËÏÂÌË √ÂÌËı‡ ÕÂÈ„‡ÛÁ‡. ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ Û˜ËÚÒˇ ̇ ¬˚Ò¯Ëı ÍÛÒ‡ı ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬.». ’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ, œ.ü. ‘ËÌ̇, ¬.¿. ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ). ´1919ª ó ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡. ¿Î΄Óˡ. Allegory. 1919 „Ó‰ ñ √‡Ê‰‡ÌÒ͇ˇ ‚ÓÈ̇, The year is 1919, during the Civil War ÔÓÓʉÂÌ̇ˇ ÍÓ‚‡‚ÓÈ Â‚ÓβˆËÂÈ ‚ that followed the bloody Revolution in –ÓÒÒËË. œ‡ÚËÁ‡ÌÒÍËÈ Ó·ÓÁ, „ÓÌËÏ˚È Russia. A guerrilla unit transport, ÒËÎÓÈ Ó·ÒÚÓˇÚÂθÒÚ‚, ÛıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ driven by the force of circumstances, Á‡ÒÌÂÊÂÌÌÛ˛ ‰‡Î¸, ‡ ‚ÏÂÒÚÂ Ò ÌËÏ, disappears into a remote snow-covered Ê·ˇ ÔË·ÎËÁËÚ¸Òˇ Í Ò‚ÓÂÈ Ï˜ÚÂ, area. With the unit is a man who ˉÂÚ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ñ Ó‰ËÌ Ì‡ Ó‰ËÌ ÒÓ wishes to come closer to his dream he is Ò‚ÓËÏË ÒÚ‡ı‡ÏË, ÒÚ‡‰‡ÌˡÏË Ë alone with his fears, sufferings and ÔÂÂÊË‚‡ÌˡÏËÖ worriesÖ Leila Nedorosleva Born in Barnaul. Musical School (specialized in piano). Worked as conductor. Graduated from Altai University of Culture in ìCultural and Educational Workî. Since 1999 works in the Heinrich Neuhaus Fund. At present enrolled on the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (class of Vladimir Khotinenko, Pavel Finn, Vladimir Fenchenko). ì1919î is her course work. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts HARD 45 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 8 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 2006, Russia, 8 min, colour, Betacam SP/ DVD, ‡ÌËχˆËˇ Betacam SP, animation ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ÔÓ ÒÔˆˇθÌÓÒÚË ¿‚ÚÓ Ë ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ Author and Project Director ´ÏÂÊÍÛθÚÛÌ˚ ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆË˪, ¿ÚÂÏ »Ò‡‡ÍˇÌ Artiom Isaakian ÎËÌ„‚ËÒÚ-Ô‚Ӊ˜ËÍ. ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â »ÒÔÓθÁÛÂχˇ ÏÛÁ˚͇ Bill Brown Music Bill Brown ‚ÂÏˇ ó ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ ¬˚Ò¯Ëı ÍÛÒÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬ü—– Production Higher Courses of ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ œ‡‚‡ ¿ÚÂÏ »Ò‡‡ÍˇÌ Scriptwriters and Directors ¿ÚÂÏ »Ò‡‡ÍˇÌ (. 1983, „. –ˇÁ‡Ì¸). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ –ˇÁ‡ÌÒÍËÈ Ô‰‡„ӄ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Sales Artiom Isaakian ¬.». ’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ, œ.ü. ‘ËÌ̇, ¬.¿. ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ), Artiom Isaakian (b. 1983, Ryazan). Graduated from Ryazan Pedagogical University in ìintercultural communicationsî, linguist and translator. Currently a student of the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (course of V. Khotinenko, P. Finn, V. Fenchenko). √ÂÓ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡ Ò ´ËÒÚËÌÓÈ ‚ Heroic drama with ìtruth in the finaleî ÙË̇Ϊ Ó ÒÎÓÊÌ˚ı ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡı ‚ about complex relationships in difficult ÌÂÔÓÒÚ˚ı ÛÒÎӂˡı ·˚Úˡ ñ ËÒÚÓˡ, circumstances. A story that cannot be ÍÓÚÓÛ˛ ÌÂθÁˇ ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡Ú¸ Ë̇˜Â. told differently. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ¿‘–»ü¿Õ—ü¿fl üŒÀ¤¡≈À‹Õ¿fl AN AFRICAN LULLABY 46 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 3 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ‡ÌËχˆËˇ 2005, Russia, 3 min, colour, animation ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ Scriptwriter, Director, Art Director ≈ÎËÁ‡‚ÂÚ‡ —Í‚ÓˆÓ‚‡ Elizaveta Skvortsova »ÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ ÔÂÒÌË Performance Ladysmith Black Mambazo Ladysmith Black Mambazo Sound Sergei Kurbatov «‚ÛÍ —„ÂÈ üÛ·‡ÚÓ‚ Animators Anna Samoilovich, Natalia ¿ÌËχÚÓ˚ ¿Ì̇ —‡ÏÓÈÎӂ˘, Naumova, Veronika Fiodorova, Natalia Շڇθˇ Õ‡ÛÏÓ‚‡, ¬ÂÓÌË͇ ‘‰ÓÓ‚‡, Antipova, Maria Bystrova Շڇθˇ ¿ÌÚËÔÓ‚‡, Ã‡Ëˇ ¡˚ÒÚÓ‚‡ Producer Arsen Gotlib œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÒÂÌ √ÓÚÎË· Production Metronome Film ≈ÎËÁ‡‚ÂÚ‡ —Í‚ÓˆÓ‚‡ (. 1978, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÃÂÚÓÌÓÏ ÙËθϪ ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ÍÓÏÔ¸˛ÚÂÌÓÈ „‡ÙËÍË Ë ‡ÌËχˆËË ¿.Ã.√ÓÎÂÌÍÓ Ë ¬.œ.üÓÎÂÒÌËÍÓ‚ÓÈ). ”˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ Ë ÔËÁ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï, ‡ÌËχˆËˇ): ´ƒÓʉ¸ª (1999, ۘ·̇ˇ), ´ÒÂϸҌӘÂͪ (1999, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ´œÓ‰ÓÊ‰Ë ÔÓʇÎÛȪ (2002, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ; Ô‚‡ˇ ÔÂÏˡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ PIXEL). ¬ ¿ÙËÍ ÂÒÚ¸ Ú‡ÍË ÏÛ¯ÍË ó ÍÓ„‰‡ In Africa there are huge flies and when ÓÌË ÔÓ˛Ú, ‚Ò Á‡Ò˚Ô‡˛Ú. œÓ˝ÚÓÏÛ Ú‡Ï, they hum, everyone fall asleep. Therefore ‚ ¿ÙËÍÂ, ‚Ò ӘÂ̸ ÍÂÔÍÓ ÒÔˇÚÖ in Africa everybody sleeps so well Ö Elizaveta Skvortsova (b. 1978, Moscow). Graduated from the Arts Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (course of computer graphics and animation of Alexander Gorlenko and Violetta Kolesnikova). Participant and prizewinner of animation festivals. Films (shorts, animation): ìRainî (1999, practical), ìSevenShirtsî (1999, coursework, ìWait Perhapsî (2002, diploma; first prize of the festival PIXEL). BESLAN. WITNESSES ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ¡≈—À¿Õ. —¬»ƒ≈“≈À» 47 2004, –ÓÒÒˡ, 10 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam 2004, Russia, 10 min, colour, Betacam —ÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ͇ ÚÂÚ¸Â„Ó ÍÛÒ‡ ¬√»ü‡ ¿‚ÚÓ-ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÓÔ‡ÚÓ Scriptwriter, Director, Cinematographer (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ ÌÂË„Ó‚Ó„Ó ¬‡‚‡‡ üÛÁ̈ӂ‡ Varvara Kuznetsova ÍËÌÓ —. ¬. ÃËÓ¯Ì˘ÂÌÍÓ). ´¡ÂÒ·Ì. œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK ƒ‚‡ χθ˜Ë͇, ·˚‚¯Ë Á‡ÎÓÊÌËÍË Two boys, former hostages of the school ¯ÍÓÎ˚ ‚ ¡ÂÒ·ÌÂ, ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡˛Ú Ó ÚÓÏ, in Beslan, talk about the role of these ˜ÂÏ ÒÚ‡ÎË ‚ Ëı ÊËÁÌË ˝ÚË ÚË ‰Ìˇ. three days for their lives ¬‡‚‡‡ üÛÁ̈ӂ‡ (. 1980, „. ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰). —‚ˉÂÚÂÎ˪ - ۘ·̇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ (‚ÚÓÓÈ ÍÛÒ). ‘ËθÏ˚ (‰ÓÍ., Í/Ï): ´¡ÂÒ·Ì. —‚ˉÂÚÂÎ˪ (2004), ´¬ÌÛÚ˪ (2005), ´Õ‡ÔˇÏËͪ (2006). Varvara Kuznetsova (b. 1980, Leningrad). Currently third-year student of the Film Institute VGIK (course of film directing of Sergei Miroshnichenko). ìBeslan. Witnessesî is her second-year course work. Films (doc., shorts): Beslan. Witnesses (2004), Inside (2005), Straight (2006). ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ¬Œ–ŒÕ-Œ¡Ã¿ÕŸ»ü THE RAVEN CHEAT (‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌ˚È ˆËÍÎ ´√Ó‡ Ò‡ÏÓˆ‚ÂÚÓ‚ª) (animation cycle ìThe Mountain of Gemsî) 48 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 13í10î, ˆ‚., DVD, 2005, Russia, 13í10î, colour., DVD, ‡ÌËχˆËˇ, ËÒÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚È animation, drawn –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘ËÍ Director, Art Director ¿Ì‰ÂÈ üÛÁ̈ӂ Andrei Kuznetsov ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Scriptwriters Alexander Tatarsky, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “‡Ú‡ÒÍËÈ, Georgy Zakolodiazhny √ÂÓ„ËÈ «‡ÍÓÎÓ‰ˇÊÌ˚È Projectís Chief Alexander Tatarsky –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ Artists Andrey Kuznetsov, Sviatoslav ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “‡Ú‡ÒÍËÈ Ushakov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË ¿Ì‰ÂÈ üÛÁ̈ӂ, Narrator Alexander Pozharov —‚ˇÚÓÒ·‚ ”¯‡ÍÓ‚ Composer Georgy Andriyanov “ÂÍÒÚ ˜ËÚ‡ÂÚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œÓʇӂ Sound Vladislav Tarasov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ √ÂÓ„ËÈ ¿Ì‰ËˇÌÓ‚ Producer Irina Kaplichnaya «‚ÛÍ ¬Î‡‰ËÒ·‚ “‡‡ÒÓ‚ General Producer of Project œÓ‰˛Ò »Ë̇ ü‡Ô΢̇ˇ Igor Gelashvili √Â̇θÌ˚È ÔÓ‰˛Ò ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ Production Pilot, Eeroplan with »„Ó¸ √·¯‚ËÎË participation of the Federal Agency for œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´œËÎÓÚª, ´¿˝ÓÔ·̪, Culture and Cinematography ¿Ì‰ÂÈ üÛÁ̈ӂ (. 1966, „. fiÊÌÓ-—‡ı‡ÎËÌÒÍ). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ-„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ Ã√œ», Ò 1990 „Ó‰‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Ì‡ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓÈ ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´œËÎÓÚª. –ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú ó ´ü‡Í ӷχÌÛÎË «Ï¡ª (ˆËÍÎ ´√Ó‡ Ò‡ÏÓˆ‚ÂÚÓ‚ª). ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË »ÒÚÓˡ Ó ÚÓÏ, Í‡Í ‚ÓÓÌÛ-Ó·Ï‡Ì˘ËÍÛ On motives of an Itelmen fairytale. ÓÚÔ·ÚËÎË ÚÓÈ Ê ÏÓÌÂÚÓÈ, Ë ÓÌ A story about a raven, who cheats and ÔÓÒÚ‡‰‡Î ÓÚ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ Ê‡‰ÌÓÒÚË. is repaid with the same coin, and thus œÓ ÏÓÚË‚‡Ï ËÚÂθÏÂÌÒÍÓÈ Ò͇ÁÍË. suffers from his own greed. Andrei Kuznetsov (b. 1966, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk). Graduated from the arts and graphics department of Moscow State Polytechnic, since 1990 works at the animation studio ìPilotî. His directorial debut is ìHow the Snake was Deceivedî (cycle ìThe Mountain of Gemsî). WE WILL SEE KAZAN IN THE BROKEN MICROSCOPE ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ¬ —ÀŒÃ¿ÕÕ¤… ûü–Œ—üŒœ ä ”¬»ƒ»Ã ü¿«¿Õ‹ 49 2006, –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎË͇ “‡Ú‡ÒÚ‡Ì (–‘), 2006, Tatarstan Republic (RF), 20 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚. 20 min, colour ÒÚÛ‰ËË. œËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÓÔ‡ÚÓ —„ÂÈ ÀËÚӂˆ Director and Cinematographer ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÂÌËÒ ŒÒÓÍËÌ Sergei Litovets ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÓÔ‡ÚÓÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ ÀËÚӂˆ Scriptwriter Denis Osokin ¬√»ü‡ (1989, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬‡‰Ëχ «‚ÛÍ œ‡‚ÂÎ —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, Composer Tatiana Litovets fiÒÓ‚‡). ¬ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ÓÔ‡ÚÓ‡ ÒÌˇÎ ¬ËÍÚÓ üΡ˜ÍËÌ, ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ ¬ÓÓ·¸Â‚ Sound Pavel Sokolovsky, ·ÓΠ20-ÚË ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚, ¬ ÙËθÏ ÒÌËχÎËÒ¸: ŒÎ„ —Ë·ıËÌ, Victor Klyachkin, Vyacheslav Vorobiov Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î ‚ Ò˙ÂÏ͇ı Ë„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÙËθχ ÇË̇ œÓÔÓ‚‡, ¬‡ÒËÎËÈ ¡‡È„Û¯ÍËÌ, Characters: Oleg Silakhin, ´üÓÚÂÌÓͪ »‚‡Ì‡ œÓÔÓ‚‡ (1996). «ÛÙ‡ ’‡ÙËÁÓ‚, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ÀËÚӂˆ Marina Popova, Vasily Baygushkin, ƒÂ·˛Ú ‚ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ÂÊËÒÒ‡ - œÓ‰˛Ò ÃËı‡ËÎ ÃËı‡ÈÎÓ‚ Zufar Khafizov, Valery Litovets ´ƒË‡ÎÓ„Ë ‚ ˝ÎÂÍÚ˘Íª (2004, ‰ÓÍ., œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ü‡Á‡ÌÒ͇ˇ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ, Producer Mikhail Mikhaylov Í/Ï). ´¬ ÒÎÓχÌÌ˚È ÏËÍÓÒÍÓÔ Ï˚ ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ Production Kazan Film Studio with ۂˉËÏ ü‡Á‡Ì¸ª - ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË participation Federal Agency for —„ÂÈ ÀËÚӂˆ (. 1961). ŒÔ‡ÚÓ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ü‡Á‡ÌÒÍÓÈ Culture and Cinematography ÂÊËÒÒ‡. Sergei Litovets (b. 1961). Director of photography and filmmaker at Kazan Film Studio. Prize winner of national and international festivals. Graduated from the Film Institute VGIK, Faculty of Cinematography (1989, course of Vadim Yusov). As DoP he made more than 20 documentaries and took part in the making of Ivan Popoví feature film ìThe Kittenî (1996). His directorial debut was ìElectric Train Dialoguesî (2004, doc., short). ìWe will see Kazan in the Broken Microscopeî is his second film. √ÓÓ‰ÒÍÓ ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó ËÒÔÓÎÌÂÌÓ The city space is full of secrets and Ú‡ÈÌ Ë ˜Û‰ÂÒÌ˚ı ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚÂÈ. wonderful opportunities. À˛·Ó‚¸ Í „ÓÓ‰Û ñ Íβ˜ Í ÌËÏ. The love for the city is the key to these ›Ú‡ β·Ó‚¸, ÂÒÎË Ó˜Â̸ ÒËθ̇ˇ, secrets. Ô‚‡˘‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ‚Óί·ÒÚ‚Ó. This love turns magic if it is very ¬ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË Ô‚‡˘‡˛ÚÒˇ ‚ strong. ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÌÓÒÚË. Opportunities turn into abilities. √ÂÓË ÙËθχ ñ „ÓÓ‰ÒÍË The heroes of the film are city wizards, ‚Óί·ÌËÍË, ÊË‚Û˘Ë ‚ ‡ÁÛ¯‡ÂÏÓÏ who live in the destroyed heart of Ò‰ˆÂ ü‡Á‡ÌË. Kazan. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ¬¤ƒŒ’ EXHALE 50 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 27 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 4:3, miniDV 2006, Russia, 27 min, colour, video ¿‚ÚÓ Ë‰ÂË, ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÓÔ‡ÚÓ Directing, Concept and Camera —‡¯‡ ÇÎËÌËÌ Sasha Malinin ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ü‡ÂÌ ¿ÛÚ˛ÌˇÌ Editing Karen Arutiunian œÓ‰˛Ò ÃËı‡ËÎ —ËÌ‚ Producer Mikhail Siniov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Ë ÔÓÍ‡Ú Production and Distribution ´üËÌÓÚ‡Ú.docª Kinoteatr.doc —‡¯‡ ÇÎËÌËÌ (. 1980, „. ÕÓ‚ÓÒË·ËÒÍ). ”˜ËÎÒˇ ‚ ¿Í‡‰ÂÏËË ÔÛÚÂÈ ÒÓÓ·˘ÂÌˡ. ¬ 1997 ÒÓÁ‰‡Î ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌÛ˛ „ÛÔÔÛ, ‚˚ÒÚÛԇΠ‚ „ÓÓ‰ÒÍËı ÍÎÛ·‡ı Ò ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌÓ-˝ÎÂÍÚÓÌÌ˚ÏË ÔÂÙÓχÌÒ‡ÏË. ¬ 2000 „Ó‰Û ÔÓÒÚÛÔËΠ̇ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ÍËÌÓ- Ë ÚÂÎÂÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ »ÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ À.¿. œ˜ÂÎÍË̇, –.». ÀË·ÎË͇). ‘ËθÏ˚: ´œÂ‚˚È ÔÓˆÂÎÛȪ (2004, Í/Ï, ‚ˉÂÓÍÓηÊ), ´¿ Ò ‰ÂÚ¸ÏË ñ ¯ÂÒÚÂÓª (2005, ‰ÓÍ.). Œ ˜ÂÏ ˝ÚÓÚ ÙËθÏ? Œ ÚÂÌˇı ËÎË What is this film about? About shadows ÊË‚˚ı? »ÎË Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ ÏÓÊÌÓ or life? What do we see when we stay ۂˉÂÚ¸, ÍÓ„‰‡ ÓÒڇ̯¸Òˇ ̇‰ËÌÂ Ò alone with a mirror?... ÁÂ͇ÎÓÏ?.. Sasha Malinin (b. 1980, Novosibirsk). Studied at the Transport Academy. In 1997 founded a musical band, gave performances of electronic music in clubs. In 2000 enrolled at the Faculty of Cinema and Television Directing at the Institute of Contemporary Art (workshop Leonid Pchiolkin, Rein Liblik). Films: ìFirst Kissî (2004, short, video collage), ìSix with the childrenî (2005, doc.). GADYUSHONOK [Nasty Boy] ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts √¿ƒfiÿŒÕŒü 51 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 30 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.37, 2005, Russia, 30 min, colour, 1:1.37, ÓÔÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÏÓÌÓ optical mono ÔËÁ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı –ÂÊËÒÒ —„ÂÈ ¡ÓÒÂÌÍÓ Director Sergei Bosenko ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ¬√»ü (1998, ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ »Ë̇ —Âχ¯ÍÓ Scriptwriters Irina Semashko with χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¿.—.üÓ˜ÂÚÍÓ‚‡). ¬ ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË —„¡ ¡ÓÒÂÌÍÓ participation of Sergei Bosenko ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Ì‡ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ –ÛÒÎ‡Ì √‡ÒËÏÂÌÍÓ‚ Camera Ruslan Gerasimenkov ÍËÌӂˉÂÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´–ËÒͪ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¬.ƒÓ̈ӂ Art Director V.Dontsov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿·‡ÏÓ‚ Composer Alexander Abramov »Á·‡Ì̇ˇ ÙËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ (‰ÓÍ.): «‚ÛÍ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿·‡ÏÓ‚, Sound Alexander Abramov, 2000 ....◊˜ÂÌÒÍËÈ „‡Ï·ËÚ ƒÏËÚËÈ üÓÌ˛¯ÂÌÍÓ Dmitry Konyushenko 2001 ....¬˚ÏÔÂÎ; ¿‚„ÛÒÚ œÓ‰˛Ò Շڇθˇ ∆ÂÎÚÛıË̇ Producer Natalia Zheltukhina 2002 ....—‡„‡ Ó„ÌÂÌÌÓÈ ÒÂϸË; ƒÂÁÂÚË œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó –ËÒÍ Production Risk ÀˢÂÒÍËÈ ˝Ú˛‰ Ó ‰ÂÚÒÚ‚Â Ë Ô‚ÓÏ A lyrical etude about childhood and the ‚ÓÒÔˡÚËË Ïˇ. œˇÚËÎÂÚÌËÈ first perception of the world. A five- Ú‡‰ÊËÍÒÍËÈ Ï‡Î¸˜ËÍ ÔÓ ÔÓÁ‚Ë˘Û year-old Tajik boy with the nickname √‡‰˛¯ÓÌÓÍ, ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ Í‡Í Ë ÔÓ ˜¸ÂÈ Gadyushonok, who for some unknown ÁÎÓÈ ‚ÓΠÓ͇Á‡‚¯ËÈÒˇ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â, reason by some malicious intent ends up ‚ÒÚ˜‡ÂÚ Ì‡ ÛÎˈ ÊÂÌ˘ËÌÛ, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ in Moscow, meets a woman who sells ÔÓ‰‡ÂÚ ÁÏÂÈÍÛ. — ˝ÚÓ„Ó ÏÓÏÂÌÚ‡ Û vipers on the street. From this moment √‡‰˛¯ÓÌ͇ ÔÓˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ Ϙڇ ñ onwards Gadyushonok has one dream: ÍÛÔËÚ¸ Áϲ Ë ‚˚ÔÛÒÚËÚ¸ ÂÂÖ to buy the snake and release it Ö —„ÂÈ ¡ÓÒÂÌÍÓ (. 1967, Œ‰ÂÒÒ‡, ”͇Ë̇). ñ ÂÊËÒÒ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ, 2003 ....“Û‰ÌÓ ÒÚ‡Ú¸ ·Ó„ÓÏ 2004 ....∆‰Ë Sergei Bosenko (b. 1967, Odessa, Ukraine). Director of documentary cinema, prizewinner of national and international film festivals. Graduated from the Film Institute VGIK (1998, class of Alexander Kochetkov). Currently works at the film and video studio ìRiskî (Moscow). Selected Filmography (doc.): 2000 ....Chechen Gambit 2001 ....The Pennant; August 2002 ....The Saga of a Fiery Family; The Deserter 2003 ....It is Hard to Become God 2004 ....Wait ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts √ƒ≈ «¿’¿–? WHERE IS ZAKHAR? 52 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 26 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ‚ˉÂÓ, ‰ÓÍ. 2005, Russia, 26 min, colour, video, doc. ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÓÔ‡ÚÓ Scriptwriter, Director, Cinematographer ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —Ú‚ÓÎËÌÒÍËÈ Andrei Stvolinsky œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —Ú‚ÓÎËÌÒÍËÈ (. 1974, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ”˜ËÎÒˇ ̇ ÁÓÓËÌÊÂ̇ ‚ “ËÏˡÁ‚ÒÍÓÈ ÒÂθÒÍÓıÓÁˇÈÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËË. — 1994 „Ó‰‡ ‡·ÓڇΠ̇ ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌËË ‚ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚‡ı, ‚Íβ˜‡ˇ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ Ò˛ÊÂÚÓ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´¬ÂÏˇª. ¬ 2002 „Ó‰Û ÔÓÒÚÛÔËÎ ‚Ó ¬√»ü (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ÌÂË„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÙËθχ ¡.fl.ü‡‡‰Ê‚‡, ≈.».–ÂÁÌËÍÓ‚‡). ‘ËθÏ˚: ´Õ‡ÔˇÊÂÌ˪ (2003, ۘ·̇ˇ), ´’ËÏˡ Ë ÊËÁ̸ ¡ÓËÒ‡ œÓÍˉ¸ÍÓª (2004, ۘ·̇ˇ), ´√‰Â «‡ı‡?ª (2005, ۘ·̇ˇ; ÒÔˆˇθÌÓ ÛÔÓÏË̇ÌËÂ Ê˛Ë ´«‡ ÔÓËÒÍË „ÂÓˇ ̇¯Â„Ó ‚ÂÏÂÌ˪ ñ ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ´üËÌÓÚ‡Ú.docª, 2006). ƒÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθ̇ˇ Ú‡„ËÍÓωˡ. Documentary tragicomedy. ∆Û̇ÎËÒÚ «‡ı‡ ÃÛıËÌ ñ ¯ËÓÍÓ The journalist Zakhar Mukhin is ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚È ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ‚ ÛÁÍËı ÍÛ„‡ı. ìwidely known in narrow circlesî. He ü‡¸ÂÛ Ì‡˜‡Î ‚Â‰Û˘ËÏ ´œËÓÌÂÒÍÓÈ began his career as leader of ìPioneersí ÁÓ¸Í˪, ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊËÎ ‚Â‰Û˘ËÏ Dawnî and continued as presenter of ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´ƒÓ 16 Ë ÒÚ‡¯Âª. ¬ ˝ÚÓÈ the program ìUp to 16 and overî. In ÓÎË Ë ÒڇΠËÁ‚ÂÒÚÂÌ ÒÚ‡ÌÂ. œÓÒΠthis role he became known all across the ‡Á‚‡Î‡ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ‡·ÓڇΠcountry. After the programme was ÂÔÓÚÂÓÏ Ì‡ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ÚÂÎÂ͇̇·ı discontinued, he worked as reporter for Ë ‚ „ÎˇÌˆÂ‚˚ı ËÁ‰‡Ìˡı. ÕÓ various television channels and glossy ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ ñ Ì journals. But work is not the main „·‚̇ˇ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛˘‡ˇ ‚ ÊËÁÌË ˝ÚÓ„Ó component of his life. Zakharís main ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇. √·‚ÌÓ ҂ÓÈÒÚ‚Ó «‡ı‡‡ ñ character trait lies in his skill to ˝ÚÓ ÛÏÂÌË ËÒ˜ÂÁ‡Ú¸. disappear. In the filmís finale he ¬ ÙË̇Π͇ÚËÌ˚ ÓÌ ËÒ˜ÂÁÌÂÚ Ò disappears from his own, third wedding. ÚÓÊÂÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÒÎÛ˜‡˛ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ And nobody can answer the question ÚÂÚ¸ÂÈ Ò‚‡‰¸·˚. » ÌËÍÚÓ Ì ÒÏÓÊÂÚ ìWhere is Zakhar?î. ÓÚ‚ÂÚËÚ¸ ̇ ‚ÓÔÓÒ ´√‰Â «‡ı‡?ª. Andrei Stvolinsky (b. 1974, Moscow). Studied zoology at the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. Since 1994 worked on television in various functions, including briefly as director of the news programme ìVremiaî. In 2002 enrolled at the Film Institute VGIK (course of documentary film of B. Karadzhev, E. Reznikov). Films: ìTensionî (2003, practical), ìChemistry and Boris Pokidkoís Lifeî (2004, practical), ìWhere is Zakhar?î (2005, practical; special mention of the jury ìfor the search of a hero of our timeî, Kinoteatr.doc Festival, 2006). GIRLS ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ƒ≈¬Œ◊ü» 53 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 46 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., mini-DV, ‰ÓÍ. 2005, Russia, 46 min, colour, mini-DV, doc. (. 1984, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÓÔ‡ÚÓ, Scriptwriter, Director, ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ÕÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏÛ˛ ¯ÍÓÎÛ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Á‚Û͇ Ë ÏÓÌڇʇ Cinematographer, ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ ´Internewsª (2005). ¬‡ÎÂˡ √‡È √ÂχÌË͇ Sound Director and Directorís Cut ¬ ÙËθÏ ÒÌËχÎËÒ¸: —‚ÂÚ·̇ Valeria Gai Germanika —‡ÏÓÈÎÓ‚‡, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ œÓÎÚ‡‚ˆÂ‚‡, Characters: Svetlana Samoylova, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ ÿÛ„‡Â‚‡, ≈ÎÂ̇ ŒÎÓ‚‡ Ekaterina Poltavtseva, Alexandra œÓ‰˛Ò ÃËı‡ËÎ —ËÌ∏‚ Shugaeva, Elena Orlova œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÚ‡Ú.doc Producer Mikhail Siniov ¬‡ÎÂˡ √‡È √ÂχÌË͇ Production Kinoteatr.doc Valeria Gai Germanika (b. 1984, Moscow). Graduated from the Independent School of Cinema and Television ìInternewsî (2005). ÕÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÎÂÚÌËı ‰ÌÂÈ ËÁ ÊËÁÌË ÚÂı A few days in the lives of three Moscow Ó·˚˜Ì˚ı ÏÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍËı ‰Â‚˜ÓÌÓÍ, girls, who are on the threshold of ÒÚÓˇ˘Ëı ̇ ÔÓÓ„Â ‚ÁÓÒÎÓÈ ÊËÁÌË. adulthood. They are saying farewell to a œÓ˘‡ÌËÂ Ò ‰ÂÚÒÚ‚ÓÏ ‚ ¯ÍÓθÌ˚ı childhood spent in school yards and ‰‚Ó‡ı Ë ÔÓ‰˙ÂÁ‰‡ı ÒԇθÌÓ„Ó ‡ÈÓ̇, house corridors, where everything is „‰Â ‚Ò ‚Ô‚˚Â Ë ÏË ÚÓθÍÓ happening for the first time: from ̇˜Ë̇ÂÚÒˇ: Ú‡ÈÌÓ ÍÛÔÎÂÌÌ˚ secretly bought cigarettes and cans of ÒË„‡ÂÚ˚ Ë ·‡ÌÍË Ò ‰ÊËÌ-ÚÓÌËÍÓÏ, gin-tonic, to receiving a passport, ÔÓÎÛ˜ÂÌË ԇÒÔÓÚ‡, Ô‚‡ˇ β·Ó‚¸ Ë experiencing first love, and taking part Ô‚‡ˇ ñ ÔÓ˜ÚË Ì‡ÒÚÓˇ˘‡ˇ ñ Ú‡„‰ˡ. in almost real tragedies... ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ∆≈—“¤Ö œ–»Ã»–≈Õ»≈ GESTURESÖ RECONCILIATION 54 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 10 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 4:3, 2005, Russia, 10 min, colour, 4:3, ÏÓÌÓ, 16 ÏÏ, ‰ÓÍ. mono, 16 mm, doc. ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ◊ËÌ„ËÁ –‡ÒÛÎÁ‡‰Â Chingiz Rasulzade ŒÔ‡ÚÓ —„ÂÈ —ÓÎÓ‚¸Â‚ Camera Sergei Soloviov –ÂÊËÒÒÛ‡ Á‚Û͇ Ë ÏÓÌڇʇ Sound Director and Cuter ◊ËÌ„ËÁ –‡ÒÛÎÁ‡‰Â Chingiz Rasulzade œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Absheron Artists Production Absheron Artists ◊ËÌ„ËÁ –‡ÒÛÎÁ‡‰Â (. 1972, ¡‡ÍÛ, ¿Á·‡È‰Ê‡Ì). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ¿Á·‡È‰Ê‡ÌÒÍËÈ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ (1998), ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (2005, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¿.¿.›¯Ô‡ˇ). ‘ËθÏ˚: ´ÃËÏŒÊËÁÌ˪ (2002), ´∆ÂÒÚ˚Ö œËÏËÂÌ˪ (Ô‚˚È ÔËÁ ÃÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓ„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ÍËÌÓ¯ÍÓÎ ‚ Ã˛ÌıÂÌÂ, 2005). ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÕËÍÓ·‚˘ Ó˜Â̸ ÒÚ‡. Alexander Nikolaevich is very old. The ¬ÓÈ̇ Ô‚ÂÌÛ· ‚Ò˛ Â„Ó ÊËÁ̸. ÕÓ war turned his life upside down. But he ÓÌ Ì ÔÓÏÌËÚ ‚ÓÈÌ˚, Ë Ì ÔÓÏÌËÚ does not remember the war, nor the ӷˉ, ÓÌ ÔÓÏÌËÚ ÚÓθÍÓ ÊÂÒÚ˚ Ë insults, but only the gestures and ‰‚ËÊÂÌˡ Ò‚ÓËı ÛÍ. ŒÌ ‰‡‚ÌÓ ‚ÒÂÏ movements of his hands. For a long ‚Ò ÔÓÒÚËÎ Ë „ÓÚÓ‚ ÔÓʇڸ ÛÍË time now he has forgiven everybody ·˚‚¯ËÏ ‚‡„‡Ï, ÌÓ Ì ÏÓÊÂÚ. ” ÌÂ„Ó everything and is ready to shake hands ÌÂÚ ÛÍ ñ ÓÌ ÔÓÚ¡ΠËı ̇ ‚ÓÈÌÂ. with the former enemy, but he canít. He has no hands: he lost them in the war. Chingiz Rasulzade (b. 1972, Baku, Azerbaijan). Graduated from Azerbaijan State Institute of Arts (1998), and the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (2005, course of Andrey A. Eshpai). Films: ìLives-Amissî (2002), ìGesturesÖ Reconciliationî (First Prize of the International Festival of FilmSchools in Munich, 2005). THE WINTER VACATION ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts «»ÃÕ»≈ ü¿Õ»ü”À¤ 55 ƒÏËÚËÈ “ËıÓÏËÓ‚ (. 1966, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ı ˇÁ˚ÍÓ‚ ËÏÂÌË ÃÓËÒ‡ “ÓÂÁ‡ (1988). –‡·ÓڇΠÔ‚Ӊ˜ËÍÓÏ ÙËθÏÓ‚, ‡ÍÚÂÓÏ ‚ ÚÂÎÂÔ‰‡˜Â ´”ÓÍË ËڇθˇÌÒÍÓ„Ó ˇÁ˚͇ª. — 1993 Û˜ËÎÒˇ ̇ ¬˚Ò¯Ëı ÍÛÒ‡ı ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ ñ ¬ü—– (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬.¬.ÃÂ̸¯Ó‚‡), Á‡˘ËÚËÎ ‰ËÔÎÓÏ ‚ 1998. ¬1999 ‡·ÓڇΠ̇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓ-Ë„Ó‚ÓÏ Ò¡Π¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ √Ó‰Ó̇ ´—Ó·‡ÌË Á‡·ÎÛʉÂÌËȪ (Œ–“) ‡ÒÒËÒÚÂÌÚÓÏ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓÏ ÏÓÌڇʇ. ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï): ´üÓÎÓÍÓθ̇ˇª (1994), ´7 ÏËÌÛÚª (1995), ´–˜ÌÓÈ ÙËθϪ (1997), ´—‚ˉ‡Ì˪ (2000), ´¬ÂÎÓÒËÔ‰ª, ´œÓÚ¡ÌÌ˚È ‰ÓϪ (2003, ‰ÓÍ.), ´À˘̇ˇ Ô‡‚‰‡ Ó ‚ÓÈ̪ (2005, ‰ÓÍ.). Dmitry Tikhomirov (b. 1966, Moscow). Graduated from the Moscow Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages (1988). Worked as translator on films, and actor in the television programme ìItalian Lessonsî. Since 1993 has studied on the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (course of Vladimir Meníshov), and received his diploma in 1998. In 1999 worked on Alexander Gordonís documentary serial ìAssembly of Errorsî (ORT) as assistant director and editing director. Films (shorts): ìThe Belltowerî (1994), ìSeven Minutesî (1995); ìA River Filmî (1997); ìThe Dateî (2000), ìThe Bicycleî (2003); ìThe Lost Houseî (2003, doc.); ìThe Personal Truth about Warî (2005, doc.). 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 43 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 35 ÏÏ. 2005, Russia, 43 min, black and white, 35 mm ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ƒÏËÚËÈ “ËıÓÏËÓ‚ Scriptwriter and Director ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ —ÏËÌÓ‚ Dmitry Tikhomirov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È œÓÍ·‰ Camera Alexander Smirnov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ¡‡‡ÌÓ‚ Art Director Nikolai Poklad ¬ ÓΡı: ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ ≈χ¯Ó‚, Composer Vladimir Baranov Õ‡‰Âʉ‡ ¡ÓËÒÓ‚‡, ¿ÌÚÓÌ —ÂÏÍËÌ, Cast: Vitaly Ermashov, Nadezhda fiÎˡ √ÓÏ‡Ì˛Í Borisova, Anton Siomkin, œÓ‰˛Ò »‚‡Ì “‚‰ӂÒÍËÈ Yulia Gomanyuk œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´“Ә͇ ÁÂÌˡª, ÔË Producer Ivan Tverdovsky ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ Production Tochka Zrenia with ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË participation Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography 1960-È „Ó‰. Õ‡ ÔÓıÓÓ̇ı ¡ÓËÒ‡ 1960. At Boris Pasternakís funeral œ‡ÒÚÂ͇̇ ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ ‚ÒÚ˜‡˛ÚÒˇ Shura and Vadim meet by chance; they ÿÛ‡ Ë ¬‡‰ËÏ ñ ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ˚- are both students. They got acquainted ÒÚ‡¯ÂÍÛÒÌËÍË. ŒÌË ÔÓÁ̇ÍÓÏËÎËÒ¸ with each other several months earlier, ‰Û„ Ò ‰Û„ÓÏ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÏÂÒˇˆÂ‚ during the winter vacation Ö Ì‡Á‡‰, ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ÁËÏÌËı ͇ÌËÍÛÎÖ ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts «À¤ƒÕ» (‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌ˚È ˆËÍÎ ´√Ó‡ Ò‡ÏÓˆ‚ÂÚÓ‚ª) WICKED CREATURES (animation cycle ìThe Mountain of Gemsî) 56 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 13í12î, ˆ‚., DVD, 2005, Russia, 13í12î, colour, DVD, ‡ÌËχˆËˇ, Ô·ÒÚËÎËÌ animation, plasticine –ÂÊËÒÒ —ÚÂÔ‡Ì üÓ‚‡Î¸ Director Stepan Koval ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “‡Ú‡ÒÍËÈ Scriptwriter Alexander Tatarsky ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘ËÍ Art Director Marina Pashkovskaya ÇË̇ œ‡¯ÍÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Art Chiefs Eduard Nazarov, ’Û‰. ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎË ›‰Û‡‰ Õ‡Á‡Ó‚, Alexander Tatarsky ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “‡Ú‡ÒÍËÈ Projectís Chief Alexander Tatarsky –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ Camera Vladimir Galitsky ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “‡Ú‡ÒÍËÈ Composer Lev Zemlinsky ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË √‡ÎˈÍËÈ Sound Dmitry Grabko, Iliko Chitashvili üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ À‚ «ÂÏÎËÌÒÍËÈ Cast (voices): Yuri Kovalenko, «‚ÛÍ ƒÏËÚËÈ √‡·ÍÓ, Evgeny Shakh, Irma Vitovskaya »ÎËÍÓ ◊ËÚ‡¯‚ËÎË Producer Irina Kaplichnaya –ÓÎË ÓÁ‚Û˜ËÎË: fiËÈ üÓ‚‡ÎÂÌÍÓ, General Producer of project ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ÿ‡ı, »Ï‡ ¬ËÚÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Igor Gelashvili œÓ‰˛Ò »Ë̇ ü‡Ô΢̇ˇ Production Pilot Studio, Krok IFF with √Â̇θÌ˚È ÔÓ‰˛Ò ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ participation of the Federal Agency for »„Ó¸ √·¯‚ËÎË Culture and Cinematography —ÚÂÔ‡Ì üÓ‚‡Î¸ (. 1965, „. ÕÓ‚ÓÏÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍ, ƒÌÂÔÓÔÂÚÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Ó·Î.). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ‡ıËÚÂÍÚÛÌ˚È Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ üË‚ÒÍÓÈ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËË ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ (1993), üË‚ÒÍËÈ Ú‡ڇθÌ˚È ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ ËÏÂÌË ».ü. ü‡ÔÂÌÍÓ-ü‡Ó„Ó (1998) ÔÓ ÒÔˆˇθÌÓÒÚË ´ÂÊËÒÒ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓª. ‘ËθÏ˚: ´›ÚÓ ó Ï˚ª (1995, ۘ·Ì˚È), ´Z-Z-Zª (1998, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ), ´ÿÂΠڇς‡È π9ª (2002). œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´œËÎÓÚª, Ãü‘ ´üÓͪ, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË œÓ ÏÓÚË‚‡Ï „ÛˆÛθÒÍÓÈ Ì‡Ó‰ÌÓÈ On motives of a Hutsul national Ò͇ÁÍË. fairytale. ¬ ‰ÓÏ œÂÚ‡ Ë Ã‡Ù˚ ÔÓÒÂÎËÎËÒ¸ Some small, wicked creatures have χÎÂ̸ÍË ‚‰ËÚÂÎË-ÁÎ˚‰ÌË. —Âϸˇ settled in Peterís and Marfaís house. ÒÔ‡‚Ë·Ҹ Ò Ì‡Ô‡ÒÚ¸˛, ‡ Ëı The family copes with the misfortune, Á‡‚ËÒÚÎË‚˚ ÒÓÒÂ‰Ë Ì‡ÊËÎË Ò· ·Â‰Ö but their envious neighbours got themselves into troubleÖ Stepan Koval (b. 1965, Novomoskovsk, Dnepropetrovsk region). Graduated from the architecture faculty of the Kiev Academy of Arts (1993), Karpenko-Karo Kiev Theatre Institute (1998), specializing as ìdirector of animationî. Films: ìThis is Usî (1995, coursework), ìZ-Z-Zî (1998, diploma), ìHere goes tram No. 9î (2002). FRIED POTATOES ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ü¿–“Œÿü¿ Õ¿ —¿À≈ 57 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 40 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, 2005, Russia, 40 min, colour, 1:1.85, ÏÓÌÓ, 35 ÏÏ mono, 35 mm ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÂ. ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ‘‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó üÒÂÌˡ üÓ̉‡¯Ë̇ Ksenia Kondrashina Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ñ ‘ƒœŒ ¬√»ü‡ (2004, ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ÃËı‡ËÎ ŒÌËÔÂÌÍÓ Camera Mikhail Onipenko ÂÊËÒÒÂÒ͇ˇ χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ≈ÎÂ̇ »„̇ÚÂÌÍÓ Art Director Elena Ignatenko ¬.fl. ÀÓÌÒÍÓ„Ó). «‡ ‚ÂÏˇ ۘ·˚ ÒÌˇÎ‡ üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ »Ë̇ √‡Ê‰‡ÌÍË̇ Costumes Irina Grazhdankina ÚË ÙËθχ (Í/Ï), ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒÎÂ: üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ üËËÎÎ ÀÛÍËÌ Composer Kirill Lukin ´œÓÒÚÒÍËÔÚÛϪ (ۘ·̇ˇ) Ë «‚ÛÍ œ‡‚ÂÎ «ËÏËÌ Sound Pavel Zimin ´Õ‡·Î˛‰‡ÚÂθª (ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ). ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ ¿‰ÓÒÍËÌ, fiËÈ Cast: Anatoly Adoskin, üÛÁ¸ÏÂÌÍÓ‚, ŒÎ¸„‡ ¡‡ÌÂÚ, Yuri Kuzmenkov, Olga Barnet, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ –‡ÔÓÔÓÚ Andrey Rapoport œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ÃËı‡ËÎ ü‡Î‡ÚÓÁ˯‚ËÎË, Producers Mikhail Kalatozishvili, ¬Î‡‰ËÒ·‚ –ÓÁËÌ Vladislav Rozin œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Production Mikhail Kalatozovís Fund üÒÂÌˡ üÓ̉‡¯Ë̇ Ӊ˷Ҹ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. »ÏÂÂÚ ‰‚‡ ‚˚Ò¯Ëı Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ: ÙËÎÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÂ Ë ‘Ó̉ ÃËı‡Ë· ü‡Î‡ÚÓÁÓ‚‡ Ksenia Kondrashina was born in Moscow. Higher education in philology and economics. Graduated from the Faculty of Additional Vocational Training of the Film Institute VGIK (2004, course of Valery Lonskoy). During her study she made three films (shorts), including: ìPostscriptî (practical) and ìThe Observerî (course work). ƒ‚‡ ÒÚ‡Ë͇ ÔÓ ‚ÓΠÒÛ‰¸·˚ ÔÓÊËÎË By some stroke of fate two old men ‚Ò˛ ÊËÁ̸ ‚ Ó‰ÌÓÈ Í‚‡ÚËÂ. ü‡Í have lived all their lives in one ‡·ÒÓβÚÌ˚ ‡ÌÚËÔÓ‰˚, ÓÌË ÔÓ ÒÛÚË apartment. Deep down, they are ËÒÔÓÚËÎË ‰Û„ ‰Û„Û ÊËÁ̸. absolute antipodes and have ruined each Õ‡ÍÓ̈ ËÏ Ô‰ÓÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚÒˇ otherís lives. Now, at last, under the ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ‡Á˙Âı‡Ú¸Òˇ Ë ‰ÓÊËÚ¸ conditions of modern life, they have the ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓÍ ‰ÌÂÈ ‚ ÔÓÍÓÂ Ë ÍÓÏÙÓÚÂ. ÕÓ opportunity to part and live the rest of ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓ ÎË ˝ÚÓ?.. their days in peace and comfort. But is that possible? ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts À»Ã¿Õ ESTUARY 58 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 9 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, 35 ÏÏ 2006, Russia, 9 min, colour, 1:1.66, 35 mm ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÒÚËıÓ‚, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, Scriptwriter, Director, Cinematographer ÓÔ‡ÚÓ “ËÏÓÙÂÈ œ‡˘ËÍÓ‚ Timofei Parshchikov «‚ÛÍ ÕÂÎÎË »‚‡ÌÓ‚‡ Poems by Timofei Parshchikov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Ë Ô‡‚‡ ¬√»ü Sound Nelli Ivanova “ËÏÓÙÂÈ œ‡˘ËÍÓ‚ (. 1983, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ”˜ËÎÒˇ ÓÔ‡ÚÓÒÍÓÏÛ Ï‡ÒÚÂÒÚ‚Û ‚Ó ¬√»üÂ. ´ÀËχ̪ ñ Ô‚‡ˇ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒ͇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡. Production and Sales VGIK ¿Î΄Óˡ. œÓÒΠÏËÓ‚Ó„Ó Allegory. After a global apocalypse the ‡ÔÓ͇ÎËÔÒËÒ‡ ‚ ÏË ‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Ï only living creature on earth is a poet. ÊË‚˚Ï ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÓÒÚ‡ÂÚÒˇ ÔÓ˝Ú. Wandering among ruins he finds words ¡ÎÛʉ‡ˇ ÒÂ‰Ë ÛËÌ, ÓÌ Ì‡ıÓ‰ËÚ ÒÎÓ‚‡ and rhymes which form a poetic text. Ë ËÚÏ, Ó·‡ÁÛ˛˘Ë ÔÓ˝Ú˘ÂÒÍËÈ Death breathes down his neck, but ÚÂÍÒÚ. —ÏÂÚ¸ ‰˚¯ËÚ ÂÏÛ ‚ ÒÔËÌÛ. ÕÓ cannot seize him while his verses ÔÓ͇ Á‚Û˜‡Ú ÒÚËıË, Ó̇ Ì ÏÓÊÂÚ Â„Ó resound. Ôӷ‰ËÚ¸. Timofei Parshchikov (b. 1983, Moscow). Studied photography at the Film Institute VGIK. ìEstuaryî is his directorial debut. BIG-EARED SLEEPWALKERS ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts À”Õ¿“Õ¤≈ ”ÿ¿—“»ü» 59 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 2í45î, ˆ‚., Betacam SP, 2005, Russia, 2í45î, colour, Betacam SP, ‡ÌËχˆËˇ animation —ÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ͇ ÔˇÚÓ„Ó ÍÛÒ‡ ¬√»ü‡ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, Scriptwriter, Director, Atr Director, (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ‡ÌËχˆËË Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ, ‡ÌËχÚÓ Animator ÍÓÏÔ¸˛ÚÂÌÓÈ „‡ÙËÍË, ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ó ≈ÎÂ̇ ¡ÓËÒÓ‚‡ Elena Borisova ¿.Ã. √ÓÎÂÌÍÓ). œËÁ ÒÚÛ‰Â̘ÂÒÍËı œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Poem by Irina Pivovarova ≈ÎÂ̇ ¡ÓËÒÓ‚‡ (. 1980, „. ¡Ó„ÓÓ‰ÒÍ, ÕËÊ„ÓÓ‰Ò͇ˇ Ó·Î.). (Two Very Bold Rabbits) Ë ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÓÛÏÓ‚. Production VGIK Elena Borisova (b. 1980, Bogorodsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region). Fifth-year student of the Film Institute VGIK (course of animation and computer graphics of Alexander Gorlenko). Prize-winner of student and animation film forums. ÇÎÂ̸ÍËÈ ÎËÒÂÌÓÍ Ï˜ڇÂÚ ÔÓÔ‡ÒÚ¸ A little fox is reading a book about two ̇ ÀÛÌÛ, ÔÓÚÓÏÛ ˜ÚÓ ÍÓÎËÍË ÛÊ ڇÏ. courageous rabbits, who travelled to the œÓ ÏÓÚË‚‡Ï ÒÚËıÓÚ‚ÓÂÌˡ »ËÌ˚ Moon Ö œË‚Ó‚‡Ó‚ÓÈ ´ƒ‚‡ Ó˜Â̸ ÒÏÂÎ˚ı ÍÓÎË͇ª. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ÿ–—≈À‹≈«¿ MARSEILLAISE ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Õ‡ÛÏÓ‚ (. 1969). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ‡ÍÚÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (1995, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ Ã.¿. √ÎÛÁÒÍÓ„Ó), ‡ÒÔˇÌÚÛÛ (1997). ¿‚ÚÓ Ô¸ÂÒ˚, ÔÓ‰˛Ò Ú‡ڇθÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ´◊‡Ô‡Â‚ Ë œÛÒÚÓÚ‡ª (2000). ¬ 2001-2005 ñ ÔÓ‰˛Ò ƒÂÔ‡Ú‡ÏÂÌÚ‡ χÍÂÚËÌ„‡ ÚÂÎÂ͇̇· —“—. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´Ã‡ÒÂθÂÁ‡ª ñ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú ‚ ÍËÌÓ. 60 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 12 ÏËÌ., 2005, Russia, 12 min, ˜/·, ÏÓÌÓ, 1:1.66, 35 ÏÏ b/w, 1:1.66, 35 mm –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Õ‡ÛÏÓ‚, Directors Alexander Naumov, ¬‡‰ËÏ “Ûı‚‡ÚÛÎÎËÌ Vadim Tukhvatullin ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ≈ÎËÁ‡‚ÂÚ‡ √ÓÎÓ‚Ë̇ Camera Elisaveta Golovina ¬ ÓΡı: œ‡‚ÂÎ —·Ó˘ËÍÓ‚, Cast: Pavel Sborshchikov, Oleg ŒÎ„ œ˚¯ÌÂÌÍÓ, ƒÏËÚËÈ œÂÒËÌ, Pyshnenko, Dmiry Persin, Victor ¬ËÍÚÓ —ÛÔÛÌ, ŒÎ„ ’˚˜Â‚, —„ÂÈ Suprun, Oleg Khrychiov, Sergei Stepin, —ÚÂÔËÌ, ÃËı‡ËÎ ü˚ÎÓ‚, ÃËı‡ËÎ Mikhail Krylov, Mikhail Yakushin, flÍÛ¯ËÌ, œÂÚ œÓÔÓ‚, “ËÏÓÙÂÈ ¡‡ÈÂ, Pyotr Popov, Timofei Baier, ƒÏËÚËÈ ü‡ÚÓÁˡ Dmitry Katrozia “ÂÍÒÚ ˜ËÚ‡ÂÚ —„ÂÈ ◊ÓÌ˯‚ËÎË Narrator Sergei Chonishvili œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Õ‡ÛÏÓ‚ Producer Alexander Naumov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó VT Cinema Production VT Cinema Alexander Naumov (b. 1969). Graduated from the Acting Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (1995, course of M. Gluzsky), and postgraduate study (1997). Author of a play, producer of the theatre project ìChapaev and Pustotaî (2000). From 2001-2005 producer in the Marketing Department of the television channel —“—. The film ìMarseillaiseî is his directorial debut in cinema. ¬‡‰ËÏ “Ûı‚‡ÚÛÎÎËÌ œÓ ÏÓÚË‚‡Ï ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡ ÀÂÓÌˉ‡ Based on the motives of Leonid ¿Ì‰Â‚‡ (1905). Œ ‚Â΢ËË Andreevís story (1905). About the ˜ÂÎӂ˜ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ‰Ûı‡ Ë ÌËÁÏÂÌÌÓÒÚË magnitude of the human soul and the ‡θÌ˚ı ÔÓÒÚÛÔÍÓ‚, ÍÓÚÓ˚ lowliness of actual deeds, which emerge ÒÍ·‰˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ‚ Á‡ÚÛχÌÂÌÌÓÏ in the mind of a prison runaway, ‚ÓβˆËÓÌÌÓÈ ÓχÌÚËÍÓÈ ÏÓÁ„Û obscured by revolutionary romanticism. Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ËÁ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚ Ôӷ„‡ ËÁ The subjective evaluation of the event is Ú˛¸Ï˚. —Û·˙ÂÍÚ˂̇ˇ ÓˆÂÌ͇ strikingly different from the true ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ˇ˘Â„Ó ‡ÁËÚÂθÌÓ ÓÚ΢‡ÂÚÒˇ motives for the escape. ÓÚ ËÒÚËÌÌ˚ı ÏÓÚË‚Ó‚ Ôӷ„‡. (. 1958). “‡ڇθÌ˚È ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂÌÓ„‡Ù. ƒÂ‚ˇÚ¸ ÎÂÚ ÒÎÛÊËÎ ‚ ¬¬—, Á‡ÚÂÏ ‡·ÓڇΠ„ÛÁ˜ËÍÓÏ, ‰‚ÓÌËÍÓÏ, ‡ÍÚÂÓÏ ‚ ‡ÌÚÂÔËÁ‡ı. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ¬“” ËÏÂÌË ¡.¬.ŸÛÍË̇ (1994, ÂÊËÒÒÂÒ͇ˇ χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ fi.œ.À˛·ËÏÓ‚‡), Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î ‚ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË͇-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘Ë͇ ÔÓ˜ÚË ‚ 40 ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ÍΡı. ’Û‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ Ú‡ڇ ´¿Ú ’‡ÛÒª (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). “‡ڇθÌÛ˛ ‰ÂˇÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸ ÛÒÔ¯ÌÓ ÒÓ‚Ï¢‡ÂÚ Ò ·ËÁÌÂÒÓÏ. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´Ã‡ÒÂθÂÁ‡ª - ‰Â·˛Ú ‚ ÍËÌÓ. Vadim Tukhvatullin (b. 1958). Theatre director, set designer. Served in the Air Force for nine years, then worked as loader, caretaker, and actor in small studio theatres; designer for some 40 theatre productions. In 1994 graduated from the Shchukin Theatre School (course of Yuri Lyubimov). Artistic director of the theatre ìArt Houseî (Moscow). Successfully combines his work in the theatre with business. The film ìMarseillaiseî is his debut in cinema. MY KIESLOWSKI ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ÃŒ… ü≈—À≈¬—ü»… 61 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ/ œÓθ¯‡, 22 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 2005, Russia/ Poland, 22 min, colour, ÒÚÂÂÓ, DVCam, ‰ÓÍ. stereo, DVCam, doc. ŒÍÓ̘Ë· Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ÙËÎÓÎÓ„ËË Ë ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Director, Scriptwriter Irina Volkova ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚËÍË ü‡ÒÌÓˇÒÍÓ„Ó »Ë̇ ¬ÓÎÍÓ‚‡ Master Vladimir Fenchenko ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡ (2000), ¬˚үˠÍÛÒ˚ ’Û‰. ÛÍ. ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ Camera Michal Szljusarczik, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ (2004, ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ÃËı‡Î ÿÎ˛Ò‡˜ËÍ, Tomasz Novak, Erik Childebrandt χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ Ë„Ó‚Ó„Ó Ë “Óχ¯ ÕÓ‚‡Í, ›ËÍ ’Ëθ‰Â·‡Ì‰Ú Composer Alexei Aigi ÌÂË„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ). üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¿È„Ë Sound El beta Jakubowska, ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï): ´◊ ·˚ÎÓ, ÚÓ ·˚ÎÓª «‚ÛÍ ›Î¸Ê·ÂÚ‡ flÍÛ·Ó‚Ò͇ˇ, Teresa StempeÒ (2003, ‰ÓÍ., ۘ·Ì˚È), ´∆Ë‚Ó “ÂÂÒ‡ —ÚÂÏÔÂ̸ Editor Irina Volkova ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Óª (2004, ‰ÓÍ., ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »Ë̇ ¬ÓÎÍÓ‚‡ Producer Krzysztof Kopczinsky ´–‡ÒÒÚÓˇÌ˪ (2005, Ë„Ó‚ÓÈ, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ), œÓ‰˛Ò ü¯Ë¯ÚÓÙ üÓÔ˜ËÌÒÍËÈ Production Eurekamedia, HCSF ´ÃÓÈ üÂÒ΂ÒÍËȪ (2005, ‰ÓÍ.), ´≈ÒÚ¸ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Eurekamedia, ÓÍÌÓ Ú‡ÍÓª (2005, ‰ÓÍ.). ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ¬ü—– Irina Volkova Œ ÚÓÏ, Í‡Í ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚ ̇¯ÂÈ Ô‡ÏˇÚË The directorís daughter and people who Á̇ÏÂÌËÚ˚È ÔÓθÒÍËÈ ÂÊËÒÒ worked on the casting for a remake of ü¯Ë¯ÚÓÙ üÂÒ΂ÒÍËÈ, ÒÔÛÒÚˇ ‰ÂÒˇÚ¸ film ìThe Incidentî speak about how the ÎÂÚ ÒÓ ‰Ìˇ Â„Ó ÒÏÂÚË ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡˛Ú well-known Polish director Krzisztof ‰Ó˜¸ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ Ë Î˛‰Ë, ÍÓÚÓ˚ Kieslowski lives in our memory ten Ô˯ÎË Ì‡ ͇ÒÚËÌ„ ËÏÂÈ͇ ÙËθχ years after his death. »Ë̇ ¬ÓÎÍÓ‚‡ (. 1977, ÔÓÒÂÎÓÍ ’‡Ú‡Ì„‡, “‡ÈÏ˚, ü‡ÒÌÓˇÒÍËÈ Í‡È). (b. 1977, Khatanga, Taimyr, Krasnoyarsk Region). Graduated from the faculty of philology and journalism of Krasnoyarsk University (2000), and from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (2004, course of directing fiction and non-fiction film). Films (shorts): ìWhat happened, happenedî (2003, doc., practical), ìLive Spaceî (2004, doc., coursework), ìDistanceî (2005, feature, diploma), ìMy Kieslowskiî (2005, doc.), ìThere is such a Window suchî (2005, doc.). ´—ÎÛ˜‡Èª. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts ÃŒ–≈Ö ü¿ÃÕ»Ö » Àfi¡Œ¬‹ SEAÖ STONESÖ AND LOVE 62 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 23 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ÒÚÂÂÓ, 2005, Russia, 23 min., colour, stereo, Betacam SP Betacam SP ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ŒÍ҇̇ ÕÂÂÁÂÌÍÓ Oksana Nerezenko ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ŒÍ҇̇ ÕÂÂÁÂÌÍÓ, Camera Oksana Nerezenko, ¬‡ÒËÎËÈ “˚˜ËÌÒÍËÈ Vasily Tychinsky «‚ÛÍ œ‡ÔÛ̇ œËÔˡ Sound Papuna Pipia œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´Nerezenko&Coª Production Nerezenko&Co ÔË ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ŒÒÚÓ‚ª with the participation Ostrov Studio ŒÍ҇̇ ÕÂÂÁÂÌÍÓ (. 1976, „. —Ó˜Ë, ü‡ÒÌÓ‰‡ÒÍËÈ Í‡È). ŒÍÓ̘Ë· —Ó˜ËÌÒÍÓ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ۘËÎˢÂ, ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ „ÛχÌËÚ‡Ì˚È ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ ËÏÂÌË ƒ‡¯ÍÓ‚ÓÈ (1997), Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ ¬√»ü‡ (2005, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¿.¿.›¯Ô‡ˇ, —.¬.ÃËÓ¯Ì˘ÂÌÍÓ, ¬.¿.‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ). ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï): ´–˚·‡Î͇ª (2002), ´—ÎË‚˚ª (2003), ´ÃÓÂÖ Í‡ÏÌËÖ Ë Î˛·Ó‚¸ª (2005). 70-ÎÂÚÌËÈ ÏÓˇÍ —„ÂÈ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘, The 70-year-old seaman Sergei ·˚‚¯ËÈ ÓÙˈÂ, ÍÓ„‰‡-ÚÓ ÏÂ˜Ú‡Î Ó Vasilievich, a former officer, once Ò·‚ ÔÓ˝Ú‡. —Â„Ó‰Ìˇ ÓÌ ‚‰ÂÚ dreamt of poetic glory. Today he leads a ·ÂÁÁ‡·ÓÚÌÛ˛ ÊËÁ̸: ÒӷˇÂÚ Í‡ÏÌË, carefree life: he collects stones, on ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÏÓ Ô˯ÂÚ Í‡ÚËÌ˚, which the sea paints its pictures, and ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ ‚β·ÎˇÂÚÒˇ ‚ ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı constantly falls in love with young ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ Ë ÔÓÒ‚ˇ˘‡ÂÚ ËÏ Ò‚ÓË ÒÚËıË. women to whom he dedicates his poems. Oksana Nerezenko (b. 1976, Sochi, Krasnodar Region). Graduated from Sochi Art School; Dashkova Institute of Humanities, Moscow (1997); Faculty of Directing, Film Institute VGIK (2005, course of A. Eshpai, S. Miroshnichenko, V. Fenchenko). Films (shorts): ìFishingî (2002), ìPlumsî (2003), ìSea Ö Stones Ö and Loveî (2005). SCENT OBSESSION ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts Õ¿¬¿∆ƒ≈Õ»≈ «¿œ¿’¿ 63 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 3 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ‡ÌËχˆËˇ 2005, Russia, 3 min, colour, animation —ÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ͇ ¬√»ü‡, Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ‡ –ÂÊËÒÒ ¬Â‡ ÃˇÍ˯‚‡ Director Vera Miakisheva ÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ ‡ÌËχˆËË. ´Õ‡‚‡Ê‰ÂÌË «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ œ‡ÒÂ̘ÛÍ Sound Anastasia Pasenchuk Á‡Ô‡ı‡ª ñ Ô‚˚È ÙËθÏ. —ÚËıË ˜ËÚ‡ÂÚ –˘‡‰ ¡Ó̉‡Â‚ Poems read by Richard Bondarev œÓ‰˛Ò ¬Â‡ ÃˇÍ˯‚‡ Producer Vera Miakisheva œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK ÀˢÂÒÍÓ ‚ÓÒÔÓÏË̇ÌË ÔÓ ÒÚËı‡Ï Lyrical memoirs based on poems by œ‡·ÎÓ ÕÂÛ‰˚. Pablo Neruda. ¬Â‡ ÃˇÍ˯‚‡ (. 1986, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). Vera Miakisheva (b. 1986, Moscow). Student of the Film Institute VGIK, Faculty of Direction in Animation. ìScent Obsessionî is her first film. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts Õ≈œ–»fl“Õ¿fl »—“Œ–»fl UNPLEASANT STORY 64 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 16 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 35 ÏÏ 2005, Russia, 16 min, colour, 35 mm –ÂÊËÒÒ fiÎˡ œ‡˛ÒÓ‚‡ Director Julia Paiusova ¬˚ÔÛÒÍÌˈ‡ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ„Ó ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ √ÂÏ‡Ì ÃÓΘ‡ÌÓ‚ Scriptwriter German Molchanov Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ‡ ¬√»ü‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ƒÛ·Ó‚Ò͇ˇ Camera Ekaterina Dubrovskaya ¬.». ’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ Ë ¬.¿. ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ). ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ∆ÂÎÛ‰ÍÓ‚ Art Director Andrey Zheludkov ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï): ´—ÍËÔ‡˜ª (2005, üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ Շڇθˇ ŒÒÏÓÎÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Costumes Natalia Osmolovskaya ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ´ÕÂÔˡÚ̇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡª «‚ÛÍ Ã‡Ëˇ ¬ÓÎÓ‰Ë̇ Sound Maria Volodina (2005, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ̇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡). ¬ ÓΡı: ≈ÎÂ̇ ÃÓÓÁÓ‚‡, Cast: Elena Morozova, Pyotr Smidovich, œÂÚ —Ïˉӂ˘, √ÂÏ‡Ì ÃÓΘ‡ÌÓ‚ German Molchanov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK œ‡‚‡ ¬√»ü, fiÎˡ œ‡˛ÒÓ‚‡ Sales VGIK, Julia Payusova œÓ ÏÓÚË‚‡Ï Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡ Based on the motives of Anton Julia Paiusova ¿.œ. ◊ÂıÓ‚‡. ´¡‡ËÌ —ÚÂÔ‡Ì Chekhovís story of the same title. ìThe (b. 1977). ¿Ì‰Â‚˘ ∆ËÍÓ‚ ÔÓÒ¢‡ÂÚ Ò‚Ó˛ Landlord Stepan Andreevich Zhirkov Graduated from the Directorsí Faculty β·Ó‚ÌËˆÛ Õ‡‰Â̸ÍÛ, ÊË‚Û˘Û˛ ÎÂÚÓÏ visits his mistress Nadia, who lives of the Film Institute VGIK (course of ÛʇÒÌÓ ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ ÓÚ „ÓÓ‰‡, ̇ ‰Û„ÓÈ terribly far away from the city during Vladimir Khotinenko and Vladimir ÒÚÓÓÌ ÂÍË ÓÚ ÊÂÎÂÁÌÓ‰ÓÓÊÌÓÈ the summer: on the other side of the Fenchenko). Films (shorts): ìThe Òڇ̈ËË. ŒÌ ÔË‚ÂÁ ÂÈ ÓÁ˚ Ë river from the railway station. He Violinistî (2005, course work), ·Óθ¯Û˛ ÍÓÓ·ÍÛ Ò Ô·ڸÂÏ. ÕÓ ÂÏÛ brought her roses and a large box with ìUnpleasant Storyî (2005, diploma work). Ì ÔÓÒ˜‡ÒÚÎË‚ËÎÓÒ¸, Â„Ó ÓÚ͇Á‡ÌÓ a dress. But luck is not on his side: he ÔËÌˇÚ¸, Ú‡Í Í‡Í ‚ÂÌÛÎÒˇ ËÁ-Á‡ cannot be received at the house, because „‡Ìˈ˚ ÏÛÊ Õ‡‰Â̸ÍË ñ ∆‡Í. Nadiaís husband Jacques has returned ƒÓ·‡Ú¸Òˇ ‰Ó Òڇ̈ËË ÌÂÚ ÌË͇ÍÓÈ from abroad. There is no chance to get ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË: ÎÓ‰Ó˜ÌËÍ ÛÔÎ˚Î, back to the station: the ferryman has ÒÚÂÏÌÂÎÓ Ë ÔÓ¯ÂÎ ‰Óʉ¸. —ÚÂÔ‡Ì returned, darkness is falling, and it ¿Ì‰Â‚˘, ÔÓ͇ Ì Á‡ÏÂÁ, ÒˉÂÎ ‚ starts to rain. Stepan Andreevich sits in ·ÂÒ‰ÍÂ. œÓÒΠÔ˯ÎÓÒ¸ ÔÓÒËÚ¸Òˇ ‚ the garden pavilion. Later he has to ask ‰ÓÏ Ì‡ ÌӘ΄, ̇Á‚‡ÎÒˇ ÏÛÊÛ for lodgings for the night in the house, ÔÓÒ˚θÌ˚Ï ÓÚ ÏÓ‰ËÒÚÍË. —ˉÂÎË Ò pretending to be the husband sent by ÏÛÊÂÏ ‚ Á‡ÎÂ...ª the fashion designer. He sits with the fiÎˡ œ‡˛ÒÓ‚‡ (. 1977). husband in the hall...î WHILE HE WAS FLYING ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts œŒü¿ ŒÕ À≈“¿À 65 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 35 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, 35 ÏÏ 2006, Russia, 35 min, colour, 1:1.85, 35 mm œÓÒΠÓÍÓ̘‡Ìˡ ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÔÓ‰˛Ò Director and Producer Alexander Kessel ÒÛ‚ÓÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó ‚ÓÂÌÌÓ„Ó Û˜ËÎˢ‡ (1987) ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ üÂÒÒÂθ Scriptwriters Sergei Vereikin, ÔÓÒÚÛÔËÎ ‚ ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ‡‚ˇˆËÓÌÌ˚È ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ C„ÂÈ ¬ÂÂÈÍËÌ, Alexander Kessel ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ ñ ÿ» (Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ üÂÒÒÂθ Camera Dmitry Kuvshinov, ÍÓÒÏÓ̇‚ÚËÍË), ÓÚÍÛ‰‡ ·˚Î ÔËÁ‚‡Ì ̇ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ƒÏËÚËÈ üÛ‚¯ËÌÓ‚, Maxim Ayrapetov ÒÎÛÊ·Û ‚ —¿. