Mid-Season Golf Report
Mid-Season Golf Report
Golf Tournament raises $12,236 gross; contributes $10,535 to Volunteer Avery Winners of the golf tournament were: First Place Tie - Team 4: John and Betty Nord, Clay and Kay Brooks and Team 14: Betty Olsen, Mike Bevona, Ruth Leal, Carl Lerche. Third Place - Team 1: Nick and Joan Stuart and Melvin and Lessie Smith. Ellis Bennett and Irish Gerken thank all of you who contributed your gifts, donations, and time to make the 7th annual Golf Tournament a huge success. August 2007 Please e-mail all news items to Jori3715@cs.com Board of Directors candidates are: Russell Anderson, Kenneth Bolling, John Bradish, Rose Cole (incumbent), Dick Crews, Steve Padgett, John Wofford Candidates will speak at August 11 Information Meeting Please take time to read the profiles of the Board of Directors candidates on pages 37 to 43. The questions submitted to the candidates by the Editor can be found on page 36. Your vote for a member of the Board of Directors is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly. These pages are presented to inform and assist you in your decision. You will be able to meet the candidates at the August 11 Information meeting. Each candidate will make a brief statement and answer your questions. You will receive your ballots in late August and the deadline for ballot return is Tuesday, September 4. Election day will be Wednesday, September 5 and the newly elected Board members will take office after the Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 8. Mid-Season Golf Report Pam Sabella At the mid-point of the Land Harbor Golf Season the financial picture reflects a turnaround for the Land Harbor Golf Program. As of July 13, 2007, revenue from Annual Memberships has increased by 11.7% over the same period in 2006. This figure reflects the additional amount raised from a fee increase and also an increase in the number of annual members from 423 in 2006 to 431 in 2007. This is the first increase in Annual Memberships in many years. Hopefully this is a trend which will continue as our new owners retire or spend more time in Land Harbor and join annual golf. Please continue on page 46 • • • • • Starting AUGUST 1, the POA office will be closed from 11:45 to 1:15 in order for employees to have a lunch period and return telephone calls. POA offices and maintenance will be closed Labor Day. Garbage collection will be one day later that week. Report on the Dam - pages 47, 48, 49 Minutes on pages 35 & 36 Board appoints Marketing Committee Page 33 Your cooperation is needed for articles to be published in the Harbor Lights and Weekly Briefs Committee announcements, reports, club news and news of general interest that you would like published in the Harbor Lights and Weekly Briefs must be e-mailed to Jori3715@cs.com. Due to time restraints and the increased volume of announcements we can no longer accept hand written and typed articles. We are running three times the number of pages we ran just a few years ago plus the weekly publication. If you do not have a computer, there is one available in the library. You will also find that your friends with computers will be eager to help you by e-mailing your item. Please - do not ask the POA staff to type your copy or to email your item. They simply do not have the time available. And please....OBSERVE DEADLINES! Deadline for the Harbor Lights is always on the first of the month preceding publication. As an example: the September issue’s deadline is August first. The September issue is mailed the end of August. Weekly Briefs deadline is always Friday through Tuesday for the current week’s publication. Page 2 August 2007 On Campus by Rick Hammell Keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your gas mileage nearly four percent. With the price of gasoline that is the equivalent of saving of at least 12 cents a gallon. ***** Land Harbor has contracted with a professional trapper, Stancy Calloway, to trap the beavers in our lake. Presently we have three dens. The beavers will be released at another location. ***** You may notice that sometimes stories or comments put forth in the Harbor Lights may sound familiar or you may have read them before. That does happen primarily because of the Weekly Briefs. Often I will run a brief item in the weekly and then elaborate on that item in the regular Harbor Lights and vice versa. This is done so that our entire membership can be informed. The Weekly Briefs does not go to all property owners - it is distributed only within Land Harbor. The Harbor Lights, on the other hand, is mailed to every property owner. **** Land Harbor Charity Golf Tournament contributed $10,535 to Volunteer Avery. Congratulations to Ellis Bennett and Irish Gerken and to all who contributed gifts, donations, and time to make the 7th annual Charity Golf Tournament a huge success. August 2007 **** “It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.” - Ronald Reagan ***** Tom Ott recently spotted a panther on the sixth fairway. A rare sight and equally rare treat. ***** Just how good is that “found” golf ball? We all have found balls at one time or other and particularly in ponds or course water. You ask yourself the natural question - how long has it been in the water or in the woods? Will I lose distance or accuracy if I use the ball. Will it fly straight? It appears impossible for water to penetrate the cover of a golf ball...or is it? These questions and many more have been on the minds of golfers for years. How can we be sure? I don’t think we really can be sure but sometime ago a major golf publication decided to test water balls. Balls that had been in the water from periods of eight days to six months were tested on a robotic hitting machine. A new ball averaged a distance of 241 yards, balls in the water eight days averaged 239 yards, balls in the water three months averaged 237 yards and six month water balls averaged 236 yards, a loss of only five yards. While golf balls do have a non-porous cover, they are subject to chemicals passing through them. Most major golf ball manufacturers maintain very careful production specifications so that balls will be not affected by humidity, rain or wet fairways. Some maintain constant engineering and chemical studies on the effects of environment and weather on balls. One report says a two-piece ball being in the water will become harder in terms of compression and will lose its ability to regain roundness after impact. Three piece balls get softer. Another report claims very little change. And a third report says there is no change, the ball will return to normal after being out of the water for a few days. Another manufacturer says water breaks down the cover paint and may indeed allow some absorption of moisture. But all agree a ball would have to be in the water a long, long time before a significant effect. PLEASE SHARE GOLF CART PATHS with 4 WALKERS 4 JOGGERS 4 BICYCLES How do you stack-up? Being overweight is dangerous to your health - you can use the following formula to determine Body Mass Index and your health weight: Divide your weight in pounds by the square of your height in inches. Multiply that number by 703. * Under 18.5 is considered underweight. * 18.5 to 24.0 is normal. * 25 to 29.9 is overweight * 30 and above is obese. ***** See each morning as if it were the very first day; treasure each day as if it were the evening of the very last . IT IS A WONDERFUL WORLD! Page 3 Property Owners Association (POA) Board of Directors Jeff Troy Dennis Ellenwood Chuck Abrams Rose Cole Jimmy Goodwin Phin Horton Warren Kempf Charlie Sims Jim Watson President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Director Director Director Director Director Board e-mail: Jeff Troy: 1275TROY1126@comcast.net Jim Watson: tsemi@windstream.net Rose Cole: rhcole1@bellsouth.net Charlie Sims: charlessims220@bellsouth.net Dennis Ellenwood: dennisingrid@bellsouth.net Jimmy Goodwin: imyja@bellsouth.net Phin Horton: phinhorton@bellsouth.net POA Management Staff Mike Simpson Frances Banner Pat Jackson Michael Roark Michael Hobbs Gary Willis Paul Waycaster Don Natel General Mgr. Business Mgr. Recreation Infrastructure Architectural Police Chief Golf Course Golf Shop POA Contacts Administration Recreation 19th Hole Work Requests & Maint. Pool Golf 733-8325, Architectural Control Security 733-8300 733-8316 733-2525 733-8310 733-8315 733-8326 733-8311 733-8333 Harbor Lights Editor & Publisher Editorial Assistant Advertising Rick Hammell Joan Hammell Lynn Townsend Labeling, Distribution - Scott Carpenter, Pat Hutto, Billie Leeper and Lorraine Church. Harbor Lights is published by Land Harbor Property Owners Association (POA). Seven issues are published annually: April, May/June, July, August, September, October and a Fall/Winter issue. If you would like to submit an item for publication, you must email the article to Jori3715@cs.com The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any news or advertisement deemed inappropriate for this publication or in conflict with Land Harbor rules and regulations. Linville Land Harbor and its printer, Table Rock Printers, or any of their representatives do not assume any responsibility for the content, warranties and representations made in advertisements within the Harbor Lights. All warranties and representations made are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding an adís contents should be addressed directly to the individual advertiser. ___________________________ Regular Board of Directors Meeting Friday, August 10, 9:00 AM Information Meeting Saturday, August 11, 10:00 AM MEET THE BOD CANDIDATES Website www.linvillelandharbor.com 9OULLlNDUSFEETABOVESEALEVELINTHERESORT VILLAGEOF,ITTLE3WITZERLANDATMILEMARKERONTHE "LUE 2IDGE 0ARKWAY *OIN US FOR LUNCH AND A LITERARY BREAK FROM THE MODERN WORLD IN THE LUXURY OF OUR READINGROOMSANDBROADOPENPORCHES/VER TITLES AVAILABLE6IEW PHOTOS OFTHEVILLAGE AND SHOPS ATWWWSWITZERLANDINNCOM /PENDAILYINSEASON#LOSED$ECEMBERn-AY Page 4 August 2007 Land Harbor’s Fifth Annual SHOW YOUR COLORS GOLF CART PARADE Thanks to a lot of hard work and dedication by Pat Steverding, and an equal amount of community and national pride by residents, Land Harbor’s Fifth Annual Golf Cart Parade was an “enormous success” and continues to grow each year. The entire Land Harbor community thanks all who participated. We thoroughly enjoyed it. This year’s winners were: MOST PATRIOTIC BEST DESIGN 1- The Fisher’s (C.J., Gregg, Benjamin and Jonathan) 1- The Brown’s (Debbie and Brad) 2- Propes (Randy and Jean) 2- The Mann’s (Peter, Robin, P.D.) 3- The Workman’s (Erin and Rob) 3- The Laboda’s (Tom, Rosa, Morgan, Lauren, Eric and Faith) Photos by Rick Hammell August 2007 Page 5 Saturday Night Dances Join us for an evening of fun, live entertainment and great dancing • August 4th - Denny Slawn returns for more great dance music and entertainment • August l8th - Billy Drysdale returns Theme: A Black and White theme • September 1st - Regular Dance Music by Bill Lund • September 15th - FINAL DANCE OF THE SEASON (Dressy Attire) - The Best of Billy Drysdale Admission for regular dances will be $3.00 per person. Admission for the special dances will be announced prior to each dance. Watch for more information in the Weekly Briefs