koinonia - september 2010
koinonia - september 2010
HOLY TRINITY-HOLY CROSS GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL +FR. PAUL COSTOPOULOS, DEAN V O L U M E SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Family Night Programs September 8– November 17 National Back to Church Sunday September 12 Koinonia 2 9 I S S U E 8 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0 Description of Exaltation ByBy +Father Paul Costopoulos +Father Paul Costopoulos Of The Holy Cross Description of Exaltation Of The Holy Cross Greek Food Festival Sept. 23,24&25 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Editorials 2 Cathedral News Notes 3 Outreach Stewardship 8 9 Youth Ministries 16 Greek Festival 23 Calendar 32 Saint Helen, the mother of Saint Constantine the Great, when she was already advanced in years, undertook, in her great piety, the hardships of a journey to Jerusalem in search of the cross, about the year 325. A temple to Aphrodite had been raised up by the Emperor Hadrian upon Golgotha, to defile and cover with oblivion the place where the saving Passion had been suffered. The venerable Helen had the statue of Aphrodite destroyed, and the earth removed, revealing the Tomb of our Lord, and three crosses. Of these, it was believed that one must be that of our Lord, the other two of the thieves crucified with Him; but Saint Helen was at a loss which one might be the Wood of our salvation. At the inspiration of Saint Macarius, Archbishop of Jerusalem, a lady of Jerusalem, who was already at the point of death from a certain disease, was brought to touch the crosses, and as soon as she came near to the Cross of our Lord, she was made perfectly whole. Consequently, the precious Cross was lifted on high by Archbishop Macarius of Jerusalem; as he stood on the ambo, and when the people beheld it, they cried out, "Lord have mercy." It should be noted that after its discovery, a portion of the venerable Cross was taken to Constantinople as a blessing. The rest was left in Jerusalem in the magnificent church built by Saint Helen, until the year 614. At that time, the Persians plundered Palestine and took the Cross to their own country (see Jan. 22, Saint Anastasius the Persian). Late, in the year 628, Emperor Heraclius set out on a military campaign, retrieved the Cross, and after bringing it to Constantinople, himself escorted it back to Jerusalem, where he restored it to its place. Rest from labour. A Fast is observed today, whatever day of the week it may be. PAGE 2 A NEW BEGINNING… +Father Paul Costopoulos There is a Feast Day commemorated in the Orthodox Church that is little known by Orthodox Christians. It falls on September 1st. The Feast is called the beginning of Indiction, that is—as the Synaxarion tells us—“the beginning of the new ecclesiastical year.” The new ecclesiastical year in the Orthodox Church is just that. It is a day that marks the beginning of the new liturgical cycle. Its proper observance is not at all like the observance that many accord to New Year’s Day where we “usher out the old and welcome in the new” with eating, drinking, partying and making merry. Instead it is a day for prayer and attendance at the Divine Liturgy. There are two spiritual truths that the Orthodox Church would have us reflect upon on this day: (1. that Jesus is the Lord of “time” who gives time meaning; and (2. that Jesus is the one who makes all things new. I don’t know about you. But as for myself, from the time I was a little boy until now September has always marked the beginning of something new. As a child, for example, it marked for me the beginning of a new school year, the beginning of Sunday School and GOYA, the beginning of a new foot ball season, the beginning of college, and the beginning of new friendships. Today it marks the reconvening of many church programs that took a summer hiatus, the return of many to church on Sundays, and the commencement of another Greek Festival. As with all beginnings, all of these beginnings had been or continue to be filled with renewed hope. What hope? The hope that the new will in fact be better than the old. There is, of course, no guarantee that KOINONIA the new will be better than the old. Life by its very nature and fortuitous circumstances sees to that. However, what I have discovered as a Christian and as a Greek Orthodox priest, is that if I put my trust in God who transcends time and gives meaning to time, that by God’s grace I can give my time a meaning that it would not otherwise have. In a word, I have discovered that living for God, or at least attempting to live for God, is to live life the way it was intended to be lived with purpose, meaning, and love. “Christ God the Word,” says the Doxastiko from the Orthros of the Feast of the Indiction, “in your inexpressible wisdom You composed all things, and ordered for us times and seasons. Bless the work of your hands (i.e. us), and gladden the hearts of our rulers and us, granting unto us strength to prevail over our foes, as the only good and loving God.” This prayer from the Doxastiko, my brothers and sisters in Christ, is my prayer for you so that you too during the new ecclesiastical year might live life the way it was intended to be lived. May God bless you and anoint your “New Year” with happiness! VOLUME 29 ISSUE8 PAGE Cathedral News Notes SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR NEW ECCLESIASTICAL YEAR Began on Sunday, August th 29 . Parents, if you have not yet registered your children, do so at your earliest convenience. There are classes for children 4K through the 12th grade. Sunday School follows Holy Communion and meets until 12:15. INQUIRERS’ CATECHISM CLASS TO BE HEL D BEGINNING OCTOBER 3rd Interested in learning more about the teachings, practices and history of the Orthodox Church? Then consider joining the Inquirers’ Class that will be meeting on 8 different Sundays (dates TBA) beginning on October 3, 12:15 p.m. till 1:15 p.m. Fr. Paul and others TBA will teach. This class is for both nonOrthodox who