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ¿È‡ÔÂÚÓ‚ Art Directors Maria Zaikina, ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓÈ ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚËÍË ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË Maria Sugak Ã√»ÃŒ (1996). –‡·ÓڇΠ‚ ӷ·ÒÚË Ã‡Ëˇ «‡ËÍË̇, Ã‡Ëˇ —Û„‡Í Composer Sergei Kovalsky χÍÂÚËÌ„Ó‚˚ı ÍÓÏÏÛÌË͇ˆËÈ, ‚ ÚÓÏ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ —„ÂÈ üÓ‚‡Î¸ÒÍËÈ Cast: Maria Ranenko-Ilyina, Era ˜ËÒÎÂ Ë Á‡ Û·ÂÊÓÏ. ¬ 2004 ÔÓÒÚÛÔËÎ ¬ ÓΡı: Ã‡Ëˇ –‡ÌÂÌÍÓ-»Î¸Ë̇, Ziganshina, Vitaly Kudryavtsev, Mark ̇ ¬˚үˠÍÛÒ˚ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ›‡ «Ë„‡Ì¯Ë̇, ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ üÛ‰ˇ‚ˆÂ‚, Balmyshev, Elena Denisenko, Gennady ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ Ã‡Í ¡‡ÎÏ˚¯Â‚, ›ÎÂ̇ ƒÂÌËÒÂÌÍÓ, Rogankov, Alexei Silkin, Andrey ¬.».’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ, œ.ü.‘ËÌ̇, √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ –Ó„‡ÌÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ —ËÎÍËÌ, Filippak, Mikhail Vodolazhsky, Simon ¬.¿.‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ). «‡˘ËÚËÎ ‰ËÔÎÓÏ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ‘ËÎËÔÔ‡Í, ÃËı‡ËÎ Kortes, Tatiana Ufimtseva, ÙËθÏÓÏ ´œÓ͇ ÓÌ ÎÂÚ‡ÎÖª. ¬Ó‰Ó·ÊÒÍËÈ, —ËÏÓÌ üÓÚÂÒ, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ Sergei Laptev ”ÙËψ‚‡, —„ÂÈ À‡ÔÚ‚ Production HCSF œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬ü—– Sales Alexander Kessel ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ üÂÒÒÂθ (. 1970, „. ∆ËÚÓÏË, ”͇Ë̇). œ‡‚‡ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ üÂÒÒÂθ Alexander Kessel —ÂÏËÎÂÚÌˇˇ ‰Â‚Ә͇ ËÒÍÂÌÌ ‚ÂËÚ ‚ A seven-year old girl genuinely believes (b. 1970, Zhitomir, Ukraine). ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚ ‚ÁÓÒÎ˚ı Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ Â in adultsí stories that her absent father After graduating from Moscowís ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚Û˛˘ËÈ ÓÚˆ ñ „ÂÓÈ-ÎÂÚ˜ËÍ. is a pilot hero. Sometimes, hoping for a Suvorov Military School (1987) he »ÌÓ„‰‡ ó ‚ Ì‡‰Âʉ ̇ ˜Û‰Ó ó Ï˚ miracle, we look to heaven. Sometimes enrolled at the Moscow Aviation ÒÏÓÚËÏ ‚ Ì·ÂÒ‡. »ÌÓ„‰‡ ˜Û‰ÂÒ‡ miracles happen Ö Institute (MAI, faculty of astronauts), ÒÎÛ˜‡˛ÚÒˇÖ whence he was drafted into the Soviet Army. Graduated from the faculty of international journalism MGIMO (1996). Worked in marketing communications, also worked abroad. In 2004 enrolled for the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors (course of Vladimir Khotinenko, Pavel Finn, Vladimir Fenchenko). Defended his the diploma with the film ìWhile he was Flyingî. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts œ–Œ¡”∆ƒ≈Õ»≈ AWAKENING 66 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 26 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, 2005, Russia, 26 min, colour, 1:1.66, ÓÔÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÏÓÌÓ, 35 ÏÏ optical mono, 35 mm ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ¡ÓËÒ √ۘχÁÓ‚ Boris Guchmazov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ≈„Ó –ˇ·˜ËÍÓ‚, Camera Egor Riabchikov, ¬‡ÎÂÌÚËÌ ›¯Ô‡È, ¿ÚÂÏ ‘ÛÏ‡Ì Valentin Eshpay, Artyom Furman «‚ÛÍ œ.ƒÛ‰ËÌ, ¬.œÓÎÚ‡‚ˆ Sound P.Dudin, V.Poltavets ¬ ÓΡı: üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ’‡Â·Ó‚, Cast: Konstantin Kharebov, «‡Û —‡Ì‡ÍÓ‚ Zaur Sanakoev œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK üÓ„‰‡-ÚÓ üÓÒÚˇ ϘڇΠÒÚ‡Ú¸ Kostia has lived in Moscow for seven ÎÂÚ˜ËÍÓÏ. “ÂÔ¸ ñ ÔÓ˜ÚË ÛÊ ÒÂϸ years. What he does here for a living is ÎÂÚ ó üÓÒÚˇ ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. ◊ÂÏ ÓÌ unknown to his father who arrives on a ÚÛÚ Á‡ÌËχÂÚÒˇ ñ ˝ÚÓ„Ó Ì Á̇ÂÚ surprise visit. And Kostia can hardly ÌÂÓÊˉ‡ÌÌÓ ÔËÂı‡‚¯ËÈ Í ÌÂÏÛ ÓÚˆ. tell him anything about himselfÖ ¡ÓËÒ √ۘχÁÓ‚ (.1978, „. œÂÚÓÔ‡‚ÎÓ‚ÒÍ-ü‡Ï˜‡ÚÒÍËÈ). ”˜ËÎÒˇ ̇ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍÓÏ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ƒ‡ Ë üÓÒÚˇ ÔÓ˜ÚË ÌË˜Â„Ó Ó Ò· ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡Ú¸ ÂÏÛ Ì ÏÓÊÂÚÖ fiÊÌÓ-ŒÒÂÚËÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡. ¬ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ñ ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ-‰ËÔÎÓÏÌËÍ ¬√»ü‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬.».’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ Ë ¬.¿.‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ). ‘ËθÏ˚: ´«Ëχª (2003, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ´œÓ·ÛʉÂÌ˪ (‰ËÔÎÓÏ; ‚ÚÓ‡ˇ ÔÂÏˡ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ´—‚. ¿Ì̇ª, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2006) Boris Guchmazov (b.1978, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). Studied at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Southern Ossetia. Currently a diploma student at the Film Institute VGIK (course of Vladimir Khotinenko and Vladimir Fenchenko). Films: ìWinterî (2003, coursework), ìAwakeningî (diploma; second prize of the competition ìSt. Annaî, Moscow, 2006) CAMOMILES ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts –ŒÃ¿ÿü» 67 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ/ ÿ‚ÂˆËˇ, 16 ÏËÌ., 2006, Russia/Sweden, 16 min, ˆ‚., miniDV colour, miniDV ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌËË. ¬ 1996 ÔÂÂÂı‡Î ‚ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ‡‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, Director, Scriptwriter, Sound ÿ‚ÂˆË˛, „‰Â ‡·ÓڇΠÏÓÌÚ‡ÊÂÓÏ, ‡ Á‚ÛÍÓÂÊËÒÒ ‘ËÎËÔÔ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚ Director, Editor Filipp Korshunov ÔÓÁÊ ó ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌ˚Ï —˙ÂÏÍË: ÇÚÒ ›‚‡ÌÒÓÌ, ¿ÌÌÂ-ÀË Camera Mats Evenson, AnneLi Gelbard, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÓÏ. — 2004 ó ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ √Â燉, À‡c ÕÛ‰Â, ¿Ì̇ Lars Norder, ¿Ì̇ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚‡, Michael ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ‡ ¬√»ü‡ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚‡, ÃËı‡ËÎ ÃË·‡ı Mirbach (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬.». ’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ Ë ¬.¿. ¬ ÓΡı: ÇÚÒ ›‚‡ÌÒÓÌ, ¿ÌÌÂ-ÀË Cast: Mats Evenson, AnneLi Gelbard, ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ). ´–Óχ¯Í˪ ó ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ √Â燉, À‡c ÕÛ‰Â, ¿Ì̇ Lars Norder, ¿Ì̇ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚‡, Michael ‡·ÓÚ‡. üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚‡, ÃËı‡ËÎ ÃË·‡ı Mirbach, Roman Sviridenko (voice) ŒÁ‚Û˜‡ÌË –ÓÏ‡Ì —‚ËˉÂÌÍÓ Producer Filipp Korshunov œÓ‰˛Ò ‘ËÎËÔÔ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚ Production Filipp Korshunov, VGIK ‘ËÎËÔÔ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚ (. 1973, „. üË‚ÓÈ –Ó„, ”͇Ë̇). –‡·ÓڇΠÍÓÂÒÔÓ̉ÂÌÚÓÏ Ì‡ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ‘ËÎËÔÔ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚, ¬√»ü Fillip Korshunov (b. 1973, Krivoi Rog, Ukraine). Worked as correspondent for television. In 1996 moved to Sweden, where he worked as editor and later as executive producer. Since 2004 he is a student of the Directorsí Faculty at the Film Institute VGIK (workshop of V. Khotinenko and V. Fenchenko). ìCamomilesî is his course work. ÃÂÎÓ‰‡Ï‡. Melodrama. «‡‚¯˂ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡ÌË ‚ ¿ÏÂËÍÂ, Having finished his education in ÏÓÎÓ‰ÓÈ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ÔËÂÁʇÂÚ ‰ÓÏÓÈ. America, a young man returns home. In ◊ÂÂÁ ‰‚ Ì‰ÂÎË ÓÌ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ‚ÂÌÛÚ¸Òˇ two weeks he has to go back to New ‚ Õ¸˛-…ÓÍ ó Â„Ó Ê‰ÂÚ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ̇ York, where a job on Wall Street is ”ÓÎÎ-ÒÚËÚ. ƒÛÁ¸ˇ, Ó‰Ì˚Â, β·Ëχˇ waiting for him. His friends, his relatives Ô˚Ú‡˛ÚÒˇ Â„Ó ÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ ‰ÓÏ‡Ö and his girl try to make him stayÖ ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts —¬¿“Œ¬—“¬Œ COURTSHIP 68 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 27 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 35 ÏÏ 2005, Russia, 27 min, colour, 35 mm –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿Ì̇ ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ Director Anna Fenchenko ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ À‡ËÒ‡ —ÚÂÔ‡ÌÓ‚‡ Scriptwriter Larisa Stepanova ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »„Ó¸ ¡ÛˇÍ Camera Igor Buryak ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ —„ÂÈ ∆‡ÍÛÎËÌ Art Director Sergei Zhakulin üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ Ã‡Ëˇ –Úˢ‚‡ Costumes Maria Rtishcheva üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ —„ÂÈ —Ú‡ÓÒÚËÌ Composer Sergei Starostin ¬ „·‚Ì˚ı ÓΡı: ŒÎ¸„‡ À‡Ô¯Ë̇, Principal cast: Olga Lapshina, œÂÚ «‡È˜ÂÌÍÓ Pyotr Zaichenko œÓ‰˛Ò œÂÚ ¿ÌÛÓ‚ Producer Pyotr Anurov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´—ÎÓ‚Óª, Production Slovo Film Studio with ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ participation of the Federal Agency for ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Culture and Cinematography ¿Ì̇ ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (2000, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬.».’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ). ƒÓ ۘ·˚ ‚Ó ¬√»ü ‡·Óڇ· „ËÏÂÓÏ, ÍÓÒÚ˛ÏÂÓÏ, ‰ËÁ‡ÈÌÂÓÏ ÔÓ ËÌÚ¸ÂÛ, ÔÛ·ÎËÍÓ‚‡Î‡Ò¸ ‚ ÊÛ̇Π´›Í‡Ìª. ¬ 2001-2003 ñ ÂÊËÒÒ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´üÛÍÎ˚ª (Õ“¬). ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï): ´—Ì˚ª (1998, ۘ·̇ˇ), ´œÓ‰ÎËÌÌËÍ ÿ‡„‡Î‡ª (ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ´—‚ˉ‡Ì˪ (2000, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ´“Â‡Ú ÓÚ üÛÚ˛ª (2003, ‰ÓÍ.), ´“‡Î‡ÌÚ˚ Ë ÔÓÍÎÓÌÌËÍ˪ (2004, Ú·θχ̇ı ´œÓÁ‰ÌËÈ ÛÊË̪), ´—‚‡ÚÓ‚ÒÚ‚Óª (2005). œÂ‰ ÚÂÏ, Í‡Í Î˜¸ ‚ „ÓÓ‰ÒÍÛ˛ Before being admitted to the local ÓÌÍÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍÛ˛ ÍÎËÌËÍÛ, ≈‚‰ÓÍˡ oncology clinic, Evdokia Fedotova has ‘‰ÓÚÓ‚‡ Á‡Í‡Á‡Î‡ „Ó·, ÔÓ‰‡Î‡ ‰ÓÏ, ordered a coffin, sold the house, the Ï·Âθ, ÒÍÓÚËÌÛ ñ ˜ÚÓ·˚ Û ‰Ó˜ÍË furniture, the cattle so that her ‰Â̸„Ë ·˚ÎË. ÕÓ ÓÒڇ·Ҹ Û Ì Ӊ̇ daughter would have money. But she Ò¸ÂÁ̇ˇ ÔÓ·ÎÂχ: Í‡Í ÌÂÔÛÚ‚˚È has one serious problem left: how is her ÏÛÊ ‘Â‰Ó ·ÂÁ Ì ÚÂÔ¸ ÊËÚ¸ ·Û‰ÂÚ? useless husband Fiodor going to get by —ÏÂÚ¸ ó ÒÏÂÚ¸˛, ‡ ÓÚ‰‡‚‡Ú¸ ´‡·˚ without her? Death is one thing, but ÍÓÏÛª ÏÛʇ, ıÓÚ¸ Ë ÔÎÓıÓ̸ÍÓ„Ó, she does not want to leave her husband ÊÂ̇ Ì ıÓ˜ÂÚ. œËı‚‡ÚË‚ Ò ÒÓ·ÓÈ to the next best woman. With her last ÌÂÔÓ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡·‡Ì˜Ë͇, Ôӂ· remaining unsold cattle, a boar, Evdokia ≈‚‰ÓÍˡ ÏÛʇ ÔÓ ‰Â‚Ì ҂‡Ú‡Ú¸Ö goes round the village to marry off her husbandÖ Anna Fenchenko Graduated from the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (2000, course of Vladimir Khotinenko). Before studying at VGIK worked as make-up artist, costume assistant, and interior designer; published in the magazine ìEkranî. From 2001-2003 the director of the programme ìPuppetsî (Kukly, NTV). Films (shorts): Dreams (1998, practical), The Chagall Original (1999, coursework), The Date (2000, coursework), Theatre haute couture (2003, doc), Talents and Admirers (2004, television almanac ìLate Supperî), Courtship (2005). OURS, THEIRS ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts —¬Œ…, ◊”∆Œ… 69 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 21 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 35 ÏÏ 2006, Russia, 21 min, colour, 35 mm ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ¬√»ü‡ (2005, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ ≈ÓÙ‚‡ Alexandra Erofeeva Ã.Ã. ’ۈ˂‡). ‘ËθÏ˚: ´»Á ÊËÁÌË ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »„Ó¸ –ÛÍËÌ Camera Igor Rukin ÍÓ¯Âͪ (2003, ۘ·̇ˇ), ´üÛÍ·ª ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ √‡‚ËÎÓ‚‡ Art Director Anastasia Gavrilova (2004, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ´—‚ÓÈ, ˜ÛÊÓȪ «‚ÛÍ flÓÒ·‚ —‡ÔÓÊÌËÍÓ‚ Sound Yaroslav Sapozhnikov (2006, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ) ¬ ÓΡı: —„ÂÈ ∆‡ÍÓ‚, Cast: Sergei Zharkov, üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ fi‰‡Â‚ Konstantin Yudaev œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK ƒ‡Ï‡. Drama. ¬ÚÓ‡ˇ ÏËÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÓÈ̇. –ÛÒÒÍËÈ Ë The Second World War. Russian and ÌÂψÍËÈ ÒÓΉ‡Ú˚ Ó͇Á˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ‚ German soldiers are in the same shell- Ó‰ÌÓÈ ‚ÓÓÌÍÂ. ‘ÓÌÚ Û¯ÂÎ ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ, hole. The front has moved far away, ÍÛ‰‡ ñ ÓÌË Ì Á̇˛Ú. Õ ÔÓÌËχ˛˘Ë they do not know where. Not ‰Û„ ‰Û„‡, ËÁÏÛ˜ÂÌÌ˚Â, ÓÌË Á̇˛Ú understanding each other and Ó‰ÌÓ: ËÏ Ì‡‰Ó ‰ÓÈÚË ‰Ó β‰ÂÈ. Œ ÚÓÏ, exhausted, they know one thing: they ÍÚÓ ˝ÚÓ ·Û‰ÂÚ ñ ´Ò‚Ó˪ ËÎË ´˜ÛÊ˪, must find people. Whether these people ÓÌË ÒÚ‡‡˛ÚÒˇ ÔÓ͇ Ì ‰ÛÏ‡Ú¸Ö will be ìoursî or ìtheirsî is something ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ ≈ÓÙ‚‡ (. 1976, “‡¯ÍÂÌÚ, ”Á·ÂÍËÒÚ‡Ì). Alexandra Erofeeva (b. 1976, Tashkent, Uzbekistan). Graduated from the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (2005, course of Marlen Khutsiev). Films: ìFrom the Life of Catsî (2003, practical), ìThe Dollî (2004, coursework), ìOurs, Theirsî (2006, diploma) they try to not think about for the momentÖ ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts —≈Õ“≈Õ÷»» œ¿Õ“≈À≈fl ü¿–ÿՌ¬¿ THE MAXIMS OF PANTELEI KARMANOV 70 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 18 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, 2005, Russia, 18 min, colour, 1:1.66, 35 ÏÏ 35 mm ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ —ÂÓ‚ Konstantin Serov ¿‚ÚÓ ÚÂÍÒÚ‡ »‚‡Ì ¬˚˚ԇ‚ Text by Ivan Vyrypaev ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ≈ÎıÓ‚, Camera Alexander Elkhov, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ Ã‡Í‚ Alexei Makeev ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ”¯‡ÍÓ‚ Art Director Maxim Ushakov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ Շڇθˇ “ÂÙËÎÓ‚‡ Costumes Natalia Trefilova «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ ¿ÌÓÒÓ‚‡ Sound Anastasia Anosova ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ‘ÓÎÓ‚, —‚ÂÚ·̇ Cast: Andrei Frolov, Svetlana Ivanova, »‚‡ÌÓ‚‡, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË »‚΂, ÇÍÒËÏ Vladimir Ivlev, Maxim Ushakov, Anton ”¯‡ÍÓ‚, ¿ÌÚÓÌ “ËıÓÌÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Tikhonov, Alexander Nikitin, Valery ÕËÍËÚËÌ, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ƒÂ‚ˇÚËÎÓ‚, Devyatilov, Denis Bauer ƒÂÌËÒ ¡‡Û˝ Production VGIK üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ —ÂÓ‚ (. 1973, ’‡·‡Ó‚ÒÍ). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (2005, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ Ã.Ã. ’ۈ˂‡). ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ԡÚË ÂÍ·ÏÌ˚ı ÓÎËÍÓ‚ ‰Îˇ Ô‰ÔˡÚˡ ´›üŒœÓÏ ñ ÀËÔˆͪ. ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï): ´üÎÓÛ̪ (ۘ·̇ˇ, 2002), ´—ÂÌÚÂ̈ËË œ‡ÌÚÂΡ ü‡Ï‡ÌÓ‚‡ª (ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ, 2005), ´√‡‚ËÎË̪ (2006). œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü ´...» ÚÛÚ ÏÓÂ„Ó ÔˡÚÂΡ ÔÓÒÚÓ ì... And here my friend just could not ÔÓ‚‡ÎÓ, ÓÌ Ì‡˜‡Î ‚˚ÒÚÛÔ‡Ú¸: contain himself any more and he spoke: —͇̉‡ÎËÚ¸! ¬ÓÚ ‚ ˜ÂÏ ÒÏ˚ÒÎ ·˚Úˡ. Scandals! That is the sense of life. ¬ÂÁ‰Â Ë ÔÓ‚Ò˛‰Û Ò͇̉‡ÎËÚ¸! ¬‡Ú¸ Arguments everywhere! Lie to your ‰ÛÁ¸ˇÏ Ë Ô‰‡‚‡Ú¸ Û˜ËÚÂÎÂÈ. friends and cheat your teachers. Betray »ÁÏÂÌˇÚ¸ ÊÂÌÂ Ë ÍΡÒÚ¸Òˇ ‚ β·‚Ë your wife and swear love to an unloved ÌÂβ·ËÏÓÈ ÊÂÌ˘ËÌÂ. »Òˆ‡‡Ô‡Ú¸ woman. Scratch the varnished surface ·ÍËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ ÔÓÍ˚ÚË ÔËÒ¸ÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó of the desk in your parentsí house. ÒÚÓ· ‚ ‰ÓÏ ӉËÚÂÎÂÈ. –‡Á·ËÚ¸ Break the window display of a sports ‚ËÚËÌÛ ÒÔÓÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó Ï‡„‡ÁË̇ Ë shop and slap your belovedís face. Live ̇‰‡‚‡Ú¸ ÔÓ˘Â˜ËÌ Ò‚ÓÂÈ Î˛·ËÏÓÈ. only for yourself and envy the husbands ∆ËÚ¸ ÚÓθÍÓ ‰Îˇ Ò·ˇ Ë Â‚ÌÓ‚‡Ú¸ of other women. Drink alcohol and ˜ÛÊËı ÊÂÌ Í Ëı ÏÛʸˇÏ. œËÚ¸ swear in the presence of children. Be ‡ÎÍÓ„Óθ Ë ÒÍ‚ÂÌÓÒÎÓ‚ËÚ¸ ÔË ‰ÂÚˇı. rude to old people and consider yourself ’‡ÏËÚ¸ ÒÚ‡ËÍ‡Ï Ë Ò˜ËÚ‡Ú¸ Ò·ˇ ÛÏÌ brighter than others. Offend skinheads ‰Û„Ëı. ŒÒÍӷΡڸ ·ËÚÓ„ÓÎÓ‚˚ı in the street and get beaten up by them Ô‡ÌÂÈ Ì‡ ÛÎËˆÂ Ë ·˚Ú¸ ËÁ·ËÚ˚Ï ËÏË until you die. Die and continue the ‰Ó ÒÏÂÚË. ”ÏÂÂÚ¸ Ë ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇڸ scandal!î Ò͇̉‡Î!..ª Konstantin Serov (b. 1973, Khabarovsk). Graduated from the Directors Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (2005, course of Marlen Khutsiev). Scriptwriter and director of five advertising clips for the company ìECOProm-Lipetskî. Films (shorts): ìThe Clownî (practical, 2002), ìThe Maxims of Pantelei Karmanovî (coursework, 2005), ìGavrilinî (2006). WEISSMANíS NEIGHBOUR ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts —Œ—≈ƒü¿ ¬¿…—ÿտ 71 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 6í40î, ˆ‚., DVD, 2006, Russia, 6í40î, colour, DVD, ‡ÌËχˆËˇ, ÍÓÏÔ¸˛ÚÂ̇ˇ „‡ÙË͇ animation, computer graphics ÒÔˆˇθÌÓÒÚË ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ-ÓÙÓÏËÚÂθ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ Scriptwriter, Director and Art Director (1988, „. Õ‡·ÂÂÊÌ˚ ◊ÂÎÌ˚). –ÓÁ‡ √ËχډËÌÓ‚‡ Roza Gimatdinova –‡·Óڇ· ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍÓÏ-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘ËÍÓÏ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK ‚ Ú‡Ú ÍÛÍÓÎ ´ƒÓÏ ƒÂÚÂÈ Ë œÚˈª œ‡‚‡ –ÓÁ‡ √ËχډËÌÓ‚‡ Sales Roza Gimatdinova üÓ„‰‡-ÚÓ „ÓÒÔÓ‰ËÌÛ ¬‡ÈÒχÌÛ Ì Once, in 1968, Mister Weissman was ÔÓ‚ÂÁÎÓ ñ ˝ÚÓ ·˚ÎÓ ‚ 1968 „Ó‰Û. unlucky. In 2006 his neighbour is a ¬ 2006-Ï Â„Ó ÒÓÒ‰͇ Ó͇Á‡Î‡Ò¸ victim of the same phenomena. How ÊÂÚ‚ÓÈ ÚÂı Ê ˇ‚ÎÂÌËÈ. ü‡Í ÂÈ could she change the course of events? Û‰‡ÎÓÒ¸ ËÁÏÂÌËÚ¸ ıÓ‰ ÒÓ·˚ÚËÈ? ÃÓÊÂÚ Perhaps it all depends on the times? –ÓÁ‡ √ËχډËÌÓ‚‡ (. 1969, „. ¿Î¸ÏÂڸ‚ÒÍ, “‡Ú‡ÒÚ‡Ì). ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ”˜ËÎˢ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ ÔÓ (Õ‡·ÂÂÊÌ˚ ◊ÂÎÌ˚), ‚ ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓÏ Ó·Î‡ÒÚÌÓÏ Ú‡Ú ÍÛÍÓÎ Ë ‰Û„Ëı Ú‡ڇı. — 2005 ñ ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ͇ ¬√»ü‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ ÏÛθÚËωˇ, Ô‰‡„Ó„Ë ñ ≈.¿. ü‡Î˷‰‡ Ë Œ.—. √ÓÌÓÒڇ‚‡). Rosa Gimatdinova (b. 1969, Almetyevsk, Tatarstan). Graduated from the School of Arts in Naberezhnye Chelny, specializing in art design (1988). Worked as art director at the puppet theatre ìHouse of Children and Birdsî (Naberezhnye Chelny), in Moscowís Regional Puppet Theatre and other theatres. Since 2005 she is a student at the Film Institute VGIK (direction workshop in multimedia, teachers E. Kaliberda and O. Gornostaeva). ·˚Ú¸, ‚Ò ‰ÂÎÓ ‚Ó ‚ÂÏÂÌË? ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts —œ¿—»¡Œ «¿ –¤¡” THANKS FOR THE FISH 72 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 3í50î, ˆ‚., ‡ÌËχˆËˇ 2005, Russia, 3í50î, colour, animation ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director À˛‰ÏË· ÀËÔӂ͇ Lyudmila Lipovka üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ œ‡ÔÂÌ˚È Composer Alexei Paperny «‚ÛÍ flÓÒ·‚ —‡ÔÓÊÌËÍÓ‚ Sound Yaroslav Sapozhnikov œÓ‰˛Ò À˛‰ÏË· ÀËÔӂ͇ Producer Lyudmila Lipovka œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK –˚·‡ ñ ÙÂÚ˯, ‚ÓÍÛ„ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Ë Fish is a fetish around which events ‡Á‚Ó‡˜Ë‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ÒÓ·˚ÚËˇÖ happen. À˛‰ÏË· ÀËÔӂ͇ (. 1984, „. ¬ËÚ·ÒÍ, ¡Â·ÛÒ¸). ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌ˚È ÎˈÂÈ ´¿„ÛÒª, ‚ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ñ ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ͇ ¬√»ü‡ (Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ ‡ÌËχˆËË). ‘ËθÏ˚: ´“ˇ„ÛÎÂÔª (2005), ´—Ô‡ÒË·Ó Á‡ ˚·Ûª (2005). Lyudmila Lipovka (b. 1984, Vitebsk, Belarus). Graduated from the animation school ARGUS and currently is a student of the Film Institute VGIK (Faculty of Direction in Animation). Films: ìTyagulepî (2005), ìThanks for a Fishî (2005). THE OLD DACHA ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts —“¿–¿fl ƒ¿◊¿ 73 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 10 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚.+˜/·, 2005, Russia, 10 min, colour+b/w, ÏÓÌÓ, 35 ÏÏ mono, 35 mm „Ó ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡, ‡·Óڇ· ̇ ‡‰ËÓ Ë ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌËË ”‡Î¸ÒÍÓ„Ó Â„ËÓ̇, ‚ ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ “‡‡ÒÓ‚‡ Anastasia Tarasova 2002-04 ó ‡ÍÚËÒ‡ ´“‡ڇ.docª. ¬ ̇- ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »Ë̇ ÿ‡Ú‡ÎÓ‚‡ Camera Irina Shatalova ÒÚÓˇ˘Â ‚ÂÏˇ ó ÒÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ͇ ÔˇÚÓ„Ó ÍÛ- œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬√»ü Production VGIK ƒÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθ̇ˇ Ù‡ÌÚ‡Áˡ. ÀÂÚÌËÈ Documentary fantasy. A summer day in ‰Â̸ 1964 „Ó‰‡, ÔÓ‰ÏÓÒÍӂ̇ˇ ‰‡˜‡, 1964, a dacha near Moscow, a playing ¯‡ÎËÚ Â·ÂÌÓÍ, ‚ÁÓÒÎ˚ Òӷˇ˛ÚÒˇ child, adults who are about to go to the ̇ ˜ÍÛÖ ˜ÂÂÁ Ô‡ÒÚӇθÌ˚ river. Through this pastoral images ͇ÚËÌÍË Ì‡ÁÓÈÎË‚Ó ÔÓ·Ë‚‡ÂÚÒˇ Á‚ÛÍ pierces the sound of a typewriter Ô˜‡ÚÌÓÈ Ï‡¯ËÌÍË ó ̇ ˝ÚÓÈ ‰‡˜Â importunately: in this dacha a ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Ò‡ÏËÁ‰‡ÚÓ‚Ò͇ˇ ìsamizdatî (self-publishing) typography ´ÚËÔÓ„‡Ùˡª. ¬Â˜ÂÓÏ, ÍÓ„‰‡ is at work. In the evening when the Ә‰ÌÓÈ ÌÓÏ ÊÛ̇· ·Û‰ÂÚ „ÓÚÓ‚, next issue of the magazine is ready, a Í ‰ÓÏÛ ÔÓ‰˙‰ÂÚ ˜Â̇ˇ χ¯ËÌ‡Ö black car drives up to the house Ö Œ‰Ì‡ÍÓ Ì‡ Ò‡ÏÓÏ ‰ÂΠÒÂȘ‡Ò ÁËχ. However, it is winter now, and near the Ã˚ ‚ˉËÏ, Í‡Í ‚˚ÒÓÍÓÏÂÂÌ deserted dacha a large cottage has been Á‡„ÓÓ‰Ì˚È ÍÓÚÚÂ‰Ê Ë Í‡Í ‰˚ÏËÚÒˇ built, and on the desk of a well-known ÍÓÙ ̇ ‡·Ó˜ÂÏ ÒÚÓΠËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó journalist the coffee is steaming and a ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚ‡, Ë Í‡Í Ú‚ÓÊÌÓ Ïˆ‡ÂÚ Christmas Tree shines in the roomÖ Ó„ÌˇÏË ÌÓ‚Ó„Ó‰Ìˇˇ ÂÎ͇ ñ ‚Ò ˝ÚÓ - Grand Prix IFF ìOff Cinemaî, Poznan, ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ “‡‡ÒÓ‚‡ (. 1979, „. œÓ΂ÒÍÓÈ, —‚‰ÎÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Ó·Î.). ŒÍÓ̘Ë· Ù-Ú ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚËÍË ”‡Î¸ÒÍÓ- Ò‡ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ‡ ¬√»ü‡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ÌÂË„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ ».».√ÂÎÂÈ̇). ¬ 2004 ÓÒÌÓ‚‡Î‡ ÒÚÛ‰Ë˛ ´√‡Ï‡˛Ìª (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ‘ËθÏ˚ (Í/Ï, ‰ÓÍ): ´–Ó·ËÌÁÓÌ ‚ ÓÚÔÛÒͪ (2003, ۘ·̇ˇ), ´ÃÂÊÒÂÁÓ̸ª (2003), ´ÿ‡„ÌÛ‚¯Ë ‚ ‚ÓÈÌÛª (2004), ´—‚ÂÚ ¡ÂÎÓ„Ó ÏÓˇª (2005), ´—Ú‡‡ˇ ‰‡˜‡ª (2005, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ), ´ƒÂÚË ‚ÂÎËÍÓ„Ó ÓÁ‡ª (2006). Anastasia Tarasova (b. 1979, Polevskoy, Sverdlovsk Region). Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Ural State University, worked for radio and television of the Ural region; from 2002-04 actress at ìteatr.docî. Currently fifth-year student at the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (course of documentary film of Igor Gelein). In 2004 founded the studio ìGamayunî (Moscow). Films (shorts, doc): Robinson on Holiday (2003, practical), Mid-Season (2003), Marching in the War (2004), Light of the White Sea (2005), The Old Dacha (2005, coursework), Children of the Great Lake (2006). Ó˜Â̸ ıÓÓ¯Ó ÔÓÒχÚË‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ËÁ ÚÂÏÌÓÚ˚ ÒÚ‡ÓÈ Á‡ÔÛ˘ÂÌÌÓÈ ‰‡˜ËÖ - √‡Ì-ÔË Ãü‘ ´Off Cinemaª, œÓÁ̸̇, œÓθ¯‡. Poland. ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts “ŒœŒ–»Ÿ≈ THE AXE HELVE 74 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 23 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., miniDV 2005, Russia, 23 min, color, miniDV ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ¡Óˆ Nikolai Borts ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ ÀÓÊÍÓ‚ÓÈ Camera Viacheslav Lozhkovoy «‚ÛÍ √Ë„ÓËÈ ƒÓηË‚ Sound Grigory Dolbiev ¬ ÓΡı: ŒÍ҇̇ —͇ÍÛÌ, ¿ÚÂÏ Cast: Oksana Skakun, Artiom Mikheev, ÃËı‚, ¬ËÍÚÓ “ÂÂıÓ‚, »Ë̇ Victor Terekhov, Irina Balai, ¡‡Î‡È, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ≈Ò‡ÛÎÓ‚ Alexander Esaulov œÓ‰˛ÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡ÂÎÓÛÒÓ‚ Producer Alexander Belousov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —œ·√”üË“ ñ —‡ÌÍÚ- Production St. Petersburg University of œÂÚ·ۄÒÍËÈ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È Cinema and Television ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ¡Óˆ (. 1980, ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰). —ÚÛ‰ÂÌÚ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ‡ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ (χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ Ë„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ ü.—. ÀÓÔÛ¯‡ÌÒÍÓ„Ó Ë ¬.¬. —ÏËÌÓ‚‡), 2 ÍÛÒ. ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ ŒÌ‡ β·ËÚ Â„Ó, ÓÌ Î˛·ËÚ ÂÂ, ÏÂÊ‰Û She loves him, he loves her, between ÌËÏË ‚ÒÚ‡ÂÚ ÚÓÔÓˢÂ... them stand an axe helve... Nikolai Borts (b. 1980, Leningrad). Second-year student of the St. Petersburg University of Cinema and Television (workshop of directing feature films of K. Lopushansky and V. Smirnov). TRAGITURGIA ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚. ÍÓÓÚÍËÈ ÏÂÚ kinotavr. shorts “–¿√»“”–√»fl 75 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 40 ÏËÌ., 35 ÏÏ/ 2006, Russia, 40 min, 35 mm/ Betacam SP Betacam SP ‡·ÓڇΠ‡ÒÒËÒÚÂÌÚÓÏ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ‡‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Scriptwriter and Director “Â΂ˉÂÌˡ „ÓÓ‰‡ —ÛÏ˚, ÓÍÓ̘ËÎ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ Ã‡„‰Ë˜ Andrei Magdich ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ œÓ‰˛Ò ›ÏËÎˡ Ç„‰Ë˜ Producer Emilia Magdich (1996, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ Ú˛ÍÓ‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ Ë œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¬Œ« Production VOZ ÕÂË„Ó‚ÓÈ ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ÙËθÏ- Experimental non-fiction film, an ‡Î΄Óˡ Ó ·ÂÒÍÓ̘ÌÓÏ ÔÓËÒÍ allegory on the never-ending search for ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇. ›ÚÓÚ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ñ ͇ʉ˚È ËÁ a person. This person is each of us, man ̇Ò, ÏÛʘË̇ Ë ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇. ŒÌ ˢÂÚ and woman. He searches love, kindness, β·Ó‚¸, ‰Ó·Ó, Ò‚Ó˛ ÔÓÎÓ‚ËÌÛ. » Ì his other half. Unable to find it in ̇ȉˇ ˝ÚÓ„Ó ‚ ‡θÌÓÒÚË, ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ reality, he continues to search in his ËÒ͇ڸ ‚ Ò‚ÓËı Ò̇ı ËÎË ‚ ‰Û„ÓÏ, dreams and in another, parallel world. ¿Ì‰ÂÈ Ã‡„‰Ë˜ (. 1963, „. ’‡¸ÍÓ‚, ”͇Ë̇). ”˜ËÎÒˇ ‚ œÂ‰‡„ӄ˘ÂÒÍÓÏ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚÂ, ÍÓÏÔ¸˛ÚÂÌÓÈ „‡ÙËÍË, χÒÚ ñ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË üÓ·ËÌ). –‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ ÂÊËÒÒÂÓÏ ‡‚ÚÓÒÍËı ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ Ì‡ ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌËË (´üÛθÚÛ‡ª, Œ–“). Andrei Magdich (b. 1963, Kharkov, Ukraine). Studied at the Pedagogical Institute, worked as assistant director of Suma Television and graduated from the Directorsí Faculty of the Film Institute VGIK (1996, workshop of trick-film and computer graphics, course of Vladimir Kobrin). Works as director on central television channels (ìKulturaî and ORT). Ô‡‡ÎÎÂθÌÓÏ ÏËÂ. 76 Õ‡Ò·ʉ‡Ú¸Òˇ ÔÓ-ÛÒÒÍË Enjoy, Russian style! ´–ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡª ó ÌÓ‚˚È ÓÔ˚Ú "Russian Euphoria" is a new programme ÔÓ„‡ÏÏËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ̇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª. for "Kinotavr". It has been brought to ŒÌ ‚˚Á‚‡Ì Í ÊËÁÌË ·ÛÌ˚Ï ‡Á‚ËÚËÂÏ life by the rapid development of our ̇¯ÂÈ ÍËÌÓË̉ÛÒÚËË, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ÛÊ film industry, which no longer fits into ÌËÍ‡Í Ì ÛÍ·‰˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ Ó‰ËÌ ËÎË ‰‚‡ one or two basic programme sections. ÓÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ı ÙÓχڇ. üÓÌÍÛÒ ñ ˝ÚÓ ÔÂ- The competition is largely festival ËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚È ÏÂÈÌ- mainstream. "Russian Euphoria" ÒÚËÏ. ´–ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡª ó ÚÓ, ˜ÚÓ represents what in festival jargon is ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓÏ Ê‡„ÓÌ ̇Á˚‚‡˛Ú called "side-bar": a separate, ҇ȉ-·‡: ÓÚ‰Âθ̇ˇ ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËχˇ ÒÂÍ- independent section that reveals the ˆËˇ, ÔÓˇ‚Ρ˛˘‡ˇ ÔÓ‰‚Ó‰Ì˚ Ú˜ÂÌˡ undercurrents of the cinematic process. ÍËÌÓÔÓˆÂÒÒ‡. The title for the "side bar" has been Õ‡Á‚‡ÌË ‰Îˇ ҇ȉ-·‡‡ Ï˚ ÔÓÁ‡ËÏ- borrowed from a programme which we ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÎË ÓÚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚, ÍÓÚÓÛ˛ ÛÊ have been running in Moscow for Ì Ô‚˚È „Ó‰ Ó„‡ÌËÁÛÂÏ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â several years, and which mainly consists ÔÂËÏÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ËÁ Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ı of foreign films. The selection principle ÙËθÏÓ‚. œË̈ËÔ ‚Ò„‰‡ Ó‰ËÌ Ë ÚÓÚ is always the same: the films should be ÊÂ: ÒÓ·‡ÌÌ˚ ͇ÚËÌ˚ ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚ ‰Ó- enjoyable for great mastery, for ÒÚ‡‚Ρڸ Û‰Ó‚ÓθÒÚ‚Ë ‚˚ÒÓÍËÏ Ï‡Ò- refinement, and for visual imagination. ÚÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ, ËÁÓ˘ÂÌÌ˚Ï ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ÓÏ, ‚Ë- It is cinema as a legal and relatively ÁۇθÌÓÈ Ù‡ÌÚ‡ÁËÂÈ. üËÌÓ Í‡Í Î„‡Î¸- safe addiction. The time has come to ̇ˇ Ë Ò‡‚ÌËÚÂθÌÓ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡Ò̇ˇ ÙÓχ test "Euphoria" for the first time on a ̇ÍÓχÌËË. œË¯ÎÓ ‚ÂÏˇ ‚Ô‚˚ range of Russian films. ËÒÔ˚Ú‡Ú¸ ´›ÈÙÓ˲ª ̇ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÏ The programme presents both veterans ÍËÌÓχÚ¡ÎÂ. of auteur cinema (such as Ivan ¬ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ ‚ÂÚ‡Ì˚ Dykhovichny) and talented young ‡‚ÚÓÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ (»‚‡Ì ƒ˚ıӂ˘Ì˚È), directors with a successful festival ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚˚ ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ Ò ÛÒ- history (Alexei German Jr., Alexei Ô¯ÌÓ ÒÍ·‰˚‚‡˛˘ÂÈÒˇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓÈ Fedorchenko, Nikolai Khomeriki), as ÒÛ‰¸·ÓÈ (¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ √ÂχÌ-Ï·‰¯ËÈ, well as Peter Shepotinnik and Alexander ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ‘‰ӘÂÌÍÓ, ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ’ÓÏÂ- Rastorguev with their interesting work ËÍË), ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ œÂÚ ÿÂÔÓÚËÌÌËÍ Ë in the field of unconventional ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –‡ÒÚÓ„Û‚, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ËÌÚÂ- documentary film. The mixture of ÂÒÌÓ ‡·ÓÚ‡˛Ú ‚ ÔÓΠÌÂÚ‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌÓÈ genres and types of film-spectacles (as ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎËÒÚËÍË. —ϯÂÌË ʇÌÓ‚ seen last year in the amazing example Ë ÚËÔÓ‚ ÍËÌÓÁÂÎˢ (ÔÓ‡ÁËÚÂθÌ˚È of Fedorchenko's "First on the Moon") ÔËÏ ˝ÚÓ„Ó Ï˚ ۂˉÂÎË Â˘Â ‚ ÔÓ- allows us to see clearer those hidden ¯ÎÓÏ „Ó‰Û ‚ ‡Ï͇ı Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ÙËθχ ó springs that move the cinematic ´œÂ‚˚ ̇ ÀÛ̪ ‘‰ӘÂÌÍÓ) ÔÓÁ‚Ó- process. ΡÂÚ Î˯¸ ÎÛ˜¯Â ‡Á„Ρ‰ÂÚ¸ Ú ÒÍ˚Ú˚ ÔÛÊËÌ˚, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÛÔ‡‚Ρ˛Ú ‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂÏ ÍËÌÓÔÓˆÂÒÒ‡. ¿Ì‰ÂÈ œÎ‡ıÓ‚, ÍÛ‡ÚÓ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ Andrei Plakhov, Programme Curator More information on the history and current events of the programme "Euphoria" can be found on the website — ËÒÚÓËÂÈ Ë ‡ÍÚۇθÌ˚ÏË ÌÓ‚ÓÒÚˇÏË ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´›ÈÙÓˡª ÏÓÊÌÓ ÓÁ̇ÍÓÏËÚ¸Òˇ ̇ Ò‡ÈÚ ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria 977 77 977 garpastum GARPASTUM ‚‰Óı ‚˚‰Óı INHALE EXHALE ‰ËÍËÈ, ‰ËÍËÈ ÔΡÊ. ʇ ÌÂÊÌ˚ı WILD, WILD BEACH. THE HEAT OF THE GENTLE Ë„ÓÍË, ËÎË ÒÂȘ‡Ò ‚˚ȉÂÚ Ó΄ OLEG WILL APPEAR NOW ¯Ó¯Ó SHOSHO ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria 977 78 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 87 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 87 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ’ÓÏÂËÍË Director Nikolai Khomeriki ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ fiÌËÈ ƒ‡‚˚‰Ó‚, ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ’ÓÏÂËÍË Scriptwriters Yuni Davydov, Nikolai Khomeriki ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿Î˯ ’‡ÏˉıӉʇ‚ Camera Alisher Khamidkhodzhaev ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ƒÂÌËÒ ÿË·‡ÌÓ‚ Art Director Denis Shibanov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ —‚ÂÚ·̇ √‡ÔË̘ÂÌÍÓ Costumes Svetlana Garpinchenko üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ‘Â‰Ó À‡‚Ó‚ Composer Fiodor Lavrov «‚ÛÍ ŒÎ¸„‡ ¬ËÌÓ„‡‰Ó‚‡, ¬ËÌÒÂÌÚ ¬Â‰Û, ∆ÛθÂÌ –Û‡„ Sound Olga Vinogradova, Vincent Verdoux, Julien Roig ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »„Ó¸ üË‚, üËËÎÎ üÓÁÎÓ‚ Editing Igor Kireev, Kirill Kozlov ¬ ÓΡı: ‘Â‰Ó À‡‚Ó‚, ü·‚‰Ëˇ üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚‡, Cast: Fiodor Lavrov, Klavdia Korshunova, Alisa Khazanova, ¿ÎËÒ‡ ’‡Á‡ÌÓ‚‡, ü‡ÚÂË̇ √ÓÎ۷‚‡, ÀÂÓ ü‡‡ÍÒ, Katerina Golubeva, Leos Carax, Pavel Liubimtsev, Andrei œ‡‚ÂÎ À˛·Ëψ‚, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ü‡Á‡ÍÓ‚ Kazakov œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÒÂÌ √ÓÚÎË· Producer Arsen Gotlib œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´“ÂÎÂÍËÌÓª, ´ÃÂÚÓÌÓÏ-ÙËθϪ, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Production Telekino, Metronome Films with participation of ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ’ÓÏÂËÍË üËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 17 ‡ÔÂΡ 1975 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ˝ÍÓÌÓÏ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ Ã√” (1996), ¬ü—– (2002, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬.». ’ÓÚËÌÂÌÍÓ, œ.ü. ‘ËÌ̇, ¬.¿. ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ), ÒÚ‡ÊËÓ‚‡ÎÒˇ ‚ Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ ÍËÌÓ¯ÍÓΠ‘‡ÌˆËË La FEMIS (2001-05). ¡˚Î ‡ÒÒËÒÚÂÌÚÓÏ Û ‘ËÎËÔÔ‡ √‡ÂΡ (´œÓÒÚÓˇÌÌ˚ 79 β·Ó‚ÌËÍ˪) Ë ÀÂÓ ü‡‡ÍÒ‡ (´ÿ‡Ï˚ª, 2006). œËÁ Ãü‘ Ë –ü‘. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´¬‰‚ÓÂϪ ñ Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍ Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı-2005: ÔÓ„‡Ïχ Cinefondation. ´977ª (ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ´ŒÒÓ·˚È ‚Á„Ρ‰ª Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 2006) ñ Ô‚‡ˇ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡Ê̇ˇ ͇ÚË̇ ÂÊËÒÒ‡. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1998 ....ü‡ÔΡ (Í/Ï) 2002 ....“ÂÁ͇ (Í/Ï) 2003 ....◊‚ˇÍ (Í/Ï) 2004 ....ÿÚÓÏ (Í/Ï) 2005 ....¬‰‚ÓÂÏ (Í/Ï) 2006 ....977 Nikolai Khomeriki Filmmaker. Born in Moscow on 17 April 1975. Graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics (1996); and from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (2000, course of V. Khotinenko, P. Finn and V. Fenchenko). From 2001-2005 he studied at the National Film School "La FEMIS" in France. Worked as assistant for Philippe Garrel on "Regular Lovers" ("Les Amants Reguliers", 2005 ) and for Leos Carax on "Scars", 2006. Received awards at numerous international and Russian festivals. "The Two of Us" participated in the Cinefondation Programme at Cannes IFF 2005. "977" is the director's full-length debut film and has been selected ÃËÒÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡. 977 ñ ˝ÚÓ ÍÓ‰Ó‚Ó ˜ËÒÎÓ Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÓ Ò ÔÓÔ˚ÚÍÓÈ ´ÔÓ‚ÂËÚ¸ ‡Î„·ÓÈ „‡ÏÓÌ˲ª, ̇ÈÚË Ï‡ÚÂχÚ˘ÂÒÍË Á‡ÍÓÌÓÏÂÌÓÒÚË ‚ ˝ÏÓˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ Ë ‰ÛıÓ‚ÌÓÈ ÒÙ ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇. √ÂÓË ÙËθχ ñ ‰Ó·Ó‚ÓθÌ˚ ۘ‡ÒÚÌËÍË ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌÚ‡ ñ ÔÓıÓ‰ˇÚ Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ˜ÂÂÁ ÒÔˆˇθÌÛ˛ ͇ÏÂÛ, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ Ëı Ó·ÒÎÂ‰Û˛Ú, ÌÓ Ë ˜ÂÂÁ ˇ‰ ‚ÔÓÎÌ ÊËÚÂÈÒÍËı ËÒÔ˚Ú‡ÌËÈ ‰ÛÊ·ÓÈ, β·Ó‚¸˛, ‚ΘÂÌËÂÏ, Á‡‚ËÒÚ¸˛ Ë ´ÒËθÌÂȯËÏ ËÁ ‡ÙÙÂÍÚÓ‚ª ñ β·ÓÔ˚ÚÒÚ‚ÓÏ. ¬ ËÚӄ ̇ۘÌ˚È ÓÔ˚Ú Ô‚‡˘‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ˜ÂÎӂ˜ÂÒÍËÈ, Ô˘ÂÏ Í‡Í ÚÓÚ, Ú‡Í Ë ‰Û„ÓÈ Ú‡„˘Ì˚. for the "Certain Regard" programme at Cannes IFF 2006. Mystical Drama. 977 is a code relating the attempt to "test harmony with algebra", to figure out Filmography: 1998 ....A Drop (short) 2001 ....Namesake (short) 2004 ....Storm (short) 2005 ....The Two of Us (short) 2006 ....977 the mathematical laws of the emotional and spiritual realms of a human being. The characters are volunteers in an experiment that puts to the test not only scientific research, but also the everyday trials of friendship, love, attraction, envy and "the strongest of affects" ñ curiosity. Thus, the scientific experience becomes a human one, and the result is unpredictableÖ ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria GARPASTUM 80 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 117 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 1:2.35, Dollby SRD 2005, Russia, 117 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dollby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¿.√ÂÏ‡Ì Director Alexei A.German ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ŒÎ„ ¿ÌÚÓÌÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬‡È̯ÚÂÈÌ, Scriptwriters Oleg Antonov, Alexander Vainshtein ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ¿ÎÂÍÒ¡ ¿.√Âχ̇ with participation of Alexei A.German ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ŒÎ„ ÀÛ͢‚ Camera Oleg Lukichiov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË —„ÂÈ –‡ÍÛÚÓ‚, √ÂÓ„ËÈ üÓÔ‡˜Â‚, Art Directors Sergei Rakutov, Georgy Kropachyov ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ¬Î‡‰ËÏˇ ÃÛÁË̇, —„¡ Œ‚˜ËÌÌËÍÓ‚‡ with participation of Vladimir Murzin, Sergei Ovchinnikov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ≈ÎÂ̇ Ç΢ Costumes Elena Malich üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »„Ó¸ ¬‰Ó‚ËÌ Composer Igor Vdovin «‚ÛÍ —„ÂÈ —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ≈„ÓÓ‚ Sound Sergei Sokolov, Vladimir Egorov ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »‚‡Ì À·‰‚ Editor Ivan Lebedev ¬ ÓΡı: ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ œÓÌËÌ, ƒ‡ÌË· üÓÁÎÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ƒÏËÚËÈ Cast: Evgeny Pronin, Danila Kozlovsky, Dmitry Vladimirov, ¬Î‡‰ËÏËÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡˚ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ◊ÛÎÔ‡Ì ’‡Ï‡ÚÓ‚‡, Alexander Bykovsky, Chulpan Khamatova, Iamze »‡ÏÁ —ÛıËÚ‡¯‚ËÎË, œ‡‚ÂÎ –ÓχÌÓ‚, ŒÎ¸„‡ —‡ÏÓ¯Ë̇, Sukhitashvili, Pavel Romanov, Olga Samoshina, Leonid ÀÂÓÌˉ ÃÓÁ„Ó‚ÓÈ, √Ó¯‡ üÛˆÂÌÍÓ, –ÛÒÎ‡Ì »·‡„ËÏÓ‚, Mozgovoy, Gosha Kutsenko, Ruslan Ibragimov, Dana Agisheva ƒ‡Ì‡ ¿„˯‚‡ Producer Alexander Vainshtein œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬‡È̯ÚÂÈÌ Production V.K. ñ Campaign, with the participation of the œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´V.ü ñ ü‡ÏÔ‡Ìˡª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography of Russian ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Federation œÓÍ‡Ú ´»ÌÚÂÒËÌÂχ ¿Úª Distribution Intercinema Art ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¿.√ÂÏ‡Ì (. 1976, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). üËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÔÂÏËÈ, ÔËÁ Ãü‘. ”˜ËÎÒˇ ̇ Ú‡Úӂ‰˜ÂÒÍÓÏ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ —‡ÌÍÚœÂÚ·ۄÒÍÓÈ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËË Ú‡ڇθÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓÏ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (1997-2001, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ —.¿. —ÓÎÓ‚¸Â‚‡ Ë ¬.ƒ. –Û·Ë̘Ë͇). 81 ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1998 ....«Ì‡Ïˇ (Í/Ï) 1999 ....¡Óθ¯Ó ÓÒÂÌÌ ÔÓΠ(Í/Ï) 2001 ....ƒÛ‡˜ÍË (Í/Ï) 2003 ....œÓÒΉÌËÈ ÔÓÂÁ‰ 2005 ....Garpastum (‰ËÔÎÓÏ̇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡) Alexei A.German (b. 1976, Moscow). Director, award-winner of professional film awards and international film festivals. Graduated from the department of theatre studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatre Arts and the directorsí department of the Film Institute VGIK (1997-2001, course of Sergei Soloviev and Valery Rubinchik). Filmography: 1998 ....Banner (short) 1999 ....Large Autumn Field (short) 2001 ....Little Fools (short) 2003 ....The Last Train 2005 ....Garpastum (diploma) 1914 „Ó‰. ÕÂÒÍÓ̘‡ÂÏ˚ ÍÓÌÙÎËÍÚ˚ ‚ —·ËË ÔÂÂıÓ‰ˇÚ ‚ ÌÓ‚Ó ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó ó ̇˜Ë̇ÂÚÒˇ ‰‡‚ÌÓ ÓÊˉ‡Âχˇ ÃËÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÓÈ̇. —·ˡ Ì ¯Ë·Ҹ ·˚ ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸, ÂÒÎË ·˚ Û Ì ̠·˚ÎÓ Ú‡ÍÓ„Ó ÒËθÌÓ„Ó ÒÓ˛ÁÌË͇, Í‡Í –ÓÒÒˡ. ÃÂÊ‰Û ÚÂÏ œÂÚ·ۄ ÒÍÓÓ ÒÚ‡ÌÂÚ œÂÚÓ„‡‰ÓÏ, Â„Ó ‡ÚËÒÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ˝ÎËÚ‡ ÊË‚ÂÚ Ì ‚ ‰‚‡‰ˆ‡ÚÓÏ, ‡ ‚ —·ˇÌÓÏ ‚ÂÍÂÖ ƒ‚‡ ·‡Ú‡ ó ÙÛÚ·ÓÎËÒÚ˚ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ Ë ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ñ Ô˚Ú‡˛ÚÒˇ Á‡‡·ÓÚ‡Ú¸ ‰Â̸„Ë, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÔÓÒÚÓËÚ¸ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÒÚ‡‰ËÓÌ Ë Ë„‡Ú¸ ‚ ‚˚Ò¯ÂÈ ÎË„Â. ¡‡Ú¸ˇ ÒÚ‡ÎË ·˚ ÎÛ˜¯ËÏË ÙÛÚ·ÓÎËÒÚ‡ÏË Ïˇ, ÌÓ ÏËÛ ·˚ÎÓ Ì ‰Ó ÙÛÚ·Ó·... - œÂÏËË ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍË Ë ÍËÌÓÔÂÒÒ˚ ´¡ÂÎ˚È —ÎÓ̪ Á‡ 2005 „Ó‰ ñ ÎÛ˜¯ÂÏÛ ÓÔ‡ÚÓÛ, Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÏÛÊÒÍÛ˛ Óθ (ƒ‡ÌË· üÓÁÎÓ‚ÒÍËÈ); - œÂÏËË üËÌÓ͇‰ÂÏËË ´ÕË͇ª Á‡ 2005 „Ó‰ ó ÎÛ˜¯ÂÏÛ ÂÊËÒÒÂÛ, ÎÛ˜¯ÂÏÛ ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍÛ ÔÓ ÍÓÒÚ˛Ï‡Ï; - œÂÏˡ ÍËÌÓËÁÓ·‡ÁËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ ´¡ÂÎ˚È Í‚‡‰‡Úª Á‡ 2005 „Ó‰ (ÓÔ‡ÚÓ ŒÎ„ ÀÛ͢‚); - “ÂÚ¸ˇ ÔÂÏˡ Ãü‘ ‰Â·˛ÚÓ‚ ´ƒÛı Ó„Ìˇª, ’‡ÌÚ˚ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ, 2006 Ë ‰. 1914. The endless conflicts in Serbia take on a new quality. The long-expected world war breaks out. Serbia would not have dared enter the war had it not been for the alliance with the powerful Russia. Meanwhile Petersburg is about to become Petrograd, its artistic elite lives in the Silver Age, not the 20th century, and two football players ñ the brothers Andrei and Nikolai ñ dream of building their own stadium and playing in the top league. The brothers would have become the best football players in the world, but the world had other things to take care of besides football. - Prize of the Guild of Film Critics and the Film Press ìWhite Elephantî, 2005, for the Best Director of Photography, Best Actor (Danila Kozlovsky); - NIKA Award of the Film Academy, 2005, for Best Director, Best Costume Designer; - Prize of Film and Visual Arts ìWhite Squareî, 2005, for DoP Oleg Lukichev; - Third Prize of the IFF Spirit of Fire, Khanty-Mansiisk, 2006, and others. ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria ¬ƒŒ’ ¬¤ƒŒ’ INHALE EXHALE 82 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 86 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 86 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ »‚‡Ì ƒ˚ıӂ˘Ì˚È Director Ivan Dykhovichny ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ »‚‡Ì ƒ˚ıӂ˘Ì˚È, Scriptwriters Ivan Dykhovichny, Vladimir Moiseenko, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ÃÓËÒÂÂÌÍÓ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÕÓ‚ÓÚÓˆÍËÈ Alexander Novototsky ŒÔ‡ÚÓ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ŒÒ‡‰˜ËÈ Camera Maxim Osadchy ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ ÕÂÙ‰ӂ‡ Art Director Anastasia Nefiodova üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ǡÌ̇ ¿ÚÂϸ‚‡ Costumes Marianna Artiomieva üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÌÚÓÌ ¡‡Ú‡„Ó‚ Composer Anton Batagov ¬Ó͇Π≈͇ÚÂË̇ ¬ÓÎÍÓ‚‡, —„ÂÈ Ã‡Á‡Â‚ Vocal Ekaterina Volkova, Sergei Mazaev «‚ÛÍ flÌ œÓÚÓˆÍËÈ Sound Yan Pototsky ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ≈ÎÂ̇ ¿Ù‡Ì‡Ò¸Â‚‡ Editor Elena Afanasieva ¬ ÓΡı: »„Ó¸ ÃËÍÛ·‡ÌÓ‚, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ¬ÓÎÍÓ‚‡, Cast: Igor Mirkubanov, Ekaterina Volkova, ŒÎ¸„‡ ƒ˚ıӂ˘̇ˇ, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¡‡ÚÛı‡ÌÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Olga Dykhovichnaya, Andrey Batukhanov, Alexander –¯ÂÚÌˇÍ, À˛·Ó‚¸ ¿ÌËÒËÏÓ‚‡, –ÓÏ‡Ì Ã‡‰ˇÌÓ‚ Reshetniak, Lyubov Anisimova, Roman Madianov œÓ‰˛Ò ƒ‡ÌËÎ ’‡˜‡ÚÛÓ‚ Producer Danil Khachaturov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ƒ-ÙËθϪ Production D-Film œÓÍ‡Ú ´√ÂÏËÌË ‘ËθϪ Distribution Gemini Film ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria »‚‡Ì ƒ˚ıӂ˘Ì˚È (. 1947, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ‡ÍÚÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬“” ËÏÂÌË ¡.¬.ŸÛÍË̇ (1969, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¬.ü.À¸‚Ó‚ÓÈ Ë À.Ã.ÿËıχÚÓ‚‡), ¬ü—– (1982, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ›.¿.–ˇÁ‡ÌÓ‚‡). ¬ 1969-70 Ë„‡Î ̇ ÒˆÂÌ ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÓ„Ó Ú‡ڇ ÏËÌˇڲ, ‚ 1970-1981 ó ‡ÍÚ “‡ڇ ‰‡Ï˚ Ë ÍÓωËË Ì‡ “‡„‡ÌÍÂ. ¿‚ÚÓ Ë ‚Â‰Û˘ËÈ 83 ÚÂÎÂÔÓ„‡ÏÏ Ó ÍËÌÓ ´”Îӂ͇ 22ª (Õ“¬), ´Õ‚ÂÓˇÚÌ˚ ËÒÚÓË˪ (RenTV). œËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÔÂÏËË ‘Ó̉‡ ÍÛθÚÛ˚ ËÏÂÌË ∆Óʇ —‡‰ÛΡ (‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 1989, Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú „Ó‰‡ ñ ´◊ÂÌ˚È ÏÓ̇ıª). ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ (Ë„Ó‚Ó ÍËÌÓ): 1983 ....¡‡Ú¸ˇ (Í/Ï, ‰ËÔÎÓÏ) 1985 ....»ÒÔ˚Ú‡ÚÂθ (ÌÓ‚Âη ‚ ÙËθÏ ´¬ÓÒÍÂÒÌ˚ ÔÓ„ÛÎÍ˪) 1988 ....◊ÂÌ˚È ÏÓ̇ı 1992 ....œÓ‚‡ 1995 ....∆ÂÌÒ͇ˇ Óθ (ÏÓÌÚ‡ÊÌ˚È) 1995 ....ÃÛÁ˚͇ ‰Îˇ ‰Â͇·ˇ 1998 ....ÕÂÁ̇ÍÓÏÓ ÓÛÊËÂ, ËÎË üÂÒÚÓÌÓÒˆ-2 2002 ....üÓÔÂÈ͇ 2002 ....ƒÂ̸„Ë (Ò¡Î) 2006 ....¬‰Óı ‚˚‰Óı Ivan Dykhovichny (b. 1947, Moscow). Graduated from the Actorsí Faculty of the Shchukin Theatre School (1969, course of V. Lvova and L. Shikhmatov), Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors (1982, course of E. Riazanov). In 1969-70 acted at the Leningrad Theatre of Miniatures, from 197081 actor at the Taganka Theatre of Drama and Comedy. Author and presenter of television programmes about cinema ìCatch 22î (NTV) and ìImprobable Storiesî (RenTV). Award winner of international and national film festivals, winner of the Best debut of the Year Award of the George Sadoul Culture Fund (France, 1989) for ìThe Black Monkî. Filmography as director (feature films): 1983 .... Brothers (short, diploma) 1985 .... The Tester (short story in the film ìSunday ìWalksî) 1988 .... The Black Monk 1992 .... Moscow Parade 1995 .... Female Role (montage) 1995 .... Music for December 1998 .... An Unfamiliar Weapon, or The Crusader 2 2002 .... The Kopeck 2002 .... Money (serial) 2006 .... Inhale Exhale Love story/ œÒËıÓÎӄ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡. ÃË¯Â Ë ¬Â ͇Á‡ÎÓÒ¸, ˜ÚÓ ÓÌË ÊË‚ÛÚ Â‰ËÌ˚Ï ‰˚ı‡ÌËÂÏ, ÓÌË Ó‰Ë̇ÍÓ‚Ó Ï˚ÒÎˇÚ Ë ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Û˛Ú, ÓÌË ó ‰ËÌÓ ˆÂÎÓÂ. ÕÓ Ó‰Ì‡Ê‰˚ ̇ÒÚÛÔËÎ ÏÓÏÂÌÚ, Ë Í‡Ê‰˚È ‚‰Û„ ÔÓÌˇÎ, ˜ÚÓ ÊË‚ÂÚ ˇ‰ÓÏ Ò ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍÓÏ, ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÓÍÛʇÂÚ Ò‚ÓÈ ÏË. ›ÚÓ ÒÎۘ˷Ҹ, ÍÓ„‰‡ ‚ Ëı ÊËÁÌË ÔÓˇ‚Ë·Ҹ üˇ. ›Ú‡ ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇ ‰Îˇ ¬Â˚ Òڇ· ·ÓΠ·ÎËÁÍËÏ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍÓÏ, ˜ÂÏ Â ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÏÛÊ. œÓÒΠÒÂÏË ÎÂÚ Ò˜‡ÒÚÎË‚ÓÈ ÊËÁÌË Ã˯‡ Ë ¬Â‡ ‡ÒÒÚ‡ÎËÒ¸. œÓ¯ÎË „Ó‰˚. 35-ÎÂÚÌËÈ ‡ıËÚÂÍÚÓ ÃËı‡ËÎ, Ô˷„ÌÛ‚ Í ÒÓ‚ÂÚÛ ‰ÓÍÚÓ‡, Ô˄·¯‡ÂÚ ‰Â‚Û¯ÍÛ ÔÓ ‚˚ÁÓ‚Û ó ̇ 10 ˜‡ÒÓ‚. Õ‡ ‚˚ÁÓ‚ ÔËıÓ‰ËÚ ¬Â‡. ” ÌËı ÔÓˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ËÁ·‡‚ËÚ¸Òˇ ÓÚ ·ÓÎË, ÓÒ‚Ó·Ó‰ËÚ¸ Ò‚ÓË ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚‡ ÓÚ ‚ÒÂ„Ó Î˯Ì„Ó, ÔÓÌˇÚ¸ Ë ÔÓÒÚËÚ¸ ‰Û„ ‰Û„‡... Love story. Psychological drama. Misha and Vera think that they live by a single breath: they think and feel alike, they are one single whole. But one day they both suddenly realized that they are living next to a person surrounded by his own world. This happened when Kira appeared in their life. She became closer to Vera than her own husband. After seven years of happy life, Misha and Vera separate. Years have passed. Following his doctorís advice, the 35-year old architect Michael invites a call-girl for ten hours. Vera appears in answer to his call. They have the opportunity to get rid of the pain, to free their feelings from everything superfluous, to understand and forgive each other... ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria ƒ»ü»…, ƒ»ü»… œÀfl∆. ∆¿– Õ≈∆Õ¤’ WILD, WILD BEACH. THE HEAT OF THE GENTLE 84 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 178 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ˆËÙÓ‚Ó ‚ˉÂÓ, ‰ÓÍ. 2005, Russia, 178 min, colour, digital video, doc. –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –‡ÒÚÓ„Û‚ Director Alexander Rastorguev ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ —ÛÒ‡Ì̇ ¡‡‡ÌÊË‚‡ Scriptwriter Susanna Baranzhieva ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ›‰Û‡‰ ü˜‰ÊËˇÌ Camera Eduard Kechedzhiyan üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œ‡ÌÚ˛ıËÌ Sound Georgy Ermolenko, Dmitry Zimin «‚ÛÍ √ÂÓ„ËÈ ≈ÏÓÎÂÌÍÓ, ƒÏËÚËÈ «ËÏËÌ Producer Vitaly Mansky œÓ‰˛Ò ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ Ã‡ÌÒÍËÈ Production Vertov & Co, TNT œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´¬ÂÚÓ‚ Ë üÓª, “Õ“ ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –‡ÒÚÓ„Û‚ (1971, „. –ÓÒÚÓ‚-̇-ƒÓÌÛ). üËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ, Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ ˇ˜‡È¯Ëı Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂÎÂÈ Ì‡Ô‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ´Â‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓª ‚ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎËÒÚËÍÂ, ÔËÁ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ ÌÂË„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÔÂÏËÈ. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ —œ·√¿“» ó —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄÒÍÛ˛ ¿Í‡‰ÂÏ˲ Ú‡ڇθÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ (1998). 85 ∆Ë‚ÂÚ ‚ –ÓÒÚÓ‚Â-̇-ƒÓÌÛ, ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÎÂÚ ‡·ÓڇΠ̇ ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ƒÓÌÚÂÎÂÙËθϪ. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1997 ....ƒÓ ҂ˉ‡Ìˡ, χθ˜ËÍË; ◊ÂÌÓ‚ËÍ 1998 ....–Ó‰Ë̇ 2000 ....“‚ÓÈ Ó‰; ¬ÂÍ ÏÓÈ 2001 ....√Ó‡; ÇÏÓ˜ÍË 2002 ....◊ËÒÚ˚È ˜Âڂ„ 2005 ....ƒËÍËÈ, ‰ËÍËÈ ÔΡÊ. ∆‡ ÌÂÊÌ˚ı Alexander Rastorguev (b. 1971, Rostov-on-Don). Film director, prize winner of festivals of non-fiction films, winner of professional film awards. Graduated from St. Petersburg Theatre Institute (SPbGATI, 1998). Lives in Rostov-on-Don; for several years worked at the studio ìDon-Tele-Filmî. His films strengthen the positions of ìreal cinemaî in documentary cinema. –‡θ̇ˇ Ú‡„ËÍÓωˡ. Filmography: ü‡Ê‰Ó ÛÚÓ ‚ Ú˜ÂÌË ÔÓÒΉÌËı 25 ÎÂÚ ÔÓÚÓÏÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÔΡÊÌ˚È ÙÓÚÓ„‡Ù 1997 ....Good-bye, boys; Draft Copy ∆ÂÌˇ Ë Â„Ó ‚·β‰ ÓÚÔ‡‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ̇ ‡·ÓÚÛ ‚ ÏË Ó·Ì‡ÊÂÌÌ˚ı β‰ÂÈ. Õ‡ 1998 ....Homeland ˝Í‡Ì Ô‰ÒÚ‡ÂÚ „‡Î¡ Ó·‡ÁÓ‚, ÒÓÁ‰‡˛˘‡ˇ ÛÌË͇θÌ˚È ÔÓÚÂÚ 2000 ....Your People ÒÓÒÚÓˇÌˡ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó Ïˇ, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓÏ ‚Ò Ï˚ ÊË‚ÂÏ: ËÒÚÓËË Î˛·‚Ë Ë 2001 ....The Mountain; Mums Ô‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡, ÊËÁÌË Ë ÒÏÂÚË, ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡ÌÌ˚ ÔÓÓÈ ËÓÌ˘ÌÓ, ‡ ÔÓÓÈ 2002 ....Maundy Thursday „ÛÒÚÌÓ. 2005 ....The Wild, Wild Beach - œÂÏËË ´À‡‚ª Á‡ ‰ÓÒÚËÊÂÌˡ ‚ ÌÂË„Ó‚ÓÏ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌËË ‚ ÌÓÏË̇ˆËˇı: ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÌÂË„Ó‚ÓÈ ‡Ú-ÙËÎ¸Ï 2005 „Ó‰‡, ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÓÔ‡ÚÓ; - œËÁ ‘Ó̉‡ ›‰Û‡‰‡ —‡„‡Î‡Â‚‡ ñ ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ͇χª, 2006; - —ÔˆÔËÁ Ê˛Ë ´«‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ˝ÔÓÒª ó ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ´üËÌÓÚ‡Ú.Docª, 2006. A real tragicomedy. For the last 25 years the beach photographer Zhenia and his camel set off every morning to work in the world of naked people. The film presents a gallery of images that form a unique portrait of the modern world: histories of love and betrayal, life and death are told at times with irony, at times with sadness. - Prize ìLaurelî for achievement in non-fiction cinema and television in the nominations: Best Non-Fiction Film of 2005, Best Director of Photography; - Prize of the Eduard Sagalaev Fund ìGolden Cameraî, 2006; - Special Jury Prize ìFor a Documentary Epicî, Festival of Real Cinema ìKinoteatr.docî, 2006. ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria »√–Œü», »À» —≈…◊¿— ¬¤…ƒ≈“ ŒÀ≈√ OLEG WILL APPEAR NOW 86 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 52 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP, ‰ÓÍ. 2005, Russia, 52 min, colour, Betacam SP, doc. ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ œÂÚ ÿÂÔÓÚËÌÌËÍ Scriptwriter and Director Peter Shepotinnik ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ “¢ÂÌÍÓ, ƒÂÌËÒ ¿Î‡ÍÓÌ Camera Anatoly Tereshchenko, Denis Alarcon ÃÛÁ˚͇ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ √‡‚ËÎËÌ, „ÛÔÔ‡ ´7‡Ò‡ª, Music Valery Gavrilin, 7race, folk ̇Ӊ̇ˇ ÏÛÁ˚͇ Sound Andrey Korinsky, Ilya Kacherzhuk «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ üÓËÌÒÍËÈ, »Î¸ˇ ü‡˜ÂÊÛÍ Cutter Ilya Poslovin ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê »Î¸ˇ œÓÒÎÓ‚ËÌ Chief-Editor Asia Kolodizhner ÿÂÙ-‰‡ÍÚÓ ¿Òˇ üÓÎÓ‰ËÊÌ Participants Oleg Menshikov, Victor Sukhorukov, Alexander ¬ ÙËθÏ ۘ‡ÒÚ‚Û˛Ú ŒÎ„ ÃÂ̸¯ËÍÓ‚, ¬ËÍÚÓ —ÛıÓÛÍÓ‚, Usov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Nikita Tatarenkov, Alexei Gorbunov ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ”ÒÓ‚, ÕËÍËÚ‡ ÃËı‡ÎÍÓ‚, ÕËÍËÚ‡ “‡Ú‡ÂÌÍÓ‚, and others ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ √Ó·ÛÌÓ‚ Ë ‰. Producers Grigory Podzemelny, Oleg Shtrom œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ √Ë„ÓËÈ œÓ‰ÁÂÏÂθÌ˚È, ŒÎ„ ÿÚÓÏ Production Propeller Production, STF Unit with participation œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´œÓÔÂÎΠÔÓ‰‡Í¯Ìª, ´—“‘ ˛ÌËÚª, of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria œÂÚ ÿÂÔÓÚËÌÌËÍ (. 1956, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÍËÌӂ‰˜ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡. –‡·ÓڇΠ‚ ÊÛ̇Π´»ÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚Ó ÍËÌÓª. — 1994 ó ‡‚ÚÓ Ë ‚Â‰Û˘ËÈ ÚÂÎÂÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´üËÌÂÒÍÓÔª (´“¬ 6 ÃÓÒÍ‚‡ª, Á‡ÚÂÏ ñ ÚÂÎÂ͇̇Π´–ÓÒÒˡª). ¿‚ÚÓ ÏÌÓ„Ó˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚ‡ı Ë ‚ˉÂÓ‚ÂÒËÈ ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ÍÎÂÈ ŒÎ„‡ ÃÂ̸¯ËÍÓ‚‡ ´√Ó ÓÚ Ûχª (1999) Ë ´»„ÓÍ˪ (2005). ◊ÎÂÌ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËÈ “›‘» Ë Õ»ü¿. œËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÚÂÎÂË ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. 87 »Á·‡Ì̇ˇ ÙËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ (‰ÓÍ): 1994 ....ŒıÎÓ·˚ÒÚËÌ ‚ Ò‚ÂÚÒÍÓÏ 1995 ....Ã‡Îˇ‚Ë̇. –Ó˘‡ 1995 ....’‡Ï‰‡ÏÓ‚ ̇ ‚ˉÂÓ 1996 ....ÃÛ‡ÚÓ‚‡-96 1997 ....77.RUS 1997 ....üÓÒ‡ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ. üÓθˆ‡ 1997-2003 œÓÒΠ“‡ÍÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó 1998 ....ƒÛ„‡ˇ ÊÂ̇ ¬˚ÒÓˆÍÓ„Ó 1998 ....¡‡Ú‡ÎÓ‚ÒÍÓ 2001 ....¡‡Î‡·‡ÌÓ‚ ̇ ‚ÓÈÌ 2003 ....¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ “ËıÓÌÓ‚. »‚Ó΄‡ 2003 ....” √Âχ̇ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ 122 ̇ 85 2004 ....»ÓÒÂΡÌË. ¡ÂÁ ̇Á‚‡Ìˡ 2005 ....»„ÓÍË, ËÎË —ÂȘ‡Ò ‚˚ȉÂÚ ŒÎ„ 2006 ....≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ÃËÓÌÓ‚. ÕË˜Â„Ó Î˘ÌÓ„Ó 2006 ....—„ÂÈ √‡ÒËÏÓ‚. ¡Ó„‡Ú˚Ò͇ˇ ÒËÏÙÓÌˡ Peter Shepotinnik (b. 1956, Moscow). Gr‡duated from the department of film studies of the Film Institute VGIK. Worked for the journal ìFilm Artî (Iskusstvo kino). Since 1994 author and anchor of the television programme ìKinescopeî (channel TV6 Moscow, then RTR/Russia). Author of numerous documentaries about film-makers and video-versions of the productions by Oleg Menshikov, ìWoe from Witî (1999) and ìThe Gamblersî (2005). Member of the TEFI (television award) and NIKA (film award) Academies. Prize-winner of international and national television and film festivals. Select filmography (doc.): 1994 ....The Worldly Okhlobystin 1995 ....Malyavina. Grove 1995 ....Khamdamov on video 1996 ....Muratova-96 1997 ....77. RUS 1997 ....Kosakovsky. Circles 1997-2003 After Tarkovsky 1998 ....Vysotskyís Other Wife 1998 ....Batalovskoye 2001 ....Balabanov at War 2003 ....Viacheslav Tikhonov. An oriole 2003 ....German is 122 by 85 Today 2004 ....Iosseliani. Untitled 2005......The Gamblers, or Oleg Will Appear Now 2006 ....Evgeny Mironov. Nothing personal 2006 ....Sergei Gerasimov. Bogatyr symphony ŒÎ„ ÃÂ̸¯ËÍÓ‚ ó Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ Ò‡Ï˚ı ̇Á„‡‰‡ÌÌ˚ı ‡ÍÚÂÓ‚ Ë ‚ ÍËÌÓ, Ë ‚ Ú‡ÚÂ. ÿÎÂÈÙ ÒÎÛıÓ‚ Ë ÏÌÂÌËÈ ÒÓÔÛÚÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ Í‡Ê‰ÓÈ Â„Ó ÌÓ‚ÓÈ ‡·ÓÚÂ. À˛‰ÂÈ, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÒÎ˚¯‡ÎË Ó Â„Ó Ú‡ڇθÌ˚ı ‡·ÓÚ‡ı, „Ó‡Á‰Ó ·Óθ¯Â, ˜ÂÏ ÚÂı, ÍÓÏÛ ÔÓÒ˜‡ÒÚÎË‚ËÎÓÒ¸ Ëı ۂˉÂÚ¸. ≈„Ó Ó·Óʇ˛Ú Ó‰ÌË Ë Ì ÔÓ˘‡˛Ú ÌË Ï‡ÎÂȯËı ÔÓχıÓ‚ ‰Û„ËÂ. œÂÚÛ ÿÂÔÓÚËÌÌËÍÛ ÔÓÒ˜‡ÒÚÎË‚ËÎÓÒ¸ ·˚Ú¸ ‰ÓÔÛ˘ÂÌÌ˚Ï ‚ Ú‚Ó˜ÂÒÍÛ˛ ··Ó‡ÚÓ˲ ‡ÍÚ‡ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ‡ ÃÂ̸¯ËÍÓ‚‡ Ë ·ÂÒÔÂÔˇÚÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ Ì‡·Î˛‰‡Ú¸, Í‡Í ÒÓÁ‰‡˛ÚÒˇ ÍËÌÓÓÎË Ë ÒˆÂÌ˘ÂÒÍË ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍË ñ ËÏ‚¯Ë ¯ÛÏÌÛ˛ Ò·‚Û ÒÔÂÍÚ‡ÍÎË ´√Ó ÓÚ Ûχª √Ë·Ó‰ӂ‡ Ë ´»„ÓÍ˪ √Ó„ÓΡ. Oleg Menshikov is one of the greatest riddles among cinema and theatre actors. A wave of rumours and opinions accompanies each new work. More people have heard about his theatre work than have managed to see him on the stage. Some adore him, others cannot forgive him the slightest mistake. Peter Shepotinnik has been lucky enough to be admitted into the actorís and directorís creative circle, and at liberty to observe how film roles and stage productions are created: the hugely praised shows of ìWoe from Witî by Griboedov and Gogolís ìThe Gamblersî. ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria ÿŒÿŒ SHOSHO 88 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 60 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ÒÚÂÂÓ, Betacam SP 2006, Russia, 60 min., colour, stereo, Betacam SP –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ‘‰ӘÂÌÍÓ Director Alexei Fedorchenko ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÂÌËÒ ŒÒÓÍËÌ Scriptwriter Denis Osokin ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ÀÂÓÌˉ »Î˛ıËÌ Camera Leonid Ilyukhin üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ —„ÂÈ —ˉÂθÌËÍÓ‚ Composer Sergei Sidelnikov œÓ‰˛Ò »Ë̇ —ÌÂÊËÌÒ͇ˇ Producer Irina Snezhinskaya œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´—Ì„‡ª Production Snega Film Company ÛÒÒ͇ˇ ˝ÈÙÓˡ russian euphoria ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ‘‰ӘÂÌÍÓ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ 1966 „Ó‰Û ‚ „ÓӉ —Óθ-»ÎÂˆÍ ŒÂÌ·Û„ÒÍÓÈ Ó·Î‡ÒÚË. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ”‡Î¸ÒÍËÈ ÔÓÎËÚÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ (1988), Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó Ó·‡ÁÓ‚‡Ìˡ ¬√»ü (2000, ÒˆÂ̇̇ˇ χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ À.üÓÊËÌÓ‚ÓÈ, ¬.◊ÂÌ˚ı‡ Ë fi.–Ó„ÓÁË̇). — 1990 ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Ì‡ —‚‰ÎÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË, Ò 2001 ó ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÛÔ‡‚ÎÂÌˡ ÒÚÛ‰ËË, Ò 2005 ñ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ´üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË 29 Ù‚‡Îˇª. ´œÂ‚˚ ̇ ÀÛ̪ ñ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È Ë„Ó‚ÓÈ ‰Â·˛Ú ñ ÒڇΠӉÌËÏ ËÁ Ò‡Ï˚ı ˇÍËı ÍËÌÓÒÓ·˚ÚËÈ 2005 „Ó‰‡: ÔËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´√ÓËÁÓÌÚ˚ª ó Ãü‘ ‚ ¬Â̈ËË; ÔËÁ Ê˛Ë Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú, ÔËÁ √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌӂ‰ӂ Ë ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚ ó Œ–ü‘ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª; ÔÂÏËË ´¡ÂÎ˚È ÒÎÓ̪ Ë ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó ‰Û„Ëı ̇„‡‰. 89 ƒÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθ̇ˇ Ò͇Á͇ ÔÓ ÍÌË„Â ƒÂÌËÒ‡ ŒÒÓÍË̇ ´ÕÓ‚˚ ·ÓÚËÌÍ˪. »ÒÚÓˡ ÔÓ Ï‡ËÈÒÍËı ˇÁ˚˜ÂÒÍËı ʈӂ, ‰Ûˉӂ, Ëı ·˚ÚÂ Ë Ò‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌÓ‰ÂÈÒڂˡı. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ÒÌˇÚ Ì‡ ˇÁ˚Í ÎÛ„Ó‚˚ı Ï‡Ë –ÂÒÔÛ·ÎËÍË Ã‡ËÈ ›Î. ÿÓ¯Ó ñ ˝ÚÓ Û ÌËı ‚ÂÒ̇. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1999 ....ü·ÒÒË͇ Z Documentary fairy tale based on Denis Osokinís book ìNew (‰ÓÍ., Í/Ï, Ò —„ÂÂÏ ÕÓıËÌ˚Ï) 2000 ....ÕÂÓ·˚ÍÌÓ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÍÓ̈ÂÚ (‰ÓÍ.) Bootsî. A story about Mari pagan priests, druids, their life 2002 ....ƒ‡‚ˉ (‰ÓÍ.) and their rites. The film is shot in the language of the field 2003 ....ƒÂÚË ¡ÂÎÓÈ ÃÓ„ËÎ˚ (‰ÓÍ.) 2005 ....œÂ‚˚ ̇ ÀÛÌ 2006 ....ÿÓ¯Ó (‰ÓÍ.) Alexei Fedorchenko Producer, scriptwriter, director. Born in 1966 in Sole-Iletsk, Orenburg region. In 1988 graduated from the Ural Polytechnical Institute, in 2000 from the Department of Additional Professional Education of the Film Institute VGIK (scriptwriting workshop of L. Kozhinova, V. Chernykh and Yu. Rogozin). Since 1990 works at the Sverdlovsk film studio, since 2001 Head of the studioís Production Management. Since 2005 art director of the ìFilm Company of 29 Februaryî. ìFirst on the Moonî is his fulllength feature film debut and became one of the most significant film events of 2005: Prize for Best Documentary in the programme ìHorizonsî of the Venice IFF; Jury Prize for the Best Debut, Prize of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics, ORFF ìKinotavrî; ìWhite Elephantî award, and numerous other awards. Directorís filmography: 1999 ....Classic Z (doc., short, with Sergei Nokhrin) 2000 ....Unbelievable Concert (doc.) 2002 ....David (doc.) 2003 ....White Graveís Children (doc.) 2005 ....First on the Moon 2006 ....Shosho (doc.) Mari (Republic Mari El). There ìshoshoî means ìspringî. ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square 9 ÓÚ‡ 9TH COMPANY ·Óθ¯‡ˇ β·Ó‚¸ BIG LOVE ‰Ì‚ÌÓÈ ‰ÓÁÓ DAY WATCH ‰Ó·˚Ìˇ ÌËÍËÚ˘ Ë ÁÏÂÈ „Ó˚Ì˚˜ DOBRYNIA AND DRAGON ÊÂÒÚ¸ JUNK ÎÂÒ̇ˇ ·‡Ú‚‡ OVER THE HEDGE ÌËÍÚÓ Ì Á̇ÂÚ ÔÓ ÒÂÍÒ NOBODY KNOWS SEX ÓıÓÚ‡ ̇ Ôˇ̸˛ HUNTING FOR PIRANHA ÔËÚ fm PITER FM Ò‚ÓÎÓ˜Ë BASTARDS 91 ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square 9 –Œ“¿ 9TH COMPANY 92 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ/ ”͇Ë̇/ ‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰Ëˇ, 130 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby SRD 2005, Russia/ Ukraine/ Finland, 130 min., colour, 1:2.35, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ‘Â‰Ó ¡Ó̉‡˜ÛÍ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ fiËÈ üÓÓÚÍÓ‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ŒÒ‡‰˜ËÈ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË √Ë„ÓËÈ œÛ¯ÍËÌ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ —ÚÓÈÎÓ üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ Õ‡‰Âʉ‡ ¡‡Î‡Ì‰Ë̇, ÇÍÒËÏ œ‡ÁËÎÓ‚ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ƒ‡ÚÓ ≈‚„ÂÌˉÁ «‚ÛÍ üËËÎÎ ¬‡ÒËÎÂÌÍÓ Director Fyodor Bondarchuk Scriptwriter Yuri Korotkov Camera Maxim Osadchy Art Directors Grigory Pushkin, Alexander Stroylo Costumes Nadezhda Balandina, Maxim Pazilov Composer Dato Evgenidze Sound Kirill Vasilenko ¬ ÓΡı: ÃËı‡ËÎ œÓ˜ÂÌÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ◊‡‰Ó‚, ¿ÚÛ —ÏÓθˇÌËÌÓ‚, üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ü˛ÍÓ‚, »‚‡Ì üÓÍÓËÌ, ¿ÚÂÏ ÃËı‡ÎÍÓ‚, ‘Â‰Ó ¡Ó̉‡˜ÛÍ, ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈‚·ÌÓ‚, »‚‡Ì ÕËÍÓ·‚, —ÓÒÎ‡Ì ‘ˉ‡Ó‚, ƒÏËÚËÈ ÃÛı‡Ï‡‰Â‚, ¿Ï‡‰Û Çχ‰‡ÍÓ‚, ü‡ÂÌ Ã‡ÚËÓÒˇÌ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÿÂÈÌ, ŒÎÂÒ¸ ü‡ˆËÓÌ, Ç‡Ú √ۉ˂, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ À˚ÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡‡¯ËÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ —·ˇÍÓ‚, »Ë̇ –‡ıχÌÓ‚‡, ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ü‡‚˜ÂÌÍÓ, —Ú‡ÌËÒ·‚ √Ó‚ÓÛıËÌ Cast: Mikhail Porechenkov, Alexei Chadov, Artur Smolianinov, Konstantin Kriukov, Ivan Kokorin, Artiom Mikhalkov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Mikhail Evlanov, Ivan Nikolaev, Soslan Fidarov, Dmitry Mukhamadeev, Amadu Mamadakov, Karen Martirosian, Alexander Shein, Oles Katsion, Marat Gudiev, Alexander Lykov, Alexander Bashirov, Alexei Serebryakov, Irina Rakhmanova, Mikhail Efremov, Alexei Kravchenko, Stanislav Govorukhin œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ≈ÎÂ̇ flˆÛ‡, —„ÂÈ ÃÂθÍÛÏÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –Ó‰ÌˇÌÒÍËÈ —ÓÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ‘Â‰Ó ¡Ó̉‡˜ÛÍ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ŒÒÂΉ˜ËÍ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó œÓ‰˛ÒÂÒ͇ˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´—ÎÓ‚Óª, Art Pictures Group, —“—, ”͇ËÌÒ͇ˇ ωËÈ̇ˇ „ÛÔÔ‡, 1+1, MRP Matila Rohr Productions Oy (‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰Ëˇ) œÓÍ‡Ú ´√ÂÏËÌË ÙËθϪ Producers Elena Yatsura, Sergei Melkumov, Alexander Rodniansky Co-Producers Fyodor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Oseledchik Production Slovo Production Company, Art Pictures Group, CTC Television, Ukrainian Media Group, 1+1, MRP Matila Rohr Productions Oy (Finland) Distribution Gemini Film ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ‘Â‰Ó ¡Ó̉‡˜ÛÍ ¿ÍÚ ÍËÌÓ (31 Óθ), ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ÚÂÎÂ‚Â‰Û˘ËÈ, ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´Art Pictures Groupª (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡), ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÔÂÏËÈ. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 1989 ....—ÓÌ ‚ ÎÂÚÌ ÛÚÓ 93 (Í/Ï, ۘ·̇ˇ, ¬√»ü) 1993 ....À˛·Î˛ (ÏÛÁ., ‚ˉÂÓ) 2003 ....9 ÓÚ‡ (ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú) Fyodor Bondarchuk Film actor (31 roles), director, producer; television presenter, art director of the studio Art Pictures Group (Moscow), winner of professional awards. Filmography as director: 1989 ....Dream on a Summer Morning (short, practical, VGIK) 1993 ....I Love (music video) 2003 ....9TH COMPANY (directorial debut) √ÂÓ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡. Œ ÊËÁÌË Ë ÒÏÂÚË, ‰ÓÎ„Â Ë ˜ÂÒÚË, ·‡ÚÒÚ‚Â Ë ÏÛÊÂÒÚ‚Â ñ Ó· ÓÚ˜‡ˇÌÌ˚ı ı‡·Âˆ‡ı, ‚˚ÊË‚¯Ëı Ë ÔÓ„Ë·¯Ëı ‚ ‡Ù„‡ÌÒÍËı „Ó‡ı. ¬ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â Ò˛ÊÂÚ‡ ó ‡θÌ˚ ÒÛ‰¸·˚ ‚ÓËÌÓ‚-‡Ù„‡ÌˆÂ‚. ƒÂÈÒÚ‚Ë ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ 1987-89 „Ó‰‡ı Ë Á‡‚¯‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚˚‚Ó‰ÓÏ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍËı ‚ÓÈÒÍ ËÁ ¿Ù„‡ÌËÒڇ̇. —ÂÏÂÓ 18-ÎÂÚÌËı ÏÓÒ͂˘ÂÈ, ‰Ó·Ó‚ÓθÌÓ Á‡ÔËÒ‡‚¯ËÂÒˇ ‚ ´‡Ù„‡ÌÒÍÛ˛ ÍÓχ۪̉, Á̇ÍÓÏˇÚÒˇ ̇ ÔËÁ˚‚ÌÓÏ ÔÛÌÍÚÂ. –·ˇÚ‡ ÔÓÔ‡‰‡˛Ú ‚ ۘ·ÍÛ, Á‡ÚÂÏ ‚ Á̇ÏÂÌËÚÛ˛ 9-˛ ÓÚÛ 345-„Ó Ô‡‡¯˛ÚÌÓ-‰ÂÒ‡ÌÚÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÎ͇ ñ Ò‡ÏÛ˛ ·ÓÂÒÔÓÒÓ·ÌÛ˛, Ò‡ÏÛ˛ „ÂÓ˘ÂÒÍÛ˛. ¬ ÊÂÒÚÓÍÓÈ Òı‚‡ÚÍÂ Ò ´˜ÂÌ˚ÏË ‡ËÒÚ‡Ï˪ ÔÓ‰ ÍÓχ̉ӂ‡ÌËÂÏ ”Ò‡Ï˚ ¡ÂÌ À‡‰Â̇ ó ÔË ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚ËË Ò‚ˇÁË ó ÒÓΉ‡Ú˚ Û‰ÂÊË‚‡˛Ú ‚˚ÒÓÚÛ Ë ÔÓ˜ÚË ‚Ò ÔÓ„Ë·‡˛Ú. - Àˉ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÓ͇ڇ ÔÓ ËÚÓ„‡Ï 2005 „Ó‰‡ (͇ÒÒÓ‚˚ ҷÓ˚: $25 556 ÏÎÌ. ñ ̇ 05.12.2005). - œÂÏËË üËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ ÓÂΪ Á‡ 2005 „Ó‰ ‚ ÌÓÏË̇ˆËˇı: ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËθÏ, ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ ÓÔ‡ÚÓÒ͇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡, ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ ÏÛÁ˚͇, ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ Á‚ÛÍÓÂÊËÒÒ‡; - œÂÏËË üËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË ´ÕË͇ª Á‡ 2005 „Ó‰ ‚ ÌÓÏË̇ˆËˇı: ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËθÏ, ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ ÏÛÁ˚͇, ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ Á‚ÛÍÓÂÊËÒÒ‡; - œÂÏˡ ÍËÌÓËÁÓ·‡ÁËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ Á‡ 2005 „Ó‰ ´¡ÂÎ˚È Í‚‡‰‡Úª (ÓÔ‡ÚÓ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ŒÒ‡‰˜ËÈ). Heroic drama. About life and death, duty and honour, brotherhood and courage; about desperate brave men who survived and died in the Afghan mountains. The plot is based on the fate of real soldiers of the Afghan War. The action takes place in 1987-89, and ends with the withdrawal of the Soviet forces from Afghanistan. Seven 18-year-old Muscovites, who have voluntary enrolled for the ìAfghan Unitî, meet at the an induction base. They sit on the school bench before they are assigned to the well-known Ninth Company of the Parachute Troupe 345 ñ the most efficient and heroic detachment. In a fierce fight with the ìblack storksî under the command of Osama Ben Laden, and without communication, the soldiers defend the heights, but almost everyone perishes. - Leader of Russian distribution for 2005 (box office $25,556 mill. on 05.12.2005). - Prize of the Film Academy ìGolden Eagleî for 2005 in the nominations: Best Film, Best Director of Photography, Best Music, Best Sound; - Prizes of the Film Academy NIKA for 2005 in the nominations: Best Film, Best Music, Best Sound; - Prize of Cinematic Art for 2005 ìWhite Squareî (camera: Maxim Osadchy). ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ¡ŒÀ‹ÿ¿fl Àfi¡Œ¬‹ BIG LOVE 94 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 90 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 90 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ ƒÏËÚËÈ ‘ËÍÒ Director Dmitry Fiks ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ÇÍÒËÏ —Ú˯ӂ Scriptwriter Maxim Stishov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ √Ó‡Ì œ‡‚˘‚˘ Camera Goran Pavicevic ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “ÓÎ͇˜Â‚ Art Director Alexander Tolkachiov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¿ÎË̇ ¡Û‰ÌËÍÓ‚‡ Costumes Alina Budnikova üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »Î¸ˇ ƒÛıÓ‚Ì˚È Composer Ilya Dukhovny «‚ÛÍ ŒÎ„ œÂÚÂÌÍËÌ Sound Oleg Petrenkin ¬ ÓΡı: ÃËı‡ËÎ œÓ˜ÂÌÍÓ‚, fiÎˡ ÃÂ̸¯Ó‚‡, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ Cast: Mikhail Porechenkov, Yulia Menshova, Anatoly Vasiliev, ¬‡ÒËθ‚, »Ì̇ Ç͇ӂ‡, ∆‡Ì̇ ›ÔÔÎÂ, √‡ÎË̇ œÂÚÓ‚‡, Inna Makarova, Janna Epple, Galina Petrova, Oleg Dolin, Olga ŒÎ„ ƒÓÎËÌ, ŒÎ¸„‡ ƒÓ·Ë̇, √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ ÃËÚÌËÍ, ¿Ì̇ Dobrina, Gennady Mitnik, Anna Ukolova, Oleg Akulich ”ÍÓÎÓ‚‡, ŒÎ„ ¿ÍÛ΢ Producers Maxim Stishov, Dmitry Fiks, Sergei Fiks, Sergei œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ÇÍÒËÏ —Ú˯ӂ, ƒÏËÚËÈ ‘ËÍÒ, —„ÂÈ ‘ËÍÒ, Shumakov —„ÂÈ ÿÛχÍÓ‚ Production Motor Film Studio, Russia Television with œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÃÓÚÓ ‘ËÎ¸Ï —ÚÛ‰Ëˇª, “ÂÎÂ͇̇Π´–ÓÒÒˡª, participation of the Federal Agency for Culture and ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë Cinematography ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Distribution Nashe Kino œÓÍ‡Ú ´Õ‡¯Â ÍËÌÓª ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ƒÏËÚËÈ ‘ËÍÒ –ÂÊËÒÒ ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ÍÎËÔÏÂÈÍÂ. œËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ Ë ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ ÂÍ·Ï˚ . ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ (Ë„Ó‚Ó ÍËÌÓ): 1996 ....—Ú‡˚ ÔÂÒÌË Ó „·‚ÌÓÏ (ÙËθÏ-ÍÓ̈ÂÚ, Ú‚) 95 1999 ....’ÓÓ¯ËÂ Ë ÔÎÓıË (Ò ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÂÏ ¿Ú‡ÏÓÌÓ‚˚Ï) 2000-02 ÀËÌˡ Á‡˘ËÚ˚ (ÙËθÏ˚ Ò¡·) 2003 ....ÃÓˇ Ó‰Ìˇ (Ò¡Î) 2002-06 ¡‡Î¸Á‡ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ, ËÎË ¬Ò ÏÛÊËÍË Ò‚Ó... 1, 2 (Ò¡Î˚) 2003-04 ¿‰‚ÓÍ‡Ú (ÒÓÂÊËÒÒÂ) 2004 ....¬ÚÓÓÈ ÙÓÌÚ 2006 ....¡Óθ¯‡ˇ β·Ó‚¸ Dmitry Fiks Film and television director, producer, clipmaker. Prize winner of international and national television and advertising festivals. Filmography as director (cinema): 1996 ....Old Songs about the Main Thing (film-concert, TV) 1999 ....Good and Bad (with Anatoly Artamonov) 2000-02 Line of Defense (films in a serial) ÀˢÂÒ͇ˇ ÍÓωˡ/ –ÂÚÓ. 2003 ....My Relatives (serial) 1962 „Ó‰. ¡‡‚˚È „ÂÌ‡Π¿ÌÚÓÌ ”Î˚·‡·Ó‚, Û·ÂʉÂÌÌ˚È ıÓÎÓÒÚˇÍ 2002-06 Balzac Age, Ë ÓÚ˜‡ˇÌÌ˚È ·‡·ÌËÍ, ÔÓÎÛ˜‡ÂÚ ÔË͇Á ÊÂÌËÚ¸Òˇ ‚ Ú˜ÂÌË ‰‚Ûı ̉Âθ ñ or All Men are ... 1, 2 (serials) ‚ ÔÓÚË‚ÌÓÏ ÒÎÛ˜‡Â ÂÏÛ „ÓÁËÚ Û‚ÓθÌÂÌË ËÁ ‡ÏËË. —ӂ¯˂ ÏÌÓÊÂÒÚ‚Ó 2003-04 The Lawyer (co-director) ΢Ì˚ı ÔÓ‰‚Ë„Ó‚ Ë ÌÂÒÛ‡ÁÌ˚ı „ÎÛÔÓÒÚÂÈ ‚ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ ·ÂÁÛÒÔ¯Ì˚ı ÔÓËÒÍÓ‚ 2004 ....The Second Front Ì‚ÂÒÚ˚, „ÂÌ‡Π‚Ô‚˚ ‚ ÊËÁÌË ÔÓ-̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÏÛ ‚β·ÎˇÂÚÒˇ... 2006 ....Big Love Lyrical Comedy. Retro. 1962. The gallant general Anton Ulybabov, a convinced bachelor and desperate womanizer, is ordered to marry within two weeks, otherwise he will be dismissed from the army. Having accomplished a range of personal feats and stupid mistakes during his hapless search for a bride, for the first time in his life the general really falls in love... ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ƒÕ≈¬ÕŒ… ƒŒ«Œ– DAY WATCH 96 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 140 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby SRD 2005, Russia, 140 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ “ËÏÛ ¡ÂÍχϷÂÚÓ‚ Director Timur Bekmambetov ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ “ËÏÛ ¡ÂÍχϷÂÚÓ‚, —„ÂÈ ÀÛ͸ˇÌÂÌÍÓ, Scriptwriters Timur Bekmambetov, Sergei Lukianenko, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “‡Î‡Î Alexander Talal ŒÔ‡ÚÓ —„ÂÈ “ÓÙËÏÓ‚ Camera Sergei Trofimov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ¬ËÍÚÓÓ‚ Art Director Valery Victorov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¬‡ˇ ¿‚‰˛¯ÍÓ Costumes Varia Avdyushko üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ fiËÈ œÓÚÂÂÌÍÓ Composer Yuri Potienko «‚ÛÍ —„ÂÈ ü‡ÔÂÌÍÓ Sound Sergei Karpenko ¬ ÓΡı: üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ’‡·ÂÌÒÍËÈ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ÃÂ̸¯Ó‚, Cast: Konstantin Khabensky, Vladimir Menshov, Galina √‡ÎË̇ “˛ÌË̇, Ã‡Ëˇ œÓÓ¯Ë̇, ¬ËÍÚÓ ¬ÂʷˈÍËÈ, Tyunina, Maria Poroshina, Victor Verzhbitsky, Zhanna Friske, ∆‡Ì̇ ‘ËÒÍÂ, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ◊‡‰Ó‚, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ «ÓÎÓÚÛıËÌ, Alexei Chadov, Valery Zolotukhin, Nikolai Olialin, Igor ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ŒÎˇÎËÌ, »„Ó¸ ÀËÙ‡ÌÓ‚, –ËÏχ ÇÍÓ‚‡, Lifanov, Rimma Markova, Dima Martynov, Gosha Kutsenko ƒËχ ÇÚ˚ÌÓ‚, √Ó¯‡ üÛˆÂÌÍÓ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ Ã‡ÍÒËÏÓ‚, üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ›ÌÒÚ Producers Anatoly Maximov, Konstantin Ernst œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´“¿¡¡¿üª, ´¡‡ÁÂÎÂ‚Ò Production TABBAK Studio, Bazelevs Production, œÓ‰‡Í¯Ìª, œÂ‚˚È Í‡Ì‡Î Channel One Russia œÓÍ‡Ú ´√ÂÏËÌË ÙËθϪ Distribution Gemini film ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square “ËÏÛ ¡ÂÍχϷÂÚÓ‚ ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ, ÔËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ Ë ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ ÂÍ·Ï˚, ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´“¿¡¡¿üª. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1993 ....œÂ¯‡‚‡ÒÍËÈ ‚‡Î¸Ò (Ò √ÂÌ̇‰ËÂÏ ü‡˛ÏÓ‚˚Ï) 2001 ....√·‰Ë‡ÚËÍÒ (—ÿ¿) 97 2004 ....ÕÓ˜ÌÓÈ ‰ÓÁÓ 2005 ....ƒÌ‚ÌÓÈ ‰ÓÁÓ Timur Bekmambetov Director and artist, prize winner of international film and advertising festivals, head of the film studio ìTABBAKî Filmography: 1993 ....Peschawar Waltz (with Gennady Kayumov) 2001 ....The Arena (USA) 2004 ....Night Watch 2005 ....Day Watch ¡ÎÓÍ·‡ÒÚÂ. ÕÓ˜¸˛, ‚ ÔÓ‰˙ÂÁ‰Â Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ‰Óχ Û·ËÚ‡ ÏÓÎÓ‰‡ˇ ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇. Õ‡ ÚÂΠ̠ӷ̇ÛÊÂÌÓ ÌË͇ÍËı ÒΉӂ ̇ÒËÎËˇÖ «˚·ÍÓ ‡‚ÌÓ‚ÂÒË ÏÂÊ‰Û —‚ÂÚÎ˚ÏË Ë “ÂÏÌ˚ÏË Ì‡Û¯ÂÌÓ. » ˜‡¯‡ ‚ÂÒÓ‚ ÒÍÎÓÌˇÂÚÒˇ ‚ ÒÚÓÓÌÛ ´ÚÂÏÌ˚ıª. ÕÓ Û·ËÚ‡ˇ ñ ´ÚÂÏ̇ˇ Ë̇ˇª, ‡ Á̇˜ËÚ, ÔÓ‰ ÔÓ‰ÓÁÂÌËÂÏ - ´Ò‚ÂÚÎ˚ª. √ÂÒ ÒÓ˜ÌÓ ÒӷˇÂÚ ÍÓχ̉Û: Ó·‚ËÌÂÌË ‚ Û·ËÈÒÚ‚Â ñ Ò¸ÂÁ̇ˇ ÔÓ·ÎÂχ. ŒÌ Ó·ˇÁ‡Ì ‡„ËÓ‚‡Ú¸. » ÔÂʉ ‚ÒÂ„Ó ÔÓÌˇÚ¸, ÍÚÓ „‰Â ·˚Î Ë ˜ÂÏ Á‡ÌËχÎÒˇ ‚ Û͇Á‡ÌÌÓ ‚ÂÏˇ. ¬˚ˇÒÌˇÂÚÒˇ, ˜ÚÓ ‡ÎË·Ë ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ ÚÓθÍÓ Û ¿ÌÚÓ̇ √ÓӉˆÍÓ„ÓÖ Àˉ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓÔÓ͇ڇ, ͇ÒÒÓ‚˚ ҷÓ˚: $34.5 ÏÎÌ. (̇ 17.02.2006). Blockbuster. A young woman is killed at night on the staircase of her house. No traces of violence can be found on the body Ö The shaky balance between Light and Dark is upset, and the scales incline towards the dark side. But the dead woman is a ìdark oneî, which means that suspicion falls on the light side. Gesser urgently puts together a special unit: the charge of murder is a serious problem. He is obliged to react. Above all, he must understand who was where doing what at the time in question. It transpires that only Anton Gorodetsky has no alibiÖ Leader of Russian distribution, box office: $34.5 million (as of 17.02.2006). ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ƒŒ¡–¤Õfl Õ»ü»“»◊ » «Ã≈… √Œ–¤Õ¤◊ DOBRYNIA AND DRAGON 98 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 70 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 70 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ »Î¸ˇ ÇÍÒËÏÓ‚ Director Ilya Maximov ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ÇÍÒËÏ —‚¯ÌËÍÓ‚, Scriptwriters Maxim Sveshnikov, Alexander Boiarsky, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡ÓˇÒÍËÈ, »Î¸ˇ ÇÍÒËÏÓ‚ Ilya Maximov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘ËÍ ŒÎ¸„‡ ¿Î¸Ú‡ÔÓ‚‡-Œ‚˜ËÌÌËÍÓ‚‡ Art Director Olga Altapova-Ovchinnikova üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬‡ÎÂÌÚËÌ ¬‡ÒÂÌÍÓ‚ Composer Valentin Vasenkov «‚ÛÍ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË √ÓÎÓÛÌËÌ Sound Vladimir Golounin –ÓÎË ÓÁ‚Û˜ËÎË: ¬‡ÎÂËÈ —ÓÎÓ‚¸Â‚, fiËÈ “‡‡ÒÓ‚, —„ÂÈ Cast (voices): Valery Soloviov, Yuri Tarasov, Sergei ÇÍӂˆÍËÈ, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ “ÓÎ۷‚, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ √ÓÓıÓ‚Ò͇ˇ, Makovetsky, Andrey Tolubeev, Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya, Շڇθˇ ƒ‡ÌËÎÓ‚‡, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ œÂÚÓ‚, ŒÎ„ üÛÎËÍӂ˘, Natalia Danilova, Anatoly Petrov, Oleg Kulikovich ÃËı‡ËÎ ◊ÂÌˇÍ (ÚÂÍÒÚ ÓÚ ‡‚ÚÓ‡) Narrator Mikhail Cherniak œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ —„ÂÈ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡ÓˇÒÍËÈ Producers Sergei Selianov, Alexander Boiarsky œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ —“¬, ÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´ÃÂθÌˈ‡ª, ÔË Production CTB Company, Melnitsa Studio with participation Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Distribution Nashe kino, Karoprokat, œÓÍ‡Ú ´Õ‡¯Â ÍËÌÓª, ´ü‡ÓÔÓ͇ڪ; Soyuz-video (DVD, video) ´—Ó˛Á-‚ˉÂÓª (DVD, ‚ˉÂÓ) ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square »Î¸ˇ ÇÍÒËÏÓ‚ ÂÊËÒÒ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓÈ ÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ÃÂθÌˈ‡ª (—‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ). »Á·‡Ì̇ˇ ÙËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 2000 ....œËÍβ˜ÂÌˡ ‚ »ÁÛÏÛ‰ÌÓÏ „ÓӉ (4 ÒÂˡ Ò¡·) 2003 ....ü‡ÎËÍ ÕÓÒ 2006 ....ƒÓ·˚Ìˇ ÕËÍËÚ˘ Ë «ÏÂÈ √Ó˚Ì˚˜ 99 Ilya Maximov Director of the animation studio ìMelnitsaî (St. Petersburg). Selected Filmography: 2000 ....Adventures in Emerald City (ìThe Wizard of Ozî, 4 series) 2003 ....Little Long-Nose 2006 ....Dobrynia and Dragon üÓωËÈ̇ˇ Ò͇Á͇, ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ËÁ ‡ÌËχˆËÓÌÌÓ„Ó ˆËÍ· ´“Ë ·Ó„‡Ú˚ˇª. ü‡ÒÓ˜Ì˚È Ë ‚ÂÒÂÎ˚È, ÓÌ ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡ÂÚ Ó ÚÓÏ, Í‡Í ·Ó„‡Ú˚¸ ƒÓ·˚Ìˇ ÕËÍËÚ˘ ÓÚÔ‡‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÒÔ‡Ò‡Ú¸ ÍÌˇÊÂÒÍÛ˛ ÔÎÂÏˇÌÌËˆÛ «‡·‡‚Û ËÁ Î‡Ô «Ï¡ √Ó˚Ì˚˜‡. ÕÂÔÓÒÚÓ ·Û‰ÂÚ ƒÓ·˚ÌÂ Ë Â„Ó ˛ÌÓÏÛ Û˜ÂÌËÍÛ ≈ÎËÒ² ‚˚ÔÓÎÌËÚ¸ Á‡‰ÛχÌÌÓÂ. Õ Á̇ÂÚ ƒÓ·˚Ìˇ Ë ‰‡Ê Ì ‰Ó„‡‰˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ Ò‡Ï üÌˇÁ¸ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ ‚ ·ÂÁ‚˚ıÓ‰ÌÓ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËÂ Ë ‚Ó‚Ò Ì Á‡ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚‡Ì ‚ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘ÂÌËË ÔÎÂÏˇÌÌˈ˚. “ˇÊÍÓ ËÒÔ˚Ú‡ÌË Ô‰ÒÚÓËÚ ƒÓ·˚Ì ñ ÔÓÁ̇ڸ „Ó˜¸ Ô‰‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡. Œ‰Ì‡ÍÓ Ì ÒÛʉÂÌÓ ·Û‰ÂÚ Ò·˚Ú¸Òˇ ÁÎÓ‰ÂÈÒÍËÏ ÔÎ‡Ì‡Ï ‰‡Ê ¡‡·˚ fl„Ë... A comic fairy tale; the second film from the animation cycle ìThree Knights (bogatyrs)î. Colourful and cheerful, it tells the story of the bogatyr Dobrynia Nikitich, who sets out to rescue the princely niece Zabava from the claws of Zmei Gorynych. Dobrynia and his young pupil Elisei face no easy task. Dobrynia cannot know, or even guess, that the Prince himself is in a desperate position and it is not interested at all in the return of his niece. Dobrynia faces a difficult test: he has to learn about the bitterness of treachery. However, the evil plots of Baba Yaga are doomed to fail.... ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ∆≈—“‹ JUNK 100 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 110 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Dolby SRD 2006, Russia, 110 min, colour, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ƒÂÌËÒ ÕÂÈχ̉ Director Denis Neimand ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ÃÛÁÂÌÍÓ Scriptwriter Konstantin Murzenko ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ÃËı‡ËÎ ÃÛ͇ÒÂÈ Camera Mikhail Mukasei ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË fiʇÍÓ‚ Art Director Vladimir Yuzhakov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »„Ó¸ ¬‰Ó‚ËÌ Composer Igor Vdovin —‡Û̉ÚÂÍ ´üÓ‚ÓÒÚÓͪ Soundtrack Krovostok «‚ÛÍ Õ‡Ú‡Î¸ˇ –Ó„ËÌÒ͇ˇ Sound Natalia Roginskaia ¬ ÓΡı: ¿ÎÂ̇ ¡‡·ÂÌÍÓ, ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ Cast: Aliona Babenko, Mikhail Efremov, Alexei Serebriakov, —·ˇÍÓ‚, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ ¡ÂÎ˚È, ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ –‡Á·Â„‡Â‚, —„ÂÈ Anatoly Beliy, Viacheslav Razbegaev, Sergei Shakurov, Yusup ÿ‡ÍÛÓ‚, fiÒÛÔ ¡‡ı¯Ë‚, »„Ó¸ ÀËÙ‡ÌÓ‚, √Ó¯‡ üÛˆÂÌÍÓ, Bakhshiev, Igor Lifanov, Gosha Kutsenko, Elena Rufanova, ≈ÎÂ̇ –ÛÙ‡ÌÓ‚‡, »„Ó¸ ◊ÂÌ‚˘ Igor Chernevich œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ fiÒÛÔ ¡‡ı¯Ë‚, ¬ËÍÚÓ “‡ÍÌÓ‚, Producers Yusup Bakhshiev, Victor Taknov, ¿ÚÂÏ “ÂÂÌڸ‚, √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ ü‡‚ˆ Artiom Terentiev, Gennady Kravets œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó MB Production, Arnold & Gregor Production, Production MB Production, Arnold & Gregor Production, Pride Professional Group, Znaky Production Studio Pride Professional Group, Znaky Production Studio œÓÍ‡Ú ´÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔª Distribution Central Partnership ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ƒÂÌËÒ ÕÂÈχ̉ ñ ‰ËÁ‡ÈÌÂ, ‡ıËÚÂÍÚÓ, ‚ˉÂÓıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ, ‡‚ÚÓ-ÂÊËÒÒ ÌÂË„Ó‚˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚. ´∆ÂÒÚ¸ª - Ô‚˚È Ë„Ó‚ÓÈ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËθÏ. Denis Neimand Designer, architect, video-artist, author and director of non-fiction films. 101 ìJunkîis his first feature film. œÒËıÓ‚ËÍ/ “ËÎÎÂ. ∆ÛÚ͇ˇ, ÔÓÎÛÏËÒÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ Ë ‚ÂҸχ ÌÂÓ‰ÌÓÁ̇˜Ì‡ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ Ó ÊËÁÌË, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ÏÓÊÂÚ ·˚Ú¸ ÔÓ-̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÏÛ ÊÂÒÚÍÓÈ. »Á‚ÂÒÚ̇ˇ ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚ͇ ÇË̇, ÒÔˆˇÎËÁËÛ˛˘‡ˇÒˇ ̇ ÒÂÌÒ‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ı χÚ¡·ı, ‚ԇ· ‚ ‰ÂÔÂÒÒ˲ Ë ÛÊ ÔÓ‰ÛÏ˚‚‡Î‡ Ó ÒÏÂÌ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËË ÔÓÒΠÚÓ„Ó, Í‡Í Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ „ÂÓ‚  ÂÔÓڇʇ ·˚Î Á‡ÒÚÂÎÂÌ ÏËÎˈÂÈÒÍËÏ Ò̇ÈÔÂÓÏ ÔˇÏÓ Û Ì ̇ „·Á‡ı. ÕÓ Â ÛÔÓÒËÎË Ò‰Â·ڸ ÔÓÒΉÌËÈ Ï‡Ú¡Î, Ò˙ÂÁ‰ËÚ¸ ‚ ÔÒËıˇÚ˘ÂÒÍÛ˛ Θ·ÌËˆÛ Ë ÔÓ„Ó‚ÓËÚ¸ Ò ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍÓÏ, Ó·‚ËÌˇÂÏ˚Ï ‚ ÊÂÒÚÓÍËı ÒÂËÈÌ˚ı Û·ËÈÒÚ‚‡ı. ü‡Á‡ÎÓÒ¸ ·˚, ÔÓÒÚÓ Á‡‰‡ÌË ӷÂÌÛÎÓÒ¸ ‰Îˇ ÏÓÎÓ‰ÓÈ ÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚÍË ÍӯχÓÏ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ÔÓ‰ÚÓÎÍÌÛÎ ÂÂ Í ÔÂÂÓÒÏ˚ÒÎÂÌ˲ Ò·ˇ Ë ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂθÌÓÒÚË. Thriller. A terrible, semi-mystical and quite ambiguous story about how life can suddenly turn harsh. The well-known journalist Marina specializes in sensational reports; she has lapsed into depression and is thinking about changing her professional career in the aftermath of one of her criminal subjects being shot by a sniper right in front of her eyes. She is asked to do one last story: visit a psychiatric clinic to talk to a man accused of serial killings. And then the simple task turns into a nightmare for the young journalist; she is forced to reconsider the world that surrounds her. ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square À≈—Õ¿fl ¡–¿“¬¿ OVER THE HEDGE 102 2006, —ÿ¿, 97 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Dolby SRD 2006, USA, 97 min, colour, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ “ËÏ ƒÊÓÌÒÓÌ Ë ü˝Ë üËÍÔ‡ÚËÍ Directors Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ÇÈÍÎ ‘‡È, “Ë À¸˛ËÒ, ÀÂÌ ¡ÎÛÏ, Scriptwriters Michael Fry, T. Lewis, ü˝Ë üËÍÔ‡ÚËÍ Len Blum, Karey Kirkpatrick ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ-ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚˘ËÍ ü‡ÚË ¿Î¸ÚÎÂË Music Ben Folds (songs), Rupert Gregson-Williams üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ƒÊÂÈÌ œÛθ Production Design Kathy Altieri ÃÛÁ˚͇ ¡ÂÌ ‘Óθ‰Ò (ÔÂÒÌË), –ÛÔÂÚ √„ÒÓÌ-”ËθˇÏÒ Costume Design Jane Poole –ÓÎË ÓÁ‚Û˜ËÎË: ¡˛Ò ”ËÎÎËÒ (‚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ÔÓ͇Ú ñ Cast (voices): Bruce Willis (Gosha Kutsenko ñ in Russian √Ó¯‡ üÛˆÂÌÍÓ), √˝Ë ÿ˝Ì‰ÎËÌ„, —ÚË‚ ü˝ÂÎ, ”ËθˇÏ version), Garry Shandling, Steve Carell, William Shatner, ÿ‡ÚÌÂ, ¿‚ËÎ À‡‚Ë̸, fi‰ÊËÌ À‚Ë, ÕËÍ ÕÓÎÚË, Avril Lavigne, Eugene Levy, Nick Nolte, Omid Djalili ŒÏˉ ƒÊ‡ÎËÎË œÓ‰˛Ò ¡ÓÌÌË ¿ÌÓθ‰ Producer Bonnie Arnold œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó DreamWorks Animation Production DreamWorks Animation œÓÍ‡Ú United International Pictures ñ UIP Distribution United International Pictures ñ UIP ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square 103 ¿ÌËχˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÍÓωˡ. œË¯Î‡ ‚ÂÒ̇. ◊ÂÂÔ‡¯Í‡ ¬ÂÌË Ë Â„Ó ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ ÔÓ·Û‰ËÎËÒ¸ ÓÚ ‰Ó΄ÓÈ ÁËÏÌÂÈ ÒÔˇ˜ÍË Ë Í Ò‚ÓÂÏÛ Û‰Ë‚ÎÂÌ˲ ӷ̇ÛÊËÎË, ˜ÚÓ Ëı ÎÂÒÓÍ ÓÍÛÊÂÌ ·ÂÒ͇ÈÌÂÈ ÁÂÎÂÌÓÈ ËÁ„ÓÓ‰¸˛. ’ËÚ˚È ÂÌÓÚ ›ƒÊÂÈ ÔÓˇÒÌËÎ, ˜ÚÓ ÏË ÔÓ ÚÛ ÒÚÓÓÌÛ ËÁ„ÓÓ‰Ë Ì‡Á˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ´‚ÓÓÚ‡ÏË ‚ ıÓÓ¯Û˛ ÊËÁ̸ª, Ë·Ó Ú‡Ï Ó·ËÚ‡˛Ú ÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚ ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚‡, ̇Á˚‚‡ÂÏ˚ β‰¸ÏË, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÊË‚ÛÚ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÂÒÚ¸. ŒÒÚÓÓÊÌ˚È ¬ÂÌË ıÓ˜ÂÚ Û‰Âʇڸ Ò‚Ó˛ ÒÂϸ˛ ÔÓ ˝ÚÛ ÒÚÓÓÌÛ ËÁ„ÓÓ‰Ë, ÌÓ ›ƒÊÂÈ ‰Ó͇Á˚‚‡ÂÚ ÂÏÛ, ˜ÚÓ ˜ÂÎӂ˜ÂÒÍËÈ ÏÛÒÓ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ‰Îˇ ÊË‚ÓÚÌ˚ı ÌÂËÒÒˇÍ‡ÂÏ˚È Ó„ ËÁÓ·ËÎˡ. »Ï¡ ÍÓÂ-͇ÍË Á‡‰ÌË Ï˚ÒÎË, ÓÌ Û„Ó‚‡Ë‚‡ÂÚ Ï‡ÎÂ̸ÍËı Ó·ËÚ‡ÚÂÎÂÈ ÎÂÒ‡ ÌË˜Â„Ó Ì ·ÓˇÚ¸Òˇ Ë Ì‡Ò·ʉ‡Ú¸Òˇ ÔÎÓ‰‡ÏË ˆË‚ËÎËÁ‡ˆËË. ¬ÏÂÒÚ ÊË‚ÓÚÌ˚ ‚˚ıÓ‰ˇÚ ̇ ÓıÓÚÛ Á‡ ‚ÒÂÏ ÚÂÏ, ˜ÚÓ ÔÎÓıÓ ÎÂÊËÚÖ. Animation comedy. Spring has come. The turtle Verne and its friends have woken up after a long hibernation, and to their surprise they find their forest surrounded by an endless green fence. The clever raccoon RJ explains that the world on that side of the fence is called ìa gate to good lifeî, because its inhabitants re strange beings called people, who live to eat. The cautious Verne wants to keep his family on this side of the fence, but RJ proves to him that the rubbish from the people represents an inexhaustible horn of plenty for animals. With some ulterior motives he persuades the small creatures of the forest not to be afraid of anything and to enjoy the fruits of civilization. Together the animals leave for a hunt on everything that lays wasteÖ ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square Õ»ü“Œ Õ≈ «Õ¿≈“ œ–Œ —≈ü— NOBODY KNOWS SEX 104 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 97 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby SRD 2006, Russia, 97 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ √Ӊ‚ Director Alexei Gordeev ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÂÌËÒ –Ó‰ËÏËÌ Scriptwriter Denis Rodimin ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ŒÎ„ ÀÛ͢‚ Camera Oleg Lukichiov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ —„ÂÈ “˚ËÌ Art Director Sergei Tyrin üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ≈ÎÂ̇ ÀÛ͸ˇÌÓ‚‡ Costumes Elena Lukianova üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »Î¸ˇ ÿËÔËÎÓ‚ Composer Ilya Shipilov «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ üÓËÌÒÍËÈ Sound Andrey Korinsky ¬ ÓΡı: ÕËÍÓÎ‡È Ã‡˜ÛθÒÍËÈ, Ã‡Ëˇ √Ó̘‡, üËËÎÎ Cast: Nikolai Machulsky, Maria Gonchar, Kirill Konakhin, VJ üÓ̇ıËÌ, VJ ¿‚Ó‡, ÇÍÒËÏ üÓÌÓ‚‡ÎÓ‚, ≈ÎÂ̇ flÍӂ΂‡, Aurora, Maxim Konovalov, Elena Yakovleva, Mikhail ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡‡¯ËÓ‚, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ üÛÁ̈ӂ Efremov, Alexander Bashirov, Anatoly Kuznetsov œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ —„ÂÈ ƒ‡ÌËÂΡÌ, ¿‡Ï ÃÓ‚ÒÂÒˇÌ, fiËÈ ÃÓÓÁ Producers Sergei Danielian, Aram Movsesian, œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´—ÀŒÕª Yuri Moroz (Central Partnership) œÓ Á‡Í‡ÁÛ ´÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔª Production SLON Studio, Central Partnership œÓÍ‡Ú ´÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔª Distribution Central Partnership ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ √Ӊ‚ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 2001 ....¿Ì„ÂÎ˚ (Í/Ï) 2002 ....√·Á‡ÏË Ò‡‰Ó‚ÌË͇ (Í/Ï, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ ¬ü—–) 2004 ....Hello, ƒÓıÎ˚È! 2006 ....ÕËÍÚÓ Ì Á̇ÂÚ ÔÓ ÒÂÍÒ Alexei Gordeev Director, scriptwriter, producer. 105 ÃÓÎÓ‰ÂÊ̇ˇ ÍÓωˡ. ÃÓÎÓ‰ÓÈ ÔÓ‚Ë̈ˇΠ≈„Ó ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ Á̇ÍÓÏËÚÒˇ Ò Filmography: 2001 ....Angels (short) ÚÂÎÂ‚Â‰Û˘ÂÈ ¿Ì„ÂÎËÌÓÈ Ë ÓÚÔ‡‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Û 2002 ....Through the Eyes of a Gardener ÊÂÌËÚ¸Òˇ. œË‚˚ÍÌÛÚ¸ Í ÒÚÓ΢ÌÓÏÛ ÚÂÏÔÛ ÊËÁÌË ≈„ÓÛ (short, coursework Higher Courses) 2004 ....Hello, Sickly! ÌÂÔÓÒÚÓ. ¬ÒÂ Â„Ó Á̇Ìˡ Ó ÏË ӄ‡Ì˘ÂÌ˚ ÚÂÏ, ˜ÚÓ ÓÌ 2006 ....Nobody Knows Sex ÛÁ̇Π‚ Ó‰ÌÓÈ Ú‡È„Â, Ë ÚÂÏ, ˜ÚÓ ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡Î ÂÏÛ Â‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌËÍ ó ÒÚ‡˚È ‰Â‰-ÓıÓÚÌËÍ. ≈„ÓÛ Ô‰ÒÚÓËÚ ÔÓÈÚË ËÒÔ˚Ú‡ÌË ËÒÔÓ˜ÂÌÌÓÈ ÒÚÓÎˈÂÈ, ‚ÒÚÂÚËÚ¸ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘Û˛ β·Ó‚¸ Ë ‚Ò ÛÁ̇ڸ ÔÓ ÒÂÍÒ. Youth comedy. The young provincial lad Egor has a chance encounter with the television presenter Angelina and goes to Moscow to marry. Egor has no easy job to adapt to the pace of life in the capital. His knowledge of the world is limited to his experiences of his native taiga, and to the stories told by his only relative ñ his granddad, and old hunter. Egor has to pass the test of the spoiled capital, meet his real love, and find out everything about sex. ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square Œ’Œ“¿ Õ¿ œ»–¿Õ‹fi HUNTING FOR PIRANHA 106 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 125 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 2006, Russia, 125 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ü‡‚ÛÌ Director Andrei Kavun ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÏËÚËÈ «‚¸ÍÓ‚ Scriptwriter Dmitry Zveríkov (ÔÓ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÈ ÍÌË„Â ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ ¡Û¯ÍÓ‚‡) Novel by Alexander Bushkov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ –ÓÏ‡Ì ¬‡Ò¸ˇÌÓ‚ Camera Roman Vasianov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ »„Ó¸ ŸÂÎÓÍÓ‚ Art Director Igor Shchyolokov üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ À˛‰ÏË· √‡Ë̈‚‡ Costumes Lyudmila Gaintseva üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ˚ ƒÏËÚËÈ “‡‡‚ÍÓ‚, ¬ËÚ‡ÎËÈ ¿ÚËÒÚ Music Dmitry Taravkov, Vitaly Artist «‚ÛÍ —„ÂÈ ◊ÛÔÓ‚ Soun Sergei Chuprov ¬ ÓΡı: ¬Î‡‰ËÏË Ã‡¯ÍÓ‚, ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ÃËÓÌÓ‚, —‚ÂÚ·̇ Cast: Vladimir Mashkov, Evgeny Mironov, Svetlana Antonova, ¿ÌÚÓÌÓ‚‡, —„ÂÈ √‡Ï‡¯, ¬ËÍÚÓˡ »Ò‡ÍÓ‚‡, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ Sergei Garmash, Victoria Isakova, Andrei Merzlikin, Alexei ÃÂÁÎËÍËÌ, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ √Ó·ÛÌÓ‚, ¿Ì̇ ¡‡Ì˘ËÍÓ‚‡, Gorbunov, Anna Banshchikova, Mikhail Efremov ÃËı‡ËÎ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚ Producers Racoon-TV œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ “Ó‰ÓÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, »Î¸ˇ ÕÂÂÚËÌ Distribution Central Partnership œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´–ÂÍÛÌ-“¬ª œÓÍ‡Ú ´÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔª ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ü‡‚ÛÌ ñ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ‡ÍÚÂ. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡: 2004 ....üÛÒ‡ÌÚ˚ (Ò¡Î) 2004 ....¬ÓÍÁ‡Î (Ò¡Î) 2004 ....üÓχ̉‡ (Ò¡Î) 2006 ....ŒıÓÚ‡ ̇ Ôˇ̸˛ 107 Andrei Kavun Scriptwriter, Director, Actor. Directorís Filmography: 2004 ....Couriers (serial) 2004 ....The Railway Station (serial) 2004 ....The Command Unit (serial) 2006 ....Hunting for Piranha ¡Ó‚ËÍ ÔÓ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÏÛ ÓχÌÛ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ ¡Û¯ÍÓ‚‡. ¿„ÂÌÚ ÒÔˆÔÓ‰‡Á‰ÂÎÂÌˡ ´œË‡Ì¸ˇª üËËÎΠÇÁÛ Ò ÍÓÎ΄ÓÈ ŒÎ¸„ÓÈ Ì‡Ô‡‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ̇ —Â‚Â Ò Á‡‰‡ÌËÂÏ ÎË͂ˉËÓ‚‡Ú¸ ÒÍ·‰ ÒÂÍÂÚÌÓ„Ó ÓÛÊˡ. ÕÂÓÊˉ‡ÌÌÓ ÓÌË Ó͇Á˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ‚ ÏËÂ, „‰Â Á‡ÍÓÌ˚ ˆË‚ËÎËÁ‡ˆËË Á‡·˚Ú˚, ‡ ÒÏÂÚÓÌÓÒÌÓ ÓÛÊË Á‡ı‚‡˜ÂÌÓ ·‡Ì‰ËÚ‡ÏË ÔÓ‰ Ô‰‚Ó‰ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÓÏ ÌÓ‚Ó„Ó ´ıÓÁˇË̇ ڇȄ˪, œÓıÓ‡, ÍÓÚÓ˚È Ì‡ ‰ÓÒÛ„Â ‡Á‚ÎÂ͇ÂÚÒˇ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÈ ÓıÓÚÓÈ Ì‡ β‰ÂÈÖ Action film based on the novel of the same title by Alexander Bushkov. Under the guise of a romantic couple on vacation, secret service officer Kirill Mazur and his colleague Olga go to the Russian Taiga. Their mission is to destroy a biological ammunition storage. They get trapped in a world where human rules are scorned and the deadly weapon is seized by gangsters. The gangís leader, ëProkhorí, is a powerful and influential villain, who makes up his own rules. His hobby is huntingÖfor people. Mazur had never dreamt he would change his high-tech gun for a self-made ivory knife. Neither did he expect having to rescue his beloved companion and himself before saving the world. Mazur eventually learns that survival is a game without rulesÖ ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square œ»“≈– FM PITER FM 108 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 85 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, Dolby SRD 2006, Russia, 85 min, colour, 1:1.66, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ŒÍ҇̇ ¡˚˜ÍÓ‚‡ Director Oksana Bychkova ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Շ̇ √Ë̯ÚÂÈÌ, ŒÍ҇̇ ¡˚˜ÍÓ‚‡ Scriptwriters Nana Grinshtein, Oksana Bychkova ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »‚‡Ì √Û‰ÍÓ‚ Camera Ivan Gudkov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ »„Ó¸ üÓˆ‡Â‚ Art Director Igor Kotsarev üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ŒÎ¸„‡ ¡˚˜ÍÓ‚‡ Costumes Olga Bychkova üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ üËËÎÎ œËÓ„Ó‚ Composer Kirill Pirogov «‚ÛÍ fiÎˡ ≈„ÓÓ‚‡ Sound Yulia Egorova ¬ ÓΡı: ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ‘‰ÛÎÓ‚‡, ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ÷˚„‡ÌÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ Cast: Ekaterina Fedulova, Evgeny Tsyganov, Alexei Barabash, ¡‡‡·‡¯, »Ë̇ –‡ıχÌÓ‚‡, Շڇθˇ –‚‡, ŒÎ„ ƒÓÎËÌ, Irina Rakhmanova, Natalia Ryova, Oleg Dolin, Evgeny ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ üÛ·ÍÓ‚, üËËÎÎ œËÓ„Ó‚, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ ü‡‚˜ÂÌÍÓ, Kulakov, Kirill Pirogov, Tatiana Kravchenko, Alexander ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡‡¯ËÓ‚, ¿ÚÂÏ —ÂχÍËÌ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ’‚‡Ì, Bashirov, Artyom Semakin, Alexander Khvan, Andrei Krasko, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ü‡ÒÍÓ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË Ã‡¯ÍÓ‚ Vladimir Mashkov √Â̇θÌ˚ ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –Ó‰ÌˇÌÒÍËÈ, General Producers Alexander Rodniansky, Igor Tolstunov »„Ó¸ “ÓÎÒÚÛÌÓ‚ Producers Elena Glikman, Anna Kagarlitskaia œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ≈ÎÂ̇ √ÎËÍχÌ, ¿Ì̇ ü‡„‡Îˈ͇ˇ Production CTC Television, ProFIT, Protel with participation œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó “ÂÎÂ͇̇Π—“—, ´œÓ‘»“ª, ´œÓÚÂΪ, of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛ Distribution Gemini Film Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË œÓÍ‡Ú ´√ÂÏËÌË ÙËθϪ ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ŒÍ҇̇ ¡˚˜ÍÓ‚‡ üËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 2001 ....ƒ‚ ÒÚÓÓÌ˚ ÒÚÂÍ· (Í/Ï, ۘ·̇ˇ ñ ¬ü—–) 2002 ....“Ë ÒÂÒÚ˚ (Í/Ï, ÍÛÒÓ‚‡ˇ) 2006 ....œËÚ FM (‰Â·˛Ú) 109 Oksana Bychkova Film director, scriptwriter. Filmography: 2001 ....Two Sides of Glass (short, practical, Higher Courses) 2002 ....Three Sisters (short, coursework) 2006 ....Piter FM (debut) ÃÓÎÓ‰ÂÊ̇ˇ ÓχÌÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÍÓωˡ. ǯ‡ ñ ‰Ë-‰ÊÂÈ Ì‡ ÔÓÔÛΡÌÓÏ ÔËÚÂÒÍÓÏ ‡‰ËÓ, ÇÍÒËÏ ñ ÏÓÎÓ‰ÓÈ ‡ıËÚÂÍÚÓ. ǯ‡ „ÓÚÓ‚ËÚÒˇ Í Ò‚‡‰¸·Â Ò ·˚‚¯ËÏ Ó‰ÌÓÍ·ÒÒÌËÍÓÏ, ÇÍÒËÏ Ôӷ‰ËÎ ‚ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓÏ ÍÓÌÍÛÒ ‡ıËÚÂÍÚÓÓ‚ Ë ÒӷˇÂÚÒˇ ̇ ‡·ÓÚÛ ‚ √ÂχÌ˲. ÕÓ Ó·‡ ÓÌË Ì ۂÂÂÌ˚, ˜ÚÓ ËÏ ÌÛÊÌÓ ËÏÂÌÌÓ ˝ÚÓ. ÇÍÒËχ Û‰ÂÊË‚‡ÂÚ ‚ œËÚ β·Ó‚¸ Í ‰Â‚Û¯ÍÂ, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ Â„Ó ÓÒÚ‡‚Ë·, ‡ ǯ‡ ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ, ˜ÚÓ Â ÊÂÌËı üÓÒÚˇ ñ ÒÓ‚ÒÂÏ Ì ÚÓÚ ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ, ·ÂÁ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Ó̇ ·˚ Ì Ïӄ· ÊËÚ¸. » ÍÚÓ Á̇ÂÚ, Í‡Í ·˚ ÔÓ‚ÂÌÛ·Ҹ Ëı ÒÛ‰¸·‡, ÂÒÎË ·˚ Ì ÒÎÛ˜‡È ñ ǯ‡ Ú¡ÂÚ ÏÓ·ËθÌ˚È ÚÂÎÂÙÓÌ, ‡ ÇÍÒËÏ Â„Ó Ì‡ıÓ‰ËÚÖ œÛθÒËÛ˛˘ËÈ Ó„‡ÌËÁÏ Ï„‡ÔÓÎËÒ‡, „Ó¸ÍË ‡ÒÒÚ‡‚‡Ìˡ Ë ÌÓ‚˚ ‚ÒÚ˜Ë, ̇ÍÓ̈ Ò‡ÏÓ ‚ÂÏˇ, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓÏ ÊË‚ÛÚ „ÂÓË, ÚÂÒÌÓ ÔÂÂÔÎÂÚÛÚÒˇ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÔË‚ÂÒÚË Ëı ‰Û„ Í ‰Û„Û. Romantic youth comedy. Masha, a DJ with a popular Petersburg radio station; Maxim, a young architect. Masha prepares for her wedding to her former schoolmate; Maxim has won an international architectsí competition and prepares to go to work in Germany. But neither of them is sure that this is what they need. Maxim is attached to the city because of an old flame, who left him; Masha feels that her fianc Kostia is not at all the person with whom she wants to be. And who knows how their lives would have developed had it not been for chance: Masha loses her mobile phone and Maxim finds itÖ the pulsating organism of the megapolis, bitter separations and new encounters, and the time in which the protagonists live are closely woven together in order to bring the two heroes closer to each other. ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square —¬ŒÀŒ◊» BASTARDS 110 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 96 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 2005, Russia, 96 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby Digital 5.1 –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿Ú‡ÌÂÒˇÌ Director Alexander Atanisian ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË üÛÌËÌ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿Ú‡ÌÂÒˇÌ Scriptwriters Vladimir Kunin, Alexander Atanesian ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ƒÏËÚËÈ fl¯ÓÌÍÓ‚ Camera Dmitry Yashonkov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ Ã‡ÍÒËÏ ‘ÂÒ˛Ì Art Director Maxim Fesiun üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ü‡Ï˚¯Ó‚, ≈ÎÂ̇ —Ú‡ÌÍ‚‡ Costumes Alexei Kamyshov, Elena Stankeeva üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿Í‡‰ËÈ ”ÍÛÔÌËÍ Composer Arkady Ukupnik «‚ÛÍ fiÎˡ ≈„ÓÓ‚‡ Sound Yulia Egorova ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Ì‰ÂÈ œ‡ÌËÌ, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ü‡ÒÍÓ, —„ÂÈ –˚˜ÂÌÍÓ‚, Cast: Andrei Panin, Andrei Krasko, Sergei Rychenkov, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ √ÓÎÓ‚ËÌ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ü‡¯ÔÛ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ¿Ì‰Â‚, Alexander Golovin, Vladimir Kashpur, Vladimir Andreev, ƒÂÌËÒ ü‡‡Ò‚, –ÓÒÚËÒ·‚ ¡Â¯‡Û˝, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÕËÍÛÎËÌ, Denis Karasiov, Rostislav Bershauer, Alexander Nikulin, ¬‡‰ËÏ üÓ΄‡ÌÓ‚, —ÂÏÂÌ —Ë‚ÍÓ‚, ƒÏËÚËÈ √Ó‚ÓÈ Vadim Kolganov, Semion Sivkov, Dmitry Gorevoy œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ √‚ӄ ÕÂÒËÒˇÌ, fiËÈ üۯ̂ Producers Gevorg Nersisian, Yuri Kushneriov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó œÓ‰˛ÒÂÒÍËÈ ˆÂÌÚ ´œ‡‡‰ËÁª, Production Paradise Film Production, Ritm Company with ÍËÌÓÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌ̇ˇ ÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ ´–ËÚϪ, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË participation of the Federal Agency for Culture and ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Cinematography œÓÍ‡Ú ¿„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚Ó ´œ‡‡‰ËÁª Distribution Paradise Agency ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ ÔÎÓ˘‡‰Ë cinema on the square ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿Ú‡ÌÂÒˇÌ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ‡ÍÚÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÔÂÏËÈ. ¿Í‡‰ÂÏËÍ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËË ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍËı ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ ´Õ»ü¿ª, ˜ÎÂÌ Ô‡‚ÎÂÌˡ √Ëθ‰ËË üËÌÓÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, ˜ÎÂÌ Ô‡‚ÎÂÌˡ —Ó˛Á‡ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËË, „Â̇θÌ˚È ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË ´¿Ì„ÂÎ-ÙËθϪ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). 111 ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ (Ë„Ó‚Ó ÍËÌÓ): 2000 ....24 ˜‡Ò‡ 2002 ....ÀÂÚÌËÈ ‰Óʉ¸ 2005 ....◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ-‡ÏÙ˷ˡ 2005 ....—‚ÓÎÓ˜Ë 2006 ....”.≈. (Ò¡Î) Alexander Atanesian Producer, director, actor, script writer, winner of professional film-prizes. Member of academy of cinema arts ´NIKAª, member of board of Guild of Film producers of Russia, member of board of the Union of cinematographers of Russia, general manager ´Angel-filmª (Moscow). Filmography as director (feature films): 2000 ....24 Hours 2002 ....Summer Rain 2005 ....Amphibian Man 2005 ....Bastards √ÂÓ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡ ÔÓ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚË ¬Î‡‰ËÏˇ üÛÌË̇. 2006 ....”.≈. (serial) 1943 „Ó‰, ¬ÂÎË͇ˇ ŒÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ ‚ÓÈ̇. ƒÎˇ ‚˚ÔÓÎÌÂÌˡ ÒÂÍÂÚÌÓ„Ó Ô‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó Á‡‰‡Ìˡ ËÁ Á‡Íβ˜ÂÌˡ ÓÒ‚Ó·Óʉ‡ÂÚÒˇ ÔÓÎÍÓ‚ÌËÍ ¬Ë¯Ì‚ˆÍËÈ. ¡˚‚¯ÂÏÛ ÒÔÓÚÒÏÂÌÛ Ë ‡Î¸ÔËÌËÒÚÛ ÔÓÛ˜‡ÂÚÒˇ ̇·‡Ú¸ „ÛÔÔÛ ËÁ ÓÚ˜‡ˇÌÌ˚ı χθ˜Ë¯ÂÍ 14-15 ÎÂÚ, ÒËÓÚ, ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÌËÍÚÓ ÌËÍÓ„‰‡ Ì ·Û‰ÂÚ ËÒ͇ڸ. œÓ‰ÓÒÚÍÓ‚ ÓÚÔ‡‚Ρ˛Ú ‚ Ú‡ÈÌ˚È „ÓÌ˚È Î‡„¸, „‰Â ÓÌË ÔÓıÓ‰ˇÚ ÒÔˆˇθÌÛ˛ ÔÓ‰„ÓÚÓ‚ÍÛ. »Ï Ô‰̇Á̇˜ÂÌÓ ÛÌ˘ÚÓÊËÚ¸ ‡Î¸ÔËÈÒÍÛ˛ Ù‡¯ËÒÚÒÍÛ˛ ‚ÓÂÌÌÛ˛ ·‡ÁÛ ´√ÂÙβ„ÂθıÓÙª ‰Ë‚ËÁËË ´›‰Âθ‚ÂÈÒª... Heroic drama based on the story of the same title by Vladimir Kunin 1943, Great Patriotic War. In order to carry out a confidential governmental task, colonel Vishnevetsky is released from confinement. The former sportsman and climber is entrusted with building a group from desperate orphans aged 14-15 years, whom nobody will ever search for. The teenagers are sent to a secret mountain camp, where they undergo a special training programme. The plan is to destroy the fascist Alpine military base ìGefluegelhofî of the Edelweiss Division, which is based in the Caucasus... ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘ÂÌÌ˚ ¯Â‰Â‚˚ (ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ ´ÔÓ„Ë·¯Ëıª ÙËθÏÓ‚) RETURNED MASTERPIECES (RECONSTRUCTION OF "LOST" FILMS) ‡ÌÚÓÎӄˡ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN CINEMA ÍËÌÓ ´ÒËÌ هÌÚÓϪ: CINEMA OF "CINE FANTOM": ͇ÒÚËÌ„ THE CASTING ‚Ó΄‡-‚Ó΄‡ VOLGA-VOLGA ÒÛχү‰¯ËÈ ÔË̈ ˝ÒÙ˸ MAD PRINCE ESTHER 113 ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ Õ›÷ü» ËÏÂÌË —‡‚‚˚ üÛÎ˯‡ œÂ‰ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÚ ÔÓÂÍÚ ¬Œ«¬–¿Ÿ≈ÕÕ¤≈ ÿ≈ƒ≈¬–¤ (ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛÍˆËˇ ´ÔÓ„Ë·¯Ëıª ÙËθÏÓ‚) ¿‚ÚÓ ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛ͈ËÈ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È »Á‚ÓÎÓ‚ œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÌÓθ‰ √ËÒÍËÌ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ Õ›÷ü» ËÏÂÌË —‡‚‚˚ üÛÎ˯‡ 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, Betacam SP ÎËÚ‡ÚÛÌ˚ı) ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓ Ò‚ÓÂÓ·‡ÁÌÓ ´‚ÓÒÒÓÁ‰‡Ì˪ ˝ÚËı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ‚ ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ-‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓÏ ‚ˉÂ. ÷ËÙÓ‚˚ ÚÂıÌÓÎÓ„ËË ‰Â·˛Ú ˝ÚÓÚ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌ˚Ï ‰Îˇ Û˜ÂÌ˚ı, ‡ ÂÁÛÎ¸Ú‡Ú ˝ÚÓÚ ‡·ÓÚ˚ ñ ‰ÓÒÚÛÔÌ˚Ï ‰Îˇ Ó„ÓÏÌÓ„Ó ÍÛ„‡ Á‡ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı Îˈ. œÓ ÒÚ‡ÚËÒÚËÍÂ, Í Ì‡ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÏÛ ‚ÂÏÂÌË ËÁ ‚ÒÂı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ÏËÓ‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ ´ÌÂÏÓ„Ó ÔÂËÓ‰‡ª ÔÓ„Ë·ÎÓ ÓÍÓÎÓ 80 ÔÓˆÂÌÚÓ‚. ¬ ˝ÚÓ ˜ËÒÎÓ ‚ıÓ‰ˇÚ ͇ÚËÌ˚, ‚ Ò‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ËÏ‚¯Ë ӄÓÏÌÓ Á̇˜ÂÌË ‰Îˇ ‡Á‚ËÚˡ ˇÁ˚͇ ÍËÌÓ, Â„Ó Ì‡‡ÚË‚Ì˚ı Ë ‚˚‡ÁËÚÂθÌ˚ı Ò‰ÒÚ‚. œÂ‰˚‰Û˘Ë ÂÍÓÌÒÚÛ͈ËË ÕËÍÓ·ˇ »Á‚ÓÎÓ‚‡ (ÔÂʉ ‚ÒÂ„Ó ÙËθÏ˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ É‚‰ÍË̇) ÔÓθÁÛ˛ÚÒˇ ·Óθ¯ËÏ ÛÒÔÂıÓÏ ‚ Ò‰ ÍÛθÚÛÓÎÓ„Ó‚, Ò·‚ËÒÚÓ‚, ωˇÚÂÓÂÚËÍÓ‚, ÔÓ͇Á˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ÔÓ ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌ˲, ‚˚ıÓ‰ˇÚ ̇ DVD. Õ‡ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÏÌÓ„ÓÎÂÚÌËı ‡ıË‚Ì˚ı ËÁ˚Ò͇ÌËÈ, ÍÓÔÓÚÎË‚Ó„Ó Ò·Ó‡ ‚ÒÂı ÓÒÚ‡‚¯ËıÒˇ χÚ¡ÎÓ‚ (ÙÓÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍËı Ë Õ‡ÒÚÓˇ˘ËÈ ÔÓÂÍÚ ‚Íβ˜‡ÂÚ ‚ Ò·ˇ ˜ÂÚ˚ ‡·ÓÚ˚, ҉·ÌÌ˚ ‚ ‡ÁÌ˚ı ÏÂÚÓ‰Ë͇ı. ûÿü» œ–Œ“»¬ fiƒ≈Õ»◊¿ Õ¿ ü–¿—Ռà ‘–ŒÕ“≈ 114 1925, 16 ÏËÌ. ñ ˝ÍÒˆÂÌÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÍÓωˡ „ÛÔÔ˚ ‘›ü— (ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ √Ë„ÓËÈ üÓÁË̈‚ Ë ÀÂÓÌˉ “‡Û·Â„), ËÏ‚¯‡ˇ ‚‡ÊÌÂȯ Á̇˜ÂÌË ‰Îˇ ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ìˡ ´ÎÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÓÈ ¯ÍÓÎ˚ª. ¬ÓÒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂ̇ ÔÓ ÙÓÚÓ„‡ÙˡÏ, ҉·ÌÌ˚Ï ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ Ò˙ÂÏÓÍ. –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ √Ë„ÓËÈ üÓÁË̈‚, ÀÂÓÌˉ “‡Û·Â„ ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ »Ë̇ üÛÌË̇, √Ë„ÓËÈ üÓÁË̈‚, ÀÂÓÌˉ “‡Û·Â„ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ‘ˉËı ¬ÂË„Ó-ƒ‡Ó‚ÒÍËÈ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ≈ÌÂÈ ¬ ÓΡı: ÿÛ‡ «‡‚¸ˇÎÓ‚, œÓÎË̇ œÓÌ̇, —„ÂÈ √‡ÒËÏÓ‚, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ üÓÒÚ˘ÍËÌ, ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ üÛÏÂÈÍÓ, ›ÏËθ √‡Î¸, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ӂ, flÌË̇ ∆ÂÈÏÓ, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ ¬ÂÌÚˆÂθ 1920, 10 ÏËÌ. ñ ‡„ËÚÙËÎ¸Ï ‚ÂÏÂÌ „‡Ê‰‡ÌÒÍÓÈ ‚ÓÈÌ˚, Ô‚‡ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ·Û‰Û˘Â„Ó ´ÍÓÎÎÂÍÚË‚‡ üÛίӂ‡ª (ÂÊËÒÒ À‚ üÛίӂ). »„Ó‚ÓÈ Ò˛ÊÂÚ ÔÓÏ¢ÂÌ ‚ ‡θÌÛ˛ Ó·ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍÛ „‡Ê‰‡ÌÒÍÓÈ ‚ÓÈÌ˚. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ÒÌˇÚ ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ÔÓθÒÍÓÈ Í‡ÏÔ‡ÌËË. ›Ú‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ‚Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ ÒÔÓÒÓ·ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î‡ ÙÓÏËÓ‚‡Ì˲ ÒÚËΡ ´ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ‡‚‡Ì„‡‰‡ 1920-ıª. ¬ÓÒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂ̇ ̇ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÓË„Ë̇θÌÓ„Ó ÏÓÌÚ‡ÊÌÓ„Ó ÎËÒÚ‡ Ë ÔÓ‰ÎËÌÌ˚ı ͇‰Ó‚ ËÁ ÙËθχ. ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ À‚ üÛίӂ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ œÂÚ ≈ÏÓÎÓ‚ ¬ ÓΡı: ÀÂÓÌˉ Œ·ÓÎÂÌÒÍËÈ, ¿.–ÂÈı, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ ’ÓıÎÓ‚‡, À‚ üÛίӂ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —≈¬«¿œü»ÕŒ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ‘ÓÚÓ-ÒÂÍˆËˇ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÔÓ‰Óډ· Ã.Œ.Õ.Œ. MISHKI AGAINST YUDENICH ON THE RED FRONT, 1920 1925, 16 min An eccentric comedy of the FEKS group (by the directors Grigory Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg), which played a major role in the formation of the ìLeningrad schoolî. It was reconstructed on the basis of production stills. Directors Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg Script Irina Kunina, Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg DoP Fridrich Verigo-Darovsky Set Design Evgeny Yenei 10 min An agit-film from the time of the Civil War, the first work of the future ìKuleshov collectiveî (director Lev Kuleshov). The plot is set in the real conditions of the Civil War. The film was made during the Polish campaign. This film shaped in many respects the style of the ìSoviet cinema avant-garde of the 1920sî. It has been restored using the original shooting script and authentic frames from the film. Scriptwriter and Director Lev Kuleshov DoP Peter Yermolov Cast: Shura Zavialov, Polina Ponna, Sergei Gerasimov, Andrey Kostrichkin, Evgeny Kumeiko, Emil Gall, Alexander Alexandrov, Yanina Zheimo, Tatiana Ventsel Cast: Leonid Obolensky, A.Reich, Alexandra Khokhlova, Lev Kuleshov Production SEVZAPKINO Production M.O.N.O. RETURNED MASTERPIECES (reconstruction of "lost" films) Author of reconstruction Nikolai Izvolov Producer Arnold Giskin Production NETSKI Studio named after Savva Kulish 2005, Russia, Betacam SP literary) an idiosyncratic ìreconstructionî of these films in their spatial and temporary form is possible. Digital technology has made this process possible for scientists, and the result of this work is accessible to a wide circle of people. According to statistics, at present about 80% of the worldís cinema of the silent era have been lost. This figure includes films that, in their time, played a most important role for the development of film language, its narrative and expressive means. Nikolai Izvolovís previous reconstructions (above all of Alexander Medvedkinís films) enjoy great success among culturologists, Slavists, and media theorists, and they are shown on TV and issues on DVD. On the basis of long-term archival research, the laborious collection of all remaining materials (photographic and The present project includes four works using different techniques. ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening NETSKI Studio named after Savva Kulish Represents the project 115 ƒŒ’”Õƒ¿ ∆≈Õ»“‹¡¿ (‚ ÔÂÂ‚Ó‰Â Ò Ú‡‰ÊËÍÒÍÓ„Ó ´·Â‰ÌˇÍª, ´·Ó‰ˇ„‡ª), 1936, 60 ÏËÌ. ñ ΄Ẩ‡Ì˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï À¸‚‡ üÛίӂ‡, ˝Í‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ Óχ̇ —‡‰Ë‰‰Ë̇ ¿ÈÌË, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ·˚Î ÒÚ‡Ú¸ Ô‚˚Ï Ò‰Ì‡ÁˇÚÒÍËÏ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚Ï Ë„Ó‚˚Ï ÙËθÏÓÏ, ÌÓ ÓÒÚ‡ÎÒˇ ÌÂÁ‡ÍÓ̘ÂÌÌ˚Ï. ›Ú‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÒËθÌÓ ÔÓ‚Îˡ· ̇ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌË ҂ÓÂÓ·‡ÁÌÓ„Ó ÒÚËΡ Ò‰Ì‡ÁˇÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÂËÓ‰‡. ¬ÓÒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂ̇ ̇ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÓË„Ë̇θÌÓ„Ó ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, ËÎβÒÚËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Í‡‰‡ÏË ‡ÍÚÂÒÍËı ÂÔÂÚˈËÈ. 1936, 44 ÏËÌ. ñ Ô‚‡ˇ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒ͇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÂÈ¯Â„Ó ‡ÍÚ‡ ›‡ÒÚ‡ √‡Ë̇, ‚ÓÒÔËÚ‡ÌÌË͇ ÏÂÈÂıÓθ‰Ó‚ÒÍÓÈ ¯ÍÓÎ˚. ›Í‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËˇ Ô¸ÂÒ˚ √Ó„ÓΡ. ›ÚÓÚ ÙËÎ¸Ï ÓÒÚ‡ÎÒˇ ‚ Ô‡ÏˇÚË ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍËı ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚ Í‡Í Î„Ẩ‡Ì˚È, ıÓÚˇ ÌËÍÚÓ Ì ‚ˉÂÎ Â„Ó ÛÊÂ Ò ÔÓÒ΂ÓÂÌÌÓ„Ó ‚ÂÏÂÌË. ¬ÓÒÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ Ì‡ ÓÒÌÓ‚Â ÏÓÌÚ‡ÊÌÓ„Ó ÎËÒÚ‡, ͇‰Ó‚ ËÁ ÙËθχ Ë ÙÓÚÓ„‡ÙËÈ, ҉·ÌÌ˚ı ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ Ò˙ÂÏÓÍ. “ÂÍÒÚ ÓÁ‚Û˜ÂÌ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ÓÏ Õ„·ÓÈ. ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ŒÒËÔ ¡ËÍ –ÂÊËÒÒ À‚ üÛίӂ —ÓÂÊËÒÒ —„ÂÈ —Í‚ÓˆÓ‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ üÛÁ̈ӂ ¬ ÓΡı: ü‡ÏËθ flχÚÓ‚, “‡Òˇ –‡ıχÌÓ‚‡, —ÂÏÂÌ —‚‡¯ÂÌÍÓ, —„ÂÈ üÓχӂ Ë ‰Û„ËÂ. DOKHUNDA (in translation from Tadjik ëpoor maní, ëtrampí), 1936, 60 min The legendary film by Lev Kuleshov, an adaptation of the novel by Sadriddin Aini, which should have become the first Central Asian full-length feature film, but remained unfinished. This work strongly influenced the creation of an original style of Central Asian cinematography during the Soviet period. It has been restored on the basis of the original directorís script illustrated with photos of the actors during rehearsals. Scriptwriter Osip Brik Director Lev Kuleshov Co-Director Sergei Skvortsov DoP Konstantin Kuznetsov Cast: Kamil Yarmatov, Tasia Rakhmanova, Semyon Svashenko, Sergei Komarov ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ›‡ÒÚ √‡ËÌ, ’ÂÒˇ ÀÓͯË̇ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ œÓ„ÓÂÎ˚È ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ »Ò‡‡Í ÇıÎËÒ «‚ÛÍ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡ÂÍÍ ¬ ÓΡı: ›‡ÒÚ √‡ËÌ, —ÚÂÔ‡Ì ü‡˛ÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ Ã‡ÚÓ‚, ÕË̇ À‡ÚÓÌË̇, «Óˇ ‘‰ÓÓ‚‡ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ THE MARRIAGE 1936, 44 min The directorial debut of the famous actor Erast Garin, a pupil of the Meyerhold school. An adaptation of Gogolís play. This film remains a legend in the memory of Soviet cinematographers, although nobody actually saw it since the war. It has been restored on the basis of the shooting script, stills from the film and photos taken during the filming. The text is narrated by Alexander Negreba. Scriptwriters and Directors Erast Garin, Hesia Lokshina DoP Anatoly Pogorely Set Design Isaak Makhlis Sound Alexander Bekker Cast: Erast Garin, Stepan Kayukov, Alexei Matov, Nina Latonina, Zoya Fyodorova Production Lenfilm ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening ¿Õ“ŒÀŒ√»fl –Œ——»…—üŒ√Œ ü»ÕŒ ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN CINEMA 116 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, (55+56+57) ÏËÌ., ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ˆËÍÎ 2005, Russia, (55+56+57) min, documentary cycle –ÂÊËÒÒ ÇˇÌ̇ üË‚‡ Director Marianna Kireeva ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ǡÌ̇ üË‚‡, ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ Ã‡„ÓÎËÚ Scriptwriters Marianna Kireeva, Evgeny Margolit ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ÃËı‡ËÎ ü‡Ò¸ÍÓ‚ (´√‡Ìˈ‡ª, ´¬ÓÁ‚‡˘ÂÌ˪), Camera Mikhail Kasíkov (The Border, The Return), ≈ÏÂÍ Ã‡Ï·ÂÚÓ‚ (´√ÓÓ‰ ÒÌÓ‚ª) Ermek Mambetov (City of Dreams) üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ◊‡ÈÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ Composer Alexander Chaikovsky «‚ÛÍ √‡ÎË̇ —Ë‚Â Sound Galina Siver “ÂÍÒÚ ˜ËÚ‡ÂÚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ √Ó‰ÓÌ Narrator Alexander Gordon –ÂÊËÒÒ ÏÓÌڇʇ fiËÈ üÓÚÓ‚ Editor Yuri Kotov œÓ‰˛Ò ÇË̇ “Û¯ Producer Marina Trush œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´¿ÚËχª, ‘‰‡θÌÓ ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓ Production Artima Studio, the Federal Agency for Culture ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË and Cinematography ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening ǡÌ̇ üË‚‡ ÓÍÓ̘Ë· ÍËÌӂ‰˜ÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬√»ü‡ (1987, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ À. ÇχÚÓ‚ÓÈ, ≈. —ÛÍÓ‚‡), Á‡ÚÂÏ ñ ‡ÒÔˇÌÚÛÛ. ¬ 1992-2002 117 ‡·Óڇ· ̇ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı ‰ÓÎÊÌÓÒÚˇı ‚ ÒËÒÚÂÏ ÍËÌÓÔÓ͇Á‡ –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ. —Ó‡‚ÚÓ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ˆËÍÎÓ‚ÓÈ 5-È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´√–¿Õ»÷¿ª (1933-1938). ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ´ÃÛÁÂÈ ÍËÌÓª (´ÿ‰‚˚ ¬˚‚‡‚¯ËÒ¸ ËÁ ÚËÒÍÓ‚ ´‡„ËÚÔÓÔ‡ª, ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ ÍËÌÓ ‚ 33-34 „Ó‰‡ı ‚ÌÓ‚¸ ÒÚ‡Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓª, 1993-1997, ÚÂÎÂ͇̇Î˚ ÔËıÓ‰ËÚ ‚ ‰‚ËÊÂÌËÂ. ÕÓ ‰‚ËÊÂÌ˲ ˝ÚÓÏÛ Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË Ò‡ÁÛ ´–ÓÒÒˡª Ë ´–ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ˚ª). Ô‰ÔËÒ˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ˜ÂÚ͇ˇ „‡Ìˈ‡. ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ˇÚÒˇ Á‡ÎÓÊÌË͇ÏË —Ó‡‚ÚÓ Ë ÒÓÂÊËÒÒ ÙËθχ Ó —„ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÓÚÍ˚ÚËÈ. √‡Ìˈ‡ ñ ̇ Á‡ÏÍÂ. ›ÈÁÂ̯ÚÂÈÌ ´ƒÓÏ Ã‡ÒÚ‡ª (ÔÂÏˡ 6-È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´√Œ–Œƒ —ÕŒ¬ª (1938-1943). ´“›‘»ª). — 2002 ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Ì‡‰ ü ÍÓÌˆÛ 30-ı ˉ‡θÌ˚È ÏË, ‚ÓÁ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚È Ì‡ ˝Í‡ÌÂ, Ó·˙ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚Ï ˆËÍÎÓÏ ´¿ÌÚÓÎӄˡ ‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÔÓ‰ÎËÌÌÓÈ Â‡Î¸ÌÓÒÚ¸˛. ¬ÚÓÊÂÌË ه¯ËÒÚÒÍÓÈ √ÂχÌËË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓª. Û¯ËÚ ˝ÚÛ ËÎβÁ˲. ◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ÓÒÚ‡ÂÚÒˇ Ó‰ËÌ Ì‡ Ó‰ËÌ Ò ËÒÚÓËÂÈ ñ Ë ‚ ÊËÁÌË, Ë Ì‡ ˝Í‡ÌÂ. » ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ ÔÓ‰ËÌÍ ÂÏÛ Û‰‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚˚ÒÚÓˇÚ¸. Marianna Kireeva 7-È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´¬Œ«¬–¿Ÿ≈Õ»≈ª (1942-1950). Graduated in cinema studies from the Film ◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡ÂÚÒˇ Ò ‚ÓÈÌ˚, ̇‰ÂˇÒ¸, ˜ÚÓ Á‡‚Ó‚‡Î ̇ÍÓ̈-ÚÓ Ô‡‚Ó Institute VGIK (1987, course of L. ÊËÚ¸ Ò‚ÓÂÈ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓÈ ÊËÁ̸˛. ÕÓ ÒÔ‡ÒÂÌÌÓ ËÏ „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚Ó ‚ÒÔÓÏË̇ÂÚ Ó Mamatova, E. Surkov), then postgraduate Ò‚ÓËı Ô‡‚‡ı. » ̇ ˝Í‡Ì ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡ÂÚÒˇ √ÓÓ‰ ÒÌÓ‚ ñ ¢ ·ÓΠstudy. From 1992-2002 worked in various χүڇ·Ì˚È, ‡Îӄ˘Ì˚È Ë Ó·ÂÒ˜ÂÎӂ˜ÂÌÌ˚È, ˜ÂÏ ‰Ó ‚ÓÈÌ˚. jobs in film programming for Russian television. Co-author and director of the cycle Film 5 ìTHE BORDERî (1933-1938). ìMuseum of Cinemaî (ìMasterpieces of Old Having escaped from the vices of ìagitpropî, Soviet cinema of the years 1933- Cinemaî, 1993-1997, television channels 1934 begins to move once again. But this movement almost immediately ìRussiaî and ìRussian Universitiesî). Co- encounters limitations and borders. Artists become hostages of their own author and co-director of a film about Sergei discoveries. The border is locked. Eisenstein, ìThe House of the Masterî (TEFI Film 6 ìCITY OF DREAMSî (1938-1943). award). Since 2002 works on the documentary By the end of the 1930s the ideal world shown on the screen declares itself as cycle ìAnthology of Russian Cinemaî. the only valid reality. The intrusion of fascist Germany destroys this illusion. Man remains alone with history, both in life and on the screen. In this niche he manages to resist. Film 7: ìTHE RETURNî (1942-1950). Man returns from the war with the hope of having won, at last, the right to live his own private life. But the state that he defended claims its rights. The City of Dreams returns to the screen, now even grander, more a-logical and face-less than before the war. 118 ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening ü¿—“»Õ√ THE CASTING 119 ŒÎ¸„‡ —ÚÓÎÔÓ‚Ò͇ˇ –ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ, ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ. –Ӊ˷Ҹ 5 ÓÍÚˇ·ˇ 1969 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. ŒÍÓ̘Ë· ÃÓÒÍÓ‚ÒÍÓ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ۘËÎˢ (1986), ÇÒÚÂÒÍÛ˛ Ë̉˂ˉۇθÌÓÈ ÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ Ô/ ¡ÓËÒ‡ fiı‡Ì‡ÌÓ‚‡ (1997). ü‡Í ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏ˚È ÂÊËÒÒ ÒÓÁ‰‡Î‡ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÏËÍÓÙËθÏÓ‚, ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚, ‚ˉÂÓ Ë Ï‰ˇËÌÒÚ‡ÎΡˆËÈ, ÔÓ͇Á‡ÌÌ˚ı ̇ ÏÌÓ„Ó˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÙÓÛχı. üÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´—Û‰ ̇‰ ¡ÛÌÂÓϪ (1998) ÔËÓ·ÂÚÂÌ ÃÛÁÂÂÏ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ ñ Ìÿ (Õ¸˛…ÓÍ), ´¿·ÓÌÂÌÚ˚ª (2000) ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÎ ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÔËÁ ωˇ-ÒÂ͈ËË Ãü‘ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â. —Ó‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ Ò ƒÏËÚËÂÏ “ÓˈÍËÏ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡Î‡ ÒÚÛ‰Ë˛ ´Ã‡Î‚˘ œÓ‰‡Í¯Ìª. ¬ 2004 ÒÌˇÎ‡ Ô‚˚È ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´fl β·Î˛ Ú·ˇª (Ò ƒÏ. “ÓˈÍËÏ) ñ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚È ÛÒÔÂı Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚È ÔÓÍ‡Ú ñ Olga Stolpovskaya Film and television director, scriptwriter, producer. Born on 5 October 1969 in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow Art College in 1986, from the Studio of Individual Directing in 1997. As independent filmmaker she created a number of short films, videos and media installations, which were presented at numerous film and media festivals. The short film ìBrunerís Trialî (1998) was acquired by the Museum of Modern Art (Ìÿ), New York. ìThe Subscribersî (2000) received the second prize in the media section of Moscow IFF. Together with Dmitri Troitsky she founded in 2004 ´Ãalevich Productionª Studio. In 2004 she made her first feature film, ´You I Loveª (with Dmitri Troitsky; 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 20 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, 35 ÏÏ 2006, Russia, 20 min., 1:1.85, 35 mm ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ Scriptwriter and Director ŒÎ¸„‡ —ÚÓÎÔÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Olga Stolpovskaya ŒÔ‡ÚÓ «‡Û ¡ÓÎÓڇ‚ Camera Zaur Bolotaev üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ŒÎ¸„‡ —ÚÓÎÔÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Costumes Olga Stolpovskaya «‚ÛÍ ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ ÃËıÂθ Sound Viacheslav Mikhel ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ƒÏËÚËÈ ¡Ó„‰‡ÌÓ‚ Editing Dmitry Bogdanov ¬ „·‚Ì˚ı ÓΡı: ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Principal cast: Alexander Nesterov, ÕÂÒÚÂÓ‚ Ë ÕË̇ ≈ÒË̇ Nina Esina œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ƒÏËÚËÈ “ÓˈÍËÈ, Producers Dmitry Troitsky, ŒÎ¸„‡ —ÚÓÎÔÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Olga Stolpovskaya œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´Ã‡Î‚˘ œÓ‰‡Í¯Ìª Production Malevich Production œÒËıÓÎӄ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡. Psychological drama. “‡„ËÍÓÏ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ ÏÓÎÓ‰Ó„Ó The story of a young film director who ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÒ‡, Ó͇Á‡‚¯Â„ÓÒˇ Ô‰ faces a choice: to betray his ideals but ‚˚·ÓÓÏ: Ô‰‡Ú¸ ˉ‡Î˚, ÌÓ ËÏÂÚ¸ have an opportunity to make a film, or ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ÒÌËχڸ ÍËÌÓ, ËÎË to lose everything. Impartial, often ÔÓÚ¡ڸ ‚Ò ‡‰Ë ‚ÂÌÓÒÚË Ò‚ÓËÏ comic details of the modern film ˉ‡·Ï. business. The tragedy of a person œÂ‚‡ˇ ˜‡ÒÚ¸ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌÓÈ deceived by temptation is painted in ÚËÎÓ„ËË, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÛ˛ ‚ÓȉÛÚ Â˘Â ‰‚ gloomy water-colours. ‡·ÓÚ˚ ÂÊËÒÒ‡, ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ë‚ ÔÓÂÍÚ ´Œ The first part of a full-length trilogy, ÊËÁÌË Ë ÒÏÂÚ˪. which will include two further works by the director, completing the project ìAbout Life and Deathî. ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening ¬ŒÀ√¿-¬ŒÀ√¿ VOLGA-VOLGA 120 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 70 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚.+˜/·, Betacam SP 2006, Russia, 70 min, colour+b/w, Betacam SP –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ‡Ú-ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ¬Î‡‰ËÒ·‚ ÇÏ˚¯Â‚-ÃÓÌÓ Director of Art-Project Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —Ëθ‚ÂÒÚÓ‚, œ‡‚ÂÎ À‡·‡ÁÓ‚ Directors Andrei Silvestrov, Pavel Labazov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ ¡ÂΡ‚ Camera Gennady Beliaev üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ›‰Û‡‰ —Ë‚ÍÓ‚ Composer Eduard Sivkov «‚ÛÍ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È «ÓÎÓÚÛıËÌ Sound Nikolai Zolotukhin ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ÒÔˆ˝ÙÙÂÍÚÓ‚ ÇÍÒËÏ “ËÏÓÙ‚ Editing of Special Effects Maxim Timofeev ¬ „·‚ÌÓÈ ÓÎË ¬Î‡‰ËÒ·‚ ÇÏ˚¯Â‚-ÃÓÌÓ Principal cast Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —Ëθ‚ÂÒÚÓ‚, œ‡‚ÂÎ À‡·‡ÁÓ‚ Producers Andrei Silvestrov, Pavel Labazov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´¬Ë‰ÂÓƒÓϪ, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË üÛθÚÛÌÓ„Ó Production ìVideohouseî with participation of the Cultural ˆÂÌÚ‡ ´ƒÓϪ Ë ´—ËÌ ‘‡ÌÚÓϪ Centre ìDomî and ìCine Fantomî ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening œ‡‚ÂÎ À‡·‡ÁÓ‚ (. 1973, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ Ã√”, ‚ıÓ‰ËÎ ‚ ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ „ÛÔÔÛ ´¿–“-¡Îˇª, Á‡ÌËχÎÒˇ „‡Ù˘ÂÒÍËÏ ‰ËÁ‡ÈÌÓÏ Ë ‡ÚÔÓÂÍÚ‡ÏË. ƒËÂÍÚÓ ÃÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓ„Ó ‚ˉÂÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ‚ ü‡ÌÒÍÂ. ƒËÔÎÓχÌÚ üÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ÒÚÛ‰Â̘ÂÒÍËı Ë ‰Â·˛ÚÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ´—‚. ¿Ì̇ª (2000). ‘ËθÏ˚ À‡·‡ÁÓ‚‡ ‰ÂÏÓÌÒÚËÓ‚‡ÎËÒ¸ ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇı ‚ ljˉÂ, üË‚Â, √‡ˆÂ, ÃÓÒÍ‚Â, —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄÂ. ¬ 2000 „Ó‰Û ‚ ÒÓ‡‚ÚÓÒÚ‚Â Ò ¿Ì‰ÂÂÏ —Ëθ‚ÂÒÚÓ‚˚Ï ÒÓÁ‰‡Î ‚ˉÂÓ‰ÂÍÓ‡ˆËË Í Ï‡Ò¯Ú‡·ÌÓÏÛ ÔÓÂÍÚÛ ´—Ú‡ÒÚË ÔÓ Ã‡ÚÙ²ª (»ÌÒÚËÚÛÚ √ÂÚÂ), ‡ ‚ 2001-2002 ·˚Î ‚ˉÂÓÂÊËÒÒÂÓÏ ‰‚Ûı ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÓÍ ¡Óθ¯Ó„Ó Ú‡ڇ ó ÓÔÂ˚ ´—Ì„ÛӘ͇ª Ë ´Ã‡ÁÂÔ‡ª (ÔÓÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ –Ó·ÂÚ‡ —ÚÛÛ‡). Pavel Labazov (b. 1973, Moscow). Graduated from Moscow State University, joined the art group ìArt-Blaî, engaged in graphic design and art-projects. Director of the International Videofestival in Kansk. Diploma recipient in the competition of student and debut films for the national ìSt. Annaî awards (2000). Labazovís films were shown at festivals in Madrid, Kiev, Graz, Moscow, and Saint Petersburg. In 2000 created with Andrei Silvestrov the videoscenery for the large-scale project ìSt Matthewís Passionî (Goethe Institute); in 2001-2002 video director of two productions of the Bolshoy Theatre: the operas ìSnow Maidenî and ìMazepaî (dir. Robert Sturua). ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —Ëθ‚ÂÒÚÓ‚ (. 1972, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ –√√” Ë Ã‡ÒÚÂÒÍÛ˛ Ë̉˂ˉۇθÌÓÈ ÂÊËÒÒÛ˚ ¡ÓËÒ‡ fiı‡Ì‡ÌÓ‚‡. ¿‚ÚÓ ÏÌÓ„Ó˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓ- Ë ‚ˉÂÓ ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡‚¯Ëı ‚ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇı ‚ Õ¸˛-…ÓÍÂ, ÃÓÒÍ‚Â, —‡ÌÍÚœÂÚ·ۄÂ, ›‰ËÌ·Û„Â, ¬ÂÌÂ, √‡ˆÂ, ¡˛ÒÒÂÎÂ, Ã˛ÌıÂÌÂ. —Â‰Ë Ú‡ڇθÌ˚ı ‡·ÓÚ ó ‚ˉÂÓ‰ÂÍÓ‡ˆËË ‰Îˇ ÓÔ ´—Ì„ÛӘ͇ª Ë ´Ã‡ÁÂÔ‡ª ‚ ¡Óθ¯ÓÏ Ú‡Ú (ÔÓÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ –Ó·ÂÚ‡ —ÚÛÛ‡) Ë ‚ˉÂÓÔÓÂÍˆËˇ ‰Îˇ ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ´—Ú‡ÒÚË ÔÓ Ã‡ÚÙ²-2000ª (‚Ò ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚÌÓ Ò œ‡‚ÎÓÏ À‡·‡ÁÓ‚˚Ï). Andrei Silvestrov (b. 1972, Moscow). Graduated from RGGU and the Workshop of Individual Direction under Boris Yukhananov. Author of numerous film and video projects that have participated in festivals in New York, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Edinburgh, Vienna, Graz, Brussels, and Munich. Among his theatre works: video scenery for the operas ìSnow Maidenî and ìMazepaî at the Bolshoi Theatre (dir. Robert Sturua) and of a video projection for the musical project ìSt Matthewís Passion 2000î (together with Paul Labazov). 121 ÃÛÁ˚͇θ̇ˇ ÍÓωˡ. ÕÓ‚‡ˇ „ÂÓËÌˇ ÙËθχ ó ÃÓÌÓ (Ó̇ Ê ñ À˛·Ó‚¸ ŒÎÓ‚‡, Ó̇ Ê ó ÔӘڇθÓ̯‡ —ÚÂÎ͇), ‡ ÚÓ˜ÌÂÂ,  √ŒÀŒ¬¿ („Ó‚Óˇ˘‡ˇ Ë ÔÓ˛˘‡ˇ) ÎËıÓ ‚̉Ë·Ҹ ‚ Ò˛ÊÂÚ ÙËθχ, ‚ Â„Ó ˜ÂÌÓ-·ÂÎ˚ ÔÓÎÂÚ‡ÒÍË ˆÂÌÌÓÒÚË, ‚ Â„Ó ÔÒ‚‰ÓÍ·ÒÒ˘ÂÒÍËÈ Í‡ÚÓÌÌ˚È ÒÚËθ. ¬ÓÍÛ„ ˝ÚÓÈ „ÓÎÓ‚˚, Í‡Í Í‡ÚË̇ ̇ „‚ÓÁ‰Â, ‚ÂÚˇÚÒˇ ÒÏ˚ÒÎ˚ Ë ÍÓÌÚÂÍÒÚ˚, ÎÓχÂÚÒˇ ÒÚ‡‡ˇ ÎÓ„Ë͇, Ó„‡ÌËÁÛˇ ÌÓ‚˚È ¯ÛÚÓ‚ÒÍÓÈ ‡ÍÛÒ Ò ÔÓÂ͈ËÂÈ Ì‡ ÔÛÚËÌÒÍÛ˛ –ÓÒÒ˲. ¡ÂÎ˚ ÍÓÎÓÌ̇‰˚ ¯Î˛ÁÓ‚ ͇̇· ÃÓÒÍ‚‡-¬Ó΄‡, Ô‡ÓıÓ‰ ´»ÓÒËÙ —Ú‡ÎË̪ Ë ‰‡Ê ÒÚ‡ÚÛˇ ÀÂÌË̇ Ó·ÂÚ‡˛Ú ÒÍÂÔÒËÒ ‰ÂÍÓ‡ˆËÈ, ‡ „Ó‰˚ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍË β‰Ë, ÓÚ˜‡ˇÌÌÓ ÔÎ˚‚Û˘Ë ‚ ‰‡ÎÂÍÛ˛ Ë Ê·ÌÌÛ˛ ÒÚÓÎËˆÛ Ì‡ ‚ÒÂÒÓ˛ÁÌ˚È ÍÓÌÍÛÒ Ò‡ÏӉ¡ÚÂθÌÓÒÚË, ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ˇÚÒˇ ÔÓıÓÊËÏË Ì‡ ÚÓÎÔÛ Â‚ÓβˆËÓÌÂÓ‚-Ó·Ó‚‡ÌˆÂ‚, Û ÍÓÚÓ˚ı, ÏÓÊÂÚ ·˚Ú¸, Ë ÌÂÚ ˆÂÎË, ÌÓ ÂÒÚ¸ ÔÂÒÌˇ. ¿ ËÁ ÔÂÒÌË ÒÎÓ‚ Ì ‚˚ÍË̯¸. ÃËÓ‚‡ˇ ÔÂϸ‡: Ãü‘ ‚ –ÓÚÚ‰‡Ï (ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ´Cine Fantom Dayª), 2006. Musical comedy. The new heroine of film, Monroe (she is also Liubov Orlova and the post-girl Strelka), or ñ to be exact ñ her (speaking and singing) HEAD, has immersed herself into the filmís plot, its black-and-white proletarian values, its pseudoclassical cartoon style. Around this head, which is like a picture hung on a wall, spin meanings and contexts; the old logic breaks up and makes way for a new, jocular perspective that projects Putinís Russia. The white colonnades of the locks of the Moscow-Volga Canal, the steamship ìJoseph Stalinî, and even Leninís statue, become skeptical scenery, while the proud Soviet people who desperately travel to the distant and longed-for capital, to the all-union competition of amateur performances, resemble more and more the crowds of revolutionaries and ragamuffins, who may not even have an aim. But there is a song. And the words cannot be disentangled from the song. World Premiere: Rotterdam IFF (programme ìCine Fantom Dayî), 2006. ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening —”ÿ—ÿ≈ƒÿ»… œ–»Õ÷ ›—‘»–‹ MAD PRINCE ESTHER 122 1987-2006, ———–-–ÓÒÒˡ, 85 ÏËÌ., Digital Betacam 1987-2006, USSR-Russia, 85 min, Digital Betacam ¿‚ÚÓ ¡ÓËÒ fiı‡Ì‡ÌÓ‚ Author Boris Yukhananov œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ √η ¿ÎÂÈÌËÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ƒÛ·ÈÌ, Producers Gleb Aleinikov, Alexander Dulerain, ¡ÓËÒ fiı‡Ì‡ÌÓ‚ Boris Yukhananov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´¬ÒÂÏËÌ˚È “Â‡Ú “Â‡Ú ¬Ë‰ÂÓª, Production ìWorld Theatre Theatre of Videoî, ìCine-Fantomî ´—ËÌ ‘‡ÌÚÓϪ ÒÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Á special screening ¡ÓËÒ fiı‡Ì‡ÌÓ‚ ÂÊËÒÒÂ, ‡ÍÚÂ, Ô‰‡„Ó„. Œ‰ËÌ ËÁ Ò‡Ï˚ı ËÌˈˇÚË‚Ì˚ı ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ ÍÎÛ·‡ ´—ËÌ ‘‡ÌÚÓϪ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Â (1957). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ‡ÍÚÂÒÍÓ ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌË ¬ÓÓÌÂÊÒÍÓ„Ó Ú‡ڇθÌÓ„Ó ËÌÒÚËÚÛÚ‡ (1979), ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌË √»“»—‡ (1985, χÒÚÂÒ͇ˇ ¿.›ÙÓÒ‡, ¿.¬‡ÒË肇). ¿‚ÚÓÂÊËÒÒ ÚÂÎÂÚËÎÓ„ËË ´ƒ‡ÛÌ˚ 123 ÍÓÏÏÂÌÚËÛ˛Ú Ï˪, ÚÂÎÂÒ¡· ´ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, ’’ ‚Âͪ, ˇ‰‡ Ú‡ڇθÌ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠ·‡ÎÂÚÌ˚ı. ŒÍÓÎÓ ‰ÂÒˇÚË ÓÎÂÈ ËÒÔÓÎÌËÎ ‚ ÍËÌÓ. ’Û‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÍÛÒ‡ –¿“». Boris Yuhhananov Director, actor, teacher. One of the most active members of the Cine-Phantom club. Born in Moscow (1957). Graduated from the acting department of Voronezh Theatre Institute (1979), and from the Directorsí Department of the State Theatre Institute, GITIS (1985, course of A. Efros and A. Vasiliev). Author and director of the teletrilogy ìDowns Comment on the Worldî, the television series ìMoscow, 20th centuryî, and several theatre projects, including ballets. ›ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌÓ ‚ˉÂÓ. “ÂÚ¸ˇ „·‚‡ ˆËÍ· ´¬Ë‰ÂÓÓÏ‡Ì 1000 ͇ÒÒÂÚ. —Ûχү‰¯ËÈ ÔË̈ª (1986-2007). ◊ÚÓ·˚ ÒÌˇÚ¸ ˝ÔËÁÓ‰ ‰Îˇ ‚ˉÂÓÓχ̇ ´—Ûχү‰¯ËÈ ÔË̈ª ¡ÓËÒ fiı‡Ì‡ÌÓ‚ ‚ÏÂÒÚ ÒÓ Ò‚ÓËÏË ‰ÛÁ¸ˇÏË ó “‡ÛÁÓÏ, —‡Î‡ıÓÏ, Õ‡‰ÂÈ Ë ŒÎÂÈ ó ‰ÛÚ Í ÕËÍËÚÂ, ÍÓÚÓ˚È Ì‡ıÓ‰ËÚÒˇ ‚ ÍËÌÓ˝ÍÒÔ‰ˈËË ÔÓ‰ œÒÍÓ‚ÓÏ. ¬ ÔÛÚË Ëı ÓÊˉ‡ÂÚ Ú‡„˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ ˜Â˜ÂÌÒÍÓ„Ó Ì‡Ó‰‡, ÒÓÔˇ„‡˛˘‡ˇÒˇ Ò ·Ë·ÎÂÈÒÍÓÈ ÍÌË„ÓÈ ›ÒÙËË, ‚ˉÂÓ Ò ÍËÌÓ, β·Ó‚¸ ÒÓ ÒÏÂÚ¸˛, ÒÓÎÌˆÂ Ò ÌÓ˜¸˛, ‡ Ò˜‡Òڸ ÒÓ ÒÎÂÁ‡ÏË. œÂϸ‡: Ãü‘ ‚ –ÓÚÚ‰‡Ï (ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ´Cine Fantom Dayª), 2006. Played about ten film roles. Runs a Directorís Course at the State Theatre Institute RATI (formerly GITIS). Experimental video. Third chapter in the cycle ìA Videonovel in 1000 Tapes. The Mad Princeî (1986-2007). In order to shoot an episode for the video-novel ìThe Mad Princeî Boris Yukhananov, together with his friends Tauz, Salakh, Nadia and Olya, visited Nikita on a film expedition near Pskov. On the way they encounter the tragic story of the Chechen people, interwoven with the biblical story of the Book of Esther, video mixed with cinema, love mixed with death, sun with night and happiness with tears. Premiere: Rotterdam IFF (programme ìCine Fantom Dayî), 2006. ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document ‡Ì„ÂÎ ÛÒÒÍÓÈ ˆÂÍ‚Ë ÔÓÚË‚ ÓÚˆ‡ ‚ÒÂı ̇Ӊӂ THE ANGEL OF THE RUSSIAN CHURCH AGAINST THE FATHER OF ALL PEOPLES ·ÎÓ͇‰‡ BLOCKADE ‚ Á‡ÚÓÌ IN THE BACKWATERS ‚¯ÍË Ì‡‰ ÂÍÓÈ RODS ON THE RIVER ‚Ò ‰ÂÚË Óʉ‡˛ÚÒˇ Áˇ˜ËÏË ALL CHILDREN ARE BORN WITH SIGHT ‚˝Î· VELLA „‡Ê‰‡ÌÒÍÓ ÒÓÒÚÓˇÌË A CIVIL CONDITION „ÛÔÔ‡ ÍÓ‚Ë BLOOD TYPE ‰‡ ·Û‰ÛÚ ‰ÌË Ì‡¯Ë ‰ÎËÌÌ˚ÏË LET OUR DAYS BE LONG ÍËÌÓ‚ÂÍ Ò„¡ ÍÓχӂ‡ THE FILM-CENTURY OF SERGEY üŒÃ¿–Œ¬¿ ÏÓË ‚ÓÓÌ˚ MY CROWS ÒÒÒ-ÓÒÒˡ-Ú‡ÌÁËÚ USSR ñ RUSSIA TRANSIT ÒÛ‰¸·‡ ÏËÎÎËÓ̇ ‚ ÓÒÒËË THE FATE OF A MILLIONAIRE IN RUSSIA ÒˆÂ̇ THE STAGE ÚËÏÛ. ËÒÚÓˡ ÔÓÒΉÌÂ„Ó ÔÓÎÂÚ‡ TIMUR. THE HISTORY OF THE LAST FLIGHT ˛Á, ‰Ê‡Á, Ë͇ Ë ÔÂÒ YUZ, JAZZ, IRKA AND DOG ˇ Í ‚‡Ï Ú‡‚Ó˛ ÔÓ‡ÒÚÛÖ AND AS GRASS I GROW UP TO YOUÖ 125 ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document ¬ «≈–ü¿À≈ ƒŒü”Ã≈Õ“¿ IN THE MIRROR OF THE DOCUMENT ¿Õ√≈À –”——üŒ… ÷≈–ü¬» œ–Œ“»¬ Œ“÷¿ ¬—≈’ Õ¿–ŒƒŒ¬ THE ANGEL OF THE RUSSIAN CHURCH AGAINST THE FATHER OF ALL PEOPLES 126 “‡‰ËˆËÓÌÌÛ˛ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏÛ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª ÒÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎÓ ÌÓ‚Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓ ÍËÌÓ. ü‡Í Ë ‚ ÔÂÊÌË „Ó‰˚, ‚ Ì˚̯ÌÂÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ó ÔÓ͇Á ÙËθÏÓ‚, ÒÌˇÚ˚ı ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏË ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ÎËÒÚ‡ÏË, ‡·ÓÚ‡˛˘ËÏË ‚ ‡ÁÌ˚ı ʇ̇ı: ÓÚ ÍÓωËË ‰Ó Ú‡„‰ËË, ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡˛˘ËÏË Ó ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌÂÈ ÊËÁÌË Ì‡¯Ëı ÒÓ„‡Ê‰‡Ì, ‚˚‰‡˛˘ËıÒˇ Ë ÌËÍÓÏÛ ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚ı, Ó· Ëı ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌËı ÔÓ·ÎÂχı, Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ ÔÂÂÊËÚÓ ËÏË ‚ ÔÓ¯ÎÓÏ, Ó Ì‡‰Âʉ‡ı ̇ ·Û‰Û˘ÂÂ. –ËÚ‡ ◊ÂÌÂÌÍÓ üÛ‡ÚÓ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 84 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ «‡ÎÓÚÛı‡ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ¿Î˯ ’‡ÏˉıӉʇ‚, —„ÂÈ ÃÓÍˈÍËÈ œÓ‰˛Ò ՇڇÎˡ √ÓÒÚ˛¯Ë̇ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üÛθÚÛÌ˚È ÙÓ̉ ´üËÌÓ-ÚÂÎÂÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡª, ´œ‡‚ÓÒ·‚̇ˇ ˝ÌˆËÍÎÓÔ‰ˡª ¬ ÙËθÏ ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ Ó· Ó‰ÌÓÈ ËÁ Ò‡Ï˚ı Ú‡„˘ÂÒÍËı Ë ÔÓÚË‚Ó˜˂˚ı ÒÚ‡Ìˈ ËÒÚÓËË –ÛÒÒÍÓÈ œ‡‚ÓÒ·‚ÌÓÈ ÷ÂÍ‚Ë, ÍÓ„‰‡ ñ ‚ ÒÚ‡ÎËÌÒÍË ‚ÂÏÂ̇ ñ Ó̇ ·˚· The programme of ìKinotavrî has traditionally included new Russian documentary films. As in previous years, the current programme too presents films by Russian documentary filmmakers, who all work in different genres ñ from comedy to tragedy ñ who speak about the contemporary lives of their famous or obscure fellow citizens, about their problems of here-and-now, their past and their hopes for the future. Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ÛÌ˘ÚÓÊÂ̇, ‡ Á‡ÚÂÏ ÌÂÓÊˉ‡ÌÌÓ ‚ÓÁÌÂÒÂ̇ Ë Ó·Î‡Ò͇̇ ‚ÓʉÂÏ. √·‚Ì˚ „ÂÓË ÙËθχ ñ ÔÓÚË‚ÌË͡ÌÚËÔÓ‰˚: œ‡Úˇı —„ËÈ (—Ú‡„ÓÓ‰ÒÍËÈ »‚‡Ì ÕËÍÓ·‚˘) Ë ‚Óʉ¸ ‚ÒÂı ̇Ӊӂ ñ »ÓÒËÙ —Ú‡ÎËÌ. ¬ÚÓ‡ˇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθ̇ˇ ͇ÚË̇ ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„‡ ¬‡ÎÂˡ «‡ÎÓÚÛıË (´Ã‡Í‡Ó‚ª, ´ÃÛÒÛθχÌË̪, ´72 ÏÂÚ‡ª) ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇÂÚ ÚÛ‰ÌÛ˛ ÚÂÏÛ ´‚Â˚ Ë ·ÂÁ‚Âˡª, ̇˜‡ÚÛ˛ Rita Chernenko Programme Curator ÙËθÏÓÏ ´œÓÔ˚ª Ó Â‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÒÓı‡ÌË‚¯ÂÏÒˇ ÒÓÒÎÓ‚ËË ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ñ Ò‚ˇ˘ÂÌÒÚ‚Â (1999). 2005, Russia, 84 min, colour, Betacam SP Scriptwriter and Director Valery Zalotukha Camera Alisher Khamidkhodzhaev, Sergei Mokritsky Producer Natalia Gostyushina Production Culture Fund ìFilm-Broadcasting Companyî, ìOrthodox Encyclopediaî About one of the most tragic and ambiguous pages in the history of the Russian orthodox church when, in the Stalin era, the church was practically destroyed, and then quite unexpectedly elevated and cherished by the leader. The main heroes of the film are opponents, antipodes: the Patriarch Sergius (Ivan Nikolaevich Stragorodsky) and the leader of all nations, Joseph Stalin. This is the second documentary of the well-known scriptwriter Valery Zalotukha (ìMakarovî, ìThe Muslimî, ì72 Metersî). It continues the difficult theme of ëbelief and disbeliefí that was begun with his film ìPriestsî about the only existing clergy estate in Russia: priesthood (1999). ¬ «¿“ŒÕ≈ BLOCKADE IN THE BACKWATERS ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document ¡ÀŒü¿ƒ¿ 127 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 52 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 35 ÏÏ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ —„ÂÈ ÀÓÁÌˈ‡ «‚ÛÍ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË √ÓÎÓ‚ÌˈÍËÈ œÓ‰˛Ò ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ “ÂθÌÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ƒ‘ ñ —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ (—œ·) ‘ËÎ¸Ï ÔÓÎÌÓÒÚ¸˛ Ò‰ÂÎ‡Ì ËÁ ‡ıË‚Ì˚ı χÚ¡ÎÓ‚ Ë ÔÓˇ‚ËÎÒˇ ·Î‡„Ó‰‡ˇ ÚÂÏ ÂÊËÒÒÂ‡Ï Ë ÓÔ‡ÚÓ‡Ï, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÒÌËχÎË ÎÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÛ˛ ıÓÌËÍÛ ‚ ÒÚ‡¯Ì˚ ‰ÌË ·ÎÓ͇‰˚. ›ÚÓ ÙËÎ¸Ï Ó ÚÓÏ, Í‡Í ÓÒڇ̇‚ÎË‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ÂÏˇ Ë Í‡Í ÒÊËχÂÚÒˇ ÊËÁ̸, ÛÒÚÛÔ‡ˇ Ò‚Ó ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó ÒÏÂÚË. - Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ÔÂÏˡ ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍË Ë ÍËÌÓÔÂÒÒ˚ ´¡ÂÎ˚È —ÎÓ̪ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ÙËθÏ; - œËÁ √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌӂ‰ӂ Ë ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ´«‡ ÔË̈ËÔˇθÌÛ˛ ÌÓ‚ËÁÌÛ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Ò ıÓÌËÍÓÈ Ë ‰ÓÒÚËÊÂÌË ˝ÙÙÂÍÚ‡ ´Á‡Ô˜‡ÚÎÂÌÌÓ„Ó ‚ÂÏÂÌ˪; - œÂÏˡ üËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË ´ÕË͇ª Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÌÂË„Ó‚ÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï 2005 „Ó‰‡; - —ÔˆˇθÌ˚È ‰ËÔÎÓÏ Ê˛Ë, œËÁ √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌӂ‰ӂ Ë 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 26 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ fiËÈ ÿËÎΠŒÔ‡ÚÓ »„Ó¸ “ËÒÍËÈ œÓ‰˛Ò fiËÈ ÿËÎΠœÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó »ÒÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθÒÍËÈ ˆÂÌÚ ´üÛθÚÛ‡ ̇Ӊӂ —Ë·Ë˪, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË «‡ÚÓÌ ó ˝ÚÓ ÔË·ÂÊÌ˚È ‡ÈÓÌ ÕÓ‚ÓÒË·ËÒ͇, „‰Â ̇ıÓ‰ËÚÒˇ ·‡Á‡ ˜ÌÓ„Ó ÙÎÓÚ‡. —Â‰Ë ˜‡ÒÚÌ˚ı ‰Â‚ˇÌÌ˚ı ‰ÓÏËÍÓ‚ Á‡Ú¡ÎÓÒ¸ ÒÚÓÂÌËÂ, ̇ ‰‚ÂË ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÔË·ËÚ˚ ÍÓ‚‡Ì˚ ·ÛÍ‚˚ ´üÛÁÌˇª. ›ÚÓÚ ‰ÓÏËÍ ıÓÓ¯Ó Á̇˛Ú ÏÌÓ„Ë ÏÂÒÚÌ˚ ·ˇÚ˯ÍË, ÓÚ ÌËı ‚ ÍÛÁÌ ÓÚ·Óˇ ÌÂÚ. —Â‰Ë ´ÌÂÁ‚‡Ì˚ı „ÓÒÚÂȪ ÍÛÁ̈‡ ÌÂχÎÓ ·ÂÒÔËÁÓÌËÍÓ‚ Ë ‰ÂÚÂÈ, Û ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÒÎÛ˜ËÎÒˇ ÍÓÌÙÎËÍÚ ‚ ÒÂϸÂ. «‰ÂÒ¸ ÓÌË Ì‡ıÓ‰ˇÚ Ì ÚÓθÍÓ ÔË˛Ú Ë ÔˢÛ, ÌÓ Ë ‚ÌËχÌËÂ Ë ÔÓÌËχÌËÂ. «‰ÂÒ¸ ÓÌË Ì‡˜Ë̇˛Ú Ó˘Û˘‡Ú¸ Ò·ˇ ÔÓÎÌÓˆÂÌÌ˚ÏË Î˛‰¸ÏË, Ëϲ˘ËÏË Ô‡‚Ó Ì‡ ΢ÌÓ ÏÌÂÌËÂ, ̇ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ ‰Â· Ë ÔÓÒÚÛÔÍË. - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ Á‡ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ó –ü‘ ´ŒÍÌÓ ‚ ≈‚ÓÔÛª, ¬˚·Ó„, 2005; - œËÁ Ãü‘ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓÈ ÏÂÎÓ‰‡Ï˚ ´—‡‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍË ÒÚ‡‰‡Ìˡª, —‡‡ÚÓ‚, 2005. ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚ ñ Ãü‘ Ó Ô‡‚‡ı ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ ´—Ú‡Îͪ. 2005, Russia, 52 min, black and white, 35 mm Scriptwriter and Director Sergei Loznitsa Sound Vladimir Golovnitsky Producer Vyacheslav Telnov Production SDF (Studio of Documentary Films), St. Petersburg The film consists entirely of archival material and has been possible only thanks to those directors and cameramen, who filmed the Leningrad chronicle during the terrible days of the blockade. This film explores how time stops and life is compressed, conceding its place to death. - National Award of Film Critics and the Film Press ìWhite Elephantî for the Best Documentary Film; - Prize of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics of Russia ìFor the basic novelty of working with chronicles and for achieving the effect of ëtime imprintedíî; - Prize of the Film Academy NIKA for the Best Non-fiction Film; - Special Jury Diploma and Prize of the Guild of Film Scholars and Film Critics, IFF of Human Rights ìStalkerî. 2005, Russia, 26 min, colour, Betacam SP Scriptwriter and Director Yuri Shiller Camera Igor Tirsky Producer Yuri Shiller Production Research Centre ìCulture of the Peoples of Siberiaî with the participation of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography The ìBackwatersî are a region in Novosibirsk where the base of the river fleet is located. Among private wooden houses stands a building with a door on which the letters ëKuznyaí (smithy) have withered away. The local kids know this small house very well, the ìsmithyî can hardly keep going without them. Among the blacksmithís ìuninvited visitorsî are a great number of homeless children and children from problem families. Here, they find not only shelter and food, but also attention and understanding. Here, they feel like proper people who have the right to a personal opinion, to their own affairs and behaviour. - Main Prize for Documentary Film, Russian FF ìWindow on Europeî, Vyborg, 2005; - Prize of IFF of Documentary Melodrama ìSaratov Sufferingsî, Saratov, 2005. ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document ¬≈ÿü» Õ¿ƒ –≈üŒ… RODS ON THE RIVER ¬—≈ ƒ≈“» –Œ∆ƒ¿fi“—fl «–fl◊»Ã» ALL CHILDREN ARE BORN WITH SIGHT 128 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 52 ÏËÌ., Betacam SP 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 45 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÓÔ‡ÚÓ ¡ÓËÒ ÀËÁÌ‚ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ Ã‡Î˜ÍËÌ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ √Û̉ÓÓ‚, —„ÂÈ ÀËÌÌËÍÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÷ÂÌÚ-ÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÙËθχ ´XXI ‚Âͪ, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿Í‡‰ËÈ üÓ„‡Ì ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ À‚ –Ó¯‡Î¸ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ¿Í‡‰ËÈ üÓ„‡Ì, ÇÚ˚̸¯ œÛ̇ÌÒ, œ‡‚ÂÎ üÓÒÚÓχӂ œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¿Á‡‰ˇÌˆ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ¿Ú‡Î‡ÌÚ‡ Œ ‡θÌ˚ı β‰ˇı, ÊË‚Û˘Ëı ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ ‚ ÔÓ‚Ë̈ˇθÌ˚ı ÛÒÒÍËı „ÓÓ‰‡ı. ŒÌË Ò‡ÏË ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡˛Ú Ó ÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ Ëı ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓ ‚ÓÎÌÛÂÚ. » ÚÓθÍÓ Ó‰ËÌ „ÂÓÈ ÏÓΘËÚ, Ë ÏÓΘËÚ ÓÌ ÛÊ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÎÂÚ. 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ŒÌ ÒÚ‡‡ÂÚÒˇ ÒÔ‡‚ÎˇÚ¸Òˇ ÒÓ Ò‚ÓËÏË ÚÛ‰ÌÓÒÚˇÏË Ò‡Ï. ” ÌÂ„Ó ÂÒÚ¸ β·Ëχˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡, ÏÌÓ„Ó ‰ÛÁÂÈ, ÊÂ̇ Ë ÚÂıÎÂÚÌËÈ Áˇ˜ËÈ Ò˚Ì, ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÓÌ Û˜ËÚ ‚ˉÂÚ¸ ÏË. » ˝ÚÓÚ ÔÓˆÂÒÒ ñ ‚Á‡ËÏÌ˚È. - —ÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔËÁ Ê˛Ë Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„Ë˛, ÔËÁ „‡ÁÂÚ˚ ´”‡Î¸ÒÍËÈ ‡·Ó˜ËȪ ó ´«‡ „ÛχÌËÁÏ ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡ª ó Œ‘ƒü ´–ÓÒÒˡª, ≈͇ÚÂËÌ·Û„, 2005; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ ñ Ãü‘ Ó Ô‡‚‡ı ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ ´—Ú‡Îͪ, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2005. 2005, Russia, 52 min, Betacam SP 2005, Russia, 45 min, colour, Betacam SP Scriptwriter, Director and Cinematographer Boris Liznev Producers Alexei Malechkin, Alexander Gundorov, Sergei Linnikov Production Studio of National Film ë21st Centuryí with the participation of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography Director Arkady Kogan Scriptwriter Lev Roshal Camera Arkady Kogan, Martynsh Punans, Pavel Kostomarov Producer Alexander Azadiants Production Atalanta About real people living in provincial Russian cities today, who speak about their worries. Only one hero is silent, and he has already been silent for some years. The others talk about him with esteem, defining him either as kind but crazy, or as a holy fool. Without a vested interest, yet without fail, he helps his neighbours, animals and all living creatures. He is the first to venture onto the only just frozen river to place rods that will mark the winter road across the ice, which connects the left and the right banks of the city. Having lost sight at the age of 12, Sasha nevertheless lives a full life: having lost one of his senses, he intensely senses the world with the others. He tries to manage his difficulties himself. He has a job that he likes, a lot of friends, a wife, and a three-year old son, whom he teaches to see the world ñ although the child is not blind. And this process is mutual. - Special Jury Prize for the Best Script, Prize of the newspaper The Ural Worker ìFor the humanism of film artî, Open Documentary Festival ëRussiaí, Ekaterinburg, 2005; - Prize for the Best Script, IFF of Human Rights ìStalkerî, Moscow, 2005. VELLA √–¿∆ƒ¿Õ—üŒ≈ —Œ—“ŒflÕ»≈ A CIVIL CONDITION ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document ¬›ÀÀ¿ 129 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 35 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 29 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚, 35 ÏÏ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË √˜ËÍÓ‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿Î˯ ’‡ÏˉıӉʇ‚ œÓ‰˛Ò ¬Î‡‰ËÏË √˜ËÍÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´“ÂÎÂÏÓÒÚª ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎË̇ –Û‰Ìˈ͇ˇ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ‘ËÎËÔÔÓ‚ œÓ‰˛Ò ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ “ÂθÌÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ƒ‘ ñ —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ (—œ·) œÓ˝Ú, ÓıÓÚÌËÍ, ÓÎÂÌ‚Ӊ fiËÈ ¬˝Î·, ̇‰ÂˇÒ¸ ̇ ÔÓÌËχÌËÂ Ë ÔÓÏÓ˘¸ ‚·ÒÚÂÈ, ‚ÒÚÛÔ‡ÂÚ ‚ ·Ó¸·Û Ò ÌÂÙÚˇÌÓÈ ÍÓÔÓ‡ˆËÂÈ... Œ ‡·ÓÚÌË͇ı «¿√—‡, ˜ÂÂÁ ·Û‰ÌË ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÔÓıÓ‰ˇÚ Ò‡Ï˚ Á̇˜ËÏ˚ ÒÓ·˚Úˡ ËÁ ÊËÁÌË Î˛‰ÂÈ ñ Ò‚‡‰¸·‡, ‡Á‚Ó‰, ÓʉÂÌË ‰ÂÚÂÈ, ÒÏÂÚ¸ ó Ë ‰‡Ï‡, Ë ÍÓωˡ. 2005, Russia, 35 min, colour, Betacam SP 2005, Russia, 29 min, color, 35 mm Scriptwriter and Director Vladimir Gerchikov Camera Alisher Khamidkhodzhaev Producer Vladimir Gerchikov Production Telemost Scriptwriter and Director Alina Rudnitskaya Camera Alexander Filippov Producer Viacheslav Telnov Production SDF (Studio of Documentary Films), St. Petersburg The poet, hunter, and reindeer breeder Yuri Vella, hoping for understanding and the help of the authorities, begins a fight with an oil corporation... A witty, yet sad film about the staff at a registry office, where every day important events happen for the visitors: weddings, divorces, births, deathsÖ ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document √–”œœ¿ ü–Œ¬» BLOOD TYPE ƒ¿ ¡”ƒ”“ ƒÕ» Õ¿ÿ» ƒÀ»Õդû LET OUR DAYS BE LONG 130 2006, –ÓÒÒˡ, 44 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 21 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.37, 35 ÏÏ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ÃËı‡ËÎ ¡‡¯ËÌÒÍËÈ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ŒÎ„ ÿÛ‚‡Â‚ œÓ‰˛Ò ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ‘ËÎËÔÔÓ‚‡ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´¿Ú·ÌÚËͪ, ÔË ÔÓ‰‰ÂÊÍ ‘‰‡θÌÓ„Ó ¿„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚‡ ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ √ÂÓ„ËÈ œ‡‡‰Ê‡ÌÓ‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ÕÓ‰‡ œ‡Îˇ¯‚ËÎË ÃÛÁ. ÓÙÓÏÎÂÌË —‚ÂÚ·̇ —ÚÂÔ˜ÂÌÍÓ «‚ÛÍ ƒÏËÚËÈ ÃÓÓÁÓ‚ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ √ÂÓ„ËÈ œ‡‡‰Ê‡ÌÓ‚, ¿Ì̇ √ÓÎÍÓ, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ƒ‡‚ËÚ‡ˇ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó √ÂÓ„ËÈ œ‡‡‰Ê‡ÌÓ‚ ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´√ÛÔÔ‡ Íӂ˪ ñ ÔËÎÓÚ ÍÛÔÌÓχүڇ·ÌÓ„Ó ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ ´ƒË‡ÒÔÓ˚ª, ˆËÍ· ÙËθÏÓ‚, ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡˛˘Ëı Ó Îˈ‡ı ‡ÁÌ˚ı ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÒÚÂÈ, ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛˘Ëı ‚Ó ‚ÒÂÏ Ò‚ÓÂÏ ÏÌÓ„ÓÓ·‡ÁËË ÎËˆÓ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓÈ ÃÓÒÍ‚˚. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´√ÛÔÔ‡ Íӂ˪ ñ Ó ‚ÓÒ¸ÏÂ˚ı ÏÓÒ͂˘‡ı ÍÓÂÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÓËÒıÓʉÂÌˡ, Í‡Ê‰Ó„Ó ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÁÓ‚ÛÚ ¬ËÍÚÓ ÷ÓÈ. 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Õ‡ ‚ÒÂı ñ Ӊ̇?.. ´»‰Âˇ ÒÌˇÚ¸ ˝ÚÓÚ ÙËÎ¸Ï Ó‰Ë·Ҹ Û ÏÂÌˇ ÔÓÒΠÔÓÒ¢ÂÌˡ Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ËÁ Í·‰·Ë˘ “·ËÎËÒË, „‰Â ˇ ۂˉÂÎ ÒÂϸ χÎÂ̸ÍËı ÒÍÎÂÔÓ‚, ÒÚÂÌ˚ Ë ÔÓÚÓÎÍË ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ·˚ÎË ‡ÒÔËÒ‡Ì˚ ÙÂÒ͇ÏË, Óڇʇ˛˘ËÏË ÒˆÂÌ˚ ËÁ ÊËÁÌË Ôӄ·ÂÌÌ˚ı Á‰ÂÒ¸ β‰ÂÈ Ë Ô˘ËÌ˚ Ëı ÒÏÂÚË. ¿ ̇ χÏÓÌ˚ı Ú‡·Î˘͇ı ·˚ÎË ‚˚·ËÚ˚ ‚ ÒÚËı‡ı Ëı ÒÛ‰¸·˚...