and Flyers. Page 6 Annual Trout Fry will be Saturday, August 25, in the Recreation Hall Two seatings 5:00 to 6:30 and 6:30 to 8:00 Tickets are available NOW ($9.) from any fishing committee member or at the Golf House August 2007 Happenings in Land Harbor email your announcement to: Jori3715@cs.com FOUR SEASONS CLUB - August 4th is the big Land Harbor Flea Market! Have you hunted up all the items you plan to donate to the Four Seasons space? Call Don or Gladys Jones, 733-6415, to have them picked up. writing desk, all of which are available to you for as long as your need exists. We have some child care items: Cribs, highchair, car seat. All items are available at no charge. Call Hazel or Bob Kees at 737-0705 or Joyce Watson at 733-2895. WATER WALKING - Welcome to water walking. This is a mild form of exercise for those with aching joints. I give detailed instructions and you can participate at your own pace. Sessions will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting at 10 o’clock for one hour. Bathing suit is necessary. Eli Tornick 737 6969. WESTERN LINE DANCE Classes on Fridays, in the big air conditioned hall, from 10:30 to 11:30 am - $3 per person. Line dancing is great fun - no experience necessary. Burt Summers 737-0913. CARING CLOSETIf a need should arise, be aware that the Caring Closet is here to supply your medical or childcare needs. We have a broad range of items in our inventory--- crutches, canes, bedside potties, shower seats, raised potty seats, BALLROOM DANCE group is forming - Are you interested in joining a Ballroom Dance Club? We would have a dance practice once a week at the recreation department, where we could help each other learn new steps. If you are interested, please call Val or Jerry Looney 737-0594. SHUFFLEBOARD - Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sundays at 2:00 pm. Lessons available. Dues $5. a year. Ray Kelly, 737-0494 WOULD LIKE TO START A MOTORCYCLE RIDING CLUB TO RIDE THE PARKWAY. No cost to anyone. If interested, call Doug at 828-733-6167. I have a Honda Rebel 250 and live at 101 River Loop road in the Highland Hills. SATURDAY NIGHT BRIDGE 7pm in the Lounge area of the Recreation Building. Barbara Brown - 733-3065. Bob Thygerson annual organ concert, Wed., August 1, 7:30PM, Rec Hall, FREE Three companies under one roof for your convenience! August 2007 Page 7 Happenings in Land Harbor email your announcement to: Jori3715@cs.com DECORATIVE PAINTING CLASS in Acrylics: Room D, Wednesday 12:30 to 3:00. We welcome visitors to view what we are doing. Information call Mary Jo Abrams 733-2658 EUCHRE - Anyone looking to play please call me. We give lessons. Game starts at 7:30 every Sunday night. Wilma Offenbecher, 733-6519. DULCIMER CLASS - Lani Tesh is helping beginners on Tuesday 3:00 to 4:00 PM. For information call 7379060. If you have a dulcimer to sell, visit our class on Thursday 3:30, Room D, Rec Center.. Information call Mary Jo Abrams 733-2658 HARBOR HEIGHTS AND LINVILLE ESTATES ANNUAL BLOCK PARTY golf house on Sep 28 at 5:00 PM. The cost of $15.00 per person includes Hors d’eurves, dinner and door prizes. BYOB. RSVP to Catherine Melk at 7338844 or Sue Childers at 733-7235 BROWN BAG DISCUSSION The group meets in the Golf House at 11:45 AM August 10. The reading and discussion will be from one book - The Illuminator by Brenda Rickman Vantrease. Suggested discussion topics will be available in the library or POA office two weeks prior to the session. Participants should bring lunch and a drink. The sessions will be from 11:45 to 2 or 2:30 (approx.). Talkers as well as listeners are welcome. Sessions will be moderated by Ruth Unks, retired instructor from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. 733-1136. Page 8 GRANDVIEW PARTY Friday, August 3rd, RSVP by August 1st. Call Amanda Frazier 733-0016 or Barbara Collins 733-1626 PINOCHLE Tuesday from 1:00 - 4:00 PM in A-1 along with Hand and Foot. Three, four, five or six people can play this card game. For an afternoon of fun with challenging players (who all want to win) call Rosemary Holmes if interested at 733-5119. KNIT/CROCHET GROUP meets Monday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon in the Rec Hall fireplace lounge. We welcome anyone who is interested to join us. We will also help anyone who would like to learn or receive help with items. Last year we completed and delivered the following to nursing homes, hospital, ACADA, Crossnore School, Inc. and Project Linus: 24 afghans, 35 toys, 107 newborn caps, 26 pr. booties, 9 adult hats, 1 scarf, 7 lap robes, 11 shrugs, 6 children’s sweaters, 15 children’s hats and 2 pr. slippers. Peg Hulse 733-0628 or Linda Yount 733-8645. SECTION B POTLUCK: ELVIS IS COMING to our August 21 potluck!!!! Recreation hall 5:00 pm, eat at 6:00 pm; bring covered dish to serve 10-12. Fried chicken, table service and drinks provided. Raffles!! Please wear your nametag. $3.00 per person. Someone will contact you. Information: Lish & Doug Wilcoxson 733-1162 or Peg & Ken Eubank 737-9531. August 2007 Happenings in Land Harbor ANNUAL MEADOWS PICNIC Saturday, August 11 at the Picnic Shelter at the Point. Social starts at 5:00, followed by dinner around 6:00 p.m. Please bring a covered dish, your own drinks and a lawn chair to sit around the fire. Plates, napkins, cups, and plastic wear will be furnished. More details to follow to each homeowner in the Meadows. Contact number: 733-8439. RIDGEVIEW SECTION Annual Rhododendron Loop Party August 19, 5 pm , Golf House. Betty Olsen, 7339439 QUILTING AND MORE meets every Thursday at 9:30 am at the Golf House. This is our 14th summer. We do all kinds of handwork. Some days we work on our own projects. We are always happy to add a new person to our group and welcome new ideas for projects. Bring a lunch and spend a day with us. If you do not have a project just come & visit. Libby Burns 7334258. August 2007 email your announcement to: Jori3715@cs.com BRIDGE FOR FUN - Join us every Thursday 9AM to noon in room A-1 Recreation Building. One time fee of $1.00 covers cost of supplies. Dottie Chris 733-0377, Terry Danza 7338838.. LAND HARBOR LIBRARY - We have a lot of the newest books, Anyone interested in volunteering to work one day a week in the library from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, please call Pat White, 733-0164. Computer and Fax service are also available in the library building which is located next to the Land Harbor Police. GENEALOGY & FAMILY HISTORY Meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at 10 to 11 AM in room D1 of the Recreation Center. The meetings go to Oct 9. A free series of courses in tracing your family roots, and producing reports or books about your family. This series is open to all who are in the surrounding counties. We use computer programs such as Family Tree Maker and Personal Ancestry File as well as MS Word and WordPerfect. AVERY COUNTY CHORAL CONCERT. August 31 at Aaron Baptist Church and September 4 at the Land Harbor Rec Center. Both performances are at 7:00 PM. Free admittance. PICKIN’ AND GRINNIN’ Do you play guitar, banjo, mandolin, washboard, harmonica, gut-bucket, fiddle, dulcimer, etc.??? If so, you are invited to join the Whitespots for informal jamming in D-1 on Sunday afternoons from 2 ‘til 4. Our genre is bluegrass, old time C&W and gospel. Skill level not a factor the only thing that matters is a desire to have fun with music. Stop by and see if you think you might enjoy what we do or call Ray Kelly (737-0494). Page 9 BOD Names New Demographics Committee Mr. Yancey has stated that this is the most accurate way to obtain a true sampling of our property owners. The survey will be conducted the second and third week in August. Confidential survey planned in August to determine current and future use of Land Harbor We ask that, if you are called, please take a few minutes to participate in the survey. All individual responses are strictly confidential. The Board of Directors has appointed a new Demographics Committee and charged them with conducting a survey to better determine the current and future use of our community. The committee is planning to submit their final report to the board in September. The survey results will be available to all POA members on the Land Harbor website. The committee is chaired by Charlie Sims. The other committee members are Frances Banner, Rose Cole, Warren Kempf and Joyce Roberts. Bill Yancey, an Avery County resident and statistical analyst, is serving the committee in an advisory position. The committee is currently working on the development of the survey questionnaire. The survey will be a phone survey of four hundred, randomly picked property owners. Every property owner will be assigned a random number. The numbers will then be sorted numerically, and the first four hundred property owners will be contacted by phone. Want to Arrive in North Carolina To a Clean House “Just Call Cretia” Specializing in Deep Cleaning and Detailing Of Homes and Vehicles Over 25 Years Experience - Honest & Reliable References Available 828-733-4599 Page 10 239-872-9434 August 2007 Summer is here and so is the Tick by Joan Hammell Summer brings a lot of uninvited and unwanted guests; wasp, snakes, hornets and ticks. And, as usual, this summer we can expect several cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and possibly a few cases of Lyme Disease from ticks. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can be life threatening and Lyme Disease can be very hard to diagnose. Both have symptoms similar to flu. Lyme Disease will August 2007 produce a “bulls-eye” rash around the tick bite and is likely to cause cronic fatigue. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever brings on a fever as well as a rash. Lyme disease has been called the “great imitator” and can mask several other serious diseases from seizures to arthritis. Symptoms can range from fatigue and fever to headaches and body rashes. It has been known to go to the heart and nervous system. If caught in time Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics for several weeks Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever brings on a rash and nausea about a week to ten days after a bite. Victims may also have stomach pain, diarrhea and pains in their joints. Prevention is your best weapon. If in the woods or working around the house in vegetation, tuck your pants in your socks or put a large rubber band around the bottom of the legs. Use DEET...it works! Wear light colored cloths. When you come indoors, take a soapy shower and put your clothes immediately in a washer and dryer. Dry for a least 40 minutes. To safely remove a tick, grasp the tick close to your skin with tweezers (if available.) Do not squeeze tick or grasp the body. Do not use any substance or try to burn the tick. PULL THE TICK STRAIGHT OUT. Use an antiseptic on the skin, wash hands thoroughly If parts of the tick remain in your skin, see a doctor as soon as possible. Smile as you pass! Page 11 LAND HARBOR TENNIS CLUB IS PROUD TO HOST THE FOLLOWING TENNIS CLUBS AT OUR FACILITY • • • • Beech Mountain Hound Ears Sugar Mountain Grandfather Watch the bulletin board at the tennis clubhouse for upcoming interclub dates. The FREE tennis lessons were a big success. Remember it only costs $125 per year to play tennis year round (as weather permits) at our wonderful tennis facility, which includes 7 clay courts, 2 hard courts, a ball machine, tennis socials ($15 per year extra - contact Ellen Salomon - 733-1631), ladies luncheons, men’s and ladies mixers and much, much more. Sign up at the POA office and check the tennis bulletin board for the latest happenings. ... we are also happy to play rematches at their clubs. Congratulations to the following Land Harbor Tennis team members (Keith Minnick, Tom Togno, Tony Arrigo, Richard Hiss, Rosa Laboda, Judy Litt, Judith Persing and Kay Sherwood) who competed against Hound Ears on June 27th under the direction of captain Marty McMurray. Land Harbor tied Hound Ears 4 - 4 in over 3 hours of hard played matches. At the last tennis board meeting it was unanimously voted to name the tennis pavilion - “The Lombardi Pavilion” in remembrance of Mario and Sylvia and all they have done for the tennis club. Page 12 August 2007 August 2007 Page 13 Show Group donates piano Land Harbor Show Group has donated a piano to Land Harbor. The piano was purchased in 2006 with the funds raised by the Show Group for the past fifteen years by putting on an annual show for the enjoyment of the residents of Land Harbor. Shown above are: Tinker Rautenberg, pianist, and Mae Padgett, president of the Show Group. Page 14 August 2007 LAND HARBOR 18 HOLE COUPLES CHAMPIONSHIP (Divorce Open) The Land Harbor 18 Hole Couples Championship (aka: Divorce Open) is scheduled for consecutive Thursdays August 16 and August 23. Day 1 - Alternate shot. Day 2 - Best Ball Must have a current LH handicap and be a member of the appropriate LH golf association. Contact: Lyle @ 737-0917 August 2007 Page 15 Effective August 1, POA office will be closed from 11:45 to 1:15 Due to increased work load, our staff members have been forced to work through lunch hours to accommodate our members. At times, this interferes with their lunch and relaxation time. Also, our employees build up compensation time, which must be taken off during the same work period or we are subject to overtime pay. Due to all the above mentioned, we will close the office from 11:45-1:15 daily starting August 1, 2007. Our employees will only take a lunch break from 12:00-1:00 but the closing period will allow time to process remaining customers prior to closing, as well as returning phone messages prior to opening. Confirmed Kennel Cough reported If your dog gets this virus, the vets do have medication available to treat them. This an airborne virus, similar to our ‘common cold’, but the dog coughs constantly and is very sick. Dr. Lang in Linville and Dr. Lackey in Newland, have agreed to give our dogs the Bordatello vaccine for under $20. (be sure to mention you live in Land Harbor). For your dog’s sake, and the sake of all other pets and owners, vaccination is strongly recommended. Page 16 August 2007 Vial of Life Program Kits available at General Services Library The Vial of Life Program is designed to speak for you when you are unable to speak for yourself. The information contained within the vial will provide pre-hospital and hospital providers with essential details that will aid in providing appropriate treatment. In the event of an emergency, rescuers will see the alert sticker and recognize the presence of a vial of life. Once the vial is retrieved, life saving information may be obtained, even if the patient is unable to speak. The information contained inside the vial will identify the patient’s current medical history, allergies, medications, and other valuable information needed to provide more rapid treatment. The Vial of Life is helpful even if you have no medical problems because emergency personnel need to know that as well. Vial of Life kits are available at the POA Office. P.S. Let your neighbors know of this program. August 2007 Page 17 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2007 DAILY SCHEDULE MONDAY 8:30 - 9:30 B EXERCISE Yoga 9:00 - 11:30 D-1 CRAFTS Palette & Brush Club 9:00 - 10:30 D-2 HEALTH Blood Pressure Checks 9:00 - 10:30 A-1 CHURCH Ladies Bible/Book Study Group 10:00 - 12:00 B DANCE Mtn Mixers - Beginners Round 10:00 - 12:00 A-2 CRAFTS Knit & Crochet 10:00 - 12:00 T TENNIS Ladies Rally 11:00 - 3:00 E-1 BRIDGE 2 - Table Duplicate (Private) 12:00 - 2:00 B DANCE Mtn Mixers - Round Advance 12:30 - 4:30 A-1 BRIDGE 4 - Seasons Duplicate Bridge 1:00 - 4:00 D-1 PAINTING China Painting 2:00 - 4:00 M LIBRARY Library 3:00 - 5:00 B DANCE Mtn Mixers - Beginners Square Dane 7:00 - 11:00 A BRIDGE Monday Night Couples 7:00 - 11:00 C CARDS Cards Monday 7:30 - 9:30 B DANCE Mtn Mixers - Monday A-2 Square Dance TEE TIME G GOLF 9 - Hole Scramble TUESDAY 8:30 - 9:30 B EXERCISE Stretchercise 9:30 - 12:00 A-1 GAMES Mexican Train Dominoes 10:00 - 11:00 D-1 MISCELLANEOUS Genealogy Class ( 1st & 3rd Tues of Month) 10:00 - 12:00 T TENNIS Men’s Rally 12:30 - 3:30 C GAMES Mah Jongg 1:00 - 3:00 B MISCELLANEOUS Show Group Rehearsal 1:00 - 4:00 A-1 CARDS Pinochle 1:00 - 4:00 A-1 CARDS Tuesday Hand & Foot 2:00 S SHUFFLEBOARD Shuffleboard Fun Games 2:00 - 4:00 M LIBRARY Library 3:00 - 4:00 D-2 MUSIC Dulcimer - Beginners 7:00 - 10:30 C CARDS K T Cards 7:00 - 10:00 E-1 GAMES Jokers & Pegs 7:00 - 10:00 A-1 GAMES 4 - Seasons Game Night TEE TIME G GOLF Ladies Day: 9 & 18 - Hole WEDNESDAY 9:30 - 12:30 D-2 GAMES Mah Jongg 9:30 - 11:30 D-1 ART Schneider - Drawing, Pastels & Watercolors 9:30 - 2:00 A-1 BRIDGE Wednesday Ladies Bridge 10:00 - 12:00 T TENNIS Adult Rally 10:30 - 2:30 D-3 CRAFTS Basket Weaving Club 11:00 - 4:00 E-2 BRIDGE Wednesday Ladies Duplicate Bridge (Private) 12:30 - 3:00 E-1 BRIDGE Short Club Bridge (Private) 1:00 - 3:00 D-1 CRAFTS Decorative Painting 2:00 - 4:00 M LIBRARY Library 4:00 - 6:00 D-1 DANCE Mtn Mixers - Plus Class 5:00 - 7:00 E GOLF 9 - Hole Golf Social Hour 7:00 - 10:00 E-1 CARDS Wednesday Night Cards TEE TIME G GOLF Men’s Day: 9 & 18 - Hole Page 18 August 2007 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2007 DAILY SCHEDULE THURSDAY 8:30 - 9:30 B EXERCISE Stretchercise 9:00 - 12:00 A-1 BRIDGE Fun Bridge 9:30 - 2:00 E-1 CRAFTS Quilting and More 1:00 - 3:00 B DANCE Mtn Mixer - Beginner Square 2nd Class 1:00 - 4:00 A-1 CARDS Hand & Foot 2:00 - 3:00 D-1 MUSIC Dulcimer DAD - Intermediate 2:00 - 4:00 M LIBRARY Library 2:00 S SHUFFLEBOARD Shuffleboard Fun Games 3:30 - 5:30 D-1 MUSIC Dulcimer Jam Session 5:00 - 7:00 E GOLF 18 - Hole Golf Social Hour 7:00 - 10:00 D-2 GAMES Table Tennis 7:00 - 10:00 A-1 BRIDGE Thursday Eve Duplicate Bridge 7:30 - 9:30 B GAMES Beach Bingo 7:30 - 10:00 E-2 SHOW GROUP Show Group Meeting (2nd & 4th Thurs of Month) ANYTIME T TENNIS Open Tennis (Members & Guest) TEE TIME G GOLF 18 - Hole Scramble FRIDAY 8:30 - 9:30 B EXERCISE Yoga 9:30 - 12:00 D-3 CRAFTS Stained Glass Club 9:30 - 12:30 D-2 GAMES Mah Jongg 10:00 - 11:00 A-2 CHURCH Bible Study 10:30 - 11:30 D-1 DANCE Line Dance Class 12:30 - 4:30 A-1 BRIDGE Land Harbor Ladies Duplicate Bridge 1:30 - 4:30 B MISCELLANEOUS Show Group Rehearsal 2:00 S SHUFFLEBOARD Shuffleboard Fun Games 2:00 - 4:00 M LIBRARY Library 2:00 - 4:00 D -1 DANCE Ballroom Dance Practice 3:00 - 5:00 T TENNIS Couples/Partners - Rally/Cookout 5:00 - 10:00 E MISCELLANEOUS Singles Pot Luck & Games (4th Friday of Month) 7:00 - 11:00 A-1 BRIDGE Bridge (Private) 7:00 - 10:30 C CARDS Friday Night Cards 7:30 - 10:00 B DANCE Mtn Mixers - Friday Square Dance TEE TIME G GOLF Open Golf (Members & Guest) SATURDAY 8:30 - 9:30 D-1 EXERCISE Saturday Stretch 10:00 - 12:00 T TENNIS Individual Rally 7:00 - 10:00 A BRIDGE Saturday Night Couples Bridge 7:30 - 10:30 B DANCE Saturday Dance Party (1st & 3rd Saturday) TEE TIME G GOLF Open Golf (Members & Guest) SUNDAY 9:00 - 10:00 B CHURCH Worship Service 2:00 S SHUFFLEBOARD Shuffleboard Fun Games 2:00 - 4:00 D-1 MUSIC White Spots 1:30 - 2:00 B DANCE Mtn Mixers - Advance Dance 2:00 - 4:30 B DANCE Mtn Mixers - Sunday Square Dance 5:00 - 6:00 A-2 MISCELLANEOUS Land Harbor RV Club (2nd Sun of Month) 7:00 - 10:00 C CARDS Sunday Cards 7:30 - 10:00 A-1 CARDS Bid Euchre ANYTIME T TENNIS Open Tennis (Members & Guest) TEE TIME G GOLF Open Golf (Members & Guest) August 2007 Page 19 RECREATION DEPARTMENT AUGUST SPECIAL EVENTS SCHEDULE 1 1 1 3 4 6 6 7 7 8 8 10 11 11 13 14 14 14 15 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 28 28 28 Organ Concert 7:00 PM 9-Hole Golf Men’s Breakfast 8:00 AM Shuffleboard Meeting 3:00 PM Grandview Section Party Flea Market 7:00 AM Tennis Board Meeting 2:00 PM East Coast Party Architectural Committee 1:00 PM 18 - Hole Men’s Golf Lunch & Meeting 11:00 AM Advisory Committee 3:00 PM Tennis Pot Luck 5:00 PM POA Board Meeting 9:00 AM POA Informational Meeting 10:00 AM Linville Meadows Picnic Fishing Committee 3:00 PM Safety Committee 2:00 PM Exerecise Pot Luck 5:00 PM Golf 18-Hole Ladies Breakfast 8:30 AM Shuffleboard Social Billiards Meeting 9:00 AM Pine Ridge Section Party Lakeview Section Party 4 Seasons Picnic Rodie Loop Party Mountain Mixers Picnic Golf Committee Meeting 3:00 PM B-Section Party Golf - 18-Hole Ladies Board Meeting 3:30 PM Highland Hills Section Party Golf - Divorce Open Social Land Harbor Fish Fry A-Section Party Golf - 9 Hole Scramble Meeting & Luncheon 12:30 PM Golf - 9-Hole Ladies Breakfast 9:00 AM Golf - 18-Hole Ladies General Meeting 12:00 PM Golf - 18-Hole Ladies Sadie Hawkins Dinner Southwest Party A-LOUNGES B-MAIN HALL C-EAST WING (MUSIC ROOM) D-WEST WING (REC ANNEX) E-GOLF HOUSE E-1 TABLE SIDE -- E-2 FIREPLACE B E M E B M E POA E M B B B P M M B E B M E E P E P M B E B E B E E E E B E G-GOLF COURSE M-GENERAL SERVICES BUILDING P-POINT POA-BOARD ROOM AT POA OFFICE S-SHUFFLEBOARD (OVERLOOK) T-TENNIS (OVERLOOK PARK) Pool Schedule 2007 Pool Opens May 26, 2007 at 10:00 am • Pool Closes September 3, 2007 at 6:00 pm Open Swim: Lap Swim: Aquacise: Water Walking: Adults with disabilities and Cleaning Adult Swim - 18 years of age and older Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday Monday - Friday Monday, Wednesday, Friday (1st class) Monday, Wednesday, Friday (2nd class) Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 - 6:00 pm 10:00 - 6:00 pm 1:00 - 6:00 pm 8:00 -10:00 am 10:00 -11:00 am 11:00 -12:00 pm 10:00 -11:00 am Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 -12:00 am Monday - Friday 12:00 - 1:00 pm Holidays (Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day) - all organized swim (except Lap Swim) will be canceled and Open Swim will be offered, the day before the holiday, the day of the holiday and the day after the holiday. Page 20 August 2007 RECREATION UPDATE POOL RULES Guest The guest of a member must use the guest pass that was issued when the property dues were paid. Each guest pass is good for 5 people. Guest will be required to sign in at the Lifeguard Station. Guest passes can only be picked up at the POA Office Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Children A responsible parent must accompany children under the age of 12 or an adult (not a teenager), who must remain in the pool area while the child is in the pool or on the pool deck. Dropping off a child under the age of 12 and then going into one of the rooms for a meeting or class or leaving the recreation area is not permitted. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING NEW STANDARD FROM THE NATIONAL LIGHTNING SAFETY INSTITUTE The safety of our swimmers is always our first priority. When lightning is first seen or thunder is first heard (meaning lightning is somewhere in the area), swimmers, sunbathers and picnickers will be asked to leave the pool, the pool deck and picnic area and seek shelter on the upper ramp. The National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI) has changed the standard for staying out of the pool during bad weather from 20 minutes to 30 minutes, and Land Harbor lifeguards will be instructed to use this guideline. Every time lightning is seen or thunder is heard another 30-minute countdown is started again until the pool can be safely re-entered. Remember, this is for your safety. Pool 733-8315. Have a fun and safe 2007 season. Pat Jackson, Recreation Manager 733-8316 August 2007 Page 21 CLASSIFIED ADS Call Lynn Townsend, 733-8300. Ads must be paid for in advance. Once classifieds are set up; we will be glad to remove your ad, but no refund. LOT FOR SALE: Gentle sloping 1/3 acre corner building lot at Ridge Rd & Ivy w/easy access either street. WON’T LAST ! Call owner at 733-3701. WANTED: Aluminum V-Hull fishing boat for use in LLH lake. Call Debbi @ 512-626-0292 or email debbi@benchmarkpower.com FOR RENT: RV SITE WITH 50 AMP HOOK-UP nestled in the woods among tall trees, has large deck with shelter, picnic table, & seating. Call Dan at 305790-9587 FOR SALE: Ready to move in year-around home with garage. 256 Teaberry Ln. 3 Bedrooms -2½ Baths. Asking $259,000 Reduced Call 828-733-5890 FOR RENT: Luxurious Key West Timeshare, Hyatt Windward Pointe, 1/13 to 1/20/08. See at http://www. hyatt.com/vacations $450/Night, save $75/Night. Call (978) 609-0187 for information. FOR RENT: Spacious 2 bed 2 Bath Timeshare Resort. Near Disney. Week of Thanksgiving. $800. Call Mary Grashof 733-2048 FOR SALE: Land Harbor Spruce Hollow. New 2Bd/ 2Ba, full basement, golf cart garage, RV hook-up, AC & heat, Spacious Great Room/Kitchen area. Call: 828-733-0733 or 828-4213843 FOR RENT: Land Harbor Meadows. New 1Bd/ 1 Ba. Fully Furnished Apt. on the river. Available weekly or monthly. Call 828-733-0733 or 828-4213843 Obituaries Bob Hede, 37 Hemlock Loop, June 24th. Bob is survived by his wife, Betty, one daughter, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Bob was a retired Sgt Major in the US Army. He was a founding member of the Special Forces. He was a former POA Board Member. For many years he has led the Pledge of Allegiance at our membership meetings. Mr. Hede loved his country and Land Harbor. Barbara Reynolds, 194 Meadow Loop, May 19th. She is survived by her husband, Kirk, one son and one daughter. William H (Bill) Searles, June 23rd. He is survived by his wife, Edna, one son and one daughter. Bill loved the game of golf and he served as a volunteer at the Land Harbor Library. Welcome, new residents Martin Garcia (Cape Coral, FL) 156 Fairway Ln (Grandview-GV) Steven Nixon 216 Ivy Rd (Laurel Hills-LH) Herman & LaShell Rosario (Savannah, GA) 75 Park Loop (Spruce Hollow-A) Rountree James (Jonesborough, TN) 422 Laurel Hills Rd (Laurel Hills-LH) Sonya Rutledge (Norfolk, VA) 129 Galax Loop (Laurel Hills-LH) Thomas & Faith Sawyer (Cape Coral, FL) 276 River Rd (Linville Meadows) FOR SALE:”DOUBLE LOTS full of Rhododendron offer privacy for motor-home or room to build a year-round home of up to 2000 square feet (ground floor footprint) . Excellent, mostly level building site. Nice L-shape deck and storage building ready for your motor-home. Conveniently located on Key Ridge between golf course/tennis courts and club -house pool. (919)815-8615 “owner broker” WANTED: 2008 Rental June thru August 2 bdrm house, pet friendly. 733-2950 or 321-514-4381. Page 22 August 2007 Effective August 1 Leaves and lawn trimmings MUST BE BAGGED in minimum 39 gallon CLEAR PLASTIC BAGS. This rule is in effect NOW, however, property owners are presently violating this rule. This is a clear warning - after August 1st WE WILL NOT PICK-UP leaves and cuttings not properly bagged. ALSO, POA WILL NOT PICK UP LEAVES AND LAWN TRIMMINGS GENERATED BY CONTRACTORS. POA DOES NOT PICK UP LUMBER, PLYBOARD, ETC. THIS IS THE OWNERS’ RESPONSIBILITY August 2007 Page 23 AGENDA ANNUAL MEETING LAND HARBOR PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2007 10:00 A.M. RECREATION HALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Call to Order – Jeff Troy, President Invocation – Bob Kees (216 Valley Ln) Pledge of Allegiance Introduction of Board Members Chuck Abrams, Treasurer Phin Horton Rose Cole, Secretary Warren Kempf Dennis Ellenwood, Vice-President Charlie Sims Jimmy Goodwin Jim Watson Introduction of Parliamentarian – John Nord (53 Golfview Ln) Financial Report (Previous, Current & Info Available on Budget for 2008) – Mike Simpson President’s Report – Jeff Troy Report of September 7, 2007 Board Meeting - Cole Questions and Answers Introduction of New Board Members - Jeff Troy, President Adjournment Quality with distinction SINCE 1986 102 Queen Street • Morganton, NC 28655 (828) 433-1377 Full Service Printer • Full Color Copying Proudly serving Land Harbor & Avery County for over 20 years Voted 2006 Best Printer in Burke Page 24 August 2007 August 2007 Page 25 Page 26 August 2007 August 2007 Page 27 THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! Simms Realty Linville Enjoyed a banner year in the 2006 season because you sent your family and friends to us!!!!! Rumor has it……. That we are leaving Land Harbor and the Real Estate business. THIS IS NOT TRUE! We are here to stay, “Lord willing and the creek don’t rise” as Mama used to say. We look forward to assisting SELLERS and BUYERS out of this office for many seasons to come. SO PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND COME SEE US!!!!! Charles and Sharon Simms Page 28 August 2007 33 Quail Lane – 4BR/4BA th Overlooks the 14 tee and fairway. Cent heat. 26’ ceiling in the living room w/ a loft library. Granite countertops & hickory wood floors. $459,000 #2087 42 Harbor Lane – 3BR/3.5BA – Vaulted ceiling in living room & dining room w/ wood beams. Stone fireplace w/ gas logs. Sunroom. Lg recreation room w/ office nook, sewing nook & laund rm. Propane monitor heater on each floor. SELLER WILL PAY INITIATION FEE AND 1 YEAR WARRANTY! $329,000 71 Plumtree Lane – 2BR/2BA - Great view of Grandfather Mtn. & Golf Course. Wood floors in living rm, dining rm &kitchen. Stone fp. Golf cart storage. New paint in and out! Furnished. $217,900 #2096 922 Lower Goose Hollow Rd. – 4BR/2BA - New roof. Lg wraparound deck on front & side, balcony from upper bedroom. Wooded, private $190,000 #1161 148 Snowshoe Loop – 2BR/2BA - Large great room with gas fireplace. Nice master suite with 2 closets. Vltd wood ceiling and floor. $189,900 #2037 145 Evergreen Lane – 2BR/2BA - Free standing wood burning stove. Well-equipped kitchen with eating bar. Ceiling fans, ceramic tile walls and floors, large bonus room. One level. Furnished. $154,900 #1074 10 Black Pine Road 2BR/2BA - Yr rnd mtn cottage, 1 level living, lots of parking, corner lot, huge porch, full basement, eat-in kitchen, stone fp, w/gas logs furnished. $149,900 #2029 #2109 45 Rhododendron Dr. 3BR/2.5BA ON GOLF COURSE . 2 porches. Dbl garage & good parking. Recent updates. Stone fp w/ gas logs in fmly rm. $295,000 #2054 280 Teaberry Lane – 2BR/2.5BA - LIKE NEW MOUNTAIN HOME! 2BR/2.5BA with additional sleeping area. High ceilings, central heat plus gas log fireplace. One car garage. Large corner lot. $275,000 #2112 August 2007 5 Dew Drop Loop – 2BR/3BA Stone wood burning fireplace. High vaulted ceiling in great room w/ loft bedroom & bath. Hot tub on deck. Quest quarters w/kitchen. $239,000 #2108 44 Elderberry Loop – 2BR/2.5BA -2001 modular. Central heat & air. Ceiling fans in all rooms. Superior walls at basement level. Large corner lot. $210,000 #2083 275 Ivy Road – 2BR/3BA Mtn home with seasonal views. Like new inside. Large decks & parking for lg RV. 2 Lots. $210,000 #2100 80 River Road – 2BR/2BA – One level. Lg. porch, open floor plan w/Murphy bed in living area. Jenn-Air range in kitchen. Wood floors. Full basement for 1 car and golf cart. Heat pump w/ air. $169,900 #2113 51 Pepperidge Ln. 2BR/2BA All on one level. Year round living on oversized lot. Lovely porch, central heat and air, eatin kitchen. Fireplace w/ gas logs. Mostly furnished per inventory. Broker interest. $159,900 #2106 26 Tamarack Rd – 1BR/2.5BA - 2 st access, cart garage & single car garage w/workshop, covered porch & open deck, yr rnd living, nicely furnished. $144,500 #2093 1854 Goose Hollow Rd. – 1BR/1.5BA – Overlooking 9th fairway w/great mtn view. Wheelchair access. Cvrd deck, metal roof, cedar siding. Corner gas log fp. Furnished. $125,000 #2088 Page 29 355 Windridge Rd.-3BR/2BA Park model w/ additions. Shows like new! Lovely porch. 2 street access. One level. Furnished. $110,000 #2111 105 Elderberry Lp – 2BR/2BA - Level entry & level living. Eat –in kitchen. Newly remodeled & furn. Parking for small RV. Golf cart storage & close to golf house. $95,000 #1025 288 Windridge Rd. – Lovely elevated RV site with winter views. Large covered deck with wood stove. Bunk house with 2 bunks and ½ bath. $39,900 #2067 42 Greenway Ct. – Spruce Pine – 4BR/3BA Grassy Creek golf course community. Blt 2006. Stainless app in kitchen. Borders small creek. 9' ceiling on main floor.. 2 Heat pumps w/air. Paved circle drive in front. Full basement w/10' ceilings. 2 oversized garage doors. $295,000 #2114 Carolida Acres – Nice building lots in Carolida Acres development. Lots #13, 14, & 15. $15,000 #2017 Carolida Acres – Nice building lots in Carolida Acres development. Lots #18, 19, & 20 $15,000 #2019 571 Windridge Road - WELL DEVELOPED RV SITE! Large deck. Good storage. Level lot with two street access. $38,000 #2110 143 & 145 Carolida Circle – 3BR/2BA & 2BR/2BA - 556 Windridge Road 1BR/1BA - Park model w/ added rooms & decks. Laundry room . Detached golf cart shed. Backs up to wooded area. Parking for RV. $59,900 #2060 LISTINGS OUTSIDE LAND HARBOR: TWO MOUNTAIN HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Charming home & chalet nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains/Carolida Acres Community. Get a combination of very neat, well maintained 3BR/2BA home plus 2BR/2BA chalet for guests. Both homes completely furnished! 