know little about the faith, and for Orthodox Christians who wish to learn more. Persons wishing to join the Church through Baptism and/or Chrismation must take the class. For more information, call the church office. Tel. # 205/716-380 TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY CLASSES TO RECONVENE Men’s Bible Study will reconvene on Tuesday, September 21, 7:15 a.m. Women’s classes will reconvene on Tuesday, October 5, 10:30 a.m. Both classes will begin the year with a study “On the Person, Life and Death of the Virgin Mary the Theotokos.” CHURCH’S FEAST DAY The Elevation of the Holy Cross, Tuesday, September 14. Orthros and Liturgy will be held in the Cathedral. Vespers will be celebrated the evening before beginning at 5:30. FAMILY NIGHT TO BEGIN WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8th Circle your calendars. It will meet every Wednesday Night, except September 22nd (the eve of the beginning of our Greek Festival), until November 17th. The schedule of events is the same as last year: dinner at 5:00 p.m., youth programs and religious education classes at 6:00, and adult Bible Study at 6:00. This fall Fr. Paul will be teaching the adults, and Dr. Pete Pappas will be instructing the GOYAns. Greek School classes will also begin on September 8th. YOUTH SUNDAY Our first Youth Sunday for the new ecclesiastical year will be held on Sunday, September 12. As with previous Youth Sundays, so also on this Sunday our focus will be upon our youth. Our youth will assist with ushering, taking the collection, serving at the “pangari, ” and reading the Epistle. They will also have the sermon by Father Paul addressed primarily to them. Youth members of our Parish are encouraged to sit together on Youth Sunday. A number of pews will be reserved for them in the front of the church. 3 PAGE Cathedral News Notes 4 SUB-DEACON TIKHON ATTENDS SEMINARY PROGRAM Sub-deacon Tikhon attended the Diaconal program at the Seminary during the first two weeks of August. Because of work commitments Mark Mercer was unable to attend. Tikhon (Jason Cobb) has one more year to complete the program and thereafter he will be a candidate for ordination. Once ordained, by the grace of God, he will be able to assist at the Liturgy, help serve Communion, engage in hospital/nursing home visitations, and assist in the teaching ministrations of the Parish. Sub-deacon Tikhon is grateful to the Parish for its support to attend this year’s program at the Seminary. We in turn are grateful to him and Mark Mercer for their commitment and desire to serve our Church as deacons. THANK YOU, FR. NABIL We are grateful to Father Nabil Fino, pastor of the Annunciation Antiochian Mission Parish of Birmingham, for his assistance during the summer months. He had been assisting Father Paul and our Parish on a part-time basis since Memorial Day. His “summer time” ministry with us will officially end on Labor Day. We wish Fr. Nabil and his family well in all that they do in the future. AXIOI”! (THEY ARE WORTHY!) Marlene Velotas (adult honoree) and Nicholas Gulas(Youth Honoree). The two were unanimously selected by Fr. Paul, the Parish Council, Philoptochos, and the Youth Commission as this year’s “honorees” for the annual KOINONIA Archangel Michael Award. Marlene Velotas, who fell asleep in the Lord in May of this year, will be honored posthumously. The Archangel Michael Award is annually given by Metropolitan Alexios at an Awards Banquet at the Cathedral in Atlanta to one adult and one youth member from each parish in the Metropolis for “outstanding” service to the Church. This year’s Banquet will take place on Saturday evening, November 13th. BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL FESTIVAL!!! My personal best wishes and expressions of gratitude are extended to the organizers and workers of this year’s Greek Festival. Your work, dedication, and tireless efforts on behalf of our Church and the Festival have been duly noted and are greatly appreciated. May God bless you! And may He grant that our Festival be to His glory and the glory of His Holy Orthodox Church. This year’s Festival will take place on September 23rd, 24th and 25th. Festival hours are from 10:30 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. FUNERALS: August 6 Elizabeth Issos August 16 Toula Paulson — May Their Memory Be Eternal — WEDDINGS: August 28 Alaire Manno & James Kamburis VOLUME 29 ISSUE8 PAGE “WORSHIP IN THE ORTHODOX CHURCH” The most characteristic aspect of Orthodox Christianity is its worship. Though rich in tradition of doctrine, morality, canon law, social concern, personal faith, and monasticism, to name only a few of its objects, the core of Orthodox Christian life is to be found in its worship. Consequently, Orthodox Christianity has been perceived by some to emphasize worship so much that the other aspects of church life appear to be submerged and even lost. Orthodox leaders would strongly deny the characterization that the Orthodox Church is only a Church of worship, while continuing to accept and justify the centrality of worship in the life of the Church. Worship also makes alive and present for the believer all of the mighty acts of salvation history. Most feasts are presented in worship services as occurring now, "today." The chief example of this is Holy Week, which serves to help the faithful relive the events of Christ's death and resurrection. More important, however, is the sacramental aspect of worship, through which the saving work of Jesus Christ is mediated by the Church to each person. Baptism introduces the believer into the life of the Kingdom. Holy anointing or Chrismation grants the gift of the Holy Spirit for growth in the image and likeness of God. The Eucharist realizes the Kingdom of God everywhere it is celebrated, and unites the communicant with the very body and blood of the Lord. The sacrament of Penance serves to grant and assure the penitent Christian of God's forgiveness. Marriage unites a man and a woman, incorporating the natural union into the life of the