ª ñ √ÂÓ„ËÈ œ‡‡‰Ê‡ÌÓ‚ - ”˜‡ÒÚË ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ñ Ãü‘ ‚ ¬Â̈ËË, 2005 Ë Ì‡ ÏÌÓ„Ëı ‰Û„Ëı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇı. 2006, Russia, 44 min, colour, Betacam SP 2005, Russia, 21 min., color, 1:1.37, 35 mm Scriptwriter and Director Mikhail Brashinsky Camera Oleg Shuvaev Producer Ekaterina Filippova Production Atlantic Studio with participation of the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography Director/ Scriptwriter Georgy Paradjanov Camera Nodar Paliashvili Music Designer Svetlana Stepchenko Sound Dmitry Morozov Producers Georgy Paradjanov, Anna Golko, Ekaterina Davitaya Production/ Sales Georgy Paradjanov Film ´Blood Typeª is a pilot film of the large-scale documentary project ´Diasporaª, a cycle of films about people of different ethnic origin who ñ in their variety ñ make up the face of the modern Moscow. ´Blood Typeª is about eight Muscovites of Korean descent, all named the same ñ Victor Tsoy, the name of a legendary late Russian-Korean rock star. One is the chief of all of Moscowís Koreans; another, his namesake son, a computer freak; the third, his namesake daughter, a devout Buddhist; the fourth, a hoodlum; the fifth, a sewing machine repairman; the sixth, an elderly scientist; the seventh, a young businessman; the eighth, a chairman of a Housing Committee. They have nothing in common, except for their name. Or do they? What is their blood type ñ the title of Victor Tsoyís most famous song? Is it also the same? ìThe idea to make this film was born after visiting one of Tbilisiís cemeteries, where I saw seven small crypts, the walls and ceilings of which had been painted with frescoes reflecting stages of the lives of those buried here and the reasons for their deaths. On marble plates their destinies were embossed in verse...îñ Georgy Paradjanov - Participation in the Competition Programme of Short Films at the Venice IFF, 2005. ÃŒ» ¬Œ–ŒÕ¤ MY CROWS THE FILM-CENTURY OF SERGEY üŒÃ¿–Œ¬¿ ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document ü»ÕŒ¬≈ü —≈–√≈fl üŒÃ¿–Œ¬¿ 131 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 29 ÏËÌ., Betacam SP 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 39 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 4:3, Betacam SP –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ Ë ‡‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ǡÌ̇ üË‚‡, ÇË̇ “Û¯ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ üÓÌËÌ œÓ‰˛Ò ÇË̇ “Û¯ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´¿ÚËχª ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ —‚ÂÚ·̇ ¡˚˜ÂÌÍÓ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ —„ÂÈ üÛÎ˯ÂÌÍÓ, —‚ÂÚ·̇ ¡˚˜ÂÌÍÓ, »‚‡Ì ‘ËÌӄ‚ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿Ì̇ ◊ËÒÚÓ‚‡ —Ôˆ.˝ÙÙÂÍÚ˚ —„ÂÈ ƒ‡ÌËθ˜ÂÌÍÓ «‚ÛÍ »Î¸ˇ ü‡-˜ÂÊÛÍ (»Î¸ˇ ü‡˜ÂÊÛÍ) œÓ‰˛ÒÂ Ã‡È‡Ï fiÒÛÔÓ‚‡ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´¿‚„ÛÒÚª ´≈ÒÎË ÂÒÚ¸ ÍËÌÓ, ÚÓ ‰ÓÎÊ̇ ·˚Ú¸ Ë Ì‡Û͇ Ó ÌÂϪ. –ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÛˇÒ¸ ˝ÚÓÈ Ï˚Òθ˛, ˝ÌÚÛÁˇÒÚ˚ ‰‚‡‰ˆ‡Ú˚ı „Ó‰Ó‚ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÎË ÌÓ‚Û˛ ‰ËÒˆËÔÎËÌÛ: ÍËÌӂ‰ÂÌËÂ. Œ‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ÌËı ·˚Î Ô‰‡„Ó„ ¬√»ü‡ ñ ÔÓÙÂÒÒÓ —„ÂÈ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘ üÓχӂ. ŒÌ Ô‚˚Ï ‚ –ÓÒÒËË Ì‡˜‡Î Òӷˇڸ Ë Ó·‡·‡Ú˚‚‡Ú¸ χÚ¡ΠÔÓ ËÒÚÓËË ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡ —ÿ¿, ‘‡ÌˆËË, Ò͇̉Ë̇‚ÒÍËı ÒÚ‡Ì. «Ì‡ÚÓÍ ÍËÌÓ, ÌÂÛÚÓÏËÏÓ ÔÓÔÓÎÌˇ‚¯ËÈ Ò‚ÓË Á̇Ìˡ, —„ÂÈ ¬‡ÒËθ‚˘ ˘Â‰Ó ‰ÂÎËÎÒˇ ËÏË Ò ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ÏË ÍÓÎ΄‡ÏË. ŒÌ Û¯ÂÎ ËÁ ÊËÁÌË ‚ 2002 „Ó‰Û, ‚ ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ 97 ÎÂÚ. ƒÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθ̇ˇ ÍËÌÓÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ¸. —Â˚ ‚ÓÓÌ˚ Ó˜Â̸ β·ˇÚ ÃÓÒÍ‚Û Ë ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓ üÂÏθ. ŒÌËÚÓÎÓ„Ë Ì ÏÓ„ÛÚ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸ Ô˘ËÌ˚ ˝ÚÓÈ ÓÒÓ·ÂÌÌÓÒÚË ‚ÂҸχ Ó·˚ÍÌÓ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÚˈ. —ÓΉ‡Ú˚ œÂÁˉÂÌÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÓÎ͇ ÓÚÒÚÂÎË‚‡˛Ú Ëı ͇ʉÓ ÛÚÓ, ÔÛ„‡˛Ú Ëı ˇÒÚ·‡ÏË, ÌÓ ‚ÓÓÌ˚ ‚Ò ‡‚ÌÓ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡˛ÚÒˇ... - œËÁ ‚ ÌÓÏË̇ˆËË ´Õ‡Û˜ÌÓ-ÔÓÔÛΡÌ˚Â Ë ÔÓÒ‚ÂÚËÚÂθÒÍË ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ª - VIII ≈‚‡ÁËÈÒÍËÈ ÚÂÎÂÙÓÛÏ (2005). 2005, Russia, 29 min, Betacam SP 2005, Russia, 39 min., color, 4:3, Betacam SP Directors and Scriptwriters Marianna Kireeva, Marina Trush Camera Valery Konin Producer Marina Trush Production Artima Studio Scriptwriter and Director Svetlana Bychenko Camera Sergei Kulishenko, Svetlana Bychenko, Ivan Finogeev Art Director Anna Chistova Special effects Sergei Danilchenko Sound Ilya Kar-Cherzhuk (Ilya Kacherzhuk) Producer Mairam Yusupova Production August Studio ìIf there is cinema, then it should also be studied as a disciplineî. Guided by this idea, the film enthusiasts of the 1920s created the new discipline of film studies. One of them was the teacher of the Film Institute VGIK, professor Sergei Vasilievich Komarov. He was the first in Russia to start collecting and processing material about the history of cinema in the United States, France, and Scandinavia. An expert on cinema who tirelessly expanded his knowledge, Sergei Komarov generously shared it with young colleagues. He died in 2002 at the age of 97. A documentary film-novella. Grey ravens love Moscow, and especially the Kremlin. Ornithologists cannot establish the reason for the behaviour of these quite ordinary birds. The soldiers of the Presidential Guard shoot them every morning, or they frighten them with hawks, but the ravens return all the same... - Prize in the category ìPopular Scientific and Educational Programmesî, 8th Eurasian Teleforum, 2005. ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document ———–-–Œ——»fl-“–¿Õ«»“ —”ƒ‹¡¿ ûÀÀ»ŒÕ≈–¿ USSR ñ RUSSIA TRANSIT ¬ –Œ——»» THE FATE OF A MILLIONAIRE IN RUSSIA 132 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 52 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 33 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ “ËÚÓ‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ÷Ë„Âθ œÓ‰˛Ò »Ë̇ —ÌÂÊËÌÒ͇ˇ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´—Ì„‡ª ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ »Ë̇ ¬‡ÒË肇 ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÿÛ·ËÌ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË »‚‡ÌÓ‚ œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –‡‰Ó‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´‘˯͇-ÙËθϪ Œ ÔÓ‚Ë̈ˇθÌ˚ı ˜Û‰Ë͇ı, ·ÎÛʉ‡˛˘Ëı ‚ ÔÓËÒ͇ı ÒÏ˚Ò· ÊËÁÌË. Œ‰ËÌ ‚ˉËÚ Ò‚Ó ÔËÁ‚‡ÌË ‚ ÍÓÎÎÂ͈ËÓÌËÓ‚‡ÌËË ‡ËÚÂÚÓ‚ ۯ‰¯ÂÈ ˝ÔÓıË, ‰Û„ÓÈ ñ ‚ ÒÓÁ‰‡ÌËË ÔÓÏÂ˘Ë˜¸ÂÈ ÛÒ‡‰¸·˚, ÚÂÚËÈ Ê‰ÂÚ ÔÓÏÓ˘Ë ËÁ ÍÓÒÏÓÒ‡Ö - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËθÏ, ÔËÁ ŒÚÍ˚ÚÓ„Ó ‡Û͈ËÓ̇ ´“‡Ú¸ˇÌËÌ ‰Â̸ª ó ´«‡ ÔËÒڇθÌÓÒÚ¸ ‚Á„Ρ‰‡ª ó Œ‘ƒü ´–ÓÒÒˡª, ≈͇ÚÂËÌ·Û„, 2005; - “ÂÚ¸ˇ ÔÂÏˡ ‚ ‡Á‰ÂΠÌÂË„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ ñ üÓÌÍÛÒ ´—‚. ¿Ì̇ª, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2005; - œËÁ Ê˛Ë ÌÂË„Ó‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ Á‡ ‰Â·˛Ú ó Ãü‘ Ó Ô‡‚‡ı ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ ´—Ú‡Îͪ, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2005; - œËÁ Ï˝‡ „ÓÓ‰‡ —‡‡ÚÓ‚‡ ñ “ÂÎÂÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌÓÈ ÏÂÎÓ‰‡Ï˚ ´—‡‡ÚÓ‚ÒÍË ÒÚ‡‰‡Ìˡª, —‡‡ÚÓ‚, 2005; - œËÁ ÁËÚÂθÒÍËı ÒËÏÔ‡ÚËÈ ó ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ´üËÌÓÚ‡Ú.Docª, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2006 Ë ‰. ¬ ·ÂÁÛÏÌ˚ 90- œ‡‚ÂÎ —ËÎÍÓ‚ ÒڇΠÏËÎÎËÓÌÂÓÏ. “Ó„‰‡ ˝ÚÓ ·˚ÎÓ ÌÂÚÛ‰ÌÓ. “ۉ̠·˚ÎÓ Ì ÔÓÚ¡ڸ ‚ ÂÁÛθڇÚ ÊËÁ̸, Ó‰ËÌÛ ËÎË Ò‚Ó·Ó‰Û. œ‡‚ÎÛ ÔÓ‚ÂÁÎÓ ñ ÓÌ Óډ·ÎÒˇ ‚ÓÒÂϸ˛ „Ó‰‡ÏË ‚ ÕËÊÌÂ-“‡„ËθÒÍÓÈ ÁÓÌ ‰Îˇ VIPÖ 2005, Russia, 52 min, colour, Betacam SP 2005, Russia, 33 min, colour, Betacam SP Scriptwriter and Director Andrei Titov Camera Evgeny Tsigel Producer Irina Snezhinskaya Production Snega Scriptwriter and Director Irina Vasilieva Camera Alexander Shubin, Vladimir Ivanov Producer Alexander Radov Production Fishka-Film About some strange provincial people, who wander in search for the meaning of life. One of them sees his calling in the collection of curiosities, another in the creation of a landownerís manor, while the third is waiting for help from outer space Ö - Prize for Best Feature Film, Prize of the Open Auction ìTatianaís Name-Dayî, ìFor an obstinate gazeî, Open Documentary Festival ìRussiaî, Ekaterinburg, 2005; - Third Prize in the section ìNon-fiction Filmî, Competition ìSt. Annaî, Moscow, 2005; - Jury Prize for Non-fiction Debut, IFF of Human Rights ìStalkerî, Moscow, 2005; - Prize of the Mayor of Saratov, Tele-Festival of Documentary Melodrama ìSaratov Sufferingsî, Saratov, 2005; - Prize of Audience Sympathies, Festival of Real Cinema ìKinoteatr.docî, Moscow, 2006; and other awards During the crazy 1990s Pavel Silkov became a millionaire. Then it was easy. Later it was much more difficult to not lose life, home or freedom. Pavel was lucky: he got off with 8 years in the Nizhny Tagil zone for VIPs Ö THE STAGE “»Ã”–. »—“Œ–»fl œŒ—À≈ƒÕ≈√Œ œŒÀ≈“¿ TIMUR. THE HISTORY OF THE LAST FLIGHT ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document —÷≈Õ¿ 133 2005, »Á‡Ëθ, 54 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.37, Betacam SP PAL 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 26 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 35 ÏÏ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ œÂÚ ÃÓÒÚÓ‚ÓÈ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ŒÙ ’‡‡Ë üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »Î¸ˇ ¡Â¯‡‰ÒÍËÈ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ՇڇÎˡ √Û„Û‚‡ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ »Ë̇ ”‡Î¸Ò͇ˇ, –ÓÏ‡Ì üÓ̉‡Ú¸Â‚, »‚‡Ì ¿ÎÙÂÓ‚ œÓ‰˛Ò Շڇθˇ ∆ÂÎÚÛıË̇ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´–ËÒͪ ¬ ÙËθÏ ÒÌËχÎËÒ¸: Ã˯‡ “ÂÔÎˈÍËÈ, “‡Ìˇ ÇÎӂ˘ÍÓ, fiËÈ ’‡ÌËÌ, “‡Ï‡‡ üÓÔ‡ÌÒ͇ˇ, À˛‰ÏË· üÓ‚‡Î‚Ò͇ˇ, »Î¸ˇ ¡Â¯‡‰ÒÍËÈ Ë ‰. œÓ‰˛Ò œÂÚ ÃÓÒÚÓ‚ÓÈ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Pack Line “‡„ËÍÓωˡ. ’ÓÌË͇ Ôӂ‰ÂÌˡ ͇ÒÚËÌ„‡ ‰Îˇ Û˜‡ÒÚˡ ‚ ËÁ‡ËθÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÂÍÚ ´ü‡·‡Âª. –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ÂÔ‡ÚˇÌÚ˚, ÏÌÓ„Ë ËÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ÔËÂı‡ÎË ‚ ÒÚÓÎËˆÛ ËÁ ‰Û„Ëı „ÓÓ‰Ó‚, ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡˛Ú Ó Ò·Â, Á‡ÚÂÏ ÒÎÂ‰Û˛Ú ÂÔÂÚˈËË Ë Â‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ‚˚ÒÚÛÔÎÂÌË Óʉ‡˛˘Â„ÓÒˇ Ú‡ڇ. Øڇ˛˘ËÂ Ó Ú‡ڇθÌÓÈ Í‡¸Â β‰Ë ÔÓÒÚÂÔÂÌÌÓ ÔÂÓ·‡Ê‡˛ÚÒˇ Ë ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ˇÚÒˇ ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ËÏË ‡ÍÚ‡ÏË. ›ÚÓ ·˚ÎË ÎÛ˜¯Ë ‰ÌË Ëı ÊËÁÌËÖ - œÂÏËË ´À‡‚ª Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÌÂË„Ó‚ÓÈ ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï 2005 „Ó‰‡; - œËÁ ͇̇· ´24‰Óͪ ó ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ´üËÌÓÚ‡Ú.Docª, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2006. Œ˜Â‚ˉˆ‡ÏË „Ë·ÂÎË √ÂÓˇ –ÓÒÒËË ÎÂÚ˜Ë͇ Ô‡ÎÛ·ÌÓÈ ‡‚ˇˆËË “ËÏÛ‡ ¿Ô‡ÍˉÁ ÒÚ‡ÎË 10 Ú˚Òˇ˜ ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ, ÒÂ‰Ë ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ·˚ÎË Ë Â„Ó ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ-ÎÂÚ˜ËÍË. üÓ„‰‡-ÚÓ ¿Ô‡ÍˉÁ ۉ‡˜ÌÓ Í‡Ú‡ÔÛθÚËÓ‚‡ÎÒˇ Ò ÌÂÛÔ‡‚ΡÂÏÓ„Ó Ô‡‰‡˛˘Â„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÎÂÚ‡. » ÚÓ, ˜ÚÓ ÒÏÂÚ¸ ÚÓ„‰‡ ·˚· ˇ‰ÓÏ, Á‡ÔÓÏÌËÎÓÒ¸ ÂÏÛ Ì‡ ‚Ò˛ ÓÒÚ‡‚¯Û˛Òˇ ÊËÁ̸. ¿ ÌÂÁ‡‰ÓÎ„Ó ‰Ó Ò‚ÓÂÈ „Ë·ÂÎË, ÒÎÓ‚ÌÓ Ô‰˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Ûˇ ÂÂ, ÓÌ ÔÓ‰Ó·ÌÓ ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡Î, ˜ÚÓ Ó˘Û˘‡ÂÚ Ë Ó ˜ÂÏ ‰ÛχÂÚ ÎÂÚ˜ËÍ, ÍÓ„‰‡ Ô‡‰‡ÂÚ Â„Ó Ò‡ÏÓÎÂÚ. » ÔÓ˜ÂÏÛ ÎÂÚ˜ËÍÛ ·˚‚‡ÂÚ ÚˇÊÂÎÓ ÔËÌˇÚ¸ ¯ÂÌË ̇ ͇ڇÔÛθÚËÓ‚‡ÌËÂÖ - Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ÔÂÏˡ ´À‡‚ª Á‡ 2005 „Ó‰ ‚ ÌÓÏË̇ˆËË ´ÀÛ˜¯ËÈ ÌÂË„Ó‚ÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï Ì‡ ÍËÌÓÔÎÂÌͪ; - œËÁ ËÏÂÌË œ‡‚· üÓ„‡Ì‡ ñ Ãü‘ ´œÓÒ·ÌËÂ Í ˜ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍÛª, —œ·, 2005; - ƒËÔÎÓÏ Ãü‘ ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ ¬ËÚˇÁ¸ª, 2005 Ë ‰. 2005, Israel, 54 min, colour, 1:1.37, Betacam SP PAL 2005, Russia, 26 min, colour, 35 mm Scriptwriter and Director Pyotr Mostovoy Camera Ofer Harari Composer Ilya Bershadsky Scriptwriter and Director Natalia Gugueva Camera Irina Uralskaya, Roman Kondratiev, Ivan Alfyorov Producer Natalia Zheltukhina Production Risk Film-Video Studio Characters: Misha Teplitsky, Tanya Malovichko, Yuri Khanin, Tamara Kopanskaya, Lyudmila Kovalevskaya, Ilya Bershadsky Producer Pyotr Mostovoy Production Pack Line Documentary tragicomedy. The casting story for participation in the Israeli project ëCabaretí. Russian repatriates, many of whom have come to the capital from other cities, talk about themselves. Then follow rehearsals, and the only performance of a newly born theatre. People dream of a career in theatre and gradually transform into genuine actors. These were the best days of their lifeÖ - Prize ìLaurelî for the Best Full-length Non-fiction Television Film of 2005; - Prize of the Channel 24doc, Festival of Real Cinema ìKinoteatr.docî, Moscow, 2006. 10,000 spectators were eyewitnesses of the death of the Hero of Russia, Timur Apakidze, a light aircraft pilot; among them were his friends and fellow-pilots. On one occasion Apakidze successfully ejected from a falling out-of-control plane. He was close to death then, and remembered this experience for the rest of his life. Shortly before his death, as if he had a premonition, he gave a detailed account of the feelings and thoughts of a pilot when his plane falls, and why it is so difficult for a pilot to make the decision to eject Ö - National Award ìLaurelî in the category Best Non-fiction Film on 35 mm, 2005; - Pavel Kogan Prize, IFF ìMessage to Manî, St Petersburg, 2005; - Diploma IFF ìGolden Vityazî, 2005, etc. ‚ ÁÂ͇Π‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ‡ in the mirror of the document fi«, ƒ∆¿«, »–ü¿ » œ≈— YUZ, JAZZ, IRKA AND DOG fl ü ¬¿Ã “–¿¬Œfi œ–Œ–¿—“”Ö AND AS GRASS I GROW UP TO YOUÖ 134 2005, –ÓÒÒˡ, 70 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Betacam SP 2004, –ÓÒÒˡ, 2 ÒÂËË x 52 ÏËÌ., ˜/·+ˆ‚. ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ —„ÂÈ ÃËÓ¯Ì˘ÂÌÍÓ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ —ÏËÌÓ‚, ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ —‡˜ÍÓ‚ «‚ÛÍ “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ “˛Ë̇ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ √Ë„ÓËÈ À˷„‡Î, —„ÂÈ ÃËÓ¯Ì˘ÂÌÍÓ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ŒÒÚÓ‚ª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË ´»ÌÚÂ̸˛Òª –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ üÓÎÂÒÌËÍÓ‚ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÀËÔÍÓ‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ —ËÌÂθÌËÍÓ‚ œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ üÓÎÂÒÌËÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÀËÔÍÓ‚, ÀÂÓÌˉ ÀÂÓÌˉӂ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´‘ËÎÏÂ̪ ÃÓÌÓÎÓ„. ¬ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍË ‚ÂÏÂ̇ ÔÂÒÌË ´—Ó‚ÂÚÒ͇ˇ Ô‡Òı‡Î¸Ì‡ˇª, ´ŒÍÛÓ˜Âͪ, ´“Ó‚‡Ë˘ —Ú‡ÎËÌ, ‚˚ ·Óθ¯ÓÈ Û˜ÂÌ˚Ȫ Ô· ‚Òˇ Òڇ̇ (‡ ÔÓ ÒÎÛı‡Ï ñ Ò Û‰Ó‚ÓθÒÚ‚ËÂÏ Ë ˜ÎÂÌ˚ ÔÓÎËÚ·˛Ó). » χÎÓ ÍÚÓ Á̇Î, ˜ÚÓ Û ˝ÚËı ̇ӉÌ˚ı ıËÚÓ‚ ÂÒÚ¸ ‡‚ÚÓ ñ fiÁ ¿Î¯ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ÔËÒ‡ÚÂθ Ë ÔÓ˝Ú, Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ ÚÂı, ÍÚÓ ÒÛÏÂÎ ‚˚‡ÁËÚ¸ Ï˚ÒÎË ÏËÎÎËÓÌÓ‚ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍËı „‡Ê‰‡Ì, Î˯ÂÌÌ˚ı Ò‚Ó·Ó‰˚. ¬ ÒËÎÛ Ò‚ÓËı ·ÛÌÚ‡ÒÍËı ̇ÍÎÓÌÌÓÒÚÂÈ, ÌÂÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚËÏ˚ı Ò ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍËÏ ÂÊËÏÓÏ, ÓÌ ˝ÏË„ËÓ‚‡Î ‚ —ÿ¿. œÓ‰Â·‚ ÔÛÚ¸ Ò ¬ÓÒÚÓ͇ ̇ «‡Ô‡‰, ÓÌ ÒڇΠËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚Ï ÔËÒ‡ÚÂÎÂÏ ‚ ÒÚ‡ÌÂ, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ‰Ó ÒËı ÔÓ Ò˜ËÚ‡ÂÚÒˇ Ò‡ÏÓÈ ˜ËÚ‡˛˘ÂÈ. «‡ Ò‚Ó˛ β·Ó‚¸ Í ‡‰ÏˇÎÛ üÓΘ‡ÍÛ ¿Ì̇ ¬‡ÒËθ‚̇ “ÂÏË‚‡ Á‡Ô·ÚË· 39 „Ó‰‡ÏË Î‡„ÂÂÈ, Ú˛ÂÏ Ë ÒÒ˚ÎÓÍ. “Â̸  ÓԇθÌÓÈ ÒÛ‰¸·˚ ԇ· Ë Ì‡ Ò˚̇ ñ ¬Î‡‰ËÏˇ “ÂÏË‚‡, ڇ·ÌÚÎË‚Ó„Ó ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË͇, ‡ÒÒÚÂΡÌÌÓ„Ó ‚ 1938 „Ó‰Û Ì‡ ¡ÛÚÓ‚ÒÍÓÏ ÔÓÎË„ÓÌÂ. –ˇ‰ÓÏ Ò ÌËÏ ÔÓÍÓˇÚÒˇ ‰ÂÒˇÚÍË Ú˚Òˇ˜ ÊÂÚ‚ ÒÚ‡ÎËÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÚÂÓ‡: Ò‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌËÍË, ÓÙˈÂ˚, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍË, ËÌÊÂÌÂ˚, ÍÂÒÚ¸ˇÌÂ, ‡·Ó˜Ë ñ ‚ÒÂ, ËÁ ÍÓ„Ó Ò·„‡ÂÚÒˇ ÒÎÓ‚Ó ´Ì‡Ó‰ª. - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÌÂË„Ó‚ÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ñ Ãü‘ Ó Ô‡‚‡ı ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇ ´—Ú‡Îͪ, ÃÓÒÍ‚‡, 2005. 2005, Russia, 70 min, colour, Betacam SP 2004, Russia, 2 parts x 52 min, black and white/ colour Scriptwriter and Director Sergei Miroshnichenko Camera Evgeny Smirnov, Vyacheslav Sachkov Sound Tatiana Tyurina Producers Grigory Libergal, Sergei Miroshnichenko Production Ostrov with participation Internews Director Alexei Kolesnikov Scriptwriter Alexander Lipkov Camera Evgeny Sinelnikov Producers Alexei Kolesnikov, Alexander Lipkov, Leonid Leonidov Production Filmen Monologue. During the Soviet times songs such as ìSoviet Easterî, ìCigarette Stubî, ìComrade Stalin, you are a Great Scientistî were sung all over country (and even by members of the Politburo). Very few people knew that these national hits had an author: Yuz Aleshkovsky, the writer and poet, one of those who managed to express ideas of millions of Soviet citizens, deprived of freedom. As a result of his rebelliousness that was incompatible with Soviet official culture, he emigrated to the USA. Having made the way from East to West, he became a well-known writer in the country, which he still considers as the one with the most readers. His actions always went against the logic of self-preservation. And today, when it seems that everything has been said, he is again before us. Anna Vasilievna Temireva paid for her love to Admiral Kolchak with 39 years in camps, prisons and exile. The shadow of her disgrace also fell on her son, Vladimir Temirev, the gifted artist, who was shot in 1938 on the Butovsk Polygon. Next to him rest tens of thousands of victims of Stalinís terror: priests, officers, artists, engineers, peasants, workers, who all together make up the word ìpeopleî. - Prize for the Best Non-fiction Film, IFF of Human Rights ìStalkerî, Moscow, 2005. 136 90-Â. üËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. The Cinema That We Lost ›ÚÓÚ ÔÓÂÍÚ Ï˚ ̇˜‡ÎË ‚ ÍÓ̈ 2003- We began this project at the end of „Ó ÒÚ‡Ú¸ÂÈ ƒ‡ÌËË· ƒÓ̉Û¡ ´ŒÚÍ‡Ú 2003 with an article by Daniil Û·ËÎ ÔÓ͇ڪ, Á‡‚¯ËÎË ‚ ̇˜‡Î Dondurei, ìSlumping kills 2006-„Ó. » ‚˚¯ÎÓ Ì ÒÚÓθÍÓ distributionî; the project was completed ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÌË ‚Â‰Û˘ËÏË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏË in the beginning of 2006. Apart from ÍËÚË͇ÏË ÍËÌÓ 90-ı, ÒÍÓθÍÓ research by leading Russian critics on ÔÓ„ÛÊÂÌË ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ, Â„Ó ÒÓ˜ËÌË‚¯ÂÂ. the cinema of the 1990s, the project Œ·˘ËÏË ÛÒËÎˡÏË ÔÓ‰ÌËχÎË also involved an immersion into the ¿Ú·ÌÚË‰Û ÏÌÓ„ÓÎËÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ó time that composed that cinema. ÒÔÓÌÓ„Ó, ˜‡˘Â ó ÌÂÔË‚ÂÚÎË‚Ó„Ó. Common efforts lifted up an Atlantis of ¡Óθ¯ÂÈ ˜‡ÒÚ¸˛ ‡ÁÏËÌÛ‚¯Â„ÓÒˇ ÒÓ multi-faceted cinema, often disputable ÁËÚÂÎÂÏ (ÔÓ͇Ú-ÚÓ ‚ԇΠ‚ ÎÂÚ‡„˲). and unflattering. It largely passed üËÌÓ Ò ¯ËÓÍÓ Á‡Í˚Ú˚ÏË „·Á‡ÏË unnoticed by audiences, as the Ôӂ‰‡ÎÓ Ì‡Ï Ó ‰Ì ‚˜Â‡¯ÌÂÏ, ËÁ distribution then was lethargic. Cinema, ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÔÓËÒÚÂÍÎË Ï˚ Ì˚̯ÌËÂ. with eyes wide shut, told to us about » ‚Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ Ó·˙ˇÒÌËÎÓ ó ÔÓ˜ÂÏÛ Ï˚ the yesterday, from where our today ÒÚ‡ÎË ËÏÂÌÌÓ Ú‡ÍËÏË. ŒÍ‡Á˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ, emerged. And it explained many things: ËÁÛ˜‡Ú¸ ·ÎËʇȯ ÔÓ¯ÎÓ ÎÛ˜¯Â Ì why we became the way we did. It ÔÓ ÏÂÏÛ‡‡Ï, „‡ÁÂÚÌ˚Ï ÔÓÎÓÒ‡Ï, appears that the study of the immediate ËÒÚÓ˘ÂÒÍËÏ Ó·ÁÓ‡Ï, ‡ ÙËÎ¸Ï‡Ï ó past is best made not through memoirs, ‚ ÌËı ÊË‚ÓÈ ÚÓÍ ‚ÂÏÂÌË. newspaper columns, and historical ‘ËθÏ˚ 90-ı ó ÔÓ‡ÊÂ̈˚. ∆ÂÚ‚˚ surveys, but through films, as they ÔÂÂıÓ‰ÌÓ„Ó ÔÂËÓ‰‡, Î˯ÂÌÌ˚ ԇ‚‡ contain the vital current of the time. ̇ ˝Í‡ÌÌÛ˛ ÊËÁ̸. ÀÛ˜¯Ë ËÁ ÌËı The films of the 1990s are defeatist. ó ·Ûχ̄Ë. œÓÒ·Ìˡ Í ÁËÚÂβ Victims of the period of transition, they Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ‚ÂÏÂÌË ‚ÂÌÛÎËÒ¸ Í Ò‚ÓËÏ were deprived of the right to a screen ‡‚ÚÓ‡Ï Á‡ ‚˚·˚ÚËÂÏ ´‡‰ÂÒ‡Ú‡ª. life. The best of them were boomerangs: “ÂÔ¸ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘‡˛ÚÒˇ Í Ì‡Ï, their messages to the contemporary ‰ÂÏÓÌÒÚËÛˇ Ì ÚÓθÍÓ Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó spectator returned to the authors with ÔÓÙÂÒÒËË, ÌÓ Ë ÔÓÔ˚ÚÍÛ ÛÌË͇θÌ˚ı the remark ìreturn to senderî. Now ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍËı ÔÓÁÂÌËÈ, they return to us, showing not only ·ÂÒÒÚ‡¯Ë Ô‰ ·ÓÒÍÓÏ ‚ ´ı‡ÓÒ their professional quality, but also an ÌÂÓÚÙÓχÚËÓ‚‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Ì‡ÒÚÓˇ˘Â„Óª. attempt at unique cinematic insights, ¬ Ò‡‚ÌÂÌËË Ò ÌËÏË, ÌÂÔ˘ÂÒ‡ÌÌ˚ÏË, fearless before the leap into ìthe chaos Ì˚̯ÌËÈ „Ρ̈, ÒÓÚ‚ÓÂÌÌ˚È Ì‡ of an unformatted presentî. In ÍÓÌ‚ÂÈ ‚ÓÒÒڇ̇‚ÎË‚‡˛˘Â„ÓÒˇ comparison with these badly groomed ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡, ‚˚„Ρ‰ËÚ ÒËÌÚÂÚ˘ÂÒÍËÏ works, todayís glamour created on the ÏÛΡÊÓÏ. conveyor belt of a production line under üËËÎÎ –‡ÁÎÓ„Ó‚ ̇Á‚‡Î 90- ÔÓ‚ÓÈ, reconstruction looks like a synthetic ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ‚ÚˇÌÛ· ˆÂÎÓ ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌË model. ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚. ¬ ̇¯ÂÏ Kirill Razlogov called the 1990s an ÇÚËÓÎÓ„Â (´ÕÓ‚‡ˇ „‡ÁÂÚ‡ª, π17) ìabyssî, which devoured a whole ÔӇʇÂÚ Ì ÔÓÒÚÓ Ó·ËÎË ËÏÂÌ, ‡ ÚÓ, generation of young cinematographers. ˜ÚÓ ˝ÚÓ ËÏÂ̇ Ò‡Ï˚ı ‰‡Ó‚ËÚ˚ı, Our Martyrologue (ìNovaya gazetaî No. ÌÂÔ‰Ò͇ÁÛÂÏ˚ı, ÏÌÓ„Óӷ¢‡˛˘Ëı 17) impresses not just because of the ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚. œÂ‚˚ı ó large number of names, but also because ‚ ÂÊËÒÒÛÂ, ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„ËË, ÍËÚËÍÂ, these are the names of the most gifted, ‡ÍÚÂÒÚ‚ÂÖ unpredictable, promising ¬ Ì˚̯ÌÂÈ ÂÚÓÒÔÂÍÚË‚Â Î˯¸ cinematographers. Leaders in directing, ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ Í‡ÚËÌ ó ÓÚ‰ÂθÌ˚ı scriptwriting, criticism, actingÖ ´Ù‡„ÏÂÌÚÓ‚ª ÍËÌÓÎÂÌÚ˚ ‰ÎËÌÓÈ ‚ The present retrospective shows only a 13 ÎÂÚÖ few films, individual ìfragmentsî of a film that is 13 years longÖ À‡ËÒ‡ Ã‡Î˛ÍÓ‚‡ üÛ‡ÚÓ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ Larisa Malyukova Programme Curator 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost 137 ´‡Ï‡‚˪ ´ARMAVIRª ‚ÂÏˇ Ô˜‡ÎË Â˘Â Ì Ô˯ÎÓ THE TIME FOR SORROW HAS NOT YET COME ‰Â̸ ÔÓÎÌÓÎÛÌˡ THE DAY OF THE FULL MOON Á‡ ‰Â̸ ‰ÓÖ THE DAY BEFORE... ϘÚ˚ ˉËÓÚ‡ IDIOTíS DREAMS ÌÂβ·Ó‚¸ THE DISLIKE ÌÓ„‡ THE LEG Ó͇Ë̇ OUTSKIRTS Ó‡ÌÊ‚˚È ‰Ê‡Á ORANGE JAZZ 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost ´¿–ÿ¬»–ª ´ARMAVIRª 138 1991, ———–, 130 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚. 1991, USSR, 130 min., colour –ÂÊËÒÒ ¬‡‰ËÏ ¿·‰‡¯ËÚÓ‚ Director Vadim Abdrashitov ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÃË̉‡‰Á Scriptwriter Alexander Mindadze ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ƒÂÌËÒ ≈‚ÒÚË„Ì‚ Camera Denis Evstigneev ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ “ÓÎ͇˜Â‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ≈χÍÓ‚, Art Directors Alexander Tolkachyov, Vladimir Ermakov, ŒÎ„ œÓÚ‡ÌËÌ Oleg Potanin üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ »Ì̇ Õ‡Á‡Ó‚‡, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ ≈̉‡ÒÓ‚‡ Costumes Inna Nazarova, Ekaterina Endasova üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ƒ‡¯Í‚˘ Composer Vladimir Dashkevich «‚ÛÍ ÀËÎˡ “ÂÂıÓ‚Ò͇ˇ Sound Lilia Terekhovskaya ¬ ÓΡı: —„ÂÈ üÓÎÚ‡ÍÓ‚, —„ÂÈ ÿ‡ÍÛÓ‚, ≈ÎÂ̇ Cast: Sergei Koltakov, Sergei Shakurov, Elena Shevchenko, ÿ‚˜ÂÌÍÓ, —„ÂÈ √‡Ï‡¯, Ã‡Ëˇ —ÚÓ„‡ÌÓ‚‡, œÂÚ Sergei Garmash, Maria Stroganova, Pyotr Zaichenko, Rim «‡È˜ÂÌÍÓ, –ËÏ ¿˛ÔÓ‚, Շڇθˇ œÓÚ‡ÔÓ‚‡, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬‰Ó‚ËÌ, Ayupov, Natalia Potapova, Alexander Vdovin, Jan Baijanbaev, ∆‡Ì ¡‡Èʇ̷‡Â‚, ¬‡ÎÂÌÚË̇ —‚ÂÚÎÓ‚‡, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ ≈„ÓÓ‚‡ Valentina Svetlova, Tatiana Egorova œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´¿Í-ÙËθϪ, ´—Ó˛Áª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Production Ark-Film, Soyuz with participation Goskino of ´ÃÓÒÙËθϪ, √ÓÒÍËÌÓ –‘ RF, Mosfilm œÒËıÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÚËÎÎÂ/ —ӈˇθ̇ˇ ÔËÚ˜‡/ Psychological thriller. Social parable. Mega-metaphor. ćÏÂÚ‡ÙÓ‡. After the destruction of a passenger ship two people search œÓÒΠÍÛ¯ÂÌˡ Ô‡ÒÒ‡ÊËÒÍÓ„Ó ÍÓ‡·Îˇ ÇËÌÛ for Marina: her beloved, whom she no longer loves, because ‡Á˚ÒÍË‚‡˛Ú ‰‚ÓÂ:  ‚ÓÁβ·ÎÂÌÌ˚È, ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Ó̇ Ì she cannot love any more; and her father, about whom she β·ËÚ, ÔÓÚÓÏÛ ˜ÚÓ Ì ÏÓÊÂÚ ÛÊ β·ËÚ¸, Ë Â ÓÚˆ, Ó knows nothing, because it had become intolerable to know ÍÓÚÓÓÏ Ó̇ ÌË˜Â„Ó Ì Á̇ÂÚ, ÔÓÚÓÏÛ ˜ÚÓ ÒÚ‡ÎÓ Ì‚˚ÌÓÒËÏÓ anything at all. Both still love her. When the men at last find ˜ÚÓ-ÎË·Ó Á̇ڸ. Œ·‡ ÓÌË ÔÓ-ÔÂÊÌÂÏÛ Î˛·ˇÚ ÂÂ. » ÍÓ„‰‡ Marina, she does not recognize them... A film about the death ÏÛʘËÌ˚, ̇ÍÓ̈, ̇ıÓ‰ˇÚ ÇËÌÛ, Ó̇ Ì ÔËÁ̇ÂÚ Ëı... of a reality, in which we lived for decades in a ëuniform ‘ËÎ¸Ï ÔÓ ÒÏÂÚ¸ ‡θÌÓÒÚË, ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ Ï˚ ÊËÎË ‰ÂÒˇÚÍË human communityí. ÎÂÚ ´Â‰ËÌ˚Ï ˜ÂÎӂ˜ÂÒÍËÏ Ó·˘ÂÊËÚËÂϪ. THE TIME FOR SORROW HAS NOT YET COME 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost ¬–≈Ãfl œ≈◊¿À» ≈Ÿ≈ Õ≈ œ–»ÿÀŒ 139 1995, –ÓÒÒˡ, 95 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66 1995, Russia, 95 min, colour, 1:1.66 –ÂÊËÒÒ —„ÂÈ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚ ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ —„ÂÈ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚, ÃËı‡ËÎ üÓÌÓ‚‡Î¸˜ÛÍ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ƒÂÌËÒ ŸË„ÎÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¬Â‡ «ÂÎËÌÒ͇ˇ üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ≈ÎÂ̇ «‡ÈˆÂ‚‡ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË –‡‰˜ÂÌÍÓ‚ «‚ÛÍ üËËÎÎ üÛÁ¸ÏËÌ Director Sergei Selianov Scriptwriters Sergei Selianov, Mikhail Konovalchuk Camera Denis Shchiglovsky Art Director Vera Zelinskaya Costumes Elena Zaitseva Composer Vladimir Radchenkov Sound Kirill Kuzímin ¬ ÓΡı: ¬‡ÎÂËÈ œËÂÏ˚ıÓ‚, œÂÚ Ã‡ÏÓÌÓ‚, ÇË̇ À‚ÚÓ‚‡, ÃËı‡ËÎ —‚ÂÚËÌ, —„ÂÈ œ‡¯ËÌ, —ÂÏÂÌ —ÚÛ„‡˜Â‚, fiËÒ —ÚÂÌ„‡, ¬ËÍÚÓ ƒÂÏÂÌÚ, œÂÚˇ ¬‡ÒËθ‚, √‡ÎË ¿·‡È‰ÛÎÓ‚, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ ∆Û‡‚΂‡, ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ÃÛ‡‚¸Â‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÿ‚Â΂, —‚ÂÚ·̇ ¡ÛÎ˚ÌÂÌÍÓ‚‡, ‘‡ÚËχ —‡Ì¸ˇ Cast: Valery Priyomykhov, Pyotr Mamonov, Marina Levtova, Mikhail Svetin, Sergei Parshin, Semyon Strugachyov, Yuris Strenga, Victor Dement, Petya Vasiliev, Gali Abaidulov, Tatiana Zhuravlyova, Nikolai Muraviov, Alexander Shevelev, Svetlana Bulynenkova, Fatima Sania œÓ‰˛Ò —„ÂÈ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó —“¬, –ÓÒÍÓÏÍËÌÓ, ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ Production CTB, Roskomkino, Lenfilm »ÓÌ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÔËÚ˜‡. ¬ ÔÓÒÂÎÍÂ, „‰Â ÊË‚ÛÚ ÛÒÒÍËÈ, ÌÂψ, Ú‡Ú‡ËÌ, ˆ˚„‡Ì Ë Â‚ÂÈ, Ӊ̇ʉ˚ ÔÓˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚È, ̇Á˚‚‡˛˘ËÈ Ò·ˇ «ÂÏÎÂÏÂÓÏ. œÓÒÎÂ Â„Ó ÔÓˇ‚ÎÂÌˡ Ò Í‡Ê‰˚Ï ËÁ ÌËı ̇˜Ë̇˛Ú ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ËÚ¸ Ì‚ÂÓˇÚÌ˚ ‚¢ËÖ œÛÚË „ÂÓ‚ ‡ÁÓȉÛÚÒˇ, ÌÓ ÒÔÛÒÚˇ ÌÂÍÓÚÓÓ ‚ÂÏˇ, ‚ ͇ÌÛÌ Ì‡ÒÚÛÔÎÂÌˡ ˝ÔÓıË ¬Ó‰ÓΡ, ÓÌË ‚ÌÓ‚¸ ÒÓ·ÂÛÚÒˇ ‚ Á‡‚ÂÚÌÓÏ ÏÂÒÚÂ... –‡·ÓÚÛ —„¡ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚‡ ÒÓ˜ÎË Á‡‚¯ÂÌËÂÏ ÚËÎÓ„ËË Ì˚Ì ¯ËÓÍÓ ÔÓ˜ËÚ‡ÂÏÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚ‡. ÕÓ ÔÓÒΠ´ƒÌˇ ‡Ì„·ª Ë ´ƒÛıÓ‚‡ ‰Ìˇª, ´¬ÂÏˇ Ô˜‡ÎËÖª ÔÓıÓÊ ̇ ÛÎ˚·ÍÛ ÔÓ·ÛʉÂÌˡ ÔÓÒΠڡÊÍËı ÒÌÓ‚, Í‡Í ÔÂÂıÓ‰ ̇ ÎÂÚÌ ‚ÂÏˇ ÔÓÒΠÁËÏÌËı ÒÛÏÂÂÍ. - —ÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔËÁ Ê˛Ë Á‡ ÂÊËÒÒÛÛ ó Œ–ü‘ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, —Ó˜Ë, 1995; - “ÂÚËÈ ÔËÁ ó Ãü‘ ‚ üÓÚÚ·ÛÒÂ, 1995; - œËÁ ÁËÚÂθÒÍËı ÒËÏÔ‡ÚËÈ ó Ãü‘ ‚ ◊Ë͇„Ó, 1995; - œÂÏˡ ËÏÂÌË ¿‰Ë‡Ì‡ œËÓÚÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ ó œÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ÔÂÏˡ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ Á‡ 1995 „Ó‰. Ironic parable. In a village live a Russian, a German, a Tatar, a gipsy and a Jew. One day an unknown person appears, who calls himself the ëSurveyorí. After his appearance improbable things begin to happen to each of the villagers. The heroesí paths part, but after a while, on the eve of the new era of Aquarius, they gather once again in this sacred place... Sergei Selyanovís film is the final part of a trilogy by this widely esteemed cinematographer. But after ìName Dayî and ìAll Soulsí Dayî, ìThe Time for Sorrow Öî seems like a smile of awakening after a bad dream, like a transition to summertime after winter twilight Ö - Special Jury Prize for Direction, ORFF Kinotavr, Sochi, 1995; - Third Prize of the IFF Cottbus, 1995; - Prize of Audience Sympathies, IFF Chicago, 1995; - Adrian Piotrovsky Award for the Best Script, Professional Award of Lenfilm Studio for 1995. 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost ƒ≈Õ‹ œŒÀÕŒÀ”Õ»fl THE DAY OF THE FULL MOON 140 1998, –ÓÒÒˡ, 93 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Dolby SRD 1998, Russia, 93 min, colour, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ü‡ÂÌ ÿ‡ı̇Á‡Ó‚ ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¡ÓÓ‰ˇÌÒÍËÈ, ü‡ÂÌ ÿ‡ı̇Á‡Ó‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ ü‡˛Í ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ À˛‰ÏË· üÛÒ‡ÍÓ‚‡ üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¬Â‡ –ÓχÌÓ‚‡ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ üÓÎÎ «‚ÛÍ »„Ó¸ ÇÈÓÓ‚, ¬‡ÒËÎËÈ ü‡˜ÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ Director Karen Shakhnazarov Scriptwriters Alexander Borodiansky, Karen Shakhnazarov Camera Gennady Karyuk Art Director Lyudmila Kusakova Costumes Vera Romanova Composer Anatoly Kroll Sound Igor Mayorov, Vasily Krachkovsky ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Ì̇ √ÂÏ, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ œ‡ÌËÌ, ≈ÎÂ̇ üÓÂÌ‚‡, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË »Î¸ËÌ, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ œËÂÏ˚ıÓ‚, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ —ÚÓÓÊËÍ, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ¿Ù‡Ì‡Ò¸Â‚, √‡ÎË̇ ¿ÌËÒËÏÓ‚‡, ¿Ì̇ —ËÌˇÍË̇, ‘ËÎËÔÔ flÌÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ —Ú˚˜ÍËÌ, ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ◊Ë̉ˇÈÍËÌ, Õ‡‰Âʉ‡ ¬‡ÒË肇, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ÿ‚˜ÂÌÍÓ‚, ¬‡ÒËÎËÈ «ÓÚÓ‚, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ÷˚„‡ÌÍÓ‚, Շڇθˇ ‘‡Ú‚‡, ‘Â‰Ó —ÛıÓ‚ ¬Ó͇Π¬‡ÎÂËÈ —˛ÚÍËÌ, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ ¡Û·ÌÓ‚‡ œÓ‰˛Ò ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ƒÓÒڇθ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÃÓÒÙËθϪ, ´ü۸ª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË √ÓÒÍËÌÓ –‘ ƒËÒÚË·˛ÚÓ ´ÃÓÒÙËÎ¸Ï “¬ ɡª ÀËËÍÓ-‰‡Ï‡Ú˘ÂÒ͇ˇ Ù‡ÌÚ‡Áˡ/ œËÚ˜‡. √Ë·ÌÛ˘Ë ‚ Ә‰ÌÓÈ ‡Á·ÓÍ ´ÌÓ‚˚ ÛÒÒÍ˪ Ë ‚Â‰Û˘ËÈ ÌÓ˜ÌÓÈ ˝ÙË ÔÓÔÛΡÌ˚È ‰Ë‰ÊÂÈ; ÒÚ‡˚È ÛÁ·ÂÍ, Ó·˙ˇÒÌˇ˛˘ËÈ ‚ÌÛÍÛ, „‰Â ÔÓıÓÓÌÂÌ ◊ËÌ„ËÒı‡Ì, Ë Û‰‡˜ÎË‚˚È ÍËÎÎÂ; ÔÂ͇Ò̇ˇ ÍÌˇÊ̇ ŒÎ¸¯‡ÌÒ͇ˇ Ë Á‡„‡‰Ó˜Ì˚È ÏÓ̇ı “‡ËÒËÈ; ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚È ‰ËÔÎÓÏ‡Ú Ë ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œÛ¯ÍËÌ, ‚ÒÚ˜‡˛˘ËÈ ÔÓ ‰ÓÓ„Â ‚ ¿ÁÛÏ Í‡Ò‡‚ˈÛ-͇ÎÏ˚˜ÍÛ... ” Í‡Ê‰Ó„Ó ó Ò‚Óˇ ÍÓÓÚ͇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ, ‡ ‚ ˆÂÎÓÏ ó ÔÓ˝Ú˘ÂÒÍÓ ÔÛÚ¯ÂÒÚ‚Ë ‚Ó ‚ÂÏÂÌË Ë ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Â. ‘‡„ÏÂÌÚ‡ÌÓÒÚ¸ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ìˡ ñ ‚¢¸ ÒÚÓθ Ê ӷ˚‰ÂÌ̇ˇ, Í‡Í Ë Ù‡„ÏÂÌÚ‡ÌÓÒÚ¸ ÊËÁÌË, ÍÓÚÓÛ˛ ÍËÌÓ ‚ Ә‰ÌÓÈ ‡Á ‰ÂÁÍÓ ‚ÓÁ̇ÏÂËÎÓÒ¸ Á‡Ô˜‡ÚÎÂÚ¸, ´Í‡Í Ó̇ ÂÒÚ¸ª. - œËÁ œÂÁˉÂÌÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÒÓ‚ÂÚ‡ Á‡ ÂÊËÒÒÛÛ ó Œ–ü‘ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, —Ó˜Ë, 1998; - —ÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔËÁ Ê˛Ë, ÒÔˆˇθÌÓ ÛÔÓÏË̇ÌËÂ Ê˛Ë ‘»œ–≈——» ó Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡ÎÓ‚˚ı ¬‡‡ı, 1998; - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ, ÔËÁ ‘»œ–≈——», ÔËÁ ÔÛ·ÎËÍË ó Ãü‘ ‚ œ‡Î˘ (fi„ÓÒ·‚ˡ), 1998; - œÂ‚˚È ÔËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ó Ãü‘ ‚ ¿ÙË̇ı, 1998; - œËÁ üËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË ´ÕË͇ª (1998) ó Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ, Ë ‰Û„Ë ÔËÁ˚. Cast: Anna Germ, Andrei Panin, Elena Koreneva, Vladimir Ilyin, Valery Priyomykhov, Valery Storozhik, Valery Afanasiev, Galina Anisimova, Anna Siniakina, Filipp Yankovsky, Evgeny Stychkin, Nikolai Chindiaykin, Nadezhda Vasilieva, Alexei Shevchenkov, Vasily Zotov, Andrey Tsygankov, Natalia Fateeva, Fyodor Sukhov Vocal Valery Syutkin, Tatiana Bulanova Producer Vladimir Dostal Production Mosfilm, Courier with participation Goskino of RF Distribution Mosfilm TV Media Lyrical, dramatic fantasy. Parable. Some ëNew Russiansí perishing in yet another fight and a leading, popular DJ of nighttime radio; an old Uzbek explaining to his grandson where Chingis Khan is buried, and a successful killer; the fine countess Olshanskaya and the mysterious monk Taisius; a foreign diplomat and Alexander Pushkin meeting a beautiful Kalmyk girl on the road to Arzrum... Everyone has his own short story in this poetic journey through time and space. The fragmentary nature of the narrative is just as ordinary as the fragmented nature of life itself, which cinema once again has tried impudently to capture. - Prize of the Presidential Council for Best Direction, ORFF Kinotavr, Sochi, 1998; - Special Jury Prize, Special Mention of the FIPRESCI Jury, IFF Karlovy Vary, 1998; - Main Prize, FIPRESCI Prize, Audience Prize, IFF Palic (Yugoslavia), 1998; - First Prize for Best Film, IFF Athens, 1998; - Prize of the NIKA Film Academy (1998): Best Script, and other prizes. 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost «¿ ƒ≈Õ‹ ƒŒÖ THE DAY BEFORE... 141 1991, ———–/ Õˉ·̉˚, 119 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚. 1991, USSR/ the Netherlands, 119 min, colour –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ŒÎ„ ¡ÓˆÍËÈ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Õ„·‡ Directors Oleg Boretsky, Alexander Negreba ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ fiËÈ Ã‡Ú˚Ò, »Ë̇ –Ó„‡˜Â‚‡ Scriptwriters Yuri Matys, Irina Rogachyova ŒÔ‡ÚÓ˚ ÃËı‡ËÎ ÃÛ͇ÒÂÈ, ¬ËÍÚÓ üÛÎËÍÓ‚ Camera Mikhail Mukasei Victor Kulikov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ƒÏËÚËÈ üÓÏËÒÒ‡Ó‚ Art Director Dmitry Komissarov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ÀÓ„ÛÌÓ‚ Composer Vladimir Logunov «‚ÛÍ –‡ÛÙ ¿Ú‡Ï‡ÎË·ÂÍÓ‚, —„ÂÈ ü‡ÔÓ‚ Sound Rauf Atamalibekov, Sergei Karpov ¬ ÓΡı: ≈ÎÂ̇ üÓԈ‚‡, √‡ÎË̇ —‡ÁÓÌÓ‚‡, “‡Ú¸ˇÌ‡ Cast: Elena Koptseva, Galina Sazonova, Tatiana üÓÂÌ‚Ò͇ˇ, ŒÎ„ ¡ÓˆÍËÈ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Õ„·‡, Korenevskaya, Oleg Boretsky, Alexander Negreba, Alexander ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÃËÓÌÓ‚, √Ë„ÓËÈ Ã‡ÌÛÍÓ‚, »„Ó¸ Mironov, Grigory Manukov, Igor Zolotovitsky, Vladimir «ÓÎÓÚӂˈÍËÈ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË œÛ˜ÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Ç͇ӂ, Puchkov, Alexander Makarov, Alexei Voskresensky, Pavel ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¬ÓÒÍÂÒÂÌÒÍËÈ, œ‡‚ÂÎ —ËÓÚËÌ, ÃËı‡ËÎ Sirotin, Mikhail Bagdasarov, Alexander Mokhov ¡‡„‰‡Ò‡Ó‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÃÓıÓ‚ Production Vedi-Film, with participation Studio-17, EGFA œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´¬Â‰Ë-ÙËθϪ, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË: ´—ÚÛ‰Ëˇ-17ª, (the Netherlands) EGFA (Õˉ·̉˚) Existential drama. Parable. ›ÍÁËÒÚÂ̈ˇθ̇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡/ œËÚ˜‡. The story of lyrical laymen among professional killers of the »ÒÚÓˡ ÎˢÂÒÍËı ‰ËÎÂÚ‡ÌÚÓ‚ ‚ Ò‰ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı 1990s. Trying to preserve an island of safety, rest, and a Û·ËȈ ‰Â‚ˇÌÓÒÚ˚ı. œ˚Ú‡ˇÒ¸ ‚ Á‡Ôӂ‰ÌÓÈ Í‚‡ÚË special lifestyle with relationships in a secluded apartment, ÒÓı‡ÌËÚ¸ ÓÒÚÓ‚ÓÍ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË, ÔÓÍÓˇ, ÓÒÓ·˚È ÒÚËθ the children of the 60s generation cannot guess yet how dearly ÊËÁÌË Ë ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÈ, ‰ÂÚË ´¯ÂÒÚˉÂÒˇÚÌËÍÓ‚ª ¢ Ì they will have to pay for this freedom... This is a film of ‰Ó„‡‰˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ, Í‡Í ‰ÓÓ„Ó ËÏ Ó·ÓȉÂÚÒˇ ˝Ú‡ Ò‚Ó·Ó‰‡... ¬ bulletins, sounding like household phrases that speak about ˝ÚÓÏ ÙËθÏ ‚Â˘Ë ñ ‚ÂÒÚÌËÍË, ‚Ӊ ·˚ ·˚ÚÓ‚˚ هÁ˚, another life that is just about to spill over and flood the souls. „Ó‚ÓˇÚ Ó ‰Û„ÓÈ ÊËÁÌË, ‚ÓÚ-‚ÓÚ „ÓÚÓ‚ÓÈ ıÎ˚ÌÛÚ¸ ˜ÂÂÁ The film ìThe Day Beforeî was shown for the first time the Í‡È Ë Á‡ÚÓÔËÚ¸ ‰Û¯Ë. day before the ìAugust Coupî of 1991 (on 18 August 1991 in ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´«‡ ‰Â̸ ‰Ó...ª ‚Ô‚˚ ÔÓ͇Á‡Ì Á‡ ‰Â̸ ‰Ó the cinema ëMoscowí). ´‡‚„ÛÒÚÓ‚ÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÛÚ˜‡ª (18.08.1991, Í/Ú ´ÃÓÒÍ‚‡ª). 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost Ã≈◊“¤ »ƒ»Œ“¿ IDIOTíS DREAMS 142 1993, –ÓÒÒˡ/ ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 91 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, Dolby SRD 1993, Russia/ France, 91 min, colour, 1:1.66, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ¬‡ÒËÎËÈ œË˜ÛÎ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ã‡Ëˇ ’ÏÂÎËÍ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ fiËÈ À˛·¯ËÌ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ƒÁ˛·ÂÌÍÓ üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ŒÒËÔÓ‚ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË Ã‡ÚˆÍËÈ “ÂÍÒÚ ÔÂÒÂÌ ÃËı‡ËÎ ‘‡È·Û¯Â‚˘ «‚ÛÍ ÀÂÓÌˉ ¬ÂÈÚÍÓ‚ Director Vasily Pichul Scriptwriter Maria Khmelik Camera Yuri Lyubshin Art Director Alexander Dzyubenko Costumes Alexander Osipov Composer Vladimir Matetsky Text of Songs Mikhail Faibushevich Sound Leonid Veitkov ¬ ÓΡı: —„ÂÈ ü˚ÎÓ‚, ¿ÎË͇ —ÏÂıÓ‚‡, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —ÏËÌÓ‚, —Ú‡ÌËÒ·‚ À˛·¯ËÌ, ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ƒ‚ÓʈÍËÈ, ¬‡ˆÎ‡‚ ƒ‚ÓʈÍËÈ, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË “ÓÎÓÍÓÌÌËÍÓ‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ›ÚÛ¯, À˛‰ÏË· «‡ÈˆÂ‚‡, ¬‡ÒËÎËÈ ÃˢÂÌÍÓ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÀÂ̸ÍÓ‚, fiËÈ Õ‡Á‡Ó‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ Õ„·‡, ¿Ì‰ÂÈ —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚ Cast: Sergei Krylov, Alika Smekhova, Andrei Smirnov, Stanislav Lyubshin, Evgeny Dvorzhetsky, Vatslac Dvorzhetsky, Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Vladimir Etush, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Vasily Mishchenko, Alexander Lenkov, Yuri Nazarov, Alexander Negreba, Andrey Sokolov œÓ‰˛Ò »„Ó¸ “ÓÎÒÚÛÌÓ‚ —ÓÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ÃÓËÒ ¡Â̇, œ‡ÚËÍ —Ó·ÂÎ¸Ï‡Ì œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ““À, Salome (‘‡ÌˆËˇ), Exnihilo (‘‡ÌˆËˇ), ´œ‡‡Î·ÍÒ ÀÚ‰.ª, üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ËÏÂÌË Ã.√Ó¸ÍÓ„Ó, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË CNC (‘‡ÌˆËˇ) œÓÍ‡Ú ´ü‡ÏÂ̪, ´œÓ‘»“ª Producer Igor Tolstunov Co-producers Maurice Bernart, Patrick Sobelman Production TTL, Salome (France), Exnihilo (Farance), Parallax Ltd., Maxim Gorky Studio, CNC (France) Œ‰ËÌ ËÁ Ò‡Ï˚ı Ò͇̉‡Î¸Ì˚ı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ‰ÂÒˇÚËÎÂÚˡ. —‰Â·‚ ÛÒÎÓ‚Ì˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ÔÓ Î˛·ËÏÓÏÛ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓÏÛ ÓχÌÛ (´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ ÚÂÎÂÌÓͪ ».»Î¸Ù‡ Ë ≈.œÂÚÓ‚‡), œË˜ÛÎ Òӂ¯ËÎ ‡‚‡Ì„‡‰Ì˚È ÊÂÒÚ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂθÌÓ ÔÓÒÚÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÂÊËÒÒ‡, ÔÓÒÚ‡‚Ë‚ ÒÛÔÂÒӈˇθÌÛ˛ Á‡‰‡˜Û ‚ ÓÚ΢ˠÓÚ ˝ÎÂÏÂÌÚ‡ÌÓÈ ÒӈˇθÌÓÒÚË, ˜ÚÓ Ú‡Í Ô˯·Ҹ ÔÓ ‰Û¯Â ‚ ´Ã‡ÎÂ̸ÍÓÈ ¬Âª. –ÂÊËÒÒ ÓÚÓ¯ÂÎ ÓÚ ´Ô‡‚‰˚ ÊËÁÌ˪ Ë Ì‡Û¯ËÎ ÒÚËÎËÒÚ˘ÂÒÍË ÒÚÂÂÓÚËÔ˚ ‚ ËÁÓ·‡ÊÂÌËË ˝ÚÓÈ Ò‡ÏÓÈ ´Ô‡‚‰˚ª. «Ì‡ÍÓÏ˚È ÚÂÍÒÚ Á‚Û˜‡Î Í‡Í ÒÚÓ ‡Á ÓÚ˜ÛʉÂÌ̇ˇ ˆËÚ‡Ú‡. ŒÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚Ë ÔÓ‰ÚÂÍÒÚ‡ ÛÔÓ˘‡ÎÓÒ¸ Ë Ó‰ÌÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓ ÛÒÎÓÊÌˇÎÓÒ¸: Á‰ÂÒ¸ ‚ ÒÏÂı ÒÍ‚ÓÁ¸ ÒÏÂı, ‡ Ì ‚ ÒÏÂı ÒÍ‚ÓÁ¸ ÌÓÒڇθ„˘ÂÒÍË ÒÎÂÁ˚, ‚ ÓÒ‚Ó·ÓʉÂÌË ÓÚ ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓÒÚË. - œËÁ ´«ÂÎÂÌÓ ˇ·ÎÓÍÓ-ÁÓÎÓÚÓÈ ÎËÒÚÓͪ ÎÛ˜¯ÂÏÛ ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÛ, 1993; - œËÁ ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË ´ÕË͇ª ÎÛ˜¯ÂÏÛ ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍÛ ÔÓ ÍÓÒÚ˛Ï‡Ï, 1993. One of the most scandalous films of the decade. Making an abstract film based on the popular Soviet novel ìThe Golden Calfî by Ilf and Petrov, Pichul makes a vanguard gesture of a genuinely post-Soviet director, setting a super-social task rather than the elementary sociality that so flattered in ìLittle Veraî. The director departs from the ìtruth of lifeî and breaks the stylistic stereotypes in the representation of this ìtruthî. The familiar text sounds like a profoundly alienated quote. The absence of subtext is simplified and simultaneously complicated by laughter through laughter instead of laughter through nostalgic tears, thus breaking free from Soviet style. - Prize ìGreen Apple, Golden Leafî for Best Producer, 1993; - Prize of the Film Academy NIKA for the Best Costume Design, 1993. 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost Õ≈Àfi¡Œ¬‹ THE DISLIKE 143 1991, ———–, 94 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚.+˜/· 1991, USSR, 94 min, colour, b/w –ÂÊËÒÒ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ –Û·Ë̘ËÍ Director Valery Rubinchik ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ –Â̇ڇ ÀËÚ‚ËÌÓ‚‡ Scriptwriter Renata Litvinova ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ŒÎ„ ÇÚ˚ÌÓ‚ Camera Oleg Martynov ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ »Ë̇ ü‡Î‡¯ÌËÍÓ‚‡ Art Director Irina Kalashnikova üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ —‚ÂÚ·̇ Éӂ‡ˇ Costumes Svetlana Medovaia «‚ÛÍ Ã‡„‡ËÚ‡ œ‡ÒÛıË̇ Sound Margarita Pasukhina ¬ ÓΡı: üÒÂÌˡ ü‡˜‡ÎË̇, —Ú‡ÌËÒ·‚ À˛·¯ËÌ, ƒÏËÚËÈ Cast: Ksenia Kachalina, Stanislav Lyubshin, Dmitry Roshchin, –Ó˘ËÌ, √ÂÌËÂÚÚ‡ ≈„ÓÓ‚‡, »Ë̇ ÿ·ÏÓ‚‡, ≈͇ÚÂË̇ Genrietta Egorova, Irina Shelamova, Ekaterina Shcherbakova, ŸÂ·‡ÍÓ‚‡, ¬ËÍÚÓ –ÂÏËÁÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ œÓʇӂ, ŒÎ¸„‡ Victor Remizov, Alexander Pozharov, Olga Abaeva, Irina ¿·‡Â‚‡, »Ë̇ ≈ÙÂÏÓ‚‡, ¬ËÓÎÂÚÚ‡ ≈ÎÙËÏÓ‚‡ Efremova, Violetta Elfimova œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ´üÛ„ª Production Krug Film Studio ÍÁËÒÚÂ̈ˇθ̇ˇ ÏÂÎÓ‰‡Ï‡. Existential melodrama. —Ú‡ÌÌ˚È ıÓÓ‚Ó‰ ÚÂı „ÂÓ‚, ӷ˜ÂÌÌÓ Ò‚ˇÁ‡ÌÌ˚ı ·ÂÁ A strange rondo of three heroes, fatally linked to each other ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚË ÔË·ÎËÁËÚ¸Òˇ ‰Û„ Í ‰Û„Û, Í‡Í ÍÓÒÏ˘ÂÒÍË without any possibility of rapprochement, like cosmic bodies Ú·, ÔÓ‚ËÌÛ˛˘ËÂÒˇ ÌÂÛÏÓÎËÏ˚Ï Á‡ÍÓÌ‡Ï ÔËÓ‰˚. —Ó‚ÒÂÏ that obey the relentless laws of nature. A very young girl, her ˛Ì‡ˇ ‰Â‚Ә͇-‰Â‚ۯ͇,  ÌÂÓÔ˚ÚÌ˚È, ÌÓ Ô˚ÎÍËÈ Ó‚ÂÒÌËÍ, inexperienced but ardent coeval, and an experienced middle- ÏÌÓ„ÓÓÔ˚ÚÌ˚È ¯‡Ï ‚ ‚ÓÁ‡ÒÚ Ô‰ÔÓÒΉÌËı aged charmer in his penultimate hormonal storms. The girl „ÓÏÓ̇θÌ˚ı ·Û¸; ‰Â‚ۯ͇ Ì Óڂ˜‡ÂÚ Ì‡ ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚‡ does not answer the feelings of the men, and all three suffer ÏÛʘËÌ, ‚Ò ÚÓ ÒÚ‡‰‡˛Ú Ë Ì ÏÓ„ÛÚ ‡ÁÎÛ˜ËÚ¸Òˇ, ÔÓ͇ but cannot separate, until the object of desire, so terribly Ô‰ÏÂÚ Ê·Ìˡ ‰Ó ÊÛÚË Í‡ÒË‚Ó Ì Òӂ¯ËÚ ËÒıÓ‰ ËÁ beautiful, departs into nonexistence. ìNo Loveî was never ·ÂÒ˜Û‚Òڂˡ ‚ Ì·˚ÚËÂ. ´ÕÂβ·Ó‚¸ª ÁËÚÂΡÏË ‰‡Ê interested in audiences, even not ìeliteî audiencesî. Thus it ´ËÁ·‡ÌÌ˚Ï˪ Í‡Í ·˚ Ì ËÌÚÂÂÒÓ‚‡Î‡Ò¸. » ÔË ˝ÚÓÏ bewitched: a stunningly beautiful film, black-and-white, Á‡‚Ó‡ÊË‚‡Î‡: ÌÂÏ˚ÒÎËÏÓ Í‡ÒË‚‡ˇ ÎÂÌÚ‡, ˜ÂÌÓ-·Â·ˇ, impregnated with lunar light that suddenly blows up in sharp ÔÓÔËÚ‡Ì̇ˇ ͇ÍËÏ-ÚÓ ÎÛ̇Ú˘ÂÒÍËÏ ÒˡÌËÂÏ, ‚ÌÂÁ‡ÔÌÓ and strange flashes. Void, unpopulated, deserted... ‚Á˚‚‡˛˘‡ˇÒˇ ÂÁÍËÏ Ë ÒÚ‡ÌÌ˚Ï ˆ‚ÂÚÓÏ. ¡ÂÁ·˚Ú̇ˇ, - Prize for Best Actress (Ksenia Kachalina), Film Festival ·ÂÁβ‰Ì‡ˇ, ÔÛÒÚ˚Ì̇ˇ... - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÊÂÌÒÍÛ˛ Óθ (üÒÂÌˡ ü‡˜‡ÎË̇) ó ü‘ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, —Ó˜Ë, 1992; - œËÁ ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ Œ‚Â̪ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÓÔ‡ÚÓÒÍÛ˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ, 1992. ìKinotavrî, Sochi, 1992; - Prize ìGolden Ariesî for the Best Photography, 1992. 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost ÕŒ√¿ THE LEG 144 1991, ———–, 93 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚. 1991, USSR, 93 min, colour –ÂÊËÒÒ ÕËÍËÚ‡ “ˇ„ÛÌÓ‚ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Õ‡‰Âʉ‡ üÓÊÛ¯‡Ì‡ˇ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ —„ÂÈ À˛·˜ÂÌÍÓ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË ÕËÍÓÎ‡È —‡ı‡Ó‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ≈ÓÙ‚ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ŒÎ„ ü‡‡‚‡È˜ÛÍ «‚ÛÍ fiËÈ √ÓΡ‰ÍËÌ Director Nikita Tiagunov Scriptwriter Nadezhda Kozhushanaya Camera Sergei Liubchenko Art Directors Nikolai Sakharov, Vladimir Erofeev Composer Oleg Karavaichuk Sound Yury Golyadkin ¬ ÓΡı: »‚‡Ì ŒıÎÓ·˚ÒÚËÌ, œÂÚ Ã‡ÏÓÌÓ‚, Õ‡Ú‡Îˡ œÂÚÓ‚‡, ÿ‡ÎË ¿·‰ÛÎ͇ÈÒÓ‚, »‚‡Ì «‡ı‡‚‡, ŒÍ҇̇ Ã˚ÒË̇, ‘‡ı‡‰ ÇıÏÛ‰Ó‚, À˛‰ÏË· À‡ËÓÌÓ‚‡, Õ‡‰Âʉ‡ üÓÊÛ¯‡Ì‡ˇ, ÕÂÎÎË Õ‚‰Ë̇, ‘Â‰Ó —ÏËÌÓ‚ Cast: Ivan Okhlobystin, Pyotr Mamonov, Natalia Petrova, Sherali Abdulkaisov, Oksana Mysina, Farkhad Makhmudov, Lyudmila Larionova, Nadezhda Kozhushanaya, Nelli Nevedina, Fyodor Smirnov œÓ‰˛Ò ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÃËı‡ÈÎÓ‚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó 12a œ‡‚‡ ‘Ó̉ –Ó·̇ ¡˚ÍÓ‚‡ Producer Alexander Mikhaylov Production 12a Sales Rolan Bykovís Fund —ӈˇθ̇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡ ÔÓ ÏÓÚË‚‡Ï Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡ ”ËθˇÏ‡ ‘ÓÎÍ̇. «Ì‡ÍÓ‚˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´ÔÓÚ¡ÌÌÓ„Óª ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌˡ ‚ÓÒ¸ÏˉÂÒˇÚ˚ı (Ë Í‡Í ÒÚ‡ÎÓ ÚÂÔ¸ Ә‚ˉÌ˚Ï, ‰Â‚ˇÌÓÒÚ˚ı) ó ‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ ͇ÚË̇ ‡ÌÓ Û¯Â‰¯Â„Ó ËÁ ÊËÁÌË ÂÊËÒÒ‡ ÕËÍËÚ˚ “ˇ„ÛÌÓ‚‡. —˜‡ÒÚÎË‚˚È ÚÂÏ, ˜ÚÓ ÏÓÎÓ‰, „ÓÚÓ‚˚È ‚˚ÔÓÎÌˇÚ¸ ÔË͇Á˚, „ÂÓÈ-ÔËÁ˚‚ÌËÍ Ó͇ÊÂÚÒˇ ‚ ‡‰Û ¿Ù„‡ÌÒÍÓÈ ‚ÓÈÌ˚, ÔÓ‰Ó‚ÂÚÒˇ ̇ ÏËÌÂ, ÔÓÚ¡ÂÚ ÌÓ„Û. » ÌÓ„‡ ÒÚ‡ÌÂÚ Â„Ó Ù‡ÌÚÓÏÓÏ-‰‚ÓÈÌËÍÓÏ, ‚ÓÔÎÓÚËÚ ‚ Ò· ‚Ò ÁÎÓ Ë ˆËÌËÁÏ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ËÚÂθÌÓÒÚË Ë ÒÚ‡ÌÂÚ Á‡‚¯ÂÌÌ˚Ï ˆÂÎ˚Ï ÔÓ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌ˲ Í Ò‚ÓÂÏÛ Ó‰ÌÓÌÓ„ÓÏÛ ´‚·‰ÂθˆÛª. ŒÌ‡ ·Û‰ÂÚ ÔÂÒΉӂ‡Ú¸ Â„Ó Ë ‚ ÍÓ̈ ÍÓ̈ӂ Á‡ÏÂÌËÚ Â„Ó ÔÓÎÌÓÒÚ¸˛... œÓËÒÚËÌ ÒÚ‡Ì̇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ, Ëϲ˘‡ˇ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌË ÚÓ ÎË Í ‘ÓÎÍÌÂÛ, ÚÓ ÎË Í √Ó„Óβ, ÚÓ ÎË Í —ÚË‚ÂÌÒÓÌÛ, ‡ ÚӘ̠‚ÒÂ„Ó ó Í Ì‡Ï Ò‡ÏËÏ, ÔÓÔ‡‚¯ËÏ ‚ ÔÓÒÚ‡ÌÒÚ‚Ó ‡Á‰‚ÓÂÌÌÓ„Ó Ïˇ Ë ‚·˜‡˘ËÏ ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ ´‡ÁÎÓϪ Ù‡ÌÚÓÏÌÓ ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÌËÂ. - ƒËÔÎÓÏ ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂβ „·‚ÌÓÈ ÓÎË (»‚‡Ì ŒıÎÓ·˚ÒÚËÌ), ‰ËÔÎÓÏ √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚ Ë ÍËÌӂ‰ӂ ´«‡ ÚÂÏÛ Ù‡ÌÚÓÏÌÓÒÚ˪ ó ü‘ ´ÃÓÎÓ‰ÓÒÚ¸ª, üË‚, 1991; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ‡ÍÚÂÒÍÛ˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ (».ŒıÎÓ·˚ÒÚËÌ) ó –ü‘ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª: ´‘ËθÏ˚ ‰Îˇ ËÁ·‡ÌÌ˚ı?ª, —Ó˜Ë, 1992; - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ Ãü‘ ‚ œÓÚÒ‰‡ÏÂ, √ÂχÌˡ; - œÂÏˡ ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ Œ‚Â̪ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÍËÌÓ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„Ë˛ (Õ.üÓÊÛ¯‡Ì‡ˇ Á‡ ÙËθÏ˚ ´ÕÓ„‡ª Ë ´œÓ‚‡ª), 1992, Ë ‰. Social drama based on motives of William Faulknerís story of the same title. An important film of the ëlostí generation of the 1980s (and, as is now clear, of the 1990s), this is also a unique picture by director Nikita Tiagunov, who perished so young. Happy are those who are young and ready to carry out orders: the hero-recruit ends up in the hell of the Afghan war, steps on a mine, and loses a leg. The leg becomes his phantomdouble, personifies all the evil and cynicism of the world, and gains complete independence from its one-legged ëownerí. It pursues him and eventually replaces him completely... A really strange story, which may relate to Faulkner or Gogol, or to Stevenson, but most likely to us, who have fallen into a gap in the split world, and who lead a phantom existence. - Diploma for the actor of the leading role (Ivan Okhlobystin), Diploma of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Scholars ëFor the theme of phantomsí, Film Festival Molodist, Kiev, 1991; - Prize for the Best Actor (Ivan Okhlobystin), ORFF Kinotavr: ëFilms for the Elite?í, Sochi, 1992; - Main Prize, IFF Potsdam, Germany; - Award ëGolden Ariesí for the Best Film Drama, 1992, etc. 