1 +/- acre. $245,000 #2016 Carolida Acres – Nice building lots in Carolida Acres development. Lots #16 & 17 $12,000 #2018 Carolida Acres – Nice building lots in Carolida Acres development. Lots #24 & 25 $12,000 #2020 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now Offering for Sale *NEW LUXURY GOLF VIEW TOWNHOUSES* *See Simms Realty For Floor Plans Prices and availability are subject to change Page 30 August 2007 August 2007 Page 31 Land Harbor Rovers SANDERS FAMILY CHRISTMAS, WOHLFAHRT DINNER THEATER, WYTHEVILLE, VA. Saturday, November 17, 2007 $58.00 (Includes bus from Land Harbor, lunch and play) This is a heart-warming sequel to ‘SMOKE ON THE MOUNTAIN’ Just like before, between rollickin’ faith-filled ditties and holiday songs, each member of the Sanders family shares whimsical vignettes of their life. ‘SANDERS FAMILYCHRISTMAS’ is one you’ll never forget. Shirley Hoover 733-0445, Doris Francis 733-4990 ____________________________________ Moving rocks in the river is PROHIBITED Moving rocks in the river is against Policy and Procedure (R & R -26) Stream Protection in the Linville River. Individuals are prohibited from any disturbance of the rocks without express permission from the POA. This includes adding or removing any rocks. Page 32 August 2007 Christmas in August Linville Land Harbor has established an annual tradition of participation in “Avery Project Christmas”, and this year will widen the project, by starting the drive while our full community is in residence. “Avery Project Christmas” has served the less fortunate families in Avery County for several years, and in 2006 provided gifts for over 400 children. This year we would like to improve on that very successful record, and through the participation of all the residents of Land Harbor, would endeavor to increase the number of children we can share with. Beginning August 18th, we will set up a collection station at the Recreation Building, where gifts may be dropped off. The collection station will remain active until August 25th, at which time, gifts will be stored in a safe location until the Christmas Store is stocked for “Avery Project Christmas”. All gifts must be new and unused, with the price tags left on. The gifts are not to be wrapped, and may be toys, clothing, cosmetics, games, jewelry, etc., suitable for children through the 12th grade. August 2007 Let’s make this the best Christmas ever for these children, and let’s demonstrate to Avery County that Linville Land Harbor is more than a playground for retirees. Letís show them we are a community with heart, that can reach out to help our children. If you have any questions, please call Hazel or Bob Kees at 737-0705 Hazel and Bob Kees Co-Chairs Caring and Sharing Committee ___________________________________________ Board approves Land Harbor Marketing committee Board of Directors budgets $15,000 for marketing and new Land Harbor brochures. Committee consists of Warren Kempf, Advisor/Board Liaison, Linda Bristol, Ann Cook, Jan Goodell and Art Patrenek. Page 33 Page 34 August 2007 Minutes - Regular BOD Meeting July 13, 2007 Members Present: Jeff Troy, President; Dennis Ellenwood, VicePresident; Rose Cole, Secretary; Chuck Abrams, Treasurer; Jimmy Goodwin arrived @ 9:20 a.m., Jim Watson, Phin Horton, Warren Kempf and Charlie Sims. Also Present: Mike Simpson, General Manager; Frances Banner, Business Manager, and Lynn Townsend, Recording Secretary I. Call to Order: Jeff Troy called the Regular Board Meeting of July 13, 2007 to order at 9:00 a.m. in the Recreation Building. II. Approval of the Agenda : Jim Watson requested adding Item X. D. Old POA Site. Jeff Troy requested adding under Item VIII. C. Appointing Acting Secretary, removing Item IV. A. 3. Bob Grashof (321 Spring Brook Rd) Paving per Bob Grashof and removing Item V. B. Issues with Police acting as Rangers on Golf Course per Bill Bremser. Rose Cole moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Absent from vote was: Jimmy Goodwin. III. Approval of Minutes: A. Special Meeting-June 15, 2007 Jim Watson moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Absent from vote was: Jimmy Goodwin. IV. Architectural: A. Variance Request 1. Gerry Knam (432 Windridge Rd) Setback Variance Mr. Knam is requesting an encroachment of 7 inches into the side Setback . Dennis Ellenwood moved to approve the variance. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Absent from vote was: Jimmy Goodwin. 2. Robert McGhee (41 Spruce Ln) Footprint & Setback Variance Mr. McGhee is requesting a footprint variance of 352 square feet over the prior requirements and 502 square feet over current requirements. Charlie Sims moved to table the request for more explicit drawings and details. The motion was seconded and carried by a majority. Voting to table the request were: Dennis Ellenwood, Rose Cole, Jimmy Goodwin, Jim Watson, Phin Horton, Warren Kempf and Charlie Sims. Voting to abstain was: Chuck Abrams. 3. Bob Grashof (321 Spring Brook Rd) Paving Variance Item removed from Agenda. 4. Mike Luttrell (115 River Hollow Rd) Footprint Variance Mr. Luttrell is requesting a 33 % footprint variance for a deck. Dennis Ellenwood moved to approve the variance. The motion was seconded and carried by a majority. Voting to approve the variance were: Dennis Ellenwood, Rose Cole, Jimmy Goodwin, Jim Watson, Phin Horton and Charlie Sims. Voting against variance was: Warren Kempf. Voting to abstain was: Chuck Abrams. V. Request from Members A. Alternative Resolution on Dam-Jim Henderson Mr. Henderson was not present to give his alternative resolution on the dam. However Mr. Simpson made these remarks. There has been comments made that doing what the state mandates and repairing the dam is going to cost $4 to $6 Million, so we should just let the river run through it and have a development there. When the analysis of the dam was done it was determined that the lake has approximately 235,000 cubic yard of silt in it. To remove the silt it would cost $25 per cubic yard and move it up to a mile and $7 per mile after that. The total to remove the silt from the lake would cost over $6 million. Then it would cost an additional $2 to $4 million to repair the lake bed for construction. Further, it would cost at least $2 million to remove the dam. The total cost would be at least $10 million As of today repairing the dam is the cheapest option. B. Issues with Police acting as Rangers on Golf Course-Bill Bremser. Item removed from Agenda. VI. Reports and Presentations A. Budget and Finance 1. Financial Report: At the six month period which was June 30, 2007, the Departments had used 40% of their budget. This is 10% under budget for the year. The department managers are doing an excellent job managing their budgets. August 2007 VII. Manager’s Report-Mike Simpson Wireless Network: The wireless Internet network is up and running well. Land Harbor now has a “Wireless CafÈ” at the recreation building in room D-3. It is available everyday except Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A wireless network will also be available in the Pavilion at the Pointe in the near future. In Service Training: The In Service Training in June was a success. As the week progressed our employees really started to get enthused and participation was excellent. There will be a follow up session in July. Maintenance/Utilities: During the month of June Maintenance received 207 work orders of which 192 have been completed. That is 93% completed. Dam: The North Carolina Dam Safety Office in Asheville presented themselves in Land Harbor on Monday July 9th for a surprise inspection to ascertain if Land Harbor was in compliance with the agreement made with the State. The agreement stated that we would put mandated procedures in place to monitor the safety of our dam during the analysis period. The Dam Safety Inspector was extremely impressed with our compliance and felt we were going well above and beyond the State’s requirements. Landscaping: Our landscape efforts are continuing. Our crews will be concentrating on the Golf House area, as well as sections signs and cluster boxes. Cross Training: In an attempt to always provide necessary services to our members, Michael Roark and Mike Simpson have embarked on a cross training program with all the Maintenance/Utilities personnel. The cross training began June 9th and is also linked to our GPS monitoring system to improve efficiency. Solid Waste: Our solid waste pickup routes have been monitored for the last month to determine if changes were necessary to increase efficiency. Changes have proven to be necessary and have been implemented. Routes have been redesigned and other issues addressed to provide our members a quicker and more efficient method of removing their solid waste. Since implementing these changes our man hours spent collecting solid waste have been reduced by almost 50%. Dog Park: The Dog Park has proven to be extremely popular. We currently have 58 members registered. Golf Course Patrolling: There has been a Ranger added to help patrol the golf course. Our Police Officers will continue to patrol in non-peak play time to protect our assets. The Ranger will be provided a hand held radio and will have the ability to communicate with our Police Department directly if the need arises. VIII. Committees A. Dam Committee-Charlie Sims The Dam Committee has met several times in June and July. The committee considers the most important task of the Board at this time is to convince the membership as to the need of addressing the dam as mandated by the State. They have put together a schedule of a time frame of what is going to be taking place with the dam. This schedule will be posted in the August issue of the Harbor Lights. Phin Horton volunteered to be part of the Dam Committee with regard to the funding studies. Jeff Troy appointed Phin Horton to the Dam Committee. B. Demographics Committee-Charlie Sims The Demographics Committee has met several times and they have put together a survey that will be conducted in mid August. The committee will be contacting volunteers to help conduct the survey the week of July 16, 2007. They will train the volunteers the week of August 6, 2007. The survey will take place the evening of August 13, 2007 and August 20, 2007 at the POA office. The committee then will prepare a report to give to the Board for the September 7, 2007 Meeting. C. Nominating Committee-List of 2007 Board Candidates Jimmy Goodwin moved to approve the candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee for the upcoming 2007 Election as follows: Russ Anderson, Ken Bolling, John Bradish, Rose Cole, Dick Crews, Steve Padgett and John Wofford. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Jeff Troy appointed Charlie Sims to be the Acting Secretary for the Board Election due to the fact that Rose Cole is a candidate. D. Marketing Committee-Warren Kempf Jeff Troy accepted the resignations of Fred Graham and Danny Jacobson and appointed Warren Kempf as advisor, Ann Cook, Jan Goodell, Art Patrenek and Linda Bristol as the new Marketing Committee. Please continue on page 36 Page 35 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35 MINUTES REGULAR BOD MEETING, JULY 13 The Marketing Committee feels that Land Harbor needs to do more advertising. After much research the Committee has narrowed down the search of where they want to advertise. Some of them being in Retirement Magazines, Military Officer’s Association of America, RV Magazines, Our State Magazine and Shriners. They feel advertising in some of these Magazines will help get the name of Land Harbor out and help bring in potential home owners. Charlie Sims moved to authorize a budget amendment for advertising by transferring $15,000 from contingency to the administrative fund. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. IX. Old Business: No reports for Old Business X. New Business A. Beaver Problem-Mike Simpson Land Harbor is experiencing some problems with Beavers. There have been three dens discovered. After conducting some research Land Harbor contacted Mr. Stacey Calloway, a professional trapper, that is willing to help resolve the problem for $900.00. He estimates it will take about three weeks to eliminate the beavers. During the winter until February, he will trap for freeÖ after February, other arrangements will be made if necessary. Phin Horton moved to transfer $900.00 from contingency to the administrative Fund. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. B. Rock Quarry-Mike Simpson This past March, the State of North Carolina, without any public notice or review granted a permit for an open-pit quarry only 1.5 miles from where the Appalachian Trail crosses the summit. The public was notified of this debacle only after the permit was granted. In support of the Avery County Commissioners enacting a reasonable ordinance regulating this activity, Jeff Troy directed Mike Simpson to write a Resolution to be signed by the Land Harbor POA Board of Directors in support of such an ordinance. C. Copyright & Trademark-Mike Simpson Mr. Simpson stated our attorney is in the process of copyrighting and trade marking our existing logo. Rose Cole and Jimmy Goodwin question the existing logo depicting a pine tree... our original logo was a maple and seemed to be more pleasing in appearance. It was stated that the maple was too intricate to copy...the pine tree was simpler. Also changing back to the maple would be too costly and time consuming. Chuck Abrams moved to Copyright and trademark the existing logos, text, and letterhead that Land Harbor uses and approve the $750.00 for the trademark and filing fee. The motion was seconded and carried by a majority. Voting for the trademark were: Dennis Ellenwood, Chuck Abrams, Jim Watson, Phin Horton, Warren Kempf and Charlie Sims. Voting against the trademark were: Rose Cole and Jimmy Goodwin. D. Old POA Site-Jim Watson Jim Watson stated that the Old POA Site is not being sold and there hasn’t been any discussion about selling it or building condos. Nothing except platted lots is sold without membership approval. XI. Property Owners’ Input and Concerns David Mills of 15 Woodcliff Loop stated that he personally had a problem with Land Harbor spending $15,000 on advertising when it could be used to fix the streets and do more landscaping to help spruce up the area. Jeff Troy stated that thanks to the staff and volunteers he personally thinks the landscaping looks gorgeous. There is a lot of acreage to be landscaped with the limited budget, limited staff and volunteers that Land Harbor has. People can always put in work orders to Maintenance if there is an area they feel is more of a priority. XII. Closed Session - Warren Kempf moved to go into Executive Session at 10:45 a.m. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Warren Kempf moved to adjourn Executive Session and go back into Open Session at 10:50 a.m. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. XIII. QUESTIONS SUBMITTED TO BOD CANDIDATES. THEIR ANSWERS APPEAR ON THE NEXT SEVEN PAGES (37 TO 43) The following questions were submitted by the Harbor Lights Editor to all candidates for the POA Board of Directors. These questions are for inclusion in their campaign article which are appearing on the next six pages (pages 37 to 43). It was entirely up to the candidate whether or not they choose to answer the questions. The questions are designed to give Land Harbor Property Owners a means of comparing the positions of the candidates. 1. What special qualifications would you bring to the BOD and what do you consider is the biggest responsibility being a Board member? 2. Replacing the dam appears to lead our options but repairs are still not out of question. A final decision will not be made until all the facts are compiled later this year. The big question is how will this impact Land Harbor financially. Certainly you have given this some thought. Can you share your ideas and suggestions? 3. Real estate in our area and certain parts of North Carolina, is still reasonably strong while the national trend is downward. What must we do to continue to protect and increase property values and to stay competitive? 4. Do you think we need to add amenities in Land Harbor or perhaps improve the present amenities? Please elaborate and offer any ideas you have to improve our lifestyle. 5. What would be your first priority as a Board Member and what would you like to see implemented as soon as possible. Adjournment Rose H. Cole, Secretary Page 36 Lynn Townsend, Recording Secretary August 2007 POA Board of Directors candidate Russell F. Anderson, 35 Azalea Lane, 467-4927 I, and my wife and best friend Lanno, are relative newcomers to Land Harbor. We spend October to May in Gulf Shores, Alabama and dearly love Land Harbor, its beauty, amenities, friendly neighbors and of course the weather. By way of introduction I offer the following snapshot of my background and qualifications so that you may be better prepared to determine whether you would like to allow me to make decisions about your lifestyle and financial investment in our wonderful Land Harbor community. Born and raised in western New York State with a brief few childhood years in California, I joined the U.S. Navy in 1958 and retired thirty years later as a four striper Captain. Along the way I was honored to command two U. S. Navy ships and hold several high level positions in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. where I learned budgeting and economics in large organizations. I hold a Masters degree in Management from Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island and also August 2007 a Masters Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College. After retirement I started an office equipment business in Chicago, Illinois and retired a second time in 1996 when we moved to Alabama. Lanno and I are avid golfers. She likes to paint and I write and try to play the dulcimer in between tee times. In answer to the first question posed by Rick Hammell, I would have to say that I would bring an uncluttered and fresh perspective on problems facing Land Harbor. I have no pre-conceived notions, no agenda and previous positions on any issues to defend. I will simply bring my broad life experiences and education to the deliberations of the Board. My biggest responsibility as a board member will be to remember that as a board member I serve you, you don’t serve me. In question two Rick asks how I feel about the issue of the dam. Frankly, I am not privy to enough technical detail about the dam to answer that question in detail. In general terms I would only say that I would favor a permanent fix which would protect our investments over the long term rather than temporary repairs which would have to be re-visited year after year. I want to hear the facts though before taking a position. As concerns real estate values and remaining in a competitive position vis a vis other Western North Carolina communities. I would only say from a newcomers point of view that the first part, real estate values, is largely out of our control. The free market will determine that as long as we maintain our beautiful community to the same standards as you all have for these many years. Land Harbor’s appeal is unique in many ways. We offer an unbeatable combination of golf, tennis, fishing and beauty at an affordable price. It is unlikely that any of our new competitors will ever offer the dollar for dollar value we can. Not even close. I see a little tweaking here and there, maybe some marketing, but nothing major. The amenities here are fantastic and well managed. I like that most are self sufficient. As I read the bylaws, new amenities are the function of the membership not the board. If enough members think we need something new and can somehow convince a majority of the membership that we should do it, and that they wish to pay for it, then it will get done. My first priority as a board member will be to get to know as many of you as I can. I will do this by visiting every activity, club and event in Land Harbor this summer to hear what you like and don’t like about what we are doing. I can’t think of a thing that the present board isn’t doing to implement positive change as quickly as possible, but if anything comes up during my visits I will work hard to see that it happens as soon as possible. In conclusion I would only say that we are all in this together. Your Board of Director’s vote is very important. Your job is difficult because of the many fine candidates from which you must choose. From your track record, I know you will choose wisely . Page 37 POA Board of Directors candidate Ken Bolling, 103 Pine View Road, 733-9553 I believe the biggest responsibility of any board member is to serve the members and implement those policies and procedures which best serve the membership as a whole while preserving the traditional values of Land Harbor. I am seeking election to the Board of Directors to become an active part of our community. I have been a property owner since 1984 and have witnessed the steady growth of our community. I believe my longevity at Land Harbor, coupled with my varied work experiences, make me uniquely qualified to serve the membership. I am currently still involved in the world of work as the owner of a business in Boone (suffice to say that, as owner, I do not work a full schedule, so I guess I can be considered semi-retired). I believe my years of business experience dealing with people and operating with the “bottom line” of profit, makes me uniquely qualified to serve on the Board, especially in this time when our community is facing financial strife. Page 38 The biggest crisis facing Land Harbor is replacement of the dam. The state has condemned our present dam. This leaves us with two options: replace the dam or remove the dam and let Linville River flow through Land Harbor. Unfortunately, each option carries a heavy price. State and federal mandates and protocols indicate that either option will cost us several million dollars. Ultimately though the options must be put to the membership for a vote as to which best serves the community. The national real estate market is in a slump. Fortunately, retirement communities such as ours, are not experiencing such a recline. I firmly believe we must do a better job marketing our product (an extremely affordable retirement community suitable for seasonal or year round habitation). It is imperative that we target prospects (those near retirement as well as those already retired) and let them know about Land Harbor. Adding amenities in our community would entail expenditures of funds at a time when we are facing a big financial expenditure on the dam. Any additions to our already extensive list of activities and amenities must be defrayed until we successfully negotiate the current financial emergency. My first priority as a board member would be to solve the dam issue and have the membership vote on the most desirable solution. Coupled with this would be the cost figures need to fix the problem, either fixing the dam and retaining the lake or reestablishing the Linville River. Both options should be presented to our membership along with the impact of each on our community and effect on our property values. Secondly, I believe we must do a better job advertising our mountain paradise to eligible buyers. Each new resident equates to much needed income for our already limited monetary resources. Thank you for your consideration and vote. August 2007 POA Board of Directors candidate John Bradish, 114 Pine Ridge Loop, 733-6961 I am Jack Bradish. I live at 114 Pine Ridge Loop with my wife Janice. We were invited to Land Harbor by our good friends John & Rita Elms back in 2001. We fell in love with Land Harbor on our first visit and after a couple more trips we bought a lot in Spruce Hollow. Later we bought a home in Mountain View. After we retired in 2005 we sold that home and purchased our present home at 114 Pine Ridge Loop. We are very happy in Land Harbor. The people who work here are so nice and helpful. The community as a whole is so August 2007 friendly. My wife Janice and I worked for a major retailer. In 1981, we decide to go out on our own and purchased a Hardware Store in South Jersey. We thought we would expand and bought a second store down by the shore. Our first store was turned over to our son and we sold the second one to a developer. We were in business 25 years. 