Kingdom, "in the Lord." Ordination sets aside a small number of the believers for special service to the altar. Unction mediates healing and forgiving grace to believers. It is around these worship experiences that the Orthodox Christian lives his or her Christian life. Hence worship cannot be other than central to the life of the Church. … the core of Orthodox Christian life is to be found in its worship.” Worship is central to the life of the Church because it is the place where the most important relationship for human life occurs: the relationship with God. Worship includes the chief means by which God has revealed Himself to humanity: Scripture and the living Tradition of the Faith. No worship service in the Orthodox Church is without the use of the Bible. Furthermore, worship brings all of life into the life of the Kingdom of God. The Orthodox Church orders its worship so that time is sanctified, as are all aspects of human life. For example, when Orthodox Christians open a new business, it is customary for the priest to bless it with sanctified water; when a newborn baby reaches its fortieth day, he or she is brought to the Church by the parents for the "churching." By-Fr. Stanley Harakas from an article titled “The Stand of the Orthodox Church on Controversial Issues” 5 PAGE 6 The Rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Christian Church Official News Release of our Archdiocese (Aug. 19, 2010) NEW YORK - As is well known, on September 11, 2001 our city and nation suffered a terrorist attack of unparalleled proportions. In addition to the tragic and horrific loss of almost 3,000 innocent victims, a number of whom were members of our own community, the world witnessed the unimaginable collapse of the Twin Towers. When the second Tower fell, it landed on and erased all traces of the Greek Orthodox Christian Church of St. Nicholas, the only house of worship destroyed that day. Opened in 1916 by a group of Greek immigrants, the church not only served the spiritual needs of its parishioners but was also a sacred space in which people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds working in the surrounding area would often stop, light a candle and spend a few moments in prayer and reflection. Following the events of 9/11, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the St. Nicholas parish fully cooperated and worked closely with the relevant authorities. Former Governor George Pataki pledged without reservation his support for rebuilding in the belief that it was a necessary part of the healing of New York City and of our nation. Early on, as plans were being formulated for the reconstruction of the area, the Church agreed to relocate and rebuild its house of worship at a new locale to facilitate the envisioned design for the overall site. In 2004, the authorities proposed that the new edifice be built at 130 Liberty Street, a parcel on the same block as the original site, and an agreement was reached between the Archdiocese and the Port Authority. Four successive LMDC/Port Authority administrations honored this mutual agreement which entailed extensive on-going work and planning on the part of all parties. All site plans for the area which the LMDC/Port Authority released to the public show St. Nicholas at this new locale. Regrettably, the latest Port Authority administration in 2009 unexpectedly and arbitrarily reneged on this agreement and as a result, the Archdiocese and St. Nicholas parish are suddenly offered no viable option. LMDC/Port Authority has refused to meet with us. In the meantime the LMDC/Port Authority has excavated the original site without our consent, rendering it unusable, in flagrant violation of our legal rights. The Archdiocese and parish leadership remain firmly committed to the rebuilding of the church honoring the long standing agreement with LMDC/Port Authority. Confident that we have acted in good faith and trusting in Almighty God, we expect that justice will prevail and that we will be successful in this sacred endeavor. Twin towers of the World Trade Center burning New York City, NY, Tuesday, September 11, 2001 PAGE Birth Announcement Nickelle and Costa Gerontakis proudly announce the birth of their new baby girl. Thespoina Nicki was born on August 11, 2010. She weighed 7lb, 7 oz. and 21 ½ in long. Her grandparents are Demitra & Nick Jebeles and JoAnn & Ted Gerontakis of Tsitalia, Greece Thank You Thank you for being so nice during my recent illness. Your prayers, visits, telephone calls and concerns about me have been so thoughtful and so appreciated. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. —Magdalene Bonduris lÉâÜ áçÅÑtà{ç tÇw à{Éâz{àyâÄÇxáá ã|ÄÄ tÄãtçá ux zÜtàxyâÄÄç ÜxÅxÅuxÜxwA WÉÜÉà{ç `vTwÉÜç tÇw g{x YtÅ|Äç Éy TÇÇ|x _xx `ÉÉÜx fvÜâzzá Â`tç [xÜ `xÅÉÜç Ux XàxÜÇtÄÊ Magic City Actors Outreach and Evangelism Meeting Presents “FAME” The musical at Virginia Samford Theatre Nicole Lamb starring as “Carmen” September 10-12 & September 16-19 Wednesday, September 8th, at 4:30 PM in the Church Fellowship Hall. We are starting our New Ecclesiastical Year. Our lst two events will be to organize our participation in the Food Festival in September, and 2nd will be a Pan-Orthodox gathering in October. The Field is Ripe for Harvest, but the workers are few. Not so in our Church Community! See you there. Ticket information: (205) 251-1228 or www.mcactorstheatre.com Penny O. Kovakas, Co-ordinator Outreach & Evangelism KOVAKAS REALTY, INC. 9447 HWY 55 WESTOVER, AL. 35185 Office 678-2441; Fax 678-8941; Cell 365-6001 7 PAGE Building Fund Report 8 BUILDING FUND REPORT 300,000 275,000 BUILDING FUND PLEDGE GOAL $300,000 TOTAL PLEDGES RECEIVED $240,260 TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED AGAINST PLEDGE $167,836 250,000 225,000 200,000 175,000 150,000 125,000 Outstanding Loan Balance as of June 1, 2009 Amount paid on Principal thru September 1at Loan Balance as of Sept. 1, 2010 $274,000 76,000 $198,000 Outreach & Evangelism Committee Report Bookstore Volunteers September 5 Paula & George Kustos September 12 Jackie Hontzas & Hala Fawal September 19 Penny Kovakas & Stacy Chiotakis September 26 Dino Jovaras & Nikki Derzis OUTREACH & EVANGELISM We no longer have the services of Dennis & Zoee Saltzman in the Cathedral Bookstore, however we have a replacement team. Dawn Manakides and Loretta Garrigan will manage with much help KOINONIA from our Outreach and Evangelism volunteers. The Cathedral Bookstore will be available to all at the Food Festival on Sept. 23, 24, &25th. The placement will be in the atrium next to the pastries sales. We feel this location is key to presenting our faith to the thousands that will come to the festival. Needed two (2) 4Hrs Shifts 9:00AM to l:00 PM or 3:00PM to 7:00PM Choose the shift that is best for you, please sign in by calling Penny's cell 365 6001 or email me at pkovakasrealty@bellsouth.net. Thanking you in advance. Penny O. Kovakas, Co-ordinator Outreach & Evangelism KOVAKAS REALTY, INC. 9447 HWY 55 WESTOVER, AL. 35185 Office 678-2441; Fax 678-8941; Cell 365-6001 Stewardship Highlights from Joe Fawal: PAGE 9 First let me thank each and every one of you who responded to my message in last month’s Koinonia. I very much appreciate the comments and encouragement. One of the things that I have noted in the process of learning what stewardship means to the Cathedral, and to each and every one of us individually, which I found very surprising, was the fact that eighty (80%) percent of the funds raised through stewardship come from twenty (20%) percent of the members of the Cathedral. Even more striking is the fact that fifty (50%) percent of the funds raised comes from ten (10%) percent of the membership of the Cathedral. In past years the Cathedral operated on the basis of annual dues. The dues were set at $200 per family and from a review of our Cathedral membership commitment, it becomes clear that that amount remains a target for a number of us. This should not be the case. We should give based upon God’s many blessings in our lives. Our response to his gifts should be gratitude and thanksgiving and should be expressed in the offering of our time, talents and treasures to the Cathedral in proportion to what we have been given. Theologian Gregory writes. “You will never overcome God’s generosity, even if you give away all that you have.....and however much you bring to him, always more remains. Nor will you give anything that is your own; for all things flow from God.” How much can our offering do for Christ? Only as much as we empower it to do. It depends upon our love, because we give to Christ and his Cathedral, not according to our means, but according to our love for him. We are called to love God with our entire being, our time, our talents, and our treasures. In the coming months you will be hearing from me more frequently regarding stewardship for the Cathedral. Remember that in giving to the Cathedral you should measure the blessings which you have received from Christ and give accordingly. Do not rely on old habits and please do not rely on others to carry the burden. We can all afford to do more than we have done and clearly we have all been blessed in our lives. Our willingness to give and the amount of the treasure that we provide to Christ through the Cathedral should reflect those blessings. A few names have been added to the list of those that have signed Pledge Cards. Those names are listed below. We thank you for your giving and remind others who have not signed Pledge Cards that it is not too late. Also, many of you who have signed Pledge Cards have not contributed toward those pledges. Please do so. The Cathedral’s continuing operation depends on your not only signing a Pledge Card, but contributing according to your pledge. May God bless you all. 2010 HOLY TRINITY - HOLY CROSS STEWARDS: Thank you to the following Holy Trinity Holy Cross Stewards who have submitted their cards. Still not on the list? Why not send yours today? PAGE 10 STEWARDS 2009/2010 Name: Adams, Stuart & Adam, Renee -(Kamburis) Alexander, Dorothy (Demoe) Alexiou, G. Mike & Ellen (Wandrisco) Alsobrook, Lindsey Andros, George & Maria (Nakos) Annos, Christine (Gulas) Arden, Kenneth M & Christy (Leontis) Argyropoulos, Yiannis & Virginia (Sisiopiku) Atkins, Robert & Tina (Likis) Azzouni, Bassem & Joanna (Dedas) Bagley, Vanette Bailey, Nicholas Baker, Kenny & Elene (Kontos) Baklanoff, Eric & Joy D. Balabanos, John N & Linda (Cox) Balabanos, Marica (Kontos Bateh-Wehby, Najwa (Salam) Bekrakis, Helen (Christu) Beleos, Irene Boardman, Christina Boardman, Mark S & Cathryn (Dunkin) Boardman, Wilson Bogdan, Nathan & Nadya Bonduris, Magdalene (Derzis) Bonduris, Peter Thomas Bonduris, Sam J. Bonduris Jr, John D & Fannie (Papayanis) Bouloukos, Patsy Boyd, Joseph H. Brodie, III, William S. & Julia (Valekis) Burge, Paul Burge, S. Greg & Sonthe (Bokas) Burge, Sophia -Sophia El Calamas, John P & Tracy (Ray) Calamas, Mary (Scoolis) Callahan, Michael & Teresa (Lorant) Canter, Harry Caridakis, Fulla Carnes, Elizabeth Carr, Colleen (Klonaris) Cassimus, Nickie (Sgavrina) Casten, Peter & Cecil (Clark) Chagares, Angelo & Stella (Apostolos) Chingas, Kosta & Patricia Chiotakis, George S & Irene (Kovakas) Chiotakis, Stacy Cholakis, Tom Choraitis, Aleck & Penny (Demoes) Choraitis, Penny Christ, Chris S. & Lula (Koutroulakis) Christian, Murrel & Mary Ann Christopoulos, Dimitrios & Christina (Kanellis) Cobb, Jason Cockrell, Shirley (Coker Cocoris, John G. & Helen (Koikos) Collins, Anderson & Stacy Collins, Andrew J. & Cathy (Conville) Collins, John & Christy (Bennett) Comisac, Marc A & Rena Constantine, Ann Constantine, Bess (Costa) Constantine, Elizabeth Constantine, Rita (Camarinos) Constantine, III, Tom L. & Stephanie (Bouloukos) Cosmas, Despina (Velotas) Cosmas, Georgia (Pappas) Cosmas, James G. Costas, Nick A. & Cleo (Tsimpides) Costanza, Bess Callas Costellos, Bonnie (Clift) Costellos, Vanessa Costopoulos, +Fr. Paul & Penny (Clemson) Cothren, George & Dora (Sarris) Covellis, Anna (Anastasia-Glenos) Craig, Hugh & Stacey (Cocoris) Creuzer, Lee & Nicole (Fotos) Crim, Eddie & Dawn/Michell (Bateh)-Dawn Deason, Harold & Claudia (Kakoliris) Deason, Keith & Embree Deep, Larry G. & Rima (Harb) Denton, Jr, Walter Neely & Lynn (Grammas) Derzis, Sam G. & Nikki (Sudano) Despinakis, Gregory Diamantakos, John Diamantakos, Mary Dikis, George W. & Maria (Hontzas) Dikis, Georgia (Louzis) Dikis, James J. & Stephanie (Crandell) Drakos, George A. & Robin (Beaty) Drakos, Nancy (Karagiannis) Eady, Matthew & Christina Eastman, Jacqueline Ellard, Phyllis (Diamantakos) Erben, Fredrick A. Erben, Nicholas Betros Eugenias, Emanuel & Velda Eugenias, Lambros & Georgia (Malfas) Faulk, Howard & Sophia (Sarris) Fawal, David & Mona (Jubram) STEWARDS 2009/2010 Fawal, Hala Fawal, Joseph A. & Susie (Harb) Feagin, Wyatt & Diane (Koulourides) Fidopiastis, Cali Fifles, Gus (Deno) & Tasia (Grammas) Flach, Peter & Mary (Stevens) Flesser, Georgia Fogel, Glenn & Tina (Psihogios) Fortunis, Angelo K. Fortunis, Dean & Sheila (McCay) Fotinos, Peter & Magdalene (Demoes) Fowler, Clara (Callas) Fowler, Stacy (Harduvel) Fulford, Toula (Hagestratou) Garikes, Arthur G. & Betty (Tansor) Garman, Paula H. Garrigan, Loretta M. Gaylard, Derek & Melissa (Poole) Gerontakis, Michael & Angela Gerontakis, Nick & Catherine (Aris) Gerontakis, Peter G. & Louise (Stanton) Giattina, Brian & Elene (Kampakis) Glenos, Chris & Amy Glenos, Nick L. & Kay (Ayers) Grammas, Alex P. & Tula (Triantos) Grammas, Cameron G. & Demetra (Despinakis) Grammas, Cameron P. & Pat (Klaras) Grammas, George C. & Cynthia (Triantos) Grammas, Maria V Grammas N, Peter A Grammas, Tasia M. Graphos, Bella (Velotas) Graphos, Lani Graphos, Peter T. & Josie (Hays) Graphos, Sammy T. & Sue Diane Graphos, Suzanne Graphos, Jr., Peter T. & Staci (Ranelli) Greene, Dwight I. Gulas, Aleck T. Gulas, Helen (Wilson) Gulas, Theodore Gulas, William P. Harkness, Angeline Harkness, Jimmy & Kiki (Columbis) Harrington, Troy & Anita (Tsimpedes) Harris, Terry & Rhonda (Carnes) Hatzigeorgis, George & Katherine (Economopoulos) Hayden, Gavin & Marianthi K Hontzas, Angela Hontzas, Arther P. & Robin (Simpson) Hontzas, Assimina P. Hontzas, Betty (Fotinos) Hontzas, Dotty (Annos) Hontzas, Pete C. Hontzas, Pete T. Hontzas, Ted C. & Jackie (Smith) Hontzas, Theo P. & Elizabeth (Sarantos) Hufham, David C. & JoAnna (Cocoris) Issos, Florence (Rogers) Jacovides, Dino C. & Julie Jebeles, Chris A. & Pamela (Garrigus) Jebeles, John A. & Laura (Garrett) Jebeles, Lynne (Evans) Johnson, Katie (Goulielmi) Johnson, Linda (Russell) Johnson, Maria (Costello Johnson, Maurice & Katie (Goulielmi) Jovaras, C.W. (Deno) & Nicki (Kustos) Kakoliris, Lula (Mitchell) Kalariotes, Catherine (Tolios) Kamburis, Anthony J. Kamburis, George Kampakis, Georgia (Leventis) Kampakis, Harry N. & Kari (Kubiszyn) Kampakis, Helen Kampakis, Nestor & Becky (Beleos) Kampakis, Sergie A. & Susan (Swan) Kanakis, Connie P. & Jo Ann (Dikis)-Jo Ann Kanellis, Gus N. & Maria (Res) Kanellis, Patricia Kanellopoulos, Sheree (Farr) Kantargis, Maria (Variami) Kantargis, Toula Karagas, John & Leigh Ann (Washington) Karagas, Mark Karpova, Elizaveta A. & Valeri Kartos, Petros & Kiki (Drakos) Katapodis, Nick H Katsaros, Elias N Kay, Jo (Lembesis) Kentros, Jon & Donna (Ward) Khalaf, Raja C. & Mariam (Reem) Knight, Bryan & Sandra Knisley, Kristopher & Stephanie Koikos, Nicholas W. Kokolis, Georgia Kolettis, Peter & Michelle (Michaelos) Kontos, Alex S. & Marti (Wientrob) Kontos, Sr, Steven Kostakis, John G. & Denise (Haywood) Koulourides, Elizabeth PAGE 11 PAGE 12 STEWARDS 2009/2010 Koutroulakis, Constantine George (Gus) & Katherine (Melton) Kovakas, George J. & Melodie (Huss) Kovakas, James G. & Penny (Odishoo) Krontiras, John & Ottavia Kustos, George P. & Paula (Jordan) Lafakis, Peter T. & Irene (Vodantis) Lamb, Debra (Bouloukos) Lane, Chris M & Leslie (Dice) Lane, Christopher Ryan Lane, Mallory Leara, Stephen P. & Mary (Grammas) Leontis, Steve M. Leos, Diamond & Vivian Hontzas Leos, Pat (Ginis) Leos, Vivian Hontzas Likis, James A. Limberis, Tina Long, Katherine Lorant, Jerry O. & Koula (Catechis) Lyberopoulos, Damianos (Adam) & Allison (Harbin) Lyda, Larry & Elaine (Constantine) Lynn, Don & Vickie (Kavroulaki) Manakides, Nick & Dawn (Upton) Mandaleris, Christopher D. & Maria Marinos, Gus & Harriet (Nakos) Marks, Tony & Fatima (Mitchell) Mastoras, Janice (Toney) McCallum, Scott & Nina (Costopoulos) McDaniel, Dorothy (Sarris) McEwen, Frank L. & Helen (Cosmas) McMinn, Paul Shane & Renee' (Kampakis) Melof, Donald & Mary (Harb) Mercer, Mark L. & Xeni Michaels, David & Elaine (Bonduris) Michaels, Elaine (Bonduris) Miller, James Matt & Lisa Mills, Catherine P. (Jebeles) Mimikakis, Vasilios & Ann (Manakides) Mitchell, Jane (Nakos) Mitchell, Maria Morgan, Charles J. & Anna Morgan, Maude J. (Valekis) Morros, Constantine D. & Vina (Haffner) Morros, Demetrius K.-Jimmy & Adriana (Wahl) Morton, William B.-Bill & Leila (Stevens) Nakos, Dean Nakos, James Newman, Larry & Athanasia (Kantargis)-Sia Nickolson, Steve & Sonya Nordan, Clayton M.(#931) & Antoinette Oelschlager, Denise (Kakoliris) Orfanon, Emanuel V. & Maria (Collins) Orfanon, Jason Orphanos, George & Dalen (O'Manion) Osborn, Steve K. & Desa (Lorant) Pahos, Despina (Dimitralis) Pantaze, Charles Pantazis, Dennis & Libby (Bourlano) Papajohn, John P. & Diane (Gray) Papajohn, Plato & Antoinette (Anziano) Pappas, Blanche (Pappas) Pappas, Carol Pappas, Catherine Pappas, Dennis G. & Patti (Mcardle) Pappas, Ernestine L. (Grammas) Pappas, Jimmy B. & Angela (Landry) Pappas, Peter G. & Alexis (Andros) Pappas (Shamblin), Vickie Patton, Michael & Niki (Columbis) Paulson, Kia Paulson, Toula (Gulas) Pelekis, Georgi Pelekis, Lillian (Sarris) Petelos, Angelos N. & Catherine (Kantargis) Petelos, Billy Nick & Babs (Crooks) Petelos, John & Evelyn (Queen) Petelos, Nicholas A & Yvonne Petelos, Tony & Teresa (Beardem) Peterson, Brian & Diana Pharo, Adelle (Valekis) Pihakis, Agatha Pihakis, Constance Pihakis, Delores (Dikis) Pihakis, Dino & Jennifer Pihakis, James M. & Helen Joyce (Nakos) Pihakis, Jim Pihakis, Sam Pihakis, Spiro James Piliouras, Jimmie P. Piliouras, Nina (Triantos) Polizos, Pete Powrzanas, John F Psarras, Christos Psarras, Georgios & Aikaterini Ray, Kevin L Reid, Mike & Diane (Szachewicz) Rice, Kimberly Roberts (Costellos), Brittany Ronderos, Joseph V. & Kathy (Leos) Roper, Eric PAGE STEWARDS 2009/2010 Saad, John G Saltzman, Dennis & Zoee L. Sardelis, Peter & Robin Sarris, Angelo N. Sarris, George M. & Jenny (Petroulis) Sarris, Gus K. Sarris, John J. & Catherine (Cassimus) Sarris, Margaret Sarris, Phillip J. & Demetra (Drakos) Sarris, Ted P. & Litsa (Kesari) Sarris, Tena Marie Savage, Christy (Jebeles) Saxon, Thomas J. & Mary Ellen (Hill) Sepsas, Niki Sessions, Sam & Evangelia Sfakianos, Bessie (Maverkos) Sfakianos, Cindy (Deason) Sfakianos, Constantine (Tykie) & Johnnie (McKee) Sfakianos, Constantine P. (Dino) & Sharon (Wilkerson) Sfakianos, Vickie (Soloyiozis) Shipp, Doug & Eleni Shunnarah, Zakaria Sissa, James N.