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost Œü–¿»Õ¿ OUTSKIRTS 145 1998, –ÓÒÒˡ, 100 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 1:1.66 1998, Russia, 100 min, black and white, 1:1.66 –ÂÊËÒÒ œÂÚ ÀÛˆËÍ ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ œÂÚ ÀÛˆËÍ, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ —‡ÏÓˇ‰Ó‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È »‚‡ÒË‚ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ¡ÂÒÒÓÎˈ˚Ì üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ÇÍÒËÏ œ‡ÁËÎÓ‚ ÃÛÁ˚͇ √‡‚ËËÎ œÓÔÓ‚, √ÂÓ„ËÈ —‚Ëˉӂ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »„Ó¸ ü‡ÌÚ˛ÍÓ‚ «‚ÛÍ ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ üβ˜ÌËÍÓ‚, ¬Î‡‰ËÒ·‚ “ÓÓıÓ‚ Director Pyotr Lutsik Scriptwriters Pyotr Lutsik, Alexei Samoriadov Camera Nikolai Ivasiv Art Director Andrei Bessolitsyn Costumes Maxim Pazilov Music Gavriil Popov, Georgy Sviridov Composer Igor Kantiukov ¬ ÓΡı: fiËÈ ƒÛ·Ó‚ËÌ, ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ŒÎˇÎËÌ, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ œÛ¯ÍËÌ, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¬‡ÌËÌ, –ËÏχ ÇÍÓ‚‡, ¬ËÍÚÓ —ÚÂÔ‡ÌÓ‚, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ üӢ‚, ¬ËÍÚÓ ¬ÂÌÂÒ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ¬‰Ó‚ËÌ, √‡ÎË̇ «ÓÎÓڇ‚‡, ŒÎ„ ÃÓͯ‡ÌˆÂ‚, ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ üÛ·ÍÓ‚ œÓ‰˛Ò œÂÚ ÀÛˆËÍ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´”ÚÓ XXI ‚Â͇ª, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË √ÓÒÍËÌÓ –‘ œÓÍ‡Ú ´»ÌÚÂÒËÌÂχ ¿Úª ›Ô˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡/ œËÚ˜‡. ›Ô˘ÂÒ͇ˇ Ô‡ÌӇχ ÔÓıÓ‰‡ ÏÛÊËÍÓ‚, ÁÂÏβ ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ´ÔÓ‰‡Î ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ ÍÚÓª ‰Îˇ ÌÂÙÚˇÌ˚ı ‡Á‡·ÓÚÓÍ, Ò Ó͇ËÌ˚ ‚ ÒÚÓÎËˆÛ Á‡ Ô‡‚‰ÓÈ, ÓÚ ”‡Î‡ ‰Ó Ò‡ÏÓÈ ‰Ó ÃÓÒÍ‚˚ ó ËÒ͇ڸ ÓÚ‚ÂÚ˜Ë͇ Á‡ ‚Ò Ô˘ËÌÂÌÌ˚ ÌÂÒ˜‡ÒÚ¸ˇ ó ÔÛÒÚ¸ ‡ÒÒ͇ÊÂÚ ËÏ, ÛÒÒÍËÏ ÏÛÊË͇Ï, ˜ÚÓ ˝ÚÓ Ò ÁÂÏÎÂÈ Û˜ËÌËÎ Ë ÔÓ˜ÂÏÛ ÓÚÌˇÎ Û ÌËı ÔÓÒΉÌÂÂ... »ı ÔÛÚ¸ ÓÒ‚ˇ˘ÂÌ Ò˛ÊÂÚ‡ÏË Ë ÏËÙ‡ÏË ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ ÍËÌÓÍ·ÒÒËÍË. ≈‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒ͇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ œÂÚ‡ ÀÛˆË͇ Òڇ· Ô‚˚Ï ÍÛθÚÓ‚˚Ï ÙËθÏÓÏ ÔÓÒÚÔÂÂÒÚÓ˜ÌÓÈ ˝ÔÓıË. - œËÁ ËÏÂÌË ›ÈÁÂ̯ÚÂÈ̇ Á‡ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ ´ƒËÍÓ ÔÓΪ (ÙËÎ¸Ï ´ŒÍ‡Ë̇ª); - —ÔˆˇθÌ˚È ÔËÁ Ê˛Ë ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ´ƒÂ·˛Úª Á‡ ‰ÂÁÍËÈ ÔÓËÒÍ ÌÓ‚˚ı ÔÛÚÂÈ ‚ ÍËÌÓËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚Â, œÓ˜ÂÚÌ˚È ‰ËÔÎÓÏ √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌӂ‰ӂ Ë ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚ –ÓÒÒËË ñ Œ–ü‘ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª, —Ó˜Ë, 1998; - œÂÏˡ ‘»œ–≈——» ñ Ãü‘ ‚ ◊Ë͇„Ó, 1998; - Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ÔÂÏˡ √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌӂ‰ӂ Ë ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚ ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ Œ‚Â̪ (1998) - Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËθÏ-‰Â·˛Ú; - œËÁ ´ƒÓÌ üËıÓÚª ÃÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓ„Ó Ê˛Ë ÍËÌÓÍÎÛ·Ó‚ ñ Ãü‘ ‚ ¡ÂÎËÌÂ: ‘ÓÛÏ, 1999; - ÃÂʉÛ̇Ӊ̇ˇ ÔÂÏˡ —‚Ó·Ó‰˚ ñ ´Philipp Morris Freedomª - Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡ÎÓ‚˚ı ¬‡‡ı, 1999, Ë ‰Û„Ë ÔËÁ˚. Cast: Yuri Dubrovin, Nikolai Olialin, Alexei Pushkin, Alexei Vanin, Rimma Markova, Victor Stepanov, Anatoly Koshcheev, Victor Venes, Alexander Vdovin, Galina Zolotaryova, Oleg Mokshantsev, Vyacheslav Kulakov Producer Pyotr Lutsik Production 21st Centuryís Morning with participation Goskino of Russian Federation Distribution ìIntercinema Artî Epic drama. Parable. The epic panorama concerns the journey of some men (muzhiks), whose land ëhas been sold by somebodyí for oil development; a journey from the provinces to the capital to find the truth, from the Urals up to Moscow to search for the man responsible for the misfortunes. Let him tell them, the Russian muzhiks, what he has done with the land and why he has taken away from them the last thing they had... Their journey is accompanied by themes and myths of Russiaís film classics. Pyotr Lutsikís only work as director became the first cult film of the post-perestroika period. - Eisenstein Prize for the Script ìThe Wild Fieldî (film title ìOutskirtsî); - Special Jury Prize in the Debut Competition, ëfor the bold search of new paths in cinematic artí, Honorary Diploma of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Scholars of Russia, ORFF Kinotavr, Sochi, 1998; - Prize of the FIPRESCI, IFF Chicago, 1998; - National Award of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Scholars, ëGolden Ariesí (1998), for Best Debut Film; - Prize ëDon Quixoteí, International Jury of Film Clubs, IFF Berlin, Forum, 1999; - International Prize of Freedom ëPhilipp Morris Freedomí, IFF Karlovy Vary, 1999, and other prizes. 90-Â. ÍËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡ÎË 1990s. the cinema that we lost Œ–¿Õ∆≈¬¤… ƒ∆¿« ORANGE JAZZ 146 1993, –ÓÒÒˡ, 96 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚. 1993, Russia, 96 min, colour –ÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ‡‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ »ÒÛÔÓ‚ Director and Scriptwriter Alexander Isupov ŒÔ‡ÚÓ »„Ó¸ ¬ÓÚË̈‚ Camera Igor Votintsev ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ »ÒÛÔÓ‚ Art Director Alexander Isupov üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ Ã‡‡Ú üÛÁ̈ӂ Composer Marat Kuznetsov «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ «Î˚„ÓÒÚ‚ Sound Andrey Zlygostev ¬ ÓΡı: ÃËı‡ËÎ ÕËÍËÚËÌ, —„ÂÈ —‡ÁÓÌÓ‚, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ Cast: Mikhail Nikitin, Sergei Sazonov, Valery Seryogin, —„ËÌ, ¬ˇ˜ÂÒ·‚ fl·Îӯ‚ÒÍËÈ, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ »ÒÛÔÓ‚ Vyacheslav Yabloshevsky, Alexander Isupov œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÕÓ‚˚È ÍÛÒª Production New Course ÀˢÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡. Lyrical drama. «‡ÂÁÊËÈ ÏÛÁ˚͇ÌÚ ¿ÌÚÓÌËÓ (ÓÌ Ê ¿ÌÚÓÌ), ̇ÁÎÛ˜Ì˚È ÒÓ The traveling musician Antonio (he is also Anton) is Ò‚ÓÂÈ ÚÛ·ÓÈ, Á‡„Ρ‰˚‚‡ÂÚ Ì‡ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ˜‡ÒÓ‚ ‚ „ÓÓ‰ inseparable from his trumpet. For some hours he visits the ‰ÂÚÒÚ‚‡, „‰Â ÔÓÚËıÓ̸ÍÛ Ò‚ËıË‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ÓÚ Ôӂ҉̂ÌÓÈ city of his childhood, where his friends slowly go mad with ÛÚËÌ˚ ‰ÛÁ¸ˇ. ÃÓÊÂÚ, ÏÂÒÚÌÓÈ ÒÂÓÈ ÊËÁÌË ÔÓÒÚÓ Ì the daily routine. Maybe the gray local life simply lacks some ı‚‡Ú‡ÂÚ Ó‡ÌÊÂ‚Ó„Ó ˆ‚ÂÚ‡ ñ ˆ‚ÂÚ‡ Ô‡Á‰ÌË͇?.. orange color, the color of a holiday?.. 148 œÂϸ‡, ÍÓÚÓÓÈ Ì ·˚ÎÓ The Premiere that did not Happen ÃÓÊÂÚ, ÍÚÓ ÔÓÏÌËÚ, ÔӂӉ˷Ҹ ̇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ‚ ÍÓ̈ 90-ı ÍÛθÚÛ̇ˇ ‡ÍˆËˇ ÔÓ‰ ̇Á‚‡ÌËÂÏ ´œÂϸ‡, ÍÓÚÓÓÈ Ì ·˚ÎÓª? ≈Â, ‚ ˜‡ÒÚÌÓÒÚË, ˇ Ë ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÎ ó Á̇ÍÓÏËÎ ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ Ò ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚ÏË ¯Â‰Â‚‡ÏË ÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ. ¿ Ô‡‚ËθÌ Ò͇Á‡Ú¸, Ò ÌÂËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚ÏË ıÓÓ¯ËÏË ÙËθχÏË. ÃÌÓ„ËÏ ÍËÌӂ‰‡Ï ÒÚ‡¯Â„Ó ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌˡ Ó˜Â̸ Ì ̇‚ËÎÓÒ¸ ˝ÚÓ Ì‡Á‚‡ÌË ñ ´œÂϸ‡, ÍÓÚÓÓÈ Ì ·˚ÎÓª. ◊ÚÓ ˝ÚÓ, ‰ÂÒ͇ڸ, Á‡ ÌÂÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚È ‚ÓβÌÚ‡ËÁÏ ñ ‚˚‰‡‚‡Ú¸ Á‡ ÒÛÔÂÓÚÍ˚Úˡ ÎÂÌÚ˚, ÔÂÒÔÓÍÓÈÌÓ ¯Â‰¯Ë ‚ ÔÓ͇ÚÂ? fl Ó·˙ˇÒÌˇÎ, ˜ÚÓ Ì‡Á‚‡ÌË ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÛÒÎÓ‚ÌÓÂ: ‚Ó-Ô‚˚ı, ÔË‚ÎÂ͇˛˘Â ‚ÌËχÌË (‡ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ ·ÂÁ ˝ÚÓ„Ó ÌÂθÁˇ), ‡ ‚Ó-‚ÚÓ˚ı, ˇ‚Ρ˛˘ÂÂÒˇ Ò‚ÓÂÓ·‡ÁÌÓÈ ÏÂÚ‡ÙÓÓÈ ó ‚‰¸ Ë ‚ Ò‡ÏÓÏ ‰ÂΠÙËθÏ˚ ˝ÚË ÌËÍÚÓ Ì ÔÓÏÌËÚ, ‡ Á̇˜ËÚ, ‰Îˇ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ¯ÌÂ„Ó ÁËÚÂΡ (ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚ‡) ÓÌË ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ Ò‡Ï˚ÏË Ì‡ÒÚÓˇ˘ËÏË ÔÂϸ‡ÏË. Ö¿ ÔÓÚÓÏ ‡ÍˆË˛ ˝ÚÛ ÔËÍ˚ÎË ÔÓ Í‡ÍËÏ-ÚÓ Ì‚‰ÓÏ˚Ï ÏÌ Ô˘Ë̇Ï. 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Ã˚ ÔÓÒÏÓÚËÏ, Í‡Í Ì‡˜Ë̇ÎË ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ÎÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÓÈ ¯ÍÓÎ˚, ¯ÍÓÎ˚ ÓÒÓ·Ó„Ó ÒÚËΡ ó ÒÚËΡ „ËÔ‡ÎËÁχ, ‡Ì‡ÎÓ„Û ÍÓÚÓÓÏÛ ÌÂÚ ‚ ÏËÂ. ü ˝ÚÓÈ ¯ÍÓΠÓÚÌÓÒËÎÒˇ Ì ÚÓθÍÓ √ÂÏ‡Ì (ÒÚ‡¯ËÈ), ÌÓ Ë ¿‡Ìӂ˘, Ë ü‡Ì‚ÒÍËÈ, Ë ¿ËÒÚÓ‚, Ë Â˘Â ÏÓÊÌÓ ‚ÒÔÓÏÌËÚ¸ ÏÌÓ„Ëı ‰Û„Ëı. ¬Ë‰ÂÎ ÎË ÍÚÓ ´œÂÚÓ„‡‰ÒÍË „‡‚ӯ˪ —„¡ —ÌÂÊÍË̇? ´üËÍ Ó ÔÓÏÓ˘Ëª —„¡ œÓÚÂÔ‡ÎÓ‚‡? ´Õ‡ Ò‚ÓÂÈ ÁÂÏΪ »„Óˇ ¿Ô‡ÒˇÌ‡?.. ¿ ‚‰¸ ˝ÚÓ ‚Ò ËÏÂÌÌÓ Ì‡ÒΉÌËÍË ÎÂÌËÌ„‡‰ÒÍÓ„Ó „ËÔ‡ÎËÁχ, ‚ÓÁÌËÍ¯Â„Ó ËÏÂÌÌÓ ‚ ÍÓ̈ 60-ı, ‡ ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊË‚¯Â„ÓÒˇ ÛÊ ‚Ó ‚ÒÂı ‚ÂÏÂ̇ıÖ ¡Û‰ÂÏ Ì‡‰ÂˇÚ¸Òˇ, ˜ÚÓ Ó Â„Ó ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊÂÌËË Ë ‡Á‚ËÚËË, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊÂ Â˘Â Ó ÏÌÓ„ÓÏ ÏÌ ۉ‡ÒÚÒˇ ‡ÒÒ͇Á‡Ú¸ ÔÓÁÊ ñ Ô˘ÂÏ ËÏÂÌÌÓ Á‰ÂÒ¸, ̇ ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª. » ÍÓ̘ÌÓ, ÔÓ͇Á‡Ú¸ ‡ÁÌ˚ Á‡Ï˜‡ÚÂθÌ˚ ÙËθÏ˚. Maybe some people remember the programme ìThe Premiere that did not Happenî at ìKinotavrî in the late 1990s, which I curated in order to acquaint audiences with unknown masterpieces of Soviet cinema, or rather, with unknown but good films. Many film scholars of the older generation strongly disliked the title ìThe Premiere that did not Happenî, challenging its non-professional voluntarism that allegedly presented as super-discoveries those films that had been quietly distributed? I explained that the title was designed to draw attention to the programme (and without that you canít do today), and to create an original metaphor; in fact, nobody really remembered these films, so for todayís spectator or cinematographer they are genuine premieres. Then the programme was discontinued for reasons that remain unknown to me. Now, apparently we mark a return of the programme as some kind of echo: once again we have before us the films of the 1960s. We present at ìKinotavrî those films that we did not manage to show in the late 1990s. And there are lots of new ideas for the future, because over the last 5-6 years I saw another 1000 Soviet films made after 1953 (I am leaving here the totalitarian era to others); this material suffices for a number of thematic retrospectives: of genre, time, psychopathology (intriguing!), style, territory. For this year I have chosen, in the first instance, a thematic approach. We shall look at the beginnings of the Leningrad school, a school with a special style that has no analogue in the world: the style of hyperrealism, to which not only German (Senior) belongs, but also Aranovich, Kanevsky, Aristov Ö and many more. Who has seen ìThe ëGavrochesí of Petrogradî by Sergei Snezhkin? Sergei Potepalovís ìCry for Helpî? ìOn Home Groundî by Igor Apasian?.. Yet these are, in fact, all successors of Leningradís hyperrealism, which emerged at the end of the 1960s and continues throughout the centuryÖ Letís hope that I shall have a chance later to say more about its continuation and development at another ìKinotavrî festival; and, of course, to show other remarkable films. ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ÿÔ‡„ËÌ üÛ‡ÚÓ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ Alexander Shpagin Programme Curator ̇˜‡Î‡. ÎÂÌËÌ„‡‰Ò͇ˇ ¯ÍÓ· the beginnings. the leningrad school 149 ΢̇ˇ ÊËÁ̸ ÍÛÁˇÂ‚‡ ‚‡ÎÂÌÚË̇ THE PRIVATE LIFE OF KUZIAYEV VALENTIN ‰Â̸ ÒÓÎ̈‡ Ë ‰Óʉˇ A DAY OF SUN AND RAIN ˜ÂÚ˚ ÒÚ‡Ìˈ˚ Ó‰ÌÓÈ ÏÓÎÓ‰ÓÈ ÊËÁÌË FOUR PAGES OF A YOUNG LIFE Ò‰¸ÏÓÈ ÒÔÛÚÌËÍ THE SEVENTH COMPANION ̇˜‡Î‡. ÎÂÌËÌ„‡‰Ò͇ˇ ¯ÍÓ· the beginnings. the leningrad school À»◊Õ¿fl ∆»«Õ‹ ü”«fl≈¬¿ ¬¿À≈Õ“»Õ¿ ƒ≈Õ‹ —ŒÀÕ÷¿ » ƒŒ∆ƒfl A DAY OF SUN AND RAIN THE PRIVATE LIFE OF KUZIAYEV VALENTIN 150 1967, ———–, 68 ÏËÌ., ˜/· 1967, ———–, 71 ÏËÌ., ˜/· –ÂÊËÒÒ »„Ó¸ ÇÒÎÂÌÌËÍÓ‚, ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË »Î¸Ë ¿‚·‡ı‡ –ÂÊËÒÒ ¬ËÍÚÓ —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Õ‡Ú‡Îˡ –ˇÁ‡ÌˆÂ‚‡ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ›‰‚‡‰ –‡‰ÁËÌÒÍËÈ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¡ÓËÒ “ËÏÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ◊ÛÏ‡Í üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ üÓÎÍ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ √ÂÌ̇‰ËÈ œÓÚÌÓ‚ ¬ ÓΡı: ¬ËÍÚÓ »Î¸Ë˜Â‚, √ÂÓ„ËÈ ÿÚËθ, “‡Ï‡‡ ¬ ÓΡı: —‡¯‡ ¡‡ËÌÓ‚, “ÓΡ œÓÔÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚, üÓÌÓ‚‡ÎÓ‚‡, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ üÓÊ‚ÌËÍÓ‚, ¿‚„ÛÒÚ ¡‡ÎÚÛ¯‡ÈÚËÒ ÃËı‡ËÎ üÓÁ‡ÍÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ œÂÚÂÌÍÓ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ ÀËËÍÓ-ËÓÌ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ÍËÌÓÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ¸. ƒÂÒˇÚËÍ·ÒÒÌË͇ ¬‡Î˛ ÀˢÂÒ͇ˇ ÍËÌÓÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ¸. ƒ‚Ó ¯ÍÓθÌËÍÓ‚, Ò·Âʇ‚ Ò üÛÁˇÂ‚‡ Ô˄·¯‡˛Ú ‚ ÚÂÎÂÔ‰‡˜Û ´œÓ„Ó‚ÓËÏ ÛÓÍÓ‚, ˆÂÎ˚È ‰Â̸ ·Ó‰ˇÚ ÔÓ ÀÂÌËÌ„‡‰Û. »Ï ÓÚÍ˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ÓÚÍÓ‚ÂÌÌÓª (ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ ‚˚·‡ÎË Ì‡ ÛÎˈ ó ÔÓÔ‡ÎÒˇ ÔÓ‰ „ÓÓ‰ ‚Ó ‚ÒÂÈ Ò‚ÓÂÈ ÒÎÓÊÌÓÒÚË Ë ÊÂÒÚÍÓÒÚË ñ ‚ ÌÂÏ ÛÍÛ) Ë ‚Û˜‡˛Ú ÂÏÛ ‡ÌÍÂÚÛ, „‰Â Ô‰·„‡˛Ú ÓÚ‚ÂÚËÚ¸ ̇ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÚ Â‡Î¸Ì‡ˇ ÊËÁ̸, Ì ӘÂ̸ ÔÓıÓʇˇ ̇ ÚÛ, Ó ˇ‰ ÏӇθÌÓ-˝Ú˘ÂÒÍËı ‚ÓÔÓÒÓ‚. — ÚÂı ÔÓ ÊËÁ̸ ‰Îˇ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ËÏ ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡˛Ú ‚ ¯ÍÓÎÂ. ¿ÌÚËËÏÂÈÍ ÙËθχ üÛÁˇÂ‚‡ ÔËÓ·ÂÚ‡ÂÚ ÌÓ‚˚È ÒÏ˚ÒÎÖ ´◊ÂÎÓ‚ÂÍ Ë‰ÂÚ Á‡ ÒÓÎ̈ÂϪ. 1967, USSR, 68 min, b/w 1967, USSR, 71 min, b/w Director Igor Maslennikov with participation of Ilya Averbakh Director Victor Sokolov Scriptwriter Natalia Riazantseva Scriptwriter Edward Radzinsky Camera Boris Timkovsky Camera Vladimir Chumak Composer Alexander Kolker Composer Gennady Portnov Cast: Victor Ilyichiov, Georgy Shtil, Tamara Konovalova, Cast: Sasha Barinov, Tolia Popov, Alexander Sokolov, Mikhail Alexei Kozhevnikov, August Baltrushaitis Kozakov, Alexei Petrenko Production Lenfilm Production Lenfilm Lyrical-ironic film novella. The final grade pupil Valia A lyrical film novella. Two schoolboys, having skipped lessons, Kuziaev is invited to the television programme ìLetís talk spend a whole day wandering around Leningrad. They discover the openlyî (the selection is made in the street) and given a city with all its complexities and harshness, and encounter real questionnaire with number of moral and ethical questions. life, which is so different from what they are taught at school. An Henceforth, life gains a new meaning for KuziaevÖ anti-remake of the film ìThe Man who follows the Sunî. ̇˜‡Î‡. ÎÂÌËÌ„‡‰Ò͇ˇ ¯ÍÓ· FOUR PAGES OF A YOUNG LIFE the beginnings. the leningrad school ◊≈“¤–≈ —“–¿Õ»÷¤ —≈ƒ‹ÃŒ… —œ”“Õ»ü ŒƒÕŒ… ÃŒÀŒƒŒ… ∆»«Õ» THE SEVENTH COMPANION 151 1967, ———–, 85 ÏËÌ., ˜/· 1967, ———–, 89 ÏËÌ., ˜/· –ÂÊËÒÒ –ÂÁÓ ›Ò‡‰Á –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ √ÂχÌ, √Ë„ÓËÈ ¿ÓÌÓ‚ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¬Â‡ œ‡ÌÓ‚‡ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ fiËÈ üÎÂÔËÍÓ‚ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ›ÌÒÚ flÍӂ΂ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ›‰Û‡‰ –ÓÁÓ‚ÒÍËÈ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »Ò‡‡Í ÿ‚‡ˆ üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »Ò‡‡Í ÿ‚‡ˆ ¬ ÓΡı: ¡ÓËÒ –ۉ̂, Շڇθˇ ¬Â΢ÍÓ, ¡ÓËÒ —‡‚ˈÍËÈ, ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Ì‰ÂÈ œÓÔÓ‚, √ÂÓ„ËÈ ÿÚËθ, œÂÚ ◊ÂÌÓ‚, ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡ «‡‚¸ˇÎÓ‚‡, À˛‰ÏË· ¿ËÌË̇ ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ŒÒÂÌ‚, —ÓÙ¸ˇ √ˇˆËÌÚÓ‚‡, ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ¡‡Ú‡ÎÓ‚, √ÂÓ„ËÈ fiχÚÓ‚, ¿Ì‡ÚÓÎËÈ –Óχ¯ËÌ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ´ÀÂÌÙËθϪ ›ÍÁËÒÚÂ̈ˇθ̇ˇ ÍËÌÓÔÓ‚ÂÒÚ¸. ◊ÂÚ˚ ËÒÚÓËË ËÁ ÊËÁÌË ·˚‚¯Â„Ó ‰ÂÚ‰ÓÏÓ‚ˆ‡ —‡¯Ë ¿„‡ÙÓÌÓ‚‡, ̇˜‡‚¯Â„Ó ƒ‡Ï‡ ÔÓ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÈ ÔÓ‚ÂÒÚË ¡ÓËÒ‡ À‡‚ÂÌ‚‡. Ò‡ÏÓÒÚÓˇÚÂθÌÛ˛ ÊËÁ̸. ”ÒÚÓË‚¯ËÒ¸ ¯ÓÙÂÓÏ Ì‡ ·Óθ¯ÓÈ ¬ÂÏˇ ͇ÒÌÓ„Ó ÚÂÓ‡. ¡Óθ¯Â‚ËÍË ‚˚Á˚‚‡˛Ú ˆ‡ÒÍËı ÒÚÓÈÍÂ, —‡¯‡ ‚ÒÚÂÚËÎ ÀËÁÛ Ë ÔÓÏÓ„ ÂÈ Ò ÊËθÂÏ, Ô˄·ÒË‚ Ò‡ÌÓ‚ÌËÍÓ‚, „Â̇ÎÓ‚, ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ √ÓÒ‰ÛÏ˚ ñ ‡ÂÒÚÓ‚˚‚‡˛Ú Ë Â ÊËÚ¸ ‚ Ò‚Ó˛ Í‚‡ÚËÛ. ŒÌ‡ ‚˚ÒÂÎË· „Ó. ŒÌ ÛÂı‡Î ‚ ÔÛÒ͇˛Ú ‚ ‡ÒıÓ‰. Œ‰ËÌ ËÁ ÌËı ó ·˚‚¯ËÈ ÔÓÙÂÒÒÓ —Â‰Ì˛˛ ¿Á˲, „‰Â Ó·ÂÎ ‰Û„‡ ¬ËÍÚÓ‡ ó ̇ԇÌË͇ ÔÓ ‚ÓÂÌÌÓÈ ‡Í‡‰ÂÏËË ≈‚„ÂÌËÈ ¿‰‡ÏÓ‚ ó ÔÓ˜ÚË ÒÎÛ˜‡ÈÌÓ ‰‡Î¸ÌËÏ ÂÈÒ‡Ï. üÓ„‰‡ ¬ËÍÚÓ ÔÓ„Ë· ‚ ‡‚ÚÓÏÓ·ËθÌÓÈ ÓÒÚ‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ÊË‚˚ı. ŒÌ Òӄ·¯‡ÂÚÒˇ ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘‡Ú¸ Ò ÌÓ‚ÓÈ Í‡Ú‡ÒÚÓÙÂ, —‡¯‡ ÔÓÂı‡Î ‚ ÃÛχÌÒÍ. “‡Ï ÓÌ ÔÂÂÊËÎ ‚·ÒÚ¸˛Ö Ì‰Ó΄ËÈ ÓÏ‡Ì Ò Á‡ÏÛÊÌÂÈ œÓÎËÌÓÈ. » ˝Ú‡ ÒÚ‡Ìˈ‡ ÊËÁÌË ÓÔˇÚ¸ ÓÍÓ̘Ë·Ҹ ÌÂÛ‰‡˜ÌÓ. ◊ÚÓ Ê ‰‡Î¸¯Â?.. 1967, USSR, 89 min, b/w 1967, USSR, 85 min, b/w Directors Alexei German, Grigory Aronov Scriptwriter Yuri Klepikov Director Rezo Esadze Camera Eduard Rozovsky Scriptwriter Vera Panova Composer Isaak Shvarts Camera Ernst Yakovlev Composer Isaak Shvarts Cast: Andrey Popov, Georgy Shtil, Pyotr Chernov, Vladimir Osenev, Sofia Giatsintova, Alexei Batalov, Georgy Yumatov, Cast: Boris Rudnev, Natalia Velichko, Boris Savitsky, Anatoly Romashin Alexandra Zavialova, Lyudmila Arinina Production Lenfilm Production Lenfilm Drama based on Boris Lavreniovís story of the same title. An existential film novella. Four stories from the life of the The time of red terror. The Bolsheviks call up imperial orphan Sasha Agafonov, who is starting an independent life. dignitaries, generals, and members of the State Duma; they Having found a job as driver on a big construction site, Sasha arrest and shoot them. One of them is the former professor of meets Liza and provides her with lodgings, inviting her to live the military academy Evgeny Adamov, who survives by sheer in his apartment. Then she kicks him out; he leaves for luck. He agrees to cooperate with the new authorities Ö Central Asia, where he finds a friend, Victor, a colleague from his long-distance journeys. When Victor dies in a road accident, Sasha goes to Murmansk. There he has a short romance with the married woman Polina. And this page of life again ends on an unsuccessful note. What next?... Festival Geography ≈Ê„ӉÌÓ ‚ ÏË ÔÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÒˇ ÓÍÓÎÓ 900 ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. —‡Ï˚È ´Á‡„ÛÊÂÌÌ˚Ȫ ÏÂÒˇˆ ‚ „Ó‰Û ñ ÓÍÚˇ·¸, Ò‡Ï˚È ´ÚËıËȪ ó χÈ. ÀˉÂÓÏ ÔÓ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Û ÍËÌÓÒÏÓÚÓ‚ ̇ ÚÂËÚÓËË Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó „ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚‡ ˇ‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ —ÿ¿: 255 Ò‡Ï˚ı ‡ÁÌÓÓ·‡ÁÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ Ë ÙÂÒÚÓ‚ (ËÒÍβ˜‡ˇ ÂÊ„ӉÌ˚ ShowWest Ë ShowEast). ƒ‡Î ˉÛÚ √ÂχÌˡ (73), ‘‡ÌˆËˇ (68), »Ú‡Îˡ (63), ü‡Ì‡‰‡ (52), ¬ÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡Ìˡ (46), »ÒÔ‡Ìˡ (23), ¡Âθ„ˡ (19), ¿‚ÒÚ‡Îˡ (12), Õˉ·̉˚ Ë ÿ‚ÂȈ‡Ëˇ (11), —·ˡ Ë ◊ÂÌÓ„Óˡ (10), √ÂˆËˇ, Õӂ„ˡ Ë ÿ‚ÂˆËˇ (8), ¿‚ÒÚˡ, ¡‡ÁËÎˡ, –ÓÒÒˡ, ‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰Ëˇ, ◊Âıˡ Ë flÔÓÌˡ (7), ¡Ó΄‡Ëˇ Ë œÓÚÛ„‡Îˡ (6), ¬ÂÌ„Ëˇ, ƒ‡Ìˡ, œÓθ¯‡, ’Ó‚‡Úˡ Ë fiÊ̇ˇ üÓ¡ (5), ≈„ËÔÂÚ, »Ì‰Ëˇ, »Î‡Ì‰Ëˇ, –ÛÏ˚Ìˡ Ë fi¿– (4), ¿„ÂÌÚË̇, √ÓÌÍÓÌ„, »Á‡Ëθ, »‡Ì, üÓÎÛÏ·Ëˇ, —ÎÓ‚‡Íˡ, “ÛˆËˇ, ”Û„‚‡È Ë ›ÒÚÓÌˡ (3), ¡ÓÒÌˡ Ë √ˆ„ӂË̇, »ÒÎ‡Ì‰Ëˇ, üËÚ‡È, À‡Ú‚ˡ, ÀËÚ‚‡, Ç͉ÓÌˡ, ÃÂÍÒË͇, ÃÓ̇ÍÓ, ÕÂÔ‡Î, ÕÓ‚‡ˇ «ÂÎ‡Ì‰Ëˇ, —ÎÓ‚ÂÌˡ, “‡Ë·̉, ”͇Ë̇ Ë ‘ËÎËÔÔËÌ˚ (2), ¿ÏÂÌˡ, ¡‡Ì„·‰Â¯, ¡ÂÏÛ‰˚, ¬ÂÌÂÒÛ˝Î‡, √ÛÁˡ, ü‡Á‡ıÒÚ‡Ì, üÛ·‡, ÀË‚‡Ì, ÀËıÚÂ̯ÚÂÈÌ, À˛ÍÒÂÏ·Û„ Ë “‡‰ÊËÍËÒÚ‡Ì (1). ’Ó˜Û ÔÓ‰˜ÂÍÌÛÚ¸, ˜ÚÓ ˝ÚË ‰‡ÌÌ˚ ÔÓÎÛ˜ÂÌ˚ ËÁ ÂÊ„ӉÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ı „‡È‰Ó‚, ÔÛ·ÎËÍÛÂÏ˚ı ÊÛ̇·ÏË Moving Pictures, Screen International Ë Variety. —Ήӂ‡ÚÂθÌÓ, ÏÓÊÌÓ Ô‰ÔÓÎÓÊËÚ¸, ˜ÚÓ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ ‚ ÏË „Ó‡Á‰Ó ·Óθ¯Â, Ú‡Í Í‡Í ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ Ì ‚Ò ‰‡˛Ú Ó Ò· ËÌÙÓχˆË˛ ‚ ˝ÚË ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ ËÁ‰‡Ìˡ. «‡ÚÓ ËÌÙÓχˆËË Ó Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇı Á‡ÏÂÚÌÓ ÔË·‡‚ËÎÓÒ¸, Ë ÚÂÔ¸ Ï˚ Á̇ÂÏ Ó ÒÛ˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡ÌËË ËÒÔ‡ÌÒÍÓ„Ó, ÍËÚ‡ÈÒÍÓ„Ó Ë „Óη̉ÒÍÓ„Ó ´ÍËÌÓÚ‡‚Ó‚ª. –‡‰ÛÂÚ ÚÓ, ˜ÚÓ ÒÂ„Ó‰Ìˇ ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ ÍËÌÓÒÏÓÚ˚ ¬ÓÒÚÓ˜ÌÓÈ Ë ÷ÂÌڇθÌÓÈ ≈‚ÓÔ˚, Á‡ÌËχ˛˘Ë ̇ ÏËÓ‚ÓÈ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓÈ Í‡Ú ‰ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ÒÍÓÏÌ˚ ÔÓÁˈËË, ÔË·„‡˛Ú χÍÒËÏÛÏ Ë Ó„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËÓÌÌ˚ı, Ë ÙË̇ÌÒÓ‚˚ı ÛÒËÎËÈ ‰Îˇ ÔÓ‰‚ËÊÂÌˡ Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ÍËÌÓ. üËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË, ÒÓÒÚÓˇ˘Ë ËÒÍβ˜ËÚÂθÌÓ ËÁ ÔÓ͇ÁÓ‚ ÙËθÏÓ‚, ÛÊ Ì ӘÂ̸ ‡ÍÚۇθÌ˚. œÓ˝ÚÓÏÛ Í ÍÓÌÍÛÒÛ Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ÔË·‡‚Ρ˛ÚÒˇ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ ÍËÌÓ˚ÌÍË, ÔËÚ˜ËÌ„Ë, ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ËÌÓÒÚ‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Ë Â„ËÓ̇θÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ, ‡Á΢ÌÓ„Ó Ó‰‡ ÙÓÛÏ˚, ÒËÏÔÓÁËÛÏ˚, ÍÛ„Î˚ ÒÚÓÎ˚ ñ ÚÓ ÂÒÚ¸, ‰Â·ÂÚÒˇ ‚ÒÂ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË ÒÚ‡ÎË ÏÂÒÚÓÏ ÔˇÏ˚ı ÏÂʘÂÎӂ˜ÂÒÍËı ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚ Ë ‰ÂÎÓ‚˚ı ‚ÒÚ˜, ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚË‚Ì˚Ï Ë ‚Á‡ËÏÓ‚˚„Ó‰Ì˚Ï ËÌÒÚÛÏÂÌÚÓÏ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓÈ ÍËÌÓË̉ÛÒÚËË, ËÌÚÂ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌÓÈ Ë ‰Ë̇Ï˘ÌÓÈ. ƒ‚‡ „Ó‰‡ ̇Á‡‰ ‚ √‰˚Ì ·˚· ÔÓ‰ÔË҇̇ ‰ÂÍ·‡ˆËˇ, Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ÔÛÌÍÚÓ‚ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ˇ‚ΡÂÚÒˇ Ó·ÏÂÌ ÙËθχÏË-Ôӷ‰ËÚÂΡÏË ÏÂÊ‰Û Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ÏË ÍËÌÓÒÏÓÚ‡ÏË. ¬˚ÔÓÎÌˇˇ ˝ÚÓ Òӄ·¯ÂÌËÂ, ÛÊ ‚ÚÓÓÈ „Ó‰ Ï˚ ÔÓ͇Á˚‚‡ÂÏ Ì‡ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÏ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î Á‡Û·ÂÊÌÓ ÍËÌÓ. ¬ ˝ÚÓÚ ‡Á Ï˚ ‡Á‰‚ËÌÛÎË ‡ÏÍË, Ë ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ´‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ª Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ΡÂÏ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓÏÛ ÁËÚÂβ ͇ÚËÌ˚, ÓÚϘÂÌÌ˚Â Í‡Í Ì‡ ÎÓ͇θÌ˚ı Ë Â„ËÓ̇θÌ˚ı, Ú‡Í Ë Ì‡ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ÍËÌÓÙÓÛχı. œÓ·Â‰ËÚÂθ ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ÔÓθÒÍËı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ‚ √‰˚Ì ´—ۉ·Ì˚È ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθª ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÎ ÔËÁ ‚ ¡ÂÎËÌÂ, ·ÛÂ‡Ú Õ‰ÂÎË ‚ÂÌ„ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ‚ ¡Û‰‡Ô¯Ú ´◊Â̇ˇ ˘ÂÚ͇ª ·˚Î ÓÚϘÂÌ ‚ —‡ÎÓÌË͇ı, ‡ ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ ·ËÚ‡ÌÒ͇ˇ ÍÓωˡ ´‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ª ó ‚ Ã‡-‰Âθ-œÎ‡ÚÂ, Á‡‚Ó‚‡‚¯‡ˇ „·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ ‚ œÛ̠҇˛ÊÌÓÍÓÂÈÒ͇ˇ ÎÂÌÚ‡ ´«ÂÌÓ ‚ Ûıª ÒÓ·‡Î‡ ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ „‡Ì-ÔË ‚ ≈‚ÓÔÂ, ‡ ÔËÁ ´Õ‰ÂÎË ÍËÚËÍ˪ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı ‡Ù„‡ÌÒ͇ˇ ͇ÚË̇ ´«ÂÏΡ Ë ÔÂÔÂΪ ó „‡Ì-ÔË ‚ ¿ÙËÍÂ, ˇÌÒÍËÈ ´ŒÙ҇ȉª ÔÓ͇ ËÏÂÂÚ ´‚ÒÂ„Ó Î˯¸ª „‡Ì-ÔË Ê˛Ë ‚ ¡ÂÎËÌÂ, ‡ ÙËÌÒÍÓ-¯‚‰Ò͇ˇ ´ÃÓˇ ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ χχª („‡Ì-ÔË ‚ ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍÂ) Ë ËÒ·̉ÒÍÓ-‰‡ÚÒ͇ˇ ´“ÂÏ̇ˇ ÎÓ¯‡‰Í‡ª (ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ Ò͇̉Ë̇‚ÒÍËÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï Ãü‘ ‚ √ÂÚ·ӄÂ) ñ ÂÍÓ‰ÒÏÂÌ˚ ÔÓ ÍÓ΢ÂÒÚ‚Û Ì‡„‡‰ ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËÈ. Each year some 900 film festivals take place across the globe. The most "loaded" month is October, the most "quiet" month is May. In terms of the quantity of film screenings in one country the United States are the clear leader with 255 diverse festivals and cinematic events (excluding the annual ShowWest and ShowEast). The US is followed by Germany (73), France (68), Italy (63), Canada (52), Great Britain (46), Spain (23), Belgium (19), Australia (12), Netherlands and Switzerland (11), Serbia and Montenegro (10), Greece, Norway and Sweden (8), Austria, Brazil, Russia, Finland, Czech Republic and Japan (7), Bulgaria and Portugal (6), Hungary, Denmark, Poland, Croatia and South Korea (5), Egypt, India, Ireland, Romania and the Republic of South Africa (4), Argentina, Hong Kong, Israel, Iran, Columbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Uruguay and Estonia (3), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Nepal, New Zealand, Slovenia, Thailand, Ukraine and Philippines (2), Armenia, Bangladesh, the Bermudas, Venezuela, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Tadjikistan (1). I should stress that these data have been taken from the annual festival guides published by the magazines Moving Pictures, Screen International and Variety; this means that there are probably even more festivals in the world, because not every festival provides information for these international annual compilations. Yet the information on national festivals has increased noticeably, and we now know about the existence of Spanish, Chinese and Dutch "Kinotavrs". It is encouraging to note that East and Central European countries, whose films occupy a modest place on the world festival map, apply a maximum of organizational and financial efforts to promote their cinemas also through national film festivals. Film festivals which just screen films are no longer "in"; for this reason, film events which previously limited themselves to a competition of domestic films now also organize international film-markets, pitching, programmes of foreign and regional cinema, various kinds of forums, symposiums, round tables, etc. In other words: they do everything possible to make the festival a place of direct contacts and business meetings, and a productive and mutually advantageous tool for the dynamic development of today's international film industry. Two years ago a declaration was signed in Gdynia, which referred to the exchange of films that had won national film festivals. In line with this agreement, we show already for the second year foreign films at our national Russian festival. This time we have moved the goal posts and show the Russian audience in the programme "Festival Winners" those films that were noted both at regional and national festivals and at international film forums. The winner of Festival of Polish Film in Gdynia, "The Collector" subsequently received a prize in Berlin; the winner of the Week of Hungarian Cinema in Budapest, "Black Brush", has received attention in Thessaloniki; and the best British comedy "Festival" was screened in Mar del Plate; the winner of the main prize at Pusan (SouthKorea), "Grain in Ear" has received several main awards in Europe; and the prize-winner of the Critics' Week in Cannes, the Afghan "Earth and Ashes" went on to win a Grand Prix in Africa; the Iranian "Offside" has so far "only" garnered one Jury Grand Prize from Berlin; and the Finno-Swedish "Mother of Mine" (Grand Prix in Khanty-Mansiisk) and the Icelandic-Danish "Dark Horse" (Best Scandinavian Film at the IFF in Go··teborg) are champions by the number of awards they received from national film academies. —ËÚÓ‡ ¿ÎË‚‡ ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ÍËÌÓÔÓ„‡ÏÏ Sitora Alieva Programme Director 152 ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì‡ˇ „ÂÓ„‡Ùˡ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners 153 ÁÂÏΡ Ë ÔÂÔÂÎ EARTH AND ASHES ÁÂÌÓ ‚ Ûı GRAIN IN EAR ÏÓˇ ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ χχ MOTHER OF MINE ÓÙ҇ȉ OFFSIDE Òۉ·Ì˚È ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂθ THE COLLECTOR ÚÂÏ̇ˇ ÎÓ¯‡‰Í‡ DARK HORSE ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ FESTIVAL ˜Â̇ˇ ˘ÂÚ͇ BLACK BRUSH ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners «≈ÃÀfl » œ≈œ≈À EARTH AND ASHES/ KHAKESTAR-O-KHAK/ TERRE ET CENDRES 154 2004, ¿Ù„‡ÌËÒÚ‡Ì/ ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 105 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:2.35, 2004, Afghanistan / France, 105 min, colour, 1:2.35, Dolby SRD/DTS Dolby SRD/DTS –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÚËÍ –‡ıËÏË Director Atiq Rahimi ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ü‡Ï·ÛÁˇ œ‡ÚÓ‚Ë Scriptwriters Kambuzia Partovi ÔÓ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÏÛ ÓχÌÛ ¿ÚÚË͇ –‡ıËÏË Based on the novel ´Earth and ashesª by Atiq Rahimi ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ›ËÍ √˯‡ Camera Eric Guichard ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ∆‡Ì-À˛Í Π‘Î∏¯ Art Director Jean-Luc Le Floch üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¿ÚËÍ –‡ıËÏË Costumes Atiq Rahimi ÃÛÁ˚͇ ’‡Î‰ ¿Ï‡Ì, ‘‡Ì˜ÂÒÍÓ –ÛÒÒÓ Music Khaled Arman, Francesco Russo «‚ÛÍ ¿Ì‰Â –Â„Ë Sound Andre Rigaut ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ”ÒÛ· ÀËÒˇÍ Editor Ursula Lesiak ¬ ÓΡı: ¿·‰ÛÎ √‡ÌË, fl‚‡Ì Ã‡Ú ’Óχ˛Ì, ¬‡ÎË “‡ÎÓ¯, Cast: Abdul Ghani, Jawan Mard Homayoun, Walli Tallosh, √Ë艇 ÿ‡ı‚‰Ë, ÃËÁ‡ ü‡‰Ë, ü‡‰Â ¿ÂÙË Guilda Chahverdi, Mirza Qadir, Kader Arefi œÓ‰˛Ò ƒËÏËÚË ‰Â üÎÂÍ Producers Dimitri de Clercq œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Les Films du Lendemain, Afghanfilm, Production Les Films du Lendemain, Afghanfilm, France 3 France 3 Cinema, Canal+ Cinema, Canal+ œ‡‚‡ Mercure International World Sales Mercure International ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ¿“»ü –¿’»Ã» ñ ‡Ù„‡ÌÒÍËÈ ÔËÒ‡ÚÂθ, ÔÓÊË‚‡˛˘ËÈ ‚Ó ‘‡ÌˆËË. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ ü‡·ÛΠ‚ 1962 „Ó‰Û. »Á‚ÂÒÚÂÌ ˜ËÚ‡ÚÂβ ÔÓ ËÁ‰‡ÌÌ˚Ï ‚Ó ‘‡ÌˆËË ÓÏ‡Ì‡Ï ´«ÂÏΡ Ë ÔÂÔÂΪ (2000) Ë ´“˚Òˇ˜‡ ‰ÓÏÓ‚ ϘÚ˚ Ë Ûʇ҇ª (2002). —ÌˇÎ ÚË ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ÙËθχ. ´«ÂÏΡ Ë ÔÂÔÂΪ ó ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú ‚ Ë„Ó‚ÓÏ ÍËÌÓ. 155 ATIQ RAHIMI Afghan writer; lives in France. Born in Kabul in 1962. Renown for his novels Earth and Ashes/ Terre et Cendres (2000), A Thousand Houses of Dreams and Horrors/ Les mille maisons du rÍve et de la terreur (2002), published in France. ìEarth and Ashesî is his debut in film. –‡ÎËÒÚ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡ ÔÓ Ó‰ÌÓËÏÂÌÌÓÏÛ ÓχÌÛ ¿ÚË͇ –‡ıËÏË Ó ÚÂı ÔÓÍÓÎÂÌˡı ‡Ù„‡ÌˆÂ‚, ˜ÂÂÁ ÍÓÚÓ˚ Ôӯ· ‚ÓÈ̇. 1981 „Ó‰. œÓ Ô˚θÌÓÈ ‰ÓÓ„Â ·Â‰ÛÚ ‰‚Ó ñ ÒÚ‡ËÍ Ë Ï‡Î¸˜ËÍ. Çθ˜ËÍ Ó„ÎÓı ÓÚ ‚Á˚‚‡ Ë Ì ÔÓÌËχÂÚ, ˜ÚÓ Ò ÌËÏ ÔÓËÁÓ¯ÎÓ. ŒÌ ‰ÛχÂÚ, ˜ÚÓ ÏË Î˯ËÎÒˇ Á‚ÛÍÓ‚ Ë ‚Ò ÓÌÂÏÂÎË. »ı ‰ÂÂ‚Ì˛ ‡Á·ÓÏ·ËÎË, ‚Òˇ ÒÂϸˇ Ôӄ˷·. ŒÌË ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚ ‰Ó·‡Ú¸Òˇ ‰Ó Û„ÓθÌÓÈ ¯‡ıÚ˚, „‰Â ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Â‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚È ÛˆÂ΂¯ËÈ Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌËÍ ñ Ò˚Ì ÒÚ‡Ë͇ Ë ÓÚˆ χθ˜ËÍ‡Ö - œËÁ ´ŒÒÓ·˚È ‚Á„Ρ‰ ̇ ·Û‰Û˘Âª (¿ÚËÍ –‡ıËÏË) ñ Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 2004; - —·ˇÌ˚È ÔËÁ Ãü‘ ‚ √ÂÌÚÂ, ¡Âθ„ˡ, 2004; - œËÁ ‘»œ–≈——» ñ Ãü‘ ´‘ËθÏ˚ Ò fi„‡ª, ŒÒÎÓ, Õӂ„ˡ, 2004; - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ ñ Ãü‘ ‚ «‡ÌÁË·‡Â, “‡ÌÁ‡Ìˡ, 2005; - œËÁ Ê˛Ë Ãü‘ ´“ÂÏÌ˚ ÌӘ˪, “‡ÎÎËÌÌ, ›ÒÚÓÌˡ, 2005. Based on Atiq Rahimiís novel of the same title, Earth and Ashes is a fable of devastating loss and great humanity in face of the atrocities of war set in Afghanistan of 1981. In the desolate Afghan landscape, with a half-demolished bridge across a dry riverbed below, an old man and his grandson sit by the dusty road. The road leads to a coalmine, where the old man is looking for his son, to tell him that their village has been bombed and his entire family killed. - Prix du Regard de líAvenir (Atiq Rahimi) ó Cannes Film Festival (Un Certain Regard), 2004; - Silver Spur (Atiq Rahimi) ó Flanders International Film Festival, Ghent, Belgium, 2004; - FIPRESCI Prize (Atiq Rahimi) ó Oslo Films from the South Festival, 2004; - The Golden Dhow for the Best Film ó Zanzibar International Film Festival, 2005; - Netpac Jury Award ñ Tallinn Black Nights FF, Estonia, 2005. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners «≈–ÕŒ ¬ ”’≈ GRAIN IN EAR/ MANG ZHONG 156 2004, fiÊ̇ˇ üÓ¡/ üËÚ‡È, 109 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, Dolby SRD 2004, South Korea/ Chine, 109 min, colour, 1:1.85, Dolby SRD ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ◊Ê‡Ì ÀÛ Scriptwriter and Director Zhang Lu ŒÔ‡ÚÓ À˛ ®Ì ’ÓÌ Camera Liu Yong Hong ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ◊Ê‡Ì ’ÛË Production Designer Zhang Hui üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ÀË üÒË̸ˇÌ Costume Designer Li Xinyan «‚ÛÍ ¬‡Ì –‡Ì Sound Wang Ran ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê üËÏ —ÛÌ-ÃËÌ Editing Kim Sun-Min ¬ ÓΡı: À˛ À¸ˇÌ ƒÊË, ƒÊËÌ ¡Ó, ◊ÊÛ √Û‡ÌÍÒ˛‡Ì, Cast: Liu Lian Ji, Jin Bo, Zhu Guangxuan, Wang Tong-Hui ¬‡Ì “ÓÌ-’ÛË Producer Doo-young Choi œÓ‰˛Ò ◊ÓÈ ƒÛ-ˇÌ„ Production Doo Entertainment œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Doo Entertainment, Coproduction Shu Film Workshop ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Shu Film Workshop World Sales Doo Entertainment Company œ‡‚‡ Doo Entertainment Company ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ◊∆¿Õ À” »ÁÛ˜‡Î ‚ ÛÌË‚ÂÒËÚÂÚ ÍËÚ‡ÈÒÍÛ˛ ÎËÚ‡ÚÛÛ, ÓÔÛ·ÎËÍÓ‚‡Î ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ÓχÌÓ‚. ¬ ÍËÌÓ ‰Â·˛ÚËÓ‚‡Î ‚ 2001 „Ó‰Û ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌÓÈ ÎÂÌÚÓÈ ´Œ‰ËÌ̇‰ˆ‡Ú¸ª, ‚ 2003-Ï ÒÌˇÎ Ô‚˚È ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È 157 ÙËÎ¸Ï ñ ´œÓ˝Áˡ “‡Ì„‡ª. ´«ÂÌÓ ‚ Ûıª ñ ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ÂÊËÒÒ‡. ZHANG LU Majored in Chinese literature and wrote several novels before starting a career in cinema. He directed a short film in 2001 (ìElevenî) and a feature film in 2003 (ìTang Poetryî). ìGrain in Earî is his second feature film. ƒ‡Ï‡. ÷ÛÈ »È, ÍËÚ‡ˇÌ͇ ÍÓÂÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÓËÒıÓʉÂÌˡ, Ӊ̇ ‚ÓÒÔËÚ˚‚‡ÂÚ Ò˚̇. ŒÌ‡ ÊË‚ÂÚ ‰‡ÎÂÍÓ ÓÚ Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó „ÓÓ‰‡ Ë Á‡‡·‡Ú˚‚‡ÂÚ Ì‡ ÊËÁ̸ ÔÓ‰‡ÊÂÈ ÍËÏ˜Ë (ÍÓÂÈÒÍËÈ ‡ÒÒÓÎ). “‡Í Í‡Í Ó̇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ ·ÂÁ ÎˈÂÌÁËË, ÂÈ ÔËıÓ‰ËÚÒˇ ‚Ò ‚ÂÏˇ ÒÍ˚‚‡Ú¸Òˇ ÓÚ Ì‡ÎÓ„Ó‚Ó„Ó ËÌÒÔÂÍÚÓ‡, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ‰‡‚ÌÓ ÒΉËÚ Á‡ ÌÂÈ. ≈„Ó ÁÓ‚ÛÚ üËÏ, Ë ÓÌ ó ˝ÚÌ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÍÓˆ. ÃÂÊ‰Û ÌËÏË ‚ÒÔ˚ıË‚‡ÂÚ Î˛·Ó‚¸. ÕÓ üËÏ ÊÂÌ‡Ú Ë ‚˚ÌÛʉÂÌ ÒÍ˚‚‡Ú¸ Ò‚Ó˛ β·Ó‚¸Ö - œËÁ ACID ñ Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı (ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ´Õ‰ÂΡ ÍËÚËÍ˪), 2005; - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ Ãü‘ ‚ œÛÒ‡ÌÂ, fiÊ̇ˇ üÓ¡, 2005; - √‡Ì-ÔË ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ´ÕÓ‚Ó ÍËÌÓª - Ãü‘ ‚ œÂÒ‡Ó, »Ú‡Îˡ, 2005; - √‡Ì-ÔË Ãü‘ ‚ ¬ÂÒÛÎÂ, ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 2006; - œËÁ Á‡ Û‚ÂÂÌÌÓ ̇˜‡ÎÓ (Young Adult Prize) ñ Ãü‘ ´◊ÂÌÓ ÍËÌÓª, ÿ‚ÂȈ‡Ëˇ, 2006; - √‡Ì-ÔË ÓÒÌÓ‚ÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡, ÔËÁ ÁËÚÂÎÂÈ ñ ‘ÓÛÏ ‡ÁˇÚÒÍËı ÙËθÏÓ‚, ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 2006; - √‡Ì-ÔË ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ÌÓ‚Ó„Ó ÍËÌÓ, ¡Âθ„ˡ, 2006. Drama. Cui Ji is a Chinese woman of Korean ancestry. A single mother bringing up her young son. She lives away from her hometown, and makes a living by selling Kimchi, a Korean Style pickle. An unlicensed vendor, she is constantly on the run, pursued by the local commercial prosecutor. Kim is also an ethnic Korean. He and Cui fall in love, but Kim is a married man; their love can only be an underground affair... - ACID Award ó Cannes Film Festival (Criticís Week), 2005; - New Currents Award, Pusan IFF, South Korea, 2005; - Grand Prix of New Cinema Section, Pesaro IFF, 2005; - Grand Prix, France, Vesoul FF, 2006; - Young Adult Prize, Swiss Black Movie FF, 2006; - Grand Prix of the Competition, Audience Award, Tours Asian FF, France, 2006; - Grand Prix, Cinema NOVO FF, Belgium, 2006. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ÃŒfl À”◊ÿ¿fl ÿÿ ·· ·· MOTHER OF MINE/ AIDEISTA PARHAIN 158 2005, ‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰Ëˇ/ ÿ‚ÂˆËˇ, 111 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚+˜/·, 1:2.35, 2005, Finland/ Sweden, 111 min, colour/ black and white, Dolby SRD 1:2.35, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ü·ÛÒ ’‡Ó Director Klaus Ha··ro·· ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÊËÏÏË ü‡ÎÒÓÌ, üËÒË ¬ËÍÏ‡Ì Scriptwriters Jimmy Karlsson, Kirsi Vikman œÓ ÓχÌÛ ’ÂÈÍÍË ’ÂÈÚ‡ÏËÂÒ‡ Novel by Heikki Hietamies ŒÔ‡ÚÓ flÍÓ “.À‡ËÌ Camera Jarkko T.Laine ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ —Ë‡Ì ¡ÓÌ·ۯ üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¿Ì̇ —‚‡‰Ẩ‡Î¸ Production Designer Cian Bornebusch Costume Designer Anna Sva··rdendahl ÃÛÁ˚͇ “ÛÓÏ‡Ò ü‡ÌÚÂÎËÌÂÌ Music Tuomas Kantelinen ƒËÁ‡ÈÌ Á‚Û͇ üË͇ —‡ÈÌËÓ Sound Designer Kirka Sainio ¬ ÓΡı: “ÓÔË Ã‡ÈˇÌÂÏË, Ǹˇ‡Ì‡ Ã‡ËˇÎ‡, Ã‡Ëˇ Cast: Topi Majaniemi, Maria Lundqvist, Marjaana Maijala, ÀÛ̉͂ËÒÚ, ÃË͇˝Î Õ˛Í‚ËÒÚ, ›ÒÍÓ —‡ÎÏËÌÂÌ, ¿ÈÌÓ-Ã‡Èˇ Michael Nyqvist, Esko Salminen, Aino-Maija Tikkanen, Kari- “ËÍ͇ÌÂÌ, ü‡Ë-œÂÍ͇ “ÓÈ‚ÓÌÂÌ Pekka Toivonen œÓ‰˛Ò »ÎÍ͇ ÇÚË· Producer Ilkka Matila œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó MRP Matila Ro··hr Productions Oy, Omega Film Production MRP Matila Ro··hr Productions Oy, Omega Film & & Television AB, Film i SkÂne Television AB, Film i SkÂne œ‡‚‡ Nordisk Film International Sales Sales Nordisk Film International Sales ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners üÀ¿”— ’¿–Œ –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 31 χڇ 1971 „Ó‰‡ ‚ œÓ‚ÓÓ, ‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰Ëˇ. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÒÂÏË̇ ÍËÌÓ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„Ó‚ üÓÎΉʇ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚ ‚ ’ÂθÒËÌÍË. œÓÒΠ‰‚Ûı ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚ı ÎÂÌÚ Á‡ˇ‚ËÎ Ó Ò· ÙËθÏÓÏ ´›ÎË̇ª (2002) ñ ͇ÚË̇ Û‰ÓÒÚÓË·Ҹ ·ÓΠ30 ̇ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı Ë ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ̇„‡‰, ·˚· ÌÓÏËÌËÓ‚‡Ì‡ ̇ ´ŒÒ͇ª ÓÚ 159 ‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰ËË. ´ÃÓˇ ÎÛ˜¯‡ˇ χχª ó ‚ÚÓÓÈ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ÂÊËÒÒ‡. ·· ·· KLAUS HARO Born 31 March 1971 in Porvoo, Finland. Graduated from the Scriptwriting Department of Helsinki Art College. After two shorts he came to fame with the feature ìElina ñ Som om jag inte fannsî/ ìAs If I Didnít Existî (2002), which received over 30 national and international awards and was entered by Finland for the OSCAR Best Foreign Language Film. ìMother of Mineî is the directorís second full-length feature. ƒ‡Ï‡. 1943 „Ó‰ ó ¬ÚÓ‡ˇ ÏËÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÓÈ̇. ‘ËÌÒ͇ˇ ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇ üËÒÚË, ÔÓÚ¡‚¯‡ˇ ̇ ‚ÓÈÌ ÏÛʇ, ‚˚ÌÛʉÂ̇ ÓÚÔ‡‚ËÚ¸ 9-ÎÂÚÌÂ„Ó Ò˚̇ ›˝Ó ‚ ÿ‚ÂˆË˛, „‰Â ÂÏÛ ·Û‰ÂÚ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓ. Õ Á̇ˇ ˇÁ˚͇, χθ˜ËÍ Ô˚Ú‡ÂÚÒˇ ̇·‰ËÚ¸ ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ Ò ÌÓ‚ÓÈ Ï‡ÏÓÈ. —Ë„Ì …ÓÌÒÒÓÌ Ò̇˜‡Î‡ ÔËÌËχÂÚ Â„Ó Ò ·Óθ¯ÓÈ ÌÂÓıÓÚÓÈ, ÌÓ ÒÓ ‚ÂÏÂÌÂÏ ÔË‚ˇÁ˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ Í ÌÂÏÛ Ë ÛÊ ÔÓ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÏÛ Î˛·ËÚ Â„Ó. ¬ÓÈ̇ Á‡Í‡Ì˜Ë‚‡ÂÚÒˇ, Ë üËÒÚË ıÓ˜ÂÚ ‚ÂÌÛÚ¸ Ò˚̇ ‰ÓÏÓÈ. Õ Á̇ˇ, ͇ÍÛ˛ ËÁ ‰‚Ûı Ï‡Ï ‚˚·‡Ú¸, ›˝Ó ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ÔËÌˇÚ¸ ¯ÂÌËÂ, ÍÓÚÓÓ ·Û‰ÂÚ ÔÂÒΉӂ‡Ú¸ Â„Ó ‚Ò˛ ÊËÁ̸. - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ·‡ÎÚËÈÒÍËÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ñ ƒÌË Ò͇̉Ë̇‚ÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ‚ À˛·ÂÍÂ, √ÂχÌˡ, 2005; - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ÔˇÏˉ‡ª, ÔËÁ˚ Á‡ ÂÊËÒÒÛÛ Ë ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÊÂÌÒÍÛ˛ Óθ (Ã‡Ëˇ ÀÛ̉͂ËÒÚ) ñ Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡ËÂ, 2005; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÊÂÌÒÍÛ˛ Óθ (Ã‡Ëˇ ÀÛ̉͂ËÒÚ) ñ Ãü‘ ´“ÂÏÌ˚ ÌӘ˪, “‡ÎÎËÌÌ, ›ÒÚÓÌˡ, 2005; - ÀÛ˜¯‡ˇ ËÌÓÒÚ‡Ì̇ˇ ͇ÚË̇ ó œÂÏˡ ¿Í‡‰ÂÏËË ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓÈ ÔÂÒÒ˚ Satellite Awards, 2005; - «ËÚÂθÒÍËÈ ÔËÁ ñ Ãü‘, œ‡ÎÏ —ÔËÌ„Ò, ‘ÎÓˉ‡, 2006; - Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ÍËÌÓÔÂÏˡ ÿ‚ˆËË ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ ÊÛͪ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÊÂÌÒÍÛ˛ Óθ (Ã‡Ëˇ ÀÛ̉͂ËÒÚ), 2006; - Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ ÍËÌÓÔÂÏËË ‘ËÌÎˇÌ‰ËË ´fiÒÒ˪: Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÊÂÌÒÍÛ˛ Óθ (Ã‡Ëˇ ÀÛ̉͂ËÒÚ), ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ ÓÔ‡ÚÓ‡ Ë ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ ıÛ‰ÓÊÌË͇, 2006; - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ‰Â·˛ÚÓ‚ ´ƒÛı Ó„Ìˇª, ’‡ÌÚ˚-ÇÌÒËÈÒÍ, –ÓÒÒˡ, 2006; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ Ãü‘ ‚ ¡Ûı‡ÂÒÚÂ, –ÛÏ˚Ìˡ, 2006. Drama set in 1943 during World War II. The Finnish woman Kirsti has lost her husband in the war and is forced to send her nine-year-old son Eero to the safer Sweden. Not knowing the language, the boy tries to make friends with his new mum. Signe Jo··nsson initially takes him in reluctantly but, as time passes, she becomes attached to him and eventually loves him as if he were her own. When the war ends Kirsti wants to have her son back. Eero has to choose between his two mothers, and his decision will determine the rest of his life. - Baltic Film Prize for a Nordic Feature Film ó Lu··beck Nordic Film Days, Germany, 2005; - Golden Pyramid prize for Best Film, Best Director and Best Actress (Maria Lundqvist) prizes ó Cairo IFF, 2005; - Best Actress prize (Maria Lundqvist) ó Tallinn Black Nights FF, Estonia, 2005; - Outstanding Foreign Motion Picture ó Satellite Awards, 2005; - Audience Award ó Palm Springs IFF, 2006; - Best Leading Actress (Maria Lundqvist) ñ Guldbagge Awards, Sweden; - Best Leading Actress (Maria Lundqvist), Best Cinematography, Best Set Design ñ Jussi Awards, Finland; - Main Prize of the Debut Festival ìSpirit of Fireî, Khanty Mansiisk, Russia, 2006; - Best Screenplay prize ñ Bucharest IFF, Romania. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners Œ‘—¿…ƒ OFFSIDE 160 2006, »‡Ì, 88 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.85, DTS Stereo 2006, Iran, 88 min, colour, 1:1.85, DTS Stereo –ÂÊËÒÒ ƒÊ‡Ù‡ œ‡Ì‡ıË Director Jafar Panahi ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒÊ‡Ù‡ œ‡Ì‡ıË, ÿ‡‰ÏÂı –‡ÒÚËÌ Scriptwriters Jafar Panahi, Shadmehr Rastin ŒÔ‡ÚÓ Ã‡ıÏÛ‰ ü‡Î‡Ë Camera Mahmood Kalari ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ »‡‰Ê –‡ÏËÌÙ‡ Designer Iraj Raminfar üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ üÓÓ¯ ¡ÓÁÓ„ÔÛ Music Korosh Bozorgpour «‚ÛÍ –ÂÁ‡ ƒÂÎÔ‡Í Sound Reza Delpak ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ƒÊ‡Ù‡ œ‡Ì‡ıË Editor Jafar Panahi ¬ ÓΡı: —Ëχ ÃÓ·‡‡Í ÿ‡ıË, —‡Ù‡ —‡Ï‡Ì‰‡, ÿ‡ÂÒÚÂı Cast: Sima Mobarak Shahi, Safar Samandar, Shayesteh Irani, »‡ÌË, Ã. ’Âȇ·‡‰Ë, »‰‡ —‡‰Â„Ë, √ÓÎ̇Á ‘‡Ï‡ÌË, M. Kheyrabadi, Ida Sadeghi, Golnaz Farmani, Mahnaz Zabihi Çı̇Á —‡·ËıË Producer Jafar Panahi œÓ‰˛Ò ƒÊ‡Ù‡ œ‡Ì‡ıË Production Jafar Panahi Film Productions œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Jafar Panahi Film Productions World Sales Celluloid Dreams œ‡‚‡ Celluloid Dreams ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ƒ∆¿‘¿– œ¿Õ¿’» »Á‚ÂÒÚÌ˚È Ë‡ÌÒÍËÈ ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÂ Ë ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ, ÔËÁ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ ‚ ¬Â̈ËË, ¡ÂÎËÌÂ, ü‡Ì̇ıÖ –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 11 ˲Ρ 1960 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ÃˇÌÂı (»‡Ì). ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓ ÓÚ‰ÂÎÂÌË ÍÓÎΉʇ »Ë· ‚ “„‡ÌÂ. —ÌËχΠÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚ ÙËθÏ˚, ‡·ÓڇΠ‡ÒÒËÒÚÂÌÚÓÏ Û Ú‡ÍËı ÔÓÒ·‚ÎÂÌÌ˚ı 161 ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚, Í‡Í ¿··‡Ò üËÓ‡ÒÚ‡ÏË. ¬ 1995 „Ó‰Û ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ËÎ Ô‚˚È ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ´¡ÂÎ˚È ¯‡ª, ÒÚ‡‚¯ËÈ ÒÓ·˚ÚËÂÏ Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡ÌÌÂí95 (͇ÚË̇ ÔÓÎۘ˷ ÚË Ì‡„‡‰˚, ‚Íβ˜‡ˇ ´«ÓÎÓÚÛ˛ ͇ÏÂÛª) Ë ÓÚÍ˚‚¯ËÈ ÏËÛ ÍËÌÓÂÊËÒÒ‡, Ò ËÏÂÌÂÏ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÚÂÔ¸ Ò‚ˇÁ˚‚‡˛Ú ÔÓ˚‚ ˇÌÒÍËı ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚ ̇ ÍÛÔÌÂȯË ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË Ïˇ Ë ‚ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚È ÔÓ͇Ú. ¬ 1997 „Ó‰Û ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚Ó ÍÛθÚÛ˚ ‘‡ÌˆËË Û‰ÓÒÚÓËÎÓ ƒÊ‡Ù‡‡ œ‡Ì‡ıË Á‚‡Ìˡ ü‡‚‡Î‡ ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1995 ....¡ÂÎ˚È ¯‡ 1997 ....«Â͇ÎÓ 2000 ....üÛ„ 2003 ....¡‡„Ó‚Ó ÁÓÎÓÚÓ 2006 ŒÙ҇ȉ JAFAR PANAHI Renown Iranian director and producer, —ϯ̇ˇ Ë Ô˜‡Î¸Ì‡ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ Ó ‰Â‚Ә͇ı, Ϙڇ˛˘Ëı ÔÓÔ‡ÒÚ¸ ̇ χژ awards winner of Venice, Berlin, CannesÖ ÏÂÊ‰Û ÙÛÚ·ÓθÌ˚ÏË ÍÓχ̉‡ÏË »‡Ì‡ Ë ¡‡ıÂÈ̇, Ó˜Â̸ ‚‡ÊÌÓ„Ó ‰Îˇ ‚ÒÂı Born on 11 July 1960 in Mianeh (Iran). ˇ̈‚. ÕÓ, Í‡Í ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌÓ, ÏÛÒÛθχÌÒÍËÏ ÊÂÌ˘ËÌ‡Ï Á‡Ô¢ÂÌÓ ·˚‚‡Ú¸ ‚ Graduated from the Film Department of the Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÏÂÒÚ‡ı. ƒÂ‚˜ÓÌÍË ÔÂÂӉ‚‡˛ÚÒˇ ‚ ÔÓ‰ÓÒÚÍÓ‚Û˛ Ó‰ÂʉÛ, Irib College in Tehran. First made shorts, ‚Òˇ˜ÂÒÍË Ï‡ÒÍËÛ˛Ú Ò‚Ó˛ ‚̯ÌÓÒÚ¸. ÕÓ ˝ÚÓ Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ·ÂÒÔÓÎÂÁÌÓ ó Ëı then worked as assistant with famous ‚˚·‚ÎË‚‡˛Ú Ë Óı‡Ìˇ˛Ú ÒÓΉ‡Ú˚, ÍÓÚÓ˚ ÚÓÊ ̇·Î˛‰‡˛Ú Á‡ Ë„ÓÈ Ë directors such as Abbas Kiarostami. In 1995 Ì‚ÓθÌÓ ÍÓÏÏÂÌÚËÛ˛Ú ÔÓËÒıÓ‰ˇ˘Â ̇ ÙÛÚ·ÓθÌÓÏ ÔÓÎÂ, ‡ ‰Â‚Ó˜ÍË he completed his first full-length feature, ÔËÒÎۯ˂‡˛ÚÒˇ Í ÌËÏ. »ÒÚÓˡ ͇ʉÓÈ ËÁ ÌËı ‡Á‚Ó‡˜Ë‚‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ÓÍÛ„ ìThe White Balloonî, which became a major ˝ÚÓ„Ó Á̇ÏÂÌËÚÓ„Ó Ï‡Ú˜‡. event at the Cannes IFF (it received three - ´—·ˇÌ˚È Ï‰‚‰¸ª ó „‡Ì-ÔË Ê˛Ë Ãü‘ ‚ ¡ÂÎËÌÂ, 2006. awards, including the Golden Camera, in 1995) and allowed the film world to discover A funny and sad story about several girls, who dream of getting to the football a director who subsequently marked the match Iran vs Bahrein, a match of tremendous importance for all Iranians. breakthrough of Iranian cinema into the But, of course, Muslim women are not allowed in public places. The girls put festival circuit and into international on teenage outfits and mask their faces, but all this is in vain and they are distribution. In 1997 the French Ministry of caught and guarded by soldiers. These soldiers also watch the match and willy- Culture awarded Jafar Panahi the order of nilly comment on the events on the pitch ñ and the girls listen. Each of their ìCavalier des Artsî. stories revolves around this important football match. - Jury Grand Prix ñ Silver Bear ñ Berlin IFF, 2006. Filmography: 1995 ....The White Balloon/ Badkonake sefid 1997 ....The Mirror/ Ayneh 2000 ....The Circle/ Dayereh 2003 ....Crimson Gold/ Talaye sorkh 2006 ....Offside ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners —”ƒ≈¡Õ¤… »—œŒÀÕ»“≈À‹ THE COLLECTOR/ KOMORNIK 162 2005, œÓθ¯‡, 93 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚. 2005, Poland, 93 min, colour –ÂÊËÒÒ ‘ÂÎËÍÒ ‘‡Î¸Í Director Feliks Falk ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ √Ê„ÓÊ Àӯ‚ÒÍËÈ Scriptwriter Grzegorz Loszewski ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¡‡ÚÂÍ œÓÍÓÔӂ˘ Camera Bartek Prokopowicz ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ¿Ì̇ ¬Û̉ÂÎËı Art director Anna Wunderlich üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ¡‡ÚÎÓÏÂÈ √ÎËÌˇÍ Music Bart omiej Gliniak «‚ÛÍ Ã‡Ëˇ ’Ë·ÂÒ͇-¡‡ÊËÌÒ͇ Sound Maria Chilarecka-Barczynska ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ü¯Ë¯ÚÓÙ ÿÔÂÚχ̸ÒÍË Editing Krzysztof Szpetmanski ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Ì‰ÊÂÈ ’˚‡, üËÌ„‡ œ˝ÈÒ, Ç΄Óʇڇ Cast: Andrzej Chyra, Kinga Preis, Malgorzata Koz· uchowska, üÓÊÛıÓ‚Ò͇, ǸˇÌ ŒÔ‡Ìˇ, flÌ ‘˚˜, —·‚ÓÏË Marian Opania, Jan Frycz, Slawomir Orzechowski, Marian ŒÊÂıÓ‚ÒÍË, ǸˇÌ ƒÂ‰ÁÂθ Dziedziel œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ flÌÛ¯ ÃÓ„Â̯ÚÂÌ, ≈ÊË ¡Ûı‚‡Î¸‰, ƒÓÓÚ‡ Producers Janusz Morgenstern, Jerzy Buchwald, Dorota ŒÒÚÓ‚Ò͇-ŒÎË̸Ò͇, ¿Ì‰ÊÂÈ —‰˛ÍÓ‚, Ostrowska-Orlinska, Andrzej Serdiukow, Pawel Mossakowski œ‡‚ÂÎ ÃÓÒÒ‡ÍÓ‚ÒÍË Production Perspektywa Film Studio, TVP SA œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Perspektywa Film Studio, TVP SA, Co-production Canal+ Polska, WFDiF, APF ÔË Û˜‡ÒÚËË Canal+ Polska, WFDiF, APF World Sales TVP SA œ‡‚‡ TVP SA ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ‘≈À»ü— ‘¿À‹ü ÂÊËÒÒ Ú‡ڇ Ë ÍËÌÓ, ‰‡Ï‡ÚÛ„, ıÛ‰ÓÊÌËÍ. œËÁ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı Ë Ì‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎÂÈ. –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ 1941 „Ó‰Û ‚ —Ú‡ÌËÒ·‚Ó‚Ó, œÓθ¯‡. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ÊË‚ÓÔËÒË Ë „‡ÙËÍË ¿Í‡‰ÂÏËË ’Û‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ ‚ ¬‡¯‡‚ (1966), ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ Ù‡ÍÛθÚÂÚ ¬˚Ò¯ÂÈ √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ üËÌÓ¯ÍÓÎ˚ ‚ ÀÓ‰ÁË (1974). ¡˚Î ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚Ï Â‰‡ÍÚÓÓÏ 163 ÂÊÂÏÂÒˇ˜ÌË͇ ´œÓθÒÍËÈ ÊÛ̇Ϊ. ¿‚ÚÓ ÏÌÓ„Ó˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı Ú‡ڇθÌ˚ı Ë ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌ˚ı Ô¸ÂÒ, ‡‰ËÓÔ‰‡˜. Õ‡Û˜Ì˚È ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌËÍ ¬˚Ò¯ÂÈ √ÓÒÛ‰‡ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓÈ üËÌÓ¯ÍÓÎ˚ ‚ ÀÓ‰ÁË, ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÒˆÂ̇ÌÓÈ ÒÚÛ‰ËË. —ӂ·- 48 ˜‡ÒÓ‚ ËÁ ÊËÁÌË Òۉ·ÌÓ„Ó ËÒÔÓÎÌËÚÂΡ À˛ˆÂ͇ ¡ÓÏÂ. ŒÌ ÒÚ‡‡ÂÚÒˇ ‰Â·ڸ Ò‚Ó˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ Í‡Í ÏÓÊÌÓ ÎÛ˜¯Â, ‰ÂΈ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰ËË ´Fokus Filmª. ◊ÎÂÌ ≈‚Ó- ·ÂÒÔÓ˘‡‰ÂÌ ‚ Ò‚ÓÂÏ ÒÚÂÏÎÂÌËË Í ˆÂÎË, ‚Ò„‰‡ ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚ÛÂÚ ÔÂÈÒÍÓÈ ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË. ÓÚÍ˚ÚÓ, Ì ÒÍ˚‚‡ˇ Ò‚ÓËı ̇ÏÂÂÌËÈ Ë ÏÂÚÓ‰Ó‚, ÛÊ »Á·‡Ì̇ˇ ÙËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1977 ....–‡ÒÔÓˇ‰ËÚÂθ ·‡Î‡ 1979 ....ÿ‡ÌÒ 1981 ....¡˚Î ‰Ê‡Á 1984 ....»‰ÓÎ 1986 ....√ÂÓÈ „Ó‰‡ 1989 ....ü‡ÔËÚ‡Î, ËÎË Í‡Í Ò‰Â·ڸ ‰Â̸„Ë ‚ œÓθ¯Â 1991 ....üÓ̈ Ë„˚ 1993 ....—‡ÏÓ‚ÓÎ͇ 1994 ....ÀÂÚÓ Î˛·‚Ë 1995 ....ƒ‡ÎÂÍÓ ÓÚ Ò·ˇ 2000 ....Àˈ‡ Ë Ï‡ÒÍË 2005 ....»ÒÚÓˡ Ó‰ÌÓÈ ‰ÓÒÍË ‰‡‚ÌÓ Á‡·˚‚, ˜ÚÓ Á‡ÍÓÌ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ ÒÎÛÊËÚ¸ β‰ˇÏ, ‡ Ì ̇ӷÓÓÚ. “‡ÍËÏ À˛ˆËÍ ¡ÓÏ ÓÒÚ‡ÂÚÒˇ ‰Ó ÚÓ„Ó ‰Ìˇ, ÍÓ„‰‡ Ó‰ËÌ ËÁ ‰ÓÎÊÌËÍÓ‚, Í ÍÓÚÓÓÏÛ ÓÌ ÓÚÌÂÒÒˇ ·ÂÁ ‚ÒˇÍÓÈ Ê‡ÎÓÒÚË, ÔÓ‚ÂÒËÎÒˇ ̇ ÎÂÒÚÌ˘ÌÓÈ ÍÎÂÚÍÂ Â„Ó ‰Óχ. œÂÂÊË‚ ¯ÓÍ Ë Ôˉˇ ‚ Ò·ˇ, ¡ÓÏ ‚‰Û„ ÔÓ˜Û‚ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î ÌÂÔÂÓ‰ÓÎËÏÓ Ê·ÌË ·˚Ú¸ ‰Ó·˚Ï Ë ÒÎÛÊËÚ¸ β‰ˇÏÖ - œËÁ ÃÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓ„Ó ÍÓÌÍÛÒ‡ ÒˆÂ̇Ë‚ ó HartleyMerrill Screenwriting Prize, 2003; - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ ñ ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ Î‚ª, ÔËÁ˚ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ, FELIKS FALK ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÓÔ‡ÚÓÒÍÛ˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ, ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÏÛÊÒÍÛ˛ Óθ ñ Film and theatre director, screenwriter, ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ÔÓθÒÍËı ÙËθÏÓ‚ ‚ √‰˚ÌÂ, 2005; playwright. Award winner at national and international festivals. Born in 1941 in - œËÁ ›ÍÛÏÂÌ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ê˛Ë ñ Ãü‘ ‚ ¡ÂÎËÌÂ, 2006. Stanis awowo, Poland. Graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts (faculty of graphics and painting, 1966) and Lodz National Film School (directing). Graphic The film covers 48 hours in the life of the officer of the court, Lucek Bohme. He tries to do his job well, and confiscates designer, author of theatre, television and ruthlessly the property of individuals and institutions to pay radio plays, lecturer of the Lodz Film School. off their debts. He acts openly and hides neither his methods Co-owner of a production studio ìFocus Filmî. Member of European Film Academy. nor his intentions, but he has long forgotten that the law should serve the people and not vice versa. One day Lucek Selected filmography: 1977 ....Top Dog / Wodzirej 1979 ....Chance/ Szansa 1981 ....There Was Jazz / Byl jazz 1984 ....The Idol / Idol 1986 ....Hero of the Year / Bohater roku 1989 ....Capital, or How to Make Money in Poland / Kapital, czyli jak zrobic pieniadze w Polsce 1991 ....End of the Game / Koniec gry 1993 ....Illicit Act / Samowolka 1994 ....Summer of Love / Lato milosci 1995 ....Far from Home / Daleko od siebie 2000 ....Faces and Masques / Twarze i maski (TV series) 2005 ....A Story of One Board/ Historia jednej tablicy Bohme discovers that a debtor, whom he had not pitied, has hanged himself in the stairwell of his house. Suddenly Bohme feels an urgent desire to be kind and serve the peopleÖ. - Prize of the International Script Competition, HartleyMerrill Screenwriting Prize, 2003; - Main Prize (Golden Lionî), prizes for Best Script, Best Photography, Best Actor: Festival of Polish Films in Gdynia, 2005; - Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Berlin IFF, 2006. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners “≈ÃÕ¿fl ÀŒÿ¿ƒü¿ Dark Horse/ Voksne Mennesker 164 2005, »ÒÎ‡Ì‰Ëˇ/ ƒ‡Ìˡ, 106 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 1:1.85, Dolby SRD 2005, Iceland-Denmark, 106 min, black and white, 1:1.85, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ ƒ‡„Û ü‡Ë ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ƒ‡„Û ü‡Ë, –ÛÌ ÿ∏ÚÚ Director Dagur Kari ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿Î¸·ÂÚÓ üÎ‡Ó Screenplay Dagur Kari, Rune Schjott ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ƒ‡ÌËÂÎÒÂÌ Camera Alberto Claro üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ Slowblow Production Designer Nikolaj Danielsen «‚ÛÍ ÃËÍÍÂÎ √ÓÓÒ, œÂÚÛ ›È̇ÒÒÓÌ Composer Slowblow Sound Mikkel Groos, Petur Einarsson ¬ ÓΡı: flÍÓ· —‰„ÂÌ, ÕËÍÓÎ‡Ò ¡Ó, “ËÎË —ÍÓÚÚ œÂ‰ÂÒÂÌ, ÃÓÚÂÌ —ÛÛ·‡ÎÎÂ, ¡Ó‰ËÎ …Ó„ÂÌÒÂÌ, Cast: Jakob Cedergren, Nicolas Bro, Tilly Scott Pedersen, ÕËÍÓÎ‡È üÓÔÂÌËÍÛÒ Morten Suurballe, Bodil Jorgensen, Nicolaj Kopernikus œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¡Ë„ËÚÚ —ÍÓ‚, ÃÓÚÂÌ ü‡ÛÙÏ‡Ì Producers Birgitte Skov, Morten Kaufmann œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Production ‘Ë̇ÌÒËÓ‚‡ÌË Nimbus Film, Danish Film Institute, DR Finance Nimbus Film, Danish Film Institute, DR TV, Zik Zak TV, Zik Zak Film, Icelandic Film Fund, Nordic Film & TV Film, Icelandic Film Fund, Nordic Film & TV œ‡‚‡ Trust Film Sales ApS World sales Trust Film Sales ApS œÓÍ‡Ú ‚ –ÓÒÒËË »ÌÚÂÒËÌÂχ ¿Ú Russian distributor Intercinema Art ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ƒ‡„Û ü‡Ë œÂÚÛÒÒÓÌ –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ 12 ‰Â͇·ˇ 1973 „Ó‰‡ ‚ œ‡ËÊÂ, ‚˚ÓÒ ‚ »Ò·̉ËË. ŒÍÓ̘ËÎ Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θÌÛ˛ üËÌÓ¯ÍÓÎÛ ‚ ƒ‡ÌËË (1999). —ÌˇÎ ÚË ÍÓÓÚÍÓÏÂÚ‡ÊÍË, Á‡ ‰‚ ËÁ ÌËı ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÎ 16 ÔËÁÓ‚ Ãü‘. œÂ‚‡ˇ ÔÓÎÌÓÏÂÚ‡Ê̇ˇ ͇ÚË̇ ñ ´ÕÓÈ ñ ·Â·ˇ ‚ÓÓ̇ª (‰ÓÒÚ‡ÚÓ˜ÌÓ ËÁ‚ÂÒÚ̇ˇ Ë ‚ –ÓÒÒËË) ó Òڇ· ·ÎÓÍ·‡ÒÚÂÓÏ Ë ÔÓÎۘ˷ ÔËÁ˚ ‚ 11 165 Òڇ̇ı. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´“ÂÏ̇ˇ ÎÓ¯‡‰Í‡ª Û˜‡ÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Î ‚ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ´ŒÒÓ·˚È ‚Á„Ρ‰ª ü‡ÌÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ. üÓÏ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡. —ËÏÔ‡Ú˘Ì˚È Ë ·ÂÒÔ˜Ì˚È „‡ÙÙËÚË ƒ‡Ì˽θ ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚ üÓÔÂÌ„‡„ÂÌÂ Ë Á‡‡·‡Ú˚‚‡ÂÚ ÚÂÏ, ˜ÚÓ ÔÓ Dagur Kari Pe tursson Born 1973, Paris, France. Brought up in Iceland. Graduate of the National Film School Á‡Í‡Á‡Ï ‚β·ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ‡ÒÔËÒ˚‚‡ÂÚ ÒÚÂÌ˚ ‰ÓÏÓ‚ Ó·˙ˇÒÌÂÌˡÏË ‚ β·‚Ë. ŒÌ ‚˜ÌÓ ÍÓÏÛ-ÚÓ ‰ÓÎÊÂÌ Ë of Denmark, 1999. Made three short films, ÔÓÒÚÓˇÌÌÓ ÓÚ ÍÓ„Ó-ÚÓ ÒÍ˚‚‡ÂÚÒˇ, Â„Ó ‡Á˚ÒÍË‚‡ÂÚ ÔÓÎËˆËˇ two of them award-winners: ´Old Spiceª Ë Â„Ó ÒÓ‚ÒÂÏ Ì ‚ÓÎÌÛÂÚ, ˜ÚÓ ·Û‰ÂÚ Ò ÌËÏ Á‡‚Ú‡. » Ú‡Í ‰Ó (1998), winner of Nordic Panoramaís Canal+ ÚÂı ÔÓ, ÔÓ͇ ÓÌ Ì ‚ÒÚ˜‡ÂÚ ‘‡ÌÒ ó Ó˜‡Ó‚‡ÚÂθÌÛ˛ Award, and ´Lost Weekendª (1999), recipient ‰Â‚Û¯ÍÛ Ë Ú‡ÍÛ˛ Ê ·ÂÒÔ˜ÌÛ˛, Í‡Í ÓÌÖ of 14 international awards. Kariís feature film debut, the Icelandic coproduction ´Noi Albinoiª/ ´Noi the Albinoª (2003), a box office success, was awarded in 11 countries. ´Voksne Menneskerª/ªDark Horseª (2005) was selected for Un Certain Regard, Cannes. - ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ »ËÒª ó ¡˛ÒÒÂθÒÍËÈ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ≈‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ, 2005; - Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θ̇ˇ ÍËÌÓÔÂÏˡ »Ò·̉ËË ´›‰‰‡ª Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËθÏ, ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ, ÎÛ˜¯Ë Á‚ÛÍ Ë ÏÛÁ˚ÍÛ, ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÂÊËÒÒÛÛ 2005 „Ó‰‡; - œËÁ˚ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËθÏ, ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÏÛÁ˚ÍÛ, ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ, ÎÛ˜¯ÂÏÛ ‡ÍÚÂÛ ‚ÚÓÓ„Ó Ô·̇ (ÕËÍÓÎ‡Ò ¡Ó), ÎÛ˜¯ÂÈ ‡ÍÚËÒ ‚ÚÓÓ„Ó Ô·̇ (¡Ó‰Ëθ »Ó„ÂÌÒÂÌ) ó –Ó·ÂÚ ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸, üÓÔÂÌ„‡„ÂÌ, ƒ‡Ìˡ, 2005; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï ñ Ãü‘ ‚ À˛·ÎˇÌÂ, 2005; - œËÁ ÎÛ˜¯ÂÏÛ Ò͇̉Ë̇‚ÒÍÓÏÛ ÙËθÏÛ ó Ãü‘ ‚ √ÂÚ·ӄÂ, 2006. A comedy-drama about the charmingly irresponsible graffiti artist, Daniel, who lives in Copenhagen and earns his living painting declarations of love, on demand, on the walls of the city. He is constantly on the run from parking tickets, overdue bills and the police. Yet he still manages to lead a carefree life. Until he meets and falls in love with the equally irresponsible and charming, Franc. - Golden Iris ó Brussels European Film Festival, 2005; - Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Sound and Music, Best Director of the Year ó Edda Awards, Iceland, 2005; - Best Film, Best Music, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor (Nicolas Bro), Best Supporting Actress (Bodil Jorgensen) ñ Robert Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005; - Kingfisher Award ó Ljubljana International Film Festival, 2005; - The Go··teborg Film Festival Nordic Film Award, 2006. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ‘≈—“»¬¿À‹ FESTIVAL 166 2005, ¬ÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡Ìˡ, 107 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., Dolby SRD 2005, UK, 107 min, colour, Dolby SRD ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ›ÌÌË √ËÙÙËÌ Scriptwriter and Director Annie Griffin ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ƒ˝ÌËÂÎ üÓ˝Ì Camera Daniel Cohen ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ “ÓÏ —˝È Production Designer Tom Sayer üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ƒÊËÎÎ ’ÓÌ Costume Designer Gill Horn üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ƒÊËÏ —‡ÁÂÎ˝Ì‰ Composer Jim Sutherland ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ”ËθˇÏ ”˝·· Cast: Amelia Bullmore, Billy Carter, Raquel Cassidy, Megan ¬ ÓΡı: ›ÏËÎˡ ¡‡ÎÎÏÓ, ¡ËÎÎË ü‡ÚÂ, –˝ÍÂÎ ü˝ÒÒˉË, Dodds, Duncan Duff, Jonah Lotan, Meredith MacNeill, Ä‡Ì ƒÓ‰‰Ò, ƒ‡ÌÍÂÌ ƒ‡ÙÙ, ƒÊÓ̇ ÀÓÚ‡Ì, ÉËÚ Stephen Mangan, Lyndsey Marshal, Peter McDonald, Stuart ÇÍÕËÎÎ, —ÚË‚ÂÌ Ã‡Ì„ÂÌ, ÀË̉ÒÂÈ Ã‡¯‡Î, œËÚ Milligan, Daniela Nardini, Chris OíDowd Ç̓Ó̇Ή, —Ú˛‡Ú ÃËÎÎË„‡Ì, ƒ‡ÌË· Õ‡‰ËÌË, üËÒ Œíƒ‡Û‰ Producer Christopher Young Production UK Film Council, FilmFour and Scottish Screen, œÓ‰˛Ò üËÒÚÓÙ flÌ„ Young Pirate Films production œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Young Pirate Films Production, UK Film International Sales Pathe Pictures International Council, FilmFour and Scottish Screen œ‡‚‡ Pathe Pictures International ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ›ÕÕ» √–»‘‘»Õ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ 4 ü‡Ì‡Î‡ (¬ÂÎËÍÓ·ËÚ‡Ìˡ), ‰Îˇ ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó ÒÌËχ· ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌ˚ ÙËθÏ˚ Ë Ò¡Î˚. ‘ËÎ¸Ï ´‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ª ó ‰Â·˛Ú ‚ ÍËÌÓ. ‘ËθÏÓ„‡Ùˡ: 1996 ....√ˉ ÔÓ Í‡ÁËÌÓ ‰Îˇ ‰Â‚Ó˜ÂÍ (Ú‚) 1996 ....ŒÌ‡ Ú‡Ï ·˚· (Ú‚) 167 1997 ....Çθ˜ËÍË ÁÓÓχ„‡ÁË̇: „‰Â-ÌË·Û‰¸ (Í/Ï) 1997 ....—Âϸ „ÂıÓ‚: „Ì‚ (Ú‚) 1999 ....—ÍÓÓ ÒÎÛ˜ËÚÒˇ (Ú‚) 2001 ....´üÌËÊÌ˚È ˇ‰ª (Ò¡Î) 2005 ....‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ANNIE GRIFFIN is the writer-director of Channel 4 (UK). FESTIVAL marks Griffinís feature debut. Filmography: 1996 ....A Girlís Guide to Casinos (TV) 1996 ....Was She There (TV) 1997 ....Pet Shop Boys: Somewhere (short) 1997 ....Seven Sins: Wrath (TV) 1999 ....Coming Soon (TV) 2001 ....ìThe Book Groupî (TV Series) 2005 ....Festival ◊Â̇ˇ ÍÓωˡ. Œ ̇‰Âʉ‡ı, Ϙڇı Ë ÓÔ‡ÒÂÌˡı β‰ÂÈ, ÍÓÚÓ˚ı ̇ ÍÓÓÚÍÓ ‚ÂÏˇ Ó·˙‰ËÌˇÂÚ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚È ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸, ÂÊ„ӉÌÓ ÔÓıÓ‰ˇ˘ËÈ ‚ ‡‚„ÛÒÚ ‚ ¯ÓÚ·̉ÒÍÓÈ ÒÚÓÎˈ ñ „ÓӉ ›‰ËÌ·Û„ÂÖ - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ ñ ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ ·ËÚ‡ÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ‚ ƒË̇Â, 2005; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯ËÈ ÒˆÂ̇ËÈ ñ Ãü‘ ‚ —ÚÓÍ„ÓθÏÂ, 2005; - œËÁ ËÏÂÌË ƒÛ„·҇ ’ËÍÓÍÒ‡ Á‡ ÂÊËÒÒÂÒÍËÈ ‰Â·˛Ú ñ œËÁ ¡ËÚ‡ÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÌÂÁ‡‚ËÒËÏÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ, 2005; - ÀÛ˜¯ËÈ ÍÓωËÈÌ˚È ÙËÎ¸Ï ñ œÂÏˡ ´¡ËÚ‡ÌÒ͇ˇ ÍÓωˡª, 2005; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÂÊËÒÒÛÛ Ë ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÏÛÊÒÍÛ˛ Óθ ‚ ¯ÓÚ·̉ÒÍÓÏ ÙËθÏ ñ œÂÏˡ ¡ËÚ‡ÌÒÍÓÈ ¿Í‡‰ÂÏËË ÍËÌÓ Ë ÚÂ΂ˉÂÌˡ (¯ÓÚ·̉ÒÍÓ ÍËÌÓ), 2005; - —ÔˆˇθÌÓ ÛÔÓÏË̇ÌËÂ Ê˛Ë ñ Ãü‘ ‚ Ç ‰Âθ œÎ‡ÚÂ, ÒÂÍˆËˇ ´∆ÂÌ˘Ë̇ Ë ÍËÌÓª, 2006. August in Edinburgh sees the population of the grand, historic Scottish capital swell with actors, directors, street performers, comedians, media high flyers and audiences. And so the lives of a dozen people intersect in a blackly comic account of the hopes, dreams and fears attendant at festival time. From the cut throat comedy world of the Fringe to the impassioned artistry of avant garde theatre, with all points covered in between this ensemble tale captures a peculiarly personal image of Edinburgh at a unique time of the year. - Best Screenplay ó Dinard British Film Festival, 2005; - Best Screenplay ñ Stockholm IFF, 2005; - Douglas Hickox Award (for directorís debut) - British Independent Film Awards, 2005; - Best Comedy Film ó British Comedy Awards, 2005; - Best Director and Best Actor in a Scottish film ñ BAFTA Scotland 2005; - Special Jury Mention ñ Mar del Plata IFF, section ìWoman and Filmî, 2006. ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners ◊≈–Õ¿fl Ÿ≈“ü¿ BLACK BRUSH/ FEKETE KEFE 168 2005, ¬ÂÌ„Ëˇ, 83 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 1:2.35, Dolby SRD 2005, Hungary, 83 min, black and white, 1:2.35, Dolby SRD –ÂÊËÒÒ –Ó·̉ ¬‡ÌËÍ Director Roland Vranik ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ √„ÂÈ œÓı‡ÌÓÍ, –Ó·̉ ¬‡ÌËÍ Scriptwriters Gergely Poharnok, Roland Vranik ŒÔ‡ÚÓ √„ÂÈ œÓı‡ÌÓÍ Camera Gergely Poharnok ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ œÂÚ Çڸˇ¯Ë Art Director Peter Matyasi ÃÛÁ˚͇ Realistic Crew Music Realistic Crew ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ¬‡Ì‰‡ ü˯ Editing Wanda Kiss ¬ ÓΡı: œÂÚ ¿Î·ÂÚ, “‡Ï‡¯ ¡‡ÎËÍË, «ÓÎÚ‡Ì ¡‡‡·‡¯ Cast: Peter Albert, Tamas BalikÛ, Gergely Banki, Zoltan ü˯, ü‡Ú‡ ¡‡Ú¯˜, ¿Ì̇ ¡Â‰Â ‘‡ÁÂ͇¯, ¡Âη ÷ËÙ‡, Barabas Kis, Kata Bartsch, Anna Bede Fazekas, Bella Czifra, fi‰ËÚ ƒÓ·Ó¯, ¡Ó˜‡ ›‰Â¯, »Ï ‘‡Í‡¯ Judit Dobos, Borcsa Erdes, Imre Farkas œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ √‡·Ó üÓ‚‡˜, »¯Ú‚‡Ì ÇÈÓ, Producers Gabor Kovacs, Istvan Major, Andras Muhi, ¿Ì‰‡¯ ÃÛıË, ¿„Ë œ‡Ú‡ÍË Agi Pataki œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Filmpartners, Filmteam, Inforg St˙diÛ Production Filmpartners, Filmteam, Inforg Studio œ‡‚‡ Filmpartners World Sales Filmpartners ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸Ì˚ ·Û‡Ú˚ festival winners –ŒÀ¿Õƒ ¬–¿Õ»ü –Ó‰ËÎÒˇ ‚ 1967 „Ó‰Û ‚ ¡Û‰‡Ô¯ÚÂ. üËÌÓÂÊËÒÒÛÛ ÓÒ‚‡Ë‚‡Î ˜ÂÂÁ Ô‡ÍÚËÍÛ: Ò 1993 „Ó‰‡ ‚ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ‡ÒÒËÒÚÂÌÚ‡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡ ‡·ÓڇΠ̇ ÏÛÁ˚͇θÌ˚ı, ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı Ë ıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ‰ÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθÌ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚ‡ı. ´◊Â̇ˇ ˘ÂÚ͇ª ó Ô‚‡ˇ Ò‡ÏÓÒÚÓˇÚÂθ̇ˇ ‡·ÓÚ‡ ÂÊËÒÒ‡. 169 ROLAND VRANIK Born in Budapest in 1967. Came to cinema through practical work: since 1993 worked as assistant director on musical, experimental, artistic and documentary projects. ìBlack Brushî is the directorís first independent work. üÓωˡ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌËÈ. 21 ‚ÂÍ, ¡Û‰‡Ô¯Ú. ◊ÂÚ‚ÂÓ ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ı β‰ÂÈ ‚ ÔÓËÒ͇ı ÒÏ˚Ò· ÊËÁÌË, ÒÏÂÌË‚ Ó‰ÌÛ ‡·ÓÚÛ Á‡ ‰Û„ÓÈ, ‚ ÍÓ̈ ÍÓ̈ӂ ÔËÌËχ˛ÚÒˇ Á‡ ‡·ÓÚÛ ÚÛ·Ó˜ËÒÚÓ‚Ö - √‡Ì-ÔË, ÔËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÓÔ‡ÚÓÒÍÛ˛ ‡·ÓÚÛ, ÔËÁ ÎÛ˜¯ËÏ ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ‡Ï ñ Õ‰ÂΡ ‚ÂÌ„ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ, ¡Û‰‡Ô¯Ú, 2005; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÂÊËÒÒÛÛ (ex aequo) ñ Ãü‘ ‚ —‡ÎÓÌË͇ı, 2005; - œËÁ Á‡ ÎÛ˜¯Û˛ ÓË„Ë̇θÌÛ˛ ÏÛÁ˚ÍÛ ó Ãü‘ ‚ ¿ÌÓÌ˝, 2006. Comedy of the situations. Budapest, 21st century. Four young men in search of the meaning of life constantly change jobs. At last, they take on jobs as chimney-sweepers. - Grand Prix, Best Cinematographer, Best Producers ó Hungarian Film Week, 2005; - Best director (ex aequo) ñ Thessaloniki International Film Festival, 2005; - Best original music prize ñ Annonay International Film Festival, 2006. 170 9 œ¿À‹Ã 9 PALMS ü‡ÌÌÒÍËÈ ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸, ¯ÂÒÚˉÂÒˇÚËÎÂÚË ÍÓÚÓÓ„Ó Ì˚Ì ÓÚϘ‡ÂÚÒˇ, ÓÒÚ‡ÂÚÒˇ „·‚Ì˚Ï ÍËÌÓÒÓ·˚ÚËÂÏ Ô·ÌÂÚ˚. ≈„Ó ÍΡÌÛÚ, ÔÓ ÌÂ„Ó „Ó‚ÓˇÚ „‡‰ÓÒÚË, ÌÓ Í‡Ê‰˚È „Ó‰ ‚ χ ‚Ò ÏËÓ‚Ó ÍËÌÓÒÓÓ·˘ÂÒÚ‚Ó ÛÒÚÂÏΡÂÚÒˇ ̇ üÛ‡ÁÂÚÚ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÔÓ ‚ÓÁ‚‡˘ÂÌËË ÒÌÓ‚‡ ÍΡÒÚ¸, ‡ÒÒ͇Á˚‚‡Ú¸, Í‡Í „Û·Ó Ò ÌËÏË Ó·Ó¯ÎËÒ¸ ‚ Ó‰ÌÓÈ ËÁ Ә‰ÂÈ... Í‡Í ÌÂÛ‰Ó·ÌÓ ·˚ÎÓ ÊËÚ¸ ‚ ÒÓÒ‰ÌÂÏ „ÓÓ‰Â Ë ÂÁ‰ËÚ¸ ̇ ˝ÎÂÍÚ˘ÍÂ... ͇ÍË ÌÂıÓӯˠه̈ÛÁÒÍË ÊÂÎÂÁÌÓ‰ÓÓÊÌËÍË, ·‡ÒÚÛ˛˘Ë ‡ÍÍÛ‡Ú ‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ ÍËÌÓÔ‡Á‰ÌË͇... » χÎÓ ÍÚÓ ËÒÍÌÂÚ Ôӂ‰‡Ú¸ Ó ÚÓÏ Ò‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌÓÏ ÚÂÔÂÚÂ, ˜ÚÓ Óı‚‡Ú˚‚‡ÂÚ Î˛·Ó„Ó ÒËÌÂÙË· ̇ Á̇ÏÂÌËÚÓÈ Ì‡·ÂÂÊÌÓÈ, Á̇‚¯ÂÈ ‚ÒÂı ·ÂÁ ËÒÍβ˜ÂÌˡ ÍËÌÓ„ÂÌË‚ Ôӯ‰¯Â„Ó ‚Â͇. √Ó‚ÓËÚ¸ ÔÓ ˝ÚÓ ‚Ӊ ·˚ ÌÂÛ‰Ó·ÌÓ. ÕÂÏÓ‰ÌÓ. ÀÛ˜¯Â ÍÓ˜ËÚ¸ ÛÒÚ‡ÎÛ˛ ÏËÌÛ Ë ˆÂ‰ËÚ¸ ÒÍ‚ÓÁ¸ ÁÛ·˚: ´ŒÔˇÚ¸ ü‡ÌÌ! ü‡Í ̇‰ÓÂÎÓ!ª. “ÂÏ ·ÓΠ˜ÚÓ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı ÒËÌÂÙËÎÓ‚ ̇ À‡ÁÛÌ˚È ¡Â„ ‰‡‚ÌÓ ÛÊ Ì ÁÓ‚ÛÚ. –ÓÒÒˡ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂ̇ Á‰ÂÒ¸ „·‚Ì˚Ï Ó·‡ÁÓÏ ÍËÌÓ·ËÁÌÂÒÏÂ̇ÏË Ë ÔÓ͇ژË͇ÏË, ÔËÓ·ÂÚ‡˛˘ËÏË ÌÓ‚ËÌÍË ‰Îˇ ̇¯Ëı ÏÛθÚËÔÎÂÍÒÓ‚ Ë Ú˘ÂÚÌÓ Ô˚Ú‡˛˘ËıÒˇ ÔÓ‰‡Ú¸ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÈ ÍËÌÓÚÓ‚‡. ŒÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ ÍËÌÓ Á‰ÂÒ¸, ‚ Ó·˘ÂÏ, Ì ʇÎÛ˛Ú. ≈‰ËÌÒÚ‚ÂÌ̇ˇ «ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ œ‡Î¸Ï‡ ·ÎËÒÚ‡ÚÂθÌ˚Ï ´∆Û‡‚ÎˇÏª ‚ 1958 „Ó‰Û, ÌÂÒÍÓθÍÓ ‰Û„Ëı ÔËÁÓ‚ ̇¯ËÏ Í·ÒÒËÍ‡Ï ó ‚Ò ˝ÚÓ, Û‚˚, ‚ ÔÓ¯ÎÓÏ. —ÂȘ‡Ò ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ Ì‡ üÛ‡ÁÂÚÚ ÎË·Ó ‚ÓÓ·˘Â ÌÂÚ, ÎË·Ó Â„Ó ÔËÒÛÚÒÚ‚Ë ‚ ‚˚Ò¯ÂÈ ÒÚÂÔÂÌË ‰ÂÍÓ‡ÚË‚ÌÓ. ¬ËÌÓ‚‡Ú˚ ÎË ‚ ˝ÚÓÏ ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚÂÎË? ¡ÂÁÛÒÎÓ‚ÌÓ. ÕÓ ‰ÓΡ ‚ËÌ˚ ÂÒÚ¸ Ë Ì‡ ÚÂı, ÍÚÓ ÓÔ‰ÂΡÂÚ Ì˚Ì ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÛ˛ ÏÓ‰Û. ¬Â‰¸ ‰‡Ê ̇ √·‚ÌÓÏ ‘ÂÒÚË‚‡Î «ÂÏÎË ‚ÓÔÓÒ˚ ÏÓ‰˚ ËÏÂ˛Ú Ì ÔÓÒΉÌ Á̇˜ÂÌËÂ. œË„Ρ‰ËÏÒˇ Í ÚÂÏ ‰Â‚ˇÚË ÙËθχÏ, ˜ÚÓ ÒÓ·‡Ì˚ ‚ ˝ÚÓÈ ÂÚÓÒÔÂÍÚË‚Â. ü‡Ê‰˚È ËÁ ÌËı ‚ Ò‚Ó ‚ÂÏˇ Û‰ÓÒÚÓËÎÒˇ ‚˚Ò¯ÂÈ Ì‡„‡‰˚ ü‡Ì̇. ¬Ò ÎË ÓÌË ‚˚‰ÂʇÎË ÔÓ‚ÂÍÛ ‚ÂÏÂÌÂÏ? “ÓθÍÓ ÎË ÌÂÚÎÂÌÌ˚ ¯Â‰Â‚˚ Á‰ÂÒ¸ ÒÓ·‡Ì˚? » ˜ÚÓ Ú‡ÍÓ ‚ÓÓ·˘Â „·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ? ƒ‡Ê ü‡ÌÌÒÍÓ„Ó? ƒÓÍÛÏÂÌÚ, Û‰ÓÒÚӂ¡˛˘ËÈ, ˜ÚÓ Ô‰ ̇ÏË ó ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË ‚˚ÒÓÍÓ„Ó ËÒÍÛÒÒÚ‚‡? »ÎË ó ÂÁÛÎ¸Ú‡Ú ÒÚ˜ÂÌˡ ‡Á΢Ì˚ı, ‚ ÚÓÏ ˜ËÒΠ‚ÌÂıÛ‰ÓÊÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌ˚ı Ó·ÒÚÓˇÚÂθÒÚ‚? —ÏÓÚËÚ ÙËθÏ˚ (ÚÂÏ ·ÓΠ˜ÚÓ ‰Ó·Û˛ ÔÓÎÓ‚ËÌÛ ËÁ ÌËı, Û˜‡˛Ò¸, ‚˚ ÌËÍÓ„‰‡ ‡Ì ̠‚ˉÂÎË) Ë Â¯‡ÈÚ ҇ÏË. —„ÂÈ À‡‚ÂÌڸ‚ ÍÛ‡ÚÓ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ The Cannes Film Festival, whose 60th anniversary we are marking this year, remains the planetís main film event. It is cursed by many and nasty things get said about it, but every year in May the film community from the entire world strives towards the Croisette ñ only to curse, once again, upon their return: to say how roughly they were treated in one of the queues... how inconvenient it was to live in the neighbouring city and travel by train... how awful the French railwaymen are, going on strike precisely during this great cinematic holiday... Very few people dare talk about that sacred excitement that any cinephile experiences on the famous seafront that knows, without exception, every filmgenius of the past century. It is almost embarrassing to speak about it. Unfashionable. Itís better to pull a tired face and say with gnashing teeth: ëCannes again! I am so fed up!í Even more so as Russiaís cinephiles have not been invited to the Co^te díAzur for quite a while. Russia is represented there mainly through people from the film business and distributors, acquiring new films for multiplexes, and trying ñ in vain ñ to sell Russian cinema. In very general terms, Russian cinema is not Cannesís favourite. The only Golden Palm for the brilliant ëThe Cranes are Flyingí in 1958, and some other prizes for ours classics; all this, alas, lies in the past. Nowadays Russian cinema is either completely absent from the Croisette, or its presence is highly decorative. Are the producers to blame? Certainly. But a share of the guilt also lies on the trendsetters who determine the festival fashion. In fact, even at the worldís main festival questions of fashion play no small part. Letís look at the nine films gathered in this retrospective. Each of them received the supreme award in Cannes in its own time. But have they all passed the check of time? Are only imperishable masterpieces collected here? What is, ultimately, this main prize of a film festival? Even Cannes. A document certifying that we have a product of high art before us? Or the result of a set of circumstances, including non-artistic considerations? Look at the films ñ over half from them, I am sure, you have never seen before ñ and decide for yourselves. Sergei Lavrentiev Programme Curator 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms 1955: χÚË MARTY 1956: ‚ ÏË ·ÂÁÏÓ΂ˡ THE SILENT WORLD 1961: ÒÚÓθ ‰Ó΄Ó ÓÚÒÛÚÒÚ‚Ë THE LONG ABSENCE 1962: ËÒÔÓÎÌˇ˛˘ËÈ Ó·ÂÚ KEEPER OF PROMISES 1966: ‰‡Ï˚ Ë „ÓÒÔÓ‰‡ SIGNORE & SIGNORI ÏÛʘË̇ Ë ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇ A MAN AND A WOMAN 1974: ‡Á„Ó‚Ó THE CONVERSATION 1983: ·‡Î·‰‡ Ó Ì‡‡ÈˇÏ BALLAD OF NARAYAMA 1984: Ô‡ËÊ, ÚÂı‡Ò PARIS, TEXAS 171 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms ÿ–“» MARTY 172 1955, —ÿ¿, 91 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, ÏÓÌÓ 1955, USA, 91 min, b/w, mono –ÂÊËÒÒ ƒÂηÂÚ Ã‡ÌÌ ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ œ˝‰‰Ë ◊‡Â‚ÒÍËÈ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ∆ÓÁÂÙ À‡¯ÂÎÎ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË “˝‰ ’‡ÛÓÚ, ”ÓÎÚ Ã.—‡ÈÏÓÌ‰Ò üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ÕÓχ üÓı ÃÛÁ˚͇ –ÓÈ ”˝·· «‚ÛÍ –Ó·ÂÚ ü‡Î‡ÈÎ Director Delbert Mann Scriptwriter Paddy Chayefsky Camera Joseph LaShelle Art Directors Ted Haworth, Walter M.Simonds Costumes Norma Koch Music Roy Webb Sound Robert Carlisle ¬ ÓΡı: ›ÌÂÒÚ ¡Ó̇ÈÌ, ¡ÂÚÒË ¡Î˝, ›ÒÚ ÃË̘ËÓÚÚË, Œ„‡ÒÚ‡ ◊ËÓÎÎË, ƒÊÓ Ã‡ÌÚÂÎÎ, ü‡ÂÌ —ÚËθ, ƒÊÂË œ‡ËÒ Cast: Ernest Borgnine, Betsy Blair, Esther Minciotti, Augusta Ciolli, Joe Mantell, Karen Steele, Jerry Paris œÓ‰˛Ò ’‡Óθ‰ ’ÂıÚ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Hill-Hecht-Lancaster Productions Producer Harold Hecht Production Hill-Hecht-Lancaster Productions ÇÚË œËÎÂÚÚË ÛÊ Á‡ Úˉˆ‡Ú¸, ÓÌ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ ÏˇÒÌËÍÓÏ Ë ÊË‚ÂÚ ‚‰‚ÓÂÏ Ò Ï‡Ú¸˛. ÇÚË Ú‡Í Á‡ÒÚÂ̘˂, ˜ÚÓ Ì ¯‡ÂÚÒˇ Á̇ÍÓÏËÚ¸Òˇ Ò ‰Â‚ۯ͇ÏË. ¬ÒÂ Â„Ó ·‡Ú¸ˇ Ë ÒÂÒÚ˚ ‰‡‚ÌÓ ÛÊ ӷÁ‡‚ÂÎËÒ¸ ÒÂϸˇÏË, ‡ ÓÌ ‚Ò ¢ ıÓÎÓÒÚ. Œ‰Ì‡Ê‰˚ ÓÌ Ë‰ÂÚ Ì‡ ڇ̈˚ Ë Ú‡Ï ‚ÒÚ˜‡ÂÚ ü·Û. »Ï ÔˡÚÌÓ ·˚Ú¸ ‚ÏÂÒÚÂ. ÕÓ ü·‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ÂÚ Û˜ËÚÂθÌˈÂÈ, Ë ÓÌË Ú‡ÍË ‡ÁÌ˚Â, ˜ÚÓ ¯‡ÌÒÓ‚ ̇ Ò˜‡ÒÚ¸Â Û ÌËı Ô‡ÍÚ˘ÂÒÍË ÌÂÚÖ - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª (‚Û˜‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚Ô‚˚Â) ó Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1955; ˜ÂÚ˚ ÔÂÏËË ¿ÏÂË͇ÌÒÍÓÈ ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË Oscar, ÔÂÏˡ ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ „ÎÓ·ÛÒª, ÔÂÏˡ √Ëθ‰ËË ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ —ÿ¿, ÔÂÏˡ ÍËÚËÍÓ‚ Õ¸˛-…Ó͇ Ë ‰. Marty Piletti is already over thirty, he works as a butcher and lives together with his mother. Marty is so timid that he does not dare to make the acquaintance of girls. All his brothers and sisters have long got their own families, but he is still single. One day he goes to the dances, where he casually meets Clara. They like being together. But Clara works as a teacher, and they are so different that there are practically no chances for happiness Ö - Golden Palm (awarded for the first time) Cannes International Film Festival, 1955; four OSCAR Academy Awards; Golden Globe; Prize of the Directors Guild of America; New York Film Critics Circle Award, etc. THE SILENT WORLD/LE MONDE DU SILENCE/ IL MONDO DEL SILENZIO 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms ¬ û–≈ ¡≈«ÃŒÀ¬»fl 173 1956, ‘‡ÌˆËˇ/ »Ú‡Îˡ, 86 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ÏÓÌÓ 1956, France/ Italy, 86 min, color, mono –ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ∆‡Í-»‚ üÛÒÚÓ, ÀÛË Ã‡Î¸ Directors Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Louis Malle ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ∆‡Í-»‚ üÛÒÚÓ Scriptwriter Jacques-Yves Cousteau √·‚Ì˚È ÓÔ‡ÚÓ ›‰ÏÓÌ —¯‡Ì Principal Cinematographer Edmond Sechan œÓ‰‚Ó‰Ì˚ Ò˙ÂÏÍË: ÀÛË Ã‡Î¸, ∆‡Í-»‚ üÛÒÚÓ, Camera: Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Louis Malle, ¿Î¸·Â ‘‡Î¸ÍÓ, ‘‰ÂËÍ ƒ˛Ï‡ Albert Falco, Frederique Dumas üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ »‚ ¡Ó‰Ë Music Yves Baudrier ÃÓÌÚ‡Ê ∆ÓÊ ¿ÎÂÔÂÈ Film Editing Georges AlÈpÈe —Ôˆ˝ÙÙÂÍÚ˚ ÕӽΠ–Ó·Â Special Effects No∏l Robert œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó FSJYC Production, Requins Associes, Societe Production FSJYC Production, Requins Associes, Societe Filmad, Titanus Filmad, Titanus ƒÓÍÛÏÂÌڇθ̇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ Ó „ÛÔÔ ه̈ÛÁÒÍËı ÔÎÓ‚ˆÓ‚- A documentary film about a group of French swimmers and ‡Í‚‡Î‡Ì„ËÒÚÓ‚, ÍÓÚÓ‡ˇ ̇ ̇ۘÌÓ-˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌÓÏ skin-divers on the scientific research vessel ´Calypsoª that Òۉ̠´ü‡ÎËÔÒÓª Ôӯ· ˜ÂÂÁ —‰ËÁÂÏÌÓÂ Ë ü‡ÒÌÓ navigated through the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, as well ÏÓˇ, œÂÒˉÒÍËÈ Á‡ÎË‚ Ë »Ì‰ËÈÒÍËÈ Ó͇Ì. — as the Gulf of Persia and the Indian Ocean. With a film ÍËÌÓ‡ÔÔ‡‡ÚÓÏ ‚ Û͇ı ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÚÂÎË ÒÔÛÒ͇ÎËÒ¸ ̇ camera in their hands, the researchers descended to 70 meters „ÎÛ·ËÌÛ ‰Ó 70 ÏÂÚÓ‚ Ë ÒÌËχÎË Ó·ËÚ‡ÚÂÎÂÈ ÏÓÒÍËı and filmed the inhabitants at the depth of the sea. The „ÎÛ·ËÌ. üËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚ˚ ÔÓ·˚‚‡ÎË Ú‡ÍÊ ̇ Ì·Óθ¯ÓÏ cinematographers also visited a small island, forgotten in the ÓÒÚÓ‚Â, Á‡Ú¡ÌÌÓÏ ‚ Ó͇ÌÂ. midst of the ocean. - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª ó Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1956; - Golden Palm, Cannes IFF, 1956; - œÂÏˡ ¿ÏÂË͇ÌÒÍÓÈ ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË Oscar, 1957 Ë ‰. - OSCAR Academy Award, 1957, etc. 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms —“ŒÀ‹ ƒŒÀ√Œ≈ Œ“—”“—“¬»≈/ THE LONG ABSENCE/ UNE AUSSI LONGUE/ABSENCE/ LíINVERNO TI FARA TORNARE 174 1961, ‘‡ÌˆËˇ/ »Ú‡Îˡ, 85 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 1:2.35, ÏÓÌÓ 1961, France/ Italy, 85 min, b/w, 1:2.35, mono –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÌË üÓθÔË Director Henri Colpi ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ç„‡ËÚ ƒ˛‡Ò, ∆‡ ∆‡ÎÓ Scriptwriters Marguerite Duras, Gerard Jarlot ŒÔ‡ÚÓ Ã‡ÒÂθ ¬ÂÈÒ Camera Marcel Weiss ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ÃÓËÒ üÓ·ÒÓÌ Art Director Maurice Colasson üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ∆ÓÊ ƒÂβ Music Georges Delerue ¬ ÓΡı: ¿Îˉ‡ ¬‡ÎÎË, ∆ÓÊ ¬ËθÒÓÌ, ∆‡Í ¿‰ÂÌ, Cast: Alida Valli, Georges Wilson, Jacques Harden, Charles ÿ‡Î¸ ¡Î‡‚ÂÚ, ¿Ï‰ÂÈ, œÓÎ ‘˝‚¸, œ¸Â œ‡Âθ, Blavette, Amedee, Paul Faivre, Pierre Parel, Catherine ü‡ÚÂËÌ ‘ÓÌÚÂÌÂÈ, ƒË‡Ì‡ ÀÂÔÙËÂ, Õ‡Ì ∆ÂÏÓÌ Fonteney, Diane Lepvrier, Nane Germon œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Procinex, Societe Cinematographique Lyre Production Procinex, Societe Cinematographique Lyre (‘‡ÌˆËˇ), Galatea Film (»Ú‡Îˡ) (France), Galatea Film (Italy) “ÂÂÁ‡ À‡Ì„ÎÛ‡ ÒÓ‰ÂÊËÚ Ì·Óθ¯Ó ͇Ù ̇ Ó͇ËÌ Therèse Langlois owns a small cafÈ in the suburbs of Paris. œ‡Ëʇ. ŒÌ‡ Ó‰ËÌÓ͇. 16 ÎÂÚ Ì‡Á‡‰  ÏÛʇ, Û˜‡ÒÚÌË͇ She is lonely. Sixteen years ago her husband, a participant of ‰‚ËÊÂÌˡ —ÓÔÓÚË‚ÎÂÌˡ, ‡ÂÒÚÓ‚‡ÎË ÓÍÍÛÔ‡ÌÚ˚ Ë the ìResistanceî movement, was arrested by the occupying ÓÚÔ‡‚ËÎË ‚ ÍÓ̈·„¸. —Ή˚ ÏÛʇ “ÂÂÁ˚ Á‡Ú¡ÎËÒ¸. forces and sent to a concentration camp. The trace of » Ӊ̇ʉ˚ ‚ ·Ó‰ˇ„Â, ÍÓÚÓ˚È Í‡Ê‰˚È ‰Â̸ ÔÓıÓ‰ËÎ Therèseís husband was lost. And then, on day, the woman ÏËÏÓ Â ͇ÙÂ, ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇ ÛÁ̇ÂÚ Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ÏÛʇ... recognizes her husband in a tramp who passed by her cafÈ - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª - Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1961; every day... - œËÁ ÀÛË ƒÂÎβ͇ ñ Prix Louis Delluc, ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 1960; - Golden Palm, Cannes IFF, 1961; - œÂÏˡ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚÓ‚ flÔÓÌËË ñ Kinema Junpo - Prix Louis Delluc, France, 1960; Awards, 1965 - Kinema Junpo Award (Japanese Film Prize), 1965 KEEPER OF PROMISES/ O PAGADOR DE PROMESSAS 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms »—œŒÀÕflfiŸ»… Œ¡≈“ (´Œ·ÂÚª) 175 1962, ¡‡ÁËÎˡ/ œÓÚÛ„‡Îˡ, 98 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, ÏÓÌÓ 1962, Brazil/ Portugal, 98 min, b/w, mono –ÂÊËÒÒ ¿ÌÒÂθÏÓ ƒÛ‡Ú Director Anselmo Duarte ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ¿ÌÒÂθÏÓ ƒÛ‡ÚÂ, ¿Î¸ÙÂ‰Ó ƒË‡Ò √ÓÏÂÒ Scriptwriters Anselmo Duarte, Alfredo Dias Gomes ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ◊ËÍ ‘‡ÛÎ Camera Chick Fowle ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ∆ÓÁ “ÂÁÂȇ ƒÂ ¿‡ÛÊÓ Art Director Jose Teixeira De Araujo üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ √‡·Ë˝Î¸ ÃËθÓË Music Gabriel Migliori Sound Carlos Foscolo ¬ ÓΡı: ÀÂÓ̇‰Ó ¬Ëθˇ, √ÎÓˡ ÃÂÌÂÒÒÂÒ, ƒËÓÌËÒËÓ ¿Ò‚‰Ó, ∆ˇθ‰Û ƒÂθ –ÂÈ, ÕÓχ ¡ÂÌÊÂÎÎ, ü‡ÎÓÒ Cast: Leonardo Villar, GlÛria Menezes, Dionisio Azevedo, “ÓÂÒ, –Ó·ÂÚÓ ‘ÂÂȇ, ŒÚÓÌ ¡‡¯ÚÓÒ, ∆ËηÂÚÛ Ã‡ÍÂÒ Geraldo Del Rey, Norma Bengell, Carlos Torres, Roberto Ferreira, Othon Bastos, Gilberto Marques œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Cinedistri, Producõs Francisco de Castro Producers Francisco de Castro, Anselmo Duarte, Õ‡ Ô‡Á‰ÌÂÒÚ‚Â ‚ ˜ÂÒÚ¸ ·Ó„ËÌË flÌÒ‡Ì ÍÂÒÚ¸ˇÌËÌ «Â ‰‡ÂÚ Oswaldo Massaini Ó·ÂÚ ÓÚÌÂÒÚË ÍÂÒÚ ËÁ ‰‡ÎÂÍÓÈ ‰Â‚ÌË ‚ „ÓÓ‰, ‚ ˆÂÍÓ‚¸ Production Cinedistri, Producõs Francisco de Castro Ò‚ˇÚÓÈ ¡‡·‡˚. «Â ËÒÔÓÎÌˇÂÚ Ó·ÂÚ, ÌÓ Í‡ÚÓ΢ÂÒÍËÈ Ò‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌËÍ, ÛÁ̇‚, ˜ÚÓ ÍÂÒÚ¸ˇÌËÌ ÍΡÎÒˇ Ô‰ On the holiday of the goddess Yansan, the peasant Ze vows to ËÁÓ·‡ÊÂÌËÂÏ ˇÁ˚˜ÂÒÍÓÈ ·Ó„ËÌË, Ì ÔÛÒ͇ÂÚ Â„Ó ‚ carry the cross from the distant village to the city, to the ˆÂÍÓ‚¸... church Saint Barbara. Ze keeps his vow, but the Catholic - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª - Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1962; priest, having found out that the peasant swore before the - √·‚Ì˚È ÔËÁ Ãü‘ ‚ —‡Ì-‘‡ÌˆËÒÍÓ, 1962. image of a pagan goddess, does not let him into the church... - Golden Palm, Cannes IFF, 1962; - Golden Gate Award, San Francisco IFF, 1962. 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms ƒ¿Ã¤ » √Œ—œŒƒ¿ SIGNORE & SIGNORI/SIGNORE E SIGNORI/ BELLES DAMES, VILAINS MESSIEURS 176 1966, »Ú‡Îˡ/ ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 115 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, ÏÓÌÓ 1966, Italy/ France,115 min, b/w, mono –ÂÊËÒÒ œ¸ÂÚÓ ƒÊÂÏË ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ ‘ÛËÓ —͇ÔÂÎÎË, ÀÛ˜‡ÌÓ ¬Ë̘Â̈ÓÌË, œ¸ÂÚÓ ƒÊÂÏË ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¿ˇ˜Â œ‡ÓÎËÌ ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ü‡ÎÓ ›‰ÊË‰Ë üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ü‡ÎÓ –ÛÒÚËÍÂÎÎË Director Pietro Germi Scriptwriters Furio Scarpelli, Luciano Vincenzoni, Pietro Germi Camera Aiace Parolin Art Director Carlo Egidi Music Carlo Rustichelli ¬ ÓΡı: ¬Ë̇ ÀËÁË, √‡ÒÚÓÌ ÃÓÒÍËÌ, ÕÓ‡ –˘˜Ë, ¿Î¸·ÂÚÓ À¸ÓÌÂÎÎÓ, ŒÎ¸„‡ ¬ËÎÎË, ¡Â·‡ ÀÓ̘‡, ‘‡ÌÍÓ ‘‡·ËˆË, ƒÊˉÊË ¡‡ÎÎËÒÚ‡ Cast: Virna Lisi, Gastone Moschin, Nora Ricci, Alberto Lionello, Olga Villi, Franco Fabrizi, Beba Loncar, Gigi Ballista œÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ œ¸ÂÚÓ ƒÊÂÏË, –Ó·Â ¿‰Ê‡„ œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Dear Film Produzione, Les Films du Siècle, R.P.A. Cinematografica üÓωˡ ̇‚Ó‚. «‡ ·Î‡„ÓÔËÒÚÓÈÌ˚Ï Ù‡Ò‡‰ÓÏ ËڇθˇÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÔÓ‚Ë̈ˇθÌÓ„Ó „ÓӉ͇ ÍËÔˇÚ ·ÛÌ˚ ÒÚ‡ÒÚË. “ÓÌË √‡ÒÔ‡ËÌË ÔËÚ‚ÓˇÂÚÒˇ ËÏÔÓÚÂÌÚÓÏ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ·ÂÁ·ÓˇÁÌÂÌÌÓ ÔÓ‰ÓÎʇڸ β·Ó‚ÌÛ˛ Ò‚ˇÁ¸ Ò ÊÂÌÓÈ Ò‚ÓÂ„Ó ‚‡˜‡. ¡‡ÌÍÓ‚ÒÍËÈ ÒÎÛʇ˘ËÈ ŒÒ‚‡Î¸‰Ó ¡ËÁË„‡ÚÓ ·ÓÒ‡ÂÚ Ò‚‡ÎË‚Û˛ ÊÂÌÛ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÓÚÍ˚ÚÓ ÊËÚ¸ Ò Î˛·Ó‚ÌˈÂÈ, ÌÓ Â‚ÌË‚˚ ÏÛʸˇ „ÓӉ͇ Ó·˙‰ËÌˇ˛ÚÒˇ, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ͇̇Á‡Ú¸ β·Ó‚ÌËÍÓ‚ Á‡ ÚÓ, ˜ÚÓ ÓÌË ‡Ù˯ËÛ˛Ú Ò‚ÓË ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌˡ. “ÂÏ ‚ÂÏÂÌÂÏ ‚Ò ÒÚÓÎÔ˚ ÏÂÒÚÌÓ„Ó Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ Ô˚Ú‡˛ÚÒˇ Òӷ·ÁÌËÚ¸ ˛ÌÛ˛ ‰Â‚ˈÛ, ÓÚˆ ÍÓÚÓÓÈ ÌÂÓÊˉ‡ÌÌÓ Á‡ˇ‚ΡÂÚ, ˜ÚÓ Ó̇ ÌÂÒӂ¯ÂÌÌÓÎÂÚÌˇˇ, Ë Ó·‡˘‡ÂÚÒˇ ‚ ÒÛ‰... - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª - Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1966; - œÂÏˡ ƒ‡‚ˉ‡ ‰Ë ƒÓ̇ÚÂÎÎÓ, 1966; - ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ „ÎÓ·ÛÒª, —ÿ¿, 1967; - œÂÏËË √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌÓÊÛ̇ÎËÒÚÓ‚ »Ú‡ÎËË, 1967. Producers Pietro Germi, Robert Haggiag Production Dear Film Produzione, Les Films du Siècle, R.P.A. Cinematografica Comedy of manners. Passions are high behind the decent faÁade of a small, provincial Italian town. Toni Gasparini pretends to be impotent to continue, without worry, his affair with his doctorís wife. The bank clerk Osvaldo Bisigato deserts his quarrelsome wife in order to openly live with his mistress. But the jealous husbands in the small town join forces to punish the lovers for advertising their relationships. In the meantime the pillars of the local society try to seduce a young girl, whose father unexpectedly declares that she is not yet of age, before taking the matter to court... - Golden Palm ñ Cannes International Film Festival, 1966; - David di Donatello Award, 1966; - Golden Globe, USA, 1967; - Silver Ribbon Award of Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists, 1967. A MAN AND A WOMAN/UN HOMME ET UNE FEMME 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms Ô∆◊»Õ¿ » ∆≈ÕŸ»Õ¿ 177 1966, ‘‡ÌˆËˇ, 102 ÏËÌ., ˜/·, 1:1.85, ÏÓÌÓ 1966, France, 102 min, b/w, 1:1.85, mono –ÂÊËÒÒ üÎÓ‰ ÀÂβ¯ Director Claude Lelouch ¿‚ÚÓ˚ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ üÎÓ‰ ÀÂÎÛ¯, œ¸Â fiÚÂıÓ‚ÂÌ Scriptwriters Pierre Uytterhoeven, Claude Lelouch √·‚Ì˚È ÓÔ‡ÚÓ üÎÓ‰ ÀÂÎÛ¯ Principal Camera Claude Lelouch ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ –Ó··Â ÀÛ¯‡ Production Designer Robert Luchaire üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ –˘‡‰ Ç‚ËÎ Costumes Richard Marvil ÃÛÁ˚͇ ‘˝ÌÒËÒ À Music Francis Lai «‚ÛÍ ∆‡Ì ¡‡ÓÌÂ, Ã˯Âθ ‘‡ÌÓ Sound Jean Baronnet, Michel Fano ¬ ÓΡı: ¿ÌÛÍ ›ÏÂ, ∆‡Ì-ÀÛË “ÂÌÚË̸ˇÌ, œ¸Â ¡‡Û, Cast: Anouk Aimee, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Pierre Barouh, ¬‡ÎÂË À‡„‡ÌÊ, ¿ÌÚÛ‡Ì —ËÂ, —Û‡‰ ¿ÏˉÛ, ¿ÌË ÿÂÏËÌ, Valerie Lagrange, Antoine Sire, Souad Amidou, Henri Chemin, fl̇ ¡‡Ë, œÓΠΠœÂÒÓÌ, —ËÏÓÌ œ‡ËÒ, ∆‡ —Ë Yane Barry, Paul Le Person, Simone Paris, Gerard Sire œÓ‰˛Ò üÎÓ‰ ÀÂÎÛ¯ Producer Claude Lelouch œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Les Films 13 Production Company Les Films 13 Love Story. œÓÒΠÍÓÓÚÍÓ„Ó Á̇ÍÓÏÒÚ‚‡ ÏÂÊ‰Û ¿ÌÌ Ë ∆‡ÌÓÏ-ÀÛË ‚ÓÁÌË͇ÂÚ ‚Á‡ËÏ̇ˇ ÒËÏÔ‡Úˡ. –‡ÒÚÛ˘‡ˇ ÔË‚ˇÁ‡ÌÌÓÒÚ¸ ÌÂÁ‡ÏÂÚÌÓ Ô‡ÒÚ‡ÂÚ ‚ β·Ó‚¸. ÃÛʘË̇ Ë ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇ Ò˜‡ÒÚÎË‚˚. ÕÓ ¿ÌÌ Ì ÏÓÊÂÚ Á‡·˚Ú¸ Ú‡„˘ÂÒÍË ÔÓ„Ë·¯Â„Ó ÏÛʇ Ë ‚ ÒÏˇÚÂÌËË ÔÓÍˉ‡ÂÚ ∆‡Ì‡-ÀÛË. ”·ËÚ˚È „ÓÂÏ ÓÌ Â‰ÂÚ ‚ œ‡ËÊ ‚ ̇‰Âʉ ‚ÌÓ‚¸ ۂˉÂÚ¸ ‚ÓÁβ·ÎÂÌÌÛ˛... - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1966, ‰‚ ÔÂÏËË ¿ÏÂË͇ÌÒÍÓÈ ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË Oscar, ‰‚ ÔÂÏËË ´«ÓÎÓÚÓÈ „ÎÓ·ÛÒª (Golden Globe) Ë ‰Û„Ë ÔËÁ˚. Love Story. After ‡ short acquaintance the mutual sympathy between Anna and Jean-Louis grows. The attachment imperceptibly develops into love. The man and the woman are happy. But Anna cannot forget her husband, who died tragically; confused, she leaves Jean-Louis. Heartbroken, he goes to Paris in the hope of seeing his beloved again... - Golden Palm, Cannes IFF, 1966; two OSCAR Academy Awards; two Golden Globes and other prizes. 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms –¿«√Œ¬Œ– THE CONVERSATION 178 1974, —ÿ¿, 113 ÏËÌ, ˆ‚., mono/ Dolby SRD 1974, USA, 113 min, colour, mono/ Dolby SRD ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ ‘˝ÌÒËÒ ‘Ó‰ üÓÔÔÓ· Scriptwriter and Director Francis Ford Coppola ŒÔ‡ÚÓ ¡ËÎÎ ¡‡ÚÚΠCamera Bill Butler ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ƒËÌ “‡‚Û·ËÒ Production Designer Dean Tavoularis üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ›„Ë √‡ –Ó‰ÊÂÒ Costumes Aggie Guerard Rodgers üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ƒ˝È‚ˉ ÿË Music David Shire «‚ÛÍ Õ‡Ú‡Ì ¡ÓÍÒÂ, ÇÈÍÎ »‚¸Â, ¿Ú –Ó˜ÂÒÚ Sound Nathan Boxer, Michael Evje, Art Rochester ¬ ÓΡı: ƒÊËÌ ’˝ÍχÌ, ƒÊÓÌ ü‡Á‡Î¸, ¿ÎÂÌ √‡ÙËΉ, Cast: Gene Hackman, John Cazale, Allen Garfield, Frederic ‘‰ÂËÍ ‘ÓÂÒÚ, —ËÌ‰Ë ”ËθˇÏÒ, “ÂË √‡, Forrest, Cindy Williams, Teri Garr, Harrison Ford ’‡ËÒÓÌ ‘Ó‰ Producer Francis Ford Coppola œÓ‰˛Ò ‘˝ÌÒËÒ ‘Ó‰ üÓÔÔÓ· Production American Zoetrope, Paramount Pictures, œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó American Zoetrope, Paramount Pictures, The Coppola Company The Coppola Company ƒ‡Ï‡/ œÒËıÓÎӄ˘ÂÒÍËÈ ÚËÎÎÂ. √‡Ë üÓÛÎ ó ËÁ‚ÂÒÚÌ˚È ÒÔˆˇÎËÒÚ ÔÓ ÔÓ‰ÒÎۯ˂‡˛˘ËÏ ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚‡Ï. ƒËÂÍÚÓ ÍÛÔÌÓÈ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË Ì‡ÌËχÂÚ Â„Ó, ˜ÚÓ·˚ Á‡ÔËÒ‡Ú¸ ‡Á„Ó‚Ó ‰‚Ûı Ò‚ÓËı ÒÓÚÛ‰ÌËÍÓ‚. Œ‰Ì‡Ê‰˚ ‚ Ò‚ˇÁË Ò ‰ÂÈÒڂˡÏË √‡Ë ÛÊ „Ë·ÎË Î˛‰Ë. » ÚÂÔ¸ Û ÌÂ„Ó ÒÌÓ‚‡ ÂÒÚ¸ ÓÒÌÓ‚‡Ìˡ ÓÔ‡Ò‡Ú¸Òˇ ÍÛÔÌ˚ı ÌÂÔˡÚÌÓÒÚÂÈ... - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª Ë ÔËÁ ˝ÍÛÏÂÌ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó Ê˛Ë ó Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1974; - œËÁ˚ ¡ËÚ‡ÌÒÍÓÈ ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË ó BAFTA Awards, 1975 Ë ‰. Harry Caul is a well-known expert on surveillance devices. The director of a large company has hired him to record the conversations of two of his employees. Some years previous, Harryís work ha directly led to the death pf several people. And now again he has reason to fear that it will happen again... - Golden Palm and Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Cannes IFF, 1974; - Award of the British Film Academy (BAFTA), 1975, etc. BALLAD OF NARAYAMA/NARAYAMA BUSHIKO 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms ¡¿ÀÀ¿ƒ¿ Œ Õ¿–¿…flÃ≈ 179 1983, flÔÓÌˡ, 130 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., ÏÓÌÓ 1983, Japan, 130 min, colour, mono ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ Ë ÂÊËÒÒ —∏ıÂÈ »Ï‡ÏÛ‡ Director and Scriptwriter Shohei Imamura ŒÔ‡ÚÓ Ã‡Ò‡Ó “Ó¯ËÁ‡‚‡ Camera Masao Tochizawa ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍË ÕÓ·Ûڇ͇ Ë “‡‰‡Ú‡Í‡ ®ÒËÌÓ Production Designer Nobutaka Yoshino üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ üËÓÚÓ »Ò∏ Art Director Tadataka Yoshino üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ ÿËÌ˘ËÓ »ÍÂ·Ë Costumes Kyoto Isho «‚ÛÍ üÂÌË˜Ë ¡ÂÌËÚ‡ÌË Music Shinichiro Ikebe Sound Kenichi Benitani ¬ ÓΡı: üÂÌ Œ„‡Ú‡, —ÛÏËÍÓ —‡Í‡ÏÓÚÓ, “‡ÍÂÓ ¿ÍË, “ÓÌÂÈ ’ˉ‡Ë, —ÂÈË üÛ‡Ò‡ÍË, ü‡ÓÛ —ËχÏÓË, –˛Ú‡Ó “‡ˆÛÏË, Cast: Ken Ogata, Sumiko Sakamoto, Takejo Aki, Tonpei Hidari, »ÌÍÓ “‡Í‡‰‡, ÕËÈÍÓ üË∏͇‚‡, ÃˈÛÍÓ ¡‡Ò∏, —∏Ë˜Ë ŒÁ‡‚‡ Seiji Kurasaki, Kaoru Shimamori, Ryutaro Tatsumi, Junko Takada, Nijiko Kiyokawa, Mitsuko Baisho, Shoichi Ozawa œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Toei Co. Ltd. Producers Goro Kusakabe, Jiro Tomoda “‡„ËÍÓÏ˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ‰‡Ï‡/ œËÚ˜‡. «‡Ú¡Ì̇ˇ ‰Â‚ۯ͇ „‰Â-ÚÓ ‚ „Ó‡ı. ¬‰Ó‚‡ „ÓÚÓ‚ËÚÒˇ ÓÚÏÂÚËÚ¸ Ò‚Ó 70-ÎÂÚËÂ. œÓ Á‡ÍÓÌ‡Ï ‰Â‚ÌË ‚ ˝ÚÓÚ ‰Â̸ Ó̇ ‰ÓÎÊ̇ ÓÚÔ‡‚ËÚ¸Òˇ ̇ „ÓÛ Õ‡‡ÈˇÏ‡, ˜ÚÓ·˚ Ú‡Ï ÛÏÂÂÚ¸. ¬ ‰Â‚Ì Ì ı‚‡Ú‡ÂÚ ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚÓ‚, Ë ÒÚ‡ËÍË, ‰ÓÊË‚¯Ë ‰Ó ÒÂÏˉÂÒˇÚË, Ì ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚ Ó·ÂÏÂÌˇÚ¸ ÓÒڇθÌ˚ı ÊËÚÂÎÂÈ. œÂ‰ ÛıÓ‰ÓÏ Ì‡ Õ‡‡ÈˇÏÛ ÒÚ‡‡ˇ ÊÂÌ˘Ë̇ ıÓ˜ÂÚ Û·‰ËÚ¸ ‰Â· Ò‚ÓÂÈ ·Óθ¯ÓÈ ÒÂÏ¸Ë ó ÔÓÏÓ˜¸ ÒÚ‡¯ÂÏÛ Ò˚ÌÛ Ì‡ÈÚË ÌÓ‚Û˛ ÊÂÌÛ; ‰Ó·ËÚ¸Òˇ ÓÚ Ò‰Ì„Ó, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÓÌ ÒڇΠ̇ÍÓ̈ ÏÛʘËÌÓÈ; ‚‡ÁÛÏËÚ¸ ÒÚ‡¯Â„Ó ‚ÌÛ͇... - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª ó Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1983; - œËÁ˚ flÔÓÌÒÍÓÈ ÍËÌӇ͇‰ÂÏËË, 1984 Ë ‰. Production Toei Co. Ltd. Tragicomedy. Parable. A remote little village somewhere in the mountains. A widow is preparing to mark her 70th birthday. Under the laws of the village she has to leave on this day for the mountain Narayama to die there. In the village there is no food, and old people who have lived up to 70 should not burden the other inhabitants. Before leaving for Narayama, the old woman wants to settle the affairs of her big family: help the elder son to find a new wife; get the middle son to become a man, at last; bring her eldest grandson to see reason... - Golden Palm, Cannes IFF, 1983; - Prize of the Japanese Film Academy, 1984, etc. 9 Ô‡Î¸Ï 9 palms œ¿–»∆, “≈’¿— PARIS, TEXAS 180 1984, ‘‡ÌˆËˇ/ ‘–√, 147 ÏËÌ., ˆ‚., 1:1.66, ÏÓÌÓ 1984, France/ West Germany, 147 min, color, 1:1.66, mono –ÂÊËÒÒ ¬ËÏ ¬ẨÂÒ Director Wim Wenders ¿‚ÚÓ ÒˆÂÌ‡Ëˇ —˝Ï ÿÂÔ‡‰ ŒÔ‡ÚÓ –Ó··Ë Ã˛ÎΠScriptwriter Sam Shepard ··ller Camera Robby Mu ’Û‰ÓÊÌËÍ ü˝ÈÚ ŒÎÚÏ‡Ì Art Director Kate Altman üÓÒÚ˛Ï˚ ¡Ë„ËÚÚ‡ ¡¸∏Í Costumes Birgitta Bjerke üÓÏÔÓÁËÚÓ –‡È üۉ Music Ry Cooder «‚ÛÍ ƒÓÏËÌËÍ Œ‚˝ Sound Dominique Auvray ¬ ÓΡı: √‡Ë ƒËÌ —ÚÂÌÚÓÌ, Õ‡ÒÚ‡Ò¸ˇ üËÌÒÍË, —˝Ï ¡˝Ë, Cast: Harry Dean Stanton, Nastassja Kinski, Sam Berry, ¡Â̇ ¬ËÍË, ƒËÌ —ÚÓÍÛ˝ÎÎ, ¿‚Ó‡ üÎÂÏ‡Ì Bernhard Wicki, Dean Stockwell, Aurore Clement œÓËÁ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Argos Films (‘‡ÌˆËˇ), Road Movies Producers Anatole Dauman, Don Guest Filmproduktion (‘–√) Production Argos Films (France), Road Movies Filmproduktion (West Germany) ƒ‡Ï‡/ Road movie. “‡„˘ÂÒ͇ˇ ËÒÚÓˡ ˜ÂÎÓ‚Â͇, ÍÓÚÓ˚È Ì ÏÓÊÂÚ ÒÓ‚ÏÂÒÚËÚ¸ ÒÓ·ÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÛ˛ ΢ÌÓÒÚ¸ Ò ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ËÏ ÏËÓÏ. √ÂÓÈ ÙËθχ “‚ËÒ ‰Ó·, ÔÓˇ‰Ó˜ÂÌ, ÌÓ ÂÏÛ Ì‡‰Ó ·˚ ÊËÚ¸ ‚ ͇ÍÓÏ-ÌË·Û‰¸ Ô‡Úˇı‡Î¸ÌÓÏ Á‡ıÓÎÛÒÚ¸Â, ‡ Ì ‚ ÒÓ‚ÂÏÂÌÌÓÏ Ë̉ÛÒÚˇθÌÓÏ Ó·˘ÂÒÚ‚Â. - ´«ÓÎÓÚ‡ˇ ԇθÏÓ‚‡ˇ ‚ÂÚ‚¸ª ó Ãü‘ ‚ ü‡Ì̇ı, 1984; - œËÁ ËÏÂÌË ƒ‡‚ˉ‡ ‰Ë ƒÓ̇ÚÂÎÎÓ, »Ú‡Îˡ 1985; - œËÁ √Ëθ‰ËË Ù‡ÌˆÛÁÒÍËı ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚, 1985; - ´ÀÛ˜¯ËÈ ÙËÎ¸Ï „Ó‰‡ª (ALFS Award) ó ÔÓ ÔËÁ̇Ì˲ ÎÓ̉ÓÌÒÍÓÈ ÍËÚËÍË, 1985; - ´ÀÛ˜¯ËÈ ÌÂψÍËÈ ÙËθϪ, ´ÀÛ˜¯‡ˇ ÌÂψ͇ˇ ͇χª ó Õ‡ˆËÓ̇θÌ˚ ÔÂÏËË ‘–√, 1985, Ë ‰. Drama. Road movie. About the complex destiny of a man, who cannot bring his personality in alignment with the surrounding world. The filmís hero, Travis, is kind and decent, but he should be living in some patriarchal out-of-the-way place, and not in a modern industrial society. - Golden Palm, Cannes IFF, 1984; - David di Donatello Award, Italy 1985; - Prize of the French Syndicate of Cinema Critics, 1985; - Best Film (ALFS Award), London Critics Circle Film Award, 1985; - Best German Film and Best German Camera, National Awards of West Germany, 1985, etc. ü–”√À¤≈ —“ŒÀ¤ ¡ÛÌÓ ‡Á‚ËÚË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ˚Ì͇ ‚ ÔÓÒΉÌËÈ „Ó‰ ÔË‚ÎÂ͇ÂÚ ‚ÌËχÌË ‚Ò ·ÓΠҸÂÁÌ˚ı Á‡Û·ÂÊÌ˚ı ´Ë„ÓÍÓ‚ª. –ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ ÍËÌÓ ÔÓÒÚÂÔÂÌÌÓ ÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÒˇ Á‡ÏÂÚÌ˚Ï ˇ‚ÎÂÌËÂÏ ‚ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍÓÏ ÔÓ͇ÚÂ. √ÓÎÎË‚Û‰ÒÍËÂ Ï˝È‰ÊÓ˚ Á‡‰ÛÏ˚‚‡˛ÚÒˇ Ó· ÓÚÍ˚ÚËË Ì‡ ÔÓÒÚÒÓ‚ÂÚÒÍÓÈ ÚÂËÚÓËË Ò‚ÓËı Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÒÚ‚, ‡ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍË ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚, ̇ÍÓ̈, ̇˜Ë̇˛Ú ‡ÒÒχÚË‚‡Ú¸ –ÓÒÒ˲ Ì ‚ ͇˜ÂÒÚ‚Â ÚÂËÚÓËË ˝ÍÁÓÚ˘ÂÒÍÓ„Ó ÚÛËÁχ, ÌÓ Í‡Í Ó‰ÌÛ ËÁ ÒÚ‡Ì Ò ·Ó„‡Ú˚Ï ÍÓÏϘÂÒÍËÏ ÔÓÚÂ̈ˇÎÓÏ. »ÏÂÌÌÓ ‚ Ò‚ˇÁË Ò ˝ÚËÏË ËÁÏÂÌË‚¯ËÏËÒˇ Ó·ÒÚÓˇÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ÏË Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ̇˷ÓΠËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚ı Ë ÒÚ‡Ú„˘ÂÒÍË ‚‡ÊÌ˚ı ÏÂÓÔˡÚËÈ Ì‡ 17-Ï ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ӷ¢‡ÂÚ ·˚Ú¸ ´—ÂÏË̇ üÎÛ·‡ ‚ÓÔÂÈÒÍËı ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÓ‚ª (6-7 Ë˛Ìˇ). ƒ‚Ûı‰Ì‚̇ˇ ÔÓ„‡Ïχ ‚ÂҸχ ̇Ò˚˘ÂÌ̇: Á‡Ô·ÌËÓ‚‡Ì˚ ‰ÓÍ·‰˚ ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËı Û˜‡ÒÚÌËÍÓ‚, Ó·ÒÛʉÂÌË ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ Ë ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚÂÈ ÍÓÔÓ‰Û͈ËË, ÔÂÒÓ̇θÌ˚ ‚ÒÚÂ˜Ë Ò ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏË ÂÊËÒÒ‡ÏË. ≈ÒÚ¸ ̇‰Âʉ‡, ˜ÚÓ ÌÓ‚˚ ˇÍË ͇ÚËÌ˚, ‚ÓÁÌËͯË ‚ ÂÁÛθڇÚ ÔÎÓ‰ÓÚ‚ÓÌÓ„Ó ÒÓÚÛ‰Ì˘ÂÒÚ‚‡ ̇ ÒÂÏË̇Â, Ï˚ ۂˉËÏ ‚ ÍÓÌÍÛÒÌÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ ÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘Â„Ó ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚‡ª. “‡ÍÊ ̇ 17 ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª ·Û‰ÂÚ ÔÓ‰ÓÎÊÂ̇ Ú‡‰ËˆËˇ ÔÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚ı ÍÛ„Î˚ı ÒÚÓÎÓ‚ Ë Ó·ÒÛʉÂÌËÈ, ÔÓÒ‚ˇ˘ÂÌÌ˚ı ̇˷ÓΠ‡ÍÚۇθÌ˚Ï ÔÓ·ÎÂÏ‡Ï Ì˚̯ÌÂ„Ó ÓÒÒËÈÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡Ù‡. ƒÎˇ ‰ËÒÍÛÒÒËÈ Ô‰ÎÓÊÂÌ˚ ÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘Ë ÚÂÏ˚: ó ´ƒÂ‚ˇÌÓÒÚ˚Â Ë ´ÌÛ΂˚ª ó ˇÁ˚Í ÍËÌÓ Ë ÍËÌÓÔÓˆÂÒÒª (8 Ë˛Ìˇ). ›Ú‡ ‚ÒÚ˜‡ ÔÓ‰‚‰ÂÚ ËÚÓ„Ë ÌÓ‚ÓÈ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ÍËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ñ ´ƒÂ‚ˇÌÓÒÚ˚Â. üËÌÓ, ÍÓÚÓÓ Ï˚ ÔÓÚ¡Î˪ (ÍÛ‡ÚÓ ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ñ ÍËÌӂ‰ À‡ËÒ‡ Ã‡Î˛ÍÓ‚‡). ¡ÂÒÂ‰Û Ôӂ‰ÂÚ Ô‰Ò‰‡ÚÂθ √Ëθ‰ËË ÍËÌӂ‰ӂ Ë ÍËÌÓÍËÚËÍÓ‚ ¬ËÍÚÓ Ã‡ÚËÁÂÌ. ó ´»ÚÓ„Ë ÍËÌÓÒÂÁÓ̇: ‡ÔÎÓ‰ËÒÏÂÌÚ˚ ÔÂʉ‚ÂÏÂÌÌ˚?ª (10 Ë˛Ìˇ): ‚ ÍÛ„ÎÓÏ ÒÚÓΠÔËÏÛÚ Û˜‡ÒÚËÂ: ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ –Ó‰ÌˇÌÒÍËÈ, »„Ó¸ “ÓÎÒÚÛÌÓ‚, üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ›ÌÒÚ, ¬‡ÎÂËÈ “Ó‰ÓÓ‚ÒÍËÈ, —„ÂÈ —ÂθˇÌÓ‚, ≈ÎÂ̇ flˆÛ‡, ¬Î‡‰ËÏË ƒÓÒڇθ, ÂÊËÒÒÂ˚ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ”˜ËÚÂθ Ë ‘Â‰Ó ¡Ó̉‡˜ÛÍ, ‡ Ú‡ÍÊ ‰Û„Ë ÍÛÔÌÂȯË ÓÒÒËÈÒÍË ÍËÌӉ¡ÚÂÎË. ¬Â‰Û˘ËÈ ÍÛ„ÎÓ„Ó ÒÚÓ· ó ÒÓˆËÓÎÓ„ Ë ËÒÒΉӂ‡ÚÂθ ÍËÌÓ ƒ‡ÌËËÎ ƒÓ̉ÛÂÈ. ó üÛ„Î˚È ÒÚÓΠ̇ ÚÂÏÛ ´üËÌÓÙÂÒÚË‚‡ÎË Ë ÍËÌÓ·ËÁÌÂÒª (10 Ë˛Ìˇ) ӷ¢‡ÂÚ ÒÚ‡Ú¸ Ó‰ÌËÏ ËÁ ̇˷ÓΠÁ̇˜ËÏ˚ı ÏÂÓÔˡÚËÈ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ. ¡ÂÁ ÍÓÏϘÂÒÍÓÈ ÒÓÒÚ‡‚Ρ˛˘ÂÈ ÛÊ Ì ӷıÓ‰ËÚÒˇ ÌË Ó‰ËÌ Ò¸ÂÁÌ˚È ÍËÌÓÒÏÓÚ, Ë ´üËÌÓÚ‡‚ª Ì ÒÚ‡ÌÂÚ ËÒÍβ˜ÂÌËÂÏ. —‚Ó ÔËÒÛÚÒÚ‚Ë ̇ Á‡Ò‰‡ÌËË ÔӉڂ‰ËÎË: ∆ÂÓÏ œ‡È· ó ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ü‡ÌÌÒÍÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ˚Ì͇ (Marche du Film), ÇÚË̇ ¡Î‡ÈÒ ó Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθ ¡ÂÎËÌÒÍÓ„Ó ˚Ì͇ ÍÓÔÓ‰Û͈ËË (Berlinale Co-Production Market), ›ÎËÒ ƒËÒÒÂÌ ó „·‚‡ Holland Film Meeting,Ó‰ÌÓ„Ó ËÁ ÍÛÔÌÂȯËı ‚ ≈‚ÓÔ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌ˚ı ˚ÌÍÓ‚ ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, Ãˇ —ڇ΂‡ ñ ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ÏÂʉÛ̇ӉÌÓ„Ó ÔËÚ˜ËÌ„‡ ̇ Ãü‘ ‚ —ÓÙËË, —ÚÂÙ‡Ì À‡Û‰˚Ì ñ ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ¬‡¯‡‚ÒÍÓ„Ó Ãü‘ Ë ‰ËÂÍÚÓ ÍËÌÓ˚Ì͇ CentEast, œ‡Ò͇θ –‡ÏÓ̉‡ ñ ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ËÚÂθ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î¸ÌÓ„Ó Óډ· ÍËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡ÌËË Celluloid Dreams. ó œÂ‰ÒÚ‡‚ËÚÂθÌÓÏÛ Á‡Ò‰‡Ì˲ ·Û‰ÂÚ Ô‰¯ÂÒÚ‚Ó‚‡Ú¸ ÌÓ‚Ó ‰Îˇ ̇¯Â„Ó ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Îˇ ÏÂÓÔˡÚË ñ ´œËÚ˜ËÌ„ª (9 Ë˛Ìˇ). Õ‡ ˝ÚÓÈ ‚ÒÚ˜ ‚ÌËχÌ˲ ‚Â‰Û˘Ëı ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂÓ‚ ÓÚ˜ÂÒÚ‚ÂÌÌÓ„Ó ÍËÌÓ ÏÓÎÓ‰˚ ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËÒÚ˚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ˇÚ Ò‚ÓË Ë‰ÂË Ë ÒËÌÓÔÒËÒ˚ ·Û‰Û˘Ëı ͇ÚËÌ. Շ˷ÓΠ۷‰ËÚÂθÌ˚È Ë ÔÓÚÂ̈ˇθÌÓ ËÌÚÂÂÒÌ˚È ÔÓÂÍÚ ÔÓÎÛ˜ËÚ ‰ÂÌÂÊÌ˚È ÔËÁ, ‡ ÂÒÎË ÔÓ‰˛ÒÂ˚ Á‡ËÌÚÂÂÒÛ˛ÚÒˇ ‡ÎËÁ‡ˆËÂÈ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÔÓÂÍÚÓ‚, ÚÓ Ë ‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÒÚ¸ ۂˉÂÚ¸ Ò‚Ó˛ ˉ² ‚ÓÔÎÓ˘ÂÌÌÓÈ Ì‡ ˝Í‡ÌÂ. “‡ÍÊ ̇ ÙÂÒÚË‚‡Î ÔÓȉÂÚ Ú‡‰ËˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ‚ÒÚ˜‡ ˜ÎÂÌÓ‚ ‘»œ–≈——» (11 Ë˛Ìˇ). ¬ ˝ÚÓÏ „Ó‰Û ÚÂχ ·ÂÒ‰˚ ó ´–ÛÒÒÍÓ ÍËÌÓ: Ú‡‰ËˆËË, ‡‚‡Ì„‡‰, ÍÓÏψˇÎËÁ‡ˆËˇ. œÓ¯ÎÓÂ, ̇ÒÚÓˇ˘ÂÂ, ·Û‰Û˘Âª. ¬ÒÚÂ˜Û Ôӂ‰ÂÚ ÔÂÁˉÂÌÚ ‘»œ–≈——» ¿Ì‰ÂÈ œÎ‡ıÓ‚. ROUND TABLES The rapid development of the Russian film market over the last year has drawn the attention of more and more serious foreign ìplayersî. Russian cinema has gradually become a noticeable phenomenon in European distribution. The Hollywood majors reflect on opening their branches in the post-Soviet territories, and European producers, at last, begin to consider Russia not as country for exotic tourism but as a country with rich commercial potential. In connection with these changed circumstances one of the most interesting and strategically important events at the 17th ìKinotavrî is the seminar of the ìClub of European Producersî (6-7 June). The two-day program is quite dense: reports by Russian participants, discussions of problems and opportunities for coproduction, and personal meetings with Russian directors are planned. There it is hoped that new striking film that will emerge as a result of the fruitful cooperation at this seminar will be seen in the competition programme at the next ìKinotavrî. The 17th ìKinotavrî will also continue the traditional professional round tables and discussions devoted to the most topical problems of contemporary Russian cinema. The following themes are suggested for discussions: ó ìThe 90s and 00s: the language of cinema and the cinematic processî (8 June). This meeting will sum up the new programme of the film festival, ìThe 1990s: The Cinema that we have Lostî (programme curated by the film scholar Larisa Maliukova). Moderation: the chairman of the Guild of Film Critics and Film Scholars, Victor Matizen. ó ìResults of the cinematic season: applause premature?î (10 June). Participants of the round table: producers Alexander Rodnyansky, Igor Tolstunov, Konstantin Ernst, Valeri Todorovsky, Sergei Selianov, Elena Yatsura, Vladimir Dostal; directors Alexei Uchitel and Fiodor Bondarchuk, as well as other major Russian cinematographers. Moderation: sociologist and researcher Daniil Dondurei. ó Round table on the topic ìFilm festivals and film businessî (10 June), which promises to become one of the most significant events of the festival. Without the commercial component no serious festival can manage, and ìKinotavrî is no exception. Confirmed participants include: Jero^me Paillard, director of the Cannes film market (Marche du Film); Martina Bleis, representative of the Berlinale Co-Production Market; Ellis Driessen, head of the Holland Film Meeting, one of the largest international project markets in Europe; Mira Staleva, director of the international pitching at the Sofia IFF; Stefan Laudyn, director of the Warsaw IFF and director of the filmmarket CentEast; Pascale Ramonda, head of the festival department of the film company Celluloid Dreams. ó The main session will be preceded by a new event for our festival: ìpitchingî (9 June). At this meeting young cinematographers will present their ideas and synopses of their future films to the attention of leading producers of Russian cinema. The most convincing and potentially interesting project will receive a monetary prize, and if producers will be interested in the realization of the submitted projects, they also receive the opportunity to see their idea embodied on screen. The traditional meeting of members of FIPRESCI will also take place at the festival (11 June). This year the theme of the conversation will be ìRussian cinema: traditions, avant-garde, commercialization. Past, present, futureî. The meeting will be moderated by FIPRESCI president Andrei Plakhov. 