1. I was on the Board of Directors for four years at Ocean Resorts in Ft. Pierce, Florida where we spend our winters. I have a strong background in business. I worked for Sears for 20 years and ran our own business for 25 years. I have always enjoyed working with employees and customers. I believe as a Board Member it is my duty to be responsible to the property owners and to do what is best for Land Harbor. submit them to the property owners. It is important to get all the cost for repairing or replacing. It is also important to look at other options. 3. Land Harbor and surrounding areas are very desirable because of low taxes, beautiful scenery and wonderful people. It is important to keep up the appearance of Land Harbor while trying to keep cost in line. 4. I believe Land Harbor does not need any new amenities at this time because of the impending cost of the Dam. We definitely should keep the ones we have and maintain them. 5. I have no agenda other than keeping Land Harbor going strong. 2. The Dam is a very important concern. We must get all the facts and options together and Page 39 POA Board of Directors candidate Rose Cole, 421 Lakeview Road, 733-2990 demeanor to guide the board and our members as we face, in the next few years, some of our most difficult decisions. Three years have almost passed since I was elected to the POA Board and during these past three years, your board has made many positive decisions for the betterment of Land Harbor. The most noteworthy decision was the employment of our present General Manager, Mike Simpson. As a present board member, I appreciate Mr. Simpson’s vast knowledge of community management and his on-hands daily involvement with our employees. At this time in Land Harbor’s existence, we are so fortunate to have his expertise and down to earth Page 40 I am a native North Carolinian and this is my 18th year in Land Harbor as a permanent resident. North Carolina is a great state, having three distinct regions: Mountains, Piedmont and Coast. I have lived in each region and I can say, without equivocation, the mountains are the very best! My involvement in Land Harbor has been varied. I have, in the past, served 6 years on the Golf Committee, 2 years on the Advisory Committee, 2 years on the Nominating Committee and many other special projects. Outside my Land Harbor involvement, I am a member of the Cannon Sloop Healthcare Foundation Board and the Avery YMCA Board. must be brought up to state standards. These standards are nonnegotiable….your board will do whatever is necessary to satisfy North Carolina Dam Safety….in part, consideration of our friends who live downstream. However, rest assured, your board will also pay due diligence to the best interests of our members in considering dam replacement, cost, and member cost payment. I am confident that our members will continue to do what is best for all and as a result, Land Harbor will remain the “premier private recreational resort” in the High Country. Thank you for allowing me to be your board member for this past term. I will appreciate your support in this election. Our members know that, in the near future, our lake dam August 2007 POA Board of Directors candidate Dick Crews, 347 Troutbrook Loop, 733-0127 The biggest responsibility of a board member Adding or improving amenities in Land Harbor is to make Land Harbor a fun and affordable place for it’s short term and year around residents. For a modest cost Land Harbor can be more attractive and more fun. Two good examples are the new landscaping at the front entrance and the new dog park behind the tennis courts. Replacing the Dam? What special qualifications would you bring to the BOD and what do you consider is the biggest responsibility of being a Board Member? My wife Barbara and I have been Land Harbor property owners since 1991. We came to live here full time two years ago. Our family includes our teenage son Clay who in the fall will be a senior at Avery High School. I have a long history of serving on non-profit boards in my home State of Ohio and my involvement in this community since we moved here two years ago. This last January my wife and I hosted the monthly breakfast put on by the Land Harbor Four Seasons Club at the Golf House. I also serve as the Treasurer of my church in Newland. August 2007 The cost of repairing or replacing dam is the dominant monetary question facing the board. No major capital projects can be undertaken until the question of the damís cost is answered first. One thing I would like to see is more walking trails. I am frightened when driving by joggers on Richard Childress/Goose Hollow Roads. There is barely enough room for cars with big trucks roaring by. We need to address this safety hazard. Land Harbor Real Estate Land Harbor has itís own paving crew so putting in more trails would be affordable. I appeared before the POA Board in June to urge the Board not to increase the Land Harbor initiation fee of $4,500. The real estate market is slowing down nationally and in Land Harbor as well. There are a number of unsold homes in Land Harbor and an initiation fee increase could only hurt sales. An increase in the initiation fee would particularly hurt lowered priced properties. What would be my first priority as a Board member? Our lake is the signature of Land Harbor. Everything reasonable must be done to preserve this lovely asset. Three weeks ago I visited the Bear Creek development, which is across Rt.# 221 from our front entrance. I had to laugh when I read their literature listing one of the features of their high priced houses was the view overlooking Land Harbor’s lake. Page 41 POA Board of Directors candidate Steven H. Padgett, 69 Galax Loop, 733-1849 I became the owner of appraisal firm in Michigan and then Florida. Over the years I had numerous occasions to inspect properties in developments/neighborhoods similar in size and amenities as Land Harbor. For owners to have affordable Land Harbor amenities in a scenic high country setting and with a long history of responsible private self management is truly a unique combination. Land Harbor has over several years attracted seasonal and year around residents with a variety of interest and priorities. But we have one fundamental interest (apart from love and pride of community) which is interwoven and inseparable: our real estate investment. PERSONAL Date of birth is August 12, 1945. Native of Detroit, Michigan, 210 lbs, 5’8”, health is excellent. Married, no dependants. Enjoys many sports and hobbies. EDUCATION Macomb County Community College, 1971, Associates Degree Walsh College, 1976 B.B.A., General Business ORGANIZATIONS Member of the Finance Committee, Avery Habitat for Humanity. Member Land Harbor Fishing Committee Fl Real Estate Broker License Fl Certified Residential Appraiser’s License. Member of Appraisal Institute. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE February 1984 to November 2005 PADGETT AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Appraisal of Real Estate for numerous clients in Detroit Metropolitan area, Lee and Collier Counties, Florida. My wife, Mae, and I purchased our Laurel Hills home in 1996. We have lived in Land Harbor full time for the last two years, previously residing in Bonita Springs, FL. for 17 years. I retired from the Real Estate Appraisal Profession after spending 27 years appraising single family homes, condominiums, duplexes, and land. My profession as an Appraiser started in a large Savings and Loan in Michigan where I became the Chief Appraiser. Then Page 42 MY ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS PRESENTED TO THE CANDIDATES: (1) I have held responsible management positions and business ownership responsibilities in the real estate construction, real estate appraisal and analysis professions for 38 years. In that time there were numerous interactions with development, managerial, and governmental personal. As a result I have observed and measured in the market place the positive or negative effects management decisions have on the value and marketability of real estate. I have learned that to solve a problem I should collect available data/facts, study feasible plans/solutions, listen to all input, and help make a decision/ vote based on as much common sense as feasible. The most important reasonability of a board member is to help protect the present and future viability and solvency of Land Harbor by offering decisions that allow the Manager and other employees to perform their jobs well, offering decisions based on solving the concerns of the vast majority if not all Land Harbor owners, and offering owners decisions which help protect and enhance the value and marketability of the owners real estate. (2) Until all pertinent facts are compiled the financial impact of the dam on Land Harbor residents will not be known. I would promote the least costly alternative construction/repairs which would not negatively affect structural soundness and functional life of the structure. In addition, the severely silt impacted lake will have a future financial impact, and a viable solution will need to be found. For example, Land Harbor owners may decide that a reserve fund for lake dredging be established. I would promote a 100% financing of the dam construction cost to give owners greatest flexibility, but I suggest that a temporary annual dam assessment be established in addition to debt service coverage. This approach would help insure solvency should another major crisis occur in the short term and give Land Harbor owners the ability to pay down, or pay off, principle balance of a commercial loan on a timely basis. If incorporation were not a dead issue, incorporation would allow possible grant funds and greatest financing options. Of course, owners could vote to be assessed for all or part of dam cost which would allow collateral financing or eliminate dam debt completely. (3 and 4) Excellent maintenance of common and individual owners property, combined with conservation of natural setting, will continue to have positive impact. Over time, efforts like saving impacted trees, improving the health of the lake, enhancing the irrigation of the golf course and common areas, will be examples having positive impact. Land