-Jimmy & Lori (Curtis) Skarantavos, Gregory Spanos, Smaragdi (Hagefstration) Sotiropoulos, Lola Stathakes, George & Evangeline (Grammas) Stathos, John D. Staursky, Andrew & Katherine (Sissa) Stevens, Eli T. & Pat (Miller) Stevens, Ernest T. & Ann Stratas, Tasso Stritikus, Adam & Malissa (Gary) Stritikus, Mary Ann Summers, Kirk & Tatiana (Tsakiropoulou) Sutton, Jay T. & Katie Taylor, Stella (Sarinopoulos) Taylor, Steve & Brenda Theodore, George M. & Zona (Setzer) Thomas, George E. & Shari Thomas, Mary (Malfas) Thomason, Larry & Rose Maria (Derzis) Tombrello, Mary Z Touloupis, Anastasios Tasos & Beba (Mangos) Tracy, Irene (Catechis) Triantafillu, Nickolas & Vasiliki (Nicholson) Triantos, Angie (Thouas) Triantos, Dean & Gwen (Giles) Triantos, Despina (Costellos) Triantos, Elsie (Kampakis) Triantos, Pete S. & Kathy (Salser) Triantos, Phillip A. & Donna (Jovaras) Tsimpides, George D. Tsimpides, George L. Tsimpides, Leon & Debbie Tsimpides, Lycurgus G. & Sue (Cosmas) Tsimpides, Michael A. & Sherry (Manning) Vakakes, Denise (Triantos) Vakakes, James Vakakes, Tim Vakakes II, E.J. & Helena (Koutrakos) Valekis, Charles V.( & Hala (Liddy) Valekis, John V. Valekis, Maria (Stratakis) Valekis, Vasil (Billy) Vasilakis, Garnette Vasilakis, Nicholas Velezis, Michael & Christine (McGrath) Velotas, James M. & Marlene (Petenes) Velotas, Jimmy M (James) & Mary (Kirby) Velotas, Nickey W. Velotas, Virginia Vizzina, Mark & Margo (Hontzas) Vlachos, Christos & Margaret (Nichols) Vlahakis, Bertha (Haramis) Vodantis, Despina Wade, Arthur Wade, Nelson & Patrice (Triantos) Walters, Debra (Costas) Watkins, Dan A. & Kathy (Triantos) Weaver, Glenn & Annette (Cosmas) Whitaker, Joseph & Zoe (Harisouli) White, Alexis (Grammas) White, Terry J. & Maria (Ellard) Wilson, Harry S. & Marilyn Wood, Christy (Sepsas) Wood, Rhett & Nicole (Leontis) Woodall, Phillip & Niki (Skarantavos) Yearout, Alex Yearout, Jason & Lauren Yearout, Thomas & Rhonda (Jones) Yearout Smith, Jennifer Zaharias, Steve & Carol Zaharis, George M & Nerrin Zannis, Helen (Sfakiano Zouboukos, Constantine & Barbara 13 PAGE 14 Save The Date October 28, 2010 Philoptochos Board Meeting October 5, 2010 6:00 p.m. Philoptochos General Meeting October 12, 2010 6:30 p.m. PAGE Family Night Programs September 8th – November 17th (not meeting Sept. 22) 5:15-7:00 p.m. *Greek Language Classes *Greek School: 4:15 p.m. Youth Classes 6:00 p.m. Adult Level 1 (Beginners) 7:00 p.m. Adult Level 2 Lenten Dinner Adult Bible Study High School Bible Study Middle School 2nd – 5th 4k-1st Nursery Sunday School Announcements We are off to a great start for fall Sunday School. Many teachers met this summer in July and August for additional training sessions. We are blessed with another wonderful team. Thank you to our 2010-2011 Sunday School Teachers as listed below: Please remember our baby nursery is now open until the end of Sunday School 12:15 p.m. Sunday School Director: Kathy Ronderos Sunday School Support: Alexis Pappas • 2s and 3s "Reaching for Jesus" & "What we See and Do in Church" with Donna Triantos • 4K "Happy with God" with Zoee Saltzman & Melissa Gaylard • 5K "Together with God" Stephanie Knisely & Lisa Miller • 1st Grade "Loving God" with John Valekis, Denise Griffin & Melodie Kovakas • 2nd & 3rd Grade "Sharing God's World" with Brittany Roberts, Kia Paulson & Penny Chioraitis • 4th Grade "Growing with God" with Elaine Lyda, Renee McMinn & Dawn Crim • 5th & 6th Grade: "Saints Alive, Major Feast Days, & Understanding the Liturgical Year" - Teddy Hontzas & Nerrin Zaharias • 7th & 8th Grade: "A Lamp to My Feet - Introduction to the Bible & Heaven on Earth - The Divine Liturgy" - Bill Gulas & George Theodore 9th - 12th Grade: "The Way the Truth & The LIfe" - Chris Vlachos & Nic Gulas Our First Youth Sunday is September 12th. Please bring your children (without parents) to sit in the first 3 rows on the pulpit side of the Cathedral at 9:55 a.m. 15 PAGE 16 New! Orthodox Christian Fellowship for Birmingham area college students! First Meeting Wednesday, September 8 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please gather in the Banquet Hall We will begin a discussion on the Book of Acts, subdeacontikhon@orthodoxtuscaloosa.org *A meal is served in the Banquet Hall at 5:15. The cost is $3.00 Junior GOYA K ickoff 6:00 – 8: 00 p.m. Friday, September 10th Pizza, Games and Discussion “Honesty” with Fr. Paul At Alexi & John Touloupis Home – directions on www.gocbham.org Last Name A – M – bring side dish (no chips please) Last Name N‐Z – bring dessert Need volunteer to bring drinks Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 8th To: bebatouloupis@gmail.com or call 422‐7521 PAGE 17 Sunday School Teachers met all day on Saturday, August 22nd with veteran administrators Irene Cassis and Tatika Liollio. Irene is the Religious Education director at Holy Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Houston Texas. She and her sister Tatika travel all over the country leading workshops for Orthodox Sunday School teachers and volunteers. We were especially blessed by their teachings and expertise. It was a wonderful way to begin the new ecclesiastical year. Thank you, Kathy