181 »Ì‰ÂÍÒ ÙËθÏÓ‚ Index of films 182 1919 ..............................................................................................44 9 –Œ“¿......................................................................................92, 93 977............................................................................................78, 79 GARPASTUM ............................................................................80, 81 HARD ............................................................................................45 ¿Õ√≈À –”——üŒ… ÷≈–ü¬» œ–Œ“»¬ Œ“÷¿ ¬—≈’ Õ¿–ŒƒŒ¬ ..........126 ¿Õ“ŒÀŒ√»fl –Œ——»…—üŒ√Œ ü»ÕŒ ........................................116, 117 ¿–ÿ¬»– ....................................................................................138 ¿‘–»ü¿Õ—ü¿fl üŒÀ¤¡≈À‹Õ¿fl ..................................................46 ¡¿ÀÀ¿ƒ¿ Œ Õ¿–¿flÃ≈ ................................................................179 ¡≈—À¿Õ. —¬»ƒ≈“≈À» ....................................................................47 ¡ÀŒü¿ƒ¿ ....................................................................................127 ¡ŒÀ‹ÿ¿fl Àfi¡Œ¬‹ ..................................................................94, 95 ¬ «¿“ŒÕ≈ ....................................................................................127 ¬ û–≈ ¡≈«ÃŒÀ¬»fl....................................................................173 ¬ —ÀŒÃ¿ÕÕ¤… ûü–Œ—üŒœ ä ”¬»ƒ»Ã ü¿«¿Õ‹ ....................49 ¬ƒŒ’ ¬¤ƒŒ’ ..........................................................................82, 83 ¬≈ÿü» Õ¿ƒ –≈üŒ… ....................................................................128 ¬Œ«¬–¿Ÿ≈ÕÕ¤≈ ÿ≈ƒ≈¬–¤ ................................................114, 115 ¬ŒÀ√¿-¬ŒÀ√¿ ......................................................................120, 121 ¬ŒÀ‹Õ¤… œ≈–≈¬Œƒ ................................................................12, 13 ¬Œ–ŒÕ-Œ¡Ã¿ÕŸ»ü ......................................................................48 ¬–≈Ãfl œ≈◊¿À» ≈Ÿ≈ Õ≈ œ–»ÿÀŒ ............................................139 ¬—≈ ƒ≈“» –Œ∆ƒ¿fi“—fl «–fl◊»Ã» ..............................................128 ¬¤ƒŒ’ ..........................................................................................50 ¬›ÀÀ¿..........................................................................................129 √¿ƒü»≈ À≈¡≈ƒ»......................................................................14, 15 √¿ƒfiÿŒÕŒü ................................................................................51 √ƒ≈ «¿’¿–? ..................................................................................52 √–¿∆ƒ¿Õ—üŒ≈ —Œ—“ŒflÕ»≈ ........................................................129 √–”œœ¿ ü–Œ¬»............................................................................130 ƒ¿ ¡”ƒ”“ ƒÕ» Õ¿ÿ» ƒÀ»Õդû............................................130 ƒ¿Ã¤ » √Œ—œŒƒ¿ 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..................................................................18, 19 «≈ÃÀfl » œ≈œ≈À ..................................................................154, 155 «≈–ÕŒ ¬ ”’≈ ........................................................................156, 157 «»ÃÕ»≈ ü¿Õ»ü”À¤ ....................................................................55 «À¤ƒÕ» ........................................................................................56 »√–Œü», »À» —≈…◊¿— ¬¤…ƒ≈“ ŒÀ≈√ ....................................86, 87 »«Œ¡–¿∆¿fl ∆≈–“¬” ..............................................................20, 21 »—œŒÀÕflfiŸ»… Œ¡≈“ ................................................................175 ü¿–“Œÿü¿ Õ¿ —¿À≈ ....................................................................57 ü¿—“»Õ√......................................................................................119 ü»ÕŒ¬≈ü —≈–√≈fl üŒÃ¿–Œ¬¿ ....................................................131 À≈—Õ¿fl ¡–¿“¬¿ ..................................................................102, 103 À»Ã¿Õ ..........................................................................................58 À»◊Õ¿fl ∆»«Õ‹ ü”«fl≈¬¿ ¬¿À≈Õ“»Õ¿ ....................................150 À”Õ¿“Õ¤≈ ”ÿ¿—“»ü» ..............................................................59 ÿ–—≈À‹≈«¿ ................................................................................60 ÿ–“» ........................................................................................172 Ã≈◊“¤ »ƒ»Œ“¿ ..........................................................................142 ÃÕ≈ Õ≈ ¡ŒÀ‹ÕŒ ......................................................................22, 23 ÃŒ» ¬Œ–ŒÕ¤ ..............................................................................131 ÃŒ… ü≈—À≈¬—ü»… ........................................................................61 ÃŒ–≈Ö ü¿ÃÕ»Ö » Àfi¡Œ¬‹ ........................................................62 ÃŒfl À”◊ÿ¿fl 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................................................................................160, 161 Œ’Œ“¿ Õ¿ œ»–¿Õ‹fi ..........................................................106, 107 œ¿–»∆, “≈’¿—............................................................................180 œ¿–ü —Œ¬≈“—üŒ√Œ œ≈–»Œƒ¿ ..................................................26, 27 œ≈–≈√ŒÕ ..................................................................................28, 29 œ»“≈– FM ............................................................................108, 109 œŒü¿ ŒÕ À≈“¿À............................................................................65 œ–Œ¡”∆ƒ≈Õ»≈ ............................................................................66 –¿«√Œ¬Œ– ....................................................................................178 –ŒÃ¿ÿü» ....................................................................................67 —¬¿“Œ¬—“¬Œ ..................................................................................68 —¬Œ¡ŒƒÕŒ≈ œÀ¿¬¿Õ»≈ ..........................................................30, 31 —¬Œ…, ◊”∆Œ… ..............................................................................69 —¬ŒÀŒ◊» ..............................................................................110, 111 —¬fl«‹ ......................................................................................32, 33 —≈ƒ‹ÃŒ… —œ”“Õ»ü ....................................................................151 —≈Õ“≈Õ÷»» œ¿Õ“≈À≈fl ü¿–ÿՌ¬¿ ..........................................70 —Œ—≈ƒü¿ ¬¿…—ÿտ ....................................................................71 —œ¿—»¡Œ «¿ –¤¡”........................................................................72 ———–-–Œ——»fl-“–¿Õ«»“ ................................................................132 —“¿–¿fl ƒ¿◊¿................................................................................73 —“ŒÀ‹ ƒŒÀ√Œ≈ Œ“—”“—“¬»≈ ........................................................174 —“–¿ÕÕ»ü ..............................................................................34, 35 —”ƒ≈¡Õ¤… »—œŒÀÕ»“≈À‹ ..................................................162, 163 —”ƒ‹¡¿ ûÀÀ»ŒÕ≈–¿ ¬ –Œ——»» ..............................................132 —”ÿ—ÿ≈ƒÿ»… œ–»Õ÷ ›—‘»–‹ ........................................122, 123 —÷≈Õ¿ ........................................................................................133 “≈ÃÕ¿fl ÀŒÿ¿ƒü¿ ..............................................................164, 165 “»Ã”–. »—“Œ–»fl œŒ—À≈ƒÕ≈√Œ œŒÀ≈“¿ ....................................133 “ŒœŒ–»Ÿ≈ ....................................................................................74 “Œ◊ü¿ ......................................................................................36, 37 “–¿√»“”–√»fl................................................................................75 ‘≈—“»¬¿À‹ ..........................................................................166, 167 ◊≈ÀŒ¬≈ü ¡≈«¬Œ«¬–¿“Õ¤… ....................................................38, 39 ◊≈–Õ¿fl Ÿ≈“ü¿ ..................................................................168, 169 ◊≈“¤–≈ —“–¿Õ»÷¤ ŒƒÕŒ… ÃŒÀŒƒŒ… ∆»«Õ»..........................151 ÿŒÿŒ ......................................................................................88, 89 ›…‘Œ–»fl ................................................................................40, 41 fi«, ƒ∆¿«, »–ü¿ » œ≈— ..............................................................134 fl ü ¬¿Ã “–¿¬Œfi œ–Œ–¿—“”Ö ....................................................134 1919 ..............................................................................................44 977............................................................................................78, 79 9th COMPANY ............................................................................92, 93 AFRICAN LULLABY, AN..................................................................46 ALIVE ......................................................................................16, 17 ALL CHILDREN ARE BORN WITH SIGHT........................................128 AND AS GRASS I GROW UP TO YOUÖ............................................134 ANGEL OF THE RUSSIAN CHURCH AGAINST THE FATHER OF ALL PEOPLES, THE....126 ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN CINEMA ........................................116, 117 ARMAVIR ....................................................................................138 AWAKENING ..................................................................................66 AXE HELVE, THE............................................................................74 BALLAD OF NARAYAMA ..............................................................179 BASTARDS ............................................................................110, 111 BESLAN. WITNESSES ......................................................................47 BIG LOVE ..................................................................................94, 95 BIG-EARED SLEEPWALKERS ..........................................................59 BLACK BRUSH ......................................................................168, 169 BLOCKADE ....................................................................................127 BLOOD TYPE ................................................................................130 CAMOMILES ....................................................................................67 CASTING, THE ..............................................................................119 CIVIL CONDITION, A......................................................................129 COLLECTOR, THE ..................................................................162, 163 CONVERSATION, THE ....................................................................178 COURTSHIP ....................................................................................68 Dark Horse ............................................................................164, 165 DAY BEFORE, THE ........................................................................141 DAY OF SUN AND RAIN, A............................................................150 DAY OF THE FULL MOON, THE......................................................140 DAY WATCH ............................................................................96, 97 DISLIKE, THE................................................................................143 DOBRYNIA AND DRAGON..........................................................98, 99 EARTH AND ASHES ..............................................................154, 155 ESTUARY........................................................................................58 EUPHORIA ................................................................................40, 41 EXHALE ........................................................................................50 FATE OF A MILLIONAIRE IN RUSSIA, THE ....................................132 FESTIVAL ..............................................................................166, 167 FILM-CENTURY OF SERGEY üŒÃ¿–Œ¬¿, THE ..............................131 FOUR PAGES OF A YOUNG LIFE ....................................................151 FREE FLOATING ........................................................................30, 31 FREE TRANSLATION ................................................................12, 13 FRIED POTATOES ............................................................................57 GADYUSHONOK ..............................................................................51 GARPASTUM ............................................................................80, 81 GESTURESÖ RECONCILIATION ........................................................54 GIRLS ............................................................................................53 GRAIN IN EAR ......................................................................156, 157 HARD ............................................................................................45 IDIOTíS DREAMS ..........................................................................142 In the Backwaters ..........................................................................127 INHALE EXHALE ......................................................................82, 83 ISLAND, THE ................................................................................8, 9 IT DOESNíT HURT......................................................................22, 23 JUNK ....................................................................................100, 101 KEEPER OF PROMISES ..................................................................175 LEG, THE ......................................................................................144 LET OUR DAYS BE LONG ..............................................................130 LONG ABSENCE, THE ....................................................................174 MAD PRINCE ESTHER ............................................................122, 123 MAN AND A WOMAN, A................................................................177 MAN OF NO RETURN, THE ........................................................38, 39 MARSEILLAISE ..............................................................................60 MARTY ........................................................................................172 MAXIMS OF PANTELEI KARMANOV, THE........................................70 MOTHER OF MINE..................................................................158, 159 MY CROWS ..................................................................................131 MY KIESLOWSKI ............................................................................61 NANKIN LANDSCAPE ................................................................24, 25 NOBODY KNOWS SEX ............................................................104, 105 HUNTING FOR PIRANHA........................................................106, 107 OFFSIDE ................................................................................160, 161 OLD DACHA, THE............................................................................73 OLEG WILL APPEAR NOW........................................................86, 87 ORANGE JAZZ ..............................................................................146 OURS, THEIRS ................................................................................69 OUTSKIRTS ..................................................................................145 OVER THE HEDGE..................................................................102, 103 PARIS, TEXAS ..............................................................................180 PITER FM ..............................................................................108, 109 PLAYING THE VICTIM ..............................................................20, 21 PRIVATE LIFE OF KUZIAYEV VALENTIN, THE ..............................150 RABBIT OVER THE VOID............................................................18, 19 RAVEN CHEAT, THE ......................................................................48 RELATIONS ..............................................................................32, 33 RETURNED MASTERPIECES....................................................114, 115 RODS ON THE RIVER ....................................................................128 SCENT OBSESSION ..........................................................................63 SEAÖ STONESÖ AND LOVE ............................................................62 SEVENTH COMPANION, THE..........................................................151 SHOSHO ....................................................................................88, 89 SIGNORE & SIGNORI ....................................................................176 SILENT WORLD, THE ....................................................................173 SOVIET PARK ............................................................................26, 27 SPOT, THE ................................................................................36, 37 STAGE, THE ..................................................................................133 THANKS FOR THE FISH ..................................................................72 TIME FOR SORROW HAS NOT YET COME, THE ..............................139 TIMUR. THE HISTORY OF THE LAST FLIGHT ................................133 TRAGITURGIA ................................................................................75 TRANSIT ..................................................................................28, 29 UGLY SWANS, THE ..................................................................14, 15 UNPLEASANT STORY ......................................................................64 USSR ñ RUSSIA TRANSIT ..............................................................132 VELLA ..........................................................................................129 VOLGA-VOLGA ......................................................................120, 121 WANDERER, THE ......................................................................34, 35 WE WILL SEE KAZAN IN THE BROKEN MICROSCOPE ......................49 WEISSMANíS NEIGHBOUR ..............................................................71 WHERE IS ZAKHAR? ......................................................................52 WHILE HE WAS FLYING ................................................................65 WICKED CREATURES......................................................................56 WILD, WILD BEACH. THE HEAT OF THE GENTLE ......................84, 85 WINTER VACATION, THE ................................................................55 YUZ, JAZZ, IRKA AND DOG ..........................................................134 Abdrashitov, Vadim ....................................................................138 Aronov, Grigory ..........................................................................151 Atanisian, Alexander ............................................................110, 111 Averbakh, Ilya ............................................................................150 Balabanov, Alexei ....................................................................22, 23 Bekmambetov, Timur ..............................................................96, 97 Bondarchuk, Fyodor ................................................................92, 93 Boretsky, Oleg ............................................................................141 Borisova, Elena ............................................................................59 Borts, Nikolai ..............................................................................74 Bosenko, Sergei ............................................................................51 Brashinsky Mikhail ......................................................................130 Bychenko, Svetlana ......................................................................131 Bychkova, Oksana ................................................................108, 109 Colpi, Henri ................................................................................174 Coppola, Francis Ford ..................................................................178 Cousteau, Jacques-Yves ................................................................173 Duarte, Anselmo..........................................................................175 Dykhovichny, Ivan ..................................................................82, 83 Erofeeva, Alexandra ......................................................................69 Esadze, Rezo ..............................................................................151 Falk, Feliks ........................................................................162, 163 Fedorchenko, Alexei ................................................................88, 89 Fenchenko Anna............................................................................68 Fiks, Dmitry ..........................................................................94, 95 Gai Germanika, Valeria ..................................................................53 Gerchikov, Vladimir ....................................................................129 German Jr., Alexei ..................................................................80, 81 German, Alexei ..........................................................................151 Germi, Pietro ..............................................................................176 Gimatdinova, Roza ........................................................................71 Gordeev, Alexei....................................................................104, 105 Griffin, Annie......................................................................166, 167 Grokhovskaia, Ekaterina ..........................................................38, 39 Guchmazov, Boris..........................................................................66 Gugueva, Natalia ........................................................................133 Gusman, Yuli ..........................................................................26, 27 Haro, Klaus ........................................................................158, 159 Imamura, Shohei ........................................................................179 Isaakian, Artiom ..........................................................................45 Isupov, Alexander........................................................................146 Izvolov, Nikolai....................................................................114, 115 Johnson, Tim ......................................................................102, 103 Karandashov, Sergei ................................................................34, 35 Kari, Dagur ........................................................................164, 165 Kavun, Andrei ....................................................................106, 107 Keosaian, Tigran......................................................................18, 19 Kessel, Alexander..........................................................................65 Khazanova, Elena ....................................................................12,13 Khlebnikov, Boris ....................................................................30, 31 Khomeriki, Nikolai ..................................................................78, 79 Kireeva, Marianna ................................................................116, 117 Kireeva, Marianna ......................................................................131 Kirkpatrick, Karey ..............................................................102, 103 Kogan, Arkady ............................................................................128 Kolesnikov, Alexei ......................................................................134 Kondrashina, Ksenia......................................................................57 Korshunov, Filipp ........................................................................67 Koval, Stepan ..............................................................................56 Kuznetsov, Andrei ........................................................................48 Kuznetsova, Varvara ....................................................................47 Labazov, Pavel ....................................................................120, 121 Lelouch, Claude ..........................................................................177 Lipovka, Lyudmila ........................................................................72 Litovets, Sergei ............................................................................49 Liznev, Boris ..............................................................................128 Lopushansky, Konstantin ..........................................................14, 15 Lounguine, Pavel ........................................................................8, 9 Loznitsa, Sergei ..........................................................................127 Lu, Zhang ..........................................................................156, 157 Lutsik, Pyotr ..............................................................................145 Magdich, Andrei ..........................................................................75 Malinin, Sasha ..............................................................................50 Malle, Louis ................................................................................173 Mann, Delbert ............................................................................172 Maslennikov, Igor ........................................................................150 Maximov, Ilya ........................................................................98, 99 Miakisheva, Vera ..........................................................................63 Miroshnichenko, Sergei ................................................................134 Moroz, Yuri ............................................................................36, 37 Mostovoy, Pyotr ..........................................................................133 Naumov, Alexander ......................................................................60 Nedorosleva, Leila ........................................................................44 Negreba, Alexander ....................................................................141 Neimand, Denis....................................................................100, 101 Nerezenko, Oksana ........................................................................62 Paiusova, Julia ............................................................................64 Panahi, Jafar ......................................................................160, 161 Paradjanov, Georgy......................................................................130 Parshchikov, Timofei ....................................................................58 Pichul, Vasily..............................................................................142 Rahimi, Atiq........................................................................154, 155 Rastorguev, Alexander ............................................................84, 85 Rasulzade, Chingiz ........................................................................54 Rogozhkin, Alexander ..............................................................28, 29 Rubinchik, Valery ............................................................24, 25, 143 Rudnitskaya, Alina ......................................................................129 Selianov, Sergei ..........................................................................139 Serebrennikov, Kirill ................................................................20, 21 Serov, Konstantin ........................................................................70 Shakhnazarov, Karen ..................................................................140 Shepotinnik, Peter ..................................................................86, 87 Shiller, Yuri ..............................................................................127 Silvestrov, Andrei ................................................................120, 121 Skvortsova, Elizaveta ....................................................................46 Smirnova, Avdotia ..................................................................32, 33 Sokolov, Victor............................................................................150 Stolpovskaya, Olga ......................................................................119 Stvolinsky, Andrei ........................................................................52 Tarasova, Anastasia ......................................................................73 Tiagunov, Nikita ........................................................................144 Tikhomirov, Dmitry ......................................................................55 Titov, Andrei ..............................................................................132 Trush, Marina ............................................................................131 Tukhvatullin, Vadim......................................................................60 Vasilieva, Irina............................................................................132 Veledinsky, Alexander ..............................................................16, 17 Volkova, Irina ..............................................................................61 Vranik, Roland ....................................................................168, 169 Vyrypaev, Ivan ........................................................................40, 41 Wenders, Wim ............................................................................180 Yukhananov, Boris ..............................................................122, 123 Zalotukha, Valery ........................................................................126 »Ì‰ÂÍÒ ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ Index of directors ¿·‰‡¯ËÚÓ‚ ¬‡‰ËÏ ....................................................................138 ¿‚·‡ı »Î¸ˇ ............................................................................150 ¿ÓÌÓ‚ √Ë„ÓËÈ ........................................................................151 ¿Ú‡ÌÂÒˇÌ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ............................................................110, 111 ¡‡Î‡·‡ÌÓ‚ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ..................................................................22, 23 ¡ÂÍχϷÂÚÓ‚ “ËÏÛ ................................................................96, 97 ¡Ó̉‡˜ÛÍ ‘Â‰Ó ....................................................................92, 93 ¡ÓˆÍËÈ ŒÎ„ 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........................................................................133 √ÛÒχÌ, fiÎËÈ ........................................................................26, 27 √ۘχÁÓ‚ ¡ÓËÒ ............................................................................66 ƒÊÂÏË, œ¸ÂÚÓ ........................................................................176 ƒÊÓÌÒÓÌ, “ËÏ ....................................................................102, 103 ƒÛ‡ÚÂ, ¿ÌÒÂθÏÓ ......................................................................175 ƒ˚ıӂ˘Ì˚È »‚‡Ì ..................................................................82, 83 ≈ÓÙ‚‡ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉‡....................................................................69 «‡ÎÓÚÛı‡ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ......................................................................126 »Á‚ÓÎÓ‚ ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ................................................................114, 115 »Ï‡ÏÛ‡, —∏ıÂÈ..........................................................................179 »Ò‡‡ÍˇÌ ¿ÚÂÏ 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..................................................................134 üÓθÔË, ¿ÌË ............................................................................174 üÓ̉‡¯Ë̇ üÒÂÌˡ ....................................................................57 üÓÔÔÓ·, ‘˝ÌÒËÒ ‘Ó‰ ..............................................................178 üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚ ‘ËÎËÔÔ ......................................................................67 üÛÁ̈ӂ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ..........................................................................48 üÛÁ̈ӂ‡ ¬‡‚‡‡ ......................................................................47 ÀËÚӂˆ —„ÂÈ ............................................................................49 üÛÒÚÓ, ∆‡Í-»‚ ..........................................................................173 À‡·‡ÁÓ‚ œ‡‚ÂÎ ....................................................................120, 121 ÀÂβ¯, üÎÓ‰ ............................................................................177 ÀËÁÌ‚ ¡ÓËÒ ............................................................................128 ÀËÔӂ͇ À˛‰ÏË· ........................................................................72 ÀÓÁÌˈ‡ —„ÂÈ ..........................................................................127 ÀÓÔÛ¯‡ÌÒÍËÈ üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ......................................................14, 15 ÀÛ, ◊ʇÌ............................................................................156, 157 ÀÛÌ„ËÌ œ‡‚ÂÎ ............................................................................8, 9 ÀÛˆËÍ œÂÚ................................................................................145 Ç„‰Ë˜ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ............................................................................75 ÇÍÒËÏÓ‚ »Î¸ˇ ......................................................................98, 99 ÇÎËÌËÌ —‡¯‡ ............................................................................50 Çθ, ÀÛË..................................................................................173 ÇÌÌ, ƒÂηÂÚ............................................................................172 ÇÒÎÂÌÌËÍÓ‚ »„Ó¸ ....................................................................150 ÃËÓ¯Ì˘ÂÌÍÓ —„ÂÈ ................................................................134 ÃÓÓÁ fiËÈ ..........................................................................36, 37 ÃÓÒÚÓ‚ÓÈ œÂÚ ..........................................................................133 ÃˇÍ˯‚‡ ¬Â‡............................................................................63 Õ‡ÛÏÓ‚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉........................................................................60 Õ„·‡ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ....................................................................141 Õ‰ÓÓÒ΂‡ ÀÂÈ· ......................................................................44 ÕÂÈχ̉ ƒÂÌËÒ....................................................................100, 101 ÕÂÂÁÂÌÍÓ ŒÍ҇̇ ........................................................................62 œ‡Ì‡ıË, ƒÊ‡Ù‡ ................................................................160, 161 œ‡‡‰Ê‡ÌÓ‚ √ÂÓ„ËÈ ..................................................................130 œ‡˘ËÍÓ‚ “ËÏÓÙÂÈ ......................................................................58 œ‡˛ÒÓ‚‡, fiÎˡ ............................................................................64 œË˜ÛÎ ¬‡ÒËÎËÈ ..........................................................................142 –‡ÒÚÓ„Û‚ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉..............................................................84, 85 –‡ÒÛÎÁ‡‰Â ◊ËÌ„ËÁ ........................................................................54 –‡ıËÏË, ¿ÚÚËÍ ....................................................................154, 155 –Ó„ÓÊÍËÌ ¿ÎÂÍ҇̉ ..............................................................28, 29 –Û·Ë̘ËÍ ¬‡ÎÂËÈ ..........................................................24, 25, 143 –Û‰Ìˈ͇ˇ ¿ÎË̇ ......................................................................129 —ÂθˇÌÓ‚ —„ÂÈ ........................................................................139 —·ÂÌÌËÍÓ‚ üËËÎÎ............................................................20, 21 —ÂÓ‚ üÓÌÒÚ‡ÌÚËÌ ........................................................................70 —Ëθ‚ÂÒÚÓ‚ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ............................................................120, 121 —Í‚ÓˆÓ‚‡ ≈ÎËÁ‡‚ÂÚ‡ ....................................................................46 —ÏËÌÓ‚‡ ¿‚‰ÓÚ¸ˇ ..................................................................32, 33 —ÓÍÓÎÓ‚ ¬ËÍÚÓ ..........................................................................150 —Ú‚ÓÎËÌÒÍËÈ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ....................................................................52 —ÚÓÎÔÓ‚Ò͇ˇ ŒÎ¸„‡ ......................................................................119 “‡‡ÒÓ‚‡ ¿Ì‡ÒÚ‡Òˡ ......................................................................73 “ËÚÓ‚ ¿Ì‰ÂÈ ............................................................................132 “ËıÓÏËÓ‚ ƒÏËÚËÈ ....................................................................55 “Û¯ ÇË̇ ............................................................................131 “Ûı‚‡ÚÛÎÎËÌ ¬‡‰ËÏ ......................................................................60 “ˇ„ÛÌÓ‚ ÕËÍËÚ‡..........................................................................144 ‘‡Î¸Í, ‘ÂÎËÍÒ ....................................................................162, 163 ‘‰ӘÂÌÍÓ ¿ÎÂÍÒÂÈ ..............................................................88, 89 ‘Â̘ÂÌÍÓ ¿Ì̇ ............................................................................68 ‘ËÍÒ ƒÏËÚËÈ........................................................................94, 95 ’‡Á‡ÌÓ‚‡ ≈ÎÂ̇ ......................................................................12, 13 ’‡Ó, ü·ÛÒ ........................................................................158, 159 ’ηÌËÍÓ‚ ¡ÓËÒ ....................................................................30, 31 ’ÓÏÂËÍË ÕËÍÓÎ‡È ................................................................78, 79 ÿ‡ı̇Á‡Ó‚ ü‡ÂÌ......................................................................140 ÿÂÔÓÚËÌÌËÍ œÂÚ ..................................................................86, 87 ÿËÎΠfiËÈ ............................................................................127 ›Ò‡‰Á –ÂÁÓ ................................................................................151 fiı‡Ì‡ÌÓ‚ ¡ÓËÒ..................................................................122, 123 183 Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË/ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚ˚ —ompanies/ contacts 184 12¿ (Moscow, Russia) Tel.: (495) 924-29-95, 925-76-45 Fax: (495) 925-59-97, 200-32-03 E-mail:; 1+1 Studio (Kiev, Ukraine) Tel.: (044) 490-01-01; fax: (044) 490-70-97 E-mail:; A.G. Pictures Group (Moscow, Russia)/ ¿.√..œË͘ÂÁ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 506-76-93; fax: 143-49-17 CTB (Moscow ñ St. Petersburg, Russia)/ —“¬ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡ ñ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ) Tel./ fax (Moscow): (495) 688-88-48, 684-58-17, 631-02-45; Tel. (St. Petersburg): (812) 326-83-30, 8289; fax: (812) 326-83-31 E-mail:,; Courier (Moscow, Russia)/ ü۸ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 143-4938; 143-93-36 A.K.V./ ¿.ü..¬. (St. Petersburg) Tel.: (812) 237-04-72; 238-60-00; 230-94-89 Culture of Siberian People (Novosibirsk, Russia) üÛθÚÛ‡ ̇Ӊӂ —Ë·ËË (ÕÓ‚ÓÒË·ËÒÍ) E-mail: Absheron Artists (Moscow/ Russia) Mob.: 916 1055625, e-mail: D-Film (Moscow, Russia)/ ƒ-ÙËÎ¸Ï (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel. fax: (495) 745-28-88 AMA Film Company (Moscow, Russia)/ ¿Ã¿ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 143-94-90, 143-94-21 E-mail: Doo Entertainment (South Korea) Tel.: +82 2 3675 7536; fax: +82 2 3675 7535 E-mail: Ark-Film (Moscow, Russia)/ ¿Í-ÙËÎ¸Ï (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel..: (495) 143-49-35; 143-92-43 E-mail: Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography ‘‰‡θÌÓ ‡„ÂÌÚÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓ ÍÛθÚÛÂ Ë ÍËÌÂχÚÓ„‡ÙËË Tel.: (495) 629-37-04; Art Pictures Group (Moscow, Russia) Tel.: (495) 143-49-44; e-mail: Artima Studio (Moscow, Russia)/ ¿ÚËχ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Mob. (495) 792-76-73; e-mail: Atalanta (Moscow, Russia)/ ¿Ú‡Î‡ÌÚ‡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 739-43-48 Atlantic Studio (Moscow, Russia)/ ¿Ú·ÌÚËÍ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel./fax: (495) 181-03-86; e-mail: August (Moscow, Russia)/ ¿‚„ÛÒÚ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: +095 707-27-99; 8-905 719-07-25 (mob.) E-mail: Bazelevs Production (Moscow, Russia) Tel.: (495) 223-04-00, 143-71-64; fax: (495) 143-17-23 E-mail:; Calendar (Moscow, Russia)/ ü‡ÎẨ‡¸ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 962-47-00 CDP (France) Tel.: 0146050022; fax: 0146050259 E-mail: Celluloid Dreams (Paris, France) Tel.: (33 1) 4970 0371; fax: (33 1) 4970 0371 E-mail:; Central Partnership (Moscow, Russia) / ÷ÂÌڇΠœ‡Ú̯ËÔ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 777-49-53, 777-49-61; 981-82-15; fax: (495) 799-56-70 E-mail:; Cine Fantom (Moscow, Russia)/ —ËÌ ‘‡ÌÚÓÏ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 104-68-64; Channel One Russia (Moscow)/ œÂ‚˚È Í‡Ì‡Î (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 617-73-87 E-mail:; Filmpartners ñ Ò/o Magyar Filmunio Tel.: (36 1) 351 7760; fax: (36 1) 352 6734 E-mail:; Filmteam ñ Ò/o Magyar Filmunio Tel.: (36 1) 351 7760; fax: (36 1) 352 6734 E-mail:; Films Distribution/ Mercure Int. (Paris, France) Tel..: (33) 01 53 10 33 99/ fax: (33) 01 53 10 33 98 E-mail: Fishka-film (Moscow, Russia)/ ‘˯͇-ÙËÎ¸Ï (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 241-70-58; e-mail: Gemini Film (Moscow, Russia)/ √ÂÏËÌË ‘ËÎ¸Ï (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 780-01-04; fax: (495) 780-01-05 E-mail:; Georgy Paradzhanov Film (Moscow, Russia) √ÂÓ„ËÈ œ‡‡‰Ê‡ÌÓ‚ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: 495 211-62-94; e-mail: HCSF ñ High Courses of Scriptwriters and Film Directors (Moscow) ¬ü—– ñ ¬˚үˠÍÛÒ˚ ÒˆÂ̇ËÒÚÓ‚ Ë ÂÊËÒÒÂÓ‚ Tel.: +095 253-64-88, 253-39-57; fax: 095 253-87-09 E-mail:; Inforg Studio ñ c/o Magyar Filmunio Tel.: (36 1) 351 7760; fax: (36 1) 352 6734 E-mail:; Intercinema Art (Moscow, Russia)/ »ÌÚÂÒËÌÂχ ¿Ú (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 255-90-82; 255-94-21; fax: (495) 255-90-52 E-mail:; Internews (Moscow, Russia)/ »ÌÚÂ̸˛Ò (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 956-22-48; fax: (495) 291-21-74 E-mail: Kazan Film Studio (Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, RF) ü‡Á‡ÌÒ͇ˇ ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ (ü‡Á‡Ì¸) Tel./ fax: +8432 422-820, +8432 422-528 E-mail: Kinotavr ñ ORFF in Sochi (Moscow, Russia) üËÌÓÚ‡‚ ñ Œ–ü‘ ‚ —Ó˜Ë (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 543-18-12, 916-90-60 E-mail:; Kinoteatr.doc (Moscow, Russia)/ üËÌÓÚ‡Ú.doc (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel. (495) 143 92 43; mob. +7 910 409 40 81 (Mikhail Siniov) E-mail:; Koktebel Film Company (Moscow, Russia)/ üÓÍÚ·Âθ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 708-81-19; fax: (495) 708-80-51 E-mail: Korshunov, Filipp (Moscow, Russia) üÓ¯ÛÌÓ‚ ‘ËÎËÔÔ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Mob. 916-641-8916; E-mail: Krug (Moscow, Russia)/ üÛ„ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 143-94-84; fax: (495) 143-92-58 E-mail:; Lenfilm (St. Petersburg, Russia)/ ÀÂÌÙËÎ¸Ï (—œ·) Tel.: (812) 326-83-83/81; Fax: (812) 232-88-81 E-mail: Maxim Gorky Film Studio (Moscow, Russia) üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ ËÏÂÌË Ã‡ÍÒËχ √Ó¸ÍÓ„Ó (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 181-04-34; 181-01- 83, 181-04-30 E-mail:; MB Production (Moscow, Russia) Tel.: (495) 540-66-36. 540-91-60; fax: (495) 540-66-39 ≈-mail:; Melnitsa Studio (St. Petersburg, Russia)/ ÃÂθÌˈ‡ (—œ·) Tel.: (812) 567-15-40; fax: (812) 567-85-06 E-mail:; Mercure International (Paris, France) Tel.: (33 1) 5310 3399 / Fax: (33 1) 5310 3398 E-mail: Metronome Films (Moscow, Russia)/ ÃÂÚÓÌÓÏ-‘ËÎ¸Ï (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 181-05-84, mob.: 8-916-486-39-83 E-mail:, Mikhail Kalatozovís Fund (Moscow, Russia) ‘Ó̉ ÃËı‡Ë· ü‡Î‡ÚÓÁÓ‚‡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 259-10-72 Mosfilm (Moscow, Russia)/ ÃÓÒÙËÎ¸Ï (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: +495 143-91-18, -19; fax: (495) 938-20-83; 232-93-38 E-mail: Motor Film Studio (Moscow, Russia) ÃÓÚÓ ÙËÎ¸Ï ÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 209-73-63, mob. 109-05-48 (Mikhail Kurbatov) MRP Matila Rohr Productions Oy (Finland) Tel.: +358-9-540 7820; fax: +358-9-540 78210 E-mail: Nashe Kino (Moscow, Russia)/ Õ‡¯Â ÍËÌÓ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel./fax: (495) 681-51-41 E-mail:; Nerezenko&Co (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: NETSKI Studio named after Savva Kulish (Moscow, Russia) üËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ Õ›÷ü» ËÏÂÌË —‡‚‚˚ üÛÎ˯‡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel./fax: (495) 617-87-49, mob.: 974-52-30 E-mail: Nordisk Film International Sales Tel.: (45 36) 18 82 00; fax: (45 36) 18 95 50 E-mail:, Novye Lyudi/ New Men (Moscow, Russia)/ ÕÓ‚˚ β‰Ë (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Mob.: (495) 789-50-12, e-mail: Ostrov (Moscow, Russia)/ ŒÒÚÓ‚ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 245-44-67 Pack Line (Israel) Tel.: +972-3-558 1534; fax: +972-3-558 3635 E-mail: Paradise (Moscow, Russia)/ œ‡‡‰ËÁ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 916-90-18 E-mail: Pathe Pictures International (London, UK) Tel: (44 207) 462 4427, fax: (44 207) 436 7891 E-mail: Pavel Lounguine Studio (Moscow, Russia) —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ œ‡‚· ÀÛÌ„Ë̇ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 143-93-88, Pervoe Kinopartnerstvo (Moscow, Russia) œÂ‚Ó üËÌÓÔ‡ÚÌÂÒÚ‚Ó (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 143-27-10; e-mail: PiEF (St. Petersburg, Russia) œË›‘ ñ —ÚÛ‰Ëˇ ÔÂ‚Ó„Ó Ë ˝ÍÒÔÂËÏÂÌڇθÌÓ„Ó ÙËθχ (—œ·) Tel.:/ fax: (812) 237-07-01, 237-07-09 E-mail:; ProFIT (Moscow, Russia)/ œÓ‘»“ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 915-33-01 E-mail:; CTC Television (Moscow, Russia)/ —“— (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel/: (495) 797-41-00; fax: (495) 797-41-01 E-mail:; Proline-film (St. Petersburg, Russia) Tel.: (812) 233-95-61, 438-11-34; E-mail: Telemost (Moscow, Russia)/ “ÂÎÂÏÓÒÚ Tel.: (495) 928-70-13; e-mail: Protel (Moscow, Russia)/ œÓÚÂÎ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 916-93-49 E-mail:; Telekino (Moscow, Russia)/ “ÂÎÂÍËÌÓ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 143-92-01, 143-92-00, 143-97-85 E-mail: Pygmalion Production Film Co (Moscow, Russia) œË„χÎËÓÌ œÓ‰‡Í¯Ì (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 290-02-58; 234-30-41 E-mail:; TNT Television (Moscow, Russia)/ “Õ“ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 783-30-00; fax: (495) 783-30-01 E-mail: regions@tnt-tv.tu Racoon-TV (Moscow, Russia)/ –ÂÍÛÌ-“¬ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 774-21-13 E-mail: TochkaZrenia (Moscow, Russia)/ “Ә͇ ÁÂÌˡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel./fax: (495)973-33-58 E-mail: Risk (Moscow, Russia)/ –ËÒÍ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 209-40-55; 209-40-66 E-mail: Trust Film Sales ApS (Denmark) Tel.: +45 3686 8788; fax: +45 3677 4448 E-mail:; Ritm Studio (Moscow, Russia)/ –ËÚÏ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 147-63-86, 147-24-89, 143-90-48 E-mail: Rock (Moscow ñ St. Petersburg, Russia) –ÓÍ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡ ñ —‡ÌÍÚ-œÂÚ·ۄ) Tel. (in Moscow): (495) 629-04-77 Tel. (in St. Petersburg): (812) 714-20-56 E-mail: Rolan Bykovís Fund (Moscow, Russia)/ ‘Ó̉ –Ó·̇ ¡˚ÍÓ‚‡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 916-93-00; 924-40-51; fax: (495) 200-32-20 E-mail: RTR ñ Russia Television (Moscow, Russia) –“– ñ “ÂÎÂ͇̇Π´–ÓÒÒˡª (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 955-86-42; 730-43-79; 955-81-53 E-mail:; SDF (St. Petersburg, Russia)/ —ƒ‘ (—œ·) Tel: (812) 714-08-06; 714-53-12, 714-11-05, 714-53-12 Fax: (812) 714-33-04 E-mail:; Slon Studio (Moscow, Russia)/ —ÎÓÌ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 181-03-86, 181-33-24; fax: (495) 181-03-86 E-mail:; Slovo Film Studio (Moscow, Russia)/ —ÎÓ‚Ó, ÍËÌÓÒÚÛ‰Ëˇ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 143-95-03; 143-97-98 E-mail:; Slovo, Production Company (Moscow, Russia) —ÎÓ‚Ó, œÓ‰˛ÒÂÒ͇ˇ ÍËÌÓÍÓÏÔ‡Ìˡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel../fax: (495) 143-49-17; 97-25; tÂÎ.: (495) 143-91-60 Email: Snega/ Sky (Ekaterinburg, Russia)/ —Ì„‡ (≈͇ÚÂËÌ·Û„) Tel.: (343) 261-39-12; e-mail: Soyuz (Moscow, Russia)/ —Ó˛Á (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 143-49-26; 147-23-10 TVP SA (Warsaw, Poland) Tel: +48 22 547 6139; fax: +48 22 547 7583 E-mail: Ukraine Media Group (Kiev, Ukraine) ”͇ËÌÒ͇ˇ ωËÈ̇ˇ „ÛÔÔ‡ (üË‚) Tel.: (044) 454-19-38 UIP ñ United International Pictures (USA) Tel. (in Moscow, Russia): (495) 981-07-63, 981-07-59, 981- 07-61 Fax (in Moscow, Russia): (495) 981-07-60 E-mail:; Vertov &Co (Moscow, Russia)/ ¬ÂÚÓ‚ Ë üÓ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 235-51-98, 235-42-41 E-mail:; VGIK ñ Educational Studio of the All-Russia Institute of Cinematography (Moscow, Russia) ¬√»ü ËÏÂÌË —.¿.√‡ÒËÏÓ‚‡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel: (495) 181-13-14; fax: (495) 187-71-74 E-mail:;; V.K. ñ Campaign (Moscow, Russia)/ V.ü ñ ü‡ÏÔ‡Ìˡ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 200-03-68 VOZ (Moscow, Russia)/ ¬Œ« (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Mob. 8-926-525-6036; e-mail: VT Cinema (Moscow, Russia) Tel.: (495) 603-09-43; 585-49-00 E-mail:, West Company (Moscow, Russia)/ ¬ÂÒÚ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 916-28-28, e-mail: YuG-TV (Moscow, Russia)/ fi√-“¬ (ÃÓÒÍ‚‡) Tel.: (495) 506-76-93; fax: (495) 143-49-17 ZGfilm (Moscow, Russia) Tel./ fax: (495) 680-15-39, 680-15-21 E-mail:; www.zgfilm Œ„‡ÌËÁ‡ˆËË/ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚ˚ —ompanies/ contacts Ministry of Culture of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine) ÃËÌËÒÚÂÒÚ‚Ó ÍÛθÚÛ˚ ”͇ËÌ˚ (üË‚) Tel.: (044) 226-26-45; 234-40-94; fax: (044) 225-32-57 E-mail: 185 Œ—Œ¡¿fl ¡À¿√Œƒ¿–ÕŒ—“‹ √”¡≈–Õ¿“Œ–” ü–¿—ÕŒƒ¿–—üŒ√Œ ü–¿fl “ü¿◊≈¬” ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ–” Õ»üŒÀ¿≈¬»◊” √À¿¬≈ √Œ–Œƒ¿ —Œ◊» üŒÀŒƒfl∆ՌÔ ¬»ü“Œ–” ¬»ü“Œ–Œ¬»◊” ‘≈ƒ≈–¿À‹ÕŒÃ” ¿√≈Õ“—“¬” œŒ ü”À‹“”–≈ » ü»Õ≈ÿ“Œ√–¿‘»»: ÿ¬¤ƒüŒÃ” û’¿»À” ≈‘»ÃŒ¬»◊” √ŒÀ”“¬≈ ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ–” ¿À≈ü—≈≈¬»◊” À¿«¿–”ü” —≈–√≈fi ¬À¿ƒ»Ã»–Œ¬»◊” —“–Œ◊üŒ¬Œ… √¿À»Õ≈ ÿ–üŒ¬Õ≈ —Œ–Œü»ÕŒ… »–»Õ≈ ¿Õ¿“ŒÀ‹≈¬Õ≈ 186 ¿¬»¿üŒÃœ¿Õ»» ´¿›–Œ‘ÀŒ“ª: Õ¿◊¿À‹Õ»ü” Œ“ƒ≈À¿ ”œ–¿¬À≈Õ»fl ƒŒ’Œƒ¿Ã» –‘ » —Õ√ —üŒ–Œ¡Œ√¿“Œ¬” ≈¬√≈Õ»fi ¿Õ¿“ŒÀ‹≈¬»◊” Õ¿◊¿À‹Õ»ü” Œ“ƒ≈À¿ √–”œœŒ¬¤’ œ≈–≈¬Œ«Œü ü”«»ÕŒ… —¬≈“À¿Õ≈ ¬¿À≈Õ“»ÕŒ¬Õ≈ ¿¬“Œ“–¿Õ—œŒ–“ՌÔ ¿√≈Õ“—“¬” ´¿√¿“¿ª ¿À¿ƒƒ»ÕŒ… »–»Õ≈ ¬¿ƒ»ÃŒ¬Õ≈ üŒÃœ¿Õ»» ´ü»ÕŒœ–Œ≈ü“ª: ü»—≈À≈¬” »√Œ–fi fi–‹≈¬»◊” –”¡»Õ” ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ–” fi–‹≈¬»◊” √Œ—‘»À‹ÃŒ‘ŒÕƒ” –‘: ¡Œ–Œƒ¿◊≈¬” Õ»üŒÀ¿fi û’¿…ÀŒ¬»◊” ƒÃ»“–»≈¬” ¬À¿ƒ»Ã»–” fi–‹≈¬»◊” üŒÃœ¿Õ»» ´—Œ”ƒ —Œ◊»Õ—ü»≈ ¬¤—“¿¬ü»ª: «¿’¿–◊≈ÕüŒ fi–»fi ¿À≈ü—¿Õƒ–Œ¬»◊” «¿’¿–◊≈ÕüŒ »ÕÕ≈ »¬¿ÕŒ¬Õ≈ «¿Ã≈—“»“≈Àfi √À¿¬¤ ¿ƒÃ»Õ»—“–¿÷»» ü–¿—ÕŒƒ¿–—üŒ√Œ ü–¿fl «ŒÀ»ÕŒ… √¿À»Õ≈ ƒÃ»“–»≈¬Õ≈ ‘√”œ ´ ¿›–ŒœŒ–“ —Œ◊»ª: ¡À»«ÕfiüŒ¬” ¿À≈ü—≈fi √≈Œ–√≈¬»◊” ü”Õ¿’Œ¬Œ… —¬≈“À¿Õ≈ 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DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE OF THE KRASNODAR REGION TATIANA SERGEEVNA ARTASHEVICH TO ÿX MEDIA GROUP MIKHAIL MIKHAILOVICH MIKSHIS TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CITY ASSEMBLY OF SOCHI VALERI YAKOVLEVICH PODPOVETNY TO THE AGENCY ìINTERCINEMA ARTî RAISA KLIMENTIEVNA FOMINA TO THE CULTURAL DIRECTORATE OF SOCHI CITY ADMINISTRATION CONCORD TRAVEL AGENCY ANDREI ALEXEEVICH BRAGIN TO THE HEAD OF THE CULTURAL DIRECTORATE OF SOCHI CITY ADMINISTRATION RUZANNA GEORGIEVNA BARSEGIAN TO THE SECTION OF NATIONAL CINEMA AT THE FILM INSTITUTE VGIK: NATALIA GRIGORIEVNA CHERTOVA TO THE CHIEF EXPERT OF THE CULTURAL DIRECTORATE OF SOCHI CITY ADMINISTRATION IGOR PETROVICH SMOLENTSEV AND PERSONALLY TO TO THE HOTEL COMPLEX ìZHEMCHUZHINAî: YURI NIKOLAEVICH ARINTSEV SERGEI VIKTOROVICH GRUSHKO GENNADI EGOROVICH KOVALIOV ELVIRA DZHONOVNA MKRTYCHAN ELENA VALERIEVNA MAKAROVA TO THE COMPANY ìHOUSE 2000î MIKHAIL ZAKHAROVICH ITENBERG TO THE AIRLINE ìVIM-AVIAî: MIKHAIL ANATOLIEVICH GRIBKOV ALEXEI VLADIMIROVICH MAMIN ALEXEI GENNADIEVICH 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