Harbor has limited acreage for additional amenities, although there might be the future possibility of increasing the length of the back nine, addition of a small driving range, construction of, or addition to, an existing building as examples of life style and property value enhancement the ownership may wish to consider. Over the mid term, positive improvements of the Land Harbor balance sheet will help in marketing and resale values. (5) The board should obtain all facts, alternatives, and estimates for the dam construction/repair. The board should analysis and suggest the best options and bring the matter to a vote of all Land Harbor property owners. August 2007 POA Board of Directors candidate John Charles Wofford, 155 Park Loop, 737-6957 My work for DuPont has given me very valuable experience. We were trying to find the balance between men, machines, and money. I have installed multi-million dollar projects for improvement, cost reductions and capacity improvements. I worked as a cost analyst preparing forecasts and monitoring expenses for a large site and worked in investment for many sites and know the ins and outs of large business. I was born in Johnson City, TN. and have spent a lot of time in Linville. My father built a cabin across from Land Harbor in 1949. My family would come up for weekends and vacations. I love this area. I worked for DuPont as an Industrial Engineer until I could take early retirement after 31 years and come back to the mountains. I have been a member of the POA since 2000. My first wife, Norma, was very sick. She passed away in 2002. In 2005, some friends of mine decided it was not right for me to be a lonely bachelor. They introduced me to Judy Violet and we were married last year. We are very happy and are living in Judy’s house on Park Loop. We are full time residents of Land Harbor. It is great up here in the wintertime as well as the summer. My intention will be to attend all board meetings year round. August 2007 I know my experience will help as we go through the trying times ahead. We have to solve the problem of the dam. It will not be easy. I remember how the area looked in the 1950ís with the empty lake. It was not a pretty site. We need to keep the lake if we are to keep the property values. I also know that a lot of Land Harbor residents are on limited budgets. We can not just go out and build a new dam and send everyone the bill. I will work with the board to achieve a proper balance. We must maintain a financially healthy Land Harbor if we are to keep our property values high. We must examine our operations and make sure we are spending money in the proper places, not just spending money. I will work with the Board of Directors to insure that the members know what is going on and why. Surprises are not good. I would like to see the Land Harbor rules enforced evenly about cleaning up neglected property to protect the property value of all the residents. I would question the current practice of increasing the initiation fee and other maintenance fees. I feel the higher fees are hurting the sales of lower value properties. I feel that we have good facilities here but not the best in the county. It makes me feel sad to see some of our residents leave to play golf at other golf courses. I feel we need to make improvements to our golf course so the residents will stay at home with us, such as making the tee boxes more level. I question the practice of reserving the golf course for a set period of time during league play. I think if the league play has started, the course should be opened up for non-league play whenever practical. I am a tree lover, not a tree hugger. I lost about 100 old white pines to the beetles in 2000. I have replanted 200 hardwoods. It is wonderful to watch the new trees grow and know they will replace the dead ones. Trees are a renewable resource. We have to plant them, grow them, and harvest them. I feel we will have to take a lot of dead trees out of Land Harbor in the near future. If we do not, the entire area will go down in value. If elected, I will represent the summer and year round residents of Land Harbor in an educated, technical, and caring manner. Page 43 THE ANNUAL LAND HARBOR GOLF BANQUET WILL BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH MARK YOUR CALENDARS TO JOIN YOUR FELLOW GOLFERS AND HAVE A GREAT MEAL. POSTERS AND UPDATES IN THE WEEKLY BRIEFS WILL GIVE YOU FULL DETAILS OF THIS EVENT. LH Knit/Crochet Group needs yarn - all colors , sport yarn, baby yarn, etc. to complete articles donated to Crossnore School, Inc., ACADA, Linus, nursing homes and hospital. We meet Mondays 10 am to 12 noon in the Rec Hall fireplace lounge. SIGN UP AT THE GOLF SHOP AUGUST 15TH. CATHERINE MELK IS THE BANQUET COMMITTEE CHAIR. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, CATHERINE’S NUMBER IS 733-8844. THIS IS ALWAYS A FUN EVENING FOR DINING AND GIVING OUT PRIZES. Jackie Winder Page 44 August 2007 Little over a month to enjoy Fishing in the lake with bait ends September 15 Fishing in the lake with bait includes fishing from either shore or from a boat or flotation device, but does not include fishing in the river. Catch sunfish, crappie, bass, catfish and carp that live in our lake. Most of these species are good to eat , while all can be fun to catch. North Carolina creel and size limits are to be followed. A Land Harbor permit and North Carolina State license is required. Fishing Committee members will monitor fishermen for permits and analyze the fish being caught. Bait includes worms, corn, bread and specially prepared catfish/carp baits. Minnows are permitted but must be obtained from the lake itself. Trot lines and jug fishing are not permitted. Those wishing to continue fishing with artificial lures may do so. Please....if you use bait, properly dispose of empty bait containers. August 2007 Page 45 Property owners are ignoring rule that leaves and trimmings must be bagged in clear plastic bags (minimum 39 gallon) If this rule is not followed by owners, the POA WILL NOT PICK-UP your leaves and cuttings effective August 1. We also want to remind you the POA will not pick-up leaves and lawn trimmings generated by contractors and, the POA does not pick- up lumber, plywood or other building materials. This is the owners responsibility. 39 gallon clear plastic bags can be purchased at Avery Hardware in Newland. The volunteers who plant and tend the flower beds on the golf course have done an outstanding job this year. Please thank them their names are on the beds. Their efforts not only save money for the golf budget but add to the beauty of the course. Greta Bremser and Flo Maghakian have coordinated the volunteers and plantings for the flower beds this year. They have done an outstanding job. Although tee times are limited this summer, there are usually some available. Especially later when the twilight fees are in effect. We now have a ranger who will be patrolling the course after hours. Please cooperate with him and arrange to pay your fees in advance with the golf shop if you will be playing after hours. _________________________________________ continued from page 1 Mid-Season Golf Report Other golf revenue reflects an increase of 19.8% in greens fees and a 30% increase in golf car rentals. In total the golf budget revenues for 2007 are running $29,630.74 ahead of 2006. In addition golf expenses for both the golf shop and golf course are running 10% below the budgeted amounts for the year. If this trend continues, the Golf Fund will require less reimbursement from the General Fund for 2007. The Golf Committee is sponsoring a raffle for a 2008 Individual Golf Membership to be drawn at the annual Golf Banquet on September 5th. Tickets are $20.00 each and may be purchased at the Golf Shop. Page 46 August 2007 August 2007 Page 47 Page 48 August 2007 August 2007 Page 49 FISHING COMMITTEE ELECTION The current bylaws of the Fishing Committee require an annual election for 10 of the 30 members. This year’s election will be for a three year term starting January 1, 2008, and ending December 31, 2010. Candidates must be POA Members, hold an annual fishing permit and be over 18 years of age and must agree to uphold the Fishing Committee Bylaws. If you would like your name to be included on the ballot, you must contact the POA Office between Monday August 20th and Friday, August 24th. The actual election will be held at the POA Office between Tuesday, September 4th through Friday September 14th. The ballots will be counted on Monday, September 17th, and posted on the POA Bulletin Boards and in the September 24th Weekly Briefs. All Annual Fishing Permit holders are eligible to vote. The following Fishing Committee members’ terms will be expiring December 31, 2007: Ed Calhoun, Don Herman, Dick Hammer, Stan Mattson, Larry Fisher, Carl Lerche, Paul Johnson and Glenn Mease. Associate Members John Gray (replacing Ken Eubank 2005-2007) and Bill Jones (replacing Fred Wiseman 2005-2007) must also run for election. Candidates with the top 10 number of votes will be the new members for the 2008-2010 term. The remaining candidates with votes will become an Associate Member for the year 2008 and will be used to replace a member(s) who resigns during the year. ____________________________________ FALL TROUT STOCKING SCHEDULE The Fishing Committee holds stockings on Saturday mornings starting at 10 am (sharp) behind the Security/ Special Police Office. The lake is stocked from there, and then the river is stocked in 4 places. Stocking is scheduled for Sept 15 and 29, and Oct 13. VanHeule Chiropractic Gentle Sacro Occipital Technique Advanced Structural & Cranial Care Nutritional & Diet Evaluation Call for an Initial Consultation at No Charge 828 733-4848 725 Cranberry Street Newland, NC 28657 drvanheule@skybest.com Page 50 Hans J. VanHeule DC Chiropractic Physician August 2007 Banner House Museum Highway 184 at Hickory Nut Gap Road, Banner Elk Open Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. June 30 through October Hands-on demonstrations of 19th century mountain life along the banks of the Elk River. Walking tours of Banner Elk’s historic district at 2 PM daily. Admission costs: Adults $6; Children under 12, $1. Adult ticket includes $1 off any museum shop purchase. Walking tour tickets are $12 for the two-hour tour and $4 for children 12 and under (not recommended for children under age 8). Call (828) 898-3634 or go to www.bannerhousemuseum.org Is your E-911 house number up? To make your enhanced 911 Emergency Telephone System Work, all residents must display their house number. If your home is less than 100 feet from the street, you must display your number at, or near your front door with numbers at least 4 inches tall. Numbers must be of contrasting colors to your home. If your home is more than 100 feet from the street, you must display your number at the road next to your driveway with numbers at least 4 inches tall. Numbers must be of a contrasting color to the background. You must not display your lot number identifications as found on your deed as this confuses rescue personnel. August 2007 Page 51 Linville Land Harbor Property Owners Assn. P.O. Box 160 Linville, NC 28646 Page 52 PRSRT STD US Postage Paid Linville, NC Permit No. 6 August 2007