Ronderos Tatika Liollio, Fr. Paul and Irene Cassis enjoying the festivities at Registration Sunday The McEwen Family, Frank, Helen, Frank Jr. and Luke assisted with refreshments at Registration Sunday Angela Triantos & Demi Leara always involved in Youth Ministries! Thank you to Lindsay Alsobrook for chairing the nursery ministry again this year. PAGE 18 "Reaching for Jesus" our new Sunday School Class for 2s and 3s taught by Donna Triantos. Donna had a big crowd on her first Sunday! The second & third grades will be taught by Brittany Roberts, Kia Paulson and Penny Choraitis 4K Class "Happy with God" taught by Zoe Saltzman & Melissa Gaylard 5K will be led by Stephanie Knisely & Lisa Miller Teddy Hontzas and Nerrin Zaharias will teach 5th & 6th Grade: Saints Alive and Major Feast Days, as well as the Liturgical Calendar and Prayer 1st Grade Teachers Denise Griffin & John Valekis working alongside new teacher Melody Kovakas PAGE 7th & 8th Grade Class led by Bill Gulas and George Theodore. They will study the Holy Scriptures, the Divine Liturgy and the Architecture of the Cathedral. Paul Leara (GOYA Vice President) & Nancy Kartos 19 The fourth grade is a great group taught this year by: Dawn Crim, Elaine Lyda, and Renee McMinn Angelo Drakos & Frank McEwen The Fall Kickoff GOYA Meeting was held Sunday, August 29th at the Fish Market on 280. A delicious meal was offered courtesy of the Kartos and Drakos Families. At each GOYA Monthly meeting, the format will be dinner, business meeting/discussion about upcoming events, some type of icebreaker/skit related to the "lesson" followed by the discussion/teaching. Most discussions will be dialogue with Fr. Paul, however in his absence other youth leaders will present. The August Lesson was "Acting like an Orthodox Christian" led by Alexis Pappas and Alex Yearout. The skits including parodies on dating, texting and facebook. The teaching was from Thessalonians Chapter 5. The GOYANS were lively and interactive in their discussions. This is going to be a great year! Thank you to all who attended. PAGE 20 Bring your kids to Youth Sunday 9:55 A.M. Sunday, September 12th All Youth sit with their teachers on the front 3 rows (pulpit side) Mary Katherine Manakides, Nancy Kartos (GOYA president), and Adriane Drakos Vasili Kartos & Paul Leara PAGE 21 Parents, As parents we all wonder if the things we are doing with our kids will have a lasting impact on their lives. George Barna just concluded a nationwide survey that shows the importance of children and teenagers being in church and how that affects their spiritual connection to God and the church in their adult lives. I think the results are powerful and wanted to share them with you. • When it comes to church engagement, those who attended Sunday school or other religious programs as children or as teens were much more likely than those without such experi‐ ences to attend church and to have an active faith as adults. • Among those who frequently attended religious programs as teenagers, 58% said they had attended a worship service in the last two weeks (as adults). In comparison, less frequent participation as a teenager correlated with less frequent adult participation in church. • Weekly activity as a child and weekly or monthly activity as a teen were connected with the lowest levels of disconnection from church attendance. (in other words, the more children and teens attend church the less likely they are to disconnect from church as adults) Will our children hold on to their core faith beliefs into their adult lives? • Among those who frequently attended religious programs as a child, only 22% had significantly changed their faith views from their childhood faith. • Teenagers who went to teen focused programs every week saw only a 21% change in their core faith views as adults. What does all this mean? David Kinnaman, president of Barna Group, observes about this research, "The research does not prove that spiritual activity as a young person causes spiritual engagement as an adult. People's recollections of child‐ hood activities are only one limited way of understanding faith durability. However, the study shows that most American adults recall frequent faith activity when they were growing up. Moreover, it provides clarity that the odds of one sticking with faith over a lifetime are enhanced in a positive direction by spiritual activ‐ ity under the age of 18." Parents, let me encourage you not to give up on engaging and encouraging your student(s) to be part of the church and our children and youth ministries. This is a vitally important time in their lives and as such, we need to do everything in our power to invest spiritually in the lives of our children. And as always, the most important place your children will learn Christian values and discover life‐changing Christian truths is in your own home. The church is here to provide positive reinforcement for the things you are training your children in your home. You are the greatest picture of Jesus your kids will see! I love serving with you and look for‐ ward to watching your students develop into adults who seek after God and have continued involvement in His Church. ‐ Alexis Pappas PAGE 22 GUIDELINES FOR KEYS TO CAMP VAKAKES We would like to encourage everyone to use Camp Vakakes. Please see guidelines listed below: DATE: KEY PICKED UP ___________ DATE: KEY RETURNED ____________ KEY NUMBER _____________ DEPOSIT: _____________ CHECK# CASH GUIDELINES FOR KEYS TO CAMP VAKAKES 1. Must be a member in good standing with a current stewardship pledge card on file. 2. A refundable $50.00 cash deposit is required. 3. Keys must be returned in seven days. This includes weekends. 4. Keys not returned in seven days will cause forfeit of deposit. *Cost of a new lock and key is $50.00 * There will be no exceptions. 5. You must be 21 years of age to check out a key. 6. This policy was put in place due to Camp Vakakes keys not being returned. 7. Key cannot be given on loan to anyone. You are solely responsible for this key. 8. You are responsible for taking your trash out with you. Do not leave garbage. 9. No Firearms 10. No Fireworks 11. No Hunting 12. Check will be returned upon returning the key. Thank you for your cooperation!!! SIGNATURE: PAGE Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 23, 24 & 25, 2010 Love it, Love it, Love it? So does the Birmingham Community who’s looking to celebrate another great year of good food and fun with us! “Volunteer Workers—Sign Up Banquet Hall on Sunday” Yard Signs and Posters Ready for pick up! KOULOURAKIA WORKSHOP 9:00 a.m. Tuesday—Thursday (September 7—9) FESTIVAL WORKSHOP—SEPTEMBER 19th following Divine Liturgy Please come and help cup pastries, etc. Jimmy Cosmas, Chairman Bryan Knight, Coordinator 23 PAGE 24 PAGE 25 THE GIVING TREE FESTIVAL DATES – SEPTEMBER 23, 24 & 25TH Yes, Yes, Yes, it is here again – Will you be a part of the Giving Tree this year? PLEASE SIGN UP FOR DONATIONS Contact – Alex Yearout, Chairman (914-0282). Email: ayearout@bellsouth.net Or Nick Erben, Co-Chairman (908-5057). Email: captnmidnite@bellsouth.net Each year, part of the reason this Festival is so successful is because of the generosity of our community. This year is no exception and as a result The Giving Tree is still in need of our community-wide help. To make a donation, please contact Alex Yearout at 914-0282 or email ayearout@bellsouth.net, or contact Nick Erben at 908-5057 or email to captnmidnite@bellsouth.net. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated. Please see list of items attached. PAGE 26 PAGE 27 PAGE 28 PAGE 29 PAGE 30 PARISH MEMBERSHIP AND CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM HOLY TRINITY – HOLY CROSS GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL PARISH MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE (Please complete clearly in print) HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD: LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MI: __ TITLE: (DR., MR., MRS., MS.) (CIRCLE ONE)) ORTHODOX BY: __BAPTISM OR __CHRISMATION __NON-ORTHODOX ( Check One) ADDRESS: STREET: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: E-mail Address: TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): HOME: ( ) __________ BUSINESS: ( ) __________ CELLULAR: ( FAX NUMBER: HOME: ( ) __________ BUSINESS: ( ) __________ ) __________ SPOUSE: LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MI: __ MAIDEN NAME: TITLE: (DR., MR., MRS., MS.) (CIRCLE ONE)) ORTHODOX BY: __BAPTISM OR __CHRISMATION __NON-ORTHODOX (Check One) E-mail Address: NAMES OF CHILDREN LIVING AT HOME: 1) 3) 2) 4) Only home telephone numbers will be included in the Parish Directory. Please email to: dmcadory@holytrinity-holycross.org. Please be sure to include Parish Membership on your email Subject line. If this form has been returned already, please accept our thanks. Mail To: Holy Trinity – Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Cathedral 307 19th Street South Birmingham, AL 35233 Attn: Dorothy Thanks for your cooperation. PAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS HOLY TRINITY-HOLY CROSS GOC CALENDAR & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Cathedral Website: www.holytrinity-holycross.org September 2010 Volunteers for the Month of September 2010 Sunday 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Parish Council M. Boardman, D. Saltzman, T. Yearout G. Dikis, S. Nickolson, E.J. Vakakes P.Lafakis, A. Kontos, N. Erben G. Burge, J. Fawal, A. Yearout J. Cosmas, N. Petelos, D. Shipp Early Duty September 5 Dwight I. Greene September 12 E.J. Vakakes September 19 Pete Lafakis September 26 A. Yearout October 3 Tommy Yearout October 10 George Dikis October 17 Nick Erben October 24 Greg Burge October 31 Jimmy Cosmas OUTREACH & EVANGELISM Bookstore Volunteers September 5 Paula & George Kustos September 12 Jackie Hontzas & Hala Fawal September 19 Penny Kovakas & Stacy Chiotakis September 26 Dino Jovaras & Nikki Derzis September 5 September 12 September 19 September 26 Readers Antoinette Papajohn Youth Reader Chris Christ Plato Papajohn September 5 September 12 September 19 September 26 Nursery Staci Graphos Lindsey Alsobrook Nina & Scott McCallum Elene Giattina Coffee Fellowship September 5 Adelle Valekis Pharo, Hala Valekis*, Brenda Taylor, Melanie Valekis September 12 Cathy Boardman*, Cathy Velotas, Dawn Crim September 19 Alexis Pappas, Becky Kampakis, Elene Giattina, Renee McMinn’, Dorothy McDaniel September 26 Penny Kovakas, Irene Chiotakis, Thea Kovakas, Melodie Kovakas* 31 Coffee Fellowship, Rm. 207 26 Coffee Fellowship, Rm. 207 27 20 5:15 p.m. Family Night Greek School 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Parish Council Meeting 29 No Family Night 22 5:15 p.m. Family Night Greek School 15 8:30/9:30 O/DL Nativity of the Theotokos 4:30 p.m. Outreach Meeting 5:15 p.m. Family Night Reconvenes Greek School (See schedule above) 8 30 23 16 9 2 1 8:30/9:30a.m. Orthros/Divine Liturgy, “New Ecclesiastical Year” Thu Wed 28 7:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study Reconvenes Topic of Study: TBA 21 Memorial: Maria Valekis (6M) 19 14 8:30/9:30 O/DL Exaltation of the Holy Cross 6:00 p.m. Philoptochos Board Meeting 13 12 Tuesday-Thursday 9:00-4:00 p.m Koulourakia Workshop 7 Tue Youth Sunday Old Firehouse Shelter Labor Day Office & Day Care Closed 6 5 Memorial: Christy Collins (40-D) Mon Sun SEPTEMBER 2010 25 Festival Prep No Banquet Hall Rentals Fortner & Constantine Drakos 4:00p Wedding of Angela 18 11:00 Baptism Demi Alsobrook 11 4 Sat DayCare Carpet Cleaning Food Festival 24 17 Jr GOYA Kickoff 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the home of Alexe and John Touloupis 10 3 Fri Greek School: 4:15 p.m. Youth Classes 6:00 p.m. Adult Level 1 (Beginners) 7:00 p.m. Adult Level 2 PAGE 32 Holy Trinity-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Cathedral +Fr. Paul Costopoulos, Dean 307 19th Street South Birmingham, AL 35020 Phone: 205-716-3080 Fax: 205-716-3085 We’re on the Web! www.gocbham.com GREEK FESTIVAL September 